#tragic horror act 3
allthedoorsareopennow · 3 months
fans of the toy soldier, tragic horror act 3 is the show for you I feel like TS is amped a bit higher that it should be for most of the show - it overpowers the other singers when there's multiple people singing together
also is that some fun bonus accordian from the drumbot?
god fucking damn pump shanty goes REALLY REALLY FAST you can hear jonny just shoving in a few words where he can as he struggles to keep up
also bonus raphaella singing - she voices cinders and sings cinders song and also sings in other places
OOOH fun extra vocals behind our boy jack that's GOOODD
'and now you want to go white knight over a science project with a broken snoze button? I don't buy it'
'you clearly weren't listening when I explained it the first time'
'no, I wasn't'
'right, I'll explain it again'
'Brian, that insobordinate piece of brass, I will have you- melted down..'
ooooh is that ashes voicing briar rose
'but I hope my prince will bring a sword'
(muttered, possibly by Tim? couldn't quite hear) 'well, it's a revolver, I'll give you that'
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saturdaysky · 2 months
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a little morning pick-me-up
A morning on the way to Baldur's Gate. The party booked themselves into an inn and enjoyed real beds, hot baths, and privacy for the first time since the Nautiloid.
Gale and Mayhew shared a room, of course. They were filled with the relief of surviving the shadows and the glow of finally getting together, so their private room was probably a blessing for the whole party, honestly.
This was some ascended anatomy practice! Referenced some great stock from @null-entity.
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drugbot-brian · 3 months
i always forget how much harder mechs songs slap in live recordings than they do in the studio versions and then they start playing and i go feral
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jahiera · 3 days
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caved to my heart's whims and gave her a dashing little haircut... now she's such a little princeling
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swordmaid · 5 months
gale confessing to her and she is like 🥺
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jcbs-posting · 1 year
the worst thing about realizing you have a great narrative opportunity to kill off one of your characters in a meaningful way is trying to argue w yourself about it and, through this, only making it more narratively interesting likeglkjdlfkjf
‘god, not them, anyone but them’ -> the weight of the meta emotional loss matches the stakes
‘but they’re connected to the people around them, they’re an essential part of the story and other characters’ -> the weight of the in universe loss matches the stakes, and enforces the themes of loss and the violence of systemic institutions and how losing one person effects all of us
‘they’ll leave behind someone who loves them’ -> and that person will fight for their memory now, won’t they? that will effectively set up act 3, won’t it? avenging your love (who did everything to save you, who gave it all up so you could still be breathing, and it isn’t fair, it isn’t fair that they fought for you and gave up their own life so you could stand here, alone) is often a more effective motivator than avenging yourself.
‘this isn’t supposed to be a tragedy’ -> bestie babe YOU are the person who put a dozen people in a government torture facility what the fuck do u think you’re writing
like girl help me ghlkjblkjsf
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fuckyeahisawthat · 2 months
i rewatched Dune Part Two recently and one of the most striking shots for me was the one of the Fremen attacking the Sardaukar on wormback, while holding the Atreides flag.
Like, we just saw the Sardaukar forming up with their numerous flag bearers, even trying to maintain their flags raised after the nuclear detonation (in a shot that mirrored the famous "Raising the Flag in Iwo Jima" statue to me btw, nice nod to imperialism).
And then the Fremen arrive, but they're not bearing their colors, their flags, not fighting in their own names, instead it's the Atreides colors. The colors of their new, imperially appointed rulers. New pawns in the warfare between Great Houses, soldiers instead of freedom fighters. Urgh. Wish i could make gifsets.
Yeah yeah yeah it's horrifying!! You are watching a national liberation movement get successfully co-opted by a superpower and it's awful!
They did such a good job making it feel creepy and foreboding when the Atreides symbols and motifs start re-appearing in the last hour or so of the movie. The second Gurney shows up he immediately re-introduces the Atreides way of looking at the world, and it's disturbing how easily Paul falls back into thinking like that, seeing the planet and its people as tools to be used in an inter-imperial power play. (It's right after Gurney tells him about the family nukes that Paul has the signet ring out for the first time since the beginning of the second act and we're like OH NO.) This is before he drinks the Water of Life; he is already starting to think like a colonial duke again some time before he declares himself one.
After the opening montage where we see the piles of bodies being burnt, we don't see the stylized Atreides hawk symbol for most of the movie. The next time it appears is on a vault of nuclear weapons, which are never treated as anything but a curse. It's so important that Stilgar and Chani are with Paul and Gurney when they open the vault so we can see their horror at these weapons and the gleeful, casual way Gurney talks about them. Chani is also seeing an aspect of Paul that she hasn't really witnessed before--Paul, the Future of House Atreides--and she does not like it.
And then of course the whole ending battle is making the point over and over again with repeated imagery that Atreides and Harkonnens are exactly the fucking same. All the imagery from the initial Harkonnen attack on Arrakeen in Part One--which at least shows the Atreides as brave in the face of overwhelming odds--gets inverted into something that's supposed to make us shudder. That scene of Gurney hacking his way through the crowd of soldiers with someone carrying the Atreides flag behind him? Nightmarish.
All of this stuff is super important to what the movie is trying to say because it is very very easy for us to buy into the Atreides' propaganda about themselves being the good guys. If we're paying attention to what Chani tells us in the literal first 3 minutes of the first movie, we already know we should be viewing them with a bit of critical distance. And while I think there is plenty in the first movie to make us side-eye their noble image (Leto saying we will bring peace to Arrakis?? fucking yikes dude), it's easy to forget that because Leto generally seems like a good dude to the people close to him, and he dies tragically so we never get to see much of what kind of colonizer he would have become. And I think it's easy to start thinking well if only Leto the more reasonable parent had lived then things wouldn't have turned out this way.
But fucking desert power?? That was Leto's idea. This is Leto's dream being realized. The plan was always to use the Fremen as pawns in the power struggle between the Great Houses. Maybe not quite in the way that Paul does cause he definitely goes off with it, but the end result is just as much a product of Atreides imperialism as it is of Bene Gesserit religious colonialism. The Atreides aren't inherently any more noble or benevolent than the Harkonnens in their intentions, they just have better PR. But the end result is exactly the same: a pile of dead bodies being set on fire.
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littlemonday · 1 month
So much of the difference in player response to the Emperor vs. Raphael comes down to aesthetics.
I’ve been seeing a lot of fan posting of Raphael lately, which is honestly fine. I enjoy seeing fan creations on all the characters. But I feel like I need to address something that is, for me, rather glaring in the fandom. Raphael is a pretty popular character, while the Emperor gets so much hate posting I’ve had to block users and entire groups on other sites because it was so over the top. These characters are functionally quite similar in the game, but the disparity in how they’re each perceived couldn’t be more different.
Both characters need to form an alliance with the main character. Both characters need the main character to defeat the brain. Both characters are willing to manipulate the main character to meet their own ends. But, one character is a conventionally attractive middle aged man, and the other is a humanoid squid monster. (How many times have we all seen posts about how upset someone was when their hot dream guardian turned out to be the squid monster?)
Not only is Raphael conventionally attractive, but he stays that way when he reveals himself as a devil.The Emperor presents himself as someone the main character would trust, but when he’s finally revealed, he bears no resemblance to the facade he was wearing - a facade that he sincerely believed was necessary to keep himself safe and to win your trust. Raphael is quite literally the handsome devil. His ascended form barely makes an appearance, but even so that form is not alien. It’s devilish, but not alien, and “alien” unlike devilish, invokes a deeply discomforting fear of the unknown.
Raphael is all opulence and performance, wearing tailored clothing and living in a grandiose house that hides the horrors of what happens there until late into act 3. While the mind flayer colonies by comparison are grotesque organisms that look like the inside of a body, and the Emperor’s home is a bare bones cellar with the last remaining keepsakes of his former life. The chains he uses to hold his victims are right out in the open.
Raphael is like an old school campy Disney villain who tries to entertain you all while openly admitting that he wants you to come to him when you’re desperate and all hope is gone. And like those old Disney villains, he just enjoys being evil. He even comes with his own villain song that he sings. He enjoys your suffering. He’s openly playing with his food. The Emperor does try to seduce you, but mostly tries to appeal to your pragmatism and empathy. However, he doesn’t have Disney villain camp to help him out here. He embodies all the body horror and fear over the player's loss of humanity by virtue of him being a mind flayer. He does have a song, but most of us miss it on our first play through and don’t hear its tragic lyrics.
Raphael, and this one is perhaps the most frustrating to me, imprisoned and tortured Hope for years! He takes advantage of people, including orphans, and gets them to sign away their souls for eternal torment in exchange for something they desperately want or need in life. While the Emperor has that one infamous cutscene in which we see him enthrall Stelmane, but it comes on the heels of the player dehumanizing and provoking him. A lot of players will refer to this as a “call out” and a “mask off” moment, which is very disingenuous framing. It’s frustrating that so few players never seem to consider the deeper role their choices may play in triggering this scene: you treat him like an inhuman monster, and you get an inhuman monster. Players will complain all the time about how the Emperor manipulates you and lies about everything, but apparently in this one scene he’s suddenly being completely honest and not manipulating you? So many never consider the possibility of confirmation bias when it comes to this character.
As I said, this cutscene is an obvious threat, but I know that just because he’s threatening you, it doesn’t mean there’s no truth to what you’re seeing. However, it also doesn’t mean that this is somehow “the truth” as so many players seem to think it is. I’ll write more on this in another post, but there’s just not enough information in the game to make definitive conclusions on their relationship. And I bring this up because I don’t see anywhere near the outrage over Hope as I see over Stelmane.
Then there’s Ansur. The Emperor killed his love, Ansur, out of self defense (we know this from Ansur himself), and for a lot of players, this was what solidified their hatred for the Emperor, and they will endlessly hate post about it. Raphael, on the other hand, never killed any of his loves. But the reason he never killed any of his loves is because he’s never loved anyone. He’s incapable of it, and anyone he has killed was, at best, a mere tool for his use.
Which brings me to my next point, even though both characters are trying to manipulate you to their own ends, only the Emperor sees you as more than a means to an end. Raphael does not. In fact, I wrote a lot of words on this very topic.
I’ve had people tell me that they like Raphael more because he’s upfront with his intentions, while the Emperor isn’t. That’s not entirely true. The Emperor tells you he wants his freedom, even tells you the power he uses to protect you is power he’s stolen, but he goes to great lengths to hide his identity, where Raphael barely goes to any lengths at all. As I said, the Emperor sincerely believes he must do this to protect himself. He likes to puff his chest out, but he’s quite aware of his own vulnerability, so he lives a life in which he’s constantly hiding and disguising himself. He’s surviving, as he puts it in the end. Raphael is essentially a prince in the Hells who wields a lot of power, and whatever vulnerabilities he might have are well protected. Whatever difference this makes is not enough to justify the gulf in how much hate the Emperor receives versus how little Raphael does.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: this is not me saying that you have to like one character or dislike another. That’s personal, and I’m not going to waste time telling people how to feel. So please don’t take away from this that I want to see more hate posting about Raphael. I don’t! Please don’t hate post about any characters, and if you absolutely must, please don’t use character tags to do so. What I am saying is that there’s a clear double standard in this fandom, and I want more players to engage with this media in a way that is both empathetic and analytical. I think both of those things together can prevent a lot of toxicity.
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irrealisms · 1 year
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c!wilbur + death as catharsis
A Temple of the Holy Ghost - Flannery O'Connor // The Gods Show Up - Michael Kinnucan // tumblr post by @oneheadtoanother // tumblr post by @nonsenscialghosts , tags by @annabelle--cane // tumblr post by @notbecauseofvictories
[IDs under cut]
Image 1: She could never be a saint, but she thought she could be a martyr if they killed her quick.
Image 2: The tragic hero attains something like divine completeness, except that for human beings completeness is death.
Image 3: A photo edit of a person with their hand on their head saying "HELP! I'M UNHAPPY". Another person offers them a sword, labeled "OKAY, HERE'S GRADUAL CHANGE THROUGH DAILY HABITS". The first person replies "NO THANKS, I WAS LOOKING FOR DRAMATIC ESCAPE"
Image 4: a tumblr post by nonsensicalghosts, reading: “denied the catharsis of punishment” is an underappreciated but hugely effective narrative consequence imo a reply to it reads: "#it’s so tasty and it comes in so many flavors#does the character self-loathe and feel anguished by what others intended as an act of forgiveness and grace?#does the character know they need to change but sort of madly wish they could trade the unceasing exhausting improvement journey#for a flash bang of slate-clearing repentance so they don’t have to think about it anymore?#is is a creeping horror as the character realizes no one is going to punish them because everyone else still thinks what they did was okay?#does the character have to live the rest of their life just feeling ever so slightly untrusted by everyone with no way to stop it?#sorry for leaving pretentious tags on tumblr dot com it will happen again Peer-reviewed tags by annabelle–cane"
Image 5: a tumblr post by notbecauseofvictories, reading: "Honestly though, thinking about martyrs in the context of “your death, while touching and deeply meaningful, actually isn’t your death for real bc obviously life everlasting—gear up for purgatory, mate” is a wonderfully cruel thought ……and then failed martyrdom, where you attempted to sacrifice yourself in the name of some great and Good cause, to become something more than the bounds of your skin and instead you’re stuck in the same old morally muddling-grey world, hiding the scars where the flames licked at your calves or swallowing meds to deal with the chronic pain from the breaking wheel stigamata not as this blessed gift turning your mind to the suffering of Christ but really annoying reminders of that time you were strung up by your wristbones and almost asphyxiated and you still need an inhaler" tags: #''dying is easy young man living is harder'' #to quote #I love martyrs but mostly because they are so narratively satisfying and robbing them of the narrative satisfaction is weird cathartic #''HAHA you have to stay in the confusing and uncertain world with the rest of us #instead of discovering the answer to one of the essential questions of humankind'' #''sucks to be you''
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gnashingwailing · 1 month
@fireflywritesgt sending u my ch 24/25 thoughts <3
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⬆️How Harry looks processing how upset he is that Joe nearly died in a lake while lovingly making him tea for his hangover
Meanwhile, Joe: I hope sober Joe knows how to deal with this Sober Joe:
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First off. this is primarily a reflection on Joe & Harry throughout these last two chapters but I would be remiss not to mention how EXTREMELY fed I am by the Gutters lore ... was HE a pet or was it someone he cared for... either way... woof. Plus Calloway coming to Joe's rescue once again... even though there are now rumors and Gutters saw something. In parallel with the marking scene ... this story does such a great job of balancing the horror with the levity. maybe it's for the best Joe isn't telling Harry the particulars of his visiting Calloway's bcuz Harry might just have a heart attack if he stops and thinks through the implications of all this. Wonder if he realizes how much danger he might have put Joe in... he seems to kinda forgor everything else where saving/supporting Joe is concerned (as seen in ch21 when he wanted to bring Joe to see O'Grady...)
(Btw I love the way (sober) Joe will NEVER admit anything re: Harry saving his life lol. “You just threw me into a curtain 🙄“ “I don’t even remember the turtle 🙄”)
“He knew what the medical journals had to say about homosexuals; hell, he had read them! He had to give himself some credit, however. The little bastard had been drunk as a skunk, lying helplessly in his hand, and the worst Harry had done was march him straight upstairs to tuck him into bed. Whatever pathology Harry himself had, it had not gotten the best of him yet.”
GIRL (gn) HELP NOT THE PEER-REVIEWED INTERNALIZED HOMOPHOBIA… The Harry chapters always hit soooo hard for me when you read between the lines of what he’s thinking. He is SUCH a poor little guy… We can see pretty clearly that Harry thinks of his affections as something poisonous but Also apparently as something predatory? “his pathology” “getting the best of him” being like… what? That he’d take advantage of him because he’s attracted to him ? Is that the kind of thing the research said? UGH IT BREAKS MY HEART. I hope he’ll reject his coping mechanism of rationalizing and dissecting everything and just let go and trust Joe to know what he wants! It would be really tragic if Harry tried rejecting Joe much the same way Georgie rejected him :’(
“Harry, though he hated to admit it, was afraid – not of Joe himself, but what Joe represented.” - OUUUUUGHHH THE PARALLELS… the way Joe thought the exact same thing after the night of the thunderstorm… ouuuuughhhhh save meeee...
And the parallels continue in their tendency to self-harm… Joe may be more overt about it (lol if Harry ever learns that Joe has purposefully eaten poisoned chocolate three. times. and fully thought he was doing it a 4th with Harry’s own offering … #girl…) but Harry’s absolute repression of any self-expression or vulnerability is equally a form of self-harm… questioning Joe’s ability to make his own decisions is such a sad expression of how Harry (maybe unconsciously?) views things — safety and staying alive is worth more than authenticity. Maybe he won’t stick Joe in a cage anymore but he still wants to exert control over him — in the relatable way many of us do when we feel like our loved ones are making bad decisions. And Joe is making some of those! But so does everyone! And in Joe’s case the worst of them are likely driven from years of internalized self-loathing and self-neglect !! He would probably chill out if he just had a good man waiting for him at home……. Taking Harry by the shoulders and shaking him. U are both two sides of the same coin
“Unseasoned. The word crept back into Joe’s mind. Calloway had a point, he realized; Harry wasn’t acting all that different from some of the lesser-experienced boys of Joe’s own size that he had toyed with. Surely, though, Harry didn’t find Joe attractive. That would be absurd!” Holy shit this whole chapter is so good but this part is hysterical. 1. TOYED WITH⁉️ 2. Watching Harry’s brain overheat in real time while 3. Joe getting to enjoy flirting shamelessly (clapping and hollering that he got to do that AND got to be sober to remember it) WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY BEING LIKE 🤨 there’s no way he finds me attractive tho. How do they both manage to be such conniving little bastards and also so innocent. So clever and yet soooo dumb. 💕
But even tho he’s somewhat in disbelief about how Harry feels about him, Joe knows himself so very well lmao. At first I thought he was lying about not remembering their conversation but. I don’t think so. Harry telling him he said “something very nice” to him and Joe being like. Was it that you had a nice ass. LIKE HE WAS THIS 🤏 CLOSE TO THE MARK BDDJSHHD but ALSO even just calling Harry handsome made him a blushing mess!! It fascinates me that Harry is so terrified of receiving affection but he felt much more at ease when he was giving it. I mean, he was calling Joe handsome two chapters ago‼️ I think Joe can be forgiven for his romance-novel-brain idealizing Harry as a seductor. It says something interesting about Harry’s character that he’s been so comfortable complimenting Joe until it might lead somewhere … Is that open, easygoing kindness, the sort that compliments other men readily, the ‘real’ Harry? Was Joe seeing his unvarnished personality before it got hidden under the internalized homophobia that has come out in force since ch22? I get the sense Harry is just the sort of guy whose true feelings sometimes spill out of him in a way he is barely cognizant of. We know that’s true for his anger, but I could see that being true for his affection, too. I’m guessing that is why his internal monologue goes “wow! He’s like a movie star :) and he’s so brave and cool and I respect him so much. He looks like a dancer. And his clothes look so good on him. And I notice his haircut and whether he’s getting enough sleep and every scratch and scrape and other intricacy of his appearance immediately. Yeah, I can’t help but love him - you know - like a brother or a friend!!” 👈 UNSEASONED
"“So you admit it. I’m up here because I manipulated you, and not because you manipulated me.” Joe said." — omfg. On the one hand, I love that these two are so good at unhanding each other, and it’s very cute to me that they’ve both at different points felt proud for “catching” one another. On the other hand, Harry & Joe when they are tasked with cultivating a mutually nurturing and vulnerable relationship:
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WHAT IF NEITHER OF YOU ARE MANIPULATING THE OTHER AND DOING THIS BECAUSE YOU LIKE ONE ANOTHER AND YOU’RE BOTH CHOOSING THE UNKNOWN. WHAT IF THAT WASNT BEYOND BOTH UR KEN RN. What then. One day they will quit playing Tom and Jerry-esque mind games with each other but not today. I know the rituals are intricate. I know. I know they’re intricate 😔😔😔
On a lighter note so glad to see Joe’s other go-to behavior is back. If he doesn’t wanna Just Walk Out then he wants to Fuck Around & Find Out <3 I luv how compatible the two of them are… Joe is not only moving in he's turning Harry into the u-haul service and Harry is just enamored with him for it. Faithful hunting dog retrieving game indeed. Submissive in the way a livestock guardian dog is submissive to its sheep. 10/10 Joe got his ass so good.
"“I’m sure you[‘ll listen to me]. You have to. If I’m gonna be the tiny, then it means you have to be the giant and do everything I say all the time.” He said." — Hmm. Joe and I have the same g/t fics bookmarked I think 👍 I sort of get the same sense that Harry got when Joe was talking about “luck” — that maybe the idea of “being the tiny” vs “being the giant” has some cultural connotations for him we don’t quite grasp.
OH this reminds me of the question I meant to ask you and promptly forgot about. If miniatures have a taboo against taking things without giving something in return… what does it feel like for Joe when Harry just keeps giving him stuff? Does “paying me in sleep” really work in borrower cultural norms? Hazarding a guess, I’m assuming romantic partners don’t necessarily operate on the same principle of equivalent exchange… given “Joe’s got a rich boyfriend that’s spoiling him” being something Calloway reads as normal/expected … That is to say. Hmm. Is Harry giving Joe all these things something that a romantic suitor would do? 🤔 Harry the unknowing seductor…
Parting thoughts… Miss Wilkins’ dad suddenly came down with tuberculosis, huh. Gang, do we know how Harry’s mom died, other than that it was sudden and traumatic? How do we think Harry is doing re: pushing all his feelings & unprocessed trauma down at this time. 👍/👎?
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I think you mentioned somewhere on this blog that you view the whole "Aemon/Naerys love affair" thing as Aemon more so having an obsessive unrequited love for his sister that Naerys was aware of and while uncomfortable with it, quietly tolerated it. Could you expand more on that?
Hell yah dude! Honestly my take on their relationship dynamic isn’t really new, it’s been something I’ve seen kinda circulating the tumblr fandom for a while but basically:
Instead of the standard tragic doomed love story that seems to be what grrm maybe intended for Aemon and Naerys, the idea is basically that there wasn’t much of a secret relationship between them but instead something way more horrifying.
Aemon’s in “love” with his sister in the way that he’s obsessed with the idea of her being a paragon of purity. He wants to see her as just his sister, but because of the family dynamic he was brought up in and the religion he was raised with, there’s no… Normal way of really loving Naerys. He wants her to be a pure septa just as much as she wants to be, but he also can’t help but see her as the wife he could’ve had, which leads to a bunch of complicated feelings he’s grappling with, which also brings in a bunch of guilt when we remember he’s sworn to the kingsguard and is actively protecting her primary abuser. So sure, swearing to the kingsguard meant that he won’t be sent away from her side, but it also means he has to be constantly close and fully watching as Naerys gets hurt which is a…..veryy very interesting choice dare I say-
Naerys meanwhile does love Aemon as her brother, because in all honesty he’s really all she has that is normal in their nightmarish family dynamic. He’s supposed to be her normal brother, the pillar she can lean on, the one that loves her like family and doesn’t hurt her. He’s her safe haven because he’s supposed to not want her for any ulterior motive. If he wasn’t, if he was openly pining for her, it would shatter that trust and may completely destroy Naerys because then she doesn’t have anyone else to turn to. And the thing is, I don’t think Naerys is an idiot- over time she probably started to realize just why Aemon cares for her so much, but the thing is he never openly admits it so she doesn’t either, a sorta “if we don’t talk about it then it doesn’t exist” kinda deal. It horrifies her, but she tries to ignore it. She still acts like Aemon’s her normal brother despite actively knowing his feelings for her because she’s just plain scared of admitting that there is no normal familial dynamic to be had in their family.
Granted, this is most definitely not canon, most of it is just my psychoanalysis of the whole situation just because I think it’s interesting! It’s not that the “tragic love” story isn’t good or anything, it’s just not as interesting to me personally. When it comes to tragedy, it’s neat having a small element of psychological horror and that’s absolutely a theme I love sprinkling in when it comes to the Targs because there’s just so much more potential when it comes to that! That is just my opinion tho <3
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whole-circus · 1 year
Creepypastas as stereotypical horror movie characters!
➥ with Jeff The Killer, Homicidal Liu, Masky, Ben Drowned, Sally Williams, Eyeless Jack, Nina The Killer, "Ticci" Toby, Jane The Killer From horror movies lover to innocent souls! >:3
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.•┈••✦ 🖤 ✦••┈•.
☆ Jeff The Killer
Hear me out - Jock of the group. You know, this "manly men", who would bully you in a free time if he is not playing in football (or other balls hehe). Absolute jerk! Laughs at the rest of the group for being afraid. Act like he is not scared at all and often curse at the killer, saying that he will beat his ass - on the inside tho? He is shaking from fear! Propably would die as one of the first :)
☆ Homicidal Liu
He would be a tragic hero, the one had normal life but shit happend. Have a high chance of surviving but propably sacrifies himself, so others could live. But if he survive? Oh my, at what cost? All of his friends are dead, everything he loved is now ruined..but hey, maybe he can monetize his traumatic experience to pay for therapy!
☆ Masky
Totally the responsible and a bit sceptic at first one. Initially, he doesn't really believe what others are saying. Thinks that others are going crazy or just doing pranks. He is sure everything can be explained! The one to be smart enough to outstand the killer and he maintain to be calm. And just tired from babying therest of the group. For some reason, he would mostly die anyway..propably on silly way, that angers audience.
☆ Ben Drowned
The stoner one..The guy that is almost always high and also can be a comic relief! The best character to put your guard down, with him on the screen you will almost forgot what you watch! Well, maybe until someone get killed..He also make the stupidest jokes - but come on, we love them! Someone gets stabbed? Bleeds? Haha look - period! Oh man..the killers attacks? Nah, he can wait - its time to get high! Dies in the most stupid way (propably not from killers hands) or! survives! - we have no idea how.
☆ Sally Williams
She is the scary kid! You remeber Grady twins from Shining? She is both of them! At the same time! Propably will be seen as innocent and cute, you just want to protects her..But dont be fooled by her sweet apperance! If you are not careful, you cant blame her for standing at your bed with knife in the middle of the night! Sally would scare the shit out of viewers. Lights suddenly goes out? Oh man.. We can see that coming!
☆ Eyeless Jack
What a nice and quiet fellow...No way he could be a killer! Jack is definitely the quiet one who turns out to be a killer. Always sweet, always caring - propably besties with the main character. He helps hiding from the killer, setting traps and trying to find clues to discover identity of main antagonist. Just wait till the end, when the identify of masked killer will be uncovered! He is also the perfect type to be a masked slasher becasue well..he is hot, alright?
☆ Nina the Killer
Hot, joyful, a bit too naive and in mini skirt! There she is! The bimbo one! Propably the best friend of the final girl. Have no idea what is going on..but hopes she will flirt her way out of killers hands! Of course the most fanserviced one, if the horror have sex or pool scenes, she is in. In the first 5 minutes of the movie you will see her boobs. Won't run becasue she dont want to ruin her shoes. We all love her but lets be honest - she will die first.
☆ "Ticci" Toby
Every movie need the crybaby one, this one character that will be scared of anything - his shadow included. Will never ever want to split up, he would put the handcuffs on the whole group if he could. A scary noise? In the middle of the night? Oh hell no, lets pretend that nothing happened and stay in safe room. All the wacthers have enough of him! Please, just let this guy die... Despite his fearful spirit, he has a high chance to come from this nightmare alive (sadly for audience).
☆ Jane the Killer
Badass girls, who doesn't love them? Also pretty and smart? Can fight?? Thats her, thats the final girl! Bravely fights till the end. Her will to live is way stronger than killer hands. Will try to help everybody make it, but at the end all her friends are dead anyways. Well..at least the blood suits her. Propably will live a somehow calm yet traumatized life, well until the next part of movie!
.•┈••✦ 🖤 ✦••┈•.
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mechanismslorearchive · 3 months
Not sure if you already know (I tried looking, blame tumblr search) but i found a live audio recording of ouatis from late 2014
One song was posted on The Void Sings youtube but i couldn't find anymore from the recording
Yes! This is probably my personal favorite recording of OUATIS. Not to fear, it is safely archived. To those who haven't heard it yet, though, take this as a sign to listen! It's, if I recall correctly, the only performance we have full audio of to feature all nine Mechanisms, features Raphaella as Cinders and Ashes as Briar and dials up Jonny and Nastya sibling moments to ten <3
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DFF Finale
Not with a bang, not a whimper but somewhere in the middle.
My thoughts are jumbled and all over the place, I came in the finale already spoiled (I couldn't wait and the gray sites are taking too long) and I am not even sure I will still feel 100% like this by the time the week is out.
Ultimatly I agree a lot with what @lurkingshan says in her post here
A lot of the episode was good: The hallucinations were amazing, and I think the character work in all of them (and the series in general, with only some minor hiccups) is very solid. The acting is also very good. I want to see these boys in more roles. The writing from Ep 1 to Ep 9 was AMAZING!! The reveals are all super hard hitting, it felt like there was fire after fire for every episode.
White my baby, a tragic character if there ever was one, HE WASN'T EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE THERE, his boyfriend was basically seeing him as replacement Non since they started dating. We all loved and clowned on this character so hard!! A lot of White's character makes sense in hindsight, at least to me who is like 5 weeks in a couple of layers of theorizing and obessing (I do realize not everyone feels like that a lot of what makes sense for me it's speculation driven by weeks of obsession), even some of the other more baffling moments, like the converstation with Tan and that moment with Phee.
Problems started at EP 10, and while I loved the Tee and TeeWhite scenes of EP 11 thanks to episode 10 they felt way to disconnected and too late. It left the last 3 episodes less focused and the pacing a mess.
And then there is the ending. And while this is by no means the worse ending of a BL I ever seen, and this show is by no means the biggest dissapointment I ever had (that's still Only Friends). I don't think the ending was as strong as it should be.
I think the failure of DFF for me is in two places:
The focus on mystery and reveals primed the audience to expect answears or at least an ending that is more clear then what we got.
The way they did this open ending gave me the impression that they just refused to pick an ending and so they went with "both and none and who knows".
There were ways to make an ending with still some questions left open work: Give me the cops in the house, or show us the bodies as Phee comes out of the hallucination and gives his final breath. Show the bodies in different positions, show the ax in someone's body and no New. Or even have the ending be a journalist talking at the screen keeping up with the layers of voyerism to the story and have them describe only 7 bodies but not say who survive so the audience can pick the option they like best.
Anything that would have given the impression that they actually PICKED an ending.
I am not sure I will be able to re-watch this, I am scared too many things will start to fall apart if I do. While I enjoyed clowing with the fandom and truly loved watching this live (and it has helped me interacting more with people on tumblr) I can't help but feel like maybe if I had binged this, without having time to think over some of the stuff I probably would have enjoyed the finale better.
Maybe I should just be happy that a BL I was hyperfixating on didn't crush and burn like the other two (Shadow and Only Friends).
I am happy BOC experimented and branced out even if they didn't totally sticked the landing, it's a worth while show to watch if you can handle horror. I want BLs to do more stuff like that (experimenting and branching out in different genres) and I want the people in the cast to have a long carrear because I think they mostly all did an amazing job.
In short great job BOC (even if you didn't land all that well at the end there) now give me a poly series: 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
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Continuous adventures of the MC/Yuu variants
[Synopsis]: Just some MC/Yuu variants in their respective universes.
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[SCP-TWST-2020: Dr. MC/Yuu (SCP!MC/Yuu)]
[Dr. MC/Yuu’s office/laboratory]
SCP!MC/Yuu: *Standing still with a blanket wrapped around them*
Leona: Huh? Herbivore, why are you-
SCP!MC/Yuu: *Shushes at him* *Whispers* Don’t say anything. Grab me that T-Bone over there.
Leona: *Finds the steak at their desk and grabs it*
SCP!MC/Yuu: Hand it over slowly and carefully.
Leona: *Annoyed* You’re acting weirder than usual.
[As Leona hands them the steak, the blanket reveals its massive mouth filled with rows of razor sharp teeth.]
Leona: What the hell?!
SCP!MC/Yuu: *Quickly stuffs the meat in it’s mouth and proceeds to yank it off of them* HIYYAAAHHHH!!!
[They swung it back and forth, hitting it against steel walls and banging it on the ground. (*Cue cartoonish sound effects*)]
Leona: *Backs away* Kill it with fire!!!
[Dr. MC/Yuu neutralizes it with a mini flamethrower they carry with them. The blanket shrieks in agony and turns into a pile of ashes.]
Leona: *Traumatized by the sudden encounter* What was that?!!
SCP!MC/Yuu: SCP-799: The Carnivorous Blanket. Good luck sleeping in peace.
[SCP!MC/Yuu touring Epel around the site.]
Epel: Walkin’ around sure can make a fella thirsty.
SCP!MC/Yuu: You’re in luck. SCP-294 just restocked.
Epel: SCP- what?
SCP!MC/Yuu: I’ll show you.
SCP!MC/Yuu: *Typing on the keypad of SCP-294*
Epel: What’s with the guards?
SCP!MC/Yuu: This vending machine is a special one. Which is why it needs to be heavily guarded.
[Then the machine dispense some fresh apple juice.]
SCP!MC/Yuu: Here. I know it’s not the kind back in your family’s farm. I promise you it’s not bad.
Epel: *Drinks the juice* …
SCP!MC/Yuu: Epel? Hey, are you okay?
Epel: This is half as good as Gran-Gran’s juice.
SCP!MC/Yuu: Jesus. Don’t scare me like that.
SCP!MC/Yuu: Crowley, this is a terrible idea to join me.
Crowley: Nonsense! Your world is not as bad as I thought it would.
SCP!MC/Yuu: That’s because you never experienced true horror. Only I was supposed to observe an anomalous object until you decided to tag along.
[A bus rolls in front of the school at 3:20 p.m.]
Crowley: Oddly enough. Why are we at a school?
SCP!MC/Yuu: Just aboard the bus.
[Ten minutes later]
Crowley: *Already traumatized from the bus having to travel into a hellish dimension*
SCP!MC/Yuu: Welcome to SCP-3583: The Tragic Schoolbus…Crowley?
Crowley: *Shaking and hiding his face behind SCP!MC/Yuu* When will this be over?
SCP!MC/Yuu: A half hour? An hour? I don’t remember. *Injects amnestics in Crowley*
Crowley: *Falls unconscious*
SCP!MC/Yuu: This is gonna be a long ride.
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[Hazbin Hotel x TWST: Demon Lord!MC/Yuu]
Static Demon!MC/Yuu: *Sighs*
Trey: MC/Yuu? You look rather down. Is everything okay?
Static Demon!MC/Yuu: No. Everything is quite alright, dear Trey. I just have intrusive thoughts of my inner demons.
Trey: Oh. What are they saying?
Static Demon!MC/Yuu: *In their demonic voice* Feed on the flesh of the innocence~
Trey: *Disturbed* …
Static Demon!MC/Yuu: The problem is I refuse to do so since I can’t bear my humane thoughts telling me of your human diseases.
Static Demon!MC/Yuu: *Showing pictures to everyone* Oh hoo! This is the time when Charlie had to chase after Vaggie who was also chasing after Angel for doing something stupid back at the hotel.
[They swiped to the next image.]
Static Demon!MC/Yuu: This is Husker. Passed out drunk.
[Then swipes again.]
Static Demon!MC/Yuu: Whoops. *Closes their phone*
Ace: What was that?
Static Demon!MC/Yuu: …My brother giving me the evil scheming eyes. He somehow made the image cursed after Angel dared me to snap a picture of him without noticing. He noticed.
Static Demon!MC/Yuu: *SNIFFS* *SNIFFS* Ugh. You boys reck of sins.
Azul: *Confused* For your information, this is an all-boys school of villains.
Static Demon!MC/Yuu: Yeah, yeah. I know. Somebody around here smells the worst.
[Then another Overblot incident occurs.]
Static Demon!MC/Yuu: AHA! I knew it!
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Opinions about the movie it: Specifically, about Richie and Eddie and their whole deal. and How they defeat Pennywise the first time.
Also have you read the book?
SPOILERS AHEAD, in can you could not have guessed.
Okay so IT. IT is one of my top 3 movies of all time (if not all time) in which I watched it about 5 times in a week when I first got into it. (I also have not read the book yet but I have been planning on it for a while, just need to get my hands on it.) I really enjoyed it personally, and I don't think it is that scary anymore, but I was originally scared shitless the first time I tried to watch it years ago when I was not into horror yet. Even though it was made in 2017, it still has that 80s horror feel to it that I love, and I love the dynamic between the group of 7 in the first movie.
Now buckle up, because I am about to go full on special interest on this ask and yap about its inherent queerness and how it affects the story line and how it could've been used more.
Richie, Eddie, and the inherent queerness between the two. It was very clear that Richie, if not Eddie as well, were very much implied to be interested in each other.
But more specifically Richie. I honestly wish they did more with them, but it was very clear that they were a duo; a pair within the original group of 4. Putting it out now: I have not actually seen IT Chapter 2 all the way through as I kept crying over Stanley's death, and I honestly was extremely disappointed in how they handled the film as a whole, and the decline in quality. So, my information may not be entirely correct, but in the end of IT chapter 2, we see a clip of Richie carving he and Eddie's initials into the bridge. As well as I believe when Eddie dies later in the film, Richie tries to go back to get his body/doesn't want to leave him behind. Richie was obviously head over heels for him from the start to finish, and you could tell. From the constant bickering; teasing; borderline obsession that he had for Eddie. In the book, I believe Richie would also call Eddie "Eddie Spaghetti" multiple times, don't quote me though. All of this to say, Richie loved Eddie. A LOT. To the point that in the second movie Richie was out as gay but STILL hadn't found a lover, whilst we see both Stanley, Bill, and Eddie married, as well with Beverly with a boyfriend (in the beginning of the film, at least). I am not saying that some of these relationships are healthy by any means (especially Eddie's which I will explain soon), but it goes to show that many of the people from the core 7 found relationships, and yet Richie did not.
Now Eddie is slightly more complicated, as all throughout IT we see the toxic relationship between his mother, and how she gaslit him into believing he was sick all the time. This would then later end up with him marrying someone else very similar to his mother who treated him very much the same. Then, at the end where he ends up dying, it ends very tragically where his whole life he had to live with people being very controlling over him and him never getting to experience that freedom he deserved. I bring this up because in IT, we see near the end where Eddie is told that his medication are placebos, and he tells his mother he's tired of her trying to keep him away from his friends. He realised there that he was happier and more free when he was with his friends, and (though not said) specifically Richie as well in my opinion. Richie was unabashedly himself, and wasn't afraid to be weird with his friends. I know it is strongly theorised that Richie is ADHD as well, which could also play a part. All the while both Stan and Bill are more reserved in my opinion, both as Bill was self-conscious because of his stutter, and Stanley being bullied for being jewish (both of which we see happen in the beginning of IT). Eddie felt more comfortable around his friends, and specifically Richie because he truly did not care enough about acting weird. Though I believe it is never actually shown that Eddie had a romantic interest in Richie, I strongly believe it could've been something if the writers allowed it.
Now, Eddie and Richie's interactions with each other (in the first movie, because as I have said I have not seen enough of the second movie to speak on it much). Many times, we see specifically Richie and Eddie interacting. To be honest, they are probably the 2 people we see interacting the most throughout the entire movie. One scene I want to bring up specifically, which took me multiple watches to catch, is that at I believe the Derry festival, Richie comes back with 2 ice cream cones, and gives one to Eddie. Now, whether Eddie had directly asked him to get him a cone, or Richie just buying it for him, I think it shows just how much Richie did care about him. I think it shows a little bit of how they interact with each other when we don't see them (on camera). And sure, you can buy ice cream for your friends, but would you not also either ask if anyone else wanted one? You could make the argument that he couldn't carry it but it doesn't disprove the fact Richie specifically bought ice cream for Eddie, which shows how he cared for him.
Richie and Eddie are also constantly bickering back and forth. From when Eddie is trying to help Ben after getting stabbed and him telling Richie to shut up with the silly voices, or in the sewer scene where Richie constantly bickers to Eddie about him being afraid to enter. You can obviously see Richie being the comedic relief, but always more-so to Eddie. To me, I interpret this as him seeing that Eddie is almost always on edge, and trying to distract him to make sure he's happier. And while we do see Eddie get annoyed at Richie, I don't think we ever truly saw him get angry at him or be upset, other than slightly annoyed or exasperated.
I know l am yapping, but to answer your next question about how they defeated pennywise the first time, I think Richie and Eddie's relationship still play a fairly large role. They learn that in order to defeat Pennywise, they have to stop being afraid. We see Richie constantly worry about Eddie when in the house, and basically stuck to his side. In the scene where they are in Bill's garage and watching the projector, when Pennywise shows up on it, we see in the background Richie grabbing onto Eddie, and Eddie grabbing onto him. In a moment of fear, they automatically reached towards each other. This to me they they feel most safe when they are together/close. This makes me think that Richie was really the one that helped Eddie be brave enough to face Pennywise and defeat him. While I think Richie was able to be brave enough to defeat Pennywise because he not only cares about the group but also wanted to keep Eddie safe.
All of this to say; Richie and Eddie were very much implied to be queer (in the movies); even more-so when Richie was confirmed to be gay in the second movie. I really wish that we got to see Richie and Eddie get together to not only have that queer representation, but because I honestly think it would have been a healthy relationship, like it was in the beginning. Richie constantly distracting and teasing Eddie; then comforting each other in times of fear; doing little things for the other. They both cared about each other a lot and I am truly disappointed on the fact we never got to see a happy ending for Eddie, where after years of being in an abusive relationship where Eddie is made to be dependent on the people that are supposed to be your most trusted, he just, dies. We never get to see him get out of those relationships and find someone better (AKA Richie). I truly think the story of Richie and Eddie after IT Chapter 2 could have been its own movie or mini series/book (even though it wouldn't have been). To see Richie be in contact with Eddie again and maybe help him realise he's in an abusive relationship and help him get out of it. At that point it doesn't when have to be romantic but just a deep and intense love for wanting the other to be happy. It would have made a great ending of 2 characters finally finding happiness in each other again after years of struggling.
So there. You asked about my opinion of IT and here it is. This took me like an hour as I immediately started writing after getting this ask, but I enjoyed it. It's nice to finally put my thoughts on this movie into a (hopefully) coherent analysis. Even if like 1 person reads this lol I am happy I got the opportunity to yap about my all time favourite movie. :D Thanks for the ask, and again, sorry about the excessive yapping.
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