#unnnamed character
strunmah-mah · 3 months
Touchstarved Characters as DnD Classes
Given the existence of Ocudeus and Ais's relationship with it, Ais is an easy choice for a warlock, a person who gets their powers from a patron entity. My choice would either be The Great Old One, or The Fathomless. The both have those eldritch vibes but with slightly different emphasis. The Fathomless buts a strong emphasis on the oceanic tentacle monster, while The Great Old One has some tentacle imagery but focuses far more on the effects Eldritch beings have on the mind. Which one you think suits him more comes down to personal preference I think.
Given that magic for humans seems to largely be a learned skill, and stuff devs have said about Leander coming from a more more formal background giving him access to a proper education, Leander would 100% be a wizard. With as little information as we have about him exactly which school might be harder to pin down, but for the purpose of this I'm going School of Illusion. I think it works both as a fun reference to the first spell we ever see him cast (the illucitory lily) and a sort of foreshadowing of him duplicitous nature.
As an angel, Kuras's divine power is innate to him in a way that I think the Divine Soul Sorcerer would be best at replicating. Not really sure what else to add, this might be an even easier pick than Ais as a Warlock.
Vere is interesting. Given our first impression is that of a snarling shadow beast in the corner of out vision, part of me is inclined towards Shadow Magic Sorcerer. His power seems to be innate to him and I think the Hound of Ill Omen ability synergizes well with Vere's status as the Senobium's hunting dog. HOWEVER, the devs recently dropped the extra bit of lore implying that Vere used to be worshiped as a god, which does make an interesting argument for casting him as a cleric. I don't think most cleric abilities mesh as well with Vere's in game abilities, but thematically the Ambition Domain meshes well with his personality.
Mhin is the one I'm least confident on. Their attempt to sneak into the Senobium speaks to them being a Rogue, The revelation that they're regular collecting bounties from soulless hunting points them to being a Ranger, and the Alchemist's observation that their a scientist suggests that when the full games drops they might be something of an Artificer, or depending on your tolerance for psuedo canon, maybe a Blood Hunter? IDK, I'm a little bit at a loss of what to do with this guy.
Bonus the Origins
Now given that all Origins more or less have the same skill set with some flavor difference All of them could easily be Aberrant Mind Sorcerers and be done with it. Their power is innate to them, and that power is power over the minds of others. It's a good solid choice, but if you wanted to give the Origins more influence over their skills sets below would be my choices
The Unnamed
Raised at a temple as an oracle? The Unnnamed is a Cleric. Given that it was thought their ability could create a groupmind the Solidarity or Zeal Domains could be an interesting choice, That the people under their influence are so violent could be an argument for the War Domain, or that everyone was so mislead as to what your ability is could be an argument for Trickery Domain. Ultimately as a self insert the Unnamed's background is fluid and any choice is valid, but thematically I think I think those four could all work really well. TBH I really wish there was a Madness Domain or something so you could channel that Dionysus Maenadic energy, I think that'd work really well, but homebrew is not my area.
The Alchemist
This Origin knows magic, magic is a learned skill for humans, The Alchemist is a Wizard, maybe an Artificer. Again, self insert, either choice is valid. If you go Wizard I think School of Enchantment could be a good choice, would tie into their powers a bit better then some of the other options. If you go Artificier there is an Alchemist subclass, it's a match made in heaven
The Hound
The Hound has a very specific archetype built into it and that is the Rogue: Thief. They're a street kid who survived by stealing. I don't know if there's another choice that could work for this Origin even half as well. works for this
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cptn-m · 3 months
One Piece chapter 1109 review
Ten minutes? Boo. BOOOOOOO! What a tease. That's, what, 4 chapters of Dressrosa time? 18 chapters of Namek time? Fine. It's fine.
But to get more serious, this is Egghead going full circle. First we were set up to expect a defensive siege of the main lab, then it evolved into an escape sequence, and now for the final leg, we're being set up to defend again. And with this being the ninth chapter of volume 109, the time for a climactic end-of-book cliffhanger is coming up, as early as the next chapter (but realistically on the eleventh or twelfth because there have been a few shorter chapters in this run) maybe we see this wrap up, or at least get ready to wrap up relatively soon.
This is a very transitional chapter. Transitioning into a new cover story (I think Momo moved Onigashima; outside of another Oars having shown up there, nothing else realistic), transitioning through the setup phase for receiving Vegapunk's info, transitioning to the real final set piece. Seeing new characters return in great numbers like this is always good fanservice, but cameos alone aren't a lot to analyse. The acknowledgement of time zones in the Water Seven bit is cool. I know Oda isn't super invested in this kind of thing for his worldbuilding, so I'm not going to waste my time trying to work out if this is an accurate depiction or not.
Haha yeah okay of course I am.
A thoroughly pointless analysis of One Piece timezones
First, we need to all get on the same page about the orientation of the globe. It's a myth with a frustrating amount of staying power that the Grand Line runs along the equator, but this is not actually the case. All evidence in the manga points to the Grand Line and the Red Line forming an X shape across the globe. The first explanation of the Grand Line in chapter 22 comes with a handy compass rose for orientation, and the image of the globe on the following page depicts them as diagonals. The special recap at the end of volume 81 reiterates this image of the globe, and puts Reverse Mountain on the "front" of the planet. Finally, the compass directions offered when the Supernova captains are planning how to leave Wano also place the Grand Line on an angle. This is our canon orientation.
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Yes, this means that if you were standing on Marie Geoise, the seat of the rulers of the world, you would have to look west to see the East Blue and look east to survey West Blue. That's kinda silly. Maybe the names of the seas predate the World Government making that their perch.
In the latest chapter, we're shown broadly the time at a few key, identifiable locations. It is, of course, daytime on Egghead. It is explicitly nighttime at Water Seven. Windmill Village, in the East Blue, and Dressrosa have light skies, suggesting day; meanwhile Kamabakka, Marie Geoise and an unnnamed West Blue location all have shaded skies, suggesting nighttime. North and South Blue are both shown with light skies, but their locations on the planet make it almost impossible for it not to be day somewhere in them, so without more data like proximity to the Red Line, the Grand Line or the poles, they can't add anything to this analysis.
First, we have to work out where these locations are on the map. While it's tempting to place Egghead on the globe's front face, in the second half of the New World, for Law's statement in chapter 1056 about northeast being the furthest forward move to be true, this means that Wano, and by extension Egghead (directly southeast of it) have to be on the rear side, in the first half of the New World.
Dressrosa is before Egghead in the New World, easy win.
Water Seven doesn't offer anything as explicit as that for its placement, but for it to be the island that connects to Fishman Island, under Marie Geoise, via Log Pose, you have to assume it's in the second half of Paradise, also on the rear side of the globe.
Kamabakka is only a few days' sail from Lulusia, which was selected by Imu to test the Mother Flame because it was "close" to his location, so the easiest extrapolation is that it too is in the second half of Paradise.
For both Windmill Village and the unnamed West Blue location, it's impossible to tell if they're on the front or rear hemispheres of the world, but I've placed them both on the front because the map was going to get crowded otherwise.
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For the sake of simplicity, we're going to assume that daylight moves east to west over the planet, just like the real world. We're also going to ignore things like curvature and axial tilt because they get complicated, harder to work into the graphics, and probably wouldn't have that much of an impact on the result anyway. The proportions of my day/night/dawn/dusk segments are not exact; I just eyeballed them. Excuse the roughness of the graphics.
So, can we make the day and night times shown in the latest chapter's panels work?
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Unfortunately, no, we cannot. If it's morning on Egghead it can be dawn on Dressrosa, just before dawn at Marie Geoise and late at night in the second half of Paradise for Water Seven and Kamabakka, there's no way it makes sense for it to be day in the East Blue and night in the West Blue. Oof, we were so close. But Oda's time zones are busted.
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The conclusion here is that this stuff doesn't really matter that much. Like travel times, the phases of the moon and the exact day and date the story is taking place, Oda may occasionally make a throwaway reference to these things, but he's also known to forget them and totally happy to fudge them for the sake of the story. I enjoy the mental puzzle of working out details like these and running through the implications, but I don't think they offer any genuine insight into how One Piece has been plotted or where it's going.
Getting back to the chapter at hand though, the bit of action with Luffy is very fun. I enjoyed Borsalino's laser eyes and the big clap attack. Saturn being able to fly around like a frizbee with all his legs out has a familiar vibe to the ancient dinosaur hunting techniques from Onigashima. And on Saturn's abilities, the telepathy between him and the other Elders is very interesting and definitely builds the case that whatever they have going on is beyond just Devil Fruits. As, of course, does the summoning. I'd be curious to see what kind of limits are placed on this to keep them from just showing up at Revolutionary HQ or something. Saturn rode with the Marine fleet until he was close, so maybe there's a proximity limit on unfamiliar areas, but once one is there, he can summon the others to his location from anywhere in the world.
The summoning spread is an awesome page for sure, but in the vein of last week's complaints about characters disappearing and inconsistent staging, it feels like a huge empty space has manifested to fit it in. Egghead's buildings felt a lot closer together than this in previous backgrounds, even accounting for how destroyed they are.
This was something the Onigashima anime (the bits of it I saw anyway) was really bad about. One minute the roof area is an enclosed arena, the next there's an expasive k or two of the pillars around the outside because it's a cool shot for a character sent flying to bust through them one after the other. Establishing shot puts Zoro and King on the crumbling, shrinking outer edge. But in the sakuga cut it grows a mile of extra turf for Zoro to sprint and leap through while flaming dragons tear up everything around him. Cool moments are cool, but I don't like seeing the established setting being compromised to make space for them.
I feel like I've been harsher on paper than I actually feel for this one. Transitions can be a let down, and are definitely hard to write about, but they don't mean the stuff I'm excited for isn't coming. I can wait a week or two for the payoff, after all the years of following this story, that much more isn't a huge deal.
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m-ziliak · 2 years
yep exactly, seems like the HQ showrunners wanted to have an mlm couple in the show and just went with the first two characters that came to mind prior interactions be damned
I'll have to watch, but in general I don't mind. I mean, it's probably better than the half-assed romances they stuck him with in the comics. Better than some random unnnamed woman he stalks or Batgirl who's like a decade his junior...
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angel-archivist · 2 years
Helen’s whole story is about livign in the past and letting the past control your future decisions, trapped in this cycle where your view of reality has been tinted by nostalgia and yearning to go back to a place, living in a purgatory on earth
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gaysjureido · 4 years
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i fell down another hyperfixation rabbit hole recently, and these two are the ones my brain has latched on to lmfao. par for the course that i latch onto at least one character who is extremely extremely minor
anyway, they are Molly and Eddie from the Tunnels series :^)
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soranis-sunshadow · 2 years
I always have loved the idea that during season 3, not once did Hordak ever question the fact that one of his robots was now being called Emily. Like at all
He was accustomed to the idea that these whacky Etherians have a tendency to Name unnnamed things *cough*
But seriously! On some level, I think Entrapta's treatment of Emily reassured him that she was "safe" to interact with. The way she treated that mass produced, nameless drone was a credit to her character.
He respected her from the start because of her intelligence but... he started trusting her along the way because of her compassion.
We never see him drop his guard with Shadow Weaver or Catra.
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thefakerachelray · 2 years
Clickbait articles on Facebook: the next marvel movie CONFIRMED? 😱 one returning character will shock you!
The article: well we heard from an unnamed source who heard from another unnnamed source that this movie might be happening at some time in the future. Fans have gotten really convinced this character is coming back but we have no proof of that.
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gold-daegu · 2 years
I wish you'd make your characters believable. The mafia fic is about this seoul syndicate but the characters are jason and Jonathan
i started this story forever ago, but if i were to change the names of the characters, would that make them anymore believable?
also the two characters mentioned in the ask moved to seoul from an unnnamed area. I never specified where but i mean, if changing the names makes a difference then welp.
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25th annual Putnam county spelling bee for the ask meme!
The first character I first fell in love with: panch! what a stupid bastard I love him so much
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: I really really like rona! she seems one-dimensional at first but there are so many little nods to different parts of her life in the script!
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: chip is good but. not that great
The character I love that everyone else hates:  PANCH
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: idk man I still like him but I used to be a bigger leaf fan
The character I would totally smooch: 
rona lisa peretti
The character I’d want to be like: to be honest everyone in this show is horribly dysfunctional but if I had to pick, mitch. he’s so chill and caring despite being like. literally on parole. man was probably stealing food for orphans or something
The character I’d slap: panch,, I fucking hate him
A pairing that I love: rona and the unnnamed cashew farmer! I see bill finn over here not specifying pronouns,,,, she’s gay. also love to see rona exploring the world instead of sticking in the small town she clearly isn’t very happy with :)
A pairing that I despise: uhhhhhh shit uh? idk man I don’t really despise anything,,, I guess panch and rona because let’s be real she’s a lesbian and even if she weren’t doug would absolutely never get the girl
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6 & 12 for the writer ask? (-:
😭 thank you!
6. favorite character you’ve written? oh man. hm. original characters, it’s definitely phee; she’s in my novel, i don’t have much info up on this blog about it but she’s very bubbly but also feral and i love her. fanfic-wise it’s really hard to say; there’s so many in each fandom. right now, i really love writing jaskier. aiden is a close second for the witcher.
12. which of your stories do you like best? why? of my original stories, honestly, the unnnamed and half-planned fantasy novel involving a trans prince and a travelling band of rebels. of my fanfics...mm. i’m frankly super fond of the f&p verse, because holy shit nearly 80k spilled out of me in two months, and there’s more coming!!!
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jocat-draws · 6 years
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unnnamed half-elf character - Moon of the Moonkite Circus Caravan
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buttdawg · 4 years
FTR vs. The Initiative (Brandon Cutler & Peter Avalon)
Pineapple Pete & Michael Nakazawa vs. Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss
Abadon vs. Skyler Moore
Will Hobbs & Shawn Dean vs. Dark Order (Stu Grayson & Evil Uno)
Corey Hollis vs. Scorpio Sky
Kenzie Paige vs. Penelope Ford
Aaron Solow vs. Wardlow
Best Friends vs. Dark Order (Alex Reynolds & John Silver)
Lance Archer vs. Frankie Thomas
Orange Cassidy vs. Serpentico
Fuego Del Sol vs. Sammy Guevara
SCU vs. Private Party vs. Santana & Ortiz
I’m watching this one right now, so I might as well throw in some liveblog commentary.
--This episode marks the beginning of the Cutler/Avalon team using the name “The Initiative”.   The implication is that they’re finally getting comfortable working as a unit.
I don’t really get FTR’s “Follow The Rules” gimmick.    This match is a good example, because they nag Aubrey Edwards about enforcing proper tag rules, but then they tried to do a hand-to-boot tag themselves during their match on this show.    And then they win using a spiked piledriver, which used to be illegal in 1989, so it seems weird that these “Old School” traditionalists would adopt it as a finisher.    Or maybe it’s supposed to be ironic, I don’t know.   They’re a great team, I’ve always thought so, but I keep losing the plot with them.
--Sonny and Joey have a new remix entrance theme.   Not sure how I feel about the music, but I like it when teams enter together.
I guess Pineapple Pete is into baby oil like Nakazawa now?  This match sees Pete oil up Naka’s back and then slide across him to spear Sonny in the corner, using Naka’s back like a homoerotic slip’n’slide.
Pete just tagged Joey even though they’re on opposite teams?   Was Pete mocking them, or did Joey think that was Sonny’s arm because they were all locked up in a hold?    Or did Pete think he was in his own corner?    So many questions.
Joey and Pete sell Naka’s thong claw like a champ.    I feel kind of bad for Sonny having to deal with all these goofballs, but he looked good out here.
--They talk a lot about how green the AEW Women’s roster is, and I’m not disputing that, though I can’t tell which women are experienced and which ones aren’t.   Nevertheless, they’ve got a lot of strong characters in this division, and I think that’s something women’s wrestling usually lacks.   Abadon is a prime example.    Maybe she’s a total rookie, but she looks so horriffic that it doesn’t matter.   She’s like Bray Wyatt but actually scary.
And then you’ve got Britt Baker’s dentist/role model thing, Kris Statlander’s alien gimmick, Rayche Chanel’s “what have I stumbled into?” character, Leva Bates, and so on.   That’s the cure for a roster with limited experience.    They need to repackage Skyler Moore as some sort of truck driver or a witch or something.
--Promo package for Shawn Spears here.   I saw this on Twitter, and it made no sense to me, because he didn’t explain what the glove does.    Basically, Shawn lost on PPV to Dustin Rhodes, and Tully Blanchard chewed him out on Dynamite, and then he gave him a black glove like it was the key to furthering his career.    
Now that I’ve watched all these Dark episodes, I finally see what’s going on here.   The glove isn’t loaded.   There’s nothing special about it, and they even have the refs make a big deal out of checking it before the bell.   But then Tully will pass a metal slug to Shawn during the match, and then he’ll load the glove.  
And this is great, because it justifies Tully’s presence (the glove only works as a cheat if Shawn has someone to smuggle the slug to him.), and it gives Shawn a winning record.   My beef with the “Search for Spears” angle was that Tully kept putting him in tag matches to audition potential partners, and they never won.   The implication was that Shawn Spears sucks and the only possible way to fix him is to pair him up with a better performer who can carry him through a tag match, except there isn’t one.
But the glove works, because it really is a coaching tool.    Sometimes, Tully doesn’t even give Shawn the slug until after the match is over, because Shawn doesn’t always need it.    So it’s not just a cheat.   It’s a secret weapon if Shawn needs it, but it’s also a confidence builder.   As long as Shawn is wearing the glove, he knows he can use the slug if things go poorly, but he also feels motivated to do his best without the slug.  
My only complaint is that they introduced the glove on Dynamite, but only explained how it works on Dark.   But now that I’m caught up, it doesn’t bother me as much.
--Not much to say about these Dark Order matches.  I looked them up the other day because I wanted to make sense of their numbering system, but as far as I can tell they never used 6 or 7, and you never see 8 or 9 anymore.   Maybe the unnnamed “spokesman” guy is 6 and Brodie Lee is 7?   I thought the whole point of Brodie Lee was that he was the Exalted One, but they have Evil Uno, so that’s shot to hell.   Is Brodie #0?   Is he unnumbered because he’s in charge?    Does Anna Jay get a number?   Does Colt?  
--It’s weird to watch Scorpio Sky’s winning streak on Dark, because I watched his TNT title match with Cody first, and I think that was supposed to be the payoff of this story.   But I sort of hope this keeps going.   Sky might as well keep doing singles matches, keep racking up wins, and take another crack at the AEW World title.    While he was fighting Cody, the announce team talked about him becoming the first Black AEW World Champion someday, and it got me thinking about how he could very easily become TNT Champ someday, and I think the World title’s only a few years away at most.    Really, the conversation should be about Scorp becoming the first AEW Triple Crown winner.   
In terms of Black firsts, would he be the first African American Triple Crown winner?   Nah, Booker T pulled that off in WCW, right?  I’m not even sure he was the first to do that, but I’d have to look it up.   Anyway, Sky looks like a guy who could win all the singles belts, and he’s already done the tag title, so he’s got a leg up over just about everybody. 
-Dig the psychology of Penelope Ford locking in a camel clutch and (illegally) hooking her fingers into Kenzie Page’s face, then turning Kenzie’s face from side to side to hide her fingers from the referee.   Nice stuff.
-Aaron Solow kind of looks like Kirk Hammet from Metallica.  Wardlow wins by KO, then keeps attacking Solow after the bell, and I feel like they really need to bring back the thing where the ref will reverse the decision to punish the heel for excessive brutality.   It didn’t get a lot of use in early 90′s WWF, but it was pretty cool when it happened.
-I really want to see Lance Archer mow down a whole squad of Dark Order guys.    That’d be pretty sweet.
Holy shit they didn’t cut off Lance’s theme song during his entrance!    First time for everything.
Taz asks on commentary how Jake can control Lance Archer, because he thinks he needs pointers on how to control Brian Cage.   Taz, Jake’s just some guy Lance Archer lets follow him around.    He’s gonna beat the shit out of Jake too; he’s just saving Jake for later.
-A lot has been made on Dark about Serpentico’s streamers.   I dig them, but I don’t know what more there is to be said.   I’m more interested in the weird protrusion from his luchadore mask.
-I dig the laid back commentary from Excalibur and Taz, including where they try to figure out what to call Penelope Ford’s leather garter (thighlet?) and whether or not “smooth as ice” would be a good figure of speech.  
-I’ve seen Sammy Guevara’s GTH a few times, and I can’t really tell if it’s anything other than a GTS.   Well, he carries the guy face-up on his shoulders, and I think the GTS starts out with the guy lying face-down on the shoulders, so maybe that’s the difference? 
-Private Party and Matt Hardy do a promo before their match.    The problem I’ve got with Matt is that he announced that he was dropping all of his characters, but I can’t tell the fucking difference.   I think he was doing a bit as “Big Money Matt”, which I vaguely remember from a run he had in ROH?   I never saw it, though.    But it doesn’t sound that much different from all the other Matts, including default Matt.   Also, he went nuts on the last episode of Dynamite, attacking a guy he thought was Sammy Guevara when he actually wasn’t.    So is that him going nuts and descending back into his Broken gimmick, or is Normal Matt just going normal nuts?    I sort of don’t care enough, is the problem.
-I like this triple-threat tag match, as it features the three teams that sort of got overlooked in this whole Young Bucks/FTR/OmegaPage thing.   Those three teams have been circling around this “who’s the best?” business, but I think Private Party, SCU, and Santana/Ortiz have plenty of business in that conversation.    Oh, and the Lucha Brothers, but yeah, there’s an embarassment of riches in this tag division.
-And of course PNP wins, because they’re THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE--!
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rhosinthorn · 7 years
NaNoWriMo Survey
Hello all,
As you might have figured out, Sea Dreams is coming to an end soon.
Which means I will have plenty of time to work on a NaNo project this November.
I plan on attempting to release new chapters for Frontlines and Chained Dragon during October, so those aren’t in my sights for November. Instead, I was thinking about doing another fic-in-a-month, like last year’s We Always Find Our Way Back Home. But to narrow down what I’m going to work on, I want to hear your opinions. Here’s a few that have been floating around in my plot bunny drawer. Tell me which one(s) you’d like to see!
Descriptions below the cut because it got long.
Unnamed CoLu, set post-416. Follows Lucy after the disbanding as she joins Crime Sorciere and gets stuck with a pissy Poison Dragon Slayer as her partner.
Unnnamed Harry Potter/Naruto Crossover. When space-time ninjutsu mixes with the eternal mangekyo, weird things happen. Like cross-dimension travel. Unfortunately for just about everyone, Madara and Tobirama’s collision sucks Sakura along with them, and they’re dumped in the fringes of the Forbidden Forest. Fifth year Crossover.
Fem!HP AU. In which everyone knows Harry Potter looks just like his father, is safely hidden away by Dumbledore, and has a distinctive lightning scar. Holly Evans is just a mudblood who was unfortunate enough to get sorted into Slytherin. I plan to take this eventually from first to seventh year, but will probably shoot for year 1 and year 2 during November.
The Eighth Year/The Room of Requirement. Hermione went back to Hogwarts when the war was over. In a school full of brokenness, she just wants to fix something, and the Room of Requirement hasn’t functioned since the night of the battle. Her desperate search for a remedy uncovers secrets long forgotten, and a universal truth. Some things can’t be fixed.
There’s also a paranormal AU with Naruto characters (likely KakaObi and SakuOro), several original works, a Naruto AU where the three kunoichi of the rookie 9 end up on Team 7 together, and one or two other ideas floating around in the plot bunny drawers.
Tell me what you’re interested in!
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the-witch-of-geek · 6 years
Fandom: Villainous (Cartoon) Characters: Dr. Flug (Villainous), Demencia (Villainous), Black Hat (Villainous), Unnnamed Hero (OC)
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