#why is there so little content for this version of dracula
free-for-all-fics · 1 year
Random thoughts and ideas/prompts for Van Helsing 2004 Dracula because he’s underrated and I want more content of him 🩸If any of these inspire you to write something, please tag me 💜
1. What if you were in an enemies to lovers/Beauty and the Beast situation with Dracula? He keeps you a prisoner of sorts so he has eyes and ears on the human villages, maybe makes you pose as his sickly wife even, to lure humans to the castle under the false pretense that his wife is in urgent need of a doctor. But you also have a fire in you and stop fearing him at some point so you stop taking any of his melodramatic crap. You fall in love eventually. What would your relationship be like?
2. Write something for Van Helsing Dracula with the dialogue, “I will search forever in the dark.”
“You’re here. You’re here. I’ve been waiting for so long.”
“I’m so sorry. I’ll never leave you again.”
3. Write something for Van Helsing Dracula with the Tuck Everlasting quote, “Do not fear death, but rather the unlived life. You don’t have to live forever, you just have to live.”
4. Write something for Van Helsing Dracula with the quote, “Ever think you’re lonely because you kill people?”
“Or I kill people because I’m lonely.”
5. While in his black wolf form, Dracula is injured badly enough to pass out. He wakes up in a wildlife rehab center, still in his wolf form, being cared for by the reader, who might make a delightful new bride. (That “There’s much to be learned from beasts” scene in Coppola’s Dracula got me like)
6. What if Dracula was actually successful in his efforts to reproduce and had children? What do you think Dracula (and his brides) would be like as a parent? Just imagine if Dracula produced viable offspring and they survived.
7. You accidentally cut yourself while using a letter opener or something. Dracula displays some self control, overcoming his vampire instincts so he can treat your injury. He knows you don’t want to be a vampire yet, and for some reason he can’t explain, he cares about you. You can tell it’s hard for him, you can see the pain & conflict in his eyes, fangs threatening to come out as he struggles to contain himself.
8. Reader is human and Dracula’s secret lover. But then tragedy strikes when reader is either killed or dies (accident, disease, what have you). So instead of Dracula going to Victor to make a monster, he demands Frankenstein resurrect you. He still wants you as his bride and he won’t take no for an answer. He loves you too much to let death claim you and take you away from him. He’ll make you immortal, even if you’re not a vampire as he intended. He may claim to be hollow, but you’re different. You make him feel.
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9. In the video game, it’s shown that Dracula had a secret life and lover while he was mortal, even though this was forbidden by The Order. When her existence was discovered, the plan was to exile her. But after she was accidentally killed during attempts to capture her, Dracula turned to necromancy to try to bring his beloved back to life. Imagine a fic where reader was his past lover from the 1400s and is reincarnated during the movie’s timeline.
OR The Order was actually too late to stop him and little did Vladislaus know, he succeeded in resurrecting her before he was murdered. The resurrection just wasn’t instant and instead centuries had to pass before reader could wake up again, fully healed and regenerated - As if her murder never happened. Now she’s crawled out from her grave, awoken in Transylvania which looks different than what she remembers, even though to her it feels like only minutes have passed. What’s become of Vladislaus? What’s happened?
10. Or maybe a fic inspired by this dialogue from the game: “Why would any man betray his best friend? Jealousy? Ambition? Love? Someday you too will be cursed by love as I was, and all your efforts to resurrect it will turn to disgusting mockeries of what you once had, as have mine.”
11. Ok this one may seem very obvious but how about a fic or headcanons for being in a poly relationship with Dracula and his wives? Whether you’re human or vampire, up to you.
12. You’re on a trip to Transylvania with a few of your best friends. All of you collectively make the stupid decision to camp nearby Dracula’s castle. When you wake up in the morning, your friends are gone and you must go into the castle to save them. Who knows what lies within?
13. You’ve been raised to be a monster hunter by your village, but you’re getting tired of the chase and are wanting it to be over. For your latest mission, they’ve sent you to Dracula’s castle to put him down for good. You ascend the steps, gripping your sword in one hand and your crossbow in the other, prepared for a fight. What you find instead is a severely aged and tired Dracula, waiting for you. His brides are dead, and he hasn’t been able to feed in so long. Like you, he’s tired. Perhaps you can come to an arrangement that benefits you both.
14. You’ve just purchased a 15th century castle in Romania and moved your entire family in. Unfortunately, Dracula and his brides have returned home from an extended vacation.
15. Imagine being Dracula’s daughter (you’re a human he kidnapped surprise adopted from the village as a child after the first attempt of creating offspring burned to ashes). You’re now an adult and It’s your final birthday as a mortal. He throws a special Hallows Eve Ball in his summer palace because tonight you’ll be turned into a vampire and feed for the first time. (Imagine if you took after your mothers and father, and wanted to create 3 vampire brides for yourself as well. These brides could be male, female, whatever lol)
16. Imagine being Anna’s sister and one night you and some other people go off into the forest near Dracula’s castle for a mission, only for your party to get ambushed and killed by Dracula in his black wolf form. He kidnaps you and keeps you locked in a golden cage that’s attached to the ceiling, with only candles and a stained glass painting of the sun giving you the illusion of light in the dark room. He tells you that you “remind him of someone he once loved and lost long ago”. He wants to use you as bait for Van Helsing and Anna, but he actually has no intention of trading you. He wants to keep you for himself, believing you’re his reincarnated wife.
17. Imagine being human and living with Dracula and his wives. You’re either their daughter or another bride, up to you. Either way, imagine if monster hunters broke into the castle and found you first, mistaking you for a vampire. They incapacitate and start hurting you in ways that feel like torture, to try to get you to tell them where the other vampires are. Your screams and sounds of distress awaken Dracula and his brides, alerting them. It’s not yet dusk/twilight, so they’re unable to help you since the sun is still up. They can’t reach the room you’re in. By the time the sun sets and they can kill the hunters, you’re so wounded and on the brink of death. Dracula has no choice but to turn you. In your weakened state, you try to tell him no, that you’re not ready, but he regretfully tells you he must do this now. He bites you and forces you to drink his blood. Even if you try to spit it out, he won’t let you.
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beevean · 1 year
I decided to break down down this absolutely beautiful poster because I love it and there is some interesting content to notice <3
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Starting from the big character portraits:
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The Hecboi being his usual badass self. You can spot his earrings which I love, it's such a cute detail <3
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Isaac practicing his "step on me daddy" routine. yes sir i get it your boots are fabulous and your pants can't contain your d
I find highkey underrated how Kojima associated him with skulls in official artwork. I wish it didn't get lost in time lol.
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Trevor, my friend Trevor :) much more serious than the sass master he is in the game lol
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Julia taking care of Hector's Innocent Devils :)
Side note, while I love most of their designs in the game, I find Kojima's idea of what Hector and Isaac's Devils could look like very fascinating. I like how she draws dragons.
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The big man himself, St. Germain standing in front of a clock, and Zead holding a four-leafed clover for good luck (+ Isaac again lol)
Now, the more minute detail, going anti-clockwise:
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Not only we can see Dracula's Castle, but the figure in the center is the Devil Forgery lab in the PtR manga:
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Another underrated detail of lore :)
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Oh, this one is just. juicy <3 It took me ages to understand what's going on, but with some help I finally realized it.
So this is essentially the moment where Hector went to Dracula and was like "hey boss, would you mind if you stopped to order me to kill humans? dunno if you noticed but i'm human too and it feels weird. thanks", and Dracula was like "hmm. let me think about it. no. have a nice day :)".
In the PtR manga, it was depicted like this:
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With Dracula threatening Hector with his extended claws, and then throwing him off the castle keep. i don't know what you were expecting, man
But in the poster, he's straight up holding Hector by his throat and stabbing him with the fingers of his bat wings! So much that you can see blood dripping from his mouth! Ouch!
This only proves my headcanon that Devil Forgemasters are superhuman and can withstand wounds that would kill a normal person.
also, between this and his sippy attack in the game proper, dracula sure likes to manhandle hector a little too much.
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the besties going to work <3
You have no idea how much this little drawing pisses me off. This is the closest thing I have of a canon depiction of Hector and Isaac working as Devil Forgemasters.
I need to see them slaughtering humans together in my bloodstream D: not even NFCV had the courtesy of depicting a villain Hector actually doing villain things D: guys. guys the potential-
Aside from that, this also incidentally proves that PtR's interpretation of Isaac's fabulous outfit (being what is left of his normal Devil Forgemaster outfit after Hector destroyed it) is retroactive. My man was apparently already going shirtless just because he felt like it. Imagine being killed by Dracula's most loyal soldier and your last sight in life is his tiddies. King shit.
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yeah it's stupid but that's the vibe i get lol
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I get it, Kojima-san, you love your blorbo. understandable
A bit more seriously, I really appreciate how much Isaac doesn't have the certified Kojima Pretty Man face, he's instantly recognizable. I like his big nose :)
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Hector practicing Devil Forging, a smaller version of this panel from the PtR manga:
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I like how in the poster it looks like a typical yin-yang symbol, but also closer to the black-and-white motif of the Devil Forging crest :) they look like two lil dragons chasing each other.
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why does isaac look 150% more naked without his shoulder armor
It's hard to tell which even this is supposed to represent. I guess it's his defeat at Hector's hands, if we take the black splotches on the ground as his outfit being slashed. Notice the crest on the floor, similar to the intro of the game!
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The worsties fighting. Hector is pissed and Isaac is a troll, must be a day ending in Y. they're flirting
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The End! Hard to tell if it's Hector's golden Devil or Abel, but it looks awesome <3
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This one... puzzles me. I can tell that Hector is being attacked by some little devils and he's defending himself. But why is he using a small pumpkin as a weapon??
(what if this is him trying to defend rosaly from the mob who accused her of being a witch :<)
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Hector angsting. Sadly I'm not sure of what kind of flower that's supposed to be, perhaps a dandelion? I wish it was a lily of the valley like in PtR.
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Our friend Trevor again. Interesingly, in the full poster, Isaac and Trevor are directly mirroring each other.
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Trevor being like "bruh are you for real" after whipping Hector's ass black and blue. (i hate his second fight so much...)
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I would say "Hector's revenge", but actually it looks like he's bleeding and in pain. So... I think this the moment when Dracula nearly clawed Trevor's eye out.
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Trevor and Isaac fighting! Love that scene in the game :D
isaac how are you even twisting yourself. what are you doing. you're showing off, aren't you.
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Not sure about what location these ruins are supposed to be, but fascinating detail of the skeleton holding a scale of justice. It's close to Zead...
tl;dr i want to eat this poster because it's just so fucking good and a great way to summarize the game
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spinningbuster98 · 4 months
Castlevania Symphony of the Night Part 3: Regional Differences
So...to go back for a second to the fact that I’m playing a translated Japanese version, let’s talk about cut content!
There are a couple of things that were cut from this game when it was released overseas, mostly minor objects that would have required some further localization which the team probably didn’t wanna be bothered with
For starters: there are 2 hidden familiars in the original version that are not present in western releases (PSP port notwithstanding)
In the hidden room where you’d otherwise find the Holy Sword you instead find the Nose Demon! He’s essentially a reskin of the normal Demon familiar you get later on, except he’s got a funny face and voice lines. Supposedly he’s based on a popular japanese comedian of the time, so I assume that the reason he was cut was because the joke would have flown over us westerners’ heads
In the room where you’d find the Sword familiar you instead find the Half-Fairy. She works exactly like the normal Fairy except she has different voice lines....and a very cool easter egg attatched to her: if you sit on a chair and don’t move for a couple of minutes she will sit on Alucard’s shoulder and there’s a chance (it’s random and she would not cooperate with me at first here) that she will then start singing this beautiful little melody which I’m going to show off next time :)
I’m going to assume that the reason this one was cut is because not only would they have to translate the song but also have someone sing it and given the quality of the english voice cast yeah forget it
There are other, minor differences, such as the ghostly priest in the Cathedral actually having a voice line where he does a little prayer while he’s totally mute in the international release
Speaking of the english voice cast I guess I’m sort of obligated to talk about them eh? Well let’s go over them!
Rober Belgrade as Alucard should not work for all intents and purposes, mainly because the actual tone of his voice is the literal opposite of his japanese va (same guy who voices Zero in Megaman X btw): Alucard is supposed to be an elegant, refined yet coldly stoic prince, so a soft voice that can still command respect fits him, while Belgrade is far too baritone. Yet despite this he still ends up sounding iconic because he’s pretty much the only person in this cast who genuinely tried to do his best. It’s a case where the voice itself shouldn’t fit but the delivery of the lines saves it
Dracula’s va (same guys who voiced the protagonist of Silent Hill 1 btw) sounds like he was convinced he was supposed to perform a parody of a Shakesperean play, he sounds so over the top he ends up sounding funny. The voice itself does not match the artwork nor the general idea of Dracula as this dark and intimidating figure
I don’t wanna harp on too much on Richter’s va (same va as Chris Redfield from RE1 btw) since the man died a bunch of years ago, but....yeah he was clearly reading his lines in the opening. He gets a little better in the rest of the game but that’s the extent of it
I’ve heard folks say that they can’t stand Maria’s younger sounding voice in the PSP port because she “doesn’t sound mature enough”, to which I ask: You do know she’s 17 here right? Granted I used to know girls in High School that had relatively deep voices, but Maria here straight up sounds like your average sultry sexy lady, much older than what she’s supposed to be, while she’s actually supposed to be a more mature version of her Rondo self: still pretty upbeat and cheerful but with more maturity on her
Lastly let’s talked about flimsy localization!
One of my biggest gripes against SOTN for the longest times was the number of secret moves and features the game does not tell you about
Some of these I’ve never minded because they’re minor and I can understand why they’d be secret, for example the secret moves that some weapons can perform? Just a cool little thing that you can accidentaly find out on your own while fumbling with the controls (which happened to me). The ability to use any spell without buying them at the shop by just knowing their commands? Well late game spells destroy the early game so of course it’d be a secret, plus again you can discover this accidentally on your own. The Shield Rod spells? Well those HAD to be secrets. The Wing Smash? That...I’m more salty about because Alucard’s flight is slow as sin without it but whatever
My real issue was always with the High Jump and the Skill of Wolf power ups, mainly because you had to find the correct relics for them...but then the game wouldn’t tell you how to actually use them (technically speaking you can still boost with the wolf after acquiring thePower of Wolf Relic, but no version of the game, not even the Japanese one, tells you how to do it with this Relic alone. Tbf it’s a very simple command, just double tap either left or right, but the Skill of Wolf Relic actually allows you to immediately run on a whim with no build up, thus allowing you to use the ability much more frequently)! Not only is this dumb because, while not strictly vital, these moves speed up exploration big time (especially in the Inverted Castle) but also because it made the feeling of discovering these relics pretty moot.
That is until I played the japanese version! Turns out that in this original version the in-game relic descriptions for these two actually DO contain the button inputs for how to use them. Just to be sure I even briefly played through an untranslated japanese rom and lo and behold!
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I may not be able to read kanji, but I can recognize arrows meant to represent button inputs!
So thank you english localization for making me think for over 10 years that Sotn was more cryptic than it actually is :)
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spongebob-connoisseur · 8 months
It’s amazing how much Nosferatu became an integral part of SpongeBob lore. Especially since he was just a gag character for the ending of the night shift episode. He even appeared as a character in the CGI Camp series as a younger version of himself. Why the recent interest?
I've grown to LOVE Nosferatu! Outside of the fact that he's a blorbo by association to Slappy. Slappy supremacy 🙏
I just think he's neat.
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I remember some thing on twitter where SB fans were complaining about the show reusing old characters like Nosferatu and Granny Prunes but honestly SB fans on twitter are kinda annoying to begin with and will complain about anything. I couldn't care less, gimme more German expressionist characters <3 <3
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Jokes aside. Idk I've grown really fond of Nosey. He's just a silly guy. Outside of flickering the light switch on and off, he has a funny life. His ship never made it to Wismar and he ended up stuck underwater. Now he has a dorky fish butler and a son and he lives a relatively mundane life. He's the nightshift manager at the Krusty krab, hes a single dad, he writes screenplays sometimes, he promoted products. He auditions. He even did an interview once.
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Its weird but funny. The first vampire in cinema and the first (unofficial) adaptation of dracula is just some guy chilling with fishes and living his life. He seems pretty content with things and I like that. He's what I aspire to be <3 ((NOT BALD))
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As for the show, spongebob the show is trying to build continuity. Idk why but it's been since the beginning of the post secondary movie era and the tidal zone shenanigans. Its more likely to reference locations and old characters every so often. Some people complain that its trying to milk nostalgia but honestly I think they're just trying to make the world more connected and cohesive. people complain when the show does literally anything, they complain about old characters being used but they also hate the new characters so it really doesn't matter.
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I personally love the direction the show is currently in. Its fun, I like how they expand on some characters and they all have their own little thing going on. I also like Nosferatu specifically because of how absurd it is to have a German expressionist movie character existing in a childrens show. People say it ruins his original gag because it was supposed to be random but Nosferatu being a regular character on it's own is random. This dude was spreading his plague to Wisborg, now he pulls pranks underwater by flickering the lights. He has a morally decent fish Dr. Caligari as his primary care physician. It's funny.
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Also you mentioned there's a kid version of Nosferatu in Kamp Koral. That's not a child nosferatu. That is The child OF Nosferatu. I wonder who conceived Kidferatu? Idk but its funny that Nosey is a single dad working to support his kid. In Squidferatu you can see a framed picture of his son in the background :D (I really want to see Slappy being a good nanny to Kidferatu. Please please PLEASE)
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I love the episode Graveyard Shift and I love his reappearance in The Night Patty. I always liked this weird guy but I only became invested once he got associated with Slappy. I think once the synopsis of Slappy Daze dropped and it revealed Slappy being nosferatu's butler was when I became obsessed and watched every nosferatu/dracula adaptation (don't ask, I comb through things fast. Also I liked vampire media years before this but this took an existing interested and pushed it to obsession lol)
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Also watching the 1979 adaption of Nosferatu in particular gave me brain worms. I was like "....he kinda bad tho" I'm trying hard not to say I've begun to simp for him but I am 👉👈 I'm mildly disgusted with myself but its also like. I kinda like him more than what I should. I sorta want to slap myself for such a weird thing because REALLY look at him. But I can't help but like it. Ughhhhh. I wanna grab his big nose. I like to imagine it'll honk like a clown's nose.
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It doesn't help that he's so silly in Spongebob like that's not helping at all😭
Obviously I prefer Slappy because he's my murder bby but I also think Nosferatu could get it as well.
So yeah. In other news, I preordered the super7 nosferatu figurine. I cant wait to get it. But idk the NECA nosferatu figurine looks better. It was also cheaper. Idk its too late now to change anything. I am still quite happy. I want to make that Nosferatu a proud supportive dad to my Draculaura doll :)
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zoophagist · 7 months
Shaking your hand over the Dracfield content. I'm into novel!Dracfield hard, I joined the "Dracula" fandom specifically for that ship, like 3 years ago, I'm even into the 2023!Dracfield, but the stuff going on in the tag right now just makes me ?????. Oh? So for yall it's not about the guy clinging to an Eldritch being because of homophobia and ableism? Oook, keep your secrets.
ooc;; every dracula fan is valid no matter their preferred version but that DOESN'T mean i understand them!! yeah i DO understand your vibes though. turning from humanity because humanity has turned away from you... embracing the monstrous because you are seen as a monster... running into the arms of anyone or anything that will make you feel protected, valued, and loved?? hell yeah, brother. personally i go feral for the "you're completely inhuman, you're like unto a god, and i can never comprehend any way you're capable of truly wanting me but still i am wanted somehow and i would do anything to be yours" of it all, so. hm. definitely not enough eldritch incomprehensibility in this dracfield for me. HATE to say this for renfield's sake but one of the most important hallmarks of the dracfield ship for me is how renfield is living off the scraps of dracula's attention and is highly unlikely to ever get more than that. it feeds the pining deliciously. so i am baffled by the vibe the 2023 fans go for of not only drac's constant availability to renfield but apparently really overt feelings for renfield?? like fully in love with renfield too?? but hm, if i think about it, i do also like the angle of dracula using renfield's amorous feelings to manipulate him of play with him, and the stringing along of promises and rewards so i it's not that i want dracula to only ever be cold and aloof, but maybe that like... i think i don't buy that count dracula would just accept and get tender over feelings for renfield? i need something of the monstrous "you don't love like a human should" element still, and also maybe a little cruelty & manipulation. the 2023 fandom stuff i see makes dracula too soft and knowable to me!! i really need that "somewhat in the position which enoch occupied spiritually" "why?" "because he walked with god" energy at the heart of it all. lmao not like anybody asked. if the 2023 fans are seeing this PLEASE know i'm not being snarky or superior. our spice is different but we are fundamentally eating the same meal and i am giving you a confused and supportive thumbs up from across the restaurant with a mouthful of dracfield. i am toasting you with the master/servant kink we're all chugging like water.
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makerofmadness · 6 months
I'm gonna just watch through that entire Darkest Night Chapter 1 video I posted the link I found as I get opportunities to 'cus I think I just. Need to engage with some light-hearted stuff rn until I can go home and have my family around me.
anyway uh I've already watched a bit and Gingerbrave is the Chosen One so that's neat. Also there's a new villain. And some other cool-looking stuff. Anyway I'm mainly here to just dump about the Alchemist stuff I've seen so far I've paused in the middle of it because of school (just got back at the break between class and us going on a trip for class so that's why I'm writing this post-) because Alchemist Cookie Content Real and it's voice-acted I am in heaven just what the doctor ordered istg (look I've legitimately been having a crisis and. Some silly blorbo content is what I need to make it to the end of the week-)
btw my screenshots are from watching the video by 99TH VR that is a no-commentary walkthrough of the game so credit goes to where credit belongs.
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This. Brings me joy. Look at her she's so scrunkly. (Also she says something about Gingerbrave looking "oddly familiar" and just. This is like barely into the game so im guessing there'll be an answer to that later or in the future chapters of the thing since this is "darkest night chapter 1" but Man im wondering is gingerbright gonna be in this and is that who she's referring to?-)
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Ego as always (you go girl keep that self-confidence)
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ok so while writing this post we went On The Road (museum trip for class) and basically without an actual WiFi I can't upload images (I've tried brute-forcing it several times and it just Won't) so. I'll just describe the rest of what I've seen:
*So apparently she's trying to awaken... Franken-Cookie???? Which looks like a giant version of Zombie Cookie. girl why is your life always surrounded by movie monsters first your brother is basically Dracula and now you're trying to wake Frankenstein's monster. What's next. (Also I find this ironic since Ovenbreak established that the idea of creating life is something that she doesn't seem to like since it makes her tense about Butter Bear. Then again she doesn't say she made franken cookie just that they have to wake them up to break the gate open).
*"I've been researching methods to concoct the most potent of Revival Potions" Alchemist and her Life And Revival Stuff again-
*Apparently Alch's just. Content to stay in here like Forever? Which makes me wonder where Vampire is... uh anyway like also she basically says she doesn't know anything about politics or care because she just wants to do alchemy and like. The fact she just calls the literal Darkest Lord and his shzt "politics mumbo-jumbo" sent me-
so yeah I'm just gonna watch more of this and then probably have more brainrot and hopefully that'll fix me at least a little bit before I go home-
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ofwraithsandwords · 2 years
"That Hellsing and Tangled/tumblr “discourse”…lol. This is one of those instances where the situation is unironically very,very weird. Let’s look at it: Alucard, a 400 y.o. old sadistic and mentally unstable being who was known to have pillaged, tortured and raped (as Vlad Tepes and as Dracula) is around young Integra who is 12/14 (and while she is growing up). We can also see he doesn’t conform to modernity much generally, and during almost all of his lifetime it was common for very young teen girls to be married off (and not to mention older men starting relationships with them), so you can imagine his mindset. I feel like anybody thinking he wouldn’t have tried anything weird/fucked up is delusional. All I’m saying to these people is, if they are going to ship it, at least acknowledge this stuff. I read couple of fanfics (some were and some weren’t AxI) who mentioned instances were Integra was traumatized by some fucked up shit Alucard did when she was younger. Another thing I find hilarious is how tethered fangirls/fanboys are to his beauty. If he was some ugly mofo they would’ve screeched about this stuff and called him a creep. You can see now, when some of them watched Gonzo version and saw some moments where he was shown as ugly - they went mental over it. Funny thing though, Vlad Tepes was ugly as hell, and since Alucard can morph into whatever he wants, the way he presents now is all vampire glaze (Vladcard form too, because that’s not what he actually looked like as Vlad) Btw I think Integra is a lesbian (and if not lesbian then febfem for sure.)"
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Oh, you're preaching to the choir here, honey. I don't know what's going on with this Tangled/Disney discourse stuff and Lord knows that I don't wanna know.
I mean, here's the thing: when it comes to fanfic and/or creating content, people can do whatever they want, though ideally it'd be nice if they didn't romanticize things that honestly have no business being romanticized. Like, oh I don't know, making a Nazi major into a happy-go-lucky family man that "drinks respect women juice". (I wish I was making this shit up.)
Anyway, as much as I hate Alutegra, I'm not gonna sit here and tell people not to ship it so long as they're being shipped when they're adults. Truth be told, I understand why people like Alutegra. It's the femdom/malewife dynamic and I actually love that dynamic too. Maybe if Integra hadn't met him when she was a little girl, I'd be much more receptive to it. Well, and there's also the fact that, like you, I believe that she's a total lesbian 100%. There's a lot more contextual evidence supporting a relationship with Seras than there is with Alucard.
I also prefer the view that Alucard may appear as a charming man when he's lax, but when he's killing people?
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No thanks.
And even when he looks somewhat normal, he's still got this abominable aura that's latched onto him that doesn't go away even when he tries to suppress it. It's like looking down into the grand canyon at night; you can barely if at all see what's really going on underneath, but you know something is there.
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whatayrablogs · 5 years
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"Poor, unhappy Erik! Shall we pity him? Shall we curse him? He asked only to be "some one," like everybody else. But he was too ugly! And he had to hide his genius OR USE IT TO PLAY TRICKS WITH, when, with an ordinary face, he would have been one of the most distinguished of mankind! He had a heart that could have held the empire of the world; and, in the end, he had to content himself with a cellar. Ah, yes, we must needs pity the Opera ghost.”
Most of us have probably heard Andrew Lloyd Webber's version than Gaston's. I am highly impressed with how this is written and how this novel is a well deserved classical masterpiece. The narration is like a combination of Bram Stoker's Dracula and Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes, and I guess that's why it bred a new genre during its time. The writing is so good to the point I jumped into google if there was a hint of truth regarding the phantom's myth because Gaston Leroux presented the details with such accuracy, you'll have doubt if it's real or not.
A few things! ** that has to do with Andrew Lloyd Webber's version:
- Now that I've read the actual novel, I'm a bit sad that this isn't as popular as the Broadway version. Raoul's character was a good one (considering growing up, I didn't like him that much) and I'm a bit sad how little he was portrayed in the broadway. He cried a lot for Christine and went through a ton of shit for her. - Erik *the phantom, was romanticized badly to a fault that it loses how Gaston Leroux portrayed him, thus leading everyone to romanticize Erik's love for Christine. I tell you, it's not pretty. It's not romantic. It was creepy, full of lies and deception, and just totally off. I've also read in some** websites that in the french version of the novel (which people are arguing if it's true or not), that instead of kissing Christine's forehead(as what I have read) is that Erik actually raped her. But also, Leroux redeemed this character at the very end of the book in the most perfect and most emotional way I can ever imagine. Such great writing! - The whole relationship of Erik and Christine was wrong. Totally wrong. The only real thing in the novel was Raoul's love for Christine (and I'm disappointed that the whole thing was turned 360 with the broadway version... but i still love it mind you). Erik didn't love Christine. It was all lust and obsession and a combination of manipulation. It was totally fucked up. - There are good characters that people don't know about... particularly the Persian. He was so significant in retelling the story and the premise as a whole that I'm a bit sad he's not in the Broadway adaptation. - I wish they would've depicted Raoul and Christine's relationship better when they were just kids and not just a one liner thing for the angel of music song. - This is the first time I'm learning about Raoul's brother. I never knew he existed while Joseph Buquet is part of the major acts in the phantom broadway.
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wraith-of-thiodolf · 8 months
What's the show about and why don't you like it?
I'm glad she's feeling better
im glad too c:
its about vampires. based loosely on the games. so my major points of contention:
one of the villains has pink hair and wearing those gods damned hoof shoes like shes lady gaga. this is set during the french revolution and she looks like a tumblr oc
she apparently she was an egyptian priestess. wrong ethnicity
too much pro revolution rhetoric about france. because of course the viewer is supposed to forget about how nightmarish that all was. reign of terror and all that
there is a ex slave from haiti as a main character. video game version noticeably not haitian. she is full of revolutionary rhetoric and hatred of the monarchy. likewise the fist in the air was a little too spot on
trite lazy anti christian rhetoric
nobles, slavers, and the church are also all conveniently in league with the vampires
there is a character this supposedly is an opera singer. he sings poorly and frequently
there is an aztec vampire talking about how the christians came and killed his people in the thousands. an aztec never has the moral high-ground. weve also again conveniently forgotten the natives that allied against the aztecs
in the first castlevania series dracula is mad at the world and wants to kill all humans in revenge for his wife. other vampires point out that this means no food and starvation. in nocturne the grand plan is to make an eternal night. which is just an overcomplicated version of the same but no-one points out the obvious
the main villain (elizabeth bathory) is also supposedly an egyptian and is the incarnation of sekhmet. who i seem to recall a loyal defender of the sun but whatever
her design is questionable at best
the 'night creatures' were in the original shew were created by pulling random souls from hell into corpses. now apparently they keep their own souls. this is purely for some drama as the singing character is an ally that gets made into a night creature. who sings
probably more but those are the standouts
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I posted 1,122 times in 2022
That's 240 more posts than 2021!
249 posts created (22%)
873 posts reblogged (78%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,121 of my posts in 2022
#about me - 72 posts
#lol - 64 posts
#def is a gm - 62 posts
#motion warning - 57 posts
#def's grand webcomic re-read of 2022 - 57 posts
#video warning - 49 posts
#definitely adhd - 44 posts
#homestuck - 44 posts
#fandom - 38 posts
#def liveblogs fma manga - 38 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#it's less 'this is literally true' and more 'here are some interesting and notable cultural details about this particular time and place'
I sent 1 gift in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
my favorite thing about experiencing dracula daily with everyone on tumblr is knowing that most later adaptations have turned van helsing into like. this young, heroic vampire hunter who does nothing but hunt vampires all day, and maybe even has like a whole vampire-hunting legacy in his family.
when really he's just an old dutch professor who has done so much kooky research into every possible esoteric subject that exists that he just happens to be the one person in the story who knows a little bit about vampires.
370 notes - Posted September 22, 2022
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[image description in alt text]
hoo boy it's been a long-ass time since I have done an attempt at digital pencil coloring. this is technically a wip of a larger piece but i'm very pleased with how it turned out so i thought i'd share it now before i ruin it
385 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
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[image description in alt text]
it's finished! fanart i created for @vivifrage's fic "the spider and the wyrm."
i am INCREDIBLY proud of this piece. i haven't done this art style in a really, really long time and it turned out fantastic if i do say so myself.
i have become sliiiiightly obsessed with hollow knight over the past few weeks and may or may not become a black hole of hk content for the foreseeable future.
489 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
if you miss dracula daily and you're interested in reading another classic work of literature in a bit at a time, whale weekly (which is a serialized version of moby dick) just started
1,242 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
one of the things i love about ebenezer scrooge, and a christmas carol in general, is that, unlike most fictional rich people, scrooge doesn't allow himself the luxuries that he denies to others.
like. he is enormously wealthy, but does he spend his money on good food and nice things and indulgences? no. he keeps his house dark because it's cheaper to not light things, he eats gruel, he barely even makes a big enough fire to heat himself, let alone the room. he scrimps and pinches pennies everywhere he can - including in areas that other people would consider "necessities" rather than "luxuries."
the story of a christmas carol is as much about ebenezer scrooge coming to realize that his misanthropy and miserliness is making himself as miserable as it's making everyone around him, and learning to once again take joy in living in a way he hasn't allowed himself since he was a boy.
it's genuinely cruel to ebenezer scrooge to compare him to assholes like elon musk and jeff bezos.
for all that he is a terrible, terrible person, at least scrooge isn't a damn hypocrite.
3,157 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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anystalker707 · 3 years
Spicy horror
Pairing: Frank x [fem] Reader Word count: ~ 4 000 Genre: Smut / Fluff Summary: It's Halloween, and (y/n) and Frank finally confess their crushes to each other when binge watching horror movies on Frank's place. Kind of content: Praising / Protected / Oral
Requested by @thisisjustforrequestingfanfics (can't tag you, sorry hhh my T*mblr is acting weird)
a/n - I'm sorry that I coudn't proofread, I might do it soon; I was supposed to be asleep rn
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"You're just annoying, old man," I tease with a grin. "But don't whine or else you'll ruin the makeup!" I continue spreading the white concealer over his face, careful to get it on the corners around his nose and around his eye, though not to irritate his eyes.
"No, fuck you," Frank groans, his face twitching to suppress any expression. "Why can't we watch it again tonight? They're the best movies! And stop calling me old man, it's just my birthday! I'm not decomposing or anything!" Despite his words, he smiles, opening his eyes once I pull away, leaning back against the chair of the desk – I roll my eyes.
"Yeah, I agree." I grab the eyeshadow palette from the desk and move closer to him again. "TCM is a great series and all, but can we not watch it for a single week? It's your birthday and we can watch literally any horror movie! And it can be special, like, not something we've watched a thousand times already to the point we already know most of the lines." I glare before motioning for him to close his eyes.
Frank sighs grumpily, leaning his head back. "What are you planning on, then? Alien? Jaws?" He lets out a weird cry when I slap the side of his head lightly, though he is soon chuckling.
"And then you complain when I say how annoying you are!" I spread the dark eyeshadow over his eyes, humming. "It's been a while since we've watched The Howling, Evil Dead, House of Wax. I mean, 'm not gonna complain if we decide on Alien and Jaws either." He hums, pouting. "Don't worry, you're still my favorite old man." I press a kiss to his head.
"I hate you," he laughs.
After a little bit of fake blood and retouching on my makeup, the two of us are leaving Frank's house to go to school, waving his mother goodbye. We don't look like what most of the kids will go dressed up as – not putting enough effort nor choosing the same themes as the jocks and popular people and not invisible enough just to throw on whatever in a black theme. Frank looks like a chill vampire with Bela Lugosi's Dracula references, though still looking like a punk, while I decided on one of my favorite characters. Nothing too extra, but still in the vibe.
"You look ridiculous with that hair slicked back." I kick one of the pebbles on the sidewalk. "I prefer the hedgehog or whatever it is in the normal state."
"I honestly feel like I could kill someone just from biting their jugular off." He grins, throwing his nose in the air – I can't help but to chuckle; he's adorable. "But not gonna be anyone from school, they're not worth it neither their blood would taste good." He twists his mouth. "I feel like most I'd get would be booze, botox and steroids."
"Damn," I snort, "awfully accurate. You're gonna starve, sorry."
Frank pouts, looking down, but a smirk soon tugs on his lips as he takes a step closer. "But you're not that bad, baby, you know?"
"Oh, fuck off!" I roll my eyes, clicking my tongue. "You just want to get in my jugular!"
Both of us burst out in chuckles and our conversation eventually dies down when we walk past the gates to inside the school, replaced by jokes at other people's costumes, sometimes needing to hold onto each other from laughter.
We walk into the first class, already a bit late, but all it does is to attract everyone's attention the moment we step in.
"Ridiculous, as always," some girl mutters under her breath. Funny.
Frank wraps a hand around the length of the coat to stupidly bring it to cover the lower part of his face, looking around with narrowed eyes then wide ones. "I smell not just a lot of blood here," he says in a low and raspy voice, "but also stupidity!" He points at the girl judgingly, making her twist her mouth disgusted.
"I hope Freddy Krueger visits you tonight," I say when walking past her, patting her shoulder. A scream comes from her when noticing the fake blood stain I leave behind on her white outfit, having Frank and I chuckling on our way to the back.
No one really pays attention to the classes – it's Halloween, we're even in stupid clothes and anxious for whatever is going to happen later in the day, so the teacher doesn't even bother scolding Frank and I for talking nonstop in the back of the classroom. To be honest, I think only the goody two shoes are actually doing something, sometimes turning around to glare at the others.
"Okay, okay, shut up for a minute!" I tell Frank, taking a look at the messy words over my notebook to check if I forgot to write something down. "We've got The Howling, Alien, Evil Dead, House of Wax, Dawn of the Dead, Funhouse, Pumpkinhead..."
"Fright Night," Frank continues, "Opera, Cannibal Holocaust, Texas Chainsaw–"
"I said no TCM! Fuck you," I curse, rushing to write everything down, crossing out TCM when I accidentaly write it down.
"Friday the 13th, Poltergeist, Near Dark and Elm Street," he finishes, glaring at me. He hits my shoulder, not enough to hurt. "I'll make you watch TCM with me until you have memorized every single frame of it!"
"Your TCM phase will have died down by then!" I twist my mouth bitterly. "Sorry to kill the hype, baby!" I throw my nose in the air with a chuckle at his sulky manners. He furrows his eyebrows, sucking in a breath for words he never really gets to say. "And we still got to watch all these goth movies and shows lying around! Do you think it was easy finding the 60s Addams family show on DVD? Or that one Frankenstein version on cassette." Okay, the last one was easy to find in a yard sale, but still, it was just luck.
"Okay, mommy, please just don't punish me," Frank says with a groan and a fake moan. I stare at him as he's not able to contain his laughter before starting to hit him with the notebook.
"Too bad you're not a good boy, hun."
For once, school ends up actually being nice and just because Frank and I were getting in the character sometimes and pissing people off. By lunch, he had pulled on some sunglasses and looked like the stupidest fucker while eating his sandwich and smudging more of the lipstick and fake blood around his lips. At some point, we had pretended to have a fight and pierce the other's chest with a pair of scissors just to squeeze a bag of fake blood at whoever walked by – mostly some of the jocks or plastics. So much fun.
The house is quiet when we arrive back at it, a couple hours after school ended, and we find out, later, a note from Frank's mom apologizing she can't be here during the rest of his birthday, though she's sure he'll have fun with me.
"Imma take a shower," I sigh, pointing upstairs.
"Sure," he hums, looking up from the note for a moment to smile at me.
Thankfully, I always leave some clothes at Frank's place because I'm here far too often and not always have the chance or disposition to go back home and grab some clothes. It doesn't prevent me from stealing his hoodie, however, and walking out of the bathroom without all of that sticky makeup or fake blood is the best thing ever. Later, Frank is the one to go take a shower while I take care of the food he had already started to prepare.
"Much better!" I raise my eyebrows at the sight of Frank with his hair back to normal and only a bit of black makeup smudges the underside of his eyes now.
"Y'know, I never said a single thing about how you looked," he mutters with his brow low, coming to lean against the counter, next to me, "still, you've been attacking me every chance you got!"
"Does it offend you?" I smile.
"No, but it still hurts!" He sniffles, a hand flat against his chest. "I know I'm too badass for you to handle, but you don't need to let it be that clear!"
I look at him from head to foot. "I hate you, y'know that?"
"Love you too, hun!" He grins and moves closer, cupping my face exaggeratedly to peck my cheek before we head upstairs with everything we need.
We turn the lights on to organize everything, soon sitting down against a pile of pillows and with food surrounding us, though most of it is on the bedside tables since Frank, mainly, gets extremely uncomfortable with it falling on the bed. It doesn't matter, though, since the food and half empty cans end up going forgotten halfway through the movie at the same time the chatter dies down and we watch The Evil Dead as if it was the first time.
Some funny part comes on – well, not exactly funny, but enough to make us chuckle quietly – and brings us back to reality, sighing and glancing at each other, adjusting our postures as we'd slid down the pillows.
Frank yawns.
"Already tired?" I tease, poking his shoulder.
"No." He pouts, crossing his arms over his chest. "Getting tired is for losers." He does glance at the clock on his bedside table, however, and the red glowing numbers say it's six something.
"You're my favorite loser, then." I smirk lightly, exhaling.
Frank's eyebrows knit together as he looks at me, but then rolls his eyes. "Well, duh, of course I am! Who else? I'm the best." He scoots closer until his head is leaning on my shoulder and I can't help but to smile.
"No, I am," I groan, arms wrapped around him.
"I am!" He glares and, at some point, we end up in a wrestling match, pushing each other around the mattress among laughter and curses, which comes to a stop when we start getting too tired and I just let Frank lie down on top of me, head on my chest, still watching the movie. "Do you like anyone, (y/n)?" he asks suddenly. "Like, got a crush?"
Random. Why does he want to know? I mean, I do have a crush, but telling him about it is difficult.
"Um, yeah, I guess, why?" I blink, startled when he suddenly brings himself up on his elbows to stare at me.
"I swear to God I'll hunt them down if you forget about me because of them, do you understand?" Frank presses his forehead to mine. "You're the only one I got, sometimes I'm so worried you'll even leave me for whatever reason."
"What?" I breathe a chuckle, though there's not exactly anything funny here. "Never in my right mind would I do that! And you can't hunt my crush down if my crush is actually you," I laugh in a sudden rush of confidence, which wears out awfully quickly, leaving me lying there and rethinking every life choice.
"Me?" Frank widens his eyes. At the lack of answer, he takes a hold of my collar, straddling my hips. "Did I hear it right? Please, (y/n), (n/n), soulmate? I'm your goddamn crush? For how long?"
I shake my head lightly, shrugging. "Months? A long time."
"And you just told me now?" He cries, forehead pressed to my shoulder. "Slow motherfucker."
"I didn't want you to leave me either, c'mon!" I sigh in defeat, running a hand through his hair. "I remember that time a girl confessed to you and you'd simply vanish whenever she showed up. What if that was with me? I'd not be able to live like this, y'know that."
"Y'know, yeah, seeing it from that point..." Frank shrugs, bringing himself up to face me again. "Still, I wouldn't avoid you like that! Dunno, but it doesn't matter now because you just relieved me of months of suffering. Looking at these pretty lips without being able to kiss it." He furrows his eyebrows, eyes on my lips. "Can I kiss you, tho? Now that we feel stupid for all these months. Damn. At least I feel."
I breathe a chuckle. "Of course! Do you think I wasn't dying to do it either?"
Next thing I know are Frank's lips pressed against mine softly, soon growing firm with confidence. His fingers run along my neck lightly, in a caring manner, dropping to trace my collarbones.
"Also," Frank breathes, pulling away; his face never moves farther than a couple of inches whilst he adjusts his position, lying down beside me on the mattress. "Maybe it's wrong to say and I've always tried to say it in a subtle manner, but–" his eyes meet mine, "–you've got the body of a goddess! Like, dunno, sometimes you comment about not having an 'ideal', skinny body, but you're just so perfect," he groans, wrapping his arms around me tightly.
"Frank!" I tap on his back lightly. It's not that I don't like what he said – no, damn, it sends my heart fluttering, this warmth taking over my chest –, but is it really the truth? I didn't think it was possible for anyone to tell me this.
"No, I'm telling the truth!" Frank grins. "Like, your thighs and all. I just want to squeeze and bite you! Not in a bad way, I mean." I must give him a funny look because of how flustered he grows, tongue playing with his lip ring as he looks away. "There's a lot to unpack, fuck, I thought it was obvious how I always sit there gazing at you and shit, but..."
"Likewise." I glare playfully, making him chuckle.
"Y'know–" Frank smiles lazily, "–this is the best birthday I've ever had, by far." He brushes his lips against mine softly, watching me through half lidded eyes. "Never knew you'd actually like me back. Never believed it was possible, to be honest."
"I never cogitated you like me," I breathe.
"Well, okay," he says, "we've already gotten through this. I think we should focus on now."
"I'm not the one who keeps bringing back past thoughts!" I chuckle at how he pouts, scowling funnily.
"Shut up, shut up, I get it!" Frank rolls his eyes and presses his lips to mine before I can say anything, having me smiling against the kiss until returning it, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him closer. Now that we've finally kissed, keeping our lips off each others' feels almost impossible – letting go of each other feels almost impossible. "God fucking damnit," he groans under his breathe, moving to press kisses down my jaw, soon reaching my neck.
A sigh escapes my lips at the kisses, though it turns into quiet pleased sounds at the feeling of his teeth pulling at my skin and sometimes closing around it, sucking on it whilst all I can bring myself to do is tugging onto his hair. Suddenly, however, feeling his hands traveling down to my hips and squeezing them makes me gasp, probably reacting a bit more than I intended.
"What?" Frank pulls away at the same moment, eyes wide. "Did I do something wrong? Please– Damn, I'm so sorry!"
"N-No, no," I finally bring myself into speaking up, feeling my cheeks burn bright red. "I, um, I actually... liked it. A lot. Sorry if I scared you, I just wasn't expecting it. I don't mind, really," I insist as he continues looking at me with furrowed eyebrows.
"You sure?"
"Yeah!" I smile, bringing him for a quick kiss before he's trailing down my neck again.
Frank's hands go down my body, experimentally at first and then squeezing my hips again, receiving another reaction this time, including just a soft gasp as I push my hips up – a shiver runs down my spine with it, a nice one. Fuck.
"Damn..." Frank breathes, hands running down to my thighs then up again to slide under my shirt. "It's a bit early, maybe–" he shrugs, looking at me, "–but... is it okay if..."
Holy hell. "Of course," I say without thinking much – he continues to stare, so I nod.
"Fuck yeah," he mutters, lips against mine for a few seconds before he's pulling my shirt over my head and the expression on his face carries such admiration that I can't help but to feel embarrassed for a moment. He never lets me cover myself, nonetheless, hands flying to my waist to hold firmly onto it as he's pressing kisses from my stomach to my hip. "No, seriously–" he sits up again, "–how can someone be so perfect?" He seems to be talking mostly to himself, getting rid of his shirt.
"Dunno." I grin. "How does it feel to be so perfect, baby?"
Frank exhales shakily. "You'll be the death of me and I ain't even joking." He presses a kiss to my collarbone, starting to nibble down at the skin again, trailing down to my chest, lips sometimes lingering over my breasts – sure as hell he leaves a few marks behind, considering how invested he gets.
Something tells me he doesn't know what to focus on. His hands never stay in the same place for too long, going down my thighs then trailing up to my waistband, up my torso, and then he repeats it.
"C'mon," I mutter, placing his hands on my waistband. He's a bit hesitant, but quickly undoes the buttons and starts pulling it down – I help him, kicking the pants away in the end.
A string of curses slip past Frank's lips as he quickly gets rid of his jeans too and, when coming back, he kneels down between my legs this time, spreading them apart. Our lips are yet again locked in a kiss, different from the others, more heated up and urgent this time as we hold onto each other. I play with the hair on the back of his neck and tug onto it instead at the feeling of his hands around my ass, groping.
"Frank, damn," I breathe quietly for a second we pull apart and, opposite to earlier, he gets the hint and does it again, humming against my lips. Once he stops groping, his hands just run along my skin, up and down my body, sometimes lingering. The most lovesick look decorates his face when he pulls away. My heart.
I place my hands on Frank's shoulders as I sit up, changing our positions. He observes me with wide eyes and I smile at him before pressing kisses to his neck, leaving behind a hickey before I can go lower and lower until my fingers are around the waistband of his boxers and I pause, looking up at him, and continue after he nods.
Frank's already half hard, a breath hitching in his throat as, after discarding his boxers, I assume my previous position.
Even if it's not the first time I've done that, this nervousness still lies under my skin as I wrap a hand around him, pumping him lightly before wrapping my lips around the head experimentally. He breathes sharply.
Only halfway through it that I allow myself to look up at Frank, pausing for a moment after finding out he's been watching, propped up on his elbows, eyes focused on me and jaw slack, but I don't look away, hollowing my cheeks instead and watching him break under my gaze, letting go of all the tension for a second.
I repeat the motions a few times and pull away, licking up along the underside, around the tip, and he's suddenly pulling me away – eyes wide and face flushed this time.
Frank mumbles something I can't quite understand, but it doesn't really matter. He moves closer, both of us soon assuming the position we were in minutes ago, pressed against each other. Now, he removes my underwear and his hand slips between us, however.
Pleasure is sent ringing up my spine at the feeling of Frank's fingers slipping past my lips, quickly finding my clit and wasting no time on working his thumb on it while a couple of fingers tease my entrance. Moans just escape my throat easily after he breaks the kiss, mouthing his way until the inside of one of my thighs – he bites and sucks on the skin there. His tongue is suddenly there, then, against my clit, working around it before being replaced by his lips and my vision goes fucking blank when I can feel him sucking on it.
"Fuck," Frank curses once pulling away, moving to frantically rummage through the nightstand's drawer; I groan at the loss of touch, pushing my hips up into nothing.
Hearing the sound of foil being torn makes me understand what's happening, and I watch him rush to slip the condom on, giving us a moment to catch our breath before he's positioning himself, a hand on my hip whilst another holds himself up.
"Tell me if there's something wrong, okay?" he asks slowly, "I'll stop right away. Don't be afraid."
"Same to you," I say softly, cupping his face to pull him for a soft, quick kiss.
Frank smiles with a nod and looks down before I can feel him against my entrance, pushing in slowly. I wrap my arms around his shoulders tightly, feeling his chest vibrate against mine with the low moan coming from him, replaced by a sigh once he sinks in completely. He starts moving right away, hips jerking experimentally before attaining a heavy and slow pace which doesn't last long due to how needy we are already.
I gasp at how he thrusts in harder, wrapping my arms around his shoulders to hold him close and having my legs around his hips, instinctively.
Curses and praises are breathed into my ear among moans, somehow making the pleasure pool down in my lower stomach even more intensely, summed up to feeling his hands groping on my ass again, fingers sinking into the skin.
"You're just so perfect, (y/n)," he babbles, "and even better that now you're all mine."
Suppressing a louder moan turns out to be impossible at the feeling of Frank's hips reaching a certain angle and, soon, the answer I had in my slips away from my grasp and all there's left is just how good he feels. I travel a hand up to his hair, remembering how he reacted to it earlier, and tug on it in a form of response, though also wanting to hear how pathetically he moans at it.
"'M gonna cum," I manage to say before being cut off by a moan, arching my back.
"Me too, babe," he groans, "almost there."
Frank pauses, adjusting himself so a hand is under my thigh and another on the mattress for major support and his thrusts are suddenly harsher. I throw my head back at the same time, holding onto him tightly, and it doesn't take long for all the pleasure that had been building up so far to unravel at once – it apparently triggers the same on him, considering how tight his grasp gets whilst a higher pitched moan comes from him.
Coming down from the high, I feel almost numb, in a good way. Frank pulls away and I'm only aware of him when he's lying down next to me, both of us breathing heavily and unable to do anything aside from staring at the ceiling for a long moment.
"Damn, I love you so much, so much," he mumbles again.
I breathe a chuckle, feeling him cuddling up to me, arms wrapped around me. "And I love you, dumbass." I press a kiss to his head.
"My girlfriend now, right?" he asks. "Nevermind, you don't get to choose." He chuckles, though it quickly dies down. "Just kidding, okay? Tell me to and I'll fuck off."
I laugh, still breathless. "Of course I am. I didn't confess for nothing."
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venteamocha · 3 years
Hello! Sometimes I see you post stuff from IF blogs and I've recently started playing some IF games, which I've enjoyed so far. Do you have any IF stories you'd recommend in particular? I'm not attached to any particular genre and I don't need romance or a self-insert main character, (though I'm not opposed to either). Though, it's a definite plus if it's LGBTQ+ inclusive! I'm not really sure what the "cornerstones" are of IF so I'll take any and all recommendations haha
Oh god, I play so many IFs. So many. And it’s not even close to all of them, but I’m trying!!
Tbh IFs without romance seems to be very rare, I think because when I think IF I think Choice of Games, and those pretty much always have romance in them. At least, the most well known ones do. But a well done one without romance would be nice too!
Okay, this is a list of my favourites! They’re all LGBT+ inclusive, and most have gender selectable love interests, or at least ones that change gender depending on the gender and sexuality combination you pick. In no particular order, of course.  Behind a cut because I’m gonna give them each a mini review. Because I haven’t done that yet.
(There are so many.)
Mind Blind: I absolutely love our big brother Nick, I love how witty and sharp so much of the dialogue is, I love how the MC clearly has a rather large handicap, but is still such an important person to so many people and not looked down on in the slightest. And when they are, we all know it’s because that person is a jerk! They’re not defined by what they aren’t, but what they are, and that’s a great message.
Shepherds of Haven: Part of why I love this one so much is I just love fantasy settings and this one just pulls it off so well. The cast is full of amazing characters, and I gotta say I die inside pretty regularly for not being able to afford the patreon content, lol. The author puts so much amazing stuff on there, and gives us so much great content in the game and through answers on tumblr, and you can tell this whole thing is just the best thing ever to them, and that makes it the best ever for us readers too!
The Wayhaven Chronicles: I’d be shot if I didn’t mention this one, the series that literally killed dashingdon when the book 3 demo dropped!! Again, another author that cares a lot and does their best to do right by their fans. We’ve been given drip after drip of these amazing characters backstories, and I just cannot wait for more! It’s definitely very romance centered, but the overall plotlines are also very good, and I have to say that no matter who I romance, I just feel like the group as a whole is a family. And that’s wonderful.
Speaker: I really like the lore. I really like the lore. I can’t wait until we get more of the overall plotline. Mostly I want my Speaker to get in deep trouble so Seb, Li and Seer (best sister ever) go off and beat the shit out of whatever is causing it. This probably says something about me, but what can I say, I thrive on angst and inflicting near death injuries on my OCs. Sometimes I even kill them, although all of this is offtopic. Or is it? I guess we’ll find out, although I doubt we’ll actually be able to kill off Speaker. And yes, I am definitely playing the Seb & Li poly route. I love them both so much. 
Wilhelmina: I love vampires, ok? Ok? And this one is based off Dracula!! The OG!! And you can choose Drac’s gender!! Shit, sign me up forever!! Yeah, she might be literally killing my bff, torturing my fiancé and low key fucking with my mind, but vampires are hot!! Let me live! Or not. But yeah, this is a really well done retelling of the Dracula novel and I like how well it works as an IF. Did I mention I like vampires?? Especially when they get all monstery?? (This one has an MC with a set gender, as it’s based on an already existing literary figure. Mina can have a same sex relationship with dracula, if you make drac a female, or with Lucy, a female love interest.)
More Things in Heaven and Earth: Hi Nell!! First off, I gotta uncover a deep shame of mine. My family literally has a Shakespeare heirloom collection. As in, my greatgrandfather passed down through the family a collection of Shakespeare that was published in 1911. In ye olde englishe. I tried to read it when I was like 10 and was like what language is this?? What the fuck? What the fuck??? And ended up reading As You Like It, a bit of Romeo and Juliet, and a little of Hamlet. Didn’t touch the rest of it. I only got into the other stories through trashy ya reimaginings. That said, this retelling of Hamlet inspired me to go read the whole of the original and now I have a lot of fears for these characters that I’m so much more attached to, oh god I hope my Ophelia has a happy ending. I hope Hamlet himself has a happy ending. The dialogue is so well done, everyone is engaging, and yeah it made me finish an old af book when nothing else did. (This one also has an MC with a set gender, female, for the same reason. However, there are two gender variable love interests, so you can very much play a bi or gay Ophelia if you so choose.)
Guenevere: I love King Arthur. All the myths. I have so many books based on the King Arthur mythos, oh dear god. I love pretty much every version of it. All the movie and tv shows too! I just can’t get enough of those knights. I could go on for paragraphs about how courtly love worked and how all the different social castes were, but I’ll try not to. This series lets you customize Guen as a character to an amazing degree, considering that she’s also based on an actual literary figure like the other two I mentioned above. It really feels like she becomes your own character, and yet she still exists within this world very very well. I worry quite a bit that the author might have bit off more than they can chew with the current book they’re working on, what I’ve seen of it looks absolutely massive in scale. What is out so far is a wonderful read though, full of drama and laughter and lots of chances to make the story your own.
Bastard of Camelot: Yep! Another King Arthur series! Sue me! This one lets you set Mordred’s gender though, so it’s more inclusive in that way. It is very interesting to play as one of the “bad guys” of the King Arthur mythos. You can play them as straight up evil, as good, or you know, a bit of column a and a bit of column b. Or they can just be a rude little shit. It’s got dragons too! You get a dragon pet! Dragons are cool. It can be a bit tough to play sometimes, since a lot of people dislike Mordred quite a lot because of prejudices. Hopefully this will change a bit later in the series if you’ve been a fairly good person up to that point. Gotta say though, as a warning, that Mordred is a product of incest. It’s not glossed over, and it does cause a lot of problems for them in the story.
God of the Red Mountain: I just love that this inspired me to read more chinese mythology tbh. There is just so much here! And it’s just such a good read. I wish I was better at describing things. The MC being a spirit that you can define, the whole setting, most of the love interests also being spirits, the massive amount of history and culture and lore, how it all fits together. It is such a well done story. I really wish it got more attention than it does. I still miss Big Sister. I still can’t wait to find out more about the foxes, and how we can heal our MC.
The Nameless: Another one that lets you play as something otherworldly. I love the lore behind this one, and I love all of the cast I’ve met. I kind of like that our MC isn’t loved right off the bat, that we’ll have to win over all of our love interests and even the other npcs. I’m up for the challenge! Everything I’ve read on the tumblr for these characters just makes me love them all more tbh. I love how much they’ve written for all of them! Most of all though, I love Oisein. All the art of them is just *chef kiss* and their personality is magical.
A Mage Reborn: This is a really recent one but!! Wow, it’s really well done! That cliffhanger!! Oof!! Not many books literally start with killing your MC off! That takes guts! I told the author this already, but I love the way they formatted this, the way it starts with the end, so to speak, and then fills it all out. It just made everything feel so poignant, how MC is literally looking back at all these moments in time in the last minutes they have before they die. Shit. That’s powerful. And there’s gonna be more??? Can’t wait for that angst. Give me that drama. Of course I picked the one who had me killed, that’s just how I am!
These are all just the COG type games, there are a few twine games with graphics I’d throw on here, but the list is long enough as it is and they feel like they’re in a different category to me. Maybe it’s just me?
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remmushound · 3 years
Chapter 9 - Dinner Drama!
Summary: The Splintersons have a look around the home and then try to enjoy their dinner with their hosts.
Tags: @brightlotusmoon @scentedcandlecryptid @selfindulgenz @digitl-art-monstr @ilo-artistry
After a swift perimeter check to ease their nerves, the visitors finally started to settle into the lair. It was still so new, so enclosed, that Leo couldn’t see himself being comfortable any time soon. Not until he could confidently locate all the exits, and all the entrances, and where weapons were stored. Not until everything was as secure and as open as his lair was. It wasn’t his right to change the place, but it was his right to not feel comfortable when there were so many places enemies could be hiding unseen. So many dark corners, concealed cubbies that could be hiding threats. So much potential for danger.
When Leo got an opportunity alone with Leonardo, he immediately knew what he wanted to ask. “Hey Leonardo, is your Raph still… you know, calling the shots?”
Leonardo had been anticipating that question all day. He gave a pointedly loud sigh and rolled his eyes as he slumped around to be facing his counterpart, “You ask that every time we see each other. You know that?”
Leo felt his cheek grow hot and his head shrank slightly. Trying to save face, he was quick to defend himself. “Well— a lot can change in six months!”
“Six months…” Leonardo sighed again, and this time it was more genuine and heavy. The revelation of just how long it had been washed over him like an icy bucket of water. Yes, it had been six months, hadn’t it? The time seemed to slip away from him. “Yeah… and a lot has changed. But that hasn’t.”
“I just figured… your whole situation would have changed by now. Especially with you boys growing up.” Leo made an effort to explain, awkward now that he knew he was wrong in his assumption. And he had been so certain too! Since he and his brothers had arrived, Leonardo was acting so confident, so much like a leader! Had Leo just imagined all that?
“Well you figured wrong.” Leonardo said, and now his voice had a defensive edge, “Raphael is just as capable as ever. He is and will always be our leader. Do you have a problem with that?”
“No, no, not at all!” Leo put his hands up in an offering of peace, “i was just wondering.”
“Yeah.” Leonardo made sure to side-check Leo as he passed, “Sure you were.”
“Hey little Mike, you got a minute?” Raph waved at the smaller version of his brother.
Michelangelo looked back, and then skipped over to Raph while humming a happy, upbeat tune. “You’re really risking it all by calling me little again~! What do you need?”
“Er…” It took Raph a second to brush past the threat laced into the happy voice, “Just… y’know… I saw a pool during the tour and was wonderin’ if it was recreational or jus’ for training?”
“Well we usually swim laps in it for warmups, but I don’t see why you couldn’t swim whenever. We got floaties if you need ‘em! Mine have sharks on them!”
Raph grinned. “Do they now?”
Michelangelo nodded eagerly. “Yeah! I’m not allowed to go in the pool without them cause I can’t swim so good.”
“Aw.” Raph nodded along, “That’s too bad.”
“Yeah! I‘m too heavy— I sink like a rock! Can you swim?”
“Eh, more or less.” Raph gave a so-so motion. “If my life depended on it, sure. Never really had much access to water that wasn’t a cesspool or Amazon river.” He shivered at the memory of being dropped in the water, the current pulling him and his brothers along like they were little more than skipping stones.
“Oo! Sounds fun!” Michelangelo chirped, “But do be mindful of Piebald; she likes to swim in there sometimes!”
“Oh, she’s a mutant goldfish. She was dad’s pet, but then we flushed her and she mutated and then pretended to hunt us with a hook, but it was really all just an elaborate prank from her and dad to punish us for lying.”
Raph stared. “Oh.”
“Yeah, but she’s totally nice now and not at all sadistic and revenge-driven! No worries.”
“Wasn’t worried at all.” Raph lied.
After their quick assessment, Leonardo and Donnie had come to the decision that Mikey needed the simplest medicine of all: rest. Raphael had been more than happy to stay with Mikey until the turtles could adjust to the new environment, but exactly when that would happen was anyone's guess. Mikey was sat in Raphael’s bed, wrapped in the snappers heaviest comfort blanket and hugging Cheech as he listened to the snapper chatter with all the joy of a child. Klunk had settled in and was sleeping on Mikey’s lap in a tight orange ball, purring to his hearts content.
“Oh oh oh!” Mikey chirped quickly, “Tell me more about the capybara tell me more about the capybaraaa!”
“His name’s Todd.” Raphael indulged, “He owns a puppy farm in the woods near here.”
“Puppies..” Mikey sniffled softly and hugged Cheech tighter, “This day just keeps getting better and better. Are he and the mantis friends?”
“Todd’s friends with everyone.” Raphael answered.
“Oh my gaaaawwdd…” Mikey fell back down on his carapace, laughing weakly as he stared up at the ceiling. “That’s awesome…”
Raph moved to carefully reposition Cheech in a way that Mikey could still hug him while laying down, fixing the blanket and pillows to make sure the shinobi was as comfortable as possible. Mikey’s eyes were closed now, the stuffed bear drawn to his chest as he laid peacefully. Raphael stood slowly and made his way to the door.
The moment Raphael’s hand touched the handle, Mikey sat up straight. “Where are you going?”
“Oh— sorry. I thought you were asleep.” Raphael said, and he returned to Mikey’s side.
Mikey settled back into the bed, cuddling deeper into the blankets and giving a series of high pitched chirps that eventually faded to nothing. Raphael gave it a few more minutes before slowly getting up and going to leave again.
Like Dracula out of his coffin, Mikey sat up again and spoke so suddenly that Raphael couldn’t help but flinch. “What about the other mutants?”
Raphael took a deep breath as he spun around on his heels to face the turtle who still wasn’t asleep. “What do you wanna about them?”
Mikey grinned. “Everything!”

Donnie didn't think anything could top him meeting Shelldon that night— and then he saw Donatello’s lab for the first time. The beautifully artistic designs mixed with a generally futuristic style made for a gorgeous display of technological genius . Just like Donnie’s own lab, Donatello had several screens activated at once, scanners and alarms and traps all set to be activated at the simple trip of a sensor. The entire room was lit up in a peculiar violet hue, almost as if it was under one big black light. If that was the case, then Donatello certainly kept his room spotless.
“Oh my kami…” Donnie gulped, his eyes emeralds in the darkness. “Can I live here? I wanna live here…”
“You gotta pay rent.” Donatello said.
“I’d give anything to have my lab like this!”
“Would you give your right cornea?” Donatello leaned against the wall.
“Eh, my eyes are useless. I would give up a kidney or a gallbladder though.” 
“I’ll grab the bone saw.”
“I’ll sign the consent form…”
“Dinner is served!” Michelangelo presented a simple dish of pizza gyoza to the table; one could say it was just homemade pizza rolls, but that ruined the magic! Besides, they were more doughy like a dumpling than anything crunchy. 
The two families were gathered around and eager to eat, seated around two tables that had been pressed together to make enough room for ten diners; each set of brothers were on opposite sides of the table, while the heads of the table were reserved for the Splinter’s. The absence of one of the two fathers didn't go unnoticed.
“Itadakimasu.” Splinter said to the proud Michelangelo, “The food looks delicious. Won’t your father be joining us?”
Another chill came to the room. Another exchange of unsettled looked.
“Dad asked not to be disturbed.” Leonardo said simply.
The Hamato family turned their eyes to their food, working with the same mind to scarf down the gyoja as fast as possible, filling their mouths so they wouldn’t have to speak. The Splinterson family took the same opportunity to look around at each other, all but Mikey having the same, constricted looks on their faces; Mikey was already lost in his own mind, his eyes blank as he smiled and shoveled the offered dinner into his mouth.
“Surely your father would prefer to eat his supper while it is still hot?” Splinter insisted.
Raphael stood abruptly. His plastron bumped into the table and made the dishes clink and glasses splash with the force of his motion, but chair screaming as it was pushed back.
“You know what? You’re right.” Raphael hurried to gather another plate and pile it with gyoji, his eyes avoiding Splinter’s as he piled the dinner on a tray with freshly brewed tea. “I’ll bring this to him right away.”
When Raphael left, he took the conversation with him. He returned minutes later but the air of the room remained quiet and tense. Eager to break the silence, Leo finished off the last of his gyoji.
“Gochi sou sama deshita.” He said, and bowed to Michelangelo, “And while I am thankful for your hospitality— we all are— this isn’t a social visit. We really need to get back to our world. Can your gift do that, Donatello?”
“Should be able to.” Donatello said with a nod, “It was designed for two trips, here and back.”
“Great, then what are we waiting for?” Leo looked around for an answer but no one offered one, “Those creatures are still in our world, could be targeting our people, our city!”
“We need a plan first Leo.” Donnie tried to reason, “We can’t just run in blind.”
“Then we should be planning instead of just hanging out!”
“Can’t plan on an empty stomach.” Michelangelo said, pointing his chopsticks at Leo. “We’re eating!”
A sharp hiss came from Leo’s throat. “Don’t. Point. It’s rude.”
Michelangelo put his chopsticks back down and shrank away from the violent hiss, the retreat as instinctual to him as going into his shell.
“Leonardo…” Splinter tried to reason, “Please settle down and allow us to have a nice supper before discussing.”
“But we need to discuss this now!”
Leo’s disobedience of his father made his brothers gasp, Raph pulling back slightly while Mikey even broke out of his minds wandering to tune back in. Leo flinched at his backtalk and fell into a quick, clumsy bow.
“Shitsurei shimashita, sensei.” Leo said in a low voice before regaining his composure, “I just feel like these guys aren’t taking this situation seriously.”
“And I feel like you expect us to pull a solution out of our asses.” Leonardo hissed back.
“Now now, there’s no need for vulgarity…” Splinter tried.
“I’m not suggesting that you have the answers, I suggesting we need to find them instead of doing house tours!” Leo snarled back.
“If you don’t like it, you can get out.” Leonardo didn't back down.
“Leo, it’s fine, cool it.” Donnie tried to mediate, grabbing a hold of his brother’s arm; he was almost convinced Leo might lunge over the table at his smaller counterpart if this went on for much longer.
“I am cool!” Leo pulled his arm free, knocking Donnie back in the process. That got Raph involved, the box turtle standing up ready to confront his brother. Before he got so much as a word out, however…
“Everybody COOL IT!” Raphael slammed his fists down on the table.
The table splintered under Raphael’s slamming weight, chips of wood flying out like dangerous projectiles. The words, with all the force of a hurricane knocking trees out from their roots, brought a silent stalemate. Raphael looked pissed. His eyes were white, entire body like a taut wire that would snap at the slightest breaths. His nostrils flares, and when he had screamed, white, foaming spittle flew across the table. Now, it dripped down his lopsided jaw and chin.
“Not another word.” Raphael said, this time calmer as he left the table once more. All eyes followed him to the doorway to find a small, gray rat standing there watching them.
Yoshi’s mouth was pulled down in a tight frown, eyes glossy. His paws, shaky as they were, held his tray of dirty dishes that he had been intent on cleaning; for now, he just… stared. His fur seemed several shades paler, his hair tangled and unkept, and though it was hard to tell through the clothes. he looked skinny. The mutant looked around at the table, at the turtles and the rat he had paid many visits to, but when his eyes passed over them they held no recollection. No memory. Just dark confusion, empty and cold.
“Dad…” Leonardo said softly, but at Raphael’s threatening chuff, Leonardo said nothing more.
“Hey pops— here, let me get that for you…” Raphael took the tray from his father and hurried over to throw them haphazardly into the sink. He came back after, his massive hand completely engulfing Yoshi’s back to guide the old rat away away. Yoshi followed the snapper at a slow gait, though his feet dragged as if they were made of the heaviest lead and it took a while for him to get anywhere. “Come on, let’s get you back to bed okay?”
Everyone watched as the father and son disappeared out of the dining room, none of them daring to breathe, nonetheless utter a word.
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captain039 · 3 years
Drink your fill PT4
Dracula x reader
From:Dracula BBC version
Warnings: Gore, vampire things, mentions of religious things, sexual, intimacy, anxiety, depression, fluffy things used to calm anxiety. age gap, slow burnish
This will be after he finds out he’s not scared to sunlight blah blah, he just doesn’t die.
Artistic reader
Last Chapter
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You woke again a sigh leaving your lips. Your window was once open again and you frowned. Jake was still asleep, snoring and mumbling. It was still pretty dark outside. You got up looked out your window before closing it and locking it. You shut the curtains tightly and cuddled back up to the warmth of your bed. Jake sensed you and mumbled rolling over and gripping the pillow in the middle tightly. His hand found your arm which made you jump but you smiled closing your eyes. He was always clingy in his sleep, more so in real life.
Jake woke up before you by the sound of your shower running. You groaned running your hands down your face before grabbing your phone. You had a good morning message from your mum.
Good morning love! Hope I didn’t wake you. Me and your dad have gone out to the shops for a while. Still one car in the garage though if you and Jake wish to go out. Love mum.
You smiled typing a reply before getting up and getting dressed quickly. You headed to the kitchen and poured some cereal before Jake joined you.
“You feel any better?” You asked and he nodded standing by you as you looked out the kitchen window and ate. He grabbed himself a bowl and poured some cereal for himself before watching with you.
“What are we staring at?” He whispered and you almost joked on your cereal.
“The existence of my front yard” you said and he nodded.
“Fair, what are we gonna do today seeing as Mumma isn’t here?” He grinned and you rolled your eyes. Your mum and dad were pretty much his mum and dad too.
“I don’t know?” You shrugged and he sighed.
“You’re the man in this relationship” you said and he raised an eyebrow.
“Shall we go down the main street?” You said and he nodded.
“Whose the man now” he grinned finishing up and going to your room. You rolled your eyes finishing also and laying your bowls in the sink before going to grab your shoes also.
You both drove down the street and parked. You guys walked up one way and went into the little shops on the side.
“Come here!” Jake said finding the candle section. You chuckled following him and sniffed the candle he held out.
“Oh my god” you sighed taking another deep breath.
“I know right” he sniffed it too sighing.
“I have ten candles though” he sighed placing it back making you chuckle.
“Oh what about this one?” You and Jake spent at least half hour sniffing candles before you dragged him out the store before he could waste anymore money.
“Hey look hoodies!” You said getting excited and going inside the clothes shop. They had Starwars, DC and Marvel on them.
“Don’t you have a million Starwars hoodies” he said and you awed at little Grogu on the front of one.
“Look” you whined and he sighed.
“It’s fifty dollars” you sucked in a breath placed it down gave it one last pat and left rather quickly.
“I’m actually considering becoming a stripper so I can just buy stupid things” you said and Jake laughed.
“I’ll join you” he chuckled.
“Well that’s certainly a surprise” Jake said while you looked at your phone and hummed. You followed his gaze freezing at the sight of Mr Dracula.
“Oh god” you said pushing Jake into the closest shop and hiding.
“Woah!” Jake said as he stumbled with you.
“Hey? What’s wrong?” He chuckled as you peeked out the window and saw him talking to someone.
“Ok he didn’t see us” you sighed the cashier giving you an odd look.
“Why’re we hiding from him?” Jake quizzed.
“Because!” You snapped. Because you have been having dreams about him and do not want to look him in the eyes or speak to him.
“We see him on Monday remember?” He added.
“Yes! yes! Besides the point I’ll just, hit myself with a car” you groaned leaning against the wall as Dracula stopped talking.
“Hit yourself with a car? Isn’t it run into a car?” He asked and you rolled your eyes.
“Yes! Who cares about that what matters is he’s literally walking this why he can smell me!” You hissed and he laughed.
“I mean you didn’t shower this morning” he said and you glared.
“Because you hogged it! And besides I put deodorant on” you whispered peeking again as his figure got closer.
“I’m so dead” you said his eyes meeting yours. You froze a smile gracing his lips as you disappeared around the wall.
“He saw me” you said and Jake just laughed.
“Of course he saw you, you aren’t subtle” Jake laughed going outside to meet the man.
“Mr Dracula” Jake said and you groaned as they began to talk.
“Ah Jake? Isn’t it?” The man said and your friend nodded.
“Y/n is here too” he looked to you and you cursed him and walked to them.
“I saw you through the window” Dracula chuckled lightly as you flushed and wished the ground would swallow you up.
“Yes I was looking at” you glanced back realising it was baby clothes.
“Baby clothes?” Dracula said and you gulped.
“My- uh” you cursed everything as the man watched you with a smirk.
“Not for me- no, my niece she’s having a birthday soon” you lied and heard Jake struggle a laugh.
“Oh? How old?” The man asked an amused look on his face.
“3 next week” you lied again your grave getting deeper and deeper.
“Ah yes” he said and you nodded. Jake was holding in his laughter and you stomped his foot slightly making him wince.
“We should get going- meeting some friends for lunch” you said and Dracula nodded.
“Well I won’t keep you, enjoy your day” he smiled as you nodded giving a small wave and grabbing Jake and dragging him. Jake burst out laughing as you speed walked away grumbling to yourself.
“Your niece?” He laughed as he leant against the closest wall.
“You don’t have a niece” he continued his outburst making you sigh.
“I know! I panicked!” You huffed arms crossed over your chest. He chuckled wrapping his arms around your shoulders and swaying you.
“Ah you’re too cute, also what friends?” He looked down at you and grinned.
“My imaginary friends Bob and Tim” you said and he chuckled. A smile came to your lips as he let you go and you both continued walking.
You did get lunch, then went to some more shops, bought some food, some other small items you didn’t really need like this fat bird statue, but it was adorable. Back home you both collapsed on your bed, a bag of snacks on your side table.
“Well that’s my exercise for the year” he groaned going on his phone.
“Agreed” you sighed going onto yours.
“Can’t believe we saw Mr D” he grinned and you raised an eyebrow.
“Mr D?” You questioned and he nodded.
“You just dug a 12 foot grave honey” he said and you groaned wishing to never remember that.
Your patents came back finally with some take away. You and Jake ate in the lounge with them and talked about your day and theirs before heading to bed late.
You sighed hugging your pillow as you closed your eyes exhausted.
“Do you really have a niece?” You jumped at the voice and turned to the count. You were both out in the shopping street again.
“No” you said and he chuckled.
“Your heart was racing my dear” he said coming closer and holding his arm out.
“Yes well I got scared” you took and you both walked down the path.
“You don’t have to lie to me” he said and you sighed head down.
“I know, I panicked and it’s just been a hectic past few days” you shrugged.
“What’s happened?” He asked a slight frown on his brow.
“Oh, nothing like that I just meant, you know” you mumbled flushing.
“Me?” He said and you nodded. You heard him chuckle softly which made you flush more.
“You’re a precious thing” he said as you both walked into a small cafe.
“Are you hungry?” He asked and you shook your head.
“Thirsty though” you said and he grinned.
“As am I” he said pulling out a seat for you. You sat in it and he pushed you in before taking the one across from you.
You ordered your favourite smoothie while his order was unknown. Yours came out, In a milkshake glass with a straw. His came out in a wine glass, it looked like wine but the thickness was strange.
“So what did you buy today?” He asked taking a sip.
“Just things, Jake bought some candles as did I, a few shirts, some snacks, oh! This fat little bird statue it was adorable” you smiled taking a sip and moaning softly at the taste.
“A fat little bird?” He questioned and you nodded a little embarrassed.
“Don’t flush my dear, I think it was rather cute” he smiled at you and you flushed harder.
“I just liked it” you shrugged talking about the bird before taking another sip. You sighed contently having more.
“Taste good?” He asked slight grin on his face.
“Yes, yours?” You nodded and he sighed laying the glass down.
“Not the sweetest I’m afraid” he said licking his lips and staring at you. Your heart thumped in your chest as your cheeks burned again. You ignored the comment, glanced to the cup before looking at the table and drinking.
“So after your shopping what did you do?” He asked head tilted to the side slightly.
“Went home, mum and dad came and brought takeaway so we ate in the lounge and told each other about our day, had some snacks and then went to bed” you shrugged.
“I’m not exciting” you sighed head freezing a little.
“You are quite intriguing my dear do not worry” he said smoothly with a grin.
“Why’re you here?” You asked suddenly the noise around you stopping.
“You’re thinking of me” he said stirring his finger in the glass before sucking the substance off. You watched him mouth slight ajar and heat going straight between your legs.
“I- besides that, why’re you here, it’s like you’re here, here” you said cupping your hands in your lap.
“You’re the perfect fruit” he said eyes on you.
“I don’t understand” you pressed as your body stood, the table disappeared and your scenery changed.
“Why’re we in my room?” You asked glancing to your bed and seeing your body.
“Usually to make people dream I must feed on them” you frowned at his words as he stood close behind you.
“But you, you’re special, you let me in your mind, your dreams, you long for me dear” he whispered.
“I met you two days ago! I barely know you” you stepped away from him and he gave a frown.
“I don’t long for a man I just met” you scoffed crossing your arms.
“Maybe your mind doesn’t but your heart and blood do” you frowned at those words.
“One day you’ll see” he whispered in your ear before he backed away. You froze his eyes going red as he showed his fangs and snarled.
You shot up panting, you gripped your blanket before kicking it off. Your heart pounded and you were covered in sweat you looked to your room seeing nobody, the window was still closed and no sign of him. You held a hand over your heart wondering if this truely was a Count Dracula haunting your dreams. Why you? You weren’t special, just a normal young adult going to University. Why was he so intrigued by you?
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nealiios · 3 years
The Supernatural 70s: Part I - Corruption of An Innocent
"We're mutants. There's something wrong with us, something very, very wrong with us. Something seriously wrong with us - we're soldiers writers."
-- with apologies to the screenwriter of "Stripes"
Dear reader, I have the darkest of revelations to make to you, a truth when fully and wholly disclosed shall most assuredly chill you to the bone, a tale that shall make you question all that you hold to be true and good and holy about my personal history. While you may have come in search of that narrative designer best known for his works of interactive high fantasy, you should know that he is also a crafter of a darker art, a scribbler of twisted tales filled with ghosts, and ghouls, and gargoyles. I am, dear innocent, a devotee of horrors! Mwahahahaha!
[cue thunderclap, lightning, pipe organ music]
Given the genre of writing for which most of you know me, I forgive you if you think of me principally as a fantasy writer. I don't object to that classification because I do enjoy mucking about with magic and dark woods and mysterious ancient civilizations. But if you are to truly know who I am as a writer, you must realize that the image I hold of myself is principally as a creator of weird tales.
To understand how and why I came to be drawn to this sub-genre of fantastic fiction, you first must understand that I come from peculiar folks. Maybe I don't have the Ipswich look, or I didn't grow up in a castle, but my pedigree for oddity has been there from the start. My mother was declared dead at birth by her doctor, and often heard voices calling to her in the dead of night that no one else could hear. Her mother would periodically ring us up to discuss events in our lives about which she couldn't possibly have known. My father's people still share ghost stories about a family homestead that burned down mysteriously in the 1960s. Even my older brother has outré memories about events he says cannot possibly be true, and as a kid was kicked off the Tulsa city bookmobile for attempting to check out books about UFOs, bigfoot, and ESP. It's fair to say I was doomed - or destined - for weirdness from the start.
If the above listed circumstances had not been enough, I grew up in an area where neighbors whispered stories about a horrifically deformed Bulldog Man who stalked kids who "parked" on the Old North Road near my house. The state in which I was raised was rife with legends of bigfoots, deer women, and devil men. Even in my childhood household there existed a pantheon of mythological entities invented explicitly to keep me in line. If I was a good boy, The Repairman would leave me little gifts of Hot Wheels cars or candy. If I was being terrible, however, my father would dress in a skeleton costume, rise from the basement and threaten to drag me down into everlasting hellfire (evidently there was a secret portal in our basement.) There were monsters, monsters EVERYWHERE I looked in my childhood world. Given that I was told as a fledgling writer to write what I knew, how could anyone have been surprised that the first stories I wrote were filled with the supernatural?
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"The Nightmare" by John Henry Fuseli (1781)
My formative years during the late sixties and early seventies took place at a strange juncture in our American cultural history. At the same time that we were loudly proclaiming the supremacy of scientific thought because we'd landed men on the moon, we were also in the midst of a counter cultural explosion of interest in astrology, witchcraft, ghosts, extra sensory perception, and flying saucers. Occult-related books were flying off the shelves as sales surged by more than 100% between 1966 and 1969. Cultural historians would come to refer to this is as the "occult boom," and its aftershocks would impact popular cultural for decades to come.
My first contact with tales of the supernatural were innocuous, largely sanitized for consumption by children. I vividly remember watching Casper the Friendly Ghost and the Disney version of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow. I read to shreds numerous copies of both Where the Wild Things Are and Gus the Ghost. Likely the most important exposure for me was to the original Scooby Doo, Where Are You? cartoon which attempted to inoculate us from our fears of ghosts and aliens by convincing us that ultimately the monster was always just a bad man in a mask. (It's fascinating to me that modern incarnations of Scooby Doo seem to have completely lost this point and instead make all the monsters real.)
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ABOVE: Although the original cartoon Scooby Doo, Where Are You? ran only for one season from 1969 to 1970, it remained in heavy reruns and syndication for decades. It is notable for having been a program that perfectly embodied the conflict between reason and superstition in popular culture, and was originally intended to provide children with critical thinking skills so they would reject the idea of monsters, ghosts, and the like. Ironically, modern takes on Scooby Doo have almost entirely subverted this idea and usually present the culprits of their mysteries as real monsters.
During that same time, television also introduced me to my first onscreen crush in the form of the beautiful and charming Samantha Stevens, a witch who struggles to not to use her powers while married to a frequently intolerant mortal advertising executive in Bewitched. The Munsters and The Addams Family gave me my first taste for "goth" living even before it would become all the rage in the dance clubs of the 1980s. Late night movies on TV would bring all the important horror classics of the past in my living room as Dracula, Frankenstein, the Wolf Man, the Invisible Man, the Phantom of the Opera, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, and Godzilla all became childhood friends. Over time the darkened castles, creaking doors, foggy graveyards, howling wolves, and ever present witches and vampires became so engrained in my psyche that today they remain the "comfort viewing" to which I retreat when I'm sick or in need of other distractions from modern life.
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ABOVE: Elizabeth Montgomery starred in Bewitched (1964 - 1972) as Samantha Stephens, a witch who married "mortal" advertising executive Darren Stephens (played for the first five seasons by actor Dick York). Inspired by movies like I Married a Witch (1942) and Bell, Book and Candle (1958), it was a long running series that explored the complex relationship dynamics between those who possess magic and those who don't. Social commentators have referred to it as an allegory both for mixed marriages and also about the challenges faced by minorities, homosexuals, cultural deviants, or generally creative folks in a non heterogeneous community. It was also one of the first American television programs to portray witches not as worshippers of Satan, but simply as a group of people ostracized for their culture and their supernatural skills.
Even before I began elementary school, there was one piece of must-see gothic horror programming that I went out of my way to catch every day. Dark Shadows aired at 3:30 p.m. on our local ABC affiliate in Tulsa, Oklahoma which usually allowed me to catch most of it if I ran home from school (or even more if my mom or brother picked me up.) In theory it was a soap opera, but the show featured a regular parade of supernatural characters and themes. The lead was a 175 year old vampire named Barnabas Collins (played by Johnathan Frid), and the show revolved around his timeless pursuit of his lost love, Josette. It was also a program that regularly dealt with reincarnation, precognition, werewolves, time travel, witchcraft, and other occult themes. Though it regularly provoked criticism from religious groups about its content, it ran from June of 1966 until it's final cancellation in April of 1971. (I would discover it in the early 1970s as it ran in syndication.) Dark Shadows would spin off two feature-length movies based on the original, a series of tie-in novels, an excellent reboot series in 1991 (starring Ben Cross as Barnabas), and a positively embarrassingly awful movie directed by Tim Burton in 1991.
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ABOVE: Johnathan Frid starred as Barnabas Collins, one of the leading characters of the original Dark Shadows television series. The influence of the series cannot be understated. In many ways Dark Shadows paved the way for the inclusion of supernatural elements in other soap operas of the 1970s and the 1980s, and was largely responsible for the explosion of romance novels featuring supernatural themes over the same time period.
While Dark Shadows was a favorite early television program for me, another show would prove not only to be a borderline obsession, but also a major influence on my career as a storyteller. Night Gallery (1969-1973) was a weekly anthology television show from Rod Serling, better known as the creator and host of the original Twilight Zone. Like Twilight Zone before it, Night Gallery was a deep and complex commentary on the human condition, but unlike its predecessor the outcomes for the characters almost always skewed towards the horrific and the truly outré. In "The Painted Mirror," an antiques dealer uses a magic painting to trap an enemy in the prehistoric past. Jack Cassidy plots to use astral projection to kill his romantic rival in "The Last Laurel" but accidentally ends up killing himself. In "Eyes" a young Stephen Spielberg directs Joan Crawford in a story about an entitled rich woman who plots to take the sight of a poor man. Week after week it delivered some of the best-written horror television of the early 1970s.
In retrospect I find it surprising that I was allowed to watch Night Gallery at all. I was very young while it was airing, and some of the content was dark and often quite shocking for its time. Nevertheless, I was so attached to the show that I'd throw a literal temper tantrum if I missed a single, solitary episode. If our family needed to go somewhere on an evening that Night Gallery was scheduled, either my parents would either have to wait until after it had aired before we left, or they'd make arrangements in advance with whomever we were visiting to make sure it was okay that I could watch Night Gallery there. I was, in a word, a fanatic.
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ABOVE: Every segment of Night Gallery was introduced by series creator Rod Serling standing before a painting created explicitly for the series. Director Guillermo del Toro credits Serling's series as being the most important and influential show on his own work, even more so than the more famous Twilight Zone.
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jettingtothemoon · 4 years
Costume Party
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➳ pairing: alucard x trevor x m!reader ➳ genre: fluff, modern au ➳ warnings: swearing, suggestive themes?, alcohol usage ➳ word count: 2337 ➳ rating: pg-15 ➳ summary: In which you and adrian throw trevor a surprise halloween party. ➳ a/n: a request from wattpad
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What better place to throw a Halloween party other than Dracula's castle itself? Well, what used to be Dracula's castle. Now, it was your home but it wasn't like you lived here alone.
"Here?" Adrian questioned, looking at your for confirmation that he had chosen the correct place to hang the fake cobwebs.
You smiled, happy to see him taking this seriously despite originally thinking it might not have been a good idea, "Yeah, that's perfect."
It had been your suggestion to prepare a surprise Halloween party for Trevor when he arrived back home. He was in need of some fun, especially after such a long trip. Well, it was only a few days but those few days were very long without him. Both you and Adrian had missed him a great deal.
It's the 21st century so of course, you both called him while he was away but it just wasn't the same as seeing him in person. What better way to welcome him back other than with crazy costumes, fake blood and a keg full of beer? Well, he would at least appreciate the boose.
"Who did you invite again?" Adrian questioned, climbing down from the chair he had previously been standing on.
You finished putting up the last of the decorations in your hand and turned to him, "You know, a few people we know. The castle will be well filled out befitting a great party."
Adrian hummed and walked over to you, "Well, we better get you in a costume before they get here."
With a grin, you happily followed Adrian upstairs to the bedroom. He had already picked out a costume for you, although he made sure to keep it a surprise until this very moment.
"Is that a dress?"
Once again, he hummed and picked up the torn, tattered and bloody white dress, "Trevor will be Frankenstein and you'll be his bride."
After a very brief second of silence, you burst out laughing. It wasn't anything you would have ever expected from Adrian. Actually, you had expected him to make you dress up as a werewolf or a vampire-like himself but no, here he was putting you in a dress.
"Alright then, but doesn't that leave you out?"
"Well, I of course will be Dr Frankenstien himself. A vampire version, obviously. I think that makes me your owner." Adrian explained his idea behind the costumes and how he wasn't left out of it.
You raised an eyebrow and chuckled whilst eyeing up the dress he had prepared for you, "Our owner? I don't think Trevor will like that."
"No, but I'm sure he will be more than pleased to have you as his bride. Oh, and just in case you're not comfortable in the dress I brought some shorts for you to wear underneath."
You smiled and began to change, noticing how Adrian wasn't even trying to hide the fact that he was eyeing you up. When you had managed to pull the dress on properly, you tried to reach for the zip only to find that it was out of reach.
As if on cue, Adrian circled around you and slowly began to pull the zip up, "Don't you look pretty."
"I feel ridiculous. You know most of the people coming to this party are my friends right? I will never live this down." You sighed, although you weren't going to oppose wearing the costume Adrian had specifically picked out for you.
"They'll simply be too stunned to care. You look beautiful my love. Now, time for the make-up." He clasped his hands together excitedly.
It was nice to see him enjoying himself. A Halloween party wasn't something Adrian agreed to immediately but the second you told him that he could pick out a costume for both you and Trevor, well, his thoughts on the matter changed entirely.
Make-up was a must for Halloween. Even if it simply meant some face paint and a bit of fake blood. For Adrian, however, it was simply another fun activity to do with you. With a look of complete concentration on his face, Adrian worked his magic and made you look like a bride befitting the undead Frankenstein.
"There, now just let me spray some temporary colour into your hair and we'll be done."
Once your costume was complete, Adrian instructed you to go finish off laying out the snacks and drinks. And so, you left him to change into his own costume and started by lugging the beer kegs into place.
"What the fuck are you wearing?"
A familiar voice echoed from behind you as Trevor ducked under the spooky tunnel you had created at the entrance of the castle out of a few black sheets and lots of string.
You turned around with a smile, "We're having a Halloween party. I'm the Bride of Frankenstein."
"And where is this Frankenstein, huh? I might just have to duel him for his bride's affection."
It was embarrassing just hearing him say it but Trevor had always been a little possessive of you and Adrian. He was just like that with the people he loved.
"That would be you, actually. Come on, we don't have long and you need to get in your costume." Adrian explained, ushering Trevor up the stairs the moment he reached the bottom.
He was already in his costume, although he was only about halfway through spraying the white colour onto his golden hair. It was a simple costume. A white lab coat that was covered in splatters of fake blood, accompanied by the trail of red that ran along the side of his mouth. Of course, to top it off he was colouring his hair and donning a pair of long black gloves. Not to mention, his fangs were on full display for all to see.
"If you try to paint me green I swear to God Adrian..." Trevor grumbled as he followed after the blonde.
Not long after they disappeared upstairs, guests began to arrive. You were left to greet them all, laughing with them when they mentioned how great your costume was. By the time your lovers returned, the castle was flooded with a sea of people, all dressed up in gory costumes that matched perfectly with the decorations you and Adrian had spent the better half of the day putting up.
"I know what you're thinking, such a dashing monster. You know, I'm usually the one killing the monsters, not pretending to be one." Trevor chuckled as he and Adrian rejoined you.
He hadn't had much time to rest after coming back from his trip, if he had any at all, but he didn't seem the least bit tired. In fact, he looked ready to party. Music boomed through the castle, trembling through the very foundations and, like a leaf in the wind, Trevor was blown along with it. Well, blown over to the beer.
Adrian stood by your side, wrapping an arm delicately around your waist as he leaned into you, "You know, I think this is the best idea you've had in a while. Now, whilst he drinks himself into oblivion, why don't we have a little fun ourselves?"
Before you could ask what he meant, you were whisked away into the crowd of bodies. You certainly hadn't invited this many people but you weren't surprised that more people showed up. The news of a Halloween party in the haunted castle must have spread through town rather quickly.
Adrian took your hand in his and danced so slowly with you, despite the fast pace of the music. He wasn't dancing to the music at all. No, he was simply dancing with you. You rested your head against his shoulder with a smile, welcoming his embrace after such a long and tiresome day. Although, you suspected it would be an even longer night.
"Come on you two, stop being so boring and drink with me!" Trevor yelled over the music, interrupting you and Adrian as he grabbed both of you and pulled you over to where the drinks were.
Trevor was never one for romance, although he had his moments. Now, however, was not one of them.
He shoved a pint of beer into your hand and then passed one to Adrian, who sighed with a roll of his eyes and downed the drink in one. You soon followed suit. The pints soon turned into shots and, before long, the three of you were really rather drunk. With a hearty laugh, Trevor wrapped his arm around your shoulder, his entire weight falling onto you for a brief moment before he found his feet again.
"We should do this all the time."
You chuckled, "Do what? Dress up as monsters and party?"
"No. Drink, party and fuck to our hearts' content!" Trevor declared with yet another laugh.
It was nice seeing him having fun without any stress. He liked to stress. Too many monsters to kill, not enough monsters to kill. Not enough time at home with you and Adrian, too much time stuck at home. He was hard to please but always told the two of you how you made his life worth living, even if mostly when he was drunk or simply feeling extra sappy.
"You know, we haven't actually done that last one yet." You smirked.
Just because Trevor wasn't home for a few days didn't mean that you and Adrian hadn't, well, had sex. Of course you had but there was something about it when it wasn't all three of you, it just wasn't complete. Enjoyable, yes. But in the end you'd always wind up lying in bed wondering what Trevor was up to, amusing yourselves by joking about how he was probably lying in bed all grumpy because the two of you weren't by his side. He always missed you when he went on his trips and the two of you certainly missed him. Adrian went with him sometimes which meant that you were home all on your own until they returned, although they always made sure not to be gone for too long.
"That is true. Think we can ditch our own party and head upstairs?"
Before you could answer, Adrian stumbled past yelling out nonsense right before collapsing onto the sofa.
"Or not." Trevor sighed, although you simply giggled at the state Adrian was in.
Neither Trevor or Adrian were good at holding their beer but, when it came to Trevor at least he could function somewhat rationally no matter how smashed he was. Adrian, on the other hand, was and will always be a paralytic drunk.
"Let's get him to bed." You chuckled, dragging Trevor along to help you carry Adrian up the stairs.
The blonde grinned at you and extended his arms out towards you as if he knew what was happening, grabbing at the air between the two of you as he slurred, "Up, up. Let's gooooo."
You shook your head and went to help him up but, before you could, Trevor had beaten you to it, "Can't have my bride tugging this sack of potatoes up the stairs, can I?"
"Just get him to bed, I'll clear everyone out. What time even is it? One? Two in the morning?"
"Three. It's almost three in the morning." Trevor groaned and threw Adrian's arm around his neck as he gently picked him up.
With a nod, you headed over to the speaker, unplugging it before yelling at the top of your lungs that the party was over. You thanked everyone for coming as the left, sounding almost like a broken record as the swarm of bodies passed you and began heading home. There were a couple of people completely lying around but, after checking they were all still alive, you decided to just leave them to their sleep and sleepily began to head for your room.
When you got there, neither Adrian nor Trevor was anywhere to be seen. It didn't take long to find them though, you simply followed the sound of someone being sick until you reached the bathroom. And there they were. Adrian with his head down the toilet and Trevor, sweetly holding his hair back and rubbing circles into his back.
"This is your fault." Adrian sulked before throwing up what was left in his stomach.
Trevor simply continued to rub those soothing circles into his back and, once Adrian was done, allowed him to fall back against him, "I know, I know. I'm sorry."
"Let's get you to bed." You yawned, crouching down beside Adrian before you helped Trevor get him back on his feet.
The three of you staggered along back to your bed. Adrian was the first to flop down into it, his hair splaying out on the pillow as he landed on his side of the bed. 
Trevor noticed you were struggling with the dress and came to help you unzip it. Although he didn't stop there and also went as far to push it over your shoulders until it fell onto the floor.
"You had to be wearing shorts under it." He sighed and buried his head into the crook of your neck.
You chuckled, "That's never stopped you before."
He hummed against your skin, kissing it softly before letting go and allowing you to step out of the dress. For tonight the paint, fake blood, hair colouring and make-up with have to say but there was no way you were going to wear that uncomfortable costume to bed. Trevor seemed to agree, at least to some extent, and pulled off his shirt before climbing in beside Adrian, carefully pushing his long hair over so that he wouldn't lie on it.
"Come on then." He spoke with a soft voice and lifted his arm so that you could lie against him.
You didn't waste a moment and crawled onto the large bed, squeezing up against Trevor as you rested your head against his chest.
Adrian, who you had both expected to have already conked out by now, rolled over and placed a hand on the other side of Trevor's chest with a sleepy smile, "We missed you."
"Yeah, yeah. I missed you too." He spoke with a slight blush, although you were certain that was because of the alcohol.
And so, snuggled together in bed, you finally fell asleep as three once again.
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