#yes i am actually disabled
Pairing: Dark!Joel x Dark!Tess x Mildly!Disabled!Reader
Summary: Joel and Tess spot you, new to the QZ and immediately take an interest in you. However, they'll discover you're smarter than you look and not so easily trusting as they might like.
A/N: A spooky fic for the spooky season. Let me know if you want me to continue. This chapter isn't too spooky but it'll get there next chapter and so forth. Thank you @patti7dc for the beta read. I appreciate you! Check out my Masterlist for more!
Tags: MDNI, Mentions of kidnapping, Mentions of potential noncon, Stalking, Manipulative!Tess, Reader has a mild physical disability but can work.
You grit your teeth in annoyance as sweat drips down your temple. It was annoyingly hot and working outside with the sun beating down on you hasn’t helped. Neither did the giant fire raging right next to you. Ugh. Body burning detail. It paid better than most, which is why you took the shift, but you’ll never get used to the rancid smell of cooked flesh. You’re not strong enough to lift the bodies, but you help shovel the ash out and keep the fire burning. You were relieved to learn you weren’t the only one on shift to not be able to lift a body, there were plenty of others that taught you how to tend the fire and where to put the dead ash to keep yourself busy for an entire shift. 
He watches you discreetly. You’re far too distracted trying to keep up with everyone else to notice him. He prefers it that way for now. He’d first seen you a few months ago, new to the Zone and trying to figure out how rations work and what jobs were the best to take. From what he could tell, you went back and forth between the easier jobs, like street sweeping and wall painting to cover up Firefly propaganda, to the harder jobs that paid a bit more, body burning and sewer maintenance. What had initially caught his attention about you was the fact that you had some kind of disability. You limp when you walk, and your hands seem to shake when focused on a task that requires finer motor skills, such as counting out rations or writing your name on a sign-up sheet pinned to the wall. It also shows when you talk, your speech is slurred as if you’d been drinking. It has him wondering why the fuck FEDRA has you working. Sure, you’re technically abled-bodied, but they should at least help you out a little bit by reducing your weekly mandatory shifts. 
Tess notices you at a market about two weeks after you get to the Zone. She notes immediately that you’re not with anybody, seemingly quiet and observant. She also picks up on the tension in your body when people veer into your personal space, looking very much like a frightened animal. She nudges Joel who had been trying to barter down a price for a can of peaches. “Let it go, we’ll get some from Bill and Frank next week.” She whispers to him, her eyes never leaving you. Tess doesn’t work many shifts, instead choosing to stay hidden and playing her role as everyone’s boss in the shadows. FEDRA often looks the other way, due to discount prices on pills they sell to the officers, and the knowledge that Tess and Joel practically run the QZ anyway. She nods toward you. “Who’s Little Red Riding Hood?” She asked curiously. 
Joel looks around the market before spotting you in an oversized red sweatshirt with your hood up, as if you don’t want people to look at you. “Oh. Haven’t caught her name yet. She showed up about two weeks ago on body burning detail of all shifts.” He scowls at the reminder, he still has no clue why FEDRA would let you take such a shift. Sure, you’re a hard worker, but it’s got to be awful on your body. It’s too hard on him, but a little thing like you? He shakes his head and looks away. Fucking FEDRA pricks. 
Tess watches him curiously for a moment, her eyebrows raising at his words. “No shit? I’d assume she’d be able to get away with painting the whole week.”
“I’ve seen her paintin’ a couple ‘a times. They don’t offer it every day.” His eyes flick back to you before meeting Tess’s again. They were comfortable in what they had together, but every once in a while, they found it fun to bring in a young submissive playmate for a night or two. Often clients they sell to, most of them hit on Joel anyway, and a fair share flirt with Tess as well. It wasn’t hard for either of them to find a willing sub. ‘Pets’ they call them. Young twenty-something boys or girls take back to their shared apartment and use as an outlet when neither of them feels like submitting to the other. “Are you interested?” He asked, trying to keep the emotion out of his voice, trying not to let on that he was very interested in more than just one night with this one. No. He wants to keep this one. Safe and unbothered by the harsh labors FEDRA inflicted on everybody else. 
Again, Tess raises an eyebrow at him. “Are you?” Not bothering to hide the shock in her voice. Joel shrugs as they move through the crowd. They follow her at a distance, neither one of them knowing if it’s intentional yet or not. “I mean, if you’re serious, we need to have an actual discussion about it.” He nods, she’s right. This one is far different than any of the others. 
“Yes, I’m serious. And you’re right, we need to plan first.” He admits. They finish their business in the market, keeping an eye on you for the time that they can before leaving to head back home. Once they are inside, Tess turns to eye Joel, who is setting a small pack of beans on the table, their only find for today. It’s a good thing they’re heading up to Lincoln soon. 
“So,” she started, crossing her arms and leaning against the counter. “This girl… she’s not at all our usual type.”
Joel settles into a chair, sighing as he stretches his legs. “Ain’t that the truth? Real skittish like, from what I’ve seen. Eager to prove herself though. Wants to keep up with everyone else.” 
Tess nods, he certainly has her interest with his unusual find in their next potential playmate. “She with anyone?” 
“Nah. Not from what I can tell. Comes alone, and goes home alone. Haven’t seen much of her outside of shift, but she wasn’t with anyone today.”  
Tess nods, thinking. “Any interactions?” He shakes his head. 
“She’s a shy one, doesn’t seem like she’s comfortable enough to even want friends yet. But she’s polite, professionally friendly, but not overly so. Mostly keeps to herself from what I can see.” 
“And how exactly do you plan on approaching her with this?” 
Joel goes quiet for a long moment, thinking. “I’m not gonna be the one approaching. You will.” Tess scoffs, shaking her head, already shutting him down. He leans forward, holding up a hand to stop her oncoming protests. “She’ll likely trust a woman sooner than she’d trust a man. If you’re the one to approach her, you’ll have a better shot. I can tell you’re not completely onboard anyway, if you’re the one to try and get her up here, you might be more game for this. Or if you decide you don’t want her, we can look somewhere else. “ 
Tess nods along. “Alright. I’ll see.” 
You’ve been here for about a month and this is only the second day you’ve managed to get off. You make your way through the crowded streets. Damn, did everybody get today off? You head into the market, you have saved up quite a few rations, and are hoping to get enough to last you at least until your next day off. 
You buy an extra pair of shoelaces for one card, it can’t hurt just to have. You’re perusing a table with canned soup and bags of beans on it when you feel someone brush up against your shoulder. You glance over to catch somebody wearing a brown jacket next to you. You step over to give her some room, paying five rations for a bag of beans and four rations for two cans of soup before gathering your purchases in a bag you brought with you. 
“Haven’t seen you around before.” A woman to your left says. This time you do look at the person who’d brushed against you. She’s tall with long light brown hair and attentive green eyes like it was uncommon for her to not know strangers. Her mouth was crooked in a way that could’ve been a grimace or a smirk, you couldn’t tell which it actually was. 
“It’s a big QZ. Crowded too. I haven’t seen you around either.” You return, watching her mouth curl into a definitive smirk. Her eyes trace down your body, and you wonder if she's sizing you up for dinner. Fuck. You hadn’t meant to offend. 
“When’d you get here?” She asked as if already knowing it hadn’t been long. 
“About a month ago. What about you?”  
She chuckles at your response, “Hmmm. About twelve years back now. Arrived with a whole group.” 
You watch her for a moment. You want to ask how they all managed to make it, but you worried it would give away far too personal information about your own trek here. So you nod and step away from the stall, planning to say an awkward ‘nice to meet you’ before disappearing, but the woman steps with you, seemingly more interested in you than the food she initially came to buy. 
“I’m Tess.” She holds out a hand to you, and your own intrigue rises when you notice that she's wearing rings. Jewelry isn’t too common anymore, outside of keepsake necklaces and wedding rings. The sight of some that had multiple rings clearly just to wear has you fighting not to raise an eyebrow. 
You take her hand after a moment, pronouncing your own name slowly as you shake her hand. Her grip is firm and her fingers are warm when they curl around yours.  She repeats it back to you and you can’t help a little smile when she gets it correct the first time. A lot of people don’t understand you the first time, it’s always a small victory when a few people do. 
You and Tess end up walking the market together. She explains certain booths and why they’re there. She gives you small tidbits of information on some of the people you cross too. Nothing personal, just what they buy or sell and why it could be useful depending on the circumstances. 
Afterward, she ends up walking you home too. You notice people eyeing you two curiously, and you wonder why people would suddenly take interest. You’re pretty sure she hadn’t even realized the attention the two of you are gaining, or if she does she’s ignoring it. She’d been asking you questions about why you came to the QZ and who you came with. You’d answered the first, but not the second. You’d been alone by the time you’d made it to Boston, but you had zero interest in letting anybody know that. 
“I left with a group, we made our way here.” 
“Any of them make it with you?” She inquired. It was awfully bold of her to ask, but part of you immediately liked her because of that boldness. All day Tess had been blunt, bold, and confident. Someone who doesn’t bother to sugarcoat things, something you appreciate, because you hate trying to sugarcoat things as well. It often leaves people thinking you mean something else, or that something isn’t as bad as it seems, which could be deadly in today's cordyceps-infested world. 
You don’t want to lie to Tess. You think you might actually like Tess, but she’s still a stranger, and you don’t want her to know you’re on your own. “Just a handful.” You say absently not meeting her eyes. Drawing to a pause on the sidewalk in front of your building. 
She stops with you, shifting to the side so you two aren’t blocking traffic. You notice a few people raising an eyebrow at you and Tess as they pass, and again, you wonder about their interest. “Did I make you uncomfortable?” She asks. She doesn’t sound offended or apologetic, simply curious. 
“Uh… No.” You shake your head, focusing on her and not the people around you. “No, this is my building. I’m probably gonna head up. Curfew probably isn’t that far off.” You nod to the darkening sky up ahead. 
“Oh.” She glances at the building, eyeing it for a moment, before nodding and turning to give you a small smile. “Well, I’m glad I can walk you home.” You chuckle at that. “It was nice to meet you.” 
“Yeah. You too. Have a good night!” You turn and climb the steps to your building ducking inside. You glance back at Tess and give her a polite nod when she says ‘you too’ before turning and heading up to the apartment you now call home. You sigh as you unlock your door and get in, setting your stuff on the flimsy dining room table and going back to lock up for the evening. You sit on a chair and stare at the bag on the table. You did far more interacting than you’d planned on today. It was the longest conversation you’d held in weeks and now you’re exhausted. Your energy level was depleted by Tess, the pretty woman with bright green eyes who seemed to know the actual answers to the questions she’d asked you before you told them. With the rings on her hands, and the curious stares from everybody you’d passed by today. She was clearly somebody. Who she was though… You had no clue. 
So Joel had a point. Big fuckin’ whoop. They were currently sitting across from each other at their table, drinking whiskey they’d gotten from Bill. Tess was recounting her day with you to Joel, who had opted to stay in today to keep from raising too many suspicions. 
“The whole damn QZ was lookin’ at us today.” Tess groused as she took a sip of her drink. 
Joel chuckles. “Good. Maybe they’ll take a hint and keep their fuckin’ distance from her.” He mutters, not bothering to hide his possessive intent. 
Tess watches him with amusement sparking in her eyes. “You’ve never had issues with any of the others interacting with people.” She points out softly. 
He meets her gaze head-on. “I want to keep her.” He states bluntly. Tess doesn’t seem surprised by this, judging by his behavior, he’d given himself away. Joel knows that if Tess isn’t interested he can fuckin’ forget about it, though. She told him all about her day with you. How she’d gotten your name and you had seemed completely oblivious to who Tess was. A surprise, honestly, considering you’d been here a month already. Damn, you must really be keeping your head low. It’s only a matter of time before you do hear about them though, he’d seen you getting closer to a few of the other regulars on the shifts he’s taken with you. 
“She’s smart. Perceptive too. She definitely took notice of people watching us today.” Tess leans forward, raising a challenging eyebrow at Joel. “What happens when she figures out who we are and she wants nothing to do with us?” 
That was another difference in you as a choice for their games. The others knew exactly what Joel and Tess were capable of and wanted to play their game anyways, hell, they were often also involved in shady shit of their own. Sometimes with Joel and Tess, and sometimes outside of them with others. 
You were new and clueless, and from what they’ve gathered from you, you had zero interest in getting your hands dirty outside of actual work detail. Joel sat back and groaned, bringing his own drink to his lips and downing the whole thing in one go. He grimaced, making a puckered face at the bitter alcohol. Everyone they’ve brought home with them had been more than consenting. Joel finally found a potential pet that he wants to actually keep and it’s a high possibility that she might turn them down entirely. Consent had never been a problem before now. Technically they could just find someone else. It wouldn’t be too hard to find a willing partner. But Joel didn’t want to find someone else. He wanted you. “She’s… not supposed to be working in the condition she’s in. She’s going to hurt herself.” 
“And it’s supposed to be our job to take care of her?” Tess challenges. 
“It could be. She’d probably submit easily. She’s tiny and disabled, it’s not like she’d be a challenge for either of us.”
Tess just watches him, her face carefully not showing any emotion. “You want to take her hostage?” It’s not like they haven’t taken hostages in the past. But they’ve never taken hostages in their apartment inside the QZ, and certainly never considered holding a playmate hostage. 
Joel sighs, pouring himself another two fingers of whiskey before answering. “Preferably not. But I don’t want to let her go either.” 
Tess considers this for a long moment. “If she says no, and we keep her anyways we’re going to need to come up with a plan. She’s wary enough as is, getting her up here is going to take a while.” She pauses, Jesus. This is going to be way more work than necessary for a single pet. “Well, if we do hold her hostage, we have to keep her. Are you sure she’s the one you want?” 
“Yes,” Joel answers her without hesitation. He shifts a little in his seat, trying to hide his own anticipation for what’s to come. 
Tess watches him with shrewd eyes and knocks back her own drink. “Me too. Let’s figure out a plan, and start puppy-proofing.” She jokes. 
While you are curled up in bed for the night, trying to find some rest, Joel and Tess are across the QZ making plans to make sure you never leave their bed.
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thechaoticrow · 2 years
friendly reminder that if you dress as kaz this halloween, don’t include the cane unless you’re disabled yourself. mobility aids aren’t props or costume pieces for able-bodied people
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
The leftism/anticapitalism leaving people's bodies the zeptosecond you imply that disabled people who aren't "productive" still matter in society and need to be treated like intrinsic equals who have a place in this world:
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hellyeahsickaf · 4 months
When I say "I can't do that" what I'm not saying is:
I don't feel interested in doing that
I don't care enough to
I'm too good to be doing that
I don't think you deserve that of me
I'm not in the mood to do that
Not now, I'll do it later
If that's what I meant, that's what I would say
What I am saying is:
It will negatively affect me in ways I can't afford
I simply can't physically fucking do that
I can't risk the potentially severe consequences I may experience if I overestimate my ability to do that
And if I explain that I am unable to do that, it is not an invitation to:
Tell me how much my disability hurts your feelings
Ask if I'm sure
Interrogate me because you believe yourself to be the judge of how unwell is unwell enough
Put words in my mouth ("why don't you care?")
Tell me how easy it would be
Remind me of how many other things I've been unable to do. I keep the score more than you do
Accuse me of exaggerating or faking to avoid doing it
Ask me again shortly
Make assumptions about additional explanations. (I must be mad at you, I must not care about this)
Offer compensation in return ("I can pay you" "we can do something you want to do after" "I'll get you something you like")
Ask what it would take for me to suddenly be capable of doing it
Tell me how you do things you have to do when when you're tired and then you can just rest and recover. I am not like you
Remind me of a time I was able to do that. Either I had more spoons or was less severely disabled if at all.
Say that if I was well enough to do X today, I should be able to do this as well. Energy doesn't work that way. Are you capable of running 8 miles right this minute just because you were okay to work a 10 hour shift today? That's what I thought
Suggest simply doing it a certain way ("take your time", "do it sitting down", "we can stop and take breaks", "just take your painkillers", etc)
But it is an invitation to:
Leave me the fuck alone about it 💕
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cistematicchaos · 2 years
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Image Description: A repost of an instagram post from @/teawithqj, with picture of Imani Barbarin, a Black disability blogger and actor, seated on a bench outside, grinning, with her name printed in pink beside her, with a quote reading:
“I’ve never once overcome my disability, but I have overcome the desire to slap someone every day of my life. 
And that’s what should be celebrated.”
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blinkpen · 9 months
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i am Withering
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heartofstanding · 3 months
It's 2024. Authors writing novels about the Wars of the Roses should be past referring to Henry VI as "mad Henry". Especially if they're Ricardians who end the novel with two pages where the protagonist/POV character foretells and decries the horribleness of Tudor-era ableism towards Richard III.
The author clearly understand that ableism is wrong and that "period accuracy" is no excuse for ableism. But still sees fit to mock Henry VI for his mental illness, to make it his main identity. Is it because ableism is okay when a Yorkist does it or when the victim is Lancastrian? Is it because ableism is okay if you're mocking someone with a severe mental illness instead of a physical disability?
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gentlemanbutch · 2 months
Shoutout to disabled butches who wanna be strong or muscular or physically capable of protecting your community but have a lot of challenges or just outright can’t.
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vrepit-salt · 3 days
Reblog this if you're a high-functioning person with ADHD who has been told "you don't have ADHD" because you're high-functioning.
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hazel2468 · 1 year
“Inaccessibility has a massive impact on disabled people, especially people with mobility issues and those who use aids like canes, walkers, wheelchairs, service animals, etc. and these things are often ignored and should not be and you are right to be angry about it.”
“Even within the disabled community, there is a disgusting amount of dismissal and yes, ableism directed at people who have needs related to mental illness/mental disorders- to the point that other disabled people will refer to those of us with invisible disabilities, chronic illness, and mental disorders as abled and tell us that our needs are lesser and that is not okay.”
Are statements that must co-exist.
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navysealt4t · 2 months
first official day of napowrimo!!! april 1st prompt is: poem that recounts the plot of a novel you haven't read in a while. (warning for themes of war, bombing, & past abuse)
overnight in a bomb shelter
if the world ends this week  please brush my hair  i won’t ask you to be gentle  let me walk barefoot  farther away than the eye can see  in weather cold or warm  i may bite you  sting and curse you  don’t come too close  feed me and bathe me  that’s all i ask   but bombs scream overhead  planes shriek with their engines  sirens blare from the streets  in a murky shelter  buried beneath the mud  of your childhood home  your calloused hands are soft  dropping a blanket ‘round my shoulders  reading a book in the dark  my ears ring and my hands shake  you shield me with your palms  you promise to teach me to sew  to read and write  to run and climb  in moments in the dark  where the world might end  where all i smell is mold  you treat me like a child  who has never known love  i treat you like a woman  who has never known love  and for a moment  the world feels right  as the bombs scream overhead  ‘cause the world might end tonight
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night-wyld-system · 11 months
Canada Engages In Eugenics
The MAID act is actually making it so that mentally and physically disabled people would be at risk for euthanasia via purposeful eugenics by a governmental body. The fact that I as a multiply disabled person have had to see multiple people defend eugenics under the guise of "it's fear mongering to talk about". I am sick and tired of people who are low support needs deciding because it doesn't affect them people like us with more severe issues deserve to be killed or left for dead.
Track Two MAID is an act that is meant to kill off people not seen as proper workers. This is totalitarian capitalism, and as a socialist there is nothing I hate more than people who support this. It is expanding to people with mental illnesses as well as including non-terminal illnesses. I should not be killed because my legs are shitty, nobody should be killed because their legs our shitty. Nobody should be killed for their mental illness, or deformity, or disability, or developmental disorder, or cognitive impairment. NOBODY SHOULD BE KILLED FOR NOT BEING A GOOD ENOUGH WORKER FOR THE CAPITALIST REGIME.
Here is one opinion piece by a counselor from Canada.
An article on teen vouge
Another opinion piece
And a final article on the subject
Do not talk about an ongoing socio-political issue if you refuse to do your research, holy fuck you people are ghoulish for defending this shit.
The groups pushing this legislation are also trying to kill off disabled children. This isn't about stopping from going through a long painful withering away from a terminal condition or illness- this is eugenics.
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going-to-superhell · 2 months
I was today years old when I found out that people don’t feel their veins or blood flow or their heart beat. What the fuck. Like I know everyone CAN feel their heartbeat but I thought it was a constant thing. Like your telling me people don’t constantly feel their heartbeat, blood flow or pumping????????
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I've seen a few people now argue that being neurotypical isn't an actual thing, and that we're all neurodivergent in some way. Generally I see this in regards to autism, as an evolution of "we're all a little bit autistic". A similiar evolution include (and I saw this on this website) "I'm neurotypical but I'm weird and geeky so does that count [as neurodivergent]".
So for the "we're all a little autistic" people.
Autism is a developmental disability. It is, I repeat, a disability. It's not being "weird and geeky", it's not social awkwardness or being shy or struggling with a 40 hour work week or otherwise not handling capitalism and our modern life. It's a disability coming from not developing in the same way as allistics.
That's why, as a small example, you might find a noise irritating whilst I might be screaming, crying and banging my head over it.
Obviously not every autistic person gets meltdowns, and mine are typically only that severe if a lot of other stuff is going on too, but the point remains. If you do not have this developmental disability then congratulations on not being autistic, now shut up about how teehee nobody's really neurotypical :)
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i think it’s sad how the term radqueer has become synonymous with harmful paraphiles, race baiters and disorder fakers because connotations aside, the word is cool as fuck. would make a sick nickname for anarchist queers if it didn’t mean what it does
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elessarwanderer · 8 months
I’d been thinking of starting watching Doctor Who to continue my David Tennant media run after watching Takin’ Over the Asylum (and Good Omens of course) but needed the mental push to start something new.
I had a particularly horrible evening with my disability thanks to people being Absolute Freaks and Weirdos towards me, which kinda sent me spiraling about living with a very visible disability and man sometimes it really just fucking sucks and I can’t do anything about it. Etc.
So even though David doesn’t come on as the Doctor until season two, i decided to start there since I needed a comfort character, and then I’d go back to season 1 later.
Well halfway into s2ep1 David goes on his spiel about all the people who were born sick and who deserve better than to be used as “flesh” for finding cures for humans. I mean, they eventually get healed, but as someone who has spent their entire life wrapped into the medical model of disability, the poster child for finding a cure for my condition, my fucking god did that scene make me cry.
Because David, the way he is, even as an actor, apparently serendipitously always has the right thing to say.
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