#wow that tag is outdated now
distortedwhite · 2 years
nanowrimo is coming up and my plan is to write a shuchia multi chapter...... wish me luck
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daily-odile · 7 days
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1,,,, 100 days,,,,,,,,, and 800 followers,,,,,,,,,,,,,
From the bottom of my heart, thank you everyone.........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ruses-writing-realm · 2 years
The Map of Vahuul (Veil)
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Vahuul is the old term for the islands, more known as Veil to its modern residents. This is version 5 of these lands and my favorite so far. Any one wanting to make a more fantasy map I’d suggest looking at the slime rancher’s maps because they are very nice and easy to digest while also looking really really good. All of the marked areas are super generalized so keep that in mind!
On the full map each main group is marked with their different areas. The canines (full named pending) inhabit the left continents marked in a dull rusty kind of red, with a main wide continent where moss are settled. At the bottom south west is the Fox’s area, marked in purple and bordering the Gilded Pact and Ravine Region. At the bottom southeast is a farther away island marked in green only referred to as “The Wild”. And lastly at the top near the northwest is the Gilded Pact or feline run territory.
the smaller island shows the separate groups within the Gilded Pact. The greenish blue area is the Forest Region. The light blue is the Coastal Region. The orange is the Ravine Region, bordering the foxes. And the Yellowish lime area is the Valley Region. Every one of these names will be changed as I find better terms!
under here are some of the old maps I used for awhile. This newest one is version 5!
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^Version 1
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^Version 2
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^Version 4
the top one, or only one connected to a main land is the very first map I ever made for these guys! Back when they were very heavily taken from warrior cats and still held the two part names. The second map is my most detailed old map but still when it was much more like warriors, still using two part names but with a few changes and shifts. It caught more of what i wanted but just didn’t hit the mark. The last VERY messy one is my previous scrapped wip of the map until I realized I hated it. I can’t find it but I did have one just before this one where the island was more like Hawaii, but it must’ve gotten deleted at some point.
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dotster001 · 1 year
Leviathan, the Accidental Yandere
Summary:Levi x gn!reader. Levi forgets there are differences between humans and demons when he attempts to court you.
CW:Levi seems like a Yan! But it's just a misunderstanding. Read at your own risk.
A/N: I love me a good spooky Yan fic, but I was thinking about the funny side of some of them, where it might just be a cultural thing. Also, my tag list is still packed, so hopefully you guys see this.
"Question?" Levi said, looking a little flustered.
Satan looked up from his book, and Asmo looked up from doing Belphie's nails.
"Yeah?" Asmo asked.
"Um.. so you three know humans the best, so how long is it supposed to take before they stop screaming when you begin courting them?" He startled a moment, before adding, "Hypothetically, of course."
Satan and Asmo shared a confused look, but Belphie seemed to understand exactly. He groaned, and slouched back in his chair.
"Levi, if we go in your room, right now, are we going to find Y/N in a cage, or chained to something?"
"Father give me strength," Belphie groaned. "You know humans are a completely different species right? Which means they have different courtship rituals? Please tell me you read one of the millions of books by succubi and incubi who researched how to mix the courting rituals, right?"
Levi's face turned a shade of bright pink.
"I, uh, didn't think about it…"
"Levi!" Asmo exclaimed. 
"So, I did bad?"
"Just a little," Satan said with a laugh. "Or a lot."
"Humans only have free will and freedom going for them. So chaining them down is seen as an act of aggression,"Belphie groaned tiredly.
"Wow, if you had read a book about how to care for and keep humans as pets, it would have gone better. Even if those books are outdated," Satan laughed even harder.
"It's not funny," Levi pouted.
"It's a little funny," Asmo said with a giggle.
"Well, we better let Y/N out, and explain what happened," Satan said, the trio standing up, and following Levi to his room.
When Satan opened the door, he was immediately greeted by a Ruri Chan body pillow being thrown at his head.
"Y/N! Please don't hit me, I just did my hair!" Asmo cried.
"Fuck, shit, I thought you were…Levi!" You saw Levi standing behind the trio, and made to grab something else to throw.
"Let me the fuck out!"
"Y/N, it's okay! We're here to unlock you, but we need to tell you something first, then Levi is gonna apologize," Asmo said.
"I don't want to hear it."
"Trust me, you do," Satan smirked.
You sat down with a huff, the chain around your ankle jingling angrily.
Belphie sat down next to you, before laying his head on your lap.
"So I know it's easy to forget, cause we're so loveable, but we are two different species. And demonic courtship rituals are a little different. For example, it is common for a higher caliber demon to lock up their potential lower level mate, and then to bring presents and spoils of their hunts to prove that they can protect them."
"The fuck-"
"Levi being one of the 10 most powerful demons in the Devildom, is always going to be the one who is supposed to prove himself. So, he put the chain on your ankle, and was going to bring you gifts and food to prove himself a worthy mate of defending you."
He paused to let you take in the information. Your face went through a roller coaster of emotions, before you simply said,
"Now, if Levi was smarter, he would have researched humans before hand, and would have informed you about demonic culture, and maybe you could have come to a middle ground, where both of your cultures were respected, but also you felt safe," Satan said pointedly.
Asmo nudged Levi.
"I, um, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you or make you think I was gonna hurt you," Levi's eyes started tearing up, "I'd never hurt my Henry, I'm so sorry, I bet you just hate me now." 
Levi threw the key to the chain at your feet, then started sobbing into Satan's shoulder.
You groaned before unlocking the chain and wrapping your arms around him.
"I don't hate you Levi. And we can definitely talk about ways to make us both comfortable, but, dear God, please make sure I know thoroughly about something demonic before throwing me to the wolves next time? I thought you were gonna kill me or something."
"You don't hate me?" He sniffled, and looked at you, his violet eyes filling with hope.
"No Levi, I literally told you yesterday how much I love you! You just shook me up a little bit!" You nuzzled your nose against his.
"Okay, I'll get rid of the chains, the cage, and the handcuffs…"
Satan quickly covered Asmo's mouth.
"...And we'll talk about how you'd be comfortable."
"Literally, Levi, how about we just watch a movie? That sounds really nice right now,"  you hummed.
"Okay, Henry, that sounds amazing," he said with a smile.
You both left the room holding hands, and Satan uncovered Asmo's mouth.
"Keep the handcuffs!" He blurted.
"Aw, Asmo," Belphie purred, "they're already gone."
Satan and Belphie laughed, and Asmo pouted.
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snaillock · 10 months
Hi there! Could you write barou, Kaiser and kunigami with a male reader where the bllk boy wants to introduce reader to their parents but reader is really nervous because they rarely encounter non homophobic parents?
I hope it's okay and didn't miss any rules. You can pick whatever format you want and if you don't wanna do all characters, you can just pick one of them as well. Hope you have a great day <3
meeting their families
ft. barou, kaiser, kunigami
tags: lowkey anxious male reader, pre-wc kunigami, me guessing what kaiser’s parents are like so that part could be easily outdated once his backstory is out
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barou shoei
when you stood next to him in front of his house, all your nerves suddenly rushed back to you.
“uh barou, are you sure this will go well?”
“yeah of course. i don’t get why you’re freaking out so much”
“well what if your family doesn’t like that you’re dating a guy. oh god what if they judge me and then kick me out? oh no… what if they kick you ou-”
“oh chill out already. my family will be fine with you. trust me,” he reassured you as he walked you to the porch before you could spiral all over again. just like you did on the drive over, “though my sisters can be bit… overbearing. just don’t worry about them too much.”
you couldn’t help but grin as felt some of your confidence come back, “oh wow! the barou shoei calling someone else overbearing? oh my, this is serious! i must brace myself.”
all he did was glare at you before knocking on the front door. once the door opened, you were immediately greeted by loud and cheery hugs from two girls probably a couple years younger than barou gushing about the cute guy he brought home. they soon bombarded you with questions about your relationship that you could barely comprehend from how overwhelming their excitement got. you didn’t even have a chance to take your shoes off. eventually barou had to pull them off of you.
oh that type of overbearing. got it! seems like meeting the family won’t be too bad after all.
michael kaiser
you and kaiser sat at the table for four at some fancy restaurant you haven’t even heard of. the two seats at the other side of the table were empty. you could feel the anticipation and tension in the air as kaiser wasn’t wearing his usual self-assured expression.
“kaiser, are you sure i should be here?” you felt yourself getting more and more nervous the longer you waited. “i mean you haven’t seen your parents since you were a baby and i don’t think me being here will help.”
kaiser looked at you with an uncharacteristic expression of worry on his face. “what do you mean? i really need you here right now.” he placed his hand on top of yours and squeezed it. then some frustration he kept inside of him resurfaced on his face. “those two bastards basically abandoned their own son and now all of a sudden they want to ‘reconnect’ with me, when i’m way more successful than they could ever be?” he scoffed, “yeah right.”
he sighed as he glared at the two empty seats in front of him. “i don’t think i can do this on my own.”
“yeah don’t worry. i’ll stay right here.” you squeezed his hand in return, “i just hope they won’t say anything weird about our relationship. after all, i only know bad things about them so who knows what they’ll say about you, their son, being with another man.”
he sneered, “is that what you’ve been worried about this whole time? who cares what they think about you, my darling? if i’m right and they’re only here to leech off my success, then we’ll just leave and i’ll never have to speak to them again.”
you sighed and smiled at him, “yeah you’re right. well ideally i hope you’re not because i do wish for you to have a nice relationship with your family. but either way, i guess it’ll turn out ok.”
a moment after you said that, an older couple that shared kaiser’s features sat down in front of you two.
kunigami rensuke
kunigami hung up the phone after a one hour conversation. "my parents just called and they said they wanna meet you soon."
"wait what?!” you started getting worried. “they do? are you sure we should do this?”
"yeah why not?” he sat down on the couch right next to you, “they'll love you."
“your parents know you’re dating a guy, right?”
“they don’t yet. they kinda assumed i’m in a relationship and said they wanted to meet my partner but don’t worry it’ll be chill.”
your face dropped and you immediately panicked. “what? you haven’t told them?!”
“no but they’ll be more than ok with it.” he shrugged like it was the most casual thing he could say, “i’ve brought guys home before.”
“you have!?”
“yeah?" he looked at you like he had absolutely no clue as to why you're so surprised. "my parents know i date men.”
“they do!?”
“ah shit. i must’ve forgotten to tell you. i’m already out to my family. have been for a while actually.”
“ah i see.” you sighed and leaned back down onto the cushions, calming down from the anxiety and confusion, “that makes a lot more sense now.” however that was soon replaced with annoyance.
“oh you asshole!” you threw one of the couch pillows at his head. “you had me freaking over nothing.”
he laughed as he grabbed the pillow from his face, “i’m sorry babe! it just slipped my mind.”
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taglist(let me know if you wanna be in it!): @userwithlotsoftime @lucas2060
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hi, do you have any resource recommendations for laypeople who want to grasp the most important essentials/fundamentals of material science? any help will be very appreciated!
Great question! Unfortunately, our definitions of 'laypeople' and 'fundamentals' may vary, so if this list doesn't have what you're looking for just let me know and I'll give it another shot.
Let's start with some... let's say 'unpublished/unofficial' resources. First - this blog. Not to toot my own horn, but I've got a good collection of original posts (try the tag MyMSEPost, or this year's newest variety 2024Daily) that I hope are fairly readable to the general public - and come with links and further reading resources for each topic. However, these posts are not comprehensive. I don't think I've ever talked about what is a crystal structure, for example. [Also, I've been doing this for, wow, almost 10 years now, so... that's a fair number of posts...] I also, one upon a time, made some MSE Masterpost posts, though those are probably pretty outdated by now and I can't guarantee the links all work.
Another resource is msestudent.com. They don't have an about page, but it seems to be a more official (i.e., non-Tumblr) blog about the fundamentals. That being said, while they do have a search system, they don't seem to have a table of contents. Both of these resources will help you learn some fundamentals, but they won't tell you what the fundamentals are if you don't already know them.
Other science Tumblr blogs have come and gone over the years, but @materiallugy seems to be currently posting, and @matmake was not too long ago. Both have separate websites with resources, though I'm not sure how comprehensive.
Now for undergraduate level resources that are comprehensive. These are introductory, but I suppose they might presuppose a high-school level education (basic chemistry and physics, probably):
Online classes, such as MIT OpenCourseware, or Coursera (two examples of many). Some of these kinds of resources are free, some aren't. MIT, in particular, isn't so much a class you take online as it is the resources (and sometimes videos) of their classes.
Textbooks. I used Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction (Callister and Rethwisch), which I think is pretty common and a well respected book. Obviously it costs money, but I think it's safe to say you could go back a couple editions and save some money.
Less comprehensive but still official is the University of Cambridge's Teaching and Learning Packages. Again, this won't tell you what are the fundamentals if you don't know already know. For example, there are 78 at the moment - I wouldn't say the additive manufacturing TLP is essential to MSE, but atomic scale structure of materials is.
Additional resources:
Specifically corrosion
Online, virtual, general chemistry textbook
Online, virtual, organic chemistry textbook
Someone else's compiled list of links and resources, which may be outdated
YouTube videos from a professor of MSE (side note: I have not watched these and cannot verify their accuracy or usefulness, but the guy does teach this stuff for a living...)
Hope this helps, and everyone feel free to chime in if you have any resources of your own you use!
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echodoesstuff62333 · 11 months
Hello! Our collective names are Cage/Kage/CK, though we don't mind being called Echo or Koi. We are a fan of Undertale, TMNT, SAMS, Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles, and more! I) We collectively go by They/them, It/Its, or Neos
We write fanfic, and draw. The two current fics we're posting are 'Love You 'Til the Blood Dries and the Bones Decay' and 'The Sun Wants to Set' [currently going through a rewrite] (aha this part is outdated but theres too much we're writing to list it all)
Fanfiction does not have a schedule, and might take a while to be updated!
Feel free to ask us anything! Just not anything wierd. (Please refrain from sending chain stuff..)
Post explaining some things being added
I hope you enjoy our tumblr! Have fun, and have a wonderful day/night!
《 ☆ F A N F I C T I O N S ☆ 》
Love You 'Til the Blood Dries and the Bones Decay
The Sun Wants to Set
Veteran Of A Mutant's Veterinarian
《 ☆ T A G S ☆ 》
#Koi catastrophe - rants, vents, pretty much just random stuff not fandom related
#Choi Dianzar - any posts that have to do with my TMNT oc, Choi. (Please note that now they are an alter so this tag may not be used.)
#Arrow Ace - any posts that have to do with my ROTTMNT oc, Arrow! [Currently inactive tag, also see above]
#bittwbbwftt - any posts that have to do with our ROTTMNT story "Blood Is Thicker Than Water But Blood Won't Feed The Thirsty"
#Veteran Of A Mutant's Veterinarian - any posts about our series VOAMV aka Veteran Of A Mutant's Veterinarian
#Adoption contract - the offical contract to adopt us.
《 ☆ S O C I A L S ☆ 》 [sorta not really but shh]
Twitter [inactive]
Draw Box
What's this?? Choi has a toyhouse profile? 100%! Not the best but hey, I tried! [Unupdated due to personal reasons]
《 ☆ S I D E B L O G S ☆ 》
@echos-hell-hole (Warning - Gore + Suggestive things)
《 ☆ D N I ☆ 》
Transphobes, Homophobes, Racists, Ableists, pretty much anybody who is mean or hurtful to others without justifiable reasons.
《 ☆ B O U N D A R I E S ☆ 》
Please respect that at times we may have littles or others children (like) alters or such on here. We would prefer to keep sexual references to a low, a few jokes here and there are fine but overall just try to avoid it. (this doesn't apply to private messages :D). Also we can get triggered by certain tones, or words, so if we ask you to stop please do.
Theres an infestation
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Sysboxes made by @/sysboxes ^^
Guess Who Anon misspelling my name smh
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Cute Counter, amount of times I've been called cute(that I remember); 11
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this masterpost is really long.. wow..
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kickingitwithkirk · 2 years
When Reality is Worse than the Lies they told Me
Summary: The Boys have come to hide out with you
Pairing: Solder Boy x Reader
Word Count: 1609
*Do not read if you find anything offensive-triggering about/on/from The Boys series
Warnings: cursing, verbal arguments, loads of marajuna, cursing, sexist Supe, more cursing, physical altercations, knife wielding, still cursing, outdated slang, toxic male attitudes, lots of cursing, reader has a secret, Soldier Boy thinking he’s the man
Part I Part II Part III
*additional tags to be added in next parts
Square Filled: @howbadcanitbebingo -OOC to the max
A/N: I’m using season 3 as a template for this so it will contain spoilers from the series mixed with original ideas
A/N II: this was originally a one shot but have so many notes/ideas jotted down it’ll now be multi-part, just not sure how many
*gif credit to creator
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2:54 AM
There is a surreal picture happening in front of you.
Three duffel bags, a brass colored, eagle emblemed shield are sitting on the floor, Hughie and Butcher are arguing about something as Soldier Boy is casually leaning against a door-jam lighting up a ginormous joint.
“Butcher, please explain why a fucking dead man is standing in my living room smoking Sasquatch's doobie and does you being here have anything to do with that shitshow in Vermont?”
“Yeah, sorry about this love,” Butcher says, “our little trip turned into a cock up in a tin hat and was hoping you’re in a position to help us out..”
“This is bullshit!” The Supe interrupted, “there’s got to be better places than this,” pointedly waves the joint, “middle of bumfuck nowhere..” he continues ranting and you detect something new laced through his deep voice that wasn’t there before.
“Oi, tosser, show the lady some respect. If you'd kept your prick in your pants instead of the help, Legend wouldn't have given us the boot.”
“Wow..talk about recycling.”
Soldier Boy sneers at your comment.
“Look Granny Fucker, I still don’t give two shits about your tiff with Payback but you best remember..I gave your radioactive arse Crimsom Countess and TNT Twins on a fucking platter and how’d you repay it? By loosing your shit and blowing up fucking Herogasm! So if I say we’re laying low for a bit longer..”
Butcher continues running his mouth then does the universal dumbass maneuver men can’t stop themselves from doing..getting right up in the Supes grill. You knew this had to be stopped before the Supe lost his shit and destroyed your home too.
“Godfuckingdammit you dillholes knock the macho man bullshit off!”
Soldier Boy's eyes are suddenly locked on you, darkening into a fierce viridian color as a rage bubbles up that wasn’t there seconds ago, making Butcher step back holding up his hands when Hughie suddenly disappears.
You felt a continuous current skittering over your skin as if the oxygen is being drawn out of the room when it dawns on you; you’re perceiving his new abilities from the decades of torturous experimentations done by the Russians when something behind you snapped his concentration.
Unsheathing the blade you always kept on your person whip around when Butcher grabs your wrist..how the fuck did he just stop your death blow to..Hughie?
A very naked, guilty looking Hughie quickly covers his junk.
“Kitchen Now!!!”
Slamming the pocket doors dividing the rooms shut does nothing to muffle your yelling.
“Fucking hell Butcher, you dumbfucks are shooting Temp V! How is it possible you motherfucking cunts have gotten even more stupid and for what..to get Homelander? You’d risk permanently fucking yourself up with that untested shit and take Hughie down too? I don’t know where to..and Soldier Boy..you’ve gone off the rails with that one. Goddamn it..you better start thinking with that lump three feet above your ass ‘cause this path..it’s gonna get us all dead you arrogant sonuvabitch!”
“If you’re done running that fucking mouth I can explain..”
Hughie quickly redressed and pressed his ear against the door trying to hear the now subdued conversation while Soldier Boy made himself comfortable kicking back in the oversized recliner.
“Take a load off kid, they’re gonna be at it awhile. So, how do you know?” He gestures toward the doors.
“Y/N..she was one of the original members Mallory recruited.”
“Hmm, gotta hand it to Captain Lesbos, she sure knew how’ta pick’em.” He lights up another joint, “that one there, grade A choice piece of ass.”
Hughie gaped at him, “what? You can’t tell me you haven’t rubbed one out fantasizing about that sweet pussy.”
“My god, you really need to get up to speed on how women are treated today because that attitude..”
“Fuck, you guys nowadays, really have lost your balls,” the Supe took a long drag, “don’t sweat it kid, stick with me and you’ll grow them back. Look at Butcher, he’s old school so he’ll set her straight.”
“What the hell does that mean-set her straight?”
“In my day when a woman got her feathers ruffled, you had to pacify them.”
“Pacify them?”
“You know..soothe the waters by using a bit of flattery, sweet talk them if you need to, remind them they needn't to worry their pretty heads about anything but looking good for you. And if that didn’t work, get a bit rough, remind them what a man’s for.”
Hughie’s eyebrows shot up, “holy mother of god, you really are a chauvinistic dinosaur,” he’s remarking as the doors reopened, “better than being a pussyboy,” the Supe shot back.
Butcher enters with a cat that ate the cream expression, “told ya,” the Supe crowed.
You shot the Supe a dirty look, “While you’re staying here, there’s a few ground rules: do not enter any room that’s locked. Also, I’m not a maid so clean up after yourselves and at mealtimes, y'all help out or do without.”
As you continue Butcher grabs his duffel and tossed Hughie his, “you guys have the second floor, pick whatever room you want. Oh, and don’t touch any of the decor, just assume it’s lethal because most of it is.”
“And Hughie, next time you jump around me, you’d better have figured out how to keep your pants on or,” pointedly peering down at his crotch, “Annie’s gonna be referring to you as her ex-girlfriend.”
Hughie’s blanching made Butcher bark out a laugh, pushing him towards the stairs, “no worries love, he’ll mind his P’s, Q’s and knickers.”
Once they're out of earshot you turn to face the Supe who’s haunted your memories for decades and who’s now made himself quite comfortable in your favorite chair.
“You awaiting an engraved invitation, your hindass.”
“That’s quite a mouth you’ve got on you.”
“Been told I'm a talented..”
“Let’s get a few things straight jag off. I overheard what you said and those antiquated beliefs of yours don’t rattle me, I’m no shrinking violet.”
It’s taken a chance but you place your hands on the chair arms leaning towards him, “I won’t tolerate any of your bullshit. Man, the stuff I’ve heard about what you did to your teammates when you thought they were gonna upstage..”
You didn’t finish because your breath is momentarily interrupted from hitting the wall across the room felt him vibrating with anger and his knife against your jugular.
“Oi..do we have a problem?”
Butchers standing halfway down the stairs glowering over the rail at the knife wielding Supe so you plaster on your sweetest, fake ass smile, “no problem, just a misunderstanding we’re getting sorted..right?”
The Supe resheathed his knife, “yeah..we’re good.”
It’s easy to see Butcher doesn’t believe either of you but doesn’t push it goes back upstairs then the Supe slapped both his hands flat on the wall by your shoulders boxing you between them.
The fierceness in Soldier Boys eyes is dissipating, he’s now unabashedly checking out your body, biting on his bottom lip.
These switches in demeanor are given you whiplash.
“Nobody’s said that to me since WWII. Makes me curious,” his voice becoming gentler as he slowly lowered his head, “where’d a foxy thing like you pick up that slang?”
Popping the top buttons off your sleep shirt he slips the loosened material over a shoulder buries his face into the curve of your neck inhaling your scent. His breath shifts, coming out in warm puffs on your skin, “why do you smell so fucking good?”
His beard is softer than you would’ve imagined as it brushes over your skin as his full lips glide over your neck, “getting me all worked up here baby,” rolls his hardening length against your thigh.
The rush of arousal coursing through you is interrupted by a deep, almost cramp like sensation that snaps you out of your hormone laden stuper.
You place both hands against his Kevlar, “okay big boy, need to shift it back into neutral.”
He pulls back genuinely baffled, “just because you know how to flip a girl's switch doesn’t mean she’s ready to drop her knickers.”
The heat in his eyes blew out and his expression turned sour.
You grip the Kevlar chest piece and spun him into the storage door under the stairs splintering it.
“While you’re a guest in my home, I expect to be treated with decency and respect.”
Taking a calculated risk, you release the still shocked Supe but don't put any distance between you.
“There’s a difference between being a man, I’m not talking about what’s being sold today, but a genuine one, who’s not only strong but earns and reciprocates the respect of others.”
Soldier Boy opens his mouth to shoot out one of his retorts when you can’t suppress the flinch of pain crossing your features stops him short and, once again, shifts gears, a concerned look crosses his perfect features as he sniffs the air confused, “are you alright?”
 “Being woken up before the butt crack of dawn never agrees with me,” you smart off, hoping he’ll buy the ruse. “Well, this has been stimulating but I need my beauty sleep.”
You turn heading for your room at the back of the house feeling his eyes watching you, trying to suss out what just happened between you two.
Pausing at your bedroom door, turn to look back at him.  
“You’re not the lost cause they think you are Ben.”
SPN TAGS: @donnaintx @lyarr24 @flamencodiva @b3autyfuldisast3r @lassie-bird @nancymcl @spnbaby-67
Dean/Jensen @thoughts-and-funnies @stoneyggirl @akshi8278 @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl
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cloudbrooksblog · 11 months
Critical blogs have the worst critique and complaints about the Hellaverse
Calling Millie and Velvette's designs offensive for not having curly hair.
Claim all the POCs in the Hellaverse have grey skin when every fur less demon have unnatural skin. Charlie and Niffty have unnaturally pale skin FFS
Hates Angel but say he should be the main character
Accuse Viv of internalized misogyny because Angel and Alastor are her favorite characters in Hazbin Hotel, ignoring Charlie being in the spotlight in the promotions and official synopsis
Say it makes no sense for Charlie to run a hotel for sinners because rehab exist in Hell, missing the point the hotel's purpose is to redeem sinners so they can go to Heaven and rehab is just for naive Hell denizens.
Misunderstand why sinners are stuck in the Pride Ring. Hell is punishment for sinners, not naive Hell denizens. It's why the plot for Hazbin Hotel exist in the first place. If sinners were stuck in rings corresponding to their sins we wouldn't have a main cast.
Disregards Hell as a Red/Worst Earth
Believes Angel/Val's relationship is glorified when the Addict music video portrays it as wrong and controlling. Even when they kissed, it was obvious Angel didn't want it
Got heated over the composition error in the Charlie's Excited. Are you? Gif. Every cartoon is going to have animation errors.
Get angry over broadway actors in Hazbin Hotel when it's a broadway inspired musical. Viv can't get her favorite singer in the celebration episode of Helluva Boss without antis getting on her ass about it.
Always critique Hazbin Hotel as if it came out but they're basing their "critique" on leaks, test scripts, the pilot and outdated information
It goes on and on.
i agree with this, these are criticisms that annoy me too. The one that inspired the post I made was the one after viv posted that blitzo and stolas are her favourites. i saw 3 different blogs going "so THIS is why everyone who hates them are painted as antagonists!"
now that im better rested its more funny than it is irritating. It's a little like watching someone you dislike fall over and break a vase you liked. Like wow, it's not great that youre causing an inconvenience, but its very funny that you're upset.
Anyways, I'd like to take this moment to thank the people who left notes on my original post. People are so much more pleasant than I expected! It's cool :) Y'all are cool. And user timkontheunsure, i will heed your advice and block the antis LOL maybe i dont need to mute tags that sometimes have good things to say. Anon, thank you for this little list of controversies, it's a good reminder that They Just Hate The Show
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krskrash · 6 months
Art in the Digital Wilderness...
Im just gonna be brutally honest with how I feel at the moment. And this may come off really weird & cringey, but it is what it is. maybe you can relate to this in some way, who knows.
maybe you'll just hate on it... because, that does seem to be the current state of content nowadays: hate watch it. hate read it. hate lurk it. hate hate it. we're in a ✨ Hate Era ✨ that aside...yet slightly in mind... trying to grow as an artist in this day and age seems like a ridiculous struggle that I cannot even wrap my head around, daily.
any and all tips for artists to grow, seems to be extremely outdated and honestly just a guessing game. 
I don't think anyone is out here actually cracking the algorithms; I think it just comes down to...
being at the right place, at the right time, with the right people watching or stumbling across your content... and it all adds up together to...
✨ Sheer luck! ✨
Yes, hard work and determination is also involved. I don't mean to discredit anyone's success; but just... "pOsTiNg CoNtEnT dAiLy!" & "EnGaGiNg WiTh YoUr AuDiEnCe!" or... "cOlLaBoRaTiNg!" only gets you so far, if anywhere.  Honestly, a lot of that art advice just seems designed to maintain the popularity of the already popular artist, at the moment.
We are being sold, a pyramid scheme, people!
At least it seems that way... How many art groups have you joined, just to end up being another number at the end of the day?
How many “ArT rElAtEd” questions have you put out there, in a caption, before pressing 'Send', just to be left answerless. How many group art trades have you joined, for it to just zap any and all creativity out of you, at the end?
How many tags have you used...
Or don’t use!
What are your thoughts on tags?
Do you use "keywords" nowadays?
How many "viral trends" have you tried to follow, or successfully followed, just to be left with the same results in the end. 
Absolutely Nothin'.
Another silent struggle that no one really talks about is, gaining a large following and it not reflecting towards your art content or the actual thing that you're working towards, at all.
Sure, it's great that a lot of people are following you, but... don't you...also... want those people... following you...for... Your Content...too?
I don't just want to be ✨ TuMbLr FaMoUs ✨ ...okay, calm down could I be any more dramatic?!
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...I want my work to actually be seen and appreciated at the end of the day, too. WOW! How original. This is what most people want, as artists. . . ..Is what you must be thinking, right about now. As Chandler Bing (the late Matthew Perry) would say...
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Thanks! Im just being honest about my current thoughts at the moment, pertaining to art, if that's ok with you! I bet Van Gogh felt a similar way, when he was alive.
Did you know? Even though considered a master now, Van Gogh only managed to sell one painting during his lifetime - ‘The Red Vineyard'.
Yes, I just compared myself to The Great, Vincent Van Gogh.
Im still trying to achieve the art audience that I've been not just waiting for, but trying to attract since like 2016...only with a bunch of people following me now lol
And it's crazy to think about the state of social media noways. There was once a time on Instagram, where nudes were not allowed, At All.
I received a suspension for posting what I believed to be a tasteful nude Drawing, a while back...
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Now, open up Instagram, I guarantee, you're gonna see a pair of fake tits in your face, with nothing but a thin sheer fabric not even trying to hide a nipple. It's wild.  Like, don't get me wrong, Im not hating...but if I post slightly nude art now on instagram, is it gonna get yeeted, meanwhile the actual nipples get to stay up...
I also realize that lately I have a love/hate relationship with digital art. Don't get me wrong, digital art is great for it's conveniences purposes...but Im more of a traditional art girly. That's the art medium I started with and I miss getting messy with paints and all that. These are things that can be improved in the future, but I feel kind of defeated every now and then. And I don't think Im alone in this. I watched a YouTube video from someone the other day, RawBeautyKristi, and she kind of shared a similar feeling towards social media at the moment or the state of it. Just everything is very much hate fuelled, vapid. Empty. It just kind of feels like...what's the point? you know? and I guess what Im trying to say is that...Im supposed to find the point, we're supposed to find the point; but I haven't found it yet. And maybe you haven't found it yet, either. I feel kind of discouraged to create things and that this is a whole different level, of something that just...Im turning into a competition, when there really is no way to compete with this. especially when it comes to digital art, or art in general. Social media, even. But I can't help but think about the first time I put my work out there and how well it was received. I guess I've been trying to capture that same reaction or outcome with art again, but it really was just luck.
I don't think what I shared is really that original, I think a lot of people artists or not, could relate to some degree: a desire for recognition of some sort…and I want to be a Van Gogh; as cliché as that may sound it's the truth.
but maybe it's just not meant for me. and I guess Im just trying to find a way to be ok with that and also acknowledge other factors like:
I've moved, changed art mediums and changed my social media handles a bit here and there; which, all of that combined, also makes it difficult to follow or keep up with someone. Put digital art aside and turn to traditional art...we have...Child Art Prodigy’s out here. Like how do you compete with that?! The answer is you don't! lol There's really no need for this kind of pressure that Im putting on myself.
Which is why questions like this are laughable:
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because there's really nothing I can do, and Im not going to drive myself into a mental state, all in the name of trying to stay relevant. you know what Im saying? I don't know... Perhaps it's about, exploring platforms beyond the mainstream; supporting each other, and finding joy in the process, not just the numbers. Our art deserves to be seen, appreciated, and celebrated; but it's also ok if it takes a little longer than others, or doesn't happen at all... maybe it'll happen. maybe it won't.
So, let's redefine success beyond follower counts and algorithms. Let's create a space where every artist's journey is acknowledged and celebrated. Share your stories, your struggles, and your victories. Let's navigate this together. And remember: "We don't make mistakes - we just have happy accidents." - Bob Ross
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pansy-picnics · 1 month
hi hello dont mind me i just saw unknighted dream fankids art and will now be stalking u for a bit since idk who these kids are/what their names are so idk who's who but i find them cute so anyway new follower top ten cool stuff keep it up stay hydrated
uknighted dream parent thoughts haunt me. like 2 years ago i randomly thought “wow its crazy that no ones really made ukd family content” and i made ONE DRAWING and i’ve literally been stuck here ever since they wont get out of my head
if you want to see more of them they’re pretty much all in my #tangled kids tag…. :3 also these drawings are a little outdated but these are the most basic refs/descriptions i have for them rn.
the twins, who resemble rapunzel and eugene the most, are ryder and alina, and their older sibling is ilmari, who cass took in when the twins were about 5. emery is the redhead, she’s their cousin, being varian and hugo’s only adopted daughter. :> They’re all very dear 2 me
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calico-kiwi · 5 months
The Coffee Trials
Chapter 3: Operation: Begin Skye’s Ridiculous Coffee Trials 2.0 Where We Recreate Our Favorite Beverage From Scratch Without a Recipe (and possibly think of a shorter name) is a go!
Fandom: Maribat (Miraculous Ladybug x DC)
Tags: Tim Drake/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Original Character, fluff & Shenanigans, no plot & no update schedule
Work Summary: Both Tim Drake and Marinette Dupain-Cheng are incredibly successful and busy people. Two people who both view coffee as their lifeblood. When they find themselves needing each other to obtain ultimate coffee rights at their favorite cafe, two total strangers become allies. And friends. And perhaps eventually… something more.
Chapter Summary: Tim and Marinette reconvene at the cafe, where they both agree to participate in the second Coffe Trial. It's there where the trials officially begin. But Skye, always full of surprises, has yet another (unintentional) twist.
Links: ao3 work, ao3 chapter, First Chapter, Previous Chapter, Next Chapter
Read below the Keep Reading!
It had been less than 24 hours since Tim’s, strange but albeit somehow unsurprising, interaction with Skye and Marinette at the coffee shop. He’d been thinking about it all night. And, oh wow it was daytime now. Then yeah, he’d been thinking about it all day too.
He’d gotten a text sometime late last night from Marinette confirming her number and wishing him a good night. Immediately, Tim saved her contact as “Marinette (coffee thief)” and proceeded to raid the house for any available snacks.
It wasn’t until it was once again time for Tim’s nightly visit to the cafe that he’d finally come to a decision. He walked in to find Marinette already sitting in what he assumed was her regular spot talking to Skye.
As soon as the young barista noticed him, their face split into a smug smile. “So what have you decided?” She said it like she already knew his answer.
“I’ll do your silly little second Coffe Trial,” he says, noticing the way Skye’s eyes light up. “ If Marinette agrees to it too. I mean, I beat your first one. I’m sure I can beat this one too.”
“Excellent!” Skye says with a clap of their hands. “Marinette already agreed to it and said she’d go through as long as you did. We can start tonight.”
Marinette snorts from her spot on the couch. “You really have a flair for the dramatic. That last sentence sounded so ominous I’m almost scared for my safety.”
“Almost scared is not fully scared, and so I take your confidence in my ability to not put you in active danger with a bow,” Skye says, ending their retort with an over-exaggerated curtsy.
Rolling her eyes Marinette simply tells the barista, “Ok you theatrical ninny.”
“Ninny?” Tim questions with a barely repressed smile.
Marinette blushes. “My, uh, erm, the first way I learned English was from someone who’d been in Britain for a considerable amount of time, and was a bit of an… outdated old source.”
Tim decided not to comment on the way he saw Mari ever so slightly flinch and discreetly glare at her purse, which sat on her lap. Who was he to judge someone else for being a bit crazy and/or eccentric?
Hell, he throws on a costume and uses a grappling hook to swing across buildings with the adoptive father who dresses up like an emo and depressed bat at night. And that was putting it mildly and barring a whole lot of just as if not more crazy shit.
“Anyway,” Skye says, while wiping down tables “how would the two of you like to proceed?”
“Oh! I have a quick question before we start-“ Marinette replies. “Where exactly will we be making The Motherload? I’m assuming you’re not offering up the cafe’s equipment to us.”
Grinning, the barista pauses her cleaning to place both hands (one still holding a rag) on their hips. “That’s an excellent question, poppet!”
Tim raises an eyebrow and scoffs. “Poppet?”
Raising their hands up in a show of surrender Skye teases, “Hey, I ain’t the one who started using random British words, but I’ll sure as hell jump on the bandwagon.” Her gaze slides over to Marinette, who’s shaking her head.
“Answering your question though, you can make it wherever you please. As long as it’s not in here. Whether it be at one of your guys’ places, or a random cafe you’ve decided to rent out or comondeer, it can be wherever. The drink itself isn’t super complex, so I already know you guys own the required equipment”
Marinette nods before looking over to Tim. “So,” she starts, “how do you wanna do this?”
“Well, seeing as there are no negative consequences when asking for a hint, why don’t we get this week’s hint now? We can brainstorm after and just hang in the cafe the rest of today,” Tim suggests.
Marinette opens her mouth to respond, but before she gets the chance Skye starts waving their arms around frantically. “WOAH WOAH WOAH! No negative consequences?! Did I not mention the consequences?”
Tim narrows his eyes at the barista, and Marinette can clearly be heard in the background saying, “Oh for Gods’ sakes, tu petite merde .”
Skye’s eyes go wide, and she pales slightly. “I-“ Her lips purse. “I didn’t mention the penalty?”
“NO!” Tim and Marinette cry out in sync, looking exasperated.
“Guys I’m so sorry I swear I thought I’d told you there was a price for getting hints. It must’ve slipped my mind when I made the slides and when I was telling you guys.”
Tim sighs, but after running a hand down his face he says, “Well, what’s the penalty for a hint?”
Skye goes back to wiping tables as she tells them, “In exchange for receiving a hint, you have to spin The Wheel of Punishments. Which, as the name implies, is a wheel loaded with various punishments. The punishments range from challenges to scavenger hunts, tasks, and quests.”
“I’m almost scared to ask,” Marinette interrupts hesitantly, “but what do you mean by quests?”
Tim chimes in, adding, “If Skye’s the one making them, they’re gonna be ridiculous.”
Skye grins, mysteriously reassuring, “Oh, you’ll find out soon enough. So, you two still want a hint?”
Marinette and Tim lock eyes, and after Tim gives a shrug, Marinette answers, “Why not?”
Tossing the rag onto the next table they were about to clean, Skye starts skipping towards the front counter. “Perfect!” they exclaim. She hops over the counter and ducks behind the register. The sound of cabinets opening can be heard, before Skye stands up, this time holding a colorful wheel akin to those found on game shows.
“Come one, come all! Step right up and spin the wheel!” Skye makes a grand gesture, sweeping her arm towards Tim and Marinette as they walk over to her. “So, which of you two lovely fellows would like to spin The Wheel of Punishments?” 
Looking over at Marinette, Tim asks, “May I?”
She smiles at him (those definitely aren’t butterflies he’s feeling in his stomach. nope nope nope. probably just his body reacting to the lack of caffeine) before offering, “Go right ahead.”
Taking a breath, Tim steps up to the wheel. He notices that it’s somewhat small. The diameter couldn’t have been more than the length of his phone. Despite that, it was divided into 16 different sections which alternated between the colors of the rainbow. Each section was labeled with one of four letters: C, S, T, or Q. Following each letter was a number.
“Each letter,” Skye starts to explain, “Represents one of the four categories I mentioned earlier. C is for challenges, S is for scavenger hunts, T is for tasks, and Q is for quests. The number represents the specific objective. I have a numbered list of different challenges, a numbered list of different scavenger hunts, etcetera etcetera. Go ahead and spin, then I’ll tell you the objective of whichever you land on.”
“Alright then,” Tim mutters under his breath. He tentatively reaches out towards the wheel before spinning it. They all watch, transfixed, as the wheel starts spining and then begins to slow. Finally, the dial lands on a red section labeled Q#3.
“Which one’s that?” Marinette asks eagerly.
Grabbing her phone from their jeans pocket, Skye replies, “Let me check!”
Not even a moment later, Skye’s lips split into a devilish smirk. She looks up at the two (now very concerned and slightly alarmed) participants of The Second Coffee Trials and pretends to innocently bat their eyes.
“Oh how wonderful!” they cheer, obviously amused.
“I’m actually so scared now,” Marinette whispers; to which Tim nods.
“Every hint comes with a price; you’ve chosen risk, you’ve rolled the dice; a quest which may lead to adventure or woe; to lands beyond, you must go; there is an action which you must do; while bringing me back irrefutable proof.”
“There were absolutely zero actual directions in that,” Tim points out.
“That’s because I’m not done, you impatient swine,” Skye huffs out. “May I get a drumroll please?”
Marinette obliges, lightly drumming her fingers against the counter.
> Next Chapter
AN: Forgive my many spelling mistakes, I have the horrible tendency to only write for this fic in the dead of night. i have this fic on ao3, but I realized I never posted it to tumblr as more than a link. if you wanna keep up with it, but dont wanna subscribe to it on ao3, just ask to be added to the taglist either through this post or an ask to my blog and I'll keep you updated!
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Wow, I'm such a b****. Rereading that last post, and it's almost like I'm on the brink of emotional cheating? Slandering my ally, my best friend, mother of my daughter? And for what exactly? Because she was having a rough day and didn't give me enough attention on my birthday? I mean I know I'm just here trying to put my emotions into words and it's anonymous, but all that I wrote last time is out there on the internet. And it is disrespectful to my wife and the integrity of our relationship. No, I need to correct it. To anybody who reads my posts and happens to have read the last one, about me crying like a little b**** about how I'm "giving", and the good guy, and all needy and self-absorbed and craving attention on my birthday, you have to know the other side of the story. I need to put the next part of that story out, and own up to how wrong and petty I was last time! Obviously, this one is going to be about some self reflection I guess and making things right. So please bear with me!
A big part of being a good parent is to understand and accept when you are wrong, unlearn those things and try and learn a new better way of doing that thing. Like, one example, my therapist addresses her SO as "partner" . It was new to me, and I immediately assumed she maybe had a non-straight (hope that's PC) relationship/marriage and that's why addressed her SO as "partner". Then, she talked about her kids, I thought, maybe she is actually in a straight marriage with kids! Now, that's interesting to my curious mind! English is not my first language, so I usually tend to address my SO as "wife", that's not the only reason though, is it? I grew up in a traditional family with a culturally patriarchal social system. So, there was this system of hierarchy or authority at home, an unwritten corporate ladder in a way. The father/husband/man-of-the-house was number one, the guy on top who makes the final call, who has the power to veto any other decision. Then there's the mother/wife/equally-responsible-for-proper-functioning-of-house-but-still-for-some-reason-number-2. I suddenly started thinking that, the word wife represents this outdated idea and family structure ... like it has a certain tone? or paints a certain picture in your mind? And I haven't even started talking about same sex marriages - husband and wife? Felt wrong on many levels! But "partner"? Yep that sounds perfect and complete and inclusive if you ask me. My wife/partner has an equal/a huge role to play in the proper functioning of our house, my daughter sees that, I want her to see that I see that, we need to acknowledge and appreciate it. Yes, she's my partner. We are 50-50 in everything.
Now with that out of the way, about my birthday, Tumblr gave me a nice gift on that day! Or rather the person who commented on my previous post! I am new to Tumblr and I don't know if I can tag you or something, but the person who commented on my previous post? If you're reading this one and have had the patience to read until here (lol) THANK YOU! Just knowing that someone out there actually read my long posts? AND connected and related with it, commented positive responses on it? I swear you brought a tear to my eye! Looks like I'm not absolutely alone in these day to day struggles?
Anyway back to the story, I slept after making that post, the next morning, I literally opened my eyes to my partner standing there with a big smile on her face wishing me "happy birthday". Yep, I was so happy, delighted even - but I just said thanks with a small smile and walked away, why? Obviously, the man-child in me had to throw a tantrum, and my bipolar a** had to escalate and drag the situation more than it was supposed to, right? Inevitable, no?
She went downstairs without a word, I went in for my regular read-stuff-on-phone-on-the-pot-for-40-minutes routine, and read the comments on my post. I took away quite a few things from just those few simple words, kind stranger.
you are right, about the giving and reciprocating thing being a personality trait, 100% agreed. I just made that woman joke to try and keep things light, I guess? I have been watching Bill Burr lately, maybe that influenced my humor a little, lol? Jokes aside, I agree with you, because I myself am not a very emotionally expressive person. Maybe my untreated illnesses or just being busy in the grind for making a better life and career, I guess I never properly paid attention to learning emotional regulation, healthy coping mechanisms, etc. I'm not that giving myself either - it takes me a lot to trust someone and be vulnerable with them. One week I'm all giving and all touchy and the next I'll not utter a word. But all that is changing - a combination of getting a proper diagnosis to understand my own behavior patterns, good medication, a good therapist and generally just a new perspective to life after becoming a parent, has grounded me and I'm trying to become more emotionally stable, cope better, manage expectations. With all that being said, I think I have to emphasize how kind of a person my partner is, how giving she is and how receptive she is. Yes, I was down and sad that she was distant, but it's the circumstances and not the person. There are a lot of factors for her to behave the way she did. Don't forget, she's the mother of a really hyperactive 2 year old who has serious strangers anxiety right now and is clingy to her mother all the time, until she sleeps! And over that, household chores, a high stress job, a man-child husband acting like a fool. Moreover, it's not my information to share, so to put it vaguely, her family has suffered a major trauma this year, so she still had some knowing bag days from that incident. And that kind of justifies her trying to be there for her sister. And it's not like she completely ignored my thing either. So, I guess it's ok for her to be checked out sometimes? This is on me - I knew all these facts and circumstances, but I was not consciously aware of them. That or/and me being a little self absorbed and excited in my own head about my birthday.
And yes, capitalism+job is a factor! But guess who she is working hard for? Our family. I know for a fact, that she wasn't sitting there working at 9PM after putting a 2 year old to sleep, regular household chores, because she wanted to. I wouldn't want her to quit or lose her job, I mean if she wanted to willingly quit, yes. Her income is important for us to provide the best possible future for our child. Hell I'm not even ashamed to admit, that her job, and in turn a consequence of capitalism and wealth is giving me a good life! We have both lived with literally bare necessities when we first moved to this country. We worked hard and have been tremendously lucky to be living with relative financial privilege now. She has worked really hard and deserves to be in this position, this career and she has every right to put in as much effort as she wanted and I should be supporting her, and I will! And again, selfishly admitting, her job is helping us live a better quality of life, and I like it and appreciate it.
Wow drifted away again, coming back to my birthday. After all the potty introspection and enlightenment I headed downstairs, and found her sitting on the sofa silently crying and trying to sort herself out as soon as she realized I was going to walk in. But I saw her. It broke my heart, always does. I walked over to her, and tried to console her. Over she was calm, I tried to express what I was feeling, again thanks to my therapist, I was able to have a really civil and calm conversation, express what affected me, listen, like really listen to what she had to say, her feelings and emotions, and we resolved our differences. Before therapy and medication, this was one of those situations which could easily blow up into a full blown argument or fight and me getting angry, oof! Toxic.. Untreated mental illnesses are hell, but with the right help and support and understanding people around (who love you unconditionally and support your, even though they are directly or indirectly constantly affected by the illness), everybody has a chance to live the ideal life they want to.
I asked her, if we should still go out? I mean should we just stay in and relax or something? Cool down? She said she had been planning for this day for weeks, so we got ready to leave. She asked me if she could get a hug, and I just felt like we should hold off until the end of the day - please don't misunderstand me. I wasn't being petty or mean or anything, I wanted that hug so badly. But all my instincts told me we should wait. She understood. Then we went out on this amazing drive, with beautiful scenes and sunlight and ocean breeze.. Then this hidden gem of a restaurant in the middle of nowhere, with beautiful waterfront views, just special. On our way back the moment arrived which just called for a hug, and that's it felt well earned, valuable and precious. Trying to put that feeling into words is impossible so I'm just going to leave it at that.
Obviously, paapu missed out on this, even though it was our date, lovers private time, we still felt guilty. So we took her out for dinner as well, and I just had such an amazing day. Nothing flashy or fancy, no parties, no surprises, no expensive gifts. Just valuable time with my girls. Especially the big one, we needed that, we both needed that.
So what is this post really about? Am I too emotionally fragile? Am I too immature for a 33 year old father of a 2 year old? Am I bad SO? Do I trip too much about unnecessary stuff? Am I a bad person for bad mouthing my soul mate? The only person in the world who knows me? My confidante? Or is all this just bipolar disorder? Or is all just normal? We have struggled a lot to be together, struggled a lot to stay together, because of both internal and external factors. We had to pass through so many storms, we have stuck with each other, out of choice - no matter what. To the point that our interdependence has become scary even, and then without any regard for all of that, I made an angry post about some silly birthday of mine. We are still going to have disagreements, and fights even, but try not to make her cry and cut down a little on narcissism? Anyway, to anybody who's reading this, what's your takeaway? Do you feel like punching me, or sympathizing or disappointed or just feel like "this guy is just having another normal day"?
What else? Obviously, I have to talk about the other girl - that little lump of joy? It's becoming a mean little girl. She's mean, dude! Toddlers are so mean. She has started to revolt now, freaking small person! How the hell are they so emotionally intelligent yet so utterly helpless? In case it's not already clear from my last few posts, I'm the parent who says no much more, so nowadays, whenever I say a stern no, she literally looks in my eyes and does that action - like wtaf! Like, she was taking out tissues from a box, I said take out just one please? She took out one. Then she reached in to get another one out, I called out and politely said "no! Didn't we agree that we will take only one?". The little meanie, looked right in my eye, and while continuously staring into my eyes, blank expression on her face, she reached into the box and pulled out as many papers as would come out. TWICE! Everybody says parenting is hard, talk about sleepless nights, physical exhaustion, moral dilemmas. But nobody prepares you for the simple fact, that kids are proper a-holes to their parents. I sincerely apologize for saying it, but it's true. They just want to see your breaking point for every small thing. Terrible twos? Ya, just started for me, and the signs don't look encouraging, but onwards we go, learning as the challenges come. Managed it till here, we'll see whatever comes next! Until next time!
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bettsfic · 2 years
Hi Betts! I was scrolling through your psych tag, and saw you posted (a very long time ago, I'm aware) about the dubiousness of mood disorders, especially bpd, as diagnostic categories, since a lot of them have never been experimentally validated, they've just never been invalidated. I'd really like to read more about this debate. Do you have any book recs or suggested starting points for research? i don't even know what to Google that won't just lead to "mood disorders a to z"
oh wow, that's definitely from a while ago! i think i changed my tune on that a few years back when i went through the mental health ringer myself, because it's not necessarily about the empirical validation as it is the diagnostic criteria for receiving effective treatment. in other words, even if the diagnosis itself isn't empirically validated, the treatment works (for the most part?), and our healthcare industry is such that you need the criteria met in order to receive the treatment. i think the inner debate for me now is just the entire concept of diagnostic criteria, which is ultimately why i didn't pursue psychology as a career. it did lead me to disability studies though, which i'm very passionate about.
so unfortunately any resources i have would be on a very old laptop and probably outdated. however if you want to question your entire understanding of health and (dis)ability so as to reframe your perspective of how psychology is even approached (hint: everything makes its way back to eugenics eventually), i highly recommend the disability studies reader by lennard davis, which is a fantastic primer. the introductory essay really blew my mind and gave voice to all the reasons my psych degree made me feel icky.
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*clears throat*
*taps mic*
Who wants some gay shit?
The second part of Mamma’s, don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys (aka: the artist previously known as my cowboy au) hath been posted!
I broke this up into two parts, even though I wrote it as a oneshot. It’s like 8k so it felt right.
The first part is now up on Ao3!
The second part will be up tomorrow, probably around noon, and I’ll rb this post then.
Tag list!: @catboyruy @percabetn @sewersewersewercouch @everyonehasthoughts @imaramennoodle @enbies-and-felonies @blxckh0les42​ @rainbowtay-11 @callas-starkflower-stew @impostertamsong @sofia-not-sophie @stars-and-splendor @anna-without-an-e @thisbluewind @we-have-no-bananas-today @we-wont-dissapear @jadenightthewriter @ketterdamkid@cadence-talle @ruewen-and-rising @lemontarto @a-lonely-tatertot @cowboypossume
 Wow, most of that list is super outdated lol. I should probably make a new one.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 2 years
1x05: Davon - Analysis, Part 4
Okay also I'm going to share my notes on "Davon" now!! 
First, to @wdway's note on the Salem witch trials. Yes, I got that vibe completely. It also reminded me of the M. Night Shyamalan movie "The Village," as well as Shirley Jackson's story "The Lottery," with townspeople trapped in a cycle of outdated and barbaric tradition. There’s also a “Memento” thing going on here, with the audience working alongside the protagonist to try and figure out the answer to the mystery by putting together the pieces of a fragmented memory. 
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Adding commentary per what we’ve learned now about the Daryl spin-off (which is coming suspiciously close to the release of “Davon”): I agree that they probably won’t do a Memento thing with Daryl, like they did with Davon (Though I’m looking now at these two names and saying, wow they look alike!), but I think there’s DEFINITELY a connection. Davon finding strawberries and playing the piano with Nora…that’s not a coincidence. 
Also, somebody mentioned that Nora was a good proxy for Leah. I totally agree. Not who she seems, has a son who “died.” I wanted to like Nora, but in the end, she was just a product of her environment, so much like Leah, and couldn’t be saved.
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@twdmusicboxmystery mentioning Beth piecing together her memory: I totally agree and had a similar thought, thinking toward the missing 17 days. I was thinking more about Daryl’s point of view tho, something perhaps to come in 11c, in which he may begin to piece things together. This makes more sense now, I think, with the news on his spin-off, per your above comments. 
This episode, feels like a distant cousin to “Find Me,” “In Dreams,” but also “WHAWGO.” In “WHAWGO,” we begin with fragmented, impressionistic “flash-forwards,” puzzle pieces that will be ordered later. This is what lead me to think about the missing 17 days, from Daryl’s POV, and how he might be forced to confront and reorder the events of “Coda” and then what came after. I am still processing this a bit and maybe it’ll crystallize more in the coming days. Curious to see what you all think. 
I keep thinking about that shot of Daryl lying on unconscious on the floor with Judith. I'm not saying that's the scene in which he has a "flashback," I'm just saying...we've rarely seen Daryl knocked out cold like that. It's extremely worrisome and intriguing to me.
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Per the FISH: Ah, this fish. Both times we see it, it’s situated beside a set of keys. In the second appearance of the fish, when Amanda clubs it against the rock, we see the keys have a little yellow tag, and she scoops them up and puts them in her pocket. This made me feel as if fish are some sort of key, or perhaps that something is just “fishy.” Also, the yellow tag—long shot, but made me think of Beth. The fish is a sacrifice. Idk. Yellow points to caution. Slow down, think, pay attention.
Also, great notes on the Hanlons, @twdmusicboxmystery. Illusionists would certainly be a pertinent symbol here. What is real? What is fact vs fiction? What is illusion vs. truth? So much to unpack in how this meats the flagship show, particularly with Daryl.
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You mentioned Martin as a repeat name. Interesting that Martin's glasses are used to "see." I think that Martin actually spouts some very underrated knowledge at Tyreese in WHAWGO. It's easy to dismiss him, because he's a villain, but most of what he says, while it's not pretty, is true. 
Other repeat names include Nora and Amanda. Someone above mentioned Nora from ASZ. There’s also a somewhat prominent Nora in Fear—the travel agent in “Alaska” is named Nora. This is interesting since @wdway just pointed out that Arnaud mentions the “plague beyond our walls.” 
Also, Frangi, I know you have lots and lots of theories on "Alaska." Maybe this rings a bell? Also, while it’s not in-show, Officer Shepherd’s name is recorded in the TWD wiki as Amanda. I thought that might be pertinent since Powell has the writing credit on “Slabtown.” Perhaps they're trying to remind us of something?
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In terms of the fruits that are mentioned, the only thought I had was that strawberries and peaches are prominently featured fruits in 4b. Daryl finds the strawberries, and Carol/Tyreese/Lizzy/Mica eat peaches in The Grove. I’m not sure about the bananas or lemons, other than what has already been commented on above. It’s EXTREMELY compelling tho, and I’m keeping it in mind permanently. Are there no other instances of bananas or lemons in the show? I truly can’t remember.
I was thinking tho about the strawberries especially, and how they are this symbol of love and fertility, and how it doesn’t make sense that Daryl would lay “claim” to this symbol and that this has gone completely without fulfillment. Beth “dies” and everything becomes barren. There’s a literal drought with dead frogs in the river. Daryl and Beth formulate the Eden allegory in “Still.” 
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The strawberries as this forbidden fruit make me feel that Daryl and Beth are the ur-lovers of TWD but in never consummating that love, there’s like this hole in the origin story of how love blossoms in the new world. Love stories are dashed left and right. Glenn, Denise, Rick, Henry, Jesus, Enid. They all die. Love keeps dying, and it does here, too. 
Idk where I’m going with this. But I think that Beth’s death is the thing that may have sent TF into a causal loop in which love keeps dying, and in which Daryl can barely connect to a single soul who doesn’t die, go missing, or worse. Just some thoughts.
I already shared my notes on the jams/jellies/honeys and still think your notes on those is brilliant, @wdway. I'm not done thinking about the poppy farm with the CW, the poppy fields in Dr. Everett's drone footage, and now the fact that we have kids probably being dosed with an opioid. It's just VERY intriguing and not leading anywhere yet but clearly they are hammering this one in for some reason. Does it go beyond the Wizard of Oz reference? If not, then the Wizard of Oz allusion is clearly very important here.
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I also noticed the busted windshield and how it resembled the busted windshield in WHAWGO. Lots about this episode reminded me of WHAWGO.
In terms of why Davon is headed toward Montreal, the one logistical clue I got off that photograph was that the girl, who I presume is his sister, is wearing a sweatshirt for McGill University.
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McGill is basically like Canadian ivy league, a very important public research university in Montreal. The one thing I thought was, if Davon graduated from McGill, he might have become some sort of scientist, or scholar, who would have been recruited by the CRM. Ofc we have two instances of the PPP key card; however, we have literally no idea what it means. In this episode, the PPP key card appears alongside the picture with the McGill sweatshirt and Davon in the graduation gown with the V/chevron. So this could be a clue that the key card has something to do with research, education, etc., ie: the CRM. 
Note that Davon is desperate not to lose the card, so maybe he needs it to enter wherever it is he’s trying to go. It’s unclear where he’s coming from, obviously, and how he got separated from his family. It’s also not certain that he is returning to his family. They could all be dead, and he just carries the photo for sentimental value. We really know nothing here. He doesn’t even seem to realize he’s in the US. It’s vague.
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What’s bizarre though is that the PPP key card ends up all the way down on the Chesapeake Bay. Madawaska is not on the water so there’s no obviously connection via the sea. Why was Davon down there? If so, how did he get there? How long before the events of AOW is “Davon” taking place? The visual similarities between him and Heath also MUST be important. I mean, they have very similar faces, I feel. Davon is softer than Heath. He’s much sweeter, innocent. Heath is much more stern and sort of angry in the beginning of “Swear.” 
Idk but there is something really important happening here, and per the connection to “Swear,” I feel it is related to the CRM. I wonder if we’ll see Davon again in the future, and if we’ll learn who this “bad man” was. I wonder if we know the bad man. Hmm.
On the CRM/"Swear" connection note: There are three plates on the wall at one point, which to me form the shape of the CRM symbol. Given the parallels to “Swear,” which also hinted at the symbol, I didn’t want to overlook this.
Very good! I believe we all put our separate pieces of interpretation together and it helps to make the whole thing more understandable. Although we still have open questions that we've been left with. 
I too had thought of the movie The Village, a favorite of mine and also about The Lottery especially how we've seen posters of a lottery at CW. We've had that discussion a while back. But between the three I think they were giving us some overtones hence from these three stories, Arthur Miller's The Crucible, M. Shyamalan's The Village and Shirley Jackson's The Lottery. 
Communities that makes assumptions too quickly that things are not as they appear on the surface, that we should question what we are told. I believe this hint is for the viewers to understand what we're seeing or what we think we know isn't necessarily correct in the story. 
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The fish, the keys with the yellow tag and the ground cloth that I believe is the same pattern as the wallpaper from Alone. For me the keys with the yellow tag screams Beth being the key. Now to read what you posted after I started typing this, haha.
A few final notes: Arnaud reminded me of Dakota, in a way. Misled youth. Dakota is also the culprit in a murder mystery, which she tried to sabotage. She kills John Dorie for finding her out. Arnaud tries to kill Davon. Both are horror stories about children who have succumbed to their circumstances and become "evil" in a way. I feel they are unlike Lizzy, though, who seems to have been "born wrong." Also: Dead and missing children, here we are again. Jocelyn was apparently a major factor of foreshadowing in “Scars.”  
Also @wdway, you mentioned Powell co-wrote Inmates. !! NOWAY. The boot on the basement floor next to the blood in "Davon" reminded me so much Luke’s boot, and Beth crying over Luke's boot. This also takes us to “Twice as Far” and the boot Denise finds, and what seems to be a dead baby or child, a sight that greatly disturbs her. Just lots of Beth themes and images all around. And Daryl/Davon. SO many similarities here. Okay that's all for now. If any of this is new or strikes your fancy, I'm totally interested in your thoughts!!
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Totally, to your notes on the Village/the Crucible/the Lottery: These are stories about mass formation psychosis, when a large group of people are deceived by a leader into focusing on one single factor or detail when it comes to an important issue, and upon that, can be almost "hypnotized" or lead to believe and/or do anything if it confirms their biases. 
I can't help but thing that this could be a hint about what's going on with the GA. Norman Reedus was fully witch-hunted back in the 2010s, called "Pedo Daryl," etc., by a huge portion of the GA who felt his attraction to Beth was inappropriate due to the age difference. We also have large portions of the GA who will be swindled, at the moment, into scapegoating the Commonwealth is the ultimate villain in season 11, when the truth is much more complex. 
There's also its relationship to what may have happened at Grady being collectively misremembered, a concept that's corroborated by the whole morphic resonance theme, and even folie a deaux, which we never talked about, but refers to a kind of shared psychosis, in which the delusions of one person sort of "leech" over to a person who is close to them. 
A good real world example of this is the two pre-teens in Wisconsin who tried to kill their friend because Slender Man told them to. One of them had legit schizophrenia and somehow "sucked" the other friend into her delusion. That's folie a deaux. 
I have wondered if it's a reference to Rick "sucking" everybody else into his delusions about what happened, mainly Daryl. All these things are related in that they refer to many people being deceived due to their inattention to detail, and how this causes them to completely miss or overlook the truth.
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I want to amend my notes on Arnaud/Dakota/Lizzy here. I actually think Arnaud is probably more like Lizzy than I thought. He kills children out of what he believes to be "mercy," ie: they shouldn't have to endure this world. Lizzy does the same thing to Mica. It's slightly different, but she seems to earnestly believe that the "correct" way to be in this world is undead. It's a similar motive. Innocent, in a way, because it's insanity, but also extremely horrifying.
(Granted Arnaud tries to blame Davon, which communicates more awareness than Lizzy, who seems entirely unaware that what she has done was wrong. )
I am intrigued by the role of children in TWDU. Judith is the clear foil to so many of them. She is brave, emotionally mature, adaptable, and has a clear moral code that can be traced back to Rick and Michonne. She is practical and no-nonsense, a lot like Lori, too. 
Opposed to her, we have so many children who don't "make it," either because they're like Mica and Sophia (no bad bones in their bodies), or because they are irreversibly tainted by what's happened to them, like Lizzy, Arnaud, and Dakota. Carl is also, ofc, the ur-child of the apocalypse. His moral legacy is what hoists Rick up to the role of shepherd in the end, and what leads him to his ultimate quest at the CRM
I cannot help but see the hints of children being kidnapped in the upcoming TWD storyline. Madison kidnapping children and giving them over to? Who knows if it will be out right the CRM or a group associated with them. 
What I was really thinking about though was how they didn't start that storyline until e16 the last episode of the season in Fear. How in the episode prior we had Alicia surviving a walker bite then we go into this storyline of children being taken and the Fear season ends. We now have in the Tales an episode story of children being taken. 
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In a few weeks Part 3 of TWD will begin and the series will end late November and in the last 8 episodes it feels like there have been strong hints that the final plot could involve children taken. Fast forward to early 2023 and the new season of Fear starts and we know that Madison and Morgan will be searching for his daughter and the group that took her. 
We've been told that Daryl's spin-off will air in 2023. Will we have a better idea of WHWGO with the children before the Rick/Michonne spin-off? I think so. After R/M spin-off will we see a new revise version of TWD that will be a Revolution about bringing familys back together which will bring all the spin-off's together in one new mothership series? I hope so.
Oh I forgot one note. Idk how I just missed it? The green acid in the bucket: I was trying to figure out what it is. The obvious answer is chlorine bleach. Amanda would have used it to clean the blood off the floor. But I don’t know if chlorine bleach can cause that kind of deadly chemical burn that quickly? Please correct me if I’m wrong. What we saw looked akin to the effects of hydrochloric acid, or sulfuric acid, but I have no idea WHY those would be in a bucket in Amanda’s basement, or why they would be green? If it’s green chlorine bleach, that’s another “green chlorine” connection, re: the green chlorine gas Lyla uses to kill Barca and the CRM uses to genocide the Campus Colony and Omaha. 
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But I really don’t know. Does anyone have any ideas on what it might be? It seems incredibly bizarre. She could have died in like any manner. She could have fallen on a rake. Could have fallen down the stairs. Idk. It seems pertinent that her mouth is basically melted shut. But that can’t be the only reason they chose to have her die from acid burns. Something is fishy…
All good notes. Still in awe about how you guys seemed to call the child abduction thing a long time ago, like i think before I got here, that it would be a whole thing. It clearly is a whole thing. Just not sure where it's leading yet, and can't wait to learn...
I think how we came about the child abduction type of thing originated just this past winter spring in thinking about what would drive Maggie to go to New York and leave Herschel behind and we came to the conclusion that nothing would but if he was taken or something to that effect then she would go after him. We also talked about with Anne being pregnant maybe she is with Herschel and that's where Negan comes in. Maggie and Negan going after their families. At least that's how I remember it. @twdmusicboxmystery, is that how you remember it or you have something to add to it?
As far as the bucket that contains something that would burn Amanda's face, I always assumed that it was some type of maybe battery acid. Something that was drained from the car that had been worked on. The bucket is not in the basement it's in the garage. And we see the hood up on the car so that has always been my assumption that it is some type of acid drained from the car. Batteries has been a symbol for a very long time if that is what it is.
That would explain it. Battery acid is just another tern for sulfuric acid, which would explain why it burned her so severely.
Extremely irresponsible of them to just leave a bucket of that stuff lying around.....? It's still very weird to me. I see the symbolism but I'm also kind of thrown by the logistics of there just being a huge bucket of sulfuric acid in the middle of the room.
At first I was like, maybe this is a Breaking Bad thing, where they're using acid to dissolve or dispose of bodies. But clearly they're just burying the bodies, so I have no idea.
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Actually there is more to how the kidnapped theory came about. This might refresh your memory. After e9 where we saw Maggie kill all the Reaper's except Leah we all had a discussion about Leah taking her revenge out on Maggie for killing Leah's family the Reapers. And we came to the conclusion then that the thing that would hurt Maggie the most would be if Leah took Herschel. But that did not happen. 
We started seeing hints of children threaten during Part 2. Then the announcement of the spinoff for Maggie and Negan came out with them headed to New York we switched the theory to being them going after Herschel and pregnant Anne. We had began to think that Judith getting hurt, thanks to that accidentally (sarcasm) leaked photo of Daryl carrying Judith, made us think that the CRM might be collecting children as a power play, that it might be more than just Herschel or Judith. I don't know it's all speculation but anyway we feel strongly that there might be a taken children theme about to happen.
As for the acid, I was originally thinking it might be lye. It would make sense that they would make their own soap in a place like this. But after doing some research, I think that was a flawed assumption. For one thing, I can't find anything that says lye is green. It's usually white, or a pale yellow. Or something along those lines. And as you said, why would a vat of lye be sitting on the floor of a garage? There are no other soap making implements around, so it really does make more sense that it might be battery acid or some such.
But I loved what you said about connecting it to the green chlorine gas. Maybe it truly doesn't matter what the acid is or where it came from. Maybe it's not meant to matter in the plot. It's supposed to be more thematic. The green chlorine gas kills people. This vat of green acid kills people. And it's meant to be another link to the CRM. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
As for the abduction theory, I think what @wdway is saying is when it got really concentrated and pointed us to toward the CRM for that storyline, but the actual idea of the kids being abducted reaches back years. The first time I remember hearing about it was in S6 when Rick found the jar of baby carrots on one of the wolves he killed in the RV. There were rampant theories that he would return to Alexandria to find that the Wolves had abducted baby Judith.
Obviously, that didn't happen. But after that, we started noticing constant hints toward something happening with the kids. Where Beth was concerned, early TD theorists linked it to her because she was looking for the kids at the prison "to get them on the bus" but never found them. Of course the Denise reference followed soon after, but as you mentioned, @galadrieljones, there was also the Scars situation, which specifically featured Judith being taken.
And then there's all the child and baby symbolism around Beth. So yeah. It took a long time before we realized this story line was specifically tied to the CRM and the CRM war, but the child abduction theory has been around for a long time. With all of those references, as we started to understand more about the coming CRM storyline, the theory linking it to them formed very organically. Great stuff!
Child and Baby Symbolism Around Beth
 That’s it for today. Thoughts?
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