#what a goated program look how cool this is
apple-cores · 18 days
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WHOOPS i made an Amalgamimic in lethal company
alternate version (a dark wide mass shambling around before it spots you!) and original screenshot i took
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sailforvalinor · 1 year
So, I’ve had some vague ideas about a modern Rose in Bloom au, and while I have no plans to actually sit down and write it, I did scribble out this little snippet last night just to get it out of my head.
(Snippet below the cut)
“Yo, Campbell!” a voice called.
A boy in a red letterman jacket suddenly ran up to them, interrupting their conversation.
Mac winced, mouth screwing up in distaste. “…yo,” he said, as if the colloquialism were being unwillingly dragged from his mouth. His hand shot up instinctively to adjust his bifocals. “You know, as there are three other Campbells besides myself on this campus—and an honorary one standing right in front of you—it might be a bit more useful to go in for specificity.”
“Sure, whatever you want, Alex,” the boy said breezily.
Mac winced again.
The boy didn’t seem to notice. “I was just wondering if we had anything due for Biology tomorrow? I missed class Tuesday.”
“Nothing, except the reading.”
“Okay, cool, cool. What chapter was it?”
“Ah, okay, cool! Thanks, man, see you!” Then, finally looking at Rose for the first time and giving her an unexpectedly shy little wave, he dashed off.
Mac sighed. “I’d like to know who made me this class’s TA while I’m trying to take it without my knowledge.”
Rose could feel a mischievous smile pulling at the corner of her mouth. “‘Alex’?”
Mac groaned. “Please spare me. I’m begging you.”
Rose laughed, resuming her walk down the sidewalk. Mac kept pace. “Good grief, you’re so dramatic. It just didn’t occur to me until now just how many potential nicknames you have. ‘Campbell,’ ‘Alex,’ ‘Mackenzie,’—ooh, what about ‘Xander’—“
“—if you start calling me ‘Xander,’ I swear I’ll drop out of this pre-med program and move to Iceland to herd goats,” Mac threatened.
Rose found the idea oddly compelling. “Could I come?”
“If you’d like. How do you think you’d fare, though?” he mused. “Goat herding is, by nature, a lonely profession—you can’t exactly hold block party in the Icelandic highlands.” His eyes lit up. “Imagine it, Rose—25,000 square miles of uninhabited volcanic desert—”
“No need to worry about any of that,” Rose interrupted fondly, bumping his arm with her shoulder as they walked along. It suddenly occurred to her how tall he’d gotten—she used to be able to do that shoulder-to-shoulder. “No Xander’s or Mackenzie’s or Alexander’s for me. You couldn’t ever be anything but Mac.” His only response was a small chuckle, but when Rose glanced up at him out of the corner of her eye, she caught him grinning to himself.
“But speaking of block parties—“
Mac’s face fell instantly as, in his usual malapropos fashion, he suddenly realized he’d somehow steered the conversation back to the very topic he was trying to avoid. “Crap.”
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tutuandscoot · 2 years
17/18 Season Costume Appreciation
I don’t think we have appreciated enough what a fucking power move it was that Tessa had essentially the same dress design for both the SD and FD for the 2017/18 season..
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So the first time I truly watched them and took notice and was invested in their results was the 2018 PYC individual event. (I had seen The Seasons in Sochi and I have a vague recollection of seeing the worlds 2010 CD). I can’t remember why I hadn’t seen the team event which is when everything about them blew up. But I just remember them skating out to start the SD and even before they started I was like ‘holy shit, they haven’t skated yet and already they had such a presence’.
When I watched the free dance- before they skated obviously, one of my first thoughts were how much I loved their costumes. To be fair, their SD costumes are probably my fave *matching costumes they ever wore. And I was so excited to see what they would be in for the FD. I LOVED what Scott wore, but my first thought on Tessa’s was how cool it was that it was essentially the same style dress as the SD. \
I know that “packaging” is a big deal in figure skating. I can’t say I totally understand the nuances and how it can affect momentum, judging and overall impression for a season in regards to FS specifically, but I understand enough about merchandising and cohesion within ‘looks’ and you are trying to make an impression. VM’s packaging this season was just so amazing.
From costumes to the fact that they went all out on having both programs being incredibly sensual and adult. I honestly don’t think this was a conscious intention for the Olympic year considering there is a huge increase in audience and visibility at this particular event over regular FS competitions - I just don’t think they care about that stuff and the idea that “sex sells”. They didn’t do anything different to what they had always done- they we’re always themselves and just told their stories together while exhibiting their unbelievable chemistry. It was just a feeling artistically that they wanted to push that sensuality to the extreme. As was seen through social media, the SD made enough people pretty hot and bothered to the point where it was being referred to as ‘sex on ice’ and then they came out with MR.. and apparently everyone was pregnant after that.
Going back now on a deep dive watching every piece of footage of them that exists.. it’s so cool to see that the whole season (apart from the first MR dress (that became the LTR dress) and the TE SD dress that her dresses were all the same style for both short and free all season. Then add onto that she had 2 practice dresses made so they didn’t have to wear their costumes at every practice was such a good move that only the GOATs could make 😌.
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I think a lot of people think that the practice dress is just for Tessa to practice in- but it’s actually just as if not more for Scott. It’s because when they are training and are in exercise clothes and she’s in a leotard, for these dresses specifically there’s a lot of skin on her torso/back exposed. When ballet dancers are rehearsing they will almost always wear a practice tutu or skirt- depending on the role. This for her but also her partner to be able to practice turns and lifts with a tulle/long skirt in the way. Also the long sleeves on Tessa’s dress can have small affects on partnering. In relation to these dresses this season, it’s not so much the skirt that he has to get use to partnering with (say for example Farrucas they mentioned using a practice skirt) it’s more the back of the dress and the cut that comes round to the front on the MR one. It’s so Tessa can feel and get comfortable with the constant handling on her bare skin (not that she wouldn’t be already but for this specific choreography) and for Scott to practice with the different feel- if he has to change his grip, slight positions, with fabric his hand would slide a bit but with bare skin hardly at all. I would also like to think it helps with the characterisation with the specific nature of the program and chore (go look at some hansy gifs then come back😜).
They could just wear their costumes everytime, but it’s so cool how because both costumes were the same style, with only a small difference in the back cut-out, that she can wear the same practice dress for both programs. As I got further into this I often found it odd that FS in general practice in their costumes so much. As stage dancers we would have a run through in the studios in costume, then one or sometimes two on stage. If we are touring probably just the principal (lead) dancers would rehearse in costume, but not the corps. I would’ve just thought they (FS) don’t want to wear the costumes more than they have to to keep them from wearing and getting damaged, considering how expensive they can be. I’ve come to learn it’s for the damn judges that they have to be seen in costumes for the whole ‘impression’ thing, which is stupid. But I really love how TS, especially in the 17/18 season would only wear their costumes for the final practice before competing, and would wear just exercise gear for the first, then the practice dress and Scott in tight blacks for the others.. even in the 16/17 season at words (and possibly others) Tessa had a practice jumpsuit that was the same as the costume but in all black. It’s so professional of them and kinda just sets them apart in yet another way. It shows how proud they are of their technique, lines and physicality that they want to show that off as much as possible, and also I guess have a bit of wow factor, both for the audience and feeling wise for them that they arn’t in their costumes all the time.
Tessa talks in this video about the requirements in FS and it so interesting to hear her break that down and her response to it, and how it came to a point where she really resented that strictness and decided to fuck the system a bit cause she wanted to feel comfortable and proud of their physicality in practices and not be overwhelmed with costumes constantly (she says it wasn’t her doing that changed the strictness of that (T being humble again, always dismissing the impact her and Scott had on the sport, bless her precious heart). But that’s another thing that makes them so brave, willing to push the boundaries and even in subtle ways shine a light on how and where the sport should change for the better (unfortunately other people/teams don’t have the same positive impact..)
Now let’s talk about my love for the actual costumes (both Tessa’s and Scott’s coz I freaking love all of them).
I definitely prefer both T’s IE dresses over the TE ones.
The TE SD dress I found leaned into the more ‘rock’n’roll side of the theme than the Latin. I’m not a huge fan of one-arm costumes, but of course T pulls it off beautifully. And the gold adornment on it kinda reminded me of bullet magazines you see soldiers draped over their shoulders. (Maybe if they were dancing to CCR it would have worked better 😄) Like I said, my first impression was the IE dress and while it is not at all my personal taste, I fucking love/d it! It was so, so perfect for the music. The black and gold with the leopard print was so perfect for the era- I just kept thinking Almost Famous. The fact she was dripping in gold sparkles, just enough to make T look like a bazillion dollars 💸). The fact that it was essentially just a bra- not even a bra just solid fabric covering that area, and how low the cut on the undies were with sheer leopard print covering a lot of her body- the skirt when you consider the tassels is actually quite long but it seems so skimpy coz of how high the cut on the left hip is but skimpy without being slutty- it’s that perfect balance. Initially I thought how it was so smart of them (VM, their designer) to have the long side be on her right side- with the SD, specifically cause that’s the side Scott partners her in the rhumba and if the gold adornment were on the right side it would get in the way (he stands on her left but his right hand on her right hip) but later I thought how just them standing together- visually it balances out because she is always on his right side- so the longer side on the dress on the outside of them standing together. I like how it didn’t have the pointy-finger sleeves (is that the proper name? Idk) The back cut out was stunning. I love how in some pics you can see her belly ring.. the high neck with all the gold around it was beautiful. And the slick black pony to finish if off.. chefs kiss 💋
I mean.. what a fucking goddess! Like who else could pull this off! Fuck, she’s amazing.
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The TE dress is a work of art. The detail in it is astounding. But I much prefer the IE dress. Their aesthetic has always been simple and clean, and I just thought there was maybe a bit much going on, and it didn’t really match Scott’s costume the way the IE dress did. The IE dress is spectacular in detail in it’s own way. These close up pics show just how much stone work has gone into it:
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I love the gradient of the rhinestones. How it’s heavier at the edges on the top and on the edges of the skirt, then spreads out into the centre. I don’t know if it’s this particular dress cut, or the more minimalist design compared to the TE one, but the back cut out seemed to show even more skin. I didn’t really realise till recently, but not only is the neck solid rhinestones, but the way it drips down kind of looks like blood, and the ‘bra’ part is like flames.. it might be kind of obvious that’s what it looks like, but the symbolism of that, not literally but figuratively with the ‘fire’ of the chemistry between them and the passion, then with her ultimately dying at the end. It’s so perfect. Her hair was stunning too. For ballet dancers, when they feel like they’re really ‘made it’ we will stop using bun nets for our hair and just use pins for a more natural/messy but controlled look. The way T did her hair for this one is exactly like how I did my buns heaps. Just enough whispy bits, the twist. Love it.
I’ll talk about Scott’s costumes briefly before I discuss how they match and work together.
I don’t know if anyone else has noticed this, but the sparkly mesh cut outs on his SD costume mirror the design on the legs of T’s Prince jumpsuit. The large gold sparklers on T’s dress also match the cut outs on his shirt (just a cool running design theme to subtly connect all their comeback programs).
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I love this look for him so, so much. He doesn’t need anything loud and flamboyant because he shines as a performer whatever he wears. But for this particular SD, the style, music and animalistic influence it worked so well. The V neck was the perfect cut. So many guys that season wore these tight, ultra deep V’s and they just looked like tits (idiots). I loathe chest hair- especially on guys that skinny but Scott is so freaking smooth and the way the collar popped open a bit to expose his pecks at times was beautiful.
Another thing I don’t know if anyone has given much though to, but Scott didn’t wear anything sparkly for a SD till the 16/17 season (there was that one snake print grey shirt at 2012 nationals, the open bow tie from their Charleston OD (2009), some sparkles on the Dark Eyes (russian folk) costume, but not much and i don’t really count that), and never once wore anything sparkly for the FD till the TE and IE in PYC (a few sparkles on his velvet Pink Floyd costume but again, not much at all). I don’t think he is particularly opposed to wearing sparkly stuff- it’s not like, from the footage and evidence available, he’s been particularly embarrassed or insecure about the whole ‘costume and make up’ of it all. There’s one video of his saying that he just ‘takes his face off straight away and his friends don’t even know he wears makeup’.. but that felt like more of a joke (and he’s been very open about what a supportive group of friends and close family he had growing up that never gave him any shit for what he did).. I’m sure at times he would have been insecure when he was younger but I really believe he just embraces and loves all of it. It’s a side of himself that he really loves but then is also just this country boy who likes beer and hockey and is straight as fuck. I think it’s more a matter of him feeling comfortable in what he wears- especially in competitions- shows are a whole different thing where you don’t really get a say. And I’m assuming, considering Tessa’s love of fashion that she had a deeper interest in that side of things- and all she wanted was for Scott to feel comfortable. Almost everything early on (in senior) was simply a blouse and trousers. PF he had that crushed velvet, psychedelic top (which I love) and apart from that some tight black/dark stuff for the Latin, Carmen and Latch.
For a lot of stage dancers, when they get to the more senior level (15 over) you generally, at least the ones going for a professional career, switch to very simple costumes. When you’re young it’s all about colours and sparkles, but in teens- for contemporary pieces you go very simple- I wore a nude Leo for my last two solos, and it really feels so much better and you feel so much more like a true dancer when its just about your body and not all the fabric and sparkles. So I think TS found that from a young age (late junior/early senior career). That simple aesthetic. Of course Tessa had these stunning dresses and usually had quite a lot of sparkle, but they were simple designs and didn’t distract from their dancing and I feel like for Scott as well, he believed that was his job to wear what would distract from Tessa the least- he’s just that kind of partner- puts his woman first, makes it all about her. (Bless his heart).
Back to the oly costumes- not that these ones go against my above point of simple and less is better- they are still very minimalist costumes. Don’t get all freaky on me now but I love how “naked” they seem in their FD costumes. Ok let me explain. There’s this moment in the FD event when they introduce all the teams in the final group, and of course our dancing bbys are last. And there’s this beautiful moment when they are just staring at each other, waiting to be announced. Not to compare costumes too much to what everyone else is wearing, but they are just wearing so much less and captures their energy and their presence- there is so much less in their bubble. It’s such a quietly confident presence they have rather then a ‘hey look at us!’
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Without getting too off topic. The energy they have between them in this moment, really all the time but specifically this one, they are so in their bubble. All they see is each other. Their souls are so connected and literally nothing or anyone else exists. That energy they create between the two of them here, and if you go back and watch this whole warm up when they cut to them, they seem very exposed. Symbolically very naked- not literally. It’s just the aura they create. These particular costumes accentuate that. In the above pic with T facing away from the camera with her exposed back and mesh on the arms. And Scott in that tight black, mostly just mesh top. They look so small and delicate, but also with this powerful confidence. Even though they are in these character/theme-centric costumes, they are very minimalist, contemporary, and raw and make it about them as dancers and athletes rather than what they are wearing doing the talking for them.
The costumes are perfect because of the very sensual theme and content of the program, the costumes are very simple and leave them very exposed without being sleazy and overtly sexy. What’s that quote? They do ‘dirty with class’. I think that was in relation to Prince. But they create this rawness through their dancing and connection together, not through their costumes, they just add to it. So many other teams try so hard to capture this adult, intimate, raw energy, and none of them can. They try and do it through facial expressions and the guys this pompous attitude, and some who just have no personality do it though these ultra ‘sexy’ BDM style costumes and I’m just sitting there thinking ‘omg get over yourself’ And it’s both the woman and the guys, trying to ‘sell’ some connection and force some intention or desire that is very ease to see as fake when you have VM standing right there who are able to say everything with nothing. It’s so rare that, in this case TS- a team can together have this equal energy and confidence that can make these ‘adult’ themes feel so real and not at all ‘put on’ and they don’t need costumes to help them do it. You see it if they are just in all blacks, a practice dress, or in costume.
I don’t mean to say costumes aren’t important- they are incredibly important. But the way TS have always approached their costumes shows they truly understand the role costumes play and that they shouldn’t take away from the dancing- only enhance it. Costumes shouldn’t be used to hide flaws- ideally, the best teams don’t have any- in TS case- they don’t. They don’t have to cover or distract from bent knees or bad posture. The costumes they had for the Olympics compared to earlier in the season were simply to create the special moment. The costumes in the GP season were stunning. I loved how simple they were- they didn’t need to be sparkly. They were perfect for where the program was that that point in it’s development. The program originally started so intimate and dark in it’s context. Especially the CWM half, it’s like throughout that you could feel the colour leaving Tessa as she starts to die. The muted colours were perfect where as the oly ones suited the drama the uplifting music.
I’ve always viewed Scott’s character in the first half (Roxanne) of being more this embodiment of T’s character situation rather then a specific character. If one dancer out of the two completely switch the people they are playing mid-way though a program is just too much- too pantomime/y to much like an improv show. I prefer to think of it as he’s playing through the voices in the music and as Christian’s voice starts to over take thats when he transitions into that character as Come What May starts. Therefore, what i love with this very simple costume is that it plays into this dark, shadowy, lurking, manipulative, predatory, aggressor ‘representation’ (rather then specific character). It plays into her sexuality and makes that the thing that is being played with like a game through out the first half. Then without changing costume, they can portray this tumultuous love story that ends with her demise. Something else that is probably just a thing I’ve completely construed for my own amusement (not haha amusement, artistic appreciation amusement) is i love both their costumes in the pre season had high necks. I think that type of style can be really elegant and powerful and just since there’s definitely a thing with their love for each others necks the fact they didn’t have access to them just added to the sick and twisted nature with which I view the deeper levels of MR. Kinda this forbidden intimacy..
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So that takes us back to the very beginning of the season with the first costumes. I’ve already done a post with my theory behind these costumes which were obviously a very different direction then they ultimately went, so i won’t waste time repeating it. Those costumes were very much more character centric rather then movement centric- they were to serve the purpose of identifying their characters as recognisable figures. As i outlined previously i feel like there was purpose and reasoning behind those costumes and their brief appearance, but imagining had they kept them (which i know they wouldn’t have) TS are so much better then needing character centric costumes to identify as their characters. A more minimalist approach allowed them to strip down the characters to their pure intentions and motivations, rather then simply play off the visual. With a character centric costume you don’t get Scott’s absolutely exquisite acting on a level so deep you understand what is happening so clearly without him playing a certain character. This visual character representation is a move made by far lesser teams not capable of bringing such a deep and nuance acting approach to ice dancing. Choreographically, because the movement is so athletic, there needed to be so much less. The rotational lift and the cartwheel lifts are prime examples of T being in a dress that at times resembles more of a leotard because of the way the slant hem on the skirt manages to get out of it’s own way for these moves that not only for the physicality but intention of the movements need to be out of the way so they can perform the movements effectively in a way we can fully understand what is going on. Both these previous points, the character visualisation and portrayal and the physically and athleticism, was the exact same approach taken with Carmen.
That concludes this analysis.if theres anything I haven’t covered let me know I’m always happy to continue to elaborate.
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that-gay-jedi · 1 year
There's this phenomenon wherein like. If I'm talking to people in person about what very little I know of some topic I have a passing shred of lay interest on they all think I must have either specialized in it somewhere or that I'm mad smart or both and it's literally THE most basic facts (like where the lyrics to O Fortuna come from or Baba Yaga's house being depicted with chicken feet or that the reason cats kill more than they eat is bc they're wired to take care of nonhunting cats). Then when you get on the internet literally everyone knows the thing and they're like "Yeah yeah the chicken feet we've all seen them" and you're like "YES finally I can launch into my obscure rabbit hole about the Goliards please recite a gambler's mass with me to work out our collective religious trauma" so you do and it's great but within a week you feel like you've lead a sheltered life bc you don't speak fluent Latin & you read 500 books about it bc you want to know why people in the comments on a YouTube video are talking about ecclesiastical Latin not being a good choice for translating this Rammstein song into Latin and you can't afford to go to college but you end up knowing 3x more than you previously did despite STILL not speaking fluent Latin and then the people with phDs come in and you find out that no the ancient Norse did not in fact believe in Ragnarok the way we collectively imagine they do (if at all) and you're like woah shit and you read about Loki tying his testicles to a goat and life is good and being surrounded by people who are smarter than and/or have more access to learning materials than you do is good and fun BUT THEN. THEN!!! You go to a fucking Christmas party and somebody starts talking about Hansel and Gretel and it reminds you of Baba Yaga and next thing you know all the program participants and staff from the mental health organization who all know you as the guy who teaches the cool grandma that runs the weekly sober dances how to use her computer to print pamphlets and wipes the windows on the communal van before the news reporters come to take pictures after it was hit while parked are looking at you strangely because you just told them a story about drunken priests and some guy who gave birth to a horse once tying his balls to a goat
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I'm watching the movie Star Trek: First Contact
And oh boy, this is already off to an interesting start!
Geordi got new eyes? Cool!
I had to do a double take 'cause Beverly has lighter hair now
Looks good tho
Oh Captain, you're not wanted on the front lines. That's gotta hurt your feelings.
Ope he went to the front lines anyway
*Picard to himself during this scene* Pew Pew mothercluckers
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Also, is Worf a Captain now?
I feel like I'm missing something
(I am only on episode 3 of ds9)
Oh Worf don't look too happy back on board the Enterprise
I love Riker 😂
Me: *humming* Back in time, gotta go back in time, gotta stop the Borg, and we won't get bored!
It's kinda concerning how Picard was so calm about following the Borg into the past
Then again, what do I know? It's really all just a bunch of-
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(whoops, wrong fandom 😂)
Dog! I see a dog! IT'S BEHIND THAT DUDE!
That drunk guy is a vibe
The Phoenix? Why does that sound so familiar?🤔
Oh no! Explosions! I hope the dog is okay🥺
I'm sure it is. No one dare tell me if it wasn't because I'm going with it being good.
April 4th? That's my brother's birthday!
Oh dear, I'm guessing the first contact is when aliens made contact with Earth?
Oh, it was.
MONTANA (Ne-braskaaaaaa, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New yo- okay, I'm done now.) XD
Beverly looks gorgeous in 21st century clothing 😍
Data, you sure you can handle this?
Oh, right. I guess it's the perfect job for you since your bulletproof 😂
Data, to the woman seconds after she's done shooting at him: "Greetings."
Oh no, she fainted! O_o
I'm just saying, if I was her and I woke up in Beverly's arms, I'd faint again.
I don't have high hopes that the woman will remain unaware of her whereabouts, given the track record of the sick bay staff has of preventing people from seeing stuff they shouldn't
"Would you three like to be alone?" I love Deanna Troi with my whole heart 😍😂
If I looked up and saw Deanna looking down at me, I'd faint from her beauty, too.
At this point I'm basically like one of those fainting goats
Dude, you think you hear someone else in the duck ahead of you, Do! Not! Investigate!! I mean, come on! Have you never seen a horror movie? Or listened to stories from other Starfleet officers who encountered things cause they investigated?
Imagine being Lieutenant Porter who's climbing in the ducks and you turn a corner to see this in front of you
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'Red Alert' whispers Q flirtatiously.
I'm getting off track, Q derailed my original train and so I had to get on a new one. Back to the movie!
Oh no, no, no, no, it's definitely the Borg
Lady you climb right back down that ladder unless you wanna join Porter in being a Borg
See? That's what happens when you ignore my warning.🙄
Uh oh, Picard's hearing voices. That's not a good sign. Even in the wizarding world.
*Beverly jumps as something bangs from the other side of the door*
Hell to the no, I'm good
The Borg are aboard the ship! Who woulda thunk it?
Annnd Beverly woke up the woman. Called it!
Oh my god, here I was thinking Beverly was about to shoot the woman or something and that's what's she swore she would never use, but it's just an EMH program!😂
Wait, I think that's the doctor from Voyager!
He offered a cream to the Borg😂
Okay, they really should have had the woman be between Beverly and the others, because if that had happened, then the lady wouldn't have been at the back and been able to veer off course! *Sighs*
Worf does not look happy. Like, at all.
Wait, is Deanna drunk? 😂
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Will, it's good you have decent reflexs, otherwise you would've gotten a bottle to the head for unplug the juke box 😂
Will is enjoying this sm, as am I 😂
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"This is no time to argue about time. We don't have the time." *A few seconds later* "What was I saying?" The wise words of Deanna Troi.
She's definitely drunk😂
She's reallllly drunk!
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Oh, that had to hurt her head
That is now my new favorite scene 😂
"Captain, I believe I am feeling anxiety." Me too, Data. Me too
Yeah, Worf, find the lady from the 21st century!
Looks like they've found the hive! I wanna give them a high five!
Ah, yes. The sure fire way to mess with the hive, rip out the wires from the wall!
"Captain, please! Help." *Picard shoots him* rip dude, but I guess it was mercy
I don't know if I like this lady from the 21st century, she's kinda bugging me with how rude she is to Picard
Data with his head on that glowy thing is giving me sun baby from Teletubbies vibes
Oh, shit that's a creepy room to be in.
Oof, that's quite a scene showing the drill in Data's head.
That drunk doctor dude looks like he's wearing a crown
Deanna is looking considerably more sober now
The energy that Will, Geordi and Deanna have as they try to convince drunk guy Doctor Z to do his space trip is contagious, and I'm grinning just watching it😂
Ah, back to Data! And I can't watch cause of the strobe lights 🙄 it's fine.
As soon as Picard opened the thingy to show the lady Earth I got a bit of vertigo eek
"Maximum setting. If you'd have fired this, you would've vaporized me."
"It's my first ray gun." Whata mood.
When he touched the force field, I jumped with Lily😂
"Are you ready?" The Borg queen sounds like she's about to start singing the song Man, I Feel Like A Woman
No bitch, you did not just reactivate Data's emotional chip just to hurt him? If you did, I'm gonna knock that head of yours off
Oh, um, nevermind, it's seems to be going a very different direction than I thought it would.
I'm getting vibes from them🫣
"Borg. Sounds swedish." Lily, you're starting to grow on me😂
"Definitely not swedish." I mean, some of the Borg may be swedish
Oh shit, the Borg are in a restaurant?! Shit!
Oh, it's the holodeck
Okay, that's very clever!
Damn, rip Ensign Lynch
Hold up, is that Reg who just tried to talk to Dr. Z? (55:50 mark)
Are none of people getting that Dr. Z is not exactly thrilled that everyone is saying how much of a hero he is? It's kinda daunting to hear that about yourself, when you haven't even done the thing that makes you famous yet
Lily saying "watch your caboose, Dix" sounds so funny 😂
Yeah, Data! Break free!
Oh no, he got cut!🥺
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Aw, he hasn't been with anyone since Tasha died🥺
Oh God, The Borg Queen is seducing him
No Data, don't do it
*sighs* he kissed her back🙄
They would make quite a couple, I suppose.
If you know, you were ok with them wiping out humanity and stuff
Me: *pauses movie for a hot chocolate break*
Okay *resumes movie*
I love how Riker just zaps Dr Z to get him t ostop running 😂
Riker to Geordi "You told him about the statue." 😂
For a second I thought the Borg that floated away (Hawk had shot it) was one of the spacesuit Starfleet people and I panicked
Oh shit, Worf's suit got cut!
Some say Hawk is still floating through space
Picard is flying! Fun
That scene of the steam is exactly what it looks like when I put my face above my humidifier 😂
Oh, Hawk's back
And he's gone again
Rip dude
"Assimilate this." *Blows up disk* Good job Worf!
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I love how Riker is joining Dr. Z on the mission 😂
And how happy he is describing what can be seen of the moon from earth in his time😂
And how he quotes Dr. Z to Dr. Z😂
Picard doesn't want to lose the ship to the Borg
Is it because he lost a part of himself to the Borg? 🤔
Lily is not gonna stand for his bullshit
Oof, he's telling her about being assimilated
Idk about you Picard, but Revenge definitely happens in your century 😂
*smashes glass case with mini ships in it* feel better?
I... Guess not.
Does anyone have a Snickers?
I love how Lily never actually read Moby Dick, I can relate 😂
They're evacuating!!
Worf is the bravest man Picard's ever known 🤔 huh
Oh shit, it's Data o_O
Dr. Z forgot something?
Troi's voice is so relaxing 😌
Oh gosh 😂
Poor Troi, she was not expecting rock music to blare in the headset 😂
This guy is giving me Tony Stark vibes and I love it😂
Him telling Will and Geordi to if ignore the red light sounds my like my dad when a light goes on the dashboard of the car😂
The Borg Queen was just looking for the perfect partner, to go on assimilating beings and exploring the galaxy
Uh oh, Picard your plan failed!
Riker and Geordi are gonna have quite the story to pass on after this😂
RIP Borg Queen and Borg
I hope Data is okay in that fog
Picard ripped that spine right in half 😌
Data's okay! Yeah!
And first contact has been made!
Why does the alien look like a fancy Jedi?😂
Lily and Dr. Z held hands!
The Vulcans are drinking and listening to rock music with the humans, sounds like quite an interesting night 😂
It was a good movie! And on a 0/10 scale, I give it a 9
✨Live long and prosper!✨
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
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Lowe Country | May 11, 2007 | Webisode/Special
Yes! I’m writing-up Lowe Country! Why?
In addition to the five airing programs that were part of “The Night of 1000 Pilots” there was also this. Lowe Country is a fairly simple idea: A proposed docuseries about various days in the life of Space Ghost voice-actor George Lowe. Just follow George around with cameras and let him be him. We see him have some sort of physical training session, get annoyed in traffic, record some lines as Space Ghost for, I’m guessing, the Volume Two DVD (he states the date is 5/12/04). I genuinely wonder what these recordings are actually used for. Was there a music replacement that required replacement dialogue recordings? Was it actually for a promo or something that I missed? I wonder!
One memorable moment is when George visits a radio station and does his “Wilbur the Love Goat” routine with a couple of receptionists. It’s basically sexual harassment, but they take it in stride and I hope and pray that George doesn’t get #metoo’d. He should maybe make it up to them in some small way if he hasn’t already. Maybe he should give them a nice present? Perhaps a real goat named “Wilbur the Love Goat”? Hahaha, I am making myself laugh so hard right now. You sexually harass women for years and then you make it up to them by bringing them an animal that they have to take care of and somehow share custody of. How can I get this idea to George? The two women call George retarded, which caused me to theorize that if we just let women say the r-slur (the one from before that I didn’t censor; not sure why I did just now) and no one else then that would fix all this stuff.
My friend from 7th grade has “we’re all out for a peanut” as his twitter username, and it’s from this! COOL!
This pilot was unique in that it only ever aired in it’s unedited form as a web-only exclusive. Later it was recreated using a CGI Space Ghost in place of George; I don’t remember if the other people in the video were also CGI’d or not. I don’t think they were? They titled it “Earth Ghost” and it aired later as part of either an April Fools or Daylight Savings stunt. I’m sorry I never go through the trouble of looking up which one it is when I say that. They are basically the same to me.
I do like this, and would hella support an actual series of this. But I don’t feel like I need too many more of these. George Lowe is a treasure and he should just get a salary to be himself weather cameras are rolling or not. You gotta admit I’m right about this.
Okay! Since we’re here, we might as well rank not just the “Night of 1000″ pilots, but also every other pilot Adult Swim ever produced up to this point. I’m going to include Lucy, The Daughter of the Devil, even though it’s eventually going to be a series. Also let’s throw Anime Talk Show in there, why not? Let me know if I forgot something. Please! From worst to best:
The Groovenians
The Finkel Files
The Lewis Lectures
That Crook'd 'Sipp
Captain Sturdy: The Originals
Penguins Behind Bars
Lucy, The Daughter of the Devil
Anime Talk Show
Saddle Rash
The Drinky Crow Show
Fat Guy Stuck in Internet
Lowe Country
Let's Fish
Welcome to Eltingville
Korgoth of Barbaria
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the-pjo-analyst · 2 years
Chapter 10 -  I Ruin a Perfectly Good Bus
Theme of the day: Foresight
Foresight can basically have two meanings: prudence or provision for the future, and being able to see the future. There was a bit of both in this chapter!
We get a look into what the trio packs for their quest, including items that Chiron/CHB provides. They get useful provisions like ambrosia and nectar for wounds, mortal cash and drachmas for all their regular and godly transactions. Percy has very few possessions with him at the camp, as was already mentioned when he moved to cabin 3, so he just has basic essentials. Annabeth has a cool hat and a wicked dagger, but also a book bc a girl’s gotta stay entertained somehow while stuck traveling with two boys across the country lol. Grover has his items to disguise himself as human, a reed pipe for his goat magic except he only knows two (2) songs, and lots of snacks for the long roadtrip. Although most of all this gets destroyed at the end of the chapter sjdkfhs. But just when you think Percy is going out their weaponless, he receives good old Riptide! Whoever enchanted her must’ve been like there’s a kid who’ll use this in the future who can’t keep pens on him for the life of him and they’re probably the realist person in this series. Did Percy a solid lol.
The Hermes shoes Luke gives to Percy, at face value, is foresight on Luke’s part. Seemingly, he wants them to help Percy in someway on his quest. I completely forgot about the shoes tbh, but they’re an important part of the plot later on lol, and a clue to who the traitor is. Because they’re programed to drag the wearer into Tartarus when they enter the underworld and deliver certain godly attributes to a certain Titan. So ig the shoes are Luke’s foresight, just not in the way we might initially expect. Although he definitely didn’t have the foresight that Percy wouldn’t be the one wearing the shoes lmao. Should’ve thought about how a son of Poseidon can’t take to the skies! I wonder if Luke’s awkwardness in wishing Percy good luck was bc he knew that he shouldn’t care, but did anyway. I’m not a Luke apologist in anyway, but he’s such a complicated character that he’s fascinating to analyze lol. And the way Percy admires him!! It’s so cute. Makes the betrayal so much more tragic ;A;
There’s lots of foreshadowing this chapter. Besides the shoes, Kronos is mentioned, Medusa is indirectly referenced, the hints with the Furies saying where is it, and Prometheus is also mentioned although he’s not officially introduced until book 5. I’ll even include the tourist that takes a picture of crazed Percy fleeing the bus in the list too lol. There might be others I missed.
Backtracking a little, I know Grover meant well when talking about Sally, but I wouldn’t tell someone that they should be grateful when a decision or action results in abuse in some way. Like yes, Sally having the foresight in keeping Percy around someone that could mask his demigod smell was a good thing in the long run, but they both suffered from it. I don’t blame Sally at all, because all she wanted was for her son to survive. And who knows what she herself had to deal with when Percy wasn’t around. Maybe he was around for the worse parts and it’s just not narrated. Maybe it wasn’t the best decision per se, but the other options were either Percy dying or Percy growing up without a father and a mother, so 🤷🏾‍♀️ Can you imagine how he would’ve felt if Sally just left him at camp as a small child. Like they still could’ve kept in contact but Percy probably wouldn’t feel good about it. We might’ve gotten a different story if that was the turn of events. There would be no blue in Percy’s life! Like.... what would Percy be without his obsession for the color blue??
Anywho, it’s late and I’m ranting 😂 I’ll end it with a pondering over what exactly Chiron heard in these prophecies he keeps mentioning 🤨
Small things:
I’ll never get over when we found out Riptide is a girl and the Sword of Summer proceeded to flirt with her lolol
I can’t tell whether Argus is winking at Percy for his pizza joke or charmed by the preteen flirting lol. The very first Percabeth shipper xD
Have I mentioned I love their banter lol
Once more, we get a glimpse into Percy’s extreme loyalty. He can never leave a friend behind 🥺
I had a realization that Hilary Duff’s “So Yesterday” only came out a few years before TLT did and I don’t think I fully comprehended how old this book is until now sjdfhskjdf
Previous: Chapter 9 - I Am Offered a Quest
Next: Chapter 11 - We Visit the Garden Gnome Emporium
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teeto-peteto · 7 months
Another question, if that’s not too much to ask: Who is your favourite character from each Runeterra region?
HOO thats a long one and i have the memory of the size of a pea so im opening Map of Runeterra for this one. Its never too much to ask just dont mind me not remembering all the people that cohexists in league of legends universe im sleepy and obsessed with THAT one character.
i'll try to give further explanation but in most cases is just for the aesthetic and not because of the lore so my apopopopologies <3
Freldjord: Braum!! Who doesnt love that big guy. Honestly, he's fun, he's cute, he's very talkative and passionate about the things he likes so he feels relatable at least for me. And he's kind to everyone! and kind to creatures! Probably one of my 'shirtless TM riot men that i actually like' list. He's just wholesome and warm.
Demacia: Ahhh uhhh ummmm yeah ahhh... demacia huh... ummm... (On my pc Morgana's little icon under Demacia's name is the old splashart pre rework i just think its fucking funny)
Poppy! I know she's a yordle and that i already said that i love them but overall demacian characters feel a bit dull to me (not all of them, but if you know, you know...). I just love her big ass hammer and her story, and how she's so convinced that she's not the hero but everyone around her clearly nows it. I love how she looks! And i love her pigtails... I also liked her old design, wich surprises a lot of people when i express it. Yes, she was sometimes uncannily creepy... but she had cool splasharts in the past, and i didnt mind her being ''ugly''. Fuck Riot's concept of beauty.
Noxus: Hhahahahahhahah im terrible but im a sucker for Kled. I love that guy i already expalined this on previous posts. Playing league is my way to cope with roughness in life and has been present through a lot of my trauma and i started playing Kled when i had some peaks of anger issues, the thrill of his gameplay made me de-stress a lot and i love his quotes. He is also very charming in quotes! He's funny, he's silly and he's old and theres something unspoken going on there, brain weasels. I love that guy and her screaming lizzard she's my baby. I love Skaarl and how she has her own personality that often crashes with Kled but she's nonetheless always loyal to him and restores her courage to save his ass. Queen.
Piltover: Hummm probably Orianna. I say probably cause im unaware if her lore has changed from 2014 to this day. I love the concept of a human girl with such a loving father that tried so badly to keep her alive as she was dying and loosing parts of herself and how he tried to keep her with him until she became just a beautifully but souless creation. Its a character i actually like having no quotes related to her lore, in the end Orianna is already very much gone, she's now but an empty metal shell that only commands the ball and speaks souless about human emotions she so used to understand when she was human. Fun fact i was a sucker for BlitzxOri ship and i still think its funny and cute.
Zaun: Twitch... he's a rat. There's nothing more about it. I would say Janna but she's technically Shuriman but either way i will briefly say that i enjoy her in Zaun, queen is giving fresh air slay pop off. Back to Twitch, i always liked him! He's silly, i have his punk skin and i adore how he looks, he's silly and stylish... I also got his shadowfeet skin cause he reminded me of my pet rat Kenny and i bought it to try and cope with his passing, i upgraded him maestry 7 on his honour. I dont know! He's cute in all of his skins not just the ones that intently try to make him cute, punk one is great, and i loooove how his head looks in Ice King skin... He's just lovely, and munches on cheese. And stinks. Its literally so me.
Targon: Soraka, probably. She's a goat unicorn lady! What else can i say? Im a sucker for most of her skins mostly the old ones. I love program Soraka, its one of my favourite skins of her, i think she's neat when i dont analize it... if i did i would set in on fire probably. I dont know her gameplay is cool and its one of the firsts supports i started playing. I used to heal the minions when you could do that back in the day. I remember my shock face first time i healed someone and realized my health bar went lower like 'OH sharing is caring!'. Unicorn lady mom.
Shurima: Renekton. Only because he's a crocodile and 'crocodile' is the word i pop up in my mind whenever i overthink to make my mind blank, and because i think crocodiles are cool. He's stubborn and resentful. Just like meeeeeeee
The Void: Kog Maw... he's silly designed and right now im VERY hungry im feeling very Kog Maw right now. I dont knoooow he's silly and i love his skins that do not portray him as cute too... I love skeleton kog maw he's amazing sack of bones. Point of all this is because i think he's cute, mostly. I want to hug him and he would puke on me and burn me in acid. cutely, though. he ate and left no crumbs.
Ixtal: FOR SOME REASON QIYANA'S ICON HAS YASUO'S ILLUSTRATION what. Uhhh i dont know why Milio isnt in the list of Ixtal champions... I think Riot's map machine broke. Anyway. Milio!!! He's a sweet kid, with a lot of preassure on his shoulders but he's so carefree and confident but not in a smug way but in a 'i have to do it for my omele' and he's so fucking adorable with his little fire dudes... I loved his lore and his short story he DRAWS pictures of his adventures and sends it to his family it makes me sob and punch the wall because he's such a sweet child he deserves the whole world. He's here to bring the good vibe on Ixtal. When i started playing him i didnt read his lore and he was talking so lightheartedly of his family that my poor ass knowing Riot i said 'Those bitches are definetly dead' WELL TURNS OUT NO and im so very happy cause if his family isnt okay i will kill everyone in this room and then myself.
Ionia: Uhhh can i get uhhhh ummm like... an interesting champion i have no problems with? /jk. Jhin :) he's iconic, so iconic riot decided to bamboozle all of us with 200 dollars chroma LOL. Okay but there was a lot of Jhin fever when he was released and the early years of his existance and those were probably the years i had the most fun on tumblr. He's memeable, but you can also take him seriously and think that the guy is fucking crazy and excentric. He paints his nails so... bonus points. His hourglass body type in project: Jhin was so INSANE it made everyone wild in this website. For once there was equality, briefly. His face reveal was kiiiind of a letdown, i expect him to be more fucked up but well i guess that what is behind a mask is another mask. In castilian dub his voice is very recognizable, he's actually the same voice actor that does Batman voice! wich is very cool, but he also does the ads of Carrefour wich is a supermarket and sometimes you can bug your own mind and imagine Jhin selling you a kilogram of tangerines, its so fun. Jhin also canonically shaves his balls wich is not a personal preference of mine nor does this add to the why i like him i just felt like i should say that Jhin canonically and confirmed by a rioter shaves his balls.
Shadow Isles: Maokai he's a FUCKING tree oh my god. I loved that little instance of Ruined King when we saw a younger maokai he looks so silly and curious... I loved his little paper on the game. Also i dont know how are they called in english... does riot call them 'saplings' to the little guys Maokai throws around and that are sitting on his hand? In Spain they are called 'pimpollos' wich is the name i call my followers on instagram, actually im going to start calling everyone my little pimpollos :)
Bandle City: Teemo... he's the first champ i've ever known. He's short, he's an explorer, i dont think he's twisted he's just smart and that scares humans for his yordle powers. But he can also be a little bit of a dummy, like in Dont mess with the yordles. He KEEPS a DIARY oh my GOD i want to read it and it also feeds my Tristmo ship cause i imagine him drawing Tristana and doodling silly stuff while she is watching her train or thinking about her... He also has wich is, for me at least, one of the bests legendary skins in the whole game being that Omega Squad. That one sent me FLYING when he was leaked and i had started playing already for 5-6 months or so. I begged my dad to buy it. I loved his old interactive page that also eventually leaked and got into official league page where you could click on different condecorations and trinkets and he would drop his quotes about other yordles and champions. That skin messed my brain scheme forever. and when they released Omega squad tristana... my ship level RISED... He's a baby, but he can bite you if he wants. I will protect him from people that says he's a trash champion.
Bilgewater: Do i even have to...?
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what a babygirl he is.
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moonflower1605 · 1 year
Chapter - 7
(Ella's POV)
The night before the race, Percy, Tyson & I finished our chariot. It was so cool. Tyson had made the metal parts in the armory forges. Percy sanded the wood & we put it together.
It was blue and white, with wave designs on the sides with a trident & a lightning bolt painted on the front. Percy insisted that I rode shotgun with him, while Tyson would be our defender at the back...
I finally caved when Tyson wrapped me in a rib cracking hug & kept saying please over & over..which made Percy pout & cross his arms until I told Tyson to give him a hug as well.
He struggled to break free of the bear hug but eventually gave up since fighting Tyson's grip was impossible...I chuckled at them.
I told them both good night before heading to my cabin for some rest...
(Percy's POV)
As we were turning in for bed, Tyson said, “You are mad?”
I realized I was scowling. “Nah. I’m not mad.”
He lay down in his bunk & was quiet in the dark. His body was way too long for his bed. When he pulled up the covers, his feet stuck out the bottom. “I am a monster.”
“Don’t say that.”
“It is okay. I will be a good monster. Then you will not have to be mad.”
I didn’t know what to say. I stared at the ceiling & felt like I was dying slowly, right along with Thalia’s tree.
“It's just..I never had a half brother before.” I tried to keep my voice from cracking. “It’s really different for me. And I’m worried about the camp. And another friend of mine, Grover..he might be in trouble. I keep feeling like I should be doing something to help, but I don’t know what.”
Tyson said nothing.
“I’m sorry,” I told him. “It’s not your fault. I’m mad at Poseidon. I feel like he’s trying to embarrass me, like he’s trying to compare us or something, & I don’t understand why.”
I heard a deep rumbling sound. Tyson was snoring.
I sighed. “Good night, big guy.”
And I closed my eyes, too.
(Ella's POV)
In my dream, Grover was wearing a wedding dress. It didn’t fit him very well. The gown was too long & the hem was caked with dried mud. The sleeves kept falling off his shoulders. A tattered veil covered his face.
He was standing in a dark cave, lit only by torches. There was a cot in one corner & an old-fashioned loom in the other, a length of white cloth half woven on the frame. And he was staring right at me, like I was a TV program he’d been waiting for. “Thank the gods!” he yelped. “Can you hear me?”
My dream-self was slow to respond. I was still looking around, taking in the stalactite ceiling, the stench of sheep & goats, the growling & grumbling & bleating sounds that seemed to echo from behind a refrigerator-sized boulder, which was blocking the room’s only exit, as if there were a much larger cavern beyond it.
“Nora, Percy?” Grover said. Wait, Percy? “Please, I don’t have the strength to project any better. You guys have to hear me!”
“I hear you,” I said.
Percy's voice said. “Grover, what’s going on?”
From behind the boulder, a monstrous voice yelled, “Honeypie! Are you done yet?”
Grover flinched. He called out in falsetto, “Not quite, dearest! A few more days!”
“Bah! Hasn’t it been two weeks yet?”
“N-no, dearest. Just five days. That leaves twelve more to go.”
The monster was silent, maybe trying to do the math. He was bad at arithmetic, because he said, “All right, but hurry! I want to SEEE under that veil, heh-heh-heh.”
Grover turned back to us. “You have to help me! No time! I’m stuck in this cave. On an island in the sea.”
“Where?” I asked.
“I don’t know exactly! I went to Florida & turned left.”
“What? How did you-“ Percy started.
“It’s a trap!” Grover said. “It’s the reason no satyr has ever returned from this quest. He’s a shepherd, guys! And he has it. Its nature magic is so powerful it smells just like the great god Pan! The satyrs come here thinking they’ve found Pan, & they get trapped and eaten by Polyphemus!”
“Poly-who?” Percy asked.
“The Cyclops!” Grover said, exasperated. “I almost got away. I made it all the way to St. Augustine.”
“But he followed you,” I said, remembering my dream. “And trapped you in a bridal boutique.”
“That’s right,” Grover said. “My first empathy link must’ve worked then. Look, this bridal dress is the only thing keeping me alive. He thinks I smell good, but I told him it was just goat- scented perfume. Thank goodness he can’t see very well. His eye is still half blind from the last time somebody poked it out. But soon he’ll realize what I am. He’s only giving me two weeks to finish the bridal train, & he’s getting impatient!”
“Wait a minute. This Cyclops thinks you’re-“ Percy trailed off.
“Yes!” Grover wailed. “He thinks I’m a lady Cyclops & he wants to marry me!”
Under different circumstances, I might’ve busted out laughing, but Grover’s voice was deadly serious. He was shaking with fear.
“We’ll come rescue you,” I promised. “Where are you?”
“The Sea of Monsters, of course!”
“The sea of what?” I asked.
“I told you! I don’t know exactly where! And look, guys....urn, I’m really sorry about this, but this empathy link...well, I had no choice. Our emotions are connected now. If I die...”
“Don’t tell me, we’ll die too.” Percy said.
“Oh, well, perhaps not. You might live for years in a vegetative state. But, uh, it would be a lot better if you got me out of here.”
“Honeypie!” the monster bellowed. “Dinner time! Yummy yummy sheep meat!”
Grover whimpered. “I have to go. Hurry!”
“Wait! You said ‘it’ was here. What?”
But Grover’s voice was already growing fainter. “Sweet dreams. Don’t let me die!”
The dream faded & I woke with a start. It was early morning.
The morning of the race was hot & humid. Fog lay low on the ground like sauna steam. Millions of birds were roosting in the trees-fat gray-&-white pigeons, they didn’t coo like regular pigeons. They made this annoying metallic screeching sound that reminded me of submarine radar. The racetrack had been built in a grassy field between the archery range & the woods. Hephaestus’s cabin had used the bronze bulls, which were completely tame since they’d had their heads smashed in, to plow a track in a matter of minutes.
There were rows of stone steps for the spectators-Tantalus, the satyrs, a few dryads, & all of the campers who weren’t participating. Mr. D didn’t show. He never got up before ten o’clock.
“Right!” Tantalus announced as the teams began to assemble. A naiad had brought him a big platter of pastries, & as Tantalus spoke, his right hand chased a chocolate eclair across the judge’s table. “You all know the rules. A quarter-mile track. Twice around to win. Two horses per chariot. Each team will consist of a driver & one or two fighter. Weapons are allowed. Dirty tricks are expected. But try not to kill anybody!” Tantalus smiled at us like we were all naughty children. “Any killing will result in harsh punishment. No s’mores at the campfire for a week! Now ready your chariots!”
Beckendorf led the Hephaestus team onto the track. They had a sweet ride made of bronze and iron-even the horses, which were magical automatons like the Colchis bulls. I had no doubt that their chariot had all kinds of mechanical traps & more fancy options than a fully loaded Maserati. The Ares chariot was bloodred, & pulled by two grisly horse skeletons. Clarisse climbed aboard with a batch of javelins, spiked balls, caltrops, & a bunch of other nasty toys.
Apollo’s chariot was trim, graceful & gold, pulled by two beautiful palominos. Their fighter was armed with a bow, though he had promised not to shoot regular pointed arrows at the opposing drivers.
Hermes’s chariot was green & kind of old-looking, as if it hadn’t been out of the garage in years. It didn’t look like anything special, but it was manned by the Stoll brothers, & I shuddered to think what dirty tricks they’d schemed up.
That left two chariots: one driven by Annabeth, & the other by Percy.
Before the race began, he tried to approach Annabeth & tell her about the dream. He had dragged me along too, though I was in no mood to talk to her yet.
She perked up when he mentioned Grover, but when he told her what he’d said, she seemed to get distant again, suspicious.
“You two are trying to distract me. Was it Nora's idea?” she asked.
“What? No it's not!” Percy protested.
“Oh, right! Like Grover would just happen to stumble across the one thing that could save the camp.”
“What do you mean?”
She rolled her eyes. “Go back to your chariot, Percy.”
“We're not making this up. He’s in trouble, Annie.” I finally said.
She hesitated. I knew she was trying to decide whether to believe us. I knew she did not want anything bad to happen to Grover.
“An empathy link is so hard to do. I mean, it’s more likely you guys were dreaming.”
“The Oracle,” Percy said. “We could consult the Oracle.”
Annabeth frowned. Before she could answer, the conch horn sounded.
“Charioteers!” Tantalus called. “To your mark!”
“We’ll talk later,” Annabeth told us, “after I win.”
Link to the next chapter is here.
Link to the prev chapter is here.
Comment, like & share.
Take care my lovely readers.❤
Alice signing off.
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julialouisdreyfest · 2 years
Dirt Sucker Interview
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Dirt Sucker…. Like a vacuum? How did you come up with that name? I remember there being a reference to something but I don’t remember.
Dirt Sucker. . . . like getting as close to the earth as possible, living in the dirt (but yeah, also a vacuum :P)! Calling something a "piece of dirt" was an old bit Evan and I had back in highschool because it was a way to say something wasn't great, but was also somewhat socially acceptable! In the past few years I remember trying to bring it back and thinking "Dang, that really sucks dirt"; and then thinking "Dang, dirt is actually really tight, it shouldn't be an insult" and then "Hey, I suck hella dirt, we suck the most dirt!" and then voila! Dirt Sucker is born! We are all SUPER passionate about climate issues and the name lends itself well to that! After the name was solidified, we started looking for a bass player; it turned out that the perfect fit for the band (the GOAT Ruben) just so happened to be a PhD student in soil science! The universe is wild! While the name didn't come from a vacuum, the first idea I had for lyrics was about eating the dust and grime out of a vacuum (dirt is just so awesome)! -Madison
Madison- how the heck did Wired get a hold of you to do that piece? Also, how unreal was it to do a photoshoot like that? Does this mean you had to turn in your punk card? How did that feel?
The writer of Wired found me on the NJCAAE coaching website and thought it was cool that there were no other Community College Esports programs near LCCC! I think he just wanted to check out Wyoming, it was totally random! Kinda crazy! Doing that photoshoot was really weird (because idk, yeah it's weird to get photos taken of you like that), but the photographer Shawn Bush (he teaches at Casper College) was freaking amazing! While doing a shoot is weird, at least Shawn was awesome! I turned in my punk card a decade ago when I became a dad :P, I'm not punk and I'm telling everyone! It felt weird, but again; it's hard to say no to an opportunity when you don't know what it's all about! -Madison
My familiarity with Madison and Evan (outside of babes and waves) is through more emo stuff, although there was always a hardcore vein in everything i’ve seen you guys do… was there a catalyst in starting a project that was more straightforward hardcore? Or did it sort of just flow naturally?
Yooo Evan and I know the members of babes & waves, but we were never in that band! B&W was actually from Orange County, CA but they did like to come rip it up in the Mountain West region! I think Dewey owns his own Subway now and has like 6 kids (he really got around on tour)! No one really stays in touch with Risto, I think he moved to New Zealand or something (I know he wanted to leave that life behind)! Blaze now owns a "dirt to dispensary" model marijuana farm / store in California, I hear he's rich! Unfortunately, Chad passed away a few years ago :(, he loved surfing (even during high tide) and I'm glad he went out doing what he loved! As far is the band Dirt Sucker, it's a totally natural flow! We all love so many styles of punk that we wanna mash in as much as we can! I usually write one lil riff before practice and we flesh out like 90% of the songs together! All the lyrics are fully collaborative, while we pretty much all write our own lines, we share ideas and work extremely well together! The writing process for us in both music and lyrics comes very naturally and we all feel extremely lucky to be working together! We're really proud of the lyrics we write! -Madison
Madison, you recently got engaged! If the Wired article didn’t take your punk card away, surely this will take your punk card away! It’s not like your fiance plays in a sick punk band too or anything!
YES I DID :D!!! IT'S THE BEST THING EVER! Again Mr. Dad, I turned in my punk card a long time ago! Would you like to reinstate it for me (jk I don't want one :P)?! Kelsi is the most spiritual, wise, talented, intelligent, and kickass person in the universe and I'm unbelievably thankful to spend the rest of my days with her :D!! She is the brainchild of Prowler (named after Kelsi and Ana's Father's band from the 80s) which is the most "give no fucks" melt your face off rock ever \ m / !! Also the Wired article was TOTAL SHIT! The writer (Brendan Koerner) used my tragedy (which honestly shouldn't have been included) to sell a story about my esports program (which should have been the focus). The article was EXTREMELY disrespectful to women in general (didn't mention my female athletes at all) Katherine (he mocked up an autopsy report; YIKES!) and Kelsi (not mentioned more than one line and not named), chalk full of half-truths, focused on me instead of my students (LIVID about this), and really just made me look weak and stupid by making up his own narrivate to sell the pieice. My program was great, that was the story! He never let me read the article before it came out (I never even read one of the 4 drafts he supposedly wrote) and never told me the title before it was published. The whole article was unbelievably unethical! The man is trying to get a Netflix movie and legitimately wrote that article the way he did so he could make a movie (I told the people at Conde Nast that I would never support a movie EVER)! He kept telling me he wrote the article to help me get a job, but he wrote it so he could make a movie! THERE WILL BE NO MOVIE! I could say a lot more, but just know I hate it and I think it's a 0 / 10, shit a -1 /10 ! -Madison
How did you guys meet Ruben? He is a delight! Do you wake up every morning and practice self-reflection and gratitude that the universe has brought him into your lives? (Ruben, feel free to answer this for Madison and Evan)
I met Ruben at the Green House in Laramie, WY in 2020 (right before COVID)! He was there vibing and we instantly hit it off! He told me about some of his time growing up in Tacoma, WA and the bands he was in back in the day (Red Hex was his favorite)! When it came time to find a third member for DS I reached out and it was like a match made in heaven! Evan and Ruben and I linked up so well on the first day it was kind of freaky! Ruben is unbelievably talented and creative and can play anything he wants anytime (he's too GOATED)!! Yes, Ev and I wake up every morning and thank the universe for gracing us with the greatest person (and bassist for that matter) ever!! RUBEN IS THE GOAT! -Madison
The 7” fucks! So good i had to buy two. I know I’m out of the loop with the greater Denver scene, but Convulse Records seems to have come out of nowhere- do you know anything about the history of that label? Is it a homie who(mst) runs it?
Thanks dad! You're two ;P sweet! Convulse has blown up like crazy! We were just doing our Midwest tour and nearly every band we played with was like "DUDE YOU'RE ON CONVULSE THAT IS SO SICK THEY ARE THE COOLEST AHHH" and honestly, they were right! Adam Croft was the brainchild of Convulse, but we also know James Reed and a couple other Wyomingites were critical in getting it started! Adam and James are both from Sundance, WY (tiny town near Gillette)! In 2012 the now Convulse crew lived in this house called Babe Haus in Laramie, Wyoming and that's where everything really took off! We have been playing music with Adam, James, Cloe, Amos, etc. for over ten years, so we were so freaking excited to see the success of Convulse! No one deserves it more, the label works so hard and is so ethical! Great people, great bands, great ethics, Convulse 11/10! -Madison
 Have you guys been writing any new material? If so, any plans for a follow up?
We are 7 songs towards a full length! We got big plans, update at the next Dreyfest :)! -Madison
Anything in particular you are looking forward to doing this year at Dreyfest?
I'm really looking forward to seeing Idaho Green, that band is kooky and I haven't seen them in like 4 years (there was a band called the High Plains Drifters last year that sounded like them, but without Dr. Tightass it was a lil different)! -Madison
Over/Under - yes, we all hate pitchfork, and yes, this is like… “their thing” but dammit! It’s too much fun not to play! I will give you a word/thing/idea, and you just have to say if you think it is underrated or overrated, and feel free to expound on your reasoning as much as you’d like, or not at all!
PT Cruisers
- Overrated, people still drive them -Madison
Video keno
-Overrated, people still play video keno -Madison
Taco John’s
-Underrated, fitness is lit! -Madison
Rush (the band)
-Underrated, literally the greatest band of all time -Madison
HBO’s Succession
-Unrated, hardly even heard of it :(! -Madison
American Spirits
- Overrated, I like marlboros better! -Madison
Peavey amps
- Overrated, everyone has owned one at some point, but doesn't own it anymore! -Madison
Casper, Wyoming (is this a potentially dangerous question to answer?)
- Underrated, great local spots to play, eat, and drink! Would not live there though! -Madison
Bridges (the musical structure)
- Underrated, critical infrastructure! -Madison
Bridges (the physical structures)
-Underrated, critical infrastructure! -Madison
Bridges (the plural form of the card game Bridge)
-Underrated, ashes to ashes we all fall down! -Madison
Nash Bridges (the police procedural television series)
- Unrated, I'm a pop culture pleb :(! -Madison
Steve Nash (the basketball player)
-Overrated, retire my guy! -Madison
You can catch Dirt Sucker during this year's fest at Craft Local on Friday, August 5th at 8:45pm!
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ophie-writes · 3 years
hi!! saw request are open! do you think you could do promt #7 and #14 ( or 15, whichever the photogenic one is?) I thought of going to prom with Mark with these prompts, but do what you wish :))
Hey! This is my first request, and it's a little shorter than usual, (just above drabble length) but it's just what I needed to get the point across <3 I went with the prom idea, and I hope I wrote the parental dynamics ok?? I usually have a pretty hard time with that, but I left my comfort zone, so that's cool! Also kept it gender neutral.
Photogenic - Mark Hunter x GN Reader
Prompts: "My mother adores you"
"Wow, you're photogenic."
Fic type: Sappy fluff
Warnings: None that I can think of! (also unedited bc its 1:30 AM and I'm tired)
Words: 1.1K
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You’d been waiting weeks for tonight. Hell, you and Mark hadn’t really even brought up prom even as it approached because it was already obvious you’d be going together. As much as he criticized big social events, and school functions, Mark had to admit that going to senior prom with you and both your friends would be a fun time.
It felt way more real when you’d been sitting at lunch with Mark and the girls and Janie was gushing about the dress she bought to Nora, who’d asked her to go not a week earlier. Midway through the conversation Mark looked at you and confirmed it.
“We’re doing that, right?” he asked.
“Of course!” you chuckled in response. Mark couldn’t stop a smile from taking over his face.
“Haven’t been to a high school dance yet, so I guess we’ll see how it goes.” Mark mumbled. Janie’s jaw dropped.
“Really?” the blonde gawked, looking at her girlfriend for another reaction.
“Not even back in New York?” Nora asked, a twinge of surprise in her voice.
“Nope. freshman year I just spent homecoming night at home with some friends.” Mark recalls, almost searching through a file cabinet of memories. “I was kinda in the process of moving sophomore year, and missed spring formal, and last year, Y/N and I ended up ditching homecoming altogether in favor of driving around, and spending a few hours at some diner.”
“That was fun.” You take Mark’s hand in yours and press a kiss to the back of it, remembering that night, and the ten mozzarella sticks you regrettably devoured in five minutes just to prove you could.
“I guess Prom’s the best way to start.” Janie shrugged. Nora laughs, getting up from the lunch table.
“Or the worst.” She passes you and Mark on her way out, messing up his hair and shooting you a wink in the process.
“Does Hubert Humphrey even put enough money towards stuff like this?” Mark asks Janie, genuinely curious about how this shitty school that can barely afford to give a damn about its art program could possibly financially back a decent prom.
“I mean, the school has the money. But the board doesn’t really use it where it matters. A ton of it goes into school functions like dances and massive pep rallies.” Janie would know. She had applied for leadership the year prior, and was rejected due to her B average. The bell rings, and that’s that.
And here you are. In front of your mirror in an outfit you’d picked out a year or two ago for some wedding or other that you still fit in. you hadn’t quite gotten your hair to cooperate the way you wanted it to, but you had to say, you cleaned up pretty well. You heard your doorbell ring.
“I’ll be down in a sec!” You yelled down to your parents. You threw any other necessities in a bag to take with you as you heard conversation, and laughter downstairs. You descended the staircase to find your parents and Mark sitting around the coffee table in the living room looking through an old photo book.
“And that one’s from a petting zoo at the county fair when Y/N was about four?” you heard your mother say. They hadn’t seen you yet, but you watched from behind them.
“Poor thing!” Mark laughs. You know exactly what photo they were talking about. You were sitting right next to a small goat at the petting zoo, and your parents had managed to capture the perfect photo right when it bleated, and you screamed in terror.
“Alright, I think that’s enough.” you spoke up. All eyes turned to you, and you were met with smiles. Your mother is the first one to talk.
“Sweetheart! You look amazing! Doesn’t Y/N look amazing?” Mark walks over to you, and looks you over in awe.
“Yeah… amazing.” he smiles before intertwining your hands, still staring at you, looking absolutely enamored.
“You good?” you giggle. Mark blinks, shaking his head before his eyes focus back on yours.
“Yeah! We’d uh...better get going, Nora’s parked out front.” Mark says. His hand goes to the back of his neck. A cute little nervous habit of his, especially when he’s around you.
“Not before we get a picture of you two lovebirds before you go.” your mom stops you. Your dad speaks up this time.
“I’ll get the camera.” your father briskly walks to the kitchen, and you meet your boyfriend's gaze again.
“You look pretty amazing yourself, Hunter.” he smirks and looks at the floor. Clearly flustered at the compliment. You’re right though. He looks great. He ditched his glasses for the night, and was wearing a red button down with a black tie and dress pants.
“Mark, honey, you’re sure you're not gonna need a jacket? It’s pretty cold out there.” Your mother asks.
“Oh, no thanks Ms. L/N, I’ll be ok.” Mark smiles, and puts his arm around your hip as your dad comes back, readying the camera for the picture. Your arm rests on Mark’s back, and you smile too as the camera flashes. The both of you go check out the picture.
“Wow, you’re photogenic.” Mark blushes.
“Thanks.” he says, unable to hold back the cutest smile. You check the time, and come to the conclusion that it’s time to go before Nora starts honking, and before your boyfriend gets any redder.
“Alright, we’re heading out now! See ya! if I’m not back by midnight, I’m at Mark’s!” Mark says goodbye to your parents, as you leave the house and close the door behind you. You and Mark instantly lock arms while walking to the car.
“My mother adores you” you laugh, and nudge Mark.
“Really? I was fuckin’ terrified. I just kinda nervously laughed my way through the whole interaction. And when I realized I was doing it, it just got worse.”
“You did great, my love.” you stop in front of the car, and bring your hand to the side of his face, pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. “Now let’s go have some fun.”
And have fun, you do. Despite how cynical Mark thought he’d be, you both found yourselves having an amazing time. The music was pretty hit or miss, but you both danced regardless. Mark even managed some casual socializing as you introduced him to some of your other friends from previous years who you hadn’t really talked to since you stopped sharing classes. Prom was great, so was getting junk food when it was done, and so was getting back to Mark’s house and absolutely crashing, legs hurting, and body cold. Luckily you had each other, and some blankets to keep warm in his bed. Content to hold each other and rest easy.
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mintenochian · 4 years
what other people want added to Minecraft: g u n s
what I want added to Minecraft
-For multiple biomes, but mainly for the forests.
-Songbirds would add SO MUCH life to the otherwise quiet areas of the game
-Ravens and crows would be awesome and could use some of the parrot mimicking AI
-Cardinals in the snow biomes would bring a GORGEOUS pop of colour into the white atmosphere
-Seriously we need something to populate the sky, parrots do NOT fly like they should
-nests in trees, can find eggs in them
-doesn't really add a use but fun new feather types would be cool
-technically still a bird but would go really well in covered rooftop forests and snow biomes
-we're already getting larger avians added in the form of vultures so why not more large birds?
•Mice and / or rats
-absolute precious babies
-sadly would go well with owls :(
-with cave update coming we need adorable rodents scurrying around
-lil bastards could make mouseholes inside of blocks
-will they be tameable? idk.
-adds the necessity for cheese
-MOJANG this is a MUST, this is a NEED
-You literally have pigs, chickens, cows, and sheep spawning in forests what the fuck
-Deer with spotty baby fawns??? Yes
-Young bucks with different stages of antler growth? Yes
-Fawns frolicking in flower forests bc they feel safe
-Stripped wood appearing on trees where bucks scrape velvet off their antlers
-Being able to collect sets of antlers when they fall off periodically (would NOT be attainable by killing the deer, you have to wait for them to shed)
•Elk and Moose
-Same vein as deer
-Bigger, much bigger, neutral instead of passive, less shy
-Snowy biomes
-Better additions than fucking llamas tyvm
-Sidenote but savannahs could also really use some endangered deer-like species to help raise awareness for their status
-Mojang plz
-Adds nuts to Minecraft ;)
-Black, grey, red, and mixed colour squirrels and breeding
-Brings life to forests like songbirds and deer
-Mojang bby you literally already have a neutral bear in Minecraft why have you not reskinned it for grizzly/brown/black bears?
-Bear caves
-Hibernating mobs
-Brings more use to the beehives and bees, bears could be attracted to any area that has more than one bee hive with honey
-They NEED the ocelots and cats update
-More wolf types (red, timber, snow, black, etc)
-Actual wolf packs (the AI would be difficult to program but the doges are worth it)
-Please let the howl at the moon, if foxes get to say ringdingding all night long wolves deserve to be allowed to howl
-More dog breeds (I know that there's no reason for domesticated dog breeds in Minecraft but ACTUALLY THERE IS)
-Hunting dogs like springers that can jump and run faster
-Foxhounds :D
-Most Important Goodest Boy: Herding dogs like collies and sheepdogs
-Herding dogs could be found in plains where cows and sheep spawn and create herds
-Instead of having to pen up and enclose your livestock you could form herds of cows and sheep
-Your Goodest Boi herding dog would protect them and move around with them when they graze
-Just soft peaceful minecraft tingz
•Salt licks
-Something SO SMALL but would make SO MUCH HAPPINESS
-Drawing new cows into your herd by putting up a salt lick
-I'm soft
-I guess salt would be a new ore???
•Bird feeders
-idk I think it would be cool
-excess seeds used for SOMETHING
-The coolness of wolves, the chaos of foxes, the cunning of cats
-be gay do crimes
-can open chests (trigger trap chests to catch them?)
-Fantastic little shits
-Not tameable but will trust players like foxes do
-I know it's a lot to ask and it would be hard to make them look good
-But??? Imagine a tiny lil garter snake in your garden
-unlikely but would be so fantastic
-please Mojang we need this so badly
-imagine the ships? The bridges? The bell towers and everything?
-super easy to add, just reskin vines and add a string crafting recipie
•Butterflies and Moths
-Bflies could be a unique mob to flower forests and friends with bees
-if moobloom is added they would all be BEST BUDS
-get it "buds" ahahaha
-help with flower polination but just gives a TON of life to flower forests
-We literally have lanterns in minecraft why do we NOT have moths? Such a cool aesthetic addition.
-helps fill both the daytime and nighttime sky
-fourth member of BEST BUDS
-just soft baby
-i love birbs okay
-the only avian who does not work for the bourgeoisie
-10 million of them please
-they give great hugs
-adds so much atmosphere to the night world
-We have milk
-We have, presumably, goat milk
-Quit being cowards and add butter and cheese
-Butter churn job block for villagers
-V funny bc they have no arms to churn with?? Oh well
-Something decorative and beautiful that could 1) liven up beaches and 2) have snails and crabs inside!
-Mojang plz do not add sand dollars to the game people already don't know how to tell if they're still alive before trying to take them home
-Imagine something as massive as the ender dragon but peaceful. Allows you to stand on them (idk how but make it happen Jeb)
-Being so deep and far out into the ocean, and when the moon is high in the sky and you're sitting in your boat, you just hear the beautiful melancholy sounds of the whales in the distance
-Idk if y'all know this but the glow squid is a bad idea
-Dream buddy you fucked up, please use your influence to get in contact with Mojang and have them redo the vote. People would have so much regained respect for you if you tried to fix your mistake.
-Also why does a speedrunner get to tell millions of people what mob would bring more life to Minecraft? He's only playing the game for 5 minutes smh
-Jellyfish could literally do everything the glow squid is going to and look better for it AND possibly be neutral instead of peaceful
-Not much to say but it would liven up the frozen water biomes a bit
-You already know why
-Imagine giving a new home to all the Club Penguin players? Legendary.
-Gender doesn't exist in Minecraft but we all know penguins would be hella gay
-I think they would be cute
-Never going to happen since passive mobs are generally real life animals but it would be so cool
-they can hold hands
-brings life to the rivers
-super cute
•Frogs and possibly toads
-Swamp gods
-Absolute mad lads
-maybe grow from tadpoles
-wouldn't do much but needed
•Fairy Forests
-NOT Twilight Forests. Not a new dimension.
-Just gentle hidden groves in forests
•Big cats
-Tigers, lions, bobcats, panthers
-Literally anything that could finally add a strong predator possibility to savannahs and jungles
•Zebras and Giraffes
-Shy and skittish
-cannot ride (their skeletal structure is NOT MADE FOR CARRYING HUMANS)
-Super cute tho, brings much needed life to savannahs
-The better llama
-Can honestly just be a reskin
-brings much needed life to the desert
-spits and wears carpet and forms caravans like llamas
-Easier to add to "jungles" than monkeys
-it would be really cool if we could just get a Rainforest biome
-King Julian stans awaken
•Red pandas
-we need them
-cuter than normal pandas and you can @ me
-better idea than sloths or koalas
•More Eldritch Horror Hostile Mobs
-Fun fact time
-The enchanting table language already has Lovecraftian references
-"phnglui mglwnafh cthulhu rlyeh wgahnagl fhtagn" is literally a quote from the enchanting table
-translates to "In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming."
-Bet you didn't know that fun fact
-aNYWAYS add the Kraken to Minecraft instead of the shitty guardians. Thanks.
-imagine how cool it would be to see lights slowly extinguish as something terrifying and dangerous slowly moves in for the kill
-torches get extinguished and can get relit
-if not relit fast enough Something will be waiting
•Ice statues
-We have giant fossils and ship wrecks and cool stuff like that but please imagine finding a GIANT humanoid ice sculpture in an ice spikes biome
-maybe bones inside to show you that... That wasn't carved or naturally generated.
-Not a mob but a decoration block
-Found in temples, mineshafts, and caves
-implied to be the remains of miners and explorers
-also implies that every skeleton you kill has some backstory since they look the same
-Not real world star maps but completely unique to Minecraft
-chance for LOTS of fun references
-The stars are your only companions in an apocalyptic world where you are the last of your kind
-Space is gay minecraft is gay thus minecraft space is gay
-we have butter in this list
-we have salt in this list
-popcorn. That is all.
And finally
-mostly a joke but would be a cool crop
-100% a reference to Hatsune Miku the creator of Minecraft
DISCLAIMER: I recognize that mobs are added to Minecraft to serve a purpose within the game and that many of these mobs would be better in mods and such, but I also feel like many of these suggestions would really bring so much more life to parts of the game that really need it. Even if they don't serve a huge purpose, they would still be really amazing additions imo.
I would love to see the ideas and suggestions that other people have for what they want added to Minecraft, please TAG ME if you make a post like this, I wanna hear and read it!
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kkeidawrites · 3 years
Castlevania spoilers!!!! If you don’t want to know how the show ends in season 4 please refrain from reading the rest of this post because I’m not holding back! Also I’m writing this as I watched so, this is my raw review!
Okay, so first off I want to say personally, I loved how season 4 brought heat to the finale of the show. Although I’m sad as hell that this is the last season for a great show.
Episode 1: Murder Wakes It Up- I thought that it was cool to see Trevor and Sypha fighting again after what happened in S3, obviously they are tired from the long four week journey of fighting night creatures, skeleton zombies, vampires from different countries, etc. but clearly the end game is that humans and vampires alike are working together to bring back Dracula. Like seriously, y’all might not know this but I hate, HATE when children become involved in stupid shit like human sacrifices like I can’t. Not the children. Please, not the babies. Sypha complaining she’s becoming like Trevor, and she’s so cute when she curses lol. Then when they arrive in Targoviste we have some new faces as potential enemies. I thought they were lame honestly lol I couldn’t take Barney-Larney whatever his dumbass was; he was mad annoying.
Then they shift over to Alucard…I have never seen a more broken beautiful drunk man in all my life. Like I had S3 flashbacks. He’s asked for help from a messenger who ended up dying on the way to the castle but his horse made sure he continued the journey and Alucard received the message for help in Danesti. Alucard fights with the horse, I thought that was funny. He was thoughtful enough to bury the rider, that was very sweet of him.
Also, shirtless Alucard will be engraved in my mind for life. Whew, chile that’s one fine man. He’s beginning to talk like Belmont and I can’t help how hilarious that is.
Episode 2: Having the World: Quite honestly this episode to me was meh. Hector talking with Lenore about how he needs this and that to create his hammer to continue forgemastering then Lenore talks with Carmilla and the white haired bat talks about how she is going to rule the world and what not, clearly losing her sanity.
Then it shifts over to Trevor and Sypha and they are fighting in a barn and new character Zamfir. Her character for me was also meh, but it’s nice to see more PoC in the show.
Episode 3: Walk Away: I liked this episode a lot. Issac altogether was nice enough to sit down and talk with a night creature and tell him/them that they were free of their original program, which was: eating humans, causing destruction, used as tools to forge masters. But man when he received that berry from Issac he realized that there is still some kind of humanity in them.
Issac is contacted by Varney to bring back Dracula but, Issac wants no business with that; he doing his own thing and seeing him being sassy again is so refreshing.
Morana and Striga scenes!!! I loved them, and then there was Striga’s day armor, man listen…I have never felt more closer to watching Berserk again than in that moment. They are hesitant to return back to Styria when Carmilla calls them, and it puts them in a bind to return home to continue through with Carmilla’s plans.
Sypha being annoyed by Zamfir was me the entire time. How you gone run a kingdom again with out a kingdom. Like girl, help the people instead of the royals, my god.
Episode 4: You Must Sacrifice: A cute little Trevor and Sypha scene. They decide to investigate Targoviste more before helping Zamfir. The scene shifts and Alucard is riding towards Danesti, donning a shield and a longer cape. Monsters are attacking the walls of the village, villagers are on the other side waiting to defend themselves. Some Castlevania popular screenshots appear here.
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Then we meet Greta…Miss thang…that’s one beautiful woman okay. And she’s the chief of the village, cares for her people? Y’all I present. Her. And the fact that she is sassy too? I rock with her heavy as hell.
Saint Germain meets Alucard and I have a weird vibe coming from him. We see Saint Germain’s backstory or what little it will show us; he had a whole girlfriend, she a baddie too. Apparently she was like him? And she was the silhouette we saw in S3. Cool scene, inside the Infinite Corridor and I liked the library scene a lot too. Now he’s on a rampage trying to find access to the Infinite Corridor again to find his girl and he also wants to bring back Dracula? The fuck?
Refugees arrive at Danesti, and Saint Germain is acting very strange indeed. Like he’s desperate to go to the castle to help with the village “defenses”. Alucard agrees I guess? And he says another Belmont comment which I was happy to see again in the season.
Episode 5: Back in the World: Alucard leads Greta, Saint Germain and the villagers to his castle but, encounter a couple of night creatures on the way. Greta does Saint Germain y’all and I’m with her 100%. Alucard’s powers have definitely improved from last season. It was kind of interesting how Alucard willing told Greta what happened with him and you know who, kind of early in my opinion. Greta is bisexual?!!!! I love her 1000% now! I sense some chemistry between Greta and Alucard. I like that a lot.
Lenore really like annoys my soul, I do not like this mini bitch. I didn’t really care what Lenore and Hector talked about🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️sue me. Bruh Greta, beating that monster’s ass with just a hammer and a sword?! And Alucard impressed by it?! I’m here for it!! Some cute moments between Alucard and Greta got me gushing over here😝😝. Poor puppy😢😢. Alucard decides to “grow up” which I think is a nice step forward. Saint Germain is really making me mad.
They arrive at the castle and here goes Saint Germain acting like a fan boy, I mean who wouldn’t but you know…Greta killed me when she said the castle was ugly as hell lol. Another little cutesy scene between Alucard and Greta. Like I really like their chemistry y’all I’m sorry.
Trevor and Sypha demand that Zamfir take responsibility to help the people and I forgot what it was called but, before that they are attacked and Zamfir has something placed on her neck by a night creature.
Then Issac, he’s ready to fuck some shit up. And I’m here for it. Get em, bitch!
Episode 6: You Don’t Deserve My Blood: Carmilla’s castle is attacked by Issac’s night creatures. Lenore old punk ass running away does not surprise me in the slightest. Hector betrays Lenore and locks her in a cage. Hector has contact with Saint Germain like what? I don’t understand but, Issac comes in and it looks like Hector has given up, wanting to die honestly. Issac decides against killing him and Hector asks for his knife. This boy cuts his ring finger that the Lenore placed the ring, in front of her. That scene was meh, I thought he would get pissed at her for what she’s done to him in S3 but, I guess not.
Issac literally stole this episode, from his fight with the vampires and night creatures to Carmilla that shit was -chef’s kiss- magnifico! I loved the animation the fight scenes, yooo I was hyped the whole episode.
Morana and Striga make their decision to go their own way, living their own lives in the west so, bittersweet ending with them, I wanted to actually Striga fight the main trio but, whatever I guess.
Hector still has plans to bring back Dracula and asks Issac if he’s doing the same. Issac has other plans obviously, and tells Hector that they need to find their path in their lives. I feel Hector never knew where he was supposed to be placed in the world but Issacs words are very inspiring in my opinion. May have woke Hector’s dumbass up a bit.
Episode 7: The Great Work: Varney and the other guy, I really forgot his name found out about the catacombs and head there. Trevor and Sypha demand Zamfir take them underground, which to me I think it’s nothing there but her shit. Sypha gets mad at Zamfir and I’m with her, how you part of the royal guard when the people above need your help girl my god.
The cutest scene ever in this episode, was when the kids from Danesti wanting to play with Alucard and this boy jumps off the highest part of the castle just to show off. There should be more scenes of soft Alucard with children. Saint Germain is placing these weird stones it looks like in the castle walls. What is going on with him?
More Alucard and Greta moments please and thank you. The artwork in the castle is fucking phenomenal work. Saint Germain just gave the location to a vampire it looks like, from episode 4 maybe? He looks familiar.
There is a freaking army coming to the castle…lord Jesus. Like can they catch a break please? The kids just got settled.
Trevor and Sypha go to the catacombs and it’s just as bad as the people above grounds. New weapon acquired for Trevor, pretty dope. The king and Queen are dead and Zamfir is officially insane. She really thinks that the king and Queen will come back alive and protect their people like she’s done them. Sypha tries to talk to her, that puts her in a weird daze, Trevor is just being Trevor. Varney and his lackey, come to the catacombs looking to kill I really do not know that man’s name y’all so I apologize for not giving a damn about him lol.
The castle is about to be under siege, I’m not ready. Having a whole heart attack over here from nerves.
Episode 8: Death Magic: Varney and his partner attack the people in the catacombs, Varney is looking for a giant mirror? Why I don’t know. Poor Trevor and Sypha they are soooo tired, I feel so bad for them. Zamfir is actually not bad of a fighter, I like that. Sypha still the goat, no cap.
The castle is under attack, it’s actually nice to see how diverse the vampires are in this show, you can tell what countries their from and I think that’s dope as hell. And then every time a human dies their souls are transferred to Saint Germaine? So is this another S3 human sacrifice crap again? Omg…I’m so sick of that. Saint Germain uses the key he received from the woman in the Infinite Corridor and it creates the symbol of the corridor’s portal.
Here goes Alucard being a badass again, I never tire of him being one. Greta holding it down too is really cool, I don’t care what nobody say, she is that bitch. Her and that hammer, a force to be reckoned with.
Everyone is overwhelmed and have no choice but to evacuate to the castle, right before those doors closed Alucard nods to her to leave him out to fight and she looks at him like boy bye. Get yo ass in this castle. Greta pulling Alucard in just shows they are compatible for one another. Even the playful banter between them is cute.
The discovery of the stones in the walls leads Greta and Alucard to his childhood bedroom and they find Saint Germain where he reveals he’s opening the Infinite Corridor to bring back Dracula by using death magic. Petty Saint Germain, I do not like him bro.
They have to deal with him later though to fight off the night creatures that got into the castle. Greta still holding it down.
Trevor and the vampire guy is still fighting but, Trevor being so tired he’s slowing a bit, and honestly I don’t know how he’s still able to function at this point. Sypha shows off her powers like a G that she is and Zamfir is doing some great damage with the knives she’s got and that’s crazy how little knives can do to the body.
Did Sypha always have lightning powers? I don’t remember. If it’s new I love it! Trevor’s almost killed but a woman and child save him in time but, unfortunately Zamfir is stabbed in the stomach when the vampire moves to kill them both. I’m going to be honest I didn’t really care for Zamfir’s character she was just…there lol.
Then that scene with Sypha basically incinerating the rest of the monsters is fire!!! No pun intended lol. Varney finds the mirror and steps through it where Saint Germain is. Trevor and Sypha goes through the mirror as well but in a different location in the castle.
Episode 9: The Endings: This whole episode was literally the best of the best in any other seasons. The fight scenes, the banter, the main three…oh my God I loved it all. Noooooo, the dolls!!!!!! You bastards!!!! Trevor and Sypha’s entrance was perfect. Muah! Perfecto! The rock monsters really confused me on how they were killed but you know what who cares?
Alucard has wings?!!!!! What?!!!!!!!!! The general of the caravan have brought in the man woman thingy to Saint Germain. Death has appeared. His character design is dope af. Noooo not mom and dad!!! Nooo! Poor Alucard had to witness his parents literally in pain and of course Trevor ends it again, somehow Saint Germain redeemed himself almost?
The four vampires fighting the main trio had me running for my money. I liked the whole scene it was nice to see at least one or two vampires almost have the upper hand on the main trio.
That general vampire? His fight was wild, throwing his arm as it was about to explode and use it against Trevor was genius. And main trio…they don’t need to have a plan to fight they just work so well together that it works out in end.
Trevor vs. Death. Also was that the first time Trevor told Sypha he loved her? I can’t remember. Anyway, back to the final battle. The quality of the fight, the sheer power between both characters, and then he goes and sacrificed himself like Trevor are you deadass? You deadass died? Unacceptable. And then episode just ends.
Episode 10: It’s Been a Strange Ride: Lenore died so lame, and she was drunk as well when she died. I really won’t be missing her because she was just a character I very much disliked. Hector is finally free, little dumbass.
I wanna see what Issac is up to and Morana and Striga seems appropriate. But oh well, I hope they are happy wherever they are.
Tombstone for Trevor, it’s not real. He ain’t dead, I don’t believe that. Omg, Greta and Alucard are together?!!! Whoooooo!!! And the village kids are calling him father? Yasssssssssssss!!!!! I’m here for it. Alucard saying he’s not used to people is 100% me in public I don’t like being around a lot of people and it doesn’t help I have anxiety either. Sypha being pregnant was a given she looked a little thicker in the hips from episode one. She can’t leave…we need her. Really Castlevania creators? Y’all gone play with all our hearts? Thinking Trevor was dead and he gone pop up on a horse?
And look at this⤵️⤵️
He’s smiling, happy, soft, has a boo thang I’m….😭😭😭I’m so happy.
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Y’all….all in all this was a great ending to the show…a great ending…
Oh wait…wait…wait wait wait, mom and dad are alive?!!! But how? You know what I don’t care their going to travel to England and their heart shaped embrace is everything. Oh no I’m crying again….
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thedevildomdaily · 3 years
Demonic Possessions Ch 6: The Design Diva Strikes Again!
Here's the first of TWO chapters coming to ya on my days off as promised! Thanks for being patient and the well-wishes. I'm recovering pretty well.
Note: Here's the Master List for the full story. I recommend reading my stuff on my actual Blog if you enjoy OM! official music! Thank you so much for the support. Please let me hear from you in the comment section. I wanna talk OM!
Warnings: Swearing, NSFW (I told you I'd get to it soon lol)
Lilly squirmed around in her bed. Her pink and purple curls were sticking out around her pillow that she used to smother her own face. A hand with beautiful galaxy nails, courtesy of Asmodeus, was planted in the middle of it. She moaned and groaned, not wanting to wake up. That was until she felt movement in her bed!
Her hand clutched the pillow and tossed it quickly from her face in a hurry. She immediately looked down at the foot of her bed. There was a large mass beneath her giant, fluffy comforter. There was something in her bed!
Slowly mustering all of her courage, the human eased the comforter up and open. Her eye were squinting, afraid of what she was about to see at her feet. One eye opened, then the other.
“Hello~” there was a very sensual, yet familiar voice. A set of icy blue, glowing orbs stared at Lilly before she registered the female nephilim peering at her from the darkness beneath the covers.
Yes, it was Lena! A nearly naked Lena at that: she wore a lacy black thong that was completely see-through and an oversized tank top. Because she was on all-fours, the giant opening hung low enough to reveal her full chest. She giggled devilishly and licked her lips, staring at Lilly like a predator.
“L-L-Lena!?! What are you doing!?” Lilly gasped. Her beautiful, tanned skin was now bright red as she looked at the nephilim crawling closer, between her legs.
“You, if you’d let me babe…” she smirked and crawled closer, now close enough to anchor her hands on either side of the human’s hips. She tilted her head to the side, letting her long hair fall to the side, gently touching Lilly’s leg. She awaited her answer, knowing very well how tempting she looked in this precarious position.
Lilly gulped, and parted her lips for a moment, staring at Lena in almost a trance. A nod followed, then a motion for Lena to approach her further. The nephilim crept up and over the petite human and kissed her softly.
“Good choice…” Lena purred. Lilly laughed and pulled her into a deeper kiss. Her lips tasted sweet and her skin was like the finest silk in the three realms. The human wanted to explore every inch of her body.
The nephilim wasted no time to straddle her. Lilly gasped as she watched her remove her top, revealing her beautiful large breasts; They nearly made her cry, “You’re so fucking gorgeous Lena…”
Lena giggled, “Look who’s talking...you’re fucking hot. I’ve lived for thousands of years and never seen such perfect caramel skin and those lovely violet eyes. You’re bewitching Lilly.” She pulled the human into a deeper, more sensual kiss. Her hands wandered to the small of her back, slowly lifting her shirt up and off.
Unable to wait any longer, the mortal reversed their positions, pinning Lena on her back. She was dominant by nature, and while she knew she was no match for a powerful being like the nephilim, she wanted to take control. Lena seemed very welcoming to the idea.
Lilly ran her tongue across Lena’s left nipple as she softly groped the other. Hearing the other woman moan was music to her ears. It’s been so long since she’d shared her bed with anyone; a dry spell since the exchange program began.
Just as she began to inch Lena’s thong down, Lilly began to wonder why she was thinking so intently about things other than this drop-dead gorgeous creature beneath her and what was that sound in the distance…
The human woke to those words. A fucking dream!? NOOOOOOOOO! Pouting, she looked over at her temporary roomy, waking up on her couch; fully clothed and oblivious as to what was going on.
A series of profanities filled the entire House of Lamentation. Lena knew who it was and wanted to jump out of the nearest window and run away.
Mammon gave his one knock warning and popped his head in. “Are ya guys alright? Who was that?” Awe, he came to check on them.
“That was just my darling brother discovering my room you guys are lending me...and the sound of a nephilim experiencing a heart attack I’d imagine…”
Lena quickly put on a robe and followed a series of ‘motherfuckers’, ‘sons-a-bitches’, and ‘dirty rat bastards’ to the attic. Both Lilly and Mammon accompanied her, despite the many warnings she gave them. “Major Diva warning alert...just saying…”
When they arrived upstairs, the trio found a raving mad Azri, Asmo, and Satan. The demons were standing in the doorway, quietly observing the nephilim as he inspected the room. He was listing every single thing that was wrong with the room.
“Good morning, my darling big brother…” Lena grinned evilly at him. This caused a chain-reaction of giggles.
“There’s not a damn good thing about it!” Azri responded with his hands on his hips, “Why didn’t you tell me sooner that they put you in the filth and squalor like those poor ‘Flowers in the Attic children’?! These are abhorrent living conditions Azralena!”
Lena had to fight hard not to laugh or tell him it was cleaned-up compared to what it was like after Belphegor took his stuff out that first night. He’d scream and faint like a goat if she did. “It’s not that bad bro. If anyone can fix it up, it’s you!”
Azri stopped his pacing and approached his little sister. Everyone held still, afraid of his reaction. He put his hands on her petite shoulders and looked down at Lena with a severe expression, “Lena,” he paused, “I may have to actually pray to celestial realm and every angelic fiber of my body for a fucking miracle to fix this abomination…”
“Is it really so horrible?” A deep voice boomed from behind them. Apparently, Lucifer had joined the fray.
“Oooh, Lucifer’s involved now...this is gonna be good…” Asmo whispered to his brothers and Lilly. There were smiles exchanged, but nobody was brave enough to laugh at this in front of the eldest brother.
“As a matter of fact it is Lucifer,” Azriel responded, “My sister deserves better than this. Are we not guests of Lord Diavolo’s? My sister has told me about ‘how cool Leviathan’s room is with the jellyfish and mega aquarium…” he then looked over at Asmodeus, “and his room is ‘absolutely beautiful’ she says. And it has a giant bathroom that looks like Regina George’s...and you give a dust-filled, cobwebbed attic with loose boards and….ARE THOSE EYES!!!!!?”
Azriel pointed to a whole in the wall on the north side. “This is unacceptable! As the eldest brother you must take responsibility to make sure my sister is staying in comfortable living quarters during her stay!”
Lena just tried to hide her face out of embarrassment. Why was he such a diva? She of course appreciated him looking after her like this, but sometimes he was just too much. This was definitely one of those cases.
“And what do you propose I do about it? My brothers each fixed their rooms on their own. This IS the House of Lamentation, not a human world resort.” Lucifer responded dryly. He did have a point there. One that only irritated the eldest nephilim. Lena felt the need to intervene before things got ugly.
“Hey guys, let’s just take a chill pill for a moment…” she said, holding her hands up as if to surrender to this mess.
‘Chill...pill…?” Lucifer looked at the female nephilim with a weary and perplexed expression.
“Yeah. I mean, it’s a metaphor…” Lena chuckled, “Look, I never meant things to get out of hand and Azri...you shouldn’t barge into someone’s home and go off like this...apologize. Now.”
After looking down at his short, little sister, Azriel sighed, “Sorry. Lena is right. I tend to...overreact when it comes to my siblings. I am in charge of the both of them.”
“I...can understand that.” Lucifer was willing to meet him halfway. From one eldest sibling to another.
“And Luci...fer” Lena almost tried a nickname but was not brave enough to go there yet. “Uhm, please allow my brother to remodel this room. I promise he is a professional in interior design as well as fashion. He will make structural repairs that could save future incidents. It’d give him peace of mind, I’ll be cozy, and you get a new roof out of it...for free.”
Lucifer eyed her, then her brother. They were both strangers, but if he was a professional, the demon believed he could be trusted enough for the task. “Very well. The two of you can do what you see fit in this room..and the roof if necessary. You’re not to do anything with any other room without my immediate permission alone. And, of course, you’re responsible for the remodeling costs. My brothers paid for the own rooms to be remodeled into what they are now. Even Mammon.”
All eyes shot to the Avatar of Greed and he felt it immediately, “HEY! What y’all look’n at! Of course I paid for my room to look as amazing as me, The Great Mammon!”
“He says that like we could actually believe him…” Satan muttered and the others agreed with him.
“Bet it was paid for from stolen belonging or money laundering schemes…” Lilly added.
“Most definitely.” Amso agreed.
“STOP TALK’N AS IF I’M NOT HERE!!!” Mammon yelled.
Lucifer cut his conversation with Lena and Azriel short to deal with his siblings. “MAMMOOON! Quit yelling so loudly. Get downstairs and eat breakfast. Now!”
The group, sans Azriel, did head down to eat breakfast. Those missing at the scene were filled in about the construction that was going to be done to Lena’s room by her brothers. Azriel was the design genius, but it was Zak that was the brawn behind the project. He was just more sensible and refused to show up so early in the morning.
The rest of the day went by fairly quickly. In just a couple of days, the nephilim had adjusted nicely into their classes. Belmont Academy had a similar curriculum blended with human education as well. It was “hybrid education for hybrid youth” as Lena explained it. She talked Lilly into checking into it once she returned to the human realm after the exchange program.
At lunchtime, the group joined together and talked about the events that started their morning. Asmo and Mammon dramatically told everyone what happened, getting everyone laughing about it. Well everyone but the two nephilim.
“Why the fuck didn’t you stop him from showing up so early?” Lena asked Zak, pointing her fork at him.
“I told him not to. He lied, saying he wouldn’t, and took off when I hopped in the shower. For being the supposed ‘responsible one’, he’s horrible when it comes to using his design skills or cleanliness…”
Lena sighed and nodded, “The. worst.”
“You do have to hand it to him though,” Asmodeus chimed in, “Azri did stand toe-to-toe with Lucifer without batting a silvery eyelash. That’s crazy! And Lena! You got between them quickly to intervene and stopped them from bickering!”
“Well of course. The root cause is ultimately my fault. So I took responsibility for it. Besides, it was pretty stupid to begin with. Arguing over interior designing an attic. Really?” Lena laughed.
“OOOOH I GOT IT!,” An otherwise quiet Leviathan exclaimed, “Your superpower is the ability to calm even the most powerful foes, like Lucifer, down!?!”
Lena paused for a moment, then burst into laughter, her brother joining in. Even Solomon couldn't help but chuckle at the notion. “THAT’S HILARIOUS!!!” She began to choke and punched her chest to stop it. “That’d be great. And it would have probably stopped many of earth’s wars. But nope. That’s definitely not it Levi-kun!”
Her response embarrassed the third eldest demon brother. That was, until she called him Levi-kun; It brought up a whole different reason to be embarrassed.
The rest of the school day passed in the blink of an eye. The RAD students disbursed, with the Purgatory students wishing everyone good luck with the remodelling go on. It was code for ‘good luck not getting into another fight over it’.
On the way home, they decided to grab Hell’s Kitchen burgers to go. Of course Beel wanted to eat a dozen there first, so they divided between those playing arcade games, those ordering the food, and Belphie watching Beel eat and hopefully not go on a rampage.
“Yes! I got it!” Lena screamed. She was at the claw machine with Lilly and Leviathan.
“That’s amazing!” Lilly cheered.
Leviathan gave his signature scream of excitement and proceeded to tell the girls what character it was, and their backstory, and everything in between.
“So what I’m hearing is…this is a valuable part of a set...and that you’re collecting that set aren’t ya?” Lena asked.
“Yeah. I’m missing her and two others.” Levi admitted.
Lena grinned and handed it over to the demon. “Then you’ll get more value out of having this than I will. So you’d better take it then.”
“R-Really?” Levi asked, shocked that she would just give the figurine to him.
“Yes, really!” Lena chuckled, “I just wanted the thrill of winning. You can have the figure. I don’t know what I’m gonna have room for when Azri’s done and that clothing haul is moved in from Lilly’s room.”
“ARIGATO!!!!” Levi cheerfully thanked the nephilim and held up the figurine into the air to admire it.
Lilly lingered back, watching the two nerd-out, sighing inwardly. It was clear that Lena was getting a little attached to Leviathan. He wasn’t catching on, and it made it more adorable...and sickeningly sweet to her. Oh well, she’d have to rely on her dreams still, until she could find a hot demoness that was interested in her and not devouring her soul.
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toysoldiers-rwby · 3 years
[CS] 10. Learning Pains
Cutting Strings
Characters: Penny Polendina, Aurora Glade, Winter Schnee, May Marigold Word Count: 5.5k
Everything crumbles under a weak foundation.
Read on Ao3
Faunus Oddities: 1  
Penny looked down at Aro, watching her carefully. She breathed in, and in, and in. So deep Penny thought she was part Aquarian mammal. On the exhale she pressed her hand firmly, but gently to avoid waking her up, on Aro’s exposed cleavage, as close to the center of her lungs as possible-  
Penny locked her joints. She could feel several hydrolic system stiffen, making her jerk anyway. Thankfully Aro was exhausted from yesterday’s combat class. Her scared ears twitch and she cuddled her pillow, hair splayed out without any horns to cradle it in.  
Winter and May looked mildly amused but mostly confused. Winter cleared her voice, speaking in a normal volume this time. “What, pray tell, are you doing Ms. Polendina?” Winter asked, her voice faux professional. Her cool mask soften by slight tilt of her lips and raised brow. Though she did still held her hands behind her back.  
“I’m trying to figure out if Aro purrs,” Penny answered.  
“Can’t feel it even though you laying on her?” Winter asked, her voice perfectly leveled. May grabbed her shoulder biting a finger to refrain from laughing. She did snort when Penny stuck her tongue out at her.  
“My sense of touch is… not sensitive.” Penny answered carefully. It was a wonder her father got it working at all. Penny settled back on Aro again, careful not to knock her leg off of the couch. Penny had missed her chance to gather data and had to wait. Again Aro took a deep breath that went on far too long. Long enough for May to comfortably lean against the back of the couch and for Winter to hover next to her.  
On the exhale Penny placed her hand back on Aro’s cleavage. Luckily organic beings had remarkably even breathing when they sleep, so it was easy for Penny to keep an even pressure-  
"I definitely heard something," May mubmled, understandably skeptical. “But she’s a goat Faunus.”  
“Feel it!” Penny grabbed her hand and dragged it to Aro’s chest. She tried to pull it out but Penny adjusted her grip and strength.  
“This is so inappropriate!” May hissed, blood quickly rising to her cheeks. “You fell asleep on her again! It’s alright if you- well not touch but- but!” Penny pouted and let go. May barely stopped herself from flying backwards.  
“You said it was bad to touch strangers without asking.”  
“This is, it’s different- Winter!?” May’s voice took on an odd strangled and restricted tone as she failed to stop from yelling. Winter had placed a hand on Aro’s chest and another delicately around her neck. Penny was a little worried about how much blood seemed to be in May’s face but she was also enthralled at the pressure Winter needed to maintain around Aro’s neck. “What are you doing?!”  
“Trying to listen and feel, Marigold.” Winter answered. She leaned in and closed her eyes, ear directed at Aro. Finally on the next exhale there was that soft sound again. Winter nearly jumped. Instead she pressed just a little more on the hand on Aro’s chest until the noise drifted off. “Aurora purrs.”  
“I told you!”  
"She does not! She’s a goat." May yelled back.  
“I didn’t peg you as a racist.”  
Winter jerked back while Penny and May screamed. Thankfully the deaf women didn’t wake up startled. Instead she roused gently from all the movement. Penny made an odd noise. Perhaps a yelp as she was suddenly shifted and held. Aro had clasp a hand on her should to leverage herself into a sitting position while her other one was on Penny’s waist to make sure she didn’t fall off. The metal women went from nestled atop Aro to in her lap.  
Penny stilled trying to calm her processors. Her father was able to upgrade a few drivers to better accommodate all the physical sensations but the artificial skin wasn’t meant to be artificial, but rather synthetic, in combination with organic analysis and inputs. Too much all at once caused her Aura to glitch her systems, a flood warmth and power to hardware that didn’t need it. Such as the one that simulated dopamine and serotonin.  
From the kitchen Xanthic and Ciel grinned and sneered. Xanthic looked at May and Winter, signing something. Penny’s sign language has gotten better but she didn’t feel accomplished when the only sign she recognized was ‘forget’.  
“Did ya’ll forget my house is bugged?” May whispered to Winter. The Specialist groaned into a hand. Aro snapped her fingers, getting their attention and signing at them with a frown. May cleared her throat and translated. “What… are you all doing?”  
“These idiots,” May pointed at Winter and Penny. “Was trying to find out… if you purred.” May said.  
Aro nodded. Though in understanding or confirmation was unsure. She paused to wake up a little more. She stretched her back and arms high above her head. Penny watch, her shoulders and arms flexed. She could see the muscles in her neck and shoulder jerk. From Penny’s place on her lap she could feel several joints pop back in place.  
Lazily reaching for May’s hand she pressed it firm on her bralette covered chest, fingers splayed wide. May let out a strangled noise body tense and blood rushing to her head. Her posture relaxed a little when a deep and loud rumble vibrated from Aro’s entire torso.  
Penny tensed. Nearly feeling her Aura surged to several systems. Particularly her visual analysis, which was for some reason searching out May’s reaction, and her incomplete sensation of touch.  
May took her hand back, signing back to Aurora. “Okay, okay. The goat can purr.” Aro gave a tired and crooked grin, ears wiggling slowly and lethargically. Penny allowed her leader to slide her onto the couch.  
“Shall I get ready now or make breakfast first?” Xanthic translated this time.  
“Get ready now.” May said, her signs stressing ‘now’. Aurora laughed, grabbing the baggy shirt from the armrest and walking up the stairs. Penny noted how May’s eyes traveled Aurora’s form, lingering where the shirt barely covered her bare thighs and boy shorts. Winter’s gaze was similar to Penny’s brushing across her neck and chest.  
Once out of sight, May practically collapsed over the couch. She had a hand over her chest. Her heart must be beating hard, trying to spread her blood across her body instead of just pooling at her cheeks, ears and neck.  
“I’m dead. This had to be a dream.”  
“I don’t think the dead can dream,” Penny said a little slowly. Her commentary was usually interpreted as ‘snark’ rather than facts. But Winter and Ciel laughed so Penny didn’t mind too much.  
“Considering how tame that was it’d consider it a nightmare.” Xanthic called from the kitchen. “You’ve been crushing on her for what? Five years and not even fucking in your dreams?”  
“I don’t know it definitely had that softcore porn vibe until you interrupted,” Ciel said, her dry tone-  
“Wait, what?!” Penny asked. She felt her circuits nearly frying. Her general knowledge included basic sex education. Basic. Between human men and women. For analytical reasons she was able to recognize signs arousal and simulation but her processors struggled to directly link her own actions to intercourse.  
It was easier when she remembered how flush May was. With new context her processes suddenly rewrote May’s lingering gaze as ‘hungry’ and Winter’s hands on Aurora changed to possessive. Then dominating.  
“Oh.” Penn took a deep breath, trying to cool down her power unit. Her temperature was slowly increasing to dangerous limits. Luckily Winter handed her a glass of water and she gulped it down. Penny will have to do more research… Perhaps she’ll request Aro to make her one of those backdoor Scrolls.  
Morning classes was a little difficult to focus on. As students of the Accelerated Program their schedule was altered to focus on their strengths and smooth out any weaknesses. Team APCX was smart, as a team their academic scores passed most fourth years so they focused heavily on combat training, Grimm studies, and military vehicles and other equipment.  
Physical Conditioning was in their morning routine. While the other students try their best to regulate their behavior around Aurora and Xanthic, they prefer to completely avoid them locker rooms. They were too intimidated by the pair, even if their civilian lifestyle meant their bodies weren’t as tone.  
Those brave enough to share the same row of lockers as Team APCX were also controlled enough not to stare. Unlike Penny who took far too long to change. Her eyes constantly wandered to Aurora.  
“Soo,” This time Aro held Penny’s stare. She crossed her arms under her sports bra, ���Any other Faunus related curiosities I can satisfy?”  
“I think I’m legally obligated to stop you two from fucking,” Xanthic said in her usual dead drawl, “It’d be unfair to May.”  
“Blatantly ignore the actual law in front of your Officer teammate,” Ciel scowled. She then looked at Penny and Aro. No matter how hard Penny tried to focus her gaze on the floor her peripherals kept her alert to any movement. “Serious request, no more softcore porn.”  
“You two should fuck if that’s where your mind goes. They were being completely appropriate,” Aro laughed. Her voice was loud and ringing in the locker rooms. Penny was vaguely aware of clothes shuffling and metal clacking against metal as lockers closed. “Hold on, I got another Faunus secret to show off.” Aro pushed off her locker and walked towards the more populated area in nothing but her sports bra and boyshorts.  
Ciel and Xanthic sneered as there were some shocked noises. A gasp of surprised and louder slamming lockers. A few of the shyer students hurried out of the locker rooms.  
“Hey Neon.”  
“Good morning Aro! How badly did you piss off General Ironwood to get Conditioning in the morning.”  
“As bad as you, it seems.” Aro laughed. “Can I brow your nunchakus?”  
“Of course- Oh! Are you gonna show them your freckles!!”  
“… It was a surprise.”  
Neon Katt came around the corner, dragging Aro behind her. Unlike Team APCX she was partially change for a military work out.  
“Fun fact! A lot of nocturnal Faunus,” Neon stressed, eyes on Aro who only rolled her glowing ones in return. “And some other types have a secondary coloring only visible under UV and neon lights!” She cracked her nunchakus, a bright purple light imitating out, then held them to Aro’s skin. Under the violent glow bright blue and pinks dotted her cheeks and down her neck. Further down there were intricate… patterns across her chest…  
Penny had to focus really hard on the scientific mysterious to keep her hands from wandering. It was easier to put them in nonsexual context when Neon shined the glowing nunchakus on her torso. Her pattering was large sports that grew into large planes. It wasn’t as intricate or bright.  
“Wow, that sure is interesting to my cybernetic eyes,” Xanthic drawled. Neon and Penny giggled as the hacker finished dressing for class. "I’ll wait outside and stall if you idiot take too long with the anatomy lesson."  
“You seriously need to get laid,” Neon taunted. She slipped her shirt completely on and following her out. “I’m sure Ivori would-”  
“I’m like 20… Wait I think 21. Find someone older.”  
Their chatter slowly faded among the crowd. Ciel held her Scroll to her locker, and was satisfied when it clicked closed. She left and Penny focused on changing, trying to keep her eyes forward even as her partner waited patiently.  
“No more Faunus questions…” Aurora’s teasing tone drifted off. She closed her eyes briefly, ears shifting around out of habit as she focused her senses through her aids. Penny paused, waiting for her to continue and was a little startled when her hand was suddenly on her abdomen. Her processors struggled with the input. The area wasn’t as vulnerable as organic ones but it wasn’t a common area to be touched. Perhaps May had a point about inappropriate touching and asking permission.  
Aro to lean in and splay her hand wide across her artificial skin. The pressure she applied gradually increasing, glowing eyes watching her hands. Her artificial skin didn’t give as much as organic ones…  
“Penny, there is no one in the else in the room.” Aurora whispered. The tone was tense. Her power unit slowly leveled its output, the simulators mimicking serotonin gradually stopping. For a moment. Aro’s hand brushed a completely flat surface.  
Organics had belly buttons.  
“How much of you is metal? Is… is this why I never see you eat anything solid?”  
“That’s…” Penny struggled to answer. Aro lifted her hand off her and took a step back. Her head and brows tilted with worry. There were so many protocols it choked her from saying what she wanted. “That’s classified.” Penny said. Pain flickered across Aro’s features before Focus could hid it. Penny never saw her ears pointed so low and she never wanted to see it that way again. Aro sared at her for a few moments before nodded and leaving the room quietly.  
Penny took a breath and rested her head against the cool metal locker. She stopped all thought that wished for the impossible, such as the simulations that weighed Winter and Aro’s reactions. Penny knew May would be furious. The Happy Huntresses would steal Elm’s rocket launcher and shoot it at General Ironwood.  
Penny slapped her cheeks and focused.  
Her next test was the Vytal Festival a few months away. Perhaps if she does well Ironwood would feel safe and confident enough tell Winter…  
Neon and Aro was already on the track, stretching. This time Harriet was able to join them, adjusting settings to randomly create hard-light obstacles or even rotate the individual tracks backwards or forwards.  
Ciel and Xanthic were doing more general body conditioning with Flint and Ivori. As Accelerated students they were privileged to the more advance training equipment but also had higher expectations. She could see Xanthic eye the panel their instructor was using to set up the usual suicides run and weights. Ciel elbowed her partner, a warning glare to not hack the technology.  
A loud explosion signaled the start of the speedster’s race, plus Aro. For once the mechanic was leading right from the start. Harriet seemed to struggle to catch up, her semblance needing a warm up to reach top speeds.  
For those with well-conditioned bodies and above average strength, Atlas Academy decided to focus on strength and Aura. Penny and Kobalt went through their usual warm ups at their own pace. Penny did it to blend in at first, but found that it helped her Aura and power unit prioritize and optimized her systems.  
Her conditioning consisted of maintaining high Aura concentrations to bolster their physical bodies and further increase their offensive and defensive capabilities. Kobalt was skeptical of Penny at first. But after the first day of taking metal fist to her sides with little damage to her Aura levels he looked at her as a challenger. The rest of team FNKI and APCX were worried. That expression slowly stopped after the first few days but sometimes Ivori or Ciel would stare a little long. Aro adjusted much slower.  
“Aah, fuck!” Her face slammed right into a hard-light barrier and she stumbled back. Neon laughed, passing her and taking second. The mechanic didn’t get up right away, instead looking at Penny with guilty eyes.  
Penny looked away first and focused on her Aura before each impact from the robot’s fist. She tried to ignore the several blast that rang out from the track. After defensive conditioning, Penny’s next exercise was continuous Aura control. She’ll push a heavy block of metal, only unlocking the gears that bolt it down when her Aura level was at the threshold. Below and it would lock. If it was below for too long the block would slowly reset and push Penny back to the starting point.  
By the time their hour and half Conditioning class was done both Teams were exhausted.  
“I hate it when Harriet joins,” Neon mumbled as they walked into the lockers. “All we do is run!”  
“My legs are on fire…” Aro mumbled. This time Aro wandered directly into the showers, not bothering with her clothes or even closing the stall as she stood under the cool stream. It hissed angrily at her augments, cloud of steam quickly filling the showers.  
Penny stared at her for a moment. Normally she would gather her clothes and slipped into another stall, opening her own vents and letting the cold water chill her systems. But Aurora really pushed her prosthetic this time. She was able to overtake Harriet twice. She even in regular sparing it would overheat. While not on literal fire, the temperature could be dangerous.  
“Would you like some assistance in removing your prosthetics?” She asked.  
“No softcore porn!” Xanthic said. Some students chuckled softly, too exhausted to be shy. Neon let out a whistle.  
Aro didn’t reply or respond.  
Penny looked closer. She didn’t see the blue glow of her eyes through the steam. She tried to calm the protocols that instantly went to the worse scenario. Her tired Aura seemed to awaken again, energy suddenly flooding her system. It ramped up, as Penny took a step for closer observation. She barely saw any glow from all of Aurora’s cybernetics and augments. She definitely could hear it humming loudly over the shower- Aro’s body suddenly buckled. Penny watched as all power in her legs flickering off.  
“Aurora!” Penny lunged forward, catching her. Her footing slid across wet tiles and she slammed with unfamiliar weight pressed on her. Penny took a sharp breath. The metal prosthetic really was at a dangerous temperature, even for her. She quickly adjusted to make sure her artificial skin didn’t melt. “Aurora!” Penny laid a hand across her forehead and pulled her hand back. The horns around her head was the same dangerous temperature, even when it was directly under the cold spray.  
“Move!” Xanthic shoved Neon and a few random students aside. In the hacker’s hands was Aro’s Scroll and red flashing warnings. “Agh! That idiot overheated- Neon! Get some medics!”  
“R-Right away!” Neon was out of the room, a rainbow trail lingering behind her.  
“Don’t!” Penny quickly stopped Xanthic from reaching out with her bare hands. “It’s too hot.” The hacker’s solution was to slip off her shirt, taking the extra time to thoroughly soak it in the water before wrapping it around the cybernetic legs.  
Penny felt around Aro’s skull for that hidden button for her aids. She ignored several warnings about temperature or how all her senses felt numb. She struggled to trace the cybernetics to a familiar spot she’d seen Aro press down on before. She didn’t flinch at the hot steam blowing in her face when she finally found the manual release.  
Everything was oddly numb but focused. Her own senses narrowed down to the single stall and Aro’s breathing. Every so often Xanthic’s voice would pierce the fog but Penny moved without conscious thought. Her hands felt around Aro’s thighs without order. Pressing on the manual release when she barely felt the seam.  
She murmured an apology, automatic and flat as Xanthic scrambled away from the steam. Penny released the other prosthetic and the hacker kicked the metal into another stall and turned the cold water on it. Penny was about to carry Aurora out but Xanthic stopped her.  
“Penny!” It took a few yells of her name for her to focus. Xanthic’s expression was nearly grounding. It was too conflicted, too concern to calm Penny down but it was enough to get her to listen. “Her… both of our augments are deeper than they look.” The hacker confessed.  
Penny braced the women against her own chest. It slowly turned into a hug. She faught the instinct to hold her tighter. She could barely differentiate Aro’s breathing from the spray of water. She knew a tight grip would only do more harm so Penny focused on what she could feel. Aro’s steady heartbeat against her own Aura wild chest.  
That grounded Penny. Xanthic pressed a well-hidden button at the base of Aro’s neck. After holding it down for three seconds, several slits along her skull but mostly her neck opened and vented out more steam.  
Aurora let out a low groan that rolled and vibrated through her chest. Physically Penny relaxed. She adjusted her hold on Aro to angle her better under the cold water. Internally she felt ready to combust herself. Fear driving her systems so hard they temporarily malfunctioned and now her processors were trying to fix corrupted or missing data. Penny dropped her head onto Aro’s shoulder. Her skin was much cooler now but still a dangerous 106 degrees.  
The last conscious thing Penny remembers is watching the medics lay a soaking wet yet still feverish Aurora Glade onto a stretcher and pushing her away. Harriet gave Penny a look that barely held any guilt. “Team APCX will be notified when she wakes up.”  
Her high cognitive functions didn’t return until lunch. She remembered a few hours after Aro feinted, Xanthic was called to assist in something regarding Aro’s technology. As Xanthic’s primary supervisor Ciel was forced to follow. Penny took notes throughout her classes with no real attention to what the instructors were saying. True to routine her body automatically wandered to the mess hall but Penny stopped. Without her teammates she had no reason to enter and pretend to be organic.  
“Salutation Penn!” May’s voice called out. Penny turned around to see the Huntress approaching her. She found herself burying her face into her shoulder, the pressure somewhat relieving the Aura building behind her eyes.  
“Hey, hey,” May gently whispered to her. Her hands rubbed up and down Penny’s back attempting to calm her down. “Aurora will be okay. She survived the journey from Menagerie to Atlas and several White Fang assassination attempts. She won’t die from her own augments.”  
Penny buried her face deeper into May’s shoulder and nodded. She knew it was an unreasonable feeling but her protocols, processors, no line of code knew how to rationalize the fear and worry. Instead the same thoughts looped as if it would answer herself. What if her overheating cybernetics caused permanent neural damage? What could she have done to prevent possible said damage? How much metal Aro had hidden under the surface? Then Xanthic’s suspicions of experimentation-  
Her thoughts clouded her analysis and kept spiraling until May pulled her into an unfamiliar area of the Academy. The dorms. APCX was one of the few teams that didn’t live together or on campus. Xanthic’s home was slowly becoming their usual base of operations but everyone also had their own places to retreat too.  
In the elevator May pushed the button for one of the highest floors. When it stopped she popped the ceiling open. “By the Brothers,” She chuckled, “Winter was right, they still haven’t fixed this yet.”  
“Where are we going?” Penny asked.  
“It’s a surprise!” May said as if it was a suitable answer. She easily jumped through the hatch and offered Penny a hand. The metal women tried smiled and a pretended to accept her help. The elevator shaft looked a little unkempt, with a large panel missing in between floors. Before them was an open crawl space dust and cobwebs caused May to hesitate long enough for lock on the elevator cable to open and it slowly lowered.  
“Ah, fuck!” May jumped into it and Penny followed after. Luckily the pair didn’t trip on each other. They barely had enough room to walk normally and getting tangled or pressed against each other would be uncomfortable for May. The Huntress pulled out her Scroll, illuminating the crawl space for herself.  
“Ugh. I remember this place being a lot bigger.” May muttered. Due to the thin space she occasionally bumped into her. Penny grabbed her hand and held onto it. It was a numb feeling and she wasn’t sure why she did it until May squeezed back and flashed her a small smile. Whatever locked Penny’s systems at minimum finally lifted enough to at least try and recuperate May’s efforts.  
“Can I get hints to where we are going?”  
“Depending on what you ask.” May answered.  
“Is it a restricted area?”  
May laughed, “Of course! Those make the best hideouts.”  
“Is it… surveillance?”  
May’s grin turned a little wicked for a moment, “Nope.”  
“Does Xanthic know about it?”  
May winked, “I’m the better spymaster.”  
Before Penny could ask any more question they reached the end of the crawl space. May carefully pushed the wall, trying to slide it up out of it slits. It took four tries but it eventually popped out and she slide it aside. She had forgotten it was in the middle of the day. Her internal clock had told her lunch would be finishing soon and she should be making her way to Military Machinery Operations class. She deleted the internal reminder and adjusted the aperture in her eyes to filter less light in.  
May stepped out onto a hidden platform, shadowed by another overhanging piece. The view was unobstructed by other buildings. While it wasn’t at the very edge of Atlas, it was tall enough to get a view of Mantle below and the white snow of Solitas that stretched around for miles.  
“Welcome to the… uh…” May’s boisterous voice quickly lost steam. Her cheeks flaring pink again.  
“I believe Robyn called it the Dove’s Nest-”  
“Winter!” Penny gasped and ran out. She stopped short of throwing herself onto the Specialist. Winter gave her a tired smile and relaxed into the misting white fur of her summon. This time an Alpha Manticore. It lounged on its side, completely at peace with being used as bedding for two. “Aro…” Her Faunus was curled at Winter’s side, eyes closed and those soft sleeping purrs rumbling from her.  
“Woah, slow, Penn.” May said quickly grabbing her shoulder. Penny didn’t even notice she was running again. She slipped her hand back into Penny’s and they walked closer. Aro was in a hospital gown, back completely bare but lower body covered in her boyshorts. Penny didn’t get a good look at her earlier, with all the steam and water obscuring her vision. Right now Aurora looked a little flush, skin a little damn… like she was recovering.  
“Is she doing better?” Penny asked.  
“Ideally,” Winter said with a frustrated sigh. “The hospital was making her… restless. So I took her here.” May let go of Penny’s hand and laid across the Manticore’s back and wings to reach Aro. She pressed a hand to seemly clammy skin. Winter glanced back at Penny who didn’t take another step. She smiled gently, completely free of the image she needed to maintain on military grounds. It reached her eyes. It didn’t have a literal glow like Aro’s but it did seem to light up, “My summons are completely under my control. Perfectly harmless unless I wish otherwise.”  
Penny couldn’t help the skeptical twitch of her nose. The Specialist always sent constant waves of white Beowolves at her during training. Winter laughed at it, soft and light. The sound and sight of May with Aro melted Penny’s guard enough to approach the usually dangerous beast. Her self-improvement codes told her skin contacted optimized her ability to performed under emotional stress. She mildly wondered if the Manticore would fulfill that odd requirement.  
Penny slowly reached out. At first the Alpha Manticore didn’t feel like anything. Just a cool pressure against her hand. Then slowly her processors adjusted, focusing on the tingling cool against her skin. Still very faint. “It’s… soft and cold. Oh!”  
The Manticore took a deep breath, pushing firmly against Penny’s hand and letting out a growling exhale. Aro jumped a little startled. She immediately calmed seeing May’s face and barely looked around to see Penny or Winter. A happy but high pitched purr came from Aro as she learned back into May’s hand.  
“Morning, doll.”  
May didn’t answer but smiled, a light blush dusting her cheeks. With her eyes close and no aids communication was limited to sign and writing. May grabbed Aro’s other hand, fingers tracing words onto her palm.  
“I feel… hot. Dizzy. Headache.” Aro’s words slowly started to slur. May jumped over the Manticore, settling next to Aro. The mechanic immediately curled up to her chest. “I’m okay. Tell Penny I’m okay.”  
“She knows,” May murmured, writing the words onto her skin.  
Penny walked around, taking Aro’s previous spot next to Winter. Once against the cool furs Penny nearly drifted into sleep mode. Her Aura was pushed during training and her simulations and processers kept burning an excessive amount of energy as well as-  
“Penny,” Winter gently called out. Her hand slipped into hers and gave a tight squeeze. The pressure paused the spiraling line of through. “Are… are you alright? Xanthic and Ciel informed me that we you a little… despondent. After the accident.”  
Penny looked at May and Aurora. Her eyes kept wandering end of her form and the abrupt end at the nubs instead of the usual prosthetics. She frowned and looked back up at Winter, “I was so scared…” She did everything right and it might have not been enough. It wasn’t a problem she could fix. “I couldn’t-”  
“You did well and prevented any permanent damage.” Winter quickly interrupted. “Xanthic and Dr. Pietro are drafting upgrades. The problem was a faulty part from my father’s company.” She practically hissed out. The Manticore let out another growling exhale along with several other frustrated twitches. Particularly its tail, which hit May and Aro. The two grumbled, voice a little scratchy with sleep.  
Penny giggled watching the pair try to adjust into the Manticore again. This time Aro was more awake and restless. She’d whine and wiggle, elbowing May several times. With a tired groan May propped herself up and pet Aro’s hair slowly lulling the deaf women back to sleep. Winter and Penny giggled. The Manticore responded with slight jerks.  
“If you wake her up again I swear…” May scowled at her. Aro grumbled and complained, a bunch of slurred noises and not any real words. She did manage to nuzzle May’s hand, pulling it off her hair and pressing a kiss her wrist. All fight immediately left May. It looked as if her flight instincts kick instead. Though she didn’t move with Aro curling against her.  
“Sleep, doll.” Aro murmured, pulling May back down.  
Penny settled back into the soft furs of the summon. Slowly sleep mode turned power consuming functions. Combat analysis and Floating Array was set to standby. Those thoughts that kept her alert, ready to respond slowly faded. She watched the sky, content to listen to Winter’s giggle and May’s soft groans.  
“You should have kissed her back.”  
“Shut up. It’s not that easy.”  
“Oh?” Penny glanced at May who seemed to fidget under both their gazes. Kissing seemed like one of the easiest actions a Huntress could do. “It takes at least 2 muscles to kiss someone. 23 or 34 for more rigorous types.” May let out a panic noise, a little strangled as she was forced to restrain herself or wake Aro.  
“I-I’m not. There’s a time and place and heavily drugged and sedated isn’t it!”  
“Five more years won’t be the right time either.” Winter said. She settled on her side, half propped up to talk with May. Idly her thumb continued to brush the back of Penny’s hand though her grip slipped into a comfortable position and strength. “If you’re that much of a prude ask her out first.”  
“Oh that’s rich coming from a Schnee.”  
“I’m deaf but I can feel you idiots talking.” Aro loudly grumbled. “Go the fuck to sleep.” May grumbled and complained, up until Aro suddenly propped herself up. She pushed May’s back firmly against the Manticore and hovered over her for a few seconds. “Fucking. Sleep, Marigold.” Then she practically collapsed onto her chest. May dropped an arm across her eyes, face a vibrant red. Winter hid another giggle behind her hand and completely relaxed against her summon.  
Penny closed her eyes. Her low Aura levels and safe environment triggered Sleep mode, primary systems entering a low performance state and easing cognitive thought to the bottom of the power list. Power to her sensors was cut, limiting Penny to just her sense of touch and hearing. She couldn’t feel the soft Manticore fur or the cold it gave off, instead she barely registered Winter’s hand in hers. The soft purrs from Aro was temporarily hidden by May’s deep breaths, a little shaky from how hard her heart was beating. Sometimes she heard Winter and May but couldn’t truly process what they were saying.  
Oblivious relations: 4. Useless Lesbian: May Marigold. Penny Polendina.  
Error: System corrupted. Invalid analysis detected.
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advena87 · 4 years
Kaer Morhen shenanigans (but mostly Lambert’s) part 7
Here is: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10 and Daily Lambert
also Keira & Lambert’s love story, Aiden & Lambert’s love story and… this.
Lambert: Tomorrow’s garbage day.
Geralt: I can’t believe they made a whole day dedicated to you.
Eskel: I’m going to need everyone to be straight with each other from now on. No more games.
Lambert: I’m always straight.
Berengar: That’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told.
Vesemir: You know children -
Vesemir: they’re like animals.
Vesemir: You can say “please” and “thank you” and those brats will never repeat it.
Vesemir: But if you say “ass faced motherfucker” ONCE...
Geralt: *looking at himself in a mirror* Why is every single strand of my hair braided?!
Eskel: Well...
Geralt: ?
Eskel: You know... you fell asleep before Lambert did.
Berengar: You should be glad he didn't shave your head.
Lambert: You know, it’s at times like this that I wish I’d listened to what Vesemir told me.
Eskel: Why, what did he tell you?
Lambert: I don’t know, I didn’t listen.
Berengar: So you’re telling me if I do this we either defeat monster or we die?
Eskel: ...Yes, but I hope you will trust that-
Berengar: *already grabbing his sword* Well, why didn’t you tell me it was a win-win situation? Let’s go.
Guard: Put the sword down!
Lambert: I can’t, this is my emotional support murder weapon.
Lambert: I sort of did something and I need your advice, but I don't want any judgement or criticism.
Berengar: And you came to me? 
Berengar: It's a bird!
Berengar: It's a forktail!
Berengar: No, wait.
Berengar: It's just that flying fuck I don't give.
Vesemir: Lambert, what are you doing tomorrow?
Lambert: Having my day ruined with whatever you're about to ask me to do.
Eskel: I wanted to take a loan in Cianfanelli bank but I didn't get one, because I don't have birth certificate. Guys, we're socially excluded because we don't have a birth certificates.
Geralt: Eskel, birth certificate is one of the last reasons why we are socially excluded.
Lambert: Birth certificates are just receipts for human beings.
Berengar: How and where can I return myself?
Lambert: You can’t. You are no longer a human being and you don’t have a receipt. Ok, I didn’t want to do this, but I know one way we can get the money.
Berengar: You’d make a decent prostitute.
Lambert: I’d make an amazing prostitute, but I was actually talking about this guy I know.
Vesemir: See that ball of fire in the sky? That’s the sun. It goes by many names: Apollo’s lantern, day moon, old blazy. The important thing is, never stay in the sun for too long.
Berengar: Old man, we know what the sun is.
Vesemir: Yes, now you do.
Lambert: Vesemir, before you say anything else …
Lambert :
Vesemir :
Lambert :
Vesemir : *raises eyebrows*
Lambert : That’s it. We just don't want you to say anything.
Beremgar: Since it is impossible to tell which part of my life is the middle...
Berengar: I have decided to have an ongoing crisis.
Lambert: I'd like to offer moral support, but I have questionable morals.
Geralt: I don't understand why people like sleeping so much.
Berengar: It's a free trial of death.
Geralt: Berengar, wake up!
Berengar: I’m not sleeping, I’m dead. Leave flowers and get out.
Lambert: Hey, can you do a weird favour for me without asking difficult questions?
Geralt: Is that not the bedrock upon which our friendship is founded?
Vesemir: 99% of the time when random crap happens, you’re somehow involved!
Lambert: Ya, can’t you have a little faith in that last 1%?
Vesemir: Wait, you are involved in this?!
Lambert: You’ve known me for far too long to be as surprised by this news as you are.
Vesemir: And what about 1%?
Lambert: Vesemir, please. It's ONLY 1%!
Vesemir: But did you have to stab him?!
Lambert: You weren’t there. You didn’t hear what he said to me.
Vesemir: And what did he say?
Lambert: “What are you going to do? Stab me?”
Berengar: That’s fair 
Vesemir: Can you keep it straight Lambert?
Lambert: I can't keep myself straight, what makes you think I can keep a sword straight?
Lambert: All of you better duck, because I am about to turn left and I don't want to smack you with my dick
Berengar: It’s actually not uncommon to hear random explosions coming from the castle. That happens all the time.
Aiden: But what if it’s followed by screaming?
Berengar: That’s normal. And generally a good sign. Now, if it’s laughter-
*Explosion from upstairs, followed by muffled laughter*
Brengar: -then Lambert’s head has probably stuck in some hole again.
Aiden: Again.
Berengar: If you’ll excuse me, I have to go there and mock him. 
*meanwhile the rest of the witchers upstairs*
Eskel: Lambert, are you ok in there?
Lambert, with his head stuck in a hole: Eat a dick!
Geralt: Ok, yeah, he’s fine.
Vesemir, entering the room : What the hell is going on here?! Did you all hit your heads on each other’s heads?!
Eskel: Um no, but we have one head in the hole.
Lambert: I need a pencil, and a stegosaurus!
Eskel: You mean a thesaurus?
Lambert: Whatever!
Vesemir: Eskel is being tested for the gifted program at this school and my other sons… thinks their toothbrushes are haunted.
Berengar, writing in his diary: day 1 395. I’m stuck in what appears to be the witcher school, surrounded by bipedal creatures, with many types of mutations. After years of thorough observation, I have concluded…
Geralt: Yeeted
Lambert: Yote
Geralt: Yeeted
Lambert: Vesemir, tell Geralt it’s yote
Vesemir: I just want to know which one of you threw Eskel and his goat out of the third story window!
Berengar: …there is no intelligent life here.
Eskel: Where's Lambert?
Geralt: Probably off somewhere disappointing Vesemir.
Lambert, coming home two hours past curfew: Geralt? Eskel? I’m home.
Vesemir, sitting in the dark: Hi, home, I’m DISAPPOINTED.
Lambert: Ah, having your annual “Everyone Thinks Lambert Is A Lunatic” meeting?
Geralt: It’s biannual, and no, not that meeting.
Vesemir: Ever since you came to Kaer Morhen, I've done the best I could to raise you.
Vesemir: Have I been perfect? No!
Vesemir: Do I know anything about raising young boys? No!
Vesemir: Should I have picked up a book on parenting troubled kids? Probably!
Vesemir: ...Where was I going with this? I had a point.
Lambert: Cool story bro. No one cares.
Vesemir, proud: LOOK! It’s the good keep!
Lambert: This is Kaer Morhen, how good could it possibly be.
Vesemir: …
If you douse me again, and I’m not on fire, I’m donating your charred corpse to medical academy in Oxenfurt.
- Geralt, to Lambert, while first figuring out Igni
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