#you may disagree with my opinion of them but i love these characters
pit-and-the-pen · 2 days
ACOTAR Zodiac Signs
I’m just doing Sun (because this would turn into a full dissertation if I did rising and moon but I might do them in the future This is obviously just my opinion and for funsies. Please be nice if you disagree. Also, the book I use is called “The Complete Guide to Astrology.” It’s on kindle unlimited if you want to look into it! (there’s also 13 characters I’m doing here so some will be repeats)
Also, thank to @milswrites and @prythianpages for suggesting for me to write this all out <3 I'm happy to be your go-to for astrology.
Azriel: Scorpio. ““It is often said that a Scorpio man can be obsessive, possessive and vindictive, but the truth is he can also be loyal, supportive, compassionate and incredible in bed. This man has to deal with unusual emotional depth, leading to his extreme sensitivity and his need to close his heart in order not to get hurt. The only reason he becomes vindictive is in his deeply emotional nature and his incapability to forgive the depth of his injuries.” (this is the only one that didn’t come from the book and I can’t find the website I pulled it from) This one seems pretty self-explanatory but Azriel holds his emotions close to his chest for sure. I’m not convinced he doesn’t feel deeply and just has closed himself off to letting others feel his emotions. 
Cassian: Taurus. Embodies an animal like wisdom in that they have finely honed senses and are sensual, practical, and loyal. Inwardly, they are deeply grounded, patient and steady, but this can also lead to the tendency to be stubborn or bullheaded and overly materialistic in the pursuit of security. Others can see taurus as stable and lacking pretense.”  Despite everyone thinking he’s a bit dull, Cassian is a rock to all of those around him. He might not be the smartest in a scholarly way but out of the IC I think he has the most emotional intelligence despite not being able to read the room all the time. But he’s definitely stubborn.
Elain: Virgo. Analyze is the primary word for virgo. Virgo energy embodies the principle of service, as they love to feel useful in the world. Virgos are attentive to detail and very analytical. Their inner world is often self-critical and they are worriers. They tend to servitude rather than service and forget to take care of themselves in the process. Others see virgos as ethical and organized, though it’s a bit of a myth to say that all virgos are naturally tidy. This is, in part, because their perfectionist tendencies can lead to analysis paralysis. I think this really describes pre-fae Elain. She might have not been the best at protecting Feyre but she was really the only one that saw what everything was doing to her. She also loves gardening which feeds into the nurturing part of virgos. Idk she just gives me virgo energy.
Eris: Okay, bare with me on this one. Pisces. Their primary word is believe. They are seen as highly sensitive, creative and mystical beings. Pisces often struggle with boundaries and extreme empaths, which can cause them to fall into the role of victim or martyr. LIke the symbol of fish swimming in two directions, it’s the lesson of pisces to live in the realms of the manifest and mystical. If they can become comfortable with being agents of change they will avoid the escapist and addictive tendencies they may turn to on occasion. Like I said, bare with me. We never truly get to see Eris for who he is. We only get to see the mask that he puts on while Beron is alive. But even then, he’s willing to risk his life to help out the night court. He became their inside man and we get to see little bits of his personality. I think Eris is rules far more by his moon than his sun but I also think that who he presents as is mainly because of the abuse he’s suffered from Beron. 
Emerie: Libra. Balance is the primary word for libras, because they try to find the middle ground and harmonious balance in all that they do. Libra is the diplomat and mediator of the zodiac. Because of that, they can come across as indecisive, vacillating and even passive-aggressive at times. Generally, Libra comes across as fair, peace-loving and creative. Inwardly, they are focused on others and relationships (not always romantic) Emerie was the first person to see Nesta for who she is. And she is fiercely loyal to those she picks to be apart of her life. But she does seem to be in the middle of what little spats there are in her group, but as the most sensical one if that makes sense? We don’t get a lot of Emerie in the book (a crime if you ask me) but I think this is the closest to her character.
Feyre: Sagittarius. (actually confirmed by the book). Wander and wonder are the primary words for Sagittarius because they like to wander-physically and mentally- and they often live in a state of wonder at the world. Sagittarius is the seeker of truth and freedom and loves exploration of all kinds. They are seens as naive, inspirational and eternal optimists. Spiritually oriented and visionary, they have the ability to see the big picture of life. If Sagittarius embraces life as a quest for experience and truth their tendies towards naivete can become higher wisdom. I don’t fulllllyyy agree with all of this, but since her birthday is on the winter solstice she would be a Sagittarius and I can see it in bits and pieces. She’s always been very creative and literally see’s the bigger picture in life in the way can see the art she wants to create. But she’s also very self-sacrificing which I think adds to seeing the bigger picture. She’s able to look past her own wants and desires and do what she needs to do for the sake of everyone else.  
Gwen: Taurus, (see Cassian)
Helion: Leo. Leos are born to lead, and that is their primary word. Whether king, queen or leader in their own home, leos are born to shine and charm. They crave attention and tend to be melodramatic and superior when in shadow. Otherwise, Leos are dynamic, self-confident and playful. At their best, they are magnetic and affectionate and light up the lives of those around them because they carry the sun’s radiance within (I swear, hand on the bible, that’s what my book actually says and I didn’t read the whole thing before I made my choice on this.) This is an other self-explanatory one but even without all the sun references. Helion is kind and charming, but also a great leader. 
Lucien: Cancer. Feel is the primary word for cancers, they are all emotion and intuition. Cancer is the nurturer of the zodiac and are very traditional and family oriented. Inwardly, the sign is extremely sensitive and can tend toward being insecure and giving too much to the point of ignoring their own needs. Others see them as responsive and loving but they can also be moody. Lucien feels a lot of stuff. He’s written off as being snarky but I think it’s because he can see through peoples bullshit because of how much he truly  feels. He was there for Feyre. And regardless of what you ship, he was the only one to think of giving Elain something to cover herself with. 
Mor: Gemini. Gemini is the thinker and symbolizes the mind, voice and communication. Their inner life is curious, observant, often scattered and may be highly strung. Geminis are seen as socially verbally expressive but can sometimes manipulative and duplicitous. All I can say for this is SJM ruined what she had going for Mor and focused too much of the manipulative side of her. Mor had so much potential but this is still her sign. 
Nesta: Aquarius. Aquarians are the individuals of the Zodiac and their primary word is “know”. Aquarians are socially conscious and are dedicated to causes and reform, but they can also be emotionally distant and even anarchistic at times. Because they often feel alienated from those around them, they are sometimes tempted to betray their convictions to fit in, but their path is to embody their personal truth no matter what. Nesta is at her very core, loyal. She cares deeply for the people she’s let into her life, regardless of how much she will fight them as they try to get close to her. But she stands by her morals for sure. She is also willing to do what she needs to do when she thinks it’s right. I think that arrogant, cruel facade is the very conviction she was forced into. She was raised as nothing more than a way for her family to marry up and she took it in stride, despite how much it obviously affected her.
Rhysand: Leo. (See Helion)
Tamlin: Capricorn. The primary word for Capricorn is achieve. Capricorns are focused on climbing the ladder of achievement but may have a tendency to do so based on the expectations of the outer world rather than based on a foundation of self-trust, which is where the tail of the fish comes in. Capricorn is seen as responsible and determined but also, at times, controlling and fearful. Inwardly, although Capricorn is hardworking and law-abiding, there is often an underlying fear of never being enough. Their commitment and leadership qualities are their strengths. Tamlin is actually a good leader, he just lets himself be ruled by the fear he has of things happening to the people he loves.
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codslut · 1 day
Throwing in an edit here at the very top because I've gotten a few asks from people who have seen that screenshot: If you have seen this screenshot and know who this person is, please keep that knowledge to yourself and move on. Just because they screenshotted my post and took issue with me, as well as didn't make it clear for no one to send harassment and death threats my way over a fictional character I didn't add to a post, does not mean I want them to receive that treatment or be given the same energy back. Let's keep things nice and respectful, okay? Just because someone does something to you doesn't give you a valid excuse or justification to do it back. :)
So, I’m only going to say this once and that’s it. I’ll never address this again, not ever.
There's a screenshot floating around from a post I made by a user that's upset because I didn't add Gaz to it, but instead added Keegan. I, personally, didn't feel it fit Gaz although I'm sure others may disagree, which is okay. It's the same reason I added Soap from the original games instead of the reboot, as I didn't feel it fit him. I also like Keegan a lot because I’m a former Marine and I really connect with him because of that. You are free to disagree all you want, but people should be allowed to have differing opinions without being bullied over it or have assumptions made about them. Gaz is an amazing character, I really like him. I have reblogged content with Gaz in it, although I haven't gotten around to posting any of the Gaz-specific posts I've made yet due to being busy. But I do like him.
With that being said, I have a zero tolerance when it comes to drama or disrespectful behavior. I'm here to post and reblog random CoD content, that's it. You start something with me, or I catch you talking about me behind my back (will respectfully confront you first because I won't let you get comfortable with cowardice), and I will block you and forget you ever existed. If you have an issue with me, you can either cope with it internally or you can come to me in private and have an open and honest conversation with a level of maturity about things. Any nasty anons (which I've gotten saying they wished I had died on my tour of duty and other things because of Gaz erasure or that I don’t even play/know CoD despite it being a big part of my childhood and I love it especially because I was in the military) will be deleted on the spot and remain unanswered. I'm a grown ass woman who doesn't have time to deal with Regina George energy; you can take all that elsewhere until you learn to act right. There is absolutely no reason for that kind of behavior.
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theoriginalsapphic · 2 years
Why i believe that byler is endgame (based only on what we have seen on the show). part 5
And by that, I mean: no color-coding analysis, no set props analysis, no actor interviews interpretation, no script analysis, no movies parallels analysis; nada. Only what we’ve seen on the show and nothing else.
This will use a lot of comparisons with m/leven because, despite the fact that some of you refuse to admit it, this is a love triangle.
Where do they end up at the end of season 4 and what does this mean for season 5?
So, a lot of things change during the season when it comes to these two relationships.
In the second episode of the season, Mike arrives to California. Although his encounter with El is sweet, his encounter with Will is awkward. However, during the season, we see Mike and El grow apart from each other, while Mike and Will tentatively try to fix their friendship and grow closer than they were at the beggining of the season, which is illustrated by the ending.
To talk further about it, it's necessary to discuss how these three characters feel in their relationships and the characters on their own.
how mike makes el feels
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how mike makes will feel
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how mike feels in his relationship with el
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how mike feels in his relationship with will
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El and Will and how their fathers shaped them
The show has drawn many parallels between El and Will, one of their biggest one being how they were both abused by a father from a young age, and how that has shaped their view of the world as well as their self-worth.
From what we’ve seen from El’s relationship with Brenner, he took her away from her mother, who loved her unconditionally since before meeting her, he has manipulated, made her a target against the other older children at the lab, he forced her into things she didn’t want to do (i.e: kill a cat, get her into a sensory deprivation tank to search in the upside down), he manipulated and used her over and over again.
On the other hand, we have Will’s relationship with his dad, which, even though we didn’t get to see much in the show (they haven’t even interacted!), we know he used to call him homophobic slurs from a young age and that he abandoned his family. There are also chilling pieces of dialogue (“he is good at hiding”, “he was never good at taking care of himself”) and character actions (Jonathan searching for Will in a car’s trunk) that it implies that it was very abusive situation.
However, abuse doesn’t present itself the same way, and it definitely doesn’t affect a person the same way, even when the abuser is the same person. I could write a whole mini-essay of how Jonathan and Will have the same abuser but the damage inflicted on them is very different.
To put it simply, Brenner and Lonnie messed them up in different ways.
In episode 3 of season 4, el is suffering greatly. She has lost Hopper, the first permanent parental-figure to treat like a child and not a means-to-an-end, and she has lost her powers, which has been the core of her identity her entire life, meaning she has lost her self. All the pain that she has been carrying for so long finally comes out in an explosive argument with Mike in which she reveals she feels like she doesn’t belong anywhere, that she is too different, that everyone thinks she is a monster. At her lowest point, she accepts to go to the NINA project to recover her powers, and learns more about herself and Brenner and their relationship that she had ever done before. It all culminates when El decides to leave Nevada to go to Hawkins to save her friends. When Brenner tries to stop her, she finally comes to terms with the abuse he has inflicted on her and all the other children at the laboratory, and concludes that he is the monster­­—not her.
El has built her worth around her powers and how much she can do with them to help others, so when she lost them, from her point of view, she was left with only the monstrous side of her. Brenner’s ambivalent love towards her based on how useful she could be to her, as well as her forced isolation of the world, made her to believe that she can never belong anywhere, that there is no place out there in the world for her outside of being a superhero. To have her say to her abuser’s face how he is the monster was probably one of my favorite moments from her, as well as an extremely cathartic one. By the end of season 4, El has finally realized her full complexity and that she is neither a monster nor a superhero. She is just a human being that was born with supernatural abilities, and is now choosing to use them for good, but ultimately, she wants to be defined beyond her powers, and she wants to be defined for who she is.
On the other hand, we have Will, who, similarly to El, has built his worth around being there for others. However, whereas as El’s is rooted on having powers and being a superhero, Will’s is based on his fear that he may be unlovable, and if he does or say the wrong thing, if he is not what people expect from him, they will leave him eventually. If his own father, one of the two people in the world that was meant to love him and want him unconditionally, could hate him, could abandon him… who’s to say that no one else will?
I don’t think is a coincidence that Will is the one that tries to keep the party together at any chance he gets (i.e: trying to keep the peace when Mike and Lucas begin fighting about who was supposed to be Vecna, how he calls out Mike for not knowing where Dustin is), and i don’t think is a coincidence either that he forgives so easily when others hurt him (because he is scared that if he loses the friends he currently has he will never have friends again), and it’s definitely not a coincidence that he tends to hide his problems even when it could put him in danger (because he doesn’t want to be seen as a burden).
A lot of people (myself included) criticized how Will indirectly confessing his feelings to Mike was used to develop a straight relationship. However, and in spite of the initial heartbreak of that scene, there was a silver lining: Jonathan listened. Jonathan, who became a pseudo-father to his own brother, probably even before their own dad left. Jonathan, who was shown throughout the series to talk to Will and try to make him feel better for being different, for liking things that other people dislike, for being a freak. Jonathan, that as soon as he had a moment to be alone with his brother, reassured him that he will always be there for him, and that he will always love him no matter what. And that, in my opinion, is what needs to happen with Will by the end of season 5: he needs to understand that he has a lot of people that will always love him and want him in his life no matter what.
Mike’s character
I honestly don’t like how some stranger things fans treat Mike as a character, or even some m/leven and byler shippers treat him, like he is seen as just something that can make El or Will happy without stopping to consider Mike as a character with his own needs and wants. (I’m not saying everyone does that because that’s generalizing and I don't like doing that, but I’ve seen quite a bit).
During the van scene, Mike opens up about his insecurities, about how he feels he is the random nerd to superhero El, how he is the lamer version of Louis Lane to El’s Superman. Usually, I wouldn’t mind a nice gender reversal of the hero/damsel in distress trope. However, in this case, it goes against what Mike wants to be: needed and special, the hero of the story.
Mike thrives on being needed, on protecting and taking care of others. In season 1, he searches for Will while he protects and hides El from the lab. In season 2, he protects and takes care of Will while he calls El in his walkie-talkie on the off-chance that she might still be out there.
It’s no coincidence that the majority of the general audience’s opinion on Mike starts to lose its positivity around season 3 and season 4, and that is because… he doesn’t feel needed anymore. At the beggining of season 3, El breaks up with Mike and spends her time establishing a relationship with Max, going shopping and trying new fashion style, reading new comics. A lot of viewers, as well as some characters in the show like Max and Nancy, call Mike controlling and tell him that El can make her own decisions, which I agree with. However, the point of this is not that Mike is some controlling boyfriend; the point is, he doesn’t know what to do when people don’t need him. In season 4, Will admits (indirectly) during his monologue that he was pushing Mike away. Although Will was trying to put some distance between them because of his feelings towards Mike, from Mike’s point of view, him and his best friend parted in somewhat good terms and then Will didn’t bother trying to keep in contact with him without giving a reason why.
The point is, Mike fears becoming unneeded to the people he loves, because in his head, being unneeded means being unwanted, means being unloved. That is the reason why, during the van scene, after sharing how insecure he feels about in his relationship, his whole face lights up when Will says that El [Will] will always need him.
He has spent too much time basing his self-worth on being what other people needed, which is why in season 5 he needs to relearn how to value himself. He can still be special, he can still be a hero (I personally believe in season 5 he will have a significant role in defeating Vecna), but first, he needs to understand that he can be loved and wanted without being needed.
end of season 4, volume 2
By the end of the season, Will confessed his feelings for Mike masking them as El's feelings and he has resigned himself to the fact that his love will never be reciprocated, and Mike gave El a love monologue.
And yet, this is how Mike/El and Mike/Will are by the end of the season.
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In case it wasn't obvious enough
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elizakai · 4 months
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I like thinking about their more canon adjacent dynamic (character wise)
Because while I love the soft interpretations, even WITH those let’s be real; that’s not how they’d act off the bat
Horror would be extremely judgmental (fair) and hate Dust for what he did. He’d despise him and probably be very passive aggressive. Making jabs and making his disdain apparent when they have to interact. I think getting a read on Dust is also difficult and would piss Horror off. Horror is unpredictable and has a sadistic streak, if he was mad or manic and had Dust in a corner he’d have no qualms about manhandling the guy. (And Dust probably wouldn’t do much to stop him.)
Meanwhile, Dusttale’s creator was asked once how Dust may feel if he met Horror, to which they said he feels bad for Horror. He likes him, sees him as someone who went through something horribly undeserved. In my mind Dust is somewhat protective of Horror.
I interpret these clashing of dynamics as Horror’s just utter disdain for this guy, and Dust’s resigned acceptance of Horror’s judgment. He’d agree with him if he were to judge himself, but I think a part of him wants Horror’s approval. He doesn’t EVER expect to get it, but Horror is….
While he’s seen hell, he’s almost a less tormented version of Dust himself. Deep down they are the same. Horror has suffered greatly, but even still hasn’t hit the deep end dust has, and I think he’d want to protect that sort of innocence he’s granted. One could think of it as him protecting a piece of himself he himself has already sacrificed. And wanting APPROVAL from him, wishing to be forgiven, craving that small piece of validation or understanding as he tries to reconcile with himself.
Horror’s formed opinion makes sense, he agrees with it, and simply wishes he disagreed, that he could have proof of himself being a FRACTION worthy of forgiveness or understanding.
The judge in both of them has both formed an opinion of the other, and they happen to differ greatly. Horror sees Dust as an abuser and Dust sees Horror as a victim.
I like to imagine that, while reluctantly thrown into the same general vicinity, Horror would grow to be more understanding (again if we are going with a PROGRESSIVE plot line) and come to understand that, yes, he wasn’t WRONG, but there is nuance to the situation. They both have a very grim understanding of what it’s like to be trapped. I think he has the capacity to understand Dust better if he was given time. His hands aren’t clean after all, and he knows what it’s like to be forced into a situation and to feel backed into a drastic decision. He knows what it’s like to lose your autonomy and to feel your mind break itself under pressure.
I think the simple fact that Dust wouldn’t TRY to change his mind or justify himself would be part of why Horror could come to understand him. He’s devestated by his actions, he is by no means a sadist.
Horror coming to understand Dust and sort of reconcile/forgive him I think would be rather BIG for Horror, especially if you factor in other situations he now has to consider. (For example, his Undyne and her drastic attempt at freeing the undergroud…) reconciling his OWN arguably cruel decisions he has made with pure intentions, when he feels there’s no other choice (like his Papyrus and tricking him into doing something so outside of his beliefs, to protect him)
It would also be healing for Dust to get that reconciliation with Horror because again…Horror’s opinion actually may MATTER.
And in the same way that Dust may see Horror as a sort of person to be protected from further harm, Horror would probably pick up on all of the VERY bad habits Dust has that (in my observation at least) are EXTREMELY similar to his own habits/past habits (isolation, obsession, deprivation, paranoia, bringing harm to self etc) and I could see him being sensitive towards those and trying to prevent it worsening (it’s a sore subject💔) Horror is shown to prioritize taking care of those he cares about, even when he’s a bit mad, and he has the capacity to grow an understanding for someone he doesn’t like initially :))
I think they have potential to be VERY good for one another, Horror (while being fucked up) encourages (and maybe forces) better habits and actually has an opinion that matters to Dust, and Dust is inclined to be VERY loyal (Horror needs someone to show him loyalty.) to anyone who cares to give him the time of day, as it’s far beyond what he’d expect, and he’s got the sympathy/protective streak towards Horror as an actual in character detail.
And from there it would be wonderful to explore their dynamic in whatever way you like to interpret it🤫💥
I could go on but I’ll stop here, if you read this all CONGRATS!!!
Share your thoughts I love it
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havoc-7 · 1 month
I wasn’t a die-hard Tech Lives believer (more of a “I HOPE Tech Lives” believer) but the end of the show has me grieving hard all over again, so here’s my little ode to Tech based on things I’ve noticed about him from rewatching the show:
Tech LOVES his brothers, and he genuinely misses Crosshair. When he has his heart to heart with Omega in the ipsium cavern, the way that he mentions Crosshair—even though that wasn’t even really what they were discussing—shows how often Crosshair is on his mind, so much so that he can’t really talk about people leaving and changing without bringing him up. When they get the Plan 88 from Crosshair, Tech is vocal and insistent about doing whatever they can to bring Crosshair back—because “he is still our brother.”
Tech is incredibly moral. Not that he’s any more moral than I think generally TBB is, but he’s not afraid to speak up when he sees something that he disagrees with fundamentally. “The systematic termination of the Jedi is a big one for me.” “There’s a fundamental different between taking fire in battle and being used for target practice.” Even in just the first episode, we see how firm his opinions are, based on what he believes: that people are people, that HIS BROTHERS are people, that they deserve better, that there is such a thing as right and wrong.
Tech may be practical, but that doesn’t make him any less crazy than his brothers—in fact, I would argue he is one of the more unhinged members of the bad batch. His plans and ideas see everything factually, factoring in risk not as an emotional factor but as a numerical one. He knows their skills, and what they are capable of, and he pushes them to those capabilities, even if the resulting strategy is absolutely insane. The best part is, as insane as he may be, his brothers trust him, because, as Tech himself said, he is seldom wrong.
Tech has a beautiful sense of wonder and awe for the world around him. How many times do we see him go wide-eyed as he encounters something that absolutely fascinates him—even if that thing is a Zillo beast that just ate an entire Imperial crew.
Tech is INSANE. Not unhinged, like I said earlier, but skill-wise, ability-wise, he is an absolute powerhouse. I will forever be grateful to the writers of TBB who gave us a techy, intelligent character who is not your average scrawny computer guy that we get in action movies. You have to have a lot of guts to be the guy in your squad who turns your back on the fight to bend over a computer and hack into a file or break an encryption or alter the programming—already a delicate operation, but with the added risk of getting shot with your back turned. He frickin wields double blasters so that he can shoot more clankers more efficiently (if that’s not practical Tech, I don’t know what is). He DOESN’T WEAR LEG ARMOR SO THAT HE CAN CARRY HIS TOOLS WITH HIM INTO THE FIELD. In “Faster,” we see his hand inching towards his blaster, ready to defend and protect the second it’s necessary—and you know he would’ve beaten anyone to the draw. He fought a group of Imperial troopers!!! With a broken leg!!!!!
Tech was amazing, and I hate that he’s dead, that we never got to see him grow old, that he never saw Crosshair again. But WHAT A LIFE HE LIVED.
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pshenyasstuff · 6 months
Headcanons for relationships with Billy Kid
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This is my purely subjective opinion, you may disagree with me. I don't have enough content on this guy (i obsessed with him), so I decided to make it myself.
He's definitely the type of guy who is always ready to support his girlfriend like some kind of cheerleader like "THIS IS MY GIRLFRIEND!! TEAR THEM ALL UP, BEAUTY!"
Expect a lot of talk about his favorite show, he will show you absolutely every poster and figurine, tell you how he acquired it and the like
And of course he will call himself your Starlight Knight
His gifts are often like this.. random. You never expect what he can give. One time it's some kind of cute trinket, and the next time it's a weapon 😨 (of course so that his beloved can stand up for herself)
But he doesn't really mind if you're a pacifist or just don't want to hurt someone. He is always happy to protect you, while of course showing off in all sorts of ways. "Babe, are you watching? I did a great job on them, didn't I??"
He's as clingy as possible, I'm serious. He loves hugging so much that hugging at every meeting with him will be something ordinary for you. It's just one of his ways of expressing sympathy
I'm 100% sure he's styling his hair. Or they are always like that. In any case, they are as soft as possible.
I'm not sure if he feels the touch. Let's assume that he feels it quite a bit
Despite this, he always tries to count the power to touch you
Oh yes, he definitely likes to carry his beloved on his arms, back and shoulders. He especially likes to walk around the city like this or run away from enemies with you, because he is an cyborg, much faster than your human legs, just let him treat you like his lady :D
The poor guy is sometimes so upset because he doesn't have lips. I mean, how can he then give his beloved more love?? In any case, he finds a way out of the situation and just rests his faceplate on the place where he wants to kiss you. Too cute
He definitely giggles stupidly when you initiate all this romantic stuff. Did you kiss him yourself? I swear, he lifts one leg like a girl and can't stop giggling in love
His nicknames are so sweet to you, sometimes banal, but it's cute. (Lady, sweetheart, princess, love of my life, beloved)
Each of your mornings together will begin with his speech. He will absolutely always wake up earlier, if he is sleeping at all, of course. Let's say it goes into sleep mode for a set time. "Yo, yo, yo, wake up, sleepyhead!"
Cooking? No, and again no, bro does not know how to cook, he buys you ready-made food, because he does not need it himself
He always likes to make you laugh, he is infinitely glad to see you happy :)
He definitely likes the idea of paired things. Even the bracelet you gave him will always be worn (until he loses it)
You rarely quarrel, I think, but if it happens, he always apologizes first
Don't give him a plant or a pet, they'll just die 😭
He likes to sing for you, even if it's not quite perfect and the ears of others wither from his singing
He will immediately ask to exchange numbers or social networks. What for? To send you his photos and silly messages if you are not around, of course. He definitely uses a lot of emojis
He likes to arrange a movie night with you. Of course, you'll be watching mostly his favorite show. He watches it so often that at one point he will just say lines along with the characters
He likes to lie on your lap at such moments or just hold hands, because it's romantic in his understanding
Thanks for reading <3
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wilcze-kudly · 2 months
I think the reason I'm a bit iffy about most zutara shippers who call themesleves "pro Katara" (and lets be honest the tags pro katara/katara deserved better are mainly people building themselves a moral highground of "if you disagree with me, you clearly dilslike Katara and want her to suffer") is just the hypocrisy of it all.
Katara's consent was violated by Aang, yes. But Zuko threatening her and being a fucking creep in the "I'll save you from the pirates" scene was sexy and not at all the nightmare of any sane woman.
Katara's role as a healer is treated as her acting subservient and her loosing her feminist icon status. Unless she's healing/offering to heal Zuko.
Aang is immature and childish. But we will handily ignore Zuko, a whole ass 16 year old who's heir to a country throwing a temper tantrum because his girlfriend dared to speak to another man. [Frankly, in my opinion, Zuko isn't really ready for a serious romantic relationship, but yall arent ready for that conversation]
Aang is supposedly misogynistic, but Zuko's many instances of actual misogyny are swept under the rug. Aang is shown in canon to be incredibly supportive of Katara defying the patriarchy.
Supposedly Aang makes Katara do all the housework. Despite there being evidence to the contrary. Zuko has just recently learnt to brew tea.
Katara being the Avatar's wife is supposedly degrading. But if she were Zuko's wife, I'm sure she wouldn't be just a baby maker. (What a horribke thing to call a woman btw. Tall call your own mothers baby makers too???) Despite the fact that Izumi's mother hasn't even been mentioned by name in tlok. But yeah. She'd be afforded the respect she deserves I'm certain.
Aang is, on most accounts, supportive and respectful of Katara's opinions, even when he disagrees with them. Zuko openly mocks people who oppose him. I am going to make a longer post on the Southern Raiders episodes and how all of you watched that episode blindfolded or smth.
Aang comparing Appa being kidnapped (his last connection to his genocided people, the last vestige of his happy past) to Katara's anger over her mother is bad. But Zuko comparing mommy leaving his ass to Katara's mother getting brutally slaughtered in front of her ? Silence.
Aang supposedly needs Katara to mother him and that's a bad thing. But Azula, Mai and Ty Lee having to gentle parent Zuko almost everytime they interact is never talked about, despite the uncalled for verbal abuse that trio goes through from him.
Aang and Katara's 2 year age gap is creepy. But Zuko and Katara's 2 year age gap is fine. My bigest gripe with Zutara lovers is them completely erasing Katara's childishness and immaturity, in order for her and Zuko to have this mature, sexy relationship. She's 14, guys. 14.
This post really isn't meant to decry Zutara. I just want people who ship Zutara to get off their high horse of feminism and to accept that they're no better than the rest of us ship loving freaks. Wanting the main girl to bump uglies with the broody emo twink doesn't make you a modern day suffragette. Disliking a main canon pairing isn't a measure of your love for a female character.
Grow up.
Enjoy your ship like a normal person.
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mysinsforventi · 9 months
~ Lyney x f. reader Headcanons ~
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(reader ISN'T traveller!!)
+ 18 (All characters in this are ADULTS!!) (Minors DNI!!)
Warnings: some lyney x reader x lynette (no incest!! Just sharing YOU!!), angst, anxiety mentioned, fatui lyney, blood mentioned, smut, oral sex,  public sex, voyeurism, sex toys, hickeys, handcuffs, blindfold, dirty talk, a lot of kinks mentioned, control-freak lyney, dom lyney, sub reader, (let me know if I forgot something~)
(Just something that came to my mind! That's all just my opinion! Feel free to disagree but don't come for me! Please enjoy~ ♡ )
~💜~ SFW: ~💜~
- gives you a LOT of flowers
- doesn't mind pda in public (just don't do anything infront of father!)
- obsessed with kissing your hand (he is such a charmer lmao )
- while you walk no matter where to, wants to hold hands with you
- often let's you wear his hat, to him it's a symbol that you belong to him
- involves you in his magic tricks sometimes
- gets you lot's of suprises and gifts
- nicknames like: ma cherie, love, my lady
- loves to make you blush and fluestered
- a tease!
- even tho he is the 'playfull type' he has his moments where he is very serious
- talking about the past, angst topics and so one
- will stop talking when he realises that you started crying or fell asleep
- few minutes later he is back to his usual self
- likes to watch the stars with you
- you two have some secrets that he didn't even tell lynette or anyone else
- lyney can't sleep by himself, either you or lynette need to sleep by his side
- a journey geting to know the 'real him'
- Always complains how the morning is not right if he doesn't get to see you
- Always reserves a front seat for you in his his magic shows
- Never makes you pay anything, you have to trick him into taking your money lmao
- If you haven ightmares he would show you a magic trick and tell you a story to cheer you up
- Counts cats with you till you're deep asleep
- Gives you kisses on the forhead before going back to sleep himself
- very clingy in the morning, doesn't want to let you out of bed and hugs you tightly
- with you he actually laughs a lot, but it's his real laugh not his 'show-stage laugh'
- he wouldn't even notice until freminet would point it out
- lyney can get a bit jelaous if you spend to much time with one of his siblings
- As happy as he is to see his siblings make new friends and come out of their shell with you
- Sometimes lyney just wants you to himself, after all you are HIS partner
- In that times he hugs you from behind, tilts your head to him and kisses you on the lips infront of everyone
- making lynette complain to you geting a room lmao
- One time you confused lynette for lyney as they practised for one of their tricks
- It was hilarious because lynette wanted to mess a bit with her brother, you known just tease him a bit
- So she played along, pretending to be lyney lmao
- Lyney walked into their living room just to you sitting on lynettes lap, cuddling and laughing with each other
- The man pouts as he walks up to you both, "Ahem!! I see you STILL can't tell us apart mhh? May I say that I'M THE REAL LYNEY HERE?!", he pouts, glaring at his sister
- "You're doing a bad job at showing it brother.. My dear love here would've totally fallen for me if you hadn't open their eyes~", lynette continues to imitate her brother perfectly, all without raising an eyebrow
- You were a blushing mess, jumping out of her lap and apologizing, you really did fall for that omg-
- lyney would just take your hand, bringing you to his room, wanting alone time with you now
~ 💜 ~ Fatui Lyney ~ 💜 ~
- You were aware of them beeing with the fatui but you didn't mind
- You just would be worried whenever lyney had to go and do his missions, wishing for his save return
- If you had a feeling it would be dangerous you decided to join him on his mission, going as his assistent
- of course, not in any record of the fatui your name appeared, so no one would know about your little help here and there, the siblings made sure about that
- and this whole situation leads to quiet the argument between lyney & you
- lyney wants to see you save! Like he wants to see lynette save!
- He got his delusion because his anxiety of leting lynette going alone to missions was killing him
- Now with you it's the same thing.. even if he would be there to protect you, sometimes it puts more pressure on him then doing good having you around on missions
- So you decided to only join if it was really 'dangerous' in your eyes
- Another reason is, lyney didn't tell you, he doesn't want you to see him like this
- It's the side he hates the most about him
- All the blood, the cold gaze in his eyes, the bitterness, he didn't like it and he didn't want lynette or you to see him like this
- You only deserve to see good things, beautiful things
~ 💜 ~ Sleepovers ~ 💜 ~
- sleepovers in their house (with lynette & freminet)
- them sneaking you at night into their house lmao
- with 'father' beeing one of the fatui habringers things aren't that easy okay-
- and sneaking you in isn't either
- first since lyneys & lynettes room is on the first floor, right next to the coffee shop..
// (( - (yes they share a room, because they can't stand to be apart for to long!) (Please don't make this weird! It's suppose to be a wholesome sibling moment! ♡ )) //
- sneaking into their room was a bad idea because some drunkards or noisy people from the coffee shop might call the guards on you.. mistaken you for a thief or a stalker..
- SOOO usually: You go to fremintes room which is right next to the siblings room, his window is a bit more hidden to the public view
- You knock twice, having your own knock-signals was lyneys idea! (please they even have their own sign-language! )
- freminte would open the window to his room, leting you climb in while he was going to tell the twins about your arrival
- freminte returing to his room with twins
- freminete closing his window, mumbling how cold it is but he is still happy to see you :)
- lynette und lyney both hug you gently as a greating
- lyney hugging you a bit longer, just a bit thighter, acting as if he hadn't seen you just hours ago at one of his magic shows
- after that you would sleepovers in lyney's & lynettes'a room
- freminete would join too, leaving early tho because introvert things and such-
- it always ends up with you sleeping in the middle somehow
- lyney cuddling to your one side, lynette to your other
- lynette purrs actually while falling asleep
- she loves it when you pet her head
- lyney beeing all pouty of not geting head-pats too
- "don't you think that is unfair? You have a great magican laying right next to you, I'll purr for you too you know?!", he wants your attention so badly..
- you give this a soft laugh and gently caressed over his head with your other hand
- this was also the first time you heard lynette laugh, it wasn't loud and not long but you would never forget how pretty she looked with a smile on her face
- lyney and lynette weren't open with that to just anyone, you are indeed a lucky one and you would treasure it forever
~💜~ NSFW: ~💜~
- if lyney & you want some privat time you two go 'usually' in your teapot..
- with usually I actually mean rarely lmao
- lyney is very much the risky, playfull type of guy
- he loves public sex, it's a showman's thing
- he loves all attention on him
- so most times you fuck somewhere in public
.. (the opera house, underwater in some quiet secluded area, on of the ruin-parts near the water of fontain-city, in the fontain at night, on one of the thrones in the gardens of the opers house, heck he did you even in their own house..)
- lynette & freminete were both out at that time! But usually you don't fuck there!
- lynette often tells you two to get a hotel room lmao (not that you two didn't do that, everytime 'father' is back.. YOU DO!!)
- he is a tease, with beeing a tease edging & overstimulation comes too, on you most likely
- he wouldn't mind the other way around but he is more comfortable with beeing a dom
- he likes having everything under his control, a magican needs always to be in control after all
- wouldn't mind toys but do you really need them when you got his fingers & tongue already??
- lyney is amazing at both, oral and fingering
- he brings you to heaven & back
- A dirty talker and sweet whisperer, he can say such dirty shit but gives you the sweetest compliments seconds later
- The type who would use a vibrator on you in public just to mess with you
- his chuckle and smirk send you.. why so hot??
- He has a lot of kinks, blindfolds & handcuffs are up there for sure
- would love to tie you up, blindfold you to show you his new magic~ (sorry-)
- After a mission was very dangerous or stressfull, he would go very rough on you
- It's a need for him to feel you close by, letting out all the pressure of keeping you save
- Leaves hickeys and bitemarks all over your body during that night
- Tells you how much he loves you over and over again
- His stamina isn't anything special but in those nights he would go all night, overstimulating himself
- That doesn't mean he couldn't go all night if he really would want to/you want to~
(I'll make an extra nsfw headcanon list for lyney, there is to much lmao! Hope you enjoyed! ♡ )
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echo-and-dust · 3 months
now that my brain has somewhat unscrambled itself i have gotten most of my thoughts in order about season 3.
and the first thing i will say is: i loved it.
while it was gutwrenching and polarizing in some ways and i feel that i am entitled to financial compensation for what its done to my mental health, i loved this season for pretty much almost everything it did.
i cannot fault people for having issues with much of the characterization and plot choices made—that’s been the trend during the entire run of the show after all, and imo it’s a testament to the phenomenal way it generates nuance—but i wanted to share my feelings on the recurring opinions i’ve seen about some of these things.
first, i do not blame simon at all for the things he said in the final scene. he’s a child who has been receiving endless verbal and physical harassment on top of all the trauma he is still trying to heal from. he just watched his boyfriend lash out in anger and hurt—while not at him, but it must’ve been a close resemblance of how he might’ve seen micke act. at least, that's what i thought, though i've seen others say otherwise.
and yes, wille is not micke, but just because wille’s source of outbursts is different from micke’s doesn’t mean simon is wrong in drawing similarities. at least he's finally getting a true glimpse into what wille has had to deal with. i've honestly grown to like that they didn't have simon immediately comfort him though; wille's mental illness is not his fault, but it is his responsibility, and instead of pushing a message of unhealthy co-dependence, the show has simon be honest: "but i see that everything hurts you and that hurts me too." and to me, that's so important.
plus, it doesn't make their love any less genuine. wille is a victim of the circumstances; he is not evil, and he is not undeserving of simon. he just has a lot of growing and healing to do, a lot of unlearning and exposure therapy because he's still blinded by privilege even when he tries not to be.
speaking of, i have so many thoughts about wille that i feel like i need to save for its own separate post, but to sum them up: i'll still defend him with my life, and he needs to get the fuck away from that institution.
also, the fact that the responsibility of controlling simon's media decisions was placed solely on wille confused me at first like—why wouldn't they get a professional to give him proper media training?
then i realized, this could be the royal court's way of sabotaging their relationship. they knew that making wille the one to tell simon what he can and cannot say or post would create distance and animosity between them. despite the ramifications of simon's behavior on social media, it seems they still thought it best to have his boyfriend be the one to try to mold him into the system. because they knew that's how they could get rid of him. in conclusion, fuck the royal court (we been knew but still).
one of the standouts this season was their transparency regarding the show's politics. it not only works well with the show's arc (wilmon is public, everything's out in the open now and there's nothing to hide), but also it felt necessary at a time where censorship has been rapidly gaining momentum. it felt so refreshing for these characters to talk so openly about racial discrimination and queerphobia and class disparities, forcing both character and viewer to acknowledge that they exist and you should feel uncomfortable about it.
i don't think i can add much more to what was already said about it—most of the fandom is more eloquent and observant than i am anyway—i just wanted to reinforce how important this season is to myself and the story even with how controversial it is to fans right now. a lot of people may disagree with me and that's fine.
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linmeiwei · 4 months
Do you really think Darcy and Elizabeth would be happy together? It's one thing to not care if an insufferable aunt doesn't like your bride, but it's very different when friends and peers start treating him like an idiot for marrying an unimportant and "tolerable" country girl. Also when he realizes that Georgiana will not be getting the same suitors that he would expect.
That's why I think their marriage is not going to be all that. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe Darcy would start being cruel or disrespectful to Elizabeth like Mr Bennet was to his wife. But to continue happily married? I don't think so.
Oh I strongly disagree! I think Darcy and Elizabeth would be extremely happy in marriage.
As to the social consequences of his marrying a tolerable country girl, I'm not convinced that they would be so dire. The Bennets' ruin was averted through Lydia's marriage, I'm not sure it would be talked about much in the wider world. More to the point, he has a powerful family in whose interest it would be, once the Darcy/Elizabeth marriage happened, to make sure Elizabeth was accepted in all the right circles. They'd likely ensure that Lady C didn't do or say anything to spoil the family's standing. We know from some hints in the novel itself that, once push comes to shove, even those who don't like Elizabeth and may know something of the Wickham fiasco, are too afraid to lose the privilege of friendship with Darcy to continue being a nuisance about it (e.g. Caroline Bingley).
We also know that Elizabeth isn't really only tolerable. She's charming, attractive and clever. I genuinely think that she'd actually make quite a hit once let loose in Darcy's world.
Finally, there's Darcy himself. I'm conscious that people interpret his character very differently to me (e.g. they think he's shy or anxious or on the spectrum) so this is very much my interpretation but… going by some of the descriptions we have of his character, he just doesn't seem like the sort of guy to let himself be swayed much by popular opinion. E.g. in this bit, which takes place in Netherfield, when Darcy and Bingley discuss each other's character traits (paraphrasing):
Darcy: When you told Mrs. Bennet this morning, that if you ever resolved on quitting Netherfield you should be gone in five minutes, you meant it to be a sort of panegyric, of compliment to yourself […] but I am by no means convinced that you would be gone with such celerity. Your conduct would be quite as dependent on chance as that of any man I know; and if, as you were mounting your horse, a friend were to say, ‘Bingley, you had better stay till next week,’ you would probably do it—you would probably not go—and, at another word, might stay a month.
Elizabeth: You have only proved by this that Mr. Bingley did not do justice to his own disposition. You have shown him off now much more than he did himself.
Bingley: I am afraid you are giving it a turn which that gentleman did by no means intend; for he would certainly think the better of me if, under such a circumstance, I were to give a flat denial, and ride off as fast as I could.
In another conversation, he says himself that "[his] feelings are not puffed about with every attempt to move them."
He's just not a volatile sort of guy. He knows his own mind, he knows Elizabeth's merits, and (for all his faults) he's the sort of strong type A that would see it as his responsibiltiy to captain his ship out of any storm rather than abandon it or feel annoyed with it for having got into a storm.
I honestly struggle trying to imagine any set of events that would be at all likely, in which these two were anything other than deeply in love, delighted in each other’s company and devoted to one another.
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reyreadersblog · 1 month
This may sound a bit rude...BUT I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT EVE'S REDEMPTION ARC..NOT A SINGLE FUCK. i understand her situation, i know she had a rough childhood, i know her father loves someone else more than her and i do think she is a very good written character, truly i do, i'm a person who doesn't forgive very easly(even book characters)...and i won't like her even if she grows angel wings and kisses Avery's feet. Like this girl had a chance, a perfect chance, she could've lived rich life, she could've healed from her childhood traumas and i am SURE Avery and Hawthrones would accept her in their "family" and truly loved her, (just like with Avery) Grayson would've loved her(ewww) but no she CHOSE to be a villan herself, no one forced her and for all of you who are saying "she had a rough childhood...life made her evil"....what about Avery then?
Eve and Avery are very similar character, they both had rough childhood, they both went through some shit, they both grew up poor, felt like no one wanted them, they both wanted to be noticed at some point...but there is one difference, life gave both of them a chance, chance to live a good life, and even tho Hawthrones treated Avery like shit in the beginning, she made them fall in love with her platoniclly and romanticlly (Jamie ♡) bec she took that chance and became one and only "risky gamble", unlike Evelyn, life gave her a chance..so she became evil? Like she had Gray wrapped around her finger and all she needed to do was gain their trust, just like Avery did. SMH, whatever happens in TGG i am sticking with this opinion.
This is just my opinion, of course you can either agree or disagree.
'The fates weren't dangerous because they were evil, the fates were dangerous because they couldn't tell difference between good and evil"
Stephanie Garber.
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intrinsicepiphany · 4 months
Okay so I recently watched Hazbin Hotel. And I really like Chaggie so looking at some of the comments about the relationship online I noticed that a lot of people's negative opinions about the couple kind of revolve around Vaggie's seemingly one-sided utter Devotion to Charlie and her being so differential to Charlie but I actually think this may be a storytelling device.
(lets not talk about people saying they dont have chemistry - they 100% act just like an old married lesbian couple)
hear me out because if I am right I may have cracked the code to redemption.
from what I can tell of the Sinners they actually over exemplify or are consumed almost by their sins .
Alastor is probably Pride or Wrath, Angel Dust is Lust and Envy (he shows some self hate/self distructive behaviors as well), Husk is greed, Niffty is violence/wrath.
So what is Vaggies sin?
we know that she was originally not a sinner so she didn't have a human sin to be incorporated into her character which is why she looks the most human.
Her fall from Heaven, (if you want to call it that because, let's be honest none of the other angels knew or casted her out) was either caused by
1) her Devotion to her own morals and eventually disagreeing to what the angels were doing,
2) devotion to the exterminators leading to a loss of self, which she realized only when she defied Lute.
Or 3) the self hatred she developed after realizing how horrible Adam and the exterminators are.
so now that she's Fallen she's kind of taken on being a sinner and since her sin was devotion/self hatred she has transferred her devotion onto the one person she sees as being worth it, the most morally correct person she knows, the person who saved her life Charlie.
This may actually not be a bad thing. I think Charlie's devotion back and general good nature allows for this to avoid toxicity. She encourages Vaggie to be her own person, to forgive herself and to love herself. They are actually quite balanced in my opinion. I also think Vaggie getting her wings back shows that she is close to or maybe already redeemed.
( and lets all agree for all that Charlie is Hellborn she is the most selfless and good person we've met on the show - makes me wonder if a hellborn dies with a good soul would they have always gone to heaven? Was this perhaps one of the reasons the hellborn were exempt from the extermination? Look I have theories about Charlie actually being more Angel than Demon. )
Now Onto my redemption theory!
What if the way to redemption isn't so much being Pure but breaking out of the behaviors that are toxic?
I think Sir Pentious was redeemed because he stopped being selfish. He stopped being a coward and envious. His last act was one of selfless sacrifice in the end he overcame his own fears and limits for someone else. The reasons it's never been done before is because Hell by it's very nature puts them in a place where this is basically impossible. To survive you have to be selfish or cowardly or more violent than everyone else.
This also mean there is a the possibility that if an angel is bad like Adam and dies they could reincarnate in hell as a sinner.
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starstofillmydream · 2 months
This may fall upon deaf ears/ears unwilling to listen, but as we go into the last two episodes of TBB ever, the fandom needs to seriously clean up their attitude. I've been watching shit go down from the sidelines and trying not to get involved with the drama—people being so mean to one another and bullying one another into believing their headcanons (which are OPINIONS) as canon truth—and I've been disgusted with some people's behavior on here. I'm not sure what about TBB S3 in particular has brought the worst out in people, but it's so annoying and it sucks the fun out of being part of a fandom community.
So please (and this should be common sense):
For the love of God, BE KIND. If you see something harmless you disagree with (i.e., personal headcanons and think pieces, no matter how stupid and uninformed they may seem to you), move on. Don't react because it almost always ends in a nasty fight. Be mature. I've seen people bullying others into accepting their personal headcanons as canon (e.g., the "Tech is alive" and "Cody is on Tatooine" truthers), so please don't do that either. Differing headcanons can coexist in a fandom space because they're headcanons, another word for opinions. It's not the objective, concrete truth. Don't force them on other people if they don't agree with you.
If you see any racist, homophobic, sexist, and/or xenophobic comments about the characters (e.g., I've been seeing some fucking awful takes on Phee as of late), shut them down. Don't be a bigot.
Stop insulting people's intelligence as your primary counterargument to people's takes. Everyone's critical thinking skills (I've refrained from using the term "media analysis skills" because TikTok has seemed to make it lose its meaning, in my opinion) can be improved upon, my own included. It's a learning curve and we're all growing. Be self-aware in that regard. It's a logical fallacy—the ad hominem fallacy—to attack the arguer and not the argument, so it just looks dumb and makes you look bad.
Tag your spoilers. #tbb spoilers seems to be the most widely used, so I'd go that route.
If you have anything else to add to the list, please do! I want the unity and respect back in the fandom again, especially as we reach the bittersweet end of a beautiful show that has brought us all together as friends.
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ok so since people didn’t cut my head off for my unpopular opinions i’m gonna expand on the second one. so for people in the gilmore girls fandom it’s pretty much the general opinion that luke is a saint for taking jess in and that jess screwed things up and that it’s his fault luke kicked him out. ”he got himself kicked out”. even people who like jess seem to think this is fair. so as someone who watches gilmore girls mostly for jess i have a different perspective that i’ve never actually vocalized but i figured maybe this little corner of the internet wouldn’t hate me for this, as long as it doesn’t make it out of here.
so i also first of all think that the fact that jess has to work at luke’s and graduate in order to stay there is a bit sad. like everyone around him his age has somewhere they can stay without conditions, and people wonder why he’s the only one worried about making money. and yes, it’s a fine idea in theory, he has to change his ways if he wants to stay with luke bc that’s the point of him being there, sure, but luke could stand to NOT always bring it up to jess during fights that can’t stay with him if he violates the conditions.
bc the thing is that luke very clearly makes it known that he doesn’t want jess there and that the whole situation is kind of a pain in his ass that he’s doing out of obligation. a minor is entitled to a place to stay where they can be an asshole unconditionally, actually, and they shouldn’t have to be constantly grateful to have that. and if luke didn’t want to fully commit and be that place, he should have said no to taking jess in. you don’t get to get all the praise for doing a good deed and then get all pissy about actually following through with it.
like i know luke and jess aren’t the main characters and that their scenes and dynamic are for comedy. but then they play off jess leaving as serious so i should be allowed to analyze their scenes seriously. and my conclusion is… luke is not that nice to jess LOL. like i can’t think of a single scene where he responds to him in any other manner than pissed off or annoyed. he never stops treating him like a bad kid. we know luke cares about jess but does jess have any reason to believe that? or does he think this is all for liz? like i know their scenes are jokes but for someone who complains so much about what a difficult person jess is to connect with, i think luke missed a lot of moments to do it.
luke taking jess in in general is nice, YES, but i’m not talking about just good intentions here. and i know that it was a very good intention but i, again, just super dislike the whole ”you wouldn’t have anywhere to stay if it wasn’t for me, so watch it”-attitude. even in season 4 luke basically said that jess had to come to liz’ wedding because he was there for him when no one else was. and i think that’s a shitty thing to say to someone who deserved more. i know luke didn’t have to do it bc he’s not his parent and that’s why people forgive him and not liz, who is his parent and did have to do it. but i think luke agreed to be jess’ parent and if he didn’t want to, he could have said no to his sister for once in his life. anyways, i think i’ve made my point.
also, i love you luke, my world just revolves around your nephew. i know i’m putting a lot of unrealistic expectations on a guy who’s pretty emotionally constipated. and he did come through with the big things, like giving jess money in sesson 4. but i’m talking about the little things that could have made even more of a difference. just don’t get it twisted ok, luke and jess’ relationship is my fave on the show, i may like it even more than rory and jess’, but when i enjoy something i analyze it. so don’t think i don’t love them, because i do! i just want to squash the idea that luke did everything he could but that jess ultimately was too difficult, because i disagree with that.
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So I don’t know if you know of Doug Walker, but recently released his Disneycember review of The Owl House.
While he praised a majority of the show, he criticized the main villain, Belos, of how he was written.
Many of the comments tried to defend the writing of the villain.
Doug Walker..
Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time.
Yes, I am very familiar with Doug Walker; I loved his stuff along with Channel Awesome years ago and then the allegations came out and fortunately, the other contributors on that channel moved onto bigger and better things. Meanwhile, Doug just stayed the same, so I don't watch his stuff anymore.
Any way, I think it's funny people are scrambling to defend Belos' writing because, despite my own personal opinions on Doug as a critic, I actually agree with him.
For a show that is ostensibly about subverting tropes and not judging a book by its cover, by showing how people can choose to change or not, etc. Belos is a throwback to an earlier era where the Big Bad had basic motivations and characterizations. And for a show like toh, that actually ends up hurting the narrative.
I have categorized the comments I found defending the writing and here are my responses to them:
Belos does have a deeper layer, you just have to look for it.
While a show can certainly foreshadow and provide little hints about a major character, eventually all of that setup will have to pay off somehow. There has to be a reveal both to reward the viewers that have been paying attention and to inform more casual viewers who may not have. Fans analyzing every little frame to extrapolate a major character's backstory only for that backstory to really not matter in the end despite it being set up for a season is just bad writing. full stop. [A viewer should also not have to look on social media for crucial information on a major character.]
It's also not clever that the show left so much room for interpretation on Belos; it just means that they didn't make a commitment to what was being set up and reduced his character to glib one-liners whenever we learn something interesting about him (Masha's "little bro was jealous of big bro" line and Papa Titan's whole spiel).
2. Belos would have been written better if the show had more time.
The Toh crew knew about the cancellation during production of Eda's Requiem and wrote all of 2B with it in mind. So they knew they were working on a time crunch but still introduced elements like the Collector when they should have spent the time wrapping up their story. The cancellation is not an excuse for sloppy writing.
3. Belos as a villain works more on a meta level.
So the argument here is that Belos is the antithesis to the BI; it's accepting and diverse while he is hateful and only accepts things that conform to his worldview. The characters in the story change and grow, while Belos does not. The problem here is that a villain can't only work on a meta level, it has to work on a narrative one as well.
If the BI is place that accepts weirdos then how did someone like Belos come to power? Oh, he lied his way to the top and created problems that never existed? That just makes your populace look dumb and easily manipulated. The BI being so accepting also undermines the threat credibility of the Emperor's Coven because why should we worry about them if they have no real influence over how the BI residents think or behave aside from when the plot needs them to?
Also, I strongly disagree with anyone who says that toh has a "people are complicated and choose to do good and bad" theme when all of the good characters can blame their bad actions on being manipulated or on circumstances outside of their control OR the narrative ignores/downplays anything bad they did (cough cough Amity and Lilith). Meanwhile, the villains are just shallow with basic motives and this is supposed to be a deep message about how Some People Are Just Bad.
If you're going to contrast why your good characters are capable of growth then you need to show why your villain does not. What is stopping them? How do they react if given a legitimate reason to change (that isn't a cheap jab at Steven Universe)? What is their justification for their actions?
Whatever the answer is, the narrative has to support it and not undermine it with a stupid joke.
4. Belos is so refreshing when every villain character is redeemed.
Watch more shows. If you think that every cartoon villain post-Steven Universe is being redeemed then you're incorrect. Redemption of a show or movie's Big Bad is still in the minority while the redemption of the main villain's lackey is a dime-a-dozen.
Ultimately, I think the problem with toh is that so many of its fans take its thematic statements at face value without ever really stopping to think about the execution of those themes and if they really work or not.
Belos just happens to embody this little trick that toh does: it claims to have bold and timely statements and important themes, but the structure and execution of the plot, character development, and world-building undermines any attempt at a consistent or coherent message.
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⋆ 𝓒𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓓𝓲𝓪𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓭: 𝓓𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓬 𝓑𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓼 ⋆
Please note: This is a repost from my old blog, @sugarcookiesheep!
Domestic Bliss was a series I was doing featuring most of the Twisted Wonderland cast as fathers, and what their child/children are like! (With the Reader being referred to as mom!)
I had only completed Riddle and Cater’s parts (while posting sneak peaks of others), and I may come back to it someday! Until then, enjoy! ♡
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⋆ As a father I believe that Cater would be easygoing, taking things as they come and adapting depending on the situation. His child would never have to be afraid to go to him for anything, whether it be to talk or in general. At times it may seem like he acts more like a friend rather than a parent (especially when his child is older) but that’s just because of how comfortable his child is around him. They can be open and honest with him, without worry of harsh judgment or needing to keep secrets. That’s not to say that Cater won’t give his opinion, making it known when he disagrees with something. It’s always with good intentions though, simply wanting the best for them. The type of parent that wants to capture every moment of his child’s life, leading to lot’s of pictures and videos. Everything from small moments to significant milestones like first steps, first words, etc. He’d keep up with all the latest trends and social media the kids are into, including whatever hobbies or interests his child has. He’d evolve from being “cool” to being “embarrassing” as his child got older, but affectionately.
⋆ Cater’s daughter would have a love for media, just like her father! She’s one of those babies that gets so excited whenever her favorite cartoon or character pops up on tv, babbling and bouncing up and down in excitement. She’d slowly move herself as close to the tv as possible in her baby roller walker, her attention focused on what’s happening on screen. If you or Cater turned off the tv or changed the channel she would immediately start crying, making grabby hands at the screen in an attempt to bring it back. You guys would take this into account when purchasing a vehicle, getting one of those family sized cars that can play movies and shows. Road trips had never been more peaceful, though you had to get used to listening to the same movie/show over and over again.
⋆ She has a plush toy of her favorite character that she treasures and always carries with her, like a security blanket. Even when it becomes old and torn you wouldn’t even think of replacing it, knowing how upset and distressed it would make her. You or Cater try your best to patch it up when needed, having to sew or restuff them. No matter the quality of your work, your daughter loves and appreciates it every time. She’s just happy to see her beloved friend feeling better!
⋆ Once she was a bit older Cater decided to get her a small tablet (the kind intended for kids), and to say she was glued to it would be an understatement. Wherever you went she’d bring it with her, either immersed in her favorite shows or walking around taking photos of anything she could. Much like her father she loves to take pictures and enjoys any opportunity to take some, preferably of you or Cater or her beloved plush friend. Though most times in her enthusiasm the pictures will be blurry or out of focus, Cater will always encourage her and treats every picture she shows him as the best photo he’s ever seen. He’ll also give subtle tips or suggestions to help her pictures come out more clear without discouraging her work.
⋆ Even as she gets older she still finds comfort in her favorite show/character, still carrying her beloved plush wherever she goes. She’ll usually keep them in her bag when at school or in public, having them peek out a bit so she can reassure herself of their presence. When she’s feeling anxious or upset she’ll give the plush some pets, the soft texture helping calm her down. If someone tried to make fun of her or (heaven forbid) take the plush from her, you and Cater would comfort her, making it known to the teachers/parents involved that you wouldn’t tolerate this type of behavior. 
⋆ If it were your daughter’s “friends” doing this, Cater would sit down with her and have a private discussion about it. He’d listen to her, giving her a shoulder to cry on if needed and gently giving his own thoughts on the matter. Once things settled he’d lighten the mood by redirecting the subject to a funny video he saw or a cute picture he wanted to show her, getting the smile back on her face. Cater can’t help the joy he feels when she makes some new friends who respect her boundaries and even enjoy the same show she does, asking if she’d like to invite them over for a slumber party sometime. Of course, she’d have to ask her mom first (You said yes, just as happy for her as Cater)
⋆ While your daughter does have a sweet tooth, she prefers savory food like Cater does. When she does have something sweet, it’s usually a salty sweet combination like chocolate covered pretzels or a sweet and spicy combination like chocolate with chili powder/extract in it. She has a high tolerance for spicy food and seems to enjoy anything that has a bit of a kick, so if you’re not a fan of spicy things (or don’t have a high tolerance for it) you make sure to cook your food separately from theirs. (and not to accept if they offer you a bite of their food, you learned that early on way back when you and Cater first started dating)
⋆ One thing about your home is that it’s always lively, Cater and your daughter turning on some music to sing and dance whenever they have to do chores. It’s because of this that you and Cater decided to start having a family karaoke night, usually held once a week during the weekend. You move the furniture in the living room and create a make-shift stage, bringing out all kinds of props and costumes for people to use or wear during their performances. At first it was just the three of you until Cater got the idea to invite his old club/bandmates to join in, Kalim and Lilia making sure to come whenever they’re available. Your daughter would even invite some of her friends to join in on the fun, doing duets with them while everyone clapped and cheered them on.
⋆ Cater would make sure to record the performances throughout the night and would take a group picture of everyone before they left, having a special cork board in the living room where he puts each new photo. You guys have fun looking at the photos and reminiscing about moments from past karaoke nights, talking in between laughs as you point at different pictures. 
⋆ Though you can’t help your bias when looking at the photo from your first karaoke night; you, Cater, and your daughter all squeezed together for a selfie. You’re all wearing a bunch of random things, from sunglasses to hats to feather boas, with the make-shift stage you made behind you. All three of you are smiling towards the camera, your daughter in between you both grinning from ear to ear. Looking at the photo always fills you with warmth and fondness. Cater says it’s his favorite and you can’t help but agree ♡
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Originally posted: November 30th, 2023
𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾! ♡
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