#tw transmisia
antiradqueer-karkat · 1 month
"yea rqs are everywhere" ican gaurentee you that is the biggest lie ive ever heard come out of someones mouth. im literally the only xenogender collecting alterhuman opera singer iknow and out of my whole school, there are like 3 alterhumans iknow, with the rest of it hating on queer people and furrys like hello ??
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celestiastarshine · 2 months
So I just found out from Essence of Thought that JK Rowling has gotten worse. Which doesn't surprise me, but I find it plenty abhorrent for obvious reasons.
TW: Nazis, eugenics, antisemitism, Holocaust denial, and transmisia are discussed in the video. If these topics trigger you, please protect your peace.
(TERFS and JK Rowling supporters DNI)
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spiculicious · 3 months
Nex Benedict was a bully. She suffered from severe mental illness. She was aggressive, violent. She assaulted other teenage girls over a comment, slamming one girl into the wall. She was fine at the hospital, and overdosed that night. She was taking medications for bipolar disorder. She was described by her friends as confrontational and aggressive. She started a fight over a comment, brutally assaulting a girl. She described the bullying as making fun of the way she dressed. She boasted of slamming a girl by the hair into a paper towel dispenser. She was lucid, calm and responsive in the video the police officer recorded, hours prior. There is no evidence of actual sustained bullying over her LGBTQ identity. Only assumptions. Her texts were calm and direct. Her mother mentioned putting away her meds multiple times in the 911 call. She told the officer she never brought up the alleged bullying to school officials. They were not given a chance to do anything about it.
transphobes are so werid about a enby kid being murdered.
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being a dysphoric trans man is horrible
like where's my penis, why is my chest so big, why does everyone treat me like a girl
and being not binary is even worse be yeah they'll accept you are a binary trans boy but if you are also agender/abinary/anything really they look away like you are a freak
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lemonthepotato · 1 year
A lot of my old Muffins things keep getting likes, so…
I need to clarify… I don’t support the author and over the years I haven’t… I mean, seriously… I just like Muffins, because it’s nostalgic for me. I first discovered Muffins in 2015, and listened to ‘The Revenge Of Obsidian Pie’ and a bitta ‘Broken Tiara’. It began my interest in writing, well, probably didn’t begin, but certainly advanced it. I am pretty sure my brain development was a bit… fucked up though by it. I revisited the series in 2020, or 2019, don’t remember.
I only began Muffinsposting in 2021, mostly shitposts between friends, but I never really clarified my stance on whether I support the author, so that’s what this post is. No, I don’t. Do I believe she deserved any harassment she got? No, absolutely not, and shame on you if you did harass her. Do I believe she deserved any criticism she got? Absolutely. Please don’t witch-hunt her. She’s already struggling mentally, so let her recover. She can be held accountable for her actions, but accountability doesn’t include going to her platforms and harassing her. So, I’m gonna explain why I don’t support the author of ‘Muffins’.
I’ll highlight in red the important things. Everything else isn’t that big of a deal, or isn’t as important as the red things.
Here is a post where she makes some… interesting confessions. (2019) (tw: animal ab*se)
No, I won’t recount every time she has insulted, threatened or spread lies about people because it’s practically every post. No, I won’t recount every time she has justified Lonnie. No, I won’t recount every time she has demonised NPD despite being mentally ill herself. No, I won’t recount her vents about her mother because why would I? She can vent if she wants. No, I’m not including her 1000’s of dream posts.
Scroll to the part where it says ‘now, I wouldn’t have a problem with her being ugly’ and you will witness excellence. (2011)
This one isn’t really a big deal, just kind of… threatening a kid? (2015)
“Muffins is good because it’s popular” (a sentiment she holds to this day) (2016)
“I’m not hostile…” she says, making *this* post (2018)
People being worried and trying to be kind is apparently the worst sin ever (2019)
“People hate me, and it couldn’t possibly be because I did anything wrong ever” (2019)
She dated a 14 year old when she was 18. Make of that whatever you want. (2020)
Okay I’m not sure what to make of this… but you should read it and form your own thoughts (2021) (tw: grooming)
Forgot to add this. LOL
Be careful looking through her Wordpress, she posts a lot of SH photos there.
Her Twitter is deactivated so there are no links to anything that could be proven. So I won’t include anything here.
Accuses someone of faking being trans because they don’t like the word tr*p (2018)
Speaking of… (2019)
Oh hey, I forgot to link this (2016, cw victim blaming)
This. This whole thing. She is cis.
This whole video, and the thumbnail. Pisses me off.
The infamous LAR. (24:51-28:35, roughly.)
Doubles-down (6:47-9:17)
Like yeah I don’t have the energy to track down every awful thing she has said or done, but these are the ones I remember. Well, I remember a few others… some are really bad and not discussed much but I can’t find them, and others are so trivial they aren’t worth discussing.
I’m not gonna say she is guilty of everything she’s been accused of. A lot of people don’t know what happened so I’ll summarise: in 2019 or 2020, this guy harassed Reitanna on Twitter over wanting to lose weight, and proceeded to make 93, yes, 93 videos about her. Is that okay? Was Reitanna wrong for that? No. But the thing is that she hardly ever rants about how what he did was wrong, instead she’s been attacking the same few people over the years. Look, it’s not that I’m close minded. Of course I wanted the author of my childhood inspiration to be a good person! I’ve read a lot of her Wordpress, I’ve seen almost every LAR of hers (including the one she forgot to put behind a paywall… it was weird…), and I even watched that incredibly long video she released after her attempt. And she doesn’t debunk anything. She just says ‘I can’t lie it’s my code of honor’. Like? That’s not an argument? And ‘oh if I was such a bad person my husband would’ve left me ages ago’ like literally just logical fallacies, trying to guilt trip people and not taking responsibility for her actions. She doesn’t show any evidence against these claims. Maybe in her video against the hot box she does, but I haven’t seen it. It’s age restricted and I am not going to give Youtube my info. <:(
From what I’ve seen on her DA and YouTube, and her Reddit post about ‘am making amends’, the only discussion she is open to having is one with no criticism (her words, not mine), and it seems from her other interactions you have to step on eggshells around her, beg for forgiveness and be REALLY kind. Being ‘civil’ in her mind is being over the top polite. What she cited as ‘proper criticism’ was someone saying ‘this part of your art is great and all but maybe you could change this? only if you want to though, it’s really nice it can just be improved.’ (Paraphrasing). Like criticism doesn’t have to have any kindness in it, it just has to be contructive. And even rude criticism could be valid, as much as it sucks, horrible, vile people can make valid points. And really kind people can have bad points. It’s better to ignore, or act calmly around people. If you show the internet that you are prone to lashing out, people will try and provoke you more. I’m not saying the solution is to not be rude ever to anyone, but if she wants people to assume the best of her when she comes off as rude, why can’t she do the same for others? She also seems to think that everyone who criticises her or believes in the criticisms levied against her were ‘manipulated’ or intentionally malicious, as if there’s no in between. I truly wonder if some people are incapable of self-reflection or trying to look at things from an outside viewpoint.
I like her work. Muffins, as flawed as it is and as… straight up bad it gets near the end, is fun. It’s goofy. Encephalon/RF is a hit and miss for me. Ride With Me and stories like it are cool… Hard Candy is uhh… okay… Pushed Too Far is disgusting, Evelyn’s Clone is fun and cute… everything else is hit or miss. Diary Of A Serial Killer is goofy and some of the methods are unrealistic or impossible but from what I’ve read it’s… eh. Madeline? Good read, enjoyed it thoroughly. Domination? Not so much… The Black Warrior? I read the first chapter and man it was kinda uh… how would one say, interesting? apparently she has a comic called PWF? Idk, I only seen one episode of Invader Zim cuz I can’t find the rest but I’ve heard ZaDr is like, frowned upon for some reason, idk.
I just wish she would learn to see things from other peoples perspective. She struggles with SH, and recently admitted she wants to be sedated and such… but can’t understand why addicts can’t quit. She has bipolar, but accuses her critics of having npd as an insult? Granted, people trying to armchair diagnose her are just as bad… other stuff as well, just… yeah. Oh, she’s also the embodiment of r/iamverysmart but like… I don’t really care to be honest, her bragging about her intelligence isn’t as big of a deal as ‘that’s your fucking fault, you moron’.
Some people took criticism too far, but she acts like that’s everyone. It isn’t. I have never commented on her platforms. I have never followed her platforms. I never even made a post on the situation until now. And that’s only because I want to clarify something. I have only spoken publicly about Rei on three occasions: now, on an amino post, and in a comment on a YouTube community post about the bakers becoming alicorns, which wasn’t even a negative comment, but me stating it was probably a sarcastic comment on the creators behalf. (I hope it was anyway.) But yeah. That’s all this post is. Back to regular shitposts. Will I post more Muffins stuff in the future? Maybe. But from now on, I’m going to be pretty clear about my stances. I mostly just Umineko post nowadays though. Anyway, swaggggg…. I’m out.
Oh, she also hates furries for some reason? Idk I feel like she never grew out of anti-sjw cringe culture ahah. Tbf I don’t really “get” the furry thing… but yeah. She’s a Scorpio guys, it’s okay. It’s like how I should be able to lash out on who I want because I’m an Aries! And it’s okay that my ego is up my ass because I’m a Leo rising AND… the other sign… is it Sun? I don’t care. The fuck do the other signs mean anyway? How do I calculate my ‘Venus sign’?
Oh yeah. She also said the t slur not knowing what it was, and claimed intoxicated SA is not SA. For the record, I don’t plan on updating this post often. I just feel like these two are reallllyyy messed up and that I should include it.
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Oh yeah another thing. You're not really pro-abortion if you exclude trans men, nonbinary individuals, intersex folks, etc from your activism. If you think this ruling *only* affects cis women, you are not welcome here. This account is not and will never be a safe space for TERFs. Roe vs Wade affects *EVERYONE* who can get pregnant (Cis women, trans men, nonbinary individuals, intersex individuals, etc). You can come back to me when you learn that this affects many more groups. /srs /nbh
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zalcolm · 4 months
>"trans mlm are just predatory women trying to invade gay man spaces!!"
if that were the case why the fuck are most of my crushes unlabeled/straight boys. WHY. what the FUCK
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coffeecacao · 7 months
Today I saw a woman in the women's room and I was honestly shocked
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magicalenbysarah · 2 years
Transhet people get no fucking respect and it sucks like we can't go a DAY without someone treating us like we're less queer. We're a fucking minority among trans people and you treat us like homophobic oppressors for calling you out on your TERF rhetoric.
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aquariclione · 1 year
ok i think flag discourse is stupid a lot of the time but that doesn’t mean some things involving flag creators isn’t just “discourse”. the lipstick lesbian flag being made by a racist, transmisic, butchmisic person isn’t “discourse”, the bi-gender flag being made by a transmisic abuser isn’t “discourse”.
i’m not talking about “this person supports an innocuous group i don’t agree with” like with the pan flag. that’s stupid petty nonsense. i’m talking about actual piece of shit people that we should be wary of when using their flags.
i don’t care what flag you use but what i do care about is what the creator of the flag has done, and if they did something bad i’m not gonna ignore that and personally it’s gonna seep into how i see their creations
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antiradqueer-karkat · 1 month
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[end screenshot]
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femboy-catgirl · 3 months
"I wouldn't have sex with a trans person because of genital preference." bottom surgery is a thing?? what??
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solidwater05 · 5 months
What's the weirdest anon you've gotten?
Ignoring the ones that are clearly just spam, probably one that said that said something along the lines of
Why do you call Gabriel (my OC) a man, that looks like a woman
Like. This is the transgender website. Gabe is a trans man. That anon came into my inbox, said 'your transmasc OC looks like a woman', and expected to achieve something. The only thing it did is baffle me
Yeah, I think that's the weirdest one that's not spam or straight up hateful
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Just had the craziest conversation with my dad about Lia Thomas
TW: major transphobia and sexism
so he randomly brings up Lia Thomas for like the fifth time and here's about how it went (btw the actual conversation had a lot more misgendering and repetition)
Dad: I just think it's crazy that they let men on the women's team like you know that Lia Thomas who's dominating swimming against those girls that trained their whole lives.
Me: mhm
Dad: well I know you don't agree with them and you're for them or whatever but this is facts men are just more powerful idc how many hormones or chromosomes you take or whatever it's the chromosomes there is a natural advantage
Me: ok how many events did Lia win then?
Dad: idk but she's dominating these girls just can't win against her cause she's a man they can't compete she's a like 6'5 heavy man she's got more power they can't compete ... oh now you've got you're phone you always have to fact check me
Me: yeah yeah ok so here it says that Lia won, one event
Dad: oh but that's outdated that's gotta be wrong she's dominating
Me: well I can't find any other events but at this one from last year she only won one event and didn't set any records
Dad: but what about all those other men doing the same thing you know they've got a bunch of lawsuits
Me: what lawsuits can you give me specifics
Dad: idk I can't remember them just they're there they're happening
Me: ok yeah I know there are lawsuits but if you can't give me a specific that's not an argument
Dad: what about the one against Lia Thomas
Me: I didn't know there was one (looks it up) ok so here it is Riley Gaines
Dad: yeah that one
Me: Riley is suing because she tied for fifth with Lia
Dad: that can't be all of it there's gotta be more keep looking
Me: doesn't look like it she tied for fifth, oh there's a bit here about the NAACP only had one fifth place trophy and they gave it to Lia and mailed one to Riley
Dad: oh that's why they should've given it to the rightful winner the real woman
Me: we don't have enough context for that maybe someone got there first, maybe it was a coin toss, maybe it was random, we don't know what happened here
Dad: ok but there is an advantage they shouldn't be letting these men go up against women like that it's not fair. like what if you and one of your girl-friends did a weight lifting championship against me (a grown man who has done weight training and manual labor jobs before)
Me: well that wouldn't be fair they haven't done any weight training and you have
Dad: SEE SEE it wouldn't be fair I have a natural advantage
Me: yeah against a teenager who hasn't done any weight training but if you went against a grown women who has done weight training then it would be fair
Dad: ok but it's like like, if you put a male football player against women's football (American football, we're American so it's implied for us but just to clarify)
Me: not necessarily you know they have some co-ed football teams now
Dad: no that's not what I'm saying if you put a 315 lb linebacker who could sweep 10 of them at once and kill them then no that wouldn't be fair but he can just say "oh I'm a woman today" and they'll let him on you don't understand
Me: How do you know he could sweep 10 of those women football players have you seen it happen I think you're underestimating them have you even seen women's football
Dad: yeah I have I wanted to watch it cause they have their boobs out and their tight clothes (this is a real thing that he said it'll make more sense later)
Me: ok, (doesn't know how to respond)
Dad: and if you put a 315 pound linebacker against those fragile little 150lb girls he could kill them he could smash two of them together and kill them
Me: Why are you assuming they're fragile little girls they've done the weight training they're professional players
Dad: because there is a natural advantage even if they did the same training men are naturally stronger
Me: and you have absolutely zero evidence of this
Dad: do you know how math works? 2+2=4 315 lb against 150 lb there's a clear advantage
Me: ok let me look up the average weights then. average linebacker is about 247-250 lb
Dad: that can't be real cause I knew some football players. look up Dave O Brian and James Thornton
Me: ok Dave O Brain is 247 lb and James Thornton is 242 lb
Dad: ok but still them against 150 lb girls they would crush them
Me: let me look up women's teams ... ok I can't find anything
Dad: (the stereotypical rant that I've already put in here a few times about men in women's sports and the natural advantage)
Me: ok I found it, the weights for the Women's American Football league (Women's tackle national team if you want to look it up) I see 260
Dad: no way a woman at 260
Me: 295, 295, 295 ,290, 268, 315 I mean there's a bunch of like 135, 165, 145 here too but they definitely get over 250
Dad: no way no woman is over 300 lb
Me: why wouldn't they be if they're doing the weight training to get that heavy
Dad: you don't understand I know anatomy and physiology men have a natural advantage
Me: then where's the proof
Dad: I don't want to talk about this anymore just leave me alone good night
Me: fine good night
oh but it gets worse
I come back downstairs cause I forgot about the mess I left on the counter and my Dad found something so he calls me over
it's that women's football league he watched that one time
it's the lingerie football league
When he was saying women's football he meant the lingerie league
which like no shade to them idk the deal with that I'm sure they compete as seriously as they can with no padding, but they also have clearly not done the same weight training as a professional league because part of the league is looking good for the men in the stands and that beauty standard has no space for muscles
so my Dad was not comparing the NFL to actual professional women's football he was comparing it to the fucking lingerie league
and when I said that it's not comparable until they have a similar men's version where they compete in speedos then you could put the men's lingerie league against the women's lingerie league and make that co-ed and it would be fair
but like NFL against lingerie league isn't fair NFL vs Women's football would be fair and when I pointed this out he said that I just don't understand and to leave
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demonic-shadowlucifer · 11 months
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there were these i came across…terfs normalizing hatred of CHILDREN simply because the children in question were male
What the unironic fuck. Thank you for sending this. I'll be adding it and the others to the Google Doc. (There was also these. *Incredibly* triggering so they're going under a 'read more')
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oh-my-im-ply · 3 months
This is another post which isn't completely ply focused, but I want to take a second to point out the overlap between people who are transmisic and people who exclude/invalidate mspec lesbians.
Last week, I made a post where I mentioned being a polysexual lesbian, and I made a few mspec lesbian pride flags. Yesterday, someone asked if I was polysexual or a lesbian.
On this blog, we have rules for interaction, as well as rules for mods to follow. At the very top, we have a rule against exclusion and invalidation towards good faith identities, and a rule against bigotry and dogwhistles. However, we will answer questions when they may have been asked in good faith.
So, I answered with this:
Both. I'm attracted to many genders, but not binary men, so I find that polysexual and lesbian both describe my orientation well. Other people may identify as a polysexual lesbian for other reasons.
After I answered, the mask came off, and they started being transmisogynistic and nonbinary-exclusionary, and weaponized the existence of bimisia against me. I deleted their comments and blocked them last night, so I can't copy what they said word for word, but I will repeat their key notes under the cut.
CW: bi erasure, exorsexism/nonbinary-erasure, transmisogyny, mentions of genitalia
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"This is what people mean when they talk about bi erasure. You're erasing bi people."
This is a complete misunderstanding of what bi erasure even means. Bi erasure is when you ignore (the existence of) bi people, or outright deny their existence. These are some examples of bi erasure:
Erasing or ignoring bi history.
Saying that bi people need to just "pick a side."
Saying that bi people are secretly straight/secretly gay.
Saying that bi is just "a transitional orientation" or "a phase."
Redefining the broad definition of bisexuality without the consent of the bi community, especially with the intent of telling people that they "aren't really bisexual" or replacing the bi label.
Saying that "everyone is a little bit bisexual," especially with the intent of erasing bisexuality as a distinct category. This can also be a form of erasure against people who aren't bisexual.
Note that "identifying as something other than bi" is not a form of bi erasure, even if you might "technically" fit the definition... Because that is a matter of personal identity.
But do you know what is a form of bi erasure? Erasing bi history. Mspec lesbians (particularly bi lesbians), have existed for decades. It is not a new identity, and bi women and enbies have a right to identify their attractions to women as lesbian attraction if they wish to. The exclusion of bi people from the lesbian label began as a form of bi erasure. It happened because of separatism and political lesbianism, and an idea that attraction to men "tainted" people, or was a "betrayal" to feminism. It happened because of bimisia.
The word "lesbian" has served as an umbrella term synonymous to "sapphic" for over half a century. You want sources? Here you go.
Miller, Trish. Lavender Woman, Vol. 2, No. 5. Lavender Woman Magazine, 1973. "What is a lesbian? To me, a lesbian is a woman-oriented woman; bisexuals can be lesbians. A lesbian does not have to be exclusively woman-oriented, she does not have to prove herself in bed, she does not have to hate men, she does not have to be sexually active at all times, she does not have to be a radical feminist." Ferguson, Ann. Patriarchy, Sexual Identity, and the Sexual Revolution. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 1981. "Lesbian is a woman who has sexual and erotic-emotional ties primarily with women or who sees herself as centrally involved with a community of self-identified lesbians whose sexual and erotic-emotional ties are primarily with women; and who is herself a self-identified lesbian."....."[My definition] defines both bisexual and celibate women as lesbians as long as they identify themselves as such and have their primary emotional identification with a community of self-defined lesbians." Kafele, Dajenya Shoshanna (1991). Bisexual Lesbian. Archived from the original on July 25, 2022. Queen, Carol A.. Strangers at Home: Bisexuals in the queer movement,. 1992. "A great many bisexual women, particularly those who are feminist and lesbian-identified, have felt both personally and politically rejected and judged by the separatist sisters." Kafele, Dajenya Shoshanna. "Which Part of Me Deserves to Be Free?". Bisexual Politics: Theories, Queries, & Visions. New York : Haworth Press, 1995. ISBN 9781560249504. "Personally, I am unable to separate out the various ways that I am oppressed (as a woman, as an African American, as a bisexual lesbian, as an impoverished single mother) and say that one oppression is worse than the other, or that I desire one form of liberation more than another." Wyeth, Amy. "Don't Assume Anything". Bi Women: The Newsletter of the Boston Bisexual Women's Network. Vol. 5, No. 2, 1995. "Unfortunately, many of my experiences as a lesbian-identified bisexual woman have said to me that having an appearance or demeanor that diverges from the expected means I will not be accepted as truly belonging in the lesbian community. Despite my attendance at gay pride parades, dollars spent at gay resorts and in support of gay causes, and numerous attempts to participate in gay and/or lesbian groups and volunteer events, I have often felt unaccepted by this community." Holleb, Morgan Lev Edward. The A-Z of Gender and Sexuality. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2019. ISBN 9781784506636. "LESBIAN — A woman who is sexually or romantically attracted to women. Lesbian can mean women who are attracted exclusively to other women, but it is also a broader term for women and femmes who are attracted to other women and femmes. This includes bisexual and pansexual women, asexual women who are romantically attracted to women, and non-binary people who identify with womanhood." Lesbian. The Trans Language Primer. Archived from the original on October 22, 2021.
Does this mean bi people have to identify as lesbians, or "aren't actually" bi, or can't just identify as bi? Obviously not, and I never said that was the case. That would be bi erasure, because that's policing bi people's identities and forcing them under labels that they may not want to be included under. But in the circumstance that a bi person also identifies as a lesbian, they have every right to do so. Bi-inclusive definitions of lesbianism have existed for at least 51 years, and still exist today.
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"Attraction to men, binary or not, means you're not a lesbian."
See above for why the lesbian identity is not always dependent on a lack of attraction to men, binary or not. But lets focus on the nonbinary part specifically:
Nonbinary people can people included in lesbianism and lesbian attraction if they want to be. Yes, that includes all nonbinary genders. Even if attraction to men inherently disqualified a person from lesbianism, nonbinary genders cannot be confined to binary gender rules (even when they're aligned with binary genders) because they're nonbinary. Treating nonbinary genders like they're "functionally the same as binary genders" is a form of nonbinary erasure, regardless of gender alignment.
Whether nonbinary people are included in lesbianism or not is entirely up to each individual nonbinary person regarding their own identity. It is not dependent on the gender label used; it is dependent on how each nonbinary person feels about it on an individual level.
The implication that manhood inherently dominates and erases the rest of a person's identity is also troubling. If you accept that nonbinary people can be included in lesbianism, you must also accept that nonbinary men can be included in lesbianism. A nonbinary man is still nonbinary; their manhood doesn't erase that.
As a pangender lesbian, I've had to deal with the experience of people not only erasing my enbyhood, but my womanhood as well, because they think my manhood is the only relevant aspect of my identity. This is misogynistic and exorsexist, plain and simple, and people use this misogyny/exorsexism to tell me that I'm not a lesbian.
With all of that said, nonbinary people (of any gender alignment) are not always comfortable being included in lesbianism. This is why I describe myself as both polysexual and a lesbian; the polysexual part of my orientation acknowledges that my attraction to enbies can't always be described with my more binary-aligned labels.
And funnily enough, while some people tell me that I can't be a lesbian and can only be polysexual, other people tell me the opposite. So clearly, there isn't a consensus on which label is "correct" for me.
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"If it has a dick, you can't be a lesbian."
This is just blatant mask off transmisogyny, and it's the main reason I blocked them. Do I even need to explain what's wrong with this? Even under a strictly monosexual definition of lesbianism, this statement is just false. Being attracted to people with penises does not equal being attracted to men. If a lesbian is exclusively attracted to women, including women with penises, that lesbian is attracted to only one gender and is not bisexual or mspec.
Any gender can have a dick. Lesbians can have dicks. Women can have dicks. The presence of a penis or lack thereof is not a defining trait of lesbianism, nor monosexuality. And for fuck's sake, maybe don't call your hypothetical trans woman "it"??
"Mspec lesbian" does not mean "lesbian who is attracted to vaginas and penises," and if you think that's what it means, you need to educate yourself. Yes, this includes any people who might identify as an mspec lesbian because of that transmisogynistic definition.
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This blog is an inclusive space. If you come in here to spew bigoted or exclusionary nonsense, expect to be blocked. Think before you speak, and please read our rules.
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