#tsunade like “what? this is normal”
sannin-three · 2 months
I just know that if Dan had lived and he and Tsunade had gotten married, Jiraiya and Orochimaru would be the absolute worst third wheels. Randomly show up on date nights. Always dropping in unannounced. Every time Dan wakes up there's a 50/50 chance he'll find Orochimaru on the couch while Jiraiya raids the fridge and complains that someone already ate all the eggs!
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iryonin · 3 months
actually. dragon age sakura as a spirit healer+warrior would be sooooo
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Finally finished the first part of gai’s 8 gates coma and how kakashi dealt with it rewrite people have been requesting. [tw blood, injury, coma, death discussions, grief]
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Kurenai: Kakashi Kks: Ah. Kurenai and...baby, what’s up? Kurenai: You mind if I come in a moment? Kks: Uhhhhh I-
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Kks: So what did you need to speak about? Did something happen? K: No, Nothing’s happened. You haven’t gotten to properly see and bond with her yet. Here Kks: You know I’m not fond of kids. K: That’s why I didn’t ask. Hold your arms out. Ok, now, don’t look absolutely petrified.
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Kks: She’s ok, I guess [YELP] Oi! Don’t pinch me while I’m holding your baby! K: You wouldn’t drop her. Asuma would haunt you forever! Kks: Terrifying thought, Mirai.... How are you feeling? K: Exhausted. Do you really want to hear how horrifying having a baby is? Kks: No, please don’t tell me.
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K: I came over to check on you as well. Any news? Kks: No. He’s still the same. K: Is that why it looks like this in here? Kks: ...Yeah. Doctor said he may never wake up. Since we’re eachother’s medical contacts, Tsunade told me I had to prepare to make hard decisions should it come to that.
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Kks: With the council breathing down my neck over a job I don’t want, I had... A bit of an outburst. K: I don’t even blame you. That’s... That they expect you to carry on like normal. Still grieving. The person you love most is gone. But you’re still here. Don’t let them just dust you off and move on again. I’ll always have your back. Kks: You and Asuma always did. Even when I wasn’t grateful for it.
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Kks: I can’t tell if they just don’t care or didn’t realize, Gai’s the one who held me together all these years. Only reason I’m still here at all is because of him. I don’t think tenzou, the elders, or the village are prepared for what’ll become of me if I lose him. So, I don’t care anymore. Let them be mad. I won’t give up on him. K: You should talk to him. Kks: huh K: Talk about anything! I’m sure the sound of your voice will help him find his way back. Especially if you sound sad, Kks: uuh
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K: I can hear it now, “My eternal rival is sad? Not on my watch!“ Kks: Pretty accurate impression. K: There’s been lots of source material! Kks: Maaa, Your mom’s a huge dork K: Oi! [kakashi chuckles]
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K: He’ll be so upset he missed her birth Kks: Oh, devastated. I can’t wait to see the look on Gai’s face, Mirai, when I tell him /I/ held you first! When he wakes up
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Kks: Hey, Gai. Kurenai said i should talk to you.
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Kks: Feels weird. Most of the people I’m used to talking to like this are all... Dead.
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It’s so eerie how silent you’ve been for so long. you’re not even this quiet when you sleep. Your kids come everyday to see you. Naruto and sakura when they can. Lots of others. I’ve been telling them embarrassing  stories from when we were kids since you keep making them wait. Do you remember when I came over while you and Dai were making supper
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Dai: Kakashi! Good to see you, my boy! Kks: Id Gai home? Dai: He’s helping with supper! Go on, inside, you’re always welcome! Kks: Ok Dai: Atta boy Kks: Hey, G- !? ummm? Gai: OH!! Rival!! Kks:  Is that a lid?! Gai: Correct!! It stops me from crying while cutting onions! A win for me!!
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Kks: Against.... the onions? Gai: Yep! KKs:[snicker] Gai: Laugh all you want! Not everyone can comprehend innovation. Kks: Whatever. You forgot this at the training grounds. I know it’s yours there’s a turtle on it. Gai: See! You’re already tearing up! Kks: Am not Gai: Also, thankyou so much! Kks: Bye, I’m leaving. Gai: Could it be? You’re scared I can cut much faster than you! Kks: I am not scared. Gai: Good, I think we have another lid! Kks: YOU-!
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Dai: Great to see growing boys with such a hunger! I’ll never have to prep onions again! Kks: I think about that everytime I chop onions now. You’ve altered my brain with all the ridiculous things you’ve done. Can’t even look at the toys you’ve gotten the dogs without getting emotional
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Kks: Just knowing you’re here still, I can barely function. It’s pretty pathetic... Your hair’s getting long. Turning into your dad.
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[gai’s heartbeat] Kks: Gai
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[gais heartbeat continues]
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[gai’s heartbeat continues] Kks: If anything should happen to me, you’ll rush over, right? Gai: Damn right, I will. Dont you worry about that.
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[Gai’s heartbeat]
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Kks: I miss you
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bythepen98 · 1 year
N/ purely self-indulgent hhh, plus I always wanted to do something like this when I read a good fic. First attempt at making a webcomic.
Based on @rayshippouuchiha's ShikaNaru fic "The Brightest Flame (The Darkest Shadow)" :D
Rated: M
Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Crack Treated Seriously, BAMF Uzumaki Naruto, Genderfluid Character, Yandere Shikamaru Nara, Smitten Shikamaru Nara, Naruto with Tsunade's Strength, Love At first Chakra Enhanced Strike,.... etc.
Chapters (so far): 2/?
Shikamaru’s never felt chakra so vibrant and warm before.
The log that Naruto’s been punching shatters clean apart, reduced to little more than splinters under the devastating force of his chakra enhanced blow.
Shocked and more than a bit startled, Shikamaru wheezes loudly, the sound carrying across the clearing and causing Naruto to abruptly turn and look in his direction.
And in that single moment Shikamaru is lost.
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...because Shikamaru is a Nara to the core, is the strongest they've seen in generations, and the Nara have always been a clan of Shadows after all.
and what does the shadow crave more than the light?
Naruto, with his ocean blue eyes and his golden hair swaying in the breeze his attack had created, shines as bright as the sun itself.
And Shikamaru intends to have him.
(edit: forgot to add this)
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..."so much for that quiet wife and two ordinary kids idea."
"Time for a new plan." Because, really, there's no way life with Naruto is going to be any form of quiet or normal.
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....Shikamaru's entire life plan has to be thrown out the window and then redrawn from scratch.
Either way Shikamaru's not actually all that upset about his entire life being thrown into an abrupt upheaval.
After all, convincing Naruto to marry him as soon as possible will be well worth the effort.
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Naruto's pretty sure this is the closest they've ever actually been to one another outside of the few times they've been paired up to spar in class.
"What're you doing after this?" Shikamaru asks, one hand coming out of his pocket to reach out and play idly with the dangling sleeve of Naruto's kimono.
"After training?" Naruto keeps one eye on Shikamaru's hand...
"More like for the rest of your life," Shikamaru says. "But sure, we can start with training."
Naruto blinks.
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.....[Naruto's] not really sure what, exactly, is happening here but he thinks this might mean Shikamaru wants to be his friend now.
Ah my sweet summer child.
Not an exact play by play of what was written in the fic, only the gist I guess and the moment that rly stuck in my head and got me giggling in my pillow.
My love for the "oblivious pure(?) mc and their darker, possessive s/o" trope has struck again. Couldn't've stopped myself from finishing this even when sleep-deprived, which I currently am right now. Had fun challenging myself with this too and might attempt it again with a future chapter or other works depending on my schedule. I'm occupied with studying this month so making something time extensive like this won't happen for awhile yet.
Excitedly waiting for updates :D
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animeyanderelover · 4 days
How would tobirama,madara,shisui,kakashi,tsunade,and obito react to accidentally hurting the darling?Thank you ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, paranoia, overprotective behavior
Tags: @shumidehiro @swagenemyartisan
Accidentally hurting their s/o
Madara Uchiha
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🌑​Madara is going to appear rather indifferent at first but his cold exterior is not a representation of what is currently happening in his mind. He's ashamed of himself and his lack of self-control which makes this mistake all the more aggravating for him. If he would have been still a child, this might have been excused but he is a grown man who is the head of his clan. As intimidating and occasionally tormenting as the Uchiha can be, he would never harm his beloved unless they have displeased or angered him so the lack of control over whatever has ultimately led to your pain is going to leave a sour taste on his tongue. His pride is a mountain hard to overcome though so initially he just tells you rather coldly that your injury isn't that bad, leaving you only moments later since he needs time for himself. He has medics catering to your pain though even if your wound is nothing serious, contracting his previous words as he still cares. Words have never been his strong point and partially he believes them to serve nothing anyways but he expresses his apology rather through physical gifts and gestures.
Tobirama Senju
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🌊​Tobirama normally manages to keep up a harsh facade even under difficult circumstances yet few things are heavier than realising that he let his own emotions besting him and hurting you physically. Frustration and hot shame curl themselves around his body and for the first time he has no snarky comback or ruthless comment, only speechless with how low this obsession has brought him. He insists on catering to your pain himself even if there is no real need for it, a sliver of desperation visible in his eyes as he asks of you to let him take a look. After he has ensured your well-being, he silently storms out of the house to clear his own mind and to reflect on himself. His pride is rather big yet he is humble enough that this is his own fault and he has lost grasp of his own emotions. He returns back to you after a few hours and actually apologises to you, a sight so rare that it almost spooks you out initially. The guilt lingers for the next few days, the shame that he actually hurt his own spouse because he couldn't control himself a shame too big to simply shake off and forget about. It shall serve as a reminder to him to learn how to tame his obsession better.
Tsunade Senju
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🐌​A woman who possesses the strength to shatter mountains has a heart that is perhaps even more fragile than porcelain. Tsunade has already lost the two people who meant the world to her and that trauma feeds her overprotective paranoia when it comes to you. She will take it pretty badly, that is after the initial shock wears down that has numbed her for a good few moments after it has happened. There are tears in her eyes as she looks at you and sees the pain on your face. Pain that she has inflicted on you. Tsunade feels sick to her very core even if there is no blood involved. She is a medic. She is supposed to heal people and help them with the pain yet she is the one who has caused yours. To alleviate the heavy anguish she feels after she has managed to pull through enough to heal your own pain with her abilities, she resorts to sake. She just drinks and drinks and drinks until she falls asleep but even in her drunken state that moment haunts her and with her emotions more vulnerable than ever, she starts crying even in her sleep. Her guilt only adds to her overbearing obsession though as it will never let her forget that she is the one who harmed you.
Kakashi Hatake
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📖​If you have ever wondered what the raw obsession hidden beneath that lackluster attitude of his looks like, you get a peak of it when Kakashi hurts you. The moment he fully processes what has just happened, it is already too late and as he looks at your shocked face and the blood that escapes the mild injury, memories flash before his eyes and trigger something visceral out of him. He breaks out in cold sweat and feels the dreadful vice-grip of fear tackling his heart as his chest is heaving with an unknown weight. He feels frozen as if any slight movement from his body would shatter him as his eyes are glued to the injury and it is only because of your interference that he finally snaps out of his paralysed anxiety. For a few moments he just stares at you with wet eyes before he finally gains the ability to move and do something again. There is a slight tremor in his hands as he cleans and bandages your injury, watching the spot for a while as if fearing that blood will stain the material at any moment before he finally lets a burdened sigh out that lifts the weight on his chest at least partially. For the rest of the day he is dedicated to hugging you all of the time, although his touches are light.
Obito Uchiha
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🔥​Obito handles it without a doubt the worst. The whole reason why he has taken it so far with his obsession was precisely because he wanted to protect you from any mental and physical pain this world would undoubtedly inflict upon you. Yet now the very world he has grown to despise so much has decided to torment him by letting him be the one who is the cause of your pain, as fleeting as it may be. Obito panicks most likely more than you do as even you reassure him that the injury isn't as bad as he may think. The only thing spinning around in his mind is the fact that he is the one who hurt you as he feels like the world he has been trying to change for years has now even stained him. His anger sparks a swirling inferno inside of him yet he has no one to vent out against as the culprit is he himself this time. He might turn for a good while deranged enough to offer that he will injure himself much worse as a warped way of repenting for what he has done for you unless you stop him. Otherwise he finds himself clinging to you much more as your presence seems to be the only thing containing his obsession from exploding which would lead him to do something really horrendous.
Shisui Uchiha
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🍂​Whether you treat it as anything big or not, Shisui will see it as a severe slipup from his side. The Uchiha has always considered his obsession as something he would have to control strictly as he had always possessed the awareness of just how quickly his feelings could spiral into bottomless darkness. For those black feelings to not only make him lose his prized control for a moment but also to accidentally harm you is a deep-rooted disappointment solely pointed against himself that he will never forgive himself for. He keeps his facial expression neutral as he does what he can do to soothe your pain before he leaves, barely able to hold eye contact with you. That doesn't mean that he neglects keeping an eye on you as he just stalks you for the rest of the day, his gaze sharper as he tries to detect how much this incident has affected you. Shisui will apologise to you the next day though and take all the blame himself, silently bemoaning that he allowed his feelings to escalate that much. There is some distance he purposefully creates as he deems it to be necessary for him to work more on himself to never let something like this happen again, although he never stops keeping tabs on you.
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mixelation · 10 months
wait hold on. i figured out the best* way to deal with jiraiya subconsciously writing his teammates fucking in reborn au
*best, as always, means funniest
okay, so. tori is trying very hard to go back to her old fannish ways wrt icha icha. the PROBLEM is that she's "too young" for it. kushina sees no problem with a young girl exploring her sexuality via dumb novels and loans her copies, but basically everyone else gets super fucking weird when she tries talking about it to them.
tori: hey did you see the new fan comic strip in-- (KAKASHI SLAMS HIS HAND OVER HER MOUTH)
kakashi: (nervous laughter) why does a kid know about that???
the konoha fanclub won't let her in. she's tried a henge a few times but there's enough ninja in the club she gets caught. she has to do a lot of convincing and sweet talk to buy fanzines or her own copies of the books. she meets jiraiya and even he is like ".....why don't you look me up again when you turn 18" and then kushina attempts to murder him
so she turns to OTHER franchises to look at. rpf. bad tv. itachi's library of completely stupid paperbacks. in fact, i realized this Solution because i was looking through old posts and one was talking about a book series about a kunoichi turned into a cat and then adopted by the missing-nin she was assigned to murder, which for some reason i named "kitty girl stabby ninja." it's PG-13 rather than E, so tori reads the first book of what is allegedly itachi's favorite series and then attempt to talk to him about it, and he's............ bad at it. like he's just bad. at conversation??
not to be deterred, tori is like "okay, fine, THIS is my fandom now and i'm going to start a book club" and itachi is just of like "okay?" and she goes to deidara first and then kakashi and then some random icha icha fan club people she barely knows because she doesn't have real friends. all of them are like "that sounds completely stupid" and she's like THAT'S THE POINT. then the whole idea gets completely out of her control because kushina finds out and wants to join as a team thing and tori is like NO, NO COMMANDING OFFICERS AT THE FUN SOCIAL EVENT-- but somehow they end up at kushina's house and so the goddamn hokage is also there. smiling. with snacks. the two normal people tori tried to pull from her failed forays into the icha icha fandom bail because would you willingly go talk to your hokage about a stupid as fuck romance novel for teenagers? while other famous ninja like kakashi and itachi* are there, judging???
*don't try to explain to them uchiha itachi is the source of the club or that kakashi likes icha icha for the romance and not the raunchy parts and barely needed convincing to read the catgirl romance book, it will confuse them
toward the end of the inaugural meeting deidara asks tori if people still hate her fics and minato is like "if you want writing tips, i can invite jiraiya to the next one :)" and tori is going to kill both of them. yes, even the hokage. maybe ESPECIALLY the hokage. she doesn't even really LIKE stupid kitty girl stabby ninja she just wants to do fun fandom stuff okay!!!!
jiraiya shows up at the next meeting anyway because he wants to "scope out the competition" and he makes a very dramatic speech analyzing why ninja romances appeal to civilians and how he's very cleverly using his spy skills to infiltrate civilian spaces and figure them out psychologically--
itachi, sounding genuinely confused: i thought all your plots and characterizations were just projections of your complicated relationship with Tsunade-hime and Orochimaru
Jiraiya: (SHOT DEAD)
jiraiya has to leave immediately to go rethink his entire life and maybe drink himself to death, but tori is touched itachi apparently listened to her at some point u_u
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uchiwife · 1 year
pairing : itachi uchiha x sakura haruno
[No Uchiha Massacre]
cw: hospital, arguing, mention of an injury, mention of poison. Some implied feelings(sort of) ANGST.
wc: 1,248
a/n : English is not my mother tongue, so please excuse me for any mistakes I might commit in it. ꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
Part2 , Part 3
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“Where do you think you're going?!”
Sakura's voice snapped, glaring at another of what she called "difficult patients." The man didn't seem fazed by the medic-nin's irritation, instead, he was finishing putting on his second sandal. He had been here far too long for his taste. Four days, sure, but it was already four days too long.
She clenched her jaw. Hell no! He'd just had surgery a few days ago, there's no way he's leaving now.
“What do you mean 'no'?”
“You can't leave, Itachi. I didn't give you permission to do so. You're coming out of a pretty heavy operation. You need to rest.”
Itachi narrowed his eyes, a wave of displeasure washing over him.
“I'm fine. And I have some business that can't wait.”
“If you mean missions, I've cancelled them.”
“You what?”
If he was displeased at first, now he was downright annoyed. He didn't understand the point of occupying a bed he no longer needed. He was feeling better, so as far as he's concerned, he could leave.
“You heard me.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Don't give me that look.”
Itachi closed his eyes, pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath.
“Sakura, you had no right to do that. It's not your decision to make. I appreciate your concern, but it is not necessary. It's up to me to say whether or not I can handle a mission.”
“Like hell I can't! I'm the one who had to fix the damage done to your body, so I assure you that I'm in a very good position to make that kind of decision. Besides, Shishou agrees with me.”
“You have already discussed this with Hokage-sama?”
She shrugged as Itachi took a step forward, heading for the door. Too bad for him, Sakura blocked his way.
“What do you think you're doing!?”
“I'll go talk to the Hokage. Now step aside.”
“She won't agree with you on this, Itachi. She trusts my judgment and if I tell her you need to be taken off the mission roster, you will be.”
“What right do you have—”
She cut him off ;
“In my capacity as a doctor. I outrank you in the chain of command when we are within these walls. Deal with it.”
Sakura probably had a secret death wish, how else could she explain addressing one of the most feared ninjas in the village like that? Fuck, feared even in several nations! But she couldn't let him leave the hospital. He had almost not made it. Of course, she had managed to save him, but, the amount of poison found in his chakra system was nothing to sneeze at. She could see that he was irritated. She knew him well by now and normally she wouldn't have been so insolent with him, but, as she had said, she was the boss in this hospital. En plus, his father would be sure to ostracize her if anything happened to his precious and talented older son.
“This is ridiculous.”
Stubborn as he is, Itachi wasn't going to let it happen. That's why he was determined to go and discuss it with the Hokage. He respected orders, Itachi submitted to Tsunade Senju's authority because it was his duty as a Loyal Shinobi of Konoha, but that wasn't going to stop him from using his persuasive skills on the woman. He had done it before, and he's still alive to talk about it, isn't he? He had dodged the cup of Sake she had once thrown at him, he could very well do the same with her stapler. His decision made, Itachi headed for the door once again.
“For God's sake, stop it! You are really annoying me.”
The words had come out of his mouth without him realizing it. He was exasperated and the days spent in that hospital bed plus the rest were getting on his nerves.
Sakura gasped, forgetting even what she was going to say, caught off guard by his outburst. A long silence ensued.
Those words again...
Always these words.
It stung.
It hurt. A lot.
She felt the familiar sting of tears at the corners of her eyes. An ironic smile tugged at her lips. Apparently, it ran in the family. She remembered all those times when she was younger, Sasuke had said those same words to her. It had always hurt her a little, but this was worse. Because Itachi was not unaware of how Sakura had been treated by his little brother. He even intervened once. Of course, as Sasuke had grown up, he had eventually apologized, in his own weird way, sure, but he had apologized. She had forgiven him. Because that's what she does : She forgives. She had her heart on her sleeve.
It doesn't mean that she forgets, but she cares about Sasuke and that time was already long gone. She knew why Sasuke had been so hard on her, he had explained the reasons, the pressure he felt to live up to his father's expectations, the pressure he put on himself to be as good as his brother. He had simply vented his frustration where he could. It wasn't fair, but she was the one who took the brunt of it. And she understood, really. But Itachi, what was his excuse? She’d talked to him about it. They had talked about it in private. She had told him about that part of her life, as silly as it might seem to others to feel hurt by mere words, but he had understood. He had even apologized for his brother's attitude and assured her that she was far from annoying or weak.
She thought he, more than anyone else, understood the weight of those particular words. Apparently, they were just empty words. She should have known better. Never trust what a man says when he's lost in pleasure and between your legs. Serves her right.
Foolish little girl.
The silence stretched, but Sakura refused to show even a hint of weakness. She would not cry. She took a breath and grabbed the clipboard on the small table and scribbled down some instructions and a prescription and then signed the discharge form, which stated that he was being discharged against medical advice. She then handed him the paper with a blank look.
“As you wish then, Uchiha-san.”
Itachi's eyes widened slightly, surprised to hear his last name, by the change in her demeanor. And he knew. He just knew. He had fucked up.
"Sakur-" he tried to reach out to her, but she shied away, cutting him off with that cold, professional tone. So impersonal compared to earlier.
“Please, leave. I still have patients to attend to. I wish you a speedy recovery.”
He sighed. He knew better than to insist. This was not the right time. He took his discharge and walked to the door. He paused, his hand on the doorknob.
“I'll see you later.” He said softly and it almost sounded like a question.
The only thing Itachi could see was her back. There was no indication that she had heard him, and if she had, she didn't acknowledge him.
When the door finally shut and she no longer felt the ANBU captain's chakra nearby, she let a choked sob echo through the empty room.
Maybe it was true what they say: words hurt more than blows. And the Uchihas really knew how to hurt her.
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sentinelpri · 15 days
Not Anymore (NSFW)
Kakashi Hatake lies awake in his bed, cold and lonely as he stares up at the eggshell-hued ceiling of his bedroom. The grey sheets beneath his back are slightly damp with sweat from the nightmare his body just ripped him out of.
He glances to the window, which is shut and locked. He holds his hands in front of his face. For a moment, he swears he sees blood on them like he did all those years ago. He blinks and looks at them again to see that they’re clean, the pale skin merely clammy. There’s no blood to be seen.
Still, he sits up and runs his hands through his hair to try and clear his head from the nightmare. Rin was there, again… He’d just killed her. For some reason, Zabuza and Haku were there too, the words they said to him in the dream now unintelligible. The silhouette of Sakumo took over the clouds in the sky, and his little Genin were there too, screaming at him for all the times he failed them.
As fast as they came to haunt him in the first place, the warped memories of his horrific nightmare fade into something more dull. 
It’s not real. None of it is real… At least not anymore. Any of what was there, is now in the past. Everything is okay now.
Kakashi lets out a sigh of relief and checks the clock.
He only has four hours left until he has to go to work his terrible job as Hokage. Should he try to go back to sleep, or should he give up on sleeping and get up to do his morning training…? 
The room is dark. It’s raining outside. The clouds block the bits of moonlight that would normally pour through the window of the Hatake compound. It’s so dark that Kakashi can’t help but be reminded of the stormy night that he found his father’s body, cold and dead on the floor with his sword jammed through the chest that he’d once been held against on stormy nights such as this one. Now, there’s no one here to hold him when the thunder booms so loud it makes him flinch, and the wooden floor is still stained with blood underneath the carpet Kakashi put on top of it long ago to hide the evidence of what happened here. 
Kakashi rubs his eyes to clear them of sleep. There’s no way he’ll be able to get any peaceful rest after that…
Suddenly, something- someone- is in his peripheral. Kakashi checks to make sure his mask is still covering his face when he realizes that it’s just Obito, who must’ve used his Kamui to teleport in. 
“It’s way past midnight. What are you doing here this late?” Kakashi demands. Obito shifts, uncomfortable, so he follows his question up with a quirked brow and a joke. “Here to finally kill me?”
Obito laughs, something gravely and sardonic. Heat rises in Kakashi’s chest at the sound. 
“You wish.”
Obito is in a t-shirt and pajama pants, but he’s wearing his mask… That stupid white orange mask that he wore just before the war. He wears it almost every day, even after Team Seven saved his life and brought him back to the village- even after Kakashi practically begged the elders and Lady Tsunade to give Obito another chance like they did with Sasuke, Orochimaru, and Kabuto. Kakashi wishes he could rip the swirl-patterned mask off of Obito’s face and break it over his kneecap. Still, he tries to ignore the immediate rage at seeing the mask, as whatever Obito’s here for must be important. 
“...Don’t tell me,” Kakashi sits up in bed and stares Obito up and down. He swears, at times, that the two of them are in sync. Though Obito’s face is covered by his mask, Kakashi can guess by his sudden arrival and his body language why he might be here. “Nightmares?”
“Yeah,” Obito nods.
Kakashi isn’t sure what to do. On one hand, he could drag Obito out to go train, but going to fight probably isn’t what will help either of them right now… So, he lies back in bed and lifts his covers to invite Obito underneath them.
“Come here,” He lowly says, to which Obito freezes. It takes an awkwardly long time for him to finally move, but Obito does end up crawling underneath Kakashi’s covers and lying down, albeit facing away from Kakashi. The silver-haired man can still see the band of his friend’s mask around the back of his head, and at the sight of it, he frowns. He knows damn well Obito doesn’t sleep in it at home. “Can you at least take your mask off if you’re going to be in my bed like this?”
“You’re the one who invited me into your bed, asshole.”
“Fine, just-” Obito grumbles and rips the mask off of his face, throwing it to the carpeted floor of Kakashi’s bedroom. “Don’t look at me… Please.”
“Okay,” Kakashi shrugs, somewhat disappointed. He’s been in love with Obito for so long, but he’s hardly gotten to see his face since the war.  “Would you… Like to be held? Maybe?”
“Kakashi, you know that’s… Not something friends really do,” Obito retorts.
Kakashi pauses. He supposes that, no, cuddling is not something that most friends do. He doesn’t see Obito as a friend, though. He never has. And while he doesn’t think Obito will ever love him that way, he wants to love Obito more than anyone else will ever be able to. 
“We’re not the average set of friends, are we?”
“I guess not.”
Much to Kakashi’s surprise, Obito rolls around to face him. Before Kakashi can get a look at his face, however, Obito is hiding it by snuggling into Kakashi’s thin frame.
“Anytime you need to, come back here to me. I don’t care how late it is if it’s you,” Kakashi starts, turning to fully face Obito and pulling him close before resting a hand on his back and gently rubbing it through his t-shirt. “I’ll let you cry on my shoulder… I’ll listen to anything you want to tell me… Rub your back, play with your hair. Whatever you want to make you feel better, Obito, I’ll do it.”
“Shut up, Kakashi,” Obito scolds, burying his face in Kakashi’s chest. “You’re embarrassing me.”
Kakashi doesn’t respond. Instead, he does as he’s told and stops talking. He rubs Obito’s back with one hand and plays with his hair using the other. The dark, curly locks feel soft against his battle-calloused fingertips. Within minutes, Obito’s tense body relaxes into a deep slumber. Calmed by Obito’s presence and knowing that he has nothing better to do until his alarm goes off, Kakashi falls asleep as well, a smile on his face underneath his cloth mask.
The next morning, Kakashi wakes up alone, but warm, to his alarm clock going off. He groggily reaches over to turn it off and sits up in bed. The covers fall to his lap as memories of Obito rush through his mind.
Obito is nowhere to be seen. Since the war, the man has been elusive as ever; closed off, emotionally stunted, and sometimes even mean. Though Kakashi tries to be as affectionate as possible, he himself has the emotional maturity of a teenager and struggles to openly communicate. Hell, Obito doesn’t even know about his feelings. Part of him thought that they would magically get along now that they’re older, but they argue just as much as they used to. 
Their personalities clash, just in a different way than they did back then. 
They argue… But the tension is also different than it was back then. Their issues are deep-rooted, much more serious, and impossible to resolve when neither of them are willing to be vulnerable with each other.
It’s hard to believe that they fell asleep in each other’s arms just hours ago. Kakashi almost assumes it was a dream, but then, he smells the scent of coffee wafting into his bedroom from the kitchen and sees that his bathroom door is haphazardly left half open when he knows he had it closed before he went to bed. 
He gets up, gets dressed for the day, and heads into the kitchen to see half a pot of coffee already made- and still hot. He pours himself a cup and heads to the living room to see Obito, still in his pajamas, but with that fucking mask on his face again.
He sips at his coffee and stares the other man up and down. Obito is leaning against the wall and staring out the window, watching the sun rise. Kakashi wishes he could see his face. 
“Can you take that off?” Kakashi asks, annoyed to see the stupid orange thing this early in the morning. 
“No. I already took it off last night when we slept. Isn’t that enough for you?” Obito huffs. “Why don’t you like it, anyway?”
Kakashi sends the sharpest glare he can manage in Obito’s direction. Maybe if he’s lucky, he’ll break the mask. 
“Are you serious?” He asks with a deep frown as he sets his coffee cup down on the end table next to the living room couch. “You really don’t know?”
“No, I don’t,” Obito snaps. “So enlighten me, Kakashi.”
“I… Like your face,” Kakashi confesses. Seeing Obito’s face- tan, scarred skin, his one beautiful dark eye, the big brilliant grin he’d wear… He misses it. More importantly, when he sees it, all he can think of is Obito’s evil alter ago, ‘Tobi’. He points to the orange mask with black swirls and shakes his head. “And that thing…”
“You mean my mask,” Obito corrects. 
“It’s a symbol, Obito.”
“A symbol of what?”
“Are you really going to make me say all of this out loud?”
“It’s a symbol of war and death,” Kakashi scowls. He walks towards Obito and places a hand on the man’s shoulder. “I can’t see you in that thing and pretend that everything is normal. You realize you wore a nearly identical mask for the years you terrorized this village, don’t you? When you killed Minato and Kushina and left Naruto an orphan? When you orchestrated the murder of seven Jinchuriki and Pain’s attack on this village? When you planned out the war that caused the deaths of thousands of people?”
“After all the work I had to do to get the elders to even consider leaving you alive, let alone letting you exist this freely… You wearing that mask feels like a slap in the face. And they’re too kind to tell you, but you know it affects the kids, don’t you? You’d be an idiot not to.”
“I didn’t think-”
“Sakura still has nightmares about all the injuries she had to treat because of the war you started- Hinata and Naruto still see Neji dying when they look at that thing- and the villagers stare at you with such intense hatred when you wear it out, which is most of the time-”
Obito cuts Kakashi off, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and yanking him closer. Even with the mask covering Obito's face, Kakashi can feel the fiery glare and tight frown that are being shot at him from underneath it. 
“How else do you expect me to cover up what you did to me?”
“What I did to you? Obito, don’t even go there… That’s the sort of thing that happens when idiotic leaders go and throw their emotionally damaged child soldiers on the front lines of a war,” Kakashi gradually raises his voice until he’s yelling, hot fiery rage burning in his chest like fire. “We were children!”
“Like you’re trying to do anything about it? Last I checked, Kakashi, we still have twelve year olds becoming Genin and going on D-rank and C-rank missions! You’re as bad as Lord Third was,” Obito matches Kakashi’s yelling and tightens his grip on Kakashi’s collar. 
Kakashi doesn’t make any effort to free himself from Obito’s grasp. Obito won’t hurt him, after all- not anymore. He does, however, reach forward to jab a finger into Obito’s chest. His voice drops to a furious whisper.
“We both know-”
Suddenly, Obito lets go of Kakashi and turns his back to the man. Kakashi stumbles at the force of it. 
“It wasn’t your fault and you’re trying to fix the system, but the elders are making it difficult for you,” Obito says the words like he’s rehearsed them, because every time they have an argument about anything, it turns into this- reminders of what Kakashi did back then, reminders of the war, and reminders of how neither of them can go back in time and fix how badly they’ve wronged each other… Reminders of how they’re still friends despite everything. They’ve gone through this cycle a million times about a million different things since Obito’s rehabilitation. “I know, we’ve had this discussion countless times now since I came back… I’m sorry.”
“...I’m sorry, too.”
“I can’t think of anything else,” Obito retreats to sit down on Kakashi’s couch, finally dragging the mask off of his face and dropping it onto the floor. He drags a large hand over his rippled cheek and shakes his head. On top of his left eye is a black eye-patch to cover the Rinnegan he stole from Nagato’s corpse all those years ago. “These hideous scars cover over half of my face, and they’re just… A representation of everything that’s happened...”
“No one wants to see these, Kakashi. Don’t even try and lie to me,” Obito covers his eye with his hand to avoid Kakashi’s prying gaze. “They’re fucking ugly.”
Kakashi walks towards the couch, kneels on the floor in front of where Obito is sitting, and looks up at him. A baffled expression takes over the other man’s face.
“I don’t think they’re ugly, I think they’re-” Kakashi cuts himself off. The next word he wants to say is ‘beautiful’, but A) Obito would laugh in his face, B) calling Obito’s scars beautiful would be invalidating his feelings about them, and C) that would easily give away his feelings, because while Obito is certainly an idiot, he isn’t that dumb. “I think you’re…”
“Nothing,” Kakashi looks away. His cheeks burn red with a blush that spreads up to his ears. “Never mind.”
“What is it? Wait, are you blushing?” A look of realization crosses over Obito’s face. Right then, Kakashi realizes that he’s on the verge of letting his friend know his greatest secret. “Kakashi-”
“I have to go to work,” Kakashi suddenly says and stands, heading towards the front door. “I’d hate to be late.”
As he places his hand on the knob, Obito objects-
“Since when do you care about being late these days?”
Kakashi being Kakashi, he doesn’t answer.
“Be sure to lock the door on your way out when you go back home, Obito.”
And, with that, Kakashi leaves, knowing damn well that the ever growing stack of paperwork on his desk is only going to end up neglected in favor of his thoughts about the man left behind in his lonely apartment. 
For the rest of the day, Kakashi thinks about Obito.
He thinks about their childhood.
He thinks about Obito’s ‘death’.
He thinks about all the times he went to the memorial stone and prayed for his old friend.
He thinks about the war.
He thinks about bringing Obito home, about demanding that he be given a chance to rehabilitate regardless of everything he’d done.
He thinks about why he hasn’t confessed his love yet.
At first, it was because they were freshly out of war- because Kakashi was busy taking on the role of Hokage, fixing the village, and maintaining the new and fragile alliance with the other major ninja villages. 
Then, it was because Obito was still healing.
Now, though, it’s been years. Now… Well, now it’s just because he’s afraid of Obito rejecting him. In his mind, best case scenario, Obito laughs him out of whatever room they’re in and humiliates him by telling everyone they know about what happened. Worst case scenario, Obito gets angry and is so offended that he chooses to never talk to Kakashi again, and the years they’ve spent salvaging their old friendship will go to waste.
The sun sets outside. Kakashi recalls watching the sunrise with Obito this morning and smiles, even though they argued during… To watch the sun rise every morning and set every evening with Obito by his side has always been his dream, and even if it was only for a short time, he got to live that this morning.
The silver-haired man clicks the trigger of his pen over and over again as the last of the sunlight dies. Right then, the door to his office opens.
No knock.
Must be Naruto or Obito.
Kakashi doesn’t bother turning around, so he continues to face the window with his back to the door as he hears it close. If it’s Obito, he doesn’t even want to face him after the words they exchanged this morning… Maybe if Kakashi avoids the damn fool for long enough, he’ll forget about the fact that Kakashi was about to call him beautiful- forget about the fact that they slept together in the same bed- forget that Kakashi kneeled at his feet and stared up at him with a blushing face and love-filled eyes.
“Looks like the day’s wrapping up,” Obito says, his tone unusually hard to read. Fuck, it is him. At that realization, Kakashi turns around. Obito is leaning with his back against the door, probably to keep anyone else from coming in. His arms are crossed over his chest and he has the most smug, shit-eating grin Kakashi has ever seen painted over his pretty, unmasked face. “It’s getting late for you to still be here. Aren’t you usually home by now?”
“Yeah,” Kakashi agrees. He would’ve left by now on any other day, as it’s almost six in the evening, but he was so afraid of going home to find Obito there that he opted to stay locked in his office. He hoped that Obito would get tired of waiting up for him, or that Obito would forget about it all. Then again, that’s not exactly realistic… To expect the man with enough persistence to execute an evil plan and a war over the span of a decade… To expect Obito to lack persistence in regards to something so trivial compared to everything else they’ve been through together. “Guess I’ll get going, then.”
Kakashi stands from his desk and gathers his things, all while avoiding Obito’s prying charcoal eye. 
“Kakashi,” Obito starts.
Kakashi, terrified to even have this conversation, walks to the door that Obito is leaning against. He ignores Obito for a moment, even as they’re chest to chest, but when Obito makes it clear that he isn’t moving until he gets what he wants, Kakashi glares down at him. 
“What?” Kakashi says with a roll of his eyes as he reaches for the doorknob. Obito reaches behind himself and grabs Kakashi’s hand to keep him from leaving. “What do you think you’re doing, Obito?”
“Do you think I’m stupid or something?”
Kakashi blinks.
“You’re avoiding me,” Obito states the facts rather than asking, which makes Kakashi’s face burn bright red.
He really is bad at hiding his feelings, even with his cloth mask covering half of his face… Still, he tries to play stupid. Maybe if he makes Obito angry enough, he’ll be able to escape this terrible situation. 
“And why would I avoid you?”
For a moment, it’s silent. Kakashi stares down at Obito, whose smug aura makes Kakashi’s heart beat faster against his chest. 
Then, before Kakashi can so much as blink, Obito is spinning them around and pinning Kakashi to the door. Kakashi gasps at the feeling of Obito’s fingers wrapping around his wrists to push his arms back against the wall. And really, Kakashi could try to stop this if he wanted to, or at least make enough of a fuss that one of the few employees left at the Hokage Tower would come to see what’s going on. However, he finds that he can’t complain when Obito’s knee is between his legs, just lightly brushing against his crotch. 
He doesn’t want to make a scene, anyway.
Or, that’s what he tells himself.
“Seriously, this is getting embarrassing,” Obito whispers with a smirk. His one charcoal eye is clouded with lust. “I may have been an idiot when we were kids, but I’m not anymore.”
“I…” Kakashi trails off, unsure of how to respond. 
“You what?” Obito drops one of Kakashi’s wrists in favor of roughly grabbing the man’s chin. He makes Kakashi look him in the eye, to which Kakashi bites his lip. If this isn’t like something out of Icha Icha… “C’mon, Kakashi.”
“I have no idea what you’re going on about,” Kakashi says, using his one free hand to yank at his collar. The temperature in the room feels as if it’s just gone up ten degrees. Sweat gathers underneath his forehead protector and around the tightest parts of his uniform as he fumbles over his words. “I’m… Just tired. Not that you would know, but being Hokage is quite draining.”
“You’re trying to piss me off so I’ll drop this, but it’s like I said, Kakashi, I’m not stupid. Not anymore. Last night… And this morning… Well, you made your feelings obvious.”
“You really want to do this?” Kakashi snaps in a low whisper, just in case there’s anyone outside the door or in the hallway who could be listening. “Right now, in my office when there’s probably still employees outside who can hear us?”
“I knew you wouldn’t want to make a scene here, so it only made sense for me to do it like this. If I tried to corner you in private, you’d run.”
“Looks like you’re still an idiot after all,” As much as Kakashi would love to just drag Obito in and take him on the floor of his office, he knows better. With the open window lacking curtains and the other villagers still walking the halls of the tower, there’s a good chance they would get caught. The potential embarrassment aside, he needs a little bit of time to mentally prepare himself if they’re really going to do this. Kakashi gathers the strength to push Obito off of him so he can turn around and open the door. “Meet me at my place later if you really want to talk, but Obito…”
“What is it?”
“You need to consider whether or not this line is one you truly want to cross,” Kakashi glances back at Obito over his shoulder. Now, Obito’s tan cheeks are dusted light pink. “Because if you cross it, you’ll never be able to go back.”
“...Fine. I’ll be there.”
That night, Kakashi steps out of his bathroom and lets out a sigh of relief when he’s shrouded in the chilly air of his bedroom. Steam follows from his scalding hot shower as he brushes through his hair and gets dressed. 
He glances at the clock to see that it’s already half past nine. He has to be up at five in the morning to make it to work.
Is Obito still coming?
Kakashi shakes his head. That’s a silly thought to have. Though Obito is often late, he never forgets a commitment, even after the terrible arguments they always have. He’s not one to back down either. 
Almost as if on cue, a portal appears right next to Kakashi’s bedroom window. When Obito first returned after the war, Kakashi would’ve been up in arms at the sight of Obito using Kamui to enter his apartment. These days, it’s a regular occurrence. 
“I’d really you rather knock on my door like a civilized member of society instead of Kamui-ing into my apartment any time you feel like bothering me,” Kakashi calmly scolds Obito, even if he knew damn well this is how tonight would start.
Obito’s never been one for normalcy, anyway. 
“Now is that any way to greet an old friend?” 
Obito steps out of the void of his Kamui and onto Kakashi’s carpeted bedroom floor, where he casually kicks his shoes off. 
Kakashi, bless him, crosses his arms and nervously paces around the room. Rather than his Hokage’s cloak or even his standard Jonin uniform, he’s in his pajamas; a tank-top with a mask attached and long, baggy pants. He and Obito have seen each other that way so many times over the years, but now- tonight- it makes him feel vulnerable, especially when Obito is still fully dressed.
Well… At least he’s not wearing that stupid fucking mask anymore.
“Are we… Not still friends?”
Obito being Obito, he doesn’t answer.
“You showered for me? How considerate,” Obito sneers as he cracks his neck and sits down on the edge of the bed.
Kakashi looks Obito in the eye. His Sharingan is still activated, but there’s something different about it… He’s expecting something, the fool. Even after all these years, Obito has no idea what he’s getting into, doing this with someone like Kakashi.
“I didn’t do anything for you,” Kakashi argues despite the fact that Obito’s words have some truth to them. 
With how busy he is, Kakashi hardly gets the chance to shower these days, only doing it a couple times a week- as disgusting as that is. Tonight, though, he took the time to do so on the off chance that this confrontation led to some confessional sex… Just like in the ‘Icha Icha’ books. 
“So, are we gonna talk?”
“If you already know how I feel,” Kakashi gulps, then turns away from where Obito is sitting on the bed. He stands near the window and pretends to look out at the bustling village streets. “What is there to talk about?”
“Don’t you want to know whether I love you back or not?”
At that, Kakashi snorts.
“You were Rin’s certified bootlicker for the better part of a decade. You started an entire war because she died. I’d be lying if I said I thought I had a semblance of a chance with you,” Kakashi explains. “If I’m being honest, I assumed you only wanted to rub it in my face when you came to confront me earlier, but now...”
“You,” Obito speaks, right in Kakashi’s ear. Kakashi whips around to see that Obito is standing right behind him. Did he teleport, or did he somehow get up and walk to Kakashi without him noticing? “Are still an idiot.”
Kakashi blinks.
“I’m sorry?”
“I love you,” Obito boldly states as he rests one gloved hand on Kakashi’s hip. The other goes to grab the top of Kakashi’s mask. Briefly, Kakashi thinks about slapping Obito’s hand away, but he’s too excited for what’s about to happen that he doesn’t. Instead, he allows Obito to drag his mask down his face. The garment hangs loosely around Kakashi’s neck as the other man drinks him in with his one ruby red eye. “I didn’t love you back then, sure, but I do now. You’re my best friend. You fought for me and believed in me when no one else did. If it weren’t for you, I would’ve been executed.”
“So… This is out of some sort of obligation?” Kakashi frowns as his heart drops to the bottom of his stomach. “Because I’ve been a good friend to you?”
“No, dumbass,” Obito scolds and shakes his head. “That’s only part of it. I love you for you- whether you’re my friend or not, because let me tell you… Since I’ve been back, there’s been plenty of times where you’ve made it pretty clear that you hate me- at least at some points.”
“I’ve never hated you,” Kakashi whispers. “Never. Not even when I first found out about what you had done. I’ve… Only ever been worried, or frustrated. I just want everyone in the village to love you like I do.”
“But I don’t care about that,” Obito furrows his brow, confused by Kakashi’s words. “I don’t give a shit what the village thinks about me, Kakashi. No matter what I do now, they’re bound to hate me until I die, and I don’t care. I deserve it. You, the kids, our friends… You’re the only ones that matter. I don’t care about everyone else.”
“It’s a shame that they don’t see what I see in you.”
“You’re the only one who should ever get to see me like this.”
Obito uses his spare hand to reach up and caress Kakashi’s bare cheek. Kakashi leans into the touch, allowing his eyes to flutter shut. Obito really is the only person he’d let his guard down around like this… At the same time, this is the first time Obito has seen his face since they were children. 
What if he doesn’t like it?
“My face… Is it okay for you?”
“Okay? You know, there’s a reason Ayame damn near loses her mind any time we go to eat at Ichiraku,” Obito says, pressing a kiss against Kakashi’s neck. Kakashi damn near jumps out of his skin at the sensation, but gathers his composure enough to reach behind him and pull his curtains shut before clutching Obito’s shoulders. “And there’s a reason all the girls in the village glare at me when we’re together.”
“It’s not because they hate me, Kakashi,” Obito rolls his eyes and laughs. “It’s because they want you, and somehow, they figured it out before I did that you’re mine.”
And Kakashi nearly melts. His knees shake, suddenly feeling like jelly as they struggle to keep his body upright. His heart slams against his chest as he continues to grip at Obito’s shoulders. He doesn’t argue with Obito because he knows as well as the other man does that it’s true; he’s Obito’s, and even considering how far apart they were for so long, he always has been. 
“Your face is so red underneath the mask,” Obiti points out, stroking one of Kakashi’s high cheekbones with his thumbs. “Is it usually like that, or are you just blushing because of me?”
“I see you’re as arrogant as always.”
“You know,” Obito whispers into Kakashi’s ear and practically drags him to the bed. “It took everything in me not to just fuck you in your office earlier.”
Fuck. Kakashi gasps and falls back onto his mattress, the sheets ice cold against his hot body. Obito crawls on top of him- so close- and it would be so easy to shut his mouth and submit, but Kakashi knows that Obito’s always liked a fight in regards to most things in life. 
“Bold of you to assume I wanted it,” He argues, a lump forming in his throat as he lifts himself up on his elbows. “So presumptuous, Obito.”
“I’m not assuming,” Obito laughs, and then, his face darkens. He looms over Kakashi in the well lit bedroom with his arms on either side of Kakashi’s shoulders, his knees between Kakashi’s legs, and his nose brushing up against Kakashi’s nose. Obito smells like smoke and coffee and lust, and Kakashi can’t get enough of it as Obito sits up on his knees and unzips his flack vest. “I know you want me.”
At that, Kakashi falls silent. Instead of arguing again, he averts his gaze from Obito’s prying eyes and lifts his tank-top up over his head. Obito follows and sheds his undershirt, leaving both of them half-naked. Kakashi can’t help but stare. His charcoal eyes linger for an embarrassing amount of time on Obito’s midsection. 
Obito’s shoulders are broad. He’s in much better shape than Kakashi, who has certainly become softer since becoming Hokage. Meanwhile, Obito trains constantly both because the elders wouldn’t allow him to be enlisted in the regular forces or obtain a normal job- and so he can protect the village if a threat ever arrives again. 
“Mah, I can’t believe our first time together is going to be while I’m so out of shape,” Kakashi complains. He still trains most mornings, sure, but he’s lost the muscle he used to have in his arms, and his once defined six pack is now merely a smooth map of pale skin. “How unfair.”
“Who gives a shit?” Obito says, rolling his eye. “Your priorities have always been so out of whack. You know, I’m just happy we’re here… Like this, together, tonight. You think I care about whether or not you look like you did when we were in our twenties?”
“Well, you still look good, so…”
“Stupid Kakashi,” Obito leans down and, finally, kisses Kakashi on the lips. It’s so brief that Kakashi doesn’t even have the time to kiss him back. “You’ll always look good to me.”
“Well, now I’m embarrassed,” Kakashi sighs. He tilts his head back against the pillow on the bed as Obito mouths at his neck. Then, he threads his fingers through Obito’s hair and gently tugs at the curly raven locks. “But if you really think I look that good… Why don’t you…?”
“Why don’t I what?” Obito teases and, without even asking, drags Kakashi’s pants and boxers down his hips in one swift motion. Kakashi sharply inhales at the sensation of cold air on his half-hard cock. “I never thought you’d be this shy. C’mon, tell me what you want.”
“I want…” Kakashi starts, but he’s so embarrassed that the words he wants to say die on his tongue. “I want you.”
“Want me to top you?”
“I’ve never-”
“What, never bottomed before?” Obito asks with a quirked brow. “I don’t mind.”
“No,” Kakashi answers, lying flat and covering his face with his hands. He’s never been one to be so bashful, but with Obito on top of him, staring at him like this, asking him such things when he hasn’t had sex for the better part of a decade… It’s so intimate… Vulnerable in a way that Kakashi isn’t accustomed to. “It’s just that I haven’t even been with another man before.”
Obito blinks.
“Huh… Wouldn’t have guessed. Are you a virgin, then?”
“No, no. I’ve slept with women, but it’s been a really long time since then.”
“How long?”
“Oh, God…” Kakashi pauses. He recalls the foggy memories of the last time he had sex; he was towards the end of his Anbu career, in one of the disgusting bathroom stalls at the bar on the outskirts of town. He had one of his female subordinates face-first against the wall with her skirt hiked up- and it wasn’t great, but it wasn’t terrible. He remembers doing it- all the sex, the drugs, the drinking- to drown out the pain of being young and losing everyone he’s ever loved. Though sex with Obito is exciting in theory, sex has never been anything but stress relief for Kakashi. “Uh… Right before I got discharged from Anbu. Maybe twelve years ago? Eleven?”
“Jesus,” Obito, much to Kakashi’s surprise, looks shocked. “You might as well be a virgin if it’s been that long. You seriously haven’t been laid in over a decade?”
Obito ignores Kakashi for just long enough to reach into the man’s nightstand drawer for his bottle of lube. 
“Hey, how did you know that would be there?” Kakashi demands as Obito finishes undressing himself and pops the cap open. 
It takes everything in Kakashi not to shamelessly stare at Obito’s nude body- at least not for so long that Obito would make fun of him for it. Still, he catches Obito’s broad chest, narrow waist, and defined abs, followed by the dark trail of hair that leads down to his hard cock. 
“You haven’t been laid in a decade,” Obito answers with a quizzical stare. “Knowing you, if it wasn’t in the nightstand drawer, it was going to be under your pillow or in a box under the bed.”
Kakashi shrugs.
“Fair. So, I’m assuming you’ve…?”
“Recently? No, but I’ve topped with other guys before if that’s what you mean.”
Kakashi frowns. He knows that they spent a lot of time apart, and that they’re not necessarily in a relationship, but the idea of Obito sleeping with someone else- God forbid, someone else in the village that Kakashi knows- makes him die inside.
“Since you’ve been back?” 
“What does it matter to you?” Obito replies, then smirks as he pours the lube into one hand and rubs it on his fingers to warm it. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous.”
“So what if I am?”
“Then you shouldn’t be, because I always imagined they were you.”
Before Kakashi can ask anything else or accuse Obito of lying to make him feel better, Obito’s dry hand is grabbing one of his thighs and spreading it apart. Kakashi jumps at the sudden touch 
“Don’t stare at me like that,” Kakashi orders, his bottom lip trembling from the sensation as he reaches down to grasp at the bedsheets. His hips shift up to meet Obito’s hands. “It’s embarrassing.”
“Fine. I’ll kiss you instead, if you don’t want me to look… Just know that you look so fucking pretty like this.”
Admittedly, Kakashi letting Obito stare for even a few seconds is a feat. He wouldn’t let anyone else see him like this- vulnerable, submissive, bare, and ready to be taken. But Obito isn’t like anyone else, because Kakashi actually trusts him. That realization is a terrifying (yet beautiful) one that nearly has Kakashi’s heart leaping out of his chest at the same time Obito is kissing him. 
Without warning, there’s a long, thin, slick finger being pressed against the rim of Kakashi’s ass. He jumps, but doesn’t object when Obito pushes it in. He’s surprised at how easily it gets past his entrance, and even more surprised when a second immediately follows. The feeling isn’t painful, but it isn’t especially pleasurable at first either- at least until Obito’s other hand wraps around the base of his cock. Kakashi can’t bring himself to have any restraint- the second Obito’s hand makes contact, he’s thrusting up into it with a small moan. Obito doesn’t tease like Kakashi expects him to, either. He pumps Kakashi’s dick in one hand and uses the other to finger him, experimentally moving his long digits to see how Kakashi reacts. The stimulation in two different areas is enough to make Kakashi’s head spin.
Dignity be damned, Kakashi spreads his legs further. He felt rather neutral about the fingering at first, though as Obito adds a third and screws them in deeper, Kakashi sees stars behind his eyes. 
Precum drips from his tip and onto Obito’s palm as Kakashi’s orgasm starts to build, and fuck, it’s been too long since he’s done something like this. Hell, he can’t recall the last night he’s had the time or the motivation to masturbate. 
“A-Ah, Obito, stop,” Kakashi gasps as he finally breaks the kiss. “I’ll finish if you keep touching me like that.”
Obito listens to Kakashi’s words and keeps a hold on the base of his cock rather than continuing to stroke it. At the same time, the fingers that were being used to fuck Kakashi’s ass become still. 
“Isn’t that the point?” Obito quirks a brow in. The most adorable pout takes over his face. If Kakashi weren’t using every ounce of willpower he has to keep from cumming on Obito’s fingers, he would stop to make fun of Obito’s expression. “I wanna make you cum, ‘Kashi.”
“I don’t think I can handle cumming from this and then letting you fuck me. I’m not gonna lie, I’ve been so busy that I haven’t even been able to take care of myself lately, so I’m… On edge, to say the least.”
“Hm, okay. So what you’re saying is that you want me to hurry up and rail you?”
Kakashi feels his face scrunch before he can stop it.
“As hot as you are, I’m not validating that with an answer, let alone begging, so get on with it.”
“That’s fine. I’ll make you beg next time, yeah?”
Kakashi doesn’t respond, instead rolling his eyes as Obito slides his fingers out of him. Obito grabs the previously abandoned bottle of lube and spreads what’s left of it over his own cock and around the rim of Kakashi’s entrance.
“That’s over half the bottle,” Kakashi half-heartedly complains. “Do you know how expensive lube is?”
Obito shrugs.
“If you’re not using a good chunk of the bottle, you’re not doing it right.”
“Fair, but I don’t think anyone in the village wants to see their beloved Hokage frequenting the local sex shop for lube.”
“What, you haven’t bought any since becoming Hokage?”
“I don’t think I’ve even gotten the chance to get myself off since becoming Hokage,” Kakashi retorts, expression blank, to which Obito blinks back at him.
“Wow… Even more reason for me to give you the night of your life, I guess. You ready?”
Kakashi nods.
“Y-Yeah, I think so.”
With that, Obito presses the head of his dick against Kakashi’s entrance and thrusts forward in one fluid motion. Kakashi lets out a noise- choking, a gasp, a moan, a cry- he isn’t sure, because his ears are ringing so badly from having such a thick cock inside of him like this that he can barely hear. The feeling of being so full paired with how Obito’s rock hard abs grind into his sensitive cock has him making another noise- and this time, he’s certain that it’s an obnoxiously loud cry of Obito’s name. 
“You okay?” Obito questions, putting his weight on his forearms and resting his forehead against Kakashi’s. Though Kakashi’s eyes are screwed shut to keep Obito from seeing how humiliatingly far they’re rolling back from the pleasure of this, he can feel Obito’s Sharingan staring a hole into him. “I can pull out if-”
Obito starts to move his hips back, to which Kakashi wraps his legs around the other man’s waist to lock him in and whispers-
“Don’t you dare.”
“Yeah?” Obito hums and pushes Kakashi’s messy, silver hair away from his eyes. Then, when Kakashi finally meets his gaze, he sees the mischievous gleam in Obito’s Sharingan. “You want me?”
A million responses go through Kakashi’s head, none of them all too articulate. They vary from ‘yes, please fuck me’, to ‘shut up’, to ‘fuck you’. Finally, he manages to force out an underwhelming reply.
“Hold onto me, then.”
And Kakashi does. He tosses his arms around Obito’s neck, laces his own two hands together, and holds on for dear life as Obito thrusts into him. His head tilts back so far and so fast that he swears he pulls a muscle in his neck as he gasps for air. 
Being stuffed like this- it burns, but it feels so fucking good. He can’t settle on whether to pant like a dog in heat or to hold his breath at the electricity that courses through his veins when Obito sets a steady rhythm of slow, deep thrusts, totally ignoring (or perhaps revelling in) the way Kakashi is clawing at his scarred back.
For now, he’s able to forget about everything; the arguments they’ve been having, their past, Rin, his parents, their Sensei, his stupid fucking job as Hokage that he didn’t want in the first place, the ridiculous expectations that those around him hold for his life. Now, in this moment, the only things that stay on his mind are himself and Obito; the noise that echoes through the room when Obito’s skin slaps against his, the overwhelming pressure and euphoria that tears through him when Obito pounds into him, the goosebumps that raise on his skin when Obito kisses his lips and sucks hickeys into his neck.
Kakashi wants to cry. He’s been waiting for over twenty years, just for this moment, and it’s so good that he wants to relish it in a way he knows his body isn’t going to allow. Kakashi can tell that he’s going to finish only a few minutes in. 
Obito, almost as if he can read Kakashi’s mind, balances his weight on one forearm so he can use his free hand to grasp Kakashi’s cock and pump it again- this time in rhythm with his thrusts. 
“Fuck,” Kakashi curses and opens his eyes just enough to meet Obito’s Sharingan. “I’m so pent up, I think I’m going to-”
“Thank God,” Obito sighs into Kakashi’s neck before the man can even finish his sentence. “You’re so fucking hot, I don’t think I’m going to last long either.”
Kakashi moans- whether in relief or excitement he isn’t sure- but he does, and he keeps doing it, because even though he’s going to hate himself for it later, Obito whispers in his ear for him to keep going. The latter’s thrusts become sloppy and increasingly rough as he gets close, and with one that goes in so deep that it almost hurts when the head of his cock slams into Kakashi’s prostate, Kakashi finishes. He grasps at the dark locks at the back of Obito’s head and cries something pathetic as he paints his and Obito’s stomachs white with his cum.
And, after what feels like fucking forever, Obito lets go of Kakashi’s length and fucks him like an animal for every bit of five minutes to reach his own release. 
Obito nearly collapses onto Kakashi as he climaxes, chest against his chest, face buried in his neck, and arms shaking. Kakashi They’re both drenched in sweat by the time that Obito gathers the energy to pull out and get up. Before cum can leak onto Kakashi’s bedsheets, Obito rushes to the bathroom for a towel and some wipes. 
Obito comes back to the bed and tenderly cleans him off. Back when he was in Anbu, after the occasional hook up, Kakashi would run off to the bathroom, get himself together, and either leave the other person’s house or kick them out of his own. This time, though… It’s different. Obito treats him like he’s glass- not because he’s fragile, but because he’s… Loved? Cherished? A friend? Kakashi isn’t sure. He thinks to ask, just to make sure that Obito’s earlier confession wasn’t a dream, but then Obito is kissing the top of his head and whispering-
“Love you, Kakashi.”
“I love you, too.”
“Mm,” Obito hums and lies down on the bed. Kakashi glances at the other man when he thinks he isn’t looking and falls in love all over again. Obito looks gorgeous, fully nude and red in the face, his curly hair plastered to his forehead with sweat and a goofy grin taking over his lips. “You want me to stay, don’t you?”
“What makes you say that?” Kakashi asks, lying down as well and pulling the covers over them.
“The fact that you didn’t kick me out as soon as we finished is a pretty good sign that you still want me here.”
Kakashi rolls over to face away from Obito. Of course, after so many years, the Uchiha is still so good at reading him. No wonder Obito was able to figure out his true feelings so easily…
“Don’t think that just because you were in charge when we had sex, that you’re in charge of our relationship,” Kakashi huffs. “Obito…”
“Oh, so we’re in a relationship now?” Obito laughs.
“Considering the insane sex we just had, I’d be pretty insulted if we weren’t in a relationship,” Kakashi scoffs. “That being said, we’re going on a date tomorrow- even if I have to drag you there.”
Obito turns to face Kakashi’s back and wraps his arms around the man’s waist from behind. Kakashi lets out a sigh of relief and of comfort when Obito’s forehead is pressed up against the back of his shoulder.
“What about your job? Don’t you have to be in your office at six?”
Kakashi laughs.
“Fuck my job. It’s like you said, I don’t care about being late these days… Not anymore.”
And at that, Kakashi can feel Obito smirk against his skin.
“A date it is, then.”
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rokuhatake · 1 year
New Year's (Pt.1) 18+
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Warnings: 18+, (slight) masturbation, making out, flirting, drinking. Kakashi a lil perverted, will be explored more in Pt. 2. This part is mostly SFW, the second part will be all NSFW (;
A/N: I've had a WIP for a while now (that i started in summer so it's set in summer lol) but wanted to post a little treat for the holidays. I'll probably post the NSFW part on New Year's, but in the meantime, enjoy! <3
Word Count: 3.2K
Edit: Pt. 2 is up now!
New Year’s is a special time for you. Maybe it’s the time off from work, or maybe the glimmering New Year's decorations that light up the night, or the unbridled laughter that rings like faint music...whatever it is, you’re in the spirit as you trod along your snow path towards your party. 
You had been planning for weeks in between a sudden swarm of paperwork from Tsunade. According to her, it was preferable to a real mission and that you should consider yourself lucky. At first, you believed her, like a fool. It was all complicated busy work she was too lazy to complete. Of course, you would never air out the complaints you grumble to yourself. After all, it gave you more time to plan for the New Year's party you were so eagerly waiting for.  
Truthfully, it was you who had proposed the idea of a party to Anko, but she was more than willing to follow through with it. Given her more...popular status, you left the invitations and venue to her while you prepared rest. Music, food, drinks...everything else was left to you. You had been swamped, trying to make a perfect holiday for everyone else. You convinced yourself that making everyone else happy kept you content, but exhaustion was slowly creeping upon you.  
Every bit of your time was dedicated to the holiday. You walked the streets of Konoha so often, frequenting the various shops and businesses, you're sure you left a permanent path. Your hands were full, literally.  
One day, as you were on another run in to town, you saw Kakashi, who was acting...odd. While you had always nursed an innocent crush on him, you had never sensed any reciprocation on his side. You were content being his friend, but that day, he had left you confused.  
Again, your hands were full, and you turned behind you to the call of your name.  
“Yo! How have you been?” Kakashi was strolling coolly towards you, both hands in his pockets. Heat raced to your cheeks; you were grateful the cold already colored them red.  “Kakashi-San!” he cringed at the impersonal honorific. “I’ve been busy...excited for New Year’s, you?” He looked at the bags weighing down your arms and ignored your question. “What are all those bags for?” You were surprised by his intrusiveness, and you stared longer than normal.  
“Uh...well I’m helping Anko throw a New Year’s Party! Did she tell you about it?” He shook his head dispassionately. “I only just got back from a mission a few hours ago. I’ve been reporting to Tsunade-Sama.” Awkward silence filled the space around you...you had to say something. “Well...you’re more than welcome to come to the party. I left the invitations up to her since, Ya know...people don’t really know me here.”  
“I know you,” he quipped playfully. You grinned up at him and responded quietly, “Of course.”  
Your arms had become sore then, and the bags began to slide. You’d have to majorly readjust yourself before walking home.   
“You need any help?” he offered suddenly. You offered him a smile, and you almost told him no. Before you could deny him, you found yourself in a more agreeable mood. “Sure, I could use some help.” You reached an arm towards him, and he gingerly slid the bags down over your fingers.  
He had followed you politely to your home while making casual conversation. It wasn’t until you were at your door that you realized; he never accepted your invitation.  
“Hey,” you spun towards him after unlocking and opening your inconveniently heavy door. “You never responded about going to the party.” He stood awkwardly on your doorstep, hands full of overloaded bags. He looked quite silly; you had to smile.  
“Could we...put this stuff down first?” You giggled at him then turned to cross the threshold of your apartment. Once you had set all of the annoying bags onto the counter, you gazed at him expectantly. He took his time organizing the bags of course, but when there was no more to distract him, he met your gaze.  
“I’m not really a party person...” he said finally. You allowed disappointment to shroud your face. “Aww c’mon, not even a party I planned?” You shot him your best doe eyes, and you couldn’t see the face he made when he turned away from you, but you could hear him chuckle. “Maybe I will for you.” He smiled cutely at you, and you couldn’t help the blush creeping onto your cheeks.  
You realized then that Kakashi was actually in your apartment for the first time, and he was a little too close for your comfort. “Well...thank you for helping me with all this,” you awkwardly gestured towards the mess of bags on your kitchen island. “I have some more planning to do though...if you do want to stop by the party, it’s gonna be at that big house they renovated by the hot springs. You know what day it is of course.”  
He had graciously thanked you for the invitation (without truly committing to it) and left you alone and confused in your apartment.  
That day, you were too distracted to get much done. Every day after that, you planned this party with a renewed spirit, hoping you might get to see Kakashi again.  
Your excitement is bubbling as you stroll towards your party. You had finished setting up earlier in the day, then went back to your apartment to change into something pretty. Normally, you never spent much time stressing over your appearance, but you knew what was different tonight.  
In between your run-in with Kakashi and the day of the party, you had decided you wanted to present Kakashi with a gift, if only for helping you with your bags. You couldn’t deny it though; Kakashi’s present obviously looks more delicately wrapped than your other gifts, but you weren’t planning on putting it with the others. His is more...intimate.  
As you had planned, the large house is already full of shinobi and civilian alike when you arrive. You didn’t want to be the one greeting people you hardly know.  
You try to stop yourself, but as soon as you walk through the door, your eyes are scanning the spacious area for a silver head of hair. You frown when you can’t spot him. Don’t worry...he always shows up late. Releasing a breath of air, you head towards the sound of Anko’s voice. When she spots you, she lets out a shrill squeal.  
“Ahhhh! My best friend, how are you?” She hugs you tightly, and you can smell the alcohol permeating from her skin. Damn. The party only started an hour ago.  
“Can I have some of what you're having, please?” You smile sadly at her, hoping she won’t notice in her drunken state. Of course, she always notices. “Aww why so sad? C’mere...” She grabs your arm and drags you to another room where you know the drinks should be. Promptly, she fills two shot glasses to the brim from a bottle of something unrecognizable to you. She must have brought more drinks, because of course she would.  
You know what to do, so you pick up your glass and clank it with hers before downing the burning liquid. Drinking is not a habit of yours, so the taste is still quite unpleasant; but not enough to stop you from downing another. You helped plan this party after all, you should have fun. Even if Kakashi won’t show up.  
You shake away the ugly thoughts and drag Anko with you into the designated dance room. Since you’re the one who hired the DJ (with your New Year’s bonus), you know the music will be good.  
The both of you are giggling while you prance onto the floor. Everyone is so lost in the music; you don’t feel hesitant at all about joining in. Actually, it comes naturally to you with a couple shots in your system.  
After a while though, when you’re out of breath and stumbling for some water, you remember the gift you wrapped for Kakashi. You frown again, but an idea lights up your face. If Kakashi won’t come to your party, you’ll just go to him and make him feel guilty. Yeah...you think that’s a great idea.  
Before heading to your coat, you down another shot for courage then let Anko know (quietly) that you’ll be heading to Kakashi’s to give him his gift. At first, she seems against the idea. Then, she’s practically pushing you out the door. “Be careful, have fun and I love you!” You giggle at your friend and tell her you love her before making your way.  
You didn’t think it’d be so hard to walk in the snow with a buzz, but you're determined to follow through with your genius plan.  
Kakashi doesn’t need you to make him feel guilty...he already feels it. He paced the narrow walkways of his apartment over and over, contemplating your invitation. On one hand, he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. He knows how hard you worked to make this a fun holiday for everyone, despite your shyness. He can still see clearly the dark circles under your eyes, but he can’t understand why it bothers him.  
It’s like he said though; he is not one for parties. The corner of any room is ultimately where you’ll find him...but he wonders if your party would have been different. Would you have made if fun for him?  
Still, he resigns himself to his apartment, promising to make it up to you, somehow. Maybe he’ll finally cook you a meal, like he’s quietly fantasized about for so long. He chalks his hesitation up to simply not knowing what food you like, but he knows that’s a lie. You prefer sweet things, but occasionally, you savor an umami flavor. You’re passionate about your food and particular.  
He knows more about you than he’d like to admit. No, Kakashi can’t blame anyone, or anything, but himself. He could spend hours wondering why he feels this way but none of that will bring him closer to you.  
As he usually does when his brain won’t calm, he pulls out his Icha-Icha novel and halts his pacing. It’s easier to read about romance than act on it, and the novel gives him the material he needs to cast you in his fantasies.  
As the story in his hands begins to heat up, his pants grow taut. Without realizing it, his free hand begins to rub his crotch while he imagines you between his legs. You’re on your knees in front of him, smiling cutely the way you always do, and it’s your hand stroking his hardening cock. Like the good girl you are, you’re asking him sweetly if you can suck it.  
Just as he releases a breathy moan, imagining your small hands wrapped around his bare cock, a pounding knock at his door shakes him from his fantasy.  
He grumbles, annoyed to be interrupted from you, and shifts his pants while he strolls toward the door. This better be worth it... 
When he swings the door open, he’s more than pleased, and his cock loves the sight of your reddened cheeks standing before him. Being interrupted was more than worth it.  
Almost immediately though, he frowns. You’re drunk...he can smell it on you. That’s no good.  
“You didn’t come to my party.” You pout at him after slurring your words. He can’t deny it, you’ve surprised him. “I told you...I’m not really one for parties. Did you walk all the way here by yourself?” He’s curious to know how far you’ve gone for him. “Yep! I thought I’d come to make you feel guilty...is it working?”  
He grins at you, enjoying your drunken honestly. “You didn’t have to do that...I already felt guilty Ya’ know.” You genuinely look saddened by his admission, but he won’t have you getting emotional on his freezing porch. “Come inside, please, I don’t mind you making me feel guilty.” He hides a smirk under his mask while he watches you cross the threshold his apartment. You’re shivering, because of course you didn’t cover yourself properly...not that his cock has any complaints.  
Your bare legs are a welcome sight in his apartment, and the boots you coupled with your dress makes his pants even tighter; they barely reach over your knees, and the heel gives you a good three inches in height. You look amazing, and he wonders if you did it for him. He hopes you did.  
He mumbles politely, asking to take your coat. You don’t hear him though, and you turn with his gift in your hands. The two of you are inches apart in Kakashi’s tiny foyer, yet you remain comfortable.  
“I got you something,” you announce cutely. He notices the gift in your hand now, and it’s almost too pretty to open. His heart swells at your generosity, and he feels guilty for not thinking of that sooner. He should have given you something, something personal to let you know how he feels.  
“That’s sweet, thank you.” You smile brightly at him in response, and he wonders if he can hug you. No... he worries you wouldn’t want that. Still, he wants to be a good host for you.  
“Let me take your coat, then I’ll open this, okay? You can sit anywhere.” You turn your body with a drunken smile, allowing him to slip the long coat down your arms. Once the rest of your dress is revealed to him, he grows impossibly stiff in his pants; he can hardly move to hang your coat.  
Your dress is tight, and dangerously short. The sleeves are long and your neck is covered, but there's a heart-shaped hole placed perfectly over your cleavage. Fuck. He can’t recall ever seeing such revealing clothing on you. It’s a sight he would prefer to keep to himself...imagining all of the hungry eyes you must have received tonight annoys him. At least now he has you here.  
“Mmmm,” you groan. “Could you maybe get me a glass of water please? I wasn’t expecting that walk to be so rough.” He laughs at you but promptly picks up a glass to fill with water. You’re leaning over his kitchen island, face flat on the cool stone, when he slides the glass in front of you.  
“Don’t you want to see me open this?” He jokes. Your head shoots up and you snatch the glass. Again, he’s laughing at you. His pants aren’t so tight now, but seeing you act goofy like this is worth it. He can just enjoy being around you.  
“Okay you can open it now.” You’re out of breath from drinking the water so fast, but excitement is written all over your body. Some of it is rubbing off on him.  
His heart is beating fast when he examines the gift in his hand, and he notices a little red string he presumes is supposed to be pulled. His heart swells again...you’re too kind.  
He pulls the string finally, causing the pretty wrapping paper to fall onto the counter with ease. Before he looks to see his gift, he watches you. He watches your hands grasp together in excitement and your face light up with a grin. You look beautiful, all for him.  
His cheeks are already warm from watching you, but they set ablaze when he looks down. You got him a dirty graphic novel. He can’t believe it...you really walked into the adult section of a store, thinking of the perfect gift for Kakashi; and you were spot on. His cock stirs in his pants.  
“You’re gonna kill me,” he groans quietly. All you do is giggle at him, oblivious to his perverted thoughts. “Do you like it? I wasn’t sure if you were into graphic novels but...” He cuts you off, “It’s perfect. Thank you.”  
The space between the two of you grows silent, but you continue to smile at the other. You were satisfied with Kakashi’s reaction, and Kakashi was excited to see what new fantasy material you brought for him. Having you sit right across from him only made his excitement grow ten-fold.  
He looks to the ticking clock on his wall and notices the time. “Hey, it’s only 15 minutes till midnight. What should we do before then?” You smile wickedly at him. “How about we crack open that graphic novel?” You surprise him again, and he contemplates denying you. What fun would that be though?  
He smiles in return and slides into the chair next to you. “Do you know what the story is about?” He wonders while opening to the first page.  
“You read it for the story?” He rolls his eyes at you, secretly admiring your honesty. Lately, he’s only been reading it to inspire his fantasies of you.  
The first few pages of the novel are sweet, and he begins to wonder if it’s a dirty novel at all. Then he comes to a page he’s almost too embarrassed to open. He doesn’t want you thinking less of him though, so he opens it. 
He’s been sneaking glances at you throughout, but he catches a shade of blush on your cheeks now. For some reason, the sight turns him on, and he wants to read more. He needs to see your blushed cheeks more often.  
Before he can turn the page, screams of joy cut through the quiet night. He checks the clock again: 11:59. Damn.  
Kakashi turns his head towards your squealing and smiles. Seeing you this happy fills him with adoration, and there’s only seconds until the new year. Your excitement has rubbed off on him; his heart is thumping out of his rib cage and he feels warm.  Suddenly, he imagines your lips molding with his as the clock strikes twelve.
He looks to the wall: thirty seconds.  
His gaze is back on your face, but you’re already staring, cheeks all red and warm. He wants to reach out...wants to feel your soft skin on his.  
He tries to sneak a glance at the clock, but you surprise him with a firm hand on his cheek. People are counting down loudly now, and you move on your tip-toes, inching towards his lips. By 5, he allows you to peel off his mask, and you wish you had more than four seconds to admire his bare face, but you wouldn’t miss your perfect opportunity.  
It was a magical moment for both of you. Vibrant colors bleed through his curtains, highlighting your molded silhouettes in the dark apartment while excited cheers ring through the streets. It was like they were celebrating the love you two share.  
The holiday suddenly disappears; all that is left is the two of you locking lips in Kakashi’s kitchen. You can’t hear the thunderous fireworks, only the low, melodic rumble of his groans. He can taste the alcohol faintly on your tongue, but he sucks on it still, drawing a sultry gasp from your lips.  
It’s easy for both of you. There’s no shame or hesitation. You both know what you want, and the new year brings promise.  
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hellcifrogs · 8 months
It's kinda fucked up how they didn't give Sakura, like, a special clan along with Naruto and Sasuke. I guess they were trying to go for the prodigy with great chakra control and high potential for genjutsu for being a regular Kunoichi, but the way Kishimoto shafted her in favor of the Uchiha and Uzumaki clans just kinda makes her fall to the wayside.
All that to say is, if you were to write the Haruno Clan yourself, how would you make them relevant to the story/what powers would you give them? Thanks in advance if you do answer this ask!
Oh man there are so many options... Have them (or at least Sakura) use mokuton (Senju or not, and give her the job Yamato had, also give her a more direct relation to Tsunade), make them all great at genjutsu (there aren't enough relevant genjutsu users besides those with sharingans), that one beautiful cursed inner Harunos idea, some flower related kekkei genkai (add Ino friendship), make them famous medic nins for their great chakra control (direct relation to Tsunade again and good reason for her to become her apprentice)... Just so many...
I do like Sakura being from a "normal" clan, and I wish her hard work to be on the same level as "monster chakra" Naruto and "god's little favorite eye magic" Sasuke had more impact on the story, but OF COURSE I would've loved if she, Lee and Tenten had their own special thing too ; u;) and even more if they had gotten the attention for it
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leportraitducadavre · 9 months
Let's get something out of the way, the "Sasuke as a medic" AU has nothing to do with Tsunade being more "suited" to mentor him; there's nothing she can teach him that he'd find useful in his quest (why would he, who has an enormous amount of chakra at his disposal, need to learn to delicately control his energy as Sakura canonically needs to as her chakra pool is small?), nor helpful. Tsunade would never even consider taking him out of the front lines to use him as a medic either, as doing so would be a waste of his immense power and capabilities in the field.
No. This AU isn't about Sasuke, it's about Sakura and how her stans want to disguise their ultimate desire for her to have more jutsus at her disposal than what Tsunade taught her.
Hate to break it to you, but being the student of a powerful ninja doesn't mean copy-pasting the abilities of the mentor down to the disciple. What they learn has all to do with their personal capabilities, desires, and natural strength. Naruto, while he used mostly his teacher's jutsu, quickly outgrew his teachings by taking the Rasengan further than his father and Jiraiya, Sasuke surpassed both Orochimaru and Kakashi, as Kabuto did with the Sannin by the end of the series.
Orochimaru knowing kenjutsu doesn't translate to Sakura being able to be even remotely good at it. Her "agility" (which isn't even canon as there's no mention of medics being agile, rather them staying away from danger) has to do with her being a medic-nin, and I'll reiterate, Orochimaru isn't a medic in a similar manner Tsunade is, that one is Kabuto. Why would Orochimaru take Sakura with him when Kabuto, a 19-year-old, devised a technique like Tsunade's without even meeting her before fighting her?
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Sakura copy-pasted the techniques taught to her, she improved them in no manner:
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Do you see where I'm going with this? Kabuto even has a larger pool of chakra as he was able to learn Senjutsu mode which Sakura will never be able to do (Tsunade and Sakura having a small chakra pool is the whole reason why the Yin Seal -that actually uses Yang, as that's the only chakra nature Tsunade possesses even exists).
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Kabuto knew medical ninjutsu outside of Orochimaru's teachings as those were the reasons Orochimaru sought him out, the Sannin even admitted to looking for extraordinarily talented people to take "under his wing", and at no moment he even looked in Sakura's direction (I implore you to read yourself the whole Orochimaru vs. Team 7 fight, from Chapter 46 to Chapter 49, and tell me how many times Orochimaru even glances at Sakura's direction. He knows both Naruto and Sasuke's names, yet never mentions Sakura's).
I don't even understand why "being an expert at Genjutsu" has her fandom in such a chokehold, normal genjutsu became almost obsolete when the Sharingan (Yin Release at its finest) was introduced and the more the story unfolded the fewer regular genjutsu experts, of the likes of Kurenai or Shee, were introduced, as the strongest characters either used kekkei genkai genjutsu (which can't be broken by a single person as the chakra needs to be disturbed by someone else) or ninjutsu/taijutsu skills. Regular genjutsu can be broken by the target if they realize a genjutsu has been casted, it's mostly used as a quick diversion for an attack or to escape, and most ninja have that tool at their disposal.
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[And if you think Sakura would be able to pull off a Genjutsu like Shee does and attack with the speed at which A attacked Jügo you're out of your mind, she used not a single remarkable genjutsu in the whole manga, having Sasuke do that for her during FoD and dispersed a single basic one. She fell for Kakashi's genjutsu on the bell test, had to wait for Sasuke's reassurance that an illusion was in place in the chünin exams, fell for Orochimaru's own genjutsu in FoD, and was fooled by a henge twice in the same chapter and once by non-other than Naruto who pretended to be Sasuke. She had four encounters with the genjutsu technique, and three out of the four times she fell for it and still, some of you still hold Kakashi's words as "proof of her wasted potential" when he's the same man who couldn't care less if she dropped out of the exam.]
And as a quick addition, why is Mokuton!Sakura so insanely popular? Her having Earth and Water releases (Ino also has those nature releases, what's your point?) means nothing as she'll need a huge amount of chakra (which she doesn't possess) and few ninjas are even capable of mixing the two.
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While any ninja can learn to transform their chakra’s nature, and even transform it into different natures consecutively (which Sakura was never even shown to do as she only used her medical skills to fight), it is impossible for them to transform two at the same time.
And he could perform such a special jutsu because he was of a kekkei genkai bearing clan
Only those with the genetic abilities of these kekkei genkai have a chakra system capable of double-nature transformation.
Canonically, no one but Hashirama could naturally have such nature release (for god's sake, Naruto and Sasuke both have water and earth nature and they can't even use Mokuton!). Let me remind you the reason why Hashirama having Mokuton is so important thematically:
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Mokuton is the expression of Yang (Life) at its finest; Yang Release uses chakra that is two parts physical energy and one part spiritual energy. It governs vitality and manipulates the body, breathing life into form to animate that which lacks life of its own, which is in direct opposition to the Sharingan that expresses Yin (creating form from nothing); Yin Release uses chakra that is two parts spiritual energy and one part physical energy. It governs imagination and manipulates the spirit, creating form from nothingness to give shape to that which has none (which is why the Sharingan is the ultimate expression of Genjutsu).
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[Used Sasuke's chart to exemplify, as Madara has both Yin and Yang Releases as he modified his body using Hashirama's cells].
Yamato was experimented on by Orochimaru by using Hashirama's cells, so the only way Sakura could have such power is if she is experimented on by Orochimaru, and why on earth would he do that? Furthermore, Hashirama's cells would eat her alive in seconds, she couldn't handle a scratch amount of Kyuubi's chakra, how would she handle Hashirama's? This is the same man whose chakra was so vast and potent he healed himself unconsciously!
Sakura having delicate chakra control isn't a wild card you can use as you see fit to fulfill your fantasies, it means nothing outside her medical work. This notion that "Sakura has precise control of her chakra! That means she can learn any jutsu she wants!" is completely false.
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First of all, Kakashi outright claims this idea of "no Jutsu should ever be beyond you," is "in theory, anyway." At no point does he say you'll be capable of learning chakra-draining ninjutsu with this skill alone as not a page after he claims this:
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If you think this looks hard, it's even more difficult to maintain your chakra when using ninjutsu
Delicate chakra control in a portion of one's body (like fists when using Sakura's Cherry Blossom Impact) used to enhance one's strength (chakra enhancement is a feat used by every shinobi ever, like Lee and Gai themselves, albeit with different levels of expertise) isn't as chakra depleting as using Ninjutsu, which is why Sakura and Tsunade use it as their main fighting technique since they don't have a vast chakra pool as Hashirama had.
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olivegardenhunter · 25 days
The sannin as normal childhood friends who have sleepovers and play games in the forest and bond over liking "gross" animals
anon thank you SO much for this mental image. you have made my very miserable assignment-filled day. I have many thoughts about the sannin and baby sannin being inseparable best friends who were just normal kids make up about 90% of them. here's some hc I have about that (sorry for the massively long post, I'm a yapper at heart)
yes absolutely. I like to think of the sannin as misfits who never fit in anywhere else except with each other. there's so many different reasons for this. we know they became genin at age 6. if this makes them the exception, rather than it being the normal practice for a village in tumultuous times, then this must have meant each of them were prodigies in their own rights in the academy (yes, even Jiraiya I'd say, though I'd suspect his was more a case of recognised potential rather than showing any obvious prodigal talent from the get-go). this is further reinforced by the fact the third hokage became their sensei. I doubt the hokage would've taken up any random group of genin as his students. if this is the case, can you imagine how difficult it must've been for them to make friends with others, their age or otherwise? not only would it be hard to relate to their other peers cause of the age and probably ability gap, but I'd imagine people would've found them downright intimidating! all this, along with all their individual personality which, if their 6 year old selves were anything like their 50 year old selves, would've meant the little baby sannin would not have been anyone's first choice of friends.
so I'd imagine each of them being a bit of loners in the academy. then they get put in a team together. recognise they each stick out like a sore thumb from everyone else, but have all of the above common ground. their personalities are difficult for each to get used to initially, but once they do, these three super super super quickly become absolutely inseperable. to call them family would've been a serious underestimate of their relationship imo.
anyway this is all a long winded way of saying YES they're absolutely those regular childhood best friends who have sleepovers and hang out and play games. I imagine that tsunade grew up with a massive family in a massive loving home. direct contrast to orochimaru who's an orphan and, I imagine jiraiya is an orphan too (hence no canon last name). therefore, the senju compound is typically the designated sleepover venue.
the senju compound has mito, and nawaki, and depending on what your hcs are, would have tsunades parents, and I'd think they'd still effectively live like royalties even if the first and second are dead. (hashirama and tobirama wouldn't be around anymore by the time the three became genin I think, because (and someone correct me if I'm wrong) hiruzen would've already been hokage when he took on the three of them as his students, meaning tobirama would have already passed)
jiraiya and orochimaru just being at awe at the way tsunade lives and just how lively her house is and tsunade is just happy to have kids her age at home with her that just gets her cause her parents always nag her about training and chores, mito still treats her like a baby even though she's already a Shinobi that can take care of herself damn it!, and nawaki is so young he's so boring and sometimes gets annoying. so she always convinces her fellow teammates to come over to her house to practice and train, to babysit nawaki with her, to be the test dummy for try out this new jutsu or technique she's learning, and anything else that she insists she cannot do alone and needs them to be there with her
until suddenly it's already dark and oh her teammates can't possibly walk home all alone at this hour and besides my mum's making dinner and it's your favourite jiraiya and she'd scold me if I didn't offer some to you guys and orochimaru, mito found some sort of old scroll that uncle tobirama wrote about a new jutsu that she wants your thoughts on and besides, we have to meet sensei soooo early tomorrow for our mission and the training ground is closer from my house anyway, and you guys are just trying to get out of the bet we made and that's cheating y'know! and and and suddenly the senju compound just so happen to always have a few sets extra clothes and pyjamas that just so happened to be orochimaru and jiraiya's size and hey oro, raiya, look! it's got toads and snakes! and it matches mine! and the adults always just so happen to have two extra plates set at the table during meals, and the house just so happens to always be stocked up with both her teammate's favourite snacks, and orochimaru and jiraiya can suddenly enter the senju compound at any time of the day, with or without tsunade, and are greeted joyfully by the household's residents who had started nagging at them about training and chores and picking up after themselves, and mito is treating them like babies even though they're fully trained shinobis! and nawaki is being sooo annoying today and damn it, why isn't tsunade home yet? we agreed to train at 3!
(the three of them never quite notice that jiraiya or orochimaru's unannounced visits to the senju compound never trigger any of the seals that are activated by the presence of non-senju, non-family chakra in the compound. they never quite notice that the anbu guards at the front never give jiraiya and orochimaru any of the trouble or scrutiny that any visitors or guests to the senju compound are always subjected to, and the guards merely let them in with a slight bow of their heads, the same way they would to tsunade, or mito, or her parents.)
the only other times the sleepover isn't at tsunade's place is when there's a thunderstorm and orochimaru insists he needs to spend the night at his apartment because he tells them that last time the storm was this bad, lightning had struck a branch that smashed through his apartment that, if he wasn't already there and was even a little slower, would have destroyed the very few things his parents had left him that he so carefully keeps in a chest and he cannot ever take the risk that that would ever happen again he lost his power and his food went bad in his fridge, and c'mon tsu, you know oro not-so-secretly has a fear of thunder! don't you remember what happened last time at that mission where we were camping? we can't possibly let him spend the night alone at his house!
(later on when they're older, they'll come to find that jiraiya's new jonin apartment will become the new designated sleepover venue as jiraiya begins bringing back questionable sake from his missions that they were definitely too young to be having that he could not have possibly obtained that legally, and mito started banning them from playing card games at the senju compound when she noticed her granddaughter's tendency to lose her entire pay packet in a single game was becoming a bit too familiar to her... like a certain husband of hers' gambling habits that she had tried so hard to make sure wouldn't get passed on to the grandchild who the man had unwittingly taught said card games to at the age of 4. jiraiya started to call his apartment the degenerates' club then, much to the other two's dismay. though they couldn't quite protest when he correctly pointed out they were absolutely behaving like degenerates, even if princess tsunade and the leaf's once-in-a-generation prodigy felt like they were above those sort of disreputable behaviour.)
jiraiya and orochimaru fight tooth and nail that the massive forest that makes up the backyard of the compound, created by the shodaime himself of course, is the only reason they choose to hang out with tsunade at the senju compound, because princess tsunade (dammit oro stop calling me that!), the shodaime hokage seemed to have left so many fascinating things in this forest, there's so many secrets to discover. I don't think I've seen any of these species anywhere else in Konoha. I believe the secrets to some of his jutsu or techniques lie in this forest... oro you're such a nerd. and besides, Princess, the snakes here really seem to like oro for some reason and I think the toads are about to make me their king, I'm sure of it! and also, me and oro are the only people who don't find the fact you use the slime from those slugs in your potions or whatever absolutely disgusting, so we're the only friends you have to play in this gigantic forest with in the first place (it's not potions, it's a new medicinal gel I'm creating! and can you two just shut up? hide and seek is supposed to be a SILENT game and right now, you both really suck at it! I can literally locate you without even moving!) ...hey tsu, is mito-sama going to make those cookies she made last time again? she told me yesterday she would cause hiruzen-sensei told her we did a good job on our last mission.
the three of them knew everyone in Konoha had started calling them the 'Hokage's brats' behind their backs. but none of them realised that, particularly among the elders, this didn't seem to just be in reference to their sensei... there were other, more hushed whispers going around that if they had tried to listen to, would've sounded something like the adopted senjus... or lord first and second's legacies...
(these rumours may or may not have started when people started noticing tsunade's parents went from talking about their two children they adored, to their three rascals plus sweet little nawaki. or when mito kept comparing jiraiya's antics and personality to hashirama or orochimaru's brooding nature and hunger for knowledge was like tobirama's, or how tsunade's own hot temper and tenacity but also mischief was like her own's and the many Uzumakis that came before her, and that all three of them together balanced each other the way she, hashirama, and tobirama had. or when hiruzen constantly raves about his students and how much he sees his senseis in each of them and how the will of fire burns so brightly in them that he knew lord first and second would be extremely proud to see. in the end, though tsunade may have been the only one who shared a name with the senju founders, everybody couldn't help but see hashirama and tobirama and everything they had been and everything they had stood for in all three of the legendary sannin.)
#why yes i AM supposed to be doing my assignment right now#thank you anon for the ask and my apologies for taking your idea and absolutely RUNNING with it to the hills#as you can see i have a lot of thoughts when it comes to the baby sannin#with everything we know about the senjus (so not much) and all their stuff about the will of fire and the village being their family#there is absolutely NO WAY that they see tsunade's beloved teammates that she wont shut up about and see that theyre both orphans#that are in need of a little bit of love and family#and not immediately decided to adopt the two of them whether they like it or not#i absolutely believe that soon after they became a team the senjus started considering jiraiya and orochimaru as family#without even a shred of doubt in their mind#for as far it matters to them oro and jiraiya were one of them and were family no matter what#cause thats the kind of teachings that hashirama would've passed down#and cmon orochimaru had to learn tobiramas techniques somehow#i doubt these techniques were public knowledge#and jiraiyas proximity to the senjus could also be how minato learnt tobiramas technique too#but these hc just make what happened after the second war with the three of them so much more tragic#anyway anon i take your childhood friends sannin idea and raise it with inseperable unbreakable found family bond sannin#they mean everything to me#sannin#nart#meta#hc#tsunade#jiraiya#orochimaru#senju clan#mito#the legendary sannin#tsunade senju#naruto#naruto meta
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dog-gerz · 1 year
Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura, Neji with a reader who has a bijuu
Not the request we asked, but the request we so desperately needed 😭😭😭
Warnings: Mentions of 🩸and d*ath on Sasuke’s part. Gender neutral reader. Not proof readed, I wrote this on my phone.
A/N: this ask wasn’t really specific on the form or anything so I went wild 🤪
Again, i’m sorry for any mistakes in the grammar or the spelling, english is not my first language.
🍅You two met before he joined the Akatsuki. You too were village-less ninja, a rogue, another victim of the unfairness of the decisions of the power-thirsty wandering the forests, prairies and desserts of the different nations on the map.
🍅 You joined him, after all, you had nowhere else to go and the flag you and team Taka waved was similar.
🍅 You kept the whole Jinchuriki thing as a secret. It had brought you too much pain in times past, you didn’t need more of that.
🍅 Sasuke saw a little bit of his old best friend in you. Both of you carried around that same sense of loneliness and an aura of guilt and melancholy. He was naturally drawn to you as he was to Naruto when they were young.
🍅 You grew close and made an oath to protect eachother. Taka became your family and he became your best companion.
🍅 It wasn’t until one day, during a fight against some bounty hunters that were after Sasuke, that he got hurt and the rage that bubbled inside of you weakened the seal.
🍅 Some of the chakra of the tailed beast within you enveloped you in a coat of anger and bloodlust, completely blinded and stripped of your will, tearing the enemies to pieces.
🍅 By the time you came to your senses, there was nothing but destruction in front of you. You had done it again… and your heart sank impossibly deep.
🍅 But that dark feeling was shaken away from you the moment Sasuke reassuringly placed his hand on your shoulder. You saw support, he saw a chance of making his ultimate dream come true.
🍥 You, alongside Bee, were on the team of teaching Naruto how to control his Bijuu and use its power.
🍥 You had become a perfect Jinchuriki, just like bee, so when you were offered the chance to help the blond Ninja, you immediately said yes.
🍥 Before his Jinchuriki training, Naruto hadn’t met other people like him. His whole life he was hated, judged and humiliated for carrying something evil inside him. Seeing you and bee so strong and confident on the power within you made him feel somehow disadvantaged.
🍥 But it also gave him the impulse he needed to pursue the same path.
🍥 He always had been confident on the fact that he could achieve anything if he had set his mind into it, and, after meeting you and hearing your own story, he knew it was true.
🍥 It was like looking at himself in the mirror. You had gone through hell, just like him, but there were you standing… powerful and brave.
🍥 Your strength inspired him, so he worked hard to conquer that part of himself he hated the most. If you had done it so flawlessly, how couldn’t he?
🌸 She was introduced to you by The Fifth.
🌸 All Hokages knew what to do in case the seal was weakened or broken and, because Tsunade was passing most of her knowledge to her brilliant apprentice, she summoned Sakura to learn the process.
🌸 What she remembers the most about the first time she saw you was how “normal” you looked.
🌸 Well, her experience with other Jinchuriki was limited to Naruto only and the blonde ninja was really far from being normal.
🌸 And she wasn’t sure of what to expect when Tsunade talked to her about you, so it was a nice surprise to say the least.
🌸 She treated you kindly the whole time, as if it was a way to redeem herself on the way she treated Naruto in the past. She knew the stress most Jinchuriki went through and she didn’t wanted that to affect her task or your relationship (platonic or not).
🌸 At first, it was only going to be another learning experience for her, but she found a friend in you and someone to protect. After meeting you and helping you, she felt strong enough to show Naruto and Sasuke how much she had improved
🌸 Her aspiration of no longer looking at the backs of her teammates, but walking alongside them, was becoming a reality.
🌀 It were his exceptional abilities as a shinobi that had him assigned as your guard. He was the first of his generation of ascending to the Jonin rank, he was more than capable for the job.
🌀 You were the Sanbi Jinchuriki so you were considered important part of Konoha’s war power. Your security was top tier priority.
🌀 Neji took his role very seriously and went everywhere with you even if you insisted that you didn’t need protection. He followed you like your shadow.
🌀 Besides the possibility of the Sanbi being stolen by the enemy, there was the risk of the seal breaking. A disaster like the one that happened with the Kyuubi was out of the question, he wasn’t going to let it happen.
🌀 For him, at the beginning, it was another task, another part of his path of becoming stronger and honouring the name of his clan, but as he spent more time with you, you two became really close.
🌀 So of course he got more protective because he started to care about you for real.
🌀 He knew that the responsibility of carrying such a beast inside you weighted heavily on your shoulders so he tried to make it less terrible for you by trying to distract you and helping you carry a somewhat normal life.
🌀 He helped you train to release your pent up frustration, teaching you meditation to sharpen your senses and let you vent when you are were too stressed.
🌀 Being a Jinchuriki was hard, but with him by your side, wasn’t that bad.
I loved writing this one so much!! Specially Naruto’s part. I remember crying so much watching that arc 😭😭 thank you so much for your request!
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shadowwolflady · 2 months
Warning! Rant Ahead!
If you don't like it. Tough!
I'm gonna say it. I'm gonna shit on a pairing here. I normally don't and try to move on. But this one has me ticked.
I HATE KakaSaku pairing.
It. Is. Disgusting.
It is grooming.
Kakashi would NOT have come on to a student of his. There is a line drawn there. He treats her like a student, a child.
There is care there, but nothing like boyfriend girlfriend love. People tend to mistake platonic love for lover's love. Probably because they don't know the difference.
Not to mention 15 years difference between the two. That's a little much, don't you think?
Also, Kakashi didn't find interest in training Sakura. He didn't know what to do with her. She wasn't like him or anything that he knew. That is why she went off on her own and found Tsunade to learn medical. If Kakashi cared, he would have tried to work along with her or at least recommend someone for her.
Also, give Sakura more credit. She is stubborn and strong willed. Her heart is with Sasuke and she continued to love him regardless. Even during that little blip of her telling Naruto that she loved him. I think you underestimate the heart of Sakura.
I also have heard that people don't believe Sakura would have waited for Sasuke. You are really putting Sakura on such a low bar. You underestimate her love. You underestimate HER. Sakura has shown she is not as shallow as people have portrayed her to be. She has grown and matured.
I don't buy the excuse "She grew up and he fell in love." No. Nope. Once there is a line drawn, it doesn't get crossed.
I also don't take "she grew up and fell in love with him." No. It has been clear from the beginning, she only has eyes and heart for Sasuke.
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"But he caught her and picked her up!"
Yeah, he had a handle on things and helped her. You would grab your friend and keep them from falling if you were in the same situation.
Seeing KakaSaku pairing causes our community to be desensitized to p*do and grooming. Much like how we become desensitized to violence.
For those who don't know, p*do is a BIG NO NO!
Would Kakashi do anything for her? No. But he will help her if he can.
Will Sakura do anything for him? No. But she is willing to offer advice.
Will Kakashi tend to her wounds? Yes. But in Shippuden he may leave her be.
Sakura would heal Kakashi. She is a medic and trained by the best, Tsunade.
All of ^that^, is called friendship. No strings attached.
In Naruto, Kakashi views Sakura as a student, someone he is responsible for and incharge of. I wouldn't even dare to touch "like a daughter". In Shippuden, he realizes how much she has grown and can HANDLE herself. Now, he views her as a COMRADE. A fellow shinobi.
And what is Kakashi's motto?
"Those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum." Thanks Obito.
So, STOP trying to put them in bed with each other!
Kakashi is a gentleman and wouldn't do that to Sakura.
Also, Sakura would deck him.
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breithenua · 7 months
Probably gonna get some Sakura haters (probably including the misogynist troll variety, kill me now lmao) on this post but... here goes.
Rewatching the episodes where the majority of the Konoha 11 decide to "deal with" Sasuke and the fallout from that. And well, I think people's reaction to Sakura's "confession of love" to Naruto is unfair.
Yes, it was emotionally manipulative of her. Yes, if it had worked it would've resulted in a relationship based upon a lie. Yes, she hurt Naruto with that attempted manipulation. And yes, she's normally smarter than to think that's a good idea.
But y'all forget how emotionally broken she was at the time. She'd just gone through witnessing the entire village of Konoha being razed to the ground. People she had been treating at the time probably died in that Shinra Tensei attack (yes they were brought back afterwards but it was still traumatic). Her sensei and the 5th Hokage was in a coma that no one knew if she'd ever come out of. Danzo had just undermined and replaced Tsunade as Hokage, with her still being in a coma and being unable to defend herself from being deposed in any way, and then basically sent out a kill order on Sasuke. Sasuke, the man she's loved since she was a child, that she begged to not leave Konoha, had been directly involved in *two* different missions to bring him back, both failed, one of which was only a few weeks earlier and they had come *this* close to making it to him in time. Sasuke, the man she had only just found out had joined the Akatsuki and "kidnapped" Killer Bee, making Danzo's order all but justified. Sasuke, the man Naruto just willingly got the shit beat out of by Hidden Cloud ninja, in an attempt to appeal to their senses of mercy in regards for Sasuke. She has to be feeling absolutely powerless at this point. Afterall, she wasn't able to do much during Pain's assault (or probably at least perceived herself that way), can't do anything to help her comatose mentor, can't do anything to stop Danzo from taking over her mentor's position, and so far has been unable to bring back Sasuke. She feels powerless.
And then Sai comes up and tells her that she's part of the reason Naruto is in so much pain over Sasuke. That his promise to her to bring back Sasuke is causing Naruto even more pain and his shouldering of that burden is getting ever harder. And mind you, Naruto only recently lost his greatest mentor. And she's told that the rest of the Ninja of her generation (with the exception of her and Naruto obvs) have decided that they'll go and kill Sasuke themselves to avert war with the Hidden Cloud.
Sakura is incredibly fragile at this point in the story. And now she's told that she's causing one of her closest comrades and friends immense pain, and that said comrade's love for her is only intensifying that pain. She's feeling like a failure in *multiple* ways at this point, she's terrified she's going to lose her mentor, and her lifeling love interest, and she's struggling with the fact that her peers in the Konoha 11 *might actually have a point* in thinking everyone would be better off if Sasuke were dead. She's under so much emotional distress from so many sources, feeling guilty for not being able to bring her sensei put of her coma, not being able to stop Danzo from taking over as Hokage, not being able to stop Danzo from issuing an order to hunt down and kill Sasuke, etc etc. And there's nothing she can do about any of it. But she perceives that there is at least *one* thing she can do something about: The pain that Sai just told her she was putting Naruto through. And in her desperation and guilt, she decides she's going to sacrifice her own happiness and aid in killing Sasuke, and is willing to give Naruto what he's wanted from her for a large portion of their childhoods as extra insurance that he'll give up on aaving Sasuke.
No, her and Naruto probably would not have been happy in the long run in a relationship built upon a lie like that. But again, she's not in a stable emotional state right now. She's probably not thinking long-term consequences. She tries to put on an act to convince him of it.
My point being that yes, maybe normally she'd be smarter than that. But there were a lot of extenuating circumstances that affected her emotional stability and judgement in those few episodes.
Not only that, but something I neglected to mention earlier in this post is that *she is a child* at this point. A teenager yes, but still a child. Her emotional maturity (outside of moments of cartoon gag violence, which imo should be given a pass considering the medium and the genre) is incredible for someone of her age at this point, sure, but at the end of the day she is still a child soldier in a world without mental health professionals and therapists. Under the pressure of what she was going through at the time, just about anyone of any age would have likely snapped, much more so someone that's only 16.
I have my issues with how Kishimoto writes Sakura, but this particular incident is not one of them for me.
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rantahead · 5 months
This is your idea of a Hokage?
If you couldn't tell by the title, this is an anti Sarada post, keep scrolling if you're not into that
Let's begin with the outfit:
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ok, so the pose is just… she looks like a wanna be prostitute. Sakura didn’t even dress this way when she was OLDER than Salad, let alone when she WAS her age.
let’s start with the heels. even Tsunade didn’t wear heels that high when she, too, was OLDER than Salad. how can she fight in those? I’m surprised she hasn’t hurt her ankles yet.
those gloves… I have nothing to say about them, they’re normal.
her miniskirt tho, ewww! she has nothing to show at the bottom, but in the Chunin Exams arc, when she stopped when Bolt was attacked, you could see her fucking underwear. it just me hard moving in that ugly ass miniskirt.
the top, oh my god. what if she had a chest? it would be revealed.
her hairstyle too. that is the most disgusting hair style in the entire series.
the glasses, oh don’t get me started. they suit Karin, but Salad, it makes her look even more disgusting and I didn’t think that was possible.
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with this design, at least she’s modest (not that much tho). I still stand corrected with her hair style and glasses 🤮.
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I have so many things wrong with her timeskip design.
her hairstyle is a lame copy of Bolt’s. she tried and failed.
the outfit! It’s going to fucking fall off her. I’m just waiting for her to be in battle and it to just slip down and show her chest (not that she is one) and it will only be connected at her waist and lower. it also must be uncomfortable moving with such short shorts.
the jacket is a BIG no no. it’s gonna fall off her shoulders. it also looks like a bad copy of Bolt’s jacket, like her hairstyle. she admires Bolt so much that she’s a cheap copy of him (🤢🤮).
her shoes, oh my god. they, too, look like they’re about to fall off. how can she fight in those ugly things? I can’t wait for her to be in the middle of battle, trip in those ugly heels, fall face first on the ground, and break her glasses.
she’s inappropriate (this is probably the biggest board):
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there’s plenty more scenes, but I just couldn’t fit them.
she’s always hiding behind people’s backs:
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there’s so many more and let alone all the ones in the anime, but I couldn’t fit anymore on there, but there’s so much more.
like, can’t she defend herself??? some Hokage she is gonna be. if she’s like this then I want Iwabe as Hokage.
her Sharingan/Mangekyou awaking was the dumbest and lamest thing in the whole Naruto universe:
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she’s rude to her “friends”:
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she hit Bolt and drags him and shouts at him. she ditched Mitsuki because he was Orochimaru’s son. she spent an entire arc crying for a dad, and when she got one, she was rude and mean to him. she wanted to ditch Sakura because she thought she wasn’t her mother. she was rude to Kawaki and said he should use his past to justify his actions, which is ironic consider she has done the same thing.
her personality:
don't even get me started
she's a crybaby
she thinks she's oh so good yet needs saving
Mary Sue
rude to people
underestimates her enemies and ends up needing to be saved
overestimates her abilities
constantly belittling Boruto for the tiniest things even tho he's BETTER than her
always shouting
picking fights with anyone
she's dumb
I could go on and on.
she’s such a crybaby:
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she cried when she first met Sasuke and he didn’t even show any emotion, goes to show how little he cared about her. she cried when she couldn’t bring the dummy fish alive. she cried for no reason when she questioned Sasuke about her mom. and she cried for no reason when they were fighting Shin.
at this rate, she’s becoming more and more of a lame and useless girl with a boring backstory. I hate her, her looks, her personality, and her in general.
my concerns for her at that she’ll never amount to anything, she’ll go blind by 20, maybe 18, she won’t achieve her dream, she’ll become the most hated character, she will get killed off. I have so many concerns about the direction this character is going.
enjoy Salad’s real face:
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