goldinkpen · 2 years
If a vampire was to ask for my hand in marriage I would simply say yes, RIP to gothic literature heroines but I'm different.
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goldinkpen · 2 years
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It only takes three people saying nice things and I suddenly think I have the time to make more comics.
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goldinkpen · 2 years
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Abduction, by Maria Panfilova
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goldinkpen · 2 years
me flirting: my, what deadly claws you have…they’d be perfect for gripping my hips
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goldinkpen · 2 years
The 5 love languages of monster fucker:
Understanding someone so different from yourself
Loving the unlovable
Being turned on and afraid
Freaky inhuman sex
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goldinkpen · 2 years
"Since childhood, I’ve been faithful to monsters. I have been saved and absolved by them. Monsters, I believe, are patron saints of our blissful imperfection."
Guillermo Del Toro
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goldinkpen · 2 years
being face down ass up and stuck on a werewolf’s knot would really help ease my anxiety
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goldinkpen · 2 years
It doesn't matter if you're a slow writer or a fast writer. If you're writing 1000 words every day or 100 words in a month. If you're amazing at starting new wips, but never really finish one. Even if all the beautiful stories are just in your head for now. You're still a writer.
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goldinkpen · 2 years
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Pirate jokes
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goldinkpen · 2 years
wait okay other writers how the fuck do you guys outline things. cuz ive seen people who finish outlines in like a few hours or two days or some shit and just HOW
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goldinkpen · 2 years
Wanna be used like a fuck toy.
Bounce me on your cock or shove my face between your legs and tell me it's cute how I touch myself knowing that I won't be allowed to cum until you're done playing with your toy. Then keep me on the edge, overstimulated and whiny, until you take pity on me and absolutely ruin me
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goldinkpen · 2 years
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After a long time come we are now about 90% done with the book! If you’d like to beta read for us, please send us a DM and be ready to provide feedback!
DISCLAIMER! This is only our first book, we’re just two college kids trying this out for the first time so we may have a few hiccups here and there since we’re still learning. If you have any tips you want to share or anything else as well, asks are open 💕
If you’d like to know more, here is some more information about this project!
Likes and Reblogs would help us a lot!! We’re hoping for a successful release! Thank you for all of your support!!
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goldinkpen · 2 years
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1. One. My friend’s life came in the form of an eight legged arachnid. Wingless, but carnivorous.
2. Two. My friend is holding her life together like a butterfly trapped in a spider's web.
She is beautiful in every way like one. Her aspirations painting her wings sapphire. Her face glistening with dew drops from yesterday’s rain. Her smile a broad welcome to the new spring. It is the nectar from the single rose at the very edge of the garden. Sweet and viscous with possibilities of making things blossom. At times it is poisonous in a way that makes it addicting. Where you look for it again and again and again until it feels like the whole world is sinking so endlessly from seeking that form of happiness for so long, that you feel like you never had it to begin with.
3. Three. Her dream was a knife made out of stone. It was thrown at full force with no warning. Meant to destroy her problems in one swing, but every time it was thrown, the target was always missed. The knife of stone turned into a boulder of swords that sliced her open and cut her apart all at once. She has experienced being shredded into pieces for so long that she let's it happen. Lets me watch her as she opens her arms to the pain and holds onto it so close that she makes herself laugh.
"What do you want me to do? Let it go?"
I can't say no, because if she let's it go there would be nothing to stop the blood from pouring out her body like crimson mercury.
4. Four. As the years go by, I can't handle seeing her in pain so I pull out the sword and apply the stitches myself. The uncontrollable stress of her life forces her to scratch the stitches I so delicately applied. Pulling at the strings until they come undone and the wounds become worse. I held onto her hands to prevent more pain until my hands became pink and stiff. Her life spirals so out of control that she can no longer see where she is going. She can't see a place she can call home, she can't see a family she can rely on, she can't see the people that truly LOVE her. Even with my reminders she still does not believe me. She becomes deaf to my words as her life tells her to stand before the sunrise at dawn. She thinks that she is a candle burning at both ends and that thought is what sets her aflame when the day starts. She cries at the pain that feels so endless and  begs for it all to stop, because she never wanted to stand before the sun in the first place. She says “it hurts, I can’t handle it, I can’t breathe, please help me breathe, I don’t know how much longer I can last, please, please, please, I’m tired of this life, I’m tired of this pain” she asks me to help her stay alive a little longer she says-
5. Five. You say "I hate being alive." But "I'm scared of you DYING."
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goldinkpen · 2 years
Writer’s Paradise Masterlist
As a Writer it’s my goal to help and uplift other writers and future Authors alike so here’s a Masterlist of resources I’ve compiled for you to use for your writing!
If you know any sites or have any recommendations for me to add, my asks/submissions are open!!
I’ll update these as I further my journey & research into becoming an Author one day, please reblog this to help your fellow writers!
Organization, Advice, and Research
Hiveword - A website with multiple writing resources available such as planning, index cards, articles with advice, name and character generators, and research capabilities. The free account offers the essentials such as scenes, characters, and plotlines.
Storyteller’s Roadmap - A website that helps you plan, write, and revise a story thoroughly. It including guides to write specific descriptions along with a thesaurus, templates and worksheets, an Idea Generator and more.
Helping Writers become Authors - A website in a blog style format with multiple articles and resources including writing mistakes, novel outlining, story structures, as well as character arcs and many more.
UK resources for writers - A website with resources for learning how to write with free and paid courses, writing opportunities, and more for writers in the UK.
Creative Writers Academy - A website with free classes guiding a step by step through the publication process.
Reedsy - A blog style website that includes Articles about publication and centered around learning how to publish a book with many tools and generators for writing.
Poets and Writers - A website for Writers and poets with resources like publishing your writing, finding your community and more.
Research Links for Writers - An HTML site with multiple links and resources for writers spanning upon multiple genres, subject matters, and history.
The internet public library - A website encyclopedia for essays and academic papers.
Writing realistic Injuries - A website with a list of different types of injuries and how to write them out including, impacts, and the effects of them.
RanGen - A website for writers with writing challenges, resources, and generators for things like personalities, characters, poisons, writing prompts, etc.
Ivy Tech Library - A library database website with a lot of resources for research including folklore and by region.
How to write a story by Creativepromptsforwriting on Tumblr - A different Masterlist with many more resources about writing, staying motivated, certain plots, etc.
Self Publishing
A step-by-step Video about Self Publishing - A video by Gilliain Perkins explaining her process of how she self published her Best Seller Novel.
How to format your book yourself through word - A video by Natalia Leigh with a step-by-step process on how she formats her manuscript. Her video covers: Page Size, Margins, Line spacing, Indentation, Chapter Styles, Page Numbers, and Headers.
Strategies for Marketing your book - A video made by iWriterly she explains 34 different strategies that can be used to market a book (while marketing her book lol!) and includes a downloadable checklist of these strategies
Masterclass How to copyright a book in 7 steps - An article guiding step by step how to properly copyright a self published book.
Fiverr - A freelancing website where you can find someone to make your illustrations, covers, and even get editors as well as someone to voice or make an audiobook for you.
Up Work - A freelancing website  where you can find someone to make your illustrations, covers, and even get editors as well as someone to voice or make an audiobook for you.
Beta Books - A website for Beta Readers can read your book and return their feedback. It lets you sort and filter your feedback by reader, chapter, or keyword, to get your book done.
Docucopies - A printing service website with a short guide about self publishing, buying copyright, and ISBN references and sites, all while including printing services (10% off of orders over 350$)
The Book Patch - A book printing service which includes Print-On-Demand services or cheap printing services allowing for smaller quantities. The Book Patch does not offer expensive publishing package, and keeps book publishing costs to a minimum.
Affordable Book Printing - A website with book publishing services including printing books but also formatting e-books, Cover Design, as well as Marketing and more
Generators & AUs
Random AU Generator - A website that generates AUs randomly.
Fantasy Name/Realm Generator - A website that generates random fantasy names.
Random Name Generator - A website that generates random names based on the options chosen with the ability to choose by region and gender.
Service Scape Writing Prompt Generator - A website that generates in depth writing prompts as chosen by the genre selected.
Writing Plot Generator - A website that generates plots based upon your selections of genre, title, etc.
Art Breeder - A website that can use a series of images to generate photos or the perfect character for your story.
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goldinkpen · 2 years
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The wolf looks up to the glittering skies once more, but the Moon’s light does not greet him. She is now shrouded in a blanket of darkness, ready to start anew. It’s a sign that now we must start fresh, let go and to keep moving forward. The wolf bows his head down to the earth. The flowers will return soon.
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goldinkpen · 2 years
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In this world made of gunshots and punishment there is only so much you could live for.
I thought I could live for my mother until I wore black on her birthday. I thought I could live for my father until I had to cut the rope off his neck. I thought I could live for my sister until she made me hate the color orange.
There was not much left to this world except the voices of the trees. How they spoke.
As if I sprouted from the ground and spoke their language of silence.
The trees eventually became a silent thing to me though. As if my tragedy became an axe to their side that was too painful for them to bear.
There was nothing, then there was you.
You walked in a way that made you seem as if you were shy, but I knew you weren't. You wore clothes that hugged you too perfectly.
You leaned close enough that I could smell your perfume. I see you really like lavender.
With eyes so darkly blue they were almost purple. I hope to keep you close enough that no one notices the rarity of those eyes.
I hope a cage doesn't scare you.
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(Art by @blushinmoon )
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goldinkpen · 2 years
reblog to send your writer friends a pat on the back and to let them know you're proud of them. a tremendous writer. you got this
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