#witches of tiktok
themirroredmoon · 1 year
Your Senses and the Magical
Below you’ll see a list of psychic ability terms/witchy terms and what they mean. This is not a comprehensive list by any means; I just wanted to make a list that was good enough for basics. • Astral Projection: The ability to have an out of body experience and separate the astral body from the physical body at will. • Aura Reading: The ability to perceive the energy surrounding a living being • Automatic Writing: Writing without any conscious thought. An act performed often by mediums. • Channeling: A way of communicating with a deity, spirit, entity, etc. A channeler is very similar to a language translator or interpreter. They allow themselves to sense the non-verbal communication from another being and then translate it into human words. • Clairalience: Having the ability to perceive smells outside the normal human senses. • Clairaudience: Having the ability to perceive audio outside the normal human senses. • Claircognizence: Having the ability to perceive thoughts outside the normal human senses. • Clairgustance: Having the ability to perceive tastes outside the normal human senses. • Clairsentience: Having the ability to perceive physical sensations outside the normal human senses. • Clairvoyance: Having the ability to perceive visuals outside the normal human senses. • Divination: The skill of gaining insight into a situation or life by the use of tools (tarot, bones, etc) or ritual • Dowsing: The ability to locate an object by the means of pseudoscience • Precognition: The ability to perceive future events • Psychometry: The ability to learn information about an object, person, place, etc by physically touching an object relating to the subject. • Retrocognition: The ability to perceive past events • Telepathy: The ability to transfer thoughts, words or emotions from one individual to another.
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| shop spiritual wares, oils, waters & curio 🌛🔮
Spiritual Properties of Violet
Planetary Ruler: Venus, Moon
Element: Water
Associated deities & religious rites: Ostara, Spring Renewal, Aphrodite, Io, Orpheus, Venus, Attis, Ares, Persephone
Magical Uses: Love, Attraction, Protection, Rebirth, Healing, Faith, Love Offerings and more
One of my favorite plant allies, in my personal Venusian practice.
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celestial-lunacy · 9 months
When I look through a book and one of the spells in it forces you to work with a deity, I just lose interest.  I only wanted a protection spell but it makes me have to become a deity’s sugar baby who I’ve never met or spoke to.
I’ve never worked with Ishtar. I’m not planning on working with Ishtar and I’ve never even given her any offerings. It’s like if I were to just breeze out of nowhere and ask Ishtar to fix my problems and she’ll just go like ‘’Who the heck are you?’’ Ishtar isn’t just going to hand me something just because I said her name in a spell.
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nyxs-haven · 1 year
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shiftingwithleah · 3 months
Not to be a bitch but I saw on TikTok a "christian witch" and I'm flabbergasted bc like, wtf? How, just how? It doesn't seem wrong to worship the same god as the people who burn witches at the stake? I've kept this feeling for myself for some time now but I need to vent
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themori-witch · 2 years
My most basic black salt recipe!
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moonlightandearth · 2 years
New TikTok, trying to find the energy to make videos, difficult when you're a spoonie sometimes.
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daily-spooky · 6 months
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ur-daily-inspiration · 4 months
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shopwitchvamp · 6 months
Sunday Funday
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themirroredmoon · 1 year
Different Ways to Develop Your Intuition
1. Meditate. Messages from your intuition tend to be quiet, so spending time in silence will help you hear and interpret these messages.
2. Start noticing all that you can with your five conventional senses. Doing so can raise your sensitivity to your sixth sense.
3. Pay attention to your dreams. When the cognitive mind is busy, it can override the intuitive right brain and the subconscious mind, the wellspring of intuition. But when you're sleeping, your cognitive mind rests and opens space for the subconscious mind to signal you in dreams.
4. Get creative. Engaging in creative activities, such as drawing, scrapbooking, or free-flow journaling, quiets the cognitive mind and allows your intuition to speak up.
5. Divination. Learn to use a tarot deck, or try a deck of oracle cards, and interpret the card's messages for yourself before you consult a guidebook.
6. Test your hunches. Got a feeling which horse will win at the track? Getting a sense that it will rain tomorrow even though the weather forecast says it won't? Do you just know your best friend's new guy is bad news? If you have feelings about what might happen in the future, write down your hunches, then check them later. See how often you were right.
7. Consult your body compass. Your intuition speaks to you through your body, and the more you cultivate somatic awareness, the more sensitive you become. If you get an uncomfortable physical feeling when you're trying to make a decision, pay attention. Do you feel light or heavy? Got a sick feeling in your gut? Saddled with a headache or diarrhea? It could just be the result of stress responses activated by false fear, but it could also be your intuition ringing loud and clear.
8. Escape from your daily routine. Get away. Slow down. Go on a retreat, take a sabbatical, or just spend a day in new surroundings with nothing planned. When you're overly busy, it's hard to be sensitive to the quiet voices of intuition. Try clearing your schedule and see if your intuition pipes up.
9. Spend time in nature. Being in the natural world, away from technology and the cognitive mind's other temptations, can open up the kind of intuition we needed when we as a species lived outdoors and relied upon it to keep us safe from the elements, predators, and other true fear dangers.
10. Learn from the past. Recall a negative experience from your past, ideally something fairly recent. Before this thing happened, think back to whether you got any feelings that urged you to steer clear. Maybe you got a gut feeling something wasn't right. Maybe you had a foreshadowing dream or a vision. If so, did you pay attention to that feeling, dream, or vision, or did you talk yourself out of it? Try to remember exactly how you felt. Recall as many details as possible. The more you can get in touch with the part of you that tried to warn you, the more you'll trust it next time.
11. Feel more, think less. The mind thinks, always chattering away, arguing with itself like a crazy person. Intuition, on the other hand, feels. If you're not sure whether you're listening to your fearful mind or your trustworthy intuition, see if you can differentiate whether you're thinking or feeling.
12. Engage in repetitive movement. Run. Dance. Chop carrots. Play the piano. Paint. These physical actions can calm the cognitive mind and open up your intuition.
13. Align with your values. Your mind may steer you away from your integrity, but your intuition never will. Become comfortable with how you feel when you're betraying your values, and you'll learn what intuition doesn't feel like. Learn what it feels like to behave in alignment with your values, and you'll start to sense your intuition more clearly.
14. Practice sensing people before you know them. See what kind of information you can glean from observing people and feeling their energetic signature before you talk to them or learn anything about them from other people. The more you pay attention, the more you'll realize you already know things you couldn't possibly know with the cognitive mind.
15. Release your resistance. Don't call yourself crazy when you get an intuitive hunch. Often, the cognitive mind argues with intuition rather than trusting it. By doing this, you may rationalize yourself out of intuitive knowing that could change your life for the better.
16. Breathwork practice. Breathwork- the intentional manipulation of the breath- can yield powerful insights very quickly. Tomorrow will be the post about this point specifically.
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celestial-lunacy · 9 months
I have some solar themed candles I want to charge out in the sun that I bought from etsy but I can’t just place them outside because the sun will fade all of their colors. 
If I put them under a bucket, it defeats the purpose of putting them outside in the first place. Maybe putting them in the shade might help but I’m still worried about the sun fading them out.
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nyxs-haven · 2 years
Lmao had to share 🤣
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A traveling witch realizing there might be a hole in her bag
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weaver-z · 2 years
I’m part of the coven the white house hired to ward against tiktok witches trying to curse the government. Yeah, I mean, the benefits are good, but we also kinda suck at our jobs. A lot of nepotism hires. If you stand on top of the Eisenhower building you can probably hex someone through a window tbh
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