#tysm for asking angel i adore you !
erwinsvow · 2 months
what would shy!reader’s room look like?
hi!!! tysm for asking <3 i know @princessbrunette did a post for deer readers room and i honestly see a lot of shy reader / myself in deer reader so this vibe is a little similiar to that !
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for her bedroom i see something like this !! lots of quilts and blankets, i feel like she spends a lot of time in her room so it's her haven and really cozy. to me her vibe gives grandma's cottage
but i picture big windows and a comfy bed she can lie in all day if rafe doesn't specifically come get her or give her a reason to get up. she probably has a kitten or a sleepy older dog who will curl up right next to her while she reads in bed.
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shes a kook and im projecting because i love those little window seating areas so maybe one of those where she can read and look out the window !! lots and lots of books! this bookshelf situation reminds me of my own room though hers is probably overflowing with her parents and rafe bankrolling. cute vanity situation for getting ready! i think she has an eye for collecting vintage things
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collage wall moment !! shy reader is the type who can't ever get rid of birthday cards, notes people scribbled to her, gift tags with 'to and from' in pretty handwriting, postcards and ticket stubs. a lot of is stored in a memory box but i bet with rafe's stuff she starts a little wall like this ! he probably stares at it when he visits and feels dizzy at the emotions
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trinket dishes ! scattered all throughout, filled with anything and everything. she'll be trying to get ready and running around trying to figure out where the watch rafe got her is and there's a million dishes to look through. hes like 'we're gonna be late do u even know what time it is?' she's like no i can't find my watch !
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finally records ! the photo on the left is the exact set up for my record player. as we know they are expensive jawns but rafe def bankrolls her addiction to buying pretty colored lana releases. her ideal sunday is listening to music and reading in bed while curled up next to rafe. shes a simple girl
hope this wasn't too obnoxiously long ! i loved making this. staring around my room realizing i just projected my entire room + personality onto her. sorry girl
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yuukimiyas · 6 months
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EEEP!!! KISA MY LOVE!!! ꒰♡˃̶̤́ ꒳ ˂̶̤̀ ꒱ hehee!! look at how cute & silly our boy is!! i am SQUEEZIN HIM & SQUISHIN HIM!!! ૮꒰⸝⸝> <⸝⸝꒱ა THE CUTEST LIL BABY!! I ADORE HIM ENDLESSLY!! omg the lil baguette he is so!!! EEEP!!! <333 i am moving him aside to smooch you first, sweet kisa!! mwah mwah!! ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
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luveline · 4 months
hiiiiiiiii jade! <3
would you be willing to write a fic about girl dad!spencer x bombshell!reader? i can only imagine what an adorable riot their daughter would be!!!
ty for requesting!! mom!reader
Spencer always thought you were too beautiful for him. Too funny, too brave, too confident. For years he feared he’d never be anyone you could love; he was the opposite of all your best parts, he talked too much about the wrong things, he went red whenever you so much as looked at him, and he couldn’t flirt back, not for anything. 
But it’s been a very long time since he felt that way. What good is a father who doesn’t believe in being yourself? Amanda deserved to be loved from the moment she drew breath, and he shouldn’t have been any different. 
Now, though, he’s wondering if he shouldn’t be so accepting of all her whims. “I am not wearing that, daddy,” she says. 
She’s just old enough to put together sentences but young enough that the individual words sound like building blocks, chunky and clumsy on her little mouth. Her lips are yours, her smiles and frowns one hundred percent you. (Though you argue with him often that the quizzical pout she does is all his.)
“What do you mean, angel?” he asks, bent over her sock drawer looking for a matching pair. 
“This is pink, and this is purple.” She points. 
“Yes, and you like pink and purple!” 
“I like pink… and I like purple,” she says. 
“But not together?” he asks knowingly. “You want them at different times, is that it?” 
She runs for his legs, hugging them tightly. “Thank you.” 
“You’re so much like your mommy it’s scary,” he whispers playfully, leaning down to pat her small back. “Okay, angel. I’ll find you a different dress to wear. Or maybe the dungarees!”
She lifts her chin up to smile at him. “Y’okay.” 
“Spencer, Amy!” you call, voice carrying from the kitchen. “Are you guys ready? We have to go soon and you haven’t even eaten!” 
Spencer used to sit at his desk daydreaming about you. He’d drink five cups of tea a day to get to walk past you for the kitchenette, hoping you’d be making a coffee, that you’d flirt with him over corporate rewarded donuts. Now you’re making him breakfast as he persuades your daughter into jelly shoes because she wants tall shoes like mommy. They compromise —Any will wear the wrong shoes if Spencer agrees to carry her to the kitchen table. 
“Sorry,” Spencer says as he pushes open the door into the kitchen. He's trying to be the best dad he can be all the time, but he doesn’t have a knack for the mornings like you do. “We won’t be late.” 
“That depends on how agreeable my lovely girl is feeling today.” You pick up the pink plastic plate you’ve filled with eggs, toast, and a mix of washed berries. “What do you think, Amy? Looks nummy?”
“Chocolate chip?” she asks, eyes already widening. 
“It’s breakfast, honey,” you say, scooping her out of Spencer’s arm to carry her to the table. “Chocolate chips are for dinner.” 
“If you promise to be really super duper good at Uncle Derek’s, then yes, you can have some chocolate chips,” you say, tucking her chair in, and kissing her chubby cheek. “You want me to make you milk or juice, mm?”
Spencer spots the two plates you’ve made up for you and him on the counter and quickly brings them to the table, sliding yours in front of you with a long-pronged fork, his hand on your shoulder to keep you in your seat. “I’ll get it,” he says, ducking down to kiss you on the side of the mouth. 
You turn to Amy. “See that, sweetheart? See how nice and kind your daddy is to me? He’s soooo nice. This is why we love him so much, and we appreciate him so much.” 
Amy nods emphatically, blueberries tumbling off of her plastic fork. “So much,” she echoes, her voice like melting sugar. 
He has a weird moment by the fridge where he has to grip the handle. “You know I used to dream about making you a cup of coffee in the mornings?” he asks. 
“Spencer, come over here and kiss me again, please,” you say, sympathetic and fond.
“Me too!” Amy says through fruit. “Me first.” 
“Oh, gosh, this is one of the hardest decisions of my life,” he says, sweeping in to dot your cheeks with kisses, hers then yours, three apiece.
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silkythewriter · 4 months
Angel on fire
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Warnings!: Angst(?), love triangle!, sorry for any grammar or spelling errors! (part 2)
Fandom!: Hazbin hotel!
Summary!: “you are as beautiful as the moon my dear.” He said with the sweeting smile you adored. “And your as deadly as the sun I fear, my love” you answered oh so bitter-fully.
“Cause those are my words, not yours
As far as I'm concerned, it could've been a lot worse
I wasn't trying to avoid the confrontation
She isn't crying, she's just making conversation”
“Look.. Adam-“ you said desperately before being cut off “no fucking way!” He chuckled “your actually side-ing with those shit bags?!” He said looking at you. You only glared at him, before huffing softly “watch your language…” You said with a with a small frown. Making his eyebrows crunch together as he closed his eyes with a huff. “For fuck sake do you know what those.. scums even did to end up there!” He said angrily. You steady your breath, with him you had too, you knew how he was but you just had too keep poking at him. Or get something other then a no, If you did you were sure to lose your mind.
“Adam, Just listen!, I think this could benefit heaven as well! More extra time means more time to do what you want. Wouldn’t you like that?” You tried reasoning as you cupped his hands in yours only for him to push it away. “Don’t test me Y/n, this is my job.” He spat out, making you wince. “Why are you pushing on this so hard anyways!, you have all you could want here. You barely have to lift a finger why are you so concerned for them?” He said crossing his arms. “They were humans once Adam, just like you, just like me. We’re no different, they just messed up once and we’re sent to an eternal furnace with no escape!” You said holding your hands to your chest. “Please! I’m nothing like them, I was the first fucking human soul in heaven, no one compares to me.” He laughed out. “So what does that mean about me?” You said with furrowed brows. He sighed heavily before speaking “Angel, listen to your self, your the only other person I really give a shit about. Well other then lute I guess” he shrugged as he rested his arm on the arm rest and laid his head in his palm boredly. “Look don’t worry your little gorgeous self about a thing. This ain’t your field!” He laughed.
You had patience, and you had tolerance. But his disrespect set you off. But you knew in your head that fighting someone like himself wouldn’t end well. You already had more leeway then most due to your, well close relationship with Adam. But you had to keep trying, after all angels don’t break promises.
With a heavy sigh you bowed before excusing your self. Which he quickly called out to you in confusion. But you only kept walking to your room, you were a patient one, but dealing with him proves to be a handful. You needed to think of a way to at least push it back one more month.
Just one more month
“What’s good cherry pimp” Angel dust asked as he threw himself on the couch sluggishly. “All day you’ve been hummin’ and tappin’ what’s on your mind?” He asked as he quirked an eyebrow up as he put his gaze on Alastor. Alastor smile only grew, his mind filled with your intoxicating self. To him you very much everything, from the first day he was damned, till now all his mind was filled was you. But now more then ever, seeing you after all these decades was a shot of electricity to his very dead heart. You hadn’t change a bit since the last time he laid eyes on you. You were still angelic as ever.
Again he was swept up in his mind but quickly flicked back to reality, swaying softly as he hummed. “Oh nothing, my dear friend, old acquaintances I have recently seen after some time!” He said in his usual radio voice. “Yea I’m surprised anyone would be friends with you. Not to be rude or nothin’ but your fuckin’ creepy pal” angel said as he laughed  as he waved his hands. Alastor only smirked in amusement as he took his leave. 
He should have known someone of the likes of you would end up where most wouldn’t. He wasn’t an ounce surprised. But he wanted you back, and he was going to take what he wanted. He didn’t frankly care if you’d belong to the sky,
You were his angel first. And he’d rid those little wings of yours if it meant you were to never fly Away from him.
Not this time, not again
You tiredly tapped your finger over the dinner table. Mind still racing with ideas, it was a cycle, coming up with something, but ultimately crossing it off the thinking board. Adam paid no mind for awhile as he chatted Away with Lute. Which was eyeing you suspiciously. And once Adam went back to his meal she quickly cleared her throat as she straighten her stance next to Adam “Miss Y/n, you haven’t touched your food.” She stated bluntly. Which made you snap out of thought as you turned you attention to her “I’m afraid I don’t have an appetite today” you said softly pushing the plate stacked with food away form you.
“Are you really still hung up on that stupid shit little miss princess of hell proposed?” He scoffed. Causing you to huff, “I’ll be taking my leave.” You said plainly but as nicely as you could as you backed you seat from the table and stood up causing him to grunt. “Look angel, if I think about pushing the damn extermination back would you drop this?” He said making you quickly turn to him with a smile and nod. “There’s that smile, now sit down and eat I’m tired of thinking of all of this” he said as you agreed taking a seat.
Lute was appalled at how… how quick it was was all agreed. How could he just push it back so easily? Even if it was just him “thinking” about it. And for no reason other then you?, all though Adam was to In-grossed in his own things to question such things. She did not and quickly grew suspicious, you out of all people should be less worried. You have everything in a silver platter yet you still seem to have such a worry in matters that weren’t concerning you in the first place.
You could feel her eyes staring you down. But her suspicions were very much valid even if unfortunate to your case. You’d have to be more careful, if she caught on, she’d be quick to make Adam question aswell.
You cursed yourself slightly but still happy non the less. Even if you got Adam to consider the possibility of pushing the date back was still a progress!.
You were sure to tell Charlie soon, although you’d have to wait till lutes suspicions and stares would die down so you could slip away.
Your patience were never ending, but oh how much you longed for the man you’ve last seen years ago.
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neuvistar · 1 year
idk if you write poly but imagine jing yuan and blade overstimulating you the whole night!!! jing yuan ofc praises you while he makes you cry and calls you oh so teethrotting words, blade on the other hand, degrades the shit out of you and tells jing yuan things like “don’t baby them” and then spanks you or grabs your hair
— featuring ┊jing yuan x f!reader x blade
— warnings / content warnings ┊not proofread, double penetration, vaginal sex, degradation, a little bit of she/her pronouns, spanking, praise kink, blade being a lil bitch, both have a size kink if u squint, reader implied to be shorter than them in height, dirty talk, use of nicknames, overall suggestive content | 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
— a/n ┊MHMM OFC I DO <3 i like writing em despite not doing posting it, u are sososo real for this nonnie it’s a great balance too, two hot men wrapped around your finger, TYSM 4 THE REQUEST NONNIE! AAAA THIS IS A BIT RUSHED BUT I HOPE ITS FINE
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BLADE AND JING YUAN. where could you even start? first off, it was a pain living with both jing yuan and blade, you can never have a peaceful night. you love them both dearly, yes.. but one was always rougher with you than the other was. jing yuan always treated you like a princess, so it was quite obvious he was always the one you would run to whenever blade was being so so mean to you, one lucky girl you are. you decided it was a good idea to give jing yuan some attitude one evening. he was getting on your nerves, crossing your arms as you looked up at him, narrowing your eyes. oh.. you were adorable. but you knew better than to give him attitude, blade would always get involved too..
jing yuan stares down at you as if you were merely just someone below him, well.. you are gonna be below both him and blade if don’t put a stop to your bratty antics right here and there. “what did i say about giving me attitude, angel? do you never listen?” he asks calmly, the soft smile still lingering on his face. he can't help but smile a little at how adorable you look right now, your arms crossed in protest and your face scrunching up like you're upset. jing yuan was almost tempted to give you exactly what you want, whatever it is. “you’re the one that doesn’t listen to me, jing yuan. don’t give me this!”
jing yuan sighs softly as you whine and cry. your voice is just so cute, and he can't help but want to give you whatever you want just to stop you from being so stubborn. he chuckled, smiling gently at you. his tone and expression softens as he kisses the tip of your nose. he’s just so weak against your whining and crying, such an angel you are.. he can’t resist you. “alright.. fine, my dove. you know you can get whatever you want by whining and acting like that, don't you?" he would whisper softly, pulling your body closer to his chest, a soft smile still lurking on his face as he gazed down at you. “how about this..." a familiar voice adds, making your heart drop as you felt something.. or someone brush against your back, mumbling softly into your ear, lips brushing against the lobe of your ear breathing softly against you. “would ya quit babying her, jing yuan? she doesn’t deserve it. listen here, princess.” blade grabbed your shoulder turning you to face him, hand on your chin. “the next time you whine at him, i’ll give you something to cry about. got it?”
“the hell you will! you’re always so mean, blade. punishing me any chance you get. s’ not even a big deal!” “then you’ll have to be good,” blade spat. “you’re such a crybaby. it makes it harder for me not to give you something to whine and cry about.” you pressed your thighs together, feeling the wetness in between your legs as you swallowed the lump in your throat, crossing your arms at him. “tone it down with the angel, would you? she just wanted something, she might’ve got carried away with the begging and whining but.. it’ll be fine.”
blade looked back down at you, biting down on your shoulder as he caught sight of you clutching on jing yuan’s chest, a low chuckle rumbling from the general’s throat. “it’ll be alright, angel. you don’t want your punishment, don’t you?” you were being squished between them, cheek against jing yuan’s chest as he ran his hand down your lower back, patting gently. “no, no i don’t.” blade bit down on your shoulder, applying more pressure. you let out a soft wince, your knuckles white from the harsh grip you had on jing yuan’s attire. “no?” blade says, feigning surprise as he lifts an eyebrow. “i’ll give you a reason to want it, i’ll can make you want it. i’ll have you begging and whining for my cock once we’re done with you, stubborn girl.”
oh boy.. you’re done for tonight.
"a little bratty and bad darling you are, hm?” jing yuan remarked teasingly, you were seated on his cock, tears already forming in your eyes as you begged him to be gentle with you, blade working on marking you, oh how painful his teeth felt.. you were on cloud 9 at this point. jing yuan’s eyes gaze into yours as his hand trails up your hips his warm breath washes over your shoulder as he speaks, his words filled with affection and love. “cmon angel, keep going. you’re doing so good, y’know that baby? taking my cock so well.” he praised, planting a kiss on your collarbone. “tell me, angel. you don’t need your punishment, right? you’re such a good girl for me.. right?” nodding viciously, you couldn’t think straight. you weren’t even sure how he managed to fit inside, but you loved it.
“not for me.” the words are just enough to push blade over the edge, his hand moving in a swift motion and spanking your bottom hard, the sharp pain making your entire back tingle. “o-ow! blade?—“ you yell out as the pain quickly starts to spread all through your nerves. “that hurts!”
“it does hurt, doesn’t it?” he lets his hand settle on your bottom for just a couple more seconds before removing it. He looks down on you, his tone and look still serious, a deadpan nonchalant expression on his face. but there’s an underlying air of lust as you lay there on jing yuan’s bare chest in pain, his cock still thrusting inside your abused pussy slowly. blade forcibly grabbed at your hips, aligning himself with your hole, the same hole jing yuan was using. “w-wait!” jing yuan shut you up with a kiss, his touch so sweet.. calming you down almost immediately. “it’ll be fine, dove. you’re already doing a good job handling mine, you can handle two cocks at once, can you?”
“promise it won’t hurt?”
“i promise, sweetheart. you can do it, right? ‘gonna be a good girl f’me and blade?”
“f-for you i’ll be..”
“that’s my girl.”
blade took this opportunity to thrust himself inside your cunt, a loud whine leaving your throat. your eyes flew open as jing yuan licked his lips, keeping you in place as he took sight of your fucked out state, seeing how well you were taking them, a bulge forming on your stomach. your breathing became shallow, and it hitched every time blade plunged into you. face scrunched, absorbed in pure lust and hunger. “that’s it, dove. you’re doing great.. so pretty.” “f-fuck.. stop babying her, asshole.” you were stuck in between them, really. the roughness and harsh movements of blade’s thrusts mixed with jing yuan’s soft and slow thrusts, you felt so full, tongue lolling out with your mind going completely blank at this rate as you came on their cocks almost immediately, coating their huge dicks with white.
“ohh.. she came already. you like this, dove? ‘like how it feels? i like how this pretty pussy feels around me too.” jing yuan kissed your tears away, his hair was damp with sweat, plastered to his forehead. blade withdrew himself almost completely and pushed back in, fucking you with his entire length. he gave you a small squeeze on your bottom, a teasing smile danced on his lips, a hint of cruelty almost once his hand comes to rest near your bottom, landing another slap on the fat of your ass. “fuckin’ sloppy..” he spoke, giving your ass another slap, your body jolting forward at the stinging pain as you came once again, feeling how sticky it felt in between your thighs.
both blade and jing yuan felt their lengths rubbing against each other, grunting loudly as they pressed themselves together sliding their dicks side by side through your entrance, completely buried inside as the tips of their lengths kissed your cervix. blade grabbed a handful of your hair, pulling you back to his chest, his cock bullying itself inside your cunt far more roughly this time. “once we cum, you’re taking it all. not a single drop to be left.. ‘got that?” you nodded weakly, jing yuan sat up slightly as he chuckled, kissing your jaw. “such a good girl you are, baby.” both continued fucking you at a steady pace, making sure not to miss a beat. “you like that, slut? ‘like being used like this?” one taunted mockingly while the other grunted in response, chasing his high “f-fucking hell, m’ gonna cum. you feel too good, princess.”
both blade and jing yuan found themselves approaching their orgasm, picking up the pace of their thrusts, feeling one enter while the other pulls away, one enter and the other pull away.. over and over. on repeat. fuck. you felt so full and they haven’t even came inside you, yet the feeling of their lengths inside the same hole at the same time were enough to make you cum on the spot. they kept ramming themselves deep inside your poor abused pussy, making sure not to miss any spot leaving no part untouched until finally releasing streams of their seed, coating your walls with white just like how your coated their dicks. you were absolutely exhausted. once blade pulled away, he admired how slowly his cum would leave your hole, dripping onto jing yuan’s. you collapsed on jing yuan’s chest, your body shook at the amount of exhaustion that washed over your body.
“you were too rough on her, blade. one day, you might actually break her.” he chuckled, wrapping his arms around you as his cock was still inside you, grabbing at your hips and slowly pulling your off with his strong arms, laying you down on the mattress as he grabbed a cloth and wiped the mess in between your legs, not realizing how much they both filled you to the brim.
“tsk. i’m pretty sure i— no. we already have.”
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mintaikcorpse · 3 months
You Know What? Fuck It. Jealous & Clingy Vox Headcanons
"Angel quit?"
Come on. Yall saw how happy he was at the possibility that Angel quit. How can I not make my silly little- sometimes fucked up bcuz look at them- headcanons?!
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-Vox and Val aren't dating, but Vox would very much like for them to be an item, but either doesn't know how to voice it or just thinks what they have right now is fine. That doesn't mean that he won't get a little (a lot)! jealous when Val flirts with other people. But since they're on the same power level, he can't really do anything about it, so he just becomes quiter and does other things. Check his phone, wait it out, be a petty little bitch in the corner, etc, etc
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-When Val is done flirting with them and him and Vox are alone again, Vox has one of two reactions; be extra physical or affectionate or be a petty little bitch. It really depends on his mood. When he becomes extra affectionate, he'll cuddle up to Val or make out with him or they'll probably just fuck honestly. When he's being a petty little bitch, he'll sit there like a toddler and mope, sometimes ignoring Val. Val thinks both of this behavior is adorable either way, and sometimes flirts with people in front of Vox just to get a reaction out of him (read this person's comic to know what I mean, I love it sm)
-He's a needy, touch-starved bottom. Ya'll saw the way Vox pulled Val into a position where his arms would be wrapped around him at the beginning of their dance (and Vox arching his back-), right? Y'know how after Val kisses someone he leaves his weird red spit behind? That appeared on Vox's mouth when Vox started singing Stayed Gone. Like, "Hey babe, can you give me a good luck kiss before I sing a disstrack for my ex?". He wants/needs physical affection so much and so bad
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-I now also headcanon that he's embarrassed to ask for it in a romantic way, so he only does it 'accidently' or to fit the situation (like how he pulled Val in that position in the dance)
-Valentino has merch of himself and Vox bought some of it
-Yes, he stalks Val. That's actually canon
- Vox has so many cameras pointed at Val. Val is aware of this and sometimes performs for the camera in various ways. He honestly doesn't care surprisingly, since Vox isn't really gonna do anything with the footage other than be a voyeuristic little freak
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(Tysm @that-oneforkmod for pointing this out. Ik he's being creepy, but I laughed way too hard at where the cameras are pointing and how down bad my guy is)
- Despite Vox's clinginess, Val can also be incredibly clingy and it can get on Vox's nerves. He'll get pissy when Vox won't hold him or give him attention and Vox will be annoyed, but when Val stops being prissy, Vox will then give him affection. (Litterally just "not talk to me I angy" "Ok"*leaves* "wait no, come back")
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hoeforhao · 1 year
hi !! if it's alright may i request svt with a fem/gn reader with massive tits? like just how would the boys react (nsf/w or sfw is upto you :D) to a reader with the big naturals, which if you do this request tysm!! :D
well well y'all will never see me again after this post, cuz am literally embarrassed asf!!! also me writing about something i don't have??makes me sad ;(
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Seungcheol: This man is a huge sucker for asses. Like he lives to bend you over and fuxk you deep. But little do people know, boobs are his secret weakness, and having someone with big naturals? You just know that he'll be using them as stress balls, pumping them like his life depends on it,everytime he's stressed from work; bury his face deep down into the pillows and fall asleep on his personal plushies.
Jeonghan: I somehow feel like he'll be more into smaller breasts, but that doesn't mean he won't be relishing your mounds to the max while his dick is buried deep inside of you. He is of the type to circle your clothed nipples with his slick fingers as you cook, only to end up enjoying the view of them all perked up as he eats his meal.
Joshua: He's such a softie when it comes to sucking the life out of your breasts. Like he would literally worship you while saying things like "I've never seen such full and gorgeous boobs angel. Ydk how badly I wait everyday to come back home and adore them". Also I feel like shua will have a slight mommy kink only when it comes to your breasts and doze off on your bosom like a child, if he's too tired and snore like an absolute baby.
Junhui: Another huge tease. But unlike jeonghan, he would be totally showy of how much he loves your big tits, cupping them at every chance he gets, buying you all white lacey lingerie with several slits, so that he can keep on getting a show of your bouncy cream pies all throughout the day, while brushing his cold fingers against the perked up buds every once in a while.
Soonyoung: I've got only one thing to say. He would literally run home to rub his sweaty face all over your bust, as soon as he finishes the group dance lessons; latching onto your nipples the whole time while you make his post practice smoothie.
Wonwoo: He would have you seated on his lap the entire time while he plays his silly little online games with his friends, squeezing your boobs for emotional support and twisting the stubs everytime he is even slightly close to losing ; earning low muffled moans from you that in turn act as his fuel to win.
Jihoon: This man is not at all that soft as he appears to be. He would have a separate space in his studio where he would tie you up with button vibrators on your nipples ; setting them to the highest speed as he creates his new masterpiece with your ecstatic moans as the bgm. After finishing his demo, he would come to your limp body drained from cumming multiple times, and roam his pale digits over the overly sensitive stumps while nurturing them with soft kisses.
Minghao: You're his biggest muse. He would call you anytime he feels artblocked; lathering the paint all over your breasts as he presses them onto the canvas to paint his brand new piece. What's a brush???!! He doesn't consider buying brushes and sponges for his art supply!! Why would he even, when he has your big milky tits for a sponge and the two perks as his brush.
Mingyu: HE IS SIMPLY OBSESSED WITH YOUR BOOBS. THAT'S IT!! Filling up your closet with blazers two sizes smaller than your bust, only so that he can see your breats pressed tightly against in each other in nothing but the long blazers, forming the most ravishing cleavage anyone has ever seen; as he takes you on a home dinner date and sucks onto his personal pacifier as the dessert later.
Seokmin: Would be pretty shy to admit how he loves the sight your boobs bouncing up and down as he fuxks the life out of you every night. It would literally take him an entire year worth courage to ask to play with your butter soft breasts,for the times he is out of you and once you agree, he would latch onto your skin like a slug.
Seungkwan: Again, a very coy boy, absolutely terrified of letting you know how crazy he is driven by your big pillows. Would love to peek at them while you take a shower, the droplets gracefully dripping down the bumps, wishing that it was his tongue slowly gliding down your nipples, instead.
Vernon: If you ask me, I feel like he would have a huge mommy kink. Pining to suck onto your milky teats everytime y'all go out, having you rush home early only to let your big baby play with his favorite toy, is a compulsory routine for him.
Dino: Don't even get me started on how much Chan loves the fact that his s/o has such big naturals. People would die to have such supple, juicy tits to feast onto every night and he gets it for free? A gift he would cherish his entire life. He might treat you like a whore in bed, but your boobs?Well, they're only his to worship and making sure he paints them red every night, is his biggest duty!!!
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b1ttersuite · 4 months
how would adam in eden treat his first wife reader
Was he an asshole before eve and lilith left him?
HOOOOLY CRAP GUYS. i went down the BIGGEST rabbit hole for this (perks of being sick and having free time)… first request!!!! (AND FEEL FREE TO LEAVE MORE :)) tysm!!! and with all the background research, i cooked !!! (proofread + i tried my best to make this accurate)
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how would adam in eden treat his first wife reader?
was he an asshole before eve and lilith left him?
(no warnings, no pronouns used, but suggested you are his wife ^_^)
— in my opinion, lucifer pretty much messed with his whole love life. i think he would be much more chill than he is now. but to try and match his character, he will be a little egoistic.
you were adam’s first wife, and to him, you meant a lot.
seriously, being the first man on earth he grew to be a bit egotistical. but, you helped tone that down from him. 
you knew he thought higher of himself, but you tried to remind him that humans should all be equal.
life was wonderful in eden. after spending time in eden with him, you both realized you were falling deeply in love with each other.
“hey, i think i’m in love with you.”
adam says with a grin, and you can’t help but reply,
“me too.”
and your relationship bloomed from there. he thought you were the most wonderful woman he would ever meet.
and as a few years passed, you became adam’s wife. 
he could hardly believe it, considering how dumb he was. you were like a goddess to him. beautiful in every way, even if you didn’t think so. he would always tell you how important you are to him.
you spent days upon days with him, and you would plan various things to do.
one of your favorite activities was spending a day in the warm sun, prancing in meadows and playing in creeks.
adam just adored you, sometimes he got a little embarrassed to participate because of his somewhat  ‘manly’ ego, but if you asked him to do anything, no questions, he’d do it right away.
“babe, there’s a bunch of flowers in your hair.”
he says, gently leaning forward to pick some of the succulents out of your hair. you two sat in the meadow, as adam hummed while doing so.
“what happens when we die?”
you say curiously, and adam looks at you wide eyed.
“oh, sweetness, don’t worry ‘bout that, ‘kay?”
you silently nodded, curling close to him. the sun was starting to set.
you two shifted on your backs to look at the stars, and he listened intently as you mumbled about the different constellations.
and soon, he knew when your speech got slower, and your hands stopped pointing up at the sky, you had fallen to slumber. and he follows quickly.
and you remained close, in love for years to come.
when it came time for death, you both succumbed.
when you made it to heaven, you were there together.
he was so happy, happy he is able to spend the rest of eternity with you.
extra / if he left you for eve + lillith (angstyyy kinda?)
when you and adam got married, you knew this wouldn’t last forever. you love him, so so much, but you knew he didn’t love you fully.
and that’s just who he was, perhaps. he was always eyeing other women, thinking he was superior to you, and seemed to become a bit short tempered around you.
and that’s when you couldn’t take it anymore. you confronted him, tears in your eyes.
and he left.
left you for eve, left her for lillith.
you knew there was no end to it, but when you became an angel, you saw just how fucked up he was.
he was even worse now, somehow, and you knew it was all his wives fault.
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research/long blabber about adam’s backstory i looked up to understand him further even after rewatching hazbin 4 times…  adam’s first wife lilith married lucifer,, lilith and adam fought (as of religious text) demons =sinners and freedom with a life in heaven =exterminations lilith = left and kinda evil? adam =first man earliest of man and kinda worst of man? (according to lol more religious text blah blah blah) uprise because lilliths singing which adam took advantage of? alastor’s master = lillith..(theory i think) OH GOD IM SO CONFUSED anyways. lilith hates subservience (willingness to obey others unquestionably) that’s why she left adam?? adam =toxic masculinity. eve left to eat the apple from lucifer ADAMS EX-wife set lillith up? or what. first human. after his wife’s? he’s EXTRENELY cocky and arrogant in charge of annual extermination of sinners (because of overpopulation) is mean because he thinks it’s hilarious, who’s gonna stop him? adam thinks no one can change, and thinks heaven and hell is a great system. basically abuses his power..  lucifer had a baby with adam’s ex-wife and is indirectly responsible for adam losing out on paradise. adam didn’t eat the fordbifden fruit which is why he acts the way he does? god complex cuz he’s firsy man. lillith was the first woman in hazbin, lilith left because adam thought higher of himself. EVE ATE THE FRUIT of knowledge! i tried to use my brain to the max to make this so I HOPE YOU ENJOYED!!!
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tpwkwriter · 1 year
hellooo! i love ur writing, could u please do one where Y/n and harry talking about the nicknames they have for each other and why and harrys are really sweet and cute. (ideas of nicknames from harry to y/n: princess, sweetheart, baby, sweet girl, angel, beautiful, my girl, my love, darling, pretty girl etc.) and then liek harry starts tickling y/n and its all fluff tysm
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My only Angel
Omggg tysmmmm🤍 and thank you for the request it’s absolutely adorable<3
Warnings: slight cussing, tooth rotting fluff, supperrr duperrr domestic.
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Through this relationship pet names were always there.
Even from the very beginning.
Even if they were upset, angry or frustrated there was always a ‘love’ or ‘baby’ in the mix.
“Why you so lovey today?” Y/n asked adjusting her arm so Harry can fit closer to her side.
“Y’complaining?” He lowly asked.
“Not at all, y’okay?”
“Mmmhmm, jus’ wanna love all over you” he whines.
“Such a sap sometimes” she says dropping her phone and snuggling in further to his warmth.
“Y’ cant blame me, Y’so lovely love”
“There not kidding when they say you love love” she laughed.
“Mmhmmm, I love loveee love you” he dragged craning his head slightly to press kisses to her cheek
“I love you too harry” she replied, melting under him.
“Heyyy” he frowned, lips leaving her cheeks.
“Y’never say Harry” he falsely pouted.
“Oh, I love you too bubs” she giggled.
“God were sickly” she added.
“Mmm, but that’s why I love us” he hummed.
“Our pet names are weird” she thought, running her free hand through his disheveled curls.
“Noooo, there cute” he answered.
“Okay bug” she giggled emphasising the last word.
“I like that oneee, it’s cute” he defended.
“What’s y’favourite?” He asked, his eyes opening to watch the girl speak.
“Uhhhh” she sighed “where do I start”
“You call me Princess only really when y’drunk but I find it sorta cute, but you melt m’heart when you say ‘darling’ or ‘poppet’” she admitted, a slight heat rising to her cheeks.
“Is tha’ so?” She smirks, his arms tightening around the girl, loving the fact he has the effect.
“And when m’sad ‘angel’ can always make me feel better” she smiles.
“Can’t have m’angel being upset” he responded pressing a kiss to her nose.
“What’s yours then?” She said eyebrows raising.
“Well, obviously the traditional, ‘babe’ n ‘baby’ not really a pet name but I find ‘H’ sweet” he said as his ringed fingers go to her chin and guide her for a sweet peck.
“I love calling you bubs!” She said, a toothy grin evident.
“Y’too cute” he said pratically melting into her soft touches.
“Y’so clingy sometimes” she blushed, pressing a kiss to the boys forehead.
“Clingy?” He said head shooting up.
“Y’really asking for it huh?”
Without another word he moved into a straddling position above the girl, giving the girl 0 time to think, his fingers found her sides and he began mercilessly tickling the girl.
“Harry” she gasped, a line of giggles leaving her mouth.
“Omg!” She yelped.
“Tell me you love me n m’the best and I’ll stop” he smiled.
“N-no- n-never” she laughed, trying her best to flail him off, but to her Knowledge his time in the gym paid off.
“alright” he smirked as continued.
“Ok-okay, baby yo-you are th- the best boyfriend and I love you so much your the best” she managed to blurt in between fits of laughter and play screaming.
“Aww thank you poppet” he emphasises, leaning down and kissing her smiley lips.
“Now get off me y’lump” she said trying not to laugh, trying to wriggle out of his hold.
“Where’s this attitude come from?”
“Because you tickled meee” she dragged adding a false pout to add to the effect.
“Ohhhh babyyyyyyy” he cooed, “c’mere” Harry rolled to the left side of the girl and opened his arms wide for the girl to hide herself in just like he did previously.
“Hate you” she huffed, snuggling into him.
“That’s why y’cuddling me then?” He teased, wrapping his arms fully around the girl.
“Shut up” she mumbled
— — — — —
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angelshimaa · 5 months
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@kirishima-eijirock :: for the holiday event, could I please request an under the mistletoe for kiri? tysm ilyyyy
a/n :: hi bby !! thank you so much for entering, i hope you like this (i loved writing it sm, i love you too !!) gn!reader, fluff
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“pretty, please come here.”
you look up from your phone to be met with your boyfriend standing idly, red eyes already watching you. you notice kirishima has his hair down, which makes sense given how lazy he got with it when he had no plans to go out.
“what’s wrong, eiji?” you're quick to discard your phone, placing it on the couch before you rise to make your way over. you're intrigued, wondering just what he wanted from you.
kirishima reaches out his hand for you, which you take gladly once you're close enough. gently, the redhead tugs you closer to him so that you're standing right in front of him. a smile takes over at the close proximity— you could never quite get over the way he grins at you when you're so close to him.
“we’ve actually got a little problem, angel,” he muses, pointing upwards. you follow his motion with your eyes, and that's when you notice, with a growing smile, the green hanging above the two of you. “looks like we've found ourselves under some mistletoe.”
“and when did you put this up, eiji?” you're amused, he can tell by the way you look up at him, the skin around your eyes crinkled softly by your curved lips. you make him want to hang mistletoe across every inch of the ceiling, because what else would he rather do than kiss you?
“that’s not important, baby.” kirishima hands slide against your sides to rest gently at your hips and your arms wrap around his shoulders perfectly, like they do every single time. every part of him feels shaped perfectly for you, and he loves how snuggly his hands fit against your dips and curves.
“uhuh, and what is?” you tilt your head a little, looking at him in a way that has him disarmed every time, stripped with nothing but naked adoration remaining.
“looks like you gotta give me a kiss, baby. according to holiday tradition, of course.”
kirishima doesn't need to fall onto holiday traditions for kisses and he knows you'll give him as many as he asks for, regardless of the time of year. still, you know just how much he loves being cheesy in adoring you, and you're more than happy to indulge.
“yes, of course.” you give him a quick peck, grinning at the little pout he gets at the loss of your lips on his.
“that’s not fair, baby— you're cheating.” you can't help but laugh at his words, your hands moving to cup his face and squish his cheeks a little. he's adorable like this, asking so sweetly for your affection.
“cheating how, eiji? i kissed you, didn't i?” you're teasing him, eyes glinting with joy and you only make him want to kiss you more. kirishima pulls the best puppy eyes he can, silently asking for you to kiss him like you mean it.
after a playful eyeroll, you get close enough to brush your lips against him and he takes care of the rest by pressing his against yours. you feel him smiling into it, his arms wrapping around your waist so as to pull you even closer to him.
after deepening the kiss, kirishima can't seem to get enough of you, lips moving so eagerly that you’re the one who has to pull away after a while so you both can breathe.
“are you happy now, you big baby?” you're smiling again and honestly, playfulness aside, kirishima is happy just thinking about you. he's happier when he gets to touch you like this, feeling your warmth— it reminds him that you're glowing with the sweetness of life and that you choose to love him with it every single day.
“very, very happy.” he exhales, his soft lips slightly swollen and pupils slightly dilated as he looks at you. kirishima’s thumbs caress the small of your back and the fleeting touch, along with the dazed grin he wears, almost dizzy with infatuation, has you pulling him closer for another kiss.
you were spoiling him, and kirishima was more than happy to let you kiss him as much as you wanted to.
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oh, how he loved the season of giving.
✧ — thank you for reading !! rbs and feedback are greatly appreciated <3
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winterwhisperz-blog · 2 months
Hey i just read your touchstarved headcanons and I LOVE IT!!!
And Here’s my request is that can you do a scenario of TS boys with MC who can speak different languages??? (like Italian or French)
Don’t worry i am a patient person and I won’t rush you. And i hope you’ll make more scenarios of the TS boys in be future.
YES HI HELLO !! I am, SO SO SORRY for taking two thousand centuries to respond to this—I’ve been pretty stressed over work so I haven’t been able to write headcanons as much— BUT TYSM FOR THE ASK !! IM SO HAPPY YOUVE ENJOYED MY HEADCANONS !
I do want to apologize in advance that these are going to be shorter and less one-shot like, than my others. These will be more like my Kuras Headcanons I made awhile ago—(Life has been kicking my butt lately so my motivation has been LOW)
But I hope you still enjoy them !!
Also huuuuge thanks to @danyvhell-writes
For helping me with these ideas !! You’re a saint 🙏
Note: gn reader! Fluff
So, one of my besties would do this A LOT where she would just switch into Spanish and I’d just be there like ???
So I thought it would be funny if you did that with Ais here
Imagine you’re in some kind of argument, a stupid, light one you know— and to annoy him
He’s completely stunned, red eyes wide as you just start rambling, (very passionately) in a language he doesn’t understand
As you go on though, he just becomes utterly impressed, watching your mouth as he studies the words coming out of it (and just because he’s flirty LMAOOOO)
After you’ve had your fun, he comments something like “Impressive, Sparrow.” And then asks you, ofc, if you can teach him what you said
To tease him a bit more, you don’t tell him for a bit until he BRINGS OUT THESE GIANT PUPPY EYES
So you do start teaching him, just long evenings hunched over books or a paper as you teach him different phrases and words, the candle light dancing on his focused gaze.
And one day, out of the blue, he starts calling you Sparrow in the language you were speaking(and you also hear him practice words while talking with Princess—AND ITS SO ADORABLE)
After he’s becoming pretty good at it, you then proceed to tease other people(Leander) by randomly switching mid-conversation into a different language <33
NOW WITH THIS ONE, it reminded me of this really cool video of a guy switching between loads of languages in one song
IMAGINE showing this off to Leander one rowdy night at the Wet Wick
Maybe it’s even one of his favorite songs ??? And hearing you sing it in so many languages would absolutely knock him off his feet.
Another thing I think he’d go CRAZY FOR
Pet names, in whatever language.
Like ?? You call him something like “Mi amor…” for Spanish, or “Tesoruccio.” For Italian ??
He’s done for. Doomed. Dead. Will beg you to repeat it over and over while he showers your hands or arms with kisses.
He’s also one that would definitely be okay with you calling these pet names in public—he wants to be all smug that HES the one called yours.
He probably also learns whatever language you speak as well, might already know it because bro probably had tutors that taught him so many languages man.
In return for the pet names, he probably calls you something like “λατρεία μου” or “latria mu” (My adored !!! 🥹 in greek)
I’m guessing since Kuras is an Angel, he knows like ??? Every language?
So when he finds out you speak others, he’s instantly curious, impressed, and now it’s quiz time.
You pass by a certain object, plant, anything, and he asks you how to say it in your language(s). Even if he may already know, he likes to hear it coming from you, enjoying the glint in your eyes as you explain things.
Another thing he’ll do, is when you’re having a library date, he’ll hand you a book and request you translate it. Either from your language to—whatever language people speak in Eridia ?? Or from that language to yours.
These will turn into nightly strolls with you translating a poem or book as he strides beside you, golden eyes locked on every word.
In return, he’ll translate whatever text into a language you don’t know. (I wonder if angels have a specific language??)
A name for him, I think it’d be cute if you called him 아름다운 천사 (Beautiful Angel in Korean !!)
Whether this is after or before you know he’s an Angel, he finds it both amusing and endearing. (Or painfully ironic if his life as an Angel is a tough subject)
OKAY SOSOSOSOSO !! Mhin evidently thirsts for knowledge, they’re a lil nerd and they’re rlly bad at hiding it (A mood really. one of the reasons I love them <3) and my friend mentioned they’re more of a listener? So like I can see them just—paying very close attention to every word you say
At times they may not seem to be listening to you as you ramble, or catch a few words of slang from your language(s). But they’re actually secretly a sponge and soak up every little detail.
And now this may be just me but Mhin gives off such I must impress you with all my random facts vibes.
They ask questions about the languages you speak, the slang, the meanings, how to pronounce things correctly, everything
And then they do their own research, soaking up all they can before appearing to you one day and just starting the conversation in your language(s)
When you show any sign of being impressed, they will look away blushing and try to act cool but nahhh buddy you aren’t fooling anyone we know you spent forever working on that
Similar to Ais, lots of late night lessons where you get to teach Mhin about your language(s)! Just you two looming over an open book, Mhin scribbling down notes, looking so concentrated and you even spot a smile starting to form as they start getting better and better. (I love themmmmm 😭)
Mhin asks you to quiz them a lot, and looks so !! !! Just proud of themself when they pass. (Before realizing it and their self loathing kicks in and they revert back to >:( ) You want to tell them that they don’t need to be quizzed but look at their face !! Let them impress you okay !! They’re top 1 student !!
If you want you can joke about them having to call you Professor(Mc) or something but ur just gonna get a deep frown and glare like 😒 nuh uh AHAHSHS
Ohhh vere my nemesis. (He’s the toughest for me to write i have to like mentally and physically ambush him in a fast food parking lot before I can get anything outta him)
(I love him so much though so here we go !! Thanks to my friend for giving me a lot of help in this one because otherwise I’d be a doomed woman)
My friend brought up since he’s a fox, he’s very sensitive to sound !! So when you’re speaking in your mother language, he notices how your tone might change, watches as your tongue moves against your teeth or the top of your mouth, idk but he makes it a sensual thing somehow 😭
Definitely flirts with you in your language(s), says the most outrageous thing and watches as you get stunned or flustered by it, absolutely delighted that no one but you (or anyone who’s unfortunately being nosy and can understand) knows what he’s saying.
Okay this may be dumb but it’s so funny to me imagine Vere like putting on his most smooth, seductive tone, convincing the people around that he’s gonna say like the most erotic thing but he ends up just saying something like 💀 “Avocados” in your language(s) or like “Leander looks like a chicken breast” he does it to see you laugh but also because Leander overhears and could tell his name was said and thinks Vere is like— finally coming around but only you two rlly know Vere is just sexily roasting him.
Due to recent lore being dropped, and in his lil character sheet, it says Vere has a huge love for the arts. I think it’d be really neat if you introduced him to things specifically written in your language(s) !! Like books that originated from your country, plays that are only acted in that language(s), just a tour of the language! And if he doesn’t know your languages(s) then teaching him is gonna be like 💀 somehow so flirty
Will definitely call you Professor(Mc) but he makes it sound absolutely horrendous and cringey and you will regret it you probably should turn back
Jokingly will ask if you’ll give him a golden sticker if he behaves—do it, just to humble him.
OKAY WE’VE REACHED THE END WOOOT WOOT !!!! I DIDNT THINK I’D MAKE IT !!! Been stuck in this endless void for ages !!
Hem hem, thanks so much for the ask !!! I’m so so sorry it took forever 😭 writer’s block nearly had my head this time uh oh
Thank you again to my bestie for helping me out !!
Now I hope you see the most beautiful sunset, eat your favorite dessert, learn something new, and have a happy spring !! 🫶🩷✨
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dootdootwriting · 1 year
HIHIHI IDK IF URE STILL TAKIJG REQUEST BUT IF U ARE, ATUSHI,DAZAI AND RANPO MAKING READER CRY? (gender neutral or fem is great if that’s okayyy) TAKE CARE 😘💞💓 make sure ure eating drinking sleeping and all that jazz 🫶🫶
featuring: atsushi; dazai; ranpo (separately tw: mild descriptions of violence/injury in atsushi's part, crying, dazai typical suicide jokes/discussion of them in his part, "angel" as a pet name, swearing (from me) type: angst to fluff, hurt/comfort pronouns used: none (no use of "belladonna") (dazai flirts with another woman but god dammit that man is BISEXUAL. reader is gn) a/n: YIPPEEE THREE OF MY BEST BOYS!! and tysm im actually coming down with some kindof sickness my dad has covid so i hope its. not that LMAO but thank you <333 i'm going to bed after i write this!
under the cut for length <3 i may have gotten a LITTLE carried away with dazai DHAGHDG
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is it even possible for this dude to make you cry, genuinely? he's such a caring boyfriend that he second guesses just about everything he says in case it could somehow offend you
it's partially adorable and partially annoying
so, him hurting you is pretty much out of the question. so how the hell does this sweetheart end up making you cry??
by getting hurt
he gets beaten within an inch of his life in yet another accidental run-in with akutagawa, and you have to drag him out of that situation as fast as you can, carrying him all the way to the ada
kunikida opens the door, notices your tear-stained face first and then atsushi's limp body flung over your shoulder, and calls for yosano immediately. she arrives in under three seconds, scooping him up and rushing him to her infirmary.
and now, all you can do is wait
hours after the incident, after yosano informs everyone that he'll most likely pull through, you try to get some work done. but with your boyfriend having just nearly been killed, it's pretty much impossible.
ranpo is so worried about how distressed you look that he offers you a pocky stick. you accept it and eat it, but it doesn't taste like anything.
your thanks is half-hearted.
you're sitting there in front of your google doc, eyes tired and red from sobbing earlier. there are three words written on what's supposed to be an incident report. kunikida sighs, pats you on the back, and takes your laptop away from you, telling you he'll take care of it.
that's when yosano gently re-enters the main room, calling you over
atsushi is sitting upright in bed, eyes misty. as soon as he sees you, he tries to sit up even more. yosano snaps at him.
the thing you want to do more than anything is jump into his arms and cry into his chest, but you don't want to risk hurting him even more. so, instead, you opt to gently sit on the edge of his bed and wrap your arms around him.
both of you start crying again, and atsushi promises he'll be more careful next time.
oh good lord . what did he do this time
jokingly flirting with yet another woman and asking if she'll do a double suicide with him again? yeah, that'll do it.
as always, his newest mark turns him down, skittering away as quickly as possible. you don't blame her.
"how come you keep asking people to commit suicide with you?"
"hm?" he doesn't seem to understand, flashing you that head-empty smile. he's completely enamored with you, you can tell, but then... why is he still up to his stupid habits?
"i mean, you're with me now. are you still really looking for someone to die with you?"
"well, you keep saying no, so what am i supposed to do~?"
it's a joke, you can tell. it's always a joke, except when it isn't, and with dazai, really, who can tell?
you don't want him to run off and end his life with some lady he met fifteen minutes ago. and they all reject him anyway, but what if, one day, one of them doesn't? would he be caught off guard and admit he was teasing? or would he not even miss a beat and actually go through with it?
the thought of him just leaving you without warning is so distressing, your eyes start to tear up. you thought you were done with this.
immediately, dazai notices. his eyebrows furrow and his expression immediately sobers.
"hey, angel, what's wrong?"
through tears, you have to explain everything to him. how much he means to you, and how little you feel that it seems that he could throw you and the rest of his life away at the drop of a hat. how you can never tell if he's joking, if he means it, if he's teasing. how much you just want him to stay with you and never leave.
he's taken aback. for a fraction of a second, dazai's eyes widen and he's left at a complete loss for words.
of course, as always, he regains his composure almost immediately, pulling you in as close as he can to his chest and rubbing circles into your back.
"i thought you knew you meant too much to me for me to do that," he murmurs, his voice as low and soothing as he can muster. "i'm so sorry, i didn't realize how much this was bothering you. i won't do it anymore, i promise. and you never have to worry about me leaving you like that. i can't just throw all this away! you're everything."
and he holds you like that for as long as you need before taking you back home.
this man and his fucking candy i swear to god
it's always a bargain with him. you want a kiss? okay, but you owe him a lollipop. hugs? while he's working? you'd better have a cookie ready.
honestly, it's almost as if he's doing it just for you. like he doesn't love the affection just as much as you do, if not even more
ranpo enters every request of him with the mindset of it being a trade. instead of both of you receiving a kiss, it's your request, so he deserves something in return.
it's stupid is what it is (in a complete contrast to ranpo himself)
"i'm not giving you a lollipop, ranpo. you either get a hug, or you don't."
"fine, i guess i don't then. suit yourself." he spins his chair back around and gets back to typing, making a point of only using his index fingers to go as slowly as possible
"this is stupid, ranpo."
he swivels back around, his eyes open and giving you one of the most piercing expressions you've seen from him thus far.
"stupid? it's not stupid, it's just the way i do things. if you want a hug so bad, go to kunikida for all i care. besides, you should know better. if my own way sounds stupid to you, that means you're the dumb one. i'm just taking advantage of an opportunity; nobody said you had to get all fussy about it. just get back to work and leave me alone."
it stings! i mean, this is your boyfriend, who, despite being selfish at times, is usually one of the sweetest and most caring people you've met. just because of a lollipop? and you're the stupid one?
you feel like crying.
oh. you are crying?
you hadn't even noticed, and you weren't even sure why - this type of thing was usually something you should be able to suck up and give ranpo the silent treatment about.
but you're crying?
ranpo notices from the corner of his eye, and immediately feels insanely guilty
so of course he makes a show out of it.
"wait! there's something wrong! something doesn't add up!"
he stands up on his chair, procuring his glasses from his pocket and flashily but delicately placing them on his face.
"my lovely partner is crying! which can only mean one thing. it seems... in this singular, incredibly improbable situation... i, the world's greatest detective.... am wrong!"
he drops back down to sit cross legged on his chair again, puting his glasses back into his pocket.
"i'm really sorry, i didn't think this would upset you so much. i'll give you as many hugs as you want from now on."
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bruisedboys · 1 year
ooooo for knives out <3
∗ o3﹕ sender  places  their  feet / legs  in  receiver's  lap .
with tysm! peter parker if u want to ofc <3
thank u for the req angel ily!!!!!
fem!reader 0.5k words
Peter thinks you look exhausted. You’ve been quiet all evening, the bags under your eyes are prominent (but still very pretty, in Peter’s humble opinion) and he thinks you’re starting to fall asleep with your nose in your book. He watches you where you’re sitting on the opposite end of the couch, your knees tucked up to your chest and feels an enormous amount of fondness for you. And what he can only describe as a parent-ly urge to get you to bed.
He sticks his foot out and nudges your shin with it.
Slowly, very slowly, you lift your head. It looks like it’s a very tough feat for you to achieve. Peter imagines your head feels heavy as a bowling ball right now.
Your eyes zero in on Peter and you smile, albeit tiredly. “Hm?”
“Are you tired?” He asks, though he knows the answer already. “Wanna go to bed?”
You shake your head and blink away the tired look in your eyes. “No. I wanna spend time with you.”
Peter laughs. You’re so cute he could die. “We’re not even doing anything, dove.”
“Yeah we are,” you say, as fiercely as you can when your words are all slurred and sticky. “We’re reading.”
“Seperate books,” Peter counters, holding up his own book for emphasis.
You huff and give Peter this adorable pout slash death glare that makes him want to kiss you.
“Whatever, Peter,” you say, frowning so deeply anyone but Peter himself would think it was real. “If you wanted to get rid of me you could’ve just said so.”
You make to get up off the couch but Peter grabs you before you can. Snags you by the ankle and pulls you across the couch until you’re squealing and your legs land in his lap. Your book falls to the floor and you brace yourself on Peter’s shoulders.
“Pete!” You squeal, sounding more pleased than you probably want to, and more awake than you have all evening. Peter stops tugging but doesn’t release you, his fingers pressing into your bare calves. You notice his death grip and ask, “What are you doing?”
Peter pretends not to hear you and instead drags his hand down the length of one of your legs, all the way from your ankle to your thigh, with enough pressure that he knows you’ll be squirming. “Hm?”
As predicted, you go all melty and shy under his touch. “Pete,” you say again, with a poorly contained shiver.
“What?” He asks, squeezing at the doughy flesh of your thigh. “Thought you wanted to spend time with me.”
“I do, I just—“ Your breath hitches mid-sentence when Peter slides his hand under the hem of your shirt to get a hold of your hip. He drags his thumb over your hipbone and you look for a second like you might pass out.
“Peter,” you hiss. “Stop it.”
Peter chuckles and releases you, but doesn’t let you pull your legs from his lap. He’s gonna keep you here all night if he can.
“Poor girl,” he muses, and dots a kiss to your burning cheek.
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luveline · 2 years
If ur still doing them, could u do a baby blurb of steve and y/n having a kid? Like how steve would be with a baby and as a dad? :)
YES I CAN tysm for ur request ♡ fem!reader | 0.8k words
"Oh, well this is just the worst," Steve says. 
You peek your head around the kitchen cabinet to watch him where he's kneeling in the living room, your daughter lying on the ground in front of him. 
She's prone to fits of apparent tiredness. She's not tired – she actually sleeps really well, aided by Steve's dedicated attention. He sings, he strokes her back, he rocks her for hours if he needs to. But there's not really any better way to explain why she loves the ground so much. 
"Daddy," she says, wiggling her foot out of his hand. 
Steve drops her tiny glittery converse onto the floor with a disappointed sigh. "Yeah, angel? What do you want?" 
She looks like Steve when she makes the face she's making, small features crumpled by a neediness you know well. She doesn't bother standing up because she knows her dad will make all the effort, and he does, leaning over her to take her small shoulders in his hands. She returns the embrace and it's adorable how little of his back she can encapsulate, how tightly she hugs him anyways. 
"You smell like your mommy," he tells her. "Don't tell me she's using all her fancy shampoos on you again." 
And she's so young she barely knows what he's saying, but he sounds like he's making a joke, his lightly accusing tone prompting a peel of guilty giggles. 
"Yeah, she has, hasn't she? I can tell." 
"Daddy…" She moves her hands, acting out what she wants. "Tickles." 
"You want tickles?" 
She hums. He pulls his head away from the carpeted floor and his hair drags over her face. She wriggles in his arms but doesn't try to escape. 
"Ooh," he whispers, all sweet and high-pitched. "So soft." 
She huffs quietly and his fingers slide from under her shoulders to her sides. He's a little mean as he starts to tickle her – never cruel but unrelenting, his fingertips dig into her ribs and don't stop until she's practically screaming laughing, her cloying laugh the most infectious sound in the whole world. 
You smother your own laughter with your hand and watch as Steve pulls back. "More tickles?" he asks. 
She laughs. 
"Yeah? You want another round?" 
You look quickly at your wrist watch and can't be bothered to feign any concern. You're definitely going to be late for Robin's dinner party – generous considering Nancy's the one who's cooking and you'll all likely eat it in their cushy living room watching TV – but they'll understand. Or, everyone but Robin will let you off. Robin will cut Steve to the bone with some uncalled for, familiar remark and they'll spend the night pretending they're mad at each other. 
You look back up when you hear the sound of a raspberry. Steve's yanked your daughter's shirt up to blow air against her stomach, laughing so much that every press of his lips is a struggle. She's giggling again, breathless and little legs kicking, one foot still without its shoe. 
You're getting kind of jealous to be left out of a perfect moment, and aren't entirely unselfish when you join them in the living room. 
"You're still missing your shoes, baby," you say, pretending to be cross. 
Steve looks up like a deer-in-the-headlights though it melts away when he realises you're not actually mad. "I'll hold her down," he says seriously. 
Steve moves down for another hug, your two loves catching their breaths as you manoeuvre a pink shoe onto her tiny socked foot and tie the laces. When you're done, you kneel in wait. 
They're too distracted to notice. 
"Aunt Robin says she got the biggest chocolate cake she's ever seen," he tells her softly, his hand against the side of her head, thumb petting her forehead. "And she's gonna cut you the biggest slice because you're the nicest. So big, you're gonna have to share it with me to finish it all." 
"You don't like chocolate cake," you say, perplexed. 
Steve looks sideways at you, smiling gently. "Of course I do." 
"But you always give it to me." 
He raises his eyebrows and lifts up his arm. You slot yourself underneath, hand over your daughter's stomach. As soon as you're close enough she lifts her head to give you a kiss. 
You laugh and find her hand. "You've really liked it this whole time?" you ask him, chest and tummy rolling in the simple pleasure of a love this sweet.
You're still pressing kisses to her face when you feel his lips, a heat on your cheek. "It's my favourite flavour," he says.
You look at him with wide eyes. "That's awful," you tell him. Awful as in lovely, as in too generous, as in I can't believe you love me that much. 
"Maybe," he says flippantly. "Double kiss?"
You both give your smiling girl a wet kiss on each chubby cheek. 
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jolyfics · 3 months
could i please request anasui x femor genderneutral!reader😭🙏? it can be anything you want, tysm!!!!
𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚
𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘴𝘶𝘪 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
summary: things get steamy with your boyfriend
notes: this was genuinely so fun to write!! so sorry it took so long ml
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you had been in green dolphin street prison for about 6 months now. being a stand user made your life that tiniest bit easier, as well as being a decent human, that didn’t want to hurt others. that lead you to befriending jolyne and the others not too long after your sentencing.
here you are now, inside of emporios stand, burning down the house, with your boyfriend anasui. you two started dating a few weeks back, so the relationship is fairly new.
he placed his hand on your cheek as he looked into your eyes, “oh.. (name).. you’re as stunning as when i first laid eyes on you” he spoke, his words name your stomach feel like it was doing a backflip, where did he learn to speak like that?
you chuckled, your face feeling slightly redder than you remember it being before. “anasui, where’d that come from?” you asked, he only smirked at your question
“am i not allowed to tell my beautiful girlfriend how much i love her?” you playfully slapped his chest as he moved closer to you, since he was taller, he bent down ever so slightly, so that he was towering over you
within mere seconds, he placed his lips on yours, they felt like puzzle pieces matched together, you could even taste his lipstick. he placed his hand on your waist before pushing you up against the wall, the kiss becoming more and more sloppy and desperate as time went on
you two separated for air, he looked into your eyes, his eyes were full of love and admiration for you. you felt so loved and adored just by the way he looked at you, you were his angel. he placed his lips on yours again, the kiss seeming to get increasingly steamy
“hey, anasui! (name)! we found this-“ you two pulled away from eachother immediately, you tried to wipe the pink lipstick off of your lips but you both knew you’d been caught. turning your head to see who caused the sudden halt in your make out session, jolyne stood with weather and ermes, they seemed to have a board game with them. seems like you two will need to continue this later..
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
spot comforting a reader who is self conscious on how they look? tysm
Spot comforting a self conscious reader
We writing tonight lads!!!
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Going to take some elements from the previous post so heres to hoping it doesnt sound samesy!!
Tries to break your train of thought whenever he notices you go quiet and darty eyed, like showing general signs of unease
Sometimes it'll be... really awkward, though... anyways
I know it doesn't totally fit with the ask but
Yk the meme where it's like
"He asked for no pickles!"
Usually in my head spot is the one who asked for no pickles
But just for you, he'll be the one fixing your order
Moving on
As mentioned in the previous post he'll just. Send anyone who's mean to you through a hole
Unless you tell him to stop otherwise he will (begrudgingly) stop, while mumbling about how they're the ones being rude
Resorts to talking back to them
And you know what?
When it comes to you something inside him just
Like if he were standing up for himself he'd be making a fool of himself; stumbling over his words and making cringey remarks
But when hes depending you? It's like a switch flips
Like is this the same man you watched get his arm stuck in a vending machine
Side note hes the type to get his arm stuck in a vending machine idk why
Bonus if he gets REAL heated and his voice starts doing the distortion thing that happened when he started losing it on miles
Not as intense but the hints are there
So I mentioned in another post or two that Jonathan is a cliche cheesy romantic sap; this carries over into his spot era
Bro will literally bump his face hole against your hands n cheeks while spouting how pretty and cool you are and how much he adores you
Constantly spoils you to try to mske you feel better
WILL bury you a pile of flowers
Unless your allergic, in such case he'll use candies or stuffed animals
Regardless of if you're self conscious over your appearance or personality, he WILL go on a ramble about every single little detail he loves about you
In his eyes you're an angel and he'll make sure you know that!
There has not been a single day where he didnt remind you of his love
Oh oh oh! But if you wanna do things that you think will make you more confident, he'll be your cheerleader!
Wanna pick up a new hobby? Try a new style? Hes gonna be there by your side and explore with you
Also it gives him the excuse to just hang out with you
Hes a lil clingy
Just a tad
.....a lot...
Buys (steals) things for you that he think will help
Really nothing much changes outside of his affection getting way more intense and him going extra EXTRA hard when defending you
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