#yesterday i told a woman we were out of fucking pancakes and she went ‘well what are you doing about that?’ HUH?
steelycunt · 2 years
brilliant sunshine on the forecast all day…20+ degree temps…pray for ur outdoor food industry workers today pls we are shaking crying crawling to our shifts in fact
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eideticmemory · 4 years
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Description: You’re a wonderful godmother, always have been. Nothing could distract you from that. Queue the entrance of the ultimate distraction: Godfather Spencer Reid.
Word Count: 2,757.
Rating: M.
Warning/Includes: Sexual intercourse.
Jennifer Jareau is the closest thing you’ve got to a big sister. Your parents had placed you in grief counseling shortly after a loss in the family. You were only nine, but it impacted greatly - you felt alone, misunderstood, lost, hurt, confused. Little did you know, a twelve-year-old JJ would be in the other room, distraught by the loss of her older sister. And once the two of you met, chatting, laughing, confessing your darkest secrets, you didn’t feel so alone anymore. Jennifer Jareau helped you heal, and you could only hope she’d say the same about you.
19 years later, with a friendship thick and strong as stone, she gave birth to your godson - Henry. She had asked you be his godmother long before her due date, insisting that there was no woman she trusted as much. You cried. You hugged her. You talked to her stomach. It was a good day.
The day Henry was born was even better. You met him just hours after his birth, and fell in love instantly. You kissed JJ on top of her head, told her she did such a good job, leaned in to hug Will and held your godson. He was the spitting image of his mother, and you cared for both of them immensely. However, with you living nearly an hour away at the time, your reunion with them was cut short.
By the time Henry turned one, you had a cozy Virginia apartment and went to see JJ as offen as possible. Even visiting Will and Henry when JJ was off on a case.
It wasn’t until Henry’s first birthday party that you met Spencer Reid. And everything began to fall apart.
JJ went all out. Balloons, bouncy houses, tons of food, tons of people, all gathered to celebrate little Henry. You, being the ditiful godmother, showed up with a bunch of presents in tow, ready to help JJ in any way you could.
Before having Henry blow out the candles on his birthday cake, Will and her took a family photo. “Okay!” She exclaimed. “[y/n], Spencer, come here! I want Henry to get a quick picture with both his godparents.”
You happily complied, skipping over to Henry with a great big smile on your face. Spencer was the first to introduce himself, “Hi,” he said, posing at Henry’s side with his vision focused on you. “I’m Spencer.”
“[y/n],” you smiled. “It’s nice to finally meet you, I’ve heard good things.”
“Same here,” he nodded.
You both crouched down to Henry’s level, smiling wide for the picture as JJ counted down, “Three, two, one!” She shouted, followed by the shutter of the camera. “Perfect! I’m getting that framed!”
You giggled at your friend’s excitement, looked at little Henry and gave him quick pecks all over his face. When you looked up at Spencer, he was watching you - a look of adoration on his face, a smile gracing his lips. You smiled back. And that’s how it started.
Later that night - when the lights had gone down, most of the guests had left, and the baby was asleep, - you were up in the guest room. Unpacking your bag, you listened to the distinct coversation between JJ and her coworkers - their laughs, the inside jokes, the bond.
Since it was adult time, you figured, one drink wouldn’t hurt. You pulled a small flask from your bag, checking the door before you stepped onto the balcony. You took in the view, and gulped down a considerable amount of alcohol, your nerves loosening by the second.
“Ah,” a voice called. “Holding out on us?”
You turned your body quickly, coming face to face with Spencer, who had his hands in his pockets and his shoulder leaned against the balcony threshold. You giggled, “Well, I didn’t really think this was a perfect first-birthday-party activity, y’know?”
“Oh, no, I know,” he nodded, closing the sliding door behind him as he stepped outside. Even under the moonlight, he was utterly beautiful. “Got enough to share?”
You raised your eyebrows at him, “Why, Spencer, I would’ve never taken you for the drinking type.”
“Only on special occasions,” he shrugged, taking the flask you handed him. He swallowed it down, with minimal reaction, and you felt your heartbeat between your legs. The breeze flew under your dress, making you shiver. “You cold?”
“Yeah, damn. It was just 80 degrees out. Now it’s freezing.”
“Here,” he said. “Take my sweater.”
You watched as he stripped the article of clothing from his shoulders, holding eye contact with you until your eyes trailed to his body. Stop that, you told yourself, stop looking at him like that, [y/n]. But you couldn’t. He was irresistible, and he knew it. When he’d completely removed the sweater, he was only left in a white button up, tucked into his belt buckle.
He didn’t even try to hand you the sweater. He dropped it to the ground, along with the flask, as you moved in to kiss him. His arms wrapped around your waist, and your hands held onto his face as you shoved your tongue into his mouth, moaning at the taste of him.
You excitedly began to fidget with his belt buckle, undoing his pants with phenomenal speed. He pushed you back against the wall, and you followed, so ready to go all the way with this man, the wait was unbearable. He kissed your neck as you freed his cock from his briefs, stroking him into a set erection.
Neither of you spoke a word.
He just picked you up, held you against the wall by your thighs, and kissed you as you pulled your dress up. You pulled your panties to the side and allowed him to put himself inside you. He buried his face in your shoulder, with you going cross-eyed from the intense feeling. You just barely remembered to stay quiet, whining into your mouth as he thrusted into you, hard.
You held onto his shirt for dear life, wrapping your legs around his waist and moving your hips against his. “Fuck,” you whispered. He grinned against your skin, using all his strength to pound you into the wall. Slowly, though, as to not alert his friends downstairs.
You reached down and rubbed your clit, your mouth instantly forming an ‘o’ shape and your head rolling back. Combine that with Spencer’s cock striking all the right places, and you were a puddle. Your legs trembled, but he held onto them, his hands big enough to nearly wrap around your entire thigh. The rush started in the pit of your stomach, then it spread through your clit, and then your entire body. And you came, weakly, almost violently against Spencer’s body.
He stopped after that, pulling out of you and placing your feet back on the concrete gently. Despite being in a daze, you grabbed onto his cock and jerked him off quickly, staring at him as you did it.
“[y/n]—“ he moaned. “I’m—I’m—“
He did. He exploded all over you. Your thigh, your dress. All while falling apart into a fit of groans, having to hold himself up on the wall just to keep from crumbling to the ground. You smirked at the sight of him, glad to have gotten him off.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, looking into your eyes. “I’m sorry about your dress.”
You shook your head, “I needed to shower anyway,” you shrugged. “Go on, everyone’s probably wondering where you went.” You smiled.
He kissed you. Once before he fixed his pants. And twice before he actually left the room. He left his sweater. You wore it to bed that night, sipping happily on the forgotten flask.
In the morning, JJ made breakfast. Enough pancakes and eggs to feed you, the baby, and her. You kissed her cheek before taking a seat at the table, tickling Henry and earning a cute, little giggle from him.
“Where’s Will?” You asked.
“Where else? Work. He couldn’t get out of his shift today, but believe me, he tried.”
“Aw, poor, poor William. I hope he atleast had fun yesterday.”
“He did. We were both tired afterwards, but we had a good time. Thank you for being here.”
“Oh, c’mon, JJ, you know I wouldn’t miss it for anything in the world. Godmommy duties!”
“And I’m so glad you got to meet Spencer,” she said. You gulped. “I told you if anything ever happens to me and Will—“
“Then, it’s up to Spencer and I to make sure Henry gets into Yale. I remember.” You giggled.
“Exactly. Did you get to talk to him last night?”
You thought for a moment. You could tell her. But the baby was right there. And you clearly remembered her mentioning a date between her and Spencer years ago. Was it a can of worms you should open? You decided it wasn’t.
“Oh, no,” you shook your head. “Not as much as I wanted. I kind of went to bed early.”
“Ah, well, one day, I want you to meet the whole team. I think it’s about time. Don’t you?”
Over a month later, there was no word from Spencer. You thought about him often though. Where was he, what was he doing, was he thinking of you. Sappy shit. Then, you remembered, you knew exactly where he was. And you chose to visit the bullpen for the very first time.
You put on your tightest pair of jeans - the ones that made your butt look perky - and a spaghetti strap blouse that highlighted your chest. JJ told you that you looked beautiful and embraced you in a warm hug.
“This is such a surprise!” She exclaimed. “What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to see you! See where you worked, who you worked with, all that jazz.”
“Oh,” she giggled, rising from her seat. “Then let me give you the grand tour.”
You followed her aimlessly, only partially listening to his guidance, as you were primarily concerned with seeing Spencer. “That’s Derek, Emily, Penelope is in her office, and you remember Spencer.” She said.
Your eyes instantly found Spencer at his desk, the profiler already eyeing you with a knowing smile. You smiled back, “Of course. Hi, everyone.”
“Back there is our break room. Coffee, doughnuts. Want some?” JJ asked.
“Oh, yeah, coffee sounds great.” You nodded.
“I’ll get you some,” Spencer suddenly offered, rising from his seat and heading off before you could object.
“A nice little place you run here, J,” you whispered.
She rolled her eyes, “I don’t run it.”
“Well, you should.”
Spencer strolled up to you, a small styrofoam cup in his hand, and a great smile on his face. “Here you go. I put in cream and sugar. Hope that’s okay.”
“That’s perfect,” you told him. “Thank you.”
“Spence, you remember [y/n] from Henry’s birthday party? She’s his godmother.”
“Ah, so the one that’s going to help Henry get into Yale?” He chuckled.
You shook your head, “Me? No, no. I could barely get into community college. That’s all on you.”
The three of you laughed, and JJ shook her head at you. “Are you free for a quick lunch?” She asked.
“Of course! You ready?”
Your friend nodded and swung her arm over your shoulder as the two of you walked away. Spencer watched you as you stepped onto the elevator, taking a sip of your coffee. Only then, did you notice the slip of paper tucked into the lid. It contained a string of numbers, signed - Spencer :). You looked up at him, just as the elevator doors were closing.
The night, you called him. He came over. You had sex in a bed for the first time. And it was just as good as you remembered it. If not better. His hands pressed into your thighs, your legs bent over your head as he drilled into you, the sweat from his body dripping onto yours. Your tongues tangled with one another’s, your hands gripped at anything they could. It was hot. It was satisfying. You came twice, and Spencer came with his cock in your mouth.
As the two of you laid there afterwards, cuddled up and out of breath, Spencer kissed your forehead. “Missed you.” He said.
You hid your face as you grinned. “Uh, do you want your sweater back?”
“No. You keep it. Think of me when you see it.”
Little did he know that you thought about him all the time.
2 months later, his number was on speed dial in your phone. The job kept him busy most days, but weekends belonged to you. You’d be at his apartment friday to sunday, miss him for a week, and then fall into the same routine. It was bliss.
You’d be laying beside each other, completely fucked out and attempting to calm your breathing. “Do you—“ Spencer huffed. “Do you want kids some day?”
You furrowed your eyebrows together, sat up slowly and looked down at him. “Where the hell did that come from, Spencer?”
He shrugged, “I see how you are with Henry. Why don’t you have any of your own?”
You laughed, “Is that your way of saying you want to impregnate me?”
“Oh, don’t think that I haven’t thought about it,” he whispered, reaching over to hug you. “Go on a date with me, [y/n].”
You watched him say the words out loud, processing what it meant, waiting for your response. “A date?” You replied.
“A real date. Let me pick you at your place, and take you dancing, a movie, dinner, something. No sex involved.”
“No sex involved?”
“I mean,” he smirked. “Unless you want?”
“Hm, no, Spencer Reid, I’m not that kind of girl. You’re gonna have to wait until the fifth date for that.”
You made it to the fourth date before having sex again. But to be fair, those four dates were spectacular. Movies, dancing, dinner, some coffee dates sprinkled in. You were happy. And JJ could tell.
“Tell me who he is, [y/n].” JJ ordered, chuckling as she fixed you a cup of tea.
“Who? I told you, there’s no one. There’s no guy.”
“I call bullshit,” she shook her head. “You have been walking around way too happy and way too cocky to not be having sex with someone.”
“And not to mention how many times you’ve blown me off to see him.”
“I did not blow you off.”
“Sorry, J,” she mocked your voice. “‘I’ve got an early day tomorrow.’ You? An early day on a Saturday?”
“I wanted to run some errands!”
She turned to you, “Errands? Now I know you’re seeing someone!”
“You’re crazy, J.”
You hated to lie to JJ. But it wasn’t the right time. Besides, at that point, 6 complete months had passed since Henry’s birthday party and you worried the lapse in time would upset her. There would be a time and place to announce the relationship.
4 months later - when you told JJ you were moving - she asked where to, and you still didn’t say ‘oh, Spencer’s place.’ Instead, you just told her it was close to her work.
Another 2 months passed and Henry was turning two. JJ insisted you come over to help her set up decorations the night before. You stepped on a ladder, hanging up Henry’s name in big, floppy letters.
“Hey, [y/n], did you pick up some wall tacks on your way over? I want to start putting up the other decorations.” JJ said.
“Yeah, they’re in my car. My keys are on the couch.”
JJ nodded, grabbed your keys and stepped out of the house to retrieve the items. You finally put up the letter ‘Y’ and stepped down to admire your handy work. You began to clean up the trash off the floor, packing into a large grocery bag and laying it to the side. You heard the door close, signaling JJ’s return.
“Hey, J,” you said, rummaging through the bag of decor. “Did you find the wall tacks? My car’s a little junky. And if you think that’s bad, you should see my room.” You laughed.
When you didn’t get a response after a few seconds, you turned around to look at JJ. She was standing here, holding a small item in her hand. Her face had lost its color and her breathing was still. She couldn’t - wouldn’t - look you in the eye.
“Why...” she started. “Is Spencer’s badge in your car?”
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forever-lynx · 3 years
as long as he had eiji
pairing: asheiji
word count: 1754
angst with mild hurt/comfort
A/N: shoutout to the big motivator @emi-joanna 😌this one’s for you bestie
this was also meant for mother’s day yesterday but i had an essay to finish so i couldn’t complete it on time... well, it’s here now! i hope you enjoy
The smell of pancakes flew through the air. Eiji wanted to make something simple this morning. He was exhausted from work; he was called in for extra hours in the past week to cover for his sick co-worker. Eiji was smiling to himself as he made the pancakes. Today was Mother’s Day and it reminded him of how much he missed his mom. He’d have to call his mom after breakfast.
Eiji inhaled the smell of his pancakes. He was an excellent cook, he knew; he had to cook for his younger sister back when he lived in Izumo because his mom would often be at the hospital beside his dad. Eiji grew melancholic at the thought of his dad. He missed his family more than anything, though he did not regret living in New York. He never would. It gave him the opportunity to meet his soulmate, the man he valued above all else. Speaking of which, he turned his head toward the couch his lover was asleep on. Ash was awake until late hours of the night in order to complete his business report. Ash was working incredibly hard in his new job. He truly valued it, and Eiji was forever proud of him for his hard work.
The two had not yet moved from New York. Ash had unfinished business to take care of with his gang which caused them to postpone their travels. It was unfortunate – Ash was really looking forward to seeing the place Eiji was born in, and above all he was looking forward to finally escaping the suffocating atmosphere of New York – but they had their aspirations, and it would not escape their grasp so easily. 
Eiji piled up the last bit of the pancakes on top of each other and placed them in the middle of the table. He walked over to Ash to wake him up. Ash’s nightmares still continued, unfortunately; though it was to be expected, two months was not enough time to heal from an incredibly traumatic event. And in Ash’s case, he was still dealing with the devils of his past. It pained Eiji; he wanted to be the barrier that protected Ash from all the hurt in the universe. Though as unrealistic as that may be, he was happy to be beside Ash, from now to forever. 
Eiji knelt beside Ash and kissed his cheek. 
“Aslan,” he murmured. “Breakfast is ready.” 
Ash grumbled, turning positions.
Eiji giggled, “Wake up you sleepyhead.”
“Fuck no.” Ash groaned.
“Aslan. You have five seconds to wake up or else I am flipping this couch.”
“I’d like to see your twink ass try.” 
“You are impossible,” Eiji said, grabbing a pillow from the other couch and hitting Ash with it.
“What the fuck– Eiji!”
“I spent ten minutes making pancakes, you are not going to let them grow cold and have all my hard work go to waste. Stupid American.” Eiji hit him with a pillow again.
Ash grabbed his pillow and threw it at Eiji. Luckily, the Japanese boy was able to ditch it. Eiji laughed and stuck his tongue out.
“Too slow.”
“Slow?! Oh, you’ll pay for this,” Ash threatened, lunging at Eiji and tickling him. Eiji erupted in a fit of laughter. The pillow fell from his hand as Ash continued to attack him with tickles. 
“Fine! Ah- you win!” Ash smiled in triumph. He got up and made his way to the table.
“Pancakes. Wonderful. Yours are to die for.”
“I am not taking compliments from a man who almost killed me with tickles.” Eiji said, sitting down. “Death by tickles, huh? Never tried that method before. Sounds lame.”
Eiji rolled his eyes. The lovers dived in, gulfing down their breakfast. They talked about their work and their plans for Izumo. Eiji was beyond ecstatic to have Ash see his home city. He wanted to introduce him to his neighbours and his friends. He couldn’t wait to take Ash to his old school grounds and the park where he learned how to ride a bike. He wanted Ash to see every little detail of Izumo and he hoped more than anything that his boyfriend would finally find peace. 
Once breakfast was over and Eiji had cleaned the table, he announced that he’d be calling his mom.
“It is Mother’s Day. It will only take a minute.” Eiji said. Though that wasn’t entirely the truth. His mother tended to stretch one minute long phone calls to an hour. “Take as much time as you need,” Ash assured him. Eiji smiled and went in their room for the phone call. He did not want to bother Ash when he had mountains of work to do.
Ash settled on his desk chair and stared at his laptop screen. Mother’s Day, he thought, how odd to dedicate an entire day for a parent. Who even came up with this shit?
Ash sighed and shook his head. It wasn’t worth questioning something as minor as this. He tried to focus on his work; he stared at the numbers before him. Unfortunately for him, he was unable to make out what they meant. He knew the formulas – he knew this job like the back of his hand – but his brain refused to cooperate. Weird, he thought.
Ash got up from his chair and made himself coffee. Perhaps he was too tired from the night before to even focus on his work. Of course, that was it. He simply needed to wake up and consume as much coffee and Monster Energy drinks as he could.
Ash sat on the couch with the coffee cup in his hand. He was staring at the blank TV screen, looking at his reflection. The more he stared, the more it felt like the person staring back at him was a stranger. Sometimes he would do this, staring at his reflection until he could not recognize the face. People would find this an abnormal activity, but not to Ash. He was used to questioning the person he saw in his reflection.
Eiji’s laughter erupted from the other room. Ash grinned slightly. Eiji loved his mom, Ash knew. They loved each other. Like a normal family. Like what he always wanted.
The thought hit Ash. He violently shook his head – why was he thinking about this? Yes, it was Mother’s Day, but it meant nothing to him. He never knew his mom, anyway. Why would he want to celebrate a day dedicated to someone who had abandoned him? He thought it was some sick humor. Mother’s Day was just for people to rub their healthy relationship with their mom on those who didn’t.
Eiji had once told him that his mom cared for him, which was why he was named Aslan Jade Callanreese. The thought of his mom caring for him made him laugh. If she truly cared, why had she left Ash with that bastard of a dad? 
Ash’s vision suddenly got blurry. He scoffed and wiped his tears with the back of his hand. He didn’t understand why he was wasting his energy dwelling on this. His mom had left him. Full stop. He had gotten over it.
Ash inhaled shakily. He hated to admit it but he always yearned for a mom who cared. He wanted to know what it was like to come home from school to the smell of freshly baked cookies and the happy humming of a mom. On nights when he could not sleep, he found himself yearning for the touch of his mom, a woman he never got the privilege of knowing. More than anything, he wanted proof that his mom had loved him. The feeling of despair that came with this thought was overwhelming. Ash was suffocating in the loss of someone he had never known. 
Ash’s head dropped in his hands. He allowed his tears to flood on the carpet below. His body was shaking with gloom, his world turning black. All these years he hoped it would get easier and it never did. It never would.
Ash heard Eiji’s footsteps getting closer. He immediately stood up and wiped his tears away. He didn’t want to ruin Eiji’s day just because he got sad over his mom. Eiji deserved to enjoy this day – he deserve to enjoy every day.
“My sister wanted to talk to me in the end… I had to tell my mom I had somewhere urgent to go to just so I could avoid talking to her,” Eiji said.
Ash let out a light chuckle; he was doing his best to act normal.
“Ah, I see you made some coffee for yourself. Good to know you did not burn the kitchen.”
Ash chuckled again, looking away from Eiji. As much as he tried to hide his hurt, Eiji always noticed. He always knew when something was off.
Eiji walked towards Ash and sat next to him.
“You do not have to tell me what is wrong, but is there anything I can do to help? We can go get hot dogs if that is what you want.” Eiji softly said.
Ash smiled, “No it’s- it’s okay. It’s just…” Ash hesitated. “It’s Mother’s Day…” Ash could not get the words out of his mouth. The tears seemed to be spilling back immediately. Stupid emotions, he thought.
Luckily, Eiji immediately understood what Ash meant. He always did. “Oh,” Eiji said softly. “I am sorry, Aslan. I should have checked in on you today before I did anything else.”
“No, it’s really okay,” Ash assured him. “It’s not a joyful day for me but you do not have to go through any trouble. Just wishing I had a mom to celebrate this day with, I guess.”
Eiji rubbed Ash’s back. “I am here for you, Aslan. We can take it easy today, if that is what you want.” There were no amount of words that would heal Ash’s hurt but he wasn’t going to leave his lover alone – he never would.
Ash stayed silent for a moment until he opened his mouth to say, “Can… can you hold me?” 
Eiji nodded, “Of course.” He hugged Ash; Ash buried his face in the crook of Eiji’s neck, letting the tears roll. 
The lovers stayed in silence. All Ash needed was Eiji to let him know it would be okay.  
This is okay, Ash thought. It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay… he kept repeating to himself, because as long as he had Eiji with him, everything was okay.
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salvejoon · 4 years
Mornings of You and I | pjm - M
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If we hold on together I know our dreams will never die Dreams see us through to forever Where clouds roll by For you and I
⇒ Summary: Jimin had been too tired to celebrate your anniversary the night before but this morning, he intends to rectify that.
⇒ Pairing: Jimin x female reader 
⇒ Genre: Fluff and smut.
⇒ Rating: 18+
⇒ Word count: 2.9k
⇒ Warnings: fingering (f receiving), blow job, semi public sex as in someone could easily walk in on them, unprotected sex (wrap it up, my dudes), sweet and soft boi Jimin and a tiny bit bratty reader, creampie. 
⇒ A/N: Hello my sweets, I’m back with a short one. This one is for @ppersonna​ because I know she loves Chimmy as much as me 🥺 anyway, I hope you enjoy it! 
The softest of sighs left Jimin as he rolled over, the cover sliding further down his body, arms reaching out to tuck the woman next to him closer. He hummed in confusion when he found the spot empty and slowly opened one eye, squinting when the sun peeking in between the curtains bounced off the white satin covering his bed. 
He glanced at the alarm clock on the night stand. 
06:57 AM 
Sitting up in the bed, allowing himself a few moments to wake up before getting out. He stretched and looked out the window. It was still early and the sun was barely appearing above the tree lines of the grounds below. He smiled when he heard birds chirping and opened the window more to listen and to allow a fresh gust of wind to enter the bedroom. 
He took a deep breath and headed to the bathroom to take care of business. Jimin exited the bathroom, feeling a little bit more fresh after having washed his face in some cold water. 
He looked at the empty bed and felt a slight pang of guilt as he remembered last night. It had been you and his 1 year anniversary but you both had agreed upon not planning anything big to celebrate, you had still surprised him with a late dinner and the finest lace undergarments, promising him a night full of love and pleasure. 
Jimin had simply been too tired to do anything but eat and go to bed. It had been an awful long day in the studio. You had been understanding though and backed off but Jimin saw the flash of disappointment in your eyes before you had returned to eating. 
He felt bad. 
Opening the door, he walked into the hallway and his hopes raised as he heard to silent the rest of the apartment was. His friends were still sleeping. It was Saturday, after all and they would be sleeping in. 
His feet carried him towards the kitchen, the scent of cooking enticing him closer and that’s when he heard soft Hispanic tunes playing. He smiled when he entered the kitchen and saw you stand by the island, a bowl in front of you, dressed in your robe, the off-white color contrasting your skin nicely, your hips swaying gently to the tunes and your humms following the beat.  
Jimin quietly walked over, standing behind you and you jumped slightly when he circled his arms around you but quickly relaxed in his arms as he placed his chin on your shoulder. 
“Good morning, handsome.” You greeted him and he saw the corner of your lips tug upwards, “Did you sleep well?” 
He nodded, “I did.” He turned his head and placed a peck underneath your ear, “But I missed waking up next to my beautiful girlfriend.” 
You chuckled softly and shrugged, “I wanted to make you and the others breakfast. Felt like you needed someone to take care of you for a change. I know you’ve been busy.” 
“You’re spoiling us, Y/N.” 
“Hmm, yes but you like it.” 
Jimin loved it. He loved that you were so caring towards him and his friends but breakfast was the furthest thing on his mind right now - he had other plans. 
“I feel bad about last night.” You heard him sigh into your neck and he squeezed you once.
“Jimin, baby, I told you already, don’t feel bad.”
“But I still do… You prepared dinner and dressed up real pretty, just for me and I didn’t even have the energy to show you how appreciative I was.” You stiffened in his arms when one of his hands slid up your stomach and slipped underneath your robe to grope your breast. You whimpered lowly when his thumb glided across your nipple, causing it to harden and you bit your lower lip when he licked a stripe from your neck to your ear.
“But I intent on showing you now.” He whispered in your ear and you shivered. 
“Jimin, the others-”
“Are sleeping, so keep quiet, beautiful and they won’t wake up.” He nipped at your earlobe before moving his free hand to loosen the belt of your robe, his other hand moving up across your collarbones to gently pry it off your shoulder. 
You exhaled, “B-but the pancakes-”
“Can wait.” 
Jimin’s lips kissed their way down from your ear to your bare shoulder, his hands moving to cup both your breasts, causing you to whimper and squirm in his arms when he pinched the nipples, “I had hoped you wore the bralette from yesterday.” 
You huffed, “You try sleeping with that shit on - ah - when it’s both uncomfortable and hot.” 
He kissed the junction of your shoulder and neck before grinning, “I prefer you naked anyway.” 
You grabbed the edge of the counter top when he moved a hand to the junction of your thighs, “Open up for me, baby.” He murmured against your skin and nipped at it harshly when you didn’t, “Sweetness, do as I say.” 
“B-But then I can’t keep quiet.” 
He hummed and began drawing patterns on your lower stomach, “Won’t you try? For me?” 
At this point, he could get you to do anything for him, so you spread your thighs a little, his hands went down to your center and when you heard him groan, you knew you were already plenty soaked. 
“So wet already.” 
He hushed you as his ring finger prodded your entrance and you let out a soft moan. His thumb found your clit easily and drew lazy circles around it, making you buck against him. He was already hard and it was getting unbearable. Then he dipped a finger inside you and you bit your lip when his finger moved in a come hither fashion. 
“Please.” You begged and turned your head towards his on your shoulder. Pancakes all but forgotten and the music tuned out as your heart pounded in your ears, Jimin lifted his hand from your breast to your chin, holding it gently as he languidly kissed you, using the moment to add another finger into your cunt. You moaned into the kiss and his tongue delved into your mouth, meeting yours, massaging it slowly. You felt drool dribble down your chin as you kissed, your hips slowly riding his hand as he fucked you with his fingers. 
“You’re so hot, fuck.” Jimin growled as he drew back, letting go of your chin and rested his forehead on your shoulder as you kept on riding his hand, moaning softly along with you as he felt your slick slide down his hand and dribble onto the floor. You threw your head back when his fingers curled inside you and hit that soft fleshy spot, doing your best not to wake up the entire household as you bit your lower lip hard. 
“You cumming, sweetheart?” He asked, before sucking on a sensitive spot on your shoulder, making you keen and contrast around his finger, “Can you cum for me?” 
You nodded wildly as his thumb pressed on your clit with more pressure, his other hand cupping your right breast roughly, pinching your nipple, that coupled with his soft plush lips on your shoulder, sucking a bruise into your skin made you unravel and you came with a soundless scream, your head thrown back onto his shoulder. His fingers kept fucking you until you whimpered from overstimulation and you felt relief when he withdrew them. 
You turned around in his arms and finally got a good look at your boyfriend. His black hair was messy from sleep, his cheeks flushed prettily, his thick lips red and slightly chapped, his chocolate eyes blown out completely with desire.
For you.
Your eyes travelled further south, down to his chest and the planes of his well toned stomach, your eyes honing in on the tattoo on his ribs, down to the black boxers he wore that hugged his body and did little to help his erection. 
A tap to your chin made you raise your head and you looked into his eyes.
He lifted his hand and held eye contact when he put his index and middle finger, covered in your wetness, into his mouth, moaning at the taste of you. You stared at the lewd action with hunger and when he removed his fingers from his mouth, you pounced, your arms going around his neck as you pulled his face down, tasting yourself as your tongues mixed in a heady dance that made you feel floaty. 
Jimin had always been a great kisser. 
He half-chuckled, half-groaned when you put a hand over his erection but he grabbed your hand and ended the kiss. 
You pouted and he nuzzled your nose, “Eager baby?” He said, his voice deep and rough from want. 
“Can’t really fucking help it, now can I?” You retorted and he let out a breathless laugh and pecked your lips, smirking when you chased after his lips with your own. He moved his hand from your wrist to your hand, interlacing your fingers and led you to the dining table, pulled out a chair and sat down. 
“Do what you want to me, beautiful.” You should be ashamed of how fast you let go of his hand and dropped to your knees in front of him, between his muscular thighs, your hands pulling down his boxers and letting his hard cock out, but you weren’t. 
Jimin had seen plenty of beautiful views in his life but nothing came even close as you sitting on your knees before him, looking up at him like he had gifted you the universe itself. You pulled back your hair and grabbed his cock, enjoying how he shifted in the chair, anticipating what was to come. 
You took one last longing glance at his face before you descended, moving your hand up his cock to the head, your thumb spreading the precum there as you licked him from the base to the top. He let out a small moan at the action and you did it again before kissing the tip and taking him into your warm, wet mouth. 
He let out a deprived groan, like he had been waiting for this his whole life, when you twirled your tongue around the head, gently prodding at the small opening. 
You felt yourself grow wetter by the sounds he made as you sank further down, taking him as deep as you could, resisting the urge to gag when he hit the back of your throat. Your boyfriend might not have the longest dick in the world but he certainly had girth, so you had to slack your jaw as you began to bob your head. 
Above you, Jimin made noises, his soft whines and moans only spurring you on. 
“S-Shit, you’re good at this, Y/N - Holy shit!” He erupted a little too loudly and you released him with a soft pop.
“Gotta keep quiet, baby, don’t want to wake up the others, now do we?” You said with a teasing smirk and your response was him glaring at you, but his expression quickly changed when you took him back into your mouth and sucked. His hips bucked at that and you gagged at the sudden movement, pinching his thigh in warning. 
“S-Sorry, it just feel so good.” You heard him stammer above you and you hummed, resuming your earlier movement. You allowed him to place a hand on the back of your head, his fingers interweaving into your hair, gently grabbing it as you moved your lips up and down his cock. 
Something tightened in the pit of his stomach and he tugged your hair gently, “Babe, you - ah - have to stop.” 
You drew back, placed a soft kiss to the head and stood back up, let him pull you flush up against him and smiled down at him. 
“I love you.” He whispered, placing a kiss in the valley between your breasts, “I need you, Y/N. So badly.” 
You grabbed his shoulders for support as you moved to straddle him. The chair wasn’t big enough, so you kept your feet on the ground, albeit tiptoed. It creaked slightly under the added weight but once you were settled on top of him, you kissed him slowly, loving, murmuring ‘I love you’ into the kiss. You moved a hand between your bodies and downwards, pushing your ruined panties to the side and then grabbed his cock, lining it up with your entrance. 
Jimin looked up at you with desire, love and longing in his eyes and you drank in how his jaw went slack as you slowly sank down onto him, your walls dancing around him at the intrusion. 
“Fuck…” He whined and grabbed you tighter as his hips twitched under you, “I don’t want to leave ever.” 
It burned a little but it always did due to his girth but you took that time to simply enjoy each other. 
“I love you.” He repeated when you lifted your hips, only to fall down on him, “So much.” 
“I love you too.” You whispered and set a slow pace of going up and down, riding him, “You feel so good.” 
“Y-You do too. So fucking good.” He moaned and his head fell back as you began grinding on him, the feel of your wet and warm heat tightened around him sending him reeling. 
To him, there was no better place on earth than inside of you. Joined with you. 
But soon your legs began to burn and your pace faltered. Jimin noticed and moved his hands to your ass and held you tight when he lifted up from the chair, your legs going around his hips and laid you down on the dining table. 
Jimin moved slightly, your legs untangling themselves and he put them in the bend of his forearms, slowly dragging his cock out, looking down, moaning at the sight of how well your cunt took him as he pushed back it in. 
“Fuck, that’s hot.” He groaned, repeating the motion but this time harder, causing your breasts to bounce and you let out a gasp at the new angle. His cock hit all the right places and it felt like someone had lit a match and set your nerves on fire as he dragged his cock over that same spot over and over and over.
Before long, you were a mess before him: hands clawing at his arms, chest, anything within reach, your legs trembled with your approaching orgasm, your breasts bouncing wildly as he increased the pace, jaw slack as the sexiest sounds came from your mouth. 
Your cunt clenched around him, causing him to whine loudly and grab your waist as he began to pound you harder and faster. His eyes went from your face to your bouncing breasts and he leaned forward, catching a nipple with his teeth and you keened. 
“Jimin, baby, I-” You stopped when you felt him rub circles around your clit, your back arching off the hard wood, “Ah fuck!” 
“Not so loud, beautiful.” He said as he released your nipple.
“Hnngh - fuck you.” You fired back but the insult lost all it’s meaning when you ended it with a small cry as you felt your orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks. Your body went rigid and you came with a loud gasp. 
Jimin clenched his teeth when your cunt constricted and clenched him almost painfully, “Shit, shit, shit, hang on baby, I’m so close.” 
“Don’t you dare stop.” You wailed, his thrusts prolonging your orgasm and you spasmed wildly when you felt him heave a deep breath, his member enlarging slightly and you felt his release paint your walls. He let out a guttural groan as he kept filling you up, thrusts slowing down until they came to a halt. 
Jimin swept the sweaty strands of his hair back with a hand and he smirked down at you, “How are you feeling, baby?” 
You huffed and managed to prop yourself up on your elbows, “Amazing but stuffed.” 
He chuckled and leaned down to kiss you. You met him halfway and enjoyed the afterglow for a minute before he retracted and pulled out of you. He put your panties back and cupped your center.
“Keep it inside you, my love.” 
You cocked an eyebrow, “While I make breakfast?” He helped you stand back up, your legs a little wobbly but you managed, “Really?” You asked as you adjusted your robe, trying the belt.
“I want to fuck it out of you later and fill you again.” 
“Later? I thought you and the guys were heading out today.” 
“I’m staying home today.”
You beamed at him and pecked his lips and walked over to the sink to clean your hands. 
Jimin headed out of the kitchen, wanting to take a quick shower when he stumbled upon a smirking but flushed Hoseok. 
“Morning.” The rapper greeted, “Had fun?” 
Jimin’s cheeks heated up, “You didn’t see anything?”
“Pfft, no. But I certainly heard…”
“I’m sorry, hyung.” 
“Don’t be but I am not eating breakfast on the dining table.”
Jimin nodded and was about to pass his friend when he froze and turned around, “I-I thought you said you didn’t see anything?” 
Hoseok looked past his friend and headed for the kitchen, “Did you hear that? I think Y/N is calling me.”
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jewish-space-laser · 4 years
Miles & Black Coffee - Part Two
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“If you’re thinking about taking the high road,
I can tell you that you’re doing it wrong,
There’s a better of way of letting it all go,
‘Cause you’ve been running from the feeling too long….”
-Highroad by Sir Woman
Hiya everyone! Sorry this is up a bit late, inspiration really just runs on its own clock. I’ll keep this short- giant thank you to @oh-honey-styles​ @andwhenshesays​ @for-fucks-sake-h​ for beta-ing and being so so SO supportive. If you haven’t read their fics yet, go check them out! As always, I adore feedback! (4.1k words)
xoxoxoxoxoXO Tile 
You and Harry would never be friends. You were up and down, night and day, oil and water. You just didn’t mesh. He was your roommate’s insufferable older brother, and that is all he would ever be. Well, at least that’s what you thought before….
the one with campfire conversations, cabin getaways, and enemies that were never really enemies after all.
Read Part One here!
Charlie was still sleeping soundly on her side of the bed when your alarm went off, so you tried your hardest to sneak out of the room without making a sound. Spending all day in the sun yesterday had been amazing; your heart felt full, your muscles were relaxed, and you were ready to do it all over again. 
Unfortunately, you also felt a bit gross. Between the warm weather, lakewater, and sunscreen, your skin was feeling like it needed it a good rinse. The thought of showering in the showerhouse wasn’t exactly thrilling, but it was that or the garden hose, so you gathered up your shower caddy and a change of clothes before making your way out of the main cabin. 
It was a beautiful morning, the perfect setup for another day of summer. Dewy blades of grass tickled your ankles as you cut across the lawn, a pleasant chill running through you at the contact. You’d tried to wake up early enough to have the shower house to yourself, not wanting to have an awkward run-in with anyone before you’d had a chance to fully wake up. 
From the look of it, you’d succeeded. You listened for signs that anyone else was out and about, but all you could hear were the sounds of birds chirping and bugs buzzing, the nature around you having yet to be disturbed by rowdy college students. 
Smoking on the boat the night before had turned out to be a great idea. The group had stayed out till the moon was the only light in the sky, only turning in when none of you could stop yawning. You hadn’t slept that deeply in a long time; it felt amazing to be so rested after a full school year of late nights and early mornings. 
When you finally reached the shower house, you moved to pull the door open to have it swing forward and smack into you. You stumbled backwards, balancing yourself against the wall as you stared wide eyed at the person who’d nearly knocked you over. 
“Whoa, sorry,” Ryan rushed apologetically, “I didn’t think anyone else would be up this early.”
“That’s okay,” you gulped, “I didn’t think anyone else was awake, either. I wanted the showers to myself.”
“I was thinking the same thing,” he chuckled, running a hand through his wet hair, “I’m all finished though, so it’s all yours.”
“Thanks,” you giggled, “how was the water pressure?”
“Honestly?” He shrugged. “Better than I expected, but not great.”
“Lovely,” you sighed, slinging your towel over your shoulder. Ryan dragged his eyes down your frame quickly, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. You blushed as you realized that you were still in your pajamas. At least they were somewhat cute, little blue shorts with rubber duckies printed all over them and a plain white tank top. 
The two of you were quiet for a moment, switching places so you were standing in the threshold of the shower house. He was too cute, sleepy eyes squinting in the sun as it grew brighter out.
“So, um, I was thinking of checking out this hiking trail today,” he blurted, cheeks tinted red, “Archie was going to come with me, but he drank his weight in white claw last night, so I’m thinking he might be too hungover to stomach it.”
“Where’s the trail?” You questioned. 
“It’s on the other side of the lake, about two miles north. We were just gonna borrow a couple bikes from the shed,” he explained, playing with his hair some more, “but anyway, I was like, well, I was wondering if maybe you would wanna join me. I’d hate to go alone.”
“I’d love to!” You said eagerly. When he smirked at your excitement, you tried to play it cool. “I mean, uh, yeah. That sounds like it could be fun.”
“Great,” he chuckled, “I was thinking of leaving around eleven, gives us time to relax and have some breakfast. The trail itself should only take a couple hours, but there are a few detours I wanted to see. Is that cool with you?”
“Sounds awesome,” you nodded. 
“Fantastic. I’ll find you in a bit?”
You nodded, bidding him farewell as he made his way back to the guest cabin. The moment the door shut behind you, you let out a quiet squeal. It hadn’t even been twenty-four hours, and already you had a date with a cute boy. Plus, you were genuinely interested in the hiking trail; if it was anything like the forest around the cabin, it was sure to be gorgeous. 
Ryan was right about the shower pressure. It was enough to make you feel clean and refreshed, but certainly left much to be desired. At least there was hot water. 
By the time you made it back to your room, Charlie was up and about, playing upbeat music on her phone speaker and digging her toothbrush out of her bag. 
“I can’t believe I forgot to brush my teeth last night,” she pretended to gag, “I literally passed out so hard. Didn’t even hear you get up this morning.”
“It was a long night,” you laughed, feeling amused as you watched her flit around the room to get ready for the day.
“And it’s gonna be another long day,” she sighed, “long, but fun. Olivia and I were gonna tan on the docks for a bit, if you wanna join?”
“Actually,” you tried to act nonchalant, “Ryan and I are going on a hike.”
You sat on the corner of the bed, sucking your lips into your mouth to keep your giddy smile at bay. You were really excited though, and Charlie seemed like just the right person to gush to.
“Ryan, huh?” She said, face scrunching up in confusion. “I would’ve thought you’d want to spend as much time with Harry as possible.”
You widened your eyes, letting out a loud burst of laughter that had you wheezing. “Harry? No way!”
“You and him aren’t a thing, then?” She asked, zipping her suitcase shut. “He was asking after you at the bonfire yesterday, and then insisted that he should check on you when you didn’t come down.”
A frown formed on your face. You specifically remember him saying that he’d just been using the restroom. Why would he want to check up on you, anyway? Surely he was just using it as an excuse to bother you. It was his favorite activity, after all. 
“Well, no, we’re not a thing,” you said firmly.
“Ryan’s cute, too,” Charlie shrugged, “James and I had a moment yesterday, too, so hopefully we both get our cute summer romance this week.”
“Ooooh, James?” You waggled your eyebrows, happy to change the subject. Charlie flushed, biting down on her lip.
The two of you gossipped for a while longer, with Charlie organizing all of her belongings while you lounged on the bed. It was nice chatting with her; you weren’t the closest, but you’d always gotten along really well. 
New romance, new friends, sunshine and nature. You could already tell that this was going to be a week to remember.
By the time you made your way into the kitchen, almost everyone had already had breakfast. Dishes were piled high in the small sink, streaks of what looked like pancake batter smeared across the countertop. You hated when people didn’t clean up after themselves, but you chose to ignore it for now. 
What you couldn’t ignore, however, was Harry, who was sitting by himself at the table. He was also pouring a bowl of cereal, which wouldn’t have been a problem if your name wasn’t written across the box in black sharpie. 
“Is that your cereal, Harry?” 
You had a hand planted on your hip, eyebrows raised expectantly as you awaited his answer. He lazily glanced up from his phone, looking you over from head to toe before shrugging. 
“Dunno, found it in the cupboard,” he muttered, jamming a spoonful into his mouth.
“Interesting, interesting,” you droned, biting the inside of your cheek, “did you stop for a moment to think that it might belong to somebody else?”
He shrugged again, not bothering to look away from his phone this time as he chewed slowly. You could tell he was holding back a smirk from the way his dimple indented into his cheek. He knew what he was doing, he always did.
With a huff, you walked over to him and snatched the box off of the table, turning it around and pointing at your name in bold letters. 
“I wish you’d asked,” you snapped, opening the cabinet with more force than necessary to grab a bowl. 
“Just figured we were all sharing food,” you heard him say. 
You wanted to rip his breakfast out from under him, anything to get a reaction, but you just took a deep breath insead. Getting you worked up is exactly what he wanted, and you’d never give him the satisfaction
“If you’d read your sister’s e-mail, you’d know that any food that isn’t labelled is up for grabs. That cereal has my name on it.”
“Sorry,” he shrugged again, “I don’t really look at my e-mail.”
“Clearly,” you rolled your eyes.
He didn’t respond, and even though your skin was crawling with irritation, you figured it was best if you stopped talking. Even though he was being a pest, this behavior was relatively tame for him, and it would be a shame to ruin a perfectly good morning with a fight.
Well, that’s what you told yourself before you opened the fridge. 
“Harry,” you warned through gritted teeth, “did you finish off the milk… and then put the empty carton back?”
“No,” he locked his phone, crossing his arms over his chest and grinning, “there are a few drops left in there.”
That was it. The absolute last straw. 
“You are literally the most inconsiderate person I’ve ever met,” you seethed, shaking the empty carton in his direction before throwing it into the recycling bin. It didn’t seem to phase him.
“I think-”
“I don’t really care what you think,” you interrupted. 
“-that you’re being dramatic.”
You were scowling so hard that your cheeks were beginning to hurt, but you couldn’t help it. Not when he was pushing your buttons in all the wrong ways. You dumped your bowl of dry cereal back into the box.
“I’m not being dramatic,” you hissed, “you’re just being a dick, but what else is new.”
“You really need to calm down,” he snorted, “a bunch of us were going to break out the kayak and race across the lake, do you wanna join?”
You weren’t sure where he’d gotten the idea that you’d want to spend more time with him, so you just shot him a dirty look, deciding to just skip breakfast. Sure, you were starving, but anything was better than spending one more second in Harry’s presence. 
“I have other plans,” you snarled, turning your back to him and leaving the room. 
“Really?” He asked, following you down the hallway. “Do they involve… I dunno, pulling the giant stick out of your ass?”
You practically growled, stopping so suddenly that Harry nearly ran into you.
“No,” your voice was strained, “Ryan asked me to go hiking with him, if you must know.”
For the first time all morning, the unbearable smirk on his face dropped into a frown. 
“Just the two of you?” He prodded. 
You narrowed your eyes at him. Why was he suddenly so interested? 
“Yes, just the two of us,” you sighed, turning to walk away again, “now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to be as far away from you as possible.”
He didn’t follow you this time, but you could feel him watching you go up the stairs. It bothered you to no end that he could get you so riled up. Next time, you would walk away at the first sign of trouble, because he truly wasn’t worth your energy. 
Once you finished packing up a drawstring backpack with the hiking essentials, it was just about to time to meet Ryan, so you made your way over to the guest cabin. On the way there, you saw Harry pulling a kayak off of a metal rack, passing it to James like it weighed nothing. He looked a bit ridiculous, with his tie-dye shirt and a bandana in his hair.
“Hey,” you jumped at Ryan’s voice, “you ready to head out?”
You didn’t spare Harry a second glance when Ryan started raving about this amazing waterfall that he wanted to see. The day could only go up from here.
The rain had come out of nowhere. 
It had been blue sky for miles for the entire hike, but the second you got back to the bikes at the trailhead, dark stormclouds had already started sprinkling. It had quickly turned into a downpour, soaking through your thin t-shirt in record time. Ryan wasn’t much better off as he pulled his helmet off, hair matted down on the top of his head. 
Not to mention, it had been extremely buggy. Even with bug spray, they had been relentless. You were sure you had at least twenty bug bites all down your arms and legs. 
Despite everything, you’d enjoyed yourself. You’d stayed out even longer than you planned, sitting by the waterfall and chatting. As soon as Ryan found out that you skipped breakfast, he’d given you half of his sandwich. He’d been a complete gentleman, taking your hand frequently to help you over a rough part of the trail, and even though neither of you specified, it felt like a date. 
Conversation with him was easy, which was a major improvement from your awful morning. In fact, you barely even thought about Harry all afternoon, so distracted by Ryan and his nature commentary. The only time he’d come up was when you stopped for lunch.
“So what’s the deal with you and Harry?” Ryan had asked.
“Ugh,” you’d snarled, taking a pull from your water bottle “can we talk about literally anything else?”
“Oh,” Ryan had raised his eyebrows, “so, you’re not together?”
Immediately, you had choked on your sip of water, slapping your chest until you stopped coughing. 
“Together?” You guffawed. “What on earth gave you that idea?”
He had blushed crimson, playing with the hair on the back of his head. “He talks about you a lot… and sometimes I notice you watching him.”
His comment had confused you, but you’d shrugged it off, assuring him that you and Harry weren’t, and never would be, together. 
Now, the two of you were ditching your bikes in front of the cabin and sprinting towards the door to escape the awful weather. You found yourself giggling as you stumbled into the kitchen, wet, muddy footprints trailing behind you as you dropped your pack to the ground. It landed with a loud squelch, which only made you laugh harder. 
“I had a lot of fun today,” you said, “I’m really glad you invited me.”
“Really?” He chuckled, catching his breath. “I thought it was a bit of a disaster, between the mosquitos, the rain… the mud….”
You both laughed, shaking your heads at your bad fortune. You were being truthful about having fun, though. Even though the day hadn’t gone according to plan, it was exactly the kind of adventure you’d wanted.
“Whatever,” you shrugged coyly, “I had good company.”
Ryan’s cheeks flushed crimson, and a sweet smile crept up his face. Even with mud caked across his neck, pine needles in his hair, and angry pink bug bites down his arms and legs, he still managed to look adorable. When his eyes darted down to your lips, you stepped forward.
“I’m really glad we’re both on this trip,” he said softly, placing a hand on your waist.
���Me too,” you whispered, leaning in closer. 
Just as your lips were a hair away from brushing together, a crash from behind you had you jumping apart in alarm. You yelped loudly, your heart stopping for a beat before you spun around to face the culprit. 
Of course it was Harry. 
The first thing you noticed was his sunburn; all he was wearing was a pair of light gray sweatpants, so you could see how pink his chest had gotten. He resembled a deer in headlights as he stared at the floor below him, which was currently covered in the broken remnants of a shattered plate.
“Sorry,” he slurred, tip-toeing out from where the ceramic shards had scattered. Once he was clear, he stumbled over to the broom closet, swinging it open harshly as you and Ryan watched on awkwardly. After digging for a few seconds, he emerged with a broom and dustpan that looked like they were older than you.
“You scared us,” you bit out, heart finally slowing down to a normal rate. 
“Oops,” his shoulders lifted in a shrug, He turned to start sweeping, but quickly did a double take. “What hap-… you guys look horrible. Why are you covered in mud?”
Irritation took over you as you watched him gape drunkenly at where you and Ryan were standing. Not only had he interrupted what was sure to be an epic kiss with Ryan, but then he’d nearly given you a heart attack by sneaking in and dropping the plate. Sure, it was an accident, but that didn’t make you feel any less angry. And now here he was, telling you that you looked horrible.Your foot started tapping against the floor rapidly on its own accord. 
Just as you were about to chew him out for being a complete thorn in your side, he stumbled forward and hissed, lifting his bare foot into the air. 
“Harry, you’re stepping on glass,” Ryan warned, rushing forward with a worried expression over his face, “and you’re barefoot. Why don’t you start getting ready for bed… I’ll clean this up, okay?”
He took the broom from Harry, shooing him away from the mess. You knew it was the responsible thing to do, but part of you was still disappointed that your moment with Ryan had been ruined.
“Will you help me up the stairs?” Harry asked you sheepishly, half-limping over to you, “can’t get the glass out of my foot….”
“Well, don’t try to take it out here,” you sighed with an eye roll, “let’s go up. We’ll have to clean it, too.”
“Aww, y’gonna take care of me?” He smirked.
“Don’t push your luck,” you snapped. He held his hands up in surrender, but you still wanted to slap the smug look off of his face. You turned to Ryan, who was still sweeping the plate shards into a pile, and shook your head apologetically. “See you tomorrow?”
He nodded, a sad little smile on his face. You made yourself a promise that you’d kiss him next time you were alone. It was only the second day, after all; you were positive that you’d find another moment. For now, though, you had to deal with a certain drunken fool, who was currently limping down the hall, tripping every other step as he tried to grip the wall for support. 
“Hold on, you dimwit,” you sighed, rushing forward and slipping a hand around his waist. 
“Ooh, we’re getting cosy,” he hummed. You weren’t going to dignify him with a response.
Harry’s skin was warm to the touch, a bit sticky with sunscreen but still smooth. You tried to ignore the shock that ran through you when you felt his back muscles shift… you knew he was in good shape, but you hadn’t expected him to be so… firm. Your mouth went dry.
He leaned practically his entire weight on you, nearly forcing your knees to buckle. Fortunately, you were able to find your balance and walk with him, taking one stair at a time.
“Now who’s being dramatic,” you muttered.
“What’s that s’posed to mean?” Harry slurred, frowning in your direction. He had one arm slung over your shoulder, and the other hand gripping the railing as he hopped on one foot.
“You called me dramatic this morning,” you reminded him, “and now here you are, needing help up the stairs because of a teeny piece of glass….”
“Heeeey,” he protested, stopping in his tracks to look down at you properly. 
A scoff escaped you as you rolled your eyes, gesturing for him to continue hopping. You were nearly at the top now.
“Is there a first aid kit somewhere?” You asked, relieved when he removed his arm.
“Yeah,” he scratched at his head, “I packed one, but it’s still in my room.”
Honestly, you were a bit surprised that Harry packed a first aid kit. You’d never stricken him as the responsible type; Callie had always seemed more put together despite being younger. 
You followed his hobbling figure into his room, which was much cleaner than you expected. He clearly hadn’t changed it much since he was young, evidenced by the lego figurines lined up on his shelves. There was also a cute framed photo of him and Callie at her high school graduation, which was admittedly adorable. 
Getting the splinter out of Harry’s foot hadn’t been a problem, but cleaning it was another story. First, he insisted that he could do it himself, but then he accidentally got neosporin all over his bedsheets. Then, he wouldn’t stop flinching away from you when you tried to stick on the bandage, claiming that he was ticklish. 
“Can you please just cooperate,” you sighed. 
“Can’t help that it tickles,” he giggled, twitching away from your hand again, “your hands are too soft.”
If he pulled away from you one more time, you’d rip your hair out. This was not how you foresaw ending your night.
Eventually, finally, he stayed still long enough for you to finish. You glared at him as you gathered up the bandage wrapper and used alcohol wipe. He was gazing at you with wide eyes, bandana slightly crooked on top of his head.
“Did I interrupt something downstairs?” He asked all of a sudden, sheepishly looking out the window.
“Yeah,” you exhaled, shaking your head in frustration. “You know, Harry? I don’t understand what I did for you to hate me so much.”
He squinted his eyes in confusion, as if he had no idea what you were talking about. As if he hadn’t spent countless hours intentionally getting on your nerves. 
“What’re you talking about?”
“Please,” you laughed sarcastically, “It hasn’t even been two full days here, and you’ve already called me a wet blanket, eaten my food, and ruined the end of my date. You do nothing but antagonize me… why?”
He opened and closed his mouth several times, and it was then that you remembered how truly drunk he was. He probably wouldn’t even remember this in the morning. You don’t know why you’d asked him about it in the first place.
“I mean, I…” He stuttered, apparently unable to articulate his thoughts. 
Truthfully, you didn’t even want to know.
“Maybe we should just stay away from each other,” you told him, “I’m not a huge fan of you, and you clearly have a problem with me….”
He looked completely taken aback.
“Just… go to sleep, okay?” You pinched the bridge of your nose. “I left the painkillers out, so… take those in the morning if you want.”
You were waiting for him to say something, but he just sat there, silently gaping at you with cloudy eyes, so that’s how you left him. He was still staring at you when you fleetingly made eye contact on your way out the door, but didn’t say a single word.
From what you knew about him, that was out of character. He always had something to say, another jab, another comeback, absolutely never letting you have the last word. And his eyes… the way he’d been staring at you, like he was offended and guilty and confused. You’d never seen him look like that before. 
As you got ready for bed, you tried to shake the entire interaction off. He was drunk, he probably had no idea what you were saying. The entire conversation wouldn’t even matter in the morning. 
Yet, for some reason, the image of his wide eyes and crooked bandana were all you thought about until you drifted off to sleep.
If you made it this far, thank you! What do we think? Any thoughts, theories, questions, comments? Let me know! Until next time, xoxoxoxoxox Tile
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ikemencrossedmyth · 4 years
Fury Chapter 2
Pairing: Comte x reader
Fandom:  Ikemen Vampire
Summary:  You head into town and run into the men from yesterday, who are determined to get their money’s worth from you.  
Rating:  18+
Count:  5,709
Warnings:  violence, assault, blood
Part 1
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Art was made by @nan-chi​
 Chapter 2:  The Beginning of a Tragedy
 “Maybe we’ll see you around town mademoiselle”.  
“I don’t believe so Monsieur”, you replied.
The men watched as you and Comte walked away from them, heading deeper into the city.  The taller man chuckled to himself,
“Looks like that crazy man was right, Jacques.  He knew exactly when that girl would show up.”  
“Of course!  I told you that he was legitimate, Pierre.  Now that you understand that his information is valid, can we please get on with getting our money back?!”  
He looked up at Pierre, exasperated that they had to waste this time to prove that his information was genuine.  
“Now, he said that every day the girl heads into town to shop.  Specifically, she always seems to buy baguettes.” Jacques said.  
Pierre looked down at his friend, confused and clueless.  
“What does that matter? Who cares if she buys bread? What about our damn money?!”
“Pierre, you’re an idiot. Tomorrow she will be going to the new bakery at the far side of the city.  He made sure of it.  As long as we know that she will be at that bakery, we know we can get compensated. One way…or another”, he smirked.
His eyes glistened with his ill intentions for the little lady. Pierre nodded in understanding, an evil grin creeping upon his face.  He loosened his collar and snickered,
“I can’t fucking wait”.
 The Next Morning
You woke up early every day to help Sebastian with preparing breakfast.  You sat up and felt your body ache all over.  A chill passed through your body.
“Oh no, I can’t be getting sick!”, you thought to yourself.  
After denying that you were getting sick yesterday, you were determined to continue working, and hopefully Comte would not notice.  If he did, you knew that he would make you stay in bed all day.  Quietly, you crept back to your room, and prepared for what you knew would be a long day.  Especially with how crummy you felt.  
Before leaving your room, you looked yourself over in the mirror to make sure that you didn’t look too sick.  Your hair was pulled away from your face, as the rest cascaded down your back.  You were wearing a white long sleeve button down shirt, tucked into a maroon skirt.  You lay your hands flat on the front of your skirt, pressing out any remaining wrinkles.  Forcing a smile, you nodded to yourself before heading out of your room.  You headed down to the kitchen, where Sebastian had already began cooking the pancakes that Theo basically worshiped. Your first task was always to prepare the rouge.  After that, you pulled out the rest of the ingredients for breakfast and began to prep them for Sebastian.  You then set the table and headed back to help him with the little that remained. You could hear some of the residents making their way towards the dining table.  
Normally you would see Theo with Vincent, as they usually never missed breakfast.  But this morning, Theo was alone.  
“Where’s Vincent? Is he feeling unwell?”
“He’s fine Hondje, he’s just finishing a painting for that stupid playwright he calls a friend.”
At the mention of William, your heart jolted.  You had just met the man yesterday, the experience wasn’t terrible, except for Comte getting upset.  And yet, by hearing his name, you felt an apprehension that you could not describe. An uneasiness swirled around in your mind.  The chatter of the other residents broke you out of your thoughts.  As breakfast finished, you cleared the table and helped Sebastian tidy up.  Preparing for breakfast was not a strenuous task, but today, you could feel a throbbing pain that was beginning to take hold in your muscles.  Unconsciously, you let out a little groan.  Sebastian looked over to you.
“Comte told me yesterday that you may have gotten sick.  How are you feeling?”
“I’m fine.  Comte is just being a bit overprotective, you know how he is” you said as you smiled at Sebastian.  
“You know, he would be very upset if something happened to you. If you need to rest, then please, take the remainder of the day off in your room.  I can take care of the shopping in town.”
“Sebastian”, you huffed, “It’s okay, I’ll be fine.  If I start to feel absolutely terrible, I will take your advice and rest.  How does that sound?”
Sebastian knew that you could be so ridiculously stubborn.  He sighed resignedly, “Very well, _____”
Once the cleanup for breakfast was over, it was already afternoon and time for you to head into town to get the ingredients.  As you reached the top of the stairs, your muscles began to burn and you felt a flash of cold hit your skin.  You could already tell that by tomorrow you would definitely be sick.  “Okay, tomorrow I will definitely have to take the day off, but today should be fine for me to keep working.” You thought to yourself.  As you were nearing your door, you heard a noise come from behind you.  You turned around and saw that Vincent was coming out of his room.  He was carrying a small painting that was draped in a white cloth.  
“Vincent, I missed you at breakfast this morning.” You said.
“Sorry _____, I was finishing a painting for William that I absolutely want to get to him today.  I am actually heading out right now to give it to him.  I promise I will be at breakfast tomorrow though.” Vincent said as he smiled sweetly. He really was the angel of the mansion. His gentle voice and nature always set a calming presence in whatever situation he found himself in.  
You began to smile at Vincent, but then let out a terribly loud sneeze.  This was the mother of all sneezes.  The sneeze that makes people want to keep 20 feet back.  It sounded like an elephant taking down a velociraptor. You and Vincent just stared wide eyed at each other in complete silence.
“Oh God, please kill me now!” you thought.  How embarrassing, and especially in front of Vincent!  Vincent’s smile widened, he had never heard anyone, especially a woman, sneeze like that.  Women of the past were not as boisterous, but he liked that about you.  
“_____, if you are not feeling well, I can tell Sebastian on my way out.  I’m sure he would be more than okay with you relaxing and getting some sleep. Please, I don’t want you to get sick.”
Ugh, could Vincent be any sweeter?  This angel was really not going to mention the deafening sneeze-roar that you just unleashed?  You smiled weakly at him, “Vincent, it’s okay.  I’m just going to get some stuff done and then I’ll rest.”  You turned around and rushed to your room, mortified of what just happened.  You slipped inside, leaned back, and rested your head on the door.  
“Why me?  Why is it always me?” you pondered aloud.  Well there was no taking it back, at least Vincent was nice about it.  You went to your dresser and pulled out the money and list, getting ready to head into the town.  
Vincent lightly chuckled to himself as he saw you rushing away.  He turned on his heels and quickly made his way downstairs.  Sebastian was making his way out of the kitchen as Vincent came to the bottom of the stairs.  
“Sebastian, could I have a moment of your time?”
“Of course, Vincent, how can I help?” Sebastian asked.  
“I just spoke to _____, and she appears to be very sick.  I told her that you would be okay with her resting.  She is in her room right now.” Vincent said.  
“Thank goodness, I thought nothing would get her to go to her room.”  Sebastian said. “Thank you very much Vincent.”
“You are very welcome Sebastian.” Vincent said.  With a smile, Vincent left the mansion.  
Sebastian then began to prepare to head into town.  He had given you the list yesterday, but he did not want to disturb you in your room. He headed back into the kitchen to see what was missing and make a new list.  
It’s interesting how fate works out sometimes.  If he had waited a couple seconds longer, he would have seen you come down the stairs and out the door, making your way into town.  
Sebastian finished the list after a couple minutes of quick inventory of the kitchen.  Leonardo strolled leisurely into the kitchen with a cigarillo in his mouth.  
“Sebas, I’m running low on my smokes.  Do you have any more for me?” he asked.  
“Yes Leonardo, right here.” Sebastian opened the top cupboard and pulled out box of fresh cigarillos and handed them to Leonardo.  
“That is the last box Leonardo.”
Leonardo eyed the list on the counter.  
“Could you have _____ pick up a couple of boxes when she goes into town today?”
“I am actually about to go into town right now.  She got sick yesterday and is in her room resting.” Sebastian said.  
“Ah, I see, well thanks for the cigarillos Sebas.”
“You are most welcome Leonardo.”
Sebastian grabbed some money and his new list and left out the front door into town.  
Leonardo was languidly walking to his room, to put away his new box of cigarillos.  He was passing by Comte’s room and saw the door was open.  
“Hey, you know that _____ is sick?  Did she say anything to you?  She looked fine at breakfast.” Leonardo said.  
Comte sucked his teeth at Leonardo, “I knew she was sick, but she denied it yesterday.  I saw that she was shivering as we came back from town. I’m going to go talk with Sebastian and tell him she will be doing no more work until she is better.”
“No need for that, she is already resting in her room.  Sebas just left to town.”
Comte smiled at his old friend, “Thank you for telling me Leonardo.”
“Whatever, I just know how you get about _____.” Leonardo smiled.  
Leonardo walked away to his room as Comte continued with the mountain of paperwork that he desperately needed to finish.  
Little did everyone know that a huge misunderstanding had occurred at the mansion.  No one knew of the danger that awaited you in the great city of Paris.  
The afternoon sun shone on your skin with a welcome heat.  The warm rays kissed your face and warmed your body as you made your way through town.  You stopped by several different shops in the bustling city, trying to get everything on the list so you could make it back in time for dinner.  The last stop was the bakery.  
As always, you purchased a couple baguettes for dinner.  It was always on the menu.  Traveling to the past, you could almost see why the French Revolution came about because of a shortage of bread.  The stuff was a staple in everyone’s home.  You entered the bakery and walked up to the counter.  
“I would like three baguettes Monsieur.” You asked politely.  
“Oh, _____ I thank you for your repeated patronage, but unfortunately, we are all out of bread.”
“What?  How is it that you are already out of bread?” you asked.
“Well you see, we received a large donation from a local writer, and in return, we were asked that all our available bread be given to the local orphanage for their lunch.  It was such a kind request from a generous person, there was no way we could turn it down.  And to top it off, he’s British!  I know we don’t usually get along with the English, but this Monsieur really went out of his way to show kindness to those in our community who are less fortunate.” The baker said.  
“Wow, that is amazing! I’m shocked to think that one man could have bread brought to an entire orphanage.  He must be a very noble man.” You said.  
“Well, not exactly.  I’ve been seeing him a lot in the pub across the street.”  The baker said.  
“He must be talking about Arthur.” You thought.  You knew that Arthur was well off and the idea that he would dedicate such a kind act to children made you feel more fondness for the writer.  But you couldn’t stand here and dwell on Arthur, you had to get back to the mansion.
“We are currently preparing more bread if you wish to wait.” The baker said.  
“I wish I could, but I can’t. I have to get back in time for dinner.” You said.    
Your head was starting to pound at this point.  You knew for sure that when you got back you were going to take a nice hot bath and then sleep the night away.  This was the last stop and you were hoping to get back soon.  You kicked yourself mentally for not buying the bread earlier. You usually left the bread for last, because you wanted it to be as fresh out of the bakery as possible for the residents.  The baker looked at her.
“You know, the new bakery that just opened up should have baguettes available.  They are much bigger than us, so they should definitely have some left!”
“That’s right!  I went there yesterday.  But even then, they were low on bread.” You said.  
“Well, from what I heard, they were also asked to donate bread yesterday.  But considering they are a bigger shop; they still had some left over.”
“Thank you so much, I’ll head there immediately!”  you said.
You left the bakery and began to walk quickly towards the other bakery.  The afternoon was drawing to a close, and you did not want to get caught in the cold afternoon as the sun was beginning to set.  
You finally reached the bakery and headed inside.  Walking up to the counter, you purchased your bread, the final ingredient on the list. Now it was time for you to head back to the mansion and rest.  You left the bakery and began your journey back to the mansion.  The aching feeling in your muscles began to grow, as you forced one foot in front of the other.  You opened and closed your hands, in an attempt to warm them.  The sun had just set behind the horizon.  It’s light beginning to fade.  In your haze, you did not notice the two sets of eyes staring at you, waiting for the opportunity that had been laid in their lap.  
“There she is Jacques!” Whispered Pierre.  “Let’s get her.”
“No, wait till she is a bit closer to the alley, then grab her, cover her mouth, and pull her in.” Jacques said.  
You were walking closer to the old brick building, trying to not get in the way of the pedestrians and carriages that were on the road.  As you crossed the alley, a set of hands shot out of the dark.  One hand around your waist, and the other clamped tightly around your mouth.  
Your heart rate quickened; panicked you tried to resist, but the arms were too strong as they pulled you further and further from the noisy street.  Tears pricked your eyes and you struggled to break free from your assailant. His arm was crushing your ribs, as he pressed you to him, while dragging you into the dark and musty alley.  You dug your heels into the ground, trampling over your skirt.  You tried to flail your body, anything you could do to get free.  You could hear another voice, another man.  
You recognized that voice, and you felt your blood run cold.  Not from a fever, but from pure fear.  Your body began to shake.  Your breathing escalated as your heart began to pump fast.  It was the two men from yesterday.  Your mind raced, looking for any opportunity to escape or to call for help.
“This was too easy Jacques” Pierre said as he smiled smugly.  
“Ha! Of course, I told you that Will wouldn’t cheat us.” Jacques said. “I fucking hate the English, but that guy is alright in my book.  I mean, he even bought all that fucking bread.” He laughed.
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing.  You didn’t want to believe it.  Were they talking about William Shakespeare?  The man you had met just yesterday, it couldn’t be.  You didn’t want to think that a man that Comte associated with would be capable of doing something like this.  But all the puzzle pieces began to fall into place.  It wasn’t Arthur that the baker was talking about, it was William.  William Shakespeare was the cause of the situation you were in.  William was the puppet master to your misfortune.  It was as if the threads of your fate were handed to him, and he wielded your life like a game.  
Jacques proceeded to pull out a knife and waved it in front of your face.  He pressed the cool flat of the blade against your face.  
“If you make any loud noise, I will not hesitate to slice you open, you got it?  The fucking moment I hear any attempt for help, I’m going to gut you.”  
You nodded as tears streamed down your face.   Your mouth trembled as Pierre released you into Jacques arms.  Jacques looked at Pierre.  
“Go guard the entrance to the alley.”  With those orders, Pierre began to walk away, leaving you alone with his friend.  Jacques looked you up and down.  
“Pay me back the money you owe.  Either you pay or Comte de Saint Germain pays.”
Your stomach turned. He knew who Comte was all along. Yesterday’s game of calling him her benefactor was just a joke.  This whole time they knew.  
“I don’t have any money.” You choked out.  You could not stop crying as your voice was quivering with fear.  
“I was hoping you would say that.”  His smile was evil, pure evil.  “If you can’t pay with money, then you will pay another way.  One way that will show Comte the error of his ways.”
With those final words, he grabbed you by the throat and slammed you into the side of the brick building.  The pounding in your head increased tenfold.  You could no longer see straight. Your world was spinning as your head felt like it had been split open in two.  Trying to regain your senses, you looked at the stocky man as his leering smile held nothing but contempt for your predicament.  The area where he smashed your head against the rough brick was bleeding profusely.  It trickled down your face and onto your blouse, staining the white fabric into a deep crimson.  The spot on your blouse began to grow, as the blood continued to flow from your wound. The man proceeded to pull his knife back up to your face and traced it down to your neck.  He began to cut the buttons off your blouse, working his way down to your skirt.
“No way, this can’t be happening!”
He lowered his head to the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent.  His tongue ran from the base of your neck, over his fingers and up to the shell of your ear.  You were struggling to breath, as his fingers were still held tight against your throat. The tears in your eyes were flowing freely and every colour was beginning to blur into the next.   He was barely allowing you small gasps of air. He relished the struggle and the ‘prize’ that he had won.  
You knew that it was now or never, that even if it meant getting hurt more, you needed to call for help. Anything to get the attention of the people on the main street.
At that moment, there was a loud commotion on the main street.  It sounded like a street performer had captured an audience and you could hear that the people were beginning their uproar.  
Jacques looked towards the commotion.
There it is, your one and only opportunity.
You kicked Jacques as hard as you can straight in the crotch.  He keeled over and screamed out in pain.  His scream alone captured the attention of some people.  You took a huge gulp of much needed air, and with all your strength, you screamed into the wind, you screamed to anyone that would be willing to listen to your pleas of rescue.
Sebastian was making his way to the new bakery.  He couldn’t believe that the regular bakery was out of bread, but he couldn’t deny that they were out of bread for a good reason.  The baker had also told him of the benefactor that had donated bread to the orphanage.  The last item on the list was some baguettes, and then he would be on his way home.  
He picked up the pace as he neared the bakery.  He turned the corner and he could see the bakery at the end of the block.  On the right-hand side of the street there was a large group gathered around a young man who looked to be selling something to a group of people on the streets.  Snake oil salesman have always been a business, no matter what time period, but it seemed like this man had captivated the people as they marveled at whatever gadget he was showing.  
Sebastian wanted to get a closer look, as the crowd kept getting larger and larger around the man, but that was when he heard your scream.  A blood curdling scream for help rang out as Sebastian whirled around, trying to pinpoint where the scream was coming from.  
Why is she here?  Isn’t she supposed to be at home?
Sebastian ran towards your voice, his heart pounding in his chest.  He began to sweat as he feared the worst.  He came to the alley that Pierre had been guarding.  Pierre now had his back turned to Sebastian, as he heard his friend scream in pain, and then your accompanying shouts.  
“Hey!  What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Pierre yelled at you. Sebastian took the opportunity to knock Pierre in the back of the head.  Pierre turned around and took a swing at Sebastian.  He dodged the punch with a swift step to the side and gave Pierre a nasty uppercut to his chin.  As Pierre crumbled to the ground, Sebastian ran forward to where Jacques was still curled on the ground, with you still struggling to catch your breath. Sebastian took in your appearance, your cut blouse, the blood running down your face and onto your chest.  The dirt and grime of the alley was evident on your skirt.  Sebastian neared you.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
You looked at Sebastian with tears in your eyes and threw yourself into his arms.  Sebastian gripped you as you began to sink back to the ground, your blood staining his clothes.  
“No, we have to get out of here _____.  We have to get back to the mansion.  Can you stand, we need to move quickly.”
You nodded weakly and leaned on Sebastian to stand.  Sebastian was right, this was your sole opportunity to escape.  The men were temporarily incapacitated, and once they regained their senses, there was no telling what would happen.  You grabbed Sebastian’s hand and you both began to run. The sun had already set, and there was even less light in the dusk that surrounded you both.  Sebastian was pulling you towards the entrance of the alley, near the main street. Pierre was still on the ground moaning in pain, but he saw you and Sebastian.  He lurched forward to try to grab you, but Sebastian quickly putting his hand around your waist, pulled you into his side and avoided Pierre.  
“Get that bitch! Don’t let them get away Pierre!”
You and Sebastian looked back to see that Jacques was still cradling his crotch where you had kicked him, but he was looking at you and Sebastian.  His eyebrows were creased in anger.  Pierre stood up and held his head where Sebastian had attacked him.  He took a couple wobbly steps towards you two.
“We need to leave NOW!” Sebastian shouted.
The main street had cleared out in the amount of time that it took Sebastian to find and rescue you. There were only a few people scattered about, as the crowd that was just present had seemingly disappeared.  This left the streets clear for you both to sprint back to the mansion.  
The cold air was now burning your lungs as you struggled to breath and keep up with Sebastian.  You had been running for what felt like ages. Your legs were threatening to give out underneath you as your pace began to slow.  It was becoming increasingly painful to run and you could feel yourself close to passing out.  You were losing a lot of blood from the deep wound on your pounding head.  You turned around to look behind you, and to your terror, you could see that Pierre was following, trying to catch up through the pain of his tussle with Sebastian.  
“Sebastian!  He’s following us!” you cried.
Sebastian looked back to see that indeed Pierre was getting closer, as he couldn’t move as fast because of your injury and the fever that was now taking hold of your weakened body. The mansion was near, and Sebastian knew that if you didn’t pick up the pace that Pierre would definitely catch up. He bent over and with one hand on your back and the other behind your knees, he lifted you up in his arms and began to swiftly run back to the mansion.  You grabbed at your blouse, attempting to keep it closed as your vision began to fade and your breathing became more ragged.  You could hear the footsteps behind Sebastian getting closer. Fear seized your heart; he was catching up to you.  
Pierre could see you two running up to the mansion.  He knew that if you both got inside, that his opportunity to get you would slip away. He pushed a little harder, knowing that he just needed a couple more feet to close the gap between the two of you.
He reached out and grabbed Sebastian’s coat and dragged all of you to the ground.  You went tumbling out of Sebastian’s arms and rolled into the dirt.  You quickly pushed yourself up from the ground to see Pierre pummeling into Sebastian on the ground beneath him.  The door to the mansion was only about 20 feet away.  You knew that if you could get one of the vampires to notice, that they could save Sebastian.  
You got up and ran the few feet to the door, practically knocking it open and began to scream for help, but not before you heard the running of footsteps behind you, causing you to turn to look back outside, only to come face to face with Pierre, seething with anger as he closed the short distance between you two, tackling you to the ground just inside the door.  
Inside the mansion, it was nearing dinner time, but Sebastian had not made his way back from town. Some of the residents were already in the dining room, as they were used to every night.  Comte had made his way into the dining room to see some of his residents chatting, while others were sitting at the dining room table.  
“That’s odd, where’s Sebastian?” he thought.  
It was at that moment that all the vampires stopped talking, it was as if all at once, they sensed something.  
“Do you smell that?” Arthur asked.  
It was a smell that they were all too familiar with, the sweet smell of blood.  But this was different, there was a lot of it, more than their usual dose of rouge with dinner.
They all heard the front door forced open and then a shrill scream.
All the residents were immediately on alert.  
Comte would recognize your voice anywhere, but weren’t you supposed to be resting in your room?  He ran to the entrance of the mansion, along with the rest of the residents.  He could hear your screams and cries of pain, making him move faster towards the door.
Arriving at the foyer, Comte laid eyes on Pierre.  He had straddled your waist after he had tackled you to the ground.  He was punching you in the face and chest, as you raised your arms and hands to protect yourself from his blows.    
It was in that moment, that time stood still.  Comte had never felt the emotion that suddenly came over him.  Sure, he had been angry in the past, but since becoming a nobleman, he had learned and accepted the mannerisms of nobility.  But in this instance, all customs and courtesy were out the window.  He felt an extreme anger flow through his veins.  How could this have happened to you?  He remembered your words from yesterday.
“With you by my side, nothing is going to happen to me, I trust you.”
You had said those words with a brilliant smile on your face.  You had trusted him to keep you safe.  He felt all self-control leave his body.  His rage boiling over, and he eyed his target:  Pierre.  The lesser vampires were getting ready to attack, but the pure blood vampires were next to you in an instant.  
Comte was using all his instincts as a vampire, all in an effort to end this unjust punishment that was being hurled at your fragile body.  The body that had woken up this morning in his safe embrace and was now being assaulted and marred.  The smell of your blood permeated the air and hung like a heavy curtain around the vampires. In any other instance, the smell of your blood may have been enticing.  But the reality of the moment was that this blood was not given willingly, it was taken from you by the actions of lesser men.  Your blood was a staunch reminder that he had indeed failed to keep you, the love of his life, safe.
Comte grabbed Pierre by the back of his neck and launched him off you in one swift move.  The only thing he could think about was protecting you. He threw Pierre’s body like a rag doll, landing outside.  
Leonardo moved like a flash of lightning after Pierre, while Comte knelt beside your injured body.  He could now see your injuries more clearly. There were bruises on your neck from being choked, the wound of your head still had blood trickling down to your exposed chest.  He noted how your blouse had been cut down to your skirt.  Your blood and tear stained face brought a feeling of guilt over Comte. He was supposed to guard you and yet here you lay on the ground, in agony.  He pulled you close to him by your waist.  In your panic, you could not tell that Comte was there.  You thrashed your arms and legs hysterically, trying to remove your attacker.  
“_____, it’s me. Please ma Cherie, look at me.” He held you close to his chest, stopping all your movements.  You could smell his familiar scent and looked up to his face. Comte looked down at you with sadness and regret in his eyes.  You began to cry violently, your body shaking as you clung to Comte.  
“Sebastian! Please help him, he is outside on the ground!”, you whimpered.  
The other vampires quickly made their way outside, where Leonardo was making quick work of Pierre. Sebastian lay on the ground passed out a few feet away.  A mixture of his and your blood covered his clothes, but the blood on his face was solely his, a result of the injuries Pierre had given him.
Comte picked you up and held you close to his body as you clutched your blouse closed with one hand.  He stood in the entry way and faced outside to where the rest of the vampires were.  
Arthur was hovering over Sebastian, examining his injuries.  Arthur began giving orders to Jean and Dazai to bring a plank on which to transport Sebastian and to grab a medical bag in his room.  Comte said a silent prayer of thanks that Arthur had the medical skills to help him.  
Comte furrowed his brows at the scene before him.  You lay weak and covered in blood, dirt, and bruises, in his arms.  Sebastian was passed out with blood on his face and clothes as well.  Leonardo had beaten Pierre to a pulp, leaving him a whimpering mess on the ground.  
“How could this have happened?  Why?” he whispered more to himself than to anyone else.  
“It was William Shakespeare, he set it up to where I would meet those two drunkards from yesterday, but Sebastian just happened by and saved me.  If it wasn’t for him, who knows where I would be right now.” You said to him, your voice raspy and straining.  
Vincent felt the colour drain from his cheeks.  
“William?  HE did this? No, it can’t be!” he thought as he held his head in his hands.
Theo’s faced twisted into a scowl upon hearing William’s name come from your mouth.  
“I knew he was a good for nothing!  He will pay for this.”  
Arthur snapped his head in your direction when he heard.
“Quite frankly, he’s the type of fellow I’d rather not involve myself with.” He muttered under his breath.
He knew that William was an odd chap, and there were rumors spreading that he would often find himself in questionable situations, all for the sake of his tragedies.
The vampires were furious, they could not fathom that someone would try to hurt you, much less someone that they knew.  But none were as upset as Comte.  He felt his body grow hot, as the blood running through his veins became like venom, poisoning his mind at the thought of what he would to do William when he got a hold of him.  What he wouldn’t do to the man that had caused you such suffering.  There was only one emotion that Comte could use to define his unrelenting wrath:  Fury. 
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minghaocouture · 4 years
Fearless: Chapter 5
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Pairing: Werewolf!Jeon Wonwoo X Vampire!Reader Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Non-Idol Au Warning: Language Rating: T WC: 3.8K AU Lore:   Vampire Coven Info/Wolf Pack Info/Lore Info
A/N: So I didn’t mention, but Minghao is def my favorite to write in this AU. I can’t wait until I get to his actual story. Oh idk if anyone cares, but if you wanna be tagged for updates just let me know!
Chapter List: Chapter 1/Chapter 2/Chapter 3/Chapter 4/Chapter 5/Chapter 6/Chapter 7/Chapter 8/Chapter 9/Chapter 10/Chapter 11/Chapter 12/Chapter 13/Chapter 14
Wonwoo groaned, feeling a sense of deja vu as he heard the blaring alarm of his roommate going off...yet again. Only this time, the man wasn’t nearly as tired as he had been the day before so he welcomed the wake up call. There were quite a few things on his to do list today, work included. Before his shift began though he needed to find Sojung, needed to talk to her. He had a hunch but couldn’t find enough information on his own. She was the only one he could really trust with his questions, she was the only one he couldn’t see completely freaking out.
So he went ahead and got up to get dressed, pulling on some jeans and a rather comfortable gray sweater that’s sleeve were a bit too long and ended up stopping part of the way down his hand. The alarm song was still blaring loudly through the room, he rolled his eyes at the fact that somehow Mingyu was still snoring through it.
Ignoring the alarm, Wonwoo left their shared room and made his way towards the kitchen were Sojung would no doubt be. It was a bit earlier than he usually got up so she was probably still making breakfast with either Jacob or Sana. Just as he expected, Sonjung and surprisingly Felix stood in the kitchen. Felix attempting something with eggs? Maybe scrambling them? Wonwoo wasn’t too sure, and from the looks of it Felix wasn’t too sure either. Sojung was on the other side of the kitchen making...pancake batter? Wonwoo wondered for a moment if he should start trying to learn more about cooking, but that was a thought for another day. 
He passed through the threshold and made his way straight over to Sojung. She seemed to notice his presence and glanced over at him as she lifted the bowl to begin stirring her batter. 
“Sojung can I talk to you?”
It was a good 20 minutes before breakfast had been finished, but just as requested Sojung came to the living room alone and shut the door behind her. There weren’t a lot of places to talk privately here, what with 12 people living under one roof. It got a bit stressful at times. 
Sojung looked a bit worried, as if his request was something to be concerned about. She didn’t say anything though until she sat down, taking a seat on the couch closer to the side where Wonwoo’s chair resided. 
“So, we don’t have the most time. But what do you know about Mates? And how do we react to them when we meet them?” He began, a bit of worry tugging at his chest. He began pulling at the ends of his sleeves as he continued. “I looked through some of the books we have here but I couldn’t really get a concrete answer.” 
Sojung seemed a bit taken back by his question, like his inquiry was the farthest away from what she had expected. Pushing a few strands of her light brown locks behind her ear, she adjusted herself on the couch.
“Well, from what we’re told as kids. Your mate is someone you just can’t ignore, it can be anyone of any gender or species.” Wonwoo felt his heart sink a bit, any species? “And when you meet them, it’s less of an instantaneous attraction to them but more of a pull. Where you’re subconsciously drawn to them.”
This definitely lined up with what Wonwoo had been feeling the past two days, a pull, a need to talk and be around that person. That...Vampire. The realization had his heart in knots. Not only was his mate most likely a Vampire but...the Pack was planning an attack on the Coven within the next few days. He felt conflicted about how to react to this situation. He refused to betray his pack but if let the attack happen then...he would never even have a chance to be with his mate. That thought alone had his inner wolf crying out in sadness.
“Why the sudden interest? Did you start feeling a pull? It wasn’t that Vampire girl was it?” She questioned, as always perceptive. Wonwoo froze for a moment, only now remembering that Sojung was currently the only member who knew about his interaction with that woman. Now he wasn’t the best liar, but he seemed to be doing a lot of it lately. He only hoped that this time Sojung didn’t see through his pathetic attempt.
“Oh uh, no. I just got curious, since i couldn’t find that much about it in any of our books. And i mean my parents barely talked to me about mates before I left, so I figured it’d be better to know.” Hopefully she bought the ‘thirst for knowledge’ lie. To be fair, out of everyone in the cabin, he would have been the only one asking just for pure information's sake.
Before Sojung could question him more, the door to the living room was thrown open and Seungcheol entered. If it was possible, he looked even more tired than he had been the day before. To be fair, Sojung wasn’t too far behind him in the exhaustion department from the looks of it. They were pushing themselves in order to keep the pack safe.
“When you get off work tonight make sure to come straight home. We’re having a pack meeting at 9 since everyone is home tonight. We need to go over our plan for the Full Moon.”
Wonwoo’s heart sank, he didn’t have a plan yet. But if that Vampire was his mate...he would have to figure out how to call off this plan.
“I absolutely can’t believe you have nothing better to do tonight than babysit me.” You muttered, your eyes bore holes into the ceiling but your words were harshly directed towards Minghao. The man in question had claimed your desk as his home for the rest of the night. After your confrontation last night, he decided that until you were healed enough to be assigned patrols again, someone would have to watch you. Since you obviously weren’t going to just stay at home like you were supposed to.
Minghao flipped the page of the book he was reading, ignoring your whining. He obviously wasn’t up to playing your game, and considering he had been around Jun for about a century now...it was fair to assume he was pretty good at tuning people out when he needed to.
Groaning you rolled over, flopping your face onto your pillow in irritation. It wasn’t like something like suffocation could kill you anyway. The last time you had checked the clock it was almost 10, so sometime in the next thirty minutes you would need to magically get rid of Minghao or you weren’t going to make your meeting. 
Quickly you pushed yourself up from your bed, taking a seat cross legged on the mattress. A confused look graced your face as you tried to recall when you had decided you were even going to the beach like Wonwoo had asked. 
Your companion seemed to notice the conflicted look that had crossed your features. With silence that only Minghao had, he placed the book down on your desk and cocked an eyebrow at you.
“So, are you going to tell me what’s so important you keep disobeying orders? If you do I might let you out tonight.” He began, and he seemed honest about it. He leaned forward slightly, resting his elbows on his knees as he waited for you to speak. “Keep in mind that I know all of your tells when you lie, so it’d be smarter to just tell me the truth.”
A chill ran down your spine at his words. You had no idea how someone that looked so slender could be so terrifying when he wanted to be. With this in mind, you groaned loudly. This was the definition of a rock and a hard place. Gods it was frustrating.
“Fine you want the truth. I think...fuck I think I might be able to get the Wolves off our back. I have a contact that I was going to meet tonight, and he might be able to help me.” To be fair, was it really a lie if it was based on truth? Sure Wonwoo hadn’t said anything about helping you get the Wolves to back off but he was also weirdly going out of his way to talk to you. 
“And why didn’t you tell Jun or Soonyoung?” of course he had a follow up, he wouldn’t just be like ‘oh well why didn’t you say so?’ and let you go. That just wasn’t like Minghao, he was too through for that. It’s why he was an enforcer. 
“Because…” Now was not the time for your creativity to fail you, but you couldn’t exactly figure out a good lie for this one.
“Because he is a wolf…” The words came out pretty mumbled and quiet. Your gaze left Minghao, not really looking forward to seeing his reaction to this revelation. Honestly, just meeting with the wolf was bad enough but actually talking to him could be grounds for being cast out. Which was definitely the last thing you wanted. You jaw tensed as you waited for him to begin berating you, but the moment never came.
“I know.” 
Your eyes quickly jumped back over to your elder, the look on his face was rather neutral. Before you realized what you were doing, you had stood from your bed and made your way over to him.
“You know? How the hell do you know?!” 
“You really think I saw you yesterday in the residential district and just kept going with my night? I sent Kevin home and followed you obviously.” Of course he did. You honestly should have expected that, but for some reason you had believed you had actually gotten away with sneaking past the sneakiest person in the whole Coven. At this point you felt a bit stupid. 
“I’ll give you points for telling me at least some of the truth. I’m pretty surprised you told me you were talking to a Wolf, but he didn’t say anything about helping you. So for lying I need to deduct points for that.” At this he stood up, brushing past you as he walked towards the door. He stopped once right after he grabbed the knob.
“Your meeting is at 11 right? I was going to give you until 2am, but since you lied to me you get until 1am. If you’re late, expect Soonyoung to get to hear you’ve been meeting with a wolf.” 
You were baffled, mouth agape as Minghao left and shut the door behind him. He was...letting you go meet a wolf? A wolf that was known to be a part of your current rivals and mortal enemies? Honestly, baffled didn’t even begin to cover the range of emotions you were currently feeling. Adrenaline seemed to rush through your veins as you snapped your head towards your nightstand to check the clock. 
Wonwoo was grateful that the strategy meeting hadn’t lasted as long as he had expected. He hadn’t thought he would make it on time, but he walked up to the beach right at 11. The Vampire, whose name he really needed to learn tonight, was nowhere in sight. It was a large beach though, so he casually began strolling down the beach.
The beach was mostly silent tonight, the only sound other than waves was the distant sound of a mermaid luring in a helpless human who had unfortunately been afflicted with a broken heart. He was a bit grateful that the mermaid’s calls never worked on creatures besides humans, while he might not have had a broken heart he was still grateful he wouldn’t have to deal with that...ever.
He continued his walk silently, stopping every so often to simply stare up at the moon. It was almost full, only four more days before Seungcheol’s plan would go into effect. Frankly at this point, Wonwoo was dreading the Full Moon which was quite strange for someone of his nature. Usually the Full Moon was a comfort and a source of power for the wolves. So to have it bring him such a sense of dread wasn’t something he was used to.
Thirty minutes passed and Wonwoo decided it would probably be smart to head home. She wasn’t coming, and it was pretty dumb to assume she would. Just as Wonwoo was about to give up and walk home with his tail between his legs, he heard the sound of footsteps against the snow covered sand. 
Turning he saw a figure running down the beach towards him. His Vampire. His heart caught in his chest at that thought. She wasn’t his, not technically? Not yet? No, even thinking that sounded predatory. He wasn’t going to force her into anything, she would have to decide if she acknowledged the mate bond or not.
He hoped she did.
Your legs burned as you raced down the beach, barely catching sight of him as he appeared to be leaving. Skidding to a stop a few feet in front of him, you slumped over. You had been basically forced to run from the bar to the beach which is about an hour when walking, running had gotten you here in about 30 minutes. 
“Whoever said Vampires had unlimited stamina...was an asshole...and a liar.” You muttered between pants. Once you were back to normal, you straightened yourself and eyed the wolf. You were honestly still a bit worried that he had planned some kind of attack. 
You noticed a small smirk on his lips, as he crossed his arms over his chest. “You know, I figured the rules of politeness or whatever you live by would mean that you wouldn’t be late.” He teased. Oh, oh was that how we were playing? Rolling your eyes at his terrible joke, you placed a hand on your hip.
“Oh, haha. Bite me wolf boy. I had to run all the way here.” You retorted. While it was in fact a bad joke, thinking about it again caused you to chuckle a bit. So he was funny and attractive, that was pretty annoying. 
Your eyes flicked towards him again when he took a step forward, you retaliated by taking a step back and eyeing him harshly.
“Just because we are talking doesn’t mean I trust you.” It had only been two days ago that the two of you had literally been fighting. And after everything, you still couldn’t bring yourself to fully trust a werewolf. “So you say what you wanted to say from right there, and then we both go back home content to try kill each other tomorrow.” 
You watched as his smile morphed into a neutral yet almost disappointed frown. Clearing his throat, he lifted a hand to rub the back of his neck and his eyes turned to face the ocean waves that continued to crash into the shore. The moon seemed to cast a gentle glow on him, and if you were being honest he looked beautiful. Which was weird to even think about, you enemy being beautiful and all. Especially since he seemed so uncomfortable with your words.
“Well, I don’t want to kill you or your friends.” He muttered, not returning his gaze towards you. It wasn’t something that you should go off about, it really wasn’t. But just hearing those words seemed to make you angry, that anger boiled in your gut as you took a step closer to him.
“Oh? Well then why don’t you tell your friends to stop trying to break into our home? Or why don’t you get them to not hurt my Coven? I’m sure Hyunjin would appreciate not having a broken arm.” 
Running a hand through his hair, he kept his eyes out towards the moon. The sound of the waves pulling in and out was the only sound that filled your ears for a good long moment. When he finally responded, well it wasn’t what you had hoped for.
“It’s not that simple.”
“Oh I’m sure it’s not. All you wolves are the same, we were doing just fine here until you guys showed up and started fighting us for this town.” You weren’t quite yelling, but a harsh tone had laced itself into your words. Frustration flowed through you as you took another step towards him. At this point, despite your hesitation, you couldn’t tell if you were going to attack him again or not. All of your senses told you not to, but your rage continued to push your forward towards him.
Finally, he turned to face you once again. A similar look of frustration on his own features, like what you were saying was actually getting to him. He noticed you had crept closer and even though you were painfully angry, he could see that you were hurting as well. Sure there had always been hatred between your two races but this felt different from your typical prejudice.
“Oh, and you Vampires are any better? Leaving corpses in the woods for us to find. Felix is only 20, he shouldn’t have to see a dead human for at least another two decades, if ever.” Remembering the fear that had shook Felix when he had returned home from his run that day, it was a terrible sight. The first corpse was found not even two weeks after they had moved into the cabin.
This accusation seemed to only fuel your fury. By this point you were almost directly in front of the wolf. Fist balled at your sides as you glared up at him. 
“You seriously think we just dine and dash like that?” It was pretty damn insulting. Even before Soonyoung and you had gotten settled as a Coven, the two of you had done your best to not fully drain anyone you had drunk from. Of course there have been accidents during extreme situations, but those were far and few between. So if someone was draining humans and dumping them in the forest, well that was news to you.
“Well, unless there is something about the Fae I don’t know about, then your Coven is the only fit. Considering all of the corpses have puncture wounds on their necks.” Now he was on the advance, taking a step closer towards you and closing what little distance that had been left. You now had to crane your neck slightly to keep your eyes on his face. You stood your ground, knowing that despite the evidence there was no way this had come from your Coven. That’s why you were a Coven, because you had the same morals and those morals had to do with not killing Humans whenever you felt like it. 
“It’s not us. I don’t know why there are bodies showing up in the forest but it isn’t my people. It’s just not. We aren’t like that.”
“Oh? And what are you like then? You seem all too willing to push all werewolves into a box so why don’t you tell me why I shouldn’t do the same to you?” His challenge had you flinch, but you refused to break his eye contact. After all, that would be to admit defeat.  Before you could return the biting remark, he stepped back and dropped his gaze once again.
When his eyes returned to you, you could see the remorse now lingering on the surface.“That...that was uncalled for. I’m sorry. I’m not here to fight you, I just want to figure some things out.” He pushed a weak smile onto his face, and you noticed his hands almost nervously playing with the hem of his sweater sleeves. “If you say it’s not your Coven then I believe you. But, can you believe that my Pack didn’t really mean to hurt that kid? I talked to my brothers about it and they said it was an accident. Apparently the boy attacked them on sight, which is fair, but they were just acting to defend themselves.” 
You’d have to confirm this with Hyunjin when you got home, but for now, against your better judgement, you decided to trust him. Taking a step back as well, you crossed your arms over your chest and nodded but kept a stern look on your face. Keeping that might help remind you that this was the enemy you were talking to, he wasn’t your friend and at the drop of a hat the two of you could get into another fight. It was something you seemed to be having trouble remembering the longer you were around him, frankly it was pretty annoying. 
Your nod brought a smile to his face, and you almost completely forgot what you had been thinking. It was a much cuter smile than you were expecting from him, especially since the two of you had literally just been at each other’s throats. Clearing your throat, this time it was your turn to avoid his gaze.
“Okay you’ve got to stop doing that.” He just tilted his head in confusion, his smile morphing into a rather cute look of confusion. “Don’t give me that look. You know what you’re doing. Trying to be cute just so I’m not mad at you anymore. It’s not gonna work, that barely works for people I actually know.”
It wasn’t until you noticed the new smug look on his face that you realized just what you had confessed to him. Before he could tease you about your words, your phone came to life with noise. The alarm you had set, letting you know that you had to leave. You muttered a curse.
“Looks like we have to cut tonight short, mut-...Wonwoo. I’ll ask around and see if anyone knows about the corpses.” You said, irritated at the short time limit you had been given. “I’ll try and get out again tomorrow night but I don’t know how lucky i’ll be tomorrow. I guess you can just wait for me again?”
“Or, better idea, we exchange phone numbers? Then you can tell me if you’re coming. I’ve got people I’ve got to keep from getting suspicious too.” While he wasn’t wrong, you didn’t really know how you felt about that. After deciding you didn’t have the time to debate this you quickly said the number, repeating it once more after he quickly fumbled with his own cell phone.
After he confirmed the number, he flashed you an almost cheeky smile. As if this had been his plan since you had arrived and he was glad that it had worked.
“And your name?” 
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dreamingwithbts · 3 years
Demon (Boku No Hero) - Chapter 16
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Warning: Swearing
Everyone had today and the next day off, and it is also raining, so I’m in bed half sleeping half awake, my body trying to recover from the sports festival, so I just relax listening to the rain going against the window. “So relaxing.” I think closing my eyes enjoying the peace. “MY DAUGHTER! ARE YOU AWAKE?!” Dad in his All Might form enters my room almost bringing the sun with me with how bright is smile looks. “Well.... I AM NOW!” I scream getting up, my peace time is over. “I’m hanging out too much with Katsuki.” I think. “Good morning. Why so happy today?” I ask Dad yawning, and he transforms back to his skinny form. “More like good afternoon, is past lunch time. I thought we could have a father daughter day today.” He says. “Sure, I would love that.” I say smiling at him and he smiles back. “Great! I’m waiting downstairs, so we can make a brunch together!” He says leaving. I get up and dress in a random t-shirt and sweatpants and join Dad on the kitchen who was wearing a All Might apron. “Really Dad?” I say laughing. “I have one for you too!” He says showing me another apron like the one he had. “Oh my god.” I say taking the apron and putting on still laughing. Dad and I start making the brunch while telling stories and laughing.
“These pancakes were amazing!” Dad says satisfied after we finished eating. “Tell me about it! But the waffles with the ice cream were the best.” I say happy then look at the mess in the kitchen making him look too. “We’ll deal with that later.” Dad says laughing nervous making me laugh. “Let’s go watch a movie.” Dad says getting up, and I follow him to the couch while he’s picking a movie and I look at the window seeing it is still raining then I got an idea. “I got an idea! Of a thing we could do while watching the movie!” I say getting up exciting and go to my bathroom. “Okay...” I heard Dad say confused. I come back to the living room seeing Dad already on the couch, the movie ready to start. “Let’s make our skin amazing Dad!” I say showing him the face masks, and he laughs.
Dad and I are concentrating on watching the movie with some panda face masks on our faces and eating popcorn that Dad made a few minutes ago. “If the world saw All Might using a panda face mask! Oh my god, Izuku would do this every day!” I think laughing.
There was a scene in the movie where the girl finally finds her family after so long, and I start thinking about my real family only for Dad to interrupt my thoughts. “It was a great movie! I still prefer the american one’s, but I liked this one.” Dad says sitting straight and cracking his neck. “Ya, I like it too!” I say smiling at him. “Is it time to take this off?” He asks looking at me pointing to the face mask. “Yes! Let’s go to the bathroom.” I say and both of us gets up. I stay in front of Dad taking off his mask then I tell him to massage his face so the left over gel goes to the skin while I take my mask off and do the same. “What’s on your mind, my daughter?” He asks me getting serious. “What are you talking about?” I ask him confused. “I know you. I know when your thinking too hard.” He says smiling at me softly, and I sigh telling him. “The movie scene, just made me think of my other family, you know.” I say, and he just looks at me making me nervous. “Come on.” He says, and he takes me back to the living room sitting me on the couch again then leaves but comes back quickly with something on his hand.
“The day I found you on my door, this letter came with you, but before I can give you this letter, you can’t tell anyone about this, and after you read it I want you to know I love you no matter what.” He says making me nervous and gives me the letter and I start reading it, tears start running on my face and I start shaking. “My...my real Dad...is the villain Stain?” I ask scared. “Unfortunately, yes.” Dad says looking at me sad. “Oh my god, my real Dad is the one who attack Lida brother.” I say crying more and Dad hugs me making me hug him back. “It doesn’t matter who your real Dad is, you are nothing like him and I love you like a daughter no matter who your parents are.” He says. “I love you too Dad.” I say but I think. “I’m more like Stain than you know.”
“What about my mom?” I suddenly ask. “The days after I take you, I try finding her. She was a civilian and your Quirk is similar to hers, but...” He says. “She’s dead, isn’t she.” I say looking down. “Yes, she died on a bus accident where many died.” He says. “ I see.” I say. “Thank you for telling me.” I say smiling a little to the man who raise me. “You’re my daughter, I’ll do anything for you.” He says kissing my head.
The next day didn’t come fast enough after what I found out about myself yesterday. “I can’t believe I’m Stain daughter. A villain daughter.” I think a tear running on my face. Hearing Dad on the kitchen, I sigh and get out of bed dressing something and go meet him. “Hey sweetie. How are you feeling?” Dad asks me kissing my head in his skinny form. “Eh.” I say taking the cup of coffee he was offering me and quickly drinking it. “It stopped raining for a bit. Why don’t you go take a walk? It could do good to you.” He says and I think about it. “I guess it doesn’t hurt. Thanks Dad.” I say. I put the cup down and hug him then get ready to go outside for a walk. “I know she will go to him. Make my daughter happy today.” All Might thinks. I put on a jacket, get my phone and keys and I get ready to leave. “See you in a bit Dad.” I say to him. “Bye!” He says too excited.
I’ve been walking for some time now, lunch hour was hours earlier, but I simply wasn’t hungry, I’ve been looking at the lake on a random park all this time just thinking. I get up, starting to feel cold because the wind started picking up. “It’s going to start raining again soon.” I think looking at the dark clouds and I start walking back home.
Only for me to stop at a familiar house. “Why am I here?” I think looking at Katsuki house and without me thinking I ring the doorbell. “Coming!” I hear Mitsuki voice from the inside before she opened the door. “Yes? Oh! Akuma-chan! What a surprise?! Come in!” She says with a big smile gesturing me to enter after she hugged me. “Hello Mitsuki-san. Sorry to come so suddenly.” I say to her. “Nonsense! You’re welcome here anytime!” She says. “Is Katsuki home?” I ask her. “Yes, he’s in his room, you can go there.” She says. “Thanks, Mitsuki-san.” I say smiling at the woman who smiles back. “Tell me if you need anything.” She says while I go up to Katsuki room. “Will do.” I respond.
I knock on Katsuki door. “What?” I heard his hoarse voice and I open the door and enter slowly, I see him lay down on his bed throwing a ball and catching her. “Hey!” I say with a little smile. “Akuma...!” He says shocked and confused for me being there. “What are you doing here?” He says sitting up. “I don’t know, actually. So, how are you doing, first place?” I say, with a fake laugh, now inside the room while I close his door again. “What happen?” He asks me ignoring my question now looking at me serious. “Nothing happen.” I say looking around the room, so I didn’t look at his eyes. “Bullshit.” He says, and he takes my arm making me sit beside him. “Speak. Now.” He says getting angry. “I can’t.” I say to him scared. “Why the fuck not?” He asks me getting up angry. “I just can’t!” I scream back, tears coming to my eyes. “Then why are you here?” He asks me. “I don’t know! Because I need you I guess!” I say. “Then talk to me!” He screams. “If I talk, you won’t want to be my friend any more!” I say, and he laughs ironically. “You really must be stupid if you think I’m going to pity you and stop being friends for something, I’m not a fucking idiot.” He says. “Now talk.” I sigh, looking at my hands knowing I have to tell him everything, like everything.
“You know that I’m adopted right.” I say to him who was leaning against his desk while I stay in front of him still seating on the bed. “Yesterday I found out who my real parents are.” I say and he stays in silence listening. “My mother was a civilian, and she died on a bus accident days after she left me with my adopted Dad.” I say, and he narrow his eyes at me, still silence. “And my real dad....is the villain.... Stain.” I say looking at Katsuki who is looking at me with big shocked eyes. “Shit, Akuma.” He says getting angry again. “See, this is why...” I start. “You think I would stop being your friend just because you are some villain daughter? Who cares! He wasn’t the one who raised you, and you’re not a fucking villain, so you shouldn’t have shame in that!” He screams at me. “But he hurt Lida oldest brother! How am I going to look at him tomorrow?” I ask him starting to get angry. “Like you always do! Because it wasn’t you who hurt his brother!” He screams now getting closer to me. “You’re right.” I say sighing, tired. “I’m always right, demon.” He says smirking making me laugh, for real this time. “Should I also tell him?” I think. “That’s not all.” I suddenly says and he looks at me confused. “All Might is my adopted Dad.” I suddenly say even more scared now. “WHAT?!” He screams.
Let’s just say, Katsuki was more angry that I didn’t tell him All Might was my Dad more than me being a villain daughter. “Bye Mitsuki-san! Thanks for having me!” I say goodbye to Katsuki mother. “GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT! WHAT ELSE YOU HAVE TO TELL ME!” Katsuki screams running towards me. ”WHY ARE YOU YELLING AT MY FUTURE DAUGHTER-IN-LAW?” “SHUT UP OLD HAG!” “BYE!” I scream leaving his house laughing knowing that I’m going to be dead tomorrow.
I enter my house still laughing about what happen, and I see Dad approaching me smiling. “I guess the walk did good to you.” He says. “I went to Katsuki house.” I say. “I figure.” He says laughing but then I got serious. “I told him. About Stain and you being my adopted Dad. I’m sorry I know you...” I start but got interrupted by him hugging me. “I know. It’s fine. I know you were going to tell him, he was going to find out anyway since he will be my future son-in-law.” He says smiling big. “WHAT?!” I scream.
“Why does everyone think I’m going to marry that demon/angry pomeranian?” Both Akuma and Katsuki think, laying down in their beds. “Why am I blushing?” Akuma thinks when she imagines Katsuki face. “Why is my heart beating so fast?” Katsuki thinks when imagining Akuma face. “Oh no!” They both think. “SHIT! I LOVE THAT DEMON/ANGRY POMERANIAN!” Both scream in their houses in panic. “Finally.” All Might and Mitsuki say
Note:Hope you like it! New chapter every Friday!
Tag List: @holaaaf
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larryfanficwriter98 · 3 years
Chapter Thirteen
*Fake It Until You Make It Real*
This can be very emotional and even triggering to some people however there is nothing bad that happens except a child having an emotional reaction to a shitty situation. 
Sunday morning Harry woke up early but had taken one look at Louis curled up against his chest and had promptly pushed any thoughts of leaving the bed out of his head. As if sensing Harry's change of plans Louis curled up closer to him in his sleep. Harry kept am arm around Louis' waist as he grabbed his phone and lowered the brightness down so it didn't wake Louis up. He had a message from Gem and when he opened it he saw screenshots of his and Louis' social media profiles and a message under them.
Now that we've met him and definitely approve I think it's time to make it official don't you little bro? Go on and slap it on social media, make sure to post pictures with his butt visible. 😉👌
Harry shook his head but knew his sister was right. It was time to make it social media official and so he headed to Facebook and updated his relationship status to engaged and sent a relationship request to Louis. He then went to Instagram and updated his bio so it said he was engaged to Louis. After that was done he locked his phone and grabbed the remote turn the TV on keeping it at a low volume as Louis slept.
"Well this is nice. You should definitely stay in bed more often." Louis said thirty minutes later as he looked at Harry.
"I'm thinking about it. Though I might need some persuasion." Louis leaned up and pressed a chaste kiss to Harry's lips before he laid back down and cuddling closer to him. Harry honestly just enjoyed the cuddling, it had been a long time since he has cuddled someone. He knew there was a good portion of people awake downstairs, could hear their voices, but he had no desire to get out of his warm bed.
"We should get down there. We're being bad hosts." Louis said
"I know." Harry groaned before he was trying to motivate himself out of bed. It didn't work right away but eventually he was rolling out of bed and getting himself ready for the day. Louis doing the same a few minutes later. Louis stole one of Harry's sweaters and Harry grinned as he watched the way the extra fabric moved around as he brushed his teeth while Harry waited for him to finish. He also not so subtly watched him bend over the sink to spit out the tooth paste. Once he was done they headed downstairs together to see everyone was awake.
"Good morning. Jay and I made breakfast for everyone. Should be still warm." Anne greeted them
"You didn't have to do that. I was awake you just had to come and get me." Harry said
"Yeah but Louis looked comfortable when I saw you two so I didn't want to wake him."
"Harry gets out of bed every morning without waking me. I'm sure he would have managed." Louis said sending a glare towards Harry as he headed into the kitchen.
"He doesn't like it when I leave the bed. Says I take all the heat with me and it forces him out of bed." Harry told them as he sat in the oversized chaise while Louis headed into the kitchen.
"So we never did get to talk about the wedding. Have you picked a location? The flowers? The time? The honeymoon? Y'know Brazil is beautiful I know you loved it last time we visited as a family. Remember you wanted to stay at the pink place."
"I'm pretty sure Harry wanted to live there when he was twenty." Gemma said
"Louis and I have decided to take the kids on a holiday with us, a family vacation. As soon as the judge approves it which my lawyers says there isn't any reason why he wouldn't, I'll get it ran by the school. I think we've decided on Orlando there's Disney, Universal, SeaWorld, and other big things to do with kids and such. Then during spring break or the summer holidays we'll take a week away together somewhere else."
"I haven't agreed to that yet." Louis said from the kitchen
"I'll hogtie you." Harry told him, "Don't worry I'll have him in a hut on a beach without kids eventually. Or in a hotel right beside the Iguazu Falls in Brazil or Argentina."
"Or a summer trip with the kids." Louis said
"Or a private trip with a promise of loud uninterrupted-"
"Harold." Louis warned making their families laugh when Harry put his hands up in surrender.
"I was going to say playtime."
"That's even worse."
"How about the hokey pokey in our birthday suit?" Louis laughed loudly
"If you have to pokey the hokey then you're clearly doing it wrong Harry." Anne said
"Maybe we like to pokey the hokey mother." Harry said throwing a balled up piece of paper at her as Louis walked into the room shaking his head. He sat across Harry's lap so his back was pressed against the arm of the chaise. His plate of food piled high sat on his lap and his mug of tea was set on the coffee table.
"For the record if you ever poke me we're getting a divorce." Louis told him
"You ruin all of my fun. You won't have sex with me with our mothers here and you won't let me play hokey pokey with you naked. Next you'll be telling me I can't wear a lace teddy around the house with the kids home."
"Absolutely not." Louis said shaking his head as he cut into the pancake, "at least not while the kids are home." Harry laughed
"You're restricting my teddy wearing time. Geesh. I think I purposed too soon." Louis stabbed a piece of pancake and offered it to Harry watching as he leaned forwards and ate the piece off the fork.
After breakfast Louis was in the kitchen with Anne and Jay as they cleaned up from yesterday and breakfast. A loud banging came from the door causing them to jump from the suddenness.
"Are you guys expecting company?" Anne asked
"Not that I know of." Louis said as he dried his hands and headed to the front door. Louis unlocked the bolt and pulled the door open. He pulled his eyebrows together confused when he saw a police officer, Hannah, and her boyfriend standing there.
"Are you Mr. Styles?"
"No, but I am his fiancé why?"
"Can we come in?" Louis hesitated looking back for Harry but he still wasn't inside so he nodded and allowed them into the entry way closing the door behind them, "Does your fiancé still have his daughter here?"
"Yes of course. He has her for the week per her mother's....request."
"That's a lie I told him he could have her for Halloween, but he had to bring her back home Halloween night. I gave him last night out of kindness, but now I still don't have my daughter and I'm starting to worry about her. I have texts between him and I saying he wouldn't give her back. It's why I called the police." Hannah said tearfully, Louis laughed unable to help himself.
"First off Harry has it on video of you telling him to keep her for the week or not at all. Secondly Harry hasn't had his phone on him all morning. I do because he asked me to go get for him from the bedroom but then he went outside with the kids so he never got it from me. Thirdly any text Harry has gotten I haven't responded to or looked at because it's none of my business. Fourth call the number you were texting because I guarantee it won't ring Harry's phone."
"Hey what's going on?" Harry asked jogging up to them, "I thought you were going to America this week?" He said looking at Hannah.
"Mr. Styles, Miss. Carpenter claims you were suppose to take your daughter back home last night and that you are threatening her through texts of keeping your daughter from her."
"I don't even have my phone on me and Hannah and I don't text. Everything is on the phone or in person. Our lawyers demanded it since anyone could be Hannah in my phone and anyone could be me in hers. Any communications we have is to be recorded and sent to our respective lawyers. This isn't the first time Hannah has tried to charge me with parental kidnapping."
"I'm going to have to make sure that's the truth. Hand over your phone."
"Wait you're not even going to call the number she was texting. Make sure it was his phone in the first place." Louis asked the officer paused and looked at Louis before he turned to Hannah who looked offended by just the idea of it.
"Excuse me. We are here for my daughter."
"I have to investigate both sides of the story. Find out who is lying. Give me your phone please."
"No we are here to get my daughter from Harry and take her home not for you to turn around and accuse me just because my ex boyfriend's fuck toy spoke. Besides he shouldn't even be involved in this conversation."
"Louis is my fiancé and has every right to be here. So unless Daniel is leaving, Louis stays. Look I can show you the video where Hannah told me I have her for the week." Harry said but the officer shook his head
"It won't matter. She has custody and you have no legal visitation or right to have her in your house if the mother doesn't want her here. Unfortunately that means she can press charges for parental kidnapping if you don't let her take her daughter." The officer said looking like he didn't want to be the one telling Harry those words, "I'm really sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to go get your daughter and let her mother take her home."
"Okay." Harry said softly
"Okay?" Louis said shocked
"Louis please. If I fight or argue it can look bad on me. The judge won't look at the body cam footage and see a father wanting to see his daughter for more than a day, he's going to see a big man yelling at, not only a woman, but the mother of his child. That is all he is going to see. That is all they ever see because she has sob stories prepared to make me look bad. I have lost a lot of cases because I fought too hard, because I raised my voice, because she cried in my presence. I can't do anything except comply I can't have a parental kidnapping charge while fighting for visitation." Harry said gently, "can you please just go get Maddie for me?" Louis wanted to argue, wanted to yell and curse at Hannah because how dare she stand there smirking while she took Harry's daughter away just because. How dare she call herself a mother. But Louis nodded pressing a quick kiss to Harry's cheek and headed to the glass sliding doors watching Maddie and Freddie running and laughing on the playset.
"Maddison can you come here for a minute?" Louis asked just loud enough to be heard over the laughter filling the backyard. Maddison and Freddie looked his way before they ran up to him with large smiles and red faces, "come on Maddison, Freddie stay out here with Zayn alright?" Louis said as he felt Zayn squeeze past him with a reassuring squeeze to his shoulder.
"Come on Freddie bet you can't run faster than me." Louis owed Zayn a nice dinner as he watched Freddie run off yelling after him. He gently led Maddison inside the house and closed the glass door and led her to where Harry was with Hannah, Daniel, and the officer.
"I will have these screenshots and body camera sent to your respective lawyers so they each have a copy for the court meeting." The officer was saying
"Thank you." Harry said shaking his hand before he turned to them, "hey princess you have to go with your mom."
"What? Why?" Maddie asked looking between Harry and Hannah, "you promised. You promised I'd stay with Daddy all week." Maddie said looking at Hannah
"Yes well I've changed my mind now come on we need to go. We still have to pick up the cookies from the shop for career day tomorrow. Remember."
"You're not going to career day tomorrow?" Louis asked looking at Harry who clearly knew nothing about it.
"Mom says daddy has to work." Maddie told Louis
"I'm off tomorrow. What's career day?"
"It doesn't matter Daniel is going. He is with her everyday after all. Much more her dad than you are. Come on Maddie we are leaving." Hannah said grabbing Maddie's wrist only for Maddie to yank it out of her grip.
"You are leaving right now come on." Hannah snapped grabbing Maddie's arm again.
"NO! NO NO NO NO NO! NO!" Maddie screamed fighting out of her mother's grip, "DADDY! DADDY PLEASE! SHE SAID A WEEK! SHE PROMISED!"
Louis had tears in his eyes as he watched this beautiful little girl fall apart in a way only a child in a such a bad situation could. She was crying, screaming, kicking, flailing, doing everything she could to fight off Hannah. Louis looked at Harry and could see the pain in his face as he tried to make her let go of him when she hugged his waist begging him to keep her.
"Maddison that is enough. Stand up and let's go." Hannah said
"I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!" Maddie screamed as she was dragged out of the house, "DADDY! DADDY PLEASE! SHE PROMISED A WEEK! SHE PROMISED! DADDY! LET ME GO! LOULOU! LOUIS! LOUIS DON'T LET HER TAKE ME! LOUIS PLEASE!" Louis took a step forward fully prepared to go to jail to stop Maddie's pain but a strong arm wrapped around his waist and kept him there.
"Harry let me go. Harry let go of me." Louis hissed pushing his arm off of him and running outside, he pulled Maddie into tight loving hug before Hannah could put her in the car, "It'll be okay. Hush darling it'll be okay. Relax. Deep breaths. There you go. Easy breathing...there you go." Louis whispered gently as he rubbed her shaking back.
"She promised. She promised a week."
"I know but it's not your daddy's fault, sweetie. Now tell me what you want your daddy to bake for your class."
"C-C-C-Cookie dough cup-cupcakes." Maddie said between sniffles, hiccups, and heavy breaths from her crying and screams.
"Okay. I'll tell him. He loves you and so do I. It'll be okay." Louis stood up and kissed her head then without even turning towards Hannah he headed back inside the house.
Harry was sitting on the floor crying just as hard as Maddie had been a few moments ago. Louis slid into his lap and hugged his neck feeling his arms wrap around his waist and his sobs wet the sweater Louis was wearing.
"Don't you ever hold me back when my child yells for me like that again." Louis said as gently and a softly as he could so Harry knew he wasn't mad at him. Harry didn't respond, not that Louis expected him to, he just sat there holding Louis as he cried and Louis sat there holding Harry rubbing his back and trying to do whatever he could to soothe him. They sat there well over an hour before Harry stood up and headed upstairs with a soft click  of a door closing. Only then did Louis let his own tears fall as he sat between Anne and his mom.
Harry only came down briefly to say goodbye to their families and he tried to apologize to Louis' family, but his mother out a stop to that immediately. When they had left Harry had kissed Louis' cheek then headed back upstairs. Louis understood that Harry wasn't in the right space to be out so he didn't mind doing the last few things that needed done before Freddie came back. Zayn had texted saying he was feeding Freddie then would bring him back and from there they would decide if he should take him overnight. So yes Louis definitely owed Zayn for today. Louis had just sat down when the front door opened and Zayn and Freddie came in.
"I'm sorry." Louis said looking at Zayn
"Don't worry about it. I can't even imagine what you two are feeling."
"She yelled for me. Cried and screamed for me. I felt useless. Harry hasn't left the bedroom except to say goodbye and he tried to apologize to my mom. I can't imagine it. I can't- my heart hurts." Louis said stubbornly wiping his eyes before Freddie saw
"Do you want me to take him for the night and take him to nursery? I don't mind and it wouldn't be the first time I kept him an extra night."
"Do you mind? It's just Harry will want to make Maddie's cupcakes and-"
"Say no more. Go take little man to say goodnight to Harry and I'll pack him a bag." Louis nodded calling for Freddie and heading upstairs with him as he told him he would be staying with Zayn.
"We're going to tell Harry goodnight okay?"
"Okay." Freddie said cheerfully opening the door and running to the bed climbing up on it , "hi Harry Papa is letting me stay with Zayn on a school night so I came to say goodnight to you before I leave."
"He is? That sounds like so much fun. I bet Zayn will let you stay up an extra hour if you ask him." Harry said
"I bet so too. I'll miss you though but I guess I'll just see you tomorrow because we live here now so I won't miss you too much." Harry chuckled
"I hope you have a lovely time tonight Freddie and you give this to Zayn. Put it in his hand and yell no takebacks and run away got it?" Harry said as he grabbed a bundle of 50s and handed it to Freddie.
"Tell him to buy art supplies or pizza or beer or a night buddy. It's his to do with what he wants. No take backs alright?"
"You got it Harry. Goodnight."
"Goodnight squirt." Louis chuckled as he followed Freddie downstairs where he did as Harry told put the cash bundle in his hand and yelled no takebacks then ran outside to the car. Louis could hear Harry laughing from upstairs as Zayn glared at them.
"Louis I can't-"
"You can and you will. Look I promise you that is the lowest bundle in the house so if you don't take that one he'll just give you one that's bigger. Seriously just go on and get out of here and have fun and spend it on yourself mister." Louis said pushing Zayn out of the house and locking the door behind him laughing as he watched Zayn glare at him through the window. He waited until they had left before he headed upstairs and saw Harry was sitting up in the bed now rubbing at his face with his sweater.
"I'm sorry. I just...I couldn't socialize anymore."
"Hey it's okay. Trust me my family didn't even care you were up here after that. The only reason they stayed so long because we all cleaned up so you didn't have to."
"I know and I feel bad. They were guests they shouldn't-"
"My mom was feeling useless not cleaning something, she was ready to beat you if you didn't let her help. She didn't mind. No one did. It's okay they still think you're amazing."
"Okay...alright...tell me what I gotta do." Harry said rubbing his face again.
"She said she wanted cookie dough cupcakes."
"Figures. I made them a few months ago for her birthday, I saw her a few weeks after her birthday and I baked her a cupcake of her choice. I need to run to the store real quick but I have mostly everything here."
"Okay. What do you need me to do."
"Relax. I need you to relax. Lay in bed, go to sleep, lay on the couch, whatever it is, just relax. You've done enough today."
"I want to help."
"And you will when I need you to so for now take a nap because this might take a few hours."
"Alright. I'll nap on the couch."
"Good." Harry kissed his forehead as he stood up and they headed downstairs together. Louis made up his spot on the couch and laid down while Harry got the recipe and checked his ingredients. He gave Louis a kiss before he headed out of the house and to the store. Louis fell asleep shortly after that as Titanic played on the TV.
Making the cupcakes didn't take as long as Louis had feared, but he was definitely regretting it Monday morning as he sat in the passenger seat of the Murano while Harry drove to the school. Louis had explained to Harry that career day was an all day event, hence the snacks, a few students were assigned a good a beverage like Maddie and a few others were assigned desserts. A few others were assigned drinks and lunch and stuff like that. There were thirteen students each year one class so the forty cupcakes were more than enough for Maddie's class and they would have extra to bring home which Louis was excited about. When they got to the school building Louis walked with Harry to Maddie's classroom. Maddie was sitting at a round table with her chin held in her hand as she kicked her feet.
"There she is." Louis said quietly pointing at her watching as Harry grinned when he spotted her as well. Louis said a quick hi to Maddison before he headed to his class as Harry sat in a too small chair at a too small table with Maddie. Turns out career day was much more than just talking about your job, at least for this classroom, there were coloring sheets and recommended questions to ask. It was very thought out and Harry had never been more happy to be so uncomfortable especially when the teacher had given Maddie a stack of papers about doctors to pass out to the students and parents.
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calpalirwin · 4 years
Heart Wins
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Summary: Single dad Michael hires a babysitter for his son.
A/N: Not the collab! Ha! Could you imagine?
Word Count: 2.4k
And away, and away we go!
“So, I would just need someone to watch him during the day so I can get some studio time in,” Michael told Maya. “I mean, he’s pretty lowkey. Likes to swim in the pool, watch cartoons, basic little kid stuff. I’ll try to keep my schedule as regular as possible, but there might be times I’ll ask you if you can stay later or even help me out on weekends if that’s okay.”
“Yeah, that’s not a problem,” Maya smiled. “And the studio is where?”
“Here, mostly. We try to do what we can at our own places before paying out the ass for ‘professional’ studio time. And since I have Tidus, we usually work here. I just can’t be focused on working with them and watching Tidus at the same time. I mean, it’s not glorious or anything on your end. But, like I said, the kid’s pretty lowkey. And you’ll have the run of the place, so feel free to do whatever. But yeah… any, uh, questions?”
“Um, no I don’t- oh! What happens when you go off on tour?”
“I double your pay?” Michael laughed. “Honestly, I’m not too sure. I’m not set to leave anywhere for about another four months, so if you haven’t run for the hills for something better we can discuss it more then?”
Maya nodded, looking around the house wondering why on Earth she would ever want to give up a sweet ass job like this. “Works for me.”
“Alright,” Michael said, clapping his hands against his thighs and standing up. “I guess I’ll just show you where Tidus is, and leave you guys to it.”
She followed him through the house, up the stairs to a bedroom that had been converted into a playroom. A little boy of no more than 3 or 4 sat in the middle of a comfortable looking couch, his attention held by the cartoon playing on the large television. “Ti,” Michael got the boy’s attention. “This is Maya. She’s gonna watch you for a bit. Can you say hi?”
“Hey, bud. Whatcha watchin’?” she asked, moving around to sit beside him.
“Oh, cool! I love Pokemon. Who’s your favorite?”
Michael smiled. “Alright, Ti. Maya’s the boss.”
“I’ll be in the basement if you need me for anything,” Michael directed the statement at Maya. “Other than that, make yourself at home.”
“Thank you, Michael.”
“Maya,” a small voice whispered. “Psst… Maya!”
“Mmm? Wha?” Maya asked, yawning and opening her eyes to find a pair of light green eyes peering back at her under a cloud of soft yellow hair. “AAAHHHH!” She retreated to where her bed met the wall. “Tidus, are you tryin’ to kill me?!”
The six year old laughed. “Sorry… Dad said I wasn’t supposed to wake you…”
“But why would you do a silly thing like listen to your dad?” she questioned with her own laugh.
“Exactly! He’s not the boss of me. You are!”
“Nice save, kid.” She threw back the covers and sat up. “You want pancakes don’t ya?”
“Yes, please!”
“Alright. Your dad in the studio with your uncles?”
“They were there all night!” Tidus told her dramatically as they walked downstairs to the kitchen.
She frowned as she tried to remember what time her phone had said when she finally heard Michael’s footsteps on the stairs and the close of his door. Close to 2 am she was sure. And he’d probably only slept for a few hours before heading back down. He probably hadn’t eaten since yesterday morning, too close to a break through with the newest album to focus on much else. “Do you think they’re hungry?” she asked the boy.
“We’re gonna have to make the whole box,” Tidus giggled.
“Then let’s make the whole box.”
“Can we make a bunch of different kinds?!”
“Of course we can!”
A half hour and at least six different types of pancakes later, Maya and Tidus made their way to the basement studio. Tidus carefully carried the stack of plates while Maya held the platter of assorted pancakes, a bottle of syrup tucked under her arm. “Knock knock!” they yelled loudly. “Special delivery!” Maya kept up with it as she let them into the room.
The four adult men turned their heads at the intrusion. “That’s a lot of pancakes,” Michael spoke first, stepping forward to help Tidus with the plates before he dropped them.
“Yeah, we went a little overboard,” Maya responded, setting down the platter on the little table in the room. “Figured you guys must be starving.”
“You figured right. Thanks.”
“Oh, I just made the food. Was Ti’s idea.”
“Ti…” Michael said sternly to his son. “I told you to let her sleep.”
“But you said Maya was the boss. You never said I had to listen to you, too.”
Ashton, Calum, Luke, and Maya snickered into their hands as Michael’s green eyes went wide for a second. “What are you? An elephant?”
Tidus put his arm against his nose like a trunk and made his best elephant noise.
“Well in the future, Elephant Boy, you should listen to me, too. I am your dad after all.”
“10-4, boss man!” the boy chirped.
“What in th-?” Michael chuckled, looking over at Maya.
“No idea, boss man,” Maya laughed back. “Well…” she gestured at all the food. “Dig in!”
“So,” Calum asked, wiping away the last traces of sticky syrup after Maya and Tidus made their way back upstairs. “How long has Maya been watching Ti?”
“Uh…” Michael thought quickly. “‘Bout two years.”
“Mhm… And how long has she lived here?”
“She moved in right after the first tour, so a little over a year.”
“And she’s good with Ti?”
“Oh, she’s great with him. I’d be lost without her.”
“So, you’ve known her for two years. She’s lived with you for one. And she’s great with your kid,” Calum recapped.
“Yeah… That’s what I just said.”
“What Cal’s trying to say,” Ashton cut in, “is have you slept with her yet? And if not, can he?”
“What the fuck?!” Michael screeched at the same time Calum shoved Ashton with a “That is not my question!”
“Is too! Maybe not the sleeping with her yourself part. But the first part’s true. We’re all wondering, mate,” Luke piped up.
“What the fuck?!” Michael repeated, looking at his friends, slack jawed. “What kinda question is that? No, I haven’t slept with her!”
“Why not?”
“She’s Ti’s babysitter!”
“So I’m basically her boss, you nitwits! I’m not fuckin’ the babysitter,” he growled.
“Alright, alright,” the other three held up their hands in surrender.
“And neither are any of you lot!” Michael added.
“Hey, Maya?” Tidus asked as they watched cartoons.
“Yeah, bud?”
“My dad goes on dates, right? To find me a mom?”
She blinked. She had been expecting him to ask if they could go swimming,or play with Legos, not have the Mom conversation. “Uh… well… yeah, your dad goes on dates. But he’s not trying to replace your mom.”
“No, I know that. But like, he’s trying to find someone that would love us like a mom would. Right?”
“Right. He just wants someone who’s gonna love you as much as he does.”
“So, why doesn’t he take you out on a date?”
Maya choked. “Uh… it’s not that simple, bud.”
“Well, why not? I mean, you’re here. And you don’t get mad at me when I wake you up to make pancakes. And you take me swimming, and watch cartoons with me. And you help in my classroom like all the other moms. Is it cuz you don’t love me?”
“What?! Of course I love you, you goof!”
“So, why can’t you date Dad and be my mom?”
Maya sighed. “It’s not that simple, Ti. Your dad and I have a different relationship.”
“Oh… Will you still stay if I do get a mom?”
“Of course I’ll stay!” she told him, even though she really had no way of knowing. She supposed it would depend on what the new woman did for a living herself, and how comfortable she would be with Maya staying in the house.
“Cool. Cuz me and Dad really like you here.”
“Dad and I,” she corrected absentmindedly.
“Dad and I,” he repeated. “Do you like being with us?”
“No place I’d rather be,” she grinned at him.
Michael’s head swam with his conversation with his bandmates. Yes, him and Maya got along with each other. Yes, Michael had come to view the woman as not only an integral part of his life, but also as part of the family. Maya had been there for every moment him and Tidus had over the last two years. And she was pretty in a way that often left him breathless, whether she was in a tank top and pajama bottoms with her hair slightly ruffled from sleep, or totally dolled up in a way befitting of magazine covers. But this wasn’t some friendship that could handle a little awkwardness. There were so many ways things could go with too many options for how it could end, each one worse than the last. And to risk it all over a maybe crush? No. It was far better to keep his mouth shut.
Unbeknownst for Michael, Maya’s own head had been swimming with her own equally conflicted thoughts that matched his own. “Hey, Michael,” her soft voice greeted him in the dark hallway.
“Shit!” he whisper-screamed, hand flying to his chest. “Fuck… didn’t see you there.”
“Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare ya…”
“Nah, it’s…” he shook his head. “Did I wake you?”
“No,” it was her turn to shake her head. “Was just about to turn in.”
“Oh… well, night then.”
“Night,” she murmured, feeling his body brush past hers. “Hey, Michael?”
“Um… can we talk a moment? Ti said something earlier that you should probably be aware of.”
“Yeah, course. C’mon, we can talk in here.” He led them both into his bedroom, flicking on the light. “Is everything alright?” he asked as he sat on the edge of his bed, patting the space next to him.
“Oh, it’s not bad! Just… curious,” she told him as she sat beside him.
“Yeah, he mentioned you dating.”
“Aw, shit… I guess I didn’t explain that to him as well as I thought I did…”
“No, no,” Maya shook her head. “He understands. Well, as much as any six year old can anyway. It’s, uh… well he brought up something that I just can’t seem to shake.”
“Yeah… um… and I’m not asking to put you on the spot or anything. It’s just…”
“Curious?” he supplied.
“Yeah. Um… what happens when one of these women becomes your long-term girlfriend or wife? Like… what would that mean for me?”
Michael leaned back on his arms. “Shit… Tidus came up with that?”
“Well, he asked if I would stay. I sort of filled in the rest.”
Michael nodded. Then, “What would you do? If it weren’t for this, what would you be doing?”
She shrugged. “Probably teach. I don’t think I’d have it in me to get invested in another family like I am with you guys.”
He nodded again. “Well, I certainly wouldn’t want to see you go.”
“Yeah.” He smiled before laughing. “Aw shit. That explains a lot actually.” He kept laughing.
“I’m sorry?” she asked, not getting the joke.
“I’m the single dad with a live-in babysitter. No wonder all my dates end horribly.”
“Oh geez!” she laughed with him. “Sorry, I don’t mean to laugh. That’s just…”
“Utterly ridiculous?”
“That’s terrible. Like this is my job. Sorry it’s ruining your dates.”
“Nah, it’s not your fault. Guess some people are just immature. Like I couldn’t possibly resist the temptation of having a beautiful woman in my home.”
“Beautiful woman?” she blinked, turning her head to look at Michael with his flushed cheeks.
“I- I didn’t mean it like that,” he rushed. “I mean, you are. Beautiful. But I- no. I should stop talking now.”
“No. What were you gonna say?”
“Well… I mean I pay you to be here. It’s not like you’re here because you want to be. I mean, maybe you do now. I hope anyway. But, like you’re here because you’re doing a job. If I wasn’t paying you I doubt you’d stay.”
“Well I wouldn’t be here if you didn’t pay me because I already feel bad enough you let me live here rent free. Not because I don’t want to be here.”
“Well, I appreciate the sentiment. But, this is all hypothetical. I need to find a girl who won’t run away once she realizes what my life really entails first.”
Maya brought a finger to her lips in thought. “Hmm… yeah, good luck with that one.”
Michael laughed. “Yeah. So if you have any friends who are understanding like you, lemme know.”
She laughed with him. “Sorry. Just me, I’m afraid.”
“Ouch!” She swatted his arm playfully. “You’d be lucky to have me.”
“I am lucky to have you,” he corrected. “But… we…” he pointed back and forth between them. “It’d be stupid.”
“Terribly stupid,” she sighed in agreement. “Or at least that’s what I told Tidus when he asked. Well, I said it wasn’t simple. But same thing.”
Michael choked. “He asked you what?”
“He asked why you didn’t take me out. Since how you’re trying to find a woman that loves him as much as you do.”
“Shit… how’d that kid get so smart?”
“No idea,” she joked. “Must be his babysitter.”
“Can’t be me, that’s for damn sure. If I was smart, I’d know what to do right now.”
“What's your brain saying?”
“To shut up, go to bed, and to keep trying to make it work with other women the way it already works with you so I don’t fuck up a good thing.”
“And your heart?”
“To take the risk anyway because at least then maybe I’ll have a clear answer.”
“And which are you gonna listen to?”
“No idea.”
“That makes two of us.” Maya patted his leg as she stood up. “G’night, Michael.”
“Wait,” he said, his fingers wrapping around her wrist. “Two of us? You feel this way too?”
“Course I do. But that doesn’t matter. Does it?”
“Fuck it,” he muttered to himself, tugging on her wrist so she fell down on his lap. “Heart wins.” His fingers stroked gently up her cheeks as he cradled her face in his hands, his lips brushing against hers.
She sighed into the kiss, tangling her own fingers in his soft hair, changing positions so she was straddling his lap. “Heart wins,” she agreed against his lips, as she started to pull away. “We can figure out the rest later.”
“Agreed,” he nodded frantically, green eyes shining brightly. “Fuck, c’mere.”
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only-kiwi · 4 years
Demons VI
hope you’re all okay :) been doing all these instagram posts that i complete forgot about this so sorry this took so long. hope you like it :)
TW: mentions of self harm, mentions of sexual assault, depression, eating disorder, use of drugs, swearing, age gap (19/24)
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Billie woke up feeling slightly better than she did the day before. She woke up to a reassuring text from Harry which made her smile, but it went away when she heard a knock at her door. Billie hoped it was her father, coming in to wake up her so they could spend their day together, but it was still fairly early and it was his day off so she assumed he would still be asleep. Maybe it was Jacob coming to check on her.
“Billie, are you awake?” Her mum called quietly and she sighed. She didn’t need an earful from her right now. As bad as it was, Billie tried to ignore her, turning over so her back was facing the door before her mum walked in. The older woman sat on her daughter’s bed and took in a deep breath. “I know you’re not asleep.”
Billie groaned and covered her face with the duvet. “Can we pretend that I am?”
“No, because I want to talk to you.”
“I know you’re gonna have a go at me.” Billie sighed as she sat up on the bed and looked at her mother. “And you should. I shouldn’t have just disappeared like that.”
“You shouldn’t have, but I’m not gonna have a go at you. I just wanted to make sure that you’re okay.”
“Oh?” Billie didn’t know how to respond. “I-I guess now that I’m home I feel a bit better.”
“Your father told me where you were.”
“I know what you’re gonna say-“
“I’m really sorry, Billie.” Her mother looked down. “I’m gonna try my best to be there for you and help you.”
“I’m sorry, too.” The back of Billie’s eyes pricked with tears. “I know I’m difficult and maybe if I tried a bit harder to get better it would be easier.”
“You can’t help it, and I’m learning to understand that. I think that if we communicate better then maybe we’ll be able to work through this.” Ruth reached up to tuck Billie’s hair behind her ear, the way she did when she was a child. The young girl smiled at that. “Haven’t seen you smile in so long. You look beautiful.”
“Thanks, mum.” Billie’s phone buzzed with a text before she could say anything else. She picked it up and giggled at the silly joke that Harry had told.
“Who’s that?”
“Oh, are you two... you know?”
“We’re just friends.” Billie shrugged, her mother wasn’t convinced by her words but she didn’t ask anymore questions.
“Why don’t we have breakfast together before I go to work?”
Billie was now sat at the table with a cup of tea while her mother made her chocolate chip pancakes, the way she used to when she was younger. Ruth placed the stack of pancakes in front of Billie, they were decorated with chocolate chips and strawberries and her mouth watered. If Billie was honest, she wasn’t in the mood to eat. But she was hungry, and her mum had spent time of making it.
“Why didn’t you take the day off like dad?” The young girl asked her mother as she took the first bite. God, it tasted so good.
“Oh, I took yesterday off already.”
“I was worried sick about you. Literally. I couldn’t bring myself to go to work.”
“I’m really sorry.” Billie sighed. “I promise I won’t do anything like that again.”
“You’re home now, that’s all that matters.”
The two of them spoke while they finished up their breakfast. Billie couldn’t even remember the last time her and her mum had a proper conversation - she really missed it. Billie didn’t even notice that she had finished all of her pancakes until she went to have another bite but looked down and realised they were all gone.
“Oh, my god.” She felt like she could cry.
Her mother’s eyes filled with tears, too. “I can’t even remember the last time you finished a meal.” She said, getting up to give Billie a hug.
As if on cue, Jacob walked into the kitchen. He was confused by the sight. He couldn’t remember a time where his sister and mother weren’t at each other’s throats. “Oh, you’re back.” He noted. He seemed angry.
“Yeah,” she said, detaching herself from her mother, “I’m really-“
“You could’ve texted me.”
“I know.” She sighed. “Dad and I are gonna do something fun today, you can join us if you like.”
“That’s okay, Ryan’s coming over.” The young boy shrugged.
“Oh, okay.”
It was the evening now. Billie had spent the entire day with her father and she was in a good mood. They went to the park and fed the ducks (she made sure to send loads of pictures to Harry). They stopped for ice cream, but only one scoop because Billie was still full from her breakfast. If anything, they spent most of their time just talking and making up for those years where they were hostile towards each other. They spoke about work, therapy, Jacob, Harry. She liked speaking about Harry.
“You spend a lot of time with Harry, don’t you?” Her father asked.
“I guess.” Billie shrugged. “He’s the first friend I’ve had in a while so...”
“Are you just friends or?”
“Yes, dad.” She let out a nervous laugh. “Boys and girls can be friends.”
“I know that, but this is different.”
“Your face just lights up whenever you speak about him or if he texts you.” Billie’s phone pinged as if on cue. “Just like that.”
“Oh, apparently mum invited him and Anne round for dinner tonight.”
By the time Billie got home, she was honestly quite hungry. And for once, she didn’t feel guilty about it. She knew she wouldn’t be able to have the biggest dinner in the world and she knew she probably wouldn’t be able to finish it, but the fact that she was even thinking about eating was a step in the right direction.
Harry and Anne were already there when they got back, they were stood in the kitchen with Ruth. Even though Billie had just seen Harry the day before, she felt so much better seeing him. She was having a good day, and she wanted to share that with him.
“Finally!” Ruth sighed after seeing her husband and daughter, giving them both a kiss on the cheek. “Dinner’s almost ready.”
Billie’s parents ended up falling into a conversation with Anne, leaving her and Harry alone. They gave each other a hug and he kissed her on the forehead like he always did, hoping their parents didn’t see.
“Hey, how was your day? Didn’t speak that much.” He asked her. Billie told him about everything. The conversation with her father the night before, the one with her mother that morning. She told him how she finished her breakfast and even had ice cream and didn’t feel the slightest bit guilty for it. “Oh my god, I’m so proud of you.”
“Thanks, H.” She smiled.
Dinner went pretty well, the only thing that bothered Billie was that Jacob had been really quiet. Was he still upset with her? She needed to fix this. The only time he would really speak is if his friend, Ryan, had said something to him. Oh, well. I’ll speak to him after dinner, she thought. The problem was, she didn’t get the chance to. After everyone was finished eating, they all did their own thing. Jacob and Ryan went to play on the PS4 some more, and her parents and Anne all decided to share a bottle of wine. Even though her and Harry were offered some wine, they decided against it and went up to her room instead.
They spoke for ages about absolutely everything. Billie liked that about Harry, she liked that they could see each other and speak all the time but there was still always something new to speak about. She told him about Jacob, about how he was upset with her because of what happened. It wouldn’t have bothered her so much if it was her parents that were still angry at her, but Jacob always had her back. Maybe she finally took it too far.
“Talk to him properly, B.” Harry told her. “Go knock on his door and speak to him.”
She sighed but got up anyway, leaving Harry in her bed, walking to her younger brother’s room and knocking on his door. He didn’t answer or open the door, so either she didn’t knock loud enough or he was really angry. She figured there was no harm in just walking in because that’s what she usually did. But she wasn’t prepared for what she walked into. Her younger brother was making out with his best friend on his bed but they jumped off of each other as soon as the door open.
“What the fuck, Billie? Do you not know how to knock?!”
“I did!”
“Get out!”
“Fuck! Okay, I’m sorry!” She held her hands up and walked out, closing the door.
“What was all that shouting about?” Harry asked when she made it back to her room.
“I just walked in on him and Ryan.” She told him, still in shock.
“What? Like...?”
“Kissing, yeah.”
“Guess you’ll just have to speak to him later then.”
It had been a couple of hours, Billie could still hear her parents and Anne talking and laughing. She didn’t think they’d stop anytime soon, but she didn’t mind because she wanted to be around Harry for as long as possible. It was pretty late, almost midnight and Billie was usually getting ready for bed at this time.
“H, I’m just gonna have a shower.” She told him. “Do you want to put on something more comfortable? I have these joggers that are way too big for me. I’m sorry, I just can’t watch you chill in jeans for this long.”
Harry took the greg joggers, only changing into them once Billie had gone into the bathroom. She wasn’t gone long, only 15 minutes. She walked back in wearing nothing but an oversized band t-shirt and a towel on her head, which she quickly took off to dry her hair with it. Harry didn’t think he’d seen a prettier sight.
“How was your shower?” He asked, moving so he could make more space for her on the bed.
“Got shampoo in my eye, hurt like a bitch.” The younger girl chuckled, looking at him. She tried not to choke when she saw how good he looked in the joggers. “Do you want a cup of tea? I was about to go make one.”
“Yeah, I’ll come down with you.”
Billie’s father was in the kitchen, loading the dishwasher while Anne and Ruth were in the living room. He made small talk with Harry as Billie made the tea (Harry offered but she was very specific about how she had her tea). “H, can you just get the milk from the fridge for me, please?”
“Here, love.” He said, handing her the milk and then staying by her side as she finished it. She said a quiet thank you and gave him a small smile.
Her father watched the two interact, and he noticed how Billie was different around him. He had never seen her smile like that or seen her so calm and comfortable. He needed to say something, even though he knew he shouldn’t.
“You two make a lovely couple.”
Billie groaned and Harry’s eyes widened. “I told you we’re just friends, dad.” She turned around to face him.
“Oh, right. Sorry.” He held his hands up and made his way out of the kitchen, saying I’ll leave you two alone now.
“That was weird.”
Billie rolled her eyes, “no, it wasn’t, he knew exactly what he was doing.”
“You’ve spoken about this before?”
“Yeah, my parents thought we were together. I obviously said we weren’t.” Billie tried to brush it off. “I mean, that’s crazy.”
“Didn’t say that when we kissed.”
“You kissed me, Harry.”
“You kissed me back.”
“You didn’t say anything after it happened, I thought that maybe it was a mistake for you so I just ignored it.” Billie shrugged.
“Wasn’t a mistake.”
“The tea’s getting cold.” Billie blurted, not knowing what else to say. She could see the disappointment in Harry’s eyes. Did he really want to speak about it that much? She simply ignored it and took her tea upstairs, Harry following behind.
“I didn’t say anything about the kiss because I didn’t know if meant it. You were going through a lot so I thought that I was just a distraction.” Harry said after being sat in silence for ten minutes.
“Harry, I would never use you like that.” She said, turning to face him. “I kissed you because I wanted to.”
Harry smiled at that, “did you like it?”
“The kiss?” He nodded. “Yeah, it was good.”
“Just good?”
She knew exactly what he was doing, so she decided to tease him a little. “Yep. Just good.”
Billie was laying on her front, her elbows supporting her as she looked at Harry, who was laying on his back with is head being elevated by her pillows.
“So, you’ve had better then?”
“Hm, maybe.” Billie tried to hide her smile by biting her lip. She failed. “I don’t remember very well.”
“Need me to refresh your memory?” Harry asked, he seemed hesitant. In situations like this, Billie would usually change the subject or make a joke because she felt uncomfortable and awkward. This was different. The only thing she could feel was the desire to kiss Harry, so she simply nodded at his questions.
Harry didn’t waste any time, he attached his lips to hers and felt himself relax. Her lips were so fucking soft. He brought his hand up to place it on her check, the other one resting on her hip. Her left hand was resting on his chest as the other one holding the back of his neck, pulling him closer. Harry’s hand was suddenly getting lower and Billie hadn’t noticed until she felt his hand on her thigh.
“Harry,” she whispered, breaking the kiss.
“I’m sorry, I-“
“No, it’s fine. It’s just,” she paused, “I have scars. I don’t want you to see them.”
“Hey, that’s okay,” he kissed her on the forehead. “But just so you know, it won’t bother me. I’ve seen the ones on your arms, I don’t think of you any different. You’re beautiful. Your scars are beautiful.”
“They’re not.” She was about to cry and she hated it. “They’re just... ugly.”
“Stop that.” He said, quietly but firmly as he brushed a piece of hair behind her ear. “I really wish you could see what I see. Most beautiful girl in the world.”
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arckook · 4 years
around and around - six
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pairing: cho seungyoun x reader, kim wooseok x reader
au: idolverse
warnings: none
wordcount: 5.4k
description: you’ve had a one-sided crush on your close friend seungyoun for who knows how long, but things don’t stay so black and white when he introduces you to his new groupmate kim wooseok.
The air is especially cold today.
It whips through your hair, and bites at your cheeks, turning them pink. You stuff your hands deeper into the pockets of your long padded jacket, curling up your fingers. A harsh, hot breath slips past your lips, showing up in front of you like smoke.
You sit by the river, watching people walk over that familiar bridge, watching the doors of shops and restaurants open and close on the other side, watching lights blink off through apartment windows as time passes. You sit in silence and watch.
You think a group of young teenagers recognize you at one point. The girls giggle and point at you, and make comments about how pretty you are just loud enough that you think they must be hoping you’ll notice and come to greet them. The boys remark that you’re not as pretty without makeup on. 
Earlier, you called your mom. You had the intention to tell her about how heavy your heart has been lately, how you don’t know what to do, that you need advice. But she spilled her worries to you instead, about money and debt and your dad’s health. So you just told her you’d send her money next time you get paid, and wished her well, and hung up. Without saying a word about your problems.
It’s not that they’re bottled up, or that nobody knows but you. Because Jiseo, Eunmi, and Soohyun all know. They’ve been watching over you carefully, despite all their personal things going on too. Even your managers, who don’t know the specifics, have been tiptoeing around you.
It’s not just the air that’s cold.
You feel cold inside, too.
You pull your phone out after a while, turning it on to check the time. It’s a little past midnight. You’ve been here for a couple of hours.
After some thought, you unlock your phone and open your text messages, two names at the top. 
You changed Seungyoun’s contact name from Youn to Cho Seungyoun, as per Jiseo’s request. You’re trying to distance yourself from him, in the smallest ways. When you open his messages, there are probably around fifteen different texts, all asking for you to answer him, or telling you he’s sorry in some way. 
The other one says Wooseok-oppa. You didn’t change that one. When you open his, there is only one message from his side. 
Y/N-ah. I want to talk. Meet me at the first restaurant we went to at ten, tonight. The budae-jjigae place.
He sent it this morning. You never answered.
You sigh, turning your phone off and tucking it away again as you stand up. 
You don’t want to think about these things, but they won’t leave you alone. 
You know it’s not brave, and it’s not the right thing to do, but these days, you don’t care.
You ignore them.
L/N F/N, fatigue obvious even with a mask on
1. [+560, -105] Ah… can’t an idol control their expressions? You’re making money off of your fans and you can’t even smile at the airport? Y/N-ah, let’s work harder...
2. [+555, -42] Looking at her expression pisses me off
3. [+463, -23] What the… did she dress herself??? Someone fire her coordi
4. [+40, -4] Soohyun is the pretty one in this group
5. [+29, -12] Yah, everyone leaving hate comments… do you not feel tired at the airport??? We don’t know what’s going on in her life.
                 > Brainless fan
You scroll down the article, reading the comments people have left about you. The four of you just arrived back in Korea from a concert abroad, and the photos from the airport yesterday have already been posted. 
Your teeth latch onto your lower lip, chewing and pulling the top layer of skin off, blood pooling up in tiny spots. It’s a metallic, bitter taste when you run your tongue over it. 
“Don’t look at those kind of things,”
You look up, a nervous smile tugging at the corners of your mouth when Wooseok sits down in front of you, his fingers gently pushing your phone down onto the table. 
It took a lot of worked up courage to finally text him back a few weeks later, apologizing for the long time between his first message and your response, and asking if he still wanted to meet up when you return to Korea. But he said yes regardless.
“I shouldn’t,” you admit, turning your phone off. “It’s hard, though. I get curious.”
Wooseok nods, settling into his chair. “I know the feeling.”
“Do you ever look?” you ask, that curiosity making an appearance. He has been an idol a lot longer than you. “Or did you, if you don’t now?”
He glances away, a somewhat burdened half-smile painting his face. “I always do, even if I tell myself not to. People had a lot to say about me at one point. I guess I like seeing positive things, since they’re more common nowadays.”
You rest your chin on your hand, watching him despite the way he avoids meeting your eyes. “You deserve that. It must have been hard.”
Wooseok sighs deeply, shaking his head like he’s shaking off memories. “It was. I have different problems now.”
“What can I get for the two of you today?” you look up to find a middle-aged woman with an apron on, no pen and paper in sight. Her accent is obvious, but it kind of calms you. You’re far away from Seoul, in a small town about a twenty-minute drive from Busan. The beach is nearby; you could smell the salty breeze when you walked up to this diner. 
“I’ll have a bowl of kalguksu,” you tell her, having looked at the menu while waiting for Wooseok.
“Pork rice soup, please,” Wooseok says without missing a beat. You think he’s just assuming they make that here. “And a seafood pancake to share.”
“It’ll be out soon,” the waitress tells you with a kind smile, walking back to the kitchen.
The place is fairly busy, but it’s mostly fishermen and other elderly, who don’t care to pay attention to a couple of young people sitting in the back corner. 
It feels good. It feels like you don’t have to hide here.
“How was the concert?” Wooseok asks, bringing you back from your thoughts.
You shrug, tugging at your fingers to crack the knuckles. “It was good. Fun.”
“You seem tired,” he comments, and you let out a somewhat bitter chuckle.
“Doesn’t everyone think so?”
Wooseok frowns. “Are you talking about that article? Y/N-ah, I told you, it’s not worth it to look at those.”
You sigh. “Oppa, I’m feeling really burnt out lately,” you slump over onto the table like a kid who’s about to fall asleep, avoiding looking directly at him. “And I don’t know what to do about anything.”
“Is that why you ignored me?” he asks, with a direct tone that you weren’t expecting. You look up, eyes wide. “Because you don’t know what to do about anything?”
You sit up, frowning. “I don’t… that was…”
Wooseok’s expression is vague, like it tends to be. “I can tell that something happened with Seungyoun. You never shut yourself off like that, and he went from moping about and constantly doing all these deep sighs to acting completely normal again- and yet he wouldn’t say anything about his personal life to me. When he was sneaking out, it wasn’t to see you, was it?”
“He was sneaking out to see someone?” you question, the words weak and tight in your throat.
“That’s what you think is important about this?” Wooseok replies, his eyebrows drawing together in a clear show of frustration. 
You look away, turning your head to watch the patrons mingle in the diner.
The air feels heavy.
“…I’m not upset,” Wooseok finally says after a moment of thick silence. You glance over at him without moving your head, tugging on your fingers in your lap. He stares to the side. “I just don’t understand why you want to run from me.” his eyes flash to you for just a second. “I’m not Seungyoun.”
You nearly flinch at his name. “…I know you’re not,” you respond, your voice airy and quiet. 
“Then what do I have to do with your conflicts with him?” Wooseok questions, the volume of his voice rising a little with each word. “You and I exist outside of you and I and him.” he really looks at you this time. “Do we not?” 
“...I’m sorry,” you say after a moment, your voice cracking. “I know I’m a shitty friend. You do so much more for me than I ever do for you. I shouldn’t have ignored you. I just… I feel really lost, and that’s all I can think about right now.”
It’s quiet again. 
“Y/N-ah,” Wooseok says hesitantly, and you meet his gaze.
It surprises you, how tender he looks in that moment. His eyes aren’t sharp like they were a moment ago, the dim light strikes his cheekbones and makes him even handsomer than he already is. He has no makeup, nothing in his hair. He looks plain, and yet Wooseok is anything but plain to you.
“You have to be a stronger person than this,” he says, as a statement. “I know how hard this life is. We chose a hard life-” he stops himself, swallows, takes a deep breath. “It’s hard, but-”
“Wooseok-oppa,” you cut him off, something pulling at your heartstrings. “You already told me that we’re the same. You said you keep things to yourself, too.” you pause, reaching over and placing your hand on the fist he has knotted up atop the table. “You don’t have to solve my problems. Let’s just be a little lost together.”
He tilts his head to the left, a doubtful smirk appearing for a moment along with a chuckle of disbelief. “Is that so?”
“Uh-huh,” you respond simply, at which he laughs. “Let’s eat some food, and walk on the beach. We can just pretend all the stuff that’s bothering us doesn’t exist.”
Wooseok opens his hand up under yours, so that you can hold it. “If that’s what you want.”
“No, like this,” you tell Jiseo, pulling your foot behind you in a quick rond-de-jambe and leaving your upper body facing front as long as you can before turning along with your foot in a quick, swift movement.
“Fucking fuck!” Jiseo groans, dropping down into a squat and looking at you through the mirror. “My stiff, old body doesn’t move like that, Y/N.”
You give her an unimpressed look, hands on your hips. “You’re only two years older than me, unnie.”
“Whatever,” she sighs, slumping over onto the ground. “I don’t wanna have a comeback yet. I’m tired. And they rejected my song for the title track. So now we have to do this shit instead.”
“What, you don’t like the song?” you ask, sitting down next to her. “I do. It’s fun!”
“You think it’s fun because you actually like it when we have hard choreography,” Jiseo grumbles. 
You reach over and pat her stomach, laughing when she lets out a dramatic cough. “I’m sorry your song didn’t get picked. I really liked that one too.”
Jiseo sighs. “Maybe next time.”
“Is that yours or mine?” Jiseo asks, not looking like she’d get up either way.
“I’ll check,” you say, getting up with some effort since your legs are pretty tired from dancing all day. 
You walk over to the couch at the back of the studio, taking out your phone from your bag first and turning it on. Lo and behold, it was yours.
*sent image*
Yah, did you get locked up again? 
You chuckle, opening the text to see a screenshot of your instagram story, where you’d posted a picture of you in the dance studio. It’s the same one where Wooseok hung out with you that day, so you can see why he might think that way.
not this time hahaha
“What are you giggling about over there?” Jiseo calls out. You glance at her over your shoulder with a grin, and hold up your phone. 
“Unnie, smile!” 
You laugh maniacally as Jiseo groans about not being ready for a photo, and repeatedly questioning why you took it and who you’re sending it to.
*sent image*
with my bestie
Make sure to eat. 
you too, oppa~~~~
“Just start dating already,”
You nearly jump out of your skin, not having noticed that Jiseo got up and started reading off your phone over your shoulder. You groan, shoving her away.
“Leave me alone.”
She sticks out her tongue. “You sent him a shitty, ugly picture of me so I’ll take all the revenge I want.”
“That’s just what you look like all the time, though.”
“Hold on,” you mutter as Jiseo begins whining about you being a brat again. You check to see if Wooseok replied, but it wasn’t him who texted you.
ik things are kinda weird between you and seungyoun
we are all gathering tonight at that one restaurant with the all you can eat barbeque 
just come a little later and he’ll be wasted so you don’t even have to talk  
You sigh as you read your friend’s texts, wondering how she can even tell that you and Seungyoun haven’t been on good terms. Or any terms at all, basically. 
You set your phone back in your bag, stretching out your neck and shoulders. You’ll respond to that later.
“Unnie,” you call out. “Let’s start from the top again.”
Hours later, you’re staring at Jimin’s texts while lying on your bed, holding your phone up above your face. Your nose is in extreme danger because of this position, but that’s part of the fun of it.
You chuck your phone to the end of your bed, roll over, and stuff your face in your pillow, groaning.
You are very, very scared at the idea of seeing Seungyoun face-to-face. How does Jimin even know that he’ll get drunk tonight? If he’s totally sober, which he tends to be, you can’t even imagine how awkward things will get as soon as you arrive. But if you text and ask if he is, then that seems weird too.
But damn, does all you can eat BBQ sound really good right now. You’re going to have to sneak, and probably walk off some of the weight afterwards so it doesn’t seem like you ate a lot to your manager, but whatever.
In a sudden movement, you spring off of your bed and walk over to your handheld mirror, holding it up to your face.
“Fuck,” you say under your breath. Your makeup looks so crusty right now. Do you really want to redo that, and fix your hair, and make a whole outfit, and risk and embarrassment and shame and anxiety… just for a good deal on dinner?
Well, yeah. You were raised right.
And that place was some of the best beef you’ve had in your young adult life.
You sit down at your desk, fixing up your makeup with some rosewater spray, fresh concealer and lipstick, then pulling your hair up into one of those purposefully messy buns in an attempt to make it look good.
You throw on a haphazard outfit, only caring that it’s warm and you have a hat, and head out, glad to see that nobody is out in the living room to question where you’re going. 
You take the car, promising yourself that you won’t drink tonight.
And when you finally park on the street in front of the restaurant, you feel sick to your stomach.
y/nnnnn are you coming? 
say yes
“Oh my god,” you mutter to yourself as you sit in the car, realizing what exactly you’ve done. You’re already here now, and you’re too proud to drive all the way back without even eating with your friends…
im coming in now :)
Quickly, you check your hair and makeup in the mirror on the sun visor, trying to keep your hands from shaking. 
Then you grab your bag, and exit the car, putting a few coins into the meter on the backstreet you parked in. 
You walk into the restaurant, keeping your head down as you walk past the open area to the hallway with the private rooms. Last time, everyone was in Room 2, so you go there again, peeking in before sliding open the door.
“Y/N!” Jimin calls as soon as she sees you, a blush already prominent on her cheeks. She hauls herself up from the floor, holding a glass of beer as she comes over to greet you.
You laugh nervously, grabbing her hand to keep the drink from pouring all over you and the floor. “Hi.”
“Come on, come sit down,” Jimin tugs you to the table, and as you’re sitting down, you notice that Seungyoun isn’t even here.
“How’s your comeback stuff going, Y/N?” Vernon asks once you’re situated, Jimin getting some meat off the grill for you to start eating. 
You pick up a pair of chopsticks, thanking Jimin quietly before you answer. “Pretty good. It’s not gonna be a huge, full-scale thing anyway. Our promotion period will only be a week, because we’re doing some stuff in Japan afterwards.”
“Don’t you love when they schedule activities back to back like that?” Hyunggu adds sarcastically.
“Cheers to that.” you clink the glass in front of you with some kind of alcohol in it with his.
“When’s Seungyoun coming back?” Vernon asks after a few minutes of casual conversation.
“I don’t know, when he gets back from picking up Kim Wooseok and Sahee.”
You freeze.
“Oh, right,” Vernon hums, going back to munching on a ssam. 
“You never mentioned that to me, unnie,” you tell Jimin through a tight smile, hoping nobody will notice how grim you suddenly look because they’re all a little wasted. The beer here is super cheap.
She gives you a bright smile, like what you’ve just said barely even ran through her mind. “I didn’t?”
You sigh, putting your head in your hands, not bothering to try and make it look like you’re not stressed out by this turn of events. Of course. Of fucking course. Of fucking course this happens.
“I think I’m gonna leave,” you announce, standing up, to which Jimin immediately grabs onto your ankle and starts whining, and Vernon and Hyunggu question why.
“Y/N,” Jimin drags out your name in a sing-song way, rubbing her cheek onto your leg. “You always ditch us. Do you not love me anymore?”
You sigh sharply. “That’s not it-”
“We’re back!”
The door slides open with force, and as you turn your head instinctively, you meet eyes with Seungyoun, who looks significantly more drunk than you think you’ve ever seen him before. 
“Cho Seungyoun!” Jimin calls from the floor, letting go of you to stand up. “Where the heck were you?”
“Taxis are a rough business,” he replies vaguely, walking forward, then turning to you and ruffling your hair unexpectedly. Your eyes are wide when he grins at you. “Y/N-ie, it’s been a while.”
“...Huh?” the noise of surprise barely passes your lips.
“Ah, looks good,”
You look past Seungyoun, who moves to sit down next to Vernon on the other side of the table, and see Sahee stretching her arms out in front of her, following Seungyoun and sitting next to him. 
And lastly, Wooseok, hands tucked into his coat-pockets, looking like the only other sober person here. You see him let out a soft sigh, and sit down on your left. 
You sit back down once Jimin does too.
How are you ever going to get out of this one?
“Since when were you coming?” Wooseok says quietly from your side as the conversation picks up between everyone else.
You pick at your food, the nerves now coursing through you making you lose your appetite. “Since Jimin texted me and made me feel bad for not coming.”
“I would’ve warned you, had I known you’d be here,” he responds, setting a ssam on your plate. You mumble a thanks.
“It’s okay.” you glance at Seungyoun, who is laughing hard, a blush struck across his cheeks. Sahee smiles over at him. And you know what kind of smile that is. “It’s not a big deal.”
“Just stick it out for a few minutes and we can get out of here,” Wooseok ducks his head to whisper that to you, the corner of his lip lifting when you turn towards him. “Promise.”
“Let’s just go to Busan again,” you say, a smile rising on your face as you remember kicking sand at him a few days ago. “That lady at the restaurant will probably remember our orders.”
He chuckles. “A few too many ladies at restaurants remember us at this point.”
“Hey, not that many!”
“The budae-jjigae place, the place we got chicken, the dessert cafe-”
“Yah yah yah!”
Jimin practically shouts, making you cringe and turn to look at her. She has a devilish smirk, but it’s pretty lopsided, and the blush on her face is only getting darker. She is straight up drunk at this point.
“These two look a little suspicious!” she slaps a hand on your shoulder. “Whatcha talkin’ about over there?”
You point to yourself with a frown. “Who? Me and Wooseok-oppa?”
“Oppa?!” Jimin repeats wildly.
Oh, fuck.
“I didn’t know you two were that close,” Hyunggu comments from the other end of the table, looking mischievous.
Panicking, you look to Wooseok, hoping he understands that you don’t know what to do in this situation. He opens his mouth to presumably clear things up in some smart, Wooseok way, but Sahee interrupts before he can start talking.
“Hey, are you two dating?” she points a chopstick at you, grinning. “You’d look cute together!”
Stunned into silence by this whole predicament, you can’t even respond to say no, and Wooseok doesn’t seem to prepared to reply either.
“Woah, they’re definitely dating, look at them-” Jimin starts with a laugh, but gets sharply cut off.
“No they aren’t,” Seungyoun practically snaps at her, pushing something around on his plate, avoiding anyone’s eyes. 
“How do you know?” Sahee questions, seemingly not fazed by Seungyoun’s sudden dark demeanor. You frown, trying to make out his expression, but there’s little there on his face to read. 
“He’s right, we’re not,” Wooseok finally answers, quietly. 
“Well, you should consider it,” Sahee responds, plopping a piece of meat into her mouth. “Y/N is so cute, and Wooseok-ssi, you’re good-looking too!”
“Is that the only thing that matters?” Wooseok says coolly. “How people look? How they look next to each other?”
Sahee seems taken aback, frowning slightly. “...I mean, it matters a little bit-”
“I’m going to the bathroom,” you interrupt, feeling tension rise between the two of them. “Anyone need to come along?”
Nobody says yes, so you stand with your bag, patting Jimin on the head and saying you’ll be right back, hoping the atmosphere will be better when you return.
You make your way through the restaurant with the turtleneck of your sweater pulled up over half your face, checking to see if there’s a bathroom inside the place. But there isn’t, so you opt to just step outside, walking over to where you parked instead, and just leaning against your car, hands tucked under your arms to keep warm.
You sigh, tipping your head back and looking up at the night sky. Why did you come? Sometimes you think your brain self-sabotages on purpose. Forces you to do things with poor excuses, that it builds up as being much stronger reasons than they are. Forces you into bad places. Maybe to try and make you learn, or make you change. 
The stars aren’t super visible tonight. Maybe there’s more pollution in the air, or maybe the lights around are too bright. It’s what you notice, as you try to clear your head. 
You pull your phone out of your bag and turn it on.
Come back soon, we have practice tomorrow morning.
Manager Dowoon
Y/N, make sure you don’t stay out late, and don’t let anyone take pictures of you. 
Don’t ruin the comeback.
Remember the other members
Dowoon tends to do that. Despite Jiseo’s image- short, roughly cut dyed green hair, dark eyeliner, black clothes- you’re really the “troublemaker” of the group. And your manager loves to remind you of that. He loves to make you feel guilty for going out when your members stay home, even if they’ve never voiced complaints about it to you. He loves to criticize you for holding the group back. He loves to suggest that you’ll be the one to cause your group’s first big scandal someday.
You sigh again.
don’t worry, i’ll be back soon
this is boring anyway
You try to make sure Jiseo never feels bad for asking you to give up your free time. Truthfully, if you were a better idol, a better group member, maybe even a better person, you’d give it all up without question. You’d give up your other friends, and your romantic interests. You’d forget all about it to focus on work.
But you never seem to be able to do that. 
Maybe all those comments people write about you are right.
“L/N F/N,” 
Your head whips to the left, eyes wide as they match Seungyoun’s. He saunters up with a lack of balance evident in his steps, and nearly falls after tripping on the crack in the sidewalk. You grab his arm to stabilize him, letting go like you’ve touched fire as soon as you think he’s okay on his own.
“This isn’t the bathroom,” Seungyoun says, leaning on the car next to you. You’re thankful he does that, so you don’t have to look directly at him. You can almost pretend he’s someone else. 
Only he has Seungyoun’s voice, and Seungyoun’s air, and Seungyoun’s touch as he just barely brushes against you when he adjusts how he’s standing. 
You can’t ignore it.
It still makes your heart race.
“...I know,” you respond, your voice a breath in the breeze. “I couldn’t find it.”
That’s a lie. But you do that a lot around him, don’t you?
“Jimin didn’t tell me you were coming,” Seungyoun continues, like the comment about the bathroom was just to make sure you’re listening to him. “Did she tell you I’d be here?”
Your breath catches in your throat. Something is pulling at you, telling you to look at him. But you can’t. You can’t. “Uh-huh.”
Seungyoun hums in response, but doesn’t say anything else.
You tug on your fingers, feeling the bones pop. 
“...But she didn’t mention Sahee, or Wooseok.” you add, still quiet. “So that was a surprise.”
“Kim Sahee,” Seungyoun says, with the tone of someone deeply pondering something. Like her name came out of The Republic, a philosophical thought. “She comes around a lot lately.”
“Oh?” you say, although it’s tight in your throat.
You see him nod out of your peripheral vision. “Yeah.”
You glance over- just for a fleeting moment. He’s wavering, hands splayed against the hood of the car to keep him stable, his cheeks are red.
You’d forgotten for a moment. That you’re the only sober one between you two.
“I think… I’m gonna go home now,” you say after a moment’s hesitation. There’s a rock in your chest, the kind that makes it hard to swallow, hard to breathe. It’s weighing you down, making your hands shake. You need to drive in the night, and sleep for hours. You need to get away from Seungyoun.
“Y/N-ah,” Seungyoun says, a trace of desperation in his voice. He turns his whole body towards you, drawing your attention. When you look at him, he’s frowning. “Why don’t you like me anymore?”
For a moment, you just stare at him, mouth dropped open in shock.
And then a cold wave of panic hits you like a riptide.
The rock is a boulder now.
“...Huh?” you manage, gripping onto the handle of your bag so hard that your knuckles change colors. 
Seungyoun grabs your shoulders, leaning in close to your face. You pull away, but that seems to make him more fervent. “Why did you tell me that Sahee loves me? I didn’t need to know that. That’s not something I was waiting to hear from you.”
“What?” you say, frozen in place. “What are you-”
“Why did you call me oblivious? Was it really just that? Was it just about Sahee? Y/N-ah, you have to tell me,” he shakes you. “Please. Just tell me that. Just tell me that.”
“I don’t know what you want from me,” you whisper, hands shaking so fiercely you’re afraid you’ll drop your bag. 
“Just answer me,” Seungyoun says, his voice shuddering with every word. His face is inches from yours, and his hold on you is so tight you don’t think you could pull away even if you tried.
You stare at him, at his watery, unfocused eyes. At the slope of his nose, tinged pink. At the way his hair falls over the sides of his face, as he hasn’t done anything to it recently. 
His eyes. 
Can they even see you right now?
“...I don’t have an answer,” you tell him, each word striking pain into your chest. 
And then he kisses you.
You think you remember- the first time you thought about what it would be like to kiss Seungyoun. It was not long after you first met him. He looked really handsome, that night. It was before he cut his hair. You didn’t like him, yet. You were extremely busy and barely had time to see your friends, so you didn’t know him that well. But you remember that for the first time, you thought he was handsomer than Vernon. It seemed huge to you, because despite never seeing Vernon in that sort of way, you always agreed with the young-Leo diCaprio thing. You always thought he was one of the best-looking guys you knew personally.
But Seungyoun that night, at some cheap side-of-the-road place selling makgeolli to ajusshis... he became the best-looking guy you knew personally.
He smiled at you then, with his eyes tucked up into his cheeks, and when his face relaxed out of the smile, you thought about if he would be the type to smile into a kiss. You always thought he would. That he would be the type to laugh and tease you and bump teeth while kissing you because he couldn’t wipe the smile away long enough to do it properly. You thought that would become his properly. 
He’s not smiling now. And neither are you.
You always thought kissing Seungyoun would be electric. Sparks would fly, and the room would spin around you. You thought it would be the precursor to him asking you to be his girlfriend. That it would be the happiest moment of your life so far.
Instead, it’s sloppy. His lips don’t land exactly on top of yours, and the hand that finds its way to your face pushes up too far, too close to your eye. His teeth bump into your mouth, but it just feels awkward and uncomfortable. And he pulls away quickly, opening his eyes back up to stare at yours, which never closed in the first place.
Seungyoun looks at you expectantly. 
His eyes are unfocused. He wobbles.
“You’re drunk,” you whisper, swallowing. He doesn’t answer.
You pull Seungyoun’s hands off of you, to little resistance. 
“Goodnight,” you tell him, looking away.
You walk around the back of your car and step down onto the road, pulling out your keys. You unlock it, and get in the driver’s side, sitting down and shutting the door behind you. You lock all four doors instinctively. 
Seungyoun tries to pull on the handle of the passenger side once. 
You put the key in the ignition, and start the engine. You don’t turn on music. You put the gear into drive. 
And you leave.
And you leave behind a part of you with Seungyoun, standing on the side of a one-way road in a side street, alone.
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chickensarentcheap · 4 years
Best Part of Me -Chapter 37
Warnings: none
Tagging: @c-a-v-a-l-r-y​, @alievans007​, @innerpaperexpertcloud​, @ocfairygodmother​
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“Two more weeks and I’ll be six!”
Millie makes the announcement as she stands on a kitchen chair; pushed up against the counter next to the  stove as they work side by side to prepare their customary Saturday morning breakfast. Clad in a t-shirt that once belonged to Ovi; the color long faded and holes under the arms and tears at the hem, yet still bearing the crest from Hargrave school in Mumbai. It’s far too big on her; reaching her ankles and having to be tied into a knot at the back of her neck in order to narrow the shoulder and keep the garment on her slight frame. But it’s one of her favorites; a prized possession that she refuses to part with, as if it's worth more than any other priceless artifact in the world.
“Well I’m really six in ten days,” she corrects herself. “‘Cause two weeks is fourteen days and that’s when my party is but my birthday’s before that.”
It still bothers him; the mere mention of the age of six bringing back a lot of painful memories.  There’d only been three months between Austin’s diagnosis and death; the cancer shockingly aggressive, no treatment -no matter how severe- touching it. And he’d only been in Afghanistan for a week when he’d gotten the call that he’d passed away; taking a three day sabbatical for the visitation and the funeral before heading back. He’d known before he’d left out of the house that it would be the last time he’d ever be there;  that his marriage was over.  Sarah had refused to even speak to him since he arrived home; avoiding him even at their own child’s funeral. They’d barely spoken their words to each other over the course of that weekend, but he’d seen the hatred and the disgust in her eyes.  The disappointment. He had abandoned his only child when he’d been needed the most; leaving Austin scared and lost and questioning why daddy hated him so much that he’d take off without even a proper goodbye.
In reality, their marriage had been falling apart for quite some time. They’d tied the knot fresh out of high school, wanting to do it before the start of his basic training and scared by the prospect of him being immediately sent overseas. The cheating began only a year into things; word travels fast when your wife is the ‘base whore’. He’d tried to pass it off as gossip, even though the evidence began to add up as time went on. And he’d confronted her many times, only to be told he was ‘imagining things’ and being ‘paranoid’; that he needed to grow up and get some balls and be ‘less of a little bitch’ and not so self conscious. He would have left the first time he caught her red headed, but two days later she was begging him for forgiveness and telling him she was pregnant and that there was no way the baby WASN’T his. So he stayed.
He’d been much younger then. Foolish. Convinced that she was the love of his life; the woman he was destined to be with forever. Who he’d have a family with and grow old and gray alongside of. Someone that would not only be a spouse, but  best friend and confidant. He’d still been a kid when they’d gotten married, and years later -seventeen, to be exact- he’d realized just how wrong he’d been about her.  Thirty-five years old and addicted to booze and pain meds yet somehow managing to find the most incredible woman he’d ever met.   Someone who could handle him at his most unbearable and difficult times; strong and fierce and never backing down from a challenge. At that point he’d given up on himself; hopeless and lost. Broken. Believing he wasn’t worthy of absolution.  And then Esme had come along and tore all those walls down. Showing him what love -real love- could be and SHOULD be. Never once...in seven years...questioning her loyalty or faithfulness. Someone just as damaged and tattered as he was. Two broken halves that had come together to make a slightly dented whole.
“Six is a pretty big number, you know.” Millie says, as she carefully ladles pancake batter onto the griddle. “It means I’m getting closer to ten. Double digits!”
Tyler sips slowly from a  steaming mug of coffee. “Why do you have to break my heart like that?”
“I can’t stay little forever,” she informs him.
“Doesn’t mean you have to grow up as quick as you are.”
It seems like yesterday they were bringing her home from the hospital; all of eight and half pounds soaking wet, with a head full of light auburn hair and enormous blue eyes.  And he’d sit on the couch or lie in bed with her sleeping against his chest, marvelling over how perfect and incredible she was;  impossibly tiny hands and feet and the soft, content noises she’d make while she was eating. That little yawn with the squeak at the end and how long and dark her eyelashes were. Overwhelmed by just how much he loved her and how grateful he was that…after all the shitty things he’d done in his life, especially to Austin...he’d been worthy of being a dad again. And it’s almost as if he blinked and she suddenly grew up; going from taking those wobbly first steps being able to ride a bike without training wheels. Fiercely independent and strong  in both physical strength and convocation and insanely intelligent. Tall and lanky, yet powerful for someone so young; fearless and brave and always willing to stand up for what’s right, no matter who is against her.
And beautiful. So fucking beautiful. With that thick wavy hair -lighter now, the exact same color and texture as his- that falls over her shoulders and nearly reaches the middle of her back; those blue eyes framed by those dark lashes and those freckles across the bridge of her nose.  For a brief moment he can see her as a teenager; tall and slender and a mixture of both fierce and feminine; all the boys wanting her attention. And he doesn’t know if that breaks his heart or makes him want to lock her in her room forever.
Maybe it’s both.
“I can’t help it,” she says, and uses her elbow to push hair away from her ear. “That I’m growing up so fast. You just don’t want me being a teenager and meeting boys and stuff like that.”
“What makes you think I want to talk about this crap?” Tyler retorts, stepping behind her chair as she removes the hair tie she sports around her wrist and passes it back to him. Continuing to place batter onto the griddle and flipping off the nearly cooked pancakes as he gathers her hair in his hands and secures it with the elastic.
“Don’t worry, daddy. I’ll only date the nice boys.”
“Sure you will. You’ll probably date the ones you know I’ll hate the most.”
“Nope. Just the nice ones. Mommy says I’m a good judge of character. Like
“She did, did she? She said she was a good judge of character?”
“Yep. She said that's why she fell in love with you. ‘Cause her heart told you were a good guy even though you tried to act like you weren’t.”
“She said that you had a big heart even if it was really sad and angry. That guys like you weren’t supposed to be nice but she could tell that you were different. And she said it didn't hurt that you were really cute, too.”
He smirks. “She called me cute?
“You ARE cute. Obviously. I look just like you and look how cute I am!”
“You make a very valid point,” he presses a kiss to her cheek. “You ARE very cute.”
“Was mommy cute? When you met her?”
“She’s cute now.”
“But what was she like then?”
“She looked pretty much the same now as she did back then. She had really long hair though. All the down to her bum nearly. Do you remember her long hair? How she cut it all off when we moved to Colorado?”
“I loved her hair. She used to let me brush and braid it and play with it. I was so mad when she cut it off.”
“You and me both.”
“But she’s pretty either way. Is that why you fell in love with her? Because she was cute?”
“That’s one of the reasons, I guess.”
“What were the other ones?”
“You ask a lot of questions,” he grins, and then grabs two clean plates and forks and knives from the dishwasher.
“I’m almost six and curious about the world,” she reasons. “I like hearing about this stuff. About how you and mommy met and what you guys were like before I came along.”
“You came along pretty quick,” Tyler admits. “We didn’t know each other that well when we made you.”
“Grandma said it was bad that you guys made me before you got married. That you were going to go to hell for it. Among other things that she wouldn’t tell me. She said it meant I was a ‘bastard child’. What does that mean?”
“It means your grandma is an evil bitch and she’s the one that’s going to hell for ever telling you things like that.”
“Is it bad? That you and mommy made me before you got married?”
He shrugs. “I guess some people might think that way. It wasn’t bad to us. And we’re the ones that got together and made you, so…”
“I was a total surprise.”
“Yeah, you were a bit of a shock. A good one though.”
“Cause you were happy that I was coming. Because Austin died and you were really sad about it, and then mommy told you about me and made your heart happy again, right?”
He places a kiss to her forehead. “That’s exactly it.”
“Did you want me to be a boy?”
“It didn’t matter to me. I just wanted you to be healthy and get here safely. Because you were stubborn and very sneaky and you liked giving your mom a hard time. You didn’t want to stay where you were. You wanted to be sooner, not later. And you were pretty determined about it.”
“But the doctor made me stay in. ‘Cause it would have been bad if I got here too soon.”
“Very bad. You would have been even smaller than Addie. And she’s pretty tiny.”
“But I stayed in and cooked some more and then I was born and you cried because you were so happy. Mommy says you almost fainted.”
“Mommy needs to stop telling you so many of my secrets.”
“Why would you faint? Is it gross?”
“It’s a little...nasty.”
“Why? What’s so nasty about it? Where did I come out of? I don’t understand that part. I know I was in mommy’s tummy, but how did they get me out of there? Did they cut her open to pull me out?”
“Nope. You came out the normal way.”
“Which is what? What’s the normal way?”
“That’s something you’ll find out when you’re older. A lot older.   Here…” he grabs the plates of food -one in each hand- and turns his back towards her. “..get on.”
She giggles as she uses the rungs of the chair and  tight grip on the neck of his t-shirt to climb up onto his back; legs wrapping around his torso, arms around his neck as he carries her through the kitchen and living room and out onto the back patio. “You’re getting big, daddy. I can’t get my legs as far anymore.”
“Are you calling me fat?”
“You’re not fat. You’re big. And strong. Mommy likes all your muscles.”
“Did she tell you that too?”
“She says you’re like a week worth of snacks.”
“Just a week? That’s kind of harsh. I like to think it’s more like a month, but…”
“You’re alright I guess,” she says, as he stands alongside one of the chairs and she slides down his back and into the seat.  “Maybe when I’m older I’ll meet a guy like you.”
“Why the hell would you want to do that?”
“You’re not so bad. You have a nice smile and  pretty eyes and you’re really tall. Girls like tall guys. Especially tall guys that are ripped.”
He frowns. “You’re starting to sound a little too much like your mother.”
“And you’re funny and you’re really nice and you can be really sweet and cute.”
“What did I tell you about the word?”
“You know, you CAN be cute and bad ass at the same time.”
“Not in my world.”
“Well your world is messed up then. But maybe I will. Meet a guy like you. That wouldn’t be so bad, would it?”
Smirking, he slips into the chair across from her. “Be careful what you wish for.”
They spend two hours surfing and then take a walk along the sand; Millie with her plastic pail in hand as she searches for unique rocks and shells and pieces of beach glass. Stopping every feet two toss tennis balls into the water for Mac to retrieve. He naturally loves all his kids and cherishes each moment he gets to spend with them, but there’s something extra special about the time he gets with Millie. Addie is still tiny and she can’t really spend quality time with her older sister, so Millie often takes a back seat to all of her brothers. They’re loud and boisterous and more demanding and needy than she is. She’s independent and remarkably self sufficient for someone so young. But she’s in her glory when it’s just the two of them; she gets all the attention and doesn’t have to fight to get a word in edgewise and gets to be on the receiving end of all the love and affection. And he thrives on being the centre of her universe; the way she trusts him so wholly and completely, without reservation. How she holds no grudges over all the time he’d been absent in her life or when he’s raised his voice and unintentionally hurt her feelings.  Always looking at him as if he’s the greatest dad on the planet; with so much love and adoration that it sometimes takes his breath away.
He watches her now as she walks several meters in front of him. Clad in one of her many bathing suits, his baseball hat on her head; constantly falling over her eyes. The way she crouches in the sand and admires every rock and shell she comes across; turning them over in her palms and holding them up to the sun and gazing at them like they’re the most precious gems in the world. So full of curiosity and exuberance. Everything about her so pure and innocent. Perfect. This beautiful little human that he’d helped create during what was quite possibly one of the most chaotic and unpredictable times of his life.
“Look at this one!” Millie excitedly races back to him, holding a large chunk of dark purple beach glass in her palm. “It’s so pretty! We should make something with it.”
“Like what?”
“Something for mommy. Like a necklace or something. Can we? Make her something? I want to surprise her. She’s been sad lately and I don’t like when she’s sad. Mommy deserves to be happy and she deserves pretty things. ALL the pretty things.”
“I don’t deserve pretty things?” he teases.
“You already have something pretty. The prettiest. You have mommy. What more could you want?”
Instead of placing the glass in her pail,  she tucks it into one of the pockets on his board shorts and then scampers off again; Mac hot on her heels, using his nose to help her dig through the sand on her valiant search for ‘buried treasure’.
“Haven’t you seen you guys in a while.”
He glances over his shoulder at the sound of Salena’s voice; he hadn’t realized they’d wandered THAT close to her property. He’s been keeping his distance; staying civil when he sees her and trying to give up off a vibe of normalcy. Whatever she’s up to, it’s best to just stay the course and act as if nothing has changed; don’t cause her to be suspicious and question why his behaviour has changed. And he tries not to panic or worry every time his wife spends time with her. Especially with one or all of the kids in tow.
“We’ve been around,” Millie responds, once more crouched in the sand as she and Mac continue their digging; eyes narrow and her brow furrowed as she regards the neighbor.
“We’ve been busy,” Tyler says, and gives a small smile as she steps alongside him, tensing when she wraps him in a hug of greeting. He isn’t the affectionate type; saving both giving and receiving for his wife and kids.
“Don’t touch him” Millie snarls. “That’s my dad. Mommy doesn’t like when other girls touch him. And neither do I.”
“It’s only a hug, kiddo.” Salena assures her. “Lots of friends hug.”
“You’re not looking at him like he’s your friend. I’m not stupid. You look at him like mommy looks at him. And only mommy is allowed to look at him like that. And don’t…” she scowls and moves away when Salena kneels down beside her and attempts to embrace her. “...I don't wanna be touched either.”
“She’s grumpy,” Tyler says, as a way of an apology.  
“I’m not grumpy, daddy. I just don’t like her.”
“Wow…” Salena gives a small, uncomfortable laugh. “...she’s nothing if not honest. Definitely her mother’s daughter.”
“Don’t talk about my mom,” Millie retorts. “And I’m not like her. I’m just like my dad. I don’t have time for other peoples’ bullshit.”
“Amelia…” Tyler gives her a look of warning. “...settle.”
“You shouldn’t touch him anyway,” she continues. “He’s not yours to touch. He’s mommy’s. He’s married to her. And he’s staying that way. He doesn’t mess around. He’s one of the nice guys. And if he wasn’t, you’re not his type.”
Salena scoffs. “She’s very…”
“Protective? She’s always been like this with me. Since she was old enough to talk. No one messes with daddy. Not on her watch. She’s a pretty good bodyguard.”
“I keep the sketchy people away,” Millie says. “And you’re big time sketchy. Where’s my uncle Kyle? Is he dead?”
Salena blinks.
“We haven't seen him in like forever. He was supposed to be in Australia to visit us and now he’s visiting you. He knew us before he knew you, you know. He’s mommy’s brother. He’s known us forever. Since I was just a tiny baby. We don’t see him much and now you take him away. Auntie Nik would always take daddy away, but at least she brought him back to us. Uncle Kyle just disappeared. Poof. Gone.”
“I’m sure he’s alive and well,” Tyler assures, and then turns to the neighbor with a smirk, passing it off as a joke. “He is, yeah? Alive? He’s not buried in the yard somewhere? You didn’t weigh him down and toss him into the ocean?”
“She probably poisoned his coffee.” Millie says. “Like mommy always says she’s going to do when  you REALLY piss her off.”
“Why don’t you go down to the water and see what you can find down there,” he suggests. “Maybe you’ll find something else really pretty for mommy.”
“Who was the guy that was at your place the other day?” The soon to be six year old asks. “In the black SUV?”
Salena frowns. “Guy in a black SUV? What…?”
“Don’t play dumb. I saw him. Daddy did too. Daddy has good eyes and really good instincts. That’s why the bad guys were so scared of him. And ‘cause they knew he could kick their asses.”
“Amelia,” he tries again. “Go down to the water with Mac and…”
“Daddy knows he was watching us,” she continues. “You’re not very smart if you think daddy wouldn’t notice. He notices everything. And if anyone tries to mess with mommy or any of us kids,  he’ll make them suffer. Big time.”
“Amelia…” his tone is more forceful now. “...enough.  Take Mac and go down the water. Give me a few minutes, yeah? Then we’ll go home.”
“Fine,” she huffs, then stands up and angrily brushes sand off her butt and the backs of her legs. “...but she’s lying, daddy. About the guy. I saw him. And I know you did too.”
He watches her as she stomps off, the dog hurrying alongside her. He knew he should be shocked that she’d been that aware of the incident the other morning; he’d thought he’d done a pretty good job of hiding the suspicion and the concern. But is it really that much of a surprise that she’d be that observant at even that young of an age? After all, both her parents had been in a job where keen observation skills weren’t just handy. They were a necessity. Often the first thing responsible for keeping you alive. It isn’t the way he’d wanted things to go; he’d wanted solid proof of wrongdoing before confronting Salena. But it’s too late now.
“So,”  he asks as he turns to the neighbor. “Who was it? The guy watching us.”
“He wasn’t…”
“Don’t try to bullshit me. I know when someone is watching me. I spent years in a job where I had to have eyes in the back of my head. Where staying alive depended on it. And don’t tell me it was just some friend that happened to stop by. I saw you get out of the Jeep with folders in your hand. And I know he was wearing an earpiece.”
“You ARE observant.”
“Why was he watching me? More importantly, why was he watching my kids? The last guy who fucked with my family? I cut off two of his fingers with a hunting knife and yanked out a few out of his teeth with pliers. Then I handed him over to guys who did even worse things to him before killing him. So you tell your friend that if he comes near my wife and my kids, it won’t end well for him either.”
“He’s a colleague,” she says.
“What kind of colleague? What do you actually do for a living? And don’t lie. I already know you aren’t who you say you are.”
“How much DO you know?” she counters.
“I know there’s no record of you ever attending any school in Australia. And there’s nothing on you at the bureau of transportation or with any other branch of the government. You think I don’t do my research?”
“I didn’t expect things to go this way. To get caught so soon. Or at all.”
“Your guy’s a rookie. I made him in thirty seconds. Tell him I said he  won't live very long being that wet behind the ears. And caught doing what? Just what ARE you doing?”
She sighs. “I’m not who you think I am.”
“Yeah no shit.”
“This isn’t the time to talk about this. Not with little ears around. If I can get Kyle to watch the kids later, would you come over? You and Esme?”
“I want her kept out of this. Whatever it is.”
“It involves both of you.  ALL of you.”
“Are you a threat?” To her or my kids? Are we going to walk in there and find out you have a bunch of guys waiting to ambush us? Because if that's what you're planning…”
“I’m not a threat to anyone.” she assures him. “I’m not here to hurt you. Or Esme. Or the kids. I’m here to help. Or at the very least, keep things from escalating.”
Tyler frowns. “Things? What things?”
“I work for Neysa Rav.”
“Saju’s wife?”
“I know everything. I know you are and what you did and I know about Dhaka. All of it. This wasn’t supposed to get out. It was supposed to stay quiet.  It’s the way she wanted it. On the down low unless things became bigger and more problematic than they currently are.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“Neysa is in hiding. With her son. She’s been receiving threats. Legitimate, serious threats. From people associated with Ovi Mahajan Senior.”
Tyler shakes his head incredulously. “What the fuck…?”
“Your name was brought up. Along with your wife and your kids. Neysa asked me to come here and watch out for all of you. Me and my people.”
“Are you a merc?”
“Far from it. We’re a private security company. Nowhere near along the lines of being mercs. But we sometimes work hand in hand with them and hire them to do our dirty work.”
“Daddy!” Millie calls from the edge of the water. “Can we go now? I’m hungry. And I gotta pee!”
“Go in the water,” he instructs.
“That’s gross. I wanna go home. I wanna see mommy.”
“We’ll talk about this later,” Salena says. “But I promise I’m not a threat. I can prove that later when you come over. I just ask that you trust me long enough to give me the chance to show you; who I am and what I do. Can you do that?”
Tyler nods.
She gives an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry it had to come out this way. But it will all make sense. I promise.”
He watches her as she heads through the sand; never looking back over her shoulder as she heads for her house. And he realizes nothing makes sense.
It hasn’t in a long time.
“None of this makes any sense,” Esme declares, as she tends to making lunch; grilled cheese sandwiches, soup, and fresh veggies for the kids, leftover chicken cashew stir fry for them. “She’s a spy?”
“I guess if you want to put it that way…”  He stands at the patio door; Addie lying along a forearm as he feeds her,  keeping an eye on Millie and the twins as they play in the sand.  Ovi sits at the patio table, smiling and laughing as Declan crawls and climbs all over him.
He’s tense. It’s been almost seven years since Dhaka; since so many good people had lost their lives...since he’d nearly lost his own...attempting to kid to safety. Yet it still refuses to let them rest; no such thing as true closure. As time went on and no revenge had been sought, Tyler had been optimistic that nothing more would come of that job. And now that there's been threats against him and his family and there’s targets on their backs; he’s on edge. The rage simmering inside of him. Fingers itching for a trigger to pull.
“Well what did she say?” Esme asks. “She called herself that? A spy?”
“She called it private security.”
“So she’s a merc.”
“I didn’t say that,”
She scoffs.  “Private security. Does that sound familiar? It’s what I used to call it when my family asked what you did for a living. And you were a merc. Or still are. I don’t even know anymore. And she’s somehow connected to Neysa and Aarav?”
“Neysa hired her. Or Salena’s company at least.”
“Oh she’s so a merc,” Esme concludes. “That’s merc talk and you can’t deny it. And why would Neysa need to hire people like that in the first place?”
“I told you. Mahajan holds a lot of grudges. He has some scores to settle.”
“Scores to settle against who? A dead man? Saju did what he was supposed to do. He got Ovi out alive. Or helped at least. Ovi’s alive because of him. And you. You think that would be enough to appease the old man. But no. He has to be a total dick bag about things. Can’t he just be happy that his kid is alive and has had a good life.? That he’s grown up to be an amazing young man? Like fuck…” she huffs, and grabs a stack of plates -plastic and regular- from the cupboard. “...what a tool. And to think I question my parenting skills when there’s people like that out there.”
“Makes you realize we’re not doing as bad of a job as we think we are.”
“And the fact he did that to Saju!” She angrily continues. “Threatening his wife and his little boy like that. At first I hated him for doing what he did. He killed the whole team and could have easily have killed me, wanted to kill you…”
“He had his reasons,” Tyler says. “Two very valid ones.”
“...and then I realize he wasn’t evil. He was just trying to save his family. Either one of us would do the same thing.”
He nods.
“The guy was a bad ass and a hero until the bitter end and he should be remembered that way. So fuck Mahajan. Fuck him straight to hell. He makes me rage, I swear.”
Tyler grins. “I can tell.”
“So what’s the issue? It’s been seven years and he’s looking for revenge now? Why?”
“Who knows. He probably couldn’t find her or the kid. Where was she hiding? You talk to her. Did she ever tell you?”
“A year ago she mentioned being in Nepal. It never got brought up again and I never thought to ask. I didn’t need an address; we always just communicated through email.”
“When was the last time you talked to her?”
“Couple weeks ago, I guess. Maybe a bit longer. Shortly before Addie made her appearance. Neysa wanted to know where she could send something for the baby and I gave her the address for the post office box. Just in case...I don’t know...just in case, I guess. She’d sent a picture of Aarav. A graduation photo. Because he’s going into high school.”
“He’s fourteen now. Same age Ovi was in Dhaka. It’s been seven years. Well almost, anyway. If there was something wrong...if someone was threatening her or threatening us...or both...why wouldn’t she tell me?”
“Maybe she didn’t trust email either. Did you check the post office box?”
“Two days ago. There was nothing there. Why? You think she could have slipped a note into whatever she sent? No one would be none the wiser if she did. She could have been giving us a heads up without whoever is after her knowing.”
“I don't know what to think,” Tyler admits.
“Do you believe her? Salena?”
He nods. “There’s no reason anyone would lie about all of that.”
“Well for what it’s worth, I haven’t seen anything weird.  And the kids and I are out front all the time and when they’re in school, I always take Declan and Addie for walks down the road. I definitely would have seen something like a sketchy guy with an ear piece, sitting in a Jeep with a busted headlight.”
“I know what I saw. And your daughter saw it too. I wasn’t seeing things and I wasn’t imagining it.”  His tone is more hostile and irritable than he’d intended.
“Okay...baby…” she begins. “...you need to take it down a notch. I am not the enemy here. I didn’t say you were seeing things or that you imagined it. All I was saying is that whoever this guy is? He hasn’t been around any of the times I’ve gone out there. I’d tell you if I saw something like that.”
“Would you? Or would just keep it to yourself because I’d ‘freak out’ and I’d be ‘overprotective’?”
“You are projecting all of your worry and all of your hostility towards Mahajan onto me. And I usually can take it, but I’ve had just about enough with peoples’ crap. I’ve got Nik emailing me and leaving me text messages and voicemails and I’ve got Yaz calling.  And now I’ve got a potential merc for a neighbor and…”
“She is NOT a merc. I'd be able to tell if she was.”
“....and now I have Mahajan bringing his bullshit. After everything we’ve done to care for his kid; raising him like he’s one of our own, giving him a family and a normal life. And now he wants revenge? For what? What have you done to him?”
“Got in Saju’s way. He was supposed to eliminate me. He didn’t.”
“He ended up helping Ovi out in the end so that reason is just pure and utter shit.   He fucked you. Right from the beginning. And you could have easily left his kid in the street...to die...when you found out there was no money. But you didn’t. So he can go fuck himself.”
Tyler grins as he turns away from the window. “You’re in a mood.”
“I hope he knows you’re getting back into things. That you’re getting back into the job. Maybe that will make him think twice about trying anything. If he knows you’re still on your game and knows not to fuck with you, maybe he’ll back off.”
“Or maybe it’ll make things worse.”
“Tyler…” she sighs heavily. “...what ever happened to your whole ‘I’m going to try and be more optimistic’?”
“Pretty hard to be optimistic when this kind of shit is being dropped into your lap all at once.”
“It just makes me so mad,” she says through gritted teeth. “Why can’t it just leave us alone? Dhaka. It’s been seven years almost and it keeps hanging in there and causing all kinds of grief. This should have been over and done with all those years ago. And yet here is. The big, black fucking cloud over our heads.”
He shrugs. “It’s our cross to bare, I guess.”
“Well I’m tired of baring it. I just…” she slams the knife she’s been using to cut the kids’ sandwiches done onto the counter. “...you know what? Go to Mumbai.  Go to Mumbai and go to the prison and kill him. Boom. Done.”
He can’t help but chuckle. “Baby, it’s not that easy. I can’t just walk into the place and shoot him in the head.”
“You’ve done sniper work. You’re an amazing shot. Take him out from a hundred yards away.”
“Because that would be easier? Do you know the security they have around that place? I wouldn’t even get within a hundred yards. And I’m not going all the way there to assassinate a drug lord. Do you want me to get killed? Because that’s how I’ll get killed.”
“You’ve handled bigger and better,” Esme argues.
“”I am NOT going to Mumbai.”
“So what then? He sends people here instead?”
“Wait a second…” his eyes narrow. “...you’re not joking about this, are you. You’re actually being serious about this? You want me to go to Mumbai, walk into a prison, and kill Ovi’s old man?”
“Would you rather him come here and kill you? Or me? Or our kids?”
“He can’t do shit. He’s in prison.”
“You know what I mean, Tyler. His people. They’ll come here and they’ll kill you. But first they’ll kill me. And your kids. And probably even the dog.”
“Okay, no one is going to get killed,” he calmly reasons. “You’re overreacting. We don’t know for sure that there were any threats made against me or you or the kids. All we DO know is that our names got brought up. Can we at least see what Salena has to say before you start making plans for me to assassinate a drug lord?
“I’m just...I’m on edge,” she says, as she returns to preparing the kids’ lunch. “And why didn’t you tell me about this sketchy Jeep driver before? Or that you knew Salena was bad news?  I’ve been going over there. With the kids!”
“You wanted a friend.”
“I didn’t want a friend like that! You knew she was lying and that she wasn’t who she says she is and yet you still said nothing. Of all the things I thought you’d tell me, that’s it. What if she’s dangerous?”
“She’s not.”
“How do you know?”
“Because she’s working for Neysa. Who had to go into hiding because of Mahajan. We’re on the same side.”
“You better get these people of yours...the ones who want to work for you...on board sooner rather than later. Because if shit hits the fan, it would be nice to have them around, don’t you think? This is such crap. Why can’t we have a normal life? Why can’t we just be happy? Why does the universe keep shitting on us?”
“Bet right about now you’re wishing Dhaka ended differently,” he wryly comments.
“Okay...first…” she turns to face him, gesturing in his direction with the knife in her hand. “...let’s not even go there. What happened in Dhaka,, happened. And you’re alive and that’s a good thing. A very good thing. Because I kind of like having you around and so do your kids. Who wouldn’t even be here had you’d died that day. So don’t say stupid like that.”
A smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth. “So what’s the second thing you’re going to say?”
“Now is not the time to be a smart ass, Tyler. I’m just about ready to lose my fucking mind. None of this makes sense and it’s all screwed up and you’re going to wind up back  in that shit hole. I just know it. You’re going to end up back in Dhaka and…”
With Addie still along one arm, he stands behind his wife and lays the other along her collarbone; pressing  kiss to the top of her head. “I am not going back to Dhaka. If anything, I’d end up in Mumbai.”
“Which is just as bad!”
“It’s paradise compared to Dhaka.”
“I swear to God, if you end up back there, on that bridge…”
“”That’s not going to happen,” he assures her. “That is NEVER going to happen.”
“You don’t know that. Because this is so fucked up and  twisted that in some weird it would all make sense. Like it all coming full circle.”
He can feel her body shaking against him; hear the tremor in her voice. “Calm down…” he presses his lips to her temple. “Just take it easy, okay? No one is going back to Dhaka. Or that bridge. That’s just your brain trying to freak you out. There’s no chance of that happening. There’s no reason for me to be in Dhaka. It’d be Mumbai, if anywhere.”
“I hope you’re right. Because if it happens and you do go back there…”
“Stop,” Tyler tightens his hold on her, his lips against her ear. “It’s not going to happen. You need to  trust me when I say that. I’m never going back to Dhaka.”
“You might not have a say in it.”
“I always have a say in it. I choose where I go. Especially now. And I’m going back there. Ever. Okay? I promise.”
“Okay,” she says, as she sniffles noisily and kisses his forearm, body relaxing back against his. “Because Dhaka didn’t take you the first time. And I refuse to  let it try again.”
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nikkzwrites · 4 years
Yesterday Once More | Dark Fix-It Fic Series | Chapter 11
A/N: This fic is one that I started with my OC because honestly, I personally didn’t like how season 3 ended. So I am rewriting all of Dark with my OC Annalise Dahlheim. I hope you all like it. Some things will be expanded more on just for more depth to Dark that season 3 kinda skipped over so…. yeah.
CW: Canon Typical Triggers: Smoking, Sex, Language, Drugs, Drinking, Death, Violence, Suicide Mentions, Cutting, Violence.
Word Count:  5k
[First Chapter] [Previous Chapter] [Next Chapter]
Jonas and Annalise both shot up awake at the same time in different times both having a dream about the moment that was supposed to be the happiest moment of their lives that was actually just the moments that would cause the disasters that would destroy Winden. One of the two in 2053 and the other teen in 2020. Their movements mimicked each other as the two turned to get out of his bed and pull out a letter. His addressed to him to open when his father died. Hers addressed to open now. They both sighed and walked down the stairs into the main areas of the empty Kahnwald house. Annalise’s stairs were silent to cause Jonas’s stairs to creak twice as loud. As if they were both ghosts in this once happy and lively home. They both took a moment to look at the calendar in the kitchen and walked out to walk amongst the living.
Joans walked around his old town gathering supplies before going back down into the bunker to start his work back up. He found the appropriate tape for that day and placed it into the player to listen to it. 
A woman’s voice rang out, “My name is Claudia Tiedemann. I am one of the few survivors of the apocalypse of June 27, 2020. Almost three months have passed since the catastrophe. It’s still unclear what exactly led to the events in Winden. But the God Particle… If we can stabilize it, maybe it is a way back. Back to the past. Maybe we can save them. All of them.”
Annalise walked down the roads. She walked down to the store to grab something to eat before heading her way back into the woods not too far from the Kahnwald’s or Tiedemann’s. She laid down on her and Jonas’s rock looking up at the leaves above her. She quietly wondered if any of them were the same from that day as she quietly hummed the old song she would sing to Jonas and Mikkel. 
The radio on throughout Winden called, “Wake up, late risers! It’s the first week of summer vacation and it is perfect beach weather.” Across Hannah’s walls were newspaper articles about her son and the rest of the missing people. Several of them with pictures of Annalise as well. “Local News. Over six months after the mysterious disappearance of five teenagers, a senior citizen and a local police officer from the town of Winden, despite one of them being found, there are still no clues as to their whereabouts or the circumstances. A federal police task force will now assist with the investigation.”
Hannah marked off the date on the calendar and looked at the old christmas photo of her small little family. Her tear stained face reeking of how she felt on the inside.
“How do you feel today,” The doctor asked Regina, unaware of Bartosz spying on the conversation, “Still having joint trouble? Nausea? To be honest, your lab results worry me. We should treat you in the hospital again.”
Regina shook her head, “No. Absolutely not. I want to stay here.”
“Fine,” The doctor nodded, “We’ll wait for the next MRI results. We may have to switch from hormone treatment back to chemo.”
Bartosz looked down at his phone to see a text from his girlfriend asking him to go to the bridge.
Clausen stood on top of the podium to give his speech. He was the new head of the Winden task force. Today he was taking over the missing persons cases. He was ready to reopen all the cases and review everything about them until he could solve it. He informed that some people had received summons for renewed interrogation in regards to the cases. He also made a statement that they were going to start trying to push more answers from Annalise as well. 
This received some backlash from many of the people in the town annoyed that not only would they send only one person to help, but the government decided to keep Charlotte on the case as well. 
Magnus looked at Franziska as they sat next to the lake, “Does your mom talk at home? About the investigation, I mean.”
“Not to us,” she replied.
Magnus shook his head, “We sit around and wait. And nothing happens. We know as little as we did eight months ago. Sometimes I think it’d be better if they were dead.”
Franziska rubbed the boy’s shoulder, “Don’t say that.” Slowly, the two teen’s lips met for a passionate kiss. It wasn’t long before that got interrupted by a text tone for the girl. She looked back at Magnus and told him, “I have to go.” She stood up to walk away.
“Where to,” Magnus asked.
“To pick up Elisabeth at a friend’s,” Franziska told him, “I’ll call you later, okay?”
Sensing that Franziska was lying, he waited a moment before following her.
Katharina walked through the woods. Her backpack ready with a map and flashlight. She knew the caves had something to do with all of this even though the police swore with Annalise that this wasn’t the care. Annalise had made a comment that she simply had run away due to stress and came back. She also claimed that Jonas would be back soon, though they went their separate ways so she had no idea where he was presently. Yet it’s been a full month and he still wasn’t back. Katharina prepared herself for her cave journey before walking inside.
Jonas trekked up to the power plant’s broken gate. He walked over to the wall to look at the sign, then made his way to the church. He passed the graves of many of the past residents of Winden there. He knelt down to place the picture of his family on his father’s grave then turned to look at Martha’s.
Martha rode her bike down to the bridge. She parked her bike and hiked down to see Bartosz already sitting there waiting for her. She sat down near him and looked at him.
“I’ve been trying to reach you for days,” Bartosz commented. 
Martha shook her head, “A lot was going on.” She watched as he turned away from her and she tried to say, “I wanted to talk to you. I’ve wanted to for a long time.”
“Save your breath,” Bartosz told her without even looking at her. He sighed and looked over to the girl, “It’s probably better that way.” Martha huffed and looked away from the boy causing him to turn, “So… that’s it then.” Martha slightly nodded, then looked down. Bartosz’s anger erupted, “Because of him? Because of Jonas?!”
“What?!” Martha growled back at him. She tried to fight back tears, “What’s that got to do with it? We hardly ever see each other. I don’t know… You’ve changed! I… What about her then? Annalise? She’s back for a month and you're willing to just throw it all away for her?” Martha shook her head and turned back to him, “I feel like you’re hiding something. I don’t know what’s up with you!”
Bartosz argued, “What’s up with me? What the fuck? My mom is dying! And… there’s stuff I can’t tell you.”
“Why not,” Martha accused.
Bartosz swallowed hard, “I just can’t. Okay? If you knew the crap I’m going through...”
Martha’s anger spewed out, “The crap you’re going through?! In case you forgot, my father and brother disappeared. My ex best friend is the only lead, she is lying to everyone, and won’t speak to any of us because of some stupid thing I said that she is claiming made her disappear for seven months! My mom is crazy and couldn’t care less about me! And you want to tell me about your crap?!” She quickly turned away as Bartosz shrunk down. She panted angrily, ran her fingers through her hair then repeated, “It’s better this way.” She stood up and stormed away.
Bartosz sat there wringing his hands anxiously. He watched her go before receiving a text telling him simply, ‘This evening.’
Aleksander stood in front of all his employees and gave a somber speech. He thanked them all for their loyalty and explained that the plant would be decommissioned in six days. After the speech, he followed his nuclear engineer. They put on their yellow hazard suit and walked inside.
The engineer explained, “Everything has been prepared for transport as planned.”
Aleksander asked, “And the demolition plans?”
“Everything at the ground level will be left and become part of the greenfield,” the other man explained, “The radiation of the barrels will be traced to the pool’s previous use.”
Hannah placed down the box with Aleksander’s once gun and passport inside. She took out the pistol and pointed it under her chin when she was interrupted by a set of keys opening the door. She quickly hid the gun and stood up to look to who that could have been. “Hello,” she called out. When she saw a bearded hooded man walk in, she asked him, “Who are you? What do you want? Why do you have a key?”
“It’s my key,” Stranger Jonas told his concerned mother. He slowly took off his hood so that she could get a better look at him.
Hannah, still not understanding, asked, “What do you mean, it’s yours?”
Jonas tried to calm his mother, “I know it sounds like it makes no sense, but hear me out.” He placed his bag down and walked towards her, “Do you remember the yellow bike? The bike you and dad gave me on my eighth birthday. I rode it into the ditch the very first day. I gashed my arm open. Here.” He rolled up his sleeves so that she could see his scar. 
Hannah panted. She couldn’t believe someone could play such a cruel trick on her. “Get out,” she commanded.
Jonas looked down trying to find what else he could do to convince her. “Here,” he tried again, “Dad was making pancakes here. He dropped the pan and spilled the hot oil here.” He motioned down to the stain on the wood then said, “I vanished from your life six months ago. You found me over 33 years ago. I knew it was you right away. It was raining, remember? Grandpa and you wanted to take me along in the car. You said it was still acid rain because of Chernobyl. I was wearing my yellow coat.” He took a step closer to her, “Momma. It’s me.” He held his hand out to her.
Hannah sobbed realizing he was telling her the truth. She put her hand on his arm and looked up at him, “Jonas?” She gently touched his beard in disbelief that her son would grow one, “But that’s impossible.” She cupped his face as she cried. She moved his hair away and watched him relax at her touch. She pulled him into a hug. 
Franziska walked to her drop spot for Bernette and put the information in before leaving to go get Elisabeth. Katharina squatted down in the cave and marked more places on her map before continuing forward. 
In 1921, Noah comforted his younger self from killing the older man. He told the boy that everything would be revealed in due time and that some things needed to stay hidden away for then so that later they could come into the light. 
“How do we know what’s right and what’s wrong,” the younger boy asked through gritted teeth and tears, “What is good and what is evil?”
Noah replied, “By heeding our inner voice. By not following anyone else but ourselves. Our true nature reveals itself not only in our deeds but also in their purpose. I am you. I am your voice. Never forget that. Everything is connected. You. Me. The past. And the future.” 
In 2053, Jonas walked through the forest of hanging bodies. Soon he heard gunshots and a man shouting. Jonas looked and ran towards the yelling. There was a crowd standing there at the execution. Nuclear gear carelessly tossed to the side as the man yelled. “Who are you,” he yelled, “You are hiding it! There, behind the wall! We saw it! We followed the signal. Till the dead zone. You’re hiding God! You mustn’t hide God. He’s not yours alone!”
Elisabeth nodded her head at the team. They pulled tightening the rope around his neck as he plead. She slowly turned away and looked into the small crowd. She signed and her translator Silja spoke, “No one can enter the dead zone. Any attempt will be punished by death. Those are the rules. We are the future! Sic mundus creatus est.”
The crowd repeated, “Sic mundus creatus est.” Then they departed leaving Jonas alone with Elisabeth and Silja.
“Where were you,” they questioned the boy, “There’s nothing out there. The passage is our only hope. The faithless are dead. The prophecy will come true, the passage will open and we will be led into paradise.”
“The faithless are dead,” Jonas asked back, “Everyone is dead, my family, my friends. Everyone dies in six days, in my time! I don’t need your damn paradise! I just want to go home!” He looked at Elisabeth, “What did they want behind the wall?”
Silja signed to Elisabeth what Jonas had said and awaited for her response. 
Jonas, however, did not have the time to wait, so he turned and left.
In 2020, Elisabeth looked up at her father, “Why did mom keep all of Great Granddad’s things? He’s been dead for years.”
Peter signed back, “I think because it’s the only thing that reminds her of her family. Some things are hard to let go of.”
“It’s a shame I never met Grandpa and Grandma,” Elisabeth told her dad, “Does Mom remember them?”
Peter explained, “Your mother was still little when they died. Come on.” Peter walked more into the shop to look. He turned to see Elisabeth had pulled out a picture of her mother and great grandfather from 1986. Peter chuckled. 
Annalise looked at the time. She bit her lip and started to sneak back towards the Kahnwald house only to be given pause by Bartosz. He spotted her and walked over to her. He stood in front of the girl and said, “Hey.”
“Hey,” She commented back trying to look past him. She then turned to him and gave a small smile, “Is there something I can do for you?”
Bartosz stared at her. Frustration rose in him, “I wish you would just stop fucking lying. Could you do that?”
Annalise started to walk past him, “Honestly, Bartosz. I really don’t know what you mean. I’ve told everyone the truth. Jonas and I ran away after the fight. We found a cheap cabin right outside of a different town not too far from here that we rented while we tried to find a permanent place. We got separated about a month ago. I came back after a week of waiting for him like we planned. He will be back soon. I don-”
WHACK! Bartosz’s fist hit the tree, “Anna! We both know that’s bullshit!” He grabbed her wrist, “We both know about what’s going on here. Please talk to me. You are the only one who I can talk to. Please.”
Annalise tried to wiggle away, “Bartosz, you’re hurting me. Let go. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I know about Noah,” Bartosz growled into her ear, pulling her close to him. “I’m part of it too. Just talk to me.”
Annalise pulled away and told him, “I have no idea what you’re talking about! I told everyone what happened and honestly I’m only still here to make sure Hannah doesn’t kill herself and to wait for Jonas to get back so we can both go back home!”
“We both know that isn’t what’s happening,” Bartosz told her.
Annalise turned back to him, “You’re right Bartosz! Jonas left me and he’s never coming back! I should damn well just run off with you! Is that what you want to fucking hear?!” She had tears in her eyes. She grit her teeth as she tried to keep the tears inside. She stormed up to him, “Do you want to run away with me Bartosz?! Leave your dying mother behind and I leave behind a grieving mother on the edge of putting a gun to her head?! Is that what you want?”
Bartosz felt tears building up inside him as well. He looked down and whispered down to her while caressing her cheek, “That isn’t fair. I know you’re scared, but don’t take it out on me.”
“You don’t know the first thing about me,” She hissed and turned away as she felt the tears start to fall.
Bartosz watched her leave and whispered, “I know I love you at least.” He let his tears fall watching her knowing it would probably be best to try and give her space. She knew she could always come to him now and that he would never judge her. He watched her go not realizing that this moment could have possibly been the last he would see her again.
Martha knocked on her brother’s room door. “Mom,” she called into the empty room. She looked around. There on the floor and walls were papers, trails of what her mother was thinking. Martha sat down onto the ground and opened a box to pull out a file. There in front of her was the investigation file. That was when Martha got the thought into her head that maybe it was their turn to start snooping around.
Katharina continued searching in the caves hoping to find her answers. She had no idea if she was going to get them but she had hope that she would. She needed to find her son and husband. She needed to make things right.
“It’s remarkable people don’t crack, given the futility of their own existence,” Adam told Noah, “An endless cycle of life and death. Where is the origin of all this suffering?” He paused then asked, “Did you tell Bartosz?”
Noah turned away from the painting of The Fall of the Damned and nodded to the man.
“And he didn’t get at all suspicious,” Adam asked sitting crossed legged in a chair. He spoke to himself after seeing Noah shake his head, “He has always been naive by nature.” He took a large breath and walked up to Noah, “The apocalypse has to happen. Are you having doubts?” He watched Noah shake his head then asked, “What do you do with an old forest so new trees can grow?”
Noah replied, “You burn it down.”
“There isn’t much time left,” Adam told the man. “The missing pages… you must find them.”
Noah nodded before being interrupted by an older Franziska, “Adam? They’re waiting for you.”
Adam turned back to Noah and said, “Six more days.” He turned and walked out.
In 2020, Magnus turned hearing a rustle near him. He looked to see Bernette going to the drop site and replacing an envelope with another one. She looked around not noticing the boy and walked back to her trailer. Magnus trailed after her. He opened the door and walked in.
“I’m on my break,” Bernette told the person who walked in. When she turned, she was surprised to see a young man there, who looked just as surprised himself. She strolled over to him, “Oh, well… Blow job 40 euros, anal 85. Kinky stuff costs extra, but I need to eat first.” She opened up a ramen cup. Then turned to the young man, “Well, get undressed.”
Magnus panicked. He took a few breaths in before dashing back out of the trailer.
Bernette, confused, walked towards her window and watched as Magnus rushed home.
“You can say I exist infinitely,” Jonas explained to his mother as the sun slowly made its way down to sleep and Annalise climbed her way up the side of the house to sneak into Jonas’s room once more, “I’m here now. And I’m in every second between my birth and my death. I’m always Jonas. I’m the same. And yet not the same.” Hannah looked at the older version of her son as he continued, “Like you’re not the same person who came through that door an hour ago.”
Hannah asked him, “But where is Jonas? Where is my Jonas?”
The Stranger Jonas sighed, “He’s in the future.”
“In the future,” Hannah repeated back as a question.
The older version of her son nodded, “Yeah. He can’t come back. I tried to destroy the passage, but I only closed it. That’s why he’s still there.”
Hannah shook her head and sighed, “Why are you here?”
Annalise walked down the stairs right at that moment causing both of them to stare at her for a moment before resuming the conversation. He said, “To put an end to it all. Once and for all.”
Annalise smiled gently and asked, “Ada- Jonas?” She gently shepherded him up from his chair, “It’s really you.” She collapsed in his arms. She pulled him close to her and took in a deep breath to inhale all of him. Her fingers curled into his back pulling his shirt into her fists. She buried her face in him trying not to let him go. As if she were to let him go that he would be lost to time once again.
He smiled tenderly down at her. His beloved so close to him made him feel truly home. He pet her head gently. He placed a soft kiss against the top of her head as he whispered, “I am Lise. It’s so good to see you again.” He held her close treasuring this moment. It was near ecstasy for her to be so close to him again after so long.
She slowly pulled away and placed a warm kiss against his cheek. “You should get to bed,” Annalise scolded him, “Take a shower then head to bed. You sorely need it.” I can tell just how weary you are.”
Jonas nodded with his eyes half lidded looking at her, “Alright.” He dreamily smiled before going upstairs to do just as he was told.
Elisabeth tried to keep herself occupied as her father went through the boxes. She used this time to start trying to look through books. While looking through one, she found a picture. Surprised she brought it to her father and pointed out the man saying, “That’s him! That’s that man.”
“Which man,” Peter asked his daughter.
Elisabeth explained, “The man with the watch. That’s Noah!”
“Noah,” Peter asked his daughter. He looked down at the picture and stared. There staring back at him was just as his daughter had described before and he knew that it was true. There was Noah.
Back at Sic Mundus, Noah stared at a trifold of pictures of everyone important in the loop. The Doppler’s, the Kahnwalds, the Nielsen’s, the Tiedemann’s, and David and Annalise Dahlhiem. He turned and walked away with his briefcase off to do more of his work.
“Watch out for the tiniest deviations in their statements,” Clausen told Charlotte, “Every detail is important.”
Charlotte turned hearing her phone vibrate. She picked it up seeing a message from Peter telling her, ‘I’ve found Noah. Come to the Bunker.’
 Clausen looked at the woman and asked, “Something wrong?”
“I have to go,” Charlotte tried to rush out.
Clausen interrupted and commented, “I don’t have a driver’s license. I assume it’s okay if I ride with you tomorrow?”
Charlotte turned to him, “Yes.” She walked out to go meet up with her husband.
In 2053, Jonas walked around the desolate forest. He hiked to the bunker. He turned on his spherical light and lowered himself inside. He studied his map then grabbed his Geiger counter before heading out.
Annalise, in 2019, crept into Jonas’s father’s studio. It was actually the first time she had ever been up here. She searched for something where she could toss the letter that she needed to burn. It wasn’t long before she found the metal bucket. But there was something strange. A covered painting. Something inside of her called to it. As if it were meant for her to pull the sheet. The girl grasped the cloth and pulled it away to reveal, looking back at her, a smiling girl. The resemblance was uncanny. Annalise fell to the floor. Her breathing hitched inside of her chest. Tears fell from her eyes seeing her happy naive face staring back at her. She was so full of love. Annalise scrunched her face, she had never met Jonas’s father had she? Much less when she was the age she was in the painting. The pieces slowly came together. She breathed heavily. “Mikkel,” she whispered. She started to sob. Annalise quickly snapped herself out of it. She grabbed the bucket, lit the letter on fire, and dropped it into the bucket watching it burn.
Martha scattered the papers and documents around trying to find any clue she could. Magnus slowly opened the door to see his sister on the floor acting erratically. Martha looked up to defend herself, “Mom didn’t lock it.”
Magnus took a breath and asked, “What’s that?”
“Dad’s stuff,” Martha replied, “Police documents and maps of the cave. That’s why Mom goes there every day. I think she’s looking for this.” Martha handed Magnus the file.
Magnus studied it, “A door. In the caves?”
Martha nodded, “It goes to the nuclear power plant. They all know something we’re not supposed to know. Mom, Bartosz, The police, Annalise.” She sighed shaking her head, “Each with their own shitty secret.”
Angry, Magnus started to breath heavily trying to process that maybe that thing Martha said at the very beginning, the day Mikkel went missing, was true.
Bartosz trekked to the caves alone. He stood there waiting for Noah only for the man to approach from behind him, coming from deep inside the cave.
“Are you ready,” Noah asked the boy.
Bartosz nodded and followed the man into the cave, but not before turning back to take a look at Winden again.
Woller walked out of his sister’s trailer and complemented, “Thanks for the coffee.” He pulled out an envelope with money and handed it to her in exchange to the keys of the large shipping truck parked next to her trailer. 
“I’m glad to get rid of that thing,” she commented nodding towards the truck. 
Woller was just about to leave. He didn’t like that this was how he and his sister were communicating. He looked at her and said, “Call Mom again. Okay?”
Bernette nodded and allowed herself to hug her brother before he left with a simple exchanged ‘bye.’
Charlotte drove to the cabin and climbed down into the bunker. When she got there her husband turned and showed her a very old photograph.
Peter pointed, “That is Noah.” Charlotte looked up at him surprised, then took the picture to study it more closely. Peter continued, “Elisabeth found it at the store. It was in a book. She said that’s the man who gave her the watch.”
Charlotte turned it over to see the date on it was January 8, 1921. She read aloud, “Sic Mundus Creatus Est.”
“Charlotte, who are these people,” Peter asked her, “Why did your grandfather have this?”
Charlotte shook her head, “I don’t know.”
Peter scoffed before Charlotte added it to the evidence on the walls of the bunker. They turned to each other in disbelief. 
Franziska tried to call Magnus again as Elisabeth napped with her head on her older sister’s lap. He kept rejecting her calls. 
Hannah sat on the edge of Jonas’s bed as Annalise walked in. She turned to the girl and motioned to her older son’s scars. Annalise made no inclination of change in mood. Her face looked empty and devoid of any feelings once so ever. The two switched places as Hannah walked down stairs to go to sleep herself.
Regina slept in her bed in the house as her husband poured the concrete over the waste. He stared at it as Clausen stared at his board of missing persons.
The young Noah walked out of Sic Mundus and the young Jonas walked through the trees trying to get to the plant to sneak inside. There he found a tunnel which he crawled through and followed the signal to where the pool once was. 
Feeling the shifting of weight on the bed, the older Jonas jerked awake. He quickly and effectively grabbed Annalise and tossed her under him. His breathing fast and heavy until the hasy mist of sleep dissipated from him to reveal who it was. Seeing her face calmed him. He gently cupped her face and smiled through tears. “You really shouldn’t sneak up on people like that,” he commented rolling over to lay down once more.
Annalise turned onto her side so that way they were face to face as they spoke, “I’m sorry. It won’t happen again. I just…” She swallowed, “You are so injured my love.” Tears fell from her eyes onto his pillow. 
He nodded, “Yes, but it’s all to end this. I’ve seen far worse than what those scars tell you.” His thumb traced her cheek as he spoke quietly to her. He tried to soothe her tears away. He joined their hands together. He pulled them up to his rough and battered lips so that he could kiss her soft smooth knuckles before linking their fingers together. He kissed her forehead and confessed, “I am so sorry for everything. If I were only wiser, we wouldn’t be tangled into this knot and you would never feel any of this pain.”
A small smile fought its way onto her face as she tried to comfort him as well, “My dearest, it is alright. I know you will fix this. You will always be with me,” She kissed his cheek, “Please never let me go.”
The younger Jonas found it. He slipped into the yellow radiation suit and stared at it. They were right. There in front of his was the God particle. He turned and looked at all the documents surrounding it before turning his attention back to the black throbbing tendril-filled swirling sphere.
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Mistakes (Part 8)
Summary: "Now she was standing in front of him, frowning into her mug of tea. Wearing his t-shirt and one of his sweatpants. She looked so at home and so alienated at the same time. All he wanted, at that moment, was a time machine. So he could go back in time and stop himself from doing the biggest mistake of his life. Maybe then he would have been engaged to her by now."
Angst, Van x Reader
Part 8 of 10
(Part 7)
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She woke up to a familiar smell. It was so familiar, it brought tears into her eyes. Her eyes were still closed, making the sensation of his smell even more intense. She had read about it. Smell memory. But it was so strong. All surrounding. She opened one eye and instantly knew where she was.
Home. In their bed. Van's and her's. In their bedroom. For a moment she imagined that maybe she had just dreamt everything. That she and Van were, in fact, still together, that nothing had happened. That they were still happy. But the thought didn't last long. She came to her senses too quickly. Remembering everything. Knowing the pain was real and not just a dream.
Van hadn't sold the house yet, then. She turned around. The space next to her was empty. She wasn't in her clothes from yesterday though. She only wore underwear and one of Van's t-shirts. When she looked around she spotted the dress lying on the ground next to her. She frowned and got up. She grabbed a pair of sweatpants from his closet and pulled them on. She had no idea why she was in his house. Nor how she got there. Nor where Van was. She opened the door to the hallway and went to the bathroom. Primary needs first.
Afterwards, she made her way downstairs. Everything lay quiet. She looked at the kitchen clock. It was ten past nine. There were a few dishes in the kitchen but otherwise, the house was clean. It didn't look like someone was permanently living in it. Van wasn't downstairs, so she figured he either went out already or is sleeping in one of the guest bedrooms. She went to the hallway, his coat was still hanging on one of the hooks. His boots stood there too. Together with her heels from last night. She tried to figure out the last thing she remembered. She couldn't even recollect that she had that much to drink. She went upstairs again. Into the bedroom. Even though Van wasn't there when she woke up, his side of the bed was crumpled up too. Granted, it could have been from previous nights or he could have slept in the bed with her for a while. She tried to remember if she fell asleep with Van next to her. But the last thing she remembered was sweatily dancing on the dance floor of that cursed club. Nothing else.
She sat down on the bed and tried to think about what to do next. She had to talk to Van, that much was clear. Even if it was just to apologise. She couldn't just vanish now. The thought of putting that dress on again appalled her, so she stayed in Van's clothes. She grabbed her phone,which was lying on the night stand, and looked at her Recents. Van was listed as the last person she called. At 00:41 AM for three minutes. She rubbed her forehead. She had no memory of calling him. She sighed in annoyance. A headache started to form. She decided, since Van wasn't awake yet anyway, to scoot down and under the covers. Closing her eyes and falling asleep again. Surrounded by his smell. Feeling confused but safe. ...
When she woke up again, it was already past noon. There were noises in the kitchen downstairs. Van, she figured. She slipped out of bed and down the stairs. She didn't know why she was trying so hard to be quiet, but when she stood at the door frame to the kitchen, Van still hadn't heard her yet. He was rummaging around the kitchen. Putting dishes away. Something was sizzling in a pan. When he spotted her, he almost jumped. She had to press her lips together in order not to laugh at his surprised face. "Jesus, Y/N. Didn't hear you coming down. Are you alright?" She nodded, glancing at her bare feet. "D'you want some tea or somethin'?" She looked up at him again and nodded. "Thank you." Her voice was smaller than she wanted it to be. "'Course. No problem, love." He put the kettle on and grabbed a mug. "Camomile? Or Yorkshire?" "Camomile would be great. Thanks." She sat down on one of the stools of the kitchen island and watched him work. He wore a grey t-shirt and some sweatpants. His hair was unwashed to the point it looked a little greasy, but that was nothing new for Van. She even figured with the length he had now, it suited him. She almost smiled. He looked good.
He cursed when he remembered that whatever was sizzling in the pan was still sizzling. When he took it out with a spatula, Y/N could see it was a pancake. Burned black on one side. He threw it in the sink and she had to bite her tongue not to scold him for it.
The water in the kettle was boiling and he jumped to get her tea ready, leaving the pan empty on the flame. A disaster waiting to happen. She stood up and went towards the hob. Taking the pan from the flame and turning the gas off. When Van gave her the cup of tea, he looked a little defeated. "Sorry. I wanted to make us a proper lunch. Pancakes. I thought it would be nice to-..." he didn't finish the sentence. He didn't need to. She knew the implications. Instead of answering she frowned down into her mug.
——— Van
He wanted to make her pancakes. Like she had made them for him. Whenever he had come back from tour and they hadn't seen each other for a while. He thought maybe this was a start. Maybe they could rekindle. But the way Y/N was acting, told him that his little fantasy would stay one. She was all stiff and frowning. Like she wanted to say something but didn't know how. She was the complete opposite to how she had behaved last night.
Last night she had been all happy and giggling and clingy. She had always been a happy drunk, but after Kiera had told him what had happened, and adding Y/N’s over-the-top behaviour, the possibility of this guy roofying her seemed more and more likely. She had been completely out of it.
When he had tried to put her to bed, she wouldn't let go of him, grabbing onto his shirt, whining his name. She had only been satisfied when he promised to sleep with her in their bed. When he had climbed into the bed next to her -with the intention to wait until she fell asleep and then go to one of the guest bedrooms- she had slipped her dress over her head, just like that, scooted onto his side and pressed her half-naked body into his. It had taken all his will power not to give in to her hug. Not to hold her and feel her skin beneath his hands. He had gotten up and made her wear one of his t-shirts. Not without noticing how rejected and hurt she had looked, but he reasoned it was better this way.
Now she was standing in front of him, frowning into her mug of tea. Wearing his t-shirt and one of his sweatpants. She looked so at home and so alienated at the same time. All he wanted, at that moment, was a time machine. So he could go back in time and stop himself from doing the biggest mistake of his life. Maybe then he would have been engaged to her by now.
——— Y/N
"I'm sorry. By the way. For pulling you into my mess." She said after they stood in silence for a couple more moments. "I-... I can't really remember what happened last night." She heard him swallow and looked up. He looked pained but sympathetic. "I- I think you might have been roofied, maybe." He looked worried and she frowned. It would explain why she couldn't remember anything. But who and how?
"Let's sit down, yeah?" He motioned for the stools at the kitchen island and she hopped onto one. Her cup of tea in front of her. Van stayed at the other side of the island, standing opposite her. Leaning his upper body onto his elbows which were rested on the worktop. "D'you remember the woman helping you?" He asked. She shook her head. "D'you remember some guy trying to get you out of the party?" Again, she shook her head. But she halted for a second. She didn't remember a guy trying to get her out of the party but she remembered a guy getting her and a couple of other people some drinks. The frown between her brows grew deeper and the headache stronger.
"There was this guy though... I-... I forgot his name... Tim. Tom. Tyler. I don't know. He was nice. He got us all drinks. We danced. That's it. That's all I remember. Just dancing." She looked up at Van and he was looking at her worriedly. The sinking feeling of realisation of what could have happened overtook her. She rubbed her hands over her face and kept it covered. "Fuck." "Yeah. Fuck." Van echoed. She peaked through her fingers to look at him. His tone was condescending. Like it was her fault she had been roofied. He was still looking at her, some kind of anger or worry settled between his brows now too. "It's not my fault." She mumbled. "No, it's not your fault, you are right." He sighed. "But you could have been more careful... Kiera told me what kinda party you went to. What were you doing with these snobs anyway?" She took her hands away from her face. She never liked being condescended. Irritation settled over her.   "I was invited by the birthday snob herself. She is an old school friend. I just wanted to have some fun. Is that not allowed?... Who are you to tell me off anyway?" She sounded like a little haughty child, she was aware of that. But Van giving her the fault for last night was just beyond insulting. "I am the one who's worried sick! That's who I am! Just the thought of what could have happened if Kiera hadn't stepped in. For fuck's sake Y/N!" He slapped his hands on the counter. His voice rose in volume, surprising both her and him. "Yeah, well... she stepped in, didn't she. Nothing happened..." It was a weak excuse. But she didn't know what else to say after his outbreak. She understood where he was coming from, just didn't agree with his expression of that emotion.
"Is that what you do now?" He sneered suddenly. "You go to parties, get drunk on all the free booze these men are buying you?" Y/N frowned and when she defended herself, her voice rose too. "Where the fuck is that coming from?! You have absolutely no right to care about what I'm up to. Who I'm seeing, what I'm doing. No. Fucking. Right!" "I'm just fucking worried!" He shouted. "You have no right to be!" She shouted back.
He sighed and became quiet again. He looked down on his hands that were balled in fists. "You were the one telling Kiera last night that I'm your home." She swallowed. She had no idea how to respond to that. Couldn't. Instead, she asked, "Who is this Kiera you keep talking about anyway?"
"The woman who stepped in. The woman who saved your fucking ass from being raped." He grumbled. "You don't have to be so crude." She snapped back. "Just telling the truth." He retorted. Then he sighed again. "I've got her number if you want to talk to her."
——— Y/N
It was easier to talk to Kiera about what had happened than with Van. She was way more factual. Comforting. Understanding. She helped Y/N to piece everything together. How she had seen that guy steering her away. How she had seen her struggle against him. How she had stepped in. How she had been the one to call Van. How he had picked them up and brought her home.
The conversation was exactly what she had needed after the argument she had with Van. She was still in his house. Sitting cross-legged in the middle of their bed. His bed. Talking to the lovely woman that had saved her last night. After everything was said, they made plans to meet. Y/N wanted to say a proper thanks, even though Kiera assured her it wasn't necessary.
After she hung up and processed everything, she went back downstairs where Van was sitting in the lounge. She wasn't ready to leave yet. Something was keeping her there.
Maybe it was the familiarity of the situation. They both knew how to handle their fights. They would shout at each other, get some space for a couple of hours to calm down and then talk about their problems like civilised people. It was a routine they knew, it was comforting to know what would happen next. Now that they went through phase one and two, it left the third phase to conquer. At least that’s how she reasoned it in her head. 
She stepped into the room, sat down on the other end of the couch. Facing him, she drew her legs up to her chest and waited until he was ready to speak too. He stopped playing with his phone and set it aside. Scooting his upper body sideways so he could look at her better. "I'm sorry" she mumbled. Her head rested on her knees and she looked him in the eyes to make sure he knew she was sincere. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have given you the fault for what happened." He told her truthfully while keeping the eye contact. "You didn't. I know you were just worried. And angry, at the situation." He nodded. "Thank you for connecting me with Kiera. She seems really nice" she added.  Van smiled and nodded again. "Of course... should have seen her face when I asked for her number. Like I was trying to get onto her or summat" he laughed a little and Y/N smiled while she tried to imagine the situation. "Were you not?" She teased. "Yeah, 'course. I'll flirt with the lady who just rescued my girlfriend." Silence. Van noticed his slip just as soon as she did. They tried not to acknowledge it. But they didn't know what to say and the silence made it difficult to ignore.
"Maybe I should get going." She sighed and glanced at Van who stared into the off and nodded.
(Part 9)
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btswishes · 5 years
I will adopt you.
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Monsta X (Shownu) hybrid au
Part1 / Part2 / Part3 / Part4 / Part5 / Part6 / Part7 / Part8 /…
A/N: I am going strong with this one, hope author block doesn’t hit me like the meteorite hit the dinosaurs......Anyways hope you like it and sorry for any mistakes made. Enjoy :)
Word count:   1940
Warnings: I mean ,just normal 21 century teen cussing.
  The door shut as silently as it opened. The howling snow storm was making the small shadows dance all over the living room. Snuggled in your covers you were resting like a child with no worry in sight. Relaxed and calm, you felt safe, nothing could touch you.
  Cuddled in, with each breath there followed a step. One after the other a new big shadow engulfed the small snowflakes outside the apartment. It was thin and hunched like an old willow tree. It’s long hands grabbed onto the door frame of the bedroom. It’s heavy breath was loud and unnerving. 
“Hey there little thing....” his breath was mixed in with the words, giving them a tint of madness and a disgusting desire of possession “You did me good awhile ago. “ he kept staring and staring ”Fast one aren’t ya.Those legs gotta stop doing that, runni-” agch!”
“Those eyes should stop doing that.” a deep voice followed the sudden hand that grabbed a hold of the man’s eyes. With the fingers of both his hands he tried to pry away from the grip, to see again. The arm holding him in place above the ground, pulled him closer to the owner “You should be careful next time when you turn those disgusting things in her direction, not to mention looking.”
“W-who for fucks sake are you?! She doesn’t have a boyfriend and lives alone.” the man’s legs were swinging from side to side, his elbows flapping around still trying to remove the iron clasp from his head. But the more he tried the tighter it got. One could almost hear his skull giving in to the pressure of both sides of his head.
“Oh so you are a stalker now.How did you get in?” 
“I have no obligation to tell you.”
“We will see about that.” with just a few steps your fluffy and cute Nunu closed the door to your bedroom and opened the closest window. With a swing of his arm the man was floating mid air, his body completely hanging outside the apartment building. 
“I know the law! I know my rights!You aren’t allowed to do this!”
“Oh really.” he moved one of his fingers letting the scumbag take a good look at how far the ground was. His eyes widened, body trembling as his legs swung trying to cling to something for safety “Your law doesn’t involve me, the rules I follow give me full power of your measly life. That woman inside is mine and here you are walking in on my territory.” the wind covered his face but the golden light looked like a jack-o-lantern flashing in the distance of a storm. 
“What are you?!” his throat tearing apart as the words escaped
“How about you tell me how you got in and I will answer your question.”  The big frame and hand, the eye-color and pure strength felt inhuman
“I-I” he was stumbling over his words “I made-e a spare k-key.”
“How many times have you been in here?” 
“Only a few I swear! I haven’t done anything-g to her!!!” the creep was scratching at Nunu’s strong arm, but there was no traces of anything onto his skin 
“If you had, I would have cut that arm of yours and thrown it to the dogs.”
“Who the fuck are you!?”
“Me? Well, it was a fair exchange of information.” the light of his eyes illuminated the disgusting man’s face. As he slowly removed one finger after the other, the height became even more clear to the victim-to-be “I am your end.” there was a moment where everything froze in time. The moon gave one last light, illuminating the big sharp teeth, the golden color now engraved into the almost squished brain of the man. He couldn’t take his eyes off his killer as his body kept going down and down, until *THUD*...it had nowhere else to go.
  Soon after the window was closed again and sounds of the storm once more ruled over the dark night. With a small amount of power the double key to your apartment was crushed to fine specks of nothingness.
  The hours rolled one after the other and the sun soon pushed passed the moon and shined over the land beneath itself. Twelve came and went, so did one pm and then 2, 3 when you finally felt the need to getup. Slowly your body rose from the comfort of the covers and your eyes fluttered open like small butterflies. You stretched a bit and jumped out of bed. 
  With a happy jump in your step ,you made your way towards the kitchen. 
“Breakfast, breakfast.” singing the word over and over again, you flipped a few pancakes and placed them on a huge plate “Now it’s time for Nunu, Nunu.” his name also turned into a morning song, as you cooked up some veggies and meat real quick. 
  Everything was done and plated, when you sat down and stabbed pretty aggressively the delicious looking pancake that you couldn’t just wait and devour.
“Nunu!” you yelled out “Breakfast!” 
“I heard the first time.” a big hand grabbed a hold of your wrist and pulled the fork back behind your ear. The sudden motion scared you and you fell of the chair looking directly at a man, standing tall and pretty naked.
“Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg! It’s a naked man in my house, naked man in my house!” looking to the side, you covered with one hand your face as you kept repeating over and over again the same words.
“Last night you didn’t seem to care much if I had clothes on.” his comment brought you back in seconds to what happened the night before all this.Memories flooded your now rested self and you began slowly to understand....it wasn’t a dream. The creep and also your-
“Nunu!” jumping up you pointed at him, but looked away again noticing once more how naked he actually was “Wait!” grabbing the cover off the couch, you threw it at him “Put that on.”
 After some time you found yourself walking side to side in front of the now covered Nunu and the naked couch his body was resting on.
“So my dog, that I adopted 2 days ago turned into a man, a damn big one. How tall are you?” he shrugged and you continued “Not to mention saved me from that dude that creeps everyone out.....I sat on your lap!!!” a sudden blush rushed onto your face, which you tried to chase away by talking even more and even faster “The vet never told me that during full moons my pet turns human.” there was a small pause “Are you a werewolf?Am I allowed to say that? Is it racist for like ummm... ”
“No, I am a hybrid, but in the past your kind categorized mine as werewolves. I go by both, not that picky.” 
“Wow.” collapsing on the floor you were trying to get a grip on yourself “Nunu...I mean....I can’t call a grown man Nunu that is strange! What is your name?”
“Born Son Hyunwoo, but everyone just called me Shownu. For short i guess.” you kept nodding as he spoke “Look, I can leave if y-” his words were cut off when you suddenly stood up and cupped his cheeks with a slight slapping sound echoing 
“NO!...I mean don’t. I remember very well what I said last night and I meant every word.” pulling back you flashed him the same smile “ You are a part of my family now, my Nunu-ach.” the name got stuck on your throat “I guess I should call you Shownu in this form. More fitting I guess. “ clapping your hands you eyed him up and down “Speaking of fitting we gotta get you some clothes.” 
  Your dad left some of his, last time he visited since your mom filled the luggage up with stuff she bought for her friends as souvenirs. They were somewhat ok on him, but super funny looking so you tried your best to sneak a gigantic man during the most busiest time of the day through the back alleys. You pushed Shownu in the first store that caught your eye and left him in the changing rooms, just in case someone saw how bad he was dressed. Three piles of clothes later, you had some things that he liked and looked amazing on him. 
 The moment you stepped out of the store, you felt like such a release of stress, no more sneaking around for the day. He was quite big and looking up at him was enough for you to realize he wasn’t human. Tall and muscular build and that dreamy face of his. Catching yourself in thirsty thoughts made you slap your cheeks, stunning the man in his step. 
  You were almost home, when a sudden idea popped into your head. “Wait here I will right back.” and you ran off somewhere. Shownu waited and waited, but began getting worried about you, so he followed your scent just to find you talking with a lady.
“Y/N?” he asked and the woman giggled upon seeing him
“Your boyfriend maybe?”
“Ah no.” the woman slapped your shoulder 
“Aw don’t be shy sweetie, I was young once too.Oh wow.” she began squeezing Shownu’s arms “What a strong young man, you got a good one.” with a wink she said her goodbyes and left. The boy looked at you with a lonely puppy look in his eyes. 
“Were you worried?” his face got serious again, but he nodded once making you suddenly feel a warm feeling. Taking your time, both of you started walking towards the building again. “By the way!”  his attention was all on you “That lady is my neighbor from the 2nd floor. Do you know what she told me?”Shownu shook his head “So apparently one of the guards found that creep from last night next to the bins behind the building. He apparently fell off some floor. If it weren’t for the pile of snow under him, he would have been dead. He was apparently talking all kinds of nonsense and they took him to a mental hospital. The police are investigating it all now.”
“Oh really? That is strange.” his tone was the same, no emotion in it.
“Yeah.Wanna buy some food since you now look 5 times the pup I had yesterday?” upon hearing the word food Shownu jumped up and you could see his eyes glowing.You could have sworn there was a tail going left and right behind him. His dog manners were obvious even in this form. He followed you into the store and walked right next to you looking at all the things inside. His eyes glistened each time you put something in the basket. After awhile you started to have trouble carrying it, when Shownu reached out and grabbed it.
“Don’t worry about this and just buy things, I will keep this close for you.” 
  You were walking from one section to the other, looking at prices, ingredients. Shopping never felt so easy. Paying fast Shownu picked up the bags and started walking next to you. You two were having small talk, but you soon noticed that his eyes weren’t moving from the small bag you hand around your wrist. The expression he was making, made you giggle to yourself, it was just so cute. 
“I will show you when we get home.” with a jump in your step you informed the interested boy. 
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