tulipsstudyblr 2 days
April 29, 2024
Omg it has been super busy for me the past few days. I've started a new job that pays more than my old ones so I'm currently trying to get used to that as well as working on everything for finals season. Currently, I'm a bit behind on my English research, but I'm hoping I can be mroe caught up tomrorow so I am much more prepared for Wednesday.
On a brighter note, I've been drinking iced coffee and iced chai lattes lately and it is definitely one of those thigns that I can consider to be something that keeps me on this early just a little longer. I've been experimenting with brands that have the cold foam that come in a whipped-cream style can as a way to top off my drinks (so far they're amazing).
My latest joys:
Chai lattes
Iced coffees right when I wake up
Cuddling with my cat at night
Getting to work with dogs at my new job
My recent accomplishments:
Spring cleaning
Turning in assignments on time
Taking lots of notes
Work/School balance
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tulipsstudyblr 9 days
How to Make it Through to the End of the School Year
I myself am pushing through to the end of my spring semester (gotta make it to finals week 馃槄) and it's rough, for sure. I'm rounding out my junior year of college and it's quickly hitting me that after this, I'll only have one more year left of school (as of right now).
I know I listed in the bio of this blog that there would be advice/study tips and while I am no expert, I can speak from my experience and what has worked for me. DIsclaimer: everyone is different and what I may or may not list here is not a cure-all for everyone, this is just how I stay productive and efficient.
Taking breaks! - I struggle a lot with recognizing my limits and taking healthy breaks so I can work best. Recently, a friend and I have been having outside study times ("picnics") where we sit and do some work and/or color. One evening, we even made chai lattes on the lawn to have while we colored. Personally, I love simple coloring books (like Disney, but I'm currently working in a Bluey book). Also, this past weekend, I made time in between my textbook readings to rewatch a favorite movie of mine, Ella Enchanted. I haven't taken the proper time to watch TV in a while, so it was a nice change of pace.
Properly eating and hydrating - This is also something I struggle with. I understand how easy it is to get hyperfocused and forget about food in the midst of studying. I am thankful to have a girlfriend who will check in on me when she can to make sure my water bottle is filled if I have been busy throughout the day, but I have also set an alarm on my laptop to ding every 20 minutes. I'm using the Google Chrome extension "Water Reminder", which has been super helpful for me! It's not super cutesy and aesthetic like other Chrome extensions, but I like the simple ding that reminds me to drink water in case I haven't in a while. Hearing a reminder to drink water also allows me to check in with myself to see how I'm feeling in terms of hunger. I try to schedule meals times specifically for myself so that I can remember to eat. Some people are really great about intuitive eating, but I am unfortunately not one of those people. Keeping track of the time and keeping meals times at 7:30 - 8:00 am (breakfast), 11:00 am - 12:00 pm (lunch), and 5:00 pm (dinner/supper), I find it easier to keep up with eating so that I can stay healthy and nourished.
Studying - probably a more obvious "tip", but with my own addition. I like to romanticize the idea of studying. I use specifically colored pens, marker, and highlighters to make each of my notes in class and outside of class to keep myself focused. I love things that are artsy and colorful, so using lots of colors keeps my attention on the material.
Self care - I love face masks, body lotion, and moisturizers. I can't afford the super expensive skincare that you see on TIkTok and Instagram, but I have found some products that work well for me. I like the non abrasive Neutrogena face wash, Nivea body lotion (with shea butter - this also helped heal my tattoos!), and peach slices acne patches (my current lifesavers). Freeman is a brand that makes some really good face masks that have worked for my somewhat senstiive skin and they have a good variety so that you can find what you may be looking for you. They're an inexpensive brand (I think) that works pretty well. Even my sister who is into cosmetology and skincare and knows all the nitty gritty details about what ingredients are good recommended the brand to me so I definitely love to use those when I can (no more than twice a week, though; no need to wear down my face)
Get a study buddy - if you're like me and you find it easier to be productive with another body around, see if you can find someone to study with you or to at least hang around you while you work. As I saif before, a friend and I have been having little picnics outside in the nice weather to work, but I have also met up with others in a library space or a study room to keep myself prodcutive. Some days, I am really productive on my own and in my room, but other days, I really need a change of scenery. Being outside of the space where my lovely bed is and having someone else bear witness to how productive or not I am being is certainly a motivator.
I may discover new habits that can help me as I progress through the next month, but as of right now, these are the main things that are helping me.
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tulipsstudyblr 9 days
the day i get rid of my crazy fear of failure and my procrastination, it will be over for you all.
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tulipsstudyblr 10 days
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Super random but I tried a new drink today! I made my own version of the iced London Fog. I love having a nice drink to have for studying and today this was definitely it!
I didn鈥檛 make the cold foam in the original recipe, but I did have a salted caramel cold foam so I used that. It was definitely still suuuuper good. It was definitely a nice new study drink for this evening.
I was still pretty productive today as well!
I had a tutoring session today that went very well
Went to the grocery store and found a sale on Pringles (chips are one of my favorite study snacks)
Got a pitcher for my iced coffee (I like to make the night before it so it鈥檚 easier in the morning)
Did all my English homework (including getting through like 6 chapters of Dracula and if you know anything about that book鈥hew)
Got through my French homework and Honors homework in about an hour
Had time to do a full shower with shaving and hair washing + did a face mask and properly moisturized
Listening to the audiobooks of textbooks I struggle to get through has definitely been a help to me this week. 10/10 recommend. I do it when I need to do other things like chores, other written homework, but also need to read for a couple hours.
(the recipe isn鈥檛 mine, found on Pinterest @ https://pin.it/5LlIRAbaV)
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tulipsstudyblr 11 days
April 20, 2024
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Wow! Okay, I have done so much recently lol. The post spring break busy schedule had kicked in!
I applied for a new job
I got said new job
I鈥檓 now working on my final for my painting class
I visited Montpelier, Highland, and Monticello (in one day!)
I had to take my cat to the vet twice in one week for chest x-rays for asthma only to learn that everything鈥檚 fine (he just decided to wheeze randomly I guess)
I have about 4 weeks left of school (thank goodness)
I鈥檓 trying to stay motivated, but I am definitely reaching the point in the semester where even the simplest things feel 1000x harder in terms of completing them.
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tulipsstudyblr 28 days
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So far, so good! I'm trying to blog more and keep up with my studies. Spring break is still going good and I even got my first car!
I've been super slammed so I haven't been able to get ahead on my assignments the way I thought I would be able to, but I can't say it's totally been in vain. I've been able to keep up with my partner and see family I haven't seen since Christmas (or longer!).
So far, my grades this semester are still doing pretty good for the classes in which I have grades. I'm hoping that even though I can't get ahead, I can keep up the work.
Things I'm looking forward to for the next few days:
Seeing my partner + having a sleepover
Snugglign with my cat and spending long days with him
Catching up on media/films I haven't gotten to watch yet
Driving my car around
Managing/updating my social media before I go ghost again during finals season
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tulipsstudyblr 1 month
Cat Love
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I have been a cat owner since April and I've begun to understand the quintessential love behind cats. If a cat loves you, you must be gentle and patient, because otherwise a cat will not give you the time of day. They're skiddish at sudden movements and loud noises and they don't respond to negative reinforcement to solve problematic behaviors. I adopted a cat that was said to be so bad around other people, but after earning his trust, he's now the type of cat to scream beside his food bowl when he thinks it's time to eat.
The change in when I first adopted him and he was wary of my living space versus now where he is comfortable with my things and his surroundings is astronomical. I was always told that cats were awful animals to have because they're so aloof and unfriendly, but I have found the total opposite. They want food, treats, playtime, and snuggles. I even met my grandfather's kitten and he was the sweetest and most gentle kitten ever. He wants the same things as my cat. They want love in a way that they understand it.
Dogs (which I have no hatred for, I love them and have owned a dog that I loved dearly) are treated much more positively stereotypically in terms of the effort that is put into them, but when that same kind of effort is placed into a cat, it is misunderstood. I can buy a million toys for a dog and it's making him happy, but when I buy perches and wand toys for a cat, it's excessive. Dogs need to be taken out multiple times a day for walks and to relieve themselves, but my cat stays indoors 24/7, sleeps 16 hours a day, and just needs the litterbox scooped once a day minimum.
I loved the dog I used to have and I loved putting in the effort for him because he was mine and I feel the same way about my cat. He's not high maintenance in relation toa dog's standards, they are just different standards. No, a cat doesn't need to be walked otuside for exercise. but mine does need a scratchpost and a wand toy (his favorite kind of toy) and be played with so he is happy and well stimulated. I think I trust people less when they say they hate cats because it seems that jsut because a cat does not bend to the every whim of you does not mean they can't be compliant or loving. My cat knows his name and will respond when gentle. My cat sleeps in bed with me every of his own volition. He has his own bed, but actively chooses not to sleep in it in favor in the pilow next to me.
Being loved by a cat makes me feel like I have at least done something right in my life to have earned his trust.
IMAGE CREDIT (NOT MINE): https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b0/cd/61/b0cd616ad3b69b0b9940ca73a1081c42.png
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tulipsstudyblr 1 month
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Life Update
I know I've been quiet the past few days, but I'm alive! My spring break started and I've been enjoying my new car and spending time with my family. My cat has definitely been enjoying exploring and seeing new people (probably more than I ahve lol).
I'm still working on some class assignments - I have a research project I want to get ahead on and a painting assignment I want to go ahead and get done for my series of paintings I need to have done at the end of the semester.
Recently I've been dabbling in Canva a little bit. I'm not sure why I have been so drawn to it lately, but I've been in a rabbit hole haha. My most recent work has been drawing this fish and cat. I spent about 4 hours or so on the goldfish (I probably should have been doing my textbook readings, but oh well). I typically am very diligent about getting my work done but prior to the break, I was getting really burnt out; I just wanted to do something for funsies.
I'm hoping in the next day or so, I can work more on the painting I started. I set up a decent understand and mapped out some proportions, but I really just need to get more solid colors down so I can really get a feel for the work.
reblogs welcome w/ credit <3
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tulipsstudyblr 1 month
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I was messing around on Canva late last night and decided to redo my studyblr logo this morning haha.
I know Canva isn't used for professional designs or portfolios, but I still find it's fun to dabble with it here and there. I'm more of a traditional art gal, but I like making simple designs when I want to be on a computer but don't know what to do.
If you can't tell, I like coffee! XD I'm drinking a cup now with the International Delights Bridgerton Creamer (English Toffee flavor) and it's pretty good. They made the flavors and designs in promotion for Bridgerton Season 3, which I am super stoked for, but the flavors themselves are super good.
I cleaned up my station in the art studio today so when I come back from spring break, I can have a fresh start. Our new prompt is to paint an interior on stretched canvas and to hopefully let that piece be our last full piece for the semester. It's super intimidating, but our professor wants us to focus on details of individual objects in a bigger setting. I am still working on my acrylic paintings for my Honors project so I am switching between acrylic and oil medium every few days.
My last oil piece I did before I leave for the break was another pet portrait of my cat (which I might post if there's interest). I liked being able to practice cat anatomy but also I worked on a larger canvas than I have done so far these past couple months.
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tulipsstudyblr 1 month
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I've been delayed the past day or so. My laptop charger decided to randomly break on me after 3 years so I had to emergency order a new one. Thankfully, it came in so I can go back to doing my studies without needing to use a computer from the library. It's useful that they have loaner laptops, but I really prefer having my own since I have it set up just the way I like it.
I wasn't too productive yesterday. While getting over whatever sickness I've had, I've been getting migraines every now and then so Excedrin has been my best friend, for sure. I was much better today, though.
Completed tasks:
Planning in my calendar for the next week
Made a packing list for spring break
Completed Religion course readings for Friday
Completed French discussion
Thakfully, spring break is soon so I'll be able to take my time and slow down for a week or so. I've been in such a hustle and bustle state, I think I've forgotten how to relax a bit.
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tulipsstudyblr 1 month
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Today was far more productive than yesterday. I got to watch Le Corniaud (the Sucker) for my French class - it's about a man who is given a car that secretly hold illegal goods as he acts as an unwitting mule to the operation. It was super good and it was definitely one of the better French films I have seen. I've watched several, but not many have the same level of humor and fun as this film did.
I'm also having to start my final project for my Victorian Lit. class. I'm thinking I want to focus on Victorian courtship and the rituals surrouning pre marital relations...I was even able to find a copy of Etiquette of Love, Courtship, & Marriage on Google Books. It's insane to think that there were etiquette books released surrounding social standards and behaviors. Grantes, this is coming from a society that prohibited pre marital hand-holding, so I shouldn't actually be surprised XD.
I am slowly getting past the sickness. I'm going to miss one more day of class so I can have some more much-needed rest. I've been productive in my resting and still tutored virtually and did my homework, I'm just currently needing more time in bed than usual. Apparently, there's a bunch of stomach viruses going around, especially on my campus, so I'm just a part of the unlucky bunch.
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tulipsstudyblr 1 month
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I've been super sick the past week, likely with the flu. It's been more difficult to stay motivated in school but this little cutie has been helping some. This kitty is an emotional support animal, but it is nice to know that even willingly he sits beside me, especially when I'm sick. Keeping up with my Religion Honors course this semester has been difficult and very reading heavy. I'm waiting for the midterm grades to come back so I can know whether or not my study methods have worked thus far.
I hope this sickness will pass so I can be far more academically active.
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tulipsstudyblr 1 month
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Painting Supplies for the studio <3
As I am in an open studio type painting class this semester, it presents itself with its own challenges. Oil paint in itself is a challenge because of its long dry time and the patience that is required to work with it. I have worked with acrylic paint for the majority of my time in the arts, but I do have a new found appreciation for oils. The slow dry time does help with blending when I'm figuring out colors and color schemes, but can still be a challenge when you're someone like me who makes plenty of mistakes while painting haha.
I am the stereotype of a messy artist; it's something I cannot help, but have learned to embrace. Hence, there is a need for the paper towels, since unlike acrylics, oil paint won't come off with water. The towels have to be replaced often - I love to paint with lots of paint on the brush, it makes it a lot more fun to move the brush around the surface.
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tulipsstudyblr 1 month
Meet the Blogger!
Hi! I'm Tulip, a junior in college who loves everything about learning and school. I'm an art major with a minor in French.
I wanted to start this blog to share study habits, notes, aesthetics, and random thoughts surrounding the world of academia. I hope this blog can be an inspiration as I have taken inspiration from other studyblrs.
A little about me:
Name: Tulip
Age: 20
Pet(s): An emotional support cat
Zodiac: Virgo
Aesthetic Inspiratios: Academia + Cottagecore
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