#we are forgiving and it will kill us one day but you guys are caught in a diet version of cult dynamics
katyspersonal · 11 months
Anon from last time here - I am being 100% genuine, from a non-westerner to another non-westerner. Americans who believe they own the internet will be the death of me one of those days, thinking that their country's culture should be the universal standard... Well, i understand why you might think it wasn't genuine given your complicated situation right now. I really do hope that things settle down soon and you'll be left to enjoy things in peace, though, because i did enjoy reading your lore posts and the thought you put behind all of the things you say. I also hope you have a good day today! ❤️
Awwwwh, I can't help but to use this image again:
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Yeah, it is.... Absurd, how MANY people without basic comprehension of how humans work and having cultish level of purism towards whatever person they decided to dehumanise just happen to be Americans. I want to find a better name for this phenomenon than "SJW wokeness" because this term is ruined by people that throw it at literally anyone who is as much as not strictly conservative, but whatever this mentality is sure it comes from USA.
On the OTHER hand, I am not doing good by generalising, especially as someone who should be well familiar with my entire nation seen as evil because of...... well, SOME things outside of control of the normal ones of us, let's call it that ok? I don't really want to automatically shun Americans who are normal and have second-hand shame for what they're associated with in worldwide internet, like... sure there must be a nicer way to communicate this anger and frustration than attributing it to nation, it is a dangerous path you know? Some people from other countries pick that mentality too, like, what about them then? sighhhh,,,.
I side-tracked, but thank you very much nice anon, you are so cool 🥺 My trust issues increased, mostly thanks to A. who faked forgiving and chillness for 40 days and then just could not resist the temptation to participate in cancelling, but it comes down to the 'do I suffer betrayals in search for genuinety or lose both forever'? Even if things never calm down, 1) I am obnoxious canon purist ( /j) and my love for these videogames lays within source material first and fandom second, so I am past the stage of letting bad fandom experience ruin my passion and 2) They're self-isolating from the sane people within crazy witch-hunters like themselves by compiling every single time I was angry (or my friend on my behalf) through years to paint me as a monster that should be cut off from society; the problem with sanitized groups like this is that their bonds are based on hatred for external enemies and fear, they eat their own, so they won't see a happy future anyway. If one of them happens to develop mental problems that are not something tame like social anxiety and defensive self-loathing... I dread to think what happens, really. Their """allies""" will whisper and mock behind their back and plot against them.
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Okay, I side-tracked AGAIN, but there are just so many things to cover @_@" No matter how clear I make myself, there is always something else I want to add! But there will be more lore posts, that's sure!
And I hope you have a good day too!
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Florrickology, Part 4: Florrick, Wyll, Ulder, and Character Assassination
We all know it, we all hate it. They did my beloved dirty, used her to shit all over Wyll's quest at what should be a climactic moment, and I will never forgive never forget it.
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In Act 3, if Wyll rejects Mizora's offer to rescue his father from the Iron Throne in favor of keeping his pact broken, Florrick will ambush the party, inform them that "Lady Mizora" told her what he did, and seek retribution unless talked down.
This is stupid, makes no sense, assassinates Florrick's character for no good reason, and represents some of Larian's laziest NPC writing--unsurprisingly, in the midst of Wyll's personal quest, and smack dab in what's supposed to be the climax of one of the longest quests in the game.
As I said in previous posts, Florrick being willing to go to the mat for Ulder any day or time of the week is consistent with her other characterization.
Up to the point of this confrontation, the player has observed that she'll follow Ulder to literal hell and back, chase him across half a continent, and become so disappointed in her perceived failure to save him and, by extension, the entire city, that she completely gives up and quietly awaits execution, without even trying to escape (which she probably could do, as a level 11, probably Enchantment School wizard).
All her voice lines and all the things others say about her paint the picture of a loyal and true-blue friend, and a public servant of the highest caliber, "as steady as Tyr's heartbeat" and "as upstanding as the Sword Mountains." She may be sharp and shrewd, and perhaps a bit domineering and curt, but she's not cruel. She may be a bit cavalier, but she's never rash.
She's not stupid. She may be more emotional than she seems.
She has killed someone before, on the spot, for coming after Ulder. It's consistent that she would do it again, even if she had to hunt them down this time and risk being caught by the Steel Watch. In her mind, she has nothing left to lose.
What is not consistent is her being willing to kill Wyll on a flimsy accusation (that she doesn't even really believe if you read her thoughts).
Now as I've mentioned, Florrick doesn't seem to feel any particular way about Wyll; she seems to regard him simply as her friend and boss' son, just a good kid she patted on the head at parades, and when they meet again in Waukeen's Rest, as a valuable asset in rescuing Ulder and saving the city.
And I like this! It highlights that Ulder was Wyll's entire world, and it was Ulder, alone, who failed him and cast him aside. I think this is also part of why there's never any indication that Florrick and Ulder are/were romantically involved, because this would change the expectations for how she treats/feels about Wyll. But as it stands, simply being a woman in the vicinity of a child, even one in need, didn't obligate her to be a mother.
And this the feeling is mutual. In-game, there's also no indication that Wyll had or desired had any sort of personal relationship with her, as he talks about her accomplishments but not, say, seeking her out for advice or spending time with her. He mentions crushing on Stellmayne, but when asked about Florrick, he goes right to "yeah she fucks, she sniped a guy right in front of me once." He only regards her in relation to his father and the city, never himself. She's his dad's confidant and advisor, and an exemplary public servant, but nothing in particular to him.
So, it's not how Florrick feels about Wyll that makes it out of character for her to attack him, but because of how she knows Ulder feels about Wyll.
She says herself, when talked down in that confrontation, that Ulder wanted her to find Wyll and pass his birthright on if he fell, because as many mistakes as Ulder made, and as wrong as he was, and as unacceptable as his behavior was, in the end, he trusted his boy with the fate of his beloved city.
So, Florrick would never betray Ulder by attacking his son, without irrefutable evidence, especially when she'd been told explicitly to trust and help Wyll by the person she respects and reveres the most in the entire world.
As one of the most prominent NPCs in the game, appearing with a fairly significant role in all three acts, and who's been demonstrated to be an unquestionable heroic figure all along, Florrick deserved better than what she got in this blatantly lazy, formulaic scene.
And that's the answer to the question of 'why is this scene so bad?' - lazy, formulaic writing.
That's also probably the answer to any 'why is this Act 3 moment and/or NPC interaction so clunky?' question. This confrontation is Like That because it's how every every NPC Confrontation is: someone is willing to kill you for variably logical reasons, unless you talk your way out of it, and the end result is only nominally different, so it was pointless from the jump. It's the illusion of drama and conflict and a plot twist, not real drama and conflict and plot twist. Of course she (andWyllcoughcough) isn't safe from the "uh oh this game isn't done but we're shipping it anyway so we better make this story beat messy, both under-and over-whelming, and confusing to match the overall tone of Act 3" curse.
So you might then move on to, "okay, well, what's the in-universe explanation for this? How can we make it make sense, considering what we know about Florrick?"
I won't give them credit for implying anything they didn't bother to imply, even though they could have gone several other routes with about 2 lines of better dialogue and a simple animation. So, I think the only true, canonical reason Florrick does this is exactly what's presented in the text. She was approached by "Lady" Mizora, a stranger, told a lie, only half-believed it, slapped a fuckass hood on over her very distinctive freakum dress, went on the hunt, and ambushed the party in front of like 50 human, 5 cat, and 3 Steel Watch witnesses even though she's a fugitive marked for execution.
That's it. There's no further context. Again, nothing implied. As you can tell by this entire series, I will read into anything, and there's simply nothing to read into here.
No indication that Mizora charmed or is controlling Florrick, a simple explanation that could have been easily been introduced with about 1 line, a special effect, and a mocap of her "snapping out of it."
No revelation that "Lady" Mizora has been posing as a patriar and pulling strings in Baldur's Gate for the last seven years, working closely with and maybe kissin haha jk... unless Florrick, making it perfectly reasonable why she'd believe Mizora over Wyll, who's been not only missing BUT cavorting with devils for those same seven years, which is ironic because Florrick had unknowingly been doing the same thing (juicy!). (more thoughts on this)
There's not even really a feeling that Florrick, who again did all that mentioned above for Ulder and her city, is simply just so heartbroken and grieving and demoralized that she's experiencing a mental breakdown and a critical lapse in judgement, grasping at anything to make it make sense or to make her feel in control again, even if she has her doubts deep down. Again, this could have easily been written in with a few lines and some body language. I feel like this is what they thought they did, but the fact is they didn't even though it would have been easy and cost basically 0 extra resources or time.
Clearly, this scene got rubber-stamped because they (painfully correctly) assumed that nobody would care about Wyll's storyline at this point, and his supporting character Florrick with it. They probably just figured that we'd all forget how wack it was when we continued the quest and got gagged by the Emporer being a gay dragon-fucker and also Balduran.
So, what would have made this scene/part of the quest better?
To be clear, better is a pretty low bar as the canonical version full-on sucks. The above suggestions are only what could have made this specific scene (Florrick Confronts Wyll About Killing His Father) better. But really, Wyll's quest, as we all know, needs an overhaul. So, below is what's overall needed to make Wyll's entire quest in Act 3 better.
maintain Florrick's characterization (this post is about Florrick after all)
give Wyll a chance to be a hero in his own story
actually utilize Mizora, who's truly been pretty pointless all this time
provide a sense of stakes--it has to matter what happens
get everything the fuck away from that fucking magic show
I had a whole alternative Act 3 storyline written to suggest, Boss Fight Mizora Avernus and all, but realized just before posting that it doesn't work because it ends with Wyll destroying his pact, and he does sort of need that to remain a warlock for the endgame (being forced to re-class at the 11th hour would be a bit of a bold move). But trust me it was cool and better than what we got.
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waitimcomingtoo · 1 year
Part Of Your World ~ p.p
chapter eight: in pain, in need
series masterlist
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Peter trudged home after spending the entire day in the ocean. He called your name from every cliff point, rock, and boardwalk until he resorted to jumping into the water. He swam as far as he could and dove under the water to scream your name. Once the sun was starting to set, he gave up for the day. He felt his deadline working against him as he watched the sun sink below the horizon. He had just wasted one of his three days and no longer felt confident that he’d get you back in time. He didn’t want to go home to May soaking wet, so he went to his room in the tower to shower off the day. When he pushed open his bedroom door, he jumped at the sight of you with your back to him.
“You’re here?” He asked in disbelief. You froze at the sound of his voice and remembered your mission.
“I came to get some of my things.” You said without turning to look at him. Peters head jutted back when he heard your voice and quickly looked down to see if you still had your legs.
“You can talk?”
“Someone gave me my voice back. Is that okay with you?” You asked sarcastically as you looked over your shoulder at him.
“Yeah, of course that’s okay. It’s better then okay. I know that’s what you always wanted.” Peter said sincerely as he put a hand on your shoulder. You were quick to push it off.
“It is what I always wanted. I could’ve had my voice from the beginning but you didn’t seem to like that idea.” You snapped before turning to leave his room.
“Please don’t go.” He said softly and caught your wrist. You heard the desperation in his voice and stopped trying to leave. You turned to look at him and finally noticed that he was soaked.
“Why are you all wet?”
“I was out looking for you.”
“In the ocean? Why? You had no way of finding me.”
“That doesn’t mean I can’t try.” Peter said simply, making your heart ache. You looked away from in because looking into his eyes would lead to forgiving him.
“I have to go.” You said instead and started to walk away again.
“Wait.” He caught your arm. “Can we talk about this? Please? Our story can’t just end like this.”
“Oh, now you want to talk? I thought you just liked me for my listening skills.” You asked and folded your arms.
“Did you really like me, Peter?” You interrupted. “Or did you like the pretty little mermaid you could keep as a pet?”
“What? You were never a pet. Of course I liked you. I…I loved-“
“I just think it’s really interesting that you knew why I couldn’t speak but didn’t do anything to fix it.” You cut him off again. “If I hadn’t gone in the water that day, you would’ve let me go the rest of my life without telling me the truth. It makes me wonder if you like your women to be silent.”
“I don’t. We were together for a month before you ever came to land. I came back to you every single night because I wanted to be with you. It wasn’t about who was talking and who was listening. It was about us.” Peter insisted and you couldn’t help but to believe him. You knew who Peter was in his heart and he wasn’t a bad guy, as much as you wanted him to be. And if he wasn’t a bad guy, you’d have a much harder time killing him. Peter saw that you were deep in thought and grew hopeful that he hadn’t totally lost you.
“Maybe we could go out tomorrow. On a date. And you can talk. And I can listen.” Peter suggested. You instinctively wanted to say no, until you remembered what you had to do. If you were alone with him, you might have an opportunity to do what you had to do.
“Okay.” You agreed, making Peter smile. You felt guilty when you saw his smile, knowing how tomorrow had to end.
“I’ll see you then?” He smiled hopefully. You couldn’t look at him so you just nodded your head and swiftly left.
Knowing how you reacted last time Peter took you to a fancy restaurant, he made a plan to take you on a walk around Central Park. You walked to the spot where you agreed to meet up with Peter with your knife in your back pocket. It was burning against your skin in anticipation of being used. You spotted him by a bench and felt your heart pounding in your chest. This night had to end with him dead or else you’d be doomed back to the ocean forever as sea foam.
Peter, on the other hand, had a different goal in mind. This night needed to end with a kiss or else he’d lose you forever. Peter spotted you and waved you over with a happy smile. You sighed sadly before going to sit beside him.
“Hey. You look really pretty.” He awkwardly complimented you and you felt like strangers on a first date.
You tugged at your clothes in an attempt to look busy because looking in his eyes felt impossible right now. You didn’t want to admit it to yourself, but you didn’t want to kill him. No part of you wanted him dead, no matter how angry you were. Peter could tell that you were deep in thought and cleared his throat to remind you he was there. You looked over at him and his little awkward smile made you gulp. You clenched and unclenched your hand a few times and cringed at how awkward you felt. Peter started to point out the weather, the foliage, and the people walking by just to have something to talk about. He was talking fast, faster than usual for him. It was the kind of rapid speaking one does when the thought of a moment of silent happening was unbearable to think about. A few minutes into Peters spiel about the invention of the street lamp, the irony of the situation dawned on you. You were finally able to talk to Peter and yet you were still the one listening. Peter noticed your blank stare and stopped talking.
“What are you thinking about?” He asked quietly. You turned to look at him and remembered the way his side profile used to look lit up by the setting sun behind him on the rock he would meet you at in the ocean.
“I’m thinking about how a month, you did all the talking and I did all the listening. I could never tell you how I felt or what I was thinking.” You said finally.
“So tell me now. I’m listening.” Peter insisted.
“I feel angry.”
“Okay. That’s a good start. What’s making you angry?”
“I feel like I risked it all for you and you let me down.”
“But you didn’t risk it all for me. You risked it all for you. Being on land was always your dream. I just helped you get there.” Peter reminded you in a gentle tone. You turned away as you thought about what he said. He wasn’t even wrong. You had wanted to be on land long before you ever met Peter. You would’ve risked it all for any means of getting there.
“Do you think if we met on land, we’d still be together?” You asked suddenly.
“I don’t know. I’d like to think so.” Peter told you.
“I don’t know either.” You answered honestly and thought back to the long conversations you used to have on that rock. That seemed like so long ago now, like a different life.
“What are you thinking now?” Peter asked as he searched your eyes.
“I don’t know if risking it all was the right thing to do.” You admitted without looking at him.
“Do you regret coming on land?” Peter asked as he turned his body to give you his full attention.
“No. But I have doubts sometime. I’m afraid I’ll always feel like an outsider. I will never forget the way your classmates stared at me. Or the way the people at the restaurant looked down on me. I was among them but I wasn’t one of them. They all knew it. I wasn’t part of their world and I never will be.”
“That was your first day. What did you tell me about the bad men? You didn’t let one bad man change your idea of all men. Why is it different from humans?” Peter responded. You thought about what he said for a minute and looked down at your hands.
“I think blaming you for not enjoying the land as much as I thought I would makes it easier to admit that this wasn’t as magical as I always dreamed.” You realized.
“I still deserve some blame. I still lied to you.” Peter pointed out. Him acknowledging that what he did was wrong made it ever harder to stay mad at him.
“I guess I was so hurt that you lied that I never thought about why you did it.” You admitted for the first time out loud. What he did was wrong, but he did it in an attempt to protect you.
“Does it still hurt?”
“A little. I don’t know how to trust you anymore.”
“You can trust me. I’ll never lie to you again. I promise.”
“How do I know you’re not lying now?”
“Because I now I know how it feels to lose you and I’m never going to risk it again.” Peter said definitively. You absentmindedly cracked a smile at his sincerity but quickly looked away. The knife was burning against your skin with the end goal of being buried into Peters. Peter took your silence as accepting his apology and took a leap of faith.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked shyly, drawing your attention back to him. You nodded before you knew what you agreed to and started to lean in.
“Flower for the lady?” A man asked as he thrust a flower between you and Peter. You jumped apart and Peter looked at him angrily for ruining his moment.
“No, thank you. I’m full.” You told the man and he left you alone. Peter sighed in frustration and felt his deadline approaching.
“It’s getting late. We should probably get home.” You smiled awkwardly and stood up.
“Oh. Sure.” Peter smiled sadly and got up as well. You walked to the exit of the park together with your hands bumping awkwardly. Once your hands touched Peter, you quickly pulled it away and touched the knife in your back pocket to check that it was still there. Peter noticed you grabbing at something but didn’t ask. When you got out of the park, you realized you had to go in different directions.
“Can I see you tomorrow?” Peter asked hopefully. Tomorrow was the last day he could get the kiss. If he failed again, he may never see you again.
“Yeah. Sure.” You responded, surprising Peter. He didn’t know that the only reason you agreed to see him again was because you had the same deadline to meet.
“I have class until 3. I can meet you after?”
“I’ll be there.” You nodded. Peter smiled and went to hug you, then withdrew. You smiled in embarrassment and gave him an awkward side hug. He hugged you back with one arm and then shoved his hands into his pockets.
“Wait, where is home for you right now?” Peter asked you.
“Oh, I’ve been staying with May.” You admitted. Peters face changed to an expression you didn’t recognize. He looked almost sick and then laughed sadly.
“Sleeping in my bed?” He asked with a sad smile.
“Yeah.” You reluctantly admitted.
“Without me.” His sad smile stayed as he nodded his head. You’d been sleeping on his sheets and he never would’ve known.
“I’m so sorry for the way things turned out.” He said after a beat of silence. You swallowed hard and felt your hand touch the knife in your pocket again. He kept making it so hard.
“Maybe we could sleep together tonight.” You said suddenly as an idea came to you.
“Do you know what sleep together means?” Peter asked skeptically.
“Sleep at the same time in the same place?”
“Okay. That’s what I thought.” Peter chuckled. “Why don’t we walk back to the tower? My bed is bigger there.”
“Okay.” You nodded and followed him in the direction of the tower. You put your hand on your back pocket to check that your weapon was still there. Once Peter fell asleep tonight, you could kill him and slip out before anyone saw you. You figured that killing him while he was asleep was more humane since he’d never see it coming. It would also be easier for you since you wouldn’t have to look him in the eyes as you ended his life. Your anxiety pooled with every step you took and by the time you made it to Peters bedroom, you felt like you were having a heart attack. Peter let you use the bathroom first where you scrubbed your face clean of makeup and stared at your reflection. You had to look away because you couldn’t bear to look at yourself knowing what you were about to do.
When Peter went into the bathroom to brush his teeth, you took the opportunity to hide the knife under his mattress. You slipped it in just enough so you could easily reach it but he couldn’t see it. The sound of Peter opening the bathroom door made you scream as you jumped in the air.
“Woah. Are you all right?” He chuckled as he eyed you with concern.
“I’m fine. Just really tired. Let’s go to bed.” You lied and quickly ushered him to the bed. Peter found your haste strange but didn’t question it as he climbed into the bed. When you saw he had gotten in on the side with the knife, you accidentally let out a huge gasp. Peter looked at you with concern and you quickly faked a smile.
“Sorry. I just prefer that side of the bed if you don’t mind.”
“Oh. Sure. I don’t mind at all.” Peter laughed awkwardly again and scooted over. Your heart pounded in your chest as you climbed into bed beside him. You could feel the knife beneath you burning a hole into your skin so you turned on your side with your back to Peter. He noticed your withdrawn position and frowned in disappointment. He didn’t know why you wanted to sleep in the same bed, but he thought he’d at least get to hold you.
“Good night.” You said robotically and shut the light. Peter stared up at the ceiling with a million questions he wanted to ask you. He didn’t understand why you wanted to sleep with him if you didn’t even want to talk.
You, on the other hand, were cringing at how awkward the situation was because you knew he must be extremely confused. You almost wished he’d just ask you what was going on because then you could tell him. You could tell him that you made a deal with a sea witch and now you had to kill him or else you’d be turned to sea foam. And knowing Peter, he’d have a solution for you. Peter always had a solution. And if he couldn’t find one in this situation, he’d let you kill him. That became the worst part of this for you. Knowing that if Peter knew what your situation was, he’d let you kill him without a moment’s hesitation. But instead, you had to do it in secret once he fell asleep like a coward. You felt yourself getting emotional and wanted to get it over with so you could stop thinking about it.
“Are you asleep yet?” You asked into the darkness.
“Not yet. Why?”
“No reason.” You quickly lied.
“Are you okay?” Peter asked and rolled over to face you. Your heart pounded in your chest and he could hear it.
“I’m fine. Just go to sleep.” You said and rolled away from him. Your back was to him now but Peter could still hear the way your heart was pounding. You were anxious about something, but he didn’t know what.
“I can’t.” He whined a little.
“Why not?” You looked over your shoulder at him with slight annoyance.
“I’m scared this is the last time we’ll ever speak.” He admitted, making your eyes soften. You felt yourself about to tear up and quickly turned away.
“Well don’t think about that.”
“What should I think of?” He asked you.
“I don’t know. Anything else.” You gulped back your grief and slowly moved your hand under the mattress where you had hidden the knife. There was a long pause of silence and you tried to listen to his breathing to see if he’d fallen asleep yet.
“I remember your face when you realized what I did.” Peter said suddenly, making you squeeze your eyes shut in frustration.
“Peter.” You groaned. “Just go to sleep.”
“You weren’t even mad. You were just betrayed.” He continued as if you hadn’t said anything.
“Go to sleep”. Your voice shook and threatened to crack as your fingers wrapped around the knife.
“Did you mean it when you said you didn’t love me anymore?” Peter sat up on his elbow to ask you. Your fingers froze on the knife and Peter saw chills cover every inch of your skin.
“No. I didn’t mean that.” You admitted and tightened your grip on the knife. A silence settled between you again and you held your breath in anticipation of his next words.
“Do you still love me?” Peter asked, making your fingers slip off of the knife. You could feel him staring at you and felt sweat dripping down your face.
“Go to sleep, Peter.” You whispered.
“I love you. I’ve loved you since the day we met.” He continued. “I wish I said that before we broke up. I wish I had told you sooner.”
“I still would’ve been mad at you.” You said as a tear leaked out of your face and onto the pillow.
“I know. But I still wish I said it.” Peter said softly. You covered your hand with your mouth so he wouldn’t hear you crying and tightened your hands on the knife again.
“I miss you.” Peter said in a quiet voice.
“I’m right here.”
“I can’t feel you.” Peter responded, making you let go of the knife again.
“Go to sleep.” Was all you could say.
“Okay.” Peter gave up and laid on his back.
You stayed perfectly still and listened to his breathing until it gradually started getting slower. You were scared to move in case you accidentally woke him up. Without any clock to look at, it felt like hours were going by as you waited for him to fall asleep. Finally, you heard small snores coming from behind you. Your anxiety was making you feel sick as you slipped your hand back under the mattress and grabbed the knife. You got out of bed and stood over Peter while he slept. He looked so peaceful and so unaware of what was about to happen. You wrapped both hands above the knife and held it high above your head to give yourself a perfect aim at his heart. Your hands shook and tears spilled down your face as you stared down at Peter. You didn’t want to do it. He didn’t deserve it. But if he didn’t die tonight, that meant you would. You loved him, but you didn’t know if you loved him enough to give your life for his. Peter stirred a little in his sleep and you knew it was now or never. Without taking another second to think, you brought the knife down.
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bird-inacage · 2 months
The Heart Killers Trailer: Initial Observations (FirstKhao Edition)
I'd like to thank Jesus, Buddha, Santa, Thor, whatever holy BL spirits reside above, and all hail our lord and saviour P'Jojo. This exceeded my expectations of what was coming and then some. So here are my initial takeaways from the trailer that blew my head clean off.
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General premise goes: By night, Fadel and Bison are assassins for hire, but they only kill who they deem are the 'bad guys' (most likely corrupt politicians, sketchy businessmen and the like). By day they run a seemingly ordinary restaurant. A cop asks tattoo artist Kant for his help is getting these two caught. He agrees on the basis that this will clear his criminal record. In order to keep Fadel distracted from his advances on Bison, Kant convinces his mechanic friend Style to woo him. I expect to see cat-and-mouse, games of deception type plot here which should be really good fun.
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Aside from the fact that Bison kills for a living, he actually seems like a sweetheart. He comes across as the more jovial, friendly and optimistic of the two brothers. He has no hesitation in offering to make special accommodations for Kant's dietary preferences. He seems to fondly prod his brother to open up to people, and to allow 'sunshine' into his life.
Fadel says, "Because I'm selective, not easy like you". "In this line of work, don't trust people too easily", a signposted concern that his little brother may struggle on this front. Seems to make a point of warning him to use his head rather than his heart.
Bison also tells Kant that his trust once lost means the person is question may as well be dead to him. If he does tend to trust easily, any betrayal would be understandably much more hurtful in his eyes.
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Kant's ulterior motive is what brings him to Bison in the first place. The two supposedly have a one night stand, which leads to Kant falling in love with him. Whilst both parties are hiding who they really are, and what they're really up to, Kant appears increasingly guilty and conflicted by this. "What if I'm not who you think I am. Would you hate me then?" But on the other hand his feelings of guilt go hand in hand with the knowledge that Bison's capture or downfall would be his ticket to get what he wants. A decision that has him trapped. He seems to question whether he should trust Bison and whether that will come back to bite him. "My brother always says, don't trust anyone too easily. Otherwise, you end up being the victim."
It also speaks volumes that a cop would approach Kant with this proposition. It means Kant is clearly very competent at what he does, and has side-hustled as a vigilante before. So Kant must be pretty cunning or smart. For example he appears to knock his knife off the table in the restaurant to test Bison's reflexes.
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There's definitely a connecting theme of secrecy. Their intimacy is kept in secret due to Bison claiming his brother will kill them both if he finds out. Bison is keeping his murderous activities a secret (for obvious reasons). Kant is keeping his investigative activities a secret.
We can obviously expect this to all come to a head when the truth is revealed and identities are fully out in the open. Can Kant accept Bison for what he does and his lifestyle, potentially forgoing the possibility of clearing his record, in order to protect him? Can Bison forgive Kant for hiding his true motives, and trust him again - at the risk of both himself and his brother?
There will be a clear point of convergence between these two, when Bison starts to consider changing his life, if it means staying in Kant's. This echoes how Kant wants to clear his criminal record, perhaps in an attempt to wipe his slate clean so he can finally move on from whatever life he led before. There's a shared vision of moving away from the lifestyles that are bad for us.
STYLE / AESTHETICS: One thing P'Jojo knows how to do so well is create a distinct sense of style and atmosphere. This man is a pro at combining the right set design, styling, music and ambience to create a really identifiable flavour that is instantly recognisable. The music in this trailer is a friggin' BOP.
THE EFFING TATTOOS: I will say this till the end of time, but First as Yok was one of my favourite things ever. And seeing First with tattoos again just made me weak in the knees in all the best ways possible.
LEATHER GALORE: Khaotung in leather jackets. That's it. That's my observation. And I was staring. Very appreciatively may I add.
Also, the fact that Khao, who looks noticeably dinky next to the hulking giants of this cast is called Bison. BISON.
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anrieee · 1 year
⇝ 24 - (✍︎) déjà vu
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“You look like shit.”
“Thank you, Tao.” You looked at her blankly. “The party the other day is still killing me.”
“You’re still hangover?” Ayaka looked at you in concern.
“Well- no, more like they’re hung over something or someone.” Lumine whispers the last part and you give her a glare that said to not spill anything more. She puts her hand up in mock surrender and does a motion with her fingers that ‘zipped’ her mouth.
“Is Venti gonna come with us?” You change the topic.
“Yeah, but he’s going to be late.”
“What’s taking Miko so long though?” You were starting to get impatient waiting at the entrance of the amusement park. After all, you all had agreed to meet here.
Lumine grumbled, “Obviously taking her sweet time with her girlfriend. Couples, I swear.”
“Now, what did I hear about couples?”
“Hey, Miko and Ei!” Ayaka is the first to greet them and you guys follow suit.
“Alright! First stop, the roller coaster!” Hu Tao excitedly exclaimed. She couldn’t wait to try the rides, but also put the plan in motion.
As much as you didn’t want to admit it. This amusement park was having a bigger effect than you initially thought. Looking around the place made you unbelievably sad for no reason— no scratch that, you knew why. You were grieving a relationship that could’ve blossomed but didn’t. But then again, what right did you have to grieve something that didn’t exist in the first place?
This was the place you and Scaramouche started to open up to each other, so there was definitely a lot of good moments you had with him. Your heart should be swelling up with joy because of the memories, but with the recent incident all you can feel is bitterness, sorrow, and anger. You can’t help but think about what could have been. The what ifs eating away your entire being.
You’re mad at Scaramouche for saying those nonsense about you. Whether you can forgive him or not depends on his apology, but you also don’t want to talk to him yet. You’re angry at yourself too. You’re not sure if it’s because despite it all there’s a part of you that yearns for him. Or it could be that you managed to like him at all. Or it could also be because you’re still hopeful. Hopeful that everything could go back to normal, to the time you were starting to get to know him better.
“Hey, why are you frowning so much?” Hu Tao asked from beside you on the rollercoaster, she frowned as well. She’s the type of person whose mood is easily affected by those around her.
“Nothing.” You shake your head, you try to give her a smile but it comes out looking strained.
“Alri— AHHHHHHH.” And the rollercoaster quickly took off.
“Do you get déjà vu~” Lumine sing-songed close to your ear and you jumped.
“Will you stop that? I just got goosebumps.” You made a face the same way you would when you smell something unpleasant.
“What? I just brought you back to reality.” She rolled her eyes. “Besides, you looked kinda pitiful just staring at your cotton candy.”
“I don’t even know why I bought it.”
“Give it to me, then.” Lumine does a ‘gimme’ motion with her hand.
“No.” You refuse and she gives you a dirty look before mutterring a ‘you’re not gonna eat it anyway.’ You take a piece of it to prove Lumine wrong.
The cotton candy ended up leaving a bitter aftertaste in your mouth.
“Oh, Venti!”
“And Scara…” When you caught sight of Venti’s group, your eyes were quick to search for him.
‘Why is he here? Is this why Venti was late?’
“Perfect timing! We were about to ride the ferris wheel, especially since we can only ride it in pairs.” Hu Tao nudged the ferris wheel conductor. “Right?”
“Y-yes.” The poor guy agreed as he rubbed the spot that Hu Tao nudged harshly.
You don’t know how they managed to make the guy agree.
“Hey, Lumine do you wanna—?” You didn’t even get to finish your sentence before Lumine is already dragging her brother in one of the booth.
“Sorry, I’m going with Aether.” Okay. That was weird, Lumine choosing Aether?
“Well, I’m obviously going with Ei.” Miko is quick to make her way inside. “Good luck figuring this out though.”
“Hu Tao and I will be partners!” Venti announced.
You glanced at Ayaka, “How about you?”
“Kazuha and I agreed to be partners for this one.” She gives a sheepish smile.
“It’s me and Xiao for this one.” Childe gives you an apologetic smile.
Well. That’s wonderful. Absolutely terrific. You are going to be stuck with Scaramouche for the whole ride. But then again, once all of them gets inside no one will be able to stop you from not riding it.
“Don’t even think about ditching on us.” Venti is already behind you before you can even think about your plan.
“I thought you were already inside.” You grumbled.
“Just call it a gut feeling.”
“Fuck you.” You flip him off.
“Aww, you love me so much.”
Scara tried his hardest to calm down. He felt like he was suffocating and his hands was starting to feel clammy. He wiped down his sweaty hands on his jeans every few seconds.
‘Just say it. It’s only two words.’
“I’m sorry” was what he wanted to say, but when he tried uttering the words they ended up drowning in his throat. He swallowed and tried again, “I’m sorry.”
A crack in his voice. He wanted nothing more than to disappear right here, right now. Especially since silence enveloped the two of you, and not the comfortable one.
One minute. Two. Then three minutes. He was starting to think, you didn’t hear him. Or you were deliberately ignoring him. He’s biting his lips in anticipation and nervousness now.
‘Maybe I should say it louder?’
“I’m sorry too.” You continue to stare at the window. “I’m sorry for saying those harsh words to you.”
“It’s not your fault.” He’s baffled why you’re apologizing. “It’s my fault. I was an asshole for no reason at all. You don’t have to apologize.”
“That’s true, but I could’ve handled it better.” You finally look at him. “But anyway, why were you an asshole?”
He falls silent and casts his gaze on the floor, “I was jealous and angry.”
You look at him in shock then you laugh. You can’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it, because, wow, you also felt mad and jealous when you said those words towards him.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t laugh.” You cough to recompose yourself.
“It’s okay, I know I shouldn’t have lost my shit just because I was jealous.”
“No, no, I get it.”
Silence again, but now it’s less tense than before.
“Sorry, I can’t forgive you.” You said firmly. “Not yet, at least.”
Scara looks disappointed, but then it changes to a defeated look. It’s like he’s seen this coming and has accepted it. He smiled sadly, “It’s fine. I’ll wait for you until you’re ready to forgive me.”
“No, Kuni. I want you to work for it. I want you to earn my trust and forgiveness. You can’t let time do it for you. If you want it, do it yourself.”
“Are you giving me the blessing to court you?” An attempt to make a joke.
“Oh.” Why were you so nonchalant about it?! Scara stared at you with bewildered eyes.
“Can you read their lips?”
“No, it’s too dark.” Venti squinted his eyes.
“Uh, fine weather isn’t it?” Childe attempted to make a conversation.
Childe has been at it for the past 5 minutes. He’s tried to make Xiao talk to no avail. He swears he loses a year of his life the longer this goes on.
“Move, bitch.”
“You, move.”
“How has it been?” Kazuha kindly asked.
“Hectic and exhausting.” Ayaka sighed deeply.
“I get it.” Kazuha nodded in understanding.
As for Ei and Miko, they were just doing what couples would usually do in a ferris wheel.
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just a hater — [ prev | masterlist | next ]
Synopsis: In which you major in astronomy and scaramouche is the biggest astronomy hater (in your eyes). What happens when someone confesses their feelings for you, and you not knowing how to handle affections, suddenly blurt out that you are already taken. By who? Well, scaramouche of course.
a/n: reminder that taglist has been full and closed for some time now 😭 i’m sorry but if you asked to be added, i won’t respond
taglist: @lovelyiez @linn-a-a @itsyourgirlria @beriiov @kunikuzushiit @bubiblossom @jiminscarmex @starfruiitzz @baelloraa @bleedingwhiteroses222 @zanashair @criminalinthemaking @dee-zbignuts @lxry-chxn @mangobee @sukunasrealgf @reverse-iak @monochromaticelliot @scaranaris-lil-niko @zannivrs @lovely-scaramouchie @ireallylikehamsters @angryhope @monaypo1 @shirmxie @pooonyo @ladyv1n @thenightsflower @aerinrin @suzukara @lfgceo @elysiasbae @saoiirsee @kairxse @prefesro @purpl3bo1 @l-l-u-x-x @otomegame-oneshots @mcryv @kunikuzushisbeloved @cupids-chamber @justawalkingdisaster @scaraapologist @elakari @hishui @loveroftheoldestdream @doppoluvbot @crowbird @lunavixia @mirology
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thefruitiestofbois · 2 months
We just needed time- pt2
"Maria I'm going. It's final." My tone is icy as I make my point. I stand by my decision and I'm not turning back now.
"It isn't safe. You don't know how many of them there are- in fact you don't even know where you're going."
"Seattle. That's where I'm going." I counter and Maria slams a finger down onto the table in disapproval. Mostly she's frustrated that I'm insisting on going alone. It would be safer that way, less chance somebody else dies because of me.
"Deep down you know that it's better I get to them first before they come back with bigger numbers. Before they come back to Jackson. It's safer." She holds my gaze, nostrils flared, defeat crawling up her face. "You can't stop me." I add before she swipes her greying hair behind her ears as Tommy offers a comforting squeeze on the shoulder. Almost as if to tell her that all three of us in the room know I'll just sneak out without her blessing. Two weeks ago Dina and I ran into a group from Washington looking for a smuggler and a girl. They told us they weren't looking for trouble and that they just wanted to know where a man by the name of Joel Miller was as well as the girl he smuggled. Obviously, we both said nothing. Didn't even tell them he was already dead because Abby, who I assumed was the leader, seemed to be on some kind of vengeance mission. She seemed disappointed that we didn't know him and not the type of disappointment where she wishes she could just reunite with him, but the type that was fuelled by vengeance. She looked pissed. If reading the room hadn't been enough, the day after, when I tailed them to the mansion, I overheard Abby telling some Owen guy that she would be back and that she'd 'storm Jackson and find Joel and Ellie, no matter the cost'.
I've been battling Maria for the past two weeks and avoiding Ellie. Not that avoiding her was difficult to do, she seemed to be doing the exact same. If I could go to Seattle and tell them Joel was already dead, maybe Jackson would be safe. Maybe Ellie would be safe. That was my redemption. Maybe if I couldn't keep Joel alive, I could keep Ellie out of harm's way. I wasn't looking for forgiveness, I knew Ellie would never give me that, but maybe I could earn her neutrality to replace the hatred she had for me. Or maybe I wanted to replace the hatred I had for myself.
"Just let her go, she'll probably be fine." Tommy soothingly attempts to convince her. She forces out a huff of angry air and just nods.
"Thank you." The hint of desperation in my words softens Maria's authoritative demeanour and she walks around the table and tugs me into a hug. A tight one at that and I wrap my arms around her, a silent cue that I'll be okay.
"You better not get yourself in trouble, or so help me God I will kill you myself. You got that?" I hum and head straight to the stables.
Ellie coincidentally happens to be returning from patrol when I'm loading up my saddles for what anyone could tell to be a lengthy journey. I had told Tommy to convince Maria to clear my house out just in case.
"Where are you going?" Ellie asks and its the first words she's spoken to me since our patrol a few weeks ago. Maria knew something was off so she didn't pair us together after that, especially after Dina and I's run in with the WLFs.
"Seattle." With that I mount my horse and ride out, not explaining myself further and leaving Ellie and Jackson behind me.
Gunfire and screams echo in the distance towards the direction of a stadium or arena. Conflict seemed to be pretty common and from what I've gathered after spending a few weeks in Seattle on my solo adventure, I've learnt a few things. There are two groups- the Scars and the Wolves, who I presumed were the WLF. They hated each other to the point where it was kill on sight. I'd been caught in the crossfire a few times, nothing major though, just flesh wounds. I've also learnt the Scars are some kind of cult and they worship some prophet, whose murals were scattered throughout Seattle. I had just come through a quarantine zone and a hotel with the WLF banner paraded on the front. The buildings here were tall and close together- great for hiding but horrible to navigate through.
My plan was to find a patrol and peacefully offer myself up but so far everyone has trigger happy, even at the snap of a twig. Seattle was at war, that much was obvious but the cause was still unknown to me. Not that I cared. I was here for Abby and the Wolves. The faster I could deliver my message, the faster I could go back to Jackson.
Everything was darker in Seattle, the clouds, the blitzed buildings and roads and even the plants and grass were a dark green. As I wade through the overgrown bushes in some park I stumbled into on my way to the hospital, a whistle further away on the opposite causes me to instinctually duck to cover. Seraphites. I was wondering if I'd encounter anymore of them. I go prone, keeping my body glued to the mud no matter what.
"We caught the apostate and the wolf. All that's left is to free them. May She guide us." That's all I make out as I crawl behind a barely recognisable bus stop, screwing my silencer onto my pistol, just in case. Another whistle, sharper this time, breaks the silence and I'd come to recognise it as a warning whistle, Well a warning for me and a signal to the other Seraphites that someone was hiding nearby. And then quiet. So quiet I held my breath just so I wouldn't be heard. Finger ready on the trigger I begin slowly creeping out behind the cover of the bus stop, and upon seeing the coast is clear, launch myself for the park exit.
"Right there by the bus stop!" I hear one of them call out but I don't look back as I race, chest heaving, to just make it out of here. But then I hear a bow firing and very quickly afterwards feel the searing hot pain of an arrow ripping through my right shoulder. Another bow fires an arrow into my left calf and I drop to the jagged concrete below, breath staggering as I clutch my shoulder which was now pooling blood through my shirt and jacket. I crawl as fast as I can away from the thumping footsteps that are getting closer with each passing second. I grunt out, clutching my shoulder tighter as agony rips through me as I aimlessly crawl forward.
The thumping stops by my ear and a strong hand throws me onto my back, knocking the wind out of my chest. My dazed eyes meet ones with a satisfied sadistic glint accompanied by scarred cheeks pulled up as his lips curve into a smile.
"Look's like we've caught another Wolf for us to free."
As I stir awake, I wince as my restraints pull my arms back behind a wooden pole and widen the wound in my shoulder.
"Look's like the wolf is awake." The same man who knocked me out in the park pokes me with a wooden bat, forcing my attention onto him.
"How many times do I have to say it, I'm not a WLF." My voice barely makes it through my chapped and busted open lips and even then it was barely a whisper. This was routine- the man, who I now knew was called Marcus, would come in every night, rough me up, ask me questions and then acquaint me with his bat every time I answered a question wrong. And apparently, all my answers so far were wrong. I think seven or eight days must have passed since the day they caught me. Maybe more. I don't know because I hadn't exactly been conscious the whole time I was here.
"Where is your leader?" He asks, fingers twitching around the handle of the bat, which by now I'm sure had been stained red with my own blood.
"Like I said before, I'm not even from this state so I have no idea what you cultist freaks are talking about." This time a faint echo of a laugh escapes my lips. Same questions, same answers, same beatings. I think I was starting to lose it. And as if Marcus knew his cue, he raises the bat, this time swinging into my side and I cry out but quickly gritting my teeth so he doesn't get the satisfaction. I fold into myself as much as my restraints and position on the floor allow me to. If I ever get out of here, I'm gonna swing that bat into his head so many times that he'll be a pile of bloody brains and wooden splints by the time I'm done with him.
A woman comes into the room and whispers something to Marcus and he seems somewhat disappointed and angry I think? The room itself was a shipping container turned into a makeshift interrogation/torture room. A single floodlight at the back of the room that always lit up Marcus' face while leaving me an aching shadowy creature for his amusement. Although I think he'd have no issue with inflicting pain even as he looked into my eyes. My head dips low as the exhaustion I've been fighting off for days finally creeps up into my eyelids.
I wince again as Marcus prods me in the same bruised spot he hit earlier and I jolt awake.
"No time to sleep wolf, we're taking you to be freed." Call it a hunch but I don't think my version of being freed and theirs matches up. Marcus keeps a gun trained on me as the woman unties me, not even bothering to lift me up fully before dragging me by the back of my collar out the container and over muddy tracks further into the forest. Dirt scrapes into the tips of my worn out boots and the more she tugs at my collar, the more I feel my airways constrict and my head getting lightheaded. It's only when she throws me into the ground and I finally see the sky for the first time in a week that I regain some of my senses. Adrenaline surges through and every hair on my body stands up as corpses of gutted prisoners swing above me, some with their necks snapped as a rope is the only thing keeping them in the air. Well shit. I guess I'm not getting out of here. Like ever.
Another prisoner gets thrown into the ground next to me and when I meet their eyes, I'm shocked to see the one face I had set off to Seattle for- Abby fucking Anderson. She stares at me blankly for a few moments before the realisation sets in.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" She laughs in disbelief, eyes still blown wide.
"Well as luck would have it, I actually came to find you."
"Me? What do you want me-"
"Shut the fuck up!" The high shrieking voice of a woman orders us and I tilt my chin to get a look at her. Dread slowly freezes every muscle as I see her wipe her bloody knife with a cloth- a knife she had just pulled out of a strung up girl. The girl, who was still swinging, must have been no older than twelve. These sick fucks were torturing and gutting children. Throwing the cloth into the fire they'd set in a barrel, she edges towards us, calmly. She remained expressionless even as she knelt down to push the tip of the knife into my throat- enough to draw some blood but not enough to do any real damage.
"You have such beautiful features." The cool tip of the blade glides across my cheekbones and jaw.
"Beautiful enough to spare my life?" I was grasping at smoke but there's no rule dictating what someone can and can't say in their last moments.
"I see this one has a sense of humour. I think She will be pleased with sacrifice." Well that was not where I was hoping she was going. "Who knows maybe you might have the blood of Restoration flowing through you." These people are batshit crazy.
"Restoration?" I ask, genuinely baffled and Abby's attention is also drawn into our exchange.
"We found scriptures from the Prophet that have guided us to a new goal: a cure for the horrors mankind has inflicted upon this world. We are no longer atoning for these sins, but instead She will guide us to a new world. One in which demons are no more and only the best of us will thrive." A cure?
"Who exactly is the Prophet?"
"You question the faith?" She jabs at me with a sharpness exceeding that of the knife in her hand, eyes narrowed into slits.
"What's the blood of Restoration?" This time it's Abby who speaks and I know why she's asking. She was part of the Salt Lake crew and I was praying she wouldn't give anything away. My eyes silently plead with hers and she looks away from me, her face neutral.
"The scriptures tell us of an individual whose blood can cure this world of its demons. Their body must be purified and their blood spilled."
"Purified?" I can't help the anxious shift in my tone but I try and play it off as curiosity. The woman says nothing, and her silence is all I need to make my own assumptions. I silently beg Abby once more, this time a subtle shake of my head when the woman's back is turned away as she fixes two sets of rope into nooses. She turns back to me and Abby, a noose in her hand and she paces forward to Abby, tossing it around her neck and tightening it. Abby struggles against the restraints, her tip toes barely reaching the upside down bucket that's stopping her from hanging.
A Seraphite comes rushing into the opening of the forest we were in and calls out to the woman.
"The other Wolf confessed. We know who has the cure." Grins adorn both their faces, and a trembling frown appears on my own. He mutters something else to her but it's too quiet for me to hear over the sounds of Abby struggling. If I could just find something to cut myself free. But there's nothing. No way I could escape.
"Outsider, where did you say you were from?" I realise she's talking to me and I keep my lips tight. The flickering of the torch is slowly growing brighter as the sky grows darker and darker. Another storm must be coming. I drop my head back into the mud ignoring her and accepting reality. I was going to die and so was Ellie. My journey here had been for nothing.
Marcus rushes in, heavy thudding footsteps hammering into the ground as he pants out of breath that the 'apostate' has escaped. Well I guess someone would get out of this shithole, it just wouldn't be me.
"Go. Spread the word that our goal is completely clear: we must find the girl in Jackson and bring her to Haven." No, no, no. Fuck. Who told these sick freaks about Ellie? I was supposed to keep her safe and instead, she's going to die without even so much as a warning. I desperately needed to get out of here.
As Marcus hurries away, the whistle of an arrow fills the air and the woman drops limp to the mud as an arrow pierces her skull through her eyes. Lighter steps patter against the dirt and relief floods through Abby as she looks past me to a small child with their head shaved and scars on their cheeks just like the other Seraphites.
"Lev, thank god." Abby strains out as they cut her down, a thud sounding as she falls to the floor, heavy pants as she gets rid of the noose, red marks spanning her neck and mud smeared over her tank top. I drop my head back to the ground, staring up at the grey clouds and swaying branches until Abby's bulky figure comes into view, blocking the sun like some muscular eclipse.
"You're uh- you're blocking my sunlight." She questioningly raises a brow. "I'd like to spend my last few moments bathing in the light, I don't think they have a sun in the afterlife."
"Are you always this stupid?" She asks, still looming over me.
"Only when I'm close to death."
"You're not dying dumbass. Lev untie her. You're coming with us so you can explain exactly why you came to Seattle for me."
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cherryskyies · 2 years
Hey! Can you maybe do a grabber x reader where they get into an argument cause he accuses her of flirting with the neighbor or someone else and they argue a lot and don't talk for a while but he eventually tries to make up with reader cause he feels bad? 😬🫢
Bite the hand that feeds you
reader is not a total pussy in this tysn
Masterlist || Navigation || Ao3
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You were just being kind, making small talk with one of the newer neighbors; his name is Matt you learned, early 40’s working at the local hardware store as an assistant manager. He was fairly kind, a bit vulgar for your taste — his eyes never leaving your form as he called the women your age whores. 
Albert had watched the entire exchange from the kitchen window, displeased with your warm smiles and gentle touches when he made you laugh. You should have been quick to notice the man's advancements, he was openly flirting with you and you made no attempt to stop it. 
“Alright, I hate to cut the conversation short,” you apologize, brushing loose strands of hair out of your face. “But my boyfriend got home not too long ago and I need to finish dinner.” 
Matt seems disappointed, but brushes it off. “We should get together soon for dinner if your boyfriend doesn’t mind.” The way he says it makes your head tilt, tone indicating you’re somehow owned by the man in the house. “See you around,” Matt says, taking off towards his house with a wave. 
When you enter the house, you don’t even notice the upset face Albert has, too worried you may have burnt the casserole in the oven. “Honey, did you take the casserole out?” you ask, surprised to see the oven empty, only to look up and see it on the table. “Thanks, I got caught up in conversation with our new neighbor. His name is Matt, I think we sho-”
Heavy footsteps make their way across the tile floor, Albert has a deep frown etched onto his face and you can’t help but wonder why; until he cuts you off. “Maybe if you weren’t so busy eye-fucking another man you wouldn’t have to worry about burning dinner.” He starts, brows furrowing as he watches you stand, shutting the oven and turning it off. “Go ahead, invite him to dinner so you can flirt in front of me.”
In hindsight, your next words were pretty stupid, but you couldn’t help the snarky response that slipped. “Maybe I will, bet he likes casserole,” you grumble, angrily reaching for two clean plates from the dishwasher before you stop, a smile pulling at your lips. “Should I invite him now? Or should I wait until you leave for work tomorrow, save us some privacy so we can really eye-fuck. Is that what you want, Albert?”
You aren’t being serious, Albert knows how you like to push his buttons, but he is in the wrong headspace for your jokes and he wants nothing more than to kill that fucking Matt guy. “Do it,” he taunts, cornering you. “See if I care, I’ll just lock your pretty ass back in the basement, dove.” Albert would never, but the threat sounds sincere enough that he watches the defiant look in your eyes change to one of submission — you look so beautiful when you’re scared. 
He thinks he’s won, until you give him the silent treatment and don’t come to bed with him, choosing to take the couch with a thin sheet and crappy throw pillow; but he lets it go. You’ll come back to him, he’s trained you not to bite the hand that feeds you and you’re a good pet, but dogs are often more stubborn than credited and you’ll be damned if you crawl back to him after that.
The next three days have been as follows: you ignore him, cook enough dinner to feed yourself, and sleep. 
It’s driving him nuts – you should be begging for forgiveness by now, but you seem more than happy with the current circumstances. This is where Albert starts to think he might have really fucked up.
I think it would take a lot for Albert to finally apologize, preferring to wait out your childish games and make you jealous.
But if he can see that his words and actions are heavily affecting you, he will put his ego aside, hold you tight, and whisper sweet nothings amongst apologies until you fall asleep.
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lawliet-ryuzaki-ryuga · 5 months
Chapter 7 ( L X Reader)
WC: 1061
-Chapter 6
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Though L had told me he was going to make more time in which we would be able to meet and just get to know one another, but given the situation that we are in, time isn’t in our favor. I’ve been watching the 24/7 surveillance footage we have on yotsoba meetings. I have grown tired of hearing plan after plan, after plan.  The Only real interaction or meet was when we would go eat. 
“Mmm i think i like the creme brulee cheesecake over your black forest cake.” I mumble as i take another bite of my slice of cake. L on the other hand is just taking chunks out of every slice in front of him. 
“ I just enjoy the taste of sugar.” L mumbles with his mouth full.
“ The point of trying cakes is to taste the flavors.”
“ I like sugar.”
“ you said that already.” 
“ Then let us discuss something you haven’t heard before Y/N/N. Tell me, how do you think Kira kills? given how much you’ve watched these recordings, i trust that you would be able to come up with a conclusion.`` L leads the conversation. 
“ Ryuzaki we said nothing about the case.”
“My apologies, I can’t help but think about anything else.” L rubs his pointer and thumb together as he rolls around the sugar sprinkles, before sucking the sugar off his fingers.
“ Fine, during the meetings theres a lot of numbers, days and ways on how one might be killed or die. There can be a few options all of which cannot be described without some type of supernatural power. One being they, Kira, speaks it into existence.. But that would require some type of God who can do such things. The Other thing is writing it down. Now this one more specifically is what caught my attention. During all the meetings, everyone had a notebook and a pen in front of them but none were used. Except for one, Higuchi . He fiddles with a pen often, and his pen is the only one that’s different from the rest. Indicating it's personal, and this item alone holds some time of significant use to him. Fiddling with the pen can express confidence or the depiction of some type of power.. But again, if he is writing it down, then how do the deaths occur? Unless something of supernatural power is in charge.” I explain before picking up a cheesecake slice and taking a small cut from the end of the slice.
“ Are you saying something of a shinigami? I have to say I’ll be disappointed, as they are nothing but some folklore.”  L sighs before staring up at me with his gray orbs. 
“ Folklore might sound crazy, but the human brain is not capable of creating or making up things, unless it was seen before. As a result I would not knock the idea, and based on how both Light and Misa reacted when they were confined was like they were no longer under some trance, dare I say even under a control of a spirit or being. Their body language in itself changed drastically, more so with light based on the footage. During his confinement I was able to see small lip movements that read “ Get rid of it.” It was moments after that when his body language changed from annoyance.. To confusion. Light’s body language is never abrupt, always calm..Light likes to articulate his movements and his responses to things. So that quick change in demeanor is what concerns me..”
“And you think that the new Kira is now Higuchi.” L states with a firmness to his voice.  
“ If I have to put my bet, I’d say it was him and Namikawa is the one who calls the shots before Higuchi does anything.”
“ I see.. But there were two kiras at one point.. Do you think that the second kira could be Namikawa Y/N/N?”
“I believe that at this very moment there’s only one Kira, which makes my theory of writing in something like a book stronger. When Light said “ get rid of it” what does “ it” refer to if not an object . As a result, if we are talking about let’s say some book, then at this very moment the second book hasn’t been possessed or hasn't possessed a person yet.. If Namikawa were the second kira, I don't believe he would be giving Higuchi some type of approval/ or direction of what to do, he would just do it himself.”
“ I agree, I just don’t see how believing in some type of power in an object or being is gonna help us solve the case. If the way of killing can be transmitted between person to person, whether it be through a book or by some type of spiritual possession, the catching of Kira would be impossible.” L argues back with reason as expected. 
“ Well it all depends, if we are looking for an object, then maybe the destruction of the object can end the killings. But if it is some type of possession of spirit that jumps from person to person. Then the goal is to look for the type of person the spirit is drawn to. But of course that would be a stretch and as you said, would probably be impossible to solve. But given that at one point Light was Kira, I find it hard to believe that someone who murdered so many people would have no recollection of any of it. Making it be that the person has control on if they can erase their memory and bring it back when needed. Which makes me think that Light could still be Kira without even knowing it anymore.."
“ Y/N/N, I have to say your reasoning on things goes beyond my reasoning. I only deal with the facts and the logical explanation of things. If it cannot be proven then it cannot be used as a fact to support evidence.  But you use evidence to create a fact, to make a logical explanation, which is interesting. But it might all be interesting to me, simply for the fact that I cannot believe in some type of supernatural power. But I will leave that to you.” L speaks in a monotone voice, not sounding too fond of my reasoning. 
“ I like the bigger picture, not the small details Ryuzaki.”
With a side glance L looks at me but returns to his cake, lifting his feet onto the chair and sitting in his weird position and finishes his cake, with not another word to me. His energy shifted from that of being open to that of being closed off. Was it my tone? No. It was that I’m challenging his logical way of thinking with a more elaborate explanation of what could be and not what is. 
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ygrworld · 2 years
Everything for my lady
summary: when eddie finds you at the library, he makes you an offer that turn into something else when you reach his house
word count: 3,4k+
warnings: none unless you count both you and eddie being huge ass virgins
author's note: its my first fanfic! at least in this blog, bc i used to write queen fanfic too T.T anyways, i hope you guys enjoy it and that you can forgive my grammar mistakes since english isn't my first language
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Eddie couldn't stop looking at you.
He wanted to feel how soft your skin was, how your hair would feel under his hands caressing, and most important of all: how your body would react against his.
Don't get him wrong, he wasn't a creep, even though most girls would call him that because of his style, he tried to be respectful towards woman, never daring to target a girl with his silly jokes about D&D or social hierarchy. But whenever he thought about you, he felt like one. It felt wrong to know about you, and not even know what your voice sounded like.
He knew you liked to read a lot, always being seen with a book hold tightly in your arms. He knew you liked wearing skirts, seeing how much you were seen with them at school. He also knew you never ate at the cafeteria, taking your lunch somewhere else to eat. But if someone were to ask how your voice felt going through his ears and straight to his heart, he would never be able to answer, because your voice was never directed to him, or someone else in this case. You were quiet, shy, avoiding any eye contact when walking down the hallways.
Eddie had lost the feeling of fear of the judgmental looks long ago, but he knew how nervous you got when you had to get out of the cafeteria with your lunch tray, so he always made sure to make a scene, to attract all eyes towards him, so you could leave more calmly and not having people wonder where the silent girl would go.
He just wouldn't imagine that one day, the only thing he wanted to keep hidden, would be the same one that would make you finally grace him with your sweet voice.
︶︶︶ ⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨♡୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ ︶︶︶
"Hey there Melissa, looking good as always, aren't we?"
Eddie said, pointing two finger guns towards the old librarian, who only pointed to the 'Keep your voice down' sign and kept doing her work. Kind as always, aren't we? he thought to himself.
Turning around one of the library corners and holding his papers and pens, Eddie eyes went looking table from table, trying to search one that was far away and unoccupied. Only that he stopped dead on his tracks at the sight of you, sitting alone on one of the tables near the window, with the sun reaching down on you and making you glow on his vision.
It took him an big amount of prep talk – thirty seconds of him saying to himself that he could do this, that it was as easy as traumatize children that thought that they finally killed his villain on a campaign only for him to return with nothing but a missing eye – to get close to your table. He wondered if this would annoy you, since there was a big amount of empty tables around yourself, since no one visited the library after classes ended.
Deciding to shut off his thoughts before they made him run away in anxiety, Eddie approached you and tried to think about ways to talk to you on his most calm demeanor, not wanting to make you feel like a cornered animal caught by their predator.
Sensing eyes on you, you looked upwards to find a guy staring at you with big puppy eyes. Your brows furrowed, and you noticed that this guy was in the same class as you were, and it was also the metalhead that repeated senior year for two years in a row. Was that really Eddie Munson in a library?
As if he was finally getting out of a trance, Eddie finally saw that you had noticed his presence before he was able to think of something to say.
"Ah, hey! I didn't notice you were starin- I mean, I was staring. Like, you weren't staring, I was totally staring, unless you think this is creepy because then I was totally NOT staring"
Facepalming himself mentally, Eddie decided that maybe the girls didn't find him creepy because of his style, but because he couldn't control his mouth to shut up when it was necessary. That seemed like a more reasonable theory after what just happened.
With a little smile that made Eddie's heart flutter inside his chest, you gave him a little wave. He decided that the first smile you gave him was his best memory from now on.
"So, can I sit here?" You only gave him a fast nod, that did not quite match the rate his heart was beating right now.
"Y/N, right?" He scolded himself at how creepy he sounded knowing your name out of nowhere "I mean, I guess?"
"Yes, I'm Y/N. You must be Eddie, right?"
In that moment, Eddie felt that he was on Cloud 9. No weed could ever bring him the peace that your voice gave him – which when he thought back, was a weird thing to compare with a pretty girl –. He finally had his dream of hearing your voice, which was there for almost two years, come true. Right now, he decided he could never let you shut up near his presence, either by hearing you laughing or talking, he needed to have your voice on his life from now on.
"Y-yeah, totally me. Unless you think I'm a freak. Because then that's not me"
You put your book down, with the pages still open, and Eddie took this as a sign that he should do his best to distract you from going back to the pages that were marked.
"I don't think you are a freak"
"Then I'm Eddie, that's me" He gave you a smile, which you reciprocated. Was he having a heart attack? A stroke? Did he had butterflies for lunch? Or was this the feeling he would have everytime you smiled near him? And oh God, he really had to stop with the weird comparisons.
After a quick moment of silence, he heard your voice again, and hope filled his body thinking that maybe, you didn't wanted your little chat with him to end so abruptly.
"I didn't think you were one for libraries, Munson"
"You can call me Eddie" He replied, a little too quick "I like to come here to make some new stories for my campaigns"
As he saw your confused face, with brows slightly frowned, he remembered that not everyone was aware of his D&D world.
"As in Dungeons and Dragons campaign?" Noticing that he wasn't ringing any bells, Eddie decided to take his chance to bring his chair closer to your side, ready to explain every detail of his life-long hobbie
Seeing him so ready to explain something that perked his interests made your cheeks feel warm, specially since his attention was all focused on you. Truth to be told, you had noticed the boy that got up on the cafeterias tables every time you were about to leave, and you would linger a few moments to hear more about his bickering with other social groups. His loud voice would reverberate each time through the walls, and his dramatic actions would always make you laugh a little once you were on the corridors.
Turning your attention back on Eddie, you laid your head on your hands, making sure you could hear all the boy was about to say
"So..." This time, you could notice Eddie was slightly more relaxed, since this seemed to be a subject he could talk about for hours, probably due to being so habituated to the game and its terms. "You know what D&D is, right?"
For that, you shook your head yes, since you had actually heard some of the news channel talking about the new wave of players that the game was attracting
"A campaign is basically a set of adventures that are intertwined during the game." Eddie tried to explain to you in the simplest way, not wanting to get your head confused by using some terms that only players would know
"Would I, maybe, be able to get a cute maiden like you to join my adventures this time?" He said, offering his hand towards you. You tried to ignore the goosebumps on your skin at the mention of him finding you cute, instead taking no time in accepting his hand, which felt oddly warm agains yours.
"It would be a honor"
"And for me it would be a honor if you two would finally get away from here. We are closing in ten." You heard the librarian voice reaching you, which made you smile fade immediately.
"Hey, it's not fair, you only want to go watch your soap ope-" Eddie was interrupted by a reprehensible look, which made him immediately shut up.
Deciding that he couldn't lose this chance – and feeling that if he did, he would never gather the courage to talk to you again after being this close –, Eddie decided to throw all away and focus on enjoying the opportunity
"Should we proceed with our affairs on my home?" Eddie says, with a very theatrical voice, trying to make you give him one more smile before the rejection he was sure was coming his way
"I..." you couldn't speak, thinking about what people would think when seeing the goody two-shoes getting on the 'freak' van.
As did Eddie moments ago, you decided to shut off your thoughs and throw your caution out of the windows. For just this once, you felt happy being on someone's side, and you didn't want this to end so soon because of an old lady that couldn't keep the library open for more thirty minutes
"I would love to proceed with our affairs in your home, sir Eddie" you answered, in his same theatrical manners, which earned you a laugh from the boy.
You and Eddie got out of the library side by side, remaining in silent after the little scene you made for the librarian. But as soon as you were out of the lady's ear range, you looked at each other and started laughing.
"She can't see two teenagers getting on well, she hates happines, I'm so sure of this" Eddie kept saying, making your laugh get louder and louder each time. There was something about the way he said that so outraged that you found so funny. His facial expressions were very remarkable, and he couldn't hide his disappointment on the old lady that he treated so well, only to end up betrayed by her.
"She must think we are going to your home to do something..." You pause, approaching his van
"To fuck?"
"Eddie! That's so..."
"Rude, right? I'm sorry, my lady, I will keep my composure in front of you from now on"
You noticed that his smile couldn't hide the fact that he was not sorry at all.
A cold drizzle started to fall, making you both run towards Eddie's car. Still holding hands, which neither of you took notice
Hopping on the passenger seat, you searched for a belt to put around you, noticing that his van was going against everything you thought a man's car would be. He certainly wasn't one of those weirds that treated his car like a person and wouldn't let anyone even eat inside, judging by the amount of dirty there was on the floor.
"I gotta warn you, my place isn't exactly the best thing in Hawkins. Is just a trailer where I live with my uncle-" You interrupted him
"I can't believe I'm not going to a palace" You tried making a joke, which made Eddie turn to you and give him a smile and shake his head
"I know right? I'm such an orc"
That set the atmosphere of the rest of the ride, where he kept informing you about the basics of D&D, always looking towards you to make sure he wouldn't miss any expression you could make.
When finally arriving to his place, he was the first to get out of the car, and before you could even reach towards the door, it was opening with an Eddie on the other side, gesturing for you to get down
"Trying to reedem myself since I don't have fortunes waiting for my lady inside our palace" You felt butterflies on your stomach at the mention of being his. Surprisingly enough, the thought wasn't scaring you.
"It might be working, Eddie" You said, hopping down his van and walking towards his trailer door. You didn't want him to see how your face had responded to him calling you 'his lady'
"As I was saying, I think you should choose your race as an half-elf, because you-" He stopped talking to fumble with his keys and open the door for you "-would have the beauty you have as a human already, plus the grace that both you and elfs share, what you think?" He finished, opening the door for you to get inside
"I... this would be great!"
Ignoring the way your heart skipped a beat because of his words, you decided to get inside his trailer already, not wanting to spend any more time outside in the cold drizzle that was slowing becoming a rain  in Hawkins. Another reason to get inside quickly, was for Eddie to not see the effects his compliments had on you.
"So, ready for the show?"
With open arms, Eddie guided you to his couch, and went quickly to his room to grab some other essential stuff, in his words, to the best thing you would discover in your life. It didn't take him too long to appear with dices, a handbook, and some printed sheets.
Sitting down on your side, he started to explain the way everything worked, and it was mostly easy for you to pay attention to everything. That was, until he decided to lay more relaxed on the couch, and opening his legs, Eddie put his arms behind his head. The action was enough to make your breath get caught in your throat. You could only imagine what sitting on his lap would feel like
Trying to get those thoughts away, with the excuse that this was not usually yourself, you decided to go back to paying attention to his words. The task proved to be difficult when everything you could see was the way his lips moved, with the sound that came out of them being silenced by your head that could only think about how warm he must be. It also didn't help how cold it was getting now that the night was approaching, and how sleepy you were feeling after a more agitated day with Eddie talking the whole time
"Are you paying attention? You have this glassy eyes expression" Eddie asked, coming closer to you and putting his hands on your knees to support himself. He was so excited to talk to you that he forgot how you caught some rain on yourself. It wasn't enough to soak you down, but definitely made your hair a little wet and gave a few wet spots in your clothes
Feeling how hot his hands are didn't helped your case, specially since you were wearing a skirt, which made you feel each part of his hands on you. Looking down at where you two were touching, you focused on how many rings he was wearing, almost all of them with a shape of some form
Thinking that maybe he did it wrong touching you, Eddie went to get his hands away from your skin, already missing the contact, when you put your hands above his and surprised both him and yourself
"Your hands are very warm" You said, holding one of his hands and bringing towards your face. He couldn't control himself, and his fingers started to trace patterns on your cheek, finally feeling how soft your skin truly felt to him.
"Are you feeling cold?" Eddie asked, finally taking notice that your skirt wasn't doing a great job of protecting you of the rain you caught when walking with him "Here, let me take you to my bedroom and there you can cover up and rest a little, how does that sound?"
Eddie thought that this was a bold step, that you would quickly push him off and say what a pervert he was – God knew he had his best intentions at heart, though – and storm off, but you only got up and nodded slowly.
After sitting for so long, only hearing Eddie talk, even if it was the most cool thing you've heard, combined with the cold feeling and how your original plans after getting out of the library was to get under your blankets at home, it did made you sleepy. So the though of finally getting a good rest before going home appealed more to you than the though that maybe Eddie's offer could be take both ways if you were awake enough
"I would love that" was your only answer
You both felt how the atmosphere changed. It was as if eletric bolts were cursing through each other's veins, making you both aware of the tension that was growing between you both. Eddie guided you to his room, and upon entering, he quickly run to discard something that was hanging on his bed frame, and turned back to you
"Welcome to my humble cave, m'lady"
Going straight to his bed and laying on your side, you didn't took much notice of your surroundings, wanting nothing more to cover yourself and finally get rid of the shivering that was taking over your body
Eddie stepped closer, covering you with a blanket that was lying around his bed, and sitting on the opposite side, started to look at you. He could only think how he would never wash his pillowcase again, wanting nothing more than to keep your scent for himself. He also took notice of how your hair fell around your head, making you seem like an angel to him.
"Could you..." You started, voice low as if you were scared of being caught saying that "...lay down with me? You could keep talking, your voice relaxes me"
An silent followed your question, and you thought that you had got the signs all wrong, that Eddie wasn't actually reciprocating your feelings, but just being nice.
Truth being told, you did had feelings for the older boy. That was the only reason you lingered for a few moments to watch his little show on the cafeteria, the only reason you started listening to metal bands (even though you felt that the style wasn't for you), and the only reason you were so quick on accept his requests. But maybe, that was only you, so why were you being so eager to feel him by your side and scare him off with your question and then lose the friendship that was building during the last hours?
You only got out of your line of thoughts when you heard the bed cracking on the other side, and felt a presence besides you
"It would be a pleasure. Even though that means that my voice makes you sleepi" you heard Eddie voice saying, feeling the grin on his tone
You could be wrong. He could just be happy to have a new friend, he could maybe just being nice to you, not knowing how to act near a girl, or maybe, and that was your favorite option, just maybe, he reciprocated your feelings
Feeling bold with your new theory, you went as far as you had gone with a boy, asking him one last question before closing your eyes
"Could you hug me, Eddie?"
He felt like the luckiest man alive. How could he deny you anything when you spoke with your soft voice that he wished for years to hear. Eddie knew that the thing he wished the most would end up being his downfall, already accepting that now you held imense power over him
Eddie put his hands around your waist, coming closer to you and daring even to put his head on your neck. You could feel his breath down your skin, making goosebumps appear. You could feel the heat from his hands going straigh to your waist and flowing through your body. You went a little back with your body, pressing yourself further in his hug and relaxing more in his touch
"Thank you, Eddie. You saved me from a very boring day" He heard you saying, your voice muffled on the pillow. He could sense you slowly drifting to sleep, and decided that he should say something before being too late
"Anything for my beautiful lady"
And in that moment, Eddie promised to himself to never let you go out of his reach.
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 7 months
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Francis Drake Main Story
This is simply a fan translation of the game. Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors.
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Chief Hunter: "Lass, are you a vampire?"
I involuntarily shrank back under his intense gaze.
However, if I hesitate here, it will only deepen his suspicions.
Mitsuki: “No, it’s not like that.”
Chief Hunter: “Then why do you have this blood?”
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Mitsuki: “It’s for medical purposes.”
Chief Hunter: “Oh, so you’re a medical practitioner?”
The lie I blurted out on impulse was embarrassingly clumsy.
(I have no choice but to stick with the lie.)
Chief Hunter: “Your voice is shaking. Even if you lie, the truth will be exposed eventually.”
Mitsuki: “Anyone would be confused if they were suddenly questioned about something weird.”
Mitsuki: “Besides, do vampires really exist in this world?”
I feigned ignorance and expressed the kind of doubt a ‘normal person’ might have.
Without changing his expression, the man looked at me as if he were trying to assess me.
Chief Hunter: “You may act like you don’t know, but let me enlighten you.”
Chief Hunter: “Vampires do exist. That’s why we, the hunters, have been chasing them throughout history.”
Chief Hunter: “We protect humans from these monsters that feed on human blood. It is our mission and pride.”
The sound of disdainful words made my chest tighten painfully.
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(The vampires I know are not monsters.)
(Some vampires never harm humans.)
Chief Hunter: “Remember this. As long as there are vampires, we will exist.”
Chief Hunter: "We will exterminate every single monster in this world."
With that declaration, the chief hunter turned his back on the cell.
Mitsuki: "Wait! If you suspect me, then please release Karen and the others!"
Chief Hunter: "No. There's no evidence that the child and you are not accomplices."
Chief Hunter: "Your vague testimony might have been an attempt to help you escape."
Chief Hunter: "Besides, vampires have blood relatives. At this point, I will thoroughly investigate the foreigners as well."
Mitsuki: "What do you plan to do with us?"
Chief Hunter: "It's simple. If you're human, I'll set you free. If you're a vampire, I'll pierce your heart in the name of God."
Mitsuki: ".........."
Chief Hunter: "But even then, if you cannot end your eternal life, I will seal you away forever."
Chief Hunter: "You will suffer from eternal hunger at the bottom of the earth or in the depths of the dark sea."
Without showing any mercy or hesitation, the chief and the hunters left.
He left us with words that conveyed such a strong sense of justice, determined not to forgive the absolute evil known as vampires.
(I'm glad it was me who got caught.)
(But it can't go on like this.)
If they investigated my background, suspicion would inevitably fall on the mansion.
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Even Drake could be in danger.
(I absolutely can't let everyone be suspected of being vampires.)
I heard anxious voices and faint sobbing from the other prison cells.
These people were captured for the sole reason of being foreigners, just like me.
(They’re suffering because of me.)
Karen: "It's my fault."
The words I whispered in my heart echoed as I turned around.
Karen tightly clenched her hands and looked down.
Karen: “After I stole your stuff that day, those guys caught me.”
Karen: “I never thought that one theft would lead to something like this. You, and many others, got dragged into this.”
Mitsuki: “Karen.”
Karen: “Will they kill us because they suspect us of being vampires?”
Feeling Karen’s fear and regret, I gently wrapped my hands around hers.
Mitsuki: “Calm down. This isn’t your fault.”
Mitsuki: “Besides, putting us in cells like this means they’re not planning to do something right away.”
(The leader seemed to take pride in being a hunter.)
(If their mission is to protect humans, they wouldn’t kill us unless they were certain we were vampires.)
Hoping this wasn’t just wishful thinking, I smiled to ease her fear.
Mitsuki: “It must have been scary to get caught in a place like this.”
Mitsuki: “This is probably why you didn’t show up on the day of our meeting on the Seine River.”
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Karen: “That's...”
Mitsuki: “Yet, despite that, I started having doubts. I’m sorry.”
She made a face that seemed like she was about to cry, and her lips trembled.
Karen: "Why are you apologizing? Why do you stupidly try to believe in me?"
Karen: "I don't even have a sick parent, and I never intended to keep that promise from the start."
Mitsuki: "Karen..."
Karen: "Even though you protected me and were kind to me when I shoplifted, I still laughed at you for being gullible."
Tears rolled down her eyes as she poured her heart out.
It was as if her facade of strength was crumbling away.
(Has she been living alone all this time?)
The thought of it made me feel overwhelmed, and I held Karen's thin body in my arms.
Mitsuki: "Thank you. I'm glad I believed in you."
Karen: "Why?"
Mitsuki: "Because you honestly told me the truth. That sincerity makes me happy."
I think it was because she felt guilty that she promised to see me again, even though she had no intention of keeping it.
Regretting dragging me and the others into this and crying was evidence that she still had kindness in her heart.
(I'm glad her heart hasn't frozen over.)
Karen: "Sorry, I'm so sorry."
The hand wrapped around my back tightly felt dear, and strong emotions welled inside me.
(I have to help her and the others.)
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(But what should I do?)
(In times like this, what would Drake do?)
While thinking about it, a sudden idea crossed my mind.
Drake: “Next time, it’s my turn. If something happens to you, I will definitely help. I promise.”
---------Flashback Ends--------
If Drake were to come and help, he might end up in a fight with the hunters.
Moreover, there was a risk that they would find out who he really was.
Considering all this, I couldn't bring myself to wish for his help.
(I want to believe in Drake.)
Regardless of whether he would actually come, just believing in him seemed to support my faltering spirit.
(Anyway, I can't give up.)
With renewed determination, I continued embracing Karen.
Meanwhile, deep within the mansion in the woods that night—
Comte: "No one has seen Mitsuki, right?"
Comte asked them, and the residents nodded with serious expressions.
They had all gathered in the living room, concerned that Mitsuki hadn't returned home even after nightfall.
Comte: "Today, I heard some concerning rumors from acquaintances in the social circle."
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Mozart: "Rumors?"
Comte: "Apparently, foreign women have been disappearing in Paris."
Comte: "Tourists who came to visit the World's Fair, as well as those who came to work from other countries."
Comte: "Many of them, regardless of their age or status, have disappeared."
Leonardo: "I was just about to warn Cara Mia when she went missing."
Comte: "I'll go to the police to report. Still, we need to find clues about Mitsuki."
As the discussion progressed, footsteps approached from the hallway.
Appearing before them was一
Shakespeare: "Greetings. I apologize for not being the person you're looking for."
Shakespeare: "Considering Mitsuki's absence and the stern expressions on everyone's faces, it seems the situation has taken a turn for the worst."
Shakespeare understood the situation instantly.
Vincent: "Will, have you heard by any chance about the rumor regarding the disappearance of foreign women?"
Shakespeare: "Yes. I came here to inform you that Mitsuki could also become a target."
Shakespeare: "I'm not sure how much you all know, but there is some concerning information about this incident."
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Dazai: "Any clues are welcome. Tell us, Shakespeare."
Shakespeare: "According to the testimony of the last person who saw the missing individual, she was accompanied by a mercenary-like man."
Vincent: "Mercenary?"
Shakespeare: "Aye. He was wearing a cloak and carrying a sword."
Comte: "Could it be a vampire hunter?"
Shakespeare nodded.
Shakespeare: "The reason is unclear, but there seems to be a possibility that the hunters are abducting foreigners."
Vincent: "Could it be that Mitsuki was taken because someone leaked our identities?"
Arthur: "That seems unlikely. For now, Mitsuki is more likely an individual who got caught up in this."
Theo: "If our identities were exposed, they would likely make direct contact with us."
Comte: "Yeah. Hunters have the duty to protect humans. They target vampires."
Comte: "If that's the case, I'm worried about the way they're acting. It seems as though they're convinced there's a vampire among the foreign women."
At that moment, Sebastian, who had been silently listening, raised his hand.
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Sebastian: "May I interject for a moment?"
Sebastian: "This is just my speculation, but..."
The usually composed Sebastian continued speaking, his expression more serious than usual.
Sebastian: "Until recently, Mitsuki was delivering meals to Isaac's university."
Isaac: "I did ask her to. But since I heard about the hunters showing up, I asked her to bring me Blanc instead to ensure it wouldn't be suspicious if someone saw her."
Sebastian: "Yes. However, there was a day when we were out of Blanc, and she had to carry Rouge instead."
Sebastian: "If, unfortunately, someone saw her carrying it and the information reached the ears of the hunters..."
Sebastian lowered his gaze, as if blaming himself.
Leonardo: "It's not just your responsibility, Sebastian."
Leonardo: "But I see. In that case, it wouldn't be strange for Cara mia herself to be suspected as a vampire."
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Leonardo: "The hunters were searching for Mitsuki based on the information of a foreign woman."
The possibility that emerged made everyone's faces more stern.
Jean: "What happens if she gets caught by the hunters?"
Drake: "Execution, undoubtedly."
Drake, sitting with his legs crossed on the sofa, uttered the words that cut through the tension.
It was the worst outcome that everyone had in the back of their minds.
Comte: "That's true. In the past, there were times when vampires would be executed on the spot once they were identified."
Comte: "But that was centuries ago. Even if they are hunters, I want to believe they won't do anything barbaric in this civilized society."
Drake: "You can't be sure about that."
Drake: "There are plenty of people who go against our expectations and do outrageous things."
Napoleon: "Drake has a point. In any case, we need to figure out a plan to help her."
Napoleon: "First, we need to find the hunters' whereabouts."
Drake: "If that's the case, he might be able to tell us."
Drake stood up from the sofa and opened the window in the living room.
With the flapping sound of wings, a red parrot(Draco) flew in.
Draco: "Fawn! Over there! Fawn! Over there!"
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Drake: "Hm. There, there. Thanks, Draco."
Drake placed Draco on his arm and squinted his eyes at the parrot.
Then he muttered in a voice only he could hear.
Drake: "I'll repay the debt. I promised that to you, little fawn."
Drake: "Sorry, hunters. This time, I'm on the other side."
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alicepao13 · 2 months
Hudson and Rex S06E11
Retrospectively, this episode had a good promo, as it made it look more high-stakes than it actually was. That’s not to mean it was a bad episode but the actual episode made Rex's situation look decidedly less dire.
We get right into it, and I think I’d have preferred a first scene with Sarah picking up the phone and being told that Charlie is in the hospital, or a scene where they find Charlie. And their first interaction seems bland, sorry.
That lady is creepy. She could be an unsub on Criminal Minds.
Charlie’s threshold above which he can leave the hospital is: “Can I walk?” *limps, staggers* “Eh, good enough. Let’s go find Rex.”
I get why creepy lady had to treat Rex, script-wise, but after that point it was like his injury practically disappeared. Another miraculous recovery. 
"I never should have let him chase that trailer". What are you talking about, Rex chasing people is literally how you guys catch 80% of the criminals.
"I was being a cowboy". How this comes up after so many cases of both Charlie and Rex exhibiting this kind of behavior and is now considered cowboy behavior while in the past it has been considered police work, I don't know.
"Your bark is bigger than your bite"? The disrespect! Allow him to demonstrate.
"Rocky it is". Oh, hell no, lady.
You have to admire the astonishingly amateurish work of the thieves. They go to "steal" the horse, they get seen. They go back to get the clippers, they get seen again.
Hey, they're using Jesse as a detective again. Good for you, Jesse Mills.
They actually started searching the barns one by one? Oh, my.
Joe and Sarah keeping an eye on Charlie. But just. Keeping an eye.
Why is he talking with the guy like they had a mere brawl? Like, shove him against the wall, Rex is missing! I demand some violence for this.
I appreciate Sarah's tactile approach of making sure Charlie is okay every five minutes lol
Of course Rex, even injured and captured, would still be looking to get the murder weapon. A consummate professional.
"Cardinal rule of marriage, ask for forgiveness, not permission". What an idiot. You're at the divorce lawyer's door and you don't even know it, dumbass.
This might be the dumbest reason for a person to get caught in other people's bullshit and end up getting murdered. Being witness to a fake theft orchestrated by the person who actually owns the horse, and trying to stop it. In another show, the guy would become a vengeful ghost, rightfully so.
Oh yeah, that lady is scary. And apparently, abusive too.
Rex's ears perking up as he hears the sound of Sarah's car is like, "oh fucking finally, they've come to get me out of here". And then he gets sedated. Poor dog is having a hell of a day.
Charlie heard Rex's whine with... supersonic hearing? First the growling, now this. I think he's becoming part dog.
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Oh yeah, this is what people with concussions and limps should do.
"Another blow to the head could be serious". Oh, you mean, another, other blow? Also, another concussion even weeks later can actually cause second-impact syndrome, and kill him. I think he's due for a vacation.
"I'll keep my head down". That response alone warrants some violence.
"Not hurt are you?" Well, it's been like a full day since Rex was shot. He's totally fine.
I think the promo overhyped the episode, but it was still good. I needed a bit more emotion from everyone, to be honest. The hospital scene could be longer but at least they remembered to show the side effects of getting a concussion, somewhat. I still maintain that someone should have died for shooting Rex, but that would be to satisfy me personally. The excess of violence should be acceptable if someone shoots a dog. See John Wick. Also, at which point will they come up with the idea to put a GPS tracker on Rex? A GPS tracker on Charlie would be a good idea too, for a grown man he's surprisingly easy to lose :P
At some point, all of this should blow over to a scene where Sarah accuses Charlie of being reckless, but I'm not holding my breath.
Promo: The SJPD precinct continues to be a dangerous place to work. I'd say there are smarter ways of getting the police's attention than trying to hold one of their people at knife-point. But hey, I appreciate it regardless. I'm glad the tone of the season has changed from "we don't know what the fuck we're doing" to "Hudson and Rex, in which everyone is having a terribly dangerous time".
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a-tiny-frog-girl · 2 years
im bored, I should be writing but here's some of my favorite borrower headcanons instead (ask your headcanons or ask for more of mine or clarification!! I love this stuff!!)
borrower "culture" isn't really a thing. If you found two borrowers from separate places and asked them what holidays they celebrate or if they have a hierarchy, they'd most likely give you completely different answers (that means the rest of the list is basically only true for some borrowers in my head)
borrowers don't track time like humans. Ofc they still have like morning and evening and so on, but they don't have hours or minutes or years in the way we use them.
Adding to the last bit, borrowers don't do birthdays. Since they don't really have numbered days, at most they remember whether they were born in early or late (insert season here). Age is counted by seasons and being an older borrower usually means being respected far more.
borrowers don't really do gender. it's really not a big deal when you're fighting for your food and life constantly. Pronouns are just things they borrow from humans, they're not really attached to them.
skirts and dresses are impeding to most borrower things so wearing them is either luxurious and shows that a borrower doesn't need to work or lazy. Again gender isn't really a thing so they can be worn by anyone as long as they don't need to be constantly alert.
hair length is usually a personal decision. Long hair is warm and can be tied up easily, but can get caught in things and does take maintenance. Not as much maintenance as human hair would at that length, but still some. (borrowers can usually brush the tangles out of their hair with just their fingers.) Short hair is a lot more permanently out of the way but often needs to be cut fairly regularly to stay at that length.
hair color can affect what length borrowers choose to keep their hair at. Black haired borrowers might keep long hair and even put it semi down so they're harder to see in the darkness. Red or blonde haired borrowers might have to keep it short because it could easily get them spotted.
borrowers that live/work alone tend to be more cutthroat than colonies of borrowers. They can't rely on much and if you are hindering their work they will cut you loose so fast.
on the other hand, colonies tend to be more strict about rules and such. The rules vary greatly, but they tend to stick to them and not forgive even small transgressions. Basically if you're a rule breaker you're gonna get yeeted.
if a lone borrower is crazy, it's kinda just like eh, they're alone so long it makes sense for them to be like that. Often if they aren't like actually just randomly biting people, they can still be decent ally's.
if a colony is crazy, you're fucked. That is a borrower cult, my guy. They have already completely convinced themselves and each other that they are the sane ones, there's no way to get through to them. Plus they tend to have the numbers to do really bad things, for instance: sacrifices.
some borrowers do have religion!! It can be anything from whatever religion the humans had put through a game of telephone or something humans would consider to be a lot like witchcraft!
Borrowers often get their names from 1. human names (usually misheard or misspelled) 2. something precious to the parents, like how some humans are named after gems 3. just a random word that someone heard and decided would make a good name, or 4. another borrower.
moving house is just as dangerous if a borrower moves into somewhere with borrowers already as if it's an empty place. The best scenario would probably be a group of borrowers too small to be considered a colony that don't mind sharing or a recently evacuated home. (you would have to consider why they left, though.)
borrowers sit wherever they goddamn please. on the floor? yep. on the edge of a table next to a drop that would definitely kill them? yeah, sure. on top of a borrower sized table? it's comfy! wherever they happen to be standing and find out they're going to be there a while? just plopped down on the spot. They are also incredibly fast at getting up, so there's no worry about being stuck sitting when something happens.
beds aren't really a thing for borrowers either. They have to be able to sleep wherever they are so they don't get tired and make stupid mistakes. The closest thing to a human concept of a bed would probably be a few comfortable scraps of fabric in a bit of a messy nest. Easy to move and rearrange. Some borrowers just sleep on the ground or cuddle with other borrowers.
Candy is as precious as gems. Unfortunately, just about as useful as them, too, but sweet things are hardly ever left out or abandoned.
The main overarching rule for borrowers is don't get caught and if you do, don't reveal the rest of the borrowers to humans. Different rules spawn from this like don't speak to humans or don't go out during the day or whatever, but those are the ones all borrowers basically would get as a kid.
Borrowers are kind of desensitized to violence and death. All their lives they are constantly thinking about it possibly happening, and depending on where they live, may have seen many others bite the dust. It's just a part of being a borrower.
Borrowers have INCREDIBLY dark humor. They'll absolutely be joking about how their best friend got severely injured the moment they're safe. Maybe even before depending on the borrower.
Some borrowers are more animalistic than others. It's a trait that's sort of passed down like what eye color you have. Some borrowers have cat-like eyes that adjust to the dark well but are mid sighted and color blind. Some borrowers can purr or chirp. Some are more capable of eating raw meat or random stuff they find on the ground. Some have tails for balance or animal ears.
Many borrowers have weird special talents that seemingly come out of nowhere. One may be able to jump stupidly high while the other can smell everything and discern what is going on in the next room.
borrowers get overstimulated SO EASILY. loud? no thanks. lots of movement that they try to automatically track all at once? eugh. bright colors that hurt their eyes and distract them? bad.
crows and borrowers often have symbiotic relationships. Borrowers share a little food and time/conversation and the crow distracts the human or gives them a ride or protects them from other animals. they are friends <3
Most borrowers don't have any other name than their first unless they live in a place with a LOT of other borrowers and need to distinguish where they're from.
TLDR; I never stop thinking about borrowers. I am a borrower nerd. I will keep on talking about this forever.
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boltupbitches · 1 year
You're a stress smoker. Occasional cigarette here and there when under pressure. Well you and Justin are engaged and he has never caught you (guy is a goody two shoes health nut) one night you're overwhelmed planning the wedding and you sneak outside while he is asleep. He catches you cigarette in mouth and freaks out because he loves you and doesn't want to see you doing something so toxic
Bad Habits -Justin Herbert
It had been quite a while since I had a smoke. The last time was probably about 5 months ago. Prior to meeting and dating Justin, I used to smoke cigarettes pretty regularly, but with time I cut down to the occasional one when having a bad day. I guess you could say I'm a stress smoker.
I almost forgot about the couple I had left from my last pack I bought, tucked away in a shoebox in my closet. It wasn't until I was going through some stuff to donate that I didn't wear anymore that I realized I had them.
The wedding planning had been pretty hectic and at times pure hell. I honestly just wanted to get married at the magistrate's and be done with this, but I knew neither of our families would forgive us for that choice. I knew Justin felt the same way as me, but also didn't want to deal with the grumbling of our families.
So, here I was stressing out and sneaking a cigarette out on back patio, knowing I had just an hour or so to do it and shower before Justin came home.
Well, I thought I had an hour.
Within seconds of my first hit the patio door was opening and I could hear my fiance's voice call out, "Babe? I'm home and I picked up Chipotle on the way."
"Fuck!" I muttered and quickly looked to find a spot to die out the cigarette, but it was too late.
"What is that? Are you.. are you smoking a fucking cigarette?!" He asked incredulously.
I sighed and dropped the cigarette, using my sandals to snuff it out before turning to him with a guilty look.
"How long have you been doing this?" Justin asked, anger starting to trickle into his tone. His eyes were a mix of anger and disappointment. "That shit is so bad for you! It could kill you!"
I swallowed the lump in my throat and couldn't fight off the tears as they started pouring down my cheeks. I was hysterical.
Justin's expression immediately changed and he rushed forward towards me, "Babe, please don't cry."
I was full on sobbing now against his chest as he held me to him, shushing me gently and rubbing my back. "It's j-just all to fucking much!"
"What is?"
"Everything! The wedding planning, my new job, everyone's opinion on shit. I'm just tired and stressed, and I just want a break!"
Justin pressed a kiss to my temple and gently pulled me back. He reached his hands up to wipe my tears and gently cupped my face with both hands. "Listen.. fuck everyone else. The wedding isn't for another 3 months. The wedding is supposed to be for us, not anyone else in attendance. So, if it's too much, let's scale it back to something smaller and intimate. It's however you want it, ok?"
I nodded and sniffled.
"And no more smoking, ok?" He let go of my face and held his hand out. "Where's the pack?"
I tuck it from out of my pants pocket, including the lighter, and handed it over to him. He squeezed the packet tightly in his hand, no doubt crushing the few remaining cigarettes.
"For now on, let me know about this stuff, ok? I don't want you going back to this after you worked so hard to quit the first time, babe. Ok?" He said earnestly.
"Yeah, thanks." I mumbled and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"Now, let's go get in the shower and then eat our Chipotle. Nova is likely prowling the kitchen right now for some of your burrito bowl as we speak."
I laughed and took his hand as we headed back inside. Thankful to have a deterrent from my bad habits.
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reinekes-fox · 8 months
Blood of Beasts
@0nelittlebirdtoldme its so short :(
"There is no escape." I took his hand and turned the palm upwards, the silver glint of his tattoo enough to make my skin tingle painfully. "We knew that when they took us." I showed him mine, only fine scars that trailed like cracks through marble now reminded me of my Seven Star. "The only way out of the Silver Guardians is death," I smiled, showing my teeth, "Either way. I'm sorry I left you behind, I really am. You're my brother and now we're on different sides, unfortunately.", I paused and glanced at the huge monastery and last bastion against us vampires, Saint Michon. Still beautiful. For a short time I had been truly happy there. "You know what they would do to me if they caught me." We had both seen what the Silver Guardians did to the hapless vampires unlucky enough to fall into their hands alive. Chained for eternity, starving for eternity only for our horses to become accustomed to the undead spawn... Even then I had felt pity, a feeling that had stuck with me and for which everyone else had hated me.
Of course, they were monsters, the fact that one of them had got involved with my mother proved that more than enough, killing people and just trying to take over the world, but now I was one of them. Probably no one was surprised when I ran away, I had just left Felix a message that I was looking for my father. I hadn't found him, but I had found others of my blood, the blood of Chastain. And now I had returned, on the side of the dead.
"I know what they teach us about vampires," I began, not sure where I was going with this at all: was I trying to convince Felix to take the same step as me? A risky gamble on whether to resurrect as a nobleblood or a wretch? No, I would never be able to forgive myself if it didn't work out for him, "and part of that is clearly true. But... I still have feelings, just a little different.... a bit displaced but I don't have much desire to slaughter a village or something like that. I get along great with our chronicler, a really nice guy, was really young when he was turned too. Well, all this blood drinking and people wanting you to bite them is really annoying, always wanting to be with you but we're used to that." A grim smile at this old inside joke between us, remembering me of days long gone. Something that had only made sense after we had been enlightened about our true nature as half-vampires: at least until then I had succumbed to the fallacy that I was just insanely good looking. Not that this wasn’t true too…
"I'm here to say goodbye." Harsh words and ones I never imagined to say. I always imagined that we would die together, as brothers.
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dreadfulsanity · 6 months
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"I had a weird fucking day. Wakako threw something my way. Guy wanted someone to kill someone. So I asked who the target was. She didn't know. Now, I have no problem putting bullets into skulls of scum. Like Jataro Shobo. Seriously. The more I learn about the guy the more I wish I could kill him again. Utter piece of filth. But I digress. So I asked her what if the target is some nice, loving father of three. 'Then you will make the right decision, V.' Ugh. So I decided to hear the guy out at least. "
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"Turns out, he was after the killer of his wife. Joshua Stephenson. Yes, the one who's all over the screamsheets lately. Passion of Christ nonsense. Looks like he got off death row by making a deal with corpos. Bill couldn't let that slide. Before you ask, yes, I agreed to help. Though I was hoping I'd still find an angle I could play. Anyways, we waited in his car until the target came in sight. No one said anything about NCPD though. We followed the van. I spare you the details. We caught up to them. Some badge with a stick up his ass threatened to shoot. Bill couldn't care less. Stormed with drawn weapon towards him. Tried to get in-between them, but... well, Bill is dead. And now Joshua wanted to... hire me to spend the day with him. Isn't that nice? There was also some corpo rat from the studio among the trio. I agreed, because... I was curious. Plain and simple. Btw... I apparently have a reputation among the NCPD. Dangerous to be around were the words Vasquez used. I'm no danger to badges, am I?"
River chuckled. "Well, I'm not a badge anymore, so I couldn't possibly say." He kissed her neck.
"Oh, we're getting to that. Apparently your old buddies like to gossip like school girls. We arrived at some house in SD where Joshua wanted to visit someone. Asked me to come with. Vasquez was giving me the stink-eye. You know me. I took that as a challenge. Maybe got a bit cocky. Called him cute, but that I have sadly only space for one cop in my bed. 'Ex-cop.' he snapped back at me."
"What?" Another chuckle.
"Told you. Apparently we're the talk at the NCPD."
"What did you say to that?"
"That you have bigger cojones than all the other badges at your precinct combined. And definitely bigger balls than Vasquez. With a very snotty look around his crotch region. He just grunted. I chuckled and went in after Joshua. Apparently that was the house where the mother of one of his victims lived. And he was besties with that victim's sister. She... forgave him. It was through her that he found god. Made me nauseous. Mum came home, didn't find it in her heart to forgive him and threw us out. Next stop was a diner. The corpo bitch wanted to get rid of me. I did not oblige. Made her mad. Worth it. We talked a bit more, Vasquez and Joshua wolfed down some chow. Then they left for the studio and I came here."
Val poured herself another whiskey.
"You know, this whole thing is insane. I mean, he's obviously bad people, and got sentenced to death for it. But the corp making bank on his suffering... they want to crucify him and record a braindance of that. What the hell is wrong with people? And then, as I was making my way home, the corpo bitch called. Begged for my help. Apparently Joshua has second thoughts. She wants me to set him straight. She'll be in for a rude awakening. He belongs back on death row. Not in a BD studio."
"Jesus, V. Your days are never boring, aren't they? Maybe I should come with you someday."
"I'd like that. Could do some NCPD scanners. Gigs that won't ruffle your conscience. Actually... I get a lot of mini gigs from my fixers, looking for missing persons. But for today, I'm done. Think about it. I'd like to have you around some more."
She drank the whisky in one go before grabbing his hand and pulling him off the counter.
"But for now..." She smirked seductively and guided him up the stairs to her bed.
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luke-o-lophus · 2 years
Oof, I'm in some mood for good solid angst ( but with a happy ending, of course). Maybe for a change reader is the one in the wrong, like they did some stupid shit. Maybe there was a mission and reader effed up big time and gets berated by les bois.
Sry for such a vague request. I just want me some angst.
You had fucked up, and you know it. You should have informed them that you're heading after this dangerous guy. But of course you didn't want them to worry.
But truth is, you wanted to prove yourself. There wasn't any real reason to, it's not like your boys doubted you, or said anything to suggest so. It was just, they often did missions alone, but you never did. Yeah they had a supersuit and power of a God, but, still.
You expected to come back in a day, before they even realize something is up.
Imagine their shock when they get a call around dinnertime from you. You sound rushed, and they don't miss the undertone of terror in your voice.
They find you in one of your safe houses. It's Steven in his suit, mask drawn back, face near panicked. You've barely shut the door when he swoops you into a gentle hug.
Turns out, the man you'd been after had caught your scent. You got ambushed by a whole group of his men. You still managed to destroy the man's stash of cash and weapons, so your mission was technically a success
Issue was, it left you more than a little injured and about a dozen highly skilled assassins hot on your trail
It was Marc who got you out. You were out of the safe house in under three hours. So, just as long as it took for him to make sure your wounds weren't too dangerous, and plotting a safe route of escape. Neither of you wanted to kill unnecessarily.
They don't say anything this entire time. Marc's face is stormy the whole time, save the first few moments when he fronted and he cupped your face to make sure you're okay
Your safety is their priority now, rest can be worked out later
It's Steven who patches you up back home, but he is avoiding your gaze. His usual talkative nature was practically nonexistent. He gets the job done, and asks you to come to dinner table when you're ready to. That's when the lead weight sinks into your stomach
You have monumentally fucked up
You're teary eyed when you come to the table, rage undercutting the heavy embarrassment you felt. It appears that your partners don't want to talk about it yet, maybe they think you deserve a break. But you can't go to sleep without settling this conversation.
You're angry initially, their reaction seems to sink it in that they do believe you can't hold your own.
Steven is confused by that statement. It didn't even occur to him. To him, you're the embodiment of power and strength and energy.
But Marc, he's angry. He's been trying to stay quiet because he was afraid of what he may end up saying in a fit of rage. But there is a snapping point.
Marc doesn't yell. His voice is almost ridiculously soft when he says, You almost died. We'd not even have known. We'd come back to an empty home not doing what we did wrong that our GF couldn't tell us about a dangerous mission
All your rage melts into shame. You're blabbering apologies, promising over and over that you most certainly did not intend to hurt them, that you didn't think this would happen, that you love them, that you'd never do this again.
You're soon begging for forgiveness, promising to change, promising to get help about your insecurities, to work on them. You're hurt, exhausted, and now terrified for a whole different reason.
Did you push them too far? Are they going to...leave you?
You're soon swooped into another hug again, this time Marc. He's shushing gently in your ears, stroking your head, trying to calm you down enough to listen to him
We're not going anywhere, you always have us. He affirms. The words make you sob harder and clutch onto him.
The sobbing soon tires you out. You're a boneless heap curled into his hold, and he easily hoists you up to get you into bed. He even carefully wipes down your face with a warm towel.
He gets in bed with you, and you're clutching his shirt again, whispering a slurred and tired apology. It's raw, honest, desperate.
With a soft kiss on your forehead, Marc gives you his forgiveness. Tells you that Steven does too.
You fall asleep in his gentle embrace, in the safe cocoon of a pile of blankets in your shared home.
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