#watching what ur doin on ur phone
poppy-metal · 8 months
jordan needs a femme gf (me) to sit on their lap at parties n bounce on their knee.
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confietti · 6 months
pt. 2 of Emo!choso
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EMO!CHOSO who caressed your face while whispering sweet nothings into your ear while you cried into his chest because of your cramps. :(
EMO!CHOSO who was awfully confused the first time you sent him out to buy pads for you.
cho<3: baby whats ur pussy size? princess💝💝: what? princess💝💝: choso answer the phone. 🤦🏾‍♀️
EMO!CHOSO who your lash tech hates because he loves to cum on your face the same day she does your lashes. (he'll always pay for them, though.❤️)
EMO!CHOSO who you can never watch movies with because not even halfway through one you feel a hand slip down your underwear, causing you to look up only to be met with his shit-eating grin.
EMO!CHOSO who doesn't talk much but does silly things to you when he's bored. Randomly biting your shoulder, nudging your head with his nose, etc.
EMO!CHOSO whose idea of a good 'date night' is making out for hours and hours to his favorite songs.
EMO!CHOSO who loves to pull you into heated makeout sessions in public that leave you flustered and horny for the rest of the day.
EMO!CHOSO who will randomly smother his face into your ass while you're on your phone and you don't mind one bit.
EMO!CHOSO who has no problem paying for your hair products, braids, wigs, nails, lashes, etc. because he knows how expensive these things can be and refuses to not put at least some money towards getting them for you.
EMO!CHOSO who your parents still hate but have learned to tolerate because they've come to realize that he wasn't going anywhere.
EMO!CHOSO who took you too an art gallery as your 'official first date'. but instead of focusing on the art like you were, he was more captivated by you.. long story short, you ended up fucking in the bathroom by the end of the 'date.'
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Bonus: Your loud moans bounced off the 4 walls of the men's restroom as choso pounded in you mercilessly. Your pretty dark red dress hiked up past your waist as drool dripped on your now exposed breasts. "You're doin' great sweets.. cum f'me, yeah?" his sadistic smile in the mirror was the last thing you saw before your vision blurred and you saw stars. that was the best 'official first date' you've ever had.
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a/n: tysm for the support on pt.1 !!
© confietti, 2023. do not copy, steal, or repost my content without permission.
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cod-sins · 11 months
Heyyyy. I loved ur konig hcs! 💕. Can we get hcs for Ghost/ konig ab what they would do if they’re civilian s/o was getting stalked while they were away and they call them asking what to do ? xx
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.ೃ࿐ Format: Hcs
.ೃ࿐ Reader: Undisclosed. Established relationship.
.ೃ࿐ Ratings: SFW
.ೃ࿐ Word Count: 1.2k
[A/N: Hey anon thank you so much for requesting this, it was so much fun to write I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. :) Also Ghost is more of a full fic than a headcanon sorrey got carried away. 😋]
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Ghost was stuck in a safehouse somewhere in the deserts of Mexico waiting for his rescue team to come pick him up. He was absolutely done with this mission, having to carry around 30 extra pounds of military gear in the scorching heat just to eliminate a "single fucking target" was no joke. He'd much rather be at home in his flat, throwing something on the telly [lol] and laying around with you. He smiles at that thought.
He checked his watch. 1435 read the time. '3 more hours.' He thought. Three more hours until he arrived back at the base. Three more hours until he makes it to the airport. He glanced up at the ceiling his mind filled with all the things you were gonna say to him, how you would fuss over his injuries and insist on him relaxing in the bath while you cooked for him. He plays out these thoughts in his head until his mind becomes hazy and he begins to fall asleep.
Ghost is a fairly light sleeper so the first time you called he answered immediately.
"Hello?" "Ghost! I'm so sorry I know you said not to call you unless it's an emergency but there's this guy who has been following me around all day and I- "Y/N slow down I can't understand you." He said calmly despite his heart starting to beat faster.
You took a deep breath and resumed. "I was at the grocery store earlier and I noticed this guy who kept following me around. Every single aisle I went down he was there, even after I left the store he kept following me. I don't know what to do he's still waiting for me to leave this building." Your voice trembled as you spoke.
Ghost could feel his blood beginning to boil as you talked. The mere thought of someone trying to harass you or even worse hurt you drove him crazy. He should be there protecting you not waiting around.
"Alright, I want you to listen to me carefully and do exactly as I tell you, do you understand? Do not hang up this phone Y/N. First I want you to tell me where he is and what he's doin'."
You told Ghost the man's location--he was outside across the street pretending to be occupied by a street vendor. He kept glancing at the shop you were hiding in.
"Right listen carefully, I want you to make your way to the closest bank the one we always use. Stay in populated areas where people can see you do not take any shortcuts. Don't go down any alleyways don't give him the opportunity to have you alone. Once you make it to the bank talk to the security guard and tell 'em what's happening. Make sure you point the guy out."
You agree and with a shaky hand you grab your bags and make your way outside. The stalker takes notice of this and begins his pursuit. You hastily make your way to the bank--updating Ghost with every step. As soon as you make it inside you talk to the security guard and tell him your situation. He immediately calls the police which scares the man off while they escort you back home in a police car.
As soon as this whole ordeal is over Ghost forces you to take self-defense classes. He would also like it if you knew how to work a gun but if you weren't comfortable with that he'd opt for getting a dog instead. (Plus he's quite fond of the animal.) He just wants you to be safe he couldn't stand the thought of losing you. ):
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All you wanted to do was go home and fall asleep in you and König's California-sized bed. You had a long grueling day; dealing with shitty customers who thought they were entitled to everything and awful coworkers who barely did their job forcing you to work overtime and pick up on their slack. Whilst working you accidentally burnt yourself cleaning the coffee machine because your boss had distracted you to ask if you could close shop tonight.
You were so busy walking home that you didn't notice the man behind you following your every step. It was only when you tripped and dropped your bag--all your items spiling out that you realized that he was there. He quickly stepped in helping you pick up your items despite your initial rejection.
He was very adamant about helping you even though it was clear you were uncomfortable with the situation. Quickly thanking him you began speeding up your walk while fumbling around for your phone. You glanced back and noticed he was still following you. The sun had begun to set and the remaining light was slowly fading away. Your car was in the shop so you were forced to walk home at night.
You glanced back once more and saw that he was still behind you even though you had taken multiple turns and crossed several different streets. Starting to feel anxious you dialed your boyfriend. It took him a few moments to answer which felt like years to you.
"Hallo?" A tired voice spoke from the phone. The sound of his voice instantly filled you with comfort almost making you forget about the situation you were in. "König I'm sorry to wake you I need your help, there's some dude who won't stop following me. I don't wanna go home yet because I don't want him to know where we live. It's starting to get dark out and my phone is gonna die." You said sounding exasperated. The sound of shuffling could be heard over the phone as you continued down the street.
"Where are you now?" His demeanor had completely changed sounding more gruff and serious. You stammered out your location telling him specific landmarks. A theater, a bar, and a park across the street. König instructs you to head to the bar first, 'get lost in the crowd' he told you. 'Then go out the back way and head to the park.' You do as you're told hovering down while you squeeze between heavily intoxicated people. You make it outside the bar then hurry across the street.
It's now completely dark out and without any light it's hard to see inside the park. "I want you to go hide in the park behind the bushes where he can't see. Stay low turn off your phone light and be quiet." König continues to instruct you as you find a hiding spot. You watch as the man leaves the bar, he walks a few feet down then he turns around still not able to find you.
Once he realizes you're completely gone he curses and stomps his foot then marches off into the distance. You cringe at the thought of what he would do to you if he found you. König brings you back to reality asking if you're alright, you tell him your status and he makes you stay on the phone until you've made it back home.
Similar to Ghost, König would also want you to learn self-defense maneuvers, he'd teach you himself (because he's so big he makes a good example) and he'd equip you with your own knife. König would also give you pepper spray and a whistle and a tactical flashlight. You'd have to stop him at the flashlight or else he'd have you lugging around military gear like Ghost.
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moralesluvr · 1 year
omg can i request one where you do the lipstick trend on tiktok with hobie?? i’m not rlly good at explaining things 😭 btw i love ur writing ❤️‍🔥
the lipstick challenge ft. hobie brown
♡ pairings & aus: hobie brown x fem!black!reader ♡ summary: you do the lipstick trend from tiktok with your boyfriend! ♡ warnings: kissin', hobie acting a fool, him being a cutie ♡ a/n: thank you for your request! and tysm!! this was so cuteeee ♡ got a request? | masterlist ♡
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That was one of the first things that came out of Hobie's mouth when you begged him to do this challenge with you-- you even added a 'pretty please' on top and he still refused. You grabbed his hand as he walked away, trying to yank him back to you, "Please, baby? I don't see any harm in doin' it!"
Hobie gives you vex groan, walking to the kitchen to find something to drink. You skip behind him-- you really weren't taking no for an answer. Compromise could be given, of course-- you didn't even have to post it!
You stand behind your boyfriend as he scans the refrigerator to look for something to drink. You're so quiet that he nearly forgets you're there, and when he takes out a bottle of water and turns around, he almost jumps when he sees you. His face immediately hardens, "I literally just about laid a brick on myself, love, why are you jus' followin' so close behind me like that?"
"Because," you drag, pulling at his arms, "I want you to do the TikTok with me! C'mon, Bee, I don't even have to post it. It'll be so cute. Do it for your girlfriend, please?"
With the way that you're looking up at him with those sweet brown eyes, it's hard for him to even deny the fact that he feels bad for telling you no. He throws his head back for a second before saying, "Fine, but you cannot post it no matter what."
You squeal at him, grabbing his hand firmly and dragging him back to his bedroom, though it was practically shared between the two of you because of how much you're always at his place or in his bed. You grab one of your makeup bags and your phone as Hobie takes a spot on his comforter, wondering if he made the right decision to let you do this.
"Okay, so here's how this is gonna go," you grin, plopping next to him excitedly. You take out a red lipstick, "I'm gonna put this on my lips, and then I'm gonna kiss you on your face so that it leaves stains. And then I'll put it on and mess up on purpose, and then--"
"I'm not gonna lie," Hobie says, leaning back to rest on his arms, "I'm just a tad bit lost, love, so you're gonna kiss me first?"
"Let's just do one step at a time." You suggest, opening the TikTok app on your phone and setting it up on the dresser, ready to hit record. You then grab your lipstick and use the camera as your mirror, the silky red substance glossing your lips over flawlessly. You turn to Hobie, who nods, "Gorgeous."
"Mhm, now c'mere and let me kiss you."
You leaned closer to your boyfriend and grabbed his face, pressing a fat kiss directly on to his cheek. You hear him groan, but the way his lips are stretched ear to ear makes you think that he's not really disliking it as much as he portrays.
You give him a few more kisses before smiling at him, "Ready?"
He nods, and you quickly tell Hobie what he's supposed to do before grabbing your phone and starting the video. You slide the lipstick across your bottom lip, and then down your chin a little, frowning before you feel your boyfriend's ringed thumb wipe it away. You then pan the camera towards him, and he's smiling big, looking at you with loving eyes. You geek once the video ends, "That was so cute!"
You watch it a couple times over before settling on the fact that's it's honestly the best you're gonna get. Hobie stands to his feet, walking over to the door before pausing, "'M gonna go wash this off, I'll be back. And oh, do not post that!"
Shooing him off, you watch Hobie leave before you give a devilish smirk to your phone, staring at your new incoming notification.
gwenstacy & miles_morales4 have liked your video.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 ☻ thank you for reading!
𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑-𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓🕷️: @queenesther996 //@sukunas-slutty-bitch // @c3f21 // @wydney // @rinnyisnothere // @brieryann // @moisttowllet // @Dee-m-cee
𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐄 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 🎸: @lipstickstainedshells // @Dee-m-cee // @euphorichappiness10
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ultr6violnce · 5 months
𖤐ִ ࣪♱ jack thurlow
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note: most of these r js kinda random little drabbles some r nsfw some aren't , a few are just kinda little hc's formed into something more!! hope u enjoy angels ♡.
perv!jack touching you ever chance he gets. you'd be sat watching a movie , a blanket covering the both of you n' he'd start off subtly. his thumb would just be rubbing over ur thighs n' giving it soft squeezes , just waiting til your mind would drift off and stay focused on the movie n' once it had he'd start sliding his hand up further. when you'd notice n' scold him with a slight , 'jack what do you think you're doin..?' a small little pout would form on his face as he'd start cooing in ur ear. 'dont sorry 'bout it baby , just keep focused on the movie.' his fingers eventually sliding between ur shorts n' panties and he'd begin teasing ur wet folds with them before he'd slide his finger inside you , earning soft little gasps n' whimpers from you as his fingers would start moving faster curling up inside you as he'd keep cooing sweet nothings in ur ear.
rough dom/perv!jack who'd place his phone in ur guys room to record you both as he had you on all fours , his hand gripping at ur neck as his cock pounded you deeply , his n' your loud moans as his tip would consistently hits that sweet spot inside you. he'd lean forward , burying his face in ur neck as he makes sure the camera catches every moment of ur filthy little session together. he'd eventually cum inside you , thick ropes of it spilling from his tip and filling ur womb as loud moans errupted from his lips causing his nails to dig into the skin of ur neck as he gives u one last thrust before pulling out , n' he'd take his phone n' record as his cum would ooze from ur hole. eventually saving the video so he could use it for his own personal pleasure later on.
lovestruck!jack who basically hates everyone but you. he's never been the affectionate type n' he's always had this grumpy demeanor about him. that was til he met you. the moment his eyes settled on you , his whole perspective changed. n' suddenly you were the most person in his life. he'd take whatever chance he could to see you , hold you , touch you , kiss you etc. he is absolutely love struck by you. you were the bright sun in his dark storm. he loved you more than anything and would do absolutely anything n' everything for you. that man would move heaven and earth for you if it meant spending his whole life with you. to him everyone else is scum but you..no. you were his girl. you were his beautiful girl n' there would be nothing you could ever say or do that would make him think or feel differently.
softie!jack who would do literally anything to cheer you up. it's kinda obvious he's not the most lovey dovey person , he doesn't do well with affection but the second he notices that you're even a slight bit sad it's like something switches inside him n' he's suddenly the most loving man in the world , he will literally buy you anything. you want some new jewellery? he's already buying it. you want a nice beautiful bouquet of flowers? he's on it. you want a basket of chocolates? he's on his way with them. he would literally do everything to makesure you're smiling , even if he didn't do it much himself he'd always makesure you were. in his mind he'd probably go insane if he ever thought you were losing ur spark just even a little bit.
perv!jack who LUVSSS watching you suck on his fingers whilst ur riding him. your pussy swallowing his cock whole as your hips bounced on his lap as you took him deeper , groans and moans leaving his lips as he could feel himself getting closer. he'd always need something else to finish him off so he'd raise his fingers up to ur mouth and slip them in between your lips , letting you take them in your mouth. his eyes narrowing as he watches you suck and swirl your tongue on them. he'd feel his balls tighten at the sight and loud moans would start spilling like a waterfall from his lips as he'd eventually release his big load inside you. practically cumming buckets inside ur pussy as he kept his fingers in your mouth as his hips bucked up and he'd just rest his head on ur shoulder as he'd keep his softening cock inside you.
atheist!jack x religious!reader - he wanted you to see him as ur god. he didn't want you to worship the god you called 'your god'. he fucking despised it. he was your god. especially when he fucked you or did anything to you. he'd sometimes have you bent over his knee , his fingers plowing into you , his cold , metal rings grazing your walls. n' when he'd fuck you. he'd fuck you good. he'd makesure the only god you knew n' worshipped was him. his hand would slap firm , red handprints on your skin. whilst his cock would just pound you to the point where you could've almost said you felt it in your stomach. n' he'd always makesure to give you the best load. he'd cum fucking buckets for ya before just watching it drip out as he pulled his cock out , mumbling a small 'who's your GOD baby ?' as he'd nuzzle his face into your neck , your soft pants lingering around the room. 'y-you jack..it's only you. you're my GOD ! ' n' just by those words he'd be ready to pound you senseless again.
a/n: hope this is good enough my loves , im gunna try n' get another post out later cuz the ideas are kinda swimming in atm!! idk who im gonna write for so if you wanna send some reqs in then pls feel free to do so , i might not get round to some of them but I'll try my hardest angels!! luv u guys smmm ♡ .
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gingeraleluke · 2 years
hi mads ! ! i hope you are doin' well ^^
if it's okay can i request a fic (for vinnie) where the reader is feeling exceptionally lonely and burnt out,, like she had a fallout with her best friend and at the same time she feels as if in every relationship in her life she's giving her 100% but she isnt receiving the same (if that makes sense!! also i'd really appreciate if they're alr dating in the fic <3) and j kinda angsty but w fluffy ending :)
ive been feeling vv lonely lately and had a fallout w my best friend who i held dearly so i'd really appreciate if u could write this for me ! ! i understand if u can't tho
i adore ur writing btw it always makes my day 100 times better ! ! mwah i luv u have a great day <3
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𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: vinnie hacker x fem!influencer!reader
𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀: vinnie’s girlfriend has a hard time feeling his presence.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: kinda angsty, but also very fluffy, like one swear word, vinnie cheering his girl up and reassuring her, broken heart from a friendship, reader is sad and lonely:(
𝗔/𝗡: i have never related so much to something in my life and i just knew how much i would have loved to have someone write about it like this for me so hopefully you enjoy this!! as someone who is always giving their all and receiving little in return, i 100% know the feeling. just remember that people like us are special and that everything works out in the end <3 ily PS: i made reader an influencer in this hope you don’t mind lol
y/b/f/n: your best friend’s name
you weren’t quite sure what was wrong with you.
you had assumed that you were lacking something in the basic human needs department and that that was why you constantly found yourself chasing after everyone.
maybe you were just…boring?
but, no, that can’t be it. how can a girl with thousands of followers be boring? yet, how can a girl with thousands of followers feel so alone at the same time?
these were the questions that constantly spewed from your head, spinning a web of uncertainty that you would get tangled in and no one could pull you out of it.
“pass me my towel, sweet girl.”
not even your boyfriend.
“hmm?” you broke from your daze, looking at the boy who was calling your name and mentally trying to figure out how long you were zoned out for.
“my towel.”
he was on the edge of the pool, the upper half of his body on display while the lower half was still submerged in water. his arms were flexing as he held his body up, lifting himself halfway out of the water.
“oh.” you lifted your chin from your palm and leaned over to grab the green towel, walking to the side of the pool and handing it to vinnie.
“thank you.” he muttered, the water splashing as he pulled himself up and out of the pool— not even bothering to use the stairs.
it was the first time in a while that you two got some alone time. vinnie living at the hype house made it quite difficult at times, and being super introverted, you always hated going around there. sure, you were a social media star, but you hated the constant cameras and chaos that came with the house. you much rather preferred having vinnie stop by your apartment instead, but since no one was at the house, you let it slide.
he noticed how as soon as you gave him the towel, you immediately dropped back down to your seat, chin in your hand and your phone laid beside you, anxiously bouncing your leg. you wouldn’t even look at him, and would instead just drift out into space, your gaze falling on whatever was in your way.
you weren’t really present.
vinnie momentarily wrapped the towel around his head to absorb the water from his hair before draping it around his hips, drops falling from his hair as he stepped forward.
“did you know that zac effron was in ‘the greatest showman’?” vinnie asked, watching as his girlfriend hummed an absent reply. “yeah, i saw a preview of it and i didn’t even know he was like still acting..”
sometimes when vinnie didn’t know exactly what to say, he’d fill the silence with whatever random thought he could find.
“mm.” you stayed zoned out, your brain analyzing every little thing you ever did and judging yourself for not doing it differently.
huffing, he walked in front of you, squatting down so he was at your level. your brain immediately shut up as soon as his face appeared before yours.
“huh?” you asked again.
“sweetheart, you’re out of it.” vinnie stated, his hands on both of your knees to balance himself.
“i-i know, i’m sorry..” you weren’t sure where to look so you decided to focus your gaze on his earring, wanting to zone out once again and avoid all confrontation possible.
“is it y/b/f/n?” he questioned, already knowing your answer.
“she still hasn’t answered you, huh?”
“nope.” you spoke, frowning and popping the ‘p’.
“well..” vinnie reached over and grabbed your phone, holding it up out of your reach.
“you don’t need this right now, okay? it’s only gonna make things worse, trust me. i know it’s hard, but it’s gonna be right here with me, okay? i’ll take good care of it and you can get it back later, alright?” he grabbed your shoulder, making you look at him.
you groaned a reply, standing up before him.
“good girl, now let’s go.” vinnie held onto your wrist, dragging you behind him and into the house.
“go where?”
“go cuddle, duh.”
you’re stomach erupted into millions of butterflies from his words and yet you still felt empty inside. “you sure, vin?”
“yes, sweet girl. let me just dry off.”
“okay, baby. i’m all yours.” vinnie grunted, jumping into his bed beside you. his eyes danced down to your outfit.
“y/n, what are you wearin—take it off.”
“here.” he tore off his shirt, leaving his chest bare again and threw it at you. “strip and put this on. it’ll be more comfy.”
“but, vinnie, it’s 2pm..”
“so? no one’s gonna bother us, trust me, and there’s nothing that needs to be done right now, y/n. just come here and get comfy.”
“okay.” you muttered, tearing off your clothes while your boyfriend laid behind you patiently. once his shirt was hugging your body, you plopped down beside him.
“there’s my sweet girl. see how much better this is?”
“mm.” you hummed, clinging to him immediately and wrapping your arms around his neck.
“do you wanna talk about it baby?”
“i don’t know, i just…i need you.”
“i’m right here baby.” he chuckled, holding you closer.
“i know, i just…everything feels really out of reach right now.”
“how so?” he asked, swirling shapes with his fingers on your arm.
“i don’t know, i just… i miss y/b/f/n. she was the only person who i really felt loved by, other than you of course, and…i don’t know, i feel like people don’t care about me the way i care about them. like, i know it may sound stupid but, i just feel like no one really….wants me. like i’m always used by people and yet whenever i want something in return, i’m the bad guy.”
“you aren’t though and everyone feels like that.”
“yeah, but, i’m just so used to constantly giving my all to people and always getting nothing in return and it just really fucking sucks..”
“i’m sorry, pretty girl. i wish everyone was smarter and knew how special you are…because you are, you’re really dope. like….10/10 in everything, i promise.” his voice was soft and he left a small kiss beside your eye once he finished talking.
“you’re my boyfriend, you have to say that.”
“no, sweet girl, i mean it, okay? look, i’m sure everything with y/b/f/n is gonna work itself out, so don’t drain yourself over it. everything is gonna be okay y/n, i promise, and you aren’t stupid for feeling like this. a lot of people do, including me.”
“i’m just so tired…like…i don’t know, i need a break.”
“i know, baby, come here.” he rolled you over so that you could lay against his chest. “i’m all yours right now, okay y/n? we can watch whatever you want, it’s your choice.”
you nodded happily, grabbing the remote and turning on your favorite show, happy to have your boyfriend there beside you.
@radioblah-blah @eilishbby @lolalee24
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nonotnolan · 1 year
An Excellent Choice
Dedicated to my valentine, the lovely @mergeman​
“You still sure you want to do this?” Brad texted.  Finn had already spent most of the bus ride on his phone, so he’d already finished reading the message by the time his text notification had finished chiming.  “It’s okay if you get cold feet.  I won’t be offended. ;) I promise!”
Finn couldn’t help but roll his eyes.  “sounds like ur the one w cold feet” he shot back.  “i already told u were doin this”  Granted, he would have been lying if he’d said that he had no fear... but Finn had worked through all of that hesitation when he purchased the bus ticket.  He’d spent far too much time and money on this offer only to back out now.
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Brad was offering $150,000 to a like-minded young soul who was willing to merge with him.  The man was pushing 60, and was hoping to absorb enough youth to try life over again.  For his part, Finn was sick of scraping by from paycheck to paycheck, and if that meant giving up 20 years of his life, well... at least he was being reimbursed for it.  Five years of his current job’s wages was no joke, and the funds would go a long way towards buying a reliable car, and maybe even a down payment on a house.
And anyway, it wasn’t like he was going to disappear.  Rather than opting for the type of merge that put two men into one body, this would be one of the more experimental versions where two people combine all of their traits, and each person becomes the average value.  Finn stepped off the bus and started looking around the agreed-upon meeting place to see if the other man was here.
“Guess I’ll tell my bank not to stop that money transfer.  I really didn’t think you were going to show up, but here you are.”  He watched as an older gentleman strolled up to him, looking very out of place in dark navy sweats.  More impressive was the raven black hair, which looked very out of place given his wrinkled skin and frail figure.  “What, you’ve never seen a man desperately cling to youth with hair dye before?” he asked, clearly used to the stares.  “We can’t all have vibrant hair color, Finley.”
“I’m used to your kind trying to over-compensate with fancy cars,” Finn admitted, unable to pull his eyes away from the older man’s thick beard.  “And my name is Finn.  Respect my name, and I’ll respect yours.  Bradford.”
Brad threw his head back in raucous laughter.  “Oh yes, you are an excellent choice.  Come here!”  Brad pulled him in close, and started to kiss him full on the lips.  It took Finn a few moments to realize that the odd sensation in his mouth was Brad’s tongue, and a few more moments to realize that the kiss was how Brad was planning to perform the merge.  His height was one of the first things to go-- he no longer needed to bend down to maintain contact-- and his skin felt a bit stiff as it tightened with age.  But it was the beard that really felt odd.
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Brad’s facial hair crept onto Finn’s chin and worked its way up his sideburns like some sort of crawling ooze, while a smaller tendril grew up toward his nose to form a mustache.  The sudden itch of new hair under his nose was a bit much, and Finn briefly opened his eyes.  The man in front of him was clearly a few decades younger, which could only mean he was now a few decades older.
“Just a bit more,” Brad said, panting for breath.  “We need to even out our hair color, and I think our weight is still a bit uneven.  Once we’re done we can stop by the courthouse and file all the paperwork.”  Finn nodded in understanding, and leaned back in for another kiss.
“Is it normal for hair dye to completely vanish when a merge has finished?” Brad asked, as they sat in front of a mirror in the lobby of the County Recorder Clerk.  “Our hair should be a combination of the two inputs, but it’s like your red hair and my former brown hair mixed together, rather than the deep black I was dyeing it to be once it started to go gray.”
Finn just shrugged his shoulders.  “I don’t know why you’re asking me.  You were my first merge.  I didn’t even really register that this was a technology that existed until you reached out to me.  I’m just glad we just look like twins and not, like... cloned copies of each other.”
“I’m just glad I got to keep my piercings,” Brad said as he absent-mindedly traced the heavy stud with his finger.  “Sorry if you didn’t want to deal with jewelry.  Yours look small enough that it would probably heal shut in a few weeks.”
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“I hadn’t really thought about it,” Finn admitted, still getting used to the idea that the man with the thick beard was his new reflection and his new body.  “Do you think they would let us change our names when we register with the state?  I really don’t feel like a Finley anymore.”
“I hope so,” Brad replied, following up with another deep laugh.  “I was planning to change my name to Bradley.  It won’t change my nickname but, it just feels right somehow.  Like our names merged when our bodies did.”
Finn smiled.  “I think you’re right.  Finnegan sounds pretentious and borderline obnoxious, but... I also think that it’s my name, now.”
Brad responded by slinging an arm around his shoulder, giving Finn a supportive squeeze.  “I think it’s an excellent choice.”
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itsyourstarboy · 2 years
Streamer!Honey Headcanons Pt.2
First Part Next Part
This one is a bit less headcanons and more of just a little compilation of times Guy has interrupted their streaming, and Chat being Honey's chaotic posse
Guy tries his best. He really does.
But when it's his day off, and Honey is streaming, he gets needy. This boy needs attention and love, and Honey leaving him all alone to play games with strangers is just too cruel. How could they just abandon him like this?
Y'know how sometimes when you're bored you'll randomly go to the fridge to look for something to eat even though you're not hungry? That's Guy. But with the door that leads to the room Honey is streaming in.
He'll be scrolling through social media and then boom suddenly he's standing outside the door.
It's like when you shut your pet out of the bathroom when they try to follow you in.
So without further ado, here are the times Guy has interrupted Honey, and made their chat go wild.
It started small. Guy would stay in the living room, and just blow up their phone with texts, begging for them to come out and just give him one little kiss to hold him over.
Of course they eventually told him to knock it off before they put their phone on silent
Then he was sitting outside the door and sliding notes under. Bonus if the camera is set up in a way that can sort of see the bottom of the door, so Chat is the first to notice and point it out to Honey.
They look over at the chat to see it blowing up like:
Bae, ur dog need u 😅🤣
Is that their roommate??
Tf is going on
AYO 😂😂😂😂
can u play minecraft
🤨 hey what the dog doin 🧐
Chat knows he's a puppy at this point
They turn around to see the little pile of notes scattered there; next to Guy's fingers which he is wiggling around under the door.
"Goddamnit, Guy-!" They shout, but there's clearly no venom in their words. A laugh had slipped out before they could stop it, and they crouched by the door.
The notes were all cute little things like,
"I ♡ u"
"come gimme kiss :("
"want smooch -3-"
"end the stream I need you >:("
So let's say from the angle the camera is set up, the stream can see about half of Honey as they're crouched by the door. They reach up to the handle and crack open the door.
Chat can't see Guy, Honey is blocking him from view.
They can't be heard speaking, but when Guy laughs, everyone in chat fucking melts because baby boy has the sweetest fucking laugh in the world holy shit
Arms can be seen wrapping around Honey, though their arms stay by their side, and it last for about 3 seconds before Honey places their hand flat on Guy's face and shoves him away (affectionately) while also calling him a dumbass.
They shut the door and return to their stream, not very happy that Chat saw that.
What did I miss??
★ someone donated $3 ★
Okay bitch, u got 5 seconds to explain urself 🔫🔫🔫
Anyway, they beat Guy's ass later that night but in the good if ykwim ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Honey's little fan base is having a lot of fun theorizing their relationship with their faceless (yet adorable) roommate.
Chat loves bringing him up to get Honey talking about him. The way their eyes go soft are one of the top reasons most of their fans think they're dating (which they're not wrong, but Honey has yet to confirm nor deny)
Sometimes Honey will even bring Guy up on their own, but it's always the most random ass shit.
They were doing a chill stream, one where they just kinda played a slow game (like animal crossing or Stardew valley) and wouldn't really talk much, with lofi music in the background.
Not as many people watch those streams, but it's okay. Honey likes to play relaxing games from time to time, and they only really can if they're streaming it.
Off the cuff they just go, "Guy told me he wanted to start an Only Fans."
They started laughing after they realized they said it, even more when chat went from being really slow with only a few donos here and there to BLOWING UP
Honey explained that Guy was, in fact, not actually going to start an Only Fans.
They had told him that he was gaining popularity among their fan base and Guy had made the comment as a joke.
However the stream got more rowdy as more people joined only to find the current topic of conversation being whether or not Honey's faceless roommate should start an Only Fans.
Most people were like "yes, please" but Honey was (suspiciously) quick to tell them that it wasn't going to happen.
It only took about 20 minutes for the stream to go back to how it was, calm and slow.
Until Honey, once again, made a random ass comment along the lines of, "what if me and Guy started an only fans together?"
And then it was round two.
Honey loves fucking with their chat.
Guy started getting bolder as Honey living with him became the new normal. He was always finding new ways to invade their stream while keeping his face hidden.
He started watching their streams and eventually decided he wanted to see them blush
★ someone donated $1 ★
HoneysHeaven: guess who ;)))
They stared at the message for almost a minute before placing their head in their hands and going "Jesus fucking Christ"
Chat never caught on to this one until much later
Like, a few months of this "HoneysHeaven" donating just one dollar and saying things that seemed to throw the streamer off their rocker.
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HoneysHeaven: you look so cute today ^^
"Shut up."
*chat proceeds to get angry that Honey did not accept the compliment and aggressively assures them that they are very cute*
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HoneysHeaven: who is Sebastian and why are you flirting with him :(
Honey smirked, "he's a video game character."
HoneysHeaven: but why are you flirting with him :(
Gotta step up ur game HH
Bro is simping HARD
Poor thing
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HoneysHeaven: your fans are being mean to me :((
"hey, you kids play nice."
"I don't trust this ratty ass cat-"
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HoneysHeaven: can you come show me how to run the dishwasher pls (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠` ; )
"Guy, I swear to god, I've shown you how to run it a hundred times already!"
HoneysHeaven: I'm sorryyy (⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠;⁠)
what the heck just happened??
Honey leaves the room to show Guy how to use the dishwasher for the upteenth time, and it certainly won't be the last.
Guy snuck in a few kisses there, being incognito in chat was fun while it lasted
If we circle back to our lovely theorists within Honey's fan base, we will see that they have been having a field day.
People are 98% sure that there is/was something romantic going on between these two. It's very obvious to see how flirty Guy is, and Honey has their moments.
Most think Guy has an unrequited crush on Honey, while some think it's reciprocated but not acted upon.
Very few think they're actually dating simply because of the way Honey acts. It seems like they're not interested in anything romantic.
Another small few think they're just good friends, and they're the kind of people that get all pressed about "why can't two people with a good relationship just be friends anymore," and blah blah blah.
One time Honey was having fun messing with their chat, just kind of sitting back and watching as they discussed amongst each other who Guy was to Honey.
They had fun dangling their love life in front of their fans like bait, especially because it made them feel all warm inside when people pointed out how painfully obvious it was that Guy was head over heels for them.
Did you put a ring on it yet? Cause if you don't, I will <.<
"hey, hey, calm down. He's taken."
Honey laughs, "none of you even know what he looks like."
All the good men are taken >:(
Hold on now, it's 20XX, it's what's on the inside that counts
Mama always told me not to judge a book by its cover
My mama also said not to judge a book by its cover, and lucky for me, I can't read 🥰🥰 Hand him over 🔪 /lh /j
I simp for the invisible man from Hotel Transylvania, my powers are beyond your understanding
"All of you say that, but for all you know, he could look like a toe."
Jokes on you I'm into that shit
*people with foot fetishes have entered the chat*
"okay, I regret being born. I think that's enough internet for today."
Drama doesn't usually break out, but when it does Honey still finds ways to have fun with it.
"no, I did not show Guy how to run the dishwasher like in that scene from Ghost... Tf?"
Damn that would've been hot tho
DAMMIT Boo you missed your chance to seduce him 😩😩
I'm gonna draw that later 👀
What scene from ghost? What's ghost?
Oh God, guys, please don't make this weird
Babydoll, we can get you some flirting lessons if you want 😜
Ah yeah just gotta do the lip bite and the chin rub 😉😉 say some pickup line and he's all yours
LMAO won't be too hard he already down BAD
"how it do baby gorilla" *bites lip*
They're just friends, will you all chill out??
Honey, laughing, "who said we were just friends?"
Ayo 🤨🤨🤨
Hiiii I love you and your content 🥰🥰💕
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I will sell you my soul please tell us what that means
"does it have to mean anything?"
You... You are evil 😑
My therapist is going to hear about you.
Some people want world peace, but [Honey]... [Honey] just wants to watch the world burn.
"y'know... Guy has brought it to my attention that some of you have been drawing fanart of us. Which is sweet, but it's also weird because none of you know what he looks like..."
Oh shit we're in trouble
How are people drawing him when they don't know what he looks like??
"Now, I'm not saying that it's okay to ship real life people. Because it's not. It makes most people uncomfortable."
Now I'm uncomfortable we don't usually get serious talks
I'm deadass actually kinda scared rn
Yeah same here I think I peed a little
Wait you peed?
"I mean, I don't really mind it. The only weird thing is that some of you are drawing Guy without know what he looks like so it doesn't at all look like Guy," Honey laughs, "the fanfiction is pretty weird though, maybe cut it out with that stuff."
What is wrong with everyone here
Wattpad is going down 😈😈
★ someone donated $5 ★
So you're okay with the fanart? Is Guy okay with it too?
"yeah, I'm chill with it. Guy is too, he thinks it's cute."
Awwwww 🥺🥺🥺
I fall in love with a faceless man I don't know even more everyday
I stg if you don't date him-
Give him a kiss from all of us 😘
This isn't too much right?
"maybe I will kiss him, but it hardly seems fair to do just one for the thousands of you."
I'm going to die
This is killing me
★ someone donated $1 ★
HoneysHeaven: woah does this mean I'm gonna get thousands of kisses <.<
I am so painfully single ouch
HoneysHeaven: so can I come claim those kisses now, or...?
HoneysHeaven: :(
"oh my god- just- ugh," Honey hides their face away from the camera, clearly flustered, "just go away."
Yeah, their fan base is 99% sure they're dating.
(I'm gonna have to cut this off here, I'm real tired but I had a lot of fun writing this. The chaotic chat clearly got away from me a few times lol. I will do a part 3, because I definitely still have more 😉)
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xxmaddyxx · 2 years
Haikyuu Boys poking your rolls for funzies
boys included: Kuroo, Oikawa, Iwa, Ushijima contents: fluffy fluffiness and wholesome shit, a lil bit of swearing, A/N: this literally popped into my head randomly bcs i was sitting down poking my rolls masterlist
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You were sitting on the bed, watching tv.
Your stomach rolls were poking out under your crop top and Kuroo was laying next to your thighs.
He looked up and saw your stomach (he thought it was the cutest damn thing ever)
bcs they were
you were distracted because of the climax of your fav tv show and you didn't even notice Kuroo shifting his head onto your lap
he began to lightly poke your tummy
it was like a mf cat and a toy
the way it poked right back out when he moved his finger just entertained him so much
a few moments later, you looked down and he was still doing it
"babe, what are you doing?" you smiled at him
he looked up at you "your tummy's so cuuute!"
"hehe thanks." you ran your fingers through his shiny black locks
"wait, lay down." so you did and he laid his head on your stomach
he just buried his face in your warmth, leaving the occasional kiss as you continued watching your show
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you sat on the couch, just scrolling on ur phone, yk yk
Oikawa came over and laid on your lap, resting his head right next to your exposed skin
he had a brilliant idea
this bitch took a bite of your stomach roll adding a "nom" sound effect
you yelped and flicked his forehead
"owie, what was that for?"
"you bit me? what did you want me to do, bite you back?"
"i would've taken that, yes." He kissed where he bit you. "better?"
"yes, i forgive you." you kissed his forehead
a few minutes later the two of you shifted and you were laying next to him with his arm around your neck
hehe rookie mistake
you bit his forearm and said "nom bitch."
"AH! hey i didn't bite you that hard!"
you kissed the red spot "better?"
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he was reading a book on your shared bed and you sat next to him, turning on the tv
he put the book down and looked at your tummy
he loves you, and your body, and you looked so mf adorable with your roll poppin out
he laid next to you watching the show with you
"oh, sorry did i distract you from your book bby?" you placed your hand on his cheek, rubbing your thumb on his skin
"no, just thought i would join you."
as usual, you got sucked into the show
and iwa turned his head and poked your roll
"squishy baby." he used his baby voice
oops didnt mean to say that out loud
"what?" you giggled and looked down at him
"you so squishy and cute!" he wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your roll
"i love you."
"i love you too."
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the two of you cuddled for about half an hour and you needed to shower
"ushi, i gotta shower, I'll be back."
"okay, love." you kissed his forehead and went to the bathroom
afterwards, you came back with a bra-type-shirt and pj pants (they were his, so they kinda drug on the floor)
"i'm back! u wanna watch that movie you were talking about?" you sat next to him
"sure, yeah." he put on the movie and laid his head next to your thigh and you held his hand
now, ik what you may be thinking, really? ushijima doing that?
this is a few months into the relationship, so he's gotten a bit more comfortable
he saw your tummy poking out and he starting to poke it
a soft smile appeared on his face
"whatcha doin there babe?" he looked up and met your e/c eyes.
"admiring my girlfriend."
"oh, okay, well continue if you like."
"i think i will."
and he did, he occasionally poked your stomach with one hand, and kissed your knuckles
this bby loves u so much
okie dokie, i wanna do another part, possibly do one for each hq boy that i can do (especially suna n bokuto that would be so mf cute) so yeah. i hope you liked it :) &lt;3
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unpopularbunny · 1 year
This lowkey been a long time coming if I’m being honest. I am also a massive fucking hypocrite because I will avoid Baku/kiri/reader fics but this??? This right here??? 🙇‍♀️ I’m on the floor baby. (Ngl this has like a pinch of body shaming in it, just wanna preface by saying I do not hate any specific group of people based on any physical trait they may have. I just want more love for big girlies.)
Pairing: chifuyu/reader/baji
You already know: reader is a fat girl!!!!! everyone’s an adult, no set timeline, fuck it we ball 🏀, paranormal slutivity, your fave mans is a whore, public shenanigans, reader lowkey under the influence but there’s no dub/noncon, no beta reader again so if u point out any flaws ur being mean to me and if ur mean to me I’ll die, reblogs make u SO big brained 🗿🗿
Minors: ur mama know what you doin? I’m telling 💥
A/n: I’ll add a readmore when i get home and can make sure tumblr wont eat my post when I do.
you just wanted to be different for once. To ignore years of mass media telling you how to dress, to feel wild and FREE. you wanted tight revealing clothes and makeup all over your face, you wanted men to jaw drop and double take at the sight of your hips swaying.
This fantasy never got far and you never predicted you’d end up between two friends who always shared in the name of brotherly camaraderie.
Leeeets take it back about a week.
You weren’t by any means conservative in your day by day fashion, you just didn’t dress how you truly wanted to. You were always worried about the stares you’d get, stares that dared to ask ‘does she know she’s embarrassing herself?’. As time went on the urge to free yourself from the confines of stretchy jeans and sweaters was too much to ignore any longer. All it took was one night of drinking at home for you to blow nearly half a paycheck on clothes that were one inch away from getting you in legal trouble. You felt justified in this, it was your turn damnit!!! You were tired of hours doom scrolling on your phone and watching all the pretty skinny girls be drowned in affection, you wanted to make people notice you. You wanted to make men think about you as you walked passed, you deserved attention and people to fawn over you.
Needless to say, the next day you realized how fucking delusional your thinking was the night before.
You nursed a headache all through the day and when you got home you were greeted by your roommate in the livingroom looking like the cat that caught the mouse. Next to her on the couch was a plastic package, she shook it at you wiggling her eyebrows and you snatched it from her before she could even ask and shuffled to your room. You could hear her cackling. It’s not like you had any kind of bad blood with your roommate, you two were actually childhood friends, you just didn’t want anyone to see your secrets.
You showered and stood in your room, staring at the package on your bed before deciding fuck it and ripping it open. You couldn’t even remember what all you ordered anyway. Most of the articles of clothing were black, save for some racy sets of underwear you thought looked cute. You refused to believe any of it could fit you, it seemed so….small. There was no way in hell you were going to give up now though, you spent all that fucking money so there was no reason not to try the clothes on.
A mistake really.
They fit you far too good.
Sure, it was tight, but not uncomfortably so, in fact the tightness felt comforting in a way? The tops hugged your curves and even though your tummy peaked out at the bottom, you thought it looked cute in a way. The skirts wouldn’t stay down, rolling up your ass when you paced your room, you’d definitely have to wear a jacket with those. The pants needed belts, your waist to hip ratio was too different for them to stay up. They felt tigh and constricting on your hips and thighs, but there was plenty of waist room. After posing a bit in your mirror you sort of lost yourself for a bit. Falling in love with your curves and admiring how your body had so many wonderful attributes.
You almost screamed when someone’s knocked on the door.
You failed to lock it and it was your downfall.
Your roommate was all gasps and awes’ at your state. She paced around you like a tiger and assaulted you with compliments, no matter how you tried to shush her and make excuses, she wouldn’t hear it. She made you re-try on all the clothes so she could see them all. It felt like you were back to school shopping with your mom, except this time she wasn’t forcing you into bullshit khakis and polos. It actually turned into a bunch of fun as she gave you tips for accessorizing and hair styling.
When all was calmed down and you two were on the couch she took your weakness and vulnerability as a chance to strike like the snake she is.
She insisted you two go out this weekend!
You couldn’t even shoot her down, she had just spent the last hour boosting your ego and self esteem that you mumbled out a small ‘I guess’. She clapped her hands in glee and started firing off names of bars and clubs and she got the same responses from you every time ‘you pick’ and ‘I’ve never been there before.’ The most you told her is that you wanted to go somewhere you wouldn’t be recognized by coworkers or other friends and colleagues.
She just threw her head back and laughed, saying that you wouldn’t be recognizable with those clothes on anyway.
You couldn’t help but feel a little paranoid about what she had in store for you.
🌹 🌷 🌹
The week went by too fast for your liking and every time you tried to back out of the plans you were strongarmed by your roommate. She wasn’t going to let you go that easy. When Saturday arrived you tried avoiding her, but she was more determined than you’ve ever seen her.
You gave in and let her do with you as she pleased.
She picked out your outfit from the new clothes you bought and dug around your closet for some platforms you’d bought years ago but never worn (amazingly they still fit regardless of your calves.). She styled your hair and even did your makeup (you still got to pick the colors (: ), you felt like a sacrifice being painted up before the ritual.
How close to this assumption you were.
The club she dragged you two was some hole in the wall in shibuya with low lights and loud music. You were sweating before you even went in and it was only hotter once you two were inside. You could feel the bass shoot through your entire body and you felt so nervous and couldn’t look anywhere but the floor. Your friend ordered you both a few drinks, or rather ‘liquid courage’ she dubbed it. You were thankful for it, seeing as after a few drinks you felt much more comfortable in your skin than before. Your friend excused herself to the bathroom and you smiled and waved her off as she went, taking a few more sips of whatever new fruit concoction was in front of you.
After a few moments you were occupied on both sides by two new people. You glanced to your right and had to look up to see the man, Jesus Christ, even with platforms on he still had a few inches on you. He had long silky black hair, brown eyes, and a smile so sinister you would normally feel scared. You smiled right back and when you glanced to your left you were a few inches taller than other man. This man had short cut black hair, the cutest green eyes you’d ever seen, and ear piercings. Speaking of ears, the tips of his seemed to be tinted a little….pink?
You weren’t sure what to do now that men approached you first so you went back to looking down at your drink and sipping at it. You were a little hunched over and caught bits and pieces of the men having a conversation over your head. ‘You like this one?’ ‘Baji don’t objectify women like that, its kinda gross.’ ‘I’m just trying to help is all’ His laugh caught you off guard and you jumped.
“Eh? What’s wrong girlie? Did we scare you?” You glanced to your right and..baji? Was leaning down into your personal space. When you leaned back you were leaning into his friend, who didn’t exactly seem to hate your body pressing into his.
“No- you’re just a little…close is all” you were surprised anyone could hear you over the music.
“C’mon baji let’s le-“ baji waved his hand and chifuyu stopped.
“Wanna dance with us?” He was pressing himself against your side, his hand gliding up your thigh towards your hips. He laughed at the confused face you responded with, “yeah girlie, both of us, unless that ain’t your type thing. I just assumed on account of how you dressin and all.” You couldn’t tell if your face was hot from being drunk or the embarrassment.
You should feel outraged at the fact that he assumed you were a loose woman but…..was that such a bad thing? You wanted to feel desired, you wanted to be lusted after, and it was happening. He wasn’t using force, in fact his hand was merely resting at the small of your back rubbing small circles. You were still in a public place so it’s not as if he could do anything to you, you didn’t dress up to weigh the pros and cons. You downed the rest of your fruity drink and nodded, relinquishing yourself to whatever ungodly fate awaited you.
“Atta girl,” He took one hand while his friend took your other and gently led you away from the bar, “we’re gonna have so much fun with you tonight sweetie.” It was like micro-dosing danger. Every smile and laugh having some sinister undertone.
But god was it fun.
🌹 🌷 🌹
You got the hang of dancing in clubs a few years ago, it wasn’t hard, it didn’t take any special skill. You just needed to know what to do with your hips and hands.
Which you were currently struggling to do.
You’d danced with other men before, but mostly one at a time, never quite….like this.
You had your back against baji, his hands were on your hips to guide you. He was guiding you to sway against him, every so often pressing his hardon against your ass. one of your arms were up and behind you, wrapped around his neck to keep him close. Your other arm was front of you, draped over the shoulder of his more reserved friend (who you still had to get a name from), whom was doing things that contradicted the cool demeanor he gave off. He was pressed as close as he could be, his pelvis pushed against yours so you got a good idea of the fun he was having. Even if he didn’t do the best job of showing it. He was so close his nose would brush yours every so often and you expected him to kiss, but he didn’t. His hands were at your waist, holding a little tighter than expected, as if he were giving your exposed flesh squeezes here and there.
Something about this felt so shamelessly erotic.
You were so wrapped up that you didn’t give a thought to your friend who had gone to the bathroom, she probably had seen you by now and didn’t want to interrupt. You felt so transfixed on the green eyes infront of you and the hands sliding down your waist to your thighs and pulling up the edges of your skirt-
“Shhh don’t make a scene-“ you had seized up but Baji’s guiding hands kept you moving, “you like this don’t you?” It was his friend, his voice was much firmer, “That’s why you’re here, like this, between us. You want it.” His hand was under your skirt and sliding up up up. So fucking slow that you shifted just to get his hand between your legs faster. Just as his fingers brushed the forming wet spot on your panties, you could hear baji laugh against your neck on the other side of you.
“How the fuck are you so good at spotting the good ones chifuyu” was that his name? A man had his fingers pressed against your clit and you’re just now learning his name?
“Eh? What do you mean so good?” He shot back, his hand was in your panties, rubbing and petting at your clit while having a normal conversation as if you weren’t between them.
“Look at her!” You moaned and grinded against chifuyus hand, doing your best to make them focus on you again, “Perfect size to split between us and such a cute cheeks!” One of baji’s hands came up and pinched your cheek for emphasis.
“Do you honestly believe that every decision i make is backed by some deep analysis?” He laughed, “I guessed!” You arched as two fingers slid inside of you and curled, any noise you made was cut off by chifuyu kissing you. His kiss was desperate. The fingers inside you moved, slowly and carefully- god his tongue was inside your mouth now and you were suffocating but your head was absolutely floating. It was just so hard to keep focus on your surroundings. So many sensations- you could feel slick beginning to coat your thighs as his hand moved faster and you got sloppier. When he pulled away your lipstick was smeared on his mouth and there was a hazy look in his eyes. He buried his face against your neck on one side and baji was on the other. Chifuyu hand was between your legs and one of bajis hands had found it’s way under your shirt and was giving your nipple an unforgiving pull and twist. You three were pressed so close together that no one could really figure out what was happening, not that anyone was going to stop it.
They owned the bar after all.
Chifuyu tilted his hand and when his thumb brushed your clit your legs wobbled and baji had to focus on keeping you upright against him. Chifuyu smiled and laughed, the first you’d seen tonight, and you felt embarassed all over again.
“Hey! Don’t go falling apart on us sweet heart, we aren’t even close to being done with you yet.” Baji was encouraging you and the whine you let out only encouraged him tenfold.
Rather than fight against the waves and risk drowning, you went with the flow and closed your eyes and relaxed into them. You’d never had such a lavish experience of having two pretty boys give you attention like this. It was way past overstimulating but not in a bad way, you’d worry about that in the morning. Right now you your moans were escalating with the music. When said music began to dip but your voice didn’t follow suit, one of bajis hands wrapped tightly around your mouth while chifuyu increased pace.
“Thaaats it,” chifuyu whispered into your neck, “Make a mess for me.”
“You might wanna hold on tight girlie,” Baji mocked, “He overachieves.” You moved your arms so both of them were wrapped around chifuyu.
You had never been more thankful for loud ass music more than now. Had it not been for whatever club mix was on, everyone would hear the sloppy wet lewd noises of the three fingers that were buried inside of you. Any words or pleas you voiced were muffled and baji took on the sole responsibility of holding you up while chifuyu gladly drove you to climax.
They were both so goddamn obscene in their own right. Not only did they casually whisper conversation to eachother about all the wonderful things you three could get up to together, but they each had individual plans for you. Baji wanted to try having you all to himself for a day to see what other kinds of clothes he could put you in and then rip off of you. Chifuyu mentioned something about ‘giving support’ under his desk while he had stressful days at work. Baji definitely agreed with that and had the fucking drive to ask what you felt like inside.
“Inside? Like heaven.” Chifuyu made it sound like a sin, “She’s so slippery and soft.” Stop stop stop! “What about her mouth?” As if on unspoken command, baji shoved two fingers right into your mouth and pet at your tongue. You drooled so easily and licked without hesitation.
“She’s already drooling,” He shoved his fingers deeper, he did it so fast you gaged and coughed, “Gag reflex? We can fix that sweetheart.” Danger alarms began to fire off in your head, unfortunately they went ignored in lieu of the heat in your lower stomach. You were so close and desperate you just let them carry on, anything to keep the fingers inside of you.
Your whole body seized up when you came and you were truly astonished you didn’t blackout completely. They laughed in amazement at the sight of your eyes rolling back and the way you arched. You were putty in their hands, laying limp back against baji but still holding onto chifuyu.
Maybe going out wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
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pumpkzsafeplace · 4 months
hai again pumpkinnn I haven’t said anythin here in a while,, hope irs ok to vent a lil..
I’m kinda nervous rn becuz I gots school in the mornin and there’s a new policy… no phones or earbuds :( I got bad misophonia n need my music to block out trigger sounds (sniffling, chewing, heavy breathin etc) and im still able to hear tha teacher over it!!! But w/out music and havin to hear em aggravates and overwhelms me n it’s not normal n I do some bad stuffs cuz my body has a physical reaction to it I cant control :( I hav to kick my desk but sometimes it gets too bad n I does some bad stuffs to myself cuz I cant take it out on anythin else :((( plus my partner is online and usually abt the time rhey goes to bed but sometimes nighttime is scary for them wnd talking to em helps em feel ok but now I cant twlk and what if somehtin bad happens??? Hopin to talk to my therapist after school bc i gots appointment after school and get a plan for earbuds but that won’t solve the texting thing bc rheyre just gonna assume im messin around on social media or somethin bc all the bad kids use ir…. Jus bc some kids r bad dont mean we all gots to get punished bc i gots good grades and do my work unlike them…. :(
Anywyas sorry for rambling sm I hope ur doin alright pumpkin and have a good day/night!!!
- hihi cupcake'! <3 ⭐
i'm okay sweetpea, thank u for asking!! <3
oh no honey i'm sorry :<
things like that happened to me a lot in school too, sadly the school sees students as a whole class and not just individuals :(
maybe you could come up with a keyword system with your partner?
like they type certain keywords to let you know everythings okay, so that way it's short and sweet & you can know what's going on with a simple glance.
you could also work on like personalised playlists they can watch when they're having one of those icky nights? so it could feel like they're watching it with you even though you're working in school?
^^ just some ideas that could possible help a lil <3
-ˏˋ 🍓 ˎˊ˗
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perspectivestarters · 3 months
Perspective's Sentence Starters; SOUR by Olivia Rodrigo (Part II)
I wore makeup when we dated 'cause I thought you'd like me more.
Tried so hard to be everything that you liked.
I knew how you took your coffee and your favorite songs by heart.
I read all of your self-help books so you'd think that I was smart.
Stupid, emotional, obsessive little me.
I knew from the start this is exactly how you'd leave.
You found someonе more exciting, the nеxt second, you were gone.
You left me there cryin', wonderin' what I did wrong.
You always say I'm never satisfied, but I don't think that's true
All I ever wanted was to be enough for you.
Maybe I'm just not as interesting as the girls you had before.
You couldn't have cared less about someone who loved you more.
I'd say you broke my heart, but you broke much more than that,
I don't want your sympathy.
I just want myself back.
Don't you think I loved you too much to be used and discarded?
Don't you think I loved you too much to think I deserve nothing?
Don't tell me you're sorry.
Feel sorry for yourself.
Someday, I'll be everything to somebody else.
You'll be the one who's crying.
You say I'm never satisfied, but that's not me, it's you.
I don't think anything could ever be enough for you.
Nothing's enough for you.
We broke up a month ago.
You know I know you've moved on, found someone new.
One more girl who brings out the better in you.
I thought my heart was detached.
Does she mean you forgot about me?
I hope you're happy, but not like how you were with me.
I'm selfish, I know.
I can't let you go
So find someone great, but don't find no one better.
I hope you're happy, but don't be happier.
Do you tell her she's the most beautiful girl you've ever seen?
An eternal love bullshit you know you'll never mean.
Remember when I believed you meant it when you said it first to me?
But she's beautiful, she looks kind.
She probably gives you butterflies.
I wish you all the best, really.
Say you love her, baby, just not like you loved me.
Think of me fondly when your hands are on her.
I kinda wanna throw my phone across the room.
All I see are girls too good to be true.
Wish I didn't care.
I know their beauty's not my lack.
It feels like that weight is on my back.
I can't let it go.
Comparison is killin' me slowly.
I think I think too much. 'bout kids who don't know me.
I'm so sick of myself
I'd rather be anyone else.
My jealousy started followin' me.
I see everyone gettin' all the things I want.
I'm happy for them, but then again, I'm not.
Oh god, I sound crazy.
Their win is not my loss.
I can't help gettin' caught up in it all.
All your friends are so cool.
Got a pretty face, a pretty boyfriend, too.
I wanna be you so bad and I don't even know you.
All I see is what I should be.
I'm losin' it.
Know that I loved you so bad I let you treat me like that.
I was your willing accomplice, honey.
I watched as you fled the scene.
One heart broke, four hands bloody.
The things I did just so I could call you mine.
Well, I hope I was your favorite crime.
You used me as an alibi?
I crossed my heart as you crossed the line.
I defended you to all my friends.
Now every time a siren sounds, I wondеr if you're around.
You know that I'd do it all again.
It's bittersweet to think about the damage that we'd do.
I was goin' down, but I was doin' it with you.
I say that I hate you with a smile on my face.
Oh, look what we became.
Baby, you were mine
I knew a boy once when I was small.
He played the drum in the marching band.
His parents cared more about the Bible than being good to their own child.
He wore long sleeves 'cause of his dad.
Somehow, we fell out of touch.
Hope he took his bad deal and made a royal flush.
Don't know if I'll see you again someday.
If you're out there, I hope that you're okay.
She raised her brothers on hеr own.
Her parents hated who shе loved.
She couldn't wait to go to college.
She was tired 'cause she was brought into a world where family was merely blood.
Does she know how proud I am she was created?
We don't talk much, but I just gotta say.
I miss you and I hope that you're okay.
Address the letters to the holes in my butterfly wings.
Nothing's forever.
Nothing is as good as it seems
I hope you know how proud I am you were created with the courage to unlearn all of their hatred.
But, god, I hope that you're happier today.
I love you.
I hope that you're okay.
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The Worst Haim Fic Ever
Fictional!Hamish Linklater x f!reader
Rating: Horny Teenager
Summary: Let's break the writing dry spell with something so bad it will self destruct when you have finished reading it shall we?
Warnings: Grammar? What is it? Abuse of Zeta Gen talk. Reader is a a hamfam mutual and Haim has several nicknames, gratuitous descriptions of the male body, unprotected sex, moron dirty talk.
Notes: Thank you so much for the love in the past year, I'm trying to love back and be more productive, I just wanted to share the silliest thing that popped in my mind...enjoy 😜
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ur sitting at home in ur pjs all comfy with half edible left from the tray you baked for the weekend.
Ur dog and you are watching netflix eating only red m&m’s talking to the friendz in your phone when u hear a knock at ur door. u get up and spill all the candies on the floor but don’t worry cuz u already gulped down all the red and yellow choco, but carry your puppy with u because you didnt order anything from amazong in like 3 days so your four legged friend might have to scare an intruder. u open the door and it’s the hottest man ever
 Hummus Longlater
u almost drop on your butt bcz you were just talking to your mutuals in barks and meows how much u need to climb that human palmtree covered in chocolate fudge. U say “Drop gorgeous Daddy Legend wtf ya doin here?” But that piece of licorice bats his eye hair so quickly u fall back on the couch while ur doggo goes and pack his toys cuz he's going with him.
“Hey babygirl” Hamosh sais, leaning on ur doorframe, revealing he is wearing nothing but a white vest two sizes down a toddler and the tightest jeans ever sold by those gud bois at Levi’s. A “Look I know I’m your bias and that I always munch on it, and finally my Zaddy whiskers r too drenched in fandom juice to keep ignoring them. The fire has spread and reached my cheeks missus.”
ur like “omg !! Im not wearing any makeup!! Or pants!! Oh skinny legend u’re so father, periodt!!!”  but he just lafs at that because tahts what he likes about u. “ya girl i know thats why im heer. I’m mad lit on god no god no cap. Drip drip. I heard u enjoy eating junk food and getting your junk food ate out. Do u wanna rip my pants and eat me up gurl? Leave no crumbs baby.”
And saying that he loafs in to your house, tripping over doggo when he refuses to hover his naked feet. “i like your trash panda” “don’t scratch him under his ear or he’ll hump ur leg till tomorrow” U say before smushing your face into his. He smells like old spice and tastes like pumpkin donut and matcha latte. You untangle your tongues only to ask “Hammac glorious, your foot is always on my neck daddy, but I have to ask, r u real or is the weed they sold me pretty fire?”
Ur pup gives you  stern look and plops on his furry ass and ur sure he says “human im petotaly serious don0t parse this or ill foist on you three gens of my litters – mine and the raccoon that lives under the porch”
Himbo grabs ur sweaty ass and says “The way u scratch ur armpits called me like a charm and i just had to come get a taste of this sweet sweet potato couch.” He stretches his vest over his head, his eyes are the color of the hazelnut frosted chocolate brownie you had this morning. “well? U got me like La-La-La baby, wanna sit on my face or what ?”“duh,” u spit, moving puppy aside. “I love you down Mr. H” His chest is smooth with baby oil when you slide ur hands on it. He has huge hands that scoop under ur ass and throw you on the bed and rip of your pjs. Ur android goes flying out the pocket, probsbly never to be seen again. U have the time to chant “You’r our beloved, and u have us in a chokehold!” then is on top of you fast, pinnning you to the bed, slopply groping under ur shirt for ur boobs that bounce boobily. He chokes u with his socks that smells like socks but u kinda think thats hot. His jeans sway to the floor and skitter away, leaving him in his boxers he got for christmas in 2003. His heft is huge, huger than his hands. It snaps the elastic and elicopter it for a ful minute until u’re hypnotized. “dont worry babygurl this will help u get it all in” he grabs ur legs and throws them over his shoulder and massages ur pussy until u scream and snatch his fingers up your coochie like the dyson ur mom gave u for xmas.
“omg Mr. H that was nom-nom delish how r u so good at pumpussy??!” you gasp gasplessly
“since I’m in my assembly period my strengths multiplied, now I can make u cum with just a flex of my massive eyebrows watch this” and with that he hoola-hoops his hairy caterpillars and makes u *O* a few more times “ r u ready baby gril?”
“yes Zaddy!” 
He likes that. He ate that up a compliment and had u GAG, while ur cunt eats it all up. U can see urself cumming in the reflex of his caramel pudding eyes. He moans so loud the neighbors think ur killing someone and get more popcorns. U scream obscenities and fuck and cum and fuck and cum all over the apartment. Ur doggo has found ur phone and is taking a video to send ur besties later. The couch rols over from so much fuckng and cumming. Hammamet keeps gong flexing his infinite thighs becuz yours gave up. He doesn't unload until the very end when he climbs on the bedframe and showers u singing Sweet Home Carolina. U almost drown.
“wow mr Hamigo thank u” u say. Talking makes cum gush off ur hair
“ur welcom. Btw I gotta go now.” He swishes in his jeans like a well grased seal and moves to ur side of the bed. U start crying for the sudden loss of his massive cock. “Hamandbacon I thought you were different but ur like everyone else, mid.”
He looks into ur eyes and lovingly swipes some cum from your face.
“I don’t get it. I just gave u the best camping of ur life”
“And now ur fleeing”  
He lafs u off “I have 47 more friendly stops after this, don’t be greedy babgurl” U bat ur sticky palms with joy, meanwhile your familiar retrieves ur phone for U so you can give a head up to your mutuals – get ready with water and lube.
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@littleredwritingcat this is for you bestie
Randy tag @supplanther @plainlo-inthemorning @girlwiththenegantattoo @agirlinherhead @madsmilfelsen @aherdofbees @chronic-ghost @ebiemidnightlibrarian @pegplunkett @jyngerpeach and more
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eternally-smutty · 8 months
Sexting • Thigh Riding • Table Sex
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summary: Trevor can't control himself when Natalie sends him a provocative photo
word count: ~ 1.9k
content: 18+, minors do not interact, slight praise, slight degradation, sub/dom dynamic, thigh riding, table sex, creampie
author's note: okay, so this isn't really phone sex but. You know! :)
kinktober prompt list: flightlessangelwings
tag list: @wwafterdark
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“Fuck,” Trevor whistled, “She knows exactly what she’s doin’ to me.”
He stared at his cracked phone screen with his mouth open slightly. Natalie knew what she was doing by sexting him and sending him nudes while he was dealing with business.
Well, it wasn’t actually sexting nor was it a nude. Trevor just acted like it was. What Natalie actually sent him was a photo of her in a dress he got her recently with the message “Miss u, come back soon”
“Oh, I’ll be cummin’, alright.” He mumbled to himself, making sure to save the image she sent and ogled it some more. His hand wandered down and cupped his already hard cock gently. A small hiss escaped his lips as he did so, repressing the urge to buck his hips into it for some friction. 
The photo was simple: just Natalie smiling a bit awkwardly into the camera and showing off the dress she was wearing. But to Trevor, it was worth more than the Mona Lisa herself. The dress was tight around her chest and showed off some cleavage. Her glasses were falling down her nose a bit, too, which always drove him wild. 
A wicked grin spread across his face as he texted back, “Dirty girl. U kno what ur doin with pics like that.”
“Wdym?” Natalie replied back almost instantly, “U told me u wanted me to show how the dress looked…..am I missing something?”
“No,” He texted back, “But Ik I’m missing the way ur pussy feels around my cock lol.”
There was a brief pause before she replied, “Are you seriously horny rn? I thought u had business.”
He looked around the table he was sitting at and watched Michael and Franklin talk amongst themselves. Right. Business. Trevor lost himself in her photo that he forgot that they were all planning their next heist. That didn’t matter to him right now. They could figure out how to steal hordes of money any time. He needed Natalie right here, right now. 
“T?” Michael asked, finally noticing how quiet Trevor was, “Got anything to say?”
He gritted his teeth and stood up suddenly, “Gotta go,” He quickly mumbled before stomping out.
“Seriously? We need to do this now!” Michael called out after him, “What’s so fucking urgent, anyway?”
“I’d tell ya, but you’re not good at pleasing women. Just ask Amanda!” He yelled back, hopping in his truck and speeding away before Michael could even reply. His fingers clumsily dialed Natalie’s number before pressing his phone up to his ear, “Come on, come on!” He barked angrily into the phone.
Natalie picked up quickly, “You seriously couldn’t keep it in your pants?”
“Oh, sugar, it’s still there.” He chuckled, “I’m just waitin’ for you to help me with it.”
“What about your meeting?” She asked, pausing for a moment, “Wait, are you driving? T, I thought that meeting was important!”
He drummed his fingers against the steering wheel, “You’re much more important." 
"You flatter me so." Natalie sighed, "But, you've been talking about this meeting all week. I don't want to interfere with your…very important work."
"Look, doll, do you want me to fuck them pretty little brains out of your head or no? I can always turn back and tell Mikey that you-”
“Ahem!” Natalie loudly cleared her throat, “I was merely asking you a question, Mr. Philips. No need to get snarky.”
“Mm, you know I like it when you talk to me like that, honey.” He growled into the phone, pressing it between his shoulder and head so that he could allow his hand to slip into his pants, “Keep goin’, I don’t remember tellin’ you to stop.”
“Don’t whip it out while you’re driving!” She sounded impatient, “My God, you can’t wait five minutes?”
“For you? Five minutes feels like an eternity.” His truck swerved left and right in the middle of the road while he fondled his cock to her voice, “I can’t stand all this tension that you gave me for much longer."
"Don't fucking kill yourself!" She scolded him, "I'd rather you be alive to fuck me."
"I hear ya loud and clear. I'll be at the shop soon to give ya exactly what ya want, doll." He finally decided that it was best to drive safely for once rather than make himself cum now in the truck, "I'll be there soon, sugar. Be ready for me."
He hung up on her and sped up before she even had a chance to say anything back. Just like he promised, he sped to Natalie’s shop by the beach and parked on the curb. Trevor scrambled out of his truck, leaving the door open as he stomped inside her shop. 
Natalie peered at him from behind the front desk, "Jesus, you weren't kidding."
He gazed down at himself and noticed the very obvious erection that was poking through his sweatpants. A small wet spot had begun to show, too. 
"Did ya think I wasn't serious?" He asked, looking up at her again. 
"I didn't say that."
"I wouldn't talk back to me if I were you, Missy." He walked over to where she was standing and leaned in close to her, "You wanna keep Mr. Philips happy, don't you? Don't you wanna be fucked by him like the dirty girl you are?"
Natalie swallowed, "Y-Yeah, I-"
"Then do as I say, 'kay?" Trevor brought his lips close to her ear so that she could feel his hot breath on her skin, "The shop's closed now, you hear me? And it ain't gonna open up for the rest of the day."
She nodded and quickly ran to the front door to lock it and flip over the sign that said "Sorry, We're Closed!" in big red letters. Trevor trailed behind her and grabbed her by the hips, attaching himself to her neck. She could feel his cock against her ass and couldn't help but grind against it slightly.
That made him whine a little, "You fuckin' tease, you." He nibbled her ear lobe and fondled her tits through the dress, "Sending me pictures like that when you know I'm busy. What a nasty girl you are."
"Trevor," She pressed her back against his chest and tangled her fingers in his hair. 
He hummed against her, "You know exactly what you're doing to me. Fuck, you pretty much send me a nude of you and expect me to just sit around and wait? I can't let you get away with that."
His rough hands removed themselves from her hips and tugged her into her semi-secluded office. He then took a rickety chair and sat down with a heavy huff. 
Trevor patted his lap, "I ain't got all day, sugar."
"What exactly do you want me to do?" She cocked her eyebrow up. 
"First, you tease me. And now, you're giving me attitude?" He shook his head and clicked his tongue, "You ain't making this easy, are ya?"
Once again, he patted his lap and looked at her expectantly. Natalie hesitantly stepped forward, fixing her dress slightly.
He eventually got impatient and gripped her hips again, forcing her into his lap, "Ain't no need to fix that skirt of yours. I'm just gonna mess it up on you anyway." His thumbs hooked into her dress and hiked it up, exposing her skimpy panties. Trevor chuckled, "Aww, sugar, you got all dolled up just for me?"
All she could do was whimper, feeling embarrassed of his intense gaze. Trevor made her straddle one of his thighs before he snaked his hand around the small of her back. Her cheeks felt hot and she found it hard to maintain eye contact with him. 
"Don't get shy on me." He ordered her, pinching her cheeks in his hand and forcing her to look at him, "Come on now, give Mr. Philips a little show. I think it's your turn to get teased a bit, don't you agree?"
"...Yeah," Her voice was nothing but a whisper. 
He grinned at her, "Good, very good. Go on then," 
His hand curled around her ass and pushed her against his thigh, making it brush up against her clit slightly. The gentle sensation was enough to make Natalie moan and squirm a little. All he did was talk dirty to her and grind up against her and already she was terribly wet. She started to slowly grind against his thigh, panting a little as she did so. 
"Look at you," Trevor teased condescendingly, "You've been acting like I'm the desperate one, but here you are humping my leg like a dog. Well, go on then, puppy, I'm likin' the view."
Natalie continued to grind herself against his thigh, only being able to whimper and whine. The way she was seated on him was the perfect angle to rub her clit through her underpants. Trevor enjoyed watching her dry hump him so desperately and slowly played with himself under his sweatpants. 
"Fuck this!" He growled, his insatiable need to fuck her growing too strong for him to ignore, "Get up,"
Natalie grumbled a little about how she was just getting close but Trevor didn't listen. He pushed her off his lap and got up swiftly afterwards, yanking her dress off so he could get a good look at her. He licked his cracked lips before bending her over the table and pulling her panties down. 
He pulled her lips apart with his thumb and smiled, "You're a fuckin' mess all because of me? Well, ain't that a nice compliment?"
"Please…" Natalie whined, spreading her legs for him a bit.
Trevor leaned down to hear her better, "Speak up, honey."
"Please just fuck me already!"
"Oh, you're so good." He stood up straight and pulled his pants down so they pooled around his ankles, "I'm gonna fuck you so hard your head's gonna spin."
Trevor slowly inched his cock inside of her, making him hiss through his teeth. She felt so good around him. He couldn't bear to wait and savor this moment any longer, though, and pulled out before quickly slamming his hips against hers. Natalie gasped and dug her nails into the wooden table, rubbing her ass against him while he thrusted into her. 
"Oh, this was well worth the wait." He babbled, groping her thighs and moaning as he felt her, "Perfect, perfect, perfect, that's what you are. You sweet thing, you, oh! Fuck me, you feel so good."
His orgasm came suddenly as he thursted himself inside her again, making him whine. He watched his cum slowly ooze out of her pussy and Trevor was quick to fuck it back in her while he was still hard.
Natalie whimpered at the sudden warmth that filled her core, reaching around under the table to rub her clit to the feeling to help her get off, too. 
Trevor caught his breath and peppered her bare, sweaty shoulder in kisses, "You look so good like this, darlin'. I should keep you this way, huh?"
She grinned herself against her hand until she came, letting out a high pitched moan as it hit her. When she was done, he helped her up and pressed his lips against her temple to give her a chaste kiss.
"What about work?" She let out a tired chuckle, "I thought your little heist was the most important thing today."
Trevor shook his head and groped her ass again, "This is much more priceless than some fuckin' money holed up in a dusty ole bank. Much more fun, too."
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whumpy-wyrms · 9 months
Hello hi! Just read the newest chapter and I am Insane
I saw the update and I was so excited I nearly dropped my phone, I was almost normal enough to read it when I saw the wing whump tag, the crowd went insane and it ended up taking nearly 15 minutes for me to start actually reading.
I am insane, your writing is so beautiful.
(This is just me reacting to the entire fic I'm sorry (no I'm not), you don't have to respond to this one)
Anton, the wet cat of a man, watching the trees for an hour each day and counting that as touching grass enough.
He deserves immortality, I think he should get it, he can be trusted yes.
Hjshjshsjsgsjhsjshjshj he's being accommodating with the lights and the textures my heart- (we stan the tisms supporting the tisms)
"But hey, it's for science!" My Absolute Beloved, Anton can do whatever he wants to do he deserves it.
When the when the when the when the autistic wet cats of men communication (Anton and Dew talking at any given time)
The flinch going to the table >>>>>>>
The descriptions are so beautiful and vivid, have I mentioned I love your writing?
The Cloth Gag Yes
I just had to put my phone down for a second at that line woa I'm not usually one for duct tape gags, but this may have changed my mind on that front
When the man is in Pain and the other man is sat Criss-Cross Apple Sauce
He is in pain for weeks oh my with only Anton for company oh my he is going as insane as I am
He is Breaking someone get him a plushie this is beautiful I am handing him a chicken plushie because he is
He is Breaking poor guy ohno
""I'm tired of being scared of you,"" I Am On My Knees Good Sir I Didn't Need My Heart Anyways It's Okay
I am holding him so gentle
A lil kiss on the forehead if he's okay with that
Hold lab birb gentle like hamburger
I am giving him a week's paid holiday somewhere maybe just home for a bit (oh wait that's the lab now isn't it :3 )
What's the Anton doin
I was going to say give Dew a weighted blanket but I guess he has one already huh
"maybe four weeks? Fuck, that was insane." I'LL TELL YOU WHO ELSE IS INSANE OVER THIS
"keeping Dew from moving an inch away from his captor?"
Damn that line. Someone fetch me my fainting couch. I must be dramatic and think of this line often.
Anton you're not the birb here why are you cooing
"excusing Dew's mention of his old life just this once" Dew should slip up :3 as a treat :333
Anton is but a silly guy. A harmless, silly guy.
He has never done anything wrong ever. I support Anton's rights and wrongs. But he has not done wrongs. He is so. He is a little guy, ur honour. He should be allowed to do whatever he wants in life.
Birb instincts *sounds of wait hold on wait I need a minute wait*
Dew's got wings now yay :3
Also his clone doing his own top surgery is even better.
Have a good 24 hours!!!! I'm going to go try to be a little less insane about this I swear (difficulty impossible)
Also I wrote the live react thing in a word doc and it ended up 661 words long! Sorry for so much!
A CHICKEN PLUSHIE FOR DEW OMG im definitely gonna draw that now :))
Anton and Dew are both silly little guys living in our silly minds rent free
us when Anton does Anything: its okay he was just feeling silly :3
anyway i was giggling kicking my feet the whole time reading this,, these asks make me so happy :) its still such a surreal feeling having people react to my writing and ocs this way AHHHAJSKDGAKJ this means So Much to me you don’t understand. thanks so much again for the support it makes me so happy people like my writing and characters!!!!! :)
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perce · 6 years
maybe that bad news was just like, a final straw, and this is a mild emotional shutdown? cant tell
#mine#edit heres ur incoming tag ramble warning.#i dont ‘shutdown’ very often at all and its usually accompanied by a lot more dissociation so im not really sure what this is#presumably not good but i guess its keeping back whatever rage or tears would otherwise br happening? well. figurative tears i dont cry much#i wanna distract myself but focusing is rough right now#the only thing i seem to be consistent abt is walking and poking my phone#id watch a show but i think id just get a sort of itchy fidgety restlessness and return to walking anyway#which tbf. yknow. thats the main thing i Do like abt being a cashier. im always moving if a little bit#i can ‘get into the zone’ easier than when im sitting. which may be why i find writing hard bc i try to sit and do it#but here i am walking in relative circles typing this out still#in a weird sort of haze but im here. oh. maybe it was the dysphoria earlier that got me? hm.#maybe i’ll regret posting these all later but it something of a relief to get it off my chest#i guess i could go to bed. i need to be up early anyway. i know i wont sleep though.#i could read n walk maybe but ngl the fic ive been reading lately is so bad and i should just drop it no matter what othersve said.#its just not good idk what these people see in it. i do have others i think i’ll enjoy a Lot more open tho. based on having enjoyed-#other works of theirs. so theres that. i guess i could also watch netflix on my phone while walking its not like ive looked up this entire-#time. tho im always better at typing/reading n walking. whenever i try to watch a video of any sort i constantly bump into stuff#i didnt mean to type this much or for this long. maybe im just killing time until im tired.#idk if u read all this even after seeing the wall of text upon hitting see all thanks i guess. idk what ud get from it but#hey. for what its worth i hope ur doin ok and have smiled genuinely at least once today#actually you know what else? i feel like im really bad at empathy/sympathy. like. whenever theres a time i think i Should have some stronger#reaction. i just clam/freeze up and dont know what to say. maybe im just awkward. who knows#i said it in tags in an earlier post but im so performative. i feel like im constantly lying to people and. that includes myself i think.#where does the performance end and i really begin? is there even a me left? i dont even know. i suppress my emotions so much. maybe thats-#why i dont know how to react to things thatre new/unfamiliar to me. much harder to fake something with minimal reference#i am. speculating about myself how one might a fictional character. am i one even to myself? fictitious? fake? what of me is real#hm. i guess i was due an existential crisis but im still not here Enough to be concerned or upset. so speculative instead. interesting.#it only just now occurred to me that im really just laying this all out here for anyone. i wonder why. it just occurred to me and-#why am i doing it. do i not care? is this a form of dissociation in fact? that might make sense#final thing tonight i talked (mostly listened) to some friends and feel a little less empty. also did u know the limit is 30 tags on a post
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