#yandere Tsuyu Asui x reader
lady-ashfade · 26 days
All Is Far In Love And Farming
Chapter 1: Getting Started
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´*: ・゚⋆˒ Yandere!Mha!Hybrids × Farmer! Fem!Reader. Chapter 1.
╰・゚✧☽ storyline: The calling of being a professional farmer had been your dream since you were young. Growing up on your granddad’s farm was the best thing, many years later you happen to be back. And the property is now yours to restore. With some hard work, you want to restore hybrid caretaking back to what it once was.
╰・゚✧☽ Chapters: Previous // Next
╰・゚✧☽ words: 2.5k
╰・゚✧☽ warnings: short chapters, stardew valley au, yandere behaviors, obsession, stalking, hybrid abuse, slightly sick love, possessive, manipulative, gaslighting. platonic yandere, hybrid and human relationships, and future warnings when more chapters come out, spelling mistakes and grammar who?
╰・゚✧☽ characters for now: Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Mina Ashido, Ochako Uraraka, Tenya lida, Denki Kaminari, Kyoka Jiro, Tsuyu Asui, Shoto Todoroki, Eijiro Kirishima, Hanta Sero, Mashirao Ojiro, Koji Koda, Momo Yaoyorozu
series masterlist
-`。゚˘: ゚⋆ ––✷☽ ᱬ ☽✷––⋆ ゚: ˘ ゚。.`-
Everything you once saw, the brightest of grass and the crops ripe and perfect, and the animals in the barns chirping of happiness— it was all gone. once a happy place you roamed in the summer as a kid was now a abandoned filthy place, old bards with holes and damaged walls. Nothing was what it used to be, the grass was as tall as small trees and it was going to take a lot of lovin.
But if your granddad taught you one thing is that; working for a better future would make everything you did it worth it.
And that’s exactly why you are here, to make your future. Everything in your life was about becoming a farmer, like your grandfather. and like him, you believed hybrids deserved to be in a safe and open land to roam, not such in some metal factory and enclosed to live their life.
“Come join the number one hybrid farm in Japan, The League.” the tv rung in your ears back at the college room, the place had been taking over everything and running all the local and good places out. at one point the only place you probably could work at was The League, since they seemed to be everywhere. “New locations, New Areas, And New Pay. Call the number on your screen for more information.” you had heard the commercial so many times you rolled your eyes everytime.
Never did you believe they would come out here, and be the competition. 
Honestly, the first day your body was drained easily from all the work. The labor wasn’t exactly what you were expecting to start off with, moving the rooks and weeding. But you had supplies to start off with thankfully, the money he left you was so much, and ready for a new purpose. But the only thing that was helping you in all of this, your holy grail was a local store owner. Arthur, who happened to be your grandfathers best friend.
slapping the metal truck with the gloved hand, the old man smiled and stepped down from the back of the moving truck. you whipped off the sweat from your skin and catch your breath as the unpacked heavy boxes placed besides you and man.
“The old man used to buy twice as much as this and unload it all him, then complain when his back hurt afterwards. Lucky, he had me to talk some since into him.” the white haired man spoke breathlessly. you didn’t want him to have to help, seeing his age but he was in better shape then you by the looks of things. “Old bat was stubborn, you got that in you kid?”
taking a deep breath you arose from the bend down position you were in and look at the man, smiling a bit you commented back. “Used to give granddad a run for his money, I think I have it in me.” you were earned with a deep chuckle and a small one from yourself. starting back up again you closed the doors and gave the man who drove the truck the okay and he drove away.
the next day was worse then the first, your body was sore and tired, you wore sunscreen all over your body to protect you from the heat damage and the illnesses you could catch. unpacking all the equipment, getting them put together, and make sure the starter crops are taken care of. you took many breaks. and Arthur was the greatest help you could ask for.
you heard the story of how he met your granddad many times before, but you didn’t mind hearing it from his side. Arthur had moved from the United States to start his business with his family, and your grandfather was just started out in town. they were younger and bonded right away, and there for marriages, children and grandchildren. knowing he wasn’t as alone when you left was comforting in a away but you knew the full story. just before your tenth birthday you were moved away from the small town with your parents and left the farm behind.
“He talked about you every day.” The words perked up your ears. You looked at Arthur as he continued to work on a huge fan.
“Everything that happened in your life, he would tell me. What happened at middle school sport events, to dances and even show pictures of the dresses you wore. And man, when you went to college for Hybrid Education he was bursting with energy again.” It’s been a long time since he was able to leave the cabin. You knew that, but knowing still punched you in the guts.
“Was he proud?” asking was a waste of time.
“Proud as hell, there should be no doubt about it. His pride and joy was you, more then anything he did here, and now you have a legacy to continue.” smiling you continue to work to hold yourself from the weight building up in your chest. you missed him so much.
Each day there was something new to fix and call in, you knew granddad was rich from the bank account he left you. but boy, it sure was a lot of money. and now, you finally had a starting point. you had scheduled a barn repair on the electrical and building. the crops were set up along with the sprinklers and scare crows, even cleaned out the well…but not without getting algae all over you.
Smalltowns in the country side where the best, everyone in the community was helpful towards one other. And since The League had a location down the road, the people really came together. Businesses were losing in hybrid projects and animals, but the crops were the same. But this met more hybrids lost there homes, and had to be relocated elsewhere else or to The League…You hated it.
A big wooden sign at one of the joint shop centers made you smile and turn into the lot. today was the weekly event, selling of many things of local produces. you remember coming here as a kid and always getting blueberry jam from the market lady. and just like then, it was crowded. and with a lot of stalls and moving trucks. Arthur had told you they still had them and that you should check it out. of course you wouldn’t miss this for anything.
you shut the truck door and fixed your clothes before started the walk around. everyone was selling amazing things at their booths. the first table you saw was one cover in homemade soap bars and honey products. a sweet older couple ran that shop. some stalls were for hybrids for sale but you didn’t have room for them, at least until the barns are rebuilt. but milk, crops and seeds where your thing anyway to look at.
“how much for this?” the only person behind the table was a young girl who looked angry and ready to chew off your head, it was laughable. she was going to be hard to haggle, but a amazing work ethic. “I don’t know you, so twenty bucks.” your eyes widen and look down at the honey in your hand. it was a very small jar…and not worth it, I mean for the bigger bottles sure.
“Hmm, how about ten?” the small girl glared at your words and huffed. she shook her head in annoyance and pointed to the tag, “you trying to get out of paying hard working people lady? This is the best honey you’ll find in the whole country! Haggling is only for people I know,” her finger pointed at you and you back up a little at her shouting voice. “And you ain’t it!”
signing you pull out a twenty and handed it to her, she smiles so kindly you forget about the anger she had. placing it in your cloth bag you continue walking down the path, smiling and looking around. not much you could buy yet, though you did buy from groceries and loaded the up in the bed of the truck.
“well if it ain’t the talk of the town,” a sweet woman’s voice called out loudly. you turn your gaze and see a almost forgotten face, but one that filled you with joy and nostalgia. “Aunty Hoshiko.” You scream and rush over, the older woman comes out form her booth and takes you into her arms. only now did you realize the sweet small of jam and the jar’s decorated like they used to be, but this area was bigger and a extra tent was behind it.
“I couldn’t believe you moved back here after moving to the city, heard you got into a good college.” She smiled from cheek to cheek while pulling away. “Why come back here?” it was flattering how much she thought of you, but you couldn’t have stayed away from this place for much longer.
“Well, grandpa left me the farm and I needed to start my new life. Can’t get much better then a already laid for land, and with great soil.” she hummed but her eyes dropped a little and her smile became different. “I’m so sorry, he was a good man. you tell me if you need any help okay? Your granddad helped us a lot, so many people in town will be willing to do help too.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you smile and take a peek at the table, “mind if I look?” she is excited to show you all the new flavors and jars she has, letting you smell each one. she even offers you a discount for family.
you had a few jams picked out but you keep looking at everything, knowing you’ll come home with more. then there was a sign and paperwork around on a tables end.“Hybrid Rescues” is what you read and your hands reached for it immediately. seeing your interested, Hoshiko started to talk.
“The League has been running out businesses, hybrids are either purchased or…end up alone and abandoned. My friend runs a rescue company, we help her out here trying to give some of them a home.” you clinch the paper in your hand and want both more then to go punch the owners of the company. No hybrid deserves to be left alone.
“I usually have a few here with me, but today only one is for sale. He’s very special. And a house animal, or helper if you will since I know you don’t have much room for more yet.” the next step was to always get hybrids, but you weren’t sure if today was the best idea today…
“Oh!” that wasn’t your choice since she pulled your arm and lend you into the tent where only one hybrids sat. you struggled to look away from the hybrid laying in the floor.
He was huge. he looked peaceful tho, curled up on a bed and resting peacefully. he had long and pointed ears, a middle tail that curled. “he’s a special breed, no idea why they didn’t keep him since he must have cost a fortune.” there was a small scar on his arm and you hated to see, it looked like cattle whip strokes.
“tenya,” she called out quietly to wake the dog. you really didn’t know if you should get a hybrid, but seeing him already you knew you couldn’t say no. his furry ears twitched and his body rolled over ready to see what was happening. he was fast, and he was built. a pure breed for herding and hard labor. “I have someone here who needs a dog to help around the farm.” she patted you on the back and you got shy for some reason.
His tail was sticking up, his eyes glancing over and panicked. he was on high alert. “Hey buddy, my names y/n.” You smile softly. You don’t want to move until he gives you a sign. his nose sniffs into the air for a moment and his body freezes, you both stop for a minute too.
until the thumping of his tail was heard and he jumped up to greet you properly. you are taken aback and he gets excited and starts to shout, you can’t help but to smile. “My names Tenya, I am apart of the Iida breed. I have experience in herding, working and defending territory. I have many skills,” his hands reaches for hers and stuffs it into his nose to get a proper smell.
“Hello to you too,” you giggle. having some help now would be good, and a herding dog would the best thing.
“Tell me iida, are you okay with maybe coming home with me?” if it was only a dog he would for sure be jumping on you from how happy he seems to be.
Iida didn’t want you to leave to get things needed, saying it was his job to be with you now but you need to find food and things before leaving. he whined forever until he saw you again.
you came back to get him…like you said you would. he loved you, loved you so much. the kindest human he’s met.
Riding back to the farm was a journey. he was talking every second about all the things he could do, from each animal, hybrid or not. boy, was so happy to be by your side. and he was asking about you too. why you picked him? what you wanted him to do.
your heart broke once you got back to the cabin.
you held the door open and called for him to come in, but he just stood on the porch looking at you almost guilty. “Hybrids aren’t aloud inside, I must protect you from out here.” he was already looking for a place to set up for the night. it was a miracle you didn’t start crying again.
“Well, whoever told you that was a idiot. Many dog hybrids are aloud inside, and it’s my house so my roles go.” you tap the door again. he was hesitant, and it took about ten minutes to get him inside. and you told him to stay put while you get the things from the car…then told him it was a order to get him to stay.
you placed the things on the floor and smiled, proud of yourself. “Okay, so I got a large mattress for you. We can place it anywhere you want, also got you special food, hybrids approved.” he looked at the mattress for a long minute. Iida couldn’t believe it was his, he hadn’t slept on one of them since he was little, and then at the market earlier. And this one was his, made for his height and weight for him to sleep…inside.
“Your bought this for me?” He asked while poking at the bed, it’s softness amazed him. once he accepted his reality his tail starts to swing like crazy and crawled over to you, and hugged you lovingly.
“I’ll be the best boy I promise. anything you need I will do, anything.” his grip tightened around your waist and pushed his head into your plush stomach. you patted his head and thanked him, and told him he deserved to be loved and cared for.
That night, he placed his bed in front of your bedroom door and stood watch in his bed. to protect you, his master…his.
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next chapter.
series master list.
Taglist: @serxinns @queenpiranhadon @hah-simp-acc-2 @imlonelyty @yourmommasworld @moonlight-dreamer04 @cherrysxuya @melody-deathnote @ladybug2235 @odevote118 @hrezx @androgynouszombiegentlemen @letmelickureyeballs @lovelystarstruckvoid @simpingmasterpiece
@ please don’t repost my stuff to any other platform. This is my writing so don’t claim it as your own.
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thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
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Unlike the other yanderes, Tsuyu will first try to know you better and find out all your interests and hobbies and all that, like a normal person 
She actually seems pretty chill and laid back when you talk to other people. However when people hit on you or try flirting with you, she will NOT hesitate to regret it 
She will NOT invade your personal space and privacy and she is like, one of the MOST respectful yanderes out there
She won't go around stalking you everywhere you go. She knows you are independent and strong and thats what drew her towards you. But, occasionally she WILL randomly 'pop' up at places asking you whether you want to check out that new cafe that opened a block away or have a sleepover at her house or something of that sort 
She will NOT sneak into your room and watch you sleep at night, EVER. She knows and respects your boundaries 
The MOST harmless of yanderes
She won't kidnap you just for some dumb reason like talking to someone else or she thinking that you're not safe in this world. If she DOES kidnap you, she'll do it because you would have probably injured yourself drastically and she's just WORRIED about you. Show her some love and affection okay? 
She will put up and oscar award theatrical drama award performance as to why she kidnapped you saying that she loves you and she just wants to keep you safe. No matter how many profanities and curse words you yell at her and no matter how many times you have a fit, she will just stay calm and agree that you have a good reason do whatever you're doing, but will leave with an unhappy and bummed face
Honestly, living with Tsuyu won't be so bad. She will NEVER punish you, EVER. She won't even try to emotionally manipulate you. She'll just give your own free personal space
Tsuyu can't bring herself to use dire and drastic ways of making you behave like starving you and leaving you in isolation like most yanderes do. She'll just take away some of your favorite stuff till you're calmed down and after that, she'll make you your favorite food
If you long to go outside, she will gladly accept and take you, on ONE condition. You have to stick by her side and NEVER leave her. NO talking to anyone else
Tsuyu can get jealous rather easily and if she's dealing with a rival, she won't kill them. She'll just threaten and blackmail them to an extent that they'll be frightened and scared to say anything against her for the fear of their sanity
Will never treat you like a prisoner. She might place a quirk cancelling cuff around your ankle, which is really fluffy btw, she might remove it after a month of your stay with her
Won't force herself onto you. She respects your decisions. If you're not in a mood for cuddling with her, it's fine. She will be a bit sad but she won't cling on to you 24/7 out of 365 days like some OTHER yanderes I know (I'm looking at YOU, DEKU!!!)
She is a precious frog bby, mark my words darling, you YOURSELF WILL CERTAINLY fall for her within a month or so
''Ribbit, you look really cute today Y/N chan"
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yandere-class-1a · 6 months
Also can you do normal yandere class 1a head canons if that's ok? (and can u add mic and aizawa)
Author's Note: Sorry it took so long to complete this ask, I got burned out about halfway through and needed to take a little break. I hope you like them though! I wasn't exactly sure how you wanted me to do them so I did all of class 1-A (+ platonic Aizawa and Mic) separately, they do have some connections in them though. There are a lot of words (3,895 to be exact) so I'm gonna be adding a read more button.
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Shoji is absolutely the type of yandere to try and protect you from the bad in the world. If anyone so much as looks at you wrong he will turn into a big guard dog. He wraps you up in his arms and death glares at the person that looked at you funny. If you comment on it he will turn back into the big teddy bear that you know and love. He will not limit your internet access but you bet he will watch over you if you look up triggering or problematic things for your mental health. He won't restrict it but he will have a big talk with you about how it's better to consume positive media instead of negative media. He loves to cuddle you with all his arms, and it's absolutely heavenly. He might be the tallest in class, but no way does this man not like being the little spoon. He loves feeling you wrapped around him actually a little bit more than him being wrapped around you, he just loves the comfort you give him.
Koda is absolutely a cinnamon roll yandere. He doesn't want to hurt you or anybody else for that matter. He feels like the type of yandere to worship the very ground you walk on. If you give him a gift he will put it on a special shelf and cherish it forever. Once he accidentally forgot to put it up on his shelf and one of his animal friends accidentally broke it, he cried for hours until you managed to calm him down. Whenever you can't sleep Koda will send over a bird with a beautiful song to lull you to sleep. If you confront him about it he will try and deny it at first but end up cracking under your gaze. He tells you how he just wants to make sure you get a good amount of sleep, he didn't mean to upset you. If you aren't angry at him he will be so happy, if you are he will honestly turn into the poutiest baby you've ever seen.
Sato is the type of yandere to give you anything and everything you want, especially if it's something to do with baking. He and you probably have a designated day to bake at least one thing. If you don't feel like baking that day Sato will definitely sit you up on the counter and just talk to you well he bakes. If you love to lick the spoon he will definitely bakes the batter specially without eggs so you can eat as much of it as you want. He might look big and scary to some people but he is actually a absolute sweetheart. If you get tired from walking, even just a little bit, Sato will pick you up and cradle you like a baby so you don't have to walk. He feels like the type of boyfriend that will give you his shoes if yours are hurting your feet. Either that or he will carry around a extra pair of shoes in his bag. He doesn't care what people think when he does stuff for you, your his precious angel and he's willing to do anything for you.
Ida's obsession with you stems from a deep-rooted sense of duty and responsibility. He becomes fixated on protecting you at all costs, believing it's his duty to keep you safe, even if it means resorting to extreme measures. Now Ida does not want to hurt anyone, however if they were to hurt you then he most definitely would be willing to bend his morality a little bit. He is smart enough to do full background checks on anyone close to you and is willing to use that against them if they try and hurt you. He will have Aizawa set up security cameras all throughout the dorms saying he wants to protect his classmates as class representative. He does use the cameras for that, however he mostly uses them to keep tabs on you. On a side note he keeps the kitchen stashed with all your favorite foods so you never go hungry.
Sero is the type of yandere to be possessive of you but still lets you have friends (He definitely doesn't have Ida run background checks on them or anything like that... oh who am I kidding he most definitely does). He will definitely get close to all your friends and family if you want. If someone you grew up with shows him your baby pictures you he will definitely internally fan boy. He has a pretty laid back attitude, so he's not super controlling or manipulative. However this man definitely makes up for it with his obsessive ways. He will definitely want to do the spiderman kiss at some point or another, once you start dating it happens all the time. ⚠️Next part of Sero's headcanons continues slightly suggestive things, just thoughts and not actually doing anything⚠️ He's best friends with denki so we can guarantee he's at least a little bit of a pervert, at least to you. He would love to either see you shirtless or in a sports bra depending on your gender. He knows you're not ready for the next step so he's not gonna force you, for now he's fine with just resting his head on your chest or sitting you on his lap.
Todoroki is the type of yandere to be so obsessive for you that it hurts his heart to not be with you. He can be so possessive sometimes that he'll lock the two of you in a room and hide the key. He knows it's a bit over the top, he just can't help it. To him you are a living breathing God, you are so amazing that he just has to be next to you. However he does know that you might try and grow distant if he gets too possessive... To make up for this he tries to be as lenient with you as possible in most things. He will definitely stalk you, but he's pretty open about it. He will be like "He darling! You went to the ice cream shop yesterday and left your notebook. Don't worry though, I picked it up for you". Him and the class decide that kidnapping was out of the question... but sleepovers with the class that "accidentally" last for a week aren't uncommon. Todoroki will invite you over to his dorm all the time, sometimes just to cuddle. He desperately craves physical affection... Please give him some.
Momo is one of the yanderes with more common sense. She makes sure to match how fast she eases you into her yandere tendencies and how well you take them. If your reactions are on the more positive side she will move up a few levels in about two to three weeks. However if you seem uncomfortable she will ease them onto you slowly, conditioning you so it all feels normal. She feels like the type of yandere to invite you with her instead of stalking you, though she's not against it either. Like if she goes to the Mall or even the Library she will definitely invite you. If you don't really want to go she will tell you that you can get your favorite food or stop at your favorite place on the way. If she goes shopping by herself you can 100% guarantee that she returns with at least two gifts for you. If you go shopping with her however you both will definitely come back with bags full of gifts.
Bakugo is on the extremely possessive yandere side. He used to want you to be only his, but after a lot of convincing from the class he realized that they all loved you as much as him so maybe just maybe they could share you. He still can't be in the same room when Izuku's or Todoroki are being lovey with you though, he's working on it though. He used to call you only his and use words like my darling, now he calls you the only theirs and names like our darling. If anyone that isn't in class 1-A gets too close to you, even simple things like brushing against you in the hallways, he will quickly and without thinking grab your hand and not let go until he feels better. Bakugo here is definitely not shy about pda (public display of affection). He will hug and kiss you all he wants no matter where you are, though it's a bit more rough out in public to keep up his tough boy appearance.
Kirishima is the type of yandere to obsess over every little thing you do. He notices every little detail about you and points them out to other classmates. Like one day you came into class and Kirishima just casually tells the bakusquad that your breath smells slightly different than it normally does, probably because you ran out of your favorite scented toothpaste and had to replace it with your second favorite. They all looked at him funny. Not because of the obsessive sound of that sentence, but because he somehow managed to notice something that no one else did. The minute you walk into the room Kirishima's eyes find you. He can somehow keep a good conversation with a person well-watching. He is always telling you how manly you are, even for the littlest things. He is almost constantly wanting to give you affection. His affection ranges from quick kisses on the nose to cuddling for hours. He wants to wash you in the bath soooo badly. Not in a perverted way of course! He just wants to take care of you, you're his darling after all! He would have Momo make a bathing suit to cover up your privates so he could even just wash your hair for you.
Ojiro is the type of yandere who literally just wants to take care of you. He will buy you whatever snacks you want, no matter how hard they are to find. He hates to see you sad so he will almost always have a funny or cute video saved on his phone to cheer you up. He honestly buys the most thoughtful gifts in all of class 1-A. He will teach you martial arts if you ask him to, though he's absolutely gonna baby you if you get hurt during training. He likes when you play with his tail. He will definitely wrap his tail around you while you're both sitting down. He is extremely shy about telling you his love for you. Him and Koda can sit together for hours and just talk about you, but when it comes to actually telling you about it he gets all shy. He once managed to get out the words I like you but before you could even respond he tried to cover it up with a like a friend.
Aoyama is the type of yandere to constantly compliment you and not be shy about his obsession. He loves to do Mini fashion shows for himself and You. He will invite the whole class and they all show up. Bakugo might take a bit more convincing but he cracks when Aoyama shows him one of the dresses/suits you will be wearing. If your having a self conscious day where you don't like something about yourself fo to Ayoama. He is always ready with a list of things he loves about you. The list doesn't have only things about your body either... It has little habits you do, your tone of voice, your passions, your different styles, your personality, ect. He is always ready to make you any type of clothes you want. He can make the comfiest bra's and/or panties if your comfortable with that. He knows how to make binders and breast forms for trangender darlings as well. He gives you your favorite type of cheese randomly, and if you don't like the taste of cheese he buys cheese scented candles for you.
Denki is the type of yandere to follow you around like a lost puppy. He is super duper protective of you to the point that he will do his best to remove anyone and anything that has the potential to harm you. At some point you got a splinter in your foot and this boy convinced everyone that soft carpeted floors were a necessity to have in the dorms. He may not be good at numbers or other academic things, however he is amazing with people. He would never hurt you, that includes manipulating you, but he'a not above manipulating other people. Half the time nobody even notices he's manipulating them, and if they do, Denki will manipulate them more to think it's all in their head. Denki is a naturally cuddly person so cuddle sessions are a must have. If you ask him for cuddles he will drop everything he's doing and cuddle you. He isn't the type to get jealous cause he knows you love class 1-A and only them romantically. He is more the type to get to show the other person that you belong to him.
Izuku is the type to know everything about you, even things you don't know. Izuku definitely has at least 3 notebooks full of all your information. The first one starts of pretty standard, just your name and quirk, same as everyone else. It then gets more in detail about your quirk until it's basically entirely explained as far as to your family tree to compare the quirks to your own. It then sorta just kept on going from there. He definitely has a secret shrine to you. It has little things like pens that you left behind up to pictures of you at all times of the day. He keeps it hidden in a locked drawer so no one can find out about it. He’s a huge stalker. He almost always knows where you are and when he doesn't he panics and searches the entire city for you. He likes to watch you sleep secretly, only for about half an hour though.
Mina is the classic type of stalker that watches you from a tree. She will absolutely positively have a wall covered with photos of you in her room. Now she's not a complete idiot, so she buys a pretty tapestry and covers up the pictures with it. She is super bubbly and friendly so she has no problem talking to you. She will listen to you talk about something you love for hours if it would make you happy! Of course if you preferred to listen she has tons of stories to tell you, even if she might bend them a little bit to make herself sound more amazing. She definitely sends you good morning and good night texts, just not at normal times. Her good morning texts range from 4:00 in the morning to 12:00 noon. Her good night texts are around 10:00 in the nighttime to 2:00 in the morning. She definitely posts all about you on her social media's. If your not comfortable with pictures she will just post all about how amazing and beautiful/handsome you are. If someone says something like "Oooo what's their number" or "I bet I could date them" Mina will instantly block them. If they something more, suggestive to straight up filthy, Mina will not hesitate to break their online profile. She has a passion for coding and knows how to hack into accounts without leaving a trail.
Tokoyami is the type of edgy but soft yandere. Tokoyami loves it when you listen to his poetry. He could go on for hours with edgy (yet very cute) poetics about how you are his beautiful Shining star. Darkshadow also likes to talk to you. However theirs are more asking you questions and listening to your answer so they can store it in their mind. Tokoyami is really shy when it comes to physical affection, Dark Shadow is definitely not though. Tokoyami will be sitting next to you in the common room and Dark shadow will just pop up and be like "Tokoyami wants to hold your hand but he's too scared to ask". Tokoyami isn't that great with speaking words, mostly prefering to write instead. He will write cute little notes for you and leave them on your desk. He makes handmade black envelopes and seals them with a red wax stamp. Dark shadow likes to put little random questions at the back of the card, like what's your favorite color or do you have any pets. Dark shadow likes to write in pretty pink glittery gel pens just to mess with Tokoyami.
Uraraka is the type of yandere to be so caring that you hardly see the obsessiveness because you're too happy from all the love she gives you. But let me tell you that the obsessiveness is 100% there. She's very careful that nothing can hurt you. If you do somehow manage to get hurt she will take care of the wound extremely tenderly. It could range from a splinter to a broken leg, it doesn't matter because she treats you so sweetly it's impossible to top it. At times she will become quite clingy, wanting cuddles and kisses galore. If your just not a touchy person or maybe you don't like skin on skin contact she will try and back off. However she needs some type of contact or she gets super pouty and sometimes depressed. If you want to bring her out of this state all you have to do is link your pinkies. It's not much but it makes her super happy that you're even touching her. Be careful as when her emotions get super high her quirk gets out of control and you might float up to the ceiling.
Jiro is like the edgy to everyone except you girlfriend. Once you found a cute and fluffy pink key chain and gave it to her. She paused for a second and you panicked thinking you messed up. When you offered to take it back she snapped out of it and hugged it to her chest tightly. She gently smiled at you and said she absolutely loved it. After that she placed it on her bookbag and hasn't taken it off since. She is super flirty to you but if you so much as say she looks pretty she will turn into a blushing mess and not be able to look at you for at least 10 minutes. If you ask her to teach you and instrument she will absolutely agree. If you are a slow learner it's ok, She has all the patience in the world for you. If you learn quickly she will eventually start playing musica with you. It doesn't matter what type of music you like she definitely has a playlist of all your favorite songs that she listens to when she misses you.
Hagakure is definitely the type of yandere to stalk you any chance she gets. She would have major problems approaching you cause she thinks you're too good for her. She honestly thinks that you are absolutely one of the most perfect beings in the universe. Her quirk literally makes her invisible so she could stand directly next to you and you would never know. It may sound a bit creepy, and she is well aware of this, but she likes to watch you sleep. She loves how peaceful you look when you're having a good dream. If you were to sleep walk/sleep talk she will let you do whatever it is you do as she finds it adorable. If she thinks you might hurt yourself in your sleep she will gently lead you back to bed and tuck you in tightly. She will sometimes follow you for hours. When people ask her what she likes to do her reponse is "being with y/n". It sounds normal enough to not cause suspicion but it's still the truth, she does love being with you! You just Don't know she's there most of the time...
Tsu is the type of yandere to be extremely sweet to almost everyone but if they so much as look at you wrong that switch flips fast. So basically Tsu is overprotective central. She will protect you from any harm that comes your way. She has a dead serious glare that is honestly scarrier that original Bakugo. She loves to cuddle up next to you in the sunshine on a warm day. She doesn't like intense heat but she loves sunlight. She will curl up next to the pool and just sunbathe with you if you want. If you love swimming she will take you swimming all the time. She uses her excuse of being able to breath under water as a way to kiss you. Let me explain, she will press your lips together and blow air into your mouth so you can stay underwater with her. She will 100% take selfies with you any chance she gets. She actually has a locked folder on her phone called 🐸 ~ My Darling ~ 🐸 with over 500 pictures of you.
Aizawa is like a father type yandere to you. He's gonna be super duper protective of you. If a villain tries to attack you while your in class (because Class 1-A is just a villain attack magnet) you’re the first one he thinks about protecting. He knows it's wrong to have a favorite student but he just can't help it. Your just such an amazing person to him how could he not favorite you?! He absolutely is not afraid to show his favoritism to anyone. If Nezu comments on it aizawa will just be like "What are you gonna do, fire me? Who else would be willing to take care of those problems children?". If you accidentally mess something up he will just simply forgive you and tell you it's ok. Like once you and denki had a sleepover and forgot to do homework... Denki had to do 10 laps around the field and you got asked if you needed help on any of the questions. He definitely teaches you privately different skills that aren't related to your quirk.
Present Mic is like an extremely proud father. At any game or contest that he announces he scream out praise at every little thing you do. He's been asked about it before and his answer was just pure confusion. He doesn't understand that he might be focusing more on you than the actual thing he's supposed to be announcing, he just thinks that you're doing amazing and wants everyone to know. Mic is extremely handsy with you, of course in a fatherly type of way. He will often be seen with some type of contact with you. He will pat your back, ruffle your hair, hold your hand in crowded areas, ect. He will hangout with you and Aizawa in your dorm room as you all take turns picking a song to listen to. If you really like a certain band or singer Mic will get you both tickets to one of their concerts.
443 notes · View notes
a-detraque-barista · 1 year
𝓑𝓝𝓗𝓐 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽
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𝙼𝚒𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚢𝚊 𝙸𝚣𝚞𝚔𝚞
𝙱𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚐𝚘𝚞 𝙺𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚔𝚒
𝚃𝚘𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚒 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝���
𝙺𝚘𝚍𝚊 𝙺𝚘𝚓𝚒
𝙺𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚒 𝙳𝚎𝚗𝚔𝚒
𝙺𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚖𝚊 𝙴𝚒𝚓𝚒𝚛𝚘
𝚂𝚎𝚛𝚘 𝙷𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚊
𝙰𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚍𝚘 𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚊
𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚓𝚒 𝙼𝚎𝚣𝚘
𝙰𝚒𝚣𝚊𝚠𝚊 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚊
𝙹𝚒𝚛𝚘 𝙺𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚔𝚊
𝚃𝚘𝚔𝚘𝚢𝚊𝚖𝚒 𝙵𝚞𝚖𝚒𝚔𝚊𝚐𝚎
𝚃𝚎𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚝𝚎𝚝𝚜𝚞 𝚃𝚎𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚝𝚎𝚝𝚜𝚞
𝙰𝚖𝚊𝚓𝚒𝚔𝚒 𝚃𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚒
𝚃𝚘𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚊 𝙼𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚘
𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚞 𝙷𝚒𝚝𝚘𝚜𝚑𝚒
𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚘 𝚈𝚘
𝙼𝚛. 𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜
𝙶𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝙾𝚛𝚌𝚊
𝙰𝚜𝚞𝚒 𝚃𝚜𝚞𝚢𝚞
209 notes · View notes
dearest-painter · 1 year
What if Tsuyu Asui! Reader takes a severe hit and protects the Sun spider AND Spider Noir
Sun and Noir spider jump the person….after they made sure you were safe. After that they immediately became worrying parents to you and kept checking to see if you were injured badly or harmed enough.
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queentheweeb · 1 year
MHA Masterlist
Started: 06/04/2023 or 04/06/2023
Edited: 06/19/2023 or 19/06/2023
Male Readers:
Izuku Midoriya X Quirkless Autistic Male Reader
Denki Kaminari X Shy Male Reader
Katsuki Bakugo X Shy Autistic Male Reader
Shota Aizawa X Male Reader X Hizashi Pt 1
Shota Aizawa X Male Reader X Hizashi Pt 2
Denki Kaminari X Male Reader
Ejiro Kirishima X Autistic Male Reader
Fumikage Tokoyami X Shy Male Reader
Tamaki Amajiki X Male Reader
Shota Aizawa X Quirkless Autistic Male Reader
Hanta Sero X Trans FtM Reader
Hitoshi Shinso x Autistic Neko Male Reader
Correctional Officer Izuku X Male Prisoner Reader
Hawks X Autistic Male Reader
Female Readers:
Shota Aizawa X Autistic Female Reader
Mirko X Female Reader
Bully Midoriya X Female Reader X Victim Bakugo
Hound Dog X Female Reader
Flirty Izuku X POC Mid-sized Female Reader
Hanta Sero X Shy American Female Reader
Izuku X POC Female Reader (Xmas Edition)
Midnight X Female Reader
Villain Izuku X Shy Female Reader
Tenya Iida X Shy Female Reader
Mashirao Ojiro X Tenya's Sister Reader
Bakugo X Skinny Dysphoric Fem Reader X Shoto
Mezo Shoji X Female Mutant Type Reader Pt. 1
Mezo Shoji X Female Mutant Type Reader Pt. 2
Ejiro Kirishima X Shy Female Reader
Yandere Overhaul X Female Reader
Overhaul X Female Reader X Chronostasis
Tomura Shigaraki X Villain Female Reader
Kirishima X Mute Female Reader X Bakugo
Shoto Todoroki X Autistic Female Reader
All Might X Quirkless Autistic Female Reader
Monoma X Blind, Deaf Female Reader X Shinso
Gang Orca X Fem Reader Pt. 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt. 4, Pt. 5, Finale
GN Readers:
Yandere Edgeshot X GN Reader
Best Jeanist X GN Reader
Jiro X GN Reader X Momo
Mezo Shoji X GN Little Reader X Ojiro
Bakugo X Non-binary Reader X Izuku
Asui Tsuyu X Non-binary Reader
Tenya Iida X Non-binary Tourette's Reader
Mina X GN Reader X Ochako Uraraka
Shoto Todoroki X GN Reader
Shouta Aizawa x GN Pro Hero Reader
Character X Character
Alpha Izuku Midoriya X Omega Ejiro Kirishima
Alpha Denki Kaminari X Omega Mezo Shoji
Alpha Hitoshi Shinso X Omega Denki Kaminari
Alpha Denki Kaminari X Omega Koji Koda
Alpha Shoto Todoroki X Omega Hanta Sero
Alpha Ejiro Kirishima X Omega Hitoshi Shinso
Alpha Koji Koda X Omega Mezo Shoji
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bunnybabecantwrite · 1 year
Welcome to Bunny's Story Time! (these are really just some request rules)
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Request Status: closed What I am willing to write: - AFAB reader - yanderes/stalkers/kidnapping ect - non/dubcon - angst/fluff (if you dont want smut go to my other blog @therealteddybear-sry) - smut for characters aged above 15 (the country i'm from has age of consent at 13 but I'll only write 15+) - most kinks - poly relationships (some characters I might not be comfortable with) - one shots - series - head canons What I will not write: (I will make exceptions) - spit, piss, shit kinks - AMAB reader - character x character - anything romantic with people under 13
Animes and Characters: My Hero Academia - Bakugo Katsuki - Denki Kaminari - Kirishima Ejiro - Todoroki Shoto - Mina Ashido - Tsuyu Asui - Ochako Uraraka - Sero Hanta - Jiro Kyoka - Mineta Minoru - Tokoyami Fumikage - Shoji Mezou - Tamaki Amajiki - Hitoshi Shinsou - Dabi - Shigaraki - Toga Himiko - Neito Monoma - Yo Shindo (Theres probably more just request and I'll let you know if I'm comfortable with them!) Demon Slayer - Tanjiro Kamado - Inosuke Hashibira - Zenitsu Agatsuma - All Hashiras except Gyomei - Rui - Enmu - Akaza - Yushiro - Douma - Uzui's Wives - Sabito - Gyutaro Hunter x Hunter - Killua Zoldyck - Alluka Zoldyck - Gon Freecs - Leorio Paradinght - Kurapika - you might be able to convince me to do Hisoka - Milluki Zoldyck Black Butler - Ciel Phantomhive - Alois Trancy - Sebastian Micheals - Mey-Rin - Finnian - Grell Sutcliff - Lau - Doll/Freckle Face - Dagger - Joker - Snake - Beast - Undertaker - Ronald (Theres probably more just request and I'll let you know if I'm comfortable with them!) Sk8 the infinity - Miya Chinen - Reki Kyan - Langa Hasegawa - Cherry - Joe Haikyuu - Kenma Kozume - Shoyo Hinata - Tobio Kageyama - Toru Oikawa - Yu Nishinoya - Kei Tsukishima - Tetsuro Kuroo - Ryunosuke Tanaka Ouran High School Host Club - Kyoya Ootori - Tamaki Souh - Mitsukuni Haninozuka (Honey) - Takashi Morinozuka (Mori) - Kaoru Hitachiin - Hikaru Hitachiin The Disastrous Life of Saiki K - Kusuo Saiki - Aiura Mikoto - Shun Kaido - Reita Toritsuka - Metori Saiko - Hairo Kineshi - Saiki Kusuke
53 notes · View notes
lovesick-desires · 2 years
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Read my rules before making a request!
What I write:
❥ Yandere Alphabets
❥ Yandere Headcanons
❥ Yandere Letters
❥ Yandere Matchups
❥ Yandere X (Gender Neutral or Male) Reader Fanfics
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❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
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❥ Sebastian Michaelis Yandere Alphabet
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
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❥ Nothing yet.
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(this header looks so wonky lol)
❥ Nothing yet.
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❥ Nothing yet.
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❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
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❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Leona Kingscholar Yandere Alphabet
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Yandere Headcanons
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Yandere Alphabet
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet. * These characters will be written as STRICTLY platonic. No romantic requests for these characters will be written.
116 notes · View notes
lonely-layla · 2 years
✩ 𝕀𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕕𝕦𝕔𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕞𝕖 / 𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 ✩
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Read this before requesting to prevent confusion if I deny
Name: Layla any pronouns(genderfluid)
✩Content under cut ✩
Hello there! I’m Layla! This is an information post about requests and what you are able to do. Let’s get to it<3
『 𝕋𝕪𝕡𝕖𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥: 』
LGBTQ! characters/readers(being part of the community myself I have no problem with it<3)
POC! reader(I am a person of color myself <3)
Chubby/plus sized!reader(also me <3)
Female/male/gender neutral!reader
NSFW(my forte)
Fluff(I love comfort posts)
Angst(I’m not good at it but I’ll try)
『 𝕥𝕪𝕡𝕖𝕤 𝕚𝕗 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥: 』
Pedophilia/child porn(if the character is aged up then it’s okay)
Incest / Stepcest / Pseudo-cest
Trans Male/ Trans Female (I am not trans and I don’t know how it feels. I don’t want to offend anyone by spreading misinformation about how it works)
Vomit/ Piss/ Scat (wtf-weirdos…)
Characters x OCs
Reader with disabilities(I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable or spread misinformation about it.)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───
✩ 『 𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕞𝕤 𝕀’𝕝𝕝 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣 』 ✩
My hero acedemia
Demon slayer
Danganronpa (all except ultra despair girls)
Haikyuu! (I’m just starting it so I might not know some characters)
Genshin Impact(only some characters lol)
Yandere Simulator
✩ ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 absolutely 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 ✩
Any characters that are not on the lists I will write about unless stated otherwise
Class 1 A: izuku midorya, Katsuki Bakgou, Shoto todoroki, Denki Kaminari, Momo yaoyorozu, Mina Ashido, Kyoka jirou, Hanta Sero, Tenya Iida, ocho uraraka,eijiro kirishima
Class 1B: Neito Monoma, Hitoshi Shinsou
Pro hero’s: Shouta aizawa, Keigo takami(hawks) mirko, ms joke, midnight, mt lady
Villains: Touya todoroki(dabi)
Extra characters: Mirio togata, tamaki amajiki
Kamaboko squad: tanjiro kamado, zenitsu agatsuma, inosuke hashibira
Hashira: rengoku, giyu tomioka, gyomei himejima, Sanemi shinazugawa,mitsuri kanroji, Tengen Uzui (and his wives ofc)
Trigger happy havoc: mondo Owada, Leon kuwata, aoi asahina, Byakuya Togami, Celestia Ludenburg, yasuhiro hagkure, sayoko maizono
Goodbye despair: nagito komaeda, Hajime hinata,ibuki mioda, Gundham Tanaka, Akane owari, Milan tsmiki, Sonia nevermind
Killing harmony: Rantaro Amami, shuichi saihara, Miu iruma,Kiibo, Tenko chabashira, maki harukawa, Gonta gakuhara
(I’m just started watching this anime so sorry if there aren’t a lot of characters to chose from)
Karasuno: Shoyo hinata, Tobio kageyama, kei tsukishima, yuu nishinoya,ryunosuke tanaka
Nekoma: kuroo tetsuro, Kenna kozume
Genshin Impact: Keaya Alberich, Childe Tartaglia, shikanoin heizou, Aether, Zhongli, Dilluc
Yandere Simulator: Budo Masuta, Umeji kizuguchi, Shoku Tsuburaya, Osaka Najimi, most 1980’s characters
✩ ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 ℕ𝕆𝕋 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 ✩
Class 1 A: Rikado Sato, koji koda, Fumikage tokoyami,Mashirao ojiro, Mezou shoji, Tooru hagakure, minoru mineta, Tsuyu asui, yuga aoyama
Pro heroes: all might, present mic, endeavor, Mickey Mouse lookin ahh principal
Villains: kurogiri, Himiko toga, twice, tomura shigaraki, all for one, the ficking lizard dude
Kamaboko squad: nezuko(sorry my soul just can’t)
Hashira: iguro obonai, shinobu kocho
Trigger happy havoc:NO MONOKUMA,toko fukawa(or genocide syo),Sakura ogami, kyoko kirigiri, makoto naegi, Hifumi yamada, chihiro fujisaki, Sayaka Maizono, kyotaka ishimaru,
Goodbye despair: NO MONOMI, teruteru hanamura, l nekomaru nidai, Peko pekoyama, Byakuya Twogami, kazuichi soda, mahiru koizumi
Killing harmony: NO MONOKUBS, kokichi oma, Himiko yumeno, Angie yonaga,Korekiyo shinguji
Yandere simulator: Gema taku, ayano aishi
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───
79 notes · View notes
Yandere! Class 1-A X Reader: Let the Purge Begin~
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(Description: Hi, everyone! First and foremost, the original idea of this story came from the wonderful mind of @yanderemommabean of Tumblr. She is a fantastic writer of mainly [N]SFW yandere short stories, headcanons, and more for multiple different fandoms, and has a bunch of her own OCs as well. I am an avid lurker of her account, and one of my favorite works of hers is the Class 1-A Yandere Purge scenario. I re-read it all the time, and was so inspired by her story that I wanted to input my own version of a sort of sequel to it to add on to her idea. This work has every student of Class 1-A EXCEPT Minoru Mineta [his place has been swapped out in favor of a special someone else] cause like HELL I’m letting loose a yandere Mineta on poor (Y/N).
The production and posting of this story has been approved by @yanderemommabean herself.
Thank you for reading, and good luck against 20 yanderes all thirsting after you!)
Fanfiction Lingo
(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(N/N) - Nickname
“Normal speech.”
‘Inner thoughts.’
[This work is dedicated to @yanderemommabean herself! To me, she is one of the best writers on Tumblr and has given me so much inspiration over the last year as a writer. I wanted to celebrate her and thank her for all she’s done! Momma, if you’re reading this, you are so talented and so generous to all of your followers. Thank you for all you do for your community. Your stories always put me in a good mood, especially your Purge & multiple yandere characters stories (if you couldn’t tell from this work LOL). Anyways, thank you again, and I hope you like my continuation to your original piece!]
⭐️ OG Story / Part 1 Link ⭐️
Reader Gender: Gender Neutral (They/Them)
Style of Story: Sequel Oneshot // This story is a continuation of Momma’s yandere Class 1-A Purge short story. We are picking up where she left off, so go read the first part before this to get a sense of what is happening or you might be confused; Yandere Purge! If you don’t know what that is, again, go look at @yanderemommabean’s original works of it on her page, all is explained there; All 20 of Class 1-A’s students [All of which are aged up to third years & everyone is 18 or older // I AM WRITING THEM AS IF THEY ARE IN CLASS 3-A NOW FYI!] are in love with you~
Word Count: 15.5K
WARNING(s): Cursing from multiple different characters, including (Y/N); Bakugou’s insulting nicknames for his classmates; Fighting and threats (threats aren’t made at (Y/N), nor are they hurt); Emotional manipulation done to and around (Y/N) mostly by the Bakusquad [it doesn’t last long and (Y/N) doesn’t fall for it for too long, BUT PLEASE BE AWARE OF THIS IF IT IS TRIGGERING TO YOU!!!]; Yandere themes, so if you aren’t okay with obsessive/possessive/psychotic natures please don’t read!
[PLEASE NOTE: I DO NOT SUPPORT YANDERE TENDENCIES IN REAL LIFE!!! Do not confuse me writing this subject as encouraging it, there is a difference from reading/writing yandere stories V.S real life situations. Please, if someone in your life is behaving like a character(s) in this story (i.e. obsessive, possessive, controlling, abusive, psychotic, sociopathic, LIKE A WACKADOO, etc.) get immediate help! That behavior in the real world is not romantic, sweet, or NORMAL! Stay aware, stay safe.]
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“Playtime’s over, (Y/N). Hide and seek is for kids.”
You grit your teeth in a mix of fear and frustration as you read the text sent by your dear friend, Deku. You knew the ring from his previous call and this message had definitely given away your whereabouts to your nearby stalkers, but that was exactly what he wanted. Silencing your phone and shoving it deep in your pocket, you acted quickly through your anxiety, the desperation of not wanting to become someone's pet fueled your will to push through the panic.
After triple-checking the door was locked, you glanced around the room until you found what you were looking for; a heavy piece of furniture. It was close to the storage room’s entry, solid wood, no doubt stuffed to the brim with costumes or props; it was the perfect barricade to give you enough time to escape the three powerful students. You shoved your back against the large dresser and pushed it with all your strength, feeling the wooden legs of the dresser groan as the piece crawled across the concrete floor. You continued to force the dresser in front of the door, pushing even harder when you heard the sound of multiple rushing footsteps and excited laughter in the hallway on the other side.
Just as the dresser was firmly pressed in front of the push-to-open door, you felt a harsh THUD strike the entrance but be softened by the sturdiness of the barricade. You panted for air, but soon heard labored breaths that were not your own coming from behind the door. No doubt they were from the insane predators you feared to call your “classmates” hunting you.
“(Y/N)~,” a voice purred behind the door, its gravely tone indicating to you that this was none other than the egomaniac, Katsuki Bakugou, “open the door, firecracker.”
“We’re not at all mad at you for running from us! Not at all! We just want to see your gorgeous face, dear.” Momo’s sickeningly sweet voice chirped, being the equally nerve-wracking calm to Bakugou’s storm.
“Yaoyorozu's right, darling, let us take care of you. You know none of those idiots ever could; they just don’t understand your needs like we do,” the normally soft-spoken Todoroki, now emboldened due to the obsessive virus swimming in his system, chimed in, “So, love...Open. The. Door.” he demanded with a firm pound of his fist on the door. Choosing not to respond to their persuasive pleas, you busied yourself with searching the cramped storage room for any possible exits.
As time went on, their voices grew louder, their words more desperate, their punches to the door grew to be slamming their whole weight against it in attempts to obtain their prey, scaring you to look harder for a way out of this death trap. Luckily for you, a strip of light glared against the wall behind you, a glow that guided you to another door. Where it led, you had no idea, but it had to be better than being a terrified mouse cornered by infatuated cats. Right?
You looked back at the barricaded door, still holding strong against the attacks of your three love-drunk peers, and shakily said, “You guys aren’t thinking straight. You can’t be. Logically, there’s no way this many of you want me! So...take some time away from me to think and just…leave me alone!” you opened the door and slammed it shut behind you.
As you locked the new door behind you with a hesitant sigh of relief, you heard Bakugou’s muffled voice yell, “Goddamnit! Get back here, (Y/N)! Ugh, fuck it! Move it, LOSERS!” The pounding on the door stopped for a brief moment, only to make way for a deafening BOOM that shook the floor and scared a yelp out of you.
‘Shit, Bakugou’s using his quirk! Gotta get out of here NOW!’ your mind raced for you to look for another hiding spot. You jogged away from the storage room and, after taking a moment to let your eyes adjust to the well-lit space, finally got a good look at where you were now.
Observing the unusually bright lights shining above, the expensive and luxurious-looking black curtains draped around the wide stage, and the shadowed rows of seats beyond the platform you stood on; you realized you were standing in the middle of the stage in UA’s auditorium. The ever-increasing danger of Bakugou’s blasts and threats became muffled as you instead focused on the way your footsteps bounced around the walls of the seemingly empty facility. Walking down center stage to the edge of the platform, placing your hands on the protective railing, and squinting into the audience, you noted two large exits on the farthest wall from where you stood. You smiled out a small huff of satisfaction, time to go find a new hiding spot for the rest of the Purge. You whirled around to run down the stage’s stairs into the audience and out one of the exits.
You never got that far, as every luminescent light pointing towards the stage suddenly shut off; leaving you completely defenseless in the dark.
A screech of fear escaped your lungs at the unexpected loss of your sight, eyes and mind flustered with change in terrain. You frantically looked around, cursing to yourself, “Shit! Did Denki’s quirk kill the lights in here too?!”
Not expecting an answer, your heart leapt in your throat as you heard a deep voice laugh from in the audience to answer your rhetorical question, “No, it wasn’t that buzzkill this time, little dove~.”
Before you could retort with your own snarky comment about the cheesy pet name your unwanted audience chose, a powerful spotlight from the booth above the audience kicked on and draped you in a white glow. Effectively blind, you covered your eyes with your hands and let out a groan of pain from the overstimulation of your sense of sight. Your brain was discombobulated and wanted nothing more than to stick your head in sand and wake up from this nightmare.
You wobbled on your feet and gently rubbed your eyes, trying to soothe them enough to work properly, as you shouted to where you thought the audience was, “Well, Mr. I-Answer-To-Rhetorical-Questions, who am I even talking to, huh?!”
You stopped moving and listened carefully to the stillness in the air, wondering why everything went quiet, until another startled scream was torn out from you as you felt something brush your right hip. It wasn’t a hand or anything remotely physical, rather it felt like the air took the shape of a large hand and caressed your side. You staggered back away from the spot you were grazed in, hearing a joyful giggle sound a few feet ahead of you. It wasn’t the same voice you heard from the audience. Your mind galloped to connect the dots as to who, or what, this could be, until it finally clicked.
‘Dove. Not physically there, but can manipulate its shape to move the environment and act as though it were. Two voices, one person.’
It’s fucking Tokoyami and Dark Shadow.
“Is that you, Tokoyami? Was that Dark Shadow that just touched me?” you asked. Judging by the silence that followed after your question, you guessed your assumption was right.
“Come on, Tokoyami, this isn’t funny anymore. It really never was,” you mumbled. You stopped pacing around to take a breath, your vision cleared, “Look, it’s unsafe for us to be out in the open like this. Especially tonight of all nights. There are love-crazed maniacs running all around the school; some of them are even our own classmates! Let’s stop messing around and help each other find a safe place to hide for the rest of the Purge, okay?” you tried to reason with him. You knew that Tokoyami was most likely infected with the virus based on how sweetly he purred his words, plus how unlike-himself he and Dark Shadow acted, but you figured dealing with one yandere one-on-one was better than constantly running away from the multiple already pursuing you.
Tokoyami couldn’t respond before multiple pairs of hands grabbed your waist and yanked you into a strong chest. A large, rough hand stifled your cry, as your captor breathed his own husky chuckle near your ear. You recognized the many hands tightly gripping your waist, “He’s not the only one here to protect you, (Y/N)~.” You threw your head back to meet the pink-tinted irises of a yandere Shoji.
You took deep breaths to calm your racing heart and shoved his hand off your mouth, “Would you two stop with the surprise touching–,” but the words died in your throat as Shoji bent his knees, hooked his webbed arms securely around your body, and scooped you up. You tried to protest, scared for your safety and that carrying you would hurt him, but he remained unfazed and casually walked you two over to the spotlight at center stage. Once there, Shoji gently set your flustered self back onto the solid ground, his larger frame towering over you like a skyscraper. You didn’t get much time to collect yourself as he spun you around, wrapped his webbed-arms around your front, and let one of his mouth-hands start placing chaste kisses on your heated cheeks. You sputtered an incoherent jumble of words in shock at the affection. This is not the shy and sweet Shoji you remember; what is this bold confidence possessing the body of your friend?!
“Isn’t our little dove enchanting, Dark Shadow~?” Despite your embarrassment, you heard Tokoyami take lethargic steps towards the two of you and felt that same force from earlier wrap itself around your shaky legs. Dark Shadow grumbled out a happy sigh in reply to its master that shook your already unstable legs, knocking you further into Shoji’s hug.
“So happy we got to you sooner than the others, (N/N)~,” Shoji sighed into the top of your head. Tokoyami finally closed the distance and pressed himself against you, slithering his arms around your waist.
You squirmed around in a panic as they held you, “Guys, wait, hold on! You can’t seriously be attracted to me! It’s that virus that’s frying your brains! I care for you, I really do, but--,”
Surprisingly, it was Dark Shadow who cut you off, “You care about me too, right, (Y/N)?” The little whimper of uncertainty in its voice caught you off guard. Even at a time like this, where the only thing you should care about is your safety, it drug out the all-too-caring nature in you to respond.
“Yes, Dark Shadow, I care about you too, but that isn’t point--,”
“Oh, but I think it is, love~,” Tokoyami squeezed you even tighter, his heart beating quicker and the pink in his eyes flaring up over hearing your acceptance of what he once viewed to be one of his “flaws”. He knew you were the right one, you always have been, but he was blind. He was ignorant in the past to have ignored your grace, but don’t you worry, he’ll never make that mistake again. Not when being this close to you feels this euphoric.
“You love us, we love you,” Shoji sighed and you wriggled, searching for a weak spot in their grasp to escape through, desperate for freedom.
“We’d do anything to keep you smiling, dove~,” Tokoyami continued, nuzzling into your neck. You hyperventilated at their closeness.
“So, please,” they spoke at the same time, “stay with us forever, darling~?”
While the two of them were ogling over you, the three of you didn’t think to acknowledge the frantic banging at the side stage’s door. Muffled explosion after explosion sounded off until the eroded door finally came off its hinges and went flying. You shot your heads to the loud destruction of the school’s property. The grips on your body grew from tolerable to painful as they recognized the faces of the disturbance.
Bakugou stepped in the room with a sneer on his face, palms leaking plumes of dark smoke as he strode towards your little cuddle pile. A pissed off Todoroki and Momo followed not too far behind the angry blond. “I love to be the one to break it to you that (Y/N) won’t be doing anything else with you two extras.” Bakugou snapped, letting a cluster of small explosions erupt from his palm.
“Dear, are you okay? We heard your screams through the door, we were so worried about you! It’s okay, we’ll save you from these two in just a moment~!” Momo smiled lovingly at you, using her quirk to create a long metal staff.
“They’re much safer with us then they ever would be with you three!” Shoji protested. Bakugou and Momo both growled at the octopus-man clinging onto their darling, preparing their attacks to get those worthless worms off of your precious body and reclaim what’s rightfully theirs, but Todoroki stopped them by stepping between the two parties. Emotionally, he wasn’t much better than the two as seething hatred clouded his judgment as well, but even he knew that if they got you caught up in their fight there was a likely possibility that you could be hurt in the crossfire. He’d rather stab himself in the heart a thousand times over before intentionally hurting you, so he buried his loathing and forced a smile towards the other students.
“I say we settle this dispute fairly,” you glance over at the half-and-half man, shivering at how frighteningly-frigid his gaze had become, “A fight. Quirk-to-quirk combat. Us against you; whoever wins gets to walk away with (Y/N) and the others leave empty-handed.”
Your jaw dropped to the floor at Todoroki’s “solution” to the problem. You became increasingly less scared and more offended in the presence of these selfish creeps as crazy idea after crazy idea spewed out of their mouths. “Are you kidding me?! I am not some toy to be won!” You hissed and thrashed around in their arms. Your fight proved useless as the others continued their conversation like you weren’t there.
“A ‘fair’ fight?” Tokoyami scoffed, “Last I checked, three against two isn’t exactly what I would call ‘fair’.”
“You’ve got Dark Shadow and the theater’s almost completely in the dark. I’d say that’s fair enough. Besides,” Momo smirked as she begrudgingly went along with Todoroki’s plan, “it’s either this, or we take them from you anyways but use more fun methods of striking you down. What do you say?”
Shoji and Tokoyami flashed a conflicted look at each other, both not liking the idea of willingly letting their darling go but neither wanting to see you willingly put in harm’s way by their defiance. Eventually their wordless conversation ended as Tokoyami nodded his head, and both he and Dark Shadow released their hold on your body.
You held your breath as Shoji kissed your forehead and gently spun your body out of his arms towards the stage’s side. He and Tokoyami prepared their stances as Shoji’s mouth-hand spoke to you, “Stay out of the way, (Y/N). This won’t take long.”
“Yeah, it won’t, since most of the time is gonna be you piecing your face back together after I tear it apart! Save a victory kiss for me, firecracker!” Bakugou cackled out, flying forward with his bright explosions.
The fight for your unwilling hand had begun.
And, just like that, your escape plan had been flung into action too.
You watched from the wings as Bakugou’s explosions and Todoroki’s fire lit the once dark arena. They created the perfect distraction for you to slink back in the shadows to avoid drawing attention to yourself. Though, you doubted your absence would be noticed through the commotion of multiple quirks being used from every angle. You inched your way down the creaking stairs and into the audience under the cover of Momo’s sporadic flash bombs, being careful to stay out of the way when Tokoyami was thrown into the audience with Bakugou hot in pursuit. Sticking low to the ground and stopping moving when they neared your hiding place was the only way you made it all the way to one of the auditorium’s exits.
Twisting your head back to watch their battle, you watched Shoji evade the long-ranged ice and fire attacks of Todoroki and narrowly avoid the short-ranged strikes of Momo’s metal bo staff. Dark Shadow and Tokoyami were both busy keeping Bakugou at bay, both parties jumping over upturned chairs and running up and down the aisles trying to gain the upper hand. With all of them focused on their fight, it gave you the perfect opportunity to slip out the exit and sprint down the hall, their battle cries chasing you from the auditorium as you ran in search of a new hiding spot.
~ Timeskip ~
Once silent halls soon became noisy with your pants for air echoing around the maze that is UA. After escaping the auditorium, you’ve not stopped, the speed you went at varied but you’ve yet to take a break in fear of your crazed colleagues catching up with you. It’s not like you’ve found a good enough hiding spot to stop for anyway. Every hall you went down led to another dead end speckled with random doors. Every stairwell you climbed showcased another stretch of seemingly endless hallways, none of which had any promise of an escape route either. You knew that you had to find somewhere fast with the menacing threat of at least half-a-dozen yanderes chasing your ass, but running around this place in a panic, a majority of it cloaked in darkness to boot, is exhausting.
Deciding the coast is clear, you leaned against the wall across from a large window to catch your breath. The city beyond UA was majorly dark, not a soul walking around from what you could see. You wondered how the Purge on the outside was doing, if people were staying safer than you were or if the yanderes had all successfully caught their prey. You racked your brain for ideas of how to get out of this loony bin and remembered your phone. Sure, the police wouldn’t help you since they’re off duty to enjoy their hunt until the Purge ends, but maybe you could call a family member or a non-classmate friend to come rescue you. It’s a long shot that someone would risk their own skin to save one person running from six or more yanderes, but it’s worth a try. Fishing around your pocket, you found the device and clicked it on.
The first thing you observed was the battery percentage was a little lower than half; not ideal, but it would definitely last you at least a few more hours and some time was better than none. Speaking of hours, once your brain thought of that your eyes couldn’t help but glance at the time displayed on the fluorescent screen. Your jaw dropped in shock.
One hour. One hour is how long this nightmare had gone on for.
All that commotion, and you still had 23 hours to go until you were safe from these maniacs.
“You’ve gotta be fucking joking. One hour?!” you exasperated. You groaned in malice, bumping your head back on the wall and slapping your unoccupied palm over your forehead. Of course this year’s Purge wouldn’t go easy on you.
You shook your head and took a deep breath. Nope, can’t focus on that, or your “destiny” as a “weak and defenseless” darling will be sealed. Call for help; that you can do. With a new vigor coursing in your veins, you shot over to your favorites and decided who among them would be the most likely to help you in this situation. You called their number, but instead of being greeted with the normal dialing tone, a robotic voice crunched out its pre-recorded message.
“No service?!” you gawked at the device, “What’s the point of this school being so high tech if your phone can’t even get a simple bar?” You stretched your arm up in the air and waved the device around in a half-hearted attempt at finding a glint of service, but accepted it was pointless. The school’s too bulky with its skeleton of concrete and metal for a transmission to slip through. Plus, you wouldn’t be surprised if one of your tormentors screwed with the connection to constrict you further in their grasp.
Though the phone’s uselessness disappointed you, the nearby scuffing of a shoe on the floor brought you out of your daze.
You launched off the wall you leaned against and floundered to face the direction it came from, the opposite side of the corner you hid behind. You waited for another hint at life as you stared into the inkiness of the hallway. During the stillness you wondered if it was all in your head, a hallucination being the byproduct of your enhanced fear, but you decided to go with your gut and trusted your abilities enough to know that noise had really happened. An unsettling silence hung in the air as you came to the conclusion that, even if nothing was truly there, it was time to leave and find somewhere else to scamper off to.
But things haven’t been in your favor all day, so why would they be now?
When you backed away to run, a pair of hands grabbed your wrists and pinned them behind you. One of the hands cinched your wrists together in a vice-like grip while the other wound around your front and drug you into their chest. A cheerful giggle met your ears as they prevented your struggling with ease.
“Aren’t you just the cutest~!” the sugar-coated voice trilled in your ear. Recognizing their sing-songy tone, your eyes shot down to your waist. Even though you felt a tight hold on your midsection, there was nothing there to prove it. So, your suspicions were correct, you’re now dealing with a love-sick Hagakure latched onto your waist like a koala.
Before you could yell at the girl to let you go, something cupped around your mouth and stopped the words from slipping out. “Absolutely adorable~,” another voice chuckled. Judging by the fact that it’s not a hand clamped around your jaw, rather a muscular tail, and there’s only one person in your class with said appendage, it seems that Ojiro had goo-goo eyes for you as well.
“We’re sorry that we had to scare you like that, lovebug, but it was too easy to sneak up on you with you so focused on our little ‘distraction’~!” Hagakure hummed with a nuzzle into your neck. After your muffled ‘hmm?’ of confusion snuck past Ojiro’s make-shift gag, another person stepped forward.
Koji hesitantly snuck out of the shadowy corner where the noise that started this whole mess came from and Hagakure’s words made sense. Koji caused the noise to catch your attention so you wouldn’t notice the other two ambushing you. You mentally groaned at your rookie mistake of not thoroughly surveying the area for potential threats.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N), please believe me when I say I didn’t want it to come to this…,” Koji wrapped his arms around himself as if trying to hide from the reality of the situation, “but the others were getting too close to you! They were gonna steal you away. And I’m...I’m tired of always being the last one picked! You’re staying with me- with us now...o-okay?” he coughed, caught off guard by the venom that seeped into his words.
“How romantic~, Koji’s really got it bad for you if you inspired him to say more than just a few mumbles, huh?” Hagakure muses.
“That’s the effect they have on people. Always so attentive to everyone else’s needs, but their own.” Ojiro huffs at your selflessness. They’re good traits to have, but you should be more careful with who you give your care to! You can’t trust just any random nobody. One minute they're your friend and the next they’re trying to take advantage of your kind nature and keep you for themselves!
“T-That’s why we’re here, though! We’ll take c-care of them, forever and ever, r...right? No one will ever hurt you again...I won’t let them.” Koji muttered to himself, face shifting from doe-like with fat tears coating his eye’s waterline to a distorted snarl. Okay, Koji is officially starting to freak you out with this delusional Dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde attitude. With you focused on creating an escape plan and the three of them so absorbed in tending to your needs, whether you asked for the help or not, none of you recognized the looming threats hidden in the dark creeping behind you.
What finally caught the group’s attention was the revving of a nearby engine. Your heads whipped just in time to see Iida fire up his quirk and sprint towards your group. “Thank you for taking such great care of our darling for us, my friends! But we’ll gladly take them off your hands now!” Iida shouted over his roaring engines, all the while stiffly chopping his forearms as he practically flew down the hall.
With how unexpected the ambush had been, Ojiro and Koji were unprepared to be slapped back against the wall by a strong, pink...tongue? Confused, you inspected the speeding Iida closer, and only then did you catch sight of a serious-looking Tsu hanging off his armored back.
Iida narrowly avoided barreling straight through you and Hagakure, but the close call caused Hagakure to reflexively loosen her grip on your body due to the surprise. Seizing the opportunity, you ripped your arms out of her hold and shoved her away with your body weight. You spun on your heel to face the invisible girl as she fell to the ground with a yelp and a thud. A grin couldn’t help but sneak onto your face at your vigilance as you went to run from the psychos.
It’s not shocking that you still can't catch a break, even when things go your way.
Tsu’s tongue that had helped you break free moments ago instantly became your enemy as it wrapped around your forearm, harshly tugged, and sent you flying back. Right into Iida’s open arms. Without slowing down, Iida bolted even faster away from their competition as you finally processed that you’d been stolen yet again.
“Oh, come on! I’m not some doll to be tossed around from crazy to crazy!” you groaned as you childishly kicked your legs around in vain. Iida’s strong grip didn’t let you get as far as you’d like to though. He smiled fondly at your tantrum.
“What?! No fair, you guys cheated! We caught them first!” you heard Hagakure cry out in the distance, her pleads slowly drowned into whispers as you were carried farther away.
“Don’t worry, (Y/N), we’ve got you. Kero kero~!” Tsu attempted to console your irritation with a gentle nuzzle of her cheek to yours.
“Yes, my love! There is no need for you to fret any longer, now that we’re here!” Iida chortled.
“Huh, somehow it doesn’t make me any less stressed that I’m held captive against my will by two crazy, lovesick teenagers. I wonder why!” you grunted sarcastically, wiggling around as much as you could in his muscular arms, your voice ricocheting around the winding halls of UA.
~ Timeskip ~
The trip to wherever Iida and Tsu took you was an awkward one for sure. Most of it was spent with Iida running like his life depended on getting you wherever you had to go, and you fighting against their “love”. Among your empty threats and sarcasm, Tsu and Iida could not stop fawning over you! From your features, to your hair, to your “endearing” attitude and “witty” words. It was like they couldn’t find a single thing wrong with you. Their behavior was nerve-wracking, to put it lightly; it made you realize that the news wasn’t simply hyping up how dangerous this love virus truly was like you’d originally imagined.
When all of this began, you thought it was just some practical joke, like the world was poking fun at the medical community or something. Come on, an “obsessive-love” virus?! It sounds like something made-up from a cheesy romance novel or from some pre-teen’s overactive imagination. It didn’t help that the information of this wide-spreading disease was first introduced to you by the online-addicted, meme-connoisseur, King of Pranks and Jokes, Denki Kaminari. You, like many of your other classmates who he blabbed to about this wacko virus that had snuck its way into Japan, brushed off his ramblings as him being pervy and wanting to blame his inappropriate actions on the made-up disease. Guess you should have taken his words to heart now that you’ve got multiple infected young pro heroes thirsting after you, including Denki.
In fact, you should’ve started noticing the virus had seeped its way into your school weeks prior to now. Not just because of the whole fiasco with Deku and Bakugou before the Purge began, or the thing with Kirishima and Todoroki either; your oblivious ass should have noticed the many lingering eyes on you a long time ago. How a week ago Uraraka clung to your arm with tears in her round eyes and told you she never wanted to be apart from you again. How Jiro snapped at Denki supposedly getting too cuddly next to you on the bus, pulled you aside after the ride, and wouldn’t let you leave unless you swore you’d never think about dating a dunce like him, even though you promised the two of you were only friends. How Sato bribed you, knowing your sweet tooth, to spend lunch with him by baking special desserts only for you to prove his “devotion”.
You assumed Uraraka was lonely and simply wanted you to walk her to her next class. You laughed off her desperate plea and pinky promised you would never willingly leave such a nice girl like her, pretending the vibrant pink hue in her eyes was just a reflection from her rosy cheeks. In Jiro’s case, you thought she was just worried about you! Friends get worried for each other all the time, right? It wasn’t weird to assume she was just looking out for you; not that Denki’s too bad of an influence or undateable, she just cares for you...a lot apparently. Okay, the last event is almost inexcusable to not be concerned about, but you were so hungry and Sato’s such a good baker! The brownies he made you were too tasty to resist, so you ignored his strange wording and accepted his gift. You still have no regrets about that.
Tumbling through memories, you didn’t register Iida rounding the last corner and finally slowing down from his run. You were sucked out of your brain when you recognized the ginormous door and equally obnoxious painted “3-A” to match. You squirmed in apprehension, fearing the unknown of whatever laid beyond that door. You were very tempted to beg Iida to steal you away in a different direction, but were brought through to the other side before you could peep a protest.
“Iida, you’re back! Did you find--OH! My darling cupcake, you’re back!” the unmistakable cutesy voice of Uraraka squealed in delight from inside the room. You watched as her emotions did a complete 180°, shifting in brief seconds from utterly bored sitting at a desk to springing up and her excitement bouncing off the walls. She practically beamed herself across the room at you and grabbed your face with her padded palms to inspect every inch of you, an overjoyed expression stamped on her round features while ditzy sighs leaked out of her grinning mouth. The neon pink swimming in her eyes caused by the virus was still present and only seemed to drown her better judgment the longer she stared at you.
“Glad to see you made it back in one piece, especially with our lovely escapee in tow,” the stoic voice you recognized as Todoroki congratulated. You heard a few seats scrape backwards as the rest of the party joined Uraraka to stand at your arrival. You looked past the bubbly girl blocking most of your vision at the crew shrouded in darkness. Air choked in your throat as you realized who they were. Standing inside the classroom was Todoroki, Momo, and the one who had started all this mess by calling your unsilenced phone and revealing your safe spot, Izuku.
“Hello, darling! It’s so good to see you again after being apart for so long. Sorry that meanie Bakugou scared you so much earlier that you ran from me. You understand that I was only trying to...calm you down, right? You’re always so stressed out; I was trying to be a good...friend and help!” He pouted in fake sympathy, curling his pointer finger a few times to beckon Iida further inside. Uraraka drifted out of his way and Tsu hopped off his back to allow him to march into the room, toward the desks the rest of them were surrounding. Iida places you down with a knightly kiss to your forehead and let the other crowd around.
Pushing down the sting of embarrassment in your chest when you met Izuku’s heart-filled eyes and mischievous smile, you instead focused on the others who you were equally startled about seeing. You mushed through puckered lips and pinched cheeks as Uraraka grabbed ahold of your doughy face again, “T-Todoroki? Yaoyorozu?! I-I thought you guys were busy--,”
“Busy dealing with Tokoyami and Shoji?” Todoroki finished for you with a brush of your hair behind your ear.
“We were, sweetness! Though after a while, once we all realized you’d snuck away from us, and the fight quickly dissipated,” Momo rolled her eyes, “Bakugou was the first to run off. He dropped his aggressive battle with Tokoyami almost immediately and sprinted out the entrance doors and to the right, cursing that we were ‘only slowing him down’. He didn’t even stop to thank us for forming the search party to find you, how rude! As soon as the rest of us realized why he left so abruptly, Shoji and Tokoyami turned tail too, going the opposite direction of him.” Momo retold the past while perfectly braiding your hair into cute styles.
Todoroki picked up from where she left off, “Yaoyorozu and I met up and decided to band the rest of our group together to search for you again. That wasn’t nice of you to leave without a goodbye like that, (N/N).”
“We heard through the grapevine that you’d scurried off to one of the higher levels of the school,” Deku took over, “so I sent Iida and Tsu to survey the area. And look what precious cargo they brought back~,” he teased while placing a small boop to your nose.
Deku’s Cheshire grin widened, “Speaking of, precious, did you enjoy my call from earlier~? Or my text, perhaps~? Shoto and Momo told me the chime from your phone was not only adorably you, but was also the perfect beacon to find you. Isn’t it so wonderful that (Y/N) wanted us to find them so badly that they purposefully left their ringer on?” Izuku asked the group.
“Wait- I-I didn’t--,” your brain blanked at his words and you sputtered to protest against his false accusation.
Ochaco gasped, “You left it on for us to hear? Oh, darling, how thoughtful! I love you so much!!” She cried, circled her arms around your waist, and squeezed like you were her last anchor to reality.
“Kero, they’ve always been the sweetest~, it’s good that this nasty Purge doesn’t change that, kero~,” Tsu mumbled and snuggled against you in blind content.
“No, no- that wasn’t what--,” you wanted to plead your case, but the feeling of their constrictive holds weighing you down suffocated your argument.
Iida kissed the top of your hand, “Of course, the perfect wordless plea for our affection! Such a charming way to go about it, always so creative!”
Momo and Todoroki didn’t speak up through the other’s crazed confessions of adoration, for they knew the truth of what really happened, how you evaded them and their efforts. Nonetheless, you felt their hands possessively latch onto your body, soundless threats to not oppose what Izuku said.
“Please, it’s not--,” you tried for the final time.
“Then what was it, if not to show us you care?” Deku challenged with an “innocent” tilt of his head. The tugging and squeezing halted from every angle as they all stared you dead in the eye to explain your defiance against their care.
“I...well...,” you dryly coughed, looking away to try and think of an answer that wouldn’t make you look helpless or meek. It hit you when you looked ahead and saw Izuku let a barely noticeable smirk slide on his lips with everyone’s attention now on you and not him. You’re cornered. Anything you say will make you look bad. If you deny him and say you forgot to turn off your ringer, they’ll come to the conclusion that you’re too forgetful to be left on your own and you’ll be put on lockdown. If you agree with what he said, you’ll be lying, but they won’t care; all they’ll focus on is that you “wanted” them to find you and you agree you “need” them.
He set you up to fail before you could even think of saving yourself.
That sneaky, little, son of a--!
“Aw, look, they’re so flustered after getting caught, they can’t even speak! So cute~ Always so shy around us, (N/N)~,” Izuku giggled, a dark look coursing through his eyes. The group nodded at his words and easily fell back into immersing themselves in your safety. Barely able to get your two cents in, they continued to pet and play with you like a doll for a seemingly endless amount of time. Their worries reminded you of a mother stressing about her newborn child, except they were no parents and you certainly weren’t going to resign your freedom to being their lovechild!
“Oh, angel, you must be tuckered out from all that running about! Here, drink this~,” Momo fretted. She shoved a cup of potent elixir inches from your lips. Its overtly sweet aroma crashed into your senses and nearly made you gag. Glancing down at the strange pink concoction, your face scrunched up in hesitation at the way the liquid swirled and spiraled around the glass, as if trying to hypnotize you into drinking. The light-headed feeling you got from inhaling too much of the intoxicating scent was another huge red flag that this would completely destroy any sensible part of your brain.
In short, there is no way in hell you’re drinking this shit. You’ve gotta get out of this prison full of yandere guards as soon as physically possible!
You plastered on your sweetest smile to escape suffering the side effects of whatever that drink would cause and chirped at the woman, “U-um...no thank you! I’m not that thirsty right now...”
“Dear, you don’t have to deny your needs for the comfort of others, kero. Stay hydrated.” Tsu croaked from the comfort of your neck.
“N-No! It isn’t that at all! I’m just not-,” your squeaked as you felt a chilly hand slide down your back and leisurely wrap around your waist.
“You’re not comfortable voicing what you need in fear of inconveniencing us. We understand, but it’s pointless worrying.” Todoroki cut in.
“Cupcake, you’re not a bother to us! We’ll always take care of you, no matter the cost~,” Uraraka swooned. With unexpected strength, she manhandled you onto her lap and buried her face into your shoulder blades. Busy pushing you to drink the elixir, tickling and poking at your sides to get forced laughter as if it would help encourage you to trust them more, no one expected a trio of knocks to emit from the locked classroom door.
Your captors’ heads simultaneously shot over to the door at lightning speed. A dropped pin could be heard with how silent they’d all become. It was obvious they weren’t expecting the company since the light-hearted giggles that once filled the room fled the scene as they listened for any signs of their darling being in danger.
“Did you invite anyone else here to join our group, Midoriya?” Todoroki accused.
“Why on earth would I do that, Shoto?! No one else should know we’re here with them!” Deku hissed.
“Well, it’s not the most secluded or unknown spot in the whole school, now, is it? In fact, we’re here almost every day, couldn’t have picked a less visited place?!” you sassed. A hand slapped against your mouth, stopping your bad mouthing, and you rolled your eyes. Cowards. You know you’re right.
“Whoever they are, like hell I’ll let them near our baby!” Uraraka lashed out as her arms wrung around your waist and clamped down in an obsessive rage. All the oxygen you breathed in shot out of your lungs from the strength of her grip, dispelling the lineup of snarky comments you had mentally prepared.
“Calm down, Ochaco, no one’s taking (Y/N). Who’s there?” Iida acknowledged those behind the door with his ever-professional demeanor.
“Friends! We’re here to propose a compromise.” the stranger behind the intrusion reconciled. You wanted to sigh, this couldn’t mean anything good for you.
Glancing over at Izuku, his eyebrows were furrowed in contemplation, but ultimately, he nodded at Iida to let these “friends” in to show their faces. The unimpressed sneer doesn’t leave his face even as Iida strides over to the door and pulls it open. If you thought the constricting hands on your body were tight before, they’re nothing compared to the stranglehold confining your body to the desk when Iida neared the door. You almost couldn’t breathe! With Uraraka strapped onto your back and waist, Tsu locking her arms around your neck, Momo surrounding your huddle to protect you further, and Todoroki and Deku standing in front of you like statuesque bodyguards, you could hardly see who came into the room; the only indication of life being the pitter-patter of a few pairs of feet. Shimmying as much as you could, you got a glimpse at the strangers.
There, at the front of the classroom, stood Aoyama, Sato, Koji, Ojiro and Hagakure, guessing by her recognizable shoes and floating gloves.
“What do you want?” Deku sneered, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Whoa! Watch the hostility, Izuku, we’re only here to negotiate for something all of us want. There’s no need to start a fight over something that can be talked over.” Ojiro reasoned.
“Of course I need to be hostile! You don’t know how long I’ve-- we’ve waited to have (Y/N) with us. That is, I am assuming what, or rather who, you five want to negotiate over.” Deku defended.
“You can try and take them, but I wouldn’t recommend it. You won’t get far against us.” Todoroki fumed, the temperature in the air fluctuating between swelteringly hot to frigidly cold to the point where you almost began to sweat and shiver at the same time.
“We aren’t trying to take them from you,” Sato denied, “What we’re saying is we want to share them with you.” The room hushed as if forbidden words had been uttered for the first time in centuries.
“Come again?” Iida mused.
“We want the fighting to stop altogether. We figured that if all of us come to an agreed arrangement, and follow a set number of rules, we could all have them without worrying someone else might steal them! Plus, with all of us working together, we could protect them from anyone that threatens their security forever!” Hagakure cheered, no doubt a wide smile stretched across her face.
“We’re perfectly capable of protecting them ourselves from anything and anyone.” Momo growled behind you like a wolf protecting her pup from dangerous hunters.
“W-we know and understand that,” Koji gently prodded at her resolve, “but...for how long? How long can you continue to fight against the rest of the class? And what if even more suitors become infatuated with them further down the line, will you be able to handle them too?” Somehow the group's hold on your body became stiffer as Koji stuttered out his claim. You noticed the three boys ahead of you grow anxious in their body language at Koji’s words, alternating heels to carry their body weight, swaying back and forth, glancing back at the rest of the group.
“If it continues to be this chaotic every time our darling walks into a room, their safety cannot be guaranteed for the long run. Our class does have more than a few powerful nutjobs in it. Wouldn’t it be better to have them on your side rather than fight against them?” Ojiro fabricated. It was obvious the seed of doubt had been planted in their minds due to the group's collective silence. You were wonderful, it was inevitable for more people to fall madly in love with you on top of those who’re already pinning for you. How long could they keep the others at bay before possibly losing you to other competition?
“So, what exactly do you want?” Deku reiterated, less malice wound through his tone, like he was actually considering their plan.
“To work as a team, mon amie,” Aoyama mused, “Let us care for (Y/N) the same as you do; be near them, protect them, love them, and we promise to defend them with our lives against anyone who opposes our agreement to work together, such as a certain...I don’t know...Kacchan?” Deku tensed at the mention of the delinquent, but you watched Aoyama’s face to witness his grin widened at the boy’s reaction. He knew exactly how to push Izuku’s buttons to get him to operate how he wanted.
Your kidnappers brewed in the dead air of the room as they looked back and forth at each other. Some seemed more inclined to the idea than others, but inside you were panicking. There’s no way they could seriously be considering the notion! If they did, your freedom would be sucked down the drain, you’d never be alone and wouldn't be able to get away before the Purge ended. You’d be doomed to be their plaything, and the worst thing is that it’d be legal. Since all actions committed during the Purge are permitted, you wouldn't be able to get any help from your family, friends, or the law if the yanderes still have you in their hold once the 24 hours are up. Even though you don’t want it, that’s exactly what they crave, and they’re the ones who’ve got you under lock and key.
“Well, Izuku?” Sato coaxed after a few minutes. Izuku’s blank face caved into a cunning grin. He broke his protective stance blocking you to walk up to Aoyama.
“What?! You can’t be serious, Izuku!” Uraraka cried.
“If you don’t agree with this, you can try your luck out there,” Deku threw his head back to gaze at her, his forest green eyes glowing in the moonlight as he pointed toward the door, “I figure the rest of our team agrees that, while we’d rather not share our darling, it will be easier to take care of them working together.” Uraraka huffed at his challenging tone, backing off and subconsciously loosening her hold on your body.
Deku closed in on him as Aoyama chirped out, “Deal?”
Your heart sank into your stomach as Deku shook his hand and sang, “Deal!” You’re never getting out of this “Love (Y/N)” cult. You’ll need a miracle to get you away from these creeps!
Luckily, or more like unluckily, for you, a “miracle” is exactly what you got.
From above your seat on the classroom desk, something speedy cut through the air creating an audible slice. Before you could see what caused the noise, thin strips of paper coiled around your torso to swaddle you like a baby. You struggled against the bindings, but due to sticky residue keeping it stuck to your skin and clothes, you realized it was tape rather than simple paper. Your kidnappers had no time to act as you were yanked off the desk, knocking down the girls around you from the strength of the pull and their loose hold on you. You were hoisted into mid-air as you thrashed around, trying to get free but also wrap your head around what the hell just happened.
From above, you heard a cocky voice leer, “Oh, my bad for knocking you head-over-heels, girls! You were just in the way of my goal!” Your cocooned body was flung up to the ceiling with another rough tug. You braced for the rough impact of a hard wall, but were instead caught by a pair of lanky, but sturdy, arms.
“Hi, angel, fancy seeing you~! Come here often?” an obviously love-infected Sero teased as if this was the optimal time for sly jokes. Tape had fastened around your mouth during his assault and made you unable to properly sass him, but he knew that, so he giggled at his rhetorical question and quickly pecked your forehead as his answer.
“Sero!” multiple voices screamed at him. He gave a nasty side-eye to the outraged students below before he observed you, and a mischievous smile crept onto his face when a wicked idea came to mind. You mentally sighed as you knew, judging by his upturned expression, whatever plan he had imagined could lead to no good.
Sero pecked your warm check, making it as overexaggerated as possible, and quipped at the fuming students below, “Guess I reeled in the Grand Prize from the claw machine, huh~?”
“Hanta, if you know what’s good for you, you’ll bring them safely back down to us right now.” Sato grunted.
“Or else we’ll be forced to kick your ass as punishment.” Uraraka growled at the unwanted guest.
“Hmm. I have a sneaking suspicion that you’re gonna try to kick my ass even if I do give them back to you. Just a hunch. So...no thanks! I’ll be keeping this cutie.” Sero taunted as he childishly kicked his legs around.
“Sero–,” Deku seethed before he was interrupted.
“Hurry up, tape dispenser, we ain’t got all day for you to be making a fool of Deku!” a gruff voice snarled from above you two. You craned your neck as far as you could, only to see Bakugou, Kirishima, and Denki all grinning down at you and Sero from the floor above.
“Nice work, Sero! Duct tape fixes everything, per usual!” Denki played.
“Yeah, great job,” Kirishima cheered, “Hurry up here so we can manly protect them!” If your jaw could drop, it’d have already fallen to the concrete floor below. Surprise surprise, looks like Bakugou did know how to gather and work in a team. We’ll see how long that lasts.
“Uh, manly?! We’re here too, rock-for-brains!” a shrill voice proclaimed somewhere behind Kirishima in the room. Seems like there are even more yanderes that you couldn’t see waiting to get a bite of you up there. This nightmare keeps getting better and better.
“Yep, I’m coming, idiots. Help (Y/N) up first.” Sero boosted up your wriggling body, “hmm”’s of protest leaking out of your taped mouth.
“Women can be manly too! Woah, watch all that squirming around, hon’! We know you like to fight our love, but we can’t have you writhing out of our arms and falling down that hole to those unmanly perverts again.” Kirishima lightly scolded with no real malic behind his words. He circled his big arms around your restrained form and hoisted you up onto their level. Kirishima felt so warm and safe compared to the cold, stale air of UA High’s concrete confinements, plus the fear and anxiety built up after running away from all those yanderes had tuckered you out more than you thought. You hate to admit it, but you couldn’t help giving in and lean in a little deeper into his comforting embrace.
“Save that fighting, dumbass. After that stunt you pulled earlier when you ran away from me, I’ll give you plenty to squirm about later, firecracker~,” Bakugou rasped, a different, dark, nearly sultry look zinging in his eyes. You whimpered and scooched further into Kirishima’s muscular hold to escape whatever devious plans Bakugou had in store.
“Bakugou! Stop it, you’ll freak ‘em out if you continue. Besides, I certainly don’t want to deal with those idiots chasing our asses with not only a confused, but scared, darling flailing in our arms.” the unmistakable heady voice of Jiro spat at the hot-head. As Bakugou cussed her out, you took the chance to assess your new captors. Denki grabbed Sero’s hand and hauled him out of the ceiling of the floor below, Kirishima continued to snuggle into you as if you gave him the strength to move mountains, and Jiro and Bakugou bickered between the two of them like they were first-years all over again. They were a strange group personality wise, but a powerful one most normal people would deem too macho to mess with. Except, your whole class is full of juggernauts like them, so what’re you to do when all of them want you as their own personal chew toy?
You leapt out of your thoughts as a delicate, calloused hand laid on top of your head and began petting your hair. Looking in the direction the hand stretched, the pinkette Mina was on the other end dopily smiling at you.
“Ugh, I knew their hair would be the softest thing ever~!” she squealed in delight as her cheeks bloomed a darker shade of pinky blush.
“Yeah, and it smells incredible too. Like vanilla and strawberries.” Kirishima bonded with Mina. He took a deep inhale to savor your scent and the reverberation of it in your ear had you shivering at his closeness. She brushed a lock to her face and sniffed, nearly squealing again with how much bliss she felt that the love of her life was finally within her grasp. Being in such intimate proximity with the two, you spotted the tell-tale neon pink dancing around their irises and confirmed the whole group are currently infected.
“Hey, guys,” Denki spoke up and broke the group’s individual conversations, “as much as I’d like to cuddle and enjoy Sparks there, we should probably book it. I doubt Deku and the others are very happy we took them back, they’ll come looking for us.”
After a brief moment of the group sobering up, Bakugou scoffed, “I hate when you’re right, spark plug. Get up, extras. Let’s get moving.” Denki’s whines against him being “too mean” being lost in the scramble to run for a new spot to store you.
“Kirishima, do you--,” Sero asked.
“I got them, bro! Leave it to me.” the sturdy boy grinned.
“Pardon my reach.” Kirishima forewarned you with a giddy smile. His hands grabbed your hips and lifted you over his shoulder as if you weighed like nothing more than a grape to him. His arm hooked around your knees so you wouldn’t fall or try to escape off his hulking shoulder.
“Be careful with them, Kiri! They’re not a sack of potatoes, they’re our baby!” Mina urged.
“If you touch them inappropriately in any way before we find a safe zone, I will make sure you won’t live to see tomorrow after the Purge. Got it?” Jiro foreboded, her earphone jacks swiveling up to point at the boy like cobras ready to strike.
“Ha, got it loud and clear, Jiro!” Kirishima chuckled with a thumbs up, either obvious to her threats or chose to ignore the insinuation that he’d break his “manly code of honor” to cop a feel. The group started their sprint for safety out the door and in a random direction with you fruitlessly shimmying around on Kirishima’s shoulder, hanging your head in defeat at the mess you’d gotten yourself stuck in with not even a few hours of the Purge gone by yet.
~ Timeskip ~
Hurried footfalls and pants resonated between the dark hall walls as your kidnappers dashed through the labyrinth of your school. Bakugou led the pack with you in the middle of their protective circle, the others running beside Kirishima. They clearly knew where they were going as little conversation was started, most of the spoken words being Bakugou barking out orders to the others. Weirdly enough, you hadn’t encountered others from your class when running around, just miles upon miles of empty corridors and deathly still stairwells. You groaned in discomfort at the increasing soreness on your lower stomach due the awkward position you’d been forced to lay in for so long. You were facing behind the group on the rock boy’s shoulder, watching where you had been, so you had no idea where they were dragging you off to. All you knew is that they went down a few staircases and you’re located somewhere on the bottom floor of the school.
“Nearly there. Keep your guards up, dunces. We’re not the only ones lurking out here.” Bakugou instructed. Heavy breathing was the only answer to his instruction, but he didn’t seem irked by their lack of response. Like him, they knew more members of their class were somewhere in the shadows, and it was probable they’d find you before the Purge’s countdown struck zero, so less noise made would be for the best.
For a couple minutes more they continued at a hushed pace, until you heard Bakugou alert the group with a quiet whistle. The running came to an abrupt stop, and Kirishima and the others backed away from the center of the hall to press themselves against the wall. You attempted to whip your head around to see what they’d froze for, but a pair of hands gently cradled your face to stop your erratic movements. The warm hands belonged to Denki. You watched his uncharacteristic poker face as he stared at something in front of the group. You didn’t move again in fear something bad would happen if you did.
Through the gnawing stillness, you heard a whispering voice call something out. It was distant, muffled by the cement walls of the school, but multiple pairs of hasty footsteps echoed through the air following after the call. The steps got louder and closer to you. Your captors held their breaths, both Kirishima’s and Denki’s grips on your body parts grew ridged, attempting to chain you to them for eternity. Eventually, the loud voices and fast running faded away as they sped on past your group. The air grew less tense and nearly peaceful once again, like it never happened.
Holy shit, it just hit you. That was a close encounter with another group who were no doubt chasing after you.
Your group stayed put for an extra minute before relaxing away from the wall they sewed themselves to. Denki sighed in relief before looking back at you with a bright smile. He teasingly stuck his tongue out at you and winked, kissed your nose, and slowly let your soft face fall from his palms.
“That was close. Too close.” you heard Jiro fret in a whisper.
“Yeah, but it's expected. The rest are getting desperate.” Sero insisted.
“Whatever. Let the dogs whimper and whine for their lost master. It’s free entertainment. They’re not getting (Y/N) back either way. Besides, don’t lose your heads, we’re here.” Bakugou muttered, walking a few steps away from the huddle.
Everyone went quiet again as you heard a metallic screech of a heavy door opening. A few seconds of nothing passed, until someone murmured the words, “All clear.” Kirishima shuffled on with you in tow. He walked through the open door you heard before, bending his knees to make sure you didn’t get hit by the top of the door frame. Very considerate of him since he grew more than a few inches after your first year at UA. As he and the others behind him walked inside, you looked at your new terrain.
Above the door you just entered was a sign, which had the word “Gymnasium” inscribed on its metal surface. Great. You’re in one of UA’s many on-campus gyms they use to train the up-and-coming hero students. Somewhere your class visits quite regularly. You rolled your eyes; what an “inconspicuous” safe zone they’ve chosen.
Man, these guys have got to get better at finding sneakier hiding places to crash. It’s so bad that you nearly want to help them pick the spots yourself!
You watched the last few people in the group slide through the door Bakugou held open, him slink into the gym, look from side-to-side probably scouting to see if anyone tracked them, and skillfully latch the door closed once the coast was deemed clear.
The glossy wood floors reflected the low light of the moon shining through the scattered windows and lit up vacant space. Only a few lone bleachers and a humming water fountain stood in the room’s vast emptiness. You wanted to smile at the fond memories the gym brought back, but couldn’t muster it past the ache in your heart.
Years ago, this was a place of excitement, of experimentation and fun. You and your class were practically fumbling babies learning how to navigate the world of pro heroes. Dreams were shared, goals were surpassed, but the most important part was everyone was happy. All the fear of dealing with the League of Villains and other dangerous foes was forgotten whenever you had your friends by your side, to encourage you to do your best to kick villain butt and celebrate it later. That reality seems like so long ago, you almost don’t remember the feeling. Now...it just feels awful to think about them. Your classmates, your friends; they’re desecrating your fond memories by acting how they have without even realizing it. You can’t imagine what it’ll be like after all of this Purge nonsense is over and done with. Could you even look any of them in the eye after everything that’s happened? Or after everything that might happen? After all the trust they’ve broken? How the reality of them tearing your freedom away is a possibility all because of some shitty love-virus?
You’re not sure yet.
But—though they’ve hurt you, you still want to help cure them of the disease. It’s not their fault they got contaminated. They’re the people you grew up with, a few of your closest friends and the people you care about more than most. They’re still good people, just misguided because of this infection. You’re not going to leave them like this.
Something bumping into Kirishima jostled you out of your internal self-pity. Both Denki and Mina’s whines circling around you reeled your mind back to the present.
“Come on, Kiri! You’ve had them for so-o-o-ooo long now! Let us have a turn with them!” Denki moaned while tugging Kirishima’s arm.
“Yeah, put our cutie down,” Mina pestered and leaned in close to your face, “You wanna hang out with us, right, doll face?” Before you could shake your head in anxious denial, you felt Kirishima’s arm detach from behind your knees and robust hands on your hips again. You let out a muffled cry of distress as your body slid down, thinking you were going to fall, but you were instead manhandled off his shoulder and forcefully sat down onto the hard surface of a bleacher.
Kirishima moved his hands to your shoulders, “There you go, hon’. Comfy?” He sweetly crooked his head to the side, but all you could focus on was the way he caged you in with his muscular arms. Unable to give a response due to the tape gag, your stare into his scarlet eyes, which was quickly broken as he was shoved out of the way by greedy hands.
“My turn~!” Mina cheered. She swooped behind you faster than you could blink and yanked you onto her lap. She nuzzled her face between your shoulder blades and giggled in content.
“Wait, why do you get them in your lap?! So not fair!” Denki griped.
“Uh, it so is, Kami! I won rock-paper-scissors, remember?” Mina exclaimed, resting her pink chin on your shoulder. You mind boggled, ‘They had a contest over whose lap I would sit in? I don’t know if I should feel flattered or concerned.’
“She’s got ya there, dude.” Sero jested. He patted the pouting boy’s back.
“That witch cheated.” You heard Denki mumble to himself.
“Or maybe you just suck.” Jiro came up behind him and smacked the back of his blond head. He yelped at the cruel slap as she walked over to you and Mina on the bench. She sat down to the right of you with a satisfied sigh, resting her side against yours, loving the warmth you radiated.
The rest of the group, excluding Denki because he was busy whining at the slap’s stinging pain and the “uncoolness” of how he was being treated, followed the ladies’ lead to take a seat beside you. Jiro to your right, Sero on your left, and Mina behind continuing to pin you against her. Denki, seeing the group ignoring him, huffed in frustration. Shooting over to your side, he scrambled to the floor, shimmed in between your legs, and eventually reached his goal of resting his head on your inner thigh. Your face heated up tremendously at the sudden breach into your personal space. Muffled whimpers of distress seeped out of you that alerted the others to your predicament.
“Denki! You perv!” Mina shrieked.
“OI! Get out of there, idiot!” Bakugou barked, and you’re pretty sure you heard him mutter under his breath, “Or, at least, share.”
“What,” Denki smirked up at the hothead, “jealous, bomb boy~?”
Bakugou deadpanned, “As if I’d ever be jealous of you, extra. Out now.” he snarled at the coy teen.
“Wow, what are you, Bakugou? A scolding father?” Sero snickered.
“But I don’t wanna,” Denki whined as he shoved his face further into your thigh, drawing another squeak out of you, “it’s so warm and cozy. Think I’ll stay here awhile~,” he wrapped his arms around your knee, becoming a human handcuff. If looks could kill, Bakugou’s glare would have disintegrated Denki to a pile of ash ages ago.
“Alright, move it, Pikachu, before our cutie dies of embarrassment. Or before Bakugou kills you and scars (Y/N) forever.” Kirishima sighs. With a tight grip on the back of Denki’s shirt, he lifts the electric boy up and away from between your thighs. Kirishima drops the flailing hero to the shiny floor on your left.
“Ow! Ugh, fine. Until next time, Sparks~,” Denki winks at you and snuggles up to lay his head on your outer thigh. You aren’t sure if you should look forward to this “next time”.
“Aren’t you two going to sit down? We’ve been running all over the place since the start of the Purge.” Jiro mused as she ran her fingers through your messy hair.
“Oh, I’m good! Standing feels better, like I’m ready to protect or use my quirk if I need to. Gotta keep them safe. It’s the manly thing to do!” Kirishima activates his quirk and clanks his knuckles together with a wide grin.
“Hmph. Same here. I’ll blow those extras to hell and gone if they even try to come close.” Bakugou’s palm crackled with his quirk, adding to the dread of his already unsettling threat.
“Speaking of running all over the place,” Denki stole the conversation, “Doll, I gotta say, it was so fun to watch you dash around the school~!” he cooed while gazing up at you. Your eyes shot down to meet his mischievous smile, confusion etched all over your face.
“My bad, beloved, this idiot doesn’t know how to explain anything. Doofus over here is trying to say we’ve been…keeping an eye on you since the start of the Purge.” Jiro chimed in.
“Didn’t know left from right, which way was the right way to go,” Sero’s breath against the side of your face caused you to jump at his closeness, “So helpless and alone. Glad we saved you when we did!”
“‘Cause we knew the rest were just as eager as we were to get their mitts on you! Took us forever to round you up since someone in this group thought they knew better than the rest of us. He kept trying to save you for himself!” she fake coughed and muttered, “Bakugou.”
Before the short-fused boy could tear her a new one, she sped into what other creepy confession of stalking she had, “But Sero’s right! There’s no telling what they could have done to have you…What they could do.” Mina pondered while burying her nose in your neck. You huffed and rolled your eyes at her exaggeration. They wouldn’t do anything to hurt you, they’re your friends! Your relief slowly waned as a nasty thought drifted through your mind, ‘Well…I figured, even if the virus was real, they’d never get infected. Now look where we are…’
“What lines they’d cross.” Jiro insisted she leaned her head on your unoccupied shoulder. You shook your head in an attempt to clear the unearthed doubt. They wouldn’t truly hurt you; you knew that! ‘But look at the position you’re in now. Kidnapped, tossed around, treated like a trophy to be won…,’ Fear clamped its icy grip around your throat tighter than any of Sero’s tape ever could. Would they seriously hurt you to satisfy the obsessive cravings overthrowing their conscious minds?
“What boundaries they’d push.” Sero ran his pointer finger up your side that sent a shiver down your spine. The more you listened to their words, the more anxiety crept into your brain. Their strategically planted seed festered in your mind, corrupting the previous image you had of your friends. You felt afraid. Scared of them and for your safety. Why didn’t you feel confident in your skills as a hero-in-training anymore? You’re strong, your talents are still there, you didn’t just magically lose them or your quirk! But you felt…weak? You don’t know, maybe all the stress of running around tonight, losing your friends to this illness, is starting to catch up to you. It’s messing with your head…
“(Y/N), you saw how they acted back at the auditorium. I was only trying to get you away from that birdbrain, octo-weirdo, and Deku’s little nobodies. They’re dangerous. You couldn’t see that,” Bakugou cautioned, a gentler look dancing in his new neon pink eyes as he peeked at you over his broad shoulder, “Tch. Typical. You care about those insignificant extras more than your own safety.”
“Woah, Bakubro, chill! You know that’s just how they are,” Kirishima jumped to defend you, he always does, “That’s why we’re here to help you, hon’! We won’t let them take you again. I’d rather…I don’t know…uh…oh! I’d rather give up being manly and say Tetsutetsu is stronger than I am then do that!” Kirishima stated with a slam of his fist to his pec.
“Woah, Kiri! That’s quite the declaration! You’d do all that for this singular cutie here?” Denki egged him on, shooting up from his seat on the floor to his knees, wrapping his arms around your torso to cradle you close.
Kirishima gave a hearty laugh, “Of course, dude! Anything for the love of my life! My one and only! The keeper of my heart! The river to my…uh…mountain?” his speech shortly fell off as his brain desperately racked for more metaphors. The group burst into a fit of joyous laughter. Denki and Sero fell to the ground from their intense howling, Jiro and Mina clutched their sides from their cackling, hell, even Bakugou snickered at Kirishima’s cheesy proclamations.
You looked at the lot of them, smiling and near hysterical, and unconsciously let a quiet giggle slip past your lips. This is what you remember being around your classmates; hearty laughs shared between a blooming group of friends is what makes life worth living. You wanted to stay in this warmth, not go back out there where everyone is fighting tooth and nail against each other.
“Oh, love~! That laugh was the cutest thing ever! Kiri, keep acting dumb so they giggle more!” Mina mushed her cheek against yours as she squealed at your lovable nature.
“Okay, first, ouch. Words hurt, Mina. Second, I’m not dumb! That’s just how I am!” Kirishima pouted. A momentary silence fell over the group as they deadpanned at Ejirio’s reaction.
“You kinda are dumb, bro.” Sero quipped.
“Yeah. Wait, I got it! He’s a himbo!” Denki exclaimed. That comment sent the three of them into another fit of laughter. You couldn’t help but laugh along with them.
“Like you’re one to call someone dumb, dunceface.” Bakugou playfully sneered at the electric boy.
“What’s a himbo?” Kirishima muttered to himself in confusion.
Sero wheezed from lack of air in his lungs, “Uggghh. Nevermind, Kiri. We’ll tell you later. Owwww my sides!” Sero’s hand unconsciously drifted up your side which caused you to jolt at the unanticipated touch. Him, noticing this reaction, focused on you again and smirked.
“Oh~? Is our angel ticklish?” the dark-haired boy provoked. Your heart sank as you frantically tried to deny his claim. The rest of the group caught onto his game and quickly circled in for the kill like sharks in a feeding frenzy.
“Oh~? We really lucked out with you~!” Mina cooed. You felt heat rise to your face in nervousness as desperate muzzled curses tried to redirect their attention from your weakness. You stopped mid-protest as another fleeting touch grazed the sensitive parts of your neck. Your shoulders shot up the best they could to try and protect yourself as Jiro drifted her hand back to her side with a malicious grin stretched across her cheeks. She laughed at your endearing attempts to deny them their fun.
“You’re way too easy to tease, love~,” Sero’s honeyed tone made you jump in your seat.
“But that’s what makes it fun~!” Mina sang with glee.
“And you all the cuter~,” Jiro whispered. You whined in distress, but the noise fell on deaf ears. Poking and prodding, they tested what made you squirm, giggle, shriek, and everything other reaction they could steal from your body. They were merciless in their pursuit to know what made you tick. After a few minutes, you looked over to Bakugou and Kirishima with tears in your eyes from the forced laughter wrung out of you, ready to fall to your knees and plead them to stop their friends, but you realized that wouldn’t work either. Judging by Bakugou’s cocky smirk and Kirishima’s giddy smile, they were content keeping quiet to watch their friends wring you dry of every noise and movement they could get. All of them had you feeling dizzy from the drowning-amount of attention they gave. You didn’t know how long you could handle their wandering hands and sugared words before passing out due to sheer embarrassment.
Though, you didn’t get the chance to faint as the gymnasium door was practically destroyed open.
“KACCHAN!” a furious voice roared across the room. ‘Oh shit,’ you panicked, unconsciously trying to sink back into yourself due to fear of the sheer rage in the boy’s tone. There’s only one person who calls the explosive quirk-user that, and you really don’t want to be in the vicinity of their inevitable bone-breaking fight. Mina squeezed you closer to her, preventing you from shimmying away.
Across the gym floor, stood Deku and his virus-mad motley crew, Iida, Uraraka, Momo, Shoto, and Tsu. His body glowed with sparks of lightning dancing around himself, explaining why the door was nothing but splinters now. He looked pissed. There were very few times you saw him this upset, and considering you’re the root cause of his annoyance towards his friends made you more than a little frightened. As you investigated your classmates behind the green-haired boy, you noticed they all shared that similar infuriated expression. This was not going to end well, but which party would reign victorious in the end was unclear.
“Heh. You’ve got a lotta nerve showing up here, Deku. You never know when to give up when you’ve lost.” Bakugou glared at him. All Deku did was give a twisted grin, one that mimicked a friendly aura but subtly twitched due to how forced it had been.
“Thought you knew that by now, Kacchan~! What can I say, you can’t get rid of me~,” Izuku taunted, stepping into the room with his buddies following closely behind.
“Yeah. It’s annoying. You’re like a damn cockroach.” Bakugou spat, Kirishima lurking closely behind him.
Izuku laughed, “Yes, yes, I’ve heard that from you before. I feel like we’ve been down this lane too much too often, don’t you? So why don’t we cut to the chase, hmm~? Long story short, you have someone I want,” he drawled while leisurely waltzing across the shiny floors towards your captors. Denki, Sero, and Jiro all stood up from their seats to join the two boys ahead to create a barrier in front of you.
“OMG, there they are! Hi, darling~~~! Miss me~?” a cutesy voice echoed. You gasped when you recognized that as Hagakure’s voice, she’s here?!
“I’m sure they did, Hagakure.” No way, Ojiro too?!
“It’s likely. They’d miss any of us compared to being with that brute.” a deeper voice added. Hang on, was that…Tokoyami?!?! No…are they…? It’s as if your worst nightmare came to life as you watched seemingly all of your classmates pour into the gym one after the other. Koji, Shoji, Tokoyami, Sato, Aoyama, all of the people you’d encountered beforehand on this dreadful night filed in and were facing down your current keepers.
“Wow,” Denki marveled, “The whole gang’s here. Like we’re having a party or somethin’!”
“So, you’re all working together?” Sero tested.
“That’s the plan.” Aoyama answered.
“I see,” Sero quipped, “and how long do you say ‘til it falls apart?”
“Falls apart? What are you suggesting? That we’ll–,” Shoji hissed.
“Jealousy is quite the nasty thing,” Mina implied, picking at her nails, “Very dangerous. Not hard for a group to break up over a…difference of opinion later down the line. I’m just looking out for our baby! Don’t want them falling into the wrong hands, you know?”
“The only ‘wrong hands’ they’re falling into right now are yours.” Tsu dared.
“Let’s make this easy. Hand ‘em over, and this mix-up will all be over! We’ll leave you alone to go about the rest of your Purge unprovoked and unharmed.” Momo persuaded with a gentle smile.
“Yeah, right, Yaoyorozu! Like we’d be that unmanly and not put up a fight!” Kirishima barked out a chuckle.
“But they’re not yours to have possession over!” Koji wailed, frustrated tears building up in his eyes.
“What, like you do?” Denki scoffed.
“We had them first.” Shoji, Tokoyami, and Dark Shadow spoke up.
“And look lost them,” Jiro snarked, “but by that logic, we had them last, so we get final say what happens to them.”
“Not happening.” Shoto quickly shot down Jiro’s suggestion.
“Save your breath, Icy Hot, people who actually have something of value to say are talking!” Bakugou sneered. Shoto crossed in front of Deku over to Bakugou and grabbed the outspoken teen by the collar.
“You’re really gonna try that, Bakugou? You really think you deserve their kindness? Their love?” Shoto threatened, the chill from his quirk activating sent a shiver down your spine.
“Yeah, I DO! I sure-as-hell deserve it more than your ungrateful ass!” Bakugou snarled, the unmistakable POP POP of his quirk firing off from his palms filled the tense air.
“Back off, man!” Kirishima tried to usher Todoroki away from Bakugou. Deku and Iida were fast to Shoto’s aid as they closed the distance between the opposing groups.
“He’ll back off when you give us what we are due!” Iida got in the redhead's face. The amping hostile energy flinging around the room caused everyone to crowd closer to the commotion, all parties on edge and waiting for a fist to fly or a quirk to fire.
While all the chaos stirred within the clashing groups, no one noticed a quiet presence slip into the stadium.
“What a mess we’ve got here.” the voice of the final member of Class 3-A echoed around the gym. Everyone stopped their bickering to acknowledge the intrusion, and all saw Hitoshi Shinsou slouched against the opposite wall a few yards away. Your classmates upped their guard at the intruder, no one willing to answer him due to that powerful quirk of his.
Of course, our ever-unafraid Bakugou is the first to pipe up, “Ha?? What’s speech-freak doin’ here? He with you, shitty nerd?”
“No. Not yet, at least.” Deku grumbled to his rival, straightening out his hero uniform and turning his body to fully face the purple-haired boy. Shinsou pushed himself off of the wall and slowly sauntered over to the group. He never failed to remind you of a sly, cunning cat weightlessly prancing around dark alleyways or behind people’s backs.
“What’s the issue?” he asked.
“Um…you trying to say you haven’t noticed all the crazy shit that’s been going on around UA for the past few hours?” Denki raised an eyebrow.
“No, I have, idiot,” Shinsou groaned, “I’m nowhere near as dense as you.” The witty joke caused a giggle to ripple through the whole group, much to Denki’s despair, but it surprisingly sparked hope in your heart. They laughed! Maybe they’re not as mad as they were a few seconds beforehand…maybe…maybe Shinsou could stop all this! Slap some sense into the love-crazed students! You let out a few muffled cries, succeeding in getting his attention. As well as the rest of your classmates’. Even though Shinsou definitely noticed your struggling, he didn’t say or do anything about it, just stared at you in your tape bindings. You tried to yell louder, but Mina assumed you were only acting up and cooed sweet nothings in your ear, like you were a fussy baby.
Deku grabbed the attention of the room, “We were trying to work out a compromise to get (Y/N) back, but Kacchan’s being difficult. He’s not handing them over.”
“I’m not gonna hand them over to a nobody like you! They deserve better than that cruel punishment.” Bakugou cursed. As soon as the tension left, it came right back with Katsuki’s harsh insults. You groaned at his overwhelming audacity. His lack of social cues was truly baffling at times.
“Punishment?! We’re trying to save them from this! From you!” Uraraka seethed.
“We’re beyond worried that they’ll be hurt staying with that group,” Ojiro explained to Shinsou, “Too much could go wrong without us there to intervene.”
“Understandable. They’re only concerned, boom boy. Can you prove to them you’re not going to hurt (Y/N)?” Shinsou countered.
“LIKE I’D BE THAT CARELESS, EXTRAS! They’re the most important thing in the world. Their safety is much more significant to me than any of yours.” Bakugou ranted.
“Really? Wrapping them up in tape and dragging them several feet in the air through a hole in the ceiling somehow doesn’t scream ‘safe’ to me.” Sato objected.
“I was totally being safe with them! I’d like to see you try that with your quirk, Sato.” Sero defended himself.
“Yeah! And I didn’t see any worry about safety when Tsu practically ripped them in half from Hagakure, Ojiro, and Koji while Iida was speeding down the hall like a maniac!” Kirishima snapped with his sharp teeth gritted tightly together.
“Didn’t look like anyone was concerned in the auditorium either!” Mina added.
“We didn’t start it,” Tokoyami exclaimed, “You three were the ones hunting them down like an animal at the start of the Purge.” He pointed to Momo, Shoto, and Bakugou. Shoji didn’t verbally respond, but he nodded his head in agreement.
“We searched for them because Bakugou and Izuku scared them into hiding right when the Purge started!” Momo answered.
“Don’t try that, Yaoyorozu! You’re lucky I even agreed to help you find them! Not like you would’ve gotten close without me.” Bakugou warned.
“We would’ve found them sooner if you two hadn't gotten greedy and tried to take them for yourselves.” Shoto commented, looking directly at Deku as he said those words. Guess he has some bottled-up aggravation concerning Izuku.
“Careful who you point your finger at, Todoroki,” Uraraka and Tsu got in front of Izuku, “We’re working together, remember?”
Everyone had somehow become extremely aggressive, even more so than before Shinsou arrived. Your classmates crowded closer and began arguing with one another, bickering, accusing their friends of stealing the limelight, blaming everyone else for the actions that had caused this mess, everyone pointing fingers around for the mistakes that had been made. This was escalating into dangerous territory; if this energy kept up, it wouldn’t be long until someone let loose of their quirk. All you could hope is you wouldn’t be caught up in the crossfire.
Your eyes flickered around the angry faces, trying to see if anyone had at least some bit of cohesive thought left in their infected brains, until your eyes landed on Shinsou. You were going to look away, distracted by the increasing volume of your friend’s yelling, until you stopped and really looked at him. As Shinsou was always level headed and a non-expressive individual, you thought his face would be one of concern or maybe even annoyance due to all the racket, but all he expressed was a satisfied eyes and a wicked smile. Your heart plummeted to your stomach for the nth time as you realized, watching his eyes swirl in pink glee, that this was his plan all along. Be the last to show up in the fight for your love, waltz into the fiery conversation being calm and collected, play a bit of ‘therapist’, and watch in delight as his questions send the group into a downward spiral of greed and chaos.
“Darling~,” Hagakure’s voice invaded your foggy brain, causing you to jump, “Woah! It’s okay! It’s just me. I’m gonna pull you off her lap, okay? I’ll get you out of here, away from all these scary people~.”
“HEY! Back off, Hagakure!” Mina jumped into action after hearing her quiet voice. She yanked you away from the invisible girl onto her opposite side.
“Kero, Hagakure, we agreed we’d do this as a team! Stick to the plan,” Tsu protested, quite literally hopping over to you and wrapping her hands around your shoulders. She tried to pull you away from Mina, but the pinkette just held onto you tighter.
“Not cool, Tsu! Get off of Sparks!” Denki zapped over to the frog girl and tried tugging her away from you. The arguments halted as the room’s attention was back on you. You were quickly swarmed with the obsessed students, hands grabbing your body anywhere and everywhere they could, everyone trying to get the advantage against the others all at once. Resentful words and threats were flung in every direction, everyone participating in the madness. Your head spun with the uncomfortable amount of people fighting for your attention and the multiple pairs of hands holding onto you, but you were also afraid that everyone would go through with the threats of violence they promised. You hummed with worry, trying to warn them of the devious plan Shinsou was no doubt brewing, but if anyone could hear your muffled pleas over the shouting, no one cared to stop and listen to what you wanted.
“Enough! You’re not going to shove me out of what I deserve this time, Kacchan,” Izuku yelled over the sea of madness, “Just accept that I’ve won!”
“Won?! You think you won?! HA! Last I checked, losers don’t get the prize, shitty nerd! They NEED us! They NEED ME!” Bakugou exploded.
“I’d rather die than let you touch them with your filthy hands again.” Todoroki spoke in a gravelly growl. Everyone tossed in their own threats against the group after Shoto spoke, until a tiny voice begged the final question.
“But who does (Y/N) really belong to?” The seemingly innocent question rang out like a delicate bell chiming in a gentle breeze.
Every one of Class 3-A’s mouths worked faster than their jealous brains as they all shouted out at the purple-haired genius, “ME!”
And the room goes dead silent as nearly every member of Class 3-A is now fully under the mind control of Hitoshi Shinsou.
“Hmph. You guys made that too easy for me.” Shinsou chuckles at the vast horizon of slack jaws and dull eyes that stared back at him, awaiting command.
“Thought at least Yaoyorozu or Izuku would catch on, but I guess our darling just has that kind of mind-numbing effect on everyone. They’ve got that natural kind of gentle sweetness everyone goes braindead for, heh.” he continued, flicking Aoyama in the forehead as he walked past.
“Everyone,” Shinsou began his first command to the group, “stop crowding around (Y/N). Back away from them. I want to see them.” Without a beat of hesitation, the rest of your classmates wordlessly took a few generous steps back to cease surrounding you. You’re sure that all of them are mentally screaming endless curse words and plotting all the ways they could terrorize the boy for this heinous act, but none of their faces expressed that. Not a speck of personality could be found in any of them, all of them had turned into blank canvas void of emotion. That scared you to your core.
Shinsou slowly closed the distance between you two. You tried everything you could to squirm away, to run from his unwanted affection, except Mina was still strapping you to her chest. With her strong arms firmly fastened around your cocooned body, it left no room to navigate an escape route.
Hitoshi reached your seat on the pink girl’s lap, crouched down so you were face-to-face with his neon pink infested eyes, and smiled, “Hi, little escapee~”
He cupped your trembling face and brushed a strand of hair behind your ear as he spoke with a pout, “You’ve sure been busy tonight, keeping these fools entertained for so long. I know I took forever to get here, I’m sorry about that, but I’m proud of you for waiting for me. I’ll be sure to reward you for being so patient and brave. You knew I was looking for you though, right? I’d never let them actually succeed in taking you away from me.”
“When you ran for a safe spot at the beginning of the Purge, I knew they’d track you down eventually, so I simply waited. Saved my energy for when I knew I could steal you right out from under them. I watched them chase you from floor to floor, through rooms and stairwells. It was awful. Absolutely shameful that they’d put someone they call their “darling” through all that trauma,” he kissed your forehead, “But that’s over with. I’m here now, and as long as I’m here, I won’t let those idiots drag you through anymore of their silly games ever again.” You let out angry cries as you thrashed in your seat. You can’t believe you thought he’d try to help you. Of course your last hope was disease-ridden as well. It’s a miracle that you’re not showing symptoms of their virus either, could you be immune somehow? Or maybe you’re not a hospitable environment for the parasite…either way, mentally theorizing about the virus’ infection protocol didn’t stop Shinsou from carrying on with his plan.
He commanded Mina to, “Release (Y/N).” She immediately loosened her arms around you and let them flop to her sides. Before you could flail away, he cradled his arms around your back and under your knees, and lifted you off of Mina. His grin stretches at the adorable yelp that comes from you.
You’re rendered defenseless as he casually saunters away from your zombified classmates, your body elegantly trapped in the sticky tape, sat neatly in his strong arms.
Unable to leave without one final gloat, Shinsou turns back to smirk at the students, “All of you were wrong earlier, by the way. It’s me, dumbasses.”
Suddenly, a cocky voice chuckles behind the mind-controlling boy, “I wouldn’t be too sure about that, kid~...”
~ To Be Continued… ~
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stubz · 2 years
there aren't many yandere reader fics or drabbles so imma make one cause why not?
(some swearing and stuff)
to think that all for one, the big bad, is responsible for you meeting the loves of your life! if it weren't for him you would have never been part of the USJ attack where you met and fell in love with class 1-A of U.A. Their passion and drive draw you in like a moth to a flame! Really, he should become a matchmaker or something!
Bakugo Katsuki, his desire to win, and fighting spirit is infectious! Oh, how he gets your blood pumping, fight until you can't stand anymore!
Asui Tsuyu, a pillar of support with unshakeable morals and principles! As calm as the eye of the storm
Shoji Mezo, a monstrous-looking fella with the strength to crush a man's spine should he wish so. And yet he's as friendly and gentle as a puppy, how fascinating!
These are just a few of your beautiful little champions, each just as wonderful and unique as the last. How you wish with all your being to tell them this! Sadly though the mere sight of you will make them run away, well make some of them run away. The rest would probably try to fight you...not that that'd be a bad thing~
After all, what better way to show off your strength and power than during a friendly spar? Honestly, it'd be a win-win no matter what, you show your darlings that you're more than capable of keeping them safe while preparing them for the villains that sneak past your radar.
While you would never get in the way of their dream of becoming pro heroes you would get in the way of some villains who could seriously hurt them. Sadly tho a few have managed to sneak past you like that Overhaul piece of shit...oh well, in the end, he got what he deserved at the hands of the league of villains. With the help of an anonymous tip who told them the time and route of the vehicle, he was in, of course.
At least you can watch them though. It'd be torture if you couldn't talk or listen to them. While you do think communication is key in any relationship, listening can be just as if not more important. By listening you learned of their hopes, desires, dreams, worries, fears, etc. By listening you've helped them out countless times. Ensuring there's always a notepad and pen ready to be 'gifted' to Koda whenever he's too nervous to order verbally. Slipping 2 bottles of orange juice into Iida's shopping cart because he forgot to get some last time. Purposely talking too loudly about a hero merch sale on the "phone" when walking past Midoriya.
Maybe one day you'll be able to do this and take credit for it rather than stay in the shadows. But until then that's where you stay, away. Unseen and heard. Only to be known as Last, the violent villain who's feared by many and hated by all. That's okay. As long they're smiling it's worth it...oop! there goes the alarm, time to wake up the creep who was trying to grope the girls on the train! Gotta make sure he learns to keep his hands to himself well, what's left of his hands...he'll be fine he's still got his thumbs!
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lady-ashfade · 2 months
All Is Far In Love And Farming Masterlist
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Yandere!Mha!Hybrids x Farmer!Fem!Reader
Characters for now: Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Mina Ashido, Ochako Uraraka, Tenya Iida, Denki Kaminari, Kyoka Jiro, Tsuyu Asui, Shoto Todoroki, Eijiro Kirishima, Hanta Sero, Mashirao Ojiro, Koji Koda, Momo Yaoyorozu
Please note that all characters are aged appropriately, so all characters are older versions of themselves!! Adult age of hybrids, reader is early 20s.
warnings: short chapters, stardew valley au, yandere behaviors, obsession, stalking, slightly sick love, possessive, manipulative, gaslighting. platonic yandere, hybrid and human relationships, and future warnings when more chapters come out.
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Chapter One: “Getting Started” — Found here.
Chapter Two: “???” — coming….
Chapter Three: “???” — coming….
Chapter Four: “???” — coming….
Chapter Five: “???” — coming….
taglist: comment if you want to be tagged ♡
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thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
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Ochako and Tsuyu just LOVE and ADORE seeing you in cutesey frilly dresses which make you look like a baby. They like dressing you up in various different outfits and take thousands of pictures of you in an outfit in hundred different poses just so the entire dekusquad can drool over you later on
Iida and Todoroki are the actual masterminds behind all the planning like how you're going to fall in love with them, whom they should kill for talking to you and being too close to you and stuff like that which requires INTENSE planning. They are also the types of yanderes who will not hesitate to punish you when you behave badly. Yes, it breaks their hearts as much as it breaks Deku's and Uraraka's and Tsuyu's when you get punished by Iida and Todoroki, but it can't be helped. Those 3 are TOO soft with you and REFUSE to even make you cry whereas Iida and Todoroki are like the strict parent types. At least, that's what I feel
Whenever Todoroki gets out of hand like he's almost going to burn you or freeze your limbs off, the other members of the Dekusquad will tell him to calm the FRICK down and Iida will have a very stern lecture with him on how he should control his anger while Tsuyu, Uraraka and Deku will be busy trying to pacify you and baby you 
Izuku will make sure you are getting enough rest and you're getting enough to eat and you're healthy, stuff like that. He's like the soft overprotective mom whereas Iida is like the strict overprotective mom. Izuku will make sure you fall asleep EXACTLY at your planned bedtime and if you can't sleep, he'll stick to your side like a LEECH ngl... or he might play some soft jazz music and help you sleep by slowly stroking your hair and petting your head. Yes, it does get the others all riled up and jealous ASF, but they don't want to start a fight in front of you since you're already scared of them, no point in making you MORE scared than you already are
They will actually have a weekly schedule so you can spend time with ALL of them. Don't worry, they will treat you like a princess and they will smother the hell out of you and spoil you rotten to death, but if you act up, start kissing your favorite things goodbye and sayonara
Uraraka, Tsuyu and Deku are kinda like the gullible and innocent yanderes who'll be really EASY PEASY to manipulate to get whatever the HECK you want. They just LOVE to baby you and cuddle with you 
Iida likes teaching you new things and will occasionally give you treats and rewards for your good behavior 
If they're feeling particularly nice that day, they might actually consider taking you outside for some sun since staying indoors year round can't be all THAT healthy (According to Iida's research on how to keep a darling happy)
Will always make sure you're safe and happy no matter what :)
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yandere-class-1a · 6 months
Class 1a as mermaids and mermaid and reader as a human-like one day reader finds a trapped mermaid and they save them and now that mermaids tell the other mermaids about the humans and their will to meet the reader
Author Note: I tired my best to work on this and keep it from going to far of track so I really hope you like it. I actually headcanoned what each on of their tails would look like so if you want that just send in another ask! It's perfectly fine if you have your own ideas though ♡
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On a warm summer night, as the moon cast its gentle glow upon the beach and the wind sung a sweet lullaby, you some how found yourselves tossing and turning, unable to drift of into your dream world for the third time this week. Frustrated, you decided to go on a late-night stroll along the deserted shoreline of the pink sand beach. You weren't sure the actual name, maybe it was the romantic settings or probably the pink tinted sand, but most people called it Soulmates Beach.
As you walked along the shore line and in the moons soft glow, the rhythmic crashing of the waves provided a soothing soundtrack to your thoughts. Almost forgetting your frustration at not being able to sleep you become lost in the beauty of the night. That was until your eyes caught sight of something peculiar in the water. A glimmering pink and yellow tail, trapped in a net, struggled against the unforgiving holds of captivity.
You paused for a second thinking it might be a large fish if some kind. However you quickly dashed towards the thrashing net as you saw a human arm hand grab at the net from the inside. To your amazement you discovered it was a living breathing mermaid. You freeze for a second once again. No way is that a real mermaid, you thought to yourself, it's every kids dream to meet some type of mystic creature! However you quickly snap out of it once you hear a distressed chirp come from Mina.
It took you a few minutes and using a shell as a knife but you finally manage to free her from the entanglement. Grateful and relieved Mina let out a small thank you purr before swimming deep into the ocean and returning to her mermaid pack. The news spread like wildfire among the members of her mer-pack, each one if them instantly amazed by the very idea of a human saving a mermaid.
Driven by a mix of curiosity and thankfulness at saving Mina, they all set their sights on meeting the stunning human that mina had told them so much about. They didn't even know you, heck Mina was the only one that hhad even seen you, and yet they all felt some sorta warm and fuzzy feeling when one of them would mention you. They had all decide to name you Shinning Star. They thought it was perfectly fitting as you lit up their worlds just by being mentioned.
Days later, the encounter with Mina still planted deeply in your brain, you returned to the beach. You weren't expecting to see her again, after all if you had been caught by humans you would be pretty scared to come back up to the surface so you don'treally blame her. You sit at the edge of the beach, on a small stone that was oddly shaped like a chair. You gently start to hum a song as you close your eyes.
After a few minutes of sitting there with your eyes closed you are met with a loud and continuous splashing sound accompanied by small chirps. Your eyes open faster than you ever thought they could, and there is a absaloutly amazing sight.
Emerging from the depths of the beutifull blue ocean are not one, not two, no not even three, but nineteen whole mer-people. All of their beutifull tails glinting under the sunlight. With eager eyes they gently call for you to come close to them. You knew it was risky but you are absaloutly amazed by what your seeing, so without thinking you gently walk over to them and smile a amazed smile at them. Your hands are fidgeting from how excited you are at this opportunity.
Izuku is the first to greet you. His tail is a beutifull emerald green with freckles of red and white. He flicked it happily as you step closer. In the excitedness he let's out tons of happy chirps and goes to lean forward to touch you. Unlucky for him he was as far as the water would let him go and he face planted in the sand. You rush over to him and check on him.
Izuku thinks it's absaloutly adorable, your in the presence of real life merpeople and your worried that he got a little sand in his eye. He chirps happily and snuggles his head gently into your stomach, a sign of love and respect in mermaid body language, not like you know that though. You chuckle as Izuku hops up and turns to the rest of the mer-pack before chirping out somthing unreadable to humans. They all greet you one by one.
As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks turn into months you and the group of mer-people forged a unique bond. You all had a absaloute blast, even though somtimes it seemd asif they never wanted you to leave. Mer-pack 1-A, once captivated by your heroism, now found themselves captivated by your very presence.
With each passing day, their heart grew fonder for you. Their once pure curiosity and admiration for you blossoming into something more. In your company they all found found acceptance, understanding, and a love stronger than anything they had ever felt before.
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Yandere Headcanons for Tsuyu, Mina and Momo
weird-questions-from-an-infp-t said: Hello again, may I request yandere headcanons for Tsuyu, Mina, and Momo?  A/N: Please note that this headcanons contain pretty dark yandere themes including self harm, starving, kidnapping, abuse, etc. 
Tsuyu (Credit to aquanut on DeviantArt)
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If Tsuyu were a yandere and liked you she would defiantly try and get your attention and just go about the normal way of things. If she succeeds and becomes your girlfriend she will defiantly emotionally manipulate you and slowly but surely convince you that you are insane and need her to live. The more you rely on her, the less you will see your friends and family and the more you will stay inside with her. If she can’t become your girlfriend, she’ll simply kidnap you. If you try and leave her, she’ll either threaten to hurt herself or someone close to you. She has your complete family tree memorized as well as all of your friends. Tsuyu knows all your weaknesses and she is gonna use them against you. The only thing she is against is using harm on you. She would never hurt her darling.
Mina (Credit to kajinman on DeviantArt)
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As soon as Mina sees you it’s basically over for you. Say goodbye to whatever family and friends you did have because she basically kidnaps you the same day the two of you meet. Mina will tie you up or chain you down in a basement with no windows or anything. She’ll come down twice a day. Once in the morning to give you a quick breakfast and then again at night for dinner. Don’t reject her touch. Mina is quick to physically punish you or won’t give you food. Sometimes, if you behave enough for her, she’ll let you come upstairs and watch TV with her and eat dinner. You’d still have to have your hands tied of course and she’d still feed you but at least you get some TV. If you try and escape, you likely won’t make it far. She has large guard dogs as well as a tracking chip she implanted into your back where you can’t reach it. She also has cameras and a tight security system. You aren’t escaping from Mina. She’ll likely physically punish you and starve you for two days.
Momo (Credit to helloclonion on Instagram)
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Momo uses her money and power and abuses it. At first it starts out small. Momo buys you lunch or dinner, then expensive gifts show up and suddenly your rent spikes despite it not spiking for other people. Momo is the first to offer you a place to stay at her mansion. People start to no longer talk to you, any place you try and file to become a part of denies you. Momo is controlling every part of your life. She’s super subtle about it as well. Comforting you and soon you have to lie on her finically since you can’t get a new job. Then your boyfriend/girlfriend winds up dead and who is right there to protect and comfort you? Momo. Momo is always there. She doesn’t kidnap you but she emotionally manipulates you and people around you. She also doesn’t limit you to the mansion but it’s pretty far from any large city and do you really need to drive all the way out there when you have so many servants? Momo doesn’t physically hurt you a lot but she does threaten you sometimes but she didn’t really mean it, right? She was just angry. Still you have to take precautions around her. Sometimes it feels like your walking on eggshells around Momo.
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Tsuyu Asui Masterlist
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A work in progress
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