dumb-ology · 8 months
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dumb-ology · 9 months
Can you imagine being pregnant and helping like the hostess with setting up tables and moving around the chairs and Carmys like “The fuck are you doing?”
"Sabrina, I've got this if you can check with Richie and make sure he's got enough forks." You nod at the hostess, watching her disappear towards the back.
You'd escaped to the front of the restaurant to escape Carmen. You'd just stepped into your third trimester, everything swollen and prominent, the baby growing more and more each day. Which meant Carmen's protectiveness grew more and more.
He was a hoverer, watching you carefully, ready to swoop in and take the task from you with a simple "I got it, I got it." that left you huffing and rolling your eyes. You knew he meant well, you did, still it grated your nerves when he was so overbearing.
You'd nearly thrown the apple at him when he'd insisted you have a snack after you told him you were fine. Instead, you moved to the front, opting to help set up before the dinner rush.
You spotted the chair, the one that was supposed to go at six that was resting at four instead. You waddled over, pulling the chair out, doing an awkward sort of waddle to the other side of the room. The chair hugged as snug as it could to your front, smushed against your stomach, hoisting it and walking it in a shuffle step.
"The fuck are you doin'?"
Carmen's voice sounded tired, exasperated and with an edge that had you stilling, holding the chair still when you turned. His brows furrowed, hands on his hips with a glare that showed you he was annoyed.
"What?" You quipped.
Carmen huffed, striding towards you, grabbing the chair out of your grasp. "Are you 'sposed to be lifting?" He gave you a pointed look.
"Carm, the doctor said-"
"-She said not to be lifting." Carmen countered.
"Over like twenty pounds. This is fine." You argued, crossing your arms at him. "I can move a chair."
"You can, but you're not supposed to and you know that." Carmen's voice had that edge, stern and pointed, left you dizzy and knees wobbling at his tone.
"Carmen," You whined, sighing with annoyance. "I am fine. God, can you just-just... stop." You snap, harsher and meaner than you meant it to be. Your hormones were raging, jerking with a sharp change of your mood.
Carmen flinched at your words, the silence between you two thick and tense for a moment. You could feel your eyes pricking with tears, frustrated tears, Carmen's face melting at the wobble of your lip.
"Hey, ok, c'mere." Carmen cooed, pulling you into his chest. You heaved, a shuddering breath that Carmen wanted to roll his eyes at now. He knew it was coming, you'd been so emotional lately and he couldn't blame you, but he was still adjusting.
"'m sorry. I didn't mean to get you upset." Carmen muttered into your scalp, pressing a kiss to your hair.
"I don't need to be watched all the time, Carmen, it's driving me crazy." You muttered against his chest, a small whine in the back of your throat.
"I know, I know." Carmen agreed, hand gliding down your spine, rubbing at the spot on your lower back that was always aching these days. "I just don't want you gettin' hurt, baby. Hurtin' your back anymore. Does it still hurt?"
You nodded, lips pushing out air when he rubbed the knot. "Still hurts?" Carmen asked.
"Let's-Let's go in the office, ok? I'll rub it for you. Make it feel better." Carmen's voice was low, a little groveling but light. He would die if Richie or Fak or Marcus heard the way he was cooing at you, babying and sweet. They'd tease him endlessly, but how could he not be so sweet to you?
You agreed to that, letting him lay you on the couch, your tummy between his legs so you didn't squash the bump while Carmen rubbed on your back. It was an apology, even if he wasn't exactly wrong, he knew you were overwhelmed. Your body changing, hormones uncontrollable, scared for motherhood and life with a baby.
So Carmen did what he could to keep you calm, make you feel better and less uncomfortable. Even if that meant rubbing your back in his office until you were giggly and smiling at him again. Even if Fak and Richie teased him about it when he went back to work, cackling at how "whipped" he was. He'd do it for you.
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dumb-ology · 9 months
Not really a request unless you wanna expand on it but You know how babies do the scrunch when they’re picked up or the stretch from removing a swaddle what if Teddy one day doesn’t do those anymore and Carmen is like “yesterday was the last day she did the stretch and I didn’t cherish it” and he gets a little emotional over it 😭😭
I don’t think he’d realize she loses her scrunch until she lost it. like he wasn’t aware babies really did it, he just thought it was adorable that she did. then when she stopped he’d be like omfg.
just bursts in your room like “babe, something is wrong. she didn’t do the thing.”
and you’re like??? what fuckin thing??? what??? and the way he’s freaking out kinda frantic and a little dramatic is making you worry, until you realize “the thing” is her little baby scrunch.
“oh she must be used to being outside of me now.” you coo at her sweetly. “realizes she’s got some wiggle room, don’t you, sweet girl?” and the baby voice you use with teddy usually has carmen swooning but not today. he’s so pouty and sulks, just clinging to teddy and already grumbling about how she’s growing up “too fast”.
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dumb-ology · 2 years
wait wait wait wait I just realized that boba has never actually met grogu?? does he know that his besties son is literally baby yoda???? does boba REMEMBER YODA????
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dumb-ology · 2 years
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dumb-ology · 2 years
Me when Bo-Katan’s entitled attitude didn’t get to end up with the Darksaber after she ranted to Boba Fett about how he, Jango, and the clones were fake Mandalorians
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dumb-ology · 2 years
Mandalorian Armor, a simple guide
Oh dear. Several months late, but here we go. This will be a broad term overview of mando armor in canon at the moment, not an exhaustive list. Feel free to skip “materials & history” if you’d just like some more concrete guidelines and refs! 
(Remember to click on the images for a better look!)
Material & History
A Small Intro Course
Mandalorian armor is supposed to be made out of beskar, an alloy (and yes all beskar is an alloy in disney canon (at least as of May 2021), like steel for example. Yes even “pure” beskar). The secrets of how to make it is limited to the Mandalorians, and the materials used to make it are most likely limited to Mandalore or the Mandalore system. It’s been in confirmed use as an armor material for at least 900 years & can take straight blaster bolts or hold off the circulating energy blade of a lightsaber for short periods of time, possibly until the beskar heats up enough to loose its integrity, but the heat would most likely cause serious damage to the wearers body before that.
Beskar armor is most often inherited, passed from generation to generation and reforged to suit the current wearers needs. It’s seen as passing down the history, the battles and the will of those who have worn it before and making it your own. However the material is rare, possibly because the mines have run dry ages ago (old EU), or because war and/or the New Mandalorians stopping production. The Empire interfering by taking over Mandalore and trying to get their hands on as much beskar as possibly and then later “glassing” the planet while hunting its only known creators surely did not help either, in any case.
This means that not all Mandalorians had access to the material, or at least large enough amounts to make a full suit of armor. This lead to the make of “impure” beskar that can take less of a brunt & armor made of other metals such as durasteel. This is most likely what makes up the majority of Din’s kit, beyond the helmet and possibly the chest piece, when he’s introduced in S1 and he still wears pieces that might be one of these materials as of Season 2. 
Characters like Sabine Wren, Bo-Katan Kryze and Boba Fett all inherited their armor from their aliit  (clan/family) through several generations and it’s most likely already pure beskar based on its age and how it reacts to blasterfire.
The armor is most often painted and there are various designs and colors that indicate personality, achievements or allegiances, but that would have to be another post. (Would anyone like a post on Mandalorian armor fashion? Because I have thoughts)
Let’s start from the top. The helmet, aka the bucket. The buy’ce.
In the “modern” era it’s usually a helmet with a rounded top and some kind of cheek indents. It has a T (or occasionally closer to a Y) shaped visor that obscures the wearers face. It also contains a large amount of technology that allows for various visual filters, binoculars, built in comms and audio enhancers (allowing for near perfect 360° hearing in the old EU, as possibly shown by Din Djarin in the new), among other things. The earcaps seen on most modern styles of helmet allows for various specialized attachments, like rangefinders.
The styles of the helmets vary between clans and eras, but there’s a few distinct modern bases that are pretty easy to identify as Mandalorian and worn by all major Mandalorian characters. 
The Boba Fett, based on the original helmet as seen in the OT, and worn by basically every male character with various types of cheek indents, ridges and the like. Some are thinner or longer, but the base of the design is still very clearly the OG Boba Fett helmet. T visor, sharp slope indent that takes up the entire cheek, long ear caps & a brow ridge.
Visual Reference
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The Nite Owl, based on the helmet worn by Bo-Katan and the Nite Owls in TCW. It has a cat eyed Y visor and a more of a cut out cheek indent style, or simply a less severe smaller curve under the visor ridge (the area painted red on Boba Fett’s helmet). 
Visual Reference
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The Kast, is the rarest so far only seen on Rook Kast & the Maul-aligned female Mandalorians. It slopes slightly inwards below the uniquely shaped T visor and has no ear caps.
Visual References
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And finally, some mandalorian helmets with slightly more unique shapes and/or shape combinations that put them outside the general easy to identify pile.
From left to right, The Armorer, Paz Vizsla, Pre Vizsla and Fenn Rau:
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Chest, Neck, Back & Shoulders
As with everything else, there are various styles for these pieces of armor, but here are some basics.
Most commonly visibly segmented into three big parts, two on the chest and one below, with a small diamond shaped heart piece in the middle. The heart piece design can also been seen on Mandalorian clothing and architecture. In The Mandalorian these parts are generally attached together to give the armor a more solid look, but they are still distinguishable. Before the fall of the empire several female mandos favoured a more solid two part design that interlocked with their neck piece and had a thin rectangular bar instead of a classic heart piece. During the clone wars women of the faction supporting Maul (mostly clan Kast and clan Saxon) used a semi-connected two part design with six smaller pieces trailing down the stomach, three on each side. There are also various other designs with solid one part chest pieces, but most at least have a variation of the heart piece in the middle, as seen on Paz Vizsla. 
The chest piece usually does not go below the navel, for bending over reasons.
Either two pieces on the side of the neck, or a longer single piece that goes in front of the neck & sits over the collarbones. Both of these variations are usually semi connected to, or line up with where the backplate ends.
Bell type, like Din Djarin & Axe Woves wear. The Classic, aka the style worn by Boba Fett, Ursa Wren & most grunts. And finally a slightly rounded middle ground, smaller than the Bell but sits over the shoulder and is often favored by female characters like Bo-Katan, female Mauldalorians & Sabine Wren.
Usually as long as the chest piece, used to protect the back and to mount jetpacks, and other useful things, on.
Technically not a piece of armor, but sometimes armored. Comes in various sizes and styles.
Visual References
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Vambraces & Handplates
Both forearm protection and weapons. Developed to give a Mandalorian that extra edge when fighting stronger opponents. To that goal, they’re often fitted with various attachments such as flamethrowers, retractable blades, shield emitters, repulsors, grappling lines, magnets, missiles and various types of darts, including the whistling birds seen in The Mandalorian.
It’s a plate that goes on your hand. Nothing more, nothing less. Can of course be fitted with various other weapons, as long as they fit.
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The Codpiece, Buttplate & Hip Plates
Ah yes. Well.
All pieces are usually worn tucked underneath and/or attached to the waist sash/girth belt/belt.
Look, it’s a codpiece. It’s there to protect your sensitive parts. There are less bulky variations for people who can do without the extra space. Those are often segmented. Some wear more of a lower stomach plate. Others don’t bother, or only wear theirs when they might need it since I imagine it can be a bit uncomfortable to wear day to day.
It’s a plate that goes over your butt. And I mean just above, not on. Din has one, Boba has one. It’s a thing. Why? Because bruising you tailbone hurts like hell.
Hip Plates
They’re plates that go on your hips. Only confirmed sighting has been on Din, but we’ve also got some good shots of them because of this so I put them in anyway.
Visual References
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Thighs, Knees, Shins, Ankles & Feet
Varies from completely covered to almost no armor at all. On one end you’ve got Jango Fett, and on the other you’ve got Boba Fett. Ironic, in a way.
Thigh plates
Generally sit either on the front of the thigh or on the outer sides. The outward style thigh plates are more form fitting and allow for holsters to be mounted directly onto the plate, this was popular during the Clone Wars era. The front facing plates are often different sizes, possibly depending on your dominant hand/how you prefer to hold your weapon of choice.
Knee armor/pads
For knee protection, unless you’re like Boba Fett, then they’re also dart launchers. In the old EU the darts were laced with neurotoxin, but that seems to have been removed for new canon. Sit nebulously in the knee region.
Shin, Ankle and/or Boot plates
Over your shins, ankles and feet, for all your literal ass kicking needs. Comes in various types including but not limited to: boot caps, ankle plates, shin guards and of course full on greaves.
Visual References
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So there you have it! A broad overview of Mandalorian armor. This has been in my drafts for months at this point so I’m not going to go over this again so you’ll have to excuse any weird phrasing or misspelt words. And how messy the visual ref sheets got. (I’m also considering putting together something for different eras & allegiances based on design, accessories, paintjobs, etc, but that will have to be another day.)
(Also, feel free to tag me or @ me or whatever on your art! I love seeing the different ways people design their mandos!)
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dumb-ology · 2 years
A) i was a church organist
B) i made cereals w beer instead of milk
C) i can hold my breath for 40 seconds
Which one is a lie
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dumb-ology · 2 years
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dumb-ology · 2 years
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dumb-ology · 3 years
Writblr Introduction
dumbology (n.) — the natural science that studies the life of dumb organisms.
— about me.
You can call me Liss/ Lissie, and i use she/her pronouns. I’m an english major who maladaptively dreams a lot when consuming music, literature or movies, so I decided to write down my ideas and plots here before my mother disowned me for wasting so much money on journals that I never get to fill...
i’m a libra, infpt, and I could continue using other identifiers because I like taking quizzes for things like this when I should be paying attention to my uni classes. I have too many favorites, so if you like something, there is a big possibility that I like it too.
As of right now, I'm re-reading The Witcher book series with my siblings and cousins. So you know, toss a coin to the poor Witchers!
I love to play around with different writing genres, although my favorite by far is the genre of fantasy. I'm known for having a constant and frustrating penchant for worldbuilding and writing little snippets of the lives of my characters rather than finishing my wips or fanfic ideas.
— writing.
As I said previously, I'm using my tumblr to write whatever comes to my mind with whatever characters/actors/pairings/genres I happen to be obssessing over that day, so I'm sorry if what I post doesn't make sense sometimes.
— wips.
The Golden Age: Of Gods and Men (Series)
"You may have heard the many stories surrounding the origin of the world around us. Know with certainty, that the earth under our feet is called Tedril, because that is the name we knew when we were still a dream in the lands of always summer. Know that in Tedril countless worlds exist, each one as real as the previous one, and in each of these, the nature of what we consider reality is different from that of all the others:
There are worlds where trees walk and stones speak. There are worlds where only twenty souls exist, and all thinking creatures must share.
There is a world in which each human being is only a small part of a whole.
And there are others, where the stars fall to kiss the earth, but when they land, they are neither stone nor fire ... "
—Tales of Old Telandis, 29: 4 Steel.
The people beyond the sea
introduction coming soon .
Text copyright ©. All rights reserved. These stories are published subject to the condition that they shall not be reproduced or retransmitted in whole or in part, in any manner, without the written consent of the copyright holder, and any infringmenet of this is a violation of copyright law.
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dumb-ology · 3 years
This is amazing! Thank you!
Ambient sounds for writers
Find the right place to write your novel
Arctic ocean
Blizzard in village
Blizzard in pine forest
Blizzard from cave
Blizzard in road
Ocean storm
Ocean rocks with rain
River campfire
Forest in the morning
Forest at night
Forest creek
Rainforest creek
Rain on roof window
Rain on tarp tent
Rain on metal roof
Rain on window
Rain on pool
Rain on car at night
Seaside storm
Swamp at night
Winter creek
Winter wind
Winter wind in forest
Howling wind
Barn with rain
Coffee shop
Restaurant with customers
Restaurant with few customers
Garden with pond and waterfall
Fireplace in log living room
Call center
Street market
Study room from victorian house with rain
Trailer with rain
Tent with rain
Jacuzzi with rain
Server room
Fictional places
Chloe’s room (Life is Strange)
Blackwell dorm (Life is Strange)
Two Whales Diner (Life is Strange)
Star Wars apartment (Star Wars)
Star Wars penthouse (Star Wars)
Tatooine (Star Wars)
Coruscant with rain (Star Wars)
Yoda’s hut with rain ( Star Wars)
Luke’s home (Star Wars)
Death Star hangar (Star wars)
Azkaban prison (Harry Potter)
Hogwarts library with rain (Harry Potter)
Ravenclaw common room (Harry Potter)
Hufflepuff common room (Harry Potter)
Slytherin common room (Harry Potter)
Gryffindor common room (Harry Potter)
Hagrid’s hut (Harry Potter)
Hobbit-hole house (The Hobbit)
Diamond City (Fallout 4)
Washing machine
Boat engine room
Cruising boat
Train ride
Train ride in the rain
Train station
Plane trip
Private jet cabin
Airplane cabin
Airport lobby
First class jet
Fireplace in medieval tavern
Medieval town
Medieval docks
Medieval city
Pirate ship in tropical port
Ship on rough sea
Ship cabin
Ship sleeping quarter
Titanic first class dining room
Old west saloon
Spaceship bedroom
Space station
Cyberpunk tearoom
Cyberpunk street with rain
Futuristic server room
Futuristic apartment with typing
Futuristic rooftop garden 
Steampunk balcony rain
Harbor with rain
City with rain
City ruins turned swamp
Rusty sewers
Train station
Haunted mansion
Haunted road to tavern
Stormy night
Creepy forest
New York
Paris bistro
Tokyo street
Chinese hotel lobby
Asian street at nightfall
Asian night market
Cantonese restaurant
Coffee shop in Japan
Coffee shop in Paris
Coffee shop in Korea
British library
Trips, rides and walkings
Trondheim - BodĂž
Amsterdam - Brussels
Glasgow - Edinburgh
Oxford - Marylebone
Seoul - Busan
Gangneung - Yeongju
Tokyo metro
Osaka - Kyoto
Osaka - Kobe
SĂŁo Paulo
Ho Chi Minh (Saigon)
New York
Hong Kong
290K notes · View notes
dumb-ology · 3 years
An english professor quietly admires a student’s talent for writing mysteries until they realize the stories are eerily similar to actual missing persons cases with details otherwise unknown to the public.
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dumb-ology · 3 years
Of Gods and Men (Series)
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This is a fantasy one-shot. The story forms part of a group of short stories set in my fictional world of Iabis, a world I hope someday will be finished and be good enough to publish.
When he first had been brought before them, the young prince could not say that he was impressed with the ways of the people of Ker... . Or at least that was what he wanted to believe as he silently sipped from his chalice in an attempt to calm the erratic beatings of his heart, distracted as he was under the shameless scrutiny of his betrothed.
Of the Moon-borned and their Barbarians
When he first had been brought before them, the young prince could not say that he was impressed with the ways of the people of Ker. They looked intimidating, too powerful for his own comfort, with strange markings and an even stranger language. They bowed to no man or woman when they entered the halls of his house, and they knew nothing of the manners of his people nor seemed to care.
But as night came, and the stars above them shone brightly against the vast darkness of the sky, his fascination only seemed to outgrow his fears and reservations.
Instruments for which his people had no names began to sound throughout the halls. Exotic and foreign-sounding, hypnotizing in their primal origins, inciting all those who listened to jump and twirl and laugh. And so did the people – crying vibrantly into the night in a mixture of two completely different languages, two completely different cultures. And by the gods did Baekhyun joined them right away in their merriment.
Fire breathers were in action, their flames reaching the night skies as if they were dragons. Delicacies came and go from the kitchens to the tables – skewers, soups, sweet and juicy fruits, spicy meats of mouthwatering smells, vegetables that even he had not seen before – They had all been prepared for the celebration of the new found alliance between the Ker and the Huemor. The gods of the skies and their spirits had at long last blessed both their peoples, and now the Horse Lords and the Riukae sat together and shared the same bread – and yet, for as many Huemor those danced and drinked with the Ker, there were many others that did not looked pleased with this new reality.
But the Matriarchs had been firm. They had insisted at length and multiple times that the end of an era of war was to begin through an era of love, through the union of blood under the blessings and the ever-watching protection of the gods. The Matriarchs made their will known through their most faithful spiritual guides, and although reluctantly, it was becoming more and more obvious throughout Telandis that the proposal to these unions was being accepted by the people – either by fear to the gods, because of love or in order to avoid any more bloodshed, the young prince could only speculate.
And so, their old traditions and their way of life had begun to change.
The Ker respected the ways of the Huemor at first, married their sons and their daughters according to their sacred laws and under the blessings of the All-Seeing, but it was no surprise that once the relations with the Empire began to be more cordial, that they brought with them their own – insisting much to the surprise of a few incredulous, and ill-mannered Huemor, that the marriages amongst the Ker were held between equals. Their ways were to be respected, just as they respected theirs.
Baekhyun’s people called their most popular courting tradition the Reaping – A witty name that some bard in a lively tavern had attributed to the event, and that since, had become its official term. It was a simple tradition, one that required the consent of both participants in the courtship, and while at first frowned upon and misunderstood, Baekhyun knew of only a few participants that had not been
 satisfied with the aftermaths: During a night of celebration, the Huemor partner was to be locked in their chambers, awake and ready to defend themselves alongside their family as they waited for their Ker betrothed to break into their rooms in order to take them as their partner.
It was a strange thing in the beginning.
The Reaping sometimes didn’t even happened at night, taking place in broad daylight and in very public places, with men and women alike coming into the markets without any type of ceremony or warning, only to choose their selected partners and slung them over their shoulders, running away from the city while being cheered on by their clan members.
It was a strange thing, but not without reason, as Baekhyun had come to find – The deserts and the steppes that the Ker lived in were dangerous places, life was rough and so they had to adapt to it, and marriage, as many other of their traditions and rituals that were of great importance, took a deep meaning that sometimes the Huemor seemed to have forgotten. The Ker saw themselves forever bonded with another, gifted with the responsibility of another’s life, with the responsibility of another’s clan’s safety, and so strength and bravery was demanded of their own and of their partners.
A Ker that failed to reap its partner was considered weak, and a partner that didn’t put up a fight was shamed as well. It was expected of both to be able to defend themselves, to defend their families and if possible, their future children. The survival of their clan demanded it.
Now however, as the Ker held no wars against the Empire or the Nomads, the Reaping had almost become symbolic amongst the clans from these lands. More reminder than a need to prove their strength in the eyes of their brethren – and as the Huemor started to see the importance of said traditions and saw the appeal of being, as Baekhyun’s sisters fantasized, ravished by a stripling and attractive Horse Lord, the Reaping had become romanticized, desired, and many were the Huemor interested in learning more of the Ker’s culture be it in search of passion or raw curiosity – it was no secret that as ravenous in its search for new knowledge as the Empire was famed for, the Riukae were also known for their depravity and decadency, and the courtship of one from a different culture was a way of satisfying both interests.
Baekhyun however, was tying his destiny with a Ker as it was his duty.
An alliance was needed to set an example, to afford protection for his sisters, for warfare as the second-born children of his Imperial majesty was their trade and their curse. Marrying one of the so-called Horse Lords could avoid tying his sisters onto a life of living by the sword. Or at least that was what he wanted to believe as he silently sipped from his chalice in an attempt to calm the erratic beatings of his heart, distracted as he was under the shameless scrutiny of his betrothed.
The man had been watching him all night, almost like he was studying him. Golden eyes that had lingered in the curves of his body and in the free expanses of flesh that his fusatan could not cover. Long hair that had grown darker as the night had closed in covered in a golden halo of jewelry that had crowned him in the same fashion as the paintings of the Gods he used to marvel at in the temples when he was but an Eyas.
The man held himself proudly, almost like he was exposing himself for his eyes, His posture screamed of a man who knew of war and action.
Through the transparency of his clothes, Baekhyun caught a glimpse of his muscular chest. His arms were marked with strange signs of pale red and brown that seemed to extend around his exposed skin like wildfire. The man was attractive, that much was true, in a wat that he could not explain but appealing to the eyes nonetheless.
Sharing his bed with him was not going to be an unpleasant experience.
Almost as if he had been reading his mind, the rider offered him nothing but a slight quirk of his lips upwards as he stood up and walked towards him, and for a moment Baekhyun felt as if all noise fell silent. It was as if for a moment, he was again a child, hiding himself against the strong legs of his Third Mother, swallowing hard and blinking fast in an attempt to hide his embarrassment.
“If it weren’t for the dark colors of your robes and your breathtaking beauty I wouldn’t have noticed the difference between your Highness and a member of the Sun-borned” He simply said in a thick Ker accent. A shiver ran down Baekhyun’s spine at his words, but it was far from unpleasant. “But then again, beautiful things in the desert tend to be murderous
 Say Saikhan, do you bite?”
Baekhyun’s breath hitched slightly as his words, hoping that the fire surrounding them could hide the color painting his cheeks. Oh, I could bite, he thought, you need only ask. By the gods, he was such a horny bastard.
“I am honored to meet you at last, Bey Jongdae”
The man seemed amicable, smiling broadly at his poor intent of addressing him in his language, moving to the next topic of conversation gracefully.
“Other Clans have taken Huemor brides and grooms, and in doing so, they have brought the prosperity of our Gods to their lands. I offer you and your house the protection of my clan and my Golden Army. They are strong and their devotion to me will extend to your people, this I swear to you”
Baekhyun hid his surprise as best he could. He hadn’t expected for negotiations to come to this point so quickly, but he stood beside him, tall and regal. “I swear to you that your battles will be ours, as well as your struggles. We will share feasts and your people will be welcomed as if they were our own, the colors of our houses seen as one.” – Anything for his people. With joy, anything they asked of him.
Jongdae laughed, throwing his head back and allowing his hair to fly out of his face. He was beautiful, with lips forming a sly smirk as he composed himself, and a sharp jaw that hid the tiniest of scars. “Your people are so formal, so serious. Fear not, I am aware of what I was promised, I have only come here to introduce myself and make my intentions for tonight very clear
Jongdae smirked and stepped closer to him, daring to see how close the young prince would allow him into his personal space. He had been told of the Huemor’s courtships, of the gradual desire that was supposed to grow in between them, but as his eyes roamed Baekhyun’s body in fascination he found the entire thing absurd.
The prince was painfully breathtaking, adorned in silver and shimmering blue fabrics that had move through the crowd with the delicacy of one born amongst royalty. Alluring eyes painted with kohl that had lingered on his own tentatively, allowing him in, inviting him to drink down his face as if it were water and Jongdae hadn’t had a taste for it in weeks.
He was no fool, much to Minseok’s disagreement.
He was aware of his husband-to-be’s beauty since it was his face that had kept him sane during the long waits in the desert. Baekhyun’s fair features, more boy than man, barely an adult when he first saw his lilac eyes. A tease, he learned after, a reminder from Baekhyun’s father for the long nights, small snippets of caresses that only piled up and burned him when he aroused alone at night and realized that his dreams were not tangible.
But standing now, chest to chest as they were, he realized that not even the most lucid of his dreams could ever do him justice.
“Yes. I needed to tell you that I have never seen hands as delicate and slender as yours. They are beautiful, and I long to become familiar with their touch and warmth”
The Ker reached out to take a hold of his right hand, and Baekhyun couldn’t help but blush as he took a step back. Enough to give himself some breathing room as his eyes wandered to the thick and strong hands of the Bey, covered in small scars and calluses on his palms.
Better that, than the desire on the eyes of the man.
“My Gods would be displeased if I didn’t tell you how handsome I find you, how smart and capable I know you to be
 How brave, how cunning” Baekhyun gasped and felt his blush deepen as the rider’s right hand tentatively descended towards his hips, asking for permission to touch him as he desperately seeked to keep his body pressed against his.
He smelled like leather under the aromatic oils he was bathed in, and he could feel the hot, hard press of his cock against him. Baekhyun bit his lip and looked into his eyes, only to be met with the intensity of a predator considering prey. He made him feel small, overwhelmed, two things that Baekhyun was not used to as he was never the one at the receiving end of such bold compliments.
But they were to be married, and that meant that two could play this game.
“Your charms can only help you so much”, Jongdae’s breath halted when he felt Baekhyun’s hand brush over his member. He stood still, and when he opened his eyes again they were shining with an expression that the prince understood perfectly. “We aren’t even married yet, and already you are behaving like a bitch in heat. How shameful”
“Baekhyun” The rider purred. The skin his golden rings touched felt like it was tingling. For a moment Baekhyun swore he could smell humidity in the air, as if there was an incoming storm nearby. No one had said his name like that ever before, and he liked the way it had fallen from his lips.
It was different, very different, but he found that he could enjoy hearing it being said like that daily, and also in other more
 intimate circumstances.
“You have sharp eyes”, he whispered. Jongdae smiled softly a swift rise of his left eyebrow answer enough for him to continue. “We believe that the eyes tell much of a person. Yours are sharp, much like a cat’s; it means you’re cunning, smart
 I eagerly await to see how you will try and steal me.”
He was quick to push Jongdae’s hands away from his waist as soon as his words loosened his grip over him. He stepped back, away from the rider and into the crowds, a blush setting his cheeks and neck on fire. Nervously he reached up to press his hand against his chest, hiding amongst the dancing and the drinking, everything to get away from Jongdae as his mind was awhirl with the things he wanted to do to him, his cock itching inside his pants.
All-Seeing curse him, he was already a mess.
Sleep, like a mischievous lover, was escaping Baekhyun’s mind.
Any other time, he would have been sleeping heavily, exhausted after a long night of feasting and dancing, assured that all in the palace was calm and that the loyal guards of his family were watching out for their safety. But this was no ordinary night. He was to be stolen, and the excitement of the act kept him awake, his heart hammering fast against his chest.
He was dressed in one of his best attires, a long pastel blue tunic thin and soft to the touch, decorated with silver threads intertwined in the hem and sleeves, slightly transparent in the right places. An outfit designed more for the aesthetic than practicality. But tonight, practicality mattered not.
Even if he was lulled by the sound of the fountains coming from the gardens outside his window, he felt the air shifting, a tension rising through the night. He saw how the curtains surrounding his bed swayed just the slightest bit, righting themselves almost immediately.
Baekhyun’s heart pounded faster. This was it, he thought, he has bested them all. He was careful as to not move, he was prepared.
The locks to his doors jiggled and gave, but once more, only the sound of flowing water blanketed his rooms.
So far, he believed, his stealing was going remarkably well. Suppressing a grin, he pulled his blankets higher up on his shoulders, grasping the small blade hidden amongst his pillows, and waited for the door to open.
And he waited.
And waited.
And wait-
A pair of strong hands grabbed his ankles and pulled him out of the security of his blankets. As fast as he could, he reached up into the abundant pillows and grabbed his blade. The grip of Jongdae’s hands was tight, but Baekhyun knew how to fight as well, and as he was being pulled out in a stunningly fluid movement, he maneuvered himself to rose up on his two feet bringing Jongdae down in between his legs. His heart was pounding wildly in his chest, and he couldn’t help but to get momentarily lost in the golden eyes that were flashing under the moon light.
He smirked triumphantly as he pressed the tip of his blade dangerously close to the skin of Jongdae’s neck, before grabbing him by his hair and tilting his head backwards.
The Ker panted when he felt Baekhyun’s lips bite onto his neck, and he felt his member coming to life rapidly. The touches and kisses that the prince peppered in all the skin his lips were able to find were only adding to the fire that was rapidly growing between them. Tentatively he allowed his hands to rest against his rear, and Baekhyun felt as if fire was searing his skin as Jongdae’s fingers fidgeted with his tunic.
Magic hummed around them when Jongdae decided to attack his lips. A tiny bolt of electricity making them separate to catch their breath, the Ker gasping in delight as Baekhyun looked down at him with a smirk.
“I told you that your charms could only help you so much”, He whispered, before taking the chance to flee away from him. The chase was on.
Some people awoke at the commotion, jeering and hollering as they saw the Ker chasing after his husband. Some of the soldiers of Jongdae’s famed Golden Army were amongst the people, marveling at the strength and agility of the young prince, joining in the reverie and going so far as to offer lewd suggestions on what exactly their Bey should do as soon as he had his feisty little Huemor husband tamed in his rooms.
Baekhyun laughed loudly as he was being chased around the palace, dancing out of his reach, and laughing again as he felt Jongdae get close. He allowed him to reach him, coming again and again tantalizingly close to grabbing him, but every time the prince would just turn a different direction, managing to pull far enough for him to not be able to do anything to him anymore. Jongdae knew that he was playing Baekhyun’s game, and the realization was driving him mad with want.
He was going to be his. His and only his to ruin.
They soon entered the gardens and their magnificent pools, and it was here where the chase was cut short.
Baekhyun miss-stepped – purposefully or not, he didn’t know – But he was quick to take advantage of this mistake, reaching out to grab him by his wrists and submit him into the soft grass. Baekhyun tried to keep him away, swinging his blade to try and cut him until his back soon hit the cold floor. Soon he was pinned in by Jongdae’s arms and legs, pinning him on either side of his waist and taking control of his wrists, his blade thrown out of his reach.
The prince was breathing heavily while Jongdae loomed over him, his face barren of any emotion before throwing him over his shoulders to move them both to one of the chaise-lounge of the gardens left for resting under the sun.
Baekhyun was a work of art, splayed only for his eyes to see on the soft cushions and in the most seductive of poses, kicking and squirming as he tried to get away. But the prince didn’t fought back as Jongdae’s hands found his hips and moved to squeeze the skin of his butt, forcing him to rub himself against his member, still painfully trapped inside his pants. They kissed ardently, moaning when Jongdae stopped, hovering again over his body and taking in the view of his disheveled hair and pouty lips.
A whimpering, moaning and breathless mess with a beautiful erection that needed to be tended to. All his. His to touch and to take. He licked his lips when lilac eyes met his. Baekhyun’s expression was far from soft, as it was rather defiant, wanting as his cheeks flushed and perspiration covered his forehead.
“Did I say you could stop kissing me?” He whimpered, and Jongdae felt like he might have come right then and there. “Do not force me to flip you and ride you harder than you have ridden your mare in years”
His brattiness’ disappeared once Jongdae’s lips took over the tender skin of his thigs. His breath catched itself inside his throat, words dying to be replaced by whines as he felt the warmth of his hands sliding around his legs, a warm wet tongue darting quickly to lick up his shaft. He let out a choked moan, eyes shutting tight.
“Such a sharp tongue, little prince” Jongdae tsked, parting Baekhyun’s thighs again as he stood up and pressed his body against his, kissing his chest and creating a path of sloppy kisses down to his belly. Baekhyun was burning up, tangled up as they were, the heat of Jongdae’s skin providing comfort from the soft refreshing air of the night. The rider had slathered his fingers with abundant saliva, cupping one of his butt cheeks as he circled the skin that lay hidden within them.
Jongdae obliged him by sliding a finger knuckle-deep, earning a long, deep breath from the man underneath him. He massaged in, quickly adding fingers as he found the spot that took Baekhyun’s breath away. He felt and saw the thick thigs of the prince begin to tremble in the pale light of the moon, sweat pouring out of him as he moaned lowly and untamed.
Jongdae kissed him and his hair covered the both of them as his hands ripped the cotton undergarments of the prince and freed his hardness from where it had been previously trapped. His cock hung low and thick, twitching as he took one more look at the man under him, thighs spread wide and his hole prepared.
He was going to fuck him properly, like a Ker was supposed to get fucked.
Baekhyun grabbed ahold of his shoulders when he felt the head of his cock against his entrance. He pushed inside him and he couldn’t hold the sigh that escaped his lips when he felt Jongdae’s cock stretching him and moving deep inside. His legs were trembling in the most delicious of ways, one that he had been craving the entire night, but then again, he had to remember that Jongdae hadn’t started to move yet.
The rider pressed his forehead against his, and he waited in silence for Baekhyun’s breathing to calm down. He kissed his neck, his chest, gently taking his hands and licking his fingers. Baekhyun kept looking up at him, too eager for his own good, and his hands found themselves sliding up to his black hair. His expression soft as Jongdae removed the ties from his hair, running his fingers through them until his braids broke loose and his hair was set free.
“You said you wanted to ride me” Jongdae murmured, and in a swift movement, he allowed Baekhyun to be on top as a cry of pleasure from his lips was drowned by sudden surprise. “Then ride me”
Baekhyun’s hole clamped around his cock, one of his hands curling around his neck delicately. Jongdae found himself smothered, suffocating, but he enjoyed the sensation far more than words could explain at the moment. His fingers dug into Baekhyun’s hips and he closed his eyes when he felt his inner walls clamping down around his cock as the prince rode him in a rhythm that only he seemed to know. He opened them again, and they locked in the way his cock moved inside Baekhyun. The pulling out only to swiftly ease back inside. The image was such that he had to concentrate himself to not lose control so soon. He grabbed his hips roughly and kneaded into them, rolling his hips in an attempt to meet his bounces. Baekhyun started to ride him with abandon, taking his hands and placing them over his chest for support.
He rides him. Deep and hard movements that rock him as well as the chaise. Baekhyun moves roughly, lost in the feeling growing in his member, lost by the desire and the power he feels as he sees Jongdae digging into the skin of his hips. Their voices are mingling together under the stars, Jongdae’s deep gravelly moans and Baekhyun’s song-like whimpers.
“Ma’ar, Ma’ar!” Baekhyun screams, as Jongdae’s rough hand takes care of his member while his hips worked their magic. “I’m close-“
Warm liquid cascaded between Jongdae’s fingers as Baekhyun’s back arched, his grip on Jongdae increasing as he loose his breath. Jongdae’s voice is choked off as he grunts and whimpers. His cock throbbing inside him as Baekhyun burns him in the most pleasurable of ways, squeezing around him as he releases himself over Jongdae’s stomach.
Baekhyun hears a loud grunt escaping the Ker’s lips soon after, and he cries out, panting and twitching too as he feels every pulse and shudder of Jongdae’s release. His seed is thick and hot, and he savors the sensation of feeling full once again, of having him so deep inside him, a small convulsion of pleasure causing small tears of absolute satisfaction to escape from his eyes, now stained with silver-colored kohl.
Baekhyun’s thighs and stomach feel wet as he drops exhausted against the cushions. He can see how his essence spills down Jongdae’s legs, staining the chaise underneath them, and feeling pity for whoever would have to clean up after their mess, he rolls and lies down, leaving his ass exposed to the air, breathing deeply as his eyes find his husband’s.
“I can’t feel my legs
” He licks his lips “I think I want more
 After some rest”
Jongdae closes the distance between them, biting his lower lip while looking at him. His hair falls like a sheet of black silk over his neck and shoulders. “Good.”
Baekhyun scoffs happily, but the sound gets caught on his throat when he feels Jongdae propping up on his elbows, placing soft kisses on the skin of his back, fingers softly sliding through his hair. “My intentions were honest before” He begins, kissing and stroking the exposed skin before his eyes. “Every one of my soldiers and their swords is at your command. I will only think of you, live through another day only for you. This is what I am swearing to you, not to your father or anyone else, but you”
Jongdae shuts himself up and Baekhyun’s heart beats harder as he closes his eyes when Jongdae’s lips kiss the skin behind his ears, biting and licking the skin of his neck soon after. “I understand”, he whimpers, still sensitive as Jongdae’s hands find themselves wrapped around his reddish member.
“Good.” The rider smirks. “Because I plan on having you bedridden by the time I am done with you
All Right Reserved
Copyright: ‘Of Gods and Men (Series)’ including all its associated content is COPYRIGHTED. All rights reserved by the owner and creator of this work, Liss (Dumb-ology) and any authorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution, or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright. Any infringement of copyright is punishable by law.
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dumb-ology · 3 years
A pretty cool and accurate playlist I’ve found on my home page.
Thanks to SketchySpirit for making it!
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dumb-ology · 3 years
Writblr Introduction
dumbology (n.) — the natural science that studies the life of dumb organisms.
— about me.
You can call me Liss/ Lissie, and i use she/her pronouns. I’m an english major who maladaptively dreams a lot when consuming music, literature or movies, so I decided to write down my ideas and plots here before my mother disowned me for wasting so much money on journals that I never get to fill...
i’m a libra, infpt, and I could continue using other identifiers because I like taking quizzes for things like this when I should be paying attention to my uni classes. I have too many favorites, so if you like something, there is a big possibility that I like it too.
As of right now, I'm re-reading The Witcher book series with my siblings and cousins. So you know, toss a coin to the poor Witchers!
I love to play around with different writing genres, although my favorite by far is the genre of fantasy. I'm known for having a constant and frustrating penchant for worldbuilding and writing little snippets of the lives of my characters rather than finishing my wips or fanfic ideas.
— writing.
As I said previously, I'm using my tumblr to write whatever comes to my mind with whatever characters/actors/pairings/genres I happen to be obssessing over that day, so I'm sorry if what I post doesn't make sense sometimes.
— wips.
The Golden Age: Of Gods and Men (Series)
"You may have heard the many stories surrounding the origin of the world around us. Know with certainty, that the earth under our feet is called Tedril, because that is the name we knew when we were still a dream in the lands of always summer. Know that in Tedril countless worlds exist, each one as real as the previous one, and in each of these, the nature of what we consider reality is different from that of all the others:
There are worlds where trees walk and stones speak. There are worlds where only twenty souls exist, and all thinking creatures must share.
There is a world in which each human being is only a small part of a whole.
And there are others, where the stars fall to kiss the earth, but when they land, they are neither stone nor fire ... "
—Tales of Old Telandis, 29: 4 Steel.
The people beyond the sea
introduction coming soon .
Text copyright ©. All rights reserved. These stories are published subject to the condition that they shall not be reproduced or retransmitted in whole or in part, in any manner, without the written consent of the copyright holder, and any infringmenet of this is a violation of copyright law.
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dumb-ology · 3 years
Can we get some love on himbo orcs?
Orcs are intelligent and crafty but *points to the corner with an absolute green beefcake*
Himbo, dumb as absolute dirt, exclusively guzzles respect women juice, his ass cheeks clap when he walks and you crave to smack them, accidentally tore off a door opening it for you, he takes it up the ass without hesitation.
Muscles of iron, taller than your ceiling, yet soft and unintimidating. Enough man meat for all but he is loyal as a puppy
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