#yeah that's the all the tags this first draft wip is getting.
dandyfelines · 9 months
Donro University AU (wip)
A late submission for Day 6: AU of @donro-week
It's only half-finished and not beta-read but, well, it's a University AU with a little bit of a spin on Donald and Gyro's personalities.
Gyro Gearloose prided himself on his ability to solve nearly any problem. He was the self-proclaimed inventor of almost anything. Throughout school, he made little gadgets for his classmates; some of his favourites were a device that perfectly steadied a compass, a machine that restored soggy lunchbox food to a fresh state, and a hyper-accurate paper ball flinger to get back at an irritating bully. In academia, he excelled, and people came to him for help working out a puzzling formula. 
In his pursuit of heightening the limits of his inventions, he found an enriching opportunity in engineering research at Duckburg University. Prominent minds such as Professor Ludwig von Drake would be amongst his co-workers if he researched there, so in a short matter of time he created a research proposal that they couldn't refuse.
Under one condition. He had to teach a class.
He had never taught before, but he was good at helping people. Surely, teaching was simply an extended version of that. He would craft the parts and tinker with the variables necessary to create a functional, informative curriculum.
He covered every detail the textbook required of him, and more. He stayed up watching the lectures of Professor Ludwig von Drake and took notes on how to improve upon his lessons.
Yet, in spite of overwhelming evidence, a good scientist knew to qualify his statements carefully: Gyro Gearloose, the inventor of almost anything. 
He read the emails from his students and, he wouldn’t admit it, a review on an anonymous professor rating website. They could be summarised into two types of feedback:
“Lectures confusing” “Professor Gearloose is a brilliant inventor, but cannot teach to save his life.”
Gyro Gearloose’s tall, lanky figure slunk into his chair. His body sagged down like a sack of potatoes.  
"... So if you just report the results of your test in this format,  you can use the data to formulate your own hypothesis."
The young moorhen sitting across from him stroked her red beak. "Oh, I see now. I guess I misunderstood the instructions. But… how do I know which theories to apply?"
"You have to think about it on your own! If you run the tests again, it will make sense."
"Hm, alright. I have to go, Professor. Thanks for your time."
"Of course, if you need help again, just use my office hours." Gyro sighed. Milly was a hard-worker who did well in most courses, but she was the worst performing student in his class. Her understanding of math wasn't bad, so Gyro did not know how to help her. All of his students had potential to be clever thinkers, but they were befuddled in his classroom.
Gyro’s mind worked at high speed. They possessed his hands. Out tumbled the numbers and theorems through furious scratching of chalk. The board was all his to fill. 
The chalk came to a halt. A synapse was snapped. Gyro bemoaned the lost train of thought, but he hollered, “Come in!”
“Sorry, is now a good time?” That voice belonged to the receptionist of student services.
“What do you need?” Gyro set down the chalk.
A familiar duck’s face peered through the crack of the door. He had white fluffy feathers, and stray ones curled on his forehead and tail. He wore his usual outfit, a sweater vest and a puffy red bowtie. Donald stepped into his room, slow and deliberate. 
"Well, I have another request from one of your students. They said this new lecture covered content not in the textbook, so they want you to share some additional reading on that topic."
"Yeah, I received about twenty emails this morning telling me the same." Gyro sighed. 
"Right. And I wanted to ask for your permission to form an official study support session for your class. If that's ok, I'll go ahead and organise it."
Gyro clutched onto the edge of the desk and frowned. Then, he took a deep breath. "No. That's not quite what I had in mind. No, I ought to be in charge of this problem." He tapped a finger on his chin. "I know they find it confusing, but it's my job as their professor to guide them. Maybe I just need to invent a device that simplifies my speech, or I could make a script generator that factors in what students need in a lesson… "
Donald stepped backwards. He took out a notebook from his pocket and flipped through a few pages. "Well… if you're sure you can help them before midterm, I suppose..."
Gyro nodded. "I'm sure I can solve this. You'll see."
Two weeks later, time allocated to his office hours dwarfed his research progress. A barrage of emails from confused students flooded his inbox. The negative reviews on that website only increased. 
"I just don't understand. I tried to use a script with simplified language instead of improvising on the spot, but they are still confused." Gyro bit into his sandwich.
Sitting across from him, Ludwig von Drake scratched his head. "Hm, sounds like a tricky class. Have you tried to give quizzes? See what they do and don't know."
"Of course I have, and I reviewed the problem areas they had trouble with. But then when it comes to new content, the problem arises again! I just can't figure out what is causing it. It takes too much time away from my research to create a new review session every week."
"Well, perhaps you could get some advice from my nephew. You know, he could probably find you since good resources."
Gyro blinked. "Nephew? How can he help?"
"Why, he's a whiz at finding information on just about any topic. You've seen it for yourself, surely."
"Just to be clear, your nephew is–"
“Oh, hiya Gyro! And Uncle Ludwig!” Donald pranced over to their table, using a single hand to carry a tray above his head.
Gyro grimaced as some soup splashed on his wrist when Donald slammed the tray down.
"Ah, there he is!" Ludwig beamed at Donald, who was now scraping a nearby chair across the floor to make a table for three.
"Hope it's fine if I join you!" Donald picked up a spoon.
"You've already made yourself welcome," Gyro commented.
Ludwig turned to his nephew and directed his attention to Gyro with a flat palm. "Say, Donald. Gyro here has a problem with making clear lectures. Do you know of anything he can use to improve?"
He tapped his beak with the spoon. "Well, there's a website I like to refer to for teaching methods. And I must have an old textbook in my office on basic pedagogy." Donald looked at Gyro. "What are you teaching right now?"
“Newtonian mechanics!” Gyro grumbled. “The textbook teaches it even though it is an outdated system!”
Donald hummed. “Well… most subjects are like that. The introductory level is simplified for a reason, you know.”
Gyro shook his head. “But I’m sure these students will be able to learn much better if they start with the concepts that account for our modern understanding the best.”
“Surely that's not how you started learning engineering?”
"I didn't need the school system to teach me that."
"I see… well, in any case I can find a resource to help you teach. If you apply these concepts to your class, I'm sure their testing scores will improve."
"Oh, that's not necessary."
Donald held up a hand to silence him. "I insist! My main work is student support, but I've been known to help staff too."
Gyro tapped his fingers against the table. "You don't understand. I'm trying to set these students up to have an investigative approach to inventing. Build important research skills, figure out how systems interact through observation. I don't need help teaching the material or upping test scores. It's about getting them to think more critically."
Donald shrunk into the seat. "I can still send you some resources."
Ludwig looked between the two of them. "Goodness, I’ll leave you two to sort this out.”
Gyro looked at the results of the tests. They were lower than he expected, and the most commonly missed questions were from material he had covered in his lectures twice. Then he came across Milly’s test. Apprehensively, he graded it, checking through the questions. There was a marked increase in depth and comprehension to her short form responses. She had compared the similarities and overlap between two different principles and speculated on the potential ways these could be applied in practice. Pleased, Gyro wrote her grade down. It still wasn't at the level he'd expect, but for this student, it was a great improvement. 
Though, as one who made a living of research and experiments, a question tugged at his curiosity. Why did she perform well on this test? He hadn’t changed anything in his teaching for the previous lectures. The test itself was formatted and questions selected exactly as the mock exam was, so it couldn't be that, either. 
Gyro decided to ask her. He could use that knowledge to help the other students succeed.
 “Professor, thanks again for explaining this to me.” Milly slid the textbook in her backpack.
“Of course. Seems like you’re getting a better grasp of things!”
“I figured out a study method that works for me,” she said.
This was what he wanted to know. “Could you tell me what you changed in your studying approach?”
Milly zipped her bag as she spoke, “It wasn’t really me, but I went to the student support services and they showed me different studying tips and methods.”
That had his attention. “...I see. Well, it seems to be working for you, so you’re on the right path. I’ll see you next week.” 
“See you, Professor.” She exited his office.
Gyro turned around to his computer and stared at the emails from Donald he had left unopened.
What was Donald doing right that he couldn’t grasp? The thought drove him mad. It also drove him to be sitting as an observer for “Research Literacy,” watching Donald Duck give a presentation.
“Good afternoon! Now, raise your hand if you’ve written an essay with sources mostly taken from Wikipedia’s citations…”
The workshop had him floored. He was drawn in by Donald’s simple, yet engaging language. Gyro knew how to research, he had made a living of it, after all, but Donald managed to keep his interest throughout the entire workshop with a unique analogy or a silly joke.
Plus, it was just as interactive as he’d like to make his classes. Donald had asked the students to form groups and put the concepts to practice by giving them a random topic that they had to find five sources for. They were presented hypothetical, believable problems of when the literature for a topic was lacking or when a potential source was inaccessible, and he had guided the students to their own original solutions. Gyro was merely an observer, but he wished he could have partaken in the class activities and discussions. He was confined to the back, but he imagined the responses he would give in the group discussions, and the personal experiences he could share.
What wealth of knowledge did that duck have? He knew now that this was an opportunity he had once made the mistake of rejecting. When the students chattering faded dispersed from the class and joined the hallway, he made his move. Donald was still unplugging his laptop from the socket.
Gyro bolted towards Donald with a wild urgency. “You!"
"Me!" Donald exclaimed, pointing at himself.
 Why didn’t you tell me before?!” he gasped between pants.
Donald tilted his head ever so slightly. “Tell you what?”
Gyro frowned. Did he have to spell it out to him? “You are good at teaching! Tell me your ways!”
At that, Donald’s bubbly demeanor dropped into something more serious. “Look, Gyro… I’m not a teacher. And the kind of content you teach in your lectures is leagues beyond what I can help you with.”
“B-but– I..”
With a guarded attitude, Donald picked up his planner and leafed through a few pages. “I’m sure there’s a workshop I can find for you to help you with your problem,” he spoke with an unusual air of distant professionalism.
"No, can't you see? It has to be you," Gyro said desperately. “I… am sorry for ignoring your advice earlier.”
Donald was moved by that. "You're sure you want me?"
Gyro nodded fiercely.
"Well, okay. Fine. Let's meet during lunch?"
Amidst the cafeteria’s droning conversations composed of students and staff alike, Gyro and his coach sat in a high-seated table for two by the windows across the salad bar. 
Donald was reading his lecture notes in silence. With nothing else to do, Gyro noticed how the dust particles floating in the air took up the appearance of sparkles in the sunlight. They drifted around Donald, whose feathers shone a golden trim around his silhouette. It was because of the waterproof oil, he knew, but the sight was serene.
Then, their gazes connected. Gyro inhaled sharply, and he thought he saw Donald’s eyes widen. In a blink, the lecture papers were returned to his possession. 
“The first thing that stood out to me is the timing of these activities. I’m not sure they will be finished as quickly as you think.”
“But I need them. If I lengthened one, there wouldn’t be enough time for the others,” Gyro argued.
Donald crossed his arms. “Right, ok. Do you need to cover all this material?”
“Of course I do. I am not cutting anything out.”
He sighed. “Then, we still need to make modifications. Let’s go back to the basics. What do you want your students to accomplish by the end of the lecture? It’s really important to set a learning objective.”
“On that thought, I should have the students write down these learning objectives at the end of my presentation.” Gyro noted his idea down, then he addressed him. “I see your point. Instead of disparate activities on each individual concept, perhaps I can have them analyse an experiment through guided discussions. This allows them to see it in application and discover them independently.”
“It’s not a bad idea, actually. That’s an inductive learning approach.” Donald looked him up and down. “Now that I think about it, it really suits your style.”
The second time they met, they shared lunch in Gyro's office.
Gyro paced back and forth, hand on his forehead. “I've tried everything I thought of! Prepared notes, giving examples, slowing my pace… but they still think my lectures are confusing.”
Donald, who had been eating and watching him pace, set down his sandwich. “I watched your lecture recordings last night. Here's what I think. First, you are trying to define an inertial frame using concepts they don’t understand yet. They don’t need to know about how it relates to absolute space-time and the Theory of Relativity at this stage. This is an introductory level class.”
“Right… so you're saying I should simplify even more. But how?” He pulled out the chair and sat down.
“Let me try. This is on Newtonian mechanics?” Donald cleared his throat. “Newtonian mechanics applies Newton’s Laws of Motion to a system of objects. Raise your hand if you know of Newton’s Laws of Motion.” 
Gyro reluctantly raised his hand after a long stare from Donald.
“Good! Now, does anybody remember the three laws?” He paused, then spoke in a more casual voice, “Then you go through them, one by one. Including the formulae.” 
He mimed a screen projector by outlining a rectangle in the air and pointed at imaginary examples within it. Continuing the demonstration, his voice picked up in volume and authority once again. “Let’s look at the formulae. As long as no force is acting on it, what do you notice about the velocity?”
“And here, you use the formulae to show that velocity is absolute, just as the law of inertia states. The students should be able to work it out themselves without you telling them directly. Then, ta-da! This is called an inertial frame of reference.”
“After that, you define ‘frame of reference,’” Donald spoke in his normal voice. “You can use an example, such as… if you’re standing on a high-speed train, then from your frame of reference, you aren’t moving. But to someone on the ground, you are moving quite fast,” he said. “Something like that. My high school physics knowledge is failing me right now.”
Gyro stared at him in awe. “That was… simple. It's exactly what I need.”
Donald combed a hand through his head feathers, tickled pink by the praise. "It's about accommodating for your audience," he said, "Not everyone thinks the same way. Some people have a harder time understanding complex, abstract concepts, so they need a more concrete base to work from."
Gyro nodded, and scribbled his words into a notepad.
Donald pointed a finger at him. "You are the expert. It's your job to know how to simplify it for these beginners."
"I thought I was simplifying. But I never thought to do it this way." He looked at Donald. “I never had an interest in teaching, I suppose. Did you take it as a degree?”
"Well, I've never completed university myself."
That grabbed Gyro's attention. "You didn't? Then how do you know about teaching?"
Donald shifted in his seat. "Ah, well. It was one of the many odd jobs I took back then. Tutor, substitute teacher, that thing." 
"And you just picked all of this up from experience?"
Donald shrugged. "Mostly. I studied a little bit, but that kind of stuff is not my strong suit."
Gyro looked at him with surprise. "Then, perhaps, we have more in common than I thought."
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worldsfromhoney · 7 months
Greetings, plebeians
This is your resident unknown and attention-depraved author/writer, BEE/bee/beE/🐝
Here’s some stuff about moi:
I like… tea. YES I LIKE TEA 🍵🍵🍵 it’s quite honestly the greatest invention of all time
I also like reading. That’s kinda like a hobby that all writers are mandated to say. Which is reasonable.
I’m a fan of miniatures and piano. Yeah, I did try them out. Yeah, I did fail spectacularly, thank you! ☺️
I also like painting but the therapy one and not just a blank canvas that sucks the soul out of artists lol
What do I write?
I write… stuff. BEAUTIFUL, HEARTBREAKING STUFF, mind you. But it’s still stuff, so lemme elaborate.
Speculative fiction - if you idk this, it’s really just a mix of fantasy and sci-fi; the ‘what if’ genre
Urban fantasy - don’t get me wrong, I love high fantasy, but urban is waaay easier to worldbuild
Steampunk & other punks - PUUUUNK 🤘🤘🤘
Horror and thriller - mostly psychological and body horror, don’t worry! I don’t do jump scares or anything ☺️
Slice of life - mwah my heart and soul mwah
Others - yes, I am capable of doing other genres 😤 I’m a multi-faceted bee, you know?
DISCLAIMER: what I write might only reflect upon my psyche and state of mind but that is not a guarantee
My WiPs
I am proud to say that… I DO NOT HAVE ANY!!
*gasp* what ever do you mean bee? Are you quitting writing? *sobs*
No, my darlings.
i just have no big projects to boast about right now. I feel like big projects aint my thing at the moment and pushing myself only led me to disappear from the internet for a month 😞
What i do have are short works i randomly choose to write and post here on tumblr !!
If you’re interested, please comment on this post or reblog or DM me if you want to be put in the taglist!!
Does that mean you accept… requests?
…………yes. Yes i do. Go and flood my askbox you plebs !
Am I anywhere else?
Please. It’s 2023. Of course I’m… everywhere *cue evil laugh*
Bluesky - if you haven’t heard it yet, tis the new Twitter… cuz it’s literally made by the old creators of that glorious blue bird *cue a moment of silence*
Tiktok or Twitter - do not look for me here
Tumblr - EYYYYYYYYYYY i post ALL my stuff here !! They’re really just bait to hook some writer friends 🥹
Ko-Fi - ehem ehem i know first drafts are considered shite but BUT i have decided to make them available for perusal yes you can burn your eyes to anyone who buys me a cup of tea ~
Patreon - i finally have one!! I’m still setting it up tho and prepping all the content 💛💛💛
I’ll be doing a patreon soon enough actually so look out for that
How I organise myself
Well i wish this is applicable to actual life because i’d very much like to know how 🫡
Jk, here be the tags:
#bee writes some stuff - my micros, my flash fics, my text posts
#bee plays some games - tag games !! which i have never played before till now !!
#bee does some prompts - this will definitely see the light of day… someday
#bee stalking some writers - what it says on the tin
#bee answers some asks - omg i only added this because someone actually sent me one *faints*
#bee saves some stuff - there are way too many resource posts that i’ve scrolled past cuz idk how to tag
90 notes · View notes
cadybear420 · 27 days
Performance for fluffember🤍
The Voice of an Angel
Tumblr media
Fandom: High School Story (Original Trilogy)
Pairings: Aiden Zhou x Evie Ayana (female HSS MC), maybe with a small side of Ajay Bhandari x Cher Lee (female HSS:CA MC)
Characters: Aiden Zhou, Evie Ayana (female HSS MC)
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Additional Tags: Fluff, Singing, Performance, Dancing
Word Count: 2,128
Summary: On Evie’s 18th birthday, Aiden and the jazz band whip up a little surprise for her. Takes place approximately between HSS:CA 2 and HSS:CA 3 (though my memory of the HSS:CA timeline is a little more fuzzy).
A/N: First of all: to the anon who sent the prompt, major apologies for sleeping on it for so long. Coming up with writing ideas is a bitch, but it is something I want to do more often. And there was also that one time when Tumblr turned off editing for answers to asks, which carried over to the draft post for this for a while. Second of all, I’m fucking obsessed with this song from Doctor Who (“My Angel Put the Devil in Me”, from the Series 3 soundtrack) and I think Evie and Aiden would be as well. Third of all, yes this is a belated birthday fic for Evie, but I’m glad to get it out before the end of Evie’s birthday month at least. Also haha both Evie’s birthday this year and in the setting of the fic were on a Friday. Fourth of all, arghrghrargh my first time writing a fic where one character sings to another AND does a choreographed dance to it too. It’s a lot more difficult than I imagined lol. 
(Also, the outfit I imagine for the other jazz band kids)
Prompt: Performance
Source for prompts here. Even though it's long past November, I'll still accept prompt suggestions from this list year-round.
Tags: @inlocusmads @aces-and-angels @aria-ashryver @lover-also-fighter-also @jerzwriter @choicesmc @3rdstreetfrank @dutifullynuttywitch @lovealexhunt @lilyoffandoms @peonierose (as this is the complete version of this WIP and this challenge bit), and @choicesficwriterscreations
Friday, March 8, 2019. The day of Evie’s 18th birthday. She’d been planning to host a birthday party at one of her favorite restaurants in the city, starting in the early evening after school. Almost everyone she knew from school was invited. 
It was late in the afternoon now. Evie took one last look at herself in her new outfit– a navy blue suit with a purple floral necktie– and grinned, before dashing to the living room. There, her dad was checking his phone. 
“Alright, I’m ready to go!” she said. 
He turned to her. “Actually… we can’t leave just yet…”
She pouted. “What??? But Daaaad, the party starts at 5 PM and it’s already 4:45!”
“The people doing the decorations are… taking a bit longer than expected.”
“It’s a bit awkward to go to a party when they’re still putting decorations up, isn’t it?”
“That’s true,” her face softened. “Do the other guests know?”
“...yep! I’ve just told them, in fact.”
“Okay… but how long do we have to wait?”
“Shouldn’t be more than… ten to twenty minutes?”
Evie pouted again. 
“It’s not that long…”
“Okay, fiiiiine, I’ll be patient…”
“And I’ll be doctor!”
Evie winced. “Dad, NO…”
About twenty minutes passed, and then finally, her dad said it was okay to start driving to the restaurant. After a fifteen minute drive, they arrived, and Evie wasted no time going in. 
The room was alive with upbeat music, purple decorative lights and flowers, and many of Evie’s friends. It seemed like just about everyone she’d invited had shown up– her main friend group, her teammates, her friends from the other cliques and Hearst, Cher and her friends from theatre, the seniors from last year who hadn’t gone away for college… 
And all of them greeted her with a big “Happy birthday, Evie!!!”, in unison. 
Evie inhaled, beaming at her friends. Many of them ran over to hug her, a few others cheered for her. 
Then she saw Emma and Cher push their way through the crowd and grab her by her arms. 
“Evie! There’s a special surprise for you, right now!” said Cher. 
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah!” said Emma. “Just come with us…” 
The crowd parted, making way for Emma and Cher to pull Evie to the opposite side of the room. As they did, the party music slowly faded out and the lights began to dim. 
“What the–” Evie started. 
“Shhhh. You’ll see soon enough!” Emma replied. 
When they made it to the opposite end of the room, a warm spotlight turned on over her, and there she saw it. The jazz band, all set up with their instruments and dressed in matching snazzy black-and-red suits and… devil horns? Yes, devil horns. 
And at the front of it all… was none other than her beautiful boyfriend Aiden, all dressed up and holding a microphone. 
Evie just about stopped in her tracks as she took in his outfit– a snug, ivory-colored flapper dress that had silver beads sewn into intricate patterns, and hung just barely above his knees. Along with that, he also wore a couple of matching long pearl necklaces, a fluffy white halo accessory over his head, and winged eyeliner.
“Wow…” Evie felt her breath catch. “Aiden, you look–”
Just then, Aiden signaled to the band… and they started to play. 
Evie grinned broadly, her eyes immediately lighting up at the familiar upbeat jazzy tune, and watched intently as her boyfriend danced towards her, in steps that were careful and rhythmic, yet lively. 
Then the tempo slowed, and he held the microphone to his mouth and began to sing. 
“I'm a country girl, I ain't seen a lot… But you came along, and my heart went pop! You took a little streetcar to my heart… And an apple of love fell off my apple cart~”
Evie’s cheeks flustered at his melodious voice. This wasn’t the first time she’d heard him sing– he’s sung to her plenty of times, and they’d practically been doing Evie-Aiden duets since the day they met. But this… this was different. Aiden had never done a solo singing performance for her before, let alone one that involved a bit of dance as well. 
“You looked at me, my heart began to pound… You weren't the sort of guy I thought would stick around… Hey, but it don't have to be eternally… My bad, bad Angel put the Devil in me~”
And his singing voice was all the more different this time around too. Even later into their relationship, as Aiden had become more confident about his singing, there was always still a hint of nervousness in his voice when they sang their duets. But this time, he sang loud and clear. Like he was owning the stage. 
Aiden performed a small twirl before stopping, his eyes meeting hers as he began slowly walking up to her, making her heart jump a little.
“You lured me in with your cold grey eyes… Your simple smile, your bewitching lies…”
As he sang that verse, he reached out and grabbed onto her bright purple tie, making Evie’s face heat up as he began tugging on it gently and pulling her closer to him. 
“One and one and one is three… My bad, bad Angel… the Devil in me~!”
The tempo picked up again. Aiden let go of her tie and took her hand in his as he broke out into energetic dance movements while still singing the lyrics to the song, the skirt of his dress swishing about as he swayed gracefully to the instrumental music. 
Evie squeezed his hand and matched his movements, her pulse racing now.  All the while, the crowd watched with excitement. When they came face-to-face again, she was giving him an almost drunken smile.
Soon enough, Aiden broke from her hold and turned around, sashaying slightly as he started stepping away from her… before looking over his shoulder, catching her gaze once again. 
“My bad, bad Angel~ you put the Devil in me~”
Aiden shook his butt side-to-side to the beat, giving Evie a knowing look that made her cheeks brighten. The music slowed, and he turned around to face her again. 
“So, now my dear, I ain't the girl you knew… 'Cause the Angel's got Heaven, but I get you…”
He sauntered back up to her.
“And the tree of life grows tall, you see… My bad, bad Angel… you put the Devil in me~!”
The beat slowed to a more gentle, relaxed tune as Aiden placed his arm over Evie’s shoulder. 
“Oh… You put the Devil in me~”
Aiden gestured towards Evie’s arm, and she placed her arms around him, taking hold of his waist as they began to rock together. 
“You put the Devil in me…”
Gently and smoothly, Aiden broke out of her hold and took her hand again. Lifting her hand, he twirled himself under her arm, then placed himself backwards against her body– all without missing a beat. 
As Aiden continued to sing, Evie wrapped both of her arms around his middle, embracing him from behind. Aiden pressed back against her and placed his free arm over hers, almost as if to hold her arms in place, as they began to sway side-to-side together again. Evie practically melted into him, his body warm against hers. 
“You put the Devil in me…”
Then, the song picked up again. 
“You put the Devil in… me~!”
He swiftly yet carefully broke from her hold again, and danced in a circle around her as he sang the last few verses of the song. She turned to follow him, their eyes locked onto each other yet again, as he gave her an almost sultry gaze. 
“My bad, bad Angel, you put the Devil in me!”
At the final note, the lights slowly faded back on. Aiden stood in front of the now cheering crowd and took a huge bow, grinning proudly. 
Once he straightened back up, Evie finally let out a high pitched “EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!”, bouncing up and down before leaping onto Aiden, sweeping him up into her arms, and spinning him around. Aiden gasped, dropping his microphone with a loud *thunk*– but then quickly held her face in his hand and pulled her in for a passionate kiss, prompting the crowd to cheer louder. 
After a moment, Aiden broke the kiss. “Happy eighteenth birthday, Darling~”
Evie squeezed him tighter. “Aiden, that was…” She took a deep breath, a starstruck look in her eyes. “Your singing is amazing… I mean, I’ve heard you sing before, obviously, but…”
A slight but visible rosy tint grew on his cheeks. 
“But I’ve never done a singing performance for you, I know. I figured it was about time I did.”
“And you were fucking amazing. I’ve never heard you sing like that before… like, you were already good, but I didn’t know you were this good…”
“I mean… practice makes perfect, after all…”
“That’s true…”
He planted a small kiss onto her lips, making her whole body warm up. 
“And what made you choose that song from Doctor Who for your first performance? I mean, obviously I love the song–”
“That’s just it. I know how much you love the song, and the episodes it came from.” He chuckled softly. “And, I mean… I don’t blame you. It is a fantastic song.”
Evie’s smile grew wider. “God, Aiden… I fucking love you.”
“I love you too, Evie.” 
They pulled each other in for one more kiss, holding each other tightly, before she set him down. 
“And I love your outfit too… you look absolutely gorgeous, as always~”
Even as Aiden beamed at her so brightly, his cheeks turned as red as the other band members’ devil costumes, prompting Evie to giggle.
“Well… I have been having a lot of fun trying on new outfits…” he said, softly. 
At that moment, Ajay and Cher popped up beside them. 
“Hey… if Aiden likes singing, dancing, and dressing up in fancy outfits now… you think we could convince him to join the upcoming spring musical?” Ajay said. “His talent would just be unmatched…”
Evie and Aiden turned towards them. 
“The next play’s gonna be a musical?” Evie said. “I’ve been wanting to act in a play, but, uh… I don’t think I’m ready for one that involves singing…”
Aiden raised an eyebrow at her. “But we’ve literally been doing duets ever since–”
“That’s different. I can sing alright when it’s more casual, but in a professional musical performance? I’m not that good.”
“You should still consider it!” Cher chirped. “If not an acting role, you can always still be an assistant director or a techie…”
“That sounds much more my speed.”
Cher turned to Aiden. “You should definitely consider trying out for a singing role, though!”
Aiden put his hand on his chin thoughtfully. “It could be fun… I know Evie doesn’t want to sing in a musical, but imagine if we got lead roles together…”
“Oh, perhaps I could be convinced now…” Evie said, before smirking playfully. “But, let’s be real. Put Aiden in the musical, and he’ll probably just upstage all the other singers with how good he is. He’ll make everyone else look like chumps.”
“Hey!” Cher exclaimed, her face scrunching up into a pout. “Are you saying I sing like a chump?”
“What– no, I–” Evie’s face fell. 
Cher dropped her pout and grinned again. “Kidding! You probably have a point… I do sing every now and then, but it could use a little more work. Especially since I’m planning to go for an acting role in the musical, of course.”
“Well, if we can’t get Aiden in a singing role for the musical, perhaps he can be a musical director and help coach the actors who are a little more inexperienced?” Ajay suggested. 
“Actually… that’s a great idea!” Aiden said, his face lighting up. “I’d love to do that!”
Ajay beamed. “Oh, perfect! We’ll talk to Mr. Olson on Monday.”
“I’ll need some time to think about it… but I’ll let you know if I do decide to accept.”
“Sounds good to me!” Ajay reached his hand out, and he and Aiden shook hands. “Anyways, great job on your performance, Aiden! And happy birthday, Evie!”
“Yeah! Happy birthday, Evie!!!” cheered Cher. 
“Aww, thank you both so much!” 
Evie gave each of them a warm hug before they walked off. Aiden placed his arms around her and kissed her on the cheek, and she turned back to him.
“Thank you so much, Aiden. For being the best boyfriend ever, and for giving me this awesome birthday.” 
“It’s my pleasure~” Aiden hugged her tighter. “But… there’s still more, of course. Ready to enjoy the rest of your birthday party?”
“Oh yes!”
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thisisapaige · 15 days
Tagged by @mercurialkitty. Thanks! This was fun :-)
20 Questions for Writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 59
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 645,479
3. What fandoms do you write for? Just Supernatural. I have the brainworms and they are in the shape of Thee One and Only Castiel.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
stay, In Just Saying It, Non Solum, Still Waters Run Deep, Sleeping Together
5. Do you respond to comments? Most of them. I do get kind of overwhelmed (with love and joy) if someone comments on all the chapters as they read, so I'll often reply to their final comment. And if the comments are rude, I ignore them (doesn't happen often, but it has).
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Thee fic that started it all: Empty Spaces. A bold choice for my first posting, lol. At least I wrote a sequel? :-P
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Probably Something Blue. I wrapped that up with a bow. As a commenter wrote, "Holy happy ending, Batman!!!!!"
8. Do you get hate on fics? Mmmmm, not sure I'd call it hate but I did have a commenter who wasn't happy with the direction The Angel went in. Thankfully, they figured out the fic wasn't to their tastes and decided to leave halfway through.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yeah. It's fun to write but, whew, very difficult to edit, lol. As for what kind... somewhat-idealized- romantic-everyone-has-a-good-time-and-feels-their-feelings kind of smut, I think. Most of the time... Murder the World was a lot more angsty.
10. Do you write crossovers? Nah. I don't really have the fic bug for other fandoms.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yup! A couple in Russian and one in Chinese.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No. I don't know if I'd be able to. I don't think I'd be a very good partner :-P. I don't even like a beta to look at my stuff 'till the draft is done and I read it though a couple times.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? It's the DeanCas of it all.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? The Path of the Righteous Man (my reverse verse fic) is like, my white whale. I keep going back to it and never adding a single word. The block is strong on that one.
16. What are your writing strengths? Introspection and action. Both are sooooo fun.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Dialogue. UGH. Dialogue. How do people talk? Hell if I know.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Sure. My monolingual ass won't, though.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Posted? SPN. Written on loose leaf paper as a tiny child, which has been lost to the ages (thank goodness)? Final Fantasy VII.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? This is a mean, mean question. I cannot chose one! I cannot! So have a selection (answer subject to change in 30 seconds):
stay for being my fix it that allowed me to continue enjoying the show after that fiasco of an ending.
The Angel for being the fantasy epic I always wanted to write.
insi(de an)d outside for being some of my strongest writing.
Still Waters Run Deep for being my first bang and also because I have prints of the art reafre made and that still blows my mind.
Something Blue because it took me on a very personal journey (and also I just posted it so it's fresh in my mind).
I *could* probably post most of my fic, honesty. I like my stuff. I wrote them for me, after all.
Tagging: @angelcasendgame @hornystiel @wormstacheangel @bloodydeanwinchester if you so chose to participate!
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stuckytoyoulikeglue · 6 months
Fun fact; once I'm done with the first draft of a fic, I leave myself a little note at the top of the file with a list of stuff I still need to do in order to get it ready to publish.
This list always starts with 'redraft' and is usually followed by things like 'pick a title', 'write the synopsis', 'compile a tag list', 'check the continuity of X thing that I decided to change halfway through writing', 'make sure the bit that's supposed to be canon-compliant is actually canon-compliant and not just some-fic-I-read-that-I've-now-mixed-up-with-canon-compliant' etc. etc..
It's generally very useful, because I have a terrible memory and way too many WIPs, so I have no chance of keeping it all straight in my head (and no one wants to get to the point where they're ready to publish only to discover they've forgotten to think of a title).
On top of that, when a fic begins to approach final draft status, I try and leave a fair amount of time between each rework so I can re-read what I've done with relatively fresh eyes, which means I'm even less likely to remember what I still need to do (and it really is very annoying when you think you're pretty much done and then realise you have to name the thing. Naming things is hard).
Anyway, at that point of the process my to do list is usually just 'proof read' and 'make sure that one paragraph I've already rewritten three thousand times isn't too clunky', but today I found a note on a fic I've been working on for literal years (and which I actually thought was done) that simply said:
Stop stressing. It's fine.
So, yeah, I would really like to thank my past self for that ringing endorsement.
Guess I'll be reworking that one again, then...
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amaiguri · 16 days
The WIP Questionaire
Thanks so so much from @verba-writing for the tag! I had such a fun time reading your answers too and I'm very excited for paranormal romance 😍
I feel like I wanna flag that a lot of my answers are very anime/gaming-sphere oriented and I hope I'm not totally alienating my mutuals by revealing just HOW MUCH I'm not a book person lololol But this is with what we're working:
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The Questions are:
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
The very first thing I made was the high premise: It was synthesized from the Overly Sarcastic Productions question "What if all the Kings Under the Mountain came back...?" and then I added the context "...in a Nuclear Crisis to discuss piece?" And in my head, it was this HBO-style modern fantasy Game of Thrones meets West Wing type deal. But then... I didn't want to write the modern piece. (The modern piece should be written by people in countries from all over Europe about what it means to be a hero in various cultures.)
So I set it in 1800s fantasy world instead!
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
The first arc would be Dance in the Game by Zaq
The second arc would be Lacrimosa by Kalafina
The Gods' Arc would be Paper Boquet by Mili
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
Is it to cliché to be like "my current self-insert protagonist is my favorite character I've ever made"? Her and my antagonist are just THE BEST and I love them.
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4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
Mmm, I think Untitled Yssaia Game's story would appeal to queer Game of Thrones fans who could FEEL the straightness in GoT, especially if they also like anime. I would hope I could get general anime fans as well as Arcane and Genshin Impact fans, but I feel like those are too mainstream and Yssaia is not. Realistically, I think I'm gonna get the Wadanohara people and the Ib people and, if I get really lucky, the To the Moon people.
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
Marketing lol -- explaining what it is to people in a way that they realize they want it.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
Fuafua 🥺🥺🥺
Look at her! She is a six-legged, six-eyed slug cat called a Maret. Marets fill the same role as ocelots in Yssaia, except they're more semi-aquatic like otters and their skin has a stressball-like texture.
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7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
They walk or ride Rumateurs (which are alpaca-like beings with ossicones) or take ships or airships or trains. I don't like writing about travel that much though so it is a background element.
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
I am pre-editing the first arc for my alpha readers and the third arc has another 50k to 100k words to draft. We're at like 250k words total right now and it is so unwieldy 😭😭😭
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
Oh, I have a convenient graphic for this. Hang on...
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10. What are your hopes for your wip?
I was just diatribing about this earlier but the DREAM is to turn it into an RPGmaker adventure game and have it go viral and make a million bucks off it. I'd love to be the next Undertale but it'll never happen because I am not positioned to be the next Undertale, you know?
So yeah, that's what's what! Thanks again for the ask! This was so fun! I'm gonna pass this to @maiemorrae, @moonfeatherblue, @zebee-nyx, @winterandwords, @modernwritercraft, @words-after-midnight, @spideronthesun, @theprissythumbelina, @thepanplate, @thetruearchmagos, @maskedemerald, @moondust-bard, @pluttskutt and @emelkae 😍😍😍 I actually internalized Verba's WIP so well from this tag and I wanna make sure I'm updated on what all you cool people are working on! Open tag to any of my other moots too! 🥳
I will edit this to have a blank easily copy-and-pasteable question section when I get back to my computer. If I forget, @ me!
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throughtrialbyfire · 6 months
𝑾𝑰𝑷 𝑾𝒆𝒅𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒅𝒂𝒚
tagged by the lovely @thana-topsy @umbracirrus @thequeenofthewinter @viss-and-pinegar @boethiahspillowbook !! thank you so much <33
tagging the wonderful @dirty-bosmer @skyrim-forever @orfeoarte @wispstalk @gilgamish @aphocryphas @mareenavee @wildhexe @v1ctory-or-sovngarde @totally-not-deacon
this week, i've got an excerpt from chapter 29 of "Cycle of the Serpent"! it's a tad spoilery, but nothing too heavy that'd ruin the experience. it's still in a rough-draft phase as all my recent wip snippets are, but i love how its turning out. <3
The Bosmer sat at the end of the bed, leaning forward, elbows against his knees. He mulled the question over, avoiding their eyes now, looking to the floor as he answered, "perhaps I judged him too harshly." "I'll say," Athenath snorted, "I think you owe him an apology." Emeros laughed quietly, running his fingers through his hair, cowl drying on the line outside. "Perhaps you're correct." "Perhaps?" Athenath repeated with a grin. "Yeah, no, you definitely do." They looked down at their work, and groaned in frustration, dragging a hand down their face. "And I need to go to a blacksmith if I want this armor repaired. It's definitely got some problems I can't fix." Pulling it from his lap, he set the leather and fur aside, tugging their tunic into their arms and examining the material closely. They'd dried it over a fire to ensure it was ready for repairs, readying their needle and examining the holes cut through by shades, bandits, and Malkoran. "Let me see," Emeros gestured. "I've worked with leather my whole life, and you're not going to get anywhere with a small needle." He tugged over his pack and dug through the pockets, retrieving a length of sinew thread around a thick spool, and carefully worked it through the eye of a flat needle.
Curiously, Athenath handed over the armor, watching through rumpled brow as the Bosmer set to work examining the article for gashes and tears. They eyed him as he worked, as though he were just glad to have something to do in the quiet of the inn. Wyndrelis was out for a walk, having mentioned something about wanting to see the architecture, seeming awed (in his usual, distant manner) by the impossible city above the sea. "So, where did you…?" Athenath gestured vaguely, Emeros quirking a brow. "I don't know, learn to do all of that?" "My uncle," he replied easily, his eyes returning to the task at hand, earrings glittering in the light of the candles and the small hearth in their room, "I was taught by both he and a few other relatives, although I can't name most of them, as we weren't all very close." "Oh." "It's alright," Emeros brushed off with a calm smile, relaxing as he stitched through the material, the needle pulling true beneath his nimble fingers, "I spent much of my life with my paternal family, truth be told. As for my mother's side, they had very little interest in my existence. So the story goes." He ended with an easy shrug of the shoulders, continuing to scrutinize every inch of his own stitching. "So the story goes?" Athenath repeated in a lower, skeptical tone, brow raising, eyes locked on the Bosmer as he finished repairing one section and moved on to another. "Is that right?" At this, Emeros paused, his smile dimming momentarily, before he returned it to its rightful place on his mouth, greyish sclera catching the light of the fire with a forced calm that he wore easily. "And of your family? Which side, then, are you closest with?"
Now, it was Athenath's turn to flinch. How to speak of people who rejected his name when they first wore it? How to talk about the strange looks, the hand on the shoulder, the patting of their curls by a mother who looked at them with equal parts scorn and love? How to open the floodgates only a fraction, only so a trickle of water poured in, instead of the whole sea? Athenath shrugged. "My mothers." When the answer hung limply in the air, they added, "I mean, my father and I were on good terms, I guess, but he and his parents weren't on speaking terms when he met my mother, and then he just kinda fell out of touch with them. And my mother and grandparents were close, y'know? I mean…" they trailed off, the image of their grandfather by the hearth with a mug of warm cider, spinning magic into small streams of light to entertain Athenath when he was a small child returning to them in the moment. His white hair, his bright eyes. The features that lived on in pale comparisons in themself, his nose, his chin, their grandmother's hands, their mother's smile, their father's hair and eyes. A tapestry sat inside him, and he didn't want to unfurl it for anyone. They swallowed down the faintest scent of better days, the kind he would learn only as they aged were clouded by the ignorance of childhood.
When their mind returned to the room, Emeros was setting the armor aside, having finished with his stitching and inspecting of the material. "That should hold. However, I would advise we do acquire some better armor somewhere down the line. I have a feeling we'll be needing it." "Sure," Athenath nodded, "should be a blacksmith in town, right? So, we'll just handle that here." "We've that whole business at Castle Dour, first," Emeros reminded them, leaving Athenath to groan and flop dramatically down in their chair. Emeros chuckled, rolling his eyes. "Athenath, you're the one who wanted the Imperial pardon, remember? You practically ushered Wyndrelis and I down the street!" "If I'd known General Tullius was gonna make us hunt bandits for it, I'd've just said fuck it." Then, glancing to the glow coming from the hilt of Dawnbreaker, leaned now against the wall, they dropped a dramatic exhale through tight lips. "But, at least I got a cool sword," he commented with a smirk. Emeros leaned his cheek on a curled hand, fingers pressing indents into his flesh, a grin on his mouth. "I suppose, then, the bandit hunting was worth it?" "Gods," Athenath snorted, "I guess. Malkoran was a pain in the ass, but I guess yeah, you're right." They sat in comfortable silence for a while, Athenath grabbing their knapsack and digging through the contents, arranging and rearranging items here and there, hands busied with the task. Emeros, meanwhile, watched the fire dance in the hearth, the swirls of embers and smoke, the softness of the light that bounced all around the room.
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voxofthevoid · 6 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by my one and only Jesus @eusuntgratie
I recently cleared out all the ask/tag games in my drafts because I realized I'd reached the pile-up stage of putting things in there and not doing shit. Thanks to everyone who's tagged me in those the last couple of months and sorry I didn't get to any!
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
2,005,606 (crossed the 2 million milestone recently and am still buzzing about it)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I'm only writing for Jujutsu Kaisen, but I'm posting for Jujutsu Kaisen, Bleach, and MCU.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
I was so sure it was going to be all MCU, but nope, it's a mix of MCU and Hannibal. God, that was my first Ao3 fandom, and my Hannibal fics are from 2014. It's surreal people are still reading/enjoying them.
if you're looking for jesus (then get on your knees)—MCU
i'm a ghost, you're an angel (one and the same)—MCU
A darkness seen and shared—Hannibal
Ways and Means—Hannibal
the hand you want to hold is a weapon (and you're nothing but skin)—MCU
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I enjoy the interactions and discussions. Plus, since I'm not a Discord (or group spaces) person, it's how I find fellow fans to chat with, especially during my initial foray into a particular fandom. I do have a huge backlog of some 1.1k comments from 2020 to mid-2021 because I didn't have much time for fandom in that period. I'm chipping away at it slowly, but I'm pretty prompt about replying to everything on my post-2021 fics.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm, this Hannibal fic, I'd say: Till the bitter end
Let's just say I predicted the series finale in some weird way.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of mine end happily—a few are ambiguous, while others are dark.
8. Do you get hate on fic?
Oh yeah. It's only happened with MCU and Jujutsu Kaisen, and they're mostly cases of overgrown children unhappy that I didn't write the ships or dynamics they want.
9. Do you write smut?
It's my specialty now 😎
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nah. I've done fusion-style AUs, but full-on crossovers aren't something I'd like to write. I'll read them, but I'm picky.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Multiple times (MCU and YoI, iirc), both within Ao3 and offsite.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Multiple times, for multiple fandoms! It's always a delight.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I did write one(1) fic that way, but it got yeeted into the void when my co-author deleted her entire Ao3 account. I have a copy, I think.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I'm the kind of person who's most devoted to whatever is eating my brain at the time, so right now, it's Yuuji/Gojou from Jujutsu Kaisen.
15. What’s a wip you want to finish but probably won’t?
My writing superpower is that if I lose interest in a WIP, I also lose all desire to finish it and any guilt about it. And these days, I tend to start a fic and work on just that till it's done. So the answer is—none.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I write some smokin' hot porn, and I'm pretty good at threading character study through it. The porn is the plot, in most cases. I also enjoy doing background worldbuilding that serves to give the narrative a sense of depth despite the focus being on characters and relationships.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Fight scenes, ensemble casts, and sustained plotty plots.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Ah, I can feel my Hannibal-era Google-translate Lithuanian judging me.
In general, I avoid it, but when I write for anime set in Japan, I tend to work in honorifics. My mother tongue has those too, so I know from experience that there are no English equivalents that capture the same vibe.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Hunter x Hunter, I think. That account no longer exists. On Ao3, it's Hannibal.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I tend to be biased toward my newer works, so this keeps changing. At the moment, it's (let me be clear) every version of the story ends with you being slaughtered (JJK, goyuu).
Tagging (no pressure) 20 people because why the hell not: @possibleplatypus, @actualalligator, @joeys-piano, @cursedvibes, @backwardshirt, @m34gs, @naamah-beherit, @dragongirlg-fics, @crossroadswrite, @spacebuck, @jenroses, @calamitouskings, @knivash, @lo-55, @bookwyrmling, @sorrythatwasamistake, @ddelline, @lilyfarseer, @roughkiss and @deunan306
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sotwk · 8 months
Behind the Scenes: SotWK's Writing Process
Welcome to a little "behind the scenes" of my attempts to keep my growing list of WIPS and story requests/ideas organized!
My Fic and HC Requests are (for the most part), always open, and open to Anons. Occasionally, I also invite requests in relation to writing events or games. Needless to say, I get quite a lot of requests, and I am both flattered and thrilled by that.
However, I also work full-time (albeit always in front of a computer), and I have two little kids (who attend preschool, whew), so I have much less time to focus on writing than most creators here.
But I love writing, and I love using it to make people happy even more. My rule is, I will accept any requests (that reasonably fall within my guidelines, but I can be flexible!) as long as you can wait patiently for me to deliver on them. I always give my best effort to make it worth your while, and I will never ignore your request or give up on it without checking with you first (yes, this includes Anons).
I have no wait list. I do not work on requests "in the order they were received". I work on whatever story speaks to and cooperates with me that day, and that means shuffling amongst up to five WIPs at a time. That's simply how my brain works, unfortunately.
All my fanfics / your requests are always, and forever will be, FREE. They're gifts I am honored to give.
I am constantly saying, "I'm working on it" or "It's on my list", and I would like to offer just a bit of proof of that. So, especially for those who have been waiting a long time (and those who might have to wait even longer), I present my Google Drive's Organized Chaos to show how I keep all those WIPs in check:
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Drafts in Progress: Stories that are closest to completion, and the ones I am currently trying to focus on.
Drafts on Hold: Drafts that I have started, but have stalled, so they're on the back burner for now.
Headcanons: I usually draft my headcanon requests straight on Tumblr, but sometimes they go on here.
Ask Screenshots: Where I save Asks that I responded to/deleted, but I needed to save the text for the sake of notes. Also lovely Asks that I save for posterity.
Valentine Event: I received so many Asks for this event that it required its own folder.
Gifted Graphics: Always hoping for new contributions to this one! (not subtle enough?)
And now, for my Fic Tracker Spreadsheet, which tracks ALL Tolkien fics I write, both requests and my personal projects:
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I redacted the "Requestor" column to preserve some surprises. I track the estimated "Status" aka percentage of completion as a way to motivate myself, because getting to that blessed 100% is the Holy Grail for me!
WIP: Every fic that's on the "front burner" and I'm actively fighting to complete.
Requests/Concepts: Contains details of all requests and ideas I have which will eventually jump into the WIP tab.
Valentine: Remember how I said I received so many responses to this event? Yeah. I'm still determined to finish them all, though!
To Read: Yup, I track all the fics of friends that I intent to read here, too. That's how important those are to me.
I truly hope all this info doesn't scare anyone off from sending in more requests! I hope this gives Readers/Followers a little more faith in me and show that I take all requests I receive very seriously. They are the most important part of what I do as a fanfic writer.
I may be slow, but I'm committed and determined!
If you have any questions about the above, or about your requests, I'm open! Please keep sending in requests! Thank you for your support and patience!
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Tagging some of those folks who are currently waiting on requests: @quickslvxrr @laneynoir @ladyweaslette @scyllas-revenge @lathalea @g-m-kaye @absentmindeduniverse @aduialel @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @jordie-your-local-halfling @ladyk8tie @blueberryrock @the-phantom-of-arda @tamurilofrivendell @achromaticerebus @klytemnestra13 @glassgulls @the-fragile-heart-of-a-lady @guardianofrivendell @a-burr-a-hobbit @literary-eclair
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writingwell · 6 months
20 13 fanfic questions
Thanks to @randomfoggytiger for the tag. I didn’t do all of them, just the pertinent ones, and I modified those just to include ffnet as well. 
1. How many works do you have? 26 on AO3 (for my mature rated Spy Castle stuff); fanfiction.net has 278 Castle fics;and about 300ish archived at Gossamer for X-Files.
4. What are your top fics by kudos/reviews? The Return of Vulcan Simmons, Tempest (not a spy work!) on AO3; ffnet would be One Hundred Days of Summer (co-authored with SandianeCarter) and Dash It All.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yeah, I think if you take the time to contact me, you deserve the respect of hearing from me. It might not be a full-blown conversation, but I’ll do what I can with a full-time profession and a writing one as well. Also, suuuuper sorry, just discovered AO3 has an inbox. 300 days ago, some of you messaged me and I am just now seeing those. Lol. 
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I have a spy fic where the two of them are just so at odds, so grieving with and over each other… okay that’s most of them. But I try not to end on angst, as it’s supposed to be the journey not the destination. (Angst is a twisting of the heart, not a place where you stay. According to me.)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Dash series has the ‘happiest’ endings. Not because life is happy, but because they figured out how to create contentment within what they’d been given/dealt in life. And in ways other versions of the Castle characters hadn’t accomplished. They did the work.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Oh definitely. A while back, I turned off comments on tumblr for about a year as I processed and healed from some targeted attacks, and I can say that I came out more certain of myself and my writing. But I was also an adult who had not been forced to weather these attacks as a vulnerable 13 y-o on social media (as so many of you are unfortunately dealing with). I was able to detach, center myself once more, and rise above because I’d grown up IRL, so to speak. I have a faith in something bigger than me which, while it doesn’t look like what it did, has sustained me and given me the confidence to know my worth even as it spurs me to be/do better. 
9. Do you write smut. If so what kind? Oh definitely, lol. It’s on AO3. Usually I like to explore M/F with a third in there for kicks, as the concept of generosity and giving within the sexual relationship/experience is intriguing to me.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I objected to the term ‘stolen.’ I’ve had my fics, without my knowledge, posted elsewhere, translated without my knowledge, and changed to other fandom characters to be posted elsewhere. However! I’ve had loads of people ask me too, and I really appreciate being able to go visit them. (Stolen would indicate I somehow own these fanfictions, and I do not, as that would be a legally difficult hill to stand on. I also do not perceive collective fan art in this manner, because the world is all of ours.)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Oh there’s a co-written story that me, carto, and muppet47 started and have NEVER finished. We all know Castle has to go to jail, but we can’t write it.
16. What are your writing strengths? Writing it the first time. Correctly. As in, it comes out the way it should or ought to or how I am seeing it in the moment. I have the right rhythm, I can spell and I have the grammar skills. My first draft is fast and good enough for submission. Of course, I go back and edit, and I have to, but I’m very blessed in not ever going through anything like writer’s block.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Secondary characters. I have a tendency for tunnel vision, where all I want to do is talk about and to and for the main characters. If they have friends or family, I barely include them. I can’t manage to care that they exist. But all of us live in a complex web of relationships and community; no one is alone. My last novel, Taste of Salt, was an concentrated effort to include as many other perspectives as possible, so it was told through the POVs of the two main characters and interspersed with flashback chapters from the POVs of their friends, family, coworkers, chance encounters, medical personnel, kids, support networks… there you go.You have to do the thing that’s hard. Write it out, over and over, keep practicing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? Yeah, sometimes it becomes necessary for the character. But please keep it to a minimum (imo) as it detracts from the reader’s understanding and experience of reading. It ought to be rather easy to understand what the person is saying due to context or just the flow of the scene. If you’re writing in English, and you have a character visiting France, then obviously some of that ought to be in French, but after a while, you can indicate that the language is being used while writing it in English. I say this because most of you are fandom writers who are not writing for literary audiences; therefore, don’t ruin everyone’s fun my making it incomprehensible or inaccessible. Please.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written? Don’t ask me to choose between my children! I can tell you that Dash holds a special place in my heart due to the amount of readers who said it gave them understanding of their own sensory issues or their child’s autism, etc. Spy gave me one of my greatest friends, carto, who continues to love and support me and my writing. 
I won't tag anyone, because I deleted so many of these questions, but feel free to answer or share or talk with me about them!
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direwombat · 4 months
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woe, the first wip wednesday of the 2024 be upon us
tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton to share some wippy goodness today. here's some more katc interlude ii from gus' pov. please enjoy this VERY ROUGH draft (with brackets and everything!)
There, sitting in the chair beside Augustine’s bed, is none other than Joseph Seed. 
Augustine nearly doesn’t recognize him at first. Not without the sunglasses. They’re a common source of ridicule among his co-workers -- “What kind of asshole wears piss-colored glasses, anyway?” is a common refrain amongst the townspeople whenever the preacher is spotted outside the island where he built his Church. 
Once, back when Augustine was naive and new to town, he’d made the mistake of coming to Joseph’s defense. “Maybe they’re prescription,” he’d posited, believing it to be harmless speculation. “For migraines or something.” 
He’d never been more quickly ostracized in his life. 
It’d taken weeks to get back into his fellow rangers’ good graces, and even then it was only because Ben had convinced them to give him a second chance. “C’mon, he’s new. Kid didn’t know any better.” 
Augustine learned to keep his mouth shut when it came to Joseph Seed and his family. If it’s taboo to say anything nice about the man, then he’d rather not say anything about him at all. 
Hastily, Augustine lifts himself into a seated position and combs his fingers through his hair, trying to make himself look more presentable. “Mister Seed,” he starts, before realizing he has no idea what the appropriate honorific is. “Uh…Pastor Seed?”
“Father is fine,” he smiles. The corners of those bright blue eyes crinkle warmly. 
“Father Seed,” Augustine corrects, but the way Joseph lips thin like he’s biting back a laugh tells him he still didn’t get it quite right. Anxiety coils tightly in his gut -- Already fucked it up -- but he swallows around the lump in his throat, pushing it down. “I ain’t mean for this to sound  rude or ungrateful, but,” he hesitates a moment, warily eying the man in the doorway. Broad shouldered and donning an army field jacket, the man has a hardened and calculating look in his eyes; one that’s very similar to the look Sybille has whenever he drags her out to meet new people. He’s being sized up. This man is judging his actions, weighing his worth, and the rhythmic beeping on the heart monitor quickens at the idea that he may find Augustine wanting. His attention returns to Joseph’s curious gaze. “What are you doing here?”
“My brother, Jacob,” he motions to the man in the doorway, “told me about what happened to you last night. I wanted to make sure you were alright.” 
Although Augustine’s pulse slows to its normal rhythm, blood rushes to his cheeks. “Oh,” he says dumbly. “I -- uh…” His hands clasp together and he bashfully averts his eyes to stare at his worrying fingers instead. “I’m okay. Been better, but…I’m alright.”
“That’s excellent to hear,” Joseph says gently.  
Augustine nods and a long stretch of unbearably heavy silence settles over them. He chews on the inside of his cheek until the bitter metallic tang of blood bursts on his tongue, wracking his brain for a topic of conversation, but he comes up empty. “I’m sorry,” he says after an awkward cough. “I ain’t much of a conversationalist and I’m…Well, I wasn’t…”
“You were expecting someone else,” Joseph nods. [insert something about the compassion and understanding and warmth in his voice, rather than the anger and hostility augustine anticipates]
A lame, “Yeah,” is all Augustine can muster in response. His fingers fidget nervously in his lap. “You, uh…You ain’t happen to know if my sister’s here, do you? I gave Ben my phone so he could call her, but.. Um…” he trails off again. Whatever drug they’ve been using to sedate him and numb the pain has also stolen the second half of most of his thoughts as well. 
Joseph sighs heavily and his brows knit together. He removes his glasses, neatly folding the arms and tucking them into the breast pocket of his vest. A warm hand comes to rest on top of Augustine’s clasped ones. 
Augustine knows what that gesture means. It’s what Mama did when she sat him down to tell him that she had cancer and what the kind paramedic did when she told him she was sorry for his loss after he’d found both Mama and Daddy dead in the living room. It’s the kind of comforting gesture one gives before delivering bad news or condolences. Yet as Joseph’s long, spindly fingers wrap around his own, the warmth, accompanied by a sympathetic squeeze manages to keep the knot of anxiety in his gut from growing larger. 
“The phone lines have gone down,” Joseph murmurs. “I’m afraid we haven’t been able to get through to her yet.”
Augustine’s eyes go wide. “The phone lines are down?” he repeats. The County is no stranger to strong winds ripping through the valley, but last he checked the forecast hadn’t predicted anything strong enough to knock out the phones. “What happened?”
taglist: @marivenah, @florbelles, @statichvm, @fourlittleseedlings, @wrathfulrook, @harmonyowl, @ivymarquis, @carlosoliveiraa, @cassietrn, @poetikat, @confidentandgood, @strafethesesinners, @trench-rot, @miyabilicious, @simplegenius042, @g0dspeeed, @inafieldofdaisies, @josephslittledeputy, @aceghosts, @adelaidedrubman, @madparadoxum, @voidika, @strangefable, and anyone else wanting to share a piece of their wips!
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ladydorian05 · 7 months
Tease tidbit Tuesday and WIP Wednesday
I got tagged by @disasterbuckdiaz @daffi-990 @forthewolves @wikiangela @hippolotamus @jesuisici33 @callmenewbie @loserdiaz you dearies!!!❤️
Yeah so, I still haven't written much, but here a (very rough first draft, very unedited) little bit from Green is just not your color Eddie, the Buck dates Josh + jealous Eddie fic.
Maddie deals the cards. They play two games that Buck predictably loses, before Maddie brings up Taylor. “So, I heard from a little bird that you were going out with Taylor, how’s it going?” “I bet it was more like two little birds, Hen told Chim and Chim told you.” “Was it a secret?” (Maddie) “No, not at all.” (Buck) “Wait, I’m lost. Who’s Taylor?” (Josh) “Taylor Kelly, th-” (Maddie) “The reporter!?” (Josh) “The one and only.” (Maddie) “Oh my God, I need to hear this.” (Josh) Buck sighs. “I’m going to tell you what I told Hen and Chim. And I really hope that at least you two will actually believe me.” He chucks down what’s left of his wine before continuing. “We tried and then we realized we were better as friends, that’s it.” “Then why do Hen and Chim believe that you’re still dating?” Maddie asks, confusion written all over her face. “Maybe because I keep inviting her to charity events and I was thinking too hard on what to give her for Christmas. In my defense I was trying to help her get some stories for work while promoting the events to get more help and it was the first time I was buying a gift for a woman that wasn’t my sister or someone I see as family.” “Well, it sucks that it didn’t work, but it’s nice that you could remain friends. Men and women can be just friends. To think otherwise is rather archaic.” (Josh) “Thank you!” Josh raíces his glass towards him.
Listen, I'm great at dialogue, I freaking suck at descriptive text... the struggle is real.
No pressure tags for Wip Wednesday!
@made-ofmemories @wikiangela @wildlife4life @thewolvesof1998 @your-catfish-friend @hippolotamus @disasterbuckdiaz @diazblunt @eddiebabygirldiaz @crowleywasagryffindor @theotherbuckley @forthewolves @jesuisici33 @missmagooglie @daffi-990 @pirrusstuff @giddyupbuck and anyone who wants to share their WIP!!!
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m0srael · 1 year
Unfinished Friday
A crawling what @tackytigerfic ??? (Seriously— a brilliant premise! And thanks for tagging me!). This is a wip I started and abandoned some time last year—re-reading this snip has reminded me to get back to it asap! I’d love to see what you’ve got lurking in your drafts, @avenueofesc, @makeitp1nk, @hogwartsfirebolt, @geesenoises, @phdmama, & @saintgarbanzo!
Imagine if Wolfstar raised Harry away from wizarding society in a sleepy little seaside town that a certain aggressively blonde, pureblood family happened to vacation at?
Harry uses his magic to silence his creaky door as he slips out into the hallway and pulls it shut behind himself. It’s a house rule that the door to the linen closet is always left slightly ajar, thanks to the time Harry shut himself in during a particularly ferocious tantrum and was too embarrassed to call for help for nearly an hour–it doesn’t matter that it happened when he was three and he’s nearly eighteen now–so he just has to stretch out a hand as he passes to summon his favorite beach towel and stuff it into his backpack before zipping it closed.
He steps carefully over the threshold to the kitchen to avoid the one loose tile and is nearly to the sliding glass doors and home free when–
“And where do you think you’re off too, this early?”
Harry jumps and nearly drops his backpack. He whirls around to find Remus seated at the kitchen table in his old, checkered robe, a steaming cup of tea clasped between his hands and his reading glasses perched on his nose. The newspaper is spread out on the table in front of him.
“Couldn’t sleep again?” Harry asks, his voice high and pinched. “Full moon’s only a couple nights away, I guess, but you should really get your rest!”
Remus raises an eyebrow and sets his mug down. His lips twist with the smile he’s trying to suppress. “Don’t try to deflect. The sun isn’t even up yet.”
Harry sighs, finally relenting to the fact that he has been well and truly caught. “I’m just going out for a bit before I have to get to work! You know how crowded the beach gets this time of year. I want to beat all the tourists!” He knows he sounds whiny, but the weather is supposed to be perfect this morning and he doesn’t want to miss the best waves.
Remus chuckles and pushes his reading glasses onto his forehead as he crosses his arms over his chest. “Were you even going to leave a note? Did you want us to wake up and think you’d been kidnapped in the night?”
Harry rolls his eyes, but a flush heats his cheeks. “Yeah, ‘course…” he says unconvincingly. “But it’s not like you wouldn’t know exactly where I am!”
“Don’t tell me you’ve already forgotten the time Sirius had the beach patrol out searching for you at six in the morning.”
Harry laughs, “I could literally never forget that. Oh my god that was so embarrassing. Why is he like that??”
Remus makes a soft noise and considers Harry for a long moment. “He just worries about you. Because he loves you.”
Harry shifts on his feet, hearing Remus’s words for the gentle chastisement they are. “Yeah. I know.”
“And he’s always been a bit of a neurotic twat. Can’t help it.” Remus’s eyes sparkle with mirth. “Have I ever told you the story of the first time you got lost in the grocery store?”
Harry laughs again, more loudly. “The one where Sirius cried more than I did before and after you found me?”
“That’s the one,” Remus says, grinning, as he picks up his tea again and takes a sip. “Now go, before said neurotic twat wakes up and decides to keep you here for three hours casting sun protection charms, making sure you have a full breakfast and reading you the pamphlet on how to escape an undertow again.”
Harry grins so wide his cheeks hurt. “Thanks, Re.” He pulls open the sliding door and has one foot nearly out when he feels a hand on his shoulder.
“Here, at least take this,” Remus says as he hands him a banana. “You really should be sure to eat something. And don’t forget this.” Remus presses Harry’s wand into his hand–it’s an old, second-hand thing that he rarely uses, but he knows it makes both of his uncles feel better if he has it on him whenever he leaves the house.
“Thanks, Re,” Harry says again, more softly, as Remus pulls him into a hug.
“Be careful, Harry. Text when you’re on your way to work.”
Harry tightens his arms around Remus’s back. “‘Kay,” he mumbles.
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space-writes · 16 days
wip questions tag
jumping on the excuse to do this from @ceph-the-ghost-writer (post here). it’s been a minute, but I really want to do this for claws honestly, as a little treat~
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What was the first part of your WIP that you created?
The characters - Vivien and Rainier are based on the modern AU versions of Vizaeth and Pharaun from my Obsession fic series, so they were the entry point for the story. I guess also wet was kind of a first foray into the story; it’s Viz/Pharaun modern AU fic, but it sort of has the Vibes that later became claws.
If your story was a TV show, what would the intro song be?
I’d want it to be a dark cover of a love song, like the Happy Together cover by Filter I have on my wip-playlist. Something that originally is very sweet and loving, turned sinister.
Who are your favourite character(s) and why?
Vivien my beloved <3 <3 <3
He’s the main character, and I just love everything about him. He’s got the most specific worldview I’ve written (aside from Vizaeth) and he’s got very particular ways of seeing and interpreting the world that are so fascinating to me. His dichotomy of victim/villain is so juicy, and his high emotions make his reactions to everything 10x more interesting.
Plus he’s a transmasc nightmare murderboy, which is my favourite, AND he’s a scrubby little punk/goth kid. All around delicious.
What other pieces of media could share a fanbase with your WIP?
NBC Hannibal would have a fun amount of fan crossover, I think. Maybe Interview with the Vampire. claws has a lot of messy queers in it, i think those fandoms would have fun with them.
What has been your biggest struggle while writing your WIP?
Getting it drafted without worry too much about realism - resisting the urge to go research instead of write. It’s drafted now, and I have a lot of problems to solve with it now, so that’s the new struggled - fixing all the issues discovery drafting for the first time in over a decade has cause me :p
Are there any animals in your story?
Spiders! Lots and lots of spiders! Which is going to be so much fun to research for accuracy, because I don’t actually enjoy spiders very much in real life. I’m better with them than I used to be, but yeah. This is a very arachnophilic book and I…am not that.
How do your characters get around?
claws is in a modern setting, so they use contemporary transport - cars mostly feature. Rainier has a too-expensive BMW with a vanity plate because he’s That Kind of Asshole.
What parts of your WIP are you working on right now?
Currently it’s marinating, so next steps are: reading/devouring lots of Relevant Media to help with vibes, doing research for areas of the book I just kind hand-waved (some science things, aforementioned spiders, various medical bits and pieces…there’s a lot), and later re-outlining it for a neater first draft out of the messy zero draft I have right now.
What aspects of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
the fact that it’s messy queer horror about toxic love. judging by the comments on my wip intro, that’s the thing people seem to like! i do also hope that the characters will captivate readers as much as they’ve captivated me. i’d love for people to be as obsessed with Vivien and Rainier’s fucked-up deal as I am.
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claws taglist: @belovedviolence @foxboyclit @coven-archives @noblebs @mjjune @revenantlore @sarandipitywrites @k--havok @asterhaze @verba-writing @indecentpause @bootstrapparadoxed (ask to be +/-) (and stealing from ceph, feel free to count this as a tag as well if you want to talk about your wip!)
no-pressure tagging @winterandwords @mjjune and @viscerawrites
Blank questions beneath the cut
What was the first part of your WIP that you created?
If your story was a TV show, what would the intro song be?
Who are your favourite character(s) and why?
What other pieces of media could share a fan base with your WIP?
What has been your biggest struggle while writing your WIP?
Are there any animals in your story?
How do your characters get around?
What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
What aspects of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
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softguarnere · 2 months
Fic Writer Interview
Thank you for the tag @mercurygray!
How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently 6, but hopefully that number will go up over spring break
What's your total AO3 word count?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Like A Girl (Like A Man) - Band of Brothers
Just A Kid - The Outsiders
Bear The Burden Alone - The Chronicles of Narnia
For Whatever We Lose - Band of Brothers
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, absolutely! I share my writing because it allows me to connect with people who share my interests. If I'm not posting replies, it feels more like a one sided conversation, imo. Also, it seems the polite thing to do
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
It's about to be Like A Girl (Like A Man)! You'll see why soon >:)
What the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
On AO3, it's probably Bear The Burden Alone, but I try to keep the fics that I post here on Tumblr kinda upbeat with hopeful -- albeit open-ended -- endings.
Do you write crossovers?
Yeah! For Whatever We Lose is actually a crossover with The Pacific, and I'd love to do more crossovers in the future
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yep! I've deleted the comments, but some people were VERY ANGRY about the background Babe/Roe content in LAGLAM -- you know, despite the fact that the plot of the fic is driven by a queer woman's decision to cross-dress. Guess they had to draw the line somewhere, but the hypocrisy of it all makes me chuckle
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Kinda? I deleted most of it from the original LAGLAM drafts and instead just alluded to it, but things are going to be different in FWWL. Get ready for crappy ocean metaphors and religious imagery, babes!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not :( That would stink
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not to my knowledge
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I think it would be fun!
What's your all-time favorite ship?
Everlark! (said while frothing at the mouth because they make me go insane) I've been obsessed with them since I first read The Hunger Games at age 9. I could write you a whole novel about why I think they're perfect together, but I'll spare you the ramble (unless anyone wants it?)
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Tears in my eyes when I tell you that it's probably the requests in my inbox. I keep telling myself that I'll get to them, but I've just felt unmotivated with all the stuff I've had going on in my personal life/at school. I really really do hope to get to them someday, though, because some of them will be really fun to write
What are your writing strengths?
I have no clue, lol. I tend to get compliments about how I describe settings, so I'm gonna say that!
What are your writing weaknesses?
My abuse of commas and italics.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Personally, I love doing it. Especially in a fic like LAGLAM, where even though most people don't speak the language I'm using (Cherokee), I feel like they can still see the importance to the characters and to the story. And I like tricking people into caring about Indigenous language preservation. My teachers told me that anything can be a vessel for carrying language on, and by God, I took that to heart
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Oh boy. I was in the fifth grade. I had won many writing competitions. Two classmates approached me and told me that they wished The Hunger Games had more post-Mockingjay Everlark content, and that since I was a good writer, they wanted me to write it. I was traded many cosmic brownies and other such snacks throughout the year for my services in providing my classmates with Everlark fics on pages of notebook paper that are probably crumpled up in a landfill by now. At the time, I had no idea I was writing fanfiction, but it was the start of my favorite hobby. Look at me now, baby!
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
I've always wanted to write for TURN: Washington's Spies but have never had the courage haha
What's your favorite fic you've written?
I have a couple of one-shots that I'm pretty pleased with, but currently I'm going to say LAGLAM because it's been so special to me <3
Tagging (but no pressure!): @almost-a-class-act @latibvles @footprintsinthesxnd @liebgotts-lovergirl
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residentdormouse · 3 months
Find the Words...
... (and the theme)!
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Dangerous game you're playing @mrsmungus, tagging me in this. I can hear the train whistles in the distance, and feel the vibration in the tracks... Gotta get my ticket ready, I suppose.
The rules are simple - find a sentence, or excerpt, that includes the words you're given and paste it in, and include a link to the finished story of you want. But honestly, guidelines at best - do what you want.
My words to find: honey, calm, trust, shimmer, darkness, fall, crime, portable, stain, crisp.
(It's not a slam, but I heard honey crisp apples shimmering in the darkness of a calm fall night, and I'm stubbornly sticking with the Autumn theme.)
No Pressure Tags: @imagine-you @cxttlefishcxller @asirensrage @athenswrites (don't feel the need to join in if you don't want, but saw your writblr post, and figured I'd send you one) And of course, sending this right back at you, @mrsmungus. Tag, you're it.
As always - OPEN TAG - if you'd like to join in!
Your words are: White, Cold, Snow, Frost, Ice, Gloves, Hat, Cocoa (or Tea), Blanket, Snuggle/cuddle (or any variation of this)
Excerpts below the cut...
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I only have a small amount written ahead for my original story WIP 'Close to the Vale', so most of this will probably still be from the 'Wonderland' fanfiction series ('Something Like a Spiral' and 'Just Keep Diving Down'. I'll give Close first priority though.
Honey: (I was worried about this, but apparently my 'Diving' OC Lauffey has a proclivity for using this word. That said, I also found it in a section that allows me to post 'Fuck off, Flagg' and I can't resist.)
While outwardly charming, maliciousness shown through in the minute details on his face. She should have known this was going to be a big game to him. Cat and mouse, it was his favorite. Fortunately, it seemed like the typical roles were reversed at the moment. "Fuck off, Flagg." "Always so rude. You catch more bees with honey, you know…" If she could have kept all her other memories and just erased him, took away everything about this nightmare of a man, well it would have been a tempting offer. The bubbling anger building up inside her was now a known response to interactions with him. Fear was somewhere close behind, though she wasn’t looking to give him that satisfaction anymore.
Calm: (Two chapters down in 'Close' - Not used in connection with who I thought it would be though...)
"You know him?" The reply was calm and level headed. The same could not be said of the more visible distressed man to his right. "Please. If– If you know anything that could, I mean, anything that help us find—" The picture of another younger man was thrust at her. Same raven hair, same chocolate eyes. Slight differences, but clear relation. Brother most like. He had a striking smile, and she would have been charmed if not for the small tattoo on the inside of his left wrist. Plain as day, just as Paul had said. She may not know this particular man, but she knew where he’d be.
Trust: (found in a short section I wrote for farther ahead in 'Close'. This could potentially change a fair deal. First drafts and all.)
“And you were just going to politely ask me to leave everything. My life? My home?! We were only there to look for you, you know.” “Yeah, I know. Trust me, I fucking know.”
Shimmer: (wow... it's a Flagg day I suppose - pulled this from 'Spiral')
He moved close enough that only inches remained between them, and a chill emanated from his presence. Conflicting to the nature of their conversation, he gently brushed a stray lock of her hair back behind her ear. "I don't need to be your enemy." Despite the chill, his breath was hot against her face, and she braced herself for any attack that followed. But it never came. In a shimmer of smoke, he was gone. Nothing. Emptiness. She let out the breath she didn't realize she was holding. "But I have no problem filling the role if that's how you want to play the game."
Darkness: (Might as well let him run with it... Another Flagg burst from 'Diving')
She didn't know where it came from, certainly didn't call for it, but sympathy for the man in front of her shook her resolve momentarily. For somebody with a positive nature, lighter memories are going to pull first. Bright memories to shine through. And there was most likely a larger abundance of them. It's what makes them who they are. Flagg was an embodiment of darkness. What must have happened to turn somebody into this? How does one make a monster such as him? What memories haunted him most? This paired with Rayna’s lack of delicacy. Ruthlessness. "I'm sorry."
Fall: (Not the fall I was imagining, but its all 'Close' has so far.)
Once outside the stuffy office, she found herself easily falling in step next to him. Silence dominated the first few feet. To say she didn’t know where to begin was an understatement. When she came here, she hoped to be leaving with these papers, but not under these circumstances. Not through this exact chain of events. That said, she certainly wasn’t complaining about the change in course. Damsel in distress was not her M.O., but if it led her here, it couldn’t be all bad.
Crime: (Not going to lie - very first draft and not even a completed chapter of 'Close' - has the potential to change a LOT. But I did say I was giving this first crack.)
Why wasn't the general public angry? The security cameras picked up a tattoo on the man leaving the building at the estimated time of the crime. A tattoo known to be a mark of the downtown gangbanger shitheads that were a thorn in many sides. A menace in their own backyard. Shouldn't they want a resolution? A safer community?
Portable: (From 'Spiral' again. Flagg is really showing up today...)
Food, drink, frivolity. Everything was planned out thoroughly. The pavilion was decked out with small lights. A portable generator Glen had found was fired up.  But her mind was on her task: Ad Hoc Committee welcome and rundown on the darker agenda. Find out what Larry knew about Flagg, and fill in what blanks she could.
Stain: (Yup, just letting him take it over I suppose... From later in 'Diving' Also snagged a bonus 'shimmer'.)
“It's over now. Do you think anybody here cares about…" her hands waved quickly about him, highlighting his new appearance. "Nobody cares here. Not about that. But that?" Another movement to indicate at her wounds. To the new red stains on her clothing. "That behavior we do care about, and will not be tolerating, do you understand? This is a place of acceptance. All kinds. And we do not fight our own here." A shimmer of bright red flashed over his eyes before it fell to the duller shade. The rigidity in his stance faded away. All outward appearances were reverting back to the carefree persona he usually adopted, as if he were unaffected by the actions surrounding him. Actions from those he surely considered beneath him. But he had shown his cards. He cared. And he hurt.
Crisp: (Well now it just feels weird not having Flagg. Pulled from the last section of 'Diving'.)
Her duster was hanging on the coat rack, and she grabbed it before heading back out. So much for taking a breather from it all, not that she had breath to take. The show must go on; best get back to it before somebody started ad-libbing something she wouldn’t be prepared to say yes to. The night air was crisp on her skin, and she welcomed the cold for a moment. Feeling it on her face was a welcome change from the mornings. Layers upon layers to protect from the hazards of being her. Daytime hours were meant to be her reprieve; she wasn’t built for this nonstop push, but there was little option. Protection was what mattered now. Moving people away, stopping the internal fighting, trying to find what weakness that could be exploited. The thoughts swirled in her head as she walked the dirt path towards the outskirts, but they didn’t have long to sink in. Rumination ended with an explosion, and a burst of light.
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