#youth organization
queeryouthassemble · 10 months
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[ID: Pink square post with gray-outlined shells in the background. In the foreground is a wavy-edged light pink rectangle, located at the top of the page. In the rectangle is all-caps pink text, outlined in black, reading "join us in Arkansas." Below that, smaller text in the same style reads "for a queer youth beach day." In the bottom right corner are two illustrated people, drawn from the waist up, laying arm in arm on a beach towel. One person is Brown, with light green hair, and the other is white, with red hair and top surgery scars. End ID.]
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[ID: Pink square post with gray-outlined shells in the background. In the foreground is a wavy-edged light pink rectangle, located in the center of the page. In the rectangle is all-caps pink text, outlined in black, reading "July 25, 2023 from 2:30-5:30 Sandy Beach Heber Springs, AR" Below that, small black text reads "Bring your beach toys, games, and swimsuit (if you'd like!) to join us for some fun under the sun! QYA is bringing the community for some ice cream, swimming, and more! Don't forget sunscreen! Please email us to RSVP or ask us any questions! [email protected]" In the bottom right is an illustrated person with light brown skin and green and pink hair, wearing a striped bathing suit top and holding an ice cream cone. End ID.]
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On October 4th 1883 the Boys’ Brigade was founded n the North Woodside Mission Hall Glasgow by Sir William Alexander Smith.
The First Glasgow Boys’ Brigade was the first of all the voluntary uniformed youth organisations, represented in 60 countries worldwide. For the first year of the Company’s formation it was the only one however shortly thereafter this new organisation for boys began to spread and by 1886 the movement numbered 2,000 mostly in Scotland although centered around Glasgow, companies had been formed from Ayr in the southwest to Inverness in the north. From then on the movement filtered southward to England soon reaching as far south as London.
In 1887 the BB had spread to all points in the British Isles crossing the English Channel to the Channel Isles where the 1st Jersey was formed and then across the Irish Sea where the 1st Belfast was formed in 1888 and the 1st Dublin in 1890. The First overseas company was formed in St. Louis, Missouri USA in 1887.
The Boys’ Brigade movement continued to advance overseas where missionary companies soon developed usually in isolated stations and outposts, the most notable growth being in Nigeria, Africa. The organisation also spread across the Atlantic, to Canada and the USA encouraged no doubt by the founders promotional visits there first in 1895 and then again in 1907.
The Boys Brigade still thrives and is active in over 70 countries worldwide. 
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Thomas Barrow is such a funny character, it’s like, man wants job security, proceeds to go about attempting to secure his job and land promotions in ways that will ensure his prompt termination. Somehow against all odds he continues to be rehired/accidentally promoted to everyone’s disbelief, including his own. Some suspect divine intervention is involved.
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bfpnola · 6 months
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Did you know that Giving Tuesday is a holiday where you can give back to your favorite organizations to help fulfill their missions of bettering this world? This year, we’d like you to consider Better Future Program (BFP) for your donations! Founded in 2016 @reaux07, BFP is a 501(c)(3) youth-run nonprofit headquartered in Bulbancha, also known as New Orleans, Louisiana. Our mission is to globally expand peer-led political education, support, and imagination for marginalized youth!
You still have 12 hours TODAY to donate to Better Future Program! Tap the link in our bio or attached below for more [emoji] 🔗
And if you can’t donate? Share this post as well as our volunteer application, attached below:
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bogkeep · 1 year
there's a post going around with a reminder that marriage is a legal contract and that's why it's important - and i agree. i think it's really helpful to think of marriage as a legal contract rather than The Highest Declaration Of Love. what irks me is an addition to the post expressing worry about people getting into polyamorous and queerplatonic relationships instead of getting married and gaining the legal security of it. it's like... many people in QPRs or polyamorous relationships are married! for that exact reason! i don't think it's a good solution to narrow down what relationships people should center their lives around, and that it would be a lot better to expand who can get married, so that more people COULD get the kind of legal security that fit them best. like that's the whole point of legalizing same sex marriage!! anyway those are my two cents
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chronicallycouchbound · 10 months
Unhoused Solidarity In Action
This is a non-exhaustive list of resources you might have access to, or know of, that can be used to aid unhoused community members directly. Many of these focus on direct mutual aid as individuals but can be helpful to consider when in community organizing settings. - What do you (or someone you know) have access to, that you can provide to the community? - Can they be accessed, used, or provided: regularly, occasionally, only in emergencies, weekly, daily, sporadically, consistently, etc.? - Consider seasonal needs (winter coats don’t help us when it’s 90 degrees out!) - Remember to practice active, informed consent with individuals and ask if these would be helpful! Don’t take it personally if your offer isn’t helpful to someone, it might help someone else. - These should be realistic and not compromise your safety or well-being. Remember to prioritize safety over comfort.
- Consider your relationship with this person (generally, don’t offer complete strangers into your home)
- Location matters a lot. Unhoused people often need to be near “hubs”/cities, close to resources and systems of care.
- Some people can’t live in hotels, couch surf, or any of these options without losing their housing vouchers, and in some cases health insurance or other assistance programs. Legal definitions of homelessness (used by voucher programs) usually don’t include people living in hotels/motels, or couch surfing (including most of these options). Check with the individual to see if this might be helpful.
Extra bedrooms
Campers, trailers
Land/yards to camp on, park at, etc.
Donate funds or points for a hotel room
Floor space
Safe parking lots to sleep in your car in (sleeping in your car is considered legal homelessness in most places)
- Emotional capacity and minimizing the risk of burnout are important here especially
Do outreach with a community org
File for grants
Provide education materials
Share knowledge regarding resources
Emotional support - build genuine connections with your local unhoused neighbors
Reach out to companies for donations
Create or add to lists of resources, open bathrooms, etc.
- One of the biggest barriers to accessing existing resources is transportation (also mailing addresses, internet access, and active phone service)
Personal car, ride-sharing/carpooling
Bus tickets/passes
Old/not frequently used bikes
Taxi services/vouchers
Uber/Lift gift cards
Coordinate rides for people
- A lot of unhoused people prefer “comfort foods” to “health foods” - Ask about dietary restrictions, the cooking ability of the unhoused person, the cooking equipment, etc. - Soft foods are frequently more accessible to us as dental issues are very common - 100$ in fast food is significantly less than 100$ in homemade food
Can cook hot meals
Can pay for meals
Knows someone (person, business) who can supply food
Inviting people over for a meal
Gifting food (be sure to be considerate of dietary restrictions, cooking ability, equipment needed to cook, etc.)
Have a community dunkin gift card
Make or add to a fruit tree map (fallingfruit.org, community gardens, federal university campuses)
- Money should be freely given, with no strings attached - Ask what form works best for them— cash apps/virtual, physical cash, gift cards, quarters, etc.
It is best to provide cash donations directly to impacted individuals (or organizations) with no strings attached
Provide relevant, local chain store gift cards (Grocery stores, coffee shops, restaurants)
Coordinate fundraisers
Apply for grants
- Ask individuals what they need most!
Purchase and donate supplies directly to individuals or organizations
Reach out to businesses
Donate old phones or computers
Add someone to your family phone plan
Donate professional clothes for interviews
Donate an outfit you would actually wear
Talents, Trades, Skills
Your hobbies might be helpful! Crochet is extremely trendy right now (easy to learn, you could make hats/scarves for community members)!
Professional ties/experience Examples: You’re a cosmetologist who can do free haircuts for an hour each week, or you’re a graphic designer who can create a website for an organization for free, or you’re a nurse who can provide wound care to encampments
Community gardens
Connect with and partner with non-profits or community-based organizations in your area (or help start one if there’s none!)
Allow people to use you as a reference for job interviews
- Not just toilets, but showers and mirrors are important too
Ask businesses to pledge to have open, public, accessible, and free restrooms
Your personal restroom
Make a list of local public restrooms
Free gym memberships or add someone to a gym plan
- In order to access most services, you need most, if not all, of the following: transportation, identification, important paperwork, printing/faxing access, mailing addresses, internet access, active phone service, free time during business hours, and emotional and mental ability (and capacity) to complete everything required (forms, applications, phone calls, interviews, annual reviews, verifications) in a timely manner (usually on a strict deadline)
Case management experience you can volunteer
Peer support for service navigation (great option for people with prior lived experience)
Advocacy within services
Offer to provide a P.O. box or use your address to receive mail
Housing skills
Allow someone to use your library card for books, computers, the internet, etc. (most libraries won’t allow unhoused people to get a library card)
Volunteer at a shelter
Allow someone to use your home wifi, printer, phone number, mailbox, email, etc.
- If you can’t donate your own personal funds, fundraising is a great way to help out
Community mutual aid asks (in person or online)
Art walks
Skate competition
Tip jar
Gift basket raffle
Clothing and food drive
Game tourney
Live streams
Start a GoFundMe for individuals/orgs
I strongly encourage you to look over the matching slides I created for this workshop: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1VDngImsMByUFmKX611zAJ43a0UcYIfMBxrbh_g1IJvc/edit
As a disclaimer: I have been homeless/unhoused for over half of my life. My experiences of homelessness have included while being a infant, toddler, young child, preteen, teenager, and young adult. I am 24 years old. My most recent experience of being unhoused was last year, and I am currently precariously housed (meaning: at high risk of losing housing again). My experiences of homelessness have included sleeping outside in a tent, sleeping on park benches and under freeways, walking around all night to avoid hypothermia and freezing to death (something that has happened to several of my friends), couch surfing, sleeping in cars, squatting, sleeping in motels, living in a shelter, and institutionalized. I have been homeless with family a few times during early childhood and again when I was 15. All of my other experiences of homelessness have been on my own starting at age 9 or 10, and the last time I lived with a parent I was 16. I have been homeless in both rural and urban areas. I have been homeless in New England/Northeast United States as well as the Pacific Northwest.
In addition to this, I have many contributing factors to my experience, including being disabled, a person of color, trans, queer, a survivor of child abuse and CSA, being trafficked, and a drug user and a SWer, amongst other marginalized experiences.
That being said: my experience of being unhoused/homeless is not the universal experience. While I know many people of all different demographics who I’ve met on the streets, I cannot speak to every single person’s experiences. I especially cannot speak to experiences outside of the United States, aside from what I hear secondhand.
This is meant to serve as a general guide to accompany a workshop I created, and might not be helpful for everyone. If it’s not helpful, I hope it inspires others to offer creative solutions. I’m always working on expanding this list. Thank you for reading.
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comrade-onion · 1 month
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Advice to the Students
Student movements have often proved to be pivotal in bringing about radical change. From the Civil Rights movement, to anti-Viet Nam War protests as well as more contemporary examples such as Black Lives Matter and, of course, the ongoing student protests against the genocide in Gaza. One thing that all of these movements have in common is that they all faced and are currently facing vicious backlash from those in power, with riot police and even the national guard being sent on unarmed protesters, injuring and killing scores in the process.
In order to maintain this movement and to fight back against the crackdowns, the encampment and protest movements across the United States and the world will need to prepare, organize, and militarize.
Firstly, it is imperative that the protesters know that their action, no matter how peaceful, will be met with violence. And it is in these circumstances from which the necessity to defend themselves and fight back will arise, a series of tactics on resistance will be listed below, I hope they are of use and are accessible to any and all who need it.
Bricks: Bricks are easily accessible to the majority of protesters and can be used in a multitude of ways to disrupt and defend. Aside from the obvious uses, bricks can be alternatively used to build and alter structures in a way that slows down police or national guard advances with minimal violence.
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During the Hong Kong anti-government protests in 2019, protesters utilized bricks to build small structures (such as the ones seen above) on roads and passageways. These brick roadblocks are extremely effective at slowing or even halting oncoming traffic. When these structures are hit by the wheel of a vehicle, "the block on top falls and helps buttress the other two."
Umbrellas: Umbrellas, if utilized correctly, can be a great defensive aid if protests become heated. They can be used to deflect against projectiles fired at you by police, such as tear gas cannisters, water cannons, and pepper spray. They can also be used in the construction of makeshift barriers and walls utilized by the protesting parties.
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PPE: When attending a protest, encampment, or any form of civil disobedience, it is of utmost importance that you come prepared for it to go south. Police arsenals include a wide array of weapons and chemicals such as tear gas and pepper spray, and the site of the protest might be equipped with cameras that can later be utilized for facial recognition. Wear face and eye coverings to protest from pepper spray and gasses as well as to protect your identity. Always be ready to defend yourself in the case of physical confrontation.
Random Stuff:
• Makeshift barricades can serve as great protectice instalations at best, and serve as a way to buy time for yourself and fellow organizers at worst. In my opinion, they should be present at every encampment.
• Look out for one another, co-operate, and maintain order. From this point forwards treat your encampment as you would treat a small breakaway state. You are under attack, and only through planning and organization can you maintain order and safety for the members of your protest. Everyone needs to contribute what they can.
• Don't bring a knife to a gun fight, be ready for anything, rapid escalations at these types of protests are not unheard of.
Last but not least, this is in no way an incitement to violence. Merely a set of advice protestors can follow to defend themselves and their comrades in these turbulent and unprecedented times. Share this post with those who you think can benefit from it. Much love, solidarity forever 🇵🇸🏳️‍🌈🇿🇦❤️
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queeryouthassemble · 1 year
Queer & Trans Youth Pen Pal Project!
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[ID: Green square post with beige wavy-edged box in the upper center of the screen. Large, green, all-caps text outlined in black reads "queer & trans youth pen pal project." Below that, in smaller black text, reads "visit queeryouthassemble.org to learn more." At the bottom of the page is a wavy brown shape, representing dirt, with green, white, and yellow flowers. An illustrated person using a wheelchair is extending their arm towards a blue mail box. They are holding an envelope, and have light brown skin, curly hair, and colorful clothing. End ID.]
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[ID: A sage green square with a beige wavy-edged rectangle centered at the top. Overlaid on the rectangle in all-capital green block letters reads "Pen Pal Project." Below, over a larger beige wavy-edged rectangle, is smaller black text that reads, "We understand that it is not always easy to connect with other queer & trans youth for a variety of reasons, including location, anti-queer legislation, being closeted, and more. That is why Queer Youth Assemble has decided to officially launch the Pen Pal Project for queer & trans youth under 25. This project seeks to connect queer youth from diverse backgrounds and geographic locations to facilitate nationwide networks of care and solidarity. Visit queeryouthassemble.org to sign up and learn more!" End ID.]
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[ID: A sage green square with a beige wavy-edged rectangle centered at the top. Overlaid on the rectangle in all-capital green block letters reads "Matching Criteria." Below, over a larger beige wavy-edged rectangle, is smaller black text that reads, "Pen pals are matched based on a variety of factors, including age, interests, hobbies, and preferences, among others! While we will attempt to match you with a person who shares these characteristics with you, our ability to do so will be determined by the volume of pen pal applicants and the backgrounds of those interested in participating. We can only guarantee that penpals will be within two years of your age. " At the bottom right edge of the lower rectangle, there is a darker beige graphic of the back of an envelope. End ID.]
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[ID: A sage green square with a beige wavy-edged rectangle centered at the top. Overlaid on the rectangle in all-capital green block letters reads "Matching Safety." Below, over a larger beige wavy-edged rectangle, is smaller black text that reads, "Queer Youth Assemble DOES NOT share your physical location with your pen pal match. Instead, we will connect you via email, and allow you to exchange information with each other as you wish. If at any point you feel unsafe or uncomfortable with your penpal, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]." At the bottom right edge of the lower rectangle, there is a darker beige graphic of the front of an envelope. The stamp of the envelope is a trans flag. End ID.]
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b-a-n-d-e-r · 6 months
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from the river to the sea
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I think the funny thing about my being a youth leader is that I basically just Hang Out with a bunch of middle schoolers. like I just pal around with them and play games and then sit down and ramble at the youth pastor when it's time to discuss the Biblical topic of the night and somehow this has charmed like half a dozen of them into considering me A Cool Person despite the fact that I'm actually Introverted And Awkward at all times
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glieseart · 5 months
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Hi everyone! We are officially looking for youth volunteers: Use THIS FORM if you're interested :)
we have a LOT of open opportunities for leadership, artistry, and generally following any Art+Activism passions you have with us!
📗 Zine-making: Design zines on relevant movements, events, and moments in art history! We want to do artist features of youth POC very soon. Lots of creative freedom and open to new zine-makers as well :B
🎥 Video production: Produce short videos on artists, movements, and other artivism related things. In the backlog right now we have "Afrofuturist art: An introduction", “Protest and Embroidery”, “Radical architecture", “Filipino Decolonial Art”, and "Orientalism in today’s art museums"!
📰 Newsletter: Contribute features, organize, and design a monthly newsletter with all things Radical Art History. Will kickoff soon, so please join the project!
Other opportunities include 💵 Fundraising, 💻 Social media manager, 📚 Librarian (Adding to our virtual art history library!) and both in-person and virtual 👓 Outreach.
Please reblog for reach <33
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bfpnola · 9 months
Fifty years ago, 15-year-old Sonia Yaco ran for the school board in Ann Arbor, Michigan, one of the youngest people in the country ever to run for a seat on the Board of Education. A member of a group called Youth Liberation, whose platform was founded in 1970, she believed schools would be best run by the people required to be inside them for about seven hours a day, 180 days a year.
Youth Liberation developed a 15-point platform that was far-reaching in its vision. In addition to calling for an end to sexism, sexual discrimination, class antagonism, racism, colonialism, and what they called “adult chauvinism,” the group wanted to form communities outside the structure of the nuclear family, live in harmony with nature, abolish juvenile detention centers and mental institutions, establish global solidarity with youth all over the world, be free of economic dependence on adults, and have the right to their own “new culture,” which included everything “from music and marijuana to free clinics and food cooperatives.”
The 20 or so young people in the group, ranging in age from 12 to 16, wanted “a nationwide movement for youth civil rights, akin to the Black Liberation movement and the growing women's movement,” one of the founders, Keith Hefner, later wrote.
🚨 want more materials like these? this resource was shared through BFP’s discord server! everyday, dozens of links and files are requested and offered by youth around the world! and every sunday, these youth get together for virtual teach-ins. if you’re interested in learning more, join us! link in our bio! 🚨
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tomorrowusa · 7 months
Abortion is the major issue in Virginia's state legislative elections on Tuesday.
Republicans control the governor's office and the House of Delegates – the lower chamber of the Virginia legislature. Democrats hold a narrow majority in the Senate – the upper chamber.
Virginia is the only state in the South which observes full reproductive freedom. GOP Gov. Glenn Youngkin (AKA: Glenn Trumpkin) is pushing a measure to restrict abortion. Trumpkin has national ambitions and wants to re-enforce his hardline credentials by pandering to the MAGA crowd.
If Democrats do not end up with control of at least one chamber of the legislature after Tuesday's election then Virginia will join the rest of the South as a place where Republican officials have a virtual regulator in every OBGYN office in the state.
Legislative elections can be decided by very narrow margins. And the tightest race for the Virginia Senate seems to be the 24th Senate District where incumbent Democrat Monty Mason is fighting a challenge by Republican J.D. Diggs. In a Washington Post article about the race in the 24th district, Karen Tumulty reports...
Across Virginia, abortion has become the overriding issue on the airwaves for the Democrats, highlighted in more than 40 percent of their ads. Republicans are talking about it in only 3 percent of theirs, according to the tracking firm AdImpact. But Mason noted: “People bring it up to me. I don’t have to lead with it in a lot of places.” That is because Virginia is the last Southern state where the procedure has remained widely available after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022. Abortion in Virginia is legal up to 26 weeks of gestation.
A vote in the Virginia legislative election is important anywhere in the state. But it's even more important in these swing districts.
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^^^ those charts come from this excellent article at the UVA Center for Politics.
The Race for Virginia’s Legislature, Part Two
If you'd like to know which legislative districts you're in, in Virginia or ANY state, find out here.
Find Your Legislators Look your legislators up by address or use your current location.
There's statistical evidence that Virginia voters in the 18 to 29 group can swing an election.
In 2020, Democrat Joe Biden easily carried Virginia in the presidential election; voters 18 to 29 overall made up 14.6% of the Virginians who took part in that election. In 2021, Republican Glenn Youngkin/Trumpkin won the race for Virginia governor; 18 to 29 voters were just 9.1% of the Virginia voters in that election. (source)
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VOTE! If you live outside Virginia but know people there, send them a quick message to remind them to vote.
There's no such thing as an unimportant election.
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calamitydaze · 2 months
long tag ramble below u have been warned
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#ok i feel like i should say Something before i start being active again#but i dont want it to be a Statement which is why i’m putting it in the tags#(also bc i procrastinated doing this for weeks so i know this is a very stale topic by now#but i also haven’t been on tumblr literally at all so this is 100% my organic authentic opinion lmao)#so read if you gaf and ignore if you don’t#anyway: george def could’ve done more to ensure she was comfortable#and as someone who has also gotten in over my head with older men and regretted it#her hurt is valid and i’m deeply sorry she feels the way she does about that night#but with that said i see no reason to believe george Should have known how she really felt#or that he deliberately took advantage of either her youth/inexperience or her discomfort#and that’s the most important thing for me— he fucked up and misread a situation but that doesn’t make him an evil person#and i hope they can both move on and grow and heal#as for my future in the fandom: i honestly dunno how active i’ll be going forward#i was already becoming pretty disconnected so this might’ve just sped up the process? i’m tired of being put through the wringer#but i also don’t really have a fandom to replace this so i might just continue casually participating in the way i have been#either way rest assured i will never become a rabid anti. that shits embarrassing#i got HORRIBLE drolo rsd the other day when tommy’s mom needed clout and vagued him so like if nothing else. droloisms are forever#also as a last thing— this feels kinda silly and self centered to say but i will anyway#sorry for not opening up my blog as a forum for discussion again the way i did with the drituation#i know i helped a lot of people sort out their feelings and that was (and is) really really important to me#but it also tanked my mental health (mostly as a result of the fallout and not the act itself but still)#plus my life irl was pretty stressful at the time when everything was first going down#so i just didn’t feel up to putting myself through that again#but i’m sorry if anyone wanted to discuss w me but wasn’t able to#anyway. i think that’s all i have to say!#i don’t want to turn this into a capital D discussion but as always my askbox and dms are open#love you all tons! i hope you’re having a good day 🫂🫶#bella talks
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eclipsedsuns · 4 months
i’m facilitating an educational event about u.s. imperialism in the middle east tomorrow and i’m so excited
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