#we are going to……. gulps…… be SUPER fucking annoying
deadlittledogs · 4 months
I knew you were a weeb (when it was degen, not “cool” like it is now)
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OH YEAH, I GOT BULLIED RELENTLESSLY FOR IT LOL. I was pretty autistic about it though, so….. I was maybe slightly asking for it lel.
I admit, it’s still a little confusing for me that normies all like anime now, even though I don’t really like it anymore. Anime was better when it was like this slightly niche autistic interest that only really cringy ‘outcast’ teen girls liked….. it had such a bizarre lil community of gross girls. Nothing will ever beat making eye contact with some bucktoothed shawty in a hetalia shirt from across the room and instantly knowing you’re both fucking insane in the same way. I WANT THAT BACK, EVEN IF NOW AS AN ADULT I THINK MOST ANIME IS RETARDED AND UNWATCHABLE LMAO.
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fhrlclln · 1 year
miguel o’hara x assistant!fem! reader pt. 1
now we all know this man has some serious anger issues lmao but who wouldn’t love a grumpy man having this deep unspoken sexual tension between the two of you, right!? right. and along with that, SMUT! such a beautiful combo. but mild smut for now.
but here is some mild miguel smut for y’alls horny ass (and mine) <3
here’s part 2 !!
mild smut under the cut
spiderman 2099. miguel. miguel motherfucking o’hara.
leader of the spider-society, an elite crew of various spider people from all across the multiverse, their mission to protect the multiverse from any threat that may come. sure, knowing how crazy it sounds that the multiverse is real and that— there are more variations of the spiderman you knew since all before this shitshow happened.
and to say, your relationship with the leader wasn’t all that bright in fact.
you’re not a spider person yourself but sometimes you wish you are seeing how fucking cool spider-woman, jessica drew, a fellow member, along with other members coming in are (hobie, gwen, pavitr and so on.) but no radioactive spider ever bit you sadly. you are human, human as ever working under miguel o’hara as his assistant (more of a manager really) even though he has lyla, the virtual sweetheart, you still had some things you can do which are a big help in all the management for the spider-society.
miguel, as a boss, well— he’s a fucking menace sometimes as you grit your teeth to yourself, walking swiftly into the familiar hallways you always passed through, captured anomalies around your vision until you arrive at the fairly narrow one, meaning you were almost close. all the people knew how fucking grumpy he was, always snapping out of nowhere, sharp comments and unnecessary hurtful ones too when he’s super mad. you’ve dealt with all of that since the foundation was found— and he’s kinda a loner. you sigh, knowing from the looks of what has happened today regarding miles morales, things weren’t looking so great. and you had to ask him somehow about the situation and see how it goes, well not or not.
your feet echoed through the vast space of his lab, his platform was up high as always and you can hear him grumbling a top, watching every scenario of what happened. your heels clicked as you stopped, looking up, blue light restricting your vision as you coughed for his attention. cringing already inside as you heard the audios pause.
then silence.
more silence….
“what?” he asks from above in a clip manner.
“heard from lyla.” you merely quip back, shrugging your shoulders.
“and?” he grunts, resuming his work as the platform above descends down. ah, sassy. you think, usual miguel— not the mad one, real lifesaver for whatever you’re gonna say right now.
“nothing.” you say, waiting for the damn platform to come down faster. “i may have a few questions where this leads-“
“what questions?” he asks, the platform finally stops at the usual height, making miguel who’s back is turned from you visible.
“about the situation. miles morales.”
“ask lyla about that.” he dismisses you again, tone a little sharper. the back of his muscles flex, super suit clinging tight, his mask the only one that was removed. tousled dark hair seen as he clicks away on his screen, the voices of miles and gwen emitting. you gulp, sighing as you tried for one more.
“it’s more of a personal question for you-“
“has it ever occurred that i don’t answer those kind of questions?” he cuts you off, the footage he was watching paused as he slowly turned around to finally face you. your eyes meet his, familiar red ones looking down at you, face scrunched a bit as if he was annoyed already,
“i know.” you slowly say as he crosses his arms. muscle bulging, making you avert from his gaze for a moment, which embarrassed you. “but all i’m saying or asking is that are you going to make it easy for the kid?”
something in his eyes snap at your question. he jumps down, landing swiftly in front of you as he stands up, towering your frame. you roll your eyes, his shadow blocking the light from you as his hands were situated on his waist, meaning he was ready to argue. but you can’t argue how eager you feel seeing how close he is. heat radiating from him, the way he never leaves his eyes off you and his overall presence.
“what is easy in all this, really, huh?” he harshly spits out. “the faith of the multiverse is in danger. and who’s responsible to fix that? me! so no, i’m gonna make it easy for the kid. he was the one who started all of this if you can remember.”
“oh, i remember and i remember clearly telling you how all of this— this is happening is very much-“
“no, no, no. that is completely out of the logical reason for why this happening. not the reason at all.” he says, his brow scrunching together as you too became fairly annoyed that he was cutting you off. an ass really.
“out of the reason? maybe it is the reason if you think about it!” you retort back, huffing out a sigh as he shakes his head turning away from you.
“miguel.” you call out to him. “miguel, for once, try and see through this. through miles.”
“i have a lot of things to do, y/n. arguing with you is not one.” he commands, as your shoulders sink, the familiar feeling of disappointment washing over you from his words.
“maybe if you could listen to me, we wouldn’t be arguing.” you stared at him with hard eyes, he tensed, looking to the side before he swiftly walks towards you again.
“why would i, huh?” he glares at you. “do you know everything i know enough to make everything right in the multiverse?” he stalks over to you, intent to make you listen clearly as you back away a bit from him but he doesn’t stop. “no. so no, there is no point in listening to you.” he growls the last sentence, the lump in your throat bitter as you two stared down at each other before he utters his last insults. the buzz of something blooms between you both. you could feel it, he could feel it. the two of you were just contemplating in the inside as miguel steps a bit closer to whisper it.
“you’re my assistant, know your place.”
your eyes widened at his words. but you could not shake the fact how deep he said it, the rumble in his voice making your brain go haywire at all the emotions you are feeling right now for him. the breaking point of your patience at its peak as you glared at him harshly, his face close to yours as you cursed at him.
“fuck you, miguel.” you spit out. his face suddenly changed as he fucking smirked. smirked! you stare at him as he opens his mouth to spit something out as well in retaliation for your insult.
“really? that’s all you got? i thought you were better at this, churri.” his smirk widens as you shy away, suddenly flustered at how fast he can make you embarrassed. you could feel his chest close to yours as you avert his hard gaze, making the said man snap something inside of him seeing you all crumpled beneath him.
“you’re all bark but no bite, sweetheart.” he whispers as you didn’t look at him. “look at me.”
the subtle growl in his voice caused you to obey him. you look up to meet his eyes again, seeing them red as ever, red with that low gaze that makes your thighs clench hard. the slow breaths between the two of you are only heard as miguel leans down, face closer to yours now.
“what’s making you shy, huh?” he asks, the argument from earlier clearly out of his head as he focuses on you. his one hand creeping up to gently caress yours, urging you to say it.
“miguel, please, stop playing with me.” you grumbled, ashamed how you liked how he was acting now. “it’s not funny.”
“i’m not joking around, am i?” he sasses but you held your hard gaze on him which he surrenders. “alright, i’m sorry.”
“no you’re not.” you sighed, knowing there will never be a genuine sorry from him which leaves you utterly defeated, more upset how you know he’s toying with your emotions right now. “i’ll take my leave.”
“y/n, don’t…”
“please stop.” you raise your hand for him to stop.
“i’m sorry.” he genuinely says, gripping your hand gently back down, squeezing it softly. his big gloved hand envelops yours as you studied his face to make sure he wasn’t fucking around. miguel practically knew what’s going on between the two of you, which of course why he liked arguing with you. the way your eyes would dilate all the time and beat of your heart racing whenever he gets super close to your personal space. addicting yet a dick move he was doing because in all, he very much likes you. and this time, this time it all snaps at the pinnacle seeing you shamelessly stare at his lips.
“thank you.” you softly say, glancing at his lips, the fangs subtly showing behind them as miguel swiftly dips forward to finally kiss you with such fervor.
your eyes widened as you gripped his broad shoulders, toes tip toeing, heart pounding as his arms wrapped around your waist. you moan out on his lips as you kissed him back the same passion. months of ignoring the unspoken tension between the two of you and at this moment it happened! you think that this all sinks in because of the situation, and you are right in your head. all of this should happen.
“miguel.” you pant breathily between his lips as he shushed you with another one, too lost in the moment.
“miguel please.” you begged for more as his hands dip down to squeeze your ass, lifting you up effortlessly with his spidey strength as your legs instinctively wrapped around his hips.
“i know.” he kisses your chin down to your neck, slowly walking to the desk nearby. your breasts squished together with his hard chest as you grind down, feeling the evident bulge underneath you.
“you’re an ass, ya know?” you mumbled in his ear as he sits you down on the desk, objects scattering at the impact. he continues his ministrations, the things he was supposed to do are far long gone in his head as his hand dip down to where your legs were open for him.
“that i certainly know.” he admits, you giggle suddenly knowing how defensive he is when people point that out.
“but right now, i’m being very nice, amor. very nice.” he whispers, nipping your ear as his gloved hand touches you there, the pencil skirt you were wearing scrunched up above your knees. you gasp, clutching his shoulders again as he chuckles lowly, feeling the wetness as his eyes stared at you with this animosity as he kneels down, kissing your thighs before he sharply opens your thighs wide. your covered cunt staring right before him, begging to be eaten and he sure will be. he looks up to see you, this wild look in your eyes as you nodded for approval which makes him genuinely smile.
“i’m feeling generous today. it’s a once in a lifetime scenario, huh? so you better feel lucky today.”
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bucknastysbabe · 1 year
Oh Bucky you’re so fine <3
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Avenger!afab!reader, daddy kink, smooth talkin big lover boy era Bucky, banging in concerning places, confessions of feelings, pnv!sex, v!fingering, Big Dick Bucky Barnes, alcohol consumption, Thor’s Super Mead, the reader is IN THE TRENCHES down bad
A/N: Oh here we go again random Bucky smut aggressive as hell
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Bucky was too hot for his own good. The idiot didn’t even realize he was sex on legs, hiding his beautiful body away under long sleeves and jeans at all times. You could appreciate the skinny jeans at least, often ogling his thick thighs around the tower.
You were down bad. Clint and Natasha thought it was hilarious how you watched him like a lovesick puppy. The archer would elbow you, teasing, “Careful someone might trip over your tongue hanging out.” They weren’t wrong.
Bucky was so oblivious though. He would play back with your flirting, shooting a million dollar smile and batting your shoulder but that was the extent. He had this five foot thick concrete wall around anything past flirty banter. You needed more, honest to god needed it. Your clit was raw from the amount of times you’d rubbed yourself to completion over the super soldier.
Currently your eyes were fixated on his thighs spread around a barstool. Barnes had been convinced by you to come out for once. Minus a couple of familiar faces, most of the Avengers were in this packed club. Thor was making Bucky take the rest of his Asgardian alcohol. Your lips quirked up— the shit had gotten Steve drunk as a skunk one time. He had the original serum too.
Maybe a little liquid courage would break down the brunettes barrier. You gulped down the rest of your own lemondrop and straightened your skirt. It was leather and way too short, but a girl has to get dick somewhere. Even though the puny men didn’t add up to Bucky in your mind. You knew he could put it down, there was no way the man didn’t have a huge dick. Two enhanced individuals in bed, the thought made your pussy throb.
Bucky’s delicate nose scrunched up as he chugged down the rest of the mead. Thor laughed maniacally, slapping the former assassin’s broad back. Bucky coughed, “Jesus Christ! The hell you make that with?”
Thor smiled enigmatically, “Tis’ a secret, soldier of winter!”
Clint’s annoying whine disrupted your watching.
“C’monnnn you can’t watch him all night! Take a shot and get after Barnes, sheesh!”
Bucky’s blue eyes flickered over to you and the bowman, a quizzical look on his flushed face. You turned to Clint, narrowing your eyes and hissing, “Shut the fuck up!” Barnes’ eyes made a scan over your body before he turned back to the blonde god. Clint guffawed and led you over to the opposite side of the bar, ordering vodka.
You whispered, “Does my hair look okay? I don’t look like too slutty right?”
Clint eyed you amusedly, deadpanning, “If you two don’t stop eye-fucking and do something about it I will. You look fine.”
You rolled your eyes, catching the shot slid over by Clint and downing it. You breathed out harshly at the burn, working yourself up to approach Bucky. Nodding at Clint, you walked over to him. As a former agent of SHIELD, you could do the deed. But the nerves were still there.
Bucky smiled down at you, cheeks pleasantly warm and his eyes slightly glossed. He must be tipsy. The brunette rumbled, “Whatcha’ been doing? Besides getting dragged around by asshole?” You blurted out, “Watching you.”
Oh Christ on a stick. Why did you do that?
Bucky’s wide smile fell a bit, his pupils darkening at your wide eyes. He raised a thick brow and intoned, “Is that right?” You stammered and blushed, looking down in embarrassment. “I-I oh god, y-yeah I’ve been staring you down.” A gloved hand tilted your chin up, Bucky gazing intensely. You fought to hide a whimper at the gentle touch.
He purred, “Been watching ya’ too, just begging to be looked at with those legs and that ass.” His other palm came down on your ass with a rough squeeze, pulling you into his broad chest. Bucky continued, “Been thinkin’ about sliding this skimpy shit up and seeing what little scrap you had on underneath.” His warm breath fanned over your gaping lips.
You were utterly struck, two seconds from getting down and worshipping Bucky’s cock under the bar. Whining softly you pressed your tits against him and pled, “Please! Want you to, got all dressed up for you Buck.” He smirked in that lopsided way of his and pressed full lips to yours. Faintly from afar it sounded as if Sam and Clint were cheering.
“Ya’ need it that bad huh? I oughta wine and dine my favorite baby avenger first,” he pecked your wet lips again, “But I don’t think I can wait, sweetheart.”
Your knees went weak at his pet name, the super soldier holding you upright with his grip on your cheek. Bucky chuckled softly, sharing more kisses with you. You lapped at his tongue, whimpering like the neediest slut. Smaller hands clenched into the leather of Bucky’s jacket, holding on for dear life. You couldn’t believe this was real life.
Was is that easy all along?
You blanched at realizing you spoke your thoughts aloud.
“Baby, I’ve been wanting you since your cute self walked into the compound,” Bucky admitted with a shy glance.
You suckled on his bottom lip and pulled back, frantically begging, “Bucky- shit! I need you to fuck me right now or I’m going to die!” He laughed again, eyes growing even darker with lust. He leaned down to nip your earlobe, purring in that old Brooklyn accent, “C’mon then sugar.” On shaky legs you gripped his hand and half-ran to the women’s bathroom. As horny as you were, the men’s was out of the equation.
Bucky slammed and locked the door behind you two. When he turned to you, you felt like a little bunny about to get eaten alive. No wonder people thought he was so scary. That glare was something else, thick brows furrowing, eyes penetrating your soul.
The former assassin grabbed you under the ass, slamming you on the counter, hungry lips sucking down your neck. Bucky hummed between marks, “Fuck you’re so hot, perfect angel.” You hiked up your skirt frantically, spreading your thighs to wrap around Buck. “No you,” you gushed. He moaned against your skin, peeling off his gloves in the process.
You ripped off your tight top, tits falling out under the fluorescent light. Bucky inhaled sharply, flesh fingers crawling under your thong. He snapped it against your hip, earning a pretty cry. The brunette rumbled, “You plan on wearing nothing hm baby?” You nodded and sloppily took Bucky’s mouth again, tongues intertwining. His cooler metallic hand pinched and twisted at one of your nipples, you whining and squirming in place.
With a tear, Bucky ripped off your slinky thong, stuffing the wet underwear in his pocket. Fucking menace. You complained, “Touch me p-please, m’so wet for you.” He smirked again, palming your sensitive breasts teasingly. Bucky murmured, “Yeah? I can smell it pretty girl, all soaked for me. Fuck!”
Your back arched painfully when fingers swiped through your copious slick. He drove two thick digits into your pussy, eliciting a loud squelch. He curled up into your g-spot, biting on his lip, eyes glossed over. You shook and chanted his name, fucking onto Buck’s perfect fingers. He groaned, “Yeah, that’s it, needy baby.”
“Fuck me, fuck me, c’mon Buck, please!”
Your frantic hands unbuckled him, almost crying from sheer need. Bucky shushed your carrying on, kisses driving you silly. You took his cock out and begged again, “Shit- Bucky, wan’ you to fuck me from behind, treat me rough da- Buck.” His blues almost rolled back from your near slip. You shoved your face into his thick neck to escape the embarrassment, leaking all over him.
Bucky growled, “Yeah? Need me to fuck you? Take you like a slut, Daddy’s girl want that?”
You cried out like a woman possessed, “Please! Please please please!” It was the only word you could utter at the moment. Bucky flipped you over, shoving you face down on the shitty countertop. The bulb above you blinked but shone on, bathing you two in a strange bluish light.
You gazed at yourself in the mirror, breath hitching at your debauched state. Smudged eyeliner, ruined lips, hair sticking up, and the dark bruises littering your neck. Bucky murmured nonsense into your cheek, rutting his thick cock against your slickened pussy. He was disheveled himself, muttering, “Fuck babydoll, gonna make me blow too fast.”
“C’mon daddy,” you whined.
Bucky’s gasped when he shoved his length into your cunt, both hands flying to your hips. You gripped onto the counter, eyes rolling up, moaning about ‘daddy’. He thrust into you in forceful movements, hips clapping into your ass. Someone knocked on the door, Bucky hollering, “Fuck off!”
You whimpered and shook under his assault, big cock splitting you wide open. Bucky panted, “S’good, babygirl is squeezin’ daddy s’good.” His big hands engulfed your waist, snapping your smaller frame onto his cock. You wailed, “Love your cock daddy, needed you s’bad!” He grinned and nuzzled into your sweaty nape, cock still pounding against your sweet spot and cervix.
“Yeah? You think my old crazy ass is hot?”
You babbled deliriously, breath hitching, “Uh! Huh! You’re so- god! Fucking hot! Not- ohmygodbuck! crazy.” Bucky kissed your shoulder, grunting, “But I’m still old.” You shook your head and continued, “Fuck daddy! Like you being older, s’good!” Your legs were shaking from his rough thrusts, pussy abnormally soaked.
Your eyes met his own in the mirror, you whining pathetic and desperate for the older man. Bucky wrapped a big hand around your neck and pulled you flush to his firm body. Still snapping his hips in debilitating jerks he rasped, “Such a dirty girl.” You agreed with him, succumbing to the mind boggling pleasure.
“You gonna cum on my cock babydoll?,” he cooed.
“Yes! Yes! Oh god yes!”
You cried and slammed your hands down on the counter, gushing on Bucky’s cock. He slurred out low curses, lashes fluttering. Meanwhile you spasmed and twitched around him, vision going dark for a second. You sobbed out Bucky and Daddy interchangeably, tears sliding down your cheeks. His cock was coaxing another out of you quickly.
Bucky begged, “One more, one more, c’mon sweetheart.”
His warmed metal fingers pinched and played with your clit, sending you up into another climax. You cried and seized up harder this time, hoarse guttural groans wracking your frame. Bucky’s hips jolted deep into your pussy, tip firmly nudging the bump. Your name left his swollen lips in a adorable whimper, nose scrunching up and mouth hanging wide open.
He gritted, “Can I come inside?”
You begged him to, feeling like you’d die if he didn’t.
Bucky’s baby blues rolled up.
You sucked in harsh breaths at Bucky’s hot cum painting your insides. He grunted and moaned softly through his climax, praising you so very sweet. He slipped out and turned your head to capture your bitten lips again. Both of you sensually kissed in slow, heady movements. He murmured, “S’pretty sweetheart. Think you wanna come snuggle with me after a shower or somethin’?”
You nodded dumbly, hand bracing itself on one of Bucky’s killer thighs. Lapping into his mouth another time you cradled a stubbled cheek. Satiation seeped out of your pores, picking up on Bucky’s saccharine emotions. “Yeah. I’d like that a lot. Can we get a shower first?”
He chuckled, “Careful whatcha’ wish for, babygirl.”
Oh you were downright ruined you were so down bad now. But now you could say Buck might feel the same, practically purring and rubbing against your sore body like a big cat. He murmured, “Pretty baby, good baby, what am I gonna do with you?”
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strawbvrriluv · 4 months
Lovers or Foes?
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢꜱ: ᴊᴇɴɴᴀ ᴏʀᴛᴇɢᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1K?
ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ɪɴ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴊᴇɴɴᴀ ᴘʀᴇᴛᴇɴᴅ ᴛᴏ ʜᴀᴛᴇ ᴇᴀᴄʜ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ʏᴇᴛ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴅʀᴜɴᴋᴇɴ ꜱᴛᴀᴛᴇꜱ ꜰɪɴᴅ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴏɴᴇ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: ᴅʀɪɴᴋɪɴɢ, ᴘᴇʀᴄʏ ʜʏɴᴇꜱ ᴡʜɪᴛᴇ, ᴋɪꜱꜱɪɴɢ
꧁༺ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ༻꧂
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I walked through the crowds or Paparazzi and fans screaming and yelling trying to get to me. Security huddled around me so I wouldn’t get hurt.
Paparazzi yelled in every which way, I walked into the event and saw Jenna Ortega. It’s not that I didn’t like her, I actually really liked her. She always had something against me though.
Maybe it was because I was close with her co-star Percy Hynes White?
“Hey Y/n!”
Percy said as he pulled me into a side hug, I smiled and hugged him back. I felt stares on me as I looked and saw Jenna staring at me. Or what felt more like a glare.
Did she like Percy?
“Hi Percy!! It’s crazy outside”
I laughed breaking the hug to stand in front of him, he looked over and saw Jenna.
“Oh Jenna! Come over here!”
He waved her down as she reluctantly walked over to us and stood next to him.
“Hi Jenna! You look so beautiful tonight.”
I said softly smiling, I didn’t want her to hate me especially when I didn’t like Percy. Her eyes widened a bit, I swear I could see blush on her face.
“Oh. Thank you. You look- um.. Really beautiful”
She looked away as Percy did a small smirk towards her.
What was that about..?
“Thank you! I’m going to go get a drink, do you guys want to come?”
I raised an eyebrow softly as they nodded following me to the bar area. The music blared over our heads and the smell of alcohol became apparent.
“I have to use the bathroom I’ll be right back”
Percy told us, he left as me and Jenna sat down at a booth in the back area. A waitress came up to us, she looked to be about 18 years old. She has long blonde hair and green eyes.
She saw me and her eyes widened as blush crept over her face.
“U-Um.. What can I get you.. You two?”
The girl didn’t seem interested in Jenna the way she was with me and that seemed to tick her off.
“We’ll both take a vodka cranberry.”
Jenna glared softly at the girl as she gulped and rushed off. I furrowed my brows.
It wasn’t just Percy she didn’t like talking to me.. Maybe it was the attention not going to her?
“She was just doing her job Jenna I don’t think she meant to-“
Jenna cut me off with a look of annoyance.
“Of course she meant it. Did you see the way she was staring at you. Like you were-“
She cut herself off as she shook her head.
I was beyond confused, what was she talking about? What did she mean?
The waitress gave us our drinks as I smiled and mouthed a ‘thank you’ to her. She giggled and walked off her face super red.
Jenna gripped her glass as she drunk the whole entire bottle in one sip? Well more like gulp.
“Jenna are you okay?”
I looked at the girl in front of me, her eyes glaring at the waitress going around. She scoffed and looked at me.
“What’s so special about her? Why were you so nice to her but not me. What do you like her”
Jenna words sounded kinda of slurred, she was already tipsy.
Oh god
“What? What are you talking about Jenna. You’re drunk”
With that she chuckled angrily, her face coming closer to mine.
“I fucking hate seeing you with anyone else. Why don’t you understand that?”
Jenna said her brows furrowing as she realized what she said. She blinked a few times before backing away and going to leave.
“Jenna. Wait.”
I held her hand causing her to look back at me, blush rising on her face.
Oh. My. God.
“Jenna do you like me? Romantically?”
My voice was soft almost as if I was telling her a secret. My mind felt like I was spiraling, was this why she was always annoyed when other people were around me? Did she like me? Did I like her?
“I-… Y/n I’ve been in love with you since we met that one time. I mean I had a celebrity crush on you.. You’re so beautiful and I wish I was the one you liked not Perc-“
I cut her off.
“Woah. I don’t like Percy at all. He’s just a friend… Hell I thought you liked him.”
She widened her eyes as I laughed a bit, she shook her head.
“No way. I don’t like Percy.”
Her eyes softened as she looked at me smiling, her face became visibility nervous.
“D-do you like me as well?”
The once confident Jenna Ortega was now scared for what was to come. I didn’t know what to say.
“I-I think I do… I mean I get nervous around you, and giddy. I just thought you always hated me. Or-Or something.”
I said fiddling with my fingers as she lifted my chin up with her fingers to force me to look at her.
I looked at her as I gulped, her face moving closer to mine. Her lips hovered above mine for a moment.
“Can I kiss you?”
Her voice was soft as I nodded, she crashed her lips on me as my arms wrapped around her waist. She was 5’0 and I was 5’5 so I was a bit taller than she was. Yet she was wearing heels so we were about the same height.
Her lips tasted like her lipstick and Vodka Cranberry. After a few seconds she back away from the kiss her arms around my neck.
“I- Jenna. That was amazing..”
I said not sure what else to say, I could feel my cheeks burning with pink. My heart beating so fast I felt like Jenna could hear it.
“Y/n… I like you so much. You’re so beautiful, I could stare at you for hours like a painting in a museum.”
Jenna’s words tugged at my heart as my blush got worse. I looked away from her trying to hide my blush.
“I wish you told me sooner Jenna. This whole entire time I thought you wanted me like dead”
I giggled as we sat back down again, she shook her head as she sighed.
“I was so afraid. I saw how close you were to Percy and thought you two were a thing. Percy knew I liked you. And I think he would do stuff on purpose to make me jealous. Anyways… He told me that you were straight-“
I cut her off chuckling.
“I’m not straight at all. I made a passing comment about being straight as a joke and he took it seriously… Like for months he thought I was only into guys”
I shook my head as Jenna sighed.
“He’s just so clueless sometimes.”
I nodded agreeing with her. I was so happy I could finally have a conversation with Jenna and not have her pretend to hate me. Jenna started talking about something but I wasn’t paying attention.
I just kept staring at her. She was so beautiful.
She said causing me to snap out of my daze. I blinked a few times embarrassed.
I said as she smiled at me, her lips on mine again. I kissed back.
“Wanna go to my hotel?”
I asked as she nodded frantically, I took her hand and held it as we walked across the event to the hotel. I decided to stay at the hotel for the night instead of having to drive back to my apartment.
We checked into my room as I closed the door making out with Jenna. I smiled and moved away to lock the door and place my things down. She sat on the bed staring at me as I took out my phone and took a picture.
“Did you just take a picture?”
Her cheeks flushed as I shook my head no.
“I have to use the bathroom”
I walked into the bathroom going onto instagram.
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Y/N_Insta I’m not talking about boys I’m talking about girls …💕
Tagged @Jennaortgea
As soon as I posted the post I heard Jenna gasp and run over and knock on the door.
“Y/n… Stop I’m going to sob”
I opened the door to a wide eyed teary Jenna, I pulled her into a hug as I kissed her forehead.
“Let’s go on some more dates to make it official okay?”
I said as she nodded hugging me.
I was now about to date the hottest girl I knew. I felt like I was on cloud nine.
I looked at my phone to see a notification.
Perc🗣️: Took you two long enough, finally you lovebirds are a thing.
I giggled reading his text as Jenna rolled her eyes playfully. This was all I ever needed and wanted.
A/N: Should I make this a series? 🩷
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restinslices · 6 months
Lin Kuei Sibling Headcanons
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I gotta stop using the same gifs over and over again. Anywho, just random headcanons about them when they were younger. A few of these is what my siblings and I did but listen-. No sad shit this time around, but next time issa wrap no bun (word to CoryXKenshin)
When they were younger Bi-Han realized someone was drinking his shit, so he started spitting in it
He also loudly announces that he did so and that whoever drank his shit was drinking his germs 
Kuai Liang responded by saying “well we both share the same DNA”
Revolting. Yuck. 
Tomas smiles when he's nervous so people always think he's lying. 
“Did you drink my slushy?” “No” “Yes you did. You're smiling” “YOU'RE MAKING ME NERVOUS”
D if you ever see this, I did not drink that fucking slushy years ago and getting mom involved was actually so foul. “Put that on my dead granny”, WHY WOULD I LIE ON GRANDMA? I SHOULD'VE drank it. Should've took a big ass gulp 
Moving on- 
Like I said in my last post, Bi-Han and Kuai Liang have definitely jumped Tomas before 
They call it play fighting, Tomas calls it attempted murder 
Bi-Han is the “come here” brother and Tomas is the “you're gonna hit me” brother 
Bi-Han is also the “you want a cookie?” and Tomas is the “what'd you do to it?”
Speaking of those two, the real reason Bi-Han doesn't like Tomas is because Tomas would stand in his doorway and when Bi-Han would tell him to get out, Tomas would say “I'm not in your room”
Kuai Liang would put his finger close to Bi-Han but say he's not touching him 
That's the real reason he betrayed them. It's true. I asked him. 
Idk which one them does it but one of these mfs puts the cereal box in front of them to ignore the brother they're mad at 
Tomas is “your dad is pissing me off”, Kuai Liang is “lmao what happened?”
Bi-Han’s room is the chill out spot against his will
Kuai Liang has accidentally set someone on fire 100% and they never let him live it down (my siblings did that on purpose but scooting right along) (no one died😃)
Tomas is the victim of white jokes. He'll say smth and here comes Bi-Han “why are you?? speaking?? to me?? as a white person?? go eat salt??”
Kuai Liang is “hey can I have a bite?” and Bi-Han says “sure” then licks all over whatever he has. 
“Tuesday is my day with the TV” “you're adopted. shut up”
Bi-Han has gotten the other two into several fights ‘cause he has a bad temper and his siblings ride for him 
This one time my sister yelled at a teacher for yelling at me and that's Bi-Han. Like yeah, he's not the nicest as an adult but as a kid? The only mf that's allowed to yell at his brothers is HIM. 
They've all gotten whooped because none of them snitch on each other. This is a ride or die brotherhood (for now) (not me tho. My mom got a heavy ass hand. You're on your own)
“Tell your brother to do those damn dishes” “you want me to say it like that? with the curse word?” “go ahead”
Whoever it is goes to their brother and- “dad said get your big nasty ass up and clean those motherfucking dishes before he whoops your skinny long neck ass”
I cannot pinpoint who exactly would do this and risk the whooping so imma just say they've all been guilty
Bi-Han and Kuai Liang are those annoying ass kids asking you to play bloody knuckles. If you don't get the fuck away from me-
Tomas played with Kuai Liang once and quit immediately
Kuai Liang is the “I only had a cup” when the juice is all gone. Yeah, you had a big ass cup you get from Super America. The Minute Maid is gone because of you 
Bi-Han and Kuai Liang, “Say Fuck, I'm not gonna tell dad”. Tomas says “no” and the day he does say it now he's being blackmailed 
Kuai Liang would help Bi-Han look for shit he knows he took. Y'all may think Kuai Liang would never do such a thing. He's so sweet. THAT'S HOW HE GOT AWAY WITH IT!
When they accidentally really hurt the other and hear their parents, they have different reactions. Bi-Han is the “tell them. I don't care. Actually, I'll tell them for you” brother. Kuai Liang is the “wait wait wait, calm down. Stop crying. Look, you can hit me back. You want candy?” brother. Tomas is the “that was actually an accident. My bad” brother. 
Tomas actually learned all that smoke… magic… uhh… shit so he could defend himself cause he was getting ragdolled in that house 
Kuai Liang is actually really nice to Tomas now cause he looks back and thinks “wow, I was kinda an asshole”
For example, Tomas was living his life and here comes these maniacs grabbing him and putting his bare feet in the snow 
Idk, I just really think Tomas was fighting for his life in that house 
It was all in love but now he jumps when they move a little too fast
Tomas tells his brothers he loves them a lot because he wasn't able to tell his birth family before they were killed. He wants them to always know and whenever their time does come, he wants it to be the last thing they hear from him or the last thing he says before he dies. 
Kuai Liang usually says it back or says something else comforting. His way of saying “I love you” can be something as simple as a hand on the shoulder. Sometimes instead of saying “I love you”, he says “I care about you”. Personal preference 
Bi-Han used to say “I love you” back but as time passed, he stopped. He's someone who gets kinda uncomfortable when it comes to vulnerable emotions. His way of saying “I love you” is “are you hurt?”. It's usually only used after a form of combat but combat can make you realize that your life is on a time limit. We saw in game and by intro dialogues that he was hurt by Kuai Liang not sticking by him. The idea that he doesn't care for his family AT ALL I think is false. I think he cares but he cares about his own goals more. 
That's all I got for fluffy shit rn
I’m actually someone who enjoys angst way more than fluff but thinking about them and angst makes my heart fall into my ass … imma write some later tho
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tigertales9 · 1 year
More Than Anything II
Pairing: Joe Burrow x Reader
Warnings: 18+ / Angst / Body image issues due to pregnancy / Smut
Description: This is part 2 of More Than Anything
A/N: I was hoping to get this up a couple days ago but got stuck tweaking a few bits. I'm still not completely happy with it, but that's the story of my life. Hope y'all like it.
~ ~ Friday afternoon just after Joe leaves ~ ~
You eventually slide off the barstool, grabbing your phone to shut the video down before guzzling your entire glass of water. "Thirsty as hell," you grumble, walking to the fridge to refill your glass. It's no wonder, you think, taking a couple of gulps of the cold water while heading for the stairs. I'm super dehydrated from all the crying and throwing up.
You walk into the master bedroom and flick the ceiling fan on, setting your phone and drink on the bedside table before crawling into bed; as you try to get comfortable you hear a distinct voice in your head.
You overreacted like crazy. You know that, right?
"Fuck off, Cool Logic," you mutter to yourself, using the name you'd given to one of the two dueling voices that had been going at it in your brain for the last couple of months. The dueling voices are as follows -- you have your pre-pregnancy voice providing cool logic, while your hormonal third trimester voice comes crashing in like a wrecking ball.
Cool Logic = Girl please, it's just porn. Not like you caught him balls deep in another woman.
Wrecking Ball = Fuck that! You're huge and chronically uncomfortable since you're carrying HIS child! The least he can do is not be dumb enough to get caught ogling random vag!
"Enough," you mutter, shaking your head and humming a bit to drown out the annoying inner dialogue. You take a deep breath and fight back tears as your mind continues to torture you. What hurts the most is he knows you feel bad about yourself; you've been super honest about it, and he's done nothing but reassure you that he finds you absolutely gorgeous and sexy. "And I stupidly believed him," you mumble.
He hasn't been able to keep his hands -- among other things -- off of you, Cool Logic interjects. Maybe he's telling the truth.
"Shut up!" you snap, more than a little appalled that you're arguing with your damn self. "I'm losing it," you grumble, squeezing your eyes closed as images from the day before flash in your mind
~ ~ flashback to yesterday ~ ~
Joe gets home from the gym just as you're finishing up a light treadmill workout. You hear the garage door open and check your time. "Four minutes left," you grumble before stabbing the 'stop' button. "Close enough." You sit on a weight bench and tug your shoes and socks off, wiggling your toes and grimacing as Joe walks into the room.
"Hey," he chirps, leaning down to give you a quick kiss. "Looking good, mama."
"Looking like the Goodyear blimp," you snort, irrationally aggravated that Joe looks like walking sex, as usual. "If men had to go through pregnancy and childbirth, the human species would've long since gone extinct."
"No doubt about that," he agrees, giving you a playful wink when you narrow your eyes at him. "I think you're sexy as hell," he murmurs, leaning down to give you a more thorough kiss before stepping back.
You really want to call him a liar, but the earnest look on his face stops you cold. You give him a weak smile before heaving a sigh. "I should've got a pedi a couple days ago when I got a bikini wax," you grump, peering at your less than perfect pedicure like it's the worst thing ever. "If I wasn't so huge I'd paint them myself, but here we are," you mutter, gesturing at your pregnant belly.
"Let me do it," he urges giving you a wicked grin when you hit him with an incredulous look. "You know I'm good with my hands," he brags, wiggling his agile fingers and chuckling when you roll your eyes.
"Maybe later," you mumble. "Right now you can put those hands to good use by emptying the dishwasher."
"Yes, ma'am." He gives your ass a playful squeeze as you walk out of the room and head for the stairs. Halfway up you remember another chore that needs to be done. "When you're finished with the dishes can you grab the clean laundry out of the dryer and bring it upstairs? I'll fold it when I get out of the shower."
"You got it, babe," he grins, giving you a thumbs-up before getting to work.
You walk out of the bathroom 25 minutes later, smiling at the array of neatly folded clothes laying on the bed. He grabs a stack of clean towels, handing them to you before reaching for a pile of t-shirts, socks and undies. "Let's put these up then I'll paint your toenails," he offers.
"You don't have to," you mutter, sticking your bottom lip out in an exaggerated pout. "I'll just go to brunch tomorrow with a busted pedi. The girls won't judge me."
Joe leans down and sucks your pouty lip into his mouth, nibbling on it for a second before releasing it. "You're not going to brunch with a busted pedi. Put those towels up and grab everything we need to handle business."
"Yes, sir," you say in a sultry tone, giving Joe an innocent smile when he hits you with a loaded look. You place the towels in a cabinet and grab a bottle of nail polish and toe separators. "I don't need full-service," you say, waggling the bottle of nail polish as you walk back in the bedroom. "Just paint over the existing polish and we'll call it good."
Joe gives you a sly grin as you sit on the edge of the bed. "I was kind of hoping you'd want full-service," he winks, voice heavy with innuendo.
"Maybe later, horndog," you giggle, smiling as he sits cross-legged on the floor at your feet. "Wait a sec," you say, "we need something to put over the carpet just in case."
He pulls his black t-shirt off and spreads it on the floor inside out. "This thing is old as hell. I don't care if it gets polish on it."
You let your eyes wander over his bare skin, admiring the way his muscles flex as he scoots closer to you. "Who's the horndog now?" he grins, easily noticing your not-so-subtle ogling.
"Pretty sure it's still you," you chuckle, handing him the toe separators while shaking the polish bottle.
"You know me too well," he sighs, fixing the separators in place before reaching for the bottle. "Put one foot on my leg," he continues, patting his thigh and watching closely as you do as ordered. "What are you wearing under the t-shirt?" he asks, slowly unscrewing the polish while holding your gaze.
You look down at the light purple t-shirt you're wearing -- his shirt -- before answering. "Panties."
He gives you a look before painting a stripe of coral-colored polish onto a big toe. "What kind of panties?"
"Hipster panties."
"What color?"
"You wanna see 'em?"
You pull the shirt up just enough to expose the tiny, low rise undies.
"Purple tiger stripes," he nods his approval. "Very nice."
"You picked them out," you giggle, dropping the shirt to cover your crotch as he finishes up foot #1.
"I know. I have good taste." He gives you a wink that's more naughty than playful, lifting your foot up to blow on the wet polish, his gaze sliding up the length of your leg as he continues to blow.
"You trying to get another eyeful?" you tease, a pulse of arousal setting off deep inside as his gaze moves from the juncture of your thighs, over the swell of your belly to linger on your breasts. Your nipples harden under his heated gaze, and his sinful lips curl up in a cocky grin.
"Maybe." He slowly licks his lips while setting your foot down and reaching for your other foot. He wraps his hand around your ankle and lifts your foot all the way up to his mouth, planting a kiss on your sensitive sole before giving it a quick lick.
"That tickles!" you gasp, squirming a bit as he does it again. "Joseph, stop!" you laugh, trying and failing to pull your foot out of his strong grasp.
"Take your shirt off," he orders.
"You don't wanna see my huge belly," you grimace.
"Your belly is sexy," he states. "I wanna see it and your gorgeous tits."
"I don't feel very sexy," you pout.
"Your hard nipples say otherwise."
"I mean, yeah, I'm a little turned on, but I don't feel sexy. I feel big as a house."
"You look like a goddess," he purrs, dropping a full-lipped kiss on the inside of your ankle just above where his hand is gripping you. "Ripe and luscious," he continues, kissing his way up the inside of your calf all the way to your knee. "Good enough to eat," he groans, sucking a mouthful of thigh hard enough to leave a love bite.
You swallow hard and try to act unaffected, knowing it'll drive him crazy. "Are you gonna finish painting my nails?" you ask, sounding more breathless than bratty.
"Take your shirt off," he repeats.
"Finish my pedi first."
He shakes his head no and you raise an eyebrow. "What if I don't take it off?" you whisper, liquid heat pooling in your core at the thought of him tickling you into submission.
"I guess I'll have to punish you," he smirks, raising your foot back up to his mouth.
"Don't you dare!" you holler, squealing when he licks a long stripe up the center of your sole. "Okay, damnit!" you wheeze, whipping the shirt off before he can lick your ticklish foot again.
"Good girl," he purrs, his eyes roaming over the swell of your belly several times before resting on your bare breasts. "Are you wet for me?" he asks, sucking on his bottom lip in a way that causes your clit to throb.
"Nope," you lie.
"Oh really?" he scoffs, one jaunty eyebrow arching upward while his hand slides up your inner thigh. "Lemme check," he purrs, giving you a knowing smile when you grab his wrist.
"Wait." You stop his hand just before it reaches your crotch. You look down at his stupidly sexy smirk and are hit with a bit of inspiration. It takes everything you have not to cackle like a supervillain as the plan takes shape in your mind. You clear your throat and give him a pleading look. "Listen," you whisper, biting your lip when he leans closer to hear you better. "I'll do whatever you want, but you have to finish my toes first."
"Okay," he quickly agrees.
"Just to clarify," you state. "You have to finish my pedi no matter what. You can't stop until you're done, got it?"
He narrows his eyes as he searches your face. "What if the house catches on fire?"
"If the damn house catches on fire you can stop. Anything else needs my permission."
"Ohhhh, a power play. I like it." He gives you a nod of approval. "I accept your terms."
"Good." You release his hand and hook your thumbs in the waistband of your panties, wiggling out of them while his eyes avidly follow their downward progress. "It'll be easier to take these off before both sets of toes have wet polish," you murmur, grinning as he takes over, carefully easing the panties off so as not to disturb your freshly-painted toes.
You lean back on your elbows and spread your thighs a bit, fighting the urge to giggle at the look on his face.
"This seems kinda unfair," he mumbles.
You pretend not to hear his complaint as you lift your right foot and place it on his thigh, giving him an innocent smile when he finally drags his gaze from your crotch. "Only five more toes to go," you grin. "That won't take long at all." He grabs the bottle of polish and leans down to get started; you lay flat on your back and slide your right hand down to rest on your upper thigh. "You painting my nails is kinda hot," you breathe, squirming your hips a little as you inch your hand closer to your crotch. "We should do it more often."
"Yep," he croaks, going completely still as you ghost your fingertips over your slit, slowly sliding up to rub your clit. "I can finish your toes later," he states.
"Nope. That goes against the terms of our agreement." You continue to play with yourself while he paints another toe, muttering under his breath the entire time. You can't see a damn thing because of your belly, but you know he's enjoying the view; you bite your lip and slide a finger inside, your core clenching at his low-throated groan. You feel him grab your wrist and give it a tug before sucking your wet finger into his mouth.
"Are you done with the pedi?" you ask.
"Noooo," he moans.
"I don't smell smoke," you tease, "pretty sure the house isn't on fire."
He releases your wrist, grumbling as he quickly snatches the bottle of polish and goes back to work.
You slide your finger back inside your slick heat, pumping slowly before adding a second finger. A few heartbeats later you feel his tongue on your clit.
"Did you finish . . ."
"Yes!" he growls against your sensitive flesh, sending a shiver of pleasure down your spine.
"I hate that I can't see you because of my belly," you gripe.
"Can you feel me," he asks, giving your clit a loud suck while sliding two fingers inside.
"Y … yeah," you whimper, gasping when he curls his fingers to hit your sweet spot. Just a few minutes later you're already falling over the edge, moaning his name as he continues to pleasure you through your climax.
After you catch your breath, you hold both hands out toward Joe. "Help me sit up, please," you ask. Once you're upright, you look down at him on the ground between your thighs, his lips glistening with your essence. "Are you hard?" you whisper, smiling when he gives you a 'girl please' look before he stands up and shoves his slinky shorts and underwear down to mid-thigh; his cock springs free and you wrap a hand around it, giving a couple of slow pumps before locking eyes with him. You run your tongue up a prominent vein before gently lapping up the precum on his tip. "No time for teasing, baby, I'm too close," he groans, looking down at you through those long eyelashes as you get down to business.
The next few minutes you work him in all the ways you know he loves, relishing in his grunts and moans of approval as you take him deep, tears sliding down your cheeks as you choke on his thick cock. "Shit, baby, I'm close," he warns, reaching a long arm out to steady himself against the bed as his climax hits; you continue to work him through his climax, smacking your lips when he collapses on the bed beside you.
After a few minutes of heavy breathing he gives you a sheepish smile. "I'm gonna need to redo those last two toes," he admits.
You look down at your right foot, mouth dropping open at the absolute mess. "What the hell?" you laugh, shaking your head while giving Joe a bemused look.
"Sorry," he chuckles. "I had a hard time concentrating since you were putting on quite a show."
"That was the point."
"I know. You won."
"What's my prize?" you ask cheekily.
"I'm gonna make you cum again," he states matter-of-factly. "That last one was way too quick."
You watch as he hops off the bed and heads into the bathroom, your pulse rate picking up in anticipation. He strides back into the bedroom and drops to his knees between your thighs. He holds a hand mirror out and you take it. "Lay back," he orders.
"What's this for?" you ask, waggling the mirror while doing his bidding.
"So you can watch," he purrs, giving you a feral smile before lowering his head
~ ~ end of flashback ~ ~
What seemed so hot in that moment is now something you wish you could forget. You stare at the ceiling, cringing in embarrassment at the thought of him seeing you like that.
Right? Wrecking Ball quips. Surprised he could get it up with that gigantic belly staring him in the face. You squeeze your eyes closed as a tear slides down your cheek. Don't listen to that nonsense, Cool Logic snipes. He had no problem getting it up. Hell, he damn near came before you got it in your mouth! Not to mention he went back for seconds!
"Maybe if I ignore the voices they'll go away," you mumble, rolling onto your side to get more comfortable; you grab a pillow and pull it toward you, the faint scent causing your stomach to lurch. It was Joe's scent -- clean and a little musky -- basically your fav scent in the entire world until right this second. You push the pillow away as hot tears stream down your cheeks. What feels like an eternity later you finally drift off to sleep.
A couple hours later you jolt awake, wondering what woke you up for a second before you realize it's your phone; you grab it and check the display -- Joe's mom is calling. You take a deep breath and answer the call. "Hey Robin," you croak.
"Hey sweetie. How are you doing?"
"Good. Listen, Joe told us what happened. We totally understand why you need some space from him for a bit."
"What did he tell you?"
"He said you came home a little early from your brunch and caught him looking at some gross porn. He had an excuse for it but I told him none of that matters."
"I can't believe he told you the truth."
"Well, he feels horrible as he should. How are you?"
You heave a sigh before answering. "I bounce back and forth between being mad as hell and feeling like i overreacted. He didn't mean to hurt me, so I know I should just let it go."
"You didn't overreact," Robin states. "Listen, if you accidentally step on someone's foot, it doesn't hurt any less just because you didn't mean to do it. Same principle here. He didn't mean to hurt you but he did. You're having to deal with negative emotions at a really vulnerable time because of something he did. Don't rush yourself to forgive and forget before you're ready."
"Thank you," you sniff, fighting the urge to cry.
"You're welcome. Joe said your mom is flying in tonight so I know you'll get plenty of love and validation from her. Just know that Jimmy and I are also on your side. Joe is our baby, but we hold him accountable when he does dumb things."
"Thank you," you repeat, hurrying to get off the phone before you break down in tears.
You ease out of bed and head downstairs, pacing around for what seems like ages until your mom pulls into the driveway; you hit the garage door opener so she can pull in, immediately breaking down in sobs when she hops out of her rental car and rushes toward you.
"It's okay," she soothes, holding you tight and rocking back and forth while you sniffle and snort.
"I'm being dumb," you croak.
"No you're not," she states. "You're being human."
You lean back and give her a weak smile. "A dumb human," you laugh, smiling as she grabs her bag and ushers you into the house.
~ ~ Saturday ~ ~
You lie in bed most of the day, switching back and forth between feeling like you overreacted and feeling like you never want Joe to touch you again.
Your mom was great, as expected. Giving you space to sulk while also plying you with yummy food she knew you couldn't resist.
~ ~ Sunday ~ ~
You've been lying in bed all day again, fully embracing the pity-party vibe when your mom strolls into your room just before dinner time. She sits on the edge of your bed and gives you an enigmatic look. "You ready to talk to him?" she asks, giving you a sympathetic smile when you make a stank face. "Listen," she continues, "let me call him. I'll put him on speaker. Maybe hearing his voice will make you want to talk to him. Or not," she shrugs.
You consider it for a minute before responding. "Okay," you sigh, sitting up while she calls him. The sound of his voice hits you like an electric shock; after regaining your composure you shake your head and tune back in to the conversation.
"I'm doing okay, I guess," Joe says. "How's y/n?"
"She's doing … okay," your mom mutters. "I think she's feeling a little better."
Joe heaves a sigh before speaking. "I can't believe I messed things up so bad. The entire pregnancy has been this magical time for us and I screwed it up by being stupid! I ruined everything and now she hates me," he grits out, self-loathing dripping from every word.
"I don't hate you," you state, a little disconcerted at the strangled noise he makes. Your mom hands you the phone and walks out of the room to give you some privacy. "You were on speaker," you continue. "I should have warned …"
"It's okay," he blurts. "You're not mad at me anymore?"
You take a deep breath. "My feelings are still hurt, but I'm not mad. I guess that's a step in the right direction."
"Yeah." The silence stretches out for a minute before he breaks it. "I'm so sorry I hurt your feelings."
"I know. -- If you want to come to the doctor with me tomorrow, you need to be home by 9:15 a.m."
"Thank you," he murmurs. "Can I come home tonight?" he asks. "It's fine if you say no. I don't mean to be pushy."
"It's kind of late."
"I can't sleep anyway. If I leave now I'll be home around 10:00. You don't have to wait up for me."
"I can't sleep either," you sigh. "Listen, I'm not ready for you to touch me or see me naked."
There's several beats of silence before he responds. "I understand."
"Good. Be careful, okay? Don't speed."
"Okay. See you in a couple hours."
You end the call and walk downstairs, sitting on the sofa beside your mom. "He's coming home tonight. He'll be here by 10:00."
"Is he taking you to the doctor tomorrow?"
"Yeah." You rub your belly as you continue. "This is his baby, too. He deserves to be there when we get the news. 99% chance we'll be scheduling a C-section."
"Probably," your mom agrees, "but everything's gonna be fine," she soothes. "You're young, healthy and you have a great doctor." You nod your head then frown as she mentions booking herself a flight back to Dallas.
"When are you leaving?"
"Tomorrow morning. I'll need to head to the airport around 8:30 if I book the early flight. Is that okay?"
"Yeah." You give her a sheepish smile. "Sorry you had to come babysit me for a few days since I threw a hissy fit."
"You had every right to those feelings. Don't feel a bit bad about it."
After eating dinner and watching TV together for a while, your mom heads off to bed and you go upstairs to take a shower. Once you towel yourself dry you study your reflection in the mirror, wishing you could hit rewind and go back to the loving, teasing vibe you had with Joe before the shit hit the fan.
He was absolutely right when he said the whole pregnancy had been a magical time for y'all. You were both pleasantly surprised when your high libido didn't dip at all, but the further along you got, the more self-conscious you got over your growing belly. Joe hadn't seemed to lose any attraction at all which did wonders for your self-confidence.
But now you know he was lying, Wrecking Ball sneers. His ass doesn't deserve to see you naked again until you're completely comfortable with it. Baby boy might be eating solid food by then.
He wasn't lying! Cool Logic argues. That porn he searched for is the exact same thing you did to get him worked up.
"I'm truly losing my shit," you mutter, pulling on a pair of boyshorts and a voluminous maternity tee before walking into the bedroom; you sit in the rocking chair Joe bought for you, looking around at the makeshift nursery y'all had set up in the sitting area of your oversized bedroom: a crib, changing table, diaper genie, small dresser & rocking chair. Jace will eventually have his own room just down the hall, but you and Joe couldn't stand the thought of sleeping in a completely different room away from your baby boy for the first few months.
After a few more minutes just rocking and trying to clear your mind, you hear the faint mechanical hum of the automatic garage door opener signaling the arrival of Joe. A few minutes after that he sticks his head in the bedroom door, smiling when he sees you in the rocking chair. "Hey," he whispers, hovering in the doorway.
"Hey. Come in," you beckon, your heart hurting when you take in the dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep. You know you don't look any better.
"How do you feel?" he asks.
"Remember that gigantic prize-winning watermelon at the county fair last summer? I feel like I swallowed it."
"That bad, huh?"
"Pretty bad. -- How was your drive? You made good time."
"Traffic was light."
"And you were speeding."
"Maybe a little," he shrugs, giving you a tired grin as he walks toward you and drops to the floor at your feet, sitting cross-legged. He clears his throat and lifts his gaze to yours. "Remember when we first met?"
The question catches you off guard. "Yeah," you answer, trying to read his expression.
"I thought you'd never agree to go out with me," he mutters, "but then you finally did and we've been inseparable ever since."
You're still not sure where he's going with this, so you just smile as your mind wanders back to your sophomore year at LSU.
There had been a buzz on campus about the new transfer QB from Ohio State; one of your good friends was a cheerleader so you'd been to several parties where Joe was present. You'd avoided him like the plague since you figured he was a raging fuck boy. He was persistent as hell, you had to give him that. You shot him down at least a dozen times before you finally agreed to go get ice cream with him. The rest was history.
Joe clearing his throat pulls you back into the moment. He takes a deep breath before speaking. "I, ummm, I've been wondering if you wish you had more … experiences before we got together."
"Experiences?" you echo, furrowing your brow while he looks distinctly uncomfortable. "What do you mean?"
He chews on his bottom lip and runs a hand through his unruly curls. "I'm your first and only lover. Maybe you wonder what it would be like with another man."
You stare at him for several seconds before responding. "What have you been smoking?" you chuckle. "I know you're not serious." You shake your head in disbelief while he fidgets with his thumbnail, the look on his face telling you he's dead serious. "Where did this come from?" you ask.
He mumbles something under his breath while staring at the floor.
"I didn't catch that."
He heaves a sigh and repeats himself loud enough for you to hear. "It's just … that video dude got me thinking you might want another man."
"Video dude?"
"You know," he mumbles, mimicking jacking off.
"You've got to be kidding," you mutter, shaking your head when he gives a shrug. "Let me get this straight. You think I'm thirsting for random dick because I pulled a petty stunt to give you a little taste of your own medicine?"
"Something like that."
"I turned that video off the second you walked out the door," you admit. He shrugs again and continues to stare at the floor. "Look at me, please." You wait for him to comply before continuing. "I don't want another man. Not now. Not ever. Okay?"
"Guess I shouldn't have spent the entire week-end worrying about it," he grumbles.
"Guess not," you state. "So should I be worried that you want other women?"
"Of course not," he scoffs, looking completely offended at the question.
"I mean, this whole thing started because I caught you …"
"I was trying to find someone who looks like you," he butts in. "I know you don't believe me, but that's the absolute truth."
"Let's leave that in the past," you mutter. "But since you brought up being my first, I have to admit I've always been a little insecure about it. Can't help but wonder if I'm as good as other girls you've been with who were more experienced."
"You're by far the best. If it was any better I'd have a stroke." You chew on your lip as he continues. "There's literally no way the sex could get any better. We're made for each other." He scoots closer and locks eyes with you, his expression as passionate as his words. "We're compatible on every single wavelength: mentally, emotionally, intellectually, physically, chemically. I always thought the whole pheromone thing was total bullshit until I met you."
You give him a smile as he plows ahead, heartfelt words spilling from his pretty lips.
"You've been the one consistently amazing thing in my life, always there for me at my highest of highs and lowest of lows. I love you more than anything, but I don't think I've done a very good job of showing it. I hope you'll give me another chance to prove it."
You can tell that last part was completely rehearsed, but somehow that makes it sweeter. "You've done a good job of showing it, Joe. This one setback doesn't erase all of that. I just need a little more time to get over it. As long as you don't try to rush me we'll be fine."
"I'll do whatever you want."
"Right now I want to get some rest." You ease out of the rocking chair and head for the bed, sliding between the cool, clean sheets while he watches, clearly not sure what to do. "You can sleep with me, but I don't want to be touched," you state, pretending not to notice the disappointment on his face. "Okay," he sighs, obviously dying to say something else but biting his lip before walking into the bathroom to brush his teeth and undress. He eventually comes out and clicks off the bedside lamp before crawling into bed. "Goodnight," he whispers. "Night," you answer,
You wake up the next morning to the smell of breakfast cooking. Mom's up early, you think, stretching before turning to look at Joe; his side of the bed is empty and you laugh to yourself. "Nothing gets that man out of bed faster than the smell of yummy food cooking."
You pee, wash your face and put your long, wavy hair in a high ponytail before making your way downstairs, surprised to see Joe standing at the stove. "Smells good," you sigh, smiling when he throws you a quick look over his shoulder as you slide onto a barstool.
"Scrambled eggs, turkey sausage and multi-grain toast," he says, dishing food onto a plate and setting it in front of you. He quickly grabs the raspberry jam out of the fridge, giving you a smile as he sets it down. "Thank you. All of my favs," you say, returning his smile while you slather jam on your toast. He watches you tuck into the hearty breakfast, his gaze going a bit feral as you suck a dab of jam off of a finger. You both freeze in that moment, neither of you breathing for a second until the spell is broken by your mom walking into the kitchen.
The rest of the morning flashes by in a blur. Your mom has a quick breakfast before heading to the airport; you and Joe finish breakfast and get dressed before heading to your doctor appointment.
A couple hours later y'all are heading back home from the doctor; as Joe pulls out of the parking lot he instinctively reaches a hand over to rest on your leg, catching himself just before he makes contact. He awkwardly rests his hand on the center console instead, his eyes going wide when you grab his hand and place it on your thigh, smiling at him when he shoots you a quick look.
Once y'all arrive home, you're both subdued by the news you received. You can tell Joe is trying to think of something soothing to say when his phone chirps; he makes a face when he reads the text.
"What is it?"
"Nothing," he shrugs. "Sam wants me to go workout with him."
"Do it!" you urge.
"You trying to get rid of me?" he grumbles.
"No. I just think you'll feel better if you go. Plus I have a few phone calls to make."
"I don't wanna leave you alone."
"I'll be fine," you soothe. "If anything happens I'll call 911. They'll be here in less than 5 minutes."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Go break a sweat. You'll feel better."
Once Joe leaves you make several phone calls to family and a few close friends to give them the news; the only person you can't reach is your best friend so you leave her a message. She calls a little while later when you're finishing up a few chores. You slide onto a barstool at the kitchen counter and accept the call.
"Hey girl," you greet.
"Hey! What did the doc say?"
"I guess we kind of expected that. You know, I think I'd rather have a C-section than a vaginal birth so this seems like a good thing to me."
"Thanks for trying to make me feel better."
"I'm dead serious, girl. I don't love the idea of pushing something the size of a Christmas ham out of my cooch! And you know lil man is gonna have a huge head just like his daddy."
You laugh at her serious tone. "He is big. They estimate he'll be close to 9 pounds."
"Lawd, makes my vag cringe just thinking about it. Remind me to never make babies with a big boy."
"Making babies with a big boy is definitely something I recommend."
"For sure. A damn-near 9 pound baby doesn't seem so bad when you're getting damn-near 9 inches from daddy anytime you want it." You almost drop your phone when Joe clears his throat behind you as your bestie cackles at your dirty advice. You spin your barstool around and lock eyes with him. "Speak of the devil," you murmur. "Listen girl, I gotta run. Call you back later."
"Hey," Joe says, trying and failing not to look smug as fuck.
"Hey Mr. Nosy. You gonna make a habit of eavesdropping?"
"No, ma'am." He smiles as he walks toward you with that long-legged, loose-hipped stride that always makes your knees weak. "I wasn't trying to eavesdrop. I figured you heard me come in."
"Well, I obviously didn't," you snark, trying hard to keep a stern look on your face.
"Obvs," he mutters, laughing when you narrow your eyes at him. "Sorry," he coughs, handing you a gift bag. "I picked up a few things I thought you might like. I know you haven't felt like shopping since …"
You bite your lip as his voice trails off, waiting for the pang of sadness to hit when thinking about that awful day; you feel a flood of relief when the pang doesn't rear its ugly head.
"Thanks," you smile, taking in Joe's deer-in-the-headlights look for a second before reaching into the gift bag. You hear him exhale as you pull the tissue paper out. Over the next few minutes you pull out a ridiculous amount of Bengals and LSU baby gear: several onesies, booties, blankets, bibs, and other baby goodies. "How did you get these?" you ask. "Most of them have been back-ordered forever."
"I pulled some strings."
"Thank you. I love all of it," you gush, struggling a little to slide off the barstool before he steps forward and grabs you by the hips, easing you to the ground as if you're light as a feather. You link your arms around his waist and give him as tight of a hug as your belly will allow, feeling a different kind of pang when he buries his nose in your hair and takes a deep breath, his big hands sliding up and down your back like he hasn't touched you in ages. You get a little flustered at his touch and step back. "I … ummm … I think I'm gonna go take a nap," you blurt out, your pulse picking up at the way his gaze drops down to your lips and lingers there while you speak, like he's considering kissing you but scared of your reaction.
"Sounds good," he murmurs, dragging his gaze from your lips to your eyes. "I'm just gonna crash on the sofa and watch TV."
"Cool," you say, hurrying to the stairs, wondering if you'll ever feel 100% comfortable around him again.
After tossing and turning in bed for about 45 minutes, you finally give up on getting a nap and make your way back downstairs; you hear Joe talking on the phone as you walk toward the living room. "I'm nervous, but I can't let it show," he says. "I've gotta be strong for her. -- I know the risks are lower because the C-section is planned, but it's still scary as hell. I don't know what I'd do if something bad happened. I can't live without her."
That last sentence brings tears to your eyes and you sniffle a bit as they start falling. Joe's head immediately pops up over the back of the sofa. "Gotta go, Mom. Call you back later." He ends the call as you walk into the living room. "How long were you standing there?" he asks. "Long enough," you whisper, wiping tears off of your cheeks as you take in the glorious sight of him sprawled out, shirtless with tousled curls, long legs stretching the entire length of the oversized sofa. "I can't live without you either," you sniff.
"Come here," he urges, patting his bare chest. You crawl between his spread thighs and turn onto your side a bit, laying your belly against him.
"This is the most comfortable I've been in ages," you sigh, eyes fluttering closed as his long fingers massage the back of your neck.
"Good. Get some sleep," he whispers, pressing a kiss on your forehead.
"I feel like I'm crushing you."
"Woman, I bench press way fucking more than your trifling weight. You couldn't crush me if you tried."
You laugh at his cocky tone. "Okay," you yawn, snuggling your face against his bare chest, lulled by his familiar scent as you drift off to sleep.
Later that night, after dinner and a few episodes of Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey, you wake up in bed hot and sweaty. You throw the covers off and lie there for another few minutes before easing out of bed to head for the bathroom. You strip your shirt off and run a cool, damp washcloth over your neck, chest and belly, sighing in relief as the cool cloth caresses your heated skin.
When you're done, you think about returning to bed without a shirt, but you're too self-conscious. You heave a defeated sigh as you walk into the closet for a clean t-shirt, immediately reaching for one of Joe's; a small smile graces your lips as you pull the shirt on. Just a couple days ago the thought of his shirts touching you made you lose your mind. Today it feels totally normal, totally right. It's a small victory but you'll take it.
When you walk back into the bedroom Joe hands you a glass of cold water. "Thanks," you sigh, gulping half of it down before setting it on the bedside table. "You'll be cooler without the t-shirt," he says, his expression heavy with concern as you look up at him in the amber glow of the hallway light. "I'm still not really comfortable with you seeing me like that," you mumble, feeling a little silly. "Stay right here," he says, rushing to turn off the hallway light before turning on a much dimmer bathroom light; he pulls the bathroom door almost all the way closed before walking up to you in the near-total darkness.
"Better?" he asks. "Yeah," you answer, lifting your arms up as he grabs the hem of your shirt and gently pulls it over your head; he then picks you up bridal-style and lays you on the bed. "You want any covers?" he asks. "Just the sheet please," you reply, holding your breath until he slides back into bed beside you. "You good?" he asks. "Yeah," you whisper, feeling weirdly exposed as you try to get comfortable, the silky sheets rubbing against your sensitive nipples in a way that makes your core react. Simmer down, you think to yourself, tossing and turning, restless as hell due to equal parts anxiety and arousal.
After several minutes, Joe wraps an arm around you. "I know you're scared, baby. Wish I could fix it for you," he whispers, pulling you close, your back against his chest.
You squirm in his embrace a little. "I'm def scared but I'm also …"
"Also what?"
"Super horny," you mumble into your pillow.
"Oh." He gives a surprised chuckle. "Well I can fix that," he boasts, pressing a kiss on your bare shoulder before pushing your hair aside to gently blow on the back of your neck. "Let me help," he urges. You hesitate for a bit. "Please?" he whispers.
You eventually roll onto your back, sighing as he gently ghosts his fingertips over your sensitive nipples while kissing your neck. He avoids your belly as he slides a hand down to your crotch, teasing you through your panties for a bit before slipping his fingers inside.
Damn, he's so good with his hands, you think, your breath catching in your throat as he hits your sweet spot, quickly sending you over the edge while he whispers dirty encouragement in your ear.
A few heartbeats later, you finally catch your breath. "Your turn," you whisper.
"You just need to rest, don't worry about me."
You're entire body goes cold. "You're not attracted to me," you state matter-of-factly. "I knew it."
Joe doesn't say a word, just reaches out for your hand and places it on his raging erection. "Oh," you whisper. "Let me help you with that," you offer, gasping when he wraps his big hand around your much smaller one, pumping for a few slow, steady strokes before picking up the pace, his hips snapping up into the strokes for a few minutes before he falls over the edge.
You listen to him catch his breath for a bit before speaking. "I feel sweaty and sticky," you whisper. "I'm going to take a shower." You wait a few seconds before continuing. "You wanna join me?"
"Yes," he immediately answers. "But …"
"But what?" you ask, trying to make out his expression in the semi-darkness.
"We'll have to have more light than this. It's too dangerous to shower in the dark in case you slip. If you don't want me to join …"
"I want you," you interrupt, easing out of bed.
"Are you sure?" he asks, blinking in surprise when you turn on the bedside lamp. His eyes travel from your face to your breasts then down over the swell of your belly before slowing reversing course. When he locks eyes with you again you can tell he's holding back tears, his plump bottom lip quivering in a way that tugs at your heartstrings.
"Come on, daddy," you whisper, holding a hand out to him. He leaps off the bed and takes a step toward you; when he puts his hand in yours you feel something bloom deep inside you, something much more powerful and primal then mere arousal. He leans down and nuzzles his face against your neck just as his tears start falling. You use your free hand to stroke his back soothingly, your own tears streaming down your face for a bit before he leans back and locks eyes with you.
"I love you more than anything," he sniffs, kissing the tears off of your cheeks. "I love you too" you whisper, cupping a hand around the back of his neck to pull him in for a kiss, breathing a sigh of relief into his mouth when the happy tears spilling down your cheeks mingle with his own happy tears in a way that feels cathartic.
The next several days leading up to your C-section are spent almost exclusively together, with Joe working out in your home gym instead of going to Black Sheep or the Bengals facility. Y'all share baths and showers, with Joe insisting on rubbing moisturizer on your belly several times a day hoping to feel Jace kick, his face lighting up every time it happens; after one particularly hard kick, Joe can't contain his excitement. "Gah-lee!" he chuckles. "What a kick! He's definitely gonna train MMA."
"He's most definitely not!" you snap, smiling to soften your words.
The night before your surgery Joe never lets you get more than arm's length away from him, giving you gentle touches on your hips, belly, the small of your back, all while doing an amazing job of playing host to both sets of parents who are spending the night with y'all in anticipation of baby boy's arrival tomorrow.
A few hours after dinner, with both sets of parents tucked into their guest rooms for the night, you and Joe are lying in bed wide awake.
"You're scared aren't you?" you whisper, staring at the ceiling while Joe tosses and turns.
"Is it that obvious?" he asks, rolling onto his side so he can look down at you.
"Yeah." You give him a reassuring smile before tweaking a curl that's fallen onto his forehead. "Fear isn't a normal emotion for you, so it's a little obvious."
"I probably shouldn't admit this," he mutters, "but I've never been this scared." He leans down and gives you a quick kiss before continuing. "When my knee got blown out and we didn't know if I'd ever play football again, I wasn't even remotely this scared. You know why?" he asks.
"Because I can live without football, but I can't live without you."
You feel your entire world condense down to this moment with this man. "I love you more than anything," you breathe, repeating the words he's said to you so many times recently. "And I'm gonna be just fine," you continue, cradling his head when he nuzzles his face against your neck. "Are you excited to meet our baby boy tomorrow?"
"Yeah," he sniffs, fighting back tears. "Excited to bring both of you home and spoil you rotten."
"I'm gonna remind you of that in a few weeks," you tease.
"No need for reminders," he chuckles, giving you another kiss before snuggling you in his embrace.
~ ~ 9 weeks later ~ ~
You rock gently in the rocking chair, staring down at your baby boy who is happily nursing without a care in the world. You close your eyes and let your mind wander back over the past several weeks:
The first few weeks postpartum you and Joe had been dead tired from tending to the constant needs of a newborn. Thankfully it was the off-season since Joe insisted on getting up with you for late-night feedings, which meant neither one of you got good sleep. He was completely enthralled watching Jace breastfeed, and y'all got in the habit of Joe doing skin-to-skin with Jace after each feeding.
Joe handled being a dad with the same mindset he handled everything else in his life -- 100% effort, even on the not-so-fun parts like changing stinky diapers. You thought it was impossible to be more in love with him, but watching him with his baby boy had given you a deeper appreciation and love for him.
Once Jace settled into a more predictable routine, you and Joe had a little more time to be partners and not just parents. You shared a nice amount of non-sexual intimacy during this time -- shared baths/showers, massages, naps and plenty of cuddling. It took a while before you convinced Joe to let you get him off; he thought it was selfish for him to get his needs met since you didn't want him to reciprocate just yet. You promised he could make it up to you when you were fully healed.
Over the last week y'all had eased back into PIV sex, with Joe being super careful -- almost too careful -- with you.
You have other ideas for tonight. You smile as you think about the evening ahead. Gonna put that man on his back and take over, you think to yourself, a swarm of butterflies taking flight in your stomach when you hear the faint sound of the garage door opening.
"Daddy's home," you croon, staring down into Jace's aquamarine eyes as he continues to nurse. He's the spitting image of Joe: a head full of wavy blonde hair, big blue-green eyes, Cupid's bow lips and long legs.
As you wait for Joe to come upstairs, your attention is captured by the shiny bracelet on your wrist. Joe had given you a tennis bracelet with all 3 birthstones on it -- yours, Joe's and Jace's -- alternating with diamonds. You wiggle your wrist a bit, watching the gems glint in the light of the late-afternoon sun streaming in the window.
Joe walks into the room, his face lighting up when he sees you nursing Jace. He approaches quickly, looking down at you for a minute before speaking. "The most beautiful thing I've ever seen," he sighs.
"Yep," you agree. "He's gonna be a total stud just like his daddy."
"I was talking about you," Joe murmurs, leaning down to kiss you. "But yeah, he's a total cutie too," Joe croons, kissing Jace's forehead before standing back up.
"Your turn," you say as Jace finishes nursing, smiling when Joe whips his t-shirt off before reaching for the baby. You switch places, with Joe sitting in the rocking chair cradling Jace against his bare chest and you standing over them. The look on your face prompts Joe to ask you a question.
"What are you thinking?"
"That I've never been happier than I am right now," you whisper, leaning down to drop a quick kiss on Joe's lips.
"Oh you just wait!" he says, smiling ear to ear. "From this day forward, I'm gonna make sure every. single. day. you spend with me is happier than the next."
"Yeah? That sounds like a pretty big task."
"I never back down from a challenge," he brags, giving you a playful wink as you turn and head for the shower, his gaze raking over your curves and his pulse picking up at the hint of promise in your throaty laughter.
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yoichiris · 1 year
holding onto love | itoshi sae x reader but we were something, don't you think so? ✩ strangers to lovers, second chance romance, implied intercourse but not explicit, use of alcohol, mentions of pregnancy, abortion and miscarriages, angst to happy ending
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you meet itoshi sae at one of his games in japan. you're running around the back halls of the stadium, sent on an errand by a producer, when you see him standing around, hands in his pockets.
"um," you stutter, "are you lost, itoshi-san?"
he looks at you with disinterest. "no," he replies, and doesn't elaborate any further.
you're conflicted. players, and especially itoshi sae, should not be here. in fact, he should be at the exact press conference that you were currently running around like a headless chicken for. so you stand there, awkward, until his stare turns into a glare.
"yes?" he finally says, annoyed.
you balance on the balls of your feet. "it's just," you mumble, "i can guide you back to the conference room if you need..."
"fuck off," he waves you off.
you wince. you had heard about sae's disdain for press, so you simply pivot, and go back to work. you're just an intern, after all.
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the next time you meet sae you're working your first big event as a reporter. it's awards season, and sae is up for an mvp award.
you find him in a quiet hallway, lazily scrolling his phone.
"hiding again?" you ask, fuelled partially by the flutes of champagne you've consumed.
he doesn't even look up. "mind your own business," he sneers.
"you wouldn't happen to have a comment for me about potentially winning mvp again, would you?" it couldn't hurt to try, you think. plus, it'd be huge if you got a comment from itoshi sae.
"no," he replies, as you expect.
you nod, pulling your phone out and pretending to jot notes down. "super excited to be nominated," you taunt, "really happy that my talents are being recognized."
"you're really annoying, aren't you?" he finally looks up from his phone, and takes a step closer to you. "write this down. it's only natural that i get mvp again. and i will get it next year, too."
you whistle. "got it," you tell him with a smile, pocketing your phone. "you can go back to hiding now."
you're about to leave when he grabs your wrist, and the heat from his hand sends a jolt through your body. you try to keep your gasp.
"what's your name?" he asks, and somehow, he still looks disinterested.
you grin. "yn," you tell him pulling out your business card, "read my article when it comes out, kay?"
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sae comes up to you at the next event, some charity fundraiser assignment that you took just to suck up to your boss.
"that article was inaccurate," he deadpans, and you're so glad that you're buzzed enough for this.
you hum breezily, knowing he had pressed like on your tweet of the outgoing article, "i had to make you sound like less of a douchebag."
"that's not your job," he snorts, leaning against the wall next to you.
you shrug. the fabric of his jacket lightly brushes against your bare arm and you shiver. he's so close to you now that you can smell his cologne, and it raises goosebumps all over your body.
he spends the next few minutes watching the crowd, while your heart is thumping hard in your chest.
"i'm leaving," he tells you suddenly, downing the rest of his champagne, "are you coming?"
you look at him, confused. coming where? but he starts walking, and you can do nothing else but follow. he leads you through the marbled corridors, to a darkened room, where he corners you against the nearest wall.
your breath hitches in your throat, your hands going up to hold sae's arms to steady yourself. he's so close to you, completely overwhelming you, in every inch of your space. his thumb brushes over your bottom lip, and you almost whimper from the sensation.
"i want to rip this dress off you," he murmurs, his fingers now trailing down the side of your neck, down to your collarbone.
you gulp. "p-please," you beg, gripping onto his biceps tighter.
sae is a decisive lover, moving aside the fabric of your dress as he pleases, touching where he knows makes you cry hardest, pressing into you when he feels you cling to him. you're inexperienced, but not clueless, and you do your best to match him.
when he lowers you back onto the granite floor, your knees almost buckle under you. he catches you around the waist, holding you up against him.
"need a ride home?" he asks, his voice raspy. his hair is messy, his eyes cloudy, and you can't believe what just happened.
you nod, breathless, taken away.
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it never occurred to you until now that sae was really never in japan.
you see him once in a while, when he has to return. he always calls you, a simple word of i'm staying here, and texts you the address to his hotel.
and you always go, regardless of how busy you are. while he's gone you focus on your career, finally promoted to being on-air talent, providing commentary for various matches. you look good, he'll text you after the broadcast.
you start to feel sick, in the mornings before your broadcast. you think it's stress, it's nerves, but your breasts start to feel tender, and you start to eat a little more than you used to.
there's a sinking feeling in your stomach, and you think about how sae will be back tomorrow. so you take a pregnancy test.
you hadn't really thought about defining any relationship with itoshi sae. in the first place, he had never said anything about it, and in the second, you were both busy with your careers. you had been content with whatever this was.
but sometimes, when he's holding you, you let yourself wonder what it would be like if, instead of a hotel room, he came home to you in your modest apartment. in those moments, you let yourself be hopeful.
yet you sit at the island counter in the middle of his hotel room the next day, playing with the glass of water that he had handed to you, wondering if it would go differently if you hadn't been hopeful.
"i'm pregnant," you whisper, your voice small, looking down.
he's completely silent for a few moments. sae, above all, has always put his career before anything else. the fact resounds in your thoughts.
"lose it," he finally replies, "and this... it's over."
your heart drops.
you put down the glass of water on the counter with a clumsy clang, and sae still hasn't turned around to look at you. that's it? you think. what about us? what about me?
you feel numb, stumbling off the tall stool, vision blurry, barely making it to the exit before you find your voice.
"bye, sae," you rasp, feeling like you couldn’t even breathe, and walk out the door.
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sae has google alerts on for you.
at first, he convinces himself that he's only confirming that you had not gone through with the pregnancy. and you hadn't, even though you had never told him anything else. some nights he lies in bed, in the dark, trying to remember the feeling of you beside him, and wonders how you dealt with it all by yourself.
you're a regular caster for matches in japan now. he watches all your broadcasts, telling himself he's reviewing plays, even though he knows that he never had any interest in japanese football.
he finds himself staring at the pictures of you, from your broadcasts, instagram, anywhere—comparing them to the vision in his mind.
and sometimes, he catches himself staring at your belly, wondering what it would look like if it had actually been swollen with his child. he wonders what you would be like as a mother, as his partner, what it would be like if you were still here, with him.
sae tells himself a lot of things, but all of them lead to you.
it feels like a twist of fate when you are one of the casters for his match in japan, even though logically he knows that it had been a huge possibility.
all eyes are on itoshi sae, home at last, you say at the opening. he thinks you sound different in that moment.
he listens to you with his eyes closed, your voice blasting through his headphones. he hears it when you're excited, when you're in disbelief, in every tilt of your voice. and he hears it when your voice cracks, just like that day in his hotel room, just as he makes a game-changing pass.
sae-kun saves the ball! you exclaim, just as he catches it with his foot. itoshi sae is always so reliable in these situations...
he winces when you break, reminding him that he hadn't been reliable, not for you.
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you're up for a best newcomer in sports broadcasting award that winter—a small affair that no one but the concerned journalists would know about.
but he sees a small mention of it in the corner of a magazine, and makes it his mission to gain access to the event.
the truth is that he hadn’t stopped thinking about you. about how you sounded when you left his hotel room, or when he saved the ball and hadn’t saved you. or the other things about you: your hair across his pillow, your skin against his, the little mewl you do when you stretch out in the morning.
sae corners you outside the washrooms. he thinks you look beautiful, or maybe he's never wanted you more than he does at this moment.
"sae...!" you breathe his name and he watches as your face pales, "what...what are you doing here?"
he takes a step towards you, wanting so badly to be near you. he can't find the words to say to you, to convey how he's been feeling for the past year, to wash away the hurt that he must've caused you. he thinks he can't, that there's nothing to say, but there's no way he wouldn't try.
"congratulations," he tells you, and it's anticlimactic, "...on your award, i mean. i'm proud of you."
you furrow your brows. "...thank you," you reply, tentative, guarded, "but how did you even get into this ceremony?"
"i asked around," he says vaguely, as if he hadn't agreed to at least one condition he wouldn't have otherwise to gain entry.
sae searches your face for any reaction, but all he sees is confusion, turmoil. he sees the apprehension, the distance between you and him even though you're standing right in front of him.
"...i wanted to talk to you," he finally admits.
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to you, sae has always looked unreachable.
even when he was holding you in his arms, the rise and fall of his chest right next to your ear, it didn't feel like he was there, with you. and really, he hadn't been.
"...about?" you steel yourself, thinking about the last words he had said to you, "are you here to make sure i didn't have your secret love child?"
you watch him flinch, and you think he deserves it.
"no," he replies, and he sounds almost apologetic, but his frustration bubbles, "i just..."
you cut him off. "sae," you whisper, fists clenched, pleading.
you won't look at him, can't look at him. your heart hurts and you can't stop the sob that rips through your throat when you think about last year, about the moment that stayed with you ever since. your tears drip on the floor.
"do you even know what it was like?" you cry, "to have you, to have this baby, and then to lose it all? to know that... none of it ever mattered to you?"
he catches both your hands, and you gasp when he falls to his knees, leaning his forehead on your stomach.
"i don't know what it was like," he murmurs, brushing his thumb over your knuckles, "but i know that i can't be without you anymore. i can't stop thinking about..." the way that you had stumbled out of my hotel room that day. how much i regret not chasing after you.
he trails off.
you hiccup. "there were...complications," you explain, "i miscarried, sae. and i just... if i had been stronger... if i had fought for us..."
he feels like he's been punched in the gut.
"it's not your fault," he rasps, adamant, the heat from his skin burning through the fabric of your dress, "...i should have been there."
he feels angry, at himself, frustrated, that he was so stupid, and so much shame, watching you cry, without being able to do anything to stop it.
but even if sae isn't good at admitting weakness, at admitting he was wrong, he is good at making goals and achieving them.
"i will be there," he swears, "next time, and every time after that."
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when sae holds you in his arms at night, you can't help but think that he might disappear again.
sometimes you get this faraway look in your eyes, so he takes you and anchors you to him, and wonders if he can undo the hurt. he feels you relax against him, but knows that there are still doubts in your mind.
so when you start to dodge his embraces, when you start to sneak out of bed early in the morning, he knows that you're starting to slip from him.
"yn," he calls, following you out of bed one morning, cornering you against the counter, "what are you doing?"
"sae!" you yelp, bracing yourself on his shoulders when he cages you in, "uh, just... getting ready. you didn't want to stay in bed?"
he stares blankly at you, "no," he replies, then lowering his head to your shoulder, "what's wrong?"
"what do you mean, babe?" you ask innocently, playing with the ends of his hair. you soften as he snuggles up to you, rubbing his nose against the sensitive spot at the base of your neck.
you can almost feel him pouting when he says, "you've been running away from me."
"no, i'm—" you feel a wave of nausea roll over you before you throw him off, bending over the toilet to gag.
sae is immediately by your side, on his knees, gathering your hair in his fist in one hand and running his other hand down your back. nothing comes out, but you heave, again and again.
you're crying by the time you stop. he gathers you in his arms, and you cry a little harder.
"i think..." you hiccup, "i think i'm pregnant again."
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you feel sae tighten his arms around you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
"why are you crying," he murmurs, "i told you i would be here."
you rest your head on his chest, listening to his heart thump under you. he doesn't seem nervous, his heart as steady as it was a few moments ago.
"i know, i just..." you trail off, linking your hands with his, "i'm scared, sae."
you remember, in the weeks after getting back together, how insistent sae was on showing you he would be there. you think about the condo he commits to buying even though he's not in japan for half the year, just to move you in despite your protests so that he could come home to you.
you think about what he looks like when he walks through the front door, nonchalant, but always searching for you, and catching you in his arms when he sees you paying attention to anything else.
"i love you," he says, simply, obviously, "so don't be scared."
sae doesn't admit to loving you often, but baring his heart to you now, in this moment, makes you hopeful once again.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
Second Choice
could you write angst to fluff where eddie told his friends he thought Chrissy was super beautiful but a few months later he ends up falling in love with the reader(who is Chrissy's best friend) so they start dating and when he’s telling his friends they start to make jokes about how he couldn’t get the girl he wanted so he settled for her bestie instead and reader overheard and her feelings get hurt?
Requested by anon
Warnings; angst to fluff, soft Eddie.
Like, comments and especially reblogs are very much appreciated 💞. I do not give anyone permission to copy my work.
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The Hellfire table was lively at lunch, talk of the next campaign was in full swing but the only person who was unusually quiet was Eddie.
Who was currently staring at the cheerleader table at none other than Chrissy Cunningham.
Garreth notices him staring and rolls his eyes.
"Dude". He nudges Eddie who comes out of his reverie.
"Chrissy is super beautiful don't you think?"
Dustin and Lucas smirk at each other while Mike joins Gareth and shakes his head amused.
"Yeah, yeah, you say that like every week man change the tune". Jeff chuckles and Eddie glares at them then finds his eyes trailing back to the cheerleading table.
Beside Chrissy is her best friend y/n, his heart skips a beat. How had he never noticed her before Jesus H Christ she was beautiful. She catches his eye and smiles at him.
He thinks that even his cynical heart could melt at that smile and suddenly Chrissy is driven out of his mind.
All that fills it now is y/n's beautiful eyes and pretty smile.
The first time Eddie comes up to her is at her locker, some stare at the two of them and whisper scandalised.
Idiots y/n huffs. She's never had a problem with Eddie or thought him to be a freak like Jason and the others did.
In fact, she thought he was really sexy, she loved how he didn't conform to others' expectations, he was funny and those brown eyes of his? Gorgeous.
She kinda always had a crush on him but he always had eyes for Chrissy. Was he here to ask her about her best friend? Disappointment fills her.
He surprises her.
"Hey, uh I know you're probably going to say no but would you like to go out sometime? Watch a movie? Some shit like that?".
His cheeks are tinged pink and it's so fucking cute because rarely has she ever seen Eddie nervous. In drama, he was always the star of the show.
"I'd love to Eddie". He gapes a little then smiles all dimples.
"Great, so we can go after school? It will be totally metal princess". Her heart flutters at his cute name for her and she watches him walk away with a giddy feeling in her stomach.
Eddie was very aware of the way that all of Hellfire was staring at him stunned, it was hard to focus on what was bothering them when he was thinking about y/n.
For two months they had dated and Eddie was in love. Crazy right? His cynical heart had melted from the minute he started hanging out with y/n.
Dates involved watching movies at her house or his trailer, she cooked the most incredible meals for her and him always saving some for Uncle Wayne who adored her.
They'd have nights where they would have sex and afterwards he would jam on the guitar until she fell asleep or they would work their way through the Hobbit and Lord of the rings.
He loved it and he loved her. Today he was going to tell the Hellfire boys if they would just stop staring.
"What?". He asks growing annoyed and Dustin gulps a bit but presses on with his question.
"Well, it's weird man, you haven't gushed about Chrissy in months". Really. That's why they were staring?
"Because I'm with someone Henderson, y/n, she's amazing".
Jeff frowns. "Isn't she like Chrissy's best friend?". What are they getting at?
"Yeah, and your point is dude?" He doesn't realise y/n approaching the table with a beaming smile on her face.
Gareth laughs. "Come on man, admit it. You were crushing on Chrissy for months. Oh, she's so beautiful blah blah blah and now you're with her best friend? You couldn't get the girl you actually want so you settled for her best friend?".
Eddie's stomach tightens in anger.
She walks over to Eddie's lunch table. He was deep in conversation with the rest of Hellfire Club.
They had discussed telling his friends last night and hers. She had already told Chrissy and Robin who were both ecstatic for her and she was heading over to tell Eddie about that.
She stops when she hears his friend Gareth laughing.
Come on man, admit it. You were crushing on Chrissy for months. Oh, she's so beautiful blah blah blah and now you're with her best friend? You couldn't get the girl you actually want so you settled for her best friend?".
Dustin doesn't look impressed.
"Dude are you dating Y/n to get closer to Chrissy because that's not cool".
"Can't get the girl of your dreams so you date her bestie? Good one dude". Jeff sniggers.
Eddie really did like Chrissy? He thought Chrissy was super beautiful? Why was be with her then? Is what his friends were saying true?
Her heart shatters and she feels very hurt and seriously pissed off.
"Is that true Ed's? That's the only reason that you're dating me? As a second choice?". Eddie's head snaps up at hearing her voice, his eyes widen and he stands up.
"No, no the guys don't know shit. Jesus H Christ, I'm besotted with you princess". She sniffs wiping the tears away.
"But you did have a crush on Chrissy before?". He nodded and she shakes her head.
"So I am the second choice then?". He gapes but she rushes away before he can say anything or she hears him chew out his friends.
"You morons". He yells at his friends who look guilty as hell.
"Eddie we...". Jeff begins to apologise.
"Shut up dude seriously. I gotta go find my girl and convince her that she's the only girl for me. I love y/n. Have been smitten since the moment I laid eyes on her. I'm over Chrissy completely. Y/n is the one for me".
With that, he storms off and goes to find y/n, luckily she hasn't gone far. She's in their spot deep the woods.
She's crying, his heart aches at the sound and he approaches her, kneels and takes her hands in his.
"Go away Eddie". He shakes his head and gently wipes her tears away.
"Sorry, princess. No can do. Gotta explain to my sweetheart that she's the only girl for me, the most beautiful, girl in the world and Yeah, I had a crush on Chrissy but I'm 100% over her. Have been since the minute I laid eyes on you".
Her crying stops and she peers up at him.
"You mean it?". He nods and kisses her forehead.
"I'm in love with you and only you. You're the only girl for me". She cups his cheek and he cuddles her close to him.
Her tense body relaxes and she sighs.
"I love you too Eds and hey I told Chrissy and Robin about us, they were really happy". He grins and strokes her hair.
"That's great princess. Now how about I introduce you properly to those dumbass friends of mine". He pulls her up and they walk hand in hand back to the school.
The boys apologise the minute y/n sits down which she accepts but doesn't want to hash it out, she would rather move past it and form good connections with them.
"Hey, why don't you guys tell me about the totally metal campaign Eddie is doing? I've helped him with bits and pieces of it. What do you all think?".
Settling on Eddie's knee she listens intently as the chatter grows animated and she's invited to her first ever Hellfire club.
For a second she's drawn to the way Eddie is gazing at her. Full of love and utter devotion.
She's his queen after all.
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bellysoupset · 6 months
This takes place after graduation. It's in the correct order in the masterlist. 🙈 What can I say, I needed to write some self indulgent Jonah piece. Also a new OC!
"Morning," Leo's voice was all husky and sexy and Jonah basked on it and the soft kisses being trailed up on his neck, his chest... Down his naked stomach... But then Leo's lips pressed near his belly button and he realized why he had woken up so early and it was not because of his boyfriend's flirty little kisses.
"Leo," he tangled his fingers on the other man's hair, stopping him from kissing lower, "stop. Stop."
Leo let out a little whine, moving up on the bed to kiss him on the mouth, "what's the matter, baby?" he asked, hands tracing down Jonah's bicep, his ribs, his waist...
"Stop," Jonah grimaced, feeling his stomach churn viciously, "I'm not feeling well, stop."
Leo took a second to compute it, but then he pulled back, spooked, "oh are you dizzy?"
"No," Jonah gulped down, "just queasy," he pushed himself up on the bed, half sitting up and trying to assess if he was gonna be sick or not.
His boyfriend was still watching him, carefully. Jonah cupped a hand before his mouth, muffling a sickly little burp and then fell back against the pillows, "urgh, I can taste last night's dinner."
Leo wrinkled his nose, reaching in and pushing his fingers in Jonah's messy fro, scratching his scalp, "maybe we should stay home then...?"
Jonah had completely forgotten they were supposed to catch a flight to DC. He let out a groan and rubbed his face, "fuck, I forgot," his voice came out muffled and despite the fact his eyes were covered, he could just feel Leo perking up.
Ever since graduation Leo had been trying to get out of visiting Jonah's childhood home. Jon knew it was because he felt intimidated, but if he wanted to marry the guy - and he did - then he needed Leo to know everything about him.
"Help me up," he sighed and Leo's tentative smile fell.
"You're not feeling well, let's stay..."
"Nope," Jonah rolled his eyes, pushing himself up, "c'moon Leo, don't make it harder than it is."
Leo sighed, but nodded, pushing Jon up and off the bed. Both their bags had been packed for weeks, Jonah only busied himself with the shower and then collapsed on the passenger seat of Leo's car.
"Wake me up when we're at the airport."
"I still think we should've carpooled with Luke and Bell," Leo mumbled, turning up the radio at a very low volume, "what's the point of different cars if they're going the same place as us?"
"Lucas and Bella are always late for everything," Jonah groaned, turning on his side so he could press his forehead to the window. He wrapped an arm around his unsettled stomach, it was still churning and gurgling, "besides we're gonna see them during all break, let's savor a couple hours without Luke's annoying voice."
"I like Luke's voice," Leo teased him, "it's very deep and smooth."
"God, shut the fuck up," Jonah scoffed, curling up even more and hiding a smile at Leo's amused giggle.
He slept through most of the drive, then woke up in time to gag fruitlessly for fifteen minutes at the airport's bathroom before their flight. Now Leo looked genuinely concerned, as he rubbed Jon's back in the plane, the other man clutching an airsickness bag in his hand.
"Do you think it's a bug?" Leo whispered, feeling Jonah shudder against him.
"I don't know," his voice came out muffled by Leo's jacket, "just feel super fucking nauseous."
"Aw babe," Leo cooed, "try to nap, we should be landing in forty minutes."
It didn't matter how much Jonah tried to sleep it off, though, he couldn't get rid of the churning feeling for long enough to actually doze off. Twice he could feel his stomach's content jump up and scrambled for the bag, only for nothing to come up.
"Maybe it's nerves," Leo theorized once they landed in the Reagan National Airport. He sounded only half concerned, too busy looking around with huge bug eyes, mouth slightly agape, "this place is so fucking pretty, I can't believe it's an airport."
"Your standards are so low," Jonah said, pettily, sitting on a bench with his arms wrapped around his stomach as he waited for their rental car.
Leo wrinkled his nose, rolling his eyes, "yeah, that's how I ended up dating you," he scoffed back, causing Jon to let out a whine and bury his face on Leo's thigh, since the blonde was standing next to him.
"Why did you have to rent this model?" Leo mumbled under his breath as he got in the driver's side, fiddling with the seat, "there are so many buttons, I don't even know how to start the car."
"It was only ten dollars more than a much worse model," Jonah sat down, opening the glove compartment and letting out relieved sigh when he saw plastic bags inside. He grabbed one and opened it on his lap, just in case.
"You're paying a hundred fifty eight dollars a day for this car, Jon," Leo groaned, still trying to understand the vehicle, "it's a five people car, we're just two."
"What if I want to take my little sister driving?" Jonah said and Leo perked up.
"Wait, your sister is gonna be there?" he asked, concerns about the price all but forgotten. Jonah nodded, folding forward and letting out a little sick belch in the bag. He reached wordlessly for the water bottle and Leo pushed it in his hand with a sympathetic wince.
"So says Jasper," Jonah gulped down a mouthful of water, then pushed a button near the ignition, starting the car, "there you go."
Leo's cheeks caught on fire at not having figured it out and he smiled sheepishly, "thanks..." he started to pull the car out of the embark area and turned on the GPS on his phone, "are you excited to see her?"
Jon shrugged, pressing the water bottle to his forehead, "I don't think she'll remember me at all," he admitted quietly, "last time I saw her she was twelve."
"How long ago was that?" Leo frowned, not liking one bit the hint of sadness he could hear in Jonah's voice. He frequently forgot his boyfriend even had a sister.
"Summer before I started college," he leaned back, eyes closed, "five years ago."
"She must be all grown up now," Leo squeezed his leg, "maybe it'll be good. Reconnect with her, get to know her adult version-"
"God, pull over," Jonah groaned, interrupting him and Leo frowned, confused.
"Are you just exagger-"
A sharp gag interrupted him and Leo winced, scrambling to pull over in such a crowded street. No sooner he had parked - in an illegal place, no less - Jonah pushed the door open and he heard a splash of vomit hit the asphalt.
He heaved with all force and Leo flinched as he heard a whimper following the sharp coughs, then even more puke, "that's good babe, better get it out now..."
"Urgh," Jonah whined, straightening up and reaching in the glove compartment for some napkins, "I don't feel any better..."
"It's probably nerves, angel," Leo rubbed his arm, "are you done?"
"I don't know," Jonah grimaced, cheeks puffing up with a soft, queasy burp, "maybe... For now."
"Okay-" Leo reached over him, slamming the door closed, "let me know if you need me to pull over again."
Jon didn't even answer him, only nodded, clearly in pain.
"I can't believe this had to happened right when we're travelling..." he moaned, sometime later as Leo squinted at the GPS, trying to make sense of it, "that's the worst luck."
"You just need to lie down for a bit and take it easy on food, darling, tomorrow you'll be feeling right as rain," Leo said, barely paying attention and then heard a snort from Jonah.
"Damn, the accent jumped out," Jonah teased him lightly, causing Leo to blush.
"Shut up... I think we're lost..." he cringed, "Jon?"
Jonah looked up, then shook his head, "No, take the next left..." he gulped down nervously, "then the second right..."
Leo obeyed, wide eyed watching as the DC scenario started to change. Yes, it still looked like Washington, but it looked... Greener. The houses getting bigger and bigger the more corners he turned.
"Fucking hell, what's that monstrosity," Leo nearly hit the car and he was thankful that the streets had all turned very empty fifteen minutes before. He slowed down so he could look at the looming construction he could see behind beige gates, "what the fuck...."
"That's Luke's place," Jonah said and Leo hit the brakes, turning to him.
"WHa-AT!?" he squealed, his voice breaking with how high it went, "what do you mean Luke's-"
"God," Jonah whined, pushing his door open and gagging again. Nothing came up this time, aside from a little sickly belches and some spit. He straightened up, not bothering to close his door, "yeah..." Jon reached for the water, his voice all raspy, "that's the Atwood-Howard property."
"No one told me Luke lived in a castle," Leo scoffed, reaching to rub Jon's arm, still gaping at the construction. He couldn't see much behind the gates, except for the black roof in the far distance and what looked like a mini forest inside the metal bars.
"It's quite decadent," Jon agreed, rubbing his stomach and bringing up yet another queasy airy burp, "but the Banks property is not that much better, so brace for it."
Leo's hands turned sweaty and his heart picked up, "Jon... Are you sure about this. I don't-"
"It'll be okay," Jonah pressed his forehead to the dashboard, hand blindly reaching out so he could squeeze Leo's leg, "you already know both my parents, they love you, and even if they didn't, nothing is gonna change I love you."
Leo's heart squeezed, "that's sweet and I love you too, but-"
"No buts," Jonah sighed, "I love you, I'm gon- I love you. Just try and enjoy this week."
The blonde let out a nervous nod, starting the car back again. He drove two more streets and then Jonah patted his leg, "we're here."
"Oh, when you guys said you lived near each other I didn't think it was walking distance," Leo raised his eyebrows, then looked around, "uhm... how do we-"
"Go up to the gate, there's a camera."
"Okay..." he felt like his heart was about to jump out of his throat, which was silly because Jonah was right. He knew his parents already, there was no need to pretend he was anyone but himself. Hell, he liked Jackie! Yet he felt like just entering that estate was going to put him into debt.
"Breathe," Jonah squeezed his shoulder, "breathe, baby, it's just a house..." he grimaced as there was a loud noise and then the gates opened, "there we go."
It was ridiculous. Leo felt like he was straight up high, none of this even looked or felt real. He couldn't wrap his mind around little Jonah growing up in this place.
The main house was made of stone, rising between birches and other trees. It looked fairytale like. There was a main road leading to the house and then around it, to what Leo guessed was the remaining of the construction.
If Luke's house off in the distance had looked like a castle, this one looked like a fancy farmhouse.
"How- I cannot fucking believe-" he groaned, slowing the car to a stop and Jonah let out a little chuckle, then immediately jumped out.
Jon was bracing against the car, taking steadying breathes as his stomach continued to roll and slosh around, when the front door opened and a girly voice squealed, "OH MY GOD, JONAH!"
Leo lifted up his head in time to see Jonah's little sister run out of the house and tackle him into a hug. She certainly wasn't twelve anymore.
Angelina had really curly brown hair, reaching the middle of her back, and she was nearly as tall as her brother, with long skinny legs. She had the same dark skin as Jonah, maybe a shade darker, and big chocolate eyes, currently surrounded by sparkly eyeshadow.
"I missed you so much!" She jumped, squeezing Jonah still and he looked stiff for a moment, before completely melting into the hug.
Leo couldn't hear what he said, but he saw Jon whisper something, before burying his face on his sister's neck, squeezing her in a rib crushing hug.
She squealed as her feet got off the ground, then fell back on her feet like a fairy. Leo felt a smile tug as his lips, she was clearly a sweetheart.
"Look at you," Jonah sounded all choked up, "God, you're so- You're an entire woman now-"
Angelina blushed furiously, shoving his chest off, then her dark eyes paused on Leo and she raised her eyebrows, "Hi! You must be Leo, dad told me all about you!" she circled the car, shaking his hand excitedly, "I'm Angie! I'm so happy to meet you, Jonah never brought anyone home, so-"
"God, Angie, shut up," Jonah cringed, sounding embarrassed and Leo's big smile only widened up.
"No, don't, tell me all about it-" he said conspiratorially, but his good humor was short lived as Jon suddenly groaned.
"Oh god-" and then folded in the middle, disappearing on the other side of the car. Angelina let go off his hand, frowning.
"He's okay, it's probably just nerves or a passing bug," Leo said, circling the car and getting ahead of her. He cringed as he found Jonah half crouched down, one arm wrapped around his stomach, a puddle of bile near the toes of his sneakers, sinking in the overly saturated grass.
Leo had no idea how they even had green grass in DC in the middle of December.
"Nerves?" Angie frowned, carefully tiptoeing around the puddle and touching her brother's back, "you get sick because of nerves...?"
Jon groaned, coughing and gagging up yet another mouthful and Leo reached to grab his arm, helping him stand straight. He met Angelina's concerned gaze and grimaced.
"He's going to be fine, I promise..."
"Jon?" she said in a little voice, completely ignoring Leo, "Jon, are you okay..."
He let out a moan, leaning against Leo and nodding, wiping his mouth on his sleeve, "yeah-" his voice was nearly gone and he let out a groan as his throated ached because of the acid, "yeah, I'm fine, sorry..."
He almost collapsed against Leo, who wrapped an arm around his chest, keeping him steady.
"You're alright, I got you," Leo whispered, keeping him straight. Angelina still looked spooked as hell, eyes darting between them.
"You need to lie down," she decided "and a doctor. I'm calling dad."
"Absolutely fucking not," Jonah shook his head, "I am a doctor, you don't need to call Jasper. I'm fine. I just need some water."
She frowned, her round mouth becoming even more pouty, "I don't know..."
"Angie," Jonah rubbed his face, "just help us get inside, how about? I'm alright, darling, I swear."
Much like Leo, Angelina seemed to melt under the pet name and she nodded, grabbing his other arm, even if Leo was holding pretty much all of Jonah's weight.
"Let me show you around," she said, looking at Leo and he smiled, feeling surprisingly welcome. Maybe the trip wouldn't be so bad.
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misseviehyde · 1 year
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You were pretty surprised when the invitation came to attend an exclusive fashion shoot in Milan... especially when it was addressed to your boyfriend Chris.
He opened it, frowned then laughed and shrugged slightly.
"When I was younger," laughed Chris - "my aunt who works in the fashion industry used to make me model girls clothes and pretend to be her daughter. For years she's been trying to get me to do it again."
"Your aunt made you dress up as a girl?" you asked bemused.
"Errrrr not quite," muttered Chris. "She used to give me this Elixir stuff and it actually made me into a girl. I became this annoying little bitch called Cristy. My Aunt said I had the perfect bone structure to be a girl and that when I grew up I could be a top super model if I wanted. Cristy was well up for it."
"You're talking about her like she was a different person," you gulped.
"She kind of was and that was the problem. She was a annoying little diva who was going to grow up spoiled and evil. My Mom rescued me and made me go cold-turkey till I turned back into her son. Cristy has been gone since then. Fuck I wonder what she would look like now? Guess that's what my aunt is trying to convince me to try."
"But what does the invite say?" you askes curiously.
"It says she needs a top model for her fashion show in Milan and if Cristy does it - she'll pay me a million dollars and write me into the will."
"A million? Holy shit - that's insane!" you gasp.
"Not really. The top models get 20 to 40 million depending on the gig."
"Maybe you should do it? We could use the money and you're older now. You can keep Cristy under control and I can make sure you get turned back."
"I don't know," mused Chris reluctantly. "I... I had to work hard to free myself of her. But I suppose for all that money..."
"How much harm can it do?" you asked. "You love me and with a million in the bank we can do what we like."
Chris nodded reluctantly... though only partially, as if some part of him was actually pleased.
"Very well, I'll book the flights."
Milan was beautiful though you hadn't seen that much yet. A private cab whisked you and Chris away to the centre where you were taken to hotel where the models were staying.
Beautiful women moved around the lobby like they inhabited some different universe. Their graceful movements made you feel small and weak.
You were taken to a room where a whole suite of beautiful women's clothing and makeup was waiting. On a table by one wall stood a rack of pink vials. Chris walked over.
"Are you sure you want me to do this?"
Without waiting for an answer he raised the vial to his mouth and drank it all.
"Ohhhhh fuck, I forgot how good this stuff tasted. How it made me feel. Mmmmmh I haven't transformed into a girl for years... mmmmh no... this time, I'm becoming a woman not a girl. Cristy is coming back baby!"
Chris began to groan and giggle, pulling at his clothes and laughing as he struggled out of them. Bones were popping and cracking and his hair was already lengthening as Cristy's perfect features replaced his.
His flat chest swelled out as two huge natural breasts grew there. Grabbing them Chris squeezed happily, his pouting mouth parted in ecstasy as he transformed.
High cheek bones, soft skin and luuxrious hair framed his transformed body and his face altered to become super beautiful. The bitch standing unashamedly naked in front of you now had a perfect ass and body, with firm full tits and gorgeous silky hair. She would look good in anything.
"See," purred the reborn Cristy in a deliciously sexy voice. "He warned you I was pretty and as you can see I am."
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"Chris?" you asked in astonishment.
"Weren't you listening to anything he had to say loser? I'm Cristy - the girl he used to be, though I'm all grown up now. For fucks sake - help me get dressed and let's find my aunt. I can't wait to get back on the catwalk."
Cristy was a quick learner or she already knew how to do things. She explained she'd been lurking in Chris' subconscious for a long time.
"I can't believe it's been so long since I was free. Still - at least I'm finally back. Thanks bitch for convincing that loser to become me again. This time he won't get free of me."
"No... that isn't the plan. You're gonna earn that money then go back to being Chris."
"Oh really? What the fuck do I get out of that arrangement? Errrr how about I find my aunt, launch my new modelling career and become rich and famous. Yeah, we'll go with that plan." Laughing Cristy turned on her heels and clopped off to find her aunt.
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Cristy Rio was famous, beautiful and rich.
Girls wanted to be her and men wanted to fuck her.
Thanks to her rich, well-connected aunt she'd experienced a meterioric rise in the fashion industry and was now a super succesful model and socialite.
She was also your former boyfriend.
Without putting too much a finer point on it, you'd made a big mistake helping her get control back of Chris. Now she was in charge and there wasn't any reason for Chris to ever want to return.
She was an international star and a total bitch.
She was your boyfriend, the super model.
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to6ge · 9 months
★ Gojo satoru x gn!reader
★ IN WHICH ! your lover, Gojo satoru woke you up in the middle of the night just to ask you to ride a bike with him. He took you to a nearby river, just to stargaze and admire you the moon.
★ WARNINGS ?? SFW, pining..?? Cursing, Non Proofread, other than that, none.
★ AUTHORS NOTE : Yall, idk how much times im gonna be changing my theme, but I changed it again 😁😁.. ANYWAYS!! was supposed to be studying, but felt the motivation to go write sooo here we are💀
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“Wake up” - “Wake up!!” Gojo said, on top of you. Your eyes fluttered open at the sound of his voice, you were worried that something had happened.
You groaned, still super groggy. “Huh?? Whats wrong??” - “Its really late, you know?” you said with a worried but irritated tone. Why did he have to wake you up in such a sudden??
“Lets go biking” He said with a wide grin. You sighed and turned to the side “Im laaazyy..” you said “Please?? I reaaally wannaa..!!” He pleaded, and you just couldnt resist “Get off me first then!” You scolded him.
You slowly sat up as he got off from you, rubbing your eyes. You checked the time and saw that it was just 1am. The night was cold, breezy and it felt like it was about to rain.
“do i need to change my cloth—” you got rudely cut off by your beloved, he took your wrist and was practically skipping to go outside and ride a bike.
The moment you stepped into the outside, you were hit by the strong, cold wind. You both were in your silly, matching pyjamas. Your teeth almost immediately started clattering, he seemed to notice it but he was cold as well.
You were about to continue walking to your bike, when you felt gojo's warm embrace. He didnt know how to warm you up, so he just thought of this. “I know it wont completely warm you up, but thisll do. Right?”
“thank you, satoru” you smiled so warmly at him, he felt like he was also already warm just because of your mesmerizing smile. He returned the smile, but it was cocky and teasing now.
“You cant live without me, can you?” he playfully asked “Hmm, maybe i can maybe i cant” you returned his teasing demeanor “oh please, ofcourse you cant. Im your amazing, sweet and caring boyfriend!!” he said, grinning ear-to-ear.
You giggled out of his silliness, “i suppose so, i cant disagree with that statement” you were still smiling. “see? Im so cool right!” he was getting even more annoying by the second.
“yes yes, whatever you say satoru” you replied. He finally let go of you, the embrace surely kept you both warm. You continued to walk over to the bikes, one for you, one for him. You were kind of annoyed that there was 2 and he couldnt just bring you with him, but you decided to go along with it.
The both of you hopped onto your own bike, “you ready, [name]?” you nervously gulped your spit down. You could ride a bike, but you werent too good at it. But regardless, you put on a tough face “hell yeah i am!” Gojo seemed to notice your nervousness, he didnt think much of it, expecting that youd be good. I mean, to him, you were good at everything.
He started biking first, and god damn was he good. He was so stable and fast, you were breath taken by the sight of him doing things just so..... Utterly perfect. You tagged along, but when you tried to get fast you started to get unstable.
Gojo laughed and decided to tease you “Pfft! Youre so fucking bad at this!” he chuckled “Youre acting as if you dont suck ass at this too!” Obviously, you lied. He was amazing at this. Then he purposely crashed into you. Both of you shared happiness and laughter. This scenario could be a little more romantic if Gojo wasnt such a tease, but it was a cute “date” for now.
He started speeding up faster into a route you had never been to, you felt a bit suspicious but decided to catch up with him anyways. Turns out, he had taken you out to a lake. The moon was very visible, the sound of the water flowing was so..relaxing. There were a bunch of stars, everything looked so pretty. Even Gojo looked prettier right now!
The both of you parked your bikes and sat down on the grass near the river. The sight was so heavenly. You raised up your head to see the stars,, and they were breath taking. Your attention immediately redirected to the stars and the view, but Gojo? In this pretty place? He was still staring at you, admiring you, yearning for you.
“Even in the prettiest place, id still stare at you. Even in a room full of people, id still stare at you. You bewitched me, and youre so absolutely mesmerising.”
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cr1mson5returns · 1 year
Another fic idea I've been kind of tossing around...
I meant it when I said I really just stopped reading comics after the Red Robin solo series got cancelled.
Tim spends a little longer in Iraq than he thought he would, and honestly these assassins are getting on his last goddamn nerve.
Owens is 100% intent on annoying the shit out of Tim and makes it super obvious. The man is a few inches taller than him and makes it so well known by ruffling Tim's hair and calling him "Shortcake" and just guffawing every time Tim gives him a nasty look. Pru is standoffish at first (nursing a broken nose) but eventually starts matching Tim's energy in her own way. She throws a bag of snacks at him and threatens to gut him if he doesn't eat, smacks him when he glares at her.
But Z is probably the most annoying of them all because he's legitimately trying to parent Tim and you're not my fucking dad, God, leave me alone. Z of course is not taking orders from a literal teenager and just kind of sits in Tim's general vicinity until he wears the kid down and gets him to at least tolerate his presence, if not warm up to him. One night, after a particularly difficult nightmare, Tim wakes up in a cold sweat breathing hard and finds Z sitting in an armchair by the window, where it's easier to see him in the moonlight. He waits a minute before asking Tim if anything ever makes it better, and is that.....concern? Tim sniffs (he's not crying, thank you) and admits that nothing really helps, that he used to take something to help him sleep but he doesn't anymore. Z stands up to leave and gestures to the bedside table. "It's not prescription, but it helps me sometimes."
When the man walks out, Tim looks at the bedside table and sees a small gelcap pill next to a glass of water. Part of him whirs with all the different concoctions of poisons that could be in that pill, but a bigger part of him thinks "fuck it, whatever" and downs it with a few gulps of water.
Tim has the best sleep of his life and wakes up the next afternoon well-rested and a little less cranky. He doesn't say anything to anyone, and nobody questions why he slept so late, but Z does ask him if he'd like breakfast food or dinner food with a gentle smile.
When the Widower attacks, Tim comes to after passing out from the initial shock and thinks - "Fuck this, I did not come all this way just to bleed to death in the desert." It's painful to stagger around trying to apply pressure to wounds and tearing his cape into tourniquets, and even more so dragging limp and barely-alive bodies into the car, and by the time he gets back to Baghdad he's lost so much blood and doesn't have the strength to get anyone up to the executive suite at Wayne Tower. He feels a little less terrible about it when he realizes that the League of Assassins has arrived, and he puts his head back and closes his eyes. What a terrible fucking day.
It takes work to save their lives. It's not easy but the League employs some truly skilled medical personnel, and Ra's trusts them to at least make sure Tim survives. Z, Pru, and Owens are able to get up and try to make their way around after a bit, and they all find themselves congregating outside the room where Tim is recovering. It's quiet for a moment while they all just look at each other with that feeling that only comes when you're 98% certain you'll never see each other again. At last, Owens speaks up. "You think we'll get in trouble if we go in there?"
Tim is not kept in a medically induced coma, but he is on very regular doses of very strong sedatives and painkillers. He's mostly unconscious the entire time, save for surfacing a little bit about thirty minutes before the next dose is due. He can hear the three assassins in the room, talking around him, and he desperately wants to interject in the conversation (because they're plotting to restrict his caffeine intake and come on, guys, I saved your lives, let me have this one thing) but it comes out as jumbled nonsense. He's almost aware that he's being sedated, but he's on the good drugs so the thought slips away about as quickly as it appears.
The assassin team is pretty worried that Ra's might decide to abandon this whole pursuit and just kill Tim in spite of earlier plans. They've just made the decision to mutiny and fight their way out of the Cradle when they're asked to help with applying some restraints. The doctors are weaning Tim off the sedatives but definitely don't want to risk what happens when he wakes up a little more lucid than he is now. So the trio breathes a collective sigh of relief and does as they're told, and when Tim does finally wake up for real he looks down at the restraints, up at the trio, and croaks, "I'm not a psych patient."
Owens can't help himself. "Not yet!" He's earned the glare. (Gotta razz the kid a little, they all almost died out there.)
Somehow Tim gets the trio on board with his plans and when the League bases go down, they fight their way out through the Council of Spiders and go back to Gotham City as a group. Halfway there, Tim realizes - oh, shit, there's nowhere in the world that the trio can go where Ra's al Ghul won't have them hunted down and killed. He sits back in his seat on the plane with a sigh. There's so much responsibility happening right now.
When all's said and done and Bruce Wayne's legacy is intact, and Tim is a little less fucking edgy all the time, he quietly procures a house in a nice neighborhood and shows up at the safehouse where the trio are hiding out one day like, "Get up, we're moving in." And they all exchange looks but they follow him, because what else are they going to do? And the house is cute, not a mansion by any means but a fixed-up little historic home in a neighborhood mostly full of old folks and families. Tim's already put basics in there as far as furniture goes, tells the others he doesn't care what they put up on the walls "as long as you don't have any guns in sight, we're going to have people over sometimes, Jesus." But Z knows it's fond.
Other heroes are very....skittish about Tim's housemates. Kind of wondering why he trusts these people not to just kill him in his sleep. But Z does sort of corner Tim in the kitchen one day and tell him, "You don't have to do this, you know. Not everything that happens is your fault."
Tim shrugs, affecting carelessness. "I'm just helping." His hand shakes a little lifting his mug to his mouth for a sip.
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silent-raven13 · 3 months
Tis the holiday seasons, and the Spider Band just finished their last mission. They all decided to get a drink from the lounge, they were all together chatting about the upcoming holidays.
Miles got himself a hot cup of coco, "Mmm." Taking a careful sip, he could feel the heat from the coco.
"Oh hey, Miles!" Kaine came from the line with his cup of coffee. "Are we on for tonight?"
"Yeah! I'm totally gonna kick your ass." Miles chuckles.
"Hahaha, we'll see." Kaine laughs along. The two walk together to have their little chat. They haven't seen each other for a while from all their busy lives and missions.
Now, they were able to catch for a bit. "How are you and Kitty?" Miles asked.
"Oh, we're good! This Christmas she wants me to meet her family and-" He gulps, "I'm so fucking nervous! My anxiety isn't doing too well."
"Oh no, do you need some medicine? Maybe Spider Therapist can help?"
"Oh no, I'm good. I'm trying to be more confident, but... you know." He suggested his face, he still cover his face with his Spider-man mask. Kaine only lefts it up to reveal his mouth, anyone can see the deep marks on his left side.
"I get you. I got like that with my best friend's family. Don't worry, man. You got this!" Miles gave him a side hug.
Hobie spotted his Miles hugging Kaine from a far, the punker never move so fast for his Sunflower. When he reached the two, Kitty popped out of nowhere blocking his contact with Miles. "Hey, Miles! Hi, bae!" She turns over to grin at Hobie, "Hey, Hobie! What's up?"
"Umm.. hey Kit-Kat." Hobie said to her.
Kaine said, "Oh hey, man! What's up! I haven't seen you since last week."
"You two went on a mission together." Miles said happily, finally his boyfriend is making friends with Kaine.
"Yeah, it was so much fun." Kaine said, "it was this Tron world! Hobie kicked ass!"
"Eh, I won a bit here and there." Hobie grins widely seeing Miles' eyes gleaming at him, and only him.
"Awe, I wish I could see you in an all black suit with blue lights like in Tron. Ugh, you probably look so cool, baby!" Miles said to his man, "I bet you look awesome, too, Kaine!"
"It was so much fun." Kaine sips his hot chocolate. "Ohh, hot!"
"Careful, man. Here I got some napkins here." Miles pulls a napkin under his cup to hand to Kaine.
"Thanks!" The tall fit Spider-man gladly took it.
Kitty smiles widely hearing other Spider-heroes whispering or commenting, "OMG, the work hubbies are together again! So cute!"
Hobie glares at the other Spider-heroes and pouts, "Hahaha, jelly, Hobie?" Kitty asked.
"No! I have matured!" The twenty four year old huffed.
Miles giggles, "Really? I'm proud of you, bae!"
"Oh it's the work hubbies! Hey, Hubby 1 and Hubby 2!" One Spider-woman giggles with her friend as they pass Miles and Kaine. Those words felt like knives stabbing through Hobie's chest, it's making him very jealous.
"Hey, hubbies!" A Spider-man passed them which made Kitty giggles at the way Hobie glares at the man.
"Hey!" Miles responded without a problem.
"How's work life going?" The Spider-man asked.
Kaine nodded, "Fine, me and hubby been super busy!"
"Awe, so cute!" Another Spider-woman overhears them.
Kitty said, "They missed each other so much!"
"Oh yeah, right, Hubby?" Miles teased Kaine.
"Hahaha." The tall red suit Spider-man laughs.
Miles laughs along side with them taking the joke. To him it's always been a funny silly joke, but for Hobie, it made him so jealous. The punker hated the idea of another man being with Miles. He couldn't help, but hug his Sunflower while burying his face into his neck.
"Opp, looks like somebody is jealous." A Spider-woman giggles.
A Spider-man added, "Hahaha, who knew Spider Punk is the jealous type!"
"I think it's cute." Kaine chuckles.
Miles giggles, "Oh yeah, the super jealous type!" He rubs his boyfriend's arm, "Bae, it's fine. We're just joking."
"Hmph," he frowns being annoyed.
Kitty giggles, "You mad, now?"
"Sorry, he just hates when I point that out." Miles pouted at his boyfriend.
"Oh Spidey Hubbies! Are you two gonna do photos with Santa?" A Spider-woman came by being excited, "I heard you guys were supposed to sent out this year's Christmas Social Media post!"
"Oh that's right!" Kitty giggles, "You and Kaine have to do the photo!"
"Hahaha, so Lyla can have a lot of likes on her posts?" Kaine snickers at the Spider Society Social media account made by Lyla, where she makes most posts of her selfies, and anything involved with the community.
Lyla's avatar pops up in a Christmas outfit, "Yup! Come on, go to the Holiday Post! I need pics. The Spidey Hubbies need to give me 2k likes." She giggles.
"Right, we did agree." Kaine rub his neck about it, "Is it supposed to be a spicy photo?" He looks at a jealous Hobie.
Kitty said, "I don't mind. it's all for the gram!" She had ideas for her boyfriend and Miles to get Lyla so many likes, "I got a few ideas."
"Like what, honey?" Kaine asked with a very worry tone, almost afraid to ask.
"Hehehe, you'll see when we get to the Holiday posts." Kitty pulls on the two Spider-men, while Lyla giggles having her avatar popping up everywhere with selfies. Hobie grumbles having to follow them.
"Oi, I didn't agree to this." Hobie finally said.
Miles said, "Awe, but this is for Lyla, bae! Look, me and Kaine are just friends. It's not like everyone expect us to be-" A Spider-woman shouted from the fence outside of the Holiday photo shoot, "Whoo, Spider Hubbies! How about a pin up pose?" She giggles while her friends giggles along.
Kaine and Miles look at each other and snickers, "Who's gonna be be the girl in this?" Miles snorted.
Kaine chuckles, "You!"
Hobie stood being jealous as Miles let Kaine pick him up like a bride and did a pose as they wore Santa Clause hats and candy canes. Kitty giggles, "Awe, so cute." She grins at the punker, "You jelly?"
"Hmph." He crosses his arms.
Lyla taking photos with Miles and Kaine, the two were having fun. "My socials are gonna get so many likes, hehehe." The Ai happily took photos.
The other Spider-heroes walking by noticing the two, "Ohh, look at them. The Hubbies taking pictures. Awe."
A Spider-man chews a burrito walking by, "Oh, I always knew they would get together." Hobie heard this getting more upset.
"Yoo-hoo! What about some Spice!" Lupe came by holding a mistletoe above the two Spider-men dressed as Mrs. Clause.
Gabi gasps as she dressed up as an elf, "Ohhh you two have to kiss now?"
"Oh no, we're in relationships." Kaine said with worry.
Miles nodded as his big eyes stare at the mistletoe, "Why you have this?"
"For cute couple pictures!" Lupe hums, "MJ and Peter had one while May went to get a photo with Santa."
"Wait, who's Santa?"
"Guess!" Gabi giggles.
"Morales? Parker? Why are you two under the mistletoe?" Miguel appeared in his Santa Clause outfit, wearing a white beard and pillow stuffed inside him.
Lupe chuckles as she patted Santa's belly, "Hey, Santa. Aren't you supposed to take photos with the kiddos?" She looks at the long line, spotting Miles 2020 looking exhausted and tired eyes. His family dressed up all nice even his husband looks presentable while the triplets being antsy and struggling to move around. "The triplets aren't handling the wait."
"I'm on my ten minute break!" Miguel sighs, "Shouldn't you be handing out cookies?"
"We're waiting for the androids to bring the boxes to hand out." Lupe hums. "Now stop dat frown."
Gabi's eyes lit up, "Papá, you have to be Santa and jolly!" She stomps her foot down. "Right, Lupe."
"Right!" Lupe nodded.
Kitty went over to her boyfriend, "I don't mind if you kiss Miles. I know it's all for fun."
Kaine and Miles look at her shock. "Well, I do mind! No in bloody hell, my Sunflower is kissing another bloke!" Hobie finally hugs his boyfriend.
"What about a kiss on the cheek? Papá always gives Lupe a kiss on the cheek whenever she comes over!" Gabi said out loud to them.
"Huh?" They all look at the two.
Miguel hushes his daughter, "Gabriella!"
"It's only when I babysit her! Besides I give kisses on the cheek to all my fellow Latinos." Lupe points out.
Gabriella looks confused, "But I saw you and papá hugging and talking about next date nigh!"
Miguel clears his throat. Miles crosses his arms at Miguel, "And you said you don't date your co-workers?"
"This isn't about me or Lupe. Look at that my break is over." Miguel quickly avoided the question.
The Spider-woman shook her head, "Honestly, we were just joking around. Besides, I love babysitting Gabi, right girlie."
"Right." Gabriella giggles.
"Anyway, who's gonna kiss who! Lyla needs a Spicy picture!" Lupe said at Miles and Kaine.
Hobie scowls, "No! That's being disrespectful to me and our relationship! I was fine with hugs but this?"
"What about a small kiss on the cheek?" Kitty asked.
"No? You were fine in the last mission where Kaine and Miles went undercover as a couple and Kaine kiss Miles' on the cheek." Kitty explained.
"That was for a mission. This is just bloody flirtin'!" He points out.
Miles said, "How about hugs?"
"Yeah, hug is better. I don't want to piss anyone off." Kaine explained.
"Awe, but a kiss would be so cute." Lupe teased getting a glare from Hobie.
"Luv, one more picture and we are going home."
Miles giggles, "Bae, you're so jealous. Mwah. I love you." He kisses his boyfriend on the lips before going to his friend for the last photo. Of course, they respected Hobie's wishes. Instead Kaine nuzzle Miles' neck like a cat for the photo.
Miles giggles, before seeing his boyfriend holding his guitar, "Bae, look we're done. It's all good."
"Fine." He pouts, then his boyfriend went close to him.
"Bae, look up."
"Hmph?" His dark eyes saw the mistletoe dangling above them.
"Kiss!" Miles cup his boyfriend's jaw to kiss him many time.
"Now this will be great for the Spider So-city app!" Lyla took a picture of Miles and Hobie kissing. The rest of the gang believed that too.
Hobie playfully pick his partner up and give him many kisses. He never wants to let go of his Sunflower.
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nhasablogg · 2 years
Tickletober Day 27 - Hiding
Fandom: Stranger Things
Characters: Steve/Eddie, Dustin
Words: 980
[Tickletober prompts]
It was an accident the first couple of times. Steve could tell from Dustin’s face, contorted into something surprised and slightly horrified, all of them glad he already knew and that this wasn’t how he found out.
Steve started suspecting he was doing it on purpose when he started grinning, all teeth and scrunched up eyes as he exited the room with practiced apologies. He was certain he was doing it to mess with him now, finding he wasn’t as prone to being a pain in the ass to Eddie.
“It’s so unfair,” he said, even though Eddie was equally affected in this case. “I’ve practically sacrificed my social life in order to drive that kid around the past couple of years and this is the thanks I get?”
Eddie rolled his eyes at him, somehow fond and amused simultaneously. “We could confront him.”
“About him walking in on us on purpose? He’d somehow spin it around to us being gross and unable to keep our hands to ourselves.”
“Well, he’s not wrong.” Eddie circled his arms around Steve’s waist, pulling him closer. “We are kind of gross at times.”
“Mm, speak for yourself.”
Eddie squeezed him. “Careful, Stevie. Your tickle spots are right in my hands.”
“I might if you’re nice.”
“No, no, not you. Tickle spots.” Steve turned around to grin at him. “I know how to get Henderson back for being so goddamn annoying.”
Dustin, oblivious to Steve’s plans, kept playing his little game, finding immense joy in it. The way Steve flushed, all indignant and exasperated, each time Dustin walked in on them was too great not to continue. He’d been properly apologetic at first, sure, but now he knew that each time he felt bored he could just seek them out. And really, he was doing them a favor. They needed to be more careful unless they wanted the whole of Hawkins to catch them.
He entered Eddie’s trailer, greeting Wayne who was used to people coming and going now and never warned him if Steve was there either. He was eating, probably getting ready for another night shift, which told Dustin that Steve was definitely there, or at the very least going to be soon.
He opened the door without knocking. Upon entering the room Dustin felt, for the first time since starting this stupid game, that he might’ve fucked up. The room was dark, quiet, which made him wonder whether he’d walked in on them sleeping, or worse, and that simply wasn’t something he was ready to see.
“Uh.” He wasn’t sure why he made a noise to begin with when the sensible thing would’ve been to just close the door and leave. “I’ll come back later.”
Something grabbed him before he could turn, causing him to scream until a palm was pressed to his mouth and the lights were turned back on, having him come face to face with a slightly alarmed Steve Harrington who’d been hiding in the shadows.
“I told you he would scream,” Eddie said calmly from behind him, and Steve huffed, dropping his hand from Dustin’s face but keeping a steady grip of his shirt. “Good thing we warned Wayne.”
“That traitor,” Dustin managed to say before Steve had pulled him further into the room and pushed him down on the bed. “What are you doing?”
“Getting revenge.” Steve hovered over him in a way that wasn’t scary whatsoever, but Eddie’s looming figure in the back had Dustin gulping nervously. “I know what you’ve been up to, Henderson.”
Dustin rolled his eyes. “Oh, please. You two are so easy to rattle.”
“I think it’s time I get you back for it,” he continued as if Dustin hadn’t spoken. “Don’t you think?”
Before Dustin could reply he felt Steve grab for his knees. Alarmed, Dustin tried to kick him off, but found Eddie grabbing his ankles and keeping them in place, allowing Steve to squeeze his knee caps easily and efficiently and super unfairly.
“Uh, yes,” Steve said as Dustin fell into panicked laughter. “It’s only right.”
“It kinda is,” Eddie added. Dustin would imagine he was shrugging nonchalantly, had he not been so incredibly busy.
“Guys, let’s talk about this- no, stop!”
Steve had grabbed his knee, lifting it slightly to tickle behind it, sending ticklish shocks through his legs and making Dustin howl. He could hear Eddie laughing, but although he could probably sit up due to Steve not bothering to pin his upper body very well, he found himself unable to function properly and instead lay thrashing, hands flailing uselessly in the air, shaking his head back and forth.
Dustin’s laughter was loud. He’d been told this his entire life and had never cared, but he could hear it now, bouncing off the walls in the small room, probably shaking the whole entire trailer. Surely Wayne would come save him, seeing as he was screaming bloody murder. Surely Eddie would take pity on him and let his feet go, allowing him to kick Steve off.
Steve would eventually stop, he knew, but usually Dustin managed to accidentally punch him or something, so he never knew how long he would be at it if left uninjured.
Lord help him.
“I’m sorry!” Dustin tried to sit up now, but Steve was quick to push him back down, keeping his palm pressed to his chest while his other hand went for his belly. “Steve!”
“Yes?” He was smirking, all teeth and raised eyebrows, from what Dustin could tell. “Don’t tell me you’re already giving up?”
“I think it might be too much for him,” Eddie said, still holding onto his feet, one finger occasionally running down his sole and making Dustin squeal.
“You think?”
“He doesn’t have much perseverance.”
 “That’s just too bad.”
Dustin was gonna kill them both after this. No alone time for them, ever.
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audioaujom · 9 months
1: Mother Knows Best
CHTangled Hub, next >
Hello and welcome! I’m not sure where this came from, but if you want all of the exposition it's listed in the Hub. Just know that while this may seem strange or fucked up at times, it's all in good fun! Also don’t ask how many times I’ve seen Tangled.
Word Count: 1390
Chapter TWs: Manipulation, Unhealthy Relationships, Threats of Violence
“Today’s the day. I'm gonna do it.” Zac announced loudly, his legs swinging back and forth under the ceiling rafter he was sitting on. “I'm gonna ask him and he's gonna say yes and it's gonna be fine. Right, Lou?” 
The small chameleon perched on Zac’s shoulder stared back at him, deadpan, Zac ignoring the expression by plastering on a cheerful smile.
“Yeah, you're right. It's gonna be fine.”
Zac jumped, nearly falling off the rafter as he heard the familiar voice of Brennan call, “Zachary!” from the ground below.
“That's my cue!” Jumping down to the floor, Zac helped Lou hide before throwing open the window shutters so Brennan could get in. “It'll be fine!”
It only took a minute for Brennan to scale the outside of the tower, covered in a wide hooded cloak and carrying a basket slung over one arm. He brushed the hood of it back as he stepped inside, carefully setting down the basket with a smile.
“It looks nice in here today.” Brennan commented off-handedly, dropping the cloak he was wearing on a nearby chair. “Bored enough to clean?”
“Just like always.” Zac smiled, leg bouncing nervously beneath him. “I also got around to more painting, though I’m still not very good at it.”
“Skill comes with practice, Zac.” Brennan said lightly, patting him on the shoulder before stepping past him to glance at his reflection in a mirror. “You’re bound to get somewhere good eventually.” 
“Yeah, I guess, or whatever.” Zac nodded several times, psyching himself up to ask, “Hey so, I was wondering, if you know what’s coming up tom—”
“Oh, man. Look at that.” Brennan let out a low whistle, looking at the wrinkled and dry skin on the back of his hands. “Must be one of those days.”
“Um, so, as I was saying tomorrow is going to be—!” Zac tried again, only for Brennan to cut him off again.
“How about you sing for me?” Brennan offered, expression demanding. “Then we can talk.”
“Oh.” Zac deflated a little, sighing. “Okay.”
In an instant he had a chair out, shoving Brennan backwards into it so he could sit on an ottoman across from him. He took a deep breath and pinched his arm as hard as he could until tears welled up in his eyes, leaning forward as he started humming the familiar tune as fast as he could manage.
“Wait, Zac, hold— Zac!” Brennan reached out to grab Zac’s face as the wrinkled areas of his skin quickly popped out of existence, first concerned and then annoyed as Zac blinked away his remaining tears with a smile.
“So, as I was saying, tomorrow’s this super important day, right?” Leaning forward, Zac ignored Brennan’s glare. “Because as I’m sure we both know, you know, it’s my birthday and all that.”
“Are you sure? I thought that was last year.” Brennan frowned playfully, before smiling as Zac shot him an annoyed stare.
“Well, as I’m sure you know… or, well… what I’m trying to say is— ask is…”
“Hey.” Brennan interrupted, a little gentler this time. “Stop mumbling, you know what I’ve always said about that.”
“Can I go see the floating lights this year?” Zac finally blurted out, his stomach twisting into tight knots at the unreadable frown that crossed Brennan’s face.
“Er, well, can we go see the floating lights?” Zac tried again, grabbing Brennan by the hands to guide him over to the half-completed painting of the night sky he’d been working on all morning. “I want you to take me to see them.”
“The stars? The things you can see perfectly well from your window every night?” Brennan asked, arms crossed.
“No, not those.” Zac shook his head, gulping a little before correcting, “The… lanterns. The ones that show up every year on my birthday.”
“You want to go outside?” Incredulous, Brennan stared Zac down until he felt nauseous. “Zac, please, why would you ever want that?”
Hunching in on himself, Zac was beginning to regret asking. “Well, to see the lights, for starters.” 
“Even though you can see them perfectly well from the window?” Brennan grabbed one of Zac’s shoulders, squeezing lightly. “Do you really think that seeing them up close warrants all the danger you'd have to face to get there?”
“Well… yeah.”
“It's because you don't know what's out there.” Brennan lamented, dramatically sitting back down in the chair Zac had set out with a dismissive click of the tongue. “You’re fortunate enough to never have experienced anything really dangerous.”
“But if you went with me, what would be—?” Desperate, Zac hovered over the arm of the chair only for Brennan to shake his head sadly.
“Oh, Zac.” He sighed, turning apologetic eyes to the boy beside him. “It’s my fault for raising you like this. So naive.” Making sure to hold eye contact, he continued, “The only way I can protect you is by having you stay here. Inside. Away from all of the everything else.”
“What if you taught me to protect myself?” Zac asked, the dread in his stomach threatening to rise up his throat as vomit. “Wouldn't that work?”
“There's no way you could learn to protect yourself! Have you seriously forgotten?” Brennan rose to his feet, walking over to the counter by the kitchen and running his hand through a pocket of dust that Zac must’ve missed earlier. “I mean look around you. You can't even manage to properly clean up one room on your own!”
“But you go out all the time!” Zac countered, hurriedly picking up the towel he’d been cleaning with and wiping away the spot of dust. “How bad could it really be?”
“The people out there aren't like me. They're monsters, Zac.” Snatching the towel from Zac’s hands, Brennan twisted it tightly in his hands to snap it in the air like a whip. “If someone out there found out what you could do, do you have any idea what they'd do to you?” 
Zac stared down at his feet, shuffling them awkwardly instead of answering.
“They'd try to take your eyes out. Can you imagine?” Cupping Zac’s face, Brennan waited for Zac to look up before he tossed the towel away and mimed a weapon by Zac’s eyes with one hand. “They’d hold you down and take something sharp to the side of your face, and then they would gouge them out one at a time, slowly—painfully—and then let you bleed out. Cause what use are you without those eyes?” Blinking back terrified tears, any protests Zac had died in his throat as Brennan continued, “Or worse yet they'd keep you around and use you. 24/7 you'd be doing nothing but crying until you stop and they have to beat the tears out of you.”
As soon as Brennan let go of him, Zac stumbled into the counter, legs too shaky to hold up his weight as he tried to keep his terrified breathing even.
“Do you understand? I'm protecting you from them. From all the claws and fangs and horns, and from the much more real threats, too.” Brennan watched Zac struggle to support himself for a long, cold moment, before stepping over and offering him a hug. “I just wish you could see that. This is all for you.”
“...sorry, Brennan.” Zac mumbled out, hesitating before accepting the hug. “I just…”
“I know.” Brennan soothed, hugging Zac tightly. “And it hurts me to have to keep you away from it all like this, it really does.” Letting go once Zac seemed stable enough on his feet, Brennan slowly walked away and into the kitchen. “I know that all you want is to go outside and be normal, but you can't. And if keeping you safe makes me the bad guy, then, well… that's fine. As long as you're safe.”
“...yeah.” Swallowing back his dread and terror, Zac conceded, “I won't ask again.”
“You better not. My answer is never going to change.” Brennan huffed, shaking off the tension in the air with a breezy, “Now, what do you want for dinner?” 
Brennan looked back as Zac stared at him in disbelief, smirking wide.
“Oh, come on. The least I can do after crushing your dreams—no matter how unrealistic they may be—is offer you the pleasure of choosing dinner.”
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taytrashmouth · 2 years
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This was a small piece from my I am not okay with this, Stanley barber x reader fanfic on Wattpad.
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I smiled, it was like I was finally going to have a normal high school experience.
Syd grabbed a drink from some girls hand as we walked, chugged it down in one gulp and threw the cup behind us. We all laughed, enjoying the moment.
Very soon we were all on the dance floor, dancing really badly and just having a great time.
"Do you guys want some punch?" Dina asked after a while. "Sure." Syd and I answered.
I glanced across the gym and saw Stan awkwardly asking Mercedes to dance, she walked away....my heart broke, for Stan and the sight of him with someone else and then treating him like that.
Stan put on his sunglasses and sat down on the bleachers.
“I’ll be right back.” I almost whispered.
I walked over.
Stan took off his sunglasses again and stared at his feet. I sat next to him, I took a deep breath when he didn't even look at me.
"Best theater in town huh?" I asked looking at everyone dancing.
"I'm pretty sure you specifically said you weren't coming to this." Stan stated, still looking down.
"I wasn't." I stated.
"Well, aren't you worried about being followed?" He asked, I could tell he was annoyed.
"No one's following me Stan, it was...all In my head....I should've told you I was coming." I sighed.
"N/n I know we're not a thing, or together anymore, in fact I don't know if we ever were...and that's and that's cool I, I mean you gotta know I...I really like you." Stan rambled.
I smiled slightly to myself.
"We were definitely together.....and I really, really like you too Stan." I smiled, finally looking him in the eye. I saw Stan try hide a smile.
"So who are you here with anyway?" Stan asked.
"Well I came with Syd and Dina but I'm here alone." I stated.
"Does Dina know about you?" Stan asked.
"Know what?"
"Well..that you're a superhero" Stan stated.
I smiled.
"Other than Syd who is also a 'superhero' you’re the only one."
Stan's face lit up and he chuckled. "Cool."
"Also I'm really not a super-"
"Just-just give me this one thing...please. " Stan laughed.
I smiled widely and genuinely for the first time in what felt like forever, i missed him.
"I'll give you two things...." I smiled. 
"What?" Stan asked as I placed my lips on his and they moved perfectly with each other, butterflies flew all over my body, I pulled away with a huge smile.
“Y-You need a date?” Stan stuttered.
I chuckled. “What about Mercedes?”
“I think she belongs to the theatre now.” Stan nodded towards the dance floor where she had already found a new date.
He grabbed my hand and We walked through the crowd to Syd and Dina at the punch table.
"Stan!" Dina smiled.
"Dina, you look um...you like like a Christmas tree." Stan complimented.
"Thanks dude." Dina stated.
We saw Whitaker staring at us.
"Oh god Whitakers still watching us." Stan added.
"It's probably the most exciting that's ever happened in his entire life." Syd smiled.
"Mm, I don't know guys..I mean we're wanted criminals. Why are we out here in the open? Exposed. First rule of the heist is split the loot and split the fuck up right?" Stan exclaimed.
"What loot?all we did was disrespect this fine institution." I joked.
"And disrespect ourselves." Syd waved her finger.
We all laughed.
Stan started to complain about the music and dragged me with him to go ask the DJ to change the song.
"Hey dude can I change the song?" Stan asked.
"Never." The DJ stated.
I zoned out for a second, smiling at Syd.
"What do you mean you've never heard of bloodwitch!?" Stan asked.
I sighed when I saw Dina and syd go dance, I grabbed Stan's hand and dragged him to the dance floor.
"So Dina's a Christmas tree?" I chuckled as he put his hands on my hips and I put mine around his neck.
"Yeah." Stan smiled.
"And what am I?" I asked gesturing at my outfit.
"Beautiful." Stan smiled.
I blushed harder than ever and looked down at the floor before Stan lifted my chin and kissed me passionately.
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