#yes i did this instead of finishing reqs and writing my fics
anogete · 5 months
Hi. Update of random shit in case anyone cares.
The scary test I was stressed over in the fall when I was posting my last fic? It was the CFP (Certified Financial Planner) exam. Yes, I passed it. The designation requires a bachelor's degree, so I had to go back to school to finish my last 10 classes. Then I had to take 7 more classes that are pre-reqs for the exam. Then I spent probably 700 hours attempting to cram everything you could think of related to personal finance (my god, there is a metric shit ton) into my head. The designation also requires 5,000 hours of experience in the planning field (which I thankfully already had). By the time I passed the test, I was no longer proud of the accomplishment, just relieved to have it behind me.
Work was intensely busy in November and December. I got little reading and no writing done.
I have a WIP featuring the Darcy/Rumlow pairing that has been languishing on my computer since 2020. To be honest, I've mosty forgotten what the conflict driving the plot was going to be. I think I was trying to tie it into the events of Wandavision. Took place after the show and had Monica Rambeau and Darcy kinda sorta working together and trying to figure out what, if anything, crossing the barrier that Wanda had thrown up did to them. Of course, Rumlow is alive and scarred and back with the good guys. And also really annoyed that his recent gunshot wound stuck him on desk duty watching the nerds complete their physicals as part of employee onboarding. Darcy doesn't want to have gym class with Rumlow, and Rumlow doesn't want to be there either but he's also kinda into the sassy brunette who tried to sweet talk him into passing her without making her run a mile. In the chapter or two I did write, the banter between Darcy and Rumlow was so fun, so I'd love to go back to it and try to move it along.
I got sucked into reading Draco/Hermione fanfic recently. Blame those damn Snow edits from the latest Hunger Games movie. Guys, I have never read those books or seen the movies, but blonde Tom Blyth is looking like the fanfic Draco of my dreams. How dare. This rabbit hole led to me deciding I needed to write a Dramione piece. It's maybe 6 pages and has gone nowhere even though I have a vague idea of the plot. My muse is struggling.
I found my old folder of all the fic I wrote in the past 20 years. There are still a couple hockey fics I haven't posted to AO3. There are also Anita Blake fics (I was a hardcore Anita/Edward girlie) and Harry Potter fics (don't cancel me but I used to write Snape/Hermione; NO student/teacher stuff though). I think I have an old Doctor Who fic featuring Nine/Rose (yes, I'm a Nine girlie). And a very old Forgotten Realms fic that paired Catti-Brie up with Jarlaxle. Look, I don't know. It was ages ago. With the exception of the hockey fics, I do not think any of these are of the same quality I've posted on AO3, but I've been toying with the idea of trying to clean them up and posting them so more of my work is archived together instead of spread over various fan sites. Does anyone have any interest at all in reading this shit? Like, at all?
I decided 2024 is going to be my book binding era. I bound isthisselfcare's Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love a couple weeks ago. I did all the typesetting with the help of some macros. Printed it, folded the signatures (the booklets that comprise the book), sewed them together with waxed linen thread, glued the text block together with some mull, and used chip board and book cloth to make the case. It feels and looks like a book, y'all! I could do a better job with lining the signatures up when punching the holes for sewing and with the measurements on the case, but overall I am pretty proud of it. If anyone is interested, I can link a nice tutorial series on TT and/or post progress pictures I took during my book binding experiment. I have to say, it's exciting to have the ability to put my fav fanfics on my physical bookshelf.
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mxthtea · 2 years
Hii I absolutely love ur Einstein stories !! I'm not sure if your request are open or close at the moment but if it is, then please let me know !
Can I request a jealous einstein? Maybe reader is being flirted at or being too friendly to tesla or smth
That's all :]]
i actually used capitalization in a fic tell me if u like it over the lowercase plsplspsl
i also want to preface this by, i don't really like writing jealousy fics. so this one might be a little awkward to read
[req are closed.]
lieserl albert einstein x gn!reader warnings: jealousy, lieserl gets a lil protective, grammar + spelling mistakes, lowercase writing, tell me if i forgot any. description:
If you asked the Lieserl Albert Einstein if she was a jealous person, she'd disagree in a heartbeat. Jealous? Over what? There was nothing in her life to be jealous about. Just maybe she'd get a little jealous if say… a stray cat walked over to someone else instead of her if she was offering food to one. But there were barely any chances and it's not like it'd affect her day or anything.
But if you asked her in this moment if this was what jealousy felt like, she'd say yes even faster.
word count: 633
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If you asked the Lieserl Albert Einstein if she was a jealous person, she'd disagree in a heartbeat. Jealous? Over what? There was nothing in her life to be jealous about. Just maybe she'd get a little jealous if say… a stray cat walked over to someone else instead of her if she was offering food to one. But there were barely any chances and it's not like it'd affect her day or anything.
But if you asked her in this moment if this was what jealousy felt like, she'd say yes even faster.
Now of course Einstein was happy you got along with her colleagues. I mean, her colleagues were also your colleagues so you kinda had to get along with them to get through the day.There were many "group projects" that were within Anti-Entropy. No need to be outright friends but at least tolerating each other would be the bare minimum.
Yet there was a bubbling feeling in Einstein's chest that made her feel… strange. If this was the burning feeling of jealousy then why did it have to feel like this?
And why was she feeling it. You were just talking with Tesla! It's like Einstein was bothered by you ever talking to Tesla, or anyone for that matter. Maybe she was on edge, maybe it was a bad day (not really), or maybe she'd never know the reason.
The blue-haired scientist stood up from her seat and walked to where you and Tesla were talking. She stood next to you, not actually listening to the conversation at hand. All she knew is that it's been going on for a long time.
You smiled at her when she took your hand in hers. Einstein wasn't favorable to PDA much and this one, if not the only, time where it was an exception.
"Eh? Mophead you look different today. Angrier? Or did you do something with your hair?" The other scientist put tapped a finger against her chin absentmindedly before her mind came to the conclusion.
"Ah- I see! Well then, since we sorted everything out now, I'll take my leave," Tesla winked before walking to the door, picking up a stack of papers on the table by it.
"Thank the gods… I didn't want to restart on that entire project."
"Which project?"
"Oh just a small one that took too long to finish. Turns out one of my group members lost his part of it," you sighed with a defeated look, "I have better things to do then restart something so minimal but Tesla insisted she help pick up the small bit of slack."
Oh that-
"I see," Einstein nodded.
"Ya know Lieserl… Tesla's right. You are acting a little weird."
Heat crawled up Einstein's neck as she averted her eyes. It was very rare to see Einstein ever look bashful and you thought it was cute.
You giggled and squeezed her hand, "it was just a small conversation, did you get jealous."
"Perhaps I did," Einstein sighed, "I apologize. It feels unbecoming of me to feel such strange emotions over a small interaction."
"It's alright Lieserl. People get jealous sometimes, not like it's somethin' special. Besides, I'll love you forever."
You kissed Einstein's forehead and she swore her face was even more red at this point.
"Ahem- yes. I… love you too," her voice got a little quieter at the last part. Afraid that the people across the entire hall could hear her saying I love you.
"Well, we should get back to work, hm?"
Einstein nodded. You walked to each other's separate desks and sat down to work.
Only to find that Einstein had recieved an email a few seconds ago.
From… you?
From: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇
To: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇
You do look cute when you're jealous though, Lieserl
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4clc · 7 years
day6 as a swim team aka free!au
aka the start of my free!ly collection
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swim team captain of course
3rd year
in charge of grilling the hot dogs
smol man but he finishes 100 fast
always fckin eating bananas
hates protein bars with a burning passion
hangs all his medals on his bedroom wall
next to pictures of this team :’D
<3 loves his team so much <3
googles team bonding exercises
spent 33 hours in total reading wikihow articles and guides
has been pushing a team camping trip ever since he was a 1st year
“but what if someone mistakes you for a bear” - wonpil
The Driver™
car permanently smells like chlorine and old spice
was pulled aside and asked to be in an old spice commercial after a swim meet once
lifeguard in the summer with the bro brian
pulls out his guitar at the end of season bonfire
has a loooooong ass speech prepared
ends it with “i just love you guys ok”
cries but says he didn’t
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swims FREE and buttah fly
2nd year
his credits got messed up when he transferred from the u.s.
looks like a twig but don’t be fooled
this string bean will be outta the water before you even finish
very very good at long distance
the L O N G really helps him
used to do hurdles in track but decided to try smth else
he met brian at a party where he spouted some philosophical bs
and jae thought it was hot
BOOM! swim team
hogs the aux cord
plays strictly nicki minaj and coldplay on meet days
always on snapchat
u see that 600 second story?
dont bother it’s just closeups of wonpil
and sleeping brian
gets yelled at by sungjin bc he even does it in the locker rooms
“accidentally” pushes kids into pools (see: wonpil)
looooooveeess teasing wonpil
but dont even u DARE even THINK anything mean abt wonpil or else jae will fight u
in fact he nearly fought some 3rd years who made fun of wonpil’s speedo
known for his huge ass sunglasses
“DAMN DANIEL” but at dowoon in sandals
a big dowoon fan, especially of the cat pictures he sends
but not the links to horror stories at 2am
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medley king
3rd year
The Hot Swimmer™
a marketing ploy to gain more swim team members (see: jae)
hates backstroke because it feels like he could sleep but he CANT
acts like he knows u
will smile at you before and after he obliterates you
even if someone didnt come in first place young k congratulates them and shakes their hand
everyone has a crush on him
even the swimmers from other schools
likes to sling his arm around sungjin in group pics
sungjin’s lifeguard buddy
LOTS of food dates with dowoon
but they have to be sneaky bc sungjin puts them on a strict diet
dj young k, second in command to the aux cord
the first to go into the pool during morning practices
not bc he wants to
but bc his soul has already left his body
thank you cram school and swim practice
in other words this boy doesnt sleep
always forgets his own soap and shampoo
“hyung can i borrow some-” “get ur own hamster boy”
also forgot his clothes at a meet once
thank god he was saved by wonpil
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pink speedo
1st year
just wants brian to be thankful for his pink sweater
stopped straightening his hair bc it gets ruined at practice anyway
and he always complains but everyone LOVES it
he looks so good ok honey please bless us with ur curls again
distance swimmer
used to be intimidated by sungjin bc he’s v good at breaststroke
but it disappeared when sungjin helped him out of the pool after he got last place at his first meet
cried tears of joy (also sungjin hugged him for the first time)
really looks up to sungjin
was shocked when he beat sungjin 200 fly
but sungjin congratulates him and hypes him up
and wonpil cries again
thinks brian’s butt looks nice
he compliments it a lot
once jae recorded him singing in the shower and it went viral
because his voice is beautiful
but also bc he slipped and fell when he saw the camera
always seems to be falling when jae is around
got pushed into the pool bc he asked jae what he got on the math test
gets the aux cord when theyre going home and everyone’s asleep
sungjin gets annoyed because he’s always changing songs
*turns the radio off*
gives his teammates chocolates on valentine’s day w the help of dowoon
bffs with dowoon
wonpil was scared to try out on his own so dowoon tried out as well
held dowoon’s hand while the coach was talking bc he was so so scared
both ended up making it on the team
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“i only swim free”
1st year
always makes references to anime
and spongebob
bought his swim shorts bc they look like haruka’s
tried grilling mackerel with only an apron + swim shorts
wonpil walked in on him
wrote pick up lines on cards to go with wonpil’s chocolates
“are you tired? bc you’ve been swimming thru my mind all day”
uses earphones to listen to his own music in the car bc jae sucks
“why can’t you appreciate jazz?????” “are u gonna slam nicki??”
always brings the largest bag to meets
bc its filled with manhwas
steals everyone’s parkas to spread out on the grass so he can lie down and read
quiet and shy but always trying his best
jae and young k stole his clothes while he was in the shower once
it was “initiation”
but dowoon started crying for help and mama bear came
and jaehyungparkian fckin BOLTED
his team attacks him with kisses when he gets his first bronze
they carry him to the car when he gets gold
cries when the seniors graduate
cries at the last meet of every season before they go home
and his teammates smush him in a group hug
always the first to fall asleep on the ride home
also ik their ages dont match their years but shhhhhh
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romeo & juliet | m. schumacher
pairing: mick schumacher x vettel!reader word count: 2.4k words request: yes/no, by an anon: "could you do one where you are sebastian vettel’s daughter secretly dating mick schumacher and seb catches them together (with smut if you feel comfortable writing it)" i loved this req so much!!!!!!! prompt: letter u: undying love. from this christmas alphabet prompt list. warnings: there's one teeny tiny smut scene, and two others get pretty suggestive. i will put the smut scene in red. unprotected sex, angst, language. a/n: not me actually finishing this just in time. day twenty-one omg! this req was so fun to write, i love mick and seb with all my heart<3 also, the way i managed to write that "smut" scene with a straight face while at work. i deserve an oscar for that performance.
my masterlist / christmas alphabet masterlist
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(i know seb's age and the years don't make sense but let's just ✨pretend✨ it does for the sake of this fic<3)
mick remembered the first time he fell in love like it was yesterday.
he was on a plane with his family, his father's friend and his own family were flying with them since they were headed to the same destination. at the tender age of 12, mick felt his heart beating faster as he looked at the girl with (y/e/c) eyes.
his father called his name, making him snap out of his daydream. his father placed a hand on his shoulders, mick noticed his hands were sweaty as he stood in front of the girl and her father.
"mick, do you remember sebastian?" his father asked, mick looked from his dad, to the other man in front of him, shyly, mick shook his head.
"i'm a friend from work! we've met in the paddock before, do you remember?" the blonde said, and mick furrowed his eyebrows in concentration as he tried to remember him, he noticed the two red bulls on his polo, and his brain made the connection.
"oh yeah! you won the championship last year!" he nodded as the older german smiled, the girl looked up at her father proudly.
"i did, hopefully, i'll win this year as well," sebastian laughed as his daughter held his hand tighter.
"i wouldn't get too ahead of myself if i were you," mick's father laughed, raising his eyebrow.
"come on, it's my time to shine now!" sebastian joked as the two kids laughed as well. "this is my daughter (y/n)," he said as the girl waved her hand, mick did the same, a small smile on his face.
over the plane speakers, the pilot instructed them to sit and buckle their seatbelts. the girl went to sit with her father, but he pointed to the young boy instead.
"go sit with mick, he's a nice kid, i'm sure you'll get along well," he smiled at his daughter, moving a strand of hair away from her face.
"but- i don't know what to talk to him about," she was starting to pout, when the daily alarm told her it was time to play her favorite game at the moment.
"mick! come here, sit with us," sebastian called, and mick looked at his father for permission. michael smiled, nodding, and watched his son sit in front of seb, next to the girl.
sebastian pulled out his ipad, which he let his daughter borrow for a couple hours a day, and they all began taking turns as they played, tossing angry birds over intricately designed structures. soon enough, their laughter filled the plane, and as the kids were too enthralled by the game, they didn't notice sebastian leaving them alone.
"did you kids have fun?" michael snickered as sebastian sat in front of him. the current world champion rolled his eyes as he laughed, looking at the kids over his shoulder.
"do you think they'll get along?" sebastian asked with a small smile on his face, looking at his kid with bright eyes.
"you used the secret weapon, angry birds. of course they'll get along! i'll be surprised if they don't, to be honest. in the future, we might get tired of seeing them together all the time." michael, letting his mind wander as he thought about the two kids growing up together, as friends.
"that'd be nice," sebastian said as michael nodded in agreement. "let's just hope they don't fall in love,"
"harder, please," the girl moaned, grabbing fistfuls of mick's hair and tugging harshly as his hips rutted against her relentlessly.
"fuck, mein liebe. you feel fantastic," mick leaned his head back against the pillow, watching the way her breasts jumped up and down with each movement.
"please, i'm-" she choked on her breath as his fingers toyed with her clit. "fuck, mick," she grunted, feeling his hips halting as he came inside of her, thick white ropes coated her inner walls, triggering her own orgasm. he thrust in a couple more times, hard, pushing his warm release deeper as she fell on top of his chest.
"that was-" mick's chest heaved as he caught his breath.
"incredible." she rolled off of him and threw a leg over his, mick's hand held her knee, soft touches lighting her skin up. "i wish we could stay like this forever," she whispered, as she looked up at him.
"me too." he said as he wrapped an arm around her, kissing the top of her head. "i'm going to miss you over the holidays," she leaned her chin on his chest.
"i know, but my dad insisted we all get together for christmas this year," she sighed, feeling mick's fingers on her leg, her back, her arm.
"do you think maybe it's time to tell him?" he asked, she looked up at him.
"are you sure you want to?" she raised an eyebrow.
"well, i mean... we've been together for what feels like forever, and... i don't know, he is a really great friend of my family... and he's my friend, i don't... it's been so hard, you know? hiding my true feelings for you. i don't like lying to him,"
she held his jaw, directing his face toward her.
"i love you, you know that, and there's nothing that would make me happier than to tell him and not have to hide anymore. but you two work together, you see each other almost on the daily. off the track, you're really great friends, but once the lights go out, you're racing against each other. and i know that there's a mutual respect between you, but i'm afraid of things changing between you," she explained, watching his eyes saddening as he nodded in understanding.
"i've thought about that, too. i just... I feel bad for lying to him. your family means so much to me, i don't know what would happen if one day you're not in my life anymore," he held her tighter against his chest.
"that won't happen. i promise you, no matter what happens, it's us against the world," she grabbed his hand and joined their fingers.
he leaned in, pressing his lips against hers. she held his face with her free hand, the other one still holding his. a few minutes passed as they enjoyed each other's company in silence, too lost in the feeling of soft lips and the faint taste of mint chapstick that they didn't hear the incessant knocking on the front door of her apartment until it was too late.
"(y/n)?" they both froze as they heard sebastian calling her name. they jumped out of the bed, grabbing all of the evidence that there was someone other than her and throwing mick in her closet like she'd done many times as a teenager.
"dad?!" she said as she pulled on the first top she saw, throwing both legs in her pajama bottoms. "hold on, i was in the shower!" she panicked as she pushed mick into her closet.
"this brings back memories," mick whispered, chuckling at the thought. she pecked his lips before shutting the door in his face.
she rushed out of her bedroom, running her hands through her messy hair, she saw her father standing at her entrance.
"dad? what are you doing here?" she asked, embracing her father quickly, eyeing the door to her bedroom.
"i thought you were in the shower, your hair's still dry," seb said, she felt her heartbeat speed up.
"yeah, i was about to get in the shower, until i heard you. what brings you here?" she asked.
"well, i just wanted to know how you were, i tried calling you all day but you wouldn't pick up. what's got you so busy that you can't even look at your phone all day?" he said, raising his eyebrows as if saying 'i know you're hiding something'. her eyes widened as she thought about what who she had been going all day.
"umm, nothing i- i just started a new book!" she said the first thing that came to mind, "and i couldn't put it down. i'm sorry for not picking up, though," she apologized.
"oh yeah? what's it called? i've been trying to find something to read lately," the girl screamed internally, looking frantically around her.
"romeo and juliet," she blurted.
"huh," seb looked at her. "okay. i've already read it so," he shrugged a shoulder. "spoiler: they both die at the end," he laughed.
"dad!" she nudged his arm playfully.
"it's the truth, that's what happens to idiotic kids who don't talk to their parents about the people they love," he shook his head. "anyway, i should go now, i just wanted to check up on you. you're still coming home for christmas, right?"
she wanted to scream, sirens going on in her head as she thought about what to say. she couldn't trust her own voice, so she just nodded.
"good. i'll see you then, take care. love you," he leaned in and hugged her. she wrapped her arms around her dad, holding on tight. "what's that for?" he asked, "is everything alright?"
"yes, yeah, it's just... i was thinking about romeo and juliet," she muttered.
"it's a great play, i'm sure you'll like it."
"if i ever... fall in love with someone you don't approve of, what would happen?" she couldn't help but ask.
"his fate will be just like romeo's," he responded. "i have to go now, i'll see you in a few days. bye, tochter," seb walked away, closing the door behind him, leaving her stunned in her place.
she watched the door, eyes wide as her brain thought if seb had been serious about his threat. as silence fell on her apartment, she heard the door to her closet creak, heavy footsteps on the hardwood floors as mick peeked his head from her bedroom.
"is he gone?" he mouthed, she barely nodded her head. "what's wrong?"
"you're gonna die,"
the night of the 25th, (y/n) had returned to her apartment from her parents' home, she and mick were sitting on her couch, talking about their days through yawns and sleepy tears.
they shared their feelings, talking about how grateful they were for the other, it was like falling in love all over again, with mick's rosy cheeks and her shy smiles, a special shine in their eyes.
she kissed him delicately, like it was the first time. she leaned her head to the side, keeping his face in place with one of her hands, the other on his chest. his fingers met the skin of her waist, pulling her up on his lap. her hips moved back and forth, in circles, slowly. mick leaned his head back, she kissed all over his jawline and his neck, she smiled when he moaned as she found his sweet spot right behind his ear.
her top found a new home on top of a lamp, his sweater fell to the ground, their breathy moans and grunts filled the apartment, the lust clouding their senses.
"verdammt nochmal!" they both jumped at the sudden loud noise. their eyes widened as they saw sebastian standing there, a frown on his face. "what the hell? mick?" he looked between the two, only to slap a hand over his eyes. "get dressed, please." he turned around, straining his ears to hear what they were whispering.
"what is he doing here?" mick
"i don't know! pass me my top!" (y/n)
"i'm gonna die!" mick
"dad... what are you doing here?" she asked in a normal tone, seb peeked through his fingers, throwing her coat their way as he put his hand down.
"you forgot this at home, and your mother told me you were going out with your friends in the morning, so," he shrugged, eyes darting between the young couple. "are we going to ignore what i just witnessed?"
"dad, i swear it's not-"
"i'm in love with your daughter." mick interrupted her, "i think i've loved her since the first time we met on that plane all those years ago. we've been together since we learned what the meaning of love was. i'm sorry for keeping this a secret from you, sebastian, you are my friend, my father's friend, and i appreciate your friendship a lot. but (y/n) and i... it's always been her. she's been with me through thick and thin. we have so many plans for our future, please don't let it end prematurely by not letting us be together."
he said the first words that came to mind, maybe it made little sense, and he certainly forgot a lot of points he wanted to make, but all he could do now was look at sebastian with a determined look o his face.
"you think i didn't know?" sebastian's face broke into a grin.
"what?" she asked, looking at her smiling father.
"how long have you two been together?" he ignored her question.
"since we were fifteen," mick answered, grabbing her hand for support.
"do you remember that day on the plane? your father and i made a bet, to see how long it would take before either one of you caught feelings," sebastian explained, and the young couple felt relieved and interested at the same time. "i guess i won, your father said twenty, i was closer."
"wh-what age did you say?" she asked, intrigued.
"sixteen," he smiled. "is this why you asked me about that romeo and juliet thing?" he asked, his daughter nodded. "yeah, i guess you got the dramatics from me," he sighed. "you need to work on that 'undying love' speech, romeo, it was lacking passion." he pointed to mick, whose mouth opened in a perfect 'o'. "and you," he pointed at his daughter, "were you just going to let him take all the blame?" he shook his head. "i thought i'd raised you better than this, child."
"i am so confused right now," mick said, rubbing two fingers on his temple.
"no one's dying tonight, you can breathe in peace. i'm leaving now. and use protection kids! i'm too young to be a grandfather," he said. as he turned his back to them and began walking to the door.
"no he's not," she said, furrowing his eyebrows.
"that's one strike, child, you do not want to get to three," he yelled as he left her apartment.
the young couple stared dumbfounded at the door, trying to wrap their heads around what had just happened.
"huh," mick breathed. "well, that was that."
"i don't know what to think," she muttered.
"me neither."
the two of them looked at each other, their faces reflecting how they felt on the inside, confused and amused.
"want to pick up where we left off?" he asked.
"fuck yes," she said as she grabbed his face and pressed their lips together. they stumbled all the way to her bedroom, he was sliding her jeans down her legs when her phone started buzzing from her back pocket. grunting, she grabbed it, reading the text before tossing it to the side, pulling him up again.
"what's wrong?"
"dad just texted me," she placed a pillow on her face and screamed into it.
'i know what you're doing. that's strike two,'
"this romeo wants to die," mick groaned.
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rendevousz · 3 years
mother figure!nat x fem!teen!reader
avengers x reader
req by @teenwonder ; i absolutely love the entire teams adoration for reader skfksngnsf its so cute! could i please request one a little more nat based? maybe r treats and loves nat like a mom but nat hadn’t noticed that before, and the whole team is like listing examples of how and why 🥺🥺🥺
summary: the four times you needed nat and the one time she admits that she needed you too.
warnings: blood, a random attack out of nowhere because i'm not creative, inaccurate writing of medical situations because i have no idea how those things work, also let's just pretend bruce was around during iron man 2 when tony still had palladium in his arc reactor, also inaccurate descriptions of palladium effects bcs i just...don't know much about palladium pls forgive me thanks, and idk any hospitals in new york/manhattan or even the states LMAO so uh bear with this, and last but not least, my inability to write good endings
word count: 5426
notes: that's a long ass warning nevertheless pls do enjoy this fic <3
"i'm going now, bye!" you bid the team who were having breakfast together, walking out of the common area.
"bye, cupcake! don't get into trouble, don't do what i'd do and definitely don't do what i wouldn't do." tony advised and you rolled your eyes because tony says that to you every morning before you leave for school.
"wait, don't forget your lunch!" nat stands up from her seat and grabs your lunch that she had packed, from the kitchen island, bringing it over to you. "thanks, nat!" you grabbed it, giving her a quick peck on the cheek before leaving.
nat smiles at the action, turning around to walk back to her spot on the table, only to find the team staring back at her with knowing looks.
"you know, you only need to sign a couple papers and the kid's all yours." tony states matter-of-factly. nat snaps her head towards the man, an incredulous look on her face. "what are you talking about?"
"we all see the longing looks on both your faces. she's dying for you to call her your daughter and you, her mother." clint explains and the others nodded in agreement.
"that's nonsense. she has wanda too," nat reasons, sitting back down. "i'm pretty sure she sees wanda as a sister considering how much she drags wanda with her whenever she's causing trouble around the tower." steve raises his brows at the redhead who was in denial.
"she sees you as her mother, nat. just accept it," wanda tells her, taking a sip from her glass. "really? name me one time she showed it." nat challenges them, not knowing that they've been watching your interactions with her for the longest time.
"you have no idea what you just got yourself into, romanoff," clint chuckles, cracking his neck and knuckles as if preparing for a fight.
"remember new mexico?" he smirks and nat only frowns, trying to remember.
"no!" you screamed, dropping down to the ground. you didn't care that you scraped your knees doing that, the only thing that mattered was the overwhelming feeling of grief engulfing your whole being. tears streamed down your face as you looked at the debris on the ground, the remainder of what used to be standing in front of you; a building. blown up, now in ruins.
clint, bucky and steve watched you break down in front of them, their hearts breaking at the sight in front of them as well as the fact that their teammate had been caught up in the middle of the explosion.
"y/n/n? come on, tony's team called for back up. we gotta go," steve tried to get you to stand up, failing when you kept your ground. you screamed when he tried again and their hearts clenched at the heartbreaking sound.
"we can't just leave her! please, we have to find her," you cried, clinging onto steve's body as he ran his hand up and down your suit-cladded back to soothe you. "y/n/n, we can't. the whole place is in ruins now," he didn't want to say it but he had to. he had to in order to get you to leave. "she's gone."
"she can't be gone! she can't just leave us! we need her! i need her, stevie.." you cried into his chest and he had to control himself so he didn't cry right then and there too.
he looked up to see bucky looking at the two of you guiltily, tapping his wrist to indicate that they were running out of time. steve had no choice but to carry you in his arms, getting you to leave the site against your will. but you were too weak to fight back now. "what am i gonna do without her now, stevie?" you asked quietly.
"we're gonna be okay, y/n/n," he tells you, sitting you down on a chair and settling down next to you as clint flew the jet to your next location. the atmosphere was tense and you could tell everyone, too, was sad about this.
"what if we're not? what if we're not gonna be okay, stevie? i know i won't be." you wiped the tears streaming down your face despite the fact that your face still wasn't drying up any time soon.
"because nat wouldn't want to see us like this. she'll be angry if she sees that we're risking people's lives just because of her." he says truthfully.
"we're landing, guys." clint announces and the team prepared for another round of fighting. steve turns to you, wiping the tears on your face as he made you look up at him. "now let's save some people and make nat proud, yeah?"
you nod at him sadly, preparing your weapons. all of you got out the jet and the second battle of the day begun. boy, were these people unlucky because they were on the receiving end of your fury.
you were busy taking down a group of guards alone when you heard a familiar voice. "y/n, behind you!" and you turned just in time to take down a guard who was aiming at you.
you didn't even have time to register your shock of seeing the redhead because more guards came at you two. you guys fought alongside each other until all the men were taken down.
"nat?" you breathed out. "yes, bub?" she answers as you both carefully walked over the knocked out men. she was taken aback when you slammed into her, hugging her the tightest you ever did since you met her.
"please don't ever do that again." you mumbled into her chest. she was about to ask you what you meant when she heard you sniffling. figuring out it wasn't the appropriate moment to ask, she continued to just hug and comfort you in silence.
"wait, that was why she cried that day? because she thought i was in that building when it blew up?" nat asks after steve finished the story. "i never found out why because she never told me."
"yeah, you should've seen her when the building exploded. completely shattered my heart, dude." clint states, remembering the broken down state you were in that day.
"wait, did you guys not grief over my supposed death then?" nat glares at clint, bucky and steve. "in our defense, they were about to blow up about a hundred people, we didn't have much time to process the whole situation." clint tries to convince his best friend, only to receive a glare again from her.
"alright but just because she cried when she thought i was dead, doesn't mean she sees me as her mum. i'd cry too if any one of you guys died," she states, still in denial.
she did love you like how a mother would love her child. but she didn't want you to feel that she was forcing the title onto you. after all, you had so many other adults around you, who's to say that you saw someone else as a parent figure instead of her? she didn't want to make you uncomfortable.
"woman, are you serious?" sam exclaims, throwing his hands up in the air dramatically. "need i remind you that the girl sacrificed her life for you?"
"nat, watch out!" you stood right behind her where the man was about to attack her. you gave him a harsh kick to the head and that was all it took for the man to go unconscious.
the redhead turned around, not having enough time to comprehend what had happened before you dropped into her arms. you two were lucky the last of the men had already been taken out.
"bub? what's wrong?"
at this point, you were fully leaning against her. she was holding up your whole weight, hands wrapped around your middle to support you. that was when she felt it. the familiar thick substance on her fingers, leaking from the back of your suit.
her eyes widened, pulling one hand away from you to look at it. red. her breathing picked up as one of her hands felt around your back, finally feeling the handle of a knife sticking out from your back.
your eyes were already drooping by now and she lightly shook you awake, careful to not hurt you. she lowered you down and you were both sat on the floor now.
she presses a finger to her ear and you could hear her voice echo in your ear from your own comms. "can someone come please," she paused, exhaling shakily. "y/n's down."
if it had been any other person, she probably would be bringing them to the jet by now but it was you. she didn't know what came over her but when she saw that you were injured, it was like her whole body shut down. her knees felt weak and she couldn't bring herself to move.
"hey, hey, keep your eyes open. can you do that?" she asked gently and you nodded weakly. "bub, why did you do that?" she cried softly, moving your hair away from your face as you leaned sideways against her. the action caused your face to be smudged by your own blood from her hands but she didn't care as she caressed your cheek.
"he–he was gonna hurt you. i–i couldn't..." you paused a while, the pain getting too much for you to bear. "y/n, don't strain yourself. you need to stay awake," she tells you as tears streamed down her face.
"rather me than you," you whispered. nat's eyes widened at this. "don't say that, bub." she scolds gently.
you smiled weakly at her. "i've grown too dependent on you, nat. it's to the point that i," you coughed and nat worried that you were straining yourself but you continued. "that i'd rather die than live without you. you probably can go on with life without me but i can't without you. i need you, nat." your eyes closed and nat panics, shaking your body.
"y/n?! bub?! stay awake, please, they're coming!" nat cries out loud, holding onto your limp body.
"did we not agree to not mention that to me anymore?" nat glares at sam for bringing that up.
the night of that incident had been one of the worst nights for nat. she sat by your bed all night after you had been treated. she had been the first one you saw after you woke up. she had been the one you broke down in front of after you admitted the full reasoning behind your actions. she had been the one who opened her arms for you to make yourself at home in.
"i'm sorry but you must be blind if you can't see how really she sees you for the past years," bucky states. nat turns to him with a glare. "you don't know what you're talking about."
"oh really? who does she call whenever she has a really bad nightmare?" bucky questions rhetorically with his eyebrows raised.
"no, please, don't!" you begged, asleep and thrashing around in your bed. quiet whimpers turned into heavy breathing as you plead for your life in your nightmare. "please," you whispered, inhaling and exhaling harshly.
FRIDAY, noticing the amount of distress you were in, alerted the closest person to your room, that being bucky who was returning from a late night trip to the kitchen for some water.
he quickly went into your room, only to see you shivering and thrashing around in your bed. "doll?" he approaches slowly, finding you still asleep, though sweating a lot. nightmare, he realised.
"doll? wake up," he gently shakes you and you immediately jolt awake, breathing heavily as you register what was going on. "it's okay, it was just a nightmare," he soothes you, holding you close as one hand rubbed up and down your back while the other held your head to his chest.
none of that helped as you were still in the same state as you were when you woke up. "are you okay?" he asks, worried. "nat... i need nat.. please i need her," you whimpered, shaking in his hold. you were having trouble breathing.
"FRIDAY, get romanoff."
within minutes, nat arrived, looking panicked and disheveled like she had just woken up, which she just did. "what's wrong?" she asks bucky, approaching you two.
"she was having a nightmare and woke up and i think she's having a panic attack. she asked for you," he informs her and immediately moves away when she approaches, so that she could take his place.
"bub? it's me," you look up to meet natasha's pretty green eyes. "you're okay, bub. can you tell me five thing you can see?"
you looked away from her eyes, looking around your room. "i–i see my book on my nightstand, my lamp, my jacket on the chair, my laptop and the painting on the wall." you told her after some difficulties.
"good, that's good. four things you can feel?"
"i feel the socks on my feet, my fluffy blanket, the pillow i'm leaning on and your hands around me."
she smiles softly at you. "three things you can hear?"
"i hear your voice. a–and the faint noise from the ac and i can also hear bucky's breathing." you look up at the man and he smiles sheepishly at you, standing around awkwardly. you gave him a small smile back.
"two things you can smell?"
"i can smell my own shampoo..and my room's air freshener." you told her more calmly now, feeling the panic attack already going away.
"one thing you want to taste?"
"i wanna taste wanda's blueberry pancakes." you pout and the two adults couldn't help but chuckle. "you can have them in the morning. right now you need to sleep so you can have the energy to devour them tomorrow, okay?" you nod at the woman as she tucks you in.
not long after, you fell asleep. she then presses a kiss to your forehead before leaving with a less worried bucky now. and sure enough, the next morning, wanda made you blueberry pancakes.
"okay, so what? we all need someone to help us through panic attacks?" nat rolls her eyes. "did you miss the part where i came in and tried to help but she specifically asked for you? she needed you, nat."
"guys, i... i love her with my whole heart but she has all of us. i don't wanna make her feel like she's restricted to only one of us. you all love her too," nat reasons.
"yes but she doesn't have anyone to call her mum and frankly, i think you'd be perfect for it." wanda encourages the older woman.
"i—" before she could continue, her phone rang loudly and she thanked whoever it was that called her because now she didn't have to make up excuses about her doubt of becoming your official mother.
she looks down at the caller id, sighing when it was you, meaning the team had more against her now. of course she didn't mind you calling her, you could call her when she'd be asleep after a mission and she'd still pick up with a smile on her face. but it was the fact that the whole team could see how she softened when she realised it was you who called that bothered her. she really didn't want them to let her have hopes that you'd accept her as your mother.
"bub?" she said into the phone and half the team smirked at her while the other half gave her knowing smiles. "aren't you supposed to be on your way to school?"
"yeah but uh are you busy right now? i um, i need you."
nat immediately stands up, worry etched onto her face and the team frowned at this. "what happened? are you okay?"
"you know how i told happy i wanted to walk to school today? yeah, i just remembered why i don't walk to school anymore."
"what do you mean? what happened? are you hurt? did someone hurt you?" she bombards you with questions out of worry. at this point, the team had also stopped their chatter and teasing looks, equally worried for your well-being.
"yeah, i am. wait, maybe not. i mean, i was just being dramatic but uh, i tripped on who-knows-what and now i have a sprained ankle. i can't walk now so i'm standing in an alley right now so i'm not in the way of people. can you come get me?"
nat sighs in relief, thankful that it wasn't anything that she was thinking of. "you are unbelievable, y/n." she chuckles in disbelief at your clumsiness. "can you tell me where you are? i'll come get you now. i'll have the school know you're not coming today." you told her your location and she immediately leaves after telling the team what happened to you.
you were expecting nat to call again, to tell you she was around the corner but instead you heard a whoosh of air beside your head, followed by a crack sound. your head followed the sound, eyes widening when you saw that a dart had struck the wall beside your head. you looked ahead, trying to see where that came from.
if it hadn't been for your fast reflexes being an avenger for the past few years, you probably wouldn't have ducked in time when another dart came flying right for your head. "what the hell?" you grunted, staying low but still looking around for the source. you squinted when you looked up, the sun blazing but you managed to catch a glimpse of a man on a rooftop nearby. he had blonde hair and was dressed in all black, donning a same coloured mask that covered the bottom half of his face.
"you had one job! how could you miss her twice?!" the blonde hears his colleague hiss in his ear through the earpiece. "i'm sorry! i'm no hawkeye, how was i supposed to get her in one try?!" he scolds back.
"you didn't even get her in two!"
"shut up and just let me work! you're distracting me!"
"hurry because i see the redheaded one nearing the alley. boss'll kill us if he finds out we didn't get her in her vulnerable state."
"i'm trying, i'm trying!" the blonde closes one eye, his sight now locked on your crouched state. he saw you move once you saw him and he cursed under his breath, his weapon following your movements. "she's moving!"
"just take the shot and be done with it! you have to go now!"
and shoot he did. after he shot the dart gun, he immediately fled but it wasn't like you were going to be able to chase him down or anything. a scream left your lips as a dart pierced through your skin, right under your shoulder.
you dropped down to the ground, right in the middle of the alleyway. you cried when you felt the burn in your flesh. you had been stabbed multiple times before with much bigger objects so why did this feel different?
"y/n?! is that you?!" you heard nat's voice yell from a small distance away. "i'm here," you croaked out, feeling your body grow weaker at an alarming rate.
"oh my god, bub, why are you on the ground? it's dirty, c'mon let's get you up. which foot did you sprain?" she places both her hands under your arms, pulling you up on your feet before accidentally dropping you back when you let out a shriek, crying out in pain.
"oh my god, did i hit your ankle? are you okay?" nat assumed that your tear-stained face was because of your sprained ankle but then you wheezed, your eyes drooping the longer she stood there.
your right hand slowly reached across your left shoulder, the butt of the dart sticking out of your skin now in between your shaking fingers. nat's eyes followed your hand movement's, a gasp leaving her lips.
"y/n, what happened?!" she panicked but before she could even get an answer from you, you had already blacked out. her eyes widened, knowing it was the dart because why else would you pass out that quick from a simple penetration in the shoulder. you had dealt with much worse than that and she knew your tolerance level.
she took off your bag, careful to not move the dart. she then placed her hands under your knees and behind your back, easily picking your unconscious body up and rushing back to the tower.
when she arrived, she was met with many confused yet concerned looks from the tower staff, seeing the black widow, rushing in with the youngest avenger unconscious in her arms. they had seen you leave the tower for school about half an hour ago so they knew something must've happened on the way.
"get bruce in the hospital wing. tell him it's urgent." she tells the woman working the front desk, hurrying into the elevator and telling FRIDAY to get her to the floor she so desperately wanted to arrive at quicker. black lines appeared on the left side of your neck, slowly spreading to the right side and she assumed it was from that damned dart in your left shoulder.
"natasha! what's wrong? they said it was an emergency," the doctor spoke in a panicked voice when nat entered, immediately going quiet when he saw you in her arms, neck lined with seemingly black veins.
nat laid you down on the surgery table, frown growing when black lines steadily spread to your arms now. though she was too worried to think, she managed to at least tell bruce what was outwardly wrong with you.
"dart. left shoulder." she blurted, incapable of forming proper sentences now that she had seen more of you. the black lining your skin got her speechless and anxious. bruce got ready with medical gloves, removing the dart from your flesh before analysing the pattern of your skin. it looked familiar.
"FRIDAY, get tony down here. it's urgent."
"bruce, please, what's wrong with her?" she cried, tears now freely streaming down her face. she didn't cry much in front of anyone but when it came to you, you always managed to get her to do just that.
"hey, what's going on? FRIDAY said there was an emergency here, who's hurt?" nat heard tony's panicked voice but she didn't make an effort to reply. her gaze was fixed on only you.
tony's jaw dropped, frowning when he saw you on the bed, upper body covered in black lines. "what the hell happened?!"
tony stepped beside bruce, taking a closer look at your skin. his frown deepened. "wait, it looks like.."
"yeah, looks exactly like when you had palladium instead of vibranium in your arc reactor."
"does that mean—"
"palladium's been running through her veins for about twenty minutes now. FRIDAY, how high is her blood toxicity level?" bruce asks, sampling a drop of your blood from when he took out the dart.
"53% and it is still steadily increasing."
"tony, at the rate it's going, if she's not treated in the next fifteen minutes or so, she'll.." bruce pauses, not wanting to say it out loud.
"no, she just needs lithium dioxide. that's how fury and i cured your palladium poisoning, tony." nat finally speaks.
"SHIELD probably has them but they're all the way in dc. they're not gonna reach here in time," tony states solemnly, reaching over to move your hair out of your face, looking down at you sadly.
but he was immediately pulled aside, nat grabbing his collar and looking him straight in the eyes. "you have your stupid iron suits that can probably travel faster than the speed of sound if you try. you can go down there yourself and get the damn thing. i swear to god, tony, i'm literally going to destroy those stupid suits myself if you don't put them to good use." nat threatens, glaring at the billionaire.
tony's eyes widened, the genius having not thought about nat's idea yet. "yeah, yeah, you're right, i'll go now."
he left immediately and nat approached your bed hesitantly, not wanting to see the black lines making home on the skin on your upper body. "do you think tony'll make it back in time?" she sniffles and bruce's worried frown on his face softened. "of course he will. he won't let anything happen to y/n. we won't let anything happen to y/n." he assured her.
there was nothing they could do now but wait for tony to come back with the lithium dioxide. nat sat beside your bed, hands gingerly grasping one of your own. despite the black staining it, nat held it to her face and her tears rolled past the back of your hand.
bruce decided to give her some privacy, opting to inform the whole team of the situation instead of standing around idly.
nat pulled your hand away from her face, rubbing her thumb over the back of it, crying even more at the sight in front of her. "y/n, please. i've never told you this but i need you." she pauses, breathing in shakily. "i've always needed you and i'll always need you. you can't leave me, please. you said i could go on with life without you but you're so wrong, y/n. you're the reason i'm still here and you're the reason i still want to be here. if you're not here then it's as if i have no reason, no purpose. i need you, y/n. so much more than i'd like to admit. heck, probably much more than you need me. so please, don't leave me. i can't do this without you." nat sobs out, watching the patterns on your skin spreading and growing bolder.
at this point, the whole team had now gathered outside of the room, watching nat cry over you. they wanted so bad to get a closer look at their beloved baby avenger but they respected nat and instead, waited for her to finish talking to you. once she stood up and looked around, bruce knew she was done so he entered, followed by the team.
"status, FRIDAY?" bruce asks, sampling a bit of your blood again. "blood toxicity at 96% now."
the team looked your unconscious body in apprehension, some crying and some worried out of their minds.
"goddamnit! where the hell is stark?!" nat growled. her eyes were now puffy after having spent the last half an hour crying. the team had never seen her lose her cool like this but they figured why.
as if on cue, tony's iron man suit crashed through the windows of the room but he couldn't care less. his main priority was to get to you quickly. in his hand was a silver briefcase that he passed to bruce.
bruce opened the case before wasting no time in plunging the syringe containing lithium dioxide, your supposed cure, into you. immediately, the black patterns on your skin started disappearing. it was slow but noticeable. it started from the tips of your fingers, going up towards your neck.
everyone sighed in relief, and to tony's surprise, nat hugged him tightly. "thank you. you have no idea how much this means to me." she whispers. tony pats her back gently. "hey, i care about her too, okay? of course i'd do this for her. any one of us would."
nat smiles at him when she let him go, turning back to you and almost crying out in joy when your skin had finally turned back to normal. she let the medical assistants set your bed up and handle your sprained ankle before going back to sit by you. the team left her alone with you once again.
it was only about an hour later did you wake up, squinting when bright lights shone down on you. you moved around but you felt hands around your left and you heard a familiar voice.
"and remember when you dragged wanda to pull that prank on me with you and after you did, i grounded you like i was your mum or something?" you hear her chuckle, still not noticing that you've woken up.
"i didn't mind, though. frankly, i don't think i would ever mind if you continued acting like my mother or something," you spoke and she immediately tore her gaze from your hands, looking at you, now wide awake.
"bub!" she hugs you so tightly you didn't think you could breathe. you still returned the hug though, laughing. "i was worried you might still have some palladium in your bloodstream."
"wait, palladium?" you asked her in shock. "yeah, the dart that got you in that alley, it contained palladium. it's highly toxic so we used lithium dioxide to counter it. speaking of the dart, i'm going to find out who did this to you and they're never going to see the light of day for putting us through all of this." nat says, disturbingly calm.
"yeah...you do that," you tell her, slightly scared. "but palladium? in my blood? how cool is that? i had literal metal in my blood! i could've become like tony but like...palladium woman or something." you said excitedly.
"you do know we already have metal in our blood, right bub?" nat questions in amusement. "oh." you say dumbly. "and palladium don't belong in our body and you literally almost died because of it." your mouth opened but no words came out.
"speaking of, can you please not do that again? i really thought i was gonna lose you." she whispers, stroking your hair. "oh yeah, of course. i'll just announce to the whole world to not target the youngest avenger," you joke, smile dropping when nat gave you a stern look.
"nat, being part of the avengers at my age undoubtedly means i'll be a target for the bad people out there, but i don't care because while i get to kick ass, i know all of you have my back when it's my ass that's kicked. and i think that's the best part of being an avenger; the sense of security i get having you amazing people as my teammates." you tell her honestly and she smiles softly.
"oh come here you," she pulls you in for another hug but this time it's better because you could still breathe. you make yourself comfortable, snuggling into her.
"did you mean it?" she asked and you look up at her in confusion. "mean what?"
"when you said you wouldn't mind me acting like your mother."
"of course i do, you're like the mother i never had. i wouldn't even mind you being my actual mother." you say without a second thought, eyes widening when you realised what you had said. you swore under your breath, knowing you've just made it awkward between you two.
"i– really?" despite the teams efforts to make her see the truth, it was much more meaningful when she heard you say it yourself. "y–yeah.." you admit sheepishly.
"then you wouldn't mind if i actually adopted you?" she asks carefully, gauging your reaction. your jaw dropped, eyes going wide once again. "are you serious?!"
"yeah." she smiles at you fondly. "no! of course i won't mind!" you hug her tightly, tears forming in your eyes. you had gone all your life without parents so this was a huge thing for you. not only were you going to finally have a mother, but the most amazing woman you knew was going to be your mother.
"mum?" you tested the title, smiling when she acknowledged it. you were now crying in joy.
"hey, don't cry." she soothes you, running a hand up and down your back. "no, no, i'm just so happy. this is the best day of my life." you tell her. "me too, bub."
you stayed in her arms until you fell back asleep, nat tucking you in before going back to sit down on the chair. she looked down at you fondly.
sure, she was scared of the big step she was about to take with you but she had you with her and she knew that was enough. "i love you, y/n." she whispers, planting a kiss on the side of your head.
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kuroos-babie · 4 years
Falling in Love with a Single Mom
Iwaizumi x fem!Reader | Bokuto x fem!Reader | Ushijima x fem!Reader
[ Headcanons/MiniFic ]
Request: Can I please req headcanons for Iwaizumi, Bokuto, and Ushijima falling for a single mom? — anonymous
a/n: this one’s looong but i really enjoyed writing it pLS GIVE ME MORE like anything concerning babies id love that please thank u :’] I HOPE Y’ALL WOULD LIKE THIS ONE :D i’d love to make these a full blown fic if any of yall want that hehe
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❀ aside from the hushed chattering of students waiting for the professor to arrive, the college lecture hall was fairly quiet
❀ that was until the high-pitched cries of a baby ripped through the room
“hey pipe it down!”
“who would even bring a baby to a lecture anyway?”
“can’t you just bring it outside jeez you’re interfering the class”
“class hasn’t even started yet”
❀ iwaizumi was the last one to speak, your classmates’ snarky comments annoying him more than the baby’s crying
❀ he saw you walk out the hall, pushing the stroller with your head low, muttering apologies
❀ letting out a sigh, iwa stood up with the intention of following you outside, but not before he shoots your classmates a threatening glare
❀ he finds you not too far from from the lecture hall, bouncing your 5-month old daughter on your hip as her wailing turned to quiet sobs while she laid her head on your chest
“there there, were you just sleepy?”, iwa doesn’t miss the soft but tired smile gracing your face
“uhh do you need some help with that?”, you jumped at his voice, startled
“oh no, we’re fine! thank you though...uhh..?”
“iwaizumi, i’m iwaizumi hajime, i believe we haven’t met before” he extends his hand for you to shake which you curtly did
“y/n! yeah i believe we haven’t”
❀ since that encounter, iwa would always sit beside you in class and glare at anyone who so much as attempts to make any unnecessary comments
❀ he’d often offer to look after your baby while you took class notes for the both of you
❀ it didn’t take long for iwa to grow fond of your blubbering baby and, of course, you
❀ he noticed how hard you worked; juggling classes, part-time jobs and taking care of your daughter and he admired you for it, so much so that he spent almost every weekend over at your place, insisting on helping you take care of your daughter
“y/n, i don’t want to seem rude but if it’s alright to ask, where’s her dad?”, he’d ask while holding your child, who was curiously pinching and smooshing at his face, as you prepared lunch
it was a question that’s been bugging him for so long, noticing that there was no sign of any other person in your small apartment except for you and your baby
“oh,” you started with a small laugh, “he left when i told him i was pregnant”
the amount of restrain it took iwaizumi to not curse in front of the baby is unthinkable but the bittersweet way you smiled dissipated his anger and he was filled with something he couldn’t quite comprehend
“it’s alright though! we’ve managed to get this far”, there was a wistful pause before you continued, “i’d love it if she grew up with a dad though.”
“then let me” with a voice so steady, unwavering, and as dependable as he was these past few months he continued, “i’ll take care of you.”
he didn’t even let your tears fall as he pulled you in his embrace together with your child, placing a soft kiss on your forehead, 
and for the first time in so long, you’re comforted with the feeling that everything will be fine —and you believed that it will be, as long as he was there
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❀ it was just another run to the grocery store with akaashi, him picking out everything on the list while bokuto sluggishly pushed the cart through the aisles
“akaashi what’s taking you so looooong? i want to go hooooome”
“bokuto-san we wouldn’t be spending so much time here if you regularly shopped instead of calling me for help when you’ve eaten the last bit of food in your house and you have nothing else to eat anymore.”
❀ the tall owl-like man deflated more, if that was even possible, as he followed akaashi around
❀ skimming through the snack aisle, he noticed something was tugging on his shirt, but when he looked down..
“uhhh akaashi???”
❀ the toddler clutched at the hem of bokuto’s shirt, tear-stained cheeks puffing out as he pouted
❀ bokuto picked the child up and held him in his arms with a bright smile
“what’s wrong buddy? are you lost? should we help you find mommy?”
“we should probably leave him at the security desk, bokuto-san”
“are you my daddy?”, the toddler asked again, teary eyed, ignoring akaashi’s words
“well do you want me to be your daddy?”, he grinned and the child nodded gleefully 
“bokuto-san, no”
he turned to his junior, tears welling up his eyes, “akaashi, i’m a father!!”
❀ the tragedy of akaashi keiji
❀ the rest of grocery shopping went by with bokuto picking out stuff for his “son”
❀ it was all fun and games right before you spotted them
“uhm, excuse me but i think that’s my son”
“mommy!” the child’s eyes lit up as he turned to you
“hi baby, let’s go home you’ve troubled this man enough.”
“mommy i found daddy!!”, he said while hugging around bokuto’s head, earning a chuckle from him
you laughed lightly, turning to the two men, “sorry he has a knack for trying to find a dad during grocery runs”
bokuto and akaashi gave each other a look before the latter spoke, “it’s alright you must’ve been worried, bokuto-san please give back her son”
“but akaashi--”
“give him back :)”
bokuto hesitantly placed your son in your arms, the both of them have matching pouts
your son nuzzled against your shoulder, stifling down his sobs and quietly whispered, “but i really wanted him to be my dad”
“maybe we can meet up some other time again so you and bokuto-san can play?”, you eyed the man pleadingly which earned you a giddy nod from both your child and him
❀ that was how you and bokuto started seeing each other regularly
❀ he’d visit your house every weekend, come with you to pick up your son from kindergarten, take you both out for dinner and even stayed over on some occasions 
❀ your son loves him so much and always calls him “dad/daddy”
❀ bokuto calls him “buddy/kid”
❀ your son would often tease bokuto when he catches him stealing glances at you while you walked around the house, getting chores done
“you like mommy don’t you?”, he’d snicker
“i-- whAT? kid where do you get those ideas from?”
you peered through the doorway of you son’s playroom, “baby do you want some snacks?”
“yes please!” the both of them answered at the same time, bokuto turning beet-red while you just stifle down a laugh and went to prepare their snacks
when bokuto was sure that you were out of earshot, he whispered to your son, “kid do you still want me to be your daddy?”
“yes! yes!! YES!!!”, the little boy bounced on his heels happily 
“okay good because i think i want to marry your mommy”
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“wakatoshi-kun isn’t that y/n-san?”
❀ ushijima grunted as he had his eyes fixed on your form from across the room
❀ it was your high school reunion and even though you both haven’t met in a while, the former volleyball team captain still felt his spine tingling at the sight of you
❀ you’ve always been pretty, pretty enough to catch his eyes and fascinating enough personality-wise to keep his attention on you
❀ though he never spoke of these feelings throughout high school, it never really vanished even when you’re well on your adult years
❀ and seeing you right now, with the same pretty smile but seemingly tired eyes, he can’t help but yearn for you as he did when you were in high school
❀ while walking to the other end of the room to where you were, he thought of anything to try and hit up a conversation with you but he was pulled from his musings the moment you’re standing in front of him, a mere arms-length away
“oh ushijima-san! long time no see, how hav--”
“mama!”, you were interrupted as your 5 year old child clung to your hips, “mama the scary man’s coming for me!”
“ᶦ ʷᵃˢ ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵗʳʸᶦⁿᵍ ᵗᵒ ˢᵃʸ ʰᵉˡˡᵒ“ :’/
“baby don’t be rude that’s just uncle goshiki, go on play with him” you urged your son with a gentle hand on his back
“no! his hair looks weird!!”
❀ rip tsutomu bb
❀ ushijima doesn’t know what to make out of the situation
❀ you have a child? does that mean you were married already? was he too late?
“i didn’t know you got married”
“huh? oh no! i didn’t..”, you were hoping he would get the hint but you remembered that it was ushijima wakatoshi in front of you, so you had to spell it out for him, “i got pregnant shortly after college, his dad left the moment i dropped the news though”
the laugh that came from you was humorless, and that didn’t go unnoticed by ushijima
“would it be alright if i took you out on a date, then?”
❀ with face flushed deep red, you bit the inside of your cheek and nodded, sheepishly squeaking out a quiet “yeah”
❀ you both agreed to meet the next weekend for lunch then take your son on a playhouse while you two catch up
❀ then came the weekend, everything was going well, except for one thing
❀ even at the playhouse, your son didn’t leave your side and instead opted for glaring at ushijima across the table in the parents’ waiting area
“baby it’s rude to glare at people, please go play with the other kids”
“what do you want to do with mama!”, he said pointedly at the mountain of a man 
“what do you want to talk about with her!” 
you couldn’t help but smile at your tiny little bodyguard acting so tough even with a man probably five times his size
“i wanted to know if she would consider marrying me”
at that, you whipped your head to look at the man across the table who was casually talking to your son, the prospect of marrying someone who you secretly pined for for all of high school sending a wave of hot blush on your face
“why?”, your son continued with the questions
“because i would like to marry her”
“because i love her”
“since when??”
your face grew incredibly warmer every second that passed by but his answer dealt the finishing blow and you thought your heart would burst
“since all of high school”
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closer-stars · 4 years
Late Night Lines
Member: Hongjoong Genre: Slice of life, slightly romantic Requested? Yes, based on a prompt I had reblogged months back Word count: take a guess my dude Content: Late night talks in the studio. Take it as you will. Just late night things that don’t always make sense. Note: Writing again after that fashion edit. yay. Hope it’s okay though since it’s been a while since I wrote a proper fic. I need to write more stuff outside the entertainment industry for real. Slowly getting through my reqs yay. 
Another late night in the studio. At least you weren’t going to spend the next few hours dancing. Tonight, you had to stay in the studio to solidify the song for their upcoming comeback. Hongjoong had invited you to the studio, asking to get him some coffee on the way with the promise of paying you back. 
“I can’t believe you’re here at this time.” You say as you enter the studio, hands occupied by his request of coffee and some other added stuff. 
Hongjoong, whose eyes were still focused on the screen, hums in return. “I’d say the same to you.” You hear the song gradually come together and it was amazing how fast he works. 
You settle the bags on the coffee table, keeping your distance from the screen. “I brought the coffee you asked from that coffee shop-- you’re lucky it’s on the way from my place, jeez. Also, bought some food from that restaurant you always bring us to when it’s your turn to pick.” As you talk, you set up the food on the table, just to let it cool down. 
This causes him to spin in his chair, greeted by the sight of the food and his coffee and you settling yourself on the couch. This was definitely not something he expected. “Wait, but you didn’t have to..” He mumbles, scratching the back of his head. It’s not that he didn’t want it, in fact he appreciates it, it just was beyond what he had asked. 
“I did though. The branch is closing soon so i figured to get you a quick meal cause when’s the next time you’ll be able to visit them?” 
That has him look at you directly. Various emotions were going through him: thankful that you thought of doing so, wistful that his favorite was closing, and was that sentimentality? He’s been visiting that place since he was a trainee. It carries so much memories for him. It sucks also that you had a point. He made a mental note to spare some time tomorrow to visit before they close. The song has ended by the time he was out of his thoughts. He brings it back to the beginning but makes sure it doesn’t play again. Hongjoong has learned early on that when he takes a break, he really takes a break. The meal you brought is definitely a sign for him to take his mind off his work even for a while. So he sits across you, reaching for the utensils. “Are you going to eat with me?” He asks. 
“Do you want me to?”
“There’s two pairs of chopsticks here and I’m pretty sure the lady in the restaurant knows you by face so yes.”
You slide down the couch and onto the floor of his studio, accepting the chopsticks. The next few minutes is spent in silence, often commenting on the food. He manages to make ssam, small enough to fit in your jaw. “Ah.” You reach out for it but he pulls back. He laughs at the face you make. “I’m here trying to feed you, so say ah.” He states. It’s only then that you relent and open your mouth to receive the beef wrap. “Simon, Sssamon Dominic~” He jokes as you chew carefully. He’s lucky one hand was occupied with the chopsticks while the other was busy covering your stuffed cheeks out of politeness otherwise you would’ve flipped him off. 
It takes a while for the two of you to finish your meal. You look through the bag to make sure nothing was forgotten. “Oh right, bought you some sweets to match with the coffee just in case.” You say as you hand him a few macarons from the shop. “And no, you don’t need to pay me back for this. Let’s just get productive tonight okay?” You ask, sipping your own iced americano.
He takes one piece and his coffee, smiling his gratitude. “Who knew you’d be this protective and caring?” He teases as he takes a sip. He takes his rightful seat in front of the computer and goes back to working. You on the other hand walk around the studio with your earphones in, going through the segments you and Yujin have planned based on his first draft and the concept the creative team has told you. 
Time passes by quietly between you two. Music plays on his end with the occasional clicking of his mouse, notes from his midi and some humming from him. 
“You know, I remember what you wore on the first day.” Hongjoong pipes up, eyes still trained on the screen that displays the various layers of sound. Ironic really when all you hear now is silence and his voice as you had pulled out your earphones after his words. 
“Your first day working with BB Trippin and us, I still remember it.” He clarifies. To you, it may have not been much. Hell, you don’t even remember what you wore that day. All you remember is you had to wear something comfortable for a possibly long day in a studio. So he continues, “You were in a white shirt, even had the logo of the brand on the left side of your chest. Your cargo pants were sagging slightly too.” This causes you to look at him weirdly at such an odd comment. He feels the weight of your gaze on him and he shrugs. “You had the smart idea of putting your water bottle in one pocket and your phone and powerbank in the other.” 
Your cheeks burn at his comment. “I can’t believe you still remember that. I barely remember what I ate last week, much less wore.” You mumble. “How do even remember this?” 
“One, you were new to BBT and it was your first time working with us. Two, who even puts their water bottle in their pocket?” He teases you, as he glances at you from the corner of his eye. You note the apples of his cheeks becoming evident, even if he tried to keep himself from smiling, it was obvious from how his cheeks glow against the monitor. 
“In my defense, those pants were top tier, deep pockets where i can practically store my entire training bag into it?" You remember when you had to retire that pair to sleep wear. Mixed feelings of happiness to being able to wear it still and sadness from not being able to use it for dancing and being on the go. “What even brought this up?” 
He leans back on his chair at your question. Was he that obvious? It’s not like he can hide himself properly from people he works with closely. “I guess the restaurant closing got me in my thoughts.” He admits, sitting up for a moment to take a bite out of the macaron. Blueberry and chocolate. 
“I’m listening if you want me to.” While you’re conflicted about having such personal relationships with idols beyond platonic, some members of BBT have raised the idea to you. Since then, it’s been a recurring thought. 
The mouse clicking has stopped this time, and he busies himself with his coffee. “Third, while I don’t believe in love at first sight, you definitely had a strong impression on me.” 
Your own features unreadable as the words sink in. Many questions run through your head but two words come out instead. “I did?”
At your question, he hums in affirmation. “Hard not to, you were a wild card that day.” He then proceeds to mimic you to the best of his abilities. “’Hello, it’s nice to meet all of you.’” He says in a softer voice and it makes your bottom lip jut out. “Then the dance class starts and you suddenly become strict and dominating. I don’t think even hyung expected you to be able to project your voice that loud over the music. Since then really, you would pop into my mind often.” 
You didn’t want to admit it but you also remember what he wore that day: black long sleeves, dark green sweats and a beanie. His shoes were scrawled upon with things you couldn’t make out without staring. You remember how he looked so exasperated with some of his members that miraculously still had energy to joke around. You wonder also what was the point of him telling you all of these. If you were reading too into it, or if you understood him loud and clear. 
“And now here we are, working on the next comeback promotions.” The male finishes as he runs his free hand through his hair. Time really passes by too fast for him. While he loves what he does now, a small part of him wishes to slow down and experience life like the rest of his peers.
A part of him hopes you got what he was trying to say. He wasn’t the best at expressing his emotions unfortunately. He always was better at expressing his feelings through his art. He’s already made a few songs of how his feelings are for you but still too shy to have you listen to them. He shifts the topic. 
“Hey, can you check this one out?” Hongjoong asks as he calls for your attention. He pulls up a chair for you to sit next to him. “I know what our creative team already said and while everything’s still in the works... I need your thoughts.” He explains. 
You take your seat next to him, covering your eyes first as you get the first listen to the updated version so far. As you stay focused on the music, he takes this time to study your features and he finds himself enchanted by you and your passion. He notices your fingers moving to the parts that already have choreography, stopping midway when the tempo switches. But he snaps out of his own thoughts and instead pays attention to your reaction as the song progresses. By the time the song finishes, he had finished his macaron and you had opened your eyes again. 
“Okay I can see where you’re going with this. The lyrics is already approved?” You ask before proceeding with your thoughts to which he says yes. The rest of the night is spent conceptualizing the ideas that swarm your head after listening to it. It’s occasionally hindered with Hongjoong clarifying the ideas and imagery you see for the choreography. 
It’s already early morning when the two of you manage to solidify the concept, ideas and messages that the boys would like to send. The two of you too sleepy to continue that you decide to call it a day. “Did you keep note of everything?” Hongjoong asks through a yawn. 
“Saved it all on my phone.” You say, you could feel the caffeine wearing out soon. “Can you send me the lyrics soon? Just so I can talk to the rest of BBT of this so that we can make the next segments.” You had picked up all the bags that had your trash, including some of the snacks Hongjoong has munched on.
He mumbles a yes as he waits for the monitor to shut down. “See you whenever.” He says under his breath. His bed back in the dorms sound so much more tempting than the couch here. When he looks at your general direction, he’s noticed that you’ve left already and it’s then that he lets out a sigh. So while he’s in the last in the studio, he looks through his notebook with all the lyrics to send to you. Without giving it a proper look, he takes a photo of his lyrics and sends it to you. He then keeps his notebook in his bag, shutting off the rest of the lights as he heads home. 
[ Hongjoong ] : lyrics.jpg
You didn’t expect Hongjoong to send it so soon but you suppose he’d rather get it finished instead of having to stress over it when he wakes up. After sending a thumbs up emoji to notify that you’ve received it, you open the photo. Nothing could’ve prepared you for what your eyes saw. This is definitely not the words you heard earlier, this carried more weight, and seemed to be more romantic? It sounded like it. 
[ You ] : can you send it again? i think you sent me a different song.. 
If your hunch was right, this is probably why he had told you those things earlier. You made another note to talk to him when possible about this. Because while he has made his feelings rather evident to you, you have yet to make yours evident to him. You keep your phone in your pocket as you head home. 
Maybe working with them has made you read between the lines more than needed. 
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jackrrabbit · 4 years
ask answering/updates
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first of all, thank you 💘 second of all...
ok ok ok don’t get too excited, but I finally got the juice to start working on the next part of Fanatic 🖤 most of you guys will be like ‘who cares’ but i know some of you have been waiting for this for a while! it’s been what, 2 months?? hope I’m not jinxing myself by saying this *knocks on wood* also not to hype myself too much but it’s kinda bomb 😳 maybe this is just my sick bias but I’ve really been wanting to write about...aftermath iykwim haha. reader all scared & shy & trying to avoid him but yk he’s not going to leave her alone :P
I also figured out the ending to it will come back!! it wouldn’t be shiggy if it didn’t get dangerous 😈 also gonna be nice to write some eyes-rolling-back-in-the-head fuckery so our favorite handsy creep can finally get his dick wet with his beloved little nursey <3
here are some other vague ideas, some based on requests, some not. as always no promises!!
BNHA—pillage & plunder with fantasy AU warlord Bakugo (and his gang of ruffians?? hmm...)
BNHA—Overhaul makes you work off your daddy’s gambling debts the extra hard way uwu...also I have SO many ideas for Overhaul 😷 after I finish iwcb my next multi-part fic will probably be with him
BNHA—various things with reader as an aspiring villain set in the same universe as Caught in the Act: reader getting quarantined with shiggy & dabi...dabi getting mad at you after you keep fucking up...incel shiggy jacking it to his adorable protégée without her knowledge (a galaxy brain request from a very good buddy!!!!)
BNHA—ABO with alpha Hawks and omega reader in an elevator...and uh-oh, it’s stuck! and you’re going into heat! oh no, whatever will you do??
Haikyuu—you get stuck in a hole in a wall, good thing your dutiful boyfriend Kuroo is there to help you out ;)
Haikyuu—gangbang with Tsukki, Bokuto, Akaashi, and Kuroo...a challenge bc I’ve never written a gangbang before!! will have to do some research 🧐
Haikyuu—your bf Atsumu does mean things when he’s jealous, like putting his hands up your skirt in public
KNY—Kokushibou decides to keep a shrine maiden as his cute little human pet 💜 actually already wrote pt. 1 but I’ll wait to post til I’m done with Fanatic
AxK—just some no good very bad yandere content with Dr. Midori...neglect play stuff...sensory deprivation stuff...icky icky
Gintama—something with Kamui. does this count as monsterfucking? very very rough...idk what exactly? some form of dastardly acts
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thanks for the concern friends 💕💕 I’ve been preoccupied by things happening irl for the past few weeks, trying to educate myself, going to protests, etc.
also in case anyone else is confused, my stance is and always has been that Black lives matter and all cops are bastards. I’m not sure my porn blog is the right place to talk about this at length but if you’re a bootlicker, please smash that unfollow button and don’t let the door hit you on the way out. if you don’t already have a decently functioning moral compass you should not get anywhere near my writing...fr
learn more and get involved
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omg thank you & yes yes a million times yes!!! hope you don’t mind commitment issues and student loan debt 💝👯‍♀️
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the line between not hawksfucker and hawksfucker is very thin and very blurry, beware.....lol and thank you!!
the video you recommended...like damn!!! that’s exactly the vibe I feel like fratty Hawks x reader from be a little bad would be like if they had a happy ending eventually (start at 1:39)!!!!! “I didn’t make you do this” “I’m not accusing you of anything” it’s that exact dynamic. imo Hawks might be a little less willing to make things official and reader would prob have a hard time being straightforward enough to ask tho...hmmm
I did get several requests for a part 2! I’m thinking it over atm. I will say tho that most of my reqs have very slow turnaround so if I write it, it might be a while
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ooh I love getting recommendations! here’s what I like:
fanfic: I read stuff like what I write (smut, kink, yandere, villains). at some point I’m going to make a long post of fic recs of my own! I also read fluff and character x character ship fic so interests are pretty broad
TV: humor, crime shows like Bones, Criminal Minds, Psych, that kind of thing. nothing too dark or complicated, nothing that requires too much investment. same goes for anime
movies: pretty much everything! lately I’m really into Howl’s Moving Castle and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
books: literary fiction. can I say I’m into dark academia if the only dark academia I’ve read is The Secret History? favorite books I’ve read semi-recently are TSH, All the Light We Cannot See, The Poisonwood Bible, and Discipline & Punish. currently reading Foucault’s History of Sexuality
music: idk man...all kinds of stuff. I listen based on vibe more than genre. all my spotify playlists are named things like “sunday” and “the power” and “[sparkle emoji]”. my artists on repeat are Hozier, The Weeknd, Kendrick, M.I.A., The Neighborhood (F I’m a basic bitch) but I’ll try anything once
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jfc these two asks have given me so much hope 🥰😭💗 you know what? sooner or later I’m going to post Kamui x reader smut and it’s going to get 3 notes from the three of us liking it and that’s okay because I’ve thirsted over this man too long and too hard to go my entire life without reading over-indulgent reader-insert porn of him. yes the villain kink jumped out but DAMN!!! the man has ‘h*rny scumbag who lets his instincts rule him’ baked into both his DNA and his psyche, and I’m so here for it 😌
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if you don’t know who Kamui is, do me a favor and watch gintama. yes there are like 400 episodes but it’s worth it. I will convert more bitches to the gintama thirst train if it costs me my life. Kamui was made to star in disrespectful breeding kink smut and this is a hill I will die on.
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??? sure, if you can point me toward part 2 ????? lmao
I’m guessing you meant to ask for a pt 2 instead of pt 3? in which case, thanks for asking!! but tbh...for some reason I have a really hard time imagining what a pt 2 would look like, maybe because I wrote it 100% from Overhaul’s POV so it’s hard for me to define the reader’s feelings. I’m not saying it’ll never happen but 🤷‍♀️
HOWEVER if it’s Overhaul content in general you’re craving, you’re in luck!!! he’s a favorite of mine. legit he ticks so many of my boxes—villain kink? check. medical/scientist kink? check. yakuza kink? honey I’m weak. I’ll definitely be writing more for him in the future!
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oh no! I checked it on my computer & on mobile and all of the links are working for me? are the links still broken for you guys?
anyway, here are the rules, here’s the short version of the request rules, and here is part 1 and part 2 of it will come back.
thank you to everyone who has sent kind words, everyone who replies to my writing, and everyone who posts thirst in the tags!!! I read that shit!!!! and it makes me fucking cry, I love you all
one more thing: several people have requested continuations to Sleepless, Sidekick, and Fanatic. on one hand, I’m so flattered that you guys want more!!! on the other hand, I actually already answered asks about pt. 2′s for those particular fics. before you request a continuation of anything, it’s probably a good idea to look up the name of the fic as a tag on my blog so you can check and see if anyone else had the same question 💖💖💖
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yunggumii · 4 years
I would like to req: trying to cook new dishes with Bokuto because you’re bored in quarantine. Can be headcanon/fic/whatever style of writing works 🥺🥺
omg thanks so much for the req !! i didn’t expect it to be nearly 2k words but this made me so happy while writing it oh gosh ٩( ᐛ )و i hope you enjoy !!
cooking with bokuto🍽
bokuto x gn!reader
summary: with everything being closed due to the current pandemic, you and bokuto decide to have some fun in the kitchen :D
includes: fluff & light cursing
wc: 1.743K
one-shot below the cut
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Kou, I’m hungry.”
You yawn out as you stretch. Since quarantine started, things have been fairly quiet; all schools and their extra curricular activities have been postponed until further notice, so the time you would normally waste sitting in dull classes and watching late night practices, has instead been spent relaxing with your boyfriend.
“Wanna go get McDonald’s or something?”
Bokuto suggests, sitting up beneath you. You’ve done nothing all day, except for cuddling on the couch and binge-watching children’s movies with him, yet that stir crazy feeling kept nagging you like a bug bite.
“Nah, I was thinking of actually cooking something for once. Constant consumption of fast food has been proven to negatively effect your health.”
You proclaim in an informing tone; he lets out a chuckle, patting the top of your head, “Okay, okay, Dr. [L/N], how does oven pizza sound?”
You shake your head, “I said make something, like, homemade.”
Bokuto chuckles once more, wrapping his arms around your waist and squeezing you tight, “Oh, you meant that kind of homemade! Which recipe do you have in mind?”
With the sudden abundance of free time, you spent most of your days scouring the internet for fun tasks to do during this time off. The one that stood out the most was cooking; there were so many different meals to create and jazz up with your own pizazz, so you decided that’s exactly what you were going to do.
“How do crêpes sound?”
“Skinny pancakes?”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his response, “Yes, Bokuto, we’re going to make skinny pancakes.”
You get up from the couch and head into the kitchen, excited to actually do something productive.
“Make sure you wash your hands, babe.”
You announce as you walk over to the sink, pushing the handle up and pumping soap onto your palms. After the suds nearly coated the entirety of your hands, you rinsed them under the warm water and dried them off with a towel. The recipe was already on your phone, so you head over to the pantry to grab the proper ingredients with your device in hand.
Most of the dry ingredients like flower, salt and sugar were always available, since you rarely ever used them. You placed the bags onto the counter and walked to the fridge, opening it slowly. You thought there would be nothing in there, but to your surprise, there was nearly a full carton of eggs, 2 whole sticks of butter, and half a gallon of milk remaining, so you pulled them out, placed them next to the other ingredients and grabbed a mixing bowl and measuring cups.
You look up from your phone only to see an empty couch.
You call out, slightly confused. He was literally right over there. Just as you were about to go look for him, Bokuto slides into the kitchen, clearly holding something behind his back.
“Y/N! Guess what I found!”
You giggle, amused by his excitement.
“What is it?”
He slowly pulls out an apron and a chef hat.
“Ta-da! Matching cooking attire!”
He puffed out his chest, standing proud as a wide grin appears on his face, “I know, I know. Thank me later.” He says as he placed them on the counter.
You smile warmly. I don’t remember ever buying that stuff.
“Aw, babe, those are so cute!”
A few minutes of arguing about who gets to wear the hat passes by; now you can finally start preparing the batter.
“Stop pouting, Bokuto. You look adorable in that apron!” You cooed, rolling up your sleeves and adjusting the big, white hat that sat upon your head. The apron he was sporting was decorated with little crowns, an assortment of jewels, the words “Queen of the Kitchen” near the chest and a strip of black lace lining the hem.
He growls, crossing his arms in front of him.
“Okay!” you say with a wide smile, clasping your hands together, “Let’s get cooking!”
You pour a cup of the flower into the mixing bowl, along with 2 eggs.
“Hey, babe, can you start pouring the milk and water while I stir?”
You ask whilst batting your eyelashes. Bokuto was still a bit salty about the apron fiasco, but caved in almost instantly when he saw your cute expression.
“How much does it call for?” He asked, spinning the cap off the gallon of milk.
“Um, lemme check.”
You shift your gaze from the bowl to your phone and look for the liquid’s measurements.
“Half a cup for each.”
He nods, his determination setting in.
You start to mix the flower and eggs while Bokuto pours the milk in first, then the water. The butter, salt and sugar were slowly added in after, until everything was finally in the bowl. Although the batter was fairly thin in consistency and didn’t require much energy to combine, you started to work up a sweat.
“Wow, laying around all day and not exercising has really gotten to me.” You huff out, wiping the thin layer of sweat off your brow.
Without a word, Bokuto steps behind you, placing his hand on top of the one you were using to hold the bowl, and the other on the one that was mixing; they were warmer, rougher, and much larger than yours.
“Let me help you with that, baby.”
He offered, the vibration of his words tingling down your spine.
You let out a soft giggle as a small smile grew across your face.
“Thanks, Kou, you’re too kind~”
After all of the ingredients were well combined, it was time to actually cook.
You set the frying pan on top of the stove, coating the surface with some oil and turning on the flame. Taking 1/4 of a cup of batter, you pour it into the pan and try your best to evenly spread it around by tilting the pan itself until the entire top was covered. After the first side was fully cooked, you scrape the edges of the crêpe to make the flipping process easier.
“Babe, can you start cutting the strawberries and bananas, please?”
You ask, focusing more on speaking than the current task at hand; just then, you felt a burning sensation on the tip of your finger which caused you to jump back, sucking in a sudden quick breath.
“What happened, Y/N? Are you okay?”
Bokuto asked, a concern expression plastered upon his face as he rushed over to you.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a light surface burn.”
He immediately reaches for the wounded finger, slowly bringing the digit up to his lips and placing a light kiss on the tip.
“Does it feel better now, babe?”
You couldn’t contain your laughter; that was too fucking precious.
“Yes, thank you, Bokuto.”
He smiled, pecking the top of your forehead.
You resume flipping the crêpe in the pan, hoping it wasn’t burnt; you let out a sigh of relief. Thank god it wasn’t.
After 10 minutes of pouring and flipping, the base of the dish was finished; Bokuto finished cutting the fruit about the same time you did, so it was finally time to eat. You took two of the warm crêpes, and Bokuto took three.
“Man, I’m starving. These smell amazing, Y/N!”
You giggle, a light blush dusting the tip of your cheeks and ears.
“Thanks for your help, Kou!”
“Anything for my little baby cakes.”
He cooed, a wide grin painted across his face as he scratched the back of his head; he loved being praised, especially when it was coming from you. Even if it was a simple task like pouring milk and water into a bowl, or cutting fruit, he was still very happy to be of assistance.
“Okay, let’s start the fun part!”
You grab a handful of strawberries, sprinkling them on top of the first crêpe and folding the corners around the fruit. On the second crêpe, you decided to mix it up and put blueberries and bananas on the inside.
You gasp, remembering something important.
“Do we have chocolate sauce?”
Bokuto looks up from his creation, which was a disaster. A pile of bananas, strawberries and blueberries stretched the “skin” of the crêpe, tearing where it was being pulled a little too taut.
“Uh, it should be in the fridge.”
You rush over to the fridge, practically swinging the door open. You spotted the chocolate, and a can of whipped cream; double win. You skip back over to your crêpe, popping the cap and drizzling the sauce and whipped cream over the tops. After stepping back and admiring your masterpiece, you head to the silverware drawer and grab two forks and two knives.
“Okay, time to finally eat!”
You cut a small portion off, sticking it into your mouth; the crêpe was warm and chewy. Pairing it with the slightly non-ripened strawberries and toppings added the perfect amount of sweet and sour. Bokuto, on the other hand, practically shoveled half the damn thing in his mouth, chocolate sauce dribbled out from the corner of his mouth.
You shake your head, laughing.
“You’re such a messy eater, babe.”
“No, m noth!”
He says, his mouth still very full of crêpe. You laugh even more, wiping the tears from your eyes.
“You should see yourself right now. You look like a chipmunk!”
He furrowed his brow, his cheeks puffing out as he chewed the food quickly. He never noticed the sauce nearly dripping off his chin, so you took a napkin and wiped it for him.
“I could have done that myself, y’know.”
”Yeah, but I wanted to do it.”
He lets out a playful sigh of defeat, now eating his crêpe in smaller bites.
After you both finished eating, you brought your plate to the sink and turned on the water. Bokuto nearly jumped out of his chair, rushing over to you.
“I have clean up duty, babe.”
You turn to look at him with a slightly confusion expression.
“We both did the same amount of work, though. Shouldn’t we split it up?”
“Nope! You got hurt, remember? You need to rest.”
You giggle, hugging Bokuto as you peck him on the lips, the chocolate flavor still lingering.
“Alright, Kou. I’ll go rest.”
He smiles, returning the exchange.
“Good. We can watch more movies when I finish, okay?”
You nod happily, squeezing him tight, his sent flooding to your nostrils.
“Sounds like a plan, babe~”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
taglist✨: @j3lly0gre @imagine-bakery @vventure @hq-cuties @blobbyx2blobfish @baby-boy-taichi @gulfwanq @poppirocks
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thesunnyshow · 4 years
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Name: Elsie
Writing Blog URLs: @jyeonvoir​, @linochee​, and @cinnominroll​
What fandoms do you write for?: The Boyz, Stray Kids, and NCT (Mostly for dreamie)
Age: 20
Nationality: Indonesian
Languages: Native-level Indonesia, Intermediate English, and Beginner-level Chinese
Star Sign: Aries
Favorite color: Soft blue and pink
Favorite food: Fried chicken
Favorite movie: Along With The Gods: Two Worlds
Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate
Favorite animal: Cat and Dog
Dream job (whether you have a job or not): Since I was in middle school, I dreamed to be a news anchor or a tv presenter
Coffee or tea? What are you ordering?: I actually prefer milk more than those two, But if I have to choose, I will go with tea
Go-to karaoke song: Popular songs of the year that I know (Western and Korean)
If you could have one superpower, what would you choose?: Space and time manipulation
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose?: Srivijaya era (3rd – 14th centuries) or Majapahit era (1293–1500)
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you?: I don’t think I would. Restarting my life would mean I have a chance to fix my future, but it also means I might lose something I have in the future (and it does not always mean good)
If you were a trope in a teen high school movie, what would you have been?: Either the popular kid or the loner
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken?: 100 chicken-sized horses. Normal-sized chicken already scares me, I can’t imagine what will happen if I have to fight horse-sized chicken, even it’s one.
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures?: Yes, I do. Not everything can be explained in science, y’know.
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know?: When I was five y.o, I had my parents panicked once. So back then, instead of going home with my little sister, I went to the hospital alone and visited my mother who had just given birth to my little brother without giving any notice to them. My neighbour, who saw my little sister went home without me, worried and called my dad. Panicked, my dad called my mom and told them that I was missing. Lucky, I arrived at my mom’s room just when she answered my dad’s call and they hadn’t called the police yet. Later that night, I got a long lecture from my dad at home.
When did you post your first piece?: If I remember it correctly, it was around early July 2018 on my personal blog -- one or two weeks after I just joined Tumblr. But, before Tumblr, I had posted fics on Wattpad in late 2014
Why did you decide to write for Tumblr?: It’s all because I found a few interesting fics here and then it motives me to write again. I also happened to be looking for a new platform to write since I was bored with Wattpad.
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why?: I do write fluff and angst fics, but mostly fluff because I’m a sucker for fluff. I’m not good with angst and bad at writing smut
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc?: Used to write Ocs, but since I joined Tumblr I write X Readers more often than OCs.
What inspires you to write?: MVs (The one with a story) and song lyrics
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most?: Romance with a little bit of fantasy
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively?: Take a break from writing for a while
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful?: My favorite work of mine and the most succesful, excluding the drabbles and timestamps, is Lee Know’s fic titled “What Are You Up To?”. Among the oneshots I had made, it is the only fic that reached more than 200 notes and I’m quite proud of it. It was inspired by a Korean novel I read and a bitter experience of my junior high school love.
What do you hope your readers take away from your work?: I hope my readers can see many sides of a relationship, either it friendship or between lovers. Sometimes, relationship can’t be smooth and have a happy ending like in movies and novels, and it’s not always sad and dark. Also, since the culture that I have grown up with different from people that I meet from this online platform, I want to show how I see a relationship supposed to be.
Who is your favorite person to write about?: In the boyz, it was Sunwoo and Kevin since they are the easiest out of twelve to write for me. In Stray Kids, It is either Bang Chan, Hyunjin, or Lee Know. As for NCT, I think it will be Jaemin and Jeno.
Do you think there’s a difference between writing fanfiction vs. completely original prose?: Yes, I do. To me, writing fanfiction is easier than an original. In fanfiction, I don’t need to make a detailed characterization of the characters since it’s using a real person as the reference. But as for an original, the more detailed the characterization of the characters the more people could get the sketch of the story since this is the character that I made myself without a reference. 
What do you think makes a good story?: A good description, and language that easy to understand, followed with a balanced proportion of dialogue and description.
What is your writing process like?: I start by writing the outline first and do some research before starting to write it. I don’t have a specific plan like when should I write or how long it should be, but I tend to write when I’m in the mood. I can’t force myself to finish a fic just in one week (If I do, I will not satisfy with it and the ending will feel rushed). That’s why It usually takes a long time for me to finish a fic or req.
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story?: Yes. Of course I would. I’m actually in the process of repurposing one of my old fics into a webtoon with my little sister. But we don’t know when we will start.
What tropes do you love, and what tropes can’t you stand?: I love strangers-to-lovers, enemies-to-lovers, secret relationship, and bad boy tropes. To be exact, any trope that show a good development of the characters and has a fantasy in it will be in my to-read list. However, I can’t stand the tropes with angst (especially if I’m not in the mood to read angst), break up, and thriller in it. I will still read it, but not on the top of my to-read list.
What has been one of the biggest factors of your success (of any size)?: Supportive friends and family members. 
Do you ever feel there are times when you’re writing for others, rather than yourself?: No, I don’t. I always write for myself and put my satisfaction first before anything. 
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times?: No, I don’t. It never happens to me.
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr?: Some of my college friends who are a Kpop stan do know about it, though they don’t know my blog url. Only my little sister does.
Do you think fanfic writers get unfairly judged?: Yeah, most of the times. Especially for those who write X Readers fics.
Do you think art can be a medium for change?: Absolutely. Art has the power to inspire change in the masses.
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you?: Feedback and constructive criticism on my works are so, so valued! It’s important for me to able to improve and motivate myself.
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers?: Please stay healthy and be happy. Feel free to talk to me whenever you want because my ask always open for you.
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there?: You will never know your potential until you try it. It’s okay if your first work doesn’t look great. No one is perfect, even me. I used to make so many grammatical errors in my first fic (even in the newest one, though it wasn’t that bad like before). As long as you satisfy with it, you still can improve it in the future.
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr?: Nah, There aren’t.
Do you have any mutuals who have been particularly formative/supportive in your Tumblr journey?: Yes, I do. And I’m thankful for that. Because of them, I was able to learn new things and experience many styles of writing by reading theirs.
Pick a quote to end your interview with: “Sometimes you feel like you are alone in this world, but in reality, you have people around you who love and care for you.” -- Huang Renjun
Interested in your very own episode of The Sunny Show? Find out how to apply HERE.
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