#vampire Terry I wish you were real
braindos · 8 months
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More dndads sketchesss :9
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carriagelamp · 4 months
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Found some excellent horror-related and horror-adjacent books to read this month! Not a common genre for me, so this was fun. Really can't recommend Grady Hendrix as an author enough, Horrorstör was definitely my favourite novel from this month
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I hate saying it because I love the Discworld and Terry Pratchett is easily my favourite author, but man Eric did not do it for me. You could see some good bones in it, but as far as I’m concerned all the interesting bits that appeared were done significantly better in later books. It had some humour moments, but the only bits that I really enjoyed were when the Luggage was around.
This story followed a young, teenaged, would-be demon summoner who, instead of summoning a demon, accidentally winds up with the incompetent and fearful wizzard Rincewind. Obligated to answer this kid’s wishes, they end up bouncing through time and space while attempting to survive what each wish had to throw at them. 
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Fantastic Mr Fox / Esio Trot / George’s Marvellous Medicine / The Enormous Crocodile
I went on a Dahl kick this month, I wanted to work through some of his shorter works that I’ve never bothered to read before. All of them were honestly delightful, I had a blast. Esio Trot was probably the weakest of the lot, but the other three were so much fun. The Fantastic Mr Fox may be my favourite just by virtue of being the most fleshed out, but listening to The Enormous Crocodile be read by Stephen Fry is an unparalleled experience.
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Hockey Girl Loves Drama Boy
A story I enjoyed more than I expected. I have a strange soft spot for hockey narratives, but that might just be the Canadian in me. Alix’s one true love is hockey, it’s the one place she feels competent and happy, but her team captain is making the space increasingly hostile until, unable to take the bullying, she strikes out and punches her captain. Shocked by her own violence and given an ultimatum by the coach to get her temper under control, she ends up going to popular and poised Ezra, hoping that he could show her how to deal with harassment without losing her cool in a way that scares her.
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Easily the best book I read this month, this book was amazing, I can’t recommend it enough. It’s a “haunted house but in a knock-off Ikea” and I mostly picked it up as a joke because the premise sounded hilarious. But I was familiar with the author (I’d read The Southern Book Club’s Guide To Slaying Vampires a couple years ago) and trusted him to do something interesting with the premise. And wow. Just wow. It is very much a classic, grisly, nauseating horror premise, but in a way that explores capitalism, exploitation, and treatment of prisoners and the mentally ill. It’s been  a long time since I read a book that actually gave me chills, but I had to put this book down and walk away from it occasionally, it was intense enough.
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The Kaiju Preservation Society
As a Pacific Rim lover, this book was everything I’d ever wish for it to be. It’s such a love letter to the kaiju genre as well as environmental conservation, and it’s speculative biology is fascinating!
After being fire from his job at the beginning of the Covid pandemic lockdown in New York City, Jamie Gray is barely making ends meet by acting as a delivery driver. He doesn’t know how he can possibly continue on like this, until he runs into an old friend who offers him a strange and intensely secretive job offer. With nothing to lose, Jamie agrees and finds himself on an alternate Earth, helping to study creatures that he only knows from campy monster movies, now very much real.
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The Last Wish
Felt an urge to reread a Witcher book, so I’ve been picking my way through the short stories. They continue to be a lot of fun, and it felt good to reconnect with the original narrative voice again after reading a lot of fanfiction over the years. For anyone who has someone existed post-Netflix version without picking up the general premise: Geralt of Rivia is a "witcher", a person who was specifically trained to wield weapons and magics to hunt dangerous monsters that threaten humans. This is a collection of short stories that show Geralt on some of the various hunts he's had during the decades of his over-long life. (It's significantly better than the Netflix version, very much worth the read if you like classic high fantasy and/or fairy tale retellings.)
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Mortimer: Rat Race to Space
A very dull youth novel. Mortimer is a lab rat at Houston who has aspirations to go on the space program and prove that rats are better suited for colonizing Mars than humans. If you’re a seven year old who wants to consume space facts, this is the book for you. For everyone else, it’s a bit of a slog.
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My Best Friend’s Exorcism
Another Grady Hendrix book. This book was undeniably well-written, just as masterful as his others, but I didn’t enjoy it as much. A bit too much high school narrative and not enough all out horror. The conclusion was pretty decent, but the rest was… fine. A fun love letter to the 1980s though as you learn about two best friends and how they grow up together. ...A bit of a debate whether or not it warrants a queer marker or not, I'm not even going to make that attempt.
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The One and Only Ruby
The newest book from the One and Only Ivan series. Much like The One and Only Bob this book was… fine. The original of the series was really wonderful and felt quite inspired, inspired by the real life story of a gorilla that’s kept in a small cage in a mall complex. The next two books take place after that one and each follows one of Ivan’s friends (Bob the dog and Ruby the baby elephant). A fun enough addition to the series, the art is still cute, and it has decent things to say about the hunting of endangered animals, but it was nothing amazing. 
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Paperbacks from Hell
Look, I really just felt the desperate need to read a bunch of Hendrix novels after being so violently consumed by Horrorstör. This is a nonfiction book in which Hendrix dives into the evolution and popular tropes of horror novels throughout the 1980s, with the cover art being the driving thesis throughout. You can tell how much he loves these weird, pulpy horrors and it makes you want to go and find a bunch of these and read them yourself. It really is an interesting book, even if you aren’t a great horror lover (which I wouldn’t consider myself).
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The Salt Grows Heavy
Now this is a fucking novella. An absolutely unhinged, body-horror rich retelling of both The Little Mermaid and Frankenstein. Yeah. After the complete destruction of her husband’s kingdom at the hands (and jaws) of her own children, the Mermaid finds herself travelling with a mysterious Plague Doctor. I won’t go further into this except to say that the way it portrays morality, life, death, and the mutability of flesh is just… something else. Would recommend. But not if you have a weak stomach.
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Scott Pilgrim
A classic. I watched the new animated series with my brother and felt the need to go back and reread the entire original series. Absolutely perfect, no notes, continues to be one of my all time favourite graphic novel series. The magical realism is just *chef’s kiss*.
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kn95-blog · 1 year
Childhood Crushes
Rating: T Ships: Reigen Arataka/Serizawa Katsuya, can be read as platonic or romantic Words: 655 AO3: NormalCaptive
Summary: Reigen and Serizawa talk childhood crushes.
Notes: A Serizawa-focused character study. I kind of wish this one were longer, but oh well. It's more than Terry Pratchett wrote in a single day.
"So," Reigen said, catching Serizawa's attention. "Who was it for you?" 
They were both at a relatively empty and quiet ramen restaurant after a long day's work. Mob wasn't there for work that day, so it was just the two of them. Reigen had something that looked quite fancy and delicious, with extra pieces of pork added to the soup, whereas Serizawa tried to go for something closer to the instant noodles he was so used to eating, something simple. 
"What do you mean?" Serizawa said, mouth quite full of noodles. 
"Well, everyone has childhood crushes, right?" Reigen said, taking another bite. Serizawa shrugged. "I s'pose so." "Well, when you're some flavor of gay, you often don't know that, and something has to slap you in the face with it for you to get it. At least, that's how it happened for me." Serizawa hummed. "Usually, it's celebrities, too. For me? That American guy, Harrison Ford." Serizawa blinked. "From Indianna Jones?" Reigen nodded. "All those posters of him and the movie covers with his broad chest out in the open, ugh." Reigen snickered. "I don't know how my parents didn't know, like immediately. I had him all over my room." 
Serizawa raised a brow. "Poster over the bed?" Reigen nodded solemnly. "Poster over the bed." 
Serizawa gave a small chuckle. 
"See, I had crushes on mostly female characters, like Lara Croft--" "Tomb Raider." "--Yeah, Tomb Raider. Lara Croft in all her polygonal glory." Serizawa chuckled and took another bite of his food. "But what really changed things for me was Metal Gear Solid 2." "The only thing I know about Metal Gear Solid is that guy is called Solid Snake, for some reason." Reigen laughed. "It's Kojima, he kind of just does that." Serizawa said. "The character's real name is David, but something-something snakes are stealthy." He chuckled.
"But anyway, in Metal Gear Solid 2, there's a character called Vamp who is bisexual. That's what introduced the concept to me. I did more digging wherever I could on the early 2000s internet, learned what the term meant, and, well, that's when things started making sense. And then, for years, I had a crush on him." Serizawa took another bite, reminiscing a bit. "Though, he was a more minor character. I don't think there were any posters with just him on them. Or, if there were, I didn't have them." 
"This is why you should've had a gay crush on a popular character, so you could kiss the poster goodnight." Reigen said, very matter-of-fact. 
Serizawa almost choked. "Did you-?" Reigen snickered. "You know, I can't say." "Oh my god." 
Serizawa pointed his chopsticks loosely toward Reigen. "You're a hot mess, you know that?" Reigen laughed. "Haven't heard that one before!" He said sarcastically. 
"At least my guy wasn't a vampire named Vamp, and drinking people like Gogurts!" 
"Okay--No, he's not called Vamp because he drinks blood, according to the dialogue, he's a vampire because he's bisexual." Reigen almost spit out his food in confused laughter. "What? How does that make sense!" Serizawa threw his hands up. "I'm just as confused as you are! I don't think anyone actually knows what the hell that line meant." 
Right then, Serizawa had realized that for the first time, he had a friend right in front of him. Not online, right there. Someone who was actually interested in what he had to say, who was engaging with him. He cared about his online friends, but he had forgotten what it was like to be around another person. That friends online couldn't alone be a replacement for in-person connection, at least not for him. This was someone who he could reach out and touch, someone real. 
Someone whose genuine smile didn't show often, but when it did, it lit up his world. Someone who showed him to be confident, someone who believed in him. 
He could get used to this. 
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steelthroat · 6 months
Babe wake up new characters in my school-life lore just dropped:
[ Tw: kind of heavy subjects treated lightly/with slight irony in the second half of the post ]
The first one:
Subject: art history
Name: Victorian-Age Vampire
Special attack: Elitist posture +20 annoyance // Judgmental death-stare -20 defense// "If it's popular it's bad"-laser +1000 annoyance// "Indie music is better"-energy ray +10000¹⁰⁰ annoyance
This man is the reason I use Neoclassical as an insult. This man is the reason I see the Art critic world described as "a circlejerk of men who think are so smart and interesting"
He sees someone wearing the shirt of a band? He will ask them if they actually listen to the band
He hears someone say a particular/pretty unused/specific word? He will ask them to say what it means cutting off the initial discourse
He stares. That kind of stare that wants you to feel uneasy.
My man is a celebrity look at him! Please look at him! Look at how great he is!!!!!!! LOOK AT HIM I SAY HE'S SUCH AN INTELLECTUAL!!!!!
He doesn't explain certain (and dare I say very important) paintings because "they're overrated". YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS SHIT UP I CAN'T BELIEVE IT-
The funniest thing is that he said he actually likes my character/personality for [insert reason here]. My mate, I'm sorry but the feeling is very much NOT mutual, and I really wish it didn't have to be like that, but I really can't stand you.
Also lol he's like, "You people shouldn't care about grades." I don't, because I don't want to have a mental breakdown caused by this ungrateful school (again), but there are people who care, and I can understand why.
He is pretty privileged, he was able to work with not only with one but 2 of his passions. And he did it because he could afford it.
Many people in my classroom(or in my school in general) who cannot. Grades (especially here) sometimes are the only thing that decides your fate, as much as teachers and older people feign ignorance.
The world doesn't work they way it worked 30 years ago or the way they actually think it does without having any tangible proof.
Lmao I remember he once said something along the lines of "[x] is not real art, masses like it, but critics acshualley" SIR YOU WORK IN THE ART FIELD YOU SHOULD KNOW YOU DON'T GET TO DECIDE SHIT.
How many artists were hated by the critics and their things regarded as "not real art" at their time, but now they're on our art history books and us students HAVE to study them????
What makes you think you(????) a contemporary of [x] have the true answer to what art is?
This mf started a discussion about books and thir importance based on the way they're written. We were talking about Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, he doesn't know them and he thought he had his "gotcha moment"
I can't stand him, he reminds me of 12 years old me too much. I really hope I outgrew that phase, otherwise please someone have mercy on me and just finish me off. I'm serious I don't wanna grow up like that.
But now let's not be dramatic, here's the real deal:
The second one:
Name: Creep
Special attacks: uneasiness +20 damage // smirk +200 annoyance // chill/funny demeanor +50 deception -30 defense // misogyny +50 annoyance +150damage
He wasn't bad but he always felt off to me, idk why I thought he was insincere.
Then two things changed my perception of him
1) point blank he shared with us the news of a girl who reported her rape after a certain amount of time here. And he said "nah she's lying, she wouldn't have waited so much time to report him" BITCH???? Omg y'all can only imagine how much this sentence fucking triggered me for many different reasons, none of which I'll be saying here, but fucking hell?????
But again, boomer, I never have high expectations towards them, so I was put off but heh... I've put up with worse. I mean fuck him, but alright I guess.
2) I was working on a project and I needed a thing. The thing was in the school basement and I'd never been there so I didn't know where to look for it. He seemed reluctant to accompany me, and he was all weird and fidgety. We get the thing, we go back and he is talking about the fact that "it looks weird when a professor and a student go alone in a basement and how he could get in trouble even if he didn't do anything and someone could report him for something he didn't do and it would ruin his life"
AND I WAS- Luke idk I probably visibly took some steps away from him because WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK MAN? LITERALLY INSERT HERE THE PETER GRIFFIN" who the fuck starts a conversation like this I just sat down" Meme.
Why are you saying this??? Why are you thinking of assaults when helping me find a thing that I need for a school project in the school basement???? Fear not my mate I will never go down there with you again after this one????? Fkn hell.
0 notes
myupostsheadcanons · 6 months
Book's "Read" In 2023
Ranking of the Audio Books I've "Read" this past year. This is my opinion on the books, as "Fun Garbage > Boring Navel Gazing" and books that may be objectively better written are not always fun or engaging to read. Sometimes a really good actor can make an average book sound really good.
List from 2022
Previous entries 2021, 2020. 2019, 2018, 2017
My Top Books/Series:
Rabbits - Terry Miles: If Ready Player One was good. There is a game called "Rabbits" being played that involves looking for "glitches in the matrix" in the world around you. The winner of the game gets an unknown wish. But this round of the game is off... something is wrong... people are dying... and our main character, her girlfriend, and their best friend are putting together the clues and finding out that there is more to reality than they first thought.
Under the Whispering Door - T. J. Klune: Asshole Lawyer dies and realizes he wasted his life. Finds himself in the waiting room to the afterlife, which is a little hipster coffee and tea shop out in the middle of the North West USA. He refuses to accept his death and lingers around the shop as a ghost... wacky adventures ensues.
Alice isn’t Dead - Joseph Fink: Woman becomes a truck driver while searching for her wife?/girlfriend/so that she thought died. Until one day she saw said wife in the background of a news report. There are wicked cannibals on the road and a secret Area 51 town of murderous ghouls.
Dead Water - C. A. Fletcher: Small Island Town in Scotland gets a zombie outbreak problem. From the same writer as "A Boy and His Dog At The End of the World"... The main character is a woman from Scandinavia that married into the family from the island, she became widowed and remained behind on the island. She ends up looking after her orphaned disabled niece as there is a festival inland that the grandparents and most of the villagers left to see. The author loves the Scrappy Dog Companion Trope, and I am all for that!
The Emperor’s Edge Series - Lindsay Buroker
Conspiracy, Blood and Betrayal, (Forgotten Ages Saga), Forged in Blood (Part 1 & 2)
This is one of Buroker's first series, older than the Star Kingdom, Fallen Empire, and Dragon's Gate Series. Many of her archetypes are present, the main female character gets a crush on the Dark and Mysterious Badass. The Badass may be a killer but has a code of honor and a secret soft spot that he eventually trusts the main character with. Lots of Snarky back-and-forth dialog between all the side characters, and the main character can usually talk people into doing what she wants.
The Forgotten Ages Saga is a Prequel to The Emperor's Edge series, but I HIGHLY suggest that it gets read before Forged in Blood, as it introduces us to General Starcrest and it will be easier to understand what goes on in Forged in Blood, and reading it after Blood and Betrayal doesn't spoil the 'zinger' twist about their world-setting.
Super Powereds - Drew Hayes
Year 2, Year 3, & Year 4
Drew Hayes's first real long-form novel series. It shows some of the clunkyness of being a first series that would later be hammered out before getting to Villains' Code, Fred The Vampire Accountant, and NPC's/SS&S. It is also one of those series where the books get bigger with each installment, the 4th book could kill a cat. (suggest listening to the audio books on a higher speed)
It has a lot of collage tropes from the 2000's, young people with super powers going to parties and drinking while worrying about grades and studies. The twist really wasn't much of a twist, as we could easily guess who the actual bad guy was early on and that who we thought was the bad guy wasn't really bad... I don't really care for the "everybody is related" kind of twist, where like half of the cast ends up being from the same family and all this was some kind of messed up family feud.
It is a Young Adult Series, but it feels like the characters are Young Adults and not written specifically for a YA crowd. There is still swearing, violence, has dark themes but it isn't grimdark (like Cline's Ex-Heroes series). Explores topics like discrimination, not just the main characters being Powered, but there is a plot line where one of the main character's father was disgraced hero because he was having a secret affair with an other guy. It isn't so much that this hero was outed as being gay that caused the son to be mad at him, but that the father left them and broke contact with them that causes most of the rift in their relationship. There is a spin-off series called CORPIES that follows along on the Father trying to get back into the super hero game that takes place along side Book 3.
Other Favorite Books/Guilty Pleasures
The Grief of Stones (Goblin Emperor, Book 3) - Kathrine Addison: It was left a little ambiguous if there is going to be more in this series near the end, or if the author is going to change protagonists for another in later books. Third book in the Goblin Emperor Universe, Second in the Witness for the Dead series. The Witness for the Dead books can be read together, they are shorter together than the GE book. I wouldn't mind there being an on going series where new protagonists take over the narrative as the series progress and expand on the world building. The Witness for the Dead series is made for getting people familiar with how people live in their world... because we can't escape death no matter how rich or lucky you are.
Villains Vignettes Vol. 1. (Villains' Code, Book 2.5) - Drew Hayes: A collection of short stories that take place in the Villains' Code Universe: Including a Halloween-Town-themed story and a Christmas story where Santa is real and Fornax has to save the North Pole. Another is a better version of "Glory Road" (see bottom of list), but it is Ivan/Fornax instead and he was summoned to save a planet from demons... and leaving a trail of bodies behind.
A Fallen Empire Omnibus (Books 1 - 3) - Lindsay Buroker: Aftermath of a Revolution War that did not plan out what was to happen with the freed systems once out from under Empire Rule, and lawlessness spreads across the galaxy with entire systems left to defend for themselves. A former Revolution Army Pilot wants to head home to her daughter, but travel is expensive and the only known means of escaping the planet is by a freighter ship that was once owned by her mother. However, a Empire Super Soldier Cyborg got to the ship first and has somewhere else he wants to go. (This is a Lindsay Buroker Book, and considering her other "ships" from the other series, the main female lead gets the hots for the troubled and dangerous badass)
Eyes of the Void (The Final Architecture, Book 2) - Adrian Tchaikovsky: The Architects are on the move again, and even places that were once safe from attack are no longer. A race of people in the past left artifacts behind that once repelled the Architects. Our protags find themselves on a planet that has a city of these ruins upon it that is being systematically devastated. Humanity is fractured and don't hold an united front against the threat.
Noble Roots (Spells, Swords, and Stealth, Book 5) - Drew Hayes: Their is an estate that holds a tournament of challenges with prizes at the end for the winning team. Not a whole lot to say, one of those books that you will love if you already read the ones that came before it.
Farilane (Rise and Fall, Book 2) - Michael J. Sullivan: The one book this year that had me crying at the end... But by that point I've spent 10 books following that one character's journey and got attached to the main character of this one.
Kingdoms at War (Dragon Gate, Book 1) - Lindsay Buroker: Sweet Sciencey-Magic. A setting where magic acts more like science fiction. The Dragons created gates that allowed them to travel between worlds, the dragons left one world but the gates remained behind. The gates and the metal they are made of are very valuable and wars are fought over the possession of the gates, even though the means to use them is unknown. A young man and his mother figure out how to use these Gates to some degree and become wanted fugitives. (one of the villains is a r-pist, so this is a very much adult series)
Flight of the Magpies - K. J. Charles: Get some good smut in with your Supernatural Victorian-London Crime-solving.
The Sandman (Act 3) - Neil Gaiman: The majority of this installment involves Orpheus, Morpheus's son: their past, why they fell out with each other, and Morpheus reconciling with his son.
The 13th God (Cycle of Galand, Book 8) - Edward W. Robertson: Dante and Blaze are still trying to save the mortal realm, this time it requires having to kill a God and they have to team up with another villain to do so. I love this series... but even at this point, I hope it gets wrapped up in the next couple books.
Travel by Bullet (The Dispatcher, Book 3) - John Scalzi: If you like the early Dresden Books, give this series a shot. Uses the unique "people can't die of unnatural causes" rule, while people try to cause crimes and find work-arounds to killing other people or themselves.
Good Books, But Not Everybody's Cup-of-Tea
Song of Night (Dying Lands Chronicle, Book 2) - Jacob Cooper: Read the first book a few years ago. There is a "redemption" arc in this installment, a new prominent character who was a villain long ago becomes good and is trying to fix things (like Caeden from Licanius Trilogy or Malcolm from Riyria)
The Mad Mage of Sevendor & Marshal Arcane (The Spellmonger, Book 14.5 & 15) - Terry Mancour: The Mad Mage is a collection of Diary Entries from Minalan recording personal events that happened during Marshal Arcane. It comes off as if these entries could've been slotted in between the earlier chapters of MA, when Min isn't the person telling the story but the secondary people around him getting their first-person spotlight chapter.
Seas The Day & High Gloom (The Bad Guys Series) - Eric Ugland: Morally Gray Main Character, human gets Isekai'd into a MMORPG. The Gods of Good and Evil fight for his favor, and he frequently pisses off both of them. Don't get too attached to side characters.
Explorer of the Endless Sea & Fate of the Free Lands (Empress of the Endless Sea, Book 2 & 3) - Jack Campbell: Read Book 1 a couple years ago. A prequel to the faux-fantasy series Pillars of Reality. The series as a whole heavily reminds people about the Prophecy that a savior will be born to free the people from the oppressive governments that run their world. This series is about the woman Jules, who's decedent would one day be that person.
Resolute (The Lost Fieet: Outlands, Book 2) - Jack Campbell: Continuation of one of my favorite space series, with the most realistic space battles I've came across. This is like the 20th book in the canon, starting with The Lost Fleet: Dauntless. They are short books, can be consumed in under 12 hours each.
Vampire Hunter D: Riser of Gales, Vampire Hunter D: Demon Deathchase (Vampire Hunter D, Book 2 & 3) - Hideyuki Kikuchi: Riser of Gales is D coming across a hidden Noble fortress. In the recent past, a group of kids from a nearby town went missing exploring the fortress grounds, but showed up with loss of memory as to what happened. They did not come back whole. At least one graphic scene of sexual abuse to a minor... Demon Deathchase is the book that Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust was mostly adapted from.
Architects of Memory, Engines of Oblivion (The Memory War, Book 1 & 2) - Karen Osborne: Classism in Space. The non-citizens are poor and live as indentured servants to the mega corporations that govern society. Aliens seek out an artifact that contained the memories of their people, lost during the war they had with humans that they ended abruptly. Has a "Darth Vader" twist between the antagonist and the main character.
Priest of Lies (War for the Rose Throne, Book 2) - Peter McLean: Punk street thug, to mob boss, to wealthy lord... and not by choice. Strings are being pulled, people he once depended on can no longer be, and former allies turn as they become angered by the MC's rapid jump in status, "becoming what he once despised."
Doors of Eden - Adrian Tchaikovsky: in some paces the walls between the multiverse is thin. LGBTQ book, the main character is trying to find her lost girlfriend that fell through one of these Doors into another world. The other is a transwoman that discovered the method of creating these portals. Rich asshole bad guy.
Malefactor (War with No Name) - Robert Repino: The Sad and Depressing books about animals turned humanoid. Peace is fragile between the animals and humans, a wolf pack in the woods is stirring up discontent and rebellion.
The Elfor One (The Code Series, Book 3) - R. R. Haywood: Final book in the trilogy. They free the ships from the shadow organization and bring equality to the Lower 40's.
Stormbringer (Elric Saga, Vol 2), The White Wolf (Elric Saga Vol. 3) - Michael Moorcock: Elric fights Nazzis.
A Wizard’s Guide to Defensive Baking - T. Kingfisher: cute story, not as fun as Too Many Curses, but on the same quality and reading level. Main character should've been older (16-18ish) because she acted more like a sheltered adult rather than a kid. Bread Wizard. The Yeast Beast is the best character.
Second Hand Curses - Drew Hayes: a group of cursed story characters team up to create a task force to resolve various curses around the literary world. Hunting down wicked witches is their specialty.
Posthumous Education (Fred The Vampire Accountant, Book 8) - Drew Hayes: I love the idea, a collage for the supernatural. Kinda getting sick of Quinn's schemes tho after so many books. Dude's gotta go, please, sometime in the next couple books, Drew.
The Halloween Moon - Joseph Fink: If you liked Gravity Falls, Goosebumps, and Welcome to Nightvale. A story for middle-school aged kids that isn't too childish for older people to enjoy.
God of Neverland -  Gama Ray Martinez: Peter Pan goes missing. Michael Darling, now an adult, worked for the Magical Detective Agency. He is sent to Never-Neverland to solve the problem. Jaded Adult Visiting a Magical Land of Fantasy ruled by The God of Children.
Average Sauce
Ithaca - Claire North: It tells the story of Penelope through the voice of Hera and her omnipresence in the story. There is a lot of "men are either scum or useless" messaging and that powerful women get punished unfairly.
Pandora’s Jar & Stone Blind: A Novel - Natalie Haynes: Pandora's Jar is closer to an Essay on Women in Greek Mythology. Stone Blind is a retelling of the Medusa Myth, and why she was different from her other sisters and the loss of her compassion after her death.
The Archived - Victoria Schwab: Girl and her Family move into a spooky old hotel that was converted into apartments. Girl is a ghost-buster. Runs into two guys around her age that become potential love interests. One of them ends up the villain, and it isn't the nice guy.
Gallant - V. E. Schwab: A girl from an orphanage is found by a long-lost relative and moves to a creepy house. There is something spooky living in the shadows of the estate grounds. Author needs to work on Villain Twists.
Persephone Station - Stina Leicht: Main characters are women and non-binary on the LGBTQ spectrum, working as a team of Special Ops Mercs for Hire. The natives of the planet are being killed by the colonist humans. Main characters are sent out on a suicide mission to save the natives.
Sword Stone Table: Old Legends, New Voices - Swapna Krishina, Jenn Northington: Retelling of King Arthur but with Women, LGBTQ, and POC taking the roles of the main characters. Some of my favorite versions is the Latino Baseball Player, A Wild West Prospector turn Mogul, and Merlin visiting the AIDS clinic as a fake magician.
Musashi - Eiji Yoshikawa: The Badass Swordsman. Based on a real person, but this is extra meme. Written in an era of wanting to glorify the Empire of Japan around WW2. Lots of elements went on to be used more commonly in fighting manga, movies, and other media from Japan. Adapted into several TV series and a manga (Vagabond).
The Sheep Dragon (Unconventional Heroes) - L. G. Estrella: an in-between book. Most of the stories follow around Spot The Dragon and a scheme of Timmy's to breed sheep with special wool properties. The series has a habit of getting lost in the minutia, and over explaining things.
Cosmic Delivery Boy -  L. G. Estrella: Over explaining things looks to be a quark of the Author themselves. I don't always mind it. Explaining how the Cosmic Hamsters rule over multi-dimensional shipping, how the MC's new job works, and the dynamics of the different worlds they visit. I am not nearly as invested with the world and characters as I am with the author's Unconventional Heroes books.
The Great Courses: They are Educational, non-Fiction.
Albert Einstein: Physicist, Philosopher,  Humanitarian (The Great Courses)  - Prof. Don Howard
England: From the Fall of Rome to the Norman Conquest (The Great Courses) - Prof. Jennifer Paxton
King Arthur: History and Legend (The Great Courses) - Dorsey Armstrong
The Iliad of Homer, The Odyssey of Homer, The Aeneid of Virgil (The Great Courses) - Elizabeth Vandiver
The Red Sphinx (The Three Musketeers) - Alexandre Dumas: A political, historical fiction novel taking place in the same timeline as The Three Musketeers, they do not appear in this novel. Lots of names, intrigue, and court politics done by a cast of over-the-top characters. The only real "downer" part of the book was a chapter on the Plague. The version I read had an additional story at the end to resolve an abandoned love story plot, it was better/more memorable than the book itself.
Archetype - M. D. Waters: An 'updated' version of The Handmaid's Tale. Women are having fewer children and the poor women are being bought and sold as slaves. A technique was discovered to restore the fertility of women, but is only accessible to the super rich. Main character is one of the women in the program, placed there by her husband; she has holes in her memories and her memories were not lining up as they return to her. (expect a lot of gaslighting, manipulation, and "women vs. men" flag waving)
The Collective Works of Arthur C. Clarke -  Arthur C. Clarke: Clark was one of those authors that didn't understand women IRL. It is reflected in a majority of his stories that the women are not the main characters through most of his career, and often were treated as passive and either only going along with the men, being in the way, or only pined after when absent. Like most Old School Science Fiction - many stories had cool concepts, but poor execution.
The Dark Decent of Elizabeth Frankenstein - Kiersten White: It would've been a better story if it wasn't restrained by the Young Adult genre. It wanted to go grimdark, but had to hold itself back when it would've been better to just full-send it. It depicted Victor as someone who was a sociopath since childhood and Beth was adopted into the family as a "nanny friend" that became dependent on him. She would lie for him when ever he "slips up" and was a passive protagonist for most of the story.
Bottom of the Barrel
Lord of Light - Roger Zelazny: Masters of hyper advanced technology that have taken over civilization using the names of old Earth Gods. The idea that "the gods aren't that much different than the people that created them" but in a science fiction setting.
Glory Road - Robert A. Heinlein: Ex-Pat, Ex-Soldier Libertarian gets Isekai'd into a Conan The Barbarian Type Fantasy World. Tip toes around the idea of "is this advanced tech or is it magic?" Man solves problems of backwoods Fantasy Stereotypical world through being a dick to most people (a typical Heinlein Hero).
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flashfuture · 3 years
hello do you mind explaining all the amazons?
All of them????
Okay uh I'll break down the ones i at least know about anyone who's deeper into the WonderFam please jump in I don't really interact with them that much.
But we've got
Diana Prince: Wonder Woman
Our Golden Age Princess of the Amazons. During the Golden and Silver ages she came from Paradise Island. She was truly animated clay here and several hundred years old by the time of WWII. During the Golden Age Diana married Steve Trevor and they had a daughter named Hippolyta "Lyta" Trevor. (My break down of Lyta would be an essay in itself and she's not really an Amazon so). Diana was a member of the JSA here.
During the Silver Age Diana also married Steve but no kids. She rescued Donna Troy from a fire and sent her to Paradise Island to be raised by Hippolyta making Donna and Diana sisters. This is the first timeline to mention Ares is her grandfather technically as he made Hippolyta. Diana lost her powers at some point. She got really really good at martial arts and then two years later got her powers back. She supposedly died during Infinite Crisis but then you know didn't. During Convergence she killed a vampire Joker. That was fun. In this timeline Diana was a founding member of the JLA.
Okay and post crisis New Earth Diana is the first one to say Diana is from Themyscira. It was still called Paradise Island sometimes. She was molded from clay. Diana in this time was not a founding member of the JLA but came to America after it was founded. (I think Infinite Crisis retconned her to be a founding member but idk) Diana has become a member of the Trinity alongside Batman (Bruce Wayne) and Superman (Clark Kent). 
The Prime Earth Diana is the one from Flashpoint and onwards. She’s now the daughter of Zeus. In New52 if I recall right she was made much much younger like in her 20s and explored mankind in the modern era. The Doomsday clock thing reestablished her WWII origins. She was also said again to have been born during probably the Hellenistic Period (they said classical antiquity and that’s you know just a few thousand years) She just helped out in Death Metals and is now doing something with Infinite Frontier unclear I don’t really know what Prime Earth Diana has been up to lately. 
So on Earth-Two, Earth-One, and New Earth Diana was the granddaughter of Ares and as such her life span was greatly extended. On Prime Earth as the direct daughter of Zeus she is immortal. 
Donna Troy: Troia/Wonder Girl 
Donna is a tricky one. She was introduced real quick to fill the girl role on the Teen Titans cause the boys were getting a little too gay. So started Silver Age Earth 1. Okay so basically her origin kept changing but the one that’s ‘canon’ is she was created to be a playmate for Diana but was abducted and kept being cursed to live tragic lives in New Cronus. Right around the Titans era okay Donna was rescued by Diana and brought back to Earth. Donna was the one to suggest the Teen Titans name. Donna is a member of the Fab Five along with Robin/Nightwing (Dick Grayson), Aqualad/Tempest (Garth of Shayaris), Kid Flash/Flash (Wally West), and Speedy/Arsenal (Roy Harper)
Donna married Terry Long when she was 19 and they had Robert, got divorced, they died in a car crash. 
After Crisis on Infinite Earth Donna sorta realized all those ‘lives’ she led were other version of her which she was all of now. And also Donna was believed to be the Goddess of the Moon. She had to stop a sun-eater or whatever but failed (Hal came in with a clutch it it’s cool)
Donna also had to fix some shit during Infinite Crisis and ended up on a Universe Hopping road trip with Kyle Rayner and Jason Todd to find Ray Palmer for Final Crisis or something. She was killed by a Superman Android during the Teen Titans/Young Justice Crossover. (Edit thanks to that anon for this I legit couldn’t remember how she died)
And Prime Earth Donna was made to destroy Diana. She you know didn’t. 
Look I’ll be real I know next to nothing about what the New52 tried to do with Donna. I just go by her original origins of being Diana’s sister. 
On Earth-One and New Earth Donna’s life span was greatly extended and on Prime Earth she is stated to be Immortal as on Prime Earth Amazonian’s on Themyscira were granted immortality. 
She is like Diana’s twin made from darker clay on Earth-One which is the silver age Earth. Nubia was actually slightly older than Diana but she was stolen as a baby by Ares who was going by Mars. Mars/Ares is Nubia’s grandfather and he wanted her help in taking down the Amazons. Nubia was raised on Floating Island (or slaughter island as Mars/Ares called it). Nubia fought Diana and hesitated to kill her leading to a draw. Nubia returned to Floating Island and at some point Supergirl had to save her life from poison of some sort. 
On New Earth she went by Nu’Bia and was just a random Amazon, her job was to guard the Doom’s Doorway which is an entrance to the River Styx. She was not Diana’s sister. 
On Prime Earth Nubia is the daughter of Hippolyta and the half-sister of Diana not her twin. Nubia went undercover pretending to work with Darkseid before Themyscira could recover and rally to fight. Nubia is currently the Queen of the Amazons. She was given the crown by her mother, Hippolyta during the Dark Metals event. 
As with Donna on Earth-One and New Earth Nubia had a greatly extended lifespan and on Prime Earth Amazons are immortal. 
Cassie Sandsmark: Wonder Girl 
She is a New Earth entry who was for the new Young Justice team. She is the daughter of Zeus and Dr. Helena Sandsmark. Here as Ares is Cassie’s half-brother and technically the father of the Amazon’s this means Cassie is Diana’s great-aunt. 
Cassie as a girl was able to request a Boon of Zeus who she didn’t know was her father at the time I believe and demanded real superpowers. Her mother Helena was able to turn off Cassie’s superpowers at the start as well. Cassie was trained by Artemis for awhile. Cassie became Wonder Girl in honor of Donna Troy who handed over her old suit. Cassie joined Young Justice as a teenager and would later be on the Teen Titans. Cassie has become a part of the Core Four for Young Justice alongside Robin/Red Robin (Tim Drake), Superboy (Kon-El/Conner Kent), and Impulse (Bart Allen). 
Cassie’s best friends outside of the core four are Supergirl (Kara Zor-El) and Cissie King-Jones (Arrowette). Cassie and Conner Kent used to date as well and she was in love with him before he died during Infinite Crisis. 
On Prime Earth Cassie is the daughter of Lennox and the granddaughter of Zeus. In this version Diana is Cassie’s aunt not the other way around. Cassie is still a member of the Young Justice team here. I don’t exactly remember what was happening during the New52. She was still Cassie unlike Kon and Bart who’d been replaced. But during Rebirth she went with the other members of Young Justice to rescue Conner Kent from Gemworld. She is currently still a member of the Titans. 
On New Earth as the daughter of Zeus, Cassie is an immortal who would not age further once she reached her prime age (like 27 or so). On Prime Earth as the granddaughter of Zeus and the daughter of Lennox Cassie’s life is extremely extended. 
Artemis Grace:
Artemis of Bana-Mighdall comes from a separate group of Amazons not on Themyscira or Paradise Island. Bana-Mighdall is a tribe of Amazons in Egypt who left Greece millennia ago. 
On New Earth Artemis left her home at 14 and wound up working for Ra’s Al Ghul before returning to her home. There was a competition to see who would be the next Wonder Woman as Hippolyta foresaw Wonder Woman die and wished to spare her daughter the fate. Hippolyta ensured Artemis won the competition. Artemis was shunned by most of the world including the Justice League who refused to see her as the true Wonder Woman. Artemis was also thought to be too violent. Artemis would later die in a battle with a demon fulfilling the prophecy of Wonder Woman dying. 
Artemis got out of hell eventually and was given the job of training Cassie Sandsmark by Diana and would later train Supergirl in combat as well. 
On Prime Earth Artemis was raised being told she would be Queen of the Amazons. She was desperate to prove herself and wanted to be the Shim’Tar of the Bana Amazons. Artemis’ best friend and lover Akila was chosen instead. Without Akila by her side Artemis felt her home had nothing left to offer and set out on her own. She helped stop an invasion of Qurac into Bana as well. 
Artemis then joined the Outlaws and worked with Red Hood (Jason Todd) and Bizarro, a botched clone of Superman. 
On New Earth Artemis had a greatly extended life span. On Prime Earth he Amazons were gifted immortality but those who left for Bana-Mighdall lost this gift so it is most likely that Artemis has the same extended lifespan from New Earth. 
Grace Choi:
Grace on New Earth comes from the same group as Artemis in Bana-Mighdall. Grace’s mother is an Amazon but her father was a Korean American. Grace grew up in America in the foster care system. She ran away at 9 but was kidnapped and sold into a child prostitution ring. She managed to escape at age 12 after her powers kicked in. Grace began fightining both for pay and for fun and worked as a bouncer at a meta club in Metropolis. 
Grace worked for the Outsiders for awhile at the request of Roy Harper an ex-fling and good friend of hers. She helped rescue Lian from the same child protsition ring she was in as a child and generally had lots of adventures with the Outsiders. 
Later it was revealed she had Bana roots but Grace refused to join them as they were currently you know sieging down the US. Batman was briefly worried about her loyalties but Grace proved she had no loyalty or ties to the Bana Amazons. 
Grace has returned to the Prime Earth in Infinite Frontier and in Festival of Heroes and it seems like nothing has changed with her so far. 
Grace has increased longevity of her life. She is listed as half-amazon because only her mother is a Bana Amazon but all Amazons only have their mother who are Amazons so I don’t really see why she isn’t a full Amazon. Anyways increased life span. 
He is Diana’s twin on Prime Earth. He was sent away cause you know no men on Themyscira. Jason was raised by Glaucus who was a member of the Argonauts crew and worked under the original Jason of Greek Myth. Who Jason was named for. 
Jason was raised on the Aegean Coast by Glaucus and became a Fisherman. Jason was trained in his youth by his half-brother Hercules. 
Jason worked briefly with Diana but wasn’t sure how to be a hero. There was a period where Darksied’s daughter tricked him but Diana talked him down. And Jason saved Diana’s life during the Dark Metals event. 
He is currently in the Dark Mutliverse living with a boyfriend on the Aegean Coast. 
As the son of Zeus, Jason is an immortal. 
⚔️ Also for fun the Weapons:⚔️
Lasso of Truth: Wielded by Diana Prince
Originally imbued with it’s power by Aphrodite and Athena later after crisis forged by Hephaestus and powered by Hestia, this lasso forces the truth from whoever it has ensnared. It is indestructible.
Lasso of Persuasion: Wielded by Donna Troy
This Lasso forces someone to do what the wielder demands. This requires Donna’s or whoever wields the lasso to have a stronger will then who they’re using the lasso on. It is indestructible.
Lasso of Lightning: Wielded by Cassie Sandsmark 
This lasso was created by Ares and gifted to his half-sister Cassie Sandsmark on New Earth. This lasso channels Zeus’ lightning and can make someone experience intense rage if they are caught by the lasso. The power of the lasso is directly correlated to Cassie’s rage levels. 
Lasso of Submission: Wielded by Artemis Grace
Originally from Earth-3 this lasso has the ability to make someone obey any commands even those to inspire false love. After Superwoman (Lois Lane) of Earth-3 was killed Diana took the lasso and gifted it to Artemis. 
Bow of Ra: Wielded by Artemis Grace
The Bow of Ra was a gift from the Egyptian sun god, Ra to the Bana-Midghall Amazons. This bow goes to the Shim’Tar and forges a special bond with them. Those who are not the Shim’Tar cannot wield the bow and further if you are not a candidate to be a Shim’Tar the bow will harm or even kill you. The bow requires intense willpower to use or it can drive the wielder mad. Akila was driven mad with the power of the bow and had to be killed by Diana and Artemis. It is said to have the power to destroy stars so this bow is incredibly dangerous and powerful if not wielded by the right person. 
(Bonus Donna used to use a lasso that was golden but held no specific magical properties.) 
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thenightling · 3 years
The Dreaming: Waking Hours Issue 12
Okay, let’s dive into this.  Today I just finished reading the final issue of The Dreaming: Waking Hours.  I’m still not particularly happy with how the comic handled “true names.”  I feel it would have been more respectful and empowering toward trans people to have Heather BE her true name instead of having her stop the Unseelie from saying her dead name (implying it would still count as a true name).  I know she said there’s no such thing as a true name but I think for a lot of people (trans, or just those that never liked their birth names and picked a different one later in life) it would be better to know that the name you most heavily associate with yourself IS your true name.
Batman Beyond actually handled this a little better in having Bruce Wayne reveal that Bruce is NOT the name he calls himself in his own mind, making it clear that for him, Batman IS is true name, even after he retired and passed the mantle to Terry.
The 1985 Fright Night also handled this with the has-been horror actor Peter Vincent.  He went from saying “That isn’t even my real name.”  To “I AM Peter Vincent, the great vampire killer!”  We never learn what his supposed “real name” (Read: Birth name) was because it doesn’t matter.  He became the character- the hero he had always pretended (and wanted) to be.  Peter Vincent became his true name.  
But anyway, that was all in issue 11.  The True name part could have been handled a lot better and that was my biggest disappointment for this comic.
Ultimately the story had a happy ending for Ruin and Heather realized that Faerie probably wouldn’t embrace democracy (Thank God!).  Though the anti-monarchy rantings were a bit annoying.  Who were they toward?   What reader of The Dreaming is going “Hmm.  You know, America could really use an absolute monarchy right now.”?
Nevertheless Heather remains my favorite trans character... No, correct that.  She remains my favorite original character in ANY Sandman spin-off, period. She’s well-developed, flawed, yet likable. And she’s not a flat, or boring, self-insert.  She’s actually a good character.      
I wasn’t too surprised that Daniel was portrayed as a bit of an ass here but I was still disappointed.  It seems the only writer who doesn’t make Daniel a complete ass is Neil Gaiman, himself.   I said it before and I’ll say it again . I think some authors must resent him because they’d rather be writing Morpheus but they don’t dare ask if they can out-right bring him back in the contemporary setting. 
Also Daniel’s reasoning doesn’t make sense.  Faerie and the Heavenly hosts weren’t angry because Ruin wanted to be with the man he loved. That was happenstantial.  And Heather told him that Jophiel helping Ruin find his love is what enabled him to ascend back to Heaven.  Jophiel had ot understand and learn the importance of love. That was good.  That was sweet.   
The only explanation I can give for Daniel’s behavior here is jealousy.  Daniel came off as jealous and resentful that his own romance in Simon Spurrier’s (Hiss) version of The Dreaming (which is sadly still canon...) didn’t work out.  And he did not expect Ruin to succeed so when he did find his true love Daniel got jealous and spiteful.  That might not be what G. Willow Wilson intended but that’s how it came off.  “If I can’t have love with a mortal, no one can!”   
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(Aw, look!  Daniel’s first “You dare!”)
I do kind of like Heather threatening Daniel with the spell that was used to summon and trap Morpheus though.   There is the flaw that Neil Gaiman did repeatedly say that the spell would not if Morpheus had been at full strength.  First, the spell was never really intended for him (or Unseelie for that matter but she used it on the Unseelie too).  Second, it only worked on Morpheus the first time because he was so weakened after the events of The Sandman: Overture. 
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For the sake of Daniel’s decently I’ll pretend he faked fear of the spell because he WANTED to be stopped.  He knew he was wrong to try to separate Ruin and his love but he felt obligated to try.  That sits better for me than Daniel legitimately just being an asshole and promising his family would go to war against Heather’s... again.   Umm... Daniel, your family never went to war with the Burgess family.  Morpheus cursed Alexander and you forgave him and that was that.  What war?!   
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Ah, well.  At least Ruin got his happy ending.  But I don’t quite get why he needs to be mortal to have that ending.  That feels unnecessary to me.
Nevertheless, it was still a satisfying ending.  I just wish Daniel hadn’t been made a last minute antagonist just so if Heather turns up again later Dream can’t be an ally...  And I sense that was the intention.  I like Heather but this part feels contrived. 
In general it was a satisfying ending though and there were parts I loved.  I love Heather. I liked the use of the spell even if it shouldn’t really work on Daniel.  I was happy Ruin got the one he loved.  I was very satisfied and happy with how Jophiel’s story ending, that he needed to learn the importance and value of love.  
I’m glad it wasn’t cynical bitterness there but actually a show of Heaven’s sense of value on love. I was a little worried this was yet-another story where Heaven and its Angels were ultimately going to be treated as heartless jerks and I was getting quite tired of that in adult comics.   This was a nice change.   I liked it more than I didn’t.  
And this is still the best version of The Dreaming to date.  It could have stood fine on its own without Simon Spurrier’s The Dreaming.  I would have probably liked it better if it wasn’t attached to that.   But I am still happy with the outcome.  Still the best Sandman spin-off to date.  And with the most likable protagonist (Heather) and Casper the Friendly Nightmare (Ruin).   
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thatfanficstuff · 4 years
Impossible - Chapter 7
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Pairing: Eric Northman x reader
Warnings: canon typical
A/N: Why yes, all the things do happen in this chapter. It’s a long one. Enjoy. 
Your phone ringing around noon a couple of days later was not how you wanted to wake up. Especially after staying up until sunrise talking to Eric. You sat on the edge of the bed and ran a hand down your face as you answered. “Yeah?”
“Hey, Y/N. It’s Sam.”
You grunted in acknowledgement. “What can I do for you?”
“Actually, we’re a little short handed around here. I was sort of hoping you could help us out tonight.”
You glanced at Eric sleeping behind you. He would be annoyed, but he could just deal with it. You needed to check in with Sookie anyway.  “Yeah, sure, Sam. No problem.”
He huffed out a breath. “Thank you. You’re a real lifesaver.”
“So, I’ve been told.” You hung up and shifted so your back was leaning against Eric’s headboard. He’d brought you to his house to stay due to your lack of furniture. And while you’d fallen asleep in his arms every night, that and a few kisses were the extent of your intimacy. Well, that and the blood exchange. On some levels that was more intimate than intercourse. You brushed Eric’s hair back and ran your gaze over his face.
A week ago, you would have thought waking up beside him ever again an impossibility. You weren’t about to take the time with him for granted. Never again. You leaned your head back and closed your eyes as you ran through the list of things you needed to do. Your father had finally arranged for someone to deliver your furniture and Eric was having someone meet them so you didn’t need to be there. There were some things left in your apartment you wanted. A couple of hours and you could probably have it all packed up. You might as well get it over with.
You got dressed, opting for wearing the dress shirt Eric had worn the night before and your jeans. Sam could just deal with you not wearing the Merlotte’s uniform. You’d probably be behind the bar anyway. You jotted off a quick note to Eric and headed out the door.
As you’d predicted it didn’t take long for you to pack the rest of your things. The furniture and things you didn’t care for, you left for Sam. He could get more renting out a furnished apartment anyway. You’d loaded everything in the cab of your truck and grabbed a couple of more hours of sleep before heading into the bar.
Sam frowned at your clothes but didn’t say a word. Smart man. You were filling in where needed for the night, switching roles if necessary.
Sookie greeted you with a grin and a hug. “Y/N, it is so good to see you. It’s a great day. Isn’t it a great day?”
You lifted a brow and your lips twitched. Your gaze landed on the scarf at her neck. Bill. As much as you disliked the man, as long as he was making Sookie happy, you’d cut him some slack. “I missed you. How have you been?”
“Just fabulous.”
“Well, aren’t you in a good mood,” Arlene said as she joined the conversation.
“Yes, I am.” Sookie grabbed her tray and spun away, her hips swinging as she went. Sam and Arlene both looked from her to you.
You shrugged. “What? I just got here. I know nothing.”
The door opened to the bar opened and three of the biggest jackoffs in Bon Temps walked through the door. Sam must have noticed the look on your face because he turned to see them as well.
“Shit. Cover the bar, would you?” He hurried off to intercept Lafayette without waiting for your response.
You glanced beneath the bar to make sure the baseball bat was still where you’d last seen it and pulled a beer for the customer at the end of the bar. At least you wouldn’t be bored.
“Sookie has been with that vampire,” Arlene told her boyfriend instead of delivering the two beers you’d pulled for her.
“Ah, that’s just bar talk.”
“She told me so herself.”
Well, that certainly got Sam’s attention. Your jaw tightened but you stayed quiet. For the moment. You had to resist the urge to roll your eyes when Arlene mentioned Sookie getting pregnant and babies with fangs. Seriously?
Sam ripping the scarf from Sookie’s neck was your cue to get involved. You grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him away from her even as she shoved him. You watched silently as she said her piece. She was right it wasn’t anyone’s business what she got up to with Bill. And as much as you liked Sam, he hadn’t bothered to make a move until someone else was interested so he could go to hell too.
When she stormed off, Sam turned to you. “You can’t honestly tell me you’re okay with this?”
You smirked and flipped the collar of Eric’s shirt to the side so the bite on your neck was visible. “Course, I haven’t fucked mine. Not lately anyway. But she’s right. It’s none of your business. She was in a good mood. Why’d you have to bring her down? You really suck sometimes, Sam.”
You went back to your spot behind the bar, ignoring the eyes now fixated on you. If it took some of the attention off Sookie, so much the better.
Eric tapped his fingers against his thigh. He wanted to call you. Or at least send a text just to make certain you were all right. Which was stupid. He could feel you. He knew you were fine if slightly irritated. He also knew you were in Bon Temps right where you’d told him you’d be. No, the truth was, he missed you. Now that you were back in his life, he wanted you by his side where you belonged.
Pam appeared beside him and leaned one arm on the back of his chair. “Having fun yet?”
The corner of his mouth kicked up. “Always.”
“I may be able to brighten your evening. See the blonde male by the bar? The sweaty, nervous one?”
Eric ran his gaze over the crowd. “The one that is obviously detoxing?”
She made a sound of agreement. “Name’s Jason Stackhouse. He’s Sookie’s brother.”
“And why do I care?” Pam wasn’t one for idle conversation so there was obviously a point to this.
“Because, if I recall correctly Y/N said she was hit because emotions were running high. And as he’s here looking for V, he would have been strong enough to leave that bruise.”
Eric leaned forward in his seat, all of his focus now on his target. “I’ll be in my office. Bring him to me.”
You handed Sookie a pitcher of beer for the three assholes and watched her as she went to deliver it. As you predicted, they immediately started to give her shit about Bill. Before you could intervene, the front door slammed open and the three figures that entered drew everyone’s attention.
These three were trouble. You’d looked into them after Sookie had an encounter with them at Bill’s house. Malcolm, Liam and Diane. Their only purpose here would be to cause trouble. You undid a button on your shirt and pulled the collar wide so Eric’s bite was on display. If they knew what was good for them, they wouldn’t fuck with you. Somehow you doubted things would go that smoothly.
The three of them slunk around the bar like the slime they were. Diane got in one of the customers faces and Sam stepped out to confront them.
“Get us three True Blood’s,” Malcom ordered no one in particular.
The only person that moved was Sam who took a step forward. “You need to leave. This is a family establishment. Locals only.”
While Malcom explained that they’d just bought a house in the area, you grasped the handle of the bat beneath the bar and pulled it out. Resting it on your shoulder, you stepped around the end of the bar and onto the floor. Liam’s gaze followed you the entire time.
You merely lifted a brow and gave him a nod. He didn’t scare you.
“Discrimination against vampires is punishable by the law in the great state of Louisiana,” Malcom said in response to Sam telling him to leave a second time. “Not that I give a fuck, but I am thirsty.”
“He’s telling you to leave because you’re an asshole. Not because you’re a vampire,” you piped up to draw his attention to you. “Discriminating against assholes isn’t against the law. Though, I wish he’d do it more often.”
All three vampires put their full attention on you. Malcom opened his mouth to respond but Sookie caught his attention first. He gasped. “How nice to see you again, Sookie. You are looking delectable as always.” He sauntered toward her, ignoring you completely. Obviously, he didn’t consider you much of a threat.
You allowed his moment of…whatever the fuck he was doing with Sookie. She’d only get pissed if you intervened before she needed it.
“I am his,” she declared and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes. She had no idea what that meant. Not really.
“Well, he’s not here, is he?” Malcom said with a tilt of his head. “And when Bill is away, Malcom will play.” He extended his fangs and you moved forward. You placed the end of the bat on his chest and pushed him away from her.
“That’s not how that works and you know it. Behave.”
He snarled. “And just who are you?” He glanced at his companions and huffed a laugh. “And just what do you think you’ll be able to do with that?” His hand grabbed the end of the bat and shoved it aside.
You allowed him to do so. “My name’s Y/N and you’d be surprised.”
“Well, Y/N, I’m going to drain you so slowly, you’ll be begging me to kill you.” You weren’t impressed.
Suddenly, Terry Bellefleur charged forward and was tossed through the air for his efforts. He slammed into the ground. Sam grabbed a pool cue and broke it over his knee.
Malcom pointed at him. “You are a dead man.”
His gaze shifted to you. Apparently, he understood what you were trying to tell him because he smirked. “Maybe so, but you’ll have to go through her first.” He tossed you the cue and you dropped the bat to snatch it from the air.
Eric leaned against the front of his desk with his arms crossed over his chest. It didn’t take long for Pam to appear with the human. He stank of desperation and Eric’s lip curled in response.
“You, uh, wanted to talk to me?” His gaze darted around the room, never settling anywhere for long.
Eric dismissed Pam with a lift of his chin. When she’d left the room, he gestured to one of the chairs in front of him. “Sit.”
“I’m good.”
Was this human always this oblivious or was it worse because he was in need of a hit? Eric sincerely hoped it was the latter. “I wasn’t asking.”
The other man sat and Eric moved around his desk to take his own seat. He folded his hands together and leaned forward. “I understand you know Y/N Y/L/N.”
Stackhouse licked his lips. “Yeah. Kind of, I guess. She’s friends with my sister.”
“Well, I have a problem with Ms. Y/L/N that I’m hoping you can help me with. Maybe then we can help you with your little problem.” Eric maintained the neutral expression he’d spent centuries perfecting.
The man in front of him leaned forward eagerly. “Sure. Anything.”
“She has a bit of a reputation as a troublemaker. When she came to the bar the other night, she had a bruise. Here.” He ran his finger across his cheek to indicate where her injury had been. “I’m certain she was causing trouble but I could get her to admit to nothing. Do you happen to know what happened?”
Stackhouse huffed and waved a hand through the air. “That was me. She wouldn’t let me in my gran’s house to talk to Sookie. Ain’t nothing for you to worry about.”
Eric gripped the other man by the throat and lifted him into the air before he could even blink. “You dare?”
Wide confused eyes were the only answer as hands gripped Eric’s wrist, looking for mercy.
“You dare touch what doesn’t belong to you?” He wanted to snap his neck. It wouldn’t take much effort. A twist of the wrist and this human would bother you no more. But something told him you wouldn’t appreciate the gesture. In fact, you were likely to make his life hell for even considering it. Eric released his grip.
Stackhouse fell back in his chair. His feet scrambled trying to put more distance between him and the vampire before him but there was nowhere for him to go. Eric simply looked at him with the same blank expression as always.
“As she didn’t kill you herself for the indiscretion, I can only assume she wishes you alive for some reason. If you touch her again, I won’t care. Do you understand?”
He nodded frantically. “Yeah, yeah. I understand.”
Eric placed his hands on the arms of the chair and leaned into the other man’s space. “And as for the vampire blood, if I even catch a whisper that you tasted it, I will remove your balls with a rusty spoon. And I have ears everywhere.”
Eric couldn’t refrain from smirking when Stackhouse folded in on himself. His hands covered his groin on instinct. The vampire straightened and took a step back. “Remove yourself from my bar, Mr. Stackhouse, and don’t bother coming back.”
If the man moved any faster, Eric would have thought him a vampire. A beat later, Pam stepped into the office with an amused look. “I take it the conversation went well.”
He hummed in agreement just as a flash of emotion went through him. Anger and anxiety with a dash of fear. You were in trouble.
Liam charged and you spun away, tripping him in the process. You shoved the stake into his chest, purposely missing his heart. He stared at you in confusion as he gasped in pain. You kicked Diane, sending her stumbling back when she came to his rescue.
Malcom took advantage of the distraction she posed and grabbed the cue from your hand. He launched it across the bar and it embedded in the wall. When you swung at him, he grasped your wrist and squeezed. If you’d been fully human, it would be broken. He pushed you backward into the bar, his free hand on your chest.
“Stop this.” Bill had apparently arrived.
Neither you or Malcom were impressed. He glanced over his shoulder at the other vampire. “Not now, Bill. I’m having a conversation. Don’t interrupt.”
Malcom turned back to you, his fangs fully extended. You’d expected him to be furious but he looked more intrigued than anything. He let go of your wrist and gripped your chin. He turned your head to the side to expose the line of your throat. “Is this Bill’s work as well? Has he been greedy with the local offerings?”
You scoffed. “Fuck Bill. And fuck you.”
His eyes narrowed. “Oh, I’m counting on it, sweetheart. But you really must tell me who you belong to. After all, I’ll need to offer my condolences.”
“That would be me.”
Malcom went still and you grinned. Eric always did have impeccable timing. He released you and took a step back, his hands held up as he turned to face your vampire. Eric looked past him to run his gaze over you. You gave him a little wave and his lips twitched.
“Why, Eric, it is lovely to see you again.” That false placating voice rubbed your nerves raw. “I wasn’t aware you were claiming your food now. Had I known—”
“Y/N is my mate.”
The other vampires in the room shifted their gazes between the two of you. Mates were rare. Rarer still that both parties weren’t vampires. You were just as shocked as they were but you did a better job of hiding it. At least you hoped so. Not that it mattered. Eric would feel it through your bond. But damn it, he couldn’t just spring shit like that on you. Stupid vampire.
“Why are you bothering these people? You’ve been warned about this behavior before,” Eric said, shifting the focus off your relationship.
“We were just saying hello to the new neighbors. That’s all.” Malcom’s voice had lost its confident edge.
Eric’s jaw was tight and you knew he was biting back much of what he wanted to say. He needed to placate the humans in the bar, but they didn’t need to know details. “We’ll discuss this tomorrow. Bill will accompany you to ensure you don’t get lost on the way home.”
Bill stepped away from Sookie’s side with a nod. The four vampires headed toward the door, not bothering to look anywhere but at their sheriff. Eric stopped Malcom with a hand on his arm as he passed by. He lowered his voice but you could still hear him, though you doubted most of the humans could. “If I were you, Malcom, I would do my best to ensure I didn’t fuck this up anymore than I already had.”
Malcom didn’t respond beyond jerking his arm away and following the others outside. Eric crossed the bar in several long strides until he was standing beside you with his arm around your shoulders. “I apologize for the disturbance, everyone. I assure you that they will not bother you again.”
“Everyone go back about your business. Next round’s on the house,” Sam announced as he came over to the two of you.
“Eric, this is Sam Merlotte. He owns the bar. Sam, this is Eric Northman, he owns Fangtasia,” you introduced them.
“And you, apparently,” Sam added with a look of distaste.
You straightened your spine. “Really, Sam? Who do you think you’re talking to? After everything…No, you know what. Forget it. It’s not even worth it. You’re welcome by the way, you ungrateful bastard.” You stepped behind the bar and grabbed your bag. “I’ll see you later, Sam. Sookie.”
Eric wore an amused grin as he fell into step behind you and followed you out the door.  
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Thursday 29th April, Research Report: Lycanthropy and the hays code
Notable points * lycanthropy seems  to be synonymous with homosexuality- parallels between Teen Wolf and Buffy The Vampire Slayer's respective coming out scenes. * The Queer-ness of the character Remus Lupin from the Harry Potter books and film series. Many fans head cannon and write slash fics about Remus and Sirius' romance and relationship, reading the characters as queer. The ship, named 'Wolf Star' is quite popular and well known within the fandom. Many fans feel there is enough evidence to build this relationship on; Remus and Sirius' ghosts stood next to each other in the resurrection stone, mirroring Harry's parents,  a canonically married couple. They also bought Harry a joint present for his birthday and know the intricacies of each others personalities. Dumbledore also infamously told Sirius to 'lie low at Lupins.' But the problem here, as the article points out, is that Rowling doesn't acknowledge Lupin as queer, despite the homoerotic cues in the writings,  and instead gives him a female love interest and admits that Lupins Lycantrhopy is a metaphor for AIDS/HIV. She has further dismissed any alternative readings of the character, disappointing fans' hopes of there being a shred of representation in a queer monster who is actually queer. This sort of behaviour from authors and creators is what turns Queer-coding into the more harmful and frustrating Queer-baiting. A large majority of queer representation comes from connotations and interpretations. the clues are there and queer audiences do pick them up. However this grey area allows allows straight culture to use queerness for pleasure and profit in mass culture without admitting to it. Modern examples of this are CW's Supernatural and BBC's Sherlock. I can't personally speak for Supernatural but having watched Sherlock with the advantage of a queer eye, I can say with confidence that it is a prime example of queer-baiting. there is clear homoerotic subtext between Sherlock and John and even Sherlock and Moriarty. I Personally think it's entirely romantic as I head cannon Sherlock to be Asexual or at least on that spectrum but the point is, it is not just wishful thinking or pushing of a narrative. It's manipulation. Queer-baiting takes advantage of an already vulnerable group of people by preying on their desire for representation in the media.
In modern media werewolf's are often portrayed as having chiselled bodies and looming over each other. The 1985 Teen Wolf received a television reboot and it's fair to say it got reasonably more progressive.  It seemed interested in queering the werewolf narrative and in a sly moment of gender-bending the traditional Little Red Riding Hood narrative, protagonist Scott receives the Bite from a male werewolf while wearing a Little Red Hoodie (‘Wolf Moon’). Additionally, the show features LGBTQ characters while Scott’s human best friend Stiles visits a gay bar and makes friends with a group of drag queens in startling contrast to the gay panic of the 1985 film’s version of Stiles. By midway through the show’s second season, the slash pairing that had proved dominant in the fandom was Stiles and wannabe-Alpha Derek Hale. The two characters, who operate in the narrative as belligerent and begrudging allies, rapidly became a slash phenomenon, due, in part, to the chemistry and comic timing between actors Tyler Hoechlin and Dylan O’Brien. The narrative is further subverted when Derek is raped by an adult  human woman.
The pair 'Sterek' gained so much traction that it caught the attention of MTV and the cast and crew behind the show. So much so that they released a video of Hoechlin and O'Brien cuddling on a boat, asking fans to vote for Teen Wolf for this  years Choice Summer TV Show at the Teen Choice Awards. This  was big as it acknowledged fans and slash flics and the pairing itself as a possibility and many queer voices who watched the show felt heard and validated. However this didn't last long. MTV released a video on the official Teen Wolf Facebook, this time featuring O’Brien asking fans to vote for Teen Wolf in a TV Guide Poll. O’Brien joked that if fans did not vote, then the show would kill off its sole remaining gay character and one of the few remaining non-white characters on the show, Danny. The Teen Wolf Facebook released the video with the following caption: ‘Keep #TeenWolf in first place! Heed Dylan and Linden’s advice or we might have to. #KillDanny’ (Teen Wolf). The show’s social media team then attempted to make the #KillDanny tag go viral on Facebook and twitter, but fans, understandably, were not amused, primarily using the tag for outraged tweets to MTV (Baker-Whitelaw).Such blatant disregard for fans’ concerns about queer representation on the show alienated a large number of fans, especially when coupled with Jeff Davis’ more frequently dismissive and condescending comments about the Sterek pairing where he had been enthusiastic and even encouraging of the ship. As seasons wore on without any indication that Sterek would indeed become canon, it became clear that MTV and Jeff Davis had been queer-baiting Sterek fans as a marketing technique and that the unique interplay that fans had enjoyed with Davis, which offered a new kind of truly interactive fandom had, in fact, been something of an illusion. ' serial killer Hannibal Lecter and his love interest Will Graham in Hannibal, and reanimated gay corpses Kieren, Simon, and Rick in In the Flesh. Notably, both series have received an overwhelmingly positive response from fans and critics who have applauded the series for taking their queer monsters beyond mere coding and into explicit text. The warm reception of Hannibal and In the Flesh’s handling of queer representation by fans, and the continuing frustration with Teen Wolf’s queer-baiting and the appropriative nature of Remus Lupin’s narrative in Harry Potter, belie a desire not only for better queer representation, but also for more complex re-articulations of queer monstrosity' the symbolic and narrative trappings of monsters are often used as metaphors for queerness without actually acknowledging the positive behind that queer identity or even confirming the queer identity at all. Another positive example is the miniseries Good Omens. Based on the book of the same name, written by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. Pretty much the whole fandom believe That the two leads, Crowley and Aziraphale are in a romantic relationship. They've known each other for centuries and perhaps what was the main fuel to this ships fire was the episode 3 cold open. Even fans who have only read the book seem to support these two as a couple and what's perhaps even more amazing is Gaiman’s response on twitter. "I wrote it as a love story. They acted it as a love story. You saw it as a love story. How much more proof do you need?" and "I wouldn't exclude the ideas that they are ace, or aromantic, or trans. They are an angel and a demon, not as make humans, per the book. Occult/Ethereal beings don't have sexes, something we tried to reflect in the casting. Whatever Crowley and Aziraphale are, it's a love story." It's beautiful because not only does it confirm that they are in love but it also leaves room for interpretations of what kind of relationship they have together.
In the year 1922, when cinema was gaining traction and popularity, The Motion Picture Producers and Distributors Association (MPPDA) hired a devout Presbyterian, Will H. Hays as its head. Eight years later, in 1930, the MPPDA ratified the Motion Picture Production Code. Also known as the Hays Code, these guidelines were set up as “a list of rules that studios could follow to avoid the censors’ wrath” one specific line read “sexual perversion or any inference to it is forbidden” This era in censorship set the stage for a culture in which the stereotypical behaviour of homosexuals, or any behaviour deviating from the traditional gender roles, is seen as dangerous, evil, and even fatal. By representing coded homosexual characters as depressed, perverse, and succumbing to punishing ends, it shifted social subconscious beliefs of LGBT individuals in real life to those represented on screen. Media often teaches us how to feel about others and ourselves – e.g., it promotes specific body types and clothing styles. In the same way, by promoting gendered behaviour and banning homosexuality, it spread a message that homosexuality was not fit to be viewed openly. Although themes of homosexuality were banned they were definitely alluded to and that continues today.
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allosaurusfragilis · 5 years
My attempt at representation in the Potterverse. 
The Forbidden Forest was, as she knew, well out-of-bounds for 4th years.
It was actually out-of-bounds for all students – hence the title “Forbidden” – but here she was, wandering the perimeter of the forest while the rest of Hogwarts slept.
Given that the Triwizard Tournament was underway, she had worried that there might have been teachers out patrolling the frozen grounds, but she seemed to be the only one slinking through tonight's shadows. She had given Hagrid's hut a wide berth, not knowing if Professor Grubbly-Plank had gotten rid of the enormous groundskeeper's horrible skrewts, or if she was keeping them somewhere nearby in the event that he came back to teach.
It was because of the substitute instructor for Care of Magical Creatures that she was out here, now. It had been a few nights since it had snowed, but she could remember the brilliant white of the unicorn's coat against the piled drifts, and how the snow had seemed dull in comparison. Professor Grubbly-Plank had warned the boys to keep back when the unicorn had first appeared, then ushered the girls forward. She had ached to join them, to prove herself to her classmates, but the fierce look from Grubbly-Plank, paired with the knowing side-eyes from Terry Boot and Michael Corner had kept her rooted. She had watched the other girls fuss over the magnificent animal with a yearning that bordered on tidal in its immensity.
And that was why she was here, breaking half-a-dozen school rules. She wanted – needed – to prove it to the others, to herself, that she was who she knew she was.
The depth of the snow lessened as she pushed forward into the forest, but if anything, the roots and loose debris underfoot made her progress even more awkward. When she was far enough in for the trees to block the light, she pulled her wand from her robe and whispered “Lumos”.
It took a little longer than usual, perhaps because of her shaking hands, but a soft light bloomed at the tip of her wand, illuminating the twisted branches and knotgrass surrounding her. Her breath hung in the air, a pale cloud.
She shivered. “This was such a dumb idea.”
Winter wind sighed through the gnarled sycamores and ferns, the eerie keening reminding her of all the terrible stories she had heard about this place; giant spiders, tribes of feral centaurs, vampires. A cursed Ford Anglia, whatever that was. Given the black, ominous shadows cast by her wand, she was only too ready to believe all of them. She wanted to get this over with quickly, but to do that, she had to go deeper into the forest. “Such a dumb idea.”
The shadows deepened as she pushed forward, and the scuttling sounds she swore she could hear just outside the range of her wand-light kept her head swiveling like Professor Moody's eye. Panic threatened to tangle her legs, but the growing fear she felt was tempered by her all-encompassing desire to prove herself.
She stopped in a wide clearing, drawing in a deep breath. She tried not to consider what might happen if the unicorn didn't see what she felt. Her fellow students had teased her relentlessly, but she didn't think anyone actually saw her aside from Luna. Would it hurt her if she were wrong?
Luna had been the one to help her work out the charm, to make tonight's gamble even remotely possible. Luna had offered to come, too, but the very real chance of failure made that offer too dispiriting.
She gripped her wand tighter, and tried to shake the shivers from her arms. Now came the truly scary part. She couldn't work the lure charm while her wand was maintaining the light, which meant she was going to have to stand in the darkness of the deep forest until the unicorn found her. She took one more deep breath, then whispered “Nox”.
Her surroundings were instantly plunged into absolute darkness. There had been a half-moon that had guided her over the grounds of Hogwarts, but that light didn't pierce the Forbidden Forest's canopy. The urge to re-light her wand was almost overwhelming. Instead, she raised it over her head, and spoke as clearly as she could manage, “Inlecebra unicorn.”
Faint rings of violet light began to radiate from her wand, spreading out into the forest. It had taken nearly all of last night and the night before, but after hours of trying, she had finally managed to attract the attention of Mrs. Norris with the charm, having adapted it for cats. Hopefully, now that she had the hang of it, it would work faster for unicorns.
It did.
Not five minutes had passed when she heard the gentle clop of hooves through the trees. For a second, she worried she might have been drawing a centaur to her, but the steps were just too... graceful.
Pale light drifted through the tangle of trees to her side, coming from the same direction of the hoof beats. She gripped her wand, lowering it to her waist. The light grew, and within seconds the unicorn stepped into the clearing.
It was somehow even more lovely than before; blue-white light radiating from its pearlescent horn, reflecting across its immaculate coat. Golden hooves, a remnant from its younger days, gleamed in the horn's illumination. It tossed its head, and a silken curtain flowed down across its powerful neck. Her breath hitched in her throat and her heart broke.
Her concentration obliterated, the lure charm ceased its draw on the unicorn. It halted, and flared its nostrils, but then took another step forward. Her eyes tightened, and she could feel the prickle of tears beginning. “I...” She let her wand hand fall. “You're beautiful.”
The unicorn whickered, and took another step. Before she realized it, she was inching forward as well. Its eyes were a perfect, crystal blue, and looking into them she wondered if this wasn't what the unicorn had felt under her Inlecebra charm. She lifted a shaking hand towards its muzzle.
“Elias, stop!”
She froze, and the unicorn flinched, shifting its weight backward. The voice that had called out was not hard to recognize. She had heard it with increasing frequency this year, with the Triwizard Tournament in full swing. Her heart sank, and she turned slowly to face the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Professor Dumbledore held his wand out to his side, the light streaming from it far brighter than the Lumos charm she had cast. He peered down at her over his half-moon spectacles, his expression unreadable. She tried to convince herself it wasn't necessarily a bad thing that he knew her name.
“How... how did you find me?”
Dumbledore frowned, but when he spoke his tone was gentle. “As headmaster, I have certain responsibilities. There have been... mishaps with the unicorns of this forest before. The possibility of one being lured into danger again was particularly concerning to me.”
She grimaced. He'd sensed the charm somehow and had come running, and now she'd never know, and it would be a million points from Ravenclaw, and her housemates would hate her – the freak – even more, and she'd never have any proof.
“Imagine my surprise when I come to find it's one of my students who has decided to put himself in harm's way.” He smiled kindly. “Surely Professor Grubbly-Plank informed you of the unicorn's preference to witches over wizards?”
She grimaced, and the tears that had threatened before spilled freely down her cheeks. “I am a witch,” she muttered, her face burning.
Dumbledore sighed and ran a long-fingered hand down the length of his beard. “Elias– ” he began.
“Did you know–” she said, surprised to find herself speaking over Dumbledore. “Did you know that the sorting hat talks to you? It talks to you, sometimes when it's sorting you?”
Dumbledore nodded.
“Not everyone,” she continued. “I asked, and it doesn't talk to everyone, but it talked to me.” She could hear the unicorn behind her, its hooves crunching ancient, fallen leaves. She had a sudden desire for it to ram its horn through her heart.
“What did it say to you?” Dumbledore asked.
She rubbed a hand across her cheek, wiping at frozen tears. Her eyes flashed up to meet the Headmaster's but then returned to the forest floor. “It told me... it told me I was clever enough for Ravenclaw...” The tears started again, and it was nearly half-a-minute before she could speak. “But then it said that girls like me often had to be brave, and that I was brave enough for Hufflepuff.” She looked up again at Dumbledore, locking eyes with him. “Girls. Like. Me!”
To her surprise, it was the Headmaster who looked away first. She wiped at her cheeks again, wishing she had thought to bring a handkerchief. “I mean, I always knew, but it felt like then – then I knew.”
Dumbledore's shoulders sagged. “Professor McGonagall told me she was worried you were trying to find a way into the girl's dorm, or restrooms...”
She snorted, and regretted it immediately. She wiped at her nose with the sleeve of her robes. “I tried to explain it to her. I was just hoping there was a way to maybe transfigure myself... I just want to look like I should.”
Dumbledore's smile seemed to turn brittle. “You've spoken to most of the professors, it seems. They've all come to me with concerns.”
“Did any of them say they believed me?” It was hard to keep the bitterness from her voice.
“You're a good student, well-liked by the staff.” He spread his hands. “There was worry about hexes, enchantments. Curses.”
She shook her head. “Or me trying to sneak into the girls' rooms.”
“You have to understand, Elias.” Dumbledore said. “None of them have had any experience with anything like this before. It's hard to find any other reason that makes sense to them.”
She closed her eyes. “Do you believe me?”
Dumbledore shifted his feet, and glanced up at the limb-strewn sky overhead. It was a moment before he answered. “I do.”
She felt a sudden thrill go through her. “You do?”
The tall wizard nodded. “I read the muggle papers. Your situation is rare among them, but not unheard of.”
The muggles? Was this a muggle thing? Maybe Luna was right, and she should have spoken about it with Hermione. But she wouldn't need Hermione now, or have to try to talk to the terrifying Snape about transforming potions, not when Dumbledore –Dumbledore– believed her! “Then- then you can help me?” she whispered. “You can tell everyone I'm not lying? That I'm not crazy?” Her heart soared. “You can help me change?”
The Headmaster's brittle smile shattered, and Dumbledore looked away from her again.
Cold started to steal its way back into her heart. “Professor?”
Dumbledore's response was quiet, and she could feel the heavy regret it held. “With all my heart, I wish I could. But I could not do so without involving your parents, or the school governors, or possibly the Ministry of Magic. The negative attention this would receive would prove catastrophic to an already perilous situation.”
She blinked, confused. “I don't understand.”
His mouth twisted, as if he had just found the earwax bean in his package of Bernie Bot's. “The timing... I've pushed things too far with the Ministry and the Board already, and my position as Headmaster is hanging by a thread, Elias. It would take little less than a breath in the wrong direction for them to remove me from Hogwarts and none of us can afford that at this point in time. Too much has been set in motion, too many sacrifices have been made already.”
She couldn't quite believe what she was hearing. “But, you've hired werewolves, half-giants! There are people who say Professor Snape was a Death Eater! The Head of my own house is a half-goblin! You help muggles, you... you help everyone. And - and you don't care what people think!”
“I wish that were true, Elias. But right now I have to care.” The Headmaster looked as miserable as she had ever seen him. “I flatter myself, but I really do believe that my positioning at this time is vital to the defeat of Voldemort! If I were to be removed now it could spell the end of the Wizarding world.”
She stared out numbly into the cold night air. “Every day is the end of the world for somebody, Professor.”
Dumbledore's nod was barely perceptible.
She felt like screaming, but she could hear the unicorn shifting nervously behind her. Instead, her tone was plaintive, almost pleading. “If you believe me then why don't you help me? You're the most powerful wizard in the world!”
“Even my power has its limits. I have to work so carefully within the limits that have been set for me.” He paused, seeming to weigh something, then continued. “For all that I can do, not even I get to be who I want to be. Our world just isn't ready.”
She flung her arms up. “But isn't that your job? As a teacher? As a professor? As a grown-up? Aren't you supposed to make us ready for the world, and make the world ready for us?”
Dumbledore's eyes were all the answer she needed. “Please believe me. I'm trying.”
She wanted to say more, but she knew there was no use. What was the phrase she had learned in Bagshot's History book about Muggle-born wizards, during the war? “Politically inexpedient”? She nodded her understanding.
Dumbledore started to move towards her. “If you could just give us a year or two, until everything with Voldemort is settled...”
She made a sound that approached laughter but had nothing at all to do with joy. “I can't wait. I'm dying now.”
And with that she turned, holding her hand out to the unicorn. Dumbledore's eyes shot open wide and he raised his wand. “Elias, no!”
She had closed her eyes, expecting the nacreous, spiraling horn to slam through her chest, but instead, she felt warm breath against her cheek. The unicorn nuzzled her neck, pushing against her affectionately. She laughed, and cried, and laughed again. The bits of her broken heart melted, and reshaped themselves into something strange, something new.
“I'll come back to school tomorrow,” she said, without pulling away from the unicorn. “I'll pack up my things and you can have my wand. Maybe the muggles can help me.”
Dumbledore sounded stricken. “Elias, there are other options, if you could just–”
For the second time in one night, she cut her Headmaster off. “I'm staying here tonight.” She felt the unicorn's ear flick, and she put her arms around its neck. “Tonight I finally am who I am, and I can't– I won't go back to being anything else. I'm sorry you're too important to get to be who you want to be, but I guess that's the good thing about being nothing.”
She let go of the unicorn, and turned to face the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy. She was surprised to find tears in his eyes. She was even more surprised to find she felt sorry for him. She walked around to the side of the unicorn, and it knelt gracefully in the snow, allowing her to slip onto its back. The unicorn stood, and she gave Dumbledore a smile, and for the first time in years, it felt honest. “When you're nothing, you've got nothing to lose.”
“Elias,” Dumbledore said. “You're not nothing.”
She ran a hand along the velvet smooth mane in front of her. “Please don't call me Elias.”
Dumbledore offered his own weak, apologetic smile. “Miss Clarke, then. I wish things could be different for you. For us.”
She nodded, and slipped her wand back into her robe. “Me, too.” When she looked back up, Dumbledore was gone. She wondered if she would see him again before she left in the morning.
She let out a long breath then, one she had been holding for fourteen years. The cloud of it drifted around the glowing horn, tiny motes of light dancing through its center. She patted the unicorn, a proof she had always wanted but suddenly realized she had never really needed. She gave smiling a try again, and decided it was something she liked.
“Show me this forest, please,” she said. “I want to see something forbidden.”
The unicorn turned and trundled through the trees, its light fading from the clearing until only perfect darkness remained.
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ginnyzero · 5 years
5 Books that Got Me Interested in Werewolves
I like werewolves. Both of my current book series, Heaven's Heathens MC and the Dawn Series include werewolves. And if you've read any of my previous blog posts, you'll know that The Lone Prospect (Heaven's Heathens MC #1) was inspired after watching the Expendables  2 during a binge watching of Sons of Anarchy.
My interest in doing werewolves instead of say vampires came from reading a lot of books about werewolves, where in the series werewolves weren't the main focus. I wanted a series of books that wasn't expressly romance that focused on werewolves and werewolf dynamics and adventures and being a werewolf was more an accepted part of life than "woe is me, I am a monster."
Monsters more often than not have human faces. See Frankenstein.
These are not necessarily recommendations. But if you like werewolf books and aren't picky, you may like these.
1. Bitten by Kelley Armstrong
Elena Michaels is the only female werewolf that has ever survived the change. A journalist good at investigating, she used her skills to track down rogue werewolves and kill them. Until she got tired of the violence the life required no matter how much she loved the male members of her pack. She's been trying to live like a human, but an old enemy is about to resurface threatening the pack she loves. Now, she's being drawn back into that world.
This was Kelley Armstrong's first novel. I liked the original cover and that's why I bought it. It focused completely on werewolves and was an interesting start to a new series. Book 2 started introducing other races and after a while I gave up on it when it focused exclusively on the young witch that was also introduced in book 2, Stolen. Bitten doesn't really hold up to any sort of in depth critical thinking when it comes to werewolves. Why is Elena the only female werewolf? She's also an orphan who has been sexually abused and then her boyfriend changed her without permission. I can see why she left the guy. I don't care how hot he's supposed to be. My last gripe for this book was Elena really felt like a stand in for the author. They are both Canadian and the politics commentary was really heavy handed. Maybe it was supposed to make the book feel relevant in 2001. It just made me grimace a bit.
2. Fool Moon by Jim Butcher
Business has been slow, no dead, for Harry Dresden, Chicago's only professional Wizard. Until Karen Murphy comes with a case of brutal murder. Mutilated corpse, strange paw prints and a full moon. It's going to take all of Harry's knowledge and skill to get to the bottom of which werewolf group is performing the murders. And the answer may be closer than he thought.
Fool Moon was Jim Butcher's second Harry Dresden Case File. He hadn't quite hit his writing stride yet. (That didn't happen until book 3.) In the book, Jim Butcher went through and used about every single type of werewolf he could think of to blow the readers off the scent (see what I did there) of who the real murders were. He used a lot of "classic" Universal studios werewolf lore and lore from other werewolf, lycanthropy, berserker type werewolves as well. And then he pretty much dropped the whole werewolf thing like hot potatoes in the books after this in order to pursue his Black Council and Winter Court Fae big story lines. And the times he does end up using the werewolves, it can be rather offensive, such as werewolves going into heat and the general way he describes the female werewolves. (He also has this problem with most of his female characters. I digress.) It was a good starting point for me at least to look at the different werewolf types and go research more on my own.
3. A Fistful of Charms by Kim Harrison
Rachel Morgan's love life has never been that great. Now, Nick, a former boyfriend who cut and run needs Rachel's particular skills as a runner. A thief, he's stolen an artifact that could give the werewolves more power over the vampires and now he's been caught. It's up to Rachel to find the artifact and free him from the werewolves. The problem is, he's not in Cincinnati, but up in Michigan and on an island in the middle of one of the Great Lakes. And it's going to take more than a few magical spells and wishful thinking to get him out alive.
This was book 4 of Kim Harrison's Hollows Series. In one of the previous books, she'd made a one off character, an insurance adjuster, who was a werewolf. Kim Harrison is not someone who really outlines her books in advance, so this insurance adjuster suddenly became a lot more important and so did werewolves for this fourth book. Because Rachel Morgan is so caught up in vampire, demon and fae politics, other than some consequences of what happened because of this book and her joining the insurance adjuster's pack for ... insurance... purposes, after this, werewolves were dropped. So, this book was the best look at the way werewolf packs worked in her world. I liked it because there was one part of the book where it was clear that the lead female of the pack had as much power as the male leader. And in other books, there were female pack leaders as well. But the series became very much about Rachel Morgan, her love life and how she was so special. I read until the last book, but left feeling very unsatisfied as a reader. But this wasn't that bad of an adventure! I especially loved Jenks in this book. Jenks is one of my favorite characters in the entire series. This was "his" book so to speak.
4. Moon Called by Patricia Briggs
Mercedes Thompson is part Native American, part mechanic and all coyote shifter. When a scruffy werewolf teen ends up at her auto shop looking for a quick job and a place to sleep, she helps him because of the werewolves that raised her. When his dead body ends up on her doorstep. She goes looking for who killed him and ends up getting entangled again with the man she thought she loved and had to leave them to get away from it all.
Moon Called was a promising first book, some Native American anachronisms aside. (Becca did a better review of this than I ever could.) As far as the series went, since Mercy lived right next door to a werewolf and later ended up dating him (and I won't spoil whether that worked out or not) the books had plenty of werewolf story lines. And if you like your werewolves to be OCD barely controlled anger management monsters controlled by the patriarchy then sure, this is the series for you. Sure, there were times Mercy tried/tries to address the problem of male dominant packs but that doesn't and isn't the focus of the books. Most of the books are how Mercy somehow gets involved in another species like vampire or fae's trouble despite the fact she's a relatively low powered coyote shapeshifter. There's no real reason why Mercy is "special" and everyone wants her, she just is. These werewolves have absolutely no basis in any sort of wolf science. Being the series is so werewolf focused, it started to drive me bonkers after a while. I gave up when another "bad thing" happened to Mercy after 10 books. (The Rape happens in book 3 btw. Just a warning.)
5. Master of Wolves by Angela Knight
Officer Faith Weston, head of the Clarkston PD K-9 department is still reeling from losing her previous dog. She's hoping that an all business front and a new dog will help her move on and keep the attention of her lewd boss away from her. Her new dog Rambo was big and tough and didn't give her any crap. Too bad Rambo was more than he seemed. Jim London, bounty hunter and werewolf, is certain that the murder of his friend Tony has been covered up by the Clarkston police department. There's only one way to find out and that's to go undercover and his dog form is perfect for the job. Faith Weston though is bringing out the animal in him.
Okay, yes, spoiler alert, Master of Wolves is a romance novel. I don't read a lot of these and when I do they tend to be primarily fantasy focused. I've read Terry Spears (one book and no more, no, never again, bad wolf science, BAD,) Thea Harrison and a few others, but Angela Knight was the one I picked up back in 2006 when looking for werewolf novels to read. There are a few moments of "I don't know what Angela Knight was thinking" when it comes to the scenes about Jim being a dog and... thinking like a man hound dog about Faith and later Faith seems okay with it? Maybe it was supposed to be funny but, yeah. 4 of the 9 books in Angela Knight's series focus on werewolves and for the most part they are pretty much very formulaic romance novels and the werewolf pack dynamics were once again patriarchal and based on bad wolf science. Really, it was more the fact that this book was focused on werewolves and solving a mystery and using all the forms that the werewolf had to do it that stood out to me.
Five different books, five different treatments of werewolves, though most are the same "werewolves are monsters" based on no good modern science about wolves. But they each had different facets that got me thinking about how I would write a werewolf focused novel if I ever wrote one. Then I did and it's called The Lone Prospect, available in ebook (3.99) and paperback (7.99) on Amazon.
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ao3feed-goodomens · 4 years
Love Inquires
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2HKtVsw
by Moondust_Yikisoul
The Seals are being broken left to right, Harry and most of his friends are about to graduate, Sphinx reveals herself, and 2010 is going to be a nightmare to wright.
Words: 15673, Chapters: 4/?, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Rasing Hell, Heaven, and Hel
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV), Supernatural, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Doctor Who (2005), Doctor Who & Related Fandoms, Torchwood, Sherlock (TV), Merlin (TV), Lucifer (TV), Constantine (TV), Teen Wolf (TV), Arrowverse - Fandom, Mettions of the Flash, Mettions of The Ledgens of Tommorow, Mettions of Arrow, Metions of DC comics, Refences to Twilight, Refences to Vampire Dairies, Mettions of Broadchurch
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Fergus MacLeod, Gabriel (Supernatural), Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Kreacher (Harry Potter), Orginal Harry Potter Charaters, Sam Winchester, Lucas Barr, Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Orginal Merin Charaters, Dean Winchester, Fenrisúlfr | Fenrir (Norse Religion & Lore), Narfi (Norse Religion & Lore), Váli (Norse Religion & Lore), Hel | Hela (Norse Religion & Lore), Jörmungandr | Jormungand | Midgard Serpent (Norse Religion & Lore), Orginal Female Charater, Original Female Character(s), Warlock Dowling, Adam Young (Good Omens), Adam Milligan, The Them (Good Omens), Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Orginal Jack Harkness/ The Doctor Child, Jessica Moore, Jo Harvelle, Rose Tyler, The Doctor (Doctor Who), Tenth Doctor, Original Male Character(s), Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock Holmes, Eurus Holmes, Mrs. Hudson (Sherlock Holmes), John Watson, Mickey Smith, Jack Harkness, Jack Harkness | Face of Boe, Owen Harper, Toshiko Sato, Ianto Jones, Martha Jones, The Jones( Doctor Who), victor krum, Fleur Delacour, Bill Weasley, Orginal Teen Wolf Charaters, Derek Hale, Laura Hale, Beelzebub (Good Omens), The Bentley (Good Omens), The Imala (Supernatural), The Doctor's TARDIS, Orginal TARDIS, Amenadiel (Lucifer TV), Michael (Supernatural), Micheal( Good Omens), Castiel (Supernatural), Lucifer (Supernatural), Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV), Mazikeen (Lucifer TV), Raphael (Supernatural), Uriel (Supernatural), Uriel (Good Omens), Uriel (Lucifer TV), Ruby (Supernatural), Meg Masters (Demon), Satan | Lucifer (Good Omens), Anathema Device, Newton Pulsifer, Sergeant Shadwell (Good Omens), Madame Tracy (Good Omens), Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Pete Tyler (Pete's World), Jackie Tyler, Stiles Stilinski, Sheriff Stilinski, Chloe Decker, Dan Espinoza, Trixie Decker, Death (Supernatural), Death (Harry Potter), Death (Good Omens), War (Supernatural), Pestilence (Supernatural), Pestilence (Good Omens), Famine (Supernatural), Hannah (Supernatural), Anna Milton, John Constantine, Chas Chandler, Mary Xavier, Original Non-Binary Character, Original Non-Human Character(s), Brife mettions of Oliver Queen, Mettions of Barry Allen, Mettions of Sara Lance, Orginal Deaf Charater, Mettions of Manny, Mettions of The Cullen Clan, Mettions of The Volturi, Mettions of Aro, Mettions of The Quileute Tribe, Mettions of Mystic Falls gang, Brif Mettions of D.I Alec Hardy
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Jo Harvelle/Jessica Moore, Warlock Dowling/Adam Young, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Hermione Granger/Pansy Parkinson, Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness, The Doctor/Jack Harkness, Jackie Tyler/Pete Tyler (Pete's World), Fergus MacLeod/ Bobby Stinger, Ninth Doctor/Jack Harkness, Neville Longbottom/Luna Lovegood, Orgnial Female Characters/ Orginal Female Characters, Orgnial Female Characters/ Orginal Male Characters, Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade, Non-Consensual Pairings, George Wealsy/ Orginal Male Character, Viktor Krum/Fred Weasley, Chas Chandler/John Constantine, Past John Constantine/ Lucifer Moringstar, Hannah/Anna Milton, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Fleur Delacour/Bill Weasley, Brife Mettions of Newt Scmander/ Credence Barebone
Additional Tags: Harry Potter was Adopted by Other(s), Harry Potter was Raised by Other(s), Hermoine was Adopted by Loki( Gabriel), Harry's Paseltounge isn't just becase of the Horcux becuase come On!, Harry was a Horcux he isn't anymore thank someone, Lucas Burr the Supernatual dectector, Sam adopts Lucas Burr becuase Lucas is a quite soul who's family died, Pagen Sam, phinx had a cult( really isn't one but it's easist way to say it), Sam is takeing online courses for something, Adam Milligan is a Winchester, Adam Milligan gouse by Abel Milligan to odvoide confousion with Adam Young, Lucifer Morningstar from Lucifer is Lucifer| Satan from Good Omens, Lucifer Morningstar is the Real Devil, He has a vauge idea of what is happing, Gabriel (Supernatural) is Loki, So he has some kidos other then Hermoine, Hermoine Granger is Hermoine Granger-Lokidótti, Marryed Crowley and Aziraphale, Good Parents Aziraphale and Crowley (Good Omens), Anathema and Newton have adopted Warlock on the wishes of Nany Ashthron, Warlock is a warlock( Read Wizeard), BAMF Luna Lovegood, Seer Luna Lovegood, Realy it's BAMF everyone, Oh Look Newt and Creadnce were friends with Crowley, Oh Look! Demon deals aren't the only one in the clouset, This is LBGT+ friendly, I wrote this instead of sleeping on muliple occasions, I pritty sure my grades are suffering becuase of this, Most parts are over 3000 words, Season 3 sorta rewright, Season 4 sorta rewright, There is alot of cris crossing, do try and keep up, Headcanon Sam had a wonderfull Singing voice, Someone help these people, Sammy had powers not ashoiated with Demon blood, Demon blood? what Demon Blood, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, Weasley Bashing, Exept Fred George Bill Charlie and Percy, Werewolf! Bill Weasley, Asexual Charlie Weasley, Magical Stiles Stilinski, Pre-Season/Series 01, Canon Divergence - Post-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Canon Divergence - Pre-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Death in good Omens is Death in Superntatural, Pestilence is Pollotions twin, Famine (Good Omens) is Famine (supernatual) Ward, War (supernatual) is War( Good Omens) husband, Smart Sam Winchester, Arrowverse timeline with a few changes becase it's not very spific with some events, Arrowverse Crossover, Once again you can't have Constientin with out Green Arrow, Wrote this before I even learned of Crist on ifenent earths, Pre- Canon for most Arrowverse, Pre-Crisis, Mettions of the Bat Family, This sires is now Chaotic Lawfull, Constinetin had a one night stand with Lucifer at one point, Crowley and Jörmungandr are Gender-fluid and no one can fight me on that, Creation of the Time Masters? Hells yeah I did, Time Master created becuase of the Professor and Rose Tyler, Time Masters created by a Timelord, Mettions of Sandbrook, Uriel (supernatual) is Uriel (Good Omens), Micheal ( Good Omens) is Micheal (Supernatural), The Holmes childern are half timelord, Gabriel( Good Omens) is a Clone of Gabriel( Supernatural) Crated by Ralpheal and Micheal, Angels Demons and Werewolves have mates
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2HKtVsw
3 notes · View notes
by Moondust_Yikisoul
The Seals are being broken left to right, Harry and most of his friends are about to graduate, Sphinx reveals herself, and 2010 is going to be a nightmare to wright.
Words: 15699, Chapters: 4/?, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of Rasing Hell, Heaven, and Hel
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV), Supernatural, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Doctor Who (2005), Doctor Who & Related Fandoms, Torchwood, Sherlock (TV), Merlin (TV), Lucifer (TV), Constantine (TV), Teen Wolf (TV), Arrowverse - Fandom, Mettions of the Flash, Mettions of The Ledgens of Tommorow, Mettions of Arrow, Metions of DC comics, Refences to Twilight, Refences to Vampire Dairies, Mettions of Broadchurch
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Fergus MacLeod, Gabriel (Supernatural), Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Kreacher (Harry Potter), Orginal Harry Potter Charaters, Sam Winchester, Lucas Barr, Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Orginal Merin Charaters, Dean Winchester, Fenrisúlfr | Fenrir (Norse Religion & Lore), Narfi (Norse Religion & Lore), Váli (Norse Religion & Lore), Hel | Hela (Norse Religion & Lore), Jörmungandr | Jormungand | Midgard Serpent (Norse Religion & Lore), Orginal Female Charater, Original Female Character(s), Warlock Dowling, Adam Young (Good Omens), Adam Milligan, The Them (Good Omens), Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Orginal Jack Harkness/ The Doctor Child, Jessica Moore, Jo Harvelle, Rose Tyler, The Doctor (Doctor Who), Tenth Doctor, Original Male Character(s), Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock Holmes, Eurus Holmes, Mrs. Hudson (Sherlock Holmes), John Watson, Mickey Smith, Jack Harkness, Jack Harkness | Face of Boe, Owen Harper, Toshiko Sato, Ianto Jones, Martha Jones, The Jones( Doctor Who), victor krum, Fleur Delacour, Bill Weasley, Orginal Teen Wolf Charaters, Derek Hale, Laura Hale, Beelzebub (Good Omens), The Bentley (Good Omens), The Imala (Supernatural), The Doctor's TARDIS, Orginal TARDIS, Amenadiel (Lucifer TV), Michael (Supernatural), Micheal( Good Omens), Castiel (Supernatural), Lucifer (Supernatural), Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV), Mazikeen (Lucifer TV), Raphael (Supernatural), Uriel (Supernatural), Uriel (Good Omens), Uriel (Lucifer TV), Ruby (Supernatural), Meg Masters (Demon), Satan | Lucifer (Good Omens), Anathema Device, Newton Pulsifer, Sergeant Shadwell (Good Omens), Madame Tracy (Good Omens), Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Pete Tyler (Pete's World), Jackie Tyler, Stiles Stilinski, Sheriff Stilinski, Chloe Decker, Dan Espinoza, Trixie Decker, Death (Supernatural), Death (Harry Potter), Death (Good Omens), War (Supernatural), Pestilence (Supernatural), Pestilence (Good Omens), Famine (Supernatural), Hannah (Supernatural), Anna Milton, John Constantine, Chas Chandler, Mary Xavier, Original Non-Binary Character, Original Non-Human Character(s), Brife mettions of Oliver Queen, Mettions of Barry Allen, Mettions of Sara Lance, Orginal Deaf Charater, Mettions of Manny, Mettions of The Cullen Clan, Mettions of The Volturi, Mettions of Aro, Mettions of The Quileute Tribe, Mettions of Mystic Falls gang, Brif Mettions of D.I Alec Hardy
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Jo Harvelle/Jessica Moore, Warlock Dowling/Adam Young, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Hermione Granger/Pansy Parkinson, Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness, The Doctor/Jack Harkness, Jackie Tyler/Pete Tyler (Pete's World), Fergus MacLeod/ Bobby Stinger, Ninth Doctor/Jack Harkness, Neville Longbottom/Luna Lovegood, Orgnial Female Characters/ Orginal Female Characters, Orgnial Female Characters/ Orginal Male Characters, Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade, Non-Consensual Pairings, George Wealsy/ Orginal Male Character, Viktor Krum/Fred Weasley, Chas Chandler/John Constantine, Past John Constantine/ Lucifer Moringstar, Hannah/Anna Milton, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Fleur Delacour/Bill Weasley, Brife Mettions of Newt Scmander/ Credence Barebone
Additional Tags: Harry Potter was Adopted by Other(s), Harry Potter was Raised by Other(s), Hermoine was Adopted by Loki( Gabriel), Harry's Paseltounge isn't just becase of the Horcux becuase come On!, Harry was a Horcux he isn't anymore thank someone, Lucas Burr the Supernatual dectector, Sam adopts Lucas Burr becuase Lucas is a quite soul who's family died, Pagen Sam, phinx had a cult( really isn't one but it's easist way to say it), Sam is takeing online courses for something, Adam Milligan is a Winchester, Adam Milligan gouse by Abel Milligan to odvoide confousion with Adam Young, Lucifer Morningstar from Lucifer is Lucifer| Satan from Good Omens, Lucifer Morningstar is the Real Devil, He has a vauge idea of what is happing, Gabriel (Supernatural) is Loki, So he has some kidos other then Hermoine, Hermoine Granger is Hermoine Granger-Lokidótti, Marryed Crowley and Aziraphale, Good Parents Aziraphale and Crowley (Good Omens), Anathema and Newton have adopted Warlock on the wishes of Nany Ashthron, Warlock is a warlock( Read Wizeard), BAMF Luna Lovegood, Seer Luna Lovegood, Realy it's BAMF everyone, Oh Look Newt and Creadnce were friends with Crowley, Oh Look! Demon deals aren't the only one in the clouset, This is LBGT+ friendly, I wrote this instead of sleeping on muliple occasions, I pritty sure my grades are suffering becuase of this, Most parts are over 3000 words, Season 3 sorta rewright, Season 4 sorta rewright, There is alot of cris crossing, do try and keep up, Headcanon Sam had a wonderfull Singing voice, Someone help these people, Sammy had powers not ashoiated with Demon blood, Demon blood? what Demon Blood, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, Weasley Bashing, Exept Fred George Bill Charlie and Percy, Werewolf! Bill Weasley, Asexual Charlie Weasley, Magical Stiles Stilinski, Pre-Season/Series 01, Canon Divergence - Post-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Canon Divergence - Pre-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Death in good Omens is Death in Superntatural, Pestilence is Pollotions twin, Famine (Good Omens) is Famine (supernatual) Ward, War (supernatual) is War( Good Omens) husband, Smart Sam Winchester, Arrowverse timeline with a few changes becase it's not very spific with some events, Arrowverse Crossover, Once again you can't have Constientin with out Green Arrow, Wrote this before I even learned of Crist on ifenent earths, Pre- Canon for most Arrowverse, Pre-Crisis, Mettions of the Bat Family, This sires is now Chaotic Lawfull, Constinetin had a one night stand with Lucifer at one point, Crowley and Jörmungandr are Gender-fluid and no one can fight me on that, Creation of the Time Masters? Hells yeah I did, Time Master created becuase of the Professor and Rose Tyler, Time Masters created by a Timelord, Mettions of Sandbrook, Uriel (supernatual) is Uriel (Good Omens), Micheal ( Good Omens) is Micheal (Supernatural), The Holmes childern are half timelord, Gabriel( Good Omens) is a Clone of Gabriel( Supernatural) Crated by Ralpheal and Micheal, Angels Demons and Werewolves have mates
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rentalgoose · 5 years
I can’t fit the whole name in 1 ask, so this is part 1. Adolph Blaine Charles David Earl Frederick Gerald Hubert Irvin John Kenneth Lloyd Martin Nero Oliver Paul Quincy Randolph Sherman Thomas Uncas Victor William Xerxes Yancy Zeus Wolfe­schlegel­stein­hausen­berger­dorff­welche­vor­altern­waren­gewissen­haft­schafers­wessen­schafe­waren­wohl­gepflege­und­sorg­faltig­keit­be­schutzen­vor­an­greifen­durch­ihr­raub­gierig­feinde­welche­vor­altern­zwolf­hundert­tausend­jah­res­voran­die­er­scheinen
You left out a couple of letters (in all three asks)! It’s: Wolfe­schlegel­stein­hausen­berger­dorff­welche­vor­altern­waren­gewissen­haft­schafers­wessen­schafe­waren­wohl­gepflege­und­sorg­faltig­keit­be­schutzen­vor­an­greifen­durch­ihr­raub­gierig­feinde­welche­vor­altern­zwolf­hundert­tausend­jah­res­voran­die­er­scheinen­von­der­erste­erde­mensch­der­raum­schiff­genacht­mit­tung­stein­und­sieben­iridium­elek­trisch­motors­ge­brauch­licht­als­sein­ur­sprung­von­kraft­ge­start­sein­lange­fahrt­hin­zwischen­stern­artig­raum­auf­der­suchen­nach­bar­schaft­der­stern­welche­ge­habt­be­wohn­bar­planeten­kreise­drehen­sich­und­wo­hin­der­neue­rasse­von­ver­stand­ig­mensch­lich­keit­konnte­fort­pflanzen­und­sicher­freuen­an­lebens­lang­lich­freude­und­ru­he­mit­nicht­ein­furcht­vor­an­greifen­vor­anderer­intelligent­ge­schopfs­von­hin­zwischen­stern­art­ig­raum
A - “Arabella” by Arctic Monkeys
D - “Deceptacon” by Le Tigre
O - “Of Once And Future Kings” by Pavlov’s Dog
L - “Laugh Till I Cry” by The Front Bottoms
P - “Paracetamol” by Declan KcKenna
H - “Heart-Shaped Box” by Nirvana
B - “Black Mambo” by Glass Animals
L - “Lucky Girl” by Fazerdaze
A - “Are You Satisfied?” by MARINA
I - “Inbetween Days” by The Cure
N - “Not Too Bad” from Fun Home
E - “Electric Love” by BØRNS
C - “Cinnamon” by Palehound
H - “How Soon Is Now?” by The Smiths
A - “And So It Goes” by Billy Joel
R - “Run Boy Run” by Woodkid
L - “LA Devotee” by Panic! At The Disco
E - “Edge of Seventeen” by Stevie Nicks
S - “Sex On Fire” by Kings of Leon
D - “Disorder” by Joy Division
A - “A Decade Under The Influence” by Taking Back sunday
V - “Vacation” by Florist
I - “In The Woods Somewhere” by Hozier
D - “Dust In The Wind” by Kansas
E - “Easy Target” by blink-182
A - “Allentown” by Billy Joel
R - “Rill Rill” by Sleigh Bells
L - “Love Will Tear Us Apart” by Joy Division
F - “Fluorescent Adolescent” by Arctic Monkeys
R - “Run” by Hozier
E - “Empty” by Kevin Abstract
D - “Daddy Issues” by The Neighbourhood
E - “Everything’s A Ceiling” by Death Cab for Cutie
R - “Rhode Island” by The Front Bottoms
I - “I Bet On Losing Dogs” by Mitski
C - “Cool And Refreshing” by Florist
K - “Karma Police” by Radiohead
G - “Gooey” by Glass Animals
E - “Expo ‘86″ by Death Cab for Cutie
R - “Red Eye” by Vance Joy
A - “All For Leyna” by Billy Joel
L - “Let’s Kill Tonight” by Panic! At The Disco
D - “D’you Have A Car?” by SWMRS
H - “Howlin’ For You” by The Black Keys
U - “Uprising” by Muse
B - “Be Nice To Me” by The Front Bottoms
E - “El Dorado” by Death Cab for Cutie
R - “Rasputin” by Boney M.
T - “This Year” by The Mountain Goats
I - “It Will Come Back” by Hozier
R - “Rosanna” by Toto
V - “Video Games” by Lana del Rey
I - “It’s Still Rock And Roll To Me” by Billy Joel
N - “Nina Cried Power” by Hozier
J - “Joanie” by The Front Bottoms
O - “Off To The Races” by Lana del Rey
H - “HELP” by The Front Bottoms
N - “New Slang” by The Shins
K - “Kin” by Kevin Abstract
E - “Eleanor Rigby” by The Beatles
N - “Nobody Knows You (When You’re Down And Out)” by Leslie Odom, Jr.
N - “No. 1 Party Anthem” by Arctic Monkeys
E - “Eddie” from The Rocky Horror Picture Show
T - “The Bitch Of Living” from Spring Awakening
H - “Humongous” by Declan McKenna
L - “Love Me” by The 1975
L - “Let It Be Me” by Ray LaMontagne
O - “Oh No!” by MARINA
Y - “Your Best American Girl” by Mitski
D -  “Drunk Kid Catholic” by Bright Eyes
M - “my boy” by Billie Eilish
A - “All Is Full of Love” by Death Cab for Cutie
R - “Radio Ga Ga” by Queen
T - “The World According To Chris” from Carrie: The Musical
I - “I Melt With You” by Modern English
N - “Nova Baby” by The Black Keys
N - “Normal Song” by Perfume Genius
E - “Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic” by The Police
R - “Right Hand Man” from Hamilton
O - “Ophelia” by The Lumineers
O - “Otherside” by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
L - “Loveletting” by Sons of an Illustrious Father
I - “I Hope You’re Miserable” by Moose Blood
V - “Vampire Money” by My Chemical Romance
E - “Every Other Freckle” by alt-J
R - “Rose Tint My World” from The Rocky Horror Picture Show
P - “Personal Jesus” by Depeche Mode
A - “Andy, You’re A Star” by The Killers
U - “Up On Melancholy Hill” by Gorillaz
L -  “Lipstick Covered Magnet” by The Front Bottoms
Q - “Queen” by Perfume Genius
U - “Uma Thurman” by Fall Out Boy
I - “I Got” by Young The Giant
N - “Non-Stop” from Hamilton
C - “Creep” by Radiohead
Y - “You’re My Home” by Billy Joel
R - “Rabbit Hole” by blink-182
A - “Anna Sun” by WAK THE MOON
N - “New York State Of Mind” by Billy Hoel
D - “Different Names For The Same Thing” by Death Cab for Cutie
O - “Our Love Is God” from Heathers
L - “last words” by isaac gracie
P - “Piano Man” by Billy Joel
H - “Harry Dean” by SWMRS
S - “Sweater Weather” by The Neighbourhood
H - “Hot Knifer” by Peach Pit
E - “Everlong - Acoustic” by Goo Fighters
R - “Rox In The Box” by The Decemberists
M - “Make Me Your Queen” by Decaln McKenna
A - “Africa” by Toto
N -  “Name” by The Goo Goo Dolls
T - “There Is A Light That Never Goes Out” by The Smiths
H - “Hero” by Family of the Year
O - “Online Songs” by blink-182
M - “Milk” by The 1975
A - “April, Come She Will” by Simon & Garfunkel
S -  “Shampain” by MARINA
U - “Under The Bridge” by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
N - “Nervous” by Gavin James
C - “Cecily Smith” from Fly By Night
A - “After The Storm” by Mumford & Sons
S -  “Starring Role” by MARINA
V - “Valentine” by 5 Seconds of Summer
I - “Islands” by Young The Giant
C - “COPYCAT” by Billie Eilish
T - “Thank You For The Venom” by My Chemical Romance
O - “Old Friends” by Pinegrove
R - “Resonance” by Home
W - “Wolfman” by The Front Bottoms
I - “Iscariot” by WALK THE MOON
L - “Let The River Run” by Carly Simon
L - “Lose It” by SWMRS
I - “I Know A Place” by MUNA
A -  “Alexander Hamilton” from Hamilton
M - “Medicine” by Daughter
X - “XO” by Fall Out Boy
E - “Echo” by Kevin Abstract
R - “running on empty” by isaac gracie
X - “Xanadu” by Rush
E - “Emperor’s New Clothes” by Panic! At The Disco
S -  “Step Out” by José González
Y - “You’re So Vain” by Carly Simon
A - “Aaron Burr, Sir” from Hamilton
N - “Need” by Pinegrove
C - “Cemetery Drive” by My Chemical Romance
Y - “You May Be Right” by Billy Joel
Z - “Zombie” by The Cranberries
E - “Ease” by Troye Sivan
U - “Underdog” by Imagine Dragons
S -  “Sunspot” by Tula Vera
W - “Why Didn’t You Stop Me?” by Mitski
O - “Older Chests” by Damien Rice
L - “Laura Palmer” by Bastille
F - “Flashlight” by The Front Bottoms
E - “Every Night” by Imagine Dragons
S - “Sedona” by Houndmouth
C - “Cola” by Lana del Rey
H - “Hurricane Drunk” by Florence + The Machine
L - “Layla” by Eric Clapton
E - “Ease On Down the Road” from The Wiz
G - “Gold Dust Woman” by Fleetwood Mac
E - “East Coast Anthem” by Good Charlotte
L - “Lone Star” by The Front Bottoms
S - “South” by Hippo Campus
T - “Teen Idle” by MARINA
E - “Edelweiss” from The Sound Of Music
I - “I Will Survive” by Gloria Gaynor
N - “NFWMB” by Hozier
H - “Hollaback Girl” by Gwen Stefani
A - “American Pie” by Don McLean 
U - “Unobstructed Views” by Death Cab for Cutie
S - “Signs” by Tula Vera
E - “El Condor Pasa (If I Could)” by Simon & Garfunkel
N - “Northen Downpour” by Panic! At The Disco
B - “Brand New City” by Mitski
E - “Empire (Let Them Sing)” by Bring Me The Horizon
R - “Right Red Hand” by Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds
G - “Gum” by Moose Blood
E - “Enjoy The Silence” by Depeche Mode
R - “Red Solo Cup” by Tody Keith
D - “Downeaster Alexa” by Billy Joel
O - “One More Name In Nighlife” by Dane Terry
R - “Rock Show” by blink-182
F - “Fat Lip” by Sum 41
F - “Fuckmylife666″ by Against Me!
W - “West Coast” by Lana del Rey
E - “Enter Sandman” by Metallica
L - “Leningrad” by Billy Joel
C - “Criminal” by Fiona Apple
H - “Helena” by My Chemical Romance
E - ­”Escape (The Piña Colada Song)” by Rupert Holmes
V - “Volcano” by Damien Rice
O - “O Children” by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
R - “Runner” by Kevin Abstract
A - “All The Small Things” by blink-12
L - “Like Real People Do” by Hozier
T - “Teenage Kicks” by The Undertones
E - “Even Flow” by Pearl Jam
R - “Romeo” by Chairlift
N - “Novocaine” by Fall Out Boy
W - “When Did Your Heart Go Missing?” by Rooney
A - “Adam’s Song” by blink-182
R - “Round And Round” by Imagine Dragons
E - “Everybody Hurts” by R.E.M.
N - “Nicotine” by Panic! At The Disco
G - “Goodnight Saigon” by Billy Joel
E - “Everybody Have Fun Tonight” by Wang Chung
W - “White Cedar” by The Mountain Goats
I - “Icarus” by Bastille
S - “Sara Smile” by Hall & Oates
S - “Seventeen” by Peach Pit
E - “Everybody Talks” by Neon Trees
N - “Nothing Left To Say / Rocks” by Imagine Dragons
H - “Holy Ghost” by BØRNS
A - “A Burning Hill” by Mitski
F - “Frozen Pines” by Lord Huron
T - “The Ghosts Of Beverly Drive” by Death Cab for Cutie
S - “Sun” by Sleeping At Last
C - “Cleopatra” by The Lumineers
H - “Heat Of The summer” by Young The Giant
A - “A Match Into Water” by Pierce The Veil
F - “Family Friend” by The Vaccines
E - “Everybody Wants To Rule The World” by Tears for Fears
R - “Radioactive” by Imagine Dragons
S - “Somebody Else” by The 1975
W - “Wish You Were Here” by Pink Floyd
E - “Everyday Is Like Sunday” by Morrissey
S - “silhouettes of you” by isaac gracie
S - “Stable Song” by Death Cab for Cutie
E - “Everything I Didn’t Say” by 5 Seconds of Summer
N - “No Room In Frame” by Death Cab for Cutie
S - “Scenes From An Italian Restaurant” by Billy Joel
C - “Comfortably Numb” by Pink Floyd
H - “Hallelujah” by Jeff Buckley
A - “American Boyfriend” by Kevin Abstract
F - “Feel Good Inc.” by Gorillaz
E - “Everyone Is Gay” by Great Big World
W - “White Teeth Teens” by Lorde
A - “Arms Tonite” by Mother Mother
R - “Red Barchetta” by Rush
E - “Everything Now” by Arcade Fire
N - “No Sunlight” by Death Cab for Cutie
W - “we fell in love in october” by girl in red
O - “O Valencia!” by The Decemberists
H - “Hey Jude” by The Beatles
L - “Love On Top” by Beyonce
G - “Geyser” by Mitski
E - “Evil Woman” by Electric Light Orchestra
P - “Pressure” by Billy Joel
F - “Fixin’” by WALK THE MOON
L - “Locked Out” by Daddy Issues
E - “Earth Angel (Will You Be Mine)” by Death Cab for Cutie
G - “Ghost Of You” by 5 Seconds of Summer
E - “Echoes” by Pink Floyd
U - “Underneath The Sycamore” by Death Cab for Cutie
N - “Nine In The Afternoon” by Panic! At The Disco
D - “Dog Days Are Over” by Florence + The Machine
S - “Streetlife Serenader” by Billy Joel
O - “O My Heart” by Mother Mother
R - “Radio” by Lana del Rey
G - “Georgia” by Vance Joy
F - “Fool” by BØRNS
A - “Alone Together” by Fall Out Boy
L - “Lookalike” by Conan Gray
T - “The Love Club” by Lorde
I - “In Cold Blood” by alt-J
G - “Ghosting” by Mother Mother
K - “Kissing in Cars” by Pierce The Veil
E - “Easy To Love” by Billie Holiday
I - “Idle Town” by Conan Gray
T - ­”The Night We Met” by Lord Huron
B - “Baby Came Home” by The Neighbourhood
E - “Edgar Allan Poe” by Lou Reed
S - “Santeria” by Sublime
C - “Changing My Major” from Fun Home
H - “Human” by The Killers
U - “Underwater Bride” by Passenger
T - “terrified” by isaac gracie
Z - “Zanzibar” by Billy Joel
E - “Electric Avenue” by Eddy Grant
N - “Nara” by alt- J
V - “Very Few Dancers” by Sons of an Illustrious
O - “One Hundred Sleepless Nights” by Pierc The Veil
R - “Ride” by Lana del Rey
A - “Ain’t No Rest For The Wicked” by Cage The Elephant
N - “North American Ride” by Mallory Merk
G “ Gods & Monsters” by Lana del Rey
R - “Ready To Go (Out Of My Mind)” by Panic! At The Disco
E - “Electric Blue” by Icehouse
I - “I Can’t  Believe You’re In Love With Me” by Billie Holiday
F - “Farmer Refuted” from Hamilton
E - “Eleven” by Taking Back Sunday
N - “Norgaard” by The Vaccines
D - “Dancing In The Moonlight” by King Harvest
U - “Unbelievers” by Vampire Weekend
R - “Run Joey Run” by David Geddes
C - “Cupid” by Ryan Beatty
H­ - “Helpless” from Hamilton
I - “In The Heights” from In The Heights
H - “Hood” by Perfume Genius
R - “Rare” by Waterparks
R - “Riptide” by Vance Joy
A - “America” by Imagine Dragons
U - “Underground” by Adam Lambert
B - “Babylon” by 5 Seconds of Summer
G - “God In Jeans” by Ryan Beatty
I - “Inútil” from In The Heights
E - “Embraceable You” by Billie Holiday
R - “Ride Like The Wind” by Christopher Cross
I - “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” by The Proclaimers
G - “Greek God” by Conan Gray
F - “Freeze Your Brain” from Heathers
E - “Enth E Nd” by Linkin Park
I - “Imagine” by John Lennon
N - “Narcolepsy” by Third Eye Blind
D - “December, 1963 (Oh What A Night!)” by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons
E - “Eva’s Final Broadcast” from Evita
W - “Washing Machine Heart” by Mitski
E - “Everybody Finds Out” by Fleetwood Mac
L - “Linger” by The Cranberries
C - “Caifornia” by Rufus Wainwright
H - “hollow crown” by isaac gracie
E - “Everybody Happy” by Queen
V - “Vienna” by Billy Joel
O - “Our Lawyers Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn’t Get Sued” by Fall Out Boy
R - “Rikki Don’t Lose That Number” by Steely Dan
A - “A Lack Of Color” by Death Cab for Cutie
L - “Lolita” by Lana del Rey
T - “Take Me To Church” by Hozier
E - “Everybody’s Girl” by Rick Springfield
R - “Rock’n Me” by Steve Miller Band
N - “Nearly Witches (Ever Since We Met…)” by Panic! At The Disco
Z - “Everything Happens To Me” by Billie Holiday
W - “What The Water Gave Me” by Florence + The Machine
O - “Over At The Frankenstein Place” from The Rocky Horror Picture Show
L - “Landfill” by Daughter
F - “First Date” by blink-182
H - “Hayloft” by Mother Mother
U - “Underneath” by Adam Lambert
N - “Nails For Breakfast, Tacks For Snacks” by Panic! At The Disco
D - “Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen
E - “Ever Since New York” by Harry Styles
R - “Rich Girl” by Hall & Oates
T - “Tusk” by Fleetwood Mac
T - “Toothpaste Kisses” by The Maccabees
A - “A Movie Script Ending” by Death Cab for Cutie
U - “Until The Night Turns” by Lord Huron
S - “Smoke Two Joints” by Sublime
E - “Every Breath You Take” by The Police
N - “Number Of The Beast” by Iron Maiden
D - “Daniel In The Den” by Bastille
J - “Jolene” by Dolly Parton
A - “A Diamond And A Tether” by Death Cab for Cutie (LOOOOVE this song)
H - “Hazey” by Glass animals
R - “Remembering Sunday” by All Time Low
E - “Everytime I Close My Eyes” by The Backstreet Boys
S - “Swimming Pool” by The Front Bottoms
V - “Virgin Veins” by Coma Cinema
O - “One Of These Nights” by The Eagles
R - “Run To The Hills” by Iron Maiden
A - “Angela” by The Lumineers
N - “Not Today” by Twenty One Pilots
D - “Dear Theoosia” from Hamilton
I - “In Bloom” by Neck Deep
E - “Everytime I Look For You” by blink-182
E - “Evil” by Interpol
R - “Runnin’” by Adam Lambert
S - “Swear To God, The Devil Made Me Do It” by The Front Bottoms
C - “Coconut Skins” by Damien Rice
H - “Hiding With Boys” by Creeper
E - “Evil Eyes” by Styx
I - “Information Travels Faster” by Death Cab for Cutie
N - “Nirvana” by Adam Lambert
E - “Excuses” by Alanis Morissette
N - “Nice Guys Finish Last” by Green Day
V - “Visiting” by Pinegrove
O - “Old Scars/Future Hearts” by All Time Low
N - “Night People” by You Me At Six
D - “Dancing Queen” by ABBA
E - “Exit Music (For A Film)” by Radiohead
R - “Roll Away Your Stone” by Mumford & Sons
E - “Exquisite Dead Guy” by They Might Be Giants
R - “Redundant” by Green Day
S - “Silver Soul” by Beach House
T - “Tiny Vessels” by Death Cab for Cutie
E - “Extraordinary Girl” by Green Day
E - “Eye Of The Tiger” by Survivor
R - “Reject” by Green Day
D - “Dammit” by blink-182
E - “Earth” by Sleeping At Last
M  - “Make You Feel My Love” by Adele
E - “Elvira” by The Oak Ridge Boys
N - “Nettles” by Arctic Monkeys
S - “St. Walker” by Young The Giant
C - “Cruel World” by Lana del Rey
H - “Holding On To You” by Twenty One Pilots
D - “Delta Dawn” by Tanya Tucker
E - “Electric Chapel” by Lady Gaga
R - “Restless Heart Syndrome” by Green Day
R - “Reckless” by You Me At Six
A - “Anna Molly” by Incubus
U - “Uptight” by Green Day
M - “Miami 2017 (I’ve Seen The Light Go Out On Broadway” by Billy Joel
S - “Swimming Field” by Memory Tapes
C - “Cherry Wine” by Hozier
H - “Hell Above” by Pierce The Veil
I - “I Believe” from Book Of Mormon
F - “Feel It Still” by Portugal. The Man
F - “Flaws” by Bastille
G - “Gold” by Sir Sly
E - “Evil in the Night” by Adam Lambert
N - “No Buses” by Arctic Monkeys
A - “Ana Ng” by They Might Be Giants
C - “Can I Stay” by Ray LaMontagne
H - “How To Be A Heartbreaker” by MARINA
T - “Thank U” by Alanis Morissette
M - “My Body” by Young The Giant
I - “I Miss You” by blink-182
T - “Toxic” by Britney Spears
T - “Two Coffins” by Against Me!
U - “Unison” by Pinegrove
N - “No Shows” by Gerard Way
G­ - “Ghost” by Sir Sly
S - “Super Trouper” by ABBA
T - “Thinkin’ Bout You” by Frank Ocean
E - “Electricity” by Arctic Monkeys
I - “I Got You Babe” by Bahamas
N - ‘empty” by Ray LaMontagne“National Anthem” by Lana del Rey
U - “Up The Wolves” by The Mountain Goats
N - “Nothing To Lose” by Billy Talent
D­ - “Down By The Water” by The Decemberists
S - “still feel.” by half•alive
I - “I’m Low On Gas And You Need A Jacket by Pierce The Veil
E - “Evil Twin” by Arctic Monkeys
B - “Brazil” by Declan McKenna
E - “Ephemeral Artery” by Neon Indian
N­ - “No Plan” by Hozier
I - “Immortals” by Fall Out Boy
R - “Room To Breathe” by You Me At Six
I - “It’s Time” by Imagine Dragons
D - “darkness of the day” by isaac gracie
I - “I Will Possess Your Heart” by Death Cab for Cutie
U - “Until I Am Whole” by The Mountain Goats
M - “Man” by BØRNS
E - “Empty” by Ray LaMontagne
L - “lovely (with Khalid)” by Billie Eilish
E - “Evergreen” by Cavetown
K - “Kelly Kapowski” by Moose Blood
T - “The Man” by The Killers
R - “Rock Is Dead” by Marilyn Manson
I - “I Do” by Kevin Abstract
S - “Songbird” by Fleetwood Mac
C - “Coney Island” by Death Cab for Cutie
H - “Heaven’s Gate” by Fall Oout Boy
M - “Mind Over Matter” by Young The Giant
O - “Over The Sun” by Tinpan Alley
T - “The Answer” by George Salazar
O - “Orange Crush” by R.E.M.
R - “R U Mine?” by Arctic Monkeys
S - “Seventeen Again” by Eurythmics
G - “Guns and Ships” from Hamilton
E - “Everything Is Temporary (Sticks And Stones)” by Cavetown
B - “Bethlehem” by Declan McKenna
R - “Red Right Hand” by Arctic Monkeys
A - “American” by Lana del Rey
U - “Untitled V.2″ by Cavetown
C - “Californication” by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
H - “Hang ‘Em High” by My Chemical Romance
L - “Lisa” by George Salazar
I - “Ingenue” by Death Cab for Cutie
C - “Clint Eastwood” by Gorillaz
H - “Homewrecker” by MARINA
T “that was then” by isaac gracie
A - “Always” by Panic! At The Disco
L - “Liability” by Lorde
S - “Satellite” by Guster
E - “Exhausted” by Chloe Moriondo
I - “Into The Cave We Wander” by Gerard Way
N - “Nobody” by Hozier
U - “UGH!” by The 1975
R­ - “Rust” by Clay Cages
S - “Smother” by Daughter
P - “Palisade” by Pinegrove
R - “Recycling” by Pinegrove
U - “Ultaviolence” by Lana del Rey
N - “No One’s Gonna Love You” by Band Of Horses
G - “Grace Kelly” by MIKA
V - “Ventura Highway” by America
O - “Out Of Control” by Hoobastank
N - “Not In That Way” by Sam Smith
K - “Kiss From A Rose” by Seal
R - “Rings” by Pinegrove
A - “American Idiot” by Green Day
F - “Funny You Should Ask” by The Front Bottoms
T - “This Is Why We Fight” by The Decemberists
G - “Geyser” by Mitski
E - 
S - “Snow (Hey Oh)” by Red Hot Chili Peppers
T - “the death of you & i” by isaac gracie
A - “Awkward Conversations” by The Front Bottoms
R - “Rut” by The Killers
T­ - “Tennessee” by P.S. Eliot
S - “Spaceman” by The Killers
E - 
I - “I Was A Kaleidoscope” by Death Cab for Cutie
N - “Narrow Your Eyes” by They Might Be Giants
L - “last words” by isaac gracie
A - “A Horse With No Name” by America
N - “New Friends” by Pinegrove
G - “Good Help (Is So Hard To Find)” by Death Cab for Cutie
E - 
F - “Flintridge” by Kevin Abstract
A - “Au Revoir (Adios)” by The Front Bottoms
H - “Heart To Hart” from 9 To 5
R - “Run And Tell That!” from Hairspray
T - “The Mighty Fall” by Fall Out Boy
H - “Hear Me” by Imagine Dragons
I - “I Was Once A Loyal Lover” by Death Cab for Cutie
N - “Nashville” by The Indigo Girls
Z - 
W - “Where Is My Mind?” by The Pixies
I - “Istanbul” by They Might Be Giants
S - “Satisfied” from Hamilton
C - “Cherry” by Moose Blood
H - “Hold On Till May” by Pierce The Veil
E - 
N - “Namesake” by Pinegrove
S - “Starry Starry Night” by Don McLean
T - “telescope” by isaac gracie
E - 
R - “Raining” by The Front Bottoms
N - “Nine To Five” from 9 to 5
A - “Aftershave Ocean” by The Vaccine
R - “Rhode Island” by Kevin Devine
T - “This Is What Makes Us Girls” by Lana del Rey
I - “I’m So Sorry” by Imagine Dragons
G­ - “Georgia” by Kevin Abstract
R - “Roses And Cigarettes” by Ray LaMontagne
A - “Aqualung” by Jethro Tull
U - “Under Presure” by Queen
M - “Modern Love” by David Bowie
A - “All Revved Up With Nowhere To Go” by Meat Loaf
U - “Undone - The Sweater Song” by Weezer
F - “Friendship” by Kevin Abstract
D - “Diet Mountain Dew” by Lana del Rey
E - 
R­ - “Road Trip” by Chloe Moriondo
S - “Sink My Ship” by Melacholily
U - “Unhappy Birthday” by The Smiths
C - “Cough Syrup” by Young The Giant
H - “Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now” by The Smiths
E - 
N - “Night Light” by The Mountain Goats
N - (Nice Dream) by Radiohead
A - “Another Night On Mars” by The Maine
C - “Carried Away” by Passion Pit
H - “Home Is A Fine” by Death Cab for Cutie
B - “Bruise” by Ryan Beatty
A - “Asleep” by The Smiths
R - “Radio Free Europe” by R.E.M.
S - “Stay Young, Go Dancing” by Death Cab for Cutie
C - “Corduroy Dreams” by Rex Orange County
H - “Ho Hey” by The Lumineers
A - “Alive” by Pearl Jam
F - “Fourth Of July” by Fall Out Boy
T - “The Other Woman” by Lana del Rey
D - “Dead!” by My Chemical Romance
E - 
R - “Rain” by MIKA
S - “Stay Together For The Kids” by blink-182
T - “Tattoo” by Kevin Abstract
E - 
R - “Rainbow” by Kesha
N - “Naked Sunday” by Stone Temple Pilots
W - “Waking The Witch” by Kate Bush
E - 
L - “Lost In The Light” by Bahamas
C - “California Dreamin’” by The Mamas and the Papas
H - “Heartlines” by Florence + The Machine
E - 
G - “Gone” by Tula Vera
E - 
H - “Homemade Dynamite” by Lorde
A - “Addict With A Pen” by Twenty One Pilots
B - “Blackbird” by The Beatles
T­ - “Tom Sawyer” by Rush
B - “Brothers On A Hotel Bed” by Death Cab for Cutie
E - 
W - “Whole Lotta Love” by Hozier
O - “One Song Glory” from Rent
H - “Heavy In Your Arms” by Florence + The Machine
N - “Need 2″ by Pinegrove
B - “Bridge Over Troubled Water” by Simon & Garfunkel
A - “Air Catcher” by Twenty One Pilots
R - “Rat A Tat” by Fall Out Boy
P - “Poacher’s Pride” by Nicole Dollanganger
L - “Lovesong” by The Cure
A - “A Loaded Smile” by Adam Lambert
N - “Narrow Escape” by Ray LaMontagne
E - 
T - “Technicolor Girls” by Death Cab for Cutie
E - 
N - “Natives” by blink-182
K - “Karma Chameleon” by Culture Club
R - “Re: Stacks” by Bon Iver
E - 
I - “Impossible Year” by Panic! At The Disco
S - “Shake It Out” by Florence + the Machine
E - 
D - “Dirty Summer” by Mother Falcon
R - “Read My Mind” by The Killers
E - 
H - “House Of Wolves” by My Chemical Romance
E - 
N - “Night Knuckles” by Cavetown
S - “St. Peter’s Cathedral” by Death Cab for Cutie
I - “I’m Going Home” from The Rocky Horror Picture Show
C - “Chiquitita” by ABBA
H - “Hardest Of Hearts” by Florence + The Machine
U - “Unknown Brothe” by The Black Keys
N - “Nostalgia In My BedRoom” by Cavetown
D - “Disasterology” by Pierce The Veil
W - “What Sarah Said” by Death Cab for Cutie
O - “Outlaws Of Love” by Adam Lambert
H - “Hey There Delilah” by The Plain White T’s
I - “I Can Make You A Man” from The Rocky Horror Picture Show
N­ - “Noise In My Head” by Cavetown
D - “Death Valley” by Fall Out Boy
E - 
R - “Rebel Rebel” by David Bowie
N - “Nature Boy” by Nat King Cole
E - 
U - “Until The Night” by Billy Joel
E - 
R - “Red Light Indicates Doors Are Secure” by Arctic Monkeys
A - “A Car, A Torch, A Death” by Twenty One Pilots
S - “Sweet Caroline” by Neil Diamond
S - “Strawberry Blond” by Miski
E - 
V - “Vital Signs” by Rush
O - “Ode To Sleep” by Twenty One Pilots
N - “Naughty Girl” by Beyonce
V - “Victorious” by Panic! At The Disco
E - 
R - “Reckless Serenade” by Arctic Monkeys
S - “Summer Shandy” by The Front Bottoms
T - “The Drug In Me Is You” by Falling In Reverse
A - “Aftermath” by Adam Lambert
N - “Neal Cassady Drops Dead” by Morrissey
D - “Doors Unlocked And Open” by Death Cab for Cutie
I - “I Don’t Care” by Fall Out Boy
G - “Give ‘Em Hell, Kid” by My Chemical Romance
M - “Mr. Brightside” by The Killers
E - 
N - “Neon Gravestones” by Twenty One Pilots
S - “Smile Like You Mean It” by The Killers
C - “Come Together” by The Beatles
H - “Hold No Guns” by Death Cab for Cute
L - “Learning” by Perfume Genius
I - “I Don’t Love You” by My Chemical Romance
C - “Cloudbusting” by Kae Bush
H - “Hot Patootie - Bless My Soul” from The Rocky Horror Picture Show
K - “Kids In America” by Kim Wilde
E - 
I - “If U Seek Amy” by Britney Spears
T - “Tangled In The Great Escape” by Pierce The Veil
K - “King And Lionheart” by Of Monsters And Men
O - “One For The Road” by Arctic Monkeys
N - “Never Enough” by The Cure
N - “Never Going Back Again” by Fleetwood Mac
T - “Teenagers” by My Chemical Romance
E­ - 
F - “Folkin’ Around” by Panic! At The Disco
O - “One Point Perspective” by Arctic Monkeys
R - “Red Tide” by Rush
T - “The Chain” by Fleetwood Mac
P - “Poor Boxer Shorts” by Mom Jeans.
F - “Famous Last Words” by My Chemical Romance
L - “Lone Digger” by Caravan Palace
A - “Awake My Soul” by Mumford & Sons
N - “Never Let Me Go” by Florence + The Machine
Z - 
E - 
N - “Never Had No One Ever” by The Smiths
U - “Untouched” by The Veronicas
N - “Never Too Late” by three Days Grace
D - “Dance, Dance” by Fall Out Boy
S - “Seven Devils” by Florence + The Machine
I - “I’d Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That)” by Meat Load
C - “Crush Culture” by Conan Gray
H - “Hurricane” by Panic! At The Disco
E - 
R - “Red, Red Wine” by UB40
F - “Friction” by Imagine Dragons
R - “Red Sector A” by Rush
E - 
U - “Unwritten” by Natasha Bedingfield
E - 
N - “Nobody” by Mitski
A - “All The Time” by Green Day
N - “Nobody Puts Baby In a Corner” by Fall Out Boy
L - "Loveryboy” by You Me At Six
E - 
B - “Burn” from Hamilton
E - 
N - “Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)” by My Chemical Romance
S - “Superposition” by Young The Giant
L - “Lies” by MARINA
A - “Are We The Waiting / St. Jimmy” by Green Day
N - “No One Does It Better” by You Me At Six
G - “Golden Days” by Panic! At The Disco
L - “Little Wanderer” by Death Cab for Cutie
I - “I Won’t Give Up” by Jason Mraz
C - “Candy Store” from Heathers
H - “Hum Hallelujah” by Fall Out Boy
R - “Reflektor” by Arcade Fire
E - 
U - “Up All Night” by blink-182
D - “Dammit Janet” from The Rocky Horror Picture Show
E - 
U - “Uptown Girl” by Billy Joel
N - “New American Classic” by Taking Back Sunday
D - “Death Of An Interior Decorator” by Death Cab for Cutie
R - Rehab” by Amy Winehouse
U - “Us And Them” by Pink Floyd
H - “Heaven Can Wait” by Meat Loaf
E - 
M - “Motorcycle” by The Front Bottoms
I - “I Have Friends In Holy Spaces” by Panic! At The Disco
T - “Twin Skeletons (Hotel In NYC)” by Fall Out Boy
N - “New York Mining Disaster 1941 (Have You Seen My Wife, Mr. Jones)” by The Bee Gees
I - “I See Love” by Passenger
C - “Cough It Out” by The Front Bottoms
H - “House Of Memories” by Panic! At The Disco
T - “Talking Bird (Demo)” by Death Cab for Cutie
E - 
I - “Interlude” by Melancholily
N - “Nico And The Niners” by Twnety One Pilots
F - “Fade Away” by Susan Sundfør
U - “Use Somebody” by Kings of Leon
R - “Religion” by Lana del Rey
C - “Cath…” by Death Cab for Cutie
H - “Hotel California” by The Eagles
T­ - “The Phoenix” by Fall Out Boy
V - “Vegas Lights” by Panic! At The Disco
O - “Only Ones Who Know” by Arctic Monkeys
R - “Rent” from Rent
A - “American Eulogy: Mass Hysteria / Modern World” by Green Day
N - “New York, New York” by Frank Sinatra
G - “Ginger” by The Front Bottoms
R - “Reptilia” by The Strokes
E -  
I - “I Write Sins Not Tragedies” by Panic! At The Disco
F - “Frankie Sinatra” by The Avalanches
E - 
N - “Night And Day” by Frank Sinatra
V - “Valentine’s Day” by Linkin Park
O - “Old Yellow Bricks” by Arctic Monkeys
R - “reverie” by isaac gracie
A - “American Sports” by Arctic Monkeys
N - “New Perspective” by Panic! At The Disco
D - “DESTROYA” by My Chemical Romance
E - 
R - “Rhiannon” by Fleetwood Mac
E - 
R - “Ribs” by Fleetwood Mac
I - “I Can’t Go For That (No Can Do)” by Hall & Oates
N - “Night at Lake Unknown” by Conor Oberst
T - “This Ain’t A Scene, It’s An arms Race” by Fall Out Boy
E - 
L - “Long Division” by Death Cab for Cutie
L - “Little Bribes” by Death Cab for Cutie
I - “Islands In The Stream” by Dolly Parton/Kenny Rogers
G - “Grapevine Fires” by Death Cab for Cutie
E - 
N - “Nirvana” by sam Smith
T - “The Sound Of Settling” by Death Cab for Cutie
G - “Golden” by Fall Out  Boy
E - 
S - “Someone To Watch Over Me” by Frank Sinatra
C - “Caraphernelia” by Pierce The Veil
H - “Heartache Tonight” by The Eagles
O - “Overtrown” by Pinegrove
P - “Plastic Flowers” by The Front Bottoms
F - “For Crying Out Loud” by Meat Loaf
S - “Sarah Smiles” by Panic! At The Discoo
V - “Venus” by Sleeping At Last
O - “Over My Head” by Fleetwood Mac
N - “No Cars Go” by Arcade Fire
H - “High Dive” by Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness
I - “I Wanna Get Better” by Bleachers
N - “No Peace”by by Sam Smith
Z -  “Zeroes” by David Bowie
W - “We Looked Like Giants” by Death Cab for Cutie
I - “Isle Of Flightless Birds” by Twenty One Pilots
S - “Spooky” by Classic IV
C - “Cemetery Drive” by My Chemical Romance
H - “Hey Julie” by Fountains Of Wayne
E - 
N - “No you Girls” by Franz Ferdinand
S - “Stop The World I Wanna Get Off With You” by Arctic Monkeys
T - “The Ghost Of You” by My Chemical Romance
E -
R - “Ring Of Fire” by Johnny Cash
N - “Northern Lights” by Death Cab for Cutie
A - “Anyways” by Arctic Monkeys
R - “Riot” by Three Days Grace
T - “The Secret Society” by Creeper
 I - “Imitation Of Life” by R.E.M.
G - “Girls / Girls / Boys” by Panic! At The Disco
R - “Rise” by Skillet
A - “A Happy Tune” by Melancholily
U - “Using” by Sorority Noise
M - “Maps” by The Front Bottoms
There are literally not enough songs in the known universe that begin with  ‘E’ or ‘Z’ to complete the name. I hate this man and his ridiculously long name, I hate this ask game, I hate you I hate myself. This took my three fucking days, I hate it.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Soulmate/Lovecraft au (part3?)
N/A: Now, I´ve so many ideas for this au…I´ll try to cram everything nicely. Terry does believe in faes and Kitty does not think is that far fetch.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
Terry Pryde is a woman that was told how dangerous faes can be, in fact, her own parents hammer how dangerous faes can be and Terry carries their beliefs and make sure Kitty knows how to fend against a fae. One day, after Kitty return from her museum trip, Kitty told about “Jennifer” and Terry reply with one word.
“ fea!” Terry knows Kitty´s soulmate is a shapeshifter and is linked to Egypt, and faes can live anywhere, but, are bound to the language of said place. “Maybe your soulmate is a neutral part of their clan if your soulmate was an enemy…Oh, Kitty” she hugs her only child tightly and even cries, Kitty is hugging her mother and promising no fae will catch her “Kitty, this is important, you must leave candy in the willow of our home and be polite always, I´m afraid this Jennifer may show up again, for that…you must be ready”
Kitty nods vigorously and promised to study hard to not fall for any fae´s tactics. Kitty was so busy talking with her mother, who is giving a special type of sugar, to notice how her shadow has eyes and a mouth and is looking at her.
Kitty is a grown up woman, sadly, still a petite, and is a famous X-men. Shadowcat has a good reputation under her belt with other groups of hero(even the Avengers) and with the public and she often is used as the speak-voice between public-mutant. Her fighting skills are good, but, the woman is more used to defences tactics than anything else.
Today, Storm received a call from an old friend, an enemy is attacking and Storm asked Kitty to join her in the mission, after all, is always good to have a good defence and a good attack. Sadly, the enemy proved to be more than Kitty was imaging.
“Shadow King!” Kitty speaks as the monster have infected Ororo and is now in her body, Ororo is always a beautiful woman, but, the shadow King manages to make her smile look ugly. Even her laughter is horrible, inhuman “You heard about me? I´m flatter, Oh, how cute and you plan to fight against me? I’ve got the body of Storm…would you dare to hurt you beloved friend?” and using Storm´s power a thunder fall nearby Kitty, who, by Shadow King´s surprise, didn´t flinch.
“Got to admit, you´ve courage, yet, that´s nothing little Kitten I´ll…” Whatever Shadow! Storm would say is cut short as something is amiss, no, a telltale is present…Kitty can feel, but, can´t see, oh, unlike Kitty, Shadow can see it.
Shadow! Storm is on her/his knee muttering in Egyptian(Kitty take classes) something about great one, pharaoh and forgive me. Kitty´s eyes look at what Shadow was looking, there´s nothing there(using only her eyes), yet, she can feel there´s something there. Something different.
The fae!. Kitty thought impressed. You have been following me still?
Shadow! Storm stops speaking as the thing makes the Shadow!Storm squirm in pain and Kitty screams for the fae to stop, and, to prove her point she throws salt at the “presence” and this stops the pain for shadow.
“Storm is my teacher, my friend and the leader of the X-men, please, don´t hurt her…cause if you do, I shall fight you” her hand has a blue glow, Wanda did believe in faes and saw no problem in teaching some spells and hexes against those creatures.
Shadow King is silent and looking at Kitty in horror. The presence is just…looking at Kitty(she can´t see IT, but can feel IT) and she adds “Make him leave Storm NOW” and to her surprise IT makes Shadow King leaves Storm(not in a painless way for the small deity) and Storm is heaving as she slowly comes to her right mind.
Kitty goes to Storm(feeling IT until IT is not there…for now) and the woman asked what´s wrong. “Kitten, I was fighting Sandra and then…I don´t recall what happened, what happened to me?” and Kitty won´t lie “a deity called Shadow King possessed your body, but, it leaves you” Storm thanks Kitty and the woman shakes her head “No, it was my fae who help you”
Ororo thought for a moment, she too have meet faes and vampires in her youth, but, something is not right. “I know Shadow King, a deity that possessed minds and bodies, but, how come a fae can get rid of him?”
“Well, I´ve no clue, maybe, Shadow King is more talk than action? Let´s be honest, it wouldn´t be the first time” Kitty offers an explanation and Ororo agrees and both discuss what happened to the people in this city.
They are all safe and that´s what matters. Kitty thought.
Fighting Apocalypse is going to prove to be a major challenge. Scott and Logan were defeated easily and that´s not a good signal, Storm uses her powers and it was enough to retreat and think on a new plan, right now, all the X-men wonder on their next step.
Well, they won´t have to think too much as Apocalypse found out their spot and is ready to fight, except, he notices Kitty and bowls to her much to everyone surprise. Scott and Logan, in a rare moment of friendship, crack a joke if Apocalypse is her soulmate.
Apocalypse has now shapeshifting abilities and is from Egypt. The mutant goes to Kitty and shows respect as if she´s the goodness. “Miss Pryde is an honour meet you, a great honour, your command is my wish, Miss Pryde” and Kitty got an extremely pale thinking if he´s her soulmate(well, he did beat up Piotr when he was trying to force Kitty into a relationship in the middle of a battle so he has one good point)
“Raise, Apocalypse, I’ve got a question to you” Kitty speaks playing with the solemn tone he is using with her “Are you my soulmate?” Kitty asked and Logan and Scott did throw some comments about that(Ororo is trying to be supportive in the case is the truth, but, she´s not doing a good job)
“Miss Pryde, I’m flattered you think I´m worth your time, but, no, I´m now IT, I´m not the worthy one, I shall not lie to you, Miss Pryde, ask me anything else, Miss Pryde” Apocalypse required and Kitty then sighs and speaks “could you please go back to your coffin and not start the apocalypse?”
“If is what you desire” Apocalypse then rose from the ground and is walking to his coffin in his pyramid without making a fuss and as soon he enters…the pyramid is gone. Scott asked one thing that every X-men was thinking “What the hell? Kitty, who is your soulmate?”
“Scott, I have no clue!”
Morph joins the X-men by accident, the man just return from Egypt and an excellent shapeshift that manages to save Wolverine and earn his trust and a spot on the team, in fact, his talents as shapeshift are so good that people forget he has a real name(maybe he prefers to use his mutant´s name more)
Kitty finds out he´s from Egypt and is a shapeshifter and she can put all that insanity behind as she goes to Morph to a mission in Germany, Jaime Braddock asked for a favour and the X-men always pay back their debts(such a Lannister thing to think)
“So, pretty Kitty” Morph speaks playfully “how come a pretty woman like you haven´t met your soulmate yet?” Kitty´s is fidgeting with her curly locks and forced a smile(as natural as no one can notice the difference, Kitty is a real good actress) and answers “Well, my soulmate is a shapeshifter and from Egypt”
Morph smiles and comes closer to Kitty, too close(wasn´t the whole thing of soulmates to give a sense of security?) and speaks rather amused “I´m a shapeshifter and I´m from Egypt, well, I was born in the US, but, I spend my whole life in Cairo” Morph explained and certainly Morph isn´t opposed to a kiss.
Well, her fae is. As the fae shows a more “visibly” look that certainly breaks the mood. A monstrosity of tentacles with one red eye and one gold. It was too fast and before Kitty could make sense of what´s going on the creature is using IT´s tentacle to take Kitty out of the way as Morph is absorbed by the creature.
No, he´s being eaten. Kitty inwardly scream. Please, don´t eat him. Don´t kill him.
Why not? Someone replies bemused. He´s not your soulmate, Katzchen, and not a real Egyptian.
Please! She tries again and to her surprise, the thing seems to agree.
Ok. I won´t kill him as you agree he´s not your soulmate. The thing replies and in a blink of eye Morph is gone, no blood, no bone, no tentacles or shadows are present, except, Kitty´s who are showing the monstrosity of earlier.
The X-men arrives and when asked about Morph…Kitty told what happened. Meanwhile, Dr Sinister gets a new rat for his experiments.
Kitty Pryde is a grown up. A beautiful woman who enjoys robotic enjoys talk about politic, enjoy talk about her career and her future and loves to talk about magic(a bonding moment among Wanda, Magik and Kitty)
Kitty Pryde is brushing her hair gently, internally, thinking maybe she could cut her hair a little, when she put the brush down and realizes something. “This is not real!” she speaks as now her room changes into something different.
Beautiful and haunting at the same time. “Where Am I?” Kitty still has her magic and she believes her fae has decided to kill her or kidnap or both. A man with a blue fur, golden eyes and a white tuxedo comes out of the shadow with a malicious smile. “Fae, where am I?” she tries again.
The man chuckles amused. “Oh my, you still think I´m a fae? You dear, mein Katzchen, I´m worse than a fae” his smile is far too wild and full of teeth, Kitty is not showing fear, funny, she feels safe with him…even if is against logic.
“What do you want non-fae?” Her glowing hand is still aiming at him, not that the non-fae is caring, in fact, he´s even more amused.
“To see you, well, I´m ALWAYS watching you. Tonight, I think I got tired to just watch, Katzchen, oh, my manners, come sit” he gestures and a table just like her mother used to make when Kitty was little materialized for her with all her favourite sweets. “You often feed me those candies…I enjoy, while, I admit I prefer more meat, still, it was sweet”
Kitty didn´t say anything as the non-fae is eating a hand…yet, she´s not scared.  “What do you want?” speaks in a straightforward fashion and IT smiles. “To speak with you and said…I´m not a fae, no, Katzchen, I´m far above, think about the elder gods” this was enough to make her clap her mouth in horror and the non-fae found that extremely cute, to the point he uses those words exactly, “and I´m your soulmate. Hi, my name is Nyarlathotep, but you can call me Kurt Wagner or Nightcrawler if you prefer, and now we´ll spend more time together”
Kitty blinked at that and looks at the deity. “It was you all along? The Jennifer and Billie Jean?” Kurt nods amused and Kitty is peeved “I want to say many things here, but, you have the elder god card…so, I can only say this: NOT COOL, DUDE, NOT COOL” and she wakes up leaving Kurt behind.
Or so she thought as Kurt Wagner is knocking on her door with an arrogant smile “Katzchen, I was serious. We´ll be together forever now”
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glapplebloom · 6 years
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About time I finish what I started.
Before we get to the top 10, since this season has 25 episodes, let me sum up the ones not in my top 10.
Greninja VS Espio - That Greninja sprite just looks ugly. Makes me wish there were better ones out there.
Kratos VS Dante - Loved that they used the MUGEN Kratos, but the match up didn’t thrill me.
Iornman Vs Mega Man X - It is a great way to start the new season. But other matches topped it.
Broly VS Doomsday - This is what it looks like when Doomsday skips leg day. Other then that, two over hyped guys fighting each other. But thank Dawn of Justice it was Doomsday Vs Hulk. I would hate the idea of Broly getting a win before Goku if Broly replaced Doomsday in more ways than one.
Ken VS Blaziken - Its my Street Fighter love that keeps this low. Otherwise, great fight and excellent use of those Wild Type Blaziken sprites.
Sasuke VS Killua - If I knew more about Hunter X Hunter, this would probably be higher.
Noctis VS 2B - About time someone used those FF:BE sprites. They look so good! Shame I have no clue who either of these two are.
Goku Black VS Black Adam - A fun way to end the season. Would like to see in a real DB.
Link VS Meta Knight - I was rooting for ya Link. But sadly, Meta got the win.
Guile VS Paul Phoenix - Oh, this was just too funny! Would have been the funniest if it wasn’t for others.
Cloud VS Guts - Excellent choice of Cloud Sprites. Was rooting for Guts but it does show Cloud would look good in 2D.
Aigis VS Noel Vermillion - Another case of having no clue who these two are, but it was animated beautifully.
Iron Fist VS Akuma - I love the idea of Akuma going all the way to New York just to beat him up because of the Netflix series. And I haven’t even seen it yet.
Blue MaryWii Fit Trainer VS Dhalsim - Outside the recolor, this was a surprisingly fun fight. Would love to see Dhalsim in a DB as long as this guy is animating it.
Captain Falcon VS Viewtiful Joe - This is just fun animated. Would love to see these two again in another DBX.
And now to my top 10.
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#10 - Alucard VS Dimitri
The only issue I have with this fight is that, despite how beautiful the Castlevania sprites usually are, comparing them to SNK’s take on the Darkstalker’s Vampire is just hard to see. But the animation is beautiful, the fight was thematically perfect and that ending! I so want a Castlevania Rep in a Death Battle!
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#9 - Magneto VS Darth Vader
Magneto is another fighter I would love to see in a Death Battle and this is a teasing taste of him in action. Also a 3D animated fight not by Torrian. I have to say, the person did an excellent job. I would love to see him do a DB. But as is, this was a great fight and shows how skilled these two are.
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#8 - Zero VS Strider
I love the choice of the Project X Zone sprites being used here. It makes the two look more interactible than having clashing styles. The fight was animated beautifully and showcased what the two are capable of.
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#7 - Mario VS Luigi
A friendly tennis game turns into violence while the villains try to celebrate a Birthday. This was just funny. And its nice to see my favorite Nintendo Villain get the win.
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#6 - Raphael VS Wolverine
This is what I would call a Roller coaster ride of a fight. It may seem short when you’re looking at it from the outside but when you actually experience it its amazing. Its like a three minute fight packed into one. And excellent use of the rarely used GBA sprites. They may not be as pretty as the Capcom Fighters, they still got plenty of moves.
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#5 - Samus VS Master Chief
My only complaint is Chief’s sprites being MMZ Edits. Which really doesn’t look as impressive as the Super Smash Flash sprites of Samus. Other then that, this was an amazing battle. Of all the DBX fights to be an official one, this one tops the list. And the first Lose of the Halo series too.
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#4 - Genji VS Raiden
Did you know Metal Gear is undefeated? Three matches they were featured in and they won them all. I think the only other series with that claim is SNK’s Fatal Furies of Mai and Terry. But once again, awesome job on this 3D Animation.
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#3 - Kenshin VS Zoro
This one was just beautiful. The camera work seeing them go all over the place and that final clash. I dare say it was one of the best looking DBXs.
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#2 - Mega Man VS Bomberman
Funniest DBX of the season has to be this match. Seeing Mega panicking to the bombardment of Bomberman was just hilarious. And his method of escape was frikkin funny.
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#1 - Vegeta VS Zod
Forget Ultra Instinct, the real ultimate power in Dragon Ball is Fighting for Pride. As seen in Dragon Ball Super, that pride of Vegeta is more powerful than a God of Destruction Replacement. And in this case, more powerful than a Kryptonian. The voice acting, the story, and that final scene all wrapped around awesome animation. It shows why Vegeta is just sometimes more of an interesting character than Goku.
And that’s my Top 10. What are your Top 10 of DBX?
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