#which actually does sound kinda nice now that i am thinking about it
jennycalendar · 1 year
i am physically and emotionally drained and do not wanna do a week-long workshop on excel next week when i could have had a two-week-long vacation instead of what will now be a one-week-long vacation, but i get the joy of knowing that i am making organized and productive life choices, so that's!!!!! something!!!!!
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rosicheeks · 3 months
i do not know if i ever sent this to you. i have posted it. i hope you like it Princess.
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#uhhhhhm no you HAVE NOT SENT THIS TO ME BEFORE?!?!#I literally am speechless#I’m not super talky right now#but even if I was I feel like I’d still be fucking speechless#like I already said I love your writing 🩷#and it fucking BLOWS ME AWAY when people write about me or use me as an inspiration#like????????? what??????? me???????????!#I’m going to keep this close to my heart and look at it whenever I’m feeling down#I don’t remember if I said that already but it’s true#I need to get a journal or a cute box to put things like this in so I can just grab it and look through them when I’m feeling shitty#one thing I needed to say is the fact that you shared this with me now of all times??? is kinda crazy to me#idk if it’s a coincidence or if the universe/God/whoever/whatever is trying to tell me to go back into music and singing#not going to go into it too much but I’ve been looking at my life a lot lately#and I’m realizing I’m not getting any younger…. I know I’m still young but if I don’t do something soon -#my life is going to completely pass before my eyes and I really really don’t want that#I’m *finally* going to get mental help soon (long story but I have to wait a few weeks)#and once I’m actually mentally stable I can focus on what I want to do with my life#so I’ve been thinking a lot about my performing arts background and then randomly a get an email from a choir director I know#asking if I could please join the choir for their Easter performance cause they could really use my high notes#and she just kept complimenting me and it felt really nice ☺️#then when I went to the first rehearsal I sat next to this girl and we were singing a part and the first sopranos go up to a high A#and I can hit it easily but most of them couldn’t so it felt like I was going this mini solo lol#but she asks me what my range is and I told her that back when I trained I could sing queen of the night which I think goes up to an F6#and she was talking about how impressive that is#and it made me think about if I actually trained and got back into it how good I actually could get#I don’t mean this to be like ‘look at me look at me I’m so good’#it just feels nice to have a little bit of a direction again#who knows if I’ll actually go down the music path again but it does sound damn exciting#I miss it with all my heart - I miss singing and performing and acting… I even miss music theory#anyway rant over and i ran out of space but thank you so much I seriously can’t thank you enough 😭🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
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defiant-firefly · 10 months
Wait if I'm nonbinary/genderqueer and the words don't taste good to me, despite the fact they match me and I identity as them, what if I just start using the word trans because that doesn't have that weird feeling when I say it
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daydreamingyuta · 10 months
Hold me? | Mark Lee
Summary: While studying together, Mark confesses that he's been feeling touch starved. He thinks it's affecting his ability to focus, so he asks you to help him out. Genre: fluff, bestfreind!mark x reader, drabble Word Count: 947
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"Y/n, I genuinely think I'm touched starved." Mark says, interrupting your study session together.
"Think?" You ask.
"No. I know I am, and I can hardly focus like this." He says as he throws his head back, looking at the ceiling.
"Well, if it's that bad, you could go find someone to fix that." You say, even though you know he isn't going to take you up on that suggestion. As expected, he shakes his head no.
You sit there, watching him twirl a pencil in his hand while he thinks. You can practically see the light bulb light up above his head when he gets an idea. He's about to say this idea out loud, but then thinks better of it.
You can tell that it's still bothering him as he goes back to his work, but you decide it's best not to question it right now.
A week goes by and you've completely forgotten about Mark feeling touch starved, until your routine thursday afternoon study session.
"I've never done worse on a test in my life." Mark says, as he drops his book-bag unto his bedroom floor.
"The one you were studying for last week?" You ask, genuinely surprised that he didn't do well. You've never seen him get a bad grade before
"Yeah, that's when I was feeling touched starved. I mean, I was kinda joking about it affecting my studying, but clearly it actually did."
You really didn't know what to say to Mark. He could tell by the look on your face that you wanted to help him, but didn't know how.
Mark starts pacing back and forth and you can see him prepare himself for what he's about to say. "Ok, this is kind of a weird request, and you can absolutely say no." He says.
"No, never mind I can't ask you this. Let’s just study.”
"Markkkk, you know I hate when you do that, just tell me."
"Well... I mean I was thinking that maybe you could...hold me?" He cringes as he says it, but doesn’t back out of the request which tells you that he really does need this.
You watch as he nods his head yes. You weren't expecting him to ask this of you, but as you think about it, it doesn't seem like such a bad idea.
Mark was your best friend, that's all you two have ever been to each other. You were confident that nothing could change that, even something as intimate as cuddling together. You also had a soft spot for Mark, and hated seeing him not his normal self, so you agreed.
You and Mark sit down on his bed and he turns on a random show to ease the awkwardness. You both sit there for a while, staring at the tv but neither of you watching it.
"So, did you want to be the little spoon or?" Mark asks.
You can't help but to burst out laughing. You never thought that you would be in this predicament with your best-friend. "Um, I'll be the big spoon, I feel like that will be best for your problem, right?"
"Yeah. Ok, that sounds good."
You two move into your respective positions. He's stiff at first but as you rest your chin on the top of his head and put your arm around him, he starts to relax.
There's something that’s so unexpectedly sweet about seeing Mark like this. He closed his eyes, and you can hear his breathing become calmer. You decide to close your eyes as well, and you two stay like this for a while.
This would be a perfect opportunity to take a much needed nap, but that wasn’t going to happen because your thoughts started to race. You couldn't help but think about how nice this felt. Maybe you were touch starved too and didn't know it.
Suddenly, you wanted to do this all the time with Mark, but best-friends didn't do that. You felt your heart get saddened by the thought of this being a one-time thing.
"I never noticed how nice your perfume is, like sweet flowers." Mark says, interrupting your thoughts.
"Oh, thanks, it's the perfume I wear everyday."
"Really? I like it a lot."
You feel your lips curl into a smile at his words, and you found yourself wanting to receive more compliments from him.
You feel Mark scoot more towards you, causing you to feel another wave of warmth and coziness.
"Could we maybe do this again, one day?"
"Umm." You wanted to say yes, but you're better judgement got the best of you. "I feel like that's maybe not a good idea, Mark."
Mark turns over completely so that you two are now face to face. "Oh?"
"I just feel like doing this regularly, is the kind of thing that might make us start to see either other in a different way."
"Would that be such a bad thing?" Mark whispers to you, and you can feel a change in the atmosphere.
"Wouldn't it?"
"No, maybe not. I think the idea of potentially falling for you doesn't sound all that bad.”
You two sit in comfortable silence with each other. It always amazes you how simple things are with Mark sometimes. Change isn’t a bad thing, even if it’s a change you never thought would happen. Plus, in your heart, you knew that you could trust Mark. You knew he wouldn’t hurt you and you wouldn’t dare hurt him. You two don't say anything more to each other, you don't need to. Whatever happens, is what happens, and you know you'll be content either way.
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nobody-nexus · 7 months
TADC Incorrect Quotes
(With have Ragatha/Pomni, Jax/Zooble if you squint, and maybe like ONE Jax/Bubble for shits and giggles)
Ragatha: As your best friend— Gangle: Zooble's my best friend? Ragatha, holding a knife: As your best friend—
Ragatha: Pomni is at that very special age where an adult only has one thing on their mind Caine: Boys? Pomni: Homicide
Pomni: You know what? When I join this friend group, I thought you guys would be dealing with my bullshit Caine, Zooble and Kinger continue screaming about mold water Pomni: Not the other way around! Bubble: I dunno, sounds like you need to drink the mold water :)
Gangle: How do Zooble and Jax usually get out of these messes? Ragatha: They don't. They just make a bigger mess that cancels the first one out
Ragatha: Just be careful, Pomni! Pomni, heading out the door: I'm always careful, Ragatha! Pomni: It's everything around me that's careless
Caine: I truly believe that water can solve all your problems! Gangle: Weight loss? Drink water Ragatha: Clear skin? Drink water Jax: Want to get rid of someone? Drown them.
Zooble: Hold on, I can explain Caine: Really? Can you now? Zooble: I can if you give me a minute to think of a convincing lie
Caine: You have to apologize to them Jax Jax: Fine! But I must warn you that this might make me a better, nicer person and that is NOT the person you fell in love with!
Gangle: I came out here to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now
Ragatha: Do you guys ever have a civilized conversation that doesn't require insulting each other every time you get a chance? Zooble: No. Jax: No. Ragatha: Didn't think so
Pomni: Hostage or not, sometimes it’s nice being held Ragatha: Are you okay
Zooble: When I get Doordash I order 20 Cheeseburgers at a time and heat them up throughout the week so that I don’t have to pay the delivery fee multiple times Ragatha: I hope you understand how food poisoning works Zooble: I hope food poisoning understands how I work. I never met a burger I couldn’t eat
Ragatha: Wake me up- Pomni: Before you go go Gangle: When September ends Caine: WAKE ME UP INSIDE
Ragatha, smugly, after security arrives to escort Jax and Pomni out: So, do you wanna walk out of here or do you wanna be carried out? Jax, in defeat: Let’s go Pomni: Wait. Jax: What? Pomni: I’d kinda like to be carried out...
Gangle: We have fun, don’t we, Pomni? Pomni: I have never been more stressed out in my entire life
Kinger: Hey Ragatha? Ragatha: Yeah? Kinger: What's your favorite color of the alphabet? True or false? Ragatha: Ragatha: ...What.
Jax: How high are you? Pomni: Mm, I don’t know how to say it in feet. Zooble: No, he's asking what drugs are you on Pomni: Oh, antidepressants, why?
Caine: It is 6:09 . Caine: I am wondering why I’m still alive. Caine: Send Wendy’s. Pomni: The whole restaurant?!
Zooble: I’m the smartest person in this group.... Jax: Really? Then why is your hand stuck in a vending machine? Zooble: I paid for my Mars Bar, I’m getting my Mars Bar.
Pomni: Which one of you was going to tell me that tea tastes different if you put it in hot water?? Jax: Y- you were putting it in cold water?? Zooble: Pomni. Answer the question, Pomni. Pomni: Yeah??? I thought people just put it in hot water to speed up the tea-ification process. didn't realize there was an actual reason. Pomni: Plus, you think I have the patience to boil water? Jax: You don't have the patience to microwave water for 3 minutes?? Zooble: Why are you putting it in the microwave to boil it? Jax: Do you think I have the patience to boil water on the stove? Zooble: It takes less than a minute. Jax: Is your stovetop powered by the f#%king sun??? Zooble: How long does it take you to boil a cup of water on the stove? Jax: Like seven minutes?? Gangle: Just stick the mug on top of the stove on medium heat and it boils in like 2 minutes... less than that if you use a saucepan! Zooble: Why are you putting the whole mug on the stove?? On medium heat?? Gangle? Your stove is enchanted! Pomni: Every single person here is a f#%king lunatic. Ragatha: Do none of you own a f#%king kettle?
Gangle: Guess what I'm about to get! Jax: On my nerves.
Zooble: Jax has discovered "deez nuts" jokes and it's all they say now. Everything is deez nuts. They simply can't stop. Zooble: I asked Jax where he learned that joke. He made me promise him wouldn't get in trouble if he told me. I agreed. Zooble: So, he leans in and whispers, "deez nuts."
Pomni: HELP! I TOLD RAGATHA I'D COOK DINNER TONIGHT BUT I CAN'T COOK! Jax, pouring milk directly into the cereal bag: And you thought I could help?
Jax: It’s impossible to make a sentence without using the letter A. Ragatha: Despite your thinking, it is quite possible, yet difficult, to form one without the specific letter. Here’s one more to further disprove your theory Pomni: F$%k you.
Zooble: New challenge! Don't say stupid sh!t for 24 hours!
Pomni: Coca Cola is a health potion, Pepsi is a mana potion Ragatha, amused: What’s grape soda? Pomni: It’s f#%king purple baby!!!
Zooble: It doesn’t have a bone Jax: Then why is it called a boner?
Pomni: Can I get a waffle? Caine and Bubble: *fighting and yelling at each other* Pomni: Can I p l e a s e get a waffle?
Jax: I committed all 7 deadly sins in 30 minutes Zooble: Wow, I've gotta hear this Jax: I was angry and envious of my neighbor, so I lazily seduced his wife and ate all his groceries and didn't share Ragatha: You forgot pride Jax: No, I'm pretty proud of this
Ragatha, trying to be cute: WOW, Pomni, you want to hold my hand before marriage? How AWFULLY lewd of you. Pomni, confused: We literally slept together yesterday? Ragatha: Eh- sweetie no that's not-
Caine: Can we talk about that mass email you sent? Pomni: Why? It was important Caine: All it says is, "I'm back on my sh!t". Jax, shrugging: The people need to know
Jax: We’re getting married, bitches! Bubble: And we're about to make it everybody else's problem
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So I was skimming the first episode of Bravern looking for something else entirely and ended up massively overthinking this scene in the bar instead, and I made a Tumblr to massively overthink things so here we are.
Now, I feel like there's a lot of stuff in Bravern left unsaid or up to (multiple possible) interpretations, which I guess is sort of how all of media works but somehow Bravern has turned on some kind of 101 lit brain that my mathematician ass does not usually have so bear with me here. And so the narrative I'm going to present here isn't an argument really. It's just a "wouldn't it be nice". This is the story I like to imagine in this scene. I call it A Tale of Two Wingmen.
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We start out with Isami and Hibiki at the bar chatting about the war games exercise. (They seem to be the only ones at the bar rather than at a table, and don't have food; I like that Hibiki at least has a flower on her drink.) It seems clear that they're friends, probably a somewhat mismatched pair since Isami is in his dress uniform and Hibiki is out of uniform.
Isami has just started talking about the other TS that charged ahead with him when who should walk in the bar but the pilot in question with his friend Ryoma (soon to be RIP):
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(I can't hear the dialogue for them tbh so I'm a little confused by the subtitles - it looks in the animation like it's Smith saying he didn't drink enough, but the phrasing makes it sound like it's Ryoma saying that. Whatever. Minor point.)
And then he sees Isami and stops suddenly, dramatically enough to get Ryoma's attention.
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And heads straight for Isami (seemingly without saying anything to Ryoma, lol)
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Hibiki actually spots him first, or at least reacts to him first.
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Smith invites himself into the conversation:
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Hibiki watches him a little warily at first and seems annoyed when he starts thumping Isami on the shoulder.
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(I have a fondness for this whole interaction tbh because like Smith I am an American that reckons I can get through any social situation just by being really talkative, friendly, and complaining about authority figures. And like Smith I have often totally misjudged how to befriend people now that I'm in another country. "Mildly annoying American" is apparently louder and more negative than any Brit judging by the reactions I get, and I can only imagine the American-Japanese culture clash is worse.)
But once Smith starts praising Isami (and agreeing with the argument Hibiki was making), Hibiki seems to warm up to him:
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By the time Smith starts challenging Isami to a duel, she's leaning in and grinning over her cocktail.
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Ryoma also seems to be watching this conversation from across the room:
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Isami needles Smith in a line that definitely isn't foreshadowing at all, and Hibiki whistles which is also very cute
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Smith heads out once he has the agreement to the duel, Hibiki grinning after him
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Hibiki seems deeply amused by this whole situation and entertained by Smith's laser focus on Isami (and maybe a little surprised that Isami hasn't seemed to retain as much about Smith as Smith has about him)
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On the way out Smith bumps fists with Ryoma, who's also left the conversation he was in.
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(Yes, they did introduce themselves; no, Isami does not seem to remember this, which is very funny considering what's going to happen tomorrow.)
So what's the narrative I'm enjoying from this scene? Basically, if you imagine that both of these friends know that their main character buddy is gay, it becomes kind of adorable. (Well, it's kind of adorable anyway, but an added layer of adorable.)
Ryoma is the guy who's been hearing all evening about this cool Japanese pilot and the way he maneuvered his TS even though they say they're not as good as the M2s, and he seems kinda shy but do you think he'd maybe go for a duel? You know, first you fight, then you team up? So he's maybe a little surprised when Smith wanders off mid-conversation, but he knows what's up. Once he hears that his bro has successfully secured the not-a-date he was hoping for, he's got to give him a celebratory fistbump.
Hibiki clearly knows Isami well, and I'm guessing that she has never known him to actually date anyone. Possibly he's never explicitly come out to her; I doubt he'd be generally out (even if that was a good idea in any military, which I imagine is rare), or that he'd talk about his personal life to most people even if he was straight. But I imagine that Hibiki teases him in a friendly way about it and, as someone who's familiar with Isami's impenetrable shell, is kind of interested to see what kind of romantic partner could possibly get through that. Kind of obnoxious but well meaning hunk shows up out of nowhere clearly hung up on Isami? This is either a love story in the making or something to tease Isami about at the bar for years, and either way she is in.
Or maybe she just thinks it's funny that he has a loud American obsessed with him now. That was my read at first, and is probably the most likely.
But if you imagine an Isami who is gay, then it's nice to think that he has somebody that he can, if not talk to about it directly, at least knows. (Obviously bisexuality exists and the above still more or less applies if he's bi rather than gay, but I personally imagine Isami as the type who has gone well I'm only interested in men so conveniently I can just put all of romance in the box of Sounds Hard, Not Doing That.)
Also considering how she reacts to Honoka I think Hibiki just thinks it's funny if anyone has a crush on Isami which is a fun relationship for a male and female best friend to have.
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Quiet My Fears (With The Touch Of Your Hand) Ch. 5
Steve Harrington x f!reader
Description: Things finally get better, until they get worse again.
Warnings: Death of a parent (that's a big one, please proceed with caution), judgment against unmarried mothers, hospitals, language.
Word Count: 4500
Previous Chapter!
My Masterlist! - Series Masterlist!
Notes: I know that I said that poor Stevie was going to get a break soon, but not quite yet.
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Steve was sulking on the couch when you came home that afternoon, beaming brighter than the sun.
“How’d it go?” he asked, meeting you on the kitchen tile. 
“Amazing!” you replied. 
“I told you it would, didn’t I?”
“You are talking to the Roane County Historical Society’s Lead Education Coordinator!” You were practically exploding with excitement. “I mean, Floyd said the interview was just a formality to make the Board happy-”
“You sound so professional,” Steve remarked.
“-but I did it!”
“I knew you would,” Steve said, punctuating with a kiss to either cheek. “You’re the smartest person I know.”
“Shut up.”
“And now you get to be a professional nerd,” Steve teased with a smile. “We should go out to dinner. To celebrate.”
“We should,” you agreed. “But I wanna talk to you about something else first.”
“We’re really living the highlife now,” Steve jested. “Dental insurance and all.”
“Sorry, I’ll shut up,” he relented, but his smile stayed right where it was. “Serious time.”
“Floyd asked me about finding a replacement for the front desk,” you explained, “and I had an idea.”
“And if you hate it, we can just move on like I never said anything.” You were beginning to ramble. “But, I mean, I think it’s a really good idea, and it doesn’t have to be forever if you don’t want it to be, it can be just for now, and-” 
“I think you’re gonna start overheating if you keep working yourself up like that,” Steve cautioned with a smirk.
“Right, sorry,” you said shyly.
“What’s your idea?”
“I thought that, if you wanted to, you could replace me at the front desk.”
“Me?” Steve questioned, surprised by the suggestion. He didn’t really see himself as the museum type.
“Just think about it. You’d have better pay and better hours,” you explained. “We’d be working the same schedule in the same building, and we’d both be on the same insurance.”
“I’m not really qualified,” Steve supplied. “Am I?”
“Sure you are,” you responded.
“I don’t actually know anything about Roane County history,” Steve pointed out. “I’m pretty sure that’s a big prerequisite for working at the historical society, isn’t it?”
“Honestly, not really,” you said. “As long as you know which floor everything’s on, you’ll be fine. Besides, you’ll learn it all on the job, anyway.”
“You really think it’s a good idea?”
“Yep. Floyd thinks so too.” You stepped away from him to shed your bag and shoes on the side of the couch. 
Your boss Floyd was an odd man, eccentric and contagiously enthusiastic. He was always dressed like he was about to go out on a hike, and nothing about his personality really read as “history museum curator” to Steve, aside from his (somewhat off putting) devotion to the subject. You’d told him about how he used to be a hippie in college and never really dropped the act, and that apparently he never wore shoes when he was in his office, though Steve had yet to see that bit for himself.  
“I’ll train you for the first few weeks before I go on leave,” you said. “Which means you’ll get to work with me until you know the ropes.”
“Oh, well, that does sound nice.”
“I promise, the hardest thing you’ll have to do is order the office supplies every other week,” you said. “What do you think?”
“Do you think I’d actually be any good?”
“I think you’d be amazing, and that it’s a fantastic idea, and that I’m still mad at you for quitting your job at Family Video without warning me four months before we’re having a baby, so you kinda owe me.”
That had been a fun conversation full of lots of expletives.
Steve was still feeling hesitant, but you were staring at him with some heart wrenching puppy dog eyes. You were kind of handing him a perfect opportunity on a silver platter. 
“Please?” you implored. His apprehension crumbled into dust at how much you wanted him to say yes.
“You really think it’s a good idea?” Steve asked, uneasiness seeping through his words.
“A hundred percent.”
“Okay,” Steve answered. “Yeah.” 
“Really?” you asked with bright, excited eyes. “You want too?”
“I think it’s a great idea, my little genius,” Steve said.
“I’ll call Floyd in the morning!” you exclaimed before rocketing from your spot on the couch to wrap your arms around Steve in a hug. “Oh, we definitely have to go out to dinner now.”
“Italian place on seventh?”
“Oh, yeah,” you replied. “I started thinking about that ravioli earlier today, and if I don’t get my hands on some, I think I might cry.”
“Oh, well, we can’t have that,” Steve said through a chuckle. “Gotta get my girl some ravioli.”
Steve’s interview was the following Monday. It was three questions long, and it took all of five minutes.
“Do you want this job?” Floyd asked him from across his desk. Every inch was covered in something or other, stray papers and knick-knacks. The whole office was filled with clutter. Any wall space not taken up by cabinets and shelves was completely covered in posters and frames, every shelf filled with tchotchkes and artifacts. Lamps in every corner lit the room, along with a window lined with potted plants that looked like they were about to take over the whole wall. The scent of essential oils permeated the room, and you had been right to give Steve the warning; Floyd had no shoes on. 
“Yes, I do,” Steve answered.
“Can you type?”
“Yes, I can.”
“Can you work the register in the gift shop?” Floyd seemed to be writing some very thorough notes, though Steve couldn’t imagine what they might possibly be about.
“Yes, sir.”
“Great!” Floyd said, dumping the clipboard he had been scribbling on back onto his desk, the force making the surrounding papers flutter to the sides. “You’re in.”
“Oh,” Steve said with a blink. “That-that’s it?”
“Do you have any idea how happy I am to get an actual employee in that position?” Floyd asked, elbows resting on the desk. “With her leaving, I thought I was gonna have to find another group of high school interns again.” He shuddered at the thought.
“Oh, well I’m glad that-”
“Never again,” the older man interrupted, almost seeming afraid of the idea. Steve would have laughed if it wasn’t for the dead serious gaze he was being punctured with.
“I mean, god love ‘em, but if I have to watch any more teenagers try to stumble their way through a conversation with the donors, I might have an aneurysm.”
The first couple of weeks were slow going; signing things in, signing things out, learning the computer system (“Baby, there is absolutely no reason for this to be so complicated!”). Floyd had warned him that it was peak season, but apparently, even peak season was still, at least according to Steve, incredibly idle.
“What do you actually do all day?” Steve asked. You shot him a look. “I mean, it just feels like there’s a lot of downtime, is all.”
“Oh, yeah?” you teased.
“You’re so good at your job, you just get everything done so quickly.”
“Thank you,” you said. “Uh, homework? Reading? There are a couple games on the computer, but I never bothered to learn how to actually play them.”
“Hurray,” Steve sardonically remarked.
“I’ve got plenty of books you can borrow,” you told him. “Maybe we could set you up with a hobby, or something. I think you could do wonders with a pair of knitting needles.”
It wasn’t all boring. Despite the strange way about him, Floyd was very funny and took a liking to Steve right away. There were also a handful of volunteers who would show up from time to time, all sweet old ladies who were thrilled to finally be able to meet your beau. 
Today’s excitement came in the form of a day camp field trip. 
“Gird your loins,” Floyd warned as the yellow school bus unloaded outside.
“Okay, all you’ve got to do is sign them in and hand out the stickers,” you told Steve, handing him a clipboard and a roll of sticker dots. “I’m in charge of everything else.”
Day camp children and chaperones, all clad in matching sky blue tee shirts, filed into the lobby with varying levels of excitement. You stood out like a sore thumb, dressed in all black, save for the neon orange lanyard on your neck that read ‘TOUR GUIDE’ in thick black lettering. 
You’d been practicing for today all week long. It was the first of many tours led entirely on your own, and you were getting a little bit in your own head about it; you’d forced Steve into three after hours practice tours, which had actually been pretty mutually beneficial. Steve got to learn a thing or two about his new place of employment, and you were prepped and ready for all the most ridiculous questions Steve could come up with. 
Steve handed out the stickers, orange to match your lanyard, going down the line of children  reaching a trio of moms huddled together in the back of the group. 
“No, thank you,” one of the women spat before Steve had the chance to ask if any of them wanted one. Steve vaguely recognized her; her husband worked for his father. She had attended many a dinner party he had been forced to sit through. Steve couldn’t remember her name. 
“You sure?” Steve asked, putting on his most charming smile to win them over. “They’re a very flattering shade of traffic cone.”
“I doubt we’ll get lost,” another supplied through a frosty red, artificially saccharine smile.
Steve retreated back to the desk while you gathered everyone and said your hello’s. As you herded the kids into the main hall, he noticed the women had huddled together and began whispering, though they weren’t very good at keeping their gossip quiet.
“That’s Gary’s boss’s kid, right? The one you were telling me about?” Steve overheard one of them ask.
“Yep,” the other answered. She then gestured towards you, pointing a finger from around her lipstick stained to-go coffee cup. “And that’s the pregnant girlfriend.”
“God, are you serious?” the third asked, incredulous. “And she’s supposed to be the good role model here? Teaching our children?”
“I know, it’s ridiculous.” It took everything in Steve’s power not to get up and slap the coffee right out of her manicured hand. “I’m shocked they didn’t fire her as soon as they heard. I would’ve.”
Steve knew that the two of you had become the talk of the town, how could he not have? It wasn’t like the two of you were doing much to hide it anymore. You really wouldn’t have been able to at this point anyway, but there had been no shotgun wedding to cover anything up, either. 
For the most part, people had been congratulatory. Surprised, definitely, but congratulatory nonetheless. Well, except for Robin. And his parents. And Hopper, who at this point, was one more wrong move away from pulling his shotgun out on Steve.
Okay, so strangers and vague acquaintances had been congratulatory. 
To your faces.
It wasn’t as though either of you were ashamed about the situation at hand. It had taken Steve a long while to grapple with the fact that it wasn’t wrong of him to be happy, that this wasn’t the great tragedy everyone around him seemed to be so convinced it was. Not that he ever thought it was, not really. It had seemed as though everyone around him thought it irresponsible to be anything but remorseful, but how could he be? He was definitely scared, and so were you, but there was an ever flowing thrum of joy that tinged every moment of his day when he thought about the little one waiting for him, for the both of you. 
That being said, all of the snide comments and judgmental side eyes you two had been collecting since April were beginning to be too much. The disgust in that mother’s voice at the idea of her children being around you made him feel like nothing more than some reckless, idiot kid who’d ruined your life by not being careful enough. 
Was that really what your future was going to look like? Mothers turning up their noses at the idea of you teaching their children? Getting turned down for jobs because Steve hadn’t pulled out like he should have? He had been so preoccupied with doctor’s appointments and baby clothes that he hadn’t even thought about it. Of course, Floyd was going to give you a job, he loved you and probably didn’t even believe in marriage to begin with, but what about everyone else? The two of you had been concocting dreams of leaving Hawkins for a good decade, but if no one else would be willing to give you the time of day because of the baby, had that all been for not? 
Maybe they were all right. Maybe he really had ruined your life. 
Steve quickly began to appreciate the quiet of his new job. His whole life had been so hectic and stressful over the last few months (well, the last few years, really), that the slow moving days of making copies and handing out museum maps were a much appreciated respite.
It didn’t last long.
Saturday, June 24th, 1989. You and Steve had spent the day indoors, the sticky summer air too stifling for you to bear suffering through. The 90 degree weather that Indiana became swathed in every year had brought back new bouts of nausea and headaches for you, and you’d spent the whole day splayed across the sofa doing your best to keep your saltine crackers down. Steve had been bringing you a constant stream of ice water and popsicles, worrying about what the rest of summer might do to you; the season had just begun, yet it already seemed to have taken you out.
The sun was finally beginning to set, bringing the temperatures down with it and leaving you in slightly better spirits. You’d just put a record on (the new Cure album that you’d been playing nonstop) and sat at the kitchen table, watching intently as he chopped up salad veggies for your dinner. 
“Stop stealing all of the tomatoes!” Steve chastised you as you sneakily grabbed another thick wedge, dousing it in salt. “There aren’t gonna be any left by the time I’m done.”
“Maybe not for you,” you quipped, a small rivulet of tomato juice tipping down your chin as you spoke around the bite. 
“You cruel thing,” Steve remarked with a smile. He turned around to pull the dressing out of the fridge. “Not leaving any tomato for the love of your life? I mean, really, that’s just-”
The sound of the phone ringing interrupted Steve’s joke. It was nearly nine thirty, too late for most people to be calling, though he knew a certain group of teenagers for whom common courtesy didn’t really seem to matter, especially when it came to him. 
“It’s probably just one of the kids,” Steve remarked as he went to answer it. “I told them my chauffeur services are over, but I swear, it went in one ear and right out the other. Hello?”
Definitely not the voice he was expecting to hear. Actually, it was probably the last voice he was expecting.
“Mom?” he asked. You whipped your head to face him. “Is everything alright? I wouldn’t usually expect you to call this late.”
‘I wouldn’t have expected you to call at all,’ is what he really meant, but he didn’t say it.
“Yes, well,” his mother said. Her voice sounded tinny over the phone, and Steve could hear all sorts of commotion from behind her.
“Where are you?” Steve asked, though his question was quickly answered when he heard the sound of a loudspeaker page for a doctor. “Is everything okay? It sounds like you’re in a hospital.”
“Your father’s had a heart attack.”
His head went cloudy, and he was sure that his ears weren’t working right, and the drive to the hospital was taken in complete silence. Not a sound, outside of your quiet sniffles; your eyes had been filled with tears since the moment Steve told you what had happened, though they had yet to drop.
You’d known Steve’s parents just about as long as Steve had; of course you would be upset, too. He hadn’t really thought about that until that moment, and it made him feel like a bit of an asshole. 
Granted, he couldn’t really think of much right now even if he tried. 
He hadn’t spoken to his mother in almost three months, and that last conversation had been far from a cheery one. He had handed his mother her worst nightmare on a silver platter. He’d broken her heart, effectively ruined everything. His eyes flashed over to you in the passenger seat, trying so hard not to cry, your hand resting gently on the baby bump that was the very source of said heartbreak.
Steve parked the car and let out a shaky sigh.
The hospital was freezing cold, made even worse by the blistering heat outside. You and Steve were blasted by a wave of frigid air conditioning as you walked through the sliding glass doors. Sterile and unwelcoming. By the time he’d walked up to the front desk, he realized he couldn’t get any of the words he needed to say out of his mouth. 
“Oh, um, hello,” you said, having expected him to speak first. “Hi, sorry. We’re here to see Ronald Harrington?”
“This is his son, and, um,” you hesitated for a moment, “daughter-in-law.”
The woman at the desk seemed unconvinced but told you the room number anyway.
Fluorescent lights, linoleum tile. Beeps and blinks, doctors and nurses racing through halls and sat at bedsides. Room 604 came too quickly for Steve to steady himself. Another shaky sigh, you squeezed his hand as you opened the door. 
There was a nurse there, and his father in the bed with tubes and wires going every which way. He was not awake. Steve suddenly knew, as simple as breathing, that he would not be waking back up. His mom said over the phone that the doctor told her there was a chance that he might, but in an instant, he knew they were wrong. Sugar coating it as an act of kindness, maybe, but he thought providing his mother with false hope was more cruel than anything else.
His mother.
She was sitting next to the bed. Her eyes were rimmed in horrible red and her hands shook as she held those of her husband. She was disheveled, and exhausted, and as soon as she set her eyes on her son, she shot straight up from her chair and pulled him into a hug. 
“Mom,” Steve quietly cried as soon as his mother’s arms wrapped around him. He felt horribly small, in the middle of the big bad hospital room.
He hadn’t cried; honestly, his brain hadn’t really had the chance to catch up to everything that was happening around him, but now? God, the floodgates had opened. His mother was crying too, an unsettling sight, but not one he hadn’t seen before. His mother had been brought to tears by her husband god knows how many times, and Steve had always been there to do his very best to fix things for her.
This was different, though. It wasn’t her husband’s cruelty that brought the tears this time, and there wasn’t a single thing Steve could do to fix it.
“Oh,” his mother fussed, brushing her hands over the sides of his face. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’m sorry,” Steve blubbered. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I-”
“Don’t you dare apologize,” his mother said. “You’ve done nothing wrong, alright? Not a single thing.” 
You stayed floating by the door, talking to the nurse about the man who never loved him, who was dying right next to him.  A waiting game, at this point.
The hospital room had two cushy chairs for family, and a backless rolling stool surely meant for the doctor. That’s the seat that Steve chose, pulling it up next to the one his mother had chosen. He could vaguely hear the greeting between the two of you, see the hug from the corner of his eye, his mother fussing over you, asking how far along and if you’d been feeling alright. He probably should have been paying attention, but all he could focus on was the way his father was lying there already looking dead.
“Hey, Dad,” he muttered. He couldn’t touch him, couldn’t think to hold his hand like his mother had been, because when in his life had his father ever tried to hold his hand? Pat him on the back, give him a hug? Ron would have called him a sissy if Steve had tried something like that; he always got all weird when things got emotional. 
His mother came and sat back in her chair, pulling his stool right up against the arm, and there they sat, waiting. Waiting, waiting, waiting. His mother hoped to stave off the inevitable, Steve hoped it would just happen so that the waiting could stop. Oh, god, that was so awful, wasn’t it? He should be wanting him to wake up, to get better, shouldn’t he? But he knew that wasn’t going to happen, and somehow the feeling of waiting there for his dad to drop dead felt so much worse than it actually happening. 
It was well past one in the morning now. You were curled up in your chair, fast asleep. You’d tried so hard to stay awake, but he really didn’t mind. If anything, he preferred it, because it spared you from the horrible anxiety of anticipating something terrible. 
He’d been quiet for a while now. He had so many things he wanted to tell his mom, but this absolutely was not the place for any one of those conversations.
“I fear that I’ve been horribly cruel to the two of you,” his mother said, breaking through the quiet without looking away from her husband's sallow face.
“You haven’t been,” Steve assured her. “I promise.”
“I should have been there for you, I should have-” she cut herself off with a ragged sigh.
“It’s fine, really. You were worried about me, that’s all,” he emphasized. “Besides, I kinda needed a good knock to the head like that.”
“You sure did pick a good one,” she said after a moment, in reference to you. 
“Yeah, I think so too,” Steve agreed with a small smile. He turned to look at you, tucked under a blanket. Your face was turned toward the window looking out over the hospital's parking lot. The red light of the ‘Hawkins Memorial’ sign cast a soft pink glow across your face from its spot outside, Steve’s last little slice of peace in the middle of this horrible mess. “We’re having a girl.”
Steve hadn’t breached the baby bubble until now. His poor mother was already being pulled through the wringer, and the last thing he wanted to do was open that wound, but he couldn’t help himself.
“Are you really?” his mother asked, a genuine smile in her voice.
“Mhm.” Steve had cried when the two of you found out, you both had. He’d never, ever been happier to be wrong in his entire life. 
“Oh, that’s wonderful, Steve.” She grabbed his hand in two of hers. 
“I wanted to tell you as soon as we found out,” Steve confessed. “I was gonna call you, I just- I thought it would just end up making it all worse.”
“It wouldn’t have,” she said. “I would have happily answered you.”
“I know.”
“You two have any names picked out yet?” she asked, diffusing the tension the best she could.
“Well, we were gonna go with Piper-”
“Oh, that’s sweet.”
“-but, then she pointed out that since her middle name’s gonna be Robin, she’d end up having two bird names,” Steve explained. “Piper Robin. So, back to the drawing board.”
“Oh, well, you're both smart. You’ll come up with something good.”
“I hope so.”
It didn’t take too long after that.
Ronald Harrington died in the wee hours of a warm June morning, with his wife and son (neither of whom he ever particularly liked) by his side. Meredith wailed at the edge of the bed, you sobbed quietly, and Steve stood stoic between the two of you, trying his absolute hardest to stay put in one piece. He didn’t know what to do. 
He found the nearest payphone and called Robin.
“Hello?” Robin croaked, clearly having been woken up by the call.
“Hey, it’s me,” Steve said. He willed the shake in his voice to go away.
“Steve? What the hell are you calling me at four in the morning for?” she questioned. “And don’t say it’s to apologize, because I swear to god-”
“My dad is dead,” he spat out.
“He had a heart attack last night, and-” Steve was cut off by a crack in his own voice, “-and now he’s dead.”
“Oh, my god,” Robin replied. “Shit, Steve. Are you okay?”
“I don’t know,” Steve blurted out. He screwed his eyes shut, trying and failing to keep his tears at bay. He shook his head and choked into the phone, “I think that maybe I’m not.”
“Are you at the hospital?” she asked him. Steve could hear movement from the other line.
“Do you want me to come down there?”
“Please?” Steve squeaked out. 
Steve wasn’t entirely sure how long it took for Robin to get to the hospital because it felt like time was speeding up and slowing down all at once. The doctor was talking to him about next steps and funeral homes, and Steve was hearing it all, and nodding along like he was listening, but it all just sort of blended together in his ears. He was handed a brochure. The doctor left the room.
Robin appeared shortly after that, wearing jeans, but still in her pajama shirt on top. Any resolve Steve had left disappeared in an instant. 
“I’m sorry I’ve been such a bitch,” Robin murmured as she hugged him in the hallway just outside the door.
“I was being an asshole. I deserved it,” Steve relented. “Truce?”
“Yeah, truce,” Robin said before turning her attention to you. “Oh, my god, you look like you swallowed a beach ball.”
“I know,” you (much to Steve’s relief) agreed with a smile. “Feel like it, too.”
You and Steve went home with Meredith that night, back to the childhood home that wasn’t his anymore. Robin headed back to your apartment to feed your cat. Steve would call the funeral home in the morning, and he would cry into your arms tonight.
Tiny Little Taglist: @sheisjoeschateau @hazydespair @damon-loves-pie @pariahsparadise @anislabonis-love @alexa4040 @starsforviolet @luvlexi-darling @palmtreesx3 @prestinalove @bakugouswh0r3 @hollandweather
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ladyluscinia · 8 months
Rewatching 2x05 and I want to expand on my thoughts about the sword training scene.
I still stand by that I think Stede is bullshitting a bit here, though not out of malice. He just talked to Edward about not feeling very Captain-y (a conversation where Izzy did not come up). We do know that Izzy has cleaned himself up and been acting, well, less like a man waiting to die since the end of the last episode, and enough time has passed to debate and enact Edward's probation measures. I doubt Izzy actually weighed in too much there (BlackHands avoidance kings 😘) but I also doubt the crew wasn't at least looking to him for wellness checks during discussion. Meaning Stede has seen Izzy being a respected member of the union - a good place to get the idea for training.
Stede's little quip about "the basics" is a good start to flattery and his request, he doesn't fall into sniping when Izzy says he's a shitty Captain (good growth!), and then he goes strong with:
"But Blackbeard did say he credited you with a lot of his skills."
This is a vague enough statement that it works for flattery, and could be guessed. Maybe Edward has never said anything directly - S1 ignoring Izzy or S2 avoiding Izzy - but I am fully on board with the Word of God statement they've known each other so long they basically taught each other to fight. Edward does turn to Izzy during the "pirate training" arc of S1 before he drops it for dates, and there's the 1x06 "He knows what he's doing." Stede wasn't really paying attention before, but he's probably picked up enough to put together the outlines of an extensive and more intimate backstory than he was assuming. Izzy kept Edward's body after he shot out his leg. There's a bond there.
Izzy gets hooked. (Also, sidenote, calling him Blackbeard all conversation is delicious.) And then, blatantly pining, asks for specifics. Like he even stutters 🥺.
Stede's face journey looks so much like a man making up a flattering statement on the spot:
"Well, specifically he said... You taught him everything he knows. Made him the Captain he is today."
Izzy's response is a half shrug and a grunt of agreement. If Stede is bullshiting here then Izzy probably knows that's a bit too generous for Edward to have said, but like... does it really matter to him? Stede is being very nice, he sees where this is going, and he's not really against the idea. Probably imagining Stede saying that about him right now.
Like the flattery is flattering even when he knows that's what Stede is doing, yeah? Even more so because Stede is doing it genuinely. He honestly wants Izzy to teach him some things.
Which is why I'm not surprised at all that Izzy lets the "specific" quote slide even if it does sound kinda fake, makes a deadpan joke about his foot, and then agrees to train Stede.
Stizzy bonding!
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putschki1969 · 4 months
Hello Puts!
I don't think I have seen you share your thoughts about Keiko's latest single. I personally really enjoy this release and I am curious how you feel about it?
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Ugh, yeah, you got me there🫣I've been uncharacteristically quiet about Keiko's 「夕闇のうた」. Quite frankly, I've just not had enough positive things to say to warrant a proper review😭. As most of you probably know, I do not get any pleasure from lingering on stuff I don't particularly like, I simply move on and prefer to focus on things I actually enjoy. But hey, since you asked, I might as well write up a few things that have been going through my mind.
Disclaimer: Needless to say, this is all just my personal opinion. I am by no means an expert on music or singing, I am just a fan who is very invested in my girls but due to having a very specific taste, not everything works for me but of course that doesn't mean that it won't work for anyone else.
Let's start with the single's A-Side 「夕闇のうた/Yūyami no Uta」. It's not like I hate the song or anything, objectively it's a decent track, I just can't really get into it. There are some songs and melodies that immediately resonate with me, others grow on me over time and then there are some I need to hear performed live to properly appreciate them. In this case, none of these options apply unfortunately. We got our very first snippet way back at the end of November and to be honest, that didn't do much for me which already kinda tempered my excitement. Ever since then the song has had time to marinate but I haven't been able to warm up to it. Even the live performance at last year's Kaji Fes didn't have a noteworthy effect on me. My last hope was hearing the full studio version but my reaction was once again rather lukewarm. The visuals of the PV helped a bit to get me into a good mood for the song but ultimately, I was pretty much underwhelmed. And the worst thing is, I struggle to pinpoint what exactly is bothering me about the song. One thing I am definitely not a fan of is the overly rushed and repetitive drum-beat in the verses, for some reason I feel like it clashes a bit with Keiko's singing and cheapens the overall vibe of the song but that could just be my personal impression. I prefer a good build-up to a chorus and I don't think we are getting it here. Speaking of the chorus, the structure of the chorus doesn't work for me or maybe it's the melody (lack thereof?) that doesn't appeal to me? Not sure exactly but it's not giving me what I would have liked. The first part starting with "inori" is pretty generic and then we get a sort of crescendo for "utau/fureru" which feels oddly out of place, especially when it transitions right into the scat singing. Maybe there is too much different stuff going on or it's all happening too fast but it doesn't have the impact on me which it probably should have. I am usually a big fan of Keiko's scat singing, I mean, her yay- yay-yay part in YK's "vanity" or Kalafina's "Door" regularly gives me an eargasm so why the hell does it leave me so unimpressed in "Yūyami no Uta"???!!! I guess it's more of a combination of the melodic arrangement and the accompanying scatting which makes songs like "vanity" or "Door" so much more epic for me....? As for the bridge, it's okay I suppose. In her interviews, Keiko has mentioned multiple times how her progress as a vocalist has made it possible to tackle all these high parts and that just a few years ago, Yuki Kajiura would have assigned Yuriko Kaida or one of her other chorus singers to sing those sections. Keiko's higher registers are a hit and miss for me, sometimes they work, other times not so much. Here she sounds perfectly fine and I fully understand why YK would feel confident to let Keiko handle this on her own. But again, the whole part is just meh and by now I am convinced that it is because the song doesn't have a sufficiently nice melody to provide a good base for Keiko's singing.
I want to continue with 「夕闇のうた Special Edit ver.」 because I honestly feel like we have been robbed of something really good here. Whoever decided to bypass this in favour of the normal version should really start questioning their life choices. I am not saying that this version is perfect (we don't even get all that much to form an opinion on it) but from what I hear, it is superior in many ways and would have worked better as an ending (edit: apparently, it has actually been used as ED on the 3rd ep). That gorgeous strings intro alone takes the song to a whole new level, making it so much more melodic. And the somewhat obtrusive drums feel way more toned down here since they are introduced at a later point of the song to create more of a proper build-up towards the chorus. The chorus itself is pretty much the same from what I can tell but I wonder what the bridge and the remainder of the verses would have sounded like in this style. The ending verse of the song also works a lot better for this special edit, wish they had included all of it starting from "itoshii" and then concluded it with another strings section.
Now all that's left to talk about is the single's B-Side, 「燈命/Tōmei」. This song is a big no-go for me so I'll keep it short. The composition, arrangement and lyrics were all done by Saku who has previously worked with Keiko on "Ray" (Lantana), "Sakura wo Goran" (dew) and "YOUR" (CUTLERY). He was only in charge of the arrangement for"Sakura wo Goran" but out of those three songs, "Tōmei" feels closest to this one in terms of vibe and overall blandness. I've come to enjoy "YOUR" quite a bit (even if I am not so happy with some of Keiko's higher notes) and "Ray" is decent too but my entire body outright rejects songs like "Sakura wo Goran" and "Tōmei". Sorry🙈I don't even know what else to say. I listened to it and immediately was like, nope, next one please.
Phew, this turned out longer than expected. I feel shabby for going on and on about all the stuff I didn't like but oh well, what's done is done. Moving on...
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hi is it okay if i make a request for florence? i was wondering if you could do one where it’s flo’s first time seeing reader and trying to get to know them. maybe reader works on set of a new movie she’s in and caught flos eyes and she does everything to try and get their attention to talk to them, however it ends is up to you, thank you :)
── ⋆。゚☁︎ 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗮 𝗵𝗶𝗻𝘁
paring: florence pugh x gn!reader
tag(s): fluff, oblivious kinda trope (?), r being clueless
warning(s): grammatical errors, unedited, not proofread
word count: 1.4k
note: I actually have no idea what a makeup artist does on a set, so just go with it. While writing this a had a female reader in mind, but I'm pretty sure it works as a gn reader as well. I'm so sorry this took so long, anon. I really hope you like it and that is, somehow, what you wanted. I'm not a native english speaker, so please let me know about any sort of mistake. Hope you enjoy! <3
requests are open! + check my rules here <3
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As soon as you walked into the makeup trailer, Florence’s eyes immediately found your frame.
And all she could do was stare at you, admiring your beauty, watching over every movement of yours. She just couldn't take her eyes off of you, it was as if now you were the only person in the world. She could tell you were new to this environment, her working place. She could tell you were nervous, looking down at your feet, as if you were afraid to face her or do the wrong thing. 
“Hello, there,” she said, trying to get your attention. 
“Oh, hi. Um, have you been here for a long time?” you finally looked up to her.
Truth was she had been waiting for about half an hour, but once she took a look at you and saw your puppy eyes, she couldn’t just say that to you, afraid you would break down in front of her. 
“No, I just got here. I’m Florence,” she gave you her hand to shake. 
Accepting her hand, you said, “Y/n, the new makeup artist, but I think you already figured that out.”
“Nice to meet you, Y/n,” Florence liked the sound of your name falling out of her lips. 
“You too.” 
“Hey, by any chance are you the same Y/n that does Hailee’s makeup?”
“Yep, that’s me,” you gave her a shy smile, the fact that she knew you made your cheeks go red. Which Florence noticed and chuckled at your reaction. 
“Oh, great. Then I trust I’m in good hands.”
“I really hope so, or else I’m gonna get fired,” you joked, earning a genuine laugh from her. “Um, should we get started?” you asked once her laugh died down. 
“Oh, yes, of course.”
Florence sat on one of the chairs in front of the mirror and let you do her job. This was supposed to be a makeup test, she wasn’t sure if that was what it was actually called but it was the name she gave it. After all, they would test different shades of foundations, shadows, blushes and find the right one for her skin tone that also had to match her character's personality. 
Ten minutes in, she couldn’t take the silence anymore. Sure there was background music playing, a playlist you put on before getting started. She could hear the faint voice of Harry Styles. But she didn’t want to hear his voice, she wanted to hear yours. All of you intrigued her in ways no one ever had. She could tell you were shy, otherwise you would have started talking right away, so she had to take matters into her own hands. 
“So, um, why did you become a makeup artist?” That was the most stupid question she could ever ask you, but her brain was working properly at the moment, although she didn’t understand why. 
“Well, um, it was just a hobby at first. A way to get my mind off of things. But then because of a friend, somehow, I got to do Gracie Abram’s makeup for a red carpet and then I just kinda took off. Ever since then I worked with lots of different people,” you now softly applied eyeshadow to her other eye. “And then after I got to do Haillee’s makeup, she recommended me for this job, and here I am,” you noticed Florence’s eyes were looking right at yours. 
A lump formed in your throat once you realised how close you were to her. You always had to get this close to the other person while doing your job, but something about being this close to Florence felt different, almost intimate, even though the two of you had just met.
“Sorry, I said too much.”
“No, no, don’t apologise. So this is your first time working on a set, right?”
“Yes, it is,” you squint your eyes trying to find a matching foundation to her skin tone. 
“How are you liking it?” she gave you a grin, which, again, caused heat to rise to your cheeks. 
“So far so good,” you shrugged, mirroring her smile. 
It’d been a week since Florence first talked to you. The two of you became quite a pair, always being around each other. Whether it was you watching Florence do some scenes, hanging out in her trailer, grabbing lunch together, or just messing around in between scenes. 
She soon realised you were constantly on her mind. So much so, that some nights, when she face timed her little sister, she would bring you into their conversation and mumbled nonstop about you. That was when her little sister made her realise how much she actually liked you, and not just in a friendly way. It was way more than that. It was something deeper, something that made her chest warm and her stomach burn just by the thought of you.
But Florence wasn't sure if you saw her the same way. So she decided to leave subtle hints for you to pick up and figure out. She started bringing you coffee every morning, always making sure it was your coffee order; sometimes she would take you out for lunch, sometimes even dinner, trying to, subtly, imply it was actually a date but always was so afraid to admit to you. She started to text you on a daily basis, especially when she wasn’t needed on set, but she knew you were probably there. So she would text you, sometimes even call you, to know how you were doing. 
But nothing was working. You were clueless about her feelings for you. And the shooting was soon to be over, she wouldn't have that as an excuse to be constantly around you. Sure, the two of you developed a friendship, you two would probably keep in touch and stay friends, but that wasn’t what Florence wanted. It wasn't even close to what she actually wanted. 
So she had no other choice but to confess her feelings to you. If things went wrong then she probably wouldn’t have to see your stupid cute face everyday, given that the shooting will be over in two days. But if things went right, well she could only imagine what that would be like. 
So she patiently waited for the last day of shooting, still sending hints your way but it was pointless since you couldn’t pick up on them. And by the time everyones started heading to their homes, she quickly headed to your trailer. She knew you would still be there since you always were one of the last ones to leave the set. 
“Hey, you,” she said walking in your trailer.
“Hey, I thought you had already left,” you were packing your belongings. 
“Without saying goodbye, no way,” you chucked at her words. “I, um,” she cleared her throat. “I have something to tell you actually.”
She noticed her hands were starting to get a bit sweaty, her heart beating fast and felt the temperature in the room increase. 
“I’m all ears,” you were now facing her, making sure she knew she had all your attention. 
“I, um, you know what. I’m just going to spit it out: I really like you, Y/n. I’ve liked you after our first week working together. And I’ve been trying to tell you, but you didn’t seem to pick up on it. And it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way, I just had to shoot my shot. So that was it, I guess. I shot it,” she took your silence as a negative so she slowly turned around and made her way back to the door.
“Flo!” you stopped her from walking away. “Hey, where are you going? Don’t I get a say in this?” you made your way towards her, placing your hands on her shoulders. You could feel she tensed under your touch, but a second later just gave in and relaxed. 
“I just thought–” but your lips got her off her words. 
She was taken aback for a second, not sure if that was actually happening or it was just something she imagined. But once she placed her hands on your cheeks, she knew it was all real. You were there, your lips against hers. Biting, licking, sucking. A smile formed on her lips once you two pulled apart and you rested your forehead against hers. The two of you were breathing heavily. 
“So, everytime we went out, it was actually a date?” realisation hitting you.
“Yeah,” she pecked your lips. “You just couldn't take a hint, could you?”
“Well, better late than never,” you smiled at her, and soon kissed her lips once again.
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Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! <3
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tobiasdrake · 3 months
Break time's over. Heading on up to the... second floor? I think this is the second floor.
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I am going to remember this and retcon your personal history with it.
Wow, having a temporal awareness is weird. That sounded like a threat but actually I think it's going to be a good thing?
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Can I just say how much I love this entire nation of LGBT normalization? This is such a rich culture of gender freedom.
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...given the context, I think Odile just admitted to being trans.
I'm not 100% sure that's what she meant by that. But that feels like what she meant by that.
Either way, good for her.
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...given the context, Isa definitely just admitted to being trans - Well, genderfluid, but nonetheless living his best gender life. I am 100% sure that's what he meant by that. There is no other way to take that.
Good for him.
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A second one of these. The last one we fought had a strange crest that let us delete Tears from our path.
Looking at it now... I kinda wonder if these things are what's producing the time-freezing Tears? It does look like it's actively crying.
Then again, it's a Sadness. They're all Sadnesses. So any of them could be making Tears. There's no reason to assume it's a specific kind that's doing it.
I dunno.
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But this one is clearly tied to the Tears in a way that none of the others are. What is it's deal?
Also, it's a Star crest. And the Nostalgie looks like a star. But stars are on our side.
But stars are also directly connected to time manipulation. And the Tears freeze things and people in time.
There is something here. I can't see the full picture. But I see connections.
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Bonnie and I are of one mind. It's stealing requisitioning time.
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The funny thing is, I see both sides of this. On the one hand, there is something funny about extending respect for chosen names and pronouns and stuff all the way to regal titles. Like can I become Duke of Vaugarde by telling everyone that I'm Duke of Vaugarde now? The answer, it seems, is yes.
But you also have to realize that despite the King being the King, Vaugarde nonetheless still is not a monarchy. Calling him the King conveys no actual political authority to him. The big threat here is that he's going to freeze time; That's not a political thing.
So even though it sounds like a regal title, the people of Vaugarde aren't doing anything different from just. Like. Respecting his chosen name. So I can become Duke of Vaugarde by telling everyone to call me that, but I don't gain any authority from doing so. I just get to be called Duke of Vaugarde.
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We already knew this but it's a nice reminder of the source of Mira's insecurities: Fear of inadequacy in the shadow of the Head Housemaiden. It's not easy, trying to live up to a great mentor. I don't think anyone ever feels truly ready to take on the responsibilities of the people that shaped them.
I would like to say that no one could have done better than Mira already has but I've been mashed into salsa by a giant rock twice.
Both of which were my own damn fault. I'm just saying. Perhaps. Mira could work on her hiring standards.
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This House has too many giant rocks. Someone needs to do something about that.
It's gotta be me. The House keeps throwing Rock because of my Scissors. It knows.
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But I rifled through it THOROUGHLY. Ugggggggh. Yeah. I get it. With the rock in the way, we are utterly screwed in this revolution. Only one thing to do now.
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I'm about to kill myself so anything I do right now is consequence free. Now is not the time to test me.
Hey. Hey, Odile?
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I think your field of research is the study of HOW TO BE A BUTT
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Hahahaha catch me now, suckers!
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reidsc0nverse · 11 months
A Rose by Any Other Name (Chapter Four)
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Summary: Reader and Spencer get to it on that coffee date and throughout the day finds herself to be a lot more apparent in her fondness to the genius. Her day only gets better when she receives some big news.
Warnings: Language
AN: Things are happeningggg
Series Masterlist
I did indeed get a text from him the next morning. 
From: Unknown Contact
> Hey, it's Spencer. How does that coffee sound about now?
I smiled to myself and replied to him.
You know just the way to a girls heart <
I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom, work started about an hour so I had enough time to do whatever I needed.
> Great, how about Laurent's Brewery in 30?
Perfect <
I hopped in the shower and started to get myself ready. Afterward I got dressed in one of my favorite work outfits and did some light makeup.
About twenty minutes later I left my apartment and walked to the coffee shop, it's a cute little place and not too far. Before walking in I hear my name. Turning around I see Spencer walking towards me.
"Right on time." He smiled.
"I enjoy being punctual." I say smiling back. He opens the door for me as we walk in.
We walk to the front and order our drink and sit down at a nearby table. 
"Did you seriously ask for five sugars?" I ask laughing at the ridiculous sweet tooth this man has.
"What can I say? I like sweet things." He says with a slight smirk for a moment then goes back to his dorky smile.
Was he flirting? 
I shake my head as the barista calls the both of our names as we grab our coffees and sit at the table again.
"So, have you taken any extra thought on it?" he asked me.
"Extra thought on what?" 
"Pulling through to become a profiler."
I bit the inside of my cheek, I really hadn't thought any more about the topic. I mean of course I wanted to do it, but right now with filling in for JJ, I just have too much on my plate to actually execute anything. 
"In all honesty, no." I say, taking a sip from my drink.
His eyebrows furrow, "Why not?"
I shrug, "I've been too busy, I guess."
"I hope you can find some time, it'd be nice to have you around with all of us. I mean, when JJ gets back..I don't know I think we'll miss you around that's all. Rossi seems happy you're around too." He says while fidgeting with his hands a little bit.
I smile warmly at him, "Aw, yknow, I've never felt so welcomed like this before." I say while picking at the side of the cup.
He tilts his head, "Really?"
I nod my head no and shrug, "Nope."
"I don't know how, as soon as JJ introduced you to us we kinda immediately had no doubts about you. Which is weird for a bunch of profilers."
I laughed and took another sip to hide my face. "I'm glad to hear that, I was so nervous I wasn't gonna fit in."
He scoffs with a smile, "Not at all."
I look at my watch, "We should probably get to work huh"
He looks at his own and nods his head, "I can give you a ride." 
I thank him and we walk out to his car, getting in and beginning to head for the office. 
"You have no idea how much I needed that coffee." I say slumping in the seat.
"Last night was, um, definitely a treat. We need to stop hosting parties at Rossi's the night before paperwork days." He laughs.
We pull up to the building shortly after and walked in together, Morgan's eyes shooting to us and his cheeky ass smile plastered on his face.
Walking to us, he smirk and begins, "Well well well, so you go home together, and now you come to work together, did pretty boy get it on or am I missing something?" 
I roll my eyes at him, "Ha ha. Not so lucky, Derek, sorry to burst your bubble."
"Right..right." He laughs and claps his hand on Spencer's back, who, is now blushing. 
"I mean, that wasn't the case this time, who knows." I tease and walk to my office, leaving him standing there. 
This confidence has got to be left over from last night. 
Paperwork's a bitch. After documenting everything from the previous case for a couple hours I only looked up from my writings when I heard a knock on the doorway to see Spencer.
I blinked hard from the light adjustment  from the dark office to where he was standing. "Hey what's up?" I asked.
"Need any help? I finished all mine a little while ago and I thought I'd do something better with my time." He said with his hands in his pockets awkwardly. 
"So you decided to come spend some time with me. That's definitely an improvement from Derek trying to force you to do his own." I joke and he laughs in agreement. I motion for him to take the seat in front of me across the desk which I now cleared off some space for him.
As he sits I hand him one of the final pages in which is needed to fill out and finish the one I'm working on. 
I felt his eyes on me as I completed my writing and finally looked up at him.
"Look, sorry if what I said earlier made you uncomfortable or anything-"
"What? No, no. Not at all."
"Then why are you looking at me like that?" I ask. 
A beat of silence and then a smile grew on his face.
"What?" I laugh, now seeing his demeanor.
"Nothing. I finished it up, here." He said with his smile still on his face as he handed me the paper and started to walk out.
"Hey hey hey, pump your breaks pretty boy." I say, standing up. 
He turns slowly to me while sucking his lips in to hide his smile.
"Y'know your nose scrunches is when you're flustered." 
"What? No it doesn't." I say playfully, at least I don't think it does:
"It happened when we talked last night while we were cleaning up, this morning when I told you about how I like my coffee, and when I asked to help you." 
God I hate profilers. 
"Your point?" I asked crossing my arms.
"Last night I admitted to you making me nervous, and no matter how confident you seem...I don't know, it seems like I return the favor." He said with a smirk.
I had to literally keep my mouth from opening in that moment, I scoffed and looked away from him trying to compose myself even though I knew it was pointless; he'd see right through me. 
"Wow, you are good at your job." I say with a faint smile and avoiding looking at him but I could feel the tension between us rise until I get snapped out of it hearing my dads voice.
"Y/N, I need to talk to you." He says across the hall and I compose myself and walk past Spencer to see him. 
My dad meets me with kind eyes and puts his arm around me, guiding me to the round table to see Section Chief Strauss and Hotch.
"What's this about.." I ask with worry in my voice. "Did I do something wrong?"
Strauss smiles softly and responds, "No, at least not to my knowledge." 
"A little birdie informed me of your interest as profiler." My dad choked in. 
My eyebrows furrow and he continues, "I had a quick talk with Erin here and we discussed a possibility of including you onto the team within some time." 
My face brightened up, "Seriously?"
Hotch comes in, "Of course you still need all the training and it may take a little while, but even as liaison you've shown evidence of having the skills to make a great profiler." 
Strauss finishes up, "You continue your time here filling in for JJ and keep up the work that you've proven as being impressive, then we can start the work on getting you set up." 
I'm pretty sure they could physically see the excitement spilling out of my pores. "Oh my gosh..thank you! Seriously this is huge, I mean, I'm so grateful." I say and the others nod knowingly. 
My dad shakes me from under his arm in congratulations and leads me out the room to leave Strauss and Hotch.
"It won't take too long, not if I have anything to do with it." My dad says mischievously.
I roll my eyes, "A little bird told you huh." 
He shrugs and we walk down to everyone else's desk as my dad goes off to the break room. Emily catches a glimpse of me and walks over, "What did Strauss want with you?" She asks with annoyance in her voice, not everyone is very um...fond of Strauss.
"Oh, nothing bad." I say, biting the smile on my face.
Emily catches up on it and cocks her eyebrow, "Mhm..you know I could always analyze you to figure it out." 
"You'll find out soon enough." I smirk and she squints her eyes with a smile. 
I look over my shoulder and see Spencer sitting at his desk attempting to hide a smile behind his fist as he's holding his head up. 
Little birdie. Right.
taglist: @darkenwolfie @justlivinginadaydream @daddy-dotcom @itsametaphorbriansblog @rosesandlavendertea @4karaa @lockwoods-coat-and-reids-vests
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secretgamergirl · 9 days
Hell is terms like ASIC, FPGA, and PPU
I haven't been doing any public updates on this for a bit, but I am still working on this bizarre rabbit hole quest of designing my own (probably) 16-bit game console. The controller is maybe done now, on a design level. Like I have parts for everything sourced and a layout for the internal PCB. I don't have a fully tested working prototype yet because I am in the middle of a huge financial crisis and don't have the cash laying around to send out to have boards printed and start rapidly iterating design on the 3D printed bits (housing the scroll wheel is going to be a little tricky). I should really spend my creative energy focusing on software development for a nice little demo ROM (or like, short term projects to earn money I desperately need) but my brain's kinda stuck in circuitry gear so I'm thinking more about what's going into the actual console itself. This may get techie.
So... in the broadest sense, and I think I've mentioned this before, I want to make this a 16-bit system (which is a term with a pretty murky definition), maybe 32-bit? And since I'm going to all this trouble I want to give my project here a little something extra the consoles from that era didn't have. And at the same time, I'd like to be able to act as a bridge for the sort of weirdos who are currently actively making new games for those systems to start working on this, on a level of "if you would do this on this console with this code, here's how you would do it on mine." This makes for a hell of a lot of research on my end, but trust me, it gets worse!
So let's talk about the main strengths of the 2D game consoles everyone knows and loves. Oh and just now while looking for some visual aids maybe I stumbled across this site, which is actually great as a sort of mid-level overview of all this stuff. Short version though-
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The SNES (or Super Famicom) does what it does by way of a combination of really going all in on direct memory access, and particularly having a dedicated setup for doing so between scanlines, coupled with a bunch of dedicated graphical modes specialized for different use cases, and you know, that you can switch between partway through drawing a screen. And of course the feature everyone knows and loves where you can have one polygon and do all sorts of fun things with it.
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The Genesis (or Megadrive) has an actual proper 16-bit processor instead of this weird upgraded 6502 like the SNES had for a scrapped backwards compatibility plan. It also had this frankly wacky design where they just kinda took the guts out of a Sega Master System and had them off to the side as a segregated system whose only real job is managing the sound chip, one of those good good Yamaha synths with that real distinct sound... oh and they also actually did have a backwards compatibility deal that just kinda used the audio side to emulate an SMS, basically.
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The TurboGrafix-16 (or PC Engine) really just kinda went all-in on making its own custom CPU from scratch which...we'll get to that, and otherwise uh... it had some interesting stuff going on sound wise? I feel like the main thing it had going was getting in on CDs early but I'm not messing with optical drives and they're no longer a really great storage option anyway.
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Then there's the Neo Geo... where what's going on under the good is just kind of A LOT. I don't have the same handy analysis ready to go on this one, but my understanding is it didn't really go in for a lot of nice streamlining tricks and just kinda powered through. Like it has no separation of background layers and sprites. It's just all sprites. Shove those raw numbers.
So what's the best of all worlds option here? I'd like to go with one of them nice speedy Motorolla processors. The 68000 the Genesis used is no longer manufactured though. The closest still-in-production equivalent would be the 68SEC000 family. Seems like they go for about $15 a pop, have a full 32-bit bus, low voltage, some support clock speeds like... three times what the Genesis did. It's overkill, but should remove any concerns I have about having a way higher resolution than the systems I'm jumping off from. I can also easily throw in some beefy RAM chips where I need.
I was also planning to just directly replicate the Genesis sound setup, weird as it is, but hit the slight hiccup that the Z80 was JUST discontinued, like a month or two ago. Pretty sure someone already has a clone of it, might use that.
Here's where everything comes to a screeching halt though. While the makers of all these systems were making contracts for custom processors to add a couple extra features in that I should be able to work around by just using newer descendant chips that have that built in, there really just is no off the shelf PPU that I'm aware of. EVERYONE back in the day had some custom ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) chip made to assemble every frame of video before throwing it at the TV. Especially the SNES, with all its modes changing the logic there and the HDMA getting all up in those mode 7 effects. Which are again, something I definitely want to replicate here.
So one option here is... I design and order my own ASIC chips. I can probably just fit the entire system in one even? This however comes with two big problems. It's pricy. Real pricy. Don't think it's really practical if I'm not ordering in bulk and this is a project I assume has a really niche audience. Also, I mean, if I'm custom ordering a chip, I can't really rationalize having stuff I could cram in there for free sitting outside as separate costly chips, and hell, if it's all gonna be in one package I'm no longer making this an educational electronics kit/console, so I may as well just emulate the whole thing on like a raspberry pi for a tenth of the cost or something.
The other option is... I commit to even more work, and find a way to reverse engineer all the functionality I want out with some big array of custom ROMs and placeholder RAM and just kinda have my own multi-chip homebrew co-processors? Still PROBABLY cheaper than the ASIC solution and I guess not really making more research work for myself. It's just going to make for a bigger/more crowded motherboard or something.
Oh and I'm now looking at a 5V processor and making controllers compatible with a 10V system so I need to double check that all the components in those don't really care that much and maybe adjust things.
And then there's also FPGAs (field programmable gate arrays). Even more expensive than an ASIC, but the advantage is it's sort of a chip emulator and you can reflash it with something else. So if you're specifically in the MiSTer scene, I just host a file somewhere and you make the one you already have pretend to be this system. So... good news for those people but I still need to actually build something here.
So... yeah that's where all this stands right now. I admit I'm in way way over my head, but I should get somewhere eventually?
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guardevoir · 5 months
Fiber arts update!
The postal service gods have smiled upon me and gotten me my wheel a day early, huzzah!
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I might just be developing kit-based stockholm syndrome, but putting this thing together was actually kinda fun. Easier than the loom and, hilariously, less frustrating than the fucking bobbin winder, even if it did take absolutely forever. Also, I like the way it sounds (or... doesn't sound like much, as the case may be), I like the way it looks, I like how sturdy it is. And I think I'm starting to really enjoy the way it spins, too.
On the other hand? I have thoughts.
Why is there no convenient place to put fiber. Why are the sliding hooks so goddamn hard to operate smoothly. And, honestly, I don't mind the double treadle, but I also still do not understand why it exists. It makes direction control harder, with no notable upside that I can see.
I'm also fighting a desperate battle against the concept of scotch tension. I mean, I did pick a single drive wheel kind of deliberately, because there's upsides to it that double drive does not have (like how the drive band isn't a non-euclidean nightmare of horribleness)... but goddamn it, I really didn't appreciate the smooth, incredibly even take-up of my old wheel enough until now. You put the tension somewhere, and unless something catches in the orifice, that's the tension you're gonna get, no ifs and buts. The Kiwi 3, meanwhile, likes to periodically tug at my fiber and it's weirding me the fuck out. At least tension's about as easy to adjust as my double-drive wheel (which, thanks to its center-screw setup, is probably a great deal easier than average for double-drive), but also just as finicky.
The "no convenient place to put fiber" thing is annoying, though. The vintage wheel has all kinds of bits and bobs that you can fix your WIP to in a pinch, plus a nice handy distaff, while the Kiwi 3 spins, and anything beyond that single function is kind of a "not my goddamn job" kinda deal.
I do appreciate the orifice hook slot, though.
I have also somehow STILL MISPLACED the orifice hook about half a dozen times in the last few hours. I am incorrigible.
The most interesting takeaway is that I was kinda scared that I'd get a new spinning wheel and realize that my old one is crap. This is definitely not what happened. Despite all my grumbling, I do like the Kiwi and I'm very happy to have it, but I'm also realizing all the upsides of the vintage wheel that I took for granted. Like how easy it is to get it started in the right direction with barely a tap of my foot, (almost) no matter which position it's in. The even take-up. The feather-light tension. The distaff. The nub I can wrap my spin around when taking a break. The fact that, when I stop treadling, both flyer and bobbin stop at the same time.
On the other hand, I will admit to never taking the bobbin off of that vintage wheel unless I absolutely have to. To wind off, I usually just lower the tension all the way and let the bobbin free-spin, because fuck that. And the Kiwi also doesn't make me smack my shins into a wooden base on a regular basis. AND I got the high-speed whorl for it so now I have ratios from 5.5:1 all the way to 15:1, and it's glorious. Plus, it's a whole lot quieter. And as much as I don't like the specific way they set up the sliding hooks, they're still much, much more pleasant than the double-threaded nightmare I had to pull off on the vintage wheel half the time.
TL;DR: new wheel good, once I get my blending board and really figure out the tension on the Kiwi, I'll be so fucking powerful you folks
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pope-neuro · 2 years
Give headcanon for merc.
(Sorry I been taking so long to get to these, I’ve been dealing with the sudden death of my baby bird, life has been kinda terrible this week)
NOTE: There will be some suggestive stuff in here but most of it is for comedic purposes
General merc headcanons:
-my boi got adhd like you would not believe
-The poor bastard cannot focus on anything for the life of him, no matter how hard he tries
-One of the reasons why he has trouble with reading, he was never really able to focus enough to figure it out, as that’s something that takes a LOT of time and a LOT of focus.
-Really talented artist tho! He loves drawing and keeps a sketchbook or two in his room! He likes to doodle before bed each night, it helps him calm down
-Somehow gay and homophobic at the same time
-Would absolutely lose his shit over the blue lobster meme no matter how old it gets
-My goofy ahh uncle
-The physical embodiment of “he a lil confused, but he got the spirit”
-Bro does not give a FUCK what anyone else thinks and I respect the hell out of that
-The men in his family were all in the military, which is one of the reasons why he’s obsessed
-secretly very insecure that he never actually made it into the official military
-Puts up a front so he can avoid feeling like a disappointment sometimes
-Solly is one of those people that sleeps like a LOG. Literally nothing can wake him up other than his own internal clock, which conveniently goes off at 6am.
-It is at this point in the morning when he goes around the base and attempts to make everyone else get up. Most are not pleased.
-Bi as fuck. He kisses men. He kisses women. He literally does not care, a beautiful person is a beautiful person, son.
-He calls his partner “son”.
-He is my son
-I love my son so much I am so proud of him for just existing.
-Pyro’s name is Ernesto
-His mask is literally just his face, like the plague doctor SCP. What appears to be clothing is actually just his body.
-He is from another planet, and the oxygen in our atmosphere has hallucinatory effects on members of his species
-Poor baby is basically in a haze 100 percent of the time :( but he does his absolute best!
-He literally only wants to spread peace, love, and flower power
-Fire makes him feel nice, because it’s bright and it’s warm. Fire is friendly and comforting. It helps ground him in this strange world.
-Under-appreciated as fuck holy shit
-Probably one of the most hardworking people on the team, if not THE most
-This guy is doing multiple jobs at once in addition to his demanding work as a mercenary.
-He’s actually super smart! He may not act like it when he’s super drunk, but he seriously does know what he’s doing
-Chemistry EXPERT. Can he please help me with my chem 101 homework I literally could never. I know he’s smart because chemistry is fucking impossible and he loves the subject
-sometimes works with Engie to develop new types of bombs!
-My theory is that he turned to alcohol in order to cope with the chronic burnout he must be facing by working so many jobs at once. Just helps him check out of life for a while, but unfortunately that comes at the cost of his liver.
-Fr tho how the fuck is he even alive, he drinks HYDROGEN PEROXIDE at one point, which isn’t even related to alcohol at all, it’s literally just a poisonous chemical💀
-I have reason to believe he now has epilepsy as a result of medic damaging his hippocampus while scooping his brain, I made a post about this a while ago if you’re interested in more details
-He is very much in need of a hug
-I love him so much
-You’re doin good lad
-One of the smartest people on the team, despite what you might perceive at first glance.
-The only reason he may sound “dumb” to some people is because English is his second language, and he has a very hard time speaking it.
-Fr tho English sucks, I have no idea how people learn it later in life on their own
-In the Russian dub of meet the heavy, he speaks a lot more eloquently. Definitely strikes me as the type of person to have a PhD in Russian literature.
-His dream was to one day become an author, but mercenary work got in the way because it was the best way to provide for his family overseas.
-He still writes from time to time in a small notebook he keeps by his bed, in the hopes that one day he’ll publish something
-He will
-Gay AF
-The literal definition of a Bear
-His guns are his babies, he literally loves them like they’re his children.
-Honestly I feel that way about my PC so I get it😭
-Also a very underrated character
-Ties with medic for Smartest On The Team
-Engie just puts his genius towards more practical (and less unhinged) use
-I mean clearly he’s not TOTALLY stable, he did cut off his own arm to attach the gunslinger
-Always felt the need to prove himself growing up. Because of where he’s from, people tended to assume he was kinda stupid based on stereotypes. He obviously ended up proving everyone wrong.
-Is autistic and has OCD. He needs to do things a certain way or he can get extremely upset, especially in his workshop. It’s his safe space that is not to be invaded unless he is expecting you.
-Acts like a father figure to pyro. Basically the only one who isn’t unsettled by him (other than maybe medic)
-He definitely takes pyro fishing on the weekends
-Very talented singer, but he’ll absolutely deny it if you tell him. He’s super humble about everything
-But nah everyone else always loves to listen to him sing and play the guitar when they’re all hanging out at the fire pit.
-He’s such a dad I love him
-Medic is my wife
-Smartest member of the team along with Engie
-Actually very strong! He lifted soldier up by the collar in expiration date, and he’s gotta weigh at LEAST 250.
-Also carries around heavy equipment all day, and is STILL the second fastest runner on the team, only behind scout.
-Medic is actually a pretty big dude. It’s just hard to notice when he’s standing next to heavy who is an actual giant. I think medic is canonically like 6’1 or something. Big dude. Wide shoulder. Booba. 👍
-Of course he looks small when he’s near heavy, EVERYONE looks small standing next to heavy
-Bi medic Bi medic Bi medic Bi medic
-Contrary to popular belief, he DOES indeed have the title of “Doctor”. In order to get a medical license in the first place, you are required to complete med school and obtain an MD or DO degree. Licensure and degrees are two separate things. You can lose a license, but you can’t be stripped of the education you already learned. The title of “Doctor” comes with a degree, not a license, as we have seen with engineer and Heavy’s PhD’s.
-He’s autistic with a special interest in medicine! If he’s not actively in battle, his in his lab working on shit. He LOVES it. It’s basically the only subject he cares about (source: am autistic w/ medical special interest. Am I projecting? Maybe but oh well)
-He very clearly knows what he’s doing, even though his methods are kinda fucked💀
-He’s succeeded in literally raising the dead multiple times in addition to inventing all of his healing devices completely his own.
-Hangs out with Engie when he’s not working on stuff, they both enjoy building/inventing devices and they enjoy talking about their shared special interests. He is closest with Engie and heavy out of everyone on the team.
-The only one that knows pyro is an SCP
-He’s a hoe. A massive hoe
-we are married
-Emotions are scary and Should Not Exist
-Also autistic! The man has literally no idea how to speak to other humans, and talks to himself constantly (am autistic, can confirm)
-MASSIVE introvert, has to retreat to his van a couple times a day to recharge
-He likes to draw birds he sees while on the job!
-Likes plain black coffee which I will never understand it’s so fucking bitter literally wh
-Doesn’t like people to know he’s somehow only 27 years old despite looking like he could be my dad when in reality he’s only like 7.5 years older than me
-He could be my brother but he looks like he could be my dad wtf
-One of those lucky bastards who doesn’t burn in the sun easily, he’s outside constantly
-His ideal place to be would be outdoors on a nice sunny day. A wide open area with no one else around.
-Puts his hat over his face when he sleeps because of course he does
-He Is Not Straight
-Pan, poly
-Canonically enjoys his romances “in groups of six”
-Spy hosts orgies guys, valve’s words not mine
-Sigma chad, has fucked your mom and will do it again
-Is not aware that he smells terrible from smoking all the time
-God knows how many children he’s left behind because he’s afraid of staying in any type of committed relationship
-Very similar to sniper in that emotions are Scary
-Speaks every language known to mann
-He absolutely has a sex dungeon. In this video he literally has plans to “remodel his dungeon”:
-Probably has the best social skills out of anyone else on the team
-Possibly a sociopath? Or just very good at hiding his intentions and motivations
-Spy is awesome but also I love making fun of him
-Haha skinny legg mann
Im so sorry poor anon asked this like a month ago😭😭 but I wanted to be really thorough with my headcanons!! I hope you like em and feel free to ask me more shit :))
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starredfishing · 11 months
Tell me more about the way the new superman show portrays Lois and her heritage, Starry.
thank u for sending me this ask so i can go insane. also disclaimer: i am korean american but i was raised by white ppl so i cant be an entirely accurate source! slappin a read more on this bc oh boy. i say words
so just in the first 4 episodes i think they do a spectacular job of making her heritage subtle yet noticable. in the first episode she does the lil heart hands thing, which is the way i've seen kpop idols do it but my brother told me its just kinda the korean equiv of heart hands
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and then in the 4th episode she wears a jeogori, which is the top of a hanbok (korean traditional wear)
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(image taken from the 'jeogori' wikipedia page)
i also wanna note the little top shes wearing under her jacket looks like a traditional viet top (source: my friend who is viet) so double slay
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and then beyond that, i really like the way she's designed visually. she doesn't fall under the classic tropes and stereotypes that most animation companies do when designing east asians. she isn't pale (which is a colorism issue, i actually have the same skin color as her), she doesn't have long flowing black hair or on the flip side she doesn't have a purple streak or anything, and she isn't drawn with stereotypical slits for eyes. she's just a normal korean-american woman!!! she's also voiced by a korean, which is super nice to see! i know people joke about her looking and sounding like luz but, yknow.
and then in episode 4 she goes to this fancy high-rise party where she isn't taken seriously and is even insulted on her mannerisms and looks. she's the only woman there wearing something that isn't 1. a dress and 2. western-styled. so they're ostrasizing her based on her heritage as well as her class, though it's interesting that all the women ivo points to as 'classy women' are woc so it is more abt classism. jimmy, a black man, gets disrespected as a photographer and people ignore lois entirely even though some people are willing to speak to clark, who is white. its subtle but like ive been there. she also strays away from the model minority myth--she refuses to take the safe route.i think its a rlly nice and subtle way to show classism and racism without it like, just telling you. i could go on forever abt clark being a jewish immigrant adoptee too he's part of the group even tho he's white (passing). i like the way the show kinda plays around with "but hes not like us/hes dangerous!" no matter how nice he is-- its the same model minority stuff nimona touched on with no matter how nice you are people will still see your worst. but i digress
and just generally abt how they portray lois: i really like her!!! bc it's a younger version of her (superman origin story), it makes sense that she's super spunky and peppy since she's an intern rn. but she's still the kind of woman who runs headfirst into danger without thinking. i like that her character is 'i hate being lied to' because of her past with her dad which then in turn makes her a super nosy reporter who wants the truth. cant wait 2 see what happens next week now that she figured out clark is superman
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