#unless it was trampolining
sunseed-fandump · 25 days
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Every good circus needs a Big Top! And this here is the tent used by the Liar's Circus! But don't be fooled by its small size, the interior is guaranteed to blow any circus fan away! All forms of entertainment can be found within!
Nobody can put a price tag on FUN! So everything is free for the taking! Just step through the door!
Eat, drink, be merry! Let your emotions fly as high as the trapeze!
All that energy will soon be put to better use...
More information about the individual areas under the cut!
This is the central area where most performances are given. From clowning around to acrobatic feats that boggle the mind, it's all done here! All paths around the circus lead back to this area, so it is also typically considered "the crossroads" of the circus.
The path to the Arena from the entrance runs through a gauntlet of concessions and gift stands. So many wonderful treats on display almost makes it feel like a dream.
All manner of strange creatures are kept within the cages. Summoned from the great beyond lie beasts twisted by shadows and kissed by the forbidden reaches. Lions? Tigers? Bears? Those are nothing compared to what lurks behind the steel bars...
Games Square
Up for a challenge? The Games Square is the perfect place to show off one's skills. Tests of strength, dexterity, and intelligence can be found here. And don't worry about losing, everyone is sure to walk away with a wonderful prize! Just.. Be careful not to get lost in the hall of mirrors.
This area is for those who crave some good old-fashioned fun. The map really doesn't do it justice. A beautiful carousel spins all day long, filling the air with joyous music. Slides, swings, and various other pieces of equipment offer plenty of ways to play, play, play! So run around! Scream and shout! Let out all that pent-up energy!
Beautiful tear-jerking performances and awe-inspiring tales are spun on this stage. There's never a shortage of stories! All of them were written by the world's finest playwright, poet, director, actor, clown-- Huh? Who is he? Our beloved Ringmaster of course!
Staff Area
This is where Gingerbrave, Strawberry Cookie, and Wizard Cookie stay. Each performer gets their own tent, filled with all the basic comforts a hard-working cookie needs. Of course, they're tailored to the individual interests of each child as well. Wizard has a cozy little tower filled with books. Strawberry has all sorts of games to keep her occupied. As for Gingerbrave, he's got toys, crayons, and even a whole trampoline in there! The kids are certainly comfortable.
Ok, that's all cool but what's ACTUALLY going on in there?
The answer to that is simple, this plane exists to gather energy for Shadow Milk Cookie. Magic is tied to emotion. So the more excited the guests feel, the more life energy Shadow Milk collects from them. Everything here is perfectly harmless (to guests), as the point is to only illicit strong emotions of thrill, excitement, and joy.
Guests are free to come and go as they please, but when they do leave, everyone feels especially drained.
And if the circus faces a tough crowd? Well, fear is also a viably strong emotion to gather energy from.
The only Cookies in the tent who Shadow Milk Cookie does not collect energy from is the kids. As they need their strength to perform and complete whatever tasks are given to them.
Cookies who are labeled as "Intruders" will have a horde of phantoms, animals, and puppets come down on them from all sides, and that's not even counting how Shadow Milk can control everything and anything inside. So it's best not to pick a fight unless one is prepared...
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toji-girl · 3 months
Could you do a Toji x overdue pregnant reader who is SUPER grumpy and hormonal! I would like if you put the twins in! If not, I understand <3
as someone who went a week overdue I can say the rage felt is very real lmaooo
tags: pregnant! fem reader + mentions of past sex + giving birth
You came home a few weeks ago from the doctor with Toji with the news that your doctor was going to let you go until you were forty-one weeks if the twins didn't make their debut sooner than that.
And it seemed that they didn't want to come out no matter what you did.
The internet said to eat spicy things so you had your husband who just nodded not wanting to get his ass chewed, and he didn't hold it against you, being a little over forty weeks pregnant with twins who love to take turns using your bladder as a trampoline made you a bit grumpier than usual and then having to go overdue didn't help.
Sex was supposed to help and when you could handle it you'd let Toji make love to you slowly as you lay on your side, then you'd go bounce on the ball while eating the spiciest things Toji could find for you.
"I am never letting you give me a birthday gift that deals with oils and being naked again, being pregnant is supposed to make me glow!" You grunted when you stood in the kitchen with Toji as he watched you eat one of your cravings while glaring at him.
He cocked his head to the side and reached out to rub at your very swollen belly causing both babies to start kicking wildly. "You are glowing, it's just with anger, and if I recall you really enjoyed that gift."
His tease was supposed to make you smile but instead, you broke out into a fit of tears as you pressed your palms to your eyes knowing you've been super snappy to him when he's been nothing but helpful.
Toji didn't even need to say anything but open his arms letting you fall into him with more sobs that racked your body. "I've been super mean to you lately, haven't I? I'm sorry baby." You muttered in his shirt, your voice muffled as you looked up at him with teary eyes.
One hand settled on the small of your back as your protruding stomach kept you from being snug against your husband. "Don't apologize, you're heavily pregnant and close to being a week overdue." Toji soothed all your worries away in a gentle tone.
He wiped away your tears and let you pull away to begin eating again.
The next evening you stomped up the stairs with Toji's clothes balled up in your hands. "How many times do I need to tell you to pick them up!? It's not that hard!" You told him clearly irritated and upset.
He looked at you from his spot on the bed, one leg pulled free from his slacks as he sighed. "Sorry doll, today was shit at work." He murmured ready to lay down and snuggle with you before the baby's arrival turning the two of you into a family of four.
"I am almost ten months pregnant and yet I still clean and do things when I'm exhausted! Unless you're growing and making someone's lung you don't get to use that excuse." You hissed at him.
With the clothes dropped to the floor you turned around letting your out-of-whack hormones take hold of you and turn you into someone else completely different, and you knew the way you spoke to Toji wasn't nice nor was it necessary especially after he's had a long day.
Once you were settled on the couch you couldn't move, not without help anyway. "Toji!" You called out on the verge of tears again.
A few seconds later he emerged from the hallway and was at your side looking beat down and tired. "I know I keep saying sorry only to end up being mean again." You whispered looking at him.
He cupped your cheeks and leaned in to kiss you gently. "Don't let it happen again, ya hear me?" He teased making you giggle with tears streaming down your face until you felt something wet and warm spread from between your legs all the way down your legs.
"I think my water just broke." You told him with wide eyes as he stared back at you frozen in place knowing that your life was going to change forever.
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icycoldninja · 6 months
Fluffcember #14 (Vergil x reader)
Fluff headcannons
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-Reads you to sleep every night, each night is a different book/story/poem. He'll first adjust your pillows, then kiss your forehead, and then sit on the side of the bed, reading to you while holding your hand until you fall asleep.
-Loves to just lie down with you and relax. It doesn't matter what you're doing, or if you're doing nothing at all--as long as you're together, Vergil is happy.
-A very quiet, introverted fellow, Vergil isn't really into socializing and doesn't really say much unless he has to. This leads to the two of you establishing a sort of telepathic communication; you both seem to know what the other needs without saying a word. This can be cute, when you're all chilling at home, or it can be creepy, when you're both in battle.
-Even Dante gets a little creeped out when he sees you and Vergil exchange knowing glances before rushing into the fray--or towards him.
-One of his most favorite things to do with you is cooking. He doesn't know how to cook personally, he just likes being the helper. Like a toddler He'll open jars for you, hand you items off the top shelf, stir things and/or grab really hot bowls from the microwave without flinching. The man's survived years of literal hell, he can take a hot bowl out with no problem.
-Also likes to eat the food you make with him, especially if you made pizza. Deep down, under that stern, stoic exterior, is a wacky woohoo pizza man just like his brother.
-Vergil doesn't like live action movies or TV shows, but LOVES anime and goes completely bonkers over it like a true Otaku. His favorite anime are: Black Clover, Mashle: Magic and Muscles, The Devil is a Part Timer, Date-A-Live (for some reason) and Rent-A-Girlfriend.
-He will listen to classical music in public to showcase how "refined" he is, but secretly likes listening to rock music. He'll never let anyone in on this secret, unfortunately, as he doesn't want people to see how similar he and Dante are.
-Speaking of Dante, occasionally the pizza boi comes over because he upset Lady and Trish--now they're hunting him down and his only sanctuary is your house. When this happens, the twins will get together and have a boys night in the guest room, where Vergil sits in the corner being edgy while Dante steals all your liquor and gets drunk, resulting in loud whooping as he re-purposes your mattress into a trampoline, prompting Vergil to whip out the Yamato and commence with his "Dante contingency plan". Spoiler alert: it's violence.
-Owns a pair of fluffy pink bunny slippers. Nuff said.
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tubborucho · 9 months
Tubbo’s life lessons to Chayanne:
1. Don’t spend a 1000000$ on a minecraft server (Chayanne: who would do that?)
2. Smoking kills and so does vape (Ch: understood o7)
3. Look both ways when you are crossing the road unless it says to look only one way
4. It is possible to survive only on microwave meals
5. Never get into an Uber with Etoiles if you really need to pee in Paris (Ch:noted but i don’t think i meet him in paris)
6. If you ever approached by a wasp, sit still, and they generally don’t give a shit about you (Ch: actually?)
7. If you ever on a trampoline and you are trying to do a full twisting back, don’t fall off the sides of the trampoline and break your elbow
8. It’s actually not an end of the world if you fuck up your taxes, you don’t go to jail straight away (Ch: i am an egg i don’t have taxes)
9. If you are ever in the Club, and you feel that you are getting slightly too drunk, they give you free water. Water is always free and they legally have to give it to you. Same goes with train stations! If you ever at a train station in the UK and you go up to a train station person and ask for water, they legally have to give one to you (Ch: how many life lessons did the quest say?)
10. If you are gonna drop out of school, have a backup plan (Ch: if you get hit it hurts and you may get hit back – context: Chayanne is doing Tubbo’s quests as well lmao, so he also decided to teach him a life lesson)
11. Chayanne, if you get hit it hurts and you may get hit back
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
hunting dogs with an energetic s/o pleaaaase😭
oooooooooooo omg i love this one <33
Hunting Dogs with an energetic S/O
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♡ pairing: Fukuchi Ouchi, Jouno Saigiku, Tecchou Suehiro, Teruko Okura (platonic), Tachihara Michizou x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: How do the Hunting Dogs react when they have an energetic S/O?
♡ cw: Mention of alcohol in Fukuchi's part.
note: Tbh at first I didn't wanna write for Fukuchi because he and I have a complicated personal history (I don't like him that much) but like it was actually really easy and fun! That was a nice surprise hehe <3 Apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
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He thinks you're so cute!
You're like his little cheerleader (you're shorter than him most likely) and he enjoys having you around to keep him on his toes (he can't use his age to get out of anything when it comes to you)
You'd be constantly challenging him to fights and stuff and trying to rile him up (he thinks it's endearing though and might entertain you for a little bit, because he can. Just playfights and cute stuff like that lol)
To be honest he's an enabler and would probably encourage you to cause trouble somehow. I mean it's not like anyone can tell you off (unless they wanna face off against FUKUCHI??) (it's entirely possible that on some technicality, you are an enemy of state)
You and Teruko are best friends (obviously). As for the rest of the group...nah they actually kinda like you too. You keep their boss happy so like it's a win-win really
If you're someone who drinks...oh man you guys. Oh man you two are going to cause a lot of trouble
Fukuchi might be kinda crass but let's be real he's probably super old school romantic and he'd like to dance with you (and doing so would also wear you out so he can like nap lmao)
He just loves to entertain you because he simply can't get enough of that joyful look in your eyes.
He also thinks it's cute but he doesn't match your energy at all. Jouno appears very calm and cold so you contrast each other a lot
Jouno has to be there to reel you in when you get too silly T-T he's grown quite good at it. He would give you a limit on coffee/energy drinks (if you drink those)
He always acts all exasperated and keeps telling you to calm down and all that, but he secretly loves your personality and doesn't want you to change at all sksjksksjs
He thinks it's actually quite romantic how you balance each other out that way, even if it can cause clashes or disagreements sometimes between you two
Jouno spends most of his time around rather serious people (being a Hunting Dog and all) so being in the presence of someone lighthearted and more bouncy is rather refreshing.
It's almost kinda reassuring for him that you're so energetic because he can hear you well, and so it's really easy for him to tell how you're doing in case he needs to be there for you or something when you're feeling blue y'know?
No because all the other Hunting Dogs are always looking at you two like 'how...how did this possibly happen' (they love you but they did not expect Jouno to date someone like you lmao)
He loves the way you sound, but just try not to be too loud lol
This guy. He doesn't know what's happening most of the time with you T-T he can't ever predict you
Outside of work, when you guys go out on dates and stuff, you're always dragging him around and he kinda just goes with it. He likes your spontaneity and how you've always got little surprises for him
You two like going on physical-based(?) dates together (for some reason the only thing in my mind is those indoor trampoline parks?), you like them because they accommodate to your energy level and he likes them because exercise or something. lol
Is surprisingly good at keeping up with you! Or so it seems, at least. He probably isn't that good but he tries his best for you <3
Tecchou loves his down time, so you two tend to make deals along the lines of 'we'll spend our time now doing [energy-exerting activity] and then we can cuddle later' or something because you guys compromise and are healthy like that 😌
He really really likes you as you are but he's not good at showing it, so though he may seem tired of you sometimes he really isn't
There are times where he'll step up and be the responsible one of the two of you, but that's only if he has to be (he doesn't want to stop you because he thinks you're adorable as you are)
If you're also clingy, he especially loves that about you because Tecchou is like glued to you 24/7 (outside of work lol)
Teruko (platonic):
You're like two peas in a pod because you match one another's energy so well
You guys are just constantly bothering the rest of the Hunting Dogs and they're tired. They can't really get mad at you though, because usually Teruko is the instigator, and also if they said anything to you she'd kick them
Though, you're more of a fun energetic and she's more of an 'I'm going to cause as much mayhem as possible' energetic so you have to be the voice of reason a lot of the time
That being said you two do like pranking people and stuff (not just when she's off work- Teruko isn't above ruining the days of the other Hunting Dogs), sometimes using her ability to do it
When Teruko's feeling down or about to throw a tantrum, you're always there to lift her spirits and vice versa (Jouno and Tachihara are very grateful for this (they're conflicted about their feelings towards you lmaooooo))
You're probably giving her a lot of piggy back rides
You can read each other like open books and that makes it really easy to talk about your issues and feelings free of judgement (at least really harsh judgement)
She takes surprisingly good care of you when you're feeling sick or something, because she needs her partner in crime back ASAP! (and she loves you a lot <3)
He'd be chill with any personality his partner might have so he's totally fine with you being energetic. He's very adaptable!
That being said he is kinda tired sometimes (man is a mafioso and a soldier) so he usually sorta just lets you run wild on your own (and, if you want to, mess with his colleagues) and just doesn't do anything about it lol
That isn't to say that he's actively encouraging you to be chaotic- he's still at least a little sensible
Tachihara is very appreciative of the fact that you're always there to cheer him up and keep him going. Your energy is infectious and he benefits from that fact quite a lot
For your birthday or something else special he'd take you to a concert (where you can scream and jump around all you like) where your faves perform <3
You and he would pull all-nighters every now and then, and spend the whole time watching terrible movies and doing other stupid random things together
Dates with Tachihara are as frequent as he can make them with his packed schedule. He likes to spend as much time with you as he possibly can because you make him feel happy and motivated
You're very well liked by both the Hunting Dogs and the other Port Mafia members (you're probably close with Gin also) and that honestly makes life a lot easier for him lmao
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would love to go on a måneskin tour with tachihara and scream along to read your diary with him ngl
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rainbowdaisy13 · 1 month
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I’m stacking these two Anons
Man that’s such a hard question to answer. Long story short, I don’t read it as closing the closet for good because she talks about how eventually Robin will have to deal with the cruel and the mean and “you’ll learn to bounce back just like your trampoline” That to me implies eventually the secret will be set free and that he will have to learn how to deal with the fallout —I think she’s been understandably very tortured about bringing kids into this situation, but her overcoming her fear is what will allow them all to be set free
I have zero thoughts on a timeline! Prior to TTPD I had resigned myself to the fact that they may have decided to stay closeted forever. After listening to it several times through, I really do believe now that she’s gonna do this with some kind of earthquake—a book or 2nd doc? Part of the reason I think that —besides all the scathing lyrics—is because *again* we have people who worked with her posting about being honored to be “part of her journey”. This happened constantly with the Lover music video cast and with Brandon Urie. I don’t think someone feels emboldened to say something like that on a public forum unless they know there’s a public finale somewhere in the future if that makes sense
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inksolate · 9 months
Tubbo's Life Lessons:
Don't spend 1 million dollars on a Minecraft server
Look both ways on the road unless it says only one way
It's possible to survive on soley on microwave meals
Never get into an Uber with Etoiles if you really need to piss in Paris
If you are ever approached by a wasp, sit still and they generally don't give a shit about you and fly off
If you are ever on a trampoline and you are trying to do a twisting back don't fall on the side of the trampoline and fall off or else you will have to get surgery to get it twisted back around
It is not actually the end of the world if you fuck up your taxes
If you are ever in the club and getting too drunk (or train station), they are legally required to give you free water if you ask
If you are going to drop out of school, have a back up plan
If you get hit it hurts, and you may get hit back
Quest Complete!
"My life is in shambles" - Tubbo 2023
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luvfy0dor · 7 months
hear me out. how abt nikolai as a dad!!! other parents gender can be up to you <3 thank you so much, feel free to reject !
"Tea Parties and Tiaras" - Dad!Nikolai x Reader ⋆·˚ ༘ *
Warnings; None, just fluff!!
Description; Dad!Nikolai headcannons and a cute little scenario revolving around a very dramatic tea party.
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A/N; Tysm for the request!! I have a lot of thoughts about him tbh, I'm glad I get to post them! Also omg u guys since Halloween is coming up what do you think nikolai would be??? I know he's definitely not sitting out in every day attire to hand out candy; brother has gotta be costumed up and causing mischief I just know it.
Headcannons !! ༊*·˚
★ I could go on all day about how he uses his ability as a father rather than a villain. He uses it to quickly fetch things from other sides of the house, like a bottle or a blanket, stuff like that.
★ But he also definitely uses it to mess with them sometimes. If they're doing something they're not supposed to be doing and he finds out, he's gonna stick his arm through the portal, grab their shoulders and laugh when they jump. Then he'll tell them to knock it off, unless it seems appealing to him at the moment. He might join in if it looks fun.
★ Nikolai also does magic tricks for them. He really likes pulling a rabbit out of his hat. He loves the surprised look on his kids faces. He also robs stores of candy sometimes.
★ However, Nikolai isn't afraid of saying no to them. He really doesn't want them to grow up spoiled little pricks.
★ He lets them dress him up. If he's with the kids while you run errands, you'll come home and see your man with that glittery gel eyeshadow smeared all around his eyes and a tiara on his head. The dresses didn't fit, and neither did the little plastic heels, but the hair clips, tiara, and makeup will suffice.
★ I said this for Fyodor too, but Nikolai does his children's hair. He paints their nails too.
★ Nikolai loves to bring his kids to fun places, water/amusement parks, circuses, fairs, trampoline parks, etc. He has NUMEROUS pairs of the trampoline park socks and he loves walking around in them everywhere.
Scenario !! ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
(P/T is parental title because I want it to be gender neutral, d/n is daughters name, s/n is sons name)
When you thought about relaxing after work, partaking in a tea party wasn't exactly your first thought. But there you sat, cross legged with a pretty tiara on your head, courtesy of your young son and daughter. You could hear Nikolais little giggles as d/n tried to pull his hair back into a very messy ponytail.
"Oh, papa, you better brush your hair some more, this is way too knotty!" Your daughter exasperatedly says and let's go of Nikolais long hair, making him feign offense and turn to her. "Hey! You're very rude! It's okay though, because my tea party outfit is much better than yours is." He says, a mocking tone of voice as he squints his eyes while talking to her. She pouts and gets up sassily, retreating to s/n's side as he rummaged through their little play kitchen.
"Did you hear that? I can't believe she would say something like that to me!" He says to you with an exaggerated frown. You just scoff and pat his shoulder in support. "I wonder who could have taught her such wit." You sarcastically say. You both watch them search for enough teacups for the four of you, all of them being strewn throughout their play room. They eventually skitter back to the table with only three cups and saucers in hand. S/n places one in front of you, one in front of his sister, and one in front of himself.
Nikolai sits waiting for his, but when both s/n and d/n sit down without getting him HIS teacup and saucer, he's a bit annoyed. "Hey, where's my tea?" He asks them. The kids exchange a glance before d/n speaks up. "Mean, knotty-haired clowns don't deserve tea." She huffs. He's even more taken aback this time. "You guys are so mean! You're gonna make your papa cry." He says, his lip quivering a bit as his hand slaps over his heart for dramatic effect. He starts sniffling and you just snicker, watching d/n expression change to one of slight guilt.
She groans and begrudgingly gets up to grab another teacup and saucer from the kitchen, returning it and placing it in front of Nikolai. He stops pretending to cry and grabs her, pulling her into a hug and swaying her excitedly. "Aw, thank you! I knew you loved me enough to look past my messy hair." He says with a giggle. She eagerly tries to wriggle out of his hug, but s/n runs over and hugs Nikolai too, knocking him backwards and onto the ground. He lets out a soft "oomph" before they all start giggling.
"Hey! Now you're both gonna crush me!" He says, the kids getting up off of him while laughing. He lets out a loud sigh before sitting back up. "Okay, I think we're even now, yeah? I came to your lovely tea party with messy hair and you two just knocked the wind out of me in retaliation!" He says, patting their shoulders. They look at eachother and look back at him.
"Okay, I guess you're forgiven." S/n says, his hands on his hips and d/n nodding in approval. "Okay, good. Now, I think we should continue our tea party before we have to eat dinner." He says, pretending to sip on the plastic glass. They murmur soft affirmatives and sit back down. You lean your head on Nikolais shoulder as you pretend to sip on the tea too, content with the little family that the two of you have made together.
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A/n; when u think of the word 'skitter/skitters' I hope you think of me 💔🫡 credit to @ilovechuuy4 for influencing the magic and candy stealing hcs thank you schmoopie 💞🙏
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serxinns · 5 months
Table of contents
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Master list
Hi! im Serxinn i write yandere mha feel free to ask!
My inspirations! (and moots)
@lady-ashfade (She made my super cute headboard)
@yandere-class-1a (Or @yandere-x-reader)
What you can request
Yandere Mha
Normal Mha
Any aus and stuff
Yandere vs yandere
A single person headcanon
Poly relationships
What you can't ask for
Smut - sorry not really comfortable with it yet =^=
Abuse - unless it's mentioned that the reader is abused but other than that I don't like writing wandered abuse their reader due to trauma and I can't really do it of have the courage
Non-con- yeaaa no...
Other fandoms- demon slayer is a maybe still thinking about it
Dni: Homophobes, Transphobes, Zoophilia, TERFS, basically if ur just gonna start a problem or wanna be toxic and complain about my writing then GTFO
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Yandere mha Scarlet witch reader
Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Spring bath
The dare
Big sis eri
Yandere Mha with Baby reader
Badass reader
Yandere vs Yandere
Hawks vs aizawa
Yandere Endeavor, Hawks and mirko vs Yandere all night aizawa, nezu
Fatgum VS all might
Yandere Hero Dekusquad vs Yandere Vil Bakusquad
Part one
Part two
Drabbles and oneshots
Valentines days special
Their bloodsucking Goddess
Transfer Reader
I don't give a shit
Insomia Reader
Bunny hawk reader
Teachers kid
Teachers Kid part 2
Batman Reader
Reader doing the kadedon pose
Secret admirer
Bubbly but angry reader
Romantic bakugo and platonic class 1a
Poc reader
Tipsy trampoline
Bakugo reader
Big Three's educational visit
Yan class 1a imagine
Deadpool reader!
Izuku's cousin with pica!
Love potion
Denkis deal
Mocha Bunny
Part 1
Part 2:bunnynapped
Part 1
Part 2 (m/n Pov)
A fanart of izuku reader and bakugo reader by @diamondzoey
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itstivan · 3 months
I completely forgot to do it on Valentine’s day.. but anyways!!
Here’s you School Bus Graveyard Valentine’s day headcanons!!
How the group would react to being asked to be someone’s Valentine:
Ashlyn: Literally just stares in confusion, trying to process what has just been said to her. After she finally processes, she gets super shy and her face turns red.
Aiden: Gets super excited and probably does a little jump in the air. Then plays it off cool, while grinning like a maniac. (more than he already does)
Taylor: Gets super happy, and grabs whoever asked hand. Probably blushes a little, and excitedly says yes.
Tyler: Would probably yell “What?!” on accident because of how shocked he is. Also gets SUPER flustered and sweaty. Gets little butterflies in his stomach. Probably rocks back and forth on the balls of his feet and heels because he's nervous.
Ben: Blushes a lot and nods. Probably hugs the person who asked as well.
Logan: Probably says something like “Wait what? Who me? ME?!” While stuttering because of how confused he is. Blushes a little, and plays with his hands. Flustered because he’s never really had a love life or a crush.
Valentines Dates/Gifts
She's not very good at gift giving for Valentines. Or in general. She’d probably get her crush a card, or some simple stuff. She’d try her best though. Maybe a plushie.
Ashlyn’s love language is being in each other's presence. So even just watching movies together on Valentine's Day would be enough for her. Or just doing something together like baking (though she might not be the best at it), or doing something crafty (again not the best at it), or listening to music.
Since she’s not good with audible words, she’d probably write a heartfelt letter to her crush explaining everything.
She’s never had any relationship (or friendship..) experience, so she’s super stiff on a Valentine’s Day date, unless she’s in a place she feels comfortable.
Aiden is amazing at gift giving. Even though he is always rambling, if he overhears his crush saying that they were looking into getting a certain item, or that they want a certain item, he would 100% get it for them. Especially if it's expensive.
He thinks he could buy their love LMAO 😭
Aiden’s language is physical touch, so probably any type of activity where he can be able to contact his crush, he’d like. For example, shopping and holding hands, playing with their hair, watching movies and him laying his legs on their lap (he’s also playing with a rubix cube).
Or he’d drag them to like laser tag or rock climbing. Or even a trampoline park. He’d also buy all the food if they went to a cafe or something.
Has literally never had any relationship experience, so he doesn’t know what's right or wrong/ too fast or too slow on a date or as Valentines.
I think Taylor would be very crafty with her gift giving. She probably makes homemade stuff, and stuff that comes from the heart. She’d be the type of person to weld a flower with bolts and stuff LMAO. She always puts A LOT of thought into her gifts, she wants them to be perfect and pretty to show how much she cares. She was always a big DIY crafter when it came to gifts cause she never wanted to bother her mom or Tyler.
Taylor’s love language is communicating, so she’d probably enjoy dates that she had lots of time to talk with her crush. Cafe dates, pottery dates, mall dates, etc. She loves listening and talking and always tries to remember what her crush says for future references. Would probably give her crush a little peck on the cheek at the end of the day.
Probably had two or three relationships in middle school, but they weren’t big. Has had crushes in the past.
I feel like Tyler would be pretty okay at gift giving. But he gets a bit indecisive and overthinks the gift. His gifts would be a mix between something bought and something made. But either way, he’d put a lot of care and thought into them to make sure they're perfect.
Tyler’s love language is protecting. So any kind of date where he could be somewhat close to you would be good. A cafe date, movie date, baking date, stay at home enjoying each other’s company date, etc. He’d also walk near the road so his crush could be safe on the sidewalk. He’d prefer dates where it’s one on one with each other, because he would constantly be stressing about keeping his crush safe and okay. Near the end of the date, he’d probably hold his crush’s hand.
Doesn’t have a lot of relationship experience, but has one or two crushes in the past.
Ben isn’t that creative with his gift ideas. But he’s still decent at gift giving. He’d probably give his crush their favorite albums on records/cds, a poster of their favorite artist, a playlist, or he’d burn a cd of songs that reminds him of them. He speaks through music, so this would be the best way to communicate his feelings. He would 100% learn his crush’s favorite song on guitar just for them.
Ben’s love language is music, so any type of dating revolving around music would be good. Maybe looking around a record shop or music store. As well as just hanging out in each other’s room listening to music and suggesting songs.
I also feel like if he feels super comfortable around his crush, he would accidentally fall asleep.
Probably had one crush in the past but never acted on it. No relationship experience.
Would be relatively good at gift giving. If his crush read books, he’d read their favorite book and leave annotations of his thoughts and stuff. Or he’d buy them some type of books. Or even get them a flower/plant that reminds him of them. He’d probably also make DIY stuff, but wouldn’t be the best at it.
Logan’s love language is doing each other’s hobbies together. So I personally think he’d be fine with most activities. Pottery dates, shopping, painting, baking, talking about interests at each other’s houses, walking in the park, building legos (don’t ask why, I just feel like he’d like doing that with his crush), etc.
He’s pretty flustered throughout the whole date because he’s never had any relationships, and probably only one past crush.
for the dates, gifts, and reactions I believe this is how they’d act if they were with someone in the comic. NOT THE READER!! just thought to clarify just in case :D
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astrronomemes · 1 year
a collection of quotes, phrases, and sayings from the 2000 Disney movie, The Emperor’s New Groove. change & alter as needed.
“Okay, this is the real me.”
“You threw off my groove!”
“Let me guess — you’ve got a great personality.”
“The emperor had me thrown out the window.”
“You really should have thought of that before you became peasants!”
“Hey, everybody hits their stride! You just hit yours fifty years ago.”
“Word on the street is, you can fix my problem. You can fix my problem, can’t you?”
“Oh, right, the poison! The poison for [name]! The poison chosen specially to kill [name]! [Name]’s poison! That poison?”
“Let’s face it, you’re no spring chicken. And I mean that in the best possible way.”
“You know, in my defense, your poisons all look alike. You might think about relabeling some of them.”
“I am so glad I was unconscious for all of this.”
“Listen here, big guy, I’ve got three good reasons why you should just walk away.”
“Hope that doesn’t come back to haunt me.”
“Why would I kidnap a llama?!”
“You’re the criminal mastermind, not me!”
“Okay, that was the freakiest thing I’ve ever seen.”
“Don’t worry, [name], I’ve got you! You’re safe now!”
“Maybe I’m just new to this whole ‘rescuing’ thing, but this, to me, might be considered kind of a step backwards, wouldn’t you say?”
“For the last time, it was not a kiss.”
“Someday, you’re gonna wind up all alone, and you’ll have no one to blame but yourself.”
“Well, he ain’t gettin’ any deader. Back to work.”
“You can’t get much deader than he is right now! Unless, of course, we killed him again!”
“Well, he’s not as dead as we would have hoped.”
“You know that means you’re doing something nice for someone else?”
“Well, I was going to have you imprisoned for life, but... I kinda like this better.”
“I thought you were a changed man!”
“I was always taught that there was some good in everyone, but you’ve proved me wrong!”
“Well, that makes you ugly, and stupid.”
“You’re just gonna have to trust me.”
“Don’t read too much into it. It was a one-time thing.”
“What are the chances of you carrying me?”
“No, no, it’s not you. She’s not the easiest person to get close to. There’s a wall there, trust me.”
“When will you learn that all my ideas are good ones?”
“We’ve been walking around in circles for who knows how long! That is the last time we’re taking directions from a squirrel!”
“It’s a simple question! Is there or is there not anything edible on this menu?”
“They saw the whole thing. They know what happened.”
“Oh, yeah... it’s all coming together.”
“As much as he tries to deny it, I know there’s some good in him.”
“From above, the wicked shall receive their just reward.”
“Hey, I’ve been turned into a cow. Can I go home?”
“For the last time, we did not order a giant trampoline!”
“Stop being so hard on yourself! All is forgiven.”
“It’s not the first time I’ve been tossed out a window, and it won’t be the last!”
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baby-trash-lmao · 1 month
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ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ Regressor Lute ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
(requested by annon)
【☆】 Loves, Loves, Loves Halloween, and will be admit about watching Halloween only movies and shows
【☆】 She prefers salty snacks like popcorn and chips but will go buck wild for Pillsbury sugar cookies
【☆】 Her favorite animals are raccoons and if left unattended she'll go outside at night to try and pet them (stop her before she gets bit)
【☆】 She collects LPS like there is no tomorrow but anytime she's asked about it she'll call them 'girly' and 'boring' (she's too cool for girl stuff)
【☆】 Super duper active almost always running, jumping, climbing, and swinging off of stuff
【☆】 Is not afraid to get dirty and enjoys getting covered in paint and mud, and she loves cleaning up afterwards
【☆】 Adam is her best friend (read: worst influence) when she is small and the two of them will always somehow get into trouble
【☆】 The other exorcists love to take little lute out for girls day where they go out to trampoline parks or chuck E cheese
【☆】 When small she loves to put her hair up all nice and pretty with hair clips and braids
【☆】 You really shouldn't play games with her, unless you let her win because she is a SORE loser
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Completely random headcanons made by me (a silly)
MK got banned from Club Penguin because she kept scamming people by promising to buy them memberships with their parents credit card info
Wayne and Raj broke a TV once by flinging Wii remotes into it during an intense game of Wii Sports Bowling
Julia did not go outside for 2 weeks after learning about Zayn leaving One Direction
Axel is completely oblivious to flirting at times, she also has accidental rizz (she explains how different tools work and girls think it’s hot)
Zee is super flexible and it freaks people out a lot
Chase once got to meet Jake Paul and he always mentions it in a conversation, always
Damien really got hooked onto Bill Nye the Science Guy during one ‘science’ class where the teacher just put on Bill Nye episodes
Ripper once tried to grow his hair into a mullet because he thought it was cool, immediately regretted it then shaved his entire head off because it was ‘cooler’
Priya only ever watched reality TV competition shows as a kid, never got to watch kids TV or anything like that UNLESS it was a competition show, but now she’s going back to watch a ton of classic childhood shows (and gets absolutely hooked on Power Rangers)
Millie can write super fast, but her handwriting is also kinda sloppy and a bit messy, she had to get one of those handwriting booklets as a kid and she never emotionally recovered
Caleb has watched every single episode of America’s Next Top Model because someone dared him to, he got attached to the show FAST
Nichelle is an amazing dancer, what she lacks in action skills (and skills in general), she makes up for with knowledge in so many different dance styles
Emma likes to go to a ton of different sports clubs, archery, basketball, trampolining, she thinks it’s a great way to get her worries out the way and enjoy herself
Scary Girl is an expert in dying people’s hair and is amazing at make-up, unfortunately nobody ever really wants her to do their hair and make up because well, they’re terrified of her (she loves that they’re scared)
Bowie has a secret soft spot for baking, if he has a bad day he’ll usually try and make himself something nice, and he loves to bake with Raj, even though when Raj tries to help the kitchen ends up a mess
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cyber-therian · 1 month
If it's alright with you, could I potentially ask for a userbox that says "This user always feels out of place and displaced in time, unless their in a liminal space."
With a trampoline park interior as the background/icon pic? Thank you.
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i hope this is what you meant, if not lmk !!
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jordanraye47 · 5 days
here is some more for @fraudulent-cheese (it’s an honor i am a huge fan)
Total drama characters as things i’ve done (i’m not putting the full title from last time cause most people found it out in my tags)
pt 1
Jasmine - ending up on the australian news because my english was so bad they thought i was saying happy new years in norwegian (i was asking them who they were bc i thought i was getting interrogated on the beach)
Izzy - lying about my health to avoid going to the psych ward
Sadie and katie - refusing to stop screaming unless i they let me pair up with my best friend for a 20 minute task
Eva - being able to carry all my friends (i’m so proud)
Zee - coming home sweating because i thought i was getting chased by a murder (turns out i just had hyper-paranoia bc i was high)
Lindsay - bleaching my hair so fried it fell of when i tried straightening my curls
Tyler - jumping on the trampoline so much it broke after 1 month
Izzy - going to the ER at the first day of school (ever) cause i fell and a metal rod went through my hand
Courtney - getting a summer job at my dream university at 13 (i was an analyst in the department of astrophysics)
Duncan - having green hair (i’m ashamed)
Gwen - having pronouns
Blainley - failing an english test cause i used “blainetific” as an adjective (derogatory)
Harold - having 5 last names (all of them being in three different languages) [to explain this better; i say my last name is for exsmple «Ødegaarden» in norway, but «Raye» in australia, and «Holen» in spain cause they all come from different parts of my family]
i’ll probably add more soon but rn i gotta go to my psychiatrist appointment 👍🔥
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suguruplsr · 7 months
I already know that the second r heard of maki and Mai she stormed over there knocked those doors down and took maki and mei. She was going to give those two girls a good childhood if it’s the last thing she did
Also shoko and r’s house being the hang out spot for the teens is just so funny to me 😂😂
I’m sayinggg
like i bet you satoru found out and told her, and she ended up having a meeting with the head of the zenin clan within an hour. we don’t know what she said, but she was suddenly allowed to have the girls every single weekend if they chose to go 😭
yesss like i’m so heavy on maki being protective of everything within the house, and it’s not even about the fact that it contains most of her and megumis childhood. but simply because it’s everything reader “wasted” money on for them.
but i can see yuiji complaining about not even being able to use the tv, until megumi gets toge to call reader, whose laying in bed with shoko at her house, and reader is just mentioning how she has so many things set up in that house for them because she herself doesn’t use it unless she’s training. and then panda running through the house. like there’s a game room? movie room? a room just for bowling? a big ass backyard with trampolines? snacks?
so yea they’re mad maki and megumi had tried to gatekeep
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