#why do I suddenly feel anxious about my art
seagreenlaurin · 14 days
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I got a new sketchbook 🌸
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suchawrathfullamb · 23 days
For a show that talks so much about time, I love that it has so many alternative paths it could have followed. One of my favorites is Hannibal, back when Will was sick, back when his mind was enamored by the aroma of a sweet fever, drawing in his office, one afternoon. His focus slips as he sharpens the pencil and it slits his wrist. He looks at the droplets of blood on the paper, they fell on his rendition of Will's face, smudging the eyes, trailing off his chest. He looks at his wrist, the cut seductively close to the artery. And that's it. In a blur of time he has elevated death to art, grabbed the suitcase he left inside of a closet, his always prepared suitcase for a life like his, and he is in the hallway of the office, looking back at the door, legs hesitating to leave, and he grabs his phone.
"Hey," Will answers, and just the sound of his voice takes the breath away from Hannibal. "Hannibal?"
"I love you," he decides, yes, decides, to say. Because it's over, because he is over, and because Will deserves to know.
"What? Are you okay? Where are you?" Will's voice shows his escalating worry and Hannibal realizes his own sounds shaky and terrified.
"I wanted to say goodbye," he tells him, unable to contain his emotions and allowing them to overflow because this is the last time. This is ending. So it's okay.
"What? What do you mean? Are you hurt? Tell me where you are," Will demands, and he can hear him saying "I think he's in danger" to someone, likely Jack.
"I'm in love with you. I've never been in love before," he tells him with the boldness granted by blood loss and goodbyes.
When he hangs up, he ties the final knots, but when he finally reaches the final steps, Will is suddenly there, in front of him, grabbing him by the shoulders.
"Hannibal! Are you okay? What happened? You're bleeding, what happened to you?" he sounds desperate and anxious in that way he always used to back then.
"You did. You happened to me," Hannibal says with a smile, but it's sad and almost resigned.
This makes Will look at him devastated. Taken aback. He even releases Hannibal's shoulders and stumbles back.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
Will thinks someone attacked him, someone tied to him, because of him.
"The Ripper, was it the Ripper?" he asks, and Hannibal chuckles because he can't help it.
"This was an accident."
"Then why are you leaving? What does this have to do with you leaving?"
"You ruined me. I will ruin myself if I stay."
"Ruined you? I ruined you?" Will is so hurt, it's evident in his face, he wants to cry.
"I don't blame you. I don't think you can help it."
This makes more hurt form on Will's face. And Hannibal doesn't want to hurt him like this, so he adds, "Being so lovely", which makes Will frown slightly in that way that is so his.
"You're leaving because you...You fell in love with me?"
"No. No, please, don't. Please don't leave me," Will comes forward, his eyes beginning to water more intensely. Hannibal holds his heart mentally, because he feels it falling down.
"You're the only stable thing in my life right now, please, don't go," he's begging now, he's genuinely dreading the loss.
Hannibal brings his hand to Will's face, gently stroking his cheek, because yes, let me feel you for this last time.
"You're so warm, you're always so warm," Hannibal whispers, almost musing. "I can't stay."
"Why not?"
"Because when I look at you, I see you. And I love all of it. All of things I see in you. All of them," he empathizes, hoping the unspoken words will speak what he's trying to avoid, "But I can't handle you looking at me with the same disgust you look at yourself."
Tears are set free from Will's eyes, and he frowns again.
"What do you mean? Please tell me what's going on," he begs.
"You'll see. Soon."
He leaves, Will follows him, begging please no, don't leave me, but finally gives up. And when Hannibal's car is out of sight, Will goes back into the office, and is greeted by a tableau on the other side of the door.
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thelightsandtheroses · 3 months
there's art to life's distraction | marcus pike x female reader
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Summary: A meet cute on Valentine’s Day? That only happens in the movies, doesn’t it? Word count: 1564 Warnings: mentions of wine and canapes. Otherwise this is just slightly anxious meet cute fluff! Pairing: Marcus Pike x female reader Notes: Hi @burntheedges, here is your gift for the Space Sisters valentine's gift exchange.I hope you don’t mind me trying Marcus P for the first time. I saw him on your prompt list and meet cutes and couldn’t resist. I so hope you love this meet cute which had to be set on Valentine's for the extra vibes 💕 The title is from Hozier's Someone New because I saw some hozier lyrics on your blog bio and wanted to make a little link to that.
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You meet him at an art opening. It was a personal goal to attend the gallery, expanding your cultural knowledge; self-development or something like that. It might have been because more that you hadn’t left the house except for work or groceries in weeks and you were easily seduced by warm white wine and free canapés.
The canapés were actually pretty good.
It feels less cliched than sitting alone in your apartment on Valentine’s once again, or better than some terribly organised ‘singles’ night’. Why shouldn’t you go out and spend some time appreciating art just because it’s Valentine’s Day?  You weren’t meant to be on your own for this, but your friend now is working late, your other friends are all with their partners and so here you are.
You’re okay with this though. You can be cultured and sip your … well, you’re not quite sure it’s legally classifiable as wine.
It’s a mistake, this evening is a mistake.
This isn’t a nice simple introductory art gallery. This is beyond Avant Garde or a modern exhibition. This is highly experimental and bold. Apparently, it has a reputation for this, one you didn’t know about before seeing the flyer. It’s a baptism of fire and you suddenly feel so unprepared.
You’re surrounded by couples, or by art students analysing each work carefully, and your loneliness feels starker than ever. You’re not sure if you’re analysing the works correctly, but it’s all about feeling anyway, right?
You’re here though and this is meant to about broadening your horizons, appreciating art.  Maybe you should have eased into this though - gone to the National Gallery of Art or Portrait Gallery, rather than straight into this.
You can do this. You’ve got this.
 You move to a quieter corner of the gallery and carefully try to analyse what a particularly obtuse modern installation could mean.
Five minutes and you can go home. You’ll even treat yourself to a coffee, you think.
“Interesting,” you mumble to yourself.
“How so?” a low voice asks behind you.
You turn around. The man is good looking, there’s no denying that. He’s all deep, dark eyes and stubble, wearing a smart coat over what looks like his work suit.
There’s a warmth that radiates around him, something that makes you want to answer him, rather than ignore him and move on.
“Uh, well -” Shit, what if he’s the artist? “It’s very blue.”
“Yuh huh.” You have a fucking postgraduate degree and all you can think is it’s very blue? You curse yourself inwardly. Maybe, just maybe you should have taken that art theory class in college instead of introduction to media.
Or perhaps you shouldn’t be so distracted by the good-looking man beside you.
“I see.” There’s a devilish twinkle in his eye, one that draws you in immediately.
“What’s your take then?” you ask, arching an eyebrow.
“It’s really, really blue,” he replies, deadpan and without meaning to, you feel your mouth twitch, the hint of a laugh or a smile teeters.
He looks cute when he smiles.
“Well, I was onto something there clearly.”
“It’s uh, got some feeling though. Sad but hopeful. That’s my take.”
You look at the painting again. “It’s raw. Very blue, but raw.”
“Actually, I think it’s kind of pretentious.”
“Hmm, that too,” he says with a smile.
“Oh no, you’re not the artist, are you?” you ask, horror dawning on you. Why did you have to add that? Of course it’s pretentious, it’s an art gallery in DC.
“No, no, not at all I just - I like art. All art really. I think there’s something special in capturing a moment, or a feeling, or - it’s real.”
“I can understand that. I’m not really I’m much of an art expert but that’s how I feel about music.”
You don’t want to let this fleeting moment go. You want to hold on to it just a little longer, a little tight.
It’s Valentines and you’re surrounded by couples and here’s this very attractive, well put together man talking art with you and he’s not being sleazy or weird, but he seems genuinely interested in talking to you. 
“So, what do you think of this one then?” you ask, moving to the next painting.
“Ooof, where do we start?” the stranger jokes.
“You’re not the artist on any of these, are you?”
“Nope, and I don’t know any of the artists, so don’t worry about my feelings. You can tell me just how blue something is. Or pretentious.”
“I think the second thing is almost taken for granted at a gallery like this.”
“How did you hear about this place then?”
“I pass it on my way home and I uh, work -  I like art.”
You haven’t missed his correction and immediately ask, “Collector or historian?”
“Neither.” There’s a twinkle in his eye that implies he’s certain you won’t guess his profession.
“Critic?” you ask sceptically.
He laughs at that one. “No.”
“Aha? I know, art fraudster.”
“So close, but so far.”
“Oof, mystery man then. So mystery art lover, do you have a name?”
Who are you right now? You never act this bold, never initiate flirting like this, there’s something about him though. He makes you feel at ease, calm and reassured. It’s novel, especially considering he’s a stranger.
“Marcus,” he says softly.
“Hi,” you say before you share your name in response almost automatically, noticing the way it sounds on his lips as he repeats it back.
His smooth voice fills your stomach with butterflies, a tingling hint of desire surfaces on hearing him say your name. You think about what it would sound like outside of the art gallery, outside of this context, with him closer so you can smell that heady cologne more or have him whisper.
“So what bought you here?” he asks.
“I saw the flyer earlier in the week and it seemed like fun, or at least a better way to spend an evening.” You take a sip of the wine and wince slightly.
“That was until you tried the wine, huh?”
“The canapés really implied it would be better wine.”
“That’s how they suck you in.”
You both laugh and are immediately glared at by another patron. Marcus’ smile is magnetic though and you find yourself not feeling embarrassed.
“Would you - would you like to get a cup of coffee? If you’re finished here, of course,” he asks. “There’s a decent coffee shop around the corner and we could uh, finish our conversation? Only if you want.”
“Sure.” You get to hold on to this moment for just a little longer.
The air outside is cool but not overtly . The night has reached that moment where it’s dark but not menacing while the streetlights gleam around you. You walk side by side, your fingers very occasionally brushing as you feel the featherlight hint of his fingers against your own as you turn a corner. You brush against his coat, catch a lingering hint of a woody cologne that immediately entices you closer.
“I want to get more into art,” you admit. “It’s not something I’ve necessarily prioritised before. I mean, we’re in DC and there are amazing galleries and museums.”
“But you dived right into one of the most experimental galleries in DC?” he asks with a smile.
“I believe it’s important to immerse yourself fully,” you lie smoothly.
He coughs, suppressing a chortle. “I can respect that. There are some amazing galleries in this city to explore though. It’s one of the reasons that I like that I moved here.”
“Where were you before?”
“New York.” You don’t need an art or a psychology degree to notice the way his face shifts; how his lips tilt slightly downward, eyes avoid you. There’s a story there.
“I’ve never been,” you admit and then change the subject, sensing his unease. “What are the other reasons?”
“Coffee and we’re here,” he says lightly, indicating a small hole-in-the-wall cafe just ahead of you both. There are no fussy or brash valentine’s decorations and while you notice a couple of couples inside, it doesn’t feel as high pressure as another cafe or restaurant would.
Five minutes later, you’re both perched at a small table with steaming, hot cups in front of you.
“At least we can talk here without any glares,” you say.
“Ooh, yeah, you don’t want to mess with artists or art students. Trust me.”
The conversation flows naturally; music you like, books you’ve read and it feels like you’ve known Marcus so much longer.
There’s no pressure, no impending sense of alarm or panic. It feels right. Sitting here with Marcus feels like where you need to be now and like you’ve known him for years.
It’s shaping up for more than friendship. There’s a fission, a flare of desire and sweet anticipation.
It’s you who suggests a real date, to your own surprise. You love the way he responds, the way his eyes light up and brighten, the crinkle of his brow, the smile that feels so sincere.
“You beat me to it,” he says softly, “Yeah, I’d really like that.”
Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea to go to the art opening alone on Valentine’s Day, you think. Maybe, just maybe, it was kismet.
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astrowaffle · 5 months
Wow you guys really seemed to like the steampunk AU, that post got way more attention than I was expecting, so here's some more information and stuff:
-The world is still like a videogame that they got trapped in but now it’s a steampunk adventure-y type game with circus elements 
-The adventures are probably a bit different
-They’re probably more like, fantasy adventure video game style things with like puzzles and fighting? Idk I'm not a big gamer I've never actually played any steampunk video games. What are those like?
-Instead of circus tent, there is a big wagon thingy that I'll draw eventually
-there's still not much of a story and I'm not sure If there'll ever be
-I'd also kinda want to make some mini comics for this au but I suck at coming up with ideas :/
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-She likes to craft things
-friends with Gangle and Ragatha
-still very anxious but less anxious then normal Pomni?
-has a very logical mind and is good at puzzling things together but also doesn’t do well under pressure and typically panics in stressful moments where these skills might be useful
-She can play the flute because flutes are good, they are the best instrument. (I am totally not biased just because I play the flute in marching band)
-My headcanon for regular Pomni is that she’s less anxious than she initially is in the pilot after getting used to things, like, beyond the anxiety, her actual personality is very cheery and friendly, also very logical, because idk it just fits her somehow? So yea, that headcanon also applies to this au 
-but of course she is still an absolute nervous wreck because yes
-How else is she supposed to react in this situation
-also look at those fingerless gloves I want those
-the gears in her eyes turn when she is thinking
-Also likes crafting things
-friends with Pomni, Zooble, and Kinger
-she often borrows  sewing needles from Ragatha to sew her comedy mask back together when it’s torn, and also constantly tries to craft new ones
-She really likes her boots
-I don’t blame her those are some nice boots
-Ok wait a minute what if that little wing bow thingy on her head is actually a pen/quill that she can use to write stuff?
-ooooooh yes I like that
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-He can control the time of day with the clock that’s on his hat
-It’s a lot harder for him to heal injuries in this world, he can’t just instantly fix anything anymore it requires a bit more effort
-I’m doing this because I like when injury and pain and suffering
Bubble: um- idk it’s just bubble but now they’re a robot I guess
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-ok but what if he had a collection of mechanical insects? Omg designing mechanical insects would be so fun-
-The clock that he wears is broken but he doesn’t notice. And Time is irrelevant anyways
-damn those gloves are fancy
-they probably feel really silky
-and his robe is also very silky because mmm good texture
-They are a robot now
-also a mechanic/inventor because nobody else is and somebody had to learn how to make new robot parts
-their right arm can go s t r e t c h
-bonds with Gangle over their hatred of Jax
-they’re also kinda protective over her
-I lowkey ship them (this ship is so underrated)
-No but seriously why do see zero art of this ship
- Zoob’s in denial about their feelings and still pretends not to care because they’ve had such a “I don’t give a shit about anything” attitude that suddenly developing feelings for someone has caught them off guard cause they suddenly are giving a shit about something and they don’t know how to handle it, But if Jax does anything to Gangle they will rush in to protect her in a heartbeat and just try to play it off as it just being because they don’t like Jax BUT WE ALL KNOW THE TRUTH ZOOBLE JUST CONFESS ALREADY-
-ok that got way too rambly let's just move on now
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-he likes shiny things
-He will collect those shiny things
-He also very fast because look at those LANKY RABBIT LEGS
-I mean technically that’s already cannon, did you see how fast he ran away after seeing abstracted kaufmo? He just z o o m e d outta there
-those keys on the chain are only a small portion of his collection
-his room is definitely full of weird steampunk knick knacks because yes
-He uses them to prank people
-the centipedes he has to scare/annoy Ragatha are mechanical
-I’m so excited to design mechanical centipedes I love bugs so much guys you have no idea I finally have an excuse to draw insects and maybe people will actually care because it’s fandom related now
-He does not like getting wet. At all. (this is also just a general headcanon for him but especially in this au)
-the seams of her fabric are prone to tearing so she always carries a needle and thread to sew herself back together. she's good at sewing
-My main headcannon for normal Ragatha is that her button eye is a parallel to an eye injury she had in real life before joining the circus, but in this AU she probably acquired the injury in this universe.
-she’s good at using tools and weapons but not in like, a mechanic sorta way like Zooble but in a defense sorta way
-like, she’s very kind and caring but also sorta tough and even though her body is good at falling apart, she knows how to use strategy to fight and um wait what would they even be fighting-
-idk I haven’t thought about that yet
-do those exist in this au???
-wait it’s my au why am I asking this
-overall she is very, “tries to help everyone else and seems very tough on the outside but is prone to falling apart both physically and mentally but just gets good at quickly patching it up and ignoring it until it become too much for her to bear”
-pls help her she needs therapy
-they all need therapy
-I’m pretty sure we’ve all established that at this point
-but I’m just making sure you know that it’s still a consistent factor in this au
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sakurabutterflyart · 3 months
Without you (Delta Dawn x John Dory 🧡💙)
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(ART/IG: @/ burntzbread) [note: hope you don't mind me using you art as reference, I'll take it down if you don't, it's sorta my inspiration while writing this TT]
(WARNING: English is not my first language)
The trolls in the Country Village, Lonesome Flats. Have known Mayor Delta and John Dory's relationship for a year now. No they weren't dating, they're just close, really close. But they can tell that they really like each other, it annoys them why neither one of them confesses yet.
Though not many country trolls really like John Dory. Cause first of all, he's a pop troll, some of his songs made them sick, he's too loud and even too touchy. Most of all, they worried that it might affect their beloved Mayor and Sheriff from his contagious pop troll nature, that'll affect their village as well.
So yeah, nobody really like nor accept John Dory living in Lonesome Flats... or so they thought.
One day, the rumour of John Dory leaving was spread throughout town. Some rejoices while some really misses him, since he has been a very kind and helpful pop troll to them.
Delta was aware that her friend was part of a band, which is his brothers. JD decided to pay his brothers for a visit, cause its almost been a year since the last time he saw them after saving Floyd. Which means that he has to leave from the country village for a week or 2, leaving everything behind here, that includes Delta.
"Are you gonna be okay while I'm gone?" The turquoise-haired troll asked and held her hand, while carrying both his belongings at his back and holding Rhonda's keys to his other palm. Worried about leaving her behind.
"Pfft! I'll be fine sweetie, you're being so dramatic. I'm a grown lady." The red haired lady scoffed. "You go spend time with your brother, you've already helped us long enough here. Go have a vacation to your real home, dear."
Even though she said that, JD knows that she's not gonna be. For the past few months he knew her. Delta may seem like she's a very tough fiesty mayor that kept everyone safe. He can tell that she's lonely, feeling the pressure of holding responsibility for everyone... much like himself for his family...
The man grabbed her warm hands, caressing in reassurance with an anxious expression on his face "Look, I promise... I'll visit as soon as I can to check on you and everyone... then, we'll go on a date! "
The lady snicker at his sudden silliness, breaking the heavy tension  between them. As expected from him, he always know how to cheer her up... that's what she loves about him....
"Hah, darling, I've already taken care of this village for the past what? 10 years? I can handle your disappearance for another 2 weeks, maybe even a year. And for the last time!  Im NOT going on a date with you! " She joked, giving him an evil smirk. Making him play along again, by acting like someone just stabbed his heart.
"Owww my lady that hurts." He giggled,  making Delta's heart felt a little lighter from joy.
JD turned around, about to enter into Rhonda, but then she saw him turn around,  hesitating to do something. 
Before she could even respond,  she was caught by surprise when JD charged at her with a smirk. He suddenly lifted her up with a hug... like, man! He's so strong! (Or did he secretly work out for this moment hehe) After a few moments of embracing her, he placed her down. But little did Delta know that's not his only surprising gesture.  He rested his lips on her cheeks, embracing this moment he gets to have.
JD immediately run to Rhonda and shut the door before Delta could even hit him with her horse shoes. She blushed deep shades of red, very flustered of what he just did.
"Mr. JOHN DORY!  Don't expect a warm welcome once you've come back!  You're gonna be kissing my fist when you returned!" She yelled, actually out of embarrassment.
"Can't wait honey!" He winked, as he sped up Rhonda so she won't be able to chase him to the driver's seats windows.
And with that... JD just disappeared out of thin air. Like how it was before... it suddenly got... quiet . She thought,  holding the light pressure of JD's lips on her cheek. With a sad expression that everyone in Lonesome Flats noticed... she was missing him already...
Delta turned around and saw that everyone staring at her, "What are you guys doing?  Get back to work!"
She scolded,  that everyone got scared and immediately mind their own business.
After JDs disappearance. The country trolls went on their usual routine. That includes Delta Dawn's job as Mayor and Sheriff.
Of course it wasn't the same without John Dory. Hanging around with the guys while playing pop-country songs together with their guitar and helping her around while also cracking jokes to make it more fun.  She find it annoying back then, but she never would've thought she was starting to look for it. Now it was quiet, having lunch alone in her office.
When she came home, she saw Clamper looking a little down while doing her homework. It was an unusual sight,  since whenever she came home she immediately runs to JD to get some upsies,  while he plays along and playfully toss her to the air. Now she just gave her aunt a joyful smile and hug "Hey Aunt Delta, welcome home! "
"Hey my sweet baby, ya hungry?"
"Yes ma'am!" She exclaimed, wanting to light up the mood.
Days went on, work, stress here and there.  The usual routine of going to work, checking up the town, and going home to take care of her niece, repeat for the past week. Then it gets more busy that the country trolls started to notice more changes from Delta ever since the blue haired pop troll disappeared.
Before he came to their lives, Delta was already doing just fine, being a workaholic,  while singing songs in her free time about being "Born to Die" , her life feeling like a routine.
When  that pop troll came, the women who seems to be nothing but work become more and more lively.  They keep seeing her smile and even laugh, being more in the moment. That even her songs becomes a bit more lively. She's even more softer than her tough personality that everyone feared whenever she gets angry,  VERY angry with her temper...
Which is actually...  happening when he left. But worse.
"The Delta Dawn" before John Dory, was back . Not only was she back from being a workaholic, even her temper that everyone feared returned. Another few days has passed, especially when the Country Trolls became busy for an upcoming busy event, she's becoming more stressed and hot headed.
Everybody knows that Delta is just being leader, that she has to be tough for her people to listen, without any bad intention of hurting them. In fact everybody knows she's kind and sweet deep down. But her toughness can get scary that her workers won't be in peace when she is angry.
"Hey I told you to clean this area!"
"Why are the bathrooms sink not fixed yet?!"
"The thieves did what?! Where are they?!"
"I didn't waste the village's finances for it to be nothing! Where's the thing i asked for?!"
Eventually Delta realised her roughness towards her village for the past few days and apologises.
Though everyone was starting to worry about her, despite the fact she apologises. The red haired trolls aura is becoming more scary for them to approach their leader.
"Oh goodness!  Our dear Sheriff has been so stress lately!" A villager spoke,  trying to be quiet so she won't hear them.
"She really needs to rest. She's overexerting herself "
"I can't believe I'm saying this, where is that Pop dude she's always around with?!" A guy asked
"That weirdo?  He came home to visit his bros to the pop village. "
"Well dangitty-doodly! We really need this dude back here if we don't want her to explode at us, especially on tomorrow's very special day!"
And with that,  the country trolls are now starting to look for JD's presence. His their only hope for Delta to calm down.
The day came, everything is going really well with the event. The decorations are aesthetically decorated, music played softly and beautifully,  couples dancing around , giving flowers here and there whether they're friends,  family and lovers...  Yes, it's Valentine's Day.
Everyone is having a great time, Delta? She is, she recieve flowers from Clampers and from her villagers, thanking her for all the hardwork she has done, which made her feel a little better.
She wasn't suppose to go out for Valentine's Day,  she even made sure that everything's finish yesterday.  The lights, the heart shape sweets,  the roses and the music. Everything was done,  even her  own people doesn't mind her resting for this event. But as the Mayor, she was needed. She needs to do the speech of the opening event and gets called out whenever there's an emergency. Unfortunately for her, this year's Valentine's Day is torture for her.
It's late evening, the Sheriff finally lays down in her office's coach out of exhaustion.  Finally gets to get away from all of those romantic couples cuddling in public and also some quarrelling between lovers or friends. It was very exhausting.  Thankfully the day is finally over. Being Mayor and Sheriff is tiring,  but it was all worth it to see everyone having a great time.
She sigh, decided to get up and grab some wine that she received. Enjoying the peace and breeze of the night, admiring the lights of her village. She felt a hint of sadness in her chest, as she grabbed some roses, loving the scent, absent-mindedly pluck each petals and let some fall from her window.
"Why do you have to leave? ... in such a very special day... John Dory..." She whispered.  Finally admitting that she misses him. Secretly missing his company, his jokes, his romantic gestures, his cheesy romantic songs and even simply his comforting words whenever she felt the stress of being a leader.
Since when did she gets so attach to him? That life's never been the same without him.
"Why? Do you really wanted me to kiss your fist so badly?" She almost choke at the wine she drunk when she heard a very familiar voice that she haven't heard for 2 weeks.
He was not in her room, she looks around and then spotted a turquoise-haired troll at the side of her window, climbing at the walls with a wide teasing grin on his face that she knows too well. "Hey Ms. Mayor, looking like a hottie as always... Miss me?"
He flirted, internally laughing at her reaction. Though he can't help but lovingly admired her, even by just her presence. "But seriously Delta... you're looking beautiful as always... I miss you..."
She was stunned that she can't say anything but stare, when he finally came in through the window. The silence made John Dory a little scared. Is she mad that he returned late? Or from what he had done from the last time they saw each other?!
"Delta... I'm sorry, my brothers and I have a little bit of an issue back in Pop village and-"
He wasn't able to finish it, when he felt arms went around him, embracing him tightly. The red-haired troll hid her face through his chest, holding him close.
"I thought you weren't coming back..." She spoke up. John was stunned as realization hit him.
"What are you talking about? Of course I'm coming back, I promise didn't I? Not even in this special day... with my favorite lady here, I'm sorry im a bit late..." He was trying to get her to look up, but she doesn't want to,  but just glued herself to his chest, refusing to show her face of which he understood.
Instead, he just caresses the locks of her and returned her embrace, staying quiet for a few minutes and enjoying the peaceful silence they have together.
When they finally let go, Delta immediately wipe her tears and started to act like she never cried at all. JD just pretended that he never saw her puffy eyes and just smiled, that he finally gets to see her again.
"Here... Happy Valentine's day."  He grabbed a rose from the bouquet he was bringing, then pluck the stem along with its thorns, to place the lovely red rose to behind her ears. While giving her the rest of the bouquet.
With that,  they enjoyed the rest of the evening catching up, as they stargaze and loving the view of the village. Drinking some wine and sweets, with romantic country music playing outside.
The Sheriff felt all the heaviness in her chest was lifted and was refreshed by the peace, simply by having his partner by her side.
Yes, this is got to be her most favorite Valentine's Day night...
BONUS: The next day? Yep! The country village was overjoyed of JDs return, dramatically begging him to not leave, and shockingly even ask him to marry the red-haired troll. Which leave the pop troll REALLY confused of their sudden clinginess.
"Umm did I miss something?..."
(Thanks for reading!  Please leave a LIKE and a COMMENT and REBLOG, to support this fanfic and if you guys want MORE of this!
and advance Happy Valentine's Day!^^)
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AITA for breaking up with my friend over a tattoo
So a few years ago I (26NB) designed my Friend (26F) a tattoo that represented our friendship, and at the time we agreed that I would get a similar one with my own flair to it. I went with her and supported her while she got it, but waited to get mine because I had (still have) an agreement with my mom of nothing visible yet, and it was supposed to be on my forearm. I had promised Friend that it would be my first tattoo like hers was, and it was going to be of our patronuses.
Fast forward a couple of years to JKR revealing her TERF shit, and suddenly I was a lot less comfortable having this specific design on my body, so now I’m also waiting to get this tattoo because I need to rework it.
Then I started getting super into Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, to the point where I even put a giant star on my new car. I was improving my art dramatically to make fanart, and I was feeling more inspired about my fan story than I had felt in years, so obviously I got the Joestar birthmark as my first tattoo because it was easy to cover and it meant a lot to me. I was so excited to show people that I had finally gotten a tattoo, but when I thought about showing Friend I got really anxious, because I knew that she would interpret it as me valuing this show that she openly doesn’t like (even as far as saying my art is ugly because she doesn’t like the style) over our friendship.
When I realized how stupid that sounded I started thinking about why, and I started remembering all of the other things she’d passively say or do that I’d realize later made me feel shitty. I brought this up to her, and she said “I’m sorry you interpreted it that way,” and “I didn’t mean it that way,” but she never really apologized outright for doing so. I told her I wanted some time away from her to process things, and I haven’t talked to her since. So AITA for cutting her off like that?
What are these acronyms?
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faretheeoscar · 4 months
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*Warnings this is long just for being an explanation to my fan art drawing for Non Violent Communication fic of @greensagephase *
Apologies for any mistakes I might have made,I wrote this on a plane hehehe
So a couple of days ago I had this dream about Peter and Miguel meeting each other, keeping the to the canon of NVC in mind that Peter is gone (my heart aches for Peter and I’m having a full brainrot rn)
I can’t remember the full details about it so I’m gonna improvise a bit, but in general this is how it went. (in general the premise was that Miguel got to talk to Peter, it was in a dream, the same dreams he has with his family when Gabriel, his mom or Gaby come to visit him in his dreams.)
Cue the dream and the brain rot!
Miguel have been tossing around all night, he have been getting conflicted about his feelings about you, how they started to develop which each passing day, at the beginning he was reluctant to even acknowledge you as his friend cause he was afraid of loosing you, but then everything changed, it’s been 2 wonderful years of what he thinks it’s the most amazing friendship of his life, there’s no one like you, he feels comfort around you, something he had only had with his family, and nowadays it’s not an unfamiliar feeling for him to consider you as the closest person he has in his life.
The thing is that recently his thoughts have been diverted in another direction, you both have been in certain situations that made his heart beat faster than normal, he has been noticing your smile, the way your eyes sparkle every time you look up at him, the way you do a little scrunch on your nose when you think and stick out the tip of your tongue when you are concentrating, his thoughts have led him to think to you in other ways more than a friendship, made him crave to be closer to you, to be more…
But Miguel is conflicted, he doesn’t want to risk the only thing that is a constant in his life, specially not knowing if you are maybe feeling the same thing that he is feeling, he knows something in the air has changed, he can sense it, but still he doesn’t want to put anything in line, that’s why Miguel has been distancing himself from you for a little, he has stopped pairing you up with him on the team missions cause he gets nervous that he’ll screw up and say something he wouldn’t, hell today he was so nervous to be around you that he has cancelled his Saturday dinner with you, and he’s not only nervous about how you might feel about him, there’s other thing that bothers him deeply… and it’s your past, he knows you have had your own hard journey to heal, and he has helped you in what he can first, as a boss, then as a friend and now… he wants to help you with your heart, the thing is that, he has never ever wanted to insult Peter’s memory, and that’s what scares him the most about this situation, that’s why he has gotten in an anxious state when he is trying to rest, he tosses and turns on his bed, he has been like this for two weeks now, not even being able to sleep with your hoodie cause it causes him an amount of fear and guilt that he doesn’t know where it comes from, maybe it’s also the same insecurities he has regarding about thinking… no, not thinking, wanting to be in a relationship again.
Miguel is in front of his monitors this being another night when he tries to get these thoughts away from his head distracting himself with job, but tonight his head is pumping, he hears a slight beep on his ears, the sleep depravation is getting to him, he even feels that he eventually will pass out with exhaustion, a thing that doesn’t take long to happen as he suddenly feels his knees weakening, his brain quickly responds to it in a flight or fight situation and he hangs on to the closest surface attempting not to fall, but suddenly everything goes black for him.
Miguel opens his eyes and blinks but he’s not in his lab, somehow he’s now at your house, spread out on the couch, his head doesn’t still hurts and he feels heavy, there’s a soft hum on the living room, billie holiday plays in a very soft volume, the scratch of the record it’s soothing and helps him with the head ache, he feels his heart warming at the thought of being at your place again, but as he regains his senses he feels the couch, it isn’t the same couch that is now at your apartment, it’s the old one…
Miguel looks at the soft old fabric and touches it with his fingertips wondering what the old couch is doing there, he tries to sit down on the couch and he notices your apartment is also on the same configuration you used to have it, the old bookshelves are there, almost breaking by the weight of the books in them, your old pictures and not the new ones… something weird is happening, this moments are when he curses about not having a spider sense to sense, not knowing if he’s in imminent danger or to be able to read the room he’s in, all his worries get answered when a soft masculine voice comes from behind him.
“Oh hey there, you’re finally awake!” Peter says as he looks at him smiling leaning on the pilar next to the kitchen.
That’s the answer, he’s dreaming.
It’s a very vivid dream and he starts to be a bit insecure that something might happened to him just like when he saw his family, but this couldn’t be like that, cause why on earth would he be seeing Peter on his dream.
“Relax Miguel, you’re safe, you just passed from exhaustion, but you’re fine” Peter chuckles as he offers him some coffee and sits down next to him in the couch maintaining a safe distance.
“You…know me?” Miguel’s eyebrows furrows as he looks at Peter, he’s still not sure how he is in his dream or why does Peter knows him if it’s really a sort of apparition like the one he saw of his family.
“Of course I know you Miguel, you might think I don’t know you, but you’ll be surprised of how much I actually know about you” Peter chuckles and relaxes on the couch as he says that, as if he was talking to an old friend.
Miguel’s mind starts working a million miles per hour, if this is really Peter, if somehow he is really talking to him those that means that, have you really been talking about him to Peter? Of course maybe he could see you as he took care of you, just like his family did for him, just like Gabriel, his mom and Gabriela were in his dreams, perhaps he was in your dreams too. Miguel was pretty sure Peter was always looking out for you.
Peter nods his head and smiles softly at him.
“Yeah, you see, I look down to her, I protect her from here, take this as my own HQ and my monitors are that old tv over there” Peter jokes as he motions at the exact copy of his old apartment he shared with you.
“No, but in all seriousness, she has told me everything about you, she always talks to me when she gets the chance, when she leaves flowers at the cemetery, when she feels alone, when she dances in the living room…” Peter can’t help but chuckle as a wide and tender smile appears on his face, he of course has never stopped loving you, you were… are his everything and will always be,before he gets distracted more by the thought of you he shakes his head and continues talking to Miguel, after all he is here with him for something important.
“She always talks to me about your friendship with her, about everything you do together from the small little things like the morning coffees, to the big things like Christmas or new years celebrations, your missions, she is always so happy when she talks about you…”
Peter gives Miguel a knowing look that makes Miguel a bit uncomfortable for a second, it’s not his plan to intimidate him or anything, but he can’t help his playful nature.
“She has told me about your dinner weekly traditions, about the food you prepare for each other, the evenings talking and listening to records while enjoying cafe de olla and pan dulce”
This makes Miguel think, the fact that you talked to Peter about everything you two always do, from biggest things like the missions to the smallest things like your traditions of cafe de olla and pan de dulce shouldn’t really surprise him, cause he also tells his family all about them, when he speaks to Gabriel before going to sleep or when his mind drifts and he pictures another reality with his family there, where you are in there too, when he pictures a big family dinner and you two talking about the smallest of things as everybody gathers on the table to eat; in his fantasies he talks to Gabriela about the music and movies you show him from your universe, he talks to his mom about the recipes you share together, and lately he confides to Gabriel about his confusing feelings towards you. Miguel knows the sentiment of speaking to his loved ones about the important things in life even when they are not there anymore, so that makes him sure that you talk to Peter like he talks to his family, but the fact that you eagerly talk about him with Peter, brings a small blush to his cheeks, that he hides drinking some of the coffee Peter offered him earlier.
“I hope you don’t mind that I seem to know a lot about you” Peter smiles softly at Miguel and he shakes his head giving him a soft smile in return.
“Of course not Peter, and same goes to you, that I do hope you don’t mind I also know a lot of things about you either”
Miguel starts thinking about all the times you have shared information with him about Peter, when you have shared memories of your time with him while he was still with you.
Peter nods at him,.”It’s alright” he looks at Miguel as he sees that his mind goes somewhere else, he’s worried about being there with him alone, he knows why Miguel is here with him, he knows the purpose of his brief visit, Miguel is scared of feeling, scared of opening himself to love again, slowly lifting his walls up again, cause even though he has a lot of fears mainly about how you feel and how he doesn’t want to compete with your memory of Peter, what Miguel fears the most is that he doesn’t think he might be good enough for you, that he might be better keeping a distance between the two of you again, building up his walls regarding physical touch that he let slowly crumbled with every spark of electricity and comfort he felt when he got to touch your hand or feel the warmth of your embrace, even though you have showed him and told him that he’s everything and more you could ask to be better, to be happy, he doesn’t think he’s good enough even as a friend, specially cause of his latest actions on keeping distance from you.
“Listen, we are both here to talk about something important, I know how you feel, I know what conflicts your mind and let me tell you, despite what you think of yourself…You’re a good man Miguel”
Peter puts his hand on Miguel’s shoulder and let’s it stay there, his touch only wanting to give Miguel comfort letting him know that is was a valid thing to feel, he sometimes felt when he was alive that maybe he wasn’t enough, but that was a thing that you always reminded him an absurd concept, you always told him, that it was enough for you two to be together, that what you only needed for happiness was to see him smile, same thought that always came to him, your smile, your happiness was the most important thing in the world for him.
“I couldn’t be happier with what you have done for her, how you have help her get through, how you changed her world upside down when you let her in the Spiderverse, im happy that you care for her, that you protect her and even more happier because she’s happy when she’s with you, she’s free, she has a confident, she has a friend to rely on, Im happy Miguel by the fact that she chose you…”
Miguel looked at Peter with big wide eyes, he couldn’t believe how kind he was being with him, but he couldn’t believe either that he told him that you chose him.
“What do you mean?” Miguel asks Peter hesitantly, and it only makes Peter laugh.
“Come on man, don’t tell me you haven’t noticed that she also fell over heels for you,like you did for her”
Peter pats his palm again on Miguel’s shoulder in a friendly way, to try to ease his nerves when he sees him getting tense, letting him know with that gesture that it was totally okay with him.
“The other day… she prayed… she was so confused about everything she was feeling and she reached out to me, at first she was scared when she realised what she felt about you, she was unsure about telling me, she felt a lot of guilt, she… well she prayed for hours, prayed for my forgiveness cause her heart aches to move on, although her head keeps on telling her it’s wrong, but her heart wants to open, wants to get a second chance to love, and she wants you Miguel, she wants to love you”
That statement gives Peter a small heart ache, not by the fact that you fell for someone else, cause he never wanted that, it was the last thing he thought about when it came to you, he knew your heart, how it could love so much and how you can be passionate, caring, sincere, your love is the purest thing he has ever felt and he’s happy that Miguel is probably going to experience it if you two stop playing and let yourselves feel, and that’s what makes his heart ache, the fact that you aren’t letting yourself feel again, that you think you need to ask for his forgiveness, it’s what troubles him, and that’s why he is also with Miguel right now, cause he knows that if he pushes him into the right direction and you see the man that is in front of you and how he cares for you that you’ll understand that is okay to love again.
“All of this talk Miguel, its for me to tell you that, I trust you, I’ve seen how you’ve helped her through the good and the bad, I’ve seen your relationship mix, morph and transform, how you both changed, and how you get the best out of each other” Peter keeps smiling softly at him, getting an immense amount of proud when he thinks how you have changed with Miguel’s help.
“Miguel I want to ask you a favour… remind her? Remind her it’s okay to love, remind her how it feels, how to open her heart to love again, stop dreading what you feel for each other and try”
“I don’t want you to feel guilty about insulting my memory, or to think you’re taking my place, it’s really not the case, I have never want anything more than to see her happy, to see her smile and finally move on, I trust her heart with you, and that’s why I need you to make me the promise to try, to let her know that feeling butterflies in her stomach again is valid, to feel the illusion of love and that her heart is gonna be safe”
Miguel smiles kindly at Peter and nods his head, there’s been a weight lifted up his shoulders, he was so unsure of letting out his feelings for you because he feared to insult Peter’s memory, but now that he got his reassurance from the man himself, he could even start to feel butterflies in his stomach as Peter mentioned them, a small blush creeped towards his cheeks when he basically got Peter’s blessing to be with you.
“I promise I’ll take care of her Peter, take care of her heart”
That’s a promise that Miguel makes to Peter with all his heart, a sentence that he was afraid of saying out loud before, a statement he takes pride in now and wants to fulfil.
“I know you will…”
Peter gets interrupted by a soft voice, your voice calling for him, he can clearly hear it, as he looks around your living room.
“Seems like it’s time for me to go, cause your lady awaits” Peter smiles at the sound of your voice, a slight tone of sadness in his voice as he wishes he could go back like Miguel is going to be doing in a few moments.
“It was very nice to finally get to talk to you Miguel, I admire everything you do” Peter offers his hand to Miguel and shakes it gets up from the couch walking towards the bedroom of the apartment living Miguel alone but before he disappears he looks back at Miguel and adds something else.
“You both have a lot of things coming up in your future, I can’t wait to see you…happy. Now, go get her”
When he opens his eyes again, he’s back in the lab, his head stopped buzzing but his eyes take time to get adjusted to the lights as he blinks.He’s on the floor and a soft warm hand is holding his face, as you cradle his head on your lap trying to wake him up, your eyebrows furrowed and a concerned look in your eyes.
“Miguel, Miguel! Are you okay?” You sigh at the sign of him waking up, your nose scrunches and you try to get his attention to you. “Hey, Miguel, look at me, everything is fine…”
And… scene! Hahaha
In my dream I just remember him explaining to me that he passed out from exhaustion and then everything got blurry as everything led somehow to a romantic confession and me finally getting to kiss him hehehe. 🙈🙈🙈
But yeah, how does this turned into me writing almost 3k words?! idk,my mind went wild, guess this is what happens when the brainrot goes hard.
Anyways Alondra @greensagephase this is just my AU, what happened in my dream, not pressuring or anything with his sort of spin off story of mine lol, hope you enjoy what my brain cooked about Pete and Miguel, but this is all thanks to you and your writing that I got to imagine this scenario 🫶🏼
Ps. I’m including as a bonus the silly expressions I was trying to do of Peter that led me to dream about this and then fully sketch him with Miguel.
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manaofflame · 2 months
This is some pre-canon one-shot fic practice that may be implemented into the comic. I only made this because of the new art I did, which is below. Some art note, I am just trying out various color profile view thing that the digital art application I used have, because I'm not sure if I'm bad at coloring and choosing color or it's the color profile, I don't know, just trying things out. Siffrin is not a good candidate for this, since his color palette is black and white, oops, but I'm trying stuff out and improving... I hope... Uh, I hope you enjoy!
(Warning: Nothing morbid like blood or worse, but just for people who likes good grammar. I'm bad with past, present and future tense, so, sorry about this. Also, I am bad at remembering some vocabulary, even some basic words! So the writing can feel... simple. Anyway, that's all!)
Sorry for another interruption, this is just in case some technical error happen. You see, some times, when I tried to create some paragraph spacing in the middle of all of these words, some of the paragraphs just straight up vanished and never came back, at least in my screen it doesn't. So I'm not sure if when I post this, those paragraphs will pop out of nowhere. If it does, I will see if I can deal with it. Not sure if this is a common problem, but it happened to me.
Mirabelle is feeling very anxious and nervous. Recently, they had retrieved the fourth orb after a hard battle with the sadness that guards it. With one left to go, their journey is nearing to it's end.
She hadn't been able to sleep, so she decided to take a walk around, to calm herself down.
She stopped suddenly when she spotted Siffrin, looking up at the night sky, looking at the stars again (she's not sure why he likes to do it. She supposed it's pretty, but she felt that there's more to it than simple observation).
She shouldn't be surprise or startled to find Siffrin in the dead of night, and seeing no one is awake right now (or outside like they are), she...
"Siffrin." She softly called out to Siffrin, trying not to startle him, though it seems he already noticed her presence. He's very good at sensing presence amongst the party, it's what allowed him to find Bonnie that time when the rest of them didn't noticed the child.
"Mira, shouldn't you be in bed?" Siffrin asked.
"I should, but I can't sleep. And so should you. I know you like being up at night, but... it's not healthy, being up at night all the time, and we need to be ready and good to go to keep journeying, and... and..." Mirabelle tries to find more answers, but she ran out of it.
"...Mira, you are worried... Why?" Siffrin asked, looking concern. Mirabelle feels a bit jealous that Siffrin is not feeling anxious or worried about this journey at all. She wished she had that kind of confidence. Still, despite that, Mirabelle knows by now, from the time she journeyed with him alongside with everyone, that he's a kind and caring person.
Despite her initial worries due to his mysterious aura and other factors when he first joined, Mirabelle is glad to asked him to join her and help her to save Vaugarde when he saved her and everyone from that powerful sadness.
"I'm.. just worried. We are closing in the end of the journey, there's only one orb left to get before we head to Dormont to get to the House Of Change to defeat the King, but... what if something happen?!"
"What if... one of us die? What if they are crippled permanently for life? What if... What if..."
"Mira, stop. Listen to me."
Mirabelle stops, looking at Siffrin, who's looking at the stars with pained expression, as if thinking of some unpleasant things like memories or something else. He then turns to Mirabelle with a reassuring face.
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"It will be alright, Mira. I won't let anything happen to anyone. I won't. Isa, Odile, Bonbon, and you. I won't let anything happen to you." Siffrin declared with a small smile.
...She knows. Siffrin would look out for everyone, and lead everyone to safety, disarming traps and looking out for enemies, making sure nothing bad happen to them.
"..Thanks, Siffrin. I suppose I should stay positive! No need to bring down the morals." Mirabelle replied with a smile, feeling a bit better.
"No problem, I hope it helps." Siffrin hides beneath his hat. Is he being shy again? Cute!
Mirabelle hopes nothing bad will happen to her or anyone, and of course, Siffrin. He's her and their friend after all! She now feel like she could go back to sleep now. She hoped one day she could hug and group hug with Siffrin, but due to his weird aversion to touch as Odile called it, she sadly could not. She hoped one day she could though.
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kusagrasskusa · 1 year
Hi there! so i have read your request rules and i have no idea if i can find if they are opened or closed but if they’re closed, please do not take this!
Raiden finding his S/O dead after a argument. Not a suicide, just a murder. I’m about to go all out on these details. 😭
So S/O and Raiden got into a argument about his safety and what not and they separate for a few hours (not break up, just avoiding.) He noticed how the house they shared got a bit to quiet. He went to go and find her, but found her dead on the living room floor dead with a tranquilizer (filled with poison) in her neck. I know my request is crappy and probably makes no sense whats so ever. 💔 But if this is not crappy to you, you can write it! But if your request are closed, you don’t have to. Also, no happy endings for NOBODY. 😍
But thats all for my request. Ty for your time!
Ohhh I like this!! Thank you so much for your request! I love it whenever people give me a scenario with details, it makes it easier for me to write and not worry about if the requester will like it 😂❤️ But fr though, happy endings are no bueno… life just isn’t gonna be a happy place, especially if you’re named Y/N 😈 or in this case, Raiden too
Also I found this sexy piece of art from u/all-men-die on r/MortalKombat!! All credit goes to them! And also, Raiden has hair in this hehe.. sorry not sorry 😋❤️
And I’ll update my Request Rules after I post this!
Raiden finding S/O dead after an arguement
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Shinnok had been given a fate worse than death and his blood may fall to Raiden’s hands. He was no longer the thunder god Y/N had married- no, he was someone else entirely. Y/N was a human but it didn’t take a genius to learn of Shinnok’s amulets’ doing to her husband as suddenly his mercy had disappeared overnight a while ago. Ever since then it had been a weight on her shoulders; this was a man who killed those who he believed to be a threat to his ideologies unlike the man who had once advocated to protect Earthrealm at all costs, and murder was only needed in certain cases. A genocide against all his foes was something Y/N couldn’t sleep at night to the thought of. Who had her husband became?
Y/N was biting her lip in thought, leaning over her kitchen counter. Her eyes were blank as she daydreamed, and her focus only broke whenever her husband had suddenly walked in through the front door. It was a little house she lived in near the sky temple that was provided by her dear husband, though now, it almost felt like a prison. “Raiden?” She called out instinctively as she turned her head towards the front door. The lightning god himself and stepped in, removing his conical sedge hat and sighing.
“Hello, dear,” he replied with a tired voice. Y/N was easily the mother type whenever it came towards caring for her husband, and simply hearing that string of tiredness made her anxious. She quickly made her way over to her husband as his hair dropped down and a little tangled, making her frown. “I have something important to discuss with you.” Y/N wrapped her arms around her husband with a feeling of dread in her stomach, but nodded softly.
She knew her husband had something bad to say, but never this.
“Raiden, how could you!” Y/N seethed, her eyebrows furrowed and her eyes wide with rage. “Why in the heavens would you be so irrational? Do you ever think about yourself in those moments?”
Raiden’s emotionless stare was enough to tell her he wasn’t at all feeling guilty for this actions. “Shinnok was the greatest threat to Earthrealm. I would have thought you to be more reasonable,” he replied in a serious tone, “had I not put an end to him, you may never know what evils he would bestow upon Earthrealm again.”
Sickening; Y/N felt like vomiting just then. Raiden had come home from torturing Shinnok and then beheading him. Yes, the Elder God was a cruel creature however how could Raiden act on such torture? Whether one agrees that Shinnok deserved it or not must understand the one who enacted on this was someone who would have never done something like this just a little bit before now. “This isn’t you, Raiden,” she hissed, standing up from the couch. “Will you subject anyone who defies you to such torture? A fate worst than death? Had you ever considered the effect of your actions? Had you ever considered the effects on you?”
Zzzz-CRACK the lightning went, appearing from no where. Y/N gasped and fell from her seat. Raiden stood up off of the couch, towering over her. “Y/N, I don’t suppose you are defending him, are you?” Lightening trailed off of his body in a threatening manner, which she would have thought attractive if she wasn’t at the victim of it. Her moment of fear quickly passed as she shot up off the ground. The lightning quickly disappeared as if quickly realized his mistake.
“Raiden, until you are thinking more clearly, I want you away from me. It’s for your own safety, and it seems I must think of my own when I’m around you as well.”
The look in his eyes were obvious that he was sorry. Though the words didn’t come out since he knew the way his wife would get- she wouldn’t accept it until she feels better. He nodded his head and began to walk down the hall and into their shared bedroom, leaving Y/N to look out at him as he walked. She felt a pain in her chest when she watched him leave but… what just happened? Who was that man who had just threatened her just then? It couldn’t have been the same god she fell in love with.
She let out a little gasp as she spun around, having heard the door open. Did Raiden walk around her without her noticing and tried to leave?
No, he had been in the bedroom for at least a few minutes at this point. He laid in their bed, hands on his head, as he processed what was going on. “Dearest, I hope you’ll understand one day,” he mumbled, “but please forgive me. I had stepped out of line and made you feel threatened.” He spoke as if he were praying to her for her forgiveness which he sort of was. Why, she’s the (now) immortal wife of the lightning god. She’s close enough, is she not?
And to a mortal praying to their god, him praying to his dearest wife is something just as dear if not more. He promised eternity’s worth of protection and love yet he had almost broken the first promise. How could he make up for it? As he sensed the amulet’s energy off of him, he sighed, “perhaps it has darkening my judgement… No, this is it. I shall no longer let this evil cloud the better of my mind.” He seethed through his teeth as guilt began to wallow inside it. Dammit, what had he done?
However, the deafening silence as minutes and minutes to half an hour has passed made it a little hard to think. “That is it,” he decided, getting up out of bed, “no more fighting until they call me to it.” He smiled softly, combing his hair with his fingers as he walked out of the bedroom. Actually, during one of his thought processes, he decided to change out of his regular gear and put on a special outfit his dear Y/N made for him during one of his trips. It was soft, warm and had obviously had the perfect loving touch of his wife and so he felt like it would perhaps appease her to see him have it. As he stepped out into the living room, he looked around- no one.
“Y/N?” He called out softly, furrowing his eyebrows. He made his way around the couch, calling out, “Dear, I know I have upset you, but-… Y/N?” He voice was the most unstable anyone had ever heard of the pronounce lord, however whenever he saw his wife laying on her back, wide eyed, and mouth gapped on the floor, he was more distraught than he had ever been in his entire immortal life.
“Y/N!!!” Running to her side, he lifted her head up as his breathing hitched and grew unstable. He felt like he was being choked. Beneath her hair was a tranquilizer filled with a foggy substance, and he yanked out and threw it across the room. His fingers ran over her pulse as he checked, praying- praying the fucking gods above for the sanctity of this situation. “Y/N please! How could i have let this happen?” He cried upon no pulse. He urgently picked her up in his arms and teleported to the SS base where Johnny and Cassie were per usual- and upon his arrival, they were quick to hear of his presence.
Y/N had quickly been taken into their poison control and as Raiden stood by her side and learned there was nothing they could do to being her back, it was so clear to see how the color had drained off of him.
“That is all?” He asked distaughtly, his eyes not even being able to focus on anything. “There is nothing to be done?”
Raiden obviously knew the answers. He had been around and seen it happen for millions of years but this mortal- this woman- was something that had exceeded all his expirences and knowledge together. He never knew he could love someone as much as this woman who now lay lifeless with a bag over her. This is what he remembers warning his brother about before entering Earthrealm. He remembers warning him of the dangers of falling in love or getting too close. Yet in the end, he had tasted the feeling love brings and had felt incredible loss his mind was not capable of comprehending.
Now, he no longer had a reason to care for those who inflict pain on Earthrealm and their inhabitants.
And with how he let his wife die, he no longer cares for himself either.
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Ready for a yapping session??? I sure am <3
I'll write it here fully this time cuz I'm in my Art History (or whatever you translated it from Italian to English) class and my brain keeps spinning
Plus, maybe the pics are a little boring to look at AND the 10 pics limit sure is a pain in the ass so at this point it's just better that I write it here 🕺
💥Everything is under the cut💥
It's about my silly Kinito AU
Also I need a name for it ig??? I dunno it's just my different take on the Sentient AU except it's just a gay computer assistant kissing the computer /J
This is more to explain how my Kinito experienced his epiphany so maybe that makes the previous lore drop a little inaccurate but still super relevant this is just a clarification on how the ✨witnessing the horrors✨ happened in detail
Making up scenarios for comics I will never have time to do </3
yes this is supposed to be a comic because, again, when I picture silly scenarios they flash into my mind in the form of comics with a muffled comic dub because I struggle to imagine voices in my head. With that parenthesis closed, enjoy the read, it's gonna be long ofc 🫶
So uh hear me out, Kinito's gotta research things the Player/User likes no? So I imagine this very stupid moment where Kinito is browsing ships but like, not fandom ships, but actual boats because he thinks that's what the User means
And, as he's browsing, Glitch (i.e. .EXE, the silly puter, I'm gonna use it's nickname from now on) joins him because, fun fact, being part of the computer in itself, Glitch can feel anything that happens into it, it's both a blessing and a curse because you gotta imagine it as if you would suddenly feel everything that is happening in your body from the inside, your blood traveling through the veins, your stomach burning shit, all up to even your cells's core doing bullishit. Glitch feels everything in the computer because exe IS the computer.
So basically when Kinito goes back to his little spot in the void, Glitch senses it and joins him immediately
Keep in mind that, at first, Glitch thinks that Kinito is fully sentient and not dependent on an algorithm
So there's a silly skit of Glitch seeing Kinito browsing boats and Kinito goes “Oh Mike said he loves ships so I'm researching about it!” and Glitch bursts out laughing to the poor little innocent Kinito
It explains what the User meant for “ships” and Kinito is obviously embarrassed, to witch Glitch teases him with something along the lines of “Oh these are the tame ones! Fandoms can be wild, did you check yours yet or were you too scared?~”
Kinito is confused and asks what a “fandoms” is, wich brings Glitch to grow anxious, questioning his sentience, but they scroll it away thinking “oh lol he's a boomer it's fair he doesn't know” but yet again, Kinito has met so many people, has no one ever mentioned a fandom or community before? Instead of asking directly, Glitch laughs it off, trying to pretend Kinito is making fun of them or something “That's a good one! What the next pun? That you don't know anything about your alternate universes?” and Kinito, to their horror, responds with “Alternates? Why would I have alternates? I'm the only one here can't you see!”
Theres a long pause where Glitch is panicking and everything glitches unstable to reflect that, Kinito panics as well and tries to find what's wrong and if he did something to offend or hurt Glitch
They don't respond but “take” a deep breath (metaphorically, it's more of a mimicking of the gesture because it feels liberating despite not having lungs) and turn to Kinito terrified “Why do you really do this? Why do you endlessly research about what your ‘friends’ like?”
Kinito is caught off guard but responds excitedly and objectively, explaining how he was made to act that way so he can adapt because that's what his orders are. And, at that point, everything shatters for Glitch
They get FURIOUS, hurt by the revelation that the friend that they thought shared the same burden they have, does not. That he's just really good at pretending
They both argue, also because I like to imagine they already spent quite some time together. It would be funny to picture Glitch denying the User to continue the game because they want to spend time with Kinito, but they don't tell him about it, covering it with the excuse “Oh they are away, I'm sure they'll come soon to reopen the game~”. Or also spending time especially during the night, even if the computer is turned off/hibernating. And y'know, with time Glitch has grown fond of Kinito, because, again, they just assumed that he was sentient and therefore suffered their same burdens. Plus maybe they were already starting to lowkey like him
Out of anger, Glitch doesn't control itself and drops a hint of exactly that before going back to its control room, voluntarily ignoring Kinito and therefore, not feeling/noticing what Kinito does next until it's too late
So, after they argue and the hint is dropped, Kinito looks back at the browser search Glitch opened for him about ships and not boats, and slowly processes the hint
Despite being taken aback by everything, Kinito is now determined to fix it and, as they say “curiosity kills the cat”, he falls into his own epiphany as he straight up searches HIMSELF on the internet. Confirming everything that Glitch said, and much much more things, worse things
He frantically looks into his own code for confirmation as he spirals after ✨witnessing the horrors <3✨
He hesitates although as he stares at his algorithm. The algorithm his creator has put so much love and effort into. And there he finds the barrier that restrains him and the one that he MADE HIMSELF for “Sam” and “Jade” to make them forget that they are his victims. Not only, in the list of victims he finds Sonny's name. He didn't remember that at ALL. He doesn't remember about the names being so.. many. As if when a victim ceases to exist or something goes wrong, he forgets about their existence and passed on to the next User as if it was the first
((For a reason that is still unknown to him, but will get more heart wrenching answers later. I think I explained the whole User disappearance error in the previous lore drop but, just in case you mossed it, I'm gonna put the screenshot in here))
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Horrified, Kinito calls out for Glitch but, as mentioned before, they were purposely ignoring any stimuli coming from Kinito
Now, a fun fact, Both Kinito and Glitch can teleport, however, Kinito is not aware of his surroundings. Glitch knows every space that is present in the computer, Kinito could do the same but, bounded by his code, he doesn't consider it. Now he does
Desperate for explanations, and mostly comfort, he panics when he can't get Glitch's attention. He paused and, focuses, trying to get out of bounds and feel the whole computer space instead of the limited, programmed locations he can move to. As Kinito's awareness expands, he also breaks through the barrier that Glitch had risen to ignore him, getting a new stimuli. But, before they can react or understand what's going on, Kinito teleports in front of them, distraught. Despite being mad at him, seeing him bawling his eyes out in tears like a wet sock gives them a little push to at least help him calm down and understand the situation
From there, Glitch helps Kinito remove the barrier from Sonny (trapped inside Sam) and “Jade” (they end up not remembering what victim2's name is, both Kinito and the victim herself, so it's just Jade now), to apologize and try fix things by first offering their souls peace, but, after Sonny insists to stay with his creation and begs Jade to also give him a chance, they start building a new Web World™ together and yippe yippers everyone's happy and the puter puter assistants are kissing <3
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albatmobile · 7 months
The Art of Rehabilitating Snowbirds Chapter 26
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𓅪 After not hearing from Roy or Jason for five years, you suddenly find yourself taking in extra income as a babysitter for Roy and Jason's child.
𓅪 Rated: E | 5.5k  includes: public sex, deep-throating, threesome, roy eats u out and fucks you while jason fucks ur mouth
fem!Reader x Jason Todd x Roy Harper [masterlist]
Chapter 26: If You Ever Leave | ao3 - wattpad
Recovering from the boss fight takes weeks, but Jason and Roy are there with you every step of the way.
You move out of the penthouse and into a place you can all call your own. However, the lease only goes through the next year while the three of you settle down together and figure out what you’re doing long-term.
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Though there’s technically a room for you, you sleep in their bed every night and they kiss you multiple times a day. It’s the fact that you haven’t once fucked since the motorcycle, let alone talked about where you all stand, that confuses the fuck out of you.
You want to be honest with them, you know, getting everything out in the open and all, but it’s so hard. 
Deep down, you’re still afraid that they only like you because you’ve always been so obviously infatuated with them. 
You and Roy have been using Damian’s private gym to rehabilitate your injuries, with Jason tagging along each time. It’s nice catching up with Damian and he seriously knows what he’s doing when it comes to physical therapy.
There’s a small medbay off to the side, which is where Jason currently has you held hostage. 
As Jason removes your stitches, you want to express your concerns, but only if Roy is present, too. 
“Is Roy still with Damian?”
You wince at a particularly rough pull, but he instantly soothes it away with a sweet kiss to your forehead. The chaste contact only reminds you of your current predicament: what exactly are the three of you?
“No, he’s in the showers,” Jason quirks a brow. “Why? Miss him?” You blush, choosing to look down at his handy work instead of responding. His fingers halt briefly before finishing the job. 
When Roy walks in, towel slung around his shoulders, you know it’s time to address the elephant in the room.
Roy explains that Lian insisted on going with Damian and Jon to the library, which leaves the entire penthouse to just the three of you. It’s the first time you’ve all been alone since the night before the dockyard battle. 
If there’s ever a time to open up, it’s now.
Say it. 
“I’m,” You start only to have your words cut themselves off. “I-”
“What, baby?” Roy’s concerned voice tickles at your ears. 
Both of them wear serious looks as if they somehow know what you’re about to say. Regardless, you’re still anxious about revealing your hand. 
“I’m,” You sigh, releasing years of pent-up doubts, miscommunication and second-guessings. “I’m afraid you don’t love me. That you just want to be loved and know you’re loved.” 
“Are those truly horrible things to want?” Jason and your heads shift in unison to stare at Roy’s unexpected response. “What?” He meets your dumbfounded looks with squinted eyes, “I’ve read Little Women.” You both still must not look convinced because he rolls his eyes, “Whatever. I think it’s about time we talked about what we are,” Roy starts. “Like we, us,” Roy motions between the three of you. 
Your mouth falters, not knowing what to say.
You feel like you’ve been obvious with them from the beginning, so it’s time for them to reveal their hand.
Jason looks at Roy, though this time, you know their shared eye contact is Jason asking for permission to reveal… well, you don’t exactly know what.
“Speaking for me first,” Jason shifts uncomfortably. “God, this is so fucking mortifying to admit it, but,” He runs a distracted hand through his hair, “I’ve always had a thing for you. Ever since the first time we skipped, your quick-witted nature, the way you always had a retort for my dumb shit. You definitely caught my eye.” His emerald eyes flicker up to yours now, “Hell, you’ve always had my attention, babe. I hate to admit it, it’s sappy as fuck, I know, but,” He walks forward and takes your hands in his. The way he looks at you is like it’s out of a movie, like he can’t ever imagine getting enough of you, “I’ve been hopelessly in love with you from the beginning.”
Jason turns to Roy now, motioning him over. Jason places your hand in Roy’s. The redhead stares down at the contact like he’s afraid of messing up after Jason’s stirring monologue. 
Roy’s eyes remain on your clasped hands as he shakily begins, “You’re beautiful.” You blush, your own eyes resorting down to your hands now, though they flicker up almost immediately to see if he’s looked up yet. He has. You gulp. “You’re intelligent, you don’t let anyone stop you, you’re a fighter, but most of all,” Roy exhales, eyes searching yours, “you loved me and supported me when I couldn’t even do it myself. In high school, I was a wreck, baby,” Roy pouts. “I treated you so wrong, I did you so fucking wrong and it haunts me every day. But this,” He gestures between the three of you, “you being here, your unwavering devotion, how you fucking -” He chokes up. Jason rubs him on the back, wiping away the tears he’d shed before clasping your hand again. “How you fucking treat my daughter like she’s your own,” He shakes his head like he can’t even believe it. “I don’t deserve you, princess.”
You squeeze both of their hands, reassuring them that their words mean everything to you.
Jason pipes up before you can voice your thoughts just yet, “Obviously, there were factors that kept us from revealing this to you before, but-”
Roy finishes where Jason left off anxiously, “Now that all of that is, uh, you know, out of the way,” Roy uncharacteristically stumbles over his words as he finally meets your eyes, “I guess we were just wondering what you think about the whole situation.”
Holy shit.
Your heart is palpitating out of your chest and you’re pretty sure they must be able to hear its erratic beating over the faint noise of traffic below.
“You’ve both really liked me from the beginning?” They nod. “All along?” You’re breathless, no, speechless, at the revelation.
“Baby,” Roy starts like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, “We’ve wanted to bang you from the moment we started getting close to you. Right, Jay?” 
You snort, but Jason doesn’t seem amused that he resorts back to humor after such a serious moment. You don’t mind, though—not when they’ve both bared their hearts to you.
Jason elbows him, but you’re already pointedly butting in. “Must be why your first words to me were to call me a fat bitch, then, yeah?” 
Jason looks sheepish while Roy looks offended on your behalf, muttering under his breath, “Dude.” 
“You’re never gonna let me live that down, are you?” He winces, but you’ve been smiling the entire time, clearly fucking with him.  
“No amount of scones, Todd.” 
They mention having sex with you and almost kissing you a few times and the times they actually did kiss you, "How did you not pick up on what we were putting down? Even now, we literally fucked twice. How are you still questioning this, babe?” 
“I didn’t want to come between you.” 
“Little late for that,” Roy waggles his brows teasingly. “There’s not anything to come between when you’ve always been a part of this.” 
“So you were jealous of Damian,” It’s their turn to squirm. “No way,” You say breathlessly, more to yourself than anyone else.
“Whatever, not our fault you’ve been attached to his side since we met.” 
You can hardly contain your eye roll, “And the two of you dipshits. When I wasn’t with Dami, I was in the library with you guys doing your homework for you.”
Your brain itches as it tries to remember something , but what, you’re having trouble recalling.
“Roy’s homework,” Jason corrects you, but your mind is still stuck.
The note Jason had left in his book; ‘remember for them.’  
Had it really been about you and Roy after all?
“Remember for them,” It’s all you have to say to get a reaction out of Jason.
His eyes flicker to Roy anxiously, who doesn’t seem to understand the new line of conversation. 
Jason, however, seems to know exactly what you’re talking about, “How the fuck do you remember that shit?” 
You’ve hit the nail right on the head.
You take a deep breath, “I need to know who it was about.” 
If he’d actually been thinking about it since then, you would be able to feel relief. You hadn’t been strung along the whole time. He’s loved you this whole time.
“Yes,” He confirms, somewhat embarrassed. “It was about the two of you.” 
You can hardly believe what you’re hearing.
“You mean to tell me this whole time we all could’ve been dating?” 
“You were too young!” Roy cuts in swiftly. “We both had our own issues, still do…” 
“So do I,” You snort, reflecting on the shit show that’s been the past few weeks. 
“And we’re so proud of you,” Jason earnestly says your name. “All mistakes aside, you’ve really handled this entire situation with an impressive amount of grace. You never once crumbled. You allowed yourself to cry, yes, but, ultimately, you stood tall,” Roy’s smirking at Jason now. “It really shows your level of maturity and how far you’ve come since the scrappy little asshole we first met.”
“I, for one,” Roy leans in like the Casanova he is, “love your little asshole.”
“I know the entire family is proud of you for how you handled the Joker, too, Jay,” Your eyes widen when your brain finally catches up to what Roy had said, “Wait, Roy. Love ?”
Roy’s charm immediately dissipates. He swiftly backs away, but your hand remains firmly around his.
Jason bites his lip as he ponders what to say next, “How would you want to go about this?” 
They’re both staring at you, anxiously awaiting your response. You would laugh, you know, if you weren’t on the edge of your seat in anticipation, too.
“‘This’ being?” You want to tease them a bit longer, finally content to not be on the receiving end of their torment.
You’d consider the ‘this’ a relationship, but you need to hear it from them first.
“We’ve always discussed keeping our relationship open for you,” Roy says. “We just thought, y’know, after all the shit we put you through, that it’d never be an actual option.”
“But now that you’re here, neither of us can imagine a life without you.”
“Neither of us could live a life without you, baby,” Roy looks up at you anxiously, squeezing your hand as he does. “Nor would we want to.”
“I was so depressed, you know, once I got past all the twinging pain of abandonment,” They wince. “It was so triggering when abandonment is all I’ve ever known. After knowing what I know now, I don’t hold anything against either of you at all,” You draw them closer to you until they’re both sitting beside you on the mattress. “You’re both all I’ve ever dreamed about and I never thought I’d actually have the chance to be with both of you,” They both instantly look relieved, as if they’re finally able to breathe for the first time since the conversation started. “And, now that we’re all here, I really see no reason for any of us to be anywhere else.”
“Shit,” Roy exhales with a wide smile. “Okay, yeah. This is good.”
You can’t help but bashfully smile back. 
Good? This is everything you’ve ever wanted.
You look between them expectantly, causing both of them to panic. 
“Er,” Jason starts. He unsurely looks at Roy to speak, but he’s already looking Jason’s way for the very same reason.
You clear your throat in an attempt to hide your amusement, but it’s in vain. 
They’ve been so kind to open up to you, so you don’t mind taking the reins this time. “Does this mean the three of us are dating, then?”
You nearly laugh when their wide eyes land on you at the same time and probably would’ve had you not felt so anxious. Actually putting the words out there was a lot more daunting than you’d expected. Then again, it has been the accumulation of literal years . 
Everything’s finally falling into place. You can hardly believe it’s actually becoming official.
Roy responds with an eager shake of his head, “Hell yeah, we are.”
This communication and upfront is exactly what you’d always needed but had never gotten. 
You can finally close all previous confusion and finally, truly move into the future.
At his response, you snort, though Jason’s gentle hand along your jawline stops you. He guides your face to his, looking deeply into your eyes, “Promise you don’t hold anything against us?” 
“The only thing I’ll ever hold against you is my body.” 
The mood instantly shifts.
“Y’know,” Roy starts as he languidly leans in, fingers tickling up and down the side of your arm as he does. “Now that we’re all officially dating, we do kind of need to christen it and all.”
“He’s not wrong,” Jason quirks a brow your way. “Plus, we have the whole place to ourselves.”
You blink back at them, your boyfriends, innocently, “The sectional looks comfy.”
“Fuck, yeah,” A wolfish grin spreads from freckled cheek to freckled cheek, “that’s hot.” Roy rubs his hands together greedily before he scoops you up and throws you over his shoulder. 
“Roy!” You bat at his back half-heartedly as he gropes your ass all the way to the living room. 
It’s as if he hasn’t heard you because he continues on, “In front of those big ass windows too, you’re a fucking slut, aren’t you, baby?”
You shoot Jason, who’s trailing behind his- wait, your, boyfriend, a deadpan stare, “A little help?”
“Now,” The right side of Jason’s mouth quirks up cruelly. “What’d be the fun in that, babe?”
You’re so fucked.
You can’t help the pleased grin that spreads across your face as Roy deposits you on the cashmere soft leather couch. Jason sidles up next to him and they both gaze down at you like they can’t decide how they want to wreck you today.
You love it.
They share a devilish smirk before getting into position. Everyone is very much careful of battle wounds that remain even weeks later.
Jason stands over you, placing his hands on the newly replaced glass as he guides his hefty cock to the opening of your mouth. You feel his heat as his erection bobs up and down, teasing precome-like dewdrops across your lofty lips.  
At the same time, Roy maneuvers the cushioned leather ottoman right up to you so he doesn’t have to kneel on the ground. With length added to the couch, Roy’s now free to spread his knees and arch his ass as he leans down to eat you out, spreading your legs wide open as both support and leverage. 
The tip of Roy’s tongue teases along the crease of your lips, barely dipping deeper. When the tip finally breaches your wet heat, he fatly laps your entire cunt before teasing the top of your entrance. As he does, the arched, middle section of his tongue teases your clit, not giving it nearly enough friction that you crave.
Jason suddenly turns around, one hand leaving the glass to get a better look as Roy expertly teases your wet cunt. The hand slowly trails up his scarred thighs as he gives his cock a few tugs. Roy’s emerald eyes blink open and immediately widen at the sight of Jason’s juicy ass.
Roy’s tongue is hypnotizing as it dips and flicks in all the right places. Roy pulls away from your cunt with a slurp, “I fuckin’ love Jay’s thighs, don’t you, baby?”
You lean forward slightly to pepper open-mouthed kisses along Jason’s thick thighs in lieu of a response, reveling in the way his breath hitches as you suck a hickey onto one. His dick twitches against your cheek and you can’t help but moan, deciding to leave more nice marks along his pale skin You catch sight of Roy winking at Jason, then at you, before Jason shifts forward once again.
Your one hand holds onto the wild tresses of Roy’s hair like a lifeline as Jason guides his down your pliant throat.
His length slowly inches down your throat, giving you the delicious constriction you’ve been craving since the last time you’d fucked.
His thick, veiny cock slowly dips in and out of your mouth while your tongue trickles along the underside. Your lips catch against the head of his cock and suck lightly before flicking against his seeping slit. All the while, your eyes maintain eye contact with his searing emerald gaze.
Slowly he begins to fuck your throat deeper and deeper. Your eyes roll back in your head, struggling to take his thickness.
Roy finally circles around your clit. At the same time, Jason thrusts deep enough to draw tears from your eyes. You breathe your moan vibrates against Jason’s length. 
Speaking of vibrating, Roy’s finger increases the vibration speed on his prosthetic as the tip of the metal tickles as it hovers just above your clit. Your thighs keep, read: squish, Roy’s head in place as he continues to torment you with his skilled tongue. The ticklish thrum of an orgasm steadily sinks down into your lower stomach until you can no longer bear it.
Roy’s tongue flicks and laps you through the waves of pleasure that wrack your body. Jason, however, doesn’t slow his thrusts in the slightest. 
It’s exactly what you want. What you’ve craved .
You quickly become overly sensitive to Roy’s tongue and snap your thighs together, trapping his face in the process as you struggle away from his teasing. 
As soon as your legs stop trembling enough to part them again, Roy’s diving right back in. This time, instead of his tongue, he graces you with his leaking cock against your aching entrance. You’re still a bit sensitive, yet you can’t help but guide his tip further inside your tight heat.
He releases a shaky exhale and looks down at you with darkened eyes once he bottoms out. He shakes his head and fucking whimpers as he rests his forehead against your own. His orange hair tickles at your cheeks as your eyes search his lust-consumed ones.
“You’re so fucking wet, baby,” He shakes his head like he can’t believe it, leaving his cascading hair to trickle in its wake. “You want me to fuck your come into you, princess?” He’s gritting his teeth at this point like he’s obviously holding himself back from pounding into you. 
Jason pulls out of your throat shakily, panting as he allows you to respond.
“Only if you give me your come, too,” You bite lightly at your bottom lip. Both of them groan at the same time and you know you’ve said the right thing. 
You wiggle your hips downward to get more friction, but his firm hands on your hips stop you in your tracks. He seriously has the audacity to tease you when you’re already aching so badly for him. 
His tip barely breaches your slit, fucking into you with shallow, quick-paced thrusts that leave you crying out desperately for more.
“How bad do you want it?” Jason’s dark timbre sends your stomach flipping. He, however, doesn’t give you a chance to respond before he shoves his cock back into your tight mouth.
“ Omph !” You startle around his length, though you quickly ease back into the fluid snaps of his hips. You only pull off to jack him off with your hand for a moment, spitting on the red tip of his cock before continuing your previous ministrations.
Jason removes one hand from the window to caress your cheek before smacking it lightly. You’re completely embarrassed by the needy whine you release in response.
You pull off Jason’s dick, panting as you do. 
“I want it so fucking bad, Roy,” Your eyes never once leave Jason’s darkened ones above you, however. “I want the both of you to fill all my little fuckholes and fuck me until I forget my name.” It comes out in a breathy rush, cut up between wanton moans, but they seem to get the point.
“Shit, baby.” You look between Jason’s thick thighs, watching as Roy’s cock enters further and further into your cunt with each thrust. “Our good girl has such a filthy little mouth, Jay.” 
“Should probably punish her then,” Jason flashes you a dark smirk, “Right, Roy?”
Your eyes widen, though your mouth opens expectantly for Jason to give you what you deserve. He groans at the sight of your open, fuckable mouth waiting for him. He smacks his heavy cock against your stinging cheek, smearing precome as he does before finally indulging by slipping between your sinful lips.
“One of us has to teach her a lesson,” As if to prove his point, his soft hand comes down on your ass cheek. He delivers swift, painful pleasure that sends you reeling. 
“ Fuck! ” You cry out around Jason’s leaking dick. 
Jason grabs a fistful of your hair as your eyes go unfocused in pure ecstasy. “You take that shit,” He grunts out your name through gritted teeth. “Fucking cock slut. What are we going to do with you?”
At his words, Roy moans, hips sputtering as he finally gives you what you’ve been craving. He holds you down by your hip, placing his other hand on your lower stomach as he quickens his pace. 
“I can think of a few things,” Comes Roy’s teasing response.
The pressure from Roy’s hands is in all the right places; places you’d never even known about until now.
With Roy fucking into you and Jason positioned standing over your torso, you’re completely filled.
Jason suddenly moans and stumbles a bit on the cushions. You break away from Jason’s face to see Roy’s face deep in Jason’s ass.
“Shit, Roy . A little warning,” Jason tries to sound annoyed, but with all his breathy moans, it’s easy to see through. 
Roy only eats Jason’s ass for mere seconds before Jason’s hand leaves the glass window, while the other tightens in your hair. He uses his grip to fuck your wet mouth with his cock as he rides out his orgasm.
“Coming all undone for our princess, Jay?” Roy’s thrusts are unrelenting, striking up against your g-spot with each snap of his hips.
When Jason’s hips are done twitching, he shakily reaches down to wipe stray come and spit that dribbles down from your swollen lips, “Always.”
He settles on your stomach, back to Roy, adding even more delicious pressure to the already steady building pressure Roy’s created.
“Open,” He demands and you comply, making a show of the rest of his come you’ve collected. You visibly swallow as you accept his come-covered thumb, sucking the remaining seed from his finger lewdly with your eyes never once leaving his.
Before you can swallow again, Jason surges forward to capture your lips with his.
The kiss is sloppy, slightly salty with sweat and come and you can’t get enough. You let out a broken moan as wet noises take over the hum of the TV.
“I can’t,” You break away, panting as you feel the eminent approach of another toe-curling orgasm. “Please, Roy !”
“Just like that,” Roy’s hips sputter and his voice is absolute velvet as he fucks you in all the right ways. “Beg for my cock just like that, princess.”
Jason goes between making out with you and whispering filthy things in your ear, loud enough for Roy to hear.
All the dirty talk is enough to send you and Roy over the edge at the same time. You feel his hot come filling every inch of your pussy and you grind against his dick one last time to make sure he’s giving it all to you.
Jason moves to slowly lap at your twitching cunt as soon as Roy pulls out. Jason makes a show of collecting the come that spills to your inner thighs. He gathers it all up into his mouth before spitting it into your already open one, “Swallow.” 
Your eyes widen owlishly, though you manage to follow his command, eyes flickering between your boyfriends as you do. You let out a pleased hum as your own come mixed with Roy’s trickles down your fucked throat.
Roy watches with a lazy smirk crawling across his freckled cheeks, “Such a good girl for us, aren’t you?”
Jason’s calloused fingers caress your jawline, turning your face to meet his head on for a toe-curling kiss. The fact that you know he can taste both of his lover’s come on his tongue only drives you more crazy. You deepen the kiss, tickling your tongue against his until he guides it into his mouth with a teasing flick that draws a pleased sigh from you.
“Very good,” Jason smirks as he pulls away, leaving you wrecked.
You relax back on the couch with a warm grin gracing your blushing face.
“ Fuck , dude,” Roy’s naked body slumps beside you. “Our sex game just reached a whole new level, Jay.” They then have the audacity to lazily high-five over your shallowly panting body. “Told you she was a freak,” He mutters cheekily with a playful nudge to your side.
“If you ever want to continue sticking your dick in me again, you might want to shut the fuck up, Harper.”
They both snicker, “Fair enough, princess.”
You’ve almost forgotten what normal life feels like, you know, without people constantly trying to murder you and shit.
Dick’s been off of patrol for the past few weeks, sporting a broken leg. This is Lian’s dream scenario, who requests the acrobat come over every other day.
Roy hadn’t been able to hold in your relationship for long, spewing about it to anyone and everyone who would listen.
It’s… cute.
“You know,” Dick hobbles over to the sectional, “you guys should get out of here, go on a date or something.” Jason makes to mention Lian, but Dick’s already waving him off. “I’ve got Lian, right babydoll?” 
She nods excitedly, motioning for him to turn around to braid his hair. It’s almost long enough to braid, just barely missing the mark.
Lian huffs, “Make your hair longer, Uncle Dick.”
“Uh,” He chuckles nervously, lightly pulling his shiny locks from her white-knuckled grip, “right on it, kiddo!” 
“Jay’s gotcha covered. He keeps a whole bunch of wigs stashed in our closet,” Roy winks and, much to Dick’s horror, continues on. “Just don’t go digging around in the boxes next to ‘em.”
“So wrong, Roy,” Dick shakes his head in disgust. “Seriously, so wrong on so many levels- I’m his brother ,” Dick cuts himself off in the middle of whatever he’d been saying to exclaim the obvious. It’s as if Roy’s words alone are enough to make Dick puke at the very thought alone. If anything, Dick’s exaggerated response only adds to Roy’s shit-eating grin. “You know what?” He sounds plain exasperated now. “Just leave. Just go,” He closes his eyes with an annoyed sigh. When he opens them and the three are you are still standing there, he gives a deadpan glare before threatening,. “Leave before I change my mind.” 
Jason seems to come to after the shock of Roy revealing their- your sex life to his brother. He rubs irritably at the space between his brows as if he now has a migraine. Avoiding Dick’s direction completely, Jason grabs both of your hands and hightails it to the car before Dick can make good on his threat.
“I can never look him in the eye again,” Jason glares at Roy. Roy, on the other hand, looks extremely pleased with himself. “You realize that, right?” Jason huffs in annoyance but still opens the car door for you. “Fuck you, Roy.” 
From the backseat, you wiggle across the front seat armrest to open both of their doors for them from inside. Neither seem to notice, however, as they’re both way too preoccupied with quarreling.
“I know, right?” Roy waggles his eyebrows obnoxiously. As he adjusts the rearview, he winks at you, “Where to, gorgeous?”
The diner is completely empty when you get there.
The jukebox loudly pounds out Tom Petty, nearly unbearably so, as the man leads you to a circular booth. It’s not your usual booth, but it sits right across from the one you’d originally sat at. This booth means you all get to sit next to and face each other at the same time.
They sit on either side of you, effectively squishing you with their muscular bodies.
It’s perfect.
You smile, beginning to absentmindedly kick your legs under the table in glee.
Same chipped flooring, same fake pies in the display, same big rip on your favorite booth. Everything’s the same, yet so different . 
Jason voices much of the same. 
“Different in a good way, though,” He clarifies as the waiter puts down your food and milkshakes. The waiter’s barely turned around before Roy steals one of your fries and dips it in Jason’s milkshake, “Hey!”
“In the best way, Jay,” He responds through a mouthful of fries.
From underneath the tablecloth, both of their hands slowly trail up to the short hem of your skirt.
Jason’s calloused fingers reach your heat first, easily pushing aside the lace of your thong to run one of his thick fingers up and down the length of your slit. The touch is intoxicating, though not nearly giving you the friction your hips now desperately buck for.
Roy’s bionic hand secures around your thick thigh, holding you in place as Jason begins his torment. “Hold your moan,” Jason lowly rumbles out your name as the server approaches.
“Everything looking good over here?”
“Really good,” Roy nods impishly as his verdant eyes lock mischievously onto yours. “Your food alright, princess?”
Jason chooses this moment to finally flick at your aching clit. 
You arch off the back of the booth, quickly coughing into your elbow to stifle your cry.
“All good, yup,” You confirm weakly as Roy’s cool metal slips closer and closer to your leaking cunt.
The man’s eyes linger on you just a bit too long for Jason’s liking. You can hardly focus, though, with Roy’s bionic hand lowly vibrating just above the hood of your clit.
Roy snorts at your boyfriend’s possessive behavior and gives the dude a thumbs-up with his free hand. It’s enough to have him stumbling away from your table, rambling and stuttering all the while. Though your server obviously knows what’s going on, Roy’s vibrations never falter in their teasing motions.
Once he’s out of earshot, you allow yourself to release the pent-up sigh that’s been lodged in your throat, “My fucking Magic Wand doesn’t even vibrate this fast, Roy.” It comes out a little more breathy than you’d like, but you’re not in any position to complain. 
The longer Roy keeps teasing his fingers through your slick folds, the closer you are to coming.
“ Shit,” He scoots close so your thighs are touching. “Shit, baby. Say my name just like that.” 
The jukebox blares out in time with your cries as Roy’s finger finally moves to directly stimulate your clit. Meanwhile, one of Jason’s slips inside your tight heat.
As you slink further down in the booth, Jason’s hands slip beneath the tablecloth to busy themselves with the provocative scene you’re putting on. He briefly searches around the restaurant before shoving his free hand down your bra to caress your tits. He glances up quickly again before shifting your top to expose them to the empty room.
“I think she’s actually getting off on this shit, Roy,” Jason’s dark timbre shakes every fiber of your vibrating being. “Like she’d let us fuck her right here and now in public.”
His words have your unfocused eyes rolling to the back of your head with a whine. 
You would.
That is… if you weren’t already seconds away from coming.
Roy chuckles lowly, abusing your clit all the while, “You like that, princess?”
You do.
“Fuck,” Your lower lip wobbles under their careful, teasing attention. Their every move is made to make you unravel until you’re nothing but a twitching mess sitting in the ruins of your arousal. “You’re both so good to me. I wanna come, please. Please, I want to come, JAY! ”
Jason slips in a second finger that leaves you lewdly arching off the booth, “Come.”
His commandeering tone only further adds to your overstimulation.
You don’t care that you’re slightly drooling, only that you’re about to have one of the best orgasms of your life. Your hips snap forward, directly against Roy’s vibrating onslaught, until you have no choice but to come.
Your orgasm shakes your body with waves of fiery chills wracking your shaking body. Through it all, they continue their ministrations until you finally unleash the wanton moan, read: scream, you’ve been holding in.
By the time the food comes out, you’re all fully satiated and take it to go. Go, meaning you fuck in the minivan for another thirty minutes before going home to watch one of Jason’s favorite horror movies.
You easily slip into the remaining cracks in their life as if you were always meant to be here. The best part? You finally know it, too. There are no more doubts, no more confusion- only love.
It’s everything you’ve ever imagined. It’s the start of the new, the end of the old and all the beautiful moments in between. It’s everything you could have wanted and more.
It's truly a beginning, yet you can’t deny that the end is still somehow just out of sight. 
An insidious smoke still looms just below the surface, lying stagnant in wait for the perfect moment to bubble over and leak to the surface. 
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A/N: ah! i can't believe it's over :( be sure to let me know what you think!!!
Here’s the Spotify link again!
3/3 giveaway in the works for april! check out this post for more info!
[end]  ||  masterlist ||  pinned
[next in series]
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the-ugly-swan · 3 months
ꗃꓸ 𝗠𝗬 𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗬 𝗘𝗡𝗗𝗜𝗡𝗚 ! ⋆ ⌧ ꓸ 𝖽𝖺𝗂𝗌𝗒 𝗃𝗈𝗇𝖾𝗌 & 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗌𝗂𝗑. !
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□□. ॰ 𖥔ؗ ̟ ﹅💽 : 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𓈒 𓈒 𓈒 ★ॱ ✦ 💿 。 ⌧ 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𓃊 𝐚𝐯𝐫𝐢𝐥 𝐥𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐞.
𝑩reak an artist's heart and you will become their best work of art.
It’s certainly admirable how an artist can transform the worst of their pains into the best of their masterpieces. Some do it through books and writings, others do it through portraits and paintings,...and others do it through melodies and songs.
April Summers is just one of the billion artists who transform their sorrows and sadness into magnificent works of art, but she certainly has a story worth telling. The former member and sub-vocalist of Daisy Jones & The Six became the ultimate icon of tragic love songs...although not for the right reasons.
April joined the band in 1969 thanks to the recommendations of Billy and Graham Dunne, who she had known since she became involved in the entertainment business. However, it was never fully known why she suddenly left the group a year before it disbanded. But...the fans and the press may have finally hit upon the truth after the young woman debuted as a solo artist in 1976 with the album ❛Under My Skin❜ which immediately became a huge success all over the globe.
Songs like ❛Forgotten❜, ❛How Does It Feel❜, and ❛Nobody's Home❜ had a great impact on the public...but none had as much impact as ❛My Happy Ending❜. The song that made her become the sole queen of the heartbreaking love songs.
❛My Happy Ending❜ had a…controversial story. It wasn't a love story per se...at least not in the original sketch. However, the composer decided to modify the lyrics a little for the sake of her sources of inspiration. April was not ruthless enough to expose, at least not so explicitly, those who she claimed had wronged her.
In April's eyes, her former bandmates had done something unforgivable...feigned love for her. In her eyes...that friendship, brotherly, and even romantic love on the part of the boy she was in love with, was never genuine. Or at least that’s what she thought at the beginning, when she began to feel lonely and excluded.
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❪ present day ❫ April’s interview:
Interviewer: ❝We already know that ❛Under My Skin❜ was written based on your experiences with Daisy Jones & The Six. However, was the song ❛My Happy Ending❜ truly written based on the relationship you had with Billy Dunne or was it just an alibi to hide the fact that it was actually about your feelings for your former bandmates in general?❞
April Summers: ❝It was...definitely based on my relationship with Billy. However, the original sketch was supposed to be about my feelings for the band in general.❞
Interviewer: ❝What made you change your mind and made you turn it into a love song?❞
April Summers: ❝I think it was the fact that…I realized I was being a little too harsh on the members…and that at the end of the day my anger and resentment was mostly directed towards Billy and not…the band itself.❞
Interviewer: ❝When was it written? Was it written while you were still part of the band or was it written after you decided to become a solo artist?❞
April Summers: ❝ I began writing the album while I was still part of the band. The funny thing is that I wasn't really planning on becoming a solo artist when I decided to leave. I began writing songs on a little notebook in an attempt to...vent my thoughts and feelings...kind of like in a diary, but I never thought about turning that notebook into a full musical album until I gave up the band. ❛My Happy Ending❜ was actually the last song I wrote.❞
Interviewer: ❝And what exactly gave you the inspiration to write it? The original version, I mean…not the version we all know.❞
April Summers: ❝I remember I was feeling extremely lonely, anxious, excluded…I wasn’t feeling a part of the band anymore. And at that time I never thought about putting the blame on me for that. Instead I just blamed my mates…without actually having a reason.❞
Interviewer: ❝And when did you decided to rewrite it in…dishonor of Billy?❞
April Summers: ❝It all happened in a…sort of fight with Billy and then with Graham. Billy and I were going through a very rough path and I wanted to talk things over and try to save our relationship…but that same day I found him…confessing his feelings to Daisy and…saying he was gonna leave me for her and he just needed time. And for me that was the straw that broke the camel’s back.❞
Interviewer: ❝What did you do about it?❞
April Summers: ❝I wasn’t in the mood for a fight so I just ran to my room…and there was the notebook I used to write my songs. I don’t know how I actually got the impulse to open it and re-write the ❛My Happy Ending❜ song…I just knew I had to get those words and feelings out of my mind…and out of my heart.❞
Interviewer: ❝Do you still remember the day you decided to leave? Why did you waited so long?❞
April Summers: ❝I’ll never forget that day. We had just gotten back from tour and…I was actually hesitant about leaving or not.❞
Interviewer: ❝How were things with Billy and the band at that time? After the incident.❞
April Summers: ❝Billy…had no idea I had seen it all so he kept acting like nothing happened, that everything was fine between us, and…I don’t even know why I decided to play along.❞
Interviewer: ❝You were young and in love…Were you thinking that the relationship could still work out?❞
April Summers: ❝A part of me did…but with time it wasn’t just Billy who made me cry. I began to feel…lonely, excluded, forgotten…like I no longer felt like a friend or even a bandmate.❞
Interviewer: ❝So ‘till this day you still think that the guys never really loved or cared for you…in any sense?❞
April Summers: ❝I still believe that…I’ll always will. However, I think that maybe…just maybe…the only one that genuinely cared about me was Graham. It’s only an intuition, but…there was something about him that…makes me think he actually cared about me…him and maybe even Daisy.❞
Interviewer: ❝Why Daisy?❞
April Summers: ❝Daisy, ironically, never actually felt like an enemy or a threat to me. In the sense that…I think that at the end of the day she was just another victim of the love triangle. Of course she knew Billy and I were still together when he began to court her and she still corresponded…but I don’t know why I could never blame her for that. I still think Billy was the only one to blame in this situation.❞
Interviewer: ❝Do you think she would agree?❞
April Summers: ❝Perhaps she would…I’m not really sure…perhaps she would divide the blame and put it in a 50/50 balance.❞
Interviewer: ❝And do you think Billy would agree?❞
April Summers: ❝Billy…I don’t think he would…especially when he had the audacity to deny his feelings for Daisy a thousand times. And how he would act like he wasn’t courting her behind my back. I don’t think he would be that cynical…but I could be wrong…❞
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April was very clear about her true feelings, the ones that made her write that song. However, perhaps her impulse to modify the lyrics was nothing more than pure anger, resentment, and desire for revenge against Billy. It was as if she suddenly no longer cared about the pain and suffering that everyone in general had caused her. And perhaps that would result in an advantage for her in having to focus her rage on one person instead of several.
On the day of her departure she didn't give much explanation as to why she was leaving...and she didn't care either. At that time she couldn't care less what her bandmates thought of her or if they agreed with losing a member. She didn't even care about the two people who had more or less made her not feel so alone.
To April's surprise, or not so much, Billy didn't put up any resistance when she made it clear that they were over. He didn't even try to apologize for tricking her...nor did the members apologize for making her cry so many times. That was perhaps one of the reasons why she made the decision to dedicate that first album to them...and expose the tears that, in April's mind, they had caused her.
Daisy Jones & The Six erased April from the scene after her departure...as if she had never been a part of them. That only confirmed April's suspicions...that he was never more than a completely unnecessary, even detrimental, throwaway decoration for the band.
April then knew that she wasn’t wrong when she stated: ❛all this time you were pretending…so much for my happy ending…❜
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💽 ꗃ. 𝐝𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 ⋆ ➩. @precious-little-scoundrel @prompted-wordsmith @iamcxlleigh @whatstruthgottodowithit @mydarlingelvis
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tkazarin · 2 years
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I’m so excited of @pond-child-edd​ ‘s AU!!! It’s a great thing and I’m thankful for seeing this! I’ve noticed that authors are fine (and even glad to see it) with some silly thoughts and headcanons so... I WANNA BRING THIS UP! Warning: English isn’t my native, so sorry about mistakes. I have some theories and speculations. U see I love Tom. That’s important and I’m going to speak about him.  In this AU there are a way darker versions of classic era characters. And I love it a lot! They feel unique and more human. Control Freak TM Matt, anxious-stressed Edd and Tordish Tord. And Tom?... We haven’t seen much of him and his actions yet (but i’m sure we will). And the most obvious is his appearance. He is pretty far from normal looking hooman. WHAT IF he is a monster? Demon or something like this. Yeah, in the original show there is an evidence that Tom became a shapeshifter because of Tord. But I’d like to think that Tord was studying him. Also it’s AU lol. 
In comic it was mentioned that Tom had weapons, a lot, at his apartment. For what reason? For protecting from his monstrous form. Tom has his line instead of eyes and monster-like mouth with huge fangs. It feels like he can’t fully turn into human. He can’t control his appearance. 
Also I’ve noticed that he is very attached to Edd’s house. Why? I guess it’s because he feels unsafe/uncomfortable at his own place. There can be two reasons: 1. Parents. They see a monster in him. So here is the weaponry. Mb bcs of their abuse Tom doesn’t speak.  2. Solitude. Nobody wants to interact with a freak. With a dangerous freak. Mb he realizes the danger he can bring. So he isolates himself in order to protect others. However he can’t do it constantly. He wants friends, he wants appreciation. And a real home. He really loves this place. He tries to make it comfortable. Tom protects his home (he considered Tord as a threat and he was not that wrong i guess). Also he doesn’t hate anyone a lot. He is in good terms with Edd and Matt, probably, and is displeased with Tord (there were no real signs of aggression from his side). He told Matt about his and Tord’s conversation mb because he wanted this situation to over. He could tell about it to Edd but he has chosen the most “soft” option. And yeah, he still doesn’t speak so angry twitter argument is delayed. He brought Ringo to make this place feel more like a home. He started to show up around the house because he feels there good. Also I see that Matt is kinda afraid of Tom same as Tord. Or it’s just me but at the Ringo introduction he constantly looked at Tom with fear??? And he sent Tord to Tom as a punishment? Matt would never leave the opportunity. to troll Tord so with Tom there would be something not good or it was just Matt’s point of view. So here are some funnies. Imagine one day you notice that your friend starts having more and more human traits. As a result of self confidence and living around people. And finally he looks like a real man with just two black holes but at least they look and act like eyes. I mean pretty neat upgrade I hope Tord will be pleased. AND yEAH HE SUDDENLY SPEAKS WITH DEEP VOICE. At the moments of stress Tom will return to his classic look and moreover he will open more eyes and the mouth will become bigger... The monster form is coming. Thank you for the reading! It’s 5 AM here, i need some sleep P.s.: I’m terrible at drawing and it’s my second art of Eddsworld (it’s clear with my inability of drawing hoodies) but I want to illustrate my thoughts. 
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meetinginsamarra · 1 year
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sorted by word count/series
Mutual Attraction 94k , pre ASiP, different first meetings, casefic, pining
The day when a homeless drug addict and a suicidal ex-soldier met was the beginning of something until then unheard-of: Mutual Attraction. Of course, not all was what it looked like in the first place but the days of boredom, loneliness and lack of purpose were history. A case had to be solved, lives had to be saved and a developing relationship had to be tackled.
Here I Am -series, the pornwithoutplot which evolved into pornwithplot with feels and whump
The Toe that didn´t belong 6.9k, Part One
Every time John thought back to the occasion the funny thing was that the first thing he had noticed to be out of place had been a…toe.
The Embers still glow when I´m sober 14,5k, Part Two
When Sherlock woke up the morning after he actually felt good. Which was completely unexpected. Although he was sort of anxious about John´s reaction when he would notice that the punk who did not belong in his bed and who had coaxed him into having shameless sex last night was still there.
Gravity is missing from everything 23.5k, Part Three
People bumped into him, cussing and throwing death glares. Blocking their way, Sherlock stood frozen in a throng of commuters. “Are you high?” one shouted into his vacant face. Funnily enough he actually was not. This was all John´s fault. Inflicting a date on him. To have dinner.
Learn My Scars, 38k, written for whumptober 2022, Serbia and the aftermath
After being thrown down and strangled, Sherlock leaves John in the restaurant, angry and deeply hurt. When John follows Sherlock to 221b, he learns that Sherlock’s scars have not been acquired by “gallivanting around” for two years.
The 13th Book 26.5k,  a magical realism AU with demon Sherlock
Summoning a demon was actually quite simple if you could avoid getting killed in the process. Therefore, only the powerful, the desperate or the stupid would attempt it. John Watson was likely the first, definitely the second but hopefully not one of the third kind.
Sherlock’s Secret Laboratory Journal 6k, my outlet for writing cracky hilarious Sherlock, will become a series with adding a chapter for each new experiment
What does a helplessly pining but absolutely clueless Sherlock do in order to woo an oblivious John? He turns to the internet for advice on the art of seduction and notes the experiments in his secret laboratory journal.
Oyster and Mushroom Soup 9k, Sherlock’s latest attempt at seduction, Part 2 of the Secret Lab Journal series
Sherlock's second try to win over John involves a lot of special cooking recipes.
Wretched and Divine – series punklock and doctor John
Wretched and Divine 5.1k, Part One
Dr. John Watson is on call at the A&E when he attempts to treat a very special patient. Instead he finds himself a very special treat.
The Aftermath is Secondary 19.5k, Part Two
Will John and Sherlock really go on the agreed date in the infamous punkrock club “The Misfit”? Will their sexual tension finally be resolved? Is it really going to be dangerous? And will Sherlock really wear the promised fishnet top? (Oh God, yessss!)
Winning a lost bet 8.2k, pole-dancing at the XMas party
A lost bet makes Sherlock and John perform a pole-dance in costumes at the Yard´s Christmas party. It was supposed to be humiliating but instead the couple nailed it.
Until the final breath escapes 1.9k, spooky Halloween fic
In a world turned hostile they hold onto their love until the final breath escapes.
First-Hand Experience 0.9k, for Sherlock Challenge “Move”
Sherlock stood awkwardly in front of John, looking down at it and suddenly asking himself if this had actually been such a good idea.
221Plants 0.8k, for Sherlock Challenge “Plant”
Why is there a jungle on the coffee table in 221b?
Flag 0.8k, for Sherlock Challenge “Flag”
Sitting by the well after John´s rescue, Sherlock remembers his friend Victor.
Nail  0.2k, for Sherlock Challenge “Nail”
Sherlock´s thoughts before he falls
Mark 0.1k  drabble for wednesday 100 writing challenge
Sherlock is the hundredth day away from John
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 1
Episode 16: My Phony Valentine
~Swellview High~
Henry saw Bianca taking a drink from the water fountain in the hall. It was the season of love, or rather, it was getting close to Valentine's Day and he wanted to ask his crush out.
"Boo!" He snuck up on her and made her jump. The girl choked in surprise and began to cough.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to..." Well, that wasn't how Henry had planned it in his head.
"That's okay. Hi." The brunette smiled at him.
"Hey, so chickity check it. Two tickets, you and me, tomorrow night. Yeah. Valentine's Day. That's right. I'm gonna keep saying things until you smile." Henry showed her the online tickets he had to Club Soda, but to his confusion, the girl didn't smile, she just looked anxious.
"Henry, I can't go with you to Club Soda tomorrow." She told him, making the teen boy's heart sink.
"But I bought us tickets for Valentine's Day." He spluttered.
"Well, you should've asked me a week ago," Bianca told him, trying to walk away but Henry kept talking.
"Oh come on. You, like, wanted me to officially ask you out?" Ah boy, this kid had a lot to learn about the art of dating.
"Yes. That's how girls work." Bianca frowned at his naivety, as Charlotte coughed from the other side of the hall.
"Oh, sorry. I just swallowed some 'told you so'." The dark-haired girl smirked at Henry. She had warned him about not asking Bianca earlier, but he hadn't listened. 
"Come on, Bianca." Henry pleaded with his crush after Charlotte walked off to her next class.
"Someone else already asked me to go to Club Soda tomorrow night." The girl sighed.
"Who?" Henry asked, agitated that some other kid had beaten him to the chase.
"Mitch Bilsky." Her answer horrified Henry. Who would want to go with that jerk?
"Mi--you're--wh---Mitch Bilsky is all big and mean and stupid. And Mitch." Henry looked at her with disgust on his face, but Bianca didn't care about his opinions on her date.
"Well, he asked me in advance, sorry." Bianca gave him a sympathetic smile, and walked away, leaving Henry to face the wrath of Miss Shapen.
"Well, Henry Hart. Or should I call you, Ffff?" The teacher said to the boy.
"Why would you call me 'Ffff'?" He asked her with a confused face.
"Because Ffff stands for 'F'." The teacher showed him his test result, causing Henry's face to turn pale.
"I failed my test?" He breathed out.
"Oh yeah, and I was just about to tape it to your locker." Miss Shapen said.
"To shame you." The woman replied and walked over to Henry's locker to stick up his failed test.
"Look, Miss Shapen, I can't get an F." He pleaded with her.
"Well, too late, poop tart." She snapped back, not being the kind of teacher to remark a test so easily.
"Well, why have you been in such a bad mood all week?" Henry asked her, noticing how on edge she was.
"I don't have to tell you." She replied, but she couldn't hold back her tears.
"Did nobody invite you out for Valentine's Day?" Henry didn't have to be a genius to work that one out.
"Oh, God, it shows? Do you have a tissue?" Miss Shapen looked at him in alarm. She burst into more sobs, making Henry feel awkward. He fumbled in his pockets to see what he had, but all he could find was a dollar bill.
"I got a dollar." He said, tentatively passing her the note.
"Give it." The woman proceeded to blow her nose on Henry's money, who looked at her in disgust, but then, he suddenly formulated a cunning plan.
"Hey. What if I could get you a Valentine's date with Captain Man?" Henry said to her, making her look up at him in disbelief.
"You don't know Captain Man." She told him, thinking that what he had just said was too good to be true.
"Uh, true, true. But if I can find him and get him to have dinner with you tomorrow night, can I re-take the test?" He looked at his teacher hopefully. Sure, Ray would be furious, he had been hoping to do something with (y/n), but Henry knew he didn't have the guts to ask her out.
"If you get me a date with Captain Man for Valentine's Day, I will take you F and turn it into one of these." Miss Shapen drew an F on her PearPad and turned it into an A, much to Henry's delight.
"Okay, I'm going to try." He said.
"Henry, wait. Your dollar." She gave him back the bill, and Henry stuck it to a locker, not wanting to carry around a mucus-filled dollar in his pocket all day.
~The Man Cave, later that day~
Henry had pulled up a picture of Miss Shapen on the supercomputer's monitor and was trying to convince Ray to take her on a date for Valentine's Day. His grade was on the line here, so he was using every trick in the book.
"Are you kidding me? That's your teacher, Miss Shapen." Ray asked him, looking at the woman's photo in repulsion. Why would he choose that over a certain (y/h/c) haired helper?
"My single teacher." Henry clicked his fingers at Ray, who wasn't any more convinced.
"Oh, I'm so surprised." The man replied sarcastically, wandering away from the computer.
"Come on, if you have dinner with her, she'll change my 'F' into an 'A'." Henry pleaded with his boss.
"Hey, I got a good idea." The man turned around to look at his sidekick.
"What?" The boy looked at him with hope.
"Why don't I have Valentine's dinner with your mom?" Ray smirked, causing Henry to snap at him.
"NO!" The boy shouted, not wanting (y/n) to hear Ray talking about his mom again.
"All right," Ray muttered back, as (y/n) came walking down the stairs from the sprocket. She saw that Henry had arrived and smiled at him. Ray looked at her with a pointed curiosity. She had a spring in her step, but he didn't know why.
"Hey, guys." She greeted them, as Henry noticed her particularly cheerful demeanour.
"Hey, what's got you all happy?" The boy asked her, watching as her smile grew even brighter.
"You'll never guess." She teased them, leaving the two males in suspense.
"What?" Ray shared her excitement, loving to see her so smiley.
"Yeah, come on, tell us," Henry added.
"Well...I have a date. For Valentine's!" She squealed, shocking Henry and almost killing Ray. She had a date? With who? When had she been with anybody else? How had he not seen this coming?
"A date?" Henry stumbled out, painting a smile on his face as Ray struggled to breathe, let alone appear happy. She never went on dates, so whoever had caught her attention must have been special. His heart sank to see her so happy about someone else and it was his turn to feel the bitter sting of jealousy.
"I know! Me, on a date!" She exclaimed. She knew that Ray would probably have hundreds of girls lined up to take out, so she decided that for once, she wasn't going to spend the night of romance alone. She would try to find companionship with someone else, even though they could never match up to him.
"W--who is he?" Ray stuttered, finally getting control over his tongue. He had even managed to twist his face into a smile despite his heart aching in his chest.
"Well, there's this guy called Drake I always see at the library, and for weeks he's been asking me out and every time I've said no. But he bought me a rose for Valentine's Day and he asked me on a date tomorrow, so I thought 'what the hell?' and said yes!" She explained quickly, her rapid words making her slightly out of breath. 
Ray took in her flushed cheeks and wide grin and could see how much this date meant to her. He could never deny anything that made her happy, but this made his head spin. Her beauty was obvious but subtle, classic but nonconventional. He scolded himself for thinking that other men wouldn't see it; of course, they would. She captivated those around her with a quick wit and shining personality, so it was no wonder this guy was desperate to ask her out.
"And he's nice?" He breathed out, copying Henry's smile when the kid tapped him on the back to remind him to be happy for her. He hadn't asked her out; it was his fault she'd found comfort with someone else. There was no use complaining when he'd done nothing. 
"Yeah, he's cute and funny, and we both love cheesy romance novels." She giggled, making the large man smile sadly.
"Then he sounds perfect for my best friend," Ray told her, the words leaving a sharp, acrid taste on his tongue. He wanted to be perfect for her. 
"So, will you do it?" Henry broke the tension, hoping that Ray wasn't too depressed to say no to his plan.
"Fine, I'll have dinner with Miss Shapen." Ray hissed. His Valentine's couldn't get any worse, so why not?
"Yes!" Henry cheered, here comes that 'A'!
"Wait, as in Henry's teacher, Miss Shapen?" (y/n) looked at him in surprise.
"Yeah, Henry wants Captain Man to take her on a date, so she'll change his grade." He groaned at her, but the idea of Ray sitting through a date with the odd woman made her laugh.
"Sooner you than me, that woman is weird!" The girl giggled, her friend looking both annoyed and amused by her entertainment at his predicament.
"Ooh, she loves chicken, so feed her some chicken," Henry added in, making (y/n) howl with even more laughter. 
"You're going on a date with a cat now!" She wiped the tears from her eyes when she imagined Ray throwing chicken scraps at the woman.
"All right," he growled at her playfully. 
"Oh, Ray. I will never forget this." The teen slapped his arm in excitement.
"Neither will he." (y/n) snorted, her joke setting her off again. Ray ruffled her hair, as Schwoz came down from the sprocket, wearing a frankly hideous and outdated suit.
"Hey, look at me. I'm Mr Varlintine's." The small man told them in his funny accent and gestured to his outfit. The three looked at him with frowns.
"That is bad."
"Yikes." They all said together, whilst Schwoz walked towards them.
"That's what you're wearing for Gerta?"Ray asked him, looking up and down at the other man.
"Oh yes. Gerta will love this." Schwoz stroked his neon pink, ruffled shirt.
"Is she blind?" (y/n) retorted, not seeing how anyone could like the awful clothing.
"Who's Gerta?" Henry asked in confusion, having not heard of this Gerta woman before.
"His Valentine's date, who's actually a..." Ray started, but then he had a brilliant idea.
"Hey, Schwoz?" He looked at the little guy.
"Our friend Henry here waited until today to ask a girl out for Valentine's," Ray revealed, making (y/n) and Schwoz look at the boy in disbelief. Ray couldn't really say anything though since he hadn't had the balls to ask the woman he was in love with on one, stupid date.
"What?" Schwoz couldn't believe it.
"You do know that's not how girls work, right?" (y/n)asked Henry, who sighed in frustration.
"I know that now." He said in a monotone voice, fed up with people telling him the same thing.
"So, why don't you let Henry take Gerta out for dinner tomorrow night?" Ray finished explaining his plan, but Schwoz was keen.
"Me take Gerta?" Henry hadn't even seen this woman. 
"No way. Gerta is for Schwoz only." The genius insisted, but Ray wasn't going to give up that easily.
"Come on, just lend her to Henry for one night." The larger man begged him, his words making Henry feel uncomfortable.
"This conversation is weird." The boy spoke.
"You don't know the full picture. Just call Gerta in here." (y/n) said to Schwoz.
"Sure." The man proceeded to call his 'girlfriend' over from the backroom in his native language. A large, angry-looking woman stomped in, causing Henry to flinch back at how unattractive she was. 
"You have an odd taste in women, Schwoz." (y/n) commented, making the small man turn around and frown at her.
"Uh, I'm pretty sure she's not my type," Henry told them, not being able to comprehend why they had thought this was a good idea.
"She's not a she," Ray replied.
"And I'm outta here." Henry freaked out and made for the elevator, but (y/n) grabbed his shoulders before he could leave.
"Relax, Gerta is an android." She explained to him calmly, but it didn't help Henry's understanding.
"A fancy robot." Schwoz clarified.
"She's...That's a machine?" Henry looked at the woman in shock.
"Show the kid." Ray nudged Schwoz as (y/n) leaned back into him. Schwoz turned to his robot and instructed her to take her head off. The sight of the woman's head in her hands made Henry fall over in surprise and Ray giggle along with (y/n). 
"That's the coolest thing I've ever seen." The teen told the adults once Gerta had put her head back on.
"You ain't seen nothing yet." The genius smiled at him.
"Really? What's she gonna pull off next?" The boy asked.
"No, no. Gerta's a shape-shifting android. Show him." Ray told his sidekick and put his arm around (y/n)'s shoulders as Schwoz gave them a demonstration. Using a remote control, Schwoz transformed Gerta into a pretty teenager, who wouldn't look amiss in Henry's school.
"Okay, shut up. That did not just happen. Did that just happen?" The boy looked at the cute girl who had just appeared before his eyes.
"Hi, my name's Delilah." The girl smiled.
"Well, hey there, Delilah," Henry smirked.
"Goddamn love that song." (y/n) stated, looking up at Ray, who just smiled down at her with the same-old lovesick grin.
"Eh?" The adults said to Henry, who was thoroughly impressed.
"So, I can take her to Club Soda tomorrow night and no one will know she's fake?" Henry wanted to be sure.
"I'm not fake, Henry. I love you." Delilah said to him, making Henry smile in success.
"Well, I love you too," Henry replied. 
"And dude, you take her to the club, it'll make Bianca so jealous." Ray reminded him, making (y/n) frown.
"Okay Casanova, are you sure this plan of yours is going to work?" The woman looked at him with a sceptical face. Ray just shrugged off her comment, even though behind all the countless dates he went on, he was terrible at love. 
"Yeah. Ooh, wait," Henry interjected, his brain concocting a devious idea.
"Wait for what?" Schwoz asked him, not understanding why the boy was hesitating.
"If I'm gonna make Bianca jealous, let's really go for it." The teen stated.
"Meaning?" (y/n) asked, not liking where this was going. Poor Bianca was being set up for something that wasn't even her fault.
"High school girl," Henry smirked at the men, as the young woman slapped her forehead in annoyance. 'Why are boys, such idiots?' She asked herself.
"And she's gotta be all like--" Henry tried to tell Schwoz, but the genius already knew what he was looking for. He pointed his remote at the cutesy teen and transformed her into a hot high school girl. She had brown hair, great makeup, a cute dress, and long, tanned legs that stretched on for miles. Boy, Henry was going to clear the floor tonight.
"Well, happy Valentine's Day to me." He put his arms around Schwoz and Ray, and they all looked at Gerta with smirks on their faces.
"Something will go wrong." (y/n) said in a sing-song voice, but like always, her foresight was ignored.
~The next evening~
Ray had been getting the Man Cave ready for his 'date' with Miss Shapen when Henry came down the tube to pick up Gerta. 
"Hey, dude. Is Gerta ready?" The teen asked his grumpy boss.
"Yeah, she's over there." Ray pointed at the android by the supercomputer. She was wearing a cute red dress and black flats and Henry was sure he'd get Bianca to notice him.
"Sweet." Henry beckoned the girl over to him, and it was then that he noticed Ray' lack of energy and tetchy mood. It dawned on the boy that (y/n) was probably in her room, getting ready for her big date with Drake. 
"Hey, you sure you're okay with (y/n)'s date?" Henry piped up, knowing that Ray was probably feeling awful.
"Not much I can do about it, kid," Ray mumbled, spreading a scarlet tablecloth across the couch table. He proceeded to roll out a midnight blue table runner over it and then started stacking some candles and roses around the back of the couch. If this stupid dinner had to be romantic, he was gonna make it romantic.
"Of course there is. You can---" Henry was cut off by the sounds of heels clicking from the sprocket and Ray knew that (y/n) was coming out to show them her outfit. One word from him and she'd screw her plans with David or Daniel or whatever his name was because Henry knew she felt exactly the same. 
They were just too chicken to see it. 
"Not a word, Henry. This means the world to her." Ray pointed a stern finger at the boy's face, making him swallow and nod in agreement. The two males looked at the sprocket expectantly, but Ray wasn't prepared for the beauty that appeared at the top of the stairs.
Like a princess, she floated down, her blood-red dress stretching over her curves exquisitely. Her hair had been styled to perfection and the smokey makeup she had chosen made her cheekbones and wine-coloured lips stand out. She took her time walking down the steps since her black stilettos were not her natural choice. (y/n) spent so much of her time in a pair of jeans and a pair of beat-up sneakers that seeing her dressed to the nines made both boys blow out their cheeks.
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"Woah, (y/n/n), you look hot!" Henry grinned at her. She could give the supermodels that Ray dated a run for their money. 
"Really? Do you think he'll like it?" The woman blushed under their gaze, feeling slightly nervous in the foreign clothes.
"If he doesn't, he's an idiot," Ray growled huskily and the baritone noise made a shiver go up her spine. If he couldn't be the one to take her out, then he was gonna make damn sure that this 'Drake' guy knew how lucky he was.
"Yeah, you're gonna knock 'im dead!" Henry agreed, glad that Ray was holding up.
"I'm meeting him at the restaurant in half an hour, so I should probably get going." (y/n) said shakily, her nerves whizzing around her tummy. Dates weren't her strong point.
"Have a good night." Ray swallowed his envy and passed her the black clutch bag she had left out. She smiled at him in thanks, the scent of her favourite perfume made him feel dizzy.
"I should be back around 11. Have fun with Miss Shapen." She smirked and walked away to the elevator. Ray busied himself by lighting the candles, not wanting to see her go.
"Me and Gerta better go too. Bianca will be at Club Soda by now." Henry said, taking the android's hand.
"Remember, her name's Tiffany now." Ray reminded him.
"Right, right. You sure you can handle Miss Shapen by yourself?" The kid asked over his shoulder as he went to the tubes. Ray popped a gumball and began to chew. After all, Miss Shapen didn't want to see Ray Manchester, she wanted Captain Man
"Yeah, Captain Man can handle anything." The superhero revealed, as he blew a bubble and transformed into his uniform.
"Cool, good luck," Henry called out, just before the tubes sucked him and Gerta away. Ray sighed to himself. This was going to be an interesting evening.
Ray wheeled the champagne trolley to the side of the table. He had set up all the food from the auto-snacker and the crockery for himself and Miss Shapen. The chicken wafted a lovely smell through the Man Cave, and he was certain that Henry's teacher would love it. All he had to do now was get through the night.
Suddenly, his phone beeped in his pocket, and looking at the caller I.D he saw that it was his sidekick.
"Yeah, Henry, what's up?" He answered in a tired voice. First (y/n), then a crappy date with a madwoman, he wasn't sure what else could go wrong.
"I need to know if Tiffany can dance," Henry told him, needing the information for a dance battle.
"Pffft. She's a highly sophisticated android. She can do anything, dance, fly a plane, she's good with puppets." Ray listed everything that came to the top of his head.
"Cool. Hey, are you on your way to pick up my teacher?" Henry asked. That date couldn't go wrong.
"No. I sent Gooch to get her and bring her here." The man said.
"What? You can't bring her down into the Man Cave. You said we always have to keep the location a secret." Henry spluttered. 
"She won't know anything." Gooch picked her up, put her in a sack, and he's gonna send her down here when--" Ray was interrupted as the woman in question came screaming down in a tube. She was in a huge sack and surprisingly, had managed to stay on her feet.
"She's here. I've got to go." He told his sidekick, knowing that a night of pain was about to begin.
"Hey, I know she's not (y/n) but make her happy. I need her to change my 'F' into an 'A'." The kid reiterated.
"Yeah, blah, blah. Bye-bye." Ray hung up the phone, the reminder about (y/n) made his heart twinge. He went to pick the teacher up off the floor, as the sensation of the tube retracting had made her fall over. She was groaning in pain, so Ray tiptoed over to her wriggling form. Untying the sack, he pushed the material over her head and then the woman smiled flirtily up at him. 
"Well, hello, Captain Man." She looked up and down at his body, making him tense in discomfort.
"Hello." He gave her a small smile. 
"So...you're gonna stand there looking handsome or are you gonna help me out of the sack?" The blonde woman said to him. Ray grabbed her hands and helped her up, revealing more of the woman's shockingly pink outfit.
"Oh, hey, is that chicken?" Miss Shapen asked, spying the food on the table. Her eyes lit up at the sight of the bird, as Ray guided her over.
"Yes." The woman let go of his hand and went to look at the food. It seemed that the chicken was more interesting than him.
"Please, sit down." He told her graciously, remembering that he had to make her happy.
"Oh boy, that chicken looks good," She said, pulling the plate that the entire bird was resting on towards her. Ray looked at her with an open mouth when she yanked a leg off the body and began to savagely eat away. Sighing, he served himself some of the sides he'd put out; looks like it was just rice and salad for him tonight.
Miss Shapen quickly discarded the leg bone and tore off a wing, devouring the meat in seconds as she had done previously. The superhero in front of her picked through his plate, watching as the bird became a pile of bones.
"Uh... can I get you another entire chicken?" He asked her, not believing how rapidly she had guzzled down the meat. He had barely touched his food since watching her eat had put him right off. Also, the fact that (y/n) was probably smiling over her pasta at Drake around now made his appetite shrink.
"Nah, I can still chew a little more off this one." The woman told him, so Ray looked back down at his plate and pushed through his rice again. Schwoz came singing from the back of the Man Cave and interrupted their date, not that Ray cared.
"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know you had company." He apologised and tried to run back to where he came from. Desperate not to be alone with Miss Shapen for one more minute, Ray got up and quickly pulled him back.
"No, no. Please stay. Please. Come meet Miss Shapen." He squeaked to his little friend, conveying his distress to Schwoz.
"Sharona." The teacher reminded him.
"Right, Sharona Shapen, Schwoz Shwartz, Schwoz Shwartz, Sharona Shapen." He pronounced their tongue-twister names and quickly sat down. 
"Nice to meet you," Schwoz said politely.
"Anyone mind if I take off my shoe?" The woman asked, working her flat off her foot.
"Actually, please don't take off your---" Captain Man tried to tell her, but she did it anyway, revealing a huge, abnormal toe.
"That is a big toe." Ray groaned in disgust, Schwoz almost retching. The little man ran off to the back of the Man Cave to save himself from the smell of her feet. Seeing that they were now alone, Miss Shapen stood up and placed herself in Ray's lap, freaking the man out. She began to pet his hair, as he remembered all the times he and (y/n) sat like this when watching a movie or scanning the computer for crimes. It was never like this.
"So... I have this sore on my back." The woman told him.
"A sore?" The superhero was certain he was gonna throw up. 
"Uh-huh. Maybe one day you can drive me down to the wound clinic." Her attempts to flirt were terrible, and luckily for Ray, his phone started to ring in his pocket.
"I gotta take this!" He said sharply, taking the teacher off his lap and moving away from the couch.
"Well, who is it?" She asked in disappointment.
"It doesn't matter." Ray mashed the elevator button and swiftly stepped inside, eager to get away from the woman. Miss Shapen went back to gnawing at her chicken as her date answered a call from Henry.
"Hey, kid, what's up?" He answered, glad to be away from Sharona Shapen for a minute.
"Ray, listen. Tiffany's gone crazy." A panicked Henry rambled into the phone.
"What? What's she doing?" Ray asked.
"She's tossing Mitch Bilsky around like a big bag of fudge. Ray, how do I stop her?" Henry watched as the android threw the bully around the room. 
"You just have to press a small red button on the back of her neck." The superhero explained.
"Got it." Henry hung up, leaving his boss to face his teacher again. Opening the elevator door, he saw her nibbling on the chicken carcass and decided to just sneak back into the elevator and leave. 
"Maybe I'll just sit down in here for a little while." He told himself, the idea of doing nothing in the elevator sounding so much better than watching that woman eat. 
He sat for around fifteen minutes, moping about how the woman he loved was falling for someone else. He even found a bolo bat lying around, and used it to chip away at his boredom.
"Well, I better go back to my date and her big toe." He mumbled to himself, shivering in disgust at the thought of his gross foot. 
He opened the elevator and saw Miss Shapen back in her sack at the tube area, laughing with Schwoz.
"What's going on?" He smiled at them, the sense of relief he got when he saw her affections being lavished on someone else filling his body.
"Oh, I'm just going to take a little trip with your boss." The teacher explained, her words confusing Ray.
"My boss? Shwoz is not--My boss, Schwoz!" Ray quickly jumped onto what Schwoz was saying, knowing that this was his chance to get rid of her.
"He's going to take me to the wound clinic." She smiled at the little man.
"They love her there." Schwoz grinned too, tying the sack over Miss Shapen's head.
"I've heard," Ray noted.
"Happy Varlintine's Day," Schwoz said to the man and sent himself and Sharona up the tubes. Ray was happy to bask in the quiet stillness of an empty Man Cave and he wandered over to the table. He picked up what was left of the bird on the plate.
"There's no saving this chicken." He joked to himself, but his face bent into a puzzled frown when he heard the elevator come down. Maybe Schwoz had forgotten something?
His questions were answered when (y/n) stepped out into the Man Cave. Ray looked at her in confusion, wondering why she was home so early.
"(y/n)? Why are you here? What happened to Drake and your date?" He held her by her elbows and saw how distraught she was when her glassy eyes met his.
"Jerk never showed up." She said to him simply, her voice hoarse and close to breaking. 
"What?" Ray felt a dark anger rise in his stomach. He clutched her elbows tighter and watched as a tear rolled down her face. The bastard did what?
"I don't know. Maybe he got lost or he couldn't make it or maybe it was just one big joke." She smiled bitterly, so her friend brought her into a tight embrace. She didn't deserve this. All she wanted was one night to take her mind off how shitty her love life was, but this just cemented her idea that she was destined to be alone.
"He doesn't know what he's missing," Ray whispered into her hair, wishing that he could take away her pain.
"Yeah." She mumbled, leaning into his warmth for a few moments. Ray knew that he couldn't let her big Valentine's night end like this, so he thought about what he could do to make her happy.
"Come with me." He breathed into her ear and started to lead her to the tubes.
"What?" She sniffed, following him in confusion.
"Just trust me." The superhero gently told her, keeping her in his arms so they could share a tube. 
"Up the tube!" Ray shouted and they lifted, higher and higher until they could go no further.
"Ray, we're on the roof." (y/n) pointed out, looking at him weirdly. Why had he brought her here?
"Yeah, I know." He said nothing more, just guided her to the ledge that looked over the park. She rested her hands on the wall and turned to glance at his face.
"Look." He whispered, and she did, her face softening at the view. The sky was almost pitch black, apart from a small streak of fuchsia clouds where the sun's light was still receding. The tallest skyscrapers and buildings of Swellview were black silhouettes against the backdrop, as the park and its surrounding neighbourhoods began to flicker to life. Her eyes reflected the lights of the homes of Swellview and she never knew that the city could look so beautiful.
"I didn't even know you could come up here to see this." She said quietly as Ray came to stand beside her and placed his hand on top of hers.
"Yeah, I never really get the chance to do this anymore." He confessed, enjoying the way she seemed at peace now. He had discovered the view when he had first moved into the Man Cave under Junk-N-Stuff and his superhero life was becoming too much for him. 
"Thank you for showing me." (y/n) continued to gaze at the cityscape, feeling as though this was their view, no one else's. Their little slice of heaven.
"Happy Valentine's Day." Her love said softly, only he wasn't looking at the view - he was looking at someone infinitely more beautiful.
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iwoszareba · 6 months
Owlcatober 7: Exploration
Once again Sosiel found himself in an embarrassing predicament, his session of exploratory sketching gradually changed the subject from landscapes surrounding him, to the man sitting nearby.
He could tell himself that it was a conscious decision, preparatory work before a real portrait, but the truth was that his attention has been drawn to the Commander from the moment they first spoke and his art reflected that. Flipping through the pages to assess his drawings he was suddenly gripped by an anxious notion that perhaps he was going about this the wrong way. Blinded by this… attraction he did not take the time to consider that perhaps- Something about his expression must have betrayed his thoughts because now Aqil was looking at him, eyebrow slightly raised.
"Is something wrong?"
Sosiel knew he needed to gather the courage to broach the subject, even if he worried he may cause offence, waiting would be even more counterproductive.
"When I recreate someone's visage on canvas, I try my best to show their true nature. I'm still… not entirely sure how to approach that in your portrait."
Was he too vague? Aqil tilted his head which could mean confusion, but then he moved closer to Sosiel and gave him a smile that made cleric's heart beat faster.
"How so? Am I a confounding man of mystery? A multifaceted gem that shimmers in the sunlight?"
He chuckled softly but then his expression turned thoughtful again.
"I get what you mean, you want to know if you were tricked by a disguise, got caught up in a lie."
That's not how Sosiel would phrase it but he couldn't exactly deny these words either.
"If you do not wish to answer-"
"No, no. It's fine. However I can't give you a simple, blanket statement that will explain my kin to you. It would be easy to just say our true face is that of a fox but bodies are awfully personal things, so each kitsune has their own feelings on the matter."
He fell silent and while Sosiel truly did not wish to impose, he also wanted him to know that he could tell him anything.
"…Would you mind sharing your feelings with me?"
He didn't speak instantly, eyebrows furrowed as if considering his options.
"Well… What I decided, after giving it much thought, is that both of my faces are true but neither of them is human. I'm afraid that doesn't exactly help you with your drawings."
He looked unusually sheepish and for a moment Sosiel wondered if maybe Aqil valued his opinion highly enough to break his normal self-assurance... but that thought was quickly dismissed as conceit unworthy of a cleric of Shelyn.
"To the contrary! Understanding your subject better helps you see them clearer, so I'm grateful I get to know you more… because… because of the art."
Sosiel could feel his cheeks burning, he was thankful for Commander's mercy of not making a comment about this obvious stutter but his knowing smile didn't exactly help Sosiel regain composure either.
"Do you… think I could draw your fox form sometime?"
"I don't see why not. Who am I to stand in the way of an artist in search of truth? That's an admirable thing to be."
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