#twisted wonderland Scalding Sands Fireworks
savanaclaw1996 · 1 year
A Whole New World With You-Jamil Viper x Fem! Reader!
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My submission for the Jamil Summer Competition by @merotwst and @cvlutos. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Yasmina Silk Fireworks Festival spoilers, mentions of Chapter 4 spoilers!
Word Count: 1,760 words.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------When Grim heard about the summer fireworks festival in the Land of Scalding Sands that is to be hosted by Kalim, he demanded that they take both him and (Y/n) to the Land of Scalding Sands.
Jamil was incredibly reluctant about this, of course. On one hand, he really wanted to bring his lady crush, aka (Y/n), over to the Land of Scalding Sands to tour around his hometown, to see the fireworks and to spend time with you.
But on the other, he was going to be extremely busy with the festival preparations that he wouldn't have time to do all of that. Of course, none of that went unnoticed by Kalim.
He was aware of Jamil's growing crush on you ever since you saved him from his Overblot during winter break. He was happy that Jamil had found someone to love. And so, he pleaded with Jamil that he wanted to show (Y/n) the wonderful lifestyle of his hometown.
Finally, with great reluctance, Jamil relented, mostly to stop both Grim and Kalim from whining his ear off. Having to deal with six guests sounds exhausting enough. The last thing he wanted was to suffer another headache.
However, he was secretly happy that you get to come along with them. He honestly couldn't wait to show you around his homeland, and he hoped that getting to spend time with you would be worth the hassle.
When Kalim and Jamil, along with you, Grim, Trey, Cater and Malleus, arrived in Silk City, the center of the Land of Scalding Sands, you marveled at the sight around you. The buildings, the canal, the bridge, and the palm trees. It was as if you were suddenly transported into an Arabian fairytale.
"Wow! I never knew Silk City would be this beautiful!" you exclaimed. Jamil felt a sense of pride when he heard your praise about the city he grew up in. As he and Kalim explained the geography, history and economy of their country and their ancestors, you listened with great interest. There's a lot of really interesting stuff to learn in Silk City.
After the seven of you arrived at the Al-Asim manor, Kalim decided to have you, Trey, Cater and Malleus dressed in the traditional outfits of the Land of Scalding Sands as a surprise to make them remember their trip and to have them feel the history of their country.
And so, Trey, Cater and Malleus, including Jamil all got themselves dressed in the Scalding Sands traditional outfits. "I'm done!" you called out as you emerged, wearing your new outfit.
As everyone looked, they were all stunned by your appearance, but none were more stunned than Jamil. Your (h/l) (h/c) locks were tied into a ponytail in two sections with matching peacock-green bands. You wore a turquoise bandana centered with a sapphire gem adorned into it and a long transparent veil behind your hair. Two large golden earrings and a matching necklace completed the finishing touch.
Jamil never thought much about beautiful women in his lifetime, for he had seen many beautiful women in Silk City. However, you were completely different. There was something about you that caught his eye. What was it? He couldn't put his finger on it.
As he watched you walking towards him in an elegant manner, you looked like a royal princess, similar to the beautiful princess in tales of old...
"Jamil-kun, your mouth's hanging open." Cater pointed with a laugh. Jamil immediately closed his mouth. Why was his mouth hanging open? Was he really that stunned by (Y/n)'s beauty in your new Scalding Sands outfit? What was going on with him?
Jamil blushed with embarrassment. He had to be careful, lest he embarrasses himself more. (Y/n) then took notice of his fancy outfit and smiled at him. "Wow, I like your outfit! You look like a prince. So handsome." you complimented.
That did it. Jamil blushed darkly at your compliment. Him? A prince? Ridiculous. There's nothing princely about him. He's merely a servant. Nevertheless, he appreciated your compliment.
Before long, Jamil escorted you, Grim, Trey, Cater and Malleus to the Camel Bazaar. There, Grim saw a shawarma stall and drooled at the delicious food. Jeez, that cat monster, he's always thinking about his next meal. You were pretty hungry yourself, as were your friends.
So Jamil ordered six shawarma for the seven of you, but then he noticed that his was missing. As Trey counted heads, the group saw that the thief who stole Jamil's shawarma was none other than...
"Hmm, what's wrong, Jamil-kun? Your lips are quivering." Cater said with a smile as Jamil stared bug-eyed at the dark-haired girl standing next to Trey with his shawarma.
"NAJMA?!" Jamil screamed. What was his little sister doing here?! He didn't have time to deal with her! "Go home, Najma!" he said sternly. But Najma was offended. "So cruel! And I just came all this way to deliver you a message from our father." she said with a pout.
(Y/N) chuckled. When Najma pouted, she certainly takes after her brother. "Why don't we let her come with us?" you asked. Jamil crossed his arms. "Absolutely not!" he yelled. He didn't want to start taking care of seven people all at once.
"Oh, come on. I would love to get to know her better." you said. Najma beamed at you with shiny eyes. "Really?" she asked. When you nodded, she smiled happily. Jamil groaned. This is going to be a long day.
Najma was so happy that she got to see her big brother. And she was quite surprised that he brought a pretty girl with him. Who is she? She has to know!
"So, Jamil, is (Y/n) your girlfriend?" she asked. Jamil blushed furiously before he pressed his finger to his lips and shushed her harshly. "Don't be ridiculous! She's not my girlfriend!" he said. "She's just a classmate from school." But Najma wasn't fooled.
She noticed the way Jamil would softly smile at you as he talked to you. He had never done that to any girl before he enrolled in Night Raven. So that would mean...
"Could've fooled me, big brother. It's so obvious that you like her." she said with a teasing grin. "Najma..." Jamil said, giving her a warning glare. "Alright, alright." she said, holding her hands up in surrender. However, she still had one last remark.
"You know, I'd love to have her as a future sister-in-law one day." she said. "NAJMA!!!" Jamil shrieked with a red, flustered face. Najma Viper has the last laugh.
Jamil spent the rest of the day showing you and the group some food stalls and souvenir stalls. It was such a strange feeling. Jamil had never felt like this before. Strolling through the market with your crush, it's almost like a...
A date?! Jamil quickly pushed that embarrassing thought out from his head. "Get a grip on yourself, Jamil!" he silently scolded himself. He was a servant to the Al-Asims. He was always busy, he never had time to fall in love with anyone.
After his Overblot incident back during winter break, he tried to find ways to punish you for ruining his plans, but after seeing that you were willing to help him to make his work easier, he soon found himself enamored by you, despite trying to resist his feelings.
After catching the thief that stole the USB drive for the fireworks launchers, Jamil sat beside you as the two of you watched the fireworks paint the starry night sky with bright colors.
You then turned to Jamil. "Jamil, there's something I've been wanting to tell you." you said. "What is it?" he asked. "Well... you've worked very hard giving us a tour of the bazaar. I really had a wonderful time." you said.
Jamil smiled. Hearing that meant that it was worth the hassle if you had a wonderful time. "As long as you fully enjoyed yourself, that is above all." Jamil said. "For me it became a very... memorable day."
"Well, I did have fun. Silk City is amazing." you said, looking at Jamil. "Don't look away, watch the fireworks. Especially since I went through the trouble to bring you here. I need you to spread the world that the fireworks of the Scalding Sands are amazing." Jamil said.
"The fireworks are amazing, but there's something, or rather someone, far more amazing than the fireworks." you said, not looking away. "And who might that be?" Jamil asked, raising a suspicious eyebrow.
You smiled at Jamil before you leaned towards him and kissed him right on the lips. Jamil flinched as you pulled away from him, his cheeks burning red. "You, Jamil." you replied. "She kissed me! She KISSED me!" his mind shouted and his heart beat wildly in his chest.
"You're the most amazing person in the world. Spending time with you is the highlight of it all." you whispered tenderly. For a moment, Jamil said nothing for his mind and heart were racing.
He couldn't believe it! His crush had kissed him right on the lips! Was this a dream? No, it couldn't be...! Another kiss on the lips snapped him out of his shock. He looked as (Y/N) smiled sweetly at him. "I love you, Jamil. Now and always." you softly whispered.
"In the future, we'll go to wherever you want to go. Let me share a whole new world with you. Now and forever, I'm yours, Jamil."
An elated smile slowly crept over Jamil's lips. This isn't a dream. All his life, he had nothing to claim as his own. If he ever found a girlfriend, he would have to give her up to Kalim as his future wife.
However, you came along and banished all of those unpleasant thoughts from his head. You gave him his very first kiss, proving that you chose him over Kalim. A surge of joy leapt in Jamil's heart as he kissed you back so passionately as the fireworks exploded in the sky.
A sudden shrill whistle pierced the air, making the both of you pull away from each other. "Whoo! Way to go, (Y/N)!" Cater whooped as he held up his phone, likely having captured the whole event on video. "What a cute couple you two make." Trey added with a mischievous smile.
"I knew you two were meant to be together!" Najma added joyfully. "Congratulations, Jamil!" Kalim cheered. Jamil groaned in embarrassment as he glared at the group. "Those guys... I swear I'll get them for this later...!"
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twstchaos · 1 year
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I canNOT believe that I had this all edited and did not post it.
The gremlin strikes again...and gets scolded again.
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I scouted (I can't remember the correct term, I'm still influenced by LL!) for Silk Adorned Jamil. I recorded it. Prepare to be disappointed.
I hate love you Jamil🐍♥️
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tswhiisftteedr · 4 months
Memories ☆ One Shot
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☆Merchant Husband!Jamil Viper x Fem!Yuu!Reader x Merchant Husband!Kalim Al-Asim:
After your student career at NCR, Crowley had yet to find you a way to bring you back to your world. But that didn’t matter anymore, you had by now found yourself a new home in Twisted Wonderland. A family of your own, two wonderful husbands and children. But despite always moving forward, it is sometimes nice to look back to sweet moments of the past..
Warnings: Mature Content, Swearing/Explicit Language, Reader gets called slutty one time but the rest is loving and fluffy. Not Proofread. READER & THE GUYS ARE ABOVE AGE AND MARRIED KEEP THAT IN MIND BEFORE ENGAGING.
Based on this ask:
So could you do a One-Short of Jamil x F!Reader x Kalim? In which the three, now adults and married, both rulers of Scalding Sands, after a day of work and putting the children to bed (Aisha the eldest, daughter of Jamil and Y/n, and Omar, son of Kalim and Y/n), Y/n was organizing the things when he finds a photo album from the time when the three of them studied at NRC, so the three of them start to remember from the time they met, to the moment they got married (while having flashbacks of those moments), remembering all the good and bad times they had, and at the end they have an intimate moment, let's say... 👉🏻👌🏻, if you know what I mean😏
I kept imagining Kalim and Y/n laughing at Jamil, when they went to Scalding Sands for the fireworks festival, where they heard several embarrassing stories from him, including one (I made this one up) where when Jamil and Kalim met, Jamil mistook Kalim for a girl and was all in love about him
Notes: Since the al asim are a long line of wealthy merchans but not royals, I didn’t make them rulers(as in sultans) but high in the the contries hierarchy. Also I don’t know if I actually like that one, I’m not sure this fic is that good, sorry if you don’t like it.
Author Note: I have 15+ other request to work on after this one but I also have to study. About 5 are twst and rest are Hazbin hotel. I have gotten sub!vox x Succubus reader, zestmilla and a Velvette x autistic reader request, but those don’t follow my rules. Though I think I might do the Velvette one, because I hadn’t put in my rules that: I don’t think I have the writing abilities to fulfill a request like that one, when it was sent out. But I’m still not sure, it’s a maybe type of situation, anyways that’s me and my life. Lol anyways enjoy!
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☆ more under the cut. ☆
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It had been a long, tiring day, so much to do, and you swore to yourself more than once that you were surrounded by incompetent idiots. Being the wife of an old money merchant and a brilliant new money one was a difficult task, you were constantly on your feet, ordering around, signing off on shipments, formulating contracts and making phone calls.
Despite the discomfort and exhaustion that hard work brought you, it was inevitable that you would grow accustomed to it. Reminiscing no more about the world you had left behind, the scalding sands were your home, with your two husbands and your children.
Aisha and Omar, the light of your day. The sunshine they brought into any room they entered, that always made you smile.
Aisha resembled Jamil so much that no one could question where she had gotten her traits from, always calculating and good at keeping her emotions in check, she was truly the responsible elder daughter. Though, same could be said for Omar and Kalim. The two of them were like pees in a pot, the times they would fall to their endeavours you couldn’t help but wondered if one of them was really an adult.
But at last it was time for your little sunshines to go to bed, they had school tomorrow and you didn't want them to be sleepy in class. So after saying goodbye to their Nanny, Mrs.Miriam, you tucked them in. Sweet fairy tales and gentle lullabies to hold their hands on their journey to dreamland.
As you step out of the children’s bedroom you could help but notice the door to the storage room was croaked open, ‘must have been the kids’ you assume. After all, Aisha loved to wear your old dresses, even if they didn't fit. And have a tea party in them with her brother, Omar probably wore one of Jamil's many business suits, he loved to look professional during these play dates, even though the big fabric made him look somewhat ridiculous.
You stepped in to make sure everything was tidy, but much to your expectation and disappointment, the children had left the room a mess.
At that moment, you sincerely asked yourself why you didn't have a maid, ‘you were rich, so why were you the one who had to clean up?’ But no reason to lament on it for too long, being pissy wouldn’t clean the room.
So you reluctantly began to reorganize the chamber, despite your tired state. While doing so, you coincidentally happen to stumble onto a fancy-looking box, a rather large one at that. It had an inscription carved into it, 'Memories'. And upon opening it, you had discovered about 5 or so photo albums. Three of them belonged exclusively to Kalim and Jamil, one was dedicated to the three of you and the last one was just NRC memories in general.
Opening the album filled with shared emotions brought a delightful wave of nostalgia to your heart. Swiftly completing the room cleaning, you carried the box to the living room, eager to reminisce about high school days and enjoy glimpses of your husband's past.
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After about 30 minutes of reviewing the photo albums, you had only reached halfway through the NCR one when you heard the sound of keys opening the front door.
Focusing on the voices, you recognized your husbands, you had been eagerly anticipated their return. Myriam had only prepared food for the children, so you had patiently waited for Jamil to arrive and treat you to his delicious cooking.
As the two men entered, shedding coats and shoes, you overheard Kalim sharing a laugh about his workday. At least one of you three found joy in the challenges of being successful merchants.
“Well hello there, what's a lovely lady like yourself doing all alone tonight?” Jamil greeted, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and planting a kiss on the crook of your neck.
‘Such a flirt,’ you mused to yourself, even after years of marriage, he still seized every opportunity to hit on you—an aspect not everyone would expect given his usual demeanor. “Nothing too special, my good sir. Just indulging in the pleasure of walking down memory lane,” you replied, gesturing to the open photo album on your lap.
"Mhm, I see," he responds, while your other husband explores the elegant box. Pulling out one of the albums that you didn't contribute to, he opens it and flips to the first page. Sporting a broad grin, he exclaims, "Man, this brings me back!"
After giving a glance at which album Kalim had chosen, Jamil nods in agreement. "Sure does, though I did hate you when those pictures were taken."
"That's so mean, Jamil!" Kalim protests.
"What can I say? You were quite the annoying and demanding kid. I'm glad Omar didn't completely take after you with that one." He sneakers and Kalim whines as a responds. Though it ends with both of them lightly laughing.
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It's true that Jamil and Kalim once had a conflicting relationship, but after working through their dynamics, they became good friends and, subsequently, lovers.
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It all began as a sort of love triangle after the winter break of your first and their second year. Kalim confessed to Jamil that he had fallen for you, not realizing that Jamil had been harboring feelings for you for quite some time. But instead of brushing off his emotions for the sake of the Al-Asim family as he had previously done, Jamil candidly admitted to Kalim that he also liked you and wouldn't back down just because Kalim felt the same.
A friendly competition ensued, as they vied for your attention by outdoing each other whenever you were present. ‘You had trouble with a certain topic in class? Jamil would help you out.’ (1 point for Jamil). ‘You wanted new stationary because the ones Crowley had provided were on their last lives, Kalim would get them for you, gold or silver encrusted? Your pick.’ (1 point for Kalim). And so on.
However, it did happen that the ever-clumsy Kalim would unintentionally disrupted Jamil's plans, such as on the before Halloween night. Jamil had prepared meticulously to ask you to the Halloween dance, crafting a special gift.
With the assisted by the ‘unexpectedly benevolent at that moment’ Professor Crewel, he concocted a bouquet of everlasting sparkling flowers. Perfecting the potion applied to the plants, creating a handcrafted card, and embroidering a sweet message on the ribbon that would tie it all up, took considerable time. Considering his responsibilities as vice housewarden, club duties, and student work, he may or may not have sacrificed a significant amount of sleep for those flowers, but despite the sleepless nights that took some toll on his health, he believed it was worth it for the girl he loved. Because ‘Hey, what’s a couple hours of missed beauty sleep when we’re taking about making happy the future love of you life!’
Everything was set to be flawless – he was impeccably dressed in his uniform, almost done with his hair, just a bouquet delivery away from asking you out. ‘Simple, right?’
However, what Jamil hadn't anticipated was that, despite Kalim growing up surrounded by gold and precious gems, he still acted like a magpie drawn to anything shiny. Walking through the scarabia hallways, Kalim noticed the slightly ajar door to Jamil's room and, feeling the urge to close it, approached. ‘He didn’t want people going in to his friend jamil’s room with his consent!’ after all.
Though, his concern for people entering Jamil's room without his agreement didn't seem to extend to himself. After seeing light reflect on something through the door’s opening, he entered, consequently spotting the beautiful sparkling bouquet on the vice housewarden's desk and couldn't resist getting a closer look.
As Jamil returned to the room, Kalim, in a reflex, hid the flowers behind himself to cover the fact that he had touched something he shouldn't have.
Obviously, Jamil immediately noticed the bouquet behind the white-haired boy; with around 100 flowers, it couldn't be easily concealed. As he was about to ask for the flowers, Jamil took a noticed to something in peculiar – Kalim was remarkably close to the desk, espagnol with the flowers behind his back. That's when it dawned on him: Kalim was currently crushing the flowers.
Seizing Kalim by the shoulder and reclaiming the flowers, Jamil couldn't help but observe the crushed petals that now marred the majority of the bouquet. As Kalim acknowledged the dire state of the plants, he looked at Jamil with a face full of guilt.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I just wanted to get a better look, and then you surprised me-" Kalim began.
"Oh, so now it's my fault? My fault you came into my room without asking, and it's my fault you touched something that didn't belong to you? Do you even know what these were for? I worked so hard to make them look that way! But now they're ruined!" Jamil emphasized, throwing the bouquet on the ground.
Now grabbing Kalim by his collar, Jamil continued, "They were for me to ask Y/N to the dance. I spent so much time trying to make them look perfect, something you wouldn't understand since you probably would've just bought something instead of taking the time to make it. You just ruin everything. Shit, you make me so fucking angry!"
The sudden yank on Kalim's collar caused him to stumble backward, landing on the edge of the desk, his legs still firmly planted on the ground. He yelped softly in surprise as he felt Jamil's breath hot against his neck, and a shiver ran down his spine at the combination of anger and... something else? Maybe it was just the closeness that made him tremble.
"L-Look I’m sorry," he managed to choke out between ragged breaths. "Please forgive Jamil, I-I didn’t mean too."
However, Jamil's grip tightened further, pulling him closer until their bodies were flush against each other. Their faces were mere centimeters apart now, and Jamil's eyes bore into Kalim's like daggers. Despite his rage, there was an underlying heat burning brightly in his eyes, threatening to consume both of them.
Without warning, Jamil leaned forward, crushing their lips together full of madness. His tongue forced its way past Kalim's surprised lips, seeking entry into his mouth. His hands moved up to cup Kalim's face, holding him in place as he deepened the kiss.
Finally breaking the kiss, “What the hell,”Tsk, “Shit! I don’t know what came over me, I was just so mad and-“ Jamil began rambling but is cut off when an audibles “fuck” came out of Kamil’s lips.
“Did you just say fuck?” Jamil question,
“You just kissed me and that’s what you’re worried about!” Kalim retorts.
“You’re right, sorry, I’m sorry. Let’s just forget about this and never speak of it a-“ Jamil starts again,
“Wanna do it again?” Kalim cuts off once more.
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Meanwhile you patiently waited at the location Jamil had texted you, but after 45 minutes of silence and Jamil not responding to your texts, you decided to take matters into your own hands.
You weren't about to get stood up, no matter how pretty the motherfucker was. Heading straight to Scarabia ready for any excuse or so you thought. What you didn't anticipate was walking into both of your crushes making out on Jamil's bed.
They were so absorbed in each other that they hadn't noticed your presence in the room. To break their entrancement, you casually remarked, "Hot." Seeing the two guys you admire in appearance and personality, kissing and grabbing at each other was an undeniably attractive sight.
However, that your words did break their moment. Pulling away, Jamil spoke from under Kalim, "Um, hey, how's it going, Y/N?"
"Don't 'Y/N' me, Jamil. You texted me to meet you in front of the Seven's statues because you had something important to tell me. Then you don't show up and ignore all my texts. Now, if you want to continue your make-out session with Kalim, I'd suggest you promptly spit out what you wanted to tell me," you sternly replied, perhaps a bit too harsh. Despite your initial reaction, you quickly faced the reality that if they liked each other, you couldn't be with either of them and that hurt you. Or so you thought until their next words.
"Oh, well, the thing was that I wanted to ask you to the dance, but the bouquet I made for you kinda went south," he said, looking at the smushed gift on the floor. Following his gaze, you discovered the beautifully sparkling yet crushed flowers at your feet.
"So wait—why are you making out with Kalim if you were going to ask me out? I get the idea of going as friends, but the bouquet is a bit over the top for situations like that." You point out.
"No, it's not. Shit, it's hard to explain," he paused and collected himself, with Kalim now seated beside him.
"So, what happened is that I was going to ask you out as my date, in a romantic type of way. But Kalim accidentally ruined my gift, and that got me so angry, then we kind of just started making out. So I guess I also like Kalim in addition to you," Jamil explained.
"I'm confused as fuck... so let me get this clear, you like me, but you also like Kalim, and he's okay with it," you remarked.
"Yeah, I mean, I also like you. So it's kinda better if he also does," Kalim replied.
"Wait— You also like me?" you questioned.
"I'm sorry, Y/N, I know this is sort of really weird, and it's totally fine if you don't reciprocate our feelings. I totally get it. You are in no obligation to do so," Jamil says to you.
"You're right, I'm not obligated to do so," you paused, making their hearts stop. The rollercoaster of emotions from anger and anxiety to hot and bother to finally feeling rejected was a bit too much to handle in such a short amount of time. But your next words brought peace to their hearts and minds. "But, would it be weird if I were to admit that I also liked the two of you?"
"At this point, not at all," Jamil replied.
"So is it okay if I join your make-out sesh?" you asked.
"Of course!" Kalim exclaimed, grabbing your wrist and, consequently, throwing you onto the bed with the two of them.
And that's how the three of you began your relationship.
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Now back to the present,
The three of you had migrated to your Shaftland(Alaskan) king-sized bed, with you positioned between the two. You were all in pyjamas by now, you in shorts and a t-shirt. Currently, you were flipping through the album Kalim had picked up.
"Oh, and this was the first picture we took after I realized you were a guy," Kalim said, pointing at a photo of the two of them studying as children.
"Wait, you thought Jamil was a girl?" you questioned.
"Well, I did at first. He was really pretty as a kid and had nice long hair, though, I guess he still is," he said with a giggle. You looked at your other husband for confirmation, half-expecting Kalim to be playfully trying to confuse you. However, Jamil nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, apparently he did for the longest time. We got introduced at four, and during the span of 6 years, he thought I was a chick," he explained.
“So how did he find out you weren't?" you asked.
"One day, he dragged me out in the rain to play a game of ball. I tried to tell him that we couldn't, but he wouldn't budge. After about half an hour, I finally convinced him to come back in to avoid both of us getting a cold. I had prepared a bath for both of us to use, but, of course, it had to be kept a secret. I couldn't let anyone know I might have let Kalim get sick. So once the bath was ready, I began to strip. My shirt was halfway off when he started rambling about taking responsibility as the honorable son of the Al-Asim family and marrying me after seeing me indecently. I just stared at him for a couple of minutes, in shock, and then corrected him about my gender. The looks he gave me were like I had just turned his whole world upside down," Jamil explained.
"Well, it felt like you did back then," Kalim commented with a huff.
"I guess props to Kalim for wanting to do the 'decent thing' and marry you," you said with a snicker.
"Ha, ha, really funny," Jamil replied sarcastically.
"In the end, it did happen, though," Kalim said, somewhat of a marvel in his eyes.
"True, maybe 10-year-old Kalim had fortune-telling abilities. You never know," you said.
"For some reason, I strongly doubt that," Jamil retorted.
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You soon turned to the album filled with pictures of the three of you. As you examined the images, a hint of insecurity crept in.
"I wish I still looked like that, being 16 and beautiful," you expressed, but that didn't sit well with your husbands, not at all.
"Babes, what are you talking about! You're literally so beautiful, like really beautiful. I mean it," Kalim reassured.
"Yes, he's right. You’ll always be gorgeous," agreed Jamil, wrapping his arm around your frame.
"And besides, nobody could ever compare to you," added Kalim with a wink.
Your face gets warmer at their compliments, feeling a little better but still you couldn't shake off the nagging doubt in your mind. You knew they meant well, but sometimes it was hard not to compare yourself to your younger self or to other woman in general.
"Thanks you two, really, I appreciate it," you managed to say softly, trying to sound more confident than you actually were.
Kalim leaned in closer, nuzzling his nose into your neck and whispering hot breath against your sensitive skin. "I love how you smell so sweet," he muttered before trailing kisses down your neckline, leaving marks along the way.
Jamil followed suit, nipping at your earlobes and sucking lightly on them before moving downwards towards your cleavage. His hands traced slow circles around your waist, teasingly brushing against your sensitive flesh.
You gasp softly, arching your back into their touch, unable to resist their advances. Your heart raced faster than usual, thumping wildly against your chest as anticipation built up inside of you.
You felt your shorts being unfastened one by one, exposing your body to your husband’s hungry gazes. You closed your eyes, savoring the anticipation building up inside. Your breath hitched as you felt Kalim's warm fingertips teasingly tracing along your thighs, brushing against against sensitive flesh before dipping slightly lower towards your wet panties.
Lifting your shirt, his tongue traced circles around your nipples, sucking and licking each one until they stood erect and hardened.
Jamil's hands moved higher up your body, cupping your breasts in his large palms, massaging them roughly yet tenderly. His thumb played with your nipples, teasing them mercilessly while his lips found yours, claiming their own passionate kiss. Their tongues tangled together, exploring every crevice of each other's mouths as he continued to fondle your chest.
As things escalated further, both men began to undress themselves, revealing their cocks straining against their boxers. You could feel your pussy growing increasingly hotter and more lubricated at the sight of their hardened members, yearning for the moment they would finally fuck you. You moaned, your voice trembling with desire and need.
Kalim moved between your legs, spreading them wider apart before leaning down to nibble on your sensitive inner thighs. His hot breath fanned across your wet pussy lips, making goosebumps rise on your sensitive skin. "I want to taste you," he croaked against your panties, his hands gripping tightly onto your thighs. He did become ‘pushy’ then his usual self when it came to sex.
Before you could respond, he yanked down your underwear, exposing your pussy to his hungry mouth. He groaned deeply, savoring the scent of your arousal filling his nose. His tongue darted out, tracing slow circles around your entrance before exploring your hole, lapping up every drop of your dripping arousal. You cried out in pleasure, your body trembling as waves of pleasure washed over your.
Jamil stop you momentarily to change the position, now under you, with your back against his chest, hands spreading your thighs, his member now pressing against your entrance. With one swift motion, he thrust himself inside her tight hole, stretching her walls wide open. You gasped at the feeling, meanwhile Kalim returned to devouring your pretty pussy.
"You taste so fucking good, baby," Kalim muttered hoarsely between licks and sucks, his tongue darting in and out of your wet entrance. His fingers continued to tease your sensitive spots, finding just the right rhythm to send shockwaves of pleasure coursing through your body.
Jamil grunted deeply, thrusting faster now, his cock stretching your tight channel even further, filling you up completely. He reached down to play with one of your nipples, pinching it gently before twisting it roughly. "That's it, take all of me, my slutty little wife"
Your moans turned into high-pitched whimpers as they both relentlessly attacked every inch of your body. Your walls clamped tightly around Jamil's cock, milking him for more while you ended up squirting onto Kalim's face. The mixed flavors of their combined arousal only served to fuel their lustful hunger.
“Oh god, yes," you moaned, your voice breaking with pleasure. You felt so full, yet so empty at the same time. Your pussy clenched tightly around his thick shaft, milking him as he began to move faster and harder, slamming into your core repeatedly. Meanwhile Kalim had broke away to focus on his own erection, soon placing himself in your mouth and facefucking you. You didn’t protest, he had been so good to you, ‘so why not let him have his fun?’
"Shit, you’re so beautiful Y/N," stated Jamil, his hips moving in sync with Kalim's thrusting rhythm. You could feel yourself nearing orgasm once more, your body trembling in anticipation of release.
"Fuck, ‘it’s to much!" you cried out against your husband’s cock, though it came out as a mumble, in addition your voice was already hoarse from their passionate lovemaking. Your pleasing noises only served to fuel their lust even more, pushing them closer to climax together. You and Jamil being the first to finish, he slightly thrusted into to ride out your high.
Kalim was watching the two of you like a hawk, throwing his head back in ecstasy as he relished in the sounds you made. He soon reached his own breaking point, moving back to his original position to finish on your pussy and stomach.
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After a couple minutes of heavy breathing,
"This was fantastic," Kalim remarks between breaths.
"Yeah, it was. By the way, are you still taking the pill?" Jamil asks, turning to face you.
"Oh, no. I forgot I was on a break from it," you say, a bit alarmed.
"Well, looks like Aisha and Omar might have some potential siblings on the way," Kalim says with a giggle.
"Ha ha, real funny," you respond sarcastically.
"I mean, it's not that bad of an idea," Jamil suggests.
"Okay, less thinking about more kids, and more thinking of showering now. I am beat and sweaty," you say.
"Yes, ma'am," the two of them say in unison.
And that’s how your night ended.
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Thanks @Selena_Twisted_Wonderland on AO3 for requesting!
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Reblogs help!!! (Request Are Open)
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twiwoncrackpopcorn · 1 year
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ツイステ Twisted Wonderland EVENT at Scalding Sands “Firelit Skies” RERUN with new SSR Vil Schoenheit
same storyline,
R Trey and SR Cater as Free Event Cards playing the Story (duplicates at Sam’s Shop), don’t forget to accumulate Fireworks to level up their Spells,
SR Malleus and SSR Jamil on the original Banner,
SSR Vil on a new separate banner,
Sam will have the Event Backgrounds available,
Vil “Yasamina Silk” will not have a Personal Story / Vignette = instead you get card-exclusive GuestRoom Furniture.
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zvezdacito · 1 year
Random TWST worldbuilding rewrite idea
I think it would've been cool if the Scalding Sands event had utilized more of the Cave of Wonders lore from the original movie as insp.
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I'll elaborate on the idea I thought of in the images and text below ⬇️
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-Maybe the Scalding Sands got its name from the sands of its deserts being magical and having an aggravated fierceness because of that, In my brain the magic sands kinda have the movement of unpredictable rocky ocean waves
-And that's why its a common semi-magic natural phenomenon in the Scalding Sands that in the danger desert zones outside the City there are just these sinkholes/gaps that can appear out of nowhere
-and it basically leads to the underground cave thing (the Cave of Wonders reference) but it's usually very unstable and collapses before ppl can get out
-So exploring is not advised and that's why researchers haven't found much on its cause and the full extent of what happens inside yet
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-Maybe kalim's ancestors who helped found and stabilize the city were the only known people in recorded history who were able to successfully navigate past these 'caves'/get out when they were trapped inside
-Back to where the canon event starts Kalim Jamil and co. go to the city first but then Malleus wanders off to the desert area and they GPS follow him there, but then the sand suddenly sinks in and they get trapped in a Cave of Wonder where they find a bunch of like rare magic gems in there and stuff
-Because Kalim knows his ancestor supposedly survived this situation according to legend, it increases their hopes that they might make it out too
-Although exact record of how he made it out is lost, maybe he left something behind passed down to his family for generations that serves as a clue or guide to how
-The stakes are the gang have to get back to the surface in time for the fireworks launching ceremony, and before the sands shift too much and crush them to death underneath it (reference to Aladdin cave chase where he has to escape it being overrun by lava and stuff)
Ok that's it so far its still kinda unpolished cause this is kinda just the first things I thought of
For this to happen they need to cut on a lot of the details in kalim inviting everyone and them touring the town so rip to those crumbs but overall I think this is kind of a cooler concept for an event😭
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-Like idk but I wished the worldbuilding of Twisted Wonderland felt more whimsical and magical for real since it's all based off Disney movies there is so much potential😭😭😭
-Currently they are underutilizing the source material in that regard so bad TWSTLand is literally just simplified earth and that's frankly kinda lame😭 Yuu might as well not have been isekaid to it at this point
-(Also I think they should've saved a city with its main thing being flowers for somewhere in the Queendom of Roses than the NBC city (I know its for those fire lilies plot point but whatever they could've found some other way for Rollo to attempt genocide on mages)
-Like I personally think NBC city should just be like twst Vatican tho idk what religions TWSTland residents have)
That's all I think. Thank you for reading
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I ABSOLUTELY ADORE YOUR MONSTER AU ('tis the one who left copious tags on your humans is weird thing starring cater, call me fluff) AND I FIGURED ID SEND IN AN ASK BECAUSE. I LOVE YOUR AU. AND YOUR BRAIN IS AMAZING.
I'm thinking about some of the events like the Scalding sands event (or even the Harveston event) where some of the students go out away from the college and stuff - specifically the Scalding sands one because that's the one I know most about
But, like, Jamil being EVEN MORE STRESSED! Because! Not only does he have to keep an eye on Kalim, and some other classmates, but he was worried about Malleus getting into a bind... And having to bring along a HUMAN?! He'd be returning to NRC with a headache for sure lmao
Anyways I just wanted to share the fact that that was on my mind and see what you thought of it lol
- Fluff
I appreciate the spoiler warning, but while I do play the English version of the game, I am very much caught up in all the Japan server events and the shenanigans that have happened! :D Feel free to scream all the brainrot ideas at me! ÒwÓ
Thank you so much, Fluff anon~! (Though I know who you are~ >w>) It makes me so happy knowing that so many people love this AU so much, I can’t even begin to thank you all for all the love and support! QvQ
Ahem! Now then, on to the chaotic musings~ UvU
You actually touched up on a very good point: Twisted Wonderland’s events! Now, we know in the normal game that Yuu tends to get dragged into the thick of each event’s shenanigans in some way, shape, or form. However, in the Monster AU, the stakes and risks are much higher being the only human around whether they’re normal Yuu or mini!Yuu.
Halloween was even more of a nightmare for Yuu and the staff once the Magicam monsters began terrorizing both versions to post to their accounts, with several being arrested and charged by the school and research institutions for “threatening a critically endangered species” and stressing them out unnecessarily (serves them right though when they broke into Ramshackle like in the game. >.>) When it came to mini!Yuu though...let’s just say that Crowley and the rest of the school showed those Magicam monsters that it was unwise to make a scared toddler cry. Say goodbye to any social clout they had online or in real life once Mom Vil is through with them, let alone once big brothers Ortho and Idia upload crystal clear videos of their selfish and cruel disregard for the child’s comfort! >:V
Both Yuu’s are going to be very well protected and cared for once all is said and done, and they're going to get so many treats! I did, however, get a very interesting ask involving Yuu and the Halloween event, so I’m gonna play around with that idea as a scenario of sorts, as it sounds fun being “Home Alone” if you catch my drift~ >w>
Anyway, ghost Marriage, Beans Day, Fairy Gala, Harveston’s Kelkkarotu, and even the second half of the Halloween event? Yup, each one winds up being twice as chaotic than the original as it is definitely going to be hard to ignore a human walking around. Harveston will likely be the least stressful by comparison, as I’d imagine the village would be warm and welcoming to both Yuu’s as they celebrate the event together!
The Scalding Sands’ Al’ab Nariya (or “fireworks”) event, however, is going to be three times as difficult to the point it’s seriously considered that they get a bodyguard for extra security. Think Kalim’s family gets targeted a lot? Imagine a lone human in a place where thieves and criminals may be lurking in the shadows looking for a fortune! So Jamil having to worry about Malleus and Yuu? If he wasn’t stressed before, he certainly is now!
Mini!Yuu though has a much easier solution: a child harness and a carrier! The carrier would be one that can easily be swapped and worn by anyone of the group (minus Grim of course). They’ll be extra vigilant though, but rest assured they will be the safest child in Twisted Wonderland! (Also, can you imagine Malleus carrying a tiny human in a carrier on his chest or back? Adorable!)
Jamil is more than likely going to get a stress headache afterwards until they get back to school, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t have fun in the end. UvU
So yeah, any ideas for chaos or just fluff or silliness, send them my way and I shall see what I can come up with! ÒvÓ
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Leona looking like he just overthrew Farena on his card sitting on the throne with that pose. I am looking sinfully 👁️👁️. I really appreciate how Leona really looks like he is in his element, definetly he has never looked more princely than he does now. I'm so excited for this event, I really believe we are FINALLY going to meet the Kingscholar big bro!!! We got Felmier grandma, Viper sister, so now I hope Farena makes an appearence. Also more Cheka shenanigans, hopefully!!!! (kinda disappointed Ruggie and Rook are not included tho)
Also I bet Crowley is gonna send us over there with Leona to try and find a way home. Like every time. Sigh.
[Referencing this post!]
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👆 Me Y’all right now 😌 Oh, but I’m sure the Leona fans are doing juuust fine… I don’t know if I can say the same for their gems and keys though 💦
bxsvsjwbw NWURrrAajUUYNAUR DONmT lET LEoNA OVERTHROW hiS BRImoThER AnD SiT ON THAT tHRonE 😭 it makes him too sexy hot BUT YEAH, L*ona looks really in his element here 🤡 definitely very powerful, very regal!! Like he knows all the moves you’re going to make and has already calculated ways to counter them…
HNFZhxbbzhababBHHFHHHHGGGGHH JUST LOOK HIm, LOOK At ThE FAcE THIS bASTARD iS MAkI NG I WAnNA JUST. UGHHHHHhHhHHGHH **aggressively shakes him like I’m making a frothy cocktail**
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I sure hope we get to meet a member of Leona’s family 👁️ My money’s also on Farena being the most likely person, but I wouldn’t be opposed to meeting Leona’s sister-in-law or even totally new characters twisted from those in The Lion King! (I have a bias for birds, so if there was a new character at all, then I’d want to see twisted!Zazu~) And, of course, hopefully we see the return of Cheka!! Lil’ guy needs more screentime, he’s been sorely missed since his cameo in the first Halloween event 😂
I think it’s still possible that Ruggie and Rook go home with us for the event (they just won’t get new outfits/cards), it depends on the circumstances. For example, Kalim went to Silk City for the Scalding Sands event despite not being one of the characters that got a Yasmina Silk card. Something similar could occur for Ruggie and Rook; maybe they’ve come to spectate in an event or a ceremony but not participate in it themselves (so they wouldn’t get special attire).
I don’t think Crowley will?? There’s only been one major instance of him sending Yuu to a new location to research a way home, and that was Glorious Masquerade. All of the other times when Yuu visited someone’s homeland, it was because they were invited to join for an event (ie Kalim invites them to Silk City’s fireworks festival, Epel invites them for Harveston’s sledding race). Other events like Vargas Camp may have Yuu tagging along for practical purposes (ie helping the teacher). In fact, Crowley sending Yuu away to new places for the purposes of finding a way home is actually a very uncommon excuse used to shoehorn them into exploring Twisted Wonderland, it’s definitely not “like every time”.
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the-trinket-witch · 1 year
Scarabia Steampunk AU Intro!
Premise | Yuu | Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia
Across the sea is the Land of Scalding Sands. Sultan Asim sits as its ruler, its protector, and unfortunately, its greatest target of ire. From its dunes comes a culture rich in sights, scents and flavors. Known for their collaboration with their Eastern acquaintances in creating elaborate fireworks, the Al’ab Nariya serves to both display the country’s wealth and innovation, alongside serving as a reminder of its history. Sadly not everything is curry and jasmine in the Scalding Sands; the Sultan can attest. As the father of 12 children, his luck has been anything but with numerous assassination attempts on his and his childrens’ lives. He’s hoping luck will turn for him once his 13th is finally born, if they aren’t once again caught in the crossfire of assassins.
The eldest of 12, soon to be 13. He takes his studies as prince and role of Big Brother seriously, but that’s about as serious as the man gets. While he was younger, he had been under constant watch by either his father or steward, Jamil. As he’s turned of age, he had been requested by his father to go out into the world and represent the Land of Scalding Sands as an ambassador. Maybe something to get his mind off of his most recent attack; this one left the family particularly rattled. A neighboring country’s capital, Nightraven, has a cozy embassy to stay in. In turn for housing the burgeoning prince within its borders, The city hopes it will entice the royal family to possibly send an export route through their bay. Either way, Kalim is going to take in as much that this foreign city has to offer. He hopes, as well, this becomes an opportunity to make his father proud of his boy.
Jamil is the eldest between himself and his sister in the latest generation of the loyal Viper Family. His family has served the Asim Family since time immemorial. An utter prodigy in regards to magic, he learned of his ability well before his master, though with comparatively minor fanfare. No matter; his secret weapon, a magic uniquely his own, will always give him the upper hand, regardless of status. Though even outside of being Kalim’s steward, the two have a bond nigh unshakeable. Kalim would dub it ‘Friendship’, Jamil, not so much. But it’s with this bond that seals his lips to the truth of Kalim’s venture out into the world:
The most recent attempt on the prince’s life had accidentally put his mother in the crossfire, endangering her and her 13th child’s life. While not life-threatening, the attack had left her weary and in need of extra care. This put such an off-putting taste in the Sultan’s mouth; he needed to see the target removed as far away as possible. Under the guise of ambassadorship, He had sent his eldest son with his steward to the reaches of the Twisted Wonderland, to Nightraven, so at least their youngest has a possible chance of survival.
(concepts workshopped by Certified Bestie @sunbirddtellsstories/@thecosmicjackalope ) Tagging @squidwen for notif ;D
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shytastemakerthing · 1 year
Hello hello, could I request a twst romantic match up? (wanted to aslo do obey me but I understand if you can't do both ^^)
Personality: quiet, shy, talk alot or loud when I'm comfortable with those I know personally, lazy, playful, artsy, confident(?), cheery, sensitive, energetic, affectionate, I am 5 feet, too nice for my own good sometimes, weird, animal lover, over thinker
Likes: dogs, cold weather, drawing, hydrangeas(favorite flower), piercings, tattoos, fluffy things, autumn, manga, rainy days, fireworks, quietness
Dislikes: rude people, mud, loud noises, the dark, bugs
[Thank you have a wonderful day or night!]
A/N: Thank you so much for your request! Im so sorry that this took me a while to get to! It is a very busy time of year and I've been all over the place! I will place them both in this ask so you will have Obey Me and Twisted Wonderland! I hope that you enjoy!
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I match you with........
Jamil Viper
• For starters, you both hate bugs! Honestly, jf there was ever a bug in the room, you're both just calling for Kalim to come and take care of it because there's absolutely no way that either of you are going to do it. RIP if it has wings and starts flying. At that point, its everyone for themselves.
• Now, Jamil is a very busy man. With having to basically babysit Kalim, his schoolwork, his vice housewarden duties, this man is doing so much and honestly derves a very well deserved break. Sometimes you're energetic personality may be a bit much for him, but yours differs from Kalim. You know when to tone things down just for him and he is very grateful for that.
• On the note of fluffy things, I see you having a very nice, soft, and warm. All cozy and you can just bundle up. This is now Jamil's new favorite spot. After such a long day, you will find him curled up there, braids out and cozy clothes on. The only things that's missing is you in his arms.
• If you are having a particularly rough day. Say, alchemy class got hectic with explosions (yeah, we all know who caused that), with all the loud noises, then it rained on your way neck, which wouldn't be as bad but then it got moddy and you slipped in said mud, people laughed, and thenby the time you finally made it back to your dorm, the sun had set, meaning it was dark, Jamil is freaking there! He heard about what happened. Next thing you know, he's taking you to a nice, hot bath (consent is written all over this!), he is washing you and your hair with a nice and new soap from the Scaldings Sands with lavish oils (courtesy of Kalim). He's got candles let to give a good light and warmth. When that's done, you're now in fresh, warm, and cozy pajamas. You see on the table that he had gotten you a bouquet of your favorite flowers. Now you both cuddle in a nice and warm bed (he washed the blankets and sheets, they were just pulled from the dryer so it feels like heaven 😂)
• When your anniversary rolled around, you find him standing outside of your dorm. And in his arms? A freaking puppy! (The breed is up to you!) There are tears that day and this is your first child!
• He loves when you come to Scarabia with him and you're there with him in the kitchen. You'll taste test for him, hug him from behind and he melts. Honestly, it's the best treatment he's had in years, this man needs a break.
• He can and will take you on a trip to the Scalding Sands and he will spoil you. You also tease him along with his sister.
• Overall, Jamil is a busy man, but he makes time just for you when you need him. While he can't be there all the time, he gives his all in the moments that he is there. You're the best thing that's honestly ever happened to him and he certainly doesn't want to loose you.
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I match you with......
• He lives for the cold weather because this means free cuddles and he gets to hold you close! It's a win-win! He gets to hold you and you get a personal body heater because of his sheer size.
• Do you see the fluff that is on this man's jacket?! This results in you often taking it from him and just drowning in it when you wear it. You're 5 ft, and he's a Goliath. He's massive. His jacket is basically a dress on you. Not that you're complaining.
• He is there to protect you from the loud noises! He knows just how intense it can be at the HoL. How out of control his family can be. When it gets to that point, he is quick to remove you from the situation. He takes you to his room (face it, Mammon would welcome himself in if you guys went to yours), and you curl up in his bed.
• He WILL take you out to eat a lot. His hunger knows no bounds and he likes to keep himself fed as much as possible to prevent you getting hurt jf he were to ever loose control of himself. He would never forgive himself if that happened.
• By extension, Belphie becomes rather protective towards you. You're dating his twin brother. You and Beel are pretty much the only people he gets along with in the house. If Beel can't be with you for whatever reason, you're with Belphie. He may either be awake and you can be drawing with him watching or thinking up pranks to play on thr eldest brother, or you're both passes out in the attic. Beel has happy tears when he sees you twi getting along, and he is straight up crying when he sees you both passed out, Belphie basically protecting you with his body. Mess with Beel and his partner and you mess with him. While he may be the seventh born, he is one of the seven for a REASON.
• Beel would 1000% get you a puppy, even a whole liter of them! Just seeing the look on your face and in your eyes us enough to make his heart just take off! He wants to see that smile more!
• His demon form is something he's always been scared of you seeing, but it eventually came. But instead of seeing terror all over your face, you only look at him with love. Walking up to him, the bravest he's ever seen anyone been, and just holding onto him, guiding him to his room where tou have a nice stash of goodies waiting just for him and a nest of warm and fluffy blankets. You don't leave that spot for a good, long while. But that's fine with the both of you.
• Overall, he is a simp. The contrast with your personality, from energetic one moment to quiet the next, you always keep him on his toes. He is there to take care of you and provide for you. And he will continue to do this for as long as you'd let him.
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savanaclaw1996 · 9 months
Who is your Jasmine based OC? What is she like?
Her name is Jazmin Raija. Before she came to Twisted Wonderland, she was a girl from Saudi Arabia who was named Talia Nassar, the daughter of an Arab sheikh. Like Jasmine, she's beautiful, independent, smart, caring, sweet, and loving. She always stands up for what is right and isn't afraid to speak her own mind when necessary. Her goal is to help the sick and the poor, so she's currently studying to be a doctor.
As for her and Jamil, during the Scarabia arc, she hears about the trouble happening at Scarabia and steps in to help. The more she saw Kalim acting strange, the more suspicious she got and she and her friends tried to get to the bottom of the mystery.
After she found out that Jamil was behind Kalim's odd behavior, she was undeniably hurt and angry by Jamil's betrayal. But when she saw Jamil's past and heard his thoughts after saving him from his Overblot, she becomes more understanding and empathetic towards Jamil and does her best to help him.
And during the Scalding Sands Firework Festival, she and Jamil grew closer and Jamil confessed his growing affection and gratitude towards her and they become a couple after that.
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twstchaos · 1 year
Day 132 of my daily visitor post, ehehe!!!
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Hornton with straight sugar for my sugar high needs!!!
Welcome back again for the seventh time to Ramshackle, Malleus~
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This is the face of a man planning a double homicide.
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jasmariswonderland · 2 years
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And now to continue Iman’s birthday celebrations, here is her interview! I hope you all enjoy getting to know her better! ✨
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Yuulan: Happy Birthday, Iman!
Iman: Thank you! How nice of you to come pay homage to me on this special day!
Y: Are you enjoying your party?
I: Very much so. Things are a little low key compared to the parties we’d have back home, but I’m still having fun and that’s what matters most!
Y: I take it birthdays were a big deal back home for your family?
I: And not just birthdays. Where I’m from, most events and milestones call for grand celebrations. For my first birthday, my parents gave me a very big party that lasted two days! There were fireworks and a huge royal procession through the palace. *giggles* Since I was just a baby I don’t remember much but I wish I could. 
Y: Since your family can’t be with you today, have they sent anything for your birthday?
I: My grandmother sent me several beautiful pieces of jewelry from a very famous jewelers shop from my country. There was a note saying that they are part of a new collection that’s not yet on the market and I’m the first one to see them! She also told me to send back the pieces I don’t like but I’m not sending back a single thing! *laughs* Hopefully she doesn’t mind. 
Y: Could you tell us a little more about your family?
I: Uh, sure. Well there’s my mother and father, of course. I also have four siblings, one older and three younger. My little brothers and sister are the sweetest kids you’d ever meet but my older brother, he’s kind of a jerk. He teases me a lot and honestly get a long a lot better with his wife than with him. But I get along best with my grandmother! She’s a fabulous, elegant woman who is also very wise and well respected in our family. And on top of that, she’s one of the few magic users in our family as well. She is an incredible lady and I’m proud to be her granddaughter.
Y: I can hear in your voice how much you love her. 
I: It’s true. My grandmother has also taught me most of what I know about magic and she often takes me with her when she goes on shopping trips or traveling around Twisted Wonderland. I’ve visited so many countries thanks to her and for that, I’m very grateful!
Y: So you also enjoy traveling? What have been some of your favorite places to visit? Any travel experiences that have stuck out to you?
I: Hmmm, well, last summer grandmother took me to the far east and that was very fun. I got to attend a music awards show and an really cool after party at this hotel with a rooftop pool. I also met a lot of celebrities and idols I follow on magicam. Cater was soooo jealous when I showed him all my pics! 
Y: And is there any place you haven’t visited yet but you really want to?
I: There is only one place that comes to mind: Briar Valley. I really would like to visit Briar Valley one day.
Y: Briar Valley? Isn’t that were Malleus and Lilia are from?
I: True. If I ever get the chance to visit Briar Valley, I’d probably see them but Briar Valley is also Vidaria’s homeland. Fromm the things she’s told me about her home, I would really like to see it with her guiding me. And since she’s already visited Scalding Sands with me, it’s only right I return the favor!
Y: Could you tell us about your club activities?
I: Of course! I’m a member of the equestrian club and the time I spend there is some of the best I have here at NRC! I love horses and have have always been around them for as long as I can remember.
Y: When did you begin riding?
I: Well, I was given my first horse for my third birthday but I didn’t begin learning how to ride properly until I was about six years old. I really enjoy riding, it makes me feel very regal because horses are very majestic creatures. And it’s how I came to meet my best friend.
Y: You mean Vidaria?
I: Who else could I mean?! Yes, we met a few months before we began NRC. She was competing in an equestrian tournament that I was attending with my mother and grandmother. I remember how elegant and poised she was, how masterfully she handled her horse, it was like I was looking at one of those old equestrian portraits of queens from long ago. Through some maneuvering, my family managed to arrange for us to meet each other and we’ve been besties ever since!
Y: That’s actually very sweet, but what I wanna know is, did she win the tournament?
I: *frowns* Now what do you think?! Of course she did! She’d be very insulted that you’d even question that! 
Y: Haha, well, I won’t tell if you don’t. Anyway, back to the equestrian club. What are the requirements for joining? Do you accept new members?
I: Eh...we do take new members but requirements to join are kind of rigid. We don’t require it, but every member owns their own horse, me included. The school keeps some horses of their own but not many so we wouldn't have much room for newbies anyway. And beyond that, one requirement we do have is that you must have some experience with horses. That excludes most of the student body...unfortunately. 
Y: But if someone did wish to join, and they did have experience with horses, they would be accepted right?
I: That would be perfectly fine, but since this is such an...exclusive pursuit, we’ve only had one new person join this year. But hey, I’m always open to more, if they’re up for the challenge! 
Y: Thank you for sharing this all with us, and once again, happy birthday! 
(Groovy image is an eventual WIP and will be of Iman sitting on an elaborate throne-like chair, admiring one of the jeweled bracelets her grandmother sent her while Kalim and Jamil are enjoying the party in the background.)
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chloe-spade · 2 years
A Whole New World - TWST Songfic
Yaz watched as the fireworks beamed bright in the sky along with the others.
It was an interesting journey, going to a place within Twisted Wonderland, called the Scalding Sands. So many things happened in one day, but Yaz is relieved to be there.
"I got it! I got the perfect picture!" Cater cheered, looking through his phone, "I can't wait to show Lilia!"
"I'm glad! It's still a shame he couldn't come over," Kalim grinned, "Make sure to show him! I want him to experience this more than anything!"
"Already on it!"
Kalim smiles as he carefully looks around, making sure everyone was eyeing the fireworks before going over to Yaz.
"Hey," he whispered, "Can I show you something?"
Yaz, who was confused, responded, "Why?"
Yaz sighs and slowly follows Kalim back to the now empty entrance of his home.
"I don't think we should be here for long," Yaz warned, "Jamil has a keen eye for noticing when you leave, even for a second."
"Not if he finds out," Kalim beamed as he whistles for something.
His magic carpet zipped by fast, stopping by Kalim's side.
"You bought Carpet?" Yaz gasped then smirked, "If Jamil finds out, he'll be so pissed. I can see it, honestly."
"Like I said," Kalim laughs, "if he finds out."
Carpet flies over to Yaz like an excited puppy, huddling over to him with glee.
"Oh, I know you missed me." Yaz laughed, "I missed you too."
"They like ya, I can tell you."
He clears his throat and Carpet immediately straighted up, helping Kalim on.
"Want to ride?" Kalim asked, holding his hand out.
Yaz looks and hesitates. "I...I don't know.." he looks away, pondering.
"Yaz, do you trust me?" He heard Kalim asked, with a calming tone.
Yaz turns back and takes a breath as he walks forward and grabs Kalim's hand. "Yes, I do trust you."
Kalim smiles and pulls Yaz onto Carpet as it begins to zoom high, alerting Yaz, who grabbed on to Kalim in a short panic.
Kalim holds Yaz's hand tight, in an effort to calm him down.
I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering, splendid
Tell me, princess, now when did you last let your heart decide?
' I don't even know the answer to that...even if I could, it wouldn't be a good answer. ' Yaz thought to himself.
But his thoughts were interrupted as a smell entered his nose. He looks to see Kalim holding out a jasmine flower to him.
With a smile, he takes it.
I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over, sideways and under on a magic carpet ride
Before Yaz could say anything, he noticed how each cloud was about as touchable. That's how he noticed how high they were actually were.
Yaz was amazed as everything was seen, even places he's never seen before as he soared through the air.
A whole new world
A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us "No", or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming
Yaz knew what Kalim meant, and what Kalim tries to do. He could only smile so happily as he felt a new freedom.
A whole new world
A dazzling place I never knew
But when I'm way up here
It's crystal clear
That now I'm in a whole new world with you
Yaz laughs as Kalim began to be bombarded with clouds, only leaving some parts of him visible, leaving Yaz to swipe the clouds away.
Now I'm in a whole new world with you
Unbelievable sights, Indescribable feeling
Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling
Through an endless diamond sky
Yaz gasped as he felt a shift of movement. He looks down and immediately grips onto Kalim, looking away from the ground as he feared the he would fall.
Kalim held onto Yaz and looks at him, eyes that reassure Yaz that he wasn't going to fall, no when Kalim's around anyway.
A whole new world (Don't you dare close your eyes)
A hundred thousand things to see (Hold your breath, it gets better)
I'm like a shooting star, I've come so far
I can't go back to where I used to be
With what he experienced, he could only say that. With a place like this, he thought, why would he ever want to leave... especially when he has someone like Kalim in his life now.
(A whole new world)
With new horizons to pursue
I'll chase them anywhere
There's time to spare
Let me share this whole new world with you
They both looked at each other as things began to slowly settle down and everything slowed around.
Hands locked together, and eyes never leaving each other.
A whole new world
(A whole new world)
That's where we'll be
(That's where we'll be)
A thrilling chase
(A wondrous place)
For you and
Nothing mattered to them as they continued gliding across the sky, lips completely locked together.
After a few moments, they were back at Kalim's house, talking with their hands locked together.
"So...how was the surprise?" Kalim smiles, "I hope it wasn't horrible."
"Are you kidding," Yaz breathed, "that was beautiful! Going up in the sky like that... watching the fireworks from a different perspective," he lets out a sigh, "how could I ever forget this?"
Yaz looks away, fiercely blushing. "I also suppose...this was a plan to confess to me?"
Kalim stuttered, "I-it was that obvious? Lilia said I should take a romantic approach to it all."
"Lilia had some great advice. Maybe we should tell him it worked."
"It definitely worked." Kalim grinned again, "let's go back before Jamil actually notices. I don't think I'll ever hear the end of it if he finds out."
Yaz laughs once again, but a more lively one. One that Kalim could tell was his first happy laugh.
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flick-ren · 3 years
"I wasn't dancing! I was just caught up in Cater!"
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They danced together, your honour
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chibichibisha · 3 years
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Ermine and Malik’s sprite in the new Fireworks of the Land of the Hot Sands event!
If you are curious why they are featured in this event, their interactions and some of Malik lore, you can keep reading and find about it~
Malik is the first person Kalim invites over. He already knows about this festival because his family attends it every year. He only went a couple of times before when he was a kid.
Malik didn’t seem to be very interested on the one from this year, and Jamil didn’t want him to come either (as he would have to look for him) but Kalim wanted to invite him anyways.
At the end, Malik seems to be convinced and mentions he will go, since his family is gonna be invited as well by the Asims anyway, and his grandmother won’t like him to be rude.
Kalim also invites Ermine because he is part of the Light Music club alongside Cater, Lilia and him. Cater and him decide to invite Trey with them this time.
Ermine related a lot with Jamil when he mentions he was the one organizing all the trip and schedules. He doesn’t envy him at all, but he can respect him for that.
Ermine seems to be very affected by the heat when they arrive, and he mentions he is very sensitive to the sun actually. He is the first one to look very exahusted alongside Grim.
Malik seems to be pretty used to the climate, specially to the humid part because of the river.
Cater asks if it’s also Malik’s hometown, but he replies that even if he lives in the Land of the Hot Sands as Malik and Jamil, he is actually from a part of the country located past the big desert. It’s a much more tropical area, with a lot of green vegetation and big jungle trees, they also have some ancient ruins, and is where a big part of the vegetables of the country originate. Malik’s family seems to reside on a city a bit isolated from other parts because of the desert, but seems to be connected nowadays with the rest.
Ermine is from a very humble family, like Trey, and he seems to get very anxious when he observes every fancy and wealthy thing from Kalim’s family. He was actually happy of this trip because it sounded as some nice vacations, but now he is wondering if he is actually worthy of this.
He spends most part of the trip talking with Cater and Trey. They seem to be in better terms than Ermine’s first year. They mention that Ermine is pretty cute when he is being himself and not running to everywhere.
Malik finds funny that Jamil is kinda scared of Malleus as well. He spends most part of the trip remarking the times he seems to panic because of this, to Jamil’s demise. He tends to laugh about Jamil’s embarrassing moments, and they banter a lot, but this seems to be normal for Kalim.
Malik seems to react kinda bad and be petty when Jamil and Kalim mention that Kalim’s father remodeled and build the Scarabia dorm once Kalim joined NRC to make it look like their home. He expresses discomfort about this and says it was just fine the way it was before, to be brushed off by Cater and Trey.
He also seems to not like Kalim’s family and their influential jobs on the country or how they are respected. Malik doesn’t mention much, but it seems something to do with political matters and land problems.
Jamil seems to be aware of this, Kalim kind of understand too, and they treat it as something to be expected.
But Malik also adds that this is his personal opinion, to clear any confusion, and actually his family is always a guest in the festival and respect the Asmis a lot, since they are kind of important from the part of the country where he lives, so he is gonna act as a polite guest as well. Cater asks him if he is royalty or part of a family of celebrities, but Malik negates this.
Malik mentions it’s not the first time he wear that traditional outfit, but it’s much more fancy because of the festival.
Malik also teases Jamil when his sister appears, and kind of laughs when she asks about them being friends. They go to the same dorm, but of course they are not.
Ermine is interested into buy some souvenirs for Ace and Deuce since they specifically asked him about it, which Grim mentions how lucky he was for being invited. But Ermine also looks for some nice fabric piece for his big sister and ask Najma’s (Jamil’s sister) help for this.
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