#well I can imagine because my mom gets it really badly but only can imagine
The dr is right I don’t elevate my heart rate like hardly at all so like yes I need to take better care of my body so it can take care of me, but I can’t help but feel 1000% invalidated when I give you an entire medical history and list of symptoms and the only thing you tell me is to exercise and lose weight. Whatever. Going to get strong so I can kill and be harder to kill.
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ary11y · 3 months
I love giving lyrics a whole other meaning and making them fit an oc
#I'm listening to audit by weevildoing#it's a fan song in which a character ruins his life by drinking right?#wrong! it's a song about how a character addicted to cannibalism (though he won't admit he's addicted) finally loses it and snaps at his#brother and rubs away which ends up with him getting injured badly#(talking about cameron btw#he's a cannibal but in his defense he needs human meat to live (he got that need when being experimented on))#anyway that experience on the lab really messed him up (with good reason) lol#imagine you finally achieving your dream of going to an english speaking country and getting the hell out of mexico#and not only that but you get to be with your mom and younger brother! dad? who is that??#but as soon as you finally settle in on your house full of excitement about everything you can check out in here#some people break in and take you away and takes your younger brother away just because he was trying to protect you#leaving your mother all alone by herself!#and then when your little brother does some... questionable stuff to get everyone kidnapped out you realize you lost your chance to#go to an actually good college get a well paid job and make it far just because of being kidnapped#also your little brother doesn't even seem to care about what they both lost because of being kidnapped and since you don't wanna seem#like a sopping wet cat you just suck it up and open a restaurant since you like cooking#ok sorry i got too excited and told all the cameron lore#but anyways#cameron now lives with jack (his younger brother) and the weird blue alien he kidnapped :)#and he's ok now btw he just got a little too silly with the cannibalism that time but he's mentally stable now... somewhat...#jack probably doesn't think of him the same after that though lol#tw cannibalism mention#tw kidnap mention#you used to call me on my cellphone
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flamingpudding · 4 months
I just got done reading the prompt that I asked you about and it's wonderful thank you so much and if you're okay with it I'm here to help you make a part two but if you don't want to do that that's okay I'm just adding some bonus to it.
I'm just imagining Danny full Ghost King attire showing up with two things to cookies one with kryptonite in them cuz I love the head can of ghosts eating good tonight like candy and the other set a normal batch of chocolate chip cookies. Looking down Young Justice being like in the most Patrick electric entity sounding voice with a country accent "I'm so just the cutest oddiest little berries on the bush" (sorry just speaking in my little country Danny headcannon)
But I can also see Danny being embarrassing for Klarion. Danny sit down the two trains of cookies Evan just start hugging and kissing his son on his head like the embarrassing mom he is talking about how he's so skinny and he should eat more. Also really nice to Young Justice it's like them realizing they just might by the end of the day be adopted by enemies mom.
Justice League is getting to the location ready to fight and do what they can just for a Young Justice member with a cookie in hand to walk up and explain and tell them to play along for free cookies.
RedRobin badly wants to try one of the kryptonite cookies to see what it would do if he ate it. Klarion keeps stopping him because as much as he doesn't like them he doesn't want RedRobin to die.
Who I'm just adding on a couple of things really love your writing though oh yeah what are your pronouns so I can know to refer to you as just asking.
So glad you liked it and no problem i don't mind at all. I was thinking about adding a part two honestly. Well then lets continue the shenanigans. I hope this part two won't disappoint either. And out of courtesy for once added people who asked for tags in the comments. Don't get used to it. I usually don't to tags. This is an exception for this awesome prompt idea.
The moment a Lazarus green portal started to open in the Living Room, Red Robin suffered a small, probably slightly traumatic, flashbacks to all the times he had seen the Lazarus Pits, but before he could even react Klarion tackled him to the ground with a distinctive hiss of "Play alone." His friends, the traitors, had managed to doge Klarion. Impulse had simple used his speed to step aside and Superboy apparently had headed a warning. Wonder Girl hadn't even been in the path of Klarions tackle. So this was why Red Robin was currently the only one getting sort of wrestled and put into a headlock on the ground in a hold he knew he could easily get out of but was to distracted by the ceiling high, eldritch as well as royal looking being stepped out of it.
The portal closed behind that being and Red Robin swallowed seeing six eyes in inky black that mirrored the night sky blink down at them.
"Klarion?" The static voice ringed in their ears and from the corner of his eyes Red Robin saw Superboy flinch visibly.
"Mom! Your early!" Red Robins head hit the floor as Klarion suddenly let him go to greet the being that's apparently his mother. He glared at the witch boy for that as he sat up and rubbed his had.
"Oh my, sorry my dear." Superboy flinched again, and Red robin could hear Impulse whispering to Wonder Girl if he was the only one seeing four mouths talk at the same time. Klarion appeared to have it heard to as he send them a quick glare over his shoulder before turning back to his mother.
"Mom, could you tune down on the eldritch?" Red Robin blinked stunned before seeing the bing apparently blush green in embarrassment and its form changing until there stood a man, about Red Hoods height still with a floating crown and a royal cape, but at least more human like and resembling Klarion but with more blueish skin before them.
"Sorry baby, I thought my royal appearance would make a better first impression." The man pinched the witch boys cheek lovingly, to witch Klarion whined out a drawn out "Mom."
The four young heroes couldn't help but stare, was that seriously their villain Klarion? The one that tried to cause chaos and make their lives difficult on regular basis?
"Klarion. Why is there a magic barrier around your apartment." The man in royal clothing suddenly asked and they blinked seeing Klarion flinch and laugh nervously. "Oh you know mom, keeping the bonding in one place so other mortals won't be bothered." To which the man cooed. He cooed!
"Bonding? What bonding?" The four heroes echoed blinked and exchanged stunned and confused looks. Bonding? What Bonding? What were they talking about? Sure they hadn't gotten a lot of explanations out of Klarion before that portal opened and apparently his entire act about his mother visiting was the true. It was clear that the witch boy's mother was some kind of other worldly being but it looked like there was more to it. Also considering the royal like outfit and the grown.... did that mean that they had been dealing with a prince of some kind as villain the entire time.
Suddenly the man bristled turning to glare at them back in his eldritch form towering over them. "Are you telling me you mortals have been ignoring my sons bonding?! And that is why my son's bonds don't appear to be properly formed?!"
They flinched back staring at that being that was now back to locking eldritch horror like with a crown and royal cape. Their eyes were locked onto the being, only distantly they realised that Klarion was pulling on his mother hissing something that sounded very much just like static to their ears. It to a while longer but finally the being drew back staring what sounded like a static filled discussion with Klarion and Impulse was pretty sure he had been ready to sully himself if it had taken any longer,
Apparently Klarion and his mother finished their exchanged as they both turned to them, his mom now again more human like looking. "Mom these are my friends. The punk looking guy is Superboy the half alien, Red Robin the one in red and black, you know Dinner boy. Impulse from the Flash-Clan and Wonder Girl one of the Amazonian. Guys this is my mom, Ghost King of the Infinite Realms."
Red Robin couldn't help the eye twitch at his introduction, he also noticed that Impulse flinched back as the mans eyes locked onto him and he didn't need Superboy's confirmation of having heard a grumble about 'why did it have to be a speedster'. Great so this eldritch being, apparently King and most likely a danger and possible hostile did not like one of them already. Why did Klarion ask them to play pretend friends again?
"Well I will be, you have quiet the colourful and oddest batch of fleshy mortals here." The man grinned at them, that were sharp teeth the four heroes observed. "Titles are a bit stuffy, feel free to call me Danny kids. Now come here. I brought some cookies with me."
Before they knew it the four of them were seated on the couch with a huge plate of cookies on the coffee table before them. The four of them blinked at the two kinds of cookies. Impulse was already reaching out to them fearlessly but Wonder Girl had the foresight to stop their friend for the moment. Superboy on the other hand appeared to look quiet queasy and was slowly turning green to the worry of Red robin. They noticed Klarion turning towards his Mom when he took note of this. "Mom! I have a Kryptonian friend! Why did you bring cookies with kryptonite chunks! Look! Superboy is turning green just looking at them."
The Ghost King, now known by the name Danny to them, appeared to be waving his son. "Oh he will be fine in a moment its not enough to completely bother his species, he will just be more human like till you ate all of them. These ones are more for you anyway, you are way to thin lately." Danny then turned to them with a smile. "Please feel free to eat the chuckles chip once. I can guarantee they are human friendly. My sister helped me make them. She is a liminal human."
That was all Impulse needed to rip his wrist free and stuff the first of the chocolate chips cookies into his mouth. "They are good!"
Danny smiled at them satisfied, and with that out of the way started to make small talk with them while also embarrassing his son with occasional comments like. "Oh you should have seen when Klarion first got Teekl." Or "He nearly burned down our entire castle when he started actually learning magic." Or "He used to be such a grumpy adult until he deaged and became such a cute grumpy little baby boy. Want to see photos?"
They never got to see photos to Wonder Girls disappointment. Klarion managed to cut in between suffering embarrassment and glaring at them for encouraging his mother to tell more embarrasing stories and forced the portal, his mother was going to reach into for the photos, to close.
By now the teens have become more relaxed around Danny. The man had a friendly charm to him and genuinely showed an interest in them as well as in the well bing of his son. They could understand why Klarion didn't want to disappoint a parent like that. They snacked on the cookies and Red Robin watched with interest whenever Klarion and Danny reached for one of the cookies with green Kryptonite chunks. Danny had mentioned off handedly in one of his stories of Klarion that they both used to be normal humans. Red Robin was very interested in this right now.
Suddenly Superboy elbowed Impulse and Red Robin, having caught the movement turned to them with an arched eyebrow. "Mentors." The other mouthed to them and they sighed, of course their mentors would show up sooner or later. They shared a glance and Red Robin took on the task to subtitle inform Klarion since they were sitting next to each other when Impulse excused himself to a toilet break shortly.
Red Robin used that quick distraction to reach towards the cookie plate.
Meanwhile Impulse came to a stop in front of the front door stopped by his foot from slamming shut behind him again, thankfully Klarion had removed his magic barrier that could have made this difficult. He had one cookie in hand and grinned up at their mentors and the Justice League Dark members.
"Hi everyone!" He greeted them cheerfully, taking a bite of his cookie.
"Impulse? Are you okay? What happened?!" Flash was instantly on the teen checking him over for any sort of injury. They were prepared to fight since Deadman had reported the location where the Ghost King had appeared. They had chosen to halt their search for the missing teens for the moment but had paled when Superman had mentioned he was hearing their voices from the same location.
"Oh i am fine! Great even. Did you know that there are other dimensions that have melon flavoured chips?" Impulse easily answered grinning. "Also you might wanna dile back on the battle ready aura you guys radiate. Klarions mom is visiting, pretty awesome guy."
"Klarion? The witch boy?" Wonder Woman asked stunned to which Impulse nodded. "Yea, pretty nice guy. Ghost King of a dimension that holds everything together like glue. Kinda badass."
"Bloody fucking..." Batman glared at Constantine who swallowed the rest of his curse. "The hell you mean the Ghost King is badass? That a fucking tyrannical blood hungry war maniac!"
Impulse blinked at them. "Really? I mean he does have scary form that made me nearly piss myself but he is pretty chill. Awesome parent, we get why Klarion loves his mom so much now."
The blond Brite pinched the bridge of his nose letting out a suffering sigh. "Just let us in mate, we will deal with this before our dimension can kiss its arse goodbye."
Impulse appeared to be thinking for a moment before shaking his head. "Uh nope. We are having a good time actually. A nice break. Sooooo no!" Before Flash or anyone else could react impulse stepped back closing the door into their faces. They blinked stunned, Batman was the first to recover stepped towards the door to attempt to open it only for his lockpick to be deflected by a red barrier suddenly appearing. The man growled turning to glare at the Justice League Dark members with a silent comment.
Inside the apartment a little bit earlier....
Klarion snatched another green glowing cookie from Red Robins hands with a glare at the other teen, who only glared back. Danny was watching them amused feeling reminded of himself and Tucker by their interaction. But then his attention turned to Wonder Girl as she asked for another story about Klarions childhood.
A moment later Klarion felt a nudge and looked at Superboy who nudged him across a pouting Red Robin who got another green glowing cookie snatched from him. The witch boy arched an eyebrow when Superboy asked to recreated the barrier to keep their mentors out but did so the moment Impulse was back with them with already three new chocolate cookies in hand as he joined Wonder Girl in fishing for more stories.
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c0zyrainfall · 5 months
Damian: Ooh. There's a cute girl over there.
Anya: What.
Damian: Do you wanna be my friend? Only if your dad is an elitist tho
Anya: My dad's a doctor
Damian: Ew imagine being as poor as the upper middle class
Anya: No
Damian: I hate you.
Anya: I hate you too.
Anya: Ugh, I'm sorry for punching you I guess.
Damian: I'm literally in love with you.
Anya: what
Anya: what 😭
Anya: Guess I'll befriend him? For the mission!
Damian: I cannot stand the sight of you crying. You're not allowed to cry in my presence. It's too dangerous because I'll just give you anything you want.
Anya: I want sweets
Damian: You're so unfair
Anya: Well shoot, you're gonna get a tonitrus bolt unless I save you rn.
Damian: No
Anya: Take my hankerchief
Damian: I literally owe you my life now
Anya: I'll settle for cake.
Anya: Omg our moms are friends now. We should become friends so we can beat them at friendship
Damian: Hold up did my mom reveal all my embarrassing secrets
Anya: Nah
Damian: Darn... I mean that's great, but we're still not friends
Anya: Camping trip!
Damian: Camping trip:
Anya and Damian: wait no we're stuck in the woods together
Damian: Guess I'll hold your hand 🙄
Anya: 🥹
Damian: Ugh I brought the cake... Nvm my friends ate it
Anya: Omg a terrorist hijacked the bus. I'm gonna go save everyone
Damian: Wait no ur gonna get yourself killed!
Anya: what are you worried
Damian: Yeah kinda 😭 Just a lil but only because you're my classmate
Anya: well too bad I'm saving everyone anyways... Oh nvm the terrorists just strapped a bomb to my neck.
Damian: Put it on me instead
Anya: ....
Anya: I saved everyone
Damian: I guess you did. That was kind of a little bit cool.
Anya: Well you were pretty cool too when you tried to take the bomb for me
Damian: I only did it cuz we're friends 😭
Anya: We're friends?!?!?!
Damian: NO
Anya: OHOHO other people think I'm cool now. I don't need Damian anymore
Damian: Say WHAT
Becky: Ur jealous lol.
Damian: No
Ewen: Space is cool
Damian: Whatever
Ewen: OMG Anya we share a common interest in space!
Anya: I want to build a castle on the moon!
Damian: When I grow up I'll make it so you can go to space whenever you want. I will literally build you a castle on the moon.
Becky: You are SO jealous lol
Damian: Well I can't really deny it now can I
Damian: I literally got Anya the most expensive cake in the world. But only to pay my blood debt to her for the handkerchief thing, and for no other reasons.
Anya: Omg give me the cake.. I mean, be my friend.
Damian: She wants to square up???
Anya: No. I want to be your friend.
Damian: Idk why she wants to fight me so badly but I guess I'll oblige as an excuse to spend time with her... I mean to give her the cake.
Anya: Omg just give me the cake already.
Anya: Yeah okay we can be friends now! Gotta beat our moms at the friendship scheme.
Damian: Wait she's in love with me
Anya: King of jumping to conclusions over here 😭 Omg nevermind pls leave me alone
Damian: Queen of mixed signals you make no sense 😭
Anya: Bro chill we're literally in first grade 💀✋
Damian: Haha, you're too dumb to make it into the same class as me next semester
Anya: Oh wait ur right :(
Damian: Wait but what if she actually beats me though
Anya: I drew a beard into my face with permanent marker.
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starfxkr · 16 days
oh yes… tp!jj is finally suffering the way i want him to! thank you john b for this life changing opportunity. reader starting to look at him with resentment in her eyes… maybe in the way that she looks at her mom almost, which really solidifies how badly hes infiltrated her life nd doin her dirty with what seems to her with no remorse is just… ruining her. having her smell like john b unlocks that manic part of his brain he was able to lock away with age is very alarming nd kinda scary! because lets be honest, he could never actually grow out of that terrible side of his personality, nd to have john b, his closest friend, his confidant, nd the only one he can really call family, being the catalyst of this makes him feel backed up in a corner.
thank you to that anon for mentioning his control issues bc it rears its ugly head again— he gets horrible tunnel vision with her nd id like to imagine that he doesnt let her leave his side during those few days. the random splurge of possessiveness is just his insecurity nd inability to properly communicate his feelings to you, even at his big age lol. he needs to kick it into high gear nd fix this mess, bc upon realizing that apology fucks arent working but in fact strains their relationship even more? he loses his mind lol :3 our dear reader deserves to slap ts out of him at some point!
— 🦢
its what he deserves....because when john b's around and jj's nice you realize 'oh! he coulda always been this way but he chose not to' so its no fuckin wonder that not only do you prefer when john b is around you start to prefer being around him period.
you make no secret of it either and while jombee is smug about it first it doesn't take him long to pull jj to the side and tell him you're gonna go for good if jj doesn't get it together. because when its coming up on the day jombee has to leave you get depressed, you won't leave his side and you won't stop crying asking him to stay.
this in turn makes jj extremely anxious, and we all know his anxiety takes form as anger. it becomes why are you acting like this you know he has to go, and, so what you wanna be with him now? you're gonna fuckin leave me? when that's not at all what you said and now you're more upset because he's getting so fuckin aggressive about it. and jj has no problem basically locking the two of you in the room the day john b leaves, he might not even let you say goodbye because he's stripped the sheets and fucks loud and hard so john b can hear.
but the thing is? john b doesn't care. well of course he cares about you being upset and not being able to say bye because he's genuinely very fond of you and has grown to really care for you. but its jjs possessive behavior that doesnt move him, because when jj inevitably wears himself out, john b just comes around to the window and gives you a kiss good bye and little pep talk through there.
honestly jj's hit the self destructive "im gonna destroy all my relationships" stage by this point which he's aware of and it terrifies him because he only just got you back but it's like he's watching himself from another body and he cannot stop his actions.
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Kang’s gradual and complete breakdown
On rewatch, we were given a significant number of clues as to how bad Kang’s mental state is going into his conversation with Grandma Ging:
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First, he stops and looks in on his dad. It’s easy to imagine that Kang is remembering how excited he’d been at the newfound hope that they might be able to repair their relationship, but that now seeing him on life support, Kang’s wondering if he’ll ever get to talk to him again.
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Then, Grandma Ging tells us two pieces of what I think are critical information — Kang was supposed to stay in the house but he left in the middle of the night.
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The last time this happened, when she was in the hospital and the dad stayed, we know it was only Kang and Sailom in the house. So now, we can infer Kang would have been all alone with all those big, dark, empty rooms. He would have had nothing to think about but his dad is possibly dying and how he pushed Sailom away. He would have been helpless but to remember how Sailom was with him the last time — how back then they were on the cusp of becoming boyfriends.
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Then, Kang asks this. He outright tells us he couldn’t sleep and he needed comfort.
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We know Kang has trouble sleeping when he’s anxious.
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It’s not hard to imagine that he’s been like this every night since Sailom packed his things.
@criticallyobs speculates in their reaction episode that “hug you to sleep” might have been something Kang did with his mom.
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He’s also asked that of Sailom, on a night before important exams. (I’m not crying at the idea that Sailom has taken on a role Kang’s mom used to play!! My screen just suddenly got blurry!!)
So before she ever brings up Saifah, we know (1) Kang probably hasn’t slept in days, (2) Kang is anxious, (3) Kang has been drowning in worry for his dad and thoughts of Sailom.
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Well, then immediately after he came to her for comfort, she asks him about the subject that’s been torturing him. And look at him — he looks sick at the idea.
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He is a relatively simple thinker so he asks this. In his mind, why would Saifah confess if he were innocent? This is a great example of a situation where he would normally lean on Sailom to help tease out a complex topic but can’t anymore.
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And then, it gets even worse. Because if he didn’t want to talk about Saifah when he walked into the room, do you know who he really didn’t want to talk about? Saifah’s brother.
Grandma Ging is telling him here, Saifah would not have done this because not being in our home badly hurts Sailom. Someone who loves Sailom would not want to see him hurt.
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I feel like any time I defend Kang I need to put these screenshots in, because not doing so would seem like trying to hide these words. Which again, are terrible.
But I said before, in ‘In Defense of Kang’ that what Kang is actually doing here is (obnoxiously) trying to justify his own actions to himself. He’s leaning on words he’s probably heard from his dad. He CANNOT have been wrong about Saifah. That is impossible to think about, because then it means that he threw the person he loved into a “difficult situation” for absolutely no reason (leaving aside the fact that he handled the situation badly even if Saifah were guilty). Grandma Ging has just point blank told him, if you love someone you wouldn’t do something like this.
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This is Kang’s face immediately after he gives that little speech. He doesn’t believe his own words. He very clearly feels worse than he did before he walked into the room.
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He already knew on some level that he made a mistake in sending Sailom away the night Sailom first left.
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But this is when the full magnitude of his actions start to hit him.
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Kang had already been grappling with the knowledge that he’d badly wronged Sailom when Sailom called him. He got to experience exactly one second of hope that Sailom wanted to reconcile, only for it to turn into a waking nightmare. This initial anger is his fear and self loathing bursting out.
((I do want to caveat before I continue that I do not believe it is entirely Kang’s fault that Sailom turned to escorting. Sailom turned down a genuine offer of help from his friends.
But Kang’s actions indisputably played a role. And he was forced to see in horrifying detail the consequences of him depriving Sailom of his support.))
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Seeing Sailom scared and groggy and confused, shirt still hanging open from his near assault showed Kang in painful detail exactly how badly he failed to take care of the person he loves. In the face of this, anger so so quickly gives way to overwhelming regret.
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Kang’s breakdown here is the final escalation of how he’s already been feeling since the moment Sailom walked out of his house. The escort scene gave the final blow necessary for Kang to shatter. It ensured Kang will never ever forget the importance of his role as a protector.
However, Kang had already been well on his way here for days.
(Find Sailom’s version here)
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honeyjars-sims · 5 months
2.7 Opening Up
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Lexie: It’s too bad we got assigned to set design for the first production, but at least we’ll be able to hang out together. 
Johnny: Yeah, it looks like most of the acting roles went to the juniors and seniors. Maybe next year we’ll have better luck.
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Lexie: Well, the semester’s just getting started. Who knows what will happen. We could impress them with our sick acting skills and get the leads next time. 
Johnny: [laughing] I support your delusional optimism! Oh, I almost forgot…my mom wanted me to tell you hi and that she enjoyed meeting you.
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Lexie: Hmm, that’s nice of her. I guess let her know I said hi as well.
Johnny: [teasingly] You’re not going to say it was nice to meet her too?
Lexie: No comment.
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Johnny: I don’t blame you! Honestly, it went better than I was expecting.
Lexie: Really? That's kind of sad.
Johnny: Yeah, unfortunately, that was just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to my mom. 
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Lexie: Well, it really bothered me how she was speaking about you. I kept trying to change the subject, but she’d always end up making some snarky little comment. 
Johnny: I’m used to it, I guess. The thing is, if I’d called her out she’d say I was overreacting. In the past, I would’ve believed her, but now…not so much.
Lexie: Good, because she’s wrong about you. I can’t imagine how it affected you to hear that as a child, or even now.
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Johnny: [sighs] I wish I could say that was the worst thing I had to deal with as a kid, but it wasn’t by a long shot. If you don’t mind, I think I’m ready to talk to you about it.
Lexie: Of course. You can tell me anything. Let's go somewhere more private.
TW: The dialogue below includes discussion of child abuse and drug abuse (not graphic but please use your own discretion if this topic is triggering to you).
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Johnny: It wasn’t just my mom who treated me badly. It was also her husband, Jimmy. I refuse to call him my stepdad because he wasn’t any kind of parent to me. He was way worse, though. With my mom it’s this kind of passive aggressive backhanded shit, but Jimmy? He was full-on aggressive. Not just with his words, either. 
Lexie: Oh my God, he hurt you? Johnny, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know it was that bad.
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Johnny: Yeah, it was pretty awful. I started having nightmares and I was anxious all the time. I tried to talk to my mom about it, but I was too scared to tell her what was really going on so she thought I was just being dramatic. 
Lexie: Geez, I can’t imagine my parents just brushing me off like that. You must have been terrified.
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Johnny: I was. It only got worse when my mom started doing drugs. By that time I was old enough to start fighting back and all the blame fell on me. Jimmy almost convinced mom to send me to military school but then my dads got custody of me and Chantal.
Lexie: Thank God for your dads! 
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Johnny: For real, I’m so grateful for them. It’s weird, though…whenever a kid gets away from their abusive family, everyone expects them to be happy about it. No one ever talks about all the mixed emotions. I knew I was better off with my dads, but I still thought about the good times I had with my mom. It was hard to leave her.
Lexie: I think I understand more why you’re still trying to work things out with her. It sounds like the whole situation was really traumatic for you.
Johnny: Yeah, even when I wasn’t talking to her I always had this feeling of “what if?” Like maybe there is a way to fix everything and make it go away.
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Lexie: Some things can’t be fixed, no matter how hard you try. I don’t know if your relationship with your mom is one of them, but I hope you’ll recognize when it’s time to let go if it comes to that.
Johnny: I think I will. I’m going to give it more time, but I’m starting to feel like…like I deserve better. I didn’t feel that way before.
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Lexie: You deserve so much better, Johnny. You’re so much more than what your mom sees you as. And Jimmy. He better hope I never see him ‘cause I’ll kick him right in the balls!
Johnny: [laughing] Lexie! I’ve never heard you so angry before. I can’t see you doing something like that, you’re too sweet.
Lexie: I’d do it to him! And I’d enjoy watching him suffer. Oh, sorry, I probably shouldn’t be so violent about it. It just really got me worked up. 
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Johnny: It’s ok. You’re cute when you’re protective.
Lexie: Well, consider me your bodyguard, then.
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thebiggerbear · 5 months
WIP Wednesday - Jason Teague x Reader - 1/17/24
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A/N: So I was going over the drafts I had for the prompt responses I recently did for Jason and I was quickly reminded that I had written more for both but my beta had recommended I cut them shorter and possibly set up a part 2 for each because there was enough material there to develop to continue both story lines. So I'm gonna give it a whirl because I loved the dynamics between those readers and Jason, but I also love exploring that whole struggle Jason has when his mother shows back up.
This is part of this prompt response.
Reader is 18. Similar dynamic to Jason and Lana's relationship in the show.
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Please do not do any of the above. Thank you for your understanding.
dividers by @firefly-graphics
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187
Jason Taglist: @deans-spinster-witch; @birdiellie; @heartlessdelusions; @nancymcl; @illicithallways; @muhahaha303
Jensen Taglist: @samanddeaninatrenchcoat
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You glanced up at him, seeing annoyance in his expression. “What’s wrong? Who is it?”
Jason slapped his phone shut and tossed it onto his desk behind you, shaking his head. You took notice of his tightening jaw. “My mom. She keeps calling me and I don’t really wanna talk to her.”
“Is she still on your case about Paris?”
“Yep.” He popped the ‘p’ and moved away to grab his backpack. 
“I don’t get it. You’re in the middle of the semester. Why does she want you to go right now so badly?”
He had his back to you as he slipped on his jacket and shrugged. “She’s a big believer in traveling whenever you can, that’s all. She’s an Eiffel Tower fan and she wants me to see it while I’m still young enough to race to the top or something.” He laughed but it sounded slightly forced and you had to wonder why. 
But seeing the tense set of his shoulders and knowing how much it bothered him every time his mom tried to contact him, knowing how he felt about her and their relationship, you decided you would ask him about it later when he was more relaxed. You made your way over to him and hugged him from behind. You smiled when you felt him cover your hand on his chest with his own. 
“Well, if you want, we can go and see it together. I’ll be free once I graduate, it’s only a few months away and you won’t be a grandpa by then,” you joked. When he didn’t laugh with you, you began to frown. This was really bothering him. “Or we could go over Christmas break maybe. We won’t have as much time then or even over spring break but we could spend a few days and then go back over the summer if we really like it.” Still no response. “It’s just an idea. But if you want to go with your mom or by yourself to check it out, that’s fine, too. Whatever you want.” You laid your head against his back. “I just want you to be happy, Jason,” you whispered. You felt him squeeze your hand and you smiled.
A moment later, he turned in your arms and framed your face with his hands, staring down into your eyes. “I don’t want to take you to Paris.” Your face fell and you couldn’t help it. If he didn’t want to take you to Paris, that was fine. But the way he said it, just so matter of factly, as if he couldn’t even imagine you both taking the trip together as a remote possibility — well, that hurt.
His gaze was intense before a tiny smile erupted onto his face, that warmth in his green eyes returning. “I want to take you to Italy.”
“Italy?” You asked in shock.
His smile grew. “Yeah. Italy is beautiful and has so many more places for us to check out and explore. I want us to see Rome — we can get a Vespa and see the Vatican up close. And we’ll see Venice and Florence and Sicily and the Amalfi Coast. We could go all over and see everything. So if we go somewhere in Europe together, Y/N, I want it to be Italy. Not Paris. I don’t have anything I want to see or explore in Paris. Just Italy, with you.”           
He watched you expectantly, waiting for your answer. You certainly liked the idea and you had always wanted to travel abroad at some point in your life. Italy was definitely on that list and you’d be going with your favorite person on the planet, so how could you — or why would you — say no? “Okay,” you agreed. “I’ve always wanted to see the Trevi Fountain ever since I saw it in an old movie that one time so that would be fun.” 
Relief bloomed in his expression and the warmth in his eyes grew as did his smile, the happiness radiating from him being absolutely breathtaking. It was almost as if he had been desperate and you threw him a lifeline with your answer. You didn’t know why he was so against Paris other than what he’d already told you, but perhaps someday soon he would tell you when he was ready and you could help him in whatever way you could. 
He kissed you soundly and threw his backpack over his shoulder. “We’ll go over the summer so neither of us have to worry about classes and we’ll have more time and fit more things in. We can spend a week in Rome, a week at Lake Como — right on the water — and we’ll check out Tuscany, maybe even Sicily, too. I can start coming up with a budget plan this weekend.” He took your hand and intertwined your fingers as he chattered away happily, beaming at you. You were happy to see him practically bouncing with excitement. 
But unfortunately, you both forgot where you were. Even as Jason snatched his cell phone off of his desk and you picked up your bag, you both weren’t fast enough to drop hands when a knock came on the office door and it swung open to reveal your friend, Lana Lang.
Jason reacted faster than you did and was quickly in front of you, clearing his throat. “Yes, Miss Lang?” 
She glanced between the two of you and you bit your lip, begging her with your eyes not to say a word while hoping like hell that she didn’t see anything.
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A/N: Uh oh. What do you think is going to happen now that Lana might have seen them? And do you think the persistent Mrs. Genevieve Teague will give up that easily?
Please let me know what you think. 👉👈
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1d1195 · 1 year
Normal People V
I'm sorry this took so long. You can read the rest of it here: Normal People
I got one more part of this for sure, in my head. Just got to put everything together. I think this part is kind of all over the place, but I kind of like it. I hope you do too.
She looked at the guy that broke her heart more times than she could ever count. The brown curls and the perfect dimples. She thought back to the time she used her own finger to pretend Harry was tracing her face. It seemed like a lifetime ago...a whole different person ago. Harry was the only one that ever managed to make her feel whole...then and now.
Harry remembered the first time he saw her smiling and laughing with the guy beside her that obviously adored her—he looked much more than nice towards her. He looked like he would do anything to make her smile. But she said he didn’t really do anything for her—she was too independent. Of course, she was...that was Harry’s fault...and probably everyone else at school.
She gave a wave in Harry’s direction once while they were at the same café one morning. Her boyfriend turned to glance at Harry and then he murmured something to her. Whatever she responded with, she gave Harry a wink and smile as she spoke. He nodded and waved as well, finally. She wrapped her arm around his and they turned back to wait for their drinks before heading out the door.
Harry thought about how she said it wouldn’t go anywhere—he clung to that idea because all he could imagine was her being with him. His arm wrapped with hers while they got coffee each morning. It hurt Harry to think about how badly he blew things with her. He remembered saying to Mum that she shouldn’t forgive him...he meant that; he didn’t deserve her forgiveness, but all of this was so much for his heart, and he just wanted to be with her—he wouldn’t be stupid anymore.
It's in the library that he finds her when he was looking for a book for one of his classes. He had been hanging out at the library a lot since he was hiding from himself, his emotions, and Niall with his personal questions. He hadn’t seen her since the café but it all sort of worked out well—he was getting his schoolwork done a lot faster without the distractions. Yet here she was with tears in her eyes, and he immediately wanted to murder someone.
Harry was used to being the cause of her sadness but now that he knows he had hardly spoken to her recently, he felt okay assuming it wasn’t his fault this time. “Oh, love,” he cooed softly sitting beside her quickly and offering her a tissue from his backpack. Gemma had given him the tip: “either your allergies would act up or classes would make you cry...or maybe you’ll see some girl crying over a guy in the dining hall.” Gem was close enough and it made Harry sad that she was right. The poor girl sniffled.
“Thank you,” she mumbled.
They didn’t speak for a few moments and Harry awkwardly reached out to rest his hand just below the back of her neck. Gently, he rubbed a circle over her shirt as he tried to soothe her. He didn’t want her to say anything if she didn’t want to. He would be there for her. It wasn’t his job to judge or comment. He had no right to tell her anything he thought or assumed about her relationship. As far as Harry knew that guy treated her better than—
“I miss my mom,” she whispered. Harry couldn’t imagine life without his mum, so he just nodded. He was hopeful the tears were about her mother and not the guy in her life. He could comfort her a lot more reasonably. Again, he didn’t understand her grief fully, so he just stayed quiet, waiting for her to continue if she wanted. “She wouldn’t let me date him,” she said knowingly.
Harry sighed. It was about him. Harry had no high horse. He wasn’t any better than this guy that made her cry. “Isn’t that enough?” He asked. “Jus’ knowing?”
She shrugged then shook her head. “It’s different.” He didn’t want to argue with her because of course he didn’t know, and he would never ask her to put something so vulnerable into words. He believed her implicitly. She knew her best because no one else had ever gotten close enough to know her. “Do you remember seeing us at the café a few weeks ago?” Harry thought about it every day, so he nodded a few times silently remembering how much he hated the guy beside her because he wasn’t him. “I told him you were my best friend,” she whispered. Harry felt a lightness in his heart that he didn’t know could exist. His hand fell from her body and the words couldn’t form in his mouth if he tried. “I’m sorry,” she apologized and now Harry couldn’t not speak.
“Sorry for what, kitten?” He asked quietly.
“I-I know you don’t want to be my best friend.”
“Oh, for fucks sake,” he hissed under his breath. “Kitten, I...” he rubbed a hand over his face. “You are my best friend.”
Harry would hate himself for the rest of his life. Regardless of if he ever did end up marrying her. The relief on her face was so tragically beautiful, Harry wanted to take back what he said only so she would stop looking so happy for such a shitty best friend like him. In actuality, Harry would never take that sentence back—because she was his best friend despite everything.
But Harry hated the way the relief looked on her face. He didn’t deserve it. Not after all those days he spent hiding from her. All the days he ignored her and didn’t protect her from his “friends.” It wasn’t fair that she looked at him like he was a life vest when he was drowning in guilt. He wished she knew how strong she was without him—without anyone really.
“I am?” She whispered.
“Love, you are the best person,” he said softly.
Smiling through a bunch of tears she sighed out an anxious breath. “That’s good.”
Harry couldn’t tell you why he was at the library anymore. It felt like his only purpose was to sit next to this beautiful girl and chat with her until they were all caught up and said a lot of things that they hid from one another until that point so that Harry really, truly could confidently say that she was his best friend.
“I think there’s something wrong with men,” she said as she entered Harry’s room. He heard her say hello to Niall as she got there so he was anticipating her arrival the moment his door opened. Without saying hi to him, or breaking stride, she flopped down on Harry’s bed.
He smirked at her. “M’sorry,” he said. “On behalf of the lot of us.”
She shrugged. “You’re alright,” she mumbled and then rolled onto her stomach to shove her face in the pillow. After a few moments she turned her head to the side so she could look at him. “I let him manipulate me,” she said softly.
Harry was in the middle of composing a song; one that he had been writing for years but never letting it breach his subconscious. But he stopped trying to force it down and let it flow out of him.
Up until this moment where she was being manipulated by some man that didn’t deserve her. Harry didn’t deserve her either, but he would be damned if he didn’t spend the rest of his days protecting her the way he should have for the last fifteen or so years. “What d’you mean?”
“Just...” she sighed. Harry turned in his seat and waited patiently but it felt agonizing. He wanted her to skip to the part where she told him where he was so he could kill him. “I bring it on myself, I think.”
Harry shook his head. “Can y’clarify what y’mean, kitten?”
She bit her lip and stared at the ceiling. It was easier to look at the white paint than Harry at this moment. “I do things for him. He gets mad. But I tell him it’s easier for me than for him. And I don’t mind. Then he just lets me do them. He doesn’t help.”
“So why don’t y’stop doing things?”
She was quiet for a few moments. “Because I think if I don’t do things for people they’ll leave me,” she explained.
Harry could feel the sadness seep from her all the way across the room to him. He wanted to cry. He made a vow to himself that he would never let her lift a finger on his behalf. She would never have to. Not while he was around. “M’sorry, love,” he didn’t know what else to say. “I know s’not the same...but...y’don’t have t’do anything for me...I don’t plan on going anywhere.”
Again, silence for a few moments. “Can I ask you to do something, and can it not be a thing?” She asked. Harry thought about how she was constantly surprising him. She was always her own person and never hid or shied away from Harry and her own personality. But Harry usually led all the make out sessions and tended to lead the direction of their conversations because she seemed nervous to say the wrong thing. Harry was so proud of how she would ask him anything, say anything to him now, and she didn’t bat an eyelash. He had no right to be proud because any functioning adult relationship and conversation was composed of those attributes. He solely took the blame for her shitty school experiences, and he was grateful she was in his life now and doing well despite his shitty friends and his lack of help.
Harry still hoped she would ask him to punch himself in the face to make up for all the damage he caused. He thought about the day she asked him to leave her alone a lot. “Course,” he hummed.
“C’mere,” she said and gently patted the mattress beside her as she scooted back to the wall and laid on her side. Harry felt his heart rapidly speed up and thunder against his ribs. He got up and sat on the edge of his bed unsure that this was the best idea. “I don’t bite,” she promised. He chuckled with slight relief at her teasing, and he settled down to lie facing her. She smiled sweetly and then scooted forward so her face was tucked into his chest. She had one arm beneath the pillow and the other lazily looped over his waist. His arm slid beside the crook of her neck and the other he rested at her hip. “Thanks,” she whispered and her warm breath penetrated his t-shirt, through his skin, and touched his rapidly beating heart.
It was just a regular old day between the two of them. She was lying on his bed. He was at his desk. But suddenly it wasn’t a regular day. Suddenly she was about to change one of their regular old days into something entirely new and different. “When was the last time we kissed, you think?”
Harry felt his face warm, and he swallowed the lump in his throat. He had been counting the minutes since he last kissed her. It was much too long. “Fourteen and a half months.”
“I think that should be corrected, no?” She said moving from lying to sitting.
“You want to kiss me?” He asked near breathlessly.
“I take my teaching very seriously and don’t want you out of practice,” her smile was so mischievous, Harry wanted to kiss every inch of her body.
“Are you drunk?”
“I don’t like the insinuation that I would only kiss you while drunk.”
“You know how I feel about you calling me that.”
Now his brain felt tired. That didn’t make any sense. “You want t’kiss me, but I can’t call y’kitten?”
She sighed. Folded her hands in her lap and looked away from him. “I can’t get attached to you again...not like that,” she whispered. “But I really liked kissing you and being around you and it’s not fair you just pulled yourself away from me...so I can’t take that—"
Harry melted. Fully, totally. He dropped to his knees in front of her on his bed. He placed his hands on the bed outside her thighs. He didn’t want to touch her if she didn’t want it. “Kitten,” he practically cooed.
His lips pressed against hers. Just like the first time he kissed her, she pulled back quickly; surprised and nervous at the touch of his soft lips. She put a finger to her lips and Harry watched the way her grown maturity and strength faltered behind her eyes. Harry hated that he was the cause of it. “Kitten, I won’t be going anywhere. I want to kiss you a lot. And I want to call you kitten.”
Her eyes looked so distrustful. But she had never trusted anyone but Harry before. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. “Do we have to have any rules or—”
“No, no, love. No rules. Just you and me.”
She nodded, still seeming unsure. “Okay.”
“Okay?” Harry would do anything to take the distrust from her.
Another nod. “Kiss me again...please.”
Smiling, he bobbed his head up and down quickly. His face felt warm again. It had only been two minutes since the last kiss, but Harry was desperate after all the time he spent not kissing her, all the same as those fourteen and half months. The time spent not holding her seemed overwhelming. He wondered if she felt the same way. “Yes, love,” his fingers snaked through the hair at the back of her head. Inching her back on his bed, he slid in beside her and pressed his lips over hers.
“Harry!” Niall shouted, causing Harry to fall off his bed with a loud thud.
It took Harry a moment to realize he was asleep, the kiss, the bed, all of it was unreal. At least the last few moments. She was still there beside him on the bed. But now he was groaning as she giggled where she looked over the edge at him grumbling on the floor. It seemed so cruel after what he thought he was doing on the bed with her. “Sorry, Ni, he was asleep,” she called back sleepily. It occurred to him they were actually taking a nap together.
“Lazy bones,” Niall called back.
“You okay, Harry?” She asked softly. She was rubbing her eye of the sleep and Harry thought he’d never be okay if she was going to look so adorable and cute like that fresh out of a nap. “Sorry for hogging the bed,” she murmured, and she maneuvered to the floor beside him and rubbed his head. He leaned into her hand a bit. It wasn’t her fault, and it wasn’t that serious. Harry had a small bed and when he dreamed, he was always dreaming of her.
He shook his head and sighed. “What d’you want Ni?”
“Do you and the missus wanna come out tonight?”
Harry looked at her peripherally to see how her cheek pinked at the nickname, her hair fell in front of her face as she gazed forward in an attempt to hide from Harry how she was affected by Niall calling her the missus. Harry liked it a lot, but he had to be casual.
“D’you wanna go out?” He asked quietly.
She shrugged. “Maybe for a little while.”
“We’ll be down in a bit,” he called back to him.
“Does he mind y’being here all the time?” He wondered. It had been nearly a month since she started coming over regularly. Niall kept joking she would have to pay rent soon. She told him she would bake something for him.
“Don’t joke with me like that, kitten,” Niall said seriously.
Harry rolled his eyes and ushered her upstairs as quickly as he could. “Does who mind? Niall? I think he made that clear—”
“No,” he shook his head ignoring her joke. It suddenly seemed serious. As much as Harry hated the guy and thought no one deserved her, if she stayed with him, there were reasons. Reasons he didn’t want to understand but he didn’t get to judge. She put the book down that she was reading, and she sat up against the wall of his bed. She tilted her head at Harry. “Your boyfriend.”
“What boyfriend?” She asked without any emotion in her voice.
Harry stared at her, blinked at the abruptness. “Did I miss something?”
“Harry, we broke up.”
It felt like the world was no longer spinning. How did he miss that? Was she crying? No...no way. Not here. He hadn’t seen her cry since the library. “Kitten, I didn’t know.”
“I try not to advertise my heartache as much as possible.”
“M’so sorry, love,” and he was sorry. He meant it seriously. “I...I wish y’told me, I would have—”
“Harry, I came over the day we broke up,” she said. “I told you I had a bad day and you put on a movie I used to watch as a child, you got me my favorite coffee, and we laid here all afternoon while it rained.” Harry thought that sounded like a regular old day to him...at least now that she was so prominent in his life.
“M’still really sorry.”
She shrugged. “I told you I didn’t think it was going to work out.”
He nodded in agreement. “I hoped it would, for you...he seemed like a nice enough guy despite...” he didn’t really believe that. He didn’t think she was worthy of anyone. But for a moment in time, he made her happy. That’s all Harry wanted for her. “Well...can I get y’something now that I actually know?” He wondered.
She looked at the guy that broke her heart more times than she could ever count. The brown curls and the perfect dimples. She thought back to the time she used her own finger to pretend Harry was tracing her face. It seemed like a lifetime ago...a whole different person ago. Harry was the only one that ever managed to make her feel whole...then and now.
She thought about asking him to make out again. But she didn’t think Harry liked her like that anymore. Of course, they shared a bed a lot of afternoons and he called her kitten a lot. He confessed he loved her one time after she saw him for the first time in college. But once more she repelled him away and told him he didn’t. It was nearly forgotten...maybe it was the alcohol talking and she could push the idea away that the guy she had loved for so many years loved her back.
She thought about that moment a lot. Thought about how easy it would be to fall more in love with Harry. Especially this new Harry that was so gentle and sweet to her. She wondered if her heart could take it. The idea of him not being in her life now seemed horrendous. Her current idea was just bottling up her feelings until he married some other girl that didn’t love him as much as she did.
“Wanna watch a movie?”
“Whatever y’want, kitten.”
taglist: @feestyles @sunshinemoonsposts @matildasatellite @reveriehs @asmilinghopefullromantic @macy-tpwk If you no longer want to be tagged lmk, no hard feelings!
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kira-fluff · 2 years
Imagine the bros with someone who was a gremlin as a child and just nonchalantly tells them their stories. For example in kinder I got dared to put a rock in my ear and my little five year old self was not gonna back down. I had to get that rock removed by a doctor 😭.
a/n: i love this oddly specific request as well as the flawless usage of the descriptor "gremlin". i too was a lollipop-stuck-to-hair, hot-mess-express child. thank u for sharing your amazing story x i took the liberty of using as many funny childhood stories as i could remember, as well as your own (thought it a befitting tale to tell to lucifer lmao) disclaimer: this is assuming that you had a childhood full of crazy events, but none including ab*se of any kind. these are silly, funny memories, not ones that would hurt you to this day. tw: language, mention of children in the future (not totally breeding kink tho), established relationship unclear so just decided that for yourself bc im lazy
reacting to funny stories from your childhood - obey me! brothers x reader
stories of your childhood were always something most found entertaining, but you found that these stories intrigued your demon roommates even more so. it started off as a comment you'd mentioned off-hand, but the brothers urged you on, hooked on hearing some of your stories - after all, it had been a few hundred years since they'd been children.
"...so one time i got dared to put a rock in my ear and, of course, only losers back down from a challenge--" "you didn't" "--so i put that rock right in my ear! then i had to go to the doc to get it taken out, but at least my friends knew i ain't no pussy." "of course you did."
trying to pretend like he doesn't care
but is easily baited into the conversation when mammon says "the person who knows the most 'bout y/n is obviously ME!"
rolls his eyes, but you can see his head turning to listen to you better
is rude af about it once you finish your story smh
"it all makes sense now, that rock must've replaced your brain"
smirks throughout the story, making focused eye-contact with mammon because his dumbass did the same thing. LAST. MONTH. (for a bet, of course, that he lost)
scoffs at your story, but can't help but continue to listen with a smile
he's got it bad
feels the need to one-up your stories with stories of his own (that aren't embarrassing at all, but that prove that even at the age of 2 he was a badass)
can't help but let his mind wander to having a child with you (he's domestic af okay)
"let's hope your our child inherits more of the father's genetics"
i dare you to smack him upside the head he deserves it for being a snarky little whore
just run away after, it's not like he'll catch you he def will
"...and then my sister took my doll, so then i tackled her to the ground and started chocking her. she passed out but she had it coming. my mom grounded me for like a month but i didn't care because guess what? my sis never took my doll again" "remind me not to take your shit anymore oh fuck--"
oh? cute stories about your childhood?
he's all ears
can't help but turn it into a competition to see who knows you the best or who your favorite is
so badly wants you to say it's him ;-;
was expecting stories about maybe the time you made your first friend or when you learned your first word
he's over here sweating bullets because did he remember to put back all that stuff he took?
he wasn't gonna sell it or anythin'.. he just kinda likes the way yer stuff smells... not in a creepy way though, ok?!
and like, you hadn't noticed yet
so of course he was gonna keep some of your stuff!!!
but.. but you choked your sister for stealing a doll?
not even lucifer was that... extreme
may or may not find him in your room, putting all of your things back in the places he recalled he'd taken them
you'd just laugh, saying you didn't mind as long as it wasn't something you really needed
he breathed a sigh of relief
he was genuinely about to shit his pants when you walked through the door
"'m too young to die! swear i was jus' lookin' at 'em!"
"..one time my dad was in a bad mood so he got mad that i passed the ketchup bottle without the cap facing DOWN so that all the ketchup was able to be poured out quickly. so then, when he asked me to pass the salt, so i looked at him, then turned the salt shaker face down and handed it to him as the salt was pouring out..."
spurs him to tell his own stories about his childhood (he wants to share but swears its sO emBarrAsSinG"
swears he was into anime as a newborn
is honestly a lil giddy to hear your stories and laughs at them just as much as everyone else
whenever you come into his room while he is gaming he wants you to tell him more of the stories from your childhood
doesn't find it hard to believe that you were just as sassy as a little child
you're just like him <3
kinda blushes imagining the two of you being childhood besties uwu
like he gives bullied in high school vibes for some reason idk
i can just imagine the two of you being the best of friends
you'd make him lil flower crowns while he ranted to you about his pokemon card collection
he's so SOFT for you omgggg
would quite literally die for you if he had to but im getting off topic
anyway, please never stop talking to him, it's his number one fear <3
giggles in the dorky way he does when you get super expressive
"...there was this day when i was eight and i didn't want to go to school anymore and i was bored in class so i decided right then and there that i would lose my tooth and get one of those crappy-looking 'tooth necklaces'..... not five minutes later, i ripped my front tooth out and was sent to the nurses with blood dripping down the hallway. i was so proud of myself but it turned out i had accidentally ripped out an ADULT tooth. my parents were pissed, but i was proud because i got to go home and eat ice cream for two weeks."
THRIVES off the stories of you being a little shit as a kid lol (or the stories of you being a little shit now)
that being said, WHAT THE FUCK
he forgot how wild kids can be, much less YOU
i mean, you were sent to the demon world and all you did was shrug and roll with it??? who even are you????
you even felt a little bit of pity for your parents, bless their souls
he smirked at the part where you got out of school as you clasped your chest proudly
it was cute to watch you get excited about all your little adventures from when you were younger - it's hard to believe that was only a few decades ago (to him)
finds himself looking for the you now in your old self
he's easily able to identify some of your key traits: stubbornness, strength, optimism, kindness, wit...
you were always this way, he thought, and it was reassuring.
a little smile crept up his face, taking over the neutral expression that once adorned his soft and regal features
you were always something something special
"...and then the teacher was wearing this ugly ass skirt and so my sassy little six-year-old self was like 'did you dress in the dark or something? because your shirt doesn't match your skirt'... i feel kinda bad about it now but it was iconic back in the day."
gives you exaggerated reactions to each part of your story, but they're genuine
hand over mouth
laughs at the parts when you get super animated
insists your are doing her a favor by helping her with her fashion dilemma
honestly he probably has some similar stories to share himself
gushes about how the two of you are so alike that it is shocking
(i mean i guess sorta? jk u wish)
"we're so similar.. let's go to my bedroom and find out what is different"
all his other brothers simultaneously shout, "NO"
i headcanon that asmo has dimples that come out when he truly, REALLY smiles and he does it when you talk about your childhood
you get all excited and he can't help but just shout, "oH you're SO cUTE~~~~~!"
"....i backflipped into the christmas tree and the next thing i knew i was in one of those crusty ass hospital beds. so yeah, i don't recommend doing that."
got lost half-way through the story when he got up to get a snack
next thing he knew you were talking about backflipping???
still though, he found it really cute how you got all soft when talking about the way that your mother started crying once you woke up only for her to fall into a fit of rage the next moment
the moment actually brought tears to your eyes, reminding you of a part of yourself that did really miss home and the people that you left there
his eyes widened, taking in your shrinking form
as if his arms moved on his own, he moved to grasp you in a tight embrace
your sniffles ceased and you even let out a little giggle, "beel, you're squishing me"
he apologized, his purple eyes full of worry and remorse
you only shook your head, mumbling a quiet, "i'm fine"
he realized that even though devildom seemed like home to him now, he also knew what it felt like to have to get used to an entirely new place, especially going from being an angel to a deadly sin
so he cherished those moments in his heart, but he was hesitant to ask you more about your childhood, afraid that the memories, while happy, would also make you homesick
he cares for you so much, don't ever think otherwise <3
"...i skipped class so many times because i slept in - and like, usually i'd just show up late, but i had decided that i will never be that loser who ran to class. if i was gonna show up late, i'd show up looking good. so i'd curl my hair and put on makeup if i was late. i'd be more late, but i'd look like a bad bitch."
your "idgaf" personality reflects his quite well
the amount of times he's tried to skip school because of sleeping were too far to count
yet lucifer always forced him to take part in the daily academics activities
honestly sort of jealous of you
still, he gets over it quickly, though, when he sees the cute little crescents that your eyes form
can't help but not be mad at you
and now he knows the perfect person to go to when he wants to escape the world and take a big nap
maybe miss a few classes on the side with you :)
you're his special napping buddy
a/n: this was sorta ass but just ignore it
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ferretwhomst · 2 months
putting this undwr a readmore not because it's triggering or anything but it's just Long and related to boards and i don't really want to see that when i scroll on my blog. anyways
not super thrilled about tomorrow. it's my french oral board exam and orals always send me into this horrible spiral because i tend to freeze up and overthink what i'm about to say and forget words at the worst possible time. it's too spontaneous for me !!! and as a guy with autism and anxiety, improvising is literally my Weakest link. well ok the roleplay always goes fine because a. you kind of have a set template as to how to reply, and b. you get 10 minutes to think about how you're going to respond before going into the exam. but that only counts for 10 marks; the full thing is 40 marks and the bulk of that is covered by the two topic conversations. it's a huge gamble as to what topics i get and if i get ones which i'm not super sure about i tend to fumble immensely
honestly when i think about the bigger picture i don't even know What i'm upset about. i scored really well in mocks (35/40) and even in the test series before that, the time i thought i TOTALLY FLUBBED the topic conversations, i still got 31/40. that's not a bad mark at all. i think my anxiety just exaggerates how badly i do on these and doubly so because french is one of my favorite subjects and i'm GOOD at it. but yeah. even without taking marks into consideration it's just really bothersome to me how unpredictable orals are, could Not be worse for my anxiety 😔
actually, i forgot to mention that during boards they don't even release timings for the orals. you just report to the classroom at the allotted time and who goes in what order is not revealed, at all, until that moment when they have to go in and answer the questions. which is total bullshit and as you can imagine is only making me more fucking terrified about tomorrow
also: the rest of my boards officially start on the 26th of april so why do french orals have to be shoved in my face so damn early :/ obviously it'll be nice to get it over with sooner, but if i fumble i'll have to sit and try to make peace with that for like 2 weeks extra?
ALSO also idk if i've talked about this here but my mom is really into vedic astrology and shit and ended up raising me to be the most superstitious and paranoid individual alive (everyone cheer for my undiagnosed probable ocd swag). and not only is mercury retrograde currently on but also tomorrow is amavasya/no moon day and both of these are supposed to be unlucky as hell And God I Am Scared. genuinely my paranoia gets so bad during this time of year whenever i do anything i start worrying about the worst case scenario. because bad stuff ALWAYS HAPPENS during mercury retrograde and i'm scared it'll happen tomorrow at the worst possible time ☹️ man i hate being superstitious why can't i just be whimsical
small win though: despite mercury retrograde, at least the printer worked tonight when i was printing out vocab sheets
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My mom listened to me talk about Leona and she had this to say: "What he did was unforgivable and he shouldn't have sold himself short, but being compared to others (be it a family member or stranger) can destroy anyone's self-esteem. Especially at a young age. Everybody's got different strengths and weaknesses. So what if he isn't as bright and cheerful as his brother? He's special in his own way. His servants were cowards."
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Oh, you tell your mom about the Disney anime boys? I can’t imagine ever doing that myself 🫣 Haha, it’s nice that you can share your hobbies and interests with her!
While I do think the servants shouldn’t have been talking badly of a child or comparing any child to someone else (both can have devastating consequences for a kid’s self- esteem), the servants also had valid fears in the destructive capabilities of Leona’s unique magic. They just… really went about channeling and expressing that fear in the worst of ways 🤡
The servants are definitely in the wrong for what they said and did, but I personally don’t think they were exactly cowardly for it. Leona’s unique magic is terrifying, and the proof of that is how he almost killed Ruggie with it in episode 2. Of course, King’s Roar could have other potential uses which can be more positive, but that’s not the immediate thought that most people have.
We can only afford to say “well, the servants were at fault” because we get to be the outsiders looking into the scenario. We can still pat ourselves on the back and say, “if I were one of those servants, I wouldn’t be so cruel to a kid”. But… would we really? Knowing that Leona has the power to kill someone with his touch? If we were all in the same shoes as those servants, I don’t think many of us would be able to enjoy that distance or the hindsight of knowing how our fearful words would impact him; realistically, most of us would be pretty scared of him from the get-go too.
Maybe we wouldn’t act in the exact same ways as Leona’s servants did, but that fear would still impact our interactions with him to some degree. We’d be more hesitant around him, jumpier and such. Even if we don’t outright compare or insult him as unceremoniously as the other servants actually did (which, again, is wrong), the little things being done can feed into his negative worldview.
At least Leona is in a place in his life where he’s starting to turn things around now 🥲 He can recognize his own strengths and weaknesses… and become someone great in his own right.
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yanteetle · 1 year
This is my first time- but uh it's quite interesting to know if the Yan! Turtles kidnapped an artist reader, and knows karate (reader always end up being 6 feet deep in the lair 💀) , the reader draws violent images of them hurting the Yan! Turtles as a warning if they did not let them go, the turtles did not pay attention to it and shrug if off, but reader manage to hurt one of the turtles badly (and luckily) and manage to escape (temporarily..)
Nothing just an interesting thought 🥲
Ignore it if you want to, I just wanna share it haha 🤡🧑‍🦯
Can't help but think of this 🤨
thanks for sending in an ask! I know how daunting it can be trying to send one to a blog, but its a step in a new direction and I appreciate that a lot :)
Although, them kidnapping an artist reader that would draw horrifyingly violent image of the turtles being harmed? Its kind of morbid of y/n but I honestly love it! But when they do put their ideas into reality, the turtles realize they have to stop messing around and take y/n's threats seriously. ( I imagine that the only reason they escaped the first time would be because the turtles underestimated y/n's abilities)
After they regroup and the hurt family member is fully healed, they start looking to recapture y/n. But this time, not only are they doing it out of sick, twisted love, they are also doing it out of malice and vengeance. Mostly from the turtle that y/n hurt badly. And depending on which turtle it is, Y/n is either completely fucked or will have tighter restrictions enforced onto them after their recapture.
It goes in this order: Donnie, Mikey, Raph, Leo.
Donnie would obviously be the saltiest about being taken out, and y/n basically rubs salt into his wound knowing that their plans of recapturing them will be postponed solely due to him being unable to help create gadgets and tranquilizer darts for some time. He's very tempted to return y/n the favour in full, unbridled rage.
Mikey threw a building at the Kraang. He might not do the same for y/n, but he considers it for a moment (as a joke). He's just annoyed at the fact that he has to deal with the painful healing process, as well as Raph trying to play 'good nurse' and 'concerned mom' towards him whilst he heals. Maybe a broken leg or two will help calm him down, and this time, he gets to play 'good nurse' and 'concerned mom' to them as payback!
Raph would hesitate about hurting y/n during the recapturing process, but if y/n is an especially cocky and taunting person, he'd get all riled up and might end up injuring y/n beyond recognition. Poor y/n, all messed up in the turtle's medbay with their attacker tending to every injury they have.
Leo is the easiest to convince out of his vengeance, which is surprising really. But he's smart. He knows that hurting y/n will only lengthen the Stockholm syndrome's process. Instead, He'd encourage the others to harm y/n (covertly of course) and whilst they cower away from their touch, he gets to swoop in and act as their 'safe space' instead!
okay this got so long, but It was kind of fun, so enjoy!
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
I can't really decide if Usopp would hate Sanji's smoking habit or simply not care.
I mean it would be funny that he hides and throws away his boyfriend's cigarettes to the point where Sanji has to hide his cigarettes from Usopp so he doesn't hide them from him and the way Usopp just visually coughs any time he smells the slightest bit of smoke from him (or anywhere honestly, he's a bit of a drama queen) to make him at least a bit embarrassed (failed miserably) or when all of Sanji's hidden goods are suddenly gone in the middle of the sea (which may or may not be his boyfriend's doing) and they weren't going to arrive to any island for a few days so he had to hold onto the two little stumps he had left and just going into a straight up withdrawal and asking everyone if they smoked and falling into deeper desperation each time he heard a "no" and how Usopp would mock him and tell him "That's what you get, loser" and yes this is kind of cruel but he has no business smoking 24/7 killing his lungs like that he basically smells of smoke and I'm sure even tastes like smoke and I do not want to even think of the effect it has on his teeth.
Fun fact, my brother and I used to do that (throwing away my mom's cigarettes) so she stopped smoking. Well, my brother did that so she would stop smoking. I did that only to fuck with her, ngl.
And okay, this whole concept is extremely hilarious because I just got another ask talking about Usopp smoking and Sanji finding out casually and it's just,,, So funny. But I like both concepts a lot!! This one feels so funny to talk about and extremely canon, too. (OP's future note: I made this sad. I am sorry)
Like Usopp would hate Sanji smoking this much, right? He doesn't hate that he smokes (they're pirates and can do whatever they want, so of course he won't be telling him to stop smoking) but he hates that he does it constantly. All the time. He's fucking up his lungs and also the whole ship smells like cigarettes and his clothes too and Usopp is sick of trying to kiss him and tasting that in his mouth. And it's not THAT disgusting because Usopp is used to it and, after all, it's what reminds him of Sanji. It's a Sanji thing. But he's worried about his well-being and he wishes Sanji would at least only smoke like 2 cigarettes a day and not a whole fucking pack.
So he asks Chopper for advice because he's the doctor here and will probably know what to do when it comes to an addiction like this one. Chopper tells him that the only way to end an addiction is to go through a process of either gradually quitting or just directly stopping, but the latter might have more side effects due to the need to smoke all the time. After all, it is a drug.
But of course, Usopp is a drama queen and he goes all in with this elaborate plan to throw away all the cigarettes Sanji has and is all dramatic when he smokes close to him. Which is- Okay, I am actually not on Usopp's side here so I'm gonna make it a bit angsty. I am evil. *Evil laughter*.
Usopp keeps doing that every time he finds Sanji's cigarettes and whenever they go to an island and he tries to buy them. Sanji has been smoking less and less and less because he doesn't have any cigarettes left and it's driving him insane. Like- It's genuinely affecting him badly and Usopp is too caught up in his own morals and trying to be the good boyfriend he thinks he's being to realize that.
Sanji can't sleep well anymore. He's eating more because he has cravings he didn't have before. He's more anxious and way more irritable, which only makes him fight Zoro constantly (more than usual. Imagine the chaos). He can't even concentrate when cooking. And tbh his intrusive thoughts are coming back because what helped him concentrate and avoid them was smoking and doing something with his hands (why do you think he smokes so much??? That's his unhealthy coping mechanism, your honor).
And Usopp tries to act like everything is normal and like he's doing a good thing because he has no idea what Sanji is going through. He thinks it's just a lil punishment that won't last long. But it does last. And it is affecting Sanji a lot. And of course, the cook ends up snapping because there's no fucking way he can handle this anymore. And it's out of nowhere (from Usopp's perspective) because Sanji is just trying to cook and Usopp is on the kitchen table doing his own thing with his bombs. And he's making noises, but just the usual ones. The ones Sanji has never complained about. But it's bothering the cook anyway, for once, and it drives him wild to the point of turning around and yelling:
"Could you stop doing that?!"
"Wha- Doing what?"
"The little clingclingcling the fucking explosions your humming just- Shut up! I'm trying to cook for this whole crew and you're making it pretty fucking impossible!"
"You never had a problem with me being here before."
"I never had a problem with you at all before, so I guess there's a first time for everything!"
"... Are you alright, Sanji?"
"Oh! Why wouldn't I be, Usopp? I'm perfectly fine. Awesome, even. Since I quit smoking everything has been perfect!"
"Of course not, you moron! I've never been more fucked up in my whole life, why would you do this to me? Did- Did I hurt you somehow? Is this a punishment? Karma? What do you want from me? I'll do it, just- Stop this."
"Sanji, honey, I'm just doing this for your own good because-"
"For MY own good? Are you sure about that, Usopp? MY own good? Who do you think you are to decide that for me?"
"I don't know, your boyfriend, maybe?!"
"Usopp. I- I love you, okay? But you're making it really, really hard for me not to say some things I- Smoking is what keeps me going, Usopp, I can't quit it-"
"Of course you can! You stopped smoking a week ago-"
"And it has been the worst week of my entire life, Usopp. You can't just decide this for me I- This is what makes me feel I have control over my life! It's not the best but it's what I have and we're supposed to be pirates, don't we? Let me-"
"What? Let you fuck up your lungs only because it makes you feel a bit better? You'll die way before that!"
"But it's up to me to decide!"
"When you have people that love you, it's not up to you to decide if you die or not! You're always doing this! You did this in Skypiea and Whole Cake and- And you take so little care of yourself I had to do something!"
"Well, it's not working! You could've talked to me, maybe?!"
"You never listen!"
"Because you never talk! Why would you do this-"
"Because I'm in love with you and I don't want you to die! If you feel bad, you come to me. You don't need to destroy your lungs when I'm right here! You're not alone anymore, Sanji!"
"I just care about you, okay? I- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done this without asking and I didn't know it would make you feel this bad but- But I just care about you and I understand if you want to break up-"
"I don't want to break up with you, dumbass. I just- Let me do this my own way? Stop smoking, I mean- I- I'm sorry, too. I just really need to. To stop thinking for a while."
"... I didn't throw away all your cigarettes. I still have a few I haven't-"
"No. No, mon coeur. Just- Do you want to go fish? Or- What new bombs were you making? Tell me about them. I'll probably have that cigarette later, though."
And then Chopper scolds Usopp for his behavior (of fucking course) because you can't just stop smoking suddenly like that. And Sanji starts smoking again but less and less every day with Usopp keeping an eye on him! I am very sad now after writing this! I'm gonna go cry! <3
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eaeulfl · 4 months
Spoiler for those who haven’t finished season 4 part 3/the last two episodes
I just finished the last episode and my mind is a hot mess.
I’m probably going to miss some things but here are some of the stuff I have an opinion about:
1. Regarding armin/erwin my thoughts remain unchanged. Despite feeling strongly about it, I gave the series the benefit of the doubt when erwin got killed. I wanted to see if I was wrong. I would’ve been happy about it. In the end armin turned out to be as effective of a commander as a ten year old. The fact of the matter is that he couldn’t do much in the end. He had a number of breakdowns, he wasn’t able to control or utilize the colossal titan as well as bertholdt could in the past, he slipped up that time he was doing a little pep talk with yelena in the background, his biggest plan all along was always to “talk it out first” but that failed too, etc. Eren still did what he wanted and people still died. Except for blowing up the dock and when he tried to sacrifice himself so that falco wouldn’t get eaten by Connie’s mom, I don’t recall any other accomplishments that were of substance in season 4. It’s also possible that I’m just forgetting things because my mind is still racing right now and I’m still going through it emotionally, but for now my thoughts are unchanged. Can you imagine what it would have been like had erwin lived instead?
2. Connecting from the thought above, we can’t change that erwin died, but after finishing the series I can finally conclude that jean should’ve been the next commander. At the very least, he should have been made a vice commander. First of all it’s not impossible that floch survived all of that, but it’s pretty convenient that he did so he could shoot at the fuel tank in order to create a situation where the rumbling would catch up to them. In this situation it was also pretty convenient that Levi had been injured so badly he couldn’t be the one to fight, so as the commander hange decided she had to go, which was apparently a suicide mission because of the temperature around the colossals. I’m going to keep it 100% real here and say the circumstances leading up to this point of armin getting handed the commander’s seat were pretty convenient. Levi whose instincts were so great he managed to remain more or less unscathed for most of the series including when he had to fight kenny, he really didn’t see zeke using the lightning spear coming? And even then he couldn’t dodge it? Despite years of remaining unscathed under different circumstances that were just as if not more horrible? Levi who, along with mikasa, was the first to notice and to react to the replica of the beast titan throwing its shots at them? I just found it a bit hard to believe. And Hange said in the end, “The position calls for a certain quality― a mindset of continuously pursuing understanding”, and I admit armin did have this, but are we really going to ignore what hange also said earlier in the series just so it fits the current narrative? In season 3 when they were arguing about who to give the injection to, hange held mikasa back saying armin was indeed exceptional, but that he lacked the leadership and experience that erwin had. At least from my pov, armin didn’t really change much from the second half of season 1 to season 4. Jean on the other hand, has proven himself numerous times in this regard. He’s a quick thinker, reliable, practical, and passionate - all the qualities of a good leader. No doubt jean isn’t perfect, but imo he’s definitely more suitable. Let’s also not forget jean too has his moments of “pursuing understanding”. There are probably more than I can think of at the moment, but the ones that come to mind immediately are that scene at the end of season 1 which has really stuck with me ever since, when he asked armin if abandoning your humanity was the only way to win, and if eren did become that monster would that really be a victory for humanity, and then that other time when they were in the cell and jean asked mikasa and armin if eren hurting them had some sort of meaning behind it. I wouldn’t say jean is the smartest or the wisest character in the series, but he’s not brainless. Far from it. For some reason, and I’m guessing maybe because he can be short tempered at times, more often than not people don’t really talk about his quick thinking or about the important questions that he’s asked.
3. This is totally unrelated to the series and it’s about naruto so if you’re not into that or if you haven’t seen naruto just skip this part because spoilers.
Before eren’s intentions were made clear I already kind of guessed how it would play out because it’s reminiscent of how itachi wanted sasuke to be the one to kill him so that sasuke would be a hero of the leaf despite being an uchiha. Eren saw the crew as the people most important to him, and for itachi sasuke was even more precious than konoha itself. Eren committed genocide, itachi massacred his entire clan and more. Eren hurt the crew and especially mikasa and armin on purpose, itachi hurt sasuke on purpose. There was of course a huge difference between their executions, and imo itachi played his part much much more skillfully than eren did and for far longer, but it’s an interesting parallel.
4. I found the ending a bit weird. I can kind of roll with it but compared to the majority of the series and how it built itself up up until that point, it honestly feels off. I understand why people thought it was a bad ending, but I also don’t think the author deserved hate for it. And I mean like, there are some really angry people. In most situations, and I’m generalizing here, it’s alright to have opinions and it’s alright to feel a certain way but to direct those feelings towards the author himself is taking it a bit far. It’s his freedom to write whatever. Let’s be happy we even got anything from him. Without the author there would’ve been nothing at all. I know from personal experience it can be overwhelming at times, but it’s going to be ok.
5. I don’t have a particular attachment towards zeke but I felt sorry seeing everything that he had gone through. I’m mentioning this only because I’ve never really talked about it I think. I’ve talked about some of the other characters but not so much about zeke’s past from what I can remember. Grisha and Dina were terrible parents, and him calling Tom ksaver “father” was really sad. I know he’s not the only one and I really don’t even like him all that much but he really had it rough.
6. I felt that the love interests weren’t written very well. I get mikasa cause she’s been obsessed with eren from the start, but we really only started to see eren’s supposed “interest” in her in season 4, and only in glimpses. There really isn’t a lot of material to fall back on. I always felt he saw her as more of a sister? Of course he’s shouted at her before that he wasn’t her little brother or something along that line, but I always felt he just saw her as family. The only thing I can think of from earlier seasons to support this pair is that time when eren first wrapped the scarf around her and he was blushing. I always saw that as more of like, he was kind of embarrassed to do something like that because for him the act was a bit intimate and they weren’t too familiar with each other, but I guess you could also see it as him blushing because he had a small crush on her. On top of this they lived together in the same house and grisha has referred to mikasa as his daughter, so I just found it a bit weird. Obviously they’re not actually siblings but they were kind of raised as brother and sister for some time, so. A bit weird from my perspective. What’s more is the dynamic itself doesn’t seem to be very healthy. But I’m not mad at people who ship them. That kind of romance is definitely possible, and they’re technically not related, so it’s whatever I guess. They were also very young still so in an ideal world I imagine their dynamic might’ve been able to change for the better as they matured. On the other hand armin and Annie I found even weirder. It just felt too sudden. I get that armin ate bertholdt so that could’ve contributed, and I get that Annie literally only had armin and hitch as company most of the time for literal years, but it’s still weird for me. Like good for them but I wish it could’ve been a bit more fleshed out.
7. I’ve said this before but I didn’t appreciate the parallels drawn between Erwin and Armin. They are entirely separate characters with entirely different motives. Connecting to what I said at point 1 armin was never able to “replace” erwin. Of course the same can be said for erwin, he was never going to be another armin. I feel the same way about the parallels drawn between Sasha and gabi. Again two entirely separate characters with entirely different motives. I can appreciate parallels but only if they’re written well. These just felt like forced propaganda.
There’s more but for now I’ll stop here cause this is getting a bit long and I’m really tired
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saltedsnails · 1 year
listen i will always be forever salty and bitter that they didnt use adam's corpse to turn it into the hound.
because imagine how terrifying it would have been for everyone in the schnee manor if the one guy that's been terrorizing her for years STILL came back as a giant grimm monster
and then weiss being forced to see the SDC mark on some random faunus (idk if weiss or ruby have ever met/talked about adam so im just assuming she doesn't know who adam is)
like i get it why they needed it to be a silver eyed person (to spin the whole 'that must be what happened to mom' convo), but it's a missed opportunity to turn the guy who looked human into the Beast he was based on
Now this, this is what RWBY deserved. The world of Remnant is a twist on fairytales, so make it fucking dark and depraved since RT wanted to be mature so damn badly. Also, from what I remember RW never talked about Adam, let alone knowing his scarring. Even his color pallet matches Grimm to a tee, even though we have Ruby, Summer, and Qrow (too an extent) with those colors as well. I’m just, maaan.
But may I also propose a Silver-Eyed Adam?
You get:
A) A foil to Ruby as a huntress for “good and justice” who hasn’t been discriminated against her entire life and is ignorant to the true tragedy of the world she lives in, versus Adam. A member of a minority race who is a fierce combatant because it’s the only way he’d survive, not because it’s “fun and heroic” like Ruby. He’d get away with being a SEW because he’s a Faunus, and a lot of idiots would think he couldn’t wield his eyes because “Faunus are lower beings”, so but of course he wouldn’t be able to, because Adam’s soooo dumb. /s Also, he has a mask to hide not only his scar he would get from SDC, but hide his eyes as he became higher ranked in the WF.
B) Foil to Yang. It’s really weird but I’m not sure I’ve seen a lot of people touch on this, at least recently. Yang genuinely has (or has had if it’s still an ongoing problem) anger issues. Her lack of thinking and forethought literally cost her her arm in her fight with Adam. It didn’t change much in Volume 4. What the writers could’ve done, instead of brushing it aside because for some reason overcoming trauma is “boring”, is focus more on Yang becoming less of a party girl and more of a planner like her mother.
C) Blake development, because good GOD after V5 she had nothing going for her besides Adam. Like, we never saw how she became so enamored with Adam in detail. Her development with Adam could reverse, between her being a more serious-yet-shy book lover and activist to actually playing a more intimate role within the change for the WF. Not just, “hey why did you guys burn my mansion down, this isn’t right”. Like, Blake is the most privileged Faunus in the show. Her struggles next to what we can glean from Adam is absolutely minimal. Can you imagine, after what Adam did to her new home and found family, what the confrontation could’ve been like? Adam tearing down everything Blake has and spitting in her face? Snarling that she’s always been a coward, never wanting to actually face danger because she’s a spoiled little rich girl, and that she could never be half of what he is. And you know what, she deserves to hear it.
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- 🐌
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