theoutcastrogue · 1 day
I need to share this. (@st-just : hearty gruel alert!)
Red lentils. Boil them in a pot all by themselves, with salt, until soft. Skim the Bad Foam (or first wash them many times, until the water's clear). Set them aside.
Take a big skillet, and sauté in medium heat garlic with cumin, coriander seeds, mustard seeds, and ginger. Grate a tomato in there (or however you add tomato in sauces), add fresh parsley or coriander, and stir.
Drop in the red lentils with water, tumeric, lemon juice, AND TAHINI. Mix them together, let them cook for a few minutes more, stir until done. Adjust texture to taste basically, it's up to you if you'll eat with a fork or with a spoon.
Now serve. In the middle of the gruel, plop a spoonful of strained yoghurt, and slice some raw red onion around it. Drizzle some olive oil/lemon on top. Ready? CHARGE.
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hot lentils (sans parsley, I was out) served in gruel form, a hearty meal for 1
Numbers (approximate), for 2 people
200 gr red lentils
7 minutes boiling
salt to taste
2 cloves of garlic
1 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon coriander seeds
1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger [I don't actually KNOW numbers for the spices, I'm eyeballing this; do what you will]
1 big tomato
salt and pepper to taste
+2 minutes stirring
skillet with the lentils:
~1/2 cup water (IF you've strained the lentils; I empty most but not all of the water from the pot, and then unceremoniously plop the whole thing in there)
1 teaspoon tumeric
4 tablespoons tahini
1/2 lemon
8 minutes cooking total
per serving:
1 hefty tablespoon yoghurt
1/2 small red onion
olive oil and lemon to taste
Feel free to play around with spices and seasoning. The only essential ingredients are the lentils, oil+tomato+cumin, and tahini+lemon.
It's completely feasible with brown lentils, except they take longer to boil. Basically this recipe combines the standard "brown lentils + tahini" with "red lentils + a bunch of spices".
If you have iron deficiency, the dairy will inhibit the iron absorption from the lentils, so either skip the yoghurt, or decide you're eating this because it's delicious, and not because it's good for your blood.
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cold lentils ~8 hours later, now in spread-ish form, kinda like hummus. reheating not necessary, fantastic mezze for 2. lasts in the fridge for 3-4 days (just let it out to acquire room temperature first, and serve with yoghurt and onions again).
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Portal Drawtober 2023: Day 13
Favorite Fic
Yeah this took me, far longer than I anticipated it to take. But I couldn't decide on just one fic when there are so many incredible pieces of work that have inspired and truly been a joy to read. So, multiple fics it was!
Please go give these fanfictions a read!! Each one of these is such a unique and really incredible take on Portal and they truly deserve to be checked out!
The fics shown:
The Future Starts With You - @fuchsiamae
The Long Game - @silverstreams
Reversal - Obvious Octopus
Schrödingers Cave - @sciencewife
The Resurrection Project - @sarcasticgaypotato
Testing Maintenance - @wheaterz
Liminal - @99thpercentile
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anotherexistingbeing · 3 months
Some doodles from a while ago
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final-milf-ratchet · 3 months
Oh my god I'm so sorry but i saw this in a discord server and. This is Predamags 100%
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sarcasticgaypotato · 6 months
Do you agree with Ossy Flawol's video on Chell's backstory? What would be your own idea(s) about her? Also, when did Chell begin to develop feelings for GLaDOS in The Resurrection Project? Since we've only read it through GLaDOS' POV. I really loved reading TRP, so I also wanted to ask if you'd like to tell us about Chell's POV in the fic (I'm new to this blog so I am probably not aware if a question like this has been asked before). Thank you!
Alright two big questions here (and technically a third one) so I'll try and keep my answers separate so it doesn't bleed into one big long ramble. Ossy Flawol's video 'Who Is Chell?'
I thought it was well done! They clearly did their research, the video is edited nicely, and I think it's a perfectly good theory.
However, I think some of their conclusions are a bit of a stretch. While the bring your daughter to work day theory they offer is good, they don't do quite enough to convince me. I personally think it's very likely that the potato battery easter egg is just that; an easter egg, not canon lore. That doesn't mean I don't think it's fun to consider the implications if it was canon, it just means that I think the original intention behind putting it in there was just 'oh haha wouldn't this be fun' and not any serious lore plans.
I also think Flawol puts a bit too much stock into GLaDOS's insults without really considering them as a whole. They fixate strongly on the idea that there's 'half-truths' to her insults, but they neglect to mention all the jokes made about Chell's weight and her potential brain damage. We can certainly headcanon these being things Chell is specifically sensitive about, but considering there's no evidence to support it, I think it more likely that they're just...generic insults. Yes GLaDOS makes them in a very targeted manner, but 'you're fat and stupid' is hardly a unique insult to bully someone with.
Further, if Flawol believes we can trust that GLaDOS's lines have some element of truth to them, what about the 'good people don't end up here' line? Nothing in their theory implies that Chell has done anything that would make her sensitive about that comment, just that she's independent.
All in all I enjoyed the video, but there's a bit too much cherry-picking in certain spots for me to 100% agree with it. Definitely worth a watch though! (I was happy to see them point out the stupidity of the 'Caroline and Cave are Chell's parents' theory. Anybody who does that gets a thumbs up in my book.)
As for my own ideas about Chell? I've got some other asks in my inbox about Chell where I'll be tackling more of that soon, so keep an eye out!
When did Chell develop feelings for GLaDOS in 'The Resurrection Project'? What is Chell's POV?
I love this question because Chell's perspective throughout TRP is something that's kept purposefully unknown. The reader only ever sees her through GLaDOS's eyes, making her thoughts, feelings, and intentions a bit of a mystery.
Playing the games, it's easy to take it for granted how much we project onto Chell. We can easily imagine Chell's perspective because we're playing it, but what would it be like to be GLaDOS? How would you interpret someone like Chell?
Do you think Chell set up handgun practice as a way to get close to GLaDOS? Was she lying about only being able to get one shower? What was going through her mind when she held GLaDOS through her nightmare?
I'm hesitant to say too much about Chell, even years later, because I think a lot of the fun is how the reader interprets it. However, I can give a bit of the thought process behind her.
GLaDOS saved Chell's life at the end of Portal 2. She kept her word, she let her go. They worked together as a team to defeat Wheatley and they worked together well. Chell never forgot any of that, even when she initially comes off as cold to GLaDOS in the beginning of TRP.
Chell wonders if this is all some elaborate trick, but dismisses that once she sees how miserable GLaDOS is. From there, she finds this situation is a bit like when they were working together in Aperture, because GLaDOS isn't in a position of power over her, and it's not bad. They work well together, Chell might be catching some feelings, but all that has to clash with her lingering distrust.
There's a reason why, despite moments of them getting closer, Chell takes a long time to actually speak to GLaDOS. That is, in a lot of ways, the final hurdle she had to overcome. That was the biggest show of trust Chell could give her, and thus it's no surprise that she kisses GLaDOS soon after.
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oshee-202-blog · 2 years
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I’ve been getting into transformers recently and so- been trying to draw the robos :D
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feminism-lesbianart · 3 months
“お世話になっております。お問い合わせいただいた件、お返事が遅くなり申し訳ございません。弊団体は基本的に個別のアンケートやお問い合わせに関しては、回答しておりませんのでご了承ください。 いただきましたご意見は、今後の運営の参考にさせていただきます。 この度は貴重なご意見を賜りありがとうございました。” ――NPO法人東京レインボープライド事務局
TRP2024のテーマのページに掲げられている、 「多様な誰もが公平に、そして自分らしく幸せに暮らせる未来のために」 という言葉は、本当に実践するつもりなどない「ただのお題目」に過ぎないということなのでしょうか? https://tokyorainbowpride.com/news/notice/35939/
#共犯と決別する回答を #TRPはアクサから協賛を受けないで #TRPはヒューレット・パッカードから協賛を受けないで #ボイコット・アパルトヘイト国家イスラエル #ジェノサイドにプライドはない
【TRP公式ウェブサイト (問い合わせ)】 https://tokyorainbowpride.com/contact/ 【TRP公式Twitter/Xアカウント】 @Tokyo_R_Pride
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thereikoproject · 2 months
When i saw the TADC teaser the other day, it inspired me to draw my TRP girls Claire Clairmint and Athena Rosenberg. Their dynamic reminds me of Pomni and Caine in the canon. (Claire being the more reserved one and Athena the loud one)
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Fun fact: because of Caine, I wanted to give Athena some elements to a ringmaster's uniform. Probably need to give her a redesign, i can't remember what her current design is so i made a new one up.
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toastylicious · 3 months
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dragonsgirl572 · 10 months
I feel like spilling some beans, so for the people reading my New Generation stories, this is for you.
The order for which bots have their kids, and the names of said kids.
Also, shoutout to @weonbullshit for the little conversation we had on AO3!
If you prefer to keep it a surprise, then don't click "Keep Reading"
Smokescreen, who has Jeopardy
Optimus, who has Ricochet and Oracle
Megatron, who has Vortex
Ultra Magnus and Predaking, who has Slipclaw
Ratchet, who has Phoenix
Bumblebee, who has Siren
Then, there will be a story where the Rescue Bots scan new forms, and I did a little research about the animals they scanned.
Boulder, who is a Rhino, has Cascade
Heatwave, who is an alligator, has Wildfire (Gators are supposed to have 20-50 eggs but I knew Heatwave couldn't handle that much.)
Chase, who is a gecko, has Thunderbolt
Blades, who is a peregrine falcon, has Paradox, Remix, and Twinkle
Blurr, who is a cheetah, has Miracle, Sky-High, Speedway, Lightwire, and Starbolt (Primus help him)
Boulder has his second kid, her name is Aurora
Salvage, who is an elephant, has Makeshift (I don't care that it's a name of a former Decepticon, it's one that fits Salvage well)
Quickshadow, who is a screech owl, has Eclipse and Aura
Salvage has his second son, his name is Rocket
Finally High Tide, who is a whale shark, finds and adopts Azure and Adularescence.
Then Sideswipe and Thunderhoof have a daughter named Odyssey, I'll further explain when the book comes out.
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graffiticanada · 8 months
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myonbl · 2 months
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第1話「コックを捜せ」/ The Adventure of Clapham Cookシーズン 1, エピソード 1 ある朝、ヘイスティングスは新聞に掲載された事件をポワロに読んで聞かせるが、どれもポワロの興味を引かず、手持ちぶさた状態。そんな時、ポワロを尋ねて トッド夫人が事件捜査の依頼にやって来る。彼女は居なくなったコックのイライザを捜して欲しいと相談を持ちかける。渋るポワロだったが、依頼を引き受ける ことに。
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slashmenopulse · 10 months
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Trp icons commissioned from @/muchinery !
> Characters: Commander Chaos, Danny T, Edward Cross, Lennox Viana
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wolvenhunter · 3 months
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Art I did for me and my two friends from the old PRC Red Dead RP server. Boris, Charles, and Dove. 🖤
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siemreapertravel · 2 years
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Join us for an unforgettable morning of cycling through the ancient and hidden trails of Angkor Park! Let our experienced English-speaking guide take you away from the classic tourist routes and discover parts of Angkor that other travelers rarely see.
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sarcasticgaypotato · 2 years
Yes I will continue to celebrate the birthday of The Resurrection Project- this is my child and it deserves a party. The past year has seen new people discover TRP, my sister likely reading it too many times in the process of making the hardcover, and even me returning fondly to it as a physical book this time.
For as tricky as it may be to not cringe at my 5 year old writing, I really do love it. I long for the stamina and dedication that possessed me while I was writing it, and hope that its success will help carry me to new, bigger and better projects. (P.S. I’m making a cake to celebrate, it’s just past this next test chamber, trust me)
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