#zero reverse
inkblackorchid · 1 year
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Screw it, I have to talk about it. Watching episodes 56 and 57, but especially the latter, hurts my heart every time I do it. Yusei has had some emotional moments up until this point, but I would, without the shadow of a doubt, claim that this is definitely his most emotional moment in the entire show. And the thing is, it's so unnecessary, and not in the "this is a poor writing decision"-kind of way. Quite the opposite. Allow me to elaborate under the readmore because I have a feeling this post is going to get long.
A question I had for a long while before I really started bothering to analyse the show, especially for fic writing, was when and how Yusei found out that his parents were leading developers in the Moment reactor that ended up causing Satellite's separation, killed presumably hundreds of people, and caused a lot of the misery in his own life, too. The thing is, the show never gives a definitive answer to that. Only context clues. We can infer from Yusei's reaction the first time Goodwin mentions his father and the Moment research before the signers depart for Satellite that this circumstance isn't news to him. Furthermore, we can infer from Crow's reaction to the impassioned speech Yusei gives in episode 57 that he must have known about his parents' identities for a while.
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Personally, I take this to mean that Yusei has known about his parents' involvement in the Moment research for several years at this point—in fact, I'd go as far as saying that he's known about it since his childhood, and there's a reason why I think that: To a child, the line of thinking "my dad developed this giant machine that ended up blowing up and killing a lot of people, even many of my friends' parents" makes complete sense. (Even taking into account the cover-up the city did, pretending the whole explosion was a tectonic shift—because you can't convince me even for one second that the people in Satellite who lived close enough to the reactor didn't see that the Moment explosion happened first.) And I really feel the need to stress that this explanation is something I think especially a child could have come up with. Because with all the context the show gives us about the Zero Reverse incident, it's easy to see that there were a lot more factors involved there than just "man built bad machine, bad machine exploded". In fact, this drives me up a wall so badly I need to dig into it for a second.
With all the exposition Roman/Rudger gives us in this duel, we learn several things about the late Professor Fudo. Chiefly among them, three things: He was extremely smart, he had a project with the potential to change the future on his hands, and most of all, he was extremely passionate about that project, to the point of Roman/Rudger making this comparison:
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The reason I'm mentioning that is because despite all the above-mentioned factors, Professor Fudo was 100%, completely ready to shut down his entire project when he realised it could become dangerous for the city and its people. And as someone who's worked with people engrossed in their own research projects, albeit in a completely different field, let me just say this: Giving up a project of this scale is not a decision you make lightly. Scientific research, as intriguing as it sounds and looks from the outside, can be an absolutely draining affair of trying to get funding for an idea, and fighting to keep that funding later down the line, sometimes even forcing you to pay for things with your own money for a while just to keep the project alive. At a point like the one Yusei's dad was at here, this project would have already had exorbitant amounts of money put towards it, not to speak of countless hours of labour from qualified professionals. This would have been a humongous undertaking, not to speak of the fact that it was likely to be the thing that could have defined the Professor's entire career (even though I don't think that's why he was so invested in it). So I'm going to say it again, because this drives me nuts: Deciding to not simply change the direction of a project like this, to not simply try a different approach, but to instead step away, install containment seals and shut the thing down entirely, taking the whole damned idea back to the drawing board, is. not. a decision any self-respecting researcher would have made lightly. And that's without talking about the sponsors' reactions to the Professor deciding to shut the project down.
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The Professor may not have been willing to risk the city populace's lives for this project, but the sponsors certainly were. And so was Roman/Rudger, because by that point, he'd already been tempted by the darkness to give in to his worst impulses. It's honestly tragic because with all the facts laid out like that—everything from the project going out of control due to factors Yusei's father couldn't control, to him deciding to shut down what would have been the project of a lifetime, to Iliaster using their shadowy machinations to tempt Roman/Rudger, to him replacing the Professor as head of the project at the sponsors' behest because they wanted a return on what money they invested into it, all the way up to Roman/Rudger purposefully blowing up the reactor in order to be reborn as a dark signer—I, for my part, couldn't find it in me to blame Yusei's dad for everything that happened. Sure, he's somewhere at the start of the causal chain that lead to the Zero Reverse, but saying it was his fault is vastly oversimplifying the whole dilemma, in my opinion. Unfortunately, we all know that there's one person who can't find it in himself to forgive Professor Fudo for being part of the chain of events that led to the Zero Reverse.
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And you know what makes this extra painful? Not only is Yusei blaming his dad, who was trying his damndest to prevent this catastrophe, for what happened, he goes as far as blaming himself for it, too, on behalf of being the late Professor's son. What drives me absolutely insane about this is that there's no need for him to. Even if the Professor had, somehow, been directly responsible for the Zero Reverse, that would still not make Yusei, his son, in any way culpable. None of what happened was even remotely Yusei's fault, and he couldn't have done anything to prevent it, either. He was an infant. This is what I meant by it being unnecessary above—Yusei is carrying this insane amount of guilt around, even though there's no reason for him to. Though I don't think he could be convinced of it, come hell or high water, Yusei is blameless when it comes to the Zero Reverse. What kills me is that Crow even tells him as much:
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But. BUT. There's one more thing I absolutely need to stress: While seeing Yusei shoulder all this blame for a thing he's not responsible for and that I don't consider his father responsible for, either, is painful to watch, my frustration with it does not come from the fact that I consider it sloppy writing, or a character inconsistency, or any other such thing. In fact, I think it's the opposite. Granted, this is obviously built on my headcanon that Yusei has known who his parents were since he was a child, and thus came up with his rather simplistic, causal explanation of "my father invented a thing that caused a horrible catastrophe" without looking at (or even being able to look at, considering how hush-hush the public maintenance department and M.I.D.S. apparently kept the Zero Reverse thing) all the additional factors surrounding the Zero Reverse. And that this simplistic, condemning view of his father and his past had several years to fester, at that. But assuming for a second that this guess of mine is correct, I think the writing around Yusei's guilt complex is actually spot-on. Being confronted with this as a child, he would jump to the conclusion that his father was the reason the catastrophe that changed the lives of everyone he cares about for the worse happened. He would think that as that man's son, he has a responsibility to make up for his father's devastating mistake. And he would willingly put on blinkers, never stopping to consider whether there could have been other factors that contributed to causing the catastrophe, and never stopping to consider whether the friends he's so dedicated to compensating for the losses his father caused them even actually think that he's to blame.
It's like. My frustration with this aspect of Yusei's character is endless. I want to shake him and tell him to stop being so stupid and taking the blame for this insane thing. But at the same time? That's good character writing. That makes perfect sense. And my frustration is earned because I can't help but feel that this is exactly what Yusei's complex is supposed to evoke. So yeah. I love this writing choice, and I want to throw something against the wall every time Yusei gives this speech.
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zero-reverse-au · 2 years
I made cards of my villain cinnamon roll, Will! I'll call it Forgiveness.
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My twin started a fanfic that will have Reverse Fight Falls involved, but remember, the original one is connected to the common Reverse Falls, that's an alternate timeline.
That's all, thanks for checking!
(Before you ask, yes, I am Dawn Falls and I have two Tumblers)
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yoshifawful64 · 2 years
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firecooking · 7 months
Zero Marine Bigg City Corporate Pride Shilling
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Asexual, Aromantic, Baker Original Baker Update, Bear, Bisexual Bigender, Demigender, Gay Reverse Gay, Genderqueer, Genderfluid Intersex, Leather, Lesbian Polysexual, Toothpaste Transgender, Twink
And because i made them
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slushiebrain · 5 months
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since i did traditional art last year and since i've started studying again and so have less free time, this year i'm doing pale gamkar week a little differently than my usual art (in the hopes it'll save me some time ; -- ;) i'm aiming for a little more cartoony and a whole lot sillier! i didn't have time to draw yesterday so today i'm posting both day 1 and day 2 of @pale-gamkar-week 2024 prompts: laughter and bath!
i might do full colours for these at some point but this is as good as it gets for now lol
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zelena-salata · 7 months
Requests from insta sketch dump
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These were fun
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ancientschampionau · 1 month
RealAgeAU Drabble - Information
I am bored and so decided to go write a little thing on this as I had an idea again.
First Drabble over here. original prompt by @spotaus
Prev Drabble
Next Drabble in chronological order here
This one is around the time after the gang met back up again to return to Nightmare but found the castle starting to collapse. about a week after they left.
Also, apology in advance. I slightly re-did the story of Dream and Nightmare. Just to fit it me more. The original story you can find with Jokublog as their original creator.
Warning, unbeta'ed and unedited as always lmao
Dust sighs as he glances around the empty and dark halls. The whole castle so far had been empty and deserted.
Because they had deserted him. They had betrayed him. They had-
Dust shakes the thoughts and familiar voice out of his skull. No time. They need to find somekind of clue.
Dust looks from side to side as he thinks. The four of them had searched the bottom floor together but found nothing. Horror had split up to search the forest and gardens. Cross went to search all storage rooms. Killer had went to search the basement and cellar.
Which left the normal rooms for Dust to search.
And he had found nothing. Dust groans as he slides to the ground. Where he just sits for a moment.
It didn't make sense. Because Dust had noticed stuff being gone from their rooms. Dust know one of his old hoodies disappeared but it would be the first time they had a laundry mishap. But the other rooms it felt like stuff had been missing.
But there were no signs of breakins or anything. Nothing that suggested that anyone had been here. Which probably won't be for long.
With how difficult it had been for them to even get back here... It is obvious that the magic keeping everything together and hidden is failing.
It is a matter of time before the universe is no longer hidden and then the Stars will come and mess things up even more.
Which... Nightmare most likely realised. And so he left...
Dust groans as he covers his face and thinks. Fuck. They didn't even know what was affecting boss. What had been causing him to grow weaker and younger. To cause him to lose his powers.
And they FUCKING left! Like fucking assholes and ungrateful little shits!
No wonder Nightmare decided to leave as soon as he realised this universe was a lost cause.
Dust sighs as he looks around the hall before his sight stops at one last door. The door he hadn't dared to enter.
It is stupid.
It isn't like they had been good followers before. With them just abandoning the person who had saved them from their own dying AUs as soon as he lost power.
Yet it felt disrespectful to just enter his room.
Dust shakes his skull again and gets up. He marches over to the door and pauses. He raises his hand and knocks.
No answer.
Dust waits for a moment before knocking again, a tiny bit louder.
Still no answer. Dust still waits before trying the door. He isn't sure if he wants it too open or be locked.
The door opens.
Dust stays still for a moment before pushing the door fully open. The room is dark and empty nad Dust makes sure to check all hiding places.
But still nothing.
Dust sighs before aglimmer of silver catches his eye. He tilts his skull and walks over to the bed. On it lays a shining silver band. Dust hums as he studies it and rubs some of the old dust and grim off of it. only to reveal a crescent moon.
Dust stares at it for a long time. It... it kinda looks like the crown simular to Dream's but it is so much smaller. It looks so much more fragile and dull. Dust takes a seat on the bed as he rubs the soft metal. It is clearly old. Very old. But it seems cared for.
Why... Why would he leave it?
Dust looks around the room again and stops to stare at one of the bedside tables. The drawer isn't completely shut. He pulls it over and immediantly sees that a false bottom has been removed and not bother to be put back. Dust looks at the crown and the drawer before testing it out.
The crown fits perfectly in the drawer and once shut you wouldn't even see it unless you knew it was there. He removes the crown again before turning quickly to the other bedside table. Dust dive crawls over the bed and reaches the other side.
He opens the drawer and removes all the pens and papers and notes from it. It seems to be notes on possible universes for them to raid and notes on what to pick up from where. Small 'to do' lists. The drawer is soon empty and he feels around it.
Another false bottom pops open and Dust grins as the removes it. Only for the grin to fall as all he can see is an old fairytale book. Dust puts the drawer piece to the side and takes out the book.
It is old. Older than any of Nightmare's books in his library. Older than the castle now looks. Even broken and falling apart.
Dust sits back upright and crosses his legs as he lays the book in his lap. The cover shows a large tree with a female like figure next to it. Golden letters at the top spell out DreamTale.
Dust freezes before he quickly opens the picture book and starts reading.
It is like a childrens tale. A fairytale.
A young powerful woman by the name of Nim. The keeper of emotions who spreads them across the multiverse. Who prefers her privacy. Positive and negative send out as equals and spread where there is a need.
A man. A mortal. Bold and brass. Greedy for things not his. Goes to her and demands a power he has no right to. A fight happens and Nim wins. But the cost is high.
She has been hurt. Hurt by the mortal who she had to kill. The mortal who forced her to bloody her hands. Make her guilty of a crime she never wanted to commit. With her last power she tries to create a way to continue. A way to exist. Before her, two spirts appear.
One is a golden light made of hope and dreams. positivity shines out as the spirit seems happy already. Nim smiles at them and names them Dream. As the little spirit already seems to be a dreamer and a being of hope. A name fitting for the small spirit.
A second spirit, she hadn't expected, takes form moments after the first and Nim pauses. She ends up naming this one Nightmare, only because they seem to be the oposite of Dream in ever way with their dimmer light and purple colour.
Dust stops and frowns "Wow lady. Talk about clear favouritism with your children." Dust frowns as he traces the picture of two small balls of light in the hands of the woman, Nim.
He shakes his skull and continues reading. For how old the book looks it isn't that long.
Nim felt her time nearing its end and searches the multiverse for a vessel to fit her children. Something that can withstand their magic and beings.
Many failures as he desperation hightens and hightens. Until she comes across a skeleton who just shines out with briliant positivity. She doesn't think and uses the last of her powers to recreate that form for her children.
Nim becomes one with her tree as her children begin to move their new bodies. Young and new to the world. Only been made days before. But they have one another and the tree.
Dust glares "Are you kidding me? You give them just... bodies which clearly only fit one of your sons?! What the hell lady?" Dust takes a deep breath before continuing to read. Why doesn't the multiverse know this? Most of their stories are known across it by now.
Neither Dream nor Nightmare know what to do. Both are young and only just been born. Luckily their mother is still with them to guide them. She warns them away from mortals and tells her children it is now their duty to protect her and her tree. But most important the apples that grow from it.
The golden and purple apples. The golden apples will cure any illness and body harm. While the purple apples will heal any magical illness and mental harm.
Nim tells them again and these apples can not be given away as they also hold the key to keeping the multiverse in balance concerning positivity and negativity. That Dream can only touch and pick the golden apples and Nightmare can only touch and pick the purple ones.
But that they should never eat one. Never.
Both the children look up at their mother before nodding. They promise they will do their job and duty and protect her and her apples.
Dust huffs "Wow. Child labor now lady? You are so getting the mother of the year award." he continues reading.
Time passes as Dream and Nightmare stay with the tree. The live and sleep under it and relax near it. That is until the settlers come and people make a village nearby. Nim reminds them again that mortals are not to be trusted.
Dream however wishes to meet them. See who they are and make friends. Nightmare tries to convince his twin to stay near the tree. They job is to guard it and make sure no one tries to take the apples. Dream reassures Nightmare that he can do that by himself before going down to the village.
The villagers are quick to adore Dream. It is no surprise after all. Dream radiates an aura that makes those around him happy and he is happy to help. He goes to the village daily to help around and make friends.
Nightmare however is more distrustful. He remains near the tree and makes sure no one tries to take from it. The villagers are unhappy wiht him. How dare he keep the treasures of the tree to himself. He tries to explain he can't give them the apples but the villagers are quick to leave.
Dream reinforces the rule that no one can be given an apple and the villagers seem to accept this easier.
It continues on. The village keeps expanding quickly and Nightmare shares his worry that they will eventually hurt their tree and mother. Dream nods and promises his brother he will talk with the villagers.
The villagers do not stop expanding but instead gift Dream a large cape with his symbol of the sun on it. To wrap around the tree to reinforce it is special and no one is allowed to cut it.
Nightmare and Dream happily work together to secure it around the tree.
As Dream grows more and more loved by all those around him Nightmare grows more distrusted and shunned. The villagers agree him to be a bad omen and if something bad happens it must be his fault. After all, Dream is the one who helps them and makes them happy. That must mean that Nightmare is the source of what is bad.
Nightmare tries to explain this isn't the case but no one listens. He tries to explain to Dream what the villagers say but Dream just tells him to spend more time with them and get to know them.
Words change into actions. But Nightmare stays quiet. It is no use. And he doesn't wish to make his brother sad.
Wounds and broken bones are eaisly hidden by long sleeves and excuses are easy to make up. Nightmare doens't like lying but no one beleives his truths anyway. His mother reminds him that mortals are not to be trusted but try to keep Dream happy.
It all comes down to one faithful day. Nightmare begs his brother to stay with the tree but Dream had been promised a nice cup of tea from one of his friends.
Dream promises Nightmare he will return quickly after the tea.
Dream drinks it and feels sleepy soon after.
As Dream rests the villagers band together to take what they are owned. After all. They have lived her for so long and that terrible Nightmare refused to share the apples and forbid Dream from sharing them as well.
Nightmare sees them coming and reminds them again. He isn't allowed to give them the apples. As he had reminded them for the last six years of his short life-
"Six?!" Dust stares at the word. Soul beating fast. Six. They had been six. Nightmare had been six! Those... those disgusting creatures saw a babybones. a six year old and younger before that. and decided he was a horrible creature?
Dust has to take deep breaths to calm his racing soul and thundering magic. It is no use. Contain it for now. Read. Learn. Plan. Then act.
Dust quickly finds the spot where he had left off.
As he had reminded them for the last six years of his short life. He isn't allowed to share the golden apples. He can give them a purple apple-
But as soon as he offers the villagers grow more angry. How dare he try and hurt them with those harmful apples?! The apples that no doubt will cause harm and poison them!?
Nightmare was confused and unsure what to say. None of the apples cause harm. They all have ways to help someone in their own way. They just also help the multiverse as a whole. Nightmare steels his nerves and hides his fear as he repeats what he alwyas said 'I can't pick the golden apples for you. I am not allowed. Please leave.' after which he turns and returns towards the tree.
This is when a village grabs their chance. They grab a large rock and bring it down on Nightmare's skull.
It caves nad Nightmare falls down. His head hurts and he can't seen. His soul cries out for his twin. Brother. Brother where are you? Why aren't you back. You promised. You promised me.
Nightmare watches as the villagers near the tree. His mother asking and begging him to help her. That the villagers are killing her and that Nightmare needs to do something to defend her.
Nightmare doens't know what to do. he is afraid. He will die. an apple falls near him. a golden one. and in desperation he grabs it.
The golden apple's colour changes from the beautiful gold to a sickly black. it drips and shimmers. it smells sour and feels wrong. But Nightmare is afraid. He doesn't want to die. and selfishly. Eats the apple.
Dust glares "Selfish?! Selfish?!" he seethes as he looks away from the words and back to the drawing. It looks like a pencil drawing and Dust feels slightly ill. because most of his skull is done in the drawing. the crown broken and dented next to him as the rock caused most of the tiny skull to break. his whole right side is done until just above the mouth. the broken broken edge continues right over the nose bridge and just barely misses the left socket before going all the way around.
The top of his skull had been gone.
Those... They... a six year old. a babybones.
Dust's sockets find the next line and continues on.
Once he starts to eat he can't stop. As Nightmare's own negative emotions and being had infected the pure positivity that the apples were made of. As Nightmare ate the apple all of his own negative emotions came back to him. all the pain he had felt. all the anger, sadness, loneliness and betrayal. All of it came to him and it covered him.
Selfishly, Nightmare felt safe for the first time in a while. uncaring that the very thing protecting him. Would become the undoing of everyone.
Instead of just acceptance Nightmare chose the path of destruction. Once he ate one apple he could not stop himself. He ate and ate and ate.
This is when Dream wakes up. To screams on the couch of his dear friend. He looks outside and sees the tree on fire. He rushes outside and runs towards their hill. towards his brother and mother.
Only to see the damage his brother had caused-
"Are you kidding me?!" Dust glares "It wasn't his fucking fault! Why!? How!? Why faulting him when all he did was try to finally protect himself?! To finally fight back against the abuse?! To... to... fight... the fate this stupid multiverse gave him and... and..."
To... break out of his prison... to escape...
No wonder Nightmare grabbed all of them... No wonder he freed them... and what did they do? They left him alone when he needed help.
Dust shakes and ignores the fact his own view is getting misty.
Only to see the damage his brother had caused. Dream has shocked. He had always defended his brother when the villages were rude about him. Always said that his brother was jsut shy and needed patience. only for his brother to do the very thing the villagers had said he would. That Nightmare would destroy them all.
Dream stood frozen at the edge of the field. The hill covered in the dead and blooding bodies by the cut down form of his dying mother. Dream couldn't hear any words in their mother's panicked and pained screaming.
He runs forwards and reaches for her. A hand touches his shoulder and Dream turns only to be meet with a horrifying image of a black melting creature. In his panic he strikes out and hits the being in the face.
The creature takes a few steps back before raises a hand to touch the spot where he had been hit. Dream looks up afraid before his soul gives a panicked pulse. Finally seeing just who it was and who he accidentally hit in his panic.
Dust huffs "Oh yeah. excuse all of his actions because he is afraid yet punish Nightmare for it. Real good story telling there narator."
Nightmare, now corrupted, pauses before turning back to the tree that had been cut down, their dying mother. And pulls off another apple before he eats it as he stares at his brother 'Well look at that. The betrayer finally showed up. Had enough of leaving your brother to deal with everything alone? With the pain on his own? Wanted to hurt him yourself I see.'
Dream shakes as he holds out a hand 'Nightmare. Nightmare please. stop this. this isn't you.'
Nightmare tilts his skull at his brother. negativity dripping of his form. No longer hurting from physical wounds. all that burns through him is rage. Dream had left him. Dream had never been there for him. Ngihtmare smirks. 'You finally decided to see what your brother is doing? What is wrong? Wanted to make sure your dear friends had time to hurt him first? As always? Because he deserved it?'
Dream shakes 'I don't understand... why...' something hits his foot. Dream looks down and sees another apple. another golden apple. He reaches for it and picks it up. Unlike with Nightmare it doesn't get corrupted. Dream's being is perfect for the positivity and the healing it provides.
Nightmare eyes the apple before looking at Dream 'Give me that.'
Dream shakes his skull and hugs the apply close. Only for his soul to absorb the positivity. Nightmare glares but ends up laughing loudly. Dream takes a few steps back but Nightmare just smirks 'Fitting. Even when your own brother is dying you will defend those stupid villagers first.'
Dream shakes as the apple is now part of him and part of his soul 'Dying? Nighty... please i don't understand.'
Nightmare doesn't react as he turns towards the village, where more ligths are on 'That is because you never listened.' and Nightmare left towards the village. To hurt those.
Dream tried to follow but the negativity around him made him weak. The negativity his brother caused and powered made him lose his powers. With shock he realised that he was turning to stone. Dream tried to reach for his brother. To call for him.
But nobody came.
It isn't until many many years later that Dream breaks free of his stone prison. One of his old villagers friends helps him out fo the stone and tells him all abuot how Nightmare had destroyed everything in a fit of jealous rage.
Dream shakes and says it must be something else. that Ngihty would never. He begs that it must have been the apple. That eating the apple corrupted him. That the corruption must have destroyed him and taken over and done all those terrible things.
His friend asks him what he plans to do now.
Dream thinks before deciding that he will find a way to fix the corruption. the cure Nightmare and fix all the wrongdoings he has done.
The years that follow Dream grows into a formiddable warrior of light and hope. Someone who holds the care for everyone in his soul and meant to battle the darkness. Dream promises himself that he will save his brother from the corruption and makes sure everyone has their chance for a happy future.
The end
Dust stares at it. What about the balance? What about the fact that Nim clearly set one up for success and the other for failure.
What about the fact that Nightmare had been six and had been abused for years on end until that tiny six your old broke under the pressure.
That that same corruption everyone feared was the one thing keeping him safe and giving him power?
Dust stares at the pages for a long time. Things starting to shift around in his mind as a clearer picture starts to form.
"Dusty? Are you here? Found anything?"
Dust traces the crown and feels a small dent and finds the fixed cracks.
All this time he had been working on the balance and trying to right his own wrongs. That had never been wrongs, at least not in Dust's opinion. The wrongs a desperate child made o finally feel safe.
And the very multiverse and fate decided to punish him for it.
Dust's grip tightens on the crown. And they had abandoned him. As soon as his powers started to leave. No doubt the magic of the apples reaching their limits. As soon as Nightmare started to return to his original form. They abandoned him.
Nightmare is somewhere in the multiverse. As the original version of himself. the version he was before he ate the apples. six years old and probably hurt.
Woudl he even have his memories?
Dust looks up from the book and sees three familiar faces in the doorway. Cross frowns as he takes a few steps closer "You are... crying."
Dust doens't bother to fix it as he feels the book "Nightmare... Nightmare was never an adult."
Shock as Killer is suddenly by his side "Waht the fuck do you mean?"
Dust just hands both the book and crown over as he speaks "He was suposed to be six." he nods at the book "See that name? Notice any specific pattern?"
Killer stares "Dreamtale-" he stops and stares at them as he points from person to person "Dusttale, Dust. Horrortale, Horror. X-tale, Cross." Killer stops and stares down "Dreamtale..."
Dust nods "I don't think... I don't think Nightmare was ever originally meant to leave his story."
Killer opens the book and starts reading. Dust sees Horror and Cross join him as well. That is okay. Dust needs a moment.
They are going to have to find him before Nightmare finishes referting back to his real age. Dust does not want to know if those wounds that he had had would remain.
First. Prev. Next.
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gotitagluglu · 8 months
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(I'm working on a series of alternate universes, this is the first of many parts 🫶🏼)
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ok izzy being eds father figure is ridiculous so i’m not even touching that, but you know who he is more of a father figure to? the crew. you know who else viewed the crew as more of his children/family and treated them like his children? stede.
they’re the dads of the ship
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shitpostingkats · 2 months
Feel free to ignore this, but I have to ask since I've been rewatching yugioh 5ds and you're one of the very few blogs I've searched that mentioned Satellite Bros age order. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this and if you know other blogs that talk about it.
*takes deep breath* ok SO
Word of god canon is that the age order is Jack (19), Yusei (18), and Crow (17), at the start of the series.
But while you can make an argument that Yusei would have records, people who knew when he was born, or at least a birth certificate, Jack and Crow are orphans. If Jack is indeed 19, then he would have been roughly a year old when Zero Reverse happened, likely killing his parents, at the very least destroying a massive amount of city infrastructure. You tell me Jack knows his birthday and I press (X) to doubt.
Crow is apparently canonically younger than Yusei, but. His parents also died in Zero Reverse.
This. This straight up does not work.
Also Yusei is shown to be a baby when Zero Reverse occurred and if Crow's parents did indeed die in Zero Reverse when he was under a year old he there is NO WAY he would live much longer than that. That's just. How babies work.
I will die on this hill. I watched the show thinking Crow was the middle brother and then learned their apparent canon ages after because he has to be older than Yusei for any of his backstory to make sense. Konami can fight me on this.
NARRATIVELY they are the middle and youngest child. Jack has Past motifs, Crow is Present, and Yusei is Future. Jack and Yusei's whole dynamic is the most oldest sibling vs youngest sibling drama possible.
As for Jack, I always like to think it was his birthday like, a week before Yusei leaves Satellite, because being a Newly Minted Twenty Year Old explains everything about his personality.
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greybackpack · 8 months
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Vanasha, who is stronger than the lashes scarring her back. Vanasha, who aided Meridian in the shadows as the shadow of a young Sun.
Drawn by: @cissismeia on instagram :)
10/10 recommend!
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cadetral · 1 month
thinking about how zero and fifteen have the same color palette and i feel normal
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Cade Skywalker // The Family Jewels
(Credits to FalconFan on DeviantArt for the drawing of Ben and Mara in the first picture)
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zappedbyzabka · 6 months
Yeah but where is Daniel speaking italian and Johnny getting suspiciously flustered about it
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neocrows · 5 months
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forgot to post this here but did this over on twitter
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searsage · 4 months
What would your thoughts be on a role reverse AU, where humans are the ascendant species and Robin’s the one stuck in the containment cube? I feel like you’d have some thoughts :3c
(sorry my dumbass clicked unfollow instead of ask)
I think I've seen some neat reverse au ideas floating around and i think there is a actually a fic or two about it being the other way around one ao3!
Id definitly check em out!
As for me i have considered it before tho id still have Al-an an architect and Robin a human lol hear me out.
Like the precursors were successful in curing khaara but not before the bacteria managed to make it to sol's solar system, that being the case it was discovered by Alterra and brought back to earth in hopes of weaponized.
This of course was a complete mistake, as they could not control it and the bacteria predictably goes apeshit, infecting everything on earth.
Over the years many attempts to combat the bacterium fails and pretty much all is doomed when the last attempt at a vaccine fails.
Amidst this Sam a scientist once attempted to make a cure but her efforts were in vain, then turned her sights to another frontier, instead turning her talents to creating a way for man to outlive the virus by attempting to flee into stasis, new and a unstable technology but inarguably their last hope.
Yet due to the unauthorized use of materials and lack of time and general lack of support from her peers past her sibling, her creation mostly successful efforts goe unappreaciated and noticed by the wrong person.
Sam contracts khaara, infected by a jealous scientist who planned on stealing credit for her work. Buuuut before dying she managed to trick Robin into a stasis machine hidden in the lab.
Freezing her mind and body in a unstable but lucid like sleep within a cryopod
After it is implied Sam's work was stolen and the fualty prototype rebranded but as a cheap faulty series as they never fully understood Sams backwards blueprints and never discovered the self sufficient staisis machine.
This of course leads to humanity's extinction, the stasis machine failing.
Loooong time later precursors are asigned to Sol to clean up the pieces left behind by the bacteria, when Al-an comes to earth he finds a barren and alien planet, stuggling to recover, khaara has died out mostly but decontamination efforts were still required which is what lands a curious Al-an to explore the ruins of the long extinct species.
Noticing a odd energy pulse he diverges from his intended duties and tracks the tether until he ends up discovering the faulty stasis cryopad in a long destroyed laboratory.
And Robin still dreaming in the pod, but like her bodies heavily damaged from khaara and time breaching the tank.
Of course his reckless curiosity leads him to accidentally disrupting the power/breaking the tank by accident, and realizes the human's body starts rapidly deteriorating.
Without though shrimp boy ends up using alien technology to yank her mind into the his vessel with him.
Unaware that the disgruntled researcher was very much awake and very displeased, as for her one moment she was watching her dying sister scramble to hide blueprints, alterra agents tearing apart her lab, then a alien abducting her!.
In general i like to think Robin would be the one with the pessimistic outlook and internalized trauma, Al-an would likely be vary unprepared to deal with the boarderline suicidal and cynical head voice..
I like to think it would be a nice hurt comfort fic, with alot of inner healing and not only coming to terms with how ugly the world could be event at the end of it! But also learning to retrust people after the betrayal that murdered her sister!
I also want to note while the option to give Robin a body is plausible Al-An outright refuses until long later to offer her one as she has shown signs that she may be a danger to he's self.
Lots of slow steps and self indulgent fluff and validation because i live on that shit…but yeah that was it lol xD
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