#would be perfectly happy if i never had to see or deal with ever again as long as i live)
surftrips · 4 months
pairing: clarisse la rue x female!reader
summary: clarisse keeps her distance following the capture the flag incident.
word count: 1.1k
author's note: happy valentine's day week! here is my gift to you all, part two to shapeshift 💘💘
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i. you blew me a kiss in the class that she skips 
Stacy used to never show up for archery practices, but recently, she had taken to accompanying you just to sit nearby and watch.
After the Capture the Flag incident, it seemed as though Stacy was around even more than usual. You liked her, you really did, she was your girlfriend, after all… but you also liked your alone time and space.
Speaking of space, Clarisse was giving you a lot of that lately. It’s not like the two of you were ever that close, but you thought that after she saved you, she would at least acknowledge you here and there.
Instead, Clarisse had been skipping practices and camp activities, so much so that a small pile of pink slips had begun to accumulate on her bedside table. (You heard this from a friend of yours who happened to also be in Ares cabin). 
After hitting the target once again, you looked over to see Stacy blowing you a kiss. You sighed, feeling sorrowful all of a sudden. You must have looked cold, because before you knew it, your girlfriend was running up to you and draping her sweater over your arms. “Here, sweet girl,” she smiled.
You smiled back, admiring the flawless makeup on her face and the way her hair fell perfectly down her back. Stacy’s eyeliner was always colored in the lines, sharp. 
ii. you write me love letters, while she gets pink slips 
For a child of Aphrodite, it was like every day was Valentine’s Day. So when you found a love letter addressed to you on your bed in the middle of July, you didn’t blink twice. Your heart, however, did skip a beat when you read “From your secret admirer…” 
Without hesitation, you ripped the envelope open and your eyes immediately darted to the signature at the bottom. “Xoxo, Stacy.” 
Your body relaxed and the rational part of your brain took over. What were you thinking? Of course, this letter was from your girlfriend, who you liked very much. You had very strong feelings for her. She was wonderful, and perfect, and nothing like–
You wouldn’t even let yourself finish the rest of your thought. That would be entirely unfair to Stacy, who had done nothing but smother you with love and affection since the two of you started going out. 
Okay, maybe smother wasn’t the best word for it. It wasn’t Stacy’s fault that her love language just happened to be grandeur and overbearing displays of affections, right? You should be grateful that at least you had someone. 
In theory, your relationship was all perfect. 
iii. but perfect’s never been my type 
“I don’t see what the big deal is, she’s just a friend!” you exclaimed, trying to explain to your girlfriend that you were going to hang out with another camper. 
“From the Ares cabin!” Stacy rebutted. 
“What does that have to do with anything?” 
“She’s also in that cabin.” You paused, it would appear that you weren’t the only one that had been thinking about Clarisse. 
“Okay, that’s not fair. She saved me one time during Capture the Flag, it didn’t mean anything,” you shook your head, as if to force the memory of Clarisse’s eyes scanning your body out of your mind. 
“Oh, sure. And her suddenly disappearing around camp means nothing too?”
“Are you keeping tabs on her now?” 
“She’s not good for you, Y/N. She would never be as good to you as I am.” Stacy inched closer with every word that came out of her mouth. 
“Are you though? Good to me?” Every thought of Clarisse gave you the confidence to speak your mind. 
Stacy looked hurt, like she had taken a punch to the gut. “What are you talking about?”
“You’re around, like all the time. I’m not saying I don’t like being with you, because I do, but now I can’t even hang out with my friends without you there? I need my space.”
If Stacy knew that there was something more you weren’t letting on, she didn’t show it.
“You want space? Okay, we’re done.” The next second, she was out of your cabin and running toward the forest. 
iv. i’m a sucker for the wicked  
Since the breakup, you had taken to embracing your newly reinstated alone time. Today was unusually warm, so you decided to soak in the sun by the water. After setting up your picnic blanket, now for one, you laid down and opened a book you had been meaning to start for a while. 
You didn’t get very far before a shadow cast itself over the pages, causing you to get up. “Hey, what are you—?” 
“Relax, pretty girl. It’s just me.” Clarisse smiled at you. You immediately sat back down. The two of you settled into quiet. 
You took the opportunity to admire her features. It had only been a few weeks since you were last face-to-face, but something about her had changed. Perhaps it was the way she carried herself, or no– the way her eyes….
“How have you been?” She broke the silence. 
“Uh… good. And you?” 
“Not bad, I heard about the breakup.”
“Oh, thanks.” 
“I didn’t say sorry.” Clarisse grinned, but you could tell she meant it. “I never liked her very much.”
“Really? I couldn’t tell.” 
Now, the two of you were laughing, together for once. You felt light, free, for the first time in months. The slight breeze made Clarisse's curls over her shoulders.
“What are you doing here?” you asked. 
“You want an honest answer?” 
You nodded. You were tired of staring at your ceiling at night and wondering if there was ever anything between the two of you.
“After that Capture the Flag game, I realized that my feelings for you weren’t going away. But I also thought that Stacy wasn’t going away either, so I had to give you your distance. It was more for me, than anyone, I’m sorry if that was selfish.” 
“You don’t have to say you like me back or anything, I know I’m not your type. But I don’t think I can move on without letting you know first–” 
“Clarisse,” you interrupted her. “Stop.” 
She stared at you with her brown eyes and smudged mascara. You don’t think you’ve ever felt like this about Stacy, about anyone. Looking over to your side, you pluck a daisy out of the ground and carefully place it behind Clarisse’s hair. 
“I like you too, tough girl.” 
You make a mental reminder to make fun of her for blushing later, but right now, she looks perfect. You take advantage of her flustering and lean in to connect your lips with hers. 
Clarisse is fairly sure she’s made an eternal enemy out of Aphrodite now, but she couldn’t care less. She just leans in to deepen the kiss, biting at your bottom lip gently.
TAGLIST // @caroldrimor @ryujinraven @emlovesya @bookworm-center @vexiii-theog @alicentswhore @starssfall @m0th-creature @littlemiss-fanficlover @exactlycoralfox @abbofff @marve1stranger @b0ok-lover @phi4mars @lanad3lr3ysblog @emonopolyman @paodaca @daydreaming-in-olympus @solex-prince @quackitysdrugdealer @vfrhbcddt @frankie3974 @chvreu
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haikyu-mp4 · 1 month
word count; 979 – gn!reader who is shorter than Tendo
I had the idea to write two different reactions depending on the reader being either more extroverted or more introverted, feel free to read both or either option:)
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It was raining outside, which made your little stroll to the vending machine all the more pleasurable. The sound of the little raindrops falling on the buildings, lawn and concrete was quite therapeutic. All because you were under a roof, of course, you were not as excited to cross the lawn in a minute to meet your boyfriend after his volleyball practice in this weather. Typical of you to never bring an umbrella.
You put in some coins, clicked the button and crouched down to pick up your strawberry milk before straightening up again and turning back around. Annoyingly enough, you were met with a startling wall. Two guys were standing a bit too close to just be in line for the machine, and the looks in their eyes were mischievous in a bad way. It’s the kind of eyes people say Tendo has even though all you ever see in them is endearment.
“You’re the one dating that monster, aren’t you?” one of the guys said while the other one huffed as if it was funny.
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Tough extroverted reader
“Can I help you?” you asked back with a confused expression, not seeing any reason why you’d discuss your dating life with these guys. You opened the milk and took a sip before tilting your head to await their answer.
“We should be asking you that. Someone so pretty stuck with such a freak. What’s he threatening you with?” The guy kept talking, truly stepping on thin ice. You scrunched your nose and took another sip, not exactly comfortable with the situation but not wanting to leave without defending your boyfriend either.
“You jealous or something? I’ll let you know I’m perfectly happy with my dating life.” You take a step closer to the guy who apparently did all the barking. “And his name is Tendo Satori,” you said in a clear voice as if trying to burn the name into their brains. If they were going to call him a monster, it better be because of how he rules the volleyball court. You had half a mind to tell them that as well, but the moment was interrupted.
Their eyes were slowly cast in a shadow before they could respond. If only you could see the reflection in their eyes of your boyfriend’s smirk behind you. “That was pretty hot.” Tendo finally says after letting you answer them yourself. It startled you a little, before relaxing into his touch stroking down your arm. You leaned your shoulders back on his chest, a cocky smile on your face from watching the other guys lose their confidence. Tendo leaned down and obnoxiously kissed your cheek to make a point before lifting a hand towards the boys and shooing them away. “You heard them.”
“Whatever, weirdos.” They put on some tough faces that weren’t very believable, and you turned around to Satori while they scurried away. Being weirdos together definitely wasn’t that bad.
“Satorii,” you purred, happy to see him.
“I’m sorry you had to deal with that. Again.” He said, obviously trying to be aloof about it, but you could see through it.
“I’m sorry too,” you said with a soft smile, knowing he knew what you meant, before grabbing his hand and tip-toeing to peck his cheek. “I thought I was meeting you?”
“I know you didn’t bring an umbrella,” he answered, finally showing a genuine smile. “My dorm? I’ll make you something sweet.”
“Yes, my prince.”
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Soft introverted reader
You felt your pulse quicken with angst, eyes not meeting theirs but rather desperately hoping someone you know would pass by. “Can I help you?” you asked carefully, wishing that if they had to talk about your boyfriend behind his back, they would do it behind yours too. A blind person could see you were not the confronting type.
“We should be asking you! What kind of freak are you to be dating that?” he said, a cruel comment that didn’t make the situation any more comfortable.
“I don’t think that’s any of your business,” you mumbled, avoidant as ever. Why would they care about your dating life anyway?
“Won’t you at least look at us with those pretty eyes, monster-lover?” the other one said, taking an unwelcomed step closer.
“He's not a monster,” you said, making an attempt at defending your boyfriend but still feeling tears brim your eyes from the confrontation.
Finally, you saw your salvation, like a stream of light finally peering through the clouds and hitting your face. The two boys were about to turn around when they saw your eyes lock on something between them, but were stopped as Tendo grabbed each of their shoulders and pulled them back, giving you space to breathe. “But I can be... if you ever make them cry,” he said in a goofy albeit frightening voice. His eyes crept from one boy to the other as if making sure the threat sank in before passing them and taking your hand to lead you away. He pressed a kiss to your knuckles while you walked before letting your hand go so he could open his umbrella and hold it above you. “I’m sorry you had to deal with that,” he said softly, trying to seem like he didn’t care about himself, just that you had to hear it.
“It’s okay. They were being shitheads anyways,” you huffed, anger seeping in now that you didn’t have to face them anymore.
“Ooh, language, baby.” Tendo laughed and looked down at you with adoration flowering in his eyes.
“Shut up,” you giggled, pushing your shoulder into his before tucking your arm around his closest arm so you could walk together even if he held the umbrella. Safe to say that anger dissipated quickly.
“I’ll treat you to some A-class cuddles for standing up for me like that. My dorm?”
“Yes, my love.”
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buckyownsmylife · 1 month
let the games begin - sebastian stan smut
The one where you ask him to explain the pepsi cup scene to you
Warnings: best friends to lovers, best friend!reader, hopelessly in love!Seb, reader has hair long enough for Seb to “play with” but do with that as you wish, innocent!reader, smut.
WC: 1.8k
A/N: this is just a sweet little smutty one-shot of best friend!Seb realizing you feel the same for him. I didn't delve deep into the smut because to be honest, this has been in my WIP list since the movie came out and I just couldn't be bothered to write more than what's here, yet I hope you'll enjoy it anyway!
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Seb’s P.O.V.
“You ready for this? You know we don’t have to watch it, right?” I tried to convince her one more time, and still, she just rolled her eyes and pulled me to the sofa next to her. Oh, how I loved to feel her smaller frame tightly pressed against mine.
“Don’t be silly, of course I want to watch it. I’ve seen everything you’ve ever done, I can’t let one slightly scarring movie keep me away from this long standing tradition.” It warmed my heart to think that she’d been doing this way before we even met.
I kissed her temple before adjusting so her body would rest against my chest, and settled in for the film. I knew it would be an experience, to say the least, watching this with her, so I tried to prepare myself for anything that could happen.
She could end up traumatized and unable to look me in the eye. At the very least, it would certainly serve as ammunition for her to tease me for years to come, and that was one turn of events I could deal with. The first one was my real concern.
So I settled in to watch the movie, because I figured it would be best to be around than to wait for her reactions afterwards. What if she never wanted to see me again? I knew it was just my anxiety coming up with the worst possibilities, but it still scared the crap out of me.
I couldn’t imagine my life without her anymore. And maybe one day I’d grow the courage to tell her about it, but for now, I was perfectly happy just sitting here with her and offering some support when my character started to freak her out.
“Hey, there you are!” She giggled in excitement, pointing at the TV like I wasn’t watching it with her. It made me chuckle, seeing her act like a little kid when it came to me doing my job. God, she was precious.
“Yeah, there I am,” I agreed, leaning over her to deposit a quick kiss against her temple, but much to my surprise all I got was a nudge and a hush. “Are you shushing me?” She finally unglued her eyes from the television to look at me with disappointment all over her features.
“Seb, I love you, but if you keep interrupting the movie, I’m gonna kick you out and there’s nothing you can do about that.” I wanted to point out that if she did, she’d have to watch it by herself and there was no way she’d be able to sleep, but I didn’t want to risk her fury. So I just sat back and pulled her with me, playing with her hair as I watched the story unfold before my eyes.
For whatever reason, I seemed to forget that I looked a bit… different in my role at some point, and as I gained weight before our eyes, she turned around to look at me with a look I couldn’t figure out. It made me nervous.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” I had to ask, but she didn’t immediately answer me. I felt embarrassed, it was almost like she was comparing me to the man on the screen, and I didn’t know which one she preferred. 
Could it be that now that she’d seen me like that, she couldn’t unsee it?
“I’ve always thought you looked better when Don wasn’t trying to make you look like some sort of bodybuilder, but this role just confirmed it to me. You’re even sexier with some weight on your body.” 
My cheeks burned, and I didn’t know what to say. So I just cuddled her to me once more, focusing on the screen as I tried to work through my emotions - and there were many. Desire, barely concealed lust, something the hardening member inside my jeans wouldn’t let me forget - but also something warm and comfortable, settling deep inside my chest.
I didn’t want to give it a name. So I just pulled her to me yet again, kissed her temple and pretended to go back to watching the movie, while I waited for her attention to be redirected to it once more. When I was sure she wasn’t noticing me anymore, I got back to analyzing her reactions, chuckling under my breath at the way hers hitched at every little thing, and how she squeezed my thigh when she thought something scary would happen.
And then the car scene started. My muscles immediately froze underneath her, having completely forgotten about this particular part of the movie.
“What’s going on?” She asked, first surprised and then confused. “Is everything okay?” I couldn’t answer her. I couldn’t even look away from the screen, flinching as it developed right before my eyes. It was like my own self-made train wreck: unavoidable and paralyzing.
“Seb…” She reached out for my hand, asking for my attention, and I licked my lips and took a deep breath before turning to give it to her.
“I don’t get it, what’s going on?” I was about to tell her that I was just embarrassed, but the confusion in her eyes as they darted from the TV to my embarrassed self suddenly made sense to me.
“Wait,” I started, holding her jaw so she’d fix her eyes on mine and forget about the movie for a second. “You don’t understand the scene?” She hesitated for a second before nodding, biting her lower lip in that way she did when she was nervous.
It made the warmth inside my chest expand and take over my entire body, shooting straight to my lower belly, where it began to burn. 
Fuck. Who would have thought that she was so innocent?
“Do you want me to tell you?” The question left my lips before I could ponder if my concern came from a valid place - my desire to help her, always. 
But maybe things happened for a reason - maybe it was some sort of ungodly gift the idea of watching this movie together, because as I watched her glance over at the screen again and then lay her eyes on me, I saw it with perfect clarity:
She was aroused by it.
“Or would you like me to show you?” Another question that slipped from my lips unintentionally, another sentence I didn’t regret speaking. This… tension, it had always been here, between the both of us. I’d been too much of a coward to act on it before so if the ball was on my court now, it was time to let it roll.
“’Cause I’d be more than happy to.” With my last reassurance, the thread between us broke, and in a second, we were kissing. Who made the first move, I’d never know. All I cared about was her taste, how sweet she was, and the tiny little whimpers I could hear escaping her when I had to pull back to take a breath.
My body still acting of its own accord, I got up from the couch to take my pants off, hand immediately going to my hardness to release some of the frustration she was causing me. Thankfully, she didn’t seem scared - just hungry, looking at me with doe eyes and biting down on her lower lip before I pulled her closer so that her hand rested over mine.
“Fuck…” I whispered against her neck at the first contact of her hand on my naked dick, but for some reason that was all it took for the spell to break.
“Seb, I can’t…” She pulled away from me, chest still heaving from desire, but I felt so damn guilty I couldn’t even feel good about it. “I can’t do this and then pretend that it didn’t happen.”
Y/N’s P.O.V.
His face softened up instead of becoming angry, like I expected it would. “Come.” He got up from the couch, offering me his hand, which I took without second-guessing myself.
His eyes told me everything I needed to know.
He took me to his bed, where he kissed me deeply once again. “Don’t worry, I’ll be patient.” How could I say that I’d let him do anything to me?
Within seconds, I was naked. It was unlike any other similar experience I’d ever lived, and the way he stared at me only had me falling deeper into the cloud of comfort that only Seb could provide me.
“Spread your legs for me, honey.” I did so instinctively, also closing my eyes in nervousness at what was happening.
“Keep looking at me,” he asked, and so I reopened my eyes, finding him staring at my most private spot with hunger in his. “Fuck, you’re soaked.”
Before I could comprehend what was happening, he’d yanked me to the edge of the bed and proceeded to kneel down before me, lips kissing my inner thighs and navel while I panted softly.
“Fuck, I can’t believe that I get to taste you,” he uttered before his tongue stuck out and he did just that… He tasted me, and nothing had ever felt quite as great as that simple gesture.
“How does it feel, sweetheart?” He asked in the midst of attacking my clit with his tongue and lips, the hot muscle swirling over it and making my head spin. “Do you like this?”
“Yes, yes!” I nodded, hand flying down to hold him by the hair and keep him attached to me. “More, I want more.”
“What?” He teased me, the devious thing. “You want what?”
“More,” I insisted, pushing him down so his face would connect with my pussy once more. He didn’t keep up with his pretense and kept on licking me until I saw stars behind my closed eyelids, screaming his name for dear life.
“Kiss me,” I begged breathlessly once I was able to speak again, and he leaned over me to grant me my wish, allowing me to taste myself for the first time in my life.
“You know…” I struggled to find the courage to say what I wanted, but I knew I could trust Sebastian. “When we actually do it, you don’t need to be so gentle…”
He bit my shoulder in response, shaking his head at my antics. I thought I was dreaming, being naked in his bed, having just had the best orgasm of my life.
I wanted to do this for the rest of my life.
“I don’t want to go to sleep tonight,” I confessed, watching as the most beautiful smile opened up in my best friend’s face.
“Lucky for you, there are a ton of things we can do to pass the time.”
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senawashere · 25 days
We're on this together... (Chapter II)
Bradley Bradshaw × fem!wife!reader
Summary: Is it harder for you? Or for Bradley?
Warnings: infertility,mentions of miscarrige,mentions of hospital,mentions of getting pregnant,mentiones of ivf. Mostly angst.
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'We are on this journey together and we will never separate. I love you."
January 3, 2023.
Everyone,mostly you, could see how much Bradley loved childrens. Babies, toddlers, teenagers, it didn't matter, he loved them.
Ever since you married, you had admired how he treated them, how he made them laugh, how they played, and how his eyes lit up at the high-pitched squeals they made when he threw them in the air. He would catch them again. And again.
He... was born just for this.
That's why you were trying so hard to give him what he wanted more than anything in the world; a baby,a kid of yours.
He searches hundreds of websites for you on ways to increase your chances of getting pregnant, checks your ovulation time, changes your diet... he does the impossible and you both still can't succeed.
You couldn't make your husband happy. He hated this sentence.
And the worst part is, he's not the only one waiting for you to have his child, everyone is doing it, all of your friends are having their second or third kids and you were still... not pregnant.
One day, you were criticized among your friends for not having a flat stomach. They said something as a joke that you might be pregnant, but it wasn't like that.
Just because you dont have a flat belly doesn't mean you're pregnant, right?
Your tears feel familiar on your skin now and when you were sure Bradley is gone you were crying all over the house, you couldn't let him see you like this, it's not fair when he gave you everything and you couldn't give him something so simple.
It's that simple. Right?
You don't want help, you can do it on your own, you know he can or so he thinks, he keeps busy every day trying not to think about it, but it's inevitable, you can't do that when it's something he wants so badly.
You were doing your usual work on laptop, trying to get rid of the thoughts in your head, even if only a little, you were scrolling through your e-mail box while slow jazz was playing in the background, writing down what you needed to write and dealing with the files you needed to handle.
"A young man fell into the base today! We walked around the hard deck and drank soda's. He was with for a while we had a lot of fun, but I think he misses his aunt y/n. I love you baby.💞"
The text came up with a picture of your husband with Jake's son, three of them smiling and Bradley holding some soda cans in his left arm and the right one is holding the boy's shoulder. It was beautiful and made your heart ache, a small smile appeared on your face,the voices and pain in your head seemed to be over, at least for a mimute, and you replied to the message, "I love you two!! Say hello to Jake for me.💓💓"
You stared at the picture for a few seconds, forgetting about the task in front of you.
The smile on Bradley's face was genuine, and he was holding the little boy with incredible familiarity, as if he already knew how to hold a child even though it wasn't his own.
Your phone hit the wooden table with a loud thud and you brought your hands up to your face, feeling tears of frustration falling from your eyes.
No, you were not jealous of them, in fact, you were very happy that they were pregnant with the third one, but why couldn't you?
This was unfair.
While God gave people the chance to have so many children, why couldn't you even have one?
And the saddest problem was,you.
Bradley was perfectly healthy, he could get a different woman pregnant, but he couldn't get you.
The house was quiet, unlike your head, thousands of things were going on every second.
You left your spot and went upstairs to take another pregnancy test with some hope.
It came out negative. Like always.
January 18, 2023.
You throw the four pregnancy tests you took ten minutes ago into the trash can and you hear Bradley sigh as he sits on the bed, hiding his face with his hands. You sit next to him.
“We just have to try harder.” He said, lifting his head to look at you and placing his hand comfortably on your knee.
“What does 'trying harder' mean?” you asked,with a hint of you wobble voice from the emotions. "We do this every day, especially when I'm ovulating, when I..."
"Baby, calm down." Bradley tells you and he just snorts in annoyance.
"Maybe...we could go to another doctor?" He gets down on one knee as if he's proposing, but you stand up and look at him as if he had three heads.
"Why should I go to the doctor? There is nothing wrong with me, we will have this baby, I know. Sooner or later." you exclaimed.
He stood up and took your hands in his, stroking your wrists.
"Of course we will, I have no doubt about that. But—it's better to know more, you know?"
"We're going to have this baby, Bradley. I am going to."
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Uh oh-
I AM SO SORRY FOR THIS CHAPTER BEING SO SHORT😭😭😭 and bad news it is progressively gets more sad.. And there is going to be timeline-
I'm tagging people who might be interested and some mutuals:@ohtobeleah @sebsxphia @callsigns-haze @greenorangevioletgrass @teacupsandtopgun @roosterforme @floydsglasses @lyn-js @its-dee-lovely @its-the-pilot @friedchips94 @hardballoonlove @topguncortez @hangmanapologist @bradshawsbaddie @shanimallina87 @djs8891 @themusingofagothicsoul @els-marvelvsp @promisingyounglady @the-romanian-is-bae @mamachasesmayhem @jessicab1991 @iefitzgerald-blog @charcole-grey @waterriseslew @desert-fern @promisingyounglady and if you are not comfortable please tell me!!
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blushweddinggowns · 3 months
Eddie was dealing with a lot of firsts today. 
The biggest one being the first time he was getting married. Though, Eddie really hoped it wouldn’t be the last. If his fantasies about this day came true he was going to have to insist on a vow renewal somewhere down the line. Fuck it, if even a quarter of what he wanted came through he’d still insist on it. He was never not going to like showing Steve off, and this was the most ostentatious way he could get away with. 
Next, and most distressing, this was the first time Eddie had ever felt the lethal mixture of being incredibly happy and horrifyingly nauseous. He had no idea that a person could feel both things at once, and Eddie was starting to think the ability was just a flaw of the human condition. 
And last, he is a 100 percent sure he had never been this damn nervous in his entire life. Especially when the source of it was entirely self-made. It was an uncomfortable reminder of how he used to feel with Steve, back when he decided to be a fucking crazy person. 
But this was so much worse. 
“You really need to relax,” Chrissy said for the hundredth time, watching as Eddie fiddled in front of the mirror, “That anti-perspirant can only go so far.”
“I know,” Eddie sighed. He was on one today, he knew that. But knowing it wasn’t stopping any of his anxiety. Eddie was trying to fix his hair in the mirror, suddenly unpleased with how it was styled but unwilling to go bother the stylist that did it. She was busy enough with everyone else, let alone the fact that he didn’t even know why he didn’t like it. If anything he was just making it worse. But then again, Steve always said he liked his hair wild, right?
“Hon, I’m serious,” Chrissy sighed, grabbing for his hand to drag him away, “You are driving yourself crazy for nothing. Everything is going to be okay. He’s going to be there. Are you forgetting that it was Steve who asked you to marry him?”
Eddie couldn’t help but smile at the memory, even now. The little shit had beaten him to the punch by a matter of days, completely ruining Eddie’s elaborate proposal plans. No, instead Steve decided to do it in the dead of night, getting down on one knee in the middle of their living room after getting destroyed at an impromptu game of scrabble. 
Eddie should have seen it coming, he really should have. But he had been so caught up trying to plan his own proposal he had completely missed the signs. Like how Steve kept picking movies that involved proposals and weddings, and how he was always very interested in what Eddie thought of them. Eddie just hadn’t realized how many notes he’d been taking around his innocuous comments. Not until Steve showed him the scrawled out list he had made down the line:
Not public, he said he wouldn’t want to cry in front of a bunch of strangers. Not again (whoops, sorry babe but at least this one would have been happy tears?)
Close to a bed or a bed-like surface for “celebrating” (I should have seen that one coming)
Diamonds are apparently ~stupid~ so look at colored stones instead (maybe emerald for his birthstone? Stick with sliver tones.)
No where cold so he can focus on the moment instead of freezing
Make it a surprise (But not outside? I don’t want to wait till summer though. Maybe I can do it randomly? Like when his back is turned?)
Write. A. Speech.
Eddie had to give it to him, his notes weren’t in vain. It had been amazing. Tailor-made to him in a way he didn’t even fully get until it was over. Because he had started crying, right in the middle of their living room with no one but Steve to see him. And it had felt so fucking safe. There was no embarrassment, no worrying over someone he didn’t know taking their moment to share with more strangers, none of it. It was just them. 
He had fucking loved the ring, the colors, the style, all of it fit him perfectly. The only thing he loved more had been dragging Steve straight to their bedroom spoil him rotten for hours. The speech had been beautiful, for what he had managed to hear through his own excitement and tears. He had ended up asking Steve to write it down for him considering how he couldn’t trust his own memory. Now it sat on a cute index card he kept in his wallet, right alongside his cute scrawled out list, a constant reminder that Steve Harrington wanted him.
It had been perfect. Almost too perfect. Perfect enough for Eddie to be where he was right now, the doubt of how he ended up with Mr. Perfect. 
from the upcoming last chapter of this fic
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buckybarnesb-tch · 11 months
Can we have an imagine where Klaus actually accidentally cums in his pants when reader does or says something
Maybe he’s eating her out and ends up making a mess
I wan to see the reader tease his before sucking his off go clean her up
(Don’t do anything you aren’t comfortable with xx)
It’s Not a Big Deal-Klaus M
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As well as this request I also had one for Klaus where Y/n didn’t know she could squirt as she had never done it until he ate her out, I don’t have the request but I combined them and I hope this works for both requests.
Btw, just for anyone wondering in the future, I never write anything I’m uncomfortable with, it just so happens I don’t really have anything I’m uncomfortable with😂. I’ll give just about everything a try and once you’ve written a fic about Klaus and his Omega fucking in wolf form you can write anything so don’t worry about offending me or anything🩷
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To say that Klaus was good with his tongue would be an understatement, he knew what he could do to a women, he’s had a thousand years of practice after all. A thousand years of figuring out what makes a women feel best, though never once has he deprived himself in any way for any length of time. Women had always just fallen into his bed without a problem, it was common when you have looks like the Hybrid does.
Y/n was different though.
Klaus had fallen for Y/n accidentally, of course he wasn’t looking to fall for one of The Scooby Gangs friends but at least she wasn’t actively trying to kill him. Y/n stayed out of their ‘drama’ and when she met Klaus she hadn’t already decided he was pure evil. That doesn’t mean however, that she made it easy on him.
It took him a month and a half of flirting, coincidentally showing up wherever she was to spend time with her, and texting her sweet messages daily to get her to even agree to a date and of course he went all out for it. And of course he fucked it up.
Y/n wasn’t like the women he had ‘woo’ed in the past, she didn’t like expensive, fancy restaurants and being gifted jewelry, she was simple…he could do simple.
He apologized for taking her somewhere that had clearly made her uncomfortable and thankfully she agreed to let him try again, honestly she seemed to find it amusing how dead set he was on making her happy and he seemed to get it right the second time. He took her to a small clearing behind his house in the woods and after several comments and sureties that he wasn’t going to axe murder her they came upon the pile of blankets and pillows and a sheet hung up to project a movie on.
‘Wow…this is amazing.’ She gushed and he felt his wolf preening at her appreciation and enjoyment. He’d made his girl truly happy and he would make sure she stays that way.
Since becoming a full Hybrid he’s found things are different when it comes to women, his wolf feels strongly about them and usually it’s a hard ‘No’ from him. Caroline? No. Hayley? Hell No! The fact that his inner wolf didn’t like the wolf girl made Klaus think he could never be sated but that can’t be farther from the truth. He loves Y/n and he won’t let her get away.
‘I’m glad you like it. Dinner will be here in a few moments. Come sit.’ Klaus could see the happy smile on her face and he knew he had gotten it perfectly right, watching as she slid her shoes off and climbed into the nest like structure.
‘This is fucking awesome, we may have to sleep here tonight.’ She teased but he could also see she wasn’t really joking and he quickly texted Elijah the change of plans.
‘If that makes you happy, I would love to.’ He spoke, crawling in beside her and leaning back against the pile of pillows seeing her roll her eyes.
‘We would freeze out here Klaus-‘
‘Would I ever let you get hurt? No. I’m a werewolf, I radiate heat, and I can have a comforter brought out too. What other man can you say took you to sleep under the stars?’ He moved to pull up a fluffy blanket that he had picked up from the store, covering her lower body with it and watching her smile widen.
‘Definitely none. There was one date when I was a teenager but we only slept under the stars cause we were running through the woods from the cops after a Falls party and got lost. The stars were beautiful…not quite “passing out in the forest and waking up with leaves and dirt in my hair” beautiful but beautiful none the less.’ He couldn’t keep in the laugh, though he did try and she knew it was funny, laughing along with him.
‘Well, you told me what your favorite movie as a child was and since you were so upset that I hadn’t seen it I thought we would watch the Titanic together.’ Her eyes widened as she looked at him in shock.
‘You remembered? And you’re willing to watch nearly 4 hours of a romantic tragedy? What kind of man are you Niklaus Mikaelson?’ She said it in a joking manner but she was completely serious.
‘One who wants to see you smile love.’ He played the movie and watched her eyes light up in excitement as it came on, Elijah bringing out their dinner after about 10 minutes.
An hour later they were snuggled up under the thick blankets and while he had removed his shirt and pants to leave him in his boxer briefs she was in her panties and a tank top, not that he could see under the blankets but he could feel her naked legs entwined with his as the movie played and he knew regardless of the stupidity of this movie it was going to be one of his favorites after tonight. Even if all he got to do was snuggle her just like this for the rest of the night.
It wasn’t 5 minutes later that he gained enough courage to kiss her, his wolf practically purring just under the surface as she molded her lips with his hungrily. He had only meant to kiss her but she didn’t pull back, she pushed herself forward and wrapped her arms around his neck, his hands finding her waist where he pushed her shirt up to feel the soft skin up her back before she yanked the top off and left herself exposed to him. He wrapped his lips around her soft breast and his cock was practically weeping he was so hard so fast, throbbing in his boxers and begging for release.
Y/n’s fingers ran through his hair and he moaned as she tugged on it roughly. ‘Fuck Klaus! Please? Don’t stop. So good!’ The purr that he felt inside from his wolf became a rumble from deep within his chest as he kissed down her soft flesh to her pantie line, looking up for permission which Y/n gave quickly. ‘Definitely not like other men.’ She teased and he loved it.
‘Other men don’t want to taste this sweet pussy? I find that hard to believe.’ He spoke as he tossed the fabric away and dragged his tongue straight up her slit, finally getting a real taste of her as he has wanted since he first laid eyes on her 2 months ago.
‘Oh God! No! Just you, you crazy Hybrid!’ She squealed at the end as he sucked her clit into his mouth. She came almost as soon as he pushed his 2 fingers into her, tongue happily working her through it before trying to push her into another instantly. ‘Klaus! Fuck! Plea-Please?! Nik!’ His girl was practically riding his face, needy and desperate for everything he has to give her.
What Klaus didn’t really notice however, was how hard he was humping the make-shift nest, grinding down on it as his wolf howled in his head so loud he could feel nothing else but his blinding orgasm while his Princess squirt all over his tongue. It was as if his mouth had a mind of its own and continued working her through her end with his mouth on autopilot because he was on cloud nine, resting his head on her thigh as they both calmed down.
It only took another moment for him to feel the sticky mess made in his boxers. ‘Shit!’
He sat up, covering her so that she wouldn’t be cold before trying to find his pants. ‘Klaus? Are you okay-‘
‘Fine! You just relax and keep watching the movie, I need to…shit-‘
‘Nik, it’s okay.’ Y/n moved to push him onto his back and shove his pants away from his grip. ‘Nothing to be embarrassed about…I mean you’re 1000 years old so the last thing I expected was you jizzing your underwear like a 13 year old boy-‘ she giggled but stopped him before he could get up. ‘I’m sorry, I’m just teasing. I just squirt all over your face, we’re both embarrassed, okay?’ He scoffed, taking hold of the back of her neck and connecting their lips roughly.
‘That was incredibly hot, possibly the sexiest thing I’ve seen a women do. I just came all over myself like a desperate virgin, on our first date no less…I’m better than that.’ He was angry with himself and he knew Y/n could see it. It was like the wolf side of him was so needy for her that he couldn’t control his own body and fuck if that’s not humiliating!
‘All it means is that you’re attracted to me. You don’t normally do this? That means it’s an incredible compliment. And it’s definitely not a problem.’ She pushed him back down flat before moving down his body and pulling his boxer briefs off, tossing them out of the nest. ‘I’ll clean you up and we can go back to the movie…and maybe try again in a bit.’
She was teasing him, he knew it but for the first time he didn’t care. Any other girl he’s ever fucked would have laughed in his face for cumming like that, but besides a cute joke she didn’t even seem to care. It just made Klaus all the more determined to please her.
She licked her tongue up the underside of his cock which was painfully hard against his stomach. Her moan upon tasting him didn’t make it any better for him as he felt his cock twitch, causing her to giggle. ‘Oh Fuck!’ He gasped as she wrapped her lips around him, sucking every bit of his cum off of his flesh but she kept going even after being clearly finished. ‘Y/n! Such a sweet little tongue-Shit, keep going Kitten! You’re mouth is heaven!’ He didn’t know if this was the best blowjob he had ever had, or if he was perceiving it as such just because he was undeniably already in love with her, but either way he feels like he’s dying in the best possible way.
She pulled from him with a ‘pop’ and looked up at him, hand pumping him a few times. ‘No more embarrassment. Promise?’ He nodded desperately, needing that hot little tongue back on his heated flesh.
‘Yes! From either of us!’ Her lips wrapped around the sensitive tip of his cock and suckled hard, tongue pressed against his slit causing a desperate cry as his hips thrust up, her pulling back to look at him. ‘Shit Babygirl, I’m gonna fuck that pussy so hard my family will think I’m fucking killing you! I’m gonna make you scream Kitten!’ Y/n could see his eyes glow gold just for a moment and knew that his wolf was just below the surface. She’s seen it almost every time she’s in Klaus’ presence and she doesn’t mind it, though she’s not sure what it means for their current activities…
She tilted her head teasingly before smiling. ‘What are you waiting for then Alpha?’ She teased, his eyes darkening before she was suddenly pinned under him with her legs being spread as wide as they could be.
‘You just had to tease, didn’t you?’ That was all the warning she got before Klaus took hold of his cock and shoved himself balls deep into her cunt.
‘Ahh! Too Much-‘
‘Good. Let everyone hear you!’ He growled, giving her another second to get used to him before pulling back and driving his hips to hers again and again.
‘I want the whole of Mystic Falls to hear you Kitten! My family! My Hybrids! And Every Single One of your friends!’ He wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up as he sat back on his knees, driving up into her body roughly. ‘I want them all to know who owns this cunt by tomorrow! No one will dare even look at you again, they’ll all know who you belong to!’
Klaus could feel that he wasn’t in complete control-not that he couldn’t have stopped if he wanted to-but his wolf was desperate for his girl and he was going to have her! To make her his and ensure she never wanted for anything but him again.
‘Klaus! Fuck-don’t stop baby! So close…please?’ She was begging for him and he felt his cock twitch, ready to spill into her warm cunt but he grit his teeth before digging them, hybrid visage and all, into her neck as gently as he could. As he did she cried out, her tight pussy clamping down onto his thick cock so hard he almost thought it hurt, apart from the blinding pleasure that shot up his spine overwhelming him as he buried himself as deep into her as he could and began filling her up. He didn’t remember ever cumming this much in his very long life, maybe it’s a result of fucking someone as a full Hybrid, Y/n had been the only one he’s been interested in since turning 4 months ago. Maybe it’s because 4 months is the longest he’s gone without sex since he turned into a vampire over 1000 years ago, but something told him that wasn’t it. Something told him that wolfy part of his brain and body was marking his mate as much as he could, filling her with so much cum that his cock was aching inside of her by the time it finally stopped twitching. Filling her to the point it leaked back out around him as if ensuring she would be carrying his baby tomorrow, and something about that thought had Klaus purring into her neck in contentment, the thought of his girl swollen with his child was an image he never knew could excite him but Fuck if it wasn’t a sexy picture. ‘So f-full…do-do all werewolves cum this much?’
‘No…it seems to be a hybrid thing…but we’ll need to test it a few more times to be sure.’ He kissed along her neck, licking over the bite wound to clean up the drops of blood before pulling back. ‘Drink.’ He instructed, biting his wrist and bringing it to her mouth. He felt his Hybrid visage take over again as she listened to him without question, making a part of his brain very happy and needy to fuck her again.
‘I’m sure you have enough research to answer the question by now.’ He could tell his Kitten was exhausted even before she yawned and he nuzzled into her hair, rolling her on top of him and wrapping the blankets around them.
‘I don’t actually.’ He tried not to feel embarrassed as he told her this, since he promised not to.
‘Really? But it’s been…you were with Stefan for 2 months and..?’
‘I was busy, and after they didn’t work I was angry, and when I came back…I found you. You’re mine Y/n. All mine.’ He could see how hard she tried to push back the tears that welled up and she did, sighing contently and laying onto his chest.
‘All yours Nik.’ He felt her press her lips over his heart before laying back down to sleep and he was truly content to drift off with his Kitten in his arms. He finally had her…God save anyone who tries to take her away.
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
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luvsae · 1 year
comfort | cha hyunsu
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- fluff + angst (just hyunsu being upset + nightmares)
- pairing cha hyunsu x gn!reader
- you're awoken in the middle of thr night from hyunsu. he's had his nightmares again but you're here to comfort him ♡
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"go back to sleep," your voice is a whisper as you speak to hyunsu. you're careful not to lose the tiredness that currently lives in your body, as well as hyunsu's. "it's okay, love. you need to sleep."
hyunsu thought it was a kind gesture when you reminded him to sleep. reminding him that it was okay to rest and not deal with all the painful thoughts that flowed through his mind. you knew how he was feeling and you also knew that sleeping was the best way to reset the mind.
"i can't." his voice was a whisper like yours, yet it was filled with sadness. you reached for his face - it was dark inside your shared room, but the light from outside outlined his face perfectly. the glow showed off his features, which you envied sometimes - he was so beautiful to you, and you hope he knew that.
"how come?" you asked, stroking his face delicately as if he was something that was fragile.
"the nightmares," he replied back, melting into your touch. "they came back before."
"oh, honey..." you frowned slightly as you continued to rub circles around his cheek, hoping it would soothe him a bit. it seemed as if it was working. but you knew hyunsu had nightmares quite often. he told you about them but didn't go into much detail as it was hard to talk about them. you just knew that you would comfort him no matter what.
"i'm sorry," he suddenly spoke. "i'm sorry for waking you. i know you have a hard time sleeping, too."
it was true. you did have a hard time sleeping recently. perhaps it was from the stress of finding a job, or maybe stressing about other small things, but hyunsu mattered to you much more than that.
"hey," you spoke softly, your fingers now moving to run through his long, black hair. it was getting long, and you loved it - it was cute on him. "you don't have to be sorry. never ever. i'm happy to be here with you- awake right now, i mean."
although you couldn't see his face fully, you knew he was smiling a bit, and so you smiled back. "thank you," he said. "what did i do to deserve you?"
"i should be asking you the same question," you returned back to him. "you are an angel that has been sent to me. i'm always grateful for you."
you heard a quiet laugh escape him - he was much calmer than before, and that made you happy. with that, you shifted forward and gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead, lingering for a few moments before pulling away.
"thank you for helping me," he spoke. "i appreciate it a lot."
"of course," you replied back. "do you want to try and sleep now? or should we stay up a bit longer?"
"we should sleep," he answered. "can i hold you?"
you smiled to yourself. "yes, of course you can."
hyunsu waited as you turned around in bed before wrapping his arm around you, pulling you close and kissing the top of your head. he often did this because it was comforting to him, and he loved having you close. physical touch was one of his favorite things.
"goodnight sweetheart," you whispered. "wake me if anything happens, alright?"
"okay," he replied back. "goodnight. i love you."
"i love you too."
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"Beloved I-"
"Oh, now I'm beloved? Funny I swore I was 'that lady' not a moment ago"
"My love please-"
"Oh no, do not concern yourself with this lady she is perfectly capable of seeing herself to bed"
You mutter as you sit at the vanity removing your finery after a particularly tense ball. You hear the bedding crumple slightly as he sits, noticing from his reflection in the mirror out the corner of your eye as he runs a hand through his hair.
"You must understand that I was trying to protect you. Vampires do not 'date' as such, and in these circles marriage is a contract. You would have been hounded."
You sigh as you feel the pressure alleviated from the adornments left on your head all night. Licking your lips and pursing them as if such physical actions could quell your frustration.
"There is protecting me from hounding and then there is throwing me to the wolves while they fawn over you."
You pause turning your head to the side to look at him not a reflection.
"While you had countless women hanging on your arm and begging for dances I was questioned and harassed by strangers."
"Why didn't you say, who crossed you?"
He stands coming to stand behind you, holding his hand awkwardly unsure if he should touch you in your state.
"I did try, Reiji!"
You spin around fully and stand glaring at him.
"At any sign of approach you shooed me away as I got looked through or glared at like some dirty rag. And then you placated them! 'Oh no, I have no idea who that lady is.' It took your father stepping in to stop one of them biting me when they realised our arrival together was simply coincidence"
Reiji's face shifted from guilt to fury. Looking to the side as he shifts his glasses further up his nose. For a moment only the ticking on his desk and your tense breathing audible.
"Why would he step in. He's the one who ordered I say nothing."
He hung his head, shaking it slightly before gently reaching for you arms and guiding you towards the bed.
"My love you must understand, I had to prioritize your well-being long term."
Biting back tears as he sits you on the bed, you pick at the seams of your gloves. You spat your next words.
"You were so cold, and then you got angry I danced with your father when he was seemingly the only thing protecting me. I was terrified and yet it's my fault? You dismiss me as if I'm nothing and then get angry at me when someone else does your job"
He inhales, as if stalling. Slowly he kneels, his face coming in to view as be tilts up your chin to look straight at him.
"Love, I may have. No I made an error in my judgement on the best way to act to protect you. I should have communicated my approach before."
He shifts bringing you right foot, still trapped in dance heels, to rest over his unbeating heart. Slowly opening them and kissing the exposed skin of your ankle.
"I want to build you, your own world. A life of happiness for you where you need never deal with unfair struggles once more. But to do so I require his approval to give you title."
He leaves the shoe to his side and switches focus to your left foot. Focusing his gaze entirely on the task, finding it difficult to be so vulnerable and not in control.
"I desire no other the way I do you. It infuriated and vexed me to have these feelings pulling me so far from the course. Any woman who has ever approached me before has been dealt with in the same manner. Mannerly but ultimately fruitless words, enough to placate but never crossing a line to anything past passive. Until you"
He lets down your foot after removing it from the tight prison of a shoe you've worn all night. Slipping your hands into his and gazing up at you at last.
"You are my answer and focus. I am drawn to you as though I am the only one effected by your gravity. Do not be foolish enough to think I am a scientist who does not correct after a failed result. In future I will never let you leave my arm all night should you bless me with your company again."
You finally smile, squeezing his hands lightly, and leaning ever so slightly forward.
"You are a foolish man at times dear."
"How could I not be when you call me that so sweetly?"
Magenta eyes swirling with adoration draw you in. He shifts from kneeling with one to both knees to regain some height over you once more, tilting his head and leaning in pressing his lips to yours. A suddenly ungloved hand touching against your cheek. Your arms moved up to ground yourself, gripping his suit's lapels, pulling him closer. After a moment his pulls himself away, his tongue touching his lips as the taste of your lip gloss lingers.
"Am I forgiven beloved? Or will you be 'able to put yourself to bed' hmm?"
His eyes crinkle slightly as he grins at you. You chuff slightly before pulling him in by the collar, of course he allowed you this for once, vampiric strength dulled to allow his human some control.
"You ever call me 'that lady' again and I will choke you with your tie."
"Would you rather beloved or love?"
"My most dear and beloved love, you who brightens my night and whom I beg to receive kiss."
"I do believe you will cause a mass fainting should they hear that."
He climbs onto the bed as you lay back, one arm holding him up the other resting his hand on your waist. Your arms looping around his neck, nails lightly scratching the nape of his neck.
"You forget I can be just as possessive as you my dear. I'm not a massive fan of sharing"
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wingdingery · 2 months
ohhhh i always have requests! quite fond of lil drabble ideas: bruce teaching dick to dance and (years later when they’re together) they recreating some of their first dances, slade being the one to gift dick his first leather jacket that he still regularly wears, An Event Occurs and in the aftermath dick realizes how irreplaceable he is to bruce and just how much bruce both loves him and needs him, bruce and dick’s undercover aliases that keep getting more and more romantic over the years
In Dick’s experience, returning to his apartment after a week away and finding a mysterious box on the coffee table that was definitely not there when he left is, usually, not actually a big deal.
He’s still careful—the little Batman that lives in the back of his head would never give him a moment of peace if he wasn’t—but he’s just very aware of the fact that, nine times out of ten, the not-so-little Batman is the one breaking in and leaving little treats for him to find later, because Bruce is deathly allergic to seeing people’s reactions to his gifts in real-time.
Dick runs through the standard checks, but nothing sounds or smells off, and nothing pings as suspicious on infrared or the particulate detector. He steps closer to inspect the box. It’s rectangular, all white, and generally unremarkable except for the fact that he didn’t put it there.
Carefully, he lifts the lid. He’s expecting some kind of gear—it wouldn’t be the first time a new suit or toys showed up unannounced.
What he finds is a leather moto jacket.
He gently lifts it out of the box and stares at it, bemused. It’s very nice—genuine Italian leather by the feel of it, black with silver hardware and diagonal pockets in the shape of a V, and just his size. There’s no note of any kind, but when he sniffs the leather, he also gets a whiff of maple and gun oil—and that feels like a signature in and of itself.
Dick pulls out his phone, dials in the number from memory, and sinks into the couch as it rings. 
“Happy birthday,” Slade says when he picks up, voice low and rumbling.
Dick suppresses a smile. “You’re late.”
“I was busy.”
“Doing what?”
“You really wanna know the answer to that?”
Dick bites the inside of his cheek and fiddles with the zipper of the jacket. They’ve been getting along all right ever since they’d been forced to team up on the cruise ship from hell, but still, a little plausible deniability goes a long way, between them. “How long ‘til I find out on my own?”
“Now that depends,” Slade says, drawing out the words. “You still talking to Rose?”
Dick blinks. “You were visiting Rose?”
“Something like that.”
“She shut the door in your face,” Dick guesses.
Slade grunts. “We can meet not at her apartment.”
“And she’s moving?”
“And she’s moving.” Slade doesn’t sound particularly annoyed about it, but then again, finding people who don’t want to be found is basically his job. Dick makes a mental note to see if Rose wants a hand making her dad’s life harder.
“So why the jacket?” Dick says, running his hand over the leather. It really is nice. He wonders where Slade got it, and whether it was paid for in money or blood. He probably doesn’t want to know.
“You complained I made you ruin yours,” Slade says. “Reckon we’re square now.”
Dick raises his eyebrows, even though Slade can’t see it. “I don’t remember doing that, but if I did, it had to have been, what… seven years ago? At least?”
“I’ve got a long memory.” It sounds vaguely like a threat, in Slade’s voice, but the jacket itself seems far from one, so Dick lets it pass.
“If you’re trying to make up for that,” Dick says, “then you’re really late.”
“You’d’ve thrown it straight in the trash if I ever tried before.”
“I could still do that.”
“You won’t.”
“Well, now I have to.”
Slade scoffs. “Go ahead. Would be a waste of perfectly good leather, though.”
The desire for knowledge wins out. “Where’d you get it?”
“Made it.”
Dick pauses, uncertain he’d heard correctly. When Slade doesn’t elaborate, though, Dick echoes, uncertainly, “Made it?”
“Wintergreen helped some.”
Dick opens his mouth, but nothing comes out. Made it?
“Who exactly did you think made my first few costumes?” Slade says, sounding amused. “Not all of us have your daddy’s resources.”
It’s one thing for Slade to have bought him something; Dick can explain that away as just a whim—an act of opportunity, as it were. But Slade spending the time and energy to make it himself?
That’s premeditation.
“This isn’t a birthday gift.”
“I said happy birthday, didn’t I?”
“This isn’t just a birthday gift,” Dick presses.
Slade doesn’t respond, and Dick lets the silence stretch far past the point of discomfort. Still, neither of them hangs up. Slade may be a stubborn asshole, but Dick has been trained in the art of silence-offs by the most frustratingly stoic of them all.
Dick smooths out the collar of the jacket and straightens out the arms while he waits. Now that he’s looking closer, he can tell the seams aren’t the tidy stitches of a lifelong craftsman, but it’s impressive work, all the same. Work that must have taken a hell of a lot of effort. 
Finally, Slade breaks the rhythm of quiet breathing. “Whatever it is,” he says, “it’s yours now. Throw it in the trash if you want. Or don’t. It’s got nothing to do with me.”
It has everything to do with Slade, but the fact that Slade is insisting so hard that it doesn’t is both a little funny and extremely sad. Dick can recognize a fear of rejection when he hears it. 
Dick puts a hand on top of the jacket. “It doesn’t really make sense to give me this,” he says, “if you’re never going to see me wear it.”
Slade is silent for a moment, but not as long as before. “I’ve got time,” he says, slowly, like he’s leaving space for Dick to cut him off between one word and the next. “Two weeks from now.”
“Two weeks,” Dick agrees. “I assume you don’t need the address.”
“Think I’ve got it.” Slade’s voice is dry, but lacking its usual knife-sharp edge. “See you soon, kid.”
He hangs up before Dick can respond. 
Dick smiles anyway. “See you soon.”
Footnote: RIP Dick's expensive jacket (this is $300 in 80s money)
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In your opinion which of the Endless do you think has the hardest job and why?
short answer? death
slightly less short answer - either death, dream, or none of them, depending on the angle you're looking at it from
long answer... they're all perfectly suited to the task they were made for, so in the sense of physical ability, none of their jobs are difficult. which means difficulty can only be measured by emotional toll. and that's not really based on the job so much as it is on how much they care
the big thesis in sandman is that life = change. that's an equation that cuts both ways, and a theme that runs through almost every character. the endless, as the fundamental aspects of life, all have power over something that can change people, right to their core
and that's a huge responsibility, which they all have their own ways of coping with
we never learn that much about how it affects destiny or despair, but death had a huge character arc to go through (everything she says in the show is originally in a winters tale, as well as the fact that she stopped collecting souls, because it was getting to her too much - until she realised that was doing more damage), so now she copes by finding meaning and purpose in it, by befriending everyone she comes to take, by living in some ways a human life of her own
desire ignores it, and tells themselves that mortals don't matter to them, so why should they care who gets hurt? they turn it all into a big game and they don't let themselves think about it for even a second, because if they did it would destroy them (the narration tells us this at the end of dolls house)
destruction didn't cope with it, he left, and refuses to let there ever be another destruction of the endless
and del... just observes it. she accepts the difficulty and the responsibility, and sees it with a lot clearer eyes than her siblings. and sometimes that means she's the most fit to cope with it. other times it breaks her too, and that's when she gets her bad days
the reason i list dream as a possible option here, is because dream is not coping. he's trying to do everything his siblings do at once and none of it is working for him. he can't be desire, because he cares too much about mortals to ignore and laugh at them. he can't be death because he doesn't see himself as someone with a life, just someone with a job - that has to come before everything else. he can't be destruction because again, he values his purpose more than his happiness, leaving is inconceivable. and he can't be delirium because that would require him to see the world as it really is - and his nature runs fundamentally contrary to that
so that could be why dream. but this could also be why none of them - because that's not really the job that's hard, so much as it's not working for dream specifically. if he was somebody just slightly different, he'd be able to handle it a lot better
(the other reason i might consider dream is the vortexes - we don't see enough of the other endless to know if this is something they have to deal with (or something similar), it might be, so this might not be a dealbreaker? but it's definitely not easy for dream, overture goes into that plenty, he viscerally hates the idea of killing people, it goes against everything he is, and yet he has to, or the entire universe will die. and that's a tough responsibility to have)
so why death? because she's the only one who will never die. she doesn't, herself, change, not even if you force a reincarnation like with dream. her sigil will stay the same forever, the necropolis only holds six funeral cerements - death is unlike the others, its written in the rules. it's not the only way she's an exception either; it's mentioned at one point in brief lives that the endless all feel uncomfortable in each others' realms, they can sense that this place is made of an entirely different energy to the one they're used to. except death, who can traverse all the other realms as easily as her own, because even her siblings have to die eventually
more people under your charge, more people to care about. the more it hurts if you let it. her job covers every being in existence, and for the most part it involves being something they don't want you to be. she has had every negative emotion people are capable of directed at her, in a much more first-hand way than her siblings may get. and you have to be okay with it, you have to
because the only way to be free of it is to be the only person left in all existence
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dyns33 · 2 years
Upon a dream
Dream x reader, being idiots, as always 
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Morpheus was truly the best boyfriend in the world. Romantic, poetic, attentive, tender, passionate.
If he had been real, he would have been truly wonderful.
But unfortunately such a perfect man couldn't exist, and so it was normal that Y/N only met him in her dreams.
During one of her nocturnal wanderings, she had found herself in a huge library, his library, and even if he had been surprised to find her there, he had not chased her away, allowing her to explore, showing her the castle, chatting at length with her.
It had been a beautiful dream, which she thought she would quickly forget. But she had dreamed of him again the following night, then every other night.
She was trying to convince herself that it was no big deal.
Her life wasn't so terrible, she had her family, her friends, her job, her hobbies. There were plenty of people who remained celibate all their lives and were perfectly happy being alone in front of the television, eating ice cream and imagining an ideal lover who would visit them in their sleep.
Nothing special.
           "My love, you seem troubled tonight. Far from me. Are you alright ?"
           "Yes, Morpheus. Excuse me, I'm just tired." Y/N apologized with a smile, snuggling into his arms to forget her worries, and the fact that he wouldn't be there when she woke up.
           "Good. That's what I'm here for. You can rest in peace, I'm watching over you. What do you want to do, my love ? Lucienne would be happy to show you new books, Cain and Abel wish to tell new stories, Matthew asks for gossip from the waking world. We can also walk in the gardens, travel to the other side of the galaxy, or stay in bed. Tell me, my love, I am at your command."
           "You're adorable. Anything is fine with me, as long as we do it together."
           "My sweet." he whispered, kissing her.
As always, it was difficult for Y/N when she opened her eyes and found herself in her bedroom, alone, in her cold bed, just like when she went to sleep.
It was absurd, she repeated it to herself every time she was about to fall asleep, but a simple dream managed to make her feel things she had never felt in her entire existence. The human brain could really be fascinating. And dangerous.
Because even if she was terribly happy when she was with Morpheus, she was just as sad when she left him and returned to reality.
Several times, she had thought of talking to a doctor about it. To find a solution. But Y/N didn't really see what it was going to solve.
They were only going to tell her that she felt lonely, which she already knew, and that her dreams were trying to fill that void.
The only thing she could do was seek the company of real people when she was awake.
It was not easy.
If Y/N had been able to get a real boyfriend, she would have done it a long time ago.
And it was worse now, because no one could ever be as good as Morpheus. She was really in love with him.
In love with a dream, it was really depressing.
There was also this ridiculous idea in the back of her head, which kept telling her that it wouldn't be very proper to cheat on him. Even if he didn't exist.
He didn't exist. Morpheus didn't exist, he wasn't waiting for her in her dreams every night, he would never magically appear in front of her, and if he loved her, then he would understand that she was looking for someone to spend her life with.
After asking her friends for advice, one of them offered to introduce her to a charming man, with whom she could get along well. It was less risky than meeting a stranger, because they could tell he was a good person.
And if she didn't like him, it would be fine, she would find other suitors.
Désiré was indeed a charming man. Funny, kind, seductive. But during the whole evening they spent together, Y/N only thought of Morpheus.
When their hands touched at the end of the meal, she quickly pulled it away apologetically. He looked a little offended, but he didn't say anything, forcing a smile.
           "It seems to me that I am not up to it." he sighed when it was time to part ways. "I don't like to lose, but I know when I'm not... wanted. Which doesn't happen often. He's lucky. He doesn't deserve it."
           "... I don't understand what you are talking about."
           "Oh, darling. I think that's the part I find the funniest. He'll be pissed that we had dinner together, but I can't imagine his reaction at all when he finds out why we had dinner together. "
           "It's late, I have to go home."
           "You're right. Sweet dreams." he purred, throwing a kiss at her.
Y/N did not try to understand what Désiré had meant. No doubt he had drunk too much alcohol during the meal, and he had guessed that there was someone else in her heart.
Going to bed, she relaxed thinking that she was finally going to find Morpheus and his marvellous kingdom, after this long day.
The throne room was horribly empty and cold when she materialized there. Sitting on the steps of his huge staircase, Morpheus watched her with an impassive face.
           "How was my brother-sister ?"
           "... Your what ?"
           "Desire. You were with them all night. At first I thought I had to step in, that they were going to try to hurt you, but... Matthew told me you asked to have dinner with them. A "date". You asked your friends to find you a 'date', several 'dates'. So I'm not enough for you ? You don't love me anymore ? Are you making fun of me ?"
           "Morpheus." she sighed sadly. "Of course I love you. I love you more than anything."
           "But not enough to be faithful."
           "Oh, I knew my mind would go to that ground, it's really not fair."
           "... Your mind ?" he repeated slowly.
           "Listen, I love you. But you're not real. It's just a dream. I can't wake up every morning to be reminded that this isn't true, that I'm alone, not loved, and the only times I feel some joy are during my sleep, with a being that my subconscious has invented. You are perfect, and the more time I spend with you, in this fabulous world, the more I cut myself of the real world. It's not healthy."
           “It is true that it is not good for mortals to live in the Dream. But that does not mean that it is not real. That we are not real. You... You really don't know who I am ? You really don't know it's not just a dream ? It's never just a dream."
           "Morpheus... Don't make me hope in vain."
           "I told you to go on dates in the waking world, boss. Just because you always say you exist doesn't mean the lady is going to believe it's true."
The little raven trembled a bit when his master looked at him, flying away to rest on Y/N's shoulder, where he would be safe, for the moment.
           "Maybe I should have listened to you, Matthew. But it's not too late. Desire also showed me that our love was strong, they couldn't do anything against it. I just have to make up for my mistake."
Slowly, Morpheus stood up, approaching Y/N, who didn't know what to make of this dream. It really wasn't like the other nights.
He caressed her cheek tenderly, before kissing her like every time she was going to have to leave soon.
           "When you wake up my love, I'll be there and you won't have any reason to be sad, or look for another partner."
           "Don't make me..."
           "This dream is over."
Jumping up in bed, Y/N first looked at the window, seeing that it was still dark. She then looked at the time, which made her sigh. It was still very late.
           "Good evening my love."
This time, in addition to jumping, she screamed, falling off her bed. Immediately, a man came running to her side, asking her if she was alright and helping her to sit on the mattress. He had the voice of Morpheus. And his face.
No, it was impossible.
           "Well done, boss. Subtle. She wasn't scared at all."
           "Silence, Matthew. My love, forgive me, I told you I would be here."
           "... I'm still dreaming ?"
           "So this is it, I'm crazy."
           "You are not in my younger sister's domain, I can assure you. I should have explained a lot about myself to you more clearly, I should have visited you in the waking world earlier. We were so happy I was not thinking, as soon as you appeared in front of me I only wanted to be with you and I did not see that I was hurting you. I apologize. My love, I am Morpheus, Dream of the Endless, king of dreams and nightmares, prince of stories, and I am very real."
           "... You are real." she said softly, touching his face to make sure he really wasn't an illusion. He closed his eyes when her fingers touched his skin, turning to make them pass on his lips. "All this time, you've been real. And I almost dated another man. You must hate me."
           "I wasn't thrilled by this news, but there was a misunderstanding, so I forgive you, if you promise me never to do this again, and to stay away from Desire."
           "His name is Désiré, and okay."
           "Desire is my brother sister, my sibling. Another Endless. They wanted to have fun with you, at my expense, but your feelings were strong and sincere, preventing them from manipulating you, and proving to me that I had no reason to be jealous."
           "But you were still a little jealous."
           "Boss." muttered the raven, poking its head out of its creator's cloak. "Boss, you're really bad with girls. You always have to say yes. Yes I'm jealous, but I trust you, I love you, I don't deserve you and I'll do anything to be worthy of..."
           "Thanks Matthew, you can go back to the Dreaming now."
           "I'm a good wingman, I think it's safer if I stay."
           "My love and I are together for the first time in the waking world, at night, in her room, on her bed."
           "... See you, boss ! Madam ! Be good !"
The raven disappeared back into the cloak. Morpheus waited a few moments, as if wanting to make sure he was gone, before laying sensually on top of her, suddenly looking a bit taller, his shadow enveloping the entire room as a sort of purr emanated from him. Y/N wondered if she was really awake.
           "So, my love, what do you want to do ?" he asked, as he asked her every night.
           "Hmm... I'm too tired to go out. It's a little late to read, watch a movie or even dance. So what could we do ?"
           "What, indeed ?"
           "Is the king of dreams sleeping ? Is he dreaming ?"
           "No, and no. But I think about you all the time, to the point that it interferes with my work. A lot of people often dreamed of you, because I wasn't concentrating enough."
           "Are you willing to sleep with me ? I mean, sleep sleep. I'm really tired. But if you're here tomorrow morning... You know."
           "It would be an honour for me to watch over you while you sleep. I already do it every night, but to hold you in my arms while you are asleep. It is the most beautiful proof of love and trust. Not many people realize that there is nothing more vulnerable than a sleeping being. Thank you for this gift, my love."
Smiling, Y/N snuggled up to him after being settled under the covers. She would have liked to listen to his heart before falling asleep, but obviously he had none. He didn't need it, he wasn't human.
They would talk about that later, and the consequences that implied.
But now she was tired, and happy that Morpheus was really there, in her bed.
           "Are you really not going to sleep ?"
           "No. I'm going to beg my father for the night to pass faster, so that it's morning and we… You know."
Y/N would also ask him about his strange family when she was better awake. In the meantime, she fell asleep peacefully in the arms of Morpheus, who sang her a lullaby while stroking her hair.
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kiirotoao · 3 months
the ask :
so, i wanted to get ur opinion on s3 mike. such as, what he was going through and his internalized homophobia. things like that!
maybe some things w/ him and his relationship w/ el too!
I’m gonna pretend that I’m fine after weeks of getting flustered just staring at this in my inbox! Thank you, anon!!! 🥺🥺 You’re making me blush! But, uh, anyways! Let’s talk about Mike Wheeler! 💙
I think that Mike in season 3 is the most interesting version of himself in the entire show because of how hidden his story becomes. In all other seasons, Mike cries openly with other people and expresses his sadness and fears over Will and El.
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In season 3, though? Besides the finale, the tearful goodbyes narrated by Hopper, we never see Mike truly cry and explicitly talk through why. Sure, it can be pretty readily implied that it’s because of the Byers leaving, but we don’t hear that aloud. We don’t see exactly who’s on Mike’s mind as those cars pull away. We're left with silent and unsure stares, looks of seeming regret or something else unknown.
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Season 3 is truly a huge turning point for Mike, he’s losing his girlfriend and arguably his closest friend in the Party, and it's so easily overlooked because it all happens at the very end of the final episode. Whereas El goes through hell and fights to connect to Billy and save her friends, where Max also feels the weight of his loss, where Will gets his heartbreaking scene at Castle Byers - all the Party members who are very linked to Mike get their emotional moments that season, and we know exactly why they cry.
But Mike dances around his emotions all season long. In consulting Lucas to deal with breaking up and making up with El, in trying to tell El that he loves her without ever saying it, in fighting with Will because "it's not [his] fault [Will doesn't] like girls."
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Oh, Mike. I really don't think that Mike was out to hurt Will when he said that. Rather, it's a culmination of heteronormativity and the poor relationship that he has with El and trying to compensate for it. I interpret the outburst as him saying, 'it's not my fault that I'm in a relationship and you're not, so you wouldn't get it.' And by extension, Will being in a relationship would require, normatively, being with a girl.
But at the same time, for a jab that deep - I can't help but question more.
Mike could have said, "it's not my fault you don't like anyone!" or "don't bring her into this!" or even as simple as, "you wouldn't understand!" But no. Mike takes the direct train to sexuality station and brings up the fact that El is a girl. So it seems to me that Mike is very likely harboring something in his heart about why El being a girl is important for him to argue.
But we never know for sure. This moment is never addressed again due to the Mind Flayer’s sudden return. And so it’s up to us as the audience to decide what we think of Mike’s statement. And personally, as I’m sure many of you believe, too, I think that Mike is projecting and trying to hide the fact that he doesn’t like girls onto Will, pushing away his problems to someone he trusts who’s more similar to himself than he realizes.
Tied to his inability to say to El’s face that he loves her, to the fact that they've - reportedly from Hopper - kissed all Summer long with no mention of meaningful conversation, to the very surface-level relational mending his makes by calling El’s outfit “cool” and giving her candy, to the very end of the season where Mike once again denies saying that he loved El just before an open-eyed kiss and a face like this:
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Mike doesn’t need to say anything about that kiss for me to know that that’s not the reaction of someone who’s perfectly happy to be back together with his ex-girlfriend. So do I wish that we had a moment of vulnerability for Mike where he expressed his heart in season 3? Yes, but his nonverbals spoke volumes.
So, yeah, I think that in season 3, Mike is very much gay, but he he acts cautiously and self-preservingly because trauma is drowning everything out.
And what is this trauma? I know that I’m working backwards, but I need to bring up that Mike was separated from El for so long in the time of season 2, and I think that that makes him so attached to her in season 3. Think about what else he says in that scene when he admits his love: “I love her and I can’t lose her again.”
As sweet as it is to be reunited to El by the end of season 2, it’s not a clean reunion for Mike. He’s in shambles when he learns that Hopper was lying to him and not letting El even tell Mike that she’s okay.
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Not to mention that this isn’t his first but second time almost losing her to the monster that season.
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Because of this unstable connection, I think that Mike has built a protective relationship with El, one that focuses on keeping her rather than knowing her, and we see how that all unfolds with his superficial “superhero” complex he has of her in season 4. Season 3 was just the beginning.
And so I think that Mike in season 3 stands as a version of himself that’s confused protectiveness with love. Even though he arguably behaves with that same mindset all the time, it’s at its highest during season 3 because of his never-ending insistence to help El even if she’s capable to do things by herself. Mike isn’t just clingy, he’s worried. Worried for her life. There’s no time to worry about where the problems in their relationship arise, there’s only time to fix them and go back to how they were at equilibrium - when things were normal.
Thus, Mike behaves rather stubbornly. He’s insistent and defensive, not letting a single thing slip through the cracks and risk any more hurt. In doing so, his personality is left far under the surface and unexplored. He only acts to stir up emotions rather than reflect on them, because any pausing to think will only confuse him more. He’s looking ahead, looking at the light, holding onto everything good he has with all the propriety of a 13/14-year-old who has a heart bigger than his head.
Simply put, Mike is a bit of an anti-hero this season. And I think that it's because of this that he starts to get most controversial for the audience.
I’m clearly a Mike apologist, but I genuinely don’t think that he’s out to hurt anyone when he argues with others this season. He’s just stubborn and loud about it, which can definitely be to his fault at times. But in the end, when it comes down to who he loves, I think that season 3 is the era of change, and that ending scene with Hopper’s letter paints the perfect setup for the next seasons to reveal that Mike has a lot more going on under the surface that’s causing all of this. Maybe some regrets, things he wishes he could “turn back the clock” on, regarding, say, Will and El and how he treats them platonically and romantically? Just a thought.
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The question of the day for Mike in season 3 stands: is he being selfish or selfless? And I think that it’s a mix of both, blended in with some heavy confusion due to role changing (not needing to protect El) and uncertain affections (not knowing how to figure out what he has with Will).
So, yeah. All in all, I think that Mike is really closeted in season 3 and doesn’t realize it until the final episode, and I honestly love him for it. As someone who’s gone through similar hurdles of internalized homophobia as a teen, it’s really heartwarming to see him grow and figure things out, even if the journey is far from perfect. It’s a humble origin story. And if he somehow ends up being straight and Byler isn’t endgame, well. I’ll be upset at the writers, but the impact still stands.
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ken-dom · 4 months
It’s Crazy How I Need Your Friction
Ken x Driver
3.5k words
∘₊✧ Summary: Driver didn’t mind the occasional mess, because Ken always cleaned up after himself. He didn’t care very much for horses, either, but they made Ken happy and he liked Ken to be happy. He hadn’t, however, been so keen on Ken’s recent obsession with tools. At least, not to begin with.
∘₊✧ Author’s notes: Thank you to my big sister K for reading this weeks ago and then reading it again when I finally got motivation to finish it. Motivation also provided by her and our delightful, never ending Driver conversation! Title from Kiss Me You Animal by Burn The Ballroom, recommended by Sascha 💖
∘₊✧ Warnings/content: NSFW, masturbation, use of vibrator, dry humping, mentioned hand jobs and blow jobs, overstimulation, blood mention, crying, hammer kink - but specifically Driver’s hammer, copious amounts of glizz!
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Driver’s bland apartment had been much more a home since Ken had been around to brighten the place up.
There were always little surprises awaiting him when he returned, like when Ken tried baking for the first time and Driver found flour on every possible surface, between the bedsheets and dusted over the bathroom sink. But the extravagantly iced cupcakes smelled heavenly and tasted as incredible as Ken himself; Driver couldn’t ever get enough of that sweet pink glitter, and that night it was only improved by the butter icing smeared over Ken’s pretty face and bare chest.
Then there was the time Ken had come by a new horse themed blanket to throw over the otherwise dull two-seat sofa. Driver, never having been one for spending a great deal of time on soft furnishings at all, thought it was the softest texture he’d ever touched and fell asleep stroking the fleece with his fingertips while listening to Ken witter on endlessly and eagerly about his favourite horse facts.
Driver didn’t mind the occasional mess, because Ken always cleaned up after himself. He didn’t care very much for horses, either, but they made Ken happy and he liked Ken to be happy.
He hadn’t, however, been so keen on Ken’s recent obsession with tools. At least, not to begin with.
Ken had seen Driver come home with what he had learned was a hammer tucked into the back of his trousers one night, and after a brief explanation from Driver, his perfect doll had asked far too many questions for his liking.
Ever since then, and much to Driver’s dismay, Ken had been somewhat fixated. He wasn’t sure what exactly it was about the hammer that captivated him, but it seemed to stir something inside. Something thrilling. The same kind of feeling he got when Driver touched him in certain places, or kissed his neck. Tingly. Exciting.
‘Show me how you use it?’ he’d asked breathlessly while Driver was laid between his thighs, rolling his hips to slide their slick lengths together, lips hot against Ken’s neck, and Driver would shake his head without a word, rutting faster against his doll to distract his mind from the thought.
‘Where do you take it?’ he’d questioned with a whine as Driver wrapped his elegant, gloved hand around Ken’s pretty cock and pumped painfully slowly a few nights later.
‘Focus on my touch,’ Driver instructed plainly, swiping his thumb over Ken’s shimmering tip and eliciting a thick pearl of glittering precum and a hungry little groan.
Ken forgot about it soon enough.
‘Can you use it on me?’ he’d asked the next week.
That was the question that finally made Driver freeze up.
They were sitting on the soft horse blanket watching TV together, Drivers fingers sliding over the fleece in soothing, repetitive patterns with Ken’s perfectly pedicured feet resting on his lap.
‘Please?’ Ken pushed. ‘I want to see how it… feels…’
Driver’s fingers stopped rubbing at the blanket and he turned to look at Ken. His cheeks were flushed, pupils dilated, an enticing bulge steadily growing in his ridiculously sexy grey sweatpants.
‘No,’ Driver said softly but firmly, sparkling eyes flicking back up to Kens pleading ones.
‘Oh, please… you look so good with it. So strong and-’
Driver crawled forward and sealed his lips over Kens, heated and forceful.
‘You’re better than that, Ken,’ Driver breathed against those perfect lips, a hard bulge tenting in his jeans, now, too.
And then Ken’s vision blurred as Driver dipped lower, pulled down those grey sweatpants and wrapped his mouth around Ken’s pretty, throbbing cock.
Two days later, there was something waiting for Ken when he dragged himself out of bed and shuffled through to the kitchen.
Driver had usually left the apartment by the time Ken woke up, which was no surprise. Since living in the real world, some days Ken could sleep in until lunch and still take an afternoon nap. How humans did so much without rest caused his head to ache if he thought about it for too long.
This morning (or was it afternoon now?), beside Ken’s horse mug, prepared with a strawberry tea bag, and a full kettle ready to boil at the touch of a button on the counter, was a plain white box wrapped with a pink bow, a short message jotted on the front in neat black ink.
TO MY PRETTY DOLL, Ken recognised Driver’s all-caps handwriting immediately, SOMETHING A LITTLE SAFER FOR YOU TO PLAY WITH. BE GOOD FOR ME UNTIL I’M HOME.
The message was signed off with a little winking face that made Ken’s heart flutter. Be good with a wink usually seemed to mean it was ok to be naughty from what he’d understood of the real world so far.
Ken’s brow furrowed and his head tilted to the side as he unwrapped the bow and slid the lid off the box. Inside was a charging cable, a small bottle of liquid, and a brand new hammer.
It didn’t look like Driver’s hammer. It wasn’t made of heavy looking metal, it was pink, which immediately delighted Ken, and it had three buttons near the top. The handle was textured with a soft twisted groove running around it, rounded rather pleasantly at the end. It looked soft and hard in equal measures and something about that made Ken’s core clench.
He carefully removed the hammer from the packaging and held the tool in his palm, gently running his fingers over the soft silicone, wondering what the buttons were for. Driver’s hammer didn’t have buttons.
He pressed the one in the centre of the three, displaying what he had recently learned was the universal symbol for on/off, and upon feeling the effect it had, immediately dropped it.
The hammer buzzed across the counter top, having vibrated quite vigorously in Ken’s grip, and as much as it had surprised him, it had also turned his eyes wide.
This was no hammer, Ken realised, it was a sex toy. The first one he’d seen for real. The first one he’d held. And it was all his.
He watched in awe as his new toy juddered along, feeling a familiar sort of power pump through his veins.
Did Driver want him to use it? He wasn’t sure exactly how to do that. He could figure it out, though, he was sure. Maybe there would be an instruction manual. Like the one included with the coffee table flat pack they’d bought, which Driver assembled while Ken watched, hard and panting by the time Driver had finished with the screwdriver.
Giggling at how the toy had felt against his palm, he picked it up and switched it off, heading straight back to bed with the box tucked under his arm like he meant business and his head held high with a determined grin pulling at his lips.
Settling into place, cross-legged on the unmade bed, he popped the bottle of liquid from the packaging, and discovered a folded piece of paper hidden under it.
Beneath the brand name and and a bold subtitle of Vibrates on all ends!, the paper contained instructions in impossibly minuscule text. Much to Ken’s relief, as he scanned down the paper he found little drawings showing how each button worked, how to charge the toy, and how to use each part.
His cheeks burned the more he looked at the little images. Driver had chosen this toy especially for him, and wherever he was right now, he’d know Ken was using it. His heart began to pound in his chest.
A quiet little whine filled the otherwise silent room, Ken’s cock was already leaking in anticipation. He was sure he could learn by doing rather than being shown… Driver wouldn’t have trusted him with it otherwise, would he?
He dropped back onto the pillows and shimmied his joggers down, gasping at the cool air stinging his heated flesh. He grabbed the hammer and, watching carefully, dragged the head of it slowly up the underside of his length, collecting a thick pearl of sparkly precum from the tip, holding it there as his chest heaved.
Hand shaking, his thumb moved to hover over the on/off button again, and swallowing hard, Ken started up the vibration.
A high pitched moan echoed around the whole apartment. The vibration was a little strong to start with, so he quickly played with the top button to adjust the strength, groaning in relief when he found the perfect setting.
His cock was throbbing already, and aching to be touched. He pushed the head of the hammer lower, pressing it against the base of his cock before gradually pulling it back up, feeling every jolt of the vibrator in minute detail.
Ken’s free hand balled into a tight fist, twisting the sheets beneath him in his grip, and his head dropped back against the pillow as his back arched off the bed.
It felt like nothing he could ever have imagined, his whole body completely lost in the rapture of the vibration, shooting sensations he’d never before felt through his whole body. All thought had vanished in a haze of overwhelming bliss and in the midst of a loud string of weak, hungry moans, a guttural, drawn out growl erupted from his throat as a hot rope of glittery slick shot up over his stomach and coated his smooth skin with a pretty, pink release.
Ken never had much of a refractory period. He wasn’t sure if it was due to having been a doll in Barbieland – Ken was made to be used in whichever way the person playing with him saw fit. Or perhaps it was because since he became human and discovered so many new physical sensations, he had been insatiably horny to make up for all that genital-less time.
In any event, he was hard again almost immediately, and, ignoring the pink shimmer drying on his stomach, he immediately pressed the vibrator to hip tip again, long fingers wrapping around his sensitive cock to stroke his shaft, pumping lightly.
He imagined what Driver might do if he saw him like this, with that dangerous glint in his handsome eyes; the look that fascinated Ken… flicking away his toothpick to focus his mouth on lapping up the mess Ken had made instead, before helping him make another one-
And here it was. With a shout, and a much more furious pump of his fist, he released another helping of that delicious pink cum Driver seemed to love so much.
Ken’s breath had turned heavy. Two orgasms in and he usually started to feel a little tired out, even if he knew could go for a couple more rounds. But this was different; all he felt was a burning sensation in the pit of his stomach, his cock barely softening before standing to attention again, his heart racing.
He wanted more.
It was like the first time Driver made him cum. A simple hand job inside his trousers, but it made Ken so hungry for whatever that feeling was, he had to run off to the bathroom to jerk himself off three more times before his body would calm, each time trying to replicate the feeling Driver had given him, but never quite reaching it.
He’d never touched himself before, and it was intense and exciting and a little bit naughty. And when he asked Driver if it was normal, he’d simply replied with a quiet chuckle and a shrug. Later, as they were falling asleep, Driver had whispered, ‘I would’ve taken care of it for you, you know. If you’d wanted,’ and just like that Ken was hard again.
Ken tried to let his breath settle for a moment, and whilst still, he wondered when Driver would be home. He missed him, which wasn’t unusual after only an hour apart, but he also longed to show him how the hammer felt. He knew Driver would want to watch from the chair in the corner while Ken played out all the ways he’d used it today, and it made Ken’s core (and heart) ache. But he also wanted to use it on Driver, to make his eyes roll back and his breath catch and his cock throb just like his own had.
Mmh. Driver’s cock. Suddenly, Ken felt the desire to be filled to the brim, and reached for the little bottle of lube. His fingers wandered down between his legs to find his hole, trying to remember how Driver always did it.
With a generous squirt of the cool liquid, he pushed a finger inside and gasped, pumping carefully before daring to add another. His cock twitched as he fucked into himself, but he ignored it for now, wanting to get the handle of that hammer inside him before he came again this time.
His mind wandered to how this had all started – Driver’s hammer, and how he’d fantasized about him pulling it out of the back of his jeans and dragging it down Ken’s chest, hooking it inside the waistband his trousers to rip them off, and then fucking him with it, hard and fast until Ken saw stars.
He slid his fingers out and grabbed the hammer once again, hastily coating it with lube before slowly pushing it inside with a strangled, ‘Augh!’ when it reached that spot inside that made his toes curl. 
It felt different to Driver. Not bad, just different. 
He fumbled for the buttons and started up the soft vibration again, gentle, but as it turned out, very effective.
He writhed around on the bed, trying to find the perfect position to fuck himself, and ended up laid on his side with his knees drawn up to his chest, one hand controlling the thrusting of the hammer and the other wrapped loosely around his cock, massaging lightly.
When Driver returned, the pleasant scent of strawberry milk hit him like a tonne of bricks. He clicked the front door shut quietly behind him as he considered the options. Knowing Ken the way he did, it could mean one of two things; either Ken made a copious amount of milkshakes and had coated half the kitchen in pink, creamy liquid, which wouldn’t surprise Driver at all, or Ken had a very good time with the toy he’d left for him.
One of Driver’s favourite things about being intimate with Ken was the reward of his pink, sparkly, artificial strawberry scented seed he got every time he made him cum. It had of course been a talking point when he’d first seen it, after the initial phase of handjobs inside trousers and dry humping while they made out. And Driver could never get enough of it. He was sure he never would.
He didn’t want to disturb Ken, so he moved carefully. If he was lucky, he could watch for a while, see how Ken liked to use the hammer when he was alone. This was a slightly dangerous idea, since he knew he would cum in his pants from the sight alone, but he really he wanted to fuck Ken for himself after knowing he’d played with his toy all day.
Stuffing his gloves into his back pocket, he passed the sofa, and, finding no evidence of Ken, peered around the corner to the bed.
Ah. There he was. Sprawled out on his front, the pink hammer held loosely in his palm between his perfect ass cheeks.
Driver sighed, soft and dreamy. His pretty doll had worn himself out.
‘Had fun, baby?’ he smiled, crouching by the bed and softly stroking Ken’s cheek.
He swallowed hard when Ken shifted and revealed a big, pink stain, subtly shimmering in the low light. Running his fingers through the sticky pool, he couldn’t help but raise his fingertips to his lips and savour what he’d collected, cock straining in his jeans as soon as the taste spread over his tongue.
He bit down on his toothpick, jaw clenching as he attempted to calm himself. Taking a deep, steadying breath, he stood to clean up his doll and tuck him comfortably into bed. 
Ken continued to snore contentedly as Driver moved around the bed and knelt on the mattress behind him. When Driver’s careful fingers wrapped around the hammer to remove and clean it, Ken moaned. Really moaned, and began to push his hips back, seeking the feeling again.
Driver froze, dropping the toy and waiting to see if Ken was waking up or having what he supposed would be classed as a wet dream.
Ken’s hand felt around haphazardly for the vibrator, instead coming into contact with the arm Driver was using to prop himself up.
Ken’s eyes flew open and he flipped onto his back in one swift motion, screaming dramatically until he realised it was just his lover returned home.
Driver smiled down at him with a crooked, mildly naughty smirk, and Ken blushed crimson.
‘Th-thank you for the- the-’ he tried, trailing off as the realisation hit him that he was lying in a pool of his own cum, the rest of it drying against his skin. And that he was hard again.
‘How many times?’ Driver asked simply. His voice was delicate and laced with lust.
Ken lifted his hands to count on his fingers, flicking them up one by one as he tried to remember. He got lost somewhere along the way and started again with a furrowed brow, clearly losing track again and growling in frustration.
Driver wrapped his soft hands around Ken’s wrists and lowered them for him.
‘Hey, it doesn’t matter. One more – for me?’
Panting, Ken nodded, and Driver smiled, collecting up the toy and switching it on. The vibration seemed a little slow, like it needed charging, and Ken must have known this to be the case because he averted his gaze, cheeks glowing again.
Briefly, Driver wondered if the vibration would be strong enough to satisfy him, but going by the way Ken was leaking already, he thought he might be just sensitive enough for it not to matter.
He positioned himself above Ken, watching his perfect doll’s chiselled chest heave with need, the scent of strawberry overwhelming his senses now he was closer. His knee was slippery and wet through his jeans where he’d knelt in a patch of glittery cum. His cock throbbed, and he knew they’d be damp at the crotch soon, too.
Cautiously, Driver pressed the flat part of the hammer to the underside of Ken’s sensitive cock and watched it throb, too. Ken covered his face with his hands, so overwhelmed with pleasure he wondered whether he could physically take any more, despite how much he wanted it. He whimpered so weakly that Driver almost moaned, but managed to swallow it down before it slipped out.
Tears pricked at Ken’s eyes as Driver slid the hammer upwards, collecting a sparkling string of precum on the way to his steadily leaking tip, where he pressed the vibrator a little firmer. Even with the vibration running low, that’s all it took for Ken to fall apart once again, more strawberry shimmer erupting from his tip as tears flooded his cheeks, his back arched and his fingers gripped onto Driver’s jacket sleeves as if for dear life.
The most desperate, choked out sound he’d ever made ripped from his throat, and it sounded almost like pain. Driver practically swooned.
He had long since forgotten that he wanted to bury himself inside Ken; the sight of his pleasure mingled exhaustion from too many orgasms proved more than enough to bring him of, and he spilled, hot and wet inside his underwear, dropping down onto Ken and bucking his hips erratically against the doll’s firm thigh to chase some friction as his release took hold and stained the front of his jeans a darker shade of blue.
He rolled off Ken, hammer in one hand and Ken, sobbing and trembling now, seeking his other hand to hold. There was a long, comfortable silence as they both took the time to recover, and Ken snuggled into Driver’s side, beginning to doze off again pretty quickly. His free fingers tightly gripped onto his lover’s lightly blood-splattered shirt under that quilted jacket, and the mechanic laid beneath his doll with a satisfied smirk pulling hard at his lips.
It felt nice to be wanted. To be useful to someone. Someone he cared about, no less.
Driver tenderly kissed the top of Ken’s bleach blonde head and when he’d caught his breath, he took the opportunity to carefully slip away, clean himself up and change, run a bath for Ken and order them both some food.
They could sleep on the horse blanket tonight, fall asleep to one of Ken’s cutesy films on the sofa while the hammer was plugged in to charge, and worry about the bedsheets tomorrow.
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wandabear · 1 year
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ㅤㅤㅤ   ㅤ
Summary:   Y/N proposes to Wanda and she says… no. That’s when things get complicated, too much.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x f!reader | Natasha Romanoff x oc
Warning:  Somewhat graphic MCU violence, ANGST and FLUFF. As you know me: Jules is portrayed by Adelaide Kane. This mcu style is my own, Natasha Romanoff will not die here. You're warned. She deserves to be happy.
Songs you've need to listen reading this:
The Great War Fade into you - Mash up ㅤㅤㅤ   
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤCHAPTER FOUR ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤPART I: THE GREAT WAR
“Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff are in violation of the Sokovia Accords. They assaulted the king of Wakanda and now they're helping two of the most dangerous fugitives, Y/N Y/L/N and Julia Hale. Make an example out of them.” General Ross ordered his soldiers, who after taking courage entered the building surrounding it.
It wasn’t an easy mission to find themselves against three enhanced and the fucking Black Widow.
Ross's phone started ringing a few seconds later, unaware that a certain redhead was watching him through the cameras around the place.
“Don't do this.” Natasha left the phone on speaker and looked at herself in the mirror.  “Come after me... I mean, you're embarrassing yourself. It looks desperate.”
“Thought maybe you'd be calling me to cut a deal. 'Cause from my vantage point, it's the federal fugitive who's desperate.” Ross's voice showed how proud he felt, he had captured the elusive Black Widow.
Natasha sighed, changing her blouse for a nice grey hoodie. “From my vantage point, you look like you could use some bed rest. What is this, your second triple bypass? You look like shit.”
“I wouldn't worry about me.” Ross scoffed. “We got your sister, she's fiery! We got Barton, we got the Bishop girl, Sam Wilson...”
Natasha clenched her jaw when she heard her sister's name, he knew how to press those weak points. Or at least try.
“Everyone will recognize you all, Rogers is on the run too. You got no friends. Where you gonna go?”
“I've lived a lot of lives before I met you, Ross.” Nat smiled and took her phone. “You shouldn't have gone to all this trouble. I'm done.”
She ended the call and left that bathroom. As she walked to the bow of that boat, Ross right now was breaking into a long ago abandoned apartment.
Nat played him a trick again, he took the bite perfectly.
“All good?” Y/N asked as she watched the redhead approach breaking that disposable phone.
“The asshole swallowed it all.” Natasha threw the phone into the water. There was no one but them and some people sleeping, it was barely five in the morning.
The breeze and the mist from the Norwegian fjords in front of them showed them one of the most beautiful landscapes they had ever seen.
Y/N handed her a cup of coffee and they both shared a moment together while Wanda and Jules rested before they reached Sæbø.
“Perfect. Now we just... let's try to keep up.” Y/N sighed and looked around.  Sæbø was a fairly quiet town, and living on the outskirts would give them a great advantage in staying unnoticed.
“We need to draw less attention.” Nat licked her lips and leaned against the ship's rail, watching that beautiful place. “I never came to Norway, you know?”
"It's beautiful." The brunette smiled. “Thank you for doing this, you didn't have to. You could have stayed on Stark's side, you know he would have supported you."
“I know.” Nat sighed and turned to see her friend. “But I wouldn't leave my friends behind, Yelena wouldn't forgive me either.”
Just remembering her sister and the conditions in which they surely kept her broke everything inside the spy.
Nat struggled a lot to find Yelena again and gain her trust, leaving her on the raft for a while longer was painful but necessary.
“We can do this, and soon we will rescue Yelena. We just need time to put together everything we need.” Y/N placed her hand on the redhead's shoulder. Nat's teary green eyes broke her heart.
“You promise me?”
“I swear, Nat. We'll go get her.”
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“We've got a generator outside. It's petrol-powered. And the septic tank will need a flush in a couple of weeks, but, you know, I've got a guy coming for that.” Richard got out of that trailer and turned to see Nat, who was perched against the door smirking. “You okay? I hear things. You know, something about the Avengers getting divorced...”
“Ugh. It's fine.” Natasha shrugged.  “I'm actually better on my own.”
The man arched an eyebrow, at least she was still looking really hot like always. “Are you sure?”
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Yeah.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Because you can tell me, you know.” Richard smiled flirtatiously at her. “That's the way the whole friends thing works.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “I know. I have friends.” Nat smiled and nodded toward the girls arriving at the trailer.  “They’re there… and I don't pay you to worry.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Ouch.” The man teasingly touched his chest and then walked to his car. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
At that time, Y/N parked the small Lada Niva jeep in front of the campsite. They all started to unload all the supplies they had brought from three markets in the town. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Y/N wore her hair in two braids, a huge plaid shirt and a cute beanie. Jules now had a wild ‘bisexual-bob’ cut with a few streaks of blonde, quite different from her typical dark hair. Wanda was the one who had made the makeover and according to the girls: she did an excellent job. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ And Wanda kept her brown hair but with bangs, making her look adorable and different. No one had recognized them until now, and if they did, they just smiled kindly and kept the secret to support them. They saved the world so many times, people saw that and cared for them.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Did you get rejected again?” Y/N joked at Richard and he just shrugged. Wanda smiled - she knew Richard didn't stand a chance with Nat- and Jules just rolled her eyes. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “She is hard to catch.” Richard got in his car and drove off. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ The three arrived at the first trailer, while the other was a little further away, near the river. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Richard stopped by for some smooch or what?” Y/N joked, but Natasha just completely ignored it. Wanda just said a soft 'ew'. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Very funny… but seriously speaking, it's all done.” Nat showed them all the place, both trailers had a cozy bedroom, a bathroom, a nice sofa and TV, as well as a small kitchen. Everything was pretty cozy and good. “The idea would be that we live two in each trailers.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ They all agreed. Wanda walked through the trailer snooping around the kitchen area and the bedroom. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “The story, if the police come close - which I highly doubt - is that we are Aussies backpacking the world.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“It sounds pretty good.” Y/N nodded. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Looks good.” Wanda added. “Better than that small room in Budapest.”
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Good. Here are some important items, passports, weapons, some personal stuff you may need.” Nat took two of the bags and gave one to Y/N. “Wanda you coming with me, Jules and Y/N together.”
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Y/N raised a brow. “That doesn’t sound safe, if they find us, you’re two Avengers with their faces on the magazines. They would recognize you instantly.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Y/N and me, you and Jules.” Wanda tried, trying to hide her intentions to spend more time with Y/N.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Yeah, nice try.” Nat rolled her eyes. “Y/N and me, Wanda and Jules.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
They all looked at each other and then nodded, it didn't sound so bad.
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“All that bloodshed, crimson clover. Uh huh, sweet dream was over. My hand was the one you reached for… All throughout the Great War...” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Her friend's voice made Y/N  smile, Jules had a beautiful voice, so deep and so beautiful that she could send chills down your spine when she sang. Though she didn't do it much. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Come on, you can do it.” The currently blonde cheered her up. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The brunette closed her eyes, inhaled deeply and tried to think of some nice memory. Losing herself in that melancholic sensation and not letting be carried away by sadness, Y/N raised her hand and felt how the breeze hit her face. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The leaves of the trees on the ground began to swirl around them, nothing violent, like a slow dance. In perfect sync. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Y/N smiled when she noticed how the leaves danced, some clouds formed over them but the inhuman dissipated them carefully. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “How does it feel?” Jules asked. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“It’s… it’s different. I feel everything, it’s like… when I’m angry the thunder-clouds talk to me, they beg me to let them rain. The power of the storm flows through my veins, my mind, it's part of me.” Y/N shrugged, few seconds later everything calmed down and the leaves fell to the ground. “That was good, right?”
“Good? It was amazing! You are improving a lot... I’m proud of you!” Jules smiled proudly but couldn't help feeling a little sad, which her friend noticed.
“You okay?” Y/N approached her.
“I’m just… I used to be an agent, you know? I was good at it.” Jules swallowed, lowering her gaze somewhat sadly.  “Now I'm afraid of... of not knowing what I am.”
Feeling that you are different and starting to know yourself was something incredible, scary but incredible. But what happens when you don't know what you are? Or rather: what you can do.
“What happens if I explode? What happens if... something catches fire because of me? What would happen if...? I don't know.” Jules panicked but Y/N rushed to hug her. “What if I hurt you all? Maybe I should go, be alone...”
“That will not happen, everything will be fine. You won't hurt us, okay?” Y/N smiled tenderly and took her hand, squeezing it gently.  “Soon you’ll know, when it is time, we will discover it together…”
Jules didn't say anything, just seemed lost in fear and thoughts.
“You with me?”
“All the way.” The blonde smiled.
Y/N nodded and took her arm so they could walk together down that path in the woods, coming back to the trailers.
“So… You haven't talked to Wanda?” Jules smiles mischievously, biting her bottom lip.
ㅤㅤㅤ “What? You can tell me, I'm her roomie, remember?” She cocked her head to see Y/N. “I have to say: she has not stopped talking about you all this time. You two need to talk...”ㅤ
“I don’t know how to do it.” Y/N sighed, she felt too lost and confused. It was so much easier when Wanda was acting like a jerk, it made 'ignoring' her so much easier. “She wants to try or something, I don't know. Last time she told me that she was very sorry for everything she did.”
The blonde sighed and shrugged.  “Maybe…you should give it to her.”
“You think so?” Y/N couldn't believe it, she had to stop to see her friend face to face. “You're the one who was mad at her the most. You wanted to kick her as soon as you found out.”
“Well we all have our moments, don't we? Forgive and forget and all that shit.” Jules rolled her eyes.  “Besides, I heard how every day she came to talk to you while we were locked up… Y/N, she loves you and she’s sorry.”
“And you know what?” Jules stopped, being serious this time. What she wanted most in the world was for her best friend and sister to be happy. “We’re running across the world, as if we were the worst criminals on this planet. Don't you think you deserve a little rest? We can end up locked up in the middle of the ocean, it's time for you to live. Be with her.”
“I’m scared.” Y/N shrugged and put her hands in the pockets of the hoodie. “What if she hurts me again? What if she walks away again and broke me again with her absence?���
“What if it doesn't happen?” Jules arched an eyebrow, winning this battle.
Y/N sighed in defeat. “Maybe…”
“Besides that a little sex wouldn't hurt.”  Jules teased and they both started walking, reaching the campsite soon.
“Shut up.” Y/N giggled and pushed her.
“Go, talk to her… she was in our trailer doing some stuff when I left. Meanwhile, I'll go to... to town to buy something, or the river. Just try not to blow the roof off my trailer when you reach an orgasm.” Jules teased one more time and moved away from her, patting Y/N’s shoulder.
“Now?” Y/N panicked when she saw the trailer door open and heard how Wanda hummed a beautiful lullaby.
“Now it sounds on time.” Jules turned to see her but kept walking backwards.  “Remember that we do not have much life expectancy in this job.”
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Y/N entered the trailer and watched as the brunette was humming and cooking something. She couldn't help but smile.
ㅤㅤㅤ “Hey, Wands.” ㅤㅤㅤ Wanda turned around quickly when she heard her, smiling as soon as she saw Y/N. That day got so much better. ㅤㅤㅤ “Hi! You came back, I thought you both got lost in the woods.” Wanda joked while drying her hands. Apparently she was baking some bread.
Y/N laughed. “We just went for a walk for a while, to clear our minds.”
“That sounds good, sometimes it's necessary when this is… too much...” Wanda sighed, looking around her.ㅤㅤㅤ
“Today I was able to move the treetops a bit. Very slowly, without causing any trouble. No thunderstorms, no tornadoes, no hail. Just everything under control.” For the first time, she was glad to have some kind of control over her powers. It felt so good, she felt happy.
 “Really?” Wanda smiled widely.  “Wow, Y/N, that’s so good.”
“Thank you.” Y/N blushed and keep their hands in their pockets. Hoped Wanda wouldn't be able to hear her heart pound with her being so close.
“At least this time I didn't make it rain when I'm feeling a little sad.” Y/N joked but recalled one of their most interesting moments there. “That would draw too much attention to us again, especially when the forecast says it will be just cloudy all week.”
Wanda giggled. “Yeah, I'm sure Ross must have a whole team googling ‘weird weather stuff’ around the world.”
“Maybe I should even be guilty of global warming!I bet you he'll tell that to the President!”
They both laughed and it felt so warm, so good and familiar. They could finally share a personal moment together after so much.
Y/N stayed for a moment watching as Wanda cut some vegetables and dropped them into the pot, stirring it slowly. Making a delicious sauce for spaghetti.
“I like how the bangs looks on you. It takes my breath away.” Y/N sighed. Wanda looked up quickly, the hope inside growing exponentially upon hearing that.
“Do you think so?” Those hopeful green eyes sparkled.ㅤ
“I love it, and your brown hair is... lovely.”  Y/N walked over to her and stood by her side, tucking a strand of hair behind the ear.
“Thank you.” The sokovian murmured, biting her lower lip. “I like how you look too.”
“I did nothing.” Y/N looked at herself.
“I know.”
They both looked at each other without saying anything, just the exquisite tension that they missed so much.
Since they had been together, everything was so beautiful and different. So exciting and romantic enough to scare Wanda away completely and to hurt Y/N and keep distance from her.
 “Wanda?” Y/N whispered.
Wanda swallowed, without breaking the connection between their gazes.  “Yes, detka?”
“I missed you.”
Wanda smiled tenderly and happily.  “I missed you too.”
“You hurted me so bad.”
Well, that had been as long as she could take. Wanda felt she couldn't climb too high as she was soon plummeting back down.
“I know.” Wanda looked down.
“No, no like that.” Y/N pursed her lips, it was time to drop everything once and for all to heal. “You said I wasn't THAT person you saw a future with, you didn't even know you'd be with me that long.”
“I've said a lot of things, I know that! I was so scared, Y/N.” The brunette hugged herself. “You have no idea how scared it was to love you that way and... to feel that you loved me as much or more than I loved you. Cause I love you, so much you can't even imagine. But I felt… I felt small and scared of losing everything, that it was more than what I deserve. I was afraid that I wouldn't be enough for you, that I didn’t deserve you.”
“We know that. And I forgive you...” Y/N sighed, she settled next to the redhead. “But if we want to move forward, we have to let go of everything that hurts us.”
“Move forward…?” Wanda looked at her without understanding, and without wanting to get too excited for nothing.
“I'm sorry I asked you to marry me, maybe it was too soon.”
“No! No… It wasn't... I was just afraid, I lost everything, my family, my country, and then I have you and... I was terrified of losing you. Watching you die like everyone around me.”
Y/N took her hand to gently caress Wanda's cheek. “You won't lose me.”
Wanda blinked in disbelief, this was what she expected. “Is… Is this a… are we?”
“I don’t know yet…” The taller woman narrowed her eyes playfully. “Let's go slowly, if that's alright with you.”
Y/N was encouraged to go further and hugged Wanda’s waist who, instantly upon feeling her touch, clung to her. It didn't take long for them to kiss again, to join once more in a caress that they had been waiting for so long.
Wanda was lost in Y/N's soft lips, in that familiar and pleasant warmth. Her belly was so warm, screaming that she was completely in love with Y/N.
There was no case, no matter how long she refused to accept it, she was in love. Wanda Maximoff is in love.
“How about we... have a date.” She sighed once they broke away from the kiss, smiling so excited.
Y/N chuckled, she didn’t allow herself to let go of her waist. “Oh, Wands... I think we've been through more than one date, don't you?”
“I know, but... now we're getting to know each other again, and everything has changed so much.” Wanda took courage, defeating all the nerves she felt. “Would you come on a date with me?”
Waiting for a while, enjoying that, Y/N nodded before pecking those lips.  “Of course.”
And while they tried to make their first date special, it didn't take long for them to end up in the huge bed in Wanda's room. Naked bodies finding each other under the soft sheets.
Y/N's lips ran down the back of her beloved, so slowly, little by little, discovering her once again. Making each other their own, complementing each other perfectly.
The smiles were not lacking, the words of love and eternal promises. Wanda kissed Y/N’s hand when they intertwined their fingers, after making love all night.
Of course this was going to work, this time, nothing was going to stop them.
“We still have to go on a second date, okay?” Y/N laughed when Wanda bit her naked shoulder and kept kissing her arm and chest.
“All the dates you want… as long as they don't find out about us.”
“Do you know something? Maybe I’m selfish but… I like this moment, together. Just us.” Wanda snuggled up against her girlfriend. “Without a huge noisy city and problems to solve like Avengers…. Is that selfish?”
“No, it’s not, my love. And if it was…”  She took a moment to admire her body.  “It's not bad to be selfish sometimes, you know? It makes us human.
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“Sorry, I had to go inside because it's late and so fucking cold outside.” Jules got into the trailer trying to warm her hands, rubbing them together.  “In my trailer there are two lovebirds loving each other non-stop.”
Natasha -who was eating something on the sofa in front of the tv- looked at her in confusion, not sure if it was because of what she said or because Jules had walked in.
“Oh.” Nat nodded. “I'm glad they fixed it.”
“Yeah.” Jules walked over and sat in one of the chairs, taking off her coat. The place was much warmer than outside. Natasha took one of her beer bottles and held it out to her.   “Oh, you watching Bond? Nice.”
“Yep.” Nat didn't take her eyes off the TV, lost in the dialogues she knew by heart.
“Moonraker? Do you like Moonraker?” Jules smiled curiously, but Natasha quickly turned a bit annoyed.
“Yeah, why? Will you also tell me that it is crap and that others are better?” The redhead raised an eyebrow.
“No, I like it too. Besides to 'The spy who loved me'.” Jules shrugged and settled back to keep watching the movie, not realizing that the russian's gaze was still on her. “I didn't know you liked James Bond movies, guess it's something between spies...”
 “Kinda.” Natasha's serious face softened, perhaps she was too tough at times to let anyone else into her life. Yelena did it since they were kids, but Clint had given her the chance to be friends, something impossible for her.
When she joined the Avengers, her heart opened up a little more to that complex 'family'. But after that, she hadn't allowed herself to love or accept anyone else.
‘You're not a sportsman, Mr. Bond. Why did you break up the encounter with my pet python?’
‘Because I discovered he had a crush on me.’
‘Moonraker 1 on preset launch program...’
“I like how your hair looks on you.” The redhead said without further ado, almost like a whisper. She remembered the time where Jules and Y/N had been locked up, how guilt devoured painfully her all those weeks.
Natasha had broken many hearts in her life, but she had never been so sorry for one of them before.
“Yeah, imagine if I were bald!” Jules teased.
“No, I mean it. The blonde…”  She swallowed, leaving a small door open in that gesture. And Jules took it, putting the film aside for a moment to watch Nat. ㅤㅤㅤ “Thank you.”
Green and light brown met. Again, this one looks different.
It wasn't at a Stark party where flirting was normal, or somewhere in hiding to make out and then pretend nothing happened.
This was sharing.
ㅤㅤㅤ “What's that? jam?” Jules took that little jar and spoon from Nat’s hand, taking a good taste of that delicious jelly or whatever she thought it was. It was so salty, clearly it wasn't jam, Jules made a disgusted face and dropped the jar in the trash.  “Natasha, what the fuck?”
“Hey!” Nat complained, looking at the trash can.  “That’s a good caviar!”
“Jeez, couldn't you buy some chips or something?” She tried to wipe the taste from her mouth and wrinkled her nose. “Ugh…”
“No, because I thought I was going to watch my fucking movie alone. Eating my caviar.” Natasha huffed. “And don't pretend, you know it didn't taste so bad.”
“Y/N always buy chips.” Jules whispered mischievously, noticing how Nat turned to see her somewhat interested in that information. “And I don't think she'll come back, right?”
Natasha smirked. “I don't think so.”
Jules chuckled and got up to grab some chips from Y/N's cabinet. She tossed one to Nat who quickly caught it. Both were lost in the movie for a while until one of the two broke the silence.
Nat whispered. “I know we haven't talked much since you… you know.”
“Since I called you heartless bitch?”  The blonde muttered as she ate some nachos.
Nat smiled a little amused.  “In fact you called me ‘The bitch with a selective heart’.”
“Oh, yeah, I remember.” Jules smiled proudly, taking a sip of the beer.
“You and I were never able to talk about everything that happened, Julia.” The spy knew the effect it had when she called her by that name.
“One, don’t call me Julia. Two, kind of hard when you spend time locked in a rock and then run around hiding from some governments.” The brown-eyed woman teased but never took her eyes off the tv.
“You loved me.” Nat finally said, swallowing, saying it out loud was very different. “That night you said that you loved me.”
“It's in the past.” Jules avoided looking at her, opening another bag of chips.
The russian tilted her head.  “Is it?”
“What do you want me to say, Natasha?” Jules snapped, staring at her now. “That I HAD feelings for you? That I cried like a fucking teenager and that turns my stomach just remembering it? Want me to say that I fall in love with you?  That I loved you?”
Jules let out a sad giggle.
“Yeah, I did. I never felt so humiliated when you slept with another agent after that.” Jules stared into Natasha's green eyes, losing herself in them but not in the same way as before.  “and every time I remember… Every time I remember what I told you, and how you humiliated me for that, makes me want to hit myself so bad.”
“I’m sorry.” Natasha genuinely apologized, feeling so much guilt inside. She didn't understand what was the desire to cry that she felt lately, a loneliness that she appreciated before and now drowned her. “I know I was harsh…”
“That wasn’t being harsh, that was being an asshole. Punishing me in front of my teammates to make a point.” Jules swallowed, feeling the bitterness.
“I wasn't ready. I was taught that love is for children.”
The blonde sighed and shook her head, completely defeated.  “Well, there's no point in debating that anymore, is there, honey?”
Those words made Nat swallow, what was that feeling of sadness? Rejection perhaps?
“We are no longer the same.” Jules drank some beer before keep going, licking her lips. “We're two... ex-agents on the run. Besides that now I am a freak with powers that I still don't know, and I don't know how to control.”
Nat watched her with tenderness and perhaps some concern. “You’re not a freak.”
“Anyway...” Jules sighed. “At least I can say that I fell in love once. And with the amazing ‘Black Widow’, at least I won't be the only one.”
The girl smiled and brought her beer closer to clink it against Nat's.
“I don't feel very amazing right now.” Natasha bit her bottom lip.
Jules saw a certain sadness in those green eyes, knew instantly what she meant.  “It's not your fault. We'll go get Yelena and everybody, soon.”
She took the spy's hand and squeezed it. ㅤㅤㅤ
“We just have to wait to get everything, the Quinjet and... we can go, I know.”
They both smiled tenderly, it was time to support each other.
“Why did you stop loving me?”
Jules dropped her head back on the sofa, here we go again. “There's no point in talking about it, Romanoff.”
“Maybe I do want to talk about it now.”
“Oh, now is a good time to talk about it?” Jules perhaps said something sarcastic and harsh, but hearing herself that way made her feel bad, she sighed and tried to calm down.  “It's pointless now, Nat.”
“Why not?”
“Because there's no point in loving someone who can't love you.”
“Because I'm a heartless bitch, right?”
“No, because I'm not enough for you!” Jules exploded and then got up from the couch. “I am not enough and I never will be, you told me that. And I don't understand why you make me relive it now! Again!”
Natasha looked at her worriedly, noticing the girl's eyes fill with tears.
“I'm fine, trying to move on. Maybe one day I'll meet a pretty girl, I don't know, who loves me as I am and for what I am. And I will stop being in love with an impossible crush like you.” She inhaled deeply trying not to cry this time. “We can be friends.”
Natasha frowned and stood up to face her.  “I don't want that.”
“Okay, teammates at least.”
Nat was a little nervous for not knowing how to express herself.  “No, I don’t mean that. I mean, I want to be something else.”
Jules frowned, trying to see the catch.  “Why now?”
“Why not?”
“Is it because I'm your only option since we're running away?” ㅤㅤㅤ
Natasha chuckled wryly.  “Do you think that would stop me? I lived as a spy, I had many lives before I was Natasha Romanoff."
“Oh cool, the woman of many lives.” Jules rolled her eyes.
“You've been spellbound with me for months, looking for an opportunity. You have it now, why don't you want it?” Nat couldn't understand what had changed in Jules’s heart this time.  “Why don’t you want me?”
“Because I'm better than this.” Jules said those words as if trying to believe it for the first time in her life.  “I'm better than ‘something to settle for and that's it’.”
“But I like you.”
She sighed. “I know, Nat, we fucked many times.”
“No, you moron.” Nat smiled and shook her head. “I think I'm falling in love with you, for a long time.”
"And I don't know how to do it, I was never in love. I've always been in control of myself and my feelings, and now… I don't know how to do it when you're here."
Those words made Natasha sigh deeply, finally releasing one of the most powerful sentences of her life. And it felt good, pretty good. Finally.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ Unlike Jules, who looked like a huge bucket of cold water had been dropped on her. Completely shocked.
“Oh no.” The blonde mumbled. “Really?”
“Aren't you happy with that? I thought you would be.” Natasha frowned in amusement, stretching out her hand to take the girl's and they both sat down on the sofa again, sharing the blanket.
“I know, it's just… I-I never thought that would happen.” Jules swallowed, feeling her heart start beating faster than ever. “What are we going to do?”
“We can go slow too.” Natasha offered, trying to look sure and confident, but inside her an endless number of flying things stirring anxiously. It felt so strange and charming for the first time.
“We can watch the movie.” Jules said barely, with a small smile on her lips and a special sparkle in her eyes.
“We can do that.” Nat smiled one more time.
They both stayed together, watching the movie. Without realizing it, Jules laid her head on the redhead's shoulder and everything felt good, for both of them.
Both hearts beat fast, this time not because of sex but because of the closeness. And without realizing it, around that place some beautiful daisies grew quickly, under the moonlight. Something magic.
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But unlike the other two, going slow was not the idea at all. Since that night, Wanda and Y/N hadn’t separated again.
Of course, although Y/N spent a lot of time in Wanda's trailer, sometimes Jules kicked her out so she could rest one night on her own bed.
After sharing a delicious stew and a last dinner in that place they considered their home for a while, they were ready to move on with their plans.
In the distance, over the mountains, one of the most beautiful northern lights could be seen. An incredibly unique event.
“What do we have?” Nat asked as she drank some of her beer, the four of them were around a nice bonfire under the moonlight.
“Underwater prison, prisoners have no contact with the outside world, and they never return to it.” Y/N stroked the bridge of her nose.  “I spoke with a former S.H.I.E.L.D. The place is guarded by US Marshasls. It's not impossible but not easy either.”
“That place is for maniacs, it's a place for…” Natasha seemed quite worried.
“Criminals.” Wanda finished the sentence, looking at the fire. The reflection from the campfire making her eyes look even more beautiful.
“Our source said that Clint and Ant-dude made a deal, as long as they both retire.” Jules took a sip of the beer.
Natasha nodded, at least Clint was safe. He had a family, he couldn't lose everything.
“Steve will join us in Dublin.” Nat watched the three of them, handing them new long range earpieces. “You'll take out the Marshall's while we entertain Ross with a show of 'Rogers gives himself up'.”
“And then?” Wanda asked what everyone was thinking at that moment. “After that, what are we going to do?
“Flee, possibly continue to live as nomads.” Y/N grimaced, pushing some wood towards the fire.  “They will come back to look for us, maybe more than before.”
“So…” Jules sighed and raised her beer, toasting. “Let's get them out of there.”
“To them.”
"To family."
They all toasted their friends and enjoyed that drink of beer. It was their last night there, and they had to be strong because the next day, everything was going to change. Forever.
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And things changed, quite a lot. Together with Steve, they all managed to get all their friends out of the Raft alive.
They began to live as nomads, from one place to another without finding a home. By carrying out the missions and taking care of things that the governments didn't do, they took justice into their own hands.
Because even though S.H.I.E.L.D fell and the Avengers were done, it didn't mean the cause was lost.
Things with Wanda improved a lot, although sometimes being together was difficult when you were hiding. Romantic getaways are rare, but at least they were together.
For example, the time they visited Rome momentarily, they took the opportunity to escape together.
Wanda took advantage of every moment to make Y/N fall in love again, even though Y/N was afraid. And Y/N took advantage to make each moment unique. Also that sex was so much more interesting when you are one of the most wanted women in the world.
Y/N was controlling her powers so much better, understanding them more instead of repressing them. Wanda taught her a lot about it, reminding that fear was only going to make everything worse.
ㅤㅤㅤ When the day was sunny, she felt an enormous peace and a warmth that filled her with vigor.
When the day was rainy, she would rejoiced into the comfort and happiness. Feeling how the rain wrapped her in a fresh embrace, renewing her.
When there was a storm, she felt her blood pumping hard and her heart pounding fast. Feeling this unique adrenaline rush, Y/N felt complete and powerful. Lightning streaking across the sky, thunder making the earth tremble.
A wide smile formed on her lips. She felt complete.
And Wanda felt enormous happiness to see Y/N accept and understand herself.
Since she left Y/N that time, Wanda hadn't been the same, but now that they given themselves a chance together, Wanda felt like she was living again. A new opportunity that she wasn’t going to waste, ever again.
And they all saw it, they all saw again how in love they were. Not just Y/N this time, both.
Until one night, everything drastically changed. New York had been attacked again, and Earth just lost her best defenders.
Wanda and Y/N were on a little romantic getaway on Scotland when they found out about this, while Natasha, Steve, Jules, and Sam watched the whole thing on tv.
Without hesitation, they all jumped into the quinjet as fast as they could to head to the Compound, where they were greeted by James Rhodes and Bruce Banner.
“The world's on fire.” Those were the exact words of Y/N when she saw the videos on the screens, over and over again. The attack on New York, the day Tony and Spider-man were gone.
Thanos's ships were outside the stratosphere awaiting orders.
She reached for Wanda's hand to intertwine their fingers, sharing the same look of concern. This could be the end of everything, but they would be together until the end. ㅤㅤㅤ
“We can do this.” Wanda whispered and leaned her head on Y/N's shoulder, as they waited for the Quinjet to land in wakanda. If a battle did take place, it would be ideal to do it where they  the local advantage.
“We can do this.” Y/N nodded, taking a deep breath.
“I love you, detka... This is forever.” ㅤㅤㅤ
“I love you, Wands.”
"When we get back… do you think…" Wanda bit her lower lip, a little nervous. “Do you think we could do…?”
Y/N frowned blankly. “What?”
“Marry me.”
ㅤㅤㅤ That left Y/N speechless, she tried to search Wanda's gaze for some sign that it was a joke or that it was just part of the despair of the moment, but she could only see love on her girlfriend's look. Just that, just love. Right time, the right place.
ㅤㅤㅤ “Wands…”
ㅤㅤㅤ "Please, detka." Wanda sighed, wishing with all her heart that Y/N would say yes. "Marry me."
The sokovian took her girlfriend's hand. “This time is different… Y/N, I can't see a life without you. Let's get married."
Y/N just stays silent for a moment, looking at her. And a smile begins to slowly appear on her lips.
Wanda smiled feeling the tears forming in her eyes. "Is it a yes?"
“It’s a hell yeah! Let's get married, girl.”
ㅤㅤㅤ They both giggled and hugged each other tightly, before sealing that pact with a deep, passionate and needy kiss of love. Now all they need to do was survive the great war. ㅤㅤㅤ
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Meanwhile, in the control cabin of the quinjet were those two women about to land in Wakanda, they only needed the coordinates that Steve was giving them and they would go through the shield that protected that sacred place. ㅤㅤㅤ
“Always remember we’re burned for better. I vowed I would always be yours… If we survived the Great War.” Jules sang to herself, remembering that beautiful song.
ㅤㅤㅤ Nat cocked her head to look at her with tenderness.  “Jules?”
ㅤㅤㅤ “Yeah?”
Of endless words that she wanted to say, after being together for some time, the spy just tried her best:  “You’re a good co-pilot.”
Jules chuckled, pressing a few buttons on the panel.
“Thanks, I worked my ass off on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy just to hear that.” The blonde joked, while making sure everything was alright. She turned to see Nat for a moment. “You okay?”
“t's funny...” Nat cleared her throat. “My whole life, I didn't think I had any family. Turns out I got two, so... one of them's a bit of a mess right now.”
“It'll all work out, Nat.”  Jules sighed and reached out to squeeze her hand gently. “We will do it together.”
Smiling and nodding solemnly, Natasha trusted her girl's words.
Of course they hadn't given her any official name to this ‘thing’ yet, not even a relationship, they hadn't even told each other how much they loved each other.  But everyone knew it, even Yelena who saw them from afar and couldn't help but say "ew", making everyone laugh. But of course, inside was so happy for her big sister.
And although they tried to be brave, they gave everything of themselves in that battle. They fought against huge hordes of aliens, a genetically engineered race of extraterrestrial creatures, so awful and agressive.
“This is it, right?” Jules said feeling like she was out of breath when she saw how those creatures charged against them.  “The great war.”
“Whatever happens, please, stay with me.” Y/N whispered, looking at Natasha, Yelena and Jules. They gave themselves the strength to start with this. Wanda was taking care that Vision was safe, that the universe was safe depended on. Although all she could think about was y/n, hoping she was safe.
There wasn't much to say other than that it was one of the toughest battles of their lives. All the defenders of that Earth, fighting to make it survive another day.
Y/N took advantage of her powers to kill all the aliens she could, of course not too much because could get out of control and hurt everybody. She rose up, flying and smashed as many as she could with lightning and hurricanes. Fury and storm.
Jules did the same although she still tried her best being a simple agent with weapons and shield making a wonderful team with Natasha.
She hadn't discovered her abilities yet, but one day, she would.
“Fall back! Fall back, now!” Y/N exclaimed trying to make the Wakandans in front of her move away, watching as those huge bladed wheel-like were heading towards her and the Wakandans. “Guys, we got a situation here. I can’t stop-”
“On my way.” Wanda spoke through the earpiece and got ready to go to help her, when something hit her with enormous strength. ㅤㅤㅤ
“She'll die alone.” Proxima threatened her, hitting Wanda with the grip of the sword hard enough to leave the sokovian crawling on the ground. "As will you."
“She's not alone.” Natasha's sassy voice made Proxima turn to look at her. Natasha was on one side and Yelena on the other, raising her Widow's batons, ready to start the battle.
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Everything seemed to go on their side, the battle was favorable for the Avengers until a portal opened, letting that fearsome villain through.
And as they could, each one of them faced the mad titan in the way they could to prevent him from reaching Wanda and Vision. And each one of them was defeated, since he wore the gauntlet.
Steve. Bucky. Sam. T'Challa. The Hulk. Each and every one of them fell.
Y/N stepped in the way and caused one of the most powerful thunders to strike on him, but the titan used the reality stone to prevent her from doing it again. Y/N was punched badly, her nose was broken and blood dripped from it and her lips.
She tried again but Thanos threw her against some rocks.
Jules tried to get in the way too, gritting teeth and trying her best, drawing a strength that she didn't know where it came from, she managed to make the earth shake, huge roots come out of the ground and catch him. But the Titan was stronger than that. He broke free and got rid of her too, as well as Yelena and Natasha.
They all fell and when he got the gem, that terrifying snap made everything change.
“Where'd he go?”
“Steve?” Bucky muttered before falling apart and turning to ashes. Desperate, everyone looked around them to see if their friends were okay.
“Wanda?” Y/N murmured and ran towards her beloved, who was on the ground crying.  “My love, come on.”
She knelt down beside the sokovian to help her up, but seconds after taking Wanda’s hand, it began to disappear. “Wanda, no,no, no, no.”
Wanda looked up to see the love of her life one more time, those huge green eyes full of pain, sadness and love saw looked at her for the last time. “I love you, detka.”
ㅤㅤ And she disappeared, just like that, in her arms. Y/N she burst into tears, shocked, terrified to see how the love of her life left her forever.
Y/N searched around as if trying to find her but everything was ashes, just ashes, and anguish everywhere. Crying impossible to contain, uncertainty and pain.
ㅤㅤ “Nat?” Jules whimpered reaching out her hand to hold Natasha's, who looked at her with a tender look. Natasha Romanoff turned to ashes along with everyone else.  “NATASHA!”  she yelled.
“Sestra?! SESTRA, WHERE ARE YOU?” Yelena also screamed through the forest, looking for the redhead, trying that whistle but never received an answer.
They got up to help those who were left, completely devastated by the loss.
Today the universe lost its greatest protectors, and half of its population.
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Sighing heavily, Y/N stared at the screen once the meeting ended. She had been in contact with the remaining Avengers, who were at least trying to keep this world upright.
Steve was on an important mission, so it was their turn to take care of the Compound.
“Where are you?” Y/N asked Rhodey, who had stayed on the line after everyone hung up.
“Mexico.” Rhodes sighed tiredly.  “The Federales found a room full of bodies… Looks like a bunch of cartel guys, never even had a chance to get their guns off.”
The inhuman leaned back in her chair, exhausted. “It's probably a rival gang.”
“Except it isn't.” Rhodes shook his head, knowing that Y/N would have a hard time accepting the truth but she had to.  “It's definitely Julia.”
Y/N swallowed, feeling her eyes fill with tears but she couldn't show weakness.
“What she's done here... Y/N, what she's been doing for the last few years…” Rhodey felt enormous sadness for them, but Y/N had to understand what Jules had become. “She calls herself an 'eco-terrorist'. I mean, the scene that she left…” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Call me when you have more information and please…” Y/N was blunt. “Do not engage, just call me. I'm the only one who can stop her.”
Rhodey nodded and his hologram disappeared. Y/N breathed shakily, tried to stay calm. A cool breeze made the treetops move slightly.
“Easy, today's forecast does not say that there will be storms.” Her friend's hoarse voice brought her back to reality, Yelena approached her with two bowls of mac & cheese.
Sadness was reflected in those gloomy eyes, but the widow kept standing.
“Eat, please.” The blonde told her with that thick accent, putting the bowl in front of her and sitting next to Y/N, putting some hot sauce on hers.  “That is my favorite.”
“Thank you.” Y/N sniffled.
“Are you okay, Y/N/N?”
“I'm just worried about her.” Y/N swallowed and wiped the tears from her eyes. “She's taking a rocky path to come back from.”
Yelena sighed and took her hand, trying to support her in this. They had spent years side by side, trying to get over the loss and the pain. “You know it could have been me, If it weren't for you, I would be with her.”
“But you didn’t.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
"I decided to go back, she decided to stay."
Y/N felt hurt by Jules, but above all, she felt her absence. Y/N understood her more than anyone, but it hurts. “I feel like I have failed her.”
“She lost everything, Y/N/N.”
“But not us.” Y/N cleared her throat, eating some mac and cheese.
Touché. That was true.
“And we'll let her know she won't lose us when she decides to come back.” The widow sighed, changing the subject to a less sad and more interesting one. For example: what was it like to receive e-mails from a raccoon?
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ㅤㅤPart II is going to be the finale...
So you sure want to kill me. But I'll tell you: don't do it, you need to know how it ends, right? This is not the same as the movies, so... pretty much wild. Thank you for reading me and for waiting for me with this story, it means a lot that you have come this far. 🌼🐻
here goes some amazing and lovely people tags   ✨  : @wandsmxmff​,  lonewalker17,  tsmeanobody,  dark-hunter16,  lattayhottay16,  natashaswifeu,  silverockmusic,  kacka84,  emeraldevan! @sunsol-22 @dparker0 Thank you for reading me and leaving your beautiful and quite empowering comments!
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fanficshiddles · 3 months
The Redbridge Hunts, Chapter 29
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‘Come on, Loki. I think it’s a great idea.’ Claire pleaded with Loki over breakfast, they were both sat at Loki’s dining table opposite one another, before going to work together.
‘Not a great idea. It would be utter chaos.’ Loki said with a laugh as he shook his head.
‘It’s Bat we’re speaking about here. The students will love her. I’m sure her calming presence will help calm them all and take their mind off what went on. Just since it’s their first day back?’ Claire said sweetly and fluttered her eyelashes at Loki.
Loki pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. ‘I’d be lying if I said it hadn’t crossed my mind before.’
‘There you go. It’s a good idea.’ Claire grinned.
‘Alright. But you’re going to be her designated slave for the day, to keep an eye on her and keep her out of trouble.’
‘Deal. I’m her slave anyway.’ Claire winked at Loki.
After breakfast, they both grabbed their bags and put on their jackets. It was as if Bat knew what the plan for the day was, as instead of just staying on the sofa and having them go say goodbye to her, she sat at the door waiting for them.
‘It’s like she knows she’s coming with us.’ Claire said as they both stared at Bat, who was staring back at them expectantly.
‘I think she does.’ Loki chuckled.
Claire scooped her up into her arms and they headed out to Loki’s car. She was perfectly happy on the drive there, just sat on Claire’s lap and looked out the window at the passing scenery. Loki had made a point when she was a kitten to take her out and about, to visit various people so she would get used to the car and different places in-case there was ever an emergency.
‘I hope this isn’t a bad idea.’ Loki chuckled as they pulled into the car park at the school.
‘She’s a very chilled out cat. What could go wrong?’ Claire asked as she stroked Bat.
When they got to the school, they headed straight for the teachers lounge. They were early, wanting to catch up with everyone before starting classes. Bat was quite happy just perching on Claire's shoulder, looking around at her surroundings.
‘Have you had her here before?’ Claire asked Loki.
‘I have a few times, when we’ve had days just the teachers come in to mark work and tests. She’s good company.’ Loki admitted sheepishly, making Claire grin.
They got to the teachers lounge, Severus, Matt, David and Chris were all in there already.
‘You brought Bat!’ Matt said in delight as he swooped in and Bat jumped into his arms for cuddles.
Loki chuckled. ‘We did. Thought it might help the students a little today.’
‘And us.’ Claire added with a smile.
Bat made her way around everyone, getting lots of fusses and cuddles. She was in constant purr mode, in her element. Jessica and Hannibal were soon to arrive, too. Their faces lit up when they spotted Bat.
She made her way onto Severus’ lap and snuggled against him. He slowly stroked her while everyone conversed about further plans.
‘Do we have any defence plans?’ Jessica asked.
‘I’ve organised a few vampires to take turns flying overhead during the school day, to keep an eye out and report to me if there’s anything suspicious. We need to reiterate to the students to come to us straight away if they themselves see anything wrong. Even if they think it’s silly.’ Chris said and everyone nodded in agreement.
Bat jumped down from Severus’ lap to go find another victim, Severus whipped out a lint roller from his pocket and instantly began rolling his clothes, removing all of the cat hair.
Everyone looked at him with raised eyebrows. He slowly looked up as he felt eyes on him. ‘What? I live with a crazy cat lady.’ He shrugged at them before continuing rolling his clothes.
‘Anyway… As I was saying, there’s nothing too small to come to me about if anyone is worried. Same goes for the students. I think we are safe enough, we took out most of the hunters. It never hurts to be constantly aware, though.’
Everyone agreed with Chris again, then they all dispersed a bit into smaller groups to talk and make coffee or tea. When Michael arrived, they stopped any vampire talk, of course.
Loki and Claire were speaking with Hannibal, though Claire looked over at Chris who was making tea. Bat jumped up on the counter next to him and meowed at him. At first, Claire thought he was going to ignore her, but then he gave her a scratch under the chin and she saw him saying something to her. Bat chirped in response, like she often did.
Claire could tell that the events just under two weeks ago had shaken Chris up too. Even though he acted scary and like he didn’t care, it seemed that he did deep down. She made her way over to him, to get her and Loki tea.
‘Are you ok?’ She asked Chris.
He looked surprised at her question as he turned to face her. ‘Yes, of course. Why wouldn’t I be?’ He asked, his tone clipped.
‘I was just asking… I’ve been asking everyone.’ Claire shrugged.
Chris frowned. ‘No one usually cares if I’m ok anyway.’ He huffed and turned back to stirring his coffee.
‘Bat does.’ Claire smiled.
Chris raised an eyebrow at her then looked at Bat, who was still looking at him and let out another meow.
‘She’s just after attention.’ He said as he reached out and gave her a few more strokes.
‘Well… I just hope you’re not beating yourself up over what happened to Jeremy. I know it’s a big loss to everyone, but you did everything you could.’ Claire said softly, then she grabbed hers and Loki’s coffee and went back over to him, just earning a quizzical look from Chris.
Loki had zoned in on their conversation, so heard what she said to him. He knew she was bang on about Chris beating himself up about Jeremy.
‘You always seem to tell what people are really feeling… I’m starting to think you’re a vampire too.’ Loki said to Claire with a slight smirk when she returned to his side.
Claire smiled with a shrug. ‘I can just read people reasonably well I think.’
Loki kissed the top of her head with a smile.
When it was time for students to start arriving, Loki and Claire took Bat to Loki’s classroom. As students began arriving, everyone was smitten with Bat. And she just loved all of the attention from everyone.
Though when Loki began trying to teach, a little while into the period, Bat decided to be a bit mischievous.
She waited until Loki was at the board, explaining things he had displayed on it. Bat jumped off a students lap that she had been snuggled on, and went to Loki’s desk. She jumped up and began knocking things off.
‘Bat!’ Loki scolded when he turned around upon hearing students laughing.
Bat paused and looked at Loki, with her paw outstretched, mid-way to knocking his cup of tea off.
‘Don’t!’ Loki said and began slowly walking towards her.
If Bat could smirk, she definitely would have, as she finished her task and knocked his cup flying off the desk.
Claire couldn’t hide her amusement either, as she and the students laughed. Loki shook his head in dismay as he grabbed paper towels to clean up the spilled tea. Claire grabbed Bat and took her onto her lap at the side of the room.
Though Bat didn’t stay there for long.
She wound her way through the desks of the students, purring about their legs and sniffing at everyone’s schoolbags, until she found one that was open and helped herself to the girl’s lunch, a ham sandwich.
‘Oh no!’ Claire ran to grab Bat again while Loki pinched the bridge of his nose. Thankfully the girl was amused and didn’t mind, but Claire said she would give her money to get a replacement lunch.
Claire managed to keep Bat out of trouble for the rest of the day. She spent the lunch break with all the teachers in the lounge and was quite content snoozing on the sofa.
‘While she has been a little bit mischievous, it has been good having Bat here today. The students certainly looked to brighten up and relax when they saw her.’ Loki said as he watched his cat, snoozing peacefully.
‘She’s good therapy. She has a very calming aura about her.’ Claire said as she ate her chicken noodle soup. ‘I can’t believe she stole poor Tara’s lunch though.’ She cringed.
‘I can. She just thinks about her stomach after all.’ Loki chuckled.
‘I can relate.’ Claire laughed.
The teachers were all glad that the students seemed to get back into the swing of it all within the first week back. There wasn’t any disruptions from anyone, apart from most of Loki’s students asking him and Claire after Bat every day, but they didn’t mind. Claire shared with them any pictures she would take of the popular feline.
The month that followed got easier too with every day that passed by. Chris managed to get a substitute teacher in to take over Jeremy’s classes until they found a proper replacement.
One Friday evening, Chris was the last one to leave school, having had lots of paper work to get through. As he made his way around the building towards the car park, he spotted an unknown male snooping around the main front doors, trying to peek in the windows after trying the door handle.
Chris gritted his teeth and felt rage build up within him.
‘Not again.’ He growled and stalked across the grounds towards him.
‘What do you want?’ Chris snarled at him, though as he got close enough, he realised that this guy wasn’t a hunter.
The man jumped out of his skin, he turned around and his eyes widened as the tall and intimidating vampire approached him, and didn’t stop until he was towering over him.
‘I’m looking for Claire Mason, I believe she works here?’
Chris paused, slightly caught off guard as he hadn’t been expecting that. He raised an eyebrow as he looked the man over and noticed a wedding ring on his finger.
‘You best come inside.’
Claire was at Loki’s place, waiting for him to come back. He’d gone round to his dad’s when they finished work, but told her he wouldn’t be too long.
She was just lounging around with Bat when she received a text message through from Chris, who was the last person she would expect to get a message from. She didn’t even realise he had her number, though she quickly figured he’d have everyone’s contact details since he was the head.
As she opened the text though, her stomach dropped.
You better come and explain yourself. I’ll be waiting.
Along with the text there was a picture attached, it was of a man that had been shoved into the cupboard of Chris’ office at the school. The man was dead, there was a big chunk of his neck ripped out. Claire tried not to gag as she leapt off the sofa and ran to grab her jacket.
‘Shit, shit, shit. This can’t be happening.’
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kojikanokangaetano · 1 year
Across the Spiderverse, Perpetual victimhood and the possibility of youth as shown by Miles and Miguel (+ Hobie)
Tldr because this might be long: Movie good; Miguel is stuck in a state of being the perpetual victim and has dragged down other spideys with him, while Miles is fighting against being ever put in this position, which is why they compliment each other perfectly as foils
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So, rambling incoming- I have a lot of thoughts regarding Miguel and have only seen the movie once so far so please forgive me if I got something wrong- only based on the movie(s)
I believe that Miguel O´hara, as well as Miles, are supposed to showcase the approaches of being victimized and how they deal with their experiences, respectively.
Point one: Parent -teacher talk:
In the first scene predominantly featuring Miles, the teacher and his parents are supposed to talk about his academic future, in which the teacher specifically points out Miles supposed "struggles"- however, his parents, as well as Miles himself, are quick to point out that they had a lot of opportunities and are living a good life in Brooklyn, which is shown by the community + family participating in a rooftop party for Jeffersons promotion (+ the "we have a car statement"). However, the teacher reiterates her point of how "They always struggle" somehow and urges to make that point about himself the anchor of his, still blank, "universe".
Point two: Miles´ future aspirations
During the talk, it is shown how Miles sees his parting with the spider-gang from itsv as a mere temporary hindrance, something that can be overcome if he just tries himself at overcoming the wall that is the existence of multiple universes. Even though in the first film it was clearly established that he enjoys his art primarily, he is willing to put that on the backburner and reevaluate his priorities to reach certain goals (seeing Gwen, Peter B., Peni, Noir and Ham) BEFORE pursuing his other passions.- Miles is shown to articulate this actually pretty well to his parents- sure, his dream of meeting them again might be spurred on by a childlike will to belong, but he is clearly able to reason with his parents who are objecting to princeton university at first.
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Point three: Dealing with his uncles death
During the whole runtime, it is shown again and again how, instead of letting the death of his uncle drag him down, he is uplifted by his memory and his last words. They are defining for him and what he has achieved since then. It is even shown during the flashback-scene in Miguels lab (?) that even peter B. is not able to keep his eyes on his respective uncles´´ death, but Miles is shown to aknowledge not only his OWN pain, but moreso try to empathize with other spideys in attendance.(will touch upon this later)
How does Miguel play into all of this?
Contrary to Miles, Miguel is shown to be standoffish and unempathizing unless pressed into being soft (taking Gwen reluctantly while she is held at gunpoint with her identity exposed btw). He is shown in his first unmasked scene to be reminisicing about his family, replaying the few happy memories he had with them most likely over and over. Unlike Miles, he reminds himself not only of the positive aspects of what his family stands for, but the MISTAKE they represent to him specifically. This ties into the straight up spiteful way he deals with Miles.
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Point one: Miguel uses Miles as a scapegoat
He hates Miles because he blames him. While he talks about the fact that he messed up, it becomes clear during the following talk -and chase- that he, in actuality, blames Miles for everything that happened. Miles is the "orginal Anomaly" and as such the reason why Miguel was compelled to build the universe-hopping-watches. This, subsequently, made him (want to?) find a family. Without Miles getting bitten, he would have never committed the mistake in the first place- As such, Miguel is pushing all the blame on Miles- Miles forced him to act, so the family he had and lost were all because of Miles becoming a spiderman when he wasnt supposed to- easy, right? This is an integral way of thought that also is reflected in the plot.
Point two: Victim-mentality and being "a vicitim of the narrative"
Not only is it most likely used to ctritique the state of the current spidey-comics, of which there has been a huge stir recently(that I dont know that much about, sadly), but it also ties into the mindset of Miguel. He has become jaded (by age and lived experience) and is lost in his perspective of being a victim. Because of this, it has become a necessity to blame anything and anyone to push away his own guilt- in the end, Miles never actively pressured him to find a family and mess up a whole universe while doing so. But even if this shouldnt apply, Miguel has a backdoor for his poor rationalization: It was always unavoidable- the game was never meant to be won, especially as a spider-person. Its freeing and gives him the possibility to atone and distract himself from his wrongdoings, while channeling his anger towards his "true" enemy- Miles.
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This is even moreso shown to the audience as to how he has made every other spidey think the same way he does (exceptions made for Hobie and others later on). It is freeing for these peters, too,to know that they werent at fault- if everyone but them is at fault, how are they supposed to feel any guilt? Miguel essentially made the majority of spideys vicitms in their own stories. They have become mere pawns in their narratives and, in turn, entered a "victim mentality". In essence a self-fulfilling prophecy.Only characters like Miles and Hobie see through such a narrow way of thinking.
Spiderpunk - and why he is the most important new player for Miles (and across the spiderverse)
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Hobie, my man, number one instigator- spiderpunk, right from his entrance, is shown to be just different from most other spideys. he, right after meeting Miles for the first time (and knowing about his special status as an "anomaly" already), is seen helping him out. He straight up even tries to prevent him from going to HQ, sensing something is up. While on their way to Miguel, he questions Gwen regarding what she must have NOT told Miles and starts stealing parts for a makeshift watch later on.
He even tries to talk sense into Miles and the fact that he is living a good life (even with the likely knowledge of Uncle Aarons death). Which Miles, like everything else, pushes aside because of his need for "true" companionship in form of the spidey-society. Also, the line "knowing about which war you enlist in"- wow, like damn
Uncle Ben
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When shown the flashbacks of everyones Uncle Ben, Miles sees Peter B.s and others Uncles in their last moments as a "canon event",playing out before him. At one point, he turns to Hobie and asks specifically if he also went trough this, him having been the outlier up until now. Hobie only turns away, seemingly uncomfortable with the comment "What about it"- Hobie rejects Miguels notion of one laid out event pushing his identity into a specific direction. He detests the idea of being a victim and actively tries to show this mutliple times in his demeanor. He may have suffered loss, but who doesnt? How is this an indicator of being spiderman? He is himself because he wants to be himself, loss be damned. Aknowledging the fact that there might be things that make him a mere player in a narrative, to be written into scenarios already thought out, makes him obviously unhappy- and maybe even feel like he is being instrumentalized-.
Hobie and Miles
Hobie sees the way Miles, akin to Pavtir/Spider-Man India, says "I can do both", a.k.a- "doing whats right" being put BEFORE what the rules would tell you. In conjunction with his mere existence as a sign of "rebellion" and "anomaly" it becomes only natural for him to be the one to stick up for him (telling spiderwoman "good" when told he isnt helping her.) and being the one that effectively breaks out Miles from his electric cage. Hobie sees the spark of freedom and possbility in Miles, something that he must have missed while being at HQ. When things escalate and he sees that Miguel will stick to his guns and toxic mindset, he just, dips. He even leaves his watch, refusing to profit from anything given to him by an organization that doesnt align with his moral code.
Spiderverse never fails to impress. Like, wow- Miles mere existence, that "anybody could wear the mask", even someone that was supposed to become the damn Prowler, is merely dismissed by Miguel and others, them entirely caught in their own sorrow and perpetual state of self-assigned victimhood. Spiderverse shows that actively struggling and trying to break molds and systems that you dont agree with (Miles just trying his best and being uplifted by positive influences, putting his all into his aspirations, even with the outcome being unclear, Spiderpunks whole existence) is the only real way out of being a victim of your own story. He is doing his own thing, and just trusting the leap of faith he has commited himself to again and again, something that Miguel has rejected entirely by now. He in turn finds comfort in the role of a self-appointed martyr and self-sacrifizing head of the spidey-society („I have been the one holding it all together“, etc.). Him realizing that maybe, just maybe, Miles wasnt the one who made the choice for him and that Miguel decided to live his life, with all of his consequences, is so horrifiying, so earth-shattering, that he has made Miles, a teenager, public threat number one in not just his, but everyones eyes. If miles isn’t a victim like him, he has to be the perpetrator.
The presented message does not only apply to fiction, but also real-life- you are the only one to make choices -and specifically adjustments- to your own life (and story), because hey, "there is no playbook" at the end of the day. :)
I know I could have touched upon Gwen and other characters but it would have been even longer and its late so
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