v33-d1n0 · 8 months
@digikaa ‘s RvBTober: Day 4: blue team banter! (Sshhhh I know this like 3 days late lol)
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I was tired and hungry while finishing this so it’s so ass I’m sorry </3
Also fuvk the timeline EVERYONES here because I say so >:(
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melodic-haze · 23 days
Probably a strange ask, but pajama party sleepover with Topaz where the reader gets them matching Dino onesies?
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☆ — SAMPLE TRACK: Matching onesies!!
☆ — CHARACTERS: Topaz, Yae Miko
☆ — NOTES: Using this ask to gauge if I can get a handle on Topaz's personality, cuz I didn't acc originally have her in the list I write for lol. I hope yall don't mind that I combined this into one post :33 anyway IT'S NOT WEIRD AT ALL❗️❗️❗️❗️ DUDE I'd wanna get matching onesies w the girlies :((((((( they're cute as hell and comfy
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"You're taking quite a bit in there. Everything alright or..?"
"Yeah, everything's fine! I'm done, actually!"
"Come out, then! I feel like I've been waiting for you for ages! Right, Numby?"
You hear a muffled squeak from the other side of the door and you couldn't help but giggle both at Topaz's dramaticism and the little surprise that you have for her. Without a delay, you placed your hand on the doorknob, "You ready to see this?"
"Sweetie, I don't know what I'm seeing. But of course I'm ready to see you, no matter what!"
You rolled your eyes at the light flirt before turning the doorknob, stepping out of the bedroom and finally showing your girlfriend the long-awaited surprise.
You see her unfiltered joy before you hear it; she practically jumps up with a pleasantly shocked look on her face, one that easily morphs into a smile as she stumbles over to you to hug you with a squeal. Numby had followed close behind, rubbing its snout on your legs happily and running around.
"OHMYGOODNESS?? You look absolutely adorable!! You're one of those dinosaurs that some of the worlds have! This is the surprise you were talking about?"
You shook her head, "This is part of it. The real surprise is in the bedroom. I think you'll like it—both of you."
She narrowed her eyes at you before the dawning realisation came in the form of her flabberghasted look, "There's NO way."
"See for yourself."
Topaz swivels her head at Numby, who does the same thing in turn, before they both practically dash over to the bedroom. Unsurprisingly, you hear a squeal of utter happiness—your girlfriend always had an affinity towards cute critters, or cute things in general, so such a reaction was definitely no surprise.
And when she comes back out again, the pet warp trotter in tow, you can't help but relate to her unfiltered love for them.
"You got us matching onesies."
You nodded with a grin, "I did. Do you like it?"
"How is that even a question?" She practically skips over to you before putting her arms around your neck, "I LOVE it!! It's basically a guarantee that you look cute, but don't I look cute? Doesn't Numby look cute?? They look like a tiny little dinosaur, I think I could cry..."
A laugh bubbled up from your chest at your girlfriend's enthusiasm as you wrapped your hands around her waist, "I thought you might like something like this—you've been working hard, so I thought I'd get you something."
Her excitement dies down just a touch, though the affection in her eyes was plain to see, "Babe.. you didn't have to do that! I love the work."
"I know you do! I just wanted to get you a little extra for when I finally get you to settle down with manual labour for a night in."
"I'd say it's more than worth it." She pulled back with a flourish, picking Numby up to show off their gifts, "Cute and comfortable? I don't think anything could beat this."
"I dunno..." You shrugged lightly, "You haven't seen what else I have planned for this sleepover."
"Then I personally grant you the opportunity to change my mind."
She smiles so very brightly at you, and it's as if everything else has been washed away.
"You're awfully secretive with this little 'surprise' of yours, aren't you?"
"I think not being secretive defeats the entire purpose of a surprise."
"While you may be correct," she crosses her arms with a small smirk, "the blindfold is a touch overkill, don't you think? You wouldn't dare to stage a kidnapping on poor me, would you?"
"And risk the Shogun's wrath?" You scoffed out a laugh, "I don't think so. Plus it's to make sure you aren't peeking!"
"Did you not go into your room to change?"
"Yeah, but-- wait how did you know I was changing?"
You could practically hear her eyeroll, "I have ears, darling; ones that can hear far more than the normal human auditory system."
"Yeah, yeah, you can hear more than the usual person, I think I get it... Anyway, I'm coming out now, so you can take your blindfold off if you want."
"I still don't see the reason why--"
"Miko, babe, do you want to see me or not?"
"Fine, alright, seeing as how you want me silent, I shall cease my jabs at you.. for now."
Now you were the one to roll your eyes as you opened the door and walked over to your fox-like lover, clothes in hand. And as you did so, she removed the piece of cloth wrapped around her head before opening her eyes.
Instead of her usual vigilance, she actually takes a little time to stare at you.. and the folded gift in your hands. Amethyst eyes narrowed at the latter specifically before they darted over to you and your getup.
Then, a smirk made its way over to her lips as if it were another typical moment of her teasiny you, though you don't miss the way her pupils expand and her eyes glimmer in warm affection, "My, my... If you wanted to be my cute little bunny so bad, I'm sure we could arrange something."
You felt a blush overtake your cheeks, though you shook your head in an attempt to settle yourself, "Nevermind that, why don't you focus more on what I'm holding for you?"
To her credit, she does. But then she looks at you with a raised brow, "Are these.. matching onesies?"
"Yeah. Why," you feel something inside you twist the slightest bit, "you don't like it?"
"Mmm... We shall see."
Her expression is sly, though she doesn't give her feelings away as she takes the gift and heads for the bedroom to change. You knew Miko loved to be a cryptic woman, but it was a little frustrating when it came to the smaller things—did she like it? Hate it? Is she just.. humouring you so that you feel bad? Or maybe she's making fun of you by doing so...
You are snapped out of your thoughts by the sound of Miko's voice, albeit a touch muffled due to the walls between you, "Y-Yes? Sorry, did you need something?"
"No, not necessarily. You were rather quiet while waiting for me."
"What, did you want me to bang on the door desperately?"
"I do have a penchant for the dramatics." You rolled your eyes as you heard her laugh, though she continues not long after, "I'm done. Be grateful that I hadn't asked you to wear a blindfold."
"Uh huh, I'm very grateful. Now come out, I wanna see you!"
"Patience, bunny. I'll be out in a second."
The door opens, and she steps out wearing matching onesie given to her. Though you notice that she has yet to put the hood on her head.. and the slight tint of pink that dusted her cheeks as she looked at you head-on. Was she actually embarrassed?
She huffed lightly, a slight smile on her lips, "Putting a fox in a bunny onesie seems akin to having a wolf in sheep's clothing, don't you think?"
You shrugged, "No matter what, you look cute either way."
"Was that your main goal? To have me look simply adorable for you to gawk at? Is my beautiful humanoid form not enough for you?"
While her tone was mostly teasing, there was a touch of.. something else—a tone someone asks when they are lost. Perhaps it was the loss of her intimidating air; she did love to make others squirm, but in a getup like this? How could she ever achieve that?
You shake your head, "I found these while I was out for a little shopping trip and thought that these would make you both cute and beautiful. Why, you don't like it?"
Her eyes softened, "Of course I like it, my darling.. though next time, how about we buy fox onesies together instead? Cute aesthetics are more suited towards.. hmm.. that Yashiro Commission girl, for starters."
A laugh bubbled up from within you, "Haha, alright, alright. But you're still my cute little kitsune."
"Little? Oh, that's highly debatable. Now, is this all we're going to be doing, staring at each other and how well we match, or are we doing anything else for tonight?"
"I've actually got a few options for you." You held out your hand to her, "If you'll follow me..."
Her hand takes yours, and you move on to proceed your comfortable night with the beautiful fox envoy, completely forgetting the rest of the world.
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oersteds · 1 year
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So I got this in a comment. You have forced my hand, @harpykurry
Twiz Lore Summary (With Shitposts)
Massive amount of "jesus christ, dude" energy below the cut. You've been warned.
This. is Twiz. (Art by this person on Toyhouse go check 'em out they're cool)
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Twiz has magic. A lot of magic. She's also stupid with it. Unfortunately, she has a very powerful brand of magic...
The dumbass can ressurrect anyone she wants. Do not give her a corpse, she will ressurrect it, even if she has no idea who she's rezzing.
Even if she ends up ressurrecting a Demon King.
Okay, I know he turns to dust in the game, but SHHH. He got a corpse because someone else fucked up with a ressurrection. They weren't even trying to ressurrect Oersted, which makes this dumber!!! They ended up casting Summon Random Corpse From Literally Nowhere because ressurrection magic is a Complete Fucking Bitch to use for most people.
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So, Oersted, after the events of the game, ends up having his corpse wash up on a beach. Cool.
Twiz sees this. She decides to ressurrect him. She has no idea who this shmuck is, or what he's done, or what he might do when ressurrected. She just wants to be ""helpful"" and ""kind"" by ressurrecting EVERY GODDAMN CORPSE SHE CAN FIND. TWIZ. NO.
By the way, for Twiz, ressurrecting someone is very painful. It's like her personal brand of Bone Hurting Juice. There's no serious long-term consequences for it, but it just fuckin' hurts, man. So poor Oersted gets rezzed, and the first thing he sees is Twiz, collapsed on the sand, quietly whining in pain. She goes "ow oogh my bones," probably. He's utterly flabberghasted at these events, too much to even angst about his life right now. Not to mention that he feels like he got woken up from a good nap.
(I HC that most ""afterlives"" are just the dead people going to bed. Forever. This is why ressurrection magic is legal in my goofy little world, since around 85% of the time, you're just waking them up from the Big Bed In The Sky. Good morning, Oersted.)
(The 15% rate of a Not Sleeping afterlife comes into play.)
Twiz recovers from the Bone Hurting status effect she placed on herself. She only sometimes questions why she hasn't been killed by a freshly-rezzed person while in that state. Maybe they're just sleepy? Not everyone's all too grateful to be rezzed, after all. "You denied me my warrior's death!" is one she gets a lot from, well, warriors. Anyways. She says hi to Oersted, maybe does a little Chrom from Fire Emblem Awakening impression while helping him up to his feet. Y'know. The usual Twiz shit.
Shockingly enough, Oersted... sorta enjoys not being dead. Go figure, considering the events of the game. They pal around a little. Twiz shows him around the nearby town, and before Twiz decides "hey, who even is this guy?" she instead helps him get settled in an inn for the night.
That night, Oersted starts wondering: "hey wait a sec. How The Fuck Am I Alive." and then he asks the innkeeper (Twiz went to bed for the night. Plus, she's a very heavy sleeper. And she's deep in a dream convo. More on that soon.) So the innkeeper exposition dumps onto Oersted regarding ressurrection magic. How it's a bitch to pull off properly in most cases, and how Twiz is, to be bluntly honest, a fucking moron for ressurrecting a stranger. They finish by noting how people can't be ressurrected without a corpse to ressurrect. So, surely someone got his corpse from somewhere... but who would...?
Well. That doesn't matter, right now. What matters is that a certain Magical Bastard (Straybow) is Sliding Into Twiz's Dreamscape DMs right now, as we speak. And he wants something. Something very specific.
He wants to be rezzed. He just started calling every healer on his dumb little Ghost Phone in his dumb little Not Sleeping afterlife, asking the same question to each of them. He doesn't care who's rezzing him. He just wants to be rezzed. He's gotten a lot of "yea sure ok" from various healers, not realizing that he can't really be rezzed without a corpse... There is an exception, though he doesn't know this either.
That exception is Twiz. Yep. When I said "anyone," I fully meant "ANYONE." She's just the Rez Mage, I guess. She does have some offensive spells, so yes, pun fully intended.
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The next morning, Twiz is in a liiiiiiittle bit of a magic coma. Y'see, she can ressurrect anyone she wants... But rezzing someone without a corpse is Very Fucking Tiresome. Being the exception sucks. Not to mention she just ressurrected someone else the very same day. She's totally spent, knocked the fuck out, so she can't do anything about the total goddamn shitstorm she just reignited.
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Before the inevitable fight gets physical, the dragons attack. Yep. Part 2 coming. Eventually.
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callmebliss · 6 years
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Good mornthing!
Last night I went over a new friend’s house for game night with him, his wife, and two other folks I had not yet met. I was Very Nervous, because STRANGERS! but I was also Excite because Gaming And New Friend(s)! We played Oregon Trail: The Card Game, which I have played a few times before and none of them had ever played. We watched a How To Play The Game video before we got started, and they giggled about how much the guy says essentially  “Y’all gonna die,” and then noticed that the official instructions basically said the same - that if at least one of you get through 50 Trail cards to the Willamette Valley card, you win the game, but more probably the game ends when everybody dies.
Two people died of snakebite. One person died of I think Typhoid. And two of us made it to the end! WE WON! We were flabberghasted and delighted.
It was also really nice to go out to do a thing, and have everything totally fine and taken care of at home. No phone calls in the middle of things, and in fact no actual trouble that needed handling; SALM is a good Bonus Parent, and got all the Spawn to bed without issue. And he is Awesome Partner; he encouraged me to go have fun with people, and there was no resentfulness or any sort of sense of debt incurred when I got home. He’s glad that I’m maybe building a little bit of meatspace community, and he’s looking forward to when he can do that himself. I’m looking forward to that, too.
I must note before I forget the layers of scents on me, because they are so GOOD together:
Roadhouse from BPAL: Truck stop sleaze. Weedy dandelion and hops with a whiff of tobacco and hemp and a swirl of booziness.
Windward Passage from BPAL: Breezes blowing off of the waters of the Caribbean: marine accord, seaweed, and bladderwrack.
Susanna Dean from SailorZeo on Etsy: Her happy ending is receiving a cup of hot chocolate sprinkled with nutmeg. Her scent has notes of chocolate and nutmeg, as well as rose for the ka'tet, musk, and moss
I do not work today. This is the first week in a long time that I have not been asked to take on any bonus hours; the woman I was largely covering for on her maternity leave is back, and so they aren’t asking me to come be there and do the thing. This is inauspicious, given the large probable vehicle bill that I need to save up for. I’m nervous and a bit unhappy about this timing. On the other hand, the vehicle still runs; I can save a little and get the brakes done, and then save like WOAH and get the exhaust taken care of before annual inspection in May. Assuming I don’t get the loan I applied for, that is. Jury’s still out on that one.
But not being at work today and tomorrow is weird, and sort of.... disconnected feeling. I am going to spend some time being useful around the household - try to clean up the living room one day, and the kitchen the other. Today I started in on laundry, and am glad this was a load I was at home while it was running because it was off balance. I ran into the room and tried to rebalance it. I did it ass-backward and made it worse, and in the process of trying to steady the laundry robot (we have a stacked single-unit, dryer above washer) it rocked so hard that the nearly-full family size laundry detergent container came crashing down from where we keep it atop the machine. I just barely managed to put my hand up and....not catch it, really, but slide-slam it down onto the lid of the washing machine. It would have hit me right in the head otherwise, which is a scary though. What if concussion? What if knocked out and then the already rocking laundry robot fell on top of me?
It does not do to dwell on the awful things that did not happen unless I am brewing them up to write into a story.
I have laundry to sort and fold, and also bunches of yarn to sort through. I need to bulk-destash, and start figuring out what to do, project-wise, with what remains. Otherwise it is merely clutter.
But so much of my headspace today is concerned with the fact that I do not have a kitty and this is Not Right. I need a kitty. Does anybody know anybody whose kitty made some new kitties that need home? I have a home in need of a kitty.
Hello, Blisstopia.<3
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Indescribable Abnormalities
honestly i’m not sure where i got this idea but like what if nico and will were both parts of a bank robbery when they were, like, 7 and afterward at the station they refused to leave each other’s sides and like what if nico went to live with will or something afterward and now they’re virtually inseparable? so i decided to write it. 3732 words
It’s amazing, he thinks, that they ended up that same bank on the same day.
Nico and Will, at the time, were barely seven years old. Well, Nico was barely seven. Will was gonna turn eight the next week. They shared homeroom together. Mrs. Light, a young lady with a sharp chin and round brown eyes, dyed blonde hair. Nico thought she was a walking Barbie from one of Bianca’s toy sets. Will thought she looked like an anime character.
Maria di Angelo was a tall lady, with long brown curly hair and deep brown eyes. She always wore worn down clothes and scruffy shoes. Why she wore those clothes when she had a mountain of cash from a husband, no one really knew. Nico, now that he looks back on it, thinks that maybe it was to show him and Bianca the ways of the using what you need and saving the rest for a rainy day. Maria was raised in a poor family, and she wanted to make sure her kids didn’t have that. Though she wouldn’t want all that cash to fill their heads. He understands, now, though he didn’t then. Though his seven-year-old brain probably didn’t care as long as he got that Pokemon XY game.
He had his mother’s hand in one of his and Bianca’s in another. His brown jeans were rolled up a small part past his ankle, so much so that his pants didn’t swoosh on his legs as he walked by. His brown jacket probably needed replacing though he refused. Why? He wasn’t sure. Maybe his seven-year-old subconsciousness liked things that had sentimental value.
Will was there with his older brother, Michael. Michael was eighteen, ten years older than Will, and had his own banking account. Why they were there was unknown, though probably because Michael wanted to impress some girl he met at the mall.
As the two walked into the bank they (they being Will and Nico) spotted each other across the linoleum floor. Nico tugged on Bianca’s hand, pointing across the room. Will smiled back, trying to gesture over at the group of three. Michael, though, just managed a two-fingered wave back. Will frowned, though Nico gave him a smile. Will tried for a smile back.
Both families made their ways towards the counter at the front of the establishment.
That was when the first gunshot sounded.
It took a minute for everyone to understand what was happening. Maria looked around in confusion for a second, so much so that it only took her a second to see the men standing at the front entrance. They had masks pulled over their faces, gloves on their fingertips and automatics in their palms.
Nico looked up at his mom, a silent question on his face, and was the first to notice how her face shifted from what the heck? to get down!
The men charged forward. One flanked to the right wall, the other to the left. There were three in total; one appeared to be a woman, how Nico knew this he wasn’t sure. (Just like most the things that happened that day.)
Someone grabbed Nico by the wrist. He froze for a second, giving Bianca a fleeting glance. He looked up at the woman that had his hand in a vice grip. Her hair was cut short, bob style, and she seemed to want Nico. For what reason? He wasn’t sure.
Maria jumped forward, trying to grab her son back, though someone else hit her in the face with something big, black, and metal. Nico wasn’t sure what it was. (It was a gun.)
Maria fell backward onto the floor. Bianca looked up at the woman. Her long, dark hair was spilled across her shoulders, and her eyes were tight with rage. Red with unshed tears.
Nico flailed in the woman’s grip, trying to get to his mother. (He was screaming. So much so that his voice was hoarse.)
Bianca lunged for the woman, trying to get back her brother.
What happened next?
Nico reckons he blocked it out.
Next thing he remembers is being pushed up against the front wall, backs to the outside wall. Will was beside him, tears streaming down his face and hands red.
Why are his hands red?, Nico remembers thinking.
He didn’t get an answer.
The people told them to stand still at the window. (”Don’t move or I’ll blow their fucking heads off.”) (Who was that towards?)
Nico felt when Will’s hand curled around his own. Neither of them dared to look over at one another; they didn’t want to get hurt. Instead, Nico just held on with all his might. Maybe if he squeezed hard enough he would wake up. (Sorry, kiddo, but this isn’t a dream.)
Nico could feel the red liquid on his hand. It was sticky. It was gross.
He didn’t realize they were crying until the tears hit his hand. He looked down for a second - only a second - and then over to Will. He looked terrible. His face was red and blotchy, wet, and his usual smile was cleared from his face. He looked like his entire family just died. (Close enough.)
Nico rather felt than heard when the gunshot rang throughout. The ground vibrated, his ears felt like they were bleeding. He saw Bianca drop like a sack of marbles to the floor. He saw her stare, though it didn’t feel like Bianca’s look. It looked like that Barbie she bought; the one she got during Christmas.
Will’s grip tightened on his hand.
Nico didn’t understand what was happening. How could he? He was only seven.
He looked over at where Michael was supposed to be standing. He saw no one there. (Where was Michael?)
The next thing that he knew there were people rushing into the building. More gunshots ricocheted through the building, though Nico didn’t know what to do. He was frozen still.
Will dropped to the floor, dragging Nico with him, and clasped his hands over his ears. Nico realized that the sounds were loud. He copied Will.
Someone, a blonde man with bright blue eyes and a blue vest on, ran towards the two and scooped them into her arms. He had Will on her right hip, Nico on his left. Nico turned and buried his face into his shoulder. He felt someone grab his hand and looked up. Will was still crying. Nico was too.
The guy was Jason Grace. He reminded Nico of a character from a show Maria watched. NCIS, or something.
Both boys were sat in some sort of big truck. It was red, white, and had words written in blue on the side. Will was beside him, staring blankly at the floor. Nico did the same.
“Hey, boys,”
Will looked up at the guy who was speaking. It was that Jason guy. His hair was splattered all across his face and his eyes were clouded with something Will didn’t recognize. Nico continued looking at the floor. He gave them both a sad smile.
“Can you guys sit with Miss. Piper here for a second?”
A woman came up beside Jason. She had short brown hair and light brown skin. Will looked up at her for a moment. What color were her eyes?
Will looked back down at Nico, who was still looking down at the asphalt. Slowly, though, he looked up. His face was blank, though you could tell he was confused.
“Where’s mama? And Bianca?”
His voice was scratchy, raspy. Will was surprised anyone other than his dad could sound like that. Will’s eyes were starting to get wet. His father was an EMT. One day he walked into their small home, face blank and hands shaky. His mother pulled him aside to talk. And Will, being the nosy eight-year-old is he, spied on the two as they talked.
“They’re dead,” “There’s nothing you could’ve done, Lester,” “You didn’t see that... that look. He had no expression. And the blood... it waseverywhere... I couldn’t do anything.” “Lester, you can’t save everyone,” “Yeah, but I could’ve tried, Naomi,”
From what Will could tell, Michael was dead. Well, there was blood, and he wasn’t smiling. That has to mean something, right?
Jason gave Nico a look filled with pity. Will decided he hated that look. Nico didn’t like it either, though he wasn’t sure why.
“We can talk about them later, huh?”
Will looked towards the lady with brown hair. Piper.
“Is Michael dead?” he asked, eyebrows scrunched together. Piper’s eyes darted over to him, wide with surprise, though he didn’t understand why.
“What does dead mean?” Nico asked, looking over at Will. Will shrugged.
“I don’t know. But mommy said something about them not being saved. And daddy said there was blood everywhere and that they had no expression. That’s what Michael looked like.” He turned his head back to Piper. “Is he dead?”
Piper still looked a bit flabberghasted, though eventually choked out an answer.
“L-Let’s, uh, let’s go see your parents...”
Jason urged the boys into another car. A cop car. Though they were both just as confused as ever. What does dead mean? When will Nico get to see Bianca again? What’s happening?
“What’re your names?” Jason asked, kneeling outside the back door. Nico immediately retracted back into the leather seats, eyeing the bars in between them and the front seats.
“Will,” Will said.
“Nico,” Nico said.
Jason smiled sadly at the two. A few minutes later Jason got into the front seat and began driving down the street. As the commotion started Nico’s hand ran for Will’s, squeezing so hard his knuckles turned white. Will winced, asking him to not squeeze so tight. Nico apologized.
The lady at the police station told them they wouldn’t be seeing Michael, Maria, or Bianca ever again. Nico asked why. Screamed. He had no one to step forward and tell him to calm down. No one except Annabeth and Will.
Will was sitting beside him on the chairs. Nico’s hand was still latched tightly onto his, though Will learned not to complain. If he complained Nico would shut down. He didn’t want that.
His parents were on their way over. They would be here in about twenty minutes. They couldn’t find Nico’s dad, though. Nico said he didn’t know his dad. He was never home. He never got to see him.
Will had washed his hands ten minutes ago, though they still seemed sticky. He hated it.
The two continued going to school, though it took about two months before they could do so. Not to mention the fact where they would have a panic attack when the other wasn’t somewhere in the local vicinity.
Most of the time they were at Will’s house. Nico’s dad took two days to come back from Venice, where he was for some sort of business thing.
On multiple occasions while at the house, Will would be seen getting up onto the counter and scrubbing his hands until they bled. Nico would be seen staring at a blank wall with tears falling down his face.
(Lester soon realized Will might’ve had some form of PTSD. He would be seen stealing bottles of ketchup and pouring them onto the floor. Naomi asked why. Will said it reminded him of Michael.)
(Hades realized Nico had depression. On multiple occasions, he would find Nico muttering how I want to be with Bianca. I don’t want to be alive anymore. Don’t touch me. Leave me alone.)
Though, no matter what happened, they were always together.
During their first day back at school, Nico started freaking out in the middle of class. He couldn’t stop shaking, couldn’t stop crying, and would scream whenever someone would touch him. Will immediately got up, ran over, and hugged him. Nico cried into his shoulder. The teacher had to get all the other students out of the classroom.
They both had extreme anxiety. Will’s eventually lost a bit of its constant presence, though Nico always had a small ball in the pit of his stomach.
It was scary. Terrifying to think about now.
When they were fourteen things started changing.
Nico was wearing black consistently. It was like he was always mourning their deaths. He snapped at kids who sat too close, and people who tried to ‘relate’ to him. It was no secret that Maria and Bianca were dead, or how he reacted. He was the scary kid, now. And he was fine with that.
Will was the sunshiny kid. Some people tried to say how he was with Nico when his family died, though no one would believe them. He’s Will Solace! There’s no way that happened to him.
He signed up for lacrosse, student council, and all the health courses he could. He was always seen talking to someone about something. It was odd to see him alone.
They were still friends. Though, they weren’t as attached as before.
Nico met this kid, Percy, who refused to back down whenever Nico started snapping at him. He was adamant about sitting beside him at lunch. He drug his friends, Annabeth and Grover, to sit beside him every day.
He hated it. (He didn’t hate it.)
They still hung out after school every day. Nico was almost never at his house, always at Will’s. Will asked him about it. Nico said it felt like the liveliness of their house died alongside his mom and sister. Will wouldn’t say anything after that.
Nico was on one anti-depressant and one anxiety medication. Will was on one anxiety medication and one that was supposed to help with his PTSD. (It didn’t, not really.)
They both still went to therapy. Will didn’t talk about it. Nico didn’t talk about it. It was as though a mutual agreement; don’t talk about the fucked up things we have to talk about.
They sat at the same table at lunch, though rarely beside one another. Nico was always surrounded by Percy, Grover, and Annabeth. Will had Cecil and Lou Ellen.
That didn’t mean they stopped being friends, though.
It was seventeen when Nico broke.
He’s been fighting himself for as long as he could remember. Beating himself up. He hated himself. He couldn’t be this way. He couldn’t. He’d already disappointed Hades enough, he couldn’t do this too.
I can’t be gay.
I can’t like Percy.
I can’t.
He pushed everyone away. He ignored the texts from Percy and Will. He threw his phone against the wall and sunk into the bed. He didn’t care how the phone shattered at impact. He threw his backpack out the window and locked it behind him.
He skipped school for about three days. He put his pillow over his head and cried into his pillow.
It took three days before Will snapped.
“What the fuck?” Will shouted, throwing the door open to Nico’s bedroom.
Nico almost jumped straight off the bed. There were bags under his eyes and his arms were even paler than normal. His hair was greasy and his cheeks seemed to have tears etched into them. He was wearing the clothes from after school that Tuesday.
“W-Will!” Nico shouted, pushing himself to the head of his bed. “W-What’re you doing here?”
“What am I doing here?” Will asked incredulously, thumping himself on the head. “Nico, I haven’t heard from you in three days! I thought you were dead!”
Nico looked down at the sheet on his bed. Will just sighed loudly, walking over and standing in front of his bed.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, taking deep breaths.
Nico pursed his lips. “Nothing.”
Nico spared a glance around the room. He couldn’t see Will’s face, though he could see the old blue jeans and his blue, white, and orange Goode Lacrosse jacket.  His dark blue backpack was at the bedroom door.
“Why do you have your backpack?” he asked, staring at the item in question.
Will raised his eyebrows, looking back at the bag. “I just came from school.”
“Your mom’s probably freaking out, you know.”
“No, I have student council.”
“Why aren’t you at student council? That’s more important - ”
“Nothing’s more important than you, Nico,” Will said, moving around the side of the bed. Nico shook his head, sending his too-long hair flying.
“No, I don’t matter - ”
“Bullshit.” Will interrupted, taking Nico by his shoulders. Nico shrugged him off, getting up and starting to pace around the front of the room.
“I’m just - I’m just - I don’t matter!” Nico shouted, hands out in exasperation.
“Yes, you do!” Will said again, walking over to stand in front of Nico.
“No, Will, you don’t understand - ”
“Then help me understand!”
“I’m just a faggot, alright!”
Will stared at Nico, no mark of shock or surprise on his face. His hands were curled into fists at his sides, though he tried to flatten them out.
“I’m just - I’m a nobody! I don’t matter!”
“Stop fucking lying!” Will shouted again, this time making Nico flinch back slightly. Will didn’t take note.
“It doesn’t matter if you like guys or not, Nico, because you’re still my best friend! You matter more than some stupid ass student council gig! And don’t fucking forget that!”
The room went silent.
Nico was standing less than five feet from Will. Will’s face was bright red with frustration, as though he was furious that Nico would even think about being a nobody. He didn’t understand. Why does he care so much?
Nico didn’t realize he was falling until Will caught him.
He wrapped the ends of Will’s jacket in his fists, as though keeping him rooted to this spot on the floor. He buried his face in Will’s shoulder, tears staining the white fabric. Will adjusted their position, letting Nico sit almost completely on his lap, and placed his hands on Nico’s waist. He leaned his head against Nico’s, rubbing circles into his sides.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,”
“It doesn’t matter, just don’t say that ever again or I may kill you.” he stopped for a second. “Don’t convince yourself of things that aren’t true.”
At nineteen they set away for college.
Nico was going to NYU to get a teaching degree. Will was going to Boston, Massachusetts, to attend Harvard Medical School.
Nico went with Will to the airport.
“You’ll call every day, right?” Nico asked again, looking over at Will with worried eyes. Will smiled sadly, throwing an arm over his shoulder.
“You’re sounding like my mom,”
“Maybe that’s not a bad thing, jackass.”
Will laughed, taking his other hand and boop-ing Nico on the nose. Nico scowled and batted his hand away.
“Yes, mother, I’ll call every day.”
Nico smiled. He was loosening up, now, though he knew it was going to be hard with Will not along with him. Though he had Percy, and now Reyna, one of his newer friends. He was going to be alright, he didn’t need anyone to tell him that.
His flight was called and Will stood up, grabbing his bag. They stood for a few seconds awkwardly before Nico hugged Will. Will laughed though couldn’t hug back. Nico pulled away, bright red, and said goodbye. Will said the same.
Will came home for winter break.
At the moment they were running down a crowded sidewalk in New York, laughing alongside Percy and Annabeth. There was snow everywhere and they were in layer after layer of jackets and scarves, though you would think it was summer. They were all laughing and sharing warm looks, completely unaffected by the cold.
Eventually, Will and Nico both barreled into Will’s childhood home, laughing at something Nico had said. Will took note of how his face seemed to be brighter, his laugh merrier. He smiled at the thought.
Soon they were both sat on the couch, watching some shitty Christmas movie and laughing and stupid things they said.
“Hey, Nico,” Will said, nudging Nico slightly. Nico hummed a response, pulling the blanket around his shoulders closer to himself. After a few seconds, he looked up, catching Will’s gaze.
Nico still had snowflakes in his hair, which Will found astonishing since they’d been since for about twenty minutes at this point. His noise was still bright red, too, but he seemed content. He was wearing the stupid black sweater Will had gotten him the previous year with skeletons dancing on the front, wearing Santa hats and some reindeer around.
He still looks astonishing.
Before Will could say anything else he noticed Nico leaning forward slightly, eyes not exactly on his eyes, more like on his lips. Will looked down as well, subconsciously biting his lip.
Will leaned downward.
He could feel the burst of color in his chest at the small amount of contact. He lifted his hand up slowly, letting it rest on Nico’s cheek. He could feel Nico’s face burning with embarrassment and smiled, breaking the kiss.
“You’re such a dork,” Nico noted, shaking his head slightly.
Will smiled again, pulling Nico back up to him.
“And yet here you are,” Will muttered, connecting their lips once more.
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webquip · 5 years
@saezura | may
This isn’t right. Not even factoring in the fact that he’d crash landed through some kind of wormhole into an obviously abandoned FEAST center, there’s something off about the city. It seems so... empty. The streets should be packed with pedestrians and cars on their way home after a long, busy day, but they’re not, and the halved noise pollution leaves his head spinning.
What’s happened here?
A bird’s eye--or rather, a spider’s eye--view would come in handy right about now, but he’d been washing his suit when he’d been swallowed by that strange portal, leaving him with his webshooters but no suit. So, he hoofs it through the city, staring wild-eyed at lack of any and everything. But, finally, after what seems like hours, Peter spots a crowd. An honest to goodness crowd of people milling about outside of one of the Stark Industries buildings.
Like a moth to a flame, Peter is drawn to the large group of people, and for the first time since whatever had happened happened, he doesn’t feel the dull, aching dread--heightened by his spider-sense--gnawing away at the back of his mind. This feels right.
Parker manages to slip inside, curious about the party and wondering if he could get in touch with Tony Stark himself. Because surely Tony could explain this whole thing to him. Be it inadvertent time travel, or... something else. Drawing more attention to himself than his jeans and flannel are already doing isn’t something he cares to do, so he doesn’t speak, doesn’t ask where to find Tony; he just looks, scouring the party for signs of the billionaire.
But what he does find nearly stops his heart from beating.
It starts with a familiar voice calling his name, and when he turns, he’s completely flabberghasted.
Tumblr media
Could it be? Could it really be her? She looked so young, like the photos he’d seen in her and Ben’s wedding album. But it was unmistakably May.
Done with logical thought--there’s too little to understand here; too little to try to make sense of--he rushes forward and heedlessly pulls the woman into a hug, lifting her ever-so-slightly off the ground to feel the weight of her; to assure himself that this is real. That she’s real.
Into her shoulder, Peter all but sobs: “I thought I lost you forever.”
0 notes
rparchiveblogxoxo · 7 years
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like huntbastian, and kurtbastian.
Stranger: (Sub/Dom, Prostitute!Sebastian AU; Sebastian had a lot of clients, a lot which are innocent enough but also a lot which needed a different kind of release, a release which takes a more violent turn and as a sub, it was starting to mess with his psyche, however he needed the money and when a guy he hadn't seen since high school keeps showing up and cockblocking him, well, it was starting to weigh on him and his wallet.) This was getting increasingly more and more frustrating and in all honesty, Sebastian didn't know where it was coming from, where /he/ was coming from and why he found entertainment in doing this, but he did, quite clearly. This was the third time this week that he'd been a mere inch away from closing a deal when Hunter had appeared out of fuck knows where and squashed all his hard work within just a few seconds. This time he had been with a big beefy blonde in the back of a club, the more private part, sat on a couch, closing a deal with a new client when Hunter had showed up and started talking about sports, /sports/ of all things, the blonde had run quicker than anything and Sebastian was left looking angry and flabberghasted, looking between Hunter and his brother. "Nice to see you, Harrison, long time no see. You look smoking as always- What the hell was that and what is your problem?!" The last part was directed at Hunter and he knew he should be weary of speaking to a dom like that, but he had got on his last nerve.
You: Hunter raised his eyebrows slightly at the outburst, but ultimately decided to let that behavior coming from a sub slide for now. "I have no idea what you're talking about," he said with a shrug, shaking his head as he looked at Sebastian and taking a small step in closer to him. "I was just coming over for a chat, not my fault if that guy flaked out on you."
Stranger: Sebastian opened his mouth to reply before his gaze caught the movement and he swallowed thickly, tensing slightly to stop himself from inching back on the couch. "You knew who he was and this isn't the third time you've pulled this shit." He stated almost matter of factly, drumming his fingers on the arm of the couch. "So I'll repeat the question; what is your problem?"
Stranger: first time*
You: Hunter watched him and let out a sigh, shaking his head. "Alright, you know, I really don't think that you need to be told what my 'problem' is," he said with a shrug. "I think you and I both know pretty well what's going on here."
Stranger: Sebastian rose an eyebrow as Hunter began to speak, hope lingering for just a second, hope that he was finally going to admit why he kept following him around, screwing up chances with new clients and older ones a like, but of course that would be too easy. He had to hold in a groan, glancing up at his brother with a questioning gaze for a moment before allowing his gaze to flicker back to Hunter, throwing his hands up in both frustration and a sign that he gave up. "Enlighten me."
You: Hunter sighed and shook his head to himself. "Ah, of course. I should've known it would be too much to expect you to actually think about it," he said, watching him with a small frown. "i think that you need to stop doing this," he said, gesturing vaguely to Sebastian and around him. "To stop whoring yourself out like this."
You: (brb)
Stranger: Sebastian pursed his lips at the frown, the words that reached his ears, the disappointment he heard there shouldn't effect him like he did. He /hated/ that he felt bad because of it, but that feeling was swept away much too quickly, replaced with an incredulous one that was evident on his face. This time he knew he should feel bad, the words used told him so, Hunter probably wanted him to feel bad, to feel some kind of shame, but he didn't, because this was /his/ life, he needed the money, not that he'd expect Hunter to understand that. "What makes you think I give a shit about what you think?" He asked finally, shaking his head, any anger that had simmered making its way back out. "What the hell makes you think you have the right to keep doing this, stopping me from 'whoring myself out'?" He asked.
You: Hunter sighed and rubbed a hand over his face, knowing that this conversation wasn't going to go easily just by virtue of the fact that Sebastian was the way he was. But the conversation had started, and he couldn't back out of it now. "Okay, maybe I don't have a right to, but I should," he said. "Because there is just /no/ reason you need to keep doing it, and it's so damn frustrating seeing it continue to happen."
Stranger: Sebastian actually laughed, an incredulous sound, full of bitterness and surprise, a noise that lasted longer than it should have. "Oh wow, Hunter Clarington. You are just full of humour, aren't you?" He asked a bitter unamused smile on his lips as he shook his head, if he weren't all but surrounded by Hunter and his brother, he would have walked out, he almost wished he could. "No reason." He tested the words out on his lips, he could almost taste bile in the back of his throat. "No reason? And you think /I'm/ the frustrating one here? You should be a comedian." He mused.
You: Hunter rolled his eyes at Sebastian's words and shook his head. "Yes, Sebastian, you are the frustrating one. You keep doing this, over and over, even though I'm putting out great big signs telling you to just stop it already," he said, watching him closely just in case anything he was saying was having any effect on him. He wasn't particularly interested in outright saying what it was he wanted, if it ended up being that Sebastian did continue to choose this path regardless. He wouldn't understand that choice, but there was a lot about Sebastian he didn't understand. "Don't you want things to be easier? You could just leave all this shit behind you."
Stranger: Sebastian swallowed thickly and shook his head. He felt like his mind was going to explode, but more than that was the fact that there was a dom standing infront of him, telling him to stop, to stop sleeping around, whoring himself out, as he had so nicely put it, and it was screwing with him. "I-" He slid a harsh hand up into his hair and shook his head again, quicker this time, jerky movements. "You don't understand." He stated before laughing again, a frustrated sound. "You have no fucking clue, sure!- In an ideal world I'd like things to be easier, I'd like to be able to catch a break, but this isn't an idea world and I'm not going to catch a break. You can come in here and look down on me all you want, try to slut shame me, but you'll never understand, why would you?" He muttered bitterly, pushing himself up and making an attempt to shove past him.
You: Hunter moved quickly when Sebastian got up, standing in his way and reaching out to grab his arm to keep him from moving. "Listen to me, Sebastian," he said firmly, moving closer to him, not caring in that instant about respecting his personal space or not using his influence as a dom over Sebastian. "You're right. I don't understand. I don't understand why you keep doing this. If there's a dom who wants you to enter a claim with him, who is perfectly willing to take care of you, why would you not take advantage of that?"
Stranger: Sebastian let out an irritated noise when he was pulled to a halt, only trying to pull from his grip twice before realising the efforts were futile. He faltered slightly as his firm tone washed over him, both his words and the sudden lack of personal space startling him into silence. Reluctantly, he listened to what he had to say, a retort on the tip of his tongue until Hunter's words made sense to him and his expression faltered, leaving him to stare blankly for a moment or two. "What- What are you talking about?" He muttered, swallowing back a lump in his throat. His immediate thought was that Hunter was speaking about himself but that couldn't be... Why would he want Sebastian? He wouldn't, surely. He had to be talking about someone else, and even then, he had to be wrong. If a dom wanted him at all, surely he'd know by now.
You: Hunter let out a long breath, grateful that at least now Sebastian seemed to finally be listening to what he was saying. "You know what I'm talking about, even though you've been completely unwilling to admit it to yourself, or to me," he said, shaking your head. "Please. Stop doing all of this, let yourself actually be taken care of and looked after the way a sub is supposed to be instead of letting doms just fuck you and abuse you every goddamn night, and just be mine."
Stranger: Sebastian shook his head quickly, despite the words leaving Hunter's lips. He didn't know, he couldn't know- it couldn't be right, sure he'd thought about it, too many times, but he'd shook it off, it was too radical of an idea, but then Hunter was speaking again and Sebastian was biting at his bottom lip too hard, almost breaking the skin, his eyes were wide as he stared at him, surprise evident on his face. "I- You don't mean...?" His voice was shaky, despite how he tried to control it, to keep it steady. His words sent a mixture of feelings through him, the frustration evident in Hunter's voice for one, the words he'd chosen to spill, the description from his point of view, it had him actually feeling shame, a small part of him at least, because he'd never looked at it like that. He'd always just been trying to support himself, keep his apartment, keep himself fed, look after himself - which he was failing miserably at - he'd never thought of it as dom's using him, abusing him, despite the affect each night with a different dom was having on him, and the more violent approaches too. The next feeling was born of an irrational need for what he was offering, for support and care, the way he knew he needed but was too stubborn to look for, the very idea that Hunter wanted him at all left him feeling incredulous.
You: "I do mean that. I want to claim you, Sebastian," Hunter said. He watched his face closely, trying to figure out what was going on in his head and gauge his reaction to the suggestion, but his expression was unreadable enough that he couldn't make heads or tails of it. He sighed, dropping his hand from his arm and taking a step back to give him a bit of room. Sighing, he said, "But that doesn't mean you have to. Trying to force you into it would make me no better than every other asshole in here. So, you can think about it, take whatever time you need, all that. Then, I mean, if you end up deciding that you don't want what I'm offering here, well, shit. You can keep doing this, and I'll... I'll back off. You probably won't see a whole lot of me at all."
Stranger: Sebastian hadn't realised he was frozen in place until his gaze caught the movement, Hunter stepping back, and he felt the grip on his arm loosen and then disappear altogether. It took him a few moments longer for him to make sense of the words prior. "You /want/ to claim me?" He had meant it to be an incredulous statement, but it came out a question, his gaze flickering up finally, risking meeting Hunter's gaze. He was quiet when he heard him speak again, his own fingers picking at the hem of his shirt, a nervous action. He worked the words over in his head, the fact that he was being given a choice, then the fact that all of this, the stalking, the cockblocking- all of it, had been an attempt to get him to realise he wanted to claim him. "You're more frustrating than I am... Did /asking/ never occur to you?" He asked, forcing back an incredulous laugh that was threatening to bubble over. "I-- I do this because I need the money, because it's the only way I can afford rent." He admitted finally, swallowing his pride for just a second.
You: Hunter nodded slightly, letting out a soft sigh as Sebastian seemed to snap out of whatever was going on inside his head. "I do," he affirmed with a small nod, watching him closely and welcoming the eye contact to a moment, knowing that he was finally getting through to him. He shrugged at Sebastian's next words, letting out a soft laugh and shaking his head. "It's hard to tell what's right with you. You're stubborn as hell. If I'd just outright asked, you probably would've just brushed me off," he said. "So... Given the chance, to not have to do this for the money, you wouldn't?"
Stranger: Sebastian watched Hunter closely, watching the laugh that crossed his lips and he had to bite his bottom lip to fight back a smile of his own, rolling his eyes slightly. "So you thought, hey I /know/, I'll stalk him and talk about the boringest things I can think of to scare away his clients and fuck me, maybe he'll figure it out, because poor slutty Seb, he's got to realise I want to claim him, for reasons that are beyond him of course, by these simple actions." He spoke, sarcasm lacing his words and once again, he realised he probably shouldn't be speaking to a dom like this, but he had barely made ends meet with his rent this month and he was blaming this frustration of Hunters for that. He pursed his lips at the question, it was an easy answer but he took longer to answer it than he actually needed, when he did answer however, it was a mere shake of his head, because he was getting tired, emotionally, mentally and physically. Like he'd said, in an idea world he'd catch a break.
You: Hunter couldn't really blame Sebastian for getting an attitude in that moment, and with the communication that was finally happening between them, he decided to not bring that to a halt just yet in order to tell him off for his tone and his words. "It seemed like the right idea at the time. It felt like, well, if I couldn't have you, then none of these assholes should, either. Sure, maybe it wasn't the right way to go about it, but it felt like I was protecting you," he said with a small shrug. "And listen, if you want, we can talk all about the reasons that I have for wanting this. In great detail, if that's what you want."
Stranger: No matter how hard Sebastian bit down on his lip, he couldn't help the smile from forming, tugging at his lips, because apparently whilst he had been getting increasingly more and more frustrated, Hunter had revelled in the fact that each time he turned up and provided a cockblocking service, Sebastian hadn't been fucked or hit and he'd seen it as a protective action, and a possessive one.... And Sebastian liked both, the feeling that these past few months, he'd had someone watching out for him, someone who had his back, but also that he'd brought out such a prime possessiveness in Hunter, the smile was impossible to hide at that moment. "If you couldn't have me, none of those assholes should either, huh?" He asked, mimicking his words with a nod, glancing back at Harrison for a second before his gaze found Hunter again. "I would, actually, but is it age appropriate?" It was a teasing question, he knew Harrison was a few years older than Hunter, but it was also a defensive action, because he couldn't begin to grasp how Hunter could want him in the first place, so he'd made a smart ass comment, his forte.
You: Hunter felt a bit more relaxed at the sight of Sebastian's smile. Even though the conversation did seem to be taking on a positive note, looking like maybe this was going to work out that they would both be getting what they wanted or at least getting into a better situation, his smile did help his feeling more. He rolled his eyes at Sebastian's words and shook his head. "Sure, there are parts that should not be said around sensitive ears," he said with a soft chuckle, glancing over at Harrison as well and shaking his head. "But it's not just that, of course it isn't. It's... There's a whole lot to it, which you should know. A claim would never work in the long term if it was purely physical."
Stranger: Sebastian's gaze lingered on Hunter for a moment before he sat back on the couch, a smirk tugging at his lips in response to both the teasing words that left Hunter's lips and the indignant huff that left Harrison's. Soon, however, the smirk faltered and he had to quirk a brow. He knew that, knew that this had to be more than a physical attraction, but that didn't make it any easier to come to terms with, he wasn't used to anyone wanting him for something that wasn't purely physical, especially a dom. "Well then, perhaps you need to elaborate." He prompted.
You: Hunter nodded slightly, glancing around them before looking back at Sebastian. "You know, when I pictured having this conversation, I didn't really expect it to be somewhere like this. But I guess I shouldn't actually be surprised, given all the circumstances leading up to now," he said, shrugging. "But, yeah, okay, I'll elaborate." He paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts. "You've always been a challenge, which is... interesting. I know things would never be boring with you. I don't want a sub who'll just be a doormat for me, and I know you wouldn't do that. You can follow orders when they're given, I know, but at the same time you're not just going to blindly do things just because a dom tells you to, and that's important. And well, you're funny, in a total asshole sort of way. So, yeah. That feels like a good start."
Stranger: Sebastian followed his gaze for a moment, looking around the club, or what they could see of it, the corner they were in was lit by spotlights, red furniture highlighted and a glass table infront of them, there were borders to give them the privacy they needed, but the club was still visible from where they sat, the beating of the music was too loud for a newcomer, but they'd been here a while, the beat was a familiar one by now, however he understood what Hunter meant, it was almost enamouring that he had pictured this conversation, how and where it would happen. Gradually, his gaze made its way back to Hunter and he was patient as the dom collected his thoughts, what came next, he hadn't quite expected, moreso because it was all true, and he hadn't realised Hunter had been paying enough attention to know him so well. Many dom's had punished him for speaking out the way he had, they didn't like his attitude, but here Hunter was, telling him in not so many words, that he liked some of that, he liked that he was a challenge, that he wasn't the bland everyday sub that society expected him to be. Before he even realised he was smiling again, bigger than before. "I like that you think I'm an asshole and I'm funny." He commented, his tone a teasing one.
You: Hunter looked at Sebastian in silence for a moment after he finished speaking, watching as his words seemed to be sinking in. He let out a soft breath as Sebastian's smile grew, telling him that he was pleased with what he'd said. He had been fairly certain that Sebastian would, that he would understand what he meant and how it was a good thing, but he also knew that was he said might not necessarily sound like compliments if you weren't listening right. "Well, it's true, you are," he said with a soft chuckle, shrugging. "I'm not going to lie to you and pretend you're not exactly what you are. I'm just also willing to put up with you being exactly what you are. A funny asshole."
Stranger: Sebastian could see the relief on Hunter's face when his own was lit up with a smile that only grew when he heard the quiet laugh leave the dom's lips. "Good." He responded quietly. "I don't want you to lie to me, and I'm glad you know what I am, because I'm always going to be an asshole, so it's a good thing you're okay with that if you really do want to claim me." He commented, he wasn't teasing this time, because it was true, he knew he was a handful, he had a bad attitude, he often fell out of line and as much as he could follow orders, he could also disobey them, he had a teasing nature that every dom he'd met prior to Hunter had cursed him for, and he was altogether and asshole... If Hunter could accept that, accept him for all of the above, his choice was easier than he'd originally thought.
You: Hunter nodded his understanding as Sebastian spoke, looking at him with a smile that almost met his. Everything was finally working out, and Sebastian was finally understanding why Hunter had been doing everything that he had been doing over the past while. "Yeah, of course. Trust me, I wouldn't have even brought this up if it wasn't something that I had thought through entirely," he assured him, shaking his head. "I want you, in all of your stubborn self. As long as you can understand when you really do need to follow orders, which I trust you can do, we shouldn't have any problems."
Stranger: Sebastian considered it for a moment, it was strange, the idea of Hunter thinking about him, about /this/, about claiming him and the pros and cons, deciding it was something he actually wanted. He still didn't entirely understand why he wanted him, why him of all people when Hunter could have anyone, but he figured he must like his stubbornness, he must like the kind of person Sebastian was, let alone the kind of sub he was. "And you have thought about it." He mused for a moment, "one day you sat down and thought about claiming me and you made a bunch of lists and realised that you actually wanted to." Even his tone was betraying how incredulous he found it, despite his teasing. He nodded after a moment, in response to the latter comment made by Hunter, because he could follow orders, he could obey, a lot of the time he did it without thinking, but when he knew there was something he had to argue, something that wasn't right, then he would disobey, or at least argue the order, but he knew Hunter knew that.
You: Hunter chuckled softly at Sebastian's words, shrugging. "I mean, I didn't write down physical lists, but yes, essentially," he said. He grew more serious a moment later, wanting to be sure that Sebastian understood him; he knew that it likely wouldn't be an immediate thing, Sebastian understanding why he wanted this, why he wanted him, but he needed to make sure he at least did eventually. He needed to see that this wasn't a spur of the moment decision that he might come to regret, no, this was entirely thought through and he knew he didn't want anyone but Sebastian. "I really did put a lot of thinking to it. And this entire time that I've been doing this, I haven't changed my mind or doubted it once," he said. "You're unique, you're pretty much a one of a kind sub, and you always have been, always. And I think that you and I would have a good balance, once we get into it."
Stranger: Sebastian's smile lingered at the confirmation and he shook his head in amusement, but when he met his gaze again, the look in his eyes was suddenly more intense, more serious, and the lingering smile faltered. It was replaced with a look of almost disbelief, quickly changing to startled surprise. When he thought the words over, they weren't as big of a deal as they sounded, or maybe they were, but the tone when he had spoken them, the gaze of his eyes on his own, it had said so much more than the words portrayed. It all left him speechless for a few minutes. He had multiple sarcastic retorts, defensive light jokes, something to cover up how he felt, but he refused to speak them, to let his own self destruction and lack of willingness to show emotion ruin this moment. "Not once?" He asked finally, because he could think of a lot of times he had been less than perfect these past few months.
You: As much as Hunter wished that he could see into Sebastian's mind and know exactly what he was thinking at every part of this conversation, he knew that the best he could do was just to watch Sebastian's expressions, be patient with him as he thought everything over, and wait for him to say what he was thinking. Patience had never been his strong suit, but in this situation he was willing to put more of an effort towards it. "Not once," he affirmed with a nod, giving him a small smile. "I mean, were there moments where I saw that this wouldn't all be easy all the time and there were things we'd need to work on? Were there times when I just about wanted to drag you away and give you a piece of my mind for some of the things you'd said or done? Of course. But none of that means that I didn't always have this end in mind. It never went away."
Stranger: Sebastian couldn't hide his surprise at the confirmation or the hint of a smile on his lips when Hunter confirmed that infact, he had gotten just as frustrated with Sebastian as he had with Hunter, the very fact that he wanted to give him a piece of his mind left him curious as to what that would have been like, or more, what would have happened, sure, Hunter had gone to town on him before, gotten angry and flipped out, they had been roommates in highschool after all, even if it was only for a year or so, but still this felt different. He understood, that he could want him, want to claim him but still get frustrated with his choices and his actions, he was a dom after all, he could care for him and be annoyed with him at the same time, both were possibilities. "The very fact that you still want to claim me, despite everything, is strange, to me at least. I don't feel like I deserve it." He admitted finally.
You: Hunter nodded slightly at Sebastian's words, letting out a soft sigh. He had gotten the feeling that the truth was something along those lines, based on what Sebastian had said and done prior to now, but now that they had really gotten down to the heart of it and Sebastian had come out with it, he wasn't sure exactly the best way to assure him that he did deserve it. After all, didn't every sub deserve a dom to take care of them? Especially in circumstances like this, where Sebastian had clearly been putting off what he really wanted and needed as a sub in favor of making sure he had the bare necessities? "Well... I'll try and show you that you do deserve it," he said. "Because you do, you really do. I know that this whole situation is weird, and I haven't courted you in a traditional sense, which might've helped, but nothing about us is traditional, I don't think. Just... Believe me, okay? You deserve every bit of what I'm offering you, you are worth it to me, even if I don't have the words to make that make sense right now."
Stranger: Sebastian watched him quietly, watched as Hunter made sense of his own words before speaking up. He should have expected what came next, the undoubtful honesty that he couldn't even try to deny, mentally or vocally, but for some reason he hadn't. He had to swallow back a sudden lump in his throat, subconsciously remembering that Harrison was still there. He almost wanted to ask him to go get a round of drinks or something, to leave him alone with Hunter even if for just a moment, but then he remembered that Harrison was also a dom, and although he teased him before, he couldn't ask him to go get him a drink, that was a little far. His gaze flickered down to his knees, more to blink back any tears that wanted to spill over, surprisingly successfully, it was stupid, he shouldn't be getting like this but Hunter was so certain, so firm in his belief that he deserved this, Hunter, a life with him, that he saw him as worthy, and no one had ever seen him like that before. "I've never been a fan of traditional anyway." He commented almost teasingly, almost, with a shake of his head, scraping his teeth over his bottom lip as he looked back up at him slowly. "I almost wish I didn't believe you, but you're making it pretty damn hard." He commented, trying to keep his tone light and failing miserably.
You: Hunter watched him closely, able to tell that Sebastian was barely holding back his emotions, and part of him wished that he had made them leave and go somewhere more quiet and private in order to have this conversation. He felt a tug in his heart as he realized the depth of Sebastian's doubt that he deserved this, while another part of him wanted to hunt down everyone who had ever treated Sebastian like he didn't deserve everything to the point where he had so much internalized it that he was struggling to accept it even when told outright that he did. "Well... Good," he said, reaching out a tentative hand to cover Sebastian's own. "I know that it isn't exactly going to be easy for you to get used to, but... I'm going to make sure things are better for you, because you've earned that. More than earned it, by now."
Stranger: Sebastian's gaze flickered down to their hands and he was silent for a moment, good, he thought, his thumb moving to graze over Hunter's palm. Good, and it did feel good, overwhelming perhaps, but good nonetheless. He didn't let his gaze move up, despite how he wanted to, instead let them settle on their hands as his words rolled over him, the promise that filled him with a foreign feeling, made his stomach clench. "That's a pretty big thing to promise, are you sure you can follow through?" He asked quietly.
You: Hunter let out a soft relieved sigh as Sebastian seemed to accept him holding his hand, not jerking back from the movement or anything which he had almost expected to happen, even with the progress they were making through their conversation. "I'm pretty sure I can," he said with a small nod. "After all, I'm not sure how hard it'll be to improve upon your current lifestyle," he said with a soft laugh before adding, "No, but really. I'm going to do my best to make sure everything is always good for you. I know it won't always be easy or anything, but I think it'll pay off."
Stranger: Sebastian heard the breath, he almost felt it, and with that he actually realised just how close they were, he hadn't noticed before. He gave a slight laugh, not quite amusement but near enough when his words reached him. He knew it wouldn't be hard, Hunter had money, he could provide for him and honestly, just being able to eat and sleep without constantly worrying about not bringing in enough money would be a huge improvement, right now, that was the only thing he thought he needed, he wasn't thinking of the bigger picture, the emotional, mental and physical needs going without a dom had kept from him. He nodded slowly and let his gaze finally slide up to meet his. "I believe you." He said honestly.
You: Hunter looked at Sebastian with a smile when he met his eyes, nodding slightly. With those words, it felt like a weight was off his shoulders that he hadn't entirely realized was there. Everything was going to be alright, and Sebastian was going to trust him to be a good dom for him, something that he knew that he could do. "Yeah? Good," he said, glancing down for a second and giving his hand a small squeeze. "That really means a lot, I want you to know that."
Stranger: Sebastian's lips twitched when he caught sight of the smile on Hunter's lips, a smile he was responsible for, and he was certain he saw some tension slip from the dom's body, tension he hadn't even realised until now that had been there. His gaze followed Hunter's to their hands and he nodded. "Yeah, I-I know." And he did, because it meant a lot to him too, it was a big deal, a really fucking huge deal and it was scary too, terrifying. He'd never had to trust anyone before, he'd only ever relied on himself, so as nice as it felt, it was scary too.
You: Hunter nodded slightly, taking a moment to just let everything sink in. Everything was finally falling into place, and Sebastian finally knew what was going on and was alright with it. He glanced around the room and out into the club again before looking back at Sebastian. "Do you want to get out of here?" he asked him, giving him a small smile. "We could go back to my place or go get something to eat or something, talk about this more... You know, figure out some details and everything. Whatever you want."
Stranger: "Depends." Sebastian mused, finally shifting back to gaze at Harrison, who seemed a little awkward where he sat, glancing out at the club and trying not to seem like he was eavesdropping despite having come here with Hunter. "Are you coming? Because I mean, not that I don't love the view, you really are smoking, but I think I might benefit from some time alone with your brother." His tone was teasing and he had to hold back a laugh at the indignant way a blush spread across Harrison's cheeks. The boy quickly protested that he'd stay here for a bit before going home, then Sebastian nodded and met Hunter's gaze before his smile faltered. "Well then its a yes, and I feel like I should admit that I haven't eaten today, other than a bowl of cereal this morning." He told him, he really was shitty at taking care of himself.
You: Hunter watched as Sebastian spoke to Harrison, chuckling softly at the interaction. He smiled softly at Sebastian's confirmation, his face falling slightly when Sebastian said that he'd hardly eaten anything. "Just a bowl of cereal?" he echoed, furrowing his brow as he got to his feet. He told himself to not be too concerned over it, reminding himself that everything was going to be different once he and Sebastian were in their claim; he would be there to make sure that Sebastian was eating right and just taken care of in general. "Alright, we definitely need to get some food in you, then," he said, not letting go of his hand.
Stranger: Sebastian bit down on his bottom lip a little too hard when he heard Hunter repeat the only item of food he had digested that day, he heard the disbelief in his tone and quickly shrugged. "I forgot to eat lunch." And dinner, he added mentally, although it wasn't new, he often got distracted or had a client and forgot to eat. As Hunter stood, he followed suit, almost expecting him to let go of his hand, but he liked that he didn't, he liked the connection and the feeling of the warmth against his skin. He nodded, both because he was too hungry to be stubborn and because he knew it wasn't a fight he would win. "Are we going back to your place?" He asked curiously.
You: Hunter was grateful that Sebastian didn't make any argument, making his life easier since he wasn't about to back down on him needing to eat something. He looked at him for a moment as he asked the question, nodding slightly. "Yeah, we are," he said, giving him a small smile as he thought about showing the sub around his home. "I'll fix something for you to eat, and we'll talk more."
Stranger: Sebastian gazed up at him as he waited for a reply, quirking a brow as he contemplated going to Hunter's home, he'd been to his childhood home a few times, but he was sure Hunter had moved out since then, which meant he lived somewhere new, somewhere entirely /his/ and he was curious as to what he had done with it. He then gave a nod, "Alright." He agreed, not arguing this time out of curiosity more than anything.
Stranger: Sebastian gazed up at him as he waited for a reply, quirking a brow as he contemplated going to Hunter's home, he'd been to his childhood home a few times, but he was sure Hunter had moved out since then, which meant he lived somewhere new, somewhere entirely /his/ and he was curious as to what he had done with it. He then gave a nod, "Alright." He agreed, not arguing this time out of curiosity more than anything.
You: "Okay, good," Hunter said with a small nod, still holding onto Sebastian's hand as he led him out of the club and out to his car. He let out a sigh as it got much quieter outside, the atmosphere already feeling better than the music pumping the way it had been inside. "If you drove here, we can worry about getting your car later."
Stranger: Sebastian followed him out of the club as soon as Hunter had began to walk, upon instinct his gaze rest on their hands the entire walk through the beating crowd. Once outside he felt like he could finally breathe, like his mind was less foggy and the quiet was a perfect calm he hadn't known he needed before. He slid his free hand through his hair and shook his head. "I didn't, I don't like that far, I walked." He admitted.
You: Hunter nodded, opening the passenger side door for Sebastian and letting go of his hand so that he could get in. "Ah. Well, I guess that makes things easier, then," he said lightly. He supposed that it was good that Sebastian wasn't driving, in case there were nights where he also drank at all, but he also didn't like the idea of him having walked home alone at night.
Stranger: Sebastian had to force himself not to roll his eyes at the gesture, it would take some getting used to, that was obvious. He was used to doing things for himself, fending for himself, and here Hunter was, opening the door for him like a perfect gentleman from an old movie. He slid into the passenger seat and nodded. "You won't have to come pick up my shitty car." He mused, watching as Hunter moved around to the drivers side.
You: Hunter got into the car, glancing over at Sebastian and shrugging. "I would've been willing if you needed me to," he said with a shrug. He turned on the car and started the drive to his apartment, gesturing to the radio as he said, "You can change the station to whatever you want."
Stranger: Sebastian chewed on his bottom lip at the easy comment, the willingness to do something like that for him kind of threw him so he said nothing for a moment, resting his head against the headrest and turning his face to gaze out the window, watching cars and street lamps as the drove by. His gaze found the radio when prompted and he reached a hand out, playing with the dial until a song he liked came on and then he settled back against the interior of the seat.
You: Hunter hummed softly along with the radio once Sebastian had left it on a station, glancing over at him out of the corner of his eye. It almost felt surreal to have him there in his car, on his way to his home, and though he knew that it was all real he almost couldn't believe his luck, that all of this was finally happening and Sebastian was there with him and they were going to make this happen. He felt slightly nervous in a way that he hadn't felt earlier, but he pushed that feeling down. They arrived at his building shortly later and he parked the car, getting out and going back around to open the door for Sebastian again.
Stranger: Sebastian smiled slightly when he heard it, the soft humming sounds that no doubtedly came from Hunter's mouth. All too quickly however, the car was pulling to a stop, leaving him to gulp slightly at the sight, he almost wished they could be pulling up to the building opposite, or any other really, this one was larger than he'd expected. "You live /here/?" He asked a little incredulously as he climbed out of the passenger side, not paying much thought when Hunter opened it for him.
You: Hunter looked over at Sebastian at his reaction and chuckled softly, nodding. "Yeah, I do," he said, leading him up to the door. He glanced back at him, pointing out with a shrug, "And assuming all goes well here, you will, too, soon."
Stranger: Sebastian let Hunter walk a few steps a head of him, in comparison to his own place, this was more than a little intimidating. He stopped beside him finally, waiting at the door before all too suddenly he was practically gawking at him. He almost wished he hadn't said that- the possibility that this could all be in his future, if only he didn't fuck up, made him feel like he would most definitely fuck up. "Because /that/ isn't stressful." He commented. "And nerve wracking." He added, almost a mumble.
You: Hunter paused after unlocking the door, looking back at Sebastian and offering him a small smile. "Hey, no, relax," he said seriously, reaching out to take his hand for another moment and squeezing it. "If you're worried about me changing my mind or something, that won't happen, alright? Unless some extreme freak of nature thing happens, I'm not giving you up. I haven't so far, and I don't intend to."
Stranger: Sebastian was glancing up at the building, at the height of it from this angle, when he felt fingers slip into his own and a soft squeeze. His gaze flickered to meet Hunter's and he swallowed back the lump in his throat, slowly searching his gaze and only when he found nothing but truth there, did his shoulders lose some of the tension. It comforted him to hear it, despite his fears, "Alright." He said finally.
You: "Alright," Hunter echoed, nodding slightly as he hoped that Sebastian really did understand that everything was going to be fine. He turned back around and opened the door to his home, stepping inside and gesturing for Sebastian to come in with him. "Go ahead and look around, make yourself at home," he said, fully expecting him to need some time to take in his surroundings and get used to the idea that he would likely be living there with him in the near future.
Stranger: Sebastian waited on the doorstep for a moment before he could step inside, but when he did a strong scent hit him, one that was more a feeling than anything and he could only describe it as /Hunter/, as cheesy or strange as it sounded. He dragged a hand through his hair and spared a glance in Hunter's direction before he took the permission and moved off through the halls, peeking through doorways. He opened closed doors and took in their insides before closing them again, turning the corner and faltering in his steps when his eyes fell on a large wooden door, different to the rest and slowly his fingers gripped at the handle.
You: Hunter watched Sebastian as he looked around his home, following after him at a bit of a distance so as to make sure that he didn't feel like he was hovering over him. It was kind of fascinating to watch him, and just by looking at him he could tell that being there was having some sort of effect on him, though he didn't let himself put too much thought to it, figuring that for any sub, walking into a dom's home would likely be a bit overwhelming at first. He raised his eyebrows slightly as he watched him, nodding slightly to himself. "Go ahead," he said to him.
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