xbloodrunsredx · 2 years
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will clean + add stuffs while im free (along with alot of drawings here)
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xbloodrunsredx · 3 years
hi doll! i haven’t seen anything from you in a while! how are you?? hope you’re well
hey babe! i’m so sorry - i took a recent break from all writing recently to throw myself into my job and sorting my life out. i’ve done pretty well at that, so now i’m back (with more fics to come) ;)
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xbloodrunsredx · 3 years
Hi! Are you taking any commissions right now? :-)
I am! I’ve come back from an extended break, but if you want to shoot me a message we can sort something out - my prices are still flexible, so anything you’re wanting to work with we can definitely talk about <3
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xbloodrunsredx · 4 years
do you have any recommendations for writing Rick in character to how he is portrayed? i'm trying to write my first R&M story and i've read many of your Rick and Morty fics and always find that he's always true to character, at least in my mind.
Boy, I can do you one better! I wrote a brief character breakdown thing when I first started writing him, I’ll post it below.
Rick Sanchez
Defining characteristics:
- Alcoholism
-Cynical/nihilistic/dark sense of humour
- Suicidal
- Apathetic
- Selfish
- Undiagnosed ‘sociopath’
First thoughts:
Rick Sanchez was disillusioned to the world early on, by his own hand or otherwise. He has few true friends, preferring to devote himself to science or the destruction of his own body. He displays classic symptoms of multiple severe mental illnesses, ranging from depression to sociopathy. He has trouble connecting to other people, due to his own perceived self-worth as an entitled narcissist. Any attempts at making headway into a sustainable relationship (usually by Morty) is met with resistance, because Rick doesn’t know how to form healthy relationships from what we’ve seen (particularly with Unity). He does see himself to be more intelligent than other people, which is partially true; however, his emotional and social intelligence is severely lacking. Writing his character would take a lot of insight into the world as he sees it; the world which is always changing dependent on his mood, alcohol levels and company.
- Rick takes Morty on adventures, not only as a shield, but as someone he can show off to 
- Morty is Rick’s closest ‘friend’; unhealthy power imbalance
- Rick does his best thinking when he doesn’t actually try thinking; he’s impulsive and reckless, mainly because he doesn’t care for his own life (how would Morty change this?)
- Rick enjoys disillusioning people (about marriage, school, god, etc) to make up for his own lack of faith in anything
- He cares for Morty’s mental well-being - kind of - he lies about the cause of Morty’s breakdown during the Purge Festival and sacrifices things he normally wouldn’t for Morty (small allowances like Morty’s ability to choose adventures).
- Kills for Morty (Jellybean). Rick is possessive, cares for Morty. Doesn’t know how else to help.
- Needy. Needs Morty’s attention, positive or negative, and relishes in the fact that he can get it whenever he wants. Was this from the beginning or did it develop over time?
- He sees emotion and attachments as irrational and weaknesses. From his own failed relationships? Either way, he still forms attachments which causes his loathing for them to bubble inward.
- He believes that his apathy makes him superior over those with more obvious emotions because he doesn’t value emotional maturity or intelligence.
Second thoughts:
Rick struggles with balancing his pathological need for independence outside of meaningful relationships, with the need for love and affection from his grandchildren and Beth. He cares about them, but he can’t display that to their faces, only in subtle forms (lying about the purgenol). He likes to do things to win. He cares little for the lives of people, whether he’s saving them or killing them, and mainly about his usually petty end goal. He doesn’t like the thought of his family having lives outside of him, and purposefully places himself in positions of power over those he loves. He almost appears to be having a long term existential crisis, over his own place in the universe - he states that nothing in the universe matters but later goes on to claim himself a god, talk about how amazing he is, and how he can’t die, placing any importance in himself and not the universe at large. He scares himself with his own nihilistic worldview and clings to his alcohol and substance abuse problems as a way of coping with his unsureness. He later oversells his intelligence to keep people from questioning him whilst he is questioning himself.
Remember that he’s an asshole, but still human. He does bad things for bad reasons, but he still has reasons: at surface level, they actually tend to be really stupid - like in the dragon episode where he knocks Morty out with gas that ends up knocking himself out too. He’s a genius that lacks the ability to make short-term decisions because he acts on impulse or (vat of acid episode) in order to prove a point. He has little emotional development which we can look at in comparison with his soaring social intelligence in his ability to make meaningless friends in abundance. 
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xbloodrunsredx · 4 years
Wait, do you feel uncomfortable with rickmorty? Im confused
No, quite the opposite! But when it comes to others on this site who dont feel similarly, I do prefer to tiptoe around it in order to avoid potentially triggering someone or receiving threats that could potentially trigger me. A few people dont block tags and the like so I try to gently remind them to stay clear of my account if they don't like hearing about this kind of stuff - not all accounts do the same nor do they have to but that's just my preference! I love rickmorty (obviously without condoning anything of the sort in real life) - dark fiction is the name of my game after all ;) sorry for the confusion, love! <3
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xbloodrunsredx · 4 years
Could you tell me what you think of the way the creators have instilled Rick and Morty relationship thoughout the show ? I've noticed that you're pretty good at explaining things so I was wondering if you wanted to showcase the "proofs" of their relationship. Anyway I love your fanfic "fire consumes fire" and I'm reading it right now, it's great !
For sure! Have fun with Fire Consumes Fire, it's my baby <3
I'll analyse season one for now and point out the creative choices and underlying themes as my proof! Let me know if you want to see more seasons though :)
An important thing to remember is that things like grooming and sexual abuse are not just about touching someone or being touched. Things like exposing a child to/forcing a child to watch a sexual act, speaking to a child in a sexually explicit way, and undressing yourself or them (typically older than the age they'll need to be bathed for that one) all count as aspects and types of sexual abuse.
Now some people might think that's less important because Morty is fourteen and at that age where male sexuality is a little more domineering but, canonically, Rick has been in Morty's life since he was twelve at most, possibly younger.
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(Rick celebrating Morty's 13th birthday: Mindblowers)
There's a lot of time missing, and if we're assuming that Rick's attitude has remained consistent, then it means this has been a common theme since Morty was prepubescent.
The first episode is relatively tame, but it plays an important role in establishing the family hierarchy, and does a lot with the ever infamous megaseeds. There have been a lot of fanfictions about the seeds and for good reason - though not overtly sexual in nature, it establishes a certain level of control over Morty. Morty lacks bodily autonomy and the ability to tell Rick no. He does what Rick says, even if it means sacrificing his own body, and it is the first step the creators took in creating a warped dynamic between them. It sets the stage for further abuse of power by Rick, which is important to make the future episodes realistic and true to character consistently. Somewhat separately, throughout the show you'll see me note instances where you can see the show easing us into sexually explicit interactions between the two - we are desensitised to Morty's blatant sexuality before we're introduced to Rick's, which is really interesting considering who they are. The difference is that they need to put in more work to make Morty someone viewed through a sexual lens in an effort to get us used to him and how we'll see him portrayed in the future. Then they introduce Rick's sexuality, and even later how their sexualities interact with each other.
This next episode draws directly on the assumptions we make based on the first episode about sexuality, and expands even further. When incepting Morty's math teacher, we now see a focus on Rick's sexuality - he involves himself in bondage in a sex dungeon in front of Morty, and encourages Morty to participate. This time we see Morty deny him, clearly not comfortable with it despite being intrigued. Something really interesting is Summer in this episode: while some may not think it's important in relation to Rick and Morty's relationship, her trying to sleep with them establishes the first theme of incest we see in the show and sets a playing field: the creators are saying it's their show and they can make who they want to be sexual to who they want.
Something else I think is important in season one is that after heavily sexual episodes, we get a break where the following episodes are family based. That's why we're skipping anatomy park for now, to go into episode four: the episode where Rick undresses himself, forces Morty to undress, steals his clothes and makes him walk around naked. Sure, his intentions aren't outwardly nefarious - there is reasonable evidence that Rick knew Morty was a simulation for a decent while, but I'll focus on if he didn't for now - but that doesn't make it less important to the development of abuse structures. Morty is incapable of telling Rick no when Rick puts his mind to doing something: the surrender of autonomy to Rick is really important for creating an abusive cycle. What if Rick had been lying? How would Morty have known? What could he have done? Morty gives in without really knowing what he's giving into.
Meeseeks and Destroy, in my opinion, is one of the most important episodes in determining abuse. Something I like to think about, is the central figure of Morty's life. Rick, right? When Morty chooses his own adventure, it's akin to him trying to reclaim his autonomy and trying to exert his influence. He tries to become his own central figure, and in doing so he meets Mr Jellybean. Two things happen as a result: Morty associates being in control of himself with getting assaulted, and we see a demonised version of Rick in Mr Jellybean. Hear me out! Mr Jellybean is the replacement of Rick in this episode as a figure that shoves Morty around, makes him uncomfortable, makes him do things he doesn't want to do, but with a sexual twist. Mr Jellybean's temper when he doesn't get what he wants and the sudden calm when he does, is eerily reflective of blackout drunk Rick.
We get a mix of a family episode and a sexually explicit episode here so I won't go into too much detail - but the distinct separation of Rick and Morty from the rest of their family when they leave creates a dynamic where Morty can rely on Rick as the only constant. It separates him from the rest of his family and the rest of the world in a lot of ways, which heavily contributes to his mindset.
The next episode is one where the creator definitely try and push a distrust by the family in regards to Rick and Morty's relationship. Rick lets Morty buy a sex bot while they're out named Gwendolyn - Morty adapts quickly and happily to his more sexually active lifestyle until he asks Rick to come upstairs. Beth says then: "Okay, now if we hear squeaking, we intervene." Rick is attempting to fix Gwendolyn and jumps on the bed, which prompts the entire family to come to Morty's room to stop whatever it is that is happening. Like I've mentioned previously, they follow really explicit episodes with family stuff - this episode somewhat follows that by splitting it in half: half is explicit and the rest has Rick and Morty separated while we take in the new information given to us. Beth thought Rick would have sex with Gwendolyn, possibly in a threesome or something - if the character believes it, then the creators wants us to believe it too.
The next two episodes are family orientated, where we focus less on Rick and Morty and more specific members of their family, we're introduced to a flipped dynamic via Evil Morty and his Rick. Morty ponders his own worth as Rick devalues his existence and treats him like one would an object which is another aspect of abuse that gets referenced in the future. My interest for now lies in the use of Mortys and how they're viewed by Ricks. Evil Morty perpetuates that and attempts to go about it in a Rick-esque way. Which, of course, means tying naked teenagers to the outside of a building - there isn't a need for them to be naked, but Evil Morty does that in order to push the idea of it being something a Rick would cook up while also turning on himself. The idea that there are good Ricks, bad Ricks and worse Ricks makes for an interesting idea that begs the question: if the Rick next to C-137 on the scale is believed to be capable of doing that to hundreds of Mortys, then what is our Rick capable of?
The last episode is undeniably tame by comparison and is another family orientated episode to make up for the last one. It is undeniable that a lot of work has been put into making Rick and and Morty's dynamic reflect that of sexual abuse and grooming, a theme that grows more apparent with every new season.
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xbloodrunsredx · 4 years
What did you think of the kiss scene?!
Holy shit.
Just as I thought they would, the creators of Rick and Morty are going to extreme lengths to accommodate for a significant part of their fandom, and challenge people that say they can't condone or express this kind of affection in their show.
In any other show, it wouldn't have as much meaning: but R&M is infamous for the many, many allusions to a sexual relationship between Rick and Morty. From strip clubs run by Mortys for Ricks, to a very open approach to sexuality by the two specifically, and to the ever referenced "irrational attachments" scene, Rick and Morty challenges the line of familial love. This is something particularly common in other huge shows like Big Mouth, GoT, etc, and is often reflective of mental/emotional state, politics, time/where, etc.
In Rick and Morty, it is all of those things.
Mental and emotional state for the obvious mental struggles Morty has vs the emotional immaturity of Rick, politics through a citadel that has no option for sexual release than the only two people occupying it, and time/where because of the multiverse.
Moving onto my personal opinion, it was masterfully worked in. Rick is a character that is slowly becoming more open to receiving and giving affection despite feeling weak for feeling the need - the kiss was a nod to that as well as a nod to the fans who are keen on what Adult Swim is selling. For me, my interest lied more in Morty's reaction.
I love Rick, but it's an escalation (nod to my last discussion post, squee!) of an already established theme of him getting smashed out of his mind and then seeking affection from specifically Morty. But from Morty, we see acquiescence. A lot of the time we see Morty in shock, or angry at Rick for getting blackout drunk and invading his space - but him doing what Rick said, while not new, isn't something we see often in this situation.
Morty doesn't like Rick getting blackout drunk. He gets angry and belligerent and attempts to exert his sober influence over Rick in whatever way possible. But in this situation, Rick gave Morty a choice:
"Kiss me - on the lips or on the cheek but you have to kiss me" is exactly what that scene means.
Morty isn't given a choice in regards to giving Rick a kiss - but he has been made an active participant in how far he goes. How he chooses to kiss him. In setting the pace. In complying, but only to a certain degree. The new question, contrary to my last opinion post, isn't about how far the creators will go:
It's about how much more Rick can ask of Morty, and what choices Morty will make.
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xbloodrunsredx · 4 years
Hi there! I saw somewhere ages ago that you accept story requests? Maybe I’m wrong, I’m sorry if I am, hope you’re having a good day! :)
I do accept requests! As soon as I clear out my commissions I'm going to be working on them right away while I'm stuck at home - so if you have or want to put a request in, feel more than free (but it won't be as intimate/meticulous a creating process as commissions as I'll rely on my own interpretation of the prompt or whatever it is you send). That being said, if you want to send a massive summary or plot for me to follow, I'll do my best to nail it!
Hopefully this will make quarantine a bit easier to bear darlings <3
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xbloodrunsredx · 4 years
Hells yeah! (Also, Sorry I’m only speaking through anons, MadAnxietyTM)
no worries dude, I get it completely !!! hope you're excited :P
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xbloodrunsredx · 4 years
Hey, so I’m planning on becoming a patron at the $8 tier, but get Mad Anxiety when commissioning people so I was wondering if that was like- a required thing or can I just Not give the monthly commission (I want to be at the $8 tier specifically because I think you hella deserve the money,)
hey dear,
firstly thanks so so so much !! and secondly of course you dont if you dont want to - if you'd like something alternate that can happen or you can just enjoy the benefits of the rest of the tiers - up to you! Bet you're looking forward to the PP, EI sequel ;)
Thanks so much lovely!
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xbloodrunsredx · 4 years
So I’m rereading Peter Parker Evil Incarnate (bookmarked under Wade shoots petey, oh shit whaddup) and honestly every time I read it I get brought back to when I refreshed ao3 every like, 5 minutes because “ooh it might be updated :D” I love your writing style so much!!! (Also, rereading the comments just has me screeching) anyway, I love your works so much! Hope you have a great day!
You, anon, you beautiful creature, are the muse of PP,EI's sequel: make sure to read chapter 17 of Peter Parker, Evil Incarnate for more information - she's back, baby!
Stay tuned, lovelies!
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xbloodrunsredx · 4 years
If you like my works, consider supporting me through Patreon in exchange for wonderful gifts and bonuses - every little bit matters! Even if you can't become a patron, reblogging and liking, or even recommending me to friends can be extremely helpful. I'm grateful to have you all on my journey with me :)
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xbloodrunsredx · 4 years
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I can't draw but this is for @martucch and her new story! My toxic trait is drawing Miami too feminine smh
Read 'Deal' here!
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xbloodrunsredx · 4 years
(I’ll be providing some of my AO3 works as examples for story pricing).
I am Australian so you may have to convert your currency to AUD so you know how much you actually need to pay, just so there's no confusion!
BETA READING: a few of you know that I do beta read, and I will continue to do it for free! Just email me a google doc of your story/essay/poem ([email protected]) and I will edit it and offer constructive criticism!
- Mini story (UNDER 2,500 words): $8.00 to $12.00; depending on themes, the kind of content, etc.
Egoism (Spideypool); $8.00 (because themes are light, no graphic content, and minimal AU)
- Short story (2,500 to 7,000 words): $12.00 to $16.00; depending on themes, content, requested word count, etc.
The Séance (Rick and Morty); $16.00 (for darker themes, more graphic description, and more prominent AU).
- Novelettes (7,000 to 12,000 words) $15.00 to $25.00; depending on themes and how long you want it to be within the word limit.
Apophis (Spideypool); $20.00 (for prominent/complex AU, but smaller word count, mixed themes, etc).
- Short novel (12,000 to 20,000 words) $30.00 to $40.00; depending once more on the themes and where it settles in the word count.
Since You've Been Gone (MLB); $50.00 (because of plot, themes, word count, etc. (This was my first work I ever did so please don't judge me too harshly on it!))
- Novel(ish) stories (20,000 to 30,000 words) $45.00 to $60.00; keeping in mind this will likely be more expensive considering a more substantial plot and the time put into this length work.
Fire Consumes Fire (Rick and Morty); $60.00 (for time, details, mixed themes, length, etc!)
IF you want the story longer than 30,000 words, the price will be able to be further negotiated!
For Peter Parker, Evil Incarnate (Spideypool) length works (40,000+ words) I would hope for at least $60.00 or more, because the plot is more developed, there’s more time put into it, etc.
If, for example, you wanted me to write a background for a character not established in media (maybe an OC), you may need to send a drawing/picture for their physical appearance, give me an overview of their personality, and outline any must-haves (their father dying, becoming a pirate, etc, etc).
PRICING IS 100% NEGOTIABLE; if you would struggle paying for what you want, you can explain your situation and we can come up with a deal of some kind! The range is there so you can have flexibility and so I can be paid according to the effort put into it; this is a two way street. This is my first time pricing my work, so I hope it’s relatively inexpensive! I do need the money, but I don’t want to put you guys out.
I may/may not post it on my own account! Please do not pass off anything as your own; if you don’t explicitly tell me not to and it’s a fanwork, I could put it on my own account! Thanks!
I’m still working on payments but I do have a plan and decided that I should give you guys a heads up: it will be through PayPal only. Let me know if I’ve done anything wrong/if anything is too expensive; I’m a first timer, after all! Edit; you may have noticed that I updated my prices to better reflect the work and time put into them, I apologise if this causes any confusion!
If you can’t comission me atm, I would appreciate you reblogging this! I could really use the money right now🥺
Contact me through:
- my email; [email protected]
- tumblr DMs
- AO3 comments (bloodrunsred)
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xbloodrunsredx · 4 years
Guys, you have to read this! Thanks so much @martucch
Creepy and dark little story about the origin of Evil Rabbit Morty.
A gift for the talented @xbloodrunsredx
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xbloodrunsredx · 4 years
““Did you touch my things, Morty?” Morty breathed suddenly, instinctively, into a breath that stuck in his throat. He was paralyzed. A shock of fear spread over his back, making him unable to turn around. A hand went under his chin, stroking his throat in what was one step away from becoming a possessive and suffocating hold. Morty felt Rick’s breathing go to tickle his ear as he lowered himself on top of him. “I can barely touch you… and you try to touch my things?”.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19200376/chapters/53637859 (via martucch)
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@fleebjuice5​ dedicate to this precise part of the story a VERY BEAUTIFUL art and i wanna share it with you <3 I’m so happy and proud, really!!
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xbloodrunsredx · 4 years
I just want Rick and Morty to fuck :(
This may or may not have something in common with a commission I just posted!
Rick and Morty had a pretty decent relationship.
...Except for the fact that Rick had been avoiding him for months.
After Morty is forced to beg Rick to go on an adventure--something he quickly regrets when alone time becomes an imaginary concept--he and Rick predictably have one last task to complete before they can go home. It should have been simple, but when do things ever end up being like that with his grandpa involved?
Maybe it would have gone better without the sexual tension that was threatening to ruin their relationship for good.
Let me know what you think!
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