#tw baseball i’m so sorry i’m like this
hotdamnitszuko · 9 months
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virgincels · 5 months
tw - sa mention, noncon mention, dark content discussed briefly but not explicitly
hi okay sorry for the unfathomable amount of bullshit clogging the tags the past few days. i keep seeing it labelled as gilfhub drama which is pissing me off as i haven’t said anything at all, i’ve stayed quiet throughout unless you follow me and read my posts. while i haven’t outwardly inserted myself into the situation im the one being witch hunted ig, i’m making one last statement which sounds way too serious for this corny and unserious situation.
anyway, i'm mostly making this for my own benefit, because i would feel more at peace after posting this lmfao. first of all, I’m being called a pedophile which is a fucking insanely serious claim to make with no concrete evidence! i’ve never written underage characters. if you’ve mistaken my ddlg content as pedophillia i beg you to get your brain checked! your skull must be so thick it couldn’t be caved in with a baseball bat. other than that i mainly write about LEGAL age gaps bc I am 19 and leon is fucking 47 as of now he is the creep actually.
i’m being called a rapist and a paedophile and all sorts of shit. im a victim of sa, it’s happened both at the hands of someone i trusted and at the hands of those i didn’t know well. some of my writing is to cope with this, none of my fics have ever romanticised rape and made it seem like something flowery and cute and fun? i don’t know who pulled that out of their ass but my fics that involve this sort of content are usually about toxic codependent relationships, it’s quite literally about trauma bonding.
this moves me onto my next point - people say this content belongs on ao3 and ao3 only. i don’t know if you’re 11 and new to the internet, to re fandom in fact, as dead dove has been a consistent theme within re fics since forever. since i was a kid i saw fics like that and even as a fucking 10 year old i managed to scroll and mind my business. tumblr has always had dead dove, when it rebranded and the guidelines changed they messed up their tagging system. this means that even if you tag tw incest it’ll remove your fic from the TAGS not from tumblr itself but from the tags as a whole. however, if you tag tw noncon your fic will stay up, it’s glitchy and dumb and shouldn’t be seen as a reliable source on why dead dove isn’t allowed on tumblr. that’s never been the case ever.
people who write dead dove don’t have to be victims and they don’t have to be mentally ill, they are also normal people with jobs who pay taxes and have normal fucking lives. because it’s simply fiction. people who read/watch american psycho are not murderers or rapists. people who watch any form slasher horror are not murderers. people who enjoy resident fucking evil and like wesker don’t fucking believe in eugenics. i could go on and on and on and on about so many different examples in extremely popular franchises.
as aforementioned, tumblr’s tagging system fucking sucks, so to combat this i give a warning even AFTER i explicitly tag my fics correctly that says ‘tumblr has started to remove fics that use tw non-con, tw incest and any nsfw tags in general. for this reason, as i’d like my fic to appear in the tags so i can have the same reach as other authors, please understand that this fic contains dark content under the cut. reading this comes at your own risk.’ for some reason I didn’t specify remove from the TAGS not from TUMBLR because tumblr doesn’t care 😭 that was totally my mistake for not checking if that disclaimer made sense but i guess i hoped the following sentence (‘as i’d like my fic to appear in the tags’) made it clear that i was simply speaking about tags. not tumblr removing my content.
if you are genuinely adults on this app, you should know that on the internet sometimes you will see things you don’t like! because it’s the internet and everyone is on here with their own opinions and their own tastes. it is YOUR responsibility to cater to your own needs by blocking content you don’t enjoy. so what another dark content blog pops up? as soon as you see a content warning you don’t like, BLOCK THE AUTHOR? or ignore it! scrolling is very simple. it’s insanely easy to mind your fucking business.
i'm kind of tired of the endless harassment both in the tags and in my inbox! if you are genuinely doing this in the name of victims and in their best interest just know you’re harming other victims in the process 😭 i am not easily triggered but the shit in my inbox is really gross and i got called a racial slur like… is fictional content that’s easy to block so deep to the point where you have to stoop that low? everyone copes how they cope, it’s not wrong and it never will be, psychologists recommend dark content as an outlet, you can literally google this. therapy is not a fix, it can’t fix mental illness. sometimes it doesn’t help. in my case counselling made everything worse. the ‘get help, get therapy’ comment comes from a place of privilege, not all of us have the money, the support system it takes to get therapy. some of us have had experiences where therapists discriminate against us. in my case that has happened, im a woc in britain they don’t care about us not about our psychical or mental health LMFAO.
im sure im missing a lot of what i originally wanted to say here, but overall i honestly wanted to clear my name of the pedo allegations lmfao because i’ve never written anything like that about underage characters or readers. anyway if any of you have a brain you can block dark content creators in a few easy steps! sorry again for yapping in such a formless, inarticulate way but i'm kind of exhausted by all the stupidity 😭
overall, dark content creators shouldn’t be allocated a little hovel in the corner of the internet in which they should privately discuss matters. we’re allowed to post it freely because CONTENT WARNINGS EXIST. dead dove will always be a thing and always has been. just because i post my content doesn’t mean it’s open for harassment and death threats and rape threats or anything? you can be an adult and get on with your day! and if you really need an outlet go talk to friends with the same opinions as you! i see ooc leon fluff all the time everyday and i don’t give a shit, i move on because leon isn’t real.
i pride myself on characterisation and if you have so obsessively read my fics to point out and circle random words in red that don’t correlate like we’re in a fucking crime show, then you would know that half the time i actually flesh out his character, i hate posting smut alone. i simply like exploring topics that are dark both to cope with my own problems and because i think they’re interesting to write about. however, as soon as something is mildly dark and sexual you guys cry mischaracterisation. leon also isn’t lighting candles and throwing rose petals but I don’t fucking judge what people write because if I don’t like I don’t read!
i promise, posting screenshots of my fics untagged with no warning is more harmful as you’re showing it to people who didn’t ask to fucking see it. i promise that harassing me will do nothing for you, you’re literally just sending vile shit to a real person who has struggled with the things she writes about LMFAO sorry again for yapping. i genuinely want to move on and post my regular shit but this has consumed the entire leon tag and i feel like im partly responsible. if you did get through this thank you! it’s mainly just ramblings and not read over so excuse me once again
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darlingmbappe · 1 year
Revenge Gift | Kylian Mbappé x Fem Reader
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— Click here for part 2! —
Summary: When Kylian leaves you high and dry, you decide on a leaving him a little revenge gift.
Warnings: Making out, sexy pictures, teasing, cussing, English is not my first language
Kylian was so happy to see you when you came over today. His face lit up the second he saw you, pulling you in for a long and deep kiss. You both had the afternoon off — a rare occurrence for your never ending clashing schedules — and these past couple of weeks have been especially busy. Working on a project in its preproduction stage comes a lot of late nights and even later mornings. Kylian turns in early and is up at the ass crack of dawn.
Besides the cheeky texts you’ve been sending back and forth, you two hadn’t had a chance to be intimate in a while. Quality time has been at an all time low, probably three weeks had passed since you’ve touched each other in that way. So, imagine how eager you two were when you quickly made it up to his bedroom.
“I fucking miss you,” he breathes between kisses on your exposed neck. You hum in response, too lost in feeling his bare chest against your skin to properly tell him you fucking miss him too. “You drive me crazy when you send me those sexy pictures.” Your hips grind against him while you sat on his lap, earning huffs and low moans from your boyfriend.
He played with the straps of your bra before losing them, following with a trail of kisses on your shoulder.
You huff out a laugh. “How do you think I feel when you send me thirst traps from the locker room, huh?”
Any other time he would deny that they were thirst traps and that you were just thirsty for him, but he only has one thing in mind right now. He reaches behind your back and begins playing with the clasp of your bra, a part he (shamefully) always struggles with. “Why don’t they use Velcro for these things?” He grumbled.
You giggle at him, reaching back to do it yourself. He sits back on the bed and prepares himself to just watch you, his eyes dark with lust and need. Just before you were able to unhook it, his phone starts ringing.
“Shit, sorry.” He reached for it on the nightstand. “Thought I turned that off.” Kylian looks at the caller ID and winces, looking up at you with I’m sorry eyes.
You shrug and drop your arms from your back, disappointed but understanding. “Go ahead, take it.”
“I’m sorry,” he repeats before sliding the answer button, immediately sounding annoyed with the caller. You crawl off his lap and make yourself comfortable on the open side of the bed, waiting for him to do something about the throbbing in your core. “What? Today?” He exclaims, jumping out of the bed and begins looking for his something to put on. “I thought it was next week, why didn’t you text me?” He pulls the phone down from his mouth and mouths another ‘I’m sorry’ before putting his clothes back on.
He ends the call with frustration, turning to you with the face of the guiltiest man alive. You roll your eyes and huff, but ultimately realize that this is something he has to do, or else he sure as hell wouldn’t be leaving you alone in his bed right before you were about to get naked. “Go.” You force a little grin out for both your sakes.
“You know I wouldn’t leave if I didn’t have to—”
“I know, Ky. It’s okay, go.” You’re used to forcing the good sport attitude. It was a package deal while dating someone like Kylian.
“Please be here when I come back.” He begs, putting a baseball cap on and a T-shirt.
You stand up, trudging over to him and wrapping a loose hug around his waist. “If you’re back before six…”
He hugs you back, kissing you sweetly. “I’ll try my best, amour.”
You kiss him quickly before shoving him toward the door, his gaze lingered on your bare body for a long second, tutting and cursing under his breath, then forcing himself out of the house.
Once he left, you put on some comfy clothes, made some tea, and began watching a movie in his living room. It wasn’t even two hours later when you phone binged — a message from Kylian.
Kyks <3: what’s the latest you can stay over?
You immediately respond back
You: No later than 6:15
You watched the three bubbles appear before his response.
Kyks <3: fuuuuuuuucccckkk :,(
You frown, realizing that your day with Kylian wasn’t happening.
Kyks <3: I’m sorry amour, I’ll make it up to you. I promise.
Kyks <3: I love you
You: I know you will
You: and I love you too
With a long huff, you stand up and decide to just grab your things and go to your place before you had to head out to work, maybe change into a less itchy bra.
As you walked around kylians room to double check that you grabbed everything, a small black and white object on his dresser caught your eye — his Polaroid camera.
He was obsessed with it for a couple weeks before completly forgetting about it, leaving it to collect dust in his room. Picking it up, you saw he had three photos left in it, and you had a plan brewing. A small form of payback, if you will.
Shuffling back out of your clothes, you propped yourself on his bed, the camera lying next to you. Kylian had yet to see this set in full, so you might as well let him know what he walked out on.
With a quick reposition, you laid down on his silk pillows, squeezed your boobs together to create more cleavage, putting your hand lazily near your mouth.
Next, you sat up on your knees, opening your thighs slightly to give him a better view of the black lace that was sewn on mesh at the middle, angling the lens downward at your body.
With only one more left in the roll, you decide to show him a little more skin. Taking off your bra, you toss it aside, covering your nipples with your arm. Once you figure out the pose, you snap the last picture.
You put the developing pictures next to each other and shuffle back into your sweatpants and tank top.
Damn, you thought when they were funny developed. You looked so hot. You displayed them nearly on top of his pillow. Now that your satisfied with your teasing revenge, you gather your things and head home.
Around 8:30, the writers room was very unproductive. Everyone had all hit a wall and was out of ideas for the time being. Bouncing off one another felt pointless and everyone was a little frustrated. Usually while at work, your phone was on focus mode so you didn’t get off track, but you had resorted to playing a racing game while hoping inspiration for the script would drop from the sky. Just when you were about to beat your high score, you got a buzz in your phone with a message from your boyfriend. Then another. And another…
Kyks <3: you cannot do this to me right now baby
Kyks <3: you’re evil
Kyks <3: fuuuuccckk bebe I need you to come over right now
Kyks <3: I’m serious. U fucking tease
You bit back a laugh, wishing you could see his reaction in person.
You: I take it you like the pictures?
Kyks <3: I will pay you double whatever you make today if you leave work right now
This time you giggle out loud, catching the attention of your co-writers.
“Sorry,” you said through blushing cheeks. As you were about to put your phone down, you got another buzz. Though you thought about ignoring it, you decided to take a quick peek.
Holy shit.
Your extremely sexy boyfriend had taken a photo for you and you had to physically stop yourself from drooling, your face flushing with color as you took in the picture on your screen. The phone was now held close to your chest just in case anyone was peaking over your shoulder and saw the filthy shot.
His abs we’re on full display — he snapped the shot from his perspective as he laid down in his bed, a white towel hung low on his hips. Your Polaroids were splayed out across his covered leg and his hand covered his groin, large fingers wrapped around his covered member, showing off his perfect outline.
Kyks <3: I’m I gonna have to take care of myself? :(
Without thinking, you wrote back.
You: don’t you dare.
“You guys don’t need me tonight, right?” Your voice cracked. None of your coworkers said anything, just looked at you with a face that screamed ‘seriously?’ “Pleeease, you guys? I swear I’ll come in on Monday with donuts from Azúcar.”
That promise was enough for them to be okay with you leaving early. You texted Kylian back as soon as you gathered your things.
You: be there in 20
He took no time replying.
Kyks <3: counting down the seconds
—Requests are open for Kylian Mbappé!—
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Anyone But You
Leo Valdez x Reader
6k words
TW: implied sexual content
When you’re trapped on a magical flying boat with 7 other people, there’s somethings that you definitely don’t want to happen, like getting caught after making out with your best friend who you may or may not be in love with, you also don’t want them to overhear you to say it meant nothing. AKA I watched Anyone but you this weekend because I’m in love with Sydney Sweeney and all I could think about is the amount of drama that would’ve happened if this was a teen flick. Like no adults (or Annabeth) to think things through, the drama would be unmatched. Soooo yeah and I know this doesn’t fully fit into the actual plot of the books and it doesn’t really follow the plot of the movie either but canon be damned. I’m gonna just make things up sorry.
Y/N’s POV:
They were friends, that was it. Sure Leo Valdez was cute, and yeah maybe he had this way of smiling at you that made it impossible not to blush, and of course his jokes were hilarious, despite you being the only one laughing most of the time, but it didn’t mean anything. At least not at first, but on a boat filled with couples, by default you spent most of your time with Leo, at first you were sort of forced into it, but eventually you sought him out when you were bored. His non stop talking was sure to fill the silence that you found suffocating. Eventually you two became joint at the hip, everyone could see it, but it's not like you two were ever truly alone with one another, especially after Percy and Annabeth’s little “falling asleep talking the the stables” incident when you first set sail. Coach Hedge spent more time patrolling for indecent activity between the crew than he did for monsters. Still, your moments with Leo managed to keep you up at night, you woke up with a smile on your face every time. That was of course until everything went wrong.
Percy and Annabeth were gone, lost in the depths of Tartarus and as you rushed to try and save them, there was a constant cloud of doubt and stress covering the ship. The only saving grace was the departure of Coach Hedge, Nico, and Reyna as the set off across the world to deliver the Athena Parthenos to Camp Half-Blood. Not that you disliked having the later two around, it just made it simpler to not have so many people on a small ship, and as for Coach Hedge, it didn’t take long for the couples to start spending a night together with no fear of an angry satyr with a baseball bat intruding. Slowly but surely everybody seemed to be bunking with someone else at night, not just the couples, you often found yourself sleeping over with Hazel and Piper or falling asleep on Frank or Leo’s floor while hanging out. The only persons room you didn’t find you self in was Jason’s and that’s because the boy was always up at 4 am no matter what time he went to sleep, and you weren’t crazy enough to be awake at such an ungodly hour.It was obvious though, that nobody wanted to be alone, especially now the the crew’s size had shrunk significantly. That’s how you found yourself in Leo’s room late one afternoon, nobody besides Jason could stand being on the ships deck for too long do to the storm brewing meaning you needed a way to occupy your time. Everyone seemed a bit on edge that day, but you figured Leo could make you laugh and probably would be alone working on some project anyways. You were right, slowly as the day moved on, talking turned into something more, at least that’s what the cluster of hickeys that painted your neck implied. You hadn’t thought too much about it when you were in the heat of the moment, but now, laying in Leo’s arms as the sun began to rise, you were panicking. Before you could even think about what you were doings, you had already gathered your belongings, doing your best to make yourself presentable before sneaking out and back to your own bunk.
You thought you had gotten away with it too, styling your hair in a braid an throwing on a oversize sweatshirt, you didn’t think anyone would notice, but over course Piper did. The very first thing she did when you emerged from your room was call you out.
“Looks like someone had a fun night”
“I have no clue what you’re talking about Pipes,” You tried your best to sound oblivious but it wasn’t working.
‘‘Right, so you didn’t spend the night in Leo’s room and come out covered in. Hi-“ She was cut off by you shoving your hand over her mouth just as Frank turned the corner to head into his room.
“Do I even want to know,” He laughed as he looked at you both.
“No, bye Frank” You said way too quickly to not be suspicious before dragging Piper into her room and closing the door behind you.
“Spill” She commanded.
It left you wondering for a moment if she had used her charmspeak on you because it was like you couldn’t get the words out fast enough, desperate to tell someone about how you felt. It was more than just something physical, Leo was your best friend, your confidant, last night almost seemed to be too good to be true, with you talking for hours about everything under the sun. You told Piper about how you felt after, about how you snuck out first thing in the morning, panicked about what to do and what to say, about how all you could think about the entire time the two of you had been in her room talking, is what you were going to say when you saw Leo on deck later.
“So what you’re telling me is that instead of telling Leo you’re in love with him you snuck out and didn’t say anything. You just left him alone in his bed.”
“I never said I was in love with Leo, I just-“
She cut you off, “No Y/N you didn’t say it, but it's pretty damn obvious. So?”
“So what?”
“Are you going to tell him?” She asked
“I can’t do that! What if he doesn’t feel the same, what if it-“
“Y/n I swear if you don’t get your ass over to his room right now and tell him I’m going to do it myself”
“Is that an option? Because I’m totally okay with that”
“Y/n GO”
So you went, and as you approached Leo’s door you saw it was cracked open and could hear 2 voices coming from inside, Hazel’s and Leo’s.
Leo’s POV
Last night changed everything, for the first time in his life, Leo wasn’t the odd man out. For the first time in his life, Leo felt like things were going right, the girl he’d been in love with for weeks was in his bed, in his arms, and yet the most exciting part by far was the way she smiled, the way she blushed whenever he made a joke, Y/N was perfect. Everything was perfect, until he woke up and she was gone. At first he sat there wondering what he did wrong, maybe he should go find her, or maybe give her space. It wasn’t like there was a manual out there for what to do after hooking up with your best friend who you’re secretly in love with and she snuck out on you. So instead he found the next best thing, after a quick iris message Hazel was in his room in no time at all. So Leo told her everything, well not everything, she was still pretty naive in a lot of ways, and he was pretty sure some of the 21st century occurrences would’ve given the girl an aneurysm. But Hazel listen to every word of the slightly abridged version of events and came to the simplest conclusion.
“So you’re in love with Y/n” She stated quite directly.
“In LOVE with Y/N? No not at all” He didn’t even know why he said it.
“Okay but you talked all night and kissed and said everything is different? How can you say you’re not in love” She asked, she seemed genuinely confused, but so did Leo to be fair.
“Look all of this is new to me, and I don’t really do the whole love and relationships thing” He tried to say it in a way that seemed cool like some sort of playboy, it wasn’t working.
“Okay but you like her right”
He thought about it for a minute before answering, the thought of being in love was enough to make his stomach churn with anxiety, romance was uncharted territory. There were too many feelings, too many moving peices that were out of his control. Sure Y/n was basically his entire world, some days he could’ve sworn he woke up just to see her, but at the same time she left so quickly without even saying goodbye, what if he was overthinking what happened last night. So he let his insecurities take over, and his hurt fueled the words the came out of his mouth.
“Honestly Hazel, I think I was just bored, I mean Y/N was there. Besides I don’t do love, Y/ns great and all but, its never going to happen between us”
“Are you sure about that” Hazel was shocked
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my entire life” And for a brief moment Leo could’ve sworn he heard footsteps in the hall outside his room .
“I don’t know Leo, maybe she just left because she was nervous”
“Nervous? Nervous about what? I was nervous too, but I didn’t leave, I stayed.”
“Why did you stay though?”
“Because,” He hesitated, “ Because I thought maybe we could be together, that she loved me too”
“Then maybe you need to tell her that, she deserves to know”
“Honestly Hazel, I think I was just bored, I mean Y/N was there. Besides I don’t do love, Y/ns great and all but, its never going to happen between us” Leo’s words hit Y/N like a punch to the gut. Maybe he didn’t mean it. Hazel seemed to be thinking the same thing.
“Are you sure about that” Hazel said almost too quietly to hear despite the open door.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my entire life”
That was all it took for y/n to run away, trying your best to be silent knowing you were probably failing. You did your best to hold it together, with each step closer to your room however the tears seemed to flow harder. How could you have been so stupid. Y/N thought that maybe Leo felt the same, even Piper had agreed, if they were both wrong, Y/N must be damn near delusional. It was moments like these where Y/N missed Annabeth more than ever, she would’ve been straight to the point doing some analysis of the situation and determining the best way for Y/N to move on. Hell it was moments like this where Y/N wished Coached Hedge was running around with a baseball bat and could’ve prevented this from ever happening in the first place.
You made it to your room slamming the door behind you, the impact shook the room, causing a picture frame that had been hung on the wall to fall the the ground shattering in a hundred tiny pieces. You couldn’t even be bothered to clean it up instead you sat down on the floor and cried. Y/n’s body shook with sobs and realized why they called it heartbreak. Just like the picture frame on the ground he heart felt like a piece of glass that had been broken beyond repair.
Y/n didn’t know how long she had been sitting there, maybe 10 minutes or ten hours but you did know you had no tears left to cry. Your lips were dry, your eyes were lined with red, and your head was aching. You had enough medical training from your time living in cabin 7 to know you should probably get some water and try to eat something, but you just didn’t have the energy so you kept sitting there. It felt like eternity later when there was a knock on the door. Y/N wasn’t sure if she said come in or if Frank out of worry took it upon himself to open the door unprompted, but there he was looking at the sniffling mess of a girl sitting on the floor surrounded by broken glass. He had a plate of food in his hand, vegetarian enchiladas, it was Leo’s night to make dinner. Without a word, Frank set down the plate and started cleaning up the glass. When he finished that he looked at Y/N who still hadn’t said a word to him, he wasn’t sure exactly what to do or why she was upset but he knew that this was going to be someone else’s problem so he got Piper.
When Piper got to Y/N’s room a few minutes later not much had changed. Y/N still sat on her floor but unlike Frank, Piper knew what the look on y/n’s face meant and what had caused her tears.
“Don’t tell me he turned you down” She said softly wrapping y/n in a hug as she sat on the ground next to you.
“I didn’t give him that chance to say it to my face not after what he told Hazel”
“What do you mean? What did he say to Hazel?” She questioned
“He said it was never going to happen between us, he said he was sure about it.”
“Oh honey, I’m so sorry. I shouldn't have told you to go over there. He’s such a jerk. You didn’t deserve that.”
“Just don’t tell anyone, please” You said softly. It was bad enough you looked like an idiot, it would be worse if everyone knew Leo Valdez had rejected you after everything that had happened. “Promise me.”
Maybe it was just the overwhelming emotions you were feeling, but you didn’t even notice that Piper never responded.
1 Week Later
Everyone was on edge, petty fights and disagreements became blowouts far too often, and more than ever it felt like the 6 of you left on the ship would rip each other's throats out if given the chance. Y/N and Leo weren’t immune, it was probably worse for you two since he couldn’t take the hint you wanted nothing to do with him. You’d been trying your best to avoid him whenever possible but he continued to seek your attention, as if he had any right to talk to you after everything. While Leo didn’t seem to take the hint, everybody else seemed to pick up on what was happening. Piper had talked to Jason about what happened, after all it only seemed fair he knew since the 4 of you had gone on your first quest together and he was the only one who didn’t know the story but she had sworn him to secrecy. What Y/N didn’t know however, was that everyone but her seemed to be talking about her relationship issues.
Frank thought he had put two and two together after seeing y/n crying and seeing Leo act like more of a love struck idiot than normal, but what he didn’t understand is why Y/N would be upset that Leo liked her. Sure Leo was basically the most annoying person to ever exist second only to Octavian, maybe, but Y/n very clearly liked him so it didn’t make sense. At least not until he talked to Hazel and Piper one afternoon as they made a pit stop in a small town to get some groceries.
“Maybe I’m just dumb, but why is Y/N avoiding Leo? I thought she liked him and he clearly likes her back” Frank asked.
“Look they’re both my friends and I’m not taking sides here, but just because he had a sudden change of heart doesn’t mean she automatically has to forgive him,” for someone who wasn’t picking sides, Piper was being pretty clear how she felt.
“Forgive him for what?” Hazel looked lost
“What do you mean change of heart?” Frank asked
“Look Y/N asked me not to talk about it she feels awful enough as is without everybody knowing what Leo said” Piper said looking slightly torn, she didn’t want to betray y/ns trust but its not like she promised her anything.
“Okay but it's not like I’m going to go to Y/n and ask her about it, I’m just trying to figure out what happened. One moment she’s laughing with you in the hallway Piper, and the next she’s crying and ignoring Leo whenever he tries to talk to her,” Frank explained, “from where im standing it makes no sense, she’s clearly liked him for weeks, but now that he is trying to get with her she just pretends he doesn’t exist.”
“No I’m sorry but that is so not what’s happening” Piper said all worries about betraying Y/N seemed to disappear pretty quick, “I don’t know why Leo all of a sudden is all over Y/n considering he told Hazel there was no way he’d every date Y/n”
“Wait, he told Y/N about our conversation?” Hazel looked more confused than ever, “because if they talked about it, then she knows he’s in love with her, he admitted it right after he said that , he was just scared she left without saying anything because she didn’t like him.”
“Wait so he does like her” Now Piper was confused.
“So they both like each other? I was right, but this still doesn’t explain why Y/n is all mad at him then.” Frank looked a little too pleased with himself for someone who still had no clue what was happening.
“Of course he likes her, I mean he’s totally in love with her,” Hazel acted like this was the ost obvious thing in the world, “but I’m with Frank here, if she likes him too I don’t get why she’s mad.”
“Because she went to go talk to him and heard him say it was never going to happen between them, and she just left” Piper stated
“Which means when I went to Y/N’s room and she was crying its because she didn’t hear the rest of the conversation” Frank said
“And Leo took my advice to tell her he loves her, but” Hazel continued
“She won't listen to him because she’s upset” Piper finished
“So, what do we do?” Frank was asking the important questions.
“I mean we should probably let them handle this on their own right?” Hazel, sweet innocent Hazel couldn’t be more wrong.
“No, we have to set them up,” Piper looked at hazel who clearly disagreed, “and before you say anything, think about it, we need the two of them on their best behavior if we are gonna save Percy and Annabeth and what better way to make them get along than if they’re getting it on”
“Getting it on?” Hazel asked
Frank looked panicked. “What Piper means is we need them to date, or at least be willing to be in the same room with one another.”
“And how are we going to do that,” Hazel asked.
“Easy, divide and conquer” Frank said
When Hazel, Frank, and Piper got back to the ship, things were worse than when they had left. It seems Leo had given up on trying to talk to Y/N, instead he had resorted to leaving when ever she walked in the room, and at one point at lease according to Jason, while fighting a monster who had gotten on board, the two were so busy arguing they almost killed each other instead. This could only mean one thing, they were going to need more help to set the two up so Jason was enlisted in the plan. It started simple at first, Seats were taken strategically at the table forcing Y/n and Leo to sit either directly next to each other or across from one another. It didn’t make for a pleasant dining experience to say the least. For the first few meals most of the dinner conversation went from bad to worse.
“Can you pass the salt” Y/N asked, the shaker was right in front of Leo, and while she’d rather not talk to him, her mama would’ve killed her for not using her manners at the dinner table.
Nobody moved. The silence was thick, it was salt for gods sake, one of them could just pass it over, but it was right in front of Leo and he wasn’t moving.
“Leo, can you pass y/n the salt” Hazel whispered, may he just hadn’t heard her.
“Oh she was asking me,” his voice was dripping with sarcasm, “I thought we weren’t speaking.”
“Yeah well if we aren’t talking you may as well just shut up and pass the salt” Y/N’s voice was laced with venom.
“What’s your problem” Leo practically jumped out of his chair.
“Me? I don’t have a problem”
“Oh please it looks like you have plenty of them”
“Okay, that’s enough you two” Jason tried to intervene before it went too far, it had been the same conversation for the past 3 meals and it never ended well, “Leo could you just give her the salt.”
“That depends, is she just going to use it then disappear?”
“Leo-“ Jason warned”
“Fine take it, whatever makes you happy right Y/N” He didn’t wait to hear ehr response before storming off.
Clearly they needed to try harder than that. So that night Piper, Frank, Hazel, and Jason devised a second part of the plan. If the root of the issue was Leo thinking Y/N didn’t like him and that’s why she was ignoring him, and Y/N overheard the conversation where Leo insisted he wouldn’t date her, then it was up to everyone else to subtly tell let the two know just how wrong they got things. The plan was mostly Jason’s idea, but he was definitely right. Piper was almost annoyed she didn’t think of it sooner, especially considering her mom was the goddess of love and all that. So they set into action, Frank and Piper would patrol the deck while Leo was steering the ship and talk about how Y/N is clearly just upset because she thinks Leo doesn’t like her just loud enough that he would overhear, Jason would have Y/n help him make dinner and be a bit more direct asking her what’s happening between her and Leo and do his best to push her into talking to him. Hazel was the final step, if nobody could get them to make up she would do her best to guilt trip them into speaking, she wasn’t sure how yet but she’d come up with something should the need arise.
Leo’s POV
Steering the ship late at night got boring, sure one of the others gladly would’ve taken over if he asked, but none of them quite understood how to operate the whole ship, well no one except Annabeth. Besides he wasn’t getting much sleep nowadays anywhere, maybe it was the impending war with Gaea, or the fact that his best friend hated him, but he was up all night all the time. If he was going to be awake he may as well be productive. So he steered the ship, checking the radar on occasion and talking festus when things got a bit too quiet. He knew Piper and Frank were on patrol and would eventually make their way in to talk to him, but until them Leo was left alone with his thoughts. He didn’t have any clue what he did to Y/N but he knew she had no reason to be ignoring him after she left him alone that night. Plus, he tried talking to her more than once to tell her how he felt, but she wouldn’t even give her the time of day so really she was the problem. Clearly that night together meant nothing to her so he decided it would mean nothing to him. He no longer loved Y/N. It would be much simpler that way. At least that’s what he told himself as the exhaustion started setting in.
“Look Piper, I know I’m not Leo’s biggest fan or anything but I don’t understand why Y/N just tell him how she feels” Franks voice broke through the steady beeping of machinery as they walked down the hall.
“It’s because she overheard him talking to Hazel and now she thinks he doesn’t like her which is ridiculous”
Y/N overheard him talking to Hazel? That couldn’t be right, she’d left and he didn’t see her all day. He thought back to that morning as he talked to Hazel when it clicked, he swore he had heard footsteps, it must have been Y/N.
“I get that, but why didn’t she just talk to Leo”
‘Frank, you’re the one who found her crying that night, she probably felt terrible and didn’t want to get hurt but talking to him again. We all know she isn’t the best at emotions.” Piper’s voice sounded weird.
“Yeah well neither is Leo.” That wasn't weird especially coming from Frank, but still he didn’t need to say it like that, “ But its pretty obvious to everyone but Y/N that he is head over heels in love with her. Maybe he just needs to give it one more shot, you know, talk to her alone and apologize for what she overheard and explain the full story. If he tells her he’s sorry and just explains he was worried she’d reject him, she would definitely forgive him and they could just live happily ever after.”
“Either way until one of them decides to be the bigger person and talk to the other, we’re in for a long ride.”
It was settled, as much as he would never admit this publicly, Frank was right. He needed to talk to y/n and he needed to do it now before she could hate him anymore. He put festus into autopilot and did his best to pretend he didn’t overhear Piper and Frank talking.
“Hey Leo, didn’t know you were still up” Piper said casually
“Of course, someone’s gotta keep this ship moving if were going to get to Percy and Annabeth in time” Leo forced a laugh, he didn’t really have time to stand here chatting
“Well we will be here all night if you need anything,” Piper offered
“Actually I have to run down to the boiler room for a few minutes if one of you wouldn’t mind keeping and eye on the radar, we don’t really have time to deal with any monster attacks right now”
“Yeah you got it bro, and hey dinner is in like 5 minutes try not to come back covered in grease or Hazel may kill you” Frank said with a smile
Leo didn’t even have time to think about how weird Frank was acting, like seriously when had Frank ever referred to anyone let alone Leo as bro. Still Leo was already on his way down the stairs to the living quarters, he needed to talk to y/n.
Y/N was just about ready to go hide in her room for the next 3-5 business days, or at least until they reach the doors of death, whichever ever came first. She was exhausted, physically and emotionally exhausted. When she wasn’t patrolling or trying to come up with some sort of plan to save the entire world, she was arguing with Leo, and when she wasn’t arguing with Leo she was thinking about him. Actually she thought about him basically 24/7 but she didn’t want to think about that too much. Leo was a condescending little jerk, and he didn’t deserve the space he held in her mind, now if only her brain would get the memo. All Y/n wanted was a distraction. If she were back at Camp Half-Blood right now it would be easy to get her mind off Leo. She would just curl up with a book or do target practice with Will, heck she’d even volunteer for extra shifts in the med bay if it meant getting her mind off things, but abroad the Argo II the only distractions they ever seemed to get were monster attack and Y/N really did want one of those. So she settled on taking a nap. All she had to do was curl up under her blankets and at least until dinner she wouldn’t have to think about Leo and his stupid, adorable, obnoxious face. So that’s what she did it felt like she’d only been asleep for a few minutes when there was a pounding at her door. Y/n walked over to open it, surprised to see Jason there of all people.
“I need your help” He said looking but panicked.
“Yeah of course, what’s wrong” Y/n was concerned, it wasn’t like Jason to ask for help and she was the last person he’d come to normally. It was weird, something must be seriously wrong.
“I was making dinner and I burned basically everything and I mean you can’t even eat it and we only have like 20 minutes till dinner I need your help.”
“Can’t someone else help? I’m a terrible cook.” Y/N insisted, it wasn’t that she was all that terrible, it was just not something she really enjoyed doing. Baking on the other hand was her favorite.
”I can’t ask Hazel she made dinner the last 2 nights, Piper has never cooked a day in her life unless you count cereal, and Frank is Frank, he’d say yes because he’s too nice but he’d be miserable. Plus he’s already on patrol right now so it wouldn’t be fair to pull him off to help me cook.”
“Fine, I’ll help but you have to help me make breakfast tomorrow then”
”Deal” He was quick to agree.
So Y/n and Jason made their way down to the kitchen, there wasn’t any evidence of burned food but Y/N figured Jason had already gotten rid of it. The two of them worked side by side to make up a pasta dish that hopefully looked like it was the original plan. It was actually pretty nice, Jason’s no Y/N hadn’t had time to hang out in a while and it was nice to catch up. They talked about all sorts of things, what they wanted to do after the quest was over, their favorite movies, and Y/n least favorite topic as of late, Leo. Jason was good Y/N would give him that much. Despite her managing to avoid the topic so far he was able to sneak it in when they were talking about their favorite foods on the ship.
”I mean your breakfast sandwiches are killer Y/n but i really think Leo’s the best chef here” Jason laughed hoping Y/N wouldn’t snap at him for mentioning Leo’s name.
”I hate that you’re right” Y/n admitted, looking rather annoyed at herself for doing so.
”What happened between you anyways? It’s like all of a sudden someone flipped a switch and you went from loving each other to hating each other, did he do something because I’ll kill him.” Okay Jason was definitely being weird, he wasn’t normally one to but into peoples lives.
”I have no clue what you’re talk about.”
“Don’t lie, you guys were fine and now you can’t be in the same room without screaming at one another, so clearly something happened.” Jason insisted, Y/N just didn’t understand why he wouldn’t just drop it.
”Jason, seriously its fine,” it wasn’t fine.
”Look you’re both my friends, and I know all of us being trapped here can get intense sometimes, but he likes you and you like him. Maybe you should just talk it out.”
“And we are done here, I’m going to my room to clean up before dinner. I'll see you in 5.” And with that Y/n walked away effectively ending the conversation.
Gods, she should’ve known something was up. Since when had Jason ever wanted to talk about feelings, he was plotting something. Scratch that, Piper was probably the one plotting something since nobody else would be able to get Jason involved. Besides, he didn’t know anything, Leo didn’t like her and it was like nobody besides Y/N could get the hint and move on. She closed the door to her room before quickly changing out of her current clothes. Just as she was tying up her hair there was another knock at the door.
”Hey Y/n dinner is in like 2 minutes wanna walk up with me?” Hazel asked.
”I’m changing right now so just go without me”
There was no response, y/n continued to tie her hair up when there was another knock.
”Hazel I said go without me”
”Um, its not Hazel, can I come in and talk to you for a second?”
Leo. This is just what she needed, she could probably just say no and head up to dinner now right? Besides anything he had to say he could say in front of everybody else at this point. It wasn’t like everybody wasn’t up in her business anyway. She debated what to do for another minute when Leo’s voice rang out again.
”Y/N? Please I know you’re in there” He said it with a slight laugh, almost involuntarily she smiled, its like he knew she was trying to figure out how to escape the room without talking to him.
There was only one thing she could do at this point, so Y/N opened the door.
There was a palpable tension in the room. Leo shuffled in awkwardly unsure what he should be doing, is this the sort of conversation you have sitting or standing. Should he keep the door open? Maybe he should close it, the walls on the ship were pretty thin so if y/n decided to murder Leo someone would probably hear it. No he’d keep it open, that way if things went south he could just run away.
”What do you want Valdez,” Okay straight to the point, clearly this was going to be harder than Leo originally thought.
“I’m sorry.” Gods that wasn’t what he wanted to say, well it was, but he had so much more to say and he couldn’t find the words.
“Okay if that’s all then I’m going to go grab dinner”
“No that’s not what I meant,” Leo said quickly
“So you’re not sorry? Great talk Leo” Y/N began to push her way to the door.
“Y/n stop.” His voice seemed to echo in the room, y/n froze and turned around to face him. “Please Y/n, I need you to hear me out and when I’m done you can chose to hate me if that’s what you want but first i need you to listen, promise me you’ll listen.”
“I- I promise” Y/N had never seen Leo like this, he looked worried, upset, gods when she looked at him its like she could see all the sleepless nights engraved in his eyes.
“I’m terrible at apologies, I normally just make a joke and laugh it off but I’m not joking about this, I need you to know I’m 100% serious with what I’m about to say,” He looked at you as if waiting for you to shut him down, to break your promise instead you just nodded. “That night we spent together was basically the best night of my entire life and I was really happy because I’ve been in love with you for ages, basically since the first day I laid eyes on you. And when you disappeared without saying anything I panicked. I thought maybe it didn’t mean anything to you, I thought maybe you regretted it so I talked to Hazel. And I know I said some awful things, I said that I would never date you but I was lying, I was just hurt and trying to pretend I wasn’t. Gods Y/N I’d give the world to take it back but I can’t, and that’s what you overheard, me being an asshole because my feelings got hurt.
“And I know you had no reason to stick around but if you did you would know that i also told Hazel I was in love with you, not was am, I am in love with you. And I didn’t know you overheard me, Hazel told me I needed to talk to you so that’s why I kept trying and I wouldn’t leave you alone, and clearly you were mad at me but i didn’t know why at the time, and I know i was jerk to you and I can’t undo that but I’m hoping you’ll forgive me. Gods, I’m such an idiot and I should-“
Gods the boy could ramble forever if you’d let him, but you didn't have time for that. Instead you cut him off by kissing him.
”Wait, so does this mean you forgive me?” Leo asked
”What do you think” You laughed leaning in to kiss him again.
”Well I want to think yes, but I’m pretty sure we’ve established thinking is not my strong suit”
“I forgive you Leo.” His face lit up, “and I’m sorry too, my feelings were hurt and I didn’t give you a chance to explain anything, and you should know I only left because I was worried, I mean what do you say to your best friend after-“
“after you blurred the lines of your friendship and haven’t figured out what comes next?” He finished for you with a laugh.
“We really should get better at this whole talking thing, it would probably save us a lot of trouble.” He smiled, taking you into his arms.
“Speaking of trouble we should probably make our way up to dinner before one of them comes down here.” You smile and start pulling him to the door.
Okay so I know that about halfway through I started writing she/her instead of you but in my defense I stayed up all night writing this and also I’m literally just a girl.
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iwaasfairy · 6 months
bones and all +hq! (anyone) just something super fucked up with lots of blood 💋🫀
this was so sexyyyy idk I’m very into gross icky blood stuff rn
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tw murder, gore, yandere
Red coats the walls. It splatters out into grasping hands with each brutal blow, baseball bat full of nails shattering the bone below it until the whining dies down. Along with the frantic screaming, and you sink to your knees at the sight. Within seconds, your housemate has been reduced to a heap of meat and bone and sinew, leaving her coppery tang in the air. Your legs have buckled, and now you’re on the cold floor, there’s nothing you can do but watch and shake.
The blood pools under her legs, because those are intact -upper body too. But gunk and brain matter is spilled on your floor, and the puddle of red gains surface the longer you stare, trying not to hurl your guts out. If you could look away you would. If you could run, you would. A low puff of air sounds, before the invader turns on his heel and stares you down. “There she is.” It’s faint, almost apologetic in its delivery. He pulls the mask down his mouth as he wipes the back of his hand over his face.
Your hands shake uncontrollably in your lap, and the stinging in your face surges through your bones. Atsumu.
“Ya missed my entrance,” he’s got a grin on his face - but his eyes are so blown out it’s hard to believe it really is him. For a few moments, he looks entirely, sickly unfamiliar. Not long enough to give you time to collect yourself before he approaches though, dragging the bloody bat along with him. “Sorry ‘bout yer little friend. Came at me with scissors… The bitch’s almost as wild as you are when yer upset.”
He has a frown on his face when he looks back, but the slightest curl to his lips doesn’t slip. His hands come up to hold onto your shoulder as he sighs. “So,” he lets out a soft hum, and then thumbs along your cheek with his hands still stained, bloodied as he touches you, “r’ya ready ta go?” You can’t help but feel bad. Even moving your eyes up to look at him feels like it’s taking all the energy you have.
This is all your fault. Atsumu came for you. You’d signed the papers and found a friend to live with, and you had hoped that would’ve been enough - but you didn’t think… you- Nao tried to protect you, and now she’s gone. There was a time you would’ve trusted Tsumu with your life. “Y-you,” your throat locks up when you say it, and the wobbly vision gets too much, spilling over, “wh-what did you do? Why?”
The blond barely pulls up his nose, before giving you a look. “Didn’t ya hear me? I came in through the window an’ she came at me. Couldn’t be helped.” The way his hand is still around the makeshift weapon somehow doesn’t convince you of his perceived innocence. Almost as soon as you think that, he follows your gaze, and slowly starts chuckling as he realizes the same thing. “Baby doll…”
You scramble. Atsumu drops the bat to crash himself into you and grab at your arms, but one well aimed kick onto his knee has him wincing, and it gives you just enough time to get up and dash towards the door. That also means running through the pool of liquid slowly drying on the floor, but your vision’s so blurry that you don’t even register it. You slip as you slam the door behind you and Tsumu curses— your heart’s pumping so hard you don’t hear it.
Not until someone gets a fistful of your hair and yanks you back so hard you think your scalp might come clean off. Until you land in the cold gravel and a foot pushes into your soft throat. Tsumu’s able to make it out narrowly before your vision starts blurring at the edges, and you claw at the limb for air. “Samu, ya’ll hurt ‘er.” As soon as you get a tiny bit of leeway you’re grabbing at the skin and hacking up spit, painfully tight airways burning.
Osamu only glares back at the blond. “‘I got it covered, Samu. Don’t be a bore, Samu,’” he mocks, before crossing his strong arms over his chest. “Yer sloppy, ‘n lucky I was ‘ere ta stop ‘er.”
“Yea, yea,” the other man sighs, before he crouches by you and lovingly brushes your hair away from your face. “Yer cute when ya try so hard, y’know. Gets us going.” He snickers, then raises a brow. “Samu won’t admit it but it gets him goin’ too. But next time ya get caught… we’ll take one of yer fingers. That’s only fair.”
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kittycatlukey · 11 months
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“Let’s Keep This Between Us”
Note: Leon is your older brother’s best friend.
Leon Kennedy x Female Reader
Part 1 of 1
Tagging @alewesker ❤️
TW: Mentions of death, alcohol usage, language, NSFW situations (smut)‼️
You had walked into your older brother’s house to visit like you did every Friday after work. You were an RN that worked five days a week. Every Friday, you, your brother Parker, and his best friend Leon Kennedy would spend the evening at your sibling’s house, drinking, playing pool, video games, going swimming, watching baseball and whatnot. It was a great way to spend time with the two people that you cared most about in the world and helped you wind down after a long work week of saving patients.
Both your parents had died seven years ago in a car accident that was caused by a drunk driver. Even though when it happened you and your brother were considered young adults, you both were young and lost. But Leon helped you two along the way, never leaving you or your brother’s side. He was like family. Leon was your brother’s best friend since kindergarten, and that never changed. So you all have known each other your whole lives.
Shutting the front door and kicking off your shoes, leaving them by the front door, you heard a shout that belonged to Parker sounding from the living room.
“Ah shit! Grand slam by fucking Mike Trout!” He yelled in frustration, gripping his beer bottle tightly, his knuckles turning white. “The Reds are better than that! We’re down by THREE runs?! How the hell did that happen?!”
You rolled your eyes in annoyance, your headache slowly beginning to worsen, “Shut up, Parker. I love the Reds, but right now I don’t care. I’ve already had a rough fucking day. That’s enough of your damn screaming.” The living room could be seen upon entering the house. You could see Leon and Parker sitting beside each other watching the baseball game.
“What happened, Y/N?” Leon’s head turned around to look at you, asking with concern. “Are you okay?” He immediately stood up from the leather couch and made his way to you, worry evident in his icy blue orbs.
“You good, lil sis?” Parker questioned from the couch, his attention instantly focusing on you.
“I’m fine, but one of my patients wasn’t. He was just a kid. He… coded. The poor kid survived… barely. I— I had to do CPR until a few other nurses and doctors came in to help me. But we saved him.” You paused at some parts, tears threatening to fall down your face.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. Come here.” Leon spoke gently, enveloping you in a comforting, warm hug.
As your arms were wrapped around his abdomen, his arms were wrapped around your waist, the smell of him instantly traveling to your nose. Leon’s familiar, masculine cologne always seemed to soothe you. The tears were stinging your eyes but eventually went away. It was weird the calming effect Leon had on you, but it worked.
“You saved that kid, Y/N. I’m proud of you. I know that wasn’t easy to do.” Leon stated confidently, his low voice close to your ear sending shivers down your spine.
“Thank you, Leon… For always being here for me… Reassuring me. You’re a good friend.” You thanked him with a small smile after pulling away.
Leon’s pretty white teeth were formed in a bright smile as he spoke to you. “You don’t have to thank me for that, Y/N. I want to be there for you and Parker anytime you need me. You and him have always been there for me too.”
“Yeah, I agree with Leon.” Parker added, patting you on the back. “You’re a really good nurse, lil sis. That kid was lucky to have you there… It sounds like you need something to take your mind off of things. And I know just the thing. Wait here… I’ll be back with some stronger shit.” Parker slapped your arm playfully before he slipped on his shoes and car keys, leaving you and Leon alone.
“Wonder what your brother has in mind.” Leon laughed, shaking his head, resulting in his brown hair swaying cutely.
“No idea. But it’s probably not good.” You smirked while rolling your eyes. “My headache is slowly becoming worse. A few beers would’ve helped. I need something— anything— to take my mind off it. Right now. I can’t wait for him to get back. You got anymore beers left? I need to get drunk asap.” You rubbed your temples with your eyes closed, attempting to ease the throbbing pain.
“I have something in mind.” Leon spoke lowly, something foreign in his voice.
At his words, your eyes snapped open. The way his words left his mouth seductively, along with the huskiness of his voice. And all you could think was “Is he flirting with me?” You gulped at his sudden straightforwardness. It was odd. He had never spoken to you in that way before. And you’d be embarrassed to admit that it kind of turned you on. But then you wondered if it was all the alcohol talking.
“Leon, you’re just drunk. You’re not thinking clearly. We can watch the game until Parker comes back.” You tried to avoid his ocean eyes as you took his large hand in yours and led him to the living room to watch the Reds v. Angels game.
Leon chuckled at you. “No, I’m not drunk. I haven’t drank anything. I’m completely sober.” He admitted.
You raised an eyebrow realizing he was telling the truth. He wasn’t swaying or stumbling when he walked and he wasn’t slurring over his words. “Okay. So what’re you talking about?”
“I think you know exactly what I’m talking about, beautiful.” Leon said, his voice deep as he placed his hands on your hips.
“Leon, what’s gotten into you?” You questioned, a slight blush on your cheeks while your heart fluttered. “Are— are you…”
“Shhh. Let me make you feel good.” Leon grazed his lips over the side of your neck as you tensed up in anxiousness. “I’ve liked you for a really long time, Y/N. I think it’s about time you know.”
You gulped once again at his words. “Y-You have?”
Leon smirked against your neck, “Mmhmm. Let’s keep this between us. For now at least. I don’t want Parker to murder me.”
You nodded in response, knowing you wouldn’t be able to form a coherent answer. You had a crush on Leon for a long long time, and you never knew that he knew. You didn’t tell him and you didn’t tell your brother either. So you had no idea how he knew. You guessed you weren’t so subtle with your actions and the way you looked at him. But at that moment, that was at the back of your mind. All you wanted was Leon’s lips on yours.
You wondered where this newfound confidence had came from as you placed your hands on his cheeks and led his lips to yours. The kiss started off slow, passionate, and sweet, causing butterflies in your stomach. The way you felt at that moment was like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. Your past relationships have never given you this feeling before, and you believe that nobody could compare to the man in front of you.
As your lips moved in sync, Leon’s hands roamed your body. His hands were first on your cheeks but went down to your shoulders, then traveled to your chest, next to your waist, then your hips, then he started squeezing your ass. You squealed when he made contact with your bottom, causing him to chuckle in the kiss. Your tongues fought for dominance and his won before he pulled away reluctantly. Leon’s hands then went to the back of your thighs.
You jumped and wrapped your legs around his waist as he secured you. Both of his hands lifting you up by your thighs. Your lips were on each other’s again while he carried you to the couch, laying you on your back. Leon was on top of you as his lips moved from your lips to your necks, leaving bruises behind.
“Way to go for being subtle.” You joked as he continued leaving hot, wet kisses on your neck, leaving behind hickeys already beginning to form.
“I can’t help myself, Y/N. Plus, Parker will be too drunk to notice.” Leon smiled slyly before taking off his shirt, showing off his muscular upper body.
“Damn. I could never get tired of seeing that.” You but your bottom lip, gazing at his body lustfully.
Leon grinned at that while he took his pants off throwing it across the room. “This body’s all yours… Now it’s your turn, princess.” He helped you take your scrubs off, along with your undergarments. And then you were completely at his mercy. “I could never get tired of seeing you like this. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
His words made you blush. “Leon, I’m ready.”
“Are you sure?” Leon asked, making sure you actually wanted him.
You nodded in response, “Yes, Leon. I need you.”
Leon’s eyes had darkened immediately at your words. “Your wish is my command.” He began to tug his boxers off, his dick springing out from the confined fabric.
He was bigger and thicker than you would’ve thought. Leon’s boxers were on the ground before you knew it. It was red and standing tall, intimidating you. It was definitely the largest you had been with. You wondered if it would even fit inside you.
“Hey, if you don’t want me, I understand.” Leon said, worry filling his eyes. His darker than normal orbs were boring into yours. “You can stop me right now. Anytime.”
“No. No. That’s the last thing I’d want… Leon, I want you so bad.” You admitted, almost pleadingly. “Do you want me?” You asked, worried about his answer.
“Of course I do.”
“What are you waiting on?” You questioned, and without any warning, his thumb went to your clit and you gasped at his touch. Leon was rubbing your bud in circular motions and you felt like you were on cloud nine already. And he inserted his middle finger, then his ring finger, following his index finger. “Oh fuck, Leon.” You moaned over and over again at his expertise.
“You’re so wet. All for me.” He continued to keep a quick pace with his skillful digits. And pretty soon, you came hard on his fingers. He rode out your high and pulled his digits out, licking and sucking his fingers clean. “Goddamn, you taste divine.”
And with that, Leon kissed you passionately, making you taste yourself. Once he pulled away, he jerked himself off a few times, leaking pre-cum on your stomach. “You ready, baby?”
You nodded, unsure if you’d be able to form any coherent words. He once again left you speechless.
With no hesitation, he entered you, and all you could see were stars. Leon grabbed your legs and laid them atop his shoulders so he had better access to you. Your eyes rolled back into your head in pleasure. “Leon, oh my god.”
“Love to fill you up.” He murmured as he first started at a slow pace and worked his way faster, making sure not to hurt you and to make sure your comfort and pleasure was at its peak. “Shit, you feel so good around my cock.”
Leon rammed into you over and over again as you moved your hips along with his. And soon ecstasy overcame you once again. You came harder than you ever came before and all you could see was white as your pussy convulsed around him. He grunted in pure bliss. You cumming on his cock made him cum deep inside you. And when he pulled out, some of his seed tried escaping but he shoved it all back inside you with his fingers.
“Fuck, that’s so hot, Y/N.” Leon groaned, as he laid on top of you, kissing your sweaty forehead. He was sweaty as well because his hair was sticking to his forehead and cheeks. “I’ve wanted to do this with you for so long.”
“So have I.” You told him truthfully as you raked your finger through his hair.
Time must’ve gotten away from the two of you because you heard the front door open…
This was my first time writing about Leon Kennedy. And I apologize, I’m not the best at writing, but I enjoy it. Please go easy on me, I haven’t written anything in a while lol. I hope you all enjoyed reading though! I really loved writing this. It’s made me realize how much I missed it. I wrote this for @alewesker ! We both love Leon so much. 😂
Much love,
kittycatlukey (Von)❤️
Written: 7 July 2023
Revised: 8 July 2023
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half-oz-eddie · 10 months
Stargazing At Harrington’s 🌌
tw for abuse, slurs
On Steve’s way home, he’d driven past Hargrove’s parked Camaro, thinking nothing of it. Billy hated him, and he wasn’t too fond of the asshole himself. 
They hadn’t spoken, or even looked at one another since that fight at the Byers’ house. So why would the thought of passing by Billy’s parked Camaro linger in his mind as more than a mere observation?
Steve parked in his driveway and walked through his door. Working at a new job his father pressured him to take had him coming home later and later, but his parents were home less and less. What was the point of trying to please a man he hardly ever saw? 
It was always a business trip, or a vacation, or whatever kept them away from Hawkins and away from Steve, their sorry excuse for a son. The embarrassment to the Harrington name because he barely graduated and refused to go to college. His parents saw him as entitled—a brat who expected a free ride. 
So they made him work for everything…except his car, the house, food, and other “essential expenses” but the luxury items were on Steve. 
Steve didn’t want luxury items, or a free ride. He wanted to feel less lonely. 
Anyway. It was late. Nearly midnight. No time to worry about pointless things. 
He stepped into the living room and through the blinds covering the glass windows, he could see someone lying in his patio chair. 
“The hell is that?” He mumbled to himself, reaching over to grab a baseball bat. 
He stepped out near the pool, quickly learning that the uninvited guest was Billy Hargrove. Did that son of a bitch really park his Camaro a mile away and walk to his house? Why?
“What do you want, Billy? It’s late. I’m not in the mood for a fight.”
Billy didn’t respond as he continued to stare at the sky. 
“Hello? Why are you here?”
Billy lazily glanced over, his eyes glossy and bruised, his lip busted. 
“Jesus, you get into a fight?”
“No.” Billy softly responded, his gaze returning to the sky. 
“No? Okay, well…why’d you come here?”
“Cause nobody’s ever here.”
“I’m here! I live here!”
“I know.”
Steve let out an annoyed sigh. “I’m not staying out here to entertain you. I’m going in and locking my door. It’s late and I’m tired.”
“Didn’t expect you to come outside anyway.”
Steve turned away with a scoff and headed back inside. He glanced back out at Billy as he continued to stare up at the sky, before heading upstairs and going to bed. 
Steve woke up early for work, slapping his alarm clock onto the floor. 
He sat up with a groan, vaguely remembering his exchange with Billy last night. 
“Why was he here? Why’d he come to my house, of all places?” Steve wondered. 
He went downstairs, hardly surprised that Billy was gone, no evidence of him ever being there. Was he actually there? Steve didn’t dream all of that, right? It was pretty late, but no, couldn’t have been a dream.
Doesn’t matter. He’s not here anymore. 
Steve continued on about his week, leaving early, coming in late, not even thinking about Billy at all. 
Until he returned home to find Billy by his pool once again, staring at the sky, smoking a cigarette. 
“You again?” He questioned as he walked towards Billy. “Why’d you come back?”
Billy blew out the smoke, refusing to answer Steve’s questions. 
Steve scoffed. “I don’t get it. Why here, of all places?”
“Where else?”
“Where el—the hell do you mean ‘where else?’ Why do you keep coming back to my house?”
Billy lazily shrugged. 
Again, like last time, it was late. Steve wasn’t going to bother. 
As he turned to head back inside, he got a sudden chill. The weather was changing and it was getting colder. 
All Billy had on was a jacket and no shirt. 
Sure, maybe he was trying to look cool, but…he also didn’t have shoes on. 
That was strange. 
“Where’re your shoes?”
“Ain’t got ‘em.”
“You came here without shoes? You parked like a mile away!”
“If you’re gonna keep trespassing on my property, the least you can do is answer my questions!”
Billy tilted his head down to look at Steve, the black eyes hardly faded, and a new scratch on Billy’s cheek joined them. 
“No one would look for me here.”
“Why would anyone come looking for you? Are you in trouble?”
“I’m always in trouble, Harrington. I could breathe wrong and I’ll get punched.”
“By who?”
Billy looked back toward the sky. 
“…Your dad?” Steve cautiously assumed. 
Billy gave a simple nod. “I’ll be gone before you even wake up.” He promised, just as he did last time. 
“You…sure you’re alright?”
“I’m fine. Just wanna be alone and look at the stars.”
“Okay. Just…knock if you…need something.”
“I won’t.”
He didn’t. 
Steve spent the next few days thinking about Billy far more than he used to. A passing thought became a constant, and each night on his way home from work, he’d keep an eye out for Billy’s parked Camaro, but he hadn’t seen it. 
Nearly a month passed, and this time, Billy’s Camaro was parked closer to Steve’s house. 
Steve assumed Billy was more comfortable, now that he knew Steve wasn’t going to send him away, so he went around back and straight to the pool. 
Billy was looking up at the sky, his hand shaky as he brought a cigarette to and from his lips, before he eventually left it in his mouth, and his hand collapsed at his side. 
“Back again, huh?”
Billy stared at the sky, breathing heavily, his body trembling. 
“What happened this time?”
“’M tired. Can’t take this anymore.”
Steve sighed. Billy was so weak and pitiful, unlike the Billy he knew. He couldn’t help but show him sympathy. “Why don’t you come inside?”
“I shouldn’t—“
“How come? You’ve been here enough times for me to invite you in. At this point, I’m just being an asshole. And it’s way colder than it was the first 2 times you came by. If you freeze to death, I won’t be able to forgive myself.”
“I can’t come inside, Harrington.”
“Because I…can’t move." He shakily exhaled. "I’m in too much pain now.”
“Let me help you inside. I’ve got aspirin. I’m sure the cold is making the pain feel worse.”
“You sure you’re not gonna toss me in the pool?”
“You’ll freeze to death if I do that. I’m not a homicidal maniac!” Steve argued indignantly. 
“Hmph. Whatever you say.”
Steve crouched down and draped Billy’s arm over his shoulder, slowly lifting him as he stood. 
“Ah, shit.” Billy hissed in pain. 
“Sorry, sorry.” Steve sighed. “This might not work. I’m gonna have to carry you.”
“No. I’m not some bitch.”
“I didn’t say you were. But it’s late and I’m—“
“Tired. Yeah. I get it.”
“So let’s just get you inside where it’s warm and we can both get some shut eye, yeah?”
They each groaned as Steve carefully lifted Billy. One struggled and one pained as Steve made his way inside with Billy in his arms. He carefully set him down on the couch. 
“It’s probably inconvenient if I take you upstairs so…hope this is okay for now.”
“It’s better than sleeping outside in your lounge chairs.”
“Sleep—you were sleeping outside all night?!”
“Yeah. I’d leave around 5, go home, change and nap in my car until my shift.”
“God, that really sucks.”
“It won’t be for much longer. I’ve almost got enough to go back to California and never step foot in this town again.”
“The point is to just…survive for now, right?”
Billy weakly nodded. 
“How do you plan on getting to work tomorrow? You can’t even move.”
“Just need a little rest.”
“I’m off tomorrow. Take the day off, sleep in and we’ll figure it out from there.”
“Can’t. I can’t lose a whole day’s pay.”
“How the hell are you supposed to work if you can’t even lift your arm?”
“I just—I dunno—I gotta try.”
“For now. Sleep.” 
“Okay. Just for now.”
For now turned into for hours, for days, and Billy had been staying with Steve for 9 days before he started sleeping upstairs. 
First, he was in the spare bedroom, then he was in Steve’s room after an accidentally-on-purpose drunken kiss at 2:30 in the morning. 
Then they came full circle and were out by the pool together on a cold evening. 
“I like looking at the stars. When I was a kid, I used to wish I was a star.”
“How come? You always dream of being in space?”
“No. I kinda wanted to explode.”
“What?” Steve narrowed his eyes.
“Not literally. Just...figuratively. I was always so fucking angry and I could never express it. Only fags have feelings, according to my dad.”
“That’s bullshit. You know that, right?”
“Yeah, yeah.” He dismissed. “Hey, about that kiss the other night. It was an accident.”
“No it wasn’t.”
“It was!”
“It wasn’t. You kissed me, then said “this isn’t an accident” and then you kissed me again!”
“I was drunk!”
“So you…don’t wanna kiss me again?”
“You just occupying space in my bed for warmth? For comfort? What?”
“I dunno! Okay! This has been weird! You let me in, I haven’t left, you never make me feel like I’m overstaying my welcome. I-I got emotional, okay?”
“I’m leaving tomorrow. For good.”
“I gotta get out of here before this becomes any more confusing.”
“So now you’re running from me too. Was it that bad?”
“No. It wasn’t bad it’s just—I don’t wanna get attached to you. We don’t even get along.”
“We’ve been getting along just fine—“
“I’ll be gone before you wake up.” He told Steve, just like he used to say before. 
“...If that’s what you want.”
The next morning, Steve woke up long before his alarm, hoping to see Billy one last time, but all that was left on the empty side of the bed was a note. 
“See you around, pretty boy.”
"No. He can't do this." Steve rushed to his window, hoping it wasn’t too late. Billy’s car was still parked outside. He had to stop him. 
Steve ran downstairs and swung the door open, standing out in the driveway, blocking Billy’s car. 
“Harrington? What the hell are you doing?!”
“Don’t leave.”
“Don’t leave. I’m serious.”
“Why the hell not?”
“If you leave, I’ll never be able to let you go. If you stay, I’ll never be able to let you go. You’ve got me stuck, Billy. Don’t do this to me.”
“Get out of the way, Steve. Or I’ll run you over.”
“Would you really do that?”
“I don’t want to, but I will if I have to.”
“Listen!" Steve doubled down, placing his hands on the hood of the car. "I get running away from your dad, but why me too?”
“Because all of this just happened! You want me to bank my whole life on a two week whirlwind?”
“You’re already here! Just stay, okay? For a little while, and if you hate me that much, you can leave and I won’t hold it against you. But if you leave before we can see where this goes, I’ll never forgive you. And I’ll never forgive myself for not trying.”
Billy defeatedly sighed and got out of his Camaro. “Let’s get you in the house. The hell’s the matter with you? Coming out here in your underwear.”
“I had to stop you.”
Billy chuckled. “Proud of yourself?” 
Steve was afraid that Billy would still leave, so he was hardly able to fall back asleep, constantly waking up and making sure he hadn’t left his side. 
“I’m not goin’ anywhere.” He reassured. “If I was gonna leave, I would’ve left before.”
“I just don’t want you to go. I'll worry about you...sleeping by someone else's pool or something.”
Billy laughed as he pulled Steve into his arms. “I’ll be here when you wake up.”
He was there all the mornings when Steve woke up from then on. It wasn’t long before they’d fallen in love, had sex for the first time, and made future plans to get out of that dreadful cycle of Hawkins together. 
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0tt-3r · 2 years
hey! i haven’t requested anything on tumblr before so i’m a bit nervous about this BUT i saw a tiktok yesterday with robin headcanons and one of them mentioned how he would have two little siblings that he helps look after because his father died in vietnam?? and his mum works long hours?? then one of the comments said that they see him with an older sibling who lives away from him and his mum? so i was wondering what the others (and robins) home life would be like through your eyes. ( if not just ignore :D )
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The Black Phone's characters with siblings:
Including: Vance Hopper, Bruce Yamada, Robin Arellano, Finney Blake
Tw: none
Author's note: Hii! Can I say that I absolutely LOVE your request?? And also sorry for posting this late, I'm still sick af 💀👍
Vance Hopper:
- Like he is a though boy, always ready to punch someone in the face if they mess with him, but if they mess with his little sister?? Prepare for great troubles 💀
- He's super protective!! If possible he always has an eye on his little sister ( we're talking about a 10 year old-ish girl ) and is kinda reassured whenever he notices that she's happy, playing with her friend 😭
- Someone mentioned the fact that Vance is a momma's boy, so he'll definitely act like a second mom to his sister, telling her to eat her veggies, asking if she's done with her homework or if she needs help to finish them!
- But he can also be a little more strict, and if his sister steps on the line, he can turn into a crackhead 💀
- "- Come back here you little shit, I'm gonna shove those fucking glitters down your throat so you'll get that 'fairy taste' you're asking for--"
Bruce Yamada:
- I feel like he would have a little brother who loves to play baseball with him, coming to his match to support him or if he can't he'll prepare a surprise party with his parents to celebrate Bruce's win 🥲
- I also feel like Bruce and his brother would spend all of their Sundays watching iconic baseball matchs on their TV, commenting on special actions each members are doing even though they've seen it for what is like a fifth time
- Bruce would personally bring his brother to school on his bike!! On the way he would give him some advices on how to perform his throw because he is also playing in his school's baseball team 😭👍
- Like Bruce really is a model for him! And he always tells about his friends how cool he is, how talented he is and how popular he is 😫
- But trust me, whenever one of them does something bad ( like braking a vase for instance ) THEY WOULD DEADASS ACCUSE ONE ANOTHER--
- "- What? No mom I didn't broke your vase, I saw that 'lil bro's name' did it will he was running in the living room!"
Robin Arellano:
- So like you said, Robin would have two little siblings and a big sister who's not living with them, and knowing that his dads dead and his mom works long hours, Robin his the master of the house!
- Robin his really organized, he follows his mom's rules and knows how to apply them! He wakes up a bit early in order to prepare his little siblings school lunches, packing them and putting them in their bags!
- Checks if what they are wearing is appropriate for school and the weather 🥲 If he has a little sister, he would definitely help her doing her hair!! He knows a lot of hairstyles like ponytails, braids, piggy tails etc...
- Before letting them go into the school bus, Robin always tells them that if anyone does something bad to them, they must tell him and he would beat their ass!
- He's not a pro when it comes to cooking, but he is always trying to cook healthy meals, lending his mom's cooking book if necessary 🥹
Finney Blake :
- So we know that Finn's got Gwen and an abusive father, so he daily has to look after her, knowing that his dad can get a little too carried away when he's drunk.
- Once after his dad had beaten Gwen while Finney was asleep, he made sure to not let Gwen alone ever again in her room. So from now on they sleep in the same bed, regardless of the fact that their dad thinks it's weird
- Their relation is fifty-fifty : Finney looks after Gwen at home and Gwen looks after Finney at school ( and most because of his bullies )
- Finney makes sure to secure everything that triggers his dad anger so that Gwen will not make him mad! Like he secures loud stuffs, tried to hide his dad's belt and so on!
- Doesn't know how to braid hair unlike Robin, but Gwen's always willing to make him learn because when someone's brushing her hair, she likes to close her eyes and pretend it's her mom doing it 😔
- Sometimes, after Finn and Gwen's dad yelled at them, they like to comfort each other by cuddling, whispering how bad they want him to be dead and to run away from here
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stylesparker · 2 years
cruel summer
PAIRING: Conrad Fisher x Fem!Reader
TW: alcohol, smoking, attempted SA (nothing happens), car accident, a lot of arguing, fighting, and tears, mentions of cancer, implied parental neglect, hurt/comfort, BellyxJeremiah, lots of dialogue (sorry!!)
A/N: inspired by cruel summer by taylor swift - the gang all call reader Peaches, but by the end I definitely forgot about it LOL. I don’t think I’ve had to ever put warnings on a fic before, so pls lmk if I missed anything! It’s long, but worth it (at least I hope so)!!
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It was early morning, about 1:27 am to be exact, and you had no inkling of sleep in the past 24 hours. Despite the summer heat even in the middle of the night, you had cracked the window in your room to let gusts of wind blow through every once in awhile. All that can be heard are the crickets and the soft music of your vinyl playing in the nighttime air.
With neither of your parents home—some business trip, again—there was no problem in playing your vinyl record as loud as you wanted, though you think your neighbor might mind a little bit. The guitar that you got last Christmas from Belly lays abandoned across from you on the bed after you had tried playing it for the past half an hour. No music or instrument has been able to tire you out enough to fall asleep, so you think you’re on the verge of hitting yourself in the head with a baseball bat so you pass out. Before you’re able to entertain this idea, your phone buzzes and lights up next to you on your nightstand.
As you lean up off your elbows to check what it is, you wonder if it’s someone saving you from the torment of being awake by texting you if you’re up. It only takes you a few seconds to read iMessage from Connie on the screen before you’re jetting your arm out to grab a hold of your phone.
Connie: I’m guessing this means you can’t sleep lol
You: ofc it does!!
Connie: I’ll be there in five
You smile, a soft grin forming on your face that makes you leave the comfort of your bed to try and tackle your hair and the state of your face before he gets there. You don’t really know when you started caring about how you looked around your childhood best friend, or when the thought of seeing him sent tingles of excitement through your body. But you accepted this change—if by accepted you mean you shoved this idea into the very deep corners of your mind and ignore it, then yes. You accepted it.
For some reason you feel like 5 minutes is 5 hours when you’re waiting for Conrad to appear outside below your window. But you’re not left waiting for too long, a rock hitting your window merely moments later indicating his arrival. After looking at yourself in the mirror for a split second longer, you casually walk up to your window and open it.
He stands there at the bottom with his hands in the pockets of his sweats, a T-shirt over his top half, and a smirk adorning his lips.
“Hey!” He calls out.
You tilt your head and smile at him, “hey, you.” You quickly lean over to check if the ladder is still there before you glance back over at him. “What’s with you and constantly coming to my window? Ya’ know I have a door.”
It’s easy to tease him sometimes, especially when you know he probably won’t come back with something super fast. But tonight is not one of those sometimes.
“I don’t care,” he shrugs, “I like to follow through on tradition.”
You roll your eyes playfully, shifting the ladder more in front of you so you can get out more easily. He holds it at the bottom as you make your way down stealthy, just like every time before this one. As you land on the grass with a soft crunch, you turn around to come face to chest with him. He’s always held a couple inches over you, so you tilt your head up to look at him. Taking your hand, he pulls you with him so you start walking, and you give him a questioning look. 
“Just follow me, yeah?”
“Con, seriously?” You laugh, side eyeing him as he runs away from you to get on top of the playground. He bends down, quite a lot since he’s pretty tall, and inches his way forward so his feet slide under the bar and hang below him. He sits there patiently, and you stare until he motions for you to come over. Shaking your head, you climb up the steps and sit down next to him, making him scoot over to give you more room. “Now, do you wanna tell me why you took me to a playground?” You tease. 
He shrugs, turning away from you to grab something out of his pocket. “It’s quiet here. I come here a lot when I want to be alone.” 
It’s silent after that, you don’t say anything right away. You divert your attention and try to focus on other things; the bright stars that fill the darkness of the night sky, the swishes of the wind against the leaves of the trees, the slight movement of the swings. Anything but the boy next to you. 
“What’s so different from last summer?” You whisper your question, despite the fact he’s the only person around. He stares out at the mulch in front of him before he answers.
“I don’t know.” 
You almost groan at that. Everything that could have gone wrong, went wrong last summer. But that was all over, everything is better, so what is it now? What could be making him so torn up this summer?
Before you can think any further, you hear a slight click! from next to you, making you look over and gasp at what you see. 
“Conrad!” You say his name disapprovingly. He looks at you from behind his cigarette and lighter, chuckling at your distressed state. He also finds it cute you only ever call him Conrad when you’re mad at him. 
“Wha’?” He asks innocently. 
“Why the hell are you smoking?” 
“Why the hell not?”
“Con-” you close your eyes, taking a deep breath, “Why are you still smoking? I thought you quit.” 
He nods, “I did. For a while.” 
“Y/N,” he interrupts. It makes you stop. He gives you that stare he usually sends you when he wants to tell you something, but can’t actually make himself say it. 
You look at the ground, “Oh.” You want to comfort him, but you don’t really know how. He’s never been the type to be super affectionate, even though when you guys were younger he was always the nicest one to you. When the other boys would steal from you, he’d give it back. When they’d push you around, he’d stand up for you. When you cried, he always gave you a gentle hug that had you feeling instantly better. He was there, more than what you can say for other people. It had never been the other way around, so you were kind of out of your depth. 
You eye the cig in his hand, his fingers barely even holding it, just slightly so he can keep it on the edge of his lips. He looks… he looks so… pretty.
“Can I have one?” 
His eyes dart to yours, scanning your face to see if you were serious, and he laughs. His shoulders shake with him and he pulls it from his mouth. 
“No!” He shakes his head again, his hair slightly bouncing in the front, “No!”
“Why not?” 
“Cause I said so!”
“That’s not a reason,” you argue, squinting your eyes at him. He huffs, looking at you with an amused look on his face. 
“They’re not good for you.” He responds.
“Then why are you doing it, hm?” You pull your knees to your chest and tilt your head at him. God, he hates when you do that. The head tilting thing. 
“I’m older,” is his only response. 
“By like, two MONTHS-” 
“Doesn’t matter,” he smiles, leaning slightly towards you. 
“Yeah, it does. It’s always mattered.” You giggle, leaning into him.
It takes you a minute to realize how close you really are to him, though he noticed right away. His first thought was to move, to get out of your space. But, something in him told him not to, convinced him to stay this close for a little bit longer. Maybe having you this close would make him feel better. Letting himself think about you was so much easier than forcing himself not to, and right now, the only thing he could think about was leaning just a tiny bit closer and closing the gap separating you. 
He was so close, just barely an inch away, you could practically feel his soft breath on your lips. You almost feel like you’re forgetting to breathe, but your heart is practically beating out of your chest at the same time. You hope he can’t hear it in the silence. The hand that was holding the lighter puts it back in his pocket, the other tucking the cig away behind his ear where you hadn’t noticed it before. His left comes down, resting it gently on top of your own so as not to startle you. You glance down at his hand over yours, breathing in deeply. All you can think about is him. 
Him, him, him.
Connie. The boy you grew up with and who knows everything single little thing about you.
Conrad. The boy who you think sits before you now. 
You don’t know if they’re different, but you hope to god they aren’t. Every memory with him in it seems to fade, the only one really mattering at the moment is this, whatever it is. You want him to stay with you, be the same Conrad you know he really is. But you’re scared that he isn’t who you think he is anymore. 
You don’t have much time to think about it much longer as loud sirens catch your attentions and break the moment. He pulls away from you, quicker than you wished he would have, but still keeps a respectable distance. You turn more slightly away from him, nothing indicating that anything would have happened. He smiles curtly, looks at his watch that reads 3:40 am, and stands up on his feet before extending a hand towards you. You take it nervously, but he doesn’t read into it. Not that he would, you think.
“You’re telling me you ALMOST kissed?” Belly whisper screams. Your hands fly out and wave at her in an attempt to shut her up. 
“Belly!” You hiss, “Shut your mouth!” She giggles to herself, and takes a sip of her margarita. 
“We all know Conrad has always had a special place in his heart for you, it would be no surprise if he liked you back! So stop avoiding him, and go talk to him!” She encourages, but it only makes you shake your head in denial. 
“No, Belly, he- Conrad does not-” you try to justify yourself but she only gives you a disappointing look. 
“Peaches, c’mon. If you’re trying to say he doesn’t, you are BLIND!” She sets down her drink, puts her hands on your shoulders and shakes you until you try pushing her off. “BLIND I tell you!” 
“Ugh, you are annoying sometimes, Bells.” You look across the pool to where him and Jere are playing volleyball while Steven and Shayla reff. Laurel and Susannah sit on the beach chairs away from the trajectory of the ball so they don’t accidentally get hit. You sigh in frustration. 
“Yeah, because you know I’m right!” She whispers and winks, making you slap her arm which makes her fight back. And suddenly both of you are pushing each other and falling into the pool, gaining the other's attention. They all laugh as you and Belly attempt to drown each other, which Jeremiah takes as an invite to join in. 
“Cannonball!” He screams at the top of his lungs, running at full speed and jumping into the pool only a few feet away from you guys. You both yell but it doesn’t matter, his huge splash hits you guys in the face and you try to splash him in return. 
“Oh my god, guys! I have the best idea!” Steven exclaims. “Why don’t we have a beach day!” 
“Smart thinking, Stevie! Let’s get a move on!” Jere pushes himself out of the pool, drawing Belly’s attention to his dripping wet figure. She catches you watching her, so she blushes and fans you away. You laugh loudly, following her out of the pool to follow the rest of them. 
“Be careful!” Both the older women yell, and they earn a thumbs up from everyone in return. You pack into two cars and head to the beach, music blaring the whole way there. When you arrive, everyone gathers up to get things out of the car and head their way down.
Steven and Shayla end up in the front with the alcohol, Belly and Jeremiah follow them with all the chairs, which leaves Conrad to fall in line with you in the back with all the towels. While the others talk to one another, it’s quiet for a moment between the both of you. When you face each other, you try talking at the same time, which makes both of you laugh and look away. 
“You go first,” you offer. 
“No you,” he says.
“I insist!” 
“Okay, fine.” He relents, making you smile to yourself. “Did you get any sleep?” 
You shake your head, “Only about an hour. You?”
“Same,” he agrees. It’s a little uncomfortable, only for a split second. Then everyone drops their things and makes a beeline for the water, which has Conrad coming up with an idea. He takes the towels from your arms and throws them onto the chairs, and before you know it, he’s ducking and picking you up bridal style, sprinting towards the water.
“Connie!” You scream, throwing your arms around his neck to avoid falling. But you know he’s got you. He laughs into your neck and dunks you in the water. The others look at each other knowingly, but the boys decide to join in on the fun and dunk the other girls.
You spend the next four hours swimming, surfing, and drinking on the beach, and soon enough, the sun starts to set and everyone is practically drunk off their asses. Conrad and Shayla didn’t drink, so they basically named themselves the DD’s of the night. While Steven was trying to get Shayla to make out with him, and Belly and Jeremiah were running around the beach screaming, you pull Conrad’s arm so he can stand up and walk with you. 
“Come onnnn, walk on the beach with me.” You beg him, and he rolls his eyes but obliges anyway. He holds on to your hand so you don’t fall, but your drunken mind doesn’t seem to care at all.
“You drank a lot tonight, Peaches,” He comments. You giggle and drop your head onto his arm. 
“Nooo, I didn’t! And stop! I hate when you guys call me that,” you complain, but he grins at you, pulling you into his side. 
“No you don’t.” 
You look up at him, “No. I don’t.” You both stop walking along the water and stand there, letting your feet sink into the sand and let the water soak your toes. You want to say something, but you don’t know where to start. He ends up starting for you. 
“Y/N, I-I want to talk to you… but I don’t know if this is the right moment.” He looks away. 
“Why not? I’m not that drunk.”
“I think you are,” He assures.
“Really, I’m not. I know what I’m saying, and I’ll remember.” He nods, but you don’t really believe that he believes you. “Conrad-” you sigh, “I think I know… what you want to talk about? And I wanna talk about the same thing, but I-I don’t know-” 
“I love you.” Conrad blurts out. Your gaze that had flitted away from him snaps back, and you think those words might have sobered you up. You go to respond but he stops you. “I’m sorry,” he shuts his eyes, trying to find the words, “I didn’t mean to say that, no- I mean I do! I do! I-I didn’t mean to blurt it like that-”
“Yeah, yeah I got that,” you nod, grinning. He cuts off his rambling and stares at you laughing to yourself, his brows furrowed in confusion. 
“You.. are laughing?” Your smile fades, only for a moment, but your fears start to grab a hold of you. You don’t laugh anymore, and your eyes go down towards his feet. “And now you’re sad? I’m sorry-” 
“Con.” His hands grab yours and he holds them close to his chest.
“What is it?” He murmurs. You get a hold of yourself before you say anything, but you squeeze his hands, hopefully letting him know it’s not him. 
“I’m scared,” you whisper, and before he can say anything you continue, “I’m scared because I feel the same way but… you’re… you. You’re Conrad, you’ve always been Connie, and- and I don’t- I can’t mess things up.” It doesn’t take him very long to realize what you’re saying, and he straightens. 
“You feel the same way?” He whispers back, his eyes light up with joy. You tilt your head down, but he lifts his finger and touches it gently to your chin, bringing your gaze back to him. “Y/N,” he says your name so softly, it almost makes you want to faint. His hair is so soft, blowing in the wind, and his eyes, oh god his eyes, they’re so blue and they make you want to drown in them. Even though you want to, you can’t look away. His hands come up to hold your face, sliding to your neck and up to rest gently on your jaw. He holds you closely to him, and his eyes never flutter away from yours. You can’t help your hands traveling up his chest, grabbing tightly onto his shirt like he’ll float away or if he’s some sort of lifeline.
“I do,” you profess. “But I don’t want things to change.” 
“Nothing will change, we’ll always be us. Just, with the added fact that I’m gonna kiss you all the time.” That makes you giggle and he can’t help it anymore. Before he can ask, or you can even ask either, you lean in at the same time, and finally, his lips touch yours. You expected it to feel like an explosion went off, or fireworks exploding in the sky, or maybe a shock of electricity through your body. You thought his lips would be cold since the rest of him usually is, and he’d be daring and rough, roaming his hands over your body since that’s what you see when he’s with other girls. 
But, you’re not just another girl to him. 
He’s warm, his hands stay rested on your face until they move forward and grip around your neck so you stay molded against him, and his lips are so gentle on yours. He’s almost shy, and he doesn’t set off fireworks. He feels like home. It’s like when you first step into the ocean and you have this sudden feeling of relief, like you finally got to where you wanted to be. It’s like opening the oven after you made a fresh batch of cookies and this wave of warmth blankets you from head to toe. It’s when Conrad finds your eye from across the room and suddenly all you can think about is him; being near him, being with him, having his arms wrapped around you so all you feel is safe. 
His thumbs rub softly against your cheeks, and that’s when you open your eyes and realize he’s looking at you. It comforts you that he’s looking at you like he usually does, which you had never realized before that he was always looking at you like he loved you.
“I thought you’d be cold,” you murmur. 
“I thought you would be warm.”
You didn’t tell Belly, or anyone for that matter, that you and Conrad started dating. It was too new, too many unknown waters not explored yet, so you both agreed it would be better waiting. It was almost fun sneaking around, finding closets to make out in, falling asleep in each other's rooms, holding hands under the dinner table. No one would suspect anything since this was always how you two were. Practically attached to the hip since birth. 
But you could tell he was getting antsy. After about three weeks, you could tell he was wanting to come clean. He wanted to hold hands with you just to hold hands, he wanted to hug you longer than a friend should, he wanted you to sit in his lap with your arms around him freely, with no worry of judgement or fear. Unfortunately, you weren’t there yet. You still liked keeping your relationship to yourselves. In your head, it was easier, and if something were to happen, it wouldn’t destroy the family. Not that you hoped something would, but the fear was still settled in the corners of your mind and you didn’t want to risk it. 
It was Friday night, you and Conrad had accompanied Belly and Jeremiah to a party since Laurel and Susannah didn’t want them going alone. They had complained, but it didn’t get anywhere and they still ended up in the backseat of Conrad’s car.
“We are not children, Y/N, we do not need chaperones!” Belly whines, hanging on to the back of the passenger seat where you sit. 
“Conrad and I are only doing what we were told, so bring it up with your mothers.” Belly flops back down in her seat and groans, though Jeremiah gets a little smirk on his face.
“Well at least we can try to get these two to have fun, Belly, since the last time they were at a party they hung out in the corner the whole time!” Conrad glares at his brother through the rearview mirror. 
“And that’s where we will be if you need us.” He parks alongside the street in front of the house, letting the two younger ones get out of the car before he said anything to you. Which you thought that’s what he was waiting for, but as soon as they step in the door, he grabs your face and kisses you. When he pulls away with a small grin, you blink at him in bewilderment. 
“Now what was that for?” you asked. 
His eyes dart down to your lips before he responds with, “I’ve been waiting to do that the whole time.” 
You bring him back in for another kiss, ruffling his hair a bit that makes him pout, “Well, get what you want now, because you won’t get another until after the party.” This makes him frown. Without you noticing, he rolls his eyes, but gives you another anyway. He steps out of the car, and before you have the chance to open yours, he’s already on the other side opening it for you, then he hands you his keys like he always does. You’re hoping what you said didn’t put him in a sour mood for the rest of the night, but you guess you’ll just have to wait and see. 
“See, I told you we’d be able to get her on the dance floor.” Jeremiah winks at Conrad, nudging his arm to get him to acknowledge him. Conrad doesn’t move, his eyes just glued to your frame as you dance with Belly in the middle of the room. The way you move your hips to the music, the way you throw your arms around Belly, the way that you’re getting other guys' attention. He wants to grab you and pull you away from everybody as fast as he can, but he also knows it’s not fair. Even though this usually isn’t his scene, he would do anything to go out there and dance with you. But, he’s doing everything he can to respect what you want. So as Jeremiah analyzes his brother by the way he’s looking at you, Belly is talking your ear off about those particular boys. 
“You guys would be perfect together, and I can tell by the way you look at each other you want it, so why not just do it!” 
“Because, Belly…” you trail off, trying to come up with something to say, “It’ll… mess things up, ya’ know?” 
“How?” She questions, and it seems she genuinely doesn’t see the problem with it. 
“Yeah, I mean,” you sigh, “I’m not gonna lie, we’ve talked about it, but we’re keeping it cool. Nothing super official in case something were to happen-”
Her eyes practically bulge out of her head, “WHAT- you’ve talked about it?!” 
You laugh quietly. If only she knew. “Yeah… yeah, we have, but I’m not gonna risk the family, okay? I can’t let our relationship get mixed up with everyone, it would ruin everything.” She shuts her gaping mouth for a second, and her eyes get this shameful look. “Belly… what are you hiding.” You demand, more than ask. 
“Well,” she starts. The quick skirt of her eyes in the boy's direction gives it away immediately. 
“YOU’RE WITH JEREMIAH?” You exclaim. Her hand claps over your mouth in an instant. 
“Don’t say it that loud!” 
“You’re with Jeremiah?” You whisper scream. She rolls her eyes at you and shifts you in the opposite direction of them. 
“Not exactly…”
Your face goes blank, “No… Bells, please don’t tell me…”
“It’s just for,” she shrugs, “Ya’ know.” 
“UGH,” you gag and look away from her, “BELLY!” 
“What I’m trying to get at is that if we be like this, you can be like that… but more official.” Her straight face curves up into a smile. You give her the most disgusted face you can muster. 
“I can’t believe you told me that.” She shrugs, but you can tell she’s holding back a laugh. “And what are you? Sixteen!” 
“I’m seventeen, bitch.” 
“Same thing.” You wave your hand. You look over at Conrad, but they aren’t there. 
“Hey.” On your left, a guy stands with his hands in his pockets and a smug look across his lips. You nod your head in greeting, continuing to dance with Belly in hopes he’d get the hint you weren’t interested and leave. “I saw you dancing, I thought I’d come over and see if you’d rather dance with me.” He’s kind of cute, probably about six foot, maybe an inch shorter than Conrad, and his brown eyes make you hesitant, just for a moment. 
What if I just danced with him? You mentally palm yourself in the face for thinking that. No, Conrad wouldn’t do that to me. It’s not worth losing him. Would it really be that bad if they found out?
“Sorry, I’m not interested.” You kindly smile at the guy and turn away from him, but his hand comes out to grab your shoulder. 
“Hey, don’t be rude, I just wanna dance.” You furrow your eyebrows, giving him a look. 
“I’m not, dude. I just told you I wasn’t interested. I’m gonna keep dancing with my friend.” He grins at that. 
“In that case, I’m sure you wouldn’t mind if this turned into a trio?” 
You say sternly, “Actually I would. So, please, I told you kindly, we’re not interested.” 
He gets closer, “I didn’t hear her saying any-”
“I’m not,” Belly says quickly, “We’re gonna go now.” She grabs your hand, pulling you in the direction of Conrad and Jeremiah, but he’s quick, taking a hold of your hips and roughly pulling you against him, while daring her to come closer.
“C’mon ladies, let’s have some fun. I know you want to.” You make eye contact with Belly, her eyes are struck with panic. You contemplate what to do, because you can’t risk Belly getting hurt. 
“Belly, go.” She runs off, noticing the boys aren’t there and she scans the room, hoping to find at least one of them. As soon as she’s around the corner, you face the guy in front of you. “You really can’t take no for an answer, huh?” He doesn’t respond, just gets closer to you. In your head, you know you should be pushing away and trying to get out as fast as possible, but for some reason you can’t move. The fear he’s gonna try something has you frozen in place. 
“Get the fuck away from her,” you hear a growling voice say.
You see his hands come up and push the guy away from you in an instant. You feel another body behind you, and taking a quick look, you see Jeremiah shielding Belly. 
“Woahh man, what’s your problem?” 
“She said no asshole, so get lost.” 
“Who the fuck are you, her boyfriend?” Conrad’s mouth opens, but it quickly closes. 
“Why should that matter? Now leave.” The guy grunts, flipping him off before he looks at you and winks. You take a deep breath, closing your eyes and stabling yourself now that he’s gone. “Y/N, are you alright? Did he hurt you?” When your eyes open, Conrad is standing in front of you, and he’s the most worried you’ve ever seen him.
“I’m fine, really-”
“Hey guys, what’s up!” Steven yells, walking over with Shayla with his arm around her shoulders. Their smiles drop as soon as they see the looks on everyone’s faces. “Are… you guys okay?” 
“We were just leaving,” Conrad grabs your arm, but you flinch away from him. The boys don’t notice it, but Belly and Shayla do, and they give each other a quick worried glance. 
“Conrad, I’m fine. We’re not gonna leave.” His jaw tightens, and you can tell he’s mad. Everyone stares at the two of you in confusement, observing the way you reach back out to him, grabbing his arm to pull him with you. “Just, come outside with me.”
Neither of you spare any of them a glance as you pull him in the direction of a door that can give you some privacy. As soon as you spot the front door, you’re swinging the door open and dragging him to the front porch, excusing yourself between a couple people as you stalk down the steps. The minute the both of you are out of range, you turn to him with anger written clear as day all over your face. 
“I don’t get you,” You snap. “I can get that you were mad about that guy, but to just tell our friends we’re up and leaving the party? What is with you!” 
“Y/N, if Belly hadn’t found us, what do you think that guy would have done? Give you a sweet kiss and let you be on your way?” He scoffs, “No, he would’ve-” 
“Stop it!” You seethe, “I don’t need a reminder, Conrad! The fact that you think I have to be reminded why I can’t go literally anywhere alone-”
He laughs, “I didn’t say that! Did I say that? I'm saying that you can’t just trust anybody, Y/N! Especially guys like him-” 
“You were a guy like him once.” You say quietly, and his eyes harden. 
“You’re kidding me right? You think I would have ever forced myself on a girl?-”
“No,” you interrupt, “I don’t think that. But you were a dick, you were a guy that girls wanted but tried to avoid. You know what happens when you fall in love with someone who’s best just isn’t enough? You lose a piece of yourself. You lend your heart to somebody that can’t love you enough, so even when they do the best they can, you still end up broken in the end.” 
He’s scaringly quiet. You don’t know what made you say that, and whether or not you regret it. But the look on his face is making you think you shouldn’t have said it. 
“You know what I was going through,” he says, with the most heartbroken look on his face you’ve ever seen. “You know, so how could you say that? My mom-” he falters for a second, “and the cancer? My dad, everything was shit. I know I was a dick, I know, but things got better and I changed! How could you say that now, unless you feel like I’m still that same guy?” 
His words bring tears to your eyes, “You know what I was going through too. I don’t want you to be the new him.” The mention of your ex-boyfriend makes him furious again. 
“Y/N, you’re fucking serious right now? You are comparing me to that guy?” 
“No! Con-” you huff, “I’m saying I can’t go through that again. I don’t think you are but I don’t want that to happen to you! You aren’t like the other guys, Conrad! I’ve known you my whole life, we can’t screw it up! You’ve been my family when I didn’t have one.” You add quietly, “When I don’t have one.” 
He softens, just a little bit, “That’s why.” You don’t speak. “That’s why you don’t want to tell them. I get it, I do, but you’re not gonna lose us! Me, Jeremiah, Belly, Steven, we’re not going anywhere!” 
“But if we broke up, what do you think would happen?” You say harsher than you mean, “You think I’ll still have them? If things go to shit between us, your brother and the people who your mother considers family aren’t gonna choose me!” 
“You’ve always been family! What the hell are you talking about? Just because your mom wasn’t a part of ours growing up, doesn’t excuse you from being one of us!” He moves closer, but you hold a hand up. 
“Conrad.” No. He knows that voice. You’re running before you have the chance of getting hurt. You’re running from him.
“Y/N, I know you’re scared, but I am too. You realize that don’t you? I’m scared, I have been since the beginning, but I know us and that’s not gonna happen, okay?” 
“It could,” the tears start rolling down your face. 
He’s panicking now, “It could happen in every relationship! But what is love if it’s not something worth fighting for?”
“It’s not something that’s real.” 
This is the exact moment that both hearts shatter. Where everything that either of you had believed about love is gone, and no amount of apologies tonight will fix. A part of him knows in time it won’t feel so hopeless–love, that is–but he’s not too sure if a future with you is something he will have. Like he’d hoped.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper. “I-I have to go, I can’t stay here.” You walk away from him towards his car, and he knows where you're going. “I’ll drive it back later, okay. I just- I need to go.” It’s like your body is moving on auto-pilot, you don’t exactly know what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, but as you get in the driver’s seat of his car and look out the window, you see the boy that you’re in love with and all you can do is drive away.
You’ve been sitting here for maybe an hour? Two hours? You’re not really sure, but every second that you’ve sat here you’ve broken your heart a little bit more. You stare at the night sky, no stars in sight, but a bright shining moon staring right back at you. The sand is cold between your fingers and the water is too between your toes, the breeze in the air has goosebumps rising on your skin. It’s your favorite place on the beach, despite what the others may think, it’s not the group’s usual spot. It’s yours. And Conrad is the only one who knows about it.
It’s far from any houses, there’s some hills and fences, but the fences only close it off. It's very close to the end of the beach. You love it here because you’ve never once ran into anyone here. In your head, you like to claim that you’re the only one who’s ever gone here, though you know it’s probably not true. It’s nice to just have a sanctuary of your own where you can feel the air on your skin and have the water at your feet, somewhere where you can imagine a different life that isn’t your own. Always with the same people, never the same circumstances. 
You glance down at your watch, reading 12:03 am. 
You know your parents aren’t gonna care, but you definitely know Susannah is. You were supposed to come back with the rest of them, she’s gonna wonder why you’re driving up to her house with her son’s car in the middle of the night. You quickly grab the keys out of your pocket and make a beeline for the car. Throwing the door open, and quickly starting the car, you’re pulling out and driving down the street in a matter of minutes.
Conrad is probably worried sick too. SHIT!
You try not to go too fast, but you’re about 10 miles above the speed limit now. You don’t see any other cars in sight, so you go a bit faster. 
I am such a shit person, he didn’t deserve that. 
You blink the tears away from your eyes, trying to focus on the road in front of you. 
I have to fix it, I can’t lose him already. I never even told him-
It was so quick you barely even had a chance to look. A car comes speeding around the corner from the left, probably not have even seen you either. The impact is hard, painful, and devastating to your ears. You see the car flip over, blood, bright headlights, you feel your head snap back against the seat, the airbags deploy, you see the face of the boy you never got to tell that you loved him.
You know you’re awake, you’re not dead. You can’t be. You feel too much pain for that to be true. Attempting to move is not an option, but you see your phone on the broken windshield, and you know this is your only chance. You don’t think the phone will pick up, but you still call the person you need most.
“Honey, she was in a car accident.”
“I need you to come to the hospital right now. She’s going into surgery.”
His eyes snap open, head jolting to the right, looking at his mom who peers down at him sadly. 
“Why are you sitting here? Come sit with us.” The hallway is sort of dark, but with the glow of the vending machine in front of him, he can make out everyone that’s sitting in the seats ten feet away. 
Belly, Jeremiah, Steven, Shayla, Laurel. No sign of your parents.
“She didn’t call me.” He whispers, barely audible. 
“What, baby?” 
“She didn’t- Who did she call?” He finally looks up at his mother, who has the face of grief written on her face. “I don’t understand, everyone was here before I was?” She gulps before taking a seat beside her son. She pulls him into her side, letting him rest his head on her shoulder before she speaks. 
“Y/N called me.” His eyes widen and before he has a chance, she continues. “Um…” she holds back a sob, “She um- she said her mom wasn’t picking up, so she thought she’d have a better chance of calling me.” 
“Did she say anything else?”
“She was crying,” she nods, “Said something about needing to tell you she was sorry, but the phone cut out.” Susannah wipes her tears with her shirt, rubbing Conrad’s shoulder lightly. “Why did she say that?” 
He chokes up, “We got in a fight. I let her take my car from the party so she could be alone for awhile, but she wasn’t answering my calls so I figured I’d just try in the morning-” His hands come up to cover his eyes, rubbing them harshly, “God, I’m so stupid, I shouldn’t have let her go alone.”
“Don’t put this on yourself, Connie-” 
“But I am! I am! It’s my fault she left! It’s all my fault-” He cuts himself off with his own tears, falling into his mother’s shoulder as he cries. “I have to see her again, she can’t die.”
He doesn’t remember falling asleep, but the next thing he knows, he hears his mother’s voice calling for him to wake up.
“Can we see her?” He thinks that was Belly’s voice.
“Yes, but I would recommend one at a time. It could get pretty overwhelming,” the doctor says kindly. He sees her walk away, past the room that you're in, and he stares at the door until he realizes everyone is looking at him. Susannah tilts her head, running her hand through his hair. 
“Go see her.” 
“What about-”
“Go see her, Con.” Jeremiah insists, giving his brother a pat on the back before he pushes him in your direction. He’s slow moving to the door, his mind not really processing that you really are still here, you’re alive. Conrad doesn’t bother peering through the small window on the door, his hand grabs the knob and twists it, forcing himself through. 
Your eyes are closed. There’s a bandage on your head, your arm, and your thigh. There’s bruises in so many places, but the only big one seems to be on your thigh. He can see it peeking through the bandage. You look so peaceful, despite the damage done to you. Maybe it’s because all the worry lines he always tells you about aren’t there, but he kind of wishes they were. He didn’t know what to expect, but all he knows is that you’re still the prettiest girl he’s ever seen. There’s a small purple chair next to the bed, and he sits down on it, scooting it a bit closer so he can hold your hand. He hesitates at first, wondering if you’d want to wake up with him at your bedside holding your hand, but he pushes the thought away. Before we were lovers, we were best friends, so that’s got to count for something. Right?
His hand falls softly on top of the hand closest to him, lying so still on the bed sheet, letting his fingers intertwine with yours before he squeezes your hand with the most gentle care in the world. He wants you to open your eyes, give him one of your pretty smiles, tell him what a jerk he was and kiss him until his face goes numb. They stay closed though, and for some reason it brings on another onset of tears. He takes his other hand up to clasp together with the other one, bringing your hand to his forehead as he cries into your hand. 
At first, you feel a cool touch on your hand, like water. But it’s drops… how can that be? You do everything you can to peel your eyes open, difficult at first to focus with the small beaming light above you. Your head rolls to the side, and that’s when you make out the image in front of you. He doesn’t notice you yet, still crying quietly. With a small muster of strength, your fingers squeeze his back, and this has his head shooting up. You see his bloodshot eyes first, then the tear marks on his cheeks, then the curve of a frown turning into a smile.
“Hi,” you croak. Your voice sounds horrible, and it rings in your ears making you wince. You still try talking anyway. “C-Con-”
“Hey, hey…” he assures quietly, “You don’t have to talk, it’s okay.” Tears start to fill in the corners of your eyes, and he’s quick to wipe them away, but keeping his hands cupping your face. “It’s alright, you’re okay. You were in an accident, do you remember that?” His words are soft, comforting to your ears. You nod your head, but the tears keep coming. “Okay, okay, shhh… it’s alright, you’re safe.” 
“I’m s-sor-ry-” 
“Baby, you don’t have to talk-”
“About,” you cough, clearing your throat to finish, “y-your car.” The words don’t register in his brain right away, the second it does his eyes are widening in shock and his mouth is forming into a smile. 
“You’re apologizing about my car?” You're looking at him painfully, guilty almost, and it makes him want to throw up. “I don’t give a shit about the damn car, Y/N. You’re okay, and that’s what matters, alright?” Your head nods and he sighs in relief. “Alright.” 
He leans down to kiss you on the forehead, checks to make sure he’s not hurting you in any way, and combs his hand through your hair. The kiss is sweet, and for a moment, you wish it could stay this way.
--The end of summer--
Damn him. Damn him and his good looks, charming smile, and that adoring voice that he has that has any woman clinging onto him like a magnet. Damn him for actually listening to you for once and moving on with his life. Damn yourself for ever saying it in the first place. 
It’s been weeks, but somehow, you still find yourself here in the corner of the bar with your third drink in hand as you glare at him from across the room. Weeks since your accident, weeks since you fought again and told him that he wasn’t gonna get what he needed from you, and he needed to leave. This was you in defense mode. Terrified mode even. Now you’re just in depressed mode because the guy is standing next to a beautiful woman who is seemingly laughing at every single one of his dumb jokes. You don’t actually know that for certain but that’s what you’re rolling with. 
You’re not nearly drunk enough for this yet. 
“Slow your roll, girl, the drinks aren’t going anywhere,” Shayla advises. Three shots are thrown back and Steven is looking at you like you’re insane. 
“Are you sure you should be drinking?” He tries. Your eyes cast a mean glare at him. “You okay?”
“I’m fine.”
“You sure?” 
“Shut up.”
“Okay.” Steven gives a tight lipped grin, shrugging his shoulders at Shayla before he goes back to kissing her. You roll your eyes, body facing back to the lovely couple sitting by the bartender, but the girl isn’t there anymore. It’s just Conrad. 
His eyes pierce through you like a fire, his flexed arm bringing up his drink in hand to take a sip of it as he stares. His white button up isn’t even buttoned, only half way, and his sleeves are rolled up his forearms. The drink is doing nothing to hide his cocky smirk behind the glass. God damn.
Maybe you shouldn’t, but you are dramatic when you want to be, so you slam a 50 on the table that should cover the amount of drinks you had, and you stalk out of the bar with your heels clicking in tow. You didn’t catch his blue eyes following you, or the words that had come out of his mouth when talking to the girl. He hopes that’s what you go on to think about. 
You swear you’re not a crybaby, you aren’t, but drunk you is a lot more emotional than sober you. So as the guy in the uber asks you where you want to go, you’re already fighting back tears as you tell him the address to your house. You cry all the way there, you cry as you unlock the door, you cry as you walk up the stairs to your room, and you cry even harder as your body flops down onto the bed. Just as you think you couldn’t possibly have any tears left, another wave hits you and your face buries itself further into your pillow. Eventually, you must have cried yourself out because your sleep filled eyes blink open and you’re staring at the glowing screen of your alarm clock. 
1:00 am.
Great. You roll over onto your back, rubbing your eyes much more harshly than you should.
Suddenly, a thought pops into your head. He could be up…. 
You groan, rolling out of bed until your feet plant on the floor and you can’t believe you’re actually debating on climbing out of your window. Nobody is home, you could easily use the front door.
“I like to follow through on tradition.”
You hate it, but it’s his voice inside your head that convinces you to step out onto the ladder and climb your way down until your feet hit the grass with a crunch. It’s his voice that has you walking to his house in the middle of the night with shorts that barely even cover your ass and a sweatshirt that you wouldn’t doubt came from the Fisher’s house.
His house comes into focus, seemingly dark on the inside. Out back all the fairy lights Susannah loves to keep up are on though, so it has you sneaking around the fence, observing if the boy you’re looking for is outside. Just as you get around to the gate, you see him, sitting by the pool with his feet hanging in the water and a cigarette in his mouth. For a split second, it has you thinking about blurting out that he’s a dumbass for smoking again, but you realize that it’s not the same as before. 
Much to your disappointment, the gate creaks as your hands push it open, and it has Conrad glancing over and taking sight of you walking up to the opposite side of the pool. With your head hung low, you sit down and let your feet hang in the cool water of the pool, just as he is doing.
Neither of you talk for about ten minutes, you just sit in silence before you work up the nerve to ask, or rather state, “You’re smoking again.”
“What’s it to you?” He puffs the smoke out, letting it rest between his gentle fingertips.
His choked back laughter has your eyes peering up at him, and he’s looking at you with such distaste, it makes you just want to get up and leave. 
“What are you doing here, Y/N?” He asks angrily, combing back his hair. 
You’re quiet when you say, “I don’t know.” 
“You don’t know?” You don’t answer. “Well, I think you do.” 
“I do? And how would you know that?” 
“Because whether you like to believe it or not, I know you.” He says, rather calmly. He thinks this will have you standing up in a fit of rage, start ranting about how he doesn’t know you anymore, and he can’t say stupid shit like that. The furious glare you’re sending him is unmistakable, but you don’t do anything like that. 
“I didn’t mean a word I said the night of the accident. I was pissed and I took it out on you.” You grumble. 
Well that was least expected.
He doesn’t say anything, in case you’re about to go on, and you do.
“I’ve always been frightened by what I don’t know, and honestly, I don’t think I ever really knew love until I fell in love with you.” 
“You-” he barely gets the word out before you’re standing up, and he’s standing up, and you begin pacing around like you’re gonna have a panic attack.
“Obviously my parents have never been the greatest example, I mean- c’mon, they’re not even around anymore and they don’t even love each other! So what the fuck are they doing all the time? I just- I was always so afraid that we were gonna’ end up like another version of them, and that made me hate the idea of being with you. That probably doesn’t even make any sense, but it’s true!” You’re full blown ranting now, but you don’t see him gazing at you from across the pool with the most love-sick eyes you’ve ever seen. “The fact that I even thought I could save myself from that hurt was idiotic of me, my brain recognizes that now, but in my head all I could ever think about was just getting away since maybe if I did it now, it would both save us from the pain in the future.” 
“You aren’t him, okay? You never have been. He was a lying cheat that I couldn’t detach from for months, and you know who got me through that? You did.” You insist, “You were the one I was crying to practically every night. You were the one I went to when all I could think about was punching someone in the face, and maybe your wall didn’t deserve it, but you helped me through it! Yeah? Cause’ you’re my partner in crime, you were the kid who showed up to school with extra snacks for me when I didn’t have any, and you were the kid who stood up for me at recess when those stupid boys would harass me and tell me I had a great ass! I mean, you still do!” You laugh. 
“I never wanted anybody but you, Conrad. You were my first crush, and even though you weren’t my first kiss, you have always been my first love. And when I thought I was going to die, all I could think about is how I never told you I loved you.” 
Your confession rings in the air between you, your heart beating a mile a minute as you wait for him to say something. Anything. 
“Loved?” He questions. 
“Love.” You whisper. 
He grins, “Say it.” 
“I love you.”
You hadn’t realized how close the two of you had gotten until he’s only taking a couple steps to get to you and his body is slamming into yours. All you can feel is the hard beating of his chest against your own and the way his lips feel so warm against yours. You hold him so tightly like you’re never going to let go, and he couldn’t even care if the grip he has on your waist leaves bruises in the morning because you’re here and you love him. 
“Say it again,” He pleads between kisses. 
“I love you, Conrad.”
“Connie,” you whine, and kisses you again so you don’t hear him laugh.
“I have loved you since the minute you came into my life,” He says, touching his forehead against yours and making your heart melt down to the ground and your hands hold on tighter to his shirt so you don’t fall over yourself.
“That’s a long time,” You mutter. 
“Yeah, it is.”
You kiss for a moment longer, and you don’t separate until you hear the sliding glass door open and way too many cheers erupt from inside the house. You look over, and quite literally everyone is standing there watching. 
“Well, I wondered what all that screaming was!” Susannah jokes. 
You both groan, and you bury your head into Conrad’s chest as they try ushering you inside. 
He kisses your forehead, “Don’t worry, we’ll kill them together.” 
You smile, “Let’s tell them our story first, then we can end them.”
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adminbryantsaki · 2 years
Day 11 of Spicytober featuring Alpha! Naga! Shouta Aizawa x Beta! Reader.
(I do not own Shouta Aizawa/Eraserhead. Horikoshi Kohei does. If this isn’t your cup of tea, blend of spices, or brew of coffee, move on.)
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Wc: 1,652
Tw: Oviposition, monster fucking, Abo, aphrodisiacs.
You set down your bags inside the front hall of your vacation home and took in a deep breath. You had finally made it to your home away from home which was a lovely log cabin out in the middle of nowhere. You had all the necessities like electricity and running water. You were so happy when you were able to get wi-fi out in a place like this the last time you were here. You pulled your suitcase and toiletry bag into the master bedroom before you went about unpacking your food bags into the fridge and the cupboards. You also unpacked your suitcase before you settled down in the giant overstuffed chair with a drink in front of the fireplace that crackled quietly in the background. You closed your eyes and let yourself relax… that was until you heard something near your back porch. You got up to investigate what had made the noise but whatever had made the noise had disappeared. You went back to your drink and decided to turn on the tv to a movie to help you unwind and settle your nerves before going to bed.
A few days passed and you had settled into your temporary home with ease. You had noticed traces of some blood and some dark grey scales hidden near the bottom of the steps off your back porch and leading into the woods. You were curious enough that you went back inside your house and armed yourself with your baseball bat and a piece of raw meat before going out into the forest while the sun was still high in the sky. There had been rumors of a strange creature living in the caves of the mountain and leaving trails of strange scales off the back of porches that led into the woods, some had said that it was stealing away the female Omegas and Betas from the area to make them become its mate.  This made you laugh as you were a Beta yourself and didn’t think that some forest creature would even do that. Yes, some of the women had gone missing but they turned up after a few days. They probably didn’t meet the satisfaction of the creature and it spared them by sending them back to civilization. This was a common event that happened in the town. Along with the fact that some people wanted to catch it. This made you upset when the creature was just looking for a mate and it didn’t want to be hunted by a bunch of testosterone-driven Alpha males.
You walked cautiously into the woods and followed the small drips of blood until they stopped in front of a bush. You stopped and peeked into the bush where you saw a pair of dark eyes looking back at you. You gasped and scrambled backwards. The person peeked his head out of the bush to look at you.
“I didn’t mean to scare you. Is that meat? Why would you bring a raw piece of meat into the forest? Are you stupid? Of course, you’re a stupid human.” He spoke and slithered out of the bush with a massive and thick snake tail that was black as night. You also saw bits of barbed wire and metal traps stuck between the scales along the walls of his tail. He snatched up the piece of meat and wrapped it in a length of the gray scarf that the snake man had wrapped around his neck and shoulders. You saw the cresent-shaped scar that was under his eyes that stared down at you in disapproval.
“Were you trying to get yourself killed?” He asked before he helped you up.
“No. I was trying to find you, I guess.” You responded and stood up. You glanced down at his tail again.
“You’re injured. Let me help you.”
“Why would you want to do that? How can I trust you?” He asked.
“It was your kind that set these traps that injured me. How do I know that you’re not one of them?” He added on.
“I don’t know. All I can say is that I’m sorry and I want to help you.” You told him. You could watch the creature think for a long moment before pulling the rest of his tail out of the bush.
“Fine. But keep that giant wooden stick away.” He spoke. You saw the bat and hit it behind you.
“Alright. Follow me.” You spoke and led him out of the forest and into your cabin. You watched the snake man hesitate before entering your cabin.
“I’m not going to hurt you. Please come in and make yourself comfortable while I get some bandages.” You told him and went into your bathroom where you kept your first aid kit. You walked back into the living room where you had found the snake man in the middle of the floor having made a make-shift nest.
You smiled and sat down outside the net with the first aid kit. He peeked out of the nest and saw you then the kit sitting in your lap.
“What’s that?” He asked.
“It’s a first aid kit. It’s used to help someone that’s injured.” You explained to him. He nodded and shifted to make room for you in his nest. You stood up and cautiously entered the nest and sat down in his coils gently. You then opened your kit with watchful eyes coming from the snake man.
“Tell me about yourself.” You asked as you pulled out some tweezers and an alcohol wipe. You also grabbed some gauze and bandages to wrap up the wounds.
“I don’t know what to tell you.” He spoke as he watched you. You went to the first pieces of wire stuck in his scales and gently pulled it free with some hissing coming from the man.
“Well, how did you come to live in this forest? What brought you here?” You asked.
“I live in these woods. I have a cave in the mountains. I’m close to the human’s territory because there aren’t any other people like me here and I want a mate.” He spoke as he let you keep pulling out the wires and bits of metal in his tail with quiet hisses coming from him when you pulled them out.
“I see. Do you have a name?” You asked.
“I’m Shouta Aizawa. What is yours?” He asked.
“I’m Y/N.” You spoke as you wrapped some bandages around the thickness of his tail. You looked up at him and he was watching you. He looked a little surprised and leaned closer to you as you tied off the last bandage and leaned back against his coils gently.
“Thank you, Y/N. No one has ever done this for me. Not even the other people I thought could be my mate would have ever done this for me.” He spoke and gently rested his head in your lap. You looked down at him and ran your fingers through his long, dark, curls.
You looked down at him.
“Is there a name for what kind of creature you are?” You asked him.
“The people back home called my people “Nagas”. I don’t know why, but its way better than “monster” or “freak.”” He told you as he melted into your touch and hummed. After a while, he sat up and kissed you gently. You were a bit surprised and kissed him back before pulling away
“What was that for?” You asked him.
“I like you and you’re pretty. You also helped me with my injuries. You didn’t treat me like some scary monster. I appreciate that. I know this is a but sudden but I don’t think I can wait any longer. Will you be my mate?” He asked and looked up at you with his big, dark eyes.
The end.
You thought for a moment then nodded. He then kissed you firmly and slipped something that made your whole body feel warm and cozy. Your limbs growing heavy, making it hard for you to move.  You kissed him back as he fumbled at your clothes. He hisses and rips your shirt and pants off. You gasped and he smirked at his prize. He went to your neck and bit you, leaving a mark.  He groaned and pulled out his dual members that were already leaking cum and slid them into you. He let out a moan of relief when he was fully in and began to thrust slowly. He kept his pace up for a few seconds before he stopped with his full length into you and he began to drop his eggs into you, each egg falling into your womb and making it grow. You glanced down to see your stomach swelling. You didn’t panic much but you felt good all over. Once all the eggs were out of him and in you, he began to thrust a little longer before he groaned out in his release and kissed you again before he pulled out slowly and kissed over your new mark and laid next to you, cuddling you, and rubbing circles on your swollen stomach.
“Thank you, Y/n. I love you.” He spoke into your ear. Your mind being foggy from all the stimulus, you nodded before passing out. The snake man found a blanket and pulled itok over you. He then got settled next to you and dozed off as well.
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staggersz · 8 months
Loss of vision huh. Oh the angst potential, I can feel it. He's trying to be the nice guy everyone knows he was before, but with the frustration of having to learn to live with just one working eye I can see him lashing out more easily and startling his family. And I bet he doesn't even have baseball to use for venting out anymore. Again, the angst potential is just delicious.
By the way, do any of the other boys also get some kind of permanent injury?
I swear I love getting your questions in my inbox because it means I get to go into detail 😋
Bruce also has gotten major head injuries, so he suffers from Post Traumatic Amnesia. One of those effects is being distant or lashing out, while other times he’s clingy and is emotional.
He absolutely hates going back to school because he can feel people staring at him like he’s a science experiment through a looking glass. He thinks he looks creepy and weird with his scar.
He feels bad about lashing out at his family. He says sorry, and is just embarrassed about getting mad.
Bruce played baseball for a bit when the season rolled around, and he was exceptionally good at it again. But when his coach told him he was gonna let him go, Bruce just quit on his own. He felt humiliated.
Speaking of life long injuries, there’s a bit ! TW for graphic depictions I guess if you wanna stop here!
Griffin can no longer speak. He has a nasty scar across his neck, and it was so deep it cut his vocal chords and trachea entirely (surprisingly there are ways to survive this 😭)
Billy has a deep cut on his cheek, and on the side of the neck, though those don’t effect him that much. He has trouble walking sometimes from all the wounds he had gained on his back in it’s entirety. He had to wear a back brace for a bit when he left the hospital. He also has a cut just above his heart, which luckily healed.
Vance has a huge cut across the bridge of his nose. He had his nose broken exactly one year apart in this basement, which causes swelling and bruising, difficulty breathing, and nasal obstruction. He went way longer than 14 days without treatment ! He also has nasty burns on his forearms from when his arms were forced on to a stove. That was one of the only times he cried. Vance also has a huge gash across his stomach. That hurt really bad for him, but the shock kind of numbed it. He just found it unbelievable.
Besides all the scars on Robin’s arms and legs and what not, he has a few stab wound marks on his chest. He got them right before they all escaped, so he was able to get to a hospital. He also had one of his teeth forcefully pulled out by The Grabber. Robin isn’t a fan of smiling after that, but he’ll still grin occasionally. Overall, Robin is just horribly insecure of his scars. He hates literally every single one.
Just like the movie, in the fic, Finney had a failed escape attempt. When he was brought back to the house, he tried to fight back, but ended up gaining a pretty awful scar on his shoulder and two less deep cuts the sides of his arms, just like all the others had.
I hope I’m not forgetting anything because that’s all the lifelong or most damaging injuries I can think of for each one!
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c4llezz · 2 years
Requested: Yes. Could i request a kim lip and f!reader imagine where lip gets upset with reader due to being a working student and they fight because lip is always busy with her schedules as well, something angst but fluff ending
TW: Like 2 curse words, Kim Lip being kind of rude at the start
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Word count: 880
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Expect mistakes, happy reading!
Working while studying was not easy, you had to finish your classes and go straight to the restaurant you worked at and when you had ended your shift go to your home, sleep a few hours (sometimes you didn’t sleep at all) and then wake up again to go to class. But even with everything you had to do, you made time for your friends, and girlfriend, on the weekends.
This past week you’ve been even busier, you had to take some extra shifts because one of your coworkers was sick (this meant canceling one of the dates you had with Jungeun). You had less time to rest but you got more money, which you needed if you didn’t want to get kicked out of your apartment.
So, when you arrived on a Friday night at your home after a stressful school day and an even more stressful work shift, wanting to throw yourself into your bed and sleep until Monday arrived, and saw your girlfriend glaring at you from the couch you were confused.
“Hi?” you greeted.
“Hi? That’s all you have to say?” she said angrily.
“What else do you want me to say?” You asked.
“I don't know. Sorry for making you wait hours, maybe?” She sassed, “We haven’t seen each other in weeks and I’ve been planning our date for a while.”
“I texted you yesterday I was not going to make it, that I had to work,” you told her “Did you even read my message?”
She ignored your question “You are always doing something if it is not work then is school, why can you make a little time for us?”
You were not someone who liked fights and whenever you felt one was about to start you would do anything to avoid it. Still, all the stress you were feeling and her comment combined triggered something in you, “You are one to talk, you are always busy with your schedules and I’ve never told you anything about it. But when I am, is the worst thing in the world.”
She scoffed “Well my work is important!” Both your eyes widened just after what she had said, “I'm sorry-”
“No, I get it,” you shook your head ”How can I compare a superstar with a waitress?” You looked at the watch in your hand, “I’m going to get some sleep”
“That’s not what I meant, I’m sorry,” she said, but you kept on walking to your bedroom and then closed the door. “Fuck” Jungeun knew you were right, ever since the start of your relationship you’ve been understanding of her work and how she couldn’t spend much time with you, and there she was, doing the exact opposite. She had said something stupid and hurt your feelings.
The next day you had woken up by a loud noise coming from your kitchen, you walked up to your closet and grabbed a baseball bat you had since high school when you used to practice the sport and slowly made your way to the kitchen. You peeked your head to look and saw your Jungeun picking up something from the floor. You lower the bat in your hands “What are you doing?”
She jumped startled by your voice “I wanted to make you breakfast and apologize for what I said yesterday. I know is hard to study and work at the same time and I shouldn’t have disregarded your job, you’ve never said anything about my job and I had no right to talk about yours. I’m sorry,” she said standing up, then she looked at your hand, “Is that a bat?”
“I thought someone had broken in” you shrugged “And thank you. I’m also sorry for not spending time with you lately and canceling the date you’ve been planning.”
“You don’t have to apologize for that, we both have our things and we both have been busy with them. I guess I was mad at you but I never stop and thought that I was also not making time for you.” Something started to smell burnt and she quickly turned around to face what she was cooking “Shit, shit.” You walked closer to the stove and laughed at her burned eggs “You distracted me and now they are burned!” she said with a pout on her face.
You chuckled and peck her lips.“We can always go out for something.”
“Since the eggs are burned because of you, you are paying.”
You gasped “I am not. You are the one who did this to apologize, so you are paying.”
“Fine…But you are paying for our lunch.”
“Only if you clean the mess you made here,” you said pointing out the dirty floor of the kitchen “And clean yourself, how did you even get a piece of eggshell into your hair?”
“What?! Where?” she screamed starting to touch her hair. 
You laughed at her reaction, “I’m going to take a shower and get ready, I hope the kitchen is clean by the time I get back here.” You started making your way to your bedroom
“I think breakfast can wait, don’t you?” The singer said following you, you just smiled at her and continued walking “Is that a yes? I’ll take it as a yes.”
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A cause for concern
Still alive y’all, pinky promise, here’s another chapter to prove it.
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What - Your ears are ringing and you’re dizzy, Glenn just revealed he suddenly had sex with Maggie, and your brother Shane is...you don’t know, but you’re concerned. And our redneck doesn’t know what’s going on, he just wants to hang out with his friend.
When - right after Picking a flower = saving the day, when you and Daryl made it back to camp after another day of not finding Sophia.
Perspective - same old You/Him setup
Relationships - Daryl has your pragmatic beer waiting but you keep being busy and he feels bummed about it. Big bro Shane is becoming more and more unrecognizable to you. Otherwise, yo, Papa Hersh is in the house!
Pronouns - neutral they/them this time around, but something Shane voices concern for is usually applied to females in terms of males.
Length - average Slowpoke chapter
TWs - some language, discussion of sexual intercourse (nothing graphic), Daryl unlearning some more casual racism, and you took too many painkillers accidentally so are experiencing tinnitus and slight vertigo. Take OTCs responsibly, kids!
Referenced plot points - how you are messing up words a little; your and Shane’s fear of flash flooding; how you promised you’d tell Daryl your big secret but would need a beer; that you, Glenn, and Amy bonded via playing ‘I never’ back at the quarry; that you and Glenn once crushed on each other; T-Dog and Daryl’s growing friendship; Shane’s descent. I’d recommend reading Quarter!, but there are way more references. Easily solved: read all the stories to get in the know, slowpoke :P
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“I can’t believe I did it, either. It’s just so — I just —” He exhales. “I could get killed or bitten tomorrow.  Any one of us, so I wasn’t about to turn that down, especially with her! But, but I-I just don’t get why she’s acting like nothing happened.” He looks at you, nervous. “Did I do the wrong thing?”
Scolding yourself for being disappointed (and hurt for some reason), you imagine taking a tea kettle off the burner. He’s kicking himself enough, so you, his best friend, shouldn’t add to that.
“It took two,” you remind him gently. “Plus, based on what Maggie told me,” such as very simply offering to have sex with him…“It was definitely somethin’ she wanted, too.”
“Wanted? Past tense?”
Oh, Glenn. What to say, what to say…
“After moving quickly like that, it might would be a cause for concern, I guess, and encurdage —uh, encourage — anyone to step back and mull over things.” There, that was good enough.
“I get it, dude, I was the one who was a, um, well — who hadn’t ever...”
He stops talking and throws his arms up. Turning to the livestock fence, he tries to click and make kiss noises at one of the horses in the pasture. The mare ignores him.
That’s one of the reasons you’d been so dumbfounded when Maggie took you aside and confessed that they had sex. You get what Glenn’s saying, especially because he doesn’t didn’t have much experience before today.
Same as you, minus the ‘before today’ part.
That was another fun fact uncovered during ‘never have I ever’ around the campfire the first week at the quarry. Amy’s jaw had plummeted when she found out the both of you hadn’t. It’s simply statistically unusual for those in their early to mid-twenties and beyond.
And yes, she giggled when you told her that exact sentence. You miss her.
Joining Glenn by the fence, you lean with your good arm. And, with somehow zero awkwardness, you nudge him with your hip. “Just give it a night, give her the night to let it sink in.”
“What? We used a condom.”
“Oh Moses, that ain’t what I—” GLENN! Despite yourself, you’re snorting a little. Good God, dude.
“—Sorry, sorry, I don’t know why my mind went there! Ugh.” He takes off his baseball cap and runs his hands through his hair. “Just: did she say she wanted space or was it because it wasn’t good? Wait, do you think she could tell that I was a…?” He left the word unspoken.
“I, um, I’m n-not sure.” Shoot, that wasn’t convincing at all. But in your defense, you don’t actually know if she knows, all you know is that she implied that he seemed unfamiliar with some things and the act was, um, well…‘completed’ on the quicker side. For both of them, though. See? Nothing outright.
“She could tell?” he immediately whispers. “Did she ask you—dude, did you tell her?”
You twist your neck to face him, shoulder only hurting a little. Three cheers for painkillers. “Being one ain’t shameful and why would that make her not like you besides?” you start. “But you best tell me right now: do I go about airin’ other people’s laundry?” Hopefully he can guess you’re upset. “Now, what she and me dinsgussed,” great you messed up in the middle of your comeback, “Dis-cussed was private, just like what we’re discussing is private.”
“—No, wait to speak with Margaret if you wanna know her thoughts.”
“She doesn’t want to talk to me about it!” he shouts. Actually shouts.
You think someone should give you a basket of fresh hushpuppies for not shouting back. You can’t help but feel for him, so are able to repeat with even and calm: “Not yet. Give it a night or a couple days, in the least.”
“But she enjoyed it — or, or at least I think she did, she seemed to!” He pushes off the fence and storms over to a nearby tree, sitting against it as he hides his eyes.
You turn around and lean backwards on the fencing so you are facing him again. Whoa, dizzy. Your ears are ringing louder than they were before while still out searching with Daryl.
“That was stupid to move that fast,” he groans yet again. “I like, like her, though, Y/N. She made sure over and over that you and me weren’t a thing, and, and I wanna make sure she’s okay, and, and…” He looks up for a moment. Oh no, is he…sniffling?
He let himself cry in front of you only three times, twice since Jacqui died, and one of those times was an accident because you’d walked in after he didn’t reply following you knocking and waiting twice on the RV bathroom door.
Voice close to breaking, he whispers, “It didn’t hurt her or anything, right? I didn’t think it did, I-I hoped the opposite because it sounded like the opposite, and I thought I felt her—sorry!, never mind—but the whole ride back was — and, and when she walked away after we got back like nothing happened and it wasn’t important—”
“No, Glenn, you didn’t hurt her.” Maggie’s privacy is important, but you need to assure Glenn of at least that much.
Yeah. A second reason you were so shocked at what happened between him and Maggie was that you’d learned a lot about his family. Glenn had sisters; he knows how important respecting a woman is, how important treating any romantic interest is.
And, well, not that he has the same sexual boundaries as you (you’re pretty much on your own there) but his parents gave him a really strong moral backbone. What happened today was a huge deal for him and he’s gonna care about it, a lot. Sex is serious.
To you, Maggie’s been nothing but kind and honest. You knew she felt very lonely. You even told her how much she’d like Glenn. And she expressed shame for having mentioned “there aren’t a lot of options,” to him. So, maybe in her mind was the whole ‘I could die tomorrow’ thing, too, but now she’s rethinking certain choices in hindsight.
“Are you really mad at me, Y/N?”
Oh, Glenn. “You ain’t done nothing wrong to me.”
“But we used to, y’know…like each other.”
You make a (pretend) pout face. “True, and we still do, just in a different way.” Part of you did feel a little hurt at first, but that doesn’t really apply. This isn’t about you.
There’s silence, only mildly uncomfortable.
“Dude, I’m really glad you’re my friend right now,” he then sighs, wiping his eyes and standing up. “There’s no one else I could tell about this.”
“Dale or T-Dog,” you remind him.
He shrugs. “But they’re not our age. Dale would tell me how stupid it was, and T-Dog’s, eh, he’s kinda churchy.”
Rude. “ …Yes.”
He shoots you a glare when he hears you agree, then realizes he low-key put down T-Dog for something you share in common with him. But when he sees your attempt at a good-humored grin, he offers you a sheepish smile in return. “Sorry.”
Now’s a good time to playfully tut, “Dale and him are the best of us. If one of them chides us, we’ve earned it.”
The two of you keep quiet for a few moments. You turn back around and try to get that mare’s attention, but no luck. Glenn comes back and joins you, trying to get her to come over by making more kissy noises like she’s a cat.
“You talk to Lori, Y/N?”
“Oh, Teddy told me she wanted to see me. I’ll find her later. She okay?”
“Uh, yeah, yeah, she seems cool,” comes out a little quick and forced to sound normal.
“Glenn, is she okay?”
In lieu of a reply, he tosses a pine cone at you and cracks up when it bounces off your forehead.
“I suppose…now I get to tease you about you-know-what,” Glenn pokes fun. “’Cause other than Carl, now you’re probably the only person here who’s still one.”
“Razz on this prude all you want, buttface, you won’t get nowhere,” you snark right back. “Okay, my ears are ringin’. I know it’s still daylight, but I really need to lay down awhile and eat. I gotta head to my tent.”
“Yeah, I might as well head back, too. The horse doesn’t want anything to do with me. Maybe that’s Maggie’s horse.”
There they are, finally.
They’d walked off talking to the Chinese kid — shit, sorry, Glenn — about something. It looked like something serious. Whatever it was, Glenn was all red, he could see that all the way from his tent.
Now the two of them are marching back to the tents so slow it’s like they’re in a funeral procession.
He finishes up his cigarette and grabs the rest of the eight-pack so he can head over to the fire by the RV and the rest of the tents. A ‘pragmatic’ beer had been Y/N’s specific word for it, what they were gonna need if they were gonna tell him whatever lead to them asking for a cigarette and liquor yesterday night.
After how today went, with that storm pausing and fucking up their search efforts, a beer sounds good even if they don’t tell him the dirt.
It’s nice having an actual friend.
You two walk back slowly. Glenn asks if you’re okay, you mention you think you overdid it.
Shane is showing Andrea how to use the rifle again, you see them over by the picnic table.
Dale is inside the farmhouse with Rick and Lori, you’re pretty sure — never mind, Rick is by the far side of the house talking to Mr. Greene about something. But Carol’s not near the fire or the laundry spot like you’d expect. Oh right, you were gonna find Lori, she wanted to talk, right, right.
“Wait, first let me show you what I found for you today.” Glenn starts to lead you to the RV, then mutters to himself, “The one thing I didn’t mess up today.”
“Stop kickin’ yourself, man. You’re not a bad person.”
“You’ll forgive me once you see th — whoa,” he cuts off.
“Glenn, there ain’t nothing you need to apologize to me f — oh, wow,” you cut off just the same.
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The RV is spotless. It’s like a whole different place! Homey, clean, organized, smells like Fabuloso. This had to have been—yep, there she is, mending something the back.
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He notices Y/N goes to walk away but Glenn stops them and waves them over to the RV. Watches as Glenn jogs up the steps and suddenly freezes at the door.
That’s probably because Carol was in there and had cleaned up the RV so much it looked like a different place.
He next sees how Y/N follows and peeks over the Chine — Glenn’s — shoulder, probably to see why he paused. After less than a second, they quickly slide around him and rush inside, which was most likely them giving Carol a hug.
He feels his cheeks heat up; Y/N is gonna notice the flower he gave Carol in the dumb beer bottle vase (he’s regretting not waiting for Y/N to find him a nicer vase now, yeah).
They’d be happy he gave it to her and told her the story, even if he did kinda have to chug the beer in that bottle to calm his nerves and all that first. At the time, he’d figured the bottle was as good a vase as any.
Oh, right, the kid’s Korean, isn’t he? Not Chinese. Y/N tried to make that clear on one of their first hunts together back at the quarry.
“It would kinda be like sayin’ a French person was German, you feel?” they’d pointed out. Truth be told, he didn’t really care much about or know much about the major differences between Frenchies and Krauts, neither.
He could tell they were skeeved at first (maybe ‘concerned’ was a closer word for it) but then they’d given him this little smile that was almost playful, as if they figured Daryl simply hadn’t known or had just made a crappy joke. At any rate, there was no, uh, what’s the word? No ‘condemnation’ is what he’s getting at.
He’s pretty sure that moment when he decided Y/N was good people.
Either then or when the little fighter kid Luis scraped his knee and rolled his ankle. Y/N was with his older sister, soothing him and doing first aid stuff while Carl and Sophia got the parents.
He himself happened to have been taking a smoke break close to where the kid tripped, so heard Y/N hush, “Eliza, cover your ears with your pointer fingers. Okay Luis, buddy, you get to call the tree roots you tripped over one bad word of your choosing, just whisper it quietly so you won’t owe a quarter!”
He didn’t understand what the “won’t owe a quarter” part meant until he helped the kids learn to throw a punch a couple weeks later. He also couldn’t hear which bad word the little guy chose, but what he did know was that it had made Y/N crack up and start laughing.
“What word did he pick?” he grunted at them later in passing.
At first, Y/N looked surprised that he was talking to them, but then snorted and started to giggle again. “‘Ass-butt.’”
“I can’t get me in on that, can I?”
Back to the present, Daryl blinks out of that — what does he wanna call it, ‘cute’ memory? — and doesn’t reply to T-Dog in any way other than to crack open a beer with his skinning knife and hand it to him without looking. T-Dog shared those expensive brand cigarettes with him, so why not return the favor?
“Thank you. Gotta love a good SweetWater,” T-Dog sits down and sighs, rubbing the back of his forearm that got sliced open two days ago. “It’s nice you found glass bottles. Always preferred ’em to cans.”
Grunting back at T-Dog in agreement, he offers a flat “Cheers.”
“Yep. Cheers, man.”
He’d found and kept a glass bottle eight-pack he’d pilfered on the highway that day, right before Sophia got chased off. Figured he save them for when he wanted to get shitfaced a special occasion. And yeah, SweetWater was pretty good, Georgia pride and all that.
Glenn is on his way to the fire, now. Y/N isn’t with him, so they must still be in the RV with Carol.
The kid glances at Daryl, then looks at T-Dog and chooses to sit closer to T-Dog.
Daryl isn’t sure why it’s getting to him. Isn’t he used to it? Hell, he prefers it, right? Nobody was gonna care about him but his blood, his own. But now that Merle was gone…fuck it, he takes a gulp of his beer and stares into the flames.
T-Dog offers Glenn some of his beer and grins, surprising Daryl by extending the grin to him like he was in on a joke. (And yep, there go Daryl’s cheeks fucking with him and getting all red again).
“Or do you still want us to not ‘ever, ever, ever let you drink again,’ ain’t that right, Glenn?” T-Dog teases.
The corners of Daryl’s mouth peek up. As shit as the CDC ended up being, the stocked bar was rad and the way the kid acted when hungover was funny.
Glenn takes a gulp of the beer, hands it back to T-Dog and makes this awkward half-giggle thing. “That morning was still the sickest I’ve felt in my life.”
Across the way, the front door to the house opens up and the teenage boy walks out.
He’s got a pitcher of orange stuff and seems to be heading to the tents (?). Then, he walks to the fire. Sure enough, the teenage boy offers them the pitcher. Sounding nervous as hell, he first mentions to maybe not let the old farmer guy see the beer, and the second thing he asks is to sit down.
Turns out, he really wants to talk with T-Dog about college ball.
Huh, T-Dog used to play? Cool.
“He’s a good man.”
Carol sniffs and starts to well up again. “It was so unexpected from him.”
“A beer bottle vase, though, very on-brand,” you quietly remark, smiling. As heavy as is the dread and shame you feel that Sophia hasn’t been found yet, you’re so happy that Daryl followed through and gave Carol the flower and told her the story. Thinking about it is giving you a warmth in your chest.
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“You didn’t put him up to it?” she wonders softly.
“He knows I was aiming to find you a present while we were out, if we, um, I thought it would be nice…” to bring you back something if we didn’t find your daughter. Biting your lip as you tug at your ears to try to fix the ringing, you figure you’ll mention, “All I found that I knew you’d get use from was an unopened box of—oh Moses, why am I spoilin’ the surprise? Carol, you’ll find out later.”
Just because it’s a simple box of peach tea doesn’t mean it can’t remain a surprise.
She smiles back. It’s pained and sad.
“But,” you add to make sure she knows, “The flower, that was all Daryl.”
She look down at her lap, then look back at you, head tilting. “Where did those clothes come from, Y/N? Never saw you wear those. I would remember those jeans, I miss higher-rise pants.”
“Found them on the search today. What I was wearin’ got filthy and sopping. And I don’t even wanna see the state of my eyebrows.”
Her smile warms into something less pained and more warm. “They look like ordinary eyebrows to me.”
You shift in your seat on the bench trying to get comfortable. Your stupid ears are ringing so loudly. “He, um, he told me something I think you need to hear, if he hasn’t told you already. It, oh, it might could’ve been private, actually, I ain’t sure,” you mumble to yourself before stating, “So it’s just for you, Carol, okay?”
She shakes her head, though. In her hesitant, soft voice, she says, “Keep it private, in that case.”
Your cheeks heat up and shame pokes you in the forehead, but you ignore your conscience because you still think she should hear about when he got lost for nine days.
“It changed my outlook,” you start to press — but she doesn’t budge.
“Y/N. He trusted you enough to share it. Don’t betray that.”
Oh, man. Posture hunching in earned embarrassment, you nod. You offer her an apology and a thank you. Where did your sticking-to-privacy thing from fifteen minutes ago run off to?
Carol’s hand clasps yours, then she appears to remember something.
“Lori was looking for you earlier, wanted to talk. Oh, and Glenn, right…” With a kiss on your head, she gets up and heads to a cupboard. You, feeling self-conscious, pop over to the RV mirror and see with great (AH!) horror that you look…like you’re woozy, haven’t slept enough in a few days, and recently got caught in a rainstorm. Makes sense.
Meanwhile, Carol opens one of the locking cupboards and asks, “Are you feeling okay?”
“A tad spinny,” you explain. “My ears are ringin’.”
You shrug.
“Dizziness is usually a cause for concern, maybe you need to eat.” She pulls out a paper bag from the cupboard. “Glenn was probably coming into the RV to give you this, he found these for you on the run today.” She hands it to you. “What is the name of the short-haired girl he went with, Y/N? She must be around yours and Glenn’s age.”
“Margaret. She goes by Maggie,” you fill her in and start to unfold the paper bag. “And yeah, she’s only two-ish years younger. I’m excited to see what’s in the mystery b—oh, thank God!”
Following that happy little screech that all four of them heard from the fire, Y/N came jogging out of the RV, hand on their side while holding a brown paper bag, and zipped straight to Glenn. From there, Y/N began babbling in that twang of theirs, all excited about said paper bag full of: (wait for it) pill bottles.
Carol came out after, slower, and choose her seat near Daryl’s (?) side.
Surprised, he offered her a beer. She shook her head at first, then a minute or so later shyly asked if it was okay that she changed her mind; he gave her the bottle and half-listened to Glenn and Y/N.
“Dude, 500mg pills, these are perfect! I took four in the RV, to hell with what that much magnesium will do to my digestives, I think I’m in the prodrome phase of another…”
Apparently, Glenn brought them back eight bottles of something that helps with migraines, plus a prescription, though he didn’t know if it was the right type or dose. While them and Glenn jabbered on, Carol started working on dinner (it’s oatmeal). Y/N and Glenn helped with whatever she directed, still chattering like chipmunks.
Suddenly, Y/N is walking over on their knees to tell him, “I got me all the fixings to kick a migraine’s butt, so guess who can help with the search tomorrow? They also found batteries for the third walkie!”
He keeps his cool and ignores how his cheeks warmed yet again. Like, is he really that starved for attention or whatever? “Can’t wait,” he drones back.
“We’ll do our sweep of the road off the trail?”
He nods. “Then there’s this high ridge I wanna check out. We get up there, should be a bird’s eye view of a lot of the grid.”
He grabs the beer he’s been keeping for them. Offers it.
“Maybe later. I took a bunch of painkillers earlier and now I feel weird. Best to wait.”
He tries to make a funny by using that word from yesterday by replying, “How pragmatic.” He feels dumb after.
Ha, a ‘pragmatic beer.’ Ignoring that you told him you’d need one in order to tell him what was bothering you the other night (because it meant telling him about the guy you’d shot), you instead think about what you and Carol discussed.
It’s nice to see someone blossoming the way he is.
There’s Shane coming back with Andrea, he was teaching her gun safety over at the picnic table. Your brother sees you and sits next to you.
After telling you he’s glad you’re back in one piece, he starts to ask about the day. “Hey, where’d those… ” His gaze hardens as he stares at your new clothes and then at Daryl for a split second before he changes his expression to a casual one. “Check out the horses with me?”
He helps you up, briefly voices worry about why you’re dizzy and have ringing ears, then as soon as you’re out of earshot murmurs, “Did somethin’ happen while you were out with him?”
Shane speeds along. “He hurt you?” he stresses under his breath. You aren’t surprised he’s concerned about that specifically.
“I promise, no. We ran too hard, my stitches started bleedin’ a little, it stained what I had on.”
“Are you sure?”
“Slow down,” you pant. You can’t keep up with his pace right now.
He stops walking and rests his hands on his hips. “Sorry.”
You don’t feel so good. Cupping your head in your hand to try and steady the spinny feeling, you answer, “C’mon, you know I would’ve made him bleed if he tried, Shaney.”
“Good.” He inhales. Smiles to conceal his seriousness. “Just glad you didn’t get swept off in no flash flood.” And when he goes to fluff his hair like he usually does — he’s met with his freshly buzzed head instead.
At first, he appears as if he’d forgotten it was gone. His gaze turns into that 1000 yard stare. Shaking his head slightly, he grabs the chain around his neck and fiddles with the ‘22’ pendant.
“Let me in on that, looks fuzzy,” you lilt. He bends to let you try. It does feel nice and fuzzy. The way his eyes warm helps him look more like himself.
“More self-defense practice tomorrow, okay? Dependin’ on when or if you get that migraine. That you’re injured is good; you need to know how to fight back either way.”
“Glenn found me migraine stuff at the pharmacy today,” you hesitate. His little nod indicates he understands that this news means you intend to go out and search again. “After we get back, though?”
His appearance changes. A different man is standing there than your brother.
The man opens his mouth. “We shouldn’t still be out looking for her.” And the man keeps talking about “After 72 hours, I hate to say, it ain’t fair, but it’s over,” and  “the good of the group,” but you stop listening. He notices.
You don’t understand this new side of him. He’s been revealing this calculating, inhumane coldness. It doesn’t look or sound like your brother, but it’s becoming more and more what you can see of him.
That is to say, you feel like you can’t see him. Not that he’s gonna do something bad or get worse, but it’s a cause for concern and you don’t know how to help him.
You start to walk away, the vertigo worsens. Close to you is…oh.
Otis’ cairn. Bowing your head, you swerve to it and try to pray for a bit, mull things over.
After a while, you stand up from your crouched position. Shane’s hand softly touches your back, stopping you from wavering when you stand up.
 His voice sounds more familiar when he quietly says, “Let’s go inside and see the doc, Y/N, get you checked out.”
Now they’re inside the farmhouse with their brother, visiting with Carl.
And Daryl’s just out here…
He really wants a third beer.
He *grumble* gave a beer to Andrea after she sat down by the fire. He’s got three left.
The sun is still out, low by the horizon. Whatever, it feels like damned 2am.
The door to the house clicks, he blinks and looks over (in excitement? Why was he all excited, is he eight?) but sees Dale come over from wherever he was. Not Y/N.
Daryl gets up and plops onto the ground; he’d been in Dale’s chair.
He then *grumble* offers the old man a beer. Dale declines (phew), thanks him, and settles in his chair.
Looking around, he then…hides the remaining beers behind Dale’s chair. The old man sees. He smiles to himself and gives Daryl a gesture of “I didn’t see anything.”
Dinner’s ready. Carol, Andrea, Dale, and Glenn leave to eat in the RV.
T-Dog eats with him outside by the fire, but not five minutes passes until a moth lands in his oatmeal. Tossing the glob that the moth touched into the fire, he then stands to go into the RV and waves for Daryl to join.
Daryl doesn’t want to, it’s too close in there and he has nothing to say and they won’t want him in there.
You know, he’s still got three left from his eight-pack. One was for Y/N, which means he could have a third if he wants. They’re his damn beers, after all.
Ugh, he probably shouldn’t have a third beer of his own.
… …
He really wants a third.
Maybe he can go inside and see the kid, too? Tell him all about the search today?
Nah, fuck it.
Nobody wants him in there. Nobody wants him out here, neither, probably. Nobody ever does. Plus, he failed at bringing the little girl back again, he ain’t got shit to talk to people about, he’s…
He really wants that third beer. Maybe a fourth.
Or maybe something stronger.
But when exactly he started heading toward the house after hiding the remaining beers in his tent, he can’t pinpoint.
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“You’d be fine without, but it won’t hurt to have you take this down. I’d prefer if you did,” Mr. Greene states, mixing the black powder into the glass of water with a straw.
Once he deems it sufficiently combined, he clunks it down onto the table, adds a touch of powdered Tang and stirs more. “Activated charcoal does not taste pleasant, it will cause your bowel movements to temporarily turn black, you may have a stomachache, and it may either make your stools loose or potentially constipate you.”
…lovely, thank you.
Your brother doesn’t snicker, to his credit.
How did this evening turn into this? All you wanted to do when you got back from the search was see your Carl and crash.
After Shane brought you inside the house to see the doc, you’d willfully stumbled your way to Carl’s room, waved hi to Dale, and complimented Carl on his new, massive (read: Rick’s old, well-fitting) hat. Your nephew commented about how him, his father, and you all have relatively matching scars.
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“Now we don’t have to get matching tattoos when I turn eighteen, the scars are way cooler.”
“What, you’re reneging on the tattoos, punk?”
As you started to tell him all about the search that day, the dread and upset you felt last night and today fizzled away. That’s just what being around him does for you.
Though you personally don’t think it was a sign of Sophia, you told them all about the little bed made in the pantry and the freshly opened and eaten can, “of sardines, who would’ve guessed our Soph liked those?”
Carl made the sweetest little “bleh!” in response.
Your brother leaned against the wall in silence.
That’s when Lori came in with Patricia and some supper for him.
Dale left the room, citing his stomach was growling so he was gonna head back to the tents for some dinner, too.
Shane also slipped out after giving Carl a quick wink, but soon came back with Hershel, who asked you to join him in the dining room.
A blood pressure test (A-okay), quick questioning about how many ibuprofen you took, if you “consumed any alcohol with your friends out there by the campfire? And what about Jimmy?’ and what your symptoms were followed.
You adjusted your accent and used standard grammar in an attempt to feel less like an idiot on trial.
You didn’t think you’d taken too many, but when you guesstimated after thinking back on how many you shook from the bottle…not that it was dangerous, you hadn’t taken enough to be in serious physical danger, but it was enough that your body is telling you you done bad.
It was irresponsible, and you could feel Shane’s disappointment. That shit can mess up your kidneys and stuff down the road, not to mention the faster toll on the stomach lining.
And now you’ve got a glass with muddy black liquid (you can pretend it’s coffee?) and the stern gaze of a veterinarian who’s likely physically exhausting himself trying not to roll his eyes.
You blink down at the glass.
Looks...foamy. Like something that came from an oil refinery or a coal mine.
The doctor continues to, um ‘counsel’ you, his patience seeming on the thin side. “Take it all down. The straw will help.”
“Thank you. S-sorry.” You’re grateful the straw pipes all the grittiness directly to your throat.
“Long-term, even something as unassuming as over-the-counter pain management can adversely affect you. Surely you are aware of that and are aware of how serious those effects can be.”
“Is that tone really—”
You hush your brother and put your hand on his wrist as if to say it’s cool.
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He licks his teeth, nods once to you, gives a terse “Hershel,” to Mr. Greene, and goes outside.
“Left my thinking cap in the tent this morning, I think,” you play it off with the doctor, feeling as if your 2 decades plus a few years on this earth were more akin to 2 years and a few months. This is made worse when you awkwardly add, “I also lost my baseball cap out there today.”
Patricia quietly exits Carl’s room and rubs your arm in passing. “Make sure Lori sleeps in tomorrow, okay?” she whispers.
Mr. Greene is still peering at you. “You were crouched by Otis’ memorial not twenty-five minutes ago. Were you in prayer?”
You nod and shrug.
Maybe your chair will melt with you into the floor? Please?
He’s still sitting rigid as a board, but his brows get less angry-looking. “I have known you for barely two days. But I have always been truthful with you, even when it meant saying something that I knew might be difficult for you to hear.”
True. You recall well how he was delicate but honest during Carl’s emergency.
His tone is somehow gentle and scolding at the same time. “I sincerely hope you will do likewise for me.”
“I don’t like dishonesty,” you mumble. You’d be a little offended if the situation for him wasn’t that a group of armed individuals were now camped on his front lawn and had lead to the death of someone he considered family.
“My first questions is: are you dating the Asian boy?”
Okay, not what you were expecting. You start to giggle until you realize, oh shoot, did Maggie tell him about what they did? Oh my God, oh my God, nooo, don’t ask, don’t ask me, Mr. Greene!
“Maggie assumed the same thing,” you have the brain to say, and it’s true. “Glenn is my friend only, no romance.”
Praying he won’t ask about Glenn and Maggie next, you take another few gulps of the charcoal mixture to and can’t help but make a face.
His expression is still curious and stern. “Did you consume any alcohol this evening with your friends?”
You shake your head. “I felt too strange.”
“Did Jimmy?”
“I don’t think so? I only saw him drinkin’ Tang.”
He nods. Seems to soften maybe a pinch. “Certain supply chain changes mean I won’t bother asking you about any drug abuse in your group. Not including your oversight with the pain management today.”
Point taken, sir. Then, you realize he was making a wry comment. The corners of his mouth raise and his eyes crinkle just so.
Relaxing, you offer an embarrassed shrug.
“The most important thing I want to know is,” he begins. Pauses. He’s maintaining very direct eye contact with you.
What the heck does he want to know? The muscles in your neck tense back up, uncertain.
“Can I trust Rick?”
Well, that was so easy the reply jumps out of your mouth. “Yes.” Ha, that was weirdly stressful for a s—
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“And Y/N, is your other brother a cause for concern?”
A tiny seed of dread starts to take root in your gut.
Why would, why is—wait, why haven’t I answered? What the heck is—why aren’t I answering? Hello?
There’s a clock someplace close. It’s louder than you remembered.
Answer something. Y/N. Y/N, go on.
A door opens, shuts, and what sounds like Lori’s footfall tiptoes down the hallway.
‘Is your other brother a cause for concern?’
She brushes her hand across your shoulders as she passes.
He’s your brother. He loves you, you love him.
Y/N, what are you doing? Please answer. You know him.
Why isn’t it working when you try to answer? Y/N!
The clock keeps ticking. The front door opens and closes as Lori exits the house.
“Please continue to finish that solution,” is how Mr. Greene, his tone kinder than it was before, breaks the silence.
Wave hi to the Morales kids! Just don’t tell Eliza that Luis said “ass-butt.”
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thesandwichdaddy · 15 days
Meet the Williams
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[tw: none! Fluff :)]
(an: Let me know if you like more fluffy stuff like this, love you!)
wc: 3.3k
There comes a time in every man’s life where he has to meet his girlfriend’s parents, and Andrew was scared. As Becca drove away from the city, Andrew debated whether or not to beg Becca to turn around. But he couldn’t do that to her. She looked way too excited to see her parents for summer break. “How convenient,” she told him. Andrew swallowed his anxiety, wishing he should’ve just asked Becca for a joint right before they left.
Should he put his hand on her thigh? Is that what good boyfriends do? That’s what he thought, so he did. He inched his hand over to her thigh, feeling how smooth it was, as a way to try to alleviate some of his discomfort. Becca smiled at this, bringing a hand to come over his. The soft hum of the engine and the quiet music playing from Becca’s radio made a nice background noise for them. Becca furrowed her brows slightly, glancing at him. “Babe, what’s wrong?” She asked, looking back at the road. Of course she knew. She just knew him. “Nothing. Why?” He replied, trying to play it off. “Because you’re leaving a pool on my thigh, love.” She said it lightheartedly, giving a smile. “Shit, I’m sorry.” Andrew said, his cheeks a bit flushed with embarrassment at his sweaty palms, going to move them. Becca held his hand there. “Leave it; just tell me what’s bothering you.”
Andrew slightly hesitated, glancing out the window as they left the city and into a more rural area. “I’m just nervous to meet your family, you know? I want to make a good impression.” He admitted it, grasping at her thigh needily for her reassurance. “And you will, Andrew. Do you know how amazing you are?” She said it confidently, softly rubbing his hand with her thumb. He didn’t know, but it made him smile a bit. “I’m dating Andrew fucking Neiman. That’s insane.” She said with a smile, playfully, trying to boost his ego. He gave a chuckle, softly shaking his head. “I’m not that great, sweetheart. But you though?” he said, looking her up and down, biting his lip in a suggestive way, and wiggling his eyebrows, trying to get her to laugh. And she did, of course.
A moment passed, and Andrew felt a bit better, his face resting in a soft smile. “I’m serious, Andrew; my parents will love you.” She reassured him, checking the GPS. “Even if I’m not into sports?” He said, half serious, as he glanced at her. She smiled. “Even if you’re not into sports,” She assured. Sports were a big thing for her family. Since she could walk, she was put into sports. T-ball, softball, volleyball, tennis, hell even cheer for a while. So were her brothers, one older and one younger than her. Becca had always been put under pressure to be good at something. To be someone.
For Andrew, he didn’t know anything about sports. Sure, he may have played baseball for one year as a kid, but it never stuck. Growing up in the city didn’t help him much either. They didn’t have Friday night football games like Becca did. The most entertaining sport they did have was high school wrestling, and it just didn’t look right for Andrew. Music was his strong suit. He just hoped Becca’s parents would be open to it.
Andrew rested his head on Becca’s arm, feeling her soft sweater on his cheek and taking in her scent. He stayed there for a while before he glanced out the window, retracting himself to look closer. Cows? Andrew had never seen them in real life, which was a bit sad, but cows? “Babe I knew you lived rurally, but this is a whole other level.” Andrew said he was fascinated. Becca raised a brow, smirking at his curiosity with amusement. “What? The cows? Baby, my family owns a ranch,” she said, turning onto the longest dirt road he’s ever seen. He didn’t even know they had places like these outside of the city. He felt a bit like Hannah Montana right now.
It made a bit more sense when she pulled into the place. It was a really nice-looking house right next to a barn, which was a bit ironic. Andrew looked at Becca as she parked, the anxiety starting to bubble up once again. She pacified it by leaning in and giving him a soft, long kiss. He hummed into the kiss, grateful for it. He smiled at her as she pulled away. “I love you.” He said it softly, earning one back from her. “I love you too.”
Becca got out of her truck, a nice one her dad had bought her. It was nice to have, even if she didn’t really need it. It was funny seeing a small girl like her with a big truck that takes diesel.
Andrew was immediately by her side as she started to walk to the door. God, he was freaking out. Was how he dressed good enough? Was his hair okay? His mind was flooded with ideas. Becca didn’t even knock, opening the door and peeking inside, immediately greeted by her mom to come inside with a big smile. “You made it!” Mrs. Williams said as she gave Becca a big hug, putting down the bowl of what Andrew guessed was cookie dough. Andrew smiled a bit awkwardly, preparing for the handshake, before Mrs. Williams came over and hugged him as well. “I’m so happy to see you. Andrew, right?” She asked him as he got a bit overwhelmed, giving a polite smile and looking at her. She smelled like cookies and gum, which wasn’t too unpleasant to Andrew. "Yes, ma’am, nice to meet you.” He said this as he watched her back away to get a good look at him.
Becca went to Andrew, putting an arm around his back as to try to soothe him a bit, knowing that her mom was a bit much. Becca was smiling happily; there was not a worry in the world for her. It was enough to ease Andrew's mind. “You two are just so cute.” Her mom said it with a smile, having a slight twang in her voice. It was interesting to hear from Andrew. Becca never really had a southern accent, but he swore he heard something when she got mad. It was charming, whatever it was. Mrs. Williams got back to mixing, letting them go off with a wave. “Your daddy’s in the living room, sweetie.” Her mom said that to Becca, which made her slightly embarrassed that she still called her dad that. She brushed it off, taking Andrew’s hand and taking him around the house. Andrew looked around in wonder. This is where she grew up? It was certainly much nicer than how he did. It was cozy and comfortable. A certain picture caught Andrew’s attention in the hallway, and he stopped to look at it. Becca looked at him, curious as to why he stopped. She gave a small chuckle, her face going warm with slight embarrassment. “Andrew, don’t look at that.” She whined softly to him, tugging on his hand. It was a baby picture of her in a cowboy hat that was much too big for her. Her brilliant orange hair and smile were really cute to Andrew as he smiled, chuckling at the photo.
“You’re adorable, babe; this is cute.” He said, taking one more look before he continued with the little tour of her house she was giving him. They made it to the living room, with Becca letting go of his hand to hug her dad, who was on the couch. “Hey bug!” Mr. Williams said as he hugged her back, getting up and chuckling. Her dad seemed like the average, hard-working guy. He seemed nice, and Becca sure looked like she loved him. "Dad, this is Andrew.” She introduced him to Andrew, and he shook his hand. Mr. Williams seemed approving of him, at least to Andrew. “Hey there, you can just call me Walker.” Her dad said, to which Andrew gave a nod. “It’s nice to meet you, sir.” Andrew said, thankful that he wasn’t as scary as he seemed. Becca smiled, leaning on Andrew as she looked at her dad, happy to see them finally meet. "So, Andrew, you’re from New York, right?” Walker asked, to which he gave a nod. "Yes, sir, I’ve only ever been in the city.” Andrew said, giving a casual smile, trying his best to impress him. Walker gave an intrigued nod. "Yeah, we moved here maybe about five years ago from Texas; I’m sure Rebecca has already told you.” Andrew nodded, interested. It made a lot more sense to him. Yeah, Becca had briefly mentioned it, but he never really took the time to think about it.
Walker and Becca then went to a conversation about how the ranch had been doing, the weather, and some pretty basic dad talk. He will say that it was much more pleasant than Andrew trying to talk to his dad. It was always awkward. But this was different. Was this what a normal family was like? His thoughts were cut off by Walker sitting back down. “Tell your damn brothers to come down here and help your momma, will you? They’ve been cooped up in those rooms all day.” Her dad asked Becca, to which she smiled and nodded, taking Andrew’s hand again. “Sure thing, dad.” She said this as she led Andrew up the stairs. Now this was the scary part. Meeting her brothers. If he remembered right, one was 22 and the other was about 14 now. Both are incredibly scary to him. Becca stopped in front of the first door, giving a small knock, which was eventually answered by the younger brother hugging Becca tightly. “Hey River,” Becca said as she hugged him back with a big smile. “I missed you. Look, I brought my boyfriend.” She gestured to Andrew. River examined him a bit before nodding, unsure. “I’m River.” The kid said, his voice having almost a comedically strong southern accent to it. “I’m Andrew.” Andrew said in return, giving a slight smile. There was a small pause, which was interrupted by Becca clearing her thoughts. “Dad said go help mom in the kitchen.” She told her brother, to which he groaned and nodded, heading down the stairs. Andrew looked at Becca with a slightly worried face. She brushed it off, softly speaking and reassuring him. “He’s at that age. Don’t worry about it.” Andrew nodded, preparing himself for the other brother now.
Becca went to the door next to Rivers room and knocked slightly louder, her older brother answering it. He wore a cowboy hat and boots, about the same height as Andrew. Her brother smiled, crushing Becca with a hug. “Hey sis! I didn’t think you’d be back so soon.” He said he had the same twang as his other brother. Becca laughed as he eventually released her. She put a hand on Andrew’s shoulder, introducing him. “This is my boyfriend, Andrew, in Dallas. And this is my brother Dallas, Andrew.” She said, her brother holding his hand out for Andrew to shake. Dallas had a big smile on his face, seemingly excited to see Andrew. Andrew returned the smile, giving a nod to him. “Hey there.” Andrew had always heard stories about Becca’s brothers and how eccentric Dallas was. He was grateful for it; it was much better than her brothers disliking him.
“Listen, dad said to go help mom with dinner.” Becca told Dallas, in which he just smiled and playfully rolled his eyes, ruffling her hair and heading out. “Sure sis.” He said, leaving her and Andrew upstairs alone. Becca smiled, looking at Andrew. “You did it.” She said it excitedly, happy that he had survived meeting her family. Andrew smiled and nodded. “Wasn’t so bad, I guess.” He said it playfully, which Becca giggled at, leading him to another door. “I want to show you my room.” She said, opening the door and closing it behind them. Her room had been untouched since the last time she was here. There were band posters everywhere. Her guitars were also leaning against the wall, and her fairy lights were hanging from the walls. It was all here. Andrew smiled, looking around in interest. He looked at some of her CDs on her desk with interest. “I didn’t know you were this into rock, darling.” Andrew said, looking at the metal bands on the CDs. Becca shrugged with a smile, hugging Andrew from behind. “Not so much anymore, I guess.” She murmured, pressing a kiss to the back of his neck.
Andrew shivered, putting the CD down. “Baby,” he whispered, turning to her and leaning to kiss her softly. “I love you; you know that?” He whispered to her, hoping her family wouldn’t hear them. She drove him crazy. He wanted her badly, but it must wait until after their little visit. Becca hummed softly in agreement, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss, her arms coming around his neck. She seemed to want more, kissing him over and over. Andrew gave a chuckle, speaking between her kisses. “You’re killing me, love.” She smiled, giving him one more. “I can’t help it.” She said it with a soft, satisfied sigh, hugging him. He smiled, lightly swaying her as they hugged. “I’m really glad you came with me.” She whispered to him, her head against his chest. He brought his hand to her hair, gently running his fingers through it. “Of course, sweetheart. I know how much this means to you.” He said this, looking down at her. She really was perfect. “You know I’d do the same for you, Andrew.” Becca said, glancing up at him. She had yet to meet his parents, and it was not something he was looking forward to. He gave a nod to her. “One thing at a time, hon.” He said he was hoping to keep the visit delayed for just a bit longer. He wasn’t ready yet.
Andrew couldn’t remember the last time he sat down and had dinner with his family. other than when his brother got a big promotion or something. But he was never really there. Not present like this. He sat next to Becca and her mom, observing how the family dynamic worked. There was no yelling, no crying. It was weird in a way. It was comfortable.
"So, Andrew, how long have you played drums?” Mrs. Williams asked him with a soft smile. Becca must’ve told them, and it made Andrew slightly giddy that she even remembered. “I’d say since I was six years old.” He answered, which earned interested looks amongst the table. “Becca here only started when she was ten.” Her dad chimed in, giving a playful pat to her arm as he passed by. Andrew smiled, taking a bite of the steak on his plate. God, it was good. But that was no surprise, considering they were from Texas. There is no telling what other great food Becca grew up with. “Is big meanie Fletcher still there?” Her younger brother River said with a slight amusement to himself. Becca gave a nod and a slight smile. “He isn’t so bad anymore.” Andrew could tell she was purposefully skipping over the little incident that happened at the concert all those months ago. She was sweet for that, saving him the embarrassment.
“Rebecca was telling me how y’all met through class; isn’t that cute?” Her mom said it with a slight giddy smile. “You think everything’s cute, mom.” Becca said it playfully, her cheeks slightly warm from the attention. Andrew softly chuckled and decided to tease Becca a bit more, seeing if he could make her cheeks even redder. “How could anyone not fall for her? I consider myself very lucky.” He said it with a smile, rubbing her back for a bit. It worked; her cheeks went almost comedically red as she shot a look at him, smiling. Her dad gave her a laugh. “Very lucky.” He said, his mouth a bit full of food, which earned a look from her mom. Her older brother decided to start the conversation now, looking to Andrew. “Do you work out?” It wasn’t an odd question, at least to Becca’s family, since that’s what she and her siblings did most of the time. The truth was not really. Only when Becca needed some company at the gym on campus. Andrew was a bit embarrassed. “Not really.” He shrugged. Dallas seemed a bit surprised. "Well, you look pretty good; I guess it’s from playing, huh?” He said it politely. Andrew never really thought about it, but it did make sense. Becca was always squeezing his biceps, always feeling him up. In fact, she was doing that right now, one hand on her fork and the other not so subtly squeezing his arm. Andrew smiled in amusement, looking at her. “Hey.” He said it quietly to her, really not minding. “Hey.” She answered back, acting like she wasn’t doing anything. That cute little smile she gave him almost made him want to kiss her right there, but he couldn’t. He would make up time later.
Andrew had thoroughly enjoyed his time getting to know Becca’s family. He didn’t know why he was ever worried. It did slightly scare him about what Becca would think about his family now that he knew the household she grew up in. But he didn’t let himself worry about that right now. They both said their goodbyes and went out the door to the car. It was dark now, which was funny because it didn’t even feel like an hour to be there. Andrew gave a soft groan. “I don’t think I can eat another cookie ever again.” He joked, her mom having fed him at least five cookies while they were there. She told him he was much too skinny to not, lovingly, of course. Becca giggled, unlocking the car, and Andrew quickly stopped her, bringing an arm around her. “Let me drive, baby.” He said, reaching for the keys and giving a kiss to her cheek. Becca smiled, giving the keys to him. “Are you sure? Do you know the way back?” She asked, leaning into his embrace. “Mhm, I’ve got it.” He said, opening the passenger door for her and letting her get in. He seemed to be in a giddy mood, which happened when he had achieved something. In this case, it was finally meeting her parents. When Becca moved to get the seatbelt, Andrew pulled her in for a kiss. A passionate kiss at that. Becca didn’t refuse, but she was quite surprised by it.
“I love you.” Andrew said as he pulled back, brushing some of her hair out of her face. “I love you too.” Becca whispered back, a loving smile on her face. They even made it on the road again, Becca resting her head on Andrew’s shoulder as he drove.
“Did you actually like my parents?” Becca asked him, glancing up at him. Andrew glanced back at her. “I really did, Becca. They’re very nice.” He said it genuinely, giving a soft smile as he bent his arm to flex, squishing her cheeks gently between them. “I see where you get it from.” He said, chuckling at her face. She smiled sweetly back at him, giving him a gentle, playful slap to cut it out. She snuggled up to his arm once more, content with the contents of today. She thought about how she'd never even heard of what his parents were like. She assumed it was a sensitive subject for him, so she left it alone, just relaxing against his arm and not so subtly feeling his arm up once again.
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spoopydooblr · 1 year
My King Will Be Kind Chapter 1 / Kendall Roy x OC
an: hiiiiiiiii first time posting here ughhhh anyways enjoy this kendall fic bc i binged succession with my roommate
pairing: Kendall Roy x Original Female Character
tw: mentions of drug use, cursing
Stella fixed her black Valentino dress in the bathroom mirror of the club. She looked okay.  Not bad, not great.  It was hour three at the club, and Stella was really over it.  The bass felt like it was pumping through the walls. She needed a break from the craziness. It was usually like this, work all week and stupid events like this all weekend. And this weekend was her friend's birthday.  
Not that she didn't love her friends—or the free drinks.  And the guys could be fun...sometimes.  Tonight they partied with some semi-professional baseball players who were okay at best.  One even tried to follow her into the bathroom, but she declined.  
Even now, four movies and two shows under her belt, Stella struggled to a guy that actually gave a fuck.  Her most recent role, a side character in HBO's Delirium, was by-far her biggest break.  They had just wrapped season two, so she was taking some time in New York to work on her writing.  By dumb luck a studio was interested in her writing and wanted some pilots.  After spending the last few years in Los Angeles, Stella decided to come back to the east coast for a bit.  
So here she was now, walking back from the bathroom of some club, trying to think of the best excuse to leave the party and get the fuck home.  Stella weaved through the VIP line, arriving at the private section where her friends were.  The baseball guys were still evident, but two other men--in very expensive suits--stood with the group.  She made her way over, grabbing a drink from the waiter.  It was time to find the birthday girl and say goodbye.  Stella spied her friend from across the room, but was interrupted by one of the suit-men.  She immediately recognized him.
"Roman Roy." He stuck out his hand.  
Roman Roy.  Son of media bigwig Logan Roy.  Stella knew exactly who he was.  Not that she was a big fan of business stuff, but she knew all about ATN and their hateful broadcasting.  She knew all about his billionaire family and their insane antics.  
She shook his hand reluctantly.
"So you're a big deal I hear?" He laughed. "Well I've never heard of you."
"I've been in a few movies—" She started, but is again interrupted by him.
"Argh, actress, never mind." Roman scoffed at her and made his way to another one of her friends.
Stella was just drunk enough to feel pretty embarrassed. Normally, she would brush something like this off, but he was an important person in the city.  The Roy's could make or break her career if they really wanted to.  They controlled the media.  Hell, they were the media.  
"Hey. I'm sorry about my brother." A deep voice said from her side. "He's a fuck."
Stella looked at the man who was now in front of her. The first thing she noticed was how tired he looked.  The second was that he was Kendall Roy.  And he was just as hot in person.  
"Oh, um, it's okay."
"I'm Kendall, by the way." He held out his hand. He had a fancy ring on his pinkie finger.
"Matchstick Funeral." He said.
Stella couldn't help but light up. "Yes!"
It was one of her first roles. She played Jude Law's estranged daughter. That was three years ago, now.
"It's my uh, ex-wife's favorite movie."
Stella laughs, accidentally. "Sorry, um, wow, I feel like a lot of people don't remember that film."
"It's so fuckin good."
"God, thank you, wow."
They stood there for a minute.
Stella decided to play dumb. "So what do you do?"
Kendall laughed nervously. "Uh—"
Stella batted her eyelashes, then laughed, "I'm kidding, jeez!"
"Oh," Kendall smiled. "I suppose you're familiar."
"With the sexual abuse on the cruises?" She continues. "Or your rap song?"
Kendall scoffs.
"Before I was, um, like this." Stella gets quieter. "I loved celebrities and all that. I read like, every magazine." It was true, she loved stealing her mother's People Magazine as a kid.  
"Ah, I'm surprised you're even talking to me, then."
"Me too."
"Do you wanna uh, go outside?"
She was still a little unsure about him, but she wasn't really a fan of crowds and honestly really needed to smoke.
"Yeah, sure."
Kendall led her to a private balcony. Stella had never been to this part of the club, even with her own notoriety.
"Do you smoke?" Kendall revealed a pack of American Spirit yellow.
"Well," Stella rummaged through her Prada purse. "Not nicotine." She pulled out a joint.
"Need a light?" Kendall asked, moving towards her. Stella put the joint in her mouth, leaning over to Kendall's lighter. She pulled away quickly after, the scene becoming more and more intimate.
This was the same guy that yelled "Fuck the Patriarchy" to paparazzi last year. And he could be her dad. He probably wasn't that old, but he had to be a good ten years older. At least.  She remembered the tabloid photos of him snorting cocaine off of a strippers boobs.  Didn't he have a couple of kids, too?
Stella took a long drag of her joint.
"Can I get a hit?" Kendall stated, and it's as if they're teenagers hiding weed from their parents.
She nodded, handing him the joint.  He didn't look like he was on anything else, so she obliged.  
He took a long drag and looked her up and down.  She felt objectified, but it kind of turned her on.  Kendall probably knew that.  
"I bought a fucking company today."
"Me and my siblings.  We bought Pierce."  She kind of knew what he was talking about, based on the Twitter trending page from that morning.  #Roy was third on the page.  
Stella laughed,  "Congrats, Kendall."  She touched his arm, mentally noting to stop drinking and smoking so much.  It was crazy to her, all this.  He casually dropped billions of dollars and goes to the club.  
"If I called a car right now, would you want to uh, go to my place?"
Stella couldn't believe it. Kendall fucking Roy.
"I don't really do that sort of thing, I'm sorry. It's like an image thing, and I'm so young I can't—"
"Of course." He looked genuinely disappointed.
Stella cursed internally as she whispered, "do you want my number?"
Stella rolled her eyes. "You heard me."
"Maybe I just wanted to hear you say it again." He smirked.
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b-a-n-a-n-a-ss · 1 year
Dean Portman x reader - I’m Sorry You Had to See That
Summary: Dean and the reader are cuddling at readers house when her dad gets mad.
!TW: mentions of rape, screaming, parental abuse, mental abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse and cursing.
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I ran my fingers through deans hair as he laid his head on my chest. His body was curled up to mine from my side. I had my arms around his figure and his arms were around my waist.
We were watching Newsies and we were at the scene where they sing ‘The World Will Know’.
Dean hummed along quietly and I smiled at him. I looked towards the screen and saw the character Mush.
“Hey, Mush kinda looks like you.” I said to him. He chuckled and looked up at me. I looked back down at him and he kissed me swiftly and laid his head back down.
I heard slamming downstairs and I jumped. Dean lifted his head up a small bit from my chest and looked at me.
“It’s okay, it’s probably nothing.” I said, my voice cracking. He nodded hesitantly but sat up beside me against the headboard.
He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I moved closer to him. We continued to watch the movie but I couldn’t stay focused. I was trying to listen for any noise downstairs. Dean could tell I wasn’t fully comfortable anymore so he paused the movie and hugged me tightly.
“It’s gonna be okay.” He whispered and he rocked me slowly. I took deep breaths and enjoyed his scent. It calmed me and I relaxed my body a small bit.
I then heard stomping coming up the stairs and I jumped and started to cry. Dean rubbed my back and held my hand tightly.
“Go in the closet, he doesn’t know you’re here.” I whispered to him. I gave him a quick kiss and he hid in the closet, shutting the door to it.
I sat on the bed picking my nails and trying to distract myself from the fear growing inside me. The door flew open and my dad stood there.
“I give you everything and you repay me by sleeping around the town!” My dad screamed at me as he hit my face, causing me to fall on my bed.
“You’re nothing but a little whore! You know what happens to whores? They get raped!” He yelled as he unbuckled his pants.
I started crying and thrashing around, trying anything to get away from him. I felt so claustrophobic and like my air would disappear at any second.
“Please stop!” I cried as I hit him.
He then started to pull my pants down with my underwear. He touched me and I screamed. Then he collapsed on-top of me. I pushed him off me and I looked up to see Dean with a baseball bat and tears on his face.
He shoved my dad onto the floor and dropped the bat. He helped me pull my bottoms up and he laid me on my bed, stroking my head.
“I’m so sorry you had to see that Dean.” I cried. He shook his head and kissed me sweetly.
“No. I’m sorry you have to go through that. You’re going to live with me okay? You’re not staying here anymore.” He told me. I nodded and he hugged me tightly.
(This is short too! I’m so sorry!😭)
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