#while I don't really ship these two.... this is hella cute and I had to reblog DLFJHGLDJFG
wander-over-the-words · 7 months
Hi! I don't know if you already received a ton of those asks for this but for the sleeping ask: deltaclair or Ethan/Benny?
Send me a ship and I will tell you: (Sleeping!) Gonna go with Benny/Ethan :3
Who is a night owl:
Benny. He’s very much used to the Vegas lifestyle by now.
Ethan had a strict routine as a courier, which involved sleeping soon after the sun went down. Now that he lives on the Strip and has chilled the fuck out a bit, he doesn’t sleep quite so early, but it’s still a good few hours before Benny sleeps. At the earliest, Benny will go to bed at like one in the morning, while Ethan’s bedtime is anywhere between ten and eleven
(and on a more serious note: Ethan kinda has to sleep once his body decides it’s time to cause the seizures he has due to his brain damage are often triggered by tiredness so he can’t risk staying up too late. People have never looked more nervous at the sight of someone yawning than when Ethan does it.)
Who is a morning person:
Par his routine, Ethan would wake up at the crack of dawn. That bothered the fuck out of Benny when they were travel buddies post-The Fort cause Benny is NOT a morning person. Caused many arguments when Ethan was all “we gotta go!! Get up!!!” “it’s six am!!” “exactly!! We’re burnin’ daylight!!”
Ethan no longer wakes up quite so early, but he still wakes up a good one or two hours before Benny will, and he doesn’t really have a ‘waking up’ period, he’s still very “I’m awake now, time to live life”. If he slept on his own the night before, he’ll immediately get up and go; if he shared a bed with Benny (either at the Lucky 38 or Benny’s suite; they don’t live together right away but they sleep around each other’s places often), he’ll lay there for a while and either wait for Benny to wake up naturally or wake him up himself like “morning!!” :D 
Benny. Does not like mornings nrngnrg He’s very slow to wake up so often ends up sitting there with his eyes shut while breakfast is getting cold right in front of him. Borderline falls asleep leaning against the wall of his shower. Doesn’t wanna talk to people. Morning Benny is Grumpy Benny. 
Ethan’s also the only person who gets away with waking Benny up in the mornings cause Benny’s not above throwing pillows or threatening to cut anybody’s pay if Swank or the other Chairmen come to try and wake him up. Ethan gets blank staring, pitiful little sighs like how dogs do it and then stuff like “why’re you doing this to me, baby? I thought we were cool now? I thought you forgave me? But OBVIOUSLY you still HATE ME.”
“Don’t be dramatic.”
Are they cuddlers:
Ethan is hella touchstarved from his solitary lifestyle; he ends up rolling over and cuddling whoever’s nearest in his sleep without even realising ‘til he wakes up. Used to do it to the companions if they slept too close to him, even ended up doing it to Benny whilst they were travelling together and still hated each other (one of the few times Benny’s ever woken up before Ethan cause he was NOT gonna miss Ethan’s reaction to learning he used Benny as a pillow last night). Obviously, now that he and Benny are together, the cuddles are deliberate 
Benny’s pretty much canonically a cuddler (“Hold me, will ya? I swear, you wore me out…” - and listen I know his sex dialogue is ridiculous and a meme at this point but I always thought that particular line was cute as hell, especially since the script notes for it are ‘unexpectedly vulnerable’ like 🥺 my boy out here just wanting to be held). He’s a very touchy partner in general, always has a hand on Ethan when they’re together, which is chill cause Ethan’s like that too; they’re the kind of couple who are always within arm’s reach of each other once they’re in the same room (which is hilarious cause whilst they hated each other they were very “don’t fuckin touch me” at each other)
In terms of sleeping, Benny’s that level of cuddler where he can tell Ethan isn’t beside him. Like Ethan will get up in the middle of the night and after a couple of minutes, Benny starts patting at his spot on the bed, then sleepily lifts his head and looks around. If the bathroom light is on, then he just “oh” and lays back down. If the living room light is on, then he’ll go investigate cause it probably means Something’s Up and he’s needed. Soon as Ethan’s back, Benny’s pulling him in again to resume the snuggle.
Benny being like that is the reason Ethan lays beside him and waits for him to wake up in the morning: Benny won’t let go and Ethan doesn’t wanna wake him up too early. One of the things that surprised Ethan the most when they officially got together: Big Bad Benny’s a real cuddler :3
Who is the big spoon and who is the little spoon:
Depends on who reached for the other in their sleep :3
What is their favourite sleeping position:
When sleeping alone, Benny tends to sleep on his belly, with his arms under his pillow to hug it to his head, while Ethan tends to curl up into a ball on his side while clutching his blanket in his fist so that it’s pulled up to his chin, all nice and snug (nowadays anyway; back before he lived on the Strip, he’d sleep like a dead person and he taught himself not to move much in his sleep to avoid making noise, since he often had to camp out in the dirt).
When sleeping together, both favour sleeping on their sides because by default, they tend to either cuddle or at least huddle together. Their favourites in that regard are Benny holding Ethan to his chest, with Ethan’s head tucked under his chin, or Benny laying on his back with Ethan half on top of him, head on his chest (which tends to be their go-to post sex)
Who steals all the blankets:
Neither really do; they’re both pretty warm people and they end up huddling when in bed together anyways, so if anything the blankets probably end up kicked off
What they wear to bed:
I’ve always headcanoned that Benny sleeps in the nude so he just drops his clothes and climbs into bed. He owns pyjamas but he only really wears them if he gets sick and wants to lounge around in comfort. Obviously, he didn’t/wouldn’t go nude when sleeping outside so luckily for the Khans, they never experienced him going “well goodnight” and immediately whipping his kit off like
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He’s also very unapologetic about not getting dressed immediately in the mornings and thus wandering around his suite fuckin butt ass naked. If any of the Chairmen see him like that (which I’m sure some have), he remains uncaring cause well “if ya don’t wanna see the package you shouldn’t open the mailbox, dig? As in: knock first, you animals, we ain’t tribal anymore.” and if he overhears the bloke telling someone else about what they just saw, he tells ‘em “pft you’re welcome” because that boy’s body image issues don’t exist. And it’s his suite so he’ll walk around with Benny Jr. out if he damn well wants to
(and then Ethan walks in like "oh goddammit Benny are you walking around with your dick out again?")
Only time Ethan ever sleeps naked is after le sexy times, though he’s equally likely to put on Benny’s shirt too cause he’s into it. His usual sleepwear depends on where he’s sleeping: if he sleeps at the Lucky 38 - ie. his actual home - then he puts on the pyjamas he acquired once he moved to the Strip full time; if he sleeps at Benny’s, he just wears his undershirt and boxers. 
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt:
(I mean it’s gotta be him cause he can’t fit into Ethan’s clothes; height difference is too much)
Ethan does very much have the habit of wearing Benny’s shirt to go to sleep post le sexy times (and hell, sometimes without that, sometimes he just wants to). But more than that, he’s in the habit of stealing The Coat during daily life; Benny can’t expect his coat to still be where he put it if Ethan’s chilling in his suite with him. 
They got eight inches of height difference between em too so you know that coat and that shirt are both big on him when he wears em
Who falls asleep mid-conversation:
Ethan might, if Benny tries talking to him at too late an hour. 
Benny might, if Ethan tries talking to him at too early an hour.
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares:
I mean they both might, as is just the normal human experience
Ethan’s more likely to have the ‘catapult nightmare’ where he flies up into a sitting position and gets rly freaked out upon waking up and everything. He’s seen some shit that sticks with him (the Dead Money DLC, in particular, FUCKS Ethan UP) and that can make him take a while to get back to sleep. He’s prone to getting out of bed and leaving the room to deal with it; like mentioned above, Benny will eventually realise he isn’t there and go find him. 
Benny doesn’t have many nightmares, but he also isn’t as..chill after getting tortured by the Legion as he lets on. He’s still covered in scars from what they did to him and still remembers how he got them all not-so-fondly. But he’s a Manly Man Who Has No Trauma, so he doesn’t talk about it and he doesn’t want Ethan to talk about it.
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep:
Oh, I’m sure Ethan has. Either due to the nightmare situation above or cause well
Ethan was largely on his own since he was fourteen, and he’s thirty-one by the time of canon, so by virtue of having to protect himself, he pretty much trained himself to ‘hear’ things when he’s asleep and like. detect what’s going on around him (cause y’know. raiders and other stuff out there in the wasteland). And so when he detects that something is nearby, his first instinct is to lash out (which the companions probably learned the hard way too)
So for a while when he first starts sharing a bed with Benny on and off, there comes the problem where Benny goes to bed later than he does, which results in him detecting what is actually just Benny coming to bed and his mind being all “DANGER” and him suddenly half-waking up and lashing out in response. Which either culminates in him feeling Benny laying down next to him and flipping over and pinning him down, or, say, Benny stands a little too close to his side of the bed while taking off his clothes or whatever and Ethan ends up punching Benny in the nuts, then fully waking up to Benny in a foetal position on the floor like “BABY WHY”
If Benny happens to go to bed at the same time as him, then yeah, it’s fine, Ethan’s brain is all “it’s cool that’s just Benny c:” but otherwise it’s “WHO THE FUCK IS THAT” and Benny gets whacked by accident 
Most of the time, Benny’s good at either dodging or catching the fist that’s thrown at him, so it’s not too much of an issue and obviously, Ethan always feels terrible if he manages to strike him; they’re way passed that point in their relationship where he’d go “haha” if Benny got hurt. 
Though, thankfully, it’s something Ethan unlearns rather quickly, at least as far as Benny’s concerned. If someone else came into the room, I’m sure Ethan’s brain would go “well Benny’s here so WHO THE FUCK IS THAT” and still lash out, but, hey, that’d be their fault for coming in. and Benny sits there all smug cause haha his baby comes with his own security system
Who can’t keep their hands to themself:
Oh, come now, y’all know who it is. I’m sure “not tonight, hon, I’m tired” is a phrase that has oft left Ethan’s mouth. or a disgruntled “hands above the waist”, to which Benny replies “you got it” and then just immediately grabs his pecs in both hands
“*sighs*...Well, at least your hands are warm.”
“I keep ‘em that way for ya~”
“Wow. What a gentleman.”
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aprillikesthings · 3 months
I lead part of EfM thing today (see earlier posts) and it went well ahhhhh thank God
and I've made my lunches for the next week!
and I'm munching on a salad
and all day I was looking forward to this, the moment I can (re)watch MORE SHE-RA
I've barely worked on my longer fic this weekend (other than copy/pasting a bunch of things Nate said after the show ended into the notes section of the doc) and tbh rewatching the ACTUAL SHOW is hella distracting bc with twenty eps left we're going to start getting into more of the really high-stakes stuff
Also, true story: I originally watched, like, the second half of season 4 and all of season 5 in two days of marathoning with Daci. So quite frankly? The last, like, third of the show is just kind of a blur to me now.
s4 ep7 Mer-Mysteries
A mission in Dryl went badly, they've figured out someone's telling the Horde what they're doing, they're not tracking Adora because she wasn't even there--
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plz enjoy Sea Hawk's faces
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Bow's sudden nervousness reminds me of when I was in line at the TSA in Dulles airport and was weirdly nervous. I had no reason to be nervous. AND YET. I'm usually totally fine at TSA? But the people at Dulles were scary!!!
(I was way less nervous coming back from Iceland, despite knowing I had Kinder Surprise Eggs in my suitcase. Which are actually illegal to bring into the USA. You can buy "Kinder Joy Eggs" in the USA, which do not have the toy, but the ones with the toys are against the law! Anyway I bought them for Daci. I was only nervous for a split second at customs in the USA bc they asked me what I'd brought home from Iceland and I was like...wool yarn. books. sweets (I'd also bought licorice and chocolate). But he just waved me through. WHEW.)
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she's still big mad about this lolol
BUT she's right a spy IS the only thing that makes sense (but also the audience knows shit they don't)
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Pearl?? A Pearl who knows too much?????
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c'mon I had to
lolol they lampshaded the way lightning keeps striking when Mermista says something
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to be fair she IS the most recent addition and the one they know the least
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oh hey I also write everything in purple (or lavender) ink
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oh, shut up
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well not this episode, specifically
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honestly this is a lot like the DnD episode
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so on the one hand, I know Flutterina is doing this to make them fight, but on the other hand Glimmer is right; on the other OTHER hand, I also would prefer a warning before being forced to see my abusive parent having free range of the castle I live in
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BAHAHAHA I read Nate saying these two were interrupted on a date night, but also plz notice the colors of the flowers, it's literally most of the lesbian pride flag, they were SO unsubtle
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The Ken from Plumeria is talking to the pastry chef from Dryl with the super cute outfit, and she looks bashful for a second after this screenshot; I am now shipping this and no one can stop me
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speaking of ships (yes I know this isn't meant to be shippy lol)
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a youtube video titled "it's raining on your window and you live in Bright Moon Castle ASMR for sleep 4 hours"
(....I'd listen to that)
(On a related note, mynoise dot net has a bunch of rain sounds on the website, and it also has an app--it's seriously the BEST website/app for ambient sounds because they're so adjustable and never repeat, and I just want everyone to know about them. The rain and ocean sounds are great on earbuds to cover up snoring so you can sleep!!! Worked better than my fancy earplugs while I was on the Camino and sleeping in all those hostels)
And back to the cartoon, where there's obviously suspicious shit happening because people seem to be in two places at once and their communications thing got shattered
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oh so her name IS just The General
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Flutterina (aka Double Trouble) has got to be like "oh my god wtf is up with this dude I cannot handle this bullshit"
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Once again Glimmer proves that her and Catra are actually very, very alike
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OOHHHHH they set up a trap I forgot, this is amazing
Adora: "we created a diversion :)" Glimmer: "You were a really good actress. For once."
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Anyway Double Trouble is confessing the whole plan
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poor Mermista :(
there's a creepy-ass moment of seeing part of Horde Prime's face as he smiles, roll credits
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ghostie-galaxi · 2 years
hi can i request first kisses with dkb? thank u 💞💞
Oh, of course! I haven't had a DKB reaction in so long so this makes me really happy! Also I just completely forgot I deleted my first DKB reaction this I guess is technically my first one now. But fr I complete forgot how much I love these boys and I haven't been keeping up with content lately since I wasn't the biggest fan of The Dice is Cast and Rollercoaster so now I get to go back and watch old content and holy shit I love them-
DKB First Kisses
Nervous on the inside
Like he's really good at hiding it
Would be hella romantic with you he's so cute with the younger members I can't
Like ngl I don't like the normal 'romantic dinner's date so I'd personally prefer something different but there's different various so a normal dinner
So for now we're just gonna say it was a one night dinner cruise that you could spend together
Was a total gentleman the entire time
I mean look at him-
After dinner you take a walk around the cruise ship before endung up at the front
Don't have a titanic moment stands there with you with his arms on your waist
You look back at him and smile, telling him you're having a great time with him
He does the stereotypical 'you know what would make this better?'
Before kissing you sweetly
You smile before throwing your arms around his neck and kissing him again
Giggly mess
Like fr is just so excited, nervous, happy, and awkward all at the same time
Does something cute with you
Probably an amusement park if you're up for it, or if not you'd at least go to do other things
Probably tries to win you all the prizes for the games there
You end up with a plushie that you're never letting go
Takes you to go get ice cream while you're there
Waits for the perfect moment while your sitting down together
Does the whole 'you got something right there'
You ask where before he kisses you
You're too shocked to respond and just look at him
Tries to keep his cool but just ends up erupting into a blushy giggly mess
You get him back and do the 'you have something there too' and kiss him too
One of the only two who isn't that nervous (2nd being Junseo)
Like he just loves you and knows you love him so what's the big deal
Probably a quiet romantic place somewhere at night
Like either night shopping if there's food or a festival going on or like a boat ride of some sort
Like I just just imagine the lights being around you guys and he wants to see you like that
Holds you hand the entire time you guys are walking around
Guys you any good you want while your out
Is just happy to be around you
Once you guys are alone somewhere he gets to stare at you under the lights and how it shines in your eyes
Puts his arm around you making you look him at smiling at you
You'd hug into him and he just goes for it
Slowly goes in while you're looking up at him
Gives you time to react before you close your eyes and you both kiss
You're both smiling messes afterwards
Tries to act cool and fails
Is actually nervous
He's very determined to not back out of doing this so he tries to impress you the entire time so he seems confident
I'm thinking something like lazer tag so he can be cool for you
Omg I just remembered an old OTP prompt post about 'kiss my in the corner, shot me, then walk away'
So imma do that now
Even if you're on the same time, probably takes you to right when you're about to win
Hides with you in the corner, waits a minutes, looks into your eyes for a minute before kissing you
Hopefully you can't tell he's nervous
Pulls away and shots you before walking away all smug
You're offended and afterwards you yell at him
Laughing at you but he asks if a kiss will make it better
This time though when he does you figure out he's nervous when he pulls away and see his face is bright red afterwards
And now you get to make fun of him
He constantly coos over how cute you are and that's his only strategy, to make you flustered so he forgets it's awkward
If I remember correctly (cuz it's been awhile) he doesn't like awkward situations so he's going to do everything to make it not awkward
I see him taking you shopping just so he can annoy you with cheesy compliments
You roll your eyes and look away shy when he does
Keeps doing it and one time when he calls you cute he just goes 'i can't help that you're so cute, I just wanna-'
Followed but him wrapping his arms around you and kissing you
You're shocked and he just smiles at you and walks out of the changing room, leaving you to get back into your normal clothes
You come out and look at him and he acts as if nothing happened
Puts his arm around your shoulders as he walks you out
You're still blushy mess over what he did
He notices and coos over you again
Kisses your head
You decide to kiss him back and he wasn't expecting it
So now he's the shy one with his face bright red and you act like nothing happened
The one that's unbothered by everything is now freaking out
Like tries to keep his cool and can't
I just did this the other day so he takes you to a butterfly garden so he can be somewhat peaceful to help him
Watches you take pictures of the butterflies and holds his camera ready as a one lands on your nose, getting the picture
You giggle as it flies away and he takes the opportunity to kiss your nose where it landed to try and ease his nerves
Waits a bit for a better opportunity
Continues to take cute pictures of you the entire time
You go to sit on a bench together inside the garden for a minute
Fidgets nervously before going for it
Leans into you and quickly, making you look at him and kisses you
Pulls away and avoids eye contact for a minute before he realizes it wasn't that bad and looks at you to kiss you again
You laugh at him for being nervous but he's over it you continue together through the garden as normal
I literally love him I hate how I don't talk about him T_T he's so cute
I literally just watched the video where he had Hardy-June crawl into his lap before one of their stages and that's how he is with you
Literally just big teddy bear
Y'all are having an at home video game date or something of the sort when you just lay in his lap
He holds you in his arms or just let's you lay there when he's doing something else
You eventually start falling asleep
Before you're really asleep he looks down on you, thinks you're cute and places a kiss on your cheek
You turn to look up at him sleepily and he's smiling too
Just decides to make his move and kisses you on the lips
He pulls away and you look up at him shocked, him smiling happily
You might pull him back down to do again or just sit up and kiss him
Just happy and holds you on his lap
Nervous wreak
Plz he's so cute
Really just wants to hold you close you kiss but knows he's way too nervous to do so
Takes you to a cat cafe so you can have a calm quiet environment
Watches you play with cats the entire time
Talks himself up to finally go and do it
Crawls over to you to sit next to you
Goes to rest his head on your shoulder just to test the waters
Spends a couple minutes like this, mentally preparing himself to do it
Finally he lifts his head up making you look at him before he quickly pecks your lips
Backs away immediately laughing awkwardly and covering his face
Your laughing at him for being shy and go over to him
You wrap your arms around him as he's still embarrassed, face bright red
Eventually calms down and this time you decide to kiss him longer
You pull away and he's back to shy smiley Yuku
Nervous wreak pt. 2
Like he has no idea what he's doing
Honestly barely even kisses your cheek let alone now trying to full on kiss you
There's no way he's doing it in the dorm or out in public so he'd need a different way to do it so no one sees him
Maybe a nature walk on a mountain
You're a bit suspicious since this isn't your normal date ideas but he insisted
Nervously went to hold your hand while walking
You get to an area where you get to stand over a railing and look down on every
Stands there with you and waits for other people to leave
Puts his arm on the other side of you to get your attention
Probably goes into kiss you but second guesses himself and backs away, laughing nwrvously
But you got the hint and bring him back over
You tell him to close his eyes and you kiss him instead
You drag him back down the mountain as he's too shy to continue
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rogue-durin-16 · 2 years
im a pansexual male, for my worst qualities im very addictive/obsessive, especially with people and self destructive stuff and i get angry really quickly and easily. everyone says im pretty stubborn and quiet and im a huge overthinker. i really like to watch movies, especially old ones, playing video games, reading, collecting dvds and listening to music. im scared of needles and i prefer winter and snow. i have brown hair and eyes and im about 5'4. my love language is physical touch.
From Band Of Brothers I Ship You With:
David Webster
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Ship dynamic:
Generally Feral x Generally Calm™
«Together, we form a necessary paradox; not a senseless contradiction.»
You're gonna have to approach him love, he's just not going to make the first move. He's intrigued by you though.
I'd say don't approach him in an agressive way but... Isn't that what's going to happen? Don't upset him.
He's baffled by your attitude at first, I bet, buuut he finds himself writing about you in one of this notebooks.
At first they're just side notes, but the side notes turn into pages and oh my god is he falling for you?
Now he gets extra quiet around you which does not help because if the two of you are quiet, there's no conversation.
You two are gonna have to be left alone for the words to flow, and I don't think they'll flow smoothly at first.
Maybe awkward conversation or maybe clashing. Or both. Probably both. At some point he goes "forget it" and you two go quiet again, so maybe overthinking time.
Not only on your part, this boy lives in his head he's a HUGE overthinker. So the two of you pluck up the courage to talk again and you do. At the same time.
Give it another go and there we go, and actual conversation between the two of you yay!
Whatever impression you had of each other before that, was definitely wrong. I feel like you'd see one another as an opposite, but the more you talk, the more common grounds you find.
You already knew he liked reading, and he already knew you liked old movies (he knows more, he's just not going to tell you because "I have notes about you" sounds creepy).
But now you know he prefers spring over winter, but think summer is overrated. He learns that you like snow and makes a mental note of that.
I'm sure you two have a similar taste in music, which is always nice. You two start to meet up to read and listen to music. From time to time you comment your reading with each other or talk about your favorite songs.
This man is an idealist, he falls a little in love with you before learning your flaws. It's not that he didn't observe them, but he definitely overlooked them.
He needs a dose of reality and you accidentally give it to him, maybe through a little spat that turns into a serious fight where he realizes your getting a bit too obsessive over him for no apparent reason.
And you know what? He probably gets mad, like, ACTIVELY mad. And that's scary, but also liberating to him and good to you because now you see a part of himself he rarely shows.
After that, he apologizes and he's gonna give you puppy dog eyes, so you are going to apologize too, despite your stubbornness.
He's baffled again, because there's more to you than what he saw? He's falling a bit more in love now, but so are you.
You're still quiet around each other, but you're getting more and more comfortable, forming this unspoken bond by actions, and one day he smiles at you and you're a goner.
Your first kiss is going to be hella intense but after that it's going to turn hella awkward but please do not overthink, you did the right thing.
You'd be actually a cute couple, not gonna lie. He'll learn to manage your anger and you'll help him be in touch with reality.
He's very sheepish about it but always manages to find a way to intertwin his fingers with yours.
He likes to hold your cheeks while kissing. I said what I said. Like, soft feather touch.
It takes a bit for the both of you to get in complete tune with each other, but once you manage it's the perfect example of creating harmony from dissonance.
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damnzawa · 4 years
Summary : Five times the staff of U.A. and Class 1-A tried to get the two of you together but then realized you were together all along.
Warning(s): Immense fluff! Also tiny-weeny bit of smut.
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The First Time: The time 1-A started shipping the two of you together
"Today we will be joining by the pro-hero H/n to help you learn more about tactics and planning." Aizawa stated in his usual monotone voice as he motioned for you to go in. You walked to the podium with a smile as you saw the faces of the students of 1-A upon hearing and seeing that you were here. It amazed you that Aizawa didn't even expel someone this year, they must be one hell of a bunch if that's the case. "You can ask her any questions within reason. Be quick." Rolling your eyes at Aizawa, you placed a hand on your hip as you looked at him.
"At least act like you're glad to work with me, Eraserhead." You pouted. "Anyways, I'm the pro-hero H/n! My name is L/n Y/n and I look forward to working with you guys! Especially since you're like the only class he hadn't expelled anyone." You snickered at the end, eyeing Aizawa from the corner of your eye. His left eye twitched as he shot you a glare which was a signal that you should just fucking continue.
"Any questions?" As soon as the words left your mouth almost all of the hands of the students shot up. You gladly answered all the questions they have for you like: what's your quirk, does it have drawbacks, what's it like to work with all might and yadda yadda yadda. For the last question, you pointed to a girl with pink skin and horns coming out of her head.
"Are you single?" If you were new to the hero scene, you would have certainly be flustered as hell but fortunately, you had been asked this question tons of times especially since you are a female hero. You nodded your head as Aizawa scolded Ashido—that was her last name—telling her that it was your personal business and that she shouldn't be nosy on other people's lives. You waved dismissively at Aizawa and told the class that you were used to questions like that so it doesn't bother you anymore that much.
"Well, okay then!" You clapped. "Get into your hero costumes and we'll be waiting for you on the training grounds!" You smiled as you ushered Aizawa outside the room, 1-A curiously staring at the way the two of you interact.
Their teacher doesn't seem to react like he usually does around you, he was even going with the flow of your antics, he even flicked your forehead at one point with a smirk! And what the fuck—was that a small smile, they saw? They were clearly confused about how the fuck did you have that kind of effect on him. Even Present Mic wouldn't get that reaction from him so what made you any different?
"Ms. L/n and Mr. Aizawa looks cute together." And with those words that came from Uraraka's mouth, 1-A's surprised looks—not all of them were surprised nor spared a glance at their teachers interacting—were replaced with knowing ones as they looked at each other clearly knowing what to do.
"I oppose to this, as Mr. Aizawa said—" But even with Iida scolding them they just continued with their plan anyway. Surprisingly Yaoyaorozu even put opinions on the plan with Todoroki nodding every once in a while, agreeing with her.
"Hurry up, future heroes! We don't have all day!" You exclaimed as you noticed that they were still in the room making Aizawa sigh. The students fastened their pace as they went to the changing rooms, after quickly agreeing to the plan.
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"Hey Ms. L/n. Mr. Aizawa is super manly right?" Kirishima suddenly said to you once Aizawa took on the students as the 'villain' for the training they had for today. You looked over to Aizawa and immediately agreed with Kirishima. Not only manly with his looks, Aizawa was also manly when it comes to his personality. He was selfless, kind and passionate about what he was doing. He was so goddamn manly alright.
You hummed in agreement as your attention went from Aizawa to Kirishima who had a strange look on his face. "It's a shame though. Someone manly as Mr. Aizawa is single." You raised a brow at his statement. What was he implying?
"I'm sure Shouta will find love when we wants to. Though i'm sure the day he wants to find love is the day he wants to die." You giggled at your statement as Kirishima mentally face-palmed. Did you not get what he meant by that? For a hero, that went over your head quickly which surprised him.
"Maybe Mr. Aizawa needs someone to show him love if that's the case then." You smiled at the statement, clearly sensing the concern his student has for his teacher. Although he was pushing this topic, you didn't mind. He was true, Aizawa needs someone to show his hard ass some fucking love every once in a while.
"I'm sure he'll find that someone soon enough. Though i'm under the impression that he'll end up with Present Mic." Kirishima couldn't help but laugh at your statement. It was quite true though, at first the whole class 1-A thought that Aizawa was hella gay for Yamada. His laugh caught the eye of Aizawa who just shot you a look of disapproval, to which you just shrugged.
Kirishima excused himself from the heroine then walked towards his friends as he shook his head. The group frowned at the signal and just waited for their turn to take on Mr. Aizawa.
The Second Time: Yamada and Nemuri's great plan
"You should really take care of yourself Shouta." You nagged, Shouta just grunting and groaning at your nagging. "Don't grunt at me mister, you can't live on jelly packs forever!"
The duo watched as the of you bickered back and forth about you being a hypocrite as you were living on coffee all the fucking time and you defending yourself from him everytime. If a stranger came in through the door they would've guessed that the two of you are an old married couple fighting over each other's well being.
"Can you two fucking stop and just fuck already? The tension around you is very fucking high." Kayama intervened making the two of them abruptly stop. Aizawa shot Kayama a death glare while you blushed, quickly looking away so that they would not notice it but it was too late though, Hizashi saw and smirked.
Though Kayama used the wrong choice of words, there was indeed a tension around the two of you that they couldn't exactly pinpoint. They were tired of the said tension and just want their otp to be together forever and ever.
"Shut up, Nemuri. We're just friends! Friends that are looking out for each other!" You defended yourself earning an 'are-you-fucking-kidding-me' look from both Hizashi and Kayama. Are you that fucking dense? With you they never know.
"Yeah, yeah and i'm not loud all the fucking time. Sure Y/n." Hizashi stated earning a deadpanned look from Aizawa who decided not to say something because he knows this conversation will just get longer if he did and he wasn't exactly in the mood for that.
"Again, shut up the both of you." You groaned as you retreated back to your desk that was just beside Toshinori's who shot you a knowing look which you just dismissed. Of course Toshinori just had to look at you like that. He knows something they clearly don't and knows that someday you will have to tell them and you didn't want that someday to be today so you just plastered on a look that says 'No-Toshinori-Just-Shut-Up' which made him focus on his computer.
Kayama and Hizashi glanced at each other before walking towards you. You already know they had something planned when they approached you, their faces filled with mischief.
"... What do you want now?" You sighed through your nose. "Well, we were planning to go out for drinks later. Want to come? Shouta will come too, right Shouta?"
"No." Aizawa declined quickly upon hearing their preposition. Aizawa even though declining knew that Kayama and Hizashi wasn't gonna let him slide away that quickly. Just the thought of drunk Hizashi and Kayama made his head hurt.
"See? Shouta is coming! So what do you say?" Seeing as there was no way you were gonna avoid this, you just nodded and told them to go away quickly returning to your work. You really don't want to go but it was Hizashi and Kayama we're talking about.
"Hey! Hey! Hey! We're gonna have some fun later!"
"What happened to 'Hey! Hey! Hey! We're gonna have some fun later?'" You mocked Hizashi as you stood outside the restaurant with Aizawa waiting for the two that had just announced that they couldn't make it because of something with the school—which was obviously a fucking lie.
Aizawa—who was clearly not in a good mood—grunted and left without a word, leaving you there on the side walk alone. If he had been in a good mood he would've invited you inside to eat together and maybe even chuckle at your poor attempt at mocking Hizashi's voice but no that wasn't the case and instead he left you there with a fucking frown on your face. What a fucking gentleman, Aizawa is.
"He's so grumpy especially when he got no sleep." You pouted, taking your phone out and quickly plugging it into your headphones. "What an old man. He didn't even say goodbye nor walk me home." You mumbled as you started walking to the direction of your home after pressing on your go to playlist.
As 'The Ballad of Mona Lisa' by Panic! at the Disco came on, you smiled. This was a playlist that you made back for your 'emo phase' which Aizawa surprisingly liked. You weren't surprised though as he looked emo 24/7.
From behind the bushes on the other side of the road, the pair watched what happened and groaned. "'This will definitely work out' you said. Look genius, did it work out? No."
"It wasn't my fault they didn't take the bait! Don't blame me all for it Nemuri! Blame them too for being so fucking oblivious to their own fucking feelings!" And with that they continued to bicker like siblings, earning the attention of passersby. They didn't care though—when did they really care?
"Midnight? Present Mic? What are you doing over here?" Their bickering caught the attention of Iida, Midoriya and Uraraka as they walked to the station, clearly they weren't surprised that they were so fucking loud in the middle of the street because that's Present Mic and Midnight for you but they were confused as to why they were squabbling behind the bushes. Bushes, of all places.
"Nothing! We weren't spying or anything! Hehe..." Hizashi 'defended' making it look more obvious than it really is. The trio blinked at his statement, pros are like this these days? Geez.
"Fine! We were spying!" Hizashi gave in to the looks that were thrown at him by the dekusquad, them making a mental note to not say anything crucial to Hizashi fearing that he has loose lips. (He does have loose lips.)
"Who are you spying on? Was it Ms. L/n and Mr. Aizawa? We saw them on the way here but noticed that they went on their separate ways quickly." Uraraka stated. "Oh! Were they on a date?"
"Did our plan work?!" Midoriya exclaimed catching the attention of the two pro-heroes. Did 1-A ship the two of you too? They even planned something before the two of them! Damn, kids nowadays. They move fast.
"You guys had a plan too?" Hizashi asked and with that the two parties decided to do something for the two completely oblivious people in their lives.
The Third Time: In which 1-A, Hizashi and Kayama joined forces
"Goodbye Eraserhead!" Hizashi practically pushed Aizawa out the door as Midnight emerged from the other door minutes after. Most of 1-A were curious and confused as to why two pro-heroes were here for English but they just guessed that even Present Mic can have problems with English too.
"Alright, today we are gonna be joined by pro hero Midnight because we all have important matters to discuss." Hizashi stated slowly as a grin began to grow on his face. "We are gonna plan how Y/n and Shouta will confess to each other! Yeah!" Almost all of the students cheered because their teachers also shipped the two of them—and partially because no english yey—while some of them sighed asking themselves that this was important than english? They just went with the flow anyway, couldn't hurt to skip one lesson right?
"Now do you guys have suggestions?" Immediately upon asking that dozens of hands shot up, the faces of the students eager to share what they want to suggest. Yaoyorozu even raised her hand which was hella surprising.
"I suggest that they should just confess but in a manly way!" Kirishima's answer was broad yes but it gave Ashido an idea. "Oh! Maybe trap them in a room until they manly confess to each other!" Kirishima and Ashido high fived after, happy about their suggestion.
"Just fucking send them on a mission to kill each other—" Before Bakugo could even finish his suggestion, Aoyama cut in flashing his signature weird pose. "Bonjour! I suggest that we send them on a vacation, to France!"
"Bakugo's suggestion is too violent and Aoyama's is too expensive." Asui pointed out the obvious, her tongue sticking out from her mouth.
"Shut up Frogface! I wasn't asking your fucking opinion!" Bakugo responded to the future frog hero. They were surprised that Bakugo even threw in his suggestion in the first place—even though it was violent—let alone be annoyed at Asui's opinion.
"Make Mr. Aizawa or Ms. L/n jealous!" Cliché but there was a chance it could work. Sero hummed in agreement with Kaminari. It worked with some movies so it should work with them right?
Meanwhile Uraraka, Iida and Midoriya were brainstorming, not listening to what others were suggesting and asking Yaoyorozu and Todoroki for their opinions about what they have thought about. Once they've got the go signal for them to share their suggestion, Iida raised his hand and stood up. "I suggest that a certain student should use his quirk on them." Iida adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose as Kayama asked who the student was. "Shinsou Hitoshi."
"We could brainwash the other to confess to the other one! Nice!" Hizashi exclaimed giving Iida is signature finger guns. "Any other suggestions?" Tons of other ideas came around until they reached the decision by the end of the class.
"Well then, it's settled! We move after lunch!" And with that Hizashi and Kayama left, the students clearly excited about what's to come. Would they plan succeed? Only a few more hours to find out.
"Shinsou! Shinsou!" Midoriya called out to Shinsou who he luckily spotted walking towards Lunch Rush. The boy turned around and was shocked to even see not only Midoriya but almost all of Class 1-A running after him which made him tilt his head to the side. Why were they after him?
"Shinsou, we need you for something." Iida quickly explained what they needed him for catching him off guard as he smirked. Were they really that oblivious to the situation that they've gone such long heights just for the two of you? Well since Shinsou doesn't have anything to do anyways he decided to agree, at least this was gonna be fun.
"Sure. Where are they?" Shinsou asked, 1-A quickly and gladly giving him the information he needed.
They waved at Shinsou as they watched his back go further and further away. Kaminari wiped a non-existant tear on his face, "Damn. He's braver than the marines."
"He really is."
Shinsou took no time in finding you and Shouta since the two of you were together anyways. Shinsou understood why 1-A wanted the two of you together because damn you looked cute together. You and Aizawa could be that crime fighting couple that make the villains tremble with fear. The two of you would kick a lot of ass and take a lot of names together especially with your quirk.
"Good afternoon Ms. L/n and Mr. Aizawa." Shinsou greeted the both of you cutting yours and Aizawa's conversation short. "Can I excuse Ms. L/n for a while, sir?" Aizawa was confused as to why his student approached them and he grew even more confused when he asked him that. Aizawa nodded weakly as he watched Shinsou and you talk from afar. He noticed the way you interact with the kid and vice versa but failed to notice Shinsou using his quirk on Y/n.
"Goodbye, Ms. L/n." And with that Shinsou left, not wanting to see his mentor's reaction when he finds out that he used his quirk on Y/n. Shinsou knew his mentor would be furious but it's all gonna be worth it.
Class 1-A though wanted to see both of your reactions as they hid behind the two of them. This was finally it, they could feel it. Finally the day came where they were gonna see their otp come true. They waited in anticipation as you walked back to Aizawa.
"Hey Shouta, want to go out sometime?" And with that the effect of Shinsou's quirk vanished, leaving you confused. What the actual fuck happened?
"Wait—what? What happened?" You blinked as Aizawa sighed, clearly knowing what happened to you.
"Shinsou used his quirk on you." Aizawa sighed as he rubbed his temples. "Hurry up. We don't want to waste time." Aizawa said as he walked away, leaving you there. Clearly someone is grumpy today too.
"Wha—Hey Shouta! Wait for me, you old man!" You caught up to him quickly as you resumed your previous conversation.
1-A's hopeful looks were replaced with disappointed ones. Time for Plan B then.
The Fourth Time: Plan B a.k.a lock them in a room and hope that Shouta doesn't kill his students, Hizashi and Kayama
"Shouta! Shouta! We need you for something!" Hizashi screamed at Aizawa who just woke up from his nap. Rubbing his eyes, Aizawa let out an irritated sigh. What could they possibly want right now? It was too early for this bullshit. (Although it was past noon. But still, early for Shouta.)
"What is it, Yamada?" He asked, his usual monotone voice had a hint of irritation in it. "Well, Bakugo and Midoriya—" Aizawa paid no mind in letting Hizashi finish as the two names of those trouble makers were stated. He got up as Hizashi accompanied him to where the trouble was happening.
"Damn those problem children." Aizawa muttered under his breath. Just how many times do they have to fucking fight? Did they not learn after the last one? If that's the case then he got to drill it to their mind then.
"Where is it Hizashi?" He turned to face Hizashi who was now missing from his spot next to Aizawa. Aizawa looked around for any signs of Hizashi but found none, when did he disappear?
Aizawa sighed then decided to just walk back to the teacher's lounge. If this was a prank then he wasn't having any of it. He just wasted time and instead could've get grading done. Hizashi was gonna get it later.
Before he could even leave a force pushed him back to a dark room. He didn't expect that to happen. Was it a villain attack? He furrowed his eyebrows, no it's not a villain attack. If it was the alarms could've rang off. But what if they have a quirk that can silence the alarms? No, they have Present Mic he could've easily be the alarm.
So what was happening?
"Hey man, whoever the fuck you are. Can you like move? You're in my personal space." An oh so familiar voice told him making him sigh. Of course, it was another one of Hizashi's poor attempts on getting the two of them together. "Wait, I know that sigh." You stated before calling out to him. "Shouta? What are you doing here?"
"Since when were you trapped in here, Y/n?" Aizawa ignored your previous question as he searched for the light switch. You could've been there for like minutes before hin right?
"To be honest, I don't know how long i've been here for." This made Aizawa raise an eyebrow at her, if there had been a light you would've hit him in the shoulder already but thankfully there wasn't. He kept fucking searching for the light switch until he found one which was near the fucking door like all light switches were. When they finally had light they realized where they were.
A janitor's closet. Great, just so great. This was so clichè.
"Why didn't you use your quirk then?" You opened your mouth to defend yourself but closed it quickly. "Well... hehehe."
"You took a nap here didn't you." You scratched the back of your neck as you smiled sheepishly at Aizawa. It was true, you had infact taken a nap in the janitor's closet but in your defense you were so tired from the heroics class—you were used as the human punching bag—and was in desperate need of refulling your lost energy. So who could blame you for doing that?
"I was tired, ok. My eyes closed before I could even process it being closed!"
Aizawa let out a tch. You were an adult goddmanit. So why were you doing things like this?
"I'm kicking the door down." Aizawa stated before looking at you who already had your eyes closed. "Y/n."
"You go, do you." You stiffled a yawn with the back of your hand. "That nap still wasn't enough." You layed back down, exhaustion evident on your pretty face. Aizawa looked at you before deciding to lay down beside you and grunt at the lack of space.
"Wha—What are you doing?"
"Move. You're squishing me." You complied deciding not to protest. Good thing you both don't have classes to teach that afternoon or else you both would've been screwed.
Aizawa made himself comfortable beside you and instinctively wrapped a protective arm around you making you blush and scoot closer to him. He was radiating a nice warmth and had an aura of protectiveness around him which made you feel at home as you closed your eyes.
"I though you were going to kick down the door?" You lightly snickered at the end of your statement.
"I got tired." Of course, he was always tired anyways. After a few minutes of silence, you let the darkness envelop you in a welcoming hug and with that, the both of you fell asleep on each other's arms. Clearly not knowing about the crowd that was on the other side of the door, listening to everything they say.
"Do you hear anything Jirou?" She shooked her head as an answer. "Let's wait a few more minutes then." The few more minutes turned into a few hours as they all began to worry.
"Are they dead?" Kaminari asked from the back. 1-A's eyes widened as they realized Kaminari could be right. The both of you could've suffocated in there but wouldn't Aizawa get the both of you out minutes after being locked in there?
"Maybe they're having some fun!" Kayama exclaimed making their worried faces turn into disgust. If they were 'having some fun' they would've heard especially with a quirk like Jirou's.
"Let's just break them out and hope that Shouta would not kill us." And with that they opened the lock, only to reveal a sleeping you with Aizawa. Your legs were tangled together as you laid your head on his chest, both of you breathing evenly. They all let out a sigh of relief that the both of you didn't die—and because Aizawa wouldn't kill them instantly on the spot—and let the two of you be with frowns plastered on their faces after taking a few (hundred) pictures of course.
They were confused. How the fuck did that not work? It was perfect! Well, atleast for them. They failed once again but that doesnmt mean that they'll give up that easily! It's time to move to Plan C and they know the perfect person for the job.
The Fifth Time: Make Aizawa jealous
"Thank you for doing this Tensei." You thanked Iida as you wheeled him towards 1-A's heroic's class. "It really means so much to me, to us."
"Nah, it's no problem! I wanted to see Tenya in action and U.A. Feels nostalgic, you know?" You nodded clearly knowing what he meant by that. When you first started teaching at U.A.—by Midnight's recommendation—tons of memories quickly bombarded you as soon as you stepped inside the school grounds like how you met Aizawa and Hizashi, your first sports festival and etc. It was all nostalgic to you that you almost teared up just by how far you and your classmates have gone.
"I miss U.A." He pouted. "And I miss you too!"
"Aww, I miss you too Tensei."
"Plus, who would decline a proposal from a pretty girl from you?" Iida's voice suddenly began louder as he stated that when the two of you arrived in front of 1-A's room. You giggled at his statement and stretched your hand to open the door but before you could Aizawa already opened the door for the both of you.
"Thanks, Eraserhead!" You wheeled Iida in, clearly in a good mood to see another one of your best friends again. If you had the time you would certainly visit Iida but you were pretty busy nowadays and the only way you can communicate with him is through texts which was obviously not enough.
"Alright-y then. Shall we start?" You asked the pro-heroes beside you with a smile. As the pro-heroes explained, 1-A could sense how uncomfortable Iida was. Of course he would be uncomfortable. His brother was gonna flirt with his teacher for fucks sake. Who could blame him?
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"Time for Plan C! Make Aizawa jealous!!" Hizashi announced once homeroom was over and Aizawa was out of earshot. "Normally it was make L/n jealous but since Ms. Joke is not available, we changed it to 'make Aizawa jealous!'" Hizashi rambled on as Kayama appeared, seducingly emerging from the door.
"Yes Iida?" Hizashi called Iida as his hand shot up instantly after hearing the words slip out from the english teacher's mouth. "May I ask who is the person we are gonna ask to make Mr. Aizawa jealous?"
"Great question, Iida!" Hizashi and Kayama shared a look before laughing. "Iida. Can you call your brother?" Hizashi asked in between laughs. Iida froze at his teacher's request, his eyes widening.
"Eh?! Ingenium?!" The class roared out clearly surprised at who they chose. "May I ask why my brother?"
"Again, good question Iida!" This time it was Kayama who spoke up. "Tensei is and I quote Y/n's bestest friend besides us. I remember how close they were when we were in high school! Some even thought they were dating but in truth they weren't. They're just good friends, very good friends at that."
"I remember Y/n even babysitted you Iida!" Iida blushed in embarrassment, did she really? Well he was a baby at that time, he wouldn't remember it now.
"Let's start planning!" And with that 1-A—not all of them though Bakugo and Todoroki seemed interested—clustered around the podium where the planning began. A lot of ideas were given out and a lot were sadly rejected but that didn't bring their spirits down as more ideas came after.
"Well then! Give your brother a call Iida! Tell him about the plan and i'll tell Y/n about heroic's class tomorrow! Surely Iida will be the perfect candidate for that!" And with that Hizashi and Kayama dismissed them feeling proud of what they've done and accomplished.
"Are you sure this will work? Shouta seems to be like the type who doesn't get jealous." At first glance Aizawa isn't a man to be possesive over something so this plan may be a bust but Hizashi knows his best friend better than Kayama, he was sure as hell Aizawa will get jealous once Iida starts flirting with you.
"Oh, just trust me Nemuri! This will work out!" Kayama quirked a brow at him then decided to just trust Hizashi, he knows a lot more about you and Aizawa after all.
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"Now that all of that is done, please wear your hero costumes and go outside!" Before Aizawa could even speak to you, you wheeled Iida out already engaged in a conversation with him. You didn't even bother to spare a glance at Aizawa as you talked with Iida, immediately catching up to what's happening with him these past few days. He slipped in a few compliments—that he made sure Aizawa heard—and comments about you that made you giggle.
Toshinori felt the same tension again. He looked at Aizawa only to find him staring at Iida and you but mostly you. Toshinori almost let out a laugh seeing Aizawa's expression when Iida flirted with you and could only guess that this was a work done by Hizashi and Kayama because Iida would never like you in that way, he made it clear when you were in high school.
"Thank you again for inviting me, Y/n. Brings back good memories." You smiled widely at Iida and told him that it was no problem, after all he was a pro-hero like her and pro-heroes help each other out.
"I was wondering, would you like to go out sometime?" Aizawa's eye twitched once Iida asked the question. He was irritated that you didn't even told Iida off when he was clearly flirting with you and most of all he was annoyed by the fact that you agreed on his proposal, asking him what time and when. That was the last straw for Aizawa and Toshinori could sense something blunt and sharp coming.
"Are you both done flirting? We have a class to teach so I suggest you wrap things up and proceed to the gym." You were taken aback by Aizawa's outburst but then moments later you smirked. Was he jealous? Aizawa walked past the two—like he was in a hurry—leaving the three of them dumbfounded.
"What was that about?" Iida asked you feigning confusion but on the inside he was proud at the outcome of his work. He got Aizawa jealous and that was a rare occassion.
"I have a feeling somebody has their period today." You joked making the two of them—yes even Toshinori—laugh but on the inside you know you were screwed. Aizawa was gonna give you the cold shoulder from then on and you knew it.
When all of you arrived at the gym, 1-A and Iida (Tensei) waited for anything to happen but... nothing. Nothing happened except for the little outburst from Aizawa earlier. They even waited after school hours when they were at the faculty room but no, no, no. Still nothing.
"I'm sorry guys." Hizashi and Kayama practically slumped over upon hearing Iida's apology. Their last plan failed once again but they had hoped it gave them the push to say something, anything to each other.
Little did they know, they confessed to each other years back, when they were still in high school.
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When Hizashi and Kayama found out
Hizashi and Kayama still didn't give up after many failed attempts so when they had another plan they went to your office, excited about the upcoming events.
"I sure hope this fucking work or else i'm gonna smash their skulls together." Kayama grunted as she pushed the door of your office open and what they saw left their mouths hanging.
Moments before the two of them walked in on you and Aizawa making out, Aizawa had confronted you about what happened earlier with Iida (Tensei). Of course he was jealous and to make things worse you poke fun of him because of it.
He got angry but didn't even dared to raise his voice at you because he wanted to solve this in the rational and logical way possible and you knew that. After all those years of knowing him and vice versa, both of you learned to adapt to each other's needs. For example if Aizawa came home stressed, you'll know it before he even informs you and makes him everything he needs and more. Also, if you're feeling down he'll know to talk to you about it instead of leaving you to cool down because he'll know you'll bottle it up until you can no longer surpress it. There was even this one time where Aizawa tried to hide his worries from you but you knew him, the real him and you instantly knew that something was wrong. Turns out it was just his nerves from asking you something life changing.
"Shouta." You called him, placing your fingers under his chin making him look at you. "You know that I will never do that right? Tensei meant go out as friends. Besides I know what was behind his flirting all this time." Aizawa's piercing gaze softened upon seeing your face. You wrapped your arms around his midsection making him sigh and returning the gesture.
"I know. I'm sorry. I just got... possesive." You giggled at his statement. Although it resulted in an argument seeing him jealous gave off a sexy vibe from him which you incredibly loved—you'll never admit it openly but knowing Aizawa he probably knows by now.
"I'm sorry for being angry." His voice was soft as he uttered the words that made you smile. This was the side that you only get to see, warming your heart as you hugged him tighter. You were glad to see this side of Aizawa, you were glad to see that he trusts enough to put down his walls and let you through, you were glad—heck beyond glad even.
The next moments were a bit blur to you as it started with just a simple kiss filled with passion from you and Aizawa but when his kisses became a little heated that's when things really started. He bit your lip making you gasp earning him an entrance to your mouth as your tongues fought for dominance, Aizawa clearly being the winner.
Back to present time, Aizawa pinned you against the wall, his hands on your waist as he began attacking your neck with kisses making you ran a hand through his hair, your fingers threading through his raven locks.
Was this real? You didn't know. You were sure you were dreaming right now or perhaps in heaven. But nope, this was the reality. The reality you love. The reality that Aizawa Shouta, 1-A's homeroom teacher, underground hero, pro-hero Eraserhead was your husband.
Yup, this shaggy hobo looking man was your husband. No one really knew except for your families and Toshinori who happened to stumble upon the two of you just like this except that the two of you were in the hospital that time.
Aizawa bit the sensitive spot on your neck, the both of you still not noticing the presence of the duo that kept bugging you and Aizawa to just confess and get together. Too ingrossed in your activities, you didn't even hear their footsteps.
"Oh my god!" Hizashi screeched making the two of you break apart as you stared at Hizashi and Kayama with wide eyes. Holy shit, you were found out now and they found out while the two of you were making out. Fucking making out. Why now out of all the days you were making out with Shouta?
"What do you guys want? Can't you see i'm busy with my wife?" Aizawa nonchalantly stated as his face showed irritation. He wasn't irritated at the fact that Hizashi and Kayama finally knew, he was irritated at the fact that Hizashi and Kayama disturbed the two of them while they were in the middle of something good.
You on the other hand was shocked at what Aizawa just informed the two loud mouths and blushed upon seeing the two of them stared at you with those fucking knowing looks. Oh boy, there was no way of escape now.
After 5 years he decided to tell them like it was not a big deal at all but you knew Aizawa cared, he always did. He just want the two of them to shut up but that wasn't the case. Upon hearing what Aizawa said, the two of them squealed.
"Wife?! Did Shouta just say wife?!" Hizashi was practically crying now, telling the world how proud he was of his best friend. "When did the wedding happen?! Why were we not invited?!"
"It happed five years ago Hizashi, and Shouta and I just wanted a small wedding with close family only. I hope you understand." You sheepishly smiled at the two of them.
"I guess we'll leave you two now." Kayama said with a wink as she dragged Hizashi out of the office. "Use protection, kids!"
Just seconds after the door closed, Aizawa who was still pressing you on the wall asked with a smirk, "I don't think we even need protection. Now where were we?"
Oh boy, let's just say that neither of you did your work the whole night and just did each other instead.
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"Y/n! Are you ok? You should go to Recovery Girl! Your neck is full of bruises!" Hizashi 'innocently' screamed out in the teacher's lounge earning the attention of all the pro-hero teachers currently in said lounge.
Your face grew red as they stared at you. Of  course Hizashi had to notice the marks Aizawa left as a 'remembrance' of the night before and of course he just had to scream it out loud in a room filled with people. You were glad though that he hadn't proclaimed it infront of the students because that will be even more embarrassing—atleast for you.
You secretly flipped the bird to Aizawa who just chuckled then wrapped his capture weapon around his neck even more, hiding the endless amount of love bites placed there.
"Oh! Shouta! You have them too! Are you both ok?! Do you have allergies or something?!" Hizashi yelled out. With a smirk you looked over to Aizawa once again as he grunted and swatted Hizashi away but it was too late now. The whole faculty knows by now as their gazes were placed on you then to Aizawa and vice versa.
Needless to say, the next day was full of teasing and belated congratulations from the two and the staff—with the two of them word spreads quickly—which they had to endure.
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When 1-A found out
"As heroes, your goal is to not only fight off villains but to rescue and protect the civillians as well. You should remember that. Especially you Bakugo." The boy scoffed at his teacher's words as he looked away which Aizawa knew was a sign that Bakugo acknowledged his words. "Today we are—" a knock cut Aizawa's sentence making him sigh. Who could it possibly be?
Aizawa walked to the door slowly as his students anticipated who could the visitor be. Could it be a pro-hero? Yes, that could be it but their teacher didn't mention any training with another pro-hero today. So, who was it?
Aizawa opened the door slightly and was face to face with his lovely wife standing there with a huge smile on her face. Aizawa made a mental note that he should wear sunglasses everytime his wife beams at him with that big smile, it was too bright for him seeing as you were the literal sunshine but Aizawa didn't protest though, seeing that smile of yours instantly refreshed him and gave him energy. But why the hell were you here? Lunch isn't near and he was sure as hell that you took a sick leave due to you feeling ill for the past few days. So what brought you here exactly?
"Hi Shouta!!!" You greeted him loudly earning the attention of the students. You didn't mean to say that so loud but excitement was kicking in and you felt very happy at that time, incredibly happy even. You felt that you could solve the crisis involving world peace just with your happiness and that was an understatement.
"Miss L/n?!" The students panicked, you were here? They sweated nervously as they were reminded about the homework they had to do. In truth they hadn't done it yet because they were incredibly busy so seeing you outside their classroom made their hearts race. "But what are you doing here Ms. L/n? I thought you were sick!"
You sighed clearly knowing what the fuss was about. "Mina, I am sick but I need to excuse your teacher for some important matters and it's ok if you hadn't done your homework yet but make sure to submit it on or before friday next week." The students let relieved noises as soon as they heard the last statement but Aizawa was more focused on the 'I need to excuse your teacher for some important matters' part. Was there somethimg wrong?
"All right. Iida, control your classmates. I'll be going outside for a moment." And with that Aizawa closed the door behind him before dragging you as far as possible from the eavesdropping students. Your statement made him worried as millions of logical probabilities rushed through his head, one probabilty standing out than the most.
Were you gonna ask for a divorce? Aizawa hoped that, that wan't the case.
"You're not gonna ask for divorce, are you?" Aizawa hesitantly voiced his thoughts, earning a blank look from you. What made Aizawa think that?
"Shouta." You called while placing the palm of your hand on his cheek, him leaning into your touch almost instantly. "What made you think that I'm gonna ask you for divorce?"
Shouta opened his mouth to tell you all the logic behind his question but was immediately cut off by you, "Don't ever doubt yourself or us, Shouta. I love you as you love me so that will not be happening." Aizawa felt relieved but the bugging feeling didn't go away as the question in his mind remained unanswered. Why were you here then?
"I'm here because of good news not bad news." You stated, your smile returning to your face. Aizawa could tell that this smile was brighter and bigger than the last one so it gave him the fact that you were incredibly happy at the moment because of said news. "Well atleast it's good news for me."
"What is it?" You could feel your excitement coming out an in instant once he asked you the question you've been waiting for him to say. You happily dug through your mess of a bag to reveal a stick to him with a plus sign on the center.
A stick with a plus sign.
A plus sign.
Aizawa's eyes widened as he stared lovingly at the stick you were holding. You waited for his reaction and once you got it you were very much satisfied with the result.
Aizawa placed his large hands on your belly, the stick still on his left hand but he didn't care. Tears welled up in your eyes as you saw his smile mirrored yours—bright, big and clearly expressing how happy he felt at the moment.
"I'm going to be a father." He murmured on your shoulders as he wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace. You nodded through your tears as Aizawa's grip on you tightened a little—not to the point he's trying to kill you though—clearly not wanting to let go of you. This news made his heart long and beat for you even more.
"I love you." He said with not his usual monotone but a softer voice filled with emotion that he clearly felt for you. "I love that you make me the happiest man on the universe, every fucking day." His confession made you cry even harder, wetting his black hero costume even more but you both didn't care at the moment. You were gonna be a family now. A family. A family that you both wanted. A family that you both will cherish and love until the day death do you apart. A family to care for, look out for. A family that will grow, stay and learn with the both of you.
Oh how excited the both of you are.
"I love you too, Aizawa Shouta." You replied before adding, "I love you so fucking much that my heart hurts with happiness everytime I see or think of you."
Class 1-A didn't mean to eavesdrop once again but they couldn't help but let curiousity kill the cat. They saw the heart fluttering and precious moment between their usually stoic, emotionless teacher and his wife that made them burst out in tears. They were sure their teacher knew they were there but they still kept their cries silent so that it wouldn't interrupt the moment.
That still didn't stop Mina from exclaiming this though.
"Aizawa-sensei and Ms. L/n are married?!" The exclamation earned the attention of the couple as they broke apart, seeing 1-A infront of them with tears on their eyes. "Then all our planning was useless?!" And with that Mina cried harder making you chuckle, not all their plans went to waste though if you could say so yourself.
"Go back to class." Aizawa ordered them with a glare making them shuffle and leave the scene immediately after shouting out a, "Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Aizawa!!"
"They truly are an exceptional bunch huh?" You leaned into Aizawa as he placed an arm around your shoulders. "They are a pain in the ass but they are my pain in the ass."
"Aw! Seeing you act like that for your 20 other kids makes me even more excited that you're gonna have another one." You snickered. "If you're their dad then I'm the mom right?"
"Don't." Aizawa grunted making you laugh.
"What?! It's true though!" Seeing Aizawa's expression made you laugh even more. "Oh don't give me that look Dadzawa."
"Don't call me that."
"Dadzawa!" You stated his new nickname making him sigh.
"You're lucky I put up with you."
"Aren't you supposed to say, 'You're lucky I love you'?" Aizawa shook his head then left you there in the hallway after replying with a, "No. See you at home, Y/n."
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"Congratulations Dadzawa!" Hizashi and Nemuri exclaimed at the same time once again earning the attention of the whole faculty on them.
"Don't fucking call me that, Yamada."
"Oh please, keep calling him that from now on. I'm sure babyzawa will like that." You chuckled as you kissed Aizawa's cheek before leaving the faculty room. "Goodluck dealing with them Dadzawa!"
Aizawa's eye twitched as he felt the attack coming from Hizashi and Nemuri. Oh boy it's gonna be a long long day today.
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hamliet · 2 years
Is it weird to say I think the way they handled (or rather didn't) Blacksun in RWBY is kind of partly responsible for the majority of the fandom's expectations for Nuts and Dolts and Rosegarden? Like the way Rosegarden is dismissed a lot of the time by the fandom (not just as a possibility as an endgame ship but the concept of the ship in of itself) almost like it's too obvious that they can't believe it, that it must be a red herring somehow, while being absolute dead certain that Nuts and Dolts is endgame? Even though Penny seems very much dead? And unlike Bumbleby, Blacksun and Rosegarden never seemed to be romantically coded? (I mean it's cute but at best there were only a few parallels to other canon ships which... You could say the same about Fair Game, which the writers never intended to be romantic)
So... I'm a little confused about this ask, sorry! I'm not quite sure what the argument is. Are you arguing that RG has more textual basis than NnD? Or that no Ruby ships have textual basis? I thought the former until your second to last sentence, but when you say "Blacksun and Rosegarden never seem to be romantically coded" did you mean to say "Blacksun and Nuts and Dolts"? I'll answer anyways, but please do clarify!!
See, I would say that Rosegarden is factually coded romantically at least on Oscar's part. He is clearly crushing on Ruby and there's no other realistic way to interpret that blush, the looks of the other characters around them (Marrow), and his clear comments on her eyes.
I also do think Blacksun had romantic coding to an extent, although I think the buildup was clearly for Bumbleby as the main ship--until volume 4, which is where they kinda goofed with the teasing and which is why I think they messed up. If you don't handle something correctly and bait your audience (which imo mostly happens in volume 4), then your audience loses trust, so to an extent that can play a role in people struggling to discern where things are going. It's honestly my main complaint about RWBY's writing.
I do not think Nuts n Dolts even has the teasing Black Sun does. Even more so than Fair Game (which I agree was never intended to be romantic), NnD has explicit, blatant platonic coding which the writers either have no clue what they're doing or included deliberately. (This post was written before the final two episodes, by the way, which only went harder on this.)
That also said, I think the fandom is prone to expecting She-Ra when RWBY isn't She-Ra. I hella love She-Ra and think it's stunningly written and fantastic, but RWBY isn't the same story. She-Ra was at its core about queer love redeeming the world, and RWBY is not really about that specifically--love redeeming the world surely has a role, but it is about refinement on multiple levels, with alchemy as the central conceit of the story. She-Ra was not about grief either, but about life; RWBY is about life and death together and has always braided tragedy into the story.
Nuts n Dolts is a lovely comfort ship, but comfort isn't the point of RWBY--it's fighting. Even people who theorize Penny is coming back are almost always "because she'll end up with Ruby" but cite no evidence nor what it thematically offers Ruby as a character or Penny as a character to end up together. There are not central thematic challenges they would have to overcome to be together, which again makes it comforting but not what RWBY does. Compare it to Bumbleby or Renora, where getting together offers clear challenges and ways the characters have to grow because what they fear is what the other struggles with as a flaw; same with Arkos, though Pyrrha is dead.
Among RWBY ships, in my opinion Rosegarden more closely parallels Bumbleby and Renora in set up, as do Emercury and White Knight (whether or not they happen; among these 3 RG is the one with the most explicit buildup so that has to be dealt with somehow). These ships also have the alchemical symbolism that matches up in ways Nuts/Dolts definitely does not. (I list myself as a shipper of these five ships but the reality is that I do not really care about ships in RWBY lol. I mostly see the potential for really well written stories in these so I list them, but I don't really have a lot of feelings for them.)
But, that doesn't mean Ruby and Penny's relationship isn't interesting and beautiful, because it is. I personally think Ruby is going to take Penny's death very hard and struggle with grief--it might even bring up thoughts of Summer. A relationship doesn't have to be romantic or sexual to be important or pivotal, and people can--even should--have multiple deep, important relationships in their life.
Anyways, this is just my opinion, and I'm not really looking to debate or have a serious argument about things, or to upset anyone!
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snazzwritesthings · 3 years
Hey so you do character x oc right? Could you possibly do my oc, elvira x selever? And could you do general headcannons for them? The ship is called selvira btw. Elvira is 17, she is a kuudere and very calm and quiet. She's pretty mature and she's what keeps selever from doing dumb or illegal stuff. She often seems to have an emotionless face and it's rare to see her smile or laugh but don't worry selever Can easily make her smile or laugh. She doesn't talk much, she only responds to people with a one word answer or a nod but with people she's comfortable with she'll speak full sentences. Her and selever meet at sarvente's church, elvira's parents are very religious so they forced elvira to go to church, specifically sarvente's church. She was exploring the church at found selever. Her and selever are kinda like yin and yang, they tend to give eachother what the other lacks and balance eachother out. Elvira's spiked coller was given to her by selever, the coller had magic in it that would make her immortal like selever.
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This is what elvira looks like btw, and I'm sorry if this was to long.
Yep! I do write character x oc! This would be my pleasure to write! Also, I must say, I LOVE YOUR OC! She looks so cool! I also really like your artstyle! (Also, Selvira is a cute/cool ship name-) ⊱ ────── {⋆⌘⋆} ────── ⊰⊱ ────── {⋆⌘⋆} ────── ⊰ Selvira Headcanons! (Selever X Elvira)
⊱ ────── {⋆⌘⋆} ────── ⊰⊱ ────── {⋆⌘⋆} ────── ⊰
• 100% was surprised to see someone like Elvira at his mother's church as he didn't think someone with her fashion sense would be at a place like that. Not in a bad way though! Selever was just intrigued upon this.
• When meeting Elvira, Selever was interested in her. He liked her fashion sense and wanted to talk to her more so he'd strike up conversations with her whenever he saw her.
• Selever doesn't mind when Elvira doesn't talk that much around others. He understands she doesn't want to and thats reasonable. So he doesn't force her to.
• Selever doesn't say it much but he thinks Elvira is extremely talented.
• He likes watching Elvira draw. He finds it relaxing and enjoys seeing Elvira doing something that makers her happy.
• Even though Elvira seemed to be emotionless, Selever knew she wasn't. She just looked like she was. When meeting her, Selever knew that it was part of a personality and didn't judge her or say anything about it.
• Selever is the chaotic one and Elvira is the more mature one out of the both of them.
• Selever can be rational at times if Elvira is going to do something she shouldn't. (He wouldn't want her to get in trouble.
• Cuddles. These two cuddle most of the time. Selever is usually the one who initiates the cuddle sesh. Elvira allows the cuddles since she likes seeing Selever happy.
• Selever only shows his soft side to Rasazy and Elvira. No one else gets to witness this.
• Little Spoon and Big Spoon. Selever has dibbed Big Spoon. Elvira is the Little Spoon.
• Selever enjoys holding Elvira's hand, especially in public. He thinks her hands are nice and soft, plus are warm which is a bonus.
• When he started dating Elvira, Selever knew he needed to find an item that would give her immortality since he didn't wish to see her die.
• He looked for quite a while for such an item before he came across the spiked collar. When seeing it, he immediately knew it fit Elvira's style and would look hella good on her. So he bought it.
• After buying the spiked collar, Selever gave it to Elvira a few days later and explained what it does and how he saw it and immediately thought of Elvira.
• He lets Elvira know that he loves her. Whether it be him saying it, giving her affection or just leaving note or buying gifts. He lets her know.
⊱ ────── {⋆⌘⋆} ────── ⊰⊱ ────── {⋆⌘⋆} ────── ⊰
Those are the headcanons I got right off the bat for the two of them! I hope this is good and matches with the pairing! Thank you for requesting, once again! :D
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I only started watching SK8, so maybe it's a little too early for me talk, but after your last analysis and some of your past rants... there's also the fact that Reki and Langa have no chemistry AT ALL. Like, I've seen more chemistry in water alone! Sure, they're pretty much joined by the hip now, but I would be that way with my first random friend if I moved to another country at the other side of the world, like Langa did. And I get that it's already canon that Langa has a crush on Reki, but c'mon! These are teenagers, their hormones are all over the place 24/7. And it's obvious that Reki does not reciprocate. Even if he is into guys, he obviously doesn't see Langa as someone he is remotely attracted to.
I think my main issue with the ship so far is that their personalities do not click. Comparing them to RinHaru (because the parallels ARE right there), Rin is sassy, but also sensitive and easily embarrassed; Haru is aloof and stoic, but can be hella stubborn if you put him in the right situation. Those are some traits for an interesting dynamic, and they also have in common that they are passionate about what they love, and determinated. Reki and Langa are... not it.
Langa is sweet, calm, chill, and clueless about a whole lot of things (including feelings); Reki is friendly and cheerful and all, but he's also chill and clueless. The contrast is only superficial, where's the flavor?!
I don't know, at this point I'm shipping Miya and that ex-childhood friend of his better than Renga, even the pre-teens have more depth. I keep waiting something magical will happen that will make me like Renga better, because I see the IDEA they had for their relationship, I LIKE that idea, but the result has not been great. (So far.) (I'm keeping myself optimistic.)
Langa’s relationship with Reki remind me of a puppy and the owner one (and clearly the puppy is more attached lol), not the two boyfriends, who want to be in a relationships, and they definitely do not have any sexual chemistry. Like seriously ANY.
And yeah, I said the same, they might have gotten the Rinharu scenes, but they lack all the dynamic, the passion for each other, the mutual thirst to be with each other, and just all the greatest parts. 
To me comparing these is like comparing a burger to two plain buns. Like technically it fits, but the best part and all the sauce is missing. 
Besides what’s even to compare... it’s like Reki has eyes on a boat girl, when Langa is next to him. Rin and Haru have their eyes on each other only since they were 12. Rin writes about how he’s the most beautiful thing he ever seen in his school essays and tells his australian parents not about his swimming, but how pretty and cool he is. Haru just doesn’t react to anyone in that way. It’s like all he sees is Rin, but also the only one who excites him is also Rin.
And can you imagine Rin drooling over some girl while Haru is next to him? LMFAO. Or Haru when Rin is next to him? Like a pretty girl once told him how great his muscles are and he was like “ok thanks I guess”, but then he checks Rin out 24/7 saying how great his muscles are, how he’s jelly of his strong strokes and how his legs are amazing and strong. And they didn’t even notice that one time that there was no water in the pool while they were both staring at each other undressing... like....?
And true, like we don’t even know if Reki’s interested in men, it really doesn’t look like he is. If he were bi, he’d react to Langa or idk Cherry the same way he reacted to the boat girl, I mean, have you see them? And no, reacting to his skating is not the same. Literally every sports anime has smth like this, so let’s not. It’s like everyone thinks Haru’s swimming is oh so pretty, but only one keeps talking about how his eyes are worth drowning into lol.
I don’t see Reki reciprocating the romantic feelings, too, and even if he somehow will in these last 3 episodes, it’s certainly already just not my type of a ship. Cause I don’t see Langa being his everything. He’s just not. This ship is just not for me I guess. 
Right now to me it’s like... everything is wrong with the reused Rinharu scenes lmao. It’s like someone replaced my favorite fries with papier mache ones. I also like still keep my heart open for maybe.. just maybe something extraordinary will happen in the last episodes and everything will fall in the right place, but I do not have a scenario for this to get much better.
Rinharu are obsessed with each other 24/7, they dreamt to be together since childhood and were the only thing on each other’s mind since the day they met. No Rin, no Haru are interested in winning more than in swimming with each other, they were also longing and drooling for each other so much, that the whole city knew it from both sides. And even when they had a misunderstandings each time they see each other it’s explosive and you see how much they want to touch, stay, and they both look at each other like... ugh.
Rin saw Haru’s talent and it pushed him to become even greater, Reki saw Langa’s talent and wilted, etc. I just feel like comparing these to each other is just unfair. Esp Reki and Rin. Reki is a kid, Rin stopped being a kid when his dad died, he’s also way too focused on getting what he wants in life.
Rin and Haru’s relationships are adult’s stuff, they also knew they wanted each other from the beginning. I mean, Rin even transferred schools for Haru when he was like 12. Reki and Langa’s realtionship are like new school friends thingy. That’s just some of our scenes are there, but it’s like depths of these scenes are incomparable. 
Also these like immature middle-school “why I’m not as cool emotions”... I’m waaaaaaay passed this, that’s all.
Anyways, yeah, I’ve already thought this through and decided that maybe we better try and not compare them at all, otherwise it’s just gonna be a huge loss without giving them any chance. It’s still can be like as cute as that Stride ship, I mean, I was like “cute”, but then I do forget about it almost always tho so xD. To each their own. 
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poetrusicperry · 3 years
Hello dear, im not sure if you still take requests for ships with the dps boys, but im gonna give it a try.
My name is Deniz, i go by he/him pronouns and i am non-binary. I have french and turkish nationalities. I have short curly dark hair and black eyes and have prescription glasses that i never wear even if i am blind because i, even after 8 years of wearing them, still forget to put them on my nose. My eneagram is 5w4. I'm really into arts, painting , music, theatre and writing poetry. I play the guitar. My favorite classes are latin, french and english. Im into philosophy and politics (left wing). I fluently talk french, english, and turkish. As i said, i am really into music, and i listen to pretty much every genres existing, but my favorites are goth, black and death metal, french electro/rave, shoegaze, classical music and classical arabic music. I am also pagan.
What else? Arg yes, I hate socializing and partying, i still hang out with the same 3 people i met 10 years ago. I can assure that i am socially awkward and don't know how to speak to people face to face.
I don't know how to describe my sense of style... i guess we could say that it is very victorian/goth oriented but with a clown-ish twist. I love black pants and poet blouse and i only wear that. Very David Bowie-esque in his White Duke era but with occasional dark red and dark purple because they are my favorite colors.
Oh dear Dionysos. I really hope this wasn't too long and boring. I also stalked your blog for an hour, i love it.
(I apologize for the occasional mistakes, as i said english isn't my first language...)
hello, deniz !! first and foremost, i would like to sincerely apologize for how long it took me to get to this. it's a tad short, but i hope you enjoy it all the same <3 p.s. i think it's so cool that you're trilingual !!! and thanks for your kind words. sending love and hugs (:
shipping you with neil !! (:
you two would meet at a theatre performance, no doubt. you’d both be there enjoying the show alone, but seated next to each other. and neil being the outgoing and personable dude he is, he’d strike up a conversation with you before the show, during intermission, and afterwards, asking if you wanted to go to a diner and talk about other shows you’ve seen.
neil would also completely ADORE your fashion sense. he always wanted to dress similarly to you, but he lacked the confidence in himself (also his dad wouldn’t approve). he’d have fun with you, getting him out of his fashion comfort zone (‘:
the fact that you’re trilingual? one of neil’s absolute favorite things about you. he’d often ask you how to say the most random things in french or turkish just to hear you speak the languages heh
introducing him to so much new music !!! as everyone knows, neil’s childhood was pretty sheltered and one-dimensional, so the fact that you listen to all sorts of music is fascinating to him (“what about this music draws you to it ?” he’d ask all the time)
having neil around was a great reminder for you and wearing your glasses. but neil thought it was really cute when you guys would go out to eat and he’d have to read you the menu because you really just couldn’t see it HAHA (also an excuse to sit hella close to you hehe)
you would be neil’s #1 fan when he began to pursue acting, and it was that much more special to you since that’s how you guys met (:
neil would convince you to go to a party with him “just to see what it’s like,” but you’d both find that you were way more content having a quiet night in watching movies or reading poems to each other
lots (and i mean LOTS) of bookstore visits
you two would love to experience new things together (whether it be trying new foods, a new literary genre, or a new movie)
overall, you and neil would be such a cute couple and while your interests certainly varied, you had enough in common to keep things relatable and fun
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spearbeans · 4 years
"sparks fly, it's like electricity" — shinkamijirou one-shot
prompt: the title of this oneshot. yeah.
details: shinkamijirou spending time together in kaminari's dorm room. kaminari being kaminari, and shinjirou being done w him | 773 words
etc: when u cant choose a favorite ship just make it poly ✨ am i right? anyways i love these kami ships alot but exploring shinjirous dynamics is hella fun. also kami is so stupid i love him
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It's the usual weekend in the 2-A dorms. Everyone is doing their own things; chilling in their room, catching up on sleep, playing games, doing assignments.
Kaminari is happily sitting in his room, on his bed. The clicking sounds of game consoles and the familiar Mario Kart soundtracks playing in the background. Kaminari turns his head to the right, observing the way Shinsou is burning holes into the TV as he focuses on the game. Seeing that he's currently leading, he is smirking victoriously as his character (Dry Bones, his favourite. Kaminari still doesn't get why.) passes the finish line. A heavy sigh is heard from Kaminari's left now. He turns his head to see Jirou crossing her arms and "angrily" asking Shinsou what he wants as a reward. Shinsou thinks for a while before tapping his cheeks a couple times. Jirou sighs and scooches over to Shinsou's side, leaning in to kiss the boy's cheek. Shinsou (a cheater, Kaminari thinks) turns his head right before Jirou makes contact so they'd kiss on the lips instead.
Jirou pulls back after a few seconds and hits Shinsou's side lightly, "Hitoshi, that's unfair!"
Kaminari laughs at the way Shinsou shrugs and claims he could do it since he won the bet. Jirou huffs in response, folding her arms back. She is red, and Kaminari can't tell if it was because she's flustered or angry but it's adorable nevertheless. Jirou gets flustered easily under her cool, badass cover she seems to have, and it's something Kaminari really loves seeing. (Shinsou too, he bets.)
“Kyoka~ I’m sorry,” Shinsou says, dragging out his words as he drapes himself over Jirou.
Jirou looks in the opposite direction, ignoring Shinsou’s pleads and cute acts. Her face completely betrays her cold-shoulder act though, as it gets redder the longer Shinsou remains clinging on her side. Shinsou starts kissing her, leaving a trail up her shoulder to her neck and her cheek. If it was possible, Jirou would have gotten even redder. Jirou tries to turn her head, but makes no effort to push Shinsou away from her.
Kaminari quite enjoys the view, seeing his two (unlikely) lovers flirting. It had been a worry when they first got together. But that worry proved to be stupid when they started to warm up to each other as much as they did with him. But as much as he did love seeing them, he is getting bored of just watching.
Kaminari clears his throat and in a whiny tone comments, "Don't forget about the baby here!"
Shinsou pulls himself away from Jirou, both of them turning to look at the blonde. Shinsou and Jirou make eye contact, communicating silently before facing Kaminari again. Kaminari waits. Jirou and Shinsou move up the bed, taking up the space on either side of Kaminari.
Kaminari's heartbeat quickens. Jirou and Shinsou remain still beside him. Silence.
Then, both of them shift behind Kaminari and Shinsou lies down on the bed as Jirou leans in and kisses him. Kaminari turns around in shock, folding his arms as he pouts.
"Not fair!"
Kaminari gets ignored as his lovers make out in front of him. He pouts even more. Jirou finally pulls apart and tilts her head to look at the sulking Kaminari. She moves away so Shinsou could sit back up.
"Shut up Pikachu," she says as she gently pushes Kaminari down so he would lie down on the bed.
"Your turn, baby," Shinsou leans down and whispers into Kaminari's ears.
Jirou leans in on Kaminari's right side. Kaminari could almost explode right there and then. From both sides, Shinsou and Jirou closes in to leave quick pecks on his cheeks.
It could've been a sweet moment, if Kaminari had not accidentally released a burst of electricity when they made contact.
They both pull away in shock (literally), Jirou lightly hitting Kaminari as Shinsou taps his lips. Luckily, it was only a short, small amount of electricity that wouldn't hurt them. It happens every now and then, when Kaminari gets a little too excited.
"Sparks fly~ It's like electricity~" Kaminari sings, grinning widely at his two lovers.
Jirou facepalms, and Shinsou glares at him. Kaminari lifts his hand, making a peace sign pose. Jirou and Shinsou share another look, giving each other a nod. They both get up, and start walking towards the door with their fingers interlocking. Kaminari is left in confusion. Shinsou opens the door, and they both walk out while waving to Kaminari.
Kaminari blinks.
And he blinks again.
Then, he rushes out the door screaming "I'm sorry!" as he runs after his two giggling lovers.
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mizumelona · 4 years
male matchup for haikyuu (karasuno) please? i'm a 5'2 female with long golden brown hair and light brown eyes. curvy figure. baby faced and long eyelashes, i look way younger than i am. i love that i'm quick witted and clever. i'm learning to love that i'm a giant friggin nerd. i have a very sweet disposition, but when i'm irritated or upset, my bite is extremely sharp. typically patient and slow to anger. i'm a bit too realistic, and i don't sugarcoat anything(1/2)
[i need someone who can take my sass and give it back to me, someone who isn't too sensitive. i enjoy dark humor, and wouldn't mind playful roast battles with my boyfriend. i'm not clingy, but i can be really affectionate. more than anything, i want someone to peacefully co-exist with. someone who's okay with being in the same room, doing different things and still considers that "spending time together". i really love meteorology/storm chasing, and i've been a ballerina for over a decade. (2/2)]
Ah so cute! Thanks for sending your request!
Out of the Karasuno boys, I ship you with…
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Forreals tho it’s so obvious why am I even here
Ngl the reason you probably caught Tsukki’s attention is your impenetrable wall of patience. He kept trying to roast you the first time you two met but you deflected everything and followed up with the sweetest smile. He got flustered and forgot to keep up his salty face.
The boy can reciprocate sass. Cue roast battles for days.
BUT he once made the mistake of pulling his usual salty attitude when you were already having a bad day. It wasn’t pretty. Ever since he’s gotten into the habit of asking how your day was at the beginning of your conversations to gauge how sassy to be.
He also loves when you tell it how it is. You sat in on Karasuno’s practice once and gave Hinata some well intentioned criticism. Hinata looked really dejected so you felt a little bad, but Tsukki was out here snickering.
“My girlfriend is the best”, *breaks down laughing*
Yes he gets flustered when you’re affectionate with him. Major blushing over the most trivial displays of affection. Don’t let the idiots on his team know.
For all his time spent playing volleyball, he’s still a low energy organism at the end of the day. He doesn’t mind at all if you both spend the day in his room sitting around.
Yes, you periodically drag him out to go storm chasing. Yes, you had to fight him to get him to come with you the first time, but once he saw the wonder in your face while you two were out he knew it was all worth it. Nowadays, he looks forward to going with you.
He definitely gifts you cute dinosaur collectibles.
He goes to all your performances. Akiteru convinced him to bring flowers first time he went, and it’s become a tradition for him to bring them. Except one time it backfired,
“Is that tsukki in the flower shop?”, “Where’s tiredshima going?”
And that’s how the whole Karasuno team ended up at your most recent performance. Tsukki was hella irritated, but honestly it was kind of cute. You teased him afterwards and gave him a kiss on the cheek. The whole karasuno team gasped. Tsukki blushed to his ears. He acted salty as usual as he walked you home afterwards, but the only thing you noticed was the stupid grin on his face.
Ya’ll are so cute together I can’t even
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5sosspicedrosey · 5 years
Heyyy!!! Here I go ok so I'm short like 5 feet. I go by she/her. I like reading books, gardening, watching shows/movies, hanging out with friends, listening to music. Since I'm a new fan I'm currently exploring Youngblood album. And noone warned me about lie to me. That shit fucking gutted me and like a girl was shook lol tv shows l liked action fastasy shows game of thrones but they dirty to my queen dany so I don't know about that anymore. I dislike fake, mean people. Just be honest. Thank you
(Name is Tooba, loves NASA and space!)
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(this gif is of him seeing you)
Tbh this was hard to pick for you because I was debating between two but, I’m thinking Luke Hemmings! I get hella cute vibes.
-I’m gonna start off with how you two met. since you mentioned NASA and space, I have a feeling that you two met at the Kennedy Space Centre in Florida. Depending on where you live, you either were there on a vacation or just visiting the Space Centre as a day trip, but Luke was probably there on vacation or they had a concert there.
-You two were completely fascinated by the same exhibit and eventually brought up conversation.
-Then you spent the rest of the afternoon walking around together and chatting about space. He asked you so many questions and kept his full attention on you, chin in his hands and totally immersed.
-He probably whined at the end of the day when you had to leave. Then you offered your number and he got all blushy and bashful.
-You two went out more, on walks and to restaurants, but the thought of these being dates never occurred to you.
-He was nervous to tell you that he was in a band because he was worried that you would think of him differently.
-so for a while, you two kept going out as really close friends. your first “date” was when he invited you to go as his date for a friends wedding. for some reason I feel like you look great in the colour lilac. so, you wore a beautiful thin-strapped lilac dress with silky material that shone in the light. Luke wore a suit and a bowtie, and when he came to pick you up, he was speechless.
-He tried to tell you how beautiful you looked and how he loved you so much even though it had only been a few months since you met, so he just stuttered around you and was so anxious. you could tell and you subconsciously rubbed his back. his knees went weak.
-you two danced to “Lover Come Back To Me” by Artie Shaw. (idk why but I can imagine you two gently swaying to the tune. one of his hands would be on your waist while the other was in your free hand, your other hand on his shoulder. at first you two would be beaming into each other’s eyes, but your bodies got closer and closer and soon your head was on his chest- or around that general area).
-later that night you two found yourselves outside, enjoying the summer breeze and overlooking a beautiful landscape. that's when he told you everything. it didn't change a single thought about him. you could tell how anxious he was so you two ended up cuddling with your head on his shoulder and arms wrapped around each other.
-i feel like you two didn't really have to confess your feelings because everything came so naturally.
-that night and for the next few days (weeks even) you listened to everything 5sos, watching the keeks and the interviews. And as you mentioned, Lie To Me tore you apart.
-the next time you saw him you literally ran and jumped into his arms and gave him the biggest hug ever.
-that night you two spilled everything to each other. you laughed, cried, and felt closer than ever.
-your first kiss was fucking magical. I imagine it was on a hill, under the sparkling stars and the navy blue sky. you wore his jacket and cuddled up closer to him. with only the look of the eye, you two were already leaning in. it felt like fireworks were exploding in your body, you could never forget it.
-I feel like you become Petunia’s favourite.
-growing a huge garden with him and gardening with him becoming one of his favourite hobbies.
-calling you his ‘flower’ or ‘petal.’
-impromptu dance parties everywhere. like, you could be at the mall and a song you both like would start playing and soon enough he’s twirling you in the middle of Victoria’s Secret. (I fucking love this one so much).
-i also feel like you two are so PDA. I’m totally for it but the boys tease you about it all the time.
-but the boys become brothers to you. they become family.
-an ideal day would look like you two gardening then watching movies and shows later.
-I’ve personally never seen Game of Thrones but I feel like he would be incredibly passionate about it. like he would insist that you two dress up like the characters for Halloween.
-he totally accidentally cracked the TV screen when he threw a remote at it because someone died.
-you have to calm him down after he watches it.
-calming him down by reading to him!!!
-you two get rid of all those trolls on social media and spread positivity always.
-always reading to each other before you go to bed because it helps you sleep better, especially when he’s on tour. you read to him over facetime and watch him fall asleep. <3
I hope you like it!
- Winnie 💕
(btw this ship made me smile)
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claymorecut · 5 years
Journey of a shipper: Kontae and how I fell for this ship?
OKAY! SO I'M FINALLY DOING THIS. Writing a long ass meta about this ship because hell, I love them and this ship is beautiful and I just need more content for this ship, so I'm making some myself! Before I start, it's just my opinion and I don't mean to offend anybody and second, I'm not a great analyst. I'm just going to ramble about stuff here and it's pretty long. So, enjoy!
I remember making this post about gintama ships back when I first started watching Gintama and I remember mentioning Kontae there. The sweet and kind guy falls for the hard-core and strong willed woman. A ship dynamic I really love. And their interactions, so damn funny I can't even say! And the 10 years gap didn't look like a big issue to me; they are both adults so I was okay with it. This ship looked funny to me, Kondou blushing, asking her to marry him, butt hair and all xD but also made me feel like "it may not get too far". But Idk why, I decided to stick with it. Because i was just so much in love with Kondou and Otae's characters. But in between all that, I really didn't see any kind of romance happening between these two and I was like maybe in an AU, they'd make a really good couple. It's not happening in Gintama 'cause I really don't see any kind of romance happening in this universe (and yet, I continued shipping xD)
But, I was wrong.
When the Yagyuu arc came and I watched episode 81. And my faith in this ship was restored. I know there were some ship-tease moments for gintae in the benizakura arc and the yagyuu arc but then this scene came:
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I know, I know, it wasn't literal but what if it was? Well, that's not the question here. I was pretty surprised to hear this myself. Gintoki saying "She'll make it up to him" and Hijikata saying "She loves him. She's just playing hard to get" and all then Otae comes and saves Kondou from his Gorilla marriage. I got the verdict here tho. Maybe it was just for comedic purpose, maybe not. But still, it was enough for me to continue shipping them coz they looked hella cute and I just thought I'd just stick to it. Maybe, I'm gonna find something big soon. I found other ships like Hijimitsu and Gintsu! But that's a topic for another day.
The pool arc came, which is like ep 217 and yes, nothing huge happened but remember how Gintoki was a making fun of Otae's breasts and how he wasn't interested in looking at her flat chest but Kondou, who was, like always, stalking her, then says he's ready to explore every part of her to find the nipple xD and Otae just punches him. Yeah that was funny. And then Tae later again comments that she can see right through Gintoki's actions and Gintoki retorts again by saying that he's not interested in her camel toe. Then this scene happens:
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Kondou says he has no interest in camel toe and Tae again punches him while yelling "YOU DON'T?!"
Weird, right?
I know, it was weird for me too! But what can I say, these short details were what made me feel like maybe, JUST MAYBE, Tae has a thing for Kondou. Just look how offended she is. I know Kondou didn't mean to disrespect her neither was he rejecting her but I think Tae feels like he is. And so she goes like "what do u mean u don't?! Don't you love me!?" Even if it was just a sexual reference, it made me think that maybe, Hijikata was right. She does try to play hard and that there is something.
Then came the love choriss arc and I got a major hint.
How Sayaka-chan was Kondou's virtual girlfriend and how he introduced her to everyone in the Shimura residence. Yup then this happens.
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This was stupid and weird and funny and my Kontae heart screamed "YER JEALOUS TAE!"
Just look at her going all dramatic while getting worried about Shinpachi. Well, of course she'll be worried about Shinpachi's well being and how her brother is just drowing into his own virtual world but Why. Throw. Kondou's. Game? If she really doesn't feel anything for him then there's no reason for her to throw Kondou's game. Why not let him stay in his own virtual world with his own virtual girlfriend? What were you planning, Sorachi-sama?
It was the very first time when it looked very evident to me that Tae has something for Kondou deep inside. That whole dramatic scream "THIS CAN'T BE!" just after Kondou introduced Sayaka-chan. I listened to that dialogue very closely and it first started with Kondo introducing her then Gintoki saying something like you're in this shit too? And soon was followed by Tae's dramatic "this can't be! Is Shin-chan going to be like this too!?" while throwing Kondou's game out and Kondou screaming "Sayaka-chan!!"
Tae's jealousy is still a mystery here but I still feel like, somewhere she was.
Moving on!
They went out on a date, which was a disaster and then alongside Kyubei in the Beam Saber arc, how Kondou fought for Otae I started to feel a lot more from Kondou's side. Yes. The stalking is a running gag but Kondou's feelings were given more comedic effect rather than highlighting it in a very serious tone. But that's how Sensei does his work. Gintama is supposed to be funny and this ship is supposed to be funny and I really wasn't expecting any intense and serious Kontae moment in the series.
Well, Sorachi-sama proved me wrong. AND I THANK HIM SO, SO VERY MUCH!
The Genderbender arc came, Kyubei is now this handsome hunk and Tae is blushing furiously and Kondou is this blond bombshell which is his too good! It's been shown over and over again that even if Kondou is a stalker, he just wants to see Otae happy. That's what he always wanted even if he isn't the reason for her happiness. When Jyubei and Tae starts meeting frequently, Kondou comes and encourages Jyubei to stop worrying about other and enjoy himself with Tae. He even says that he's happy with just being her friend and I think this proves how much he cares for her. He gives them those movie tickets telling he actually wanted to ask her out but now that he's like this, can't be with her like the way he always wanted to and now Jyubei is the only one who can take care of her. He was genuinely hurting but what matters most to him is Otae and so he leaves them while saying "if you make her cry, I'll arrest you". Even Kyubei later mentions it that it was him who was hurting and crying and he just happily sacrificed Otae so that she can be happy.
Then came the roach motel arc and OTAE WEARS THE KIMONO THAT KONDOU GAVE! Yes, not in the episode but in opening 15 she does and even in the manga cover! Ah..the feels. Well, coming back to the point, this episode was basically everybody bullying Kondou but the good part here was the ending of this episode. Kondou knowing that he was getting bullied and that Tae was a part of all this but he still says "that's how Otae-san is. This is what makes her, her." That was beautiful; he accepts her for who she is. He knows that she's brash and manipulative and even abusive but she's also kind and strong and beautiful; even after all her flaws he still continues to accept and love her. That's true love. And then comes Otae's part. She slowly starts to learn more and more about him, I think she knew he wasn't stalking her. And then she finally admits that she actually had fun with Kondou and that she got to see a new side of him while hugging that roach mask. She was happy to discover a new side of him, no stalking attached. I was so amazed to see this happening coz like I said, I wasn't expecting all these serious Kontae moments but these were actually happening. It was a breath of fresh air and I was really happy to see a developed relationship between these two characters which just made me ship them even more.
Then comes the love incense arc which was just....bizarre. What was Sensei thinking while writing this arc? Why would you do that to my poor kokoro!? But whatever, nothing is properly explained here, everybody is falling in love with everybody, Kondou turns gay, Gintoki just loses his senses and is sleeping with practically everybody, Tsukuyo's feelings for Gintoki starts to go havoc. But then, Tae and Kyubei comes in the picture. And they're in love with Gintoki too. But then, things change. Take turns out to be in love with Kondou! Hell, she was actually JEALOUS! Yes, it was the love incense and yes, this arc is just too crazy to explain anything properly but hear me out. What if, the love incense actually triggered some of Tae's hidden feelings for Kondou? Just like Tsukuyo's. Coz she actually saw Gintoki's dick first when she inhaled that smoke. Not him. But she ended up discovering her own feelings towards him. So what if this was the same case with Tae? We all saw that she was under the effect of that drug and was in love with Gintoki so Sensei, why this change of plans?
No answers, right? I don't have them either. It's just the little theory I came up with. What was Tae's real feelings? But soon the Shogun Assassination and the Farwell Shinsengumi arcs are followed after this.
And GOOD LORD! Sensei actually proved me wrong! By giving one of the most beautifully written scenes between these two characters.
It isn't always when Sorachi-sama actually decides to go for the romantic plot but in Kontae's case, I felt like he actually hinted a LOT. The very first ship in Gintama where I felt like no, this isn't just one-sided but actually, feelings were shown from both the sides, especially Tae. Like everyone, she misses him. But Tae remembering him like this and crying when she's about to get her neck slashed:
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"A real man, a real samurai would never do something like this. That man, would never do something like this."
She knows him, she knows what kind of a man Kondou really is. And even at a time like this, Kondou is the man who comes in her mind. A true man, true police, a true samurai who not for once tried to force himself upon her. Not for once showed any kind of disgrace towards any other people or her. All this time, she comes to learn more and more about him and you know, it was worth the time.
Even Shinpachi sees it.
"I'll bring that man, and everyone, back to you for sure. So wait for us with the same old smile on your face, Sis."
Why exclude him from everybody? There has a meaning behind this and a deep one and tbh, I see a romantic meaning behind this. Shinpachi addressing Kondou like this, it was new. It's not always when Sensei uses such points to evoke a romantic gesture but when he does, it sure leaves an impact.
And this is not the last time he used such implications for KonTae. Fast forward to ep 316, Tae is at Kozenigata's place and she's now leaving. Haji and Konzenigata both tries to stop her because it was dangerous outside and the police organisation isn't working properly and she replies,
"That's exactly why police need to go back to their jobs, and cabaret girls have to go back to their job."
It's like foreshadowing their relationship- the police and the cabaret girl. And then Kozenigata just simply puts a cherry on top.
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"They must have come back. Her police."
And Kondou pops out of that dustbin!
And then come the dialogues.
"Don't you think it's high time you stop doing this....You'll catch a cold."
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"Why did you have to say that out of all days? I wish you had acted like always, called me a perverted stalker and hit me like you always do. You're....making it hard to say goodbye."
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The voice acting, the dialogues, the animation, honestly everything screams romantic here. And yeah, the close-up happy-sad faces, if you've seen/read romantic anime/manga, you should know it's a shoujo trope used to display romantic feelings between two characters. And if I'm just making speculations, they're sharing the same umbrella...
Two people, especially a man and a woman, sharing an umbrella in rain is considered as a symbol of romance in Japan.
This kinda proves that romance is present in this scene.
And then finally this.
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These eyes literally says it all. It's like Tae saying I'll wait for you and when you come back, I'll happily welcome you and then we can go back to those old days. Just like how Shinpachi said.
And I think, this is the very first and the only time, Sensei used this gesture. And this is just too much for me to not ignore it!
The way Kondou looks at Tae while talking to her, it almost feels like he's telling her to not look so sad. Like I've mentioned before, Kondou wants to see her smile. And i think, in this scene it's crushing for him to see her with such a sad smile on her face. That is the last thing he wants to see. That's why he said he wanted to see her react the way she always did. And Tae not acting like that and instead showing such emotions towards him, it's too overwhelming. Just think how Kondou would be feeling there. Tae seeing him off, her eyes glistening while she sees him walk away but also waits for his arrival in the near future, its simply poetic.
The reunion between these two is as funny as ever, Kontae was back in its own color. When Okita said Kondou was always okay with their usual type of setting, he meant to say that Kondou was happy in those old days. That's what he said in the FS arc, he wanted to see her in her usual self, no sad face, no crying, just a happy Otae who loves to beat the crap outta him but also respects him. Things really were pretty intense in the SA and FS arcs but I don't think Sensei wanted to continue this for long. It was like Sensei saying, we're back to the old days, happy days. The Silver Soul arc and the ongoing arc isn't as intense as these two arcs and that's what Sensei wants to say "we're back to those good ol' day". But that doesn't mean he threw away all those meaningful moments between these two; it was so heavily implied. Just because of a troll scene, one cannot disregard the whole development and say "it was never there" because of course there was something which was very much visible to the viewers/readers, even if it isn't present now doesn't mean it was all a joke or just some i-just-wrote-it-but-now-it-doesnt-mean-anything bullshit. Yeah, the ship isn't canon but that also doesn't mean it sank. I mean, Kondou is not gonna marry that gorilla anymore so....
Imo, KonTae is the only ship in Gintama where romantic feelings are implied from both the sides. It really didnt look unrequited. It's not only Kondou or Tae, it's both of them and both of them have actually shown interest in each other in a way which I won't say is completely ambiguous. The FS arc was the part where it is shown how far their relationship has come and how they have come to learn and respect each other, maybe even love each other. I'm not forcing these ideas on anybody, these are facts and I'm sure even non-shippers must have noticed these moments as well. Honestly, the romantic implications were heavy here, the scenes, the dialogues, the "Take care" which is just too beautiful to not to be ignored. Even if I don't see canon pairings happening here, I still somehow hope for this ship.
My love for Gintsu is eternal but Kontae, this is the only ship where I feel like has come a lot far. And even other characters have mentioned their relationship and in a serious note. Check all those subtle hints, pick up the whole FS arc, it's there. A relationship that started with a gag but now is fully developed where I can see loads of potential. It's a ship that's been here from the very beginning of the series and it didn't look rushed at all. Another universe of how I met your mother lol.
People can ship whatever they like and I'm really not trying to push my thoughts onto anybody here.
But KonTae, this ship is no gag or joke and it deserves more love.
It's stupid, it's hilarious, it's beautiful and it's properly developed and that's why I fell for this ship so hard.
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wellhalesbells · 7 years
If you have the time and if you don't mind, what are some books you really recommend? Doesn't have to be all time faves, but anything that pops into mind that you want more ppl to read and love, Extra points if lgbt+ , i got the whole summer with little to do and i wanna spend it reading some good quality writing and honestly so far your recs have introduced me to so many faves its unbelievable
[blushes profusely] oh wow, thank you!!!  i’m so glad you’ve trusted me enough to check out some of the stuff i reblog; that is like the ultimate compliment, i can’t even???  i don’t mind at all(!), fair warning though: i only started recording what i read partway through last year and my mind is like a sieve so i’ll do my absolute best to remember what’s sang to me in the recent past.  warning number two: i’m in an open relationship with absolutely every genre out there so i’ll try to note which belongs where so you can avoid those that hold no interest for you.
i’ll give you the sun.  i loved this book, the writing is fucking transformative and all the characters are so damn likable, while still being realistically flawed human beings.
the raven cycle (tetralogy).  definitely my favorite series since harry potter.  the writing, the world-building, the characters, it’s all on top-form.  i wrote a little, mini non-spoilery review of it: here, back when i was better (worse?) wordly-wise and my feels were brand new.
more happy than not.  i’m still not sure how i feel about this book.  it was hard, but it felt very true to the characters and the lingo and style matched the ages of the players and i have a lot of respect for that.
the watchmaker of filigree street.  woooow i loved this book.  i admit ‘historical fiction’ kind of makes me cringe.  it never precludes me from reading a book but it does knock it down the list by a book or five because they’re often very dense and very clunky and end up taking me ages to get through.  but this one was gorgeous.  i loved the plot, the attention lovingly placed on every character and the historical elements.  the surprise gay in an already brilliant book felt like winning the lottery honestly.
captive prince (trilogy).  okay, truthfully, i’m only putting this on here because the second book is such a high point for me.  it was never bad at any point but it had unfortunately been hyped far too much for it to live up to my, admittedly, very high expectations.  hopefully it’ll fare better with you?
everything i never told you.  i go back and forth on this one.  i like the writing a lot, i like the LGBT aspect a lot, and i like the mystery aspect a lot but there are definitely characters i would cut out entirely for sheer predictability if i could and that killed a lot of my enjoyment at the time (but i think much more highly of it in retrospect?).  so, take that as you like.
aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe.  if there’s a book that handles its characters with more care or respect or consideration then i haven’t run into it.  i love the way this is written and the people it’s populated with.
flying lessons & other stories.  a bunch of uber talented authors writing a bunch of uber diverse and LGBT-focused stories and, yes, that is exactly as awesome as it sounds.
the song of achilles.  it is utterly heart-breaking but so rich, honestly.
the diviners.  (also has a minor LGBT character, who may play a bigger role in the sequel?)  fair warning, i have not read the sequel, lair of dreams, because it is somehow still not out in paperback (yes, i read physical books, yes, i pretty exclusively read paperbacks so i can lug them everywhere with me, YES, I PRE-ORDERED THIS ALMOST TWO YEARS AGO AND IT’S STILL NOT OUT, NOT THAT I’M BITTER ABOUT THAT OR ANYTHING) so i can’t speak to that one finishing on a high note as i don’t know.  but this was the first historical novel i managed to like in a long while.  it does such a good job of fusing in 1920s lingo and dress and aspects that i couldn’t help but love it.  add in the fantasy elements and i can admit i’m the perfect sucker for it.
the scorpio races.  i’m not sure why but it took me a long-ass time to get into this book, i wasn’t flipping pages with gusto until well towards the end but - especially as i was reading so much YA at the time - i really appreciated coming across a romance that lets both people come into it as themselves and stay themselves, neither puck nor sean were ever smashed or crumpled or shaved away to fit into their relationship, which was so refreshing.  plus the water horses were fucking cool.
the night circus.  the writing, the atmosphere, the circus.  just… it is all very whoa.
all the birds in the sky.  i loved this writing style and these characters and the magical elements.
i’ll meet you there.  there was something about this and i just… ended up liking it way more than i expected to.  i might’ve just read it at exactly the right time, i’m not sure, but i really enjoyed it.
the invoice.  this is honestly just hella cute and so freaking surreal.  swedes, man.
why not me?  i like mindy kaling a lot.  i make no apologies for that.  plus you can read both her books in about five seconds, haha.
station eleven.  i loved this book.  the way the narrative is woven is so refreshing and i wish the comic book miranda was writing in this book was a real thing more than anything else in the woooorld.
illuminae.  hot DAMN this book was cool.  the plot was rock solid, the characters were hilarious and badass and the graphics made out of text and spiraling words and just the way this thing is put together?  shit, it’s worth your money and then some.
a robot in the garden.  okay this is just cute as hell.  i can’t even with tang, he’s the most adorable robot to ever adorable.
annihilation (southern reach trilogy).  (LGBT minor characters.)  okay, honestly?  i don’t know.  this was freaking zany but i was invested as fuck in all the kookiness for reasons i can’t articulately elaborate on.
the martian.  hilarious, engaging, SPACE.  what more do you want?
things we lost in the fire.  this is more atmospheric than anything but, damn, could this get me wishing i wasn’t reading this in the dark or looking over my shoulder to make absolutely sure no one was standing behind me.  it’s a book of short stories (by the way, i love books of short stories and i definitely realize that is not true for everyone) and each one is so well-delivered and stylized.  i really enjoyed reading this.
let the right one in.  okay, this is legit horror so definitely stay away if you’re easily squicked out but it is harrrrrd to find good horror (at least in my opinion) and this definitely, definitely qualifies.
horrorstör.  i honestly had such low expectations for this, a horror story set in a wannabe-ikea, but it ended up being so ridiculous and strange and funny that i was won over by the finish.
the girl with all the gifts.  holy unique and well-executed zombie idea, batman!
the bigness of the world.  there were definitely ones here that hit better than others but the ones i liked, i really liked!
GRAPHIC NOVELS (i read a lot of these so, um, prepare yourself)
saga.  (LGBT minor characters as well.)  this is world-building to a degree that i’m convinced did not exist before.  just, i can’t say enough amazing things about this series and the staggering amount of imagination that regularly goes into it.
ms. marvel.  heart-warming as fuck.  it’s definitely really easy to lose faith in the world these days, luckily kamala is there to remind you that people are primarily and genuinely good.
black science.  this is another one that took just an insane amount of imagination to cook up.  i got off to kind of a rocky start with this one but the gray-ness of all the characters really speaks to me, and that doesn’t really blossom until later in the series.
spider-man/deadpool.  this was very satisfying for my super duper spideypool-shipping mind.  joe and ed did us so good, and joe basically said in his sign-off: i made it absolutely as gay as they would let me, haha.
the wicked + the divine.  (LGBT minor characters that you’re going to get way too attached to, and retroactively.  it’s awful [sobs].)  the concept for this, gods reincarnating into teenagers before they burn up their hosts after a predetermined set of time, is so fucking cool.  the humor and the characters and the plot is all just aces.
iceman (LGBT MAIN CHARACTER).  okay, so this just started.  like issue #2 was only released days ago but 1) i am liking it so far and 2) marvel did it so dirty and barely advertised bobby - an openly homosexual superhero - was getting his own series, like, i found out about it the day before it went on sale and i keep my ear fairly close to the ground (not as close as some BY A LOT, but closer than the lay person i’d say) so if you can support it, please do!  pre-orders mean a lot in terms of numbers. :))))
descender.  admittedly, this starts out rooough.  because the main character, TIM-21 (and his little dog too), are annoying as hell.  he’s an android so there’s no dimension to him so he’s booooring as all get out but i am so glad i stuck with it through to the next trade because, probably picking up on the unsustainability of him as a main character, he gets shuffled off and the side characters get the stage and they rock so hard.
paper girls. (LGBT main characters.)  i’m kind of just convinced that brian k. vaughan can do no wrong at this point.  his plots are so tight and mind-blowing and badass.
monstress.  here’s a little tid-bit about me: female comic book writers are 100% more likely to get my money and my time because they are so damn rare and this series is unique, badass, and eye-opening.
black monday murders.  i’m a little premature with this since there’s only one volume and i usually try to wait until there are at least two but i check up on a volume two a lot so that definitely means something intrigued me!
nailbiter.  okay, i haven’t read the final volume yet ‘cause i’m reluctant to let it go but, so far, a series about multiple serial killers all being from the same town has me VERY HOOKED.
i wish i could remember more but this is honestly way better than i expected to do, haha.  they’re definitely not all my all-time faves but they’re ones that have stuck with me for one reason or another and that i didn’t feel i wasted my time on, so that’s something, right?  i hope this helps get you started and that you don’t think too awfully of me when you inevitably run across ones that aren’t your cup of tea!
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futurewriter2000 · 6 years
Hi! Can I have a ship for HP, marauders & golden trio Era (w/ a boy)? I like to paint and draw, but I also LOVE to read, like a hella lot. Introvert&Ravenclaw, not shy, I don't fear people, I'm just really selective; people who I spent time with needs to be intelligent or useful (or dogs, I love them). I don't open up easily and but I do have a few friends and family which I love deeply & don't doubt to help or defend. Alone time it's vital for me but I love to cuddle if it's someone I trust.
Okay before I start this … *cracks knuckles and neck*… It’s gonna be a long ass ship so get ready
Harry Potter/ Golden trio: Ron Weasley 
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You noticed Ron for the first time, when he got a Howler from his mom in 2nd year. Your friends made fun of him later, and you did also because it was funny but you did feel sorry for the guy. 
You always thought of him as another Weasley, not anything like Bill, Charlie or Percy, not that intelligent as you have a big standard for but for some weird reason you liked him. You couldn’t put it why excatly you like him, but something about him just felt attractive. So you developed a tiny crush on Ron Weasley in your third year.
As you thught the crush was completly gone, fourth year changed it all. Before you started going to the fourth year, your dad/mom had some bussiness to do with the Head of the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office and he/she didn’t trust you being home alone for the next week. So you travelled to the Buro, where you met the WHOLE Weasley family. 
You loved there. The first impression of the house was so cute. You felt like home already. When you entered you completly fell in love with house. It was adorable tiny old house with extra bedrooms and muggle stuff all around, books laying on the ground, drawings from every single Weasley and photos everywhere. It was just too adorable. 
Meeting Arthur firs, he liked you already. You weren’t  afraid of meeting the others, but Ron was someone that made this weird feeling in your stomach. So when Molly came back home with the twins, Ron and Ginny you tried to relax as much as you could, but Ron was making it a bit harder to relax. Because there it was again. You haven’t talked to the guy, heavens you didn’t even like him like that, but something SOMETHING about him felt attractive on him and you hated not knowing what it was.
The whole trip to the Buro was amazing. You laughed with the twins and helped them with their plans for pranking other people, Ginny and you became really close with all the books the two of you have incommon and Ron, well you could talk to Ron about anything. And at first you didn’t notice it but you completly opened up to him, which you don’t usually do. With him, it felt like you could trust him completly. 
Fourth year was amazing, you passed all your exams, there was the Triwizard Tournament and it really interested you. Hearing that Harry was chosen by the Goblet of Fire too, haven’t shocked you at all, because since he came to Hogwarts, every year was all the attentnion to the Gryffindor house and the Boy who lived. It kind of annoyed you to be honest. 
What you really hoped to happen in the fourth year was that Ron would ask you out, but he asked someone else and you got stuck with a Durmstag boy named Tito. Honestly, what kind of name is Tito.
Fitfh year changed it all. You slowly felt your crush disapper, falling for one Ravenclaw. He was smart, hot and totally your type. But what you didn’t know he was a player and Ron noticed that. When he saw him flirting with you, he immediatelly walked over, trying to protect you from getting your heart broken. “I would walk away if I was you. (y/n) is way to good for you.” and the Ravenclaw would glance at you and the angry Weasley, noticing him clenching his fists and gritting his teeth and walking away. “What the hell was that all about?” you asked him. -”I just don’t like him playing with peoples hearts. He’s a player (y/n). Don’t let you his looks fool you. You don’t deserve him.” and with that he walked away, leaving you completly in shock. Ron Weasley? Kind-wise-cute Ron Weasley making you smile while walking back to your dorm.
This was proof you never got over your crush.
Sixth year you noticed how he has grown even taller, his big shoulder and deeper voice. It made you swoon everytime the two of you talked or walked by. There was this attraction and not knowing what it was made you want to ripp your own head off. So you finally decided to do something.
Even though the war was approaching, there were exams and you needed to tell him how you feel. You needed to find out what this feeling is. So as you heard he was struggling with History of Magic, you decided to offer your help. “Hey Weasley. I heard youu were having some troubles with History of Magic. I can totally prepare you for the exam. I know all the cheats with Proffesor Binns.” -”I would love to, but Hermoine is aready helping me and I kind of promised her..” -”Come on. I bet I’m not as stuck-up as her when it comes to details and all that stuff.” -”Yeah. You’re probably right. “ 
Damn that was a close one
The two of you decided to study in the Gryffindor Common room. Being the introvert that you are, you never saw what Gryffindor house looks like. And it was so gorgeous. The fireplace, the sofas everywhere and people were so much louder than in Ravenclaw. The two of you studied for about two to three hors and as he actually did study for it, you felt this weird rush as you need to tell him this now or you’re just going about to expload. His hair was messy ginger color, his eyes fixed on the book, and scanning the pages and his slim body was so well shaped and all you wanted to do was to be in his arms. It just felt so inviting. “(y/n)? You’re staring at me.” he smirked and glanced up to you. You shook your head, coming back to reality. “What?! No I wasn’t!” you denied, your voice cracking a bit. “I’m pretty sure I felt and saw you staring at me. I think you might have been drooling a bit too.” he grinned, closing the book, sitting in the criss-cross position and coming closer to you. “I was not drooling. Staring, yes. But that’s only because I find you really attractive and I don’t know why.” you blurted out, shutting him up immediately. 
And so the panicking started. You started to blush, sweat and you had no idea where to look. Left? Right? Diagonally? That stopped once you felt his big hand grab you by the neck, pulling you closer and placing his lips onto yours. It was like fire at first. It hit you out of nowhere and spreading all over your body. All of those feelings you felt towards him for the past 5 years all explained in one kiss: You were bloody hell in love with him the whole time. 
When he pulled away, a big grinn spreading across his face. “I like you too.” he said before pulling you into another kiss.
The relationship the two of you had was something that couldn’t be explained. The both of you were completly honest with eachother, telling eachother everything, him visiting you and sneaking into the Ravenclaw tower just to sneak into your dorm and watch you paint and draw peacfully on the bay window. It was the most beautiful view he ever saw. And withouth you arguing about it, he came over and sat, moving you into his arms and watching you continuing with the drawing / painting.
After the war was over, the two of you got married pretty soon. Moving in together and getting yourself a dog was like a dream come true. He helped you decorate your own art studio and you helped him with all the joke shop business he had with George. 
But there was also times where he would wake up sweaty and scared. His memory of his dead brother Fred kept him awake most of the nights. You loved Fred just as much as he was your own brother and seeing Ron go through that was terrible to watch, especially if you were grieving too. So the two of you sat on the balkony/porch and just sit there in silence and later talk about it.
Ginny and Harry would come to visit almost every weekend with Hermoine and her boyfriend/housband and all three of you would usually get into a drinking game or just talking about your time in Hogwarts.
You guys would only fight for your dogs attention which was actually adorable. “(y/d/n). Come here boy/girl.” -”Come here (y/d/n). You love me more right.” -”Bloody hell (y/n). Are you trying our son/daughter to chose between us” - “Yes.” you said and grabbed the dog and ran. 
Life with Ron is something you can’t rreally explain, because he would be a loving husband and a great father. 
For the Marauders era: Regulus Black
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You and Regulus never got along. Ever. He was like the definition of I’m-rich-spoiled-best of the Black family- Slytherin, that made you want to trip him when he walks by, punch him when he gives you that smirk of his or hex him when he says soething inappropriate. He on the other side, liked you hella a lot. 
He loves to go to the library only to see you sitting in the corner, curled up in a ball with a book in your hand . Or sometimes outside Hogwarts he sees you sitting on the light green grass and watch you sketch into your sketchbook. But what was the point of doing all of that when he acts like an idiot around you. He knew that, but he just panics when you are around. (Basically James Potter as a Slytherin).
Every day he would just appear out of nowhere and start flirting with you. Like you didn’t get that enough from the other Black. “Hello my Sunshine. I feel like today is going to be a great day.” - “Oh and why is that?” -”Because I get to see your gorgeous face matching that stunning body of yours.” he grinned, checking you our from head to toe. And you could’t do anything but to blush a little. Yes he was a self-righteous arse but without him, your six years of Hogwarts would be boring.
Him suddenly turning into the cutest fluffball around you made you want to melt where you stood. “There’s a girl with (y/h/c) hair, young and beautiful. it’s really hard not to stare. But what’s the point of this poem of mine, if all I get back is a cold decline.” he sang in a beautiful deep and husky voice. 
The poem he wrote touched your heart, even though he could have written it a bit better, but it was beautiful, especially read in his voice. So you turned around and grabbed him by his green and silver tie. “Okay, this is how its going to be now Black. I am going on one date with you. One! And if I don’t like it, you’ll leave me alone okay?” you ordered him, making the hugest smile appear on his lips and the brightest sparkle in his eyes. 
He made your first date the biggest mission in his life. It was more important than his own life, since he almost blew himself up practicing the spell for fireworks. He took you on a picninc. (original..i know) but it was amazing. The food that you tasted was something completly new. “Oh my god. I have no clue what this is but its so delicious.” you said, barely catching your breath from all the stuffin it all in your mouth. “I’m glad you like it. I cooked it myself.” You laughed to his response in disbelief. “Yeah right.” you continued to laugh but saw the seriousness in his eyes. “Wait. Are you serious?” - “It was always my little secret. Never told anybody, not even Sirius and he’ll probably never find out.” -”Regulus Black. A masterchef? Who are you?” -”It’s true. I used to sneak into the kitchen and prepare some meals instead of Kreacher. I also told him to keep his mouth shut about it.” he smiled and winked at you. “This is a whole new side I’m discovering of you.” -”Well that’s why first dates exist.” 
And soon there was a second and a third and a whole bunch of dates coming. The two of you would be simply found in the Greenhouses, library or broomcloset snogging. He was a passionate kisser always leaving few marks on your neck, which you tried to hide them later. Greenhouse was your favorite snogging place. Maybe it was the plants or the smell of herb, but the two of you simply loved it. It was also the last place where the two of you would get cought. 
Untill one day as the two of you were enjoying yourselves in privacy, the door swung open. “Okay kids. Everybody has their own pot with their own Mandarakes. It’s really important for First years to know this. It will also be mentioned in your Newts.” said Proffesor Sprout as they were struggling with finding their own seats. You and Regulus immediately stopped and tried not to laugh to this situation. It was really funny to be hones. Your shirt was off, as was his. His hair was in a complete mess, as was yours, but his was extra. He started chuckling and you quickly put your hand on his, hiding in a corner of leafy plant. You gave him glares to stop laughing but he couldn’t help himself. Untill you finally realized. “Mandarakes’ scream Regulus. We don’t have the earmuffs.” and his smile imediatelly dropped. You could feel him curse under your hand. -”Okay. Calm down. I got an idea. Put your shirt on.” he whispered as you tried to put you shirt back on. “Follow me..”he said before throwing himself out of the shadows and making all the firs years look at him. “Mr. Black?” said Proffesor Sprout, staring at the half-naked boy. He picked himself up and acted like he is completly lost. “Did you just apparate me here!?!” he yelled at you angrly. You suddenly realized what he was planning and you followed him. “YES! YES I DID! You want to know why! Because its the only way I can get your attention!” -”My attention! All I give you is attention!” -”Okay! Take this outside!” yeled Proffesor Sprout who totally bought it. 
After the two of you left far from the Greenhouse, you two burst out of laughing. “You were amazing my love.” -”As were you.” 
After Hogwarts the two of you rented a small apartment. It was his choice because he wanted something that he didn’t buy with his parents money. PLus they never agreed for him to date a Ravenclaw. They prefered a Slytherin. So the two of you argued, mostly because he was more of a cat guy and you a dog person. So after two months of fighting the two of you finally moved on and compromised, buying yourself a cat and a dog. 
You wanted to paint your bedroom in your favorite color and he wanted to paint it green. “Green is ugly!” you yelled at him. “No it’s not. Its the color of nature, the color of ambition and lust.” -”Stop with that crap. Its ugly. I want (y/f/c). “
A lot of arguments that on the end of the day were solved by sex. Always.
Some days the two of you would be enjoying some quet time. You drawing or painting or him doing whatever Regulus does in his free time.
Morning cuddles, afternoon cuddles, a lot of talking during cuddles, nigh cuddles and talking about a lot of deep stuff.
Your mission would be gettin Regulus and Sirius back together because you really like Sirius as a person and you know how much Regulus misses him and at the end you would succeed.
Okay that’s all I got for this ship I really hope you like it. I know you said Harry Potter AND Golden trio but the ships I write are really long and I just thing its better for just to simply do Harry Potter or Marauders. But I prefer doing one era at the time. I fell in love with Ron while I was writing it because he is just the best. Anyways I hope you like it :) Also sorry if it took me so long.
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Hey could I get a match up for it and stranger things? I'm like 5'3" and bi. I've boy short, bright blue, and and deep brown eyes with big glasses. I've asthma so I don't really play sports but I'd love to. I love drawing and making things and reading. Holy shit I'm a fucking nerd. I'm usually labeled the mom friend and care alot about those I'm around. I'm very protective but also terrible with feelings lol I've been told I'm a flirt but also and angry chihuahua who can stop cursing lolol
First of all you’re like the Reddie love child we’ve all been looking for and I love it.
I ship you with Mike!
God we would love his smol fiery mouthed chihuahua. You and Mike met when you were riding home one day. You say Mike getting beat up by Bowers. It was just him but by how bad Mike looked you guessed that the others were there earlier and Henry just stuck around to kick Mike while he’s down. Of course — being the decent person you are — you couldn’t stand for it. “Hey, Bowers! Cut it the fuck out you freak!” Bowers turned around and sneered at you, “Why aren’t you a pretty thing. Maybe I can have some fun with you instead of the low life.” “Do not fUCKING TOUCH ME!” Right after you screamed Bowers fell face first onto the ground, behind him a bruised and bloodied Mike stood over him holding a large stick. “Thank you...” “You too...” Needless to say the two of you felt a strong connection after that. You’re actually the reason he got so into books. The two of you would read the same book then have in depth conversations about it once you finish. You’d always ride your bike to his house after school and draw while he finishes his chores. Your excuse was that you like the landscape but really you’d take any excuse to be around him constantly. Your sketchbooks are filled with cute drawings of him and his animals. Mike always knew he cared about you he just wasn’t sure how much he really did — since you guys met and started hanging out before the IT summer. When you all were in the sewers at IT’s lair he noticed how protective he was, how close he was, how his heart started pounding whenever you shifted your stand slightly away from him out of fear of you wandering, how when Bowers attacked him you were the thought in the back of his mind that made his will to live even stronger. He didn’t feel that with any of the other Losers. A few weeks after everything was over he told the other boys about it during a sleepover at Bill’s house. Richie laughed in his face, “You like her, man!” “No… no she’s my friend. You’re all my friends.” Richie scoffs, “Who’s the first person that comes to your mind when you wake up in the morning?” “Y/n…” Stan injects, “What about when you go to sleep?” “Y/n…” Ben smiles, “Do you want to sing but throw up all at once?” Bill adds, “D-d-does your stomach tie into knots when she l-laughs.” Eddie gives him a knowing glance, “Does your heart to backflips and breath catch in your throat when she smiles?” Richie smirks, “Does your groin start to tingle when she stands close to you?” “Richie!” He laughs, “Do you do any of that stuff when it comes to any of us? Or even Bev?” Mike blinks and shakes his head. Richie grins, “Well there’s your answer!” Mike stands up slowly, “I, uh… I have some place to be.” Stan winks at him knowingly, “We know.” With that Mike smiled at them and ran out the door. MEANWHILE: Bev had just convinced you to let her look through your sketchbooks and she can’t stop smiling, “These are fantastic!” You smile shyly, “Thanks.” “But like all of them are of Mike…” You guys widen a bit and heart lurches. She smirks, “Do you like him?” “Fuck off! Of course I don’t! We’re just friends.” Bev gives you a look, “Just friends don’t draw just friend in flowery heart crowns sitting on your porch.” Oh shit. She’s got you there. “If you like him why don’t you just tell him?” Bev continues. “Easy for you to say,” You scoff, “Every boy in town has liked you at some point. You’re pretty and smart and—” “Stop. I’ve seen the way he looks at you.” You bite your lip, “Really?” Bev smiles, “Go get him.” So you run to his farm. By the time Mike got home you were asleep in a pile of hay in the barn with two sketchbooks on your lap and a origami heart in your open hand. Mike smiled softly and picked the sketchbooks up from your lap carefully sitting beside you. You never let him look through your sketchbooks for now painfully obvious reasons. He couldn’t help grinning as he flipped through the pages. The pictures gave him confidence — some proof that you like him too. He was halfway through the second sketchbook when you opened your eyes. Horrified and embarrassed that he was looking through the last thing you’d want him to see right now. “Oh God…” You gasped sitting up, “I can explain those. You see— I— I just—” You sigh in embarrassment and frustration. Mike open his mouth to speak but you cut him off. “I like you a lot okay?!” You blurt out, “And I made this for you,” You hold out the origami heart, “I’m terrible with this stuff I’m sorry. I know you probably don’t feel the same way I just love you a—” Mike cut you off with a kiss. Your eyes widened but them you melted, leaning into it. “I love you too,” Mike whispers, pulling away.
I ship you with Jonathan!
The two of you are hella compatible. You have similar interests but your personalities are just different enough for the two of you to benefit from the relationship. The two of you met in woodshop. He was having trouble so you helped him and made sure he didn’t fail the course. Neither of you had too many friends so you kinda stuck by each other. You were at his house a lot and his family loved you. He introduced you to different music and you introduced him to good literature. You and Will bonded over art and would draw and listen to music all the time. Joyce just loved that her oldest hs somebody. You were sweet and protective — you remind Joyce a lot of herself when she was younger. When Will disappeared you were there. You knew that Joyce and Jonathan would be destroyed so you needed to be strong. You let Jonathan talk and cry — even if you weren’t sure how to comfort him it was comforting for Jonathan just knowing you were there. You lost your shit when Steve started harassing him in the school parking lot. Screaming profanities he didn’t know existed. When Will came back you gave Jonathan space and time — something Nancy couldn’t — you knew he needed time to settle back into things about you knew it was comforting for him knowing you’d be there. And you were. Jonathan and you were back to normal in no time with the exception of Nancy. He started to see you in a new light during this time. You were strong, smart, caring, protective, creative, beautiful, funny, and the only person outside his family willing to wait for him. You waited. And got along with his family like they were your own. You noticed him acting slightly different around you but didn’t let it bother you. You were spending a lot more time at the Byers’ house when Will started getting worse. You wanted to help him. You knew Joyce and Jonathan mean well but you also know how suffocating they can be. Helping Will escape is one of your many hobbies. You and Will were sitting on his bed drawing when Will suddenly spoke up, “Do you like my brother?” You froze for a second before responding without looking up, “Why do you think that?” “It’s just… the two of you are always around each other. He cares about you a lot. He’s always talking about you,” Will glances up at you, “And I’ve seen the way you look at him.” “You’re a very observant kid,” You comment in a slightly annoyed tone. Will chuckles, “Thank you.” Will really made you think. You and Jonathan have been there for each other for a while. And you knew you both cared about each other… but you guess there’s something else there if a part of you melts whenever his soft brown eyes been yours. When everything went to shit — Will’s a spy, a creature’s after Hawkins again, everything is more dangerous than ever before, and now Jonathan has to leave you to go burn out Will while you stay with Steve — Jonathan couldn’t let anything else happen without letting you know. Before he got into the car he ran back and kissed you. It was explosive, powerful, electric, soft… it was everything. “He pulled away breathless and rested his forehead on yours, “I love you…” Joyce honked the horn of the car to tell him to hurry up, “I have to go. Don’t die.”
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