#when you already know the days gonna be crappy so you go on a coffee run at 7am and wake up early to get there as soon as the store opens
roses-and-elixir · 4 months
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theemporium · 10 months
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[3.1k] it was a placebo effect. you were so sure of it. but a deal with your boyfriend makes you rethink your stance on the aphrodisiac-laced chocolate. (smut)
“I don’t buy it.” 
Eddie raised his brows, something quite like a smirk on his lips. “No?”
“Not for a second,” you said with a shake of your head. “It’s all a placebo effect.” 
“A placebo effect,” he repeated, thoroughly amused as he shifted back against his seat, his attention now purely focused on you. “I don’t think you can call drugs a placebo effect.” 
“It’s not drugs though,” you pointed out to him. “At least not any of the fun ones. It’s an aphrodisiac, also known as the coward’s drug.” 
This time Eddie snorted. 
“The dude supplying you is fucking with you, Eddie, you’ve been ripped off,” you said, sniffling a little as you took in the array of drugs lined up on the coffee table like it was an average Tuesday. 
Well, because for the two of you, it was an average Tuesday. 
“He said he’s tried it himself,” Eddie countered, his eyes watching you closely before he reached for what looked like—to the untrained eye—as a simple bar of chocolate. “Went as far as saying it worked wonders.” 
Your brows furrowed together in response. “I still don’t buy it.” 
The first Tuesday of the month was the same for Eddie. He would drive over a couple of towns, to a town that was much bigger than Hawkins. It would be a day trip, he would leave early in the morning after pressing a kiss to the top of your head before shoving his mouth with some toast as he walked out the trailer. He would get back an hour or so before dinner, utilising the coffee counter whilst you whipped something up for the two of you. It would take him an hour or so to get through everything and sort out his inventory, then he would be all yours for the rest of the night. 
No drugs. No distractions. Just you and him and whatever crappy movie he picked up from Family Video on the way back home.
Except, this Tuesday was a little different when Eddie barrelled through the door with a massive grin split across his face, already rambling about some new product his supplied had given him a few testers on. 
Hence, leading to the two of you staring at the somewhat disappointing chocolate bar.
“You’re being cynical,” he commented.
“I’m being realistic,” you retorted as you leaned over, plucking the bar between your fingers. There was no writing on the packaging, not a single word. It was just a simple black wrapper with a love heart plastered in the middle. You snorted at the sight. “Baby, you can’t seriously think this works?” 
Eddie only shrugged in response. 
You rolled your eyes, throwing the chocolate bar back down on the table. “You are too trusting in stupid shit.” 
“Hey, it’s never stopped that stupid shit being true in the past,” Eddie countered. “No one thought demogorgons were gonna be real now, did they?”
You gave him a pointed look. “Fair but—”
“Take it with me.”
You paused, your words faltering as you stared at him suspiciously. “What?”
“Take it with me,” he said as he reached for the bar of chocolate, waving it in a teasing manner. “If you’re so sure it’s a load of shit, then there is no harm in trying it, right? Worst case scenario, we enjoy a bit of chocolate and go about our lives knowing you were unfortunately right.”
Your lips twitched. “And best case scenario?” 
Eddie’s grin widened, boyish and cheeky and full of promises that made your thighs clench together. “We fuck like bunnies until the sun rises tomorrow morning.”
You snorted. “You have a way with words, Munson.”
But Eddie just extended the bar towards you. “First one to touch the other loses?” 
Your eyes narrowed on the bar, knowing very well that your boyfriend was baiting you. He was testing that competitive streak in you, that he was just goading you, tricking you. You knew that and yet, you still fell for it.
“You’ve got yourself a deal, Munson.”
“That’s what I like to hear, sweetheart.” 
The first hour passed and you didn’t feel any different. You could have laughed at how blatantly stupid the whole scenario was. The chocolate didn’t taste any different to a bar you could buy at the store, maybe a little bitter but you just assumed it was dark chocolate and moved on. 
You made your way into the kitchen, deciding to finish up dinner whilst Eddie sorted out the last of his inventory before you both found yourself settled on the small couch, plates of pasta in your hands as the movie Eddie picked played on the television.
On separate sides of the couch, of course. 
There was something like a smug smirk on your lips as you happily ate your dinner, a rush of adrenaline coursing through you because you knew you were right. It was a load of shit, just some dumb trick to fool people into spending whatever obscene amount dealers could charge them for ‘sex chocolate’. 
It was around thirty minutes into the second hour when you started to feel hot. 
Not flushed. Not warm.
Your body felt hot, like it was burning up. It was uncomfortable, but not in the way you expected. It wasn’t the kind of heat you felt when you stayed out in the sun for too long and your skin started to feel prickly. It wasn’t the heat when it was stuffy and muggy and the air clung onto you like a second skin. 
It was the kind of heat when Eddie would whisper something filthy in your ear when you were out, when his voice was a little raspy and strands of his hair tickled your neck as he told you every single dirty, little thing he wanted to do to you before walking away like nothing happened.
It was the kind of heat when his chest was pressed against your back, his hands running over every inch of your body as he slowly slid his cock inside you, letting you feel every inch until you swore you could feel him in the back of your throat.
It was the kind of heat that had you begging to feel every inch of him pressed against you, but even then it wasn’t enough. 
You wanted to ignore it. You tried to ignore it.
But it only led to you being painfully observant of everything around you. 
The inches that separated you and Eddie on the couch, a distance that wasn’t all that big considering it was a small couch, but now felt like an ocean between you. You wanted it gone. You wanted to crawl over and settle yourself into his side, to just feel his body against yours.
The way his hand wrapped around the beer can, the clinking of his rings against the metal can. You could see the drops of condensation rolling down the can, you knew it was just out of the fridge and it would leave his hands and rings just cold enough to make you shiver if he touched your heated skin. You wanted to feel him.
The way his tongue darted out, wetting his lips every few minutes as his eyes remained focused on the screen. The way he would tug his bottom lip between his teeth, lightly biting down when the movie got too intense. You wanted to be the one to bite his lip, to hear that little groan he would let out when you’d suck it between your lips. 
You fucking wanted him more than you had ever wanted him in your life. And as stupid and dramatic as it sounded, you thought you were going to end up burning a hole through the couch if he didn’t touch you soon.
“You’re drooling a little, baby.” 
You blinked, snapping out of your spiralling thoughts to find your boyfriend grinning at you, this time looking as smug as you did less than an hour ago. You cleared your throat, turning your gaze to the television as you pretended to understand whatever was happening on the screen.
“What were you thinking about?” Eddie continued to push, a shit-eating grin on his face as he watched you squirm in your seat. 
“Taxes,” you stated bluntly.
He huffed out a laugh, his eyes falling down to your thighs as you clenched them together. “Didn’t realise taxes got you so worked up.”
“I find them riveting,” you continued.
“Really,” Eddie mused, stretching his arm across the back of the couch. It wasn’t close enough to touch you, but enough for you to be heavily aware of the ringed fingers a few mere inches away from you. “Nothing else is making you squirm?”
You instantly froze. “I’m not squirming.”
“You haven’t been able to sit still for the last twenty minutes, baby,” Eddie commented, his voice a little rougher as he spoke. “Bet you’re fucking soaked.
You stayed silent.
“You gonna admit it, sweetheart? Gonna admit you’re all worked up?” His words were like a phantom touch across your body. “Just sitting there, thinking how nice it would be just just feel my hand slide between your legs and touch your—”
“I’m actually fine,” you bit out, a little more high-pitched than you would have liked. “But it seems like you’re having some issues over there.”
“Baby, I’ve been as hard as a fucking rock since I came back home,” Eddie snorted as he eyed the shirt of his you had been prancing around in all day. “Don’t need some chocolate to make me wanna fuck you, but it’s definitely helping.”
Almost instinctively you glanced over, your eyes falling to his lap to see if he was telling the truth.
He was, and you almost instantly regretted looking.
He had changed into some sweatpants, and guessing by the tent in his trousers, it didn’t take a genius to figure out he wasn’t wearing boxers either. You could feel the coil in your stomach tightened as you stared at his bulge, imagining what it would feel like to just reach out. To wrap your hand around the length of him and listen to the way he would shatter under your touch before you wrapped your lips around his cock and—
“You’re drooling again, baby.”
Your eyes instantly snapped away again, your cheeks flushed and heated as you tried to focus on the movie again. But you didn’t know what was happening, you didn’t even know what the name of the movie was. All you could think about was Eddie’s cock. 
Your head snapped around to look at him again when he let out a low groan, his head leaning back against the couch as he palmed the length of his cock over his sweatpants. Your lips parted, watching the way he twitched under the fabric.
“What…what are you doing?” 
His head turned to look at you, a lazy smile on his face. “Never said anything about not touching ourselves,” he pointed out, squeezing his cock and letting out a pathetic noise. “Ah, fuck.”
Your mouth ran dry as you watched him. He was far more captivating to watch than the crappy movie, the way his chest heaved up and down with soft pants as he tried not to buck his hips. He was so fucking pretty and he was all yours, and you didn’t give two shits about the bet or anything else.
You wanted him and you were going to have him.
Eddie barely blinked before you were on top of him, straddling his waist as your hands reached for his face. His lips parted in surprise, a noise of surprise leaving his lips as his hands instantly moved to your hips, holding and clinging onto you like he had been wanting to do for the last two hours. 
“Shut up,” you grumbled against his lips before you kissed him. 
It wasn’t a sweet kiss. It wasn’t sweet or loving or full of affection. It was sloppy and messy and desperate. It was needy and pathetic and it wasn’t doing enough to damper the heat that settled over your whole body since you ate that damn chocolate bar. You wanted more. You needed more. 
“Knew you’d give in,” Eddie murmured between shared kisses, groaning when you nipped his lip a little too hard. “Knew you’d be eating your own words.”
“Yes, whatever,” you snapped before pulling back, taking in his flushed cheeks and smug expression. “And now, I want you to fuck me, Munson. So, shut up and fuck me.” 
“Yes, ma’am,” he grinned as his hands dropped to your legs, squeezing the fat of your thighs as he moved like he was getting ready to stand up, but your hand on his chest stopped him.
“No,” you whined, your words a little breathier than you realised. “Here. Need you to fuck me here, Eddie.”
“Here?” he cooed, a tinge of mockery twisted in his words and it just made you squirm on his lap. “My pretty girl that needy for me? You don’t even wanna go to the bedroom?”
“Eddie,” you choked out, wiggling on his lap until you felt his bulge brushing against the cotton fabric of your panties. “Shit, please.”
“Shhh, baby, I got you,” he murmured as his hand rested on your throat, his thumb brushing against your beating pulse. “Gonna give you everything you need.”
You were too impatient to pause even for a second, let alone long enough to strip out of your clothes. But Eddie was no better. Despite the patronising words and soft touches, he was fucking desperate to be inside of you. He had been desperate and regretting his words the second the deal left his lips, he was just glad you finally gave in. 
His sweatpants were pushed down enough for his cock to spring free, red and leaking and desperate to be inside of you. You hadn’t even lifted yourself off his lap to take off your panties, just pushing them to the side as you swiped the tip of his dick along your soaking folds before you finally sunk down on him.
Your head fell to his shoulder, a muffled sob let out as you felt each inch of him slide inside you. His fingers were gripping the cheeks of your ass, squeezing and digging into your skin as he tried to hold back, as he tried to think about everything except the fact he wanted to come already.
That self restraint lasted all but thirty seconds before you were bouncing on his cock, before your nails were digging into his chest, before you were moaning like something out of a fucking porno. 
You had completely lost all care and inhibitions, and it was the hottest thing Eddie had ever seen in his life.
The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed through the trailer, deafening the movie still playing on the screen. You bounced on his cock until you came once, twice, three times and it still wasn’t enough. You wanted more of him, you needed to feel every part of him until it was all you could think, smell and taste. 
There was a part of him that would care later, that would be mindful of the mess you had both made. The fact your release was soaking your thighs, his own and the couch beneath you. The fact that the trailer was stuffy and hot and probably smelt like sex. The fact that the remaining clothes you had kept on were all but shredded in a pile on the floor.
Those would all be things for him to care about later, but not when your face was pressed against the arm of the couch, nails digging into fabric of the couch as you wiggled your ass impatiently. 
“Please,” you all but sobbed, one hand reaching back for him. “Please, Eddie, I need you—”
His hand reached for yours, intertwining your fingers before he leaned down to press a chaste kiss to your cheek. “I know, baby, I know,” he cooed, his voice low and gruff and the whine that left your mouth was almost embarrassing. “Such a needy fucking slut.”
“Just need your cock,” you murmured, your eyes fluttering shut when you felt his tip nudge against your swollen clit. “Need you inside me, please.”
“My needy slut,” he murmured, another sloppy kiss placed against your lips before he sat up, his hands gripping your waist so tight you were sure you would bruise by the morning, but you didn’t care. 
Not when he started to pound into you from behind, not when the noises leaving your lips were debauched and desperate and sending a thrill of pleasure down his spine. Not when he could feel your walls clenching around him, your ass bouncing against his pelvis with every thrust until he couldn’t help himself as his hand came down on your ass cheek.
The moan you let out only encouraged him to do it again.
“Shit, look at you,” he groaned, watching the way your needy cunt swallowed him whole with every buck of his hips. “S’like you were made f’me, baby, fucking made for my cock.”
Your moans were whiny and incoherent.
“Yeah? My little whore made for my cock?” he gritted out through clenched teeth, his hips pressed against yours as he leaned over your body, as his chest pressed against your back and his arms wound around your body to grope your tits. “My little toy, hm?”
“Yours,” you murmured out, your lips parting in a silent scream as the coil deep in your stomach tightened. 
“My little toy gonna come?” he murmured, watching in delight the way you silently nodded, tears slipping down your face. “Come f’me, baby, let me feel you come.” 
 You were a mess by the time Eddie came too, a mix of your come and his own leaking out of you and onto the couch. Your skin was shiny with a layer of sweat, your body far too tired to even hold yourself up. And yet, still, you craved him. You craved more.
“Those chocolates are fucking dangerous,” Eddie murmured in amusement as he placed a bottle of water at your lips, lightly slapping your ass until you finally took a few gulps.
“Need you,” you whispered with a sniffle.
“Still?” He grinned before he joked. “Maybe we should do this every day.”
“Eddie,” you whined but he was there, he was always there to give you want.
“I know, baby, but gotta give you a lil’ break,” he murmured, and yet despite saying as much, you couldn’t help but let out a needy mewl when he slid back inside you, quick and easy considering how wet you still were. “Gonna keep you full, honey. I said until the morning, and I mean that.”
“Good,” you grumbled as you nuzzled yourself against his chest, still craving that closeness.
“Remind me to call Johnny tomorrow and ask for a bigger batch of those chocolates too.” 
You could only snort in response as Eddie placed a kiss against your temple.
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lvlyhao · 7 months
『when he's on tour / MARK LEE』
A/N: thoughts on how mark would be as bf when he's away on tour :(
gifs used in this are not mine and they will be removed if requested!!
𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓻𝓮𝓼: fluff (♡), comedy (☼)
𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼: i swear a bit maybe???
disclaimer: the characters in the story below do not reflect real people or present real facts. this is purely fictional, and you may not copy, change, translate or repost my work in any way. all rights reserved © lvlyhao 2023.
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mark is usually pretty clingy with you already, but he turns it up to the max before a tour
being away from you like that is one of the parts about his job he hates the most, and yeah, he knew what he was signing up for since the beginning
but he can’t help but be heartbroken about it every. single. time
the other members know him well enough to give like a 2 weeks notice for him to get his shit together and spend as much time with you as humanly possible??
cus otherwise, he’ll get caught up in rehearsals, schedules and whatever else and then the day before they leave be like
“oh shit”
and if that’s the case we all know mark is gonna be miserable during the whole thing right lmao
yeah mom taeyong isn’t letting that happen
mark normally sees the time before a tour as an opportunity to check off a LOT of things from your couples bucket list
like, do you have any tv shows you’ve been meaning to watch together? you’re binging it today
you wanted to visit that coffee shop right? get your coat, you’re going rn
you wanted to buy matching bracelets yeah? he’s already got them
and it’s just a very fun, loving time for the both of you
it keeps you busy enough not to spiral about what it’s gonna be like not seeing each other for months
of course, it doesn’t work 100% of the time
especially at night, when mark’s about to fall asleep, the loneliness of not having you around starts to seep in
and it’s like he says goodbye to you in his head before it happens irl
which is 1. sad as heck??? and 2. kinda suffering through it twice, cus he always thinks he’s gonna be more “well prepared” for it this time, and that’s never true
by now it’s probably pretty obvious touring is a very dramatic experience for him right lmao
johnny’s always like “bro it’s just a couple months you’re gonna be f i n e” but for mark it’s,,, not that simple
he’d rather say bye when it’s just the two of you, maybe at your place or somewhere nice
it feels a lot calmer when it’s like that, cus then it’s tight hugs, some kisses and mark saying he promises he’ll text you every day and call you as much as he can
and yeah maybe one of you lets a tear or two fall down but it’s fine
if you go with them to the airport
it’s gonna be so much more chaotic like holy crap, trust me, not going is the better option
if for some unknown reason you’re like “no i’ll go with you to catch the plane and we’ll say bye there”
there’s gonna be a lot more crying involved
cus it’s one thing hugging you bye when his flight’s in 6 hours or so, but it’s a whole other thing when everyone’s already boarding and some other member is trying very hard to be gentle but he has to go NOW
it’s all so rushed he can barely even tell you he loves you :(
mainly bc he wanted to keep hugging you until he absolutely had to let you go
oh well
mark is 10000% the type to ask you to put together a playlist for him to listen to during the trip
he can be a bit of an airhead at times but he does his best to keep you updated on how he’s doing, where he is right now, things of the sort
so he tries to text you the moment the plane lands, when they get to the hotel, when he’s eaten
and it’s not even just texts
it’s a cute candid selfie AND a text
mark is definitely not the best photographer in nct
but he will try so hard to take good pictures for you
cus all he wants is for you to feel like you’re there with him, seeing all those cool places
having said that, most pictures do turn out to be crappy
but he’s willing to ask for help from another member so it’s all good lmao
(i’m looking at johnny, jaemin or tyong tbh)
sends you a picture of every single dog or cat he sees
absolutely every single one
keeps a clock in your timezone in his phone so he knows the best times to text/call
speaking of calling
i’m sorry to tell you you’re not getting a one on one facetime session with him
it’s just not happening
like it may last 5 minutes tops, but that’s the time it takes for someone to hear your voice/barge into his room and immediately ask to talk to you
haechan, johnny, yukhei and baek do that a lot
but normally the other members follow lmao
it’s 50% to annoy him but 50% bc they genuinely wanna see you
it doesn’t bother you too much cus you know
they’re cute or whatever
he’s not really the type to get small trinkets from every place he goes to bc that’s just ??so much??
instead, he’ll probably get you one really nice gift
like this huge plushie he had to carry around himself on their way back home bc no one had enough space in their bags for it
or a new perfume he thinks you’ll like
i love him your honour
one last thing bc this is already way too long
mark is the KING of backstage pictures and TMI's about the other members
like at this point you have enough blackmail material to torture them for 6 months minimum
and tbh it’s mainly haechan when he’s with dream/127 and jongin with superm lol
but he keeps it varied
you end up with even some derpy jaehyun pics, best case scenario
he’s already making plans on how you are gonna celebrate him being back home
…and it most likely includes building a pillow fort and watching marvel movies but i didn’t tell you that
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wheels-of-despair · 3 months
The Boy Is Mine (The Wheels Edition) Pairing: Eddie Munson x You Summary: Eddie and Evil Woman have a romantic night in. Contains: Snacks, smokes, alcoholic beverages purchased at a discount, teasing, snarking, fake snoring, Eddie being a butt-head. Project: @carolmunson's The Boy Is Mine Exercise Words: 700ish
(I haven't read any of the other entries yet, so if this is similar to someone else's... I'm sorry your brain is also lame. 😂 Props and dialogue prompts are in bold.)
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"I ran out of like, nice cups, is this okay?"
"Eddie, we're drinking wine from a box that we got in the clearance aisle," you laugh from the couch. "A coffee mug is fine."
Eddie grins and brings two mugs to the coffee table, then kneels by the TV to put in the first movie of the night.
You take a minute to survey the heart-achingly romantic scene in front of you: Date Night at Eddie's. (Sponsored by Markdown Day at Bradley's Big Buy.) You scored a cheap box of wine, heavily discounted cupcakes with the lopsided vanilla frosting, several bags of chips nearing expiration dates, and even a small cookie cake that was originally intended for someone named Carol.
"That everything?"
"Yup," you answer, reaching for a mug of wine and propping your feet up. The VCR comes to life with a clunk, the noise on the TV becomes a crappy monster movie, and Eddie drops onto the cushion next to you with a bounce.
He leans back with his own drink, and you clink your mugs before sampling your cheap-ass wine… which actually isn't bad.
"The hell is this," Eddie mumbles into his mug.
"Cheap wine?" you supply helpfully, going in for another sip.
"And you like it?"
"It's everything I want from a box of discounted grocery store wine," you chuckle.
"It's fruity," he complains.
"So are you."
"Shut up," he grumbles good-naturedly, leaning forward to grab a bag of chips.
You crunch and munch and maybe take a few hits off a bowl and drink your cheap wine while you enjoy your cheesy monster movie.
Every few minutes, Eddie leans forward to grab a small notebook from the coffee table and scribble in it with a pencil he's chewed the eraser off of.
"Whatcha doin'?" you finally ask.
"Campaign stuff," he says without looking up.
"Yeah? Am I inspiring you?" you tease.
"Nah," he mumbles. "Movie."
"Hmph," you scoff playfully. "I see how it is." You scoot toward the other end of the couch, leaving behind the warmth of the thigh that had been pressing against yours for the last hour. You lean back over and steal the bag of chips from his lap as an afterthought. This is when he decides to look up.
"What are you doing?"
"Being uninspirational," you say cheekily, popping a chip in your mouth.
"Aw, don't be like that. That's not even true." He puts down his little notebook and his gnawed-on pencil and crawls toward you. He rests his head on your shoulder, throws an arm across your stomach, and looks up at you with his best puppy eyes.
You roll your eyes and reach into the bag for a chip, holding it to his mouth. He opens wide and accepts. You alternate between feeding him and yourself through the movie's thrilling climax.
Eddie doesn't move when the end credits begin to roll. You give your shoulder a gentle shake to get his attention. His head slides down onto your breast.
"Eddie. Movie's over."
He nuzzles his face into your chest.
"I'll change the tape. Just let me up."
"Can't hear you. Sleeping."
"Eddie. I gotta pee."
"Honk-shoo, honk-shoooo," Eddie fake snores. You know he's grinning. Like an idiot. Because he is one.
You reach for the nearest throw pillow, take aim, and smack him in the face with it.
"That wasn't nice," he grumbles.
"Unhand me, nerd."
You hit him again.
"If you don't stop, we're gonna have a problem."
"Already got one," you smirk. "Big eyes, bigger mouth, won't get the hell off of me."
You feel him chuckle, but he still doesn't move, so you whack him in the face with the pillow again.
Eddie growls and tries to take it from you. A struggle ensues. It's all a tangle of hair and limbs for a few seconds, but you emerge from the chaos victorious and free of one Edward Munson.
He crosses his arms over the pillow and pouts when he realizes you've escaped.
"I'm coming right back, nerd," you call over your shoulder. "Pour me another mug of that crappy wine if you want me to put out tonight."
You hear him scrambling into the kitchen before you even close the bathroom door.
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lyak12 · 2 years
I will always protect you
Scarlett Johansson x FemBodyguardReader
Summary: You’ve been Scarlett’s bodyguard for years already but what do you do if you catch more than just feelings for her when you take care of her....
word count: 5138 words
Warnings: Vomiting, sickness (idk if it needs a warning but here you go), some rude as guy, lmk if I need to add something else
A/N: I’m back, hopefully for good now and please just ignore the crappy titel and summary, I couldnt come up with something better for the life of me. This is basically just pure fluff and comfort and some protective R. Just a quick disclaimer, I don’t have anything against Adam Driver, but since I needed a “bad guy” and watched marriage story before it just turned out to be him... I hope you enjoy my longest fic yet and please don't to post it anywhere else or share it as your own.
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It was 5.30 am as your alarm went off and you got up to get ready. Being Scarlett’s bodyguard for over two years already getting ready was well practiced. Throwing on your black tight-fitting suit with a black shirt and black sneakers you quickly grabbed a banana and coffee to go and made your way to Scarletts apartment. You’d need to get some food at some point that day anyway. It was Comic Con and it would be a long day, that was one thing you were sure of already but you loved your job and wouldn’t change it for the world.
As Scarlett opened the door to her apartment you could already tell that something was up. She looked tired and it didn’t seem like she was feeling her best. “Good morning Y/N, come in. I just need to grab a few more things”, she said smiling softly and you went in. Walking in you closed the door behind you and just watched her as she quickly gathered the rest of her stuff around her apartment. “You ready for Comic Con?”, you asked smiling, knowing she loved it to interact with her fans. Scarlett looked up to see you smiling at her. The smile that spread across her face was gorgeous. “Yeah, I hope it’s gonna be good”, she said and threw her phone into her bag. You could hear that her voice was slightly raspier than normal so you walked up to her to take one of her bags as you asked gently “You feeling alright?”.
 Scarlett just smiled softly looking up at you before she answered “Yeah I’m okay. Just a bit of a rough night that’s all”. Nodding you took her one bag before walking to the door already. To say you were not convinced would be the least but you also knew Scarlett long enough to know that she would work until she couldn’t anymore. You’d just have to keep an eye on her today. Holding the door open for her you get down to the car and drive to the location. The drive you spend on some small talk while also studying her a bit more up close.
 Once you arrived at the convention center you opened the door for her and start to make your way inside. At the entrance the head of security already waits for you. Being ex-military you’d like to be informed of the security on-side, however instead of greeting you he almost immediately turned to you and asked “Who are you?”. “I’m her bodyguard”, you said and he just gave you a judgmental once over. “We have enough security personnel here, you’re not needed here”, he just said thinking the conversation is over but not with you. “Excuse me? You have one of the most famous actors here. Who are you to judge if there is enough security personnel she is comfortable with here?”, you started discussing and before he even could say another word Scarlett said “She goes where I go, so either you let her in or I leave as well. End of discussion”. Giving you another once over he just nodded and let the both of you in. “Unbelievable”, Scarlett said and you couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle. She looked up at that and gave you a small tired smile. She was not in the mood to mess with today.
 Taking her other bag as well she just smiled at you thankfully. On the drive you could already tell she was coming down with a cold or something. Especially because of the fact that she barely touched her coffee. So once she was in hair in make up you quickly checked out the location and also made your way down the street to pick up a few things for her. After picking up some tissues, ibuprofen and some tea you walked back to join her.
 Walking back into the room her eyes find yours as a small smiled played on her lips. “Where have you been?”, she asked softly and you just walked up to her saying “Checked out the location and got you this”. Handing her the tea she smelled it and smiled realizing it was her favorite. “Thank you”, she said and you smiled at her nodding, giving her shoulder a soft squeeze.
 The day starts and you’re always close but never in the way. As she gets up on the stage for the panel you sit down on a chair next to the bodyguards of her colleagues, already knowing a few of them from different sets they all worked on together and kept a close eye on her. “Hey Y/N you wanna come get some food?”, asked Brian and you quickly looked at him before politely declining “No thank you, I’m good here”. He smiled and they went away as you concentrated on Scarlett again. She catches your eyes a few times, always giving you a small smile but you could read her body language like no other. You knew she was starting to get a headache and held back a few coughs.
 Once they were done and Scarlett came down from stage, she walked up to you and you both make your way into their break room. All of them could get a few minutes of rest before the meet and greet would start. Grabbing a bottle of water you got the ibuprofen out of your pocket and handed it to her, saying “Here for your headache”. Scarlett looked at you smiling and answered “You always surprise me with how well you can read me”. “That’s part of my job”, you winked and she quickly took an ibuprofen before handing the pack back to you. After thanking you she rejoined the cast and you stayed at the side until it was time to leave.
 After a bit of a discussion once again you stayed close to Scarlett during the meet and greet and provided her with tissues and hand sanitizer whenever she got hit with a sneeze. You could see her energy level draining with every minute but she would never let it show in front of her fans.
 By the end of the day you were starting to get a bit tired as well but Scarlett was exhausted and the way her cheeks were slightly flushed probably also a bit feverish. As everyone got ready to leave, you made sure to gather everything for her while she sat on the couch with her eyes closed, clearly exhausted. You couldn’t help but smile at that. She looked adorable even though it hurt you that she was sick.
 “Come on Scar, let’s get you home”, you said softly as you gently shook her awake. She looked up and smiles softly as she saw both of her bags on your shoulder already. Pulling her up with your free hand you gently placed your hand on the small of her back while you guided her to the car. Once you were both inside the driver started to drive you to Scarlett’s apartment. As she rested against your side you could feel the heat radiating off of her. You were concerned but you didn’t want to disturb the peaceful silence so you just wrapped your arm around her as she shivered slightly. Taking your jacket off you quickly laid it around her to keep her warm. She wanted to say something but you just whispered “Shh I got you”. She smiled and cuddled deeper into you before falling asleep for the rest of the drive.
 Once at her apartment you gently shook her awake, guided her up and helped her into her bedroom. You knew where everything was since you brought a drunk Scarlett to bed a few times before already, that only showing how comfortable she was with you. You got her a pair of Pj’s and laid it next to her as she woke up a bit more. “Are you gonna be okay on your own?”, you asked softly and she smiled softly before saying “Yeah, I’m a big girl Y/N”. Smiling you answered “I know, but promise to call me if you need something okay? You know I’m only one call away”. “I know, thank you”, she said blushing softly. “Get some rest and get well”, you said gently and she nodded. After one last smile you made your way to your car and drove back home as well. After all it was an exhausting day for you too.
Thankfully the next few days Scarlett had no appointments so she could rest up and recover from the cold. She send you another message that night, telling you how thankful she was for having you around and thanking you again for helping her. She also kept you updated the next few days how she’s doing and thankfully as you had to fly to LA 4 days later for the SAG awards she was feeling fine again.
 There was no one who could jump in for you and you would never leave Scarlett with someone she didn’t know. So you peeled your aching body out of bed and took a shower to feel a bit more human. While you made sure to fix your make up and hair you also mentally prepared to somehow get through this day.
  You were feeling fine the whole way to LA including that evening, so you were even more surprised as you woke up in the middle of the night feeling like crap. It started with chills but soon turned into a very upset stomach and you spending most of the night in the bathroom getting rid of what felt like everything you’ve ever eaten. You went to bed again at around 4, knowing that your alarm would go off again in not even two hours. Curling up into a ball you fell back sleep trying to get the last bit of rest before another exhausting day.
You fell asleep pretty quickly thankfully the exhaustion just taking over but you could barely get some rest before your alarm woke you up again. Turning off the alarm you just laid on your back for a second, collecting yourself. You were pretty sure you caught whatever Scarlett had the week before and if she had a similar night to you it also explained why she wouldn’t drink her coffee. Thankfully you weren’t feeling like you were going to be sick again, not that there was anything left anyway, but your stomach still felt a bit off and your head hurt. You were sure the rest of the symptoms she had were following soon but you did not have time to think about that.
 Once you were okay with your appearance you had a few sips of water and made your way to Scarlett’s room. Taking a moment to collect yourself one last time you knocked at the door and a smiling Scarlett opened the door for you. She was in a good mood so returning her smile was not hard. “Good morning, someone is in a good mood”, you said smiling as she let you in and she just grinned happily. You were happy that she didn’t seem to catch on that you weren’t feeling great and you would do everything so it stayed that way. “I feel like today is gonna be a good day”, she said and you just smiled. Well not for you…
 “We’re driving to the other hotel that is closer to the theater in a few minutes for hair, make up and outfit and when you’re done and we still have some time left an interviewer of Vanity fair will have a quick interview with you. If not they will do that at the awards later”, you explained the plan to her and she nodded smiling. Grabbing her bag you both made your way down to the car and made your way to the other hotel.
 You never had a problem with motion sickness but after the night you had, you weren’t a big fan of the drive. You weren’t feeling sick just a bit uneasy so you weren’t as chatty as usual which Scarlett immediately picked up on. “Are you okay? You’re more quiet than usual”, she asked softly and you mentally cursed yourself for letting your strong front slip slightly. Looking into her slightly worried green eyes you smiled and gave her a reassuring look while saying “I’m fine, just needed to get used to the mattress last night”. Scarlett smiled softly and nodded before she said “Yeah me too”.
She wasn’t completely convinced but decided to let it rest for now. For the rest of the way and also as you arrived at the hotel she kept a close eye on you. Trying to read your body language and started to assume that she got you sick with whatever she had the week before. So as soon as her assistant arrived she send her out to pick up some, crackers, ginger ale, ibuprofen and tissues. Just to be prepared if you did catch it.
 You were standing at the side of the room busy working through the security concept for that night at the awards and afterparty, trying to blend out how tired you were and how crappy you were feeling. You were so immersed into your phone, that you didn’t notice Scarlett walking up to you. As she was standing in front of you, you looked up and noticed the things in her hands. Rising your eyebrows and looking into her eyes confused she said “I figured you could use some of it”. Your heart melted at how cute and adorable she was right now but you were not gong to give up your strong front.
 “I told you I’m fine, just a bit tired that’s all”, you said gently, not wanting to offend her but you couldn’t help the small smile that played on your lips. “I know. Still, sit down a bit, you’re gonna be on your feet for long enough later”, she said in a tone that left no room to argue. You sighed softly but inside you felt flattered that she wanted to take care of you as well.
 She placed the things on the nightstand as you reluctantly sat down. After a pointed stare from her you also leaned against the headboard and got a bit more comfortable. She could be very persistent if she wanted something, that was something you learned pretty quickly. While she continued to get ready you took off your shoes and pulled your knees up to your chest as you started to nibble on the crackers. You knew you needed to eat and the ginger ale helped things to settle a bit too.
 What you didn’t know was that Scarlett watched you through the mirror softly, happy that she could help a little. After eating a few crackers and drinking half of the bottle you took an ibuprofen in hopes it would ease the headache. Going over the security details once again on your phone you could feel your eyelids getting heavier but tried to ignore it. However after a few minutes you could no longer fight off the exhaustion and fell asleep, your phone falling on the bed.
 The smile spreading over Scarlett’s face was soft as she saw you asleep in the mirror. You were way more exhausted than you led on. She knew it would take at least two more hours until you would leave so she said to her make up artist “Hold on one second, I’ll be right back”. She nodded and Scarlett got up making her way to the bed before gently laying you down and covering you with her jacket. Slightly pushing a strand of hair out of your face, she was glad you weren’t running a fever. At least not yet.
 Plugging your phone in so it’s fully charged once you had to leave, she sat back down and they finished getting her ready.
 As you woke up you realized you were laying on the bed.
Shit did you actually fall asleep?! It did feel pretty good though…
You sit up just as Scarlett walks up to you all ready and looking gorgeous like always. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep”, you said while blinking the sleep out of your eyes. You gotta admit the nap did make you feel slightly better but you still weren’t feeling great. “Don’t worry about it. You needed it and I’m glad you made sure the time you had to wait was well spend”, she answered softly but you could hear the ever so slight worried undertone.
 You smiled softly especially as you see that your phone was fully charged since she made sure to plug it in. Knowingly ignoring the part where she said you needed it. Putting on your shoes you grab your jacket and look at her seeing the slightly concerned look in her eyes. Grabbing her hand you give it a gentle squeeze saying “I’m fine Scarlett, come on lets go”. Scarlett just sighed softly and nodded before you both made your way down to the car. The interview would be at the awards.
 In the car her eyes were still on you so you caught her eyes and told her smiling softly “You look really beautiful tonight, Scarlett”. You could see the blush creeping across her cheeks as she looked down shyly and thanked you. As you reach the location you help her out of the car and let her walk the red carpet, doing the things she can do best. You’re always close making sure to stay on high alert and notice if she gets overwhelmed. Muffling a few coughs into your elbow when no one was watching, you could feel your throat starting to get a bit scratchy.
 During the awards you were standing at the side of the room, glad that Scarlett had a seat at the side so you were there in no time if needed. However you could also just disappear in the shadows if they wanted to film or take pictures. Your other bodyguard colleagues always made fun of you in these situations, saying your military side was coming out. That might be true, you were standing tall, arms behind your back and always on high alert even when chatting with your colleagues. I guess years in the army do that to you. Some things stick even if you feel like crap.
 Every once in a while you muffle a cough or sniffle slightly. You were still not feeling great in general, the ever so slight uneasiness in your stomach still there as well.
After the award show everybody slowly started to get ready to leave since the afterparty would start not much later at a different location. However you didn’t move until Scarlett locked eyes with you, your sign to come closer.
 Knowing in situations like these Scarlett had a tendency to get pretty anxious you stayed purposely close. Knowing out of experience it calmed her down. On the way to the exit you met Florence Pugh, Scarlett’s co-star from the black widow movie. You were glad they met because during filming they developed a deep friendship. Scarlett felt safe and comfortable with Flo which was your priority.
 “Scarlett! Heyy”, she greeted her and they hugged closely. You made sure to not stare at them. Giving them a moment of privacy before you heard Flo say “Y/N it’s nice to see you too”. Normally you never interacted with her friends which they knew but Flo was an exception. Giving her a small smile and a nod you got back to work. You knew you couldn’t get distracted in situations like this. “Yess! She smiled at me. I knew I was special”, Florence said proudly and that caused you to chuckle shortly. Scarlett just laughed out loud at Florence cuteness. After a minute they said a quick good bye, saying they would see each other at the afterparty in a bit.
 You guided Scarlett to the exit as you came past Adam Driver, one person you didn’t really like. You knew they were friends but Adam had a tendency to touch Scarlett more than needed, which made her uncomfortable rather quickly and he knew that. Staying closer than necessary to her you made sure to keep an eye on him. After greeting each other with a quick hug he wanted to wrap an arm around her waist but you were quick to swat his hand away before he did so. His eyes flicked to you for a second and you raised an eyebrow shooting him a quick glare. He understood that that was a warning so you kept your eyes on him and stayed aware of your surroundings while they held a quick chat.
 The occasional sniffle or clearing of your throat to stop yourself from coughing however didn’t go unnoticed by Scar since you were standing so close. Soon enough you were making your way back to the car and headed towards the afterparty.
 You couldn’t describe how happy you were to finally sit for a minute. All that standing was way harder when you were sick but the moving of the car disturbed your moment of peace. Swallowing and breathing deep for a second you focused on Scarlett as she moved. Handing you the bottle of ginger ale you kept in the car. You could tell that she noticed but you were not going to give in. „I know you’re fine“, she just said softly after you eyed her skeptically.
 Smiling softly and blushing slightly you took the bottle from her and drank a few sips before also taking another ibuprofen for the headache that only intensified during the award show. Scarlett only watched you silently. She kept purposely quiet to allow you a few moments of rest before you’d be once again stuck keeping her safe for another few hours.
 Arriving you got out first and muffled a few coughs into your elbow before helping her out of the car and going in together. Staying at the side once again you kept a close eye on her while she was having fun. Eventhough you were not a fan of being there you were glad to see Scarlett having fun and letting loose. Seeing her happy made you smile, god you would love to kiss those plump lips of hers.
 Coming out of your daydream you sipped on your water and tried to focus back on your job. It wasn’t like you to zone out like that but as you pinched the bridge of your nose you could feel the slight fever you were running. That explained it. The exhaustion of your long day was eating at you and you craved nothing more than to just lay down in bed and rest.
 Every once in a while Scarlett asked you with her look if you were okay and you always gave her nod. Not willing to show any weakness in front of her. By 1.30 am you were trying your hardest to just keep yourself together. The coughing and sniffling had just gotten worse and with the hard time you had focusing you figured your fever spiked a bit too. You tried your best to keep it from Scarlett but she was keeping an eye on you too.
 As Scarlett walked up to you, you focused on her. „Do you wanna leave? Are you okay?“, she asked gently over the music but you just answered stubbornly „I’m fine Scarlett, we can stay as long as you want to“. She could see the exhaustion behind your stubborn eyes and also that you got a bit paler than before. However she also knew that she wouldn’t win this argument right now so she just sighed and went back to Florence.
 Coming back to Florence, Flo asked „Everything okay?“. „I think I’m gonna leave early. Y/N is not feeling well and I don’t wanna put her through this any longer even if she is way to stubborn for her own good“, she answered and Flo just smiled softly, she knew that Scar had a crush on you for a while already but was to scared to act on her feelings. „Of course Scarlett, go. Take her home and take care of her. Finally tel her how you feel“, Flo said with a pointed look in her eyes and Scarlett couldn’t help but blush. Hugging her tight as a goodbye she made her way back to you and said „Come on, we’re leaving“.
 Confused at her sudden decision, since the night was still young you wanted to say something but Scarlett beat you to it. „Stop it. I know that you’re not feeling well. You probably caught it from me last week and I want you to stop being so stubborn and get home to get some rest“, she said clear but you still weren’t having it. „Scarlett, I’m okay. We don’t need to leave because of me“, you said trying to be as convincing as possible but all the effort was useless as you turned away slightly to harshly cough into your elbow. God you really needed to go home.
 Sniffling slightly as you turned back to her she just looked at you with a raised eyebrow. You knew that look. There was no way for you to get out of that now. She was standing her ground. Giving in sighing you just nodded and Scar smiled softly. Texting the driver to come and get you, you already made your way outside.
 Outside it was pretty chilly in comparison to earlier which caused Scarlett to shiver in the unexpected cold. Taking off your jacket, having a long sleeve under it you gently draped it over her shoulders. „Y/N no…“, Scarlett started but you interrupted her, looking into her eyes „Scarlett I’m sick already and still wearing something warmer right now than you. There is no use in you getting sick again“. Scarlett gave you a stare but kept it, knowing you had a point there.
 While you were waiting for the car you felt your body starting to give up on you. Keeping up the strong front was exhausting. Without you even noticing you started to play with the rings on your fingers. A habit which always showed when you were trying hard to cover up. Scarlett was familiar with that after the years you worked for her already and seeing how excessive you were playing with your rings broke her heart. She could only imagine how bad you were feeling right now. Taking your hand in hers to stop you, you looked up and blushed slightly knowing she caught you.
 Sharing some shy smiles and enjoying your hand in hers neither of you wanted to ruin the moment. However you got pulled out of her amazing green eyes as you heard a guy yelling her name. You were immediately on alert and felt Scar tense slightly beside you. As he came closer, insulting her, you stepped protectively in front of her. Walking up to him to keep him from getting closer you said angry „Shut your mouth and stay away!“. „Or what?“, he asked challenging and looking you up and down. Boy, he really didn’t know what to expect from you but that was the wrong answer.
 Quickly twisting his arm on his back you kicked him in the knees as he dropped down hissing in pain. „Bitch what the fuck!“, he yelled and you just leaned down to his ear saying „Or this is the least painful its gonna get, are we understood?“. He just started grinning again but you did not have the energy to play his games. Pulling his arm up higher he cried out slightly as you said „I didn’t hear you“. „Yes, yes understood“, he said quickly and nodded, tears building in his eyes. The driver stopped in front of you and you said „Scarlett, get into the car“. She did as she was told and you pushed the guy to the ground before getting into the car as well. „Drive“, you instructed and the Drive pulled back onto the streets.
 Looking to Scarlett you could tell that she was afraid and anxious so you quickly opened your arms and said „Come her, you’re safe“. While she cuddled deep into your arms you held her close and helped her calm down. „I’m sorry, I’ll never get used to these situations“, she mumbled into your chest and you just pressed a light kiss to her head before saying „You have nothing to be sorry about, these people are exactly the reason I’m here“. You turned to the side a bit and muffled a cough away from Scarlett before she calmed down and sat back up.
 Keeping a hold on your hand she gave it a gently squeeze to thank you. The drive was taking a bit longer so you pulled your one knee up to you chest, free arm wrapped loosely around your middle and leaned your head back against the seat, closing your eyes. Scarlett knew you weren’t feeling great so you didn’t really bother. By stroking over your hand gently she tried to provide you some comfort and that just caused a small smile to play across your lips. Honestly that little gesture brought way more comfort than she’d ever think.
 As you sniffled once again she handed you a tissue and said „Blow your nose, your headache will only get worse if you don’t. Believe me“. You couldn’t help but blush slightly. She was so caring. Doing as you were told you sanitized your hands and rested your hand beside you again, hoping she would continue to hold it. Scarlett wasted no time to grab your hand again and caressing it gently. Sighing softly you looked up at her and smiled slightly, not used to show yourself this vulnerable.
 Her green eyes found yours and she just smiled. She knew that you never ask for help and do everything on your own so she gently rubbed her fingers over your hand and said „Let me help take care of you“. You looked deep into her eyes while you thought about it. You had trouble letting people in but maybe she was worth it. You knew her, she only meant well and if that would mean that you could spend more time with her outside of the job maybe you could bring yourself to accept her help.
 She let you take your time making your decision and as you looked back up at her mumbling an okay, she gave you a bright smile. That smile made your decision worth it already.
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bordysbae · 1 year
can i get 11. "can i get your number?" with jack hughes?
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“stood up”
jack hughes x fem!reader
word count: 0.8k
i made this in class so i apologize if it’s crappy ugh
recently you’ve been seeing this guy, and today is your guys’ third date. he’s a little flakey when it comes to dates, but throughout all of the rescheduling, you guys finally found a day that works. currently you’re sitting in the small cafe, waiting for the guy who was supposed to be here 5 minutes ago.
another ten minutes pass by, and at this point the waitress has come over twice already. you’re a little embarrassed due to the fact you’ve had to state you’re waiting for someone twice now. after ten more minutes of waiting, you decide to call him. he doesn’t answer, so you leave a voicemail, “hey adam, it’s been 25 minutes. are you on your way? call me back, thanks.” you sigh after ending the message. you notice these three men who seem to be around your age giving you pitiful glances, which makes you even more embarrassed.
“i feel so bad for her, she got stood up.” nico states. “me too, she’s really pretty. i think i’m gonna go ask for her number” jack says. this makes both nico and dawson almost spit out their coffees. “what?” dawson chuckles.
jack gives dawson a confused look, “what do you mean what?” “are you an idiot jack? obviously she’s waiting for someone, what if it’s her boyfriend?!” dawson replies. “well first, you don’t know if you don’t ask. second, if that’s her boyfriend who just stood her up, i don’t think she should be dating him” jack shrugs before pushing his chair back and rising up from it. nico and dawson each share a glance at each other, before watching the 21 year-old boy make his way over to you.
“excuse me?” he says, grabbing your attention. you look up from your phone stupidly expecting it to be adam, but who you’re met with is way more attractive. “yes?” you ask softly, not trying to sound rude. “may i sit?” he asks, and you nod in response. “i saw that you got stood up, and i think you’re really pretty so i wanted to come talk to you” jack says shyly, scratching the back of his neck.
your cheeks begin to turn pink, and you try your best to hide it. “oh thank you! i must say, you’re not too bad yourself.” you smile. “i’m jack, it’s really nice to meet you—“ “y/n. it’s nice to meet you too jack.” you blush.
after a bit of talking with jack and explaining the situation with adam, you discover he plays professional hockey which genuinely shocks you. “wow! i had no idea, that’s amazing! i guess i’ll have to start going to hockey games” you exclaim. “you better, i’d be more than happy to see you in the stands!” he smiles. “whens the next game?” “tonight, actually” “oh really? i think i’m free” you say, pulling out your phone to check your calendar. “can i get your number? i’ll buy you a ticket, i’ll make sure you get the best seat in the house.” he says with a cheesy grin across his face.
“you sure that’s the only reason you want my number, hughes?” you say, a smirk-ish grin growing on your face. “oh were doing nicknames now? jeez, let me take you out on a date first” he chuckles, making you laugh as well. “well i guess you’ll need my number to do that” you shrug, as you hand him your phone to type in his number.
he saves his contact and slides you your phone back, and you see ‘hughes <3’ saved. he hands you his phone to type in your number, and that’s exactly what you do. “i’ll text you the details on your ticket, then maybe we can catch a late dinner afterwards?” he suggests. “that sounds great! and really jack, you don’t need to buy my ticket” “oh i insist. but i better see you in the stands tonight, right up against the glass” “oh you will don’t worry, i’ll be your little cheerleader” you chuckle, and he laughs as well.
“alright then, it’s a date! the game starts at 7:00, so get there around 6:30. and i’ll have someone come find you after the game so we can head to dinner” “thank you again, jack” “of course y/n, i’m really glad i met you. maybe something good can come out of being stood up” “that’s true, it’s not everyday a professional hockey player buys you a ticket to his game and asks you to dinner” you blush, making jacks cheeks turn pink too.
“i need to get going, but i’ll see you tonight y/n!” he smiles before getting up to go back over to the two other boys from earlier, who you now learned to be dawson mercer and nico hischier. you smile to yourself as his friends hype him up over his successful mission.
maybe getting stood up isn’t so bad after all.
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paperweight91 · 8 months
Like I’m Gonna Lose You Part 3
Summary: The morning after your date with Ransom you have to finally face reality, and everything that comes with it.
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Soft!Ransom, talks of threesome, poly? Maybe?
Pairings: Andy Barber x Reader, Ransom Drysdale x Reader
A/N: Guys! It’s here! I’m honestly going to need alllll the feedback here…this is how I saw the story shaping up the whole time…but idk if you’re going to like it! Likes, reblogs and pleeeeaasse all the feedback (did I mention feedback?) thank you ❤️❤️
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Monday saw you waking to a text from Ransom. Good morning Kitten.
A smile spread across your face as you responded with your own morning greeting. Stretching as you check through all the notifications you received overnight. A few emails from crappy email lists, a couple posts on instagram…and all those texts you ignored from Andy.
Andy: Sweetheart, I’m sorry please can we meet?
Andy: I need to talk to you. It’s important.
And about 10 more all with the same tone. Ugh, was he always like this? Maybe I should just agree to meet with him and tell him it’s over.
Andy, I am going to the coffee shop this morning before work. If you really want to talk you can meet me there, but I will not be late for work.
There that was direct, not flirtatious…why do you feel like you need to text Ransom and tell him. No, it was one date. Besides you’re meeting with Andy to make sure he knows it’s over.
With a weariness that had entirely replaced the easy calm morning, you decide to call Ransom while you get ready.
“Well I knew you missed me Kitten, but I didn’t know you missed me that much.” You can hear his smirk through the phone.
You sigh before you respond, “Hilarious Ran. I uh I actually have something I need to talk to you about.” You place your make up supplies on the counter.
“What’s up?” His tone has changed. More guarded maybe? You can tell he’s already on edge.
“I’m, well, I’m going to meet Andy for coffee this morning.” There you said it, it’s out there. Except there’s silence on the other end of the line, you can’t even hear him breathing anymore. “Ransom? Are you still there?”
“Why?” He’s pissed. You definitely shouldn’t have called.
“He’s been blowing up my phone since the gala. I figure I’ll go, let him say his peace and then make sure he knows it’s over.” You examine your finished makeup in the mirror, then glance down at your phone. Hoping Ransom will understand.
“I’ll take you, then drop you to work. Show up on my arm and he’ll definitely know he’s lost to the better man.” At least he’s saying more words. But his tone it’s still the same, you have a feeling you’re going to pay for this later.
“Ransom, I don’t know if that’s a good idea…” you trail off. The last thing you want is a big scene in the middle of the coffee shop.
“I’ll be there in 10, be downstairs.” And with that the line clicks off.
You sigh as you grab your stuff for work. This is going to be terrible.
As soon as you get downstairs you see Ransoms car pull up. You walk over quickly, and get in when he unlocks the doors.
As you plop into the seat the words start rushing out of you like you can’t control them. “Ransom, I’m sorry…I just I didn’t know what else to do and I didn’t want to keep it from you. That didn’t feel right, like I was betraying you. And I know, I know it’s been like one proper date. But -“
Ransom cuts you off with a kiss. This one full of heat, nowhere near as tame as the kiss he gave you the day before. You feel his tongue press against the seam of your lips and you open up to him. Your hands come up and grip onto his chest, not to push him away…just to hold him.
“You’re far too sweet, you know that?” He’s breathless as he pulls away. “So tell me which coffee shop we’re going to.”
You tell him the name and he pulls up the directions on his phone. You sit the entire ride mulling how you want this interaction with Andy to go. You still love him. You know that. You’re falling for Ransom, almost as fast as you fell for Andy. Are you in love with two different men at the same time?
Before you know it Ransom has pulled into a spot at the coffee shop and is opening your door to help you out. It’s only now you can admire how wonderful he looks. Hair just so, round sunglasses and dark brown jacket over his cream sweater. He looks so put together and so much further ahead in life than you.
He walks with you into the coffee shop with his hand on the small of your back. You spy Andy sitting at the same table that you had your first date with him, glaring daggers at Ransom. “Go speak to him Kitten, I’ll get coffee.”
You smile up at Ransom and lean up to peck him on the cheek before making your way to Andy.
“You brought your boyfriend?” His voice is thin, great now he’s pissed too. At least you’re two for two today.
“Ransom knows everything Andy. He was driving me to work anyways this morning.” It’s a small lie, but you can tell by the look on Andy’s face he isn’t buying it.
“I wanted you to be the second to know, I’m filing today.” What? He can’t mean…
At your perplexed look he continues, “Laurie saw me sneaking out of the ladies room after you at the Gala. Accused me of sleeping with you right in front of her.”
As Andy finishes his speech Ransom joins you both at the table sliding your cafe mocha over to you, while he sips on his tea. You’re sure he heard everything at least the most important parts.
“Sweetheart,” he slides his hand across the table to take yours. “You told me you love me. I couldn’t say it back before because I didn’t know if I could leave Laurie. But now, knowing that it’s over I can tell you the truth. I love you, I think I have for months now, and was just too scared to say it out loud.”
You look down at your hand in Andy’s, you think you may be in shock. Yes you gave him the ultimatum, but you didn’t think he would actually leave his wife for you! Next you look up at Ransom, his face is cold, like he’s expecting you to run back to Andy. What the hell do you do?
You clear your throat, and take a sip of your drink. “Andy, why couldn’t you have said this a month ago?” You feel the tears beginning to well in your eyes. “I love you, I do, but…” you trail off and reach for Ransom with your free hand. You see the shock on both his and Andy’s faces. Ransom takes your offered hand and you squeeze both of their hands at the same time. “I can already feel myself falling for Ransom. I have feelings for you both, and if I’m being totally honest with myself, I don’t want to lose either of you right now.”
You can’t look either man in the eye. You’ve asked for too much, there’s no way they would even consider-
“So wait, you want to date us both at the same time? Like a threesome?” Leave it to Ransom to come out with something so crass. But now that it’s out there, it does sound awfully good to be sandwiched between these two men. The thought sends a thrill up your spine that settles right in your core.
Andy scoffs at Ransom, before looking at you. And he can see it plain as day. “Is that what you want Sweetheart? You want Ransom and I?” His tone is sweet but teasing.
Your face feels so hot you think you could fry and egg on it. “I don’t, that’s not, I mean not that I would be opposed to…” your phone chimes - you’re late for work, and this is not where you saw this conversation going at all. “I ugh, I have to go to work. I will message you both later.”
With that you order an Uber on your phone and leave the two men sitting at the table scowling at each other. What kind of mess have you gotten yourself into.
You’re not entirely sure how you were supposed to make it through a day of spreadsheets and meetings, when all you can think about is Ransom and Andy naked in your bed.
During your last meeting of the day you're so spaced out you don’t even realize that it’s over, and everyone is packing up to leave the boardroom until Levi nudges you. You make an excuse of not sleeping well the night before and quickly scurry back to your desk. This day could not have taken longer, and yet you’re dreading having to go home and figure out this situation you’ve gotten yourself in.
Why did you have to sleep with a married man? Why?! And now look at you, selfishly coveting two of the most beautiful men you had ever met for yourself. You decide you need time away from both of them. You open your messaging app and start a group text, because why not at this point.
Guys, I know we still need to talk, but I need time. This is a lot.
Two typing bubbles appear almost instantly, like they were staring at their phones waiting for you to text. Luckily, Nina at reception has offered to give you a ride home so you don’t have to splurge on yet another Uber today. The two of you complain the entire way home about the managers, the upcoming deadlines and the worst client that came in today. It’s nice, normal. Letting you escape the sordid thoughts that had been following you all day. You thank Nina as you leave the car and walk up to your apartment.
Hanging up your coat and putting your boots on the rack to dry you decide to start on dinner. You know you’re avoiding having to look at the messages from them, but you did ask for space for a reason. You make a baked feta pasta that you love and once it’s in the oven you finally decide to check your phone.
Andy: Of course Sweetheart, take all the time you need. We’ll be here. Love you ❤️
Ransom: Don’t you worry Kitten. I’ve already got our next date all planned out 😉
You sigh, but don’t respond. You finish making your dinner and go get changed into the sweater you never gave back to Ransom. You settle in front of the TV to watch old Friends re-runs and enjoy your pasta.
As you're getting into bed you decide to send them a message, just to let them know you saw theirs.
Thank you both. I’ll reach out soon I promise, just need time. Good night ❤️
Somehow you make it through the rest of the week with only flashes of them both naked running through your mind. Work is busy, and that keeps you going. You don’t end up wallowing, but taking small moments to appreciate each man for who they are and what they offer. You realize you need to talk to them, and putting it off is only making the situation so much worse. You’re just not sure if you could handle any more rejection from either of them. Yeah they said they would be there, but really Andy just left his wife. What about their kid? And Ransom, even though it was so new, you could tell. It was the real deal, for you at least. What if he decided you weren’t worth the trouble? Ugh, you’ve created quite the mess for yourself.
By Friday, Ransom has grown impatient, you can tell by the text that comes through the group chat at 9 AM.
Ransom: I’m picking you up from work today, see you at 5 Kitten.
Maybe you should fake sick and leave early and tell Ransom you got an Uber. Looking at your banking app, you realize that there’s no way you can afford another peak time Uber this week.
Welp, torture it is.
Instead of waiting for you in the car Ransom comes into the office and chats with Nina, while he waits for you.
“Mr. Drysdale, are you sure I can’t get you anything?” Is she batting her eyelashes at him?! As you walk into the reception area, you find yourself glaring at Nina, and you catch yourself before she can notice. But judging by the shit eating grin on Ransom’s face, he saw. Whatever, it’s fine.
“You ready to go, Kitten?” Ransom holds his arm out for you to tuck yourself into his side. Nina now forgotten by him. You almost forgot how good he looks. Almost.
You beam up at Ransom, and snuggle in as close as you can. You bid Nina good night and let him guide you along to his car. The warm safe feeling you get from Ransom is something you’ve never experienced before. You know that your relationship with Andy was mostly sex. But even in the tender moments with him, there was always the underlying current of when is he going back to his wife. You wonder if, now that he’s left Laurie, you’ll be able to find the same safe feeling you have with Ransom.
You’re pulled from your thoughts by a horn in the oncoming lane. “Ransom, this isn’t the way to my house?” It comes out as a question, and you’re not sure why.
“I know, Kitten. You see we didn’t really get to finish our conversation from earlier this week, so I was thinking we should finish it over dinner.” He glances over at you while he speaks and you can see a spark of mischief in his blue eyes.
Your face heats up and you forget how to speak for a moment. All you can do is nod and clench your fists in your lap. Ransom finally takes pity on you and grabs one of your hands in his. Bringing it up to his face and kissing the back of it. Before you know it you’re there at Ransom’s house. Everything almost exactly as it was the last time you were here, except-
“Andy?” You breathe his name as you step out of the car looking over the roof to Ransom.
“C’mon Kitten, let’s unwind and talk.” Ransom has you tucked back under his arm in no time. He leads you into the house with Andy trailing behind you two. After you all shrug off your coats and shoes, you head into the living room. Ransom plops himself on the couch, while Andy grabs the love seat. You look between both men, seeing the expectant look on their faces ‘choose me’ they’re silently saying. Instead you walk over to your favourite spot - the floor to ceiling windows. You stare out for a few moments gathering your thoughts, they are racing. But you need to get words out. They need to know how important to you they are.
It’s Andy who breaks the tense silence that’s taken over the room. “Why don’t we all put our cards on the table. Sweetheart, sit. Ransom and I spoke after you left the coffee shop the other day, and we want to know what you think.”
At Andy’s command you find yourself walking over to the armchair, hah you chose neither, and sitting stiffly. Your hands curl and uncurl with anxiety, and something else.
It’s Ransom who speaks next, “Kitten, do you really think you’re falling for me?” There’s pink high on his cheek bones, but his expression is guarded. He doesn’t want to be hurt.
You sigh before you start speaking, picking at the hem of your blouse. “I know it sounds crazy, it’s been what? One date? And I know we’ve only known each other a week. I just, I feel like there’s something here. Something that is worth exploring and holding on to. The only other person I have felt like this with is, well Andy. And I know you don’t want to hear this Ran, but my feelings for Andy haven’t just gone away. They are still there, just as strong. But I don’t know how to handle any of this. I don’t know what to do. But I do know that I, I really want both of you in my life. It’s selfish, but all week I’ve thought about this. How wonderful it could be, but also how insane I must be to try and keep both of you to myself.” You can’t look at either of them as you finish your spiel. Maybe you said too much?
Andy gives a short laugh, that’s not unkind. More like surprised. “Listen Sweetheart. I know you’re overwhelmed. It’s a lot. And let’s be clear no one here is asking you to choose.” He gives Ransom a pointed look at this, to which Ransom just rolls his eyes. “We want the same thing you do. We talked, at length about what something like this would entail. If we could share you. We decided we need to talk it through, all three of us, to decide what we all are comfortable with.”
This is really happening!!!
“Wait. Andy, your marriage literally just ended. You just filed for divorce. Are you sure you want to get into something like this so quickly?” You ask the question, knowing you may not like the answer. But still you have to know if he’s emotionally ready for something like this.
“I am.” His response is short. But he looks into your eyes the entire time. You search his features seeing no trace of a lie on them. “For you Sweetheart, I think I’ve been ready for a while.”
You open your mouth to respond, but instead hear the doorbell ring. And just like that, whatever spell that was holding the tension in the room dissolves. You feel like you’re seeing both men for exactly who they are, and what they want.
“That’s the food, I’ll be right back.” Ransom leaves to grab the food from the delivery driver, and you and Andy both head to the kitchen to grab plates, utensils and drinks. Without the stress of a choice weighing on you, you can see that Andy and Ransom are trying, for you. Something that entirely shocks you.
You all return to the living room at the same time, Andy with two beers and a glass of wine, Ransom with the take out boxes from some fancy Italian restaurant and you with plates and utensils. You plop down on the couch and motion for both men to sit on either side of you while you start opening boxes.
Silence wraps around the room as the three of you portion out your food. But it’s not awkward or tense. It feels comfortable. After a few bites to satisfy your hunger, it’s like you’re all in sync with each other, because the conversation just flows. The same as your first date with Andy and your first date with Ransom.
When you’re all full and you’ve packed away the leftovers, “you can’t just throw this out Ransom it’s at least two more meals!” The three of you find yourselves back on the couch, but this time Andy is sitting with his back against the arm rest, with your back to his chest and Ransom snuggled into your stomach.
“So uh, how is this going to work?” You ask, there’s nerves and excitement behind your question. To stop your hands from moving too much you start stroking Ransom's hair.
Ransom sighs in delight at your action before speaking, “Well, we’re going to go on dates, you and me, you and Andy and you, me and Andy. Unless of course that’s not something you want?”
“No,” you answer far too quickly causing both men to chuckle. “That sounds great. So we’re going to basically be like a what a throuple?”
Andy’s laughter draws your head to lean into his shoulder as you look up at him. “Please never use that word again. But yes, like a normal relationship except there’s three of us instead of two.”
Your face heats as you prepare yourself to ask your next question, “and uh, what about umm you know in the bedroom.”
Ransom rolls onto his stomach from his side and crawls up you and Andy, “my my Kitten, I thought we were taking this slow.” He gives you a faux pout and then continues. “I’ll put it out there now, the three of us in one bed will be super fucking hot and I already know it.” He bends down to nuzzle his nose against yours before kissing the breath out of you. It's a filthy kiss that has your hips moving without your consent. But it’s what Ransom does next that has you moaning, he pulls away from you only to lean up and capture Andy’s mouth in a kiss as dirty as the one he just shared with you.
With a satisfied smirk Ransom pulls away, knowing he’s left you both wanting more.
This is starting to feel perfect.
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polyhexian · 2 months
eventually au - idea of a soft moment that's been rotating in my head all day:
Hunter wakes up in his room at Jasper's place at like 4AM from a bad dream - not the wake-up-screaming kind, just the familiar-but-upsetting, relieved-when-you-realize-it-was-just-a-dream kind that leaves you feeling crappy cuz this isn't how you wanted to start your day but you know you aren't gonna be able to go back to sleep after that. So he gets up and heads to the kitchen where Jasper is already up earlier than he should be for probably the same reason, making tea or coffee or something.
And like, they don't even have to say anything, cuz they just Get It. And sure, it sucks, but they're both so used to it sucking that they don't even need to think about how much it sucks, they can just enjoy the fact that it's nice that the other one's there and they don't have to Talk About It. Jasper just pulls out another mug and after the drinks are ready they go sit outside - I imagine Jasper's cave would not have had an obvious entrance or anything while he was still playing dead, but maybe by this point it does, maybe they spent a weekend building a patio together for fun, and there's flowerpots full of plants that Willow's left around.
So they sit outside together. Flapjack's with them, and maybe Pyrite too by now. And maybe Hunter leans into Jasper's side, and maybe Jasper puts an arm around Hunter (but not on his shoulders, not like Belos would), and maybe Hunter feels his dad press a kiss to the crown of his head. And they just sit there together in silence and sip their drinks and watch the stars turn to sunrise.
Op I'm going to throw up I love this so much. Soft................
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kittenofdoomage · 1 year
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Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Steve Rogers x female!reader
Prompt: Steve has been such a good boy and deserves a special treat
Word Count: 651
Warnings: smut, fluff, slightly subby Steve
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There were few times that Steve looked truly exhausted and today was one of them. He was covered in filth from top to bottom, his lip was split though it was rapidly healing, and his shoulders were slumped, a far cry from the ever-rigid Captain America you were used to. He slouched through the front door of your apartment, casting you a weary glance.
“Long day, huh?”
He shed his jacket, tossing it over the back of the couch. “You could say that. Training the new team is… tough.”
You smiled, leaning on the cushions to watch his ass as he walked through to the kitchen. “There’s no one who could do a better job than you though,” you called out in encouragement, hearing him grunt in response before the coffee machine started to make a noise. Sitting forward, you turned off the television and put your book down, getting to your feet to follow him. “Why don’t you take a long shower, or a bath, and we’ll see if I can’t help you relax?”
He lifted his head as you walked into the kitchen, fixing tired blue eyes on you, a tiny smile tugging at his lips. There was a good chance he’d perk right up in a couple of hours, he never stayed tired for long, but you knew it wasn’t just the physical stress of his job. The mental stress that accompanied it, barking orders, teaching the new recruits to use powers they didn’t understand yet… he needed a break, a distraction.
“You know, that sounds like a great idea,” Steve sighed, catching your waist with his hand to tug you in for a brief kiss.
“You’re pretty dirty,” you chuckled, patting his ass. “Bath or shower?”
“Shower,” he mumbled.
“I’ll go warm it up for you.”
It took a few minutes for him to join you in the bathroom and already he looked a little less crappy. You briefly entertained the thought of sharing the shower, but he was really dirty, to the point you wondered how he’d gotten that way. “What exactly were you doing to end up this muddy?” you asked curiously as he pulled his shirt over his head. Even underneath the fabric, his skin was generously spattered, and he shot you a brilliantly white grin.
“Tony decided we’d try an obstacle course. Of his design.”
“Ohhh,” you laughed, taking his shirt from his grasp. “That explains it.” Tossing the shirt into the laundry basket, you slipped around him and out, stealing another appreciative look at his ass. “I’ll be in the bedroom when you’re done.”
He didn’t take as long as you expected. When he joined you in the bedroom, you were already down to your thin underwear, lounging on the bed, and his eyes lit up, the hand holding the towel around his waist tightening as he saw you.
“C’mere,” you beckoned, reaching for him, and Steve went easily, sinking into your hold and eagerly accepting a kiss. “You look exhausted.”
“Feel it,” he mumbled, nuzzling into you. “Spent most of the day wishing I was with you.”
“Hmmm, how about I make you feel a little better, huh?” He nodded, looking down as your fingers pried the towel out of his grasp. “Lie back.” 
With no hesitation, he relaxed, laying flat and watching you with a desperate gaze as you straddled him, running your hands over his sides, trapping his cock between you as it chubbed up. You hummed as he closed his eyes and easily surrendered, his lips twitching in a smile.
“You work so hard,” you whispered. “You deserve a little treat.” His cock was nearly fully erect, and he moaned when you wrapped your hand around it, scooting back a little on his thighs so you could stroke him properly. “I’m gonna take real good care of you, baby.”
Steve smiled without opening his eyes. “You always do.”
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captaintrio · 2 years
Honestly can you just answer all of them because they’re so obscure I’m obsessed with knowing your answers https://at.tumblr.com/z-oros/695414491415003137/1eo6sk6hvtff
Alright you wonderful, beautiful mad lad, let's do this. Just gonna exclude the ones I've already answered so if it jumps around, that's why <3 also after the first few I'm gonna stick this under a readmore so I don't put the longest yeah boy on everyone's dash lmfao
2. lighter or matches?
kinda depends on the application. matches for lighting candles and like, campfires or hearth fires, lighter for things I'm gonna smoke.
5. what color are your eyes?
Hazel! Much more green than brown, with grey flecks and a kinda grey ring around the iris.
6. why did you do that?
m8 I was bored. or out of some kind of pettiness probably.
7. hair-ties or scrunchies?
when my hair was long enough, hair-ties. needed the extra grip bc my hair is super thick.
8. how many water bottles are in your room right now?
two + my hydroflask, all of which are empty atm. need to go downstairs and refill the flask after this aslkdfa
9. which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
cold coffee almost always. i used to regularly order iced cappuccino from tim hortons at like 3 AM in freezing weather.
12. what kind of day is it?
It's kinda crappy today, I'm still having some flu shot side effects and there are strange men clomping about in here moving and banging on things. it's friday though, so that's something!
13. when was the last time you ate?
about an hour ago, I had some beef stew and a cup of tea with honey for my throat. :)
14. do you love the smell of earth after it rains?
there are few things I love more. I think rain just makes everything better tbh, saturates the world with beautiful scents and colors.
15. are you a parent? (all answers qualify)
not of any human children, but to my cat Nicki for sure.
16. can you drive?
I sure can, I've been driving since I was 15. c:
17. are you farsighted or nearsighted?
I don't ever remember which it is, nearsighted I think? If anything gets further away than like arm's length it becomes blurry and incomprehensible.
19. imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
aw bby I'd sure try!! I can't promise they'd be like, salon perfect, but I'd love to paint your nails!
22. what type of person are you?
honestly I have no idea, you might be better equipped to answer that one. i sort of exist and I'm trying my best, that's about the closest to an answer I have for ya.
23. how do you feel about chilly weather?
it's my FAVORITE!!! i'm so excited for the onset of spooky season, fall/early winter is my favorite time of year <3 I just wanna wear my boots and jeans and sweaters without actually sweating.
25. perfume/body spray or lotion?
definitely prefer body spray/perfume, though I've started coming around to lotion in recent years.
26. a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
unfortunately a lot of these are like. arguments i've had or incidents with people that have hurt me. i always think of the best responses or ways that i could have changed the outcome like 6 years after the fact lmao. there's also like...dumb self-indulgent stuff i'm writing where I'll turn a scene or idea over and over in my mind like a rotisserie chicken before (or if) I ever write it.
27. about how many hours of sleep did you get?
last night? like 5ish? my throat is kinda itchy so that always makes it difficult OTL
28. do you wear a mask?
everywhere now, and i may well do it forever. i'm a big fan of public health and also having as much of my face obscured as possible.
29. how do you like your shower water?
either freezing or scalding, no in between. reasonably sure that's some kinda flavor of ND but who knows.
39. do you use lip balm?
yes!! i've got multiple ones but my fave rn is lippe balm by drunk elephant.
43. what’s your take on spicy foods?
I love spicy foods...conceptually. I look at things like tteokbokki and drool everywhere, and I love the idea of a hot and spicy broth that opens you up, but unfortunately I am like. the pastiest person alive and my tongue is really...weird. so i cannot eat most of spicy things OTL
44. you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it?
i'm always really torn on this bc like. vladimir putin, mitch mcconnell, and jordan peterson have all, in their own ways, done vast and irreparable damage to the world at large, and everyone would be better off without them, but idk how to like. go about parsing which of them is "the worst" if the pass is only for one asldkfjas (i realize i've just created the worst fmk round of all time without really answering you but oh well)
45. can you remember what happened yesterday?
I spent most of yesterday propped up in bed at a weird angle with my cat, I'm not feeling very well this week OTL
46. favorite holiday film?
i'm not really sure honestly. Krampus maybe, or Nightmare Before Christmas? Hocus Pocus maybe. Something spooky regardless of the holiday is the answer basically.
47. what was the last message you sent?
something about one piece to another friend of mine lmfao
48. when did you first try an alcohol beverage?
my biological dad used to give me like, beer and little sips of liquor so that I'd make a face for his friends, so I was like. reeeeeally little, maybe 4? I distinctly remember that being orange liquor and it making me feel like I couldn't breathe, which was apparently very funny for the audience of his buddies.
50. can i tag you in random stuff?
baby of course you can!!! if i don't respond/do the thing just DM me, chances are I saw it and then got distracted and forgot. <33
anyway this was SO SO SWEET of you, I promise I'm not obscure really I'm just a weird boring little gremlin but ILY HONEY <3333 I hope this was at least some kinda interesting for you XDDD
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dear--charlie · 2 years
Dear Charlie,
Today I had my first day of class. Because we are split between 3 countries now, we are only 10 in class, of which 2 joined online. So, today, we were 8. 
My axiety went over the roof because in the beginning nobody talked, or answered the teachers when they asked questions, so I did, because I hated that uncomfortable silence. Then, some more people joined in, but their sheer stupidity and self-profilation of those people has driven me nuts ever since I started this programme. One girl opens her mouth even she is not called upon, interrupting people, and looking more for showing how smart she is, than for answering the questions. Teachers sometimes try to stop it, but she just keeps talking. It is hell. One guy has opinions stronger than my morning coffee, but just as bitter. Another one cannot form a single sentence in English. Can you believe she has a scholarship? I'm wondering who writes her application letters, as she also got an internship 6 people dearly wanted. A research internship. In English. And she got the spot. I've seen her writing. It's crappy. Something is off here. Anyway, when I wasn't anxious about the quiet, I was anxious about speaking up, because I hate to be that student who talks all the time. So I was anxious about finding a balance and then I was anxious about what the teachers would think about me because I don't want to become the teacher's pet. But then in the second class, we had a teacher that I go by informal you with. She is from my country and we met a while ago. I was the one organising the zoom call for the 2 online people (cause who else would have done it) and so I had to stay a little longer after class. As soon as the last person exited, she switched to our common language and talked to me in a rather familiar way, which is fine, because we are informal, but everybody outside the classroom heard, and my friend gave me that look of wow, you're really trying to hard, and I didn't but I don't know. Everything scared me.  And then I came home and I was shaking. I need to work and go get a library card, but I am unable to. I just can't because the day was so exhausting. Tomorrow we meet the second teacher from today again. And I am dreading it. 
Additionally, this morning, one teacher told me something along the lines of Lena, it's so nice to see you participate so much, but i'd like to give the others an opportunity to say something as well. Nobody said anything. So she came back to me after 3 minutes that felt like hours. 
After class, I went up to her to ask if she could please not do that, that I understand that I can't talk all the time and I am completely fine with being ignored. If she looks at me, I know she saw me. No need to stress that she isn't calling me because that makes very very anxious. She apologised and told me thank you for telling me, but now I feel weird about because well... I don't know.
This letter is a mess, I am sorry. My social battery and brain battery are beyond empty and I can't seem to be able to recharge today. Tonight I have dance classes, and there will be so many more new people and I am not sure I can do it. Everybody looking and listening again and I am just scared.
And then there is another teacher. With that teacher things have been going great. We met last year, she will be my thesis supervisor, and I have my internship with her. Last time we met, she told me she really liked that I asked her for the internship spot and that she hadn't thought of it but will be delighted to create me a custom made internship. So much for not wanting to be the teacher's pet. And well, when I talked about a potential PhD and told her I already found a supervisor in my country, she offered to be my second supervisor. I like her a lot. And I look up to her. But I am so scared of disappointing her, or her growing tired of me or finding out I am not as smart or well-read as she might think. I am overwhelmed and classes have only been going for one day. How am I gonna survive the semester...?
To compensate, I am fixating on food again. I barely eat anymore. I have lost 6kg. Everything lastes like sand and even though I am hungry, food makes me want to throw up as soon as I smell it. Part of me is scared. Part of me is happy I am finally getting closer to the weight my mom always wanted to me. 
I dad is a toxic asshole. My mother is being strange. Everything is falling apart. My girlfriend isn't fine but I can't do anything about it because she doesn't want to bother me. I don't know how to tell my 5 flatmates that I need some space, because by social battery is low, and I don't want to disappoint them. I also want to spend time with them, but I somehow can't because even that makes me uncomfortable. Everything is so complicated and I am stressed to the bone, filled with anxiety. I keep repeating all the stupid things I said today and they don't seem to want to leave my brain. I can't even sleep. I haven't slept properly in weeks. I can't sleep until 2 and then wake up at 6. I am drained. Anxious. Depressed. Scared. Empty. It's so hard...
I really hope this will just be ignored. The letter is not even a letter, just a mix of sentences and nonesense. Sorry for that. I cannot believe I am still writing to you after all these years. The first time I wrote was 5 years ago. Time flies. That's another thing that scares me. Aaaa I'm a mess. Anyway. 
Thanks for listening. Please send help.
Love always, 
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justalonelybitch · 2 years
Hello! good day, can I ask for a Stayc Isa x fem reader where they walk home together after class, cook dinner and just chill for the rest of the night and end up falling asleep on the couch cuddling? Thank you have a great day/night
I love this request, it had me feeling soft. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Happy Accidents
Isa x F!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Smidgen of Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Teasing, Burnt Food, Embarrassment, Sulking
Word Count: 840
Buy me a coffee :)
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You shivered as the wind blew, rubbing your arms for warmth. Looking around the school’s entrance, you wondered what was taking her so long. Thoughts being cut off, when your eyes are suddenly covered, darkness fills your vision. “Guess who?” You heard the familiar sweet voice whisper in your ear.
You hummed, pretending to think about it. “Sumin unnie?” You joked, earning a whine from the girl behind you. Pulling her hands from your eyes, you quickly spun around to face her. Seeing the pout on her lips, you laughed. “I was kidding,” you cupped her face. Planting a peak on her lips, effectively removing the pout from her face.
“Ready?” Chaeyoung asked you, taking your hand that was on her face and interlacing it with her own. When you nodded in response, she instantly began pulling you in the direction of your home. Swinging your hands between you as you walked, talking about anything that came to mind.
Once home, you two made your way to the bedroom, changing into some more comfortable clothes. “I’m gonna go shower,” Chaeyoung turned to you, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. “Wanna join?” She asked, smiling innocently at you. “Keep in your pants!” You shouted, seeing right through her innocent act.
“You go, I’ll make a start on dinner,” you said, shoving. “Okay fine, your loss,” she smirked, disappearing off into the bathroom. You sighed in relief once she had closed the door, “that girl is gonna be the death of me.”
Heading to the kitchen, you pulled an apron over your head, laying out all the ingredients you needed. Deciding to prepare Chaeyoung’s favourite meal, you began cooking. Being so absorbed in the process, you failed to notice the shower turning off.
You jumped when two arms wrapped gently around your torso, damp hair tickling your shoulder. “It smells good,” Chaeyoung said, nose nuzzled into your neck. “Do you need any help?” She asked, voice coming out muffled. “Well, for starters, letting go of me could be helpful.” You suggested teasingly.
“Anything but that,” she growled, painting a feather light kiss to your ear. Despite your previous words, your heart swelled at her actions. Feeling her arms tighten around you, a light pink tint coating your cheeks as she continued to press kisses down your neck.
A smoky smell wafted around the room, snapping your back to reality. Looking around the room, you frantically pushed her off you as your eyes locked on to the source of the smell. “Yah, what was that for?!” She complained, unaware of what was happening.
You paid her no mind, turning off the oven, then opening the door. Pulling out a burnt dish, you frowned as you placed it down on the counter. Sighing in relief as there was no danger, only a ruined meal. Finally understanding what’d happened, Chaeyoung burst out laughing, holding her stomach.
“It’s not funny!” You whined, covering your face in embarrassment. “How did you manage to burn that?” She asked, still not calmed down from her laughing fit. “I don’t even know, it was fine before.” You pouted, looking down at your non-edible food. “I just wanted to make something nice for you,” you said, disheartened.
“It’s okay love,” Chaeyoung said, patting your head in a teasing manner. When you glared daggers at her, she pressed a quick peck to your unsuspecting lips. “We can just eat junk-food and watch crappy movies,” she suggested, already walking towards the cupboard.
Having no choice to agree, you got started on making the popcorn. “Don’t burn it!” Chaeyoung said, eyes widening when she saw the deep frown on your face. “You make it then,” you huffed, stomping off to the living room like an angry child.
You sat down on the couch, mindlessly scrolling through movies. Knowing you were being childish you pouted, but still refused to go back and apologise. Chaeyoung eventually came to sit beside you, placing the snacks down on the table.
“I’m sorry love, I didn’t think you were that upset,” she said. “It’s fine I was overreacting,” you said, snuggling into her side. Chaeyoung chuckled at how your mood changed so fast, but chose not to comment on it this time. “Oh, I love this movie,” she said, wrapping her arm around your shoulder. “I know, that’s why I picked it,” you said sarcastically.
Some time during the movie, you ended up lying down, completely on top of Chaeyoung. She ran her hand through your hair, eyes set on the screen. Only when she felt you snuggle further into her neck did she take her eyes off the movies. You had your eyes fluttered shut, shallow breaths tickling the skin of her neck.
You looked perfect in her eyes, Chaeyoung found looking at you more entertaining than the movie. Taking the time to admire your beauty, while you were still relaxed in her arms. Pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, she pulled a blanket up to keep you warm. Smiling contentedly, she turned off the TV, eyes fluttering closed.
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dos-mariposas · 2 years
Lethal Amigos Narco AU: “A Very Lucrative Client”
By @senshirei / @dos-mariposas
Part 1/?
Estevan ( @papermachette ‘s OC) and Carla (my OC)
Carla watched her boyfriend cutting and sectioning the pile of white powder on the table between them with a bored expression. She bent her head down and used a rolled up bill to snort one of the lines of powder he’d set aside for her, rubbing her nose with the back of her hand and sniffing a few times. He always kept his strains separate - the best, the purest; for the two of them and the Boss. The middle of the road for the new customers and the ones he wanted to keep on the good side of. And the shitty mix of mainly talc and crushed painkillers for the low lives he’d got hooked and who would take whatever they could get, whatever they could afford, to stay alive.
Carla licked her ring finger and ran it along the residue left on the table from her line, collecting whatever dust was left. She leaned over the low table, one knee climbing on it, to be able to reach across to Estevan and press her coated finger against his lips. He barely stopped what he was doing to part his lips, letting her slide her finger into his mouth and gently rub the powder along his gums.
“Come on, Papi, you’ve been at this for hours already. Let’s have some fun!” she pouted, bringing her other knee onto the table so she was fully kneeling on it, taking her finger out of his mouth and sucking on it herself.
“Get off the table, you’re gonna mess this all up!” He growled at her, putting his own finger in his mouth to further rub the drugs in.
Carla huffed as she carefully climbed off, sitting herself on his side of the table this time, next to him on the worn, coffee-stained couch. “You’ve been such a fucking dick to me the past few days. What’s going on? You got some new girl or something?”
Estevan laughed unkindly, but then stopped what he was doing and turned to face her, taking her face in both his hands. “Don’t be fucking stupid. Why would I need another girl when I have the queen right here, mi vida? Here…” he quickly sliced her another line off and handed her the rolled up bill, “only the best for my Carlita.”
Carla took the note and snorted the cocaine quickly before taking a long, slow inhale of fresh air through her nose, savouring the feeling of the two lines kicking in. She again licked her finger, slid it across the remnants of the line and rubbed it on her own gums, enjoying the familiar numbing feeling. She turned toward Estevan, pulled his face toward her and kissed him hard. God, she loved this man. His dark, eager eyes flashed open as she began to lift one leg over him, straddling him, and moaning into his mouth, her palms on either side of his face, her tongue dancing with his.
Estevan ran his hands down her back and grabbed her ass, pulling her closer toward him. He pulled his head back and flicked his tongue over his lips with that deliciously dangerous look on his face that made Carla instantly wet every time. She placed her hands on his thighs behind her to give her the leverage to press herself onto his crotch, feeling him harden beneath her and feeling the rush of the drugs in her system and the thrill of being with him, in this crappy shack, surrounded by thousands of dollars of cocaine and empty bottles of whisky and rum and having him wanting and needing her. She began to grind against him, throwing her head back and relishing the feeling of his trousers straining against her.
“Ugh, mami… you know I don’t have time for this right now.”
Carla’s head snapped back up and she blinked at the man she was offering herself up to. “What? What the fuck do you mean? You’re nearly done here!” she gestured at the piles of labelled bags with various amounts of white powder set out on the table.
“Ah.. I have to go do a… social call.” He reached his hand up and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, before stroking her cheek. “I’m sorry, you know there’s nothing I’d rather do than fuck you right over this table, right now, but this is potentially a very lucrative client.”
Carla shook her head to dislodge his hand and removed herself from his lap without saying a word. She walked over to look out the dirty window of their current residence, wrinkling her nose at the grime and lifting a half-empty bottle of rum off a nearby counter to hold to her lips.
“Come on baby, don’t be like that,” he whined, already cutting her another line to prevent her from going in a mood. “I promise you, this guy will be worth it.”
Carla took a few gulps of the rum and dangled the bottle neck between her fingers as she walked back to the couch. “Why? He rich? He better not be another one of the boss’s so-called best friends, I don’t want to do another fucking delivery to find another fucking dead body!”
Estevan patted the couch seat beside him for her to sit down. “No, no, mi amor, he’s not dangerous. I wouldn’t put you in danger like that,” - Carla rolled her eyes, she’d heard that one before - “he’s got… information.”
He took the bottle off of her and replaced it with the hundred dollar bill, gently pushing her head down toward the table. “I won’t be long. You know I’m very good at getting what I want.”
Carla obligingly snorted her third line in the last ten minutes and broke into a wild grin, biting her bottom lip. She found it incredibly sexy knowing how her boyfriend could control so many little bastardos with his fists and his drugs. They were rising up the ranks. Soon enough they’d be out of this dump and living in a beautiful farmhouse on the outskirts of the city, she just knew it. She rubbed the remnants of the powder on her gums automatically.
Estevan grabbed the back of Carla’s head and pulled her toward him, crashing his lips into hers and forcing his tongue into her mouth to lick the cocaine from her mouth and get his own rush. He began to stand, still holding her head to his, still roughly meeting her tongue with his, only letting go of her when he was satisfied. She dropped back down to the couch, gazing up at him with eyes burning with lust.
He grabbed a few of the baggies from the table and stuffed them down his sock. He picked up his gun and tucked it in his waistband - he rarely needed it, his own special brand of cocaine was usually enough to keep anyone doing anything he wanted, but he would be stupid to live the life he did without staying protected.
“I’ll be back in an hour. You better be fucking naked and ready the second I step back in that door.”
Carla fluttered her eyelashes and bit her bottom lip again. “Be safe, Papi.”
Estevan nodded. “I told you. This guy is small time. He’s an easy customer. But he knows shit that’s important to me. Don’t worry,” he laughed, and as always his laugh gave the air of someone who relished hurting others and who found joy and humour in pain. Carla felt the familiar throbbing between her legs. That wicked laugh always turned her on and she knew he knew it. “Maybe we’ll be living it up sooner than you think, Princesa, once I break this man. What do they call him again? Oh that’s right, fucking Chihuahua.”
“Chihuahua??” Carla laughed, a laugh that was much lighter and genuine that her boyfriend’s ever was. “How cute!” She bounced up and down on the couch like a child, the drugs completely now taken hold – she was high and excited and completely enraptured with the man before her. She pressed her hand to her mouth and blew him a kiss. “Have fun, mi amor!”
“Oh, I will.”
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harrywritingsbyme · 4 years
Based Off Of This Ask
And This One
A/N: He’s back bitchessss🤪…and he’s filthy as fuck! And I’m sorry this one is extra extra late with a crappy ending lol...Enjoy🙃
You were finally finally getting your weekend alone with Harry. After almost two weeks of him being away for business, you were finally getting to spend some quality time with him. And it was going to be without any interruption. Since your best friend was was spending a long weekend with her boyfriend, you were going to be able to spend a long weekend with yours. You were so excited to see Harry that you had everything planned out. For starters, you had your bag packed the night before he was due home. It had all of the essentials: a couple outfits for when you two weren’t in bed having sex, two of your skimpiest sets of lingerie that you weren’t going to miss given the fact that Harry had a habit of ripping your lingerie off of you, and some toys. He had few at his house but had the funner ones that you both could play with. Now along with getting your bag packed, you also made a visit to the waxing salon you went to from time to time. Even though Harry could literally care less about whether or not you had any hair down there, you still liked to give him a little treat from time to time. So as a little welcome home present, you endured thirty minuets of someone ripping those coarse hairs away so that you could be nice and smooth upon his arrival. And to make sure that you were ready to spread your legs for him as soon as he landed, you got this done a little over two days before so that you could let your pussy rest a bit because once you were with Harry, you were going to be begging for a break. You also made sure to be right at the airport to pick him up so that you two could get your weekend together started.
Now since his flight landed in the evening and you were positive that he’d be exhausted, you weren’t expecting to do much that night. Once you two arrived home, Harry wasted no time getting himself and his bag upstairs before ridding himself of his clothes and taking a nice hot shower. Again, you knew for a fact that he was exhausted from his flight and the trip itself so you decided to let him unwind and take his shower while you unpacked his bag and got everything nice and ready for him to have a good nights sleep. After spending a good half an hour in the steamy cabin, Harry finally exited the shower and came into the bedroom where you were waiting for him.
“I take it you had a good shower.” You point out, taking in his more relaxed disposition.
“It was so good.” He hums, striding over to where you were sitting on the bed. Once in front of you, his hands go straight to your shoulders and up your neck to the sides of your face where he tilts your head back a bit so that you’re looking up at him. He then lowers his head before bringing his lips to yours. Besides the pecks you gave him in the car when you picked him up from the airport, this was the first real kiss the two of you shared in almost two weeks. You missed the feeling of his warm pillow soft lips moving against yours. Even though you missed the sex, you missed being close to Harry. You knew that you could call him whenever you needed him and he’d always answer, but you weren’t close to him the way you were in this moment.
“I love you baby.” He mumbles lowly against your lips after slightly pulling away from you.
“I love you too.” You mumble back to him before lifting your head up a bit to reconnect your lips with his for one final kiss. “Now get in bed with me!” You whine, pulling him down towards the bed. 
“Have t’get dressed.” He laughs at your eagerness. 
“Who said you needed to wear clothes to bed?” You quickly reply, leaving him no other choice but to dry himself off and hop into bed with you. “Now it’s time for your goodnight kiss.” And with that, you moved your body so that you were between his legs and you used your mouth in the best way possible to send him right to sleep. Just because you weren’t expecting to do much didn’t mean you were expecting to do nothing at all. How could you not take up the opportunity to not only pleasure him but to also help him unwind?! Not to mention the fact that you hadn’t touched him in almost two weeks.
Now even though this was supposed to be a relaxing weekend for you and Harry to spend some quality time together, Harry still managed to get holed up in his office. And even though you were fully aware and understanding of the fact that his job could be demanding at times, you still couldn’t understand why they couldn’t let him have a little bit of an extended weekend since they did have him for a straight week and a half. The one thing you did know in this entire situation is that you had to get him away from the work and into you instead. And you knew just how to do it. You checked in on him the first time right after you woke up and realized that he wasn’t in bed with you. When you did, you gave him a ton of kisses and an incentives for stepping away from the desk but he wouldn’t budge. All you got out of that was a kiss to your lips, a promise to give it to you real good later on, and the task of getting him another cup of coffee. At this point, you realized that you were going to have to make him step away from the work.
 So after you deliver his cup of coffee, you make your way upstairs to put yourself together. After you get out of the shower, you throw on the perfect outfit (or lack there of to be completely honest) to get Harry to focus on you. Pulling from the bag you packed, you went for a cute little pastel thong that barely covered anything and was just there for the appeal, along with a tight fitting crop top that had “Daddy’s Girl” written across the chest. It was prefect. If this didn’t get Harry’s attention, you don’t know what what could. After doing a little once over and twirl in the mirror, you head back downstairs to try your hand once more at getting Harry to put the work to the side. Hopefully he got something done in the hour and a half you spent upstairs because you weren’t going anywhere without getting something from him. When you walk down the hallway leading to his office, you could hear him talking to someone on the phone but that doesn’t stop you from walking right into the doorway of his office. When you first walked in he could see you out of the corner of his eye, but when he turned around to fully face you, Harry was completely dumbfounded at your appearance. There was so much to take in! 
“Daddy I’m bored.” You huff loudly, causing Harry to scramble around behind his desk, hoping that his colleague didn’t hear you through the phone. 
“M‘ gonna have to call you back.” He says abruptly before hanging up the phone, keeping his eyes right on you the entire time. He then slides his phone onto the desk and pushes his chair out a little from the desk before wagging his finger in your direction, beckoning you to come over to him. 
In an instant, you’re following his nonverbal instruction and your making your way over to him. As you’re walking over, Harry takes you in. Aside from the lack of clothing, Harry couldn’t get enough of your body. He couldn’t get enough of your figure. Your hips were perfectly rounded and full and your chest was absolutely abundant with your breasts.  When you round the desk and step in front of him, you don’t even bother to stop and wait for a direction. You just go right in and you straddle Harry before sitting yourself right in his lap. Instead of saying anything right away, you decide to wait until you’re spoken to. That’s the least you could do since you already broke two of his rules. 
“You’re so lucky I could use a good fuck right now.” He sighs, finally breaking the silence while  continuing to look your body over your body. Now that you were sitting down, he could see the string like waistband of your panties digging into you fleshy hips, and he could see your pert nipples pushing right up against the thin material of your t-shirt. 
“What would happen if you weren’t daddy?” You “innocently” inquire, lifting yourself up a bit just to move yourself but higher up on his lap before plopping yourself back down onto him. 
“Well luckily for you, I’m always in need of a good fuck from this beautiful body of yours.” He begins, removing one of his hands from your fleshy hips up to your chest to latch onto one of your ample breast’s through the thin shirt you had on. “But when I do punish you, because all brats deserve punishments, I’m gonna make sure you learn your lesson.” He says simply, continuing to fondle your breast.
“What are you gonna do to me daddy?” You press on, beginning to move yourself back and forth right against his cock. 
“Now what’s the fun in me telling you my plans? All I’m gonna say is that unless our safe word falls from that pretty mouth of yours, m’gonna use you any way I want, and m’gonna do anything I want to you.” He explains. “How does that sound?”
“Sounds amazing.” You moan, continuing to push yourself back and forth against his now completely hard cock.
“I figured you’d like the idea of being my personal fuck toy.” He chuckles smartly as you bring your face down to kiss at his neck. “But I do have to say, even though you’re such a little brat, you definitely make up for it in being the perfect little slut f’me.” 
“Mhm, just for daddy.” You hum, keeping your mouth against his skin. As you continue kissing at his neck, you continue moving your hips against him as well. You also pull his hand that was squeezing at your hip down between your legs. 
“Does my little girl want daddy’s cock?” He asks “surprisedly” when he feels you pull his hand down to touch the puffy mound between your legs.
“Yes daddy.” You moan against him when you feel his fingers poking at you through your panties. 
“I guess I can let you have your way since I’ll be spending the better part of the day teaching you a lesson.” He rations, removing his hand from your breast and using it to grip onto your throat and pull your face from his neck before lifting you up and onto the desk in front of him. He then pushes his seat back some more so that he can stand up and tower above you. He quickly clears the space on the desk behind you before swiftly removing the tight shirt from your body and returning his hand to your throat, pushing you to lay back. Instead of wasting anymore time, Harry brings a hand down to your panties that were extremely close to just snapping and just rips them off your body, leaving you completely naked in front of him. His eyes travel all the way down, from your breasts to the area between your legs, each time taking a moment to touch and feel your soft body in his hands. When he makes it to the area between your legs though, Harry immediately crouches down to be at eye level with your cunt. “Oh sweetheart” He begins, taking in your bare cunt. “Look at you.” He admires, bringing his hand back there to feel how smooth and bare you were. The area was a sticky mess since there were not curly hairs for your arousal to cling onto. Even though he loved when you had your hair down there, he couldn’t get enough of how messy it got and how good it was to really feel the plump lips of your pussy in his mouth. He also liked to lick your arousal from your thighs. After staring and petting the smooth area, Harry finally brings his mouth to your cunt and goes straight into licking up and down your folds.
“Daddy! Feels so good!” You moan incoherently, feeling him eat into you like his life depended on it. Not only would he lick into you, he’d also suck on your swollen and oh so sensitive bud, and slightly sink his teeth into your thick pussy lips.
“Oh my- you are so delicious.” Harry moans from between your legs, savoring how amazing you taste. No matter how many times he licked into you, Harry would never get over how good you tasted on his tongue. “I could eat this pussy of yours for the rest of my life!” He exclaims, continuing to eat and marvel at your cunt. “You even look perfect too.” He says, pulling his head back to stare at your mound. “It just swallows up everything it touches. Your panties, my fingers, my tongue, my cock…” He continues on, taking in how pretty and puffy your pussy was for him. He always knew how meaty and utterly delicious your cunt was, but seeing it bare and as a result being able to get a better view of you made it even better. 
After a bit more oogling at your mound a bit longer, Harry finally goes back to eating you out. He uses his fingers and mouth to drive you wild, fucking you with two fingers while he either bites into your fleshy lips, sucks on your swollen little button, or licks into you. As he continues, you are gripping onto your supple breasts and letting out the biggest moans as Harry pushes you to a release. The way he was raving about your pussy and ravenously eating you was absolutely insane and it pushed you right into your release. Your moans echoed through the room as you let go all over Harry’s tongue to which he made sure to lick up every last drop before standing back up.
“Oh my goodness doll!” He coos, looking down at your now limp body below him. “You look like you’re even more of proper little slut for daddy now.” He admires, properly taking in how loopy you were now and your heaving naked body that was spread across his desk. “Wish there was a dildo in here for you to choke on but your panties will do I guess. I’ll just fuck your mouth myself later on.” He sighs, reaching  for the ripped panties he sat on the desk moments prior before pushing them past your parted lips and stuffing them into your mouth. He then pushes his pants down his legs to reveal his rock hard cock. Without wasting anymore time simply staring at you, Harry gives his shaft a couple tugs before guiding himself into you. “Fuck princess!” He loudly groans, finally feeling your walls engulfing his cock again. “Y’cunt always swallows m’cock perfectly.” He grunts as he watches himself disappear into you. 
While Harry was losing his mind from how good your cunt was, you were a whimpering and quivering mess. He’d made you cum less than five minuets ago and he was already pushing his cock inside to fuck you. Even though you loved feeling his big cock stretch your tight walls to fit, your pussy was incredibly sensitive from his mouth. So you could already knew that you’d not only be sensitive, you’d also be sore. Which was exactly what Harry wanted. Once he was balls deep inside of you, Harry immediately began pounding into you. His eyes were trained on your breasts that were bouncing freely on your chest with every thrust of his cock down into your quivering cunt. He could feel your walls squeezing him with every thrust and he could feel himself hitting the deepest part of you over and over again, slamming himself into the pit of your stomach with every thrust.
“That’s it babydoll.” He growls, releasing one of your hips from his hand to wrap it around your throat. “Take daddy’s cock all the way up into that little tummy of yours.” He continues, keeping his eyes locked on your glassy ones. “M’gonna cum in there too. Want you t’be completely filled up by daddy.” He pants, feeling his already bubbling release begin to intensify. “Feel you squeezin’ m’cock, wanna cum again for daddy?” He questions through a pant. Since he was practically pinning your head to the desk by means of his grip on your throat, you could only give him a faint nod yes and a whimper. “C’mon then baby, cum with daddy.” He grunts, continuing to send more sharp yet staggered thrusts into you as he starts to feel wave of his release begging to overtake him. From the way he was gripping onto your body and shoving his cock deep inside of you, you weren’t able to stop yourself from squirting all over his cock and going numb from the waist down. Your seismic release from earlier doubled in size and just crashed down onto you. The same with Harry, his release crashed down onto him, resulting in rope after rope of his cum pouring into you just like he promised. 
Even though it took a little while for you guys’ weekend to get started, neither of you would have it any other way. Just based off of this round alone, you and Harry immediately knew it was going to be a very long and pleasure filled weekend.
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hotdamnhunnam · 3 years
Chick Flick Before Dick
A/N: Sooo I know I’ve written tons of fics featuring reader worshiping Jax’s dick – and I do plan to continue – but we also know he’s all about the service 😜 Based on the below requests, here’s a fic about the wicked magic Mr. Teller can work over you, with those talented fingers and tongue of his...
Pairing: Jax Teller x F!Reader Warnings: smut, swearing, dirty talk, teasing, edging (fingering + oral, fem receiving), semi-public setting (movie theater but no one else is there) Requests: 3 separate anon requests – 1 | 2 | 3
Word Count: ~2.9k
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“You say that shit to me one more time, bitch—I swear you’ll regret it the rest of your life.”
Oh, you don’t doubt it... Jax Teller has become more possessive than ever, since he claimed you as his wife. But today you have taken a stand, sticking to what you’ve planned; you’re not about to let him use some idle threat to get you out of it.
It never fails to make you smile, how your husband whines and grumbles like a child, when you turn down his cock to hang out with your friends every once in a while. 
Jax respects you too much to seriously hold it against you, and yet it’s no secret just how much he hates it when you ditch his dick to spend time with your girl crew. Leaving him high and dry, so horny he could die... alone with thoughts of all the dirty shit the two of you both love to do...
You tease your man about it for a minute, just for kicks. “Say what—‘chicks before dicks’...?”
He cringes and sticks out his tongue, as if hearing that phrase makes him physically sick. “Yeah, I mean, it’s just wrong. It’s insulting. Disgusting. The reigning queen of Charming shouldn’t say that to her king.”
“The queen says whatever she wants.”
“She better remember the king owns her cunt.”
“Well, now that’s what the king likes to think...” you taunt, though it’s a struggle to stay strong when his tone gets all dark and dominant.
Your husband knows just what you want. “Bitch, I know what you’re doing. You’re pissing me off on purpose ‘cause you’re desperate for some kind of punishment.”
You pretend to be appalled, although you really are aching for him to slam you up against the goddamn wall. “Behave, my king! Your lady would never do such a thing...”
“Cut the shit and run off to your ladies-in-waiting,” Jax says as he opens the car door for you to get in. Chivalry isn’t dead, though he’s less of a gentleman when you’re in bed. “Tomorrow you’ll spend the whole day as my personal plaything.”
Well, okay—fuck if that didn’t get you soaking wet. And yet tomorrow is a special day; your man has never missed special occasions ever since you started dating. “But did you forget—”
“That it’s our anniversary tomorrow? God, no,” he insists with a kiss on your forehead, amused that you thought he forgot. “Of course I didn’t, darlin’... but I said what I said. About you being my little plaything. Anniversary or not, won’t change a thing.”
It’s eleven-thirty on the morning of your anniversary... and your husband hasn’t even fucked you once yet. After finishing your second cup of coffee you’re still thirsty. Jax had cooked you a whole feast of chocolate chip pancakes and maple-glazed bacon and your favorite style of eggs, but until you have sex, you won’t feel fully fed.
“But I thought we were spending the whole day in bed...” you protest, as he drags your ass out of the house after breakfast.
“Now where’s the fun in that?” he huffs, promptly plopping you onto the back of his Harley and then speeding off. “Just ‘cause you’re spending the day as my slut, doesn’t mean we’ll be cooped up all day. Plenty of other places to play.”
Oh, boy. Just what he means to say... you’re not sure. Jax has fucked you in public before, but you don’t want the whole town of Charming to see him use you as his personal toy. His filthy little whore. What does he have in store...?
You don’t bother to ask where you’re going; you know him well, know he won’t tell. He loves feeling you squirm against him from behind as you agonize over not knowing. It’s literal hell.
And then, suddenly yet smoothly... his bike redirects and pulls up at the last place you’d ever expect: the movies.
What the hell? This early in the day? You can’t even remember when you and Jax last saw a movie together, out in theaters, and most certainly never a matinée. What kind of game is he trying to play...?
Scratch that—you definitely do remember the last time Jax Teller took you to the movies, at this same exact theater. Years ago on the day you first met. Day you’ll never forget. The first day of your last year in high school... that fall when you’d just moved to Charming, the new girl on campus that morning, fumbling through the halls like a fool... then you laid eyes on this guy who captured your heart without warning and had you drowning in a puddle of drool.
Needless to say, you played hooky on your very first day at Redwood Hills High. ‘Cause when Jax Fucking Teller offered you a ride on his bike... that was not something you were about to deny. Powerless to resist cutting class when he already owned your ass in every way. You were psyched. So damn psyched you could die.
And you did in fact die on that fine afternoon, when Jax took your ass out to the movies and spent the whole time ruining your pussy with his fingers and tongue and that huge monster cock till you came like a fucking monsoon.
Now here you are again. So much has changed since then, when your lifetime beside Jax began. Yet so much is the same. High school sweethearts, in love from the start... it’s been almost a decade and nothing can tear your apart. To this day you are still that same girl who repeatedly moaned out his name, in a movie theater with no fucking shame, as you came, came and came...
Your man can see the memories replaying in your head, as he removes your helmet. The sweetest little smirk lights up his gorgeous face. “Remember this place?”
You smile and nod, swooning just from the thought. “Yeah, it’s crazy that we’ve never been back here since our first date...”
“I figured it’d be cute to recreate.”
Ugh, this man is so perfect it’s rude. You playfully scrunch up your nose as the two of you hop off his ride, holding hands like teenagers as you head inside. “Since when do you do cute?”
“Since I met you, babe,” he coos, as you practically trip over your shoes, stumbling through the doorway. “What can I say, you put me in the mood...”
Jax knows already what he plans to see: some dumb romantic comedy. One that’s been out in theaters for months, so the space will be empty just like he wants. Picks up your tickets and  passes right by the popcorn since you both have had plenty of food. And since he’s bound to spend the whole film facedown in your cunt. His face is gonna be fucking glued.
Well, except for when he shifts position every so often to pound you with his massive dick. You already can’t wait for it. Hope he gets to it good and quick; you’re fucking desperate...
You have no clue, just yet, how much your man is gonna make you beg for it.
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“How many minutes of the movie do you think we managed to see on our first date?” Jax asks, as he sits his fine ass in the row farthest back. Looking like a damn snack. He’s all yours to attack, just as you are to him, and you can’t fucking wait. The lights dim, as the last of the trailers just played.
You’re the only two souls in this place, thankfully.
Scooting in beside him and all ready for him to devour your pussy, you think back to that day so long ago. “I don’t know... three?”
“Yeah, sounds right to me.”
“Let’s go for zero now, shall we...?”
“Nah, babe—that’s too easy,” he teases, resisting your hand as you reach toward the bulge in his pants to squeeze it. “We should give ourselves some kind of challenge, don’t you think? We were just kids back then. Now we’re the queen and king.”
“What’re you saying?” you mutter as you try and fail to grab hold of his dick. “Jax, please...”
“Think we should double it, at least. Let’s make it six.”
“You fucking serious?” you whimper like a spoiled little bitch. “You’re gonna make me sit through six whole minutes of this shit? You know I hate these sappy crappy chick flicks...”
“Shut up and watch,” he commands, slipping into his natural-born role of pure dominance. “Get your greedy whore hands off my crotch. I’ll tell you when you get to touch.”
Well, fuck. You know you shouldn’t push your luck, although you’re absolutely aching for his cock. You’ve never wanted anything so much.
Squirming in your seat, burning with need, you’re about to explode from the heat. You can’t be asked to keep your damn eyes on the screen, when Jax looks hotter right now than you’ve ever seen. Good enough to eat. Gawking at his chiseled profile limned by the light that projects, you just marvel at how he’s so totally perfect...
“You watching the movie, or me?”
As if he has to ask. You can’t wait till six minutes have passed. “What the fuck do you think? Don’t you wanna use me as your plaything...?”
“Sit back and obey your king.”
“Why are you being so mean...”
It’s no secret that Jax loves to torture his queen. But your juices are leaking all over the cheap fabric seat, and the mess that you’re making is fucking obscene.
That’s why you need his face to be down there to lick it all clean.
“Payback, bitch,” he replies with a devilish wink. The wink that always makes your pussy throb and twitch. It’s a whole fucking kink. “You know how it is...”
And with the words that Jax says next, denying you the privilege of having him between your legs—you understand exactly why he’s doing this. Dishing out punishment and getting off on it, because he knows that you deserve this shit. So savage and sadistic. After the way you spent yesterday pushing his buttons for kicks... now the king is the one playing tricks.
“Chick flick before dick.”
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“Jax, I think it’s been six—”
“I’m the one keeping count, bitch. Two more minutes.”
Fuck. Every minute feels infinite. With no luck, you struggle to think about anything other than Jax Teller’s cock. How he’s probably already hard as a rock, how your pussy is bursting and needs him to get all up in it...
Now you’re pretty sure it’s been another two minutes. Moaning like a slut, you know that you should keep your mouth shut, but it’s so hard to resist. Why can’t he just get down to business? You’ve already gone ahead and taken off your panties underneath your dress, to give your husband easy access. 
Forcing yourself to take your gaze off Jax, you lean your head back, close your eyes, and try to just ignore the flood between your thighs. His brutal punishment is pushing you right past your limits. Now it’s definitely been more than two minutes...
Oh shit—just then, you feel his touch upon your clit. Right here in this empty theater. You honestly couldn’t be wetter. “F-fuck, Teller… I need your dick…” “Know you do, bitch,” he snickers and wickedly curls up his fingers. “You just gotta wait till the end of the chick flick.”
Till the end of the—what?!? You groan out, needy and loud, unable to keep your mouth shut. “What the fuck...!”
Now he’s shifted position to kneel before you on the floor. The dim light in the room reflects off of the black of his kutte, as he seals your fate as his dirty little slut. Still the one in control, even down in his kneeling position, sending you reeling even deeper in submission as he uses his skillful fingers to service your soaking wet hole. “Thought you heard me before. You naughty fucking whore.”
Holy mother of shit. You’re already about to explode and can barely fight it. “Yeah, I did—”
“Then repeat it.”
You’ve never been so fucking heated, so wrecked in the head, as you echo the words he’d so cruelly said. “Chick flick before dick.”
“That’s a good girl,” Jax purrs as he slides his two fingers straight into you. Long and thick, stirring you up as they twirl, so damn sinful and slick. Growling in satisfaction, watching your reactions, enjoying the view, the sensation of you being so wet and tight. “You know what that means, right? Of course you do.”
God, this man is too good and too bad to be true... “B-but I didn’t think—”
“Bitch, I swear by the end of this flick you won’t be thinking anything,” Jax interrupts viciously, as two fingers become three. “Now sit back and be good. Let me use you like I said I would. As my filthy fucking plaything.”
Thirty seconds letter you are quaking. Heart aching. Feels like every fiber of your being is fucking breaking.
Although you know you shouldn’t dare cum without his permission... it’s harder and harder as Jax drives his digits in farther and farther, his every move sparking your fucking ignition. The tight coil of arousal inside you is past your control, as he ruthlessly ruins your hole, filling you to the core of your soul. 
And before you know what’s even happened, your body explodes with an orgasm more intense than anything you have ever imagined. Beyond your wildest dreams. The whole town of Charming can no doubt hear your screams, as you frantically shout out the name of your king, in this fucking theater, cunt spastically squirting all over the letters engraved in his thick metal rings.
“Such a sweet fucking cunt,” he grunts, watching your face with a devilish chuckle, as he slurps the taste of you off of his knuckles. “But you’re so disobedient. Cumming before I allowed it? Mmm, almost as if you want more fucking punishment... can’t live without it...”
Your whole body shivers and convulses, as your pussy quivers and pulses. “J-Jax...”
As you clumsily try to pull him toward you for a kiss, he pins down both your wrists. Has no patience for any of this. Jax’s dominance hits like a fucking attack. “Slut, I told you to shut up and sit... the fuck... back.”
The first time you came, only his hands were to blame; your sex god of a husband had not even started to use his mouth yet.
Now he starts. And the second his tongue hits your sensitive pussy, so swollen and juicy, unspeakably wet... you already feel ripped apart. Ripped to shreds. Already dead.
He’s licking at your slit, while sucking on your clit, and you’re losing your absolute shit.
You’re pretty sure you just came three times in less than a minute, but it’s not as if you’re in a state to keep track. You can’t bear to look down at him doing his thing, golden hair gleaming in the faint light as he feasts on your cunt like a king. You’ve always been his personal plaything. He has every right to eat you like a snack.
Yet he’s pushing you past every possible limit of orgasms and that’s a fact.
You just moan and gasp, losing what little grasp you have on sanity, slipping away from reality, throwing your head further back. “Jax—fuck, Jaxxx...!”
After his next round of wrecking, he finally pauses for just a few seconds. You need him to cut this shit out but can’t say it aloud; you don’t have any breath left for begging.
His flawless face is glistening in your juices, snickering as he gets off on putting you through this. Whenever the king and queen go to battle in the bedroom or any damn context involving sex... queen always loses.
Nothing could’ve prepared you for what Jax says next.
“You good?”
What the—did he just—
But before you can even attempt to protest, the bastard goes back at it like no man on earth ever should. ‘Cause of course he would. He fucking would.
The audacity?!?! You have officially lost any hope of regaining your sanity. Ever. 
FUCK Jax Fucking Teller. You should’ve known that you were doomed from the day you two first got together, right in this theater...
But then again, you fucking did. Of course you fucking knew it. Knew all along that this would happen. And that is exactly what you had imagined, what you had signed up for: to serve him forever, to let him destroy you whenever, wherever, use and abuse you as his own personal fucking whore.
Your soul doesn’t even belong to you anymore. Jax Fucking Teller just sucked it right out of you, several times over. He’s not even done yet. Won’t be till you’re dead. Your man is one goddamn savage motherfucker, but that is what makes him the most perfect lover.
Although you’re not sure if you’ll ever recover... you do know one thing for sure: by the end of this movie—even if your poor pussy physically can’t take an orgasm more, really, truly—you’re taking his dick. Dick is the only cure. You fucking live and die for Jax Teller’s dick. Fucking need it more than you can even afford.
And that is why from this day forward, you both know that no chicks—and sure as hell no goddamn chick flicks—will ever come before.
Hope you enjoyed this, and would love to hear if you did! 🤗❤️
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411 notes · View notes
floraltypes · 3 years
leroy jethro gibbs x reader
fluff, drinking, mentions of sex, death,
based on earlier seasons
AN: ahh my first NCIS little drabble! requests are open so request something!
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The moon was shining into the windows of the dimly lit bar. It defiantly wasn’t the nicest one you’d ever been in, but when a old friend insisted on bringing you, you gave in.
She had been babbling to you, for days, about the man who owns it and how they are sleeping around with each other. She continued to then beg for you to come and check it out, then maybe bring some of your coworkers so the guy she liked so much could have more customers.
“Come on Y/n!” Your friend, Elise, whined. She sat up from her position on the couch in your apartment, and locked her fingers around your wrist to get you to stand. “Let’s go! It’s a good place! Popular! Fun! Drinks are cheap,” She was very cheery and trying her hardest to convince you as well.
“Not now,” You groaned, trying to use your weight to stay on the couch. “Brandon is coming over and I had plans to have a nice dinner with him,” You told her, the girl giving up.
Brandon was your current boyfriend, for about two months. Both of you were always incredibly busy with your jobs, him a FBI agent, you a NCIS special agent. So, it made it very difficult to truly see each other and have fun.
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He was helping with the investigation due to the victim of the crime (at the time) being a old navy friend of his. They were going to meet up and try to regain a old friendship before the man was murdered. But Brandon decided to stay a bit and try to help with the case, to find his friends murderer, and to talk to you a bit more.
“A shame to see him go. Wish I’d have see him sooner,” Brandon admitted, rubbing his eyes a little while staring at the body bag.
“I’m sorry for your loss Agent Jordon,” You put a arm on his shoulder and he looked down at you with a small smile. “Trust us, we’ll find him,” You tried to reassure him.
“Thank you Agent L/n,” He nodded, turning fully around to face you now, while they lifted up the body bag to carry it into the van. “I would hope it will be okay if I join you with finding him,” He looked towards you for a answer.
“Oh! Well, uh, I-”
“Talk to your supervisor,” Gibbs interrupted, throwing a camera into your hand. “We still need to hear about your alibi. L/n, get to work on those photos. Todd!” He called out to the other female agent who was walking over with DiNozzo.
“Yeah, Gibbs,” She walked over, fixing the hat that was covering a bit too much of her face than she wanted.
The park was empty, they had found the body slumped up next to a tree with a cup of coffee in hand, which was going to be tested by the lovely Abby, along with everything else he had on him.
“You and DiNozzo go ahead and check out the areas around here, take another camera,” He commanded Todd and DiNozzo, who soon left. “L/n, pictures,” He snapped, now standing right next to you. You quickly nodded and left to go do the job by taking some more pictures of where the body formally was.
“Sir, I hope you’ll let me join you on this investigation. I was at my office, up until I got news of his murder, you can check with coworkers of mine and even my boss,” Brandon told Gibbs, hands now in his pockets and pulling out the FBI badge.
“I know what you are,” Gibbs sneered, motioning for him to put it away. “We don’t need FBI for this, it’s our job,”
“Just for a extra eye, nothing more, I just want to know I did all I could do to get justice for my friend,”
“Come on Gibbs,” You piped up, walking over with the camera in hand and zippering up your jacket with the other. “A extra hand, another person to boss around, and that person being a FBI agent. It kinda sounds like something you might want,” You joked, slowly lowering your voice as his intimidating gaze was put on you. “Or not?”
“I obviously don’t boss you around enough that you feel the need to bother me instead of doing your job,”
“I took the photos!” You lifted up the camera and pulled up a photo of something you found near the body. “Looks like boot marks on the grass, they were bigger and I measured, bigger than our victim. That can help narrow down the search, they were also heavier boots, something someone who’s in the navy might wear,” You handed him the camera and walked to stand across from him, next to Brandon.
“You’re good,” Brandon complimented, smiling down at you.
“It’s the bare minimum, let’s go,” Gibbs, once again, interrupted, and the three of you started walking to his car. “Y/n, up front with me,” He commanded and you quickly jumped in the seat.
“So, can I help?” Brandon asked after there were a few minutes of silence.
“As long as you don’t get in our way,”
Once you made it back to the iconic building, you were excited to show Brandon around a bit, DiNozzo and Todd already doing some research based on some things they found.
“Oh! The autopsy is where Ducky is working at the moment. You have to go and see down there, but Ducky is a talker, so be warned. Sometimes I go down there, on paperwork days, to learn more about anatomy,” You informed the Agent who was happily listening besides you.
“L/n, you are at work, during your work hours, where you get payed to do work. Also known as working on the case, not giving tours, he can figure it out himself,” Gibbs commented, dropping off a couple of files at your desk. You let out a little groan, and apologetic smile to Brandon and walked back to your desk. “Figure out his closest friends, got it, people he was closely working next to,”
“Yes sir,” You plopped yourself down and started to open a file when another chair was soon pulled up.
“Boss is in a extra bad mood today, huh?” DiNozzo laughed, grabbing one of the files near you.
“Big surprise,” You rolled your eyes, flipping to the next page.
“I’ve got a feeling he doesn’t like little FBI agent,”
“Well of course not, he is a FBI agent after all,”
“I’m thinking for another reason,” DiNozzo sent you one last smirk before rolling his chair back to the desk next to you.
“What’s tha-”
“Need help?” Brandon wondered, pulling up a extra chair and grabbing a file. The two of you chatted while going through it. Gibbs down checking in with Abby and then Ducky to see what more they could find out.
Soon, you were all able to find out who exactly killed the victim, leaving to go to the home the man was with another navy agent. You and Brandon took the front of the house, Gibbs and Dinozzo taking the back entrance of the farm house and land, going to check where some animals were located. Todd and Mcgee then headed to a shed that was also present on the land.
You looked back at Brandon, who nodded at you, signaling it was okay to open the door, and you turned the knob. Walking into the entrance and started to sweep the area with your gun in front of you. Brandon motioned you over to a door where he was hearing noises and soon swung it open.
“Liam Han! Put the gun down!” You yelled at him, then pressing your ear piece and letting the rest of the team know you had found the man. You watched the life drain out of the mans face, the first beam of sweat truly drip down, the way his eyes widened every so slightly, and his gun quickly moving to be aimed at Brandon.
You soon shot the mans arm while he shot Brandons leg, other agents soon rushing in and putting Liam into handcuffs and helping the petty officer, who was kidnapped, out of his seat.
“Agent Jordon,” You got on your knees besides him, looking at the wound which seemed to hit a bit below his knee. “Don’t worry medics are on their way, um, are you okay?”
“I might be FBI, but I tend to due more paperwork than field work,” He laughed a little, clutching the wounded leg.
“Why wouldn’t you inform us of that?” Gibbs asked him, same tone in his voice like always.
“It’s not like I’m never on the field, I know what to do,” He didn’t look at Gibbs at all just looking at you. “But hey, maybe this little wound will make it more convincing for you to let me take you out on a date,” He smiled widely, despite his bloody leg.
“Uh.” You looked at him in disbelief and Gibbs rolled his eyes.
“Might as well call of the medics,” Gibbs commented, moving towards the door.
“Wait! No! I still need them!” Brandon called out after.
“That’s something I’m gonna have to try,” DiNozzo mentioned.
“Yeah, ‘cause it would be real charming if you did it,” Todd added.
“Sure,” You told him, laughing a bit while the medics came in to truly address his leg.
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Two more dates, after the first one, he soon asked you to be his girlfriend and the two of you have been going strong for two months!
“I’m in town, please, do this one thing for me!” Elise continued to beg.
“And I never see Brandon,” You fired back. “I’ll think about it, but your flight is tomorrow, so you better go spend the last of that time with your boy toy and I’ll email you,” She quickly nodded and grabbed her stuff, saying a quick goodbye.
A few hours later Brandon arrived to your apartment, yet, not so thrilled to see you. He had a stressed look on his features and no bags in his hand, just a frown and a envelope.
“Brandon?” You got up from the couch you’d been waiting on for the past two hours and slowly walked over to him. “What’s wrong?”
“I think we should break up,” His eyes connected with yours, tears littering the edge of his eyes.
“I need to focus on my work, I’ve always wanted to be a unit chief and in order to gain that goal, I need to do better at my job, and that means cutting off any distractions,” He explained, placing the envelope on your kitchen counter.
“I don’t mean for it to come off in a rude way, but this is just the best for me, and now you can even focus on your work more and how to deal with a insane boss,” He lightly laughed, slowly walking to you a patting your shoulder. “I hope to see you soon,” He turned back to the door and left like he was never there.
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That’s how you found yourself in the crappy bar. Elise sure talked it up enough to make it sound decent, but in all reality is was one of the worse you’ve ever been too. But the drinks were kind of good and cheap, so staying a little longer didn’t seem so bad.
Later, when you indulged in a few more weeks, you realized it would be best to head back, yet Elise was off having fun with her boy and you came here with her, in her car.
“DiNozzo,” You spoke into the phone, coughing a bit afterwards. “Pick me up,”
“You’re drunk?” He asked into the phone. “Weird, I’ve only seen that a few times. Not pretty,” He laughed. “Would love to, we’ll not really, but I’m with this smoking hot blonde and she wants to do it in the shower, later,” He hung up, leaving you to dial another friend.
“Y/n?” Caitlins voiced echoed through the phone. “What’s up?”
“I’m drunk, and want to sleep, pick me up Cait, please?”
“I’m out with my family, maybe ask Abby?”
“At some weird rock concert,” You groaned. “I’m not even a crazy drunk, or that drunk, but I don’t feel comfortable driving and I just want to sleep,” You complained.
“I’ve got to go, good luck,” Caitlin then hung up, leaving you to let your forehead fall onto the bar counter.
“Ugh, I guess I have no choice,” You groaned, again, and dialed a number you were dreading to call.
“L/n? It’s late, what is it?”
“Gibbs, I need to call in a favor,” You quietly voiced into the phone.
“What’s this, favor?”
“Can you pick me up,”
“You sound twelve,”
“I can’t drive and everyone’s busy, come on, for me?”
“Tch, I was finally making some real progress on my boat, but now I have to go and save a dumb drunk coworker of mine,” He grumbled underneath his breath, which was still able to be heard through the phone. “Tell me the address,”
You soon told him and hung up. Paying the money you owed the bartender and getting your purse all ready for when the grey-haired man would show up.
“This place is a dump,” A familiar voice muttered, stepping through the door. “What the hell?”
“Gibbs!” You shot up and tumbled your way towards him. “I absolutely hate this place, and fuck-”
“Woah,” He caught your body which just about fell onto him. “You sure can talk normally but not walk normally,” He noted, swinging one of your arms to fall onto his shoulders and his to snake around your waist.
Since the place was about deserted it was easy to get a parking spot in the front and guide you to the car. Once Gibbs opened the passenger door you flopped down, and Gibbs leaned over to buckle your seatbelt, your eyes closed.
“Fell asleep, already, damn, I don’t know where you live,” He mumbled, getting into the drivers seat and pulling out of the nasty bar.
“Gibbs,” You whispered, stirring around in the chair and moving one of your hands to reach for his thigh, though his full attention was already on you, the red beaming onto your features.
“Y/n,” He spoke again, ignoring the hand that was rested on his more lower thigh. “I’m taking you to my place, I have a extra bedroom so it shouldn’t be a problem. And if it is, I don’t care because you’re the one who decided to get drunk,”
“Mmk,” You hummed. “Gibbs,”
“Yes?” He moved his attention back to the road, the color changing.
“You’re my favorite agent,” You laughed a little after, now the true side affects of when you were sleepy and drank too much, kicking in.
“Thanks, I guess,”
“Am I yours?”
“Good,” You closed your eyes again, letting a grin take over your features. “Gibbs,”
“Yes,” He said with a bit more irritation this time.
“I miss Brandon,”
“Weren’t you supposed to see him tonight?”
“He broke up with me, said I was a distraction. So he needs to cut me off and focus now. Am I a distraction to you?”
“Yeah,” He chuckled a little at the droppy tone of your words and the funny memories of you flashing through his mind at the question. “But sometimes distractions are a good thing. Like distracting you from the troubles that just can’t be fixed at the moment, that’s what you do for me, so it isn’t a horrible thing,”
“Brandon was a idiot anyway,”
“You’re just saying that ‘cause he was FBI,”
“Yeah, that’s true, but,” Gibbs stopped for a moment, thinking about the words he was about to mutter, contemplating if he was willing to take the risk or not. “He’s also a idiot for getting rid of a distraction like you,”
“You mean that? Gibbs I-” You stopped your sentence after feeling a pair of lips being pushed up against your own. You opened you eyes wide to look at the man who had connected his with yours. “Gibbs what about rule-”
“Who cares, I made the rules, therefore I can break them,” He smirked, grabbing the hand in his lap. “Let’s head to my house and get you to bed and some medicine in your stomach for the hangover you’re going to have tomorrow,”
“Oh, okay,”
“After I finish up on my boat,”
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