#yes I am great at taking screenshots
windfighter · 1 year
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The cobblestone farm is up and running!
It's like... the least efficient thing ever, but I know a few ways to improve the speed and there's room to add at least one more if the need arise, so I'm happy!
It'll do great for now at least :3
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Some legitimately great expressions from episode 19 of Moomin: Adventure Diary; Hidden Love of Little My.
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calyssmarviss · 3 months
I really need to get into the habit of noting down timestamps while watching qsmp streams/vods because there is sooooo much stuff i wanna draw but finding those moments again for reference is such a fucking hassle oh my god.
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alonetimelover · 9 months
pairing: Harry Styles x physicist!reader
summary: NYC is welcoming one of the most famous physicist and things seem to look great. More physics in pop terms and more of the sweet couple. For some time.
a/n: part 2 of physicist! reader. im so excited for you guys to read it! again i am sorry if i butchered physics in here - i hope my notes were correct...
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liked by scienceandharstyles, hArrysbtch and 34 302 others
harryupdates HARRY spotted in NYC today!
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hArrysbtch he didn't listen to Europe's prays, he can't leave America
harrysmoustache oh ive missed my husband SO MUCH
harrysmylife harries come on, what is his lockscreen?
⤷ hArrysbtch it looks like a building or something
⤷ harrysfan44 i think it's some old building, i posted the screenshot
⤷ scienceandharstyles it's one of the buildings on the Oxfords campus! Dr ysn has her lectures there
⤷ hArrysbtch so im assuming he has dr yn in front of that building, you can see a head on that lockscreen 😭
scienceandharstyles he can be there with Dr ysn! she said she had some open lectures in US!
⤷ harrysfan87 yes! imattending her lecture at NYU tomorrow! i can't wait
⤷ harrysfan33 and in three days she has a lecture with physics students at Colombia University!
meetcutesnyc 👀👀
⤷ hArrysbtch ohhhh, you know something
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liked by harryupdates, harrysmoustache and 22 301 others
harrynyc I SAW HARRY AND YN TALKING WITH THE METTCUTESNYC GUY TODAY! and then dr yn snapped this photo for me 🫠
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harryupdates oh im following that account immediately!!!
hArrysbtch harry answering questions about his relationship??? it can't be...
⤷ harrysmoustache maybe he finally feels comfortable
⤷ user48 I hope she isn't forcing him to
⤷ hArrysbtch he's a grown-up man, ha can make his own decisions
The video started with a grey pavement and part of the road visible on the screen and two pairs of sneakers approaching the cameraman. Hard-core fans of Harry would recognise those pairs of shoes plus legs wherever they would see them, they couldn’t be mistaken. The colours of them were unmistakable, taking away the need to be rather invisible. Sneakers pacing right next to Harry were just as funky as his, but in more pastel shades. They were slightly unfamiliar to the fans, but considering the account posting the video could mean the only one person - Dr YN YSN. 
“Excuse me, sorry to bother you,” started the voice behind the camera. “Are you a couple?”
Now, the camera was showing both of the faces. Harry’s partially covered by the navy hat and big sunglasses, and YN’s with a huge smile on her face. They both were wearing cosy outfits. A pair of Pleasing hoodies, shorts and high, white socks.
They both were interrupted mid-laughing. Harry slightly but seemingly tensed at the abrupt question thrown at him on the street of NYC, but immediately calmed down at YN’s hand squeezing his lovingly. He wanted to politely move forward, saying something like ‘yes, we are, but sorry we are expected somewhere near soon.’ But YN, his sweet YN, loved meeting and talking with new people. And he loved her for that. 
“Hi! Yes, yes we are,” she answered with a smile, but just like Harry - didn’t stop walking towards their destination. 
“Would you mind telling me a story of how you guys first met?” 
“Oh, I know you guys!” YN exclaimed. “You’re the ‘meet cutes’ account on Instagram, right?” 
YN stopped in her tracks, making Harry take a step back to join her. 
“Yes, we are!”
“I love those videos. They are so sweet. Remember the one I showed you with that elderly couple?” With the last sentence YN turned to her boyfriend, a big smile on her face. 
Harry nodded his head, mimicking her smile. There was no day when he could look at her without breaking a smile. She was such a ray of sunshine that shone over him and to him from the moment he first saw her. 
“Go ahead,” Harry whispered to YN. “If you want to answer some of the questions, I’m okay with it. I know how much you love those videos.” He encouraged her. 
YN looked at Harry longingly and with love spelled in her gaze. It wasn’t like he said that only for her happiness. They did talk about their public appearances, PDA, articles, her career, his career, fans, students, colleagues, professors. They talked about everything and came to the conclusion that those were their lives. Nobody should have decided for what they should and shouldn’t. It was their decision. 
That was how they decided that they would talk with YN’s dean and ask for permission for Harry to be on campus. Of course, it was granted - YN being one of the best researchers and the best lecturer at Oxford, and Harry being dean’s daughter's idol since his One Direction days. It just worked in their favour and as long as he wasn’t distracting students AND staff (including YN) it was very much okay for him to be there. Then they talked with Jeff (after YN insisted on it, ‘he is managing your career, Harry. Of course we should talk with him,’ she said one day). He obviously was happy for Harry, teasing him for the duration of their meeting, asking to be the best man at their wedding ‘after all I am the one who planted a seed of curiosity in that imbecile’s head’. 
“How did we first meet? Well, in person it was at our mutual friend's party, he introduced us to each other and the rest would be history.” She smiled at the end, gazing for a moment at Harry then back at the man, who asked the question. 
“In person? Was there any other occasion?” 
YN laughed and bumped her hip at Harry’s. “For me, the party was the very first time meeting him. I mean, my students talked about this lovely man all the time. I heard about him, I listened to his music. But the first time was at that party.”
“Have you met your partner earlier?” The question was directed to Harry. 
“Not met, no. But my friend actually sent me a link to a video where she called me a God particle. I couldn’t let that slide and looked for her wherever I went,” Harry answered, face turned towards the interviewer but his eyes were on YN, looking at her beautiful smile. 
“What were your first thoughts after meeting or seeing each other for the first time?” 
YN sighed, “you go first. You’re better with words.” 
“Uhm, after seeing that video I thought ‘how did she make physics seem so easy?’ and then ‘I’d love to see more of her.’ Just the way her passion for science beamed through the screen made me infatuated,” Harry longed. “Even though I'm very bad at understanding science.”
“But you’re learning!” YN interrupted him. “You now understand aspects that I teach, it’s very impressive.” 
“Thank you, love. Uhm, but when I first saw her in real life I thought that ‘I need to talk to her. I need to ask about that God particle and how much of a responsibility of being one is upon my shoulders’.” 
YN laughed, throwing her head back slightly. She loved when he was talking about that night. 
“What about you?”
“When our friend introduced us I greeted Harry with the thing that I firstly thought, ‘I've never thought I’d meet the God particle.’ And thankfully he laughed and it seemed to work for us.” YN explained with a smirk. 
“Now, could you tell me what is your favourite thing about each other?” 
“Her passion," Harry answered immediately, not giving YN a chance to do it first. "Or either wanting to learn and understand more and to teach others about what she loves. Watching her take time to help her students, staying after hours and grading all those papers, being the inspiration to others, to me - to be better and share my passion and knowledge with others. Yeah, that’s my favourite thing.” 
For his whole speech, YN was looking at her lover’s eyes trying to find that gleam that usually made her feel present and conscious in this fast paced world. 
“You’re gonna make my cry! No!” 
She hugged him, hiding her face in his hoodie. Harry embraced her body tightly, kissing the side of her head, murmuring ‘I’m sorry” and ‘I love you’. 
After a few moments for YN to calm down, she stood straight next to him (one arm around his waist, wanting to be close to him), taking a few breaths in. 
“My favourite thing about Harry is how deeply he cares and loves people close to him. It’s one thing being loved by him and a very much different thing seeing how his love is absorbed by his family. The way he showers them in so many different aspects of love is astonishing. It’s from mundane things like doing groceries to him driving to your house at night because you needed someone to talk to. I just love how he loves people in a poetic but human way.”
While watching that video people could tell how much those two loved and cared for each other. The way they looked lovingly at the other while they were talking said much more than a thousand words could describe. 
“Final question, what do you look for in the future?” 
“Woah, hard question,” YN started, placing her finger under her chin in a deep thought. “I think I look forward to spending more time with this guy. You know, just sitting at home and being around each other, sipping tea, holding cats and just being close.” 
“Seeing her happy with who she is makes me the happiest. So I’d love to see that for as long as it lasts,” said Harry squeezing YN closer to him. 
“Thank you guys, so much. What are your names?”
After Harry pointed at YN to tell it first, she introduced Harry and then herself with a little smile present on her sun kissed face. 
“It was very nice talking to you. You really made my day. Thank you!” She said and went to squeeze the interviewer's hand. 
“My pleasure. My sister became science obsessed because of the videos of you teaching. She’s 10 but started reading books about Physics for highschoolers,” said the man. 
YN pouted, clasping her hands together in front of her chest. 
“No way! That is so sweet! I’ve read some of the books about physics for younger kids. I’ll look over my library and just DM it to this account? Would that be okay? I’m sorry but I just love hearing about younger people being excited about science,” YN stumbled a little over her words, getting too eager about the subject. 
“Yes. She would love it.” 
“Fantastic. Have a good day!” 
“Nice talking to you, mate,” Harry said, shaking the guy's hand. 
While the camera was filming the couple walking away hand in hand, the voice could be heard from behind it, “that was the most nerve wracking interview I've ever done. But they were so cool.” 
meetcutesnyc Physics connects people
my parents!!!!!!!
i can't believe that you bumped into them
'at our friend's party' is a nice way of saying that CHRISTOPHER NOLAN introduced you to each other
passion? being the inspiration? dr yn ysn is the IT girl
'i love how he loves people' 🫠🫠🫠
just the way he looks at her... he may think we do not see his eyes behind those glasses but i did... I did and there was a BIG NEON SIGN SAYING I LOVE YOU
you can see how much they love each other
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nyunicersity Because of the interest of Dr YN YSN open lecture, we are moving it to our main lecture room! There might still be some space for you! Come and learn with the infamous Dr YN YSN.
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yourinstagram Everyone is welcome!
harrystyles ❤️❤️
harrynyc Can't wait to attend it!
harrysfan44 finally the lecture I am wiling to attend!
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liked by harryupdates, hArrysbtch and 25 302 others
harrysfan44 Dr YN YSN at the beginning of the lecture. Later she did not stand behind the pulpit. She was walking around asking people if they understood everything, she answered questions. That was the best lecture I've ever attended. Now I understand the hype!
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harryupdates she is the best!
hArrysbtch I just love the person streaming this after dr yn ysn said it was okay to film her because she knows that a lot of people weren't let in the room
⤷ harrysfan44 yes! she even argued with our Dean to let people in if they were okay with sitting on additional chairs and the floor. she just wanted everyone to be included!
user34 was there any topic explained in pop terms??
⤷ hArrysbtch yes! she explained the moment of inertia using music idols and dispersion was based on One Direction breaking up
⤷ user34 what?! really?
“Okay, so anyone knows anything about dispersion?” Dr YN YSN asked the full to the brim lecture hall. 
“Yeah, it’s a rainbow?” Answered one of the students. 
“Well, not exactly. Dispersion is the dependence of the refractive index of the centre of the frequency of the light wave in the centre. One of the effects of the dispersion is the fact that the light of different wavelengths so different taint, dropping on the line of two centres at the angle different than zero, refracts at different angles. You can observe that when the white light is being refracted on prisms giving you the beautiful rainbow. All in all, what is the most important. Rainbow is not dispersion. Rainbow is the effect of dispersion,” YN explained quickly the topic, drawing on the blackboard the prisms and various colours. “Do you understand?”
The lecture room was silent. Strangely silent which made Dr YSN turn around quickly and take a look all over the room. 
“Okay. What is not clear. Dispersion or prisms?” 
“Prisms,” was said by most of the people. 
“Yeah, they’ve just had a test on dispersion and failed on explaining the effects of it,” commented in rather rude tone one of the professors, causing Dr YN YSN to raise her eyebrows. 
“Okay. Ehm, another chance to make you understand. Give me a band I can work with right now to explain it. Don’t be shy, you can scream it to me, don’t hold your hand up. I want to hear the answer.” 
After a moment of whispers bouncing off the walls, one brave student spoke up, “what about One Direction?”
Dr YN YSN smiled and blushed slightly, looking momentarily at her left, right where Harry was sitting. 
“I see what you guys are doing. I’ll work with the thing you gave me. Alright. Uhm, connections. White light is the band. One Direction, right? Right.” Dr YSN started with drawing the prism and one simple white line almost touching the border of the triangle. “Here we have their path together, right? No obstacles, they shine together. But then boom!” She aggressively drew the line towards the border, touching it. “2015 happened. They met the obstacle, the 18 month hiatus, isn’t that right?” 
She turned around with a smile, making a room laugh and sneaking a glance at Harry who was putting his head in his hands. 
“Okay. So when they met that 2015 it was their line of two borders, border one saying ‘stay together’ and border two saying ‘it’s time to move on’." She touched the spaces on the board to visualize what was being said.
"As white light reacts, it cannot have the same opinion which in our case is the angle of the way the light is dropping. So, it bounces off in different directions, becoming different colours. All in all. They were all one name, yes? White light equals one direction. After meeting the obstacle - 2015, so line of two centres -  they are given different names - now blue, red, yellow, green, purple and so on. Do we understand it better now?” 
DR YSN once more turned towards the room, leaving the drawing of the prisms behind her. 
“We do.”
“Yeah, but that connection was uncalled for,” someone commented, making people laugh. 
“Well, you were the one asking for One Direction. I gave you what you wanted,” YN laughed. “Alright, any more questions?”
she is the moment
i love that woman with my whole heart
she is beautiful, she is successful, she is smart, she bagged one of the sexiest man alive ICON
she is the icon, the legend, and she is the moment
another time I understand physics only because of Dr yn ysn and not my professors - but really covering the hiatus was uncalled for
thank you, Dr ysn!!!!
the way she smirked at Harry when commenting on the 2015 fiasco? Icon behaviour right there!
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liked by harrystyles, scienceandharstyles and 201 201 others
drynysn Thank you to everyone who attended the lecture at NYU! It was amazing to see you all there! I cannot stress enough how unfortunate it was that some of you were not let into the room. I spoke up with the Dean, and we agreed on one more open lecture being held in two days. So if you still want to hear some cool facts about physics, cosmos, and more, come! I will be waiting and fighting for you to be let in!
ps. isn't it the coolest library?
ps2. This is the new account I will be using to post some little videos explaining some of the concepts in physics!
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harrystyles There is a beautiful woman covering some of the bookshelves. I am too mesmerised.
⤷ yourinstagram you cheeky 🫠
scienceandharstyles this is the best way to get into young people's hearts!
harryupdates I loved the stream! I understand so much and learn even more. Amazing as always!
hArrysbtch the way she was fighting the old man to let people in??? iconic behaviour!
harrysmoustache the impact this woman has! this account already has more than 500k followers!!!
⤷ yourinstagram it's craaaazzzy
⤷ drynysn wrong account... but it is crazy
⤷ hArrysbtch I LOVE HER
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liked by yourinstagram, harryupdates and 5 302 391 others
harrystyles NYC 2023
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yourinstagram Your support is all I need ❤️
harryupdates I lived to the day that Harry Styles posted a photo with his girlfriend
hArrysbtch yeah yeah yeah, you are in love (I am crying)
harrymylove NYC is looking god on you guys
annetwist Congratualtions you guys!
⤷ yourinstagram Annie! Thank you, xx
⤷ hArrysbtch what did harry do?
⤷ annetwist He's my son.
⤷harrystyles Thank you, mum ☺️
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 1 029 291 others
drynysn Hello! Here are even more physics answers to questions you might have had throughout your whole life. Hope you enjoy it because I loved answering those!
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harrystyles Still no god particle, disappointing
⤷ drynysn Criticism accepted.
⤷ harrystyles Will there be a part 3?
⤷ drynysn Maybe. But still no Higgs boson.
hArrysbtch this is what I needed just before my classes
harrysmoustache she's doing her makeup and explaining quantum physics... she really is amazing
scienceandharstyles I will miss those lectures after graduating 😭
wired Oh, this is one of our best videos!
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liked by hArrysbtch, harrysmoustache and 34 291 others
harryupdates HARRY AND DR YN YSN spotted in Oxford today!
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hArrysbtch they are back!!!!!
harrysmoustache dr ysn has tattoos???
⤷ scienceandharstyles yes! she has multiple!
⤷ harrysmoustache she is even cooler, oh god
harrylondonboy it's a nice time of the year to take a trip to Oxford and bump into them
harrysfan39 the holding hands, the outfits, the camera???
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liked by user34, hater37 and 684 302 others
celebrityupdates Is this the kind of pictures that the professor of one of the most prestigious universities in the world should pose for? This and more pictures of Harry Styles and Dr YN YSN are on our website, link in bio.
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harryupdates this is so sick and twisted, you should find some good lawyers
hArrysbtch you little bitches, this is invasion of privacy
harrysmoustache I remember the case similar to this, and the couple went to court and won. so prepare some money
harrysmylife fuck you, disgusting pigs
user47 absolutely not kind of pictures I'd think this good of a professor is part of!
user93 I don't like the picture (considering the role she has in young people's lives), and I don't like invasion of privacy.
harrysfan192 will that mean she'll get fired?
⤷ hArrysbtch they would be crazy if they even thought about it!
⤷ user92 there are different laws in different universities but I think they could do it
a/n: do we live it as a mystery or should i start preparing part 3?
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jazeswhbhaven · 4 months
That's What You Get When You Eat a Mandrake~ (Beel Butt L-Card Story: Ch.1) *React I*
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-the bby
WE ARE LIVING IN AVISOS LATELY HUH?? Sure we got a healthy dose of our Hades bois, but there's been a lot of content with Avisos popping up lately and I'm like huh...it seems the fave locations are Gehenna and Avisos as opposed to Tartaros and Hades. Anyway this is the first node of the Beel booty story (hooray everyone that got it!) I would technically say this isn't spoilers unless you were unable to get the card then it's technically spoilers but everyone's seen it I assume but just in casseeee
LETS GO another two-parter...this time because there's a new boo I get to ramble about. Get yourself a snackkyyy snack and let's go ( ˘▽˘)っ♨
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First we enter Dong-gyun that is at this gift store having his home-made butt shaped chocolates get wrapped professionally
Let me just say that Dong-gyun is a d o r a b l e. And I love him so much. For some reason he reminds me of Yoosung from MYMES and idk why when they clearly aren't the similar just the blonde hair lmao
Maybe it's the soft boi casual hoodie-wearing vibes I'm loving? Anyways
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Poor bby was kicked out of the store for being a bit overbearing lol that and it's busy with everyone celebrating their first valentines day in Avisos because MC is also there (they truly do party for any reason it's great) Because they're out here making out, doing shit in the streets like this is wild lol
But DonBear (my nickname for him) made the chocolates for MC :)))) he has like a huge one-sided crush on them and I think that's just the cutest thing.
I also want to add that he's not one of the 72 either, he's just a regular day-to-day lower-level devil and I love that we get to see that. I wanna know how life is for devils who just are "there" ya know?? Like Nina for instance (RIP ;.;)
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So he finds out where MC is at and he notices everyone and their mom (except for the 7 grandmothers, i wanna know more about that actually :o) are there with chocolates they have given MC. But he doesn't mind waiting in line.
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I only wanted to add this screenshot because I'm crying, Minhyeok forever in the friendzone trenches because "friendship chocolates?????" free this man please.
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Ahhh so our DonBear was able to to make it and he prepares to give his chocolates until....
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First. Why
I can imagine how his jaw had to unhinge unhumanly to eat that pile of chocolate and I'd just be like o__o oh
Second...girl...he gonna give you back that chocolate alright if you want (yes this is a poop joke. no i am not into that i just find it funny mc really sat there and asked for it back like you're either gonna get vomit or poop which one?)
The funny part tho is Beel is casually like "I already ate it tho"
Yes bby we know that. I'd like for you to replace it because you prefer to be childish and eat things that don't belong to you to show your dominance or whatever okay <3
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See? See the fucking snark this one has?
>:P he's getting bitten
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Leave DonBear alone D: at least let us eat our butt shaped chocolates he spent time making from scratch (also look at his face I'll protect you omg)
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Beel. Beel. You're going in time-out I swear. The naughty corner.
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Sigh....maybe you'll be forgiven if you let DonBear make another batch of chocolates for me
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AND this part? Where Beel fainted and is having some kind of episode???? I was like omfg it's whatever was in the chocolates isn't it? It's the damn mandrake stuff isn't it?
And our Avisos bois came to the rescue immediately because they thought it was some kind of attack. (it's really cool how they can sense stuff like this immediately)
So while everyone's trying to help Beel and figure out what's wrong with him and take him to the hospital and such (and dragging DonBear along because they suspect it's him that did it) we go into a flash back!!!
So Dong-hyung was hanging out and being the designated driver kinda friend (the one that stays sober and watches the others) but he doesn't really drink like that anyway so he doesn't mind babysitting.
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LMAO so these two characters waltz into the bar and DonBear is kinda side-eyeing them because I mean I'm crying why is MC a clown? xD it makes me think of those memes again dammit
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MC showing their ID at the bar 💀💀💀💀💀💀
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So what's funny is that MC is me because they're drunk asf slurring and saying some shit and Beel is just thinking this is cute and just letting it happen such a bad influence... xD
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ME coded.
Silly drunk clown bitch hours.
My ass would be laughing at everything and saying the floor is lavvvaaa Beel...the floor is lavvvaaaaaa carry meeeeee
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So iirc MC ends up bumping into DonBear and he just knows how to handle the situation perfectly and this was after he realized that it was Beel and MC in disguise and not just two randos in the bar.
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Beel gestured for him to come outside with them and he's fanboying about the situation and I find that entirely cute. He's a sweetie and I want good things for him.
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even though we all pretty much know how this works though for the most part when it comes to who is the designated 72. Someone should draw him in the uniform though (throwing this idea out there)
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LOL so he flopped MC on DonBear and is just like so this kind of night arouses angels...so hold MC for me in case I have to fight or something. And I'm just like oh dear...the poor bby is kinda struggling to carry MC are they that heavy? Lol
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He's so determined. I love it
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So here, DonBear is asking a lot of questions and one of them is if Bael and Beel are twins, and Beel is like yeah Bael would not like it if I said yes so I'll say no even if we are.
Beel your roundabout answer is killing me lmao
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He....he....he almost came from being petted on the nape of his neck?????? *screams*
He's perfect for dry humping, and anything of the sort that doesn't involve penetration because he's so sensitive I love him. I could hug him and rub his back and he'd love it. (granted this means tho that this is only for his favorite person or the person he's crushing on this sounds like he wouldn't react this way to a stranger)
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So Bael was getting onto Beel for MC being in this state and just going on and on and Beel is like "Well it's not like I could have just left MC there no way they're drunk :D" so gentlemanly like and Bael agrees that the devils in Avisos are gentleman (are they...? I would assume some aren't)
ANNDDD I've hit the limit my lovelies. (on screenshots allowed in said post) So we're gonna stop here until we get to the other post ^^ see you thereeeee
->Part Two<-
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nicolesainz · 6 months
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Darling (JB 22)
Jenson Button x f!reader (Mark Webbers Daughter)
A/N: Ya’ll can blame the Brawn Doc (which btw was great, go check it out)
Summary: A little visit to your dad’s old friend after the Goodwill festival wouldn’t hurt,right?
Warnings: minors dni, +18, suggestive smut, edging, fingering, p! in v!, age gap (reader is 22)
“Hey Jense, would you mind keeping an eye on her? Missus and I will fly back to Australia but she’s staying here for a friend’s party”
My father would’ve never let me stay in a hotel. It had to be Jenson. Out of all his friends, all the people in the fucking UK, it had to be him.
And reminded that I’m 22. Not underage. And I can legally drink, thank you very much.
“Of course mate. I have a spare room she can use. I’ll barely be home this weekend.” It was the British Grand Prix and he is a presenter for Sky Sports, hence why he won’t be around.
To be fair, I only watch the post race show just to admire him. But my dad doesn’t need to know that, or Jenson himself. He doesn’t have to know how handsome he is or how smart he sounds given his knowledge in Formula One.
What’s more attractive than that?
And the fact that I have secret screenshots of his shots in my phone, but again, no one needs to know.
“Let me get her luggage full of god knows what type of dresses. I don’t even know when she bought them!”
"I hope you know how old I am, dad" I roll my eyes at his comment as Jenson lets out a small giggle, earning a death glare from my dad.
"Before she leaves the house, please make sure to see what she's wearing. And if there are any boys in sight." my dad warns him, as if I am going to enroll myself in the army and fight the enemy, which to him, would've been more preferable compared to a party.
"Got it. We definitely know that you think she's 17" Jenson replies and my mother laughs along, as I try not to burst out.
"If you side with Y/N, I will break your Porche." My dad's voice raise and I glance at Jenson who has a look plastered on his face as if he was offended and scared by the threat.
"I have kids myself, I think she's going to be safe with me. Come on Mark! I was the only driver you never crashed with, kinda." He takes the luggage away from my mother's hands and waves them goodbye as I go and hug them.
"Take care kiddo and if you need anything, im a call away. Also if you want to go to the paddock, the passes are under my name" he kisses my head after having me squeezed in a tight hug.
"Y-yes dad, I know. Now please let me go because I cant breathe."
"Sorry" he sets me free and I join Jenson's side. God he's tall and broad.
"Alright now, shall we?" he looks down at me and I nod, unable to utter a single word, even though I've know him my whole life.
The boys in my university were dying to hear stories with the senior formula one drivers, coming from a daughter of one. It's a nice feeling to narrate all the success and glory of this sport.
"Seriously though, your bag is very light. Are you even carrying anything in here?" Jenson asks, weighing up and down my luggage, flexing his muscles as I try not to drool all over the place.
"Only necessities. Dresses, shoes, makeup, few outfits for the race and condoms." the last one quite shocked him but also was a way of teasing him, given my major crush.
"You have condoms, yet I didn't hear you say panties"
"Won't be needing any"
"And why is that, may I ask?"
"Cause I like to be free. More access and more fun" I wink at him and I stare at his lips, a smirk is growing as each word is leaving mine.
"So you are telling me, that right now, underneath this short but nonetheless breathtaking dress, no panties are worn?"
I get closer to him and whisper softly in his ear:
"Wanna see for yourself?"
Honestly, don't ask me where I found this much confidence and especially with someone twice my age. And a friend of my dad's.
"Behave yourself darling" he coughs lightly to clear his throat and grabs me by the waist, so my dress doesn't float from the summer breeze.
"And what if I don't want you, Mr. Button?"
"Then you'll wish you had never said that" he growls and immediately opens me the door to his McLaren.
When he gets in the drivers seat, he wastes no time and gets on the road instantly. During the ride, there's a comfortable silence filling the atmosphere, until the air coming out of Jenson's window pulls up my dress and his hand quickly falls on my thigh, holding it down once more.
Jenson decides to roll up his window but his hand remains on my thigh and this time, is holding it firmly and starts caressing it from the inside.
Soft sighs leave my mouth, but controlling them is inevitable when his touch was all I have been craving since I turned 18. His foot hits the gas harder, speeding and driving in between the other slower cars. He reminds me of the Jenson back in his Brawn days and I can feel myself pooling just at the thought.
It was the very right time when his hand cupped my bare pussy, feeling the wetness caused by barely a thought of him. The slight touch of his fingers on my trembling self has my knees going paralyzed. I feel like crying from pleasure and yet I don't even know if he's doing that on purpose to embarrass me or if he's actually enjoying it too.
"Oh baby, you're definitely not behaving yourself" he says as his index finger draws circles around my clit. My legs are clenching his hand inside me as the other one holds the steering wheel, looking at his knuckles that have turned white.
"Jenson" I breathe out and moan simultaneously as he starts pumping two fingers inside me fiercely, letting myself to his mercy and unable to react.
"This behavior will have consequences young lady. I warned you" he lets a soft kiss on the crock of my neck and feeling his beard scratching it, I go absolutely insane.
"Then punish me sir" I blurt out without thinking and Jenson drives in seconds at the spot in front of his house, stops the car and places me on top of his lap with just one hand.
Jenson's lips crash into mine without wasting a second as his fingers play with my uncontrollably wet pussy. The feeling of moaning is surely necessary and I don't hold back. My tongue dances with his and the kiss gets deeper like his fingers, hitting perfectly my soft spot.
"You are going to be the death of me" Jenson says as his mouth falls on my neck, sucking it off like there's no tomorrow. My hands try to unbuckle his belt and eventually make it to the part where I can feel his erection growing. It's true what they say, older men do it better.
In other instances I would have been furious, but Jenson ripping my dress, just so he can have better access at my breasts is incredibly hot. I don't care that I am left vulnerable at his sight. At this I was pleading it.
My breast hurt from his kisses and I know in a few hours small red dickies will be covering the surface. My fingers decide to trace the shape of his thick cock but I can tell he wants to feel me. I have teased him and he me, for way too long.
"If you keep being naughty I won't let you cum, dear" a groan escapes his body as I take his length in my hands and caress the veins that have popped out.
"Then I want you to fill me up with your cum" I take him by surprise and I can sense his heartbeat raising from worry. He regards me as something innocent, precious and fragile. Which I am. But I feel ready and I am.
"Are you sure? I mean, have you? Uh? Had sex before?"
"I-uh-well, no. But-"
"Baby we can't do it here. You don't deserve to have your first time on a car. You deserve to be worshipped."
Jenson's words make me blush and my heart was flattering as if I was a fifteen years old again, simply watching him race and get multiple podiums.
He looks around and opens the door of his house and then quickly rushes with me inside and shuts it with such force, my legs started trembling.
Suddenly, he picks me up and carries me all the way to his bedroom. A dark room filled with some of his most iconic trophies and with his smell that has been covering my entire body since the moment I entered his car.
He turns on the soft baby lights on the bedrest and takes a look at my flushed self, covered with hickies he's gifted me. His eyes scan me from head to toe as if he's about to feast.
"I want you to tell me to stop whenever you feel uncomfortable in any way." He kisses me softly and I nod my head, knowing that he would never hurt anyone.
Jenson stands up and with his strong arms parts my legs so he can have a clear vision of my already swollen womanhood. My breast are half showing from inside my bra and my lips are bitten to the core. I am a mess but he seems to like it.
He removes his shirt in quick motions revealing his god like crafted body with the hints of dark ink covering his lower v and shoulder. I had never seen them before and I am was very pleased with what was in front of my eyes.
It doesn't take him too long to strip off his trousers and be left with simply his boxers that were trying to hold in his hardened cock and my patience as well. They were giving me a preview of what was about to happen.
As Jenson lowered his body his hands were hoisting down his boxers, revealing himself and it wasn't just my mouth that was drooling but also my pussy.
His hands now were on the insides of my thighs, holding them fiercely, whilst mine were hanging around his neck. I felt like my heart was about t burst out of my chest.
"Are you ready baby?"
I was at loss for words so I gave him a final kiss for reassurance that he could continue.
In slow motions, he lowered even more and started inserting himself inside me, pumping slowly as I was trying to get used to his size. My cries were out of control as Jenson was deepening himself and my pussy was stretched to its limits.
"Jesus, you're clenching me so well darling" he breathed out and I tried to open my legs wider for his pleasure. Jenson was panting on the hem of my neck and upping the pace of his thrusts.
"Dear lord this feels so good" It feels better than good. As if I am in the seventh heaven. I don't think any man will ever make me experience this. And I don't think I want to either.
"Say that again" he demands with a harder thrust, hitting my G-spot, earning the biggest moan of the night, echoing at the entire house.
"You make me feel so damn good Jenson" I gulp hard as I try to catch my breath and scratch his back from the pain that this gives me.
"And I shall be the only one darling" he hoists me up and removes my bra with a single movement, freeing my breasts and enjoying the sight, as they are bouncing up and down along with the trusts.
"Only you Jenson" I scream his name as loud as I can and his chest fills with pride as I am reaching my height.
"Cum sweetheart. Let go" I can't hold it in much longer and I cum all over his cock. He doesn't remove himself from inside me and I don't want to. This felt so right even though for some it's very wrong.
"That was, perfect" I say in a whispering manner as I am unable to speak louder. I am so wasted but full of thrill.
"You deserve it. You deserve to be treated like that dear"
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milaisreading · 1 year
Pairing: Itoshi Sae x Reader
Warnings ⚠️: none in particular. Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
(Y/n) was in Japan for something Blue Lock related while her friends were still across Europe in their teams. The first few days were pretty uneventful with her doing some paperwork and preparing some documents to bring back to Germany. Well, today was the day in which her mundane stay in Japan would pretty much change. One moment (Y/n) was minding her business at the JFU building, waiting for Ego and Anri to finish their meeting, the other she was startled by a reporter, asking her weird and personal questions about Sae and herself. Questions like 'How did you two meet?' and 'How do you feel about being official?' flew around... Wait!
"What do you mean with official?" (Y/n) asked, obvious confusion laced her face as the reporter raised her eyebrow and took out her phone.
"Now don't play stupid with us, the news of your relationship have been the main topic in Japan and Spain for days." (Y/n) chocked on her saliva as she looked at the screenshoted articles, varying from Japanese to Spanish ones, showing one specific picture of Sae and (Y/n).
'Not this one!' The girl thought as she remembered the incident. Well, it was nothing scandalous, but the media made a stupid twist of the whole situation.
'Bachira, Otoya please hurry up. I am so hungry.' (Y/n) yawned as she waited for her two friends. She was visiting Spain for the weekend and it just so happened that Barcha and Real played against each other. The game was fun to watch, (Y/n) loved seeing her friends on the field, seeing how much they developed and the great scores they made. She was also left in awe but not in surprise when Sae would show his skills, how fast he was and how well he reacted in every situation. The game ended in a tie and (Y/n) was left with a lot of adrenaline in her body, she really wanted to watch them play more.
"Why are you alone?" The girl turned around, surprised to find Sae approaching her, his stoic expression present as ever.
"Ah, Sae-san! That was a great game, it's always nice watching you play!" (Y/n) said, sending the redhead a smile. Sae's face turned red and he cleared his throat, nodding his head at the compliment.
"Thanks. I didn't know you would be here today. Did Bachira invite you?" The boy raised his eyebrow.
"Yes! Bachira and Otoya called me, since I am on a short visit here."
"How long are you staying in Spain?" Sae asked as an idea hit him.
"I am going back to Germany Monday morning, why?"
"Great. I will take you sightseeing Madrid tomorrow. It's my day off, anyways."
"Oh? That's really nice of you, Sae-san. But I already thought of a few places I could visit on my own-" (Y/n) cut herself off as she saw Sae shake his head and take something out of his pocket.
"And let you walk into tourist traps? I know Madrid very well and a lot of the more exciting parts are never recommended. We can exchange numbers, I will text you later about the plans." Sae said nonchalantly. Although he had a completely neutral face, on the inside he wasn't calm at all. His stomach was doing flips and heart was racing as (Y/n) finally gave in. She gave him her phone and she took his, then typed down her number.
"Thank you, I am sorry for the troubles-"
"It's not a trouble. Don't worry." Sae interrupted (Y/n) and gave her a small smile. The girl just nodded confusedly, wondering if the expression she was seeing was real or not.
Present time...
'This can't be for real!' (Y/n) shook her head and looked back at the reporter, shaking her head.
"T-this is a misunderstanding!" The girl defended, groaning when she saw the look on the reporter.
"Really, we are just good friends. Sae-San just offered-"
"I offered what?" The reporters eyes widened in delight and (Y/n)'s in horror as they turned to look at the said redhead walking up to them.
"Itoshi-san, it's so nice to see you back in Japan." The reporter greeted as (Y/n) just kept her mouth shut, face flushing up in embarrassment.
"Yeah, yeah." The older Itoshi nodded, focusing his attention on (Y/n).
"So, why did you mention me?" Sae wondered, standing next to (Y/n), who showed him the articles nervously. The player kept quiet as the girl calmed down a little. Knowing that Sae will deny it to brought her some peace.
"So? Is there any truth to the rumors, Itoshi-san?" The reporter asked.
Sae kept quiet as he returned the phone to her and shrugged his shoulders. (Y/n) jumped a little as the boy wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
"I will let you decide that."
"What?!" (Y/n) yelled out as she saw his smirk, but Sae said nothing and started walking off with her.
"Excuse us." The boy said, leaving the reporter and (Y/n) flabbergasted for a moment.
"Wait! It's not true! Sae-san is just joking!" (Y/n) yelled at the reporter, internally crying when she saw the woman take a few pictures of them.
"Why didn't you say anything like 'no, it's not true'? Now everyone will think we are dating!" (Y/n) cried out as Sae kept quiet for a moment.
"Didn't feel like it."
The next day (Y/n) watched on in horror as the articles about her dating Sae were the hot topic for not just Spain and Japan, but in multiple other countries as well. She let out a small cry, knowing she will never hear the end of it from Kaiser once she returns to Germany.
'I need a refund in life!'
Bastard München...
"Eh? Noel,we have a small issue." One of the players approached their coach, looking terrified.
"What is it?" The man asked.
"Well... Kaiser broke his phone, Ness somehow got his hands on a knife, Kunigami broke one of our lockers-"
"What?" Noel asked in shock, but the player kept on going.
"That's not the worst part! Isagi keeps on glaring at everyone and Gagamaru is just throwing insults at anyone who keep approaching the goal. Yukimiya refuses to come out and play. Meanwhile Kurona and Hiori are just ignoring everyone. Kurona even tried to bite someone for approaching him."
"Why are they like this?" Noel facepalmed as he went to see the commotion himself.
"So... (Y/n) will be your sister-in-law now, Rin?" The younger Itoshi spat out his water as he looked at Loki in horror. This caught Karasu and Shidou's attention as well, since they were nearby.
"What?! Why would she be my sister-in-law?" Rin asked in horror as Loki raised his eyebrow and fished out his phone.
'If anything, (Y/n) will be my wife.' Karasu and Shidou walked over, wanting to hear what was going on.
"What's the tea?" The tanner boy asked as Karasu leaned against Rin.
"Did our Rinnie make a scandal or something?" Karasu teased, earning a glare from the said boy.
"No, the whole of France is talking about Sae and (Y/n) dating tho. Some tabloids even said a wedding day might be revealed soon." Loki answered, scrolling through his phone.
"What? You are joking, right?" Shidou asked, feeling like throwing up all of a sudden. Karasu had a blank expression on his face as he looked through the articles Loki was showing them.
"Rin, you will be brotherless soon." Karasu threatened as the younger Itoshi said nothing. Rin looked blankly at the phone, feeling lightheaded all of a sudden.
'I am beating him up. I am done.'
Was the last thing Rin thought before fainting. Panicked Loki went to call a paramedic as Karasu laid him on the ground.
"This is a tragedy,this can't be for real. My sweet, cute (Y/n) would never date a barbarian like Sae. These have to be photoshopped." Otoya cried out as he fell to the floor. He just opened his phone to look something up, only to come across an article saying that wedding bells might be ringing for Sae and (Y/n). Bachira walked in on Otoya and had a confused expression at his behavior.
"What happened? We need to go, practice will start soon." Bachira said.
"Forget practice! How can I practice when my sweet (Y/n) is held hostage?!"
"What?! What happened?!" Bachira asked in worry as Otoya showed him his phone.
"(Y/n) has to be blackmailed or something, there is no way she would willingly go out with Sae of all people."
Bachira kept quiet as he read some parts, seeing the pictures of them together made something snap in him and he ran out of the locker room.
"Lavinho, can we cut practice short?! I need to visit Madrid!"
"Sae, you little piece of shit! How can you do this to your bro?! You know I like her." Oliver cried out on his phone as Sae picked up the call. The news of him and (Y/n) 'dating' hit the Italian sites today, leaving 4 players in particular in a foul mood.
"Give me that phone, Aiku. Sae, I am beating your ass for just touching her like this." Baro threatened as he tried to take Oliver's phone, which just caused a fight between the other two. Meanwhile Niko and Aryu were desperately trying to reach (Y/n), wanting to hear her side.
"Why isn't she picking up?! Do you think she is ok? Should we leave and go back to Japan?" Niko asked nervously as Aryu bit on his fingernails.
"I swear if one of Sae's crazed fangirls is harassing her, I will kick a football to his face. My dear, little (Y/n)... what sort of taste do you even have?" Aryu pouted as Niko fidgeted around nervously. Meanwhile Lorenzo and Snuffy were trying to stop the fight between Oliver and Baro.
"Forget it! I am not in the mood!" Chris sighed as Chigiri slammed the door shut. Ever since they arrived at the stadium, neither him, Reo or Nagi were in the mood to play. Right now, all three barricaded themselves in the locker room, not willing to gear anyone out.
"They will get over it... Ego, who did you even send me to play?" Chris cried as he cursed the said man out.
Meanwhile Reo was making calls to whoever he could, asking for a possible transfer so that (Y/n) could be their manager instead.
'Those incompetent losers couldn't keep Sae away, I knew leaving her with them was a mistake.' The purple-haired boy thought.
"(Y/n), please tell me that article of you dating Sae is a belated April fool's joke. I am so close to braking someone's jaw." Nagi said as (Y/n) finally answered her phone. The albino was stressed out over it all, sleep and games were the last things on his mind. He just wanted to hear from (Y/n) that none of it was true and that she just had eyes for him.
"Give her to me. I will talk some sense into her. That fake redhead is no good for her." Chigiri pouted, already making plans to fly her out to Britain.
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
part of the off-season editions!
notes: i know i’m not even caught up on the games yet! i am SO sorry! i’m gonna try posting a couple tomorrow! the hardest part has been finding the time to rewatch the games and take screenshots but i’m gonna try and do a few games tonight so that i can write tomorrow!
another note: i fried by brain with all the writing i’ve done today, so this isn’t nearly as fun and chaotic as i had hoped it would be when i first decided to write it :(
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liked by jackhughes, nicohischier, and 144,952 others
my shoe matching, bags holding, 99 point scoring, hair cut needing, tooth losing, sebastian aho fighting, personal carrier! this kind, wise (but not smart), funny, handsome boy is 22 today!
jacky, you make me the happiest girl in the world every day, so i hope i can return the favor for at least this one specific day. thank you for being my best friend and the best cat dad! i’m so glad we had each other to lean on in our first year with the devils, and i’m so happy that you decided you liked me enough to keep me around.
we’ve had ups and downs, i’ve comforted you through losses, celebrated with you for wins, but i remain true to the fact that MY biggest win has been landing you.
i love you to pluto and wish you only the best in life, bubs. happy birthday <3
p.s. i hope you’re not already sick of hearing 22 (tv), cause it’ll be on all day! even during sexy times!
tagged jackhughes
jackhughes thank you sweet girl ❤️ i love you to pluto! i’m so grateful for you.
jackhughes however, i am gonna need you to stop calling getting ready for bed, “sexy times” and putting it on the internet where my mother can see it. she’s gonna think you’re talking about something else
y/ndevils00 your mother loves me, i can do whatever i want
elblue6 i love her and she can do whatever she wants!
jackhughes it’s my birthday and i’m feeling really attacked
trevorzegras you brought this on yourself dude
john.marino97 i thought i was the sexiest motherfucker to have ever lived?!
y/ndevils00 shhh jojo! i promise you are every other day of the year!
dawson1417 now hold on- you told me i was the sexiest motherfucker to have ever lived!
nicohischier she told me the same thing!
john.marino97 @/y/ndevils00 do you have anything to say for yourself?!
y/ndevils00 i fear i have been caught… 🏃‍♀️
john.marino97 happy birthday hughesy!
jackhughes thanks maraschino cherry!
john.marino97 not you too!
dawson1417 happy 22, man! been a pleasure playing with you! thanks for sharing your time with y/n with us!
jackhughes thanks man! you too! although i’ve had no choice in that last thing. i’d like my gf back!
dawson1417 i can’t do that.
nicohischier happy birthday jack! i’ve loved having you as alternate captain! can’t wait for next season!
jackhughes thank you cap! can’t wait to go even farther next season!
lhughes_06 happy birthday to the best middle hughes brother!
jackhughes i’m the only middle hughes brother? but thanks?
lhughes_06 yeah!
elblue6 happy 22nd birthday to my middle baby! i love you honey!
jackhughes thanks mom, i love you too! and happy mother’s day!
_quinnhughes happy bday little bro! hope you have a great day!
jackhughes thanks bro!
subbanator happy birthday lil jizzy! see you tonight, man!
jackhughes thanks man! we’re gonna have great night, eh?
y/ndevils00 what is this i hear of going out tonight? why do i find out you’re abandoning me, ON MY OWN POST?
subbanator @/y/ndevils00 sorry female jizzy! gotta take the man out!
y/ndevils00 did i just get called “female jizzy”? jackson, get this man off my post. i’m mad at you both @/jackhughes
jackhughes @/y/ndevils00 yes ma’am
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes ….
jackhughes @/y/ndevils00 still no.
dougieham happy birthday to y/n’s other half! i think i’ve met you once or twice
jackhughes thanks dougs!
y/ndevils00 YOU’RE going too?! what is this, not invite y/n night?!
trevorzegras it’s not that you weren’t invited, it’s just…
y/ndevils00 it’s just what?!
trevorzegras i got nothing. sorry, i thought i would come up with something
jackhughes thanks z!
jackhughes @/y/ndevils00 you ARE invited babe. i told you about it last night!
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes oh- it was 1am and you kept saying “tomorrow” so i thought you were talking about plans for tomorrow night
jackhughes @/y/ndevils00 WHO talks about plans at 1am and refers to it as “today”?!
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes me 🧍‍♀️ so watch your tone toothless
lhughes_06 @/jackhughes HA! SHE GOT YOU!
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dismissivedestroyer · 23 days
Hi! So I want to make a Spooky Month OC but I suck at drawing, do you have any tips or advices about drawing characters in the Spooky Month artstyle?
Okay so, I might not be the right person for this, cause I also am not all that great at drawing in the Spooky Month artstyle, but I did some character design at school so I might be able to give a few tips! Please do take everything I say with a grain of salt tho!
Spooky Month's strong suit is definitely character design. It's SO expressive and well done it's genuinely unreal. You might want to know exactly what your character is gonna be doing, or how their personality is gonna be like, because character design in Spooky Month cares a lot about things like these. For example: Radford works at a cinema, so of course he's wearing 3D glasses, but also his HAIR IS LITERALLY SHAPED LIKE A POPCORN.
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So maybe decide on a job for your character, and try to start from there, get crazy with shapes and have fun! Spooky Month characters have designs that are both extremely simple to draw, since they use mostly basic shapes, but also are extremely thought out and meaningful. Another example of great character design is Pump
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Now, I have no idea if you already had an OC in mind, but make sure to choose the right shapes to represent it. Something I see around in the fandom is people making these OCs that are like, serial killers and dangerous people and stuff, but then give them the "Lila"-like oval head. And honestly, nothing wrong with that, that's a choice you can use! But still, shapes allow us to understand a lot about how a character is just by looking at them. So you might want to experiment around a bit!
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Ovals in Spooky Month are the "good" shape, let's just say. Most character with an oval head are sweet, helpful, kind-natured! It's often paired with oval eyes, so it's mostly a shape that's used for not villainous characters.
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Circles are a bit more complicated, because Spooky Month subvertes the Circle Characters. While yes, they're also used to draw children, such as Skid and Pump, so they may come off as unthreatening at first, most main villains, such as Eyes, Bob and Dexter Doll (which is meant to represent the likes of a child, so that's a nice contrast), are mostly circle-shaped.
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There's a very wide range of Square characters in Spooky Month. Square characters are usually bulky, big and strong. They often come off as threatening (such as Moloch), but there are so many other fun things you can do with them. Like, take Frank. EVERYTHING in his design should alarm us, him being square-shaped, the black eyes, the wide smile. Yet, he has a shape of the eyes that's very relaxed and chill, so we end up trusting him. As for Dexter, he's a mix of circles and squares, so we can't really understand his intentions right away, because he's shaped in the most confusing way possible. He's just made to be unsettling and leaving us to wonder if he's a bad guy or just an oddball.
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You can do SO MANY fun things by mixing up shapes of faces and eyes it's INSANE. Also, you can mix up other characters' features to create a new one, if you're planning to do a fankid or stuff like that. Look at Ross, he's literally a mixture of all his parents' features!
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My main tips for drawing in the Spooky Month artstyle are mostly
1) Play around with shapes. Be as cartoony as possible.
2) Try to be consistent with proportions, because, based on personal experience, if you draw the pupils of the eyes slightly off it changes the whole character's expression drastically
3) don't worry too much about details, Spooky Month has a very simple artstyle. You don't have to draw a perfectly anatomically correct hand, just whip up some cartoony three-to-four fingers and you're good to go
4) try to redraw some pre-existing screenshots from the serie to get familiarity with the way Pelo draws expressions. It helps a bunch.
So yeah, that's all! Good luck with your oc :)
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I got a good idea, what if the reader became aware that the bsd characters are self aware. So they stop reading and watching it, and playing the game because they think their hurting the characters.(this would happen before the bsd characters got into our world)
I am aware that you are aware
Self-Aware! BSD Characters x GN! Reader
Description: You liked BSD Mayoi Inu Kaikitan game. So many features, so many cards and story up to fourth season. You still baffled, that the game not that popular.
Why others think that your new cards is a fanart? Why people tell, that you can't get multiple SSR tickets from Marble Shining? Why The Internet tell, that game only describes two seasons and part of Dead Apple? And why people can have different nicknames in game, isn't it supposed to be your real name?
Warning: OOC. English is my second language.
🐾 You just wanted to show, how lucky your pulls were in current scouts "Casino - Rats in the house of the Dead" and "Casino - Decay of Angels"
🐾 You made a screenshot of 2821 Fyodor D. "Casino", 3711 Pushkin "Casino", 5243 N. Gogol "Casino" and 1638 Sigma "Casino"¹ and post it on BSD Mayoi Subreddit.
🐾 You got comments. Lots of comments, praising the fanart... Or asking, why did you post an April Fools' joke now, not on First of April?
🐾 Fanart? Joke? What do they mean? It wasn't a fanart, it's an official card! You clearly remember doing a daily free 11-scout! And getting them!
🐾 But, a tiny seed of doubt appears in your soul. Was it possible, that so many people didn't get the cards? Or... Didn't see the scout?
🐾 Next strange thing happened, when you Shine the Marble for Ranpo. For this week it was a Campaign "10 shines for one click". The Marble Turned prismatic, and you exchange it for SSR Scout Ticket. Well, for a few SSR Tickets. You got lucky again and win "Detective Chance". A familiar phrase appeared in a text box near Ranpo's chibi:
"Great Job, [Y/N]! You deserve a little bonus! Let's collect more cool marbles later!"
🐾 You smiled. It was cute.
🐾 Unfortunately, one of your fellow students saw everything you were doing.
🐾 And they blamed you for playing a hacked game.
🐾 You snarled at them. If they are playing BSD Mayoi and were unlucky with Marble Shining today, it's not your fault. You aren't cheating. Besides, they were looking on your phone screen without your permission. And what if you were texting some private information during that?
🐾 They spat at you, mumbling something about 'there is no marble campaign right now' and 'never they gave you five tickets for a marble'.
🐾 They were rude, yes. They were in the wrong by looking at your phone screen. But... They won't gain too anything by lying. Especially, to you. You also play BSD Mayoi, you could check.
🐾 Could you?
🐾 You didn't notice, that chibi Ranpo opened his eyes. And his look wasn't the friendliest.
🐾 The next day you learned, that yesterday's student got some serious private information leaked. Something about blackmail and stealing other students projects. They will face some trouble.
🐾 ... Quite an interesting coincidence...
🐾 You don't know, what made you do it, but, when your grandma asked you to download an app, that will remind her taking her medication, you decide to look up BSD Mayoi Inu Kaikitan game in app store.
🐾 Different icon. Not yours. Different screens. And comments...
🐾 Asking, when third season will be added... For more Fyodor cards... For adding Gogol cards... Asking for a Dead Apple Scout rerun... That was up last time almost five years ago.
🐾 This comment was from two days ago. But, Dead Apple Scout was just one month ago! You got Dazai's, Fyodor's and Shibusawa's cards!
🐾 They were wrong! Or... You were wrong...? Or no one was wrong.
🐾 You download necessary apps for your grandma.
🐾 And start thinking.
🐾 You spend two hours in the library, using the university's computer.
🐾 Search information about BSD Mayoi in any language you could think of.
🐾 Online translators might not be the most accurate, but they let you understand the main idea.
🐾 There was no more story in game outside The Dragon Head Conflict. And the situation didn't change for years.
🐾 Aya, Rimbaud, Flags, Adam, Verlaine, Karma, Katai, Oda's orphans, Pushkin, Goncharov, Oguri, Gogol, Sigma, Tetchou, Teruko, Fukuchi, Jounou and Bram didn't have any cards on any server. And Tachihara didn't have a Hunting Dogs version of his card.
🐾 Some Scouts didn't have a rerun for ages.
🐾 Marble Exchange can give you one SSR Ticket for Max Level Marble.
🐾 There were never Junchirou's menu with daily recipes. Or Katai's menu with tips for keeping your phone safe. Or Mori's with fashion tips.
🐾 Devs never gave away SSR Cards as present for Maintenance end.
🐾 Characters never send notes with gifts to Players, thanking them.
🐾 Players could choose any nicknames, not their real names.
🐾 Either you get a special version of an app... Or... Characters were... But, it's impossible, right?
🐾 Were there any way for you to prove it?
"I love BSD for using small Easter eggs for people, who liked literature. But, I wish, they would do it more often. For example, real-life Junchirou Tanizaki and Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald were friends! They even play shogi together. And in BSD Tanizaki and Francis are barely interacting with each other."
After you finish talking with your friend, Ango immediately rushed to get the camera, and Junchirou and Francis start to set a scene. Tomorrow you will get a card you want! Card, that reflects their other world counterparts.
[Next Day]
"Oh! SSR card with Fitzgerald and Junchirou playing shogi? And it's called "Old friends"? Good... So Devs knew about that... story..."
Your voice sounded... Off. And Little Light trembled for some reason.
"Story, that I made up two days ago to test my theory. You... All of you can hear me, right?"
BSD Cast feel, like they were struck by lightning. They wanted to make a surprise to you and reveal, that they are self-aware, only when they got into your world.... Well, doesn't matter, they could try to speak to you, now...
Why are you crying? Who have hurt you?
Your voice were pleading. You sobbed.
"I am sorry! I am sorry for not realizing it sooner! I am sorry for every hit you got, when marble hit spikes or poison, or when enemies hit you! I am sorry, for reading about your lives, for learning your secrets without permission! For... Making you relive your lives... And for... Hurting you... Killing you..."
At the end, you were hysterical. You were the reason for Rimbaud's, Flags', Oda's, his kids', Gide's and Shibusawa's death. You were the reason, they got hurt. You howl, remembering that time, Kunikida lost his arms.
"I am sorry! I am sorry! I am so sorry!"
BSD Cast were in distress. You misunderstood the situation! They weren't angry! They liked you and will never hate you!
But with next words their world shatter.
"I... I won't read about your lives anymore. Or watch about it... I... won't play the game anymore... I won't delete it, because I am not sure, if this won't hurt you... I am sorry!"
You close the app.
Little Light fall on a floor, sobbing.
Few days later you got an email from yourself. And from them.
"Dear [Y/N],
Please, listen to us. You didn't hurt us in any way! We aren't angry, we promise! You... Your love and understanding let us through our darkest times. We were lost, confused, we didn't know who we are. But you, you were here. You treat us and our emotions like we were real for you.
Please, open the app... We add chat, we want to talk to you.
BSD cast"
You re-read the letter a few more times. Then again. And again.
After some thinking, you opened the app.
You were chatting for a long time. You asked about how they became self-aware, what were happening, when you read new chapters. You asked about deceased ones, whose cards you got (you have never been happier in your life, after learning, that they were alive. Because of you). You asked if they felt pain, when they loose HP in game.
And BSD Gang asked you about your life, your interest, if they can add something else in the app that you need.
And about wanting to get into your world. About wanting to live in reality. And be your friends.
You have a feeling, that it was a beginning of something unique.
🐾 You keep your decision about not watching and reading BSD. They weren't characters anymore. They were real people.
🐾 You also stopped cleaning Battle Stages in Mayoi. Instead, you were chatting with the gang.
🐾 Slowly but surely you learned more about each other.
🐾 So, when they finally appeared in your world, you greet them like old friends.
¹ Something interesting about numbers:
2821 - "The Gambler" by Dostoevsky was the author's 28th work. And it was written in 21 days, because Dostoevsky lost all money he had by gambling and need money as soon as possible.
3711 - In "The Queen of Spades" by Pushkin the winning combination in the card game were three, seven and ace (considered 11 in some games and in the novel)
5243 - "The Gamblers" play by Gogol was played on stage for the first time in 1843, on 5 of February.
1638 - Year, when the first Casino in Europe was open.
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misc-obeyme · 7 months
You know what time it is.
Lesson 33 spoilers, including the hard lesson, here we go!
I am pleased. And I am not pleased.
I had so many great moments with all my faves. Solomon being there for me, Levi being a lil cutie, THIRTEEN DATE, Barbatos giving me lil Ds. What glorious moments. I shall share some screenshots momentarily.
Belphie. What the fuck.
Technically, this is Mammon’s fault. He was the one who was like it’s not wrong to feel upset about it and like yeah he’s right, but Belphie is clearly taking that statement to an EXTREME.
We are dealing with YANDERE BELPHIE, my friends.
If I remember correctly, he was always supposed to be yandere. So now we’re really leaning into that, huh? Like straight up, I am going to keep you here forever because you’ll be happier with me than if you leave. Our boy’s gone a little off the deep end lol. I kinda love it.
Though I was really surprised by his final line of “I don’t want you to see what’s inside my head.” He seemed really concerned about it. Considering all we’ve seen already, it can’t be that bad, right? Then again, I wouldn’t want anyone I know to get inside my head, either. Please stay out, you don’t need to see the horrors, thanks.
Also, we still haven’t made a pact with Levi. Just like we didn’t actually make a pact with Beel. Is it because now they’re not sure they want to have pacts with us because of the whole needing magic to get back to the human world thing? I swear I have a memory of Solomon telling us that we could make pacts with all of the brothers at the same time. But we already have pacts with three of them? So why would we only make pacts with three or four of them at the same time? I’m so confused. Someone please share your thoughts with me on this because I don’t get it???
I really feel like they directly addressed some of the concerns we’ve all been having in this lesson, too. I mean Solomon straight up talks about wondering what the brothers we left behind are doing. Or if time is still going there or if we’ll end up exactly where we left etc etc. HOWEVER all that soup talk makes me think they are just going to mesh it all together. ‘Cause Solomon also said this:
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What does that mean? How can the future brothers influence what’s happening in the past? Unless their memories are changing in real time… ugh why did they have to go with time travel shenanigans?? Don’t they know this junk hurts my brain??
Anyway, now it’s time for some of my favorite moments, enough about time travel and feelings and pacts!
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Because my favorite sorcerer also said this. And I know there are some questions about his motives and blah blah but I don’t care. I love him. He’ll be all serious, then say something sweet and reassuring, then do something crazy or try to cook again… he’s got so many sides to him lol.
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STOP MAKING ME LIKE YOU MEPHISTOPHELES. (Please you were like the last character I was neutral about I can’t afford to get obsessed with anyone else.)
Honestly, I laughed so hard when he said this. Mammon just called him out directly and he LAUGHED. He laughed and was like yeah duh of course, idiots. And look how pleased he is about it, too.
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May I bring your attention to my baby Levi? Look at this silly guy. I was so happy I got to hug him. And the group hug was adorable, too. Satan protesting the whole time lol. Lucifer coming in and being like… I regret asking.
I swear sometimes I wanna kiss this guy JUST to watch him blush. It’s so freakin’ cute.
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Smitten. I am smitten.
The way she’s like I don’t get why you like these weirdos, but I know they matter to you. Don’t worry, it’s going to work out. How she gets all defensive of MC. Her cute little smile. The way she suggests coming to visit MC in the human world & saying that Solomon can come too?! LIKE. I love her so much.
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Listen I was thrilled about this whole part - Barbatos being mysterious and giving me a weird piece of paper and a Little D? Yes forever. But also I think we’ve all suspected him of knowing the truth and this part right here just solidifies that for me. He definitely knows. He knows everything about what’s going on. I don’t think that means he’s Nightbringer or even that he’s working with Nightbringer. He could just know because he’s got access to all of time and what not. But either way, he knows.
Honestly I love Barbatos so much. Just the small parts we had with him were enough to get me in my feels. I also really enjoyed the hard lesson because even if Luke doesn’t know what’s going on, I think Simeon does. And their discussion was interesting.
So I’m gonna leave you with one last Barb moment.
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I’m so impatient is it the end of the season yet?? I wanna know how it ends right NOW.
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tayfabe75 · 17 days
Did Taylor and Matty meet on Myspace? (And other early coincidences!)
Early on in their careers, Taylor and Matty both utilized Myspace as a way to promote their music. Taylor, specifically, would message with other teenagers on Myspace:
"I'd post my songs on my MySpace and, yes, MySpace, and would message with other teenagers like me who loved country music, but just didn't have anyone singing from their perspective."
Matty, too, described himself as "King of Myspace" when he was fifteen. But he brought it up more recently on the Ion Pack Podcast, even mentioning his age as seventeen at the time. And here's a retro clip of Taylor talking about how she wasn't some corporate entity on Myspace, if you messaged her account, you were talking to her! She also filled out her profile in her own words.
She has some things in her profile that might've caught Matty's eye, a fellow teenage country fan and fan of American music specifically, that might've emboldened him to message her:
"I love people who like my music. I love people who are nice to me. I like people who are excitable. I think it's endearing when people cry when they're happy. I'm pretty excitable too. Guys don't ask me out because they know I'll write songs about them. But I'm also the girl who still believes prince charming exists somewhere out there -- fully equipped with great hair and an immature sense of humor. I'm fascinated by black and white pictures. I like people who can be sarcastic and laugh about tense situations. I'm a fan of fans."
Say whatever you will about Matty, but that man is a genuine fan of Taylor's music. When he became a fan is open for discussion, but let's just pretend, for fun, that he found her via Myspace early on in her career.
Now, here is the old Myspace page for The 1975 back when they were known as 'Drive Like I Do' in 2008. Note the James Taylor in the list of Influences! (as well as the Jamie Squire in the top 8! How sweet, I'm sobbing!)
Taylor was a bit of a firecracker on Myspace (and not just there, there's a whole conspiracy theory she used to troll 4Chan!). A few of her comments were screenshotted and you can find them around the internet. Here are some. The one from October 31st, 2005 about a queer fellow ("I'm sorry that I'm kinda queer, it's not as weird as it appears") with a Sex van ("take your shoes off in the back of my van") really caught my eye, anyway…
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"Listen my queer fellow. I thinketh we shall hangeth out sometime soon, eh? yes, I do believe I am growing fond of this idea. drive over in your sex van and come pick me up, farewell knave."
Notice the spelling here, too. Thinketh? Hangeth? Knave? Feels a little bit Shakespearean, at least for say, a fifteen-going-on-sixteen-year-old girl (as we would later discover, Love Story and Robbers were both inspired by Romeo and Juliet, both written around the same time so far as I know, but it's hard to find exact dates!)
Matty, by the way, used to refer to himself as the "Prince of the Tyne". He's also got some old Drive Like I Do lyrics from 'We Are the Streetfighters' that are suspicious to me: "Well in four thousand miles we'll meet you" (The nearest airport to Macclesfield is in Manchester, and the distance between Manchester and Nashville? Roughly 4000 miles)
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Two months later on December 21st, 2005, just after turning 16, Taylor says she's in England.
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Did they meet? Who knows! But there's enough weirdness there to make me wonder. Speaking of weirdness… we're going to go on a side tangent about Fearless, but that's part of the puzzle, so bear with me…
I don't know about anyone else, but when I saw Matty's Fearless Love Gaze™, I was rocked to my core! Men do not look at women like that, but especially not brand-new flings. They're too concerned with trying to look cool and unaffected. For most men (stereotypically), romance and love are "dumb" and "stupid" and perceived as a "woman thing" that men can't be bothered with. But not Matty. Matty was utterly transfixed by her. Something about that touch of mischief in the lip bite when she says the bit about "absentmindedly making me want you", the way he just barely mouths along to the words at the end of the clip, well… sirens started going off for me. So, I followed my intuition and started researching all of this.
Now, Taylor wrote the song 'Fearless' sometime in 2006. The hidden message liner note for Fearless? "I loved you before I met you". Taylor describes 'Fearless' as a song she wrote about a perfect first date she hadn't had yet, about something she didn't have but dreamt of. She debuted it for the first time on April 6th, 2007 in Reading, PA (if you don't already know it, that's two days before Matty's 18th birthday). At this show, she debuted 'Sparks Fly' (yes, in 2007! Original lyrics were brown eyes rather than green eyes, by the way) and 'Tied Together With A Smile'. She also played a cover of John Waite's song 'Missing You' which seems to be about a long-distance relationship: "And it's my heart that's breakin' down this long distance line tonight"
Speaking of Matty's birthday, the release of Fearless TV happened to coincide with Matty's birthday! She dropped a sneak peek of Fearless on his birthday in 2021, and the album would release one day later on the ninth (perhaps because albums release on Fridays and that's as close as she could get?)
Taylor describes the Fearless album as her diary from when she was seventeen (misplaced my source on that quote, d'oh!) That said, 'Love Story' interests me as well. There are some interesting facts about Love Story:
Hidden message: Someday, I'll find this. Taylor wrote this song in a very short amount of time after her parents had told her that she couldn't be with the person she wanted to be with. And in her own words:
"'Love Story' is actually about a guy that I almost dated. But when I introduced him to my family and my friends, they all said they didn't like him. All of them! For the first time, I could relate to that Romeo-and-Juliet situation where the only people who wanted them to be together were them. That's the most romantic song I've written, and it's not even about a person I really dated."
Taylor's UK television debut (like first time ever performing on TV in the UK) was on Loose Women (Matty's mother's show). Now, Denise was not there during this period as a host, but she had been before that and would be afterward, so maybe there's some significance? Maybe not. But if Taylor and Matty knew each other, he would definitely get to be in the audience to see her if he wanted to. The song she chose to perform was 'Love Story'.
Now, 'Robbers' is also based on Romeo and Juliet (and also written circa 2007), and Matty describes that here in a fan video from 2015. We'd see Romeo and Juliet imagery pop up again in 2014, both in Taylor's video for Blank Space (where she's on a balcony looking down at her lover) and in November where she stood up on a balcony at Matty's show as he serenaded her with Fallingforyou (visual comparisons here)
Blank Space, too, might reference Fallingforyou. There's a scene where she rides bikes with her lover inside her enormous house, perhaps reminiscent of Matty's lyric: "All we need's my bike and your enormous house":
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Matty even dresses a bit like the lover from 'Love Story' music video at the 2017 BRITs:
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When you fall down the Myspace rabbit hole, you start noticing other strange similarities in their lyrics - like Matty referring to a "girl on the screen" in 'If You're Too Shy', which perhaps parallels Taylor's "guy on the screen" in 'Karma'. In 'The 1' (another song that lyrically parallels 'Robbers'), Taylor imagines "the 1 that got away" meeting a woman on the internet and taking her home, which might be another reference to Matty, perhaps lyrically paralleling The 1975's 'Playing On My Mind'. This theory, of course, makes the entire album 'A Brief Inquiry into Online Relationships' suspect, especially given that 'Be My Mistake' is a song Matty wrote "about Nashville", the striking similarities between 'Sincerity is Scary' and 'Me!', a song called 'Mine' that references the year 2009, and the inclusion of a Drive Like I Do track Matty wrote when he was just fifteen years old, '102' (the same age he was when he was "King of Myspace"). Considering 'Love Story' was written for someone who Taylor's parents disapproved of, it makes this lyric all the more striking:
"I hope this song will remind you I'm not half as bad as what you've been told."
Lastly, if Matty is the confirmed 'Cardigan' muse and if 'Willow' is the continuation of 'Cardigan' (based on where the music video begins), the scene where she gazes into the water at her lover could perhaps represent a visual metaphor for looking through a screen, no?
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Back to the NYU commencement speech! I recommend listening to the FULL clip. She talks about: feeling lonely, chatting with other teenage country fans on Myspace, and then segues into her motivation behind protecting her private life:
"Having the world treat my love life like a spectator sport in which I lose every single game was not a great way to date in my teens and twenties, but it taught me to protect my private life fiercely."
All of this seems correlated to me (also why it's hard for me to reconcile this whole football charade! But for me, it's easier to believe Taylor here about privacy being important to her, and not assume that some boyfriend kept her locked away in a dungeon against her will or something)
Now, to tie this all into a very nice bow, here's a quote where Taylor talks about how she uses easter eggs:
"Easter eggs can be left on clothing or jewelry. This is one of my favorite ways to do this, because you wear something that foreshadows something else, and people don't usually find out this one immediately, but they know you're probably sending a message. They'll figure it out in time."
What shirt was she wearing during her pap walk with Matty? Think of the "He lets her Bejeweled" meme… She had on an NYU sweatshirt.
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Now, could be just a giant coincidence, trust me, I know, I get it. However… maybe she's really hinting about an old Myspace pal that she has protected fiercely. I mean, she did seem to use that speech to easter egg/foreshadow YOYOK & Labyrinth lyrics…
Speaking of 'Bejeweled'… On July 15th, 2023 Taylor flubbed the lyrics: "Sapphire tears on Myspace", and then she giggled. Freudian slip, perhaps? But this is the woman who assures us that "nothing is accidental"... and in a song that mentions a "Top 5", no less! (reminiscent of a Top 8, perhaps?)
Maybe James and Betty were involved in a "teenage love triangle" for a reason, and maybe TTPD references "teenage petulance" for that same reason… or maybe it's nothing but a bunch of eerie coincidences! Who knows! In the meantime, I'll keep on clownin'! 🤡
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deandoesthingstome · 1 year
a waiting place
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A/N: In honor of @sillyrabbit81 and her milestone event. Congrats friend! I don't know if this is cheating but I took two screenshots, sent one and kept one for myself. I thought it would take me days, but I sat down and this feeling just poured from me.
Her event masterlist is here.
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x Reader (my first time with writing him, please be gentle)
Prompt: Slow & Romantic // Geralt // Mirror Sex
Summary: You have finally found a place of your own
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: there is sex in this story so NSFW, 18+, MINORS DNI
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It was rumored to have been made with magic, but when you finally stumbled across the mirror tucked deep in the recesses of the farmhouse abandoned in Ebbing after the start of the Northern War, it was draped in a dusty cloth and looked anything but.
Still, the vibrations were calling, remnants of your ancestors, whose mastery of craft had placed the various pieces of skillfully forged metal and intricately carved wood together around the silver-backed glass. When you touched it, a warmth spread from your fingertips to your toes, and you knew you were home.
Exactly what kind of home had yet to be determined, since your skills were still newfound and you’d yet to master any sort of transformative spells. Backbreaking hard work was all you were able to put into it, but the efforts were worth it once you were able to lay down in a bed of your own making, the mirror standing in a newly prominent place of honor against the wall across the room.
In the morning, you readied a hot bath, filled with nourishing herbs and healing tinctures, and placed a tray of fresh bread flanked by cured meats and cheeses on the small table beside the wooden tub along with a bowl of warm stew and pitcher of ale. 
And exactly three years after your initial meeting, you called out to him, desire coursing through your veins and energy pulsing in your reflection, clearly bound with the mastery of your ancients.
“I am here. I made it. I need you.” You repeated the words in thoughts through the spells you chanted so that when he arrived, he would know why. Pulling someone through space and time was never easy, on them or you. But the yearning was too great, fueling the need to feel his skin against yours, his breath in your ear. 
You helped him out of his clothes and into the water and waited for him to invite you in next, knowing full well the need he’d feel when he’d recovered from the journey. He held your arm and wouldn’t let go, even as his grunts and groans indicated his agitated and depleted state. So you sat next to him as long as you could before it became apparent you’d need to replenish the hot water in the bath soon. 
He reached for you once the steam was rising from the tub once again. You dropped your sleep shift to the ground and let him guide you into the water with him. “The floor will dry”, you told yourself. “This moment may never come again.”
His gaze was tender and grateful and you smiled back at him, pleased at his reaction to being called here.
“Were you finished?” you asked. “Did I time it right?”
“Just,” he grunted.
“I’ve missed you. So very much.”
“I’m glad you survived your trial. Is this where you’ll stay from now on?”
“Need to know where to find me?” you smirked.
“And when. Yes.”
“I imagine there’ll come a time when I’ll need to go back. I can only learn so much more from books; I’ll need another mentor soon.”
“But for now?” he trailed off with a quirked brow.
“For now you find me here.”
With the water cooled and your bodies’ heat risen, Geralt stood with your legs wrapped around his waist, lips still locked against yours, a hand cradling your ass while the other pressed against your back to keep you tight to his chest. He stepped with ease out of the tub and to the bed, where he laid you down and peeled your limbs from him.
“I want to see you.”
“You’ve seen me. We’ve been in that water together for ages. Please,” you reached for him, but he stood still, head cocked to the side regarding your naked form. You watched him breathe in deeply and sigh the air out as he closed his eyes in contemplation. When he opened them again, you could swear you saw sparks as he acquiesced to your desire.
He crawled over your naked body, drops of water from his long silvery hair landing to cool the fire on your skin. But that flame for him would never douse, not in a million years. And while he had given in to your need to touch him and hold him in bed immediately, he wanted to take you apart slowly.
“Is that it?” he asked, head turned toward the mirror where he could make out his image poured over you, your leg draped over his thigh.
“Yes. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
He pulled back, taking you with him as he shifted to his knees and deftly turned you away from him, facing the mirror.
“What it reflects, certainly.” His voice was low in your ear as you watched the backs of his fingers caress your arms and down your sides. You knew his cat eyes could see more details in that image across the room than you ever could, but he did a good job of putting on a whole show of movement you could see as well as feel, placing kisses along your shoulder as a hand returned to cup your heaving chest. He slid his other hand forward around your waist and down over your belly, reaching for the heat between your thighs. Your eyes closed involuntarily when his fingers found their way inside you.
“Please watch. I want to see all of you, especially your eyes, while you come undone for me,” he whispered in your ear.
You wanted to feel all of him inside you immediately; you were practically bursting with the heat of your need for him but since you knew that would never wane, you gave in and watched the mirror while he slowly and methodically stroked you to orgasm. 
You felt yourself floating back to the bed and watched him peer down at you again while he took himself in hand and lined up at your entrance. He let out a long, low groan as he lowered himself to pulse into you slowly. 
“Fuck, you feel good.”
“I’ve missed this too, Geralt. I wish it would never end.”
“I’m going to make this last, alright?” he asked, head pulled back to gauge your interest.
You nodded and smiled, pleased he felt up to a long night after such a journey. You’d absolutely have to place a mark next to the entry in your spell book you’d used to prepare the bath, as the concoction had clearly done its job.
He didn’t lie. For hours, he teased and tortured you with his cock, grinding you deep and slow into the mattress while he caressed your mouth with his. His tongue tangled against yours, leaving only to trace lines of lust along your neck or chest. Sometimes, he’d roll you over him and urge you to take one of your many releases while riding him upright, his hands firm around your waist. 
You lost count of how many ways he brought you pleasure before he finally pulled you to hands and knees in front of him, once again facing the mirror. Once he was fully sheathed inside you, he gently lifted your torso against him, hand gripping lightly at your neck.
“I want you to watch again. Let the source of your true power soak up every bit of ours together,” his voice rumbled in your ear and vibrated against your back. When you nodded, he pressed you back down, chest all the way to the bed while he gripped your hips tight and rocked into you.
Even now, in this position usually reserved for wild abandon, Geralt made love to you. His movement was calculated, his strokes long and deliberate. His eyes sought yours in the reflection, though it was hard to tear your view away from where his hips disappeared behind your ass.
“Will you come with me one last time?” he begged, completely out of character and for a moment, you felt a sadness you hadn’t expected. Surely he wouldn’t let this be the last time you found each other across this vast lifetime?
“If you promise to come back,” you answered, as if you could ever hold back your release once he began to pump in earnest.
“When I can, yes.” 
With that most useless of promises secured, you smiled and nodded again. “Come for me, Geralt.”
It only took a few more strokes before he came with a growl, and you were lost in a blinding explosion of lights. Collapsed next to one another, you steadied your heart rate and burrowed into him as he curled himself around you. His sustained heat would never allow you to sleep long like this, but you sighed with content anyway. 
You had a home to call your own, and Geralt was willing to follow you here when he could, and that was all you cared about for now.
Taglist: Everything Henry - Please don't hesitate to let me know if you want on or off, though remember sometimes Tumblr won't let me tag you.
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callofdudes · 1 year
✨COD as text messages✨ (incorrect quotes)
(may or may not scar you)
Soap: I need to go to the hospital.
Gaz: Why?
Soap: Everytime I close my eyes I can't see!
Gaz: Idiot.
Rudy: Wanna come over? No one's home 😏
Alejandro: Be there in a few minutes 😍
Rudy: K
Alejandro: I'm here where are you?
Rudy: I told you no one is home
Price: Hey do you have any condoms I could use? I really need one for tonight.
Soap: Captain?! WTF!! Do you realize who you just texted?
Price: Ya I know that I texted you son. And I also know that you have some. I need one is that ok? I don't want to make the same mistake again.
Soap: Is the mistake me?
Price: ...
Gaz: Dude what is your street name?
Soap: Lil Marco
Gaz: You live on a street called Lil Marco?
Soap: Ohhhh you meant my address?
Alejandro: How do you spell 'me'?
Rudy: ummm... M and E
Alejandro: You forgot the D
Rudy: There's no D in me...
Alejandro: ...I can fix that
Rudy: I'm blocking you
Nikolai: How was Price's surprise party?
Soap: it was great! We scared the cum out of him!!
Nikolai: Soap that's not funny.
Soap: omg! I'm so sorry I meant cum
Soap: NOOOO! I meant we scared the *CRAP out of Price!
Nikolai: ok because the other ones my job :)
Soap: ...
Alex: Dude how drunk was I last night?
Gaz: Well, at one point I convinced you to try and bite your own nose.....
Alex: Then what happened?
Gaz: You were rolling around on the floor for an hour screaming "ITS GETTING AWAY ITS GETTING AWAY!!!!!!"
Alex: I hate you more then words can express....
Soap: Simon there's a moth on the outside of the bathroom door can you get rid of it?
Soap: Pls hurry because I'm going to cry
Soap: Simon
Soap: Ghost!
Ghost: Ghost is dead. You're next. Love, Moth
Price: In a meeting
Price: In a meeting
Price: In a meeting
Price: In a meeting
Price: In a meeting
Laswell: Are you in a meeting?
Price: No, why?
Soap: You're so beautiful.
Soap: Let me take you out. I wanna get you a table at Liv
Soap: Boy I wanna write a song about us
Soap: What u want me to call it?
Ghost: Restraining Order
Alex: What does IDK, LY & TTYL mean?
Gaz: I don't know, love you, talk to you later.
Alex: OK, I will ask Farah
Price: How is practice going?
Ghost: Terrible I want to stab everybody here
Price: Okay just don't get any blood on your clothes
Ghost: You're a military captain you shouldn't be codoning this
Price: Don't tell me how to live my life
Soap: Dude
Soap: Buttholes are like pockets
Soap: Like you can store stuff up there
Soap: And keep it safe
Gaz: no they are not
Gaz: do not do that
Soap: Hey
Ghost: Hey
Soap: How are you
Ghost: I am fine. How about you?
Soap: I've been better
Soap: I'm actually really surprised you texted me
Ghost: You texted me
Price: Hi babe, what are you doing?
Nikolai: Nothing much, 'em really tired. Just going to sleep now babe. And you?
Price: In the club standing behind you
Gaz: So, I hear you like bad boys
Alex: Yea
Gaz: Well, I'm not trying to impress you or anything but my bedtime is 7:00, but I go to bed a 7:02!! WHAT NOW!!
Gaz: Idk, I just like living dangerously
Alex: MARRY ME!!!!
Soap: How could you?? I trusted you and you cheated on me!!!
Soap: Oh, sorry Simon That was meant for (guy)
Ghost: Oh.
Ghost: On a completely unrelated topic, have you seen my shotgun anywhere?
Nikolai: You got a letter.
Price: Ok.
Nikolai: From the bank, I think.
Price: Ok.
Nikolai: Tasted important.
Ghost: Come downstairs and talk to me please. I'm lonely.
Soap: Isn't Gaz there?
Ghost: Yes, but I like you more.
I don't know where this idea came from. I found a few funny screenshots that made me think of these guys so I went down a rabbit hole to make these. I'm sorry for any trauma these may have caused 😂. Let me know if you want to see more!
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isalisewrites · 4 months
A ramble on writing for my mental health
At the end of 2023, I calculated how long it would take me to finally get through the slow burn to the first kiss between Tom and Harry in Terrible, But Great.
At the rate I'd been posting at, I discovered that it would take an approximate of 3 to 4 years to get to the first kiss.
When I tell you that I lost it, I mean that I lost my motherfucking mind. 3 to 4 GODDAMN FUCKING YEARS to get to the FIRST KISS???
I ranted. I screamed. I raged. Unacceptable. Absolutely not. Fuck no. I refuse. Friends would say, "No, it's okay. We can wait. Take care of yourself. Mental health. Important. Blah blah blah."
NO. I love you.
I don't want to wait that long. I, ME, the author, do not want to wait three to four years to share one of my favorite chapters of all time. I don't want to wait. My soul wept at such an idea. Because there's so much more to come after the first kiss. How long would it take me to finish what I'd started? Life is fleeting. Life is fragile. I know this all too well when my mother died far too young in my arms. I'm not saying something will happen to me, but this story is so important to me.
And so
A determination like no other came over me.
I made an immovable, unshakable goal. I needed to write every single day, before everything else in my life. It had to be first. I wake up; I write. I've gained so much good by going to college, but I've also lost so much when it came to writing. I needed this. I needed to write - before the duties, the homework, the chores, before EVERYTHING because I needed it.
I decided that 700 words a day was a reasonable goal for me. I could do it. I could reach that. If I wrote 700 words a day, it'd be an average of 21,000 words per month with a total of 255,500 words for all of 2024.
Not only would I reach the first kiss, not only would I finish Arc Two, I would also finish Arc Three, which contains the climatic purpose of the whole story.
On that day, when I never really made New Year's Resolutions in the past, I set this daily goal of 700 words per day.
It's now the end of January. Did I accomplish this goal?
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This is a screenshot of my daily word count in January.
50,461 words.
Not only did I reach the goal, I surpassed it. There's 35,000 words more in Arc Two than there was at the beginning of January. There's 15,000 words more in Arc Three, Arc Four, and Arc Five collectively.
I discovered so much about the story in Terrible, But Great. I learned so much more about the characters. One day, if you're a reader of the story, you'll learn about it, too. I promise.
I learned there was an Arc Five, when I'd barely thought about a fully realized Arc Four. I learned about the final chapter, about the final lines.
I cried that day.
Life is still hard; it's still stressful. But you know? The depression that would settle over me by this point in the semester hasn't come. I'm so much happier than I've been for a long time. Putting what gives me the most joy in life has been the best thing I've ever done.
Yes, there are still some hard days. Yes, some days, it's harder to write. But as I look back on every day, I am so happy that I still choose my writing and story first.
Until next month.
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the-froschamethyst4 · 6 months
Who’s he dating?
𖤐Pairing: Actor! Alejandro x F! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: Fluff, emotional, drama, language, kissing, jealously, groping, ass smacking, worrying,
𖤐Summary: Alejandro is a famous actor, being a bunch of movies where he plays villains or Mafia bosses, and the ladies LOVED HIM and men wanted to be him but what they didn't know is that Alejandro is married, and no one knew about it till they saw his ring
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Alejandro was pacing behind Jimmy Fallon's dark navy-blue curtain as he started to introduce Alejandro.
"And now introducing the face of his new movie If Death was my Lover, Alejandro Vargas," Alejandro heard his name and put on a smile as the curtains opened for him.
He walks out waving to the crowd, bro-hugging Jimmy and Jimmy showed him to the famous couch letting Alejandro have a seat.
"Alejandro, it is amazing to have you on the show."
"Thanks for having me," Alejandro said with a smile.
At the Hotel room Alejandro had rented out, his wife Y/n sat on the black couch watching the TV specifically watching The Tonight Show. She crossed her legs with a bowl of popcorn on her lap, she smiled seeing her husband on TV.
Alejandro's handsome smile on his face as he answered Jimmy's questions and then Jimmy wanted to do a game with Alejandro, Y/n smiled when her husband was winning against Jimmy.
Alejandro shook Jimmy's hand as he walked off the stage. Alejandro got backstage and immediately rubbed his head, he was getting a massive headache, he asked around for some ibuprofen which he finally found someone with it.
He took about 2 with some water and went back to his dressing room waiting for his headache to disappeared. He's been getting them for a while and is too afraid to tell Y/n that he's been getting migraines from stress on working.
He felt his headache slowly go away and he headed to his blacked-out Audi and headed to the hotel.
Y/n was getting her pajamas on, and she heard her hotel room door open, and slam shut. She turned and smiled seeing her husband.
"Alejandro," she coos, she walks up to him and wraps her arms around his neck. He held her waist and bent down kissing her lips with a smile on his face.
"Did you have fun?"
"I did...but I was missing you the whole time," he said, kissing her temple.
"Did you?"
"Yes, I don't know what's going on, but I've been getting nervous now, I was pacing backstage and was just nervous," he said, holding her close to his chest.
"It's okay, baby, but it went away, right?" She asked, looking up at him.
"Of course, amor," he kissed her lips.
Alejandro had woken up before the sun, he sat at the edge of the bed, rubbing the back of his neck and the sheets just covering his lower half.
Y/n was asleep next to him, he grabbed his phone and headed to the balcony to see what's new.
He opened his social media and then saw.
Some screenshotted Alejandro from last night on The Tonight Show, and then the other photo showed Alejandro's hand with his black wedding ring on.
"Shit," he mumbled. He's been great at keeping his marriage a secret, but he slipped up and forgot to take his ring off before the interview.
"Alejandro?" He looked up hearing his name and the sliding door open.
"Mi amor, I am so sorry."
"Huh? Why?" She asked as Alejandro pulled her to his lap.
"People saw my ring from the interview and now-"
"Alejandro it's okay...people know you're married they don't know to who."
"And I rather keep it that way, no one knowing who I am married to, it's no one's business and I don't want people hurting you or trying to threaten you...I'll make a statement about the ring and just say it was a ring I found not a wedding ring or something like that."
"That's fine, baby," she kissed his lips and headed back inside the hotel. "Come to bed, I know you're tired," she said as he smiled and followed her inside.
Alejandro really couldn't go back to sleep, he held Y/n to his chest and looked at the ceiling taking in her scent as well. She let out a soft yawn and rolled over on the other side cuddling the pillow.
He got up and opened the curtains just barely and saw that the sun was up now. He rubbed the back of his neck, he closed them and turned on the little lamp next to the big bed and got his clothes ready for a shower.
He turned the water on and started to get ready, they had to leave to go back to LA to go over a new movie with Netflix. Alejandro has been stressed out with new movies and new TV series, which is due to his headaches.
Y/n heard the water running in the bathroom. She opened the bathroom door and could see his outline in the shower.
"Good morning, amor," he says.
"Good morning," she said, grabbing her hairbrush and brushing her hair and then her teeth. Alejandro stopped the shower and got out with a towel around his waist.
He kissed her temple. "We've got to get going soon," he said, holding her waist now watching her in the mirror brushing her teeth and then her mumbling in response.
"What was that?" He teased.
"I mow (I know)," she said, placing her hand under her chin trying to not let the toothpaste fall out of her mouth. He kissed her temple and smacked her butt before walking out of the bathroom and grabbing some comfortable clothes to wear to the airport.
He even goes ahead and picks out Y/n's outfits when she gets out of the shower.
Alejandro got his clean boxers on and started to rub his towel on his hair drying it the best he could. Y/n saw her husband in his boxers bent over just a little bit drying his hair. She smiled and smacked his butt; he smacked her away as she laughed at him.
"Really?" He said as Y/n cornered herself.
"Yes," she laughs.
He grabs her wrist pulling her close to his chest and groped her ass making her moan just a little.
"Thought we had to get going," she teased.
He let go of her and grabbed his jeans and a lose t-shirt.
"Get dressed, so we can head out," he smirked and walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth. She unwrapped her body from the towel and then grabbed the clothes, she had an oversized t-shirt and some shorts.
At The Airport
Alejandro went in first to get the swarming paparazzi away from the car to see Y/n sitting in the car waiting. Alejandro just lazily smiles and awkwardly smile at the cameras.
The car circled the parking lot and Y/n changed cars. She got in a yellow cab and was taken back to the front; it was so much work just to hide from the flashing cameras.
As she exits the car and went through all the security, she tried to find the exit to get to the private area to get on Alejandro's private jet. As she saw the exit and she grabbed her pass to show to the lady.
"Hi, miss, what can I help you with?" She asked.
"Hi, umm~ this is my pass," she looked at it and let Y/n through. Alejandro stood by the door waiting for her.
He grabs her hand, and she jumped thinking it was someone else.
"Jesus, you scared me," she said.
"Sorry, mi amor," he laughs. "Did everything go, alright?"
"Yes, no problems," she smiled at they got on the private jet. Alejandro picked a seat and Y/n sat next to him and his manager and assistant sat in front of them.
"So, we will land in LA in 5 hours and 23 minutes, so we should get there on time, see Netflix and go over the new movie you'll shoot for them and then you should have a break in between to go back home and relax till a new movie or deal," his manager Xavier said as his assistant Dillon was taking notes.
"Great," Alejandro said, sounding annoyed and then the jet started, immediately Alejandro's head started to pound.
"Alejandro?" Y/n cooed, placing her hand on his.
"Sorry...I've got a headache," he said as Dillon grabbed some headache medicine.
Y/n's eyes screamed that she was worried as Alejandro took the medicine. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, his manager and assistant left Y/n and Alejandro alone.
"Alejandro," Y/n cupped his face.
"Mi amor, please, I'm fine."
"No, you're not. How long have you been getting headaches?"
"....A few weeks," he confesses.
"Please, don't yell....it's not gone yet..." he says, placing his hand behind her head. “I’m sorry I haven’t told you, I’ve just been busy…”
“And you being busy makes you have headaches…Alejandro it’d probably be best if you took at least a few weeks off, you’re stressing yourself out,” she says.
"I'm fine-"
"You're not, Xavier, Alejandro needs to take some days off from working-"
"Amor, no."
"Don't you 'no' me, Alejandro. Xavier, please," Y/n begged.
"Y/n he's signed a contract to work at least 4 weeks a month and a 2-week break...we can't just stop now."
"Why not, he's getting headaches and next thing you know he's losing his hair, Xavier, we're taking a break and that's final."
The jet ride was silent as the destination was getting changed around, Y/n knows Alejandro is probably upset with her right now, but someone had to make the calls around here. Y/n played with her fingers as the jet landed. Everyone gathered their things.
Alejandro got off the jet leaving Y/n behind, she knew she messed up, but she did what she had to do so her husband could rest.
Alejandro got in a black unmark Audi and Y/n opened the back seat, but Alejandro snapped his fingers pointing to the passenger seat, she thought Alejandro may not want to speak to her, so she wanted to ride in the back.
She sat in the passenger side and looked down at her legs, she felt bad, and she could feel the tension in the car, it was strong and felt like he was going to yell at any moment, but he didn't say anything as he drove off to their home.
Alejandro's knuckles were white, and his gaze was on the road, not a word was spoken, nothing, hardly any music played as well.
"A-Alejandro, I am so sorry, I said something like that, but I can't watch you drag yourself into the ground, and almost kill yourself, I just can't see that happen to you," she said, looking at him.
He didn't say anything till he pulled up into their driveway. She got out first and grabbed her things, Alejandro walked into his home as Y/n opened the door and saw his shoes and coat by the front door and he is talking, probably on the phone with Xavier or someone.
"God, I am such an idiot," she said to herself.
She goes into her bedroom and changes out of her clothes into sweatpants and a crewneck. She went to the living room and looked down at her phone seeing her social media.
Fans were still blowing up about Alejandro being married. Y/n rolled her eyes at the hate comments saying she's probably ugly and smiled at the ones telling off the haters because he didn't look at them first.
Alejandro came downstairs seeing his wife and just stared at her, she looks up and saw him.
"I understand you were probably just helping....and I'm sorry for getting all pissy for no reason," he says. He walks towards her and lays on the couch and used her thighs as his own personal pillow.
"Okay, okay, it's okay, Alejandro. I should have just left it alone..." she says, patting his head and running her fingers through his soft hair.
"It's okay," he says, kissing her thigh making her shiver down her spine and she squeezed her thighs just a little bit. Alejandro smirked knowing what he is doing. He turns his head his mouth just grazing her thighs again and just gently biting her leaving a bite mark on her thigh.
"What? Mi amor?" He coos, sitting up and cupping her face and kissing her lips.
"Don't 'what, mi amor' me," she says.
He just chuckles and picks her up off the couch and took her to the bedroom, he places her on the bed and crawled on top of her and kissed her lips again.
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