#wish this song didn’t exist to be so real
forlix · 28 days
i don’t know what the fuck to think or feel. heart feeling so heavy
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I finally saw the mean girls musical (the movie one) I have so many fucking thoughts oh my god
#thoughts#oni talks#mean girls 2024#I think I may be the only person to kind of like it? like don’t get me wrong it is kinda ROUGH but it has so much potential and there’s bits#and pieces that I actually really enjoy or wish they had more of or just aahh#I’ve been nonstop thinking about the ideal version in my head like there’s so much potential obviously I’m biased by like a lot#since for one I know I tend to like stuff other people hate or don’t like but for two this sequel was weirdly way more relatable so maybe#I’m just projecting from my own personal experiences but Idc the POTENTIAL THERES SO MUCH ID WANNA DO INSTEAD#like there’s so many little details and characterizations that I wish was expanded on or fleshed out and it’s just like it feels like either#half baked or that it’s gone through too many edits it’s like it’s scared to exist?? like there’s some differences I love and wish they lol#leaned into but it’s like it was terrified to be too different? or like they were rushing the end especially#like in my ideal form it’s a tv show coz I think they honestly have enough that could be genuinely expanded in a way more interesting way#via that format probably not like a super extended series like you COULD but you’d definitely need more expansion but I could see the potent#but like idk one SOLID musical season with expanded character story and not like one of those rush cram shows like a good solid one#like Regina’s characterization is so fascinating but also feels like slightly off and like they could’ve leaned way more into things?#like I think keeping Regina as a closeted lesbian gives the greatest potential and interest for an expanded story#like I loved maybe the first half of the movie the most like that one song she sang to manipulate Aaron would work so much more perfectly if#she’s singing it about/to Cady? I also think in my ideal brain an cool flashback episode for Janis and Regina would be so cool coz there’s#so much you could flesh out in a flashback than you could in a retelling which while I do like the retelling since it lets you imagine thing#I just! potential! I also want more of them interacting and I do think changing Janis to be a lesbian works if they leaned more into it?#I also think in my ideal form janis would have more comeuppance or acknowledgement of her shit? I also think an arc of Regina coming out#like one thing they missed from the original is Regina playing soccer at the end & I think they could hint more towards that and maybe lean#more into her at home life in an expanded story way coz her mom is clearly like… yikes. granted maybe some of my views on the movie are too#biased by personal experience but like the way she snaps at her mom usually in my experience isn’t out of nowhere? like parents behind#closed doors. or frustrations with what her mom has clearly been putting on her the way she tells her mom not to talk about her body is very#like idk a lot of the characters in this version feel more real to me bc they act really similar to people I know irl so the expanded story#could be cool. another one that in my ideal brain would have more is Gretchen and especially her relationships with Regina as well as with#that one guy and her parents I wanna see more of how that works and her arc to feel more meaningful when she dumps him & mentions family#also as much as I didn’t care much for the straight plot stuff there’s 100% missed potential there that I could see in the differences like#iirc in the original it’s regular algebra not AP calc which I think could’ve been used as an interesting characterization opportunity for
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slicksquid · 10 months
dragon’s dogma was insane for into free
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wlntrsldler · 3 months
poisoned mercury | now you got me
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ix. now you got me by inhaler
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the happy little bubble you and luke made for yourselves inevitably bursted a few days after you made it official– though if you asked luke, you rejected his advances, which always earned an eye roll from you followed by a long kiss to his lips that had him silent for the next five minutes. you knew he was milking the hell out of you saying no to his question until he let you listen to the song, but you were his and he was yours regardless of the title. 
you stared at yourself in the mirror, blushing as you ran your fingers down the marks on your neck. you added a turtleneck under your chb shirt, not having enough energy to cover up the marks on your neck with makeup, and you definitely didn’t have the energy to explain to people how you got them. thankfully, the weather cooperated with you today. it was unusually cold for the summer, a slight breeze entering your room from your opened window. as you continued to get ready for the day, your phone buzzed with a text from your dad. 
‘hey kid, can you come to my office real quick?’
you hadn’t spoken to your dad in weeks, not since he stormed out of the cabin after finding out what started the fight with your teammate. this was the longest you’d gone without speaking to him. you texted a thumbs up and made your way out of your room. 
luke was sitting on the coffee table in the middle of everyone, looking at you with wondering eyes, “where are you going?” 
“my dad wants to talk.” 
“do you want me to come with you?” luke got up from where he sat. you told him last night that you’d been avoiding your dad as much as possible, and he did the same with you. as much as you guys butted heads, luke knew that it was taking a toll on you. you shared that you were scared about what would become of your relationship with your dad. luke, being as close to his mom as you were with your dad, understood. he knew what it was like to feel like your biggest supporter was giving up on you. it wasn’t a feeling he’d wish on his worst enemy, and definitely not a feeling he’d ever wish on you. 
“no, it’s fine,” you clenched your jaw, shaking your head. 
luke’s shoulders slumped over as he stuttered in his actions to sit back down, “oh, okay–uh, let me know if you need anything.” 
you nodded and waved a small goodbye before exiting the cabin. your heart was pounding the entire time you made your way to your dad’s office. a lot of things had been weighing on you this summer– your probation, a possible dent on your record, your estrangement from your parents, luke– and it was a lot to handle. camp half blood was supposed to keep you away from the problems that existed in your day-to-day life, but it seemed to follow you. 
you entered your dad’s office to see him typing away on his laptop. his eyebrows raised when you walked in, motioning for you to shut the door. he closed his laptop and placed it in one of the drawers of his desk. he took a deep breath, “hey, kid.” 
“hi, dad,” you replied, suddenly feeling like a little kid again. you sat on the usual chair in front of his desk and leaned back, “what’s up?” 
“i, uh,” he cleared his throat, “i just wanted to say i’m sorry for how we left things. i shouldn’t have stormed out like that. i was just angry. but not at you, at myself for making you feel like you had to fight these battles for me.” 
he leaned across his desk to hold your hands, “you’re my kid, y’know. my job is to protect you, not the other way around. so i apologize if i ever made you feel like you had to come to my defense.” 
“and i’m sorry for being mia the last few weeks,” he chuckled, squeezing your hands, “i’ve been in contact with my lawyers and they’re working on making sure the charges against you don’t stick so i’ve been pretty busy with that.” 
“you think it’ll get sorted out?” you asked. 
“yeah, don’t worry about it. it’s finishing up and i think you might even be able to play this season,” your dad smiled. “but i have to deal with a pr crisis right now that sprung up on me this morning.” 
your shoulders relaxed at your dad’s words. at least your probation was getting sorted out. that was one less thing to worry about. you tugged on the sleeves of your turtleneck as you got comfortable on your chair, “what’s the pr crisis?” 
he sighed, pulling out his laptop, “something with the band.” 
you hoped your dad didn’t notice the slight widening of your eyes. because you hadn’t been talking to your dad, he didn’t know about the recent developments between you and luke. you two didn’t show much pda outside of the cabin, scared that one of the campers would break their nda and post a picture of the two of you. neither of you were ready to tell the world about you two yet. it’s too soon. you didn’t even have the “what’s going to happen to us after summer?” conversation yet. 
“what happened?” 
“some pap pictures leaked. it’s of this new actress in hollywood and a guy leaving her hotel room. the press is reporting that the guy is luke. it looks a lot like him and you know the media– they run any story that’ll get them clicks even if it’s not fully fact-checked as long as they add the word ‘allegedly’ to the article,” he rolled his eyes, turning his computer to face you. “nobody knows where the pictures came from, so we don’t know if it’s actually luke or not, but i’ve been on the phone with may and their team all morning trying to do damage control. she’s telling the guys about the pictures right now.” 
at first glance, your heart dropped to your stomach. the guy did look an awful lot like luke. the rational part of you knew that this was probably taken before the two of you met because you’ve seen him every day since and he was practically imprisoned at chb all summer, but then you thought of your impromptu trip to achilles’ arcade and it made you want to throw up. if luke could sneak away with you like that, it would’ve been easy for him to do the same when he was alone. 
were the nights he didn’t spend in your bed because he was “writing” just an excuse to sneak off to meet up with the girl in the picture? she was gorgeous, after all. blonde, tall, the perfect new hollywood star. they’d make such a great power couple. the two rising stars in their respective industries, the perfect pair. 
the boy’s face, who may or may not be luke, was covered by his hood, but you can clearly see that he was kissing the girl deeply, with his hand placed on the curve of her back. the next picture was them with their fingers laced together as she led him into the hotel, giggling at something he said. the guy had a similar build as luke and dressed the same way as he did when he was having a lazy day– sweatpants, hoodie, and converses. 
bile made its way up your throat as you continued to scroll through the pictures. you looked at the time stamp of the photos and closed your eyes, wincing, when you saw that they were taken two days ago. luke didn’t sleep in your room two days ago, nor was he in the cabin. he showed up the next day saying that he was in the studio, trying to finish up the song so you would officially accept being his girlfriend. 
you squinted at a close-up picture of the pair, zoning in on the guy's hand. you breathed out a sigh of relief, fingers immediately clutching the ring that rested on your index finger. you turned the laptop back to your dad, “that’s not luke.” 
his eyebrows shot up, looking between you and his laptop screen, “how do you know?” 
“look at his rings,” you pointed at the bands around the guy’s fingers, “luke doesn’t wear a ring on his ring finger anymore. and look, the guy has a ring there and it’s gold.” 
“how are you so sure? what if he just decided to wear it that day?” 
“trust me,” you waved off, “he’s particular about his jewelry. he stopped wearing one on his ring finger a while ago. and luke doesn’t wear gold jewelry.” 
your dad narrowed his eyes at you suspiciously, shutting his laptop, “i didn’t realize you were that close to luke that you had his accessories memorized.” 
“ah– well,” you cleared your throat, looking down at your feet. you felt caught. “s’your fault, really. you made us live together.” 
“is there something you need to tell me, kid?” 
you got up from your seat, quickly making your way to the door, “geez, dad, i didn’t realize the time! i promised clar that i’d help her with camp duties, so i gotta go. thanks for all your help on the probation and permanent record thing. you’re the best!” 
you didn’t bother to turn around to see your dad’s reaction to your excuse. you knew that he could see right through you. 
you dad called from behind you, his joking tone camouflaged by his “dad” voice, “tell castellan that if he does anything wrong, i’ll kill him and his career!” 
“love you!” 
your dad shook his head, biting back the smile on his face, “love you too, kid.” 
as you were rushing back to your cabin, you ran smack dab into luke who was frantic, worry evident on his features. his eyes widened when he saw you and he placed his hands on your shoulders, steadying you so you didn’t fall at the impact. 
“five star,” he sighed out, out of breath, “i don’t know if mr. d told you but those pictures aren’t me, i swear!” 
you had two options– you could one, tell him that you knew it wasn’t him and put him out of his misery or two, you could pretend to not believe him and make him sweat. luke looked like he was about to get on his knees and beg you to believe him. you wouldn’t be surprised if he made a powerpoint presentation listing the reasons why it wasn’t him in those pictures. 
you pursed your lips, “i saw the pictures luke.” 
“and they weren’t me!” he said, exasperated. his eyebrows knitted in anxiety, as he chewed on the nail of his thumb, “you gotta believe me, babe. i don’t know who that guy is but i can promise you it’s not me.” 
you tried not to swoon at the pet name that left his lips. “how do i know that? you weren’t home the night those pictures were taken.” 
“i know it looks bad, but look,” he ran a hand through his curls. “i finished the song the boys wrote and you can go listen to it right now, but then that night, i got caught up with a song idea about you and i stayed up all night to write it. you can listen to the demo right now if you want. you can listen to all the demos you want if that gets you to believe me. i think the recordings have timestamps too, so you’ll see i was in there all nigh–”
“down, pretty boy,” you couldn’t keep it up any longer. luke looked like he was two seconds away from bursting into tears and as much as you wanted to hear him yap, you didn’t have it in your heart to drag it on. you chuckled, wrapping your arms around his neck. you pressed a soft kiss to his lips and he instantly relaxed at the feeling. 
your lips moved in sync as his hands found your waist, pressing you closer to him. his tongue licked your bottom lip, asking for permission, which you gladly granted. it was the sound of clarisse and chris inside the cabin, tapping against the windows that pulled you and luke apart. you both turned to look at your friends who all had shit-eating grins on their faces. 
travis and connor were behind the couple, shaking their heads, “get a fucking room, you heathens.” 
luke flipped them off and pressed a softer, more innocent kiss on your lips before you spoke. “i knew it wasn’t you. just wanted to see you sweat a little bit.” 
“that was mean,” he pouted, but he couldn’t fight off the smile on his face. he always seemed to smile after he kissed you. it made you want to kiss him again, starting a never-ending chain of kisses that would surely lead the two of you to be unproductive for the rest of the day. “i was so scared, five star, you have no idea. the fucker looked so much like me.” 
you laughed, playing with the curls on the nape of his neck, “trust me, i know. my heart dropped to my ass when i first saw them, but i knew it wasn’t you.” 
“how’d you know?” 
“the rings,” you flushed, thinking about how crazy you must sound knowing these small details about him.
“shit, five star,” he whistled, surprised. there was a warmth in his chest that spread throughout the rest of his body at the idea of you paying attention to these things about him. “nothing can get past you, huh? i didn’t even notice that.”
“yeah, at least you know not to sneak around behind me because i’ll find out,” you teased, lacing your fingers together as you slowly made your way up the steps of the cabin. luke stood in his spot, pulling on your hand to get you to to turn around. you walked over to him, confused, “what’s up?” 
“y’know i wouldn’t think of doing that, right?” he asked, voice suddenly serious. “i would never do that to you.” 
your eyes softened as a wistful look appeared on your face. you kissed his cheeks, relishing in the feeling of luke wrapping his arms around your torso in a tight hug. you pressed your face into the crook of his neck, placing a feather-light kiss on his jugular, “yeah, yeah.” 
“‘m serious,” he pulled away, holding your face in his hands. he was staring at you intently, making sure that you were hearing his words. you never gave him an indication that you didn’t trust him, but luke knew that it was better to tell you these things straight up if he wanted to have a real relationship with you. he knew it takes a toll on the people he dates (not that he’s had any relationships like what he has with you) to see these bullshit stories online. if he was in your position, he knew the reassurance would help. luke placed a kiss on your forehead, “i wouldn’t do anything to mess this up if i can help it, five star.”
you let out a forced laugh, awkwardly shifting in his grasp, “yeah, given that my dad controls your contract, i know you wouldn’t.” 
luke frowned, “not because of that.” 
“uh huh,” you said, feeling too vulnerable right now. you didn’t know how to handle this situation, so you coped with humor, “he likes you so don’t worry, your contract extension is practically in the bag.” 
you tensed at luke’s use of your real name. he never called you by your name. he always called you by the nickname he gave you when he first met you. five star. you knew luke wasn’t in the mood to joke around. “luke, it’s fine.” 
“i don’t want to pick a fight,” he sighed, playing with the hem of your shirt, “but i just need to hear you say that you believe me when i say that. i wouldn’t cheat on you or do anything to make you feel like i ever would.” 
your voice shook as you spoke, “what if you’re just saying that because it’s still summer and we see each other every day? what’s gonna happen when i’m back in school and you’re out in the world traveling and living your rockstar life?” 
luke’s heart broke at your words. did you really think that he would forget about all of this once september rolled around? as if you didn’t consume his thoughts every day since he met you, as if he didn’t count down the minutes until he got to see you again when he was forced to be away from you because he had things to do, as if he didn’t have a sinking feeling in his stomach when you weren’t next to him. he was starting to think you didn’t understand just how deeply he felt about you even when you assured him that you did understand. 
“i’m not gonna lie, long distance is gonna be hard,” he said, “but we can figure it out. i know it.” 
“i never knew you were such an optimist, castellan.” 
luke laughed at that. if only you knew how many times he psyched himself out of making a move on you because of his own pessimism. it only changed recently, when he finally decided to say fuck it and go for it. “for you? always. i’d be stupid not to be. you’re a good thing, five star.” 
luke fucking castellan. you pressed your head into his chest, feeling his rapid heartbeat against your face. he gave you a tight squeeze, placing a kiss on the crown of your head. he loved having you like this, all soft and cuddly with him like you didn’t want to let him go. he should be scared at how quickly he was falling for you, how attached he already felt. 
you kissed his lips again, pulling away with a smile, “so babe huh?” 
“babe, baby, sweetheart,” he mumbled, leaning over to kiss you again. “anythin’ you want.”
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55sturn · 4 months
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pairings: chris sturniolo x fem!oc, reader x unnamed male!oc, chris sturniolo x fem!reader
summary: in which no matter where they are in life, chris and y/n find their way back to one another, despite knowing that it never really works, until day he gives in and stops fighting what he knows is meant to be.
warnings: swearing, angst (a whole lot of it), verbal arguments, chris and y/n are toxic, implications of chris cheating, fluff if you squint, suggestive implications.
in every culture and every religion, there is some sort of evidence of soulmates existing. the person your soul is forever tied to, setting you up for heartbreak along the journey looking for that one person. love is at the root of the structure of every belief system. the person that has been so perfectly tailored to your heart and soul, meant to love you in the ways you spend your life searching for.
look up: invisible string by taylor swift, for a beautiful depiction of a soulmate inspired love song.
the only issue with having a soulmate, is that nine out of ten times, you don't know who your soulmate is. which often leads to you spend hours upon hours and years upon years searching for them, inevitably experiencing various stages and forms of heartbreak in hopes that once you do find your soulmate, your forever person, they are able to heal and fix you.
but in chris and y/n's love story, them healing each other wasn't always the case. they were the fairytale from hell, they were a wrongful depiction of soulmates, two souls tethered together by an invisible red string that who, instead of loving each other, had a tendency to tears each other's hearts into millions of pieces each time they tried to love one another.
they were two souls so delicately similar that it caused them nothing but pain and frustration. they loved one another in the wrong ways, but they were determined to make it work, albeit at the wrong times.
chris sighed as he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, with a quick roll of his eyes, he fished the thin device out of his pocket, knowing full well who was texting him as he made his rounds through the crowd of friends and acquaintances at the party he attended.
groaning, her named flashed again in his notifications, he hovered his thumb over the text before pressing down, begrudgingly opening the conversation he had wished hadn't started, despite deep down wanting her to reach out to him.
Y/N: guess u forgot to tell me that u and ur new bitch of the week would be here🤣
CHRIS: don't start tonight y/n
Y/N: i'm just shocked is all, didn’t think she’d fuck with these ppl just by looking at her
CHRIS: "she" has a name, y/n
CHRIS: it’s gianna
Y/N: you act like i give a fuck
Y/N: it’s nice to see you tho
CHRIS: please y/n, aren’t you tired of this shit?
CHRIS: you and i don't work, we literally never fucking do
CHRIS: and i really like this girl
Y/N: if you genuinely mean that, why are you spending so much time explaining it to me? sounds like you’re just tryna convince yourself that you feel that way.
Y/N: but if it’s real, then i'm happy for you, it's just weird that you and i aren't here together.
chris rolled his eyes at her second to last text, the way she could see right through like he was made of glass, even through a text, was something he’d never be able to understand. or run away from. there was never any sense in him even trying to lie to her, she could read him like a book. and chris was her favourite book, she would read that book ten times over in one sitting if she could.
but chris willed up all the self control he had in his entire being to not seek out the girl he's loved since he was a tiny boy in middle school. he told himself that it was done for good. that's the thing with playground love, it doesn't always last for ever and ever and chris was finally starting to accept that.
he pocketed his phone and forced himself to look for gianna, his eyes briefly meeting y/n's as she spoke to some random influencer, the smile on her face not reaching her eyes as she focused on the boy in front of her. he soon spotted the girl he arrived with, her hand flirtatiously resting on vinnie's bicep as he spoke to her. with a less than enthusiastic scoff, he downed the rest of the drink in his cup and turned around, walking in the opposite direction toward the girl he called home.
once he was in earshot, he smirked to himself as she pawned her cup off onto the poor boy fighting for a chance with her in front of him. once she waved him off with a bittersweet smile, she turned back to chris. she tutted playfully as he rolled his eyes, her hand reaching up toward the back of his neck, pulling him flush against the front of her body.
"what happened to "i really like her"?" she chuckled, her arms wrapping around his neck as his hands fell to her waist, pulling her into a hug, his lips meeting her jaw as he sighed.
"vinnie got to her and she was all over him." he spoke against her skin as her nails gently scraped against his scalp, bringing him down from his emotional high as his shoulders slumped in her arms.
"wanna get out of here? go for a walk?"
"nah, m'tired and just wanna go to bed, you crashing at mine?"
"of course." she spoke, her hand slipping into his as they walked toward the door, nick and matt meeting them there soon after chris texted them, neither of them surprised to find chris leaving with y/n instead of his girlfriend.
"i'm so happy you're here y/n, chris is a different man when you're not around." nick snorted, climbing into the seat behind matt as y/n sat behind chris, his hand slipping between the two front seats as her fingers threaded through his again.
"i'm glad to be back for however long chris needs me to be." she whispered, her words cutting deep into chris' heart, knowing that she wouldn't be around permanently, their dynamic and ways of communicating only allowing them to be together for a short period of time. they’d spend most their days tangled in chris’ sheets, professing their undying love for one another, knowing very well their time would be ending once again, and that it’d end soon.
they found that while they loved each other so deeply, they showed it in all the wrong ways. instead of gentle and soft spoken words, their love for one another was reminded in the clashing of teeth and tongues during heavy make-outs, and wandering hands with their nails digging into the soft flesh they roamed.
their rekindled romance was once again called off when chris' girlfriend, gianna, had come back into his life a week later, apologizing for her behaviour and explaining that she had been a fan of vinnie's for a long time and the fan girl in her caused her to make questionable decisions.
with a meek smile and a backhanded comment about chris’ infidelity, y/n packed her bags and moved out of chris' room sadly bidding matt and nick a brief "see you later", which left them sighing as they were no stranger to watching y/n move in and out of the house a couple times every few months.
it wasn't long before chris had found himself missing the girl that knew him inside and out, that knew his heart like the back of her hand. a month after gianna came back, spewing excuses upon excuses, chris had broken up with her, claiming that his heart would forever belong to someone else and he couldn't bear to put her through the pain of not loving her the way she deserved to be.
chris knew that he should take this grace period and be alone instead of running back to the girl he always did, but he knew she was it for him, no matter what. he didn't understand why they couldn't love each other properly. he always looked at it in a way where they had too much love for one another and they just didn't know what to do with it.
he tossed and turned in his bed, his thoughts unrelenting and holding his ability to sleep hostage as his phone read 3:32 in the morning. groaning he unlocked his phone, his thumbs maneuvering their way to her conversation from muscle memory at this point before typing out a quick couple messages.
CHRIS: y/n come home
CHRIS: please
CHRIS: i cant sleep without you
CHRIS: i love you in a way that makes it hard to love anybody else
CHRIS: you are like a drug that i cant go without, you're deadass my soulmate bruh and i'm done denying that. you are the only person i want. the only that actually knows who i am, inside and out. the only person that can make me feel good the way you do. i want you. no more fighting it. we’re meant to be.
Y/N: i'll be there in 10.
every time y/n fell back into chris’ arms, it felt devastating and bittersweet. this time, it felt right. it felt like they had finally found solid ground and that the had found the way they were meant to be together. there was definitely some uncertainty about the longevity of their relationship overall, but they learned over time that they need to communicate. whether they stayed together or not for the final time, there was no doubt that they would always be intertwined in each other’s hearts.
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taglist: @dylsdunbar @soursturniolo @4sturns @sturnsclutter @spencerstits @meanttomeet @bluesturniolo333 @graciereid @abbie13sworld @ghostofbrock @l9vesick @mylifeisevenstranger @bethsturn @ifilwtmfc @verosivy @themattgirl @lovingmattysposts @lacysturniolo @freshsturns @forevergirlposts @sturniolo-fav-matt @cupidsword @strawberrysturniolo @lustfulslxt
© 55STURN 2024 [ you do not have permission to copy or save or share my work to other platforms and devices! ]
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gcslingss · 23 days
heart to heart. colt seavers.
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summary: the last two days were being especially shitty. your close friend colt invites you over to a scene shoot, and suddenly everything becomes a little bit better.
pairing: colt seavers x gn!reader
warnings: heavy fluff, slight angst, kissing, mild swearing.
word count: 1.8k
notes: firstly, yes, the fic's name is mac demarco's song. i recommend listening to it while reading this. secondly, i had a terrible day today, thus the birth of this fic. hope you guys enjoy :)
p.s: colt is the sweetest guy ever. i wish he was real.
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Today had been the worst day of the week.
You’d been told off, looked down at, or backhandedly insulted by nearly everyone you spoke to, and that didn’t leave the best feeling in you by the time it was nearly midnight and you were still awake, staring at the ceiling of your room.
Even your mum had called you clingy and ignored you, and your neighbour had started to pretend you didn’t exist, ignoring your attempts to talk to him, to give him the cake you’d made that afternoon, and he made sure to make you see how much of a good time he was having with his girlfriend.
And to top it all off, your best friend hadn’t contacted you in a week. You knew he was a stuntman and therefore was often busy, but that didn’t mean he could completely ignore you.
You really didn’t know what you’d done wrong to be having such a shitty day.
that’s when your phone pinged beside your pillow. You wouldn’t have checked it, but it pinged with the special sound you’d set for Colt Seavers.
What the fuck? There was no way Colt was texting after an entire fucking week.
You were bitter about it, but not enough to ignore it. So you picked up the phone, and saw two new texts from him in the lock screen preview.
Hi :)
You’re probably sleeping right now, but I’m way too excited not to tell you right now
You waited to see where he was going with this. A minute later, the third text came.
We’re shooting a really special scene for the movie I’m part of tomorrow - I have a big role
And then another one.
D’you wanna come? It would be so cool if you did
You would’ve been lying if you said you didn’t feel your heart warm up when you read that, a smile tugging at your lips. Any irritation you felt for him melted away.
You didn’t hesitate to properly open the text and send him a quick reply.
I’m up, shockingly
Yeah, I’d love to come :]]
There was an enthusiastic response, and then he went offline. 
At least there was something to look forward to now.
You placed the phone aside and shuffled into the covers of your bed. You needed sleep if you were going to support him right tomorrow.
… … …
“-and apparently it’s some sort of sci-fi movie, and he’s got a whole lot of-“
“Sorry, I kinda need to go.”
And just like that, your so-called childhood friend walked away, eyes still glued to her phone’s screen, still giggling, not bothering to ever give you a wave or second look.
You stared at her leaving figure rather desolately, feeling numb, yet highly irritated. It only took a few seconds for the irritation to simmer down into severe self-doubt.
Were you annoying? Is that why nobody wanted to talk to you? 
Did you say too much? Or were you not interesting enough? 
What the hell was everyone’s problem?
The only who’d shown any signs of tolerating you recently was Colt, but there was this heavy feeling in your heart that even he was being fake. 
Maybe you shouldn’t go to the shoot. He probably only invited you as a courtesy. he probably didn’t even want you there.
Like a fucking sign from the sky, your phone pinged, and a new message from him read-
Hope you didn’t forget you’ve got an appointment with me today doofus
You didn’t want to laugh, but it bubbled through your throat anyway, and something akin to the feeling of holding a warm candle on a winter day spread through your fingers.
He was so annoying.
… … …
You hadn’t moved a single muscle out of your little square for the past 2 hours, your arms stiff by your sides, your hands anxiously fiddling with each other, your bottom barely touching the chair you were given, and your eyes downcast, staring emptily at the sand.
There had been 3 takes of Colt’s super-actiony ‘falling from the sky’ stunt to be approved by the director. 
It was break time now, and all the present actors and the director had retreated to their trailers. the only people outside were some of the snacking stuntmen, two extras fanning themselves, and you, too absorbed in your self-deprecating thoughts to have even realized the shoot was on break.
“You alright?”
Your neck could’ve snapped with the speed you looked up at, and you physically felt your face muscles cramp when you shifted expressions from despairing to absolutely peachy in less than a second.
“Hey! Yeah, I’m good,” you said, forcing a smile, “Just peachy.”
No. That word should’ve stayed in your head. Fuck.
Colt frowned, smiling almost suspiciously, “When have you ever used that word out loud?”
“…Just now,” you unconvincingly said. You were far too tired to come up with a good response.
“Was I good?” he asked, brushing past it, and you nodded, the smile becoming a little bit more genuine than before. 
“You were great.”
He smiled too, and then observed you for a moment, his eyes searching, searching for any sign that you weren’t okay.
That was the plain truth, but you couldn’t let him know - not on his big day. 
“I’m okay, Colty,” you said, patting him on his shoulder. You could see the extras watching your interaction, and your skin prickled.
“I’m gonna get going now, okay?” you said, standing up as stiff as ever, and turned, only to feel Colt’s hand pull on your wrist, stopping you.
“What?” you whined. Colt turned you by the shoulders to face you and watched your face, and you tried to ignore the way his lips formed the softest, fondest smile as he said, “Don’t go yet, c’mon.”
“You…you’re going to be busy, and I probably have something waiting for me at home, and I don’t want to imp-“
“D’you wanna talk for a bit? Maybe in Tom’s trailer?”
It became clear to you that he was not planning on letting you leave yet. 
You thought about how tired you were, mentally and physically. Your brain hurt from all the buzzing, and your muscles hurt from the constant rigidity.
But then you thought about Colt, and his pretty smile, and his big blue eyes, and his husky laughter, and your mouth mumbled a soft “Okay.”
Colt nodded, and slung an arm over your shoulder as the two of you walked across the set towards the trailers.
… … …
“So Tom doesn’t mind if you use his trailer?”
“I mean, it’s not like he knows about it, so…”
You laughed and punched Colt in the arm, causing him to make a face that made you laugh harder.
But then the laughter died down, and your brain started buzzing again. You went silent, a dormant smile still on your face.
Colt noticed.
“I can tell when you’re feeling shitty,” he murmured, and as his hand slid into yours, you wondered how he even managed to use the exact word you used to describe your day.
You shook your head and shrugged, muttering a “I’m fine,” but then he scooted closed to you and began to rub gentle circles on your palm, uttering your name so softly, and something in you snapped.
Tears came to your eyes as your head drooped and you softly sobbed, throat feeling awfully tight.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, voice muddled, “I didn’t mean to cry, I’m sorry…”
“Hey, no, c’mon,” you heard him say softly, and his two arms wrapped around you, engulfing you in a hug you wished you’d gotten ages ago.
His fingers carded through your hair, his left hand held you close, and you could feel his lips by your temple, silent but reassuring.
You cried for an entire six minutes, because every time you told yourself to stop, the nonchalant gaze of your neighbour or the sharp words of your mum flashed in your mind and the tears came back twice as heavy.
Colt let you cry, and didn’t say a word about how you were drenching his jacket in tears, his little movements being the only thing keeping you from collapsing in your head.
When the weight you’d been feeling the entire day seemed to finally disappear, you pulled away, but only partly, still seeking Colt’s warmth.
“You alright?” he asked, voice softer than a whisper, and you felt so relieved when you smiled so naturally, and nodded.
“Yeah.” You wiped away the tear streaks on your cheeks. “I just… had a really bad few days. Everyone sounds a little extra rude.”
“I hope I’m not on the list,” he said, and you chuckled, shaking your head.
“Of course not,” you said. “You made everything better, if anything.”
“Well, I’m glad.”
You looked up at him. His gaze was keen, concerned, and so warm. His fingers were still caressing your palm. 
What a wonderful creature he was.
You found yourself leaning in and kissing him, something he most certainly did not expect, but the  faint sigh he elicited told you he didn’t mind it whatsoever. 
He kissed you back, harder.
The heat of his mouth, the feeling of his chapped lips against yours, his large hands cupping your face, and the little sounds he made when you brought his head close seemed to complete the healing of your tired heart, and after what seemed like an eternity, the two of you broke away.
His eyes were fixed on you, flustered, but appreciative now. His face was flushed. 
After a moment’s silence, he looked down at his watch.
“Tom’s gonna be here any minute,” he muttered, his voice hoarse and hesitating. “We should leave this little hellhole.”
“Yeah. Okay.” It was an automatic response, because your brain really wasn’t functioning.
You got down the trailer, and thankfully no one spotted either of you, because of how Tom liked his privacy. 
“There’s a little bit of the scene left,” Colt explained. “They probably don’t need me, but I should go check it out.”
“Of course. Yeah. I-I should probably head home too. I really enjoyed watching you stunt, by the way. It was great.” You gave him a a pat on his back. 
“Good. That’s good.”
Colt nodded, giving you one final grin, and then turned to leave.
No, wait.
“...Colt?” you called out. 
He stopped in his tracks and spun around. He looked expectant.
You didn’t know if you were crossing any lines with what you were going to say, but at that moment, you didn’t exactly care. 
“I love you,” you said, and the words came so easily. “And thank you.”
You could see Colt’s breathing hitch, his chest raised mid-breath. Then, slowly breathing out, he murmured the words “I love you too” back, before he asked-
“Could I, um, come over tonight, maybe? I’m gonna be free,so....”
You’d forgotten anything and everything that had annoyed you at this point. All you could hear in your head was Colt now.
“Yeah, of course. Please.”
He grinned at your response, and he gave you a little goodbye wave, before walking away.
Two little hearts became whole that moment.
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rorywritesjunk · 6 months
No longer locked upon the land but free on the rolling waves
You and Buggy come face to face with himself from the past, and while you’re fully accepting that this is your husband as a child, Buggy doesn’t want to accept it.
Rating: PG-13ish, but just due to some swearing.
Warning: Upset kid, upset husband. Reader is way too nice, doesn’t necessarily take husband’s feelings into account as well.
A/N: A combined request. I did a few versions of this story before feeling like it hit the marks I was wanting to hit. Also, I’m just trying to vibe off what I’ve seen of Kid Buggy. I’m no expert. I’d protect that kid with my life. He’s so adorable. I also like the trope of “Meeting your self from another time” and “gets turned back into kid-self”. This is the former, and I know shit about time travel but I just kind of made something up.
This is the last chapter with the epilogue at the end. This has been a lot of fun to write and I've enjoyed it so much, thank you all for reading it and replying! I've loved responding to you all. So thank you thank you thank you. I liked how this chapter wrapped things up. Moments go a little quick but that was the intention. Nothing was to really be drawn out.
Title comes from “Sailing Song” by S.J. Tucker.
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6/Epilogue
TAGLIST: @lostfirefly @misadventures0fdes @sylum @valen-yamyam16 @dohkyu @fluffybunnyu @skyofsteel @lavalampskyy @gingernut1314 @ane5e @madam-o @the-angriest-angel
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Chapter Six
Your husband decided to stay back on the ship while you and the kid went into the town. His excuse was he needed to get the crew ready or something, but you didn’t push him for a real reason. Part of you wanted him with you when you went into town because you didn’t know what to expect. Would some kind of portal open up and tear the kid away from you, kicking and screaming, or would it happen in an instant, like when he first appeared? You were going to cry either way, you just wish you had some kind of idea of what to expect. 
But you also didn't want Buggy coming because again, what if some portal opened up and tore your husband away from you as well as the kid? You didn't want him disappearing on you at all so you just gave him a kiss on the cheek before heading off the ship with the kid.
“I think that the table was over here.” Kid Buggy said as he held your hand, leading you down a street. You knew what he was looking for but you let him take charge, wondering if he knew here to look. The table wouldn’t be there anymore, it hadn’t been since you turned 14 and left to start your apprenticeship and your parents moved elsewhere. They still made jewelry and sold it, but in another town on another island. 
It was hard not to tell him everything, because even though Buggy said he doesn’t remember anything about this whole ordeal, what if this was different? What if something was triggered that changed the course of the kid’s life from this moment forward? You didn’t want to take the risk. You loved your life, your husband, and the life you two had together. Nothing could change that, so you never told Kid Buggy that he stole from your parents, or that he would become a Devil Fruit user at a young age (he never questioned Buggy’s head popping off his body during their first meeting), nor did Buggy ever tell him what happened between him and Shanks. 
“You think so?” You replied as you followed after, smiling down at him as he turned his head in every direction, a look of concentration on his cute face as he tried to remember where to go. He stopped a few times, looking around, wondering where to turn. You were patient, giving his hand a squeeze whenever he’d start walking again.
“I’d bring you back with me if I could, y’know.” Buggy said as he looked up at you. “Introduce you to everyone. They’d think you were great.” He then looked away, searching for the table of merchandise that no longer existed. “But I know you wouldn’t wanna come with…”
“If I could come back to my husband in the end, I would.” You assured him with a smile. “But you’ve seen how you are as an adult, you can’t survive ten minutes without me, so I have to stay back with him.” Truthfully, if you met the crew, you would have brought hell down upon them. While your husband would speak highly of being an apprentice under Gold Roger, you had other opinions, ones that you wouldn’t share because you didn’t want to upset Buggy. There was always something under the surface whenever you listened to your husband speak about it. The self-doubt, fear of failure, everything, and one time when he was drunk he cried about Shanks, often feeling lesser than his friend, but then the next morning as he sobered up he would curse the same man. 
“Yea?” He grinned. “Really? I think you’d like it. You could even meet Shanks, since you said you never got to meet him.”
“Maybe something will happen and I can someday, Buggy.” You steered him out of the main walkway, letting people pass as you knelt down in front of him. “I want you to know that I have loved spending time with you, sweetie. It’s been one of the best things ever.”
He blushed at that, avoiding your gaze as he looked away. “Are you saying goodbye to me?”
“No! Not yet, just…” You hesitated. He wasn’t used to this kind of attention, the praise, compliments, affection even. You wanted to give him as much as you gave your husband because you saw the way he would brighten up when you’d tell Adult Buggy how handsome he looked in his coat while you’d straighten his cravat, or when you’d let him know how much you loved him every night before going to bed. You meant every word you spoke to Buggy as an adult, and you wanted him to know the same as a kid. “I want you to know you’re a wonderful kid, Buggy.”
He was still red in the face but he allowed you to wrap your arms around him and pull him into a hug. He mumbled something in response and you didn’t quite hear it, because he suddenly pulled away from you, his eyes lighting up in excitement.
“I can hear Shanks!” He said as he looked over your shoulder. “I think he’s calling for me!”
You turned in the same direction but didn’t see or hear anything. What was going on? He grinned at you before he suddenly took off running in the direction he was looking. You got to your feet and started after him, but he was fast. He turned down an alleyway, calling for Shanks, and when you finally caught up to him your heart dropped. It was a dead end and he was nowhere in sight. 
So this is how it ended then.
You came back to the ship an hour later and went right to your room, ignoring the looks of the crew and even your husband. He noticed you were alone, so he told the first mate to keep an eye on things while he went after you. Buggy wasn't sure how upset you would be, because even after ten years of marriage he wasn't sure how to handle it.
He found you sitting on the bed, leaning back against the headboard with something in your hand. Buggy hung his coat and hat up before taking his boots off and climbing into bed next to you. You immediately leaned into him, curling up against his side as he put his arm around you.
“I'm going to miss seeing you as a kid.” You sniffled, looking at the once stolen pendant in your hand. “You were so sweet, Buggy.”
“I was a little shit.” He rolled his eyes, clearly having a different opinion on the whole matter. You looked up at him with watery eyes and he sighed. “Fine, yes, I was a sweet little shit.”
“I just wanted you to feel safe and loved, Buggy.” You wiped at the tears as they rolled down your cheeks. “And you're not going to remember any of it.  What was the point of any of this?”
He just shrugged, pulling you closer as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head. He wasn't really good at using words to comfort you. He was used to actions like giving you gifts or finding ways to make you laugh instead. He hated seeing you so upset, but he knew better than to tell you to suck it up and move on. The one time he said that to you ended up with you giving him the cold shoulder for a week and he couldn't deal with that again.
“I just wanted you to be okay, Buggy.” You mumbled as you tucked the pendant away in your pocket. “I hate you went through so much before we met.” You rubbed your eyes. “And…and you're not going to remember any of this.”
“Yea, well…” He hated saying sappy things, like something out of a silly romance novel. He sighed and gritted his teeth. “If I didn't become an apprentice and continue being a pirate, we wouldn't have met.” You glanced up at him and his cheeks started to turn red. “The kid will be fine, because he will meet some way too nice tailor, fall madly in love with her and be an idiot about it, and she will show him all the love he will ever need.” He huffed and pulled his arm away from you, crossing them over his chest as he looked away. He felt a little uncomfortable but he knew you needed to hear this. “And when they hug for the first time he'll remember a moment of feeling safe as a kid but he won't know why, and when they kiss for the first time it will make him realize how much he wants her in his life.” He took a deep breath and exhaled before scowling. “Okay? So… so the kid won't remember what you did for him but he'll have a sense of familiarity when he meets his future wife, because she treats him with kindness and never asks for anything in return, and he really doesn't deserve someone like her.”
When he was finished with his rant he looked down at you, only to be horrified when he saw new tears streaming down your cheeks. Oh shit. He didn't mean to make you cry.
“S-Sorry, I didn't mean to-” He was at a loss for words. “Why are you-”
“R-Really?” You whimpered. “You felt that way when we met?”
He turned even redder if possible, unsure if he should keep talking or not, but you were almost smiling now as the tears rolled down your cheeks so he sighed and nodded.
“Y-Yes.” He said, looking away from you once more. “I… I knew the moment you gave me a hug that you and I were meant to be, because I felt safe in your arms and… and you took good care of me even before we started our relationship.” He scratched his cheek, looking so very uncomfortable to be carrying on like this, but your crying was letting up and you were looking at him with such love in your eyes that he thought he was going to literally fall to pieces in front of you. “Fixing my coat, clothes, even my gloves. It… it was nice and you didn't have to do that because I wasn't the nicest person to you at times, y’know.”
“I fixed your gloves just to spend extra time talking to you.” You said, giggling as you wiped your eyes with the hem of your shirt. He looked at you in confusion. “I made it up that your gloves needed fixing. I just… wanted to spend time with you after fixing other things, and you didn't know what I was talking about so you let me.” You smiled brightly at him. “I lied because I liked you, Buggy.”
His jaw dropped, a look of betrayal on his face. “What?! You lied?!”
You laughed. “What? I liked seeing your hands without them, honey, because you always wore them. That was the first time I felt your hands without gloves on, you know.”
“I can’t believe you lied!” He wouldn’t drop that tiny detail. “After all this time you lied about my gloves needing to be fixed?”
You knew what he was doing, trying to distract you from being upset, and you appreciated it. It still hurt having the kid disappear so quickly out of your sight but it was a comfort to hear from your husband the little bits he could recall, even if it wasn’t exact moments of his time with you. You didn’t want him to be hurt, or go through the heartaches of growing up, but if it meant the two of you meeting and falling in love, then maybe you could accept that you couldn’t fix everything.
“I love you, Buggy.” You told him as you leaned over to kiss his cheek. He turned red and looked away again but he put his arm back around you, pulling you closer to him before he looked back at you. 
“Yea, yea.” He kissed you on the forehead and sighed. “I love you too.”
“Buggy! Where’ve ya been?” One of the older crewmen asked. Buggy didn’t turn around, instead looking at his now empty hands. Where did the pendant go? He just snatched it off that table and he had it in his hands just moments ago, but now it was missing. Did he somehow drop it? “It’s been twenty minutes, kid! Don’t take off like that!”
He glared up at the man. “Not my fault you can’t keep up with me!”
The man just laughed and patted him on the head; the kid immediately swatted at his hand, trying to get him to stop. He didn’t take off running, he had just been with the crew and then it seemed like everything went still for a moment. He didn’t want to say anything so he kept quiet, trailing after the adult as they went to join up with the others. 
“We weren’t too worried, y’know. Figured you’d turn up once you got hungry.” 
Buggy just nodded, glaring at the ground as he walked along. It’s not like he disappeared or anything. He was just out of sight for a few minutes. Shanks and him did it all the time. 
They were walking down the street that the vendor was on where he took the pendant from. Did they somehow get it back? He hesitated but risked taking a look as they walked by. The adults were talking to a customer, showing off pieces while a girl around Buggy’s age sat nearby, looking completely bored. When their eyes met she perked up a bit and gave him a big smile. Buggy made a face and looked away  but the adult he was with noticed the exchange and laughed.
“Flirtin’ with the local girls, Buggy?”
“Shut up!” He snapped. “Let’s get back to the ship!”
“Don’t you want to say bye to your girlfriend?” He teased as Buggy glared at him, his face red. He was about to say something else when something tugged on his sleeve. He spun around, ready to fight, but froze when he saw the girl standing there, holding a flower in her hand with a big smile on her face. 
“The red flower looks like your nose.” She told him as she took his hand and placed the flower in it. “I like it.”
Buggy didn’t say anything as his hand closed around the flower. He was frozen where he stood, not sure how to respond to that, but the moment didn’t last because she turned and went back to her parents, taking her seat near the table once more. He didn’t know what to say or do next, but the adult grabbed him by the back of his shirt and pulled him along, laughing and joking about young love and other stupid shit Buggy didn’t care about. He stuck the flower in his pocket and looked back at her once more, his face still as red as his nose. She was watching him leave and gave him a smile and wave as he left. 
Yea, okay, he decided she was kind of nice, but he wouldn’t see her again so there was no point in saying hi to her or asking her name.
 It was just a one time meeting by chance.
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taeminsung · 7 months
♡ ˚⁎⁺˳ ── love song..
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pairing || han x reader summary || han realizing his feelings for you. genre/s || fluff. comfort. mina’s notes || please enjoy ♡ 
Sleep clung onto Han as he stood clutching his pillow to his chest. When Chan said they were going to do a small weekend getaway, he didn’t think that it meant having to be awake before the sun was up. Trying to focus on the horizon, he noticed that the sun wasn’t even trying to break through the darkness of the night. Slowly a sleepy scowl formed across his brows while a small group of them waited for the cars to be pulled around. All Han wanted to do was crawl into the back seat and immediately let sleep claim him as it did just hours before. Hearing your name roll off Felix’s tongue caused his attention to snap to where his friend was looking. There you were, approaching with your suitcase in toe, sleep written all over your features.
Did this mean that you were coming along? Of course, it did, he mentally sasses himself knowing that no one just has a suitcase at this hour of the day unless they were going somewhere. He really needed to go back to sleep before interacting with anyone. You mumbled your hellos to everyone, letting Felix pull you slightly closer, as you tugged the sweatshirt that consumed you closer to your body as your shifted from foot to foot. Han couldn’t help but steal glances at you. You were stunning this early in the morning. It makes him want to wake up to you every morning, just to see this side of you that clearly has no guard up. It was only for a moment that he daydreamed of what that future would be like with you.
Minutes passed before the cars finally pulled around, with everyone quickly moving to grab their seats. Han watched as you grabbed your stuff and put it in one of the cars before he quickly followed behind, hoping that you’d sit in the back rather than the front. He thanked whatever lucky star he could wish upon as you said you’d sit in the middle seat so the boys could be comfortable. Climbing in the back seat next to you, he couldn’t help but feel a little dizzy being this close to you for the first time, nearly wanting to pass out at the smell of your perfume. The scent he tried to commit to memory. Han knew that he was in trouble before, but now? All he could think about was how screwed he was going to be on this trip, trying not to make his feelings for you obvious.
Within no time of hitting the road, did sleep consumed him again, this time dreams were filled with thoughts of you.
The sound of the youngest singing loudly woke Han from the slumber he was in, trying to ground himself back in reality. His confusion only deepened as he felt the weight of something on his shoulder, turning to find you fast asleep, lips slightly parted with the hood of your sweatshirt obscuring the top half of your face. Part of him couldn’t grasp if he was still dreaming or if this was in fact a reality in which you were passed out using him as a pillow. Glancing forward, he caught the small smirk on Minho’s face before his eyes shifted back to the road. This had to be real, right?
A few songs passed before you started to stir, Han immediately wondering if him talking with Felix on your other side woke you up. His eyes watched you from the corner as you clicked the lock button on your phone, illuminating a photo Han didn’t even know existed. It was the two of you in Chan’s studio, you with headphones on listening to one of his unfinished songs, him looking at you trying to gage your reaction to it. It wasn’t a day that he could easily forget about. Hours had been spent with legs almost touching as you helped him work through his writers’ block, finding different ways to say what he wanted to say. It was the first day that he admitted his feelings not only to himself but also to Minho.
Your leg had been pressed against his just like it was now, and as Jeongin started singing another song did Han realized you hadn’t moved an inch to remove your head from his shoulder. He watched from the corner of his eye as you unlocked your phone, opening different apps to check your socials, seemingly content with your position in the car. Panicking internally, Han now planned a way to tell you his feelings, because there was a fleeting moment of hope that maybe you returned the feelings and would accept his love. Would he have time to write you a love song, he thought.
from mina with love ♡ ˚⁎⁺˳ ── thank you for reading! ♡ requests are open.
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moodymisty · 4 months
Everyone wants Lorgar carnally until he says grace before giving head. Or when he recites verses that describe the world’s beauty while he gently caresses your body. Or when you’re having sex and he starts whimpering prayers upon prayers about how wonderful you are, how much he loves you, how he wants you so badly, how he’s utterly yours (he’s not even doing it deliberately, it’s like singing your praises is second nature to him). Or after you’ve finished, when he lies down on your bed and looks at you with complete and total reverence. You can see that in this moment, to him, you are the only thing that’s real. The lamp on his desk is illuminating you like a halo, or maybe it’s not even the lamp at all, maybe it’s just you. Lorgar wouldn’t even question it if that was the case, because who is he to question what true holiness is?
In his gaze there’s more than just a lovers adoration. To him you’re not a mere mortal. He looks at you as if you’re the sun itself, like you could fly up to the very heavens and rip the stars from their foundations. His trust placed in you so wholeheartedly that if you decided to smite him for the simple crime of existing, he would let you, he would even thank you for it.
But you love him far too much to even think those thoughts. You cup the side of his face and feel as he leans into your touch. You don’t know it, but if in this very moment you told him to renounce his faith, renounce his loyalty to the emperor, and worship you and only you. He would, without a doubt, say yes.
… Well. I think I might’ve gotten a little too carried away here lmao
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Oh hey thanks for the fucking feast, excuse me while I go apeshit with my religious undertones/trauma kink
also @thevoidscreams thanks for the inspo as well fam
Warnings: NSFW, Religious undertones, Body worship
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The desert becomes so cold at night, the sand sometimes freezes with little sparkles of dew, reminding you of the snow of your distant home planet.
But despite the frigid air of a Colchis drowned in dark you couldn't feel hotter, skin aglow with the sheen of sweat- lips parted in a pant.
"Lorgar, Lorgar..."
Sometimes his name leaves your mouth as a whisper, sometimes a yell, but it seems as if he can hear neither. It's like he's in a trance, head between your legs for what's felt like and more than likely has been hours.
Your thighs are covered in lovebites, little scratches, redness where he's gripped too tight in his enthusiasm and you've had to pry at his hands and plead for him to stay gentle with you, remind him that you're fragile, as his eyes look at you with reverence.
Sometimes the way he looks at you is almost too much; Too much like worship, the way he lowers himself to press his head between your thighs and whisper so many sweet nothings. So much of it is incomprehensible, speaking in tongues as he presses you into the massive ocean of a bed meant for someone far larger.
You’ve never felt as bared as you have in these moments, like he’s taking every bit of you and some from somewhere beyond.
“By the gods, you look so beautiful… No art, writing or tapestry could ever hold a candle to you like this…”
He could do this for hours, sometimes he has, and while you know he has to in order to prepare you for what’s to come, he takes more than plenty of pleasure in it.
His creation didn’t consider something as frivolous of this; His body wasn’t meant for yours. But you’ve made it work nonetheless, forced it to.
He hears your pitiful whine and hoarse cry as you come against his mouth, desperately grabbing at his hand smothering your stomach and keeping you pressed down in place. He whispers and praises like you’re singing a song just for him, music to his ears.
You could stop here and be satisfied, more than so, but you know that he has so much more he wishes to give you. These moments are rare, but when you manage to steal them he indulges in you until the sun rises and you’re begging for rest. At least a days worth, usually no one sees much of you for a few days after such an evening.
His mouth pulls away from you, his body rises to hover over yours and the difference in your bodies has you swallowed in his shadow, though he only sees you surrounded in light. Your skin glows, lips parted and seemingly beckoning him in.
There’s been nothing more beautiful to him in his life than you, in this moment.
He doesn’t know why he resisted this for so long, though perhaps he should’ve, because now there’s nothing in the galaxy he wants more.
“My love, my little goddess, please, let me…”
You grit your teeth as he presses his way inside of you, a balance teetering just before true pain as you feel the threat of his body weight against your hips and thighs. There isn't much space for your legs to go, they can't truly part wide enough for someone as massive as Lorgar, and so they press into your stomach like he's going to fold you in half.
Throughout it all he speaks as if you’re his gift, as if you’re a beautiful star made manifest.
His whispers his prayers his pleading becomes more desperate until he finishes inside of you, feeling his hot skin against your own.
When his body lays beside yours, he’s looks upon your tired form with reverence. With the same shine in his eyes when he reads his gospel or writes a verse. You wonder if one day it will ever become too much, or if you’ll come crashing down from the pedestal he’s put you on.
“I love you, my dear. More than any other man that has spoken those words. I will pluck any star you desire out of the sky, conquer any planet, or bring anyone to heel just for you.”
You might wish to tell him not to, but the words don’t leave your lips. He kisses you, takes those words from you and leaves you breathless as his hand cups your jaw, and he begins to pray to you once more.
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i hate men (natasha romanoff x female reader)
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the gif is not mine!
summary: so… being hopelessly in love with your best friend and getting super drunk is not the best combination? who would’ve thought? (a bit of angst but mostly fluff)
a/n: send me natasha requests if you want to!!!!!! you can send me normal requests, or you can also send me a taylor swift song and i’ll write a natasha fic with it!
you hated stark parties. they were loud, messy, annoying and did you mention loud?
being an introvert was a difficult task at the avengers compound, where these sort of events were being held every two weeks.
sighing, you gulp down the last of your drink. today you chose a coke, since you didn’t want to get drunk and embarrass yourself like the others always did.
“having fun?”
“no!” you say over enthusiastically. natasha snorts and shakes her head at you from behind the bar. she looks stunning, wearing a tight black dress that hugs her body perfectly and her red hair loose and wild. she never goes heavy on the make up, you noticed. not that she needs it, she’s breathtakingly beautiful without it.
“you should at least dance to one song, maybe you’ll even enjoy it.” she says, pulling you out of your not so friendly thoughts of her.
“i refuse.”
“don’t act like a petulant child.”
“don’t act like my mother.” natasha smirks. god that smirk. “if you call yourself mommy, i’m leaving.” the redhead shrugs.
“you handed it to me on a silver platter.”
“whatever.” you roll your eyes.
“i’ll have a manhattan, please.” a man slides up next to you on a barstool. natasha nods and begins preparing his drink. you don’t fail to notice the man’s lascivious look as he stares at her. it makes your blood boil. you know she hates when men sexualize her. and, truth be told, you hate it too. maybe not always for the right reasons, but most of the time they are. natasha romanoff is the best person in the entire world. she is also your favorite person in the entire world. she’s super smart, she’s so funny you almost peed yourself an embarrassing amount of times in front of her, she’s brave, she’s so goddamn brave you sometimes wish she wasn’t so she wouldn’t put herself at risk. but that’s the thing about natasha, she does that because she cares. she cares so much about everyone, and contrary to what people would think, it’s not because she feels guilty for her past, but because she’s good. her heart is so good, so kind. and she’s strong, the strongest. you know what she went through and still, she remained good. that takes a hell of a lot strength. and yes, she’s hot. she’s so fucking hot sometimes you can’t believe she’s even real. but she’s so much more than that. she’s your best friend, and the woman that you-
“thanks, gorgeous.” the man’s voice brings you back to reality and you look at him, hoping you’re shooting lasers out of your eyes and burning him. natasha simply nods and looks at you from the corner of her eye. you know what that look means, you know what every look means. if he tries something, i’m gonna shoot him.
you purse your lips to stop yourself from laughing loudly, your anger long forgotten when she enters your line of sight.
the man clears his throat, trying to gain her attention.
“so, you from around here?”
“no.” she tells him. then, she gives him a fake smile. “if you don’t mind, i’m pretty busy.” he does not seem to take the hint, so you turn to him.
“she’s asking you to leave.”
“and who are you?”
“one of tony stark’s closest friends. you wouldn’t want to be black listed for his parties for eternity, would you?” the man widens his eyes a bit. “yeah, i thought so. now, leave.” you shoo him away with a gesture of your hand, almost dismissively and he, thank every god that exists, gets up and leaves.
“my knight in shining armor.” natasha tells you, smirking. “you saved me.” you wish she was right. you wish you had done it to save her instead of yourself. but, to be frank, you didn’t. of course you don’t want her to feel uncomfortable, but you know she can handle herself just fine. the one who couldn’t stand it was you. you are an idiot. an idiot who’s hopelessly in love with her best friend.
“sorry, i know you can defend yourself. i just-“
“you just what?” she raises an eyebrow. you know that expression. it means she’s challenging you to tell her.
“i just hate men.” for a second, she looks almost disappointed. but you probably imagined that.
“yeah.” she nods. “i’m gonna head to the ladies room.” and then she leaves.
you sigh and run your hands over your face. natasha romanoff is going to be the death of you. but oh, what a sweet death.
“when are you gonna tell her?” sam’s voice makes you lift your head up.
“tell who what?”
“tell natasha that you love her.”
“i’ve already told her that a million times.”
“no.” he shakes his head. “that you love her love her, that you wanna kiss her.” you scoff.
“never. oh and also, could you keep it quiet? what if she hears you?”
“then finally you will both admit that you’re in love with one another and stop giving each other longing glances across every single room you’re in.”
“i don’t give her longing glances.” you lie. of course you do.
“whatever samantha. don’t care, didn’t ask. plus i don’t even know if she likes girls.”
“she likes you.”
“as a friend.”
“you are so goddamn stubborn…” he begins saying, but his voice fades into the background when you see her. your breathing stops. she’s dancing. she’s swaying her hips and smiling and she looks so fucking angelic you want to pinch yourself because, surely, this must be a dream. but then, your heart drops to your stomach. he’s touching her. he has his fucking hands on her hips as he dances behind her and she isn’t pushing him away. you feel sick to your stomach. “hey, you there?” sam waves his hand in front of you. “hey…?” he trails off. then he probably follows your line of sight because he ohs in understanding. he says your name and pity drips from it. “they’re just dancing.”
“yeah.” you say, choked up. you hate that seeing her with someone else makes your heart burn from the pain. but it does, and it hurts so much. it was the first time since you admitted to yourself that you were in love with her that you saw her with another person. a man. stupid men and their stupid hands. tears well up in your eyes, but you won’t cry. you refuse to cry. not for love. never.
“what are you doing?” sam asks you as you walk all the way around the bar and crouch under it. “don’t.” he tells you when he sees what’s in your hands. you look at him dead in the eye and gulp down the whiskey straight from the bottle.
“woo! this is so fun!” you shout over the music. you’ve been dancing for almost an hour now and you were most definitely drunk. you don’t even notice sam and natasha calling your name.
“what are you doing? you hate drinking.” the redhead frowns.
“maybe it’s time for someone to go to bed.”
“yes, nat. go to bed.” you tell her.
“no, whiskey straight out of the bottle, i’m talking about you.” you laugh at sam’s long nickname but then you pout when you sway and almost fall to the floor. “you wanna take care of it?” he asks the spy and she nods.
“i’ll take her to bed.”
“and what will we do there?” you ask suggestively. natasha looks at you unimpressed.
“you, lay down. me, scold you.”
“are you gonna spank me?” you smirk. she swallows hard. uh oh, she’s mad. you raise your hands innocently in front of you and she rolls her eyes.
“let’s go.” you want to protest but you know better than that. begrudgingly you begin following her, but stop when the room starts to spin. natasha must notice it, because she turns around and puts her arm around your waist and your arm around her shoulders.
the walk to your room is silent, except for your giggles. you don’t really know what you’re giggling about, but she’s here so it makes sense to do so.
she helps you lay down on your bed and takes off your shoes. as she does so, you look at her. god, you love her so much. and god, you are doomed for life.
“you’re never gonna love me.” you blurt out. she looks at you and frowns.
“you’re never gonna love me.” you tell her again, pouting. she waits until she’s tucked you in the bed to answer.
“of course i love you.”
“no.” you frown. “you don’t.”
“what are you talking about?”
“i’m so drunk.” you say out of the blue.
“come on, on your side.” you do as she says and position yourself on your side, so you don’t drown in your own vomit and die.
“you don’t want me to die.” you slur, almost asleep now.
“of course i don’t want you to die!” you open your eyes and look at her. she’s kneeling next to you on the bed and sorting out some pills for tomorrow morning. you’re most likely going to need them. she then puts them on your nightstand next to your water bottle.
“but you don’t love me.” you say again. she looks at you, frowning. you stare at her. her green eyes, so kind. her cheeks, you want to squeeze them between your fingers and call her cute. her eyebrows, so perfect. and her lips, god, her lips. they look so soft. you bet they’re warm to the touch. so kissable.
“you’re so beautiful, natty.”
she looks taken aback by that, but she quickly recovers and smiles softly.
“don’t try to sweet talk me into not being mad at you.”
“i’m not!” you protest. “you can be mad at me but you’re still the prettiest girl in the world.”
“you’re drunk.”
“and you’re beautiful.”
she says your name softly with a smile on her face.
“get some rest, detka.” her hand is softly combing through your hair.
“i love it when you call me detka. did i pronounce that right? probably not.” you mumble. she chuckles.
“you pronounced it right.”
“nat…” you say.
“i love you.”
“i love you too.”
“no.” you pout. “don’t lie. it’s not nice.” she stops caressing your hair and frowns.
“what is it with you today? of course i love you.”
“no, nat. i love you love you.”
“i love you love you too.” she tells you.
“i love you like i wanna kiss you love you not you’re my best friend love you.” she blinks at you. for a bit she doesn’t say anything. then she briefly shakes her head and sighs.
“you’re drunk. you should get some rest.” your heart breaks. she doesn’t love you like that. you should’ve known. now you’ve ruined everything. tears begin welling up in your eyes and it isn’t long before you’re crying.
“hey, hey- don’t cry.” she tells you as she wipes your tears with her thumb.
“i told you you didn’t love me.” she says your name again and takes a deep breath.
“you’re not gonna remember this but- if you do, we’ll talk in the morning.”
and then she leaves. tonight you are crying yourself to sleep.
you open your eyes and stretch your limbs. then, you sit up and immediately groan. the most violent headache is currently splitting your mind into two. what possessed you to drink so fucking much? oh, natasha romanoff and her stupid beautiful self. and seeing her with another man, that definitely didn’t help.
you tsk and roll your eyes.
what even happened last night after you got hammered? how did you even get up to your room? did sam bring you here? did nat? no, she was too busy with someone else.
a knock on your door pulls you out of your thoughts and you tell the person to come in, and even though it comes out more as a mumble, they seem to understand, because the door opens. there, standing in all her glory, is natasha romanoff herself, accompanied by a small brown bag and a coffee, you notice after a bit.
“hey.” she greets you from the doorway.
“i brought you breakfast. figured you might wanna eat before taking an aspirin.”
“thank you.” you tell her and she nods awkwardly. then, she approaches you and sits down on the bed in front of you while your back is against the headboard. “did sam bring me here last night?”
“nope. i did.”
“oh… thanks natty.” she swallows and gives you a small smile that actually resembles more a wince than anything else. weird.
“so… did i do something embarrassing? please tell me i didn’t try to strip on top of a table or something.” she chuckles and shakes her head.
“you didn’t try to strip.”
“but did i do other embarrassing things?” she opens her mouth to speak but then, surprising you, she pauses and abruptly shakes her head. oh no. what did you do that is making her act so strange? you try to remember. you saw her dancing with that man and decided to get drunk. she says she was the one who brought you to your bedroom so something must’ve happened here. did you puke all over her or something? or even worse, did you admit your feelings? your eyes widen. oh no. oh no, oh no, oh no no no. that’s exactly what you did, you goddamn idiot! you remember now. you told her you loved her! you told her you wanted to kiss her! of course she’s being weird!
“you don’t have to say anything.” she cuts you off.
“i really wish that was the case cause i’m really fucking embarrassed but- i need to say something.”
“we all say dumb shit when we’re drunk.”
“i said the dumbest shit i could’ve ever said.” you deadpan. for a second you see a flash of hurt in her eyes, but it’s gone as soon as it appears. could it be that she- no, no, she didn’t feel that way about you.
“nat-“ she puts her hand up.
“don’t need to say anything, i’ll just forget it happened.”
“but nat-“ she says your name again, almost begging.
“please, just drop it. i get it, you didn’t mean what you said. it’s okay.” you open your mouth to say something but then you close it and frown. did she think you didn’t mean what you said? that’s why she wanted you to stop talking about it? because she wanted you to mean it?
“i-“ you look at her with wide eyes. this is it. you’re gonna tell her in the most beautiful, poetic way that you- “i hate men.” what? the redhead frowns. “i meant, i- ugh- i hate men but i especially hate them when they’re dancing with you.”
“what?” she asks now, seemingly confused.
“i saw you dancing with that guy last night. i got- ugh i’m so dumb- i got jealous. i got jealous cause i’m in love with you and… and i want to be the one who dances with you like that.” natasha does not say a word. you simply continue, because of course once you’ve started you can’t stop. “i’m so in love with you nat, i- you are literally my favorite person in the world. you are so smart and funny and kind and strong and- you can totally slap me and never talk to me again but if this is the last time we’re gonna speak i want you to know that- that i love you with my whole heart and i will always love you.” for the first time since you’ve met her, natasha romanoff is speechless. you don’t know if it’s because she’s desperately in love with you too or she’s simply thinking of different ways to kill you and get rid of your body. you really hope it’s the former. “um- could you- could you say something, please?” she blinks but still, nothing. god, you broke her. “nat- i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have-“ and she’s kissing you. natasha’s lips are on yours and you’re in heaven. or something above heaven because this is simply too perfect, too beautiful. she moves against you, softly, so softly, as if she’s afraid to hurt you. your arms are glued to your body and hers are too. almost as if you were scared to break the spell if you touched each other. the kiss is gentle, sweet, but it sends a shock through your body. you’ve never felt like that. kissing was simply not that interesting to you, but now you understand why people in romantic movies do it so often. natasha’s kiss is healing every broken bone inside your body, it’s like a cure, fixing, mending. but unfortunately, it ends all too soon. when she pulls away you let out a soft whine and she chuckles, almost making fun of you. you lay your forehead on hers and you both breathe in deeply. then, you open your eyes to find that she’s already looking at you.
“so, does this mean you love me too?”
“oh no, that was a platonic kiss.”
“natasha!” you whine and she shuts you up by placing another kiss on your lips.
“of course i love you detka. i’ve loved you for so long.”
“i wasn’t even sure if you liked girls.” you tell her as you lift your hand and caress her face.
“i wasn’t either but then…”
“then…” you raise your eyebrows.
“this beautiful girl showed up in my life and i couldn’t help but fall in love with her.” your heart takes a leap and you have to bite your lip to stop yourself from grinning like a maniac.
“what an amazing girl.” you tell her.
“the best.”
“i love you.” you kiss her again. “i’m so happy i think i’m gonna vomit rainbows.” natasha lets out a laugh.
“don’t vomit on me or i’m kicking your ass.” you pout at her.
“you wouldn’t.” she looks at you, serious for a moment. then, she breaks into a smile.
“i wouldn’t.” you laugh breathily and purse your lips.
“i can’t believe i started this whole confession by saying i hate men.” the redhead laughs.
“i can’t believe you said that either.”
“hey!” her shoulders shake as she laughs. she looks so angelic when she’s happy. you sigh softly, dreamily. you might hate men, but you sure as hell don’t hate natasha romanoff.
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whyse7vn · 8 months
[ot7 x reader]
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8 participants - 8 online
jin: just googled what champagne confetti means and wtf????
jimin: the fact that you had to google that 💀
namjoon: it’s been how long since the song came out?
y/n: wow jin ur really old as hell
jin: IM NOT
hobi: bro had to google champagne confetti 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
jin: A LOT of people don’t know what that means
tae: a lot of old people 💀💀💀
jin: can you stop with the skulls
jimin: 💀💀💀💀
jin: i bet jungkook doesn’t even know what that means
jk: i do
why would i say it if i didn’t know it stupid
hobi: jungkook just called u stupid 💀
jin: bye
y/n: i’m turning evil
hobi: yesss feminism 💞💞
jin: how?
y/n: i just am
stay out of women’s business
jk: no guys it’s true she didn’t make me breakfast today 😰😰😰😰😰
yoongi: are you 5? why does she make u breakfast
jk: love
you wouldn’t get it
tae: i love an evil woman
they get me going
if you know what i mean
wink wink
y/n tell them what me you and namjoon did yesterday lol
namjoon: shut up
y/n: if you keep talking i’m going to block
tae: baby 💔
she doesn’t mean that guys
jimin: what did you guys do?
y/n: nothing important
hobi: i’ve decided that enhypen are my biggest enemies in life
jk: i love jikjin ❤️
namjoon: that was treasure
jk: no
namjoon: ok
jimin: what did enhypen do to you
hobi: exist
i’m not fucking with them
the vibes are off
and there are too many australians
y/n: isn’t it jake the only australian one?
yoongi: why do you know his name
y/n: because i’m nice and remember people’s names
hobi: i’ll literally kill jake like wdym oh naur??? like only i can say that
fucking bitch
i hate him
jimin: wow ok
namjoon: hoseok be the bigger person here they are kids
hobi: i’m skinny
bigger person?? absolutely not!
jimin: he kinda real for that idk
y/n: LMAO
jin: i’m saying fuck enhypen AND newjeans
hobi: literally
y/n: haters
jin: ha
jimin: what’s funny?
jin: 😚
jimin: i literally agreed with you idk why ur trying to fight me rn
jin: i didn’t even say anything
jimin: you didn’t have to
namjoon: ok both of you stop
jk: what if i was a giant meatball
yoongi: that’s nasty
tae: no cuz i get it
are you the meatball or is the meatball you
if you know what i mean
jk: i know
tae: no bro
we know
yoongi: ur sick
both of you are extremely sick
hobi: wish enhypen was sick
with the plague or something
y/n: that’s not nice :(
hobi: i would say i’m sorry
but i’m not
and i don’t lie
i just don’t
jk: guys can we cook rocks
y/n: no
jk: why not
y/n: they are rocks
jk: ok but have you tried
y/n: shut up
jk: yes
hobi: i could so play alexander hamilton
jimin: isn’t that the guy who drives the fast car?
jk: the fast and furious man?
tae: vin diesel????
yoongi: lewis hamilton you fucking idiots
hobi: i’m talking about the founding father
jk: what did ur father find???
namjoon: isn’t that an american thing?
jimin: finding fathers?
y/n: i can find mine
jin: so can i
and last time i’m checked i’m not american
tae: does america think koreans are fatherless?
yoongi: you act like u are don’t blame them tbh
hobi: no guys don’t you know the musical??
jin: about fatherless koreans?
jk: or the car man?
i thought that was a normal movie
did i miss the singing part???
y/n: omg didn’t jimin do a song for fast and furious??
jimin: OMG I DID
namjoon: wait i’m confused
hobi: lin-manuel miranda???
tae: wtf is that
jin: a sauce?
y/n: is that not the lip bite guy
hobi: YES
yoongi: give up hoseok
hobi: i have faith in them
yoongi: don’t
hobi: ur right…
jimin: anyways
tae: thinking hard rn
namjoon: i’m impressed
tae: thank you its the first time i’ve ever done this
i’m fucking with it lowkey
yoongi: go away
tae: can someone ask me what i’m thinking about
jimin: no
tae: since you asked i’ve got a really important question
jk: i’ll answer
tae: no you won’t
hobi: y/n do you want cookies?
jin: can i have some
hobi: no
jin: :/
tae: y/n
y/n: what
jk: 😍
tae: fuck marry kill
like out of us
this shouldn’t be hard
y/n: ur right it’s not
fuck jin marry hobi kill jimin
tae: just fell to my knees
jimin: kinkyyyy
hobi: 🥺
jin: real!!!!!!!
jk: wait what
yoongi: lol
tae: clutching my chest
namjoon: would you all get a grip
tae: i have a grip on my heart
i’m having a heart attack
it’s fading to black
help me
beep beep beeeeeeeeeeeppp
(i’m dead)
yoongi: thank god
jk: y/n you can kill me yk?
won’t even be mad i swear
like fr
as long as ur thinking of me ha
y/n: but i picked jimin to kill
jk: oh lmao yeah!
you picked jimin
silly me lol
ur right lol
jin: you wanna fuck rn lol?
yoongi: shut up
jin: ur mad
yoongi: i’m not
it’s just a stupid game 😂
i could throw up
someone kick him
jimin: when you kill me can you do it by strangling me
i feel like that would be the best way to go
namjoon: gross?
hobi: i think we should have a spring wedding that would be SAURRRR cute
y/n: NAURRRR ur so right
jk: ha ha
jimin: wow he’s insane
jk: i could die better than you
i would die instantly
i wouldn’t fight back
i wouldn’t struggle
i would just die
jimin: the struggling is the best part
namjoon: stop
yoongi: fucking freaks
tae: she’s in love with me i know it
y/n: did you not just have a heart attack?
tae: can you kiss me like yesterday
y/n: absolutely not!
tae: wow u want me so fucking bad
jin: yesterday?
jimin: let’s a have threesome
hobi: bro can’t count
jimin: no
i just don’t vibe with jin fr
jin: ur such a hater it’s crazy this is why she’s killing you
and fucking ME
jk: LOL
y/n: guys can we talk about rn gojo pls I’m feeling sentimental
namjoon: who is that?
y/n: sighs looks out window
yoongi: don’t let her start
y/n: gojo was a hero to many a enemy to some a teacher to a few but to me
to me gojo was everything
jin: already don’t care can you come over lol
y/n: you want an in person gojo explanation???
jin: if that is what people are calling head now absolutely!!!!!!!!!!!!
y/n: jin i could cry
i’ll be there 😭🙏🏽
tae: me and joon are here
well like more me than joon but he can come if you want
i’m here babe
don’t go to jin
jimin: wtf are you talking about 💀
jk: she didn’t even kill me guys
she didn’t even kill me….
hobi: she married me
jimin: ur clearly not on her mind bro
jk: no ur right
why would i even be on her mind anyways
i’m just a stupid idiot that no one loves
or wants to kill
y/n: get a grip
jk: grip gotten
yoongi: ur all dumb as hell
y/n: don’t be mad i didn’t pick you
yoongi: i’m not
jimin: iM nOt
yoongi: she literally killed you stfu
jimin: so?? at least i was on her mind
tae: ok but be fr did you forget how to spell my name y/n be honest
tae: my name is tae
y/n: i know!
jk: i thought it was taehyung?
jk: i’m sorry ur right
no one loves me
hit me in the head with a shovel
tae: ok LOOOOLLL but out of the remaining people who would you fuck?
y/n: joonie 🙏🏽
yoongi: u think ur so funny
y/n: ?
sorry for speaking my truth
jin: literally
tae: NAMJOON FR????
and you pick the man that basically sat behind you the whole time
jin: wait
namjoon: taehyung
jin: waittttttttttttttttttttt
y/n: let’s not wait actually
jk: y/n are you sure you don’t want to kill me
jimin: shut the hell up
i hate life
you want me so bad
i know it
tae left “GOLDEN OUT SOON”
yoongi: wtf
jimin: wow
hobi: didn’t know it was that srs
jin: i have a theory
namjoon: you don’t
jin: no i definitely do
y/n: shut the fuck up
jin: wow u guys are nasty
yoongi: ????
jk: y/n did you change ur mind?
jimin kicked jk from “ GOLDEN OUT SOON”
tags: @piw6n @jvmisvu @birdie-vhs @kooksmilitarywife @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @indigobsessed @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @leleluvsbts @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @yojaschill @k4ngelz @junghoseokshusband
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
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★ tags ;; fem!reader (reader wears a skirt and generally performs femininity), friends to lovers, aged-up characters, professional athlete isagi, loss of virginity, sexually inexperienced isagi x sexually experienced reader, handjobs, oral (f!recieving) (isagi gets a dick kiss tho), themes of guilt kinda, unprotected sex / creampies, reader is sexually confident. little to no prep for penetration. an i love you and a single petname in there.
★ wc ;; 11.5k (im so...)
★ summary ;; you notice early on that isagi is always holding back something. the deeper into your relationship you go, the more you wish he'd let loose.
★ a/n ;; PLEASE READ BLUELOCK PLEASE. i love you isagi yoichi. pls let me have ur viriginity babies. title from the song pears by weston estate!
also, the little art exhibit is inspired by a real thing, the white gallery installation by studio 400
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It was impossible to not know Isagi Yoichi. 
After the existence of BlueLock was released to the public and demonstrated on national T.V. - the enigma of Isagi Yoichi bloomed like a flower to sports fans everywhere. With the looks of an average Japanese teenager but the eyes of a demon - he quietly proclaimed only one thing. 
“We will—no, that’s not quite right. I will lead Japan to victory in the U20 World Cup.” 
Post the incredible defeat of the Japanese U20 by Bluelock, Bluelock itself launched into reality TV and challenged U20 teams across the globe in order to hone their members' talents. In addition to the rigorous training and plenty of conflicts were a group of players informed only by their ego. A withstanding hunger to win, unlike anything the country had seen before. 
Isagi Yoichi became the face of that ego. In less than a year, he fulfilled his promise at the U20 World Cup and landed a final crushing blow - putting Japan at the face of soccer for the first time in decades. 
Of course, he wasn’t the only one. Despite Bluelocks philosophy, soccer is a team sport meaning there’s more than one face worthy of note. All of the players were talented with an almost equal spotlight in media and often took to interviewing together for the sake of publicity. It’d take an idiot not to notice that the Bluelock players were a cut above the rest though. 
Whatever happened before the reality show set air created players unlike anything you’ve ever seen. As someone who only considers yourself a casual soccer fan at best, your own interest in Bluelock came as something of a surprise. 
For better or for worse, you saw Yoichi Isagi everywhere. On the labels of sports drinks, on cardboard cutouts in front of equipment shops, on posters in bars, or on your kid brother's bedroom walls. 
Through his media presence, you often felt he was unreadable. Likable, awkwardly charismatic, sometimes even playful. 
But there was always something else there. In the way he spoke about soccer or about becoming the greatest striker in the world. You thought everyone got the same vibe. 
But whenever you asked, “Hey, don’t you think that guys…kinda weird?” 
You were met with the same dismissive laugh. Aren’t all celebrities weird? or Isagi’s the most normal on his team, though. 
It always left you doubtful. Maybe you were misreading it after all. He did seem nice. Him being weird didn’t mean he was bad, but there was just something about him that you couldn’t get your mind off of.
It wasn’t about his play style or even related to soccer. There’s already plenty of analysis on that. In terms of game intelligence, he’s ranked exceptionally high. Fantastic spatial awareness. Average build and height but incredible stamina in order to be up to standard. But whatever you felt when you watched him couldn’t really be summed up by any of that, because there was often no reason to look at him above the rest. 
It felt like a clever trick of the universe that you’d end up encountering him in the wild. That you’d go so far as to have him as your boyfriend and that you actually like him. 
It was only because of that you could assert it so firmly, he’s a freak of nature among all else. A perfect fit for the demons on the Japanese National Team, a perfect descendant of Bluelock. 
The first time you met Isagi wasn’t worthy of note. Your first truly important memory together was his confession to you, months later. 
It happens in a tunnel in Shinjuku. A place you wouldn’t normally find yourself in. It’s not often you travel to Tokyo. You’re only here because you came to watch Isagi’s game, and Isagi told you Shinjuku is a fun place to explore. 
He goes where the wind takes him, and you follow him in earnest. He said he found this place a little earlier with Bachira. The deeper you go, the darker it gets - and as a consolation, he tugs you along by your sleeve so you don’t get lost. 
Somehow, after threading through different streets, you stop at what looks like an abandoned tunnel. There’s a little more light down here, but you can tell it’s not really a place where you should be trespassing. He seems non-plussed, a familiar smile on his face that has you following him anyway. You listen when he tells you to watch your step. 
The sun hasn’t set completely, the world painted in a vibrant shade of blue. It’s cold, the early Autumn season has you tucking your chin into your hoodie to keep warm. 
But you get down to where Isagi wants to show you. A place full of concrete and overgrown leaves that could only exist somewhere like Shinjuku. It’s dark, but all the lights of the streets pour down through different cracks. Just enough that you can still see Isagi’s face illuminated in it, something that makes your stomach twist. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you smile when he turns back to look at you. 
“It’s in here,” He says, excitement bursting in his voice “Come on,”
You follow him into a tunnel, the walls around you both in a circular arch. You can’t see anything like that. But Isagi comes to your rescue, phone in hand. He turns the flashlight on as high as it can go. 
All over the walls is artwork. Graffiti art, but art all the same. Particularly, flowers. They’re beautiful and vibrant, strangely detailed for street art - colored in bright shades of fuchsia, purple, yellow, and green. Everything is outlined in black, and there are tags hidden between leaves and in the empty space.
It’s beautiful. Beautiful in the way you find things beautiful, the messy coloring and hard lines. Done in a style Isagi knows you like, his flashlight shining up to give you a better view. With your jaw agape, you nearly forget who’s next to you until you hear his footsteps echo behind you. 
His presence is comforting. A familiar but unfamiliar person, when you look back you can see him looking at you. 
“It’s nice, right? Seemed like something you’d like,” 
“We’re trespassing,” You say first, drowned by an emotion you can’t name “You’re a big-time athlete and we’re trespassing in a tunnel so you can show me art you thought I’d like. Ridiculous,” 
Isagi shrugs sheepishly.
“We’ll be fine. You like it?” 
He’s unbelievable. 
“Of course I like it,” 
“Nice. I knew you would.” 
There’s a brief, silent moment where you’re too overwhelmed to say anything nice. You kind of want to shake the guy by the shoulders, to say something about how you’ve spent the last few months spending frivolous amounts of time with him. You want to say a lot of things. That he’s sincerely a weird guy, and you think he should cut his hair soon, and that you still have the piece of paper he wrote his number down on from those months ago. 
But nothing really comes out as you stare at him and he stares back at you. His eyes are deep and blue but shiny. Visible even in the darkness, you let your gaze linger on his face. 
“I’m glad Bachira forced me to give you my number,” He says, all at once.
“So that’s what happened,” You say with a laugh, hands in your pockets “That’s why the numbers are so shaky. Were you nervous?” 
“Yeah,” He says honestly “I couldn’t remember the last time I even interacted with a girl. I didn’t even have friends who were girls in high school.” 
“Did girls scare you?” 
“Ah, a little.” 
“Do I scare you?” You ask, cheeky. Interested because even until now, you can’t tell how Isagi really sees you. 
“You don’t scare me,” He concludes, head in the clouds. He glances down at you “But uh, I guess it’s weird.” 
You give him a look, curious for his explanation. 
“Hm. It’s like soccer.” 
“Don’t compare me to soccer, jackass.” 
“I don’t have anything else to compare it to,” He says defensively, pushing his bangs back but not refuting you “It’s not that I’m scared of you. It’s a me thing.” 
“I’ll let you use soccer to explain just this once,” 
“Uh… it’s still pretty hard. I guess it’s just intense,” 
“What is?” 
“Liking you,” He says easily, before catching himself and having his eyes widen. You freeze, then grin. 
He covers a face with his hand. He’s so embarrassed he’s pink, but it suits him. You feel your heart do a nasty flutter. No matter how smug you pretend to be, seeing him like that leaves you nervous too. 
“It was supposed to be a lot cooler than that,” He admits halfway through a sigh. You giggle. 
“Is that why you brought me here?” 
He looks away and you laugh. 
“Mm, fine. No prying. Finish your thought first.” 
“It probably wouldn’t make any sense unless you were in my head. But sometimes it’s like—I didn’t know I was capable of something like that until it happens.” 
“You thought you’d never have a girlfriend?” 
“I thought it would feel different than how it does,” He tells you, looking at your face “I thought liking someone would be less complicated I guess,” 
“Why would it be complicated, though?” 
“I always thought it’d make me nicer,” 
It’s a sentence you feel in your whole body He’s like this sometimes. Not normally around you. On the field, you see it all the time. Moments where he becomes unreachable, that look in his eyes that you can spot from miles away - intensely focused and oddly serious. You know Isagi is the best, believe his word about being the best striker in the world. 
The emotion behind that makes him strange.
“It didn’t make you nicer?” 
He tilts his head to one side. For the first time, he’s really looking at you. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him this way. He’s sweet already. Nice, already. He’s gentler than every other athlete guy you’ve ever met, uncharacteristically kind. His other qualities are limited to when he’s playing. 
Right now, he’s looking at you and only you. And he’s right, it doesn’t seem very nice. 
“I really thought it would.”
He doesn’t offer you any more explanation than that before he goes back to his normal self. His expression softens and his eyes open up and he’s back to looking all friendly again. You’re not mad at that, of course not. But your curiosity remains, and you leave the door open for whenever you see that again. 
“...You like me back right?” 
You smile to yourself. He’s really, really something else. You reach your hand out and only grab his pinky finger to hold. His hands are bigger than you thought they’d be but warm all the same. His eyes widen as he looks between you, your heart thudding in your chest. 
“What if I said no?” 
“I’d never come back to Japan,” He says seriously. 
“Shut up. You better come see your girlfriend.” 
“Nice,” He says, pushing a breath out of his lungs he’d been holding “I can’t believe I got a girlfriend before Kunigami.” 
“You’re so stupid.” 
“It’s cause I didn’t finish high school,” 
Long distance with Isagi isn’t as bad as you thought it’d be. Of course, it’d be better to see him in person. It’s just that he texts you so often it doesn’t feel like you’re that far apart. 
You like opening your phone to his flood of text messages. It’s always the same with him. Pictures of whatever he’s eating that day, sleeping teammates, and sweaty post-workout pictures that are definitely thirst traps but probably not on purpose. 
Your relationship feels like a friendship but not in a bad way. Just that Isagi has a strangely innocent way of approaching you, that always reads like a guy who’s never been in a relationship before. 
You know for a fact Isagi is not innocent, mostly because you knew him before you were dating. Before you were even crushing each other in which a raunchy joke left his mouth, dirty to the point you had to smack him for indecency. You know he’s not innocent because he doesn’t even bat an eye when Shidou is going on and on about having sex with a goalpost or whatever he’s talking about. 
But Isagi treats you like he’s an angel. Exceptionally polite, and exceptionally clean. Even when you tease him he’s censoring himself, diverting the conversation but not in a way that offends you. 
Sometimes you catch him looking. That’s the reason it doesn’t bother you mostly. Sometimes, and just sometimes - you see him stare at you. Shirts that make your chest stick out, or shorts that ride too high on your legs. It’s hardly on purpose, but it happens. Isagi will call you before you get ready to run errands and in the process of getting dressed, he sees a sliver of skin he’s not really supposed to see. 
Even through a screen and phone speakers, you can hear the soft hitch of his breath. When you’re both supposed to be doing your own thing, you’ll turn to see his eyes fixed on you when he thinks you’re looking away. 
You always look away quick enough that he can keep staring. He’s a bit of a voyeur, you learn.  
Today, your facetime call is more innocent than that. It’s about 2 weeks out before Isagi returns to Japan with the intent to stay there. Only 2 more weeks of long-distance until he’s home for good and you get to experience normal relationship stuff. 
He’s set up on your counter while you make dinner. He looks tired but he insisted on calling. In a hotel room, he’s laying back in a sea of white sheets. His dark hair mussed on his pillowcase, blue eyes lidded. 
“What’re you making?” He asks, voice thick with exhaustion. You glance at him, using your knife to smash the clove of garlic down on the cutting board. 
“Chili garlic noodles,” You say simply. He groans. 
“Ah…it sounds good. Our nutrition coach is so strict,” He whines, laying on his stomach “I want to eat meat,” 
“I’ll grill you some when you get home,” You say smoothly. 
“Promise?” He mumbles. You chuckle, looking at him for a minute. 
“Yes, I promise. Come home soon.” 
He rubs his cheek into his pillow, frowning. 
“Soon, soon,” He repeats softly, then a little quieter “...I miss you.” 
This comes as a surprise. You give him a look, a shade of pink running up his back to the tips of his ears. You giggle. 
“That’s the sappiest thing you’ve said for the last 6 months,” 
“...Ah, seriously?” 
“It definitely is,” You say without looking up, chopping the garlic fine carefully “No one would guess we’re dating if they heard us talk.” 
“It’s not on purpose, it’s just—well. I don’t know, ‘s kinda embarrassing.” 
“You’re a perfect gentleman though, Isagi. Don’t fret,” 
“That makes me feel way worse,” He complains lightly. This makes you laugh for so long you have to put down your knife just to hold your stomach. When you’re done, he’s smiling at you. He’s so handsome it catches you off-guard. 
“You’re surprisingly timid. When I watch you play, you seem like a completely different person..” 
“...You watch me play?” 
“I liked you as a player before we started dating, stupid.” 
This catches his interest, ears perking up. 
“...So what do you think of me as a player?” 
You pour the chopped garlic into the bowl with the chili and other ingredients, turning the stove on to heat oil to pour on top of it. He stares at you wide-eyed. 
“You’re basically a genius as a player. You’re a really good striker, and your physicality has improved a lot since you’ve been on the national team but your predictions set you apart from the rest.” You say without thinking much of it. It’s not intended to be a compliment, but an evaluation. Isagi really is just that good “I think you’ll become the best and I like seeing you play.” 
After that, he’s silent for a while. When you notice, you finally look up from your task to see him grinning from ear to ear. 
“Ah… I’m so happy. What do I do? I could die happy right now.” 
“Thank you, you’re the best. Ahhh… I have to become the best for real. I mean I had to before, but now I really have to.” 
Before you get a chance to interject, a chorus of noise comes from the other side of the line. Your eyes snap up to where you find Isagi whose expression has immediately faltered. You don’t speak as you watch him sit up, face twisted into a look of apology. You give him a sweet smile that makes him relax a little.
There’s too much conversation for you to hear what they’re saying, seems like they’re just talking about their schedule. You tune out for the time being. Or you try too.
“Woah, woah—Isagi you’re talking to your girlfriend aren’t you?” A voice pipes up. A voice you know as Bachira. You’ve only ever spoken to him twice.
Isagi is always weird about letting you meet his teammates. You can’t pinpoint a reason for why, but you respect it either way. Of them though, he does sometimes let Bachira talk to you after a bit of pestering before shoving him away. 
Before you know what’s happening, you see a bunch of chaos on screen like you’re being snatched out of Isagi’s hand. You can hear his voice in the back, suddenly fainter. It sounds like he’s cussing but the other noise drowns him out. 
You end up in Bachira’s hands. Next to him is Chigiri, Nagi, Gagamaru and Rin. You know them as team members, but you’ve never officially met them as  Isagi’s girlfriend. Put on the spot, you give them a polite bow as they stare at you. 
“Uh,” You say awkwardly, raising your hand up to wave “Nice to meet you. I’m Y/N. And  hi again, Bachira.” 
“Hehe, hi!” 
“Nice to meet you,” Chigiri says first. Nagi follows with a polite wave, as does Gagamaru. Rin gives you a nod but doesn’t say a word aside from that. 
“So you’re Isagi’s girlfriend huh,” Nagi starts, looking at you curiously “I thought he was making it up.” 
“Right,”  Chigiri confirms, giving you a once over. You feel awkward “Isagi is pretty private about it.” 
This catches your interest. 
“Isagi is?” 
“We’ve never even seen a picture of you until just now,” Gagamaru confirms. You can’t contain your surprise. 
“Oh. Huh.” 
“Do you know us, though?” 
“Oh, uh, yeah. As players though, not as Isagi’s friends.” 
“...You’re a fan?” The ever silent Rin says. It startles a little before you smile, sheepishly rubbing the back of your neck. 
“I am. Have been since your game with the U20 league couple of years ago. Was really excited to see everyone together as major players on the national team. And congrats on your recent win against the Belgium National Team!” You say cheerily. 
Surprisingly all of them get a little embarrassed, aside from Nagi who seems a little smug about the whole thing. They all give their thanks, once again other than Rin. 
“I see why Isagi was trying to hide you,” Chigiri says first. You tilt your head in confusion. 
“Isagi is so stingy,” Bachira says, nodding his head. You have no idea what they’re on about so you simply say nothing and keep constructing your dinner. 
Before you can say anymore, you’re once again snatched from somebodies hands. This time though, you can hear your boyfriend speaking. His hand is cupped over the speaker so it’s muffled, but you can hear him faintly. He sounds like he’s cursing them over something. You can’t tell what. 
When you turn to see his face, he looks agitated. Just barely there, but there still. You stand still as he walks off somewhere else, the noise of his teammate dying out as he goes into some room. You have no idea where but there’s, at the very least, a bit more privacy in it. 
“Ah,” You say, as he comes into camera view again “Hi,” 
He has that look on his face. The one you can’t really name, that’s oddly intense for a reason you don’t understand. It relaxes a little when he focuses on you, just barely. You give him a warm smile, leaning on your counter. 
“Sorry about them.” He says seriously. 
“Don’t be. They seem nice and I have to meet your friends eventually.” 
“Ignore them, seriously. They’re dumbasses.” 
It’s rare to hear him speak so crassly. You can feel the odd energy around him, surrounding him like a cloud of smoke. You should probably tell him it’s fine, but your curiosity is peaked by his reaction. Like poking a sleeping bear, you’re fascinated by an angry Isagi. It’d be good if he could be more honest with his feelings. 
“They thought you were lying about me. Apparently, they didn’t even know what I looked like.” 
“It’s not really their business.” 
Interesting. You think Isagi is interesting at times like this. 
“I didn’t know you were territorial, Isagi.” 
You intend to say it as a joke, but a single look at him confirms it. Isagi is just so nice it's hard to believe. Instead of replying, he sighs.
“I miss you,”
“Mhm. I miss my boyfriend too, very much.” 
He relaxes, his threatening aura disappearing just slightly. 
“Your who?” 
“My boyfriend, Yoichi Isagi. Best striker in the world and smartest player ever, do you know him?” 
Isagi grins before giggling, face going flush again. Back to his usual self. 
“Think I might.” 
Isagi came back to Japan over two months ago. So far, not much has changed in your relationship. 
The only thing is, you’re determined to make your boyfriend snap. Or at the very least, express his feeling a little more. 
You’ve found yourself doing a lot of initiating in romantic milestones. This doesn’t bother you because after you do, he normally gets more comfortable doing the same. It’s a small price to pay for consistent kisses and bolder handholding. The issue isn’t really that, but the obvious way Isagi is dodging things he clearly wants to do. 
So far you’ve only gone as far as a little making out in your single-bedroom apartment before Isagi’s excusing himself back home or to your bathroom. You’re not trying to pressure the guy but you have this sneaking suspicion the reason he’s stopping isn’t because he doesn’t want to - because on the occasion you’ll get into it, he’ll get into it too. Only after you moan does he freeze and stop altogether - pulling away like he just got soaked with cold water.
And you’ll watch him real-time turn the idea over in his head, the very obvious half mast in his pants that he keeps shifting to cover.
He’s a good, sweet guy so it’s not like you fault him for it. On paper, he’s perfect. Boyish and friendly, with nice hands and a bright smile, unafraid to express himself. He’s intuitive with your emotions - like he has a sensor built in for your different moods. He’s attentive, and his awkward bumbling when trying to be boyfriend-like adds to how much you like him rather than take away from it. 
But now that he’s back and you spend so much time together, the fact he’s holding back a little becomes more and more apparent. You’ve tried to bring it up, and he obviously catches on to what you’re trying to say but feigns ignorance every time. 
Isagi is a strange character. You’ve known that forever, and after nearly 8 months of dating - you think you know what to call it. 
Isagi, even now, doesn’t like how he wants things. 
But it’s different with soccer. You know Isagi to be a terribly unselfish person in his day-to-day life. Even if he bickers or argues with his teammates, he never gets into fights and always gives the last piece to someone else. Soccer is probably the only place he lets himself be anything else, lets himself be a little bit egotistical, or act in self-interest. It’s the exception to his rule of thumb, the lesson beat into him early. 
And you think the way Isagi is, is what’s making him hesitate. You probably can’t say it outright, that it’s fine if he wants to be a little selfish over you or claim you like a possession if he feels like it. It’s even fine if he’s desperate because you like him and anything he does is bound to excite you. So far, confrontation has proved counterproductive so there’s no use in trying again. 
Isagi responds well to pressure, so you’ve resolved yourself into giving him a little push so he gives in. 
It’s a Saturday afternoon and you’re meeting Isagi for a date in an outfit you would consider risky. You stick to your athleisure when you’re out with him because your dates with Isagi are casual - but today you’re going to an art exhibit. The perfect time to show off a little. 
You’ve got on a skirt that rides up when you walk and a top that’s revealing enough to show off parts of your body you’re not normally trying to. For you, it’s risky and you know that means it’s gonna stun your boyfriend quiet. 
No matter what happens, you’ll give Isagi a push in the right direction. 
He’s waiting for you outside of your apartment. Leaning on the decently expensive car he bought when coming back home. You always forget that he really has money, because he normally dresses and acts like he doesn’t.
He’s dressed casually as you’d expected. With a pair of loose-fitting pants and a mildly oversized Nike sweatshirt - he always looks a little soft. He got a haircut from what you can tell, hair no longer blocking his line of sight. You give him a wave as you descend down the front steps of your apartments. 
He looks up from his phone, eyes locked before they widen. Your smile brightens as you approach him. 
“Hi,” You greet, watching with a warm smile as Isagi slides his phone into his pocket. He reaches for your hand, grabbing it but not saying anything with his mouth open. 
“Oh,” He shakes his head like he’s trying to stop thinking something before he focuses back on you “Hi,” 
You giggle as he grabs both of your hands in his. You reach up to cup his face and he nuzzles against your palm before kissing it. Bemused, you stroke your thumb along his skin. 
“You all there?” 
“Yeah, you just—wow. You’re so… wow,” 
“How poetic, Isagi.”
He pouts a little. 
“You look…really nice. Uhm, like pretty and stuff,” 
You lean up to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth. 
“And you look handsome as always,” 
“Ah, jeez, really?” 
“Really, really. Your haircut looks good.”
He brightens up at the mention of it, awkwardly rubbing his neck.
“I wanted to look a little nicer. I thought about styling it but it looked kinda dumb,”
“It’d look pretty sexy pushed back, I think. I’ll help you with it next time.” 
“I think you’re pretty sexy, Isagi. I thought you knew that already?” 
When you hint at past activities, Isagi is looking away from you. Hand covering his face - he looks up at the sky with silent resolve. 
You put a deliberate hand on his chest when you kiss him properly this time. Feeling him fluster is a tiny victory, his lips are soft like he’s just put chapstick on. 
You deepen it just a little before pulling away entirely, leaving him dazed. It’s going to be a good day if it keeps going in this direction. Still, you decide you’d be better off not pushing your luck and push him away. 
“Ready to go?”
He looks annoyed, not enough that it’s obvious. And not at you. He gives you a half-hearted smile and nods. 
The art exhibit is unexpectedly fun.
 It’s one of those interactive art exhibits. You only found out after buying the tickets but it was a pleasant surprise. Isagi was probably more excited about it than you were. Surprisingly, he has a soft spot for creative stuff. 
A certifiable film buff, manga enthusiast, and genuine procurer of art - he was ecstatic as soon as you two walked into what felt more like an amusement park than an art gallery. There were several rooms and each of them had different things to mess around with. 
Interactive lights in one, a heatroom that responded to touch and body temperature depending on where you walked, and a room that could read your heartbeat and project the beat onto a heart on one of the walls. 
It felt more like playing in an adult playground than it did an exhibit. It was so fun - you were having a hard time remembering what you were supposed to be doing in the first place. 
The last room in the exhibit is full of climbable structures. You had to take your shoes off before going in. Starting from the center of the room out were large white structures, like a net you could climb into on a massive scale. The material it was made of was sturdy enough to hold up the weight of whoever was in it, but pliable enough that it would stretch and bounce with whatever movement happened within it. 
You’re grateful you came with Isagi to this exhibit on a day when many people weren’t around. There are only a few other people in with the two of you, so you and Isagi have been moving around to your hearts' content. 
Unsurprisingly, Isagi moves through everything with ease. Damn him and his athletic stature, he’s not even tired when you get closer to the top of the exhibit.
He offers to be behind you so you can catch up as a middle ground. You aren’t thinking anything of it when you agree to go before him. 
You dig your heel into the link above you to give yourself some solid foundation to keep moving up. Climbing up like this reminds you of the playground you used to play on when you were young. Taking a deep breath, you let out a little hup as you adjust yourself and get a good distance above. When you reach the height you want, you turn yourself around to lean into the malleable material. 
It adjusts to the shape of your body with ease. Leaning back, your eyes naturally search for Isagi. You stopped actively listening for him behind you, assuming it wouldn’t be hard for him to catch up to you. 
When you turn around, you see Isagi. But, instead of coming up to sit next to you - his head is turned to one side. You can’t see his face clearly but there’s a clear blush tone painted on the apples of his cheeks. He’s standing stiff and still, a single hand reaching for you. 
Your eyes follow the motion of his arm. His fingers pinch the very edge of your skirt, tugging down the material just slightly. You squint, leaning forward to get a closer look at him - balancing yourself so you don’t fall forward. 
“Oh, uh,” He won’t look you in the eyes. You can’t figure out why “Sorry.” 
“You feelin’ okay?”
“I’m fine.” He says too quickly. You drop down from where you are to look at him closer and he flinches back. Retracting, you frown. 
“You’re pale and sweaty. You sure you’re okay? It’s okay if you’re not feeling well. I had fun today no matter what.”
“No, no! I’m fine, I swear.” 
“Isagi,” You say, firm but sweet. You grab his hand “Let’s go home.” 
“But it’s—” 
“No buts. C’mon. I’ll invite you in, so let's go.” 
He sighs but doesn’t refute you, hand slipping gently into yours. 
Isagi has been acting weird. 
He hasn’t been able to meet your eyes since you left the art exhibit. The drive home was eerily silent aside from the radio. He did accept your invitation to watch a movie inside, but he’s been sitting on the carpet in your living room with a healthy amount of distance between you two. 
You’d understand if you spent the day messing with him, but the fun of the art exhibit practically ruined your original plans. So really, you’re completely clueless as to why your boyfriend is so stiff. 
You sigh deeply, pouring a glass of water. Placing the pitcher on your kitchen counter, you pad back into the living room to give him the cup.
“Oh,” He says, not looking up at you “Thank you.” 
This time you’re annoyed. You sit diagonal from him, one leg up with the other one laying flat, the soft furry carpet comfortable. Sighing, you press your chin to your knee. 
“What's wrong with you?” You say bluntly. Isagi snaps his head up to you. 
You give him another displeased frown. It’s a little petulant but it’s hard to reach Isagi without using tactics like this. 
“You haven’t looked at me since we left the art exhibit,” You point out. His expression drops, eyes immediately focusing on something else “And you’re being so weird right now. So what’s wrong?” 
“I’m fine.” He insists, a wobbly smile on his face. You give him a flat look. 
“Isagi Yoichi.” 
“Yes, dear?” 
That makes you laugh a little but you don’t give in. 
“Can you please just tell me why you’re acting so weird, hm? Please?” 
His expression becomes even grimmer for a minute before he readjusts. He sits criss-cross, elbows resting on knees while he clasps his hands together. He’s looking forward very seriously, and you don’t know what to expect as you watch him turn something over in his head. 
He leans back this time, pulling up the collar of his sweatshirt to cover his face a bit. 
“I saw…” He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes “I saw under your skirt earlier..” 
You squint before the realization hits you. Oh. Huh. He did pull your skirt down at the exhibit so it was probably riding up and he caught a peek. A little embarrassing, sure, but nothing of note. 
Isagi turns to look at you with wide eyes like you’ve said something unbelievable. You give him a look of confusion before giggling a little. 
“....So??” He parrots, lost.
“Yeah. So. Do you feel guilty or something?” 
He nods meekly. You grin. 
“I mean, were you peeping on purpose?” 
“No, no, of course not. I wouldn’t—” 
His panic has you full-blown giggling. When he realizes you’re not angry, he quiets down. Simply watching you, he takes a deep breath. 
“It’d be fine even if you were, so it’s whatever. Don’t be like that over something so small, I was really worried about it.” 
“It’s not small,” He says firmly. 
“Mm, really? It’s not a big deal to me though. You’re my boyfriend so you’d be the only one seeing my panties, anyway.” 
This makes Isagi choke. You watch him with an amused grin. 
“In fact, you can probably see it while I’m sitting like this too. I’m comfortable with you so I wasn’t thinking about it,” You say, teasing him slightly by spreading your legs “Even if I flashed you, you wouldn’t do anything about it, would you?” 
It’s not something he can refute so he doesn’t. You think it affected him, the slightest bit of frustration on his face. 
“It’s not like I’m not—yknow?” 
“Not what?” 
He rubs the back of his neck. 
“It’s not like I don’t… want to.”
“Oh, I know. I figured but,” You cross your legs this time, delighted by him “I know you won’t.” 
He’s silent for a while after that. You don’t want to pressure him, so you give him a warm smile. 
“It’s okay if you don’t want to. I’m sure you have your reasons and for whatever you can’t tell me, so I’m not gonna be mad.” 
He looks like he’s going to cry for a minute there but recollects himself. 
“I’m sorry.” He says lamely. 
“Don’t be. I was planning to seduce you today so in a way, my plans worked out.” 
The shock on his face has you biting back a cackle, choking on his spit. He wipes his mouth, looking at you embarrassed.
“Seduce me?” 
“Mm, I thought a little push might be good for you. But it looks like it had the opposite effect, you’re shaking like a leaf.” 
“It…that’s not true.” He folds his hands in his lap “I’ve never…done this before.” 
“I figured,” You repeat, nonplussed. You were Isagi’s first girlfriend after all “You don’t want to lose it to me, then?” 
“Not that,” He says, pulling his knees up and hugging his knees “I just… feel bad. For looking at you like that.” 
“Ah, I knew it.” You mumble “You feel bad for wanting to fuck me, don’t you?” 
He swallows something in the back of his throat, looking up. 
“It’s different.” 
“You know you’re really easy to read. It’s fine, Isagi. Whatever you want to do is fine. I like you, so it’s fine. Even if it’s gross or really perverted. If I hate something, I would just tell you.”
He looks up at you, riddled with guilt so you sigh. For his sake, you might as well put yourself out a little more. 
Instead of saying anything else, you crawl towards him on your hands and knees. His breath hitches, eyes locked on you. Adjusting so you’re in front of him, you stand on your knees and face him. He looks up at you, starry-eyed and a little afraid. 
You really just want to shake him by the shoulders, but you refrain. 
“Isagi,” You say, voice low and dripping with as much sexual desire as you can muster “Do you wanna see my panties?” 
It should be just the right push. 
His eyes snap down to your legs and thighs, where your manicured hands have the bottom of the skirt gripped in your hands. Two fingers in the tight material, you flutter your lashes at him. He looks shocked, stumbling over the right response before his hands fist at his knees. He looks down then nods hard. 
“Uh...Y-yeah. Yes, I— If that’s okay.,” 
Before he can retract too much, you pull up your skirt over the lower half of your tummy. You’re wearing a matching set, though it wasn’t with this intent. A cool wave of air hits your skin as you hold it up, giving Isagi a clear view. A pair of pretty, lacy panties are clinging to you. They’re thin and sheer, all black and snug. 
His ears are a vibrant red, hands planted at either side of him. 
“You’re looking so hard,” You tease, watching his desperate expression “You’ve never seen a girl's panties before? Or are you like this because they’re mine?” 
He flinches at the latter half of your statement. It’s nice to know he wants you, at least. 
“You like lace?” 
He nods, mesmerized. 
“You can touch,” You say encouragingly, glancing at his stiff posture “Be gentle, ‘kay?” 
His hands shake when he reaches forward. Instead of letting him go in blind, you take a free hand on his hand. The palm of his hand cups the back of your thigh. You let him do as he pleases with the other one. His breathing is so uneven it’s the only thing you can hear. His nimble fingers are hesitant as they reach forward for you. 
But he manages to touch you, a gentle finger against the edge of the fabric. He starts at your hips before traveling downward, lower and lower. He’s so tender, just like you thought he’d be. You feel your heart starting to beat fast at the feeling of his hand, the one on your thigh slowly getting tighter. 
His finger curls in before he’s so slowly touching the seam of your lace panties. Just where you can feel contact, where your pussy is. You’re aching just watching him sate his curiosity, the way he’s observing you making incredibly horny. 
He drags his knuckle down before he’s pressed right against your slit, underneath the cloth. He gasps as he feels it, a low noise slipping past your lips at the contact. 
“You’re.. I-it’s wet.” He says, a tremble in his voice. You smile. Cupping his face in your palms, you lean forward until you’re close to him. He looks so hazy for you. You press your lips to his, deep and soft as the skirt flops over his hand. He hasn’t moved at all, so you rub against his knuckle wantonly. 
“Mhm. I’m wet for you.” 
“For…for me.” He says through a wheeze. 
“Want to see your cock, Isagi.” You practically purr, turned on at his fluster. At him, in general. You hold his gaze while you say it, hand sneaking down to the front of his pants “To feel it. It’s lonely without you.” 
“Holy shit…holy shit.” 
“You wanna see it, right? Wanna see it stretch me out real nice. Don’t you wanna know how it feels?” 
“I want,” His voice is thick with lust to the point it’s unrecognizable. He buries his face against your neck. Your heartbeat thrums “I want to… do what you want.” 
“You’re thoughtful even in bed, is it? You wanna make me cum, Isagi?” 
He groans.
“Oh, please,”
“You’re so sweet. Makes me wanna take your virginity.” 
“Take whatever you want.” He says, rushed. You chuckle. 
“Even your credit cards? Your wallet?” 
“Yeah,” He says easily. 
“Stupid,” You adjust so either of your legs are on either side of Isagis's stretched legs “Kiss me,” 
“Yeah.” He repeats, a little slower. 
This much is familiar to you both. Isagi has gotten good at kissing. Though he normally holds himself back, keeping his hands steady. You wrap your arms around his neck, pressing your body up to his purposefully. Isagi makes a noise of approval as he feels your chest press to his. He hesitates only briefly as he sneaks a hand on your thigh, just above your knee. 
His kisses are warm and familiar.  Your hands tangle in his hair as you urge for him a little deeper, soft locks between your fingers. He likes when you tug at his scalp. His slow nipping kisses deepen until you’re breathing him in.
“Isagi,” You break away, out of breath “Stick your tongue out.” 
He obliges easily. Before he has a chance to question it, you grab his face in your hands again and mirror him. The sudden contact makes his grip on you tighten before he melts into it. Tongue kissing him slow, he finds rhythm with you. You kiss like that for a while, spit and tongue and teeth. Kissing like that is turning you on, so you press your weight down on his body for more contact. 
He’s surprised when he feels you. His eyes open to look at you, but you don’t want to stop kissing him so you leave it. Instead, you hold his gaze as you rub your clothed cunt over the hard-on in his pants. Normally even getting this far is some sort of miracle. 
But right now, Isagi isn’t stopping you at all. It’s a success in your eyes. You can feel him respond to each of your slow grinds. Dragging your hips back and forth, Isagi’s eyes are lidded when he watches you. 
“Mm,” You go harder, your clothed clit catching on the tip of his cock. You can feel how the fabric is soaking underneath you “Isagi. I wanna know how you feel.” 
He pulls back in a pant, eyes closed. His forehead drops onto your shoulder with a soft thud. 
“Feels so good,” He slurs, speechless. He’s so cute. 
“You like when I grind on you?” 
“It’s making me so hard.” He says, voice going high. 
“What do you want, Isagi?” 
“See,” He mumbles, twitching under you “Wanna see.” 
Without another word, you pull back from him. Giving him a pleasant smile, you slip your top off of your body and let it fall to the floor. Isagi’s eyes grow the size of saucers, swallowing. 
“Oh my god.” 
You stand to your feet, hand on his shoulder to keep him sitting. Infront of him, you strip your skirt as slowly as you can manage. You’re only left in your lingerie and your socks. Isagi is looking up at you like you’re the sun. The exposure of your body has never made you shy, but the look on Isagi’s face is really giving you a run for your money. 
“Take your shirt off,” 
Isagi widens his eyes before breaking out into another blush. Ultimately he does what you ask. You watch the sweatshirt peel off of his body while he’s still seated underneath you. You forget how strong he is until he’s naked like that. He’s toned.  
He keeps looking up at you from where he’s sat. You give him a glance.
“Do what you want Isagi.” You encourage. His brow furrows momentarily before he finds himself kneeling underneath you. You aren’t sure what to make of the position. Isagi’s hands hover over your body. Holding your waist, he rubs his cheek against your stomach before kissing it. You play with his hair. When he looks up, his eyes are full of desire. 
“You don’t feel real.” He says in a mumble. 
“I’m very real.” 
He looks up at you. Eyes rimmed with hunger, hands holding you’ll fall away. Even still, he’s looking for permission. That conflict that he feels every single time he wants something. 
“Tell me if you want to stop.” He says, masking the tremble in his voice. You smile. 
“Then,” He looks at you seriously “Can we go to your room?” 
You nod, reaching your hand out for him to take, he follows you to your bedroom. On the opposite side of the room, you shut the door behind you. Instead of asking him where he wants you- you flop onto the bed and open your arms. 
“C’mere.” You say. He widens his eyes but does as you say, hovering above you. His arms rest on either side of your head. Warmth radiates off his body, hands hesitantly touching your face. He rests his face against your chest. 
“We’re really gonna have sex,” He mumbles, with a flush. You can’t contain your laugh. 
“You’re still like this, huh.” 
“Of course I am,” He kisses you this time, in between his nerves with just a little more confidence than before “I get to… with you. Wow.” 
“Touch me.” You all but demand. Isagi does an obedient little nod before he steels himself. His palms travel slowly downwards, drifting touches until he’s at your chest. He takes in a deep breath as he cups them over the lacy material. You can feel your nipples harden under the touch, and he must too because he lets out a little sound of surprise. He looks up at you for assurance,
You merely smile at him. 
He keeps going, little by little familiarizing himself with your body. Distracted and clumsily, with no real expertise. Every now and again, he’ll catch himself drifting. He presses kisses to your neck and chest while he gropes you thoroughly and curiously. Isagi endears you at every turn. You’re no stranger to it but seeing him like this reminds you of how much. 
You put your hand on top of his so he can squeeze tighter. He gasps a little but repeats after you, squeezing. You don’t have to ask him to touch you directly, a pleasant surprise. He doesn’t take off your bra nor does he fumble with it. He pulls the cups down until your tits spill. Every time you think he’ll stop being shocked, he gets red in the face and proves you wrong. 
The cold air to your exposed chest makes your back arch slightly. You adjust so you can take your bra off completely, letting the strap slip over your shoulder. When it comes loose, Isagi pauses so you can toss it somewhere. 
His eyes are so glued on your tits you can’t help but feel a little shy.
“Isagi,” It comes out a little whiny “Touch me,” You assert again. 
“I can do what I want, right?” 
You nod. 
To your surprise, he trails kisses down your sternum. In between your tits, licking softly and biting even softer. You have no idea what he’s thinking, but you think he probably read up about it somewhere. The thought makes your stomach twist. Your sweet boyfriend away for months, reading up on how to please you. It’s something he’d do. Knowing that makes your teeth ache, like over-indulging on sugar. 
His mouth closes around your nipple and a shockwave rolls through your whole body. A dull throb starts between your legs as Isagi focuses on just one. You bring his hand to your other one. 
“Like this,” You say, showing him “Gently,” 
He listens to your instruction well. A soft wave of pleasure settles over you as Isagi uses his mouth and hands to his heart's content. Mouth latched on your nipples, sucking slightly.
Isagi learns quickly, you realize. He tries something new and waits for your reactions and doesn’t push. He’s gentle but puts more pressure on if he thinks he’s losing you, focused on you and only you. 
You moan for him. It feels good. 
“Aah, Isagi.”
He pulls himself off slightly, eyes peaking up at you with a sense of satisfaction. Your skin is start to prick with that familiar desire, pooling in your gut. It’s vicious. He makes your head feel heavy with sin. You want to claim him unabashedly, a little eager to take something as precious as his first time. A flower you want to crush in your palm or snow packed under your feet - you take pleasure in breaking him down little by little. Delicate but yours to handle, you and Isagi have odd synergy. 
 Isagi becomes your center of gravity, your body pulled into him and his natural enigma. You want him and he wants you. That balance leaves your toes curling.
Desire drapes over your shoulders and weighs you. He’s pretty. Strong and toned muscles for his upper arms, a body built for athleticism. His hair is mussed in his face, sweat sticking slightly to his skin. 
Before you can regain your sense, your hand is creeping towards his waistband. He stares at you as your eyelids droop, undoing the zipper of his pants and pulling them down. You lock eyes as you slide them down as far as you can reach.
His legs are so much stronger than you were expecting, thick and sturdy as you pull them down past his legs. Your eyes settle on the tent on his pants, wrapping your palm around his cock through the fabric. He hisses hard at that, shuddering. 
“Fuck,” He grits, face twisted “Y-your hand.” 
“Isagi. Stand on your knees for me,” 
He looks confused for a minute, but eventually gets a hint. You prop yourself up on some pillows, urging Isagi forward until his bulge is closer to your face. Once he realizes the position he’s in, almost over your chest - his knees almost buckle. You can see him biting the inside of his cheek as you dip into his waistband. 
You pull his briefs of slow, cock hanging heavy. Isagi is thick with a hard curve left. The tip is shiny and wet, pre-cum leaking from it slow. Your heart pounds against your ribs, instinctively staring hard. Isagi is holding his breath.
You blow on it teasingly, watching him squirm. He’s so sensitive. You crane your neck up, pressing a wet kiss on the frenulum with purpose. His throat closes, air coming out in a choked moan. 
“Oh my god,” 
“Can I use my mouth?” You ask. He shakes his head no instantly.  
“I’ll cum f-for sure. Please don’t, don’t.” 
You chuckle at his insistence. 
“Okay, okay. My hand okay?” 
“Yeah, please.” 
You make a show of covering your hand with spit. Sticking your tongue out until they’re soaked and letting it drip down, sticky into your palm. Isagi looks like he’s going to fall out at any minute. You wrap your hands at the base of his shaft, slowly dragging your first until you’re cupped around the tip. He’s slick in your hands. You jerk him off slowly, not trying to overwhelm him. 
Isagi is a mess over you. He looks good. Sweat is beading down his chest, falling down his body. His head is tipped back, mouth open as he tries to figure out what to do with his hands. He’s throbbing so hard in your palms. It’d make you feel guilty to make him cum like this, but god he looks good on the edge.
He fucks into the little hole you’ve made with your fist, unintentionally. 
“Fuck, why d-does that feel so good,” He says, voice muffled by his own hand “Y-your hands are so fucking soft.” 
“You’re so good to me, Isagi. Nobody better,” 
“Ngh, y-you’re…” His thought is cut off by a smooth pull of your hands “Stop, please.”
You do instantly, watching as he catches his breath. 
“How am I supposed to hold that in…?” He says, genuinely at a loss. You can’t help but laugh. 
“Takes practice I think.” 
“You should cum first.” He concludes seriously.
“Any ideas on how you wanna do that?” You tease. 
“Thought I could give you head if you’re okay with it. I k-know I won’t be good right away but I—” 
You pat his thigh to catch his attention. 
“Stop freaking out and lay down between my legs.” 
His blush intensifies. You get yourself comfortable as Isagi readjusts so that he can be laying between your legs. Propping yourself up with the pillows behind you, you spread out so that Isagi can be comfortable. When he’s ready, you smooth his hair back. He’s staring at your thighs hard. 
“Do you know what you’re doing?” 
“Ah, a little?” 
You nod at him, laying back and watching. He takes a deep breath first, his hands splaying over the tops of your thighs before moving along the curve. The skin on skin makes your heart pitter patter. Isagi is always staring at your legs, but it’s taken you till now to realize he has a thing for your thighs. He rubs his cheek along your inner thigh, squeezing the fat between his fingers hard enough that it aches. 
His lips start at your inner knee, trailing up. Slow, wet kisses along the skin and tentative bit. Your breathing goes uneven, tension pouring into the room slowly like a billow of smoke. Isagi is so gentle but so wanting. His every touch is desperate and drunken. Everything you do is completely intoxicating to him, everything new and interesting. 
You didn’t think it would turn you on to see him put in so much effort. Unrefined and needy, always whimpering but determined. Stimulated by the littlest things, but most of all by turning you on. It’s like he’s someone else, when he switches to your other thigh to repeat the action. The dull drag of sharp teeth on skin like softening something before eating. It’s hard to stay still when you watch Isagi partake in consumption, when he looks at you like a gift bestowed to him. A little greedy to be used by you. Even if it mean chewing him up and spitting him up. 
You always knew he was dedicated. Always had that single-minded focus on his movements, never taking his eyes off you in any situation. Even when it was warranted, even when he was supposed to be looking at the scenery.
You think for the first time that you’re facing just how much Isagi wants you. And seeing him like that makes you understand why he was hesitating so much at first. The intensity of it is unbearable but exciting. You make him greedy and unforgiving. 
His breath is warm when it fans your cunt, a soft moan leaving his lips as he takes a deep inhale of you. You’re embarrassed but he isn’t. He presses another soft kiss on your clothed cunt, lips wetted by the soaked material. He does it again and again, like he’d kiss you. The realization breathes new life into your lust. 
“Pretty,” He mumbles, star-struck and tipsy on his own thirst “You’re so pretty.” 
You help him by taking off your panties and he moves aside so that they’re tossed on the ground somewhere before settling back between your legs. There’s no barriers this time, nothing to keep him away from you. 
His nose bumps your clit, tongue delving between your folds and collecting all the arousal in his mouth - swallowing slowly. The sensation makes your spine tingle, your body heat at a rapid increase. You tangle your fingers through his hair again, guiding his head to where you like. 
“Little to the side.” 
He nods against you, following your orders. You feel him right where you like it, the burning drag of his tongue as he suctions his mouth around it. It takes him a minute to adjust. His hands keep you company as he finds the right pressure and the right movements. The whole room feels like it’s melting around you. All the sensation in your limbs goes mellow, a softness to the feeling. Your senses are buzzing like the electricity lingering before a storm. 
Isagi is salacious when he sucks on your clit. Throbbing against his mouth with each pass, flat and rhythmic - not to slow or too fast. Isagi learns your body like he’s memorizing, drawing a path to the finish line. Worked up to the point of delirium, you find yourself rolling your hips. Your hand is clamped in his hair, dragging him to you harshly. You find Isagi likes when you’re a little mean to him, a little rough. An adrenaline junkie at heart, he moans when you rut yourself against his face. He doesn’t stop even once, merely following along with you. Moving in tandem. 
What he wants is written all over his face. It etched into his brow bone, drawn in the lines on his face. Please cum, over and over like a plea.
The coil in your stomach starts to grow tight as you stay like that. You can’t think about anything else, hands fisting hard in his hair. He moans against you, the reverb in your skin. 
“Isagi,” You pant, mouth open. You force yourself to keep your eyes open, to look at him while it happens “Cumming.”
Your whole body feels like it’s unraveling as you finish on his face. Isagi doesn’t pause from you. His eyes are closed and his tongue is nudging at your entrance - face buried in your cunt and soaking himself in it. The sound of him slurping fills the room, echoes on the walls and in the back of your head. You can hear his audible swallow as he tastes you, halfway between curiosity and full-blown perversion. He’s somewhere far off as the after waves hit, tremoring inside. 
You have to pull him off you to wake him up from his trance. The sight of his messy chin makes your heart pump. You wipe his chin with your thumb, pressing it to his lower hip. He’s confused at first but opens up anyways. 
“Suck on it.” 
His eyes go wide but he listens. Of course, he does, cleaning the arousal off of your digit. When he’s near done, you pull him up towards you and kiss him hard. For it being his first time, he did so well. You feel selfish all of a sudden. You want to keep him all to yourself. 
“Isagi,” You say his name softly when you pull apart, a string of saliva between you “You did so good.” 
“Ah, really? Then I’m happy.” 
“You’re so good to me, baby. What am I gonna do with you?” 
“Yeah. That okay?” 
“More than okay, I just…woah. I really…” 
You look at him curiously.
“I really love you,” He confesses, words tumbling out of his lips so fast you think you’ll miss it “I was supposed to tell you when I got back but I kept putting it off and I know now seems like a bad time, but I really—” 
When the realization settles, you’re grinning ear to ear. Not that it’s unexpected, the timing is funny and so very Isagi. You shut him up with a kiss, making him melt into you. His hand comes up on your waist. 
“I love you too. Let’s make love, hm?” You offer, teasing. He flushes but doesn’t deny the idea. He’s sappy enough to like something like that you think.  
“Will you call me by my first name?” 
You look at him surprised before breaking out in a wider smile. 
“Yoichi,” You breath out, dragging the last syllable out as he swallows “Come fuck me.” 
“We don’t have condoms.” His voice sounds sad. 
“It’s fine.” 
“You don’t want to?” 
He looks at you grimly making you laugh. 
“I’m telling you it’s fine. Just trust me. It’s better raw, anyway.” 
Isagi hugs you this time, his face rubbing against your cheek with a frown. You can’t help but want to spoil him a little when you see him like this. No matter how famous he is, he’s really just a boy. The thought of that makes you happy. 
“You say stuff like that so easily.” 
“I’ve always been straightforward. Who asked who out, huh?” 
“Point taken,” 
“If you get it then, c’mon.” 
You watch as Isagi stands off to completely take his pants off. You take a minute to admire him naked, all the muscles and tanning on his body. The callouses in different places and a few scars from injuries littering his skin. He’s not very hairy, but where it is - it’s fine and wispy. He comes back to you naked, the bed dipping under his weight. 
He drags you down a little, letting you adjust to the new position. You find yourself comfortable on your back. The tip of Isagi’s cock is visible, weeping and hard over your cunt. 
“Normally, I’d make you prep me but I think it’s okay. Just go slow, ‘kay?” 
“Are you sure?” 
He gives you a firm nod. Unsure of what to do, you watch as he spits in his hand to lube himself up. His eyes are mesmerizing a deep blue. Position himself at your entrance, you can’t tear your eyes away from his face. You’re so curious about his reaction. In a slow, slow thrust - you feel the tip start to nudge itself inside of you. The slick sound makes you shiver. 
His expression is pinched as he fucks into you so slowly. Almost like he’s in pain trying to keep himself steady. Your walls accommodate him nicely, slowly stretching around until they take on his shape. Everything feels like it’s spinning around you - the world tilted on it’s axis for minutes at a time. Maybe just because it’s Isagi but his cock makes you feel unsually good. It feels different than the other times you’ve had sex. Holding in a breath, he pushes himself in. One inch at a time, it’s agonizing for you.
You sneak a hand between your bodies. Isagis holds the top of your thighs, just at the curve of your hip as he penetrates. Fucks you languidly and softly and gently, with a grip in his fingers like he’s going to lose his fucking mind. He looks about ready to break, gasping each time he pushes further. 
“You’re so warm. Holy shit.” 
“You almost inside?” 
“Yeah, fuck.” 
Your whole body feels like it’s molded around his cock - stuck inside of you. When his pelvis hits yours, you let out a sigh of relief. He feels so fucking good. Snug and thick, his cock is so hard for you. He twitches rapidly as steels himself, holding you for support. You rub your clit lazily as you watch him, blinking slowly. 
His cock twitches hard inside of you. You wanna milk him dry, seeing him like that. He looks at you. 
“You can move.” 
You let out a gasp when you feel Isagi pull out only to fuck into you hard. The force of it is unexpected, but not bad. He breathes raggedly. You put your legs up until your ankles are just over his shoulder, reaching for a pillow to put under your back so he can stay stood on his knees and you can rest your legs. His hair is framing his face as he looks down at you, breathing raggedly. He places a kiss on your ankle before saying another. 
“Sorry, I can’t hold it, I want you so much.” 
“S’okay. Keep going.” 
You can’t keep control of yourself as Isagi pistons you. His thrusts are unexpectedly powerful, hips slamming in the back of your thighs every time he moves. It must be the core and leg strength. He thrusts like he’s practiced with something, makes you wonder if he’s ever fucked something on his own. It leaves you shivering, the intrusive way his cock stretched you out until there’s no longer any tension. Until you’re stretched around him completely so that he can fuck you as he pleases. 
The shift from discomfort to pleasure happens before you can screw your head on straight. Isagi fucks you impatiently. He’s looking at you but you can tell that he’s trying so hard not to cum. Teeth digging into his lower lip. He’s whimpering for you. Whining a little at how it feels but fucking you all that same. It’s imperfect and inexperienced - but he’s trying so hard to do it right that it doesn’t matter. You’re so turned on by him that it wouldn’t register.
“Yoichi,” You call out if only to get his attention. You smile when he looks at you “Does it feel good?” 
“Feels so good, fuck, I c-can’t.” 
“You’re fucking me so good.”
The praise has a shiver running down his back. 
“Oh my god.” 
You can feel another orgasm coming in. Isagi fills you deep, scratches an itch you could never get to on your own. He drags along your sensitive walls at an angle, rubbing your insides raw. Every nerve in your body is burning up from the inside out, like a sparkler in July heat. Your nerves are more tender than ever and Isagi toys with each one. All you can think about is how good his cock feels, even through his inexperience. 
It spreads through your body like blood in your veins, the bliss is so overwhelming it makes you motion sick. Your free hand playing with your clit twitches, the other one holding your chest to keep you occupied. Isagi moves you with each pound of hips, reaching the back of you. 
“Gonna cum soon,” You pant. 
“M-me too. I’m so fucking close, fuck.” 
You reach your orgasm in a haze, Isagi’s never slowing in his gestures. He fucks you through it, your whole body going taut with tension like the snap of a rubber band. Your hands fist in the sheets as the tension in your muscles melt, spasming around. 
 You don’t get a chance to say anything much before Isagi is following in your stead. His orgasm must hit hard because he’s cumming inside of as deep as he can go. His hands are secured around your thighs, digging into them as you feel the hot twitch of his cock before unloading into you. It’s warm as it spurts out in thick coats of white, a pleasant feeling making your head spin.
 Isagi is shaking above you, so you bend your knees so he can drop down over you. He nearly collapses on top of you, immediately snuggling up to you even while his cock is buried inside of you. You can’t believe he managed to last as long as he did. You press your lips to his forehead as he sighs in contentment over you. 
“Naughty boy.” You tease. He whines. 
“That felt so good I thought I was gonna die. Thank you” 
“Are you thanking me for making you cum right now? You’re so stupid.”
“Stupid in love.” He corrects, picking his head up to give you a smile. Breaking out into a fit of giggles, you give him another long kiss. Ridiculous. “And it’s not just for that. Just for pushing me. You always consider my feelings”
“You can be whatever you want with me, Yoichi.” 
“I’m so lucky.” He says sincerely, nuzzling up to you “My life is really great. It’s nice. Please don’t leave me by the way.” 
You can’t help but laugh at how honest he’s being. 
“Never. There’s still a lot left for you to learn, y’know?” 
“You’re gonna get me hard again.” He warns, faux serious. You shrug. 
“Not sorry.” 
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galacticseonghwa · 7 months
dangerous - Jeong Jaehyun
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INCLUDES: angst, no real plot, 3am writing, break up, it's messy writing tbh, based on madison beer's song dangerous. a/n: not proofread yet wc: 661
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the love story of you and him was one most of your family and friends wished they had. you and him were so happy together, you two did almost everything together. from just sitting in each other's company, to grocery shopping to even attending work functions together.
then one day it all just stopped. he left faster than you could comprehend, leaving you with “i swear to you that it has nothing to do with you. but i just can’t do this anymore.”
your perfect love story was broken in half so quickly that you had no time to dwell and really feel your heart fall apart, not until mark pulled you to the side and asked you how you were holding up.
“i’m trying my hardest to just exist at this point. he left so suddenly i didn’t really have a chance to grieve so to speak. i’m not too sure exactly how i feel.” you spoke, your voice shaking and tears spilling over your cheeks and onto the sleeve of the jumper you were playing with.
mark looked at you with the saddest look anyone had ever seen on him. he knew how much you both loved each other, so he was just as confused as to why jaehyun had left you when everything was going almost perfectly.
jaehyun on the other hand, was hurting just not as much as you were. he had no idea why he chose to leave you. he thought it seemed like the right thing to do at the time, he didn’t want to drag you down with him.
but a few days later you two sat before the other, your heart shattering more than you thought possible. his hands sweating and heart racing as he looked at your shallow eyes. the sparkle he had learned to adore more than words was gone.
“y/n i…” he trailed off as your eyes met his. you didn't look like yourself. you were still eating and sleeping properly, you weren’t going to let a man hold that much power over you but to him, he couldn’t just figure out what had changed.
you scoffed quietly as he couldn’t finish what he was saying. you wanted to know, you needed to know why. “tell me the truth, jaehyun. what did i do?” your voice came out shaky, but you coughed to clear your throat.
jaehyun looked at you with a sad frown, his mouth opening and closing before turning away from you with tears in his eyes. “look at me! why can’t you tell me?” your voice grew harsher as he continued to stare at you.
“i’m sorry y/n” the tears finally left his eyes and ran down his cheeks as he looked at you, all the feelings rushing to the surface and choking him from the inside out.
you weren’t ready to give up the upper hand that you had at this current moment. “no, it can’t be this easy to let me go.” tears ran down your own cheeks as you scoffed. you tried to hate him for how he left you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do so. you still loved him.
“it was at first, it was so easy.” that was his first mistake. you stared at him bewildered, his eyes widening as the gears in his brain finally started churning. “wait baby, no! i will admit it wasn’t hard for me at first because i just up and left but after a couple of days of realising what i’ve done to us, to you. it’s been so hard.” his second mistake.
“if you say so, guess i make love too dangerous for you.” you spat at him, before getting up and storming away from him. after jaehyun watched you walk away he threw his head into his arms and cried.
clutching his chest as he struggles to take in normal breaths.
he had completely lost you. and for what cost?
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ash5monster01 · 11 months
could you write reader introducing Steve to Taylor Swift (let's pretends she exists in the 80s) and him loving her and being a huge swiftie
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x FemReader
Warnings: fluff, language, cliches
Summary: Taylor Swift is a big musical artist in the 80s and you’re a huge fan. In the midst of your excitement about her new album you introduce Steve to her and her music. He ends up loving her too. Steve Harrington would for sure be a swiftie boyfriend.
word count: 2,542
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It took all week to convince Steve to drive you to the record store. Ever since the mall had burned down the closest music shop was a town over. Forty minutes away to be exact. Sometimes Melvalds would get a few things in so people didn’t have to travel so far but you knew they wouldn’t have Taylor Swifts newest album. It was going to be on shelves this Friday so that meant begging Steve all week to drive you since you didn’t have your own car. He had finally caved, asking off of his shift at Family Video, just so he could drive you to the music store. You always could get him to cave.
“I don’t get what’s the big deal about this chick” Steve muttered, hands gripping the steering wheel, his Foreigner cassette staticky on the radio.
“First of all she’s not a chick, and second of all she’s amazing. How have you not heard any of her songs?” you accused, turning in the passenger seat to face him better. You had been jittery all day about getting the new album, you had saved all your tips from work for months.
“I don’t know Y/N. I don’t really have time for new music” you rolled your eyes, turning back to sit forward in your seat.
“Yeah, I know. that’s why you’re Foreigner cassette skips, because you never take it out” and then you were reaching a long finger to press eject, silencing the album that everyone knew inside and out because Steve always had it on.
“Hey, I like that song” he pouted like a child but you could only laugh, shoving the cassette back in its case that had literally collected dust from how long it had been empty. Once returned safely in the center counsel you were digging through your bag, looking for the correct tape.
“This is the album we’re picking up today” you informed him, slipping the cassette out and shoving it in his stereo.
“You already have it?! Then why the hell am I driving almost an hour away?” he looked at you with wide eyes, annoyance painting his features.
“She released her version of the album, her first six albums she lost ownership of to her shitty record label. Yet she still owns the rights to the songs since she wrote them all herself. She’s reclaiming what’s hers and making it better all while releasing songs she wasn’t able to put in the album the first time around. She’s bad ass” you explained, adjusting the radio before pressing play. “Just listen”
Steve was still shaking his head when the melody of Mine began to play over the radio. At the sounds of Taylor’s voice, you relaxed back in your seat, excited to hear the latest version of this song. A song you had loved since you were a kid and now it got to be Taylor’s again. Once the lyrics started you closed your eyes, singing along with the lyrics that you wished could be true about the guy beside you. Steve had always been in your life, a dormant best friend, just an accessory to the grand life he had lived throughout highschool, and you were desperatley, irrevocable, in love with him. Always had been. Unbeknownst to you Steve could only glance over as you sang to the lyrics, unaware of his stare and admiration because it had always been you. Always been his.
Do you remember, we were sittin' there by the water?
You put your arm around me for the first time
You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
You are the best thing that's ever been mine
"Gosh, you just know she knows what real love feels like. It's like all the feelings I can't describe she has been able to put into words and write a song about it" you spoke, eyes opening to look at Steve and see he was already looking at you. Slowly his head turned back to the road, a soft smile on his face.
"I can agree, she's very clever with her writing. The song is good too" you chuckled lightly, hand falling to squeeze Steve’s that laid leisurely on the center console.
"It's just us, always has been. If you want to enjoy her music I would be happy to help" Steve chuckled but squeezed your hand back, comforted by the thought he would always have you when no one in his life had ever been constant. Slowly the song switched over to Sparks Fly and you had forgotten about your hand in Steve's, a part of you wanting to keep it there forever.
Close enough to touch
Close enough to hope you couldn't see
What I was thinking of
Drop everything now
Meet me in the pouring rain
Kiss me on the sidewalk
Take away the pain
'Cause I see sparks fly, whenever you smile
As you listened to the lyrics you suddenly became aware of your hold on him, nerves tingly through your body. You were terrfied he could feel it, the love you had for him, pouring out and covering his skin. He was so warm, perfect, and you'd never risk losing him because of some stupid feelings you had. Your whole life you longed for him while he dated everyone in Hawkins but you. That wouldn’t change now, especially in his car listening to some love sick Taylor Swift song. "This one is better than the last"
"Keep listening" you told him with a grin, slipping your hand out of his own, hopefully not to noticeably. You were afraid with how hot and burning your love for him was you'd sear it on his skin. Steve was always your Steve but he had never really been yours and that would hurt forever. Quickly you distracted yourself with excitement over the next song, turning to Steve.
"This is Back to December, her only apology song ever to her ex boyfriend. She broke his heart and wrote this. They’re really good friends now but it's still so sad to hear the feelings she went through at the time" you informed him, hand reaching to turn it up more. Steve chuckled and turned to you with confused eyes.
"This is public knowledge?" he curiously asked and you nodded feverishly, excitement of finally getting to share these facts with your bestfriend.
"Oh my gosh yes, I've been reading this stuff in magazine itnerviews for years and all of her boyfriends have been out there for the media to see. She also hides hidden clues everywhere for us to figure stuff out. She puts so much into her work, it’s not just songs. Now listen!" you told him, shaking his arm before turning to the road again.
So this is me swallowin' my pride
Standin' in front of you sayin' I'm sorry for that night
And I go back to December all the time
It turns out freedom ain't nothin' but missin' you
Wishin' I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I'd go back to December, turn around and make it alright
I go back to December all the time
"Woah" Steve uttered, the passion behind the lyrics shocking. Steve's breakup with Nancy was the worst heart break of his life. He had never dared getting close enough to a girl since. He knew they both had faults for their break up but he knew if he heard Nancy singing these words back to him he knew a part of him would be comforted, it would fully heal that wound, and he would be able to move on and grow again.
"Amazing" you hummed back, closing your eyes and getting lost in the music again. You and Steve had listened through the rest of the album quietly, him only reacting to parts of the songs where needed. Dear John had left him in shock which only caused you to giggle and urge him to keep listening. Just before you had pulled into your destination, Better Than Revenge came on which had been Steve's favorite. He practically gasped when he heard the lyrics 'She's an actress, she's better known for the things that she does on the mattress, whoa'. You laughed at his reaction, heart warming over the fact he was starting to like Taylor Swift and understanding why you loved her music so much. For the first time the entire trip he seemed happy to have come all this way for a music store.
Steve admired the way your hair swept over your shoulders in excitmenet as you turned your head, searching the building for the latest album. His heart stuttered the minute your eyes widened, them sparkling as you spotted a designated table for the new album. You wasted no time scooping up both the casette and record, clearly needing both, and not feeling guilty at all about spending your tip money on it. Who needed a car, right? Steve realized right then and there that even if Taylor Swift was a shit singer he would’ve loved her for you, because you made everything better, including him. God he loved you and he wished he could tell you, but losing you wasn't an otpion. If things got weird he would never ever forgive himself.
"Should I get a new Foreigner tape while I'm here?" he teased and you rolled your eyes, gripping his arm as you moved to the counter to pay. Steve loved how kind you were to the cashier who clearly was very uninterested in his job. For a moment Steve wondered if this is what he looked like at Family Video.
"Please save me from you ruining Foreigner forever because you overplay them. I still like their music so we need to find you something new" You told him as you gave a soft pat to his chest to which he just shook his head and you grabbed your bag from the cashier. Both of you started to the the car and you were barely sitting before you were ripping the plastic off the casette. Steve watched as you carefully removed your tape before putting in the new one, placing it securely in the case, clearly taking care of your things because you appreciated them.
"I'm on the edge of my seat here" Steve teased and you lightly punched his arm, adjusting your postion in your seat.
"Silence Steve, the whole ride home" you told him with a poitned finger and he held his hands up in surrender as he pushed the car into drive and took back off in the direction of home. You pressed play and Mine filled the speakers again but this time you sat quietly, not singing along, because you wanted to hear it all. Steve wished he could kiss you for that.
Steve had kept his world, stayed silent the entirety of the ride so you could appreciate your new album which he had actually been enjoying too. Taylor Swift was growing on him, a lot. He had found himself accidentally humming along which you had noticed and it instantly made butterflies erupt in your stomach. Who would have thought loving Taylor Swift would look so good on a man? By the time Better Than Revenge came on, the familiar 'Now go stand in the corner and think about what you did' buzzing through the speakers, Steve was trying to sing along, messing up the words here and there.
She's an actress, woah
He was a moth to the flame
She was holding the matches, woah
Your eyes sprung open, looking to Steve with a shocked face as you both began to yell. In disbelief she had changed the lyrics, the most bad ass line of the song, and she had changed it to something so simple. Your hands frantically reached out to pause the tape before turning and looking at Steve with shock. "She did not?"
"She did!" you exclaimed, unsure of what to think about the lyric change. In a sense the original line had been mean but that was what made it so good. You guess Taylor was just growing up, her feelings about an album she made more than ten years ago obviously couldn't still be the same.
"Can I come over and listen to the rest of the album with you?" Steve found himself asking and you blushed profusely before nodding, excited to have someone to share this with finally.
That was how you and Steve found yourselves laying on your bed, listening to the record spin in your room, absorbing each song, and discussing your thoughts after each side of the record was finished. Some songs had brought you to your feet to dance, singing into fake microphones with each other, Steve spinning you so closely to his body you felt like you were on fire. Finally you had reached the tape with the vault tracks which you explained in grave detail to Steve so he could comprehend these were never before heard songs until now. Placing the arm on the record you rushed to the bed, hopping beside Steve as the music began to play, squeezing his hand in excitement.
All I know is this could either break my heart or bring it back to life
Got a feelin' your electric touch could fill this ghost town up with life
And I want you now, wanna need you forever
In the heat of your electric touch, mmm
You sucked in a sharp breath at the words, hand still in Steve’s hold. This time you didn’t feel like pulling away. You wanted him to feel it, the electric, the invisible string tying you to him. You kept your hand there the whole song, and once it ended you waited, heart pounding in your ears. The suddenly Steve was sitting up, and leaning over you, and you were pretty sure you were gonna pass out.
“You know how you were saying Taylor had found a way to describe what you were feeling and put it into a song?” you nodded, nerve endings on fire as he hovered over you. “This song, is how I feel about you”
“What?” this time Steve was nodding, and you were pretty sure you were dreaming.
“I get it if you don’t feel the same” Steve started to pull back but you grabbed him, making sure he stayed in place.
“Of course I feel the same, God I’ve loved you since middle school” you told him and he chuckled, fingers curling into your own.
“You are the best thing, that’s ever been mine” Steve whispered before leaning down. Your breath hitched but you recovered the moment his lips met yours, slotting together like puzzle pieces. He tasted like cherries and your hand that wasn’t locked in his own found its way to his head, fingers dragging through his hair. It was surreal to be kissed by Steve Harrington on your bed, only a dream until now. Yet here he was, warm body pressed to your own, the electricity sending your nerve endings on fire.
That was when you realized nothing could be better than falling in love with Steve listening to the lyrics of a Taylor Swift song.
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a/n: this was short, sweet, and adorable. for a moment I thought I had accidentally deleted it so now I appreciate it even more. in the spirit of coincidences when I chose Foreigner to be Steves choice in band it was totally just the first 80s band to pop in my head and not even an hour after I finished writing this I was invited to go to a Foreigner concert this Friday. absolutely insane. also I went with Speak Now TV for this considering that is what’s popular right now and it felt right for the vibe of the story. I hope you enjoyed it all nonetheless 💜
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rubberfuckey · 1 year
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summary: After a worried phone call from Wheezie, you decide to come back to Kildare.
part one part two part three part four part five
wc: 3.1k
a/n: i just want to thank everyone for all the support in this series! as always, let me know what you think! hope y'all love it!
talk to me
The next few days went on smoothly, you and Rafe opting to spend most of your time in his house to avoid any confrontation with anyone on the island. Wheezie loved the fact that you had essentially moved yourself into their house, and Rose was happy to have a friendly face around. Every single night you spent laying next to Rafe, still not touching, until you fell asleep and your bodies naturally gravitated towards each other like always. You were finishing up your last final on your laptop sitting at the desk in Rafe’s room while he sat quietly watching you from his bed, that man really would not leave your side. The plan was to pack up your stuff tomorrow to be officially moved back into your parent's house and he couldn't hardly wait. Neither of you had talked about what all this means in terms of your relationship, and you hadn’t kissed since the other night. You didn’t want to rush into things, but it kept getting more challenging as time passed. Every time he looked down at you or smiled at you or pouted his lips out of habit while he focused on something, it made it impossible to not want to kiss him. You really wanted to take things slow, how can you be sure you’re ready to be back together again? It’s only been a week since you’ve been back but being with Rafe felt so natural, it was like you two were put on this earth to exist together. Once you submitted your final, the two of you walked downstairs to the kitchen to grab a snack and Rafe made cocktails for the both of you. 
“Wanna go for a swim?” he asked.
“Yes. It’ll be so nice to float around for a little while after sitting for so long. Wait I don’t have a swimsuit. I guess I can just run home real quick.”
“Or,” he trailed off, “No one is home, we could just skinny dip.” You hated how much you loved the smirk on his face and tried to hide your smile.
“You’re not that lucky, Cameron,” you patted his chest as you walked past him to get a water from his fridge. You walked outside to the pool and started to strip, leaving your underwear on, not even turning around to see if Rafe was watching from where you had left him inside. It’s not like he hadn’t seen you in underwear before, and no one else was home. What’s the harm? He shook his thoughts out of his head as he watched you dive right into the pool and started to pull his clothes off too. He grabbed your phone off the top of the pile of your clothes and unlocked it to connect it to the Bluetooth speaker, shuffling your liked songs. You smiled at the effort he put in to make you as happy as he could. He jumped in as close to you as possible to splash you and you laughed, splashing him back as soon as he came up for water. You went over to finish your cocktail and poured another glass out of the strainer. You floated over to the edge of the pool and rested your head on your arms, Rafe following closely behind you. You turned your head to the other side to look at him, a clump of your wet hair falling on your face. He reached out to tuck it behind your head gently and you gave him a soft smile.
“You’re so gentle with me, I wish you could let other people see this side of you,” you whispered.
He folded his arms on the ledge of his pool and rested his head too. You watched him get lost in his head for a second until he spoke up.
“When Sarah told you about… everything. Did she tell you what happened to my father?” 
You stopped for a second, he hasn’t mentioned anything about him at all since you’ve been here.
“Oh my God, Rafe, do you not know?”
He shook his head sadly, “No one told me.”
You told him everything Sarah had told you, he started tearing up when you finished and you swam over to hug him.
“As much as you don’t want to hear this, it wasn’t the pogue’s fault. It just sucks.” 
“You really believe they didn’t have anything to do with it?” He asked skeptically.
“No, they would never do that. I wish everyone could get along. Sarah lost her dad that day too, and so did John B.”
He nodded as he sniffled and leaned down to rest his head on yours. Once you pulled away, you both swam around for a little bit quietly until your phone chimed through the speaker. Finishing your glass, you pulled yourself out of the pool to check it. Rafe tried not to stare as he watched you come out of the water, clearing his throat as he watched your backside sway as you walked. 
Can we talk?
“It’s your sister,” you gasped.
“Sarah? What the hell does she want?”
“Be nice, she just asked to talk to me.”
Of course, when?
We’re all at John B’s if you want to come over.
“They want me to meet them at John B’s. Would it be okay if I showered here before I go there?”
“You don’t have to ask,” he sighed, disappointed that your pool time got cut short.
You smiled at him and grabbed your clothes to walk back into the house, passing Rose in the kitchen, awkwardly waving as you tried to cover yourself as much as possible with a towel.
“Have a nice swim?” She smirked as Rafe walked in, obviously shocked to see her standing there. The two of you practically ran up the stairs to avoid the situation, he changed and sat on his desk chair as you went to the bathroom to shower. 
“Nobody’s home,” you mocked his voice through the door of the bathroom as you stripped out of your underwear, “Thank God I was the smart one and said no to skinny dipping.”
“Yeah, sure,” he laughed.
After your shower, you came out with a towel still around your head, and he chuckled.
“Can I drive you there?”
“If you want to, sure.”
“I do.” 
He smiled as you hung up the towel and brushed your hair out quickly, not bothering to dry it. 
“Wanna take the bike?” he asked as you walked down and out of the front door.
You smiled and nodded as he grabbed his helmet for you to wear. The ride over was quick, but the air felt nice. You got off the bike when he pulled up and he looked over at the pogues, nodding his head in their direction. They all watched you take the helmet off to put it on him and smiled as he told you to text him when you want to be picked up. 
You walked up to them as Rafe pulled away and waved, “Hey guys.”
They nodded in your direction as you awkwardly stood there. 
“We’re sorry,” Sarah started, “We shouldn’t have talked to you like that.”
“No-” you tried to interject but she cut you off quickly.
“No, seriously, we were just trying to look out for you but I think that got lost in translation.”
You nodded, “I get that you guys hate Rafe, I completely understand why. But I can’t just leave him.” 
“Hey, Y/N, whatever you decide to do, it’s not our business, right? We’re here for you,” JJ added.
“Aw, you guys…” you trailed off with a smile and ran up to give them a big group hug. 
“Do you want to hang out for a little bit? I’ve barely seen you since I’ve been back,” Sarah asked.
“Uh, yes, of course.” 
You all decided to make a fire and partake in some of the alcohol they had left over from their last party. You all talked until everyone started to feel the alcohol and JJ suggested truth or dare. Everyone took turns; Pope had to run into the marsh, JJ shotgunned three beers, Sarah had to share the weirdest place she’s ever had sex, and now Pope chose you next. You looked at him nervously, he wouldn’t be that harsh, right? You chose the safest bet and went with truth.
“Are you and Rafe back together?”
“Nevermind, dare,” you replied instantly.
A chorus of shouts came from everyone, “Chicken! You can’t back out now!” JJ yelled.
“Okay, okay. I don’t know the answer to that question. I swear, I’m not lying.”
“Well have y’all hooked up since you’ve been back?” JJ asked.
“JJ! Only one question per turn, sorry!” 
Another ensemble of shouts, this time Sarah jumped in, “Come on, you can’t blame us for being curious. He hasn’t bothered any of us in almost a week. He’s gotta be holed up at Tannyhill for good reason.”
You sighed, “No, we haven’t done anything.” 
Everyone was quiet like they knew there was more to the story, and the alcohol made you let it all loose.
“Okay fine, we made out. It was a one-time thing and I told him I wanted to slow down. But now I’ve been sleeping in his bed every night and it’s all becoming very confusing” 
They all looked around at each other and then busted out laughing, “You guys are so getting back together,” Pope said.
As if on cue, your phone buzzed with a text. How you holding up?
You couldn’t hold back the smile on your face, he was thinking about you. What was he doing right now while you were gone? This is the longest you’ve been apart since you got back and you already missed being around him.
Great, tipsy, they love me again. 
I’m happy for you, let me know when I need to come pick you up.
“Shot time!” JJ yelled swishing a bottle around, Kie trailing behind him with seven little red solo shot glasses.
Miss me?
It’s too quiet.
You sighed happily at his response and put your phone away. When you looked up, everyone was already looking at you, “What?”
“It’s just weird to think that Rafe Cameron is the person who’s making you this happy,” Pope said.
“What are you talking about?”
“That girl is in love,” Cleo chimed in.
“You can’t stop smiling, who else would you be texting right now?” Sarah asked.
You paused, “My mom.”
They all cracked up laughing at your terrible attempt at a lie. 
“Yeah right, come do this shot with us,” JJ said.
The game of truth or dare continued, the shots kept getting poured, and everyone was pretty heavily intoxicated when you decided to text Rafe. 
Come get me???! Pleaseeeee I’m ready to sleeeeeep
Be there soon, be safe
You too <333&lt;333
“Are you staying tonight, Y/N?” Sarah asked.
“Nah, I’m gonna go back with Rafe, I have no comfy clothes here. I just texted him.” 
A teasing ‘awww’ came from John B. You were telling them about how Rose had caught you both in your underwear earlier when you heard a car pull up. Rafe put the car in park and stepped out, walking in your direction.
“Oh great, now he’s coming over here,” JJ mumbled, causing Kie to elbow him in the ribs when she saw the sad look on your face at JJ’s reaction. She watched as it changed to completely lighting up when you made eye contact with him. He looked almost… shy as he walked over, shoving his hands in his pockets and trying to hold back the smile as you waved at him excitedly. 
“Rafe! You’re here!” you smiled.
“Yeah, hey guys,” he said awkwardly. Everyone grumbled hello’s and he could tell no one else was happy to see him. He walked closer, pushing himself into the circle you all had formed around the circle. 
“You ready?” he whispered.
He nodded and helped you up from your seat, you giggled as you lost balance, making him grab your waist to steady you. He paused for a second and cleared his throat, making everyone look at him.
“I know, that this probably doesn’t mean anything to you guys. But I just want you to know, I sincerely apologize for everything that has happened. Okay? I didn’t mean to hurt anyone, I just lost my cool a few times. I wish I could take it back. So I’m sorry. I’m trying to be a better man.” 
He stabilized you and walked over to John B and stuck his hand out for him to shake. John B looked at him, then at Sarah, and then at you. He took a breath and shook it, with no other words exchanged. Rafe went to Pope next, who shook it wearily, and finally JJ. JJ laughed incredulously but took his hand, sighing and shaking his head in disbelief. You smiled, giddy at the thought of things looking up, you were practically floating over to Rafe. 
“Okay, goodnight everyone,” he said, trying to be respectful. 
You turned so your back was facing him as you look at everyone with wide eyes and a surprised look on your face as you shrugged. 
“Bye, guys!” You waved as he walked you to the car with his hand on the small of your back, opening the door for you.
“Okay, what the fuck?” John B whispered as they watched you drive off.
“So you had fun?” Rafe asked.
“Yes! It was a great time! I missed them so much, we played truth or dare and it was so much fun. And then they asked me so many questions about you and then we took so many shots,” you ranted, obviously energized from the alcohol. 
He chuckled at your enthusiasm, “Yeah? What’d they ask about me?”
“Just about if we had fucked and if we’re getting back together.”
He was caught off guard by your bluntness. He almost felt bad for asking this next question, knowing it could seem like he was taking advantage of your intoxicated state, but he needed to know what you thought. 
“What did you tell them?” He tried hard to act nonchalant, but you couldn’t tell right now,
“I just told them the truth, that we made out, and now every time I see you I want to do it again, and more.”
“Yeah,” you sighed.
“Me too, Y/N,” he said softly. You looked at him and smiled, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek. This time, you noticed the blush on his cheek when you pulled away. 
“What’d you do while I was gone? Besides miss me, of course.”
“I missed you, thought about you, wondered what you were doing, texted you, and that took up pretty much all of my time until I had to come to pick you up,” he shrugged.
You giggled at his goofiness as he pulled up to the house, “Don’t move,” he demanded as he ran over to the other side of the car to open the door for you.
“Your castle awaits,” he said in a fake posh accent, grabbing your hand to help you hop out of the car.
“Why, thank you, kind sir,” you attempted to curtsy. 
“Okay, let’s get you into bed. We have to be up tomorrow to get you all moved back.”
You groaned at the thought, “Why’d you let me drink so much?” you asked, pretending to be mad at him.
A look of panic flickered in his eyes when he thought you were actually mad at him until you broke out with a smile, “Just kidding!”
You walked up the stairs and made your way to the drawer of his t-shirts, taking what used to be your favorite one. You took your shirt off without a second thought, and he snapped his head in the opposite direction as he caught a glimpse of your bare back. Your bra was still wet from swimming earlier so you had left in the bathroom to hang up, and he didn’t want to take advantage of your trust in him by trying to sneak a peek of your naked chest. 
“You can turn around now.”
He looked at you, in his shirt, hair tied up, and no pants on. He was speechless. 
“Y/N. On a scale of one through ten, how drunk would you say you currently are?”
“Probably a 6 or 7, why?”
“I have something to show you.”
“Is it your penis?”
He laughed, “No, Y/N, what happened to taking it slow?” 
You shrugged, laughing at his reaction as he walked over to his nightstand, grabbing a velvet box. You sat down on the bed next to where he stood as he opened it to show you what was inside. Tears pricked your eyes as you took in the sight of the promise ring he had given you years ago. 
“You kept it?”
“Of course I did. I always hoped you would come back to me and want this back.”
You took it from him and slid it on your finger, “Still fits,” you gasped. Tears fell from both of your faces as he looked down at your hand, it was perfect, and right where it belonged. 
“I love you,” he whispered, your breath caught in your throat. 
“I’m sorry,” he backtracked, watching your face intently, shock written all over it, “Shit, I’m sorry Y/N. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfor-”
The words fell silent as you reached up and pulled him into a bone-crushing hug.
“I never stopped loving you, Rafe.”
He couldn’t hold himself back from placing a kiss on your lips. It was short and sweet. You whimpered at the feeling, longing for more. He wanted more so badly, but that would have to wait for a night when you weren’t out drinking without him. 
“Come on, let’s go to sleep,” he whispered and you nodded, climbing into the bed next to him. He opened his arm to you, and you laid your head on his chest, your hand resting on his abdomen and your leg tangling between his. 
“Goodnight, Rafe.”
“Goodnight, baby.”
part seven
tag list: @user3737338292 @koalalafications @mutual-mendes @allthesefanfics @f4ll-for-you @colbysbrocks @writtenwordslover @bibliophilewednesday @tahliac11
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oatmilk-vampire · 6 months
Once Bitten, Twice Shy || Steddie (A/B/O)
Omega!Steve Harrington x Alpha!Eddie Munson
Summary: It's been a year since Steve and Eddie last saw one another. It's been a year since Steve broke Eddie's heart. Now they have to pretend like everything was fine at Christmas with all of their friends.
Based off of the best Christmas song EVER Last Christmas by Wham! Mostly because I've always been stuck on that one particular line I used for my title.
Word count: 4.4k of whump and happy ending.
TW: infertility
A/n: More subtle a/b/o dynamics, can almost be read as a slightly different human au.
Christmas was never special for Steve.
Not in the way it was for the rest of America’s children. One might think Steve had a fantastic holiday with how rich the Harringtons were. That he was spoiled rotten. Maybe he was. He wouldn’t deny having grown up with a literal silver spoon in his mouth, but his Christmases were filled with white lights and fancy dinner parties. Sure he got toys occasionally but not the kind he wanted. Toys his parents insisted would shape him up into a big, strong, proper alpha rather than the play kitchens and baby dolls he so wished for. He also wasn’t allowed to believe in Santa, he was well aware “Santa” was really just the kids’ own parents. He had no reason to be on the nice list because it didn’t exist. He’d get his presents no matter what. Plus why be good if he didn’t get what he actually wanted?
He also got preppy, snobbish clothes that he only just recently started getting away from and breaking into his own style.
His first real Christmas was when he dated Nancy, and each subsequent year only seemed to get better even after they broke up.
Until last Christmas.
After Steve’s parents disowned him for presenting as an omega, he feared his life was over. All his life he was raised to be an alpha, but no matter the rigorous conditioning he underwent you can’t control who you are. He was born this way. He couldn’t change who he was. He hated himself for a while there, thinking he really was as worthless as his parents had led him to believe but that all changed when he got to know Eddie.
Whereas Steve still acted as a fierce protector to the kids (even if it bordered on maternal), he didn’t ever have to be the de facto leader with Eddie. Eddie took it on naturally. Maybe that has to do with him being an alpha.
Unlike all the knothead alphas Steve associated himself with before he presented, Eddie was nothing like them. He was a gentle giant. He took his role as alpha very seriously, yes, but he would never dominate. He would never try to take advantage of any omega, especially Steve.
When everyone thought Steve was going to be an alpha, they all wanted a piece of him. Then when he was outed as an omega by none other than Tommy and Carol, all the alphas wanted a piece of him. They wanted to control the once king of Hawkins High. To mate him. To claim him.
It made Steve sick to think about what would have happened had Eddie not stepped in and effectively repelled all other alphas with his own cinnamon and pine scent that he constantly left all over Steve even if they were just together as friends.
Until they weren’t. After they both finally graduated high school Eddie asked to court Steve, and Steve wholeheartedly agreed. He knew he trusted Eddie with his life. He knew he could trust him with his heart. He loved him.
What a strong word. It could mean everything, or nothing all the same depending on who uttered it.
Steve always meant it, and he’s pretty sure Eddie did too… Steve’s not sure when Eddie might have stopped, but he’s pretty sure it probably happened some time last Christmas.
They had been through three separate, unprotected, synced heats and ruts.
After the claiming bite is exchanged heats and cycles sync, after that the success rate of getting an omega pregnant during their heat is nearly unavoidable even with protections and birth control present. If it was unprotected then the omega was sure to fall pregnant.
At least that’s what the brochures taught Steve when he presented. That’s what the brochures taught Steve when he returned to the reproductive specialist. That’s what society taught him.
They all taught him he was, as he always feared, broken.
Because no matter how often Steve and Eddie mated, on their heats and ruts or off, Steve could not get pregnant.
It was virtually unheard of for an omega to face infertility. Infertility only really ran in betas, and even then it only ever affected one in six.
There’s no reason why Steve wasn’t able to give Eddie pups.
The doctors couldn’t even give him a reason or treatment plan to fix his unexplained infertility. He just had to cope with it.
Eddie tried to comfort Steve through it but Steve knew how hard it was on Eddie too. Steve knew Eddie deserved to have a big family of his own one day, little pups running around with messes of dark curls upon their heads.
Steve had hoped he’d be a part of that fantasy. He hoped his six little nuggets would have his eyes and Eddie’s hair, a combination of Steve’s athletic abilities and Eddie’s musical talent.
His dream turned into a never-ending nightmare in the blink of an eye.
As much as Eddie said all he needed was Steve, Steve knew better. He’s seen how Eddie was with Dustin and the rest of the Party. Eddie needed a big family, he deserved to be the good father he never got to have.
Which is why Steve did the unimaginable last Christmas.
It was Steve and Eddie’s first Christmas since learning they couldn’t mate, and Eddie was trying to make it memorable and good for them, a break from all the anguish they had been dealing with for the past few months.
Steve on the other hand gave Eddie the greatest gift of all: Freedom.
Eddie cried, begged, bargained, but Steve wouldn’t have any of it.
If Eddie was any other alpha, Steve knows he wouldn’t have been able to get away with walking out on them after they’d already each exchanged claiming bites. He might even end up dead for messing with an alpha like that, and the sheriffs wouldn’t even bat an eye. Except for maybe Hopper, but still.
But Eddie wasn’t any other alpha. Instead he let Steve go, knowing he wouldn’t force him to stay.
Eddie moved out, his decision, Steve was already leaving him. He wouldn’t make him physically leave their– his home too. Eddie returned to live with Uncle Wayne, the only one who learned of their separation.
They agreed to keep this secret, there was no reason to upset everyone or make them feel like they had to take sides. An alpha and omega separating after exchanging claiming marks was almost as unheard of as omega infertility anyway. They took turns going to events or games or parties, in some sick fashion it’s almost like they had joint custody or something.
When their heats and ruts approached they agreed to spend it with one another since they were still synced and it’s always safer to have a mate than not. Plus it was considerably more disastrous for them to be mated and not spend it with one another. They worked out a system, Eddie would let himself in the night before it was due to start for them and in the morning when it hit they’d sniff each other out and do what biology instructed them to. They could hardly remember the visits anyway. After it was over Eddie would slip back away undetected until the next time.
This Christmas would be the first time they see each other. This Christmas would be the first time they speak face to face. This Christmas would be the first time they had to pretend to be a couple in front of everyone.
Steve hadn’t used suppressants in a very long time but he did today. Eddie’s scent would forever be mingled with his, but that wouldn’t stop everyone from being able to sniff out the soured notes he’d take on due to his discomfort. Only the betas wouldn’t be able to smell his scent, but the young alphas and omegas they cared so much for were loud mouths and would be sure to ask what his problem is.
He wondered if Eddie would do the same.
He guesses he’ll find out soon enough.
He pulls into the Munson trailer driveway, leaving his car running so it’d be warm for Eddie as he approached the door.
Almost immediately after knocking on it it opened. He expects to see Eddie, but instead it’s Uncle Wayne.
Steve instantly feels embarrassed but he doesn’t know why. Maybe it’s because he broke his nephew’s heart and forced him to move back in with his uncle at the age of twenty-four.
“Steve, Merry Christmas!” He's just as happy to see him as he was the last time Steve saw him back when he and Eddie were still a happy couple and he hadn’t ruined everything.
“Merry Christmas, Un– Uh, um.” He clears his throat. “Merry Christmas, Mr. Munson.”
The older man shakes his head.
“Please, still call me Wayne. You’re family kid, even if you two are taking a break.”
It’s more than just a break. Steve thinks but nods and puts on a small smile.
“Thank you, Wayne.”
“Please, come in. He should be just a moment longer. You know how he is with his hair.” He rolls his eyes goodnaturedly and Steve can’t help but laugh, Wayne’s friendliness doing wonders at ebbing away at his nerves.
“Well, I’m the same way so I can’t really speak on that.” He touches his perfectly done hair. It’s not as big as he used to wear it, but he still used Faberge Organics and Farrah Fawcett spray.
“You boys, I swear.” He redirects his attention to the kitchen they just entered. “Would you like some eggnog?”
“Oh, is it spiked? I’m driving tonight so I better not…”
“Nonsense. I have both options for you. I’ll get you the regular kind.” He waved off his protests and brought down a glass and retrieved the carton from the fridge.
“Oh, thank you! I appreciate it.” For me? Surely he didn’t mean he actually got both options for me specifically…
“Of course. It’s the least I can do since you’re apparently going to be waiting here ‘til the new year.” He says a little louder so his nephew could hear.
“I’m coming! Jeez. Give a guy a break.” Eddie skids to a stop right in front of Steve and he has to rush to drink his eggnog so his mouth doesn’t do anything stupid like gape or drool or confess his darkest secrets like how he’s still very much in lo-
“Hi.” Eddie addresses him, “Merry Christmas, Stevie. You look handsome as ever.”
Steve suddenly wishes he had taken Wayne up on his original alcoholic ‘nog offer.
“Hi. Thanks, you too. Merry Christmas.” Steve says and definitely does not stutter, nope, not at all.
Eddie was wearing all black, his clothes looked new. Nothing he’d ever seen before and it didn’t even show the faded look black clothes get after just a few washes. Eddie dressed up for this.
He tries to ignore the thought but it comes anyway.
Eddie dressed up for me.
It hasn’t ever really happened before, but Steve feels underdressed in his classic Christmas sweater and Levi’s.
Steve breaths in and realizes he can’t smell Eddie’s scent either.
They stand in silence, lost in each other’s eyes until Uncle Wayne reminds them they had a party to attend to.
“Oh, right. Yeah, of course. We’re just… Running fashionably late.” Steve supplies as he suddenly remembers he left his engine running. “Oh shit. Yeah, we gotta go otherwise I may be out of gas or the battery will be dead or something.”
Eddie cocks his head to the side, “You having car troubles or something? You know I can fix them for you.”
Of course Steve knew Eddie could fix his car, but he wouldn’t have gone to him even if he was having car troubles.
“No, I just left it running so it’d be warm for you.”
Wayne laughs at his confession before pushing them both closer to the door.
“Well you better get a move on then.”
“See you later, Wayne.”
“Yeah see you la—” Steve stops himself, biting his lip before deciding to continue his sentence. He likely would see Wayne later, he did have to drop Eddie back off later anyway.
He clears his throat. “See you later. Merry Christmas.”
Wayne acts like he’s somehow read Steve’s mind, if the look on his face is any indication. “Merry Christmas, son. Real nice seeing you.”
Steve blinked rapidly to control his urge to cry. “You too.”
Steve practically rushes out to his car before he’s slamming his door shut and buckling up as he waits for Eddie to meander over like they had all the time in the world.
“You ran outta there like your ass was on fire.” his ex states as he slides into Steve’s passenger side.
“Just want to make sure we get there.”
“You do?”
“Well, yeah.” He puts his car in reverse before pulling out onto the road. “Why wouldn’t I?”
“Well you seemed to deliberately try to sabotage your car.”
“I did not. As I said, I was trying to be nice and keep it warm for you. Excuse me for trying not to be a dick, I see that role’s already taken by you.”
Eddie hummed but shook his head, “You’re seriously not bothered about tonight?”
“What about it?” It’s stupid for Steve to ask. Of course he knows what Eddie’s onto.
He’s been dreading it since Halloween.
“About us pretending like everything is okay between us. You don’t think they’ll know? Or at least ask questions?”
“What kind of questions?” Steve really needs to stop doing this to himself. Maybe he’s a masochist.
Eddie shoots him a look like he’s really trying to understand Steve, like he’s trying to look into his soul.
“About why we still don’t have any pups.”
Steve flinches as if Eddie had just hit him rather than state the obvious.
“I don’t know.”
“They’re going to ask.” Eddie insists.
“I know.”
“So what do we say?”
“I don’t know! Jesus, it feels like we’re going in circles here.” His hands tighten on the steering wheel as Eddie sighs.
“They’re not young and dumb anymore. Sure they’re still a little stupid, but they’ll know it’s out of the norm.”
Steve has to stop himself from quirking a smile at that. They were still a little stupid.
“We tell them research shows not every mated couple has pups right away. That there’s a benefit to waiting.” As if they had a choice.
“Will they believe that?”
“You said it yourself, they’re still a little stupid.”
Eddie laughs despite himself, easing the knot coiling in Steve’s stomach.
“What if they insist something’s wrong? They took Sex Ed, you know.”
“Then we tell them our sex life is none of their business. Then I’ll ask them if they want to know how big your–”
“Okay! Okay, you win.” He laughs again, much harder this time. “As much as I enjoy a little flattery, let’s maybe not traumatize them more than they already are.”
“Hey, you asked.”
They drive in silence for the rest of the ride, only looking to one another as they pull up to the bustling house alive with lights and decorations.
Steve hadn’t even put any up this year, and thinking back on it the Munson trailer was pretty lacking too – except for a wreath on the door.
Eddie must be feeling bit more festive that Steve because he quickly pulls on a black santa hat from seemingly nowhere.
Steve worries his lip, too lost in thought to notice Eddie unbuckling and exiting.
Was he going to leave him here?
Steve doesn’t stress for too long, though, because he soon realizes Eddie is only moving around the front to open Steve’s door for him.
“Oh, thank you.” Steve accepts the hand to help him out.
“Sure thing, sweetheart.”
Steve freezes at the term of endearment.
“Eddie,” he warns but Eddie only shakes his head.
“We’ll need to use them once we’re inside, right? I figured it’d be okay while we were outside too.”
Oh. Oh.
Of course it’s okay. Eddie was just playing along with Steve’s plan, after all, he’s the one who left him last Christmas. He’s the one who insisted they pretend like everything was okay.
“Right. Sorry. Just… Sorry.”
“I’m sorry too.” Steve almost jerks at how earnest Eddie sounds. Not that Eddie hasn’t been serious before, but he just wasn’t expecting this. Not here.
“It’s fine.” Steve mumbles, mentioning how they should head in is just on the tip of his tongue.
“It’s not. I’m sorry. I know last year was rough on us, but I thought we were handling it good. I’m sorry you felt the need to leave but I completely understand. You shouldn’t be with an alpha who can’t even give you pups. I’m sorry I couldn’t be that for you, Stevie. I’m so sorry.”
Steve’s jaw drops. Eddie blinks away tears.
Before Steve can respond, before he can explain to Eddie that he’s got it all wrong, they’re interrupted by the front door opening.
“We’ve been watching you two flirt for five minutes, get inside and save it for the mistletoe!” Nancy shakes her head, curls bouncing all around, as the rest of their friends watch on from behind her or in the windows.
“We were just heading in!” Eddie calls back, big grin plastered on his face but only Steve saw how it didn’t reach his eyes.
“Come on, sweetheart.” he grabs Steve’s hand and pulls him along.
Steve is so fucked.
Luckily, dinner was ready for them when they got there. They’re friends all waiting on them to eat.
Robin eyes the fake couple, “What no surprise?”
“Um,” Steve looks to Eddie for help. “I thought we all agreed no presents?”
Nancy nods her head, “We did. But we thought there’d be a new member of the family by now. You could have at least brought a pie.”
“Oh. Um.”
Eddie scoffs, pulling Steve’s hand with him where he hadn’t let go yet to get away from the ambush.
“Hey, what we do in our spare time is our business not yours. Unless you want to know the details of our last time, Steve had–”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Don’t need details. Gross.” Robin scrunches her face up and quickly flees the room.
“Fair enough, come on, let’s eat. I hope you at least brought both of your appetites.” Nancy pats Steve and Eddie both on the back as she guides them to sit.
“Dinner, everyone!”
Steve and Eddie manage to get through their respective plates and even an array of desserts with mostly impersonal questions before Steve is excusing himself as he pushes his chair away from the table.
But to Steve’s misfortune Eddie excuses himself and follows behind him before they’re both being stopped by Robin.
“And where do you think you’re going?”
Steve shifts uncomfortably as he takes in the nine pairs of eager eyes and grins looking up at him. “Um, to the den? Why are you all looking at me like that?”
“Aren’t you forgetting something?”
Dustin points to the little poisonous plant dangling precariously above their heads.
“Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.”
Everyone chimes in, except Nancy who seems to realize something no one else has.
“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”
Steve really wishes Eddie hadn’t chosen to rise from his seat at the same time as him.
They make eye contact before Steve gives him a small nod, giving him the okay.
Eddie leans in capturing Steve’s chapped lips with his own for one chaste kiss.
“Oh, come on! My grandma kisses with more tongue than that.” Mike heckles them and the rest of the teens giggle along.
That doesn’t last long, though, because then Eddie is giving them a death glare making them all shut up.
Steve’s just about to escape when Eddie grabs his arm just light enough to get his attention. If Steve wanted to pull away he could.
“Can I talk to you outside?”
Steve sighs. He knew this was coming. “Yeah.”
“Oooh.” Max starts before they’re all giggling again but Eddie slams the door shut behind them, cutting off the laughter.
Muted colors wash over their faces, casting them in much more festive lights than Steve feels appropriate for this upcoming conversation.
“I keep my distance, but you still catch my eye.”
“I’m sorry?”
“I try to give you space, but I still see you ‘round, you know? The grocery store, when you go for your runs, the mall. I see you. You never see me.”
Steve usually feels like someone’s watching him, but he’s never picked up on Eddie’s scent. He must have worn suppressants. He hid from him.
“Happy Christmas”
“Happy Christmas?”
“Yeah, I always kinda liked it better than merry. And it’s what it is, you know? Christmas. Happy Christmas.”
“Happy Christmas. I’m sorry it’s not happier.”
“I’m sorry too. I know we said no presents...”
“I just had to get it for you, I couldn’t bear the thought that you didn’t have something to open. I know your parents are shit and the kids already weren’t doing anything. It’s just me. I had to.”
“Wait, you got me something?” Steve vaguely remembers receiving a package in the mail a week ago that he left buried under the junk mail and bills.
“Yeah, I did. You didn’t get it? I wrapped it up and sent it with–” he sighs, pulling off the black santa hat and running a hand through his hair. “With a note saying ‘I love you.’”
“I meant it, y’know? I love you. I meant it when I wrote it, I meant it when we made this whole thing official years ago. I mean it now.”
“What’d you get me?”
Eddie huffs a laugh more at himself than Steve, his face turning a deeper shade of red and Steve knew it wasn’t from the cold.
“A View-Master. But it has pictures of us from over the years. I know, it’s dumb. I just thought you’d see it and remember us.”
“That sound like it was incredibly hard to give me.”
“Oh, it was a bitch. But after I figured out how to get the tiny little pictures in the reel it was smooth sailing from there. The only thing I had to worry about was if you’d throw it out.”
Eddie misinterprets Steve’s silence and continues putting his foot in his mouth.
“Every time you kissed me I was convinced I must be dreaming. That I’d wake up some day and the version of you that loved me would have never existed. Eventually I started believing it but now I know what a fool I’ve been, but if you kissed me now, I know you’d fool me again.”
Steve couldn’t believe the words coming from Eddie’s mouth. He must be dreaming.
But he knows he’d not, because his dreams only ever showed them cuddled in bed in love. Or them with pups of their own. Or Eddie hating him, resenting him because they never separated.
This wasn’t a dream. This was Steve’s own personal nightmare.
He’d have to admit everything. He’d have to confront all of his feelings.
He’d have to deal with Eddie’s feelings, whether they be more heartbreak or the anger Steve’s been anticipating but never received.
“I was always supposed to be an alpha, or at least that’s what I was conditioned to be.” He starts, “When I presented as an omega, my life was shattered. Everything I was told I’d be was suddenly not possible anymore. But then you came into my life and everything made sense. I couldn’t imagine that other life anymore. All I knew was you and you were enough for me. All I wanted was for you to be happy.”
He wipes his palms on his jeans, realizing he forgot to grab his mitts. “Then when we… When I… When we realized… I was broken, you know? I am broken. First I’m not an alpha, but now I can’t even be a good omega? I left because you deserved better. I didn’t leave because I resented or blamed you! Eddie, I love you!” Steve’s mouth clamps shut as soon as the words leave it. There it is. Out in the open. The thing Steve had been trying to deny, the thing Eddie secretly still knew.
“You love me.” It wasn’t a question but Eddie still said it in disbelief.
“I love you.” Steve confirms, “Which is why I left you. I had to set you free.”
“If you love someone, you let them go. So that’s what I did.”
“I think you’re forgetting the very important part where if they come back to you then it’s meant to be. Stevie, I came back to you. So many times. I was practically nipping at your heels begging you to pay attention to me.”
“I forgot that part.”
Eddie’s brushing a curl of hair from Steve’s head, already planning his next words carefully.
“And I’d like to say, maybe if you’d let me, that you’ve come back to me too?”
Steve stepped closer, allowing Eddie to finally, finally wrap his arms around him. “It’s like I never left.”
“Good, because I choose you. Any day. Every day. For the rest of my life. No one could ever replace you, Stevie. I understand the life you want to give me, and trust me I wish i could give you that life too, but you’re who I want. The grass isn’t greener on the otherside. I know what I have here, in my arms, and I’m never letting you go.”
“I love you, Eddie. Thank you for loving me.”
“I love you too, Steve. You don’t have to thank me.” He kisses him with much more passion than he allowed himself just moments ago under the mistletoe.
When they break apart Eddie speaks again, “You can, however, thank me for the show I’m about to put on for those little peeping toms.”
He gestures at the window where heads duck on instinct.
Steve laughs, and Eddie thinks it’s the most beautiful thing he’s heard in a year, and it’s the best present he could ever receive.
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