writingmonster05 · 10 hours
Forever doesn’t last long
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Didn’t my guts tell me not to rush into things?
Didn’t your eyes flicker with uncertainty for a while?
To be honest, I barely remember
Because then you gave me that expected smirk
Then I flashed two bright eyes at you
I felt alive, not that I was just existing
You let down all your walls, like you would trust me to death
We were chaotic and mesmerizing, like colliding stars
We made earth look like it was painted in laughs
Just us and our group of friends
Creating a little infinity within ourselves
With way too many inside jokes
That I don’t think I remember them all anymore
Or wait, I actually remember every line somehow
I guess I remember a little too well
The laughter, a little too loud, a little too much
That it made everyone who looked envy us
The aftermath of the laughter, woven in smiles
Don’t think we’ll ever do that again
Now I hear whispers from the skeptics
“They would have made a lovely pair
What a shame they were naïve and insane”
Bloody cuts stitched like threads on my wrist
Tear streaks on my face shine in the dim light
That’s weird because I only remember holding hands
When did you finger nails dig in so deep?
I only remember the bright eyed glances and smiles
How did that turn into tears and screams?
Tell me, where did we go so wrong?
Because you said I made ‘forever’ a reality
Well, I guess forever doesn’t last really long
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writingmonster05 · 1 month
A Promise
(Peter and Wendy)
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They will be apart
Divided by thousands of miles
Apart, in two different worlds
With different people
Different surroundings
They will be apart,
One chasing the other in the forest's shadows
In the misty waterfalls and cool seas
But finds her only in his  memories
His flight follows the old paths
That they weaved with laughter and adventures
They will be apart
One searching for the other in the moonlit skies
Searching, from the rooftops
To the pavements below
Cold fingers on windowsill
Tracing their laughter and conversations
But they know,
A promise binds them
To never forget
And  how could they?
Even if they tried
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writingmonster05 · 2 months
Dirty shoes and scraped knees
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Encaged heart told not to beat too loud
Eyes told not to see too far
Not to shine too bright
The caution in them has never
Left since quite a few years
Shaky hands, shaky breath
A mind too full of doubts
That I almost forgot
That these eyes once used to sparkle
This heart was once free to wander
Hands, once full of fallen jasmines
Breath, too shallow from laughing too much
The dirty shoes-
Now all clean and packed away
The scraped knees-
Now turned into scars
Just traces of the carefree
Dirty shoes and scraped knees
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writingmonster05 · 2 months
Hey everyone, Aanvi here! I am a poet who writes shitty poetry.
You can find my poems under the tag #poetry by aanvi
I have a sideblog too!- @writingmonster-kavya (hopeless romantic homosexual poet in love with a straight girl)
Hope you enjoy reading my work!!! Have a great day!!!
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writingmonster05 · 2 months
A flight to touch the sun (Links to all the pt.s)
Part 1- Just another unfortunate love of mine (A message from Apollo)
Part 2- Can't you bring him back? (A message from Daedalus to Apollo)
Part 3- The boy who flew (A message from the poets)
Part 4- All the things they didn't understand (A message from Icarus)
This is a poetry collection that tells the tale of the flight of Icarus. I would really appreciate if you checked it out. Hope you enjoy reading my work! Have a great day!!!
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writingmonster05 · 2 months
A flight to touch the sun (pt.4, last pt.)
All the things they didn't understand (message from Icarus)
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They sing of me as the fallen boy
They sing of me as arrogant and naïve
They sing of my tragic end
My fall from the sunlit skies
But let me tell you a secret
They left out the most beautiful part unsung
Did they sing that I wanted to touch your golden chariot?
Did they sing that I wanted nothing more than to behold your eyes?
Did they tell you that I didn’t regret your love?
Even if it was just for a minute
Even if it was just for a second
The stars of our fate formed melancholy constellation
But they still shone the brightest in the whole night
So I didn’t flinch when searing hot wax slid down my back
I didn’t look away when sunrays blinded my eyes
I didn’t scream when I fell from the skies
I knew of thanatos’ soft hands that were waiting to catch me
They watched- so puzzled- when I laughed as I fell
They pitied me, titled me as the ‘damned’
But what had they really known of my flight to touch the sun?
There was so much they didn’t understand
(And this was the last poem of the series "A flight to touch the sun"!!! I would really appreciate it if you checked out the previous parts as well. Thank you so much so reading!!! Hope you have a great day!!!)
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writingmonster05 · 2 months
A flight to touch the sun (pt.3)
The boy who flew (A message from the poets)
A tale that should have been of a determined flight
Of the greatest invention inspiring millions
Of two men, the passionate and the brilliant
Is now of the doomed and the pitied
The tale of touching the heights great
Is now of a terrible and pitied mistake
The boy who was supposed to fly
Fell in the depths of the sea god’s palace
The father who was supposed to be happy
Is now captured in fate’s malice
But maybe the boy who fell wanted nothing more than to see the sun
Maybe the boy who fell laughed when his wings melted
Maybe he wanted to grasp the golden sun chariot just once
Maybe his story is different than what is presented
Yes, he had fallen, that is sure true
But maybe he should be remembered as the boy who once flew
(The links of part 1 and part 2 of the series are in the comments. Thanks for reading!!! Hope you have a great day!!!)
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writingmonster05 · 2 months
A flight to touch the sun (pt.2)
Can’t you bring him back? (A message from Daedalus to Apollo)
(pt.1 link 👇)
I warned him not to fly too close to the seas
Because the waters would have ruined his flight
I warned him not to fly to a very great height
That too would have ruined his wax winged flight
But his fate had your sun rays penetrating through
They scorched his skin with burns but still he flew
Now my desire to fly is no more
Take my wings from me my lord
I do not want to see them ever in my life
How could something of my own making
Take away something so precious of mine?
O lord of the sunlit skies
Can’t you bring him back to me?
I heard you cry out for him when he fell in the seas
I know I wasn’t the only one who grieved
If you had loved him so much
If you had cried out in such agony
Why did you let him touch the surface of the sea?
Why didn’t you save him from such a fate?
Can’t you bring him back my lord?
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writingmonster05 · 2 months
A flight to touch the sun (pt.1)
Just another unfortunate lover of mine (message from Apollo)
They sing of me as the mighty god of the sun
They sing of how in the blue painted sky I am brightly shining
They sing of my beauty, so luring, so mesmerising
They praise me as the bringer of joy who brings them harvest
They praise me as I light up the world
But they should have also sung about the trail of despair that follows me
They should have sung about the many stories that I turned into tragedies
For my fate is already weaved in the starry nights
And so is the fate of the lovers of mine
In the stars, that the astronomers don’t really bother to see
Or they do and read them into praise of worth maybe
But for the first time I feel as if people should recognise
When I saw your bright eyes
And your determined wax-winged flight
But at that moment the threads of your fate entwined
Into the unchanging tapestry of the tragic fate of mine
I screamed as my hands couldn't grab yours
I pleaded the fates not to put you behind the underworld doors
But I knew that from death it was too late for you to hide
I may have still shone but darkness was all I felt inside
Because you had become just another
Of, as they say, my tragic, unfortunate lovers
Thank you so much for reading the poem! Hope you liked it!!! Have a good day!!! <3
here's the pt.2 link!!! 👇
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