#when life says die i say no i have more love for chan in my heart and cannot
chrisbangs · 9 months
got home at 12 am after such a shit show of a day... 🤲 every day i wonder why i'm put here on this earth if only to suffer
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justwonder113 · 2 months
Sharing a bed with Channie
Lee Know ; Changbin; Hyunjin; Han; Felix; Seungmin; IN;
My Masterlist
Summary: Chan is your rock, your guide your everything. He was also the the only person you could go to when you couldn't sleep. Warning: CURSING- I literally have no shame; GN reader, reader can't sleep. I Know I said it would be like one bed trope series but I feel like it isn't fully it? Like they lay in one bed for 5 minutes before point is shifted? Playful banter between friednds, Chan and reader are best friends and roommates. fluff, friends to lovers. Not proofread. Mention of burying yourself alive? A/N- I know I announced that I would write this eons ago but it took me more time thatn I thought it would. I had a clear vision but while writing this I changed everything like at least 5 times. I really hope you'll like it. Thank you for all the love and support you have given me. It means the world to me. Please share your thoughts with me and reblog. Also if you have any type of request please I'll be more than glad to write it. Word count-
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You were going to do this! You were not going to back down. You were not a coward! What could happen? The worst thing he could say was no. Big thing! You knew how to take no as an answer... No you didn't.. You would most probably die of shame if he said no. He wouldn't right? No, he is much too kind to deny you of such simple thing. But what if you made him feel uncomfortable? You would rather chew off your own foot than make him do something that makes him uncomfortable or make him uncomfortable yourself. He would tell you if he didn't want it right? You were friends. Quite close ones too. God you were friends! Of course he would find it weird that you wanted to sleep in the same bed. You had nothing explisit in mind tho. You just wanted to sleep next to him. You had trouble sleeping these days and it was starting to affect your everyday life, You were more groggy, more irritable, your head was in the clouds and you couldn't fully concentrate on anything. You tried everything to fix your sleeping schedule but nothing really worked. To say that you were despterate would be an understatement.
For the past 2 weeks the only time you slept peacefully and didn't wake up feeling like shit was when you and Chan fell asleep watching tv. It was the best sleep you had in a while, you woke up feeling like a new person. You were hopeful that you wouldn't experience trouble sleeping like that ever again but sadly nothing had really changed.
You couldn't help but sigh when you saw that it was almost 3 am. You had to get up early too and you had to be on top too. You were going to do it!
You got up from the bed, but before leaving the room you turned back and headed to the mirror. After making sure you were decent at least fifteen times you finally left the room. If it was any other of your friends you wouldn't even thing twice before heading to them, but this was Channie, your channie, the guy you had been hopelessly in love with since forever, but also a guy who only saw you as a friend.
You've read countless times that whenever a person came to their crush with the excuse that they couldn't sleep and/ or had a nightmare(in your case both) their crush always welcomed them with open arms. And they always ended up together after sharing a bed. If there was a fanfiction god you prayed things would go well or you would bury yourself alive and at least that would solve your sleep issues.
You were surprised to see that the lights in his room were on. Was he still working? You had to scold him later, he promised that he wouldn't work until late and would actually try and sleep.
You softly knocked on the door, but there was no answer. After a few seconds you knocked again, but also no answer. Maybe he fell asleep you thought. Feeling bad waking him up you felt bad you turned back to return to your room.
To say that you almost had a heart attack when you saw a dark figure looming behind you would be a severe understantment. You even fell back on your butt. Chan's gasp of your name made you realize it was him, he even tried to catch you but couldn't hold onto you on time.
"Oh my god are you okay?" Chan crouched down next to you, he held your face and carefully examined you while you tried to catch your breathe.
"I think I saw god for a second." You gasped out after a few seconds of gasping dramatically. Chan rolled his eyes at you before asking "What were you doing in front of my room?"
You stumbled for a second trying to find a perfect answer. While staring into his eyes all your courage from earlier had disappeared, you felt embarrassed about what you wanted to ask him. Also the fact that he was only in his pyjama pants didn't help at all. Like you also needed to be distracted by his Greek God body! "I wanted to get water and saw that the lights in your room were on." You couldn't be more obvious you were lying but you still hoped he wouldn't pry. Chan looked at you sternly before sighing. "You couldn't sleep?" You wanted to deny but the way Chan was looking at you, you couldn't lie. You could only nod, feeling disappointed in yourself. Chan looked at you for a second before grabbing your hand and leading you into his bedroom.
"What are you doing?" You couldn't help but ask, when he literally just casually picked you up and put you in the middle of the bed like a pretty decoration on top of a cake. He only told you to stay put and then left the room. You were baffled. You stayed put and only waited for him who quickly returned couple of minutes later with your pillow and the plushie he won for you when you were at the arcade. He instructed to you to get comfortable under the covers and then left again. He took a bit longer this time, but in a minute or two he was back with the cup of tea. Literally how could you not love him? He was so sweet and gentle with you. He really was the most beautiful person to walk this earth both body and soul. You were so touched by this that you forgot all your bashfullness? You leaned in and kissed his cheek. And the bashful smile he gave you?! The butterflies in your stomach were having a french revoluiton.
After you drank your tea, Chan took the glass from you and put it on his nightstang. "Are you comfortable like this? I can go back in my room." You couldn't help but ask. You felt shy laying on his bed next to him. Chan rolled his eyes and got under the cover. You two were so close you could feel his body heat without even touching him.
"I was the one who bought you here so stop overthinking and go to sleep!" Chan grumbled before wrapping his hand around your waist and bringing you closer to his body. You were chest to chest now and your heart was beating so strongly you were worried he would feel it. You looked up at him with wide eyes. "Christopher Bang Chan! What is this behaviour? What did you do to my shy best friend?" Chan smiled, "when was I ever shy?" Now it was your turn to smile mischeviously, "you're right you always were a little shit." Chan pinched your side making you yelp, you couldn't help but laugh at his distaste. "You're a menace." His voice was low, making you shiver. "Learned it from the best." You quipped quickly.
"You love me."
Chan waited for a second before leaning in and kissing the tip of your nose before muttering, "You're right, I do."
You started at him with wide eyes, unable to say anything. Your cheeks felt really hot. "What's with the heart fluttering shit you do? Be carefull Christopher or I might fall for you. What are you going to say about that?" Not going to lie you were dying inside wanting to know what would Chan say. Chan opened one eye to look at you and then closed it. You thought that he would ignore you, he cradled you closer to his body. Your face was against the crook of his neck. You felt like you could melt. You felt so warm and secure,the smell of his shower gel and the musky scent of his body really soothed you, you could even feel his carotid pulse. It was comforting his pulse was almost as fast as yours. Maybe you were deluding yourself but what if he felt the same?
The sound of Chans voice bought you down to reality." I would say it's about time, I've been flirting with you for ages!" What the actual fuck? You immediately jumped up and looked at Chan with the most shocked face ever. He's being doing what now?
"You've been flirting with me?" You needed him to say it again. You needed the clarification!
Chan opened his eyes and leaned up, you tried to read his expression but you got nothing. "Yes? Since forever? I'm surprised you hadn't realized."
"You like me?" You couldn't believe your ears.
"Yes? Why are you so shocked?" He sounded genuinely confused.
"Because I thought you only saw me as a friend and well you do have a flirty personality." -You tried to explain, Chris sighed and fully leaned up. He looked at you for a second before putting his hand on your neck and pulling you towards him. You thought he was going to kiss you and your heart basically did a backflip on top of running 500 kilometers per hour, but instead of kissing you on lips he softly kissed your forehead. When you opened your eyes whitch you hadn't even realized you had closed, you saw that he was looking and you with the softest gaze ever. You couldn't put it to words but it was type of expression that even if you didn't like him you would fall for him head over heels without a doubt.
"First of all you're literally the hottest person ever with even better personality. I would be a fool to not fall in love with you. So trust me my flirting was genuine. Now the second, you always flirted back, you weren't being genuine?" His question bought you aback and you started stammering for an answer but you stopped when you heard him chucke. "Okay okay I'm just teasing. I know you were being sincere. And I'm also aware you have a crush on me. It's cute actually. " His eyes twinkled with mischief as he teased you. You didn't know if you wanted to hit him or kiss him sensless.
"I hate you so much sometimes." You couldn't help but groan. You were feeling beyond embarrassed, both because you knew that he liked you back and because he had known you liked him. What an asshole why did it take him this long to say anything? Chan leaned in and placed another peck on your cheek, making you sigh quietly. "Your raging crush on me says otherwise."
"Oh shut up!" You did smack him on the arm this time. Chan's cuckle filled the room and you couldn't help but also laugh. You felt like a lovesick teenager but you didn't really mind it. Chan's one hand was still on your neck rubbing the thumb mindlessly along your skin, his warm hand not failing to send shiver aftee shiver down your spine, while his other hand was on your waist keeping you close to him. He acted like the thought for a second before muttering "Good idea." And leaning towards you, your lips so close they slightly grazed each other with each breath.
"Can I kiss you?" God were you dreaming? You even pinched yourself and you were awake! Fanfiction God really did exist apparently. You would have to thank them later.
Much to your dismay after kissing each other for so long that your lips were already starting to buzz Chan decieed to lean back. You chased after his lips, you didn't care that your lips were buzzing, you felt like you could kiss him until your lips fell off. You felt like you had been deprived of him all your life and you felt greedy now once you got the taste of him.
You nodded eagerly, making Chan's smile deepen. And he closed the distance. Chan, your lovely Channie, your best friend and closest companion, the guy you could trust with your life and your longtime crush was kissing you. And it felt beyond majestic. It was everything you had imagined and so much more! His lips were so soft, so warm and felt so nice against yours. Your whole body was like set ablaze and despite feeling so so many times today you felt like melting, like your bones were liquifying. Only he could make you feel that way. So confused and so hopelessly in love. You couldn't help but smile into the kiss, Chris mirrored it and soon you were full on chuckling between giving each other short pecks. You love how lighthearted and fun everything was with Chris but also very deep and meaningful and how he always made you feel so secure. Really, how could you not love him?
Chan smiled and gave you a short peck. Then he brought you closed to his body and hugged you. "I really like you, heck I might even love you, this might sound cheesy and I know your menace butt is going to tease me after this but be mine?"
What a dork. You hugged him closer and kissed his neck. "I think I also love you too. And I will tease you about it most definitely, but yes, I will be yours." Chan smiled with his pretty dimples fully on display, he kissed your forehead and then helped you get comfortable on his bed. You felt so calm and peaceful despite your heart still running like crazy, you could feel the sleep approaching. Oh yeah you had insomnia, how funny.
A/N- I really hope you liked it, I will fix mistakes later my eyes are burning at this point. Feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading❤️
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srslyscary · 3 months
things they’ve said // ot8
things bf!skz has said to you
Including: bang chan, changbin, hyunjin, lee know, seungmin, han, felix, jeongin
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Bang Chan
; “you’re too cute for this world, Y’know?”
; “don’t doubt yourself babe. you’re amazing in my eyes.”
; “not every day do you get to wake up to a gorgeous gal.”
; “I know it’s late, but check out this track I made— yeah it’s about you, what about it babe?”
; “stain my face with your pretty lips baby, I want everyone to know I belong to you— yeah with that new lipstick you bought, it’s a cute color. perfect for complimenting my face.”
; “i have seven kids and now they’re also YOUR seven kids.. deal with it, hah.”
; “you’re shorter than me, so your love capacity isn’t as strong as mine. it’s physically impossible for you to love me more babe.”
; “I can’t take my eyes off you. you’re just too pretty— I’m not trying to be creepy!— no— Y’know what I just won’t look at you then.. hehe.”
; “you deserve the universe.”
; “it’s kind of hard to unlove you sweetheart.”
; “it’s only been 2 minutes how do you already miss me.”
; “baby all I wanna do is see you. and do you.— just kidding… or am I?”
; “my goal is to keep you happy all the time.”
; “I love you because you’re the best. intellectual wise I REALLY would hate for someone to touch you lovingly like I do.”
; “excuse the fact that we’re locked in for life and you can’t go anywhere without me- HAHA.”
; “I got addicted to you very easily.”
; “I think I’m just in love with everything you do.”
; “I love you. I don’t think I said that enough today.”
; “y’know what we should do? go have a picnic and watch the sunset. wouldn’t that be nice?”
; “you’re always pretty jagiya. you’re especially pretty without makeup.”
; “i’m tired. let’s cuddle, kay? I wanna feel you wrapped up in my arms, I’ll know you’re safe with me then.”
; “I literally just can’t have enough of you.”
; “I’ve been looking at pictures of you for the last 30 minutes—“
; “I like you mostest— no I love you. I’m IN love with you.”
; “wanna ft and eat together?”
; “You’re perfect to me. You always will be— it’s not cheesy it’s the truth!— accept my compliments right now!”
; “stop being stingy and give me more kisses! I’ll die if you don’t smother me— it’s true my doctor says so!”
; “your presence heals me.”
; “You’re like my healing wave and my bright sun.”
; “I can’t even describe in words how sexy you are right now- you’re just- WOW.”
; “I want you in every way that there is to want a person.”
; “You’re sweet, and hot.. good mix in my opinion.”
; “you should stay up.. I wanna keep flirting with you.”
; “I wanted to talk to you. I miss your voice and your laugh, and your pretty face.”
; “my love, you could be more discreet if you’re trying to scare me— USING MINHO AS A SCARE TACTIC ISN’T FAIR EITHER!”
; “I’ll be as sassy as I want. Now give me a kiss I’m craving them— yes I’m on my period now hand them over or else.”
; “jokes on you, you’re my number one priority right now. the boys can wait a little while longer.”
; “I wanna stay up and talk to you.— What do you mean no?— that’s too bad, you’re not my mom.”
; “you mean more than the world to me.”
; “I don’t care who he was. he was looking at you the way I look at you. and I should be the ONLY person to look at you like that— cmon love.”
; “I’m physically craving your touch right now— I just want to sock you in the face and then kiss it right where it hurts— I’m joking I love you!”
; “I always wanna be by your side angel.”
; “You’re cute when you’re sleepy.”
; “I’m painting you love, what else would I be doing?”
Lee Know
; “you literally captivate me. your eyes especially. I could spend hours looking at your pretty face and never get bored.”
; “one day I’m gonna train my cats to come beat you up.”
; “I’m gonna punch you in the mouth. With my mouth. Softly.— yea I’m going to kiss you.”
; “stop saying things that make me want to kiss the hell out of you. it’s not funny— don’t laugh!”
; “I want your lips, I want your everything. or rather- I want you here so I can hold you.”
; “when I talk to you.. it’s like talking to my best friend. except I love you and I get to kiss you all over and all that cool stuff.”
; “your stubborn ass is never gonna listen— also I love your ass. literally.”
; “I’m really just.. fucking soft when it comes to you.”
; “yeah babe. you’re really pretty. the prettiest.”
; “You’re literally dreaming i didn’t say that— how’s that gaslighting?!”
; “you make me think of a love song every time I look at you.”
; “baby, just kiss me.”
; “Sure, we can get matching outfits.”
; “you look so innocent but I know you’re not— that makes me weak.”
; “I can tell you so many times how pretty you are, because you’re my pretty puppy and no one else’s.”
; “kinda wanna take you out for dinner— what I’m just saying?”
; “relax pretty puppy, I’m all yours.”
; “I wanna see you drunk off my kisses.”
; “I just like whacked Han in the back of the head and he started crying- funniest thing ever.”
; “we look cute together, don’t you agree?”
; “let’s live together, I hate everyone else except you.”
; “you haven’t talked to me since 12:03pm. I’m lonely. talk to me babe.”
; “it’s not like I hate going out. I just hate everyone else gets to see how pretty you are.”
; “didn’t you say you liked these?— yeah I got ‘em for you.”
; “babe, you’re constantly reading that. what is it?”
; “wanna come watch me practice?”
; “that dress is cute babe, you should get it.”
; “You’re so stupidly cute, it’s getting annoying.”
; “babe, I love you— but stop trying to get me to buy you that dog.”
; “BABE GUESS WHAT— I love you!”
; “hi beautiful, I hope you had a good day!”
; “You’re so cute babeeee, you literally make my heart melt.”
; “wake up I miss you.”
; “baby, have I ever told you how pretty you are?— mhm! the prettiest.”
; “You’re all I’ll ever need.”
; “daily reminder that I’m so in love with you-!”
; “I woke up and the first thing I wanted was you.”
; “this pretty face is all mine— mine to kiss and stare at and compliment.”
; “my favorite thing to look at is you of course!!”
; “I got butterflies when you called me pretty.”
; “I stay up just to talk to you babe.”
; “girl the only side chicks I got are your other personalities.”
; “You’re always on my mind, duh.”
; “honestly my mom would be so proud of me if I brought you home.”
; “you have me on some foreign level of happy.”
; “why is it that birds chirp to communicate? let’s chirp to communicate baby! — IT’S NOT WEIRD IT’S NATURE.”
; “how’s your day going my beautiful future wife?”
; “face time meeee, I’m with the boyssss, they wanna say hi to my girlll!”
; “I want you. Only you.”
; “just kiss me and don’t stop.”
; “good morning angel. sleep well?”
; “I want all of you forever. you and your perfect face, your perfect body, your perfect personality.”
; “me and chan bought ice cream! wanna share with me?”
; “BABE THERE’S A SPIDER— oh right.. yeah I’ll kill it-“
; “so you’re saying you saw a cat and your first thought was to text me about it?— god I love you.”
; “you just have me so whipped. I’d do anything for you.”
; “sunshine, can I tell the boys about you?”
; “You’re my entire universe, and whatever is beyond that.”
; “such a pretty face, can’t believe I get to kiss you and call you mine.”
; “of course I made you some brownies! why wouldn’t I?”
; “when I kiss you it’s hard for me to stop.”
; “I love you with my heart baby.”
; “don’t get jealous baby you own my heart, I’m all yours.”
; “I wanna marry you already. I want a house, a dog, a weird grocery list, everything baby.”
; “why are you staring at me, huh beautiful?”
; “You’re really cute when you’re nervous.”
; “I’ll be over in five with pizza. Sound good?”
; “I’m so proud of everything you do lovely!”
; “proceed with caution you might burn down the kitchen.”
; “You’re literally my dream girl.”
; “I was just thinking about you— and our future.”
; “the thought of us kissing won’t leave my head-“
; “I miss you, call me?”
; “You’re cute.. we should be cute together!”
; “stay called me a peach.. do you think I’m a peach lovely?”
; “I don’t care what you wear, you’re beautiful either way.”
; “there she is— the girl of my dreams.”
; “I wanna be your every thought, every second of the day.”
; “I text you when I miss you.. which is all the time.”
; “can I tell you something? don’t freak out.— I love you.”
; “Sorry im busy! I’m discussing future wedding plans with your mom!”
; “you hungry lovely?— scratch that I know you’re always hungry, let’s go to that cafe down the street.”
; “send me videos of you— why would I want nudes? — no send me videos of you being silly and singing!”
; “I’m glad I met you too, you’re the best thing to happen to me.”
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rory-cakes · 3 months
A Buck and A Canary
What was she doing here?
Why was she smiling at him like nothing happened?
He left their child alone!
He let her die!
He lied to her!
It has been one week since the battle at the Habin Hotel. They were starting to finish the reconstruction of the hotel when something strange happened. An angel appeared. 
“Hello! My name is Y/n Altruist, and the higher-ups of heaven have sent me to oversee the progress of the hotel!” 
“THEY CHANGED THEIR MINDS!?” Charlie was practically vibrating with joy. 
“Why?” Vaggie asked skeptically. 
“Well, unlike before, we have proof that your hotel works! A certain serpent has shown up in heaven!”
“Sir Penitouse is alive!” everyone was filled with overwhelming joy. 
Y/n bowed in respect. 
“I deeply apologize for the exterminations. They were never supposed to happen. Sera and Adam were working alone in that sense.” 
Charlie grabbed her hand and helped her back up. 
“So really, no one knew? How is that possible?”
“The seven virtues are the only defense against evil on Earth so they have their hands full with that, I’m afraid. I was at the meeting and I brought up the issue as soon as I could!”
“Why do you care so much about what happens to us? No offense, we’re really grateful you did what you did! But why?”
“Well, I'm afraid my answer is a little selfish. My husband is down here. He wasn’t a good man but he was a good husband and he would have been a good father hadn’t he died.”
How did an angel like her end up with someone down here?
An angel like her?
“Im sorry, but what is your husband’s na-”
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Alastor sat uncomfortably on the plush couch in his room. Y/n sat equally as uncomfortable in a chair of a similar design. You could cut the tension in the air with a knife. 
Alastor avoided making eye contact with his wife. I mean she had to know who he truly was at this point. How could she not?
She breaks the silence. 
“I’ve missed you dearly, my darling.”
Why was she smiling?
“I know what you did, and while I can’t say I’m pleased, that doesn’t change the fact that you are my husband.”
“You cherished and loved me for so many years. You took care of me and Eudora. You loved me with everything you had.”
This isn’t right.
“So, if you haven’t stopped loving me in the time we’ve been apart,”
“I’d like to be your wife still.”
Alastor finally looked at his ethereal wife. She was so good. She shouldn’t be corrupted by his darkness. 
“I left her alone.”
“So did I.”
Y/n smiled at the man in front of her. This was her Alastor. This was the man she fell in love with. Sure, there were blazing red flags and she should probably be running for the hills. However, she can’t deny the urge to be with him. 
“I’ve been watching over her.”
“You have? How is she?”
“She’s lived a long life. She’s been married to her wife for about 40 years now. She adopted three kids and has a bunch of grandkids. She had her own radio show, Al!”
“She did?”
“She did.”
Y/n moves to sit beside him and grabs his hand with both of hers. Alastor finally pulls her closer,
“You deserve so much more than I am. I cursed you in life I can’t let you get hurt again.”
“You are all that I want, and if I get cursed because of it, that will have been my decision.”
She places her hand on his face, and he leans into it. 
“My darling Alastor, there is nothing you can do for me to stop loving you.”
“Alright, Birdy, I’ll have you for as long as you wish to stay.”
And so the Buck was reunited with his Canary.  
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A/N: Hi! I hope you liked the last part of Alastor's Birdy! If you have scenarios you would like me to write with this au, just send me an ask and ill get to it as soon as I can!
Taglist: @crazed-flower, @nanamunath, @preferably-fictional, @eccedentesiast-sapphic, @leximus98, @cupidsgift, @mag-chan, @stygianoir, @thereeallink, @yelloeukulele, @mariaclarade-la-cruz1, blurpleuni-squid, @galaxywing-has-adhd, @just-here-reading, @deez-nuts0, @strawberry-gothic, @purplerose291,@1-800-mocha, @trashbin-nie, @queenmizuki, @nkirukaj @bennythebitch @otherthoughtsofbu, @fantasycantasy, @hunnybee11626, @notally-tormal, @valerie-36, @lovingyeet, @holographicage, @har-har-harvey, @i-love-jafar, @cupidsgift, @meow-meowo, @theblueslytherin, @deadt3tinside, @lyralibra, @the-unhinged-raccoon, @avitute, @alastorswifeee, @stygianoir, @sideshow-b0b, @deadlymouse123, @mysingularitybts, @emotionalfangirl2002, @t0xic1vi, @goodlittlepup, @starsatmyhome, @wendds, @reader3, @redfoxgotlost, @hurthermore, @frostychurro @isa-dragon
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orikiys · 10 months
✿ ✿ 〞 voicemails with minho before death knocks
✰ pairings: sick!minho x gn!reader
✰ genre: angst, romance, grief
✰ warnings: major character death, mentions of alzheimer’s illness, lots of what ifs and unsaid thoughts, forever isn’t for ever.
✰ word count: 1.2k + words
MINHO | chan | changbin | hyunjin | han | felix | seungmin | jeongin
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one 𖨂
hey, uhm i honestly don’t know what to say but i’ll try. so it’s five forty in the morning and i’m sending these to you. the doctors– they said i won’t be able to m-make it. . . and i want to reassure you that whatever happened wasn’t your fault. at all, my kitten. we didn’t know i had this terminal illness, and i think now is the perfect time to say those things i never said. firstly, i love you so much. more than you can imagine. and yes, even more than that tv show of mine. there’s honestly so much to say, but there’s so little time. i have only 2-3 more hours, i suppose? and i begged the doctor to not call you before i’m gone. i know this isn’t fair to you my little star, but i don’t want to see you in pain because of me, or anyone else. which is why i’m afraid of letting go of your hand. afraid that if i go, you will try to follow me blindly, do the wrong things, walk down the wrong paths and will end up losing yourself. i don’t ever want that to happen. ever. so, please don’t cry when i’m gone. i guess you can cry a bit. . . but not much. what if you end up getting a sore throat? if you do, take the medicines from the second drawer in the bathroom, okay?
two 𖨂
i’ll miss you. your goofy faces that you make, your cute little squeaks between your laughs, your beautiful eyes that always shine when you see chocolates and you. all of you. i’ll miss all of you so much. how about you? will you miss me too? will you bake your cinnamon rolls that i love so much at the funeral? or on my birthday? will you? i’m not even sure what happens after death. whether i will even remember you or not, i don’t know. but what i know is, that i’ll watch over you from up there. i’ll always watch. so don’t be afraid to step out of the house after it gets dark. and if you do, carry that pepper spray with you, okay? doesn’t it feel so surreal? me becoming a star, when i always call you my little star? i guess that’s why i’ll have to watch over you from afar. me, a big star. you, my cute little star. i’ll shine bright in the sky, i’m sure of that. so don’t you dare lose that shine on you as well, alright?
three 𖨂
it feels weird and- and scary. i’m so nervous, love. i didn’t want to die like this, never! i wanted to live a long life with you. live with our three little cats, and maybe a few mini versions of ourselves running around our house. i wanted to see you grow old. and i want to keep loving you even when you put hair brushes into the freezer and dishes in the bathroom, i want to be with you. right by your side. and even when you forget to brew your evening coffee, i want to hold your hand and guide you. and even when you keep repeating the same words three times a day, i will pretend it’s new. so that you don’t have to remember that you’re forgetting. yeah, i know it. the doctors told me you can have alzheimer’s over time, it’s highly possible. but i’m afraid i won’t be able to take care of you kitten. and i’m sorry– i really am. i wish it didn’t have to end this way.
four 𖨂
i know you. you were looking for forever. i couldn’t give you that. but i can at least take the batteries out of the clocks so that we’ll be stuck inside this moment as if time had really been stopped. so that i’ll almost get a million extra seconds to spend with you, except here seconds do not exist. it’s only the two of us. you and i. in our forever. and when i die, you can crank your watch– restart the clocks and begin the time. and know that we were infinite the moment you were mine. i’ll always be yours. always. i promise. but i want you to move on. i want you to experience love again while you’re still young. i’ll support every decision of yours from up there, and i’ll cheer on you. i don’t ever want to hold you back. nuh-uh. i want you to move forward, and even though you can look back, i don’t ever want you think you could’ve changed the past. you need to walk on a different road now. one without me. and though it hurts to say this– you need to live without me. live for us. live for the future you always wanted. live to complete those bucket lists of yours and even mine, since i couldn’t complete even a single of them. live. just live happily.
five 𖨂
it’s ten minutes past seven, and i feel sick. pain scale infinite/100. my whole body feels on fire. my hands– they wouldn’t stop trembling no matter how hard i try. my lips have turned pale, and i feel it coming. i can sense it. i can sense death waiting on the door. waiting that the moment i finish it’s going to snatch me away from you, from this world. and i’m trying to stall time. but my body doesn’t listen to me anymore. it’s become weaker and more. . . stubborn. my love. i wish i could call you that more often. my little star. my kitten. all these nicknames are the only way i survived my nights admitted in this hospital. i used to think of you. think of what you would do after i’m gone. think of what you would feel. think of who else would cry for me. and i don’t know what to do. i really don’t. i feel just so helpless. i don’t know what to do anymore. i really don’t. i hope you’re not sad because of it. please don’t be. take care of our three beautiful children okay? tell them that their father has gone to a beautiful place, show them your love, sing to them at night and take them in your arms when you feel sad. and if you ever miss me, look at the rain, or the stars or the clouds, i’ll always be here to listen. always. just as i promised.
six 𖨂
i hoped that death would be a bit kinder. i hoped she gave me some more time, some more years i could spend loving, admiring and memorizing every bit of you. but it’s always unexpected. she comes in unexpected ways and takes away our loved ones in the blink of an eye. i’m talking like a true poet now, aren’t i? give that pink letter to my parents, green one for each members and blue one for you. tell them to open that after a week, it applies to you as well, missy. be kinder to yourself. love yourself. look at the mirror and think of my compliments. felix gives the best hugs. hug him if you feel low. if you ever feel drained out like me. i’m tired now. just– so so tired. can i rest now? please? i’ll always love you regardless of whatever may come. and i’ll always be in your heart. i’m about to be a star, my love. s-signing off, yours forever.
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taglist: @taeriffic
for anyone who wants to be added to the taglist either send me an ask without anon (cause it’s s taglist) or fill the form linked in my masterlist <333
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txtmetonight · 7 months
Pouty Lips
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call summary ⋆ ★ When sleepy, pouty lips gain a bit of attraction
pairing *. * Ot8 x Fem! Reader
genre⋆ ★ Fluff, Angst with comfort (Han's)
warnings *. * Crude language, Drinking, Fighting (Han), Petnames, Grammar
call duration⋆ ★ 4.4k
a/n*. * Thought of this when my lips were a bit swollen from sleeping in longer than I should've. Also didn't realize that the scenarios get longer as you read for each person until I was done writing. Anyways, hope you enjoy!
taglist ⋆ ★  @kflixnet
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Chan · • . ° .
Sunlight was now deemed your biggest rival, though Chan thought the exact opposite. Whereas the blinding light was on a mission to wake you up, ripping you from your slumber, the same sunlight always cast a heavenly glow on you, and every morning it was Chan’s fulfillment to wake up before you to watch you glow, oh so beautifully.
He thought you were the most prettiest person he’d ever lay sight on, and God forbid him to ever miss the sight where you were so stunningly ethereal that it hurt. When his eyes fluttered open, he found you in his arms, wound to him as close as you could get. Chan’s mouth curls into a gentle smile as he traces his fingers against your face; your forehead then to your nose, to your cheeks, and then back to your nose before he drags his fingers over your lips.
Plump from the previous night and gathered into a pout, a strong pull forces him to softly connect his own lips with yours, noses brushing with each other before he peppers a couple of more. The way that he felt with you was mind-shattering and gut-wrenching, and with full honesty, he thought he was about to die...because he just loved you so much.  
“Channie you’re worse than the damn sun” You whine, yet you cuddle right back into him, savoring the kisses he planted. “Really? Then you don’t want any more of my kisses?” You shoot your eyes open, trying to get used to the brightness as you shake your head, mumbling into his jaw. “You know what I mean...keep kissing me loser” He chuckles at your words while he raises your chin up to pucker your lips.
“You’re so cute, I think you’re doing something to my heart!” He locks lips with you once more, and this time he deepens the kiss, your fingers snaking through his hair, gently pulling on it. His hands slip under your nightwear to dig into your bare skin, pulling back when oxygen is needed. Chan’s soft touches slip you back into a world where it is just you two. Where you felt yourself melt into him, so mushy and soft.  
“One more” You pout, and he just couldn’t say no. 
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Minho · • . ° .
“The cat looks just like Dori, No?”  
But when you don’t respond, he looks down right at you, smiling at what he found. You’ve fallen asleep in his lap during the second round of the movie night, exhausted from the first after all your saved-up energy was wasted in hiding under the covers when the suspense got too intense, or flinching when the scene directed a jump scare.
So, Minho wasn’t quite surprised when he found you softly snoring against his neck, arms wrapped tightly around him. He softly brushes his hair out of your face, heart becoming full when he notices you chase after his warmth, shoving your cheek into his collarbone, having him giggle at how cute you are. Moments like this were always rare, due to his extremely hectic schedule, but when the time comes, and he’s trapped in your spangled web of love, the concept of a clock becomes unknown.
Sinking into a small sigh, he lowers the volume of the TV before he while himself getting tired, not that it was hard when your warmth engulfed him whole. Eyes blinking slowly, he yawns into your shoulder, absolutely enamored with you. You were just so kind and angelic, there’s not a moment that passes by where he wonders if you were truly a gift of God. 
Because what did he do in his past life to have you? 
Minho indulges in his own desires as he takes small selfish peeks at you, each time his eyes waver back to his face, they land on a different feature, a fun game that he likes to play with you. But when his vision gazes onto your lips, he’s a goner. It seems though that biting your lip throughout that movie had swollen them red and pink. He doesn’t dare to blink, but he does decide to lean closer to nuzzle your head, before he lands a long-lasting peck on the corners of your lips.
And right as he was about to do it again, he catches something; your lips had just twitched into a smile! Grinning brightly, he pokes at your cheeks and pulls you closer, landing kisses over kisses onto your lips, unable to hold himself back.  
“You sly fox, you were awake this whole time!”  
You start laughing into his desperate kisses, nodding and he really wishes that this moment could last forever.  
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Changbin · • . ° .
Blearily blinking your eyes, you yawn into your arms as you check the time, grumbling when you notice how late it has...and yet your boyfriend is still not here! With a chaste kiss to the cheeks, and lengthy hug because you didn’t want to let go, he promised that he wouldn’t stay too late at the gym again, that he would be right back in time for your home-cooked meals.
But as the time shows, his deadline expired thirty mins ago. It wasn’t that you were mad at him, nor were you in the ever so slightest disappointed, you just wanted your boyfriend by your side, where he didn’t overwork himself but rather sunk in the presence of comfort.
You knew him too well to know that he ached everywhere from head to toe, and he truly deserved a break, but it seems though that he doesn’t think the same. So, after many days of intricate planning, you had an amazing fool-proof plan! 
You were just going to have him under your hold, refusing to let him go until he gave up! 
Yet your eyes were starting to droop, and you felt yourself blank out several times with your head slowly swaying to an unknown beat. And before you know it, you’re knocked out cold and snoring, head slightly tilted to the side uncomfortably from the way you positioned yourself on the couch.
Sniffling in your sleep, you don’t notice the door slowly opening, creaking in its wake to let a very familiar person in, his eyes slightly enlarged when he catches a glimpse of you. Changbin as tired as he was, cracks a very small smile, electric buzzing shocking his veins alive. Even with hands splayed everywhere messily and your neck craned weirdly, he still knows that you’re the most beautiful person in this whole world.
He takes gentle steps, careful enough to not make a peep but he can’t help but gasp at you, leaving him quite breathless. Getting down on his knees, he kneels near your face while he slowly rubs your cheeks, while his eyes don’t leave your lips.
He shuts his lids and as though it was written in his blood, he leans forward and places a small kiss on your lips. And immediately you stir awake, subconsciously reciprocating it back to him, mumbling into the kiss.  
“You stink Binnie, go take a shower!” 
“I told you not to stay awake for me! Ho–hum guess I have to stay home tomorrow, for my tired baby” He laughs, before picking you up and taking your giggling figure into the bathroom with him.  
Your plan had worked...in a way.  
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Hyunjin · • . ° .
When Hyunjin told you that you were his muse; his one and only, and the one that he wanted to draw for the rest of his life, you thought you were lucky. But now, you really preferred sleep and he was certainly not making it easy. His sharp eyes were trained on the canvas for a while, littered with the many colors of you, painting your personality and his whole heart onto the white space.
From the way that your lips quirked, or the way that your hair nestled on your forehead or even the slightest scrunch of your nose, he was unable to find a flaw in you. You were so lovely inside and out, and that’s why he fell in love with you the moment his eyes landed on yours in the quiet library, the music he was blasting through his headphones suddenly tuned out, because God you were so romantic and dazzling. And when he asked you right there and there to model for him, he knew that he was blowing in the right direction that his heart was pulling him towards.  
His eyes drift upwards towards your own eyelids, ready to feature one of his favorite parts of you, but he finds them closed, barely even fluttering when the wind from the opening window slowly brushes a strand for you. Lips slacked open a little, and pouty from the way that you kept it when you quietly sulked to him that you were tired of being still, he thinks you look perfect.
Looking back to his canvas, he lovingly cuts through the paint with his small brush, capturing every detail of you perfectly. The sun outside beams at the fullness of hearts, one sleeping and the other admiring, it could stay out here forever, peeking through the beige curtains, watching the two lovers. Hyunjin stalks forward, and faintly bends down to your level, studying your lips.
"You're so pretty, babe,” He sighs before landing a kiss on you, knowing that you couldn’t hear him, rather too lost in your dreams to comprehend. Hyunjin wonders if you were dreaming about him? He stares at you, remembering a night when he was scrolling though his phone and a small video popped up, explaining that almost every person has three to four dreams at night, but you wake up amnesiac and forget them. It was so intriguing that he went as far as to even search it up, and it was true!
And even though he forgets his dreams, he knows that every single nightly dream was about you. Kissing you so sweetly just like he liked, holding you close to him, protecting you from everything evil. 
Taking another look at you, he takes another swig at your lips, and he happily hums when you grin against him, tugging him forward by his hair, and he really figures that he should really paint him kissing you next, because honestly–you look best with your lips against his.  
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Jisung · • . ° .
Arguments weren’t actually that rare–they were more pitiful and stupid and were resolved in a few minutes if both parties tried hard enough. And for you, Han was always a little less stubborn, a little less demanding, and likewise from your side. But today was long and tiring, and he wasn’t sure if his mental and physical capability could even hold him up anymore.
So, when he walked in through the wooden door, trudging with rocks in his shoes like the previous nights, you were partly sure that this night was going to be eventfully bad, more so than the others. You rush to his side, take his heavy bag away from him, and close the door right behind him. You kiss his jaw and expect him to come to dinner, maybe you could even run him a warm bubble bath and join him, he had always liked that, but he decides to have different plans.
Han instead slumps towards the guest bedroom, leaving you behind in your apron with you calling his name. You were calm, you had to be, you weren’t scared of him (you scoffed at the thought), and you keep note that whatever he screamed at you doesn’t mean anything and never will.  
But how far could you take his words to heart, before the organ explodes?  
He didn’t mean to call you the worst girlfriend ever, he didn’t mean to compare you to his past exes, deeming them better when you both know that you’re the only one he’s ever had a healthy romantic relationship with, and he definitely didn’t mean to say that he didn’t love you and that he was going to leave soon enough.  
The words puncture and deflate him internally right when your fleeting tears leave the doorway, letting the silence consume him whole. He winces at your shared bedroom softly close, and he thinks he would’ve felt a tad bit better if you had violently snapped it in your wake.
He wasn’t sure what to do now, but he was sure that you were going to leave him. And fuck he really didn’t want that. You were his oxygen, his blood, his light, food, water, home, everything. But he also knew that you adored space as much as he did, and he respected that. Yet his fingers ache to reach out to you, pretty quickly, and after much thought, he fulfills his wishes.  
Pressing his ear against the door, his heart drops when he doesn’t hear a thing. Maybe you had left him for good, and it doesn’t blame you in the slightest, his mood had been sour for a while but you’ve been so good for him, when you shouldn’t have. Perhaps, enough was enough for you. Wet pearls track down his face, heart hammering heavily in his chest almost like a drum roll, preparing him for his worst.
But the unfavorable doesn’t come...because you’re still there, swaddled in a baby blue blanket, turned the other way. “(Y/n)” He softly calls, trying not to eat chew on his hand while sobbing into it. You don’t answer him, and he takes it that you’re probably ignoring him. But as he comes closer, he notices the deep breathing and your small snores 
You were sleeping. 
Smiling sadly, he perches on the floor, placing his arm in the small space on the bed, near your chest. He drinks in your features before he leans forward placing a lasting kiss on your puffy lips, tears rolling down even more. He slowly wipes away your tracks, tracing your eyes. He places his lips on yours again, closing his eyes, chuckling. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean any of that. I can leave if you’d like. You’re probably tired of me”  
“I’m not tired. Please don’t leave”  
He flinches in shock, eyes fluttering close once more when you angle your head closer, leaving your lips on his, both darlings pouring their words into that one kiss.  
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Felix · • . ° .
You were caught by your own reflection watching another fan cam of your boyfriend, cans of your favorite beer littering the couch. You ashamedly stare at yourself through the dark TV screen, hair a mess and cheeks flushed red from consuming a bit too much alcohol to label yourself as tipsy but a little less than blackout drunk. Waving your arms in front of you to clear the haze, your eyes are directed to the video finally playing, and your heart stomach drops achingly, and your brain swims around and around.
His kind eyes, perky smile, gorgeous freckles, calloused hands, warmth, love, and home, you missed all of him. Yet unfortunately, it was going to be a long while before you could be coddled in his arms and touch him how you want to. You finally find the courage to head to bed, stumbling while you clean up the place, knowing that you don’t want to wake up to a disaster.
Your hands wringing as they push down the recliner, you fight with yourself only to give in and go to the freezer to grab another can, taking it to bed with you, unaware that the love of your life was just a mere hour away from you.  
 “Slow down mate, you’ll be with her soon enough!” 
The man on the phone blares but Felix pays no mind, rather speeding up his long legs and taking far strides. The airport was mild with the presence of people, most likely because it was currently exactly two hours past midnight. He meant to be home earlier, catch you earlier, and surprise you earlier while the other boys relaxed in Los Angeles for a few nights more.
But the flight was delayed, and he was seated on the plane, later than he expected, excitement thriving well and alive. With two suitcases (one of them being dedicated entirely to your gifts) rolling behind him, he scurries, attracting attention from the stray onlookers. A part of him hopes that you are still awake, and the other hopes not, then obviously your beauty sleep comes before him, not that you needed it, you were already so stunning.
The last few months were hard, and all he craves is you. He misses the way that your touch makes him feel safe, the way that your smile lights up the whole room, your drunken confessions to him, and most importantly of all he just misses you, period.
Whipped as he was, he’s been staying awake for a while, imagining what he would do when he came back to you, his darling girlfriend. He was going to shower with kisses, join you in the shower, finally get a good night’s rest with you, and then not let you out of his arm's length, to make up for lost time of course.
Without knowing it, he finds himself seated in the familiar black company car, and his heart flutters amidst its beating, a smile curling up his face when he soon realizes the landscape around him blends into a more comfortable one. The one that he knew from the back of his hand, where he could run home with his eyes closed, and oh his lungs stutter as a very homely driveway comes into view. Like a zombie that’s obsessed with you, he clasps his luggage and dazedly walks home.
Where you would be. In your pajamas. And curled up in a soft blanket. For a second, he lets his fingers run themselves over the lock of the door, incapable of thinking about anything other than you. And finally, he inserts the metal key and lets himself in, eyes immediately crinkling at such a warming feeling that blossoms in his chest.
His eyes dart over the place, picture to picture of you two, and then to the clock, where it strikes three. Your boyfriend wastes no time closing the door softly behind him so he can stalk to your shared room, where he could find you, doing exactly as he pictured– except you look where better than he could imagine.
It seems though that you’ve passed out while drinking, an unfinished bottle near the bed stand (that he takes a little more than a few sips of). Slightly bending, his eyes cross your entire face, just silently admiring you before they get glued to your ravenous lips that were swollen.
Leaning closer, he places a long and deepening kiss, falling into a space where you are occupied. The place in his brain that was filled with you. Taking your cheeks, he pulls you closer and gives into the temptation of giving you another kiss, which slowly spreads around your face, and this time you wake up, eyes blinking hazily.  
“I’m back home, sweetheart” 
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Seungmin · • . ° .
He knew that it was a bad idea to dance in the rain with you. But he seriously couldn’t say no to your enlarged eyes, and your puckered lips, when you relentlessly begged. And as much as he would hate to admit it, the scene was so intimate.
With you in his arms, cold and soaked but emitting such a large amount of warmth, he wanted you forever, to spend his every last moment. He wished to keep you in his pocket, and every time he ponders upon it, his heart clenches in adoration.
You were just so adorably cute, everything you did was heart-wrenching. But of course, the fun never really lasted for long, because the next day, you were awoken with an angry fever flushing through your body and a heavy nose.
The aching through your body had penetrated your unconscious form as your groaning awakens the man next to you, his nose scrunching when he nuzzles into your neck, only to find it steaming hot. With sweat dampening on your face, your expression pulled into one of discomfort, it doesn’t take your boyfriend long to realize that you were sick–or rather the beginning of the illness.
Gentle hands, trace down your cheeks, dragging them to your chin which he takes into the pink of his fingers, his palm trying to shake you awake. Your cheeks were flushed from the heat that you were emitting, and Seungmin hated how easily you made him feel like he was back in Middle School again, watching you from afar, unable to look away. But now he has you in his arms and he grows a little sentimental at that, at how much you two have grown together, individually and with each other.  
“Hey love, you’re running a fever” He whispers into your ear, successfully waking you while you turn over to capture his warmth, shivering against him. “I should’ve listened to you, you were right” You whimper, quietly begging him to not get up so he could get a few pills that could break your fever overnight, but he just giggles and stands up anyway, returning with the said medicine and a cup of water.
“I’m always right” You nod at his words, and he ponders if you even wrapped your pretty head around what he just said to you, but you were just so out of it, that you practically fell asleep sitting up (he coos a little)! Slipping the water into your mouth, he scolds you for acting like a baby, but he’s the one who slowly tucks you into bed again, letting you wrap yourself around him for your own comfort.
The night falls silent again and he’s left alone with his own thoughts again which are now occupied with various questions about you and that nasty sickness. Should he take a few days off to treat you? Yes, of course! Will it be spicy chicken soup for dinner tomorrow? Only if you want it.  
Should he kiss you right now and potentially get sick with, you just because you just look so cute and he has to hold himself back, so he doesn’t take a fat bite out of your cheeks? The only acceptable answer would be, absolutely!
After all, it wouldn’t matter now, you were already all over him. Brushing his hands over your hair, he pulls him closer to your lips and places a sweetly dizzying kiss on your lips, taking all of you in, not letting you stir awake.
You were just so perfect even in your physically worst state. He places another and then another smooch over your supple mouth, nipping at your cheeks once in a while, slowly lulling him to sleep.   
The next morning, his nose was stuffed, and his throat felt dry, but with you being the first person he sees when he opens his eyes–he might as feel cured.  
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Jeongin · • . ° .
He thinks that you’re the most gorgeous person he’s ever laid sights on. Even in your sweats and a worn-out t-shirt that he’s sure is his (it looks better on you anyway), you’re still shining like a star.
Yet you’re drunk right now, so you are personally not very sure about his claims, but he purely disagrees with you as he’s by your side, trying to stabilize you. A night out with your friends was the cause of your current situation, all wobbly and seeing dashing quarks that were filled with a multitude of bright colors.
Or maybe you were just seeing the pure, raw affection of love that you two shared. Being with Jeongin has always been colorful, bright, and wonderful. Every day with him felt like a dream that every so often, you would have to pinch yourself to make sure that you weren’t actually confined in the depths of your delusions. But as of now, you’re trapped under the heavy influence of alcohol that’s making you run into stop signs, wave hello’s to pass trees, and ask Jeongin if the moon was just a ball of cheese, all while he just giggled at you, his heart about to burst.
Teeth unable to stop clicking, you just ramble and ramble on with a nonsensical whim. Jeongin watches you endearingly, his palm ghosting over your waist, eyes looking at you with so much passion. An elderly couple strays not too far away from you two, both smiling at the heartfelt moment. With flickering lights above and the moon’s forgiving light beaming down as a spotlight, they stare at the worship that Jeongin held for you.
The love that he radiated towards you, his one and only sweetheart, could be felt streets down, as cats meow at the warmth and birds suddenly chirp at the two heartthrobs. And even through all that commotion on a silent street, all he could pay attention to was you. His stomach churns so clumsily and his heartbeat quickens when he thinks about how much you trust him to be by your side. How much you place yourself in the care of him as you physically lose yourself.  
“Innie, I’m so tired!” You stomp like a grumpy child, leaning your head against his shoulder, slowly swaying to whatever hum you were breathing out. He wasn’t a man of words, preferring to speak using his actions so he does what he thinks is best without moving his mouth; he picks you up bridal style.
Gasping into his fit chest, it doesn’t take long for you to slowly daze to sleep, eyes fluttering close to the rhythm of his heartbeat. With you now in his arms, it doesn’t take long for him to maneuver both you and him home, accompanied by a few kisses to your face. Walking up the long winding steps and into your shared bedroom, he plops you down before he flops on, snuggling into your body as tightly as he can.
His mouth gaped open in relaxation, your fingers in his hair and softly scratching at his scalp (you must’ve woken up a bit earlier) but your eyes were still closed, enjoying the fullness of this moment. Slowly and steadily, you fall back into a rhythm of peace, while Jeongin finally lets himself take you in whole, sharp eyes following each dip in your face.
He sprinkles tiny kisses on your jaw and pulls himself up to your nose which he bites jokingly. And then he finally indulges in your lips, flushed and full when he leans down and captures you into one of his favorite pastimes; kissing you. But this time it’s more gentle and mushy, careful enough to not wake you up.  
“My baby” He whines, smiling against you. 
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stay-tiny-ville · 4 months
Hwang Hyunjin
Summary ~ lovely boy :( (Or dating head cannons for Hwang Hyunjin)
A.N. 2 - if my describing of your relationship growing up didn’t make sense I’m sorry I don’t know how to word it 😭😭😭
Muse, love, beautiful, dove, love, angel, Cara Mia, mon Cher are a few names he’d give you def a lot of “my love”s in another language
Ive heard some mixed opinions (well not that many but a couple) saying that he would be reserved and only lovey behind closed doors
However i argue the opposite and agree with the positions on him being a true hopeless romantic at heart
Tall boy loves holding you as you sleep
Obviously wakes before you (Probably) with his horrendous schedule and just has a true “this is life, and i am living and loving being alive” moment when he just gets to look at you all peaceful and beautiful in his arms
Covers the corners of things with his hand so you don’t hit your head
Stfu he would paint you
Your hands, your face, you two together, or he would take a stab at paintings that are simply based on the memory/emotion but not paint the memory (like he would do that thing where people can see sounds and he would try to imagine your laugh and paint it-i'll die on this hill)
So dramatic like will burst into tears if he gets a paper cut or stubs a toe (i mean yeah it hurts but he’s dYING)
Unlike some of the members like Chan, he’s always with you, like you’re never alone and if he’s at rehearsals? Oh look, you’re here too. Meeting with JYP? Oh, can you come in too? He’s going shopping? He’s at the red carpet for versace? He’s-
You get it
Spiritually and physically attached
Spins you all the time
Context: every single time you come out of the bedroom after getting ready to go out or simply just coming out of the room he takes your right hand with his right hand and twirls you into his side before a required temple kissy and moves on/out the door
Required ritual or the world ends
I imagine you two as childhood best friends (yes, THAT trope) and i don’t necessarily think of it as one of you had a crush on each other as you grew up, you just grew up together in love as if it’s what you were taught to do
When you went to school and learned about the different types of emotions or had the healthy relationship talk you didn't think anything of it
I didn't know what love felt like until I turned 18 and you thought this adoration was a normal feeling
Until your friends talked about their lives and you realized most people don't have a bond like you do, most people don't feel like you do about your soulmate Jinnie
You didn't feel this way about the crushes you’ve had previously
Normal people don’t always put their one friend before everybody else
Either you went straight to Hyunjin and talked about it because you could talk to him about anything or not, he would realize the same thing, i can’t say if it was slower or faster than you, it depends i suppose
But i imagine the transition was just from the average hugs and hand holding and kisses on the forehead that were just normal things with no thought behind them became ones with love behind them
Puts you before himself
You’re cold means trade cold for his jacket he will suffer instead
You’re sick he’ll sacrifice his health to cuddle and coddle you all day long
You haven’t been eating well/at all he’ll give you his food after rehearsals
Lays his head on your chest
He’s baby :(
Like I haven’t thought about who cuddles how and who is big or little spoon but Hyunjin loves to just lay on your chest or lap
Please he’s dress you up in rich ass clothes even if it looks putrid together
The softest with you when you’re upset :(
Like you’d just not be doing too good be it sad or bad day and he could tell because you weren’t responding as energetically to his jokes and funny haha’s (please that autocorrected to Gaga’s) and his smile turns into a frown and he’d stop you from walking away by grabbing your shoulder that was farthest from him and turned you to look at him
When you kept your head low he ducked to meet your eyes and the sadness/tiredness in the made him sad :(
Takes care of you all day and sits with you on the floor in front of the couch on the fuzzy (I imagine white faux fur bc he’s bougie) rug
You sit in his lap facing him while his back is against the couch and he doesn’t break eye contact to let you know he’s listening so whenever you look back up at him from messing with his clothes he’s looking right at you
Please he’s so baby I could write so much more about hopeless romantic baby Hyunjin
ASO RQ I AM FOREVER OBSESSED WITH BOTH RED HAIR HYUNJIN (which is a trade of passage for Stays at this point) AND MAXIDENT TASTE (which is such a banger I will die on this hill again) SHORT BLUE HYUNJIN HAIR AAAAAAAH
N e ways he’s baby and so so lovely I love
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kaciidubs · 7 months
A Pun-y Thanksgiving
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❣ Summary: A random thought about Chan and terrible Thanksgiving puns. ❣  ❣ Word Count: 739 ❣ Warnings: Fluff, corny puns [2], slice of life, discussions of family, implied Black! Reader [but neutral overall], Chan gets emotional over being loved ❣  ❣ Female! Reader [No use of Y/N] | You/Your pronouns ❣  ❣ Additional Tags: Chan is referred to as Chris, Christopher, Channie, and Baby, lightly edited, that plate of food was not mine but it's close enough ❣ Stray Kids Masterlist ❣ General Masterlist
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"I'll give you more than thanks tonight."
"Baby, please."
"A turkey isn't the only thing I'd like to stuff."
"Christopher, walk away from me."
"What?! You can't tell me that wasn't funny!"
"I can," you hummed, looking over your shoulder to see him leaning against the kitchen island with a cheesy grin, "and I will - that was not funny!"
"So why are you smiling?" He goaded, dimple pressing into his cheek as his grin grew.
An astonished laugh fell from your lips, though you couldn't reign in the smile that stuck to your face, "Because you're corny!"
"Or, because you did find it funny!"
"Oh my god." Turning back to the pot of boiling elbow noodles, you stirred away some of the foam, "You're gonna drive me insane before my own family does."
A pair of arms snaked their way around your waist, Chris tugging you slightly against his chest as he pressed the side of his face against yours. "You know you love me."
"I do, but if you say anything related to 'gravy', I'm leaving you here and telling my grandmother you couldn't make it to dinner."
He dramatically gasped, shaking his body with yours, "You wouldn't! I think I'll actually die without her yams this year, and Christmas is way too far away to have them again!"
You laughed, turning off the stove and grabbing the oven mitts that were on standby, "You're so whipped for her cooking - I'm surprised you haven't figured out she makes extra just for you."
"She does?" His hold on you slipped as you picked up the pot of macaroni, stepping back to let you pour it into the strainer waiting in the sink. "Since when?"
"Our second Thanksgiving together when I had to make a to-go container full of them alone, and she asked if I was making you a plate and I had to tell her that, that was your plate." You placed the empty pot back on the stove, "And I still think it's unfair because I'm her grandchild! I asked her so many times to make me a separate batch, I'd even buy her the stuff! But no, she wouldn't do it for me but anything goes for her grandson Chris!"
In the midst of your teasing rant, you hadn't noticed the silence from your boyfriend behind you until you had started the sauce mixture for the macaroni and cheese, urging you to turn around to look at him suspiciously.
He gazed at you with soft eyes, an almost delicate pout set on his lips as a fine blush turned his ears red. "She likes me that much?"
Family had always been a huge factor for him, and the desire of having your entire family love him the way they loved you was something he had strived for since the first time they met. So, it was no surprise that hearing that your grandmother would go out of her way for him and his admiration for her cooking made his heart swell.
"Aw, Channie," you cooed, turning the stove to low before making quick steps over to him, your hands cupping his slightly puffed cheeks from rest. "She absolutely loves you - my whole family does! My aunts ask about you whenever they call, my younger cousins always ask to see you, and even though my uncles joke about putting you in a shallow ditch if you break my heart - they can see how much you care about me and they honestly look forward to having you around."
Guiding his head down, you placed a quick kiss on his lips, giggling when he followed you away to steal another.
"My family loves you, my extended family loves you, and you already know I love you."
His pout melted into a smile, one you embarrassingly missed for the few moments it was gone, "Even with my corny jokes?"
You rolled your eyes but nodded in agreement, "Even with your corny jokes. Now, help me finish the mac and cheese and we can start getting ready - I'm sure if we stay here longer we're gonna be the last ones to get a plate, and I'll be damned if I let my cousin get to the corn pudding first."
Slinking your way our of his arms, you took to stirring the sauce mixture before speaking over your shoulder;
"Then when we get home, I'll show you what else I'm thankful for."
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✧. ┊Tagged lovelies: @goblinracha, @having-an-internal-crisis-rn, @midnightfrog625, @anyhow-everything, @bangchanbabygirlx, @sweetracha, @j-onedrabbles, @happilydeepestwonderland, @nightimescapes, @caitlyn98s, @ch4nn13luv, @ihrtlix, @sometimesleeknows, @jeonjungkookenthusiast1997, @instabull, @maximumkillshot, @bandolls, @y-ur--i, @acker-night, @dreamescapeswriting, @sunnyhonie, @specialstay, @broken-glowsticks, @s00buwu, @all4innie, @dancerachaslut, @junglyric
✧. ┊If your username is in bold italics that means tumblr won't let me tag you. If you’d like to be added to the taglist, fill out this form!
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skzpvol · 2 months
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. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ THE BRIGHTEST STAR - bang chan ࿐ྂ
pairing: nonidol!bang chan x gn!reader
genre: angst, no comfort (i warned you)
warning: mentions of suicide, cursing, the entire drabble is full of hurt
words: 0.8k
synopsis: Chan visits you again. What will you say to you this time?
a/n (1): this drabble is triggering, so please if you are sensitive to the warnings DO NOT read. Your health is my priority and remember that you are not alone, you will never be. If you need someone to talk to, I’m here. English is not my first language, so tell me if I made some mistakes.
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«hi my love, i’ve missed you. Do you remember what day is it? It��s our anniversary and I really can’t believe that we’ve come this far. The younger me would be so proud to hear I’ve been with the love of my life for six years now. And I would do anything to spend this special day with you. Actually I don’t really want to celebrate. It would be useless if I’m alone. 
«I bought your favorite flowers today. Hope you will appreciate them. Do you remember the first time I bought you flowers? They were roses and you were so scared to tell me you were allergic. I felt guilty but when I saw you laughing I thought it was all worthy. Even tho I tried to kill you, hearing and seeing your laugh for the first time was like being transported to heaven. I immediately felt lighter and happier. You’ve always made me the happiest. It’s a shame that happiness is gone now. But it’s not your fault, if anything it’s mine. 
«the boys miss you too. You know, one week ago we met all together for the first time after the accident and I tried, I tried so hard to distract myself. I did everything I could, they did everything, but it was all pointless. I told them I was fine, that I felt like I was already moving on, but they were all lies. I can’t help it. I don’t want them to be worried. They’ve already suffered enough and I don’t to be another burden. 
«I wrote you a song. Yes, another one. It seems like you are still my biggest inspiration. I really want to sing it to you, but it’s not finished yet. You need to wait just a little more. I promise you, the next time I’ll come with the lyrics. Just wait for me. 
«why y/n? Why did you do this to me? Was I not enough? Did you feel like you couldn’t trust me? Why? Why did you not search for help? I would have been there. I would have listened to each of your worries. I would have stayed with you. I would have told you that everything was going to be okay, that you were not alone. So why did you never told me how you were really feeling? Fuck- why? I know that it’s anyone fault, but I feel like I’m the only culprit. I know that i should not be mad at you, but I am. I’m madly angry. I wanna scream, cry and at the same time let everything go. But you will still not come back to me. So why should I try anyway?
«I’ve always seen suicide like a way to die for cowards. I’ve always thought that people who chose it were selfish. But who am I to think about it like that now, if I wasn’t even capable of helping you? I’m the real selfish because in 6 fucking years I wasn’t be able to look into you, to look through you. You were suffering and I didn’t do anything. I tried to blame you when you told me you needed me, so who am I to fucking say you are the selfish one? I’m a mess. I’m a disaster. 
«the last time I saw you, you were happier. I remember that I even asked you why. You just told me “today is a beautiful day” and before I left you said “I love you, always will” for the last time. If I only knew. I read somewhere that a star burns brightest in its final moments and I get it now. Every time I look at the sky I always wonder if you are finally happy. When I look at the glowing stars I always think it’s your way to tell me that you are there. You are there and you are okay. You are protecting me. 
«I cry. A lot. Even now, I can’t stop crying. The guilt it’s really hard to bear. I can’t even look in the mirror without feeling disgust towards myself. And you would probably be disappointed too if you saw me like this. You want me to be happy, but I can’t. Not without you. And I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I didn’t look out for you when you needed me the most. I’m sorry that I wasn’t there when I was supposed to. I’m sorry that i was the worst boyfriend you could ever ask for. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. 
«will I ever be able to see you again? I really hope so. But I’ll make sure to look at the sky every single night and look out for the brightest star. Because you are there, aren’t you? 
«please wait for me, I still have to sing you a song. You will be proud of me, I promise.
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a/n (2): hiii, how are you? I’m finally on school break! Sorry if I’m being inactive BUT, apart from school that is really stressing me out, I’m working on a bunch of things (a long ass fic and a smau :)) ). I probably already said this, BUT I’M GOING TO SEE MY STRAY KIDS IN JULY AFTER TWO YEARS, AND I’M THE HAPPIEST. I cannot really wait. Btw, thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed it. I also ask you to like it and tell me your opinion about this to help me to improve. Have a good day / night 🫶🏻
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dumbkiri · 6 months
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕎𝕚𝕗𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝔾𝕠𝕛𝕠 𝕊𝕒𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕦 『5』
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜰɪᴠᴇ: ᴛʜᴇ ᴢᴇɴ'ɪɴ'ꜱ,
The Zen'in's are the first to propose a marriage contract with [Name] [L.Name]. They want strong heirs and other clan leaders will make the same proposal. Satoru also wants his name in the hat! Let's not forget that boisterous male!
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“So you’re still alive?”
[Name] turned her head to the left and saw Naoya Zen’in looking at her with a scary glare. [Name] didn’t know what she did to warrant that look from him or his cruel words. She decided it was best not to question him because the longer she engaged in a conversation with him the more she wanted to gauge her eyes out. 
Instead she bowed her head respectfully and greeted him with ease, “Good morning, Zen’in-san.” Her light blue traditional kimono bothered his eyes and he looked away from her beautiful body with a scoff. Naoya wanted her to yell at him for the assassination attempt on her life, but she remained a quiet, respectful woman towards him. 
“Now why are you bothering [Name], son?” Naobito walked onto the stone path that led to a meeting room. He was a proud man with a pretty unique technique. [Name] never really had a problem with the older man, but his threats were unsettling at best. 
Naoya looked back at [Name] and watched her look at him through his eyes. He always felt a certain attraction towards her when she did this. It felt like she was calling out to him, to hold her and to- “I don’t see why her presence is needed here. The men can heal their wounds normally,” Naoyo got rid of those annoying thoughts and looked back at his father. 
Naobito laughed loudly like he did it with his belly. Then he walked up to [Name] and presented his arm for her to take. She did so gingerly and out of respect. “Why heal over a span of a week or month when we have a goddess to heal wounds instantly? You should show her some respect, maybe then she would look at you more with care.” 
“I apologize for my rude staring, Zen’in-sama.” [Name] apologized quickly. She didn’t know that Naobito saw her glaring at his son. She should be more careful with observant men like the one holding her arm in his stiff grasp. 
Naobito shook his head and sighed, “No, you have all the need to glare at him considering what he tried to do to you.”
[Name] looked up at the older man and hummed, “I have no clue as to what you two are talking about. Naoya-san did mention that he was surprised I was still alive. Now you are giving me permission to rudely stare at him. Please elaborate on what I’m missing here.” 
Naoya and Naobito looked at her with surprised looks on their faces. Questions ran amuck in their heads and the men both came to the conclusion that she really doesn’t know about the assassination attempt on her life. Naobito was quick to answer her with a response that caught her off guard, “Ah well, he’s always telling you to jump off a cliff. I hate to say this, but his flirting is lacking therefore making him a tactless person. I’m not sure he’ll get married to anyone if he can’t get a sweet girl like you to fall for him.” 
[Name] used her unoccupied arm and lifted her covered hand to her mouth. She giggled into it and looked up at Naobito, “Again, I apologize for my behavior. I am just surprised that you hear all the silly jokes Naoya-san tells me. I think it’s quite funny he wants me to die because he’s going to have to get in line for that.” 
“No need to apologize, [Name]. I would refrain from embarrassing him in front of other leaders though. I may be fine with it, but others will not like a woman belittling a man,” Naobito warned her and she instantly bowed her head down in acknowledgement. 
“Of course, Naobito-sama.” 
[Name] lifted her head and turned her body to look behind her. A huge smile erupted on her face as she saw two little girls running her way with their childish grins. She released Naobito’s arm and hugged the little ones that ran into her arms. She squeezed them with love and shook them left and right. 
“Mai and Maki, I was wondering where my little ones were!”
Naobito and Naoya watched the woman with the girls; one stared at the scene with curiosity and the other stare was filled with annoyance. The girls laughed in her embrace and she set them back on the stone floor.
“You girls are radiating so much today!” [Name] praised and small flowers bloomed in her hair from pure joy. Pretty colors of bright, blue, pink and yellow made themselves known to the group. In turn, Mai squealed and pointed at the woman’s hair, “You’re growing flowers in your hair again, [Name]!”
The woman blushed and brushed the flowers out of her hair with embarrassed glances at the males behind her. “A-ah, I forget that happens,” She whispered timidly as her fingers ran through her soft locks. The petals fell out easily and slowly fell down to touch the stones. 
“We want to hear you sing, [Name].” Maki stated as her sister jumped into the air, nodding her head excitedly. The two girls loved when she visited them because she was nice and she had a pretty voice. She also healed their small souls with her songs. 
[Name] was nervous to say the very least. She was here to escort Naobito and Naoya to Jujutsu High on official business. She definitely wasn’t here to sing to little girls and Naoya made that very obvious. “She’s not here to sing a stupid song. You two have no right to be in [Name]’s presence. You’re both useless and you-” 
“What song would you like to hear? I think I have an idea of what you both want to hear,” [Name] completely interrupted Naoya leaving the 17 year old stunned. Meanwhile Naobito didn’t like the fact that Maki and Mai were here. He too was going to shun and scold the twins, but [Name]’s voice had an edge to it when she spoke. 
Although he knew she spoke gently to the girls, the dagger point was directed at Naoya. He let it slide though because he wanted to get on her good side. He wanted her to marry into the Zen’in Family. He wanted [Name] to produce strong heirs. 
Mai and Maki stayed silent, afraid of the backlash they were going to get from their superiors. [Name] took notice of this and reassured them with a smile, “Tell me once again, I could have been anyone, anyone else before you made the choice for me. ” 
Mai and Maki looked up at [Name] with surprise etched on their small faces. They were greeted with a happy woman who looked at them with love. She was gentle, she was kind, she was everything they wanted in a mother. 
“My feet knew the path, we walked in the dark, in the dark, I never gave a single thought to where it might lead.” 
[Name] bobbed her head side to side and took their hands into her own where she twirled them in slow circles. She led them into a slow and careful dance. Their fearful expressions were diminishing by the second. 
He’s heard all about her blessed energy, but this felt extremely nice. It felt dangerous how peaceful it was.
“All those empty rooms, we could have been anywhere, anywhere else, instead I made a bed with apathy.” 
Naoyo expertly distanced himself away from the trio and their lazy dance, rolling his eyes at the thought of women being pathetic. He never truly saw the beauty of a woman besides her looks. 
“My heart knew the weight, ten years worth of dust and neglect, we made our peace with weariness and let it be.” 
Meanwhile Naobito was taking in the rise of the blessed aura around [Name]’s body. It was enveloping the children in a warm embrace, it made them forget their threats near them. 
Again, this was dangerous. Naobito didn’t like this as he watched the very little cursed energy Mai had…start to disappear. 
“The moon will sing a song for me, I loved you like the sun. Bore the shadows that you made, with no light of my own.”
[Name] stuck her right foot out and Mai tripped over it, but [Name] was strong enough to hold the little girl up. The woman dipped the girl down and picked her right up to twirl her again. 
“I shine only with the light you gave me, I shine only with the light you gave me.” 
Mai giggled as she fell into Maki’s arms and the two girls began to dance with one another in pure bliss. The high school student watched the little girls experience joy and she loved to listen to their sweet laughter. 
Out of nowhere, [Name] was grabbed roughly by her arm and thrown across the courtyard. Swiftly, she caught her bearings and gracefully landed on her feet as she slid backwards. She looked up from the floor in surprise and saw Naobito standing protectively in front of the twins from afar. 
“Naobito-sama?” [Name] questioned in disarray. She wasn’t sure why she was getting a hostile look from the older man. A piece of her blue kimono sleeve was in his hand and she looked down to see that he truly ripped out a piece when he threw her. 
“What did you do to her?” Naobito demanded, his rough hand grasping Mai’s in his tight grip. The poor girl cried out in pain and [Name] stepped forward with a hand out hoping to stop the angry man. 
“Hold on, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Please, refrain from harming her. She did nothing wrong.” [Name] begged and looked at the little girl who had tears in her eyes. Maki backed away with one step, but she stopped moving when Mai looked at her with a pleading gaze. 
[Name] could see the turmoil in Maki’s eyes and the teenage girl fell to her knees. This would certainly catch the twins' attention, she had hoped for them to follow her lead. Despite being submissive, [Name] knew that this was the only way to calm them down. Naobito growled out and shook Mai as he yelled, “She has no cursed energy now! You completely erased it with your blessed energy! Is this what you did to Maki?” 
[Name] looked up from her kneeling position and was stunned. She saw cursed energy around Mai’s body, this was totally confusing the teenager. “Naobito-sama, you are making a scene for no reason. Mai is covered in cursed energy, she always is.” [Name] gestured for Naobito to look at the little girl in his grasp. 
The older man glared down at the tearful little girl and saw that [Name] was right. It was the usual amount Mai flowed out meaning that she still had cursed energy. He let go of Mai and scoffed, “I know you did something to her. I don’t want you to sing to them anymore or anyone in the Zen’in Family, do you hear me?” 
[Name] nodded her head and stood up to her full height. She lightly brushed the dirt off of her kimono and apologized loudly, “I am sorry for my interruption. I will not do it again, Naobito-sama.” 
“That’s the sign for you two to get outta here,” Naoya sneered at the little girls and they ran off together. 
[Name] watched them leave silently with sad eyes. All they wanted to do was dance and hear her sing. And all she wanted was to see them happy. ‘This family is truly a curse,’ [Name] reminded herself. 
“Now do your job and escort us,” Naobito commanded and [Name] briskly walked up to the males with her head down. She touched Naobito’s elbow and Naoya’s forearm, a bubble formed around their bodies to protect them from her teleportation. 
The three of them disappeared within a blink of an eye. The bubbles popped and [Name] left a puddle of petals where she stood. They arrived at the entrance of the school where [Name] saw Suguru and Satoru walking up to them. 
Naobito leaned down and whispered in her ear, his words making her body heat up in anger. But being the polite girl she was, she bit her tongue back. His threat replayed in her mind, 'Do your best to not tell them what happened or else the twins will suffer a harsh punishment.’
Satoru and Suguru noticed the disheveled state their friend was in. The sleeve of her left arm was ripped off, her hair was slightly a mess and there was dirt on her pretty kimono where she looked like she was on her knees. This wasn’t the image of her, this was a tainted image that made their blood boil. 
“Satoru, do not do anything that can make her suffer for it.” Suguru whispered in a fashion that was more discreet than Naobito’s. His hands were stuffed into his pockets and he slouched as he walked keeping the unbothered look on his face. 
Meanwhile Satoru was no longer walking in his relaxed state. Instead he started to size up the males standing on the sides of [Name]’s intimidated form. How could he keep his cool when the girl he was falling for was in a state of- 
“Where are you two headed?” [Name] asked, her voice was even and fair. She was holding herself up and Satoru knew for a fact that she was playing along with whatever that old man told her. He stopped in front of the trio with Suguru staying next to him. 
“We are going on a mission,” Suguru simply answered. 
[Name] tilted her head and looked around for a certain girl, “Shoko isn’t tagging along?” 
“The mission only calls for Satoru and I.” 
[Name] nodded her head and gestured to the males next to her, “Excuse me, this is Naobito-sama and Naoya-san, they are from the Zen’in Family and they-” 
“What happened to your sleeve?”  Satoru interrupted as he stepped forward and took her hand in his. He selfishly turned off his infinity and his fingers dragged up her arm leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. [Name] shivered and was self conscious of everyone’s gazes. Two were looking for answers and the other two were daring her to tell the truth. 
“You know the twins I mentioned before? Well we were playing around and my sleeve got caught on a tree branch! It’s actually quite a funny story!” [Name] laughed, but it quickly quieted down when Satoru was looking at her intently. His round glasses slid to the tip of his nose and his piercing baby blue eyes locked with her [e.color] ones. 
“I’m sure it is,” He hummed and let go of her arm. He pushed his glasses back to their correction position and he backed up with a few strides. “Well, what is going on with you today?”
[Name]’s heart dropped as she wasn’t expecting Satoru to ask. Normally he would go on his merry way and ask about her day later. They would travel for some sweets and laugh about their silly missions. But this wasn’t a mission. This was her life and she knew he was going to remind her of that.
“Well, you see,” [Name] tried to formulate a sentence that would ease Satoru into listening to her. Although, Naoya had other plans. The future head of the Zen’in Clan stepped up and glared at Satoru. “We are here on official business, but if you must insist on what we are here for then let me be the one to tell you. [Name]’s hand is up for marriage for any of the top sorcerer clan leaders to take.”
“So any of the top clan leaders can drop their name in the hat?” Satoru asked curiously with a hand under his chin. 
Naoya looked at the white haired male as if he was dumb, “Of course they can, did you not just hear me?”
Satoru smirked and put his hands on his hips, “Well that is a damn good thing to hear because I want to be the one to marry her!” He laughed at the faces of the trio and Suguru shook his head with a smirk. This wasn’t going to get her in trouble, it was going to unsettle the other clan leaders fighting to be her husband though. 
“A-ah, Satoru, you cannot just say that!” [Name] scolded her friend with a blush on her face. 
Satoru playfully shrugged his shoulders and decided to make Naoyo look like a fool one more time, “What~ We already danced together under the stars and shared-” 
“Alright that’s enough out of your mouth, Please excuse us,” Suguru expertly covered Satoru’s mouth and began dragging his friend away from the stupefied trio. Satoru waved at [Name] then blew her a kiss, “I’ll miss you, my love!” 
“Stop talking, you idiot.” Suguru growled out and they were finally out of sight. 
Naobito looked down at the shy teenage girl and questioned her, “What was he going on about? Dancing under the stars and what else?” 
[Name] cleared her throat and began walking towards the faculty building with the males following after her, “Don’t listen to that bickering male. We should all know by now, Satoru likes to get under the skin of people to rile them up. We fell for it, so we aren’t any better than he is.” 
“You promise that you aren’t tainted by that bumbling fool?” Naobito asked, he was suspicious of the relationship between the girl and boy now. He was sure that the Gojo leader wouldn’t fall for anyone considering that the male is so full of himself. 
[Name] was taken back by Naobito’s questioned and answered him truthfully, “I promise that I have not engaged in intercourse with anyone outside of a marriage. I don’t plan to either. I will remain loyal to my future husband.” 
“I will send in a request for a doctor to do a check up on you. I want to make sure you aren’t lying. All the prospects will be there to see it.” 
“Of course, Naobito-sama.” 
[Name] cursed at Satoru silently for making a fool out of her. Now she has to visit a doctor to feel her hymen. What a disturbing moment for her! And it has to be seen by old men along with Naoya! 
‘Satoru, I hate you!’
I switched up the Zen'in-san with Naoya-san and Zen'in-sama to Naobito-sama because it was easier to distinguish them.
Song credit goes to The Moon Will Sing by The Crane Wives
Naobito did want to get on [Name]'s good side, but he royally messed it up by laying a hand on her.
Yes, Mai and Maki saw [Name] as a mother figure, I mean she is great with children! Ah, I cannot wait to write out her beginning relationship with Megumi!!
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bangchansgirlsblog · 8 months
Maybe this is triggering but can I ask for 9th member x skz but the 9th member is at school in a shooting and skz are worried (I know this can be cringe or triggering so you don't have to do it if you don't want to)
Ride or die
- 9th member
Warning: shootings, angst, crying
Pairing: 9th member x skz
Summary: going to school and thinking you’ll never make it back home alive is scary.
Hey before you guys start to read this, this is a warning about the contents that will be in the story. If you find it uncomfortable please do not read the story.
It was supposed to be a good day.
It was supposed to be a normal day.
I didn’t think at any moment in time I would be hiding in the janitors closet begging God to spare my life. Spare our life.
I thought these things happened in movies. I thought it was all just some type of glitch in the universe.
Boy was I wrong.
My legs were up against my chest. I could hear I.N’s breathing down my neck as I held him close.
My hand over both his ears as tears run down his face.
The heat of the tiny compartment made our bodies sweat severely and make our head spin in circles. All I could hear were terrifying screams coming from outside the door followed by loud bangs. Loud scary bangs.
Please God, Save us. Is all I was thinking about.
I look in his eyes trying to calm him down without saying a word. My body shaking terribly.
I wanted to go back home so bad.
It was dark in the closet. We were hiding behind some trash cans and the space was barely enough for one person but we had to make it work.
“Breath I.N. Breath.” I whisper to the young boy who was now looking like he was about to pass out.
“I love you,” he whispers making my heart break even more and making me worry even more.
“We’re going to get through this okay? We have too.” I whisper to him and he nods while shutting his eyes.
My phone starts to vibrate in my pockets and his does too. The non stop calls gets me to grab it out of my pocket to see who could possibly be wanting to talk at such a moment.
There couldn’t possibly be any network down here. So how? How were we getting calls?
I look at the name that comes up and see it’s our oldest brother Chan calling. The light of the screen slowly blinding me.
I look over at I.N who shows me his screen with our second oldest brother calling. Leeknow.
We couldn’t risk a phone call right now. Not at all.
“Turn it off.” I whisper to him and he nods quickly putting the phone away.
My hands intertwine with his.
The shots and screams getting louder and louder.
Were our friends going to be okay?
I let out a tiny sob not able to hold it in anymore and silently cry as we sat in the dark closet.
The smell of bleach started to cause a banging headache in my end.
Chan’s Pov:
At first when I saw that the school was calling me, I didn’t know what the problem was. The twins never misbehaved so I just turn it off thinking it wasn’t that serious. ‘I’ll just call them back later’ I thought to myself.
The boys and I were sat in the study room reading for our upcoming exams so automatically everyone was busy in their text books or computers.
I had dropped the twins off earlier and came straight back home in the morning and it was only 12:15 in the afternoon.
The calls kept coming in from all over and when I saw that they weren’t going to give up calling me I picked up.
“Hey this is bangchan I’m really busy-“ I say frustrated but was cut out with a quiet panicked voice.
“Hello sir? This is Yongsan International School and we would like to inform you that the school is currently under lockdown.” A lady says into the phone.
“Lockdown?! What do you mean lockdown?!” I get up from my chair which causes the boys to look at me. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as I start to pace the room.
“I’m very sorry to say that there is a shooting in progress and if you could get down here as fast as possible that would very much be appreciated.”
“How the fuck do you let that happen?” I yell into the phone, “what type of school lets this shit happen?!”
“Channie hyung what’s wrong?” Felix asks worried obviously. I turn to the boys who were now staring at me. Eager to know what’s wrong.
The world goes quiet as I try to form the words to explain to my brothers that their little siblings were currently in a shooting.
Why would someone want to do such a thing to such innocent teenagers?
“T-the school, the twins- their school is apparently has had a shooting.” My phone drops out of my hands as I feel my body almost collapse.
“Hyung oh my God! Sit down please,” Changbin grabs a hold of me and slowly puts me back in my original sit.
“What do you mean the school is under attack?” Han voice books across the room filled with panic. He grabs the tv remote and turns up the news where we see the familiar place with many cop cars outside surrounding it.
“Oh my God,” Felix gasps before pulling out his phone.
“I have to get to Y/n or I.N some way!” I exclaim before grabbing my keys from the counter.
“I-I need to go right now..”
“I’m coming with you hyung. The rest of you try and get in contact with the twins. If they call let us know please.” Leeknow instructs the younger boys.
He was frantic aswell. Even tho leeknow was known as the less emotional brother whenever something went wrong you could tell how affected he was by the situation.
“Guys please be safe, please.” Seungmin tells us before quickly hugging us as we rush out the doors and get into one of the cars.
“Pass me my phone Lee, I’ll call Y/n you call I.N,” I tell him and he quickly gives it to me.
I start blowing up their phones praying that somehow one of them picks up and tells me everything is okay.
“They are going to be okay hyung. I know Y/n she’s strong she’ll protect I.N,” Leeknow says trying to make the situation better.
My chest ached. The constant fear of them getting killed in that school kept crawling up my back and the thought of them being terrified, probably hiding somewhere not sure what to do made me want to throw up.
“If something happens to them I won’t ever forgive my self Leeknow.” My voice quivers as the words leave my mouth.
He looks over at me and rubs my back for assurance.
“Nothing is going to happen to them I promise.” I didn’t even know how he was keeping his shit together right now. How?
The drive wasn’t long because of the way I was speeding. The roads were kind of empty and the weather was very foggy. It had rained in the morning but Seoul weather was always confusing.
“Okay let’s go, let’s go.” I quickly saying getting out the car not trying to slip on the slippery ground.
I look around trying to assess the situation. The school looks so gloomy and children were being wheeled out or were being carried out by people.
Some were frantic others were just quiet. As if in a trance.
The cops were surrounding a specific area. I run towards one of the parents who looked like they just saw a ghost. Her body trembling.
“Leeknow stay here and try and fine them, imll go ask what’s going on.”
“Be safe Chan.”
I quickly nod and run to the First Lady I see. She was wearing a coat and her makeup was smudged from all the crying.
“Excuse ma’am can you tell me what’s going on?” I ask the lady who was clearly not in the right mindset at all.
“They caught the guy but they are so many injured kids, non confirmed deaths yet” she gives me a small smile.
“Thank you,”
I run back to leeknow who’s searching for a sign of I.N or Y/n.
Y/n’s Pov:
I.N and I always were together in ever place and area.
We were always moving in twos. That’s how it worked. I.N and Y/n. How it always worked.
The world was moving in slow motion as me and I.N were holding eachother in the closet.
Being put in a position where you think your life is about to be ended in the most brutal way makes you think back and appreciate the little things. The things that mattered or didn’t.
“A-are they gone? Please tell me they’re gone Y/n,” I.N whispers causing me to snap out of my little trail of thoughts and come back into reality.
“I don’t know baby bread but I really hope so. Are you okay?” I ask him.
“Yeah just out of breath.” He whimpers.
“Shhh it’s okay, just breathe yeah?” He nods in response as we sit there for what felt like hours.
“Do you think Channie is outside waiting for us?”
“Yes I do, I know he is. I feel it.” The little hum that comes out of his mouth makes me believe that he actually believed me.
By the time everything had gone kind of quiet I pull out my phone to see a clock reading “6:35pm”
We had been sat here for 6 hours
No moving no talking just fear and shock.
A loud banging at the door causes us to jump and squeal in fear. Did they find us? Were they going to kill is now?
“This is the police call out of your in there!” A loud voice fills the room.
I.N wraps his hand around my mouth to stop the sobs from escaping.
His tight grip loosening when he hears the man’s voice.
“I-I’m going to check-“
“No you can’t Y/nie that so dangerous, you’ll get yourself killed. Imagine it’s a trap.”
“I.N we have to find a way to know what going on. The service here is horrible” I whisper back at him.
“But y/n-“
“I’ll be okay I’m just peeping through the door I.N trust me.”
“O-okay but if-“
“Nothing will happen, I promise.”
I give him a small nod before crawling to the door and looking through a tiny crack.
I see police officers walking around assessing the place and I see a man standing right outside in uniform.
“Oh thank God.” I whisper. The feelings of relief causing me to cry and sob.
“I.N I think it’s safe, I see police.”
“Are you sure?” He asks hesitantly crawling out of the hiding space.
“Yeah, let me go out first, here hold my stuff.” I hand him my back and phone before opening the door.
“Hey! I found her!” An officer yells causing me to jump in panic.
“Hey I’m not going to hurt you Y/n-“ he softly says reaching out to grab me.
How does he know my name? Why does he know my name?
“How do you know my name?” I ask the man.
“You guys have been hiding for more than 5 hours, we’ve been looking for you and your brother.” He says holding out his hand.
The hallways were empty. No sign of any kids.
“I-is he gone, the shooter?”
“Yes he is love and your older brothers are waiting for you outside,”
“Yes Chan, where is your brother? Do you think you’ve lost him.”
I shake my head no before returning to the closet and pulling I.N out. His taller figure wrapping me in his arms.
“Hey I.N, I’m officer Chen. These guys are my colleagues. Should we go outside?”
I nod my head eagerly waiting to see my brothers.
“Please let’s go I need to see leeknow or Chan,” I quickly say. I grab my bag and phone from I.N’s hands because he also has to carry his stuff. We follow the cop who was checking in on us making sure we were okay. Never in a million years did I ever think I would find my older brothers in a frantic state. A crying state but that all changed today.
“Chan!” I scream and he looks up. His eyes in disbelief.
“Y/n?! I.N?!” My footsteps start to get quicker before I jump into his arms, I.N doing the same to leeknow.
“My babies oh my God. Are you guys okay? Are you guys hurt? I thought you guys died. My poor babies.”
“We’re okay, we’re okay.” I say tears running down my face. He wipes them with his hands and kisses my forehead. He starts examining me and asking me questions.
“Here you guys must be freezing, take my jacket.” Leeknow hands me his and Chan does the same to I.N.
“Oh baby girl you had be scared there you know?” Leeknow grabs me in his hands and kisses me all over my face.
“Please tell me you’re okay, please.”
“I’m okay leeknow I promise, I’m just happy I’m with you guys.”
“We need to take them to the paramedics to make sure everything is alright and if they are you guys can take them home,” the officer cuts out conversation short.
“Yes yes anything, go ahead.” Chan approves.
The officer nods and leads me and I.N to the ambulance where Chan and leeknow sit close by asking the lady so many questions.
“Yes and that’s it, you guys look good to go.” She looks at us sympathetically before putting away her gloves and turning to Chan and leeknow.
“They need to drink a lot of water and make sure they take in a lot of rest.” She tells Chan and he nods his head noting it down.
“Therapists for such situations should be also be taken very seriously because they are young they need all the help they can get to get over this trauma,” She also tell Chan who continues to ask more questions.
“So we need to get them therapists?”
“Yeah but that’s only if you see a change in their behavior. We don’t want anything bad happening to them mentally.”
“Right right. your right,”
“We’ll give you guys some contacts but right now, I want you to take them home and take care of them, are you there dad?”
“N-no I’m their older brother, our parents died a few years ago.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,”
“It’s okay, thank you tho.”
“You’re welcome and here’s my number,” she winks at Chan which makes him cringe but Chan being a people pleaser, he wanted to be polite so he took it.
“Chan?” I call for him and within seconds his by my side.
“Yes my love,” he says kneeling besides me.
“I love you so much and I love you so much leeknow.” I tell them both and leeknow turns his head away.
He was crying I knew he was and he didn’t want me to see that. I knew it.
“We love you too and you I.N. Should we get you guys home?” He asks while fighting the tears that were so clearly about to fall.
To the person that requested this: thank you so much for your request I’m about to make a part two if you would like :) cause I have an idea to complete the actual story if you would like!! 🩷.
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lemonnsss · 9 months
Moral of the Story pt.1
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Warnings: cheating, illusions to sex, angst, not BETA'D we die like men.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Taglist: @vicmc624, @mostlymarvelgirl, @yvonneeeee, @beetlejuicesupremacy, @moonlightreader649, @whattheduckisupkyle, @chrisevans-realwife, @nekoannie-chan, @mrsbarnes32557038, @imyourbratzdoll
Word count: 1k
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I was sitting around the bonfire with the other faculty at Xavier’s after all the students had gone to bed: talking shit, spilling fresh gossip, and discussing all the latest trends. Next to me was my best friend, Ororo when she said, “You do know Logan’s cheating on you, right?”
“Please, Storm. We’ve been over this. There’s no way he does that, it just isn’t like him.”
“Please,” she begged, “everyone else on campus knows, we see the subtle glances, we hear the quiet ‘I Love You’s, we smell his cologne on her so why can’t you see it?”
She and I had had a big fight about this earlier, to her it was as obvious as the sun. I was holding on to something that wasn’t there, a distant memory long forgotten by him
I didn’t believe what they said- moreover, I couldn’t believe- Logan was the first thing in my life that I knew Jean couldn’t cheat me out of or beat me at. Walking down the hall in the teachers’ wing I heard moaning and grunting coming from Jean and Scott’s room, two definite voices.
I had seen Scott less than five minutes ago when I left the bonfire, and that’s when it dawned on me. I crept over to their door, wanting to catch this mysterious offender who Jean was cheating with, a soft gasp escaped my lips when I peered through the crack.
There on the bed lay the Jean Gray who had bested me at everything in life legs wide open with her brassiere unclasped at the front with a barely concealed Logan between her thighs.
Tears welled in my eyes as I took a step back, unsure of what I was supposed to do. I mean, no one tells you what to do if you see your boyfriend of three years fucking another woman.
Walking into our shared room I started packing away my things, everything that was valuable enough to bring with me. I knew I had to come back for the rest but I couldn’t think about that now, I just wanted out.
After I fill my duffle bags and suitcases, I go to make my way out of the door when Logan walks in, looking like he had just gotten out of the shower.
“Honey, whatcha doing? Thought you wanted to stay out at the bonfire a little longer.”
“Cut the shit, Lo. I know everything.” I move towards the door, and he grabs my arm.
“Sugar, I don’t know what you’re talking ‘bout, you’re gonna have to be more specific than that.” He says while slightly pushing my baggage down.
“I saw you,” I let out a shaky breath, “ I saw you with Jean just then. I trusted you! Even when everyone told me you were cheating I trusted you! Why would you do this to me, Logan?”
He stood there. Silent, still. As if processing what I had just said. Not moving even an inch.
A few minutes must have passed before he moved to bring his hand to my cheek before I shied away. “Sweetie, baby, please,” he begged, a thing I seldom saw from him, ”I swear, that was the only time.”
“Really? Because the rest of the faculty, save Scott and Professor Xavier, has been telling me all this for months!” I didn’t care if I woke the entire school, I had been wronged and cheated by the one person I trusted with my deepest fears and my insecurities. The man I had wanted to spend the rest of my life mere hours earlier betrayed me in a way no one should have to experience, and I would let him fucking know.
After hours of yelling at Logan, my voice was hoarse and raw as tears streamed down my face, people began to run over to the faculty wing to find out what the commotion was all about, hearing the scandalous but anticipated news and spreading it down the chain. Until everyone from the bonfire called it a night only to find they couldn’t even get to their rooms with the amount of people crowded around.
Scott shoved his way through to the front as I yelled, hearing me say his partner's name in the context of cheating, he looked at her, across the hall from where Logan and I stood, hope draining from his eyes and he understood that she had chosen Logan while trying to keep him along.
“I’m sorry, you had to find out this way, Scott,” I say, apologizing to Jean once again.
He turns around and the crowd separates like the Red Sea for him, now with Jean following, apologizing, begging for him to forget about this, how it didn’t mean anything to her, to turn over a new leaf; to wipe the slate clean. He doesn’t face her, not while I can see.
I pick up my bags again just for Logan to reach out once again, “Please?”
He sits there silently begging. I pull away, watching the hope in his eyes crumble.
“We both know it’s too late for that, Lo.”
The crowd separates once more as I make my way down the stairs, out the front door, and to the garage where my 65’ Thunderbird sits. Popping the trunk, I picked up my suitcase when I saw a silver streak of light pass by.
“You’re gonna leave, just like that?” Peter says, leaning back on the driver’s door.
“What else should I do? It’s not like I want to see them after this.” I load my smaller bags in and shut the trunk before moving to the door.
“That’s fair.” Peter says, backing away, ”But is there nothing else keeping you here?”
A soft gaze met mine, practically begging me to stay.
“Pete, I don’t need another reminder that I’m nothing but sub-par in comparison to the great Jean Gray. I don’t want to feel like that anymore. I’ve been compared to her my entire life, it’s time I meet someone who sees me for me.”
And with the nod of his head, I drove out of Xavier’s School of Gifted Children for the last time.
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orikiys · 10 months
✿ ✿ 〞 voicemails with han on your wedding day
✰ pairings: bsf!han x fem!reader
✰ genre: angst, fluff if you squint and romance
✰ word count: 1.3k+ words
HAN | chan | minho | changbin | hyunjin | felix | seungmin | jeongin
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one 𖨂
first off, i’m sorry i made you cry like that. i’m sorry that i intentionally hurt you even though i didn’t mean to. i guess it’s time to spill the beans, huh? it’s been what– like 6 years now? 6 years of constantly pining over you. 6 years of falling in love with every bit of you. and 6 years of watching you fall for several people and get your heart broken. i’ve seen it all. lived it all as well, right by your side just like always. it wasn’t easy of course, watching the love of your life kiss someone else, hug someone else or cry over stupid exes who didn’t deserve you. but i did my best to hold it in. but now . . . i don’t think i can. i love you so much, more than you’ve ever now and more than you ever will. your fiancé is lucky. he truly is. for being able to marry a girl like you in less than a few hours. and you must be wondering why i’m sending you these voicemails 3 hours before your wedding. well it’s because you don’t have your phone with you right now as you’re very much busy, which is a golden opportunity for me.
two 𖨂
i hate you. so so much. i hate you so much for making me feel this way. i hate you so much for running through my mind the entire day. i hate you so much for making me feel all excited and giddy whenever you smile at me, but your eyes. . . they have love. not the romantic one, the platonic one. and that’s what hurts me the most. i even thought of telling this to you earlier but i couldn’t. not when our friendship of 8 years was at stake. never. nothing is more precious than that. but sometimes i do wonder whether your heart used to beat fast when i stood close to you. or whether your cheeks used to feel warm when i touched you. did it ever happen to you? i guess not. how could you love a guy like me? you, who are literally the perfectionist and me who learnt from you. doesn’t match right? i wished it did. i truly wished it did.
three 𖨂
i never lost hope, you know? instead i clung onto it until the very end, which is today. i hoped for you to fall in love with me little by little. and even though you couldn’t reciprocate my love for you, i wish we tried. but i fall in love with you a little bit more day by day. and now my heart is swelling with immense sadness that it even hurts to laugh without letting out tears of pain. it hurts to see you smile knowing i’m not the main reason anymore. i’ve become a side one. and it hurts to see you so excited for your wedding. and i hate myself for that. i hate that i can’t even pretend to be happy for my best friend who finally found true love. best friend. that’s all i mean to you right? nothing more, nothing less. but i don’t blame you. i could never. so i hope he doesn’t hurt you ever. because i might not be sufficient for you whether it be now or 10 years later. just know that.
four 𖨂
as i stand wearing my tuxedo, i wonder how it would look to have your arm linked with mine. to have your eyes shining with joy, for me. but that can never happen, can it? i see the way you look at him. the way you talk about him. and when you’re angry at him, it hurts me even then. oh, how i wish i could be him. standing by your weeping side and wiping your tears. or perhaps, holding you in my arms under the moonlight. it sounds heavenly doesn’t it? at least it does for me. which is the exact reason why it isn’t real. and i can’t imagine what would happen after you hear these. just don’t hate me please? i beg you. it took me a lot of courage to say this. and i would die if i ever knew that you hate me. your man, he’s perfect in every way. i tried to find any flaw but there isn’t one. he’s madly in love with you too but not longer than me, try to beat that. he gifts you all his love and never his anger. he treats you like a delicate vase, if handled improperly, you might break. he engulfs you in his love and you can practically drown in his eyes with the amount of admiration it contains for you. all for you, my angel.
five 𖨂
i’m back, hiding in the bathroom as i speak. your wedding just ended– and i don’t think i could see you two kissing. i’m so sorry angel. so so sorry. i didn’t want to be that bad friend who falls in love and starts acting as a homewrecker. never. i’m so sorry for falling in love with you. if only i didn’t look at you while you were doing my makeup, this wouldn’t have happened. i danced with you although, and when you asked why i was getting emotional i could only smile with tears. this was the last time i held you like i loved you. the last time i twirled you, and the last time i caught you. because now, i’m throwing away that hope from my life. and i’m letting you go now, my love. i promise. i won’t ever try to love you again the way i did and i’ll punish myself if i ever do that once more.
six 𖨂
at times i even thought i don't want to love you anymore. you tore my heart out in the summer and tossed it aside with a carefree laugh and that crooked smile, before sauntering off to meet your new partner before classes began in the autumn. i don't want to flinch every time i hear your name escape someone’s mouth. i don't want to keep getting hurt every time a memory flashes in my mind like a blaring siren, a loop of playful moments and the moments where i fell deeper. i want to not care about you anymore. i want to be perfect strangers, but i couldn’t just not care when you knocked on my door at 4 am, drunk and a sobbing mess, i just took you in my arms. i held you for hours till the moon disappeared, replacing itself with brightness. not for me. not when you couldn’t even remember how i cared for you or how we went back to being best friends. maybe it was selfish of me to for the night knowing you saw my worth only in your drunk state. but it was enough for me. you were enough for me. and my heart shattered every time knowing i wasn’t.
seven 𖨂
i’m finally letting you free, from the love i had buried deep in my heart. i wish you a happy married life, my angel. and i’m sorry but i will be leaving tonight. i’m going away for a while. for good. and even though i have many excuses i won’t tell them to you. i need time. away from you. away from those feelings that keep bubbling out just by hearing your laughter. i know i’m late. very late in fact. but could you try and not hate me for this? please? it’ll be my last wish before i go. and now, suddenly, everything seems like a goodbye. the last dance, the last hug, the last smile, the last kiss on my cheek and the last moment where i add a full stop to this unrequited love of mine. congratulations angel. though i wished i could call you mine.
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yandere-romanticaa · 1 year
¡! ❞ You can never love him, not in the way he loves you. You say that over and over but Dazai Osamu has other things in store for you.
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"So... Is that how it is?" said the brunette with a tone colder than ice and a face devoid of any and all emotion. He sat in a wooden chair with his arms placed in front of him as he stared downwards at your shaking form. Deafening silence filled the room as neither one of you was willing to speak up, not after the horrible mistake you had just committed.
"You will never be my first love, no matter how hard you try Dazai! Someone else already took that place, someone that isn't you!"
Those words echoed loudly inside Dazai's mind and he tried to hard to prevent himself from scoffing. Even now a dead man was more important to you, a rotting hunk of flesh that couldn't say nor do anything but you didn't budge, you never budged. What you said, it... it hurt. It hurt him and it still hurts. It felt as though he got stabbed in the chest and the knife was being twisted over and over and over and all over again and the sheer force of the pain would bring Dazai back down to Earth, back to the Hell he calls a home, back to you.
Is this karma? Is this divine retribution for all his past actions?
His dear old Odasaku always wanted for Dazai to become good, to be good but his past had caught up with him and old habits die hard. He was torn and conflicted - was he nothing more but a waste of space or a human being that deserved to live if not a happy then a so called normal life?
It dawned on him and after what felt like an eternity, Dazai grinned, a wicked, devilish grin that grew and grew until it almost made you throw up. His face was inches away from yours, chapped lips just barely threatening to steal yet another precious kiss from your own as Dazai finally decided to break the horrible tension.
"You were right dear, I will never be your first love..."
Was he coming to his senses? What was he saying, is it foolish to get your hopes up yet?
You could feel his cold and long fingers on your face, toying with the bruised and bloody flesh as his chocolate brown eyes glared horribly at you, as if they were sharp daggers ready to kill anyone who dared to get in their way.
"...I have become something much, much more important, something that you just won't be able to live without."
You could feel one of his arms swiftly creeping up towards your head and you felt a sharp thug upwards, causing you to yell in agony as his other hand painfully squished your cheeks, his fingernails ripping into the softness of your cheeks. Dazai carefully watched the tiny trickles of crimson red blood fall onto the white bandages on his hands, as if he was admiring the view so to speak. Well he was, actually. Your pretty blood had now stained his bandages and it could be considered a work of art, to him at least but, that wasn't too important at the moment, not when you had oh so carelessly broken his heart into a million little pieces.
"I may not be your first love but I sure as Hell am going to be your last one. And that darling is much more important."
If you weren't going to let him heal you he was left with no choice other than to break you.
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🕊️ TAGS: @yanroma, @oneoftheprettynerds, @misskisses, @sxy0ung, @rosemary108233, @itssara-chan
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This man is so hard to write for I swear, but I really tried with this, m'kay?
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tenjiiku · 11 months
21 : only
The chime of the shop rings with prominence. You already know who it is without lifting your gaze from your newspaper.
“Darling, love of my life, fire of my heart,” The man sings — an annoying, sickly sweet tone — his volume increasing as he glides his way to the front reception desk, “The machine is broken again.”
You cough, adjusting your newspaper. He is so abnormally tall his hair is all you can see from your periphery. Why he presents himself in such a way you never want to know.
“Then go to another laundromat,” you murmur quickly. You have grown accustomed to dismissing his outlandish behaviour. It is a second instinct at this point.
“Nah. I wouldn’t receive such service anywhere else — you are special, you know? One of a kind.”
You choke a little at his hoax of his compliment, “You make me sick.”
A large hand puts your newspaper down. You allow it, only because you wanted this interaction to end. Even seated on a swivel chair, elevated to its highest position, you have to crane your head a little to meet him in the eye. You see yourself in the reflection of the dark glasses he cunningly chooses to wear inside.
When you scowl he returns it with a cheshire grin.
“Thank you. You’re too sweet.”
“What do you want, Satoru?” You do not use his last name or any honorific to address him despite his age. He was older than you by a few years — but certainly did not act the part — so you do not think he deserves your respect. Your host father told you he does — something about his being from a prominent private school as an educator, which you cannot possibly fathom being the truth. But only in front of you is Satoru Gojo an inane, odd man with a need for clean, dry-cleaned clothes that, for some strange reason he has conjectured in his equally baffling mind, only you can provide.
The wrinkle that had formed between your brows drops in less than a second. This was the typical routine. You would get annoyed — and he would get a sick kick from that. You refused to be his entertainment, so, for once you decide to be the bigger person.
“My friend is a police officer. He is five minutes away,” you retort, not being the bigger person. Though actions did speak louder than words.
Satoru places his elbow on the desk. He has to bend his back in an uncomfortable manner to do so — and he leans his face on his palm which only makes the position and his stature appear more cretinous and acute.
“You’re pretty when you’re angry, do you know?”
“Go die.” (You are being a bigger person today only through your actions. Not your words, you quickly decide.)
“Can you let me buy you a coffee? Put me out of my misery?”
“Leave me alone. I will scream for A-chan.” (Your dog, sleeping peacefully somewhere in a corner near the dryers.)
“Awh,” he coos, tilting his head only more. You wonder if he has back problems. “That’s vulgar. I thought you were a good girl.”
At this, you flounder. Fisting your hands together, you rub at your forehead. Satoru possessed the putrid ability to irk you like no other. You look down at your textbook — you were on chapter five, studying deadlock before he came — and it was certainly fitting given his arrival.
“I am. For people I can tolerate.” You retort, monotone to not please his sadism.
He smiles anyways and leans forward, gazing towards where you look — a few sheets of loose-leaf paper with your begrimed writing. You can catch a glimpse of his azure coloured eyes through his lashes from this angle. At first they scared you. It was an utter oddity to you — you had seen nothing as strange from all your years tending to this run-down laundromat. People who came and went were not as nearly as fascinating as Satoru Gojo’s eye colour, unfortunately, but that was not to say they were not as interesting. Odd characters entered every now and then considering your laundromat being less than 5 metres away from a graveyard — which only begged the existence of Satoru all together.
Perhaps he was visiting someone every time he came. You liked to make stories of customers who you would encounter. That was Satoru’s because you could not think of anything else.
You never asked, he never said. This was how it went.
“What’s all this?” He questions, his tone softer than usual. You feel his eyes travel to your right shoulder, making you self-conscious.
For a second you think he knows of the pain you have been feeling there.
You shake your head of the plausibility.
“Homework,” you reply, curt and straight, adjusting your posture in your seat as a sudden wave of bashfulness has overcome you.
“For what?”
“My operating systems class.”
Satoru coos — treating you like you are some sort of stray cat when he is the one encroaching on your property. “Sounds hard. You’re real smart, then?”
You look up, mouth falling into a line as you mumble a small, “Yeah.”
You want this conversation to come to an end. But Satoru liked to season his prey and you were not an exception. You remember encountering one of his students once — you think their name was Megumi — who had told you to steer clear of Satoru if you wanted your sanity to remain intact. It was solid advice, the only possibility it did not cover was Satoru forcing himself in front of you no matter what turn you took.
“You have to give me something to work with here,” he moans dramatically.
You take some money from the tip jar and hold it out in front of him as an incentive.
“I’ll pay you ¥800 to leave me alone?”
Satoru takes the money, but he doesn’t leave.
“You’re a tough one, aren’t you?” He sneers at you. You crack your shoulders and decide to get started on the problem at hand because at this rate you will never finish your homework.
Walking towards the washers, you start speaking, not looking behind you to see if he is following because you already know he is.
“I don’t have time for this. Which machine isn’t operating?”
For once in his life, maybe out of the glory that overcame him from getting the upper hand on you once again, he complies.
“Third washer on the left, near the door.”
You walk towards it. Satoru stands next to you. His clothes float in a puddle that has formed within the washer — a drainage problem. Taking his clothes out of it, you rinse the soaked water in the sink and place them in another washer. If he chose to use half his brain he could have solved this himself. But after observing his smiles from your periphery and through the reflection of the glass door you come to realize he is enjoying himself.
An hour comes and go. Satoru talks your ear off at the reception even as others come and go. He puts his wet clothes in the dryer and folds them when they are finished, into a duffel bag.
When he stands in front of you, silent for the first time since his arrival, you know he is about to leave. You always give him a nice goodbye.
“Time for your weekly departure? Please do not bring clothes stained with blood to be dry cleaned next time. Mother almost fainted last week and is growing suspicious.”
Satoru smiles at you which lets you know that he understands your joke. He is handsome but he is nothing of your world, you realize. He only ever exists within the four wall of your parent’s laundromat and will only ever smell of floral detergent. It was better this way, you think.
“Awh. You’re worried for me?”
Your lips lay flat and you look down at your textbook.
“Have a nice day as well,” he murmurs, low. It catches you by surprise. When you lift your head up, he is already gone.
The pain on your right shoulder has stopped when the chime of the door opening and closing rings.
You pretend to ignore it — the feeling of his eyes and the growing aches surfacing within you — and go back to studying.
Satoru waits five minutes after he has left you to acknowledge his student following him. He stops near the abandoned phone booth he had found you sulking in two weeks prior — curled up with your legs tucked to your chest — pondering on about nonsensical things.
It was not the worst of the side effects you possessed after leaving your clan years ago and starting a new life with the Kobayashi’s at their laundromat.
“Megumi-chan, care to join me?”
He smiles when he sees his student scowl at him and he only continues to walk as he catches up.
“Why do you insist on pestering her? You know she will never remember. Yaga-san will be mad,” his student asserts after meeting his shoulders
Satoru does not answer right away. He recalls a fragment of a memory from his childhood. He had been doted on since his birth. You were a refreshing rarity, always hoping for a life greater than the one you were subjugated to — the daughter of a lowly maid, a normal girl for all purposes yet never treated as such. He remembers a small conversation you shared for less than a minute when he was only eight years old and you were five — how one day you wanted to be able to go to Hokkaido for the ice sculpture festival during the Winter. It was such a naive thing to aspire for. A cruel irony, really, that you still remained the same after so many years.
A snowflake falls towards Satoru’s shoe, but never quite graces its body.
Slinging an arm around his student, he answers brazenly, “I don’t know. I suppose I’m bored these days. Entertain me.”
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demonslayedher · 4 months
The Taisho Secret canon content regarding The Legend of Zenitsu has unfortunately made me have to give up beloved concepts in this future!Zennezu headcanon post. Most specifically, Old Man Zenitsu's with a mustache, because Word of Gotouge says he never grews facial hair. Zenitsu is probably far more disappointed than I am about this.
But also, it has all given me a much deeper headcanon about "The Legend of Zenitsu" being a bonding experience in their marriage, for Nezuko is a big fan, like so, what with Nezuko being a willing model for Zenitsu's praise-worthy paintings.
And is my brain spinning headcanons again? Yeah.
Zenitsu wished he could rub it in Tanjiro's face that he got a book deal. Not on everything, just on "The Demon Slaying Arc ~Fated Encounters~," "The Heavenly Maiden Arc ~I Am Willing To Die For You~," and "The Life of the Man Who Loved The Spirit of the Plum Tree Arc." No one else deserved to know "The Tastiness of Nezuko-chan's Cooking" anyway, for Zenitsu had described it too well and it would be like sharing his wife with a bunch of slimy readers. Bad enough that he still had to share with Inosuke all the time.
But Tanjiro didn't rub it in. He smiled and made as kind a sound as even, and congratulated him.
Maybe Tanjiro had grown too mild to say or feel anything more than that.
Because Zenitsu had a publisher and small fan base, he got paid a small advance to keep writing. Not even to stop going to an office job in town, if he wanted to to keep spoiling Nezuko with nice things. The stroke to eager made him write "The Beautiful Swordswoman Nezuko Arc" in one night, but "The Golden Dragon Wandering Alone Arc ~Go And Rescue Nezuko!~" was one he slogged through. It was getting to be a handful, going to work and raising a kid living up to expectations now that people had them of him. It felt good at first, but it made the writing less fun.
His heart was hardly in it when he wrote the "Botamochi from Zenitsu Arc." The sales tanked, and Zenitsu's publisher didn't bother him when he said aside his pen for a while. It was a long while, and there were other things going on anyway.
Not long after Tanjiro died, Nezuko caught a flu that was going around. It honestly made Zenitsu a little glad to have an excuse to leave his kid with Aoi for a while so that he could have Nezuko to himself while she was contagious. He didn't need anyone's help to take care of him, because every cell down to his soul cared only about how he might pamper and comfort her.
"Nezuko-chan, come on and drink a little. It'll make your throat feel better."
"I can't. I don't want to," she moaned. Tears escaped her hopeless eyes. She still must have felt so gutted, and Zenitsu knew he could do little to fill her for the time being. Some of that hopeless look must had been from thinking she'd never be free of the headache, but at least that much he might be able to soothe.
"Why don't you rest your head on my lap for a change? Here, I'll stroke your forehead for you."
"You should sleep."
"I can do it in my sleep," he smiled to her. "Actually, did you know that the legendary hero Agatsuma Zenitsu can be even more powerful when he sleeps?"
At this, she gave him a weak smile. The first he'd seen lately. "Yes."
"It's true! It's because he can hear the sound of his wife at his side. It powers him up like lightning coming right out of his empty eye-sockets! Actually, there was one time when he blinded his enemy before the roaring sound of his power knocked him over."
"Or the sound of his snoring."
"No, no, it's thunder like it shoots right out of him! You see, it all started one night in a terrible, creepy forest, when he saw a helpless man swooped backwards into the tree tops..."
When Nezuko recovered, Zenitsu picked up his pen again, and published "Rumble of the Knock-Out Secret Swordsmanship of Zenitsu Arc ~The Legendary Man’s Eyes Shine With Light~" not long afterward. It sold decently, and it was nice to hear that he had some fans who were excited about it.
Life fell back into a new busy normal, and Zenitsu's muse was fickle. "The Potato Feudal Lord Arc" was just a passing thing for fun, not something he'd ever tell his publisher about. It was more fun for a while to try out other things, like painting. As long as Nezuko was his model, Zenitsu found he had a knack for it. He ran into Yushiro one time though, who told him he was a hack, and they got into a big argument that ended with Zenitsu throwing all his brushes and unused canvases at him and daring him to do better. Those had all cost a lot of money, so Nezuko was not happy about that. Likewise, she wasn't happy when Zenitsu refused to sell a painting of her and tore his pants while throwing a fit.
By the looks of Nezuko's ledgers, it looked like Zenitsu was stuck at that desk job, selling electricity around the little mountain foothill town. He had been there so long that he got promoted for being good at sitting in the same chair for years, and that meant moving closer to a bigger town, closer to the growing metropolis, where Zenitsu felt right at home and Nezuko assured him she would adjust.
What would Tanjiro think, now that nobody bought charcoal anymore?
The world that once had demons seemed further and further away and the droll of adulthood stretched on, and powers he couldn't behead with a swift Thunderclap and Flash fought amongst themselves. More and more, there were expectations of Zenitsu, and people depending on him. He had to assure people they would still have light and heat even as Tokyo burned, and the sound of planes rattled his ears almost daily. He was a man of his community now, and the only one his family could depend on. At Nezuko's insistence, they collected nearly-blind Kanao and his nephews and niece, and he tried to insist to Inosuke to stay with them in town where there were bomb shelters, but Inosuke, just as responsible for his own family, felt he kept them safest going deeper and deeper in to the mountains.
Nezuko knew nothing but worries. Sometimes, he almost wished she could be back to a childlike state of mind, protected from all the pain and horrors she so unfairly had to endure. In the darkness of a bomb shelter, he hugged her close as she trembled. "Say, Nezuko-chan. Do you remember that time..."
"...that time the great hero Agatsuma Zenitsu was a teeny-tiny, but very, very strong mouse?"
He could hear her worries lift, however slightly. Maybe that was all a mouse could do.
"Actually, it was when he was a little boy. You'd never guess it, but he was very cowardly. That was a terrible warlock with a fancy red mark around his eye painted him with a magic white makeup that turned him into a mouse!"
She stifled a snort against his chest. "Uzui-san..."
"Yeah, that was the warlock's name! Did I already tell you this story before?"
"A mouse?" his son clung tighter to him, sometime he hadn't done in years. Even when he was little he always clung to Nezuko instead anyway. Zenitsu could tell by the tone of his son's voice that he was already teary-eyed and sniffly.
"Yeah. A little mouse who thought he had no power at all. That the world was too big for him. But as it turns out..."
What really hurt was Nezuko's reaction. She sighed with disappointment, and lamented that this was why he spent so many long hours away from home.
That was a story Zenitsu recorded later, as a memory of those times. It stayed on his bookcase at home next to the Potato Lord story, now that the world was quiet again.
Business picked up really well. The world got brighter, and so did the indoor lighting. As a general sense of optimism filled the world again, the small but dedicated base of "Legend of Zenitsu" fans called for a new installment. He responded well to praise, and soon gave them "The Dragon Palace Arc ~Eternal Nezuko~," but being so busy as a highly promoted seat-warmer at the office meant he had things he had to do while sitting in that seat. He put on weight again, and spent a lot of sad, long evenings stuffing cookies in his face while streaming with tears that he couldn't be eating one of Nezuko's homecooked meals instead. "Sitting In A Happy Circle and Boiling Tea in Our Bellybuttons Arc" was something he secretly wrote at his desk as a form of silent protest. His publisher rejected that one after reading only one page.
Of course! He had to be at home to write his best work! He had to be in the same space as his muse, Nezuko! Another quickly written revenge work of his, "The Future Holds Zenitsu Arc," was considered one of his better ones.
After that, he was satisfied with writing for a while, and he muse pushed him to start playing (perfectly) the piano. Nezuko was not thrilled about the piano he bought.
If only he had taught it to Nezuko, then. Her joints all bothered her, but she kept sewing out of willpower.
This new hobby inspired another novel, and Nezuko inspired another novel after that of course, and the stress of their son getting married and wanting a lavish wedding inspired another novel and another novel after that was a desperate attempt to strike it big and get out of the debt that wedding cost them. After all, Zenitsu's daughter-in-law was a cutie and he wanted to spoil her. It made Zenitsu remember how cute Nezuko was when they were newlyweds, and before that too, of course, and now too, and before he knew it he had written yet another novel, despite his dwindling fan base. Nezuko sure liked that one, though, and that was all that mattered.
The years went by. Zenitsu felt he lost his mind over how his granddaughter got cuter every time he saw her, and he eventually reached some arbitrary age when his company could only promote him to retired. Aside from the aches in his legs, he felt as young as he always did, though. Kanao said it was probably the effects of Breath technique. It sustained them without reaching a threshold at which it would be dangerous to them.
Zenitsu still wrote sometimes. He stayed busier when his busy-body grandson read the old unpublished "The Birth of Zenitsu Arc" and insisted on learning Thunder Breath. That was like a new job Zenitsu never asked for, especially since he still only knew one of the original six forms, but Kiriya sent him a letter askeing him to give it a shot, for who knew what the future held. Certainly not demons, Zenitsu was assured of that much. If Yushiro gave his novels a bad review one more time, he'd make sure of there were no more demons left in the world.
He got back in touch with Inosuke. He thought it might never happen after he abandoned the old house and charcoal mill, but the whole time, Inosuke had been on the mountain next to it, where he had always been King of the Mountain. He still took care of the house, he said. But a King still had to be King. They weren't the only people on the mountain, though. Aoi paid house calls. Still, Zenitsu gave Inosuke a stern lecture about making Nezuko (as well as Kanao) worry, so Aoi made sure to drag Inosuke into the bigger and bigger city sometimes.
Zenitsu's newest hobby to drop money on was photography, but now that he was a pensioner, Nezuko did not mind so much. She even agreed to let him fulfill his dream of taking her to Paris. He was glad he had that camera, to prove how the city could not outshine her.
He was glad he took her when he did. Her joints made it harder and harder for her to get around, even though she always smiled and insisted Zenitsu's legs must hurt more. He didn't like it when she laughed and joked around about chopping her legs off to grow new ones.
"Grandpa," his youngest granddaughter looked to him with a tearful face, "Grandma was saying something about being a demon again. I wish she'd stop that."
"I know, right!? She's a princess, and the very spirit of a plum blossom tree! A shrine maiden too!"
"There's no way someone like Grandma would ever go to hell."
He paused, and his stomach sank.
Nezuko gave up her sewing. She spent more and more time in bed, but with no desk job to sit at and a grandson taught enough that he could be told to go off and practice on his own, Zenitsu spent his days writing again. He took a long time on that novel he wrote for her, putting in all the sorts of parts he knew she liked. Sometimes he couldn't help himself and reads parts aloud to her without telling her everything else that already happened in the story. She smiled and enjoyed each fragment anyway.
"I've finally got the title for this one!" he announced. "It's called, 'I Will Be In Love With You A Thousand Years Arc.' Perfect, huh? Well, maybe it's still missing something. A million years, maybe?"
"Zenitsu-san... tell me a story..."
"I am! I'm telling you the greatest story yet! It's about this immortal princess who..."
"Tell me a real story..."
He paused and listened to her heartbeat as she took a breath--a simple, unpracticed breath in tired human lungs. Nezuko still made the same warm sound that she always did. It had a different resonance when she was a demon, and when he carried another life inside her, but it was always uniquely her.
"I want to hear... about the time you spent with my brother."
"Tanjiro? Yeah, he... hasn't been in these for a long time. Maybe I'll bring him back."
"You cared so much about him," she smiled from her futon. "That was why you protected my box, before you even met me."
"He... yeah."
"I'm glad you were such good friends... I want to hear about all those good things that happened to you. About your Ojiisan, and your little bird..."
"Yeah," he grimaced to a smile, and the inside of his nose zapped like a storm was brewing. "I had a lot of good things happen to me. A lot of bad things too."
"It's up to you to decide if you're happy or not. I hope... you'll decide you were happy."
"Yeah," he said, the snot already flowing. "The happiest. I'll tell you all about it. I'll make it my best story ever."
"You promise...?"
He kissed her forehead. "I'd never be able to come up with anything better than the truth."
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