#wicca questions
alexistired04 · 3 months
Hey! Long time no see (write?) I have a question for my peeps who work/are devotees of deities
Do you think naming pets after gods/deities is disrespectful? If so why?
Cause i kinda think it is but i wanna hear different opinions!
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qutumnalwitch · 7 months
i think what first drew me to witchcraft was my love and admiration for nature. when i was younger (this is a memory i would think most witches share) i remember often making “potions” to help with fake sicknesses. putting my own little intentions within grass, tree leaves, and small red berries.
what drew you to witchcraft?
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witchescollection · 5 months
oh and also. my inbox is open for the next like month.
come say hi and ask me some witchery questions!
sage <3
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curious-chaosmagiic · 19 days
does anyone else make personal sigils for their deities? i know some have their own symbols/sigils but i feel more personally connected if i draw my own that just represents them
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If anyone has content regarding attracting/contacting spirits or deities that would be lovely. There are patterns in this style of practice I would like to understand.
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dvenergy · 9 months
does anyone know good witchcraft website? I'm researching various topics but can't buy books because i'm a closeted witch.
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starstruckbaby · 2 years
hello witches of tumblr! quick question, how do you start out as a witch? does it include looking for certain herbs, or some sort of initiation? also sorry if it sounds weird woth how i phrased it. i'm interested in learning more about witches and stuff. :D
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magicapothecary · 2 years
Hi hello quick question: how orthodox do you think it is using those campy Halloween candles for Samhain?
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starlight-otter · 2 months
I'm a bit confused why people are suggesting baking/eating hot cross buns as an Ostara activity. They are a Christian item with Christian symbolism baked for a Christian festival. Why is it being recomended for a pagan festival?
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spiraldancer · 11 months
Ariadne's Thread: A Workbook on Goddess Magic ( Shekhinah Mountain Water).
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Cycle 1: Questions to Ponder
To Kick off This Blog I've decided to Answer the questions within Cycle one:
First one is: What is a Witch?
If I am to look at the English word, it's derived from the Germanic word, Witch, as in Wise woman and essentially that is what a witch is to me, a Wise woman that knows herself intimately and therefore knows the world around her as she can be guided by her intuition.
The Word "Bruxa" is derived from the Word Bricta, Likely the root word that "Bridget" or " Brigid" was derived from and it means enchantment or magic or spell if you will. I see this word then relating Bruxa deeply with the Goddess, namely the Bruxa being a worker for The Goddess in all her forms.
The Witch/ Bruxa therefore becomes a symbol of Woman's myths and deep inner wisdom but also becomes a symbol of the wild untamed spirit of women that Patriarchy has repressed and demonized and her resurgence spells to me the beginning of the end of the Repression of Her and of her Daughters.
The second question that was posed by the book is whenever or not I see myself as a witch and short answer is: Yes. Long answer is that I see my ease with identifying with the term as me coming home after trying to squeeze myself so hard in patriarchal institution and thoughts; from being overly skeptical to trying to become a Christian girl; none fit like being a witch and a follower of my goddesses nearly as well and blends my love of Mythology, beauty, nature and reverence to The Female form that I did not find in overly ascetic religions and spirituality and in overly rigid atheism and In Phallocentric thinking.
Third question is what Makes a woman a witch?
I suppose in other times just a woman claiming to be a witch would be enough, but as both witch and women become shredded beyond compression as terms ( including males in the definition of women for example and regressive gender roles in New age spiritualities with a poor understanding of what constitutes as Divine Feminine), I suppose I am somewhat of a gatekeeper of a term. I suppose the closest people to embody the witch are those willing to help their fellow sisters when comes the need and that becoming one's Proper witch self comes with time, effort, trial and error and the general wisdom gained from the passage of time and deep immersion in the Self and Of The Goddess. I suppose it's why witches have been associated with Crones or the elderly woman in general; it may indicate that a Woman or Witch Woman is at her most powerful when aged or aging. I do think we all have innate magical qualities, some more developed then others and that a magical path is a girl and woman's best friend into developing such skills.
From the 4th question, I actually did grow up in a culture that suspected of the witch and saw her as a force of spite and evil even if many relied on witches to heal themselves. I've always been uncomfortable with this stories but am reclaiming this role for myself as even the negative connotations I feel strip the witch of her moral complexities I think. I'm sadden by those burned and killed to this day when accused of witchcraft, even if they weren't actually "witches" in the proper term; it does show that everyone is seemigly afraid of a woman's power and will burn her for it. I'm mixed on the idea of Goddess religion becoming even more mainstream and accepted, in a sense I have plenty to thank to many groups of outrageous women that helped pave the way for current Pagan thought, but I suppose I'm sadden how little traditions are 100% female focus or don't try to insert some heterocentric form of duality in it.
I elucidated my religious background further above, but yes I did go through a period of catechism thanks to my abusive mom but I was deeply uncomfortable by the idea of God and of a male God and was critical of male religion as the tool of social coercion that it was, winch my father tried to stir me into Atheism; but rather then fully indulging in that I became Agnostic for a bit until I decided to research into Wicca and had many of my thoughts and feelings affirmed by dozens of pieces of Pagan thought and never looked back. As I delved deeper into feminism and female spiritual thought, it has led to my goddess focused lean right now. Needless to say and to answer the 6th question my spiritual background has little to do with the Goddess and is actual opposite of it in many regards.
7th question asks me if I believe in a conscious being that can create life and the universe and how this being is; I like the idea of a Creatix instead of a Creator and see much of everything as tending to be female. Even many "male energies" I see as being Her all along. I suppose I believe in Passive energies and Active ones, Offensive vs Defensive, Kind Vs Harsh rather the n a strictly male-female polarity, male and female meant for each other way.
The 8th question asks how The concept of Goddess affects me; and needless to say I've always been enamored by Goddeses of Greek myth and much to no one's shock im a Greek hellenic devotee.
The final Question asks who or what is the Goddess; even if I believe in her as an actual creative energy, I feel we relate to her through powerful symbology to embody her power and to better worship her. We feel naturally attuned to Her and recognize her as a primordial mother that we as her daughters do things to please and she in turn helps us and our lives by giving guidance and meaning to.
And thus I'm closing off Cycle 1 of the book. Thanks for reading.
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sappy-witch · 1 year
hey there! I heard of many names for witches and wanted to ask what is the difference between wicca and witchcraft? thank you! :)
Hello darling 🥰
Absolutely! While there is some overlap between the two, there are also some key differences. Witchcraft is a broad term that refers to the practice of magic, spell-casting, and other forms of divination. It can be practiced by people of any religion or belief system.
Wicca, on the other hand, is a specific religion that was founded in the mid-20th century by Gerald Gardner. It is a nature-based religion that honors a god and goddess and emphasizes personal responsibility, ritual, and magic. So not all witches are Wiccans, and not all Wiccans are witches ✨
I hope that helps clarify things for you!
With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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Wiccans of Tumblr, what is your go-to herb (and/or crystal) for emotional protection/strength? Like, when you're about to face a challenge and you want a little extra boost or a bit of spiritual strength to help you through it.
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stormy-caffeine · 2 years
Question: Personal Opinion About Deity Watchfulness
This popped into my head this morning and I can't get it out.
I know the gods of various pantheons do not function the same as the christian god is portrayed (all seeing, all knowing, etc etc) but I still feel like the gods would be able to perceive us in various ways if they felt like it.
So, does anyone have any thoughts on what the gods think if they see us do something gross? And I mean, like stuff you'd normally do when you're alone - fart, scratch places you probably wouldn't in public, certain private acts you may be interested in (I don't feel like sex or sexual activity is gross but people have different opinions or are into some crazy stuff, no kink shaming to literally anyone but I'm talking stuff you normally ask for consent if other people wanna see, yk?)
I don't personal have any clair-senses to speak of, so I can only tell if an entity is around if it actively wants to be perceived and can manifest something pretty obvious, so I always kinda worry that if they're around and just vibing and idk about it, like what if I do something that they don't vibe with and they perceive me differently? I already know the "everyone is just human" justification of them probably expecting it out of us, but I feel like any autonomous consciousness would still have opinions about it.
Do they not care at all? Do they just kinda leave and come back later? What is your opinion on this, or if anyone has clair-senses to get an opinion from someone they're working with, what do they generally say?
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paganquestions · 2 years
Hey there :) I was wondering if you could help me understand something, since I'm kinda new to being a pagan. I'm trying to make myself this resource book (kinda a book of Shadows?) and I'm unsure on what Lithe/Litha is as a Sabbat past the whole 'its the Summer Solstice' part, as the internet's contradicting itself. Sorry if it's not your thing, but what is Litha about and how is it celebrated (for you at least). Thank you so so so much xx
Well, firstly, the holiday I celebrate does not go by that name. In my community, we simply call it Summer Solstice. This doesn't make it any less sacred. I believe the contradiction you are seeing is probably the life versus death and the "What is the world do they mean by harvest?!" of it all. Feel free to resubmit your question, clarifying what you wish to know.
As it is coming up, let me explain what (oh goodness, it's really been that long now!) 23 years as a pagan has taught me. At each solstice and equinox, we celebrate the changing of the seasons. We celebrate them by honoring the things we observe in nature in the coming season. This makes a lot more sense once you actually try to grow even the most humble of gardens and if you've heard anything of homesteading, this would make everything fall into place much more understandably: We as humans are bound by the laws and patterns of nature. Let's start with Winter: most plants can't make it through winter, so we end up eating dried, canned, preserved "dead" foods throughout Winter. When we finally get to Spring: The first flowers blooming is a sign of fresh invigorating fruit to come. The world literally gets brighter and warmer. We have more time to play outside and therefore more time to meet new people and therefore, we are more likely to meet the ones we love over the next 6 months while we're out running around, enjoying the weather. SUMMER (your Lithe): The height of the season and the longest day of the year! The flowers have turned into fruits ripe for the picking and we sew our second round of seeds (traditionally--modern growers try to manipulate the seasons with shelter and technology to get more crops, but the rules stay mostly the same). Summer for farmers is a time full of work, because you're not just sewing and tending to seeds or just picking fruit off the vine, it's both. At the same time, we harvest the fruit because those plants that are fruiting are beginning the end of their life just as they start producing their first fruit (don't get me started on the metaphor, people can also be cruel). During, or just after fruiting, plants do what we call "bolting." They send the last of their nutrients into their seeds to spread the next generation of plants to succeed them, and many of them die. After that? No more of that plant until next year. Summer Solstice is a celebration of the height of life and living as humans, but also the beginning of the end for some of our juiciest fruits. We mourn the loss of flavor. It gets too hot for those plants to retain enough water to support growing fruit that moist. Thus begins the growing of the following season's crops which are much heartier and retain most of their water in their roots producing fall squashes and corn which distribute the water much more efficiently. Fall coming along, and then is the mark of the last harvest (and it should be noted that when I say "harvest" I'm referring to several weeks and months of time, not a singular one-day event). Now, everything's dying. We're indoors more often, we spread disease more easily, the elderly and immuno-compromised are at higher risk for dying, and we are plucking the last fruit and celebrating like crazy to gain the last great memories, because maybe we won't all see each other again the next spring. With this in mind, and knowing that all the food won't last, we hold cooking parties and we honor those who have already passed away. We cling to life while staring death and the inevitable cold of winter dead in the face.
Paganism is a belief system which relies heavily on the seasons because the faiths we revive by retelling their tales and holding on to traditions so old that the society we live in has either forgotten or largely ignores them that we ourselves forget that, because they are so old, these traditions did not have computers, central heating, and glass pained windows. These traditions came from the earth, and they are harder to understand now, because we have lost our connection to the Earth. If you want to understand the celebration of Lithe, go to your nearest garden center and pick out a plant on the "Annual" stand. Plant it outside and water it as much as the instructions tell you to, but do not be surprised as you slowly watch it die. Learn your lesson from this wonderful life you got to watch pass away so quickly and next year, celebrate your Lithe. Lithe means light and we celebrate, honor it and regard it, because the light of the sun and of fire are both very powerful and very prevalent during this time of year. It is the height of living and also the beginning of the end. Days get shorter from here.
Blessed be.
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mothmanthemanmoth · 1 year
I need pagan, witchcraft any kind of witchy magic help, Very Important
This is me the mod I am a witch and I recently prayed out for signs to start my journey. I thought it might be Satan, Aphrodite or Lucifer but this stumped me. While I was showering I noticed two old fingers with long nails pointed up at least 6 inches or 15 cm away from eachother pm the shower curtan. There was bones under in both exactly the same nubed at the top square like and had space in the middle.
Am I being given a sign or am I in danger?
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brookepricer · 2 years
Taking a break for the day
Going to finish catching up with my daily spells either tonight or tomorrow.
Though as a warning I am starting a 9 day work week tomorrow, so I will try my best to post spells every day. 😰 please send me some good luck that I can make it through the next 3 weeks, I only have 2 days off 😭
✨ If you have any questions or spell requests please feel free to let me know. 🥰
✨🔮 Soon I will be offering custom spells, spell/charm jars/bags, and tarot readings. Please let me know if you would be interested 🥺🖤
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