#witches of instagram
themirroredmoon · 2 years
The following list are some of the superstitions that I’ve heard or learned about over the years, in no particular order: • Throw rice in the air to make it rain • Carry a potato during winter to ward against colds • Smell dill to get rid of hiccups • Lay thorn branches by your doorstep to keep evil away • Place chips of cedarwood in a box with coins do draw money to you • Hang seaweed in the kitchen to ward off evil spirits • Burn allspice to draw money, luck, and healing • Place a piece of cotton in a sugar bowl to draw good luck to your home • Scatter chili flakes around your house to break a curse • Scatter salt/sugar to purify a room • Put a pine branch above your bed to ward off illness • Carry a chunk of dried pineapple to draw luck • Ask an orange a question before you eat it, then count the seeds. Even # = no. Odd # = yes • Toss oats outside your back door to ensure beautiful crops/plants • Place lilacs around the house to rid unwanted spirits • Add salt to bath for purification • Write your sigils on stones and carry them with you • Put sigils on medication bottles to help quicken their efficiency or for added healing benefits • When guests come over, light a white candle by the door; it will take their negative energy and purify the home. • To get rid of guests overstaying their welcome, turn any broom in your house upside down (bristles up) • Toss salt on the front porch every Friday for good luck and prosperity • Carry a blade of grass to increase psychic power • If something or someone is bugging you, write it on toilet paper, wipe, and flush it down the toilet
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arcane-trail · 1 year
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🔮 Witchy Goth & Pagan Shop 🔮
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Hoodoo 101 - Jezebel Root
What is Jezebel root & why is it used in Traditional Hoodoo & Vodou?
Jezebel Root is a feminine root used in traditional Hoodoo & Vodou for dominating a wealthy man, sugar daddy or powerful person and is sometimes used for hexing or cursing. This root was named after a mythical biblical figure Queen Jezebel who belonged the Omri dynasty of the Kingdom Israel in 852 BC. As a controversial figure, she was known to be extremely cunning and ruthless, using her power to gain the upper hand by any means necessary. Historically this plant has been used by ADOS who practiced Hoodoo & Vodou, for a variety of reasons. The Jezebel stereotype was an oppressive image that was used for the sexual assault and servitude of black women during chattel slavery in the US. This root was typically associated with brothels, working girls, vaudeville/showgirls and mistresses who needed to keep their bills paid and food on their tables, by attracting abundance and docility from rich clients to better their lives as a means of survival.
Today this root is still very potent and extremely beneficial for anyone who works in any type of service industry but is typically used by women seeking a luxury lifestyle via wealthy boyfriend or sugar daddy. Typically, these roots are fed or dressed in a variety of ways and placed in mojo bags, candles or other spells to manifest their intention.
Unfortunately, in modern times authentic Jezebel root has been extremely hard to come by and the majority of Jezebel root being sold on the market is actually common garden variety mulch or cherry bark. To the untrained eye it might resemble an actual root, especially when ground up. Here is a common example of fake jezebel root that you’ll typically see being sold in spiritual shops in person or online below.
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Real jezebel root should not resemble bark or any type of mulch. Depending on the maturity of the root, the main root will always have multiple smaller roots sprouting from it, unless they have been clipped or shaven off. It should always look like a root! Fake jezebel root is also easy to snap and like most bark, has a dark brown center. Real jezebel root should be somewhat flexible and have a white center, when broken open.
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While this is an easy to mistake to make, many trusted shops are STILL selling fake jezebel root to their clientele. I’ve always been passionate about collecting and providing authentic high-quality goods for myself and my patrons at an affordable price. So I’ve been working on a way to provide REAL Jezebel root to the public for the past few years.
I’m pleased to announce my shop will finally be offering in limited quantity plant shares of Jezebel root to purchase during the upcoming spring season of 2023 under our new indoor grow system.
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Click HERE to Shop authentic Jezebel Root
Limited to one per person. We also offer Shop Installments via Affirm and accept PayPal & Apple Pay.
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the-rudy-phoenix · 2 years
Emoji Spell :
Likes charge the spell. Reblogs cast it.
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willowitcher · 2 years
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Beetlejuice the Cartoon Halloween Special
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darqkrafts · 7 months
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A symbol of Lilith, the serpent, enscribed with the sigil of Air, and placed in The East. #halloween #witchcraft
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verbenalune · 2 years
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Verbenalune.com 🌸
So so happy to be back with new stock, honestly these pieces are my favourite! I’m so happy with them!
Check them out ✨
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fiamma-strega · 1 month
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guilelessgoblincore · 8 months
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A bit of a painful reminder that learning how to garden is a lot of observation and problem solving. I'm having a hard time finding a location where the maple's delicate leaves don't get roasted by direct sun, and I am frustrated that my garden is being constantly reinfected with mealy bugs because they are so endemic in the neighboring landscape plants. I don't know what the city of Folsom can do about it's hedges being buggy, but pun intended, it's bugging me.
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themirroredmoon · 1 year
Wine in Witchcraft - Meanings and Associations
Wine is generally associated with Happiness, Success, Love, Relationships, and Offerings. However, specific types can be broken down further and have more associations.
RED WINE (In General) Element: Earth Season: Winter Associations: Love, Warmth, Contemplation, Happiness, Success, Money, Passion, Health, Lust
[Cabernet Sauvignon] Tastes Like: Full-bodied, dark fruit flavors of blackcurrant (cassis), black cherry, blackberry with notes of green bell pepper, spice, tobacco, wood, and vanilla Element: Earth Associations: Grounding, Protection, Banishing, Strength, Energy, Lust, Fertility, Ancestors, Written Magic (Sigils)
[Merlot] Tastes Like: Soft/round, dark fruit flavors of black cherry, blackberry, plum, and raspberry layered with herbal notes and undertones of vanilla and mocha Element: Water, Fire Associations: Unity, Love, Passion, Self-Care, Protection, Healing, Prosperity, Sexuality, Sea Witchcraft, Water Magic
[Pinot Noir] Tastes Like: Delicate and fresh, complex flavors that include cherry, raspberry, mushroom and forest floor, plus vanilla and baking spice when aged in French oak Element: Earth, Air Associations:  Prosperity, Protection, Wealth, Success, Beauty, Passion, Glamours
[Shiraz] Tastes Like: Hearty, spicy, black pepper, black currant, clove, blackberry, plum, leather, tar Element: Fire, Earth Associations: Wealth, Banishing, Divination, Tech Witchcraft, Comfort, Mystery, Secrets, Endings
[Zinfandel] Tastes Like: Rich, zesty, raspberry, raisin, black cherry, blackberry, pepper Element: Earth Associations: Growth, Wealth, Plant Magic, Vigor, Stamina, Happiness, Love, Healing, Versatility 
WHITE WINE (In General) Element: Air Season: Summer Associations: Joy, Happiness, Love, Relationships, Friendships, Endings, Success, Energy, Purification
[Chardonnay] Tastes Like: Wider-bodied, light, velvety, apricot, mango, green apple, citrus, melon, vanilla Element: Water Associations: Peace, Emotions, Safety, Success, Happiness, Balance, Polarity, Purification, Mental Power/Abilities
[Moscato] Tastes Like: Sweet, acidic, fruity, grapefruit, musk, citrus, apricot, rose, caramel Element: Air Associations: Love, Mystery, Lust, Relationships, Fertility, Purity, Cleansing, Healing, Love Magic
[Pinot Grigio] Tastes Like: Crisp, dry, fruity, peach, pear, acidic Element: Air Associations: Rebirth, Endings, New Beginnings, Happiness, Reality, Creativity, Longevity, Divination (especially open-ended, like tarot)
[Riesling] Tastes Like: Steely, crisp, fresh, slightly sweet, pear, apple, peach, petrol, honey Element: Fire, Water Associations:  Energy, Movement, Growth, Rebirth, Love, Friendship, Attraction, Activity/Movement (dance, preparation, cleansing, etc)
[Sauvignon Blanc] Tastes Like: Herbal, grass, bell pepper, green apple, lime, gooseberry, jalapeno, melon, mango, black currant, passionfruit, peach Element: Air, Earth Associations: Love, Peace, Friendship, Companionship, Arts, Healing, Happiness, Joy, Spirit Work
ROSÉ WINE (In General) Element: Air Season: Spring Associations: Beginnings, Happiness, Excitement, friendship, New Romance, Love, passion, Playfulness, Relaxation, Luck
SPARKLING WINE Element: Fire Season: Summer Associations: Success, Completion, Celebration, Wealth, Opportunity, Setting Things in Motion, prosperity, space Witchcraft, Weather Magic, Adding a “Spark”
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awitchdeviant · 2 years
things about manifesting i want to share with witches and energy workers
i wanted to share some stuff that is like energy work magick that you can do to manifest your desires.
- visualize with all 5 of your senses you getting what it is you want from the universe. 
- keep the manifestation going for 17 seconds. it’s said that it takes 17v seconds to maniest something in this universe and after 17 seconds it is manifesting.
- vibrate at the vibrational frequency of what you want to attract it further into your life.
- do what you are prompted to do when manifesting.
- your soul knows everything that is and will be. if you feel uneasy about something, it could be your soul trying to warn you.
- ask your soul questions and try to get answers from it to things you’re not sure of. 
- journal as if what you want you already have = pray rain journaling.
- create a vision board of what you want for you to look at when you’re trying to manifest it into your life.
more to read:
- my pinterest board on manifestation methods
⬆️ manifesting methods to try
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lionheartapothecaryx · 2 months
Wake up it’s the 1st of the month …. 3/1/24
Happy Venus Day 💕 Life Update
As a black, neuro spicy love witch, I’ve always struggled a bit with the shop, blog, group and managing a business especially when I'm not in a creative space but finally I've been inspired again.
So let me reintroduce myself again. I started this blog almost 4 yrs ago and it took off really quickly, gaining lots of followers overnight. This was right around COVID and there was a renewed interest in Hoodoo and love magick around that time. I’ve mainly posted vintage photos, wrote articles and shared spells and had so much fun interacting with all of you.
I started off 2023, grieving a difficult breakup and reflecting on lessons learned about myself, my former relationship, his spiraling addiction and uncertainty about the future. On top of that, I got to the point where I quit working at my high paying but super intense civilian job that was leaving me constantly exhausted, giving me severe panic attacks and driving me crazy.
I decided to take a sabbatical and reconnect with my body, self and my craft. I’ve always struggled a bit with imposter syndrome and the past few months have been difficult but healing for me as I reconnected with spirit, the elements and my spiritual allies. I finally got my spark back and found a good creative space after working with the spirits of Mercury and Venus.
Some of that inspiration has come in the form of creating new spell oils. The past few months I’ve had multiple recipes come to me repeatedly. After struggling to figure out the logistics, finally I can start testing oils out on myself and a few other volunteers before I place them in the shop. It’s been such a cool but confusing process, I wanted to share with all of you, if you still care 🤣 what I’ve been up to.
The first spell oil that I’ve been working is called Love Uncrossing, inspired by myself, other women, friends, clients, SW’s, crazy experiences and some of the strongest people I know. In traditional Hoodoo, an uncrossing is used to spiritually repair and fix an situation or individual with crossed conditions. To be crossed is to be blocked up, stagnant, unlucky, jinxed or even hexed. As a practitioner for hire, I’ve come across crossed conditions for love work so often, I know it’s fairly common.
Experience has taught me as a devotee of Venus/Aphrodite and the Venusian Arts that real genuine love doesn’t always come easily for everyone. Life is full of wonders but often unfair. Whether it’s the grief of a bad breakup, the intense pain of heartbreak, aggravating soul ties, deep traumas, negative cords an attachments or simply never ending bad luck, love does not play fair … but it can be.
For my SW’s friends who regularly work the club, do other forms of s-work or are ex industry, I’ve found that protecting and clearing the sacral, life force energy regularly can protect your spirit, energy and mental health, shielding you from intense burnout. I’ve charged the oil to assist with this. Even if you aren’t in the industry though, regularly cleansing and protecting your life force/ sacral energy can help with bringing you more balance and stability, within yourself and others.
For survivors of SA & abuse (physical, emotional, and s*xual) this oil is also spelled to assist with healing and overcoming any traumas associated with that. As a survivor myself, I understand the unique difficulties that come with processing light and heavy traumas, so I worked hard to create a spiritual blend that covers a variety of issues.
*** this is not intended to be a substitute for proper mental health services. Item is intended as curio only.
After carefully gathering the right herbs, I’ve been crafting and charging the oil for the past few days.
I wanted to create something energetically restorative, with abundant free flowing energy, that also cleared stagnant energy. It needed to be cleansing but also help with dissolving blockages in all matters of love and relationships. Than the oil was imbued with strong protections. I found this part to be really important because it’s easy to be re-traumatized, especially if you’re dealing with heavy traumas which sets you back and impedes your progress and healing process. It’s kinda like picking at or having a scab ripped off accidentally. Likewise if you want the best results in love magick, you can’t leave it up to chance.
The last thing I did was enchant the oil to cut and clear out any negative cords, soul ties and spiritual attachments and then spell it with a soothing potent healing energy using the highest quality lavender and other herbs so the healing process wouldn’t be super painful or stressful.
For those who are spiritually sensitive like myself, spiritual hygiene is a important part of our regular routine. The oil will serve as a multipurpose spiritual primer, to remove, cleanse, heal, attract and grow more love for themselves and genuine love from others. It can be used generally, to maintain your spiritual hygiene in all matters of love and relationships or be set for a variety of aforementioned intentions. The oil is blended to work on five spiritual levels, the auraric field, soul, energetic/sacral/lifeforce, mental, and physical.
I hyper focused on this project because I want you guys to love it as much as I do. I also wanted to give something back to the community, I cherish. I know you guys appreciate my passion and attention to detail.
Before launching the spell oil, it will be beta tested on myself and a few other volunteers.
Thanks for reading and catching up with me. What do you think ? Is this oil something you need ?
Shoutout to my spirit team for sending me the downloads and recipes.
With Love, Gratitude & Magick
Lyonessa 💕
aka The HoodooBarbie
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vintagehexe · 1 year
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Lovely-eyed. Death-touched. Witch.
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willowitcher · 2 years
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