#you adore papyrus as well
izzywhisker · 2 years
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Art trade with @akabendyfan
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eilarae · 7 months
so my bestie is playing undertale genocide for the first time semi-blind. like she knew it existed, that u have to kill everyone, and about the extra hard undyne and sans fights, but that's pretty much it. and lemme tell u.
seeing her reactions to details i have seen so many times and started kinda taking for granted? it's just DELIGHTFUL.
her tangible unease as she experienced the "but nobody came" message for the first time.
her jaw ACTUALLY DROPPING in horror as toriel fell in just one single hit.
the absolute dismay as a decapitated papyrus tells her he still believes in her.
pretty sure i saw actual tears in her eyes during that whole sequence, actually. she mentioned afterwards that she was looking forward to undyne kicking her butt, since she clearly deserved it.
this game is just so good :]
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llamagoddessofficial · 3 months
How would your Sanses act when they are getting sick and MC takes care of them?
AWW we've done so many scenarios about the boys looking after a sick Mc. It's long past due their turn to be sick!
Sans: When he's sick, he just absolutely koalas onto you. He loses all his inhibitions and sticks to you like glue. It doesn't matter what he's doing, how aware he is, how weak or sick he feels, he will follow you to the ends of the earth to cuddle you. Cooking? He's hugging you from behind the whole time you cook. Doing laundry? He's sitting beside you, snoozing with his head on your shoulder. At first, you might try to encourage him to lay down and go to sleep before you try to sneak off and do something, but as soon as you get there he appears like a half-asleep ghost to hold onto you. There's no escape. Even Papyrus can't save you.
If anything, it's a nice opportunity to wind down. You have to - you have no choice. It's also very cute when Sans is woozy and snuggly.
Red: For very obvious reasons, Red does not like being sick. He's a macho man!! He doesn't need babying!! Red frequently hides/downplays how unwell he feels, and the more sick he gets the more snappish and foul-tempered he becomes. He won't admit he's ill until he's absolutely wrecked. Even when he's figuratively on death's door, he's extremely combative and aggressive, he refuses pretty much all help. Being sick means being weak, and he cannot be weak.
... Unless it's you. When you're around, he's a big delirious flirty idiot, and he'll do whatever you say. If his brother so much as gently suggests he should have some water, Red bristles and starts a fight. But when you tell him to lay the fuck down and take his medicine like a big boy... well, who is he to argue with a pretty face?
"hey. humans can't get monster sicknesses, right? maybe you should give me a kiss. right here. might make me heal faster."
"Be quiet and drink your soup."
"yes ma'am."
Skull: It makes a lot of sense for Skull to get sick around you, if you think about it. His mind and body have been in a constant state of stress for such a long time, never allowing him to slip, not even for a moment; being with you finally allows him to relax enough to get ill.
Despite his generally eeby nature, Skull isn't very good at 'turning off'. He always wants to be helping, doing something for you, making something or fixing something, providing. He feels like a bad husband if he's not helping. He'll regularly need steering back to bed - he shuffles into the room, half-aware and with his blanket still draped around his shoulders, wanting to help with whatever you're doing despite absolutely needing to rest. If you leave him alone too long he'll start quietly doing chores.
Fun fact, it's actually scientifically proven that Skull heals faster if you treat him like the big baby he is. Put a blanket over him and a cup of tea on the coffee table, give him kisses while he drifts in and out of sleep. Turn on your favourite TV show and stay with him all day, pet his cranium when his head hurts, gently sing to him until he falls asleep. He spends so much time being the provider, the caregiver, the hunter, the gatherer, the protector. And as much as he adores caring for you... he completely forgot how it felt to be the one being cared for.
He doesn't mind being reminded. He doesn't mind at all.
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One thing I think I just realized is, in addition to being dissatisfied with how stories deal with Toriel’s grief compared to Asgore’s and Asriel’s, and how I don’t see many instances of Toriel and Asgore’s quarrel being addressed in a way that satisfied me... I don’t think I see that many AUs that quite get the responsibility Asgore feels... right.
Yes, I’ve seen several that portray his grief, depression, and how badly he doesn’t want to be in this position well, even if it’s disappointing how not everyone seems to be aware of what you learn about him in a Neutral run where you’ve previously killed Flowey. A lot of people can get aspects of his characterization very well, the broken man, the goofy dad, the intimidating monarch. But I think the reason I don’t see people capture the weight of his responsibility quite as well in fanfics and comics is... well. Oddly enough it’s in the way the monsters treat him.
It’s not just the fandom that has issues with idolizing or demonizing characters. It’s also the Kingdom of Monsters themselves--and they all idolize Asgore. Yes, he’s a very grounded and compassionate individual who invites his subjects to share all their problems with him, and who Papyrus insists will just let you pass through the Barrier. But he’s also a bit of the subject of a cult of personality for his subjects. When they say he’ll absorb seven souls and become a GOD, it’s not an expression of his arrogance, but rather their own adoration. While out-of-universe the Angel is generally agreed to be either Asriel or Chara(or us), in-universe I wouldn’t be surprised if Asgore was considered the Angel.
It’s not long now. King Asgore will let us go. King Asgore will give us hope. King Asgore will save us all.
Yes, individual monsters may want to collect a human soul for their own individual wants and desires. But it’s only the capture of a human soul, or using a single soul for their own benefit, that they really aspire to. (With the exception of Toriel, who wants no souls, and Flowey, who is Flowey.) Of those area bosses who earnestly try to take just one soul, Papyrus and Undyne both want to hand you over to Asgore, and Mettaton wants to protect humanity FROM Asgore. Literally everyone in the Underground seems to fully believe that Asgore will be the one taking all the Souls and fulfilling his promises, and all are content. (Again, barring Toriel, MTT, Flowey.) No one seems to ever doubt he’ll do as he says, even his ex-wife, and no one’s greedy to take the power for themselves or take the burden of being a savior for themself, except his kid who has both a God Complex and a Savior Complex.
With Chara, and with Asgore. They take a person and turn them into a representation of something More than any singular person could ever be. And then in the worst route Chara does it again, to themself. Asgore is freedom and salvation and retribution itself, and everyone including the woman who was once married to him agrees and reinforces the role. Chara is the feeling of a number going up, and the fandom agrees and reinforces the role.
And I dunno. There are fics and AUs where Asgore never lost his kids and always remained an affable, friendly guy. There are AUs where Asgore is the main antagonist and an awful villain with few redeeming qualities. There are fics and AUs where Asgore gets to recover in a post-pacifist setting. But I’m not sure any fics or AUs have ever quite captured how everyone else just talks about the guy, for me. Toriel is simply ‘intimidating’. But Asgore is a GOD.
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wickjump · 1 month
Hey how do you think the sans AUs would act like if they had hair.
Like who would dye it , what haircut , how often would they wash it and stuff.
i’m choosing to go for ‘human au’ on this one because skeletons with hair isn’t something i want to think about for long. mind you these are my hcs and everyone is allowed to have their own interpretation of characters! this is just how i view them. i still enjoy other human designs for them tho and arent really that picky with anything really.
error’s hair by all logic should be in awful condition because of the years without caring for his hair in the anti void but his body seems to be in a sort of stasis. oh well, to hell with all logic. i love both long dreads and braids on him and i’m always unable to pick so either or, no preference. i adore both interpretations equally. definitely blue hair, at least at the ends. maybe it’s dyed, maybe the antivoid gave him blue hair, who knows. he doesn’t remember.
ink. this is heavily inspired by a design i found on tiktok (by hlebna11) that i enjoy the concept of. long thin white hair, a good bit below waist length. he’s dyed his hair plenty times before but it all seems to fade out completely after a week or two no matter what dye he uses. his hair gets in the way of a lot/is dipped in paint/gets caught on things, but he refuses to cut it. thankfully once it hit his ‘below waist length’ it stopped growing out. (edit: by inspired by, i mean exclusively the hair part, not the skin tone! i was unaware he was canonically poc, and the design mentioned shows him as white. whitewashing is a bad thing and i did not mean to support a design featuring that!!)
dream and nightmare both have long hair. dream’s is thick and wavy golden (i don’t mean blonde, i mean actually unnaturally bright gold colored), while nightmare’s is thin and straight. nightmare’s hair would be more like dream if he wasn’t ‘corrupted’, and it was more of a curly darkish purple when he was younger than pure black like it is now. his hair is also much longer than dream’s, reaching down to near hip length while dream’s hair is like. middle of ribcage length. dream puts his hair up a lot, nightmare doesn’t. for some reason, nm’s hair never gets tangled. like at all. lucky mf
cross had short hair most of his life because it was the royal guard standard, but over time at nightmare’s without those rules, he grew it out a bit. not too much, less than shoulder length, but it's still visibly longer and more full. his hair is naturally white because xgaster had a theme going on, possibly with a black underside. he’s huge on ‘keeping it natural’, as in not dying it, but nobody believes his hair is naturally those colors.
(100% inspired by crixcrocz on tiktok you have my favorite human design for killer ever) killer’s hair is about shoulder length and the cut looks like it was done in complete darkness with a chainsaw. not much else to say here. it’s uneven and always ruffled. who let him cut his own hair. he also has that ramona style ‘two strands in the front that are longer than the rest of the hair’ thing going on. he’d dye it if dyeing it didn’t require bleaching it, which he doesn’t want to put in the effort of doing.
now for dust. i am physically incapable of imagining dust in any way other than junipers-insects’ design for him?? i’m in love with it. so that’s what i forever see him as in ‘human form’. im far from picky with designs for him tho, i've seen a lot of cool ones.
classic’s got short dreads i’m sorry i don’t make the rules. i really don’t. while i love the idea of him dyeing it he’d be way too lazy to. also this ain’t about him but classic papyrus would likely have short hair with shaved sides. you know the style. he probably also has ‘cool guy’ shaved into said sides. or flames. either that or he's got cornrows. sans does his hair
geno’s got classic’s same hair because they’re the same guy, except it’s gone pure white in the save screen because he has a theme to keep up. he jokes that he’s gone grey due to stress and i wouldn't doubt it. i also like to think his hair is longer but that "wouldn't make sense" because "his body doesn't function normally when in the save screen" or whatever so SIGH i guess he has short hair (lame)
fell is similar to classic but his dreads are longer, a little bit more than shoulder length i’d say? he puts his hair up in a ponytail a lot. there's this one human design i love for him but i cannot find it which is killing me.
swap on the other hand has short curled hair. on the hair scale i’d say it’s 3a? 3b? it’s above shoulder length but it goes below his chin. he showers like twice a day so 30% of the time you see him his hair is wet. his hair is thick too so it takes forever to dry which annoys him (me fr). i like both white and black and brown hair for him so i have no preference for color between those three. he probably dyed it blue for a while for sake of color scheme but didn't like it much. i've also seen good designs for him where he's got ginger hair too.
fresh’s hair i imagine the same as his actual human design so there’s not much in that regard for him. greaser’s hair is the same as well. i don't have many thoughts for them because their hair has already been ingrained into my mind for years
horror has thin hair due to malnutrition. like it’s really not healthy at all. it used to be much fuller and shorter years ago, but time and starvation both do numbers. his hair reaches halfway down his humerus and is often knotted or tangled, he just doesn’t care much for it compared to other things.
reaper has long straight dark gray hair that goes down to his waist. geno (or rt!tori, or whoever you ship him with/hc him to be close with in general) likes to mess with it and put it in different styles. reaper lets him because it’s fun to see him so concentrated on something.
i’m so torn on lust. honestly i’ve never seen a bad hairstyle on him, he can pull off literally anything so i don’t mind what hairstyle he has nor do i have a preference. in fact, he probably switches styles all the time, so there’s no definitive one he uses the most. his hair is def dyed purple/pink/teal at the ends. he probably also uses that hair glitter spray on it
btw i am in fact white so if i messed up with any of the poc hairstyle descriptions PLS PLS PLS let me know!!!
i also don't really imagine any of them with facial hair because i don’t like facial hair i’m too lesbian for that. stubble is fine. they got arm/leg/other such hair too when applicable but i personally just do not like big ol beards/mustaches. that's just my personal preference with that one no shame in having facial hair or enjoying it it’s just not my thing ^^;
ok yeah that’s all :33
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gillanfryingpan · 7 months
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For The Forgotten Ones is completed, I haven’t read the final chapter yet because I wanted to finish this first
Buddy thank you so much for this wonderful story, I know I keep saying it but it genuinely changed my life. I hadn’t been in the Undertale fandom since about 2017, it was my first fandom experience so it was very special to me, but I left it far behind. at the start of this year I stumbled upon Calcium-cat’s comic based on the first chapter, and I found my way to this fic and read I think seven chapters in one night LOL. I had to stop because it was so late, but afterwards I sat in the dark of my room and just, felt. this fic felt like the peak of the old Undertale fandom, it was almost overwhelming (in the best way). all these emotions and this energy that I hadn’t felt in years all came rushing back it was like magic. like rediscovering the meaning of life. I know that sounds ridiculous and cheesy but Undertale genuinely made me who I am, it was my first fandom, drew my first fanart and wrote my first fan fiction and went to my first con and made friends and discovered this whole community that made me feel like me. and this story is interwoven with all of that. it feels like Home.
because of this fic I gained the motivation to create SO MUCH art, my skills have developed so much and I genuinely love my art now when I didn’t really before. I’ve found my style bc of you :) I’ve also gained an actual following now that continues to grow which is a dream come true since I first joined the internet. and I’ve made so many wonderful friends, I’ve got a group that came together bc of this fic and they’re all such wonderful people that I may never have met otherwise.
I’ve still got so many screenshots and ideas to draw for this fic so I’ll be appreciating it for a long time still, but this is a thank you, a gift and an appreciation for all that you’ve done. you consistently uploaded a sizeable chapter EVERY WEEK which is INSANE, your dedication is so inspiring. you created a beautiful world and characterized all these popular characters so well, especially when mischaracterizations have become the fandom canon atp (looks at Swap Sans,,,) you did so much. you created a family we all adored, we laughed and cried and prayed and joked and created this wonderful community within a wonderful community just to appreciate your words. truly effing masterful. I love For The Forgotten Ones, I will print it out into a book someday soon, to put it on my shelf where I can see it always. Thank you thank you thank you I’ve said so many words and still I feel I have not expressed the depths of my feelings
oh well
I gotta post this sometime lol
ok bye :) 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
(and to anyone else who reads this, this art is also going to be my dtiys event but I’ll make a separate post for that !!!! it’ll be going on until the end of November)
For The Forgotten Ones by Im_Sorry_Buddy
Ink!Sans and Aster by @comyet
Nightmare!Sans and Dream!Sans by @jokublog
Geno!Sans and Error!Sans by @loverofpiggies
Killer!Sans by @rahafwabas
Cross!Sans by @jakei95
Blue/Swap!Sans by p0pcornpr1nce
Dust/Murder!Sans and Phantom!Papyrus by @ask-dusttale
Horror!Sans by @horrortalecomic (Sour-Apple-Studios)
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I feel bad for Starlo. (pt. 9)
Star's the Papyrus (both are idealistic & seen as naive) of this game (Martlet is another possible parallel), even though he's got similarities with Undyne too. No matter how broken Ceroba seemed he asked himself WHY she did what she did and I think that's SUPER important.
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Ceroba didn't do this. Her first instinct was to be harsh (after being harsh with him even BEFORE he attacked Clover):
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called his personality "damaged" before this scene
... you never asked yourself WHY he did the whole sheriff act.
.... you never asked WHY he didn't want to grow up. If it was a coping mechanism, if he wanted to help his community in a way he couldn't as a farmer? It was never on her mind.
Yes he has baggage but he's dealing with it all while uplifting others, Ceroba has baggage but is well taken care of by Star and at least has him, he has no one but himself and his optimism to pull him out of negative feelings, and still gets insulted.
Yeah Ceroba's been through stuff but apparently it's been some time since Chujin passed and Kanako fell down, she should have at least started to support Star emotionally like he's been supporting her (sure, he did so with distractions, but as he said "aren't distractions what's best for all of that?" He did his best). Problem is she DIDN'T realise he was ever struggling with self worth and only assumed he was goofing off. Either that or she did nothing about it aka was too occupied with her own problems (which are valid but still... she should have tried at least a little) Cer's character flaw is being too stubborn and devoted to Chujin. She trusted him blindly and wholeheartedly. Everything else came in 2nd place. This is clear as day.
It hurts knowing Ceroba could never respect Starlo the way she still does her husband. Not saying she shouldn't admire Chujin, but the way she sees Star as a goofy manchild whose lifelong passion can go "too far," the way she sees all this Wild East stuff as him "just having fun," the way she thinks that only someone whose brain isn't developed would ever consider dating him just... ticks me off, tbh. That's why I think the guy needs someone who will be gentle and patient with him, even if that other person is going through tough times.
She DID call Starlo the best sheriff she's ever known (honestly the only sweet moment between them in pacifist, but it is very brief, especially in neutral where he just gets cut off; also I hope she was being genuine here) and said how everyone adored him (but hated his persona, which I've already covered: basically they either hated 'North Star' as a whole, which I hope isn't true, or just how excited he was to meet Clover, which makes no sense to me; already covered it as well)
Bonus: Dina didn't know who Star really was or what he looked like, not before the end credits rolled (when he shows up as himself & she's also seen there; makes sense that he finally came clean to her):
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So he's literally been playing this role 24/7, ever since she became the bartender; ever since this town started to exist. It's impressive how he could keep up an act AND use this fake accent for so long
Bonus #2: Star was SUPER worried about Clover's safety; that's what REALLY upset him (he cares about that child sm). THAT's what drove him off the edge (unless he naturally has a temper, i don't think this is it tho). Either way, he was way more patient w Ceroba than I think most would have been in that situation. Sure he snapped a few times, but there was a good reason to. He still TRIED to reason with her. Why did he attack? Worried for Martlet & Clover. I honestly think Star's the type to only get super angry if someone he loves is in danger (minus the stuff that happened which led him to cracking)
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derangedanomaly · 3 months
Hi!, gotta say I love your works and I don't know if you'd reply or anything can you do our typical siren boys seeing a siren fem YN coming from the Carribean?, like a Carribean Siren or mermaid (Typically from the Bahamas), and then they just like to interact or anything
The siren Bois are; Horror, Classic, and Fell
Also I can be called anoni
Yes, hello Anoni! ^^
This is a fun request! I'd love to write some siren's!! 💕 Also- you're literally the first person to request Fell Sans!! Congratulations! (Nah, but fr, not much people show enough love for Fell.)
Siren Sanses x Siren F!Reader
(Classic, Horror, Fell)
BACKGROUND INFO: The Sanses are part skeleton and part siren. IN THIS, SIREN'S ARE EXTINCT, AND YOU'RE THE ONLY THREE SIREN'S ALIVE! (Counting Papyrus too, of course.)
Classic isn't your typical normal siren. He's part skeleton actually! And on top of that, him and his brother are the only siren's within the whole ocean. Which is why he looks at you curiously when he sees you swim towards him.
He's like: Who's this? A siren? Interesting... He didn't met another siren, besides his brother, until now. And It's a female too! Now his interest is fully piqued.
He carefully approaches you and calmly asks you what your name is.
That's how it started.
You two spend then the whole day swimming around the local beach.
He introduces you to his brother. (Papyrus literally had stars in his eyes when he saw you)
Is interested to know everything about you. I mean- he never met a female siren. He's curious to know if your powers work the same as his or not.
Siren's aren't supposed to be enchanted by another siren singing their captivating tunes.. yet he couldn't help his soul from beating so much it could jump out of his chest, when he heard your singing.
Maybe it was the way you looked absolutely breathtaking while you were trying to lure these pirates in, or the way you closed your eyes so you could focus on your voice more, but it was slowly killing the poor skeleton...
You went up to him almost immediately after you successfully drowned the pirates. "How did I do, Sans?" You got no response as Sans only started at you in adoration. "....Sans?" Maybe...it was fate that brought you two together..or was it something more? "You did great...Y/n." You squealed and hugged him, which made him hug you right back.
Yeah..it was definitely fate. Ain't no way he could get so lucky with someone like you to come into his life.
Horror was silent when he crept up behind you, following you across the ocean.
He saw you pass by him a couple hours ago, and he couldn't stop following you since. I mean- it's not everyday you get to see a female of your own species. Especially when you're considered almost extinct.
As for you- you were scared shitless. You didn't dare to turn around, so you didn't know that he was the same species as you.
Well- to cut it simple and short, you decided to grab the last of your braveness and approach him regarding his uncomfortable acts.
You stop in your ramblings when you notice that he's the same species as you....
He introduces himself to you (after an awkward staring for awhile) you followed the formalities and also introducing yourself.
You spend the day sitting on the sand and chatting away.
Sans doesn't want to introduce you to Paps, but after you convinced him enough- he did it. (Papyrus was full of joy when he saw you)
Horror couldn't help himself but stare unmovingly at your tail and the sharp edges. Your tail- even though he had the same one, was so mesmerizing to him. He seemed to be in trance as you even tried moving your hands across his face, to see if he would snap out of it. But alas, no luck whatsoever.
"I...like your...tail.." he slowly spoke. It even looked like his eye turned into a heart as he kept watching your tail move back and forth. "Really? Thanks! I like yours too!" You took a peek at his tail. It almost resembled a shark, in some way. It was very sharp- and looked like it could kill a person on sight.
It felt like eternity has passed as you both continued to gaze at the tail of the other. "Can I...touch...it?" You got surprised by his question, but appreciated that he was so considerate. You slightly blushed at the thought of letting him touch your tail, but you decided to give into his request. "Yes..you can." No one could ever describe what joy Horror was feeling when he heard those words of approval. What a sight...
Fell couldn't believe his eyes when he saw you. A siren FEMALE?! He really thought that him and his brother were the only ones.. he's somehow glad that they're not.
He didn't want to go to you at first. Even avoid you! In the end, Papyrus was actually the one that made forced him to go up to you.
He sweated a ton while conversing with you, which made you feel a little concerned.. is he ok?? (No. No he's not.)
Feels this need to protect you from any harm- he knows it's stupid! But you and him are probably the only chance to save siren's from going extinct, If you know what I mean.. 😏 (his thoughts, not mine.)
After you both introduce yourselves, you spend the day collecting shells and other things that are scattered across the beach.
Fell would lie if he said he didn't find you absolutely breathtaking..but he couldn't stop this annoying sweating that was happening to him. Oh geez..
"Look Fell! Another shell!" You presented the find to the skeleton in front of you as he gave a soft grunt in approval. "There are so many things here. I wonder why the humans threw it away..." He hummed as he couldn't focus on your words when this feeling of anxiety was getting to him faster than ever.
He glanced at the pearl he found for you.. oh he was so scared to give it to you...what if you don't like it! Then he'd be the biggest fool in the whole ocean! His eyes travelled back to your form as you picked up another she'll, and after another.
He doesn't get why you're so into collecting these. But he won't stop you.. actually, he will even encourage you! He really cherishes the look you give him when you present another find after another.. he looks back at the pearl in his hands and sighed. It's now or never..
"Hey..Y/n?" You turned to face Fell, with a smile as he internally groaned.. you looked so good, what the hell?? He pulled his hands forward, showing you the pearl he found for you. You gasped, taking it. "Oh my! Thank you so much Fell! You're a real sweetie!" You couldn't help the joy you felt as you gave him an unexpected, quick peck on his cheek. It was his turn to gasp as he watched you swim around in happiness, while he held his cheek in his hand. Oh, he truly loved the sight of your happiness..
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undertale-fluffcanons · 6 months
How do you think swap sans and UT! papyrus would react to a reader fairy who's enamored by them. So they always leave little trinkets, flowers, and such x)
(Hope you're doing well btw!💖💖)
Underswap Sans:
*you are just enamored by Blue, so you like leaving him little gifts and trinkets
*Blue adores the gifts you leave for him, but is curious to who would leave them
*he has attempted to take a glance at the one who leaves the gifts for him
*however, you’re not ready to show yourself to him just yet, so you always do leave these little gifts in secret
*however, lately, you’ve been leaving him cute little notes, giving him compliments and words of encouragement!
*which have helped him get through his day
Undertale Papyrus:
*Papyrus was caught off guard the first few times you left him little gifts and trinkets
*you like doing so, since you really like him! However, you’re afraid of showing yourself to him, since you are just a little fairy
*occasionally, you like leaving little notes of encouragement for him
*Papyrus has kept every little gift and note you have left for him, always happy to receive them, even if he doesn’t know where they are coming from, though he is quite curious about it.
*he has asked Sans if he’s seen the one leaving these little gifts and trinkets behind, but he tells him that he’s not, but you had told Sans not to tell Papyrus about you just yet
*he only agreed to it since you’ve been so nice to Papyrus
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Small rant about Sans' character that no one is ever going to read and is probably kind of inaccurate, but I'm going to scream into the void nonetheless because why the hell not and I'm kind of bored.
I feel like the concept of Sans as a whole has been so utterly gutted by the fandom and not in the way you'd think. Not because of the AUs which are all so oddly Sans-focused (but at least we have Underverse which is actually pretty good) but in the sense of the people who claim to "actually understand Sans canonically" and "try to stay as canon as possible" while also equally missing the point sort of. Hence, why we have this long and overplayed image I'm sure everyone has seen a billion times:
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If I could lay some groundwork down, Undertale came out in 2015, nearly a decade ago. The internet was a different time and place then and fandom creativity reached new peaks that no one had ever seen before, and as a result, a lot of Undertale was exaggerated, changed, cut up, and then put back together. Why? Because in all honesty, Undertale was a really simple game with a simple premise. Sure there were bits and pieces scattered throughout, parts like who Gaster was, who Chara was when they were alive, who Sans is in general; all the typical fandom theory shenanigans we've come to expect in the recent years. And in that excitement, Sans became the staple of Undertale pretty much, or at least everything it represented. This macabre, yet adorably misleading game with funny moments and interesting think pieces that people are still speculating about. That's pretty much the basis of Sans. So I get why Sans became the quintessential poster child for such a subversively ambitious game. I get why, then, people try to showcase Sans as this badass God character who knows and remembers all of resets and cries over Papyrus and is just an edge lord in general. It doesn't mean it's accurate in the slightest, but I get the idea of it nonetheless. In the absence of content, and there's a lot of it in Undertale, (I mean, it took me 4 hours to 100% it in the Pacifist and Neutral Routes, and 5 hours to beat Genocide, including the times it took me to beat Undyne because she thoroughly kicked my ass and Sans as well) the fans filled those gaps with what they saw fit and what they saw fit was so wide and diverse that the gap overflowed and the game pretty much became unrecognizable.
And I (except for the truly questionable and gross stuff, you know what I'm talking about) love the fandom for that, I truly do. Just the sheer number of comics, spin-off games, AUs, art, and fanfiction that answered every question I had and more was and is impressive, but even so, there's only so much that can be done with the context Undertale provides us before the content gets...stale. Hence my point on why Sans' character was so exaggerated is because Undertale as a whole had been exaggerated and oversaturated and overplayed and generally...not what the game or Sans was originally. But that was peak 2016-2019, though, a few years ago. And the interpretations and eras, like everything, have changed.
Now back to my actual point. It's now 2024. The fandom has noticeably slowed down. All of the AUs and theories and fanfictions that were popular have either been forgotten about over the years, randomly rediscovered or still ongoing, or just abandoned entirely. The game has been pretty much combed through until every file has been cracked, every document leaked, and every secret discovered. It's like a picked over turkey at this point and a lot of the old creators have indeed left behind the game in pursuit of newer things, which is understandable. It's not the center of attention it once was and in that wake, we don't really have a lot of the same pillars in the Undertale community that we used to. And in this transformed community, we have the left over children, now young adults and teenagers, to pick up the pieces. And in that, Sans' character, as well as Undertale itself, has again, been reformed.
That was a lot of words. But I hope I at least set the center stage. My issue, pretty much, is that the leftover fans deem themselves as "above the cringe" the old fandom left behind, which, is fair enough. And in doing so, a lot of the foundation of the 2016-2019 Undertale fandom was kind of overwritten. No, now Sans is no longer this edgy, overpowered God figure ready to right the wrongs of the player, no, now he's this apathetic guy who doesn't care about anyone, including himself, and is only powerful because he cheated. And to be fair, I see some merit in this interpretation. Sans is in fact, a pretty morally ambiguous guy. He doesn't even attempt to stop the player during the genocide route until there's nothing left. He threatens the player on the pacifist route even when we pose no threat. He makes so many allusions about himself not caring about anything. So I get it. Everyone is tired of everything Sans-related. I was too at one point. But in trying to counteract this fanon interpretation of Sans, I feel like this new one is also semi-inaccurate. This new interpretation of Sans is meant to be seen as "mature" and "not cringe" when in fact, Undertale is and always will be sort of cringe. And that's OK! That's why I and others love the game so much, because it's not afraid of being anything other than what it is and what it claimed to be. It had a story in mind that it wanted to tell and it did so unabashedly. The need to separate Undertale and Sans itself from the cringe is so pointless and almost a little juvenile. And imo, even ruins the character of Sans himself.
Sans does care about Papyrus, so so so much. He reads him bedtime stories. He plays along with his illusions of grandeur. He calls out the player when he's killed, despite Sans having to remain objective as a judge. I feel like Sans not intervening in Papyrus' death isn't because he doesn't care, it's because his entire job is to act as a judge and in a position where he's mostly neutral. He knows the player has powers to redo and undo things, so thus, he gives us room to make those choices, for better or worse. He's like, the anti-toriel. He refuses to hold your hand. He tells YOU to make the right choice, and by you, I mean the player. And in that sense, I feel like that's not something a completely apathetic guy would do. Someone like that wouldn't even see the point of choices, of having an option. Someone like that wouldn't care about getting out of bed in the morning, getting several jobs, or telling a person with higher power to just engage with your brother.
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Like come on, don't say he doesn't put effort into anything, like he went out of his way to make sure Pap's Holiday party went perfect. He's constantly going above and beyond for his brother.
Sans has emotions and they're so complex and so well-written, but I feel like this counter-cringe culture of the fandom wants him to be this guy who's either too depressed or too lazy to engage with others, or someone who would simply shrug off the death of loved ones when we have proof that Sans does indeed try hard for Papyrus in the ending where everyone dies but his brother. It's an "oh shit" sort of moment when he realizes that Papyrus is the only person he has left and thus, he puts in the effort to be better for him. It's not that he doesn't care or see the point, he's just kind of numb at this point. If Papyrus dies in the neutral routes, you don't see Sans again until the judgment hall and he'll call you a dirty brother killer and tell you to go to hell. That's something someone who at least cares a little would do. He's not above insulting the player and he's not above getting pissed. I've never really seen him as a, "well that's that then," character when it comes to Papyrus dying, for me, it's always been, "I'm angry, but I can maintain my composure and still do what I have to do."
Even in the genocide routes, Sans wants to give up and do nothing. He wants to let himself die without much thought. But he knows that he has to stand between you and oblivion. It's another, "Oh shit" moment, but in the opposite way. He knows he's gonna die. But he still has hope. Not necessarily that you'll be a good person, but that you can try another way and make better choices. He embodies the same mentality Papyrus did at the beginning of the run, believing there's a better chance for another future where everyone can be happy.
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Sans isn't a nihilist, not all the way. There's still a chance, still a part of him that has hope for everything, regardless of the route. And should the Pacifist route be completed, you'll see that he's genuinely happy. He DOES care, or at least he's beginning to know that caring about things is ok and healthy even.
Ex 1: If you go to Sans' lab after completing a True Pacifist Route, you get this bit of dialog:
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Ex 2: Sans and Papyrus talking about a Christmas party they had on the Newsletter of the 5th Anniversary of Undertale.
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The strongest, yet most complex example of this that we see is that he upholds his promise with Toriel and will continue to do so until the genocide route at the very end because he wants to at least give us, the player, a chance. And even if it was a cop-out for being lazy, I believe that Sans legitimately believes there's a chance for us to turn around and be a better person, or at the very least, make better choices. We know that Sans is a person who doesn't like making promises at all, and even though he said that his threatening to kill Frisk is a joke, had he not made that promise to Toriel, I can't 100% say that he still wouldn't intervened in the genocide and neutral routes.
And if you think about it, Sans upholding that promise just makes me question him even more. Like, even if you kill his brother, so long as you don't kill everyone, he won't kill you just because of that. He sticks to his promise and his morals so much, even if it costs him everything because well, what type of judge would he be if he didn't stick to his moral code?
"If you have some special power, don't you think it's your responsibility to do the right thing?"
And by that logic, if he made a promise with someone, don't you think he'd feel he'd have the responsibility to uphold it?
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We also know that he makes an effort to give us updates on the Underground after we leave in the neutral routes because he still wants us to know, at least, the consequences of our actions, so it's not like he's just lazily letting us get away with anything with do (even if he does physically.) He still holds our actions above our heads. He still keeps his promise. He still knows that we can make a better outcome. And if that doesn't say anything about him, I don't know what does.
Even in the neutral route endings where things are objectively going terribly for the monsters with Frisk killing Asgore and taking the souls to leave the barrier, Sans still never gives up. Sans, of all people.
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And sure, Sans isn't a saint, not by a long shot, but he does have some moral weight in the long run, and by playing the part of a judge, he has a certain level of disattachment that's necessary when it comes to doing his job. Nowadays, I don't see the "fanon" sans that everyone loves to rag on, the one that's overly emotional and jarringly out of character, more so, I see everyone ragging on that interpretation, and then coming up with an equally inaccurate interpretation of Sans just not giving a shit and letting Frisk get away with everything just because he's "not emotional and only wants to be lazy, blah, blah, blah, nihilism, existentialism, it's more canonically accurate, unlike that CRINGE FANON SANS!" /or being a total unserious prankster with no other personality traits, and that's equally as jarring for me.
So in conclusion, I feel like "Fanon" Sans, the one where he's breaking down and sobbing over Papyrus and holding his scarf is just as inaccurate as the "more canon one" where he's apathetic and simply just not caring about his death, or at the very best, says "it is what it is." Sans is a character whose emotions aren't apparent, but he still does care in his weird philosophical way. He loves Papyrus and genuinely thinks he's cool. He's a jokester character who loves a good laugh and being laid back. He doesn't like putting in effort, but he will if he has to. He wants the player to make good choices, so he generally tries to stay out of the way to give us that freedom. Not because he knows we're gonna kill Papyrus, but because he knows we have greater power and wants us to use it to do the morally right thing. He isn't above doing morally grey things either, like threatening to kill Frisk in case they pose a threat to monster kind, but I believe even then, his hesitation to just accept a human in the underground is somewhat understandable given the oppressive tension between humans and monsters. Additionally, he does put in effort when it comes to caring about monsters other than Papyrus, Toriel, and even Alphys and Asgore, he cares about them all: (it's implied that he feeds the amalgamates in Alphy's old lab as proven by the same dog food we see in the lab being in Sans' house and Alphys even calls him a good guy because he helps her in the aborted genocide route ending, him telling jokes to Toriel and genuinely trying to bring some joy in her life even though she's a stranger and doesn't have an obligation to, even staying with her in the Ruins after she's dethroned in the Queen Undyne ending, him acting as the judge before Asgore and even being in such an important position requires you to have a solid sense of morality and conviction, his respect for Undyne as a warrior/leader depending on the ending and in the Undertale Newsletter, he makes an effort to score a goal for his team in Hocky, and Undyne of all people seems proud of him, and pretty much everything that has to do with Papyrus he's at the very least involved or interested in.)
My words don't have a lot of merit. I'm simply saying how I interpret things. But as a big sister, I see Sans as a good big brother who's not too involved, but also deeply cares about his younger brother and his friends. I get that stoicism and being "logical" and "cold" is the new trend and whatnot with all these edits of badass characters and longing for a time when everything was less...emotional, but in doing that, it shuts a lot of discussion about Sans as a person and his complex emotions as a whole. I feel like it's too difficult and kind of silly to chalk him up as either one or the other. I feel like there's a nice middle ground between the "cringe" fanon sans and the "cool, apathetic" canon sans that a lot of fans either go one or the other on. Anyway, that's about it for my rant. It's kind of nonsensical and a little hard to follow, but I hope I was able to get my thoughts across nonetheless.
I guess it was a big rant after all. Oh well. It is what it is.
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velvetwyrme · 1 year
Oh you don't have to worry about forcing me. I've been wanting to do this for a while and you just gave me the perfect excuse!!!
List under the cut because it's LONG and I love to chatter.
A little note before you continue: I won't pick any PURELY explicit fics (... with a couple exceptions) since if I did, I'd be here forever
BUT fair warning that some of these will be dark, and may deal with heavy topics. Some will also have some spicy/explicit content in them, but I'll do my best to mark them accordingly! (I won't mark ones with just suggestive themes/moments, since I cant guarantee I'll catch all of them. Similarly, unless there is graphic death or gore, I won't mark it as such.)
I have also included the STATUS of each fic as such: Finished, Ongoing/Unfinished, Discontinued. Please note that unless the author specified that the fic is Discontinued or on Indefinite Hiatus, I will mark it as Ongoing/Unfinished. Oneshots are also marked as such.
ALSO for some of these fics it's been years since I last read them, so if I miss any warnings for them, that's why! As always, check the tags before reading and take care :]!!
When Words Get Broken - Papyrus/Reader - Finished
Featuring: Some of the best Papyrus characterisation that I’ve read. The most unkissable kissable skeleton. If you want to know what I mean by that, go read this fic. I love him so so so dearly.  
Life Like A Ghibli Movie - Papyrus/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
One of the fics ever. Broke me apart and put me together again. Lives permanently in my brain.
Vacuous Happiness - Sans/Reader - Finished
Rewired my brain. I feel like I went on a roadtrip which changed me irreversibly as a person. The same author is also writing a Firewatch inspired fic featuring UF!Sans which I’m enjoying as well :]
Thunderstruck - Underfell!Papyrus/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
If you haven’t read Thunderstruck what are you doing. Go read it. You’ve probably already read this fic but go read it again!!!! One of my favourite portrayals of UF!Papyrus ever. Almost certainly has some amount of influence on the way I'm writing Flipping Fate.
You, Me, and Dr. G - W.D. Gaster/Reader
I love this fic so so much. *drinks it up like water*
This is part of a series that also contains fics I love; Story That Might Happen When You Date Sans (F) and Black Thumb (F), which are respectively a Sans/Reader and Asgore/Reader. Both are really good as well. This one is just my favourite out of the 3 though. The same author also wrote Just One Word (F), which is a soulmate AU Mettaton/Reader which I also enjoyed.
Teach Me How - Sans/Reader - Finished
I read this fic waaay before I realised I was somewhere on the aro/ace spectrum and hoooo boy my obsession with it when I was younger really makes sense now. Incredibly sweet, they go from hate to love, and the reader is aro/ace. It’s a little messy, but isn’t everything?
In writing this I also realised this is by the same author who wrote You, Me and Dr. G!!! >:O
Pursuit of Happiness - Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
SO good. Y'all at Rock Bottom babey!!
A Home for Mending Souls - Underfell!Skelebros/Reader - Finished
Extremely soft. Recovery/Healing fics beloved. I love the characterisation in this fic so much. Made me very emotional.
Backroads and Bad Jokes - Horrortale!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
I love this fic so much. Sooo many scenes live rent free in my head. I won't spoil things ;] I think it takes place in the same universe as A Home for Mending Souls?
The Nebular Theory - Skelebros/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
If it's not obvious already, I absolutely adore this fic. You want some REALLY good characterisation? A juicy plot that has me wishing I had the space for a red-string theory board? An attention to canon details that make me scream? Communication between characters!!!!!
Love? It's Complicated - Series - Finished (...?)
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes.]
I'm cheating here by linking the entire series (which is 11 fics of various levels of interconnectedness) but it's so worth it. This series tore my heart out, stomped on it, stuck it back in and gave me a sweet little kiss at the end. Several times over!! I cried like 4 times in one night while binging it!! Also this series contains one of the few OC/Canon stories that I enjoy!!
I actually read Burning Mountain first and then everything else in order and proceeded to LOSE MY GODDAMN MIND reading the first and second fics because OH. That's why the end of BM was so... OHhhhHHhhhh.........
The current fics included in the series are all finished, but I'm not sure if the author intends to come back to it in the future.
In the meantime, their other fics A Little Bit(ty) of Trouble (F) and Cold Blood, Warm Heart (O/U) have also stolen my heart. Those ALSO deal with dark, complicated topics so tread carefully and enjoy!
Bearskinner in Three Worlds - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
The plot and writing has gripped me and won’t let go. The reader goes through so much and it’s so worth it. Loooove the polyamory negotiations. I don't want to spoil anything!!! Go read it!!
Penitent Island - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Really good plot and fun interactions! By the same author as Bearskinner. Did I mention I love this author's poly negotiations?
Transmigration of the Soul - Papyrus/Reader - Finished
One of the good ol’ classics. Japes! Drama! Romance! Really good plot! Apparently optional smut according to the tags! I don't recall that but it's a thing!
The impact of this fic can still be seen in the way I view Kindness souls and how they behave lol.
When Two Tsunderes Do on A Date, Does the Void Explode - Fellswap!Sans/Reader - Finished (?)
This series is so so funny. They’re both kinda idiots. And they're both SUPER TSUNDERE. I love all the characters here so much.
My Dearly Detested Deliveryman - Swapfell!Papyrus/Reader - Finished
Every single one of Little_old_lady’s fics are fucking hilarious. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. This one you go through enemies to lovers with your deliveryman. Just go read it already.
Black Coffee - Swapfell!Sans/Reader - Finished
Soulmate AU!! Unbelievably silly. I love it so much. Papyrus is such a little shit here.
Pussycat, Pussycat, Where Have You Been? - Fellswap!Sans/Reader - Finished
Another banger by Little_old_lady. Both Papyrus and the reader are so dumb I love them. Also Sans is a tsundere.
There’s a snake in my bed! - Mafiafell!Sans/Reader - Finished
Sans is a wholeass dumbass in this one. He's got a snake (think Daemons from His Dark Materials/The Golden Compass) who loves to go into your room. You like the snake too :D
The Skeleton Games - Underfell!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Explicit Content]
He’s so pathetic in this I love it. It's far more complicated than that but hrkjsjhsgf pathetic little guy.
Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me A Match - Skelebros/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Super heckin cute!!! I wanna give the reader a little smooch too. They are so lonely but they are making friends!!!
Dirty Laundry - Swapfell!Skelebros/Reader - Finished
THE Swapfell fic. It had me in a vice grip when I read through it the first time. And the second. And the- you get it. Brilliant characterisation and really delicious talks about developing relationships and more.
Honestly all of this author’s works are fantastic, but in particular I love Roadside Attraction (O/U), Fur a Good Time, Call… (F) and also her AU vignettes… Flotsam & Jetsam, Not So Spooky-Scary and Make Your Mark.
A Smile From the East - Underfell!Papyrus/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
I read this way back when it was still updating and it has lived in my brain since. It has everything. UF!Papyrus in all his edgy glory. Flower shop AU. Angst. Romance. It's left me hanging for like 5 years waiting for the last chapter and I encourage you to let it do the same to you.
Re-Hate-tionship - Swapfell!Papyrus/Reader - Finished
[Warning: Contains Explicit Content.]
ENEMIES TO LOVERS!! They hate each other so so much and they WILL fuck about it. Somehow despite being very very mean to each other, they are both very sweet.
Twice a Month I Fall In Love - SwapfellPapyrus/Reader/Swap!Papyrus - Ongoing/Unfinished
I love love love this fic (I even read it again pretty recently…) SF!Papyrus and the reader swap bodies twice a month. Romance and shenanigans ensue. The reader is not the hinge in this poly! Weird things happen when you kind of want to kiss some dude you met in this other guy’s body (who you incidentally are also falling for).
Becoming Edge - Underfell!Papyrus/Reader - Finished
Not only is this fic just so so sweet, but it also sparked me to start experimenting more with my wardrobe which has made me much happier. Actually cured my depression because of that (Partly anyway!)
Paper Flowers - Sans/Reader - Finished
I need to read this again, but I still feel like I can wholeheartedly rec it. I still remember enough that thinking about the title makes me want to cry, so...
Just a Little Offbeat - Bitty SwapBros/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Hi. Not-so-secret about me. I love bitty fics. This one in particular is really good.
Bitty Hunt - Reverse Harem/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
We all know the [Number] Skeletons and You" setup. We all know Bittybones AUS. But what if… YOU were the bitty? Who is incidentally a landlady? Lots of fun! Many shenanigans.
You all probably know this one but I still love it lol.
His Name Was Bob - Bitty Underfell!Sans/Reader - Finished
One of the OG bitty fics from my recollection. Really good!!!
Skeleton Kisses – Sans/Reader – Finished
SO heckin SWEET. You are in fact scared of him but it all works out :]
Tits and Dick – Underfell!Sans/Reader – Ongoing/Unfinished
I love them so dearly. They’re both so fucking stupid.
All the Right Moves - Dancetale!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
I almost got into colourguard because of this fic. I haven't read it in a long time so I can't guarantee anything about quality/content but... I really wanted to get into colourguard after reading this.
Honey, We Bee-Long - Underswap!Papyrus/Reader - Finished
This is actually part of series but this is just the one I liked the most ;3c Pretty cute!!!!
New Home on the Range - Cowboy AU!Skelebros/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Yeehaw. I love cowboys too much not to include this. The reader is described a lil bit, but I will overlook that because I want to kiss these boys sooooo bad. Papyrus in this is such a sweetie. Also plot >:3c
Where the Daffodils Grow - Papyrus Ensemble/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Chances are, at least some percentage of you are here because you saw the comic I drew of this fic. I love it so. Reverse harem set in Underswap!!! Lets GOOO!! PAPYRUS ENSEMBLE LETS GOOOOOO!!!!!
Cash It In - Swapfell!Papyrus/Reader - Finished
[Warning: Contains Explicit Content.]
Kintsugi - Underswap!Papyrus/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Explicit Content.]
I found this fic last year but APPARENTLY I left kudos on it?? Years ago???? SO I GOT TO REREAD IT FRESH. Dramatic, tense, and a really good read overall.
Panic Room – Swapfell/Reader – Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes.]
This one you really REALLY need to read the warnings, but if it interests you, hot damn is it a good story. SUPER dark but chewed through my brain like drywall. The worldbuilding is spectacular.
In the Language of Flowers – Various/Reader (???) – Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes.]
One of the pioneers of the “Reader is a Sans” tropes. Slowburn to the nth degree. Extremely dramatic, it's fantastic. Marked as (???) for the relationship because IDK what the specific ending relationships are going to be. Also technically Sans/Sans since… the reader is a Sans? It gets complicated man.
Joined at the Hip - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Another Reader is a Sans fic. Enemies to lovers except you are also kinda sharing the same body?? SIGN ME UP. Again, gets complicated with romance stuff because of it.
The Wolf - Various/Reader(?) - Ongoing/Unfinished
As always, it gets confusing when they’re sharing a body. In this one I love that they get along and have all that figured out. Mostly. They have the problems of two people mashed into one body. Plus! I love the naming structure in this one. Also, I (as a reader) am simping hard for Orion. He’s off the table in the fic because he’s Gemini’s brother but PERSONALLY, I love him.
He was Real. – Horrorswap!Sans/Reader – Finished
In which you dream of a strange skeleton and- he’s REAL OH OKAY YOU SHOULD PROBABLY HELP HIM HUH. Fun concept, very well executed.
A collection of Fables and Romances – Sans/Reader (Various) – Ongoing/Unfinished Series
As the title implies, it’s a collection of short fics! All of them are very good :]
Poor Little Meow Meow – Killer/Reader – Ongoing/Unfinished
Killer adopts cats. He’s got so many cats. And also you :>
Still Counting – Sans/Reader Series - Finished
I’m not cheating by including this entire series- it’s all one long story. And goodness gracious is it a GOOD story. It’s got [REDACTED]- well shit I guess you just gotta go read it.
thinking of you. – Underswap/Reader – Ongoing/Unfinished      
You think that Swap!Sans is a figment of your imagination, but whoop turns out he’s not!! He’s REAL babey!! Go kiss a ghost(ly skeleton) and a less than ghostly skeleton! Very cute.
Who Done It? - SpicyMobKustard/Reader - Finished
(Mafiatale!Sans/Fell!Papyrus/Reader/Fell!Sans Polycule)
The dynamics between characters are really good and it's got a solid mystery plot underscoring the developing romance :D Please note that the reader is Not the hinge in this poly- they are part of the polycule (and the only two who aren't dating are UF!Sans and UF!Papyrus, since they are related here) so if that's not your thing, don't click! If it is! Enjoy!!
R&R (Rabble & Rampallions) - Bad Sanses (plus)/Reader - Finished
This finished recently (as of writing) and it’s been such a wild ride. I want to read it again and again and again. And I will once I've let it settle in my brain more. I CRIED at the end.
Gloom & Doom All Up in Your Room - Bad Sanses/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
If you are craving more Bad Sanses content after finishing R&R… hey look there’s another brilliant fic featuring them guys. The vibe is different but still so good. Dust is very much bleeding out in your living room when you first meet him, which I feel sets the scene in terms of what sort of violence and/or gore you’ll see here.
Little Assistant - Bad Sanses/Bitty!Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
MORE Bad Sanses content. But they’ve got a bitty (you!) this time. The Star Sanses kinda accidentally suck in this, but they (or at least ONE of them) is trying to get better.
do you live with abusive skeletons? pull a power move and fuck their dad! - W.D. Gaster/Reader - Finished
Incredibly funny (and self-explanatory) title. I enjoy trope reversal and subversion >:3c
Blackcurrant - Horror Swapfell/Reader - HIATUS
Black adopts you as a pet because he doesn’t realise you are sapient. Mutt on the other hand is fully aware and thus is hostile towards you. Lots of fun :] Also very lovely art! Currently on hiatus though.
Skeleton Sisters and the Architect - Fem!Skeleharem/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
I’m so fucking gay. Girls. Holy shit. GIRLS. I am looking so respectfully. They’re all so cute and I love their names.
a full course meal - Horrortale!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
* Edited after note from the author! There are future installments planned 👀
A very cute series of oneshots centered around the reader and HT!Sans!!! HE’S SO BIG. WAIT THERE’S A THIRD PART I DIDN’T SEE THAT BEFORE.
Potato Soup (with a side of skeleton) - Horrortale!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
INCREDIBLY FUNNY PREMISE. Neither of them know how to open up but it’s somehow very endearing.
Chasing the End - Grillby/Reader - Finished
The plot had me yelling. Love some good old "before the barrier" content. We get to see baby Sans and Pap also!!!
A Unique Definition - Underswap!Papyrus/Reader - Oneshot
Really cute oneshot! You steal US Paps’ hoodie and it’s the cutest thing in the world.
Honeydew - Horrortale!Sans/Reader - Oneshot
Sweet! You meet him on a train and share honeydew it’s all very cute.
No Strings Attached - Underfell!Sans/Reader - Oneshot
Rewired the way I conceptualise UF!Sans. (The other fics in this series are explicit!)
Human Anatomy Fanatic - Papyrus/Reader - Oneshot
[Warning: Explicit content]
Papyrus is a little freak and loves every weird and strange part of your human anatomy. Some of the sections deals (briefly) with explicit stuff, but even then, it is more focused on Papyrus being SUPER FASCINATED by how human bodies work. Somehow!! Really cute!
Pat? - Swapfell!Papyrus/Reader - Oneshot
DOGY. DOGGY MEETCUTE. Super cute!! Very embarrassing!!!! PATS!!!!!!
Emotional Drought - Bitty Horrortale!Sans/Reader - Oneshot
LONG oneshot. Very good. Prepare for complex relationships and also a delightfully open and ambiguous ending. I love this one to bits.
Soulmate of the Century - Nightmare!Sans/Reader - Oneshot
The sillies. Really silly. Super cute.
Black Coffee Isn’t Too Bitter - Swapfell!Sans/Reader - Oneshot
Black sends Chara and Mutt to tell a human he likes them. They do a spectactularly bad job at it, but someone better than when he goes in to tell them himself. It works out somehow.
Red and the Bitty - Underfell!Sans/Reader - Oneshot
The title says Bitty, but it’s Red who’s the giant. You get sacrificed to the big bad monster and he’s an ass about it. Somehow, still pretty cute.
For the non-romantic/platonic fics that are still reader inserts.
Bitty Reader Adventures -Various & Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
THE bitty reader fic. Series of fics. Whatever. The OG!!! I used to reread these all the time and I still like em :]
Help, I've Fallen Into a Surveillance State and I Can't Get Up! - Reader is a Sans/OC, Platonic Relationships - Ongoing/Unfinished
Yes, there is one chapter so far. Yes, it is 17k words long.
I am so fucking obsessed with this fic. It’s got trope subversion, absolutely amazing worldbuilding, snappy writing, black comedy and light-hearted normalcy in the face of horrors, paired with just enough serious introspection to balance it out?? WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT. I want to eat this fic whole. Also there is lovely art ;>
Street Kitty - Platonic Reader Insert - Ongoing/Unfinished
YOU’RE A KITTY. You menace Sans. You are literally the best cat.
Pieces - Platonic Reader Insert - Ongoing/Unfinished
I need to reread this again, but this was another one that ingrained itself into my bones. You wake up as a flower (like Flowey) and you essentially turn into Frisk’s guide. Love this fic to bits.
Monsters Should Be Cute! - Bitty Sans & Reader - Finished
Pumpkin is a menace and I love him. The undefined-other-reader-dash-underling is also a great character.
Oops, I have a Naga - Naga Bitty Sans & Reader - Finished
Sweet fic !!!!! Real cute! You have a naga now! A naga with TRAUMA.
Tib and Rib – Sans & Papyrus & Reader – Ongoing/Unfinished
This one has me crying and weeping. BLASTER BOYS. On account of the power dynamics here being messed up, this is more a platonic/QPP kinda deal. They hurt so much but they are recovering!!! It updated while I was writing this! Let me go cry!!
Honey, I’m in the mafia. – Platonic Reader Insert – Ongoing/Unfinished
Hi mossy. You thought I would include the fic you wrote inspired by my own fic?? THINK AGAIN. This fic is freakin hilarious. You have to babysit Mafiafell!Sans and Papyrus who are young teens. This can only go well.
(I actually read it the other day but realised I didn't leave kudos. djfgfgkjkajsdkjsd)
Up in the Attic – Platonic Reader Insert – Ongoing/Unfinished
You’re a kid who lives in the Swapfell’s attic. They become your guardians :D
You thought I was DONE? HAHAHA ha. I had to include these.
One by One – Finished
… (Knock, knock, knock)
If you need an indication as to how much I love this fic; I wrote out the last line on a blackboard and that remained on my wall for at least 5 years. It’s since been rubbed off, but I can still recite it to this day.
Cathartic AND beautiful. I've read this many times and also tried to copy-paste by hand into a word document before I realised Ao3 had a download feature.
Day to Day and One by One’s sequel, Truant similarly demolished me.
Brothers Beyond Bonedaries - Finished
Another fic which I haven’t read in years but really should. Both Sans and Papyrus are fallen humans who die and then...? Well go read it and find out ;]
How to raise your bitty - Finished (?)
Don’t have a brother? Storebought Adopted is fine! AKA. Razz (SF!Sans) gets a bitty named Slim (SF!Papyrus). I love it dearly. Again, it’s a series, so the series is technically unfinished, but each individual fic is complete.
The Planet Sanses - Ongoing/Unfinished
REALLY fun concept- what if Blue recruited the Bad Sanses to also help out when the other Star Sanses are busy. Thus the Bad Sanses become!! THE PLANET SANSES. The rest of the series is also fun- I liked the first fic, Blood Moon the most though :]!!
Remembrance - Finished
Some old-school Papyrus angst. This one is the first Undertale fic I bookmarked and thus holds an important place in my heart. Papyrus is so so so sad.
Appreciation for Honesty - Finished
AND WHAT’S THIS? MORE PAPYRUS ANGST? You can really see I was going through it back then. This one similarly broke my heart. You ever think about how many lies Papyrus is told? He does.
Flowey Is Not A Good Life Coach - Finished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Content.]
*Deep breath* Okay so. This is pure whump. Papyrus gets hurt. He gets hurt and it gets better but oh my goodness gracious does he get hurt.
If you want to read about Papyrus getting broken (in more ways than one) then you should read this fic. If you don’t, then go read one of the other fics I’ve linked that have nicer themes. Something funny. Or cute.
The Pap Chat Logs – Finished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Content.]
Read these if you want to be SAD. These are mostly chatlogs from an old discord server (that I actually joined and never talked in) which all deal with a great amount of PAPYRUS ANGST. Please note that these talk about a lot very very heavy content. Read the tags and click away if you need to.
In particular, I’d recommend Deitale and "The Great Papyrus" is an Excellent Host- the latter has also been turned into a comic! (Which you should also read, if you haven’t already)
And there we are! I ran out of links! Not as in I don't have more fics I want to add to this list, but rather tumblr only allows you to add 100 links. Augh. Suffering.
But I don't want to end it on such an angsty note!!! SO... the only logical course of action is to link...
SAUCY FICTION!! - Finished
[Warning: EXPLICIT!!!!! Talk about dicks and boobs!!!]
The only fully explicit fic I will link here. It is the funniest thing I’ve read in my life. Also, there’s a comic of it. I never need to read anything else in my entire life ever.
Wait, there’s a sequel-
This list in theory is much longer, but I was forcibly cut short by tumblr's limit to 100 links per post. Theoretically I could do a reblog and add more, but I've already gone on long enough. Tumblr Is barely letting me save this post as is ^^"
Also, I'm terrible at remembering to bookmark fics I like, so there's probably a ton I missed!!! :( Not to mention a few have been deleted since I last went and looked :< snowflakeimagines' Meet Ugly series... I would have added you to my list if I could.
There were a bunch of "weirder" fics that didn't make the cut, but this is still a pretty comprehensive list of fics I like :]
If any of yall have recommendations... hand them over. I have gone through the entirety of the reader insert tags, but somehow I still miss things.
Thank you for reading ;3c!!
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aka-indulgence · 1 year
Worth the Effort (You Are)
As I’ve said before, I’ve been in a Really Romantic mood lately, and I just wanna…. be with Sans….. ouhghug….. i lov him….. also I just so happen to have written and finished this around valentines day! It’s not a valentine’s fic but. It’s very soft… romantic fluff… hehehee ://>
Ao3 (because it is Longe): https://archiveofourown.org/works/45076489
It was an exciting day.
You tie a white sash around your waist, and tie your hair back. Styling your hair?
The baby blue dress you were wearing was adorable. It was really flattering for your form, and you look like if a flower had spontaneously turned into a human.
A special day.
Sans had asked you on a date. One that he planned out, one that he said was like “what you’d expect from a romance movie. novel. mettaton’s dating ma- no maybe not that one.”
Any date with Sans was a special occasion. Time spent with your wonderful, loving bonefriend was something you cherished. But Sans was putting effort to change things up, to impress you with something new. Not that you needed it, but the fact that he was doing it for you makes your heart flutter.
He said he wouldn’t even teleport for it, that he’d have a special ride for you. You don’t know what he could mean by that… usually you’d assume him to be alluding to teleporting (the first time he’d say that line was when he showed you his teleportation powers. Your jaw had dropped on the floor that first time.), but he already said he wasn’t. You spend your time nervously waiting for him to arrive pondering what kind of ‘ride’ he’s bringing. Of course, Sans never showed interest in vehicles… why would he, if he already has the most efficient method of transfer already, what… ingrained in his very soul? Maybe he borrowed Papyrus’ car? Or… maybe he is planning to surprise you with a car…?
You doubt it. Sans is crafty as much as he is lazy. He strives for convenience.
You don’t doubt however, that Sans was going to be on time. He promised that he’s going to arrive today on time. So you relax on the window-side seat, not looking out of it, as if he was going to come faster if you did, no. You actually relax a bit, not paying attention to the time, and start to snooze a little… woken up by the knocks on your door. You practically bounce off the seat like a spring, opening the door with a smile on your face that somehow gets wider when you see the soft skull of the man you loved so much.
Even better, he was wearing a tux shirt, and long jeans. Sans, mixing up his wardrobe? No.
“Sans!” You waste no time to wrap your arms around him (well, to the best of your ability) in a warm hug.
Look at your handsome man!!!
“are you surprised? i promised,” Sans winks. Sure enough, you fish out your phone and it shows you the lock screen.
“On time, to the dot!” You announce excitedly.
Sans snickers a little. “if you were looking at a clock…”
… “Don’t tell me you knocked right when the second hand made it all click.”
You laugh delightedly at that, wishing you were looking at an analog clock to see that, it would’ve been amazing.
“Well, I say I’m impressed, but… you’ve always been good at being ‘on time’,” You say slyly, as if you were trying to undermine his feat. Sans can see in your smile that you weren’t doing it to be mean. “You’ve been pretty good at keeping your promises to come on time.”
He was on time, sure… but he’d like to cut it close. If this was another date, Sans would come to you just a few seconds before the time he promised he’d take you out somewhere- say, a restaurant, and appear before a very shaken receptionist and tell them about his reservation (that was about to be cancelled).
“you know me. i hate promises, i don’t make them lightly.” Sans makes a solemn expression. “but i always make promises to you. you make it easy for me to keep them.”
… Damn this man, your heart was feeling all sorts of mushy and soft for him before the date’s even gotten off the ground properly.
Sans can’t blame you for having to immediately kiss him (right now!!). In fact, the skeleton seems quite happy to have you furiously kissing him on the teeth.
“You look!! So good!” You say as soon as you’re done attacking him, picking at his shirt. “tux shirt. Simple, but dapper.”
You’re only half-joking.
“ah… you as well,” Sans’ smile turns warmer, seeing your dress.
Of course Sans would appreciate your clothes, but you still feel giddy anyway, giving him a little twirl. “You like it?”
“i love it.” Sans tells you emphatically. “it’s cute… an’ pretty. you trying to match my magic?”
“Absolutely.” You answer confidently, pecking him one more time on the cheekbone, which he rubs affectionately, chuckling.
“Well!” You clap your hands, challenge in your tone. “Where’s this ride you’ve been promising me? It better live up to the hype!”
Sans chuckles at your enthusiasm, then steps back away from the door and makes a grand waving motion at the thing just on the road in front of your home.
“our ride, my lady.” He bows dramatically.
You’re… actually too stunned to speak. The blue ride Sans was showing you was… a tricycle. An honest to god tricycle.
“H… h,” you wheeze gently, “you didn’t,” you breathe as you approach the (relatively) little thing.
“i did.”
When you look it over, you could see that it was modified. It was larger than a little kiddy tricycle, but not as big as a proper bicycle. The seat was so that it could fit two people comfortably (and you mean comfortably. Sans wasn’t… a small man). Other than that it looked like a regular tricycle.
When you turn to look at Sans, he looks so proud.
“What a–” cute “--silly use of your engineering degree. I love it.”
“no core, a bore,” Sans shrugs, as if that little detail in his credentials was some everyday thing that many monsters had. “well… not really. but it’s been a while since i really… used that degree for anything. might as well for my favorite human, huh?”
You don’t doubt that your eyes were sparkling at him when he says that. You spend a minute or so just admiring the tricycle.
“Did you build it from scratch or…?”
“nah. that’d be tire-ing.” Sans sighs, “I’d rather tri something else.”
“like we should get a move on before it gets too late. we better get this show on the road before we spend an entire day lazing around your house.”
“... Who are you and what did you do to Sans?”
As much as you’d like to tease him about it, he’s right. Sans prepared… “Stuff” for you, and you’d like to appreciate it.
So you do.
“Let’s go then, Mr. chauffeur, take me to our destination!” You declare confidently, glance at the tricycle, then less confidently “.... can you tell me how to sit in this?”
You don’t think you’ve ever felt so nervous riding a tricycle before.
You’re sat behind Sans, and though you’re about the same height as him, his broad shoulders made it so it was a bit hard to look over them. Your hands couldn’t circle him properly, so you had your hands scrunching up his shirt. It didn’t take too long before you got used to it though, and your brain didn’t keep thinking that you’d fall out of the generous seat.
You would think that riding a tricycle around the city, it would take a while to get anywhere, but surprisingly, Sans kept up good speed. He even overtakes a couple of cars while he pedaled, and even from behind him you could see the shit-eating grin growing on his face whenever someone in the cars makes a double take at the sight. You’d covered your mouth then, a move that made Sans even more proud.
You wondered how he did it. And how Sans didn’t seem to struggle at all. Leg day, maybe?
The idea of Sans doing any sort of exercise seriously, perhaps even specifically so he could use the tricycle was a hilarious mental image.
By the time you’ve arrived, you barely recognize your surroundings. You’re at a nice big park… somewhere? And after Sans parks the trike,
(“don’t worry, no one’s going to steal a tricycle. that’s a bit trite don’t you think?” “I mean. If you say no one’s going to nab it…”)
(Sans somehow fits the tricycle into the regular bicycle parking rack.)
He brings you up to a scenic hill that looks like it came out straight out of a movie. Overlooking the rest of the park, with a big shady tree on it.
It’s a good thing you came earlier, because today was the perfect weather to be out, and no one had taken the prime space yet. The sun’s getting high on the sky, but you won’t be bothered under the shade.
He leads you there, then takes his hand away. “wait here. be right back in a jiff,” Sans mentions, and he walks behind the tree. He takes more than a jiff, a couple of seconds, and when he reemerges from the other side you stifle a snort.
He looks like a whirlwind, a plaid red and white blanket thrown over his skull, and a picnic basket swinging from one hand…
A picnic!!
Old memories resurface, of always wanting to do a traditional picnic that you saw often while watching shows and movies as a kid. With a blanket and matching picnic basket… tea cup set… lovely company. You never got to and you didn’t think you’d have the motivation, but here you were, with Sans providing it for you.
“A picturesque picnic?” You thought out loud, “That’s so sweet!”
“hey you haven’t even seen what’s inside the basket.” Sans places it down, and spreads the blanket over the grass. “and i mean… paps helped me pick out the stuff, so i think he should get some of the credit.”
“Credit for what?”
“getting good grades on ‘dating’,”
“Am I dating the both of you???”
“no it’s an individual project… but doesn’t hurt to have a brother who reads all about dating.”
The basket Sans brought wasn’t small by all accounts, but Sans fitted more into it than you thought it could. You take them out and spread them over the blanket. You squeed in delight, having some of your favorite light dishes around you, along with the picnic staples: sandwiches, fruits, and of course one (1) teapot.
As you look around though, you have to ask… “Are you sure you like this stuff, Sans?”
Sans pauses, hand stuck in the basket. “huh? of course i do. i wouldn’t bring it if i didn’t. besides,” He materializes a hotdog from the basket, “i came prepared with my usual.”
It was a sight, to have him bring out the ketchup bottle out and sblort, there goes the ketchup on the sausage, against the backdrop of a very proper looking picnic.
Well… almost. Wasn’t like your favorites didn’t include something ‘unhealthy and greasy’...
“had to sneak this in. i’d already promised paps that i was gonna plan out a romantic picnic and he left me to it for the most part… but he wouldn’t have approved of this particular meal choice.”
“No, he wouldn’t.” You agreed, eyeing his hotdog with a little more drool than you’d care to admit. “Do you have… more…?”
“wouldn’t be a thoughtful boyfriend if i didn’t think about that now, would i?” Sans’ sockets gleam as he procures another delicious processed meat product.
You spend your picnic appreciating all the stuff Sans brought (doing your best not to shove it all down your face), pleasantly surprised that Sans made most of it by hand.
“also, papyrus was there. … i promise, i made the main stuff, even if paps tried to stage a coup against me,”
It was very thoughtful, and it made you feel very special that this skeleton with a lazybones reputation kept proving to you day by day that you were someone worth a lot of effort, even if you didn’t need something grand.
Eventually the topic of his tricycle came up again.
“i’ve had that tricycle for a while, actually. ever since we surfaced,”
“No way, really?” you looked back towards the bike parking area, though you couldn’t actually see the vehicle in question. “I was convinced you bought and built that tricycle for this date.”
You’re afraid you might’ve sounded disappointed, because Sans waves his hands frantically. “no no, that was for you. it wasn’t all… professionally approved for actual distance travel, before. i did that for this,” he gestures at the picnic. “no… it used to be a very normal tricycle. and no, not the one for adults. lil kiddy trike.”
You think about the tricycle now, upsized and fit for two people. You try to imagine what it might’ve looked like back then, while Sans stayed the same… on a kiddy tricycle…
Your mouth turns into a squiggly line. “B… but why? I’ve… I’ve never even seen you on something remotely like a bike,”
“i can show you,” Sans fishes his phone out of his pocket, smile going up to his sockets. “you wanna know how big ‘ol me fit on it, right?”
“Yes!” you answer emphatically as Sans scrolls through his gallery. It takes him a while before his sockets widen in an a-ha! expression.
“here it is… sweet surfacing memories,” Sans says, turning the screen to you as he looks up wistfully to the sky.
Your face is flat as you stare at the image on the phone, hands unconsciously coming up to it, taking it away from Sans. You just had to take a closer look.
It was… a glorious picture. The image quality was surprisingly crisp and sharp where it mattered, considering the motion blur you could see at the edges of it. There, was an image of Sans, his shit-eating grin wide on his face as he winks for the camera, and though it was cut off you could see how tiny the tricycle looked like under him, And behind, there was Papyrus, in his sports car, all shiny and new with the hood down and Papyrus was… god, his eyes were popping out of his skull, mouth opened in frozen agony, fists furious at the wheel. You honestly think you could hear the “SAAAAANS!!!” he must undoubtedly be screeching in the image.
Sans laughs along with you when you burst, throwing your head back, one hand to your chest- he was trying to kill you!- half-mindedly handing him back his phone.
Again, “B… but why!?” You ask even more desperately than before.
“screwing with my younger brother, obviously.” He rolls his eyelights in teasing ‘duh’. “pap always wanted to have a sports car like that, you already knew he used to have a racecar bed back in the underground. early after we surfaced, pap got his dream come true in that car and wanted to take a test… victory ride around the city highways. i gave him some time to indulge on it himself but.. i couldn’t resist to ruin it… maybe just a little,”
There was the glint in his sockets, in the way his grin was lifted, the expression that Sans had when he just found a brand new pun or when he was waiting for you to realize what he just tricked you into. Even though you’ve fallen for something many a time when he did it, he always looked adorable when he made that face- happy.
“couldn’t let my brother have his joy ride on his own could i? so i found my own- shortcutted all around the city for bicycle stores… toy stores… for the perfect tricycle. i needed something that was practical but still funny enough, something that’d look small for me, and i found it. as soon as i did i chased him, and once i found him, i overtook him.”
His sockets crinkled as he looks to the side, no doubt looking at the memory in his mind’s eye. “he was so pissed. you know my brother, so cool, he was stamping his leg and flailing his hands while the car kept cruisin’ on as if he was still driving it. i rode off into the sunset before he did, and when i got home he’d stopped at undyne’s house, sitting on the porch, looking like a storm. undyne was trying to comfort him but… i think i even got her, because she broke out into a laugh when she saw my trike.”
He sighs happily. “told her i was here to pick up my bro. paps left in a huff and said I CAN TAKE MYSELF HOME ALONE!!”
You laugh- surprised and not at the same time, and you don’t bother trying to keep it ‘polite’. You weren’t expecting the frighteningly good impression of his brother form Sans, and the story itself was hilarious- something you absolutely expected from Sans.
“You’re an asshole!” You say, pointing an accusatory finger at him. Sans doesn’t take offense.
“sure was. pap tried real hard to stay mad at first, for ruining his moment… but i apologized to him while sitting on my trike. i don’t think he could resist seeing something like that. i broke him when i honked the horn.”
“There was a horn?!” You repeat, disbelieving.
“Where’d it go?
“oh, i took it off, for the… for the occasion.” Sans rubs the back of his neck. “didn’t feel like it’d fit..?”
Hm… probably right.
But, “You should put it back on after!” you encourage, “I wanna ride around in it with you more! And I think the faces people make when you honk at them are going to be funnier after they get over their shock.”
Sans perks up at that, like he wasn’t expecting it. “r… really?” then, hesitantly, “you… you actually like that thing?”
“Of course I do, you made it for us!” You announce cheerfully. “And I really want to ride around the city with you… it was actually pretty relaxing.”
Of course you liked being with Sans anywhere, and his teleportation was great you could go from one place to another in an instant without having to worry if you’d ever be late, but… you also liked taking your time to just be around him, and since Sans rarely ever took rides… it was pretty romantic to be riding behind him while he cycled around.
You add that. “And I like spending time with you,”
His grin was minimal now, something that’d worry you… if his cheeks hadn’t started dusting blue, spreading across his face.
“i…. same,” He eventually smiles again, holding his cheek tenderly. “i love you.”
“I love you too.” You answered so fast it was almost automatic.
Sans sits there in silent for a moment, the sound leaves rustling quietly in the wind, along with the ambient noise of the park. Then, he seems to get an idea.
“you know what else you love though...”
Oh no. That grin wasn’t a good sign.
(It was a Funny sign.)
“you love food so much you’ve been stealing it from your own datemate.” He puts his hand on his sternum and makes a melodramatic face. “i’m hurt.”
When you turn to look, all the leftovers have somehow been piled onto your plate in the blink of an eye. You’re surprised it doesn’t topple.
“Wh, how did that all get here?!”
“i get eating condiments with excitement, i really do, you know me, but… that whipped cream was for sharing, sweet-toots.”
“Huh???” Was your reaction, until you saw the whipped cream beside you. “I was!! Putting it on the cake earlier!!”
“ravenous.” Sans is ignoring your desperate pleas! “you can still see the remnants of the crime…” He’s tapping on the side of his teeth. Sure enough, you had whipped cream there.
“And you have the crime of breaking the laws of physics!” You shoot back, ‘walking’ towards him on your knees, “time to go to jail, bone man!”
“oh no, are you going to whip me- augh!!” Was Sans’ anguished cry (mixed in with a surprised laugh) when you smack him softly on the cheek, trying to jab him anywhere you can. You were (not actually) annoyed and you were trying to make your case clear! Sans answers back with jabs on his own, and though he had thick bones and bigger hands, he was… playing as nice as one Sans would allow. Then, he found his way to his tickle spots.
“Sans, no!”
You end up playfully stuck to each other, trying to shove and tickle and push and pull at each other, to get the upper hand.
“Get your hands-! Not there!”
“if you surrender first, food stealer,”
“For the last time I did not steal your food!!”
“whipped cream sprayer,”
“I didn’t-! Argh!!”
You give Sans a hard shove. And this time he doesn’t get up- you see him attempt, of course, but he starts tilting back over the hill, you can see his expression turn from playful to huh?? And you try to catch him, one hand going over to protect his skull and the other around his waist (sort of), but he’s tilted too far… and his hands had automatically caught you…
Well. You end up rolling down the hill together, a blur of blue and black, picnic left alone on top. You squeaked and Sans was huffing as you both spinned, eventually slowing down to a halt, with you on top of Sans.
You were in a tangle of limbs. Apparently both of you had the same idea- keep the other one safe. Although you can’t imagine your tiny hands could be of much help to Sans, who’s thick arms did wonderful as a defensive pillow around you.
You stare at each other in stunned-silence for a little while. Maybe a bit longer.
You only seemed to snap out of it when you saw a blade of grass on Sans’ cheek and tried to thumb it away- only to realize your hand was stuck under Sans skull. And when you tried to use the other one, it was also stuck under Sans’ back.
Your face scrunched up and so did Sans. And then you both burst out in laughter, ignoring your trapped hands.
“r…. ribcaged!!” Sans was wheezing, the power of his laughter making you shake a little on top of him, while your own laughing certainly made you look like you were vibrating.
“I was trying to keep your skull safe and this is the thanks I get?” You’d jab him in the sternum if you could, but alas, your hands were indeed, ribcaged.
Sans mirrors you, putting one hand on your head, lifting his back a little so you could free your hands (before they start falling asleep). You fold them on top of him, smiling while he’s still giggling, his sockets shut.
“oh my god,” Sans says, like he’s had a revelation, rubbing one phalange under his socket. “are we… are we in a romcom? or… straight up romantic movie?”
He was hehehehing all the way, and you really didn’t want him to stop.
“What if we are?” You shrug. “We’ve got real attractive leaads…”
“heheheh… yeah we do,”
Sans draws his hands back around you while you giggle, and when his hand settles over your head, you struggle a little to stop yourself from smiling when he leans in. You meet his teeth with your lips, and it was a joy to feel that he was having trouble too, feeling his expression on his teeth.
You’re so happy. You’re so happy you get to do silly, adorable couple stuff with someone that you really cared about.
… Somewhere deep in your mind, you think “We’re lucky Alphys and Undyne aren’t around to see this… they’d be taking pictures like paparazzi, and you’re sure they’d squee about it with each other.”
You spent some time canoodling with Sans a bit longer, until you both abruptly remembered your picnic stuff when a dog had come up, sniffing around. Most of it have been eaten of course, so nothing got sacrificed… but you supposed it was time for you retire home. It was afternoon now and families have started getting to the park, which was less peaceful. Nice, but not quiet.
“i mean it would be nice to see the sunset… but i don’t think you’d have much fun overheating under the sun.” Sans said, on the matter while he stacked the utensils back into the basket. (He had insisted he do the stacking. By the way he put emphasis on it, you feel like it’s either a pun, or a story he hadn’t told you about.)
When you came back to the parked tricycle, he looked like he’s still feeling shy about it and had half a mind to just teleport you home, but you remind him how much you want to ride around with him, and he concedes.
“You should take me sunset riding. Next time maybe?” You talked over him, hair waving in the wind. He had gone up a flyover and you were admiring the view, the tall buildings all around you. Maybe he didn’t think you could see it, but you could see the blue spreading on his face again. It took him a while before he answered you with “yes. definitely, next time…”
It felt like the ride home was all too fast, and you had the same feeling in your stomach as you do when you were a kid, waking up right before your car arrives home. It doesn’t keep you down though, as you practically skip your way towards home, with Sans holding onto your arm like a proper gentleman.
You take off your shoes at the door and untie your sash, standing around the entry way. “Aw Sans, that was great! Food’s good, cool ride,” Sans ducks his skull a bit, glancing away, “even better skeleton. It…. it was a special date. Thanks Sans,”
You give him a peck on the cheek, and you love seeing the little gesture has him being faintly blue, though he has a confident smile and his eyelights were glowing brightly.
“it’s… don’t mention it. i told you i gotta romantic bone in me…”
“I knew that!” You giggled, reminding him that “It’s Papyrus that didn’t think you had a romantic bone!”
You shake your head. “But look at you now… you put together a bunch of meals for us, bought matching basket and blanket, got here on time, and you modified an entire tricycle that you only planned to use as a joke.”
Your heart feels full as you say, “You always know how to make me feel special.”
His grin drops again, averting his gaze. This scene… it makes you smile, how even after a year of dating this goober, it still feels as if you two were two kids who’s crushing on each other. He takes your hands in his, and when his eyelights turn to look back at you, you could see they were in the shape of hearts.
“you’re always worth the effort, starlight.”
Ah… that lovely nickname.
He brings your hands to his teeth in a gentleman kiss. You’re squeeing and shaking in place, you don’t want to let go of Sans’ hands right now.
“Oh, I can’t wait to be able to have revenge on you, grr… who would’ve guessed the whoopie cushion would be so good at romance?”
Sans taps his chin, looking around your house as if he were judging it. “hm…. i can think of a few ways you could repay me.” Sans says, after much pondering. “ya know my legs are real tired from all that pedaling… i don’t think i have enough strength to go home right now…”
You smile at him. You’re too happy to try to challenge his reasoning- even to jokingly ask him “but you can teleport?”
As if he was expecting you to turn him away however, Sans has chosen to close the distance and dramatically lay (part) of his weight on you.
“Wh- hey! Get off!! Sans you can stay, but I’m not going to have a lot of fun if you end up crushing me on my front door!”
“.....” Sans doesn’t answer. Instead,
“Oh my god!”
You get into ‘Playful Fight Round Two’, but it doesn’t last as long, and there were no scenic romantic hills to roll over, as you settled into Sans’ arms, walking over to the very comfy sofa that could very well rival his old one back at his house.
“this is the best repayment ever, and you’re the best girlfriend ever,” Sans says. You both settle into a couch cuddle, with Sans as the big spoon, TV turned on as background noise. “happy anniversary, starlight.”
He kisses your cheek. The edges of your lips quirk up. Though they were getting tired from how much you smiled today, you don’t have it in you to care.
“Happy anniversary, Sans.”
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thewonderingbard · 7 months
Hi cool people! (I don’t know if I’ve sent this ask so I’m really REALIY sorry if this su a repeat. Ny gold fish mind is depleting today)
How would the skeletons react to S/O wearing their clothing and it shows all the right curves? (Let’s say Male S/O)
-🍿 anon
Hello 🍿 anon!
I'm going with that male!S/O has borrowed their shorts or a shirt.(Or hoodie in Honey’s case)
Undertale Sans - Vanilla
He is bright blue. However, he doesn't miss a beat before saying
“Look at you~You’re making my BUTT pressure go through the roof” 
He is making butt puns allnight.He can’t help it! It's not his fault his S/Os curves are very well-defined in his shorts! He giggles to himself when his S/O gets all flustered because of the butt puns!
Undertale Papyrus - Paps
His darling S/O…IS EVEN MORE HANDSOME IN HIS SHIRT. He knew his datemate was attractive before but GOD DAYUM.S/O IS MEETING ALL OF HIS STANDARDS. STARS ABOVE! He adored S/Os curves before but now he knows his shirt makes them stand out. He is giving S/O twenty of his shirts.
Underswap Sans - Blue
He is speechless. His jaw? It is on the floor. He didn't notice his S/Os curves before(he is more of a personality type of skeleton) but NOW? My gosh! He can not get enough! He is calling and telling S/O all the compliments. Handsome.Dashing.Attractive.S/O is all of the words. He now insists that S/O always wears his shirts.
Underswap Papyrus - Honey
S/O has broken him. To say Honey appreciates his S/Os curves is an understatement. He LOVES them. So when Honey sees his S/O in his hoodie, which perfectly defines S/Os curves. He is lost for words. He quickly regains himself and wraps his arms around his S/O.HE BETTER NOT HEAR YOU DEGADING YOURSELF OR ELSE HE IS GOING TO FIST FIGHT YOUR BRAIN. Yeahhhhhh he now gives you plenty of his hoodies.
Underfell Sans - Red
He absolutely loves it when his S/O wears his jacket but when S/O decided to borrow his shorts to go out in? His skull is as red as a cherry. Somehow his shorts defined S/Os curves! He stutters over his words and gets so flustered he has to take a minute but when he comes back with his signature smirk and says something like
“And where do you think you’re goin’, baby boy?”
He makes S/O change because he is not letting anyone but him see his handsome S/Os curves.
Underfell Papyrus - Edge
He smirks. He has done this on purpose.S/O asked to borrow his shirt for a formal event. Edge gave S/O one he knew would be a bit small. And now? His dapper S/O dressed to the nines stood in front of him in an outfit that perfectly defines his S/O’s PERFECT curves. And bless the stars he loves it. He pulls S/O to him by the waist into his chest and says in his best ‘non-loud’ voice
“You look simply DIVINE~,My Prince~”
Horrortale Sans - Seaweed
LISTEN. This skeleton knows a thing or two about worshipping curves. So when his S/O is wearing his shorts…he is practically on his knees. He is throwing you compliments left, right and centre. That is it you are not allowed out looking that attractive. Into his hoodie, you go for a cuddle session. He honestly does not care if S/O has somewhere to be! S/O is now ‘busy’ with him worshipping S/Os curves and cuddling S/O.
Horrortale Papyrus - Papaya
If you thought Paps liked his S/O curves. This Skeleton is DEVOTED to his S/Os curves. He knows it means S/O eating well and he knows it's probably his food that has done this to S/O.He is not complaining. For a monster made out of bones, he can appreciate some extra muscle. He also loves that S/O is in his only t-shirt ( Papaya prefers not showing his arms).He was never going to wear it so it is S/Os now!
Thank you for the ask!
I hope it turned out okay
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factual-fantasy · 4 months
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Ah no worries about not understanding! I would prefer no fanart was drawn of my cookie ocs.. thank you for asking to double check though! :}}
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(Post this ask is referencing)
I explain it all in this post! :00
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:DD Thank you so much!! And yeah, I just didn't have the heart to keep Papyrus suffering 😭😭 as much as it really seems like I don't-- I do love Papyrus as a character. And I felt like he really deserved some kind of salvation after everything I put him through.. Also it'll make for some interesting dynamics in the group! Looking at Seam and Jevil.. 👀👀
Oh yeah, and poor Coconut. If I hadn't drawn angst of Octo already she wouldn't have been the subject this time! <XDD And thank you!! :DD I'm glad to hear that she's your favorite!! :}}
And yes! I always saw the other koopa kids- especially Ludwig- to be older than JR. Maybe its the bib-- and who knows! I tend to loop back around to old fandoms from time to time so I can see myself drawing the koopa kids again XDD
As for the Mario Movie,, shockingly enough I still haven't seen it. What can I say? I have some kind of problem upstairs I'm sure of it--
Though its interesting to hear that the movie blue shells are similar to mine! :0 And I'm honored to hear that you like my version more than the movies! :DD 💖💖
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XD Its been a while since I've seen those movies. So I cant really remember much of Jack Sparrow.. but I trust that you are right! XD
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XD If I do that Jangles will probably super bounce her into the sun-
And thank you! And hey, I'm sorry that you're not very confident in your artwork right now.. Just keep in mind, all it took for me was time. Your art will improve with time. Try your best to cut yourself some slack. Understand that you're still learning. We all are! Remember that your art will continue to improve if you just keep drawing!
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I don't play it or know anything about it either <XDD but I'm glad you like them!! :}} ✨💖✨
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(Post in question)
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Its actually the 3rd option. Usually when I'm in some kind of fandom I prefer my own AUs as opposed to others AUs or even canon. :00
That's probably becuase most of my AUs consist of removing things from canon I don't like and adding in random things that I do like-
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@abaroo (Post in question)
I guess I was thinking that Frisk fully trusted Papyrus instantly. And so did not hesitate to give her cape to him 🥺💖
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@skulls-and-cypresses (Post in question)
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Aww! How cute! That might work! :000 Why do I want one now- XDD
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Aw, I'm sorry! <XDD I don't mean to make you sad :(((
AND YOOO!!! Its Friday when I'm answering this but the Wednesday dude is welcome any day of the week! :DD
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Yeah, both canon Jevil and Spamton would be pretty dangerous to have around XDD But out of the two I think original Spamton would be interesting.. 👀
Not really for the personality, because my Spamton's personality is actually a bit similar.. but more for the visual aspect. I headcannon that canon Spamton's body shrunk when he fell into an acid pool. My Spamton fell into an acid pool as well, but it didn't shrink him. It destroyed the structure of his body and elongated him. Making him much taller and extremely deformed..
Imagine the two of them standing side by side. Original Spam would be up to my Spams knee! <XD
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Evil voice: ehhehghehe... noted... hehehghehee
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Me when someone compliments me on the characters design that I was least confident about:
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@nunyabusiness459 (Post in question)
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Whoopsies! <XDD (jk jk light hearted--)
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I wouldn't say near-death.. Spade King didn't want to kill Jevil. So any injuries he inflicted upon him were injuries he could recover from..
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Yeah :( their value to him was that of a grain of sand..
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As for what kind of monsters they'd face,, I'm actually unsure- I haven't played either game and I don't know any of the lore or characters.. so I'm not sure what kinds of dangers the real cookie run pirates face.. :( But what I DO know is that Blue Beauty is their main form of protection.
She's not exactly threatening to a lot of creatures I'd imagine.. She is just a Mer-whale. No teeth or stingers to make her more intimidating.. But what she is, is huge. And incredibly strong. She's a real power house and uses tools and weapons the crew taught her how to use to defend herself. And I imagine with her thick blubber, it takes a really deep wound to actually hurt her. So she doesn't fear getting a couple scratches here and there.
When it comes to the other cookies, most everyone stands up and fights. Only a select few retreat to the lower decks to protect their goods or hide. Those likely being Ellie, she's too old for this crap- and Coco and Red, though don't be fooled! Coco can fight! She's just retreating with Red in order to protect him. Everyone else though is up there duking it out with who ever dares cross their ship! ⚔⚔
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Ah! Sorry for the late reply, this ask got buried--
I'd like to think Funtime Freddy would have a really hard time deciding on a favorite song. California girls, call me maybe,, wannabe?? But after a loooot of careful thinking, he'd pick all star by smash mouth XD
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Hello hi yes this ask was sent weeks ago but then it got lost and buried but then revived in a way that I cant explain but my intended response was--
Awwww.. imagine her in tears after drawing a picture of a little girl she remembers. She holds the drawing up to the night sky, trembling.
"S-She dreamed of seeing the stars one day.." 💔
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mega-punani · 1 year
Can we please have some headcanons for pirate boys reacting to y/n falling asleep on them? Btw, I absolutely adore your art, keep up the good work!💗💗💗
Y/N Falling Asleep on the Bois:
Aw yeahhhh, now this is the life.
Sans probably woke up to see you napping right up on him. When that happens, he'll just give you a sleepy smile and rest his hand on your back.
He likes cradling you or having you basically on him. Like a weighted blanket! He'll draw shaped on your back or pat you while you sleep.
Very rarely you'll have a chance to relax with the energetic Papyrus. He's always jumping around, and he hardly sits still! But once in a while, he'll settle down.
He'll lean right into you the moment he feels your weight on him. And let out a quiet squeal when he notices that you're snoozing.
As nice as couple nap time is, he's got things to do! He'll slink away as carefully as possible and leave you to sleep.
Blue isn't the most comfortable thing to sleep against... or on for that matter. He's always jumping around and bouncing off walls! How can you even get him to sit still?
Well, he'll want to take care of his cannon at some point! When he goes to polish his cannon, take a lil nap against his shoulder.
He'll catch you softly snoring and stay still until you wake up! It's hard for a man of his energy to do, but anything for his wonderful datemate!
Absolutely squealing.
He's frgid, man is never gonna move again. He was just wiping his banjo with you leaned up against him. And then, BAM. You were fast asleep.
He'll wrap an arm around your shoulders ever so carefully and pull you in. Although his exterior is calm and collected, he is SCREAMIN on the inside.
With how loud Red's workplace is, you'd have to be extra tired to sleep near him, let alone against him!
But the moment you do, he'll stop tinkering away and slowly slide you into his arms and carry you off to some place quieter.
One he has you rested up and tucked in maybeeeee he'll join you... who's kiddin. He's hopping right in and cuddling up next to you, listening to your steady heartbeat.
Stiff as a muthafuckin board.
He is the quietest skeleton alive. He has never raised his voice above a decibel. In fact, he doesn't speak, not with the risk of you waking up from your little nap.
He'll pat your head and softly untangle any knots in your hair, all while gently scolding you about staying up for him. Of course, he's flattered.
If his brother teases him, he gets tossed off the ship. (Quietly) And anyone else who tries to wake you up gets a wordless glare.
He's flattered that you would wait for him until he was done with his work, but really, you didn't have to...
He'll sigh and drap his coat against your back. Maybe a lil smooch if he can tell you were not waking up right away.
No, that wasn't him. What are you talking about? The cruel and terrifying Razz would never drape his favorite coat over you when you were asleep. DON'T THANK HIM EITHER CAUSE HE DIDN'T DO IT!
He's probably napping far before you start, so hey! More the merrier.
He'll relax against you and soak in your warmth as you cuddle up to his bony body. But sometimes, if he's feeling a little mischievous, he'll poke your cheeks or tickle under your nose to annoy you.
At some point, you'll wake up to him grinning like an idiot. Of course, he drew on your face...
Oh... you're sleeping next to him.
He was so absorbed in looking at the stars that he didn't even register your body snuggling up to his side.
He'll take the teacup out of your hands and pull the blanket around the both of you a little tighter. You being here bring him such comfort that it feels almost unreal. He thanks the stars before he himself falls to a light slumber.
There are two wolves inside of Cinnamon. One wants to squeeze your body against him while he giddily swings you around. The other wants to kiss your head softly while patting your back.
He ends up just smiling really hard and leaning into you as well.
Also, will snipe Cash with peanuts if he even tries to get close enough to troll you.
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Recently found your writing, and I love it!
Will you please write for the boys having a bad day/panic attack, and their s/o loves to sing, so they sing them a lullaby/quiet song to soothe them? I especially want to see Horrortale Sans reaction, I adore how you write him. Thanks in advance, xoxo
Undertale Sans - He slowly calms down, but he's still tense. Even though it's way better than what it used to be, Sans still has bad nightmares sometimes. He simply focuses on your voice and nuzzles against you until he feels safe again to fall back asleep. He's thankful.
Undertale Papyrus - He immediately breaks down and apologizes. He doesn't even know why. It's rare when Papyrus shows vulnerability, but he can't avoid having bad days all the time. He's glad you're there and the singing is definitely helping him to calm down. He simply hugs you close and refuses to let go.
Underswap Sans - He rolls his eyes at you, but he's smiling so you know even if he's playing big and tough right now, it's actually working. Blue doesn't express his feelings that much, so he's kinda glad you noticed. He calms down quite quickly.
Underswap Papyrus - It definitely helps as Honey suffers from severe anxiety and can go into a panic attack at any time. He cuddles on your lap and calms down as you sing, focusing on your voice. He's very silent in those moments, as he's so tired when it happens. It's not rare he just breaks down hearing you sing either.
Underfell Sans - He usually pushes you away, the only exception being after loud noises that send him into a panic attack. After being stuck under a cave in for a whole week Underground, Red is terrified of loud noises and can even hurt himself trying to hide during a crisis. Your singing helps him to distract himself from the noise, and he's focusing on you to calm down, to the point you even manage to keep him calm during big storms, preventing panic attacks. Red is very thankful for this.
Underfell Papyrus - It doesn't look like it's affecting him, but it's just a facade. He is still tense, but he appreciates the gesture and it actually helps him to think more rationally about what's bothering him. Edge tends to think things are worse than they are actually, and sometimes, just a little help to distance himself is all he needs. Plus added to that, he's usually really sweet after these types of crises as he doesn't want his bitterness to affect you.
Horrortale Sans - He's a hard one. It depends on which state of your relationship you are in. In the beginning, even singing won't soothe him when he's having a crisis as he's completely dissociating and even dangerous. But as time passes, you can see he's making big efforts to focus on your voice. It's not always working as some panic attacks are stronger than others, but you manage to bring him back with the smallest ones. And as time passes and your bond grows stronger, he's listening more and more to you and it's a little easier to reach him every time, to the point you can sometimes hear him sing your songs all alone to calm himself down. It definitely makes a big difference.
Horrortale Papyrus - It definitely helps as well. At first, he's a bit awkward when you start singing, but as time passes, he melts more and more against you, trying to relax. He still has a hard time doing that, but he tries to focus his breathing on the beat of your songs or your heartbeat to calm down. It happens regularly it helps him to talk about what's wrong because Willow has a bad habit of burying all of his feelings until it breaks him.
Swapfell Sans - It's complicated for him to accept to show any kind of vulnerability, but he's getting better and better at it. He doesn't even know how you can tell he's having a bad day as he usually doesn't even complain since Nox feels like all the bad happening to him is justified because of what he did Underground. He's still learning to let go, and your singing helps him a lot to open up a little more about what he feels. Don't expect him to talk openly about his feelings, but little glimpses here and there, more and more often, show he's starting to heal and trust. He needs your singing to sleep as well, as he struggles with this a lot.
Swapfell Papyrus - Even if he appreciates the gesture, it's not enough to get him to relax. Rus is way too agitated when he's not feeling well and he doesn't feel like opening up to anyone. A bad habit he kept from the Underground. It's funny since he's a pretty open guy usually, but he just hates talking about these things, especially when it's touching a little too much from his old addictions. He can get defensive very quickly and prefers to be alone.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Another tough one. Wine will get offended if you sing to try to calm him. He doesn't want to be calm, and he doesn't want to talk to you, so piss off. When Wine is not feeling good, he doesn't want anyone close and will end up hurting his family if they insist too much. He doesn't need your help, your pity, or your singing. Leave him alone, he will deal with his feelings eventually.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - When he gets in a relationship, Coffee trusts his S/O 100%, and knowing when he needs help to calm down is really appreciated. Coffee struggles a lot to show when he's in distress, and an S/O who can tell when he needs help is more than he can ask. He's melting in your arms every time you start to sing and clings to you until he feels better. He's so glad you're here with him. How did he live before?
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