#yes i copied this from deo. what about it.
broifoundher · 2 years
What is this junk? : An old one shot with Kara Danvers from my time before joining Tumblr.
Supergirl + Arrowverse SPOILERS
Angst (badly written), happy (yes) ending (?).
A/n : Literally just copy pasted because I’m too afraid to change it.
“Hey” she breathed in “It’s gonna be okay. I’ve got you.” She said, but you just smiled at her.
“Kara, one of my legs is crushed, I have a pole pierced into my stomach and my right arm has been torn apart. We both know I’m not gonna make it.” You whispered but she just shook her head in denial.
“No, no. *sniffle* I’m gonna bring you to the DEO and—” she said as she went to pick you up, but you cut her off
“I’ll bleed out into your arms.” You sent her a small smile. “It’s okay Kara… I’m just glad I’m not alone right now.” You said with tears streaming down your face.
Which flooded her face with more. “Never, you’ll never be alone.”
“Because I won’t be (existing) anymore. But you will still live on. I’m so sorry to bring this pain into your life…”
“No…. No, because you will live. You will live on with me. And we’ll laugh together about you being sorry again at the worst possible time. We’ll get married, have kids.” And the fact that she had already seen a future with you in it made your heart sink even further.
“Kara, please stop…” if she went on, you weren’t sure you would be at peace with dying anymore. “I love you. But I’m not gonna retrieve my apology about leaving you to deal with these shitty feelings. Kara, I…” you broke down “I wish I could have had that kind of life with you, but you’ll have to find someone else for yours.”
“Yes, please…” your eyelids were getting heavier to lift as you blinked “I don’t want to be the reason that the beautiful and amazing person I met back then wouldn’t get her happy ending.”
“My happy ending is with you.”
“No, no no.” She broke down as she couldn’t hear your heart beat anymore.
Her hands were full of your blood as she had been trying to keep it inside of you. And she hung her head down when your eyes kept staring without a single hint of life still inside.
“I couldn’t save her, Alex. She died… *sniffle* I’m Supergirl for Rao’s sake!”
“I know…”
“And the worst is, there were other people there who were in need of my help. And yet, they had to see a hero lift them up with shaky arms.”
“I’m so sorry Kara…”
“How am I gonna live without her? I was gonna propose to her! If— if only—”
“Stop, don’t think like that Kara… It happened and you will have to find a way out. And I, and James, and Winn—”
“Will never be able to replace her” Kara cut her sister off “I just want her” she whispered.
“I know…” was all Alex could say.
“Hey Kara.”
“Hey Barry, nice wedding.” She smiled.
“Thanks, I see you brought your sister as your plus one… Want to tell me what happened?”
Her eyes diverted to her own drink.
“She died Barry.”
“Oh my god, Kara. I’m so sorry.” He said as he hugged her.
“Yeah, everyone is… Even she was…” she frowned at the memory. Not making her laugh at all.
“Hey, I wish I could say you’re gonna find someone, but I’ve only ever loved one woman in my life… So I’m not sure I can tell you anything inspiring.”
She smiled.
“Thanks Barry, but you don’t have to…”
“Yes, yes I do. I’m your friend and the one who invited you here.”
“It’s ok, today I’m here for you. And I have to say, I’m enjoying my time.”
“Happy to know that, then want to come join us downstairs now?”
“Yeah, alright.” She said as she followed him down the stairs to where the others were gathered.
“And my wife” said Earth X’s Oliver.
“Ew, gross.” Kara said out loud, even the evil version of herself got to be with their loved one.
This was making Kara even sadder than before.
~At the beginning of Crisis on Infinite Earth~
“They’re gone. My parents, all of Argo. I lost them again…”
~At the end of Crisis on Infinite Earth~
“You know what Oliver told me?” Barry said to Kara “he said :
‘Dying is the easy part. That he was at peace. That the real heroes, they’re the ones that have to keep going. So he told me to keep going.”
“I guess that’s what my girlfriend meant, but didn’t have enough time to think of the perfect way to say it…”
~After Crisis on Infinite Earth~
“Good morning sleeping beauty! You have the Nobel Prize ceremony to get to in an hour or so.” You said as you straddled your wife’s body.
“(Y/N)?” She said with tears in her eyes “Am I dead? Is this heaven?”
“Hey, Darling, are you okay? Did you have a bad dream?” You said suddenly concerned, grasping her cheeks to look her in the eyes.
“No… I wish it was all only a dream…But the dream is you… being here” she whispered as she cupped your hands.
“I’m real Kara. Here.” You took her hand and let it rest over your beating heart “I’m here.” You whispered, intending to reassure, to ground her, but it only made her shake her head again as she started crying.
“No, you died. This has to be another Black Mercy!” She gently pushed you away as she stood up and started pacing. “I just don’t get how a Black Mercy could’ve attached itself to me, the multiverse was dying…”
“Kara, if you have to talk about your dreams, of course I’m always here to listen, but if you expect to find explanations, you should ask Nia…”
She stopped dead in her track. “You know Nia?”
“Kara, are you serious right now?” You asked, not in a pissed or sarcastic way, but in a worried, honest manner.
“I, yes I am. You died on the [date] I remember it clearly, I always go to the graveyard on the [date]. I bring you flowers, your favourite ones as they remind me of you, care for your tombstone, make sure to keep it steady” she hiccuped in her sobs.
“Kara…” you said, your own eyes filling with tears. You shook your head at the sight of your wife being so broken. “I’m so sorry you had to live with this.” You wrapped your arms around her body. Because you believed her.
She chuckled. “I know, you said the same thing before you died. How you told me to live on anyway. And then I told you you’ll get to live on too, together, with me. How we would get married, have kids. But then you shook your head again, apologizing and saying I will have to find someone else *hiccups* when all these years, *inhale* I’ve never been able to find anyone else…” she was weeping into your shoulder, gripping onto your shirt as you soothed her with a hand in her hair.
You don’t know how long it had been, still just processing everything. But then Kara’s phone rang.
“It’s probably Nia wondering where you are.” You whispered softly, not wanting to startle the woman in your arms.
“I don’t care. I just want to stay here with you.”
“But Kara, it’s the Nobel Prize!” You said as you pulled yourself back. “I believe you, but I also remember how excited you were about it. I mean, how couldn’t you, your friend is getting the Nobel Prize!”
“My friend?” She furrowed her brows
“Yes, Lex Luthor.”
She almost choked
“Excuse me, I don’t know if I should be more distraught by the fact you just said Lex Luthor and I are friends or because he’s receiving the Nobel Prize?”
“Neither? Because it’s a good thing?”
“I’m sorry, I gotta go.”
“Sure, say hi to Nia for me. And don’t forget to ask her about your dream.”
“I will.”
“Kara! Just in time!”
“Oh Rao, she wasn’t kidding.”
Literally just stops there. 🫤 I know, sorry. 😐 I can try rewriting it and giving it an end if you want. Just tell me. But otherwise, I just thought to share with the fandom. Okay, bye.
Alternatively, this could also be seen as a concept to which I wouldn’t be against writing a full story. In my today’s style.
Okay, real bye this time.
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emmlovesmarvel · 2 years
Chapter 9 - The Other Shoe
Lena POV
Alex, Brainy, and J'onn managed to find a possible location where they could be holding Lennox. It's now 5:30am. She's been missing for 3 hours. I don't even want to think about what they could have done to her in that time. She needs to fight for a little longer. We're almost there.
"I'm coming with and don't even try to stop me." I say to Kara and Alex.
"We expected nothing less from you Lena. But you will let us go in and breach before you set foot in the building. Understood?" Alex tells me.
"Yes, I understand. I hope she's in there."
"Me too, Lena." Kara says as we head in the van. She and J'onn decided to fly to the building to scan possible entrances and security I know Lillian has surrounding the building.
When Alex and I pull up to the building we hear J'onn through the comms.
"There are 3 entrances. Kara has ruled out that 2 of them are traps so we're left with the northeast one, Alex. Set your team up on the southeast side in order to breach."
"Copy that." Alex responds leaving the van to organize her team.
I stay waiting in the car for confirmation that they've breached the building. Since it's lead lined, Kara's unable to see where Lennox is exactly.
I hear through comms that the entrance is blown and agents rush in.
"Kara, Lillian won't be far from Lennox. Alex, make sure you catch her off guard in order to make the arrest." I say guiding them with as much knowledge I have without assessing the situation myself. I hate this, but I want to make it to Lennox in one piece.
"Got it, Lena. We've managed to knock out all the guards. Kara is currently handling some scientists trying to figure out where Lennox is." Alex says out of breath.
"Lena, get here right now. It's not good." Kara says making me jump out of the van, sprinting into the building with an agent behind me. My heart is pounding and my mind running rampant with possibilities of Lennox's state.
I get to the room where I see Kara holding a bloodied and unconscious Lennox. My eyes widen and tears fall immediately. She's so small in Kara's arms. I see Alex cuff a man, roughly. Joe. Lillian is nowhere to be seen. I run over to Kara and Lennox.
"She's breathing but she's unconscious. Her heartbeat is steady but very slow. We need to get her to the DEO." Kara says trying to hold in her sobs. Lennox is only in her sports bra and underwear. Lillian is evil, but not that evil. I immediately put together that Joe was the one who did this to her. Based on the fresh needle mark on her arm, I know Lillian injected her with something. Joe is too dumb to do that. He must've hurt her after Lillian left. I get up and walk over to Alex and Joe.
"What the fuck did you do to her, you sick bastard?!" I say in Joe's face.
"I did to her what she deserved." He spat. I punch him, knowing Alex wanted to do the same.
"Well, now you will get what you deserve. You'll never see the light of day ever again," Alex says. "Lillian was gone when we entered the building. She must've known we would come." She adds.
"It's okay, her time will come. Let's just make sure he never comes near Lennox again." I say.
Alex walks him out with some other agents following. I see Kara lift Lennox up and I follow her outside. She places her on the bed gently and we get in the back of the van with her.
We are silent the whole time to the DEO. Her injuries aren't too severe but she has even more bruises than when I first found her. I don't know the exact details of what Joe did to her but I know it wasn't good. My poor baby.
When we finally arrive, they wheel her to the medbay and the doctors start assessing her. Kara and I are asked to wait outside and we reluctantly agree.
Kara breaks down in my arms as soon as we are outside.
"Lena." She cries.
"I know." I cry back.
A couple of hours later, I wake Kara and the doctor talks to us.
"Lennox is doing great. She has a concussion due to her being hit on the head and her burn wound opened up but we managed to patch that. I'm sorry to say this, but when we noticed blood in her underwear, we had to assess. She has some bruising and definite genital trauma. I'm so sorry. We did a rape kit and prescribed her all the necessary meds. She will need to be watched overnight but should be good to go home as soon as tomorrow afternoon." The doctor says.
We are silent for a moment before I speak up.
"Thank you, doctor. We really appreciate it." He nods and walks off.
I look to Kara whose eyes are glowing. I've never seen her this angry and it's definitely terrifying. I'm sure my eyes would be glowing right now too if I had heat vision. I can't believe that scum of a person did that to her. I will make sure he never leaves his cell.
"Kara, please calm down. You'll burn the building down." I say holding her shoulders trying to block her. Hopefully if she sees I'm in front of her, her eyes will go back to normal. This seemed to work because her blue orbs become visible again. They are full of sadness.
"He raped her, Lena. She's a 12 year old girl. A child! She had no way of defending herself. Oh god, she was probably so scared. And Lillian let it happen. I'm going to kill him." She says.
"I will help you kill him, Kara. But right now, we both need to be there for Lennox when she wakes." I say trying to bring her back to the reality of the situation. I agree with everything Kara said, but we need to be there for her right now. She will need someone she knows and trusts.
"Let's go in there so she knows we're here." I say leading her into the room.
Lennox is hooked up to the machine for her vitals and has an IV in her arm. She looks peaceful. She went through the worst horror anyone could have ever gone through. This might've not been the first time either which makes my heart break even more. If protecting Lennox means getting rid of my mother for once and for all, I will do anything to make sure of it.
After a few hours, Kara gets up to shower and change. Lennox hasn't shown any sign of waking up. When Kara comes back, she has coffee and some sandwiches. We eat in silence before we see Lennox start to stir a bit. We stand on both sides of the bed holding her hands so she knows we are here.
"Lennox, baby. It's me and Kara." I say softly so she knows who's holding her hands.
She opens her eyes and quickly shuts them, probably due to the bright lights. Kara quickly dims them and Lennox opens her eyes some more before realizing where she is. Her chest is heaving a bit.
"Hey, hey you're okay, my love. We're right here. You're safe. It's just us. We're not going anywhere." I say gently kissing her forehead, followed by Kara.
"Do you need anything, sweetheart?" Kara asks.
Lennox sits up and reaches her arms out towards Kara, who takes her in for a hug. After a couple seconds, Lennox looks at me with tears in her eyes. I sit down next to her and take her tiny body into my arms. As soon as I do this, she breaks down, her body racking with sobs. I hold her head and rub her back and my own tears are falling down her back. We stay there for what feels like forever.
She manages to calm down a bit and she lays back against the pillow. Kara hands her some water and she drinks a few sips.
"Lennox, we're so sorry that we let Joe take you. We should've been more prepared for something like this. I should've been faster, I could've caught him and saved you." Kara says to her, holding her hand.
"No, Kara it isn't your fault at all. Or your's Lena. I don't blame you at all so neither should you. You guys saved me. Again." Lennox says, with her small raspy voice. "Where are they?" She asks a bit frightened.
"Joe was arrested. He's being held downstairs for questioning by Alex." I reply. "As for Lillian, she managed to escape just before we breached."
Lennox's eyes go blank and she doesn't say anything. I can see her body tense.
"Baby, we will never let her get to you ever again. We're going to find her once and for all and put her in prison where she belongs. This time, we are prepared and she won't be able to touch you." Kara says, lifting her chin so Lennox can look into her eyes.
Lennox stays still for a while before nodding slowly.
"Why don't you go back to sleep, my love? You need to rest for your body to heal." I say kissing her forehead.
"I love you, Lena. I love you, Kara."
"We love you, more sweetheart."
She closes her eyes and gives into sleep.
"My poor girl. What did they do to her?" Kara asks, voice shaking with tears.
"She's so scared, she's numb." I say looking at Kara.
"We will be there for her. Every step. She will get past this. So will we. We're a family, Lena." Kara says coming over to my side and takes me into a hug. I feel my body relax in her arms and we fall asleep.
I'm woken up by Alex and Nia shaking my shoulder.
"Hey, Lee. Some people wanted to stop by and say hi." Alex tells me.
"Hey, Lena." Nia says taking me into a hug.
"Hi, Nia. Thanks for being here. I know you haven't met her officially, but this is Lennox, my baby sister." I say pointing to Lennox.
"She's beautiful, Lena. She will get through this. So will you. You are the strongest person I know. And I know Supergirl. Lennox needs your strength. But know that it's okay for you to lean on other people during this time too, okay? We're all here for you...and Kara." She winks at me, making me chuckle.
I go check on Lennox while Nia talks to Kara.
"She is so strong, Lena. She'll get through it." I hear Kelly say and take me in for a side hug.
"Kelly, they put her through Hell." I cry into her shoulder.
"I know. But they won't get away with it. Just focus on giving Lennox all the time she needs. Sometimes with people who have gone through sexual trauma, especially children, they stay silent for a while. They feel ashamed and dirty. Where Lennox has probably gone through it before, to then have it happen again, it's a big possibility. But you are Kara will be there for her. She will make it through. Be patient, loving, empathetic and everything you already naturally are. Take some time for yourself too. Make sure Lennox has a functioning Lena." She says, laughing at the end.
"Thank you, Kelly. Thanks for being here." I reply.
After Kara and I say goodbye to everyone who leaves, it's just us and Alex left in Lennox's room.
"Joe is claiming Lillian ordered him to sexually abuse her." Alex tells us angrily. Again, Lillian is evil but this man is worse than my own mother and brother.
"There's no way she would order anything like that." I say to her.
"Oh, I know. He's trying to play the victim card to mask the fact that he's a sick pedophile who deserves the worst possible treatment ever." Alex replies.
"I don't understand how anyone could do that to a child. Why are people wired like that?" Kara asks.
We all stay silent not having anymore to say.
The doctors have been taking great care of Lennox and they finally discharge her. She stays silent the whole time changing into her normal clothes.
"Hey, Lennox. Before we leave, someone else wants to see you." Kara says guiding her towards where Eliza is waiting.
Lennox walks into her open arms and sinks into her grandma's embrace. She doesn't say anything. Nothing needs to be said.
"You ready to head home, my love?" I ask her. I get a slight nod in response.
When we arrive at the penthouse, Lennox heads straight for her room. The doctors mentioned she might not want to eat due to everything she went through but we need to give her small amounts throughout the day. We let her go into her room and get some more sleep.
Kara and I continue to unpack everything that Eliza brought from Midvale. She is staying at Kara's apartment for the time being to help us with anything we need. I am so thankful for her.
"What do we do now, Lena?" Kara asks me sitting down on the bed.
"We be there for her. Anything she needs." I say, knowing that is all we can do.
"I miss her voice and laugh." She replies sadly.
"Me too, Kar. We'll get her back. Let's just go to bed and wake up refreshed and ready to take on tomorrow." I say hugging her.
"Can we sleep with her?"
"I think that's a great idea."
We head into her room and she is sleeping peacefully. We get on either side of her and Lennox immediately melts into my arms. Kara wraps her arm around her little waist and we fall asleep, together again.
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
and tons of morlok died last night . and he deos have a diffetn plan no due to you idiots being at him you can go f yourselves. and shall. tons say it he doestnt care we leave do the job get power. so what. yo ulose are big muouthed faggots and dont do at hing righ.
twenty more out last night and are at 100. ten died. yes. and fully. and he heard who silently. the hummer theief. is out. and hardknock co boss. o ut. did the work cannot do it no wont his clan in the way dies and will be out forever shorlty in a day or two are whimps now. too small. cant get big. use it nope. and dissolve too. the kids do they do. need this now. right now. pagliani too died. and he was a winner a bja and a fat loser. died sying this to bg and our son try it ok you try it and bye we shall ass. and wll use it wwhere you serve the empire and he said oh and died. and was in horror...an weakling he said screw you so i die you do it and too many oppose liar and he smiled so i cannot emotioanlly as he burned. and out.
now tons see it and willtry for the factoreis now and to take his down as htey are out and would not. and kill them all and for him and us and f that losers hit randall. and he heard stopped them nd they would not take no for an anser and hit lik mad trieed ideas worked too many. and a fag idea and yeh i know you...so where.and good. andcoming outtoday where randall tex cobb.
tons are up and go there to teh upper midwest. the place is hot. malt and otehr beer cos. and now hardknock and the humvee well H4 tons try and bja flies now makes themstamped and fast. good.
we do too. fast now. for ours. same thing yes. armored though it is cool.
and tons want it. and theyi make it
about 4 factorie diffeent owneship thusfar and copy bja and to take gm over themeselves lol
Thor Freya
and he says thats the system like the guy from the movie name the system lol and i hat e it warns ours and see it another 200m heat an d the fist group sits. and are at 6.9B and will drop shortly lol. to 6.5 and we dsee tons aliing to stop them even tommy f
0 notes
homophobicpunz · 3 years
boomer: ur telling me a shrimp fried this rice?!
gumi: based? based on what?
red: apartment "complex"...? i find it quite simple actually
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ynscrazylife · 2 years
Can I request a SuperCorp x reader where reader is the youngest member of Superfriends? And Kara and Lena are like her parent-figures. And then one day she gets severely injured in one of their missions. And then it's up to you what happens next. Thank you!
Our Daughter
Summary: Kara and Lena admit that they think of Y/N as a daughter after a solo mission goes wrong.
Authors Note: Thanks for requesting!
Request to be on a taglist (or multiple) here! (Taglists are at the end of the fic)
Main Masterlist | DC Masterlist
PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. Also, do NOT claim any of my works as your own. All of these works are either requests I’ve gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas I’ve had for works. If you happen to take inspiration from anything I’ve written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me first and b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Thanks.
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Being the youngest in any group came with its own set of consequences, but being the youngest in a group full of superheroes? The consequences were even bigger. Y/N’s parents had been big investors in L-Corp, which led to Y/N meeting Lena. She heard about internships at CatCo through Lena’s girlfriend Kara, and met Nia there when she got accepted, being fresh out of high-school. Y/N had been planning to go to college, but that didn’t go as planned.
On a lunch with Nia, a supervillain decided to attack the street they were on. When Nia had to suit up, Y/N got involved, too. The supervillain hit Y/N with some device that was meant for Kryptonians (clearly he had been expecting Supergirl), which altered her DNA. Having been rushed to the DEO, they were able to stabilize her, but the technology they used combined with the device ended up gifting her powers.
From then on, Y/N was quickly pulled into the group of the Superfriends. Opening her eyes at the DEO to see the concerned faces of Lena, Kara, and Nia was a forewarning for what was to come, in hindsight. Everyone respected Y/N, but they also cared for her deeply. Of course they cared for each other all the same, but when it came to Y/N? Perhaps it was due to her youth or her inexperience with fighting, but their concern shined brighter with her.
They always checked up on Y/N a little more than they did each other and hit a foe with more force if they had injured Y/N first. Y/N herself was no stranger to this — it had been a little bit difficult to adjust to at first, but it was comforting when it wasn’t annoying. At her core, though, she appreciated it. It was nice to have a group who cared so much about her.
Y/N loved them all, but Kara and Lena were especially important to her. They were her mentors, after-all. Lena helped her navigate her normal life with all these changes and Kara trained her and taught her to use her powers.
With all that guidance, Y/N had become an excellent superhero. However, there was a reason that she was in a team. Sometimes, certain enemies were too big for just one person to handle. Unfortunately, Y/N had to learn that the hard way one day . . .
It had been a solo mission because it was expected to just gather some intel on an uprising anti-alien organization. Apparently, this organization sought out to experiment on aliens, under the disguise that they were helping them rather than what they were actually accomplishing: hurting them. Y/N had taken on the mission due to not having gone on a solo one, if you don’t count patrol, for the past couple weeks. The plan was simple, anyway.
Some DEO agents had gone on a mission the previous week to bust one of the enemy’s headquarters. It had been a success, but they had been too occupied apprehending their enemies to gather the intel. That’s where Y/N came in. She was sent in to collect it.
Unbeknownst to her and the DEO, a couple enemies managed to slip away. They had been watching their now damaged HQ and when Y/N arrived, they pounced. Her comms went dead, and the DEO — with Kara at Catco and J’onn and Alex having a day off — struggled to figure out what went wrong. By the time they got a team to her location, she had fought off the enemies and gotten the intel. She had just enough time to, whilst dazed, tell them what happened before she fainted due to injuries.
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J’onn got the call at Kara and Lena’s apartment with the rest of the Superfriends. They were all chatting and laughing while waiting for Y/N to get back from her mission. When J’onn saw a DEO agent calling him, he was unfazed. Maybe a little annoyed because it was his day off, but he suspected it was just a routine update.
“Hi, sir. Um, I have an update on Agent Y/L/N’s mission,” the agent on the other side said. He sounded intimidated, but that was to be expected when talking to the director.
“It went well, I assume?”
The long sigh worried J’onn, he admitted.
“Sadly, no. Some of our enemies had gotten away the last time and they ambushed Y/N. Somehow, she managed to fight them off and grab the intel, but sustained serious injuries. She passed out when a rescue team got there and is in med now — still unconscious.”
J’onn froze at the news, just about forcing himself to turn away so his face wouldn’t give anything away to his friends. “Understood,” is all he got out before he hung up, taking a couple deep breaths in attempt to process this. His youngest agent was unconscious and injured. How had this happened? Was she alright? Many scenarios ran through his head.
J’onn cleared his throat when he turned back to the group, face becoming stoic. Everyone quieted upon seeing him, straightening up.
“J’onn, what is it?” Alex asked, crossing her arms. She had a knack for reading him.
“The mission didn’t go as planned. Y/N’s hurt,” he said, nearly avoiding a voice crack. He hated to have to break the news to them. The words felt disgusting on his lips.
Everyone reacted differently, but all with concern. Alex and James became more alert, Nia got noticeably worried, and Winn confused. No one was more concerned than Kara and Lena, though. Although they never said this to her or the group, they considered Y/N a daughter. How could she be injured?!
Kara would have flown to the DEO right then and there if not for Lena’s iron grip on her hand.
“Come on, let’s get going,” J’onn found himself saying, naturally falling back into his leadership role. No one else would get them going so it was up to him. Not that he minded it, making sure his family was alright was a welcome distraction from his worries about Y/N.
The team gradually made it to their feet, wandering out of the apartment, appearing lost. No one was really paying that much attention to the real world, even J’onn. Large parts of all of them were preoccupied with their own worries and thoughts. It was a miracle that no one got lost on the way to the DEO.
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It was only when they actually stepped through the DEO doors that the team became more alert. They made a beeline for medical, with J’onn leading and Lena and Kara rushing forward to fall in step beside him. When they arrived, the doctor on-call welcomed them in as she explained Y/N’s state. Lena took it upon herself to actually pay attention, allowing Kara to stay sealed away within her own thoughts.
The doctor made it abundantly clear straight away that Y/N was expected to make a full recovery, which made Lena’s heart sink. Anytime any doctor led with that, it meant that the patient’s injuries were extensive at the minimum. When they rounded the corner and saw Y/N lying in a hospital bed, looking so fragile with an IV hooked up, they all saw it first-hand. Kara gravitated towards her, settling herself in a chair next to the bed and taking Y/N’s hand. Lena sat on Y/N’s opposite side.
The doctor continued, mentioning an injury to Y/N’s left arm, right leg, and how they checked for a concussion and didn’t find any symptoms but she might’ve hit her head and oh, her ribs were sure to be sore as well as some bruises and cuts and fresh scars she was now wearing.
The list went on and on and it almost made Lena physically dizzy. She began to think that it might not ever end, and kept willing the doctor to just stop talking, be quiet. When she did and she took a deep breath, Lena found herself exhaling. Finally, it was over. Y/N was going to be alright and they’d stay by her side.
“When will she wake up?” Nia asked quietly, dragging Lena out of her thoughts. She glanced up at Kara to see the blonde blinking and returning to the present world as well.
“It shouldn’t be long now,” the doctor answered, which relieved them all. “However, since it is getting late, we’d like to limit the amount of visitors in here.”
“Lena and I will stay,” Kara volunteered quickly. Lena didn’t disagree, but couldn’t hide her surprise at hearing Kara’s raised voice. Kara must have noticed it too because she turned towards the team, not bothering to hide the tears that were in her eyes. “Please.”
“Of course,” Alex was the first to say, with everyone else nodding. She stepped forward to pat her sister’s shoulder comfortingly, and then looked between her and her practically sister-in-law. “Try to get to some sleep, okay?”
Neither woman answered, because neither woman were sure they’d be truthful if they had answered. Alex knew that, but she decided not to push. The group thanked the doctor and asked her to let them know of any updates before making their departure.
The doctor left the room with them, but not before informing Kara and Lena that a nurse would be around to check on Y/N in around a half hour. When the door closed, Kara let out an audible breath — of relief, of exhaustion, or of a mix of both, Lena couldn’t quite tell.
“She’ll be okay,” Lena repeated the doctor’s words, but it was more for herself than for Kara. She was content to observe Y/N, wanting to know of all her injuries so she could best help when Y/N woke up. She took note of a bandage on her forehead with a little bit of red visible.
“I know,” Kara murmured, her gaze also not leaving Y/N’s form. Needing to do something, anything, she resorted to rubbing Y/N’s hand with her thumb. Maybe even unconscious, Y/N might register it and might take comfort in it.
It had been five agonizing minutes of waiting before Kara’s voice sliced through the silence. “I don’t know how to explain this, but . . . I feel like Y/N is the closest I’ll get to having a daughter.”
Lena found herself smiling. “I feel the same way,” she agreed, happy to finally be voicing it.
After a moment’s pause, Kara found it in herself to tear her gaze away from Y/N and face her wife. “You think she feels the same way?” Then, the Kryptonian added, “Thinks of us like parents, I mean.”
Lena pursed her lips as she considered it. Just as she began to open her mouth to answer, a hoarse, quiet voice making its best attempt to be loud interrupted:
“I do.”
Both Lena and Kara’s heads snapped to the voice’s direction, where they saw Y/N wearily blinking up at them. She managed half a smile despite the immeasurable pain she was in. Lena instinctively reached out a glass of water that was probably no longer cold and raised it to Y/N’s lips, the latter taking generous sips.
Swallowing, she cleared her throat and eased herself up in the bed a bit, now looking between the two women she considered mothers. “You have been, ever since I started my superhero gig,” she answered, giggling — then wincing.
Kara blinked, her eyes becoming alert in a flash. “What is it? Do you need me to call the nurse or the doctor?” She asked, going to rise out of her chair. She only stopped when Y/N squeezed her hand, effectively calming her down.
“I’m okay. It’s probably gonna be like this for a little while,” she said, to which Kara confirmed by nodding.
“You really are like our daughter, Y/N. We meant it,” Lena persisted, wanting to make sure she knew.
Y/N looked over at the brunette and nodded, her smile growing into a full one.
“I’m really happy you guys are with me,” she said.
“We are, too. What happened, sweetheart?” Lena asked gently, making sure she wasn’t being pushy. She wanted to know since she couldn’t keep her curiosity at bay any longer, but also did not want to start pressuring Y/N.
Y/N’s gaze focused on her lap as she explained, talking slowly, especially through the hard parts. When she finished, Kara leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
“We are so proud of you. You did amazing,” Kara said, and Lena nodded in agreement.
“I did learn from the best,” Y/N said, looking from Kara to Lena and vice versa. Then, as an afterthought, she added, “And a little bit from the DEO handbook, I must admit.”
This made Kara and Lena laugh, and the three smiled and laughed until they fell asleep.
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supercorpkid · 3 years
Rescue Mission – Suicide Mission.
Part 3 - Whatever it costs.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Alex Danvers x Niece!Reader, Brainy x Reader, Eliza Danvers x Granddaughter!Reader.
Word count: 2950.
Warnings: Angst. Small panic attack -maybe?
Previously on the series - Part 1, Part 2
“Tell me all you know.” You ask Jamie, who seems to have come down from her shock state. “All of those things on your head. What was it for?”
“I’m not sure.” Jamie says, shivering from cold and from the memories. “Whatever it was, I think you stopped it just in time. They said not to kill, just to destroy.”
“Who’s they?”
“You. Her.” She points at Kara. “Mom.” She cries, and you feel like hugging her, but your Gramm already has her arms around Jamie in a comforting way, so you stay back waiting for the rest of the information. “I don’t know how many are there. I just know they have your faces.”
“How many did you see together?” You look at Kara and Lena, both knocked out next to you. “How many of us?”
“Two.” Jamie swallows hard. “I saw you and Kara together. Kara got Lena to the other room and I could-I could hear her terrified scream-” She stops. Heart beating fast. “There was nothing-nothing I could do. I swear, I couldn’t help her even if I wanted to, because you were tying me up on the chair. And I-I couldn’t-”
“Stop. Jamie, stop.” You drop your head low at the thought of that. You feel sickness coming from your stomach up your throat again. You hold it down. Tears forming on your eyes. This is all too much. And the fact the Brainy was wrong, it’s what sits worst on your stomach. They can impersonate you. They can hurt the people that you love using your face. “How did you know it wasn’t me?”
“I-I-” Jamie shrugs, biting her lower lip. “I just knew. I just-I know you.”
You get up from the floor and walk towards her. Your Gramm seems to understand this is a private moment between the both of you, because she moves a little farther away, making space for you. You get on your knees in front of Jamie, holding her tight.
“I’m sorry I didn’t get there sooner.��� You whisper, next to her ear, and Jamie tights the embrace.
“You got there. That’s all that matters.” She says and stops hugging you so she can look at your face. Jamie is holding back her tears, and you’re holding back yours. “I’m scared. You’re scared. And we’re just kids.”
You shake your head agreeing and she kisses your forehead, knowing you probably need this as a reassuring move, since both of your moms are down and can’t do that for you. You appreciate it, you actually needed it. You needed something, anything, to remind you of them.
“You go out there and you save the world.” You can see the anger in her eyes. It fills you with some, too. “You fucking tear them to pieces if you need to, but listen-” You nod, like saying she can go on. “You come back here. You come back here whatever it costs. Even if it costs the entire world’ safety, you fucking get back here. Do you hear me?”
“Jamie.” That's all you can say. You can’t agree to it. She knows you can’t.
“Don’t-” She sniffles and holds your face strongly in her hands. “Don’t you dare leaving me, you fucking dipshit.” You smile at her and agree with your head. “Promise me. I’m only leaving this place when you come back to pick me up.”
“I’ll come back.” You cry a little.
You stand up, looking at Jamie and your Gramm knowing they believe in you, so you have to believe in yourself too.
“Take care of them. I’ll be back with the rest of the family.” You nod at Jamie who smiles at you between her tears, proudly.
You fly to the DEO with a newfound strength, there are two people missing for this family to be complete, and you must get your aunts to safety before they can do what was promised. Destroying your entire family. You land on the DEO, and Brainy comes at you immediately.
“Finally! I think I’ve figured it out.” He says and you follow him to wherever he is heading. “As soon as Alex and Kelly arrived, I put them in containment.” He fills you in on what was going on at this end of things. “If we are dealing with a shapeshifter-”
“We are.” You interrupt him, and he agrees with his head.
“Well, if any of them is indeed a shapeshifter, we’ll find out about it now.” Brainy turns left and you see yourself at the DEO containment center. “The cells are equipped with a power blocker. I just have to-” He touches the screen next to Kelly's cell, and you can see her inside.
“Superkid!” She yells, running forward until she reaches the glass. “What is going on? Why am I locked up?”
“Let’s see if she is the real Kelly.” Brainy says, pressing a few more things and you see the cell turning blue. Kelly stays the same. “Um, it seems she is indeed the real Kelly.”
“Of course I’m the real Kelly! Who else would I be?” Kelly asks on the other side, and you nod at Brainy.
“Let her out.” You ask and he does so. Kelly comes to your side, and you squeeze her arm gently. “I’ll fill you in later.” You look back at Brainy. “Let’s see Alex.”
Brainy does the same procedure at Alex's cell, first she shows up in sight, asking what the hell is going on, later her cell turns blue and then… Then you see an alien appearing in front of your eyes.
“WHAT!” Kelly yells, hiding behind you, and you shake your head looking down.
“I guess we got it.” Brainy says and you hold Kelly’s waist.
“Not yet. There’s one more around. I’m bringing Kelly with me, find the real Alex, and I’ll be right back.” Kelly holds onto you tightly, knowing what you’ll do next.
“Wait-” Brainy says and you look back at him. “Where are you taking her?”
“To safety.” You smile, then fly away with her back to the Fortress. You barely open the door, and you see Jamie running towards Kelly with open arms.
“Mami!” They hug, and you leave them behind going to see your own moms. But halfway through where they are, you hear on your comm.
“Superkid! I found the real Alex. She is somewhere close to Kelly’s office.” Brainy’s voice comes again. “She’s not moving but seems to have a heartbeat.”
“I’ve got her.” You say, turning on your heels and flying out of the Fortress again.
One more. One more person to bring to safety and then you can go out and fight the shapeshifters.
You fly to where Kelly works and use your x-ray vision to try and locate Alex. It doesn’t take long for you to find her under the building. So you make your way down the sewage, to find her laying down all dirty, and minus the jacket you saw her earlier.
“Brainy, I found her. I’m bringing her with me, and I’ll meet you at the DEO as soon as you find a lead on the other shapeshifter.”
“Is she ok?” He asks through the comm.
“She seems to have fought them. She has a heartbeat and it’s breathing, but it’s injured.”
“Shouldn’t you bring her to the DEO?” Brainy asks and you hold your aunt thinking about it. She looks beat up, but you see there’s nothing broken. Despite some external hurt, and terrible smell, she looks fine.
“Not now.” You answer. “After we find the other one, I’ll bring all of them to care. Right now, find me the other shapeshifter so I can bring it to containment.”
“Copy that.”
You pick up Alex, holding your breath, and fly to Fortress fast so you don’t have to smell her. It’s terrible. You almost feel like you should drop her in the water for the stink to come out a little, before bringing her in, but now it’s not the time to care about this. You walk in the Fortress and everyone who is awake makes their ways towards both of you.
“Oh my God. Where did you find her? In the sewage?” Jamie says covering her nose, and you shake your head agreeing.
“Yes, that was exactly where I found her.” You put Alex on her two feet, even though she can’t stand, and soon Kelly and Eliza take your place, supporting her weight. You point at a door. “There’s a shower in there if you all would like to clean her up a little. Put her in warm clothes and I’ll bring the emergency kit supplies so we can try and patch her up.”
You find what you’re looking for, around the same time Eliza and Kelly make their way back to where your moms are laying down, with a cleaner but still bruised Alex.
“Here.” You give the kit to your Gramm. “This will have to do for now. But as soon as I get the aliens, we’ll take her to a hospital.”
“She’ll be fine.” Eliza says reassuringly to both you and Jamie. You shake your head agreeing.
“See.” Jamie says looking around, and you do the same, seeing your entire family with you, safe and sound. “I knew you could do it!”
You let out a loud relieved sigh. Yes, three of them are blacked out and completely incapable of helping you. The three you wish the most that would be awake to guide you through all of this. You wish Lena were awake to hug you and tell you she believes in you, and maybe come up with some invention to help you in this. You wish Alex were awake to help you with the fight that you feel in your heart that is coming. And you wish Kara were awake fighting side by side with you. But still, they’re here. Your family is safe. You can finally breathe again.
You make your way towards your moms, and sit between them, looking at both with a burn in your heart, wishing you could just do something to wake them up already.
Kara is looking a little better, her bruises are fading out a little, but she is still down. You look at Lena on the other side, slowly moving like she’s going to wake up. You pick her up, embracing her into your arms, holding her tightly while she mumbles something, eyes still shut.
“I’m here.” You whisper to her, trying to calm her racing heart. “You’re safe, mom. It’s ok. I’ve got you, you’re safe.”
Lena opens one eye first, staring at you with distrust. “Who are you?”
“It’s me, ok?” You smile at her, stroking her cheek. “It’s really me, you don’t have to worry. You’re safe. You’re at the Fortress, with your family. You’re safe.”
Lena slowly blinks at you. It takes her a few seconds to talk again. “Who are you?”
“Mom. It’s me.” You say again. She must think you’re one of the shapeshifters trying to trick her into believing that she is safe. Your heart squeezes in your chest when you think that they must have hurt her deeply. “I promise you don’t have to worry. It’s really me, your daughter.”
“I don’t have a daughter.” Lena says, fighting out of your embrace and into a straighter position. She looks around confused. “I don’t have a family.”
“What?” You ask dumbfounded. “Mom, please. It’s me! And-and Kara!” You point at Kara behind you. “Your wife.”
“Don’t be absurd.” Lena says completely shocked by your revelation. “I don’t know who you are, or where I am. I just know we are not a family.”
It’s your time to blink slowly at her. What does she mean by that? How can she say you’re not her family?
“Aunt Kelly!” You yell, looking back at where the rest of the family is. She stands up and comes closer, kneeling down in front of Lena. “She doesn’t remember anything. Maybe-maybe it’s trauma?”
“I’m not traumatized!” Lena's response is harsh, as well as her tone. “I’m sure I have never seen any of you, and that this is not my family.”
Lena doesn’t stand up, she just looks around confused, holding herself probably from fear and cold. You look back at Jamie and Gramm with eyes filled with tears. You don’t want to cry in front of them. You slide yourself away from her, and get up in a hurry, stumbling your way out of the room you’re all in, and into an empty one.
This can’t be happening. Of all the things that could happen to you and your family, your mom not remembering you is probably one of the worst ones. You lay on the floor, the whole room seems to be spinning around, and you try to stand still even though your mind keeps running in circles around you. You feel everything inside of you twisting, there’s vomit coming up from your stomach. Your body is trembling, and you don’t think there’s anything to do with the cold.
This isn’t the right time for it. No, you can’t have a panic attack right now, not when everyone depends on you, not only your family but all National City. But then again-
You were too late! You made all the wrong decisions, it’s your fault! You had to go for Lena first. She is human, she was in a more dangerous condition. You also had to be there for Kara, because maybe if you were fighting alongside her, right now both of you would be awake dealing with this mess. Why couldn’t you be in both places at the same time?
It’s your fault. Lena doesn’t remember you and Kara, and it’s your fault! Kara will wake up and her wife won’t remember her, and how will you tell her that you made the wrong call? That you went for her first? She’s not going to forgive you and you-
Can you forgive yourself?
It all seemed to be working out just fine, you thought you actually got everyone to safety. You stupid little kid, somehow believed you could do this. You thought you could save your family and then defeat evil aliens. How could you be so stupid?
Your heat vision goes off, breaking the ice in front of you. You let out the most guttural scream you’ve ever done. Stupid little you, thought you were enough. Thought you could do what Supergirl does, what Superman does. When will you finally realize you will never be good enough?
You have your face screwed up and eyes clenched shut, and you can’t hear anything, anything but a tiny voice in the back of your brain.
“Not to kill. Just to destroy.”
That’s what they said. They don’t want to kill your family just destroy it, and Lena not remembering who you all are does just that. You let them win. They’ve won. It doesn’t matter if you fight them or not. You’re here sobbing, all alone, because they’ve won. They destroyed your family and you let them.
“Superkid.” You hear Brainy’s voice through your comm. “I found the other shapeshifter. Come to the DEO.”
“FUCKKKK!” It’s all you can scream. You can’t fight any freaking shapeshifter. Doesn’t he get it? Doesn’t anyone get it? You will never win, you never do. You mess things up, you let your mom get mind wiped. She doesn’t know you; she won’t hug you; she won’t say you can do it.
“Superkid!” Brainy voice comes again. “Do you copy?”
You breathe out, emptying your lungs, and you sit up, cleaning your wet cold face. It got worse, like you predicted. The situation definitely got worse.
“I copy.” You try to even your voice. “Keep monitoring them, I’m on my way.”
You get up, cleaning your wet super suit. It doesn’t matter if you think you can do it or not. Right now, you’re the only awake person that can at least try. So you must go on. You must, at least, fail. But you must try.
“I have to go.” You say when you return to where your entire family is. You look around, feeling your heart racing, and it’s hard to breathe. You wish you didn’t have to go. You wish you could stay here with them. You wish National City could save itself for once. You wish you weren’t a superhero at all. You wish your family were just another family. You wish your life were normal.
“If Kara wakes up, send her my way. I’ll need help.” You look down on Lena waiting for an encouraging word, but she has nothing but an empty look on her face. It hurts harder than a punch on your stomach.
“Honey.” Kelly holds your hand gently and gives you a little smile. “You can do it.”
“Look what you have accomplished already, sweetheart. You got all of us here, and we are all safe.” Gramm says and you look at Lena again. All of them, but one.
You agree with your head and make your way towards the exit. Jamie stands up and you look at her.
“Hey!” Jamie comes closer to you and shows you her little finger. “Whatever it costs, you’ll come back.”
Don’t promise it. Don’t do it. You can’t keep it and you know it.
“Whatever it costs.” You say, intertwining your little finger with hers. You give her a flat smile and walk outside. “I’ll save all National City.” You look at the Fortress door closing behind you, and you breathe deep, feeling all your courage leaving your body. “Whatever it costs.”
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strawberrylemonz · 3 years
Part 7
Part 8 [CURRENT]
Part 9
@lynn-draws-blog @artistconk @snapdragonfirefly @bargledblocks @abnormal-normality
“Floris, please eat your-”
“I know you want solid food, but your teeth haven’t fully grown out yet!”
“C’mon, even Tommy was more lenient when he was your age.”
“L, she just likes me better.”
“She’s eight months, she doesn’t know what she likes.”
“If I recall, you would boast about how much I liked you.”
Techno grimaced as more mashed potatoes and mashed carrots were flung onto his face, the kit’s cries growing louder as humanoid paws hit the table over and over again. Floris wailed as she tried to wiggle herself out of her high chair, ignoring her own hunger in her discomfort. Tommy, who was recovering from laughing, snatched the spoon from Techno’s grasp. 
“Watch and learn, Dadzo.” 
An annoyed expression covered the king’s face as he watched Tommy quiet the child down, encouraging her to eat her food. He watched the wails die down, replaced with giggles and claps after every bite. 
“Here comes the minecart! Yay! We hit the jackpot! Go Floris!”
“I still don’t know how you knew to do that.”
“Deo was babysitting for his neighbors the last time I went. I just decided to copy him.”
Techno just snorted as he grabbed the nearest napkin, wiping off the food from his face. Smiling in amusement as Tommy tried to duck away from his head pat, Techno stood put and made his way to the doors. 
“I’ll get a bath started, she’s going to need one.”
“I think all three of us are going to need one after this.”
“You need to get dressed, Floris. You can’t celebrate your second birthday in your underwear.”
“What do you mean?”
Tommy and Techno shared exasperated looks as they struggled to get the toddler dressed. The king had tried everything he could, but the child refused to wear any of her dresses. As he dug through her wardrobe, searching for another dress, Tommy took his turn to try and coax his niece into an outfit. 
“C’mon, you’ll catch a cold if you wear nothing!”
Tommy groaned as he let the toddler go, watching as she scrambled to hide underneath her bed. It was no use! No matter what they tried, they couldn’t get Floris to put on any of her dresses. If this continues at the same rate, they’ll be missing out on her birthday breakfast. He just didn’t understand what they were missing! They went through all the dresses made for her, and none were enough to get her in a happy mood. She didn’t seem to like any of her dresses-
She didn’t like her dresses.
“That’s it!”
“Huh? What’s it?”
Without another word, the twelve year old scrambled to his feet, nearly slipping as he ran out the toddler’s room. Techno rolled his eyes at the sight, returning his attention to coaxing the fox hybrid out from under her bed. Just as he was about to resort to begging, the sound of footsteps and the smell of flowers and wood alerted him to Tommy’s presence. Turning around, he raised an eyebrow upon seeing folded clothing in his arms. Tommy just shrugged as he sat before the bed, peeking underneath it in order to meet the eyes of the toddler. 
“Floris? Can you come out? You don’t gotta wear your dresses, I actually have something different for you.”
“No dress?”
“No dress.”
Techno and Tommy both let out a breath of relief the moment two tiny paws stuck out from beneath the bed, tiny ears and curled red hairs following in suit. Finally out, the child huffed as she warily watched the older boy, who gave a reassuring smile. Crossing her arms, she watched him with uncertainty. Letting out a laugh, Tommy unfolded the first part of the clothes, holding it up for the girl to see. 
“This is the suit I wore back on my second birthday. If you want, you can wear it for yours.”
Techno and Tommy couldn’t help but give genuine smiles when they saw the girl relax, eyes widening in astonishment. After receiving a nod of reassurance from both of her family members, she hesitantly touched the sleeve of the suit. Astonishment morphed into excitement and joy. Jumping to her feet, she squealed as she hugged the older boy.
“Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you!”
“Yeah, yeah. Now go get dressed! I’m a starving kid who wants breakfast!”
“Well, we think it’s cool that you learned to sew.”
“Yeah! That’s a useful skill, Tommy!”
Tommy snorted as he walked alongside the water, Deo, Luke and Bitzel all joining him. He watched as Deo plucked a smooth stone out from the sand, skipping it across the water. The other boys cheered as they picked up stones of their own. Soon enough, all four were skipping stones across the calm waters. Halfway through their activities, Deo’s voice broke the comfortable silence. 
“So, Toms, how are you feeling? Fourteen, sheesh. You’re nearing adulthood.”
“I know, right? I’m an even bigger man now! Floris had a matching suit made so that she can be just like me.”
“Cute. What do you want for your birthday?”
“Well, I was talking to Pops, and he agreed that I can ask Floris if she wants to be an official part of the royal family.”
“Really? That’s great! You’ll finally be an official big brother!”
Luke and Bitzel voiced their approval through cheers and more stone skipping. The four sat there for another hour, only to stop their conversation at the sound of hooves and wheels. Looking back at the road behind them, they waved as the approaching horse-drawn carriage came to a stop. Standing on their feet, the four of them made their way to the carriage, who’s door just opened. Climbing in, Tommy yelped as he was tackled into a hug, his friends climbing in behind him with greetings. 
“Floris! Let me sit down first!”
Techno snorted as he waved to Tommy’s friend. After assuring that everyone was ready, he called for the carriage to begin moving. 
“Happy birthday, Toms!”
“Thank you! How’s my favorite girl?”
“...Uh- good!”
Everyone furrowed their eyebrows as they watched the three year old fiddle with her fingers, the excitement she displayed now gone. The five exchanged concerned looks, having a silent conversation with their eyes while the child stared down at her hands. After they all realized that none of them knew what was wrong, Techno bit the bullet and cleared his throat. It was time to be a dad once more. 
“Floris, what is it, kit?” 
Techno hated the feeling of his little ones feeling unhappy and unloved. He hated every bit of it with Tommy, and he hates it just as much with Floris. 
“Can I tell you guys something?”
“You can tell us anything.”
“I don’t want to be Floris anymore. I don’t like being Floris.”
Everyone was silent as they watched the child, who refused to look up from her hands. Not wanting to cause a panic, Tommy spoke up.
“Can you explain?”
“I know that I’m supposed to be Floris, but I don’t wanna be. I don’t feel like Floris. I don’t feel like a girl. I wanna be a boy. I’m sorry for ruining your birthday, Tommy. Please don’t be mad at me.”
“Mad? No, we could never be mad at you for this. And you didn’t ruin anything.” “Why didn’t you tell us this sooner?” “I was scared you’d leave me like my parents did.”
He was surrounded in seconds. Everyone in the carriage did their best to reassure him that they wouldn’t leave him. Hugs and head scratches occurred, making the hybrid giggle in delight. Wiping his tears away, he peered up at Techno, who snorted as he gave a reassuring head pat. 
“There’s no way you’re getting rid of us that easily. We’re a family made through bonds, bonds that can’t be broken so easily. We’re not going anywhere.”
“So, what is it then?”
Confusion painted the boy’s face as he faced Tommy, who was watching him with interest. 
“What is what?”
“You’re name, doofus. You said it yourself, you’re not Floris. Who are you?”
The group watched as the boy hummed to himself, getting lost in thought. He peered up at one of the windows, studying his reflection. Giving himself a small nod, he sat back down before confidently declaring:
“Fundy. I’m Fundy.”
“Alright, Fundy it is!”
“Hey, Tommy? Does this mean I’m one of the boys now?”
“Fundy, you’ve always been one of the boys.”
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fallingappleshurt · 4 years
He won then we lost but it’s okay
( I wrote something for the FD!AU made by @antarctic-bay !! I love your AU so it was really fun to write something for it!! And if the original creator doesn’t like this then I’ll delete it!!
And keep in mind this writing isn’t canon!! It’s just a Drabble I wrote in like 6 non-consecutive hours! And I’m sorry for any funky formatting, I wrote this in a google doc then copied it here lmao)
(TW: Swearing and light ‘angst’)
The world moved in slow motion as the ball hit the rim, Tommy held his breath.
It slipped through the rim, the buzzer sounded.
Tommy let out the breath as a scream. He did it, he made the shot, they won.
They won.
He looked up to his brothers, Techno was screaming like a mad man, cheering loudly, “Oh my God! That’s my- that’s my brother! Holy shit!” Wilbur was just as loud, throwing his arms around Techno as they yelled.
And Phil.
He made it.
He stood there with the biggest grin on his face, eyes shining as he cheered. For him.
It was the best feeling.
Then his team was surrounding him, cheering, clapping him on his shoulders, messing up his hair. He was laughing, it was a happy, half- hyperventilating, shriek as a few of his team mates attempted to pick him up.
Soon the crowd was clearing and his brothers were moving onto the court to congratulate him. Techno slung an arm around his shoulder while Wilbur messed up his hair, laughing.
Phil smiled at him, eyes shining with pride.
“Tommy that was amazing, I’m so proud of you!”
Tommy smiled so hard his face hurt.
Techno and Wilbur were listening as Tommy babbled on about the points he scored when Phil went to talk to Coach Pete.
“Since Tommy joined the team he’s been so great, you can almost forget about him being a delinquent!”
The three youngers froze in place, none of them dared move as Phil scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Ever since Tommy joined the team, he’s been fighting much less than before, it’s wonderful.”
“Yes, I guess it is.” Phil turned slowly to look at his younger brothers, who all smiled nervously back.
“Run,” Techno hissed at them.
“Tech’s right, he can’t catch us all.” Wilbur agreed.
“Well, it’s been a long day, I’m sure you guys are tired,” Phil said, throwing an arm around Wilbur’s shoulders, “And we have a few things to discuss, don’t we boys?”
They walked towards the car awkwardly, Techno and Tommy climbed into the backseat while Wilbur and Phil got upfront. Once they started to pull out of the parking lot Phil started;
“What the fuck did he mean?” He asked, looking back sharply at Tommy.
“Well, um, you see, so-” Tommy stammered before looking at Techno, “Help me out a little here!”
“You’re the delinquent dude,” Was all he got.
“Oh my god, you’re useless- anyways, uh, I learned how to fight at Deo’s Dojo, cause people at our school- people at our school really suck, man, they suck and I wanted to be able to defend myself and others, ya know?”
Phil nodded slowly, with an eyebrow raised, “Okay, that still doesn’t explain the ‘delinquent’ thing.”
“He was essentially being a vigilante, since bullying is a big problem at our school, he stops a lot of it.” Techno added, “If it makes you feel better, I checked him over, he was never hurt too badly.”
“So you knew about it?”
Techno’s face dropped slightly, “Uhhhh, there is a great possibility that I did.”
“Wilbur was in on it too!” Tommy blurted out, trying to take some of the heat off Techno.
“What!” Phil ripped his eyes off the road to gape at Wilbur while Wilbur himself whipped around to glare at Tommy,“Seriously?!”
“All three of you were doing this shit?!” Phil snapped, looking back at the road.
“Not the fighting, I just helped figure out who was an asshole, Tommy beat them up, and Techno made sure Tommy was okay afterwards.” Wilbur crossed his arms, looking out the window.
“How- how did you three even manage to pull this off?”
“Wilbur knows a lot of people and was able to get information from them. Techno did medical research to make sure he knew what to do and I practiced a lot, so it just kind of worked.” Tommy mumbled.
Phil just shook his head slightly, “Well, for starters you guys are grounded.”
“Yeah, I saw that coming.” Wilbur shrugged.
“Thanks a lot Tommy,” Techno grumbled,
“What do you mean ‘Thanks a lot Tommy’? You gladly helped me!”
“Not gladly-”
“Fucking lies dude! Lies!”
They continued down the road in silence, tension filled the air, when Tommy noticed Phil’s shoulders start to shake, it took him a minute to realize that Phil was laughing.
It started out as a quiet chuckle that grew into guffawing.They were at a stoplight when it evolved into loud, infectious,cackling, soon they were laughing along with him, nervousness and tension fading away as Phil shoved his face in his hand.
“It’s just,” He broke off laughing, “It’s so stupid, How- how did you even manage to pull this off?” He cackled again before taking a breath, eyes raking over his younger brothers, “You guys are idiots,” He grinned fondly and Tommy sighed, It was a good night.
They had arrived home and Tommy immediately went to shower, once he got out and changed he stepped into his shared room he was greeted by Techno, who was laying upside down on his bed, rolling a fidget cube between his fingers, and Wilbur, who was on the floor, scribbling in a notebook.
“What are you guys doing?”
“We are still feeling kind of bad about the whole, so we wanted to do something for Phil,” Techno explained.
“We are between making a big feast for dinner tomorrow for both you and Phil or some off brand fourth of July thing with possibly illegal firecrackers,” Wilbur said, biting the end of his pencil.
“Definitely the dinner,” Tommy said flatly, flopping down on his bed, exhausted, “We don’t need him more upset with whatever option two was.”
“Yeah, we were leaning towards that.”
“You should have been falling towards it,” Tommy said, throwing his towel on his desk chair.
“Next part is what should we make? I think a whole chicken would-”
“Wait!” Techno shot up suddenly, “Hang on!” He rushed out of the room, tripping over his own feet.
“Could you have an attention span longer than two minutes?” Wilbur called after him, rolling his eyes. A few minutes later Techno came back into the room and slid towards Wilbur on his knees, shoving a dusty box at him.
“What the hell is that?” Tommy asked, rolling over to look at his brothers.
“Are those mom’s old recipes?” Wilbur asked, sitting up.
“Yes! Phil said one of these was his favorite! I don’t exactly remember which one but it’s one of these!” Techno grinned widely, Wilbur flipped through the worn recipes, gaping, “Tech this is perfect!”
“I think his favorite was the chicken parm or something like that.” Tommy said, leaning over the edge of his bed.
“I think he’s right,” Techno agreed.
After twenty minutes of scheming and sorting they had a plan, it was almost perfect when Tommy asked; “Wait, how are we going to get all of the ingredients? We’re grounded!”
“I got it covered,” Wilbur said, pulling out his phone, texting someone, a few moments later he grinned before slipping it back in his pocket.
“My friend is gonna pick up the ingredients for us in the morning and drop them off, so we technically won’t break any rules.”
“This’ll be great! As long as we can pull it off!” Tommy beamed, Techno and Wilbur nodded in agreement. They’d make it up to their brother.
The next morning after Phil headed off to work, Wilbur’s friend showed up with all of the ingredients, after they unloaded it all and Wilbur paid them back, painfully, they were ready to start. Techno started picking up around the apartment more while Wilbur and Tommy prepped the kitchen.
“Tommy do you know how to dice things?”
“Oh my God, it’s gonna be a long day.”
After a long day of cooking, cleaning, and baking, it was finally done. They had set the table, the food was out, the cake Techno made was chilling in the fridge and most of the dishes were done, all that was left to do was wait.
And that was the worst part.
Ten minutes later and Phil finally walked through the door, shoulders drooping.
“Hey guys,” He greeted weakly, waving at Wilbur in the kitchen. He set down his bag and coat on the couch then looked over at the table to see it fully set, covered in food and his brothers standing next to it with nervous smiles.
“Surprise!” Tommy’s voice was barely stronger than a whisper, he watched as life flooded back into Phil’s eyes.
“What- what is this?” He took a step closer.
“We wanted to celebrate Tommy’s victory and try to make up the whole delinquent, vigilante thing, so we did this,” Tommy explained quietly, “Do you like it?”
“This, guys, this is-” Phil paused, a gentle smile pulled at his lips as he chuckled, “This is amazing.” He wrapped an arm around them, eyes watering;
“I’m so proud of you guys.”
(Why does tumblr not like my italics??)
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itsmoonphobic · 4 years
📚𝙲𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚖 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚘𝚜✏️
(ᴀ sʙɪ+ᴛᴏᴍᴍʏ & ᴄᴏ ʜɪɢʜsᴄʜᴏᴏʟ ᴀᴜ) ☟︎︎︎ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴛᴇxᴛ ʙᴇʟᴏᴡ ☟︎︎︎
ʷᵉ ᵈⁱᵈⁿ'ᵗ ᵏⁿᵒʷ ʷᵉ ʷᵉʳᵉ ᵐᵃᵏⁱⁿᵍ ᵐᵉᵐᵒʳⁱᵉˢ ᵃˡᵒⁿᵍ ᵗʰᵉ ʷᵃʸ ʷᵉ ʷᵉʳᵉ ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵃ ᵇᵘⁿᶜʰ ᵒᶠ ᵏⁱᵈˢ ʰᵃᵛⁱⁿᵍ ᶠᵘⁿ ᵗᵒᵍᵉᵗʰᵉʳ
❣︎ ᴛᴇᴄʜɴᴏ ɴ. ʙʟᴀᴅᴇ (Second year):
ᴄᴏɴғɪᴅᴇɴᴛ | ʟᴏʏᴀʟ | ɪɴᴛᴇʟʟɪɢᴇɴᴛ | ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴇᴛᴇᴛɪᴠᴇ | ᴅᴇᴛᴇʀᴍɪɴᴇᴅ | ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ | sᴀʀᴄᴀsᴛɪᴄ | ɪɴᴛʀᴏᴠᴇʀᴛᴇᴅ | ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ | ᴄᴏʟᴅ
-The fucking brain of the whole school.Gets all the top grades and is every teacher's favorite.
-English is his main thing,he knows so many complex words and phrases that he uses to sound smarter and confuse other poeple.
-Spends most of his free time and breaks in the library reading a book or studying.
-Doesn't like getting involved in conflicts or fights but he will step in and tell them back off if they are making fun of someone or bullying them :(
-His sleeping schedule is messed up.So after staying up all night playing videogames he buys atleast seven cups of coffee in the cafeteria to keep him awake.
-Finds sticky notes his three best friends left behind on his locker.It's either daily reminders or just some dumb shit like an insult or a crappy drawing.He pretends to throw them away but he secretly keeps them all in his room :)
-Gives his friends after school lessons and guides if they are stuck on homework or have a big exam coming up so they don't fail and get a good mark :D
-Doesn't like going to football games or any school games at all,but he will go when it's one of Tommy's basketball games (He even went with him to his tryouts for moral support-)
-Will give both Tommy and Wilbur cheet sheets and answers for bigger and more harder exams or tests :P (But they have to pay him lmfaooo-)
-Agrees to do risky (but fun-) shit with Tommy and Wilbur (They have broken into the school multiple times at night-)
-Sometimes Techno gets these horrible head aches so Phil,Wilbur and Tommy created a little sleeping spot on an old couch in the library where they can all lay down and relax together :D (This shit is so wholesome)
-Drags his friends and talks so much shit about them but in reality he cares for them.He will call them names like loser or idiot but he never truly means it :) (He loves them but he would never admit it out loud- cringee)
-Is in two clubs.He plays the violin in the school band and performs in the theater. (He played a king once and till this day it's by far his favorite performance) :D
-Completely oblivious to the fact that these random two dudes (Squid and Dream) are competing against him for the reputation of the smartest student.
❣︎ ᴘʜɪʟ ᴡᴀᴛsᴏɴ(Third year):
ᴄᴀʀɪɴɢ | ᴋɪɴᴅ | ʜᴇʟᴘғᴜʟ | ʜᴀʀᴅᴡᴏʀᴋɪɴɢ | ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴏᴜs | ᴜɴᴅᴇʀsᴛᴀɴᴅɪɴɢ | ᴘᴀᴛɪᴇɴᴛ | sᴇʟғʟᴇss | ᴘᴏʟɪᴛᴇ | ᴇᴍᴘᴀᴛʜᴇᴛɪᴄ
-The parent of the school.He helps out wherever he can so his hands are always full and occupied.It gets hard to catch him sometimes since he's always running around.
-The teachers love him.He will help them with papers and he also volunteers to stay longer and clean up the classroom after everyone leaves.
-Keeps the chaos trio out of trouble and makes sure they don't end up in detention,though he doubts Techno ever will.He can't say the same for the other two though :)
-Helps out the nurses and lunch ladies if they have too much work- (He gets free chocolate milk in the cafeteria as a little thank you :D)
-He basically steals the teachers work.They don't get any more complaints from the students or any type of fight they need to solve since Phil's got it all under control.
-He stops by the bakery and brings breakfast for Tommy and Wilbur,and a coffee for Techno with him.Techno said he doesn't like to eat early so Phil kept that in mind :)
-They think he doesn't know but Phil indeed does recall all the shenanigans the three of his best friends have done. (Yes even the school break ins-)
-Attends ALL of Techno's and Wilbur's shows and performances.And he doesn't forget about Tommy's basketball games :3 (He's probably the loudest in the crowd and hypes them up like a proud father-)
-Gets way too worried over his friends.One time Tommy twisted his ankle during a game and Phil freaked out. Tommy reassured him that it's just a bruise but turns out he broke his ankle so- Yeah trust Phil and get it checked if he says to get it checked :)
-Student council president?- That's Phil for you.
-The students (and teachers) were both very happy that Phil got to be council president since he has proven himself worthy of that title.
-Constantly has to apologize for Tommy's and Wilbur's antics.He can't argue against Techno but these two brainless children get into way too much trouble :(
-Phil keeps the school under control- At first the teacher's were kinda pissed off but now they get to spend more free time and still get payed for doing less work.They always make sure to thank Phil though don't worry :)
-There have been way less fights and stressful situations in school since Phil takes care of them and makes sure everything runs smoothly,the way it's supposed to :D
❣︎ ᴡɪʟʙᴜʀ sᴏᴏᴛ(First year):
ᴄʜᴀʀᴍɪɴɢ | ғʟɪʀᴛʏ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴛɪᴄ | ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ | sᴜᴀᴠᴇ | ᴄʜᴀʀɪsᴍᴀᴛɪᴄ | ᴇɴᴛʜʀᴀʟʟɪɴɢ | ᴇᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ
-The heartthrob of the school.Cliche definition of Mr.popular.The whole school is either in love with him, jealous of him or they admire him.
-Has the most sick parties over the year.Halloween?Birthdays?Home alone parties? With Wilbur it's like prom every month :D
-Flirts with all the girls,he's never been in a relationship before but he can't help the fact that he's handsome :) He's a huge ass romantic.The reason behind that may be the fact that his favorite movie genre is romance lmao-
-Is in the school band and theater club with Techno.He plays the guitar and sings(Bonus points for the girls) His favorite type of performances have to be musicals :D (Hamilton reference let's go-)
-Fights with Tommy all the time.You could catch the two of them throwing insults at eachother and from time to time even a middle finger (or in Tommy's case both)
-People continously ask him if he's dating Niki but they are just good friends who bond over music :( He would sing and play guitar for her,Niki has so many polaroids of their cute moments together in her room- (Wilbur may or may not have stolen one while he was hanging out with her-)
-Knows everyones dirty secrets and will blackmail others if they fuck with him or his friends.
-Also hates Dream,doesn't know if it's becouse he competes with Techno all the time or that he's a huge wheezing jerk >:(
-He loves sitting next to Techno in the library while he comes up with new song ideas.He would ask Techno for his opinion to <3
-The whole school is behind his back.You start shit with Wilbur and not only are his friends there to back him but every student (Even the janitor lmao)
❣︎ ᴛᴏᴍᴍʏ sɪᴍᴏɴs(First year):
ᴇɴᴇʀɢᴇᴛɪᴄ | ʟᴏᴜᴅ & ғᴜɴɴʏ | ᴄᴜʀɪᴏᴜs | ᴇxᴘʀᴇssɪᴠᴇ | ʙʀᴀᴠᴇ | ᴇɴᴛᴇʀᴛᴀɪɴɪɴɢ | ʀᴇᴄᴋʟᴇss | ʀᴇʙᴇʟʟɪᴏᴜs | ʜʏᴘᴇʀ | ᴏᴘᴇɴᴍɪᴍᴅᴇᴅ
-Seen as a heathen by the whole school.Got himself the nickname troublemaker from pretty much everyone.
-Shit you not he goes around the school and starts fights with people who are way stronger than him but still manages to beat them up like?
-Road his skateboard through the school hallways once and made Tubbo record it while he pulled off some stupid stunt down the stairs- He ended up breaking his leg lmao.
-Legit always goes after the popular kids-(That's how he met Phil,Wilbur and Techno)now he has people who can beat ass with him (except for Phil)
-Calls teachers out on their bullshit.He will literally say they are wrong and what they're saying his complete bullshit
-May or may not have got suspended a few times
-Gets into so many detentions.The teachers are pretty much used to him coming and even have a special seat reserved for him in the back.
-Plays basketball and gets super excited when the Blade comes and picks him up from practice.Feels extremely cool that he's walking away with him while his teammates stare in shock.
-Once spread a rumor about Wilbur to pay him back for pranking him and let's just say Tommy and he had a pretty deep conversation lmao-
-That kid who always couldn't contain his luaghter in class and threw paper balls across the room.Yeah that's Tommy
-Has a gang he hangs out with (Tubbo is his favorite but he loves to annoy Deo lmao)They also have a groupchat,tbh it's mostly just Tommy asking if he can copy homework from one of them
-Tried to hack into the school system with Techno's help atleast five times but after Phil cought them the two of them stopped
-Brings nerf guns into school and jumpscares people with them.He shot the principal once and that was the most terrifying moment of his life (Apart that conversation with Wilbur lmaoooo)
-Loves breaking rules with Wilbur and Techno lol.It was his idea to break into the school the first time so they kinda stuck to doing that (especially during summer break)
AHHHHH- It's finished! This time I tried something different and made it a bunch of short headcanons!This is probably my favorite type of au so I'm really happy with how it turned out! Love y'all <3
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If anyone wants to be part of a taglist of the Vigilante AU, feel free to message me/send an ask.
Taglist: @sleepysnails @causeimfabulous @anty-kreatywna
Reminder: 12-11-04 = TimeDeo 93-10-01 = Tommy
Ao3 link
“93-10-01 v. 12-11-04!”
Tommy and Deo both stood and made their way to the ring.
The gong sounded.
Tommy started circling Deo. Sure Tommy had told Deo that they’d be playing with each other, but he could see that Deo was guarding for the drop.
Tommy spread his arms out wide. Deo threw a right hook. Tommy ducked.
This continued for a while and Tommy kept an eye on the crowd. He saw 5up twirling his gun, like a rich boy with all the confidence in the world. Which he kind of was.
Something slammed open.
Tommy grabbed Deo and shoved him into the ground, shielding him with his body.
“Ouch!” he said indignantly.
“Stand down!” a female voice shouted. “Everybody freeze.”
“Oh. Salvation?”
“Pretty sure.” Tommy picked himself off of Deo and they both look around. “Guns.”
Deo turned around and motioned for the other kids to duck and cover if there weren’t already. Tommy stayed forward facing watching the room. The watched the business men rush to leave and the wait-staff try to get out of the way.
“Our guys or the other guys?” Deo seemed content to trust Tommy.
“Well fuck.”
Tommy caught 5up’s eye. He man nodded before shooting out of his seat towards to exit. Tommy watched his fist bump one of the obviously vigilantes and he relaxed. “We’re finally getting out of here,” he breathed.
“Everybody down!” the lady shouted. “Right where you are. Stay put.”
Deo turned to the chaos. “Can we trust them?”
“Yes we can trust them!” Tommy said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Look I know you’re used to heroes saving the day, but it’s been three months. If you don’t like vigilantes than just be thankful you’re getting out.”
Deo looked a little distressed, but he swallowed it down. “Yeah yeah okay.”
- - -
xChocobars and Aipha separated from Alpha Team and pushed to the ring.
The blond one responded. “Yes?”
“Hi I’m xChocobars. This is Aipha.”
“District?” Tommy asked immediate, stepping in front of Deo.
“Plushys sister?”
“Yes!” XChocobars clapped her hands once. “Is she okay?”
“Are any of us okay?” Tommy deadpanned.
xChocobars smiled ruefully before slipping into no-nonsense mode. “Do you know where the level 1 fights are being kept?”
“Yes Ma’am.”
“And you are 12-11-04 correct?”
“Yes Miss.”
“Could you round up all the kids in the main room? Pokimane is going to come and extract you guys while 93-10-01 takes us to help the level 1s.”
Deo glanced at Tommy. If Tommy trusts them then he had too as well. “Yeah I can do that. Who’s Pokimane?”
Before xChocobars or Aipha could explain Tommy dropped his head in his hands. “How do you?” Tommy asked before shaking his head. “Pokiame’s from District 50. 50-10-01 will point her out.”
“Got it.”
Tommy feigned a punch at Deo and ran off, xChocobars and Aipha following him to the level 1 cells.
The thing about vigilantes is that some of them are people with powers who didn’t want to be part of the bureaucracy that comes with being a hero. While others were just regular guys who want to do good in their neighbourhood. xChocobars and Aipha were the former. XChocobars could move metal and Aipha had super strength.
xChocobars twisted her wrist and the locking mechanism opened with a click.
Tommy grabbed a lock pick from Aipha before slipping into the hall. “Hey Crumb,” Tommy said softly into the first cell.
“Hi.” Tommy started to pick the lock. “We’re getting the two of you out of here.”
“And everyone else?” Crumb asked.
“Two?” xChocobars asked. She looked in the cell. There were two girls. “Cells are doubled up?”
“Yep. Yes Crumb, and everyone else.” Tommy put his ear next to the lock to wait for the click. “I have a single, but Deo, 12-11-04, has a triple.” The door swung open and Crumb came running out. Meri followed her into Tommy’s arms.
xChocobars and Tommy started to open up other cells and Aipha hits his comm. “Rae?”
“Rae here.”
“Are you in the wing yet?”
“Yes. Tell xChocobars we found her sister. She’s helping us around here.”
“Mhm.” He filed that away but needed to get to his point. “There are more than two hundred kids.”
“I know. Plushys had a roommate.”
“Have you alerted triage?”
“Not yet. Can you? They’re a little violent and scared over here.”
“Yep. Aipha out.” He switched frequencies. “Tina are you there?”
“Tina here!”
“How many cupcakes do you guys have?”
“About 25 hundred? Niki make a lot, just in case people wanted more than one.”
“Okay good, because there are more than two hundred kids here.”
“How many?”
“Uhm.” Aipha turned to the blond kid and his little group. “93-10-01?”
“How many kids are here, do you think?”
“50 rooms per level. Level 1 and level 3 have double cells. Level’s 2 and 4 are tripled up. Mostly.”
Aipha did some quick mental math. “Like five hundred?”
“Shit. Okay, copy. We’ll make do.”
“Also some of these kids look bad, so make sure you guys have enough first aid stuff.”
“Got it.”
- - -
xChocobars was so cool. She was moving metal bars with her hands. Tommy went further down the hall and was using the lock pick. Even though he was slowed, two sets of hands were better than one.
“Yes Ma’am?”
“At the end of the hall there’s an exit door. Take these guys out. The field is southbound.”
“Left or right?”
xChocobars bars huffed a laugh. “Towards the field.”
“Helpful. I’ll find my way.” He took Crumb’s hand in his. “Can I come back and help?”
“Yeah, start at the other end if the hall. Take them out in groups of about 15.”
“Yes Ma’am.”
“93-10-01?” Aipha called before he left.
“How many kids are here, do you think?” He gestured to his comm.
Tommy wracked his brain for what he knew. “50 rooms per level. Level 1 and level 3 have double cells. Level’s 2 and 4 are tripled up. Mostly.”
Aipha did some quick mental math. “Like five hundred?”
Tommy nodded, but he was already back in his conversation on the comm.
Tommy took his charge and they got to the end of the hall. Tommy kneeled down at the lock. He picked at it until the click. He turned the knob. He smiled at the others. “Coming back for you guys,” Tommy said to the other kids still behind bars.
He opened the door and ran out.
Tommy took a big breath of clean air. Thankfully it was night so his eyes didn’t need to do any adjusting. But fuck if the outside air wasn’t nice. Tommy let out a loud whoop.
Time to find the triage centre in the field; where the fuck is south?
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 4 years
The Supergirl Team calls you in despair. You’ve 2/3 episodes to save this season and leave a cliffhanger to the next season. You can do any ship, cut any actor, unlimited budget. What do you do?
My first call is to Brenda Strong, clearly. Lillian caustically provides Lena a reality check by not so subtly reminding her how Lex is an asshole and can't be trusted. She reveals she retained her pre-crisis memories, and remembers more than Lex deigned to tell her.
Lena is unimpressed, and dryly remarks, "And now you finally get to see everything Lex should have been. You must be thrilled."
"Yes, I do," Lillian affirms. "But a victory without sacrifice isn't victory. It's a handout."
Luthors don't accept handouts.
Lena stares at her mother, confused and wary. "What are you saying?"
"I'm saying Lex didn't earn it."
None of this was earned through toil. Lex chanced onto an opportunity and manipulated it to his utmost ability. Once upon a time, she might have been proud of his aptitude for machinations, Lillian admits, but she finds herself disillusioned with him.
"Not only does intended matricide sour the relationship somewhat," Lillian elaborates, "but more and more lately I've come to realize that while Lex indeed had incredible potential, I allowed that potential to blind me to yours."
Lex didn't earn his success, but Lena did. In just a few short years, Lena embodied the Luthor spirit unlike any Luthor had since the first generation-- since the generation that worked for their first million, their first merger, the first everything. She battled prejudice and attacks and failures, and though there may have been times she may have wavered, she always persisted.
"So why," her mother asks, "are you giving up now?"
Finally, Lena gives voice to her helplessness. How her friends have forsaken her and how in this world, she feels nineteen again, like she can do nothing without Lex.
"How can I," Lena asks, "when he crafted this very reality?"
"He has always crafted your reality, Lena. Your entire life has revolved around him, been shaped and warped by him. But what I've come to realize is that this world isn't his. It never was. All along, it was yours."
And so begins the tentative yet deepening relationship between Lena and her mother, as they conspire against Lex. They know he's up to something, but don't know what. In the end, they decide it doesn't matter what it was-- they would simply need to neutralize him.
On the other side of things, the superfriends start to realize that their goal of taking down Lex from the outside isn't working. They learn Brainy is compromised, and find themselves without a significant resource they had counted on. So they focus on mitigating the fallout of his use of the DEO.
Alex and Jonn find their way to helping aliens recover after DEO raids. Sometimes its just property damage, sometimes its arrests. They commiserate with the victims, promising that Lex won't be in power for much longer.
"It doesn't matter who is in power," the victims reply. It will only be someone just as cruel, or even indifferent. The DEO has always been this way, and it will always be this way.
When one alien mentions a specific raid, Alex realizes it was one that occurred under her tenure as Director. That as an agent and director she contributed to the abuse of aliens rights, liberties, and persons.
Later, she confesses to Kara that she always thought she was doing good at the DEO. But all along she'd really only been doing good for Kara.
"I will always be there for you, you know that right?" she asks, and Kara nods. "But I think, for the next little while, I need to focus on doing good for everyone else."
Meanwhile, at CatCo, Nia finds herself in a quandary. One day, Will asks her to grab him a coffee. Taken aback, Nia doesnt have time to respond before Will is off on his way. Unsure of what else to do, she uncomfortably obliges, choosing to believe it was a one off.
It isn't.
Again and again with increasing frequency, Will asks her to do things like grab coffee, make copies, etc. Soon she finds herself stuck in a cycle of doing what she's told and is too nervous to call him out after so long.
It takes Kara noticing and offering to speak to William about it before Nia bucks up the courage to do it herself.
"No," she says, the next time Will opens his mouth in her direction. "I will not get your coffee, or make your copies, or pull your copy edits. I am a reporter, just like you. Maybe a little less experienced, sure, but the only way I'm going to get experienced is by doing my own work and not the work of your assistant."
Will stares at her, and then flushes. "Nia, I am so sorry, I thought you were the office assistant. I had no idea."
This time it's Nia's turn to stare. "What? But-- I have over a dozen by-lines."
"I've been at every pitch meeting!"
Grimacing, Will meets her gaze. "I thought you were there to take notes. Honestly, I thought you and Kara were tight because she came from the assistant pool."
Nia scowls. "You also could have just asked me."
"And I should have. I truly am sorry, I've just been so wrapped up in--" He catches himself abruptly, then swiftly changes the subject. "Let me make it up to you. I have an interview with Lenny Maddow in twenty minutes. Would you like to sit in?"
Sit in with a Nobel-winner who isn't Lex Luthor?
"Uh, YEAH."
Nia recoups more of her pride when she asks some insightful questions that gets their guest to open up to an insane degree, and Will recognizes her talent as a reporter. He even tells her as much.
"I don't know how I ever mistook you for anything else."
He starts lending her more advice and opportunity-- before long he's the kind of mentor Kara used to be, but lost the time for. And after Will decides he can trust her he brings her in on his secret project investigating the Luthors.
Namely, Lena.
"She's the weak link. If she goes down, the rest will follow like dominos."
"I know we're kind of not on Team Lena right now," Nia remarks to the others at the tower later, "but the kind of things he thinks she's responsible for doesn't sound like Lena. In any reality."
J'onn and Alex both look at Kara. "It might be time to set aside our wounds for a moment," J'onn observes. "I don't need to be a fifth dimensional imp to deduce that a downfall for Lena would not be a good thing."
"Lex would be left unchecked," Alex chimes in.
Kara doesn't need convincing. She goes to Lena immediately, and squares off against Lena's chill reception with concern.
"I came to warn you."
"Let me guess... Lex can't be trusted."
With a grimace, Kara equivocates. "Yes, but I'm not the only one who thinks so. William Dey is digging into the Luthors, and for whatever reason, he's decided your the fulcrum to the entire operation."
"The reporter, William Dey?"
Kara shares what she knows of William's vendetta-- the best friend who died, the suspicions that Lex was involved. To her surprise, Lena huffs a mirthless laugh.
"He said he was going to be better."
"You... say that like you don't believe him."
"Of course I don't believe him. But I wanted to."
Lena knows better than to leave LuthorCorp. But she does pledge her help.
"This doesn't make us friends," Lena clarifies. "But whatever Lex is planning, he'll burn the world to the ground to get it."
Kara nods solemnly. "I understand."
The Superfriends now have their in. It's Lena who finally pieces together that Lex is after Leviathan. It's Lillian who pales at the mention, and after much toothpulling reveals that what no one ever told Lena is that her mother didn't just die-- she was murdered.
"Your home was broken into shortly after you were removed. The investigators only found one item of interest, hidden behind a piece of loosened baseboard. A cipher, on a folded piece of paper. Even Lionel only managed to translate two words. One was Leviathan."
The other, Lena soon discovers, was Acrata.
Altogether, the superfriends and Will and Lena all manage to erode Lex's stranglehold on the new reality. Lex doesn't make it easy, but a combination of J'onn and Alex earning more of the public trust, Supergirl resisting Lex at every turn, Will and Nia tag-teaming Andrea's connection to Leviathan, Lena beats Lex to the Leviathan sanctum.
By a matter of minutes, sure, but the fact she finds her way there on her own when Lex has to be led by Gamemnae is a true victory, and a practical embodiment of Lillian's earlier words.
Lena's victory is compounded when Lex's eyes flash with irritation: he doesn't expect to see her there.
"Heya, sis. I didn't realize we had a meeting."
"We don't," Lena tells her brother, even her eyes lock on the woman beside him.
The woman steps towards Lena, her lips curling into a pleased smile.
"We do," the woman confirms. It's clear she doesn't include Lex.
Before he can do more than sputter, she continues. "I was wondering how long it would take you to find us."
Lena holds her gaze. "The medallion."
Gamemnae nods. "Ever since it was found, we knew it would only be a matter of time."
There's only one question Lena intends to ask.
"Who was my mother?"
And so she learns that her mother was part of Leviathan-- that she had grown lonely, and sought comfort in the arms of mortals. It had only meant to be temporary, but when the unthinkable happened, and she found herself pregnant, she chose to remain in the mortal world with her daughter.
What Gamemnae doesn't explain, but Lena senses instinctively, is that her mother had sought to protect Lena from Leviathan. To keep her human, keep her alive. That somehow, despite being an agent of destruction, Lena's birth had prompted her mother to leave Leviathan behind, and to be better than she was.
Gamemnae's pitch is enticing-- the ability to bring humanity together through disaster, to call upon their communal instincts by reducing their numbers, reset the world so that the planet and its population have a chance to survive for eons to come.
She offers power and influence, and a long life-- millenia to engage with and observe the discoveries still far in the future.
It's almost enough for Lena to say yes.
It is enough for Lena to accept the medallion, the only true memory Lena has of her mother. Gamemnae summons it from the ether, and Lena takes it in her fingers, cradling it like the precious artifact it is.
When she closes her hand around it, Lena blinks and finds herself in a place of utter darkness. But despite the emptiness, she isn't afraid.
The woman who appears before her is familiar in a way that touches deep in Lena's soul. Tears fill Lena's eyes as she drinks in the sight of her mother, committing her to memory.
"I forgot what you looked like," Lena confesses with a breathless laugh. "When I generated an avatar of you, I had to base it on my own image."
The embrace her mother wraps her in is unbidden and unexpected. It steals Lena's breath and floods her with warm. Her tears spill over as she clutches her mother tight.
"I've missed you."
"And I you, my darling," her mother murmurs. "You have grown to be everything I ever wanted for you."
A bolt of shame travels down Lena's spine, and she pulls away.
"You mean embroiled in the most hated family in history?"
"I mean that you are strong, and powerful, and brilliant. Your compassion and empathy are a force powerful than you know."
Lena looks away. How can she explain how close she had come to lose the soul her mother had loved so dearly. Non Nocere burns like a hot poker of shame, digging deep in her belly and twisting sharply.
But her mother cups her cheeks, tilting her gaze up to meet hers once more.
"We all make mistakes, my love. What matters most is what you do to correct them."
Before Lena can say anything more, her mother kisses her on the head, and offers a smile as warm as the sun.
"Everyone you have ever loved is carried inside you. They speak to you every day. When times are uncertain, listen to your heart. They will never lead you astray."
Lena blinks back to the Leviathan sanctum to find Lex pelting Gamemnae with outrage and accusations.
"We had an agreement! You and I had a partnership!"
"And now that it has brought me your sister, I am no longer in need of it."
"You forget that I watched Rama Khan in our previous reality-- I know Leviathan's style. My baby sister isn't the type you would want to recruit."
"You don't comprehend what Leviathan is," Gamemnae only smiles sweetly, unfazed by Lex's posturing. "We are born and chosen both. That is what Lena is. And you, Alexander Luthor, are neither."
With a wave of Gamemnae's hand, Lex disappears, transported.... somewhere. Lena can barely think to consider his welfare before Gamemnae turns her powerful gaze towards her once more.
"Welcome home, Lena."
In the end, Lena doesn't accept. The power offered her is tempting, but she's wise enough to know that a deal so sweet could never come without strings. Whether it be her humanity, her soul, or something else entirely, she would lose something dear. Something precious.
"Come now, Lena," Gamemnae cautions. "I know how ingelligent you are. You know that you won't be allowed to leave alive should you decline."
Her mother's voice echoes in Lena's ears: listen to your heart. She does, and she hears them all-- her people. Her loved. Her lost.
Her mother.
Even Kara.
It's Kara that makes her pause, nearly has her agreeing. She knows the prospect of Kara's future, a life of longevity that would see her watching all her family die, for generations to come. If Lena could share those centuries with her, surely they could eventually find forgiveness and trust once more.
But Kara wouldn't want her to. Not like this.
So instead of taking Gamemnae's hand, Lena snatches her by the wrist and closes her hand around the medallion. This time Gamemnae appears in the void with her, where Lena's mother waits again.
"I need your help," Lena says. "All of you."
One by one, they materialize. All of the voices who have guided her appear from the shadows, their features kind and ready. Lena pushes Gamemnae towards them.
"Make our guest comfortable. She'll be staying with you for the foreseeable future."
Jack is the one who steadies Gamemnae. When he blinks, his eyes open to pitch darkness. So do the eyes of those around him, wraiths all. Even Lena's mother.
Lena hesitates only long enough to give her mother one last look.
"I love you."
Her mother nods. "I never doubted for a second. Go," she urges, "and live."
Lena returns to the Leviathan sanctum alone. She shatters the medallion to ensure no one else would use it, and sweeps the pieces up to liquidate against any attempts to reconstruct it.
Leviathan is done, without a single drop of blood shed.
Back at LuthorCorp, Lex is nowhere to be found. After a perfunctory search, control falls to Lena. Though she'll have to wait a mandated period of time before she can rebrand back to L-Corp, things are already feeling normal.
At least, right up until the moment Lena finally visits the Tower for the first time.
"Lena!" Kara calls in delight. During their time working together, things between them have repaired enough for her to wrap Lena in a brief hug and usher her further into the space.
"Come to beg us to back to the DEO?" Alex taunts. "I gotta warn you, I've gotten used to being my own boss."
"Actually," Lena says, "I'm disbanding the DEO."
There's a beat of silence, and then the entire room erupts into chaos. Questions fly at her from every direction, and she endures them quietly until she finally lifts a hand for quiet.
"It's time. The DEO has never been entirely above board, and if we're going to make strides in accepting aliens into Earth society, we have to start with nixing the extrajudicial arrests and imprisonment."
Lena looks at Kara, who has been suspiciously silent. Kara meets her gaze in apprehension.
"What does that mean for Supergirl?'
Lena offers her a smile that refreshes her soul.
"Well, it would be foolish to claim she isn't still needed, and that heroes don't do a lot of good. So I've already talked with the mayor about implementing a municipal licensing program for vigilante heroes. If successful, you'd basically be doing the exact same thing, with just a little more oversight, and a little less smash and grab."
Nia beams. "That sounds so cool!"
"And," Lena adds, sliding her gaze towards Alex and J'onn, "the program is going to need leadership that's familiar with both heroes and bureaucracy."
J'onn nods his readiness and agreement, but to everyone's surprise, Alex hesitates.
"It sounds like a great idea, Lena, really," Alex obfuscates, "but I think I still have more work to do on this side of things. As you say, the DEO has a lot to make up for."
Kara hugs her sister tight. "I'm so proud of you," she whispers.
"Wait, wait, wait..." Nia says, pumping the brakes ever so slightly. "Does this mean we don't get to be the Superfriends anymore?"
But Lena has an answer for that too.
"As the pilot heroes of this new program, I'm sure all of you will continue to work closely together, and I'm sure the legislation will include provisions for teams as well as individual. Which means that as National City's first and premier superhero league, the only thing you're missing is a sponsor." Which is to say, Lena intends to sponsor them.
"From my personal accounts," Lena is sure to specify, "and with tech either commercially available or engineered in my personal lab. LuthorCorp will won't be anywhere near it, and I will be operating as anonymously as possible... though given our history, I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard a guess for people to figure out."
When the team leaves for celebratory drinks, Kara and Lena linger. The air hangs thick and heavy between them, until Lena finally speaks.
"You once asked for bygones--"
"I did," Kara confirms. "And as much as I would love to return the favor--"
"We have a lot to talk about."
Kara nods, and Lena takes a deep breath. "All I ask," she continues, "is that you accept the good with the flaws. And that I only ever wanted to do good."
That much, Kara agrees without hesitation.
"I never thought anything else."
She loops her arm through Lena's, and together they walk towards the lift. As it rises to collect them, Kara rocks back on her heels.
"A lot of changes are coming our way," she remarks.
Lena hums an agreement, but misses the glance Kara gives her as they step into the lift before issuing one last pardon.
"There's no one else I'd rather face them with."
The elevator gate closes on the image of them gazing at each other, eyes locked and smiles brimming with the possibility of something new.
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Alright, I'm back on Tumblr. I just had to mourn a 6k word Supercorp Fic that I forgot was sitting in my Ao3 drafts for a month and Ao3 deleted it. I was stupid and didn't have another copy and now I feel like life isn't worth it anymore.
Anyways, I'll probably update my two other Supercorp fics real soon. I promise.
For now, have this Supercorp one-shot...
"Luthor, you seen Ponytail?" Snapper asked as he quickly approached Lena Luthor.
Lena scoffed at the blatant disrespect. She was standing beside Supergirl; the Super checking for injuries even when Lena was on the sidelines and she was the one on the field. The rubble and remnants scrunching under Snapper's stomps.
Supergirl immediately turned to Snapper as if to say something but Lena cuts in, "Excuse me?“
"Ponytail, have you seen her?" Snapper repeats in a gruff irritated voice.
"You're addressing me." It wasn't a question, it was an observation.
"I did say Luthor didn't I?" Snapper deadpanned
"If I were you, I'd think twice using that kind of phrasing when talking to the person who owns 70% of shares from the Company you work in. The person who can make you editor in chief to just a copy machine errand boy in less than a nanosecond." Snapper visibly took a hard gulp. There was no stopping Lena, though.
"Or you know, I generally wouldn't talk like that, if I were talking to a Luthor. Because the way you spat their name implied a lot, and I know for a fact those implications are true. So, if I were you I'd be careful."
Lena's eyes were molten emerald glinting in annoyance. Snapper's lips curled into a response but Lena cut him off, "Oh, and also, refrain from calling Kara Danvers, 'Ponytail'. She wrote you a Pulitzer winning piece. The least you could do for her is address her by her own name. If I ever hear you call her that again, your name will never see the glory of a by-line again. Am I understood?"
Snapper looks stunned for a moment.
“Yes, ma'am." He finally manages to grit out. He turned around and started muttering protests under his breath that only Supergirl heard.
Something along the lines of, 'Entitled heiress' and 'abuse of power'.
"What?" Lena asks at the look of Supergirls face. She had red, red ears and a prominent blush on her cheeks and Lena swears there was something unreadable in between those blue eyes.
"I-I uhm- You didn't have to chew him out like that." Supergirl manages to sputter out, Lena watches in amusement as she raises her hand to her face as if to fidget with a non existent pair of glasses. Supergirl settles for clenching and unclenching her fists at her side, instead.
"Oh, but I did. He deserves it."
Supergirl was acting more and more out of character by the minute, gone was the confident hero and in her place a stuttering, fidgety Kryptonian stood.
"Something the matter, Supergirl?" Lena drawled out.
"Nothing, no, yeah it's uh nothing. It's just you do know that's Catco's editor-in-chief you just chastised, right?" Supergirl mutters. Lena raises an eyebrow at her behavior and then a lightbulb moment happens. She puts two and two together.
Lena slowly, saunters into Supergirl's personal space; so close that she hears the hero's breath hitch.
"Did you find my display of power hot, Supergirl?“
She feels Supergirl tense next to her. And Lena slowly backs away, waiting for an answer.
"I uh - uhm. Hot? NO. No, I mean-Ms. Luthor what? Yes. I mean-uh—"
"Itwashot.” Supergirl strings the syllables together tightly, Lena raises her brow again, “So hot.Yes. You’re very hot when you intimidate men." Supergirl seems to let her tongue slip. 
Lena couldn't believe it was possible for an alien to reach Supergirl's shade of red, right now.
Apparently, it was so very possible.
"Hm. Well, that's interesting to know." She says and gives Supergirl a trademark smirk.
"But, if you'll excuse me," She leans into Supergirl again and changes her voice to low and sultry, "I have to go and meet my girlfriend, now. I sure do hope she isn't late or else I'm going to be so angry. She's going to miss a devastatingly hot, hot surprise."
Lena makes sure her lips graze the shell of Supergirl’s ear and her nose softly traces the hero’s jawline as she slowly moves back.
When she completely leans away, Supergirl's eyes are blown and Lena can't help the smugness that courses through her.
"OH! Uhm In that case, I should let you go. Yeah, uhm I should be going too. Now, yes, right now. I should be going, now. Goodbye!!"
It was adorable and Lena was finding it all too amusing. Supergirl moves away from Lena and starts walking backwards as she gives her a little wave.
Lena watches as Supergirl clumsily trips over some rumble as she walks away and takes to the skies.
Lena was safely in her limousine when the comms in her ears crackles to life.
Oh, she's forgotten about those.
"Please, do not flirt with Supergirl when both your comms are on. Supergirl, I do not want to know who or what you find hot. And you, Luthor, I don't need to hear my sister getting a hot surprise. Jesus Christ, this is why I didn't want you together on the field."
Fuck, she's also forgotten the fact that Alex Danvers is the DEO Director with a direct communication line to the both of them.
She sighs out an, "Apologies, Director Danvers. Rest-assured it will never happen again." She hopes the CEO voice wouldn't give away her embarrassment right this moment. Three seconds after her apology she hears roaring wind on the other line.
Author’s Note: Hi, y’all lovely people! Hope you enjoyed that little blurb. Poor Alex. And also, I really, really need to see Lena Luthor out on the field side by side with Supergirl in S6. Supergirl might be a hero but she’s weak when it comes to Lena Luthor blatantly power tripping over men.
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Hidden Lives ~ Winn Schott
Chapter 6 - A Truth Among Lies
Lily rubbed her eyes sleepily as Hank ordered yet another missile launched at Kara. She glanced over to see Alex also rubbing her eyes, it was no wonder considering Hank had dragged them out of bed at the crack of dawn to test the limits of Kara's powers.
"Is that the fastest that she can go?" Hank complained as Kara dodged the onslaught.
"Are these tests mandatory for everyone?" Kara asked over comms, "or is it just because—"
Hank cut her off, "it's not because you're a woman, Ms. Danvers. The DEO requires months of tests and training before allowing operatives into the field. We've accelerated the process in your case, but we still need to be sure."
"I was going to say 'alien'," Kara muttered, a little deflated from Hank's lecture.
Lily grimaced, Hank had that effect on people. He always managed to make you feel like a scolded child.
"We need to be sure you're in full control of your powers. You're no good to us if destroy half of National City on accident."
There was another boom as Kara flew by even faster this time.
Alex laughed as she spoke, "my sister just broke the sound barrier, Sir."
Hank didn't look impressed in the slightest. "Fire again," he barked the words, motioning rapidly with his hands to speed the process.
Lily sipped her coffee, not awake enough to interfere in the conversation.
After a bit more coffee and a few more earth-shattering booms as Hank launched yet more missiles, Lily finally felt awake enough to talk. She sidled over to Alex, who was making notes on a small clipboard, the glass whiteboard she'd previously been using had been shattered by Kara's sonic boom.
"Anything interesting?" Lily asked peering over Alex's shoulder.
"No." Alex shook her head thoughtfully, "it's all at or below Clark's levels. Which is to be expected since she hasn't used her powers in over a decade." Alex's last comment was more of a mutter to herself as she made another note.
Now that Lily was more awake she could truly appreciate that, while noisy and cumbersome, the missiles may have indeed been the best way to test Kara's powers. Their speed and destructive power could very well be comparable to that of some of the Fort Rozz escapees.
Kara landed lightly next to them, looking sore but exhilarated.
"How many missiles is that?" Kara asked resting a head on Alex's shoulder with a sigh.
Alex shook her head. "I lost count after the first dozen."
"Ugh." Kara stretched dramatically, "can't he just accept that I know what I'm doing?"
Lily and Alex shared a look before laughing sarcastically.
"Hank doesn't do trust very well." Lily spoke up first, "he barely trusts us and we've been here for years." It was a bit of an exaggeration, but true enough in this case.
"Hank always wants to see for himself," Alex added, bending down to pick up a piece of the shattered whiteboard. She quickly copied what is said onto her clipboard.
"Sorry about that." Kara offered awkwardly, motioning to the former whiteboard.
Alex shrugged her off, picking up another piece, and repeating the process.
Lily nudged Alex playfully, "Alex loves jigsaws and you've just given her a thousand-piece puzzle."
Kara laughed as Alex stuck her tongue out.
While Alex's attention was focused on another glass shard, Kara leaned towards Lily and whispered. "I'm really glad Alex had someone like you here."
Lily was taken aback by Kara's warm smile, she'd been worried that the Kryptonian would be more hostile about the whole kidnapping ordeal. Lily's cheeks flushed under Kara's kind gaze, still not used to affection from anyone other than Alex.
"It was nothing," Lily responded awkwardly, avoiding Kara's gaze for fear she'd turn even redder.
"Ms. Danvers," Hank barked. "If you're done gossiping we have a test to finish."
Kara groaned, stretching again, before flying off.
Another boom shook the camp and Lily sighed, this was going to be a long day.
It was noon when Hank finally let them go back to their location in the city. Kara had been called off to deal with a fire in the port, and there was no point continuing without her. Lily's neck was stiff and sore after staring at the sky for a few hours straight, and she rubbed it as she moved down the hall to her office.
She wanted nothing more than to have a relaxing lunch, but in the chaos of getting up a few hours earlier than usual, she'd forgotten to pack one.
She grabbed her purse, intending to make a coffee shop run when her phone buzzed.
Winn: Are you free for lunch?
Lily smiled to herself as she read the text, she could practically hear the hesitation in his words. Wondering if he was pushing too far too fast. Lily wondered that too occasionally, but something just clicked when she was with him.
Alex's words flashed tauntingly in her head as she stared at her phone. Would they click this well if she told him everything? As her thoughts strayed to her brother, her job, and all the other secrets she was keeping she almost said no.
Her stomach grumbled in protest, reminding her why she was halfway out the door with her purse in hand.
Lily: Have you ever been to Noonan's?
It was about halfway between the DEO and Catco, no more than a 10-minute walk either way.
She played around with the phrasing for a minute before realizing she was overdoing it and just hit send. She poked her Hermione bobblehead anxiously as she waited for a reply.
Winn: A million times. So it's a date?
Lily: See you in 10
Lily headed absently towards the locker room before remembering that she hadn't actually changed into her uniform yet today. Mentally smacking herself, she moved towards the front entrance instead. She paused for a moment as she passed the hub, half of the screens were always devoted to various news channels so they could keep an eye out for alien disasters. One of the headlines jumped out at her, Supergirl: Hero or Ecoterrorist?
She couldn't hear what the newscaster was saying, but Lily had to assume the fire at the port hadn't gone well. Lily quickly pinged off a text to Alex. She'd probably already seen the news already, but Lily wanted to make sure she could be moral support for her sister if she needed to be.
She resumed her path to the door, gratefully turning her thoughts toward lunch.
Noonan's was crowded when she arrived after all good food meant a busy lunch rush. Thankfully, Winn had gotten there first and saved her a seat.
"Hi." She greeted as she sat down, still a little awkward. This was the first time she'd seen him since he'd kissed her cheek. "Thanks for getting a table."
He smiled, shrugging. "My friend, Kara, always drags me here so I know the owner." He explained conspiratorily.
Lily laughed, even as a stab of guilt went through her at Kara's name. "Well, since you're the expert, what do you suggest we get?"
Winn adjusted a pair of nonexistent glass and glanced down at the menu. "Wellllll." He drew out the word climactically, "they have very good sandwiches here."
Lily laughed again, it was not the answer she'd been expecting. "Two sandwiches it is."
Their hands lay next to each other on the table as they waited for someone to take their order. Her fingers brushed his lightly, unsure if holding hands was a step too far, but he seemed to get the idea and laced his fingers through hers.
It was a comforting warmth, having his hand pressed against hers as they sat together at the small table.
"How was work today?" She asked gently, trying to keep the calm mood.
He sighed, leaning back a little, but didn't remove his hand from hers. "Stressful."
She squeezed his hand lightly, nodding. "you have no idea." Lily smiled sarcastically, "I was up at the crack on dawn because my boss wanted to get started as soon as possible."
Winn squeezed her hand back in support. "Well, my day beats that—"
The waiter came by then and Winn ordered them two turkey sandwiches.
At the momentary break in the conversation, Lily's gaze wandered around the room, eventually settling on the plasma above the bar. The news-anchor she'd seen earlier was interviewing Maxwell Lord about Supergirl's fumble with the dock fire.
Lily sighed, she knew Maxwell well enough to know that whatever he was saying about Supergirl was for his benefit and no one else's. They'd met on more than one occasion, there'd been a time when he and Lex had been for lack of a better word, close. But when Lex attacked Metropolis, Maxwell had stepped back. Yes, he was self-serving, but not to the point of megalomania.
She shook away the bad memories that threatened to drown her at the sight of his face.
Winn must've noticed where her gaze was because he commented, "they're being too hard on Supergirl. She's new at this."
"Huh," it took a moment for his words to fully register as she shoved the memories back down. "Yeah, she seems like she's really trying."
"Exactly." He clapped his free hand against the table, clearly passionate on his friend's behalf.
Lily giggled, his energy was infectious and it warmed her heart to know how much he cared about his friends.
"Aw. Do you have a crush on Supergirl?" Lily teased lightly even though she knew the real answer.
Winn's cheeks reddened slightly, embarrassed at the insinuation. "No." He mumbled, looking away like a scolded child.
"Good." She squeezed his hand again, "I'd hate to have competition."
Now his cheeks turned really red, and his smile stretched wide, clearly pleased by the statement.
They stayed like that, just smiling and chatting idly until the food arrived.
"Mmm." Lily swallowed her bite before speaking, "that's an exceptional sandwich."
Winn laughed in response, "I told you."
The rest of the meal was spent in satisfied silence as they scarfed their food down.
Tell him, the thought pinged around her head as she finished her food. This really did seem to be going somewhere, and she couldn't build an entire relationship on a lie.
"Winn." Something in her tone must've been graver than she intended because he looked her in concern when she spoke.
"Is everything okay?" His hand found hers again as he spoke.
"Yeah." She squeezed his hand reassuringly. "I just need to tell you something, can we meet up for dinner tonight?"
"Of course." He still looked worried, but less so than a few moments ago.
She was saved the trouble of coming up with a reply when her phone rang. Alex's name flashed across the screen and she answered the phone hastily.
Lily had barely gotten the words out when Alex barreled into a response, "there's been a firewall breach. Hank wants you to look into it ASAP."
"The firewall?" She echoed, confused. No one had messed with her firewall in a long time. Winn glanced up at her words, an odd expression on his face.
"Yeah, the system was probably glitching, but you know Hank would never take that chance."
"Ok. I'll be there in a minute." She hung the phone up quickly. Honestly, she was glad to leave, the awkward air that had permeated the room at her words was stifling.
Lily turned to Winn apologetically, "I have to go. There's an emergency at work."
He nodded, but that odd expression remained. Unease threatened to grow in the pit of her stomach, but she pushed it away.
"I'll see you tonight." She kissed him on the cheek and was gone.
The firewall breach turned out to be much more severe than Alex had said. It took Lily only a few moments to figure out what had been taken, thankfully nothing, but a lot longer to figure out who had gotten in. They'd managed to penetrate the first firewall but had been kicked out by the secondary firewall, meaning that no government secrets had been taken.
It was still alarming that someone had gotten through at all, even if they hadn't been successful in the long run. Someone somewhere had plans that involved the DEO and that couldn't be a good thing...
When Lily was finally able to track the hack she ran the numbers twice just to be sure of what she was seeing.
There had been two hacks. One had piggybacked on the other, so at first glance, it looked like just one. The original hack had a very familiar signature... Suddenly all the pieces clicked together in her head.
His reaction at the restaurant when she'd mentioned a firewall suddenly made sense and she wanted to bang her head against the keyboard. It was going so well.
Lily shook the thought away, she had a job to do. After another twenty minutes of staring at the screen and making no progress on the second hack, she knew what she had to do.
It was early afternoon, if she hurried she could still catch Winn at Catco. She didn't really want to do this in a public place, but she knew she couldn't put it off another minute.
She spent the entire walk to Catco mentally playing out the confrontation in her head. Would he deny it? Would he accuse her right back? Why had he done it?
Her thoughts kept running in circles as she walked and it was all she could do to keep her face blank. Whether she wanted to scream or yell or cry, she wasn't sure, but if she stopped clenching her jaw her expression might break.
She'd walked to Catco, but when she arrived she was out of breath as though she'd jogged the whole way.
It was only when she saw the security desk in the lobby that she realized she hadn't thought this through. She rubbed her face with her hand before pulling her phone out.
Kara picked up on the first ring. "Hey, Lily. Does the DEO need me?"
Lily shook her head as she spoke even though Kara couldn't see her. "No. I'm in the lobby, can you let me up?"
"Yeah, of course. Is something wrong?"
"No. Yes. It's complicated, I just need to get up there."
"Ok." Kara sounded like she had a million more questions to ask, but for now, she called down to the desk to buzz Lily up.
Lily leaned against the back wall of the elevator as she wondered, not for the first time if this was really the best course of action. But then the doors were opening and Kara was there, and there was nowhere to run.
"What do you need?" Kara asked in place of a greeting.
"I have to see Winn."
Kara blanched at the name, clearly surprised that Lily knew it at all. "How do you know—"
Lily stopped her. "I promise I'll explain, just right now I have to talk to him."
Kara nodded reluctantly, stepping back and allowing Winn's desk into Lily's line of sight.
Lily marched over. "Winn."
Winn looked up in surprise, multiple expression flashing across his face. "Hi." He tried a poker face, but he looked scared.
"We need to talk."
Winn nodded gravely, "I suppose we do." He stood up, pausing the video game he'd been playing and motioned for her to follow. They ended up in a cramped alcove that Lily suspected was generally used for more intimate things.
"You hacked into a secure government server!" She accused without warning.
"You hacked me first." He shot back just as accusatory.
"I had to see if you were a threat." Winn blanched at the last word, and something in her heart tugged, but she was too mad to listen to it. "You were helping Supergirl and H—my boss wanted to know if we could trust you."
Something clicked behind Winn's eyes and he tossed an accusation at her that she had not been expecting. "When you came to my apartment, that was part of the job too. Was this...?" His voice trailed off as he looked between the two of them and suddenly all her anger was gone.
Lily had been used by too many people not to understand what Winn meant. There was still fire in his eyes but he let her grab his hand as she spoke. "Never. This was all real." His posture relaxed a little, still wary but clearly wanting to believe everything she'd said.
Lily sighed, now was as good a time as any to come clean. "I suppose you want the full story." He nodded once, no less wary. "I work for the DEO. I don't know how much Kara has told you—" his eyebrows shot up, clearly surprised that she knew Kara's identity but he let her continue without comment. "We monitor and police alien activity on earth. I run IT, so it was my firewall you hacked." She couldn't resist being personally offended by that fact. "I was at your apartment that day because I was sent to do a threat assessment of you. It all went out of control from there, I didn't expect to fall for you..." She mumbled the last part quietly.
Winn drew in a long breath before he spoke. "Kara told me about Alex and the DEO," he paused picking his words carefully. "I wasn't going to look into it, but when I saw your trace on my computer I had to do something about it." He rubbed his neck awkwardly, as though it sounded stupid now. "I had no idea it would be you on the other end."
"You're lucky it was," Lily replied, a bit of the fire from earlier returning. "Do you know how much trouble you can get into for hacking an agency that isn't supposed to exist?"
Winn's posture which had relaxed earlier, became standoffish as her words hit the wrong way.
She rubbed her temple gingerly before speaking again. "I'm going to have to explain all this to my boss, but I'll make sure you don't get in trouble."
As the conversation cooled off, Kara appeared nearby and Lily had to resist sighing exasperatedly. "How much of that did you hear?" Kara looked at her and smiled sheepishly. The answer clear on her face, she joined Lily and Winn. Not quite in the alcove because there wasn't room but close enough for a normal conversation.
"How long has this been going on?" Kara asked, trying, and failing, to sound politely curious.
They shared a glance before Winn answered, "a few weeks."
Kara turned to Lily, "and you did a threat assessment of me." Kara didn't sound angry, just disappointed and that was worse because Lily was used to disappointing people.
Lily looked away as she answered, unable to look Kara in the eye. "It was Hank's orders and Alex already punched me for it so maybe don't Kryptonian super punch me—"
Winn turned to Lily, concern on his face. "You said that was a work accident."
"Not exactly, look it's fine I basically invited her to hit me." It was not the first or last time Lily was punched on the job. She tried to get the conversation back on the rails. "I'm sorry I betrayed your trust, both of you." She glanced at Winn and away again, to find him still studying the fading bruise on her cheek. She squeezed the hand she hadn't realized she was still holding.
Kara shook her head. "I trust you and I trust Alex."
Lily smiled at her tentatively.
Winn was studying her like there was more he wanted to say.
Kara seemed to pick up on this as well because she said, "I need to go, Ms. Grant needs another latte."
Winn waited until Kara was out of sight before opening his mouth, he closed it several times before finally mustering the courage to speak. "You did an assessment of me, so that means you know everything about my life and my...my father." His voice trembled on the last word as though it hurt to say.
She nodded, unsure if there was a right thing to say.
"And you still chose to start this?"
So many secrets jumbled around in her brain, demanding to be spoken, to be heard, but she swallowed resolutely before speaking. No one trusts a Luthor.
"Winn." His hand was trembling and she squeezed it gingerly. She placed her other hand on his cheek and his eyes met hers. "You are not your father." His eyes met her, wide and trusting and in pain. She drew him closer to her in the alcove. "Your father left a terrible legacy behind, but you are not a part of it. Look at all the good you've done, you're working with Supergirl."
Winn chuckled wryly at the last part, "my dad would hate that."
Lily smiled, sensing that the mood had changed for the better. She hugged him fiercely, and if she felt a few quiet sobs escape him, neither of them mentioned it.
They stayed that way for what felt like a few minutes but could easily have been half an hour. As they broke apart Lily rested her forehead against Winn's for a moment, savoring each other's comforting warmth.
"I should let you get back to work." She spoke eventually. Slowly untangling herself from him.
He grabbed her wrist as she pulled away, "will I still see you tonight?"
Lily shrugged noncommittally, "if you still want to."
In answer, he pressed his lips against hers gently.
"So that's a maybe for tonight," she commented playfully.
He laughed. "Now shoo, I have work to do."
"I would love to but..." Lily gestured to Winn's hand which was still wrapped firmly around her wrist.
"Right, yeah," he withdrew his hand quickly, looking flustered.
Lily was still smiling to herself as she walked away.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 4 years
Tomorrow is never far away PT-1
Sam Arias x Male Reader
Request- sam arias x male!reader where sam and R used to be together when they were teenagers but when sam got pregnant. Than R find out but sam lied to him that she had a miscarriage than they break up after sam moved away. They meet again after season 3 when ruby and sam moved to metropolis. R is also Bruce's cousin
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You are in Metropolis for business, you work with your cousin Bruce Wayne. You buy old buildings make into apartments but keep the rent low for middle-class people. You are in a cafe shop, you take out your wallet, there is an old photo of Sam Arias and you get flashbacks.
You start to remember the good times, you had with her. She was your first kiss and first time saying I love you. The break up ended badly. You and Sam were teenagers and she got pregnant and she told you about the miscarriage. You or Sam didn't know how to handle the situation, after the break up she moved away once high school ended.
You put your wallet away and went back to Wayne tower. You are in your office working on your laptop.
Sam is going to Wayne tower to meet a real estate developer for a meeting and have a discussion of one of L Corp's unused properties.
”Y/N!?” Sam said out loud.
You looked up from the computer and you stand up.
”Sam!” You said out loud too.
You walked towards her and she hugged you tight. You are hugging her back and you smiled. She touches your cheek
”What are you doing here?” You asked.
”I work for Lena Luthor. You were supposed to meet Homer, but he had a family emergency so I agreed to cover” Sam said.
” Let's get down to business and later maybe coffee and we won't talk about business?” You said.
”Sounds great. How about we meet for coffee later after three?” Sam said.
”Sounds good,” You said.
You and Sam talked about business and contracts. You told San when you will start to fix the building and everything else.
✬ ✯ ✬ ✯
You wait for Sam and you are feeling excited to see her again. You watched her come in and she smiled at you.
” It's been thirteen years since we saw each other” Sam said.
”Yes, it has. Tell me everything” You said.
”I like your hair. I used to live in National City and a lot of crazy stuff has happened. I have a thirteen-year-old daughter named Ruby. I haven't been living long in Metropolis. What about you, Y/N” Sam said.
”Wow, I can't believe you have a daughter. I have no kids, I was married but divorced three years ago. I work with Bruce and I'm a DEO agent. I lived in Gotham for a while then I moved to Metropolis” You said.
You weren't sure how to tell her that you work with the monitor for the crisis is coming. There are many things you wanted to tell her but not now. You met the monitor when you are parents died. He took you under his wing and he trained you. You have the staff of Hermes Trismegistus, also an outfit that the monitor gave you, a hidden blade. You didn't tell her either that you were in National City.
You and Sam traded phone numbers, she had to leave and pick up Ruby. Sam starts to feel bad that she lied to you. She starts to think of how to tell you or when. Sam picked up Ruby from soccer practice and they go home.
You go home and you feed your pet. A golden eagle called Ikaros and you have the ability to see what Ikaros sees. The monitor gave you, Ikaros because he knew that you would have a bond with Ikaros.
You changed your clothes and you started to train. You grabbed the Escrima sticks and started to train by hitting the dummy. Now you train with the staff of Hermes Trismegistus, you try to improve your speed and fighting skills. You train for long hours and you are covered in sweat and breathing hard. You drink water the whole bottle.
✬ ✯ ✬ ✯
You and Sam have been seeing each other more often but as friends. She hasn't told you the secret and you haven't told her your secrets either. Sam gets a call from Ruby’s school and you give her a ride to the school.
The principal explained that Ruby is in trouble for punching another student. Ruby starts to explain why she did it and the other parent arrived. The father is part of the children of liberty.
”He was picking on my friend who is an alien. He pushed my friend and ruined his clothes then I punched Jake” Ruby said.
”She should be punished not my son!” Jake’s father yelled.
”Both of them will be punished,” The principal said.
”You do not yell at my daughter and blame her!” Sam yelled at him.
You three leave school and go to the parking lot to your car. Jake’s dad is provoking Sam and you.
”Get in the car,” You told them.
”Make the bitch apologize to my son!” Jake’s dad yelled again.
”Go back to your car and go home,” You said.
He pushed you.
”Again go back to your car and go home” You repeated yourself again.
Everyone is watching, you are going to walk away but your instinct warned what he was going to do. You elbowed him in the face them you grabbed his arm and flipped him to the ground.
”I told you twice to go home!” You yelled.
The guy is in pain.
”Y/N, he isn't worth it for you to jail,” Sam said.
You let him go and walked towards your car and drove Sam and Ruby home. You did ask her who is Ruby’s father but she gave you an unclear answer and you ask again.
”Y/N, what you did was so cool,” Ruby said.
”You are going to punch straight and aim for the nose. It gives you a few seconds to attack again when they are distracted” You said.
You show her how to punch straight and she starts to copy you. Sam watches you bond with Ruby.
✬ ✯ ✬ ✯
Fast forward, you have been spending even more time with Sam and Ruby. But you and Sam are still keeping secrets from each other. Sam invited you to spend Christmas with Ruby and her. You did buy them gifts. But you didn't tell her that you will bring Ikaros with you. You want Ruby to meet Ikaros and you excited about it.
”Y/N!” Sam yelled.
”Wow that is so cool, you have a pet eagle. Can I pet the eagle?” Ruby said.
”His name is Ikaros. Yes, you can pet him” You said.
”Why you didn't tell me you were going to bring am eagle!?” Sam yelled.
”Dont worry, he won't attack unless I tell him. If I asked I knew you would have said no” You said.
”Yeah, I would have said no,” Sam said.
Ruby is excited that you let her pet Ikaros.
You are in the kitchen with Sam and Ruby helping cook dinner.
”Ruby, I guarantee you that dinner will be ruined because your mom only knows how to make dry muffins and burnt toast,” You said to Ruby with a serious face.
Ruby giggled and Sam glared at you.
”She's right behind me, isn't she?” You said.
Ruby just laughed and nods and Sam is standing behind you and she threw a muffin at your head.
”You are wrong. My cooking skills have improved a lot” Sam said.
You rub your head.
”So rude” You teased.
You and Ruby are baking and decorating Christmas cookies.
”You two will have cookies after dinner,” Sam said.
”Can we have one?” Ruby asked.
”No,” Sam said and left the kitchen.
You made sure she left the kitchen and you whispered to Ruby.
”We have to eat the cookies fast before she comes back” You whispered.
”Let’s do it” Ruby whispered.
You take out the cookies from the oven, you or Ruby don't wait for it to cool down. You and Ruby start to est it fast then Sam caught you and Ruby.
”Y/N, you act like just like a child,” Sam said and rolled her eyes.
✬ ✯ ✬ ✯
To do something fun and unexpected, you three are at a country bar. You gave Sam cowgirl boots and you are wearing boots too.
”Sam, do you want to dance?” You asked.
You and Sam smiled at each other.
”Y/N, I would love to dance,” Sam said.
Ruby is eating her hamburger and drinking root beer.
”I never did this before,” Sam said.
”Me either. So, you won't look bad don't worry about that” You said.
You and Sam start to do the line dancing, at first you and Sam messed up a few times. But started to get the hang of it and start to having fun. You or Sam don't stop smiling at each other after Ruby joined in. Now everyone is having fun together.
It was getting late, you take them home. Ruby goes to bed and Sam closed her door and you were about to leave with Ikaros but he is sleeping.
”You can stay the night. I really had fun with you, it was like hold times us having fun. I really missed you so much, Y/N” Sam said.
”I missed you a lot and I’m still in love with you. I want to take it slow and rush it then it gets ruined” You said.
You and Sam are under the mistletoe, she places her hand on your cheek and she kissed you. You wrap your arms around her and you kiss her back.
”I will stay,” You said with a smile.
You and Sam cuddle in her bed watching a Christmas movie and eating cookies. In the middle of the movie, you and Sam fell asleep.
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ynscrazylife · 3 years
Spoiler Alert: Maybe a oneshot where Baby danvers gets trapped din the phantom zone with Kara and when she returns she can see ghosts and spirits?
The Ghost Whisperer | fluff angst
Summary: Alex and Kara take care of Y/N when she and Kara return from the Phantom Zone.
Authors Note: Thanks for requesting! Feels good to write sister!danvers again.
Request to be on a taglist (or multiple) here! (Taglists are at the end of the fic)
MCU Masterlist #1 | MCU Masterlist #2 |  Main Masterlist
PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. Also, do NOT claim any of my works as your own. All of these works are either requests I’ve gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas I’ve had for works. If you happen to take inspiration from anything I’ve written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me first and b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Thanks.
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In such a desperate, determined, adrenaline-filled state that she had never been pushed to before, one wouldn’t have expected Kara to suddenly cease her fighting and freeze like a statue. But that was the kind of power that her only the bond of sisters could hold, and the moment she heard Alex’s voice, the voice she had dreamed about hearing for so long, a tiny part inside of her knew that she was safe.
Kara turned and, sure enough, there her sister stood, with the rest of the Superfriends and some DEO agents by her side. The look on Alex’s face mirrored what the Kryptonian was feeling inside — intense gratitude and relief.
In a matter of seconds, the two had collided, their grips like iron around each other. Kara practically melted into Alex’s arms. She had almost forgotten what hugging Alex felt like, and that was one of the worst pains in the world.
Throughout all this, the cries of battle and her own bruisers aching were numbed. But when Alex so suddenly pulled back and when she looked alarmed, frightened, it all came crashing back.
“Where’s Y/N?”
Kara’s head instinctively whipped back, eyes searching for their little sister. When Y/N was nowhere to be seen, a stab of panic hit her. Just minutes ago she had been here! Fighting the Phantoms with her and her father!
When Kara turned back to her with that clueless, helpless look in her eyes, Alex felt that same stab. The two didn’t need to speak out loud to decide what to do next — they both took off, further into the fight, determined to find their sister.
They skidded to a fast halt when they found who they had been searching for, but the sight that awaited them was less than ideal. Y/N was laying on the ground, curled up on her side. Looming over her was one of the Phantoms, who Alex would say later had matched the description of the Dementors from Harry Potter.
At first, neither sister did anything. Alex’s eyes were flickering all over the place, assessing the situation, and Kara was getting used to having her powers again. They quickly snapped back to the present, though, and without a second thought, Kara blasted the Phantom with her heat vision.
“Ka—ra . . .”
The blonde and the brunette pivoted to see Y/N weakly croaking from the ground. They could tell that she was only half-conscious, especially if she didn’t realize that Alex was there. Kara knelt down and Alex stayed back, not wanting to overwhelm Y/N right now.
“It-it’s . . . trying to possess me . . .” Y/N let out a small noise of discomfort and leaned her head against the ground, seeking comfort in even the briefest of moments that she could get of relief from this unbearable pain.
Kara and Alex’s eyes widened, the gears turning in their heads as they frantically attempted to figure out how to best help Y/N. It seemed that they didn’t need to fret for long, though, because out of nowhere, a blast of yellow energy suddenly hit Y/N in the chest and she rolled onto her back, fully unconscious.
The women turned, ready to fight, only to stand down when they saw a DEO agent carrying a blaster.
“I’m sorry Director Danvers, Supergirl . . . When we learned of the Phantom Zone’s existence, the director at the time had the DEO create weapons that could work against the . . . Beings here. This is supposed to free someone from being possessed by one of those things,” the agent said.
Alex turned back to look at her unconscious sister, her lips pulling into a thin line. “Let’s hope that that blaster did what it was supposed to do,” she said lowly, an icy tone in her voice. All three knew that if the blast didn’t work, the agent would have hell to pay.
. . .
“Oh my god!” Alex gasped, instantly recoiling, pulling her hand back from Y/N’s shoulder. She turned to Kara, alarmed. “Why is she so cold?!”
Kara, who was sitting across from Y/N, who had been secured on the spaceship, grimaced and glanced up at Alex. “The Phantoms . . . along with giving you nightmares, hurting you, and possessing you . . . They’re cold,” she explained.
Alex’s face softened, hearing the pain in her voice, and sat down next to Y/N. She leaned forward, her iconic big sister look gleaming in her eyes. “Kara, are you okay?” She asked.
Kara took a big, deep breath. “I missed you,” she finally said, her voice cracked with emotion. “I really missed you. We both did. And now, to be back, and Y/N being injured . . . Rao, I’ve never been that scared, Alex . . . She got hurt and I couldn’t protect her . . . And not just now. Before, she got hurt, too. I got hurt. The Phantoms hurt us and gave us these nightmares and I can only imagine what Y/N is going through and—”
She was cut off when Alex stood up and wrapped her arms around her. Once again, Kara melted into her embrace. Slowly, Alex sat down next to her middle sister, and they both watched Y/N protectively.
“I missed you both too. It was hell. And I never stopped trying to find you,” Alex said softly. After a couple moments of silence, she continued, “We’re going to help Y/N through this. She’s going to be okay.”
Kara leaned her head against Alex’s. She was unsure if Alex was trying to convince her or herself — probably both of them. Nonetheless she nodded. She trusted her big sister. So if Alex said Y/N was going to be okay, Y/N was.
. . .
Scratchy, thin sheets and the pierce of a needle in her flesh is what greeted Y/N when she next woke. Her eyes flew open and, after blinking away the haziness, she was met with the sight of her eldest sister. 
A gasp caught itself in her throat and the quick, sharp pain from the needle went away. 
Just as she leant forward to meet her sister halfway in the hug she was now offering, Y/N stopped herself when a dreaded thought squirmed its way into her head . . . What if this was fake? 
Before, those blasted creatures in the Phantom Zone tormented her with dreams that fulfilled her greatest wishes . . . escaping with Kara and seeing Alex again. What if this was another one of those? There was only one way to be sure-
Y/N blinked and shook her head and it was only then that she realized that Alex was giving her quite a forceful - frightened? - look and- 
Alex’s hands were on her shoulders . . . 
And she felt them! 
That meant . . . 
. . . This was real. 
She wasn’t even aware that her sister’s name had left her mouth until it reached her ears and her arms were wrapped around the auburn-haired woman in question. She didn’t realize that she was practically clinging to her sister with an iron grip until Alex had to practically shimmy her way back. 
Y/N took a breath and leant back as well, once again meeting Alex’s eyes - but this time her eyes held pure, giddy amusement and a bubble of tears. 
“Y/N,” Alex said through her Cheshire Cat grin. She cupped Y/N’s cheeks in the palms of her hands and Y/N almost melt. “I missed you so goddamn much.”
Y/N giggled, her own tears coming. “I missed you, too, Allie,” she said, recalling the nickname she had for her when she was younger. Her eyes then travelled down to the needle, now cast away on her beside tray. 
“Oh, sorry about that. I was collecting blood for a blood test, just to make sure that you’re alright,” she explained and Y/N nodded. “Let me go get Kara. I believe Winn is done doing his own medical-thingy for her.” 
As Alex went to leave, Y/N scrunched up her face. “But Winn isn’t a doctor?” She pointed out, and then briefly wondered if Winn had somehow went through medical school and became a doctor while she was in the Phantom Zone . . . and the part that scared her was that that was in the realm of possibility. Really, how long had she and Kara been on? 
“Well, try telling him that,” Alex said before she disappeared behind the door. 
Y/N smiled and, when her sister left, leaned back against her pillows. She didn’t have long to ponder over how long she and Kara been away, because she was soon overcome with pure blackness. 
That’s all it was. As if the lights had dimmed completely. Like the sun had disappeared. 
Despite it only being a vision, a coldness, an emptiness washed over her. Before Y/N even had a chance to ponder over what the hell was happening, horrid cries and pleas screeched into her ears, making her physically jump. And when she did, they only got louder. 
“Y/N! Y/N!” 
The vision was only cast away by the powerful yell-scream-mix-of-a-thing and Y/N was jerked back to the presents to see both her sisters standing in front of her, concerned looks. She opened her mouth to explain, but was cut off when the sounds of the wails came back, this time as a buzz at the bottom of her ears. She saw flashes of grey wisps that just about contorted into sobbing, terrified versions of faces. 
She couldn’t fathom how, but something inside her told her what it was, and she was sure of it. 
“I can see ghosts from the Phantom Zone,” is what she told the heroes before her.
. . .
In the next coming days, Y/N healed physically from the Phantom Zone. In the next coming weeks, she worked with her sisters and other DEO agents to learn how to better control and use her powers. She even ended up figuring out how to channel and use the energy from the ghosts she saw. It was a difficult, tiring process that she sometimes wished could just go away . . . but it was a meaningful one. Besides, she had Alex and Kara there for her. Always. 
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imagine-lcorp · 5 years
To Be a Hero (Part III)
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A/N: Well, helloooooo you guys, here I come with the next part of this thrilling saga. Now i thought it would be just a three part fic but it turned out to be four instead, so next time I update this one, it will be the last. Hope you enjoy this and let me know what you think!!! Love y’all!!!
Lena Luthor & Metahuman Daugther R//Word Count: 1,739
- Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV
To be dead is a strange state of being. Especially if you are still sensing the world around you.
You couldn't find a way to accurately describe what it was, but you somehow felt all over the place. Like dust filling the air, being there but not really there as something tangible. There was light and darkness surrounding you, a constant mix of noise and calm, of warm and cold. It felt like living inside a little galaxy, a little world of your own.
Unfortunately, you weren't alive, not anymore, and if this was the afterlife it had a weird place to land after... what? You couldn't remember how you had ended up like this. Your cause of death was a mystery and you felt a bit foolish. It was like forgetting something from the shopping list and having to go back for it. Like that time you forgot to grab the cereal and you and your mom where already in the middle of the check out line.
A familiar voice called.
"What exactly did you find?"
You were sure the answer to that question wasn't cereal but it sparked something inside.
You don't know how much it actually took you to locate the memory, from a shopping trip to a dark room, but once you cleared your thoughts the more you remembered little pieces and scratches of your former life. You felt less lost.
"I found the bomb."
You had responded to the question back then with your own voice and the right memory came rushing back to you.
"Where are you?" Lena, your mom, had asked again.
"Near the my aunt's monument." You almost didn't answer. In front of you was a giant bomb ready to blow out the city.
It was huge, and it looked strangely like an octopus, a ball made of metal placed in the middle of the room with thick cables connected to other machines around. You weren't sure they had prepared you for a something like this at the DEO.
"(Y/N), do you copy?" Alex voice came now.
"Yes! Sorry. I'm, uh, near the Supergirl Monument. Two blocks east, one floor underneath the building."You tried looking around instead of looking at the bomb."I don't think this was here before."
"Alright, we got your location. We're sending the team over there to-"
"What the hell are you doing here?" You heard behind you.
You moved without thinking, vanishing and appearing around the room as quickly as you could. Two Sons of Liberty were pointing all their guns at you, not knowing exactly where to shot and afraid one stray bullet would detonate the bomb before time.
One of them pulled out some kind of charger and pressed a button on it before throwing it on the room. You saw the thing bounce on the floor from different angles, still glitching from one place to another, until a beep and a blinding flash of light came out of it. The light hit your eyes making you stop right away with a scream.
"(Y/N)?" Your mom called. "What's happening? Are you alright?"
"I-I can't see!" You responded frantically, pulling your hands out and trying to hold onto something other than the floor.
That was the moment when your life should have ended for good had it not been for the quick response of Supergirl. You could only heard the gunshots and the screams that followed as Kara entered the room and disarmed those two.
"(Y/N)!" She came to your aid after a few seconds and you struggled at first with her, thinking she was one of the Sons of Liberty. "It's okay, it's okay. It's me, Supergirl."
"Oh, god." She held you as you tried to get up, blinking many times so your eyes could recover. "I think, I'm blind now."
"(Y/N)? Supergirl? Are you alright?"Alex's voice came over the comms.
"We are okay but (Y/N) is having some trouble. They hit her with a flash."
"If by some trouble you mean I'm blind now, yeah, I have some." You said irritated after the whole incident.
"Darling, you're gonna be okay, just keep calm." Your mom assured you. "It may take a couple of minutes."
"Uh, you better recover quickly (Y/N)." You held your aunt by the arm as she walked around the room and stopped a few steps ahead. "We may not have much time."
You rubbed your eyes and let them adjust once again to the light in the room. When finally opened them you were able to see a bit of a blurred image in front of you. It was a timer set down to twenty minutes.
"We gotta work fast, (Y/N), we don't have much time. Winn? Lena? We got-" Kara instructed and just before you could make a move you had to jump at the sound of metal gates closing around the room.
"What's happening?" You asked as the last gates went down.
"None of you will leave now." You both turned to see one of the Sons of Liberty on the other side of those doors, holding a control on his hand.
Kara rushed towards the gates trying to crash into them and break them but the metal didn't even bend an inch. Kara's super strength was doing nothing to it.
"I guess you aliens are good for something." They guy said. "This is Nth metal. Unbreakable."
"Your partner is still here with us." Kara tried to reason with him. "You wouldn't let him die."
"He would be honored to die for the cause. Anything to get rid of you alien scum. Now enjoy your last minutes on Earth." He said pressing another button on his control and left. A fast beeping followed his footsteps, and you turned at the sound horrified to see the timer go down faster.
"Holy sh-"
"(Y/N)? Sweetheart, are you alright?"Your mom called from your comms.
"We are trapped." You answered frantically.
"(Y/N), try to keep calm. We're gonna get out."Kara came to you and started to examine the room."Lena, they put us on a cage of Nth steel, we can't get out and the timer of the bomb is going down faster now. They are not wasting time anymore."
Kara explained what had just happened and tried to describe the bomb as accurately as it was possible, and everything after that seemed to pass even faster. Your mom had been left speechless for a moment as she processed the situation. You and Kara were trapped with a bomb you didn't even know how it worked and with less time than you had expected. But your mom, along with Winn, got down to business just as quickly.
They tried to evaluate the situation and the possible solutions to it. Unfortunately, it seemed the type of situation that was ruled by Murphy's Law. You couldn't call the rest of your friend for help as they were busy fighting a group of Sons of Liberty that had managed to get themselves powerful alien weapons and were using them to cause more chaos around the city. You couldn't escape the bomb room and when Kara used her powers to open the device, every single cable and component looked the same to you that you feared it would be impossible to stop the tragedy. You were running out of options and time.
"Maybe I could move the bomb?" You suggested.
"Not that I don't trust you, kiddo, but that's the least we want you to do." Winn explained. "We don't know the mechanism of that device. Those cables connected out of it could be anything and if you tried to disconnect them it could cause the final detonation."
"I guess there's only one option." Kara sighed.
"Yes, only one, so listen to me." Your mom called you once more. "You will have to dismantle the bomb yourselves. Winn and I will be guiding you but you have to tell us exactly what you see, understood?"
You could heard the beating of your heart and breath, and even your Kara's, as you tried to follow your mom's instructions to the letter. It was a complex mechanism it seemed. Every time your aunt moved a cable from inside the metal ball something from the machines connected to the ends of its thick cables was activated too. You had to teleport from machine to machine making sure to deactivate what was probably a backup fuse to make it explode no matter what and as you did you kept looking at the timer from time to time, making sure you were still alive.
Your aunt called over the comms for final instructions after Winn assured you taking one last cable would deactivate the bomb. Or at least, that's what they had thought. Kara pulled the cable and the timer stopped for a brief moment before it resumed the countdown once more and the other machines were activated simultaneously. You had what seemed like five minutes, which were in reality just three. Then your mom spoke again.
She was sure there was one last cable to pull off but it was not on the center piece of the bomb. You had to find it and pull it to finally stop it. Kara and you used your powers to try to find it but none of you were able to. After all, the bomb had been designed to not fail.
For a moment, you thought about your family, the heroes they were and their lives, and then you thought about your own. Your powers and what it meant to have them. Being a hero had never been more difficult. But still, you did the only thing you thought could save them all.
"I found it." You said this time as sure and confident as it was possible, muting your ear piece. You would have to make amends to you mom some other life.
"(Y/N)? Are you ready?" Your Aunt Kara called as the timer reached down to twenty seconds.
"Yeah..." You swallowed hard. "Just, uh, I need you to do one more thing."
"What is it?"
"Tell my mom I love her."
Everything after that was a series of flashing images. The bomb, the water, the salt of the ocean, the force of the explosion, the muted sound of it below the waves. The unbearable heat. The shock consuming your body.
It all started to take you back and you knew it was time to make amends.
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