#cons used to be like. a safe haven of nerds.
deadlittledogs · 4 months
I knew you were a weeb (when it was degen, not “cool” like it is now)
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OH YEAH, I GOT BULLIED RELENTLESSLY FOR IT LOL. I was pretty autistic about it though, so….. I was maybe slightly asking for it lel.
I admit, it’s still a little confusing for me that normies all like anime now, even though I don’t really like it anymore. Anime was better when it was like this slightly niche autistic interest that only really cringy ‘outcast’ teen girls liked….. it had such a bizarre lil community of gross girls. Nothing will ever beat making eye contact with some bucktoothed shawty in a hetalia shirt from across the room and instantly knowing you’re both fucking insane in the same way. I WANT THAT BACK, EVEN IF NOW AS AN ADULT I THINK MOST ANIME IS RETARDED AND UNWATCHABLE LMAO.
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sonnenfuchs · 7 years
⟶ that tuesday night | jjg | (m)
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▹ pairing: jeongguk x reader ▹ genre: fluff, smut ▹ wordcount: 5k ▹ a/n: this is a dumb pwp i have no explanation for except the support of like seven different people that encouraged me to write it. enojy a somewhat college!au jeon.
↳ your best friend finds out how much you love horror, yet you are so goddamn easy to scare. it holds the promise of an entertaining night.
“So, part two tonight?”
He grins at you over the rim of his glass filled with white wine, the usual bunny grin with his nose crinkled and eyes shining that is so incredibly hard to resist. Or maybe, it’s just the wine that you yourself have already running through your system that makes you think that way. You just shrug at him.
“I mean, sure. Why not.” He grins even wider at that, ignoring the faintest trace of hesitation that is laced into your voice. You don’t even get to sigh at his eagerness before he is already turned towards his laptop, opening google to pull up a stream that is high quality enough for his liking.
Maybe it was a mistake telling your horror movie obsessed friend about your definitely there curiosity for all things horror, especially movies, after all you are an absolute nerd for all things film and Jeongguk knows that as well. But being the absolute scaredy cat you are, you never quite dared to venture into them on your own. More than delighted upon hearing those news, a mischievous grin spread over his face, proposing the suggestion that if you are to scared to watch them alone, who better to watch them with than Jeon Jeongguk himself?
After he promised that yes, you can hide behind his back, and yes, you can hold his hand if you need to, you agreed.
And before you knew it, you were laying in his bed, half clinging to his blanket as you watched “The Conjuring”. With lights turn fully up - you insisted on that, but that came with a con as well, because it only made it easier for him to laugh at you sinking further and further down the head of the bed until you were cowering under the safety shield that was his blanket the longer the movie went on.
After the credits had rolled, you had calmly collected yourself, saving as much grace and composure as you had left, but then he simply reminded you that you had to sleep on your own, and your miserable face just added to his amusement. Honestly, why did you even agree to watch a horror movie when you live on your goddamn own in an apartment complex where somewhat creepy noises were heard all night long. But at least he had the courtesy to walk you back home in the middle of the night, and he was polite enough not to mention that maybe, just maybe, you were walking closer to him than necessary.
Now, exactly a week later, you are here in his room again. Under the premise of alcohol and a good time he has lured you over only to once again propose another movie night full of horror.
Not that you mind, after all you admitted your desire for diving into those movies, and any excuse you could get to curl up in Jeongguks bed, letting his smell surround you, you would take. There’s just something very comforting about being in a place that is so private to him.
While he is setting up his laptop on a chair across from the bed so it serves as a movie screen, you crawl into his bed to once again claim his blanket as your safe haven. You are ready for another two hours of tension as you expect a jumpscare to pop up any second, praying that you wouldn’t embarrass yourself any further as you might just flinch and scream. But he interrupts your inner prep talk.
“Does it bother you if I change into sweats real quick?” He gestures down to his in tight jeans and button down clad body and you quickly shake your head, as he goes to rummage around in his wardrobe.
“Mind if I look? Or do you want me to look away?” You tease with a grin on your face as he pokes his tongue out to you. Shrugging of his button down, he searches for something more cosy. Settling on a simple white cotton shirt he pulls it out and turns to you.
“Not at all, please, go ahead and marvel at all these muscles. By the way, do you want to change into something comfier as well?” You look down at your skinny jeans, one of your fave pairs, and one of the few things in your wardrobe that make your nearly non existent ass look amazing, but there are definitely better things to wear for movie nights. Even impromptu ones. And so you nod at him, thankfully smiling as he throws you a pair of sweatpants.
Getting out of bed again, you shimmy out of your pants, when out of the corner of your eye you see him stop his movements and turn his head towards you. His voice sounds out once more, and it’s a mix of a teasing tone and something else you can’t quite make out. “Mind if I look?”
“Guk, please. You have seen me in bikinis before, where’s the difference.” You easily shrug him off, but the realization that you are in fact wearing a pair of black lace panties, which are without a doubt racier that your usual swim attire, does let a slight blush creep into your cheeks. The fact that you definitely can feel his gaze skim over your behind before he quickly turns away to shrug on his own clothes does not help. At all.
Dropping back down on the bed, he lays his body next to yours with a tired sigh, stretching out his limbs. You wonder what he’s doing, he hasn’t even started the movie yet, and yet here he is, and he is looking at you with an expecting look in his eyes, his teeth find purchase in his bottom lip, worrying the delicate skin.
“Why are you staring at me?” Drawing out the first word, you crook your head at him, poking him in the arm to make him spill. He swats your hand away before sighing again.
“You know how I was at that bar on friday?”
“Yeah,” you hum, cuddling deeper into his bed, fully surrounded by his scent that you have grown so familiar with. “You texted me since I promised to come out too. Sorry ‘bout flaking on that by the way.”
He shakes his head to dismiss your apology. After all this time he knows that if he texts you past ten pm, the chances of you actually attending anything that does require a dress code other than pyjamas are slim, if he does not even dare to say impossible.
“Don’t worry about it, that night was a mess anyway. Taehyung was having a rough night, and you know how we always have a drink together if one of us is in a really shitty mood? Yeah, that was why I texted you at like eleven. Had to cheer him up first, ya know?”
You nod as you watch him speak. His eyebrows are knitted, and you can tell he is mulling over something uncomfortable in his thoughts. So, you simply stay quiet until he resumes talking.
“Anyway, we run into some old acquaintances, and there is this one lady who I ended up talking to. She was nice and all, but like, we were only talking. And the next morning I woke up to her having spammed me with messages on facebook. Stuff like I miss you and can I see you again and even I love you. Can you believe that? Like, she’s nearly thirty aaand already has a kid!”
“Wait, what. For real?” You don’t know if you should laugh at his misery, but you definitely want to. It has something so surreal about it that it seems hilarious, yet you get why he is so creeped out and looks so uncomfortable just thinking back to it.
“Yes. For real. What 29 year old hits on a 20 year old and acts that way after meeting them in a bar once? It’s crazy. And now I am kind of scared to run into her again this week.” And, this is the moment you realize as to why he has been staring at you so expectantly. You are not sure you want to hear his idea. “So, I have been thinking that maybe, if she does appear again this week, you could… pretend to be my girlfriend?”
“Jeongguk, how much wine did you have to even think of this?”
“Enough. But like I’ll just tell her I found the love of my life this week, like a miracle, and I don’t know, maybe I’ll put my arm around you for a while so it seems more believable and once she fucks off we go back to whatever shitshow this friendship is.”
“... You do realize that a. I’m super busy this week as I have told you before and will not go near any place that could even tempt me to consume anything that might get me drunk and b. that is one hell of a dumb plan.”
Raising an eyebrow and crossing your arms as he looks at you with puppy eyes. You do get where he is coming from, but also you cannot believe that he is being serious. Well, yeah, maybe some of your friends are thinking that there is something going on between the two of you, with you constantly hang out and all and more often than not ditching the rest of the group to hang out on your own. But most of the time, you just end up playing Overwatch, instead. So, no, you are only friends, but you can see why the plan could work in his mind.
“Y/N, pleaaase. Help me out here.”
This time you sigh, placing a hand on each of his shoulder as you stare straight into his eyes. “Fine. If you meet her again, text me and I will respond with a confession of my undying love for you and how the stars have aligned in just the right position, allowing us to meet, so it can only be fate and has to be destined. But this is a one time thing.”
“Yes! Thank you!” He half screams, hugging you quickly before jumping out of bed to finally hit play on the movie that must have fully loaded by now. “Wait, lights on or off?”
“Well, we did have them on last time, but I guess we can try watching in the dark until I get too scared?”
“Deal.” He presses play, darkens the room and slides back into the space next to you, making himself comfy. “You know, I think this one is actually way scarier than the last one. I’m not sure, though.”
The dim light coming from the laptop screen is still enough to make out his features, the light reflects in his large eyes, and you can see him look at you as his knee nudges yours.
“What is this, a bad attempt to make me cuddle up to you?” You question his motives as you nudge him back, scooting closer to him and letting him put his arm around you as he admits to it laughing. Your head ends up resting on his chest and his hand finds a place to settle on your waist. It’s a perfect position, letting both of you see the screen and you feel safe. Protected. You can easily hide in his chest once the jumpscares begin.
But even as your heart starts beating faster and there are chills running down your spine at certain scenes, you are and will always be somewhat of a snarky asshole. Running your mouth you point out all the illogical things and stupid behaviour in the movie, even laughing at some things that should scare you. But hey, let’s be honest, a voice that should belong to some gruff looking six foot guy that has been chain smoking for the last fifty years coming out of an eleven year old girl just is so unfitting, it is hilarious to you. At one point Jeongguk even has to tell you to shut up and stop ruining one of his fave movies.
You simply shrug him off.
Yet, there are enough moments where your grip his arm, his biceps firm under your touch, and press closer to him as he soothingly runs his hand over your side and holds you tight against him by your shoulder, and you are incredibly grateful for that.
You barely realize how tangled up you ended, not until the credits start to roll and your thigh somehow is trapped, wedged in between his legs and his hand rests on your spine as it sneaked up underneath your shirt somewhere along the way. When he gets up to stop the movie, complaining about the creepy music that is playing, you feel cold without him next to you, and you nearly pull him back down.
At the same a yawn escapes you, and as you stretch out your lazy limbs, you feel how tired you actually are. You think about how you still have to gather your things and walk home through the dark and cold night and groan. It’s warm and comfy in his bed, and just the thought of leaving it seems like torture.
“How late is it, anyway?” You mumble, trying to find the motivation to get up, yet somehow only ending up hugging yourself tighter in the blanket.
“Nearly one am.”
“Jesus Christ.” You groan, and you do not quite believe that it’s already that late. “I’m too tired, can I just sleep here?”
He is already up and putting away his laptop when he turns around to look at you. Seeing you all curled up, stifling another yawn, he cannot help but smile at how cute you look. “Sure. But I don’t have a toothbrush you can use.”
“Eh, that’s fine. I’ll live if I don’t brush my teeth for once. Can I borrow a shirt though? My sweater is too warm to sleep in.”
So he throws you a shirt before he goes into the bathroom to wash up. Grabbing your phone, you check for new messages before turning it off so it doesn’t end up with a dead battery in the morning. Then you finally change into your borrowed pyjama. You quickly get rid of your sweater, and pull the shirt over your head before taking of your bra. That turns out to be a good decision as Jeongguk enters the room the exact moment you pull it out underneath your shirt, and you can see him try to look unbothered.
You ignore his reaction and lay back down.
He turns off the lights and crawls under the covers next to you, pulling you against his chest. “Is this okay?”
“Mhm, yeah.” You hum, making yourself comfortable in his hold as your heavy eyelids close. But sleep doesn’t come quickly. There is something about sleeping in someone’s arms that is too foreign for you, and it throws you off. But it seems to be the same for Jeongguk as you both try to stay still, yet shift around subtly.
And it doesn’t take too long for you to overheat, the duvet paired with his body heat too much. So you wriggle out of his grasp, explaining what is going on when he asks what’s wrong.
“I can open a window if you want.”
“No, it’s fine. I just need to…” You go trail off as you lift your hips to pull down the thick material of the sweatpants and take them off completely to throw them somewhere on the floor. “Get rid of those. Otherwise I’m gonna melt.”
He pulls you back against him after that, and with your legs now bare, it’s way easier to stay that way. But now you are painfully aware of how your bare ass is up against his crotch, and you hope he isn’t thinking the same as you, because as the both of you shift in your attempt to fall asleep, your behind is rubbing against him. And his heart is beating as fast as yours, you can hear it.
But he is your best friend, nothing more and you do not want anything more, but right now with his strong arms wrapped around you and his breath fanning over your neck, you cannot help but imagine how his lips would feel against yours, and how his dick would feel stretching you out as he pounds into you.
The more you think about it, the less sleepy you feel and the more vivid those images become.
You are not sure how long you are lying there awake, it feels like hours, and all you want to do is sleep. But then you turn from your side to your back, and Jeongguks hand slips up to the side of your neck, just shy of holding your jaw, and your breath gets caught in your throat.
His fingers reach up to turn your head towards him, and before you know it, his lips are on yours. You are frozen for a split second, but then you are kissing back as you press yourself closer to him, your hand pulling at his hair.
He easily rolls you over so you are straddling him, his hands tightly holding on to your waist, and he groans underneath you as your teeth tug at his bottom lip. Kissing with even more fervor now, one of his hands slip down to grip your ass and you grind your hips into him as a response. His tongue slips into your mouth and you let out the tiniest of noises that just spur him on to hear more.
Breaking the kiss, he tugs on your shirt and you immediately sit up and help him pull it over your head before diving back to let your mouth meet his again. But it doesn’t take long before he rolls you over again, this time he is being on top of you, yet he keeps your hips lifted off the mattress so he can pull down your underwear.
You kick it off the rest of the way, and the second it is out of the way he settles between your legs, putting his weight onto you as he kisses you breathless. He starts to move down your neck, indulging in the little broken moans you let out. He moves further and further until he is nibbling at the apex of your thigh and just the sight of his head between your legs is enough to make your heart beat faster.
He nibbles and licks at your skin until you get impatient and start wriggling in his hold, whining out of impatience. He silently chuckles at your reaction before finally complying with a broad stripe licked up on your center.
After that, he no longer holds back. You barely have time to catch your breath as he nibbles and sucks, his tongue toying with your clit in the most delightful of ways. You clutch his hair in overwhelming pleasure as you moan out his name again and again, trying to memorize the stunning visual of him eating you out in your mind to never ever forget this again.
And when you start to move around too much for his liking, as your hips start to jerk, he simply wraps his arms around you, his strong arms on top of your lower stomach as he pulls you down so you cannot go anywhere.
In the faint light of the moonshine filtering through the windows you can make out the veins in his forearms as he flexes his muscles to keep you from moving, and the way he is laying on his side, you can see his cock heavy and thick through the thin fabric of his boxers.
You wonder what it feels like in your hand.
But he does not let you reach down. Lifting your hips up, he pulls you against his mouth, wrapping his pink lips around your clit and your hands fly up to clutch the pillow underneath your head as to anchor yourself to this reality as pleasure tries to wash you away. You are barely holding on and he knows it as well.
So, with his fingers digging into your skin to keep you close, and his tongue dancing against you, he does not let you budge a single inch until you are writhing underneath him with gasps falling from your lips in ways that sound like faint resemblances of his name and your thighs are shaking around his head.
He lets go of you when he thinks of you boneless enough, and then moves back up until his face is hovering above yours again. You can tell he wants to kiss you again. “Do you want me to go wash my face?”
You barely let him finish his sentence before your lips are on his again. You can taste yourself, and it feels somewhat odd, but you do not mind it at all, and mostly you do not want to let him go, not yet. You want to kiss him crazy. And he kisses back just as madly with his hand cupping your face so you do not go anywhere.
“So, if we already have gotten to this point…” You ask in a spare second of catching your breath in which he is nosing along your jaw with a heaving chest. “Sex or nah?”
He just snorts at your words, placing a soft kiss on your collarbone. “I mean, I’m not saying no.”
“Well, neither am I. So what are you waiting for?”
He sits back to look down on you, and with his hair a disheveled mess and some of your remains still glistening on his chin, he has never looked better.
“Do we need a condom?”
“No, I’m on the pill. Plus, I do in fact know you are clean after that drama with your ex.” You pull him back down and he easily lets you.
“Ugh, don't remind me.” He groans before attaching his lips to side of your neck, kissing up and down until you are writhing underneath him once again and you feel him grinning against your skin.
Then he leans back again, pulling off his boxers and discarding them somewhere on the side before crawling back above you. You immediately part your legs so he can settle in between, and you prepare to feel him enter you when-
“Wait, erm, I…might have had a little too much to drink, it’s really difficult to get fully hard.” He whispers in the crook of your neck, and you cannot help but laugh.
“For real?”
He hum in affirmation, pinching your side when you continue to laugh at him, going back to teasing the sensitive skin of your neck. You push him a little to turn, both of you ending on your side, facing each other and you reach down beneath your bodies to take his cock into your hands. It’s warm and firm, and definitely thick, letting your core clench with excitement.
You jerk him slowly, and he groans into your mouth at the touch. It’s satisfying, hearing his reaction. Taking it one step further, you change the angle of your position again, guiding his member to your sex and sliding along it. It rubs against your already oversensitive clit as well and noises escape you with each thrust of his hips.
That seems to do the trick, as it doesn’t take long before he flips you over again, asking you if you are ready, and you can only nod furiously until he finally slides into you. There definitely is a stretch, but it feels all too delicious and you cannot help the moan of relief that leaves your lips when he is buried deeply inside of you.
With his weight propped onto his elbows on each side of you, he has all the leverage to move his hip and he wastes no time to start thrusting into you. Your ankles come to cross behind his back and the change of position immediately makes it all feel so much more intense and deeper.
As he starts to pick up speed, the moans spill over your lips more and more in staccato noises that bounce of the walls and spur him on. The bed rattles as it hits the wall with each movement, and at this point you are sure you have long woken up his flatmate. But facing an annoyed Taehyung in the morning is the last of your worries right now, as his sharp hipbones dig into your thighs and it is slowly but surely starting to hurt.
Yet you cannot be bothered to let him know as the current angle just feels all too delightful. If you could, you would never let this moment end, he feels heavenly inside of you, and with you clawing over his back, you are sure he knows how good he makes you feel.
But his own breath is labored and there are groans coming from him each time you tighten around him, so you know, it is not only you that is enjoying herself. He seems to get closer and closer to his own edge too, deep grunts breaking up the rhythm of his exhales here and there.
You press your heels into his lower back, bringing him even closer to you, and he suddenly picks up his speed. His thrusts turn erratic as he chases his high, and it presses all the air out of you, the feeling of him fucking you this hard is absolutely overwhelming.
All you can do is moan out his name.
And that is when the coil in his stomach snaps, he thrusts a couple more times before stilling as you feel him fill you up with his warm cum. His muscles lock up and you squeeze your walls around him, guiding him through his orgasm and milking all you can out of him.
It takes a couple of minutes before the tension in his body snaps and he collapses on top of you. You hold him dearly until he has caught his breath. His lips move over your collarbones, up your neck, along your jaw until he meets your mouth one last time, kissing you with all the passion he can still muster.
Then he finally rolls off of you, and stretches his limbs. Standing up he turns on the lights, and it blinds you for a second after having gotten used to the moonlight. But once your eyes have adjusted, you cannot help but look at him and smile. He returns the grin, running his hand through his hair to try and untangle the mess it has become.
Picking up his underwear, he also throws you the shirt you were wearing earlier, and you easily catch it and pull it over your head. After that you dig around the bed, look through the chaos of his sheets to spot the black lace of your panties. You find them easily enough, putting them back on, and as you move, you already can tell that you will be sore the next morning.
“Do I even wanna know how late it is? Yes, I do.” Jeongguk mumbles before fidgeting with his phone, letting out a groan once the display light up. “Fuck. It’s 4 am. Not like I have some important things to be at tomorrow morning. My project partners are going to kill me if I fuck up tomorrow.”
“Dude, I have morning classes as well. I’m so going to fall asleep in there.”
He just sighs and puts his phone back, cracking his neck before turning to you. “I’ll go clean myself up. Be right back.”
Standing up you nod at him to go, and the movement makes you feel his cum still inside of you, and it is such an unfamiliar and weird feeling, but there is something about it that makes you all giddy and flustered. “I think I’ll go pee real quick.”
And it’s only when you are sitting on the toilet, that what just happened hits you full force, and your blood rushed up into your cheeks, warming them up and tinting them a deep hue or pink as you rest your face into your hands. You just fucked your best friend. Why the fuck did you fuck your best friend?
But it is not like it feels like a huge fuck up, like your friendship has now somehow changed, or worse, is completely ruined. You have known Jeongguk too long for that, and your bond is too strong. Yet it is something you never once expected to happen. And now that it has, it is confusing you.
Your bare feet pad back into his room after washing your hands, and once in bed, he tugs you against his chest once more, holding you close enough that you can feel his chest move with each breath he takes.
“Honestly, Jeongguk, how did that just happen?”
His voice is muffled by the way he mumbles right into your hair, but you can still make it out clearly. “I don’t know, but I blame you.”
“Wait, what?” You want to turn around, poke him in the face for blaming it on you, or at least hit his chest or something, but he knows you too well, knows all your reaction and he just holds you down with his strength, not letting you move at all and you just give up. “What did I do?”
“Let’s just talk about his tomorrow, Y/N. We need to fucking sleep now.”
“We have like two hours, you know that right?”
He nudges you once, as if he was warning you, before pressing his face further into the crook of your neck. “And if you would be kind enough to shut the fuck up, I might actually get to sleep in those.”
And for once, you listen to him as he tells you to be quiet, because tiredness has settled deeply into your muscles and bones, and they are calling you to go get some rest, to let your body recover, and Jeongguks breathing has already become slow and stable, and it lures you into your dreams like a lullaby.
This time, you fall asleep in his hold, and even with the alarm going off way too soon, you can’t remember the last time you slept that well.
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oh-i-got-dibs · 7 years
ClexaCon 2017 - Let’s Try This Recap Thing
It’s Friday morning, and I’m tired. But it’s the first day of the convention, and I haven’t even looked at the schedule yet but I’m mentally preparing myself for everything and anything. I had bought my badge for the three days the day they went on sale, but as for the plane and hotel bookings, those came within a month prior to the convention. I wasn’t sure if I was going to go, and now I can’t imagine anything else.
Let’s get this introduction out of the way. I’d consider myself a rather experienced convention goer. I’ve been to WonderCon and have been one of those fortunate few who has managed to get into San Diego Comic Con for the last 6 years. So I know cons. I know to bring comfy shoes, and I know you never get to go to all the panels you want to. I also know that I would quit a job to go to SDCC because to me, it’s a similar experience to this past weekend. A world away from our own, surrounded by like minded people, nerding out, meeting new friends, and just being a different sort of free.
Now this past weekend in Las Vegas, I can’t. I know everyone has been saying that they are coming up speechless in trying to break down exactly what the weekend meant to them, but it’s hard. Because the geek community is massive, but the geek and queer community is still finding its footing, its voice. This past weekend proves that we’re gaining ground, we’re having a voice, we’re fighting and learning and moving forward. Baby steps. But, yes, moving. Forward. And it was so relaxing to just be able to be me. To be queer, in an lgbt environment, and to be accepted was so gratifying.
As a writer, I can’t honestly say how everything and everyone impacted me internally. Just standing in the hall, looking around at the talented artists and the tables offering safe havens and just feeling at peace in the middle of all these people. People of all backgrounds, ages, ethnicities, gender, sexualites… It was special, powerful, and it was so hard to turn my back Sunday evening and walk away from it all.
Then again, I am just getting started. Everyone I met was incredible, beautiful, and there for a similar and different reason. Lots flew from thousands of miles away, stayed in a hotel room by themselves, had to walk through the cloud of smoke in the casino to wind up in a tiny corner of the world offering an open hand and a lot of love.
For me, I sat Sunday night in my room by myself holding back a lot. If you ended up running into me on the floor anytime throughout the convention in my sleep deprived state, please know that yes I am that weird and awkward but that I was so happy to meet you (I was one of the Alex Danvers cosplayers on Saturday). To hear your story, your fandom love, seeing your face when you talked about the panels and meeting your favorite celebrities, and just feeling the same way; home. Comfortable. Able to be yourself, nerding out at your shows and ships and meeting your favorite artists and Tumblr users and just loving every moment of it all.
To me, you all made the convention. The press, the panelists, the artists, the people behind the scenes, all you are also incredible humans who put together such a wonderful event. I don’t think anyone really knew what to expect, or how it would grow, but look at us all crying and cherishing these moments we had. So few moments we get in the “real world”, but in what seems like an alternate reality, to good to be true, we happened to congregate and feel loved and important and like we mattered, our gender and sexuality mattered, our presence mattered, and our stories, our fights, our losses and wins and who we are and who we will be, it all mattered. And it still does, and honestly, I learned a lot from the panels. I want to be more inclusive, I want to push myself, I want to see everyone have a story and character they can relate to on tv, I want to be able to try and do my share to bring that to life, because you matter. Your story, being told correctly and properly and not being stereotypical, it means the world to be included. I get that, and so please if I ask questions, it’s because I want to be true to you and your struggles in the community, in the world, and I want the world to see how brilliant and beautiful everyone is, no matter if it will change their opinion, because as we know some people just are who they are. But we have to start somewhere. It’s unfortunate, but it’s true. But this, it’s about you; it’s about us. And we are real, and we deserve better representation.
To me, I know this post is already too long. It’s rambling and goes everywhere. But to me, I fell back in love with my fandoms. And ClexaCon was so much of everything. A movement that started from a low part in our lives, and that sparked media attention, that brought about a convention that became about us and more. We aren’t just fans, we are artists, creators, fighters, living in an oppressive world that doesn’t want or know our struggles. Well ignorance will no longer be bliss. Life should be about more than just surviving, and if that doesn’t encapsulate this entire convention experience, I don’t know what does. Our community has many voices, and we should listen to all of them. Because we need to remember that in order to move forward, we can’t leave anyone behind.
Life can suck, and I went to the convention only being able to tell a handful of people where I was going. We all left and went back to environments that, overall, aren’t places we feel safe in. And to be teased, in a way, of what we could have is both the most wonderful and terrible thing.  Tomorrow I’ll be turning 25, and I feel a fire in me, sparked from everything I learned and all the inspirational people I met. I want to thank @hedaswarrior, because Erin is so kind and lovely. Like, I don’t know how I got the chance to hang with her, but dammit she’s amazing and Erin, I’m so glad you decided to go because you inspire me and so meeting you in person, I died a little because you’re beautiful and such a thoughtful and generous person. And hanging with you and @critter-of-habit was super fun. You both are awesome ladies. Thanks for making my Saturday night (or technically Sunday morning I guess...haha). Also a special shootout to @foleypdx because, well you know. You, and your wife, literally just are the greatest. My heart is like, but why do I live so far away. You two, thanks for being you. To @shootmaybesomeday, when I thought I was going to be stuck in the airport, I found you and so thanks for talking and kind of helping the transition into the world. Don’t freeze up there. Hope you get your jacket back.
I know I’m forgetting people, and I’m so sorry. To my new friends, to people I reconnected with, again I’m speechless. To the ladies I ran into at H&M Saturday night looking for a bowtie for the Sinful party huddled around the Power to the Girls shirt, and we all had our wristbands and we all just started talking and reminiscing about the weekend, you’re amazing, and I am sorry I didn’t wear my suspenders but I think I pulled off the bowtie pretty damn well. You all are just wonderful and I’m sending everyone hugs and I swear, I am here. I’m not perfect by any means, but I want to keep this community and safe haven in contact, and so if people need to talk, please, I’ll listen. I’ll try to help as best as I can, even if you just need someone to remind you that you’re important, and that I promise it will get better.
Whether you were able to go or not, remember this: we exist. A growing community, a loving and supportive community, not-perfect, but we are learning. If you want to see different panels, email them. Organize a table, use your voice for positive and educational purposes. I want to see everyone represented next year. So, voice your thoughts and your constructive criticism. It was great this year, but it can only get better next year.
Together, we are going to make a better future. We will live our lives, being who we are, proud and without fear and we will love as we do and we will be who we are. Together.
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Anime Conventions You Can Attend Online in 2020
Photo by Kevin Matyi
With SARS-CoV-2 continuing to shut down events and businesses, and the potential of a second wave coming later in the year, anime conventions have needed to adapt and consider the safety of bringing large groups of people close together.
As a result, many conventions have shut down for the year, promising to return next time, some have been postponed to see if the COVID-19 situation changes, and others have moved to virtual conventions to adapt to the current environment. For example, our own Crunchyroll Expo is now a virtual convention scheduled for September 4-6.
  With all of the confusion and rapid changes though, it’s difficult to know what conventions are still going to happen at all in 2020. To help out, here’s a list of every anime convention still happening this year, including when it’s occurring and a link to its website for more information. Check back for updates as situations change.
Photo by Kevin Matyi
Without further adieu, here are the remaining conventions still scheduled to happen in some form during 2020:
    Anime Expo Lite
“Anime Expo is the largest anime con around, with over 100,000 fans in attendance. Grab your friends, craft your cosplay, and get ready to experience anime like never before.” When/Where: July 3-4; Virtual Website
  Aniplex Fest Online
“The festival will feature a diverse array of online content including talk shows with the staff and cast from popular anime, special appearances and past live shows from music artists, and behind-the-scenes stories from the anime industry!” When/Where: July 4-5; Virtual Website
“OokiiSoraCon was formed in 2017 with the mission to develop an ever growing gaming, anime, entertainment and culture driven convention that is affordable and accessible to Montana and the Northwest.” When/Where: July 11; Virtual mini-convention Website
“Okashicon At Home will be a community-driven, virtual two-day event on July 18-19, 2020. Leading up to July 18th, however, we’ll be hosting a number of contests and providing quality content to bring you together with the community you know and love.” When/Where: July 18-19; Virtual Website
KuroNeko Con 
“Get ready for the premier anime convention in Spokane, Washington! Three exciting days of Japanese culture and pop culture at the Spokane Convention Center!” When/Where: July 19; Virtual Website
“AnimeIowa is the largest anime convention in Iowa and still growing, hosting well over 3000 attendees each year.” When/Where: July 31-Aug. 1; Virtual Website
  PopCult Anime Con
“We want to make PCAC feel like a summer vacation compared to more crowded and heavily scheduled cons. A place with all the same great programming, such as the Masquerade, AMV contest, game shows and exhibitors’ room; as well as less common and more relaxing activities like evening dances, blanket fort building workshops, intimate guest opportunities or taking a dip in one of the Sheraton Framingham’s two beautiful pools!” When/Where: Aug. 15-16; Virtual Website
“Otakuthon est le plus grand festival bilingue au Canada célébrant la culture pop japonaise! | Otakuthon is Canada's largest bilingual festival celebrating Japanese pop culture!” When/Where: August; Virtual Website
  Crunchyroll Expo
"We are excited to announce Virtual Crunchyroll Expo, a digital event that celebrates the best and brightest in anime. Join us September 4 - 6 as we come together with our passionate community for amazing guest panels, interactive events, special announcements and more." When/Where: Sept. 4-6; Virtual Website
  Photo by Kevin Matyi
  A few conventions are still going the conventional, in-person route (for now). Think carefully about the risks of attending and please wear a mask if you do.
  Ani-Me Con
“Ani-me Con is the largest anime convention in the central valley!” When/Where: July 11-12; Fresno, CA Website
Delta H Con
“Delta H Con is the budding flower of hobby Gaming enthusiasts and Anime aficionados in the southern United States.” When/Where: July 17-19; Houston, TX Website
  Feria Mundo Anime
“Feria Mundo Anime, the convention of anime, comics, video games and entertainment in the Dominican Republic and one of the largest in Latin America.” When/Where: July 25-26; Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Website
“This Iowa anime convention includes dozens of anime screenings, a plethora of discussions, autograph signings, a dealers hall, and group meetups for fandoms including several anime, BJDs, Homestuck, Lolita fashion, MLP, science-fiction, and video games. We're not just about anime - we are everything Otaku.” When/Where: July 31-Aug. 1; Davenport, IA Website
Anime Sekai
“Anime Sekai is a 3-day convention that celebrates Japanese culture, geek culture, anime & manga, cosplay, tabletop & video gaming, comics, TV shows, movies, and much, much more!” When/Where: July 31-Aug. 2; Abilene, TX Website
Anime: Roseville
“Roseville’s anime convention.” When/Where: Aug.2; Roseville, CA Website
Anime Houston
“Join your fellow anime fans in talking about your favorite anime and cosplays. Come together and learn about anime, video games, and more.” When/Where: Aug. 7-9; Houston, TX Website
Kawaii Kon
“Kawaii Kon is a 3-day convention that celebrates Japanese anime (cartoons), manga (comics), and all facets of Japanese culture.” When/Where: Aug. 7-9; Honolulu, HI Website
“SaikouCon, which means ‘best convention’, is the annual anime convention of Pennsylvania's Pocono Mountains with several side events in the Lehigh Valley, boasting a dedicated staff of longtime Japanese anime and manga fans.” When/Where: Aug. 7-9; White Haven, PA Website
Kin-Yoobi Con
“It's Kin-Yoobi Con's thirteenth year hosting a cosplay gathering & contest, video gaming & tournaments, panel discussions & workshops, dealers hall & artists alley, live music performances, and free food!” When/Where: Aug. 9; Union City, CA Website
Star Con Leon
“Donde la estrella eres tu!” When/Where: Aug. 14-16; Gto, MX Website
“SOUTHERN OREGON's ONLY anime convention.” When/Where: Aug. 15; Medford, OR Website
  Superstar Anime
“SUPERSTAR ANIME is a new annual 2-day convention held in Virginia Beach, VA or fans of Japanese Animation, Entertainment, and Culture.” When/Where: Aug. 15-16; Virginia Beach, VA Website
Anime Matsuri
“Anime Matsuri is the spectacular annual anime and Japanese pop culture convention hosted in Houston’s George R. Brown Convention Center. Join attendees from over 30 different countries in a celebration of anime, music, art and cosplay, with hundreds of hours of programing and exciting Guests, Celebrities and Industry Experts.” When/Where: Aug. 20-23; Houston, TX Website
Liberty City Anime Con
“The best three-day anime convention in New York City.” When/Where: Aug. 21-23; New York City, NY Website
Tiger Con
“Welcome to Tiger Con III. The third year of Valdosta’s anime, gaming, cosplay and comic convention.” When/Where: Aug. 22-23; Valdosta, GA Website
Anime Magic
“We're a convention by fans, for fans with a focus on FUN. This isn't your typical cookie-cutter convention! We have all the normal fanfare you've come to expect from other conventions, while pushing the boundaries even further.” When/Wherel: Aug. 28-30; Schaumburg, IL Website
“MizuCon is an annual convention that celebrates Anime and Japanese culture.” When/Where: August (and ongoing livestream events); Miami, FL Website
“Colossalcon is a Japanese animation convention held in Northern Ohio during the beginning of June each year, and prides itself with being the region’s kick-off to the start of summer vacation.” When/Where: Sept. 2-6; Sandusky, OH Website
Meta Con Minneapolis
“MetaCon is a massive entertainment expo filled with exhibitors, guest stars, interactive events, costuming, exhibitors, artists, entertainers, and beyond. We bring together thousands of geeks for a three-day celebration of geek culture and nerd life.” When/Where: Sept. 4-6; Minneapolis, MN Website
Nan Desu Kan
“For us, the love of anime and Japanese culture isn’t just a marketing tool or a nifty side feature on our schedule; It’s our purpose for existing and a mandate of our Nonprofit Charter. We bring people together to further the knowledge of Japanese Art, animation and culture, and welcome people from all over the region under our roof.” When/Where: Sept. 4-6; Aurora, CO Website
“SacAnime is the show where ‘Fans Come to Play’. Our philosophy has always been to provide fun, safe, family friendly environment, with top shelf entertainment at a reasonable price.” When/Where: Sept. 4-6; Sacramento, CA Website
San Japan
“San Japan is the Largest Anime & Gaming Convention in the South Texas Region.” When/Where: Sept. 4-6; San Antonio, TX Website
Saboten Con
“Saboten Con is the largest anime convention in Arizona with attendance reaching 13,298 (unique) / 37,983 (turnstile) for the 2018 event.” When/Where: Sept. 4-7; Phoenix, AZ Website
RTX Austin
“RTX is the world’s greatest celebration of gaming, animation, comedy, and internet culture.” When/Where: Sept. 5-7; Austin, TX Website
“A summer-camp and anime convention hybrid that is perfect for all ages, families, geeks, & otakus of every kind. With activities like boating, archery, and rock-climbing, & panels for every fandom and interest, there's something for everyone at CampAnime.” When/Where: Sept. 11-13; Woodstock Valley, CT Website
Star Con Lagos de Moreno
“Donde la estrella eres tu.” When/Where: Sept. 12-13; Jal, MX Website
Anime USA
“At its heart, Anime USA seeks to discuss and promote anime; other associated arts such as storytelling, costuming, and voice acting; and Japanese culture at large.” When/Where: Sept. 18-20; Washington, D.C. Website
Colossalcon East
“We offer the most fun you will ever have at an anime, gaming, and Japanese culture convention.” When/Where: Sept. 18-20; Pocono Mountains, PA Website
Crystal Millenium Convention
“The Crystal Millennium Convention, also known as Crystal Con, is an anime themed event held in Vancouver, Canada dedicated to the magical girl genre, specifically the groundbreaking 1992 Japanese animated series Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon.” When/Where: Sept. 18-20; British Columbia, CA Website
“Ramencon was built by anime fans for anime fans. We get a lot of our ideas from the fans. We want you to feel that this is your convention.” When/Where: Sept. 25-27; South Bend, IN Website
Senshi Con
“Senshi Con is an annual convention that caters to enthusiasts of Asian culture, animation, graphic novels, and gaming held in Anchorage, AK.” When/Where: Sept. 25-27; Anchorage, AK Website
“We aim to service and celebrate our local talents as well as showcasing international ones, by creating an outlet of expression for them through the next big convention in Toronto, KimiKon!” When/Where: Sept. 26-27; Ontario, CA Website
Queen City AniFest
“Queen City AniFest is a single-day convention held to celebrate anime, games, all things nerdy in Regina and the surrounding area.” When/Where: Oct. 3; Saskatchewan, CA Website
Super Dimension Convention
“Originally known as ‘MacrossWorld Convention’, Super Dimension Convention (SDCon) is the largest gathering of Macross fans in North America!” When/Where: Oct. 3; Torrance, CA Website
Pop Culture Convention
“Pop Culture Con is a convention that brings together the talents and passion of local fans and businesses; created to be a safe place where people can come and geek out either as an attendee, guest, or volunteer. A convention that local fans can call their own.” When/Where: Oct. 9-10; Provo, UT Website
“Tsubasacon is West Virginia’s first Anime, Gaming and Cosplay convention.” When/Where: Oct. 8-10; Charleston, WV Website
Bakuretsu Con
“Bakuretsu Con is Vermont's premiere anime convention! Our family-friendly event draws approximately 600 attendees, and is sponsored by The Anime Society of Vermont, a public, non-profit organization whose primary mission is to promote cultural awareness and diversity through the celebration of anime and manga.” When/Where: Oct. 16-17; Colchester, VT  Website
Animatic Con
“Animatic Con started in March of 2015 with the idea of delivering to the fandoms across the U.S. a convention that was fun, and had a higher purpose. After much consideration and discussion, we decided that we wanted to help raise funds for Autism, and with that we wanted to create a convention that welcomed people with limitations, and accommodate to their needs.” When/Where: Oct. 16-18; Cincinnati, OH Website
Anime Banzai
“Presented by UAP, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, this three-day weekend is filled with anime, manga, gaming, Asian culture, guests, panels, games, contests, kids’ events, viewing rooms, an Artist’s Alley, an Exhibitor’s Hall, silent auctions for various charities, two dances, and so much more.” When/Where: Oct. 16-18; Layton, UT Website
Anime Fusion
“Anime Fusion is truly a convention for all ages, with many family-friendly activities along with 18+ restricted programming for the older crowd. With our family discount options, it’s the perfect place for parents and children to share their love of anime and games. Our nightlife features dances and room parties, and the daytime hours are filled with panels and activities.” When/Where: Oct. 16-18; Plymouth, MN Website
AnimeCon Arkansas 
“Join us for a magical celebration of fandoms, geeky stuff, animation, art, music, and everything else beautiful!” When/Where: Oct. 16-18; Little Rock, AK Website
Another Anime Convention
“Another Anime Convention is a run by people who love Japanese culture especially Japanese animation. It is a place for fans to gather in New Hampshire for a three day convention to enjoy events, special guest's and other media that celebrate aspects of Japanese culture.” When/Where: Oct. 16-18; Westford, MN Website
“YumeCon staff aspires to create a more intimate con experience than what you might find at a large scale convention. Enjoy cosplay, gaming, panels, and a maid cafe in a friendly environment.” When/Where: Oct. 17; Palo Alto, CA Website
“Kantaicon is an anime event that will be held on Oct 24th, 2020 at the AAF Tank Museum. Vendors and Artists will be selling their wares and cosplay is encouraged!” When/Where: Oct. 24; Danville, VA Website
Anime Weekend Atlanta
“AWA has been recognized as one of the most popular Japanese Animation conventions in the United States, and one of the top ten attended anime conventions in North America. In 2016, over 28,000 people attended the event.” When/Where: Oct. 29 - Nov. 1; Atlanta, GA Website
“Youmacon is a celebration of Japanese animation, videogames, popular culture and costuming, and its influence on our own culture over the past few decades.” When/Where: Oct. 29 - Nov. 1; Detroit, MI Website
“While Banzaicon is a Japanese anime convention, we offer a wide variety of programming options by diverse members of the community throughout the course of the weekend which include our costume contest, dances, events and discussions featuring anime industry guests, game shows, and a wealth of educational seminars and workshops about not only anime, but manga, video games and aspects of Japanese culture as well.” When/Where: Oct. 30 - Nov. 1; Columbia, SC Website
“DerpyCon is New Jersey’s Anime, Gaming, Sci-Fi, and Comic Convention, bringing every nerdy genre under one roof.” When/Where: Oct. 30 - Nov. 1; New Brunswick, NJ Website
“LUMI-CON is a Florida Halloween Convention based off Animation, Video Games, Cosplay and Interactive events!!” When/Where: Oct. 30 - Nov. 1; Tampa, FL Website
“Oni-Con offers many things to do such as: anime viewing rooms, a manga lounge, table top and card gaming, an arcade, concerts, contests, dances, demonstrations, a masquerade and various panels.” When/Where: Oct. 30 - Nov. 1; Galveston, TX Website
Anime Festival Orlando
“Anime Festival Orlando has earned the title of “Florida’s Favorite Anime Convention” as well as being voted one of the “Top 10 Things To Do In Orlando” by DK Publishing’s Travel Guide.” When/Where: Nov. 6-8; Orlando, FL Website
Anime Nebraskon
“Anime NebrasKon is Nebraska's longest running Anime Convention! Our mission is to connect all people and community through Japanese animation and pop culture with education and activity.” When/Where: Nov. 6-8; Omaha, NE Website
“NekoCon is Virginia's oldest and longest running anime convention. Spanning nearly two decades, NekoCon is dedicated to bringing you the finest in entertainment from the world of anime, educating it's attendees on Japanese culture, and expanding horizons with new and innovative programming.” When/Where: Nov. 6-8; Hampton, VA Website
Anime Iwai
“With a decade on convention experience behind us, we have both learned a lot about how to run a convention and seen the changes that have taken place within the con community over the years. We are proud to have contributed this labor of love to a community and a culture that has provided us entertainment, insight, and so much more.” When/Where: Nov. 13-15; Fort Lauderdale, FL Website
“Sierra Nevada Anime Fans Unite Convention (SNAFU Con) is a collaborative effort of local anime, game, comic-book, and science-fiction fans. Our goal is to provide a convention that will benefit both the producers within the local area and community at large. The primary goal is to connect local fans to each other as well as producers and retailers, allowing them to interact with their customers in a fun and relaxed setting.” When/Where: Nov. 13-15; Reno, NV Website
J-1 Con
“Are you a fan of animation, cosplay, gaming (tabletop, card and console), artists, vendors, panels, and live music? You’ve come to the right convention! You can enjoy all of that here, for a GREAT PRICE!” When/Where: Nov. 14-15; Atlantic City, NJ Website
“Con-Nichiwa is the largest anime convention in Tucson Arizona with attendance reaching over 2,000 yearly.” When/Where: Nov. 20-22; Tucson, AZ Website
Sin City Anime
“Our mission is to create and orchestrate an anime convention focused on three values. Entertainment, Inclusion, and Guest Hospitality.” When/Where: Nov. 20-22; Las Vegas, NV  Website
Pacific Media Expo
“Pacific Media Expo is a new generation of convention for a new generation of fans! PMX brings the cutting edge of Asian entertainment to America, whether it is the newest anime from Japan, the hottest bands from the Pacific Rim, the latest street fashion from Harajuku, or the most disturbing horror films from Asia.” When/Where: Nov. 21-22; Pasadena, CA Website
Anime Pasadena
“Now in our 3rd year, we are creating an awesome 2 day event with a focus on Anime, Cosplay and Nerd Culture in Pasadena, California.” When/Where: Nov. 28-29; Pasadena, CA Website
Holiday Matsuri
“Holiday Matsuri is a multi-genre convention that brings the members of our community together during the holidays to have fun and give back!” When/Where: Dec. 18-20; Orlando, FL Website
  Know of a convention we missed? Tells us about it in the comments!
    Kevin Matyi is a freelance features writer for Crunchyroll. He's been watching anime for as long as he can remember, and his favorite shows tend to be shonen and other action series.
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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itsmeredith · 6 years
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