#we should all like go out and eat a burger sometime that would be really nice
meet-the-coffee · 4 months
Tf2 McDonalds Headcanons: Coffee edition...
So, somebody posted a template thingy and I replied to that post. Here's my full thing with my own template made lmao,,
Link to inspiriational and original post here
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So, my headcanons are like this:
I view Heavy as a pretty serious guy so I think he can go a little further up with Medic, yet not all the way still. He can once in a while "oke oke. Heavy could go for burger. Let's eat burger." And then chuckle. But he's very much born and raised with responsibility with his mom and sisters. He's responsible and nurturing. That is his nature behind that solid mountain of a man. (Read: official comics) This man starts ordering and he doesn't stop ordering /hj,, no but fr I think like, he, alone, orders for 3 people to eat for himself. The rest stares in horror and/or awe.
Medic is peak "ve havf food at home. Quiet down nowv, QUIEEET."
Engie should be middle between "we have food at home" and the chanting. I think he's the mom of the group a lot of the times (cooks and bakes for the team in my hc) but I think he would very much also like to bring the "kids" to mcdonalds sometimes because why not!! So mid right it is. Probably orders some burger and a coffee. Sometimes a water or sooometimes some soda.
Demoman is a drunk. Drunks love fat food. Him and Soldier are dumbasses and I view them as being quite child-like like this. Demo and Soldier are absolutely chanting for burgers. But also, I think Demo is just a sliiight bit more responsible (he's mama's boy!!) Demo orders a wholeass meal ok. Something with lots of meat and bacon and cheese. Drink? Bro drinks beer. He tries to order a beer. He does not get a beer. He shrugs and chugs the beer in his hand.
On that note, I see Soldier as a sliiight bit more possible to go HELL YEA BURGERS, drive the fking bus in via drive-through and go "FIVE CHEESEBURGERS AND A COKE. A REEAAL AMERICAN COKE... YEAHAH." And then eat all of the burgers for himself. He's not rude he's just oblivious lmao,, not many braincells scrambling around in there.
Scout and Pyro are absolutely screaming for mcDonk. Pyro wants happy meal. He fucking loves the toys. He collects them, even. Keeps him occupied in the car lmao... he always orders a milkshake. Maybe strawberry flavour.
Scout orders a 20-box of chicken nuggets (like me!!) Or the big McShare-box with different stuff like chili cheese tops, nuggets and chicken clubs, (also like me. We both audhd as hell ok) and always a coke and/or a milkshake. (Sometimes he wants both!!)
Spy doesn't give a fuck, he gets a coffee. He just needs a coffee to be able to withstand the drive home with the bunch of toddlers in the backseat. Only chance they get to order something is if Scout bounces in (after experience from first or second time) to go "AAAND AY UHHHHHH--". Spy scoffs in annoyance and tells him to sit down and shut up. Scout does neither. He wants chicken nuggets. But first few times, Spy really just sighs at the chanting, throws his finished cig out of the crack in the window, and exits the highway for mcdonalds. And then he just goes "one black coffee please." And they go "anything else?" And he just goes "Mercí, that'll be all." And start driving for the next window before they even tell him to (more to do so before anyone interrupts and protests).
Sniper is below middle on the left line - between . On occasion he's like "fk sake." And goes for a coffee and probably elbows Scout in his possessions before he can do what he does to Spy. And then after paying and driving off with his coffee, he just coldly goes "Like I said. We have food at home." Like Spy, he just needs a coffee to survive the drive home. And not get an impulse to drive straight off the road into the cliffside.
[Bows bows]
Thankuthanku, that'll be all !!
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headlessjest · 7 months
How about some romantic stuff!! Some of y'all need your romance.
Hanging out HCs
Ft: Hank, Deimos, Sanford, Jedediah, Tricky, Sheriff, 2BDamned, Phobos, and Auditor.
・I think y'all would probably just stay home.
・You both just had a very stressful mission, so why not relax back at the apartment.
・They'll probably watch TV with you with the few tv stations Nevada can have.
・Cuddling is something he can do with you too. Just on bed or on the couch and just cuddle.
・There will be a couple times where he just lays on the ground with you and wonder what the hell happened to this place.
・"(Name)... Thank you.."
・Going out and eating Burger Gil's!
・Deimos just wants to enjoy his favorite food place with you.
・This can also be an excuse to to eat at Gil's in general, but it's nice to do it with you.
・When y'all are done at eating at Gil's, maybe a quick trip to the bakery.
・He threw up the Burger Gil's on the way there so you had to carry him back home.
・"That burger was sure good, but you're just as good."
・Alright, endless stary night, blanket, and you two. That's how it's gonna go.
・Just you two hanging out on a hill and looking up on the stary night, relaxing.
・There will be a few times bandits will try and get you two, but that's why y'all brought guns to this evening.
・Other than getting interrupted by bandits and a couple of zeds, this hangout is wonderful for the both of you.
・You accidentally fell asleep during this, but Sanford didn't mind carrying you back.
・"Thank you for this time, sweetie.."
・Going scavenger hunting.
・Jedediah surprisingly enjoys collecting stuff. It calms him down, and doing it with you makes him extra calm.
・You'll probably find a old coin or a rock with a cool texture and look to it and dash back to Jeb to show him.
・He also sometimes finds cool looking rocks and gives them to you. Like penguins.
・After going around and finding some cool stuff, you and Jeb head back home and organize all the stuff you both found.
・"These are beautiful, darling.. Just like you."
・Y'all go partying.
・I think y'all would also listen to your both favorite songs when partying. (His being all ICP songs and the chicken dance remix.)
・I think after the partying stuff is over with, y'all kinds just head back home and relax after the long night.
・If you get overwhelmed at the party, Tricky will notice and try to find a way to calm you down.
・Other than that y'all actually have a great time.
・"CL0WN L0V3S Y0U!!!1!1!"
・I think y'all would hang out at a nice bar. (If possible that is..)
・I think he took you to the bar in the first place because it was the easiest place to go without him freaking the fuck out and being horrified.
・Also, because he's been busy lately and wanted to spend time with you.
・He might also get a little drunk from drinking too much.
・You also had to drag him back home.
・"Darlin'... When do you get so beautiful/handsome?"
・Y'all also stay home.
・He just wants to relax with you and just hang out in bed. Nothing much really.
・He also is just a little stressed with everything, so relaxing with you seems like a perfect thing for the time being.
・I think y'all would also watch a quick movie for fun. Like a older movie from the later 90s and early 2000s.
・Other than that, relaxing with you makes his day better, no matter what.
・"This means a lot to me, (Name).. Thank you.."
・I think he would dance with in his office.
・The red lighten room and the slow jazz playing in the background, just you two slow dancing for the joy of it.
・Phobos made sure that no one would bother you both during this. I mean, quite literally.
・I think during this, you might doze off a bit from the slow atmosphere.
・Phobos does notice this and y'all get ready for bed.
・"Tonight was lovely.. We should do this again.."
・I think y'all just hang out and watch cat videos all night long.
・Most romantic thing I've ever heard.
・I think you both would also hold eachothers hand during too. Auditors love language is physical touch. (Somehow..)
・Another thing is that whenever you both see a cat that reminded of you both, you would point it out.
・This also made you both question about getting a cat.
・"Hm, a fur baby seems nice."
I'm absolutely shaking rn. Ate an entire tub of coffee icecream, also mixed with the excitement of watching the fnaf movie tomorrow!!!!
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carolmunson · 1 year
buttercup baby
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(soft!eddie x badatfeelings!gf)
a/n and cw: i listening to 'build me up butter cup' on a loop while writing this. this isn't happy, and not totally following the trajectory of the blurbs but i was thinking about how eventually eddie would be so tired of feeling hurt all the time, and badatfeelings!gf just going in and out of the relationship as she saw fit -- like a revolving door. it borders toxic really heavily -- their magnetism to eachother. anyway, i took an amalgamation of fights i've gotten in with significant others where i've been both eddie and bad at feelings gf. 18+, mentions of smut, angst angst angst, hurt/semi comfort, all around frustrating relationship issue stuff. gif by: @theseymourbirkhoff
“You came here to talk, so talk.”
She toys with her fries, unable to look at him when he looks at her like that, talks to her like that. Hardened, a crease between his brow. He's only like this sometimes, when he feels wronged, when he knows she's wrong. When she won't let herself be wrong.
“Yeah but…I — you — You said you wanted to talk about things,” she stutters, head clouding, “Instead of just saying goodbye to each other like I said we should.”
“I didn’t want to do whatever dramatic bullshit you wanted to do,” he crossed his arms and leaned back in the cracked leather booth. Knees splaying out to take up space, making himself look bigger than her. He stared down her down the slope of his nose, eyes shining like amber slits under his eyelashes. The low yellow orange light danced over him, he looked like a painting. A painting that was so disappointed in her.
“I was joking,” she says quietly, eyes falling back to her plate, “Saying it was for 'the dramatics'. I was just joking.”
“Guess you always liked the dramatic parts of it, huh?” he asks, his voice is bored.
“If you’re just gonna be an asshole then I’m gonna go,” she looks up at him, courage shooting through her chest, “I didn’t come here for you to be mad at me.”
He sighs, “What did you come here for then?”
“To talk!” she shrills, “Like you wanted! Like you asked!”
“Don’t yell,” he hisses in a whisper across the table, “People are staring.”
“I’m sorry,” she whispers back. Had she been that loud? Was she yelling? Her heart hammers in her chest while he continues to stare down at her. The same silent fight over and over. Her begging him to tell her the right answer but he always responds in a riddle she should’ve already figured out.
"Baby, sometimes I just...I don't get you," he shakes his head, leaning forward on his forearms.
"What's there to get?" she asks.
"You break up with me, for what, the tenth time in the last five years? Telling me I'm better off being with anyone else, a bunch of other bullshit you made up," he starts, "And a week later you're completely off your ass, callin' asking me to see you. To come fix it." A beat passes, his face looks pained.
"And you know I'll always come fix it for you."
Her jaw tightens and he tilts his head, "You can't do that to people, sweet thing. You're always...you always do this."
"Do what?" she grits out. "You just -- ugh, baby, you push. You just push, and push, and push -- and sometimes, I -- I don't know. I don't want to be pushed anymore. You make yourself so hard to reach," he explains, eyes shining, "So I just do what you want me to do: I go. I let you do it your way. It's always what you want and--"
"Always what I want?" she bites back, "Are you kidding me?"
"Let me finish," he warns. She looks back down at her fries, the milkshakes on the end of the table melting to cold chocolate milk. "Y'ask me to meet with you and now you wanna interrupt," he mutters before taking an unsavory bite of his burger. Ripping the bread and beef like an animal. "Eat like an adult, Ed. Jesus," you complain. He flicks his eyes up at you, a vein by his temple pulses. "Why don't you just fuckin' go, then?" he asks -- eyes dark and jaw full, wiping his mouth off with the back of his hand -- the smeared grease makes his lips shine, "It's clear you just wanted to come here to show yourself off --" "Stop." "--give your whole schpiel, make me fall for you all over again--"
"Eddie, please, I--"
"--show up in my favorite jeans with that lipstick on. Of course you did, this is what you do." They stare each other down for a moment, the buzz of the lamp above them filling the silence. "You done?" she huffs. He lets out a frustrated laugh through his nose.
"Did you ever think that maybe I ended this because it's better for both of us?" she asks, "Ed, I -- I love you so much, I just want you to be happy. We don't make each other happy."
"Well ya see, babe. That's bullshit," he nods, throat tight, "That's fucking bullshit."
"What's bullshit?"
"That you love me. If you really loved me, you wouldn't do this shit to me," his eyes well with years, "If you loved me, you wouldn't leave."
He sniffs hard before taking a sip of water to steady himself. She looks at him in disbelief, heart hammering.
"That's a fucking manipulative thing to say," she spits. He puts the glass down with a clang, standing up and leaning on the table with his hands to get in her face.
“Yeah, well, who do you think I fuckin' learned it from?” he blurts out with a snide grimace. She swallows hard, teeth grinding. "You know what? Fuck this, man," he shakes his head, fishing into his back pocket to take out his wallet and tossing a few bills on the table, "I'm not doing this with you, again."
He shoves his wallet back in his jeans, adjusting his jacket while he walks out of the diner -- the bell shrills at the door when he opens it. She hears the murmuring of the waitresses, they've seen this fight a thousand times over from other couples, from the both of them.
She gets up to go after him, hustling while he walks towards the van and he can hear her gasping while she runs. The cold Indiana winter squeezing her throat. He whips around and looks at her while she slows to a jog, then to a walk. The Christmas lights in the window of the diner shine off the tears streaming down his face.
"What, baby?" he asks with a defeated shrug, "What more do you want f-from me?"
"I d-don't have anything left to give you," he continues, face crumpling, "You s-said it yourself, that you're not h-happy."
"I said we're not happy," she pleads.
"Speak for yourself," his voice drops to something low, solemn. You watch his adams apple bob while he thickly swallows his crying, "Bunny, you make me so happy. You've always made me so happy."
"No I haven't," she argues, her voice starting to crack. Her chest constricts, the cold dissipates while heat prickles over he body, down her throat and nose, "Steve told me that you felt like -- like I didn't like you anymore."
"Because I don't think you do," he shrugs, "And I was right."
The admission makes his eyes well up again, "And all I ever t-tried to do was make you happy and -- and love on ya, babe. I just wanted to h-help you."
"I don't need help."
"Fine, fucking -- fine," he says, trying to wrap his head around the finality of the conversation, "I can't do this with you anymore. I'm not gonna stand here and watch you lie to me. Stand here and -- and let you break my heart ten times over."
He walks around the van, the door creaks open and slams shut. She winces when the engine roars to life and he wastes no time pulling off into the road. She waits for the lights on the back of the van to fade out before she starts walking home, hands shoved in her pockets.
It's not late, but it's been dark for hours. The streets of Hawkins are quiet, lulled by a dark blue night sky, orange yellow streetlights, blankets of snow. It stretched for miles, the kind of image that you're not sure you're seeing with your eyes -- but with your chest. A place she wasn't sure was really there -- because she was always stuck somewhere between sleep and awake. Between breathing and drowning.
She takes the long way, cursing herself for not wearing the right boots. A heavier coat. His teasing rings in her ears, 'You're not a warm blooded 'Merican man like me, baby. You need a real coat.' He bought her one from the secondhand store two winters ago, still had the tags on it. It just made her sad to wear it now.
Her throat tightened again, thinking about the tree in her little apartment. Him slipping another gift under it every time he stopped by, always writing funny 'to and froms' on the tags.
'To: Valerie B. Love: Eddie V. H.' 'To: Rizzo Love: Kenicke' 'To: Lúthien Love: Beren'
To name a few.
She thought about returning them to him. They weren't going to be doing Christmas together this year...obviously. If he was happy before, he definitely wasn't happy now.
It was the thought of him on Christmas morning that did it. Wayne always worked Christmas Eve night, ever since Ed got big enough to not care so much -- so Christmas morning was reserved for her. Now he'd just -- be alone. When all he ever wants to do is remind her that sometimes Santa is covered in tattoos and wears all black.
She's not expecting it, but she heaves -- chest rattling when the first tear leaks out of her eye. Her feet are soaked and she's not sure if she's shaking from the cold or from the sob she's trying to keep from wracking her body. Maybe he was just trying to help. Maybe she made a mistake.
Lost in her thoughts and the crunch of the snow under her boots, she barely registers the chug of a vehicle rolling slowly along side her. She turns when the engine revs.
"Get in," Eddie suggests, head ducking down to see her out of the passenger side window, "Let me drive you home. S'too cold."
She turns her attention back to the sidewalk, shaking her head and sniffling, "Are you stalking me or something?"
"I -- no," he says, "I shouldn't have just peeled out of there, I should've offered. You're not dressed warm 'nough."
"I'm fine," she snaps, "I can take care of myself."
He stops the van and gets out, hopping awkwardly into other people's footprints to not get his Reeboks wet. His arms outstretched for balance while his chains clinked against his pants -- he steadies, standing infront of her. Two kids with cold feet.
"Get in the van, baby," he asks -- his voice soft and taming, doe eyes shining. The snow glistens back into them -- like sparkles, like stars, "Please?"
The dam breaks for the first time in a long time. It's not the blow out she was expecting. The low hiss of a kettle before the shreik. If she starts -- she can't stop. That's why she's so afraid to feel it. Lower lip quivering before a weak whimper leaves her chest, tears sliding down her face like a leak in the sink.
"Oh, no, no," Eddie coos, reaching for her, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I didn't wanna make you cry."
"S'not you," she shakes her head, hands immediately wiping at her face but it's pointless. The tears continue, a waterfall of feelings she forgot about.
"What is it, sweet thing? What's got you cryin'?" he asks, arms wrapping around her like the coat she left in the closet. The red coat he saw in the second hand store that he knew she'd love. She looks so good in red.
"S'just...it's everything," she confesses into his chest. He savors this for a moment, witnessing her weakness, before his heart breaks again. He's stuck.
Once she gets back in the van, it's another promise he has to keep -- that they both have to keep. Until they do this all over again, until he's hurt all over again. It's making him bitter -- he doesn't want to be.
He drives her home and like a magnet he follows her into the house, clothes dropping off them like it's the peak of summer. He's not gentle, they both shove and bite, the both pull and drag. She begs him to fuck her like he hates her -- he doesn't have to try because he does hate her.
But he loves her more... He swears he loves her... He swears he loves her more.
if you enjoyed this, read more badatfeelings!gf: here
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I know it’s on your requests info, but I know you’ve also seen Bones. Would you be willing to write something fluffy with Jack Hodgins? If not that fine, hope you have good night/day!
Of course! I love Bones. It has been and will always be my comfort show ❤️ All this makes me want to do is start up a rewatch.
Word Count: 703
Warnings: None
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The hum of the diner was comforting. The case you were working on was an interesting one, but you'd needed the break to clear your mind. Nothing like a crappy diner cheeseburger to make you feel better.
You were just about to take a bite when Jack slide into the seat in front of you. A wide grin plastered across his face. You couldn't help but smile back at him. When Jack smiled it was the most contagious thing in the world.
"You want to tell me what's got you grinning like that?" You teased, taking a bite into your burger.
"Oh, just the usual crack in the case done by yours truly." He leaned forward on the table, grabbing a fry off of your plate. You pushed your plate closer to him, enjoying Jack's playful mood.
"I would expect nothing less from the King of the Lab," you quipped back. You would have thought you hung the moon the way he looked at you.
"Yes! Thank you!" He said enthusiastically, slamming his hand on the table. "Sometimes it really does feel like you're the only one who appreciates my genius." Jack let out an dramatic sigh, his blue eyes gazing at you.
You rolled your eyes at his comment, watching as he popped another one of his fries in his mouth.
"Do you want something to eat? Or are you just going to keep stealing my food?" You raised your eyebrow at him.
He shrugged putting his hands up in surrender, "What happened to sharing was caring?"
"That went away when you stole half of my food - hey!" You laughed trying to swat his hand away as he stole another fry.
Jack leaned forward his head resting in hand. "You love me."
"I do, but your pushing it Hodgins," you teased, leaning forward to capture his lips with yours.
"Am I?" He raised his eyebrows at you pecking you once more.
"Oh, that's so sweet I'm getting cavities. Adorable."
"Hi, Angie," Jack laughed. Both of you turning to look at her. She took a seat next to you, stealing what was left of your fries. You fought a sigh, catching Jack's eyes. He was trying not to laugh himself.
"What?" Angela mumbled?
You and Jack only looked at each other.
"You know what? I don't want to know. Brennan's looking for both of you by the way."
You gave a forlorn look at your burger, and started collected your things.
"Can I-"
"Go ahead, Angie, somebody should enjoy it," you said remorsefully. Angela just smiled at you taking a big bite of your burger.
"Thanks, sweetie!" She called out to you as you and Jack made your way out of the diner. He held the door open for you as you walked through.
You walked side by side back to the lab.
"I was thinking-"
"Don't hurt yourself," you teased.
He let out a breathy laugh, bumping your shoulder with his own. "You basically are spending every night at my place anyways, half your stuff is there already..." his voice trailed off, as he sneaked a glance at you. Both of you walking side by side.
You stopped walking, taking shelter from the sun under the awning of a nearby building.
"What would you - how would you feel about moving in? With me?"
Your grew slack, your eyes searching his. He was more reserved and bashful than you could ever remember seeing him. They vulnerability clear on his face.
"Uh, you don't have to answer right away. In fact, you know you can just-"
"Yes, Jack. I want to move in with you."
"Really? That- that's-"
You cut him off by kissing him. His right out reach out to cradle your head, while the other placed itself along your waist, his thumb grazing against you.
Reluctantly, you pulled away, both of you breathless.
"Yeah?" He licked his lips, still holding you.
"Brennan's going to kill us if we don't get over there."
Jack let out a breathless laugh. Placing his arm over your shoulder you both began your walk back to the Jeffersonian. He placed a gentle kiss against your temple, already excitedly planning your next steps together.
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deedala · 5 months
🎇 Happy New Year Friends!! 🎇
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From the Diary of Virginia Woolf: January 2, 1931: Here are my resolutions for the next 3 months; the next lap of the year. To have none. Not to be tied. To be free & kindly with myself, not goading it to parties: to sit rather privately reading in the studio. Sometimes to read, sometimes not to read. To go out yes—but stay at home in spite of being asked. As for clothes, to buy good ones.
For today's return to WTW, i thought it might be fun to celebrate the ways in which we survive and manage to find peace and happiness in our one precious life here on Earth. And so...
✨W e e k l y 🌟 T a g 🌟 W e d n e s d a y✨
Name: Deanna 🌱
Location: oHIo🌽
Astrological Sign: Scorpio 🦂
What's a TV show or movie you plan to re-watch this year? obvi i'm in a constant state of re-watching shameless but otherwise right now im thinking maybe some bob's burgers, some futurama, austenland...
Whats a book or fic you will probably re-read this year? ooohh you know...the usual suspects tbh: cooperative gameplay, itqd, faffy, love is a ballfield, none the wiser, the menagerie... AND...*IF* DA4 is gonna actually come out soon I'll probably re-read my fav stories from Tevinter Nights!!!
What is a song you will likely continue to play on repeat? uuhh right now its still chappell roan's whole album and hozier's unreal unearth. im sorry for cheating on my own question and basically naming like 30 songs lol
What's a tasty treat you look forward to eating more of this year? i dont think i managed to eat enough chocolate chip cookies last year, i should eat more. also i haven't had an andes mint in forever??? need some of those STAT. oh my god i totally missed out on girl scout cookies last year too!!!
What's a time sink that you will continue to sink time into this year? scrolling tumblr ofc!!!
Did you pick up any habits in 2023 that you plan to continue? not really?? maybe kind of reblogging my own posts more and trying not to feel bad about it??
What's your toxic trait? leaving petty little thoughts in my friends DMs while they're sleeping 😛
What is a coping mechanism you will continue to indulge in this year? ✨disassociation✨
Tell me something you like about how you look! my skin has been pretty nice lately, good job skin. (do you guys remember that old vine of the broken toy that would just say "sssskkiiiiinnnn" when squeezed?? i remember lolol)
Give me at least three adjectives describing things you like about yourself. loyal, generous, thoughtful
----------------------------------- Now for tagging nuggets: additionally I want to thank @mybrainismelted and @jrooc for helping me with this post!! @michellemisfit @mmmichyyy @darlingian @too-schoolforcool @juliakayyy @gardenerian @heymrspatel @heymacy @gallawitchxx @metalheadmickey @mickeysgaymom @thisdivorce @transmickey @tanktopgallavich @lingy910y @suchagallabitch @shippergirl121fic @the-rat-wins @thepupperino @energievie @callivich @lee-ow @purplemagpie @sleepyfacetoughguy @softmick @vintagelacerosette @sam-loves-seb @crossmydna @creepkinginc @suzy-queued @rereadanon @iansw0rld @milkmaidovich @sickness-health-all-that-shit @palepinkgoat @auds-and-evens @ardent-fox 💖
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skz-haneul · 28 days
Now Playing . . . 🎬
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Learn the alphabet with Vivi ꨄ
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A is for : *talking to stay on bubble* and i can’t believe i forgot i live with 3 smelly ratty gym bros, oh yeah and hyune (context because she can say the most wildest things sometimes: she came home to rest and saw the mess 3racha made with their shoes)
B is for : *pointing at bang chan* beep beep beep person who needs sleep detected beep beep tackle him with pillows (real)
C is for : *comparing butts with han* can’t relate, my bum is the size of jupiter (she got rich problems)
D is for : *on live cooking with lee know* did you just say 127, puku puku pow po- … i couldn’t help myself im sorry (same tbf)
E is for : *trying to convince felix to play games together after sneaking into the cuties dorm at 12* esteemed companion shall we partake in a rendezvous of ludic engagement within the realm of digital entertainment (why is she fancy all of a sudden)
F is for : *dancing to whip nae nae* forget break your legs, i just broke my back (sometimes she acts like she fought in ww1)
G is for : *telling a joke* guys, what did the chicken say when it saw something amazing, daebak-bak-bak (i laughed more at the silence than the joke)
H is for : *playing games with seungmin* hey there buster, no more mr nice guy (and now she’s an american bully???)
I is for : * listening to asap by stayc with her headphones on but everyone else can hear it* i will ‘asap 내 반쪽 아니 완전 copy’ till the day i die (i think she likes asap)
J is for : *caught by talker insulting changbin after he died in a 2 player obby on roblox* just kidding. i would never call anyone a worthless flop of a human, im too hot for that (dayum girl (you are hot tho))
K is for : *greeting staff as she walks in the room* konichiwa my despacito burrito (miss worldwide fr)
L is for : *during an interview talking about her biggest pet peeves* losing should have never been invented because i do not take it very well (i sadly relate to this a lil too much)
M is for : *in an interview* my whole life has felt like a fever dream tbh (icl I burst out laughing)
N is for : *after getting a really packed schedule* news flash: im bombing the jyp building (not without me)
O is for : *game of hide and seek* opps at the end of my block (yungvivsta back at it again)
P is for : *during a game of dodgeball* please stop throwing the balls at my beautiful face (the way felix tried to aim harder)
Q is for : *out with hyunjin* questionable face you got on there but ok (context again: she went to the bathroom in a restaurant and then half her burger was gone)
R is for : *english school with skz* 77+33=100, stay with me now, because the government- (i don’t think they’re passing)
S is for : *trying on corsets* snyatched qween *throwing poses faster than lightning* (nothing but facts)
T is for : *seungmin launching a pillow at her head* that is not very slay queen, period bestie of you seungmin (what is up with her dictionary)
U is for : *boiling eggs…* umm, minho, yknow when you told me to boil eggs, i may have burnt the water… again (the only thing i have to say is how?)
V is for : *a seagull stole her chips she was eating* vile, disgusting, yucky seagulls are the disgrace of all birds that can fly, them absolute fatties (she was buggin for the rest of that skz-talker)
W is for : *randomly, out of the blue*why is life not getting funky anymore? (my exact question)
X is for : *on live* x-(7+95)=y“ please, abeg, go find changbin (she loves maths)
Y is for : *english school with skz pt.2* yes so the climax of the quintessential elements of the rainbow create the lyrical description of the factitous colours (like i said before, they’re all failing)
Z is for : *on skz-talker* zero amount of people called me sexy today… im sooo frickin pissed (not the white chicks reference)
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ᰍ̠ - notes! went to sleep at 4am 💋
©skz-vivi all rights reserved. do not copy or repost
God loves you ♡
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feyhunter78 · 7 months
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Chapter Eight - You've escaped the restaurant with Miguel, and now you sit in a fast food parking lot discussing the night's events.
Ch 9
You sit in Miguel’s passenger seat, burger in hand, fries balanced between your thighs and your vanilla milkshake in the cupholder, and he loves it. Loves how domestic it feels, how you happily eat your food, visibly relaxing into the leather seat.
“So, how did you meet Kasey?” You ask him, fiddling with the air conditioning vent in front of you.
“You’ll hate me.” Miguel says, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Never.” You say, smiling mischievously at him, intrigue emanating from you.
He knows you, knows you love hearing about any sort of drama as long as you’re not a part of it.
“One-night stand, she was hitting on my brother at first, then Mina stepped in, tried to fight her, so I convinced Kasey it would be better to ride me instead of a stretcher to the hospital.”
Your hand flies to your mouth. “You did not say that to her.”
He groans and gives you a guilty smile. “I did.”
“And she went home with you?”
Kasey is...spontaneous, an adrenaline junkie with an addictive personality and a desire to experience all life has to offer before she has to settle down. Which according to their last conversation would be soon. She’d just been promoted, a new position which would send her out to Vermont. She’d already bought a house, planned to move her dogs there, to reconnect with her sister, and nieces who lived only ten minutes down the road from her new place.
But for all her planning though she was still Kasey, she still wanted a few last moments of fun and Miguel was her favorite place to get them. “She’s obsessed with me.”
Your eyes are wide, shining with amused shock. “You literally said the words, ‘it would be better to ride me than a stretcher to the hospital,’ to her face?”
Miguel takes a calculated risk. “I think my exact words were, you’re a pretty girl and my sister-in-law can fight. So, why don’t we save you a trip to the hospital, and you ride my cock instead of a stretcher?”
Your scent changes, you shift in your seat, gorgeous thighs rubbing against each other. He basks in it, wants to go further, feel that save wave of arousal rolling off you that he did back in the restaurant when he called you a good girl.
“Yeah…maybe we don’t double-date anymore.” You say, dipping a fry in your milkshake, attempting to act entirely unfazed.
“Maybe not.” Miguel agrees. No need to double-date, soon Todd will be gone, Kasey will be gone, and it’ll just be us for all eternity.
He could sit here forever, music playing softly, the hum of the neon sign, your perfume filling the car, the cool night air weaving through the open windows.
After a while, you speak up. “Also, I’m sorry about Todd, he’s…” You trail off, staring at the night sky blankly.
“Kind of a dick?” Miguel fills in for you.
You snort, “yeah, kinda, but seriously he can be so nice sometimes.”
“Sometimes? Y/N he should always be nice to you, you’re amazing.” He wants to shake you, to tell you that Todd is the same as he’s always been, a cruel, selfish, and uncaring man.
It took everything in him to not lunge across the table and sink his fangs into Todd, to tear out his throat and leave him breathless and gurgling, blood staining that ridiculous outfit he wore.
You lean your head back against the headrest and Miguel admires the curve of your neck, how your hair falls back delicately, the steady beating of your pulse, the blood flowing through your veins. “I know…but I just…we’ve been together for a while now, and I always self-sabotage, so I never know if I’m making the flaws up in my head or not.”
“You’re not.” He says, taking a long drink of his own strawberry milkshake. He’ll be throwing it up later tonight, but it’s worth it.
You roll your head to look at him. “Really? How do you know?”
He shrugs, “I just do.”
You close your eyes and let out a long sigh. “I don’t know, I like him, and he doesn’t treat me terribly.”
“He thinks your job is worthless, and that your choices are made without thought, that much was clear.”
Your face scrunches up, eyes still closed. “He’s just so obsessed with money, and don’t get me wrong I want to be rich too, but not at the expense of living my life and doing things I actually enjoy.”
“A life without passions is not worth living.” He says, focusing on the horizon.
You’re quiet, he can hear your thoughts whirling around in your head, a jumbled mess of emotions threatening to tumble out and spill over.
“I just…” Your voice is strained, wobbly, and breaks in the middle.
Miguel glances over at you to see tears glistening as they slip down your cheeks. “Hey, hey, y/n, mi dulce, please don’t cry.” He reaches for your hand, capturing it between his own.
“I’m just so embarrassed, and mad, and tired and I…” You dissolve into sobs, your free hand covering your eyes, your body bending forward in the seat.
“No, no, don’t be embarrassed, why are you embarrassed?” He soothes, his thumb stroking the skin of your inner wrist.
“My fucking boyfriend asked your fuckbuddy for sex tips, and they didn’t even fucking work, but I know you’re good at sex because everyone raves about it, and now you know that I’m…”
Broken? A freak? Stuck laying under a guy who treats me like an object, makes me feel worthless?
Your thoughts are pouring into him, a rushing waterfall of doubt and insecurity.
He can’t sit by anymore, he releases your hand and cups your face, lifting it, so your eyes meet his. “Y/N, I know nothing except what you wish to tell me, I am not judging you, I am judging him, but not you, never you. You are—you deserve so much more than him, and I’m sorry if you feel like I’m overstepping, but I have to say something. You are a good person y/n, sweet, smart, funny, beautiful, dedicated, passionate, caring, and he—he is a wet chihuahua barking because he has nothing better to do.”
He can feel your internal battle, how desperately you want to believe him, how frightened you are of leaving Todd, because what if Miguel doesn’t feel the same as you? He knows you fear risking everything for a chance at nothing. So, he pulls back, you have to make this jump on your own, no matter how badly he wants to carry you.
“As your friend, I would be doing you a disservice by not telling you the truth.” He feels the pang in your heart echoing in his.
Friend, just friends.
You nod, tears slowly drying. “Yeah, you’re right, thank you. It means a lot to me that you care so much.”
He brushes back a lock of your hair, admiring you in the glow of the streetlights. “No tienes idea de lo fácil que es amarte. Essentially, you make it very easy to care about you.” Trsl: You have no idea how easy it is to love you.
You smile at him, and your smile is like the sun blooming over the horizon, like his first breath of air after clawing out of his grave, it is you, you, you, you. “You’re so sweet, thank you.”
“You are easy to be sweet to.” He says, fighting the impulse to lean forward and connect your lips.
You bite back a laugh. “A wet chihuahua?”
He chuckles, caressing your face once more before forcing himself to let go. “It seemed an apt comparison, he’s so small compared to me.”
“Everyone is small compared to you, you’re a giant.”
There you are, his girl, smiling and teasing him, the light returning to your eyes. “I am not.”
“You are! Have you seen yourself? I swear your biceps are bigger than my head. And you’re so broad? Tell me right now, be honest, are you taking steroids?” He busts out laughing and you slap his shoulder. “Miguel, I’m serious, that can’t be natural.”
“I’m not taking steroids; I have good genetics and I work out regularly.” He explains. “It’s all about your diet.”
And I’m an immortal being with enhanced abilities, and physicality.
“Todd will never believe that he swears up and down that steroids are the only way to get really buff.”
“Does he want to gain muscle?” Todd wasn’t weak looking per se, but Miguel wouldn’t say he was “buff.”
You look down at your hands, mumbling. “I like guys with muscles.”
“What was that, dulce? I couldn’t hear you.” Miguel prods. His enhanced hearing of course caught your words, but he wants to hear you say it again.
You scrunch up your nose. “I like guys with muscles okay, I’m a bicep girl, I like having something to hold onto.”
“You like what you like.” Miguel flexes, casually reaching to turn down the music, but he can feel your eyes following his every movement.
“Yeah…but Todd says his ‘genetic makeup isn’t built for bulking’ so I guess that’s that.” You say, a hint of longing in your tone, when he reaches behind his seat to stretch out his shoulders.
Miguel wants to pounce. To take you in the backseat of his car and show you what his strength can do, let you sink your teeth into his biceps, scratch your nails down his back and shoulders, mark him, claim him.
“I hope he sleeps with Kasey.” Your words rip him from his thoughts.
TL: @obi-mom-kenobi, @poutysprouty, @oharasfilipinawife, @laysmt, @cicithemess, @unabashedcroissanttreefan, @lynxslokley, @thedevax, @generalkenobitrash, @keiva1000
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stargazer-sims · 1 month
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Victor: I caught a wild Caroline, the most beautiful and elusive creature on the beach!
Caroline: *snorting*
Victor: Are you trying not to laugh?
Caroline: Yeah.
Victor: Why? You should laugh at funny things.
Caroline: You're the funniest thing I know, Victor.
Victor: Thanks for the compliment. I'll take it.
Caroline: *giggling* Why can't all grownups be as silly as you?
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Victor: Oh, you know... some other grownup probably told them a long time ago that it's not okay for grownups to be silly. Luckily, Nanna Grace forgot to mention that to me, so what you see is what you get. World's silliest grownup.
Caroline: Are you ever going to say that to me?
Victor: What do you think? Do you think a grownup as silly as me would ever tell you it's not okay to be silly when you grow up?
Caroline: No.
Victor: That's right. What I am going to tell you is that it's important to learn when you can be silly and when you have to take things seriously. You know how Yuri and I are teaching you about responsibility?
Caroline: Yeah, like how I have to feed Pirate Cookie every day and work on her obedience, and make my bed and brush my teeth every day?
Victor: Exactly. When you're training Pirate Cookie, is that a time to be silly?
Caroline: No, because she might get confused. She might think it's play time instead of learning time.
Victor: Right. But after training, then the two of you can be silly, can't you?
Caroline: Yeah.
Victor: That's what It's like for me, too. I have to take it seriously when I'm looking after my patients or driving or making dentist and eye doctor appointments for you, but there's still plenty of room for silly time.
Caroline: I like silly time.
Victor: Me too. Now, what do you say to washing some of the sand off and then getting something to eat?
Caroline: Can you carry me up to the house on your back?
Victor: Sure, if you want.
Caroline: Yes, please.
Victor: After we wash off, you can check on Yuri. If he's still working you can tell him that I said to stop. I'm going to look in on the patients really quickly and make sure they're okay before Miss Poet leaves and Miss Leilani gets here to stay the night with them. Then we'll grill some burgers, okay?
Caroline: Okay!
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Victor: How's this?
Caroline: This is one of my favourite things.
Victor: I'm glad, 'cause it's one of my favourite things too.
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Caroline: You know what's my favouritest favourite thing of all?
Victor: What is it?
Caroline: That you adopted me and I get to be your kid forever and ever. That I got to pick my own name, and you let me keep 'Caroline' even though it was the name of somebody you already loved a lot.
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Victor: I love you a lot, and one of my favouritest favourite things is that you thought 'Caroline' was a good enough name to want to keep. I think your Auntie Caroline would've been proud to share it with you.
Caroline: Really?
Victor: Yeah. She didn't get a chance to grow up, but I think if she did, she would've loved to see how well you're growing up too, and I think she'd be very pleased.
Caroline: I wish I could've met her.
Victor: I wish I could've met your biological dad.
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Caroline: Maybe... maybe wherever they are, they're together. Maybe he's looking after her just like you're looking after me. Sometimes it's sad to think about Papa because he went away forever, but... but I kinda feel better when I imagine that's what he's doing.
Victor: You know what? I like that. It makes me feel better too.
Caroline: I think they're up in the stars. That's why I'm not scared of the dark, 'cause when it's dark, the stars come out and I can look for Papa's.
Victor: Which one is his?
Caroline: I don't know what it's called, but it's the brightest one I can see. He had to make it really bright for me so I can find him, because he knows I can't see like everyone else.
Victor: I think he must love you very much, to have thought of that.
Caroline: I love him very much. Sometimes I tell that to the star. Do you think that's okay?
Victor: I think it's more than okay. I think it's the most wonderful thing I've heard in a long time, and I hope you'll never stop wanting to tell his star how you feel, so he never forgets how much you love him.
Caroline: I love you and Yuri too.
Victor: You're allowed to love as many people as you want. That's the great thing about hearts, you know. They grow to whatever size they need to grow, so you can fit in as much love as you want, and they don't shrink back when somebody you love goes away. You can keep that space for them in your heart forever.
Caroline: I like that. Do you keep space in your heart for the other Caroline?
Victor: Yes, and for Dad and Grandma Lydia.
Caroline: I'm gonna keep a space for Papa.
Victor: I know you will. He's a very special person, and he deserves to be remembered, and there's absolutely no one better than you to remember him and keep a space for him in your heart.
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powerofelvis · 2 years
Always On My Mind, Pt 2
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Pairing: Elvis x Plus Sized!Reader, Austin!Elvis x Plus Sized Reader
Word Count: 4080
Rating: 18+ (run along kiddos)
Warning(s): SMUTTY SMUT!, oral (f. and m. receiving), multiple positions, Elvis being the freak in the sheets that he always is, angst, reader dealing with mental health, fluff, plot with smut
A/N: HERE IT IS FINALLY! At first, I was running out of ideas for this part but boy did I work hard on this one. Also, I am still writing from the grave because this part is HOT as all hell. I hope you guys like it, I know I do! I may write another part, it may be a five part series but I’m not sure yet. We shall see! But I hope y’all enjoy it. Don’t hurt yourselves, babies! ;) 
Read part one here.
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You and Elvis started off talking every night on the phone. You would sit in your room at night, curling the cord around your fingers as you listened to him talk about things that are happening with his career. He talked about how he had found a ‘real good manager’ in his words named Colonel Tom Parker. He was gone for a while on a traveling tour that the Colonel had set up, so you wouldn’t be able to see him for a while but he would never miss a night of calling you. He would tell you about how this Parker man was getting him to sign with RCA and that he had already had some movie deals in the works. You were really happy for him, simply because while you were getting to know him, you had seen first hand how much he loved making music. During these phone calls, you realized that you were starting to take a liking to Mister Presley.
While he was gone, you would spend most of your time with Nancy. Nancy had convinced you that to keep your mind off of Elvis, you both would get a part time job at the local diner. Even though you were a little worried about how you looked in a waitress uniform, you did need the extra money. Your first day of work went uneventfully—you had managed to gain relationships with your co-workers and with some of the older patrons who frequented during their lunch break. However, there were a few folks who would turn their nose up at the sight of you. While it shouldn’t bother you, sometimes it was tiring knowing that people judged you based on your curvy body. During the day while you were at work, you tried to let the looks and whispers fall off of your shoulders. However, once you got home at night, you would cry because it was really weighing on your mental health. You wouldn’t cry around Elvis though. You didn’t need him to be worried about you when he should be focused on promoting himself.
“Y/N, when are you gonna tell Elvis about the dirty looks and whispers that you’ve been getting at work?” Nancy said as you both sat on the couch, munching on snacks as you were on your second movie. You were staying at Nancy’s that night because your car was being used by your mother so Nancy was going to take you to work with her the next day. “I don’t want to ruin his night by complaining about a few people who stare.” You said, playing with your nails. Luckily for you, Elvis was busy that night with a double performance so you wouldn’t talk to him that night. However, you did miss him because you would immediately feel better after a bad day, just off of his voice alone. “It’s not just them staring, Y/N…they are whispering about you too. Bob said the other day that he heard one of the guys sitting at the bar say that you could lay off the burgers.” She said with disgust. You could feel your eyes water, but you held back because you didn’t want to cry in front of Nancy. “That’s just rude, Y/N. You don’t sit around all day eating burgers and being a slob. You’re very healthy and it’s time that people know that. You should tell Elvis. I don’t think he would take too kindly on hearing about some asshole calling his girl fat.” She said, standing up and heading off to the kitchen to grab more snacks.
You blushed at the phrase, ‘my girl’. Elvis hasn’t ever said anything about you dating, but in the back of your mind and in your heart, you wanted nothing more than to be his girl. That night, you went to bed, thinking about what Nancy had said earlier that night. What if Elvis did get upset because of those words that were being said about you? “Why would it matter to him? We aren’t together—are we?” You asked yourself, sighing out as you sat up in the bed. Nancy was already beside you, sleeping soundly. You grabbed your robe from the closet door, walking out to the living room. You wondered if Elvis was awake, but you were afraid of calling him and waking him up if he was asleep. You sighed, looking at the phone before you decided against it and went back to bed. The next morning, you sat in the passenger seat while Nancy drove the two of you to work.
Once you got there, you noticed a crowd of people standing outside of the diner. That’s strange, you thought. Once you were inside, you understood why it was strange. But in your heart, you were excited at who you saw. Elvis was sitting in the booth, talking to Bob who owned the diner. His eyes were gleaming with happiness as he carried on his conversation like the two were old friends. Bob noticed the both of you walking in, turning towards you. “Nancy, Y/N!” He smiled, waving you two over. Nancy looked over at you with a smile and a shrug before walking over to Bob. At the sound of your name, Elvis looked into your direction with a smile that met his eyes. You knew he was as happy as you were to see each other. “Elvis is back in town from his tour, so he wanted to eat here before heading home. I want both of ya’ to make sure he enjoys his experience here, ya hear?” Bob said as he smiled and headed back to his office, to probably call his poker buddies and brag that the Elvis Presley is eating at his establishment.
Nancy looked at you before turning her eyes back to Elvis. “I’m gonna head to the back to make sure we have enough inventory for today, I’ll be back to help with the orders.” She grinned as she quickly walked away. She knew you two had a whole lot to talk about. “Hey darlin’, how have you been?” He smiled, standing up and grabbing you into a hug. “I’ve been fine, Elvis. Nothing has changed but I have a job.” You chuckled as you hugged him back. “Should you be hugging me? Your fans are outside and they might be upset seeing you converse with me.” You whispered, the stares and whispers coming back in your mind. “Why would I not hug my pretty girl? I’ve missed you so much and besides, I heard you were working here from your folks and figured I’d come visit.” He smiled as he sat back down. “Well at least, let me take your order before it gets packed in here. You are our special customer of the day.” You laughed. Once you took his very large order, you walked to the kitchen, prepping the cooks on what Elvis expected.
Once their orders were done, you called for Nancy’s help. There was a lot of food and Elvis was hungry. You couldn’t help but feel upset however that while Elvis could eat a lot of food and seemingly look the same, you were picked on for eating something small as a burger. You quickly pushed it to the back of your mind as you delivered his breakfast to him and the people who were around him. You learned that their names were Bill and Scotty. You turned to leave them, but Elvis grabbed your hand, stopping you from doing so. “Sit with me, sweetheart.” He said as he scooted over in the booth.
You looked over at Nancy, seeing her nod her head and push for you to talk with him about what was bothering you. You sighed, sitting down beside him as you watched him beginning eating his food, laughing with his friends. You smiled, enjoying this side of Elvis. He looked so carefree, his eyes shining by the light of the sun that was starting to sit high into the sky. “What’s wrong mama?” He asked, noticing how you were quiet all of the sudden.
“N-nothing, just admiring how carefree you are right now without being hounded by fans or responsibility.” You laughed, looking over at him. At that moment, Nancy walked over to check on the group, looking at you and Elvis holding hands. “I see a happy group over here, can I get you boys anything else?” Scotty turned his head, looking at Nancy before leaning over towards her. “Maybe your number..” he smirked, grabbing her hand and kissing the top of it. While Nancy and Scotty flirted and got to know one another, you turned towards Elvis. “I have something to talk to you about. Can we meet up after my shift is over?”
“Sure thing, lil mama. I have to go meet up with the Colonel and sign some things for my contract with RCA but I’ll pick you up tonight and you can come for dinner over at Graceland. How does that sound?” He smiled as he rubbed the back of your hand with his thumb. You were nervous for the rest of your shift. Elvis had left about four hours ago, but you were still riding on the high of him being so close to you earlier on that day. While it was nearing the end of your shift, Bob came out with the radio, turning it on. “Breaking News! Sam Phillips has sold Elvis Presley’s contract for the highest amount of money to RCA records. This is the first time in history for a record company.” Bob and the rest of you stood in the diner with smiles as you couldn’t be more proud of Elvis.
Your shift was finally over and Elvis kept his promise on picking you up from work. Luckily for you, you had always had a change of clothes for occasions like these. You made sure that you looked presentable with your Blue and Black swing dress and your Black Mary Janes. Your hair was curled and laid beautifully on your shoulders and you had Nancy do your makeup, only making it simple. As you walked out to Elvis’s Pink Cadillac, you hurriedly got in. He looked you over and smiled, but you were nervous enough that you weren’t paying any attention to the look of adoration that he was giving you. You both sat in silence as he took you to Graceland, eyes widening and jaw dropping at the beautiful mansion that sat before you. Your nervousness picked back up as you realized that you were finally meeting his parents for the first time. “They’ll love you, baby.” He whispered as he took your hand and led you into the house.
Gladys came into the common area, holding a dish in her hands. When she saw you, her face lit up with happiness. “Vernon, get in here! Pretty girl is finally here!” She yelled as she passed the dish to the maid, who walked into the dining room. She walked up to you, pulling you in a hug. “I’ve heard so much about you from Booby! You’re so beautiful just as he says!” She laughed. Vernon walked into the room, walking up behind Gladys before smiling at you. “Pleased to finally meet you, darlin’.” He said as he pulled you into another hug. “It’s so nice to finally meet you as well, Mister and Mrs. Presley.” You said politely, smiling at them both. “Oh please sugar, call us Vernon and Gladys. You’re already a part of our family.” She said as she grabbed you by the hand into the dining room. “Booby! It’s dinner time!” She yelled as she walked with you to the table. You could hear Elvis groan as he walked behind you, pulling your chair out for you to sit down.
As dinner rolled on, Gladys and Vernon were taking turns asking you questions about yourself and your family. You felt at home with his family and with him, glad that you had finally had the chance to meet the two people that brought him to you. “Mama, Y/N and I are going to go up to my room.” Elvis stood up, grabbing you by the hand, leading you up the stairs. You looked back down at Gladys and Vernon, thanking them for the wonderful dinner. Elvis led to his bedroom, opening the door. It was huge! In the middle of the room, his bed was adorned with pink and black satin sheets which matched with the drapes in his room. It was beautiful, at least to her. She walked around his room as he was rummaging through stuff in his closet. “How about you spend the night tonight, baby?” He suggested. “That should be fine, I’ll just have to call my parents and let them know that I won’t be coming home.” You said.
He led you over to his phone, leaving the room to probably tell his parents that you were staying the night. You called your mother, letting her know that you were going to stay the night with Elvis. Surprisingly, she was fine with it. Elvis had returned to the room, not long after you had gotten off the phone with your mother. “Everything good, lil mama?” He asked as he sat on his bed, patting beside him. You sighed happily, sitting down beside him. “She said it was fine, I told her that I would be home tomorrow afternoon.” You crossed your hands together before sitting them on your lap. “So uh, I talked to Nancy while you were in the back of the diner today..” He started. You stilled, knowing exactly what he was going to say. “You’ve been dealing with a lot while I was gone, didn’t ya’?” He said. You sighed, standing up before walking over to his window. “It’s nothing major, Elvis. Just a bunch of people who have never seen a girl as big as me.” You whispered, the tears building up in your eyes. Elvis stood up and walked up to you, spinning you around. The look in his eyes was of anger, something you have never seen before in him. “Now damn it, Y/N…don’t you ever say a thing like that. You are beautiful, you understand?” He said as he took your hands.
“I’m not sure I believe you, Elvis. People talk about me and my weight just because I eat. But when you do, people don’t say a word. We live in two different worlds.” You said as you pulled your hands out of his, moving back to the bed. Elvis was not hearing any of it and he grabbed you by the arm, stopping you before you could move any further. “Baby, what can I do to make you see how beautiful you are? I could give a damn about what people think about me and I could give a damn if they ain’t likin’ how I feel about you.” He said. You could have dropped dead after hearing those words come out of his mouth. Before you could offer a rebuttal, Elvis pressed his lips to yours. His lips were soft and plump, enough to pull you into tears as you kissed him back. Your tears fell down your cheeks as you finally released months worth of anguish at the endless suffering that you had endured while he was away.
Elvis led you back to his bed, laying you down before crawling over you and pressing his lips against you again. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders and your fingers found their way up the back of his neck before finding their way into his hair. He pulled away breathlessly, caressing your cheeks in his hands. “We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want it, baby.” He whispered, his piercing blues looking you over at a sign of uncomfortability. You shook your head, melting under his gaze. “I want to. You have no idea how much I want to. But are you sure you want to do this with me? I’m not exactly thin-.” Elvis stopped you with a glare before changing his gaze to a look of sadness. “I’m gonna show you how beautiful you are to me, darlin’.” He pressed his lips to yours again, but this time, he pushed his tongue into your mouth.
You gasped at the wet muscle tangling with yours as your finger tugged at his raven colored locks. His hands moved from your hips, trailing to where your zipper was located, slowly unzipping the dress. He pulled away, stepping away from you. You sat up, pulling your dress up over your head, letting it fall on the floor below you. Elvis pulled off his laced shirt, letting the material fall to the floor with your dress. He got down on his knees, pulling your shoes off of your feet, kissing up your ankles towards your knee. You gasped, watching him with lidded eyes as he ran his fingers across the stretch marks that littered your hips. He kissed up your thighs, running his tongue up across the marks of your hips before dragging his teeth over your panties. “Oh..” you moaned out, clearly blown away at the fact that he was kissing over the marks that you tried so hard to hide from the world. “You’re so so beautiful, baby.” He whispered, tugging off your panties with his teeth.
You moaned, your arousal pouring out at the sight of him pulling your underwear off with his teeth. Elvis sat back on his knees, looking up at you. “Lay back baby, let me take care of you.” He whispered, his drawl deepening the lust that you felt bubbling over. As you laid back, you stared at the ceiling, unsure of what he had planned for you. He spread your thighs, pulling your knees back against you with his arms. His lips moved up your thighs again, nipping and licking at the skin before he licked a stripe up your clit. You gasped, back arching off of the bed at the feeling of his wet muscle coming in contact with your throbbing bud. “Oh- Oh!” You moaned out, as his tongue moved in circles along your lips and your clit. His moans bounced against your pussy, adding to the pleasure that you were already feeling. “These damn folks have my girl feeling so ashamed of herself but she doesn’t know that her body is out of this world.” He muttered, watching you come apart only by his mouth.
“I want you to cum all over my goddamn face, darlin’ and then I’m gonna make you cum again and again with my cock. How does that sound?” He smirked, lapping up your arousal before speeding up the circles that he made around your clit. You couldn’t answer him though, the ringing in your ears becoming so loud that you felt as if you were about to pass out. Your toes curled as you teetered towards your orgasm. Your fingers gripped his satin sheets, moaning as your orgasm came crashing over you like you were hit by a truck. “Elvis! Baby!” You moaned out, moving your hands from the sheets to cover your mouth. You forgot that his parents were in the same house, so you wanted to be as quiet as possible. Elvis chuckled, lapping up the remaining of your arousal before standing up, undoing his trousers. “I’m not done with you yet, baby. You’re gonna know how beautiful you are once I’m done.” He smirked, pulling his trousers down and off his legs, revealing his hardened length pressing against his briefs. You were so blissed out from your orgasm that you didn’t realize that you were reaching for his cock.
Elvis walked towards you, allowing you to have your way with him. He watched with amusement and lust as you pulled his cock out, running your thumb over the tip as precum leaked out of the tip. You bit your lip, scooting towards the edge of the bed as you wrapped your lips around the tip, licking the salty substance off of his cock. He moaned softly, pulling his briefs down until they pooled around his ankles. You moved your head slowly along the length of his cock, your eyes looking up at him—hoping that you were satisfying him the same as he had done to you. Elvis threw his head back moaning, moving his hand towards your head. He pushed you deeper on his cock, biting his lip as he tried to keep moans from coming out of his mouth. Your eyes watered, but you continued sucking his cock. “Now baby, I’m not cumming in your mouth tonight.” He said, stopping you from continuing any further. He pulled himself out of your mouth, stepping out of his briefs. “On your knees, mama.”
You immediately turned over and crawled on the bed on all fours, wondering what he was about to do. He crawled on the bed behind you, pressing kisses along your spine down towards your hips, his tongue tracing over your stretch marks before his length aligned with your entrance. He pushed into you slowly, gripping at your hips. Elvis groaned out at how tight you were, not moving until you told him to. You on the other hand, pressed your hand over your mouth as you moaned loudly, pushing your hips back towards him. He took that as encouragement to move, so he started pushing into you slowly. “Fuck mama, you’re tight..” he whimpered, enamored with the stretch marks that littered your hips and your ass. He traced over the marks, speeding up his hips a bit. Your fingers gripped the sheets as your back arched, begging for him to fuck you harder. “Your wish is my command, my goddess.” He whispered in your ear as his hips snapped against yours. The sound of skin slapping echoed off the walls as he reached around you, rubbing your clit in a circular motion. You could feel yourself inching towards another orgasm and before you could stop yourself, it hit you harder than the first time, making your knees give out from under you. He caught you before you fell on the bed, holding you around your waist.
He pulled out of you, turning you over on the bed before entering you again, pulling your legs over his shoulders. By that time, you were so fucked out that you whined at the intrusion of him inside of you. He smirked, knowing that you were overstimulated from the two orgasms before, gripping your thick thighs as he plowed harder into you. You gave up trying to keep your moans at bay, gripping the sheets in bliss as he fucked up into you. “You can give me another one baby, I know you can.” He held on to your ankles as his hips pounded against your ass. You couldn’t form any words, only incoherent blabber as tears ran down your cheeks from the overstimulation that you were feeling. His fingers ran across your clit once again, surging you towards another orgasm. He wanted you to come over and over again and he was going to get his wish. Only this time, he was going to come with you. “Come with me baby. I know you can give Daddy another.” He moaned, hitting your spot over and over again. His hips rolled as he pushed faster and faster into you—stars crowding your vision as your orgasm washed over you again, this time harder and longer. You screamed, pushing your hands against his chest in an attempt to get away but he held onto you as he chased after his own high.
His hips sputtered as he covered your walls with his cum. His breathing became labored as he slowed down his thrusts, holding on to your legs for dear life. He pulled out of you, falling beside you on the bed and pulled you closer to him. The both of you laid there, catching your breath. “Now do you think you aren’t beautiful?” He said as he looked over at you, pressing a kiss to your temple. You shook your head, not wanting to upset him. “I know that you believe that I am and that’s all that matters to me.” You said, closing your eyes. At that moment, you couldn’t think about anything else but being his beautiful girl.
Taglist: @headfullofpresley @ash-omalley @lindszeppelin @oh-my-front-door @rainydayz101 @cchl @loving-elvis @lovininapinkcadillac @troubleinapinksuit @aconflagrationofmyown @fantuhsise @flwersgarden @floralcyanide @lilacprincessofrecovery @bethanysnow @oh-kurva @presleyonfilm @satninpretty @groovybabydoll @venus-haze
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weirdkpopgirl · 1 year
Food is Love | Dream Headcanon #10
Headcanon: Food is Love ♡
Genre: Fluff, fluff, and more fluff!
Warnings: Mentions of food?
Word Count: 2736k
Author's Note: Honestly, I feel like it's been forever since I wrote a headcanon for the Dreamies. And this specific scenario was on my works-in-progress list for weeks! My friend did help me come up with something for Chenle and Jisung, so I really have to thank her for getting me to finish this tonight. It feels nice to write something fluffy after posting a bunch of angsty stuff. An anon did send in a request about something for Haechan, and I am working on it!
Also, I don't think anyone cares. But I did see NCT Dream last week at their TDS2 concert. My bank account may be crying, but it was so worth seeing seven boys I've come to cherish so much. To me, they're more than just handsome K-pop idols. The Dreamies put a smile on my face daily, and I'm forever grateful. I really hope to see them again someday.
Anyway, I apologize for another long author's note. Thank you for reading ^ ^
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This has probably been mentioned before, but Mark would be quite the attentive boyfriend. He recalled the other day the two of you were ordering food together late at night. You said something about craving a cheeseburger, but all the American food places were closed. So on your next at-home date, Mark decided he would make you the best burger ever.
Here’s the thing, Mark and cooking did not mix too well. You walked into the kitchen with a questioning look for the man. 
“Mark, dear—what are you doing?” You asked, slightly puzzled.  Ingredients were scattered across the counter, and the paper with the recipe he was using already had a stain.
His lips formed a small pout. “I know you didn’t get to have a burger the last time we hung out. So I thought I could try making one.”
You tried not to laugh at your clueless boyfriend. But you were thankful for how thoughtful he was. As he rambled on, you leaned over the counter to take a peek at the recipe.
“Oh, this doesn’t seem that hard. Let’s do it together,” You suggested, walking around to wash your hands.
Even though you meant for this to be a teamwork thing, Mark just took a step back and let you take over the kitchen. You seemed to know what you were doing, a lot more than he did. He ended up helping with the smaller things like washing the lettuce and slicing the tomatoes.
In the next hour, you and Mark were happily eating the beautiful burgers you made.
“Good job Mark!” You approved, after taking a bite. “We should do this again sometime.”
Mark shook his head and chuckled. “Yeah, but you did like 95% of the work, (Y/n).”
His words caused you to blush and mumble a sorry. Then he’d smile and reassure you with a pat on the head. Even though things didn’t go as planned, Mark was still happy to spend some quality time with you.
He was awakened by the morning sunshine peeking through the window shades in your bedroom. A sleepy yawn left the boy’s mouth as his eyes adjusted to the natural light. When his arms reached out to stretch, Renjun noticed the left side of the bed was empty. Your absence compelled him to groggily get up to start the day.
After quickly washing up, Renjun left the room in search of his other half. Though he was at the far end of the hallway, he was still able to take in the glorious smell of something delicious.
He spotted you in the kitchen standing behind the counter with a blue plaid apron on, and your hair tied up. A smile crept on his lips, listening to you softly sing his group’s song, Sorry Heart while you poured some water into a glass.
You nearly jumped out of your spine when you heard another voice join in. Panic immediately filled your eyes.
“Huang Renjun, you’re not supposed to be up yet!”
Your boyfriend chuckled and walked over to back hug you. “Good morning to you too?”
“No no no. I was trying to make you breakfast in bed,” You sulked. This was the first time he’s stayed the night at your place, and you wanted to surprise him.
Renjun peered over your shoulder, to see the neatly arranged dishes set up on a wooden tray. 
“Is that doenjang-jjigae?” He asked, pointing to the stone bowl containing murky brown broth. Standing behind you, he realized that the soup was what he had been smelling, along with the freshly cooked purple rice.
You nodded. “And just some banchan to go with it. I also prepared some iced lemon water, since I know you like it.”
He almost wanted to cry, thinking about how much you care to put into all this. And for him? Renjun’s heart swelled with so much adoration and endearment. He turned you around so he could press his lips to your forehead.
“What did I ever do to deserve you?”
Due to his work schedule, Jeno and you didn’t get to see each other often. But whenever he had that rare day off, he’d typically spend it with you. So he was at your apartment one day, playing with your kitten in the living room. While you were somewhere else doing who knows what. So Jeno was a little upset that you weren’t paying him attention.
Tired of waiting, Jeno placed your pet in her bed and got up to look for you.
“Jagiyaaa!” He began to whine. But then he stopped when he found you in the kitchen. He caught you while setting up your small wooden dining table, full of steaming food. You had made seolleongtang, beef bone soup, and served it with kimchi on the side.
You couldn’t help but smile at your sulky boyfriend. After placing down two bowls of rice, you walked over to hug him.
“Sorry for leaving you alone. I just wanted to make lunch for you,” You murmured.
Instantly, Jeno blushed in embarrassment as you ushered him to sit down. He didn’t expect you to be doing this sort of thing for him. You even prepared his favorite side dishes!
You watched the boy devour his food with a beaming smile. Jeno didn’t think he'd ever seen you look so overjoyed before.
“You’re like a mother watching her child.” Jeno pointed out.
The smile on your lips grew, as you used your chopsticks to place a piece of meat on top of his rice. 
“I can’t help it! Seeing you eat so well makes me happy.”
Your boyfriend laughed and shook his head. “You’re something else, (Y/n).”
Though he was teasing, Jeno was very appreciative of your sweet gesture. In the back of his mind, he was already planning to cook something for you next time.
The two of you only began to date a few months ago. But the moment Haechan saw you, he was already whipped. Not a week went by without his members hearing the singer gushing about your cute habits or the sweet texts you sent twice a week to check up on him. 
Recently he’s learned that you liked to cook, and he would not stop bugging you about it! He was practically dying to try your food. So one day you rushed back home after your morning class to make lunch for him. When you finished making Haechan’s bento, you had a lot of leftover ingredients. So you were able to make six other bento boxes for his members.
The way the boy’s eyes enlarged when he saw you enter the practice room carrying a bag. He had seen your text about coming to visit him but didn’t expect you to bring anything. The Dreamies greeted you with enthusiasm, happy to have a break after hours of dance rehearsal.
“You said you wanted to try my cooking right?” You smiled, placing the bag down on a table before turning to his friends. “I have lunch for you guys too!”
That was how the eight of you sat at the center of the floor in a circle, munching away. The meals you made were pretty simple. Just some bulgogi with rice and vegetables. The night before you had prepared a bunch of side dishes for today.
“Wow, I didn’t know you could cook (Y/n)! Thank you.” Mark’s compliment caused you to blush at the sudden attention. Of course, Haechan took their leader’s praise as an opportunity to brag about you.
“My (Y/n) is the most amazing girlfriend, right guys?” He boasted. “She’s adorable, kind, takes time out of her day to take care of me—”
You shyly nudged the male. “Hyuck, don’t exaggerate.”
“And she’s humble too!” Haechan added.
Jisung shook his head from across the room. “Ugh, you two are insufferable.”
“On a serious note, you better be careful Lee Haechan,” Jaemin warned, flashing a flirtatious smile. “If (Y/n) keeps bringing us home-cooked food, I might just steal her from you.”
Haechan sent a scowl that Jaemin was not fazed by. 
“Don’t try to fool yourself, Na Jaeman,” He sneered, wrapping an arm around you. “(Y/n) is mine, and she loves me very much.”
The amused smile on Jaemin’s face contorted into a look of annoyance. “Yah, I told you not to stop calling me Jaeman!”
You shook your head as the other members joined in on the bickering. Shame on you for presuming that eating with 7Dream would be peaceful.
For someone who thought of herself as a slightly below-average person, you didn’t know you’d have much luck with love. And somehow, you ended up catching the attention of Na Jaemin. He was probably the most caring man you’ve ever encountered. His love was never-ending, and he never held back on giving you affection.
About a month into dating, you were determined to do something for Jaemin. After all, relationships should be 50/50. Expressing your emotions outwardly was not your strong suit. So you spent a sleepless night, thinking of what you could do to show Jaemin your feelings.
Jaemin was coming back to his dorm after a recording session for an upcoming album. Though he didn’t like to admit it, today’s schedule had been a tiring one. All he wanted to do was shower and go to bed. But when he noticed your gray slip-on shoes neatly placed near the doorway, the previous exhaustion he was feeling moved to the back of his mind.
As he padded across the room, a pleasantly familiar aroma filled his nose. His eyes enlarged when he found you standing in the dining area. In front of you was a neatly set table, with two stone bowls full of soup, and a heaping plate of meat at the center surrounded by several side dishes.
Then there was you wearing a nervous smile. “I know you must be tired. But you shouldn’t go to bed on an empty stomach. And I made cheonggukjang and jeyuk bokkeum since they’re your favorite foods.” 
While you rambled, Jaemin thought his heart would explode from how fast it was beating. He sat down without saying anything, which you slowly followed. You held your breath when he picked up the spoon to try the stew.
“I know it’s not as good as your mom’s but…” Your voice trailed off. You remembered Jaemin raving about his mother’s cooking. Obviously, you couldn’t compete with her. But you were hopeful that Jaemin would still appreciate your efforts.
You watched as he took the first bite, but were unable to read his expression. A million worries flooded your head. Did he hate it? Had you seriously screwed up? What if--
“Marry me.” His deep voice put a pause to your thoughts.
It took a few seconds to process what he just said. But oh man, once you did… Instantly, you were blushing profusely and covering your face. 
“Jaemin, you can’t just say stuff like that!” You mumbled. 
Jaemin smiled at you being all flustered. He had to hold back the urge to jump across the table and give you a thousand kisses.
While eating, he listened to you cutely explain how he always took care of you and was determined to show you cared too. After you were done, he’d reach across the table to take your hand and press his lips to the back of it softly.
 “Jagiya, I seriously have the sweetest girlfriend. Thank you.”
Usually, Jaemin was the one cooking for people, especially his members. The fact that you went out of your way to make him a home-cooked meal was so touching to him. When he told you to marry him, he was half-joking. You might not have been dating for long, but Jaemin was already planning his future with you. And this kind gesture of yours just sealed the deal. The simplest actions were what made him fall for you all over again.
He was just laying on the couch, watching 7illin’ in the Dream on his phone with Daegal  laying between his legs. Eventually, he got bored of watching himself bicker with his members over foot volleyball. Then he would casually walk into the kitchen while you were prepping some food.
The boy watched as you used a pair of tongs to neatly place some beef chow mein on two plates.
“This was my grandmother’s recipe. I wanted to try making it for us,” You explained, 
Chenle met your grandma before and he had her cooking too. But making Chinese food for him was something you’ve wanted to do since you started dating. So decided to just stick with something you were already familiar with.
You didn’t even need to look up to see the teasing in Chenle’s smile. “You think you can make it better than your grandma?” He challenged.
In response, you merely shrugged and handed him a pair of wooden chopsticks. “Maybe. Try it and tell me.”
Secretly you hoped your boyfriend didn’t notice how nervous you were as he used the utensil to slurp up some noodles. Chenle felt like something exploded in his brain because your food was unexpectedly delicious. Eating this dish brought back memories of when his mom cooked for him.
“What do you think?” You waited for his reaction expectantly.
Despite how much nostalgia Chenle was feeling right now, he wasn’t quite ready to admit your cooking exceeded his expectations.
“It’s alright,” He said. You raised an eyebrow at the boy as he began to dig further into the meal before him. 
“Only alright, huh?”
“It’s because I’m hungry.”
You held back from laughing, clearly not convinced by Chenle’s excuse. 
“Well if my food is just alright, I guess you don’t want to eat it. I’ll feed the rest to Daegal.” You faked a pout and began to pull the food away from him.
Chenle quickly tried to counter his prior words. “Yah, you can’t take away something you offered me first!”
You chuckled and shook your head before telling him to at least eat at the dining table. Later that night, the two of you were laying in his bed. 
“So…when are you going to cook for me again?” He asked out of the blue, sounding all innocent. 
You turned your head to face him. “You really think my cooking is good then?”
“Okay, okay I admit.” Chenle playfully rolled his eyes and pulled you into his arms. “So will you make something tomorrow? You said you know how to make kimchi fried rice too, right?”
Internally, your stomach was doing little flips because of how pleased you were that Chenle approved of your cooking. But you played it off, pretending to give in reluctantly.
“Okay, I guess so.”
“Yes, let’s go man!!!” He shouted in English.
You cursed at him with your eyes for being so loud when you were trying to fall asleep. Chenle laughed in embarrassment and hugged you tighter so you couldn’t escape his embrace. Strangely, the boy’s teasing only made you fall for him more. You guessed it was part of his charm.
So Jisung was playing games on his PC when a sweet aroma encompassed him. Acting like a stray puppy, the young dancer followed the smell down the hallway. He waddled into the living room, where you were sitting at the dining table. In front of you was a fish-shaped cake pan, and beside it was a heaping plate of freshly made treats.
Jisung gasped and covered his mouth. “Wah, you made bunggeo-bang?”
“Yeah, it’s your favorite right?” You hummed. “I ordered the pan a while ago, and it finally came yesterday.”
Your boyfriend stared in awe as you picked up a piece for him to try. After the first bite, Jisung’s taste buds exploded.
“Oh, mashiso!” He pouted slightly, out of gratitude. 
Staring into your eyes sparkling with joy, made Jisung wonder where and how he got this beautiful thing from. You giggled at his reaction when the male squeezed you into a hug.
“I really love you.”  Usually saying those words were scary for him. But with you, it just felt so right.
You grinned and patted his back. “I really love you too, Jisung.”
And then the two of you went on to feeding each other bunggeo-bang and sharing a lovely moment.
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oddballwriter · 8 months
A Piece of Cake
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Summary: You work at a food truck that sells baked goods, dessert foods, and other such things, named The Sweet Spot, with two other people who you've grown close to. Close enough that they know about your crush on the cook who works at the circus-themed food truck that you share one stop with. They're tired of you being too shy to make a move, so they help you get the ball rolling so that you two can actually talk to each other.  
Warnings: Mentions of cakes and sugars. The reader gets teased by their co-workers a bit but nothing too harsh. Billie and Penny kind of ruining the moment while also making it a bit better? 
Author’s Snip: I love this series and I wanted to make something for the sake of having something other than two sparse headcanon posts.
Notes: Go watch BigTop Burger and support the creator WorthiKids in any way you can. This show is such a delight and I love everything about it.  
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
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"I'm gonna go stretch my legs." you tell your co-workers, almost out the door but their odd, almost sarcastic-sounding 'uh-huh's made you pause. "What? We hardly get customers at this stop, and our stock of food is fine. You can handle some customers while I'm out for a few minutes, can't you?" you question.
"Oh no. We'll be fine. For sure." one of your co-workers, Daniel, says, before speaking up again. "But how come you always want to walk while we're parked at this stop instead of all the others we do?" he asks, giving you a knowing look. "Like I said, we don't get customers here. It's half past noon. No one eats baked goods and desserts at noon." you say, trying to make up to defend your reasoning as to why you want to take a walk break at this spot.
"People also don't eat dessert at 1 pm, or 2am, maybe at 3pm, but those two other spots for one and two are okay to walk at too, don't you think, Y/N?" your second co-worker, Helen, suggests, with that same knowing tone.
"What's so wrong with me walking here. It's a nice walk around this block and there's some nice looking things here?" you ask.
"I bet there are." Daniel comments.
"Quit acting dumb. We know you just want to see that Circus Burger guy you have a crush on." Helen accuses. "What? No. I mean- I see him when I walk around sometimes, and I say hi, but I don't like him." you deny, even if Helen is right on the money. "And it's BigTop Burger. Not Circus Burger." you correct, trying to make her feel dumb for getting the name wrong, but you realize that it just makes you look more interested in him by knowing the actual name of the food truck he works for.
To be honest, they don't really care about your interest in him. They just like to tease you because of how much you deny it. And also because he wears clown make-up as part of his uniform and that makes the whole idea of you two kinda silly.
You look at your co-workers with a flushed face, knowing that even if you make a whole argument that you don't have a crush on him, they would know better.
"What's his name again anyways? Tom?" Helen questions. "It's Tim." you correct, again, this time with no defense. "Well. Why don't you take something for Tim and you two can talk. Maybe work up the courage to ask for his number too." Helen offered. "Or maybe just take him something for a couple of days and then ask for his number. One of the best ways to get to a man is through his stomach." she suggests.
"What should I take, though? We have so much stuff here." you say, looking at the plethora of cakes, cookies, brownies, rolls, and bonbons, the list could honestly go on forever and so could the various flavors, looks, hybrids of said things that you carried.
"Here," Daniel says as he moves towards the display and picks something for you. It was a slice of the funfetti cookie crust cheesecake. You look up at him with a 'really?' readable across your face. "What? His job has a clown theme. He might think it's funny." Daniel explains. You glance back down at the slice in its little plastic container that your truck usually puts your slice orders in before sighing and taking it.
"Go get 'em, Y/N!" Helen cheers as you actually step out of the truck and also hear Daniel shout "Don't worry, I'll pay for the slice!" as you walk forward.
The BigTop Truck wasn't that far from yours. It was just a turn around the corner and a small stride forward. It was impossible to miss the blue-colored brick of a truck once you turned the corner. As you got closer, you could see Tim leaning against the truck, on his break. As ashamed as it is for you to know that this time was usually his break time. 'Okay, Y/N. You can do this. Just walk up to him. You've done it before.' you think to yourself as you walk closer and closer. You were so caught up in your thoughts that you probably would have passed right by the BigTop truck and Tim if it weren't for him saying something.
"Hey! Y/N, right, from Sweet Spot around the corner?" Tim greets. "Out to stretch your legs again, huh?" he says. "Yeah. Sorta." you choke out, trying to both keep your cool and lower your excitement. "I brought you something." you say, holding out the slice of cheese cake to him.
Tim takes a second to look at it. "Oh wow. That's really something isn't it?" Tim comments. "Yeah. It's... something new on our menu. Some people have mixed feelings about it and," you explain, trying to come up with a reason why you'd just give him a piece of cake for free. "I was told to have someone kind of settle the score to see if we should keep it or not?" you conclude.
"I see." Tim says. "Well, I'll see how I feel." he remarks as he takes the container from your hands.
You somewhat avert your gaze so as to not make the situation weird by watching him eat. He uses the taped-in fork and takes a few bites pausing in between chews and taking pieces of certain parts to get the food as a whole.
"It's pretty good." Tim finally says, "No doubt, there's enough sugar in here to make a blood sugar monitor explode. But still good." he comments, trying to make a joke. "Yeah. I'm sure there is. If I'm being honest, this hybrid abomination feels like a culinary crime, but you know how it is with food trucks. If it's crazy enough it gets sales." you agree smiling a bit to show that you appreciate the joke.
Tim nods and even makes a few bashes himself. "Hey. I'm pretty sure we only have one or two people who actually like our food. I think everyone else is just trying it for the sake of seeing what it's like." Tim remarks, "I mean, our burger buns literally have sprinkles on them." he adds.
You think about the idea of how that would even taste and understand that that also feels like some type of crime against food as well.
"But hey. Your truck can get away with sprinkles. That's basically the go-to strategy for everything you sell." Tim explains. "I haven't eaten anything from there till right now with this, but your stuff looks good." Tim compliments.
You see Tim try and say something else after a long beat of silence but the window latch of the truck pops open and smacks him hard in the back of the head with a faint bunk noise.
"Hey, Tim. Steve wants us to head to the next stop early, for whatever reason, so-" a person with blue clown make-up and a cap on says, speaking low and monotone voice before pausing upon seeing you and their co-worker who was rubbing the hit spot, who was shooting them a quick glance.
Another person, this time a shorter, rounder woman with pink makeup, pokes her head out. She sees you and Tim as well but she changes to a brief shocked expression and speaks, "Sorry for the interruption. Tim, take your time. I need to talk to Billie for a second.", the woman takes hold of the window door and quickly throws it down to close it, but in the process hits Tim in the back of the head again. You hear her shout a muffled "Sorry!" from inside.
"Are you okay?" you ask. "I'm fine. Just fine." Tim assures. "That was Billie and Penny by the way. In case you wanted to know," he says.
"Thanks for the cake by the way it was really neat of you to offer me some." Tim thanks. "I'll keep that as a highlight of the rest of my day. Whatever that may entail." he says as he starts to walk around to enter into the truck.
You try your best to not squeal at the fact that he just called you, well, more like the cake, a highlight in his day.
You wave goodbye to each other before he gets into the truck and you turn to walk back to your food truck. Upon getting back, you find Daniel and Helen seemingly waiting inside for you.
"So, how was your date?" Daniel jokingly asks.
"He liked the cake," you say, "And I met his co-workers." you add.
"Ooh. Sounds pretty serious." Hellen buds in with a joke of her own.
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l-starlight-l · 1 year
The love of a Hero
Dinner for Two
Previous: part1 part2
A/n: I feel like this is silly but I really like seeing Jason in a way that he feels so comfortable and talkative yk! It’s not very comic Jason but it’s my Jason so it doesn’t matter, I hope you enjoy it!
Description: Jason and you open up to each other over some food
Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader
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You finished work a little earlier than usual and thought about taking the long way home through Gotham park. It was a scenic route back to your apartment that always cleared your head after a rough day. You had been in Gotham for two weeks and it was going very well. You had made some friends at work including a certain vigilante you spent breaks with, and some kind neighbors. Everyone always gave Gotham a bad wrap but this is the best place you’ve lived so far.
On your walk to the park you get a chilling feeling as if someone is watching you. You check behind you but there’s no one there. You speed up just to be safe. You can see the park a few feet ahead when you run into someone and almost fall to the ground. A large arm catches you, looking up you see a red helmet peering down at you.
“We have to stop meeting like this” he smirks pulling you up
You shake your head and dust yourself off. “You seem to always be in my way, you know” you tease with a smile.
“Maybe I do it on purpose” he winks at you even though you technically can’t see it.
“You’re such a flirt” you roll you eyes to play it off. “What are you even doing here”
“I just got off patrol” he takes off his helmet, “you hungry” he tries to be smooth and he is.
Your mind goes crazy at the thought of going out to eat with him, what if it’s a date. You block all your overthinking out. “I could eat” you say trying to hide your internal panic.
“Good I know the perfect place” he leads the way into the park and up to a food truck covered with fairy lights and stickers. There’s a few people there all enjoying their food, only giving a short glance at the red hood casually grabbing a bite to eat. “My brother use to take me here all the time, they have the best burgers in all of Gotham” he says proudly with a cute look on his face.
All you can do is stare at him. You’ve never seen him like this, you’ve known him for a week and a half but you only talked about work never about personal stuff. “I didn’t know you had a brother” you say a little quiet
“I have quite a few siblings, they all annoy me but they’re family you know” he says while you both get in line for the food. “What about you?” He looks down at you, waiting for an answer like a puppy.
“Well, I have brothers” you say suddenly shy, “and a cousin who’s like my sister, I get along with them fine but they can be so difficult sometimes” you laugh to yourself thinking about your brothers. You never talk about your family, it’s always been a messy topic but it feels good now.
“Do they live close? Is that why you moved here?” He seems so eager to know you it catches you a little off guard.
“Oh no, they would never live here my dad would kill them” you pause thinking about your dad, “I know my little brother is still in metropolis but I’m not sure about the older one” you sigh into the cold air.
“Are you not close with them?” You look up at him and he has a curious but concerned expression.
You shake your head, “not as close as I should be, but things happen you know it’s just how life is. I wish I could see them more often but it just doesn’t ever work out like that” you should feel sad or guilty, that’s how you usually feel when you talk about this sort of thing but you feel understood and heard.
“I get that, I mean I practically live with my siblings and we’re not super close. I want to have a sibling bond I just feel like to much of an outsider to join in now” he says honestly, he isn’t use to talking like this to people but you make him feel so comfortable.
“We’re not so different then” you say with a small nod. You’ve reached the window without even noticing, you quickly look over the menu while he is ordering. He pays even though you insist and insist you got it.
“This just means you’ll have to take me out again, doc” he winks at you while we grab our food. You roll your eyes and go sit on a nearby bench. We sit and eat in a kind but short silence. “I don’t know why I feel like I can be so honest with you, and tell you things I wouldn’t usually tell anybody” he admits after taking a bite of his burger.
“I tend to have that effect on people seeing as it’s my job” you joke but it feels different talking to him then it does talking to a patient. “Although I don’t open up to my patients like I do to you”.
He blushes a bit, it’s a hidden blush so you can’t tell. He wants you to feel the same way he does, so he doesn’t feel so silly for talking about his life. You spent another hour just talking and getting to know each other better. After he walks you home to your apartment, and you part ways for the night. You’ll probably see each other again very soon. Both of you have a feeling you can’t quite figure out, but you know that you like it.
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siberat · 5 months
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Mukbang part 6
“So, how about we give these pancakes a try? *Grins* As I said prior, this treat is what I am most excited to try! I found this recipe online and was excited to try it for this event. Cinnamon Pancakes! These were fun to make; I loved watching them change color on the frying pan and fluff up! *Licks lips* I cannot wait to sink my teeth into these!
*Takes a bite, face lights up* Wow. That cinnabar is potent! But it’s so tasty and goes well with the fluffy and buttery taste of the breakfast cake. And this syrup? So sweet and warm! Perfect combination, if you ask me!
And it looks like a topic of conversation just pinged. *Reads text* Oh, this is definitely on point. But it's a tricky question for sure. *Looks at camera* Why do you all make me suffer so? Just listen to what this ‘Nonny asked. If you had to choose to only ever eat lunch, breakfast, or dinner for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
*Clearly throat* First, I am going to have to have a little chat with you. I don’t usually get angry, and I am trying to hold back the inner beast here. But listen. *Face goes stern as a finger is wagged at the camera* You forgot a meal. Dessert. How could you? You cannot forget about cannolis, cakes, ice cream, and pies! *Busts into laughter* I’m just playing; I am not mad. Though there really should be that fourth choice, however, that would not be the healthiest choice.
Hmmmmm *Face deep in thought* I suppose I couldn’t pick brunch? I think that would be considered cheating. * Takes another bite of pancake* This is tough. I simply adore breakfasts; they seem the most comforting and wholesome. And nothing beats chowing down on such rich and sweet foods first thing in the morning. Well, after my morning yoga and prayers.
But my absolute favorite meal would have to be supper. To me, it’s the most filling. I love Cyber/tonian sushi, noodles with all the fixings like a sunny-side-up egg, fresh veggies, and meat. *A dreamy look appears on face* Even some of Rat/chet’s favorites are up there, believe it or not. Greasy burgers and fries, lasagna, fried cyberchicken. *Giggles* Yes, I ate plenty of the food tonight. But another reason I enjoy suppers is that Rat/chet and I usually eat these meals together. Yes, our suppers are later in the evenings, but my mech loves coming home to a fresh, home-cooked meal on the table. *Pouts* if he runs late, sometimes I have to microwave them. *Gives a sweet smile, then devours the rest of the pancakes* But we always enjoy the time spent together!
Now it’s time to move on to another dish and another ask. What shall I try next, hmmm? *Bites lip while looking over the table* Ooooo, I know. This pudding. Doesn’t it look so yummy? It has a layer of crunchies on top of some thick whipped cream, then two flavors of pudding: amber and bronzite. And the very bottom is a moist bed of hematite cake. *Grabs a spoon and takes a bite* This is so rich and creamy!
Alright, the next question comes from Auto/bot Jerry. This is one crazy robo-mouse! Let’s see what’s on his mind. ‘Dri/ft, it’s Jerry! I always wondered how you’re able to eat so much and never get full, even from getting so huge. Speaking of, mind if I rest inside your flabs while you eat? Please? I haven’t bothered Rat/chet today, I promise!’
*Raises brow* Well, I am glad you haven’t pestered Rat/chet today, but I am banking on you saving that for another day. *Sighs* I’ll find out when you do; my lover always comes back in an extra grumpy mood when you do tease. *Eats more pudding*
How can I eat so much? Well, that’s simple. This food is just so flavorful and, dare I say, addictive. Each mouthful tastes like another! And before you know it, your dish is finished, and you are ready for another one. *Smiles and laughs* Now, about never getting full…. Well, that’s not quite the truth. Trust me, I am feeling it right now. *Rubs his grumbling belly* The dull aches are turning into a steady pain that’s radiating all over my belly. Do you hear my belly crying angrily? *Huffs out air* I just hope I can finish! *Gobbles up more pudding, licking some from his lips* My golly, I sure did get huge…Just look out how thick my thighs became and how my belly takes much of my lap!
But I am onto the best part of this treat. *Shows camera* I have reached the cake layer! *Scoops cake and pudding into mouth* Now, as for resting in my flab rolls…. Oh, I bet it would be so warm and cozy for sure! Perfect place to take a nap. Sadly, I am gonna have to decline, though. I am simply too stuffed to house a little robomouse between these rolls. I don’t think there’s enough room! Plus, my belly is all achy and quivery as is without you squirming around. You’ll have to take a rain check for another time. *Polishes off the pudding*
Well, that sure was scrumptious! And eating one sweet tastes like another. How about this Alti/hex roll? I just love this earthy-red brown shell and pink cream rolled in such a pretty little coil. And the confectionary copper flakes look ever so pretty. *Picks up the dish and shows camera* Now, this usually serves four. And I know I should save some for my conj/unx…All I can promise is to try! * Takes a huge bite, optics light up*
Hmmmmmmmm. Very tasty! The cake is light and fluffy, yet the cream filling is thick and sweet. Such a perfect combination! *A ping is heard* We have another ask from a viewer. This one comes from Soup. Oh, that is a lovely name…. soup is such a comforting food to eat on cold winter nights! But Soup wants to know my record for the most I have ever eaten in one sitting. *Raises brows*
Not to sound lame, but I think this time. I know I came close some other times, but if I finish all these plates of food, this one will take the cake. * Chuckles, eating another large slice of rolled cake* I rarely go overboard like this, to be honest. While it feels ever so lovely and cozy to be soft and squishy like this… *Kneads at pliable belly flab* …The next few days are going to be restrictive. Sure, I can walk still…*Optics dart back and forth* Well, at least I hope so. Waddling would be more like it! *Nervously chuckles, takes another bite*
 But it’s challenging. Plus, the extra weight gets tiresome lugging around and you get out of breath so quickly. I ensure I have a few days off after eating so much. *Shrugs* You know time off doesn’t come around often.
Needless to say, I cannot overindulge myself to this extent that much.
This kind of ties into another question I just received from Hoot. ‘Has your weight gain been distracting to yourself or other crew mates?’ *Tilts his helm as the last of the cake roll is consumed* Yes, it has distracted other crew members, and sadly, some of it wasn’t very nice. When I get this huge, I usually don’t go strolling out and about. Thankfully, no emergencies ever popped up that needed my presence. I typically make sure some other high-ranking officer is available.
But I have gone out and about with more of a starter belly. Most mech’s didn’t really care. *Optics glance over remaining dishes, widening upon spotting the next dish, a cinnamon bun* There would be some glances at my spare tire, and some would try to poke. *Bites lip* I don’t mind if Rat/chet pokes at me, but I do not like to be touched by other mechs. I know it wasn’t meant in jest, but it makes me uncomfortable. *Sighs*
But let me interrupt by showing off this little gem. Just look at all this thick icing on top of this cinnamon bun! This is going to be such a sugary snack! And it’s going to go right to my hips.
*Takes a bite* Hmmmmmmm… Very fresh, buttery taste. And the icing? Very delightful! *Smacks lips* But to continue on what I was saying. Who would think it’s alright to just walk up to someone and touch them? Does anyone else find that invasive? I’m not talking about a clap on the back or touching my arm… poking a tummy is…a bit private, I think. *Takes another bite* Some people get too handsy if you ask me.
But I noticed some turned heads as I wonder about. Some linger long enough to make me question if they like what they see. *Winks*
But then some laugh and make fun. Wh/irl was the worst. I mean, okay, I can overlook the staring at my paunch, but the calling out was embarrassing. I was at Swe/rves, and he shouted insults about my weight and appearance across the whole bar. He hollered stuff like fat pig, heifer, what a lumpy sack of slag. *Cheeks redden* And to hear the laughter erupt from other bar patrons? It was just too much! Trust me, I have been called worse but turned right around and left. *Takes another large bite of the baked good*
 They act as if chub is the most disgusting thing in the world. Like it’s some kind of disease that if you get too close, you’ll catch it. *Shakes helm* They need to learn more about contagious diseases. And understand that just because someone sports a belly, they still deserve to be treated with respect. We’re not cyber/animals, after all. *Finishes off cinnamon bun*
However, I do not wish to dwell on the bad times. Now, Have I ever distracted myself? Never during anything super important. I am good at staying focused on the tasks at hand. However, during…um... *Sheepishly smiles* I sure hope he’s not watching! But during Ult/ra Mag/nus’ long, rambling speeches, I caught myself idly groping belly flab. It just helps pass the time during the boring- I mean informative speeches. *Smiles* Really, Ult/ra Mag/nus makes several good and wise points… he just tends to get into so much detail over everything. Before you know it, you just listened to how important it is to use matching paperclips or something like that. *Shakes helm* He means well, I can tell you that.
This has been ever so fun tonight. I sure am enjoying myself so far. How about my lovely viewers? Are you having a good time? I sure hope so! It sure has been fun sharing a meal together and getting to know each other! And I am almost finished, though, definitely going to struggle to finish! Please send good, encouraging thoughts!
… ……
Still taking on more askes! So, if you have a question for Dri/ft, send it in! You can send multiples. Also, if you wanted to ask as another T/F character- just state so! Let’s keep this mukbang going and see if our dear swordsmech can handle all that food infront of him!
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donniesexceptionalmind · 10 months
Hey, I kind of wanted to rant about something that's been on my mind for ages. Sorry if your not doing asks, I didn't see anything saying you weren't. If your not, you can gladly ignore this. TW:Sewerslide :((
I feel like my mum and step-dad are embarrassed of me for who I am. Btw I am autistic. I do this really weird thing were I eat sandwiches and burgers, were I kind of, deconstruct it? So like,I eat the ingredients in order of what it's made in. I have tried eating it with all the ingredients,but I just feel like I'm going to be sick. They always have to remind me to eat it normally, and make me feel like I'm a burden. Technically, I am eating it normally, because it's going into my mouth, I'm chewing it, and it's going into my stomach 😂 and I just end up eating the burger when I get home, because I'm scared my stepdad is going to shout at me. Nearly every holiday we go on I always do something to get shouted at about. Mostly because of tone. Sometimes my brother does things that really annoy me, like stealing my things, like just now he's stolen my cat laser and is trying to blind me with it. My stepdad was mumbling, "Why isn't she smiling?" And earlier he was blatantly asking my mum why I was sulking when my brother called me dumb and was kicking me for no reason. I'm constantly afraid I'm going to ruin a day out with me feeling sad because of something. My stepdad in the past has made me develop body issues, saying I walked like a boy, I walk weird, my dancing and singing was horrible, and that I ate like a pig. And my mum does nothing. Once he shouted at me for something really fucking dumb and I tried commiting Sewerslide in the bathtub. I'm really sorry for being negative but I feel like I'm just boring my gf with how many rants I'm giving her 😂.
I hope you have a good day, Donnie :))
Greetings, Colin.
You express a lot of the struggles other autistics, neurodivergent otherly disabled or mentally ill people go through on a daily basis. You have my compassion for that. It's not easy.
You are valid just the way you are.
Too me, nothing you do seems particularly weird - well, I am considered weird too (outside the fact that I'm a literal turtle mutant). I could tell you A MILLION things that I do that allistic people would consider weird, crazy or stupid.
Let me tell you something:
If people get upset by you being your natural self & tell you you ruined their day - then they are not worth your time. It's THEIR fault for not accepting you & your autistic traits.
I know by default that our autistic traits can be difficult to face (outsiders & ourselves). That's why autism's a disability.
Your uniqueness should be celebrated. That counts for everyone reading this.
It's really sad that your mum doesn't support you & what your stepfather did to you was unacceptable.
I am incredibly sorry that it made you so miserable.
My take:
Stop. Commenting. On. Other. People's. Behaviour. And. Appearance.
Yes, even though you're close to them.
Yes, even though you care about them.
Yes, even though you think it's weird.
Yes, even though it isn't considered normal in society's bullshit rules.
If it is NOT HARMING someone or themselves - YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO COMMENT.
I hope you have a pleasant existence.
P.S.: my asks are always open, I might not reply immediately - it can take a few days seeing I am still a busy ninja & a scientist & I also have a private life - but I will reply. If the message is not mean, hateful or anything nasty.
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sunflowergirl522 · 2 years
Yours Truly 3
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 5153
Warnings: Toxic ex shows up, name calling, slight stalking
Series Masterlist
You and Bucky have gotten really close in the last month of knowing each other. There’s a lot more physical contact now that you’re used to one another as well. What started as little taps on shoulders when passing each other in the kitchen or only grabbing each other’s hands when in a crowded place so the other doesn’t get lost turned into gentle shoulder caresses as Bucky reaches above you to get a dish and you grabbing his metal hand every chance you get enjoying the odd warmth it provides your own. You’ve finished all of Bob’s Burgers and started Psych. You watch it together on your days off now too instead of just at night while you eat dinner. You throw your legs over his own and his hands rest on your calves sometimes massaging them while you both relax on the couch. 
Your ducks have slowly been taking over the apartment as well as a few succulents you’ve gotten and picture frames filled with pictures of you and your friends including some of Sam, you had to fight Bucky for those pictures. You also make sure to take pictures with Bucky every time the two of you are out so you can fill frames with the two of you as well. You’ve even gotten a few more little pieces of furniture to help fill up all the space there was before. 
Bucky was loving the changes you made to his once plain apartment that he never cared if he was in or not. He loved seeing little pieces and reminders of you all over the place. It made him want to come home after he closes his shop instead of staying late like he used to do. You made the apartment feel less like just a place to sleep and more of a home. Last time Sam was over he said it was like waking into a completely different place. He could only imagine what you could do with a bigger space like a house. Each time he tries, all he wants to do is get one so he can find out. 
He’s quickly learning that he would do anything for you. You mention going thrifting or to Target? He’s grabbing his car keys and telling you to put your shoes on. You bring up wanting to make a certain meal? He’s asking you what ingredients you need and going to pick the ones you don’t have up at the store. He can tell you’re having a bad or stressful day? He’s calling Kate to come over with Yelena to help make it a little better. He keeps your favorite snack food stocked up so you never go without it and he left a pen holder and a notebook on the counter in the kitchen so you don’t run around searching for something to use when you need to write down a new recipe or when you decide to write a letter. 
“Hey Buck?” 
“Yeah?” He leans out of the bathroom, his toothbrush halfway in his mouth. You’re standing near the now seemingly too small dinner table since so many people are over so often now and typing on your phone.
“Does the apartment complex allow pets?” 
“I think so. Why?” He pops back into the room to finish brushing his teeth before he continues the conversation with you. 
“We should get a cat. One of Yelena's long term clients cats had kittens and they’re trying to find homes for them.”
“I’m not really an animal person doll.” 
“Oh.” He watches the disappointment fill your face as you look down at your feet. He walks up to you and tilts your chin up with his thumb and index finger. 
“I’ll tell you what if they still need to find a home for one of them in a couple weeks we’ll take one okay?” 
“Really.” You let out a squeal before wrapping your arms around his neck and bringing him into a hug. “I’ll check to make sure pets are allowed today so don’t get your hopes up yet.” 
“Of course not, they’re way down here.” You reach your hand down to the ground and Bucky chuckles at you. 
“Alright doll, I’ll see you later.”
“See ya Buck.” You wave to him as he heads out of the apartment before doing a little happy dance about probably getting a cat and call Yelena to tell her to let her client know you could pick one up in two weeks. Bucky doesn’t need to know if you rig it right?
Your good mood immediately turns sour however when your phone starts ringing. As soon as you see the name ‘❌Billy❌’ flash on the screen you throw your phone and jump back from it. Why was your ex calling you? What could he possibly want from you almost two months from the break up? It doesn’t matter you wouldn’t answer him and he’ll never call again and that would be that. 
At least that’s what you thought. But a week later and he’s still calling he started sending texts after the first couple days of you not picking up. At first they were messages begging you to talk to him and saying that he missed you and how sorry he was and that he still loved you. But after you left him on read so many times he started to get mean about you not answering. You had told Kate and Yelena immediately about it after that first call and as it got worse they got more furious. Yelena continued to ask you if you wanted her to do something about it and Kate was already plotting his murder. You just wanted him to go away and leave you alone. You sent him one text ‘Billy, Leave me the hell alone we’re done. Y/n Y/l/n’ before you blocked his number and hoped he’d get the hint. 
Bucky could tell something was bothering you. You were way more stressed out than he’s ever seen you but every time he asked about it you just told him it was nothing, you didn’t want to bother him with it. Even him calling Yelena and Kate didn’t seem to help. So he wasn’t that shocked when he woke up in the middle of the night and found you baking when he went to get some water. 
“Doll?” You jump at the sound of his voice. 
“Bucky? I’m so sorry did I wake you up?” You’d been trying to be quiet, cringing whenever a pan would clang into another or when the oven preheated. You were even going to use your phone as the timer so you didn’t have to use the ovens and possibly wake him up. Bucky walks over to you until he’s right in your space and stops you from stirring the brownie mixture any more. 
“You’re stress baking.” 
“Oh this? No, I just woke up craving them and decided to make some.” 
“Then what’s with the batch of cookies on the cooling rack.” Honestly you had forgotten about those. 
“Okay maybe it’s a little bit of stress baking. But I’m fine, don't worry about it.” He just stands there and looks at you while not letting go of his gentle hold of your wrist. “Really Buck I’m okay.” He raises an eyebrow at you and tilts his head. “Okay maybe I’m feeling a little overwhelmed.”
“Do you wanna talk about it?” You shake your head and go back to mixing. “Alright how bout I stay here and just keep you company then?” You nod and send a smile his way as he situates himself against the counter next to you. A beat of silence passes by before you blurt it out. 
“My ex has been trying to talk to me.”
“What?” His head whips toward you at your words. 
“It started with phone calls and then turned into text messages. I already blocked him on everything else but I finally blocked his number so he shouldn’t be able to try again. But the whole situation has me really stressed out.”
“What’s he been saying?”
“Oh you know the regular manipulation tactics, oh baby I miss you, I’m so sorry, it’ll never happen again, it was a mistake, you dumb bitch answer my fucking texts.” You’re eerily calm as you quote him and pour the batter into the pan while Bucky's hands are squeezing into fists. 
“I’m guessing it didn’t end on good terms then.” A cynical chuckle leaves your mouth. 
“Unless you think cheating on me with my previous roommate is ending well, no it didn’t. That’s fine though, he was a dick anyway. It was just easier to see that once he betrayed me.”
“Come here.” Bucky grabs onto your hand once you set the timer for the brownies and starts to pull you to the bathroom. 
“What are you doing?” You ask as he starts to search through drawers. 
“We’re gonna do something that always cheers my sister up when she’s upset. Hopefully it helps you.” You laugh as he pulls out two different peel off face mask containers. 
“Bucky, I didn’t take you as the kind of guy to do face masks.”
“They’re for when my sister visits.” He smiles at you before patting the counter. “Sit. Which one do you want?”
“Pomegranate.” You hop up onto the counter and watch him put the charcoal one away while getting an applicator tool out. He nudges your knees apart and takes his spot in between them. 
“Do you want to do mine first or me to do yours?” You tap your finger on your chin and hum in thought. 
“You do mine first. God, it’s been forever since I’ve done a face mask.” You smile at him as he starts to apply it on you. “You look so serious right now.”
“This is serious stuff.” 
When it’s your turn to do his he places his hands on either side of you and leans forward. You’re already feeling so much better and your stomach does flips at how much care seems to be in Bucky's eyes as he looks at you. While you focus on applying his face mask he switches from looking at your eyes to glancing at your lips. His hands grip the end of the counter almost painfully so he doesn’t wrap them around the sides of your waist. 
“All done!” You put everything down before returning your hands to his shoulders. “How long do we wait?”
“Twenty minutes I think.” 
“The brownies will be done before we are.”
When the brownies do go off you almost don’t hear the beeping, being too deep into conversation with Bucky to pay attention to anything else. He was telling you stories of him and his sister growing up and how she’s going to school all the way across the country. Once the brownies are out and the sugar cookies you made earlier are put away it’s time to peel off the masks. The two of you return to the bathroom and Bucky picks you up and places you on the counter this time. Peeling the masks off is filled with laughter and soft words of encouragement when the other was worried about hurting whoever’s turn it was to get it peeled off. Bucky had successfully turned a stress filled night into a fun one where you both fell a little more in love with each other and you both fell asleep with smiles on your faces. 
The next morning you wake up feeling so much better than you have been. Bucky needs to stop being so nice and sweet to you or you’re gonna fall hard and fast for him. Not that you’re not currently in the process of falling for him, you know you are, but you have some sort of grip on the situation. If he keeps this up you fear you’ll lose it. 
Upon leaving your room you find a letter on the table. 
What do you think of getting that cat early? When I get home we could go get the necessary supplies before going to pick her up. When you see this just let me know what you wanna do. Also we’re out of milk so I’ll pick some up on my way home.
Bucky Barnes
You’re beaming at the fact of getting the cat, you’ve been bringing up how they still have one hoping he’d cave and not make you wait another week. You quickly pull out your phone and send him a response before calling Kate to see if she could pick you up. 
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“Get in loser we’re going shopping!” Kate tells out the window as she pulls up outside of the apartment building. 
“Why do you say that every time except for when we’re actually going shopping?”
“I don’t know.” She shrugs before driving again. “He finally caved?”
“Yeah, I’m not sure why though.” You turn to look fully at your friend. ”I told him about Billy last night.”
“Shhh if you say his name it’ll like summon him or something. But how did that go, I thought you weren’t gonna tell him?”
“I wasn’t but then he caught me stress baking and just stuck around to keep me company and I told him. He pulled me to the bathroom and we did face masks. And that surprisingly really helped.” 
“It’s not that surprising. You could be in the worst mood ever and if he even just smiled your way you’d cheer up.”
“I guess you have a point.”
“Oh, Yelena told me to give this to you. Apparently it’s all the info you need for the cat.” She pulls a post it note from her middle console and hands it to you. “And it’s gonna be super easy to get all the stuff in the car because I shoved all the toys and treats in the litter box and the food and litter are in one of the boxes from your move.”
“Oh dope it’ll only take us one trip then.”
“Also, I grabbed milk for you on my way to get you. Figured we could grab the cat stuff and then I can chill with you for a while.” She parks in their driveway and the two of you get out and grab the stuff that’s sitting right inside next to the door before she pulls out again. Neither of you pay attention to the car that pulls out of a parking spot the same time you do. 
A couple hours later, after some rounds of Uno and Kate stuffing her mouth with as many cookies as she can eat, she leaves ‘so you can shower and make yourself all pretty for lover boy’. You rolled your eyes at her words and locked the door behind her after giving her a hug. You stop in your room to get one of your towels before heading into Bucky’s bathroom. Right as you’re about to get into the perfectly tempered water someone starts to pound on the door of the apartment. You sigh before wrapping a towel around yourself and going to answer it thinking it was just Kate coming back because she left something.
“Kate, you’re back alrea- Billy?!”
It was a long day at the shop, Bucky’s neck was stiff, he was covered in oil, and he had to deal with a woman yelling at him about her car not being done even though it had only been fifteen minutes since she dropped it off. He’s so tired and all he wants to do is get home and see your smiling face while you vibrate with excitement about getting that damn cat. He wants to get a shower and tell you to get your cute ass in the car so the two of you can quickly pick the cat up before collapsing on the couch and watching Psych. The seething man in the doorway of his apartment makes him think none of that will happen though. He doesn’t hear much of the conversation when he exits the elevator down the hall but from what little he can hear he feels as though it’s safe to assume that this is the ex you told him about.
“I’ve tried being nice to you bitch but I’m done now. Open the door.”  Upon hearing him call you a bitch Bucky speeds up and before he knows it he’s pulling the man by the back of his shirt so he can stand in front of you and block the strangers view.
“Hey asshole, get away from my girl!” The words just slip out and he doesn’t even notice it at first.
“Your girl?” He leans over to look at you over Bucky’s shoulder. “Moved on already? You always were a little slut weren’t you?” Bucky just sees red as he swings and his fist lands on his nose. Your ex staggers back and Bucky slams the door in his face before turning around to face you. And when he does he freezes. 
“What are you wearing?” How had he not realized you were just in a towel before?
“I um, I was going to shower.” Your voice is timid and Bucky’s having a hard time focusing on it. His gaze keeps flickering from your bare legs to the top of the towel that’s having a difficult time staying rolled up. He can’t stop thinking about how easy it would be to just gently tug on it and have it fall to the ground. He squeezes his eyes shut and balls his hands into fists to try to get the thought out of his head but when he opens them back up it seems to be even less rolled than before. He casts his eyes up to your face and finds you staring at the door and the look in your eye lets him know you’re in your head. 
“Doll.” He hesitantly reaches out and wraps the towel tighter around you while not breaking eye contact with you which effectively breaks you out of your daze. “You with me?” You nod slowly and he gives you a small smile. “How about you go shower and I’ll order some of your favorite takeout and then you can tell me about what just happened if you want to?” His voice is low and has lost the edge it had before and all you can do is nod again before walking towards the bathroom that still has the shower running. 
“Hey Buck,” you peek your head out right before you get in, “can I have some of your clothes to wear? They just make me feel safe.”
“Of course you can angel.” He quickly grabs a pair of sweats and a shirt before handing them to you through the door.
“Thanks Buck.” 
After Bucky orders the takeout he groans and slams his head on the table. Of course he had to turn into a goddamn hormonal teenager while you’re having a crisis. He can’t even begin to imagine how you must feel with him showing up and calling you names. And he doesn’t even want to begin to imagine what dating that asshole was like after the way he was just acting.
You spend an hour in the shower. Most of the time in there you spent trying to wrap your mind around what just happened. Between Billy showing up at your door and demanding that you get back together with him and how Bucky swooped in to rescue you like a knight in shining armor, you had a lot to think about. You hadn’t even started washing your hair or anything until Bucky’s knuckles rapped on the door and he told you the food was delivered. When you exited the bathroom you found the food set up on the coffee table in the living room and Bucky coming out of your room in fresh clothes and wiping his face with a towel. 
“Hope you don’t mind I washed up a bit in your bathroom.”
“Of course I don’t. I told you, feel free to use it since I use yours so much.” You take your spot on the couch and Bucky follows after throwing the towel in the laundry nook. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asks after the two of you finish most of the food. You’re silent for a while and he assumes you don’t want to so he just places a comforting hand on your thigh before taking another bite. 
“I’m sure you’ve guessed already but that was Billy.” You don’t look at him but put your hand over his own. “He followed Kate and I here from her house. Apparently he figured I’d be over there sooner or later so he’s been staking the place out.” Your voice cracks but you keep going. “He said he waited in the parking lot till Kate was gone so she wouldn’t get in the way.” You don’t even realize you’ve started crying until Bucky’s pulling you into his lap and wiping your tears away. “I only opened the door because I thought Kate forgot something but then it was him and he was saying something about the towel but all I could really hear was the blood rushing in my ears. And then he started asking if we could get back together and when I said no he demanded it. He tried to shove his way in the apartment a few times. And then you got home. And God Buck I don’t know what would have happened if you didn’t get home when you did.” Bucky crushes you to his chest and lets you sob. He doesn’t want to think about what could’ve happened; he's just glad that he got here before anything could’ve. “I’m not proud of dating him but he was so sweet in the beginning I never thought it’d end up like this.” You speak into his chest as you start to calm down. You sniffle a few times more before he gently pulls you back to look at him and places his hands on each side of your face. 
“Do you want to file a restraining order?” Bucky’s eyes search your own and you just nod your head in response. “Okay. I’ll close the shop tomorrow and we’ll go to the station first thing and then go get your cat alright? And then when we get home we can watch Psych all day.”
“No, Bucky, our cat.” 
“Alright, our cat.” You smile at each other before Bucky places a kiss on your forehead. 
You both spend the rest of that night watching Psych and then when you start to fall asleep on him Bucky carries you to bed. He was just going to leave but then you grabbed onto his arm before he could go and asked him to stay. So he did and it was the best sleep either of you have had in a while. He didn’t hate waking up with you nestled in his arms either. 
When you woke up he was gone and you frowned to yourself thinking he left after you fell asleep. Which is fine but you were hoping to wake up in his arms. You shrug it off anyway and stand stretching before heading towards the kitchen to make breakfast. You’re greeted with a shirtless Bucky flipping pancakes on the stove and you stop in your tracks as you watch the muscles in his back flex with each movement. 
“Morning doll. I didn’t wake you up when I got up this morning did I?” He turns around to slide the pancake onto a plate and spots you. 
“No, I just woke up. Did you stay all night?”
“Yeah, was that okay?”
“That’s great.” You beam before sitting on one of the stools at the island. “You know, I’m not used to other people cooking for me.”
“Not much cooking going on with boxed pancake mix.”
“It’s the same thing.” You wave a hand to dismiss the thought. 
“Eat up, then we’ll head to the station if you still want to file.” He looks at you quizzically while sliding a plate of pancakes and some syrup your way. 
“Okay that sounds good.” 
“I found the post-it with the info for the cat on it and messaged them. We’re good to pick it up this afternoon.” Bucky turns around to finish making his own pancakes while you start to eat yours. 
After breakfast and getting in some clean clothes, which for you consisted of shorts and another one of Bucky’s shirts, the two of you go down to the police station with Bucky’s hand gripping your thigh the whole way there. And the whole time inside the station he held your hand except for when you had to fill out the right forms for it. But then your hand was right back in his. He escorted you both in and out with his hand splayed on the small of your back and staying close to you. 
“You feeling any better?” He asks after you let out a breath and he starts his truck up again. 
“A little yeah. Thanks for this Buck.”
“Anytime doll, you know that.”
“Yeah.” You bite your lip and look out the window to try to hide just how big your smile is.
Bucky lets you DJ on the way to the Millers to get the cat. So the car ride is filled with you singing along to all your favorite songs and Bucky glancing at you when he can and smiling the whole trip. Bucky even starts to sing along to the songs he knows. You decide then and there that you need to go on a roadtrip with him. At the moment you want nothing more than to make a playlist with Bucky and get away for a while. That’s until he pulls up to the house though. Because then you’re jumping out of the car and bouncing in excitement at the front of his truck while you wait for Bucky to catch up with you. 
“You’re basically glowing doll.” Bucky brings you close to him as he speaks. 
“I’m excited. Now c'mon let’s go!” You grab one of the hands on your waist and pull him to the door. He chuckles and lets you lead him only taking charge when it comes to knocking on the door. The door opens to reveal a woman with a cat on her shoulder.
“James and Y/n?” 
“Yes ma’am.”
“Perfect! You can follow me, I’ll show you where we’ve been keeping her babies.” Mrs. Miller nods towards the cat in her arms while moving so the two of you can enter her house. “We’ve been keeping them in our spare room so they have room to run around. They’re about four weeks old now so we’ve started them on actual food. So far so good, it’s actually feeding time now.” She opens a door and steps over the small gate blocking all the white kittens from running out the door. The two of you follow her and watch as she scoops some food into bowls and how all the cats swarm them. “The two of you can sit here and get to know them so you can decide on who you’d like to take. The ones with ribbons around their necks are ones others have claimed but weren’t quite ready to take them home yet. I’ll come back to check on you in ten minutes or so.” 
“Thank you.” You make sure to say as she walks out, sending you a smile. You plop down onto the ground petting a few of the kittens that approach you.
“Alright, which one do you want?” Bucky crosses his arms while he admires the small relaxed smile on your face as you lean forward to wag your fingers at one of the kittens.
“I can’t just decide now, Buck. I have to find the one I vibe with the most.” Your mouth pulls down in a frown when something catches your eye after you speak. “Sit.” You pat the spot next to you and Bucky listens without even thinking about it. He only starts to double guess himself when he watches you pick up a meowing kitten that was trying to get through for some food. “Hold her.”
“What, doll I told you I’m not-” He doesn’t get to finish his sentence before you’re placing the cat in his hands and walking towards the food. As he’s waiting for you to come back he realizes that this kitten is smaller than the others.
“I think she’s the runt of the litter.” You state as you sit next to him again with a handful of cat food. You offer your outstretched hand to the cat who timidly leans over Bucky’s own to eat it. Bucky’s heart melts at how you coo at the little thing that’s started to purr against the skin of his hand. And he officially falls in love with her when she takes a break from eating and stares up at him and meows. You see the moment it happens too and smile as he starts to scratch her behind her ears with his metal hand. The way his mouth parts a little in awe as she leans into it is one of the most adorable things you’ve ever seen. The two of you are still huddled around her when Mrs. Miller comes back.
“How’re you kids doing- Oh! I think you’ve found your match. She’s a good pick too, a real sweetheart. We had to bottle feed her mainly because she had a hard time fighting with her siblings to get to mom. You two need anything for the road?”
“We should be good. Do we owe you anything?” You stand up and Bucky does too only after making sure the kitten is secure against his chest.
“No, we’re just glad they’re going to good homes.”
“Thank you so much.”
“Just make sure to give her all the love you can. I’m not too worried though she’ll be in good hands with a couple like you.” Neither you or Bucky correct her as you head back to the car wishing her a good rest of her day. 
“What do you wanna name her?” You ask after Bucky pulls over the second time to pull her from your lap so he can coo at her and nuzzle his nose against her fur.
“You can name her doll, it was your idea.”
“I want you to.” He hands her back to you and starts the car back up. It’s a handful of minutes before he answers you.
“Alpine?” Bucky nods in response. “That’s perfect. Welcome to the family Alpine.” You kiss her little head and Bucky can’t shake the goofy grin from his face for the rest of the night.
Series Taglist: @calwitch​ @witchy-whore​ @matchat3a​ @searchf0rtheskyline​ @cjand10​ @eccentricnos​ @wordacadabra
Bucky Taglist: @starbxcks​ @koressecretidentity​ @stevieintheimpala​ @unmagically​ @peachytea01​ @the-chocoholic-writer​ @perksofbeingatrex​ @vanillamaa​ @strawb3rrydr3ss​ @that-sarcastic-writer​ @spideyycents​ @dissectiontime​ @yoongisdumplingcheeks​ @sailormajinmoon​ @collywobbl​ @alina02​ @toothhurtyam​ @the-lady-vanora​ @eliwinchester99​ @ijustneedpopcorn​ @engie115​ @saintmagx​ @winters1917​ @snufflet​ 
Marvel Taglist: @its-the-autism-innit-luv​ @milkiane​ @rorysreallyrandom​ @lieswithoutfairytales​ @sugarbutterbailey​ @1-800-ch3rry​ @neenieweenie​ @rocketxgirl @fluffy-bnny​ @bunnyweasley23​ 
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jerzwriter · 1 year
Off the Beaten Path
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Book:                   Open Heart
Pairing:                Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Kaycee)
Rating:                 Teen
Category:            Fluff
Summary:   Getting stuck in traffic on the way back to Boston teaches Ethan that sometimes detours are the best things of all.
Words: 813
A/N: Day 7 of @creativepromptsforwriting 's 30-Day Writing Challenge: Use the words: small town, bar, jukebox. Also participating in @choicesjanuarychallenge Day 13 - It's sort of Sunny and Grump :)
Ethan x Kaycee Masterlist 30-Day Writing Challenge Masterlist
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It was a late August afternoon, and Ethan and Kaycee found themselves driving on a country road somewhere in Pennsylvania. Ethan decided to get off the highway to avoid traffic some time ago, even though Kaycee told him they were bound to lose their GPS signal. But why should he listen to the Pennsylvania native? Now, she was doing all she could to suppress her giggling as she watched him coming undone.
“Siri! Get us back to I-95!!!!”
His exasperation was compounding as he yelled at the robotic device for the umpteenth time.
“One second….”
His hands clenched around the leather of the steering wheel, his knuckles almost white.
“Still searching….”
“Oh, this thing is….” a trail of barely intelligible curses followed.
“I’m sorry, nothing was found; please try again later.”
Kaycee turned away from him as he palmed the wheel, unable to contain herself anymore.
“And what, exactly, do you find so amusing?” He growled, attempting to prove something (though no one knew what); he tried to stay angry. But it wasn’t an easy task when she was so adorable.  
“There’s no GPS signal. I told you it would happen, and Siri’s told you four times. So, who is the foolish one here?” She grinned.
“Is it wrong that I expect things to work as they’re meant to?”
“No, but things aren’t always within our control,” she shrugged. “Besides, it’s nice to get off the beaten path sometimes. You never know what you find.”
“Really? What exactly should I be looking for.”
“A place to eat! I’m starving!”
“There are granola bars in the glove compartment.”
Kaycee rolled her eyes so hard she thought he might hear them. “I also have to pee. So granola bars aren’t going to help me.”
 “You’re impossible,” he chuckled through a good-natured sigh.
“Yes. I’m so sorry you have an eating, peeing girlfriend, Ethan,” she teased. “Clearly, you settled. Now, why don’t we go there?” She pointed to a little ramshackle building in the distance. “that place looks good.”
“Good?” He questioned. “Besides, it’s a bar.”
“Bar and GRILL, Ethan. You’re not in Boston anymore. Now pull over; I’m sure it will do fine.”
The dimly lit, one-room dive looked like something out of a honky tonk movie, and while Kaycee looked intrigued, Ethan was aghast.
“Stop acting like you’re from the Brahmin, Ramsey,” she laughed, taking his arm. “I know where you grew up.”
“Fine,” he said, slipping into the wooden booth. “But it’s been a long time since I’ve been in a place like this.”
“It’s not so bad,” she shrugged. “Kind of takes me back to my childhood.”
“Kaycee… you grew up in Philadelphia.”
“Yes, but you forget, I spent summers with my grandparents on their farm, and they lived in a small town just like this.”
“I forget you’re so diversified,” he smiled.
“The best way to be!”
Fifteen minutes later, Ethan groaned with delight as he bit into a juicy cheeseburger.
“Still wish you were back on I-95?” Kaycee mocked.
“This is the best burger I’ve ever had!”
“Hmmm… and at a fraction of the price we’d pay in Boston. Sometimes we have to be happy that life takes us to unexpected places.”
His face softened as he reached over to wipe a bit of ketchup from her chin.
“You think I would have learned that lesson by now. I mean, look at us.”
“Exactly,” she beamed. “Look at us.”
When the meal was over, Ethan was no longer in a hurry to get back on the road, and Kaycee had the perfect solution.
“Let’s drop some dimes in the jukebox, and we can dance a little to work off the burgers.”
“Dance?” he asked, looking at her as if she had two heads.
“Yes, that thing we do with our feet….”
“I know what dancing is, Rookie! I just don’t know if I know how to do the kind of dancing one does here.”
Once again, she rolled her eyes as she grabbed her wallet from her purse. “It’s a two-step, love. If you managed to graduate med school, I think you can pick this up relatively easily.”
“Totally different skillset required.”
He startled when Kaycee fell into his lap, throwing her hands around his neck and lavishing him with kisses. 
“Dr. Ramsey, haven’t I proven the point already? Live a little. God, you’re so lucky you found me. I hate to think of what a boring old man you would have grown to be.”
“Hmm… and now you’re just aging me rapidly instead.”
“And that’s why we’re going to two-step,” she winked, taking his hand and leading him to the dance floor. “Keeping those joint limber… for other things.”
He let out a snort with an impish grin adorning his face. “You know what, I’ll agree with you on one thing. I sure am lucky I met you.”
Permatags: @a-crepusculo @animesuck3r @annoyingmillenialnewbie @crazy-loca-blog @differenttyphoonwerewolf @doriopenheart @fayeswiftie @genevievemd @gryffindordaughterofathena @inlocusmads @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten @kingliam2019 @liaromancewriter @lucy-268 @onikalover @openheartforeverinmyheart @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @secretaryunpaid @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction @jerzwriter-reblogs-asks @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
30-Day Challenge: @mydemonsdrivealimo
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