#winter solstice on another planet
rayslittlekitten · 6 months
Longest Nights
A/N: Okay, this isn't perfect but I think it mostly captures what I was going for. I'm done working on this. I've listened to "Last Christmas" by Ariana Grande on loop for literally the last like 8 hours trying to finish this. It's weirdly the song that inspired this (YT link below). This isn't the first Kai fic I thought I'd finish but here we are. Kai had already broke my heart so this fic is just me jamming the knife even deeper and twisting it. This fic is spoiler free.
Rating: T/M
Word Count: ~1.3k
Pairing: Kai x Pilot! F! Reader
Plot: When you run into your crush who you have a working relationship with on the loneliest night of the year, you find comfort in him.
Contains: mentions of sex, heartache, Kai is a warning in itself
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It’s that time of year again, the shortest day and longest night, where all the travelers go home to be with their families and loved ones to celebrate the Winter Solstice. You don’t know the origin of the holiday but it’s celebrated universally. Traditions may vary from culture to culture but usually children get presents for being well-behaved all year and families gather around to sing and dance. 
But where do the ones with no family go? The same place where you are right now, seated on the stool at the bar in this saloon. The orphans, the loners, the outcasts. This is their home and it has been yours as well for the last few years. It can get lonely this time of year making the longest night seem even longer, but at least you’re not doing it alone.
While working on your third pint, a familiar voice behind you draws your attention. You slowly turn around to take a glance and as expected, you see him. He has his arm around a woman’s shoulder and they look cozy as they walk across the saloon. Probably a mark, but with Kai, you never know until it’s too late.
Your eyes follow them as they seat themselves at the other end of the bar. He leans in and whispers something into her ear and she giggles with her hand over her chest. She is definitely getting something stolen tonight, whether it’s the big shiny ring on her hand or her heart. You would know first hand.
When you finished off your ale, you sensed a presence next to you. Before you could order another pint, they ordered it for you as well as one for themselves, sliding a few coins to the bartender.
“Oh, hey Kai. You don’t need to-” you started, but he cut you off.
“Don’t worry about it. I got a bigger payout from my last job than I expected,” he waved his ringed hand to dismiss you. “Besides, I owe you one.”
Kai brought his freshly-poured pint up to clink with yours before taking a large gulp.
Last time, he tried to swindle a swindler and he almost had it but when they caught on, Kai would have lost his head if you hadn’t happened to be there to back him up. He’s always getting himself into all sorts of trouble for a shilling, but he’s usually smart about it. Once in a while, he just liked to do it for the challenge.
“It’s nothing,” you shrugged after taking a sip of your own ale. “I’m sure you would have done the same for me.”
You noticed the mischievous smirk forming on his face, flashing his shiny teeth. The precious metals in his mouth brightens his smile. Your gaze moved up and you’re suddenly lost in his bright blue eyes. It wouldn’t be your first time.
“So what are you doing here by yourself on a night like this? Shouldn’t you be with that bounty hunting fellow you’ve been planet-hopping with?” Kai asked curiously.
“You mean Jaxson? We’re not together anymore,” you told him, then took another sip of your drink, looking away from him in embarrassment.
“Well, that’s too bad for him. You’re a great person to have around,” he commented.
“Thanks, Kai. Guess he didn’t think so,” you threw him a tight-lipped smile. “He found somebody more suited for him at the brothel.”
“Eh, screw Jaxson! I never trust bounty hunters,” he replied. “Especially ones who can’t even see the value of someone.”
His crystal clear eyes met yours again and he winked. You felt your cheeks quickly heating up and it’s not from the ale. Kai was very charming and charismatic which is why he’s great at what he does and you’re not immune from it even knowing this. His accent certainly adds to it.
“Enough about that scoundrel. How’s business going, by the way?” he asked, changing the subject.
Kai would sometimes outsource jobs to you when he wasn’t able to do them himself and would take a small percentage of the payout as a finder’s fee. You never knew what you were transporting but you always took the job. It wasn’t just for the money; any opportunity to spend time with Kai was enough of a reason.
“Not many people have needed things transported lately, believe it or not. Might have to find other ways to earn if this keeps up. Fuel is not cheap.”
Kai leaned into you, his shoulder pressed right up against yours and his face mere inches away from yours.
“You know, I heard on Veldt, the farmers have this belief that making a lot of loud and passionate love appeases their god and will make their soil fertile so they will have an abundance of crops,” he started. 
“Interesting,” you commented, wondering where he’s going with this.
“Maybe it might work in the same way. Abundance of transportation needs,” he shrugged.
You let out a chortle, nearly choking on your ale. 
“Kai, that has to be the silliest thing I’ve ever heard,” you replied while wiping the corners of your mouth.
“It might be, but it made you laugh,” he said. “Has anyone ever told you how cute your laugh is?”
Your face got hot again as the corners of your lips curled up and you tried to hide your face in your shoulder. That handsome smile made an appearance again and there’s a twinkle in his eyes. He scanned your face before settling on your lips and leaning in even closer.
“Interested in appeasing the gods tonight?”
You let out a small laugh but stared at him for a few moments when his facial expression didn’t change. When his hooded eyes found yours again, your breath hitched.
The next morning, you found yourself alone in the bed of the room you both rented out for the night at a nearby inn. You scanned the room and there was no sign of Kai. It was as if he never stepped foot in here. The soreness between your legs is the only proof you had, that you hadn’t dreamt it. 
You had lost count of how many times he made you climax, but that wasn’t even the best part of it. It was the most intimate and passionate love making you had ever experienced. He said and did things that made you feel like the only person that existed in this universe. He took his time with you, worshiped you, and left no part of your body untouched. He made your body react in ways you didn’t ever think was possible. You opened up to him and shared parts of yourself that you hadn’t shared with anyone else, as it seemed like he did with you. 
Admittedly, you were in a vulnerable place, but it didn’t take away from what had manifested last night. You then suddenly checked all your belongings to make sure they were all there. After thoroughly searching, you found something that didn’t belong to you: one of Kai’s rings. You sighed in relief to confirm Kai didn’t steal anything from you, but it still felt like something was missing.
A few days later, you ran into him, although you didn’t know if it was by chance or it was by his design because he was in need of your services again. You returned his ring which he thanked you for, but things went on like nothing had ever happened between you. You had thought there was a connection. He had never brought up that night to you so you didn’t either, especially seeing him with another woman that day. You didn’t want to make things awkward.
You quickly finish your drink and tip the bartender as you gather your belongings. From your peripheral vision, you see the woman throw a drink onto Kai’s face before stomping out the swinging doors. You can’t help but smirk, but you hide it from him. You glance over at him for a quick moment as he wipes his face before finally heading out yourself. The last thing you need is for him to drown you in his eyes again. 
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talonabraxas · 1 month
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The Green Man: A Celtic Folklore Symbol of Renewal and Growth
Origins of the Green Man The origins of the Green Man are somewhat unclear, as there are no written records that date back far enough to explain his origins. However, there are several theories about where the Green Man came from.
One theory is that he is a pre-Christian symbol that was associated with nature and fertility. The Green Man may have been worshipped by people who believed in animism, the belief that everything in nature has a spirit. In this context, the Green Man would have represented the spirit of the forest or the natural world.
Another theory is that the Green Man is a Christian symbol that emerged in the Middle Ages. In this context, the Green Man may have represented the resurrection of Christ or the renewal of the natural world after the harsh winter months.
The Green Man is also pagan symbol that is commonly associated with nature-based religions such as Wicca, Druidry, and other pagan traditions. The Green Man is often seen as a symbol of the cycles of nature and the interconnectedness of all things, and is associated with the energy of growth, fertility, and abundance.
The Green Man is a figure that has been found in many cultures throughout history, from ancient Roman and Celtic traditions to more modern neo-pagan and New Age spiritual practices. While the specific beliefs and practices associated with the Green Man may vary depending on the tradition, he is generally seen as a powerful symbol of the natural world and the cycles of life and death.
Significance of the Green Man The Green Man has been depicted in art and literature for centuries, and his significance has evolved over time. In some cultures, the Green Man is associated with fertility and the renewal of life. In others, he is seen as a symbol of rebirth and resurrection.
In pagan cultures, the Green Man is often associated with the summer solstice (also referred to as Litha), a time when the days are longest and the sun is at its strongest. In this context, the Green Man represents the power of the sun and the renewal of life that comes with it.
In Christian cultures, the Green Man is often associated with Easter, a time when Christians celebrate the resurrection of Christ. In this context, the Green Man represents the renewal of life that comes with Christ's resurrection.
In modern times, the Green Man has become a symbol of environmentalism and the need to protect the natural world. Many people see the Green Man as a reminder that we are connected to nature and that we have a responsibility to care for the planet.
The Green Man Crystal and Herb Correspondences
Colours and crystals associated with the Green Man may vary depending on the individual or the tradition, as there is no one set of established correspondences that is universally recognized. However, here are some common associations:
Colours: - Green: As the name suggests, the Green Man is most commonly associated with the colour green, which represents nature, growth, and vitality.
- Brown: The colour brown is also associated with the Green Man, as it represents the earth and the stability of the natural world.
Crystals: - Emerald: The emerald is a green gemstone that is associated with nature, growth, and abundance, making it a fitting crystal for the Green Man.
- Moss Agate: Moss agate is a green stone with moss-like inclusions, which can be seen as a symbol of the Green Man's connection to nature.
- Green Aventurine: Green aventurine is a crystal that is said to promote growth and vitality, making it a fitting stone for the Green Man.
Other crystals that are associated with nature and the earth, such as jade, malachite, and green tourmaline, may also be appropriate for use in Green Man rituals or meditations. Ultimately, the most important thing is to choose crystals and colours that resonate with you personally and feel appropriate for your connection to the Green Man and the natural world.
Herbs: Herbs associated with the Green Man may also vary depending on the individual or the tradition, but here are some common associations:
- Oak: The oak tree is often associated with the Green Man, as it is a symbol of strength, stability, and endurance. Oak leaves or bark may be used in Green Man rituals or as an offering to the deity.
- Ivy: Ivy is a climbing plant that is often associated with the Green Man, as it represents the wild, untamed side of nature. Ivy may be used in wreaths or other decorations for Green Man celebrations.
- Hawthorn: The hawthorn tree is associated with fertility, growth, and protection, making it a fitting plant for Green Man rituals. Hawthorn may be used in the form of leaves, flowers, or berries.
- Nettle: Nettle is a plant that is associated with strength and resilience, and is said to be particularly potent when gathered on the eve of May Day. Nettle may be used in teas or as an ingredient in Green Man incense blends.
- Elder: The elder tree is associated with protection and healing, and is said to be a sacred tree in Celtic mythology. Elderflowers or berries may be used in Green Man rituals or as offerings to the deity.
Other herbs that may be associated with the Green Man include rosemary, thyme, and lavender, all of which are associated with nature, growth, and healing.
The Green Man by Talon Abraxas
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cmaidaartworkblog · 2 years
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Some months ago, I created a series of maps and diagrams for @iguanodont​​‘s Birdbug worldbuilding project, representing the planet inhabited by their original species and its planetological data. This isn’t the first time I mapped out this planet, as I was also commissioned by Ripley back in 2020 back when I didn’t have nearly as much experience and knowledge as I do now. Two years later, I’ve been commissioned once again to revisit this world and its peculiarities.
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This first map (in Equirectangular projection and poles-centered perspective) depicts the elevation for this planet, with a color gradient applied to the data.
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Here is the same elevation data, presented without the color gradient.
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This time, the elevation is presented with bodies of liquid water included, such as rivers, oceans, and lakes.
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and in this one, the water is isolated from the other data, against a white background
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Next, there are the surface temperatures that occur on this planet, the key to which is shown above. The four maps below show the seasonal temperatures for land and sea, in order of Northern Spring Equinox, Northern Summer Solstice, Northern Autumn Equinox, and Northern Winter Solstice.
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Correlating closely to the above data is the snow and ice cover, which is fairly extensive on this planet owing to its high obliquity and distance from its star. Land ice only occurs where the snow falls and is compacted year-round, but snow and sea ice can be much more seasonal.
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Seasonal precipitation levels were another important phase of this project, and the below diagram shows those levels for a given latitude (y-axis) on a given date (x-axis), with a key attached.
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My reference for creating the above graphic is the figure below, which comes from a 2019 paper by A.H. Lobo and S. Bordoni titled “Atmospheric Dynamics of High Obliquity Planets”, and shows Earth’s precipitation levels compared to those of a planet with an 85° obliquity.
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The following maps can now be better understood in light of these diagrams and keys.
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-Northern Spring Equinox
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-Northern Summer Solstice
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-Northern Autumn Equinox
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-Northern Winter Solstice
I was also tasked with mapping out the extent and density of this planet’s vegetation (or at least its alien equivalent), and from this you can see how wildly it varies by season, with very few year-round holdings. Precipitation is a major factor in where it is possible for plants to flourish, but snow cover and the extreme temperature swings limit it too. Near either pole, for example, within the space of a year temperatures soar far above Earth’s upper limits and also plummet below freezing; if either extreme were to be the annual norm for a region, some plants might adapt to those conditions, but because of the wild fluctuation any adaptations to one extreme would leave plants especially vulnerable to the other. These regions, then, remain barren regardless of rainfall or brief windows of mild temperatures, while areas with less wide temperature ranges allow for at least brief periods of flourishing.
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Determining the surface temperatures for this planet required a lot of background work. The first piece of the puzzle for this was knowing the number of daily hours of sunlight for a given latitude and date, which is exemplified first in this diagram for Earth:
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and then for the Birdbug planet, below. Since this planet rotates on an axis of 60 degrees, there are many more latitudes within range of either pole that experience periods of sunlight and darkness lasting longer than a day. The higher the latitude, the longer this period lasts, with the poles themselves experiencing either condition for half a year at a time.
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Another important factor is the height to which the sun is seen to rise (more scientifically, the angle at which the sun’s light hits parts of the planet’s surface), seen here first for Earth and then for the Birdbug planet. In these diagrams, white represents the sun reaching the zenith of the sky (meeting the surface at a 90° angle), and black represents the sun failing to appear above the horizon (meeting at an angle of 0° or below), while shades of green and purple stand in for angles between those extremes. For Earth and the Birdbug planet alike, the sun reaches the zenith within the bounds of either planet’s Tropic circles of latitude, and fails to rise at all only within the Polar circles of latitude; the difference in obliquity means that the Birdbug planet’s key circles of latitude are flipped compared to Earth’s.
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The duration of sunlight and the angle at which that sunlight is reaches the planet’s surface determine a planet’s Insolation, that is, the amount of solar energy it receives. The first image below is a preexisting diagram of Earth’s Insolation, where it is measured in watts per square meter. The next two images are my own attempts at replicating this data for Earth, and then for the Birdbug planet.
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As seen in the diagrams above, Insolation on the Birdbug planet differs from Earth not only in its latitudinal distribution, but also in its sheer intensity at the higher latitudes. Compared to Earth there are twice as many latitudes for which the sun is shining longer than one rotational period, and many of those latitudes see the sun shine at a direct or nearly direct angle, whereas the Polar circles of latitude on Earth see the sun shine much more obliquely. Below, we can see the data that all the above figures were instrumental in finding: that is, surface temperatures. The first image is a preexisting figure that measures Earth’s mean surface temperatures by date and latitude, and below that is my attempt at replicating the data by my own process.
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This is done not by just copying the seasonal Insolation data, but by also factoring in the yearly average for each latitude.
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Above, we see the temperatures of the land by date and latitude, and below, we see the temperatures at the surface of the sea, which lag behind the land temperatures and remain comparatively mild.
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Lastly, here’s an image I created to combine the snow and ice cover as well as the vegetation extent and density, as of the Northern Spring Equinox.  This, along with the elevation map also seen here, is what I uploaded to maptoglobe.com in order to produce the screenshot at the top of this post.
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These maps and figures (except for the preexisting ones) were all created in Photopea.  Higher resolution versions of many of these images can be seen in my dedicated Reddit posts, linked below: reddit post one, reddit post two
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all-the-things-2020 · 7 months
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Summary: When you land on a backwater planet for a routine job, your feelings for your bounty hunter boss are revealed, thanks to a local holiday tradition.
Rating: PG-13 (implied sexual activity but everything happens off screen)
Notes: This was written in 2020, before we knew Grogu’s name. I wrote it for the Pedros12DaysofChristmas gift exchange on tumblr as a gift for @djarinslover.
Word count: 3600+
Tags: @morallyinept Jett, please add to your Festive Fic Rec List 🎄❄️🎁
The wind whipped across the plain that lay outside the little town. You huddled into your coat, which was not thick enough for this weather. Din’s cape plastered itself to his back and the Child he carried whined at the cold. “It’s not far,” Din said. “I’ll keep you warm, kid.” The green child snuggled closer and made an inquiring noise. “And we’ll get something to eat. I promise.” The Child cooed and snuggled closer, his tiny clawed hand clutching at the smooth beskar of Din’s breastplate. You marveled at how well the two communicated, considering the Child couldn’t talk yet. Of course, you and Din were often able to communicate without words, even though his face was always hidden by his helmet.
The ramp rumbled closed behind you as the three of you made your way to the gate of the town. It was another nondescript settlement on a nondescript planet; somewhere that should have been a safe hiding place for a being on the run, but Din was a relentless hunter and very rarely failed to find his quarry. You were surprised that he hadn’t simply left you and the Child on board while he checked out this new lead, but you had learned not to question him when it came to bounty hunting. That was his area of expertise, not yours.
There was a gateway of sorts over the road into town, and it was bedecked with boughs of some evergreen plant that smelled spicy and stringent. Bunches of red and white berries were tied here and there with bright yellow ribbons.
You stepped a bit closer to Din as you entered the town. The houses looked empty, although some had colorful lights hanging in the windows, and most of them had boughs hanging over the door frame. “Where is everyone?” you asked, disconcerted by the lack of people and the empty echoes of your feet against the walls.
Din shifted the Child in his arms and grunted. “Must be in the center of town for the festival,” he said briefly.
He nodded, but kept walking. “It’s the Midyear Festival. Winter solstice or something like that. I thought the kid might enjoy seeing it.” He dug in his pocket and pulled out a small pouch of credits, which he handed to you. “There’s sure to be some food for sale. Maybe you can find him a toy or something, keep him from stealing the knob off my gearshift all the time.”
You hid your smile, knowing that Din would just get brusque and dismissive if he saw it. You took the pouch and slipped it into the inside pocket of your coat. “And it gives you a good excuse to be here, too,” you said. “Bringing the kid to see the festival. Who’d be suspicious of that?”
Din turned his helmeted head slightly and you just knew he was rolling his eyes at you; the man could convey a full range of emotions with just a tilt of the head or shift in body weight. You’d learned to read him well during your time aboard the Razor Crest. You just wondered what it would take to get him to express the emotions you were almost certain were lurking just underneath the surface of what he’d allow himself to feel.
The town square was packed with beings of all kinds, eating and drinking and shopping at the booths that had sprung up around the perimeter. They were all decked out with the same evergreen boughs and berries. Din handed the Child to you. “Here, find him something to eat and look around at the wares,” he said. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. It shouldn’t take me long to get the information I need and then we can move on.”
You held the Child close as the two of you watched Din walk away, his cape swaying behind him as he strode across the square. He didn’t have to weave his way through the crowd; they parted in front of him. You felt a swell of … not exactly pride, since it was mixed with a healthy dose of lust ...Din looked good as always, and you had to remind yourself that so far he’d treated you as no more than a crewmate.
“Come on, kiddo,” you said once Din had been swallowed up by the crowd. “Let’s get you something yummy to eat.”
The Child made it clear that he wanted one of the large, sugar dusted cookies that several children were carrying around, and you quickly found the booth that was selling them. You purchased two and found a place to sit down. You and the Child nibbled at your treats, watching everyone in their festival finery. “They sure are dressed up, aren’t they?” you said. The Child continued to munch on his cookie, but he pricked his ears up, so you knew he was listening. “Think we’ll ever have money to waste on fancy clothes like that? Yeah, probably not. Your dad’s pretty tight with the purse strings. And fuel and ship repairs are expensive.” You sighed. Life was better now that you were traveling with the Mandalorian and his strange little foundling, but it was never easy in this part of the galaxy.
Once the cookies were gone (and part of yours might have mysteriously found its way into the kid’s hands), you picked the Child up and wandered around the square, looking at the sights. At one booth, you found an assortment of wooden toys which you found charming but which barely got a glance from the Child. What he did like were the shiny ornaments that hung from a large bough in the next booth over.
“Those look awfully fragile, kiddo,” you said doubtfully.
“But you would be wrong,” said the young woman behind the counter at the booth. “They are made of durasteel, hand painted and beautiful, but guaranteed to withstand the wildest gaggle of children and/or beasts.” She took down the one that had caught the Child’s eye, a silvery globe just big enough for both of his little hands to grasp, painted all over with geometric shapes in a brilliant azure blue. As the Child reached desperately for it, you knew you’d never hear the end of it if you didn’t get it for him.
“How much?” you asked, sure it was going to be outrageously priced and Din would be mad at you for spending so much on a useless bauble.
“Five credits,” the woman said. She tilted her head, taking in your patched trousers and the raggedy hem on the Child’s robe. “Let’s say four. Can’t let a kid go without a Midyear present, can we?”
You would have gladly paid five, but bit your tongue. A credit saved was a credit earned, after all. You handed over the money and the Child cooed as he examined the beautiful ball in his hands.
“And what about for you?” the young woman asked. “Do you have your sprig of laramin yet?”
“My sprig of what?” you asked.
She nodded. “Figured you for an offworlder,” she said, reaching up to pull a bundle of blue and white leaves down from a rack at the back of the stall. “Laramin,” she said, holding it out to you. “Almost sold out, so you’re just in time.” She held it up above her head. “It’s a tradition. At midnight on Midyear Day, you try to get your sweetheart under the laramin. Legend has it, if you kiss them under the laramin leaves at midnight, they’ll love you forever.” She gave you an appraising look. “I saw you come into the square with that tall fellow in the shiny armor. I’ll bet you’d like to get him under the laramin.”
You laughed and rolled your eyes, but still asked the price of the bundle of leaves. One credit, and she threw in some silver ribbon to hang it from. “Little guy might want to play with it, after. Since it matches his ornament and all,” she said. You thanked her and tucked the sprig of laramin in your pocket next to the credit pouch.
You took another turn around the square, but the Child only had eyes for his ball, and soon you settled back down on a bench to wait for Din. You’d bought a couple more of those cookies, but hidden them away from the Child. You wanted to save at least one for Din, although who knew when he’d have a chance to eat it. He always snatched a bite here or there when you and the kid were asleep or busy.
Finally, you saw his shiny helmet weaving its way through the crowd, swiveling back and forth as he scanned the crowd for you. You suppressed the urge to stand up and wave; Din was a skilled hunter and he’d find you and the Child easily enough. Besides, you didn’t want to seem desperate or anything. You thought guiltily of the sprig of leaves in your pocket and your face got hot. It was ridiculous and a waste of money, but at least you’d saved the credit you spent on it when the vendor cut the price on the Child’s bauble.
Din reached you. “Come on,” he said, motioning for you to stand. He picked up the Child, who held out his new treasure for inspection. “Hmm … very nice, buddy. You do like shiny things, don’t you?” The Child chirped his agreement and returned to admiring the blue and silver ornament. Din turned to you. “Did you get yourself anything?”
You were flustered. “Um, I bought the kid and me each a cookie earlier, and I got a few more to take with us. So you can have one later. They’re pretty good.” You were rambling, but you didn’t want to admit you’d bought the laramin sprig. You’d toss it in the trash compactor when you got back to the ship.
Din simply nodded and began to walk. “We can stay overnight and head after the quarry in the morning,” he said as you followed him through the crowd. “I don’t think he’ll be on the move for a while, according to the intel I got.”
The ship was quiet and cold when you arrived, but that was normal. It just seemed darker than usual because you’d come from the brightly lit festival. Din closed up the ramp and busied himself with a check of his arsenal. “Keep an eye on the kid,” he said. “He’ll probably be busy with his new toy, but still, I don’t want him getting near the weapons.”
You nodded and took the Child into the tiny bunk where he and Din slept. The Child had a hammock strung from the ceiling; the sleeping area took up the entire bottom of the bunk, which you secretly thought looked more like a storage closet than a bedroom, but it wasn’t your ship. Your own sleeping area was a pile of blankets on top of a foam pad tucked behind some crates between the main hold and the carbonite freezer. It wasn’t fancy, but at least you had more room than Din and the kid had.
You sat with your back to the bunk entrance, with the Child in front of you, so he was blocked from getting out. The little womp rat was stealthy and you’d learned that unless you could see him at all times, he was capable of slipping past you and getting into trouble. Right now, though, he was enthralled with his new shiny toy and happy to sit and burble at it. You slid the packet of cookies out of your pocket, worried they would get crushed. The Child perked up at the sight of them, but you said, “Not right now. Wait until your dad’s done, then we’ll all have one, okay?” His ears drooped a bit, but he returned to the toy with only a tiny sigh.
You also pulled out the credit pouch. You would return it to Din when you gave him his cookie. The sprig of laramin came with it, the silver ribbon tangled around the pouch.
“What’s that?”
Din was almost as sneaky as his little green kid. “Oh, just a decoration,” you said, hiding your face by looking down at the Child. “The girl who sold us the ornament insisted I take one. No charge.” You dropped the laramin on the bed and held out the pouch. “Here’s what’s left of your credits.”
Din held out his gloved hand and took the pouch gently. He didn’t open it, or even test its weight, even though you knew he was always careful with his money. “Don’t lie to me,” he said firmly.
“I told you when you came aboard, I don’t tolerate lying,” he said, tucking the credit pouch back into a pocket. “I know what that is.” He pointed at the bedraggled bunch of laramin leaves. “It’s some sort of love charm or something, isn’t it?”
You took a deep breath before you spoke. “It’s a decoration,” you repeated. “You hang it up and if you can kiss your sweetheart under it at midnight on Midyear Day, then the legend says they’ll love you forever. It’s silly. I just took it because the girl insisted. We can throw it away.”
You reached for the leaves, ready to crumble them into a wad, but Din was faster. He picked up the bundle and dangled it over your head by the silver ribbon. “No, let’s hang it up,” he said. “We could use some decoration in this old bucket.” You turned around in the bunk, wondering what he was going to do.
He reached up and tied the ribbon over an exposed girder. “There,” he said. “Festive, don’t you think?” Then he turned abruptly and headed up the ladder to the cockpit.
“What was that all about?” you asked the Child, who had crept up beside you. He stared at you for a moment, then shrugged and went back to admiring his ball.
You could hear Din moving around up in the cockpit but he wasn’t planning to move the ship until morning. Had he gotten embarrassed by the laramin? Was he trying to pretend nothing had happened to spare your feelings? You’d tried your best to hide your attraction to him, but the man was a hunter; he noticed details. He was probably well aware of the way you watched him, the way your eyes lingered over certain parts of his anatomy as he moved. And you were sure he knew how you tensed up when he moved close to you, how hard you resisted leaning into his touch when he laid a hand on your shoulder. You looked up at the wilted sprig of laramin, just hanging there mocking you.
It was getting late, so you arranged your bed, which usually got messed up during the day, either from the movements of the ship as it flew, or the feet of the Child, who pattered around the hold when he got restless. The kid slowly followed you, his eyes starting to droop. When he yawned, you scooped him up and tucked him into his hammock. “Your dad will be down pretty soon,” you told him, even though you didn’t know what the hell Din was doing up there.
With the kid in bed, and Din busy, you pulled off your boots and got ready to crawl into your nest of blankets. You had just untied the string that held your hair back out of your face when you heard Din’s boots on the ladder. You looked up. He glanced briefly at you and then ducked into the bunk. Oh, well.
“Here,” Din said, suddenly looming over you. He was holding out a scrap of old blanket.
“What?” You took the piece of fabric, wondering what was going on.
“Put it on,” he said curtly, making a circling motion around his head. “Cover your eyes.”
“Um, okay,” you said, twisting the fabric and wrapping it around your face. You tied it behind your head. It was an effective blindfold; you couldn’t see a thing through it’s tight weave.
“Good,” Din said. He reached out and took your hand. “Stand up.” When you did, he moved his hand to your shoulder. “Over here.”
You shuffled after him in your stocking feet. The floor of the hold was cold and hard through your socks. Din carefully adjusted your position and then stood quietly. “What’s going on?” you asked, but he shushed you.
“Almost time,” he said. When the alarm on his chronometer beeped, you heard him take a deep breath, followed by the click and slight hiss of his helmet being detached. You held your breath. Was he … was he really …
A gloved hand stroked your cheek and slid behind your head, holding it steady. “I’m not sure how to do this,” Din said quietly. His voice wasn’t distorted by the vo-coder in the helmet and you heard a nervous quaver in it. “I’ve … I’ve never done this before,” he whispered.
Your heart was pounding. It was happening. “That’s okay,” you said softly. “Just do what feels right.” You lifted your hand to touch his face, the face you’d imagined so many times. You gently traced the curve of his cheek, the sharp ridge of his nose, the soft pillows of his lips. You felt his breath hitch as you slid your fingers back and forth against his lips. Then he brushed your hand out of the way and pressed those lips against yours.
It was everything you had imagined, and more. His lips were soft and clumsy as he kissed you, his fingers tightening in your hair as he held your head in place. You lifted your other hand to the back of his neck and ran your fingers through his hair, giving a gentle tug as he pulled back from the kiss. “How was that?” he asked breathlessly.
“Not bad,” you said. “But you definitely need practice.” You pulled him closer and kissed him harder, sliding your tongue along the seam between his lips, until he parted them and you were able to deepen the kiss. When your tongue darted into his mouth, he gasped and his free arm wrapped around your waist. You responded by pressing your body against his armored chest, wishing he’d shed more than his helmet.
After a few minutes, you came up for air. “Happy Midyear,” Din said, his voice raspy.
You laughed and pressed your head against his shoulder pauldron. “Was that my present?” you teased.
“The first of many, I hope,” Din said hesitantly. “I … I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time. I wasn’t sure if you felt the same way about me, but when I saw the laramin sprig, I thought, what the hell.” His arms tightened around you and pulled you closer to him, squishing you against his armored body.
“Is the kid asleep?” you asked.
“I think so,” he replied. “I closed the door to the bunk.”
You chuckled. “Good idea. He doesn’t need to see this.” You pulled Din’s head down for another kiss, and started backing toward where you thought your bed was. Din steered you by the shoulders until you felt the edge of your foam pad under your feet.
“Are you sure about this?” he asked.
“Yes,” you said. “I’ve been dying to find out what’s under all that beskar.” He laughed and kissed you again.
When you woke the next morning, you were alone. Your blindfold was gone. Your clothes were folded neatly on a crate next to your bed. You could hear Din talking softly to the Child in the cockpit.
You got up carefully, stiff and sore in places that hadn’t seen much activity recently. You got dressed and made your way to the ‘fresher. After you’d splashed a little water on your face, you climbed the ladder to the cockpit.
“Good morning,” Din said quietly. He was in the pilot’s seat, the Child perched on his lap, watching as he entered coordinates and ran through the pre-launch sequence. The new durasteel ball was clutched in the Child’s hand and the knob had been returned to the lever where it belonged.
“Good morning,” you replied. Din waved you closer and as you came alongside the chair, he slid his hand to the small of your back. You leaned down to greet the Child, who babbled to you about something.
Din sat back in the pilot’s seat. He gently placed the Child on the floor. “Get in your chair and buckle in,” he told the small creature. As the kid toddled toward his seat, Din tilted his helmet up to look at you. His hand returned to your waist. “Last night …,” he began.
You cut him off. “It’s okay if it was just the holiday,” you said. “It’s okay if it never happens again.”
He shook his head. “No, it … it wasn’t just the holiday. I’d like it to happen again. It’s just … I can’t let you see my face. It will have to be like that.” His hand slid gently up and down against your back.
You leaned over him and pressed a kiss against the cold beskar of his helmet. “It’s fine,” you said. “I know how important The Way is to you. I would never ask you to abandon it.”
Din was silent for a long moment, then nodded his head. He pulled away from you. “Okay, then. You’d better get buckled in. We’re taking off in two minutes.”
You took your seat next to the Child. Din finished the last few checks and pressed a button to ignite the engines. As the ship began to lift off the surface, you noticed something dangling above the control panel, jiggling with the vibrations of the ship. A bedraggled sprig of blue and white leaves, tied tightly with a silver ribbon.
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triplesilverstar · 6 months
Well you'd get an answer eventually
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Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
Pairing: Vash X F!Reader
CW: Smut, Fluff and Smut, Cunnilingus, Grinding, Multiple Orgasms, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Penis In Vagina Sex, Creampie, Mirror Sex, Dirty Talk, Top Vash, Stripping, Strip Tease, Making Out, Tender Sex, Light Angst, Teasing
Word count: Roughly 8.4K words
A/N: You'd wondered about it a few times, why there always seemed to be more people on the move this time of year but it wasn't like you could ask. That would have had everyone looking at you funny since it wasn't a religious holiday or gathering. Maybe your favorite plant man of a boyfriend could clear a few things up for you as to why the solstice seemed important to people and what it was all about.
Alright, I will have to reorder the series once more, but for now, enjoy this lovely holiday smut that was once more inspired by art. I love when people draw Vash looking so certain of his sex appeal with a hint of being cocky. 
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Wincing as the bus hit a rut on the road and you bounced on the seat, your sore butt didn’t feel the landing but the almost healed injury in your abdomen felt it. “You alright?” Puffing out your cheeks and letting out a long exhale Vash tried to pat your thigh reassuringly, almost wedged against you. It wasn’t like you could do anything about it stuck between the blond and the inside panel of the bus, the two of you headed for the city of Augusta. 
You and what felt like half of Noman’s land. 
You wouldn’t have minded the bus ride if it had the usual number of passengers but right now it was packed full, so between Vash in the seat next to you and both of your bags in front of you any bump had you in pain. “Tell me we’re almost there?”
“Almost.” Tilting his head in that adorable goofy way you love you close your eyes, trying to breathe through your mouth. Letting out a happy little hmph as Vash discreetly slips his hand into yours, no doubt still upset with himself for letting you take a bullet for him. One of these days your sad handsome plant man was going to have to realize you didn’t want him with more scars than what he already had.
He was right. Then again you were used to him being right when it came to the two of you and traveling together, it was a short fifteen-minute ride until the bus was pulling to the small station inside the city limits. Do your best to hide your discomfort from any of the other passengers as you and Vash disembark from the public transportation and make your way to the first hotel you see. 
The first hotel was a bust, and at the second you have the owner checking a room to see if it’s actually empty or not. In your head checking things off inside your head and you realize it’s near the winter solstice for Noman’s land. Fuck. That might explain why the bus was so full and the hotels seemed to be booked up. The past few years you’ve seen the gathering of people around this time on the planet, but you had no idea what it was for, it wasn’t like you could just up and ask without outing yourself as not having been born on the planet. 
“The room is empty, however, it does only have one bed.” You can see the innkeeper looking back and forth between the two of you almost as if trying to figure out if he needs to find another bed somehow. Or another room. 
“It's no problem!” Vash is quick to wave his hands in a disarming motion while grinning, seeing the relief flood across the innkeeper's face as Vash picks up the pen to start to fill in the register. Glad to have a room you start digging into your wallet for enough to cover the room for the next week, it should be long enough for you and Vash to figure out if the person he’s looking for is still around or not. 
As you approach the room behind the innkeeper, after he hands Vash the key he gives you both a short little wave and a wish. “Enjoy the solstice!” Biting your lip Vash returns the greeting before you both slip inside the room. 
It’s not too small and at least it is a double bed, not that you and Vash haven’t shared smaller ones in the past. At least the table has two chairs and a dresser but not much else, if the two of you need to work out you’re going to have to move the furniture around to do it. Yet as your eyes roam around the room you find it rattling around in your head and ask. “Vash. What’s the big deal with the solstice?” 
Dropping his bag on the floor with a thump he turns to you. “You don’t know?” Tilting your head and sending him a look of annoyance and disbelief, giving the snaps of your bag a flick so it drops with a louder thud and a little cloud of dust billowing up. “Right. You’re not from here and I can see why you couldn’t ask.” Rubbing the back of his head as he doesn’t need to voice the reason why you couldn’t before him. Pulling out a chair and sitting at it you see him rubbing his hands before joining him, his nervousness palatable. “It started out as a celebration for surviving the big fall.” his voice was wistful as those first few words tumbled from his mouth and you reached across the table for his hand. 
A short smile sent your way before he smiled as best he could with the sorrow in his eyes at the remembrance of the past. Of what he sees as his burden to carry. “It was to mark that we had survived a full year on the planet. If we could make one year then we could survive. At least that had been the thought. So as settlements grew and people started traveling so did the celebration, and it started changing. From that, some of the settlers and crews had survived to a celebration of having people to hold on to, a celebration of life.” Giving his hand another squeeze as you see him swallow again, shoving his sorrow back down. “Humanity really is amazing, the solstice is starting to fade a little but the main idea was about being glad to have hands to hold here on a world that humanity was never meant to survive on. To remind the people you care for that you do care for them and to have small little exchanges to show how you appreciate them.” Giving his head a shake and plastering one of those fake smiles he is so used to showing people on his face. 
“I think that’s kind of nice, Vash.” Your free hand reaches across the table to cup his jaw your thumb hooking the edge of his mouth. “No reason to give me a fake smile if it hurts though.” Feeling your brow furrow as you watched him for a few moments as the silence rang out between the two of you. “How come you didn’t say anything about it last year? When we were in the middle of nowhere?” 
“I thought you might have been someone that didn’t celebrate it. It is easy to forget you’re not from around here, Mayfly. Well,” He swallows again and you see a slight flush on his neck. “I also didn’t know if you had anyone you wanted to admit you cared about. You are a little peculiar that way.” His sly remark has you chuckling and looking down at the table with a sappy grin overtaking your face and a warmth spreading across your chest. 
“Oh I did, but I refused to even admit it to myself. I’m glad we sorted it out before too long though and you stuck around with my stubborn ass.” Laughter rings out through the room before the force of it has your abdomen throbbing. 
“Still sore?” Vash’s face shifted to one of concern pulling his hand from yours to drop to his knees beside you and lifting your shirt to show the greenish-yellow hue that paints your skin. 
“Yea. I should probably lay down for a bit to let it finish healing.” Giving his hand a playful swat as you reach for your bag to grab a change of clothes to nap in. “Wanna join me?” A rather seductive wiggle of your eyebrows has him laughing, moving closer to press a quick kiss to your temple. 
“Tempting, but I’m gonna look around the city first. You rest and I’ll be back later my pretty lady.” Giving his butt a playful swat and grinning as he left you changed and slipped into the bed, sighing as the placement of your body has less strain on your injury and it isn’t long before you’re snoring away. 
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Vaguely aware of something at the edge of your senses you grumble before turning more into the mass of pillow under your face. Except whatever is making you wake up is rather insentient, feeling your body as it starts to shake and you let out another grumble. “Mayfly.” A warm wash of air along your ear and the tickle of soft fibers has you waking slightly faster, cracking an eye open to see Vash leaning over you with a smirk that makes you think of sin. 
“What?” Your voice is laced with sleep as you mumble the words, letting out a little noise of frustration as his lips glide along your neck. 
“Wake up, I have a surprise for you.” Finally giving in you roll over, dragging a hand down your face before looking at your partner and feeling an eyebrow raise. Now that you have a chance to take a good look at him you find a lecherous grin taking over your face. 
Vash has his jacket removed, and in place of his usual turtle neck that you still don’t understand how he can survive the desert heat with it, he’s in a sleeveless form-fitting shirt that leaves nothing about his physique to the imagination. 
“Any particular reason for this- Oh my.” Slipping his gloved hand under the hem of his shirt you watch as the tight fabric slides upwards, with a slow reveal of his toned and scared stomach. With all that fine skin on display, you can't help but look just below his naval and the blond patch of hair that disappears beneath the waistband of his pants. 
“See something you like?” A hint of playfulness in his tone, and you snort as the cocky bastard as his gloved hand resting on his jaw as if framing it so the shirt is stretched upwards and you have a full view of his chest. It’s a tantalizing sight and you feel warm for a very different reason as your gaze roams his revealed body, it doesn’t matter that you know every scar, wire, and patch of metal keeping your lover whole. It’s a sight you will never tire of seeing. 
“Oh, I sure do.” Finally sitting up your eyes are level with his ribs, hooking your fingering into the band of his pants and giving them a tug. “I’m a little curious as to where my adorable blush-covered plant man is. He’s nowhere near this forward with putting on a show for me.” 
“He’s still here, but his very forward lover has made him realize he needs to up his game.” Still keeping his shirt lifted his prosthetic lands atop your head, the metal tips scraping along the skin under your hair just enough to make you shudder. “Tonight I wanna watch you come undone just for me as I worship every inch of your skin.” 
“Really now?” You tease, lowering your face so you can lick along one of his scars painting his stomach. “Seems more like you want me to worship you with this little show.” You don’t miss the shifting of his muscles as your tongue moves along the ridge of hardened skin. 
“I just know what I need to do to rile you up.” Smirking down at you as you catch his eyes while you move to trace one of the thin lines of wire near his belt, lapping at the edge as if it’s something far more interesting. Giving your eyebrows a small wiggle as you slide your fingers along the inside portion of his waistband under you feel the metal of the button that fastens them. “To get you all hot and bothered so you’ll let me have my way with you.”
“Clearly.” You grin, moving your face closer to his naval with a trail of kisses until the tip of your nose is rubbing against the coarser hairs. “I think, you should be a little more demanding instead.” Placing your lips outside of the straining fabric covering his crotch and you can feel the heat radiating from his cock against your chin. “Telling me how I should be sucking that dick of yours that I can’t get enough of.” Mouthing at the fabric even as your back objects to the awkward angle. 
“I know you can’t get enough of it, that you like it best shoved deep in your mouth with my balls hitting your chin.” Sliding his hand down from the crown of your head to your neck, his thumb pressing against the hollow of your throat. “You seem happiest with drool pouring from the corners of your lips while this.” Gliding his thumb tenderly along the soft skin along the front of your neck as he speaks. “Seems to bulge from my cock pulsing in that lovely wet cavern of yours while your nose is pressed against the bottom of this tantalizing trail.” 
You can’t hide the shuffle of your thighs trying to add a bit of friction to your throbbing clit as you clench at his dirty talk. “Damn Baby. When did you get so good at being dirty?” Taking a deep inhale against his happy trail as you slowly blink up at him, hoping to get a rise out of your flirty lover in the form of a blush or some stuttering words.
“I learned from the best my Mayfly.” Letting out a soft hiss as he places the lightest pressure against the column of your throat. “Now, you’re not getting your way tonight. I needed to make sure you woke up and I had that slit between your legs dripping.” Damn, he really is putting his best foot forward tonight in taking charge. “Now sit up my Mayfly so I can get started.” 
You let out a little ‘hmph’ at being denied but do remove your hands from his body, but not before pressing a sloppy kiss to the space just above his belt buckle. Sitting up on the bed and taking notice of movement out of the corner of your eye, turning to see a full-body mirror near the door. “Vash honey?”
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head over that for now. Just keep your eyes on me.” Making a show of slipping two of his gloved fingers in his mouth and letting out a moan as he lightly sucked on them before trailing his fingers down his stomach. A thin line of drool connects his tongue to those lovely long digits that breaks just as his hand disappears under the fabric of his shirt. A sway of his hips as he takes a step back from you, followed by another and giving you a sultry wink. 
Tapping his radio on the table that has the radio announcer making a statement about something you don’t catch as Vash’s eyes go wide and he hits another button. The sound of what you can only describe as strip music starts playing from the speaker and you find yourself grinning at your lover and the slight crack in his little display. “Wrong button.” He whispers before blowing you a kiss. “Now where were we?”
“I think you were about to try and give me a strip tease my pretty plant man.” Snapping his fingers at your statement as if he didn’t actually remember what he was up to starting to shift his hips to the music. You know Vash knows how to dance and how to cause a scene, and damn because right now he is putting both together to the sound of the music and you could swear he was lust incarnate with the way he moved. Every slide of his hands along his toned body has your eyes following the movement, and before long your thighs are rubbing together and your lip is starting to hurt. 
“Don’t bruise those Mayfly, I want to be the only one to mark you up tonight.” Blinking rapidly as his words sink in and you stop biting your lip as if you were about to draw blood. His flesh hand ghosted down the center of his chest and over his well-defined abs to the apex of his cloth-covered thighs. Hooking the hem of his shirt and in one fluid movement pulling it up and away from his body and looking at you with flashing blue eyes, the briefest illumination from his plant markings has you letting out a pant as your mouth dries like it’s been in the desert for months. Unlike your mouth, your pussy gives another pulse and a wave of wetness drips from your center. 
With his shirt off he makes a few more twists so the muscles along his arms and back ripple, a low whine echoing around the room. “Oh my, I didn’t know you could make noises like that.” In a flash, he’s leaning into your body his hands on your thighs parting your legs and his chest forcing your own back onto the bed. “I think I enjoyed hearing just how desperate you are, and all because of a little show.” Mouthing at the skin along your neck while his hips jolt against your clothed core and you hear the same noise again, at least this time you’re aware it’s coming from you. 
As his warm lips ascend to catch your own a harder grind has you panting, but Vash doesn’t take advantage of your distraction in the way you suspect with his fingers skiming along your parted thighs to your belly. Hooking the hem of your sleep shirt and yanking it upwards and away as he moves back closer to the table to lower the music while you shudder from the sudden chill, feeling some of your skin pebble. “You have no idea how much I want to rip that bra off you and play with that chest, they fit in my hands so perfectly.”
Finding your voice you try for coy as you adjust the way your body is leaning back against the sheet, spreading your legs and placing a hand just above your clothed sex. “What’s stopping you handsome?” 
A brief chuckle as he grins, sliding his hands down his chest and twisting his hips in time to the music as he grasps his belt buckle and with a flourish unsnaps it and pulls it from his pants. “I know if I get started with them right now I won’t want to stop, and once I get started I don’t want any clothes in the way.” A husk to his voice that you weren’t expecting as his gloved hand slid back up his abs, sweeping to his remaining nipple and circling it with his thumb before moving higher to slip his fingers in his mouth once more. 
Two can play at this teasing game. Keeping your eyes on him as you arch your back to slip one of your hands under you and undo the fastener before flexing the muscles of your tummy to pull you into a sitting position as if at the end of the string in a single graceful motion. You don’t miss the way his hips still as the fabric falls away and you cup both breasts and push them together. “I think they’re a nice sight like this, but you know what would be nicer?” You question with a flirtatious wink sent at him. “Your dick framed between both of them.”
A groan from Vash and you think you see the fabric around his crotch flutter before he’s sucking his fingers with gusto and removing them from his mouth with gusto. “That is a lovely thought but I’d rather my cock framed by your pussy lips than your tits right now.” Closing the distance one more and taking one of your hands from your chest and placing it around the zipper of his pants. “Think you can give me a hand with my pants? They seem to be getting a little tight. ” Licking the shell of your ear as he says the last word and you feel a tingle along your spine as your walls clench around nothing. 
“I think so.” Catching the metal between your thumb and forefinger and slowly tugging it down, the sound of the teeth separating seemingly loud in the small room as you keep looking at each other with heaving chests. If this is the best foreplay you’ve had you don’t know what is, your panties are drenched to the point you can feel it seeping out onto the fabric of your pants. As it comes to the end you hear a happy little groan from him as he kisses the space just behind the shell of your ear. 
“Good girl.” Letting out a squeal as his hands are on your hips and in one fluid motion your pants and underwear are both gone, leaving you bare for his roaming gaze as he tosses both somewhere over his shoulder. “That was for taking my chance to pull your bra off with my teeth away.” A short upward tick of his eyebrows before he makes a show of shimming his hips as his pants slide down his legs, revealing the just as heavily scared tissue of his lower half. The only thing still hidden from sight is his weeping cock, because with the damp strained fabric, you have no doubt his slit is dripping as much fluid as you are.   
With a casual flick of his fingers, the music dies and he strides toward you dropping to his knees at the edge of the bed and planting his lips on your naval with a flutter as he starts to blaze a trail of kisses along your tummy to while his hands glide along the sides of your ribs with his palms facing the words so his knuckles are grazing against your flesh. A strange mixture of cool and hot sensations from the different hands paired with his mouth has you panting in desperation. 
“Vash, please Baby.” Your hands are in his hair, grasping his scalp as you try to pull his lips from your skin. “I need you to touch me!” That low whine is back in your throat once more and you don’t care, your sex is throbbing and his teasing isn’t helping you get to a release at all as your body feels like it’s on fire. 
“I am touching you Mayfly.” He won’t be swayed in his actions, palms turning to press carefully against your body and using his hips to lift you more into the center of the bed as his mouth trails upwards. “I did tell you I planned to worship every inch of your skin tonight.” Jerking your core upwards trying to rub against his clothed erection you cry out in frustration as he laughs against your skin, using his hips to pin you in such a way that your actions are doing nothing to help you chase that sweet release you want.  His mouth keeps moving and you’re starting to believe he has every intention of kissing all over your body, just when you think you might find some relief as he reaches the first of your breasts you cry out once more as he ignores the plump flesh and your hardened nipples. 
Sweeping his tongue along your clavicle as he keeps moving, kissing along the inside of your arm and you notice he’s tracing the lines of your scars as he moves down the limb to your fingers. “Every time I’ve seen these, I wanted to do this. To trace those silvery lines with the tip of my tongue while you writhe and thrash beneath me, to shower you in devotion.” Kissing your knuckles before moving to each joint in your finger before starting to move back up your hand. “Now I finally get to, and it’s even better than I imagined because each little noise you make is sending a line of fire down my back while my heart pounds in my chest. It's beating so fast it almost hurts and my stomach feels like it’s tied in knots. That’s what you do to me, you make me want to have something just for me for the first time in my long life.” 
As frustrated as you are with the pulsing of your core his tender words do make you still for a moment, the reminder that Vash is almost putting the needs and wants of others before his own. Your beautiful, tragic, selfless plant man. “You do Vash. You do make me feel like that Sunshine.” 
A flick of his eyes and a gentle smile sent your way as he repeats the actions to your other arms. “I’m glad. And later, I hope you remember when I have you panting with my cock filling you to the brim while I fuck that hole of yours.” His one-eighty to dirty talk has you reeling but your cunt feels like it is on fire with the throbbing and clenching it’s doing, you need something, anything , inside of it right now. Hopeful as his head descends your body but his hands keep you in place, it’s too much to ask as he just places a quick kiss above your sex before moving down your legs. 
At last, he finishes the path of mapping your body with his mouth, of tracing all your scars as he climbs your body once more until your head is framed between both of his arms as he looks down at you in wonder and lust. The whole time he kissed, licked, and sucked at your skin your hands were free to roam even if he ignored all your insistent tugging to try and get him more where your body wanted him, and now you had them draped across his shoulder with your thumbs pressing into the back of his neck with a slow dragging motion. 
“Sunshine, please.” Panting as your body thrums, you’ve been hovering on the edge for so long and you’re ready to snap searching for any kind of release at this point. You have little doubt that you look like a mess, still trying to writhe under Vash for any kind of friction while your body burns like you’re in an inferno. 
A deep chuckle that you hear and feel as his chest quakes against yours, looking down at you with hooded eyes. “Please what Mayfly?” His teasing is driving you insane as he closes the distance to rub his nose along the ridge of your cheekbone, keeping his lips away from yours. 
“I need to come!” Doing your best to rut up against him while your mouth chases after his and your nails dig into his scalp. “Please, fuck me.” A choked sob as tears of frustration line your eyelids. Another chuckle from Vash, as his arms shift so one of his hands can tangle in your hair, a quick tilt of your head and he finally smashes his mouth to yours. Teeth clacking together as he groans into the kiss, his lips insistent as he rolls his hips just right so you feel his covered length brush against your desperate core. 
Back arching as you try to grind against him and part your lips, your movements frenzied as you slide your tongue against his as the coil inside of your tightens. Only to wail as he pulls up and away, his hands on the sides of your face and his chest heaving a hair breath away from you. “Not yet. But I’ll let have some release.” A wildness in his eyes as his hands move leaning back and grabbing your hips to better adjust you, and you cry out, his cock is framed between your pussy lips your slick adding to the damp fabric that serves as a barrier. 
“Tell me, can you come from just this or do you need a little help?” He doesn’t wait for your answer, rolling his back and locking his lips over one of your nipples and sucking. Your back arches at an angle that’s almost painful from the surprise, your hands moving with no real reason as they grip his blond locks and you whine like a bitch in heat. A hum from Vash as he sucks, his flesh hand on the breast he isn’t sucking at like a man starved, his palm rolling the hardened bud with a light touch. 
You're grinding up against his length as best as you can, chasing that high and feeling your core throb in time to the shifting of your hips. Every so often hitting your clit on the head of his cock and making yourself let out a symphony of whines. Vash of course is grinning, his mouth never leaving your breast as he lavishes it with his tongue, circling the hard peak with the pointed tip and watching your face contort in pleasure. He can feel your juices soaking his underwear and his own sex is throbbing with need, wanting to be encased in those slick walls of yours and emptying in his balls deep inside of you. Seeing your eyelids flutter he switches tactics, pinching one nipple while bitting the area in his mouth hard enough to leave an indent of his teeth in your flesh. 
You recklessly rutting against him now, as the sudden pain that laces through you snaps the tension that had built inside of you. Gasping his name as you come, a fresh wave of wetness leaves your core as you slump against the bed with your fingers dragging bonelessly against his skull before hitting the bed with a soft thump.
Vash lifts his head enough to survey the marks left on your breast, his chest swelling with pride as you squirm under him clearly still lost in the haze of your first release. It was worth the build-up,  sweeping his hand across your stomach and feeling the heat still rising from your flesh. He takes a few deep breaths as he watches you, using the time while you recover to try and get his own sex to calm down, he’s not done with you yet. 
As the racing of your heart starts to slow you raise a hand to rub against your face, pushing your sweat-soaked locks from your forehead before opening your eyes once more. A dopey love-sick grin adorns your lips as you look at Vash, his pale chest a vibrant shade of red as it heaves. “That. Was. Amazing.” Breathless as you coo up at your lover, a break crack in his facade as he returns the tender smile. 
“You did seem to enjoy yourself.” His hand is still sweeping across your skin, the cool fingertips making your muscles quake as the chill sinks in. “However.” Clicking his tongue as if disappointed “You made a mess.” You feel the confusion building in you until his flesh hand dips between your thighs and slips between your bodies with a quick scooping motion before raising it for both of you to see the slick covering his hand. Sticking the fingers in his mouth and sucking noisily as he watches you and you feel your walls clench and your stomach tighten. Fuck. You can hear as the fluid is pulled from the material of the glove he’s still wearing his eyes closed, and his face warped in a look of pure bliss. 
As he pulls his fingers away he smacks his lips and runs his tongue along his bottom lip as if savouring something. “I guess I’ll have to clean it up before we continue.” His voice even as he delivers the statement so matter of factly before lowering his head for a quick open-mouth kiss and you can taste yourself and traces of his own fluids on his tongue. Letting out a soft moan as he sweeps the wet muscle around yours and lifts your hips so he can shuffle his body from where you were starting to grind against him once more. “So desperate for release.” Tutting he lowers your hips and starts kissing down the center of your chest, lingering for a moment at the scar under your breast and over your heart. 
“You just had to come that violently huh? Making me have to do extra work before plowing into you.” You shudder as your breath leaves you in a long exhale, biting your lip as the anticipation builds watching his face intently as he keeps moving lower, letting the tip of his nose dip into your belly button and kissing your navel before giving it a bite hard enough to bruise. 
The fire inside of you is building once more and you feel your clit throb as his chin brushes down along the flesh of your sex while his head keeps moving. His eyes are like shining blue points as he watches you, well aware of the effect his movements are having on you. 
Once he’s between your thighs he has his nose against your dripping sex and takes a deep inhale that has your face burning. “Fuck you smell so desperate like that hole of yours knows I’m going to pound into it until you can’t walk.” Chuckling as he watches your core clench. “Such a needy drenched thing. Soon I’ll fill you to the bursting.”
You can feel as his the mused hairs of his forehead brush against your core, as he kneads the underside of your thighs and laps at the plush skin of one of them ignoring your sex for the moment. Sucking and licking your fluids that had spread along your skin with sure strokes, humming as he works enjoying himself while your aching for his touch once more. “Vash, Sunshine.” A desperate undercurrent to your croaked words “Please, I can’t take any more teasing. I wanna warm you up, baby.” He ignores you with a tightening of his hands under your legs and swiping his tongue is a circular pattern as he moves closer to your hole, letting the muscle press flat against your slit before moving to the other side. Thrashing in his hold as you try to get him to slip it past your folds. 
Another chuckle that you feel as the vibrations run along your skin. “Not yet.” He laves his affections onto the other thigh all while keeping an eye on your throbbing sex, watching as more fluid drips from between those shiny lips and down onto the bed sheets below you. It’s a debaucherous sight, to see your quivering muscles that he’s so used to having wrapped around his length as they pulse wanting to be filled. Indulging himself as he keeps licking at your skin and listening to the little noises you make, trying to contain them behind one of your hands as he works. It’s all for him and his body tingles knowing this is all because of him, that you’re so desperate to come because of what he’s doing to you. “I know you want me inside you, thrusting into you and making you see stars while you try to drain my balls for all they’ve got. I want that too, to watch you come while my cock splits you open  but first to clean up the mess you made of yourself.”
You let out a wordless scream as the takes that first seemingly innocent lick along your slit, his tongue curled to scoop as much of your juices into his mouth and letting out a noise like a cat that’s gotten into the cream. Relishing the taste before diving back in with sure strokes along your folds, a light skim of the muscle along one side before darting to the other flicking your opening as he goes. It’s enough to have you howling, shoving a hand into your mouth, and biting down in the meat between your thumb and index finger to try and dampen your sounds.
Vash is relentless between your thighs, sucking and licking with different strokes that alter between light and hard as he works to make you produce more and more slick for him to consume as if drunk on the taste of you. His nose bumping your clit has you trying to grind into his face to push yourself into that oblivion of post-release haze once more, Vash of course is having none of that. Looping his prosthetic around your waist and pinning your jerking hips to the bed sending you a glare that makes you pant seeing his chin covered in what you can only assume is your juices and his saliva. Damn, that look at you struggling against his hold has you wanting to kiss him and drown in his affections, your inner walls clamping painfully. A quick survey of your dripping slit and secured hips has a wolfish grin forming on his face as he goes back to your pussy, plunging his curled tongue into your depths.
His flesh hand reaches up from under you to use his fingers to part your folds, framing your spread insides between the V of his gloved middle and index finger letting him swirl his tongue leisurely and watching as you spasm for him. Using the tip to trace a pattern of whorls against your walls before plunging the muscle as if he was fucking you with his tongue, the slight tremble of your body has his cock painfully rock hard under his hips rolling them just enough to try and relieve some of the pressure. 
He knows he won’t last long as he feels your pussy clamping around the intrusion, trying to pull him deeper inside of you. From the noises you’re making and the micro rocks of your hips he can tell you’re close again, sliding his fingers along your folds as he withdraws his tongue from your cunt to suck at your clit and slipping a single finger inside. 
Your reaction is immediate as your walls seem to try and crush his finger with the force of their spamming and you let out a broken sob. A swell of pride once more as he keeps sucking at the bundle of nerves and plunging his finger side of you, curling it to start to stretch you out before adding a second. The wet squelching of your walls around his fingers as he works them deeper until he’s knuckle deep, twisting those digits around and tapping against a spot he knows can make you come. Alternating it with the spreading of his fingers to scissor your slick core feeling your body trying to restrain them and pull them deeper. Adding a third he starts to finger you harder, jerking his hand against you while he flicks your nub with the tip of his tongue. Lifting his gaze from your fluttering sex to see your eyes closed and panting like you’re running a race. 
“Mayfly, open your eyes.” A command that he growls out at you, that you’re compelled to obey and the second your eyes meet his sinfully dark expression that coil inside of you snaps. Thrashing as much as he allows you as you squirt over his fingers while you fall apart for the second time that night. Vash doesn’t relent as you come this time, his fingers replaced by his mouth as he drinks down your release with wide swipes for his tongue along the length of your pussy forcing you to come a third time as your body writhes from the overstimulation and Vash moans as he keeps lapping at your juices. 
A whimper from you has Vash pulling away his hand rubbing along where the imprint of his arm had been around your waist, feeling a little sheepish that he had gotten that into it and almost hurt you. 
You just let out a soft whimper as you bathe in the afterglow, feeling the pulsing of your heart through your body as your senses return to you as if waking up from a pleasant dream. Vaguely aware of the mattress rising and the sound of bare feet padding across the floor while you breathe deeply, a pleasant buzz at the back of your skull as your body sinks more into the post-coitus bliss almost ready to fall back asleep.
The sound of something being dragged as your brows furrowing, the heavy sound keeping you from falling back asleep as you try to push yourself onto your elbows to see what is happening only to flop back onto the bed as your body isn’t ready to support any of your weight just yet. 
Vash chuckles seeing you struggle as he places the mirror where he wants it before shedding his drenched underwear. Hissing as his cock bobs in the open air at last an angry red from being denied so long, reaching for his canteen on the table and taking a drink before turning back to the bed. “Let me help you up.” Using the one hand to help you into a seated position and holding the canteen to your lips. “You need a drink, between all the sweating and fluid you had dripping from your core you’re probably feeling a little light-headed.” 
You nod, taking a sip and leaning into his form. “Yea, I wonder why.” Mocking him as you take a few more sips with your eyes closed, opening them and seeing the closer mirror. At least now you know what the dragging sound was. “What are you planning Sunshine?” Suspicious as both of you have used a mirror before as you reminded the other why you cared for them so much. 
“Just something a little different.” Taking the canteen from you before standing and returning it to the table and you let out a happy little noise at the sight of his free cock. Seeing the pre cum smeared around the head you feel your pussy throb a little and your mouth water as you wouldn’t mind a taste of him at last. As if senses your lecherous thoughts Vash sighs “Not that.” 
Sitting on the bed with his legs spread you get ready to question him about the way he’s positioned himself, at least until he’s tugging you to the edge of the bed and getting you to stand. Almost falling over as your legs wobble before he keeps you steady, maneuvering you to face the mirror before getting you to settle against his lap. A few minor adjustments and you have to admit you’re feeling warm already. Reflected back at you are both of your faces, sweat lining your brows and both of you looking disheveled with your hair plastered to your face. A few bruises forming just beneath sections of your skin and your chest is moving in time to his, his hands stroking along your sides. Perfectly centered in the mirror is his throbbing cock, the head weeping and framed between your parted pussy lips. 
Vash is nosing at the skin of your neck, your hair pushed to one side as he rubs his lips and the point of his tongue along the space where it meets your shoulder but his eyes are on the mirror watching you. Using the reflection to stare into your shining orbs he places a soft peck there before speaking. “I want us to have sex while watching ourselves in this mirror. I want to see both of our faces as I split you open on my dick, as we come and I paint those lovely insides of yours with my seed. To watch as our shared release drips from those swollen lips back down my cock onto my balls.” 
Damn, the picture he’s painting for you has you swimming in arousal as your pussy throbs and a dampness starts to seep from you spreading to his hot flesh twitching against your opening. “Me too Sunshine, I wanna see you fill me up.” The words are low, as your body shakes with your labored breaths feeling that fire inside of you starting to build once more. 
His cock is searing against your sex, knowing he hasn’t come yet tonight makes you wonder how pent-up he is as his hands glide along your side. Pressing another kiss to your skin while keeping eye contact before whispering against your ear. “Put me inside you when you’re ready to start.” Watching yourself in the mirror you reach up first to touch his jaw, fingertips sweeping along his cheek while you give a few small rolls spreading your juices along more of his length. 
It’s a sight to behold as both of you keep staring into the mirror not wanting to miss a thing as you reach down to grasp his length, a fluttering of his eyelids, lifting yourself enough to line him up with your slit. He’s kissing the palm of your hand waiting to watch as you impale yourself on his cock. A soft groan as you let your weight slowly drop before you moan as he splits you open and disappears inside of your body. 
Both of you are still while looking as your body adjusts clenching around him and seeing the slight movement of your sexes in the mirror. The twitch of his balls and the fluttering of your lips while your body burns from the stretch, twin sighs as you relax around him and he doesn’t feel like he’s about to blow his load just from being inside of you. 
“I want to burn this sight into my head, damn you beautiful stretched around me.” Panting against the rough skin of your palm and settling one of his hands over your belly where you can feel his cock throbbing inside of you. “Well, you look beautiful to me all the time. But I guess this just tickles something inside of me just right.” All pretense of being in charge is gone as he gives you a tender smile and you have to agree, this is a sight you want to remember for the nights that you can’t be intimate with your handsome plant. 
“I like how you look now too, like you’re ready to fill me to the brim.” A light laugh as he taps his fingers against your skin, moving your hand to interlace your fingers with his. A silent signal that you can move whenever you feel ready, and you start to gently rock atop him. 
“I am ready to fill you to the brim.” He admits as his prosthetic glides up your side and grips one of your breasts, helping to keep you stable as you ride him and groping your flesh. 
It isn’t long before both of you are panting from the gentle pace that has his cock hitting all the right places inside of your walls with the position you’re both in. You keep your movements shallow, ensuring he doesn’t slip out of your pussy as the sweat beads along your skin before forming rivets moving downwards. Watching where the two of you are joined and the small bump that moves under your hands as his cock keeps brushing deep inside of you. “Fuck, I’m not gonna last Mayfly.” In his eyes, you can see the strain as he tries to hold back, after denying himself all night and now finally wrapped in your tight pussy. 
“You don’t have to Sunshine. Fill me up just like you promised.” You whisper watching his cock slip more inside your body as Vash spreads his legs a little more allowing you to sink farther down on him. 
“Come with me.” Huffing against your hand still against his face and you see the desperation in his eyes. Letting him slide his hand and yours down to your cunt, as he uses your fingers to circle your clit to help push you to that precipice with him. 
“I will Vash, I’ll come with you so I can milk those big balls dry.” Hearing him hiss as you move harder against him increasing the tempo of the movement of your hips. “I wanna watch as you pump me full, please.” Pleading with him as your voice hitches, the fire inside of you building as he works both of you to the point of no return. 
“Fuck, I want to. Almost there.” His panting, closer to a growl as his eyes narrow in the mirror, the sight of you making his cock throb deep in your walls feeling the way you're clenching him already. “I want you stuffed full we can’t move.” 
“Vash” A short cry as Vash can’t seem to hold back any longer, rocking his hips upwards and spearing you on his dick while he presses harder into your clit. A low groan that sounds like your name as you both tip over that edge, your Walls spasm and contract around him in a vice-like fashion as he floods your core. The force of his release strong enough you feel it splatter against your womb as you keep squeezing him, wanting every last drop he has in your pussy. It’s a struggle as you both keep your eyes open while your face twists into ones of ecstasy as the shockwaves roll through you, and Vash lowers his face from your hand to bite into your neck. 
Both of you watch with cracked eyes as his balls keep throbbing and you can feel the slightest swelling of the bump inside of your body as he pumps you full. As you both sit there breathless you watch the first creamy stream slip past your abused sex and roll down his length before pooling on his balls and dripping to the floor. 
“Vash?” A soft exhale of pain as his mouth releases the skin of your neck. 
“Yes” A whisper of your name like a promise as his eyes seemed glued to the sight. 
“Happy solstice” A chuckle as his arms wrap around your middle and a kiss to where the newest bruise on your neck is forming. 
“Happy solstice my love.” Humming before you let out a short snort. 
“Think anyone heard us?” 
“Mayfly, if they did I think we would have gotten a noise complaint already.” You nod leaning back into his chest as your hands rub against his arms, fingers dipping into the gap of the metal that forms his forearms. 
“Wanna go again in a bit?” 
A louder laugh as he noses the shell of your ear before smirking at you in the mirror. After all, the solstice is the longest night of the year, and the two of you are just getting started.  
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nobedofroses · 6 months
December 12th
pairing: Din Djarin x reader
warnings: fluff
words: 1k
a/n: this one was prompted by my @terryboot wherein you make Din and Grogu a (space) advent calendar
more Din, Full List
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On your home planet, it was traditional to prepare for the celebrations of the winter solstice with a host of activities and festivities to get everyone through the darkest days of the year. 
You hadn’t truly celebrated since you had left years ago, especially since most of the other planets you visited weren’t on the same seasonal rotation. But this year, you just so happened to be going back. When you had said offhand that you missed some things about home, Din had planned out for the three of you to spend a month there. Din had broken his wrist on his left hand not too long ago, and while it wasn’t serious, it was a good idea to avoid bounty hunting for the most part. And on a tiny little planet like yours, there was hardly ever crime. 
But there was plenty of repair work to be done, and most of it could be done with one hand, so that was how the two of you planned to spend your time there. That, and taking care of the baby of course. 
Grogu hadn’t spent so long on one planet in a long time, so you thought it would be nice to develop a routine with him and to really get to know your surroundings. Plus, there could be other children that he could play with, something he rarely got to do. 
You had nearly tackled Din when he told you the plan, the only thing stopping you being that you would probably end up all bruised from his armor. Later that night, though, you thanked him profusely in the cockpit once the baby was asleep in the bunk. 
Since Din had done this very special thing for you, you decided to do something special for him and Grogu. Though you had primarily attended the festivities each day when you were a child, for those who weren’t able to or didn’t want to, another custom was to put together a calendar that counted down the days, with a little gift or treat to be opened each day in anticipation of the solstice. Because of Din’s guarded nature and wanting to protect the baby, you knew you wouldn’t make it to many festivities. So you decided to make them each a calendar instead so that they could be as excited as you already were. 
After a couple days of work, you had come up with fifteen things for each of them. They were a mix of small gifts, promises of treats that you were going to make the day of so they stayed fresh, and activities to do as a family. At least, that’s what they were for Grogu. And mostly what they were for Din, with the small addition of some lingerie for you to wear but for him to enjoy and a couple… adult toys. 
The first day, you handed them each their calendars, very clearly marked for which belonged to who. Grogu opened his immediately after you explained the rules, finding the number one in a second. 
After a flurry of ripped paper that you had used to conceal each item, Grogu exclaimed at the set of scissors, white paper, glue, and string. You weren’t sure if he actually knew what it was, so you told him, “It’s a snowflake making set. We can cut out snowflakes and then hang them around the ship. Do you want to?” 
Grogu nodded and cooed, grabbing the scissors and going straight for one of the pieces of paper. 
“Wait, honey, if we fold them first they’ll be the same on all sides just like they are in real life,” you told him, folding one of the squares of paper three times. You handed the triangle that it turned into and said, “Just don’t cut all the way across or the whole side and it’ll be perfect.” 
After watching what you said, Grogu turned to his paper and started cutting faster than you would’ve even thought possible. Before you could even try and look at the first, he was on to the second, figuring out the folding with his force skills. He became a blur of tiny pieces of white paper that you honestly didn’t think it was safe for you to approach. 
“Um, I guess he likes it,” you laughed, nervously. 
Din said, “He’s alright, he’s done much more dangerous things than using scissors. Probably. Anyway, is that my present too?” 
You giggled and shook your head, turning your attention away from Grogu to him, “No, yours is a little different, why don’t you open it and see?” 
With much less chaos, Din opened his present to find a scrap of lace that he slowly unfolded until he saw what they were and groaned under his breath, face going slack. But then he collected himself and told you, “These are missing a pretty important part of their structure. I think you were robbed.” 
“Oh yeah?” you asked with a smile. 
“Yeah,” Din replied, doing his best to keep a straight face, but he didn’t have much practice concealing his emotions. 
“So I shouldn’t try them on for you or anything? Just to see what they look like?” you offered, grabbing the panties from him and holding them up between you. 
He took one look at them and said, “Once, to check.” 
“Okay, to check,” you put the panties back in his box and then leaned into him for a quick kiss before turning your attention back to Grogu. 
You were just in time; the flurry of scrap confetti was drifting to the ground like real snow and Grogu was opening all of the folded snowflakes at once. Before your eyes, they turned into just about the most intricate paper snowflakes you had ever seen. 
“Oh my goodness, honey, these are wonderful! Can I see? Show me your favorite one,” you told him and Grogu took his time to pick one out of the bunch. He held it up to you and you took it carefully. It was gorgeous, and you handed it to Din to look at too. 
“Great job, kid,” Din said, leaning down to put it down with the others, and then patting Grogu on the head. “Why don’t we hang some of these up?” 
As the two of them started that, you watched on, heart filled with love and soon enough, the ship was filled with snowflakes too.
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I ask this because I talked to my friends about how it feels wrong to be bright outside during dinner even though it happens more often than darkness.
Also I went for the extremes for ease of polling, please simply choose the closer one.
Feel free to elaborate a bunch but to ward of confusion remember when reading other people's comments that latitude and summer time messes a bunch with when the actual sunset occurs.
EDIT: I only just now noticed I mistyped in the summer option. It should of course say nights should be shorter. That's what I get for rewriting the post half way through twice
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sky-squido · 1 year
PART TWO: The Part With Actual Celestial Navigation In It
*part one is here*
oh yeah, quick heads-up that I’m a LinkedUniverse fan, so I do make a casual reference or two to the comic and characters, but this analysis is about—and solely based on evidence present in—the games themselves. so, general LoZ fans who have no knowledge of or interest in LinkedUniverse whatsoever, this analysis is for you, too! go wild, friends!
Okay, SO! In part one, we came to one conclusion: Hyrule does in fact, slide around gratuitously between games. This is good! Because that lines up exquisitely with my celestial results. Ah jeez, now I have to figure out how to explain what I even did to get these results. Here goes!
Section Three: Explaining How, Mechanically, This Is All Going To Work
Let’s break it down into only the essential basics, the stuff I did in like the first half of the semester (this checks out, because the second half involved using the moon, stars, and planets, the motions of which are… interpreted creatively in the 3D Zeldas released thus far). Basically, it’s time to talk about the noon reduction.
(You can just skip to section four if you want the answers, but I have an excuse to ramble about my hyperfixation and I will take that, thank you very much.)
*long inhale* okay so if you drew a line from any celestial body to the center of the Earth, that line would pass through some point on the Earth’s surface. If you were to stand on that point, your object of choice would be directly over your head. The spot in which you’re standing is called the object’s geographic position. We only care about the latitude of this position (or how far north or south it is from the equator), also known as the object’s declination. On the equinoxes, the sun’s declination is zero—at noon, it passes overhead on the equator. If you were in the northern hemisphere, you could see the sun by looking in the southern sky. If you were in the southern hemisphere, you could see the sun by looking in the northern sky. Does this make sense? If it doesn’t, shout at me in the notes and I’ll draw diagrams. But yeah, this is important: If you’re north of the equator and the sun’s over the equator, you have to look south to see the sun. This is why, if you’re in the northern hemisphere, the northern sides of buildings never see sun—the sun’s always in your southern sky.
On the solstice in June (the summer solstice for all you northern-hemisphere-dwellers), the sun’s declination is 23.5°N. It’s because of the Earth’s tilt, whatever, don’t worry about it. If you’re at 23.5°N (also known as the Tropic of Cancer), the sun is directly over your head at noon, now. Equator-dwellers (and everyone else south of the tropic) have to look to their north to see the sun, everyone north of the tropic has to look south to see it. You’ll notice that when the sun is in the northern hemisphere, it makes it nice and toasty and that thing we call summer. The southern hemisphere is, at that moment, missing their sun rather fiercely and would like to not be so cold anymore. On the December solstice, (winter solstice for the northern hemisphere), the sun’s at a declination of 23.5°S, ditching the north, baking the south, equator-dwellers have to look south to see it, Tropic of Capricorn dwellers can see it directly overhead at noon, etc. etc.
So, as you’ll notice if you’re one of those clever observant types, the height of the sun at Local Apparent Noon (LAN) varies by your latitude and by the declination of the sun. What’s LAN? Great question. Basically, thanks to time zones and the sun’s inability to hold itself to a decent schedule, it doesn’t always hit its peak for the day at 12:00pm by your watch. LAN is what we call whatever time it is when the sun does hit its peak for the day. But we don’t care about times right now, just the sun’s altitude at LAN.
That’s another thing—altitude. Everything in celestial navigation is measured as an angle (even distances; ever wonder why latitude and longitude come in degrees?) which makes doing math and measurements really freaking convenient. Because of this, the height of the sun above the horizon, or its altitude, is measured as an angle: 0° means it’s on the horizon, 90° means its directly overhead, and 45° means its halfway between the two.
So, the sun’s declination varies over the course of the year between the range of 23.5°N and 23.5°S. If you know where in the world the sun is overhead (that’s declination) and you know how far the sun is from being over your head (that’s altitude), you can figure out how far you are from that place where the sun is overhead (that’s gonna give you your latitude). Clever, right? Don’t worry if you’re not retaining any of this—this is tumblr, not a textbook. I just think it’s neat.
So, if you’re following my train of logic (quite a feat, as I’m notoriously convoluted), this all means that if you know how high the sun is in the sky in a Zelda game, you can figure out at what latitude the game takes place! Kind of. We also need to know the time of year, which will tell us what the sun’s declination is. If the sun in a given game passes directly overhead at noon, we could fall anywhere in that 47° band between the tropics, depending on the time of year.
There are two problems here: firstly, how do we measure the altitude of the sun—Zelda items are very cool but none of them are sextants (sextants are basically just really fancy protractors for measuring angles in the sky) and secondly, how do we account for the fact that we don’t know what the declination of the sun is?
The first solution is honestly rather simple. We use shadows. Sun hits Link, sun hits ground, line from Link’s shadow’s head to Link’s head points to sun. You’ll see plenty of these diagrams later, so I won’t bother explaining all of it here.
The second solution is more finicky, took me weeks to figure out, and I’m still not entirely sure how it works, but I brute-forced it with my Nautical Almanac, Excel, and several hours of tedious number-wrangling. Because, while 3D Zelda games understandably make no attempt to accurately model the movement of the moon and stars (and don’t even include planets), the sun gives us another clue.
I don’t know how many people know this, but “the sun rises in the east and sets in the west” is actually an approximation. Contrary to what the 3D Zeldas would have you believe, the sun does not, in fact, rise at 090°T (directly due east) and set at 270°T (directly due west) every single day of the year. It varies, sometimes rising north of east, sometimes rising south of east. There’s an equation that takes your latitude and the declination of the sun and calculates how far away from east and west your sunrise and sunset are, but that’s not actually useful here, because, as I alluded to previously, Zelda games don’t account for this. Fortunately, there’s another clue! I wonder if any of you are mentally shouting it at me right now. Spoiler alert: It’s the length of day and night! Is day longer than night? The sun’s closer to you (northern declination, which means northern hemisphere summer). Is night longer than day? The sun’s farther away from you (southern declination, which means northern hemisphere winter).
The really really nice thing about using the sun’s altitude at LAN and the length of the day and night is that between the two of them, we have almost all the information we need to get a solid fix on when and where these games take place. And the second nice thing about this is that, unlike the sun always rising and setting exactly due east and west, the sun’s noon height and day length vary appreciably and reasonably between games! …mostly.
To compile all this nonsense into something practical, here’s the plan: we crack open a 3D Zelda game, wait for the sun to rise and then we start a timer. See if the sun, after rising in the east, scoots to the north or the south or heads straight overhead. Now we know what hemisphere we’re in (give or take). Wait until LAN (the sun is always either directly due north or due south during LAN, because it rises in the east and sets in the west and it’s all symmetric and stuff) and then we snap a picture of our boy and his shadow. Wait until sunset and then lap the timer. Spend the night cycle screaming over how screwed up the moon and constellations are, then bop the timer once the sun rises. Now we know how long the day/night cycle is and what fraction of that day is spent in the sunlight. We do math to figure out how many hours long the day and night would be if the day/night cycle were actually 24 hours long. Then we grab that picture we snapped at LAN, literally just measure the angle with a digital protractor because trying to take the distances and do trig is way too much work and honestly probably less accurate, and then BAM, we’ve got everything we need to massively narrow down our game to a specific latitude and one of two possible dates. I say two possible dates because the sun hits a given declination twice a year—once between the equinox and the solstice, and then again when it doubles back to head to the next equinox. If that doesn’t make sense, think about the fact that the day before the solstice and the day after the solstice are both the same length. Cool? Cool.
Alright, let’s see what happens when we actually try this!
 Part Four: Finally Getting to the Gosh Darn Freaking Point of All This
Sorry Leg, Four, and Rulie, but your games aren’t going to be very helpful here cuz we get to see neither the sky nor any pronounced shadows cast by stuff in the sky, so you’re off the hook.
Of the remaining Zelda games, Termina doesn’t actually take place in this dimension, but hey, maybe it’s somewhere neat! We might as well.
Okay, so we’ve got six canon 3D Zeldas. (Yeah, sorry both Hyrule Warriors’s (even though one of you is apparently canon), I couldn’t be bothered to actually boot you up and start measuring angles—doing these ones was enough work already and you don’t even have day/night cycles).
Of the six Zeldas I am using, all of them have day/night cycles except for one, Skyward Sword. As much as I’d like to slap it on the pole and say the entire game takes place near the solstice, celestial nights do in fact demonstrably exist, they’re just not looped into the gameplay, so we’ll have to figure something out.
Of the five remaining Zelda games, two of them feature in-universe clocks—which isn’t actually all that useful anyway, since longitude is way more arbitrary than latitude and I don’t know where Hyrule keeps its prime meridian—and those are Breath of the Wild and Majora’s Mask. The final three Zeldas—Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time, and Twilight Princess—have day/night cycles that just loop evenly along time spent in the overworld, which is handy.
Okay, so let’s do this!
Ocarina of Time: Our day lasts 2 minutes and 40 seconds and our night lasts 1 minute and 20 seconds. The full day/night cycle takes 4 minutes. 2 minutes and 40 seconds is actually exactly two-thirds of 4 minutes, so we can just apply that to 24 hours and BAM, we get a 16-hour day and 8-hour night. Those of you living in Canada, Northern Europe, and Patagonia are familiar with this phenomenon. And, when Link is both a child and when he’s an adult, the sun’s altitude at LAN is 70°. 
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Now let’s plug these two data points into the chart I bruteforced! Isn’t she pretty? I love her
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Okay, so it’s kind of just outside the range of what’s possible—for a day that long to happen, you have to be pretty far from the equator. But, when you get that close to a pole, the sun doesn’t get all too high in the sky. We can give Nintendo a few degrees of wiggle room, though, and put Ocarina of Time on the summer solstice (June 21st) at 47°N. Wow! And those seven years he’s asleep for are exactly seven years because it’s still the solstice when he wakes up. 47°N is, for context, about the latitude of Seattle (Washington, USA), Munich (Germany), and Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia).
This is the most straightforward of all the Zelda games we’re going to cover. Majora’s Mask is exciting because Termina is a hellhole so we’ll skip to…
Wind Waker: Day: 5.5 minutes. Night: 4.5 minutes. Full cycle: 10 minutes. If 10 minutes became 24 hours, 5.5 minutes would become 13 hours and 12 minutes! The sun at LAN gets up to 54°
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 Now let’s plug that bad boy in—I’ll just use the version of the chart with all the games already on it to save space (sorry for the spoilers, I know you must be heartbroken).
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So, that puts Wind Waker at a comfy 44°N in either early April or September. Wondering where those dates came from? Every little dot on this chart is a data point, and every one of those is from the 21st of a month, either March (the spring equinox), April, May, or June (the summer solstice (in the northern hemisphere)). Then you can just interpolate between them. So if Wind Waker lands between my solstice dot and the one next to it, it’s near the solstice, but on the summery side, so very early September or early-mid April. No Zelda games have nights longer than days, but if that were the case, you’d just read the X-axis’ “Length of Day” as length of night and the points to the far right would represent the winter solstice instead of the summer one. Don’t worry if this doesn’t make sense to you—this barely makes sense to me and I’m the one who made it.
But now we’ve gotten ourselves in a little pickle—is it April or September? You could use whatever in-game clues you’d like to try and figure this out, or research the prevailing winds and ideal sailing seasons at the relevant latitude, but I’ll be going off of celestial cues to the best of my ability, so here goes!
April. It’s April. Wind’s birthday is probably like April 9th or something and I like that a lot. Fits his vibes. How did I figure this? Well, let’s start by taking a look at the night sky:
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Yeah, okay, it’s fricked. I’m not gonna get into into why the moon is so bad in every Zelda game, but this article does a good job of explaining it. All the nonsense that happens in there applies to Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, too—Ocarina of Time doesn’t have any moon phases, which is probably a good thing. Skyward Sword has its own issues and you don’t need me to tell you that the moon in Majora’s Mask is a problem.
Orion, however, offers us a clue. This little lad pops up in Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, and for some reason, Majora’s Mask. I couldn’t find him in Ocarina of Time’s sky, but I think I found Cassiopeia and the Summer Triangle. It’s not like any of this matters that much, cuz the stars are fricked in all the games and positioned in direct contradiction to the sun and also each other, but if we have two dates and we’re just trying to pick between them, we might as well give Orion his time in the spotlight.
Again, I’m not sure how many people know this, but the stars move over the course of a year and over the course of a night. They move a lot every night (about sixteen degrees an hour—just a little faster than the sun), and, since they’re speedy little fellas, they get just a little further along their path every night. This means—and I’m really sorry to all the fanfic authors who use this as a plot device in their fics—that you can’t just look up and know where and when you are. If you know when you are (exactly, like in time to the minute), you can guesstimate the where, and vice versa. My final project for this class was actually trying to see if I could figure out both when I knew neither, and the answer is yes, but it takes a lot of work and finagling and also you need to know what year it is and have a lot of celestial information about that year in particular. If any of you suddenly have a hankering for a fic in which the LinkedUniverse boys freak out over being celestially disoriented from both the time and location changes, stay tuned ;)
Okay, so my point is that if the stars are just up there, frozen in the sky, like they are in all the 3D Zeldas, it gets tricky to figure out what time of year it is. I mean, we could just… assume these are their midnight positions? Spoiler: it doesn’t actually matter because the stars are all fricked to heck anyway. We just need one little pointer to try and figure out which of the two possible dates we ended up with.
Slight tangent, but of all the constellations, why do they insist on putting Orion of all people in all their games. He’s a winter constellation! All the Zelda games take place in or near summer! I mean, yes, he’s a summer constellation for the southern hemisphere, but most games don’t take place down there! Does Nintendo have some sort of personal beef with Altair, Vega, and Deneb that I don’t know about? Are they a joke to you??
*cough* Anyway. Orion in Wind Waker is visible in the southwestern sky. Were it September, Orion would rise pretty late in the night, coming up in the east, and he’d scoot his way through the southern sky, but just after he crosses the meridian (due south) and is about to head into the southwestern sky, the sun rises and we can’t see him anymore. That’s no good! How about April? Well, yeah actually! The sun sets, and, blinking into view on the meridian is Orion, scooting through the southwestern sky before eventually setting at about midnight. So, Wind Waker probably takes place in early April at a latitude of 44°N!
But Squido! I hear you shouting, doesn’t the game take time for Wind to beat? And isn’t Hyrule big enough to span multiple lines of latitude? You were just talking about how big it was in part one of this post series! You can’t seriously be suggesting that the entire game takes place on a single day at a single latitude! And to that I say, you are, indeed, correct. This measurement can’t possibly apply to all of Wind Waker, just as my previous assessment can’t possibly apply to all of Ocarina of Time.
My solution? Hand-wave it. Seriously, Nintendo is not programming a fully accurate year-long celestial cycle that tracks the number of in-game days since you started and changes the positions of the stars and everything by your latitude. That would be badass, but hardware limitations are a thing and Nintendo has its priorities (somewhat) straight. We can say my calculation represents the starting point in time because I still like Wind having an early April birthday and this gives him the whole summer to adventure around while the daylight hours are long. We can say the latitude in question is, I dunno, towards the top of the map. There’s palm trees around, so I hesitate to put us any further north than the 44°N I calculated. That is about the latitude of Toronto (Canada), Milan (Italy), and Sapporo (Japan) after all. Maybe that’s the upper bound of the map. I honestly don’t think it’s that important.
Twilight Princess: We’re old hats at this by now! Day: 8 minutes. Night: also 8 minutes. We’ve got ourselves an equinox—12 hours of each! LAN altitude is 55°, so that puts us at a lovely 35°N in either late March or September. 
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Orion is in the southeastern sky so, as I said in the Wind Waker portion, that would make sense in September. So it’s September 21st! It find it fitting that a game about the balance between light and dark takes place at the time of year when light and dark are perfectly balanced. This latitude, for context, is about the same as Charlotte (North Carolina, USA), Albuquerque (New Mexico, USA), Tehran (Iran), and Osaka (Japan). I always knew he was a southern boy.
Breath of the Wild: Yeah, I was going in chronological order by release date, but Skyward Sword doesn’t have a day/night cycle and that complicates things, so I’ll just do Breath of the Wild now while we’re in the groove and—hey, isn’t that spunky! The sun and moon pass through the northern sky, did you ever notice that? That means this game takes place in the southern hemisphere! And not just any ol’ southern hemisphere latitude, it freaking commits. I mean, you ever notice how long those sunrises and sunsets always seem to last? How the game seems to draw out dawn and dusk as much as possible to minimize how much time you spend trying to find your way around in the dark? Well, that’s because Breath of the Wild has a seventeen hour day! How exciting! The sun rises at 0400 (4am) and sets at 2100 (9pm). Its LAN altitude is a groovy little 43°, leaving us at a latitude of 63°S in early either February or November (this is the southern hemisphere, so these are summery months now).
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(oh yeah, my Switch is modded so I can play as Zelda instead of Link—it’s called Zelda’s Ballad and it’s pretty sick. My awesome little sister set it up for me :3)
And wow, if 63°S isn’t an exciting latitude. That’s level with *checks notes* Ross Island, Antarctica!! Wait, what? Yeah, Breath of the Wild takes place in Antarctica, apparently. I wonder if the Sheikah tech holding the moon in place is also responsible for the climate control.
But yeah, I looked real hard, and found something that I thought might be Orion, but I’m honestly not convinced. If it were him, he’d be in the western sky, which would check out for February but not November. The trees in Akkala have red leaves, which could mean fall (which, in the south, would make it February), but then again, I hesitate to take ecological cues from trees that are apparently growing in Antarctica. A spring month fits with the themes of the game—rebirth, life rising from desolation—and that would mean November. I dunno, this one’s up to the Zelda Lore Afficionados.
Majora’s Mask: Yeah, you know it’s all going to hjeck when I put Skyward Sword off because the alternate dimension in which the moon is crashing into the planet and you’re forced into a time loop is easier to do celestial navigation to than Skyward Sword is. Here’s the scoop:
Sun rises and sets at 0600 and 1800 (6 am and pm) so that’s another 12 hour day. But the sun is really overhead-y. Like, 80° overhead. That puts us in the tropics, so there’s actually a few latitudes and dates we could be at. We could be at 10°N on the equinoxes—in late March or September—or we could on the equator, 0°N, in mid April or August. This is pure conjecture, but I feel like the equator is oddly fitting for this game. A liminal space between hemispheres, where the normal rules don’t always apply…
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But, when I was looking for other clues, I found something very fun. Okay, so you know how I said the sky is fricked, right?
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Like, okay, we have some familiar friends, but you can see that they’re all screwy. The angle between the Big Dipper’s pointer stars towards Polaris and Orion are an acute angle in Majora’s Mask and an obtuse angle in real life. And why are they so close to each other?! It’s just… so weird. But anyway, here’s where it gets funky. The sun passed to our south at LAN, so we know we have to be north of it, though just barely. We’re either on the equator or north of it but then… Orion is to our north. Orion is directly over the celestial equator, which means he’s like the sun on the equinox—if you have to look north to see him, you’re in the southern hemisphere. So we must be in the southern hemisphere, even though I just said we were in either in the northern hemisphere or on the equator. As if that wasn’t bad enough, if you look at the Big Dipper’s orientation, the pointer stars that point towards Polaris are pointing over our head! Even if the star I circled isn’t actually Polaris, the real Polaris would have to be somewhere around there. Which means, since Polaris is the pole star and the whole point of it is that it’s directly over the north pole, to have Polaris directly over our head means we’re on the north pole. We are in the southern hemisphere and on the equator and on the North Pole. No wonder the moon got sick of us and wanted us gone.
Speaking of the Big Dipper and Polaris real quick, Wind Waker actually has a refreshingly accurate depiction of them. The Big Dipper is angled a little funny for this time of year, but eh, it all works out. You can see that the direction that the pointer stars are indicating that Polaris is in is actually to the north! That’s pretty neat! Polaris is also at about the right height, give or take, that it should be for the latitude we calculated. So hooray for Wind Waker!
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  Skyward Sword: So. Uh. This went downhill very quickly. I was like “hey, maybe the sun is just frozen in its LAN position cuz it doesn’t move, right?” WRONG. If it were LAN, the sun would be directly due north or due south. But NOPE, it’s to the southeast. That means its still morning. At least, when we’re in Skyloft. When we go to Faron, the sun’s due west. Eldin? Southwest! Lanayru? North of west. But wait, you may be thinking, this is handy! We get a few snapshots over the course of a day, and we can put them together to get a feel for what a day looks like here, right? WRONG!
I tried that. You know what I got?
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THAT’S NOT HOW THE SUN WORKS!!!! That looks nothing like either a sine wave or a parabola. But I was like, you know what, maybe it’s okay, maybe my puny mortal mind cannot comprehend this. Let’s let Excel work its magic and give me a parabola.
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Okay, that’s not too terrible, we’ve got an LAN height of like 55°, which is workable. Hey, now that I think about it, what if we extended this parabola to find out where the altitude is zero! We’d basically get the compass directions in which the sun rises and sets, and I mentioned earlier that I can use that to calculate latitude and declination! So let’s just extend this little parabola here…
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nOPE! Here, let me try to explain why this is so bad. You could make a chart where you graphed the sun’s altitude on the Y-axis and the sun’s azimuth, or the compass direction you’d have to face to stare straight at it, on the X-axis. You’d have a graph that intersects the X-axis twice, once at near 090°T and another at somewhere around 270°T. When it gets to the meridian, or 180°T, that’s where your peak, or LAN, would be. This graph does not do that. The sun is modestly in the sky to your north. The sun climbs, passing to your east, and then to your south. It hits its peak just after passing the meridian (that’s not how the sun works?? That’s not how any of this works?!??) and then begins to fall a little as it slopes to the west. It passes west, though, scooting through the northwestern sky before passing north again and continuing to circle towards the east, gradually making its way down to the horizon just before completing its second full rotation around the entire sky.
I joked briefly before about Skyward Sword being at the north pole in the summer so the sun never sets, but that actually seems to be the case?? At latitudes like that in the summer months, the sun can do a lap or two around the sky before touching the horizon. This wouldn’t be a huge problem, if for the fact that you can sleep until nightfall. Which could mean Link passes out for anywhere from a full day to a number of months. Does daytime come back around again? We’ve returned to another one of these strange infinite days, which means that Link has slept for approximately ONE ENTIRE YEAR. I know everyone calls him a sleepyhead, but that’s a bit much, don’t you think?
Furthering my hypothesis that Skyward Sword takes place uncomfortably close to the North Pole, there’s Polaris! Nice and high in the sky, so we must be close to the place where it is overhead—the North Pole. BUT WAIT! What direction is Polaris in? It couldn’t possibly be to the north, could it? No, the north star? In the north?? No, Skyward Sword got it right when it put Polaris IN the SOUTHEAST?!!??!!
Orion is just vibing up there at if we’re comfortably close to the equator, but no, that can’t be the case.
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ALSO! I’ve been ignoring the moons cuz they’re all wonky, but THE MOON IN SKYWARD SWORD IS DIRECTLY DUE NORTH!
WE ARE NEAR THE NORTH POLE AND THE MOON IS TO OUR NORTH. For those of you unaware, the moon tends to stick to the same path as the sun, just that what the sun does in a year, the moon does in a month. The sun is never, ever, ever overhead at the North Pole, SO NEITHER SHOULD THE MOON BE!
The only possible explanation?
You ever notice just how big the moon is in Skyward Sword? Yeah. Yeah, me too.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
To summarize: Ocarina of Time: 47°N, Summer Solstice (June 21st) Wind Waker: 44°N, early April Twilight Princess: 35°N, late September Breath of the Wild: 63°S, November or February Majora’s Mask: 0°N (maybe), mid April or August Skyward Sword: Who Freaking Knows
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redhairedgirl95 · 10 months
Solarian Saturday
Today’s impromptu winx week content involves me sharing with you some Solarian facts ☀️:
Solaria has one Moon and three Suns + one, that is the essence of the Second Sun, that resides inside a specific room in the Castle. The Second Sun is the source of all of light in the whole Magic Dimension. It’s linked to the Solarian Monarch’s life. If the Second Sun dies, the King/Queen will die too.
The ruler of Solaria cannot leave the planet for long. Since their health is connected to the Second Sun’s, being away from it for too long would be dangerous. The Magic that links the ruler to the Second Sun is transferred to the next ruler upon the former’s death, on coronation day. In the case of an abdication, again the new ruler will be linked to the Second Sun on their coronation day. The Magic only affects the Solarian ruler of Solaria (Radius, not Luna. Stella, not Brandon).
It’s always sunny in Solaria. It never rains. Winter and Fall don’t exist in Solaria. It’s always the perfect Summer/Spring day.
It’s the perfect vacation spot, but remember to book your sun protection spell in advance! Or you’re in for a bad sunstroke.
It’s the richest realm in all of Magix.
Solarian fashion is unparalleled. (And sometimes crazy).
Every year, on Summer Solstice, people gather in the capital to watch the performance of the sun dancers, the best dancers in the realm, thanking the Suns for another year of light.
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dreamanduality · 1 year
Modality & the Zodiacal Signs
This writing is issued in 2 points of emphasis. If you are looking for basic information on the Modes stick to the bold text, for a more intermediate explanation of the modes and signs include all.
I am not including the physical characteristics, because in my opinion this gets carried in ways that need a deeper understanding of the moon and ascendant as well as temperament, but I have included very limited details of ailments since we cannot talk about body parts without mentioning their association to health.
As the sun moves North and South of the equator the yearly course is marked by four critical turning points. These are the solstices and equinoxes which initiate the seasons.
Dividing this movement into 12 equal portions of 30 degrees marks the zodiacal signs. These markings can vary based on the system, whether it is tropical, sidereal, or western sidereal—which has caused confusion & great debate. This is for another time though and for the purpose of clarity, I will be using the Tropical Western system as has been used in the tradition of Western astrology since the 4th century BCE.
Basic differences between these systems:
Sideral provides more of an outer or transpersonal perspective of the souls in relationship to the galaxy that both exists and that we may see post-existence through the shining of dead stars.
Tropical provides the of our relationships to the Sun, as it pertains to our experience on earth.
Both are valid and accurate providing a different landscape or served perspective.
The Zodiacal signs in the nativity serve 3 primary functions in Astrology
To truly understand the variations and historical development I recommend that you take the to time read the source material listed at the end.
The bush broad strokes into something like an ancient class-like system. As images with mythic associations give us the shape of behavior and allude to physical characteristics. When framed as configurations we can see familial or interpersonal relationships of the native. And as residences, this articulates resources and power the native holds or has access to. The constellations themselves were likely set up and are used as such to be the dwelling places of the gods/planets.
For this reason, in the study, a firm understanding of the planets should come before and not after the study of the zodiacal wheel.
Moveable Modality
Moveable or Cardinal signs issue the modality of the beginning of seasons. Corresponding to the first degree of Aries-Spring, Cancer-Summer, Libra-Autumn, Capricorn-Winter.
These signs are action-oriented and are the initiators of the zodiac; loving to start new things. Moveable signs are great at taking risks and making changes but can also be impulsive and restless.
beginning of seasons
needing to take action
quick and immediate
When examining these astrological signs, we see behavioral impulsivity, impatience, and difficulty respecting the limits of resources and people we must consider this subjectively. When framing the modes from Aries to Capricorn, this spontaneity or essence of taking action should be placed on a spectrum with the qualities of elements and lords marking how an action is taken.
The objects associated with the moveable modality are dynamic, action-oriented, sharp, and tactility aligning with the moveable modality's association with agitation and taking action. The events associated with this mode are dynamic and change the atmosphere or theme quickly.
All of these signs are tropical, meaning environmental climate needed for creation.
Aries - The Ram
The characteristics of this sign are bestial (animalistic), terrestrial, quadrupedal, semi-vocal, unprolific, mangling, free & single, lustful & lewd. Classified as; masculine, equinoctial, spring, fiery, and diurnal.
Personality; noble, bold & bright, inconsistent, unruly, arrogant
Northern and of the East Wind timing and actions taken are commanding a crooked short ascension.
Rulership is Mars as Domicile, the Sun 19 is exalted. Venus finds themselves in Detriment here and Saturn 19 reaches Fall. In triplicity with the Sun and Jupiter and finding bounds for Mercury 13-20, Venus 1-12, Mars 21-25, Jupiter 1-6, and Saturn 26-30. Decans; Sun, Venus, and Mars.
Head of cosmos and of body and face. When looking at medical astrology can show ailments in the ways of; headaches, poor eyesight & blindness, afflictions to teeth & hearing-possibly deafness, Hansen’s disease, concussions & cerebral hemorrhaging that can lead to stroke, and bouts of anger.
Cancer - The Crab
The characteristics of this sign are bestial, amphibious, mute, broken, fertile, single & servile. Classified as; feminine, solstitial, summer, nocturnal, and watery.
Personality; regard for reputation, popularity, changeable, inconsistent knowledge, wandering, cheerful
Northern with the North Wind finding a long, straight ascension.
Rularship is the Moon as Domicile, Jupiter 15 is exalted. Saturn finds their detriment here and Mars 28 reaches fall. In triplicity with Venus and Mars and finding bounds for Mercury 14-19, Venus 8-13, Mars 1-7, Jupiter 20-25, and Saturn 26-30. Decans; Moon, Mercury, Venus.
Ascendant, breast & ribs of the cosmos and body. Including the chest, spleen, stomach, and posture which can include medical ailments corresponding to the physical location, as well as edema.
Libra - Scales
The characteristics of this sign; are human, vocal, whole, unprolific, violent, single & servile, lustful & lewd. Classified as; masculine, equinoctial, autumnal, diurnal, and airy.
Personality; good and just though malicious, desires the goods of others, irregularity yet oversees balance, weighing, and measuring.
Southern with the West & Southwest Winds timing and actions taken are straight & obeying, long ascension.
Rulership is Venus as Domicile, Saturn 20 is exalted. Mars finds their detriment here and the Sun 19 reaches fall. In triplicity with Saturn and Mercury and finding bounds for Mercury 7-14, Venus 22-28, Mars 29-30, Jupiter 15-21, Saturn 1-6. Decans; Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn.
Subterranean of the cosmos, following in line with the hips, hind parts, groin, bladder, and colon with a medical decrement in these areas as well.
Capricorn - The Goat
The characteristics of this sign; are bestial, amphibious, very wet, unprolific, the cause of evils & troubles, semi-vocal, dual & servile, mysterious/mystifying, and violent. Classified as; feminine, solstitial, wintery, earthy, and nocturnal.
Personality; good and simple, hard-working, stewarding, insomniatic, planning of great things, caring, mischievous, fickle, making mistakes.
Southern with the South Winds, timing and actions taken are crooked & obeying, short ascension.
Rulership is Saturn is Domicile and Mars 28n exalted. The Moon finds their detriment and Jupiter 15 reaches fall. In triplicity with Venus and Moon and finding bounds Mercury 1-7, Venus 15-22, Mars 27-30, Jupiter 8-14, and Saturn 23-26. Decans; Sun, Mars, and Jupiter.
Setting/descendent of the cosmos, knees, and fibrous tissue/tendons that unite the muscle to the bone. Physical ailments can show as; hunched or curved spine, low vision, disability, severe or chronic mental illness, back injuries caused by backbones, and abnormal discharge of humors.
Fixed Modality
The middle of the seasons comes with an air of self-governance, in that action has to be on the terms of that taking action. This is when deep rooting happens, through caution and planning to make sure that action has lasting intents for effect.
When examining these astrological signs we see stability, determination, and persistence. Fixed signs are resistant to change and like to maintain the status quo. When framing the modes for Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius they are loyal and reliable but can also be stubborn and inflexible. The essence of inflexibility should be placed on a spectrum of a sense of security from that which the qualities of elements and lords are marking how the action is taken.
All of these sign are solid, which emphasizes that capability of the dependability and patience required for long term goals.
middle of seasons
needing to maintain
slow and steady
The objects associated with the fixed modality are conservative, hard to move, solid, steady, reliable, and long-lasting aligning with the fixed modality's association with stability defensiveness, and endurance. The events associated with this mode are stable and last for a long time, a long wait.
Taurus - The Bull
The characteristics of this sign are bestial, terrestrial, quadrupedal, semi-vocal, unprolific, broken, violent, servile & single, lustful & lewd. Classified as; feminine, spring, earthy, and nocturnal.
Personality; good, hardworking & handcrafting, preservation, loving of pleasure and music, industrious, noble, agricultural.
Northern and of the South Wind, timing and actions taken are commanding a crooked short ascension.
Rulership is Venus as Domicile, the Moon 3 is exalted. Mars finds themselves in Detriment here and no planets reach fall. In triplicity with the Moon and Venus and finding bounds for Mercury 9-14, Venus 1-8, Mars 28-30, Jupiter 15-22, Saturn 23-27. Decans; Moon, Mercury, and Saturn.
The house that is sign falls in is Weath bringing off the Cosmos. Ruling over the neck and tendons of the neck, and esophagus. Aliments that are considered involve swollen neck glands, suffocations, eye injuries and diseases, and skin issues that erupt.
Leo - The Lion
The characteristics of this sign are bestial, terrestrial, quadrupedal, semi-vocal, free & single, barren, lewd, and broken. Classified as; masculine, summery, fiery, and diurnal.
Personality; well-tempered, good, insubordinate, notable, hates work, intellectual, tyrannical or kingly, short-tempered, domineering, and arrogant.
Northern and of the East Wind, timing and actions taken are commanding a straight long ascension
Rularship is the Sun as Domicile, with no planets exalted. Saturn finds their detriment and no planets reach fall. In triplicity with the Sun and Jupiter and finding bounds for Mercury 19-24, Venus 7-11, Mars 25-30, Jupiter 1-6, Saturn 12-18. Decans; Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.
The Heart of the cosmos, the heart itself, and all the this around it like the ribs, tendons, hips, and also the vascular effects to the eyes.
Scorpio - The Scorpion
The characteristics of this sign are bestial, terrestrial, scaly, fertile, broken, mute, single & servile, and cause of foul smells. Classified as; feminine, autumnal, watery, and nocturnal.
Personality; knavish, secret plotters, sorcery, cunning, insatiable, deep thinking, treacherous, rogue-like.
Southern and of the North Wind, timing and actions taken are straight & obeying a long ascension.
Rulership is Mars as domicile, with no planets exalted. Venus finds their detriment and the Moon 3 reaches fall. In triplicity with Venus & Mars and finding bounds for Mercury 12-19, Venus 8-11, Mars 1-7, Jupiter 20-24, Saturn 25-24. Decans; Sun, Venus, and Mars.
Scorpio is the fifth house of the cosmos, ruling over the genitals, bladder, groin, and buttocks. Ailments that can be noted are dimmed vision, tumors, cancers, kidney stones, and the development of fistulas.
Aquarius - The Water-bearer
The characteristics of this sign are human, winged, rational, vocal, unprolific, single & free, violent, wet, and very cold. Classified as; masculine, solid, wintery, airy, and diurnal.
Personality; fearful, single-minded, handicrafts, concealers, deceitful of opinion & truth, misanthropic, and malicious.
Southern and of the West Wind, timing and action taken are obeying & crooked short ascension.
Rulership is Saturn as domicile, with no planets exalted. The Sun finds their detriment and no planets reach fall. In triplicity with Mercury & Saturn and finding bounds for Mercury 1-7, Venus 8-3, Mars 21-25, Jupiter 14-20, Saturn 26-30. Decans; Moon, Mercury, and Venus.
Aquarius is the eighth house of the cosmos, which emphasizes the concern of death. Areas of the body are the shins, legs, and tendons of the lower legs. Ailments that could be considered of the body including but not limited to; arthritis, dopey, some mental illnesses, limb disabilities, incontinence, filariasis, edema, and jaundice.
Common or Mutable Modality
The common modality is ambivalent, variable, and combines the other two modes in a wavering, rapid impulse.
When examining these astrological signs, we tend to see a more adaptable nature with a focus on communication and flexibility. Common signs are often able to see multiple perspectives and are great at adapting to new situations. When framing the modes for Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, they are often seen as intelligent and curious, but can also be indecisive and inconsistent. The essence of adaptability should be placed on a spectrum with the qualities of elements and lords marking how the action is taken.
All of these signs are bicoporal meaning, of two bodies.
end of the seasons & change in climate
combines other modes
tendencies of inertia
multiplicity in action
diversity in response
The objects associated with the common modality are everyday objects that have multiple uses; versatile, adaptable, and able to change direction easily aligning with the common modality's association with flexibility and adaptability. The events associated have multiple points of impact and are unpredictable and change rapidly.
Gemini - The Twins
The characteristics of this sign are human, winged, vocal & pleasing to the ear, barren, whole, dual & free, and rational. Classified as; masculine, spring, airy, and diurnal.
Personality; fond of discourse, articulate, teachers of voice, working in education & writing, interpreters, commerce, poetic, critics, occult matters, business, and wealth & currency.
Northern and of the (south) West Wind, timing and actions taken are commanding & crooked, short ascension.
Rulership is Mercury in domicile, with no plants exalted. Jupiter finds themselves in detriment, and no planets reach fall. In triplicity with Mercury and Saturn, and finding bounds for Mercury 1-6, Venus 13-17, Mars 18-24, Jupiter 7-12, and Saturn 25-30.
Aquarius is the 12th house of the cosmos and there are no illnesses directly connected to this sign in the references below, but the areas of the body connected to the sign are the hands, shoulders, arms and fingers.
Virgo - The Virgin
Characteristics of this sign are human, winged, barren, vocal, and dual & free. Classified as; feminine, summery, earthy, and nocturnal.
Personality; industrious & practices handicrafts, concerned with the body, modest, mystical, writers, calculating, occult matters, human shape of justice/moral shape of justice, and scrupulous.
Northern and of the South(west) Wind, timing and actions taken are commanding & straight long ascensions.
Rulership is Mercury in domicile, with Mercury exalted. Jupiter finds detriment, and Venus 27 reaches fall. In triplicity with Moon and Venus, and finding bounds for Mercury 1-7, Venus 8-17, Mars 22-28, Jupiter 18-21, and Saturn 29-30.
The cadence of the the cosmos and of the southwest, meaning within the metrics of falling sound and cadent houses. Hidden parts of the body, innards, upper intestines, loins, and belly.
Sagittarius - The Archer
The characteristics of this sign are human & bestial, terrestrial, second half quadrupedal, first half vocal & second half semi-vocal, broken, dual & free, and mysterious. Classifies as; masculine, autumnal, fiery, and diurnal.
Personality; critical, good & just, generous, great-souled, to lose and find things, loves reputation, riddling, authoritative, social fellowships, prevalence, and versatile.
Southern and of the East Wind, timing and actions taken are obeying & straight, long ascensions.
Rulership is Jupiter in domicile, with no planets exalted. Mercury finding detriment, with no planets reaching fall. In triplicity with Sun and Jupiter, and finding bounds for Mercury 18-21, Venus 13-17, Mars 27-30, Jupiter 1-12, and Saturn 22-26.
The cadence of the cosmos, meaning within the metrics of falling sound and cadent houses. The house of forced work or servitude lacking recognition. Ruling over the thighs and groin, with the possibilities of epilepsy, weak sight, baldness, falling from heights, danger from 4 legged animals, injury from barb like objects, animal attacks, extra limbs, and birthmarks.
Pisces - The Fishes
The characteristics of this sign are bestial, fertile, wet, aquatic, broken, mute, and dual & servile. Classifications are; feminine, wintery, watery, and nocturnal.
Personality; of two minds, turns things from bad to good, of/in service, inconsistent, erotic, wandering & dreamy, restless, working on/with water, complicated, sociable, and popular.
Southern and of the North Wind, timing and actions taken are obeying & crooked, short ascensions.
Rulerships is Jupiter in domicile, with Venus 27 exalted. Mercury finding detriment, and Mercury 15 reaching fall. In triplicity with Venus and Mars, and finding bounds for Mercury 17-19, Venus 1-12, Mars 20-28, Jupiter 13-16, and Saturn 29-30.
The good cadence of the cosmos, and the house of God. Ruling over the feet, ankles, sole of the feet, and tendons located here. Finding the possibilities of arthritis, poor posture, gout, diseases of the humors, vitamin c deficiency, STI’s and afflictions from debauchery.
Additional Notes to consider:
When terms like violent or destructive are used this is because the domicile or exalted planet is malefic.
Being whole implies strength, and that these signs are less liable to accidents.
Bestial codification notes on the core instinctual action of the individual.
Free versus servile; the implications of a free sign defines a poised posture, running, standing tall and to be servile or of servitude defines poor posture or slouching, sitting & fatigue, and possible wearyness of the mind.
In single form we consider independence and in dual form this is being with others/companionship.
Vocal is to be a good speaker, semi-vocal of few or select/disorganized verbal communication, and mute or the lacking of voice implies little speech, and stuttering through verbal communication.
Refrences to being unprolific, fertile, or barren is in relationship to the potentials of procreation.
Traits are assumed to be seen through the Asc and Moon sign weighted more heavily and subjectively—as both of the points signify the body.
Source Material:
Teucer of Babylon
Encyclopedia of Astrology
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blessed1neha · 1 year
What is the definition of a malefic moon?
The article is purely for Vedic astrologers: which moon is harmful
The day before, my colleague-astrologer and I were vigorously discussing which Moon is unfavorable. I am sure that many Vedic astrologers will be surprised, but what is there to argue, and so everything is clear.
After all, everything is clearly stated in the BPHS:
3: 11. BENEFICIOUS AND BENEFICIOUS PLANETS: Of these grahas, Surya [Sun], Shani [Saturn], Mangala [Mars], waning Chandra [Moon], Rahu and Ketu are "evil"; and the rest - full Chandra [Moon], Buddha [Mercury], Guru [Jupiter] and Shukra [Venus] - are "beneficial". Buddha [Mercury] in conjunction with a pernicious graha becomes pernicious.
And the generally accepted interpretation of this sloka regarding the Moon is as follows:
Only the growing Moon is beneficial, that is, the Moon that occupies the first 7 signs from the sign of the Sun. If the Sun is in Aries, then the Moon will be growing in signs from Aries to Libra.
Yes, and I thought so, I confess, somehow I didn’t really go into the details of this description of the Moon by the sage Parashara. Although, in practice, I often encountered the fact that this rule did not work in full.
I decided to double-check the accuracy of this judgment and climbed into the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra in Sanskrit, where I saw the following words in this sloka:
Krishana Chandra - this is how the "waning moon" is described.
Krishana Chandra indicates Parashara. No relation to the sun
It is we, modern astrologers, who later connected the Sun and the Moon.
There is no mention of the Sun at all!
Krishana - translates as: 1) stunted, stunted. 2) truncated.
The moon in BPHS is called - nisakara - making night, creating darkness.
And based on this translation, we can draw an unexpected conclusion:
"Wanning Moon" is when the length of the night becomes shorter.
That is, from the winter solstice to the summer solstice.
After the winter solstice, the night shortens, that is, the moon withers.
The waxing and waning moon has a purely astronomical explanation.
The moon is favorable from the summer solstice to the winter solstice.
From the end of 3 characters to the beginning of 10 characters.
Rather like this:
The waning malefic Moon - from Capricorn to Gemini.
Full auspicious Moon - from Cancer to Sagittarius.
Everything is simple!
For ancient astrologers, these qualities of the Moon were understandable and natural, they did not need to be further explained, therefore Parasara is so short.
In addition, the moon - symbolizes the harvest.
In the period from June (Cancer) to November (Sagittarius) is the harvest and processing of the crop.
Summer and autumn are favorable periods for the moon. Winter and Spring, not so much.
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Yes, and in the human body, the Moon, which is responsible for blood, is abundant and needed from 4 to 9 sign: starting from the chest, ending with the hips.
Below the knees (10, 11, 12 signs) - an abundance of blood is detrimental. Also, excess blood in the head (Aries) can lead to a stroke.
But the Moon is exalted in Taurus, despite the fact that this sign is in the zone of the Moon's perniciousness. This is due to the fact that in Taurus the length of the night is already quite long and the fact that this sign is responsible for nutrition, for food, and the Moon, as the main breadwinner, is very strong and important here. There is another factor - astronomical - the Moon in the sign of Taurus is closest to the Earth.
The Moon falls in Scorpio, which is also responsible for menstruation, and excessive bleeding in "these days" is not very good.
It turns out that the Moon during the day is strong and favorable from noon to midnight: afternoon, evening and early night. Well, in the morning, during breakfast.
The moon is bad
in Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries and Gemini.
The degree of its perniciousness increases in that order.
The Blessing Moon is in the following signs:
Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius.
On this basis, we can now justify the validity of the opinion of some astrologers that the planets in the signs opposite their mulatrikon (proper signs) are unfavorable.
For Venus, it is not very "comfortable" in Aries and in Scorpio, in Martian signs that are in opposition to Libra and Taurus, respectively.
Mars also feels uncomfortable in these signs of Venus.
Saturn is then weak in Cancer and Leo.
Jupiter in Gemini and Virgo.
Mercury is awkward in Jupiterian signs: Sagittarius and Pisces.
Aquarius is a sign where the Sun is weak, it turns out.
And it seems that this rule also applies to the position of the planets in the corresponding houses of the horoscope:
Icy Saturn is uncomfortable in hot 4th and 5th houses (Cancer and Leo).
Jupiter cannot turn around in full in 3 and 6 houses (Gemini, Virgo).
Here are some interesting conclusions that can be drawn by carefully and deeply analyzing the main Jyotish treatise - Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra.
A real Vedic astrologer should base his activities mainly on this ancient astrological textbook, and not on some incomprehensible medieval treatises.
And further.
If this rule for the Moon does not work in your horoscopes, then this means that you have compiled a horoscope incorrectly
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turningwheeltarot · 2 years
Astrological Correspondences to the Wheel of the Year: Autumn Equinox, Libra & Scorpio
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I love to explore the fascinating correlations between astrology and the eight seasons of the wheel of the year. In the Celtic tradition, tremendous importance is placed on the honoring of polarities (light and dark, masculine and feminine). With that in mind, I find it beautiful and fitting that each season of the wheel encompasses both a feminine and masculine astrological sign:
Samhain: Scorpio (feminine) & Sagittarius (masculine)
Winter Solstice: Capricorn (feminine) & Aquarius (masculine)
Imbolc: Aquarius (masculine) & Pisces (feminine) 
Spring Equinox: Aries (masculine) & Taurus (feminine) 
Beltaine: Taurus (feminine) & Gemini (masculine)
Summer Solstice: Cancer (feminine) & Leo (masculine) 
Lughnasa: Leo (masculine) & Virgo (feminine)
Autumn Equinox: Libra (masculine) & Scorpio (feminine) 
The two Equinoxes (Spring and Autumn) are times of equal day and night; the feminine and masculine energies are equal in strength. Of all the seasons of the wheel of the year, I think the Autumn Equinox has one of the strongest astrological correlations -- to the sign of Libra.
The Autumn Equinox, a time of balance, corresponds with the sun moving into Libra, the sign of balance. Libra is a masculine sign, but it is ruled by Venus, a feminine planet. Both seasons are all about balancing the light/masculine and dark/feminine energies within us. I also can’t help but relate the magnificent beauty of Autumn to Libra’s ruler of Venus, which is the planet of beauty. 
At this time of year, we are called to begin to gently surrender to the feminine principle, which will be strengthening day by day as we move towards Scorpio season and the feminine/dark-dominated half of the year: rest, release, reflection, receptivity, being, and feeling. Honoring endings is another major theme of the Autumn Equinox. It marks the end of the light half of the year and it is the final season of the wheel of the year. 
The sign of Scorpio (which the sun spends the last week of this season in) is the sign of endings and death. And Libra can be associated with endings as well; it represents the end of the personal signs of the zodiac (the first six signs of Aries through Virgo) and the beginning of the transpersonal signs (the last six signs from Libra to Pisces). The first six personal signs are more subjective and have to do with our relationship with ourselves. The last six signs are more objective, and have to do with our relationship to other people and the world around us. 
Since the Spring Equinox, six months ago, the sun has moved through all six personal signs. It will now begin its journey through the six transpersonal signs. During these months, we may feel more influenced by forces that seem to be outside of us; greater detachment and objectivity may be required of us. 
The energy of the dark feminine strengthens notably the closer to Samhain we get -- particularly after the sun moves into Scorpio. In this final week leading up to Samhain, there is often the feeling of a void that seems to grow wider by the day – we are being pulled to surrender to this void. It is a time for honoring and releasing what is ending in our lives.
✨Follow me on Instagram: instagram.com/turningwheel360✨
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izzy-mc-fizzy · 1 year
building off the hc of masha being pagan/wiccan, this time of year is when a lot of pagans are celebrating the winter solstice and yule! so they might burn a yule log and go out wassailing with their family and friends (basically they’ll go door to door singing and offering a drink from this bowl of warm, spiced apple cider)!
Ahhhh I’m absolutely loving y’all sending me asks about pagan Masha! I’m not pagan myself and I’m not super familiar with all the specific holidays and customs so I always learn something new with these types of asks which is so much fun. I love learning about different cultures and religions so PLEEEAAAASE keep sending me asks like this I am begging y’all!!!
I also am totally in love with the idea of Masha celebrating the solstice with Vee. I know a lot of Christmas traditions are basically just repackaged pagan traditions (bc The Church doesn’t really know how to keep their hands to themselves but that’s a rant for another time) and for some reason the idea of Masha going on a (justifiably) salty rant about this to Vee (who has absolutely no clue what Masha’s talking about bc she’s literally from another dimension but is nodding along like she understands bc she’s a good supportive girlfriend) is really amusing to me.
I also imagine Masha’s family having the most KILLER apple cider recipe on the planet. It’s the first kind of apple cider Vee’s ever tried and based on the name she expects it to taste similar to apple blood but it doesn’t, it tastes even better, like it’s the best human food Vee’s ever had. Also I love the idea of Vee joining them in wassailing and of course it’s cold bc it’s winter so Masha and their family are dressed reasonably for the weather and Vee shows up in just layers upon layers of sweaters and hats and scarves bc she’s a cold-blooded lizard creature and gets REALLY sleepy in cold weather (you could also imagine Masha and Vee cuddling up and maybe sharing a blanket to keep Vee’s energy up if you want but I won’t force you to or anything ;) )
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skylarstark4826 · 3 months
Sulerii was a brutally warm planet, close to its sun, with a hazardous atmosphere for most oxygen-breathing lifeforms. The native Ilkhoy found it just as difficult to traverse other worlds, and they relied on visitors from elsewhere to sustain them with novelty, tales of gallantry and defiance from the stars they viewed through elongated, yellow eyes as they waved their tails at the heavens. In exchange, they offered respite in their underground caverns, where the mix of gases was more regulated by droids, and intimidating natural defenses against anyone foolhardy enough to attack.
That was where the Resistance had found itself sheltered, in hollow cities where generations of wanderers had passed through. They traded their stories and burrowed deeper into the hot soil. Poe confessed the blind risks he’d taken, Kaydel sung of her faith in Leia even in their darkest hours, Rey called to mind the unending green of Takodana, and the Ilkhoy gasped, in awe or because their air mask settings weren’t set right.
One morning below the surface dawned a little cooler than the rest, and Rose checked the data screen. “It’s their winter solstice,” she smiled. “Their year is so short, it’s already at the longest night of its orbit. From now on the days will get brighter.”
“Does it make a difference down here?” Finn asked.
“Not really,” said Rose. “But I always like celebrating it.”
“Any excuse we can get, I guess.”
She paused, then shrugged. “My birthday is on the winter solstice. Not here, obviously, but my homeworld. That’s how I learned to remember—so when the days started getting long again, no matter where I was, I would have something to be happy for that was mine.”
Had Paige taught her that? Afraid the First Order would separate them in some abduction run? “That’s sweet.”
“When’s yours?”
“Uh. What?”
“Your birthday?”
“I don’t, uh, have one.”
“Oh,” Rose winced. “I’m sorry, I’m an idiot—”
“No you’re not,” Finn interrupted. He looked around, and noticed that nobody else was in earshot of the data screen. “Once a year, I think it was the capital calendar, they would make us all take these physicals. Depending on your scores you would get promoted between squadrons. So we didn’t all stay in the same place and develop camaraderie too long, I figure.” Rose nodded, eyes wide. “If you failed—well, we never really heard about the ones who failed. So I’m not too big on anniversaries.”
“They didn’t give you names, either. That doesn’t mean it’s too late to change.”
“Names cost nothing,” said Finn. “If we make it another year, that’ll be something to celebrate.”
“You too noble to have a day to receive something for once?”
“One day’s as good as the next,” Finn said.
“We’ll see about that,” Rose said, then paced off to start weapons inspection.
She kept it in the back of her mind as days blurred into whatever passed for months on the moonless world; holding onto some goal for no objective other than the happiness of someone she cared about made the intervening days, tedium interspersed with terror, manageable. When she spoke with Rey, both of them commiserating about the fragile state of the Millennium Falcon’s hyperdrive, she asked carefully, “I don’t suppose you had much in the way of birthday celebrations out on Jakku?”
“I had what I made,” Rey said offhandedly. “The first time I filled up this—well, I had a calendar, kind of, a list of days. The first time I got to the end of a row, I figured, that day was mine. I asked, and it was the sixteenth of Litsin. So, that’s my day.”
“Huh,” Rose smiled. “Did you get to do anything fun?”
“Not when I was little. When I got bigger, I’d try to explore somewhere where I hadn’t been before—not for anything useful, just for the thrill of it. When I was...twelve, I think, I found a bandana and a new canteen, and two years later I found a piece of metal that sounded kind of like an organ box when I blew into it.”
“Well,” said Rey. “The sixteenth of Litsin, I’ll bear that in mind.”
Rey, to her credit, just changed the subject to the cargo bay, without dismissing the probability they’d make it that long.
The others—Kaydel and Poe and everyone (Rose had learned all their names, and hated the fact it was so easy)—all had their own lives. Some harder than others, but all had chosen resistance because they felt it the best path forward. And all still remembered enough of themselves to honor, even if they thought nobody else was watching.
(“I have no recollection,” C-3PO informed her sternly, “it’s not fit for one such as myself to remember its earliest operations. My gracious, do you? When one thinks of the things small humans do...highly improper.”)
Chewbacca growled and seemed to point at the captain’s quarters. “He said his is the fourth of Wisnuk, but at his age he’d just be embarrassed by any party you...uh, we kids could throw,” translated Rey.
“Well, he shouldn’t be,” said Rose.
“You should go talk to Leia.”
“I can’t talk to General Organa!”
“We’re in a war, she’s your commanding officer, I hope you can talk to her.”
“Oh you know what I mean.”
Rey blinked. “No I don’t.”
“It’s different for you, you’re a Jedi.”
“And you’re—”
“I’m not anyone,” Rose said, before Rey could make up something patronizing.
“You’ve seen our numbers,” Rey said. “Everyone’s someone now. More than someone. We have to be.”
Before Rose could reply, Chewbacca had rapped on Organa’s door, and she’d poked her head out. “Is everything all right?”
“I’m fine!” Rose quickly answered. Chewbacca yawned, and Rey glanced around between them.
“My birthday?” Organa said quietly. “It’s—the first of Eimol.”
“I’m sorry if it’s a sore point.”
“No, not that. It’s just—growing up, the galaxy had to observe that as the anniversary of the founding of the Galactic Empire. Of course at home...my parents did the minimum possible, as public figures, to remain dignified, but it was always with gritted teeth. It took me a few years to understand."
“Well,” said Rey. “If we didn’t have enough reasons to fight, better make sure no future children have their birthdays overshadowed by First Order Day.”
Chewbacca clapped her on the back, and they walked off.
“I don’t expect anything special,” Organa said. “Why do you ask?”
“It’s Finn,” Rose said, and found herself relating bits and pieces of his story.
“Well,” Organa said, “I’m used to sharing my festivities, and it would be a welcome change of pace to celebrate with someone like Finn. He’s welcome to the first of Eimol.”
Rose broke into a smile. “If you’ll keep this classified, I’ll see what I can do.”
By the time Eimol rolled around, they had traded the caverns of Sulerii for the mesas of Gantzen. They usually needed to divide into scout teams to go haul fresh water from the wells below; Poe and Rey were still trying to jerry-rig an elevator, but it was too inefficient to send spacecraft down. Whether by chance or some higher-up’s astute eye, Finn and Rose had been assigned to the same team, and they spent many mornings enjoying each other’s company as they climbed back and forth to the ship.
When evening came, Rose sounded the soft double trill that signified all invited to hub, not urgent. The blast was for Finn’s sake as much as anyone’s; most people knew about her scheme, if only indirectly. “Er, hello,” she said, as her comrades shifted in their seats, warily. “Thanks for coming. As you all know, this is the first of Eimol, and as some of you know, that used to be a day of, uh, galactic significance.”
Chewbacca and R2-D2 gave what she hoped were laughs; C-3PO had stepped out.
“But governments come and go, just like people. So while we’re here, I think we should take time when we can to celebrate those—those we look up to. General Organa, many happy returns.”
Organa blushed, and Poe stood up to offer her a datavid. “Oh, come on now, you shouldn’t have—” she began.
“I think you’ll like it,” he said. “From some of our Ilkhoy allies, a few tales they’ve collected from those who came through in ancient days. Senators, pilots...even an Alderaanian or two.”
Her eyes blurred as she stood to address the group. “Thank you. Thank you all very much.”
“It’s my pleasure,” said Poe. “All of ours.”
Organa blinked, composing herself, before she began. “Times change, calendars change—sometimes even planets change, as terrible as it is. And though our reckoning systems shouldn’t be anywhere near the first casualties of these times, I certainly agree that we should not let the devastation of these times prevent us from rejoicing with our friends. Finn—I would be honored to share my birthday with you, if you are willing.”
“Willing?” Finn said. “It’d be my honor, but, uh, it’s kind of short notice.”
“We planned ahead,” said Rose. “Just in case.”
“Most of the gifts should keep,” Rey explained. “If you don’t want to celebrate today. But if you want to eat Kaydel’s stew, that’s probably going to need to be today.”
“You made that beef stew?” Finn blurted.
Kaydel grinned. “Felt like being festive.”
“Ma’am…I didn’t mean to impinge,” said Finn.
“I couldn’t ask for a better celebration than seeing my troops find a reason to take heart,” said Organa, “and I think this surely qualifies.”
C-3PO came tottering back, balancing a stack of gifts which Finn raced to unload. From Poe, there was a cap emblazoned with the Resistance insignia. “To match your jacket,” he winked.
“And so I can tell all my enemies I’m proud to hang around you nerfherders?” Finn laughed. “Thank you.”
Rey had given him a small projector that set up miniature holochess and other games. “To pass the time when you’re bored on watch. Or in jail, I don’t know.”
“That was one time!” That had become somewhat of a running joke on the Falcon.
“Okay, mostly on watch. Don’t have too much fun, though, or someone will catch you from behind.”
“It’s great,” he laughed. “I’ll play you in dice. Just no Jedi cheating.”
“I suppose it’s unethical,” Rey sighed.
Leia had given him a new digiwatch, with music programmed in. “Everybody chose a song they enjoyed,” she explained. “I can’t vouch for all of the non-bipedal tastes, but I suppose they think our sensory modalities are limited too.”
“Which one is yours?” Finn asked.
“A folk song my parents sang to me when I was little. I’m afraid this recording is not very authentic, but—”
“It’ll be great,” he said. “Thank you.”
Finn tested the weight of the last present before tearing it open. It was a series of metal links, interwoven together.
“Uh, it’s beautiful,” he said. “But...is it some kind of shield?”
“No, dummy,” said Rose. “It’s a necklace. Forged it with a solderbeam.”
He gaped. “You made this?”
“You don’t have to wear it if you think it’s weird, obviously. I just figured...you know, you’re the kind of guy who doesn’t wait around for the moon.” She toyed with her pendant. “Every day is as good as the next, right? Well, almost every.”
Finn stared for a moment, then kissed her, still holding the necklace. Rose hugged him tightly as R2 beeped his approval, never mind the rest of the room.
When he pulled away, she took the chain in his hands. “So, you put it on like this, right?” she said, as he bent down and let her drape it over his head.
“Yeah,” he said. “Yeah, I like it.”
She gave him a quick kiss in return. “Happy birthday.”
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megashadowdragon · 6 months
MINI THEORY: Why Sanji will fight Saturn (possibly with Luffy.) 🧵⤵️
As we already know, Saturn is the Warrior God of Science and Sanji was titled the Warrior of Science (despite rejecting this role), this along with his ties to Germa and the modifications he went through puts him at possibilities of fighting Saturn. -- But why not Franky?
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Well did you also know that Saturn was known as the Black Sun or Sun of the Night in Ancient Babylon? This connection, as well as the fact Saturnalia is held during the Winter Solstice, all has to do with Astrology and the ancients deifying space.
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Known as the "Midnight of the Year," the Winter Solstice is of course the longest night of the year. But during the Winster Solstice, the festival of Saturn or Saturnalia is held, and closely followed by "Dies Natalis Invicti" or "Birth of the Unconquered Sun."
It's why these two holidays are held at that time, that's the interesting tie in though; and that is because of the Zodacis -- or more importantly, Capricorn. (The Ram). In the yearly cycle, during the Winter Solstice the sun 'dies,' as it reaches the tropic of Capricorn.
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The ancients in Babylon and Rome (and probably other places) depicted this as the Sun of the previous year dying at the end of its cycle, and the new sun being born. If you are familiar with Astrology, Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 20) was assigned Saturn as its ruling Planet.
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And Capricorn just so happens to be a Goat (Ram) and thus paralleling Satan (credits for for that one) as well as Sanji.
But of course, if we go with Satan or Devil references. Sanji has so many others. As well as his words.
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This Devil connection for Sanji isn't all though if we go with other belief systems such as Catholicism who believes Satan to be Lucifer, based on again the Babylonians. However, Lucifer is actually not in fact Satan, and was actually Venus the scripture was speaking about.
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This Devil connection for Sanji isn't all though if we go with other belief systems such as Catholicism who believes Satan to be Lucifer, based on again the Babylonians. However, Lucifer is actually not in fact Satan, and was actually Venus the scripture was speaking about. And who best fits Venus? So-so-so many things about Sanji fit Venus.
--Venus is known as both the Evening Star and Morning Star, just like Germa Sanji and regular Sanji. Sanji also has several other symbolism of duality such as the double spiral symbol in mythology that denotes 'balance.' Being the Morning Star Venus is also known as Phosphorus or the "Light Bringer" (herald).
--Sanji has the hottest fire, Venus is the hottest planet. But Venus also rotates retrograde to the rest of the planets, as clockwise like Sanji's eyebrows, the rest of the planets rotate counter-clockwise. EXCEPT Uranus, which is also retrograde.
--Sanji is associated with love and fire. Both things of Venus aka Aphrodite. Even his gag in the live action is a note to Venus as Oregano is the plant associated to Aphrodite aka Venus.
--Venus despite being a planet is known as the brightest luminary after the sun and moon in the night sky. But they call it a star, like the sun which is also a star. Somewhat of a counterfeit sun since it's a planet.
--In a color spread, Sanji wears pants that have the star and crescent symbol of Ishtar, but has also been a symbol of Venus.
--In another color spread Sanji has a feathered serpent aka Quetzalcoatl, who is the Aztec association of Venus and the Sun.
--Venus heralds the Dawn, in Skypiea, Sanji leads Luffy, and is Luffy's wings, heralding him.
--Venus's conjunction with the sun every 8 years creates a pentagram along the path. Within the pentagram is a pentagon and each segment of the pentagram equals the Fibonacci sequence aka the golden spiral. (Sanji spirals, 5th crew member.)
There's also the fact that the Babylonians not only referred to Saturn as the Black Sun, but also the fact they assigned it the color Black. The same color of Black Leg Sanji's epithet.
Black Sun has also been said by other theorists to be associated with Sanji through Germa's inspiration Shocker from Kamen Rider who's inspiration was none other than the Nazi's.
So Saturn, who is known as The Black Sun that rules the house of Capricorn the Ram, as well as Satan; has both parallels to Germa, and Sanji who is a Ram and Venus/Lucifer who was thought to be Satan (evil) for ages, and sports devil motifs. Hikaru; @PinkHairedCoder · 1h So those references brings us to: Saturn (Science, Black Sun, and Satan/Devil/Goat)
Luffy (Nika, The Sun, and "Jesus (birth of the son)"
Sanji (Science, Imitation Black Sun (32 = San Ji = San Ni = Sunny), (Morning&Evening Star), and False Devil/Ram. Hikaru; @PinkHairedCoder · 1h Given that the Black Sun represents Saturn, and Germa in references. I expect Germa!Sanji to be invoked within this matchup.
Especially since Sanji has been being shown as a darker form of Nika lately, along with Judge (who Oda put great effort into hiding his brows).
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So in their fight, I expect Saturn to invoke the Black Sun/Evening Star side of Sanji, and Luffy the true Sun (and possibly Nami) to ground him and possibly purify him temporarily (until we get the death pact and Little Garden call back in Elbaf with S vs Z).
That brings us to: Saturn, who is known as The Black Sun that rules the house of Capricorn the Ram, as well as Satan; has both parallels to Germa, and Sanji who is a Ram and Venus/Lucifer who was thought to be Satan (evil) for ages, and sports devil motifs. __________________________________
Saturn (Science, Black Sun, and Satan/Devil/Goat, 5th Gorosei)
Luffy (Nika, The Sun, and "Jesus (birth of the son)," May 5th?)
Sanji (Science, Imitation Black Sun (32 = San Ji = San Ni = Sunny), (Morning&Evening Star), and False Devil/Ram, 5th Crew Member) ___________________________________
Given that the Black Sun represents Saturn, and Germa in references. I expect Germa!Sanji to be invoked within this matchup. Especially since Sanji has been being shown as a darker form of Nika lately, along with Judge (who Oda put great effort into hiding his brows). I expect Saturn to invoke the Black Sun/Evening Star side of Sanji, and Luffy the true Sun (and possibly Nami) to ground him and possibly purify him temporarily (until we get the death pact and Little Garden call back in Elbaf with S vs Z).
Other things not mythology: --Bonney is in danger, and Sanji wants to save her. --Last chapter's words about Kuma sounds a lot like what Sanji is as at risk at with his modifications (along with the other Sanji and Kuma parallels of a kind-hearted self-sacrificial human at risk/or forced to become an emotionless cyborg for those they love.)
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echantedtoon · 7 months
A Bloom In Time Ch35 Epilogue
(Hey everyone. I just wanted to thank everyone who read this far and liked my story enough to read it to it's end. I had a lot of fun writing it and it makes me happy knowing some people loved it enough to read it fully. Thanks to everyone for reading this, faving it, or leaving a nice comment. If you liked this consider checking out my other works. And thank you to GearsForBreakfast for creating such wonderful characters and giving me the opportunity to make this wonderful story. )
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Ah. Cupid's Day.  The day everyone expressed their love to one another whether it be platonic love among friends and family, or for lovers to have a nice relaxing day out on a date with their spouses. Usually Snatcher would absolutely despise this day because of the implications of love to him was even more exhausting than usual. Yes, he'd tolerate the kiddos giving him small trinkets or pictures he'd hang on the fridge or on the walls of his tree home, but very evilly and totally not because he actually liked them ok! It was on this day he had a very special surprise planned out for a certain red haired fireball of a woman. All he had to do was wait for the right time to show her is all.....
Which was easier said than done.
The first thing that happened when the day started was him getting bombarded by Hattie and Bow rushing in and shoving cutesy pictures and hearts in his face with big smiles on their faces. Of course being the most evil of evil rulers he was, made a big groaning scene about it before taking them, reluctantly of course, and very VERY menacingly hanging them onto the wall above them to show everyone how evil he was by keeping something so mushy around him and showing he didn't care. Of course he hadn't spent all month hurrying his minions into working faster to put the last finishing touches on his very evil surprise for Poppy just to have it spoiled by these two, so to distract them all he gave them some of that mail Poppy had insisted he'd take to give to all the minions and dwellers running around. That should keep the two of them busy and running around for a good while before they went back to that ship! Good thing they didn't bring Poppy with them into the forest. He wasn't sure how'd he be able to get her distracted enough to finish his work....That didn't apply to a certain witch though when he paused when he saw Hazelle pop up.
Snatcher frowned. "What are YOU doing here?"
Hazelle smiled having a cute home made card in her hand. "Can't a friend visit a friend, Snatchy? And truth be told I came here to see how you were doing after the whole incident was over."
He huffed and turned away. "I'm fine. Just....working on something before the end of the day's over."
Hazelle nodded looking over the cards in her hands. "That makes sense. If that's all then I'll be hopping over to Moonjumper now."
Snatcher snapped his head back around to her. "WHAT?!"
"Calm down. I promised the girls I'd give him the Cupid's Day card they made for him and drop off Timmy for their sleep over."
"WHAT?!," he demanded again narrowing his eyes at her and she rolled her eyes at him.
"Snatcher, he was grounded for a long time and he's just a kid. He didn't know any better. One sleep over with his friends isn't going to hurt Poppy or you. Get over it."
Snatcher grumbled under his breath but didn't comment anything else when she tucked the cards away. "Well I'm off. But if you want to see me again, I'll be dropping Timmy off later at the ship."
Snatcher didn't say anything as Hazelle teleported away and he turned back towards his destination. He had work to get done and a limited time to do it in. The day went by realtively normally and fast, the girls came back a little while later with enough leftover mail to give the minions for Winter Solstice gifts. So he dissmissed them and off they ran. He guessed to go back to the ship and telescope jump around the planet to deliver more of those home made scribbled cards to those birds and cat. Whatever. It'd keep them out of his hair at least for a long while. It certainly took a lot longer than he suspected to get done, but when the last mushroom was replanted, and the last minion patted the dirt in the right place he nodded. It was ready. Of course living in a dark forest, he couldn't tell how late or early it was in the day, nor could he from space, so when he teleported himself to the kid's ship he was a little surprised to find not only Timmy there but the weird blonde girl that once upon a time made an alternate reality to get rid of all bad guys.....So naturally he frowned seeing the two of them huddled in the living room watching TV on top of a bunch of pillows with Bow and Hattie. Mustache Girl...Was that her name gave him a frown back and Timmy looked slightly nervous seeing the spook there. He also guessed he just must've missed Hazelle dropping him off because he was standing in front of Poppy holding a pretty shining flower in a small pot in one hand and a red scarf in another. Poppy was already holding a small cactus like the one you'd find in gift shops and a basket that smelled of delicious food. She smiled upon seeing Snatcher.
"Ah was wonderin' when you'd show up!," she greeted.
"Uh yeah. What do you have there?," he asked gesturing to her the objects in her hands.
"Oh these?" She held them up. "Cookie stopped by and asked if Mu could join the lil get together for the night. Somethin' bout her n' that loud mouth bird havin' dinner ah think. So I said I'd watcher her too! She was nice enough to give us some more food and this cute lil guy!" She smiled at the small cactus. "Ah never tried growin' a cactus before so it'll be a real fun experience." She called Bow to come over to take the basket of food from her and intrusted her to put it away then turned back to Timmy. "Watchin' him too! Now ya'll said ya wanted ta tell me somethin'?"
Timmy gulped and nodded. "Y-Yes, ma'am. I uh-...W-Wanted to apologize for what happened. I'm r-really, really sorry." He held up the shining Twilight Flower. "I got you this straight from the Alpine Alps. Hazelle helped me pick it out, yeah."
Poppy regarded him for a moment, before smiling and shifting her cactus into her other hand, reached down to pick up the decent sized bright flower from him. "Now ain't that sweet? Now ah got two plants I never had before! ....Apology accepted." 
Ah. She always did like kids. So of course she would forgive Timmy easily. She blinked again when he also held up the neatly knitted red scarf. "Moonjumper asked me to tell you that's he's sorry too, and that he hopes you'll forgive him so you all can maybe be friends. He made this for you."
Poppy blinked at the scarf, but before she could even respond a dark arm shot out and snatched the red scarf right out of the boy's hand and up to the scowling face of Snatcher as the yellow orbs laserfocused on it. "I'll be the judge of that.." For the next few minutes Snatcher spent looking throughly at the red scarf, as if sensing every fiber. Scanning it long ways and up and down, back and front, and tugged a few strands here and there. After a bit he looked back to Timmy with a supicious face.....and slowly held it out to Poppy. "I don't sense any magical hiddden energy in it. It's safe if you're going to accept it."
To his surprise Poppy did take it from him and looked at it for a moment, then to Timmy with a serious face. "When you go back ya tell him I accept his apolody and gift, but it's gonna take a while before I decide if I really forgive 'em." Timmy nodded and she nodded back. "Good now go play and behave with the others. I have something to talk with the purple onion for a minute." 
As Timmy ran back over to the other children Snatcher raised a brow. "You have something to tell me?"
She nodded. "Yep. Hold these for a minute." She shoved the small plants into his hands and turned to walk off towards the door to the kitchen. She had a certain something to give Snatcher on this day. As a thank you for everything he's done for her, as you all might remember a certain gold skull that was found along with the other gold that Poppy and the girls found hidden in the attic. Well Poppy remembered Snatcher getting the girls those skulls in the attic as gifts and since this is Philip now, what better gift to get him than a golden skull? She wasn't sure if the skull was a real skull before that R.King turned it to gold with the gold potion but she didn't have enough time to think of any better gift when the girls suddenly left to go around handing out those home made cards they made to everyone without telling her. She should really stop sleeping in so late, but as she entered the kitchen she caught sight of it real quick. It was decided the golden skull would be the thing to be left behind and was hidden under Hattie's bed for safe keeping when they had left for Express Town a while ago, so she spent a good amount of time polishing it and cleaning it up until the golden skull gleamed at her, catching the reflection of the adorable picture the girls gave to her on the fridge. It was a messily but cute drawn picture of her and Snatcher holding hands, with the two of them holding either of their hands as well. Smiling, she held it behind her back and exited. Snatcher's face looked to the door as Poppy came back out smiling from ear to ear, one hand behind her back as she walked up to him. "Ah got somethin' for ya."
"Oh really?," he asked surprised, "You didn't have to. I had enough of this mushy love to last me for eternity."
She chuckled. "Well Cupid's Day is 'bout celebratin' the people ya care about right? That means good friends too." She finally brought it out and Snatcher's eyes instantly widened at seeing the shiny golden skull she held up to him. "So here's ta good friends. Happy Cupid's Day, Snatcher!"
Snatcher stopped and just stared at the shiny thing showing his relflection in it for a solid moment...before he took it into his free hand and stared at the beautiful gold skull with wide eyes. "It's......." He looked at her. "T-This is incredible. Where'd you get this?"
She bashfully shrugged. "I-It was in the attic when we found all the other gold. I was savin' it for an emergency but I thought I could use it for your gift instead. A-As a thanks fer everythin' ya did for me."
He still stared at her for a moment before a small yellow flush dusted his face and he cleared his throat. "W-Well it's very .....nice. Thank you I guess."
Poppy giggled. "Your welcome. It was the least ah could do."
Snatcher rubbed his thumb over the shiny gold for a moment, before looking back at her with a small smile. "Well....I happened to get you something too."
Poppy blinked in surprise at his words. "Wait. Really?"
He nodded. "Yep. But I can't show you here. You'll have to come back with me to my forest.''
Poppy looked a little skeptical at that and rose a brow. "Back to the forest? Ain't it too dangerous?"
"Not with the contract, and my minions know to not cause trouble." He smiled that usually smirk. "As long as Im in the forest you'll be fine. Besides you'll love it."
".....What 'bout them?," she asked nodding to the kids watching the tv.
"They'll be fine being along for a little while. Won't you?" The children either hummed or nodded not looking up from the funny penguin cartoon they were watching. "See? Sides. It's not like they weren't left alone before you came along for a while. C'mon. I swear you won't regret it."
Poppy still didn't look too convinced but in the end she agreed and so the children were made to PROMISE to stay there and behave while they were gone and they were teleported just as Poppy grabbed onto Snatcher's arm. The familiar purple came over here along with the weird feeling that came with it, before she looked up as the purple disappeared and soon found herself back in the familiar scene of the nightmarish forest. Poppy shivered at the sight of it all and all the minions or dwellers than happened to stand around stop and stare at her. Snather cleared his throat to catch her attention and he gestured for her to follow him up the pathway towards his tree home. Poppy rose a brow noticing he still had her plants in hand, but followed none the less. Snatcher flew right into his home, Rough Patch giving a lazy meow from the chair he laid on before yawning and turning the other way to sleep again. The golden skull was placed right on top of his shelf next to the sewing kit. He gave one last look over and smile before exiting the home and going outside and staying towards the left side of the home. Poppy was slowly walking her way forward blinking at him as he just floated there seemingly waiting for her to get closer. When she did, he smiled and silently pointed to the ground. Poppy blinked and looked to where he was pointing, eyes widening as she saw a small pathway of small bushes leading off somewhere into the woods. And soon enough Snatcher started floating down that way, giving one look back to her as her signal to follow before he disappeared between the trees. And of course, Poppy followed. Into the woods following along the bushes as she slowly took her time walking and walking......And walking. Slowly but surely, a few glowing mushrooms popped up here and there starting with the smaller mushrooms Hattie and Bow would use to bounce on before they became bigger. And bigger. And BIGGER until the bushes disappeared and there was nothing but lots and lots of beautiful glowing mushrooms everywhere. In all shapes and sizes and colors. She gaped at the beautiful glowing blues, greens, and reds of all the polka dotted fungi everywhere glowing in the moonlight and lighting up the place. There was a clear path between all of them replacing the one the plain bushes made and she continued down it still no sign of Snatcher anywhere either, not that she noticed. She was too busy admiring all the beautiful sights around her. Before the path took a corner and of course she followed it. And she stopped DEAD. A soft wind blew through the trees as multi colored petals blew towards her and to her feet a few purple, yellow, and red ones floating by her head. Her blue eyes widened and her jaw dropped as the sight of what she was seeing hit her with the force of a meteor from space crashlanding into the dirt. 
Snatcher finally popped up as he floated next to her gaping frozen self with a proud grin. "So. Do you like it?"
IT. WAS. ROSES!! RAINBOW ROSES!! All the colors of the rainbow sitting right there and multiple of them blooming beautifully in the moonlight. Some of the petals on the ground in a beautiful arrangement of color. Shimmering in the moonlight like a rainbow on stems. She still gaped at all of them and Snatcher only smiled prouder. Yes. After making that owl cough up the location of these wild roses (an oasis not surprisingly in a desert) and taking the ones in her shop for good measure too, Snatcher had a peck of a long time just gathering them and digging(having his minions carefully dig) them up by the roots and teleporting every single one of them back to his forest. But the extra work was worth the look on Poppy's face just now. Poppy still stood there stunned for a long moment. Before pointing and looking at him....then back at the roses gesturing with both arms then back to him again still totally amazed and shocked.
"What? I promised a garden and I delivered a pecking good garden! You got your regular bushes, mushrooms, a couple exploding apples, and even a nice flower section all of your own. Your welcome.~"
"HOW?!" She looked back at the beautiful batch of roses. "W-WHERE THE PECK DID YA EVEN GET THESE?!"
He shrugged. "Some small corner in the desert. Nothing too hard to find really. Do you like it?" 
"YES!!" Her shocked face was replaced by a wide smile and sparkling eyes. "PECKIN' YES!! T-THIS IS INCREDIBLE!! I-......Ya never cease to out do yerself ya purple onion."
He shrugged again. "Well...you did give me a gold skull. I say we're pretty much even." He handed back the two small plants he'd been holding on since she asked him to hold them back on the ship. "Here. What's a garden for if you don't plant anything in it?"
She blinked at him for a bit before taking the twilight alpine flower and cactus. "Will these even grow here?"
"Anything will grow here if I want it too. Sides, with your skills you could get anything to grow here regardless."
Poppy smiled at him before turning around and starting forward. The two then took a moment, Snatcher helping her dig two holes a little a ways from the roses so Poppy could carefully put her two new additions into her new garden and carefully pat them in. Smiling as a mother would smile at her children when she was done, even if the bottom half of her dress and hands were all dirty afterwards. She took a moment just....staring and smiling at her new beautiful garden and Snatcher stared at her with a bright smile on his face seeing her smile so genuinely after so long....before frowning and looking down.
".....Listen, Poppy." She looked back up to him and he felt worry pool in his gut. "I know I....made mistakes when we first met again and if you....really want to live somewhere else or even break from the contract I'll respect your choice fully."
"....That's so sweet of ya but.....I'm not planning on going anywhere for a while."
he snapped to her blinking. "Wait. Really?"
She nodded smiling before looking back to the roses. "Ah really don't where I'd go if I did. Never did have any interest in travelin' 'round. And...A-And I think I enjoy havin' the safety of a purple onion." She shrugged. "Maybe things will change in the future but right now....I'm happy and content at this moment." She looked at him, moonlight making her blue eyes shine. "Thank you."
He felt yellow flush through his face again and he quickly turned away. "Y-Yeah. Well you know where to find me if you ever change your mind! I-It's not like Im super attatched or anything you know! You're your own person after all! You can make up your mind any way you want!"
Soft hands grabbed his neck fluff and yanked him down to eyes level with those blue eyes suddenly and Snatcher didn't have any moment to react before a pair of soft lips gave him a quick peck on his fanged mouth. And he froze! Poppy pulled back and stared at him for a moment....before snickering. His mouth had dropped wide open, eyes small as a dime, and his entire face a bright yellow. The fluff around his neck fluffing up to new heights as he just sat there. OH PECK!! OH PECK!! OH PECK- POPPY KISSED HIM!! LIKE REALLY R E A L L Y KISSED HIM!! LIKE-....A REAL ROMANTIC KISS!! Her snickering brought him out of his stuper as he sqawked like a bird and immediately pulled away. And Poppy opened the flood gates to laughter as she snorted and laughed at his flustered state.
"WELL!! I THINK ITS TIME TO GO!! AFTER ALL YOU'RE BABYSITTER ALL NIGHT!! AND IM NOT HELPING!!,'' he yelled out as he began floating away.
Poppy reached out for him before stubbling to her feet still laughing and chasing after him. "W-WAIT!! I DIDN'T MEAN IT!! AHAHAHA!!"
"YES!! YOU!! DID!!"
The red head chased the flustered ghosts back towards the tree home. A gently wind blowing more petals to the ground.
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