#why the fixation?? cause. pls
rusted-phone-calls · 1 year
How am I still alive
0 notes
cheolism · 1 year
tilf: teacher i'd like to fuck
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➳ former student! hoshi x professor! reader ➳ summary: the day after graduation, soonyoung visits your office to tell you about his secret feelings. ➳ wc is approx 6k ➳ warnings/tags: professor/former student relationship, use of the "professor" title sexually, hoshi leaning into the idea of the two of you fucking while he was your student. office sex, desk sex, pull-out method, fingering and oral (f rec.), confessions and relationship discussion. talk of having feelings for a student, for a teacher. marks and bruises, pussy slapping, crying during sex, hoshi is obsessed with you. good luck. lots of dirty talk from hoshi. mentions of breeding/mounting. reader wears panties, long skirt and blouse, but no gender is explicitly mentioned. panty sniffing, name/identity porn (iykyk). metaphors to sex being paradise, heavenly, etc. ➳ MDNI. if you don't like this sort of thing, do not read. ➳ author's note: no one asked for this but i got this idea and got. cough. fixated on it. pls enjoy!!
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soonyoung had been looking forward to this day for over a year.
a lot of college students tend to look forward to their graduation. they were ready to take on the world, ready to become fully independent adults who no longer were totally reliant on the generosity of family members and the government. soonyoung, however, looked forward to his graduation day for another reason.
you were, in soonyoung's eyes, the most perfect a person could be. you always smiled at him when he greeted you, always let him talk out his ideas without interrupting him. he adored the sheepish, coyish look you got whenever he brought you your favorite drink from the university's coffee shop.
but he also loved how you looked. he loved it when you wore more casual looks, trading in your business slacks for jeans. he loved when you would turn, showing off the shape of your thighs and ass and how your jeans seemed to hug the shape of you so tightly it was as if they were a second skin. he loved it when you wore that white blouse with the lace around the collar, how it showed the top of the valley between your tits.
but more than just being attracted to you physically, soonyoung loved spending time with you. he tried to be the first person to tell you hello every morning, tried to come up with reasons as to why he needed to meet you after class, as to why he needed to stop by your office for extra help.
because, unfortunately, you were his anthropology professor.
a year ago he had needed a social science credit, and so had signed up for a random class. it was, as it turned out, the best decision soonyoung ever made. because on the first day he walked into the classroom and he saw you.
he remembered how beautiful you looked on that first day. smiling brightly, hair falling around your face angelically. you had asked his name and he had eagerly offered it, so much so that chan, who was taking the class with him, laughed at him later.
"soonyoung's got a crush on the professor," chan accused that night. seungkwan had given soonyoung a disapproving glare, which cause soonyoung to gasp in offense.
"i'm not going to actually do anything," soonyoung said. "i don't want to get professor in trouble, anyways. i'll wait until i graduate like a good person would."
"a good person wouldn't get the hots for their teacher," seungkwan snapped back. but then again, seungkwan had been the one to go out and help soonyoung in picking out the flowers he would give to you, so obviously seungkwan wasn't too disapproving.
that first semester passed too quickly in soonyoung's opinion. he hated it. he hated how the more he seemed to adore you, the more his heart began to swell and warm at the thought of you, the faster time went. nonetheless, regardless of his affections, the semester ended and you took soonyoung aside.
"i know we're not supposed to do this," you had said, voice soft. you reached into your bag and pulled out a chocolate bar, offering it to soonyoung with wide eyes. "but i really enjoyed having you in class, soonyoung. you always seemed to brighten my day."
that afternoon soonyoung signed up for a different one of your classes the following semester.
and so a year had passed with soonyoung admiring you from afar, signing up for your classes at the end of each semester and trying to hide the way you made his heart flutter and his dick swell.
("we really didn't need to know that," wonwoo had whined, pushing his glasses up as he rubbed at his face in distress. "just keep your horny thoughts to yourself, thanks.")
but! it was now the day after graduation, which meant soonyoung was free from both the chains of the education system and the restraints that kept him from telling you of his feelings.
he was so excited that he nearly tripped going up the stairs of the social science building. someone called after him but soonyoung just waved them on, gripping the bouquet a little tighter and trying to regulate his breathing.
it was fine, he thought. either you would let him whisk you off your feet into an eternity of love and passion or you'd politely smile at him and turn him down.
it was fine.
it was all fine.
the halls were cool as he walked down them, nearly abandoned. most of the students were at their living spaces, packing them up and saying goodbyes to their friends. professors and faculty were busy at their desks, doing whatever it was that professors and faculty did when they weren't instructing.
and soonyoung was here, on his way to confess to you.
he wondered what he should say, exactly. he hadn't given it much thought, but at the same time he had. he had thought enough about how you would react to his words, to his heartfelt confession, but hadn't really thought about what those words would be.
maybe he should've asked jihoon to help him write you a song.
but then he was outside of your office door, heart hammering in his ears so loudly that he couldn't even think, and soonyoung swallowed down all of his panic and stress and raised his fist to the door.
"coming!" you called from the other side, and soonyoung felt himself smile. he couldn't help it, really. the sound of your voice was like fuel to him, fueling the flames of his heart.
wait -- that was good. maybe that's what he should tell you.
you opened the door, eyes immediately finding his. you smiled, your entire face brightening, and fuck if soonyoung wasn't in love then he would have been just by your grin.
"soonyoung!" you said, leaning against your door. "you're early! your email said you would be here closer to one."
"ah," he said, searching his mind for an excuse. in the end, all he said was something about being excited. you accepted his words nonetheless with a soft grin, nodding along.
your eyes flicked down to the flowers. soonyoung gasped, and then shoved out his hands. "these -- these are for you!"
"thank you," you returned, smiling still. you reached out for the flowers and took them, and soonyoung felt as if he was going to go crazy when he could literally feel the graze of your fingers against his. "they're beautiful, soonyoung."
"i remember you saying they were your favorite flowers," he said. you stepped aside, waving him inside of your office. soonyoung ducked in, immediately feeling himself relax once he was in your space. he had been in your office numerous times, enough to where he felt as if he knew it just as well as you did. "i hope i was right."
"you were," you murmured, looking down at the blossoms. soonyoung's heart fluttered like the wings of a hummingbird as you slowly lifted the flowers to your nose, sniffing.
"do they smell good?"
"well," you began, eyes flicking up to his. "they smell like flowers."
soonyoung laughed, feeling himself relax even more. he watched as you left the door, letting it slowly creak shut behind you. you went to your desk, gently laying the bouquet beside your computer. "thank you for bringing these for me, soonyoung. it was awfully sweet of you. then again," you said, your smile turning coyish, "you've been awfully sweet to me this entire time. bringing me drinks in the morning, walking me to my car at night."
soonyoung shrugged. your smile and eyes were doing something to him. "it's how a lady should be treated."
"ah," you said, biting down on your lip. he couldn't bring his eyes from your mouth, how your teeth played with it. "and that's what i've been this whole time, hm? a lady, not a professor."
soonyoung felt his face fall slightly. "wait -- i don't -- i mean -- yes, you're a lady, but you're also --"
you laughed then, loudly and brightly. soonyoung felt his panic melt away as you leaned into his space, placing a gentle hand on his forearm. "it's all right, soonyoung. i know what you meant."
you began moving back and away, and soonyoung just couldn't help but reach out, grabbing your hand before you could retract it all the way. he squeezed your hand between both of his, feeling his heart rise up into his throat. "wait. i need to tell you something."
you blinked, surprised. "okay?"
"i -- you probably get this all the time," he said, laughing sheepishly. "probably get students telling you this every other week. but i want you to know i'm not like the others, you know? i don't want something that lasts just a semester -- that's why i waited, yeah? and not just for fun -- because i think we can have fun, but i don't want it to be just for fun. i think we can have something, the two of us --"
"what?" you gasped, breath leaving you in a rush. soonyoung glanced up at your face. your eyes were wide, mouth hanging open. "soonyoung, what are you talking about?"
soonyoung laughed weakly and awkwardly, loosening his grip on your hands. "uh. about my feelings for you?"
"your feelings for me," you echoed, brows furrowed as you tried to work out what he was saying. "which are -- what? just to be clear."
soonyoung sucked in a breath. "uh. i thought the flowers would've like, you know, done the talking for me."
you blinked at him, still confused. "the flowers? what talking, soonyoung? why did you bring me flowers if not as -- do you -- soonyoung?"
you gasped out his name as if he had done something scandalous which, all things considered, he had. a former student who waited a day after graduating to chase after his professor? what was he thinking?
"i --" he choked, and then soonyoung completely retracted from you. he made himself small, bringing his shoulders in and tucking his hands in his pockets. "i uh, you know. like you."
"you have to be very clear with me, soonyoung," you said. you moved towards him. not enough to be in his space, but enough to make his heart flutter again. "like me how."
"like -- romantically."
you echoed him, nodding slightly. then you brought your hands together, rubbing at your knuckles. "okay. so -- soonyoung --"
"wait," he called out, feeling his nerves spike. "if you're going to reject me, just like -- kick me in the ass and get me out, okay? don't try to sugarcoat it. i can take it. i'm a grown man."
"i'm not going to reject you, soonyoung," you said. "i just. i need to say something, okay? i just need you to listen to me."
soonyoung nodded, his heart speeding up in his chest. you weren't rejecting him. you were giving him a chance. "okay. i'll be quiet. promise."
you threw him a fond look, and then you schooled your face into a much more serious look. "okay. i need you to know that i'm -- i'm attracted to you, soonyoung. i have been ever since you helped me carry in those boxes last semester."
soonyoung mentally applauded himself for wearing a tank top that day. it was hot, the sun beating down on him. you had been going back and forth from your old office to this one, having been moved. and of course soonyoung had to help, doing all the heavy lifting so you wouldn't have to lift a pretty muscle.
"and i do think of you," you carried on, "i do. i -- it's stupid, it's reckless. but i think of you all the time. i nearly got you a tiger stuffie the other day just because you said they were your favorite animal, but that wouldn't be appropriate for a professor to get their student, would it?"
soonyoung opened his mouth. he would've loved a stuffed tiger from you!
but then you shot him a look, and he obediently quieted back down. "not done talking, soonyoung. as i was saying: i do think of you. i think of you a lot. when you wear those tank tops during class i can't think. and when you smile and your eyes crinkle, or when you get that serious look in your eyes? you're -- you're attractive, soonyoung. i'd have to be a fool to not see that.
"but, as attracted as i am to you, as much of a soft spot i have," you carried on, hands still fidgeting. "i think you might have a false perception of me. i'm -- you've only ever encountered me, been with me, in a professional teacher-student setting. you don't know me, soonyoung, not truly, and not as a person, as an individual."
soonyoung couldn't keep quiet. he took a quick step across the room, into your space, his hands swooping down to yours and holding them. "i want to! that's what dating is for, baby! i get to know you as a person, you get to know me. i learn about your likes and dislikes as a person and you forget about all the stupid grammar errors i made in essays! it's perfect!"
"and i am -- i was -- your professor, soonyoung," you murmured. you didn't take your hands from his, which he took as a positive. you shifted your hands so your fingers were laced with his, thumbs softly rubbing at his skin. "people aren't going to look too favorably on that, soonyoung. what about your parents."
he shrugged. "i'll tell them the truth. i kept my feelings to myself until i graduated from uni. there's nothing wrong with this, professor."
you shot him a look. he retracted, repeating the last sentence softly, tacking on your name at the end. it felt sweet, the taste of your name, felt right for him to use it.
he sighed softly. soonyoung moved closer, letting the tip of his nose pressed against yours. you let out a soft gasp and he couldn't help but smile. "i'm a grown man, y/n. let me get to know you, you get to know me. and then decide. let's have a chance before we throw it all away."
you breathed against him, eyes fluttering shut. he felt you nod against his head, and then you were pressing close, and who was soonyoung to protest? he was a man, weak with love, and so he took you into his arms and pressed his nose to your hairline, breathing you in, soaking in your embrace.
he had dreamed of this for over a year. a year he had kept his feelings away from you, not wanting to plague you with them. it was a burden he kept for a year, not wanting to make you uncomfortable with them.
but now --
soonyoung pulled away. you made a soft little questioning noise, and lifted your eyes to meet his. you were so soft, eyes sweet and mouth parted, pressed to him and, in that moment, his.
soonyoung lifted his hand and cupped the back of your neck, fingertips sinking into your hair. he guided your face to his, and when your lips met he swore it was destiny. for a moment the two of you just stilled, mouths pressed together in an innocent kiss.
but then you murmured his name, and soonyoung was hooked. he began pressing desperate, quick kisses to your lips, each movement of his mouth against yours slick. he kissed you with a year's worth of feelings bubbling over, one arm around your waist and the other on your neck, molding your body to his, letting him own you.
eventually you whimpered, breaking your mouth from his. his eyes caught sight of the string of saliva that connected your lips to his and he couldn't help but chase after it, press another wet kiss to your lower lip and suck.
"soonyoung," you mumbled, lashes fluttering. he continued to press quick kisses to your mouth, never letting up and not letting you speak. your mouth was addicting, he swore. he'd wanted to kiss you for forever, ever since that day you had whipped cream from your hot chocolate still on the bottom of your lip as you taught class, but he'd waited. he'd been a good boy and waited, and now he didn't have to and he wondered if that made the taste of your mouth and spit all the sweeter.
"'m here," he returned, voice just as slow. he pressed another kiss to the corner of your mouth, and then he was trailing his lips over your face. he was mapping out the rise of your cheeks, the slope of your nose with his mouth. "i'm here, baby."
"my name," you argued weakly. both of your hands went to his sleeves, gripping at his t-shirt, and if his dick wasn't interested before it definitely was now. he loved how you held him, as if you were just as desperate as he was, as if you had battled with your feelings this entire time just as much as he had. "say my name, soonyoung. please?"
he whispered your name, letting it tumble from his lips like a prayer. and then soonyoung was chanting it like he was a monk and you were his god, his mouth hot against your skin, reverent, worshiping.
"soon -- soonyoung," you moaned, pulling back. your mouth was red from his kisses, your eyes wide and pupils dilated. you were absolutely gorgeous. "soonyoung, you said you wanted to have fun, yeah?"
and then he was kissing you again, mouth like a storm against yours. he shoved his tongue into your mouth, sliding against yours. his hand went beneath your blouse, hiking it up and allowing him to glide his hand against your skin, grabbing at your stomach and waist. soonyoung walked you back until you were pressed against your desk, and then he detached his mouth from yours.
soonyoung made quick work of your blouse, fingers deftly pushing out the buttons. he let your blouse hang from your shoulders as his hands explored your chest, pressing against your breasts and grabbing at your hips. his mouth traveled to your neck, drawing out a loud gasp from you, and you tilted your head back, allowing him to make a mess of your throat.
he sucked and bit at your neck, marking it as his. he pressed heavy kisses to your skin, his hands quick against your body. your hands went to his shoulders, pulling at him, his name like a blessing as you chanted it.
then soonyoung pulled from you. he lifted you onto your desk, one of his hands forcing your long skirt up and up and up, baring your calves and then your knees and then your beautiful thighs.
"can i take your panties off?" he asked, breathless. he couldn't help but drink in your skin, eyes traveling over your thighs and stomach. "wanna stick my fingers in your cunt, professor."
you whimpered. "my name, soonyoung."
"sorry," he breathed, ducking to attach his mouth to your neck once again. he spoke between every kiss. "let me take your panties off, yeah? i've been dying to fuck you for months, baby. please? i'll be so good for you. promise."
you pressed your eyes shut, and then you were nodding. you lifted yourself off of the desk just enough to allow soonyoung to pull your panties (plain and practical, a pretty lilac cotton) down. he got them off of you and then, unable to help himself, lifted them up to his mouth and breathed.
you squealed, reaching out and smacking his arm. soonyoung ignored you for a moment, letting his eyes slide shut as he breathed in your heady scent. he was surrounded in you, breathing you in and out, your smell like heaven.
"soonyoung!" you protested, reaching for him again. you pulled at his arms and he let you, dropping your panties to the ground. "that's dirty!"
he laughed, helping you back on top of your desk. "i plan to do dirtier things than just smelling your wet panties, baby," he declared. you grinned, embarrassed and enthused at the same time. soonyoung couldn't help but press his mouth to yours again, languidly moving his lips against yours.
while he thoroughly kissed you, his hands went to your thighs. for a few moments all he did was massage your flesh, thumb digging in and fingers splayed. he felt the little hairs of your thighs, dipped his fingers in and brushed against your soft inner thighs. you were soft and plush beneath him, and he quickly found himself addicted to running his hands over your skin, brushing over your small hairs.
you whined at the back of your throat, and then you were opening your thighs for him. you moved your mouth from his with a slick noise, and, with a bashful look, grabbed his hand. soonyoung's breath left him as you guided his hand to your cunt. you gasped as his fingers brushed over your pussy, fingers tightening around his wrist.
soonyoung took over from there. he couldn't help but stare at your cunt, his fingers gently pressing against your cunt. "so fucking pretty," he mumbled, thumb and forefinger gently coming together on your mound and pinching ever-so-slightly. "even down here is pretty, professor."
you let out a small moan. the desk creaked beneath you as you moved back, hands bracing behind you. soonyoung couldn't help but take you in; the way your blouse hung from your torso, the hickies and bites on your neck and collar. you looked, to him, like paradise.
soonyoung went back to your cunt. he dipped his thumb between your lips, sucking in a heavy breath as your warmth trapped him. you were wet, and he couldn't help but bring his thumb up to his mouth and suck at your juices, groaning.
"soonyoung," you hissed. "that's  -- that's dirty!"
he laughed, and tucked his hand back to your cunt. his mouth went to yours, and he kissed you, hoping you could taste yourself on his tongue.
soonyoung's fingers dipped into your pussy. he took his time with your cunt and pleasure, unhurried. he stroked his hand down your cunt, gently pressed his forefingers into your quivering hole. your moans and gasps were music to his ears, and he played you beautifully. when he slipped two of his fingers into your cunt your mouth dropped open, eyes squeezing shut, and he couldn't help but wish he had a phone to take a picture of you.
your cunt was welcoming, eagerly guiding his fingers deeper and deeper, as if they were his cock and you were eager to be bred. he kept his mouth on your skin as he worked his fingers in you, spreading out your walls, gliding in and out, in and out, coaxing more wetness from your cunt.
he avoided your core, that special spot towards the front of your body. soonyoung took care to brush against it, a passing graze of his finger. he wouldn't let you cum, not yet.
"please," you whined after the nth time of him avoiding your core. "please, soonyoung. you're -- you're being mean."
he hummed, ducking his head and pressing his mouth to the top of your bra. "i don't think i am, sweet professor," he returned, voice sweet. "you're being so good for me, baby. whining and moaning, grinding into my hand. is it so bad that i don't want it to end? that i want you to keep fucking my fingers in you, that i want to keep hearing you beg?"
you furrowed your brows, looking up at him. your eyes were slightly wet with pent-up irritation, lips pressed in a firm line. despite your annoyance with soonyoung, when he drew his hands from your cunt your hips followed, eager for him to thrust them back in.
"please," you begged once more, sucking in your bottom lip. "please, soonyoung. i just -- i've waited so long, i want you to fuck me."
like a dog given a treat, soonyoung perked up. he grinned. he shifted his hand inside of you, drawing out a low moan. his thumb moved into your cunt, sliding between your pussy lips. "you've waited so long for me to fuck you," he cooed, voice sickly sweet, "tell me, professor. how long?"
you whined again, but when soonyoung refused to move, you relented. "the -- that day you helped me with the boxes. i felt so guilty, soonyoung. you were my student, and there i was ogling you like you were some -- some treat."
he laughed, using his free hand to brush back some hair that was beginning to stick to your forehead from sweat. "i'm happy you were so captivated by me," he softly murmured, thumb brushing over your lips. "thought i was a treat, did you? a special little treat for a good girl? a delicious little dessert for a little professor."
you shook your head. "no!"
soonyoung chuckled again. he worked his fingers in and out of you slowly, the sound of your juices lewd even to his ears -- but he loved it all the same. "poor little me," he taunted, "the unsuspecting student. just trying to help out my favorite teacher, just trying to be a good boy. and there you were, eyeing me like some piece of candy."
you whimpered. "i didn't -- i wouldn't have done anything."
soonyoung clicked his tongue. he moved his face to yours, pressing his forehead against yours. his breath was hot as he spoke. "you should've," he mumbled, voice low. "should've done something, professor. should've taken me to your office, should've locked the door and told me to fuck you. should've said you would've raised my grade if i fucked you well enough -- i would've done it, too.
"would've fucked you so good," he carried on, his words sinful. "would've fucked you on the floor, would've fucked your cute little cunt so good you would've cried."
he picked up the pace of his fingers thrusting inside of you, unable to keep himself from growing excited at the thought of you taking advantage of him. it never would've happened; you were too logical, too aware of your status above him. you never would've made a move on soonyoung as long as he was your student, and he would bet that if he hadn't come to your office and told you his feelings you would've bottled them up and set them aside, not wanting to burden a former student of yours.
not that you were ever a burden to him.
but, despite knowing all of this, soonyoung's mind continued to conjure up old fantasies, ones that plagued him at horrible moments and made his cock swell. "i thought about fucking you during class, you know. especially when you wore your skirts, professor. thought about pressing you over that desk in the front with everyone watching, jealous that it was me fucking our cute little teacher. would've fucked you so good and made you cry, too."
you let out a dry sob, and when his thumb grinded down on your clit, you came. your cunt tightened around his fingers, gripping them as if they were his cock instead. you fell back against the desk, arms collapsing. soonyoung hurried to wrap an arm around you, his fingers thrusting into you still, working you through your orgasm.
when he finally pulled his hand from your cunt, once you had begun shuddering and whining, his hand was soaked. he splayed his fingers, watching as thick strings of your juices and orgasm traveled, sliding down his fingers.
soonyoung let out a soft groan, and then he sucked his fingers into his mouth. he couldn't help but squeeze his eyes shut at your taste, loving how much you were. your cunt was fragrant, filling the air and his senses, and your taste was so delightfully bitter and sweet that he couldn't help but slide his tongue around his fingers, searching for more and more.
you whined, pulling at his hand. soonyoung opened his eyes, letting his fingers fall from his mouth with a pop. his heart thundered in his chest as you moved his hand to your mouth, pressing them into your warm heat and suckling.
"fuck," he groaned, voice going hoarse. your eyes slid shut as you ran your tongue over his digits, tasting him. "you --"
you pulled his fingers from your mouth. "me what?"
he laughed, and then his hands were on your body again. he maneuvered you roughly, pulling you off of the desk and before him. soonyoung turned you around, and with one hand began pressing at your back, guiding you to lay your front along your desk. with his other hand -- the one you had had in your mouth -- he pulled at your skirt again, bunching the fabric around your middle.
"gonna fuck you hard," he rambled, mind unfiltered at the repeating image of you sucking on his fingers. "gonna fuck you into the desk, gonna make you fucking cry, professor."
you whined, and then you were pressing your ass back to him. he couldn't help but pinch at the plumpness before him, drawing out a startled shriek from your mouth. soonyoung held your waist with one hand while he scrambled at his pants and underwear with his other hand. once his dick was free, red and angry from neglect, he used his other hand to guide it into your warm, drenched cunt.
soonyoung hissed as the tip of his cock caught against your hole, biting down onto his lip. he was going to fuck you. "can't believe i'm gonna shove my cock into your pussy," he murmured aimlessly, his words without any true intent (despite what that, his filthy words had your cunt fluttering and clenching, heart hammering). "fucking dreamed of this, baby. now i getta fuck your cute cunt, get to fucking breed you --"
his cock slowly pushes into you, and soonyoung thinks he's in heaven. he has to be. your warmth surrounds him, so tight that he swears he can't breathe. soonyoung continues to push into you as he rambles on and on, one of his hands on your hip while the other slides into your hair, twisting it around his fingers.
"fucking feels so good, baby," he breathed, biting down on his lip. "clenching around my dick like you wanna be bred. is that it? my little professor wants to be bred by their student? be fucked over a desk by a student. gonna own your cunt, professor, gonna fuck it and cream all over it and make it mine."
you sobbed, and then he was sliding all the way in. it felt so good, felt like heaven was in your cunt. you were warm and tight, and when he gave a little thrust into you your pussy clenched around him.
he pushed your body against the desk as he slowly dragged his cock out of your pussy. "fuck, baby. my cock is drenched in your juices. got my cock all wet like a good little professor, babe."
"soon --" you began, but then he fucked into you roughly, breaking you off. you moaned loudly, hands scrambling against your desk. you knocked over a mug of pens and markers -- a mug he recognized as one another student got you for your birthday.
a surge of heat rushed through him. it wasn't the heat he got from watching you teach, from watching your ass as you moved back and forth in front of the board. it was the heat he got watching that student present that mug to you like it was a fucking diamond ring or some shit.
soonyoung gritted his teeth, and then he was laying on top of you, pressing you against the desk. you sobbed at the shift in position, his dick thrusting into you sharply. soonyoung bit at your shoulder, voice muffled as he spoke into your skin. "wonder what the other students would think," he said, "seeing me mount you and breed you. seeing me fuck you into your desk, seeing you cry for my cock all desperate."
"soonyoung," you whined, turning your face. you had a tear caught on your lashes, lips red from where you had bitten at them. you were beautiful. you were perfect. "don't want 'em to see me," you babbled, "want only you."
a flush of pride traveled through him. soonyoung grinned, and he lifted himself off of you. both of his hands went to your hips, and then he was practically impaling you on his cock, shoving into you so roughly that the desk began rattling.
"that's fucking right," he hissed. your ass bounced from every thrust, the slap of his thighs against your ass beautiful. "only i getta see you like this, only i getta fuck your tight little pussy, professor. getta see you cry for my cock."
soonyoung reached down, feeling along your cunt where his cock fed into you. he slipped his fingers along your pussy until he was brushing along your clit. you cried out as he began roughly pressing at your clit, working furiously at you, demanding your release.
"fuck me," you sobbed, burying your face into your desk. "fuck me, soonyoung, fuck me, fuck me --"
soonyoung cursed, and then he was slipping out of your pussy. with rough hands he turned you back around, your knees on either side of him, chest heaving. soonyoung couldn't help but watch your breasts as you breathed heavily, watched them move. he rubbed at his dick, absolutely soaked and glistening with your pussy juices, drinking in the feast that was you.
he came on your body, long, thick spurts of spunk. you cried out softly as he painted you with his cream, covering your stomach and breasts.
soonyoung let his dick flop once he was done, and then he was moving you once again. he grabbed your knees and forced them up, so your cunt was visible to him. soonyoung couldn't help but whisper another curse at the sight of your drenched pussy.
and then he was diving in, his mouth slopping along your cunt. he moaned at the taste of your juices, sucking them in and drinking you like a parched man. soonyoung slurped at your clit, inhaling harshly as he licked along it feverishly, your taste a dessert he'd never give up.
soonyoung's tongue found your clit, and then he was lapping at it eagerly. you were moaning loudly, and when he pulled away to slap his hand over your clit your entire body shivered, legs going tight around his head.
soonyoung focused on your clit and pussy. he lapped at it, drank at it; he slapped your pussy, the sting countered by his eager tongue.
when you came you sobbed, legs tight around his head. he ate you through it, his heart swelling with warmth as your cunt gushed around him, juices staining his skin.
you chanted his name between sobs, and soonyoung wished he had his phone out so he could record it and set it as his ringtone.
when he finally pulled away, you were whining. tears stained your face, and you looked thoroughly debauched. you reached out for him all the same, and soonyoung took you into his arms gladly.
he lowered himself to the floor, happy to keep you on his lap. you curled into him, tucking your face into his neck. both of you were clothed, but no amount of clothes could conceal your dirty acts. your stomach was painted from his spunk, your blouse hanging around your elbows. your skirt was bunched around your middle, and the longer you sat on his lap the more of your juices and his cum leaked down onto his pants, dirtying them further.
the two of you were a mess. his hair was sticking to his face, and his fingers smelled like cunt. your neck was decorated in severe bites and hickeys, and your eyes were red from your tears.
but still, soonyoung couldn't help but think it was perfect.
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sorrowsofsilence · 1 month
Desolate Love • N.S
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x reader (oneshot)
Words: 1.7k
Warnings: Angst, angst, angst.
Prompt: His October eyes sang secret confessions as he poured his soul into the melodies of desolate love; but you weren't meant to be sung for, even if you loved each other first.
Authors note: I have never written anything like this publically before, but I'm feeling a little sad and angsty lol. I hope you enjoy the words that came from my heart. (ps. I know many on the taglist are here for smut, and this isn’t smut, but I'm just re-using tags since I'm not sure who enjoys what! Pls let me know if you don't want to be tagged in all things!!)
Tags: @sammyjoeee @cookiesupplier @th4t-em0-k1d @dsireland86 @whenthesummerdies @spicywhenspeaking @gretaswhore28 @veronicaphoenix @lma1986 @calleyx13 @somewhere-diamond @talialovesmiw @auratheopossumwitch @blackveilomens @skulliecadaver-blog @silentglassbreak @darkmxgician
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No one talks about the grief of a loss that was never yours to mourn.
He got a tattoo; a constant reminder of the pain.
A reminder of what once was.
A reminder of what would never be.
You wrote unspoken words in your diary, quarrels that would never be said aloud.
Words that confessed years of feelings, years of silenced affections.
As your fingers grazed over the pages of yearning within the leathered journal, your heart reminisced the ache for unattainable amour.
Tears pricked at your eyes as you let out a quiet sob, unsure why you were even crying for someone who was never yours.
He consumed your mind; the way he smiled at you the day you met; his contagious laughter that danced through the walls in grandeur.
“Is this Henderson’s gym class?”
The voice behind startled you, and you turned, meeting a pair of ochre eyes. The stutter that left your lips caused your face to warm in embarrassment, as the messy brunette locks that fell across the boy’s features left you captivated.
“Yeah, I think so?” Your brows furrowed as you second-guessed yourself, even though you double-checked the classroom timetable a thousand times.
His lips spread into a dancing grin, his slight buck teeth chewing playfully on his bottom lip in shyness.
“Cool,” He stuck out his hand, long fingers wrapping around yours, “Noah.”
“Y/N,” You returned the smile, your ears heating as his October gaze never left yours.
You pulled away, briefly glancing down at his shirt, immediately excited.
“You like blink-182?”
Noah looked down at his shirt, pointing at it, “Oh yea, I fucking love them.”
He glanced up at you, fixated, “Do you?”
You nodded excitedly, “They’re probably my favourite band at the moment, other than the 1975, and Oasis, and-” you began to ramble, but stopped, afraid to embarrass yourself anymore than you felt you had.
Something flickered within his eyes at that moment; something you never noticed.
“Wonderwall?” He asked.
A song that became yours.
The burned CD he gave you collected dust in the corner of your room, aged and scratched from years of use. The disk player sat untouched, left as a painful reminder from when the tunes that played were melodies of hope; melodies of elation.
These feelings of grief consumed you, engulfing you into an overwhelming feeling of remorse.
The waves of heartbreak came and left, nostalgia shielding your anguish when memories flooded in.
No one ever filled you with such devotion and desire as he did; and throughout the naivety, you could have sworn it to be love.
It was the way Noah would shout your name from across the room when he saw you, or the way he would cover your eyes, asking you to guess who.
Every time you would laugh, placing your hands on top of his, saying you weren’t sure.
But you knew every time.
His long fingers would twirl your hair when he sat behind you in class, tugging the strands playfully before running his nails over your scalp.
“I just like your hair,” He’d say.
And whenever he picked up his guitar in the band room, he would strum the chords to your song, as if inviting you to listen to his lyrical confessions.
His texts consisted of using silly nicknames, and an overload of emojis to express his feelings. It was over the top, almost as if he was afraid he never came across as genuine enough without them.
Late night conversations went on for hours, laughing at the random stories and memories exchanged through flirtatious banter. You wanted to tell him everything about you, and learn everything about him.
You wanted to know his favourite colour, and what cologne he wore. His goals and dreams intrigued you, his fears and dislikes alluring.
You began to like the things he did, just to have something to talk about. You watched the shows he recommended and googled the things you didn’t know. Anything for him.
Noah would tell you how proud he was of you if you shared an accomplishment, or how pretty you looked when you wore your hair down.
He told you he loved your sneakers, and the way your oversized sweaters engulfed your body.
“You could wear mine,” He said, “You look good in my clothes.”
He would grab your hands, drawing silly pictures in Sharpie. It always left you frustrated when the image of an scribbled smiley face barely faded with each scrub.
But really, you would stare at it in admiration, blushing at the thought of his fingers brushing against yours.
“You like him, don’t you?” Your best friends pried, causing you to flush in embarrassment.
“He doesn’t like me like that,” You sighed, shaking your head, “We’re just friends.”
Just friends don’t play with each others hair like that.
Just friends don’t call each other pretty.
Just friends don’t text each other all night long.
“Is it easier to just pretend?”
Time went on, and your heart fluttered at every smile Noah shared with you, and at every word you exchanged.
The daily good morning and goodnight texts left you melting, succumbing your heart to his as he claimed it for his own.
Deep down, you knew he liked you more than just a friend. The way he treated you was special; there was no way that was how friends treat friends.
N: “Hey, your crush 100% likes you back.”
You: “Uhh hey? How would you know?”
N: “Well, I know who you like.”
You: “I guarantee you don’t.”
N: “Hmm, but I do? And I know he likes you back.”
You: “Sure Noah, haha. Go to bed.”
N: “I’m just saying. He likes you. Goodnight Y/N <3”
With a spiralling mind, your heart hammered.
Did he know how you felt about him? Did he just confess his feelings?
It wasn’t until he pulled you into the storage closet a week later, that sorrow knocking down any previous signs of faith.
“Y/N, I just wanted to talk… but I know you have feelings for me.”
His eyes bore into your own, sorrowful and sullen.
“Look,” he began, grabbing your hands in his, eyes glancing at your entwined fingers, “I- I just promised myself to someone else. My girl- ex-girlfriend, is coming here, and the reason we broke up was because I transferred.”
He began to ramble, unable to look into your eyes as he confessed his worries. Your heart began to shatter as you forced a small smile. Pulling your hands from his you placed them on his shoulders, causing him to pause.
“Noah,” You said softly, the words leaving your mouth a blatant lie, “It’s ok. I understand.“
His shoulders fell as he watched you. He brought you into a hug, squeezing you against his body, holding onto you.
Ludicrous. Empty.
You cried, your knees held to your chest in comfort as a shield from the feelings of abandonment. How could you be so naive?
You: “Just wanted to say thank you for telling me. I’m sorry if my feelings complicate things, I care about you a lot Noah.”
N: “I’m sorry, for everything. You mean a lot to me, and I care about you. ”
You: “If you knew who I liked all along… why did you say that my crush liked me back?”
It took him almost an hour to respond.
N: “Because I do like you Y/N. I like you a lot… but I promised myself to someone.”
The tears that fell from your face that night left you parched and broken, your world-shattering.
You found someone else a year later. Love that fulfilled your every need, someone to cherish you for you. It was someone who gave you everything; but your mind selfishly always wandered back to him.
You didn’t know that the day he found out you became spoken for, was the day he broke into a million pieces from a whole.
His heart was mutilated, head spinning with uncontrollable thoughts of regret.
How could he have let you slip through his fingers? All for some what-ifs?
He pretended to be happy for you.
Years passed, and you both grew. Both changed, both matured.
You got a ring, and Noah played in a band. You went to every show, you still showed up, even though you knew you were always a second choice.
He watched you the whole time as his fingers traced the strings of the guitar, and your heart yearned for him; screaming and aching and crying that you were just a body in the room.
It wasn’t until he found someone, that you told yourself it wasn’t healthy to fixate on past uncertainties.
It was rare you went to shows now. But when you did, you watched as he stood on that stage and sung; his smile brilliant and just for her.
But then you would meet his gaze, and you knew that the ochre was always for you. Forever yours.
His October eyes sang secret confessions as he poured his soul into the melodies of desolate love.
But you weren’t his: you weren’t mean’t to be sung for.
Some nights you called him drunk. You told him you missed him, that you wanted him to know you think about him all the time.
He told you he missed your voice, and how he wished you two still called.
He said he was happy you found someone to love you, because you deserved to be loved.
You knew he was lying.
It was the last time you talked, until you saw him sitting in the audience as you walked down the aisle, marrying a man you loved. A man who promised himself to you forever. A man who chose you first. A man who was not him.
Noah asked for your hand, he asked you for a dance. Your bodies swayed one last time in a synchronized beat, but just as friends; as desolate lovers.
You never listened to Wonderwall again.
Tears pricked at your eyes as you let out a quiet sob, unsure why you were even crying for someone who was never yours. You were meant to be happy now.
As your fingers grazed over the pages of yearning within the leathered journal, your heart reminisced the ache for unattainable amour.
A reminder of what would never be.
A reminder of what once was.
Noah got a tattoo; a constant reminder of the pain.
No one talks about the grief of a loss that was never yours to mourn.
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pedroshotwifey · 2 months
To The Flame chapter twelve
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Series masterlist
Pairing: Dark!Javier Peña x afab!reader
Chapter w/c: 2.6k
Chapter warnings: mentions of physical abuse, manipulation, mental abuse, steve and connie!!, fluff but like backhanded fluff?, Javi being a dick, alcohol consumption, mild description of injury
Chapter Summary: Javi takes you out on your date and you meet some potential friends
A/N: Hey, y'all! Super excited about this one! These character introductions mean a lot to this story. Hope you like it! (also sorry about not posting last week, pls forgive me ❤)
“Shit,” you mutter. 
You’re staring at yourself in the mirror, fixated on the ugly welt marring your right cheekbone. Your right eye is a bit swollen as well, but not too badly. You’re mostly worried about how the hell you’re going to hide the discoloring. Even with your makeup, it’s going to be a feat. 
It makes your stomach twist up to remember last night’s events. You still don’t understand why you had chosen to freak out like that. It was completely immature and irrational. He was just worried about you and you chose to berate him for it. 
Thankfully, Javi seems to have completely forgiven you for your outburst. He woke up as normal this morning, planted a kiss on your forehead, and made your breakfast. You smile to think about it. Despite everything that happened yesterday, everything today is back as it should be, just how you like it. 
You sigh and turn the sink on. You’ll wash your face and get dressed, then worry about this monstrosity last. You’re excited for your date. Javi told you that he’ll be taking you to a small restaurant a few blocks from the apartment. He’s out running an errand right now, or so he said. He wasn’t very specific, but he did promise to be back in time for your dinner date. 
You lean down and splash your face with the cool water, suppressing a wince as it hits your bruised flesh. You really didn’t realize the hit had landed that hard. You scrub it anyway, being careful to not press too hard. You don’t think Javi got a very good look at it this morning, which is probably a good thing. He’d likely be devastated to know he caused such an injury. 
You finish washing your face and reach for your dress hanging on the back of the door. It’s one of Javi’s favorites, and you’re excited to finally have an excuse to wear it again. You slip it over your head and turn around to zip the back with the help of the mirror. You pull at the edge and smooth it out so it falls effortlessly just above your knees. 
It’s a beautiful color in contrast with your skintone, hell, it’s a beautiful dress in general. You smile at your appearance in the mirror. It’s not often you feel confident, but this dress never fails to bring it out of you. Maybe that’s why Javi likes it so much, too. 
You hear the front door open as you fix one of the sleeves of the dress, a smile spreading across your face at the sound. Javi calls your name in greeting and your stomach flutters. 
“I’m in here,” you call back. His footsteps grow closer.
“You ready, sweetheart?” 
You peek your head out from the bathroom, careful to hide your right side behind the door frame. Javi’s standing in the middle of the bedroom. He looks gorgeous—as usual. He’s wearing a blue button up with his jeans and his regular boots.
“Yup, I’ll be just a second.” 
“Alright, baby, take your time. There’s no rush.” He sends you a wink. 
You flash him a quick smile before ducking back in and cracking the door behind you. You pick up your compact and lean in close to the mirror. The first layer doesn’t do much at all. The second makes a small difference, and by the third, all that’s left is to touch up certain spots. Even then though, you know there’s nothing you can do about the swelling of your eye and one of the deeper bruises. You take a step back. It doesn’t look so bad when you’re not too close. 
You sigh and finish up the rest of it, only putting everything away once you’re satisfied that you look pretty much normal. Like it’s any other date night. You turn the light off and step out of the bathroom. 
“In the kitchen, sweetheart.” 
You follow his voice, finding him leaning against the kitchen counter and craning his neck slightly to look out the window.
You grin as you step into view, giving him a small twirl and watching his smile widen when his gaze lands on you. You do your best to hide your right side, but try to be casual enough that he won’t think that’s what you’re trying to do. 
“You look gorgeous, baby,” he says, walking toward you with open arms. 
You let him embrace you in a hug, wrapping your own arms around his middle as he presses a kiss to the top of your head. “Thank you, Javi,” you mumble into his chest. 
He lets you go after a moment and picks something up from the counter. 
“Here, hermosa, got something for you” he offers you the bouquet of flowers. You gasp, sure that it’s the most beautiful bunch you’ve ever seen. That must have been why he went out. You’ll really never get over how thoughtful he is. It must have taken him a while to pick these out. 
You beam at him as you take them in your hand. “Thank you,” you say again. He nods at you, warmth in his gaze as he watches you softly sniff the flowers. You look up when he clears his throat. 
“Wanted to say I’m sorry,” he tells you, eyes flickering to and from yours. You frown a bit. 
“It’s okay, Javi, I was the one acting up,” you assure him. You don’t want him to feel bad over something that wasn’t his fault. Just thinking about it puts a bad taste in your mouth. He’s much too sweet of a man to ever think that he’s done something wrong. You’re the childish one who threw a temper tantrum for no reason. It’s not fair for him to blame himself for what happened. 
He nods solemnly, giving you a soft smile. 
“I think we were both in the wrong there, sweetheart. I just don’t want it to happen again.” 
Now it’s your turn to nod. You’re beaming inside at the fact that everything seems to be back to normal, but there’s also a sudden threat of tears pricking at your eyes and you’re not sure why. You look away, refusing to let them fall as you busy yourself putting them into a vase. 
“Let me just put these in some water, and I’ll be ready,” you say as you turn on the sink. 
You’re walking out the door minutes later, hand in hand with Javi as you try to contain the smile on your face. You’re way too excited about getting out. A part of you feels a bit guilty about getting your way after last night, but you suppose that Javi would have told you no if he thought it was really a bad idea tonight. 
You stay silent and let him lead you downstairs, and you actually have to bite down on your lip to keep from full-on grinning when the evening air hits your face. It’s not too busy of a night, not many people out on the street at all. Still, Javi holds you close to his side as you make your way to the restaurant he was telling you about. 
It’s not far, maybe a four or five minute walk from the complex. It’s small and cozy, exactly what you would hope for. He keeps his hand on the small of your back as you go to sit at an empty table, pulling your chair out for you and making sure you’re comfortable before sitting down in the seat across from you. 
You smile at him as a waitress comes by and drops off a couple of menus. She takes your drink orders—a soda for you and a beer for Javi. You busy yourself with looking over the food options, failing to notice the way Javi’s started to stare at you. 
His hand comes quickly across the table, making you flinch from surprise when he grabs your chin and tilts your head enough to see your right cheek. 
“What’s this?” he demands. 
You wince, really wishing you could have avoided this. You should have kept layering your makeup. 
“”S from last night,” you mumble, ashamed even though you know you shouldn’t be. You just don’t want him to see what physical damage he may have done. He’ll tear himself up over it. 
But he instead snaps, “And you didn’t fucking cover it?” 
You’re taken aback, your head snapping away from his grasp. Shame fills you. Why can’t you just do something right for once? Tears again fill your eyes, only adding to your shame. 
“I-I’m sorry, Javi,” you say quietly, staring at your hands in your lap. “I was just really excited to go out and—” 
He sighs and leans back in his chair, cutting you off from your pointless excuse. “Just make sure nobody sees it,” he tells you. “Do you have any idea what that could do to me in my field of work?” 
You nod, sniffing as your ears burn with embarrassment. Here he is taking you out and you ruin it by making another stupid decision. At least you’re not getting angry again. You have enough sense to keep that at bay. 
You catch the waitress walking back with your drinks out of the corner of your eye and do your best to quickly collect yourself, giving her a warm, tear free smile when she sets your soda down in front of you. She smiles back and takes Javi’s order, which you order as well since you forgot to choose a dish for yourself. 
You flash Javi a shy smile when she walks away, and, much to your relief, he gives you a small one in response. He’s still obviously not very thrilled with you, but at least he’s not straight mad. 
“How have things been going at the house, baby?” 
You know he means with renovations. 
“They’re pretty good. Almost finished with all the painting and stuff. I might just need you to help me with some of the tile and cabinets.” 
He nods. “Alright, I’ll see if I can get it done tomorrow.” 
You nod back, trying not to be too tense. The conversation almost feels…awkward. It’s confusing. Luckily, the waitress comes quickly with your food, placing it in front of you and leaving you to it. 
Conversation gets a bit better as the two of you eat. More casual and free-flowing.It’s not quite how it’s been the last few months, though. More like when the two of you had gone out together the first few times and had been a little shy. You brush it off though, sure that it won’t last too long. Even the two of you haven’t ever really been in a ‘post-fight’ situation yet, you believe that your chemistry is good enough for it to work itself out soon. 
And it pretty much does by the time you’re finishing up your dinner. Javi’s smiling as you gush to him about a book you’re currently reading. It’s a very cute romance, one of the ones he’s brought you recently. He’s listening intently, happy to see your eyes light up with excitement. 
The waitress comes back with the bill just as you’re telling him about the ending, and he hands his card over, along with a cash tip, as he continues to listen. It’s so nice to have someone who enjoys hearing about your interests. Before Javi, you can’t really remember having a person who would genuinely want to hear about your books. 
You finish just as the waitress comes back, revealing the plot twist dramatically. His eyes widen with your reveal, both to indulge you but also probably a bit out of surprise because—in your opinion—it was a pretty insane plot twist. 
But then his gaze darkens, pointed over your shoulder, and you frown. 
Your mouth is open to say his name, but it wasn’t you who said it. You snap your head around to see a couple walking toward you, the man smiling broadly. There’s a woman holding his hand, looking a little less enthusiastic than the man about seeing your husband. 
You see Javi tense out of the corner of your eye as they reach your table. The man drops the woman's hand to round the table and clap Javi’s shoulder. 
“What are you doing, you son of a bitch?” the man asks in a joking tone. “Thought you said you didn’t date.” 
Javi’s jaw clenches as your brows furrow. 
“Uhm, yeah,” you supply, ignoring the way your stomach churns at the fact that he hadn’t mentioned you at all. “That may have something to do with the fact that he’s married.” You hold your left hand up, flashing your ring. The man’s light brows go up in surprise, a slight smirk overtaking his features. But then the smile drops and he shoots his gaze down to your husband. 
“Well I’ll be damned,” he says slowly. “Didn’t think you were the type, Peña.” His tone is almost flat now. You don’t understand why it changed so quickly. Javi looks back up at him, a flicker of dark emotion that you can’t quite place showing in his eyes. 
“Sweetheart,” Javi addresses you, keeping his eyes on the stranger. “This is Steve, my partner at work.” 
He doesn’t talk about work much, but from what he’s told you about his partner, your understanding is that they get along pretty well. So you don’t quite understand the surge of hostility between the two of them right now. 
You smile nonetheless, standing and reaching your hand out to him. You state your name. “It’s nice to meet you.” 
He nods as he shakes your hand, giving you a tight smile in return. His expression is almost hard to read. He nods to the woman next to you. “That’s my wife, Connie.” 
You turn to shake her hand as well, and you can tell you’ll immediately like her. She gives you a bright smile as well, telling you it’s nice to meet you. She seems very nice, but also like she wouldn’t be afraid to speak up for herself. You find yourself hoping that you’ll be able to see her again. Maybe be friends. 
“We were just leaving,” Javi says from where he watches the two of you. Steve has taken a step back now, and is also watching you both with his arms crossed, though he doesn’t look mad, exactly. More like he’s contemplating something. 
You frown though, having thought that you still had a little while before you had to go back. 
He flashes you a warning look, and you quiet down. Maybe you misunderstood him and he doesn’t like his partner. Either way, if he wants to go back, it’s probably for a good reason and you shouldn’t fight it. You nod at him instead, smoothing out your dress. 
“Well, it was nice to meet you,” you say to Steve and Connie as Javi comes to your side and takes your arm in his.
“You, too,” Connie says, and Steve nods, another small smile offered as Javi starts to lead you out. You don’t turn to watch them as you leave, instead keeping your eyes on Javi, who has his on the exit. 
“What was that about?” you ask. 
He glances at you with a softer gaze than you’ve seen all night. Again, you can’t place the look. 
“Don’t worry about it, sweetheart,” he assures you and kisses the side of your head. So you don’t. 
When the two of you get home, Javi cracks open another beer and holds you on the couch until you both fall asleep watching TV.
You for reading! Taglist is always open!
Series taglist:  @corazondebeskar @yorksgirl @nerdieforpedro @axshadows @melaninmommy @survivingandenduring @kewwrites @oldenoughtoknowbettersstuff  @callachloe @missladym1981 @sofiparallel @koshkaj-blog @sheepdogchick3 @movievillainess721 @jessie8605 @casa-boiardi @justlulu @iamsherlocked-1998 @hjzghi-b @solarecI1spe
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katz-chow · 10 months
I love all your posts they're the highlight of my day!! Could you do one nsfw with my man soap? I was thinking hes a Dom and LOVES giving/receiving oral and then idc the other character that's all up to you babe as long as he's a dom and there's a TON of teasing cus I love that thank you so muchhhhh MWAHHH
a taste of you
warnings: nsfw, 18+, smut, gn!reader, oral fixation, teasing, dom/sub dynamic, praise and degration
"tha's it, good girl aren't you? oh...fuckin'..." johnny grunts as your tongue swirls around the head of his cock, drool and precum leaking out from your mouth.
he was big. his size stretched the corner of your lips open, causing a slight stinging pain to radiate through your jaw. tears adorned the edges of your eyes, peering up at him from your place between his legs. his hands play with your face, brushing hair out of your way or wiping the tears the fall from your pretty eyes.
you become a bit confident when you see him lean his head back, staring up at the ceiling. you gasp and sink down his shift, your throat pulsing around him as he lets out strings of curses. "feelin' brave, aren't we, bonnie?"
he chuckles and grabs a fistful of your hair and pushes you down further, hearing the gags you let out, shaking under his grasp. you peer up at him, tears spilling and running down your pink cheeks as you struggle with him in your throat.
"what's that? come on, you wanted this didn't ya? good whores can take a cock down their throat, dinnae back down from me now, slut." he takes your head in his hands and pulls you off of him slowly, feeling your hand squeeze his thigh and knee.
he loves the sight of you underneath him, saliva and precum dripping from your tongue, face covered in sticky and thick slick. your eyes hazy and lustful, waiting for him to command you as you continue to pant after having his thick cock down your throat.
he taps your lips with the head of his cock, signaling you to open it. you whine, but obey him, licking and sucking his tip in your mouth. your hand finds his balls, heavy and full, waiting to cum in your eager mouth and on your face, waiting to be lapped up by you, all messy and sloppy; just how he likes it.
"look at you, aye, i know i know, hen, it's okay," he caresses your face as you suck on him, tongue messily letting your saliva drip out of your mouth into a steady stream down your chin. "gantin' on my cock like a good girl aren't ya?"
you whimper underneath him, mouth still wide open and pleasing him as best as you could. you whine as he strokes your face fondly, legs finding their way on either side of johnny's, grinding your hips down on his boot like a puppy in heat.
"aww, pretty slut's all needy eh?" he taunts, as he lifts his heel into you, causing a muffled moan to escape your lips, eyes hazy and rolled back from finally getting some sort of friction. "desperate for me to shag ya, hm?"
you nod slowly, but eagerly as your hips grind down on him, slick covering his boot and a small puddle on the hardwood from your saliva.
he sighs, cooing you as he takes his cock out your sloppy mouth, spreading your spit and his precum over your cheeks. "beg for it, bonnie."
"pl-please....johnny...i can't.." you whimper under him, his thumbs spreading your mess over your cheeks, "please i need you..."
"why didn't you say so earlier, hen?"
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vodkababy · 2 years
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little miss. 💋 ༉‧₊˚.
mike wheeler x fem! reader
slight! smut. we don’t get into p in v in this fic.
age pairing: 18+
small heads up, you’ll be the angela in the story. angela is y/n. this takes place in the roller rink scene, aged up. ( pls don’t interact if you’ll just shade down my fic regarding mike. i’ve seen so many mike writers getting hate over this situation. i only write for fun. )
you were eyeing this boy, beside that jane hopper. he looked so eye-catching; there was something about him that made warmth pool inside of you.
the way his hands held jane’s. you wanted that.
sure you had jake, he was a really cute guy.
but this? you had to have him. and you took the chance.
୨⎯ " ♡ " ⎯୧
“milkshakes? yum!”
why is y/n here. i’m supposed to be enjoying this, but she’s starting to ruin it. mike was just talking about how his milkshake was better. did she watch him?
she strutted across the floor on her skates, fixating her gaze on — mike?
“where oh where have you been hiding this handsome thing?”
y/n looked at him with soft eyes, the eyes where you would think “oh she’s such an angel” in your head. but no. she’s so much worse.
i didn’t know how to react. “uh— y/n.”
“th — this is mike. my boyfriend. “
she’s reaching her hand out to him.
“y/n. pleasure.”
her words melt like butter. she says it smoothly.
mike’s looking at her so— dreamily. i look down into my lap. why does she always have to ruin the good things.
୨⎯ " ♡ " ⎯୧
is this the girl el’s been talking about? she’s—pretty. like good pretty, not the kind you’d hear as a friendly compliment. she’s seriously pretty.
mike, stop.
you have a girlfriend. you have el.
she looks so dreamy.
“y/n. pleasure.”
what the fuck. she looks so— pretty. the way she talks its so smoothly. like—like i can listen to her speak all day.
“heard a lot about you, it’s really cool to finally meet one of el— jane’s friends. “
she’s laughing. was there something wrong with i said? what the fuck is wrong with my head today.
“yeah! super. come on friend.”
she pulls el to the roller rink. i can’t help but watch the way her hips roll every time she skates.
i feel her eyes on me, wait does she feel the same? isn’t the guy beside her a bit ago her boyfriend? she smiles at me. i feel my cheeks burning. i need a mirror.
୨⎯ " ♡ " ⎯୧
the local snitch and her little milkshake. hilarious, luckily her boyfriend wasn’t there to see. he’s still in the restroom. i need to see him.
“jake, i need some air. i’ll be outside.”
jake doesn’t seem to care, but i do. he tells me he loves me, but i dont feel the same. we’re just together for a reason. i lied when i told him that i loved him.
i walked to the restroom that mike went in and saw him, washing his face.
“are you okay? your face better be clean at this point.”
“oh— y/n! hi. whaddya doing?”
“just to wash my hands. you know, jane isn’t the person she is.”
he looks at me confused.
“what do you mean exactly..?”
“let’s just say she doesn’t need to find out. you know?”
i strut towards him, my hips swaying every so slightly and wrap my arms around his neck. i look into his eyes, they’re so pretty and doe-like.
୨⎯ " ♡ " ⎯୧
he has his hands on her, inside the bathroom stall. roaming around her body while kissing her passionately. she tugged on his hair, causing his head to arch back and moan softly.
“mmph..” mike started to kiss her jawline to her neck to her cleavage, sucking on it leaving pretty pinks and purples across her collar.
“y/n, you’re so pretty.”
he kisses harder on her and starts to moan softly. they were lucky nobody was in the bathroom right now, otherwise they would’ve been caught.
“you’re so gorgeous.”
a peck on her jaw.
“you’re so beautiful.”
a warm open-mouthed kiss to her cleavage.
“can i?”
he looks at her for consent. he wanted her top off her, she was clouding his head. he couldn’t think about el. it was all y/n. y/n. y/n.
“i don’t know how you could be so hot, miss.”
she presses a kiss on his jawline and lets off a small giggle.
he pulls her shirt off and throws it to the floor.
his eyes trail to her chest to her hips and to her stomach, admiring her.
“i don’t know how el would have friends like these..”
“el? who’s el?”
crap. i wasn’t supposed to say that. he thought.
“uh— that’s jane. just a nickname.”
“oh. okay then.”
the two kissed each other leaving a trail of saliva on their lips, and smashing their lips together again as he undoes her bra.
she moans softly against his left hand, muffling her moans as he starts to suck her right breast and fondle her left breast with the other hand.
he kisses her breasts and immediately hears someone calling his name outside the restroom door.
“shit. i hear will outside.”
“do you really have to go?”
“what if he finds us!”
“then let him be.”
she then pecks an open mouthed on his neck and looks at him with doe eyes, making him fixate his gaze on her. he noticed how long her lashes were, how her bangs framed her face properly, how her lips were such a pretty shape and how her eyes twinkled in the dim light of the restroom.
“we can’t let him see, how about this. you and me, later?”
“fine. only because it’s you. see ya.”
that was the last thing she said to him.
those words were the last thing he heard from her until his girlfriend, el, jane, whatever. smashed a roller skate on y/n’s head.
he didn’t know that right after that session with you, that el asked you to say sorry. he had caught a glimpse of el thrown into the ground, but he thought it was all jokes.
blood was trickling on her face, she looked devastated. he was devastated. not because of the plans they were about to have tonight, because of el. he didn’t understand why she would do something like that. was there something that he missed? he thought you guys were friends.
“oh—oh my god..”
“holy shit el. what did you do.”
oh, if only he knew what you did to el.
if only el knew what you did to him.
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hoeforhao · 1 year
Champagne and Spirits🥂 |SEUNGCHEOL FF|<Part 2>
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Pairing : seungcheol × fem!reader (ft. joshua)
⤷ genre: smut (with feelings),slight angst, fluff, jealousy sex, alcohol consumption, explicit language/cursing, scared to love reader, cold but caring for reader seungcheol.
⤷ tags: sensual foreplay,rough sex,praise,slight bondage,hair tugging, fingering, pet names, hickeys/marking, body worship, oral (m receiving), size kink, unprotected sex(reader will be starting birth control after),creampie,overstimulation, orgasm denial, aftercare.
⤷ synopsis: seeing the one who has your heart, with other women on a cruise ship, while you're trying to deny your feelings and stay away, is definitely not an ideal situation for a holiday.
⤷ part: 2/2
⤷ word count: 2.9k
⤷ author’s note: absolutely overwhelmed with the love I received for part 1 and beyond grateful too. so here's part 2. as it's my first time writing a smut, it might feel a bit cringe and quite rushed to y'all. i apologize in advance for that and if you do like my writing...
Likes, comments and reblogs will be heartily appreciated
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To your absolute oblivion, a shroud pair of eyes were placed on you from the very beginning and taking in each and every move you made with Joshua.
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As you entered the bar, quite literally entangled in the arms of th unfamiliar man you just met this evening, the strong scent of spirits and alcohol filled up your senses. You were never someone who enjoyed drinking; sticking to the regular coke was more preferable to you. But today asked for a change. Your heart being in pain, mind blurred with past mistakes and memories, alcohol seemed like the easiest way to get everything down.
"So, what will be your drink of choice Mr Hong?" you asked him, while gracefully resting your butt on the bar stool, rotating seats being a potential enemy to your clumsy ass.
"One whiskey sour with bourbon, stirred and neat" joshua rested his order with the server , as he fixed his posture on the stool.
"Not only does this man speak sweet, but also drinks sweet, damn!" you blurted out in your mind, while taking in the view of his perfect stature in a navy suit.
"And for the pretty lady?" the bartender asked, breaking your string of thoughts. " I would like one cosmopolitan. And with less ice pls" you quickly responded.
"Light drinker. I see" Josh said while glancing at you with a smirk. You just smiled a bit to the sudden remark.
"So, while we wait for our drinks, mind sharing the reason why such glazed and rosy cheeks were stained with tears? That too in a happening party?" he finally let curiosity get the best of him.
Not sure what to answer, as sharing your private life with an absolute stranger didn't feel like a wise move at all, you just blatantly lied. "I was just missing my cat. This is the first time I'm spending a whole day without her. Stumbling upon her photo while using my wallet, caused the sudden fall."
It was more of a half lie tho; you did miss Carrot but that was surely not the reason of the outburst.
"Awee you're a defined cat lady then" Josh said while lightly pinching your cheeks and flashing his bright eye smile. "I'm myself quite attached to my feline babies yin and yang,if you ask"
The sudden touch on your face did make you flustered at first, but hearing about him being a cat dad himself, all you could care about was having a chat with him about each other's furr babies,with your wide dimple smile; sipping on the drinks once in a while.
All this time , the bearer of the pair of eyes that were fixated on you for the entire evening , had seated himself in the bar counter, far away from your noticing yet close enough to notice your friendly and overly close body language with a man, that was not him. He gulped down shots after shots;veins popping out,insides burning from jealousy and anger, and not the alcohol.
"I should probably go back to my room now. It's already quite late and isn't the city tour early in the morning tomorrow? We better get some good rest if we've to enjoy that" you told joshua, left hand resting on his shoulder.
"You're such a spoil-sport" he replied quite annoyingly. "But again, my body does need a good sleep. So i guess we'll end today’s beautiful night here. Let's join tomorrow again, for the tour." You giggled a bit, listening to him contradicting his own words.
"Let me drop you off at your room" joshua suggested while coming down the stool and fixing his blazer.
"No sire, thank you. I'm not a kid that you need to guide me back. Instead just hurry up and get some sleep or else you'll scare off the girls with your panda eyes" you joked as you yanked his hands off of yours and proceeded towards your deck.
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Walking down the dim hallway all giggly and light minded, you were now standing at your room's door. Unlocking it and getting inside quickly, you were about to close the door when you felt a sudden tug on your wrist. The scene rolled out so fast that it took quite a few seconds for you to realize that your body was now sandwiched betwixt the closed door and a rock hard chest.
Instead of looking up to see who the person was, you guided your eyes down to your legs only to find them being held captive in between a pair of thick thighs.( a/n : y'all dk how much of a simp I'm for thick thighs) It took only a few seconds to realise whose body it was , but to be completely sure that it's not a hallucination, you quickly shot your eyes upwards and there he was. The man you dreaded meeting ever again, yet craved his presence everyday.
"S-seungcheol!! What are you doing?"your shaky and almost inaudible voice questioned.
Seeing him this close after months, your eyes were busy admiring all his features; starting from his cute little nose, the defined lines of his collarbone tracing themselves from the insides of his black satin shirt, finally down to his thin waist; so much so that they failed to notice his clenched jaw and the fuming eyes while he held onto your wrists tightly.
"Seems like you had quite a lot of fun with that pretty boy of yours, didn't you princess!" seungcheol exclaimed, mock quite understandable in his tone.
You've never seen this scary side of him; words were stuck in the back of your throat as you kept staring at him with supposed fear; your eyes visibly reflecting happiness and "want". The want to claim him as yours after seeing that woman being all over him in the evening.
"What if - what if he does like her? What if she's his gf? What if the feelings are only from my side?" all of these 'what if' thoughts of yours were quickly silenced, the moment cheol spoke out, again!
"I think i asked something princess. Keeping quite won't do you any well." he whispered, his hot breath fanning behind your ears.
"I - umm we were just having a normal talk, about our - " you were about to finish your sentence when a wet kiss landed right on your earlobe, making you go completely numb in your legs. If it wouldn't have been for seungcheol's thighs, you would've collapsed right there.
"About what? Filling up your stomach with butterflies or making your body shudder under his touch? Or laying his hands on something only I can touch? Hmm? I need answers doll" he kept on suggesting while placing sloppy kisses on your earlobe, going down to your neck, making it completely drenched in his saliva and finally resting his puffy lips on your collarbone, waiting for you to speak.
"N-no we were just talking about our cats" you somehow managed to form a sentence, while your body was melting like butter in his hold, mind clustered up with all the unholy things you want him to do to you.
"Oh is that so! Too bad that one of these cats will get painted with MY scent tonight" cheol spat out before surprising you with a sharp bite on the collarbone.
The sudden pain made you tug onto his silky smooth hair while moaning out his name lowly "cheol, aaahh"
"My name sounds heavenly in your mouth baby. I'll make sure that the entire cruise gets to hear you screaming it throughout the night" he said while roughly pulling you into his warmth,closing even the slightest gap between the two bodies as he placed his lips on yours.
This was when you finally let your lust break free. Responding back to the kiss immediately, you engulfed his lips into yours, gently yet hungrily sucking on them, making sure to leave his already puffy lips even puffier. You were yourself in disbelief that this was your first kiss, seeing how well you were performing. Devouring his lips like an unfed tiger for a good 60 seconds, you finally let go off them, in order to let some air in your lungs.
Seungcheol was completely stricken by this sudden move. He used to think that only he wanted you, craved for you, your touch, your heart, your body, your everything. But getting such a response, assured him of your feelings thus turning him into a beast, ready to mark you his tonight.
"I didn't know you wanted me this much huh"
Without wasting a single moment he attacked your lips again, this time making sure to leave them completely bruised. Biting your lower lip as you welp in pain,he took this as a chance to make his way into your mouth; his tongue painting even the narrowest of the cave's crevices with his saliva.
His hands moved down from your waist to your hips as he digged his nails into the flesh, lifting you up while you wrapped both of your legs around his torso, never breaking the kiss.
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Upon reaching the side rail,cheol carefully placed your body straight up on the bed, while he detached yours' lips to take out something from his pocket.
That warm skin leaving yours, created a void in you even if it was for secs. You couldn't believe how desperate you've become to have him all to you . Lost in the thoughts, you failed to notice the soft yet firm cloth wrap around your wrists tying it to the bedframe; eyes immediately looking up at him in confusion.
"It's important baby! You need a little punishment for being such a naughty girl. Don't you think so?" he sheepishly smirked before placing himself down on top of you,his legs bordering your body, making you feel his bulge on your throbbing core.
"But cheol - "
"No more talking doll, I cannot hold myself in anymore" not letting you finish the sentence, he tugged onto the skin of your neckline leaving behind a trail of dark purple hickeys and bite marks, while his hands jerked off the sleeves of your dress, pulling it down to the waist, revealing your buttery soft body.
Seeing that a white lacey material was the only thing covering your chest and stoppin him from worshipping the divine figure lying infront, he quickly unclasped your bra and threw it into a corner of the room. Realizing your upper body is now stark naked, body dysmorphia quickly hit you but the hands being tied you felt helpless.
Cheol noticed the uncomfort in your eyes and softly asked " What's the matter love?"
"I feel so bad that you've to see my ugly body like this. It's not what you expected it to be, right?"
With a sad yet assuring chuckle he spoke
"Do you know how beautiful you're y/n? How heavenly your body is? How much it makes me wanna bury myself in you for hours and never let go? How long I've craved to have you like this, all to me? Lemme show you then"
Saying this, he starts placing sloppy kisses on your chest running down to your cleavage and your breasts, slowly licking the skin around the bump and finally placing his mouth on one of your nipples, gently sucking it in while his hand played with the other.
Your eyes were tightly shut, pleasure with a hint of pain running through your entire body as seungcheol kept playing with you breasts, kneading them like the most expensive dough, biting on the skin as well as your nipples, and tugging onto them once in a while.
After clenching his thirst for the time being, he slowly looked up and admired the beautiful purplish masterpiece he has made, marking you his for the entire world to see.
"You're so fuxkin pretty princess. I was trying to control myself from ruining you entirely, but fuxk it! You've driven me absolutely crazy by you now" he started unbuttoning his shirt while talking,revealing his perfectly toned abs ; a paradise for your eyes.
You were completely wet by now, your panties drenched and your insides waiting to be filled by his girth. Cheol saw the neediness in your eyes and as much as he wanted to fill you up quickly, his cock was pulsating to have your mouth around it. So without wasting a second, he pulled down his pants along with his boxers, revealing his thick length, earning a loud "Wow" from you.
"You like what you see?" you nod in response as he unties your hands guiding you to his throbbing dick, moaning the instant your warm mouth engulfs him. You quickly start pumping it in your mouth, occasionally using your hands and teasing his tip with your tongue
"Ahh y/n your mouth feels so good around me." his voice becoming shaky as he holds down your head, thrusting at a much higher speed,making you almost choke on his dick with teary eyes, finally reaching the high and releasing his sweet juices in your throat.
"Swallow all of it" and as an obedient kitten you follow all of the elder's orders.
"Seungcheol, I need you now please. I can't wait anymore" you needily plead with puppy eyes as it became almost impossible for you to control further.
"You've been a good kitten till now. So how can I not give my baby the pleasure she wants huh" saying this cheol again pushes your body down on the bed as he takes off your dress completely.
"That wet for me huh!" he exclaims proudly after seeing your dripping panties sticking onto your folds, his hands tugging onto the hem and freeing your body from any clothing.
A loud moan escapes your lips as he suddenly pushes one of his fingers inside you, followed by two more; their long slender stature pumping in and out of you at an inhuman speed, while his tongue runs circles around your clit, sending you into absolute heaven.
"I-i am about to cum cheol" words refusing to destroy the pleasure as you speak out.
"Not so fast princess." he says while pulling out his fingers immediately, leaving your pussy with an empty feeling and pouty lips, which were soon coated with your own fillings as cheol placed his lips on yours, pulling you into a passionate kiss; his hands roaming around your hips as he places a pillow beneath them, preparing you for the most awaited part.
Taking his cock in his hand and pumping it a few times before lining it up your entrance, Seungcheol looks at you with a soft gaze " Are you ready, love?"
You just hmm in response as he slowly enters you, trying to be as gentle as possible. You let out a slight whimper in pain which soon turns into pleasure as he starts thrusting in and out of you, giving you time to adjust to his length before ramming into you like a beast.
"You're so fuxkin tight princess" he says while kissing you gently to distract you from the pain. After a prolonged session of him destroying your insides, you feel yourself riding your high as you clench around his length one last time before cumming all over his legs. Cheol too finds himself reaching his climax not so late after, as he entirely releases himself in you, filling you up to the brim.
With a sweaty chest and panting breath, he plops down on the bed, beside your tired body, covering both of you with the duvet and pulling you into a warm hug.
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"I love you y/n. I've loved you since the very day you came to my clinic with Carrot. I've always wanted to protect you, see your face adorning that healing smile of yours, enjoying every bit of life, even if it's not with me" you feel the sadness in his tone as he confesses his love for you.
"Sshhh cheol. Don't even think about such things anymore. You don't know how safe you've made me feel everytime you were around; your presence grazing my dark life like the soothing beams of sunlight on chilly days,your smile lighting up my soul like fireworks, your sweet scent filling up the surroundings like jasmines and lilies. It's just that I was scared;scared to love you; what if I end up hurting you like everyone else in my life. I didn't want to lose you neither did I want to see you in pain. That's the sole reason why I couldn't look into your eyes that day" tears streaming down your face as you sob in his embrace.
"Don't cry love. I'm now here, to hold onto you like a slug, forever. I'll be you warmth, so that you no more have to live in your cold world. Surely love will throw its challenges towards us, but all I can do is promise that I'll clutch onto your hands tightly. Let's be each other's home for a long time, pls" cheol comes while burying his head into your crook, as you both fall asleep in each other's arms,hearts beating in unison and souls finally at peace♡
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masuchu · 2 years
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warnings. mommy kink, f!reader, fingering, oral fixation, soft dom ei, sloppy sex, mention of overstimulation, ur basically her whore
eternity; a unreachable goal in the eyes of ei. unfortunately for you, she wants to achieve it whilst watching you cum on her fingers over and over!
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the heavy weight of your pasts orgasms lingered over your body, a strange feeling to comprehend in your dazed state. your eyes were struggling to stay open with your tiredness and tears, and your muscles were sore from clenching them countless times.
“again, dear.” archons, her voice. so smooth, like the softest silk in all of teyvat. it was magical, really, the way she could manipulate you to her ever whim with just a few words, if you weren’t so fucked out you might’ve questioned it. if.
your hips lifted off the bed in shock when her thumb pressed down again on your clit, another one of her hands pressing down slightly against them as a reminder to stay still.
“i— i can’t.. too much..” each thrust of her fingers filled your nerves with pleasure, and your words were obviously ignored with the way she hit your sweet spot straight after.
“i’m sure you can. you want to make me proud, yes?”
you honestly didn’t know where it came from, but the moment the words fell from her lips, you found yourself whispering out a small “yes, mommy..”, a gasp leaving your lips immediately afterwards.
“i’m sorry! i don’t know why i said that, i’m so so sorry—!”
a pair of fingers found their way up at your lips, tapping expectingly, and your mouth parted hesitantly, eyes peering up and her face. you could’ve sworn it was glowing.
“it’s okay baby. wan’ you to say it again, okay? say, ‘please make me feel good mommy’.” her words caused a flush of pink to heat up on your cheeks and you found yourself covering your face with your palms.
trying as hard as you could with her fingers at the back of your throat, you choked out a plead of “pl— please make me feel good mommy!”
the smirk that crept up on her face sent shivers down your spine, a feeling of dread and equally regret rattling your bones at her chilling expression. her fingers pulled out of the wetness of your mouth, wiping the saliva onto your cheeks and squishing then together— your lips making an adorably humiliating pout.
“i’m gonna make you cum three more times, alright? and every time, i want to hear you say ‘thank you, mommy!’ if i don’t, well you don’t get to cum for a week! okay, baby?”
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© 2022 masuchu, do not repost, reword, plagiarise, take inspiration, translate or share my work anywhere!
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luminecent-cringe · 2 years
John Doe/ Yb headcanons
- Guess who’s suddenly hyper fixated on these 2 (hint it’s me 😔)
- (Also if you can see the obvious favoritism no you can’t )
- I like thinking Doe and Yb are neighbors and they hate each other and it’s so funny to me
- Realistically Doe could probably kick Peters ass considering he’s an Eldridge god or something but he probably won’t
- Also it’s canon that Doe just goes by whatever gender “you” wants him to be :D so I’m just going to go with he/they because that’s what I want
- I like thinking that Yb has a couple wigs or something because that bald bitch misses his hair from back in High school
- While I don’t think Yb is a clean freak I can definitely think he prefers to keep clean. It half comes from him being a stalker and shit so he’s just use to making sure there is no sign of him being places along with no strong smells on him
- He uses those scentless deodorants and such
- (Side rant I hate those scentless deodorants one there not even scentless and two the point of deodorant is to like mask the smell of your sweat so you doing stink or something like that so literally what is the point of scentless?? It doesn’t even do it’s job that we’ll people who wear it still smell like shit half the time)
:read more:
- It’s half the reason Yb doesn’t like Doe
- Doe (if their in a good mood) might try to explain to Yb that he kinda can’t shower or anything because he’s a clay man and his body would get all fucked up
- Yb probably says something like,” what kind of god can’t even make a proper body??”
- Fighting ensues
- While Doe cannot take a bath or anything in his human form he can in his actual form sense it’s just a floating hair ball with an eye
- But here comes the second problem of he just hates water
- You kinda gotta get “you” to force him to take a bath with them or something
- Doe does not wash his hoodie
- Anything else sure but they will legit not allow that hoodie to be washed
- Doe has (against the will of Peter) met Y/N
- That’s it nothing happened they just know each other
- Yb isn’t as attached to his sweater vest and Doe is to the hoodie but he also hates taking it off to wash it
- He understands he has to and such but he literal hates it
- Yb is literally such a little bitch (derogatory)
- He does that movie shit where you can be like,” can you pass the salt” and he slide it 2 cm towards you
- Someone pls slap him he needs it
- Yb has met “You” (against the will of Doe) and he actually thinks their funny
- “You” in game even when being nice is still kinda stand-offish and Peter thinks that’s funny
- Both Peter and Doe hate it when “You” or Y/N wear makeup just for different reasons
- Doe hates it cause he’s that type of guy that’s like,” But your so beautiful without makeup 🥺”
- Legit someone slap him
- Like bitchslap their ass
- Peter just hates the texture of makeup
- He hates how it feels on skin
- Even if you wear something simple like lipstick he’ll still complain because it sticky or something
- Doe doesn’t like it when “You” take showers or baths
- He likes “your natural scent” and not the artificial scents of soaps and shampoos
- It doesn’t matter if you use scentless, something super expensive and good for your skin, or mens 4 in 1 (it’s for shampoo, body wash, dish wash, and toothpaste 😃(no it’s not a real thing I just made this up)) he hates it
- (Another miny rant I hate those 2 in 1 mens soaps. Why are men like this??? I’m happy your washing your fucking ass but pls.. a little fucking decorum??? Your not less masculine because you use Aveeno or some coconut shit like damn)
- Yb (has some fucking decorum unlike other men 😒) and changes his soap to match whatever natural flower grows where he is at the moment so he kinda just smells natural
- (Men of the world pls take some fucking notes. Like get out a pen and take some notes. I want to hear the ink being put down on paper.)
- I like thinking Yb often forgets that he is bald now so he buys shampoo and then goes to use it and just feels is bald boiled egg ahh head and then starts sobbing in the shower
- Does hair literally has a mind of its own (and sometimes tries to eat shit) so his hair is also tangled and knotted BUT sometimes “You” takes a whole ass day to sit this bitch down to wash his hair
- Doe doesn’t really mind cause 1. “You” is touching him and 2. For some reason getting his hair washed it really stimulating for him so ye good
- Doe doesn’t need to eat and Peter often forgets to eat so neither of them are a good definition of healthy
- Doe canonically doesn’t have organs and sometimes he gets sad about this
- Mainly because one time they saw Y/N leaning on Peter and listening to his heart beat. Another time Doe themself was laying on “You” and heard their heartbeat
- Now he’s just like,” I want a heart beat” mainly cause he wants “You” to cuddle him and listen to his heart beat
- He actually did try to make one ☝️
- It just was really shitty because he didn’t know wtf a human heart looked like
- Eventually he went to Maison and asked if he could get them a heart for reference
- D: Could you get me a human heart for reference?
- M: wtf… why do you need one for reference? I could just give you one and you could use that!
- D: Oh yea! Your so smart :)
- God pls someone stop these inhuman idiots
- It’s also canon that Doe makes organs just to leave them in “You’s” house so yea they probably just left the human heart there in the end
- Peter actually considered doing something like that to Y/N when he heard Doe does it
- Once Y/N found out (probably from “You”) they had to remind Peter that Doe is some weird god thingy and Peter is not
- Peter had considered trying to kill Doe but decided that’s just too much trouble
- Doe has considered the same thing and there is nothing actually stopping them from carrying through with it besides them just being more preoccupied with “You”
- Yb is really embarrassed by high school him
- One time Yb walked in on Doe eating teeth and has not been the same sense
- The only thing Doe and Yb ever bond over is one their love for “You” and Y/N and that they both like baby rats
- Yb used to have one when he was a kid but the rat bit him and Yb’s parents had decided to kill because they didn’t like the rat anyways
- Doe just thinks their cool :D
- Doe has been alone for legit centuries. So 1. He hates being under stimulated and 2. When too much happens he gets overstimulated and then starts to cling on to people he likes
- So basically just “You”
- He needs that perfect balance of stimulation
- “You” has started buying him those stim toys (the ones that are like normal rings or bracelets) for him to mess with
- Sometimes Peter makes fun of Doe because Peter actually went to school unlike Doe
- Then Doe is literally like but I know everything in the actual universe
- They are so petty
I just need some new space
- Doe also likes having some form of human contact no matter who it is
- Peter cannot fucking drive
- Like he has terrible road rage
- Being in a car with him is scary 💀
- Like make sure your buckled up
- Doe on the other hand is scared of cars
- He just doesn’t like the sound they make
- Also the idea of putting his life in the hands of other people who are dumb on the road scares him
- Peter when he was in High school used to egg peoples houses when he was upset (Peter that shit only happens in the movies get your shit together 🙄)
- Doe usually doesn’t eat anything sweet, not because he doesn’t like it but because if he eats too much his body might start to melt and shit from him being so hyperactive
- He likes gingerbread men for some reason
- Peter has a long tongue pretty sure that’s canon I can’t remember but sometimes you can find him using it to like lick the very bottom of an empty can or something
- You know when you watch children try to absolutely lick the last atom of pudding in a pudding cup or something? Yea that’s Peter
- Yb actually dislikes physical contact and tries to avoid it as much as possible
- One time “You” and Yb joined forces to bathe Doe with something scented
- It didn’t work as planned and long story short Yb is now semi scared to be in Doe’s house
- Peter likes to clean, but is often either to lazy or busy to properly clean up like he would like too
- Both Yb and Doe have phones but neither of them use it that much. Somehow tho they both have like a million cracks in it. Like wtf where you wrestling with the fucking phone??? What happened??
- Doe and Peter get flirted with a lot by those like 13 year olds “e-girls” who call themselves milfs at the mall 💀
- Peter used to have a tongue piercing but he doesn’t wear it anymore because it often got stuck in shit too much
- (I don’t know how else to phrase this head canon besides that one video where it’s like,” you said how I get to it address?? … … Don’t even worry about that bruh!?”)
- Yb has stalked Doe to see what he does throughout the day and why people even like him and found out he either spends his days with “You” or is just not there
- When Doe actually doesn’t have anything to do they just stop being
- Like they go into their unnatural fabric of space where only they (and any other Eldridge being) can resides
- Basically he no clips out of life
- From there they like to watch “You” and maybe sometimes other humans to find out how they act normally
- Other times Doe just wanders around the city just window shopping
- I’m sure Doe has rules and shit on what he can and cannot do and I may or may not write a couple of them down
- Doe can only really do his weird warping shit in areas he controls. Not necessarily just something that really is his but in a place where it’s just naturally either accepted or seen as his
- Yea if the area is considered his he can control it and the stuff in it
- Peter is just one those people who just like don’t get sick
- Like legit bitch could walk outside in -69 degrees in shorts and the next day he is still perfectly fine
- Peter is a dry texter and does not read sarcasm in text
- You can say something sarcastically and he’ll be like,” Noooo Honey what did I do 🥺?? Why are you upset? How can I make it better 🥺🥺???” Like bitch pls I was joking 😭
- At least he immediately tries to make it better!!
- Both Peter and Doe are the type of guys to not argue with “You” and Y/N and just agree with them that their in the wrong even if their not
- They also almost always try to immediately stop the argument
- Also the type of people to instead of just listen to you complain about something and sympathy they will actually try to solve the problem you complain about!?
- I don’t actually want solutions to my problem get with the program
- 🙄
- 😩
- Anyways
- You can legit hide and Doe’s hair
- Like it will grow and shit to surround you and you can hide in it
- Y/N once did this to hide from Peter
- It worked
- One time Yb got mad and went to cut Doe’s hair with scissors as “a prank” and the scissors legit broke against his hair
- The boyfriend was too stunned to speak 😟
- Doe is that kind of person to just knock into every item possible and then be like,” where did I get all these bruises??”
- Peter has jokingly stabbed Doe before and Doe just kinda stood there
- They don’t really feel pain sense they didn’t know humans had nerves that helped them feel pain and therefor did not make any so he doesn’t really feel pain
- Peter has a high metabolism so that skinny bitch could eat a whole kitchen and still weigh like 110 at the most
- Peters favorite class was history. He thinks it’s romantic (no I will not go further into that)
- Meanwhile Doe actually likes science (I will go into detail about this one)
- He finds it funny that humans made up their own numbers and reasons to explain some of the shit they can’t explain
- They found reason where there is non besides a higher being
- (Sidenote I can go off forever about this concept and debate about it on both ends but I will not)
- Doe finds it funny how self centered humans are at times
- Peter is actually a great example of this
- What’s even funnier is Doe themself are another great example of this and if anything further proves why humans have somewhat of a right to be so self centered
- (Once again I could talk about this concept for hours but I won’t so abrupt switch of topic so I don’t keep going)
- Peter is legit such a bad driver
- I know I already said this but I have to say it again, don’t get in a car with this man
- Doe is like a dog, like he sticks his head out the window
- And any other body part at that
- Doe also has like no concept of normality
- Like if their is a problem like they can’t all fit in a car he’ll suggest cutting someone up and putting their pieces in the trunk until they get there
- Peter sometimes get upset because he can’t just change his body or anything if Y/N doesn’t like him like Doe can
- Peter just overall gets upset that Doe can simply do more than him
- Peter is the type of person to like walk into your room at like 7 am, open your curtains and be like,” Rise and shine honey!”
- Doe will literally hiss at the sun
- (I’m throwing another character Maison into these because I’ve been simping for him recently too)
- But that’s basically the house guy
- It’s canon that his body is just bait but I like to headcanon it’s more like his tongue
- He doesn’t NEED it to eat his clients but sometimes he wants to taste them
- Yb and Maison actually get along quite well :D
- From a business standpoint anyways
- Meaning when Yb doesn’t like someone sometimes instead of him killing them he’ll fuck up their house and then suggest they go to Maison for a new one
- Usually Maison ends up eating that person
- So it’s a win win for both of them
- Maison actually dislikes the texture of teeth, so he gets little baggies and gifts them to Doe
- It’s only recently he does that tho. He gets more clients now (due to Yb) so he doesn’t have to eat body parts he doesn’t like
- Maison doesn’t know how to drive because he’s never really had to
- Maison is absolutely disgusted by Doe. Like how dirty he is. He gets that his body cannot support water or whatever but he believes then Doe should work harder to find an alternative
- Maison can’t go outside of Uncanny Valley
- Yb used to be in music club back in High-school
- He played both guitar and piano (he also knows how to play the bass but he doesn’t like talking about that one)
- Yb has a love hate relationship with summer. He likes it because it means Y/n is more likely to be outside and he can watch them doing some more stuff but on the same hand it’s hot and he sweats a lot and I already said he hates strong smells. Besides their are now too many people around that might flirt with Y/n or something
- Doe and Maison don’t have that same problem because they can just get rid of their sweat glands or whatever the fuck
- (I forgot why tf people sweat. It’s like an internal cooling system if I remember correctly)
- Btw if you try to explain something body related to Doe be careful. Explain it in depth and as best as you can. For example with the way I just poorly explained why people sweat. Yea if you used that same explanation for Doe he might not get it and then he’ll believe humans have small air conditioners in him.
- “You” look!! I have a cooling system too so now it’s not super hot for you during the summer!!”
- If you get close you can feel the soft cool air of an a/c
- He’s trying his best okay
- Thank them‼️🙄
- Doe really like fluffy things
- Like pancakes
- Both him and Maison like to eat them with marmalades instead of just regular syrup (same it’s so fucking good 😩)
- Maison and Yb only really like actual tea that needs to be like made in a teapot
- I say that to really emphasize this next head canon
- Doe eats that ice tea powder
- Like the Lipton ice tea mix powder. Ye they just eat that shit
- It’s actually any powder
- Like Kraft (🤢) powdered cheese or whatever he eats that too
- Doe is not the strongest in Uncanny Valley as the creator said but he is hard to kill
- I will say he is definitely stronger than Maison
- Not by much but he definitely is
- (A little bit of context for the Maison head canons in one ending of House Hunted Maison is kinda sad to eat “You” because he actually enjoys their company because they weren’t difficult and just does kinda goes with what he says)
- Oh also I’ll change this if I’m wrong but Maison goes by he/him
- Okay, so Maison just naturally likes more “submissive” people (I can’t think of another word for it 😭)
- It’s mainly because he just likes hearing his own fucking voice
- But on the other hand he wouldn’t like someone who is just a follower and agrees with what he’s saying just because
- He wants someone who can hold an intelligent conversation but at the same time will allow him to just go on
- And Jesus Christ this motherfucker will not stop talking if you don’t stop him 🙄
- Legit will stand there and lecture you for hours
- He actually enjoys talking to Peter
- But then it might turn into them insulting each other or some bigger argument
- Mainly cause Maison will say something like,” I mean, if *I* was Y/n I wouldn’t like you cause your not very gentlemanly.”
- Fighting ensues
- Maison (like Doe) made his body (but unlike Doe) it was only to lure people in
- Practical use only, when not trying to eat people he normally just lets that body go limp and instead just lives as the house
- The only time he really uses his body anymore is to lure some buyers into to eat and whenever he wants to spend time with “You”
- It’s only then he (and whoever else) realize that his body doesn’t function at all. Like it can’t smell or physically feel anything. The only think that really works are his eyes and ears (and even those are a bit iffy)
- Unlike Doe he cannot just change his body to do what he wants. He would kind of have to cut his fake body off entirely and then start making a new one, which could take an annoying amount of time
- Besides he already like what he calls,” The perfection that is my body right now.” So he doesn’t really care to make a new one
- If Doe notices that “You” might be spending more time with Maison or something he would get pretty jealous. But unlike any other normal person or even weaker deity in Uncanny Valley he can’t just scare or kill Maison off
- Cue a very pissy Doe
- I’ll probably think of a way later but I can’t imagine how anyone would kill Maison
- Doe is admittedly hard to kill
- Mainly because it’s actually confirmed that his hair can split apart from him in these little hair ball forms and if their just left alone for a while they can start to just grown into another Doe
Okay so this is old. No I will not be writing for YB 1. Just because I personally don’t really care for him and 2. Because I don’t like nor support his creator. I’m just dumping this because I’m just emptying out some drafts and a friend of mine used to really like YB. I will write for John Doe or Maison tho :)
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imsogayyippee · 4 months
m tell me uh
if. if mh put Effort into their fashion (if any even would) what would their Vibes be
u can uh . do whoever and as many as u want, but pls include alex tho cuz he’s my fucked up lil guy <3
also hi hello i don’t know u but u seem cool and i’ve recently restarted my marble hornets fixation so yay !!!
alex would be scene NOBODY CAN FIGHT ME ABOUT IT!!! the only reason why he got rid of the entry #20/#22/#26 haircut is bc he couldnt mantain a scene haircut with all the operator shit going on.
idk if regular mh age tim would rlly dress any other way than just regular clothes but in high school he would have been emo because i say so.i already mentioned this a million times in my blog but idc. alternatively i think he would dress in some gothic style (since yk. there's many, like trad goth, romantic goth, etc but idk which is which cause i haven't really looked into gothic fashion and stuff lol so just any one you feel fits the most)
for some reason brian to me feels like the kind of guy to wear the adidas clothes and shit im so sorry LMAOOO. idrk what he would wear in that sense sigh... i think he would literally just wear hoodies. not even because of hoody and shit i just think he'd genuinely like them
jay is such a loser to me he would wear the most loser clothes ever. his ass doesnt wear anything that isnt brown or green /hj
amy was also scene by the way. yeah. and jessica was emo yeah. yeah. and sarah was scenemo/scemo yeah. yeah trust me
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acefiree · 6 months
𝗯𝗮𝘆! 𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗵𝗮𝗲𝗹 | surprise
Raphael ✷ fem! reader ( friends to lovers ) MASTERLIST
��(๏益๏)ᕥ: this is my first 'insert reader' so I'm still learning. SO PLS DON"T COME FOR ME! With that being said, you are the baby sister of April, and this will be set four months after the 2014 bay! movie. and since the title is called 'surprise' just read to find out the rest :) my warning tags will tell you what to expect!
( this was a chapter from my book ‘pom’ on wp, so if you recognize it, don’t worry it’s not stolen lol. My book is recently being edited and I took this scene out and was just gonna leave it sitting building dust bunnies, but then I was like “why not make it a reader insert instead and let people enjoy it?” so here yah go!! )
WARNINGS: fluff, fem! reader, short reader, size difference, first kiss?, potty mouth reader, pining raph, established friendship, reader wears glasses, pineapple pizza, aged-up characters!, and if you squint NSFW.
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╭┈──── ◌ೄ◌ྀ ˊˎ YOUR FEET CARRY YOU hurriedly through the obscure alley, the only sounds that can be heard are your heavy breathing and harsh footsteps on the damp concrete below. Your heart pounds in your chest, feeling as if it might break through the cavity as adrenaline courses through your veins. It is the only thing that motivates you to keep going.
You were running for, what seemed to be, your life.
You wore a loose black tank top and a pair of maroon tights to match, feet sporting a pair of black shoes, and your hair was pulled back. It was not your ideal choice of clothing, but it was the only type that was flexible enough for you to move freely without getting in your way, and the dark shades and colors helped you blend in with the shadows of the night.
You nearly slip and fall as you come to a dead-end in the alley and let out a silent curse under your breath. You can hear movement behind you, growing closer quickly. You knew there were only a few seconds before he caught up and finished what he started. You were almost at the checkpoint, and then you’d be home free, safe from this maniac.
You need to act, or you’d be up shits creek without a paddle.
Your gaze scans the alley walls before locking it on a fire escape. Gritting Your teeth together, you bolt for the ladder and begin climbing with a speed you didn't know was possible for your small human form. Just as you reach the top few bars, a harsh 'thunk' echoes below on the fire escape, jarring the whole thing and sending a violent shake up the metal frame.
“Mother fucker,” You whisper, lighting a fire under your ass as you try to hurry the hell up before you get caught. You grip the rooftop's ledge, feeling the brick bite into your palms as you pull yourself up."Shit shit shit," You hiss. 
 Almost there. 
As you scramble over the ledge, your foot snags on the brick which prompts you to nearly fall. With the newfound reflexes you have earned over the past four months, you tuck and roll, jumping back to your feet as you proceed to run like Karen at a black Friday sale. Your steps never falter nor waver, even when you jump on an AC unit to climb up on a different building. Every move was timed and precise and you couldn’t help but feel pride in the fact you haven’t face-planted yet.
The sound of a low grunt came from behind you, the low growl that followed sent a shiver up your spine and caused gooseflesh to rise on your skin. He’s close! And with that thought in mind, you took a hard left, nearly at the checkpoint.
Finally, after what seems like forever, you fixate your gaze on a makeshift pole in the middle of a roof only feet away. It was adorned with a tattered red cloth that flapped in the night breeze, posing as a flag. You quickly run over, yanking the tiny red flag off the pole before you throw your arms in the air, letting out a loud 'hell yeah' as you dance around with the fabric in your hands.
You made it, nothing could stop you—
You were so focused on your celebration to notice the large figure that was moving toward you from the shadows. A rather loud gasp slips past your lips as something solid hits your shoulder, and muscular arms embrace your figure as you roll across the roof, eventually landing on the ground with a thud. The weight of the figure restrained you, locking your hips on the ground as your wrists were pinned together by large, calloused hands.
When you were finally flat on your back, arms pinned above your head. The expression on your face is as sharp as a knife, annoyance bubbling in the pits of your stomach as you glare up at the figure. "Dammit, Raphael! I fucking got the flag, you asshole!"
 The corners of his mouth twitch into that familiar smirk as he stares down at you, his emerald eyes shining with amusement. "Sorry, Sweetheart, didn't see a flag."
And this is how the last four months were spent. You hated how weak you felt that day when Shredder nearly destroyed New York, and possibly the whole world. So, stupidly, you asked Master Splinter to train you — what you didn't expect was for the old rat to assign his second eldest son to train you himself. It made sense, Raphael was more versed in hand-in-hand combat with his itty-bitty forks, but he could be such an ass sometimes.
At first, it was terrible for you. For the first few weeks, you’d come home bruised and sore. April was always fussing over your well-being, saying you were too young to die. (a little dramatic even for you), But as time went on you started to grow stronger and more agile. You were juggling college and also made time to visit the brothers. To say Raphael wasn't impressed with your drive would be a lie. 
You were determined, he'd give you that.
But on the days that you weren't training, you’d be in the lab with Donnie. The genius turtle was nice enough to help you study for your upcoming tests that would determine if you were ready to move on with your life and get the job you so longed for. You only had a few years of college left, and you were working hard, finally taking your life into your own hands and molding it into what you wanted. 
"I still beat you this time — you didn't catch me." You panted as you wriggled in his firm grip.
He was holding you gently enough not to hurt your smaller wrists, but hard enough so you couldn’t escape.
Raph just stared down at you for a moment, his eyes taking in the bead of sweat that was forming on your neck and collarbone. Your hair now sticking out from your up-do in some spots, and your eyes, which usually held a storm, seemed to glow in the dark lighting around them. You weren't wearing your glasses, which was something he liked because it gave him a chance to see your beautiful eyes better.
You stare up at him, head tilting to the side as Raphael studies you silently. It was times like these when you wondered what he was thinking. This wasn't the first time he stared at you like that.
Another second passed, and that was when you realized his grip had been lost, so you took this as your chance to turn the tables. You knew you were too small to do any damage or cause much force for his hulking form, but if there was one thing Raphael made sure to teach you, it was obstructing your opponent's balance. 
With as much strength as you can build up, you jerk your arms down, effectively knocking your elbows to his large knees. Raphael lets out a grunt of surprise as you thrust your hips up, causing him to fall forward from the unexpected move, his three-pronged hands snapping out to catch himself. During his shock at the fact, you somehow managed that, he feels two arms slip around his lower waist before you start to climb his body. 
Just as Raph went to reposition himself, he felt you plant your feet on the ground between his legs, your smaller body still pressed against his plastron, before you kick your legs up and push off the ground with your dominate side, the sudden action causing him to lose balance and fall over. 
Now straddling him, Raph had to take a moment to process what had just happened, not realizing all the training they had done had given you that much strength to be able to roll his bulking body. It was an obvious indicator that you’ve been holding back this week. 
You lean closer to his face, a sly grin slipping on your lips as his eyes widen up at you. "Pinned ya," You quote, internally giggling at the thought of using a Lion King reference in this position. 
Raphael felt like his heart was about to beat out of his chest at your proximity, and he was sure if you got any closer, you’d hear it. He opens and closes his mouth for a moment, unable to form a proper sentence as his heart thumped in his ears, blood rushing through his veins and causing him to grow hot. Before he could die from sheer embarrassment at the fact you had this effect over the tough-guy front he held, a loud beep came from his shell.
You took a moment to process he was now staring at you expectingly, and with a rushed apology, you climbed off and adjusted your take top that had risen. Raphael made you messy, and messy made things dangerous. It took a moment for you to settle your heart as you inhaled deeply, eyes drifting to the brute as he sat back up and pulled out his T-Phone.
Raphael stands as he clears his throat, eyes locked on the screen while typing a quick response to whoever texted him before looking back at you. Back was his usual confidence as a wolfish smirk twitched at the corner of his scarred lips, "Hey Doll, how 'bout we call it a night and head back to the lair?" He glances over your form as if he has no control over his own eyes. "Mikey got yer' favorite pizza,"
That last comment had your eyes rounding in delight, a grin forming on your face. "Pineapple?" 
Raphael grimaces, "Yeah, Pineapple," The terrapin still couldn’t understand the thought of pineapple on pizza. It just didn't sound appetizing, though, he's never dared to try it. 
You were now smiling so big, it made the skin on your face glow in the light from the moon, reflecting the soft light of the stars. It was like a heavenly vision of perfection. Raphael felt as though his brain short-circuited for a moment as you said, "You don't have to tell me twice,"
Raphael could only blink as you quickly ran off, heading to the ladder so you could indulge in your strange choice of Pizza. 
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"Red, I don't understand why I have to wear this stupid thing just to get a slice of pizza." You complained about the millionth time since you entered the sewers, your nose scrunched underneath the stinky fabric of the pillowcase. You had only got to the fire escape before the bara of a turtle stopped you, claiming if you wanted to eat your lovely pizza, then you had to follow some rules.
Which was ridiculous, but you wanted that damn pizza, and you’d do anything for it. Food was the way to your heart.
Raph rolled his eyes, catching your shoulder when you almost tripped over your own feet. "Jus’ trust me," Is all he says.
Upon entering the lair, his green eyes lock on his three brothers. Donnie stands beside Leo, knowing grins on both of their faces while Mikey is practically buzzing on his feet, his lips rolling into his mouth as he tries to suppress the chortles that are building up. They all watch silently as Raphael escorts you across the lair before pulling you to an open door, and nudging you inside a room with his knuckles.
Raphael could feel the nerves start to web around his heart, turning his attention to his brothers as they entered the room with you both. He felt so out of his element here, never being the type of guy to give someone a surprise that he had worked so hard on. Raph’s eyes slowly drift to his older brother, looking for an out but was only met by an encouraging nod and knowing smirk from the leader as they locked eyes.
Shit. Raphael swallows thickly, his palms feeling sweaty as he reaches over and grabs the top of the pillowcase, pulling it off in one swift movement.
It takes a moment for Your eyes to adjust, but when they do, you instantly start scanning around, taking in the room as Mikey throws his arms in the air with a wide grin on his face, "Surprise, Babette!!"
Your mouth slacks in awe at the sight, forehead creasing in confusion as you turn to look up at Raphael. An anxious look is on his face as he stares down at you, watching your reaction, lips flat.
"I-Is this for me?"
The largest terrapin nods, "Yeah..."
You can’t believe what you were looking at. The room was a rather cute setup, which looked like an attempt at a teenage girl’s bedroom. There was a stack of box palettes in the corner of the room, multiple thick blankets folded as a makeshift mattress, and pillows neatly leaning against the concrete wall (which looked oddly similar to the ones back in your bedroom). A few other things, like your stuffies—fucking embarrassing—and your bean bag chair, you recognized.
They made a room for you, and you had the inkling idea that your sister helped.
You felt a smile on your lips, knowing the guys most likely took these things from the apartment to set this up, but you honestly didn't care. You were more touched by the fact that they took the time to even do this for you.
Your eyes followed Mikey as he rushed around the room, shell nearly knocking a few things over as he spun around to face you with his candid grin, his blue eyes twinkling.
"So whatcha think, Babe?"
You didn't know what to say, "You guys did this for me?"
Leo smirked across at Raph, who was seeming to have trouble answering for himself at the moment, to caught up in the endearing look on your face, "We helped, but it was mainly Raph who planned it, and April gave us the stuff –  We all agreed that since you spend most of your time here, you need a room of your own so you're not sleeping on the couch."
Raphael lets out a long breath that he didn’t know he was holding as he watches your face brighten with a smile. He tries to gather his bearings as you slowly turn your attention back to him, the smile on your lips only curving higher, and he feels like one of his Sia’ pierces his heart at the sudden ache of wanting to touch overwhelms him.
Leo shares a silent look with Donnie, jerking his chin toward the kitchen before motioning for Mikey to come with them, and the three leave to give you both some privacy. You pay no mind to their departure as you glance away and walk deeper into the room, your eyes wide as you take everything in. It honestly wasn't bad, and it was honestly way better than your room topside. You can’t stop the smile that continues to grow on your face.
Raphael, who tracks your every move, takes a seat on the bed carefully being mindful of his weight. His eyes watch as you pretty much touch everything, your expression looking like a kid shopping for candy. It isn't until your gaze locks on a movie that you snap out of your reverie state.
You snatch up the movie and turn to face him, holding it between your fingers as a smirk replaces your smile, "Batman?"
He gives you a crooked smirk, gaze playfully sharpening only a little. "I only watched it once,"
You let your eyes dance around the room for a second, a mock look of curiosity growing on your face, "Did you bring breath mints too?" You question, referring to your first encounter with the brute. That night you and April discovered their existence; not only did you make a jab at his breath, but you also said he sounded constipated when attempting the Batman voice. It was a moment that was forever burned in both of your memories.  
A chuckle vibrates from his chest, "Shut up," His face shifts as he looks down.
You felt like a mess as you stood beside the shelf, the movie lying limp in your grasp as your heart went thump, thump, thump. All you could do was inhale through your nose as a new mood filled the atmosphere, and your heart started to insist on beating out of your chest the longer you stared at Raphael. He wasn’t looking at you anymore, his gaze finding his tattered shorts more interesting as he played with a drawstring that hung from the waistband. You made a mental note to get him some new clothes for his upcoming birthday.
Maybe it was the hit you took tonight, or the fact he had done something so, so sweet for you, but you couldn’t explain the feeling that suddenly takes hold of your body as your feet decide for you and begin moving in the terrapin's direction.
Being the observant ninja he is, Raphael quickly jerked his gaze upward upon hearing your light footsteps, his mask shifting as you came to a stop in front of him. If his heart was racing before, it was pounding now. With a soft smile, you reach a hand up, eyes searching his own for those walls he tended to build in moments of vulnerability. When you saw no indication of him doing such, you closed the gap and placed your hand on his cheek, your thumb softly rubbing the texture of his unique skin.
Raphael rarely showed his soft side around anyone, but it was times like these when he did, that you took advantage of it. Spending nearly every day with somebody for over four months, you end up learning a lot about them. Especially Raph, who could be really easy to read if you knew just what to look for.
At your touch, His eyes grow slightly hooded as he stares up at you, his breath catching in his throat as the muscles in his neck twitch, "Trouble…" His gravelly voice is surprisingly soft, softer than you’d ever heard from him before.
Raphael usually radiated power, his towering body just demanding attention as he walked into a room. Yet in this moment, all that exuding power was sucked dry the moment you touched him. This gives you the courage to lean in closer to him, gaze traveling over his face, taking in every scar and imperfection as you grow closer to him. You felt your heart rate spike when his eyes dropped to your lips and suddenly, they grew a shade darker, pupils dilating. His large hands slowly reach up and wrap around your waist, tugging your smaller figure closer to him.
The second he brought you closer, a small breathy sound came from your lips and your hands landed flat on the top part of his plastron. Raphael couldn’t help the deep rumble that vibrated out of his chest as your scent engulfed him, the vines of your favorite shampoo and body wash, mixed with the sweet sweat from your workout out was fogging his mind as it wrapped around and squeezed.
He felt the primal instinct to just reach up, bury his beak in the soft flesh of your neck and just taste.
Gripping the loose fabric of your tank top, he felt the tips of his fingers graze the soft skin just under the edge, and that feeling alone made his desires more severe. He licked his lips, intense gaze on your mouth as you mimicked his movement subconsciously. He smirked at that, realizing you were paying just as much attention to him as he was to you. Raphael was never good with his words, actions were more his way of expressing how he felt. That was why he made you a room, so you could have your own space, and maybe want to stick around longer (though you already practically lived there) he wanted you in the lair, so he knew you were safe from anything and everything. He was fucking crazy for you, and the thought made him tighten his hold around your waist as another churr vibrated from his chest.
Your body felt like it was on fire, a shiver going down your spine when you heard that deep rumble. What was that? You had thought when you heard it. None of the brothers had ever made a noise like that before, and you’d definitely be googling it, or asking Donnie about it later.
Even while standing, the hothead was an inch taller, his thick arms flexing as he all but pressed you against him, his legs spread and inviting you in. He hunched only a smidge, bulking form swallowing you as he dropped his snout to your neck as if he could no longer resist. You closed your eyes at the skin-to-skin contact, chills running through you as euphoria filled your brain. Was this what it was like to have him touch? Because if was, you’d get on your hands and knees, begging for him to do it again if that’s what it took.
“Raphael,” You whisper as you place a hand on the nape of his neck, your hands trailing his pebbled skin before stopping where his shell met his back. His body trembled at the touch to the sensitive skin. You crane your neck so he can have better access while he sniffs and nips at your soft skin. There was a tiny moan at the tip of your tongue when he trails up, leaning back just enough to hover his mouth over yours.
Raphael’s mind was reeling when he heard how you said his name in a breathless whisper, and he felt his tail twitch. The sight of your body pressed against him had a rough rumble coming from him once more, and the fact you were so small against his larger form didn’t help in the slightest. The size difference was blatantly obvious, yet somehow, you fit together perfectly.
Minds alike, they both want more. No. You both need more.
And just before your lips meet, a voice stops you both.
"Pizza's ready!"
Dammit Michelangelo.
You both instantly snap back into reality, and you nearly fall on your butt from how quickly you move away. Your mouth parts as you stare at Raphael, not knowing what to say or do at that moment. Your heart was pounding so strongly that you feared it would break your ribcage.
Raphael was your best friend, and you almost kissed him.
Rough features stared back at you, eyes slightly wide as he was unable to form words. He feared that he had just imagined it all. There was no way a girl like you would ever want to kiss a mutant like him, but as soon as a smile began to blossom on your face and you gave him a shy look followed by an amused giggle, he knew what just happened wasn't his imagination.
And so, he did what he always wanted to do from the first moment you opened that smartass mouth of yours and popped off.
In one swift movement, he was standing up and moving across the room toward you, his strong hands grabbing the sides of your face as he bent lower and crushed your lips together in a hungry kiss. You didn't hesitate to return the gesture. You slant your head as lips move quickly against his, hands falling onto the front of his hard plastron. You felt yourself move forward and step on his feet, leaning up on the tips of your toes, trying to deepen the kiss as his hands fell to your lower back, pulling you up.
Raphael began to walk you back wards and when your back touched the wall, that was when you snapped back to reality, and all movement seized as you slowly pulled your lips from his, eyes locking as chests rose and fell at a rapid pace.
Raphael stares down at you, one bulking arm bracing the wall beside your head as his eyes quickly scan your reaction, expecting to see regret and disgust pooling in those pretty eyes he had begun to love so much. Yet, as he stared at you, he realized you weren't looking at him like that at all, no, your eyes were clouded with what seemed to be admiration.
As if you could read his thoughts and hear all his insecurities, you reached up and ran your hands over his masked face, pulling him by the hanging tails to capture his lips in another kiss. This one is a lot softer than the first. And as you pull away again, three words leave your lips that sent his heart into a beating frenzy and made a toothy grin spread across his face.
"I love you,"
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ohthatstragic · 2 years
A Change of Heart - j.s
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a/n: this was very interesting to write, i got mad writers block for part of it so i had to come back to it hence why i posted it so late :'( i love hangman tho he has my heart < 3 thank you so much to the anon who requested this! i've been wanting to write for this fine, arrogant mf for AGESSS
also pls don’t repost or translate any of my work.. i don’t give you permission to do that.
pairings: hangman x reader
warnings: angst, fluff at the end.. flirty hangy
wc: 5,039 i got so carried away omfg
the request: 'Hangman had won the pool game and they had actually gone on a date and he would've actually been pretty adorable and helped her forget about Maverick, so she ends up falling for Jake.' read it in full here
You couldn't pull your gaze away from the man who had been causing you irreparable heartache as he waltzed into The Hard Deck, his million-dollar like smile lighting up the room like it was nothing. From afar, Hangman was observing you. His heart twisted in a mixture of jealousy and sadness at the sight of you staring after Maverick like some lovesick puppy. He knew you deserved better than the captain, he was much too old for you in his humble opinion.
Maverick sported his usual white tee with his infamous patched bomber jacket, with a pair of jeans to match. His famous black and gold aviators sat on his nose as a handsome grin slipped onto his lips, grabbing a hold of Fanboy's hand and pulling him in for a bro-hug. As Fanboy pulled away, the captain moved in to greet Coyote. "Hey man," Mav chuckled. You looked away for a moment, waiting for everyone to say hello, the feelings you had worked so hard to bury were climbing out of their graves at an alarming pace. Hangman, Phoenix, Bob and Payback gave the captain a welcoming hug, exchanging warm greetings. As you looked back at him, his blue eyes met yours and your heart rate increased; a bashful smile picking at the corners of your lips.
Maverick grinned, walking over to you and engulfing you in a big hug. "Y/C/S," He hummed as his arms wrapped around your middle. Your arms snaked themselves around his neck and you pressed your head against his shoulder, his familiar and comforting cologne filling your nostrils. A soft giggle escaped your lips and your eyes never left his. Hangman's jaw clenched as he watched the pair of you. "It's been a while." He chuckled and pulled away. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Hangman and Phoenix watching you like a couple of curious cats.
"Yeah," You breathed out, a little breathless from the encounter. You hadn't prepared yourself to see him, you didn't think you needed to. You thought this would be a walk in the park. You were wrong. "Who would've thought we'd be back here so soon?" A bashful giggle escaped your lips and it made Maverick smile softly at you.
"Somehow, we always end up back here," He chuckled, placing a hand upon your shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. It lit up a fire inside you.
"You got a drink?" Maverick asked, eyeing your empty hand. You quickly glanced down at it and gave a quick nod.
"Oh, yeah, it's on the table over there." You said, almost too quickly. His eyebrows raised at your sudden reply, and you immediately regretted how fast you had replied. It wasn't personal, it was just you being you... a nervous wreck around the captain.
"Alright, well, I'm gonna go grab a beer." He smiled, before walking off in the direction of the bar. Your smile slowly dissipated as you turned back towards the group, Hangman and Phoenix's eyes still fixated on you. With a heavy sigh, you walked over to the duo, and Hangman held up his arm for a hug. You gratefully accepted it, groaning. Hangman felt for you, he knew how it felt to have feelings for someone who didn't have the same ones for you.
"Ugh," You grumbled. "I forgot how hard it was." Your eyes slowly searched for the captain, who was currently chatting to Penny, and clearly having a good time with her. Their loud laughter could be heard from over here. You reluctantly ripped your eyes from them, landing on Phoenix who stood in front of you, a sympathetic smile upon her features. Hangman rubbed your shoulder in an attempt to comfort you, his heart beating a little faster than everyone else.
"I think you should go and talk to him, Y/N/N." Phoenix said, taking a swig of her beer. As she swallowed, she shrugged. Hangman's brows furrowed at her suggestion. "What's the harm in it?" She added, looking at Hangman who didn't seem too happy. He let his arm fall off of your shoulder as he leant back against the barstool behind him, his eyes finding yours in an attempt to work out how you were truly feeling.
A brief sigh left his lips. "Well, if he doesn't wantcha, I know someone who does." Jake flirted, wiggling his eyebrows as a grin broke out onto his face. Looking away, your cheeks flushed pink at his words and Phoenix noticed, starting to laugh.
You tried to hide the smirk that threatened to slip onto your face at any moment. Well, if Maverick isn't interested, then what's the harm? Jake is undeniably hot, and it wouldn't hurt to flirt for fun. "Really now?" You looked back at the pilot, who was visibly surprised at your answer - as was Phoenix. "C'mon, Bagman.. let's play some pool." You said, walking back to the pool table, hips swinging. Despite you not using his actual callsign and rather a nickname that he wasn't too fond of, however, he rather liked the way it rolled off your tongue like an early morning prayer.
"You're on." He quickly said, relishing in the different attention you were giving him. Phoenix was in shock at your attitude. "You sure you wanna do this, sweetheart?" Hangman asked, throwing you a teasing look. The nickname twisted your stomach into a knot, and you weren't particularly sure of how it made you feel. As you turned around to face the blonde pilot, your curious eyes met his anticipating blue ones, a cheeky smirk reaching your lips.
"Oh, I'm sure," You said, grabbing the plastic triangle atop of the green-carpeted table. "I'm very sure." You mocked Hangman, remembering what he had said to Rooster all that time ago. His eyes narrowed at you, and a sly smile reached his lips. You quickly grabbed the pool balls and slotted them into the triangle, some of them clacking together.
"Seem like you're experienced with balls, honey," Hangman said, and you glanced up at him, eyes falling to the way he was gripping the pool cue. "I like an experienced woman." He finished off flirtatiously, glancing between yourself and the balls.
"You're out of luck then," You said, leaning up from the table and grabbing a hold of the other pool cue. Looking into Jake's eyes, you smirked. "Because I'm a virgin." Hangman's brows furrowed momentarily, his eyes sliding down your body again. He swallowed thickly, obviously speechless. You moved to the bottom of the pool table, where Jake was stood, and placed the white cue ball in the lower half of the table. "Ladies first." You mumbled to him with a cheeky smile. Leaning over, you made sure to poke your rear out towards Hangman, your fingers feeling the coarse carpet on top of the table as you lined yourself up for the shot.
"You got this, Y/C/S." Bob said from the side with a smile on his face. Phoenix stood next to him, throwing you a quizzical look, gesturing between you and Jake with her eyes. You shook your head at her and smiled, before looking back at the table. You were right, this was fun. So fun that Maverick hadn't barged into your mind since he left to go and talk to Penny.
"Wait, whaddya get if you win?" Fanboy called from behind you. You thought for a moment.
"If I win, Hangman owes me one hundred bucks. If he wins.. he can do or have whatever he wants I guess. But we don't need to discuss that, because it's not gonna happen." You said nonchalantly, looking back at Fanboy. A chorus of 'oohs' erupted, making you smirk. Looking up, you saw Hangman rolling his eyes at your dig.
Pulling back your arm, you swung it forwards, the cue ball smashing into the other balls with a loud clack. A striped ball sinks down into a hole and you smirk to yourself. You moved to the right side of the table, staring up at Hangman as he watched you. You never took your eyes off of him as you hit another shot, sinking another ball. You could see him tense his jaw as he shuffled in his spot, biceps flexing in frustration. The amount of self-restraint this man had to not just fuck you right here on this table right now is ground-breaking.
"Lucky shot." He said with a shit-eating grin. You leaned up from the side of the table and cocked a brow.
"Is it now?" You said, narrowing your eyes at him, smiling. You leaned back down to set yourself up for another shot, but you caught sight of Maverick heading back over to the group of you. You felt your breath hitch. Despite the warm and comforting feeling in your chest, you ignored it, and hit your shot, merely missing another sunk ball. A frustrated groan left your lips and Jake didn't miss it. He smirked at you, pouting sarcastically. You turned away from the pool table as he walked towards you, his eyes never leaving yours. You refused to back down.
"Like I said, sweetheart, lucky shot." He chuckled and moved in between your legs, placing his arms either side of you, forcing you to lean back as he leaned forwards, his eyes glancing between you and the cue ball. Your breath hitched in your throat from the closeness between you two, making your heart race. A few wolf whistles from Coyote and Fanboy made you blush. The pair of you were chest to chest, and you could feel his body heat radiating off of him. Deep down, you weren't complaining. In fact, you were savouring this moment between you and Hangman - it felt different. You couldn't decide whether it was a good or bad different, though.
"Let the pool champ show you how it's done." He mumbled in your ear as he pulled back his muscular arm, your gaze slowly moving to his flexed bicep. As you looked back at your arrogant opponent, he smirked. "Like what you see?" Hangman swung his arm forwards, the sound of balls clacking together rang through your ears. His eyes never left yours. Your breath was hushed and heavy as the pair of you engaged in a short staring battle, a swirling hurricane of new feelings brewed within your heaving chest. Hangman slowly leaned back to tower over you,  then walking to the left side of the table. The warm feeling that he gave you suddenly retreated from your body and you cleared your throat as you watched him back off, your eyes shamelessly studying the way his beige uniform hugged his chest.
"Lucky shot," You scoffed, mimicking Jake. You quickly threw a glance around the room, searching for someone. You spotted him, in the same place as before, though an even bigger smile was upon his face. Reaching for your almost empty drink, you swung the remnants of the liquid back. How could you be so silly to have a small sliver of hope that your captain would feel the same way about you?
"You good?" Hangman quietly asked, noticing how you suddenly chugged your neat glass of alcohol. You didn't meet his inquisitive eyes, instead, you only stared at the pool table and swallowed.
"Yep, I'm dandy." You replied quickly, letting a short and sharp breath of air escape your lungs.
Around fifteen minutes passed and you and Hangman had sunk most of the balls with a bit of flirting here and there. It was now down to you to sink the black eight ball, in which you were currently preparing yourself. "Come on, Y/C/S!" Maverick cheered from a couple feet away, fisting the air from beside Phoenix. You glanced at her and she gave you a nod. A 
"Yeah, no pressure," You choked out, swallowing back a nervous laugh as you leant down to take the shot, slowly grazing the smooth, wooden cue back and forth against your bent fingers. It was just the black eight ball left. If you sunk it, you won. If you sunk both the cue ball and the black eight ball, you lost. And if you miss completely, you lost. "No pressure." You repeated to yourself as you pulled back the cue, inhaling slowly before taking the shot. Anxiety wracked your body as your eyes followed the white ball as it smashed into the black eight ball, ricocheting it upon the wall of the table. 
Your mouth fell open as the white cue ball pocketed itself into the top right hole, the black ball following. "Oh my God," You muttered, reluctantly looking up to find Hangman's smug face. "Here it comes." You muttered again, awaiting a witty and insulting remark from your famously-arrogant opponent. It was different this time though, Hangman didn't seem like he was about to spout some raucous crap about how his deceased grandma could have made that shot.
"GGs, Y/C/S," He sighed, unable to hide the smirk that creeped onto his features. You groaned. "So, since I won, I quote 'can do or have whatever I want'," Hangman raised his brows, placing the pool cue down upon the green pool top with a soft thud, walking slowly over to you. You narrowed your eyes at him, staring at him incredulously. "Correct?" He questioned, reaching you.
"Correct." Your voice was puzzled and quiet.
"Then I would like to take you out on a date." Hangman smiled down at you and leaned against the pool table with his hip, folding his arms against his muscular chest. You failed to keep your mouth from falling open as you gazed up at the man, feeling helpless and surprisingly, nervous. You were never nervous around Jake.
"A bet's a bet, I suppose," You laughed timorously, folding your arms against your chest as well. Jake noticed your change in demeanour and his lips perked up into a grin. "Sure." A bashful smile rested on your cheeks.
"Alright, I'll pick you up tomorrow at six o'clock on the dot. Don't be late." Jake stated with a cheerful smile, unfolding his arms so he could raise his hand up to your face, his fingers grasping your chin in an adoring manner. He wandered off behind you, and you caught Phoenix's eyes. She was in shock, quite obviously at the sudden change in Hangman's demeanour. You stared back at her, mouth agape, a smile slowly coming to close it.
It was five fifty in the evening, and you were nervously awaiting for the knock on your door from a certain blonde naval aviator. Your knee was anxiously bouncing in place as you stared at the clock above your fridge, the hem of your flowy, pale blue sundress vibrating from the quick successions.
As the clock struck six o'clock, the long awaited knock at your door echoed in your small yet homey apartment. Being stationed in Miramar meant you had to find a quick apartment to rent, and this was the one you had found. It was quaint, yet it had a very familiar feel to it. The walls were painted white, plush furniture sat against them, an abundance of pillows and decorative items placed amongst it. You had quickly made it your own by placing fond photos of your family and friends on the walls and tables.
You rushed to stand up, swiftly brushing down your dress with a spare hand as your other one held your white purse. Curling your fingers around the door knob, you sharply inhaled as you pulled it downwards, opening the door to reveal a blonde pilot holding a beautiful bouquet of pink flowers. You audibly gasped at the unusual surprise, making him chuckle quietly to himself. Jake chose to wear a neat white shirt, that was slightly unbuttoned, flashing a sliver of his well-built chest. His shorts were a lovely olive-green colour and they fitted him well, making you swallow thickly in an attempt to regain your composure as you gazed back up to his grinning face. The low sun glared down upon his pair of aviators as he reached up a pair of fingers to remove them from his nose, folding them against his shirt.
"Y/N," Jake greeted you with a beaming grin, his eyes gently sliding up and down your figure. "You look beautiful, I'm impressed," He teased, making you laugh breathily.
"Thanks, Jake," You giggled. Of course he had to add that, the man can't give you a compliment without making sure it was backhanded. Despite the secreted insult he threw you playfully, you pushed it aside and assumed it was his way of keeping his reputation up. "I guess you look alright too." You added, smirking up at him.
"I know I look better than 'alright'." He returned your smirk, his eyes falling to the bouquet of flowers that rested lightly in his arms. "These are for you, I read on Google that you're meant to come bearing a gift." Jake joked with a shrug, leaning forwards to pass you the flowers, trying to hide the amused smile that crept onto his lips. You graciously accepted the flowers, softly pressing them to your nose to inhale their mild floral scent. A content smile spread across your face as you looked back up to your date.
"They're gorgeous, Jake, thank you," You blushed, fingers tightening nervously around the stems. "You really didn't have to get me anything, despite what Google might say." You laughed, and Jake did too. A weird feeling settled in your chest, and it frightened you. You'd never felt this way before with Jake, and it was unsettling. Pushing it aside, you quickly stepped aside to put the flowers on the table beside your door, and stepped outside, locking it with a quiet click. "Ready?" You asked with a quick sigh.
"Of course." Jake replied happily, his grin beaming again.
Jake had blindfolded you on the way to the date as he wanted to surprise you - of course, in his own way. Despite your protests as it would ruin your eye makeup, he persuaded you to put it on. How could you say no to that face?
When Jake turned off the engine, he opened the door, the car lifting up slightly from the change in weight. The slam of his door reached your ears and you jumped.
"Sorry," He opened your door, and found your hand, gently leading you out of the car. Instantly, you guessed where you were. The warm, yet brisk sea air hit your bare shoulders like a ton of bricks and you couldn't hide the smile that picked at your lips. "I guess you know where we are." Jake laughed, noticing your smiling face.
"No, definitely not." You sarcastically replied with a shake of your head, tightening your hand around his larger one as you stepped onto the uneven mounds of golden sand, the coarse grains finding their way into your open-toed, low heels. "Can you help me take my shoes off, please? The sand-" You giggled as you leaned forwards on one leg, your hand blindly waving around to try and find your foot to unbuckle the straps.
"Are you high-maintenance or what?" Jake joked but obliged, of course. He placed a steadying hand upon your waist and held you as you leaned back up. His cold hand caught your bare leg and you flinched at his touch.
"Jake, your hands are freezing!" You squealed, making him laugh as his fingers unbuckled the straps delicately.
"Let me place them on your cheeks so I can warm them up?" He replied. As he was busying himself with your heels, you giggled quietly to yourself with pink cheeks, your mind reeling at his shameless flirting.
"Take me out to dinner first, Seresin." You gasped, your hand going to land on his firm back as you started to wobble from standing on one foot for so long. "Are you having some trouble down there?" You asked. Truthfully, you did wonder what was taking so long, hasn't he had enough experience with removing bras from women to know what the hell to do with a buckle? Does he not own a belt?
"Nope, s'all good." He grunted as he let your leg go, your wiggling toes meeting the warm sand. "There we go, is that better, your highness?"
"Yes, thank you, peasant." A loud laugh escaped you as you grinned at Jake's jokey question, his heart warming as your laugh - his favourite thing in the world - echoed through his ears. "So, did you take me here to go skinny dipping or something, Jake?"
He dramatically gasped at your question, his hand taking yours again to lead you to the beach picnic date he had set up. With the help of Phoenix, of course... "You know, I'd prefer it if you didn't guess everything that I've planned for tonight." He grumbled, although you knew he was smiling.
"Sorry, I'll be quiet now." You scolded yourself and continued walking on the beach with Jake, his thumb mindlessly caressing the back of your hand. You suddenly felt hot.
"Okay, are you ready to have the best date of your life?" Jake asked as the two of you came to a halt, the sound of the gentle waves of the ocean crashing against the shoreline. A bashful smile reached your lips as you nodded eagerly, bouncing in your spot. Jake's fingers slipped underneath the scarf and slowly glided the rough material over your head, revealing a beautiful layout of fruit, cheese and crackers. Your hand flew to your mouth as you gasped, glancing between him and the picnic in front of you.
Jake had laid a red blanket across the sand, adorned with what seemed like a hand-crafted wooden board and a selection of fruit such as cut apples, grapes, pears and strawberries upon a beige-coloured paper. Neatly triangle-cut shapes of brie, cheddar and blue cheese was elegantly placed on the wooden board, the delicious, tangy fragrance of the brie wafting up your nostrils. Two glasses of red wine sat to the side of it. "Oh my gosh, Jake," You whispered, absolutely gobsmacked at his effort. "It's beautiful." You looked back to your date, a bright, happy smile gracing your features. Jake couldn't help but feel his heart swell as he stared at you. Your Y/H/C hair blew gently in the wind across your face, which made him reached a hand up to brush it behind your ear. You felt your face burn at his sweet action and you glanced away from him, a little embarrassed.
"Well, it took me a while to do, so I'm glad you like it," He teased, holding out a hand to offer you a seat upon the blanket. You did so, taking a pew to the left, and Jake joined you on the right with a grunt as he plonked down. "Just a disclaimer, if anything is crunchy, the sand got to it." Jake added, making you laugh once more. His whole behaviour had changed - he was no longer this arrogant, self-righteous asshole, no, he was kind, sweet and loving. You were flabbergasted at the sudden change. Was this really him or is it an act?
"How long did this take you?" You asked, folding your legs underneath you. He looked at you with his gorgeous, green eyes, almost taking your breath away. "It looks like it took quite some time."
"It didn't take too long," He replied and picked up a wine glass, handing it to you with a soft smile. You smiled back, accepting it. "I might have had some... help." Jake quietly added, making you frown in curiosity.
"Some help?" You repeated, biting back a giggle as you sipped the fragrant red wine Jake had handed you. It was your favourite.
"Phoenix insisted," Jake quickly said with a grin. "She knew your favourite wine, and knew you loved the beach.."
"So Phoenix did this?" You teased him.
"She helped." Jake corrected you.
"Mhm, that's what they usually say," You giggled. Jake rolled his eyes playfully and reached down to pick up the cheese board, offering you a selection. You poked your tongue out for a quick moment, unable to decide whether you wanted cheddar, brie or blue. "What one do you like the most?"
"The brie." Jake replied, his eyes never leaving your face. "Try it."
"Alright," You slowly took a piece of it along with a cracker, placing the cheese atop of it. Jake watched you as you popped it in your mouth, savouring the unique, tangy and creamy taste. "Oh, this is so good." You hummed happily, your eyes rolling back in the sudden pleasure that had overtaken your body.
"Right?!" Jake gushed, taking a cracker and a piece of brie himself. As he was smearing it across the top of the cracker, he licked the remnants of the cheese off of his fingers, popping them. "So, how are you feeling about the whole.. Maverick, err, thing?" He asked carefully, knowing this was still a sensitive topic for you.
You shrugged silently, taking an interest in your dress. "It was bound to happen, really," You sighed, flinching slightly, a pang of hurt and pain trickling down your body. "He seems really smitten with Penny." You added, trying to hide the sadness you felt behind a small smile.
"I think Rooster said they dated back in the day," Jake said, making you snort quietly to yourself. A smile crept onto his lips at the noise you produced. "Yeah, there's definitely something still there between them."
"Yeah," You hummed, lifting your gaze up to look out at the sea in front of you. The golden hue of the setting sun was reflecting off of the horizon and it painted the once-white clouds a beautiful shade of red, pink and orange. "I'm happy for him, he deserves someone like her, really. He didn't need someone like me."
"Now, don't go doubting yourself just because the old man chose the old woman, Y/N." Jake chastised you, tutting. You couldn't help but laugh at his words. It felt natural to laugh around him and to be yourself around the blonde pilot. It was weird, but it was a good weird. So you let yourself go. "You have lots of great qualities that he's gonna miss out on."
"Oh yeah, like what?" You challenged, turning over onto your side, gazing up at him curiously with narrowed eyes; a cheeky smirk reaching your lips. Jake's eyes widened slightly, silently cursing internally for trapping himself.
"Well," Jake sighed. Oh God, what had he done? "You're kind, sweet and caring," He began, avoiding your eyes. "You're funny... smart... You're-" You noticed his voice started to sound a little shaky, and it clicked. Jake liked you.
"Jake-" You whispered, staring at him.
"Elegant and graceful," He continued, finally finding the courage to look into your eyes this time. You swallowed thickly at the intense eye contact, your gaze falling to his lips for a moment. "You're beautiful. You're the whole package and Pops will be kickin' himself when he realises that." Jake finished with a pursed-lip smile, looking away from you. Deep down, he was angry. He was mad that Maverick couldn't see what he saw, although, he was also glad about that because if he did see what Jake saw in you, the two of you wouldn't be here right now. It was a win-loss-win situation.
"I think I'm glad that he chose Penny." You admitted, eyes still trained on the blonde pilot. Jake's head whipped around to face you, his face twisting into confusion.
"What? Why?"
"Because if Mav chose me, I wouldn't have been able to go on this date with you and realise what a good, kind man you are," You smiled, placing a tender hand upon his. Jake felt his cheeks burn at your action and his mouth went dry. "Why do you act like such a tool sometimes?" You frowned at him and Jake frowned too, a little unsure of where this conversation was headed. "Why are you acting so nice to me right now?"
"You bring it out in me." Jake answered softly, anxiously chewing against the inside of his bottom lip. "You always have, I just don't want to show it in front of the others." He added with a small shrug. "You can probably imagine the torment they'd put me through." Jake chuckled and you smiled at him, shuffling a little closer to him.
"I wish you were like this all the time." You mumbled with a grin, inching closer to him. "Maybe then you'd have a chance with me." You added jokingly. Jake's ears perked up at that.
"Oh really? I have a chance with you?" He asked, raising his brows at you, grinning. You giggled at his reply and nodded slowly. Jake's eyes softened as he stared at you, his hand coming up to brush a few flyaways behind your ear again. He left his hand against your reddening cheek. "Can I take it right now?" He asked quietly, gradually moving his face closer to yours.
You were utterly speechless at him, and you had no hope in hell saying 'yes' without making a fool of yourself, so you just nodded again. Jake's lips curled up into another beaming smile as he leaned in to place a sweet kiss against your lips, both of your eyes closing as you melted into each other's touch. It felt like a set of fireworks were going off in your chest as you kissed Jake, his other hand coming to rest upon your waist. He kissed you again, your tongues brushing against each other as the kiss deepened. Jake's hand slipped from your face and he pulled you atop of him as he fell back onto the red blanket, his hair grazing against the cool sand. A breathy gasp left your lips as you landed on his chest, your hands pressed against it to steady yourself.
"Jake!" You squeaked through kisses as he let his large hands rest just above your bum, squeezing gently. You giggled at him and he chuckled back, pulling away to take a much needed breath.
"God, I've wanted to kiss you ever since I laid eyes on you." Jake whispered to you, his hands sliding up the back of your figure to come and rest against your cheeks, his thumbs stroking the apples of your cheeks so delicately.
"I wish you did it sooner."
i hope this was okay anon c:
my masterlist
how to request something
tag list:
@shakespear-picaso-lovechild (i'm not sure if this is tagging you, i hope it is though :,( )
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veliseraptor · 7 months
can we have a walking far from home excerpt pls
not sure what brought this on unless maybe it's related to that meme I posted but sure!!
“Why are you so fixated on this,” Xue Yang asked. “Don’t you want me to suffer? Isn’t that what you said?” Song Lan half started to answer and then stopped himself. Had he said that? He tried to remember. He couldn’t recall having said so specifically. But it was, he could recognize, splitting hairs to make the distinction. He didn’t have to say the words to express it. And didn’t have to say the words to mean it. That was the trouble, wasn’t it? Xue Yang was right: Song Lan did want him to suffer. He wanted him to feel every miserable bit of pain he’d caused him and Xingchen and so many others; he wanted him beaten down and broken and begging forgiveness that he would never, never receive. The violence of the thoughts he’d had about what he could do to Xue Yang frightened him. The ease with which he’d already done some things – nothing against the torments Xue Yang had inflicted, but that was not a standard he wanted to live by – sickened him. But that didn’t mean he didn’t crave vengeance. He hadn’t spared Xue Yang’s life out of kindness.  “Yeah,” Xue Yang said, reading Song Lan’s silence correctly. “So there you go.” Song Lan grimaced, closing his eyes and taking a moment to center himself before saying, “whatever – baser urges I might have, as I’ve said, that isn’t how I want to conduct myself. With anyone.”  Xue Yang looked away from him. “Seems to keep happening, though,” he said. “So much for daoshi discipline, huh?”  “You are remarkably good at trying my patience,” Song Lan said. Xue Yang’s eyes darted back in his direction and he laughed; this one sounded significantly less wild than some of his others.  “It’s not just you, Song-daozhang,” Xue Yang said, his voice suddenly bright and lilting. “I try plenty of other peoples’ patience too.”
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tencrushesperday · 2 years
Pulling on Threads pt3
Azriel x reader and very much angsty
happens during acowar so far, i forgot the exact time line bc i’ve read this book over a year ago
part 1 , part 2
i have an important exam tomorrow yet it’s 2:30am and i’m still here pls appreciate my dedication 😩
The first time you met Azriel, Rhysand had brought you to the House of Wind for a report about the repairs on the city’s wastewater drainage that had caused some problems recently. Everything was going well until shadows started gathering around you. They were not threatening but you would lie if you said it didn’t startle you.
“You could have just come in and said hello, you know. No need to send your little friends over.” Rhysand’s chuckle brought you out of your apprehensive thoughts about the shadows swirling around you. You didn’t understand what he was saying but it all made sense when the door opened to reveal the most beautiful male you have ever set your eyes on.
You were staring, wide eyed, as the shadows regained their masters, cladding his body in this dark, mysterious aura. It took Rhysand’s voice again to get you out of your fixation. “This Azriel. Azriel, this is a friend of mine.”
You shot up to your feet and extended an arm, out of courtesy. However, the tall male didn’t reciprocate your gesture. Withdrawing your hand, you let out a shy “Hello” suddenly very aware of his gaze on you.
You wished you had the confidence to keep the eye contact but he was so imposing that you sat back down. Rhysand told him that the both of you had a meeting that would soon end and he would seek him out once he was done. At that, Azriel left with a short nod. Nothing else had left on that he was aware of or even listened to what was going on in the room. You wondered if he was always that expressionless.
Rhysand apologised for his Spymaster’s behaviour but you brushed it off, reassuring him that there was nothing to apologise for.
You couldn’t stop thinking about him after that. You got nervous each time you were around him. He was so pretty it literally hurt. It was pathetic how nervous you were around him at the beginning because you wanted to get to know him but had no idea how to engage. And he certainly wasn’t making it easier.
Yet, with time, you two grew comfortable around each other. Obviously he wasn’t one to talk much, but you stopped trying to get him to do so and started appreciating his silence.
Since you started going out with Rhysand’s Inner Circle more often, you also noticed his feelings for the Morrigan (for a sly spymaster, that had been pretty easy to read). You weren’t exactly comfortable with her yet when it happened. However, a year after the fateful Starfall party, you both went shopping for gifts for the holiday. You started talking about relationship statuses, just mindless gossip at first. But it was the perfect opportunity for you and so you asked her about her relationship with Azriel. She laughed it off at first but later in the night, when the both of you were drinking wine in your apartment, she decided to open up about her story. Obviously, she asked you in return why you were so curious about Az and since she trusted you with her past, it felt wrong to lie to her. So you told her about your little crush, insisting that she does nothing about it.
After speaking about it, it became easier for you. Seeing that it wasn’t reciprocated, you buried your feelings deep down and started simply enjoying his company, stopped overthinking every move when in the same room as him. Of course it still hurt to see him take home a cute female after a night out, but you tried a few relationships of your own.
They never worked out, though. Your partners always complained that you weren’t giving your everything to the relationship. And since the bond never snapped with any of them, you didn’t bother. You knew your heart belonged somewhere else.
You wished it didn’t.
Especially tonight. When you woke up to everyone panicking about a missing Elain. Of course it was tragic. She was a lovely girl, that meant a lot to many people here, yourself included, as she was Feyre’s sister.
But she mattered a lot to Azriel too apparently as he flew to rescue her not thinking twice. He hadn’t heard you call his name before he shot up into the sky with Feyre. No planning, no strategies. That was so unlike the calm and collected Azriel everyone knew. She could elicit such reactions from him when you could barely get him to smile at you recently.
How cruel the world could be.
Rhysand was going mad all night waiting for them to come back. You understood, at least you told yourself that you guessed, what he was feeling when his mate was in danger like that.
Over the decades, you have mastered a composed exterior. When you’re in love with someone you copy their antics and manners, right ? At least Azriel taught you that.
But right now, with him being in the middle of the Hybern war camp, you knew it was threatening crack. You were holding on to your sanity by a thread. Because what would you do if something ever happened to him? How would you survive that ? You knew you wouldn’t. You would blame yourself everyday for at least not telling him of your feelings. He deserved to know that someone loved him as fiercely as you did, even if he didn’t feel the same. Rejection could maybe mean closure for you.
Going over every worst scenario in your mind made you nauseous so you had to leave Rhys and go to the bathroom. If nausea passed once you had a glass of water, hyperventilating only got worse, as silent tears were rolling down your cheeks. After a few minutes, you heard a knock on the door and Mor’s soft voice asking if you were okay.
You simply opened the door for her and let her hold you in her arms. You needed to ground yourself back into reality, needed someone to tell you he was going to come back, safe and sound.
She held you like that, softly stroking your head and whispering reassurances in your ear, for at least fifteen minutes before you were able to calm down your breathing and thoughts. “Let’s go make tea in kitchen, huh?” Her voice was so gentle and you were only able to nod back.
You had to get your shit together. If Mor saw you like that, it didn’t matter. But the rest couldn’t. Not Amren, not Cassian and certainly not Rhys, who was already panicked enough.
Hours passed and your worry didn’t. You drank tea with Mor, practiced some breathing exercises Cassian once taught you, even tried to get yourself busy with some other work.
Nothing has ever felt as good as Rhys announcing that Feyre told him all three of them were alive and on the way back through their daemati gift.
Nothing has ever felt as horrible as watching him land with her in his arms.
You were worried sick over him. While he was risking his life for her. When she was mated to another. When he was…
As fragile and hurt as she was, you decided that you didn’t like her. It was definitely biased, unfair, uncalled for. But you couldn’t shake that feeling. That she was stealing something from you.
“You’re hurt” Azriel shot his eyes at you. Nobody said anything before nor after you stated that. And you didn’t know if centuries or milliseconds had passed since they landed. The world was heavy on your shoulders as he held your gaze. You wanted nothing more than to run into his arms. To hold him as tight as possible to make sure he was real, that he was with you and alive.
But you stayed on the other side of the room, still holding eye contact for what felt like an eternity.
Cassian got in between you as he took Elain from his arms. Azriel still stared at you over his shoulder.
You approached him slowly. You were doing everything in your power to not throw yourself at him. “Can i help you clean that?” He nodded slightly. He was so tired.
He was so, so tired. And you looked so welcoming. He just wanted to crash in your arms and let you hold him forever.
You barely caught him before he fainted.
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thehollowwriter · 2 years
@asterpop here's Floyd's part of your request ehehe
Again no beta we die like Riddle's patience
I'm a little unsure of how good this one is, but hopefully it delivers!
Warnings: Angst? Yeah that's kinda it tbh but it ends fluffily
(Pls reblog and leave a comment ❤)
One Pink Petal And One Grey Cloud
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▪Floyd Leech was very very attached to his red string
▪It was the only thing keeping him sane
▪"Floyd is a very special child"
▪Floyd heard that statement very often, wether it was from his teachers, his extended family or even his own parents
▪It was always said in this nervous (or embarrassed) and apologetic tone, usually after he had caused trouble
▪He didn't know why, but whenever he heard those six words leave someone's mouth, it filled him with an unbridled rage
▪They never said such things when Jade made trouble!
▪It was only around middle school when he realised exactly what that meant
▪He wasn't... normal
▪Something was wrong, he had some kind of unwanted trait that people tried to sweep under the rug
▪That being his fickle moods and how he gravitated to violence so easily
▪"Special" was the nice way of putting it
▪It only became clearer the more he was compared to Jade
▪"He's so smart, but hardly puts effort into anything. Why can't he be more like his brother?"
▪Floyd hated hearing that
▪His parents loved him and at the very least didn't compare their twins, but they where blind to how much he despised being the family's "special child"
▪So while he promptly refused to fall in line, he became fixated on his string
▪If whoever was on the other end was destined to be with him, then that meant they would be someone he would like , right? Someone like Jade or Azul!
▪He loved the magical red string that was tied to his pinky. It made him feel all giddy inside
▪He would spend countless nights talking to his string (and sometimes biting it) while rambling about all the characteristics he knew his soulmate would have
▪They would be so cool and strong and powerful and interesting!
▪The most interesting person in the world!
▪He knew what colours you'd like, what foods you'd love, what hobbies you'd have, and they were all awesome
▪Floyd's expectations and fantasies about them grew more unusual and elaborate over time
▪Neither Azul nor Jade were sure of what to tell him when they realised he was getting a little delusional
▪Any attempts to get him to realise he was making up his soulmate's entire being before even meeting them fell on deaf ears
▪Floyd was head over tailfin for the soulmate he had created in his mind
▪So when his string had tightened exponentially and he had realised you were nearby, his heart was practically bursting with excitement
Floyd felt like his heart was going explode out of his chest he was so excited. He was taking leaps and bounds as he followed his string all the way down the hallways of the school and into the mirror chamber. It was leading him to you. He was finally going to meet you!
There were you were, looking around in slight confusion as you tried to follow the length of your string . Oh he loved you already. It was you you you you-
You were boring.
It became as clear as day after a mere hour or so with you. You were not what Floyd had expected. You were not what Floyd had wanted.
You were so... so normal.
So similar to other students. So ordinary.
You were boring.
Floyd didn't like you. Not at all. You were the biggest disappointment of his life.
His mood instantly plummeted, and he left you in the mirror chamber confused and alone.
The disappointment left him crushed. He was pissed off at you as well broken at the same time for not being what he wanted.
The following days, he was a nightmare to be around. Aggressive ane angry and stuck in an ever deepening pit of unhappiness.
Until one day Floyd came to a spontaneous realisation (with a lot little hinting from Jade and Azul) that it was stupid for him to be this upset over someone he had deemed boring.
Which meant, technically, that you were not in fact boring, since you had gotten him to react like this.
It was very loose logic, but it seemed to get him to regain his interest in you. At least for now.
With this new enlightenment, Floyd decided that he was going to talk to and befriend you to see wether you were truly boring or not.
When he came to you, you displayed expected apprehension (since he did insult you and break your heart), he simply told you that your disastrous first encounter was because he found you boring, but was willing to be friends to see if he could find anything, anything about you that was interesting.
Surprisingly, you hesitantly agreed, saying that you were still soulmates and it was better than nothing.
Good. He could begin his "study" of you.
For a few days, Floyd didn't see anything special. You were pretty average. Not very interesting. Same conclusion as before.
But as time went by, he got a little more focused and began to notice the little things about you that were starting to draw him in.
Okay so maybe your little quirks were kinda cute. But that didn't prove anything yet!
Just a little longer, and he'd see what he truly thought of you.
Two months.
It had been two months since Floyd had begun your "friendship".
In those two months, you had shattered Floyd's previous vision of what he wanted you to be, and proceeded to make him absolutely smitten with this you.
Floyd loved everything about you. Your face, your eyes, your smile, your reactions, your habits, your everything. Just... just you.
It was impressive, to be honest.
So now all Floyd had to was take you on a date. He just needed a good place.
He spent almost a week trying to decide where to go, until the answer became glaringly obvious.
The sea! He could take you to the sea! Well, the beach on Sage Island since he couldn't leave for home yet, but it was good enough!
The moment Floyd made up his mind, he was rushing out his dorm to find you. There was no time for flowers or fancy words, you were going now.
You had been confused but not surpised when Floyd appeared at your door and told you to get changed, you were going to the beach!
You barely had time to put on something beach-worthy before he was pulling you outside to the dark mirror and calling out for the coastal town of Sage Island. How he got permission from the headmaster to go to the beach, you didn't want to know.
The moment you arrived, it was all fun and games. Floyd had shifted to his mer form and was swimming alongside you in the shallow waters.
He chased you around quite a lot but he was... more gentle with you than he was when chasing others. He liked you, he didn't want to hurt you.
You both really had a good time, and it was around sunset when Floyd pulled you to sit down on the sand in front of him.
He rested on his folded arms and stared into your eyes, his tail flicking out behind him.
"Shrimpy- No... s/o... here." Your eyes widened in surprise at the use of your name, and then widened further when you were presented with a large, utterly gorgeous shell. "Eh?"
"It's a Miyoko Murex." Said Floyd, smiling at you. "Super pretty- like you- and reaaally rare." "P-Pretty? What-"
Floyd grasped your hand in his own, intertwining his webbed fingers with yours. There was a light flush on his cheeks.
"Listen, I don't usually plan stuff- I just do it. But you're worth the effort, I think. S/o you're... you're my soulmate, but I thought you were beyond boring at first. Turns out I was wrong. You're real interestin'. I want you to be mine."
It was blunt and to the point, a very Floyd confession.
"Woah... You... You love..me..?" Floyd shrugged his shoulders. "Well yeah that's basically what I just said. I wouldn't give you that shell if I didn't."
A smile brighter than the sun crossed onto your face and you wrapped your arms around his neck. "Oh-! Oh you love me too! This is amazing- I'm so happy you you..."
You trailed off and frowned at the shell in your hand. "But... What if you get bored of me..? I'm glad you love me, but I know you find some things I like boring. I'm really average, and you're so amazing and smart and fast paced... what if you get tired of me-" You were interrupted Floyd grabbing your face and gazing silently at you before capturimg your capturing your lips in a soft kiss.
He giggled at your surpised expression and soon is it had begun, it was over. He pulled away and rested his forehead against yours. There was a gentleness and love in his eyes that you had never seen before.
"I will never get bored of you."
A/N: Hahahahaathis is what I've been doing instead of working on projects-
@honey-milk-depresso @crudciferx @plutos-hell I tried this man is hard to write jdkdj
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lightvixxen · 1 year
Hi i keep thinking about this (also pls keep in mind im only on s6 and only just finished ep2 of criminal minds so)
Imagine flying home from a case with the rest of the BAU team, somehow Prentiss and Morgan got you and JJ to join in on their conversation about who you think is kinky within the team. Privacy invasion aside it mainly resides between the four of you, which is just a bunch of deflecting, either from embarrassment or because they weren’t into it. You weren’t satisfied though, you had a sneaking suspicion Spencer was hiding more than he was letting on, so why not bring him up? Force him into the conversation?
“You know who I think is probably the most kinky one here? Reid” Morgan laughed and so did Prentiss. But you kept your eyes trained on Reid, that seemed to be enough to pull him out of his book world.
After both sets of giggled calmed down, Emily spoke up, “Reid? No way in hell, he’s too innocent!” You smiled, “exactly! C’mon its always the innocent ones!” You had his full attention now, though the others may not have noticed it (yet) his eyes were trained on you instead of his book.
“Alright, what do you think he’s into then? Submissive or dominant?” Morgan asked you, it wasn’t unusual to talk about Reid in front of him either, assuming he was too focused on his book.
“Oh he’s definitely submissive like c’mon! Probably into like bondage or something like that, I don’t know, but definitely not dominant.” Your eyes fixated on Spencer again, not missing the way his jaw clenched slightly and the way he was gripping the poor book like it was trying to run.
After the flight ended with everyone made their way back to the bullpen to collect some things only to be on their way out the door a few seconds later. You stopped at your desk, looking over the files that had been dropped off. Spencer came up behind you, he didn’t trap you in, put he leaned forward enough just to whisper in your ear.
“You know you seemed pretty confident about me on the plane, you wanna test that hypothesis? Cause you might’ve missed a few details. You know where to find me” and with that he walked out, leaving your knees buckled and a little weak.
Aaaah this might be a little ooc, but dom!spencer has me in a chokehold rn, I will get better at writing him though! ALSO PLEASE TELL ME SOMEONE ELSE GETS THE VISION AND THIS MAKES SENSE
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