#tw: pokemon death
prof-lemon · 1 year
OOC Edit: Adding a trigger warning to the top here for mentions of Pokemon experimentation, cruelty, and death.
Hello all. I wanted to share some information I received about the specifics of Team Calm's experiments and research.
If you are not familiar with Team Calm, Team Calm is a team focused on creating "ultra domesticated" Pokemon. These Pokemon have a lower prey drive, and are much more docile. Team Calm then gives away these Pokemon, or sells them for a profit. These Pokemon also have health issues, as well as general lethargy from decreased prey drive.
Many people have had concerns about how this was accomplished so quickly. Domestication is a slow process, and Team Calm is able to create UD lines very quickly.
I received information from someone who chooses to remain anonymous. Regretfully, the process by which Team Calm domesticates these Pokemon is one of cruel experimentation.
Team Calm has created a certain compound that is used to speed up the domestication process. This is quickly injected into Pokemon eggs, and fundamentally changes how the Pokemon develops inside the egg.
You may have seen some of the UD Pokemon. As previously stated, they come with health issues and lethargy. These are the ones Team Calm advertises. They are the best case scenario.
The documents I have received show a history of unethical experimentation. The compound they inject into Pokemon eggs is fundamentally incompatible with many species of Pokemon.
I have spent hours digging through documents and reports about the worst case scenarios of these experiments. The ones that do not hatch are lucky.
The ones that do hatch will rarely live long. The results vary greatly. Some have instincts so nonexistent the Pokemon does not even know how to breathe, and ends up suffocating because it never figured out breathing. Some Pokemon are born with jaws so far back their skulls are permanently impacted. Some Pokemon are born with such great fear and prey instinct they die from that fear alone, even if they are physically well.
What Team Calm is showing you are the successes. We should have been asking about the failures.
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friendball-irl · 9 months
It's kinda funny when some people learn that their favorite Pokemon is also livestock. Like, yeah, Lechonk is cute and all, but I also really like imported pork. Like, did you not expect a pig Pokemon to be used as a food source? Tatsugiri is a sushi fish, Appletun is literally an apple pie, etc, like what
Hell, I've tried Petilil salad sometime after I got Milly, but it's not like I ate it in front of her! (It's kinda like a midpoint between iceberg lettuce and spinach, and a bit sweeter, if you're curious.)
A lot of Pokemon understand it too! They hunt! It's not an alien concept to them!
The only reason we don't eat some Pokemon is because some Pokemon aren't great for consumption, some are too valuable to an ecosystem to hunt, some are endangered, and some are multiple of the above.
Idk where this rant came from, I just started typing and it happened.
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Rock Tunnel Face-Off
Words: 2,668
Pokemon AU- Evolution (Lol)
Characters: Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Obito (Minor Rin and Gai. Mentioned Asuma and Kurenai)
@alumort (I'm so sorry T.T) @abyssaldespair
Stealing Pokemon was the lowest someone could go. To think that they had the right to snatch away another trainer’s partner and try to make them their own. It was despicable. 
Kakashi had always known that Root was full of the worst type of people, but he’d never realized they were willing to stoop to stealing until Obito had called him up asking for help to track down two of Root's operatives who had stolen his Charmander.
His partner Pokemon. The one he’d caught himself in Professor Senju’s lab before beginning his Pokemon journey. 
Kakashi didn’t waste a second in catching the next train back to Lavender town where Obito told him to meet up, and he’d made sure to call in some backup on the way just in case they needed it.
Turns out, they had definitely needed it. As soon as they headed into the Rock Tunnel where Obito said he’d seen the Root Operatives run off to, they were greeted by more than just the two that had battled Obito and promptly snatched away his Charmander.
There were at least twelve Root Operatives littering the Tunnel, and every single one of them came running when Tatsuma saw his opponents coming and called for backup. 
“Give him back!” Obito screamed while Gai and Asuma tried to keep him from running straight at Tatsuma who was standing directly between him and his Charmander while some other operatives restrained the tiny fire Pokemon.
“I told you, we’ll be needing him,” Tatsuma dismissed Obito’s demand with a shrug. “We have a duty to protect Kanto and to do that we need as many Pokemon as we can get our hands on.”
“Protect Kanto?” Kakashi hissed. “There’s not a single thing you morons have ever done to protect the region, and even if that was your goal why would we leave it up to you?”
“Trusting you lot with Kanto’s safety would be the worst idea,” Asuma agreed as he held his arm around Obito’s waist and dug his heels into the ground. “Besides, stealing a trainer’s Pokemon is the exact opposite of ‘protecting’”
“Sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the greater good,” Tatsuma bit back. “Now why don’t you children run along? There are adult matters that I need to deal with.”
“We’re not leaving without Charmander,” Kakashi insisted.
“In that case, I guess we’ll have to force you to leave,” lifting his left hand, he signaled to the other operatives to spread out and quickly followed those orders. In just a second every single one of them moved from their position behind Tatsuma and created a circle around the kids, blocking them in. 
“Well, this could be a problem,” Rin glanced Kakashi's way. “What do we do now?”
“Why are you asking me?”
“You’re the leader in this operation.”
“I thought Obito was the leader!?” He argued, not wanting the responsibility of getting his friends out of this placed onto his shoulders even though he knew he’d already accepted that responsibility when they called them in to help.
“Kakashi!” turning his attention to Obito, he cringed when he saw him staring at him with a stern, desperate expression in his eyes. “What do we do?”
Every single one of his friends was now staring at him, waiting for him to decide what they were going to do next. Whether he wanted to be or not, they’d selected him as the team leader and it was his responsibility to get them all out of this unscathed.
He only hoped he could manage it.
“Fine,” examining the situation, he put together and quick plan and pointed at Asuma. “You and Kurenai together against the four morons closest to you. Rin and Obito, you’ll take the four near the wall. Gai,”
“Yosh!” Pumping a fist up into the air, Gai smiled at his Hitmonlee. “Are you ready to win?”
“Good,” Kakashi turned to Tatsuma and the three operatives standing around him. They were the ones that they needed to get through in order to get to Charmander. “This should be easy for us.”
“Easy?” Grabbing a Pokeball off of his hip, Tatsuma chucked it into the air. Out sprang a Sandslash that immediately squared up when Jolteon jumped out in front of Kakashi. “I’m about to teach you a lesson in manners, brat.”
“Oh sorry,” Beside him Gai snickered, far too used to Kakashi’s terrible arrogance to not know what was about to be said. “I only take lessons from talented trainers, not losers who have to steal other people’s Pokemon to buff up their own team.”
“Why, you- Sandslash use crush claw!”
Winning had been, as expected, easy.
Kakashi and Gai barely broke a sweat taking care of their opponents Pokemon and their friends seemed to be having an equally easy time in their own battles. Before long every single Root operative found themselves out of usable Pokemon.
Twelve adults versus six kids, and they’d been thoroughly defeated.
Kakashi would feel sorry for them, but they’d brought it on themselves. If they had simply given Charmander back without a fight they would have been able to keep their dignity intact.
“Now,” Jolteon returned to his side, her bright yellow fur dirty but not a single scratch on her. “Give Charmander back.”
Gripping his last Pokeball in his hand, Tatsuma growled. “You think you’re so good,” he hissed, signaling to one of the operatives standing behind him. “You win a few Pokemon battles and suddenly you’re on top of the world. Is that it?”
Feet pounded against the ground as every single operative except Tatsuma began to run, all of them heading to the south, in the direction of Lavender Town. 
“Guys,” a terrible feeling settled into Kakashi’s gut. Something bad was about to happen and if they didn’t get out of there soon they were going to be trapped in it. “Get out.”
“But Kakashi-” Asuma stepped forward to argue.
“Get out, now!” He screamed, and without a second thought, every single one of them turned to run as Tatsuma chucked his Pokeball into the air. 
“Voltorb!” he called out, his voice growing distant as Kakashi waved his way past rocks in a desperate attempt to make it to the exit. “Self Destruct!”
The entire cave rocked with the explosion, sending everyone crashing to the ground as pieces of the cave roof started to fall all around them. “A cave-in,” he whispered, scanning the area for his friends.
Asuma and Kurenai were safe, already helping each other up and on their way toward Rin. Beside him, Gai was halfway up with Hitmonlee’s help and Jolteon was already on her feet ready to go. The only one left was Obito. 
No matter where he looked, Kakashi couldn’t find him.
He wasn’t at Rin’s side, which was where he should have been since they had fought together, and he wasn’t lying somewhere nearby recovering from his fall.
He was nowhere in sight.
“Charmander!” Rin called out, panic etched into her facial features when everyone looked her way. “Obito must have gone back for Charmander! He’s still back there!”
He’s still back there.
Looking back where they had come from, Kakashi felt his stomach drop. Tatsuma had set off a huge explosion that was causing the cave to collapse around them and Obito was still back there, surrounded by enemy trainer’s with no backup.
They’d left him behind.
“Go!” He ordered, waving his friends off as he clambered to his feet “Get out of here!”
“But, Kakashi!” 
“Go!” he didn’t turn back to look at them, too afraid that he’d waste precious time that couldn’t be sacrificed. “We’ll be out! I’ll get him!”
I have to get him.
The group hadn’t gotten far before the explosion went off, but with all of the falling rubble, Kakashi felt like he was fighting to get back to another city. Every step he took was blocked off by more rubble, and even though he would have been able to see Obito from his original position before the explosion, there was too much in the way now. Beside him he could see Jolteon running, keeping pace with every step he took and effortlessly dodging the rocks that fell from the ceiling. 
“Charmander!” Hearing his friend call out to his Pokemon, Kakashi weaved around a large piece of rock that had fallen in the explosion and squinted. There was dust everywhere impeding his view, but as it began to settle he finally caught sight of Obito. There, not too far in front of him, his friend sat kneeling on the ground beside a large wall of rocks. A wall that seemed to perfectly block them off from the other side of the cave. “Charmander! Just hold on I- I’ll find a way!”
Making his way toward his friend, Kakashi cringed when he saw the scene in front of him. What he had thought was a wall separating Obito from his precious Pokemon, was instead something that could only be described as a grave.
Under the rubble, there were two visible bodies, or at least what was left of their bodies. 
Charmander's arm, which was clasped in Obito’s hand, and a bright red metal piece which had been crushed under the wall. If he had to take a guess, he’d say it was the Voltorb that had been instructed to cause all of this havoc.
A Pokemon who’d simply followed its trainer's orders and paid for it with its own life.
“Obito…” coming to a stop behind his friend, he cringed. The sight was worse than he could ever have imagined, and he knew without a doubt that it would be a hard thing to forget. 
“I’m coming, I just have to get Charmander out,” Obito insisted, though his hands never moved to try and push the rocks away or dig out the Pokemon. “I need to save him. I promised.”
Even as the words fell from his lips, Obito continued to sit there holding Charmander's paw in his hands. His brain told him to do one thing, but his body refused to budge even as the cave continued to collapse around them. 
“Obito, he-”
“He’s here,” his friend insisted, his voice cracking. “He’s right here, I just have to get him out.” If Kakashi looked at his face he was sure he’d see tears spilling down his cheeks, and for once he wouldn’t roll his eyes and tell Obito to stop being such a crybaby.
For once, Obito had every right to cry.
“Obito, we need to get out of here,” he insisted, grunting when a small rock bounced off of his shoulder. “The cave isn’t going to hold up much longer. If we don’t go now-”
“No!” Obito screamed. “No, I can’t leave him! I can’t let him-”
“He’s already gone!'' Gripping his friend's shoulder, Kakashi tried to pull him back but was instead forced to watch as Obito turned around and tackled him to the ground. His back hit the floor hard, knocking the wind right out of him as Obito sat himself down on his waist.
Jolteon jumped into action, grabbing a mouth full of the back of Obito’s shirt and tugging on it to try and get him off of Kakashi. He didn’t budge, though. He simply sat there staring down at Kakashi with angry red eyes.
“We were supposed to save him!” Obito yelled, grabbing a fist full of Kakashi’s jacket. “We came here to save him, not to…we can’t just leave him!”
Sucking in a harsh breath, Kakashi stared up at the ceiling and tried to ignore the way his throat burned. Just above Obito’s head he saw a chunk of rock breaking free from the ceiling and crashing down toward them. Without a moment’s thought or even a second to get some actual wind into his lungs, he grabbed hold of Obito’s jacket and rolled.
The crash of that large piece of rock echoed throughout the cave while Kakashi and Obito stared at the spot they had just been occupying, the fear of what could have happened to them if Kakashi hadn’t reacted twisting in their stomachs making them nauseous. 
“I failed,.” his friend whispered, his voice heavy with regret. “I promised Charmander I’d save him. I swore I’d get him back, but…” his eyes closed and more tears began to spill down his face. “He was my partner.”
 “I know…” Kakashi didn’t want to imagine what he would do if it had been Jolteon under that rock. Some people might think they were ridiculous to care so much about their Pokemon, childish even, but Kakashi knew the bond that Obito had with his Charmander.
It was the same bond that he had with Jolteon, and Gai had with Hitmonlee. A bond of friendship that couldn’t be broken, and would never be replaced.
“Jol!” Glancing to his side, Kakashi cringed when he saw his own Partner standing there holding her left front paw up, a large scratch across the skin. He hadn’t seen what happened to her when the rock came crashing down toward them, but he knew she’d still been holding onto Obito when he began to roll away.
In trying to save all of them, he’d gone and injured Jolteon.
“We don’t have much time,” he whispered, the sound of the cave falling apart around them filling his ears. “Obito, I know it hurts. I’m sorry that we couldn’t do anything, but Charmander wouldn’t want you to stay here. He would want you to get out.”
“He would want to be here!” Obito screamed, barely moving when a Pokeball-sized rock came crashing down just a few inches beside his head. “He would want to escape with us!”
“I know,” releasing his grip on Obito’s shirt, he sat up and looked back over at where Charmander and Voltorb were now buried. Even if they wanted to there was no possibility of moving the rocks, and it wouldn’t matter anyways
There was no way either of the Pokemon had survived being crushed under all of those rocks. Most likely, and what Kakashi hoped would happen, they had died instantly. At least then they wouldn’t have had to suffer at all. 
“I’m sorry, Obito,” he whispered, turning back to his friend. “But I will knock you out if I have to. We’re leaving, now!”
Not waiting for a response, he got to his feet and grabbed hold of Obito’s right arm, dragging him up with him. Once they were standing, he began to move. “Jolteon!” His partner ran up to his side, a low, pained whimper escaping its mouth as it attempted to walk on its wounded paw.
He expected resistance, but instead, there was nothing.
Obito didn’t fight, or scream, or even argue.
For the first time in their lives, Obito simply followed Kakashi without complaint. 
Dodging between falling rocks, Kakashi pulled Obito along behind him and listened to Jolteon’s whimpers, never stopping for even a second until finally they passed the threshold and stepped outside.
“Kakashi!” Gai cheered, rushing forward and wrapping his arms around Kakashi’s neck for a hug. Releasing his hold on Obito’s arm, Kakashi simply lowered his head and buried his face into Gai’s shoulder without a word. “Kakashi? Are you alright?”
“What about you?” Rin asked, rushing past them and straight to Obito while Asuma and Kurenai followed close behind. “Are you injured? Did you get hit? Where is Charmander?”
A hundred questions a second, and she didn’t receive a single answer. Obito simply stood there staring at the ground, his eyes puffy and red from all the crying. Neither he nor Kakashi said a thing, and after a few moments of silence and the realization that Charmander was not with them, the crushing sadness that had already enveloped Obito and Kakashi began to spread to the others.
They’d won the fight.
Beaton the bad guys
But at the end of the day, none of them felt like a winner at all.
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uncle-dusknoir · 5 months
what if.. corro were still alive?
I don't think Basil would have gone back to Unova, to begin with.
She doesn't go back to travelling, though. She definitely still settles down, but somewhere... well, somewhere else quite and secluded. She wouldn't have stayed in Sinnoh either, but maybe somewhere in Galar? Far from family, a fresh start. But considering everything, she wouldn't feel like she had to go back.
I also don't think she would detest Thyme as much. Sure, she still wouldn't LIKE him, but at least this time his quest for Ghost-hood wouldn't have come with a body count.
Alternatively, she might have just entirely dipped out of traveling with him after her near-death experience. She wouldn't have been too grief-stricken to stop him, anyway.
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swampertwarcrimes · 10 months
[WARNING: This video has been flagged by rotomblr as having explicit content in it. Do you truly want to watch it?]
[IMAGE ID: the carcass of what appears to be a large, white stantler is laying on the ground, motionless, with claw marks and bite marks all over it. Brianne soon comes into frame.]
Hi y’all.
So I’m currently in Sinnoh as of now, researching the wildlife here, and as I was writing down the behaviors of ursaring and teddiursa, I trip over this giant corpse.
[she gestures to the corpse.]
now, this would’ve just been a clumsy Brianne moment if it weren’t for the fact that the corpse looks suspiciously like the long lost evolution of stantler, wyrdeer.
now, every last wyrdeer was said to have vanished around the time that galactic expedition team decided to expand outwards from jubilife village and into the other areas of hisui, when people began to call hisui, sinnoh.
now what I don’t get it why this supposedly “long lost evolution” is doing in a random fucking forest in sinnoh. with Pokémon like hisuian sneasler and hisuian zorua/zoroark, they mass-migrated to johto and unova respectively, leaving their hisui forms to be lost to the sands of time-
but wyrdeer? they just fucking VANISHED. Gone without so much as a peep.
I’ll keep y’all updated on this situation. stay put, y’all.
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team-fysi · 2 months
Finally... After 3 days, our work is complete... A non-technological Pokédex!
And now...
Relthonomai, use Meltdown!
*Relthonomai uses Meltdown! It's super effective! Rotom has disintegrated into a fine dust..*
And just like that, our little "buddy" is naught but a fine dust in the air.
And with Relthonomai on our side, nobody can stop us from achieving our goal!
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trustymikh · 7 days
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there are many benefits to being a ground-type pokemon trainer
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absolutedream-art · 2 months
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Paleo reveals a bit about his family.  Copper comforts his friend.
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nartothelar · 8 months
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in the tunnels
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
I don’t remember too much, but I was a Pokemon trainer and was in a Pokemon battle. My Lopunny used their arms to block an ice move, but was hit really bad. Really bad. “The duel was called off” really bad. Despite making it to a center and having surgery, they didn’t make it. Never played a Pokemon game.
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collabwithmyself · 3 months
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Some lore that doesn't really fit into the PMD games, and is much more exclusive to my and Grim's AU. (Milton belongs to @wizardmolars!)
dungeons | teams
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prof-lemon · 10 months
Hello! Do you have any cool facts about Kabutops or it’s diet?
(OOC Note: This post contains descriptions of Pokemon hunting and death. If this type of content makes you uncomfortable, please do not read this post. Take care of yourself!)
Hello. I do!
Kabutops' diet is actually very interesting! Not necessarily for what it eats, but for how. Kabutops lived an amphibious life, its build and the dating of its fossils indicate it was in the process of adopting to land-based locomotion.
Kabutops is primarily carnivorous. At this time, most of Kabutop's prey was also adapting to life on land. To get enough food to survive, Kabutops had to hunt both on land and in the sea. It has two very different different methods of hunting.
In the sea, Kabutops tucks in its body, then quickly wiggles to swim. It is incredibly fast, reaching speeds of about 29 knots (33.4 mph, or 53.7 km/h). Kabutops chases its prey down, then latches onto it with its sickles, before eating its prey.
On land, Kabutops is much slower. Instead of chasing its prey, it instead ambushes prey using whatever cover it has. Instead of latching on with its sickles, Kabutops will slash at its opponent, typically going for the head to kill its prey, or sometimes the legs to incapacitate its prey. It is much less adept at this method, due to its size.
Hopefully this was interesting! Kabutops come from a unique time period that necessitated amphibious life, and its strategies for adapting to this time are rather incredible.
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friendball-irl · 9 months
peliper MALICE! A photo of tropius/fruit his wings dropping with a a brown coloring as his eyes look lifeless as he lays in the floor, the photo is also partly ripped.
...that's not her. This one's male... you can tell by the crest shape...
...I feel sick...
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//OOC: It's really cold where I live right now, and I'm stuck inside until it snows, so I decided to make a Rotomblr ask game! Everyone else's are so fun, so I wanted to try it out myself! Some of these will be mini-story prompts, so feel free to create your own little fics or whatever! I love reading all of your stories!
Rotomblr Ask Game: ANGST Edition!
📒: If they keep a journal, what is the saddest thing they've ever written in it?
🩸: Has your OC ever been severely wounded?
😢: Has one of their Pokemon ever died, and how?
🧬: Tell me about your OCs' family problems, if they have any.
✂️: Have they ever had an argument that shattered their relationship with someone close?
🫣: Tell me about a time when your OC has been truly terrified/horrified by something.
⚔️: Have they ever been in a fight against someone really dangerous?
⏳: Has your OC ever been "too late" to do/say something, and it had serious consequences?
🛡️: Have they ever failed to protect someone they love, and what happened?
🥊: Has your OC ever been betrayed, and how did it affect them?
🧪: What is the most sick they have ever been?
💣: Has your OC ever hurt someone precious to them by losing their temper?
⛓️: When was a time that your OC felt truly, inescapably, hopelessly trapped?
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 months
Remember the Pokémon trainer ask with having pokepastas in their team? Could I maybe request something angsty?~ basically can I get headcanons of Arven and Kieran’s reaction to finding out Trainer got in a accident and was suffering from VERY lethal injuries and in panic missingno..basically messed them up into a pokepasta trainer,kinda corpse looking and now in never ending pain because of the raw wounds that never fully Heal but ofc take medication to numb the pain down and look out now for they’re friends so they don’t suffer the same fate? :))
Oh btw have a nice day or night!!! Remember to drink water!
From the moment he, Penny, and Nemona discovered your team enjoying a picnic...he always wondered how you got something like Missingno on your side.
But since it nearly corrupted his damn pokedex trying to just get information on it AND you were reluctant to share your past, he figured you'd just say "don't ask questions you don't want answers to" and end the convo right there.
He definitely wouldn't let Mabosstiff near it.
Last time he went near a Pokémon nobody should've known about...he almost lost his companion.
From time to time, he catches glimpses of your wounds (not during picnics ofc), bandages, and the medication Nurse Miriam prescribed to you, and suggests you save some of the herbs for yourself.
And they do help with your pain management when incorporated into tea or sandwiches (especially the salty herba mystica, which relieves your aches for a little while).
They're not miracle cures, but it's something.
Eventually, there comes a point where you know Arven wants to understand how you acquired Missingno, why you have so many ghastly Pokémon by your side, and why you were determined to defend him and the others down in Area Zero.
So you sit down and explain how you found it by accident in Kanto, caught it, and realized it was simply a lonely creature who wanted a trainer it could love and protect. Like any other Pokémon.
Yet you didn't realize the extreme lengths it would go to achieve that goal....until you nearly suffered a lethal wild Pokémon attack (it was in the dead of night, and you were ambushed while chasing after what you thought was a shiny).
You were bleeding out, bones broken and gaping wounds all over your body, and unconsciously begged for help-
And Missingno somehow heeded your call, escaping its pokeball and reviving you.
But in doing so, you were brought back as a zombie..one who still remembers the pain of that night and often cursed the glitch for not letting you die.
In time though you've made peace with it, knowing you were stuck this way now and it wouldn't let you go...
To the point where it erased its own pokeball from existence and became a constant presence around you, invisible aside from a few occasional glitch particles.
Yet you knew Missingno didn't mean any ill intent--all it wanted to do was save you.
Now you vowed to save others so they didn't suffer the same fate as you, whether that be haunted Pokémon left abandoned in some town or atop a mountain or your human friends in Area Zero.
Your pains aren't as severe now thanks to the meds, and you're grateful for Arven introducing you to herba mystica.
You were afraid he was gonna be freaked out by your story (or not believe you), but..while he finds it horrific and sad at first, he understands you better and is simply glad you're here now.
He's also happy to help his buddy manage their pain better, even if the remedies are only temporary.
You had to bandage and conceal a great deal of your wounds so nobody at BB Academy got concerned, with DISABLED giving you a consistent best Heal Pulse to ensure your chronic pain wasn't debilitating).
Even so, Kieran assumes you got better over the past year and is desperate to battle you and win Missingno..something he vowed to acquire after realizing he'll never get Ogerpon.
You try explaining that it's literally impossible for you to surrender it, and it's too dangerous to bring it into a battle anyway, but he thinks you're just lying to him again and bragging.
In the back of his mind, though...he kept wondering why you had so many injuries..
Ofc..he's too focused on being stronger than you to ask you.
But after seeing Missingno come out (in its Fossil Aerodactyl form) and literally glitch Terapagos' beam out of existence and use Cut on multiple falling rocks---he was amazed.
You finally invite him to your dorm to talk after the mochi mayhem events, knowing he deserved some answers.
He sees the pain meds littered all over your countertop, and you finally reveal to him why you need those, why you look the way you do, and why you keep Missingno around:
Basically, after catching and befriending it, you got attacked by some wild Pokémon, and they would've left you for dead had it not intervened.
You made it feel loved, cherished, never using it as a weapon or an infinite item dispenser...and it couldn't watch you bleed to death.
So it saved your life, but it came with a great cost: neverending physical pain with your wounds never fully healing.
You used to curse Missingno for not letting you go, trying to release it several times to no avail, and just being miserable in general.
Yet once you realized it attracted more misunderstood, tortured, and damaged Pokémon to your side..you came to forgive it, knowing it was just like them despite its uncanny appearance: a creature who just wanted to protect its trainer.
Now you take medication (and a few leaves of herba mystica) to numb the pain down, so it didn't hurt as much as it did before.
You wouldn't want anybody to have a brush with death like you did. Not even your worst enemy.
That's why you went so far to protect your friends in Area Zero, especially Kieran.
After hearing your story, he felt so torn up and guilty--and convinced he was being "overdramatic".
You were still suffering all along, for years..and he had no idea, only thinking about himself and his selfish ways and how his pain couldn't possibly compare to-
But you stop your friend from spiraling, holding him and letting him cry out all of his renewed guilt, telling him that his own suffering was valid, too.
He was starting to look like a corpse with the dark circles and paler complexion....and it scared you.
Seems like he took "I wanna be like you" a bit too literally.
But you're glad Missingno saved you--otherwise you never would've gotten the chance to meet him and help him become more confident in himself (ofc you wish things were different before and didn't require you shattering his confidence first).
Since that conversation, Kieran starts taking better care of himself and makes a promise to protect you.
Not from physical threats per se as you're basically immortal, but from rude stares and whispers of how "creepy" you are.
He tends to hug you a lot and lend you his jacket for warmth if you ever get cold in class or in the polar biome.
It does help with the chills you get so often, and makes you feel grateful that you two were still friends despite everything.
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a-horde-of-mews · 2 months
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King: Eh.... Not... Not really.
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