#we need more kid cartoon couples like this!
autball · 4 months
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When you can’t show what you know, people assume you just don’t know anything.
At least that’s how it works for most autistic kids who can’t speak, or can’t control their bodies as much as they’d like to, or can’t answer things “fast enough,” and so on. Because the people who give the tests really don’t want to entertain the idea that their tests might just be garbage sometimes.
Non-speakers who have gained access to communication later in life all tell a similar story: that they experience a mind-body disconnect that makes it hard for them to control their own bodies. That means that they struggle to perform tasks on command, whether it comes from other people or their own minds, and that their bodies will just do things that the person didn’t even mean to do.
And despite the growing number of people who are able to share these stories, most of the People In ChargeTM are still operating under the assumption that if you can’t answer a question or follow an instruction correctly, it’s because you didn’t understand it.
Which means that kids who can’t show what they know because their bodies won’t cooperate are assumed to just not know anything.
Which means they never get to move to the next level of education.
Which means there are millions of children who languish in educational settings that are not academically challenging enough for them- because the problem they have with their bodies is assumed to be a problem with their mind.
But the inaccessibility of assessments is the problem here. As well as the assumptions people make about those who are thought of as “low functioning.” As well as the fact that the majority of autistic kids who can’t speak are still not given alternative means of communication soon enough, if at all.
We can do better. Presume competence. Treat communication like a basic human NEED and a RIGHT, not an optional privilege to be earned. And believe the people who keep telling us as soon as they can, “It’s our bodies, not our minds!”
NOTE: I’ve been wanting to do something on this for a while, and this particular cartoon came together a couple weeks ago while I was listening to “Ido in Autismland” by Ido Kidar. Please do check it out, along with the work of other non-speakers, to learn more about this experience from the people who actually live it. 
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mapiforpresident · 3 months
Can you please do an Alexia x reader x child? Maybe its the child's first day of preschool or something? Thank you!!!
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Off to Preschool
Alexia x reader x child
Summary: Its your sons first day of Preschool and your wife is not handling it very well.
You and Alexia had been married for six years now. You had met when you transferred to Barcelona, and she immediately fell in love with you. She had proposed to you on a vacation to Greece four years ago. You didn't think it was possible, especially when she is grumpy, but you continue to fall more in love with her with each passing day. Three years ago, you expanded your family when you welcomed your baby boy Leo. He is the best son you could ask for, and you love seeing Alexia be a mother. Leo is a mini Alexia in almost every way, and when you don't find it frustrating, it is incredibly adorable.
You had found out you were pregnant with your second child three months ago. Leo was very excited to be a big brother, and you and Ale were very excited to expand your family.
It was today, though, that Leo would officially start preschool. You wanted him fully in preschool when you get into your later months of pregnancy and when you first had the baby. Alexia agreed with the idea but was also a nervous wreck. Normally, you took Leo with you to practice, and one of you or a teammate would watch him, but with having another baby, you figured it was time to start him in a school with a regular environment. This would be Leo's first time not being with his parents, Alexia's mom and sister, or close friends. He had grown up constantly surrounded by friends and family, so Alexia was nervous for him to be away from them without anyone familiar for the first time.
You and Alexia had toured this preschool and decided it was the best one for your energetic son. It had a large outdoor playground and many hands-on learning activities. Leo was very excited after his visit and learning about all the things he was going to get to do.
You had to leave in an hour to drop him off. You decided today was going to be his first day because you and Alexia both had a rare day off in case anything came up, and you needed to go get him.
Leo was currently sitting on the couch eating a bowl of fruit and watching his favorite cartoon, practically bouncing up and down with excitement.
You stood in Alexia's arms in the kitchen as she voiced all her concerns like the overprotective mom she is.
"What if he gets hurt, or sick, or needs another set of clothes? Oh god, what if another kid is mean to him? What if he has an accident? He has only been potty trained a couple of weeks. What if he can't nap, and it throws his schedule off? What if he..." Alexia looked very stressed as she ranted, her arms practically clinging to you. Your presence was the only thing keeping her from fully panicking at this point.
"Hey, hey, hey. It's ok, amor. Breathe for me, please." You told her as you tried to calm her down a little. You watched as she took a deep breath and then held her face in your hands, moving her so she was looking directly into your eyes.
"Everything will be ok, amor. Leo is a very smart kid; he knows how to advocate for himself, and if anything happens, they will call us immediately. It is only a ten-minute drive, and we can go pick him up." She nods, feeling a little more reassured, especially by how confident you sounded that he would be ok. Alexia looked over to her son and saw how excited he looked and remembered how for the past couple of days all he could talk about was how he wanted to go to preschool.
Feeling the gazes of his mamas, Leo turned around on the couch, kneeling and leaning over the back. "Mama, Leo go to school now," Leo asked in his adorable little voice.
"Soon, bebé. Why don't you run upstairs and get your Spiderman backpack so we can make sure you have everything you need," Ale replied as Leo jumped off the couch. He brought his now empty bowl and used the stool you had in the kitchen for him to put his bowl in the sink. You ruffled his hair as he raced passed the two of you upstairs after saying, "ok, I be wight back." You were still working on his pronunciation of the letter "r."
"See, amor, he is going to be just fine. Why don't we have a relaxing day while he is gone? We can go to that cafe that is a block over from the preschool that we have been wanting to try, and then we can go for a nice walk. There are a couple of stores I need to go to. Leo needs some new pants because he is getting so tall, and we still need to buy a double stroller for when the baby comes," you said to her as you pecked her lips.
"That sounds good, amor. We will be right by the preschool in case anything happens, and I can spend a whole day alone with my sexy baby mama. I don't think we have spent a whole day alone since before Leo was born." She leaned down to peck your lips again as you heard Leo race down the stairs with his backpack on.
"I want kiss too, mama."
"Of course, mi bebé," Alexia said to him as she picked him up and placed kisses all over his face. You loved watching them both as they giggled and Leo wriggled in his mother's grasp.
"Mommy, save me, mama attack me," He squealed out as you reached out and took him from Alexia's grasp, joining in the laughter.
"Do you want to wear your Batman or Superman shoes today?" You asked him as you set him down and checked that everything was in his backpack.
"Superman," He yelled as he raced off to put his Velcro shoes on.
"On the other feet, mi amor," Alexia called after him as she went to help him.
You grabbed his backpack off the counter and went to get him a sweatshirt, knowing it was a little chilly today, even though he most likely would refuse to put it on.
"Ready to go?" you asked him after you had put on your own shoes. He nodded his head enthusiastically as you opened the door heading towards the car.
Alexia lifted him into his car seat. "Leo try, mama." Leo told her, attempting to buckle himself in. Ale chuckled as he somehow got it twisted around his arm, helping him start over before he finally buckled himself with a triumphant grin as he said, "Leo big boy."
"You are, baby," You replied from the front seat.
About an hour later, you and Ale were sat in the cafe you had talked about earlier, you thoroughly enjoying your kid-free meal and coffee, relishing in the calm atmosphere and having one-on-one time with your wife. Ale, on the other hand, was a nervous wreck, biting her nails and checking her phone every two seconds to make sure she somehow didn't miss a call from the preschool.
"Amor... amor..... amorrrrrrrrrr," you said to her. She finally glanced up at you, seeing the small smile on your face.
"What?" she asked as she asked confused why you were smiling and staring at her.
"He is ok, mi vida. He is probably having the time of his life doing a science experiment or kicking a football on the playground."
"I know, I know, I just can't help but worry. He is my baby boy, and I can't stand the thought of something happening to him."
"How about after we pick him up, we take him for ice cream at the park? We can even invite Mapi and Ingrid. I haven't seen baby Hugo in a few days. Maybe he'll take his first steps today; Ingrid said he was really close."
"That's a good idea, amor. I will text Mapi right now. Leo will like that too; they have the chocolate ice cream that he likes."
The two of you finished your coffees and pastries, enjoying your time together and laughing at memories you have shared like your first date and your very awkward first kiss.
You were incredibly grateful for the love you and Alexia shared and how much you balanced each other out. You both couldn't believe how amazing your little family is. You loved Leo so much and were excited to see him become a big brother.
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chantiying · 1 month
Message from your inner child
Before to start, sorry for any mistakes or grammar error. English is not my first language. How to choose? Think of something you liked when you were a child (a game, a toy, a smell, a candy, your favorite stuffed animal) and try to remember you as a kid, take a deep breath and when you're ready, you and your inner child choose the image that drawn to you. Remember tarot is not set on stone and you can change your path whenever you want. This is for entertainment purposes. This reading is general so if it doesn't resonate with you just let it go
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: ¨·.·¨ :
` ·. 🦋
(˚ˎ 。7
TW. Direct or indirect mention of abuse, bulling, violence, familial violence, broken family among others.
Ok, let's go!!!
Hello my friend :) Do you remember how disastrous our childhood was? Do you remember that there were some people who hurt us? Remember when we were pushed aside from parties? Do you remember when we found out that sometimes the "love" of a couple is not two but three? Remember when we found out what infidelity meant? Come, here and close your eyes for a moment, because I want to tell you a secret but I don't want you to see me are you ready? Yes? Ok: the infidelity of our parents marked me
I know since then we don't know what it means to love or how to make a relationship work. I know it's a lot harder for you than it was for me. I know sometimes you wonder if you're loving too little or too much, I know you're scared of being harmed like mom and dad did. Do you still feel that strange feeling of isolating all noise with music or the TV on while we sit on the floor of the room begging for it all to end? I do love you, my friend :) I know it seems a little difficult, I know it seems a little hard to say and hear, I know you may not believe it because they made you doubt what it means to love someone, but, I'll let you in on another secret: I don't feel alone anymore. I've learned that sometimes we have to leave where the water overflows to build a better castle. I learned to be smarter and not to argue when it's not necessary, to stop talking where no one listens, to live with myself and with you.
Please, I know it's not easy, but I want you to start again, on your own, I want you to leave everything behind, to let the dragons (they are not bad I already talked to them and they said they are on our side) I want you to let them destroy what hurts us, and to start building your own fortress. I want to be your first beautiful relationship. I want that you love me because I love you and I will always love you. Please love me, okay? Let's be you and me (km little you, hehe) against everyone. I want to be your partner in crime and have us laugh together. I promise you that after that, we're going to smile more and forget what they did to us.
You also have to eat well, did you hear me? Oh and don't tell anyone, but, I'm craving our favorite sweet treat from when we were little, can you eat it for us?
I'm always with you, don't forget me, I'm you but in little. Oh, something else, let's pretend it's your birthday, yei ! let's be happy for today and close your eyes again and make a wish
Francis Forever Mitski, Innocent Taylor Swift. Grey, Purple, Blue. Leaves & Streets. Orange juice?, Music, Cartoons, Headphones, Magic Wand. Mulan (I'll Make a Man Out of You)
🧸🎂🎈🍫 🧸🪄🎈🍫
Hey!!! What's up, buddy? I am very happy, I feel that I have arrived where I needed to be, I feel that the sun has finally risen, I feel that all the changes I had to go through have now paid off. The knowledge, the peace, the beliefs, everything I needed to cultivate is bearing fruit. See? I even speak as someone cultured and intellectual 😸. At first I didn't notice it, I was incredulous, but then I started thinking and thinking and thinking, and I realized that the change started in the interior. I know, you don't have to tell me, it sounds very cheesy, it sounds silly, but, I must admit, even if it's a little embarrassing, that sometimes dreaming and being cheesy is kind of fun SO DON'T MAKE FUN OF ME 😾😹. Ok, let's be serious, mate. We went through a time where we didn't believe in anything and we didn't even know if we should believe but I kept doing it. I kept looking until I got to where I needed to and BOOM it all made sense. Our lives are going to get better, we're better now, we're brave, we're smart, we're strong, we're cool !! We still have to keep learning, we still have a long way to go, but I learned that learning is also fun. DON'T GIVE UP, OK? Ok. I know it's hard to grow, but we've always wanted this, we've never bowed down, we've never given up, we've always looked forward and we'll continue to do so
Keep in your heart the ones who help you and give you happy moments, then let's continue writing our story
No matter how many steps forward you take, whether it's one or two or a thousand, I'll always be there proud of where you've taken us and what an amazing person you've made us. I only ask you to never forget where you come from and where you are going, don't forget to be grateful, don't play with anyone's heart or time, that's not good 😾. I want you to appreciate the time and I want that, when you think that the world is against you, or that everything is going wrong, you can change it. Don't worry, I don't want you to blame yourself for everything, but I also don't want you to always blame it on others. I know sometimes it's hard, keep trying again and again, even if you're scared don't don't victimize yourself because heroes don't do that, and you and I have the prettiest cape, we have the cutest glitter and we have the best superhero story just for us, and don't be afraid, because superheroes can do anything and if we can't our superhero friends will help us 😼
Let's be great, let's be epic!
Disney, A lot of changes or currently changing something, Happiness, Beach, Comics, Sun, Summer, Ice cream, Watch, Hats, Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride, Hannah Montana, Vacation, Pop en español (Pop in Spanish), Extrovert, Mischievous, Spider man? Funny, Tangled (the movie)
🦸, 👨‍🚀, 🐱, 🚀
There are two of us, we are yourself and I, and it has always been like this ☺️, do you feel confused? Because I do, a little bit, you won't get mad if I tell you, right? You'll understand, right? I feel like everything is going so fast, I feel like I can't stop, I feel like I want to rest, I feel like when I wanted the geography or math hour to end and go out for recess to get some fresh air. why is everything going so fast? I want to understand what's going on, I want to, I really want to, but I can't. Do you no longer feel distrustful? Do you believe in other people yet? Because I don't do it yet 🥺, do we have friends yet? Or are we still alone? Are they still hurting us? Are we still unsafe? I don't want to be like that anymore, I promise you, (crying?) I want to have a lot of friends, I want to be loved, I want to play, I want to have fun, but I can't believe in others, do you? I don't want to be alone, I know I said it was you and me, and I still believe it, it's you and me against the world, but I also want us to be more against the world. I want someone to turn on the light and hold my hand, would you? I want you to hug me, talk to me, I feel like you're mad at me, at the little you from a few years ago, did I do something wrong? Do you think it was my fault that we were treated like this? Do you think it was my fault that we were disappointed? I'm a little annoyed with you too, not gonna lie. you know what? I was a kid but you have everything to change what happened to us, you pretend that it doesn't hurt anymore and that's a lie! you're still upset and scared, listen, it's ENOUGH! Do something for us. At least I'm angry but I want us to change this, I want us to be happy. I want us to be together and happy, I want us to be one, I want you to remember me, but not only the bad but the good as well, remember what we like, remember the watercolors, the music we liked, remember the sun, the window, remember the yard, remember the stories that mom/dad used to tell us. Remember Mom/Dad. Remember the puddles after the rain. Please, I'm not asking you to want to be a child again to do everything differently, I'm asking you to connect with me so that our creativity flies, so that you know where to go, so that you can start something new.
The magic is in us, accept us, what you don't want to let out, is what makes us most beautiful
You will get what you want, but don't want everything, don't be ambitious. Don't forget us, don't forget you, never forget yourself.
Sadness, Grudge, Sobbing, Poverty (both spiritual and economic), Pranks, Bullying, Grass, Secret place, 8 years? Cold, Scams, Rain, Mirror, Emojis. Monsters, inc. As a child, Madeline The Person. J's lullaby (darling I'd wait for you), Delaney bailey. All I want, Kodaline. Rises the moon, Liana Flores
ꗃ🗝₊˚⊹♡ 𓉞 . ⸙͎。˚⋆ 𓋼
Hi guys! Sorry for the late update. To be honest I struggle being consistent in what I do, but I'm trying (no, I'm really trying) to be more consistent.
Today, is children's day in my country, so I decided to do this spread for you all, because I consider that connecting and embracing our inner child is one of the most healing things we can do. So happy Children's Day !!
Alic (Chanty) 🪽
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sokoviansimp · 1 year
hi! I absolutely love the package au series you have going on, it’s so cute and one on my favourites on here 🤫
if you’re taking requests maybe we could see reader running around the compound causing trouble and wanda (and/or nat) trying to stop them causing mischief??
ps hope you’re having a good day 🥹
In Your Corner
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✒ Pairings : Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark x Child!Reader (platonic)
✒ Summary : As reader becomes more comfortable, things become harder for Wanda.
✒ Tags and Warnings: tantrums, embarrassment, lmk if I missed any.
✒ Author's Note : I really appreciate the request, I am so sorry that this took so long, hope you enjoy
✒ Word Count : 2252
✒ Read Time: 11 minutes
Masterlist : The Package AU
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Now that you were starting to get comfortable around the compound, you had the itch to explore every inch of it. It was natural for someone your age to seek out their environment and try to discover what the world holds around them. Most kids your age, however, are not surrounded by multi-million dollar science labs housing tech that could quite literally destroy the world. 
Until recently, you never felt the need to go out of your way and seek new things, it was stressful enough for you to just find solace in the fact that you were safe here now and no one had any sort of hidden agenda. You had grown accustomed to trusting no one during your time at Hydra; it was hard for you to believe that anyone would want you without something in return, but Wanda made you feel safe again. 
The more your worries melted away about this place, the more you became more curious about your surroundings, wanting to touch and feel anything you could get your hands on and know why and how anything and everything came to exist. Up to this point, you’ve had no boundaries throughout the compound. There was no need really, you mostly followed Wanda around like a lost puppy, attached to her hip, never venturing to somewhere she didn’t lead you to. 
This morning, however, Wanda left you in the common room to watch tv while she made you breakfast. This gave her a clear view of you when needed, but ultimately the freedom to whip up your meal quickly without interruption. You sat there facing the cartoons on the television, but your mind couldn’t help but wonder what lays down the hallway by the stairwell. You’ve seen plenty of people go in that direction, but you’ve never been down it yourself. No one had specifically told you that you weren’t allowed down the hallway, so why haven’t you explored it yet? What are you waiting for? Nothing, there’s no reason for you to be left in the dark about it at this point, so you get up from the couch in the living room and head down the mysterious hallway. 
The corridor had a few twists and turns; but not too long after venturing down, you came to an elevator plastered with a warning sign that read Authorized Personel Only underneath a red exclamation point encased in a triangle. This didn’t phase you much though because those are big words and you barely know how to read yet. Sure, you could sound it out, but even if you got that far, you wouldn’t know what it meant. To you, the exclamation point just screamed fun.
On the next floor up, there was a room with large blurred glass windows and a set of automatic doors. You walk right in with ease, wondering why the lights are so bright in there. The room is littered with every kind of tech you can imagine, you curiously examined all the different gadgets and machines that were strewn about. One of the items on the counter was a remote, it held a couple of buttons on it, but there was one large blue button housed by a glass door that had you intrigued. 
“Y/N, do you want me to put syrup on your waffles?” Wanda called out to you from the kitchen. She knew that you would ultimately want syrup on your waffles, but she made it a habit  to give you as many decisions as she could. This way, you can have her put the syrup on for you or you could do it yourself. Either way, it was a part of your life that you could control and after growing up in similar circumstances to you, she understood how important it is to feel in control of your own life. “Y/N?” She follows up after not hearing a response as she makes her way over to the couch. Once she's met with empty cushions staring back at her, she starts looking around in areas that you frequented. Like the bedroom, movie room, and bathroom; but when she comes up empty in each spot her nerves began to rise. It’s not like you to just walk off. 
Without thinking of what the button could be controlling, you lifted the glass housing and pushed both of your thumbs down onto the blue piece of illuminated plastic. Suddenly, the lab was filled with a bright red light, and one of the machines in front of you started to shake violently. F.R.I.D.A.Y. immediately alerted the compound that one of the machines was malfunctioning. Tony and Nat rushed in, trying to figure out what was happening. And then, out of the light emerged a giant robot, towering over them all.
Your eyes widened in awe as you saw the robot come to life. "Woah!" you exclaimed as you stood still in shock.
Tony was not amused. "Y/N, what did you do?" he began raising his voice.
You shrunk at the sound of his tone. You didn't know what to say. You had just been exploring and didn't mean to cause any trouble. You didn’t mean to make anyone upset with you, especially Tony. Men already scare you a bit, so an angry man was surely not something you sought out.
Wanda quickly came in and saw the commotion. She took one look at the robot and quickly realized what was going on. With a flick of her wrist, she used her powers to shut down the machine.
“Y/N, what are you doing in here?” she asked kneeling down to your level.
“I was esploring” you stated honestly. 
“You were?” Wanda was surprised, that’s not something you ever cared for before now and she wanted to tread lightly on the topic so that she didn’t completely kill your spark. 
You nodded in return, “Sweetie, there are some places in the compound that aren’t safe for little ones” 
“Der is?” your embarrassment began to build up, you didn’t know that you weren’t allowed here. 
“It’s ok, you didn’t know. There are plenty of places you can explore, I can show you,” she states as she reaches out for your hand, which you take. 
Throughout the day, Wanda took you all over the compound to show you places that you could go at anytime and other places that you can go with adult supervision. You were grateful that Wanda took the time to show you all over. Most of these places, you only needed to see once to be sated, but having never known what lay behind the doors may have driven you mad. 
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The next couple of days, you began breaking out of your innocent shell. With the itch for exploring scratched, you were still feeling more comfortable around the compound. Wanda felt like everywhere she went she was cleaning up after you. You began to play more with your toys in different areas, leaving them around for her to pick up. Nat found marker scribbled along the walls this morning on her way to the kitchen. Luckily, she found it before Tony and was able to show you how to clean it before he caught sight of the damage. 
Wanda was grateful that Nat was there for you, not only to help teach you where the proper spots to use markers are, but also to teach you how to clean up your mess and take responsibility. This past week has been stressful for her, it almost seems like a flip just switched in your brain and you became a completely different person. Of course, there were parts of you that were still the same, but they seemed overshadowed by all of the mischief you’ve been causing. 
“Put your plate in the dishwasher and we can go upstairs for your bath” Wanda explained in a gentle tone. Your eyes widened at the mention of bathtime. As quickly as you could, you placed your plate into the dishwasher and darted into the common room to delve into your toys. Confused, Wanda turned her head to watch you blatantly disobey her. Maybe you didn't hear her, “Y/N? Time for a bath, come on” she waved.
“NO!” you yelled as you continued on with your legos. Surprised by your response, Wanda had to take a deep breath before continuing, “No?” she replied in a stern tone. 
“I don’t want to take a baf!” you cried out as you began smashing the legos you had in your hand down onto the floor. Unbeknownst to you, in your intense emotion, Wanda could feel the floor begin to rumble as the items that hung on the wall started shaking. 
Wanda's fingers illuminated as red seeped into the air, causing all of your building blocks to vanish until you were left sitting in the middle of an empty floor. The shock of everything around you disappearing caused you to still for a few moments.
“What’s going on, Y/N? You love bathtime.” Wanda stated as she came to squat down at your level, trying to prevent the situation from escalating. 
You looked back into her eyes, and instead of being mad at you, she was curious. Tears immediately began building in your eyes, and you broke under her soft gaze. Here you were causing trouble and acting out and she was nothing but gentle with you. Once your tears started to fall, she immediately wrapped you tightly in a hug, “Oh, come here detka” 
“I- I sorry” you choked out before uncontrollably sobbing. 
“It’s ok, let it out malyshka” she said and she gently rubbed circles into your back. 
During your crying fit, Wanda scooped you up and carried you upstairs to your shared room, all the while holding you tightly and whispering reassurances in your ear. 
She stood there swaying you back and forth in her arms. After a long and intense crying fit, your sobs had become quieter, and your body movements had become slower as you hesitantly began to calm down. Your cries eventually turned into sniffles as you tried to regulate your breathing, and the sadness in your expression shifted towards neutral as you relaxed into her neck. Your face was still wet with tears, but your breathing had begun to even out. As you tired yourself out, your body felt heavy in Wanda’s arms.
You took to sucking your thumb as a form of comfort, something to focus on, and as much as Wanda had been trying to nix that bad habit, she didn’t say anything in this moment, she just continued to sway her hips as you settled down in her arms. 
Your eyes would occasionally flutter open and closed, struggling to stay awake as your body relaxed. Every now and then, you would let out a deep sigh as if trying to expel all the leftover sadness and frustration from your body. Wanda gently rocked you back and forth, whispering soothing words and running her hand through your hair. 
Despite your exhaustion, you still had a hint of sadness in your expression and your breathing would occasionally hitch, indicating that you weren't fully over your emotional outburst. However, as you grew more tired, your tears dried up, and you became more and more at peace, finally dozing off in Wanda’s arms.
Wanda continued to hold you in her arms as she rocked you back and forth to ensure you would continue to doze off deeper. As she sat there mindlessly running her hand through your hair, she thought back to what could’ve been the cause of your outburst. It seemed like you were certainly coming out of your shell more lately but you never behaved like this. The past few days have been rough for her just trying to keep up with you. It seemed that you were extra hard to keep up with. 
It could be that, like her, you were just exhausted. You weren’t used to going through so much energy at once and your body just needed its rest and you didn’t know how to interpret that so you became irritable. 
Once Wanda feels confident that you’re sound asleep, she gently tries to lay you down in your bed and tuck you in. However, as she pulls away from you, your grip tightens as you whine for her. 
“Shh- sh,” she coos as she tries to comfort you enough to pull away. 
“Mama cuddewls-” you whined again as you tried to pull her closer, still on the edge of slumber.
The title took Wanda by surprise, her eyes immediately widened, “What did you say?” 
Not completely conscious, you didn’t answer. Instead, you tried to seek comfort from her. 
Giving in without hesitation, she climbed into your bed along with you to cuddle. Your body immediately molded to hers as you tried to get as close as possible for comfort. She held you with a goofy smile on her face, elated to know that you think of her as your mother. 
The feeling of you being her daughter came to her the moment she laid her eyes on you through the cell door, but she never wanted to push or pry to be that for you. She wanted you to keep the memories of your birth mother and instead of replacing her, she simply wanted to exist along with her. To be there for you no matter the circumstance, to teach you that good really does exist in the world, to simply be in your corner.
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Taglist: @mymommawanda @livslifeonline @reggierizzoli @mythixmagic @lesbicentism @marvelogic @katethewriter @inluvwithfictionalwomen @spooky-reader1 @marvelogic ​
Lmk if you ever want to be removed or added <3
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joels-shitty-puns · 7 months
The Snacks of Us
Pairing: No-Outbreak!Joel Miller x Reader
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Summary: Texas-native Joel finds out you've never been to a Buc-ee's and needs to fix it immediately. That's it.
Warnings: Just fluff! Kisses. Pet names.
Other stuff: Reader is addressed as her, but most other descriptions are avoided. Joel is taller than the reader. Can be read as plus-sized, but not mentioned.
Word count: 1.1K
I went to Buc-ee's today and my imagination ran wild. Do with this what you will lol
"Whaddya mean y'ain't never been to a Buc-ee's?" Joel asked, incredulously.
"Joel, I'm not from Texas. How the hell would I know what Buc-ee's is?" You replied.
"Y'don't even know what it is!? That's it. Grab your purse, darlin'. We're gettin' you to a Buc-ee's." 
"Have you noticed your accent slips out more when you're all worked up about Texas things, Joel? It's cute."
"No, I haven't. Now, let's go. You're gonna love it. It's the biggest gas station y'ever seen." His eyes grew wide and he demonstrated the vastness of Buc-ee's with his arms.
"Wait… it's a GAS STATION? You're taking me to a gas station for our date?" You raised your brow at your boyfriend.
"Just trust me, darlin'. You'll love it." He pulled you by your hips and placed a kiss on your reluctant mouth.
You sighed. "Hmm… fine. But can we at least get lunch while we're out?" You batted your eyelashes.
"Course. What do you think we're doin' at Buc-ee's?" He winked.
"Joel!" You gasped. "I am NOT eating some shriveled up gas station hot dog that's been sitting out all day." Your mouth gaped open and you crossed your arms.
"Just trust me!" He grabbed you by your waist, hoisting you over his shoulder.
"Joel!!!" You squealed, giggling and smacking his back. "Put me down! You're gonna hurt your back! I'm too heavy."
"Please, sugar. You weigh less'n my work equipment," he smacked you on the butt.
You scoffed, "yeah right."
Joel set you in the passenger seat of his truck. "Well, y'are. At least until we fill y'up with some beaver nuggets," he winked, giving your belly an affectionate pat and closing the door.
"Beaver nuggets???? Joel! What is that?" You laughed as he rounded the truck toward the driver's side.
Joel pulled the truck into the Buc-ee's parking lot. 
"This. Is.. a gas station?!" You stared, mentally counting the amount of gas pumps and eyeing the giant building with a large beaver on the wall.
"Told'ya to keep an open mind! Let's go," he hopped out of the truck.
The two of you walked in and your mind was blown. They had everything, all with a cute little beaver on the label.
Buc-ee's chips. Candy. Cookies. Fudge. Sandwiches. Coffee. Every soda imaginable. Beaver nuggets, which Joel grabbed two bags of.
He pushed a cart as you ran around like a kid at Christmas. "Babe! Look at this cute little Buc-ee plushie!"
"I know, darlin'. I told'ya you'd like this store." He smiled affectionately at you. You tossed the stuffed beaver into the cart.
"Whoa, whoa, Sugar. Our house can't hold many more stuffed animals, it's practically oozing fluff as we speak."
"Oh shush, Joel. I need him," you said while throwing two sets of matching Buc-ee pajamas in the cart.
"Two?" He raised an eyebrow, looking at the tags.
"One for you. One for me," you kissed his cheek, skipping merrily toward the hoodies.
Joel shook his head, too lovesick to object to the matching flannel pajamas covered in cartoon beavers.
An older gentleman walked past Joel and gave a look from Joel with the cart, to you holding up several hoodies and comparing. "First time?" The old man laughed.
"Unfortunately," Joel rolled his eyes, laughing. "I underestimated her shopping ability when I decided to take her here."
"Been there," the old man pointed to an older lady, presumably his wife. "I'm Arthur." He shook hands with Joel. "My wife Marlene and I have been comin' here for years and she's the same way." He looked at her lovingly. "You two remind me a lot of us when we were younger. You make a lovely couple."
Joel smiled and looked over at you, where the older woman, Marlene, had walked up and began talking to you. Your smile lit up, and the old lady clapped her hands together once, excitedly helping you decide between two sweatshirts. Your eyes found Joel and you both shared a smile. 
Joel looked back at the old man and grinned. "Thank you, sir. She's definitely a keeper." The old man patted Joel on the shoulder, leaving to meet up with his wife and kissing her on the cheek as they walked away.
You scampered over to Joel, holding up both hoodies. "I couldn't decide, so Marlene suggested I get both," you giggled.
Joel rolled his eyes, unable to stop the smile on his face. "Alright, throw 'em in the cart. But we better get outta here before I have to take out a loan."
"Thank you for taking me here, baby. I had a lot of fun, and I'm sorry I gave you a hard time earlier," you pulled his collar, lowering his face so you could kiss him on the lips.
"Anytime, sugar. I'll never get tired of seeing that smile." He kissed you back, rubbing his thumb across your cheek.
"Now, whaddya say we go grab a couple sandwiches and sodas, then head back and watch movies in these matching pajamas the rest of the day," Joel suggested.
You nodded excitedly, thrilled with your boyfriend's willingness to participate in your shenanigans. "YES!"
Joel headed towards the checkout counter, struggling to reel you in from looking at more merch. He already took out a large deposit for the ring hidden in his dresser drawer, and this was easily going to cost at least a hundred more.
The two of you walked to the truck, him smacking you on the butt as you climbed in the passenger seat while he held the door open. Shaking his head, he thinks back to the older couple. How Arthur said you reminded him of them in their younger days. Sitting in the driver's seat, he smiled at you, taking in your features.
"What?" You asked, giggling and running your hand through the curls by his ear. 
"Nothin' darlin'. Just thinking about us and how much I love you," he smiled.
"I love you too, Joel" you pressed a kiss to his lips, running your hand down to his neck and pulling him in deeper.
"Thank you again for today," you grinned, pulling away.
"Anytime, Sugar. There'll be plenty more where that came from," he replied, stealing a quick glance at your empty ring finger. Maybe tonight will be the night, he thought.
"Think we'll ever be like Arthur and Marlene?" You asked him, taking a slight risk at the question of your future while interlacing your fingers with his right hand.
He looked over at you, kissing your knuckles. "I hope so, Sunshine." He kissed your ring finger. "I hope so."
So anyway, yeah I might have a problem lol. But I hope you liked this. Let me know what you think ❤️ thanks for reading.
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creedslove · 9 months
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Agent Whiskey (Jack Daniels) x f!reader
Summary: what happens when you break the cowboy hat rule? You and Jack finally spend much needed time together
(This is the sixth chapter of my HEARTLESS 💔 series)
Warnings: fluff, romance, mentions of smut, teasing, dirty talk, making out, dry humping, sort of breeding kink, a little bit of lactation kink, thigh riding, smut (oral sex f!receiving, unprotected piv), mom!reader
A/N: I know we didn't have the cowboy last week and that made us all very sad, but personally, I think it was worth the wait, I hope you enjoyed it 🥰
5.9k words
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The cowboy's heart beat faster and faster, his hands getting slightly sweaty to hold you tight against him, at the same time your words ran through his mind. You'd said yes, to marry him someday, to be his wife, to build a family with you. He couldn't even believe how happy and lucky he was.
You'd broken the cowboy hat rule on purpose, to symbolize how ready you were to be with him, of course he was excited about the sexual part, but it went further beyond that, it was about you and him and Wyatt and hopefully the kids you would have it in the future, about the chance he got from you. Jack was in a turmoil of feelings, only that this time they were good, positive feelings. The fear, the pain, the sadness were gone, ahead of him was just the happiness of having a family he wished for and craved through his entire life.
He looked down at you, wearing his hat and with a happy smile on your face, effortlessly beautiful, giggling at his touch as well as Wyatt who happily ran all over the place. For one split second Jack was sure he'd died on a mission and was sent to heaven, because that was his heaven: his family. But the kiss you placed on his lips was more than real, no heavenly fantasy would be able to reproduce the real deal. He knew those lips, he loved them, how soft they were, how good they tasted and how bad they could make a grown man cry.
You on the other hand, couldn't be happier about your cowboy and you; perhaps you had just low-key said yes to his proposal, but this time the consideration of marrying him didn't seem to be so scary, you would have to sit down with him and discuss things through, plan at least a couple of things for the future and sort out small details from your lives together, for example if you and Wyatt would permanently move onto the ranch and find a school for your son, for instance. But at that moment everything could wait, because the happiness you both were feeling was just too good, it wasn't like the old times with him - very often you had the habit of comparing situations - but instead, it was a new kind of happiness, the one you shared with your family. Even your son could sense how happy his mommy and daddy were, Wyatt had been having the happiest days of his life, but he was a sensitive boy and could tell when things were wrong, however, not this time, as he saw how his daddy held you tight and you giggled at him. He watched as you took his dad's hat and put it on your own head, how you stroked his cheek and kissed his lips, even if Wyatt thought those kisses were icky, it was cool to have his parents so united, maybe they could even become a big family, where the mommies lived with the daddies and their kids, just like he saw in the cartoons.
"Can I play in the inflatables, mommy?!" Your son suddenly interrupted your kiss, making you break contact with Jack and blush slightly to realize your son had been watching you two, of course he gave you the sweetest and most heartwarming puppy eyes you'd ever seen - courtesy of the Daniels' genes that ran in the family - and there was no way in the world you could say no to that little face. Clearing your throat, you nodded, chuckling at how he simply ran off, so excitedly to play some more. You turned your attention back to your cowboy, staring at him and taking in his handsome face. He'd gotten a little older with time, just like you had, but he was so handsome it made you go weak. Your hand ran through the side of his head, fingers burying into his fluffy hair, and running through it, before going a little south and stroking his cheek. Neither of you said a word, you didn't have to at that moment, because it was just you and him. The cowboy had a tight grip around you, he didn't let go of you for his dear life, you knew how much strength those hands carried and it was both assuring and arousing to know you were trapped in between them. Your body was pressed against his, he was always warm and if you rested your head against his chest, you could hear his heart beating. Perhaps it'd been the experience at the cemetery, or how you'd learned about his self-destructive behavior, but you were taken by a sudden fear of losing him. Your heart shattered just to imagine you could've lost him on different occasions and you looked down, letting out a sob before you could even realize it.
"Hey… what's wrong, sugar?" His voice was a soft purr, just as his touch: his fingers on your chin lifting your head up and making you look into his eyes. Jack Daniels didn't want to see his woman cry, whatever reason it was, he would do everything in his willpower to prevent that from happening. Now that you had said yes to him, that he would make you his wife, he wanted to shield you from anything bad in the world. He was terrified of losing another family in the same way, he would definitely have no reasons to keep going if that ever happened, so it was a scenario he didn't even like to think of.
"I-I'm sorry Jack… I got a little emotional. I just don't want to lose you, at all" you sniffed and dried your tears "I want our family to be complete, and I would like for you to also be careful when you go on your missions…" and you also wanted to tell him not to ever lose hope again, but you couldn't; his supposedly suicide attempts had been confided into you by Helen, you couldn't do that to her, at the same time you also didn't want your cowboy to be ashamed of what happened.
"Don't worry, princess… I'll take good care of myself because there ain't no way in hell I'll leave my family waiting for me back home" he winked at you and leaned in again, kissing your lips with a groan at the feeling of you tugging his hair.
Jack smiled between the kisses, his hand going towards your legs as the other sustained your back and he soon lifted you up, holding you in bridal style as you squealed surprised, wrapping your arms around his neck so you wouldn't lose balance
"What are you doing, Jack?!" You asked, feeling excited but also a little nervous. You had no idea what crossed your cowboy's mind, but you hoped he didn't have any crazy ideas, but he only chuckled and walked towards the inflatables, the two of you could see your son bouncing around, having so much fun but the moment he noticed the two of you, he frowned softly "mommy? What happened daddy?" He seemed puzzled to why his daddy was carrying his mommy, maybe she got hurt? But Wyatt didn't want to see his mommy hurt.
"Awe you huwt mommy?"
"Mommy ain't hurt, kid, but she was a little upset so I'm guessing she should jump a little and have some fun, don't you think?" Whiskey winked at his son, who clapped his little hands excitedly and opened space for Jack to get inside the bounce house, so thrilled to have his parents to play with him.
He finally put you down but Wyatt held your hand tight "jump mommy!!! Play with me!"
Perhaps you were still very emotional, but just the fact you saw your son's happiness all over his gorgeous face, the way his bright innocent eyes lit up with excitement at your presence melted your heart and made you tear up. You nodded at him and pulled him for a tight hug "of course my love, mommy and daddy will play with you my angel" you said taking Jack's hand into yours and the three of you bounced together, slowly at first, but increasing the speed as Wyatt had more and more fun. If someone ever told you one day you'd be playing in a bounce house with your son and his father after you jumped into his arms and told him that yes, you were willing to marry him, you'd have laughed your ass off, thinking they were just crazy to make up the most absurd story but there you were, enjoying every single small detail you could. Your future husband and your son. Butterflies in your stomach swirled inside every time you thought of it: marrying Jack. You wanted it, but you were also scared. The rational side of you wanted to take things slow and wait, but the other part of you, the one driven by your heart, that barely could contain your feelings, just wanted your happy ending as soon as possible.
Tiredly sitting down, Wyatt joined you, getting comfortable on your lap and sighing happily, while Jack joined the two of you and pulled you closer. You three caught your breaths, in a comfortable silence that said a lot about how happy you were at that moment. You felt Whiskey's hand on your hair, tucking a strand of it behind your ear in such affectionate way, he had always been careful with it, he'd always loved it, the way it felt under his touch, always soft and smooth, the smell of it, burying his face into it so he could have a peaceful night of sleep. He moved some of it away from your neck, leaning in and pecking it, sending goosebumps all over your skin at the sudden contact. He eyes his son and smirked at how distracted his little boy was, so he kissed your neck again, more intensely this time, his teeth nibbling it at the same time you bit your bottom lip so you wouldn't moan out loud in a fucking inflatable toy.
"Better catch your breath, sugar, you'll be doing a lot of bouncing tonight…" he whispered against your ear loud enough so only you would hear it. Smirking at you with a dumb smile while picking up his stetson that had fallen while you were all playing and putting it back on. You'd broken the cowboy hat rule and it was about time you rode your cowboy. Yet, his words sent a fire sensation down your core, one that unabled you from thinking and the only thing you could mumbled was your cowboy's name. He chuckled and kissed your neck a third time, his mustache tickling your skin at the same time he placed his warm hand on your thigh, stroking it softly and watching how affected you were by his simplest touch.
"I-I think it's time for us to get inside, daddy will help you open your presents and mommy will make us a yummy dessert, what do you say?" You ran your fingers through your son's hair, getting your shit back together and wanting to get away from that bounce house as soon as possible. Jack's touches were enough to set you on fire and you needed to step away from him for a little while so you could catch your breath and act normal in front of your son, besides, you'd picked a bunch of fresh peaches and you wanted to prepare your cowboy his favorite pie, it would always make him happy when you did so and you just wanted to show him how important he was for you.
There was also the fact you knew your son always behaved and obeyed his dad, which meant that if Jack told him it was enough bouncing for the day, he wouldn't whine or try his dirty trick of giving you the sweetest and saddest puppy eyes seen by the human race. Whiskey could keep Wyatt entertained inside with opening his presents and playing and hopefully he would be tired in a matter of time, being safely tucked into bed and giving his mommy and daddy some much needed alone time. Jack nodded at Wyatt, who pouted at first but agreed on exiting after the promises of opening his presents. As the southern gentleman he was, your cowboy helped your son hop off the toy and then helped you, smirking up and down at your body. You knew that grin, that heavy breathing and how he stood at the entrance, stopping you from getting out, holding you and pressing you down against the bouncing floor, his lips once more teasing your skin, kissing up and down your throat, his mustache leaving soft burns all over you. You bit your lips, looking into his eyes, his brown ones shooting you a burning gaze; you knew him, his hunger for you, it was so intense he could take you right there, but you also knew how patient your cowboy could be when it came to teasing his soft little prey. His heavy breathing against your chest now, as he pulled the fabric of your dress down just enough to expose your cleavage, spreading ghostly kisses all over it, his teeth nibbling you gently at first, at the same time you let out a soft whimper.
"Jack, you're teasing me…" you whined as your cowboy chuckled, his hands going to the hem of your pretty dress, lifting it up, exposing your thighs for his delight.
"You want more, sugar? I bet you missed your cowboy, didn't ya?" He saw as you nodded "you've been so dirty for breaking the cowboy hat rule, how about I fuck you here? You don't even need help to bounce on my cock, would you like that, sweetheart? Being pounded like a little slut in an inflatable toy? Sounds like you're a whore for my cock, are you, baby girl?"
"Mm yes, cowboy" you bit your lips, squealing as his lips went for your stomach, pecking it all his way down the hem of your panties. You instinctively parted your legs for Jack, feeling his hands going under your thighs, going up until your round ass, squeezing and rubbing your cheeks. He loved the pleasure little sounds that came out of your filthy lovely mouth. He knew what you were capable of doing with his cock, but he needed to be patient. If he'd waited until that moment to savory you, he wouldn't rush things up now, so he ran his hands to your sides entwining his fingers on the sides of your panties, pulling them down and not breaking eye contact with you at all.
"What are you doing, Jack?" You asked him, feeling your cunt clenching at nothing, being so turned on at the simplest touch; no man could ever do that to you but your cowboy. He knew you entirely, knowing just how to press your buttons and play you like his toy.
He looked down at your naked pussy and it took him all of his willpower not to touch you right there and then, but he had further plans for you. Taking your panties off he chuckled at you, showing you the wet spot on the thin cloth and smirked "barely touched ya and you're already wet for me, angel… now let's see if you're still as sweet as I remember" the cowboy whispered his words hiding his obscene intentions at the same time he took your panties to his face, licking the puddle of your wetness, groaning at the taste before shoving your delicate piece of lingerie into his back pocket.
"You're still the sweetest cunt I've ever tasted, no wonder you're my sugar" he placed his hands on his waist and watched as you pulled your dress down and looked at him in a mix of embarrassment and desire. You pulled Jack by the shoulders, kissing him as deeply and intensely as you wanted, tasting yourself briefly on his lips, you felt you could stay there forever, if it weren't for Wyatt's voice interrupting you.
"Mommy!!! Daddy!!! We need to open the pwesents!" He shouted excitedly from the front door and you managed to cover yourself even more.
"Coming, cowboy!!!" Jack shouted back and waved at his son, who giggled and ran back inside. Then, he extended his hand towards you, helping you up but snapping your hand away from his back pocket
"They're mine now, sugar, so you better behave as your sweet cunt is now exposed for me" he winked at you and made you blush softly.
"What awe you doing, mommy?" Wyatt tilted his head curiously as he stood next to you, watching your every move attentively, loving the smell of whatever mysterious dessert you were making and warming your heart at the fact your son was definitely just like his daddy: crazy about his peach pie.
"I'm making grandma Daniels recipe, honey: peach pie… your daddy used to love this dessert when he was little like you, his grandma would make it for him almost every week, and when mommy and daddy lived together, I also used to prepare it for him and he loved it!" You explained to your son, loving how surprised and happy he got at that information. While Jack was in the living room, picking up the shredded pieces of colorful paper that once gift-wrapped Wyatt's birthday presents. Since your cowboy took care of your son, you went to the kitchen to prepare his pie, being too agitated to focus on anything or nothing at all, it didn't matter if you wanted to actually distract yourself or not: all you could think of was Jack Daniels.
The way he had barely touched you and yet your whole body was set on fire, or the simple anticipation for the moment you would share in a little while, after all those years apart from each other, couldn't contain the lust you were feeling for that man. There was no denying you couldn't resist to him, he was intoxicating, poisonous even, the kind of touch to linger on you and make your skin burn at the memory, even if you'd freshened up and changed to another cute and tempting summer dress - without panties, respecting your cowboy wishes - you could still feel the warm slick pooling between your folds each time you moved. After going over all the amazing presents your son got, you decided to hide away in the kitchen hoping you'd be able to think of something else, but it was no use: your memory took you back to the bounce house.
Wyatt's presence helped you snap away from your wet daydreams as you explained to him all about the new sweet you were making, he was very curious and his tummy was very happy to know he would be trying that delicious treat soon. You had never eaten peach pie again, not after you and Jack broke up, it was one the small little things that reminded you of him and it made everything even more painful, but now you had no reason to dwell into that puddle of sadness any longer, you and the cowboy were back together, your family was happily united and you were so ready to be railed by your cowboy until sunlight.
Only when your son fell asleep though.
And by the excited way he was chatting and asking questions, it seemed it would still take a while; you chuckled to yourself at the situation, Jack had insisted on having another child and yet you two couldn't even handle one. It was one of those sweet ironies of life and you wouldn't trade that for anything in the world.
"I thought you said you'd climb upstairs and change into your new cow PJs so you would show mommy you're a big boy now?" Whiskey folded his arm and stared at Wyatt with a serious expression only to soften up and open his arms to his son, who giggled and ran to his daddy's embrace. Someone had gifted your son a new pair of cow themed pajamas and he was really excited to put it on, wanting you to see he could do it on his own. Your heart clenched at pride of seeing your son was growing up and becoming an independent little child and also at the fact perhaps he was growing up too fast. However, you lost your track of thoughts the moment he disappeared into the second floor running as fast as his little legs allowed him in order to get changed and the cowboy cornered you.
Feeling his presence on your back, he held your hips and pulled your body against his.
"I like this new dress, sugar… aren't ya all fresh and sweet for your cowboy? You know I've been thinking of this sweet pussy the whole night, right? You've been such a filthy little whore, breaking the cowboy hat rule on purpose, and all for what? Leaving me with a hard on? Getting this tight pretty pussy soaked for me?" His filthy words whispered like a prayer into your ears was more than enough reason for you to press your thighs together. The knot of anxiety, anticipation and lust all mixed up together in your lower belly just made you want to ignore everything around and spread your legs so he could take you right there. You were so slippery all he would need to do would be slide into you into one single motion and have his way with you. Never in your life, you thought you would be aching to be Jack Daniels' cum slut again.
He trailed more kisses down your neck towards your shoulder, at the same time he lifted your dress just enough to reveal your named ass cheeks, satisfied to see you didn't have anything on underneath it, exactly the way he liked you. Pressing his crotch against your ass, you finally felt the damage you'd left on your cowboy's pants. He was rock hard, probably had been for a while, and it was pretty satisfying to realize he was as affected by you, as you were by him.
The two of you were a match and no one could state it otherwise.
"Feel it, sugar… this is what you do to me. There ain't no other like you in the world, no other chick would ever be able to make me this hard, no one would ever be as sweet as you are, I can't wait to feel you all over me"
At his words, you grinded against his crotch. The low groan escaping his lips was enough for you to do it again, your naked ass cheeks grinding against his boner, hands tightening the grip on your hips as his own met yours at the same pace, pressing you harder against it so it would apply more pressure. He threw his head back, loving how it felt to be humping you like that, he was throbbing under his pants, seeking relief and hoping he would last a decent amount of time when he finally fucked you.
"Don't forget your cowgirl boots tonight, sugar… you gotta be dressed for riding" he gave your ass one soft slap as unfortunately, it didn't last long as small steps were heard coming down the stairs, so he lowered your dress carefully and sat at the kitchen table, pretending nothing had happened the minute Wyatt walked into the kitchen.
You couldn't even believe it when your son finally closed his little eyes and went straight to dreamland. It seemed it'd taken forever for it to happen. You'd had enough time to finish baking your pie, letting it cool down and only after a glass of warm milk and two bedtime stories, Wyatt finally fell asleep. You told Jack you'd tuck your son into bed, while the cowboy went to his own, you knew he was probably sorting some things out which again, shot another wave of anticipation down your body. It felt kind of ethereal to know you would be sleeping together in a matter of time, but you were so excited and willing to submit yourself whole to your cowboy, and you could bet he was feeling just the same for you. Kissing your son's forehead goodnight, you left his bedroom as quietly as possible and went to your own, wanting to take a look at yourself and make sure you were looking alright for him. You got your cowboy boots and put them on, checking yourself in the mirror, you decided not to put on any lingerie, just your short light dress and your boots would be enough to ride your cowboy. You just brushed your hair a little and went to Jack's room.
Your heart was hammering on your chest, and you felt quite anxious. On the one hand you were going to come back to the pleasure you knew, loved and craved; on the other hand, it was almost like you were as nervous as when you lost your virginity. You would be officially Jack's and he would be yours, much to your happiness, you were about to become one again. You knocked on his door and bit your lips, looking down at your own boots as he opened the door, and you could see in his eyes he had all the Whiskey in him; your sweet Jack was out of the room and entered the dirtiest man you'd ever met: Agent Whiskey.
His leather jacket was gone, but he stood in his full cowboy glory, with his riding boots, tight jeans and stetson on, enough to make your mouth water and you crash your lips against his, feeling the hunger for that man overwhelming your judgment and your senses. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into the room and locking the door behind you. His hands went immediately to your ass, squeezing them and dragging a moan from you. Jack chuckled in between kisses and nibbled your bottom lip
"Remember you asked me for a date? I got one for ya, sugar" he winked and took you by the hand, guiding you to the balcony of his room, where a table was sat with two glasses and some of the finest beverages by Statesman. He pulled the chair for you, making sure to use his manners, and earning a sweet smile. That old broken heart of his wasn't that broken anymore, as it filled with love each time more, each time he spent next to you. He sat down, manspreading on his chair, which made you lick your lips, at the sight of his big bulge. He followed your eyes on him straight to his crotch and licked his own lips, smirking
"Guess you don't wanna go on a date, Suger?" You shook your head and he nodded, patting his thigh so you'd sit on it.
It didn't take you seconds to just jump from your seat to his lap, feeling so hot and bothered at the man's body so close to yours.
"I have broken the cowboy hat rule Jack, you gotta do something about it" you teased him, welcoming his lips for another kiss, at the same time his hands played with the straps from your dress, pulling them down and watched as the cloth ran down your perfect chest, exposing your tits for him.
"Look at that, sugar… how beautiful your tits are. I missed them" his thumb ran over your nipple, loving how it hardened under his touch. You were always so responsive to it, it pleased that cowboy to no end. He kissed your throat, sinking his teeth into your skin, not caring if he would leave a trail of hickeys all over it, getting his mouth onto your nipples, licking them gently, one at a time, before suckling on them, you were still as sensitive as he remembered.
"I want them fuller, sugar… I want to see your tits so damn big full of milk… too bad I missed it with our first cowboy, but I'm definitely putting a baby in you very soon…" he mumbled against your nipple before latching onto it and suckling on it once more. You took the stetson off his head, placing it on the table and burying your fingers into his soft hair, tugging at it gently as he took time with your breasts. You parted your legs shifting your weight and sitting on his thigh, lifting your dress up above your waist, your wet, slippery cunt straight against his rough jeans as you loved your hips slowly at first, closing your eyes and enjoying the pleasurable feeling.
His right hand went for your waist, holding you and helping you grind your needy count against his thigh. His jeans were thick and it made your clit so sensitive at the friction, Jack wouldn't leave your nipples, face buried deep between your breasts.
"How are you putting a baby inside if all you do is tease and not fuck me?" You blurted out, the impatience and the need for his cock making its appearance as you needed him. Jack frowned and stopped everything he was doing, holding you by the hips and swatted your ass hard, making you whimper and kissed you deeply, wanting to show you who was in charge there. The cowboy would take care of your dirty mouth and your tight sweet pussy. He broke the kiss and got his hat, placing it on your head. It was finally time for you to ride your cowboy.
The way he got up, pulling you to him and carrying you to the bed as if you weighed nothing, only added more lust to your hopeless case. You needed that man and you would do anything for him in order to fuck you; it would be too easy for him to lay on the bed and just fuck you there, he needed more, he wanted you to ride him, and he was definitely willing to have every inche of your body. Finally stripping you off your summer dress and having you standing in your naked glory in front of him with the exception of your riding boots and your hat, this cock was about to burst his pants. He was painfully hard, but he knew it was worth the wait. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he pulled you closer, admiring every inch of you, he scanned your naked body meticulously as if it was the last time he would ever spot such beauty.
"Don't be shy, sugar" he cooed and kissed your stomach again, resting his head on it briefly and closing his eyes as if he'd said a prayer in gratitude for having his family back. Then, he quickly got rid of his clothes, kicking them out in a sloppy way here and there, before finally lying onto the mattress and relaxing. He pulled you on top of him, seeing you were ready to take his cock inside, but he wanted more than that, so he pulled you closer, towards his chest "ride your cowboy now, sugar, don't hold back though" giving you the order, even if it was in his soft voice. You understood perfectly what he wanted and you were going to give it to him. Getting even closer to his handsome face, you spread your thighs aiming his head between them, and lowered yourself, throwing your head back and letting out a loud and intense moan the moment you felt his devilish tongue against your slit.
He hadn't tasted sweeter sugar than you and he never would, because you were the only one he ever craved and wanted. His tongue explored your delicious cunt, running up and down your slit, going deep into your pussy hole until it finally settled on your hard needy clit. His hands showing you the pace, which you picked up quickly, of course still a little shy in the beginning, but moving as soon as the pleasure build up inside of you. You rode your cowboy's face, his perfect nose brushing against your clit as his perfectly trimmed mustache was a mess because of your wetness, you knew you were too close. It was only the first out of the many times you and Jack would spend together, for the rest of your lives, you reminded yourself. There was no need to try and make it last, you both couldn't wait. He was your honey, your sweetness and your knot was so tight in your lower belly, the moment he told you to let go, you did it without thinking twice; your pussy clenching and making a mess on your cowboy, your clit throbbing and so sensitive and yet, you just gathered the energy you had within and moved to his lap, knowing he couldn't wait any longer. You massaged his cock, you'd missed it his thick length so much, you missed teasing his leaking tip, caressing his heavy balls and making him cum as hard as he made you do the same, but now you didn't need to worry, because that would become your new routine, and you couldn't wait for it.
You held him by the base and sank your slippery cunt down his length, feeling him stretching you up the way no man ever had. When he got as deep as he could, you placed both hands on his chest to look for balance, before moving your hips the way you knew it drove Whiskey crazy. When you relationship began, shortly after you two had met years ago, he had joked he fell in love with you and the way you moved your hips while riding him, and there was some truth behind that; but it wasn't just that, it was everything else. That cowboy had fallen for you at first sight and there was nothing he wanted more than make you his forever. You fastened your pace, riding him and feeling how his cock throbbed inside of you, loving every second of it
"Come on Jack, give it all to me cowboy, it's your turn" you whispered to him, feeling another orgasm approaching and working on it, wanting to cum more, at the same time he finally let go and shot his load inside of it. You could feel every inch of him inside, his thick hot cum going as deep as it could reach and you only collapsed on top of him, resting your head on his chest while you tried catching your breath. Jack tried doing the same, since he was silent and it was quite difficult for that cowboy to ever shut up, it was the proof he was coming down from his bliss as well. You smiled lazily and pecked his chest, seeing how some of his chest hair was already going gray and felt a wave of affection for him.
Your Jack.
Your cowboy.
"I love you" you whispered against his skin, the confession everyone knew but you hadn't dared to say it out loud, not until that moment, but it was necessary, you wanted him to know, to hear about, to feel it, everything about your love. You loved that cowboy with all your heart and he loved you just the same, and from that moment on you two could finally be the family you were meant to be from the start.
A/N: I love this cowboy so much 😍😭🤠
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matan4il · 13 days
911 ep 709 first watch reactions
The way this ep starts with giving us a clear shot focused on the front, solely on Buck sitting between the man he's dating and the man he's been married to for the past six years, and only on them. XD I'm here for it.
Oh, Bobby. :( Feeling unworthy of his medal, and remembering his dad, and how everything went wrong after he got it. </3
Aaaah. Man, IDK. The openly and explicitly homophobic and racist captain cartoon just feels like an easy target now. Prejudice doesn't seem like it mostly gets expressed that way anymore, and when we only teach people to reject that kind, we not only fail to teach them to recognize subtler forms, we may be misleading them to think those more nuanced ones don't count.
Love Athena trying to "save" Bobby by contacting Amir. I'm always a sucker for a couple where they both save each other.
I enjoyed the little play with "Mother Hen," and I know it's not specifically about Buddie, but it is damn funny that when she's told she's raising more kids, they're the ones the camera focuses on. lol Raising a kid together for 6 years, still a couple of morons in desperate need of parenting from their colleagues. Even when Bobby's "wordless goodbye" moment with Buck is letting him cook for the 118, Eddie's by his side and they're doing it together. I swear, 911 said, "Take note, this is what a marriage looks like" and then just kept hammering the point for 6 seasons now.
Okay, I am pretty sure that, while Bobby's acceptance of Buck's first relationship with a guy, is really lovely, "Because we haven't had to talk about it" is not an actual good criterion for discerning whether someone is good for their partner or not. People whose spouses are abusive don't talk about it, either. :/ I am NOT saying that's Buck and Tommy, because it obviously isn't, it just feels like a line thrown in there to be cutesy, but which isn't actually helpful to people, who might take it too seriously.
I AM GONNA LOL FOREVER. So, just like Buck's bi awakening was all about Eddie, now Eddie's messed up whatever he has with Kim is gonna involve Buck, too? Gotcha. Battlefield boyfriends being off-battlefield boyfriends once more.
So... Buck was going to see Tommy, in an ep where TPTB have already paid for Lou in the role, so might as well use him as much as possible, but instead a non-emergency run in with Eddie's current whatever-Kim-is makes Buck ditch Tommy, and run straight over to Eddie's to help him? Look, I'm obviously a One True Pairing kind of shipper, so Buddie are it for me, as much as I can enjoy and see the value of Buck and Tommy as a stepping stone, and nothing will make me stop shipping Buddie (especially not after the tsunami eps), but 911 is feeding me way too well with how it frames these scenes and stories, I don't think the show's trying to get me to stop.
Man, if anyone's ever had a doubt that Eddie is the world champion at denial, this kitchen scene will def cure that.
"I'm worried about you." "Yeah, I'm worried about me, too." And then Buck, the one person who can ALWAYS penetrate through Eddie's denial wall, no matter how thick it is.
Eh, IDK how much the part where they try to re-define Shannon as the love of Eddie's life works, or how much it just serves to show he's still in denial, just a different kind than before, when Buck got through to him that he can't go on like this with Kim. For one thing, in his little retelling of their dysfunctional r/s, Eddie doesn't mention that Shannon was leaving him a second time, even before she died. Literal denial and repression.
So I'm gonna choose to believe Hen and Karen will get Mara back, because I can't deal with that particular storyline otherwise.
Kim's reaction is too deranged for me. Who does something like that, even if we assume the kindest of intentions? And then Marisol and Christopher's timing... I didn't sign on to watch a soap opera, but I guess I'm getting one free of charge?
"Now you gotta save yourself." If that ain't a painful summary of what growing up means, IDK what is. the conversation with Bobby's dad in his sleep was a good, painful scene, built right, leading to him hopefully getting his closure through saving his wife from a fire, and leaving us with just the right amount of suspension for next week and the season finale, where we'll see if he can let go of his past mistakes without a doppelganger dressing up like his dead wife...
Thank you for reading! If you’re looking for more, you can find my s7 reactions tag here, and more of my Buddie meta and content in my pinned post. xoxox
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vctrvn-ls · 10 months
|On a Plane•|Beta Squad|
not 3am thoughts but plane thoughts (pretty appropriate)
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Let’s start this off simple. He’d sleep. He would literally just close his eyes at takeoff and only wake up when they’re bringing the food around. But at some point he’d want to watch a movie with you, so you’d share a pair of headphones and get cozy next to each other. He’d get out the blanket that the plane offers and put it over you and him, lift the armrest up and let you lay your head down on his soft shoulder. You’d definitely watch a cartoon, maybe something like Turbo (movie about the racing snail) but it wouldn’t be long until you dozed off in your comfortable position, arms wrapped around one of his. He’d soon join you, after taking a couple of crazy selfies with your hilarious sleeping face, he’d carefully lay his cheek on the top of your head and also fall asleep, only waking up for the landing.
Ayooo this fvcking guy. Firstly, he’d definitely be vlogging and he’d want some action on this flight, so he’d force you to play different games with him. For example a game of cards and whoever wins pays for the others meal. Aj wouldn’t let you sleep, he didn’t get on this flight to sleep (like Chunkz), of course he’d let you sleep, but with him by your side you wouldn’t even want to. Would you get complaints? Uuuh maybe? But you’d be respectful…as much as you could. After being two crazy people you’d listen to some music together while playing the shitty games on the plane monitors, laughing at the candy crush rip offs.
Every time I start writing one of these “thoughts” I always call Kenny baby. Cause he is (please I’m crying), he’d be so so sweet. He’d make sure you weren’t sitting in front of an annoying kid who kicks your seat, or a man who keeps pushing your chair up with his knees cause there’s no space (Niko??). He’d put you first on any type of trip. He’d give you his blanket, let you sleep on him, give you his dessert when it’s meal time. And you’d appreciate every little thing, and after convincing him that he could lay down on your shoulder and sleep (cause we know our bbg needs his rest) he’d slowly start falling asleep. Being the good gf you are you’d pull a blanket over him and place a small, but affectionate kiss on the top of his head, before smiling to yourself and continuing to watch the movie that you were watching.
Like Kenny Sharky would give you everything you need and more. He’d definitely bring two head-pillow-things, one for you and for himself. He knows how hard it is to fall asleep sometimes so he’d also get matching blindfolds to go. When you get on the plane you’re both excited. Sharky let you have the window seat on the condition that you’d take the best photos for insta stories. Flying with Sharky would generally be chill. You’d double connect your AirPods to his phone and listen to his Frank Ocean playlist and you’d end up napping on the window while Sharky draws little circles on your knee. (I need Sharky next to me rn and not this guy who keeps crashing into me w his head when he falls asleep)
Girrrlll, listen, I feel like Niko’s the type of person who’d be worried that their ears won’t unblock during the flight. Like he wouldn’t want to be uncomfortable for the next several hours of the flight, so he’d stress about it on take off. You’d obviously know about this and be there to help him (or also worry with him, I would cause my ears are pain in my life) so you’d chew packs and packs of gum until you were at a stable height. Once you stopped worrying about that…Niko would probably fall asleep. With his mouth open. On you. Look as much as you’d want a romantic trip, you won’t get it, not on a plane. Niko is our little cutie patootie and we need to let him sleep, because as soon as the two of you land wherever, he’ll be taking care of you like you’re the most precious thing in the world (which to him you are) so it’s only fair for you to get comfy in your seat, lay Niko onto you and sleep yourself (or watch a movie)
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does GL have tea parties with Elise and the other children-? Is Mori forced to join the tea parties-? When Mori cant make it who is substituted in for him or do they just leave his spot open?
They do.
Elise, Kyuusaku, Aya, Katsumi, Shinji, Sakura, Yu and Kousuke are having tea parties from time to time. And they often offer GL and other BSD Characters to join them. So, if any of the adults want to join them, they always have an open spot.
Some interesting bits about some characters:
Who joins often:
1. Guiding Light - will tell kids stories from the real world.
2. Oda Sakunosuke - he can be so serious, it looks funny.
3. Ivan Goncharov - he will take tea preparations upon himself.
4. Mori Ougai - will let kids braid his hair or make pigtails.
5. Ranpo Edogawa - need constant supervision, so he won't eat all snacks.
6. Kouyou Ozaki - she is surprisingly good with kids.
7. Akiko Yosano - will insist on more healthier snacks, but, won't spoil the fun.
8. Bram Stoker - will join, only if Aya present. Actually, quite good caretaker.
9. Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald - he was a father, so, he knows, how to host a tea party for children.
10. Kenji Miyazawa - just likes to play with kids.
11. Kyouka Izumi - she is on a quiet side, but, will gladly join the tea party.
12. Karma - keep an eye on kids during tea parties.
13. Fyodor Dostoevsky - will join only if you present and if he wants tea. A little bit passive, but, will let kids hide under his coat.
14. Nikolai Gogol - will make a little circus show for kids.
15. Fukuzawa Yukichi and Fukuchi Ouchi - will be bombarded with questions about their past.
16. Dazai Osamu - perfect, if tea party have a role play element. Will be overdramatic, but kids adore him.
17. Atsushi Nakajima - likes to play with kids.
18. Tanizaki siblings - Junchirou will make snacks and use his ability to live things up. Naomi is good at having a small talk.
19. Kirako Haruno, Louisa May Alkott and Edgar Allan Poe - a little bit awkward around kids, but, not against joining the game.
20. Sigma - it was a surprise, but kids always listen to him. Mostly joins for cookies.
21. Flags - good with dealing with kids, especially teens.
22. Ryunosuke Akutagawa - sometimes, can be a good babysitter. Will make a hammock from Rashomon for kids' entertainment.
23. Gin Akutagawa - better, then her brother. Will bring good tea.
24. Chuuya Nakahara - will join, only if GL are here. Will make table and chairs float. Not that interested in game itself, but won't spoil the fun.
Who won't join as often as they can:
1. Doppo Kunikida and Nathaniel Hawthorne - will join only if they are looking after kids today and there's no other adults. Still, they are good at playing along.
2. Katai Tayama - he is not good with kids. But, he will find cartoons or films for kids to watch.
3. Paul Verlaine and Arthur Rimbaud - join even lesser, then Kunikida and Hawthorne. Don't think, that they are good with kids.
4. André Gide - doesn't think, that he deserves to join kids' game.
Who are forbidden to join:
1. Tetchou Suehiro - problem is in his eating habits. He did it a couple of times on a tea party and kids decided to copy him. Only Elise didn't get a stomach ache. Since then, Tetchou isn't allowed to join tea parties without supervision.
2. Alexander Pushkin - he is bad in controlling his tongue and will talk about something inappropriate. And we aren't talking about swearing. Pushkin might start talking about neighbors, and who were with whom. And kids are like sponges. When Sakura, after a tea party with Pushkin, start asking Oda and you, if your neighbor really doesn't know, who is the father of her children, and what clients she brings home, you two almost strangle Pushkin. He isn't allowed to interact with kids without supervision.
Who aren't allowed to join at the same time:
Karma, Fyodor and Guiding Light
Because, when Shinji invite you three, that happened:
Everyone: drinking tea
Shinji: talking to you I am so glad, that you three start spending time as family. Finally, you and Fyodor stop neglecting your son Karma.
You, Karma and Fyodor almost chocked on your teas. It takes five minutes for your three to start breathing normally.
Karma is scared and try to hide behind his tea cup.
Fyodor never looked that shocked before. He is looking at Shinji, but can't form a single word.
You were just trying to say something.
You: "Wh... Who? Us... Our? Whom?... Wh... What..? Karma? Ours..?"
Shinji: didn't realize, that situation became this Yes! You wanted to save Karma, and Fyodor did it. You two saved him. Like Oda saved us. So, he is yours now.
Tea party come to an end. Karma couldn't look at you or Fyodor for a week.
Osamu and Nikolai, who, somehow, learn about this situation, were teasing you and Fyodor about, who will be 'stay at home parent' and who will be a 'breadwinner' for the two weeks.
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pleasantlycrazyworld · 11 months
Oohh, you SO know who I'm asking this for and why 😂😂
15. “do you think we’d still be a couple in an alternate universe?” “go to bed.” “what if we already got married and have five kids.” “go to bed.”
Ps ILY 🩷
This was one of my favorites 🤭If you like this please reblog and comment it means so much more than you think. <3
Eddie never will know what it means to have to take care of him when he gets super high. Now he has a good tolerance but sometimes he plans to get high out of his mind. These days are planned when he knows two things, 1. he has no work that day or the next, and 2. he knows you will be there to take care of him.
You had just arrived from the grocery when you saw Eddie arguing with the cartoons you left on the TV before leaving. "Don't be an idiot the dynamite won't work for that bird YOU KNOW THIS!!" Eddie huffs and sits on the couch muttering about how stupid a coyote can be, but then he lights up seeing you in the doorway. "Baby!" he leaps from his seat and hurries to your side, "I missed you so much! I thought it was just a quick trip?" He pouts and starts to cling to you.
You chuckle at the boys' behavior."It was a quick trip sweetie I was gone for fifteen minutes." Eddie huffs again, "That is forever! You missed so much-" as he trails on and on about the episode of Looney Tunes that his watching you get to put the groceries away. He finally concludes that you'll just have to watch the episode again to understand it all the better, so you agree to watch the show if you get to make his plate of chicken tenders and he happily agrees and sits very patiently for you on the couch.
When you sit next to him with your dinner plates his eyes light up all over again. He fumbles with the remote to start the episode again and you two eat while you listen to his rants about how dumb a coyote can be once again, but there isn't a fiber in your being that minds. Now you don't get to see this side of him often, but when Eddie is like this he gets a child-like sense to him all over again and you vow to protect him with your life.
Eddie ends up getting sleepy after dinner is all over so you awkwardly help him to the bed as he tries to deny his tiredness while he buries his face into your neck. "But babyyyyyy I don't want to sleep! Then who will look at your face?! Someone needs to admire that beauty!" He collapses on the bed and sighs feeling the tiredness settle within his bones. He mumbles into the pillow that maybe you were right and he is sleepy. You roll your eyes and get him out of his jeans before helping him under the covers. Before you can do anything else however he pulls you into his chest and starts to beg for cuddles. "How do you expect me to sleep if you leave?" He pouts and you sigh as you start to take off your jeans. "Okay, baby let's cuddle" He damn near squeals hearing this.
Once you both are nice and comfortable in bed Eddie cuddles into you like usual but this time he just won't stop rambling. "What would you do if I turned to a worm? Would you still love me?" You nod and reassure him you would love him no matter what. "That's disgusting. I would be a WORM! Those things live in the dirt." He scrunched his nose as he starts laughing at the thought of you kissing a worm thinking it was him. "Baby...do you think we’d still be a couple in an alternate universe?”Eddie asks sounding so sincere but you sigh before answering. “Honey let's just go to bed we will talk in the morning about all the important questions.” 
It's quiet for a bit and you really thought he was finally asleep.“But what if we already got married and have like five kids?!” Eddie argues back. “Baby please just go to bed.” He contemplates this request for a bit before kissing the side of your head, "I love you" He mumbles before he finally falls asleep.
tagging: @sweet-villain @bloodthirstybreedingbunny @screammunson @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @zestychili @lofaewrites @h-ness1944 @eiightysixbaby @thefreak0fhawkinshigh @tiannasfanfic @djkeruigbbygirl
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thorias · 4 days
-Madelyne is resurrected as a Horseman along with Gambit: I think there's a better story to tell with Madelyne being brought back (at least temporarily) than staying dead. The X-men having to fight her too would give Cyclops and Cable a more personal stake in this Apocalypse storyline, not that they really needed one, but still...
I said in another post that I wouldn't want to dilute the "Saving Gambit" story by making a bunch of other X-men Horsemen as well, but if it's just Madelyne, then I think it's okay. And I wouldn't expect Madelyne to survive this story anyway, since, aside from tying up a couple loose threads with the Summers family, her arc is basically finished now.
Plus, I just kind of like the idea of giving Deathbit a buddy in the spurned lover department; that could be fun.
-Sabretooth returns. Logan (sans adamantium) has to fight him... and loses: I've always liked the idea that Sabretooth would probably beat Wolverine in a fair fight, (dude is like 3x Logan's size after all) but it's never been a fair fight since the adamantium basically made Logan unstoppable. But take the adamantium away and suddenly Wolverine is the underdog for a change, which makes the match-up a lot more interesting. And what's even the point of doing the bone claws story if it's not to see how Logan deals with being in a weakened state like this?
Granted, I want to see this for selfish reasons since Sabretooth is one of my favorite villains, but come on! Victor is long overdue for a W against Wolverine, and if he can't get it now, then I'm calling BS lol.
-Mystique returns, working for Apocalypse: I think Demayo shot down the Val-Cooper-is-Mystique-in-disguise theory, (correct me if I'm wrong about that) but it would be pretty ridiculous if we didn't see her in season 2 since she worked with Apocalypse in XTAS on multiple occasions.
Plus, there's a ready-made story there with her and Rogue. In the 90s cartoon, Mystique wanted to get Rogue back as her daughter so badly that she was even willing to turn Rogue into a Horseman to do it. So just imagine if Mystique had a hand in convincing Apocalypse to resurrect Remy as Deathbit, or at least helped him pull it off, because she saw this as a way to get back into Rogue's good graces. That would add some really interesting pathos to a story that's already really emotionally charged.
-Costume changes: I get that Marvel has toys to sell, but the different suits the team got in season 1 ain't it. Sorry, they're just not. The only one who pulled it off was Storm. Everyone else got a serious glow down. I actually felt low key embarrassed for Scott and Jean trying to make those retro costumes from the 60s/80s eras work; there's a reason those designs stayed in the past, you guys.
And I even like Rogue's green & white suit in the comics, but in the show it just looked awkward with the gloves being a different shade of green than the rest of it. I'd take just about any of her other costumes over this one.
Either change the suits again or go back to the old versions because I'm not feeling these current ones at all.
-Magneto has a reunion with his kids... and it doesn't go the way he wants: We saw in the season 1 finale that Mags' separation from his children is something that's at least been bothering him, (though not enough for him to lift a finger to save them from being killed along with everyone else on Earth if he succeeded in destroying the planet's electromagnetic field, but I guess we're blaming that on bad writing) so I want him to meet his kids in season 2... only for it to go as horribly as it possibly could.
It would be both ironic and hilarious if Magneto is hoping to patch things up with his kids, only for Pietro and Lorna to try to fight and arrest him the instant they see him (X-Factor doesn't seem to be a thing anymore, but let's say they're still government employees and have the authority to arrest criminals/terrorists) because he did after all murder millions of innocent people with that EMP AND try to murder every other living thing on the planet, including them.
I mean, let's not kid ourselves, there's no way this family reunion is going to be a happy one after what he did. SOMEBODY has to hold Magneto accountable for that, and his own children doing it is about the most fitting thing that I can think of.
-A big story arc for Gambit: Romy fans got gipped in season 1, and even if you're just a Gambit fan, you still had to settle for scraps with him only playing a major role in one episode, which coincidentally was the one where he got killed off. Yes, the stage is set for Deathbit to have a really compelling story in season 2, but that's going to depend on how it's done and frankly, after I got burned so many times in the first season, I'm skeptical that the writers will give this the care and attention it deserves.
Demayo said it was "key" that Remy died thinking he didn't deserve to be a hero and that Rogue had chosen Magneto instead of him. These things have gone unaddressed in the show since then, so I'm going to assume they're being saved for the Deathbit story and THE PAYOFF FOR THIS BETTER BE DAMN GOOD.
I want to see all of Remy's low self-esteem, self-loathing and resentment over the Rogneto debacle get twisted into a dark rage that Deathbit throws back in everyone's faces. AJ himself said that Remy didn't feel valued by the X-men or Rogue when he died, so use that! Make it part of the story! Make them own up to it. Force Rogue to confront her own feelings about how she handled that situation, (so far, she's been avoiding doing this) so it can factor into how they bring him back.
I know a lot of us assume that freeing Remy from Apocalypse's influence is going to come down to Rogue finally telling him that she loves him. And, yeah, that should be a big part of it, but it shouldn't be the only part. That's fine as far as Rogue is concerned, but Remy needs an arc too, and I just want it to be worth the wait after they put us through all this.
-Deathbit vs Magneto: This needs to happen. Aside from the fact that Romy fans will have been clamoring for it for a long time, frankly, both characters are going to want it too. Mags will no doubt view Deathbit as the reason why he can't get Rogue back, and Deathbit... well, we all know what his reasons are; he'll likely want to take Magneto apart just for the pure satisfaction of it.
Now since Magneto's so OP, Gambit wouldn't stand much of a chance in a straight fight under normal conditions, but we know Apocalypse evolves/enhances mutants' powers when they become Horsemen, so imagine if he unlocked Gambit's Omega potential, so Remy has his New Son powers now, or at least a heightened version of what he had before. So Magneto goes in brimming with confidence that he's going to wipe the floor with his rival for Rogue's affections, but then in a shocking twist, Deathbit breaks out his newly enhanced power set and turns the tables on him.
Do I really want to see Mags get taken down a peg and humbled by Gambit? Sure. But narratively, this makes a ton of sense to do. Since Demayo loves Magneto so much, I highly doubt it will happen, (certainly not with this outcome at least) but I think it would be super satisfying for fans.
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flightfoot · 28 days
Idk why alya is more blamed for putting Lila's lies on the ladyblog rather than Lila who was the one that lied in the first place. Like i always see in salt fics someone tells always something like "don't blame Lila for the this, YOU Decided to post the interview" like manipulation is not a thing Apparently? Alya was manipulated to post that, just like the rest of the class (though show has a flimsy writing to begin with but yeah, my point still stands)
Look, saltfics will regularly make up stuff Alya never did in order to demonize her, while just kinda ignoring that the behavior that's being deemed "unacceptable" is something that's ignored for other characters.
Like, just think about all the times Alya's demonized for getting Marinette to babysit for her, with her not paying Marinette or foisting the twins (and Noel, if she's having Marinette babysit while she goes on a date with Nino) off on her. You'll see a massive stink put up about how Alya's shoving the kids off on someone her parents haven't approved, how it's a massive betrayal of trust... but the thing is, we don't really have any evidence of that happening in canon? Nothing indicates that Marinette babysitting the kids for Alya is supposed to be some sort of secret, something that isn't allowed. And as for the pay, we never see ANYONE pay anyone anything for babysitting at any point so far in Miraculous, so that doesn't mean much.
Alya's babysat for Marinette a few times when Marinette was supposed to be babysitting Manon, so it might just be Marinette returning the favor. And as for babysitting someone else's kid without permission, while we don't see any evidence of Alya foisting that on Marinette, you know who DOES do that? Marinette. A couple of times, even. Once in Prime Queen when she accidentally double-booked herself and decided to resolve it by calling Alya over and tricking her into babysitting for her while she did the interview with Nadja (notably, Nadja was disturbed when Alya and Manon called into the show and Marinette was nowhere to be seen), and once in Simple Man, when Marinette scheduled herself to babysit four kids at once, then got a call from Adrien asking for help with his photoshoot, and she shoved the kids off on her grandpa against his will.
(Note: I don't think these things were horrible for Marinette to do, it's pretty common kid stuff. But it's illustrative of a double standard here).
Does any of this get brought up in saltfics? Nope. Because the point of demonizing Alya for shoving off babysitting on Marinette IS NOT to criticize the way the show handles babysitting. If it did, then Marinette would be the one brought up in those fics, not Alya. The point is to demonize Alya in order to justify punishing her. Any excuse is grabbed to do so, regardless of how nonsensical it is when you actually look at the show. There just needs to be a fig leaf of justification for it, that's it.
Back to the interview thing. I don't think "well this character was manipulated" is necessarily enough, it depends on how, exactly, the character was manipulated, what they were told, what they believed, what they were thinking, and how reasonable that thought process was. It's why I don't think "Zhan Tiri manipulated Cass" to be a sufficient explanation for Cass's subsequent attempts at murdering Rapunzel and taking over the kingdom in the Tangled cartoon: what we see of Zhan Tiri's manipulation doesn't track with how off the rails Cass went, with why she thought those actions were justified.
I still don't think demonizing Alya for posting that interview is justified though, because you know what? A 14-year-old girl believing this random new girl about being friends with a celebrity and posting about it on the school blog is not THAT big of a deal, it doesn't showcase anything except maybe some gullibility, which isn't that horrible of a thing for a teenager with limited life experience.
But I don't think the people really demonizing Alya for that, saying she was some horrible person for posting that interview who doesn't deserve to breathe in Marinette's presence and who should be banned from pursuing a career in journalism, are actually just THAT extreme on journalistic ethics, anymore than the people demonizing Alya for things she didn't even do with babysitting are THAT extreme on babysitting ethics. It's just an excuse. A reason is being found to demonize Alya, circumstances and double standards be damned.
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heliosoll · 1 month
Hii I'm here with regards to your winx Dr!
I've got a few questions, please let me know or just exclude ones that make you uncomfortable or ones you'd prefer not to answer! First question is, what's the winx society like? it's a mix of magic and tech so it's obviously different from ours but besides that what about the culture, the politics? Is there late stage capitalism there or is it more socialist/communist ish in the sense of workers rights, people not being exploited, universal basic income etc? and education, that's one I'm curious about. Is it possible to study both streams of magic i.e fairy and witch at the same time? or r they inherently antithetical to each other and will clash? It just seems so fascinating to me. In a similar ish vein regarding education, what jobs can a fairy take on after they've finished their alfea schooling? what happens to those who didnt manage to save anyone because it's not like there's a life threatening situation where you have to sacrifice yourself everyday? are they asked to stay back another year? how would you say the economy works over there? are jobs necessary in the same way that they are here? or are fairies kinda just given free reign to roam the magixverse and pop in whenever there's trouble along with the specialists and witches? are there research institutions specifically designed to further their knowledge of magic? it feels like the entire political structure and system is different in the winx universe and I absolutely loved that as a kid. oh yea did it take long for you to adjust having wings? do they kinda just pop out when you need to fly? like what's the sensation like? do you mind describing ig the texture? and if they're really as brightly coloured as what we see in the cartoon? im still having trouble imagining wings that can carry an entire person like woah that's incredible now that I think about it! also how exactly do people travel from planet to planet? does everyone have magic inside of them or only a select number? are there spaceships? can you breathe or fight in the vacuum that is space? or does it not work that way in you Dr? it's all so fascinating. do you get a salary? or is there no need for one??
Hi! How fun! Disclaimer that all of my answers are my experiences in my DRs. All DRs are different, so don't worry if there's anything here you don't want to experience!
what's the winx society like? it's a mix of magic and tech so it's obviously different from ours but besides that what about the culture, the politics? Is there late stage capitalism there or is it more socialist/communist ish in the sense of workers rights, people not being exploited, universal basic income etc?
In both of my Winx DRs, there are multiple planets and systems that have various cultures and societies. What society is like really depends on where you are! Lynphea works on a full trade/barter system; only a couple of major cities use money and only for tourists. Eraklyon has an absolute monarchy with figureheads for smaller cities (like Diaspro's family - the Quidoves). Magix has a direct democracy and is on the brink of socialism.
There's a council of representatives from different planets, however, not every planet is included. It can be a very lengthy process as all powers and the majority of people have to want to be on it (there's a voting process that the council holds separate from whoever's in charge), they have to agree to the council's main rules of morals of society (free healthcare and education, rights for all, etc), and the planet has to elect a representative.
I'd say education is best on Lynphea, Magix, and Solaria! Lynphea has some of the best magic programs in the universe, Magix is such a cultural hub that there's very little bias in the teaching, and Solaria is generally really good at balancing between things like science and healthcare vs arts and history. All studies are considered important and worthwhile there! (Fun fact: Helia attended an art school in Solaria in my DRs)! Zenith's education is good, but it's extremely selective and intense. Their primary education is so good that only people who really, really want it (or need it for their career) further their education, which means smaller programs and fewer spots for students. They're working on it hahah
Is it possible to study both streams of magic i.e fairy and witch at the same time? or r they inherently antithetical to each other and will clash? It just seems so fascinating to me.
Well technically, you can study the magic of other streams, but it's not really possible to practice them. Streams, for the most part, work on completely different wavelengths. For example, in order for a Believix fairy to be a Believix fairy, they need to continuously inspire the people around them. If that fairy were to start trying to use a more witchy input (ie feelings of self-will/self-preservation or intense, negative emotions), their output could backfire badly.
Picking a magic stream is a really important decision! This is actually a big reason why so many magic users don't do it. Picking a stream has a lot of pros (more focused magic, community that can make you stronger, certain career choices, etc), but it also has some cons like magical input being extremely particular.
In a similar ish vein regarding education, what jobs can a fairy take on after they've finished their alfea schooling? what happens to those who didnt manage to save anyone because it's not like there's a life threatening situation where you have to sacrifice yourself everyday? are they asked to stay back another year?
Fairies can pick any average day job they want (like accounting)! But you probably mean magic-specific jobs hahah Well, obviously guardian fairies! The Winx were appointed those positions but most fairies would apply for it. They could apply to guard specific areas like a home town or they could even go to the council and be sent on missions where a fairy is needed.
If someone has picked the fairy stream and goes to Alfea, like 9 out of 10 times they're trying to become a guardian fairy. As for other paths, some fairies get into general politics, others the government (a lot of royals at Alfea), and some will just be traveling fairies. Some fairies even set up their own shops for spells and helping people!
So Alfea fairies actually don't graduate until they reach their Enchantix level! Students are given a two-year period after Alfea's third year to complete this and are allowed to live on campus and continue learning during this time. Once the school feels a student is ready, they'll be sent out on missions either by themselves, with other fairies, or with specialists to help in crisis situations on their home planet. It's extremely rare for an Alfea fairy to not reach Enchantix during this time!
how would you say the economy works over there? are jobs necessary in the same way that they are here? or are fairies kinda just given free reign to roam the magixverse and pop in whenever there's trouble along with the specialists and witches?
For jobs, it depends on where you are again! On some planets, they are necessary, and on others, they aren't.
As for fairies, if they want to just roam and help whoever needs help, they'll need to get registered with their governments and the council if their planet is on it.
are there research institutions specifically designed to further their knowledge of magic?
Absolutely! The magic research programs and institutions on Lynphea are actually to dieee for hahah Domino also had a good one for templars but it faded away after the war :(
yea did it take long for you to adjust having wings? do they kinda just pop out when you need to fly? like what's the sensation like? do you mind describing ig the texture? and if they're really as brightly coloured as what we see in the cartoon?
It did take me a while to adjust to having wings and flying! I had never experienced that before, so it was quite weird at first. They do just pop out hahah They won't pop out randomly though, you still need the intention to do it. The sensation of them "coming out" or transforming mostly felt warm to me. It feels like a surge of warm energy/light coursing through your back (and sometimes your whole body). The texture of wings is very silky but kind of like... staticky too... like you get tingles when you touch them hahah The color really depends on the fairy! A lot of fairies do have bright-colored wings, but there are also plenty with darker or muted colors. The colors correspond to the fairy's personality!
also how exactly do people travel from planet to planet?
Spaceships or teleportation. Do you remember the teleportation postcard that Stella showed Bloom in the first season? Those are extremely common!
does everyone have magic inside of them or only a select number?
Not everyone has magic inside of them; some people have some but not enough to use it. It just depends on genetics! People without innate magic can still become magic users though! They just have to harness the magic around them instead of inside them. It's generally a lot harder though :(
are there spaceships?
Yes :) Commercial, private-owned, and military!
can you breathe or fight in the vacuum that is space? or does it not work that way in you Dr?
In my Winx DR, we could fight! We couldn't breathe unless we had Cosmix. In my Specialists DR, we couldn't do either hahah
it's all so fascinating.
I agree :) I love fantasy DRs so much!
do you get a salary? or is there no need for one??
It depends on the planet again! Some planets pay people for work with tangible money/coins/gems, while others pay with lodging/food. On some planets, a job is more of a partnership and you get paid back with experiences, more information on the field, etc.
This was fun! Thank you for all the questions :) I love talking about my Winx DRs hahah
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becauseplot · 4 months
YEAAH!! YEAHHH!!! Okay okay okay so I meant to ramble more earlier when you initially responded to my ask and then I got sleepy and conked out and now it's super early for me, nailed it lmaooo. so anyway just like a couple things i noticed abt this scene *rolls out a scroll of notes, the bottom hits the floor and bounces out the door cartoon-style*
Chayanne gives Cellbit a rose!! Idk if Rose still has influence here (I'll have to sift through Phil's VOD to see if he says anything abt Rose, yesterday I mainly watched Cellbit's POV) but he's protected now!! That kinda folds him into Phil's "closer" circle of friends/family since it's primarily them who carries the roses for protection so!!!!! I'm!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THE TEA!! Yes the tea the way the tea immediately broaches the topic of purgatory, and yeah the audible wince in Phil's voice after Cellbit says the tea triggers him and Phil agrees. Yeah it's so shit and they're both so sick of it but it's so OP. Phil survivalist (hardcore) :handshake: Cellbit survivalist (hunger games/"The War"), do and use what is necessary to keep yourself alive.
And AAA!! Yes, okay okay so like you remember that idea abt Phil and Cellbit having late-night convos at the Order pre-purgatory? This is basically that!! It's late at night, they're getting caught up with each other, they've both got the shitass tea and it's going cold and!! In my head this scene goes on for a full night and they just sit and talk and talk and talk, eventually conking out when it's late, just like old times EXCEPT THEY HAVE THEIR KIDS NOW WHICH IS ONE OF THE THINGS THAT BROUGHT THEM TOGETHER, THEIR DESIRE TO FIND THEIR KIDS, AND THEY FOUND THEM!!! (I should write a fic i NEED to write a fic, me vs the 754389 wips in my brain; in my head they still had late night convos in purgatory when their "play time" timers lined up, phil waking up early enough and cellbit staying up late enough for them to talk while the others slept)
The way Cellbit still minces his words abt what he and Bags did post-purg 1 "we had our fun...bolas...style..." is it because he thinks Phil will think less of him? because there's children present? because his SON is present? idk how much Richas knows abt what Cellbit did in purgatory, Richas *did* rescue him while he was fighting eye workers but does he know about Cellbit hunting fellow players for sport? what Cellbit did to his pai Pac? I NEED ANSWERS
Phil's "Dude! No! Oh my god... D:" to when Cellbit says Roier was better off without him. PHIL WAS AT THEIR WEDDING. HE TOOK THE GODDAMN PHOTOS OF THEM AT THEIR WEDDING. HE SAW HOW HAPPY THEY WERE, HOW HAPPY ROIER WAS, WHEN THEY WERE REUNITED IN PURGATORY. Phil isn't close enough to Roier nor speaks to him enough to really understand the full extent of Roier's grief after purgatory 1, but it's gotta be hard for Phil to imagine Roier happy with Cellbit gone. Whether he believes it when Cellbit says "yeah Roier told me he was better" (doied WHEN I GET YOU---) is up for debate but I think about this constantly.
Phil fucking laughing when Cellbit admits he ate some of the eye workers fhdjsk. I can't get over the combo of Cellbit POV (in character thinking: "I'm terrible I'm a cannibal I'm a monster") vs Philza POV (cc who laughs at everything that is even remotely cursed) honestly, taking this as in-character (bc ccPhil doesn't mute his mic to laugh and he...usually does that for ooc bits while in the middle of rp), it says a lot abt qPhil that he's able to just laugh abt an admission of eating corpses. ethics who? geneva convention who? qPhil doesn't know her. munch on those eye workers king they're dickheads. (fuck, DOES qPhil know that Cellbit is a cannibal, as in, he has eaten not just workers but other players?? hmmm...)
"I'm sorry I couldn't do much as bolas leader" "It's better that you didn't see us...I think you'll be disappointed" "oh I could never be disappointed what do you mean shut up *laughs*" GODDDDDDDD also Cellbit trying to say he got worse after purg 1 and Phil saying "nah bolas is already at ground level" (either not understanding or indirectly reiterating that he won't condemn Cellbit for his actions, I can't tell) and then Cellbit just,, going with it. because it's not worth it to argue and he's trying to move past all of that now anyway. (QCELLBIT PROCESS YOUR TRAUMA CHALLENGE LEVEL IMPOSSIBLE)
watching Phil's POV now and HFDJSK you can't hear it on Cellbit's stream but Phil catches Richas as they're both leaving and says quietly, "Take care of your dad, Richas, n' take care." I'M 💥💥💥💥 (<-banging table)
Anyway!! This is what happens when the two characters I'm obsessed with interact for the first time in months. Over-analyzing a 5 minute convo. Sorry, it will happen again :] Praying they stay as neighbors I'd love to see archivists have more interactions!! And yes yes yes yes the tea parties with the kids!! Phil routinely chatting with Cellbit and watching him slowly "regain his color" as he settles back into peaceful life post-purgatory, falls in love with enigmas again. They've always trusted each other when they don't trust themselves, and they're both a Stable Point for the other. I'll miss what we never got to have with the leaders-of-the-Order-having-meetings ideas (timezones, wails) but I'm so excited for new island mysteries!! :D
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emyluwinter · 9 months
I…..I don't even know where to start here, my dear.
It's not like "everything burns with a blue flame"
TWST decided to punch the OUT.
So everything is according to the old scheme. Then there are spoilers.
So we continue to lead our news feed with Twisted wonderland AND THIS IS DAMN THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE EMOTIONAL UPDATE OF THE PLOT.
I love this game so much, you would know, it gives me such an emotional explosion that I need so much in life from time to time.
You can find now a bunch of different interpretations of a more detailed plot from the game. I will pay attention to what I remember the most
First. Grimm is my cute little gremlin/little devil. Scares poor cooks, a married couple hiding in the basement(?) to get brooms for to fly. And the funny thing is… YUU CAN JOIN THIS. YES. TIME TO BE THE MOST DANGEROUS!AND NOT TO SOLVE IT! Don't tell me Yuu doesn't enjoy a little chaos when he and Grimm start making a complete mess.
While the conversation was going on, the sound of a very hungry stomach sounded. Everyone immediately looks at Sebek.
Sebek burning with shame - …………… it's not me.
Silver didn't believe him for a split second!!*laughs*
And then this crocodile accuses that it's rumbling in Yuu's stomach! Sebek!!How could you!!Ahahahahahaha. First you say with the stubbornness of the rock that you will not be friends with us, and then you substitute that it is not you who is rumbling in your stomach, but the "person" Yes. Sure. Pffffff.
Sebek continues to deny it. But his rumbling stomach interrupts his own words. Ahahahahahah. Nice guy, just say you're hungry.
Silver DISNEY PRINCESS is already a canon, my dear. Sebek came up with a plan to use this "Princess of Diasomnia" so that they could escape past the knights of the Silver Owl. Use animals as a distraction. They really managed to escape. And when the "Dream" team (Yuu, Grimm, Silver and Sebek) were almost attacked, Lilia came to the rescue. Scolded his "not sons" for something they were inattentive. And Lilia was also attacked by birds thinking that he was dangerous to Silver. OMALVDPOALDVPODA
We were shown the castle of Princess Meleanor. (Mallenoa, it turned out to be not quite the right name from Japanese to English. We were shown how to do it right) This is a frame from the Sleeping Beauty cartoon. Such beautiful backgrounds. I like the visual style.
*San takes a deep breath*
Tumblr media
With not the easiest character, but as Lilia said, Malleus is definitely more calm than his mother.
How powerful this goddess's thighs must be to lay this healthy egg….
Meleanor - * the most gentle dragon mom who loves the baby in the egg, sings a lullaby to him*
she's in a second
Lilia meanwhile with the face "I want to retire"
Meleanor considers her husband to be a world-class beauty and that Malleus will definitely grow up and receive beauty genes from his father. Ma'am, I want to know what your husband looks like since you worship him so much. I need to see him!! TOBOSO PLEASE. Who is this man capable of stealing the heart of Draconia?!
Oh, yeah….
Meleanor threw such information that set the fandom on fire. As if it's not enough for us right now..khem…
Lilia proposed to her when he was younger, and Meleanor also said that Lilia also loves Levan. And that they both spent more time together than any married couple.
Well … technically, "love" can be perceived in different ways, as a family, as a friend, as a dear fairy heart, and in romantic or not, everyone decides for himself. Lilia grew up with Meleanor and Levan, in fact, these are the two closest faeries that have been to him throughout his life.
TWST decided to tear our hearts to shreds, I'm not kidding.
….guys…..he's already having a tantrum for the third time probably happening. The screenwriters didn't spare him at all. Like us, too.
It's not like a panic attack, it smells like a nervous breakdown.
And yes, he was dragged away by ink due to the fact that his entire consciousness went to dust.
It wasn't enough for us to have one overblott, IT ALREADY SMELLS LIKE TWO AT LEAST
Sebek, Grimm and Yuu are trying to find Silver lost in the ink. They wander in the dark long a lot and Sebek is worried that we might get lost. Yuu takes them by the hand and Sebek is confused and confused. Phphhavadlp. This guy. Tsundere. You're in our gang, no excuses.
Silver is of course pulled out, Sebek swears with him, fights with him, swears again. He's crying eyes out. And they put up. Silver uses the magic of the ring to pull everyone out of the ink.
Yuu and their poor battered back from all these falls…Ahahahahaha
They notice that behind the Lily's footprints there are traces of knights from Silver Owls and rush to help.
this is the end of the chapter.
Considering that there will be a new event in October.Which will stretch until mid-November? I think that we can expect updates to the plot of the main story in December. Perhaps. But this is not accurate.
As we can see, they try not to "artificially stretch the plot" as sometimes happens. And to work it out carefully and in detail. Keep in mind that we are only approaching the middle of the story somewhere. Because Ortho is still waiting for us with dogs and Styx And the fight is not in a dream with Malleus.
+Analysis of the consequences.
And I reааааааally hope chapter 8 for Yuu and Grimm.
Let's summarize the results.
Silver turned out to be the son of the Knight of the Dawn, immersed in a deep sleep because of the three fairies until the war ends. CANONICALLY SILVER IS TAKEN FROM THE HISTORY OF AURORA And that "only love can wake him up" Lilia, who was staggering next to an abandoned castle for 300/400 years, it is unknown why.
-huh?…is there a baby crying somewhere?
The unique magic of Lilies. - check The unique magic of Sobek. - check
It remains only to learn the unimalkuyu magic - Ace, Grimm and Ortho!
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britcision · 1 year
Alright I think I’ve seen a couple smaller versions of this in bits and pieces so if you have them please share, but I figured that as someone familiar with neither show initially I’m in a good position to do a DPxDC onboarding post!
Since neither source material is particularly helpful in understanding the madness we have created, here is what I consider important to know for each (please add in with anything I miss!)
Danny Phantom (DP)
Main Characters
Danny Fenton - is a Phantom. Died as a teenager by accidentally activating his parents’ portal to the Ghost Zone/Infinite Realms but was also revived, becoming a half ghost half human (halfa)
Is the only superhero in Amity Park, fighting ghosts and sometimes ghost hunters to keep humans safe from ghosts and ghosts safe from humans
Has beaten the Ghost King in single combat, and is therefore sometimes considered to be the new Ghost King
Jazz (Jasmine) Fenton - Danny’s older sister, basically his parent, very into psychology and very against the influence their actual parents have had on Danny due to their obsession with ghosts
May/may not know about Phantom, usually considered the Mom Friend of Team Phantom whether she knows or not
Jack Fenton - Danny’s dad, 6’9 koolaid man, loves ham and fudge and breaking through walls instead of the door beside him. A very bad shot but extremely enthusiastic in that 90s dad cartoon way
Prone to believe absolutely anybody but Danny is a ghost, especially when Danny does ghost things in proximity
Extremely intent on the destruction of all ghosts, convinced they do not have actual feelings and should be destroyed pre Phantom reveal. Afterwards, can be either accepting or homicidal towards Danny
Maddie Fenton - Danny’s mom, ridiculous kung fu warrior and engineer, madly in love with Jack and they are sickeningly cute all times except Christmas
Sometimes notices they have kids that need caring for, sometimes curbs Jack’s wilder impulses, she’s the brains of the team
Same ghost views as Jack, but she’s more perceptive and intelligent, which can be used for good or evil
Tucker Foley - Danny’s best friend, likes meat and technology and arguing with Sam
A Black young man with a signature red beret and PDA in the OG show, usually acknowledged to be on par with the bats’ technical skills as he’s an incredible hacker
Danny’s Guy In The Chair, but he will get out of his chair and throw down as needed
Sam Manson - Danny’s Obligatory 90s Cartoon Love Interest, goth and ultra-recyclo-vegetarian child of millionaires who will not be stopped in her crusade for justice
She’s the one who dared Danny to go into the portal that killed him, the guilt she carries for this varies
She is in combat as much as her humanity allows, but also in a support role most of the time
Dash Baxter - Danny’s Obligatory 90s Cartoon Bully, the usual blond beefy jock. Can be surprisingly sensitive and intelligent, probably from being tutored by Jazz
[ETA] Valerie Gray - former antihero with a grudge against ghosts (her dad lost his job because of Cujo), she was given an anti ghost suit by Vlad and worked for him to fight ghosts until learning he is a half ghost
Canon never names her alter ego but we call her Red Huntress, she’s hot headed and impulsive and absolutely dated Danny while trying to murder Phantom - Danny knew the whole time but she did not
She is also Black
Wes Weston - Does Not Exist In Canon. We made him up because Danny had a bracelet that was supposed to say Sam but was shown backwards all episodes so it just says Wes
Knows that Danny is Phantom, INTENT on telling absolutely everyone, and is never believed
Vlad Masters/Plasmius - the only older halfa in the show, and one of Danny’s main villains. A billionaire who went to college with the Fenton parents and was slowly killed after exposure to the first trial portal
Blames Jack for his exposure and is obsessed with stealing Maddie from him and marrying her himself as he believes should have always happened
Her opinion does not factor into this, and she largely treats him with disdain but tempered for her husband, who adores Vlad unequivocally
Dani/Ellie Masters - a girl clone of Danny made by Vlad, the only clone who survived melting into goo. Vlad raised her to try and kill Danny so he could perfect a different boy clone, and kept her isolated
Now that she’s met Danny and been stabilised by him, they are siblings/cousins/besties but she can’t stay in one place, because she wants to experience the whole world
Frostbite - King of the Far Frozen, which is part of the Ghost Zone full of ice. He’s a yeti, and has the zone’s only functional medical facility
Reveres Danny as the Great One, Saviour of the Ghost Zone, and taught him how to use his ice powers
Clockwork - Master of Time, tends to show up in a purple hooded robe with a clock around his neck and rapidly cycle through ages and speak in riddles
Sometimes communicates by leaving green stick notes on things, but never with a direct answer. Considered Danny’s mentor and sends Danny on adventures through time to preserve the time stream
Notably involved in the whole Dan Phantom fiasco
Dan Phantom - an older version of Danny from the future where Danny’s ghost half was removed from his human half, stole Vlad’s ghost half, and destroyed the world because Danny’s whole family and friends were killed in front of him
They were all together to be killed as part of an intervention when Danny was caught cheating on a test. This gives Danny understandable issues about how easily he could go bad and destroy the world
Skulker - an early recurring baddie who is a Kraven the Hunter knockoff, considers himself the Ghost Zone’s best hunter and wants Danny’s pelt for his wall
Actually a tiny little guy inside the helmet of a big mechanised suit, rarely a serious threat
Ember - a young ghost musician who can hypnotise people with her music, craves an audience and another early recurring villain
Dates Skulker I guess
Johnny 13 and Shadow - ghost biker boy and his sentient shadow familiar, dated Danny at some point, but in a permanent ongoing relationship with Kitty
They usually only cause trouble when they fight, break up, wreak havoc, and then eventually get back together
Kitty - once Overshadowed Paulina the generic Pretty Girl to date Danny to get back at Johnny for their break up
She wanted to be a lawyer before she and Johnny were killed in a wreck, sometimes implied to have been caused on purpose by her father
She and Johnny are often Danny’s allies, against other ghosts if necessary
[ETA] Cujo - ghost puppy, very playful and usually about beagle size, but he can grow or shrink at will into a terrifying house sized attack dog. He can make portals so no, you are never safe from Cujo
[ETA] Wulf - werewolf ghost and friend of Danny’s who can also create his own natural portals. He wears pants
Important Terms
Core - a small glowing orb that houses all a ghost’s memories, thoughts, emotions, and vital organs. Can correspond to an element, granting elemental powers after some intense ghost puberty
Requires ectoplasm to form and be maintained but does not exist in canon
Obsession - ghosts are powered by their emotions at death and an Obsession, usually what makes them become a ghost instead of passing on in the first place - does not exist in canon
Danny’s Obsession is usually Protection, Space, or both
Vlad’s Obsession is Maddie, and acquiring Danny as a son once he learns Danny is a halfa too
Dani’s Obsession is Travel
Halfa - half a ghost, half a human, with the ability to transform between human and ghost forms (usually characterised as a colour inversion of hair and clothes)
Powers are basically Everything That Would Be Funny, because it’s a Saturday morning cartoon
Vlad’s specifically include electrocution, duplicating up to thousands of himself, invisibility, intangibility, hand lasers, super strength, healing, and mind control
Danny’s include ice, strength, bendy noodle body, put self in video game, hand lasers, heat vision, ghostly wail (big ol sonic scream, bad for the throat), duplication, teleportation, and literally anything else that was fun for the episode in question
All ghosts seem to get invisibility, intangibility, flight, telekinesis, and ectobeams (lasers from various body parts)
Overshadowing - similar to possession, when a ghost takes over someone else’s body, gaining access to core memories if they look
Sometimes different from possession specifically and considered less invasive, but still invasive. Danny does not like doing this
[ETA] Anti Ecto Acts - a series of laws signed into existence to declare all ectoplasmic entities as nonsentient creatures, able to be experimented on or destroyed at will
Referenced literally once in canon in a single line that basically says “you are under arrest for being a ghost” - after Danny is outed as a halfa, we have obviously extrapolated it into the worst thing possible
Canon calls them Anti-Ecto Control Acts
[ETA] GIW - Guys in White or the Ghost Investigation Ward, they’re literally a colour reversed Men in Black joke to have a government agency that focuses on ghosts
They don’t care about collateral damage and will blow anyone up on their way ghost hunting
DC (Disregard Canon apparently)
Main Characters
Listen I’m not doing all of them so HOEDOWN STYLE I GUESS
Alfred Pennyworth - best Batman character, super butler, makes the best cookies
Bruce Wayne - Batman, may/may not be good batdad
Dick Grayson - Robin 1, responsible for pantsless Robin and excessive flips, grows up to be Nightwing
Jason Todd - fandom woobie, Robin 2, tried to steal the tires off the Batmobile and hit Bruce with a tire iron, killed by Joker, came back evil and thicc as Red Hood and nearly killed Robin 3
Has the Bad Juice in him cuz of being brought back from the dead so he has Pit Rage, which most people apparently only get for a little bit and then either die or go permanently insane
Tim Drake - Robin 3, abandoned rich kid who blackmailed Bruce into letting him be Robin after Jason died, because Jason was his hero and Tim thinks Batman needs a Robin to stay sane. He’s right, but was Robin-fired basically as soon as Damian showed up, is Red Robin now
Never sleeps, overcaffeinated at all times, a better detective than Bruce and a supervillain in basically every AU
Used to be bi but is legally gay now apparently
Stephanie Brown - girl Robin, far superior as Spoiler and Bat Girl, sassy bitch who tells Bruce to fuck off the most of all the Robins ever and this is an Achievement she must fight for constantly but always wins
Cassandra Cain - assassin baby of Lady Shiva, not taught to talk by her dad cuz he sucks, semi- or nonverbal and deadass supernaturally good at reading people
Decided that killing was bad actually the first time she did it so fuck assassins she’s Black Bat/Batgirl/Orphan now and she does not have mouth holes in her mask (possibly because she is not white, depending on why you think Batman always has his)
Damian Wayne - Consequences from Bruce’s playboy slut days, he knocked up supervillain Talia Al Ghul and thus this bab was raised by assassins and thinks stabbing siblings is an acceptable greeting
Likes the animals and is secretly soft but will fucking kill you before he admits it
Duke Thomas - Criminally Underused, older than Damian but babiest bat as the Signal, Gotham’s only daytime hero and only meta hero. Second Black hero cuz Lucius Fox exists and so does his son
Never a Bruce-appointed Robin but was trained by 4 previous Robins (no idea where Steph was for this) simultaneously, swears as much as Jason but has living parents sometimes so that’s wild
Kate Kane - Batwoman, definitely fucks
Luke Fox - I think he is Lucius’ son, Lucius made all the bat tech but Luke is going to punch bad guys directly, has a hero name probably that might be fox related
Diana Prince - Wonder Woman, an Amazonian warrior who fucks with Cronos I guess
Donna Troy - I have never fucking seen her in dpxdc but she is Wonder Girl I think and she also fucks
Clark Kent - Superman but also a nerd, treats his clone badly and will never be forgiven
Connor Kent/Kon El - said clone, made by Lex Luthor from Superman’s and Luthor’s DNA because what says hate like making a baby! Mistreating that baby and reminding him he’s meant to be a weapon
Deserves all the love and sometimes his powers don’t work because cloning is hard
Jon Kent - Superman’s son with Lois Lane, got all his dad’s powers but apparently not his mom’s cuz he is still a himbo
Lois Lane - the world’s scariest reporter who will make all corrupt officials quail because you can’t fucking threaten her, she will tell you to go fuck yourself and if you try and shoot her Superman catches the bullet
Barry Allen - the Flash, does not believe in ghosts even though he can run so fast he travels in time so he’s clearly the arbiter of what makes sense
But I guess you can’t catch him to tell him he’s wrong so
Hal Jordan - Green Lantern, Space Ho
Lex Luthor - surprising dad energy for a bald supervillain who hates aliens (blame halfagone)
John Constantine - super thot and mage, will sell his soul to anyone who offers to gain immortality because no one can decide who gets to keep his soul so they just spite reviving him
Has the actual worst luck and finds out just slightly more than he fucks around but he hasn’t died yet so it’s working
Zatanna - magic lady who does spells by saying words backwards, the competent adult
Boston - Deadman, an Actual Fucking Ghost Member Of The Justice League, What The Fuck Flash This Is Workplace Harassment
Cannot be seen or heard without magical assistance, so way less of a problem than Danny Phantom ghosts
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